#ill try my best to repay each and everyone of you
kavehnanginto · 2 years
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A Day to Remember — k. ayato
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These past couple of weeks were filled with preparing and perfecting a birthday party. With the help of Thoma, Ayaka and the rest of the clan it was as if you could do anything! There is no room for simplicity or boring details, after all this was Ayato’s first birthday after both of you became official. To everyone.
Long gone the midnight escapades, you know you’ll miss them. The happiness, that warmth, of just being with each other—there for each other. But now it’s not hidden, love can finally be shown. At first you were hesitant, but Ayato said it will be okay. Someday. So you finally agreed, and just seeing his tender smile you knew you made the right choice.
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To every insult that befell your heart, to all the gossips and remarks of your unworthiness. Nothing can match up to the radiance you felt when you finally bonded with Ayaka and Thoma, freely holding the love of your life, and being true to yourself. A thing you scarcely did—one might go far and say you never did, as Ayato pointed out.
His love was one of assurance and security. It made you feel that even with everything you’ve had in your life you still had someone—something to return to.
There was finally a day for you to repay that. Most of the finances used did not come from Kamisato fortune, rather from the goodness of everyone’s heart. The meals, brought in from different regions, Thoma even mentioned that he was planning on Mondstadt cuisines. One that you were excited to try.
So when the morning of the big occasion finally came. It was not the dream you expected it to be. Maybe, it was because you over exert your energy on the occasion that your head was pounding.
It’ll go away eventually.
But as you greeted everyone on your sight, it was clearly not just a morning occurrence. Fuck.
“Are you okay?” Thoma was concerned. You looked pale, he was not going to let you out of his sight even if you denied his question.
“I’m okay.”
Your breakfast was still untouched, you were afraid that if you ate you would vomit it immediately. It will make you more ill than you actually are and you know who Thoma would first report the news. You dreaded making Ayato disappointed, he knew of your little plans and you made no intention to hide them. He even made it clear how he was ecstatic to see what you’ve planned.
Hours later and noon had stopped by, your condition was getting worse. Your body was getting weak that even walking was difficult for you. Ayato was probably out of his meeting an hour later, and the decorations and plans were starting to take shape.
“Don’t worry about the decorations future in-law, how about rest?” You flinched when Ayaka’s voice went to greet you. “I’ll assure you that we’ll be fine, so please?”
Clasping her hands together, she smiled while pleading. When she ran to hug me, the shock you received from her sudden act also spread to her when she immediately let go. Not creating a distance, but rather a milder touch. Her hand still reached for your shoulder and then to your forehead.
“You’re burning!” she exclaimed. Her gaze is now intent on not making you do any work.
“It’s fine I assure you!” You didn't budge even when she tried to push you into your room. “For such a special occasion one must try to do their best to show up and help!”
The estate, now filled with squeals from you as you underestimate Ayaka’s strength.
“Thoma!” She let go of her hands and turned her head towards the left. “Get the basin ready! My future in-law is ill!”
And when Thoma finally joined and now it’s two versus one in getting you to bed. Although you were weak that particular day, you still used your energy. Because being a burden on his special day was by far a heavier feeling than all these headaches and numbness.
Long story short, you lost.
But still screaming of letting you go, the man eavesdropping finally realized that it was time to make his act. What meeting, really? He just wanted to see you gleefully plan on his special day. Instead? You were ill and still tried to—how cute to see your puffy cheeks full of determination. Still, it was a sorry sight to see. But now it’s rest time, one should not try to fight it.
“You both can leave, I’ll handle them.” He was on the doorway of your shared room. Ayaka and Thoma were relieved to see Ayato there, but you had terror that made him frown.
Quickly, both of you were left alone as he closed the door shut. Moving closer to see your head low. A person as attractive and perfect as you should not hang their head low, especially to those inferior like him. But you don’t know that, so he quietly moved to your side and sat on the bed.
He felt uneasy with your silence, usually it was him saying the words first and you answering with truthfulness and honesty. You spoke very moderately to everyone else, so when you blabber and ramble, or just respond with a simple nod or grin. Ayato felt like someone special to you—like how you were different when in front of him than others.
But your silence, yes it was not how you treated others, yet it feels he made a mistake. Maybe you were ill, but he just wanted you to say something—do anything!
Ayato did not wait for it, even if he wanted to, all he cared about was your rest. Sure, today was going to be a blast and it will. He feels that this day is still one he’ll remember as a fond memory.
“Is it okay if I hug you?” An action he always did whenever was now executed with a question. He had to be sure you’ll be fine. So when you nodded and plopped himself in his chest. He once again felt like someone special. That he was on his special day, and with his special person.
Caressing your face, to your temple down to your cheeks and finally your chin. You felt him leaning in you for a kiss. He didn’t care about how he’ll be ill tomorrow or not, but that you felt more comforted by his touch.
“I can still go, Ayato. Let’s celebrate your birthday!” You clinged to his chest, both arms on the ends of his shoulders. “I’m fine—nwaesndrs.”
He squeezed the middle of your lips together using his two fingers he efficiently ungloved.
“Stop saying that you’re fine, dearest.” He let go of your lips and pulled you closer to his chest. “You’re not fine but you will be soon, okay?”
He pecked your forehead. “And we are celebrating my birthday, darling. Being with you was always the only thing that matters on my special day. Now sleep, there’s lots of food tomorrow.”
He stroked your hair gently humming a tune, one of nostalgia and comfort of childhood, as you slept like that of a child. His hand was cold, it was a warm feeling.
So when the fireworks signaling the Commissioner’s birthday were announced, he heard the laughter of the people. This is exactly how he wanted his birthday to be.
You and him, surrounded by the laughter and joy of those he loves and trusts. But just like then, and every year of his life. This birthday was all he could’ve ever asked for.
The beauty of the night, and the beauty in his arms.
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Happy birthday, Ayato! My first bf in the game<3
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junowritings · 4 months
I can imagine you already have a lot of these, but Id like to ask for a matchup for bg3 please (no preference on gender!)? I suppose some people might consider me the mom friend of my group, I'm always happy to give people advice or reassurance, make sure theyre fed and doing well, and Ive found I definitely have the protective instincts for it. I have no problem calling out the bullshit of other people if it hurts them, and honestly if they even asked me to deal with the confrontation of talking to someone or telling them to buzz off i would without a heartbeat. I never have though, usually because i know better than to offer. Im also happy to take initiative and step into the leader role if no one else will or wants to. Im not the best with it, but ive been in situations where the only person willing to make a decision or do anything is myself, so its almost become habit. Thats really where the similarities stop though. Im very stubborn, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one i really want to do or have something ill find a way to do it one way or another, which can lead to somr creativity on my part. However, sometimes, when it comes to arguements or disagreements, it can be hard to get through to me. Usually i try very hard to be understanding and i do well, but i know im not perfect. Im also very scatterbrained and unorganized. I love to be sociable and meet/talk to people, and ive always been very good at making friends, but im not the best at initiating those social situations. Im used to going unnoticed and never had the opportunity to work on it, so im used to just keeping to myself most of the time. Ill admit its not something i really like though; i hate admitting it, but i do love getting attention from other people. Its also not really a feeling i get often, but i do have a fondness for when someone gets protective over me. Ive had to fight for myself by myself a lot over time, so seeing someone else care like that would make my heart swell i think. Most of my hobbies are either creative or involve storytelling. I love to paint and crochet, and ive been working on learning the guitar, since i adore music so much, though my skills with each vary quite a bit. I do love learning too, some of my favorite subjects are math and science, not because im great with them (ill admit i suck with math sometimes), but because they challenge me. (I know that was a lot, but tysm!! Hopefully i got everything you need in here ejdjdjdj)
Thank you so much for the ask dear! This was plenty of info thank you so much for taking the time to send it! :D I think a lovely match for you would be...
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This is very much the protective meet-cutes for your respective circles.
I’m gonna be honest, it’s probably that fiery streak of sorting out a confrontation that introduces the two of you in the first place. Lia’s always taken on the role of the protector to those that she cares for; always been the first to step in and go to bat for the sake of her brothers, and she doesn’t shy away from any confrontation if it involves someone she knows. Her moral compass is unyielding, and even if it gets her into more trouble than anyone would like she sticks to them. In a way the two of you are very much alike in that sense, as your fierce loyalty to others is an admirable trait. 
She’s seen how you care for others, how you nurture a healthy environment and take the time out of your day to make sure that everyone feels seen and cared for. It feels like a breath of fresh air after everything that they’ve been through, to meet someone who offers guidance and advice and care with open arms rather than closed fists and scorn. At first she mistakes these feelings as respect - it’s only natural - but it really doesn’t take long for her to realize she’s becoming downright smitten when you turn that attention and care onto the tiefling. Lia works to repay you back in kind by having your back anytime, anywhere - sure you take on the protector role for your companions, but who’s doing that for you? Lia gladly adopts the role, even if it does net her more than a few knowing side-eyes from Cal and Rolan who know damn well that it’s also an excuse to stick close to you.
The two of you mesh well for the most part. Granted you may occasionally butt heads in certain circumstances - namely ones that involve her safety because we all know she’s far from being careful. Where you can be stubborn, Lia can sometimes be downright obstinate, and that mesh goes together as well as oil and water when neither side is willing to make a compromise. Lia will be the first to admit that she’s got a fiery temper, and can get worked up more easily than she would like; but thankfully with time the two of you can find a balanced ground to talk things out on. When things get like this, give one another some time to calm down and come back with cooler heads, and things become a lot easier to handle and deal with. Lia isn’t above admitting when she’s done wrong or gone too far, and her apologizes are open and honest because she wants you to know that she’s listening and cares, even if she does get too fired up sometimes. Expect to find apology gifts squirreled away in your pockets the days following these occasional tiffs.
She won’t always say it, but Lia’s damn impressed at how creative you get in your attempts to get your way and see through your plans to the end. You say you’re scatterbrained but she’s seen you pull some tactician level feats in your pursuit of finding ways to get things done. Oftentimes it leaves her flabbergasted because half of your solutions are things that most people wouldn’t even think of, and yet there’s no denying the proud little grin on her face seeing the satisfied look you get when things finally work out in your favor after all of your hard work.
On the other hand however if the two of you are on the same page about something gods are you a force to be reckoned with. You’re a united front, an unstoppable pair that once you decide on something it’s getting done one way or another. Which also means that Cal and Rolan are going to suffer. Not a single one of the siblings are above pulling tricks on one-another, and Rolan has more than once complained that you give her an unfair advantage whenever you’re roped into Lia’s latest scheme because of how well you work alongside one another.
Lia is very much an organized chaos kind of person - to any outsiders her organization skills are nonexistent, but once you spend enough time around the tiefling you understand quickly that she’s organized in a way that works for her. And that organization naturally shifts to encompass you own disorganization - little things like slipping your keys into your bag when she knows you’ll forget them or putting things that are easily lost amidst the chaos in places she can find for you later. It’s the little things but the thought is what counts; and you have to admit that the tiefling comes in clutch whenever you’re in a rush.
You’ll never have to worry about initiating social situations ever again. Lia is loud and vibrant and has enough of a pull with her headstrong nature to turn heads, and this is something she uses to her advantage. Pretty much every first sentence out of her mouth after an introduction is introducing you, an arm over your shoulder bringing you close and a tail hooked over your hip as she does so. She wants you to be involved; wants others to appreciate you and notice your worth and vibrancy and all of the love you give like she does. So don’t be surprised if she does exactly that - hells, 99% of Lia’s friends have heard nothing but good things about you before you’ve even had the chance to meet them. She loves her partner to the hells and back, and she’s enough of a hothead to make damn sure everyone knows it too.
If you’re ever in the mood to show Lia any of those hobbies involving storytelling she is absolutely ready. Tell her your tales as you run your fingers through her hair and along the grooves of her horns and she’ll just about melt into your lap. Don’t be surprised if your voice lulls her into a content enough state for a nap - it’s just so soothing, and Lia often winds herself up so much that she’ll crash into a powernap at the mere notion of safe rest. Even before the trek to Baldur’s gate a rest without one eye open was the norm, and anything more than a fitful rest was wishful thinking. But here with you? With your gentle touch and loving voice in this little moment of peace you carved out of the gate for the two of you? How can you blame her for wanting to savor the experience a little? Plus if she misses anything it makes for an excellent excuse to do this again. Just to hear how it ends of course.
Lia will take any and all opportunity to gush about the crafts that you make, and she’s not afraid to do it any chance she gets. That art piece you made? The paint isn’t even dry and she’s trying to strongarm Rolan into putting it up in the reception of Sorcerer Sundries. The half finished crochet project you’ve been promising to come back to? Every single guest you’ve had has heard how amazing the thing’s going to turn out once it’s finished. It’s hard not to get flustered over how brutally honest she is about wanting to show off your work to others. If you ever ask why she’ll simply respond by saying that it’s because it’s your hard work. And whether you’ve spent fifty seconds or fifty days on a piece it’s going to get just as much love and recognition from your tiefling.
If you’re looking for more hands-on experience learning the play the guitar Lia’s got no qualms pulling some strings to get Alfira to help you. I like to think that all of the tieflings kept some form of contact after arriving at the gate so chances are you’ll be well acquainted with most of them before you even mention your interest in learning to play. The same goes for your penchant for learning - Lia’s been more the type of person to learn from experiences than books, but she'll fully encourage you to pursue your interests! (she gets sibling rights to pilfer through the books in the safer sections of the library, so anything you decide to keep from there doesn’t get more than an eye roll, a resigned grumble and a warning to be careful from Rolan.) It’s well worth it to see your expression warm at the sight of whatever piece of learning literature she’s brought home to spoil you with.
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thecookieverse · 9 months
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Orange Velvet Cookie is Red Velvet's sister, and like him, she's half cake monster. She used to be part of the cake monster army as her brother's second in command. Like her brother, she believes that cake monsters are worthy of life and should be allowed to live in harmony with cookies. 
However, she doesn't believe it should be done through hostile takeover, instead through compassion, understanding, and comradery. The reason for this change came from a chance encounter with some cookies while out on a mission. One of these cookies was Rose Water Cookie, who, she ends up falling in love with. Touched by the kindness of him and the other cookies, she decided to leave the Cookies of Darkness and venture out into the big wide world of Earthbread.
She became at odds with her brother because of this, Red Velvet did try to convince her to stay (out of fear of what Dark Enchantress and the others will do to her if she stepped out of line and how other cookies would react to her half cake monster appearance.) but it was futile, she and Pound Cake Cookie left, taking her cake hound pet, Flambé with her.
Despite that, she and her brother carry no ill will towards each other, even if they're at a crossroads. They don't want to hurt each other, nor stand in the way of each other's goals and happiness.
Orange Velvet's weapon is a cake server, which as like a lance.
She is Red Velvet Cookie's sister
She still writes to her brother every other week to let him know she's alright. 
Pound Cake Cookie was (and still kinda is) her bodyguard.
Relationship Chart
Red Velvet Cookie (Family, Brother) "Flambe, Pound Cake, and I are alright, hope the same can be said on your end."
Pound Cake Cookie (Friendly) "We will always be cake monsters...and that's good"
Rose Water Cookie (Love, Boyfriend) "Without him, my life would've been so different...and quite bleaker."
Soft Serve Cookie (Friendly) "Thanks for standing by me...must've been hard to let her go though..." 
Slushie Cookie (Friendly) "His bravado has colored me impressed...and concerned " 
Cherry Cola Cookie (Friendly)- "You, him, and the others are proof our species can live in harmony, glad to see that." 
Pastry Cookie (Tension)- "You. Stay away from me AND my brother!"  Dark Choco Cookie (Trust) "Proud of you dude, go out there and life your best life."
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Tension) "You thought you were my guide, but you were only in my way..." 
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension) "I do care for them! I just think we can do things differently..." 
Appears on Relationship Charts
Red Velvet Cookie (Family) "So happy to see you're alright. Things are...tense on our end."
Pound Cake Cookie (Friendly) "We'll never be complete cookies...and that's not bad." 
Rose Water Cookie (Love) "My precious sun shining on my beautiful roses. I could dance with her all day." 
Soft Serve Cookie (Friendly) "Cake monster or not, you'll always be my friend. No one can say otherwise."
Slushie Cookie (Friendly) "Fun to rap battle against! Who knew she was such a good singer?"
Cherry Cola Cookie (Friendly) "Everyone deserves love, even exes and cake monsters." 
Dark Enchantress Cookie (Tension) "I gave you new life...and this is how you repay me?"
Pomegranate Cookie (Tension) "And I thought you cared for the cake monsters..." 
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sovawife · 2 years
My dearest Minho,
May this letter find you well.
I must confess, even though I haven't even sent this at the time of writing, I know I will eagerly await your response. It is something that has never changed upon meeting you- wanting to listen to you, that is. Thank you for being such a strong voice in my life. I know I am not the best at conversation, and I always feel as if I need to repay you for your patience. Perhaps writing this can be some form of repayment…but that was not my original intention.
I love you. I feel as if we were made for each other-- one cannot play pool without a cue and cue ball…even though the idea of being fated is not one in reality. Because of this, it makes our encounter all the more special. We are a 1 in a million of possibilities.
I wish I was not so…new to this. I know you would not love me any different if I talked more, or kissed more. But deep within me I would love nothing more than to do that and more. As it is what I love about you- your voice, your laughter, your affections. It will take time, but I will get to there eventually. At the moment, however, I feel to reiterate my feelings by writing them to you. And afterwards, once you have read this, perhaps…perhaps a kiss. If you wouldn't mind.
I care for you, and wish for your care in return. You are a great light in my heart. Continue to keep me in your thoughts as you are in mine.
Yours, with love, Venom
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ok so first heres connecticut right now. it will be on the news tomorrow btw everyone look forward to it you'll see some guy destroyed the netirety of hte state dont worry it was just me
lets also get this out of the way that i am one finger down because. ihave a band aid on one of htem and i alos cant feel my fucking hands its like so cold in here im going to die why didnt you add holding my hand onto your message venom/j
anyways now that we got these disclaimers outta the way
here comes the mental illness where i try to seriously respond to a letter:
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cagedcroww · 3 years
hi hey hello!! can i request m!kylar with a m!bottom!himbo!pc?? puppy-like, oblivious, sunny, fat manly tits and ass pc. the whole shebang. doesnt understand sexual innuendos "sure ill sleep with ya! i might take up the bed tho! :D". doesnt understand the true nature of kylar "kylar what are ya doing outside my window? especially this late? did ya get lost? come inside before ya catch a cold! :D"  "is that my missing underwear that youre sniffing?? wow i cant believe ya found it! thanks! :D"
You always try your best to be nice to people. It may be hard in a town like this, but everyone deserves a smile on their face, and you can't help but feel a warmth in your chest when you're the one to put the joy there.
So when you see a scrawny boy that seems to be more hoody than human, you wave to him in the hallways. When you see the way he's treated, with disgusted glances and harsh shoves, you stand up for him. Though kind and softhearted, you're still strong enough to drive off any schoolyard bullies.
