#illegal search warrants
Republican state legislators In North Carolina are establishing a new investigative body that Democratic critics have aptly compared to a “secret police force.”
This new entity, formally known as the Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations, or “Gov Ops” for short, will be chaired by Senate Leader Phil Berger (R) and House Speaker Tim Moore (R). It grants the state the authority to investigate various matters, including “possible instances of misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, mismanagement, waste, abuse, or illegal conduct.”
Gov Ops, a product of North Carolina’s most recent state budget, was established via a comprehensive bill passed in late September. Despite Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s refusal to sign the legislation, the Republican majority in the state legislature pushed it through just 10 days later, thanks to their veto-proof majority and the state’s laws restricting the governor’s ability to make line-item vetoes. Gov Ops is slated to take effect next week.
Any way you slice it, Gov Ops seems like a recipe for government overreach and abuse. If you find yourself under investigation by Gov Ops, you won’t be allowed to publicly discuss any alleged constitutional violations or misconduct by the investigators. All communications with committee personnel would be treated as “confidential.” Shockingly, you’d also be denied the right to seek legal counsel regarding your rights if Gov Ops were to search your property without a warrant, irrespective of whether it’s in a public or private space.
Nora Benavidez, a senior counsel with the nonprofit advocacy group Free Press, told The Daily Beast, “This is a question for the courts ultimately. But the powers granted to the Gov Ops appear to give them overreaching investigative authority, which invokes constitutionality questions.”
A critical aspect of Gov Ops development lies in the language within the statute itself. The key phrase, as highlighted by Republican state legislators, is the investigation of “possible instances of misfeasance.”
It’s unsettling that North Carolina’s Republican state legislators are poised to wield unchecked partisan authority, devoid of any form of accountability, to determine what qualifies as “possible instances of misfeasance.” This newfound investigative power threatens to have far-reaching repercussions on fundamental civil liberties, particularly those closely intertwined with the state legislature—such as voting rights and abortion.
Consider the 2020 election aftermath. Following the election’s conclusion, several North Carolina Republican lawmakers—mirroring Trump and other far-right figures nationwide—demanded access to voting machines, relying on dubious sources and unfounded claims of voter fraud.
Initially, North Carolina Republicans asserted that they would work with police to obtain warrants for such inspections. However, with the advent of Gov Ops, committee leaders could now allege “possible instances of misfeasance,” eliminating the need for a warrant and keeping the public in the dark.
With the 2024 election looming, Republicans in the state legislature will redraw voting maps after the new conservative majority on the state’s Supreme Court legalized partisan gerrymandering. (The Princeton Gerrymandering Project called North Carolina one of the most gerrymandered states in the country.)
The redistricting process in the state has been grueling; since 2011, six different versions of maps have been drawn. The process has been conducted mainly behind closed doors, and North Carolinians continue to express frustration over how they’ve been locked out of the process.
A provision of Gov Ops will likely permit lawmakers drawing the maps to bypass public records requests: “lawmakers responding to public records requests will have no obligation to share any drafts or materials that guided their redistricting decisions.”
Now, let’s look at abortion. During a legislative hearing, state Sen. Graig Meyer (D) asked lawmakers, in a hypothetical scenario, if Gov Ops could access personal health records (like ultrasounds) that are required by the state to receive abortion pills. Sen. Meyer found that Gov Ops, with its widespread ability to investigate with zero oversight, could release information like this “to the public in a hearing” if it wanted to.
Benavidez explained, “At the end of the day, Gov Ops actions and requests for information are all protected as confidential, adding a layer of opacity which means people in North Carolina will have largely no idea what the Gov Ops entity is really doing.”
The consolidation of power by Republicans in North Carolina through Gov Ops is not just a cause for concern; it is a stark warning sign. The ability of state legislators to wield unchecked authority—shielded from the scrutiny of the voters they are obliged to serve—strikes at the heart of democratic principles.
Transparency and accountability are not optional in a democracy; they are its lifeblood.
When the process of drawing voting maps becomes cloaked in secrecy, when mechanisms to hold our elected officials accountable are dismantled, we risk losing our most cherished rights to our legislators, who should be our staunchest defenders.
Government powers like Gov Ops can potentially erode the very foundations of our democracy—which can’t work if politicians refuse to work for the people and have any accountability.
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terengineer · 9 months
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https://youtu.be/oHsy6BPdzvE New 2nd channel chick the link video!
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benandstevesposts · 10 months
The Police Entered An Apartment Without A Search Warrant, Shot A Lady's Dog, and Removed The Apartments Occupants To A Patrol Car. And Never Filed Charges.
The county offered to pay the veterinary bill for the dead dog, but only if Umana agreed not to speak out about the shooting or sue the police department. She declined the offer.
"This case is an outrage. It is disgusting, disgraceful, and despicable," said William Murphy, the attorney representing the roommates. "These officers outright abused and mistreated our clients lied to unlawfully break into their house, manhandled them illegally, and shot their dog. And in utter disregard for the severity of their intolerable behavior, they laughed about it."
At a press conference announcing the lawsuit, attorneys for the roommates were joined by representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, the NAACP Maryland State Conference, and several other local activist groups, who all said that the incident was part of a long history of civil rights violations by the police department.
"Without a badge, these officers would be trespassers. Without a badge, these officers would be called burglars. Without a badge, these officers would be called assailants," the Maryland NAACP's NaShona Kess said at the press conference. "With a badge and without a warrant, they are trespassers. With a badge and without a warrant, they are burglars and assailants."
After an internal affairs investigation, Ball and Officer Joseph Miranda were found guilty of violating charges of "conduct unbecoming an officer." The department referred the case to the local state attorney's office for possible criminal prosecution, but the office declined to prosecute.
Officers are rarely disciplined for shooting dogs; supervisors almost always find that shootings are justified by departments' loose policies, which usually only require that an officer feel threatened by a dog to deploy deadly force.
For example, a Reason investigation into a string of dog shootings by Detroit police discovered one officer who had killed more than 80 dogs throughout his career. In fact, there's a whole category on Reason's website called "puppycide" documenting cases of police wantonly shooting dogs—shooting toy breeds, including a vicious Pomeranian, shooting dogs at children's birthday parties, dumping dead pets in ditches and trash cans, and more.
The report in its entirety can be found by
Clicking Here!
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soon-palestine · 5 months
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as an american citizen, you have the right to assemble. the police and other governmental agencies violate this right through mass arrests, illegal use of force, criminalization of protest and other means that threaten our right to free expression.
they are not your friends. they are not there to protect you, regardless of your race. their presence there is to protect the interests of the state.
what to do if you are detained or stopped by the police:
do not resist, even if you think they are violating your rights.
calmly ask someone to record.
ask if you’re free to leave. if you are, walk away.
how to stay safe during a protest:
write phone/legal aid numbers on your body. bring a sharpie for others to do this.
