#ik it's the middle of january
wongyuseok · 8 months
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NEW YEAR NEW GIF CHALLENGE RULES: give your 2023 music review by showing your fave boy group, fave girl group, fave soloists, fave debut and most played song of the year, then tag some friends to do theirs!
tagged by @xiaojuun thank you eri for tagging me in these things that are typically done only by gifmakers 💜 they're a lot of fun!
I don't gif, so I just made some simple gfx. To switch it up a bit, my picks are my favorite albums/minis of the year for each category. Plus my most played song of 2023 (according to Spotify)! I think you're supposed to pick your favorite song for each of these but 🤷‍♀️
honorable mentions (in order of category; aka the albums I almost picked): exist - exo // cabin fever - purple kiss // rover - kai // door - kim sejeong // the unseen - shownu x hyungwon
tagging: @jwooyoung @possession1981 @dongkwan @eeunwoo @sunghanbin @jeonwon-wonwoo @honeydewtual @hohowonho @bethereforme @hyvnsuk @got7 @talksaxy @db2k @onmywayv @neonsbian @okaysign @kimsmingyu @28reas0ns @leewonseo @lee-minhoe @nfly5 @yongheez @ninqz I am again going off of memory and forgetting a million people 🫣 feel free to ignore the tag for whatever reason 🫶🏻 and mutuals, if you see this and want to do it, pls, pls, pls consider yourself tagged by me & tag me if you do it!!
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Easy Company HC's: Letters Home
A/n: I'm really rolling with these BofB headcanons! hope you enjoy :)
Characters included: Dick Winters, Lewis Nixon, Ronald Speirs, Carwood Lipton, Buck Compton, David Webster, Joe Liebgott
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Dick Winters
Writes frequent, short letters
Meticulously dates his letters and includes a blurb about the weather. January 12th, 1945. It’s snowing outside, dark and cold. 
Starts each letter with My dear y/n 
Always asks how you are, even though he’s the one fighting a damn war
Follows up on every little question or story you include in your letters. How was the bake sale? Did you ever hear how Louise Graham’s brother is doing after taking that shrapnel to the shoulder? Hope you were able to get someone out to look at the washing machine.
Ends his letters with classic but sentimental sign-offs, like Affectionately yours and All my love
Makes sure not to include anything in his letters that would worry you. Doesn’t necessarily lie or fake being happy, but just gently side steps that. 
Although every once in a while you get a longer letter where Dick’s handwriting is a little messier. You know it’s from writing fast, you can almost feel the pressure behind the penmarks. He opens up more in those letters, talks about losing too many good men and sometimes will say things that just absolutely break your heart, like sometimes I wonder how all of this is really going to end for the men who are over here fighting. 
Even in these letters, Dick never says “I” or “Me”, always writes about the men and the boys. You know - and so does he - that he’s including himself in those boys.
His next letter he always makes sure to reassure you. And it’s genuine, you can tell. He’ll say something like I have to put some of these heavier thoughts somewhere, and there’s nowhere I trust more than with you. 
When he comes home, you find a stack of letters you wrote to him tied up in a neat bundle and stashed in an inside pocket of his Ike jacket that he sewed in especially for that purpose. You could tell by the flimsy, near-ripped creases and dirty paper that he’d read each one about a hundred times over. Buried in the middle of the stack was the picture you’d given him before he’d left for training. On the back, he’d written simply your name, the date the photo was taken, and a short instruction: in event of my death, please send all personal effects to with your home address. It made you sob but you never told him you found it.
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GIF by mads-weasley
Lewis Nixon
Rarely writes. Actually drives you crazy with worry most of the time.
When he finally does, you can tell that he’s initially annoyed at having to put his thoughts down on paper. Letters start off with short, sarcastic sentences like nothing new here. Still fighting the war, in case you hadn’t heard. Enjoying German hospitality. 
But as the letters go on he relaxes into it and stops being so grouchy. 
Because he’s always grumpy at having to write (you should probably thank Dick for cajoling Lew into actually sitting down to write to you), he usually doesn’t write any sort of introduction or sweet address, just dives right into it.
His letters usually don’t say much, he just kind of rambles about how much he hates being away from you and how he can’t wait for the whole damn thing to be over. 
Sometimes he’ll write something so incredibly romantic it takes your breath away, like I’d fight a whole division of Panzers myself if I could just get one more sniff of your perfume. 
Those are the letters you save and reread to yourself over and over again when you’re waiting weeks for the next one.
Always signs off with something kind of sassy but also sweet?, like You know I love you or Keep our bed warm for me. 
Sometimes you feel like you can smell whiskey on the paper, which both worries you but also reminds you of Lew
When he finally gets home and you ask him about what he did with your letters, he kind of looks at you like you’ve gone crazy and says I read them of course, what else was I supposed to do with them? 