Kylar will forever remember the sight of you standing in front of him, arms out to protect his gangly body from blows. He will remember the way the sun frames your body, lighting you up with the glow of a saint. That day, you became his prince. The genuine smile you shot him as you pulled him up from the ground was the first he'd seen in a long time. The warmth of your fingers on his wrist was the first touch that didn't sting or hurt. For the first time in his life, Kylar felt like he could breathe.
You were surprised when the kid in the hoodie started following you around. You had tried to tell him that it was alright; that he didn't need to try to repay you for doing what any decent person would've done. However, each time you address him, the boy flushes bright and bolts as though terrified of the idea of talking to you at all. Still, it's sweet how hard he tries to befriend you despite his shyness, so you begin to wave to him whenever you see him in the hallways. He's still shy, but soon you manage to get a name out of him. Despite your differences, you really start to view him as one of your friends.
Kylar carves the date of your first lunch together onto his wall.
You like having someone who always listens, who doesn't dismiss you because you're too optimistic or happy. When Kylar mumbles out a phrase about your joy being infectious and inspiring, you break out into a smile so wide your cheeks hurt. It feels nice to be needed. It feels nice to not be annoying.
When strange things begin to happen. You brush it off. The heavy feeling of being watched as you walk around town now? Maybe you're just being paranoid. Missing underwear that you swore you just washed? Maybe it got mixed up in someone else's load. When you come home from school one day to see Kylar in your room, your first move is to greet him with a grin. Perhaps he couldn't make it home for some reason and he knew that he would always have a safe space with you. The thought of being a safe space for your friends makes you warm and happy. Your kindness blinds you to the crumpled fabric that Kylar has bunched in his hands, the ball of fabric that looks surprisingly like your undergarments. However, you do catch a glimpse of his startled expression as he whips his head up, startled by your intrusion.
Dropping your bag on the floor, you flop down onto your bed, watching in amusement as your weight against the mattress actually bounces Kylar up into the air for a moment.
"Don't worry dude, you can stay as long as you want, okay?" Taking his surprise as guilt, you try to reassure Kylar on his intrusion into your room. His shoulders soften when he hears your words, and though he mumbles something you can't hear under his breath, you don't feel the need to press him for details. You squirm and wiggle as you get yourself comfortable on the lumpy mattress. You only glance up for a moment to make a joke about the shitty quality of your furniture when you stop, words caught in your throat. For the first time in your life, you see the hungry glint in Kylar’s eyes as he leers down at your body.  You feel pinned under his gaze; a prey animal exposed to a scavenger. Surely you’re just being paranoid though, right? Kylar is your friend, he would never hurt you! It even feels a little silly to be scared of someone so much smaller and weaker than you. Though your mind throws out constant excuses to calm yourself, your body remains frozen in fear.  Even your optimistic self can’t come up with a bright side to the situation when your friend lays a hand on your thigh.  You know you can fight him off, but your mind recoils at the thought of Kylar once again battered, nursing the bruises from being pushed into lockers and walls. He’s your friend, you can’t bring yourself to hurt him.  His hand creeps further up, his gentle touches sparking unwanted heat in your groin. When he sees your face flush, he smiles, soft and nice and sweet like the Kylar you want to protect.  “I’m going to make you feel good too.” He whispers, pressing a chapped kiss against your cheek. “I love you.”  You can’t respond. Your tongue feels thick and heavy in your mouth but you nod anyways. That seems to be enough for Kylar. His lovestruck smile gets wider as his hands slip into your pants.  “I knew you would understand.” He mumbles his words against your neck like a prayer. He’s pulled himself flush against your form now, and you can feel his arousal press against your body with the same worshipful gentleness as his touches. You can’t help but squeak and whimper as his cold hands run over your sensitive skin. The fire in your stomach grows hotter, and you feel yourself needing more.  You don’t think you notice when he pulls down your pants. You’re too caught in the sensations of pleasure and shame and love to notice anything. It’s only when his hands draw away do you keen out a questioning tone, the turmoil of your mind overpowered by the animal instinct of pleasure. Dully, some part of you notices that your pants are no longer fully on; but that doesn’t matter to you right now, not when you have a desire so strong and Kylar’s hands were so perfect.  When Kylar slots himself between your legs, you almost yearn for what comes next. Anything to make you feel filled. Anything to fulfill that need that roils within you. He presses his tip into you, careful in his movements as he tries to spare you from injury. It’s not enough. You need relief now, and you reach up to take his delicate hips in your far-larger hands.  That encouragement is all he needs. With a stuttering thrust of his hips, Kylar fully sheathes himself inside you. You groan at the feeling of being so full and so exposed for the first time.  “W-Were you a virgin too?” Kylar seems ecstatic at the prospect, but you can barely hear him over the bone-aching satisfaction of being whole for the first time. Your hands tighten ever-so-slightly around his hips before he gets the message. When he finally begins to fuck you, you moan and whimper with each of his movements. Though his pace was sloppy and inexperienced, you’ve never felt like this before in your life. Heat burns through each one of your veins as your arousal mounts. You ache with the tension of your building climax but you think your mouth is still blabbing pleas for Kylar to continue. His thrusts continue to hit that spot of pleasure within your core, and you buck and writhe as your body continues to seek that overwhelming pleasure.  When you cum, the world whites out for a moment. All you feel and know is pleasure overwhelming every atom in your body until you’re just a twitching mess of limbs and fucked-out muscles. The spasms of your tight walls against him pushes Kylar over the edge too, the other boy spilling his seed deep into you as though claiming his territory.  When you finally recover lucidity from your fuck-drunk state, you look down at the small boy with dark hair curled into your side like a kitten, and you wonder why you were scared of his intentions at all. 
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Could you do the Brothers and undatables reacting to MC being poisoned and finding out that Micheal was trying to kill them because he was jealous that MC was close with the brothers. Let me just say your work is great the way you describe the situation before going into the reactions is really interesting. Thank you so much!!!!
I already had this ask half way done but Tumblr decided to delete all my work due to buggy WiFi - I'm currently in pain 😭
I don't know much about poison so bare with me, I just looked at the basic symptoms and went "I'm smart" I've passed out after being ill or just in general quite a few times when younger so I had faith
This also has a bonus Michael part! I've decided to add his response to the boys reactions in its own format or else each one will just have a repeat of the same Michael Response
Warning: angst, implied vomitting, attempted murder, fainting, spoilers of lesson 37 and 16, gore on Michaels part, long
"from Michael...?" You questioned outloud, unsure on how to feel about the parcel you've found.
Your relationship with the angel wasn't a defined one. You didn't hate him but you didn't like him either; there was always something about his presence that made you fearful. You choked it up to be just internalised fear due to hearing the brothers experience of the celestial realm and angels.
You've never met him in person; the first conversation you had of him was when you stabbed yourself with the dagger instead of Lucifer. You saw the light and he spoke to you, surprised and shocked at the love you had for the demons. Even then you never really got to speak to him again, he was a mystery. You've sent a few letters and he's returned some and Simeon is a link between you two. But other than that? You didn't really have a relationship with him.
So why? Why would he send you a gift?
You looked inside to see a packet of apple pieces and herbs inside of a snack shaped teabag. You admired the unique shape and couldn't stop a small smile appearing. It was definitely cute! And you finally got to use the new kettle and cups barbatos got you.
You decided to text Simeon, telling him to thank Michael for your gift. He was surprised by this but agreed, happy you two were connecting.
Whilst your new tea brewed you were trying to figure out a way to repay his kindness. Sure it was simple small gift but he was reaching out - you were giddy! Hopeful this meant he was fully on board to the exchange program.
But you soon would regret drinking that tea. It was so sweet you couldn't stop drinking it; your lips only leaving the cup of a second of breath. It was addicting. The herb covered apples pieces gave it a nice slight bitterness. But it wasn't overbearing but didn't make it taste like sugar in your mouth.
As soon as the last gulp came down; something came up. You hunched over as your stomach churned, a disgusting taste forcing itself up your throat. Your vision growing blurry as you stumbled out of your seat, the light in your room feeling like knives to your eyes. You tried closing them but the effect didn't change. You were barely hunched over on your side releasing everything in your stomach. It stung your throat, your stomach feeling painfully empty.
There was this invisible feeling telling you to go to sleep. You wanted to obey but the light felt too painful. In your dazed state you shakily texted the groupchat a sloppy "help me ASAP, my room" before letting your body go limp, heaving as you just laid there, dragging a nearby jacket over your head and let your vision be consumed by the darkness.
He's heart broken
How did this happen? You were fine and now you're not moving
Your breathing was faint against his neck as he held you
He saw the parcel and connected the dots, Eden's tea
It was a death sentence for any human, a treat for demons and a punishment for angels
He's started a war once, he can do it again
Whilst he knew he couldn't enter the celestial realm he demanded that Michael show himself
When his demands went unanswered, he was ready to break all rules
"He's gone too far, I don't care for his reasons! I WILL DESTORY THE CELESTIAL REALM IF I HAVE TO! HE WILL ANSWER ME!"
when you received a cure all his angers washed away with relief
Happy to have you awake again even if it was for a few moments
All he can think about his how you looked like in the past; dying in his arms
He immediately went to blame belphie but almost tripped over the parcel
He's an idioit but he knew what this tea was
Becomes feral with rage and overly protective of your unconscious body
He's hunched over by your side at all times just growling at anyone who comes near you
He wanted to hurt Michael but he wanted to stay with you
He'd talk to you and tell you how he was going to get payback
"I should of known he'd do something-! I'll never forgive him- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!! I'M DOING THIS FOR THEM!"
As soon as you get the cure he's hugging you and telling you how much he missed you
When he found you, his heart dropped
It only got worse when he found the parcel and realized what Michael has done
he will remind the celestial realm why he is an admiral of hell's navy
He spends time by the sea communicating with any creature he can get; telling them if things go down he'll need them to flood the gates of heaven
When he isn't planning war he's with you, playing games, trying to ignore how dead you looked
He would remind you what buttons to push when your chatacter didn't move
He broke down sobbing when you woke up after getting a cure
He was convinced you were dead but here you were, alive and awake
He's a detective nerd so of course he scoped out the scene
When he found the parcel and Michaels name - oh boy
Never met the man and pities him for letting their first meeting be the angels demise
It wasn't long before he had to be detained
Screaming and tearing up anything he could, yelling at his brother's for falling
He blamed his brothers, he blamed Michael and he blamed himself
Hated being locked away from you, would course more of a fuss when he couldn't see you
He's only calmed down when you are given a cure and he's told you're alive
Is finally allowed to see you and he holds you tight
When he found you he was sobbing
It only grew worse when he found out what happened
In Denial
Not of Michael, he believed that but in denial you were dead or were dying
Kept insisting you were just tired and sleeping
Destroyed an entire room when one of them insisted you weren't sleeping
He'd help you get ready and pamper you, telling you it's okay and you can thank him when you feel better
Would be seen wiping your face often in hopes it'll get rid of that death like appearance you have
"They're fine but Michael won't be, when my precious darling wakes up I'll make sure they know I'll make everything better."
When you bad your cure he started crying and laughing, telling everyone he was right
Clinged to you and let you sleep
He found the parcel almost immediately
And went into a rage - we all know how his hunger tantrums are
Would've destroyed the whole house if he wasn't restrained
So much guilt, his shoulders are always sagging
Sits by your unconscious body so he feels like he's protecting you
Has tried kissing you awake
Hoping you'll wake up like a fairy tale Character and everything will be fine
"I'm going to kill Michael and I won't let any of you stop me....protect (Y/N) For me."
Was so happy and relieved when you got the cure, sticking to your side at all times even when you were awake
He was quick to help you into bed and on your side
When he found the parcel he was ready to murder
His rage towards Michael massively outweighed his hatred for humanity - even Lucifer!
Beel couldn't keep control of him mostnofnthe time unless he got forceful, belphegor stuck in a headlock screeching bloody murder
Stress sleeping
Like many of the brothers he develops two modes: calm or PLANNING MASS MURDER
Whenever he gets overwhelmed he just forces body to shut down and sleep besides you
"Michael will face me again, I won't let him kill anyone else that I love! He got Lilith killed and he can't do the same for (Y/N)!"
As soon as the cure was found he was by your side
Letting you rest and watched over you
Found out through the brothers
Sees this as an act of war against the peace he's working for
He was normally sweet and forgiving but it seemed Michael wanted to rip to his last nerve
Demanded for every reliable demon to search for a cure
Even had Solomon try to make one
"Barbatos, what is the possibility of Michael coming down to the devildom or the human realm? I want 'discuss' with him what his actions have caused."
As soon he he found out you were alive and safe
He didn't stop his plans but let himself have time with you
So much guilt
Like holy shit
Is just constantly questioning how he didn't prevent this
Asked permission from the lord to just change the timelines so this didn't happen but the brothers were against it
They demanded they didn't avoid this situation and let Michael face punishment
That he couldn't refuse, he was angered by the angel's actions
More than he would ever show
"humans are so fragile and their time is so limited - that's why I'm never going to let anyone cut theirs short again."
Was part of the cure search party, he led the group
Once you were cured he stayed with you
Acting as your butler and made to check each of your foods and drinks
It wasn't a wise decision to piss off a wizard with stupid amount of pacts
To think an angel would do such a thing
But whilst Everyone lost their temper and searched for a cure
He was wondering - why did it happen
He was ordered asked to make you a cure
He was able to do it but the real cure was also found - giving you extra cure wasn't going to harm you
But he did plan to harm Michael
"you'd think he was smarter than this, he didn't even hide he was the one who did it but all it does is make my job easier."
nursed you until you woke up
Making sure you had mini cures to completely magic it out of your system
When he found out he was stunned
Betrayal - that's all he felt
How could Michael do such a thing?
But he knew Michael was a cruel angel, many having to drink Eden's tea as punishment
It burned their insides and had any poor soul sobbing for mercy after a gulp
"Michael you fool, you can get away with things in your league but you've involved the three realms into this....I pray you do not make your demise harder for yourself."
Was apart of the cure search party
Soothed you when you finally woke up, telling you it'll be okay
Let you rest as much as you wanted
They tried to hide it from him but he kept demanding to see you
He wanted to know why everyone was acting strange
When he finally found out he was broken
His mentor
His idol
His everything
The person who always went for permission and knowledge
He thought so highly of him but he's hurt you
He's done more than that! He's tried to kill you!
He's been sobbing for days and locked himself away, he couldn't bare to see you after his once visit
He believed you were dead and they were just keeping your body
"Michael....why....why would you do this.... I thought you loved your brother's....I thought you were kind..!"
When he found out there was a cure he begged to help but they wouldn't let him
He only got to see you when you woke up and he was hugging you, crying
+ bonus Character↓
The angel knew they'd be upset
But 9 demons wanting his blood? One wizard ready to cause mayhem and even his own kind wanting his downfall?
That he didn't expect
In his blind jealousy he didn't expect they'd all care for you this much
Thinking apart of them would be relieved you weren't there
But no
"You were my brother's before you were their partner, I'm simply doing what is right! It was their time to meet him and finally stop controlling all of you! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME! I'M YOUR FAMILY! WHY ARE THEY MORE IMPORTANT?!"
He got his answer
His wings torn to shreds, chunks of flesh bitten off him and slashes all over his body
He was left in human world bleeding and barely recognisable
They didn't hold back
He dread to think what the rest of them would do when they find him
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fandomficsnstuff · 3 years
In Just A Second - 1
Legolas x Witch!Reader
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(Warnings: None I think, for now it follows the story pretty straight, no real fighting yet, but this will be a new series!:D Don't worry I'm working on the other ones tooXD)
You sat patiently between Frodo and Gandalf, currently conversing with Frodo, reassuring him that after this meeting, he’d go home again, see the green hills of the Shire again, “you could come too, you know, I think you’d really like it” you smiled at his sweet offer “tell you what, I’ll escort you back to The Shire after this, then you can show me all the comforts of your home” Frodo gave a sweet but nervous smile, you could sense how scared he was, and you didn’t say it, but you could sense that he already, unfortunately, had a tie to the ring, if he had put it on, you knew not.
You were one of the only ones to remain seated while everyone else argued, and when you finally noticed Frodo getting up, it was too late, your eyes widening at his words “I will take the Ring to Mordor! Although I do not know the way…” you sighed and got up, kneeling down in front of him, placing your hands on his shoulders as you faced him “my dear Frodo, you will not go on this quest alone, I promise you that” he gave you a weak smile, and you got up, keeping a reassuring hand on his shoulder as others joined in, letting out a small chuckle as the Hobbits stumbled forward and declared that they were now also coming along, something that greatly amused you and warmed your heart.
You, however, caught the eyes of a red haired man, Boromir, who sneered at you “she’s not coming along as well, is she?” you frowned “and why wouldn’t I? I may not have known Frodo long, but I already consider him a friend, a friend who I wish to help in any way possible” Boromir scoffed at your answer, and you could see Gandalf debating if he should speak up or not, but you choose to instead, letting go of your gentle grip of Frodo’s shoulder to step closer to the man “I am an immortal Istari witch, apprentice of Gandalf the Gray, Mithrandir, so yes, I am coming along” you turned around, going back to Frodo’s side and giving him a warm smile, unaware of the familiar blue eyes watching you closely, eyes you had seen sixty years ago nonetheless.
You were walking besides Merry and Pippin, laughing about their stories from the Shire, hearing of their pranks and small adventures. You felt eyes on you, but assumed it was Boromir glaring at you, unhappy with the fact that you were a woman, so you ignored it. “You’re staring, my friend” Legolas looked to Aragorn, the tip of his elven ears turning slightly pink as he looked to the ground as he walked “last I saw her, I remember thinking she was the most beautiful creature, a part of me thought I had died, or hit my head, that she wasn’t real” Aragorn smirked at Legolas, chuckling lightly “and now?” Legolas dared to look at you again before looking down “even more so” Aragorn smirked, letting out another tiny chuckle before leaving it at that, for now.
“My Lady, if I may,” you turned and saw Gimli, giving him a warm smile as you fell in his step, leaving Mary and Pippin, much to their dismay. “Yes, Gimli?” Gimli looked like he was struggling to say something, like he debated if he should say something or not, but finally settled on doing so “why are you on this quest, My Lady? It’s dangerous for a woman, perhaps-”
“Master Dwarf, I appreciate your concern, but I am quite capable of defending myself and my friends, Gandalf raised me, taught me all he knows and more, thank you for your worry, but I will be alright” you gave him another kind smile before speeding up, catching up with Mary and Pippin, who were overjoyed that you were back and willing to listen to their various pranks. As you were laughing at something Pippin said you looked behind you and caught the gaze of Legolas, your grin fading into a kind and warm small smile, Legolas forcing one in return, but it didn’t seem right, like he didn’t want to smile at you, so instead you looked ahead and continued talking with Merry and Pippin.