ALWAYS use the buddy system. don’t be selfish & stick to your own friend group. if you see someone alone, invite them into your circle.
don’t know where to seek legal aid?
before attending/during a protest, visit http://nlg.org/chapters/#massdefense.
NLG chapters are organized into regions. find. your region and write their number on your body.
encourage others around you to write that same number on their body.
4. if you are threatened with or under arrest:
you have the right to know why you’re being arrested. calmly ask. if they refuse to provide a reason, stay quiet and ask for legal representation immediately.
do not give any information or sign anything without a lawyer present.
what to do with your phone during a protest:
put your phone on airplane mode
disable face ID/touch, replace with 6-digit passcode instead
spreading awareness is great but avoid posting photos of people that include identifying features.
police want everyone to leave the area, what should that look like:
shutting down a protect through a dispersal order must be the last resort for police.
a clear danger must be present.
police must give adequate time for protesters to disperse and an exit route.
what are your rights if you’re being stopped or detained by police:
you do not have to consent to you or your belongings being searched. if you consent, anything can be used against you in court.
police can conduct a “pat down” if they suspect you have a weapon.
if you see someone being detained, what should you do:
record the interaction. police can not demand to view or delete any footage without a warrant.
use calming affirmations towards the person being detained. they are likely scared. be there for them.
use whatever privilege you have to protect others.
if you see a disabled person struggling, offer to help. find medics to assist people experiencing anxiety or having a panic attack. if you see a BIPOC being harassed, surround them.
personal note on using your privilege: i have seen white people, countless times, place themselves in front of BIPOC when police draw weapons/approach protests. it often works.
do not be a person that just acknowledges their privilege, use it for good.
10. remember that we protect us. ignite this chant as a reminder to everyone present if you have to. communities are supposed to help one another. don’t be a sell out, offer support, share resources, food and water. be a kind soul.
if you can not participate in a protest for whatever reason, you can still help! drop-off supplies! (water bottles, allergy-friendly foods/snacks with ingredients labels on them, sharpies, cards with legal aid numbers on them, masks, makeup remover wipes, hand sanitizer, etc)
sources/disclaimer: main source:
@ACLU and my own opinions. this is not legal advice. consult legal representation if you are in need of assistance.
stay safe, be on the right side of history. black lives matter, no one is illegal, we protect us, land back, all oppression is connected and free palestine. 🇵🇸
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Dean Obeidallah at The Dean's Report:
On August 20, a little before dawn, 87 year-old Lidia Martinez was abruptly jarred awake by an unexpected knock on her door. The longtime activist who for over 35 years has worked to expand voter registration among seniors and veterans in south Texas, cautiously peered out the door. Standing on her doorstep were nine police officers dressed in tactical gear and carrying firearms. After showing her a search warrant, Martinez’s home was searched as she was forced to stand outside in her nightgown in her driveway in full view of her neighbors. Martinez was later questioned for three hours after which the police seized her phone, computer, personal calendar and more.
These bad faith searches orchestrated by Paxton were predicated on the claim that the people being investigated were registering non-citizens to vote—despite zero evidence presented of wrongdoing. Very alarmingly, if Donald Trump and House GOP have their way, these types of raids would be happening nationwide with federal law enforcement under a GOP President.  That is why GOP House Speaker Johnson is now demanding the proposed SAVE Act be included in any deal to provide funding to keep the government open.
To be clear, federal and state law already makes it a crime for non-citizens to vote. But this new federal legislation would establish criminal penalties for registering an applicant to vote in a federal election who fails to present documentation proving U.S. citizenship.  That means that what we are seeing in Texas is coming attractions of what the GOP wants to do nationally.
Keep in mind despite Texas AG Paxton’s two year investigation, no charges  have been filed against any of the people whose homes were searched.  Indeed, there may never be charges because even Paxton’s basis for the search is BS. In his press release announcing the investigation, the Texas AG presents no evidence of wrongdoing. Instead, Paxton makes baseless claims like these organizations have set up voter registration booths outside state agencies where people could register inside. Paxton’s press release literally includes this question with no answer: “Why would they need a second opportunity to register with a booth outside?” But nowhere in his press release does he even allege any criminal conduct—only questions.
And Paxton—a close ally of convicted felon Trump—showed his bad faith earlier in August on a radio show when he peddled lies about non-citizens voting. Paxton declared, “There’s a reason Joe Biden brought people here illegally. I’m convinced that that’s how they’re going to do it this time, they’re going to use the illegal vote. Why were they brought in, why did he bring in 14 million people?” adding, “He brought them here to vote.”   That is nothing more than the type of BS you hear on Fox News. But now Paxton has weaponized government by targeting people registering those he believes will vote for Democrats. The backlash to Paxton’s actions have been swift. LULAC requested that the Department of  Justice investigate Paxton's office for Voting Rights Act violations. LULAC CEO Juan Proaño and the group's national president, Roman Palomares, summed up well what is really going in their letter to the DOJ: "These actions echo a troubling history of voter suppression and intimidation that has long targeted both Black and Latino communities, particularly in states like Texas, where demographic changes have increasingly shifted the political landscape.”
The Texas GOPs voter intimidation tactics are based on the faux outrage campaign against noncitizen voting.
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aaronjhill · 2 years
YOUR MODERN FBI “Victims of the FBI’s constitutionally dubious raid say they’ve been told to come forward and identify themselves if they want their stuff back.” Ridiculous. An incredible abuse of power.
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fatkish · 6 months
I found this post you made and idk how old it is but it was about writing stories to heal inner child to give readers someone who stepped up for them as a kid since they didn’t have someone… idk if ur still taking requests for that, but if you are, any chance you could write smthing related to saving a kid from sex trafficking? Specifically where it was perpetuated by the parents if that makes sense?? Idk. I want Aizawa to come get me outta there lol(I’m okay now). Maybe he was undercover or smthing for a bigger operation and came in contact with.. that. Thanks for reading my whole request ^^;;
Aizawa x SA Victim Child Reader
TRIGGER WARNING: please be aware that the following content contains allusions to rape, the sexual exploitation and abuse of minors as well as unwanted sexual advances. Please be warned
Aizawa goes undercover disguised as a potential buyer for an illegal quirk boosting drug that the reader’s parents are selling and finds readers parents offering reader to buyers as well.
Reader is 12 and still hasn’t developed a quirk yet. They are a late bloomer and their parents decided that their kid needed to ‘help out the family’ since they haven’t developed a quirk
Reader is forced to take lessons on ‘dancing’ in order to entertain the clients. The reader’s parents have made them believe that they are not worth saving and that heroes will treat them like a villain because what they’re doing is wrong and because their parents are ‘evil’
Aizawa was back in his underground days and came upon the house acting as a corrupt hero. He had found an actual corrupt hero who used the drugs and knew about the kid. Aizawa followed the hero and was talking to the parents when they offered the reader to him.
Aizawa, not believing this, actually went to the room and paid the parents before going in alone.
