#illeg beloved
majorproblems77 · 7 months
21 27 and 25 for the end of the year writing ask game?
21. Most memorable comment/review
This is difficult, I've had so much amazing feedback from so many lovely people. I love the long comments going into detail, I love the short comments with just a little heart or giving me extra love.
But one, one I won't forget was on here actually. It was when someone figured out I wrote Unravelling, obvs with the difference in name across here and AO3 doesn't help, after I mentioned it on a reblog I wrote Sky Whump. I remember the full conversation it was very sweet.
25. Fic you've read this year that you'd recommend everyone read
Oooh, I can't pic between two fics, so you get both, Let me grab them.
Thou Shalt Not Fall - Chapter 1 - CatReginae - Linked Universe - Fandom [Archive of Our Own]
This is the Vampire War's AU written by @catreginae that you may have seen me go on about a few times. I absolutely love it. The way it is written the concept is just, yes. oh my god, I could hype about it all day. I love the way War's is characterised and it's such a different idea that I stumbled across one day and have just never looked back on. Catreginae writes it so damn well and if your looking for something a little different please go and give it a try.
Authenticity - Chapter 1 - Arecaceae - The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms [Archive of Our Own]
Now this fic has a special place in my heart. It's by @arecaceae175 and reading it is the most seen I've ever been. I love Wild in this fic. And I do see myself in him. And its just an amazing feeling to be able to read something where there's a perfectly capable hero who is kinda like me.
It's a fic I go and read over and over again, it's a fic that I read on days when I feel awful and it cheers me up. It brings a smile to my face every time and I just love it so much.
Please read it, please please, please. It's amazing.
27. Fave fanfic author of the year
Man you aren't making this easy on me, are you. There are so many talented people who I've come across this year. So many amazing stories by so many talented people and that's just in the 5 or so months I've been in the fandom!
To name a few, @illegiblehandwriting1 with Smoke & ashes, @skyloftian-nutcase with Elastic heart, @uniquevoidflowers with their Whumptober fics and @skyward-shade with Tis a curse.
But it's gotta be @arecaceae175. There are so many of your works I love so much. I've already mentioned Authencitiy, but there's In defence of honour, of blood and brotherhood and A touch of softness to name a few. That I go back and read when I need cheering up or when I just need the blorbo.
Thanks for the ask! :D
based off this post
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obkkseeker · 5 months
the duality in the merch is just *chefs kiss*
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oh hoooooo you know i want these so bad
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justfriendsbestthings · 3 months
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Simon | Young Royals Season 3 Episode 5
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py-dreamer · 1 year
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Don't mind them-
Hey look at this! Giving lineless a try again huh?
let me know what y'all think!
and yes Pigsy and Tang are married and sleep in the same bedroom what about it
(based off an mha comic)
(click photo for better quallity)
reblogs > likes
(but any feedback is nice!)
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bertoyana · 8 months
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How did I go from growin' up to breaking down? And will you still want me When I'm nothing new? — Nothing New (Taylor’s Version) ft. Phoebe Bridgers
aziracrow (taylor's version) 1/? insp.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
what kind of favour do you require in exchange for an equineswap jiang yanli
I will fight god if that's what it takes.
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No favour required! These guys were in the original doodle dump!
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ankittyxo · 9 months
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more pics of mgg you've probably see and now you are seeing again😉
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rui-drawsbox · 1 year
Please.. Lucifer maid dress- I'm begging you-
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i hope he dies (15% affectionate)
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variberry · 2 months
y’all asked for the video, so here it is 👀
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corruptimles · 7 months
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doctor gun
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wylanslcve · 1 year
He's simultaneously giving Kaz Brekker and post CK Wylan Van Eck as in mercher Wylan Van Eck I'm so unwell right now.
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wordsimnormalabt · 1 year
“Bruce Wayne is released a half hour later without charges into the custody of his butler. He pouts as he is released, and pauses his march toward the door to accuse the desk officer of stealing his cocaine to resell.
Despite the likely truth of such accusations, the butler shushes his ward, crushing him into a hug that he returns with equal vigor.
“How was it, darling?” Pennyworth asks, pulling back. He bleeds relief into the air around them. The precinct settles.
Wayne considers this. He makes a so-so motion.
“They said they were charging me with third degree assault,” he says, a whine. “But I broke his nose. I deserved second degree, at least.”
“Shh,” Pennyworth says, comfortingly, “There’s always another time.”
The lawyer watches the two of them with half-concealed curiosity. The desk officers are openly staring.
Better Wayne than Pennyworth, at least. A spoiled, if polite, brat was far preferable to the enigma of a warrior-butler.
“Can we get McDonalds?” the mostly-sober Wayne heir asks, his earlier displeasure now forgotten.
Pennyworth goes still. Like prey, the nearby officers freeze as well, watching the butler with wide eyes.
Wayne is immune to such fear responses, and smiles down at his adoptive father.
“Please?” he asks, eyes impossibly wide. He is covered in red lipstick. Cocaine powders the corner of his shirt collar. His hair is mussed from sweat, hanging across bloodshot eyes.
Pennyworth folds.
“Of course, dear boy,” he says, turning on his heel and waving off the lawyer. “To the car, if you would.”
The lawyer marches toward the exit with great enthusiasm. Wayne trails after Pennyworth, blowing a kiss toward the drunk tank.
“I’ll be back,” he says, with great, boyish charm.”
-His name was king-
The Resurrectionist
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thelien-art · 1 year
Day 2: Maglor of @feanorianweek
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Poppy = Sloth | Manipulation
I do think Maglor mourned when Maedhros got himself captured, I just also read Maglor as a manipulative power hungry character.
He probably convinced himself that Maedhros had died and ignored everything that proved otherwise, both as a poor coping mechanism and, subconsciously, seizing the power of being a king, although he never named himself one as that would give him trouble. He differently enjoyed the power and mourned, when Maedhros came back, for the power loss. He was happy to have his brother back of course. I don´t think he spoke against Maedhros choice to give the kingship to Fingolfin, even if he wanted it himself, as he did except Fingolfin to do something stupid and get himself killed eventually, and by agreeing he seemed more "civil" and the friendliest of his brothers, which would end up giving him political power, giving people the illusion that he´s the innocent and harmless of his family.
Maedhros | Celegorm | Caranthir | Curufin | Ambarussa | Nerdanel and Feanor
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
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fure-dcmk · 2 months
OP HOW ARE WE FEELING....... THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ALL AROUND...... genuinely distraught... someone take dcmk away from gosho fr...
sorry anon the tone of this ask are not specifically directed to you, its more to the general KS posts i've been seeing on my fyp
don't plan to address this since im not even a KS account but i'm starting to get peeved seeing a bunch of ppl act victimized like gosho did that cuz he personally hates KS shippers
i'm a huge gosho aoyama hater myself but come on that man probably thinks there's nothing wrong with first cousin dating in the first place (addendum one: shuake, addendum two: hanzawa love interest being his own countryside cousin) i'd even dare to say based on his unintentional world view its him encouraging KS shippers instead
for this account i'll make sure to tag any future KS to avoid icking those bothered by the reveal but for the record any KS made by me are not closely related
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whack-patty · 6 months
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Here we go
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Buster Moon meets a socially awkward yet well meaning private eye
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