You sighed as you sat on a stone, closing your eyes, relaxing at your new camp, it wasn’t until you felt a presence near you that opened them, looking up and seeing none other than the blonde elf himself, you smiled at him “Prince Legolas, how long has it been?” he sat down beside you on the stone, looking over the landscape with a relaxed expression “sixty years, My Lady” you hummed low, nodding ever so slightly, not exactly knowing what else to say. “Seems like such a long time ago to me, ages. We were against each other last time” Legolas stated and you nodded in acknowledgement “yes, until Azog turned up. And I thought Elves just see time fly by, a lifetime gone in a second? And now, we are on the same side. I do hope you do not harbor any ill will against me?” Legolas looked at you confused “no, why would I? You saved my life, and perhaps, but for some reason, it felt like a lifetime to me” you shrugged “for some, that is not enough, but if it’s any comfort, it felt like a lifetime to me too” you simply said, Legolas giving you a gentle smile as you looked back over the landscape, he took the time to study you, taking in all of your beautiful features, everything from your (Y/S/C) skin to your (Y/H/C) hair and (Y/E/C) eyes, the shape of your nose, how your lips looked from this angle, you were more stunning than he remembered. “You are staring, Prince Legolas” you turned and saw a very embarrassed Legolas, mouth opening and closing in an attempt to form words, an attempt that did not succeed, which made you chuckle “do not worry, Legolas, as long as it has no harmful intent, I do not mind someone like you watching me” your words made his face turn bright red, as well as the tips of your own ears.
You and Legolas sat for a while, sometimes in silence, sometimes just talking, you enjoyed it, you enjoyed his presence, the company, even the small glances he gave you every now and then. It took all of your willpower to not glance at him back, you wanted to, that was not the problem, the problem was that last time you met him, he was a tad too arrogant, he was more cold, and, as you had heard and witnessed, he had eyes for a beautiful Ellith, named Tauriel, and you knew that Elves only loved once in their long, long lives, so you saw no point in giving in to your own desires. Too lost in thought, you barely heard Gandalf yell at you to take cover, it was only when Legolas practically tackled you and rolled under a bush with you that you were brought back to reality, your heart beating at an incredible speed as you watched Saruman’s spies through the branches on the bush, Legolas laying behind you with yours and his own weapons, you could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and you did everything to not let your eyes roll to the back of your head, feeling him behind you brought a certain warmth to places where it shouldn’t go, at least in your opinion.
You frowned as you crawled out from your hiding spot, turning to see Gandalf with a concerned look, but all it took was one nod from your side and he relaxed, or well, at least when it came to your well being. You turned to Legolas and sighed “thank you, Legolas” he nodded “returning the favour?” you laughed lightly, taking your weapons from him as he gave them to you, strapping them on “you have nothing to repay, my friend” you smiled at him before joining Gandalf, ensuring that the Hobbits were okay. Aragorn approached Legolas, smiling “my friend, well done, saving her from being spotted by those spies” Aragorn put his hand playfully on Legolas’ shoulder, seeing him scoff, half annoyed and half amused at Aragorn’s discreet teasing.
You were helping Merry and Pippin fighting through the snow, your eyes occasionally flickering to Legolas, who simply walked on top of the snow, unbothered by the cold, “damn Elf, their light feet, damn them” you mumbled as you helped Merry go forward as he got a bit stuck, “damn him and his light Elvish feet, could certainly borrow them right about now” you mumbled on, cringing as you felt another wind blow against you, seeping into your bones, but that wasn’t what made you shiver, what made you shiver was the foul, maddening voice in the air, a voice you recognized, having met Saruman. “Gandalf!” you screamed as ice fell on top of you, rocks tumbling towards you as lighting struck the mountain, seeing the grey, or well, now white, figure being buried in snow shortly before you. Once you managed to claw your way up, helping Merry and Pippin too, you scanned the area as much as possible, seeing his hat pop back up, letting out a sigh of relief at the sight. “We cannot stay here, let us make for the pass of Rohan!” Borormir shouted through the snow storm “no! It will take us too close to Isengard!” you shouted back, watching Gandalf dig his way through the snow to fight Saruman’s chanting. You quickly fought your way up over the snow as well, hearing Gandalf already chanting, and once you made it somewhat out of the snow you began as well, your eyes turning bright white, almost shining, as you chanted, but it wasn’t enough, neither you nor Gandalf was at your best, you were cold, tired, hungry and worn out, while Saruman was probably warm, well rested, full and awake.
Eventually, you made your way for the mines of Moria, a place you knew Gandalf disliked greatly, though you had never been there yourself. You grimaced as you looked over the dark pond, it seemed almost black, tar like in nature, but it was just water. You flinched as you felt a hand on your elbow, turning and seeing Legolas, giving him a warm smile “sorry, the cold is still in my bones, I’m afraid, makes me more on edge” Legolas gave a quick nod in understanding. You kept hearing Gandalf try different passwords, eventually growing tired and sitting down to think it over, “how is uh… Tauriel…?” you cleared your throat and asked, your eyes on the pebbles under your feet instead of the elf next to you “Tauriel? She’s… good, last I heard, Captain of the Guard now, I believe” you hummed in acknowledgement “let’s hope this quest isn’t too long, you can then go back to her all the quicker” you offered him a genuine smile, but were only met with confusion “why would I go back to her?” you shrugged and looked down again, biting your lower lip nervously “I-I… your father said you… and I just assumed that-... I know Elves only love once in their entire life, so I just-... I can’t begin to imagine the grief she must feel, being away from you, as you must feel now, being away from her” you finally met his eyes, but all you saw were a frown and more confusion “Tauriel and I-”
“It’s a riddle!” you turned to see Frodo, walking over to him “speak ‘friend’, and enter! Gandalf, what’s the Elvish word for ‘friend’?” he turned to Gandalf, who looked to him “‘Mellon’” the doors opened and you chuckled amazed, looking down at Frodo “well done, Master Baggins, what a clever mind you have!” you leaned down and pecked his cheek before moving to go inside, ahead of Frodo, though you turned around hearing a scream, seeing Frodo being lifted up by a monster, your eyes widening as you got out your weapons “FRODO!” you instantly ran into the water, hacking at the beast to get it to release the Hobbit, with the help of the Fellowship it eventually dropped him, and you were one of the first to practically carry him out of the water, running towards the mine, only to be trapped in it.
You cringed as the light from Gandalf’s staff blinded you, but only for a second, you, with the help of the new light, got out a tiny firebug-like thing, it was about the size of your palm, it was shaped like a firebug but was made from some form of crystal, like the stone in Gandalf’s staff, though all you had to do was gently blow on it and it lit up, it’s wings began to flap and it lifted itself into the air, just like a firebug, staying in the air above your head. Gandalf smiled at you and you smiled back, he was the one who taught you the trick, you just managed to choose to add the trick to make it fly too, instead of just lighting up. You turned and saw the Hobbits staring at it in awe, it had a slightly different gleam to it, Gandalf’s was pure white with nothing else, yours was more warm, like a candle, but still held the same white light, you giggled at their reaction, ruffling Frodo’s hair gently, making him smile awkwardly.
You were cleaning your weapons while Gandalf was thinking which tunnel to take, but you felt a presence next to you, one you recognized, so you simply smiled while focusing on your weapons, knowing who it was “Legolas, sit” you offered, not taking your attention away from your weapons, hearing him sit beside you “(Y/N)... I-... Tauriel and I are not together in any way” you frowned and looked at him, your cheeks burning with embarrassment “I-I’’m sorry I-... I just assumed, given-... I’m sorry, forgive me” your gaze went back to your weapons, desperately trying to forget everything right now, “I thought I loved her, for a long time, but… I now realize that I loved the idea of her, not her. She’s a great warrior, a great friend, but I do not love her, nor have I ever.”
You frowned even more at his words, still not looking at him out of embarrassment “I see, please, forgive me for assuming so earlier I-” you heard Legolas scoff lightly, cutting you off “there is nothing to forgive, you didn’t insult me” at his words you nodded and finally met his gaze, seeing nothing but warmth and understanding in his eyes, which made a small smile form on your lips, you were, however, cut off by Gandalf realizing which way to go, talking about following his nose, which made you giggle, you remembered him saying something like that to you once. You gave Legolas a warm smile as you got up, your little firebug still hovering over your shoulder as you sheathed your weapons and followed Gandalf.
Your eyes widened as you saw the vastness of the mines of Moria, how high up to the ceiling there were, the columns, the design, everything amazed you “Valar…” you mumbled, going over to a pillar and letting your hand fall over the curves and designs, a small amazed smile on your lips, though it was cut short hearing Gimli yell and run into a chamber, and as you followed your eyes widened at the grave in front of you, the one Gimli was sobbing in front of. As Gandalf read the words on it aloud, your eyes watered, you had traveled with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield for a long time, you were there when Gandalf met with Thorin at the Prancing Pony and gave him the key to the secret door. You traveled with Bilbo, you followed them out of Rivendell, you fought your way out of Goblin Town, you were there in lake town, you remember drinking and having fun before leaving the next morning for the mountain, you remember how sick Kili looked but that he reassured you that he would join you soon, urging you on, urging you to see the halls of Erebor. You traveled up the secret staircase, you volunteered to go into the mountain with Bilbo, though he declined, going in alone, you helped fight Smaug, you were there with Balin when Thorin had Dragon Sickness, comforting him, and now, here he lay, in a tomb.
You gently let your hand touch the grave, unaware of Gimli staring at you confused, tears spilling from his own eyes, watching you cry over someone he didn’t know you knew. “I said we’d meet again but-... not in this way, my friend, not in this way…” you wiped your eyes, letting your hand rest over the words on his tomb for a little longer before drawing your hand away, turning to see Gimli stare at you confused, you cleared your throat before sighing “I uh… I was with the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, I-... I grew close with Balin on that quest” Gimli’s eyes grew even larger “you’re… my father, Gloin… he told me of a sorceress that helped take back Erebor, told me stories when I grew up” you smiled sadly “I am pleased to hear I made an impression on the rest of the company” you smiled sadly at Gimli, receiving one in return, but it was cut short as you heard a loud noise of something falling, turning to see Pippin with a shocked and embarrassed look on his face, cringing as the rest of a dead body, and a bucket, fell down the well, your eyes widening as you waited for any other sound, hearing Gandalf scold Pippin, but nothing else, you almost breathed a sigh of relief when you heard it, drums in the deep, thunder in the dark, they were coming.
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tiramisiyu · 3 years
【未定事件簿】 Tears of Themis: Main Story 7-35 Translation
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Translation Masterlist | Video
Chapter 7 – Rains of Monte Cristo: 7-1 / 7-3 / 7-5 / 7-7 / 7-9 / 7-11 / 7-13 / 7-15 / 7-17 / 7-19  ♦️ ♦️  7-20 / 7-22 / 7-24 / 7-26 / 7-28 / 7-30 / 7-32 / 7-34 / 7-35
Content Warning: This section contains topics that may be uncomfortable to some readers (mentions of abuse). Please proceed with discretion.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
Court Hallway
After the trial ended, I did not leave immediately. Rather, I waited in the hallway for Hang Jiahe. 
Soon, she walked over, guarded by two bailiffs.
MC: Miss Hang.
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Hang Jiahe: What are you doing here? Are you going to laugh at me?
Hang Jiahe: Are you happy to have beat me?
MC: You’ve misunderstood. I came to tell you something.
Hang Jiahe: What?
MC: Actually… this examination report…
I took out that last examination report again.
MC: Due to time and technical limits, we currently do not have the identification results.
MC: When I showed it in court, I just wanted to add psychological pressure onto you.
Hang Jiahe: …
Hang Jiahe froze for a few seconds, but she then responded quickly.
Hang Jiahe: You tricked me… you tricked me… hahahahahahaha!
She suddenly burst into sharp laughter.
Hang Jiahe: I didn’t lose… I didn’t lose…
Hang Jiahe: I still got my revenge!
MC: …
MC: Miss Hang, can I ask you something?
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Hang Jiahe: What do you want to say?
MC: You said in court that Qi Yu tried to hold Hang Fei back “that night”.
MC: But you still murdered her out of hate for her bystander position, correct?
Hang Jiahe: Yes, I hated her for being a coward, hated her for being too scared to resist Hang Fei, hated her for looking on for so many years without lifting a finger!
Hang Jiahe: She knew during those years what Hang Fei was doing to me, so why didn’t she save me?
MC: …
Hang Jiahe: Then… did you know that Hang Fei had also been abusing Qi Yu during those years?
Hang Jiahe: I did. How could she not have been beaten, with how cowardly she was?
MC: Then do you know why she was beaten?
Hang Jiahe: Why?
MC: …
I took out my phone and opened a video featuring Qi Yu’s abuse. That small woman was lying weakly on the floor, passively enduring the man’s punches and kicks. But she kept mumbling something –
“Don’t hurt Jiahe… and those children… stop it…”
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Hang Jiahe: What…
MC: Miss Hang, did Qi Yu never do anything during all those times you were abused?
MC: Are you sure that every time, she chose to be a bystander, rather than being forced into her position?
MC: Did you know that Qi Yu said those words in each of the videos she was beaten in?
Hang Jiahe: I…
Hang Jiahe froze for a second, but then she immediately reacted.
Hang Jiahe: So what, then? What do you want to say?
Hang Jiahe: That I misunderstood her? That I shouldn’t have killed her? Then does all the pain I suffered for so many years even matter?
Hang Jiahe: You want me to absolve her? To forgive her?
MC: You’ve misunderstood. That’s not what I mean.
MC: I am not you. I have not endured your suffering, so I cannot request for you to forgive anyone.
MC: I haven’t seen what happened during those years, so I cannot judge whether Qi Yu was actively or passively making her decisions.
MC: And I definitely can’t carelessly determine whether she sinned or not.
I stopped for a moment and looked at Hang Jiahe’s gloves. 
In her mind, she probably was the Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond Dantès – someone who had been wronged and could only get revenge for herself. She believed herself as intelligent and as lucky as Edmond, that she would ultimately be the winner. But…
MC: But even Edmond would figure out the situation before his revenge and repay his benefactors.
MC: I’m telling you this, only because I hope you’ll understand what sorts of people you sent away.
MC: I hope you understand that there have been people who intended to treat you kindly.
Hang Jiahe: …
MC: Also, Miss Hang, I can guess why you were not willing to ask for help from the police.
MC: In that sort of situation, you may have thought that you couldn’t rely on the outside world to go against them.
MC: But even so, me, Captain Morgan, and many, many people still have to do something.
I flipped further into the examination report.
MC: Even if Hang Fei is gone, the things he’s done will not disappear with him.
MC: This is the report we’ve created. Captain Morgan’s already sent it to upper management and applied for international cooperation.
MC: Miss Hang, we will bring you the justice you deserve for the pain you’ve experienced.
MC: As for the last few people, I promise that they will receive the punishment they deserve.
MC: So, for the rest of your life, please don’t live in hate.
MC: You’ve already stayed in the darkness for long enough. Please try to take a step forward.
MC: Doesn’t it say that in your beloved “The Count of Monte Cristo”?
MC: “He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.”
MC: Miss Hang, if possible, please try it.
MC: Perhaps the light you’ve always been searching for isn’t too far away.
Hang Jiahe: …
Hang Jiahe: Ha… ha… hahahahaha!
Hang Jiahe broke into sudden, sharp laughter. It sounded like a heartrending sob was woven in it, as it resounded in the empty hallway, melting into the rain.
Amid the grey deluge of rain, specks of light leaked through. Maybe the downpour would finally end this time.
Not long after, Simon’s homicide case opened trial, and Wang Chunchong was deemed the murderer. Xingrui Estates declared that they would be depriving Xu Yin of her position and removing her from the family. Only Tyson received the weakest blow, as the evidence for instigation of murder was insufficient. However, lots of people online were saying that they hoped he would “succumb to the demon of illness as soon as possible”.  
Thus, the homicide case of the couple in Yaofu Community came to an end.
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
NXX Base
After the Hang Jiahe case concluded, the NXX investigation team met up at the base again for discussion.
MC: That’s how the Hang Jiahe case went.
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Marius: Thanks for your hard work!
Artem: Thanks for your hard work. You did excellently.
Luke and Vyn nodded at me.
MC: Thanks, everyone.
MC: Enough about me – how’s everyone else’s investigation?
Artem: I’ve already updated Tyson’s case file. I haven’t found any new clues for now.
Marius: I followed what Wang Chunchong said and investigated that guy named Xiao Ren, but…
Marius: I haven’t found anything for now.
Luke: You also found out about Xiao Ren?
Marius: Huh?
Vyn: What a coincidence. I, too, found out about him.
MC: !!!
Luke: Marius, what information do you have on Xiao Ren right now?
Marius: Mainly what Wang Chunchong told me before.
Marius sighed.
Marius: According to Wang Chunchong, Xiao Ren is linked to Heirson’s raw materials purchases.
Marius: Tyson held Xiao Ren to very high regard, and keeps his occupational information on severe confidential status.
Marius: All in all, this person seems pretty mysterious.
Marius: What about you, Luke? What did you find?
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Luke: The aunties in the group told me that Zhao Fei kept looking for someone called “Xiao Ren”.
Luke: I suspect that Tyson brought up this person in the recording that he sent him.
Marius: That’s possible. Wang Chunchong also heard Tyson bring up Xiao Ren, so there should be some sort of link between them.
Artem: Luke, that’s not all the information that the assistive team provided you, is it?
Luke: Yep, that’s not all.
Luke: First, the workers in Heirson where the abnormalities appeared were mostly on the production front lines, so what they touch the most are the products.
Vyn: They probably mixed in their developed illegal drugs into the products, resulting in infection.
Luke: That’s right.
Luke: Secondly, about Zhao Fei…
Luke ripped out a page from his notebook and placed it on the table.
Artem: These names are…
Luke: When I was questioning these ten people about Zhao Fei, their reactions were a bit abnormal. I suspect that…
Luke: They’re the ones hiding Zhao Fei.
MC: What about you, then, Dr. Richter? You just said that you also found out about Xiao Ren.
Vyn: I spoke with half of the 20 special respondents and noticed that it was the same doctor in charge of their examinations.
Vyn: And that person is named “Xiao Ren”.
Vyn: So I suspect that this person knows many secrets regarding Heirson’s experimental data.
MC: If so, this Xiao Ren person knows about where raw materials come from and can deal with the experimental data…
MC: If we can find him, we might be able to patch up the missing part in our evidence chain against Heirson.
Marius: So this Xiao Ren is going to be our investigative focal point from now on?
Luke: Leave it to me, then. I’m the best when it comes to finding people.
Artem: Then leave Zhao Fei to me. I just happen to have something I want to confirm with him.
Vyn: I have only met with the special patients. I will continue to meet with the remaining bunch.
Vyn: Marius, what are your plans?
Marius: Me? I plan to go see Hang Jiahe.
Marius: She wanted to find reporters in the past to drop major news about Heirson, and she’s now in jail…
Marius: We should find out what this news is.
MC: Oh yeah, I’d forgotten about that!
Marius: So, jiejie, want to come with me to see Hang Jiahe? After all, only the two of us know her the best.
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MC: Uh…
I suddenly had a bad feeling.
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Luke: Marius, do you really need someone to accompany you just to go see someone?
Marius: I’m not going to see a typical person, am I? I’m going to see someone who might give us an important clue.
Marius: It makes sense to be a little more cautious and bring someone else.
Luke: Then just bring your assistant. If anything else, then bring some recording equipment.
Luke: Convenient, and it can record in real time.
MC: …
Right after, Artem spoke.
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Artem: Zhao Fei’s case was ours to begin with, and now that we have clues…
Artem: MC, let’s finish it off, alright?
MC: Lawyer Wing…
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Vyn: I may be overstepping, but…
Vyn stepped in just before Artem could speak again.