The reader’s parents don’t really care how long people are along with the reader, as long as they pay them good money. The father’s quirk allows him to distort electrical circuits and signals rendering any device that investigators might use to capture evidence of their deeds, to be useless.
Once alone with the reader, Aizawa was revolted by the way the reader was sexualized by their own parents. He talked to the reader and it took some convincing but he eventually gave the reader a phone that they could use to gather evidence from the inside.
After Aizawa left, because there wasn’t anything he could do at that exact moment that wouldn’t make things worse for the reader, he informed the police as well as the other heroes he was working with about the situation and within the next three days, they had all the information they needed in order to get a search warrant and arrest the parents
Aizawa was the one who was in charge of the kid. It was during the raid that the reader’s quirk finally manifested.
Their quirk allows them to build up and store massive amounts of electrical energy and basically turn their body into electrical energy as well as manipulate it. The reader can travel through electrical circuits like landline phones and computers. They can create a force field of electrical energy that fries anything within it as well as control electricity and shape it.
The reader was being ‘used’ by a rather violent man who was being far rougher than anyone had ever been before. It was during all the stress and anxiety that the reader finally had enough. When Aizawa busted the door down he saw the man had been electrocuted to death and had electrical burns all over him.
Aizawa realizes the severity of the situation and instead of using his quirk he decided to have the reader try to control their ability themselves. Aizawa gently removed his goggles and slowly approached the hyperventilating child. He gently talked to them, speaking in a soft voice, he told them that it was over. That their parents have been arrested and that they will never have to deal with this kind of treatment ever again.
The reader obviously wasn’t comfortable with touching others and Aizawa understood that. Aizawa had given the reader the space they needed and made sure to always be within the reader’s sight and also made sure that anyone who had to be near the reader, followed the reader’s directions.
If they didn’t want to be touched, Aizawa made sure they wouldn’t be. If the reader was uncomfortable, Aizawa made sure that whatever was causing it was dealt with. For the first time ever, the reader actually saw and believed that someone was willing to protect them and after a few months the reader was finally comfortable with sleeping in the same room as Aizawa.
The doctors and nurses were worried about the reader since they refused to be touched and would use their quirk to defend themselves. It was only after Aizawa was able to gain the reader’s trust that the doctors had Aizawa be their proxy and do the tests needed. With every test that Aizawa had to do, he would explain in detail what he would be doing, why he was doing it and made sure that the reader felt comfortable and safe, making sure that they understood that they had to give consent before anything would be done.
Eventually a therapist and counselor where provided to the reader to help them deal with the trauma from their experiences. The reader wouldn’t really talk to anyone besides Aizawa
Seeing this the courts as well as the reader’s doctors suggested that Aizawa become the reader’s legal guardian
Aizawa adopted the reader and had Hizashi introduce himself to the reader. After that, the two of them decided to take the reader shopping since this was more of Hizashi’s area of expertise rather than Aizawa’s. They bought clothes for the reader, toys, books, electronics, snacks, toiletries, bedding, furniture, etc.
Once they got to Aizawa’s house, they helped the reader get everything inside and showed the reader their own rood with an attached bathroom. The reader even had a lock on their door that they could control from their side. Aizawa even helped the reader instal one of those chain locks on their door
It took a lot of time but eventually the reader began to trust Hizashi too. Eventually one day the reader had fallen asleep on the couch next to Aizawa. Aizawa was so touched and smiled softly. He made himself, as well as the reader, a promise, he would do whatever it took to keep them safe and make sure that they were happy and felt loved and cared for
(I hope this helps you and that you enjoyed this. I hope that your inner child finds some peace with this and that this helps them heal.)
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ye4gerism · 2 months
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word count 2.22k
content black reader friendly, pre-law reader, slight college party, shifting povs, inspired by the ‘jane the virgin’ scene when jane meets micheal, first date, and ofc a break-up! i also don’t know anything about the law, so forgive me if anything seems wrong - i’m literally a theatre major
author’s note hi! my feed has been a little quiet as i have been working as i’ve been working on the ‘love is blind’ series (it’s coming guys! i’m almost done with chapter one😭). i haven’t posted anything for resident evil in a LONG time so please take this leon x reader story. i’ve been debating on making this a series, so let me know if you want more
synopsis my take on leon and the girlfriend that we always hear about before he left for raccoon city.
Well respected recently graduated and now a rookie cop for the San Francisco Police Department, Leon Kennedy had been asked to tag along with another officer, Ross, to look into a noise complaint.
"So pretty much when you get there-"
"When I get there?" Leon gawked. "I thought it was going to be a you and I thing?"
"Listen to me. I'm the vet, you're the rookie," Ross countered. "You're gonna knock on the door, be nice, make 'em feel comfortable. Then you're gonna find who's in charge and search around a bit to see if there's any illegal activity: drug dealing, underage folk in there, you know? If everything seems peachy, you ask them to keep the noise down and wish them a good night. If not, I'm right here."
Leon bit his lip as they pulled up to the neighborhood awaiting their assistance. There's no way I'm losing my shit right now, he thought to himself, I was top of my class. I can do this. Once Ross has settled by the sidewalk, Leon immediately gets out of the car so that A) his nervousness can't be seen and B) to get some air. As he gets out of the car, he notices an older woman coming his way. "Thank God you're here. I can't do it with these college students. I can't put my kids to sleep! You'll take care of it right?" she exasperates. Leon gives her a small smile. "Of course, ma'am, I'm here to help." Leon leaves the older woman where she is and confidently walks up to the front door which couldn't contain the noise escaping the house. He rings the doorbell and waits a few moments before ringing again. Again turns into about ten times.
The door swings open. "I'm here! Geez." In front of him is a girl in a pink babydoll dress lined with pink fur. On her head, she has a set of white bunny ears, and her hands are lined with satin gloves. She doesn't look like someone who would hold a rager. She looks Leon over. "Nice costume. It almost looks like the real thing," she says with admiration. She places a hand on his chest and rubs some of the buttons on his blue uniform button down.
Leon is losing his absolute mind. He truly wasn't expecting her to open the door. And her outfit? How could he not lose his mind? He loved the way it settled on her body. The thought of Ross kicking his ass snapped him out of his daze. He stood tall and swatted her delicate fingers off of his uniform.
"It is the real thing, ma'am." He watches as the pretty bunny-eared girl steps back slightly. "O-Oh my gosh. You're an officer." She looks down sheepishly. "What can I help you with sir?" She steps out of the house and Leon steps back. She closes the door behind her in the process. "Why are you closing the door? You know, I'll have to take a look in there, right?" Leon stated. "Oh, well." She tilts her head to the side and gives him a shy smile. "It's too loud in there. I think I want to hear every word you have to say, Officer...Kennedy. And don't you need a search warrant?"
Leon hesitated before answering. Then he makes a mistake; he looks back at Ross, who's looking straight at him through the car window.