This hurts your feelings at first which of course he doesn’t understand, but after a few weeks you start to realize that he actually did read them and not only that he memorized their contents. Like he refers to your mother as “the Wicked Witch of Wichita” (something you called here after you wrote him a long rambling letter about how angry she made you at your sister’s bridal shower) and buys you a bouquet of daffodils because you wrote him a letter with a daffodil doodle in the margins of the page talking about the spring gardens. 
You realize that Lew shows his love in the little details, and it makes you appreciate him all the more.
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GIF by beautifulguycollector
Ronald Speirs
Ron’s letters read like military bulletins. 
Doing well despite the cold. 1st sgt sick with pneumonia. Think of you often.
Writes predictably once per week. Never misses a letter. Ever. 
You always write him long, lengthy, romantic letters. Sometimes even a little raunchy, if you’ve had some wine. After one particularly *ahem* suggestive letter, you feel ridiculous and say so the next time you write.
In typical Ron fashion, you get a short, to-the-point reply, but it still puts a smile on your face and a blush on your cheeks: Loved your letter. Keep writing. 
Towards the end of the war, Ron starts a countdown to when he expects to be coming home. Two months now, maybe less. Home for the Fourth of July. 
Also signs off with R.S. Which makes you laugh, as if you could forget who was writing to you.
Whenever your girlfriends find a letter from Ron (you keep them all in a shoebox in your closet), they tease you and ask how you can possibly be in love with someone so stiff and formal. To which you can only chuckle to yourself, because you know it’s just that they don’t understand that Ron doesn’t tell you he loves you, he shows you. Writing a letter every single week. Updating you on everything going on, even short updates, because he wants you to know how he’s doing. That’s Ronald Speirs’ love language.
Maybe three weeks before Ron comes home, you start getting boxes of (stolen?) German silver at your door. At first it freaks you out and makes you feel slimy for having lavish riches from an enemy country, so you don’t unpack the boxes and you just stack them up in the back bedroom. When Ron gets home and sees the boxes unopened and shut away, he immediately asks you what’s wrong. You stammer out an explanation and without blinking an eye, Ron loads them into his truck and takes them to the dump. 
(Later you convince him that a better use of those would be to donate them to the local orphanage, so off he goes in his truck to get the boxes back out of the dump and bring them to shelter.)
One night when you’re lying awake, head on Ron’s chest, talking idly about things that don’t matter, he interrupts you to ask Can you guess which letter I kept? 
You instantly blush, thinking of that risque letter you wrote him when you were halfway through your second bottle of white wine. He shakes his head and pulls a letter out of his nightstand and hands it to you. You don’t recognize it immediately, although you do see that it’s too short to be one of the naughtier correspondences. 
It’s too dark to read, so you ask him which letter. He says it’s the one you wrote to me for my birthday. 
You don’t remember that one and you tell him as much, so you ask him why he kept that one instead of some of the others. He looks down at you with a serious look in his eyes, a little surprised that you can’t figure it out. Then he tells you: it’s the first time you wrote that you loved me. 
The next day, you sneak a peek at the letter and realize he’s right. You signed it, I love you Ron. 
From then on, you make sure to tell him that every night before he falls asleep.
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Carwood Lipton
Formal, sweet letters. This man is a king of romancing by words.
Writes as often as he can, but you know that Lip needs peace and quiet for an entire evening to get one of those letters done (he probably definitely writes a draft or two before he gets it right). And let’s face it, Easy Company doesn’t have the luxury of many quiet evenings. 
Always, always, always starts his letters off with Dear (future) Mrs. Lipton, which you honestly think is hopelessly corny but it’s way too adorable to tell him so. And besides, you secretly love it.
He always reminisces about home in his letters. Tells you how much he misses the smell of your baking, the squeak of the front porch swing that you two would sit on and watch the sunset. 
He worries a lot about you and his family. He always asks you to look in on his mother if it’s not too much trouble. 
Lip doesn’t talk much about the war, in fact he hardly acknowledges it at all. And he never uses the term ‘war’ or ‘battle’. Instead, he says things like The boys over here are still committed to doing the job or Easy presses on.  
Lip’s letters get a little shorter and less soft after Bastogne. He starts including the names of the casualties in his company in the P.S. Even though you don’t know these men except by name - and some of them, not even that - you feel honored that he trusts you with their memories. 
Lip has saved your letters and all the pictures you sent to him - he loves pictures, and asks for an updated one of you almost every month - tucked in his foot locker and safely between the pages of his Bible so they don’t get creased or dirty. 