Vyn: May I trouble you to go with me next?
Vyn: There’s a special patient that I need your assistance with.
Faced with their “eager” eyes, I was very sure that –
The investigation team seriously needs to recruit a new member!
✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼ CHAPTER 7 END  ✼ ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ✼
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askcarlislecullen · 4 years
What do you love most about each of your children?
This is an utterly impossible question to answer. My answer today might be different than the one I would have tomorrow, and I worry about making such statements in a place they are so permanent. I’ll take a stab at “today’s” answer, if the readers of the blog will permit that these are far from the only qualities I love, and the qualities I love “most” might change before this appears.
 In order of my children’s order in our family:
Edward: His unwavering pursuit of perfection. This is also one of his worst qualities--it makes him recalcitrant and impatient with people’s very real faults. But at the root, he is an optimist who wants the best for the world and the people he loves most. That is nothing but admirable. 
Rosalie: Her tenacity. She holds everyone to account for what they owe her, and is not willing to back down until she gets what she knows she deserves. Over the last nearly 100 years, she has shown me what it means to be clear about what an individual is worth. I lose sight of this often both in terms of myself and in terms of my family members and I am grateful for my daughter’s ability to set all of us straight. 
Emmett: His joy. I entered this life unwillingly and in a moment which was deeply traumatic. Emmett is not a man who is without his burdens, but ultimately, he is my son who most reminds me of the ways that this life, and any life, is worth living. He never lets me, or any of his family, wallow too long. 
Alice: Her confidence. I don’t doubt that this was the human manifestation of her gift. She is assured of what is next to come--now, because of her supernatural gift, but I suspect that before that, it was because she rested her trust in those around her. I am a man who doubts even the smallest decision, and her quiet, consistent confidence that the world will turn out as she sees that it will challenges me.
Jasper: His ability to listen. Jasper is second only to Esme in people I am willing to confide in. I open up easily to Edward, both mentally and verbally, but as the years have worn on, I have realized the danger of letting Edward in on feelings he might not interpret well. Jasper is gifted, yes, in a vampiric sense, but he also is simply someone who is able to interpret emotion well. I am not always good at this--I tend toward advice giving, assuming superiority of experience.  Jasper has the ability to just take information in, ruminate on it, and then offer his perspective. I find that difficult, and am grateful to have a son for whom it comes easily. 
Isabella: Her steadfastness and love. Bella reminds me that this life is one worth choosing, which, as someone who did not choose it, is a gift that feels like a new gift every day that she re-gifts it anew. She saw Edward, and all of us, as worthy. As people. As beings with soul. She loves easily, fully, and openly; she does not harbor ill-will or hold grudges. I can never repay her unwavering trust in me; I just try to live up to it. 
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reinerispretty · 4 years
reminiscence. (? x f!reader) pt6
THANK U FOR BEING SO PATIENT i am so excited to get back to this story!!
“That’s not how you do it.”
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort.
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.”
It took (Y/N) quite a few days to recover. She shivered in bed the first night, retching violently into the trash bin Jinora had kindly placed at her bedside. She had given her a worried smile, which (Y/N) weakly returned. Falling asleep was difficult because of how cold she felt. When sleep finally did grace her, it was littered with dreams of empty blackness and monsters licking at her heels. She woke up every few hours, sweat beading down her neck and a scream threatening to rip at her throat. She felt like her heart was beating too fast to be contained by her chest. Her first night of illness was undoubtedly the worst. 
Knowing this, Korra had moved a cot into her room the next night. She knew what it was like to be ill and how isolating it felt, so she thought (Y/N) could use the company. Especially when her fever had risen to a temperature near scalding. Korra bundled her in her warmest blankets from the Northern Water Tribe, tucking (Y/N) into the fabric. She looked so small and weak, nothing like the bright, curious girl that Korra had come to know over the past few days. Naga slept protectively at the girls’ feet. (Y/N) slept most of the night and well into the next day. 
But when she awoke, the rest of the household was surprised to find her walking into the dining room, one of Korra’s blankets still wrapped around her shoulders and the color returning to her skin. “Could I have something to eat?” Her voice was hoarse from lack of use. Pema insisted that she go back to bed and rest, that dinner would be brought to her, and although she hadn’t known her very long, (Y/N) knew better than to argue. 
Quickly, she made her way back to her room and crawled back into bed, her stomach eagerly awaiting the arrival of food. 
Korra entered a few minutes later, shocked to find (Y/N) looking so chipper. “Someone’s feeling better. Pema made your favorite.” (Y/N) cocked her head to the side. “Bolin told me. Soup dumplings.” (Y/N) held in her squeal of excitement as Korra handed her the hot bowl and chopsticks. 
“So,” Korra began as she scarfed down her dumplings. “I have a plan. We,” (Y/N) liked how Korra included her in the ‘we.’ “Will take a ship to the South Pole and enter the Spirit World through the portal. Then we’ll ask the spirits if they know anything about you.” 
(Y/N) finished her last dumpling, her mouth burning comfortably from the hot food. “Is that it?” Korra let out a surprised laughed at her boldness. 
“Did you want more action?” (Y/N’s) face flushed. 
“No, I just mean that it seems really easy.” 
“If all goes well, it will be.”
(Y/N) was bundled up so tightly for their trip that she could hardly move. Pema hadn’t like the idea of them leaving before she was feeling her best, but (Y/N) insisted that they left as soon as possible. The thought of getting her memories back made her heart race. 
She stood in the courtyard of the Air Temple, Tenzin and his family standing before her. “I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,” She said. “I hope one day I can repay you for taking care of me.” 
“You have to come back and play with us!” Ikki begged, jumping up and down as she clapped her hands together. “Please, please, please!” 
“Yeah!” Meelo interjected. “You were too busy throwing up to play with us!” (Y/N) laughed as Tenzin blanched at his children. 
“I’m sorry, Meelo. I promise I’ll come back and play with you guys soon!” She glanced at Tenzin and Pema. “As long as I’m welcome, of course.” 
“You are always welcome here,” Tenzin reassured her, and (Y/N) smiled. Korra walked out of the house then, both her and (Y/N’s) bags slung across her shoulders. 
“Ready to go?” Korra questioned, and (Y/N) nodded. She waved goodbye to the family and walked down the stone steps to the dock, where their ship was pulling up. (Y/N’s) eyes widened at the sight of it. “Ship” was an understatement. It was huge, twice the size of any boat she had seen in her almost three weeks of memory. It was white, with thick blue stripes painted around the edges. 
“Is that yours?” She asked Korra. 
“It’s Varrick’s,” She called back to her. “He’s a super rich guy. Kinda sorta a friend of ours, a guess. I called in a favor.” 
“You’re sure he doesn’t mind?” 
Korra turned around and flashed her a smile. “Varrick tosses money around like it’s leaves. If anything happens to this boat, he’s got ten more.” (Y/N) smiled back at Korra and tried to ignore the statement, “If anything happens.” 
When they reached the dock, one of the most beautiful girls (Y/N) had ever seen stood at it’s edge. She waved at the two of them, her dark hair fluttering behind her in the breeze. Korra dropped their bags on the dock and enveloped the girl in a hug. “Asami!” She cheered. 
Asami squeezed Korra tightly and gave her a kind smile. “It’s good to see you again!” Her green eyes fluttered to (Y/N). “You must be (Y/N). Korra’s told me so much about you.” She extended her hand and (Y/N) shook it firmly. 
“I guess that’s not very much,” (Y/N) joked, eliciting a laugh from Asami. 
“Where are the guys?” Asami asked, and Korra shrugged. 
“Probably running late, as usual.” 
“I want to say thank you to you both,” (Y/N) said suddenly, wringing her fingers together nervously. “I’m sure you both have heard some pretty bad things about me, but I’m so thankful you’re willing to help.” 
“Mako has a bit of a flair for the dramatics,” Asami said as she waved a hand into the air. “As far as we’re concerned, you’re a completely different person.” Korra nodded in agreement, flashing her white teeth at (Y/N). 
Mako and Bolin joined them only a few moments later and the five of them boarded the massive ship. Varrick had sent along an entire crew to accompany them, which everyone was very thankful for. As much as Team Avatar trusted their abilities, none of them were very keen on the idea of steering a ship for a whole week. 
They departed from the bay outside of Republic City and (Y/N) watched from one of the enclosed decks as the skyscraper buildings faded into nothingness. A nervous pit fit itself in the bottom of her stomach. This was really happening. She would get her memories back. 
The majority of her was absolutely ecstatic. She hated not knowing anything about herself and couldn’t wait for her life to get back to normal--whatever that meant before she lost her memory. But a small, miniscule part of her enjoyed what was happening right now. If it hadn’t been for losing her memory, she would not have become friends with Korra. (Y/N) feared that once she got her memories back, there would be some things she didn’t want to remember. 
Asami appeared at her side, offering (Y/N) yet another kind smile. “How do you like the ship?” 
“It’s huge,” (Y/N) said. “I can barely feel the water underneath us. I was worried that since I was sick, I wouldn’t feel well, but I feel fine.” 
“Korra mentioned that you hadn’t been feeling well. I’m glad you’re okay now.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes trailed to the middle of the room, where Korra, Mako, and Bolin talked to each other. “Have you known them long?” 
“Only a few months,” Asami said. “But they’ve become my best friends.” (Y/N) felt a tug at her heart. She wondered if before everything, if she had had a group like this. “Are you feeling hungry?” 
“A little,” (Y/N) admitted. 
“How about we make something in the kitchens? Just you and me.” (Y/N) nodded excitedly and followed Asami down two flights of stairs, where the kitchen took up the entire floor. The staff was scarce, considering that dinner would not be happening for a long while, so they both rifled through the pantries trying to find ingredients. “We could make a pizza!” 
(Y/N) poked her head around the pantry door and stared quizzically at Asami. “Do you know how to make a pizza?” The dark haired girl shrugged, gathering ingredients into her arms. 
“It can’t be that hard.” 
It turned out it was that hard, but they had found a cookbook with their desired recipe and managed to at least get the dough started. Asami slapped it against the counter as (Y/N) giggled. “That’s not how you do it.” 
Asami furrowed her brows at her. “Oh yeah? Then show me how you knead dough.” (Y/N) rolled up her sleeves and began pressing into the dough with the heel of her palm, at first gently, but then with some effort. 
“It’s like raising a baby,” (Y/N) said. “You have to be soft, but firm.” Asami laughed at her comparison. 
“How do you know so much about making dough?” (Y/N) paused for a moment before turning back to her work, kneading into the dough harder. 
“I’m not sure,” She admitted. “I guess there are some things left in there.” 
Bolin stood in the entryway to the kitchens, not yet noticed by the two girls. He watched as (Y/N) taught Asami how to make pizza dough. It brought him back to a memory he reflected on often during the years of her absence. 
Years ago, after (Y/N) and Bolin had taken each other out on many dates, there was the night that he decided to ask her to be his girlfriend. He was incredibly nervous, his palms were a sweaty, clammy mess, but (Y/N) had stared at him kindly. 
“I want to show you something,” She said as they walked down the streets of Republic City, their hands intertwined. If she noticed how slippery his hands were, she didn’t acknowledge it. Like he did in all things, Bolin followed (Y/N) with no questions asked. 
She led him to Kwong’s Cuisine, which had closed for the night hours ago. She pulled a silver key from her pocket and led him to the backdoor. She unlocked the heavy metal door and pushed it open with her shoulder, her fingers still interlocked with Bolin’s. 
“Are you sure we should be in here?” He asked the darkness. (Y/N) flipped a switch and bright, white lights illuminated the silver fixtures of the kitchens. 
“I’m the owner’s daughter,” (Y/N) said with a teasing scoff. “What are they going to do, fire me?” She pulled open the fridges and began gathering her ingredients. Bolin had never seen her move like this before. (Y/N) always seemed so confident, but here, she seemed liked she owned the place. He guessed in a way, she did. “I’d like to make you brownies,” She said to him, pulling out a metal stool with her foot and gesturing toward it. “Sit.” 
Bolin obeyed and watched with fascinated eyes as she mixed the batter together from scratch. “Are you doing this all off the top of your head?” He asked. She nodded. 
“Mom always made me cook when I still lived with her,” She said, offering him the spoon so he could get a taste of the batter. He took his finger and swiped it into the chocolatey mixture before licking it. 
“These are going to be the best brownies I’ve ever had! You should be a chef!” (Y/N) laughed. 
“Maybe one day,” She said. She put the brownies in the oven and set the timer. As they waited, they talked about their days and the events of Bolin’s latest pro-bending match. When the timer buzzed, (Y/N) hopped up from her seat and pulled the brownies out. 
“I’m too excited to wait,” Bolin said, grabbing a knife and slicing into the gooey brownies. 
“Bo, be careful you’re gonna-” 
“Ow, ow, ow,” Bolin complained as he held the scorching hot brownie, but he tossed it into his mouth. He tried his best to chew. “It burns but it’s so yummy,” He mumbled as he tried to breathe hot air out of his mouth. 
“Your girlfriend makes pretty good brownies, huh?” She asked, and Bolin nearly choked on his hot piece of brownie. He doubled over as he coughed and tried to swallow it down. “Oh my goodness, are you okay?” 
“Girlfriend?” Bolin asked once he had righted himself. (Y/N’s) face flushed. Had she calculated everything wrong?
“Yeah, girlfriend. I thought that girlfriend is okay.” Bolin nodded, his hands wrapping around the small of her back to pull her close. 
“Girlfriend’s okay!” He said. “As long as boyfriend’s okay, too.” (Y/N) smiled brightly up at him. 
“Boyfriend’s okay,” She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Bolin leaned down to kiss her and she could taste the hot brownies on his tongue. 
“Bolin!” Asami called to him, breaking his flashback. “You want a piece of pizza? I think (Y/N) should be a chef, because it’s amazing!” 
Bolin stepped into the room, giving (Y/N) a tight smile. She smiled back at him as she chewed on her piece of pizza. “What kind is it?” 
“Pineapple and pepperoni,” She said, and Bolin twisted his face in disgust. “No, no! You have to give it a chance first, please?” He conceded and took a bite of pizza. It did taste amazing. 
“Not bad,” He said with a teasing smile, and both Asami and (Y/N) rolled their eyes. 
Once the three had finished devouring the pizza, (Y/N) moved to leave the room with Asami, but Bolin called out her name. She turned to him, her eyes staring up at his quizzically. “I just wanted to say,” He cleared his throat. “That, even though I know that you know that things didn’t necessarily end well for us, I don’t, uh, have hard feelings.” He could feel his face redden. “It was a long time ago, and I know I can’t tell you anything yet, but I’m sure you had a reason for doing certain things, so I don’t blame you.” 
(Y/N’s) eyes shined so brightly in the kitchen light that Bolin was sure tears would spill over any moment. “Thank you,” She said quietly, an uncertain smile making its way across her features. “I, um, want to apologize for whatever it was I did. You seem very kind and great and whatever happened between us, I’m certain you didn’t deserve it.” Bolin nodded, his own eyes prickling at the backs. “Could we start over? Just be friends?” 
Bolin nodded perhaps a bit too eagerly. “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
(Y/N) smiled up at Bolin and felt that maybe she had been wrong. Maybe things would be okay. 
When she left the kitchens, she wondered if everyone had been planning to gather down there, because she ran into Mako as she was walking away. “Sorry,” She said, refusing to meet his eyes. She would never admit it, but Mako intimidated her. His dislike for her was always apparent and (Y/N) hated it. 
“Bolin told me what he said to you,” Mako said as she began to walk past. She turned back to look at him. 
“He’s forgiving, but I’m not. What you did, it was cruel. You were cruel.” 
“As if you don’t spend every waking moment reminding me,” (Y/N) said with a sigh. Mako narrowed his eyes at her. 
“If you do anything--” 
“You’ll do what, Mako?” She snapped. She had enough of him thinking that he could talk to her whatever way he pleased. “Hurt me?” 
He blinked in surprise, as if the suggestion was ridiculous. “Just stay away from him, alright?” 
“How about you stay away from me? The ship’s big enough.” With that, she stormed up the stairs and joined the rest of her friends. (Y/N) hated Mako. Absolutely hated him. The flush of her cheeks and her racing heart proved that.
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turtlycute · 4 years
do you have an anime watch list for beginners like the best animes of all time
Hello Nonny, thank you so much for your question. This is going to be a long post so get comfortable.
Like any anime lover, I have my own ideas of what some of the best animes for beginners might be. Unfortunatly, a lot of the "best of all time" type anime is not really the best for newer viewers. Like for so many others, my first animes were epic series like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sailor Moon and Inuyasha. These all hold special places in my heart and are all fun nostalgic or first watches.
The anime genres I tend to gravitate towards now are slice of life, comedy, drama, romance and shoujo with some sports, supernatural and mystery animes thrown in. So, keep that in mind as you read this list. If those are not your kinda things, then this is not the list for you. A lot of shows on this list are classics or highly popular in these genres. I've also choosen anime that comes in both English sub and dubbed versions because, for beginners, dubbed is sometimes easier to follow and enjoy. Subbed or dubbed, there is no judgment here as long as you are enjoying what you watch. Finally, I tried to stick to anime with mostly 1-3 seasons only. There is nothing wrong with the more epic long running series and many of these fall under "the best of all time" heading but seeing that an anime has 100+ episodes can be kinda daunting for a novice viewer. Now to the list...
First of all, if you are just wanting to try anime but, not wanting to commit to a whole series, I would recommend starting with a movie or two. Some classic films I would recommend would be Totoro, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle from Studio Ghibli. Some more contemporary films like, Your Name, Weathering With You, A Silent Voice and Wolf Children, would also be great anime starting points. These films are staples for any anime collection.
Now, as for anime series, here is just a list of 10 that I think quality animes and would be great beginner watches.
Ouran High School Host Club:
Haruhi Fujioka is a scholarship student at the elite Ouran High School. One day, Haruhi becomes accidentally indebted to the school host club. Now she must work off her debt by playing the role of a male host to the female student clientele. Hilarity ensues.
This reverse harem show is a much loved modern classic for a reason. It's full of fun characters and lighthearted comedy moments with just enough drama and romance to keep you coming back for more.
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Maid Sama:
Misaki Ayuzawathe is the first female student council president for a previously all boys school. Now, her life is busy with maintaining top grades, keeping the male students in line, recruiting more girls to the school and keeping her part-time job at a maid cafe a secret. When one day Takumi Usui, the most popular boy in school, discovers her secret job, Misaki finds herself doing everything she can to keep him from revealing the truth to the whole school.
This shoujo has enough of comedy, romance and drama to satisfy anyone's appetite.
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Fruits Basket:
After finding herself orphaned and homeless, high schooler Tohru Honda makes a new home with classmates Yuki and Kyo Sohma along with there guardian Shigure Sohma. But the Sohma's have a dark secret, they are under a curse that causes them to change into animals from the Chinese zodiac when hugged by members of the opposite sex. Now, Tohru must keep their secret as she learns more about this family and their curse.