"Oh, so you don't even know what you're doing? Aren't you glad that one of us is pursuing law instead of the law?" His head snaps back at the girl. "You're pursuing law?" he asks. "Mhm. Nothing crazy though. I want to go into family law," the girl states ecstatically. "Hmm, well then, maybe you'll be mindful of the family next door? The mom doesn't look too happy with the party," Leon points out. The girl's smile drops slowly. "I trust you'll bring the noise level down. I'll let you off the hook. If there's another call, it won't be me they'll send next time. They'll send a professional who wouldn't mind busting the doors down."
"Alright, well...you win, Officer. Have a good night." She begins to close the door slightly but then stops halfway remembering something. "Could you wait here for just a second?" Leon doesn't have a chance to respond because she quickly re-enters the house. The music lowers significantly and within a few minutes, she reappears. There's a folded paper between her pointer and middle fingers. "Here you go!" she says sweetly as she hands it over to him. "Good night, Officer." Before Leon could respond, she closes the door. "That was a lot," he muttered to himself. Her note was still in the palm of his hand. He shoves it in his pocket to read after work.
Leon approaches Ross in the vehicle. The vet rolls down his window. "Well, rookie?"
Leon pauses for a moment thinking of how to describe the situation. "The homeowner thought I was a guest until further clarification. I tried searching the home but she pulled the "don't you need a search warrant?" thing on me. She's a potential law student I guess. But she ended up lowering the volume and came back outside to wish me a good night." 
Ross rolls his eyes and sighs. "You approach everything with a heart of gold, don't ya? Ever so trusting. You can't be a cop if you're going to be all soft with a pretty girl. I saw you up there, rookie! I may have not been able to see your face but I know you melted at the sight of her."
Leon doesn't respond and walks around the car to sit on the passenger seat. "Leon, all I'm saying is that you need a grip, alright? I'm not too mad at you but come on," Ross continues. The rookie nods, acknowledging the advice.
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After his shift, Leon started his venture to his apartment. The note was in his jeans; he avoided opening it at work to avoid commotion. Everyone seemed to baby him because of his young and good-hearted nature (but it was nice to know that his coworkers thought highly of his kindness). Pulling out a note in the locker room would cause his vets to tease him about his lack of a girlfriend, which was already an inside joke.
On the way home, he ordered some Chinese takeout. He wasn't scheduled to work tomorrow, so he planned to stay up late. He finally arrived home after thirty minutes of traveling all over San Francisco. Immediately, Leon flopped on his couch. He pulls out the note from today's suspect and opens it up.
'415 - *** - ****. call me. you're cute ;p'
Leon chuckled to himself. He had gone his entire life with old ladies telling him that he was adorable but this was the first time someone around his age had ever called him cute.
It was close to eleven at night but Leon had an urge to call; after all that girl was hosting a party. No way she was asleep.
He dials her number on his Nokia and lets the phone ring.
"Hello? Who is this?"
"I'll give you three guesses," Leon answers.
The girl chuckles. "Is this the really cute officer who came to my party today? The one that tried to search my house?"
Leon rolls his eyes at her reply. "Well, it's my job ma'am."
The girl laughs again before opening his mouth. "Is your party still going?" Leon asks.
She hums, "Well, wouldn't you like to know? I shut it down an hour after you left and just hung out with some close friends that stayed behind."
"You know, I never got your name. I'm Leon."
She tests his name out. "Leon...I like it. I'm Y/N."
"I like yours too," he pauses, "Listen, I know I just met you like five hours ago but you didn't just give me your number to give it to me...are you available on Saturday? Do you wanna do something?"
There is a slight silence on the other side and Leon starts to worry that he's come on too strong. "On second thought, that was inn-"
"No, no...I'm just looking at my calendar. I'm available. You know where I live. Surprise me...oh! But tell me what to wear if you're thinking of taking me to the beach or something...which I doubt you'll do for a first date."
Leon can't help but smile. "Well then...good night, Y/N."
"Good night, Leon."
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"I really had fun, officer. You should ask me out again." You pull him closer to you by his jacket. "Thank you for walking me to my apartment."
"My pleasure. Thank you for letting me take you out - I didn't take you as a movie and fast food girl. I'm happy you're satisfied." Leon's hands find your waist.
You hum teasingly. "But as much as I love a $2.99 McChicken Meal, when I'm a lawyer and you're a chief or whatever, I'm expecting you to take me to some expensive places. We ought to know the good restaurants if we're going to meet with judges or even Presidents." The two of you are even closer.
"Yeah, yeah. I just hope you're up to a McChicken Meal after those fancy political dinners." He looks at you lovingly for a moment. "Can I kiss you?" he asks quietly.
Instead of answering, you go in for the kiss. Normally, you'd wait; living in California, you can across so many weird individuals with weird interests and even weirder intentions. However, on your first date with Leon, you were immediately met by his kindness and his want to help others. When you were both comfortable, he told you about his parents who had passed away due to their involvement in crime, and how that led him to someone showing him genuine affection, even when they didn't have to.
You pull away first and can't stop a smile from forming on your face. His hands move from your waist and hold your hands. "Sleep tight, princess. Call me, alright?"
You smile and nod as you open your apartment door. You get one more glance at him. "Good night, Leon."
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"Are you pulling my leg right now? You're still planning to go out to the fucking Arklay Mountains?! Leon, are the lights not on up there?"
His apartment had pretty much been packed up; you were standing in a sea of boxes flabbergasted by Leon's motivation.
"No, I'm going to work at the Raccoon City Police Department. As I've already explained to you, they've accepted my application and I'm being transferred."
"I don't see what's wrong with here - in San Francisco-"
"Y/N, have you heard me try to stop you from going to New York for law school? You're moving to one of the busiest cities to go to school." Leon cuts another long piece of packing tape.
He had a point but your worry was his reason to go to Raccoon City. You worried about his safety. "I...I just don't want you to go. I know you’re interested in what happened over there but Leon…”
“Why is this a big deal, Y/N? I met you like what? Four, five, six months ago? I don’t understand why you think you have a say in what I want to do with my career. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend or anything more!” Leon snaps. His eyes widen realizing what he just said.
“Nothing more?” You respond. You start to wonder why you’re upset anyway. If you were “nothing more”, why the hell were you fighting for this jerk? “Ok, Leon, go to Raccoon City. Go up to those fucking mountains.” You step over the boxes to reach the front door. Leon drops his tape to go after you.
“Y/N, listen wait. I didn’t mean that.” He reaches the door before you do, placing his hand on it in an attempt to stop you.
“Nothing more. Your words, Leon.” You look him straight in the eye. He moves his hand from the door, sensing your seriousness through your eyes. Leon lets you go; he’s unable to find the words to make you stay. You don’t look at him as you step past him and out of his life.
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You felt like you had made a big mistake. As you unpacked in your new East Coast apartment, the news kept replaying a report on Raccoon City and the Umbrella Corporation; something about the company going bankrupt and the entire city being destroyed. You had phoned Leon multiple times and it always went straight to voicemail.