You also find that he’s kept stacks of letters from some of his men that died in the field. When you ask him what he plans to do with the letters, he gets a heartbreaking, far-off look in his eyes and says I reckon I’ll try to get them back to their families. 
You take on the burden of doing that, and you write to some of the families introducing yourself and introducing Lip and offering to forward them the letters.
All the replies you get back mention that their soldier talked about how good a leader and friend Lip was. Their replies bring tears to your eyes. For some reason, you don’t show the letters to Lip, although you do tell him about them. He never asks to read the letters, he just kisses you on your forehead and tells you that he’s never loved you more. 
Even after he’s home, he’ll still write you a letter from time to time, usually at Christmastime or for your birthday in the summer. His letters are always talking about his favorite memories with you, and there’s always a paragraph at the end where he talks about how in love with you he is. It’s borderline poetry and it makes you cry every single time.
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GIF by balladofthe101st
Buck Compton
Basically just writes a list of questions for you to answer in every letter.
Wants to know everything about what’s going on at home. Especially sports teams.
Doesn’t write frequently, so sometimes it’s hard to feel like there’s a conversation happening. 
But he always includes sweet little notes about how much he’s thinking of you and how he’s counting down the days until he can hold you again, so you’re not complaining. 
Not the most poetic writer. Always says what he thinks and feels though. Completely honest and open. 
Does not tell you anything about the war. Basically ignores the entire thing. 
Sometimes you think about asking him about that, but you figure that he’s not talking about it for a reason, so you follow suit.
Calls you baby in his letters. 
Doesn’t actually say ‘I love you’ in his letters, although says everything else. Miss you baby. Dream about you all the time. When I get home, I’m putting a ring on your finger. 
One time he writes that he woke up last night out of a dream and swore I could taste you and it makes your toes curl.
You save that letter, tuck it in your underwear drawer. 
Signs his letters very simply: Buck. Sometimes he’ll put something in like until next time or I’ll write soon. But usually nothing super romantic or sentimental.
Doesn’t save your letters, but that really doesn’t bother you too much because all you wrote in them was basically just rambling details that Buck requested about your boring day-to-day. 
Buck’s always better in person than in writing - he’s a quality time and physical touch kind of guy - but you know that your letters were his only lifeline to normal during the war, and you’re just happy to have him back at all. 
He does surprise you one night when it’s really quiet in the house and you’re sitting on the couch together, each reading a book. He suddenly turns to you and says You know baby girl, your letters saved my sanity over there. It’s the most he’s really ever said about the war, but it’s enough, and you kiss him so he knows that you get it.  
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GIF by balladofthe101st
David Webster
Unsurprisingly, Web is probably the best letter writer in all of Easy Company. 
He helps a lot of the other guys write letters home, especially if they’re trying to say something important. Web just has a knack for words unlike any other. 
He writes a lot of letters home, not just to you, but to the rest of his family, his siblings, some of his friends, and definitely his professors. 
So because you’re close with Web’s family, you do get to read a lot of his writing. 
His letters to you are different though. They’re darker and a little less polished. Sometimes, they frighten you a little bit. Web talks about things you’re not you really understand - like how pointless death is, how empty it makes him feel to see his friends get KIA, how he carries around guilt about surviving this long like an anchor. 
Refers to you exclusively in his letters by your first name, his writing is always serious and somber and drenched with heavy emotions, so pet names just really don’t fit the vibe.
He quotes poetry and literature quite a bit when he writes. It all feels a bit Gothic, but you’ve always known that Web has found clarity in the world through books, so you don’t begrudge him a little poetic license.
Signs his letters Yours in perpetuity, David K. Webster. 
Asks you to send books. Sometimes he asks for something specific, but other times he’s happy to get whatever you pick out for him. Your tastes are different from his; you prefer to choose shorter, gentle pieces about life in the British countryside or Western adventure novels. Web would prefer Wadsworth or Hemingway, but he figures it’s probably in his best interests to read things that don’t tackle dark themes. You always tuck a letter for him into the first few pages. 
He doesn’t save your letters, per se, although he does save every single book you send to him. When he gets home, he puts them all up on the bookshelf in his office. Even though they’re beat up and stained and not at all fitting with the rest of his collection, they’re front and center. 
Sometimes he takes a stab at sketching in his letters. He’s not bad, either. You try to encourage him to take lessons when he gets home, which he never does. He secretly loves how much you love his drawings though.
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GIF by yourspeirs
Joe Liebgott
You definitely like to re-read his letters… again and again…
Not every letter is a dirty one. But most are. Or at least have a dirty section in them. 
You don’t know how this man makes you feel wanted from halfway around the world, but somehow he does. Lord knows you love a lot about your Joey, but you didn’t realize how good he was with words until you found yourself practically stalking the mailman, hoping for another delivery from Joe.