There are actually 2 different versions of this show. Many people would recommend that you start with the completed classic 2001 version but, I'm going to say it's okay to skip that for later and dive into the 2019 reboot and ongoing series. The newer series is so beautifully animated and has a more detailed version of the story than its predecessor. This shoujo is full of drama, comedy, romance, supernatural mysteries and inspirational moments. You'll definitely need a kleenex box when watch this one.
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Kamisama Kiss:
One day high school student Nanami Momozono finds herself abandoned by her father, penniless and homeless. After she saves a mysterious man in the park, he offers to help her by giving his home to her. She soon discovers that this gift home is really a rundown shrine and she has magically become local land god. Now, she must learn to juggle her school life and her new position as a land god. Luckily for her, a reluctant fox familiar named Tomoe comes with the shine and has to give her assistance with it all.
This classic is part shoujo comedy and part supernatural adventure. I definitely recommend this in the English dub if for no other reason than to enjoy J. Michael Tatum's voice work as Tomoe.
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The Morose Mononokean:
Hanae Ashiya spends his first week of high school with a mystery illness that has left him feeling increasingly weak. He eventually discovers that the cause of his illness is a large fluffy creature that has attached itself to his back. When Hanae comes across a flyer advertising an exorcist who expels youkai, he decides that exorcism might be just the thing to remove the creature. The flyer leads him to the Mononokean and a magical tea room which suddenly appears. The Mononokean turns out to be a fellow classmate, Haruitsuki Abeno, who reluctantly helps Hanae but, demands that Hanae work as his assistant to repay him for the exorcism. Now, Hanae spends his free time working to learn about yokai spirits and how to best help the yokai that live in the mundane world.
This supernatural comedy is just fun to watch, with enough drama to keep you interested. It really has that classic Saturday morning anime adventure feel but, for a slightly older audience.
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The Devil is a Part-Timer:
Just as Demon Lord Satan, a.k.a the Devil has nearly conquered the world of Ente Isla and destroyed his enemies, a hero named Emilia corners him and forces him and his top general to escape through a portal to modern day Earth. Emilia, of course, follows him determined to finally defeat the Devil. But now they all find themselves on Earth with no powers, they must discover how to survive even if that means the Devil must get a part-time job at Mc Ronald's just to pay the rent.
What can I say about this show... It starts out with an almost stereotypical supernatural action/adventure anime feel only to turn into a comedic slice of life with a little romance and the ocational fight sequence thrown in. This show is one of the best examples of how versatile anime can be and a great way to get a little taste of a lot of genres.
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Death Note:
High school student Light Yagami stumbles upon a supernatural notebook that allows its owner to kill by simply writing someone's name down. Light soon sees the death notebook as a way to reform society's ills by killing criminals and undesirables to create world without crime. Once the police discover that a mysterious serial killer is targeting criminals, they bring in the worlds greatest detective, L, to find and capture this serial killer. This begins a epic battle of witts between Light and L.
This classic anime is a lot darker than anything else on the list but, it's definitely worth mentioning. It was one of the earlier animes I watched and I'm still a fan to this day. It falls mostly into the categories of thriller, supernatural, mystery, horror and crime drama. It is also another one that I'd strongly recommend the English dub over the subbed version. So, if you want to take little walk on the anime dark side, this is a good place to start.
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Yuri On Ice:
After a disastrous performance and coming in last place at the Grand Prix, ice skater Yuri Katsuki is thinking about retiring. That is until his skating idol and living legend Victor Nikiforov shows up to his home offering to be his coach. Now, with Victor's help Yuri works to rebuild his career and fight his way to a gold medal at the Grand Prix Final.
Yuri On Ice is my all time favorite anime so, of course it's going to make the list. So much about the struggles and perseverance of the characters in this sports anime is inspiring. Then, when you add in a little romance, flashy skating routines to a great original soundtrack and the drama of competition, everything about this show gets a gold medal.
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Free!-Iwatobi Swim Club:
Haruka Nanase has always had a strong connection to the water and a passion for swimming. As he starts high school, Haruka is reunited with childhood friends from a youth swim team, Nagisa Hazuki and Makoto Tachibana. The three decide to start a school swim team. Now, they must recruit a fourth member and train to be able compete in their first swim meet. Watch to see these guys bond as a team and friends and as they pursue their goal to compete at Nationals.
There are a lot of great sports anime out there but, this one is a good one to start with. Free! exemplifies so many standard tropes within this genre and does in an engaging way with an easy to understand sport. There are multiple seasons and movies for this series but, the first season, Free! -Iwatobi Swim Club, is satisfying enough as a stand alone.
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My Roommate is a Cat:
Subaru Mikazuki, an introvert writer with social anxiety, adopts a stray cat after a chance encounter. Together they both learn they are not as alone as each of them believed.
This slice of life anime is sooooo relatable, cute and funny. If you're looking for something that's low key and will make you feel all warm inside, than this is the show you should start with.
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Here are some honorable mention animes to also consider: Toradora, ReLife, Princess Jellyfish (I just love this show and think everyone should watch it), Black Butler (if you're willing to sort out the correct viewing order it can be worth it), the classic Avatar: The Last Airbender (yeah, yeah, yeah is it anime or isn't, doesn't matter it's a great gateway) and Kakuriyo- Bed and Breakfast for Spirits
So here are some of my top favorite anime for beginners recommendations. A nice mix of classic standards and a few newer shows that really show off specific genres. These are just my opinions, I'm sure there are many other animes that should probably make this list. As always, if anyone wants to add to this list or make some different suggestions please feel welcome to add your own favorites in the comments or as a reblog. Thank you Nonny for the ask and I hope you find this list helpful.
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amintyworld · 4 years
My Official Dream SMPsona: Flower
(I heard some of you guys wanted to see this, and this was pretty fun to make. Ask box is open, I’d love to talk about her more. I’ll have to work at drawing her later this week, so be on the lookout for that! Anyway, hope you enjoy! - Minty)
Name: Flower
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight Demisexual
Joined: September 22, 2020
Current Cannon Lives: 2/3
Alignment: Neutral Good
Fighting: Only skilled with a bow/crossbow, otherwise is absolutely terrible at PVP.
Look: Short brown hair, dark blue eyes, pale skin, black framed glasses, dark blue sweatshirt with black leggings and blue sneakers. Either wearing a light pink flower crown or a random flower in her hair.
“I am NOT weak! Don’t you ever DARE call me weak!”
“You know what they say, Tubbo: Tomorrow is always another day, and it’ll probably be a better one.”
“I help because… because… because I want to. I need to. So many people are hurting, and I… I just didn’t want to add to that. If so much bad happened, we need a little good to balance, don’t we?”
“My name is Flower and I speak for the trees!”
“These are my cat babies, hurt them and you die.”
“STOP! Just… just stop, stop it please, I...I dunno what to choose, I don’t… I don’t want to choose, don’t MAKE me choose!”
“You deserve a grave, Ghostbur. Everyone deserves to be remembered, no matter what. It’s not about what they did while they were alive, they were people. They deserve to be remembered as a person. A person who tried.”
“You know Philza Minecraft, you’re pretty cool.”
Fun Facts / Headcanons:
Extremely Indecisive, especially when it comes to joining a group because she doesn’t want to hurt any of her friends. She always wants to make the right decision, but as the choices turn more grey she can get stressed and put pressure on herself, always worried about doing something wrong that sometimes she’ll go into a full panic attack. This can lead to frustration when she seems to just be helping all of them instead of just choosing one.
Always ready to help and lend materials to others whenever they need.
Has a cat named Rose and another named Lavender, is self-proclaimed ‘Cat-Mom’.
Loves giving gifts to anyone at any time for whatever reason - she loves making others happy, as well as giving others something to remember her by when she’s gone.
Made the land around her house a nature preserve and went to court over the matter when someone chopped down her birch tree.
Has a book full of inspirational quotes that she sometimes uses in conversation.
Is often called “weak” for her PvP skills by Schlatt, Dream, and a few times even Techno, which got under her skin all too quickly, leading her to desperately try to constantly prove them wrong, getting angry and upset when it doesn’t work. This leads to many of them picking on her and pushing her around since she can’t exactly fight back.
Always sees the good in everyone, even some of the darkest villains, which many say is naive. She sees people like Wilbur, Schlatt, Dream - as people hurting and in need of help. Of course, she doesn’t try to excuse what they’ve done, but she doesn’t like when people call them evil or monsters, because to her they’re not. Everyone has good inside of them, they’ve just lost that part of themselves, even ignoring it.
She lives by the golden rule and didn’t like when people celebrated Schlatt’s death or Tommy’s and made no gravestone for Wilbur. Treat people the way you want to be treated - do you want people to celebrate your death, or to never memorialize you or even give you a proper burial?
When her friends and allies turn against her, she’s never mad at them. Just disappointed in what they let themselves become, and holds no ill-will toward any of them.
After the Manburg v Pogtopia War, seeing all the heartbreak, destruction, and hurt that was caused she committed herself to spread a bit of happiness around, to bring it all back to balance and help people recover - planting flowers around New L’manburg, helping Phil settle in as well as helping to rebuild.
She grows closer with Phil and Tubbo during this time - Phil appreciated her kind spirit and help, which he said he’d repay tenfold, and Tubbo liked her support and help to rebuild, especially when he was forced to exile Tommy, she reminded her Dream put them in a tough spot, that there wasn’t much of a choice.
She turned her protected lands into a healing garden and invited any who needed it to visit - she added a bench swing and a small pond.
She once followed Phil to find Techno, and the two panicked, Technoblade almost killing her before Phil stepped in, vouching for her. She promised not to say anything if it would put them more at ease. When questioned by Technoblade on her intentions, her answer was pretty simple: “Look, I don’t really understand why you did what you did. You hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of pain. But I don’t feel like it’s my place to judge you, I don’t know the story and I don’t think it’s my story to know. I’m glad you’re okay, Technoblade.”
When she goes against the Butcher Army, Quackity pushes her around, asking what she thinks she’s going to do against four people with netherite armor and axes. She tries to fight but as always she gets beat up pretty badly. Finally, she just turns to look at Tubbo. “Look at what you’re doing, Tubbo. Please, this isn’t the way.” When they go toward Phil, she steps in front to protect him as the tensions rise and she loses a cannon life by Quackity after he gets so mad at her protests he snaps and gets rid of her.
After he escapes she goes to meet Technoblade in secret, asking for training. She realized that if she was going to do any good, she needed to get stronger. They make a deal for him to train her, but in return, she’ll have to be his eyes in New L’manburg in order to help out Phil. She agrees.
She continues to train as the days pass and eventually she helps Phil escape and get back to the safety of Techno’s house. The training continues when Techno has the time.
When both her teacher and her close friend side with Dream to destroy her home, she tells them that she won’t stop them or betray them, but she needed to protect her home, that her friends needed her. When Technoblade insisted that this was a betrayal, she reminded him that it wasn’t, that for the longest time she supported him and helped him even though she didn’t always agree with him, and now she’s asking that he does the same. She gives them some gapples and a couple of potions. “I’ll see you both on the other side. I’m sorry. Just… be careful, and do what you have to do.”
She moves her stuff just in case, knowing her friends, and cries with the others over the destruction of her home. When Phil finds her after, wanting to talk after his interaction with Ghostbur, she tells him that it isn’t the best time right now, trying to force a smile. “Hey, look - I’m happy for you, Phil. I’m happy that you succeeded, I just need a bit more than a minute, okay? We’ll talk tomorrow.”
She gives both Tubbo and Tommy on the Final Confrontation Day each a cookie and wishes them the best of luck, and was there, willing to risk another life to protect Tommy and Tubbo and stop Dream from causing more hurt and destruction than he already has.
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urmomification · 3 years
dnf royalty!au bc i am a weak weak man
royalty au where george and dream are royals in opposing kingdoms and george isssss like idk 27-29 and dream is 21-23 but george's dad died when he was likeeeee 16 or 17 so hes been king since then and dream is still prince in his own kingdom but his father is old but georges father and dreams father didnt get along when georges father was still alive and dreams father insists on carrying out the rivalry that they had even though george literally paid him to shut him up, theyve been at war for years, close to a decade, (both families squabbling for more. both families have had issues for generations) w georges kingdom not losing much but dreams losing men, money, food and other resources bc his dad was a selfish ruler. at some point famine takes over dreams kingdom and george offers the king enough food to feed his whole kingdom for the winter in exchange for the kings only heir and the end of the war ('i will give you enough food to feed your whole country for one winter if you remove all your men from the battlefields and leave your only heir under my care, promise me the end of your bloodlines rule and i will make sure you live through the winter') (dreams dad struggled w having kids so losing his only heir would be a big deal) dreams dad never let him leave the castle often so he doesnt fully understand the state of his country but he understands that this war has wrecked their country and theyre on the brink of collapse so he willingly goes w george (''''''willingly'''''' meaning he gave himself up despite his fathers protests w the plan of sneaking back somehow) so george provides food for dreams country and dream follows george and basically lives by his side at all times??? idk what role this would be called but ykkkkk basically dream follows him around as george just runs his country and hes a cold a mericless ruler making all the decisions needed to make his country profit but he always makes sure to ensure the benefit of his people the people always work together and hes built shelters for the homeless and makes sure theres open opportunities for trading w other kingdoms and plenty of farms/food so they never suffer from famine and implemented a strong education system so everyone has a chance to excel in something. dream doesnt know much abt his own country bc his tutors and family always implied that their country was the best based solely on how well the upper class citizens were doing while there was a high homelessness rate and such, so dream always assumed 'if we're doing well everyone else should be doing just as well right?' bc he never knew any better but george got him a reliable tutor (techno, who also happened to be a war general/soldier whos a tutor while hes not deployed) and has people teach him to fight/defend himself (punz and sapnap bc i said so) and teach him how to be a strong respected ruler without being selfish and bigoted. when he first arrived in georges country he expected to be locked up and even potentially tortured bc hes the son of a king and bloodline who this country has been fighting w for generations but the people dont mind, hes given a good room and treated like royalty BC HE IS george only took him to his country to ensure the ending of dreams bloodline, not to make him miserable. also i take it back george isnt a 'cold and mericless ruler' hes just distant at first but dream sees him w his people and hes smiley and nice and open and charismatic and everyone loves him AND HES CONFUSED hes v distant w dream, not necessarily cold or anything more jsut hesitant? if that makes sense he really has no reason to be but he is and only around dream but eventually george takes him travelling to the peaceful parts of the kingdom, tutors him personally on specific topics (busy man doesnt have time for tutoring him all the time LOL) and teaches him to properly rule a country while still having the respect of ur people and having them like you to the point of wanting to help the country progress and perform well. dream sees this and wonders why his father never did this and george goes
on to explain bc his father was a 'greedy and corrupt leader in all honesty, im shocked he raised a kid as honest as urself' and dream talks abt how well his dad treated him and such and how he lost his mom young and how his dad was all he had and he really only showed dream his good side and really did try his hardest to be there for dream his whole life despite being a relatively distant father and george FINALLY OPENS UP TO HIM ABT HIS CHILDHOOD AND HOW HIS MOTHER WAS ACTUALLY KILLED MY MERCENARIES SENT BY DREAMS DAD WHEN GEORGE WAS 9 OR SUMN AND LOST HIS DAD ATTTT IDK FUCKIN 16 (mind u george only started tutoring dream after like 6 months of having him bc,,, distant) and dream apologizes profusely but george shuts him down bc 'its not ur fault its ur fathers, i dont mean to beat the dead horse but ur father isnt the man he showed u he is, i lost both of my parents to him so i took the thing he cares about most to get a way of subtle revenge, if that makes sense, i dont have to kill you to make him hurt' or sumn and dream realizes that george Hurts he lost both of his parents AS A KID to HIS FATHER he was forced into the throne at 16 bc no one else was responsible enough to do so and has been running the most successful kingdom in the area for over a decade while fighting a war w one hand and building a powerhouse of a country w the other, he managed to become the most responsible ruler before the age of 25, he gave up his childhood for the sake of his country and it shows hes a composed man, never taking time for himself and working himself to the bone having to put of w dreams fathers selfishness since the day he was brought to the throne
'ur father demanded gold for something my father had 'owed him', so i gave him gold. he father demanded food to repay a debt he made up, so i gave him food to silence him. he demanded a war as revenge on my ancestors so i killed his men. i killed and i killed and i killed until ur country couldnt take one more death, until one more life lost would cripple ur country beyond repair and forced him to beg me for resources and in exchange i got you. the single thing the would never give up and yet u gave yourself up bc u knew it was what was bet for your country, your people. youre nothing like your father dream and im sad ill never get to see you rule your own country' and dream just buries his head in his hands and puts his head on the table and just 'god george im so sorry and b4 u say its not my fault i know its not my fault my oblivion to everything that was happening my whole life everything happening to you, lead to so much suffering if i had just' 'dream its not your fault-' 'i know! i know its not but if i had just known-' 'dream. ur father kept u from knowing so u couldnt see what he was doing. there was nothing u could do. dont blame urself for what ur father did. ur his son but ur not him. im a terrible judge of character but i can see that much.' and dream stands up and hugs him over the table (this is the first time theyve ever gone out the way to touch each other in any way ft. v v v v v v v v touchstarved george x physically affectionate dream) and dream buries his head in georges neck and says 'i know its not my fault but that doesnt mean i cant say sorry for those who wont' and george just sits there and eventually just awkwardly pats the back of dreams head and they never talk abt it again
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koinoyokvn · 4 years
* / 𝐈 𝐍 𝐓 𝐑 𝐎 𝐃 𝐔 𝐂 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍
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* CODY CHRISTIAN, CISMALE + HE/HIM  | you know BRADLEY ‘BOOG’ RADWELL, right? they’re TWENTY-FOUR, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, SIX YEARS? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to INFRA-RED BY THREE DAYS GRACE like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole late night 'open’ signs flickering, a dirty car filled with empty coffee cups & a dopey smile with sleepy, drooping eyes thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is november 4, so they’re a scorpio, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
back at it again at krispy kreme — but here’s my second mad lad n after this i will start coming to everyone w my hands open for some plots n interactions <3
trigger warnings: child abuse tw & self-harm tw / omg forgot to add hospital n death tw too
* / 𝐁 𝐀 𝐒 𝐈 𝐂 𝐒
hair: dirty blonde
eyes: blue
build: broad & toned
height: 5′8″ or 173 cm
weight: 163 lbs or 74 kg
distinguishing features: a hand tattoo on his left hand of a sunset, a sleeve tattoo on his right forearm of a yellow and green dragon, a tattoo of a jorogumo (spider-woman) in front of a waterfall on his right shoulder blade, red and white chrysanthemums on his left calf, a light blue ‘x’ on his left collarbone, and dozens of uniquely designed band-aid tattoos splattered on his biceps and thighs
distinguishing style: hoodies and jeans for days, he’s a bit of a collector of ‘irving’ tourist merch, other than that, toques and plaid and chains with darker palettes
* / 𝐇 𝐈 𝐒 𝐓 𝐎 𝐑 𝐘
bradley was born in a small town in maine. at the time, everything he thought was normal for a child to endure. now that he’s older, he knows it isn’t. growing up, he was a trained liar. he doesn’t like lying now but can spit one out faster and smoother than he’d like to admit. his mother was naive and so young and his father was cruel and lived in the world only for himself. never a good combination.