The stress of “is he dead or ignoring me?” had you in tears the entire day. He was probably alone with it happened, unsure of how to get out of the city or even unaware of what was going to happen next.
You felt so much guilt. Was it right to be so upset with him? Was it even worth it?
You pick up your phone and dial his number once more.
“Hey! You’re calling Leon S Kennedy. I’m busy right now so feel free to leave a message or call later. Bye!”
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ok! let me know if you guys would like more out of this series :) bye!
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schemmentis · 5 months
La Cosa Nostra - Pt. 4
Cowritten w/ @janeyseymour
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Summary: The search warrants on your salon and house are executed and Melissa turns to an unlikely source for help...
WC: 2k
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You turn to your right, glaring hard at Sammy. And then you remember that the books for your family are stowed away- in your safe... at home. Melissa is at the restaurant as far as you’re aware, and if the FBI finds that safe hidden under one of the broken floorboards in your room, you’re dead meat.
What you don’t know is that Melissa, after making a few calls, ends up back at home. She immediately goes for the safebox to look for anything else that could somehow miraculously get you out of this sticky situation, but when she opens it she finds the binder that holds your fate. That’s the absolute last thing she wants to see in your house. She lets out a shaky breath before picking it up and holding it close to her chest. She has no idea where to even take it. If the interrogation leads to warrants, they’re going to check your salon, your home, your cars, even her restaurant.
And then an idea strikes her- and she hates that she even thinks of this. Barbara Howard has no connection to anyone other than being the sweet woman that your family engages with at church. And even at that, your girls are so popular among the congregation, that the entirety of that circle adores you and your family- they can’t certainly go there and interrogate every single person who gathers. Even if they did, nobody knows of the illegal business that she and you run- not even the reverend.
Before she can talk herself out of it, the Italian woman dials the number that she had only dialed a few times before- mostly to pray over you and your girls together, and once to gossip about the fact that Sister Sloss had been skimming money off the top of the church funds and dipping her own toes into a business she had no right to be a part of. 
“Hello? Melissa?” the other woman answers the phone.
“Hey, you remember when you told me I didn’t need to wait to meet you at Mass?”
“Of course I do, and I meant it,” Barbara says into the phone, eyebrow raised.
The redhead runs a nervous hand through her hair. “Care to have brunch?”
“I would be delighted,” the church going woman smiles into the phone. She has no idea what she’s just gotten herself into.
The two women meet at a small diner a few blocks away from the church, and Melissa has the ledger hidden in her all too big bag.
“Not that I’m not happy to be here, but what made you change your mind?”
Melissa lowers her eyes to the table as she lets out, “I need you to do me a favor- no questions asked.” When the woman across from her furrows her brow and bites her lip, the redhead continues. “I have something I need you to hold onto for the time being.”
“And what would that be?”
“I thought I said no questions asked,” Melissa grumbles. “Just... the ledger for the salon. You just have to hold onto it and keep it safe until I take it back.”
“Melissa, are you and Y/N committing fraud?” Barbara asks lowly, just barely audible.
The redhead shakes her head, and she’s telling the truth. “It’s just an extra copy of the financials, but I have a feeling they’re going to take the original copy and I need a backup so I can sue their asses when this is all over.”
Barb closes her eyes for a few seconds, internally wrestling with herself.
“Please,” Melissa begs. “If not for me and Y/N, then for Cat and Rosie.”
“Okay. Hand it over.”
“I’ll give it to you when we’re leaving,” the redhead sighs. “Now, can we talk about what Delisha was wearing today?”
The pair end up having a delightful brunch, and when they part ways Barbara takes the binder with explicit instruction from the Italian to never open it and to hide it somewhere safe- somewhere where even Gerald or the Howard girls won’t be able to find it.
And then Melissa is on her way back home.
Meanwhile, your salon is being torn apart as they look for anything suspicious. There is nothing though of course, because the one thing that they’re looking for isn’t there anymore. Hours go by, and as they move and rearrange everything in the building, you’re right behind them cleaning it up. Your salon might be a front, but you still do good business, and you’d like to keep it that way if possible. It’s the extra pocket money that you and your wife use to spoil the girls as often as you can.
You think of them as you put your business back together- how they’re probably running amuck right now in kindergarten with their all too smart little mouths that they undoubtedly learned from Melissa, their insanely high energy levels. If you can remember as you glance at the clock, they’re probably sprinting around the recess yard giggling with glee at this very moment. It makes your heart warm, and you silently pray to whatever God is out there that they’re safe, happy, and that they get to keep their innocence as life continues for them.
It seems like hours pass before the search is over. But then they move onto your house, and a nasty pit settles in your stomach. Sammy drives with you back to the house, but when he pulls in, the family car is sitting there. Melissa’s home?
Danik knocks on the door rather abrasively, and inside where your wife is folding your girls’ clothes in the living room she jumps.
“Hello?” She comes to the door and opens it wide, hoping to give off the impression that the two of you have absolutely nothing to hide- only she knows that there’s nothing here.
“Hey honey,” you sigh softly as you step past the officers to peck her lips. “Why are you home? I thought you had work today?”
She holds up her injured hand. “I got into a fight today... the knife won.”
“Baby,” you look up at the ceiling with an exasperated look as you take her hand in your own and start to unwrap it to check the damage. “Were you singing and dancing again while trying to dice the onions?”
“Maybe,” Melissa shrugs, although she knows that is very much not why she nicked her fingers today.
“Enough,” Danik steps between the two of you. He holds up the search warrant for Melissa to see. “We have to search your home now for any ties to the murder of Bobby Esposito.”
“To Bobby?” your wife plays dumb. “That was such a shame what happened to-” She doesn’t get to finish her sentence because the police push past her rather harshly and begin their search.
They look through the whole house- moving furniture, opening drawers and cabinets, even going as far as pulling back the blankets on your twins’ beds while you and Melissa just continue to fold laundry in the living room. Hopefully by just letting them do their thing and not trailing their every step, they realize that you were not involved in the hit on Bobby. They find nothing. But then, they head into your bedroom.
Melissa is clearly trying to silently convey something to you, but you can’t pick up on what she’s attempting to tell you. Her eyes dart to yours every few moments from over the laundry you’re both folding, returning to the doorway of your bedroom that the agents are currently tearing apart.
“We found something!” Shaw shouts to Danik, who is still combing through the girls’ room. The woman goes rushing into your room, and you blow out a breath as you know they’ve just found the loose floorboard with the safe... that contains your ledger. You know your arrest is only minutes away.
“Mrs. Schemmentis, enough of the domestic household act,” Danik rolls her eyes as she steps into the living room. “We found the safe, and we need you to open it.”
You take your wife’s hand in your own and squeeze it gently, as if to say, ‘I love you, and I’m sorry’. She just returns the gesture as you both make your way into your bedroom.
The safe is sitting on your bed, and the agents look all too happy to have found what they think they’re looking for.