Uses a lot of pet names in his letters. Baby girl, Doll, Princess are some of his favorites. Literally never calls you by your name.
Always signs off with Your Joey. 
Even when Joe is clearly in a dark place, his letters are saturated with how much he needs you and how he can’t stop thinking about all the ways he’s going to have you when he gets home. 
When your mother finds one of Joey’s letters to you, she throws an absolute shit fit and freaks out that you’re sleeping with someone before you’re married. It takes a long time for you to convince her that you haven’t slept with Joey yet, you’re just… really into dirty talking.
She kinda chills after that but still looks at you suspiciously every time you get a letter from him.
She never tells your dad though, which makes you think maybe she’s more supportive of your relationship with him than you realized.
After working up the courage, you write Joe a letter that is so sinful you actually doubt whether you should send it in the mail, it just feels so wrong.
When I say this man goes crazy for that letter, it is an understatement. He is out of his mind and immediately writes you a reply telling you so. Basically begs you for more.
Even though your letters back and forth with Joe are pretty raunchy, there’s also a sweetness to them. He’s always sure to mention that This ain’t just all talk, Doll. When you’re Mrs. Liebgott, you’re gonna see exactly what I’ve been writing about. Which you know is still pretty dirty, but hey, he’s basically proposing to you, right?
You are not the least bit surprised to know that he kept your naughtiest letters when he finally gets home.
But, Joseph Liebgott is a man of his word, and even though he is clearly dying to and you’re practically begging him to, he doesn’t make good on all those dirty promises until after you’re wearing his ring.
Much to your delight, you find that he is just as good with actions as he is with words.
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mxlly143 · 9 months
okkk so ik i havent been posting daily mbs like i usually do.. but i have a perfectly good reason for that its bc i have alot of things going on rn like my midterms are coming up at the end of the month AND IM NOT READY, I'm also in the middle of some crazy boy drama rn so I'm always busy doing something involving that on Instagram but yeahhhhhh...
im still gonna be online im gonna be posting, commenting, and responding but i dont have much time on my hands as i used to, to sit and make mbs good enough to post for u guyss
I'm going to try and post whenever i can TRUST... but as soon as January's over you'll have the regular (funny and weird) mali back!!!
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starixi07 · 5 months
guys omg let me talk about how my life has changed so much from july 2023 to now April 2024 (mad yapping incoming) tw: ed, alc, peer pressure
July: Ok so in July I started losing weight because I wanted to become my “best” self. My birthday had just happened and I turned 16. Two days later, my parents got in a huge fight and they told me and my brother to come out of our rooms. My dad had been cheating on my mom and she wanted a divorce. But, I never wanted them to so my mom gave me the choice if she would stay or leave. I ,of course, made her stay (she still blames me to this day). So, I went on a hunger strike and didn’t eat for like a week.
August: I had lost about 10 pounds and school was going to start. Once school started some people took notice, but I didn’t look all that different. I also stopped wearing a full face of makeup and went natural.
September: I lost another 10 pounds and looked more snatched than ever. There was this new girl in my class and we became friends. She then turned out to go to my elementary and we reconnected. I told her about my ex talking stage. Turns out he had been saying I was obsessed with him behind my back to girls from other schools like brudda what?
October: I lost ten more pounds and I was at my best weight/body. There was the fair and lala. OMG i talked to this one guy for about two weeks because I reached out (i was bored). I also talked to this other guy but i ended them both that same month. My ed was so horrible at this time but my body was bomb yall.
November: I was in my Rory Gilmore era guys and my grades were so good. I had a small friend group and was in the middle of popularity ykwim? Not much happened.
December: I started to develop a crush on this guy. He was part of that friendcest group iykyk. Nevertheless I was like ooo lala. Let me tell yall cause ik i’m not delulu. I was with my friend and she went to go turn in a paper in the office. She made a joke and I laughed with my teeth out and we walked outside the door. I see someone come down the stairs and I was still smiling and I made eye contact. He looked at me and smiled at me. Keep in mind that this brudda did NOT know me. My friend became friends with one of his friends. He was a popular kid that like everyone likes and is on the football team, tall and white. (ikr😡) They would joke around and my pookie sookie hangs out with that foo so everytime my friend and her friend would joke around he would be there and would laugh when i would laugh. In several instances I may have somehow made him think I liked him. (i didn’t at the time) Guys i would giggle around him as if i had a crush on him but i didn’t.
January 2024: Christmas break passed and I gained half the weight back. Formal was coming up and I was scared I would look fat. So, I restricted and went back to a good weight. I got my dress and yall I’m hispanic so yk i got the badonkadonk genes but not the biddies😔. Guys