there were a lot of times bradley would go to school with no food. he would always say he rushed out of the house and forgot because he slept in. his father spent all the grocery money to drink. bradley would fall asleep at school. he would always say it’s because he’s scared of the dark. he was actually scared of his father and would spend the night in his bedroom closet that could lock. bradley would cry and flinch at loud noises and the sound of glass crashing. he would say it’s because he’s just like a deer, easily scared. his father would throw things at him if he so much as stepped out of line (but bradley never knew what that line was). he would endure it all for his mother, who would sometimes come into his room, scoop him up in her arms when things calmed down, and sing to him. it’s these moments he’d remember fondly, the moments where she managed to keep some money for herself and get a good supper for the two.
it truly felt like it was him and his mother against the world. there were a few times where bradley would slip up, say something wrong at school, make an offhand comment about home to his friend, and child services would get involved. however, his father would clean up for these visits. his mother could’ve been an amazing movie actress, as well. bradley was also on his way there — but it was his mistake that they all pretended. he would always get punished for it later. 
sometimes the arguing would get too much. when he cried enough tears from inside the closet, he would run. run to his uncle’s house. he’d ask to stay for a few days. his uncle always said yes. but this would always spell trouble in the long run. his uncle was rowdy, always trying to get his sister out of such a terrible situation, and would butt his head whenever he got a chance. his uncle would often make the fighting worse. all bradley needed was a break, though, he promised.
he was almost finished high school. he took up odd jobs if he wasn’t in school so he didn’t pass with stellar grades or anything. some were even impressed that he managed to end up on the graduation list at all. he had saved up enough money, between him and his mother, to eventually leave his father. there was a light at the end of the tunnel. but, once again, the fighting became too much.
this time, he stayed at a friend’s house. he always had his money on him. he couldn’t trust the nooks and crannies of that house, his father would always worm his slimy fingers into them. he always blamed himself for not staying at his uncle’s that night... or even at home. because this time, the fighting really did become too much and things went too far. 
a frantic call from his uncle in the dead of the night sent bradley on a frenzy. his father had beaten his mother so badly that she was hospitalized. put into a coma with extensive head trauma. bradley left his friend’s on account of emergency but didn’t end up going to the hospital. no, no, no. it was the only time bradley could call himself his father’s son.
that same night, his father died in a car crash. the police ruled it as a collision involving drunk driving. though, there were damages that pointed towards another vehicle ramming into the car. there were no other vehicles on scene when they arrived and the road wasn’t monitored to pull up security footage. however, the only next of kin his father had was bradley and his mother. everything fell onto bradley.
his father, at least, had some funds stashed away in a bank account. it was enough to cover the funeral. but not enough to cover the hospital fees. and bradley felt like he was going insane existing in the house he grew up in. he was going insane just being in the same town he grew up in. everybody seemed to know his business.
so, like he and his mother promised, he ran away. his uncle is the only one who knows his whereabouts now and bradley made him promise not to tell anyone else. but, instead of taking the whole amount, bradley only took half of what he and his mother saved. he used the other half to go towards his mother’s hospital bills. 
bradley, now telling people to call him boog, drifted for a bit. picking up odd jobs for a week or two to feed himself. he needed to find a new home. he needed to be anywhere else but maine. now, he thought about the glamourous cities but felt like it didn’t suit him. eventually, he came to irving. and he liked it. so he stayed here.
boog is called boog because he was a bit of a snotty kid. he was constantly ill with the common cold, linked directly to his home situation. he often had sinus infections because of it. so, mean kids would often call him ‘booger’. eventually, booger became boog and it was just a part of him. he was a laidback individual and the nickname lost its insulting meaning by the time he reached high school but by then, most people called him by his surname. bradley feels too personal. 
boog works two jobs, as well as doing several odd jobs around the neighborhood he settled in. he stocks at the local grocery store, working 3pm to 11pm. he also works at a midnight diner, working from 12am to 8am. he gets some sleep for the morning, then gets right back to it. on his days off, he’s often seen mowing other people’s lawn, cleaning cars and houses, and doing small fix-it jobs around properties. he’s a busybody for sure. but not only does he have to support himself, he has to make sure the hospital bills for his mother are being paid. after all these years, it’s still him and his mother against the world. 
in the six years of being in irving, boog developed some nasty coping mechanisms. any time work became too overwhelming or he couldn’t make a payment and was faced with a late fee, bradley felt like a failure to the point where he would engage in self-harm. he was alone mostly, other than at work or out with his friends, so it was a lot of time to wrestle with this idea that he wouldn’t be enough to keep his mother alive. he would cut his biceps and thighs, places he could easily conceal his scars with t-shirts or shorts. he would cut at work in the men’s bathroom or cut in the closet of his bedroom. familiar places, places where he could hide. 
however, it got out of hand when he cut too deep on his thigh and it affected the way he walked. the visible limp raised concern from coworkers, friends, and neighbors. finally done with lying, he admitted to self-harm to those he trusted. his friends encouraged him to go to counselling and to reach out when he felt the urge.
it’s been a year since he’s last self-harmed. since then, he’s covered his scars with band-aid tattoos, each of them a design from someone he’s felt close enough to tell about his progress. there are still some to be covered, but he’s always mused there’s always friends to be made that could help him cover it up.
* / 𝐏 𝐄 𝐑 𝐒 𝐎 𝐍 𝐀 𝐋 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘
boog is hardworking and determined and doesn’t hesitate to push his limits. of course, this all comes to his physicality and his work ethic. he’s not all too bright, otherwise. he can’t contest life’s many questions, he’s too busy memorizing regular orders, the truck order for the next night, and what his friend’s favourite things are. he’s a very present individual, in that he can’t worry about the future or the past too much. and above all else, boog is kind. 
he never asks for anything in return for the deeds he does. he always repays a favour. and he always extends a helping hand. he thinks being a neighborly person is the pinnacle of humanity and does his best to emulate that. however, that makes for some clashes with his dull mind, as he can often be mistaken or say the wrong thing. his gold heart does make up for his lack of brightness.
boog has also learned patience. patience with the world, patience with himself. he didn’t get angry much before but when he did, it was pent up and built over years of being complacent. it was never a good thing to lose his temper. however, over the course of his regular counselling, he has learned to be more self-aware and express his frustrations in a healthy manner. his shoulders still bear a lot of burden but at least, he can learn to take off the load and rest for a while before putting it back on. 
* / 𝐂 𝐎 𝐍 𝐍 𝐄 𝐂 𝐓 𝐈 𝐎 𝐍 𝐒
band-aid crew — this person has designed a band-aid tattoo for boog. he reached out to this person during a time of recovery and trusted him with his journey thus far. this person could have been someone he met at work, through friends, or they live on the same block as him. boog counted and needs 27 band-aids to cover all his scars and is confident that he can get them all covered through others’ artwork. his uncle and nieces already made their mark, and boog designed one himself. ( 0/22 )
upstanding citizen — this person is the parental figure that boog never had and didn’t realize he needed until he befriended this person. they fuss over him and make sure he’s gotten enough sleep. they bring him coffee to work and invite him over for dinner. in return, boog does the same. he tries hard to cook for them— though he’s not great at it. he brings them gifts that reminded him of them. ( 0/1 )
intimacy buddies — boog is kind of pure in that he’s someone who wants to make sure people feel fulfilled. it first started off as a joke, that on the chance that they felt lonely, boog would be of service. however, boog’s pretty dependable and he hides no ulterior motive. so, he cuddles them for hours while watching movies, he holds their hands as they walk through the beach, and he sleeps with them when they can’t stand to sleep alone. he runs his hands through their hair upon request. however, they’re still friends and as thick as thieves. ( 0/3 )
amicable exes — it’s hard for boog to hold grudges. they come in white hot flashes of anger and they leave just as quickly. he’s learned to no longer stew in it. when this relationship falls apart, boog can admit his shortcomings and understand that they just weren’t meant for each other. that doesn’t stop boog from caring about them any less. they’re friends now and maybe friends was always the better option. ( 0/1 )
SPECIAL MENTIONS: as always, i fiend for all sorts of friendly and fwb connections! i also think a rival connection wld b interesting but we wld hav to lay some groundwork for sure!
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elyvorg · 4 years
“Well, they’re more like a mom and dad who have a... hands-off approach to parenting.”
“That sounds... awkward. I don’t know if that’s better or worse than never knowing your parents at all.”
“Yeah... me neither. I’m lucky to have my uncle, at least.”
“...Hey, Kaito? You’ve been quiet for a while. Is something wrong?”
“Hm? Oh, nah, it’s nothing. Just spaced out for a bit, that’s all. My bad.”
“You know, Kaito... you live with your grandparents, right? And you never talk about your parents. It... it might not be any of my business, but I couldn’t help but wonder... are you... like me? Or... perhaps a bit like Maki, and you don’t even remember them?”
“Huh? N-No, it’s... neither of those.”
“I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. You don’t have to—”
“Hey, it’s fine. I... I guess I don’t mind telling you guys. They... my parents died in a car crash when I was ten.”
@trainingtrioweek Day 5: Family
Instead of an art today, some rambly thoughts that this prompt gave me the perfect excuse to bring up. (If you’re finding my blog through this event: as well as arts, I also do quite a bit of meta and not-quite-meta rambling such as this kind of thing on here, usually still about the training trio!)
It’s only especially relevant in non-fiction AUs such as UTDP where everyone’s families are actually real, but – can we talk about the fact that all three of the training trio, in very different ways, are lacking in parents with both the qualities of being alive and being decent parents?
Shuichi’s parent issues are only mentioned briefly in one of his FTEs and don’t get nearly as much focus as his detective-related issues caused by that one case that traumatised him. But it’s possible that they could actually explain quite a bit about him.
It seems to be only in fairly recent years that Shuichi’s parents moved to work overseas and he was sent to live with his detective uncle. However, his bitter comment about his parents’ “hands-off approach to parenting” (that part of the line I wrote here was taken directly from his canon FTE) implies that they weren’t particularly there for him even when they were his primary caregivers.
He also mentions in this FTE that he became an apprentice to his uncle “as thanks for looking after me”. Which, like… that shouldn’t be necessary? Having someone take care of you is a basic human right for a child. But apparently, being properly looked after is not something Shuichi takes for granted, to the point that he feels like he needs to repay the person who does it for him. Ouch. Poor Shuichi.
Thinking on this, it feels like Shuichi’s distant parents could be a big part of why he grew up so anxious and insecure, and why he instinctively seeks out people he can depend on wholeheartedly and latches onto them when he finds them, like he did with Kaede and Kaito. And most likely with his uncle too, for that matter.
I can definitely imagine Shuichi managing to pick up on the clues about Kaito that suggest things aren’t great regarding his parents, and quietly wondering if they’re the same – maybe even sort of hoping they are, so that he’d have someone who really understands. And, well, turns out they aren’t quite the same after all, but nonetheless, knowing that Kaito’s gone through something similar and can relate on some level would still help Shuichi feel less alone with this.
Meanwhile, what happened with Kaito’s parents probably also played a bit of a role in shaping him into the person he is, but in more of a positive way.
I’ve seen some people assume that the deal with Kaito’s parents is that they’re shitty parents kind of like Shuichi’s are, and that this is why Kaito talks himself up to be so super awesome all the time, out of a desperate need for the validation that he never got from his own home. But I don’t think that fits. While the stress of the killing game and his illness begin to really get to him and gradually break down his self-worth, it absolutely reads to me like Kaito’s confidence in himself at the beginning of the game was completely genuine. I don’t believe – at the start – that he needed validation from anyone else to know that he was the awesome person he said he was.
So, I believe Kaito’s parents must have been great and supportive parents. They’d need to have been, for Kaito to be able to grow up with so much real confidence, so unashamed of being bombastically himself all the time even if everyone else thinks he’s a ridiculous idiot. But then, if those lovely parents had died all of a sudden when Kaito was young (young-ish, but old enough to properly remember)… that would also have helped shape him into the Kaito we know, in that it’d make him even more determined to live his life to the fullest and not waste a moment of it.
[There’s more than just these general unsubstantiated feelings about Kaito’s overall character that make me sure his parents died, though – there’s also a few canon lines that I believe are deliberately subtly hinting at it. If you want to see which lines and what I think about them, I’ve compiled them in a section at the end of this post.]
Of course, Kaito losing his parents would have been an incredibly difficult and painful experience at the time. But with his grandparents’ support and his own natural resilience and optimism, Kaito appears to have dealt with it as well as any kid losing their parents could be expected to. He’d be determined to use it to push him forward rather than let it hold him back, and it definitely seems like he succeeded.
(Even so, it’d still hurt sometimes. He still misses them, even if he mostly does a good job of not dwelling on it or letting it get him down.)
Unlike most of his other “weaknesses”, Kaito wouldn’t ever try to outright hide or lie about what happened to his parents. He’s come to terms with it by now, and he’s not and never was ashamed of it – every kid’s expected to grieve for their parents, after all – so I don’t think it’d quite set off his hero issues and make him afraid of letting his sidekicks down if they found out.
But still, I imagine Kaito wouldn’t bring it up unless specifically asked about it. No matter how much he tries to focus on the positives and assure people that he’s okay with it now, it… tends to make people feel sorry for him, and he doesn’t like that.
However, after being prompted to talk about it during this conversation with Shuichi and Maki about their parent situations, Kaito would come to realise that maybe that’s not such an issue with them. Maki and Shuichi each have their own painful lack-of-parents problems that they’ve had to get used to, so they’re not going to be unconsciously pitying Kaito for his. That’d make a refreshing change from most people.
Maki in particular must have known some kids at the orphanage who’d been in Kaito’s situation, in that they used to live with their parents and had to go through the grief of losing them. From this, she’s able to tell that, while it’s partly because he was lucky enough to still have his grandparents, Kaito really does seem to have dealt with losing his parents remarkably well. Kaito already knew that – his grandparents would have told him how proud they are of him for coping so well – but it’d help to know that someone from outside the situation thinks the same thing.
(He still wouldn’t quite bring up the moments where it still hurts and he finds himself missing his parents terribly, because that’s weakness, isn’t it? But at least, knowing that his sidekicks understand this kind of pain, albeit in a bit of a different way, would help it hurt just a little less whenever Kaito can’t help but feel like this. He wouldn’t tell them, but he’d be really glad to have that.)
Maki’s probably actually the least interesting one to talk about here, because she grew up in an orphanage where not having parents was normal and never felt like the odd one out, and she never even knew her parents to have any feelings about them in particular. It seems she had more just a general fantasy of what having parents would be like which she could share with the other kids there – she talks in one of her FTEs about how she and her best friend played House in the role of the parents and just had to make it up. Then, of course, Maki gained much worse things to be dealing with and shaping her into the person she is than a simple lack of parents.
Still, being at Hope’s Peak (or whatever other school they’re at together in this non-fiction AU) and suddenly being surrounded by other kids who constantly talk about their parents like it’s normal… it probably feels vaguely alienating for Maki, on top of every other reason she has to feel like she doesn’t belong.
But at least Shuichi and Kaito understand, in a way. They know what it feels like to hear the other kids casually talk about doing things with their parents while only being able to wish that were normal for them. Maki’s not so much of an outsider, not when she’s with these two.
And in that same way, Kaito and Shuichi would feel less alone in this regard when the trio are together. All three of them have learned to live with their situations and not complain, but it must be nice to have someone else – two someone elses – who know the kind of feeling they’re going through and can relate, even if it’s rather different for each of them.
They’d be able to bond over this – and not just as hero and sidekicks, but as equals, because this is something even Kaito isn’t completely okay about. They are friends.
(Or, maybe, they’re also like a found family? Shuichi and Kaito are certainly the closest thing to a family that Maki’s had in a long time.)
[appendix: why I’m sure Kaito’s parents died]
First off, there’s the possibility that Kaito’s grandparents are the subject of his motive video simply because he never knew his parents at all, a bit like Maki. But that can’t be the case, based on this line from his second FTE:
Kaito:  “When I was a kid, I’d go to my gramps’ place to play sometimes…”
If he considered it his “gramps’ place” at the time and only went there sometimes, he wasn’t living with them back when he was that young. So apparently, his parents were still around at that time.
Which means that something else happened with Kaito’s parents to make his grandparents the most important people in his life. There are pretty much two possibilities for this: that Kaito’s parents died sometime after those stories he told in his FTEs, or that Kaito’s parents are just assholes and so he prefers his grandparents to them.
With regards to the possibility that his parents are assholes: aside from how I don’t think that fits because Kaito’s confidence is too genuine until the killing game beats it down, there’s also one line vaguely relevant to this topic that suggests they aren’t. In UTDP, in a scene where he’s being pestered by Kokichi:
Kaito:  “You’re still like this at your age? Doesn’t it make your parents cry? Do you even visit?”
Kaito automatically assumes that Kokichi’s parents care about him, even though it could potentially begin to explain a few things about Kokichi if they didn’t. If Kaito’s own parents sucked, you’d think this’d make him likely to consider the possibility that Kokichi’s might do too. Instead, though, that option doesn’t cross his mind, so it seems like Kaito unconsciously sees parents being decent as the norm.
Meanwhile, there are a few subtle bits throughout the story that indicate Kaito might have some experience in dealing with grief prior to the killing game. At the end of trial 1, after suggesting Shuichi visit Kaede’s lab to help come to terms with her death, he says this:
Kaito:  “Understand? There’s only one way to get through this awful feeling. No one’s gonna be able to console you if you’re just sitting here alone. If anyone’s gonna help you, it’ll be her… in your memories.”
This really reads to me like Kaito is speaking from experience – that he’s saying this because he found that something similar helped for him when he was going through a similar kind of pain.
Then there’s the part in trial 3 where he’s encouraging Himiko to face up to Tenko’s death:
Kaito:  “Our only option is to face her death head-on!”
Himiko:  “…Nyeh? Face her death?”
Kaito:  “Himiko… I understand what you’re going through.”
It’s a little oddly specific of Kaito to say that he understands what Himiko’s going through when he hasn’t personally lost anyone he was especially close to in the killing game like she has. And Kaito is absolutely not the kind of person to lie or exaggerate about something this serious and personal to somebody else – this moment is about Himiko and her feelings, and Kaito knows that and wouldn’t try to artificially make things about himself. So this strongly suggests that Kaito does in fact have some idea of what Himiko is going through and is thinking about a loss he suffered outside of the killing game. Facing it head-on sounds like just the kind of thing Kaito would have tried to do for his own grief, doesn’t it?
Then, only a few lines later in that same conversation, Kaito says this:
Kaito:  “Abandoning someone who died and only thinking about your own survival… That’s just as bad as a hit-and-run! I won’t forgive something so messed up!”
Which would be an extremely weirdly-specific thing to say in this situation… except that it makes perfect sense if you assume, based on his earlier lines, that Kaito was already thinking about how he felt when he lost his parents.
So, yeah. When I wrote that Kaito’s parents died specifically in a car crash, that wasn’t pulled out of nowhere either. I really believe that’s what the writers had in mind as the truth about Kaito and deliberately hinted at here.