“Open it,” Shaw instructs.
You do, and when you expect to find the ledger laying on top where you had put it last night, you only find all of your other legal documents- birth certificates for your family, passports from the trip to Italy a few summers ago, your marriage license, social security cards. You try to hide the absolute shock in your face- where the hell could the ledger have gone?
Admitting defeat for now, the agents leave your home promising that they will find whatever you’re hiding. You shoo them out, telling them that you weren’t connected to the hit on Bobby in the slightest and that you wish they would just leave you alone. You tell them that you would kindly appreciate it if they would leave you to take care of your injured wife.
Sammy also makes his exit after assuring you that they aren’t going to find anything. That leaves just you and Melissa. You gently unwrap her hand to change the gauze out when your eyes meet hers.
“Where the hell did the books go?” you whisper, almost afraid that the cops had somehow bugged your house and you weren’t aware.
“Why was it in our house to begin with?” your wife shoots out just as quietly. “We had one rule, and it was that none of that shit ever comes home with us to protect the girls. Do you know how pissed I was when I found it?”
You close your eyes briefly at your wife’s biting tone. She may be quiet, but you can see the echoes of how furious she was when she initially found the ledger in your home. 
You’re taken back to just after the girls were born. Barely six months old, swaddled in blankets and tucked safely in their car carriers a few feet away from you and Melissa both. The two of you helped put back together the apartment that had been flipped entirely upside down by the police. An hour before you had watched the tail end of the search being finished. It had, unfortunately in your eyes, been successful for the police and ended with Melissa’s younger brother Mickey in handcuffs.
It was then that Melissa had looked at you, in the middle of trying to put her brother’s apartment back together, with determination set in her features. ‘Business never comes home.’ She said firmly. It wasn’t a sentiment you were inclined to argue with, and if you had been, the look on your wife’s face would ensure you wouldn’t have.
“I knew they were going to search the salon, so I brought it home until I could figure out what to do with it,” you mumble. “I was going to get rid of it by the end of today.”
“Well you’re damn lucky Val convinced me to take the day off after I nearly cut off my fingers because I was so distracted worrying about you,” Melissa hisses out. “If you knew they were going to search the salon, you damn well knew they were going to search the house too!”
“I didn’t think they’d do it all in one day!” you defend yourself as you wrap her hand just slightly more aggressively than you usually would (and even then, it’s not aggressive at all... you handle your wife with such delicate care). “Now where is it?! My life depends on that book!”
“It’s somewhere no one will ever think to look,” the redhead tells you with a smirk on her face.
“Melissa Ann,” you huff out in frustration. “Now is not the time for games. Where is the damn book?!”
“With Barbara Howard,” Melissa whispers. 
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waterfrontcomplex · 8 months
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after the disastrous battle at dragonprayer terrace, yanqing is left disheartened, confused, and alone. he was just defeated by 2 criminals, and the one person he trusted with his whole being left him there with no explanation.
he gets healed at the alchemy commission, and returns home. jing yuan eventually recovers, and... everything returns to some sense of normalcy. no 'i'm sorry', no 'are you okay?', no nothing. he receives assignments as usual, and goes through with them with ease.
during an assignment in cloudford, he encounters a man who was on the run and had a warrant out for his arrest for domestic abuse. yanqing pursued the man until he accidentally cornered him with some particularly violent mara-struck, and was killed before he could stop them.
that night, he couldn't stop thinking about the man. he had let a civilian die. but... that man was a terrible person. he had a family that loved him, and he hurt them in return. yanqing felt an unexplainable burst of 'satisfaction' or even 'happiness'. that man would never hurt anybody again.
a terrible idea appeared in his head. what if he purposely killed people like those?
it's extremely illegal and goes against his duty as a cloud knight, but they would deserve it and he's just so, so frustrated. so, he looks into a couple cases and finds one he takes interest in. if he wants to go through with this, he can't use yanzhuo or his ice swords; it would make his identity too obvious. he grabs a blade he's been itching to test out, dons a cloak and leaves during the night.
the break-in and murder is easy enough. most people on the luofu stand no chance against him. adrenaline is rushing through his veins, and now there's a body on the floor and his dagger is covered in blood.
the cleanup is simple; he has the knowledge and resources available to make it look as if his target had just vanished during the night. he dismembers and disposes of the body and returns home. he had just killed another civilian... but they were a terrible person— no, they're not even a person. they're just vermin, unworthy of the title of 'human' and waiting to be eliminated. he feels static in his head.
in the following weeks, he does his best to avoid searching up information about his target. yanqing listens in to gossip instead, and gathers that they had been reported missing but no traces were found. he had gotten away with murder.
and he was going to do it again.
the next few nights, he claims more lives; lives of those unworthy of them. after the murders, the static in his head clears, but comes back later. they disappear during the night without a trace.
while disposing of a body, yanqing encounters a partially broken down cycrane with sentience, like his swords. he fixes it up, and it says it doesn't want to 'return to a mundane life of endless deliveries', so he takes it home and hides it. after a bit of searching, he gives it a name: rosebane.
the cases are starting to catch the attention of the higher-ups. the public now knows about the 'mysterious disappearances', and rumors start spreading like wildfire. some claim it's a monster, other say it's a stalker, and some are claiming that it's a whole group of people. nobody suspects him a bit. tensions are high.
yanqing doesn't want the public to worry too much. rumors of a monster could put the cloud knights on high alert. if he let any witnesses see him, they would know it was a human. and if he brings rosebane, they would know it's the same person, and not a group of people. rosebane wouldn't reveal anything about his real identity, and would be particularly useful for tracking down targets. a monster would be extremely concerning, but a person would be... hopefully less concerning. and with a cycrane, it would lead the investigators away from him.
during his next murder, he chooses a time where there would be a witness, and commits the crime, leaving the body. word gets out, and news of the 'cycrane killer' is everywhere. yanqing masks his nervousness as worry for jing yuan, but he doesn't fully buy it.
he's not crazy, he's not insane at all. he doesn't kill for the adrenaline rush, or to clear the static in his head, or for whatever other reason.
he's just... doing the luofu a favor.
friendly. they are extremely close, but can't talk much since yanqing shouldn't bring them out during the day. they're partners in crime, bound to their secret. he finds their sentience interesting.
tense. yanqing partly blames jing yuan for his... new hobby. he still cares and would never hurt him on purpose, but he's extremely frustrated and confused. he mainly wants an explanation but feels as if he has no right to ask for one. yanqing also has to tread lightly around jing yuan to avoid him figuring out about his murders.
cautious. if fu xuan suspects him of anything, she could easily rat him out with the matrix of prescience. he's been keeping his distance.
worry. jing yuan knows yanqing's upset and has been acting strangely ever since he recovered. he also knows that his retainer is hiding something, but doesn't know what.
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shikariiin · 16 days
×Cough-cough×, this is going to be a lot of text, but it's vital that I get answers to these questions(even if it's in a short format, I really need to know that urgently and just now, I'm not kidding). I beg you to answer, your art makes me live, the main AU is absolutely beautiful, please that's all I need 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Questions about the system and the war: Who and where did Spencer work during the war? Do his epaulettes indicate any rank? If so, what opportunities did their ranks give engines? Does he now know that Alice has had a sex change, does he wish her and the baby back? After all, legally Edward still belongs to the duke or his old road if Alice illegally escaped…or how does that work? What would happen if Edward was once again owned by Spencer and the duke?
Questions about Spencer and Alice: Was the decision to have a child a mutual decision, or did Spencer insist on it? Or did they both not want to, but were forced by military department? Did Spencer beat Alice during her pregnancy? Was there any reason for Alice(last straw) to finally decide to run away? What made Spencer so evil/aggressive and why did he beat Alice at all, why? What motivated him? So because person can't just beat up another person just because him feel like it 🤔 Also, did/still does Spencer drink alcohol? Why? How did the duke himself feel about Alice's escape? Did he not even try to look for the steam train he paid money for? Was punishment or double work awaiting Spencer afterwards? After all these accidents, did Spencer ever go to Sodor and did he see Thomas? What is his relationship with the duke? And does the duke have a wife as well?
Questions about Thomas and Topham: Did Charles Hat have any problems with acquiring Edward and the authorities(since rowdy Eddie could do all sorts of illegal shit)? What kind of person was Thomas brought up to be? How would Spencer raise Thomas if he got him? And does Spencer still need a Thomas if he was glad to have an heir?
This many questions is very cheeky of me, however I can't handle the desire and necessity to know more about your main AU 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕 (And yes, how does James know Russian???? That's so cute! I'm from Russia, and I know russian, but why did he learn that language? o^O)
OH WOW THE DEDICATION AHAHA, Sure I'll answer them all numerically 🩵
1. They're not necessarily soldiers, but also tools of war, Spencer was the engine that pulls high ranking officers, used for his speed, while Alice is both a transport engine that doubles as a medic. What role they're given also has it benefits, Spencer was given a special treatment while Alice is treated like everyone else.
2. He doesn't know Alice had a sex change, he does wish deep down under that layer of Arrogance his baby and wife would be back, but mostly Alice running away from him made him the laughing stock of the gresleys, it fueled his desperation more.
3. Since Alice illegally escaped, they still own her, but that's a story for another day, that has it whole arc I'm planning to make 😄, if Edward is owned again by the duke, then he'll have to leave the railway and become a private engine.
4. Spencer insists, a-lot of forcing too from her old railway, yes Spencer beats and emotionally manipulated her, he wasn't even present in Thomas's birth.
5. The last straw for her is when Spencer agreed for them to be bought by the Duke without her consent.
6. Spencer picked her because she was the most beautiful, but quickly saw her as a nuisance, she was shy and quiet, he didn't like how she wouldn't listen to him sometimes, what started as Spencer dragging her into things became a manipulative and abusive cycle, and it became a customary thing for Spencer, he thinks that's the only way he should treat Alice.
7. The Duke in this era felt angered, he deemed the engine was rebellious (this was in the era where women doesn't really have rights yet) there were a search warrant for her for months to no avail, and he chose to leave with Spencer, there's not extra work for him, but to be able to withstand his current work, the Duke upgraded his class through an experiment.
8. He did come to sodor, I do have an arc awaiting for that :3, his relationship with the current duke is like in the show, neutral, and yes the duke has a wife.
9. Sir Charles treated him with specialty, always excusing his antics like a father excusing his child for hitting someone, "they're just kids" mentality, He never had to face the Authorities because Edward never gets caught.
10. They raised Thomas as someone responsible and Diligent, although he is cheeky, if Spencer raised him he would laze around and be snobby, He doesn't need an heir, but he would want Thomas to be back just to save his family reputation.
11. James learned many languages because Indonesia at the time was a network of spice trading, alot of foreigners and people with different backgrounds (although there were an era of colonizations), I do feel like he would learn different languages just so he can know more about them. :D
Awwww thank you so much for the Questions! I'm happy someone liked my AU🩵🥰
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unsexynudity · 5 months
its kinda scary how many people dont know how to deal with cops so heres how to deal with cops
you get pulled over. roll down ur window, hands on the steering wheel
they'll ask for license, registration, and proof of insurance. tell them where it is before you grab it, warn them that you're going to grab it, and move slowly
if they ask "do you know why i pulled you over today" or they try to accuse you of anything, act clueless always
if you have a self defense weapon such as a pocket knife or pepper spray, inform them that you have it and tell them where it is
if the cop pulls you out of the car to arrest you, don't fight it because they'll charge you with resisting arrest. you are, however, allowed to ask WHY they are arresting you. if they tell you that asking why is resisting arrest, they are lying
when being arrested, don't say ANYTHING unless "i want a lawyer". don't answer any questions, keep your trap shut
if a cop tries to search your vehicle, you have the legal right to tell them not to.
same thing with your house. they can't search your home without a warrant, and if they don't have a warrant, you are legally allowed to send them away. be prepared for them to come back with a warrant tho, so hide ur illegal shit
don't cooperate with cops and don't give them incriminating evidence against you but don't resist arrest ever and also follow instructions (unless instructions are dangerous, such as them urging you to answer potentially incriminating questions)
don't swear at cops, they can charge you with a misdemeanor
be safe out there and remember. never trust police officers
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gretahayes · 7 months
soo obviously tim would never kill, but what crimes do you think he *would* commit
I think he’s committed or would commit (under the right circumstances) a lot. Here's a list;
Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Assaulting or Killing Federal Officer
Assisting or Instigating Escape
Aggravated Assault/Battery
Aggravated Identity Theft
Bankruptcy Fraud/Embezzlement
Concealing Escaped Prisoner
Concealing Person from Arrest
Conspiracy to Impede or Injure an Officer
Conveying False Information
Credit/Debit Card Fraud
Cyber Crimes
Damage to Religious Property
Destruction of Records in Federal Investigations and Bankruptcy
Destruction of Corporate Audit Records
Disclosure of Confidential Information
Domestic Terrorism
False Information and Hoaxes
False Pretenses
False Statements Relating to Health Care Matters
Falsely Claiming Citizenship
False Declarations before Grand Jury or Court
Fraud Against the Government
Hacking Crimes
Harboring Terrorists
Hostage Taking
Identity Theft
Illegal Possession of Firearms
Impersonator Making Arrest or Search
Injuring Officer
Insurance Fraud
Interference with the Operation of a Satellite
International Terrorism
Mailing Threatening Communications
Motor Vehicle Theft
Narcotics Violations
Obstructing Examination of Financial Institution
Obstruction of Court Orders
Obstruction of Federal audit
Obstruction of Justice
Obstruction of Criminal Investigations
Possession of Narcotics
Private Correspondence with Foreign Government
Receiving the Proceeds of Extortion
Recording or Listening to Grand or Petit Juries While Deliberating
Retaliating Against a Federal Judge by False Claim or Slander of Title
Retaliating Against a Witness, Victim, or an Informant
Sale of Stolen Vehicles
Searches Without Warrant
Stalking (In Violation of Restraining Order)
Stolen Property; Buying, Receiving, or Possessing
Tampering with a Witness, Victim, or Informant
Tampering with Vessels
Transportation of Stolen Vehicles
Transportation of Terrorists
Unauthorized Removal of Classified Documents
Use of Fire or Explosives to Destroy Property
Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Violence at International airports
Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering Activity
And possibly more! Hope this helps
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ohsalome · 7 months
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(story taken and machine-translated from the official twitter account of the Mission of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea)
Today's story is about a woman who was detained by the occupiers in the spring of 2022 and illegally sentenced to almost 7 years in prison. Iryna Danylovych is a nurse and citizen journalist.