(It does make sense that Kaito would have lost his parents to an accident like this rather than to something like illness. It’s statistically more likely that he was raised by both his parents, and if that’s the case, an accident is something that could take both of them from him at once where illness most likely wouldn’t. Plus, if he’d lost his parent(s) to illness, spending the days and weeks leading up to their death(s) knowing he was going to lose them, you’d think Kaito would have ended up better at psychologically dealing with his own deadly illness than he actually is.)
There’s also a few lines Kaito has here and there about making the most out of the time you’ve got:
Kaito:  “If you’re not going to get yourself in gear now, then when!? Now’s all you’ve got!”
Kaito:  “Life is short! I don’t have time to waste loafing around here.”
…which, granted, is a very Kaito-like sentiment in general. But it does suggest that he might have learned first-hand that life is short, like he could be thinking about how his parents’ time got cut off abruptly when he’s saying this kind of thing.
The only part of this idea I pulled somewhat out of thin air for this post was that the accident happened specifically when Kaito was ten, but I think something around that age range seems right. Based on the fact that it’s so relatively hard to spot the signs of this in Kaito’s behaviour, it feels like losing his parents wasn’t so recent that the wound is still raw, and also not so early on in his childhood that it would have left a huge, noticeable scar on his psyche. Kaito’s long since managed to come out on the other side and develop a healthy, positive way of dealing with grief that he can try to pass onto both Shuichi and Himiko during the game, such that doing so is the only real noticeable sign that he even went through anything painful himself at all.
52 notes · View notes
jjkfire · 5 years
Reader x Taehyung // mafia!AU // 8k words
Summary: You’re the agency’s worst escort and yet the local mafia’s head of security still chooses you
Genre: Smut, Fluff (?)
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A/N: how long has this been sitting in my drafts? too long. anyway, smut? who is she? i forgot.
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Having to pay off loan sharks and save up for graduate school isn’t exactly easy. Your day job pays you good money but the interest on the illegal loan your estranged father left you with, compounds with each growing day. You knew coming back to your hometown had been a mistake but with your mother’s recent death, you didn’t know where else to go. Who knew that when you returned, you’d be slapped with a debt so big that you couldn’t even dream of paying it off? You haven’t seen your father since you were 4 but that didn’t stop the loan sharks. They needed their money back and you were his only available next of kin. You needed more money and you needed it quick. That’s why when your co-worker, Seokjin tells you of an opening at the local escort agency, you jump at the chance.
Seokjin is an angel, that much you’re convinced. He’s pulled so many strings just for you and you don’t think there’s any way you can ever repay his kindness. He pretty much runs the HR side of things for the escort agency and is the only reason why you’ve been allowed to get away with most of the nonsense that you do. In summary, you’re a horrible escort and Jin covers for you every time.
The local escort agency is a rather interesting organization. It serviced mainly the local mafia boys, providing the men with entertainment every time they stopped by the lounge. Whatever it was they were interested in doing for the night, be that gambling, karaoke or even just plain old drinking, the lounge was the place for that. All the newbies to the escort agency were often made to work most nights, servicing these men. 
The job was simple. You were basically glorified arm candy. You would bring the boys their drinks, let them touch your butt a little or let them kiss your neck if they wanted to and then go home with a few extra hundred-dollar bills. Now just as all the other girls, clients could choose to call you up and rent you for a night. Yet, you’ve made it a whole year without that happening. Any other one of the escorts would be upset about that because everyone knows you get more money if you actually spent the night with someone. It’s a bit of a talent of yours, turning clients away from you without putting yourself in jeopardy but this time around, you seem to have run out of luck.
Tonight, you find yourself standing in line with 4 other girls, facing a double-sided mirror. It’s common practice for when someone high up in the mafia hierarchy was looking for a new plaything… or so you’ve been told. This is your first time ever being in this room. To put off the client, you chose an ill-fitting dress for the night. You hadn’t even bothered to put on make-up either. Your agency has long stopped trying to tell you what to do. Lord knows Jin has given up months ago. Anyway, you’re not sure why you’re even here. You rarely— or more accurately, never got selected from the binder because you had made it a mission to make yourself sound rather boring, unappealing even and you even made sure to be extremely honest about your lack of sexual prowess.
Yet, despite all of that, you were selected… and by Kim Taehyung no less. See, this time you were actually nervous. No one had seen you in this state before, actually trembling.
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Last week
“Why was my profile even in the binder? Don’t you usually offer some sort of premium binder with only the best girls to clients as important as him?” You ask Jin as you pace up and down his office.
“We did but then he asked for the general binder. Said that he didn’t quite trust our taste.”
“Honestly, my profile shouldn’t even be in the binder anymore,” You groan.
Truth is, you shouldn’t even be an employee anymore but they needed pretty faces to entertain the boys. See, you wanted the money from being an escort but you weren’t quite sure about the sex part. The last boyfriend you had, had made sure you were painfully aware at how bad you were at pleasing men. So, you and Jin came up with the master plan to help you become an escort without really being one. Together you curated your profile, making sure that the men would skip right past your page when going through the binder of girls they could select from. It’s worked so far. You’ve fooled every single man that’s gone through the binder… except Taehyung of course.
Seokjin and every living, breathing soul had told you to keep your distance from him. See, Taehyung was the Head of Security for the local mafia. That meant he was the fixer. If there was a problem in any form, that being a situation or even a person, he would make the problem disappear. Easy, fast, quick. Taehyung embodied efficiency. They said he worked like a robot, pulling the trigger with absolutely no remorse. So, the word on the street was if you just so much as breathe wrongly in his presence, he could end you right there, right then. Around him, mistakes weren’t allowed and thus, you were told that if you ever got selected to be his regular, your life expectancy would sink like a rock.
You should’ve listened, you really should’ve. You should’ve found other ways to keep yourself busy but it’s not your fault that the girls didn’t give you a good enough description of him the first night you met him. They said tall and dangerous but to you, Taehyung seemed anything but dangerous.
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There were girls aplenty that night you were working the lounge. You slipped away into the other room, knowing full well that you wouldn’t be missed. You arranged and rearranged the strawberries and assorted snacks on the many different plates. You twisted and turned all the alcohol bottles laid out and read their labels over and over just to pass time. You munched on the snacks, humming a tune as you looked out the window to see the town you call home. It’s not until you saw Taehyung in the reflection that you jumped in your spot, quickly swallowing what you had in your mouth before dusting your dress off any crumbs.
“C-can I get anything for you? Whiskey, maybe?” You asked with a smile despite the fact that you had been caught red-handed slacking on the job.
“A double shot gin and tonic would be nice,” He smiled and you got to work immediately. You were stirring the tall glass soon after, ready to lead him into the main room but he made himself comfortable on one of the couches behind you instead.
“It’s getting a little rowdy out there,” He laughed. “You know how Jimin gets when he’s having a good game of blackjack.”
You only nodded, laughing before you set down his drink in front of him. You stood awkwardly before him, unsure if you were meant to join him or return to the main room. As if sensing your unease, he called for you to take a seat.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before,” He hummed, stirring his drink. “Are you new?”
“Me? Oh, I’ve been here a few months already so not exactly new… but I’m Y/N,” You smiled, introducing yourself.
“Taehyung,” He grinned in return and he watched your eyes go wide, like you had a moment of realization. “Judging by your expression, you’ve heard of me?”
“Y-yeah… You’re the Head of Security. A very important man,” You laughed but he could sense the fear behind your laughter.
Though you were awkward at first, you quickly became comfortable. Taehyung was easy to be around, interesting to talk to and with every night you saw him, the two of you only grew closer. He would often find you in the back room, the same way he found you the first time, munching away on snacks meant for him and the boys. The two of you would be lost in your own world, talking about anything from conspiracy theories to sports to world politics and even local gossip. That’s not to say all the two of you ever did was talk. Sometimes he had his hand halfway up your skirt, your lips melding against his, moving at a set rhythm until you pull away, breathless, but aching for more. You guess you didn’t actually mind it. Taehyung was easy on the eyes, and that was an understatement. If anything it was sure as hell better than being fondled by some 50 year old guy. Maybe it also had to do with the fact that you were inexperienced, that this was the most action you’ve gotten since you broke up with your boyfriend more than 3 years ago. If anything, it was an ego boost. Who would say no to making out with someone like him? The answer is well… almost everybody, but contrary to what everyone said, Taehyung seemed harmless. In fact, he was rather sweet. Always taking his time with you, always respectful.
You believed it, you really did. You understood that Taehyung might be a ruffian at work but when it was just you and him, he was anything but. Jin had to sit you down and really knock some sense into you, detailing his crimes, reiterating stories he had heard. He was ruthless, a maniac. Someone who would slit your throat without hesitation. Jin said you and the other girls had to understand that if Taehyung picked any one of you, there was no room for anything but perfection. You knew among the 5 girls that he had chosen, you were the weakest link and for your sake, everyone prayed he wouldn’t choose you because if he did, it was game over. It wasn’t just your life at risk you see, it was everyone’s. If Taehyung was unhappy with the service, after dealing with you, the next to go would be Jin and given Taehyung’s reputation, everyone would follow suit. It won’t be you, you mumbled. He wasn’t stupid. The boys talk about the escorts among themselves. He must know that any of the other girls would be a much better choice. You were worrying for nothing, you smiled. It wasn’t going to be you, you were confident it wasn’t.
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“Y/N,” Jin hears Taehyung say through his earpiece. With unsteady fingers, he points at you and Taehyung gives an affirmation.
When Jin grabs you by the hand, attempting to lead you out of the room, you hesitate. You were so sure you weren’t going to be chosen, not when you were standing next to what were the top stars of the agency. Panic rises within you because you’re not ready for this responsibility. You couldn’t have the fate of the agency resting in your hands.
“I have herpes!” You shout, lying, eyes roaming around the double-sided mirror, not knowing where exactly he was standing. “Tell him I have herpes,” You tell Jin who winces when you tug his arm with urgency.
“He says he doesn’t care,” Jin mumbles, tapping at his earpiece.
“W-wait— Taehy—”
You don’t get to finish your sentence because Jin is already dragging you out of the room. He wears an expression you’ve never seen before. It’s anger and fear, all mixed into one and when he pins you with his stare, you choose to look at your feet.
The elevator ride is silent, the doors opening with a ding when it reaches the top floor, the suite reserved for only the best clients. The last time you were in here was for a training session. You were taught how to work the room. Where to sit, what to do, how to entice the men. You struggle to remember most of it now, not when you’re thinking of how you were going to even survive tonight.
“Jin, please, you need to do something,” You whine, almost thrashing in your spot when you stop in front of the door. “Tell him something, tell him—”
“Stop making a scene! There’s nothing I can do now, do you understand?” Jin grumbles, shaking you. “Listen once you go into that room, I can’t really protect you anymore. You know what he’s capable of so, keep that pretty trap of yours shut.”
You simply nod, suddenly rendered mute by the warning. Before shutting the door on you, Jin flashes you a thumbs up, trying to look optimistic but you know more than anyone that he’s scared. In some way, he feels responsible for all of this and god, if anything happens to you, he’s not sure he can forgive himself. With shaky legs, you step further into the room, scanning the suite for a place to sit. Your eyes snap to the bed and you assume that’s where he would want you to be. It’s where you’ve been taught to sit anyway.
It isn’t long before you hear the door creak, Taehyung stepping into the room with a soft smile on his lips. He greets you and all you do is wave dumbly. God, you’re absolutely adorable. While unbuttoning his blazer, he realizes you look different tonight. The expression you wear mimics the one you had on the first time he met you. Fear. He could see it on every inch of your face.
“I uhh— I have herpes,” You mumble, again, as a last-ditch effort.
“I know you don’t,” Taehyung sighs, holding up a piece of paper that you know holds the results from the STD test that the agency made you go for just a few days ago.
“How are you so sure? The test results could be fabricated.”
“Oh your agency wouldn’t dare,” He laughs, placing his blazer on the back of a chair.
“Maybe I slept with someone last night,” You mumble, shuffling your feet. You mean to sound confident but it comes out sounding as anything but that.
“Yeah? And how was it then?” He asks as he removes his gun from his waistband, setting it down on the table. The sight makes Jin’s numerous warnings sound in your head again. This was no time to lie, no time to joke.
“Mustn’t have been that great if it’s taking you so long to answer,” He chuckles, noting your silence.
“I-I didn’t sleep with anyone last night,” You sigh, hands folding nervously in your lap.
Taehyung simply laughs before striding over to take a seat next to you. You’re nervous that much he can tell. You can’t even look him in the eye.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” He murmurs, and you gulp, forcing yourself to look at him just so you can nod.
At that, he smiles. He stands up and makes his way over to the ice bucket tucked in the corner of the room.
“Yes, please.”
That’s the only sentence you’ve said so far with absolute certainty.
He walks over, glass of champagne in one hand and plate of strawberries in another. You accept them both meekly. Twirling the glass of champagne in your hand while you munch on a strawberry.
You’re a nervous eater and drinker. You knocked back glasses of champagne and almost cleared the whole plate of strawberries on your own.
“I have a feeling you don’t do this very often,” Taehyung smiles, refilling your glass for what must’ve been the 5th time now.
“H-huh? Oh, um, sorry,” You mumble as you snap into action. You tug your dress a little lower by the cleavage before you move up on the bed. You move slow, Taehyung watching as you kick off your shoes. Taking your time, you lay on your side, shoulders rolled back so your chest was on display. Your other hand slides to rest on your hip, before it slides down lower, drawing his attention to what he wanted the most. With your champagne still in hand, you put on a sultry expression, one you’ve been coached to make. Your free hand reaches for a strawberry, stopping to lick your lips just after a bite.
Taehyung takes a seat on the bed, laughing as he shook his head. When he turns to look at you, he sees a frown on your face. You didn’t understand. You did everything they told you to do. He was supposed to be smirking, not laughing. Taehyung pats the spot next to him, beckoning you over to take a seat.
“It doesn’t suit you,” He hums, when you’re finally at his side. “The whole sexy act they teach you girls to put on.”
“But, I-I’m plenty sexy,” You pout. You knew you weren’t a bombshell like some of the other girls were but you had your… well, charm.
“You are, you are,” He grins, pulling you onto his lap with ease as he’s done many times before. “I never said you weren’t. I just think you’re sexier when you’re doing your own thing, not whatever they teach you,” He hums as he pulls you in closer, his chest now flush against your back.
“But the act is what you boys like,” You mumble, as he rests his chin on your shoulder. “You know, we flash some skin, sway our hips, wink a little and by then you’ll all be drooling already.”
Taehyung lets out a breathy laugh, one hand wrapped around your centre while the other reaches for his champagne glass. He simply clinks his glass against yours with a smile.
“I can’t deny that,” He sighs after setting aside both his glass and yours. “But you see I much prefer you like this. Disobedient and sassy.”
You can’t see his face but you can almost imagine the smirk he’s wearing right now. It’s the one he always flashes you when he’s busy ogling you. His fingers toy with the sleeves of your dress that sit awkwardly on your shoulder, slipping them off with practised ease, as if he does this all the time and you sit there in his lap, too afraid to move.
There’s a hum of approval that leaves his lips, when your dress pools at your waist, his fingers brushing the underside of your bra. He peppers your shoulder with kisses, moving along until he reached your neck, his lips moving slow, leaving marks that you are sure will show tomorrow. Your breath stutters, quiet moans leaving your lips as his hand moves up to wrap around your throat. It’s right and it’s wrong. You want to but you can’t and you mean to stay silent but you can’t help but say what’s been on your mind since he stepped into the room.
“I haven’t had sex in years,” You blurt out, your eyes shut tight as you feel his lips pull away, the grip around your neck now loose as his hand drops back to your waist.
“I don’t know if they lied on my profile but I genuinely haven’t done it in years,” You sigh, hands toying with the material of your dress. They must’ve lied on your profile. Otherwise, Taehyung would’ve never picked you. “And I know they give us ratings, in terms of how good we are in bed and—”
“They rated you a 1/10.”
“Really? Wh—wha— T-That’s mean. I think I’m at least a solid three,” You huff. Three was the arbitrary number you and Jin had decided on because you were bad, but you weren’t that bad. “Anyway, that’s not my point.”
“What is your point then, love?” He asks and you twist in his lap to look at him. His hold on you is still tender, hands softly sitting on your hips.
“There’s a girl we have, Mirae. She’s a 10/10. Everyone that’s been with her, loves her.”
“Yes, I’m familiar with her. She was in the final line-up,” Taehyung mumbles, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What did she have to do with anything the two of you were doing right now?
“Exactly! You can just call them up, say you’re dissatisfied with me and ask for Mirae,” You smile. “They’ll send her right up.”
“But I’m not dissatisfied with you,” He frowns, utterly at a loss at why you would think so.
“O-okay, but she’s a guarantee 10/10 will blow your mind type of girl,” You mumble.
Your gaze is fixed somewhere else, as if you were too afraid to look him in the eye. It’s odd. You seemed to have had no problems being in his presence all the weeks prior to this. Maybe he was just so caught up in his own emotions to realize that you wanted none of this. Though, he’s sure that’s not the case. Most of the times he had you in his lap in the lounge, you’d be moaning into his mouth as you kissed him back as fervently as he did. You’d drive him crazy, grinding down on him as if you wanted more, moaning sinful things into his ears.
“Do I make you feel uncomfortable?”
“No… no, not at all.”
“So then do I scare you?”
“Not exactly,” You murmur, fingers pinching at your dress. “It’s just… you’re an important guy a-and we strive to impress. I also can’t afford to lose this job,” You mumble, eyes downcast.
“So you think you’re going to lose this job if I’m not impressed?”
“It’s a possibility, yes.”
“I’ll tell them you were a 10/10 mind blowing experience even if you were atrocious if that’s what you’re worried about.”
You look up at him with wide eyes, as if hope was gleaming in them and at that he could only smile. My god, you had him wrapped around your finger and you didn’t even know it.
“A-and you can’t take it out on anyone at the agency,” You mumble.
“You have my word, love,” He grins, nodding. “And I am always a man of my word.”
See, he’s anything but dangerous. You didn’t understand why everyone sees him as some type of monster.
“So,” He hums, twisting you back into your original spot, his chest pressed against your back once more. “Now back to business. You said you haven’t had sex in years? Is that why you’re always dripping even when all we’ve been doing is kissing?”
“I-I do not know what you’re talking about.”
Taehyung laughs, lips tucked between his teeth when you attempt to shrink away.
“There’s no need to be shy about it,” He smiles, hands moving down towards your thigh. His fingers massage your inner thighs, slowly making its way up. They creep higher and higher and you whimper, especially so when he lets out a breathy laugh. “So, you decided to skip the panties today,” He notes when he finds nothing but your smooth skin. His fingers move through your folds, making you squirm in his hold. “And here I was, thinking you didn’t want any of this.”
“I… I ran out of time,” You mumble. “Couldn’t find a clean pair.”
Taehyung snorts, shaking his head. You surely are an interesting character.
“I’m not complaining,” He smirks. “It just makes my job easier.”
Taehyung surely takes his time, his fingers moving at a glacial pace as his lips continue their work on your neck. You want to tell him to speed it up, to do something because you needed your 3-year drought to come to an end.
“You have something to say?” He questions as you continue to whine and fidget.
“I want more,” You murmur.
“More? More what, love?”
You know he’s just teasing. He knows what you want. How could he possibly not.
“Tell me, what do you want? Is it my fingers in your pussy?” He smirks, plunging two of them into you without any warning whatsoever and you moan, your eyebrows knit together at the sensation. “Or do you want me to touch you here? Work this until you’re sore and begging me to stop?” He queries, his thumb beginning to rub your clit in tight circles. You screw your eyes shut at the feeling, your hand fisting the sheets by your side as you spread your legs wider. God, it’s been too long, you think to yourself. This could hardly compare to your nightly routine of rubbing one out yourself under the blanket. The way his fingers stretch you when he curls them upwards makes you feel delirious and all you can do is mumble his name over and over. His thumb rubs tighter, faster circles against your bundle of nerves and you bite down on your lip to muffle the choked noises that threaten to spill out of your mouth.
“Look at you, you’re making such a mess,” He murmurs into your ear. The way his lips ghosts the shell of your ear makes a shiver run through you. His lips slowly moves down to leave marks on your neck, his tongue laving across the spots he’s decorated your skin with. “You’re dripping all over. Is it because you haven’t been touched in a while or because you’ve never been touched like this at all?”
You can’t answer, not when he’s doing all of that. Your mouth hangs open, almost as if you’re trying to answer him but all that leaves your throat are soft moans. Taehyung only laughs, his free hand moving to unbuckle your bra, fingers pinching your nipples when you finally help him rid yourself of the bra.
“Answer me, love,” He grins, teasing your nipple again, the act eliciting yet another moan out of you. “Has anyone else made you feel like this?”
“N-no,” You manage to say. “M-my ex wasn’t into anything other than doing it in the doggy position.”
“That’s a shame,” He sighs. “He never got to see you like this, moaning and whimpering, all desperate for more,” He hums, his hand abandoning your chest to move up to your throat, squeezing it lightly.
“I’m gonna cum,” You choke out as you begin to see white behind your eyelids, your legs trembling as he picks up the pace, his fingers pumping in and out of you with fervour.
“Not yet, love. You only cum when I say so.”
“I c-cant—”
“Ah, but you will,” He mumbles, adding a third finger, making you let out a choked sob. He wears an evil smirk as he teases your breast with his hand, his fingers moving to pinch your nipple harshly. You let out a whimper, your head lolling back as you try to ignore the tension in the pit of your stomach that threatens to snap.
“Please, please Taehyung, I—" Your sentence is cut short by a moan because he presses against your clit harder, rubbing figure eights at a pace that almost makes you go limp. You can feel your control begin to slip, your legs trembling as the pressure building in your abdomen finally snaps and you see nothing but hot white behind your eyelids. You’re panting, grinding down onto Taehyung’s lap as a slew of cuss words escape you. The man is relentless, his digits curling into your walls, his thumb still continuing on at its furious pace as you climb down from your high.
“I guess you’re not very good at following orders,” Taehyung sighs, clicking his tongue as he finally stops, pulling his hand away from your sopping pussy. He brings his hand up to your mouth, forcing you to lick clean your juices off his fingers and you do, tongue moving across them as you suck. “Dirty girl,” He smirks, pulling his digits out of your mouth before he grabs you by the waist, twisting you in his lap so you were facing him again.
“So what shall we do with you, hmm?” He prompts, his hold tender but his gaze otherwise. “I don’t take too kindly to disobedient sluts,” He huffs, removing his hold on you to loosen the tie he’s been wearing. You gulp, almost trembling because you couldn’t quite tell what he was going to do next. With the tie still in his hands, he reaches over to lift you up off his lap, urging to make yourself at home higher up the bed. He smirks, eyeing you in all your glory and with a single finger he points at your dress still pooled at your waist. You nod in understanding, discarding it without him having to say a single word. There was no more room for mistakes.
“This time when I say you only cum when I say so, I hope you listen,” He exhales as he stands up to unbuckle his pants. “Unless of course, you wish to be punished,” He smiles, devilishly so, as he unbuttons his shirt, tossing the tie onto the bed.
“N-no, I don’t,” You mumble, stuttering, unsure exactly what kind of punishment he meant. Did he mean punishment as in he would put a bullet in your skull or punishment as in a light spank on the ass? Though the latter sounds tempting, you’re not willing to find out just what he has in store for you in case of your disobedience. “I’ll be good,” You murmur, hypnotized when he rids himself of his pants and boxers, his cock slapping against his stomach.
“Will you?” He hums, hands wrapped around his member, groaning as he pumps himself a few times, precum leaking out of the tip. You watch, mesmerized, almost drooling as he pads over closer to you. “But you know, I can’t help but think I’m being too easy on you.”
You freeze in your spot, unsure of what to do next. Luckily for you, Taehyung does all the work. With his back sinking into the pillows, he pulls you onto his lap again but this time you’re facing him.
“See, this isn’t the first time. You’re always defiant, sassy, and I can’t count the number of times I’ve wanted to fuck you stupid when we were in the lounge just so you could understand who you were dealing with,” He hums, rubbing the head of his cock against your folds. You shiver, biting your lip as you could feel it just mere centimetres away from where you wanted it to be.
“Then do it,” You tease, hand slipping down to guide his length to your entrance because if he was going to leave you waiting for so long, he obviously needed help. Taehyung only laughs at that, slapping your hand away. He guides you onto your back, pinning your hands above your head as he leaves kisses down the valley of your breasts, only stopping because he can hear you release a shaky exhale.
“Oh, I will,” He smirks, pulling away to line up his cock to your pussy. He starts slow, teasing you as he rubs his cock against your core, groaning as your juices coated his length. You whine, about to demand him to do something but before you can say anything, he plunges into you, thrusting upwards in one swift motion, giving you no time to adjust to his size. You gasp, mouth hanging open as you let out a choked sob. “Baby, I’ll fuck you so good, so hard but only if you promise to listen.”
“I-I will,” You whimper, soft moans filling up the room as he rocks against you slowly.
“Good,” He mumbles before his tongue envelops one of your nipples. “Now keep your hands there. No touching until I say so.”
You only nod in response, barely able to hear him as your mind goes blank, his cock brushing against the spot that made your toes curl. Your body felt like it was on fire, his touch making you keen against him, his lips making your mind grow hazy.
“Fuck, you’re so tight,” He groans, eyes screwed shut as he delivers on his promise, thrusting into you so hard that you could almost feel him in your throat. He lifts your legs up over his shoulder and god, you didn’t think he could make you feel any better but as he buries his cock into you to the hilt, you can only moan in return. Taehyung whines, meeting your tongue in a sloppy kiss, lips moving against yours with fervour. It takes everything in you to not reach out to tug at his hair, to pull him closer. You needed him, wanted him.
“Tae, I-I want—” You manage to choke out between kisses but he silences you with his lips.
“More?” He asks, laughing breathily as he pulls out halfway before he slams back into you. Your eyes roll back as he does it a few more times, rendering you silent apart from the long moans that leave you without your consent. “You’re a greedy little slut, aren’t you?”
“Tae,” You murmur, your walls clenching around him as he thrusts deeper, harder.
“Don’t do that, baby. Not yet,” He warns, slipping a thumb into your mouth. You nod, tongue wrapping around it as you suck. Fuck, you were driving him insane. His other hand holds onto your waist with a grip so tight you’re sure it’ll bruise tomorrow. You could care less, especially when he was making you feel this good. You could already feel it, the coil in your stomach being held together solely by your will threatening to release, your muscles tightening and Taehyung warns you once more when you clench around him yet another time.
“Be good,” He grumbles, his grip on your waist tightening and you wail, nodding as you focus on keeping yourself together. You lace your hands through his hair, finding purchase on whatever you can, as if doing any of that could help you from falling apart.
“What did I say about touching?” Taehyung growls, as he pulls away from you, your pussy clenching at the sudden emptiness. Your eyes snap open, eyebrows tucked together in worry as Taehyung sighs, reaching for his tie at the end of the bed.
“S-sorry, I was just trying to—”
Taehyung isn’t interested in your excuses. He flips you over, almost as if you weighed nothing, quickly pinning your hands behind your back.
“Since you have trouble listening, let me help you,” He mumbles, using his necktie to tie your hands together, the soft silk digging into your wrists as he double knots it. He huffs, lifting you by the waist so you were now on your knees, the side of your face still pressed to the mattress. “I knew I was being too easy on you,” He mumbles, hand splayed over your ass that was now on show for him. Without warning, he brings his hand down harshly onto the flesh of your ass, making you tuck your lips between your teeth, partially muffling your moan.
“So, are you going to behave now?”
“Yes!” You cry, nodding into the sheets.
“No more chances,” Taehyung mumbles. “Next time you disobey me, I’m going to leave you high and dry, begging me to make you cum.”
You don’t even have the chance to say anything because Taehyung wastes no time, hand around your neck as his cock pushes past your folds, filling you up once again.
“Fuuuck,” You moan as he thrusts into you, his fat cock stretching you out deliciously. You clench your fists, wrists struggling against his necktie because all you wanted right now was to tug at his hair or dig your nails into his skin. God, he was driving you insane.
His hand around your neck isn’t there to choke you but more so he could find leverage to slam into you harder. You whimper and whine, legs threatening to give way with every time he thrusts into you.
“You don’t know how long I’ve thought about you like this,” He groans. “All pretty and obedient for me, moaning my name. So fucking good for me.”
The latter part of his sentence is punctuated by his thrusts, his arm wrapped around your centre helps hold you up as your thighs turn to jelly. His rhythm is sloppy now and you can tell he’s close just by the way he’s whining in your ear.
“Just for you,” You cry, as his hand slips down towards your clit, rubbing the nub with just the right pressure, making your head spin. Your sentence seems to spark something in Taehyung because he grips your neck tighter, quickening his pace.
“Fuck, baby you’re driving me crazy,” He grunts as you begin to lose control, your pussy clenching against his length, making the man lose his composure. “God, your pussy feels so good, so fucking wet and tight just for me.”
“L-let me cum, please,” You beg, almost sobbing as your toes curl up in pleasure. “Please, Tae, I c-can’t anymore.”
Taehyung grunts, pulling out all the way before he plunges back in, his following thrusts short and shallow as he struggles to keep a grip on you. He bucks his hip forward, hand grabbing your shoulder as your name comes out in the form of moans. From your spot, you can see his eyebrows tucked together, his face looking absolutely fucked out and god, you’d do anything to see him look like that again. He chases his high desperately, groaning long and hard before he jerks forward, his cock stuttering as his seed spills into you, your walls clenching around him. You whine, cussing as he brings you to your high, his fingers circling your clit, making your vision go white. As he comes down from his high, he thrusts into you, hitting the bundle of nerves inside you, hitting the spot that made you hold your breath. 
“Pl-please, please, please, Taehyung, I need to cum,” You cry, wail almost as you feel the coil in your stomach grow even tighter.
“You want to cum?” He asks, grunting. You nod, whining as he picks up the pace. “Then be a good girl and cum all over my cock, baby.”
You swear you almost black out, your orgasm so intense that you can no longer hold yourself up, your limbs betraying you as you sink into the mattress, pussy pulsing as it clenches uncontrollably. Taehyung pulls out, flipping you over before his lips finds yours between your pants. His kisses are languid and soft, almost as if it’s an apology. His touch is gentle, cradling your cheeks as he kisses you senseless, sucking at your lips so you would part them for him. His free hand moves down to your pussy his fingers slowly gathering his cum that was spilling out just to push it back into you and you squirm under his hold, whimpering. He continues for a while, his fingers brushing over your clit every so often so he could hear you whine, asking him to stop as your pussy throbbed, feeling a tad bit sensitive.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” He asks as he undoes the necktie that holds your hands together. He frowns, hands smoothing over your wrists that have been rubbed raw. The question catches you off guard, his entire demeanour does. You’re pretty sure most guys do not treat their escorts this way.
“It’s fine, Taehyung. I-I liked it,” You mumble, eyes downcast. At that he smiles, grabbing the soft towel from the nearby table along with his blazer with him. He’s mostly quiet as he cleans you up. Of course he kind of sits there mesmerized as he watches his cum leak out of your pussy. Damn, you seriously don’t understand what you do to him.
Taehyung offers you his shirt before he puts on his boxers and you sit there, awkwardly buttoning his shirt because isn’t he supposed to leave now? Isn’t that how these things usually go? The men would come here, have their fun and leave immediately after. Why was he still here, lingering?
He soon returns to the bed, his hand reaching into the pockets of his blazer to pull out something. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion as he produces two packets, a giant foot printed on each one. You stare it for a little longer before a dawn of realization hits you and you smile, immediately unwrapping the packet when he hands it to you.
“Oh my god, I love these. I almost forgot they existed,” You smile, pulling out the lollipop that was shaped in a foot before carefully dipping it back into the bottom of the packet that held the fizzy powder. “It’s so hard to find them nowadays.”
“Yeah, you can only get them at those really old family owned sundry shops now,” He smiles, unwrapping his own one.
“Seriously, I love this candy so much,” You laugh. “It brings me back to my childhood.”
Taehyung only grins as he makes himself comfortable among the pillows. He beckons you over by patting the spot next to him.
“You know, this sort of feels like it’s meant to console me. Like a hey, you were bad in bed but here, have a lollipop! It’ll make you feel better,” You laugh and Taehyung blushes.
“Th-That’s not what I meant by giving you this lollipop. If anything you’re leagues better than the 3/10 that you think you are.”
“Well, what was your intention then?”
“Nothing really,” He hums. “It’s just that I’m a man of my word is all.”
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18 years ago
“It’s not that bad really,” You assure the boy that’s crying in front of you. “It doesn’t hurt one bit,” You smile, wiping the blood away from your lips.
You’re lying. It hurts… a lot and you kind of regret standing up to the bullies but you weren’t just going to sit back and watch those older boys beat up that same little kid again.
“I’m so sorry,” He mumbles, sobbing. “Next time you shouldn’t try to help.”
“I can’t leave you alone like that,” You frown. “They’re just being big meanies. You didn’t even do anything wrong.”
The boy sighs. You’re as stubborn as an ox. How could you not see that this was a losing battle? They were going to bully him forever. He was an easy target, the poor boy with tattered clothes and no money for food. He just came to the playground to escape from the constant fights his parents would have. He just wanted one moment of peace, and if not the playground, he had nowhere else to go. It was better than home anyway. Even if he got beat up here, at least he would get his moment of peace whenever he laid in the sand box alone, sobbing. At least there was no shouting here once the sun begins to set.
“Oh, my mum’s here,” You hum, breaking the boy out of the trance he was in. “Come on!” You smile, grabbing him by the hand, leading him to your mother.
“What the— Y/N, what happened?” Your mother questions, panicked.
“Well, we—,” You point to yourself and then to the boy next to you. “—stood up to the bullies!”
Your mother sighs, crouching down to inspect your split lip. She can only shake her head as you give her a grin, wincing in pain when you smile too wide.
“And you, oh sweetheart,” She mumbles, softly turning to see his face littered with bruises. “Where are your parents?”
“Busy fighting, throwing things at each other,” The boy answers honestly.
Your mother hums, gulping nervously.
“What’s your name?”
“Kim,” He answers easily with his last name that he shares with thousands of people. His father had told him not to give out his full name. Especially since there’s an order out to kidnap a Kim Taehyung. The mafia needed some leverage so that his father would actually pay back his debt.
“O-okay, Kim,” Your mother smiles. “Would you like to join us for dinner?”
“Can I?” He asks, absolutely beaming at the thought of finally being able to eat a hot meal.
“Sure, what would you like to have? Y/N here likes— Where’d she go? Y/N—”
Your mother only grumbles to herself as she watches you run back towards her, two little packets in your hand.
“I told you to stop running off like that,” Your mother frowns.
“But he was going to leave,” You mumble, pointing to the ice-cream man who’s packing up his cart, putting away the assorted candies he sold along with his ice-cream. “Here,” You smile, handing a packet to the boy. He inspects it with furrowed eyebrows, twisting the packet with a large foot printed on it.
Your obsession with the weirdly shaped lollipop honestly drives your mother crazy. It certainly didn’t help that it was not the easiest candy to find.
“It tastes funny,” The boy mumbles, noting that the candy fizzes in his mouth. “And it’s sour,” He murmurs, face scrunching up at the taste. “But I like it.”
“Exactly! It’s the best!” You smile, dipping the lollipop back into the packet to pick up some more powder.
Your mother takes the both of you by the hand, leading you two to a nearby restaurant. She picks the place because she’s had a long day and she really just wants a good plate of fried rice to heal her soul. She notes the Kim boy is rather quiet, but in your presence, he seems to light up. Shame, she sighs. It’s nice that you were getting along so well with this kid, but you and your mother are moving away to another town in just a few days. Moreover, it didn’t quite sit well with her that the boy had said some rather disturbing things about his home life… and the fact that he was being bullied daily at the playground, that hurt her heart too. But, it was hard taking care of you alone. She didn’t really need more to worry about, in fact she couldn’t afford it.
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“You sure you’ll be okay walking home?” Your mother asks, as the three of you stand outside the restaurant.
“We can walk you home if you would just let us know where it is.”
“My parents really don’t like me giving out our address to strangers,” He mumbles, staring at his feet.
“Okay,” Your mother hums. “You be safe, alright?”
Taehyung nods, ready to walk away when you stop him, making him stand there as you tug at your mother’s sleeve, making her crouch down so you could whisper in her ear.
“Please,” You beg, hands clasped together as your mother gives you a pointed look after having heard your request. She sighs before she nods and digs into her purse for her wallet. The grin you have on when she hands you the money is truly precious.
“Here, take this,” You smile, handing the boy the $20 your mother had just given you. “Don’t let those stupid boys hurt you anymore a-and get yourself something nice to eat tomorrow.”
“Y/N,” He says, dumbfounded, staring at the bill in his hand.
“Oh and here,” You grin, putting the lollipop packet in his hand. “I was saving this for later but I think you should have it.”
“Y/N,” He repeats in the same tone, still in shock. He knows he should say something along the lines of no, I can’t take any of this but the truth is… he wanted both of those things in his hands badly.
“I’ll see you around Kim,” You mumble as you wave at him, walking backwards to your mum who’s waiting further ahead.
“I… I promise I’ll get you this when I have money next time!” He shouts, holding up the packet. “I’ll pay you back 100 times the amount,” He says, pointing at the $20.
“You promise?”
“I promise!”
Taehyung is a man of his word, always has been and always will be. It’s why when you go to drop off your monthly installment for the debt your father owes, they inform you that with the amount you had just paid, you had completely cleared the debt. They tell you that they were surprised to receive the money you mailed in last week and the truth is, so are you but you only nod nonchalantly. You make sure to get the proper documentation from them, to confirm that they were absolutely certain that your account has been cleared. You walk out of there with a nice little slip with their insignia and a gang member’s signature that verifies that the debt has been paid in full. You laugh to yourself, absolutely grateful for their miscalculation or rather, mismanagement. You actually had hundreds and thousands left to pay but hey, you’re not going to tell them that. God, you can’t wait to tell Taehyung what dumbasses his rivals are.
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check out this ask for extras like how tae knew it was oc and if he ever tells her that he’s the little boy she helped out!
A/N: as always, thanks for reading and feedback is always welcome!!! (: also this was meant to be a drabble… i swear… but u kno meeeee
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