She was threatened, blackmailed and forced to confess to things she did not do. Now Irina is in a Russian colony, her health is deteriorating due to the lack of quality and timely medical care.
Iryna Danylovych worked as a nurse at the Malachite rehabilitation center in Koktebel, maintained a social media page and several blog columns on the rights of healthcare workers and healthcare issues in the occupied Crimea.
The occupation forces abducted Iryna Danylovych in April 2022. She was returning from a night shift at the hospital when the occupiers searched her house and seized all her appliances, several books and documents.
There was no contact with Irina for more than a week. She was illegally detained by the FSB: she was subjected to psychological pressure, beaten, threatened with death, interrogated on a polygraph, threatened to be "taken to the forest" (ed. - meaning killed and buried in the forest) or "to Mariupol" (once again, killed), fed once a day, and not allowed to go to the restroom.
Eventually, the occupiers informed her relatives that a decision had been made to place her under "administrative arrest", allegedly because "she had transferred unclassified materials to another country". Later, they fabricated a "case" against Irina accusing her of "illegal actions with explosives."
The "proof" was the "discovery" of 200 grams of explosives in Irina's bag. And only on May 11, the lawyer managed to establish that she was in the occupation pre-trial detention center in Simferopol.
The "arrest warrant" was issued by the occupation "court" during a closed court session - without the participation of listeners, journalists, or Irina's relatives.
But the real reason for the detention is different. For covering the problems of the healthcare system, the crimes of the occupiers, as well as for protecting and promoting the rights of healthcare workers in the occupied Crimea.
Iryna was one of the first correspondents of the Crimean Process; she supported Crimean Tatar activists in the "courts"; prepared materials for the editorial office of Inzhyr Media; supported medical activists, recorded violations of rights under occupation.
According to Irina, she was kidnapped, taken to Simferopol and illegally detained in a basement, tortured and starved, and forced to sign a confession under threat of death, having been viciously planted with explosives after the "confession" had been forcibly extracted.
Complete hearing loss in the left ear, deprivation of necessary medications, suffering from headaches and earaches. This is what Iryna is going through now.
Irina was transferred to the Krasnodar Women's Correctional Colony No. 7 in Zelenokumsk. Every day, Irina's health condition deteriorated: in the occupation prisons, she gradually lost hearing in her left ear, developed otitis media, constant headaches and dizziness.
Back in July 2022, the political prisoner reported being beaten by an FSB convoy and psychological pressure exerted on her by Russian security forces. The occupiers also took away the opportunity to read, not returning the collection of poems.
To get medical help, she went on a hunger strike, but stopped it after 10 days, believing the promises of the SIZO administration, but no one has treated her and is not going to, watching the prisoner's health deteriorate.
According to her father, the colony allocates 90 minutes for the distribution of medicines twice a week: on Tuesday and Thursday. During this time, only 20-30 people out of a queue of several hundred prisoners manage to receive them.
"There are periodic fights among the patients for the opportunity to be in the front of the line and receive medicines. Iryna does not participate in this and has been deprived of access to the medicines prescribed by doctors, which we regularly send in parcels, for several months now," her father said.
Despite the illegal actions, torture and pressure, the occupiers failed to break the Ukrainian journalist, she continues to support Ukraine and believe that she will soon return home. "Only in such a strong Ukraine could such a strong you be born," said Iryna's father Bronislav.
Even behind bars, Iryna Danylovych continues to resist the occupiers and support Ukraine. The song "I am free!" performed by her is a symbol of disobedience and struggle, which the occupiers do not like, and the tattoo on her body that reads "Freedom is our religion" is her life's credo.
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Bolsonaro administration spied on 1,800 opponents
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Feds identified more than 30,000 instances of illegal use of FirstMile, an Israeli software that tracks cellphone geolocation data. Purchased in 2018 by the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), it was used to monitor at least 1,800 opponents of the Jair Bolsonaro administration, such as politicians, journalists, and lawyers. The names of the victims were not revealed yet.
Two Abin officials have been arrested, five were temporarily removed from office, and USD 171,800 in cash was seized from the home of one of the Abin top officials on Friday.
Twenty-five search warrants were carried out in five Brazilian states. With the operation, one of the Abin buildings in Brasília was sealed while the Feds searched every room for evidence. The agents arrested were on disciplinary leave and used information gathered through FirstMile to blackmail other officials and avoid being fired.
Continue reading.
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Matt Keeley at NCRM:
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton threatened to sue two large, Democratic-leaning counties should they proceed with their plan to mail voter registration forms to eligible voters who are currently unregistered. Bexar and Harris counties have proposed using third-party vendors to mail the forms. Though the plan is to only send them to people who are eligible to be registered, Paxton said that the forms could fall in the hands of those who are ineligible to vote, which would “encourage” them to register illegally, according to KSAT-TV. “At worst, it may induce the commission of a crime by encourage individuals who are ineligible to vote to provide false information on the form,” Paxton said, according to KENS-TV. “Either way, it is illegal, and if you move forward with this proposal, I will use all available legal means to stop you.”
Bexar and Harris counties both have high Latino populations, with nearly 20% of all Texan Latinos living in Harris County, according to The Hill. Paxton has faced accusations of specifically trying to suppress the Latino vote. Following raids on the homes of Latino voting activists, the League of United Latin American Citizens called for an inquiry into alleged civil rights violations, according to USA Today. At least six LULAC volunteers had their homes raided by police, and had voter registration materials seized, along with phones, computers and other electronic devices, USA Today reported. Paxton said the search warrants were “part of an ongoing election integrity investigation” into “allegations of election fraud and vote harvesting that occurred during the 2022 elections.” LULAC says one of the people raided was Lidia Martinez, an 87-year-old member of the organization. On August 20, her home was raided, and she was interrogated for hours, according to LULAC. There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2022 elections in Texas or elsewhere in the United States. Paxton’s most recent probe, despite the raids, has led to no charges thus far, according to the Texas Tribune.
Texas AG Ken Paxton (R) is a jackboot fascist disgrace to the Lone Star State and America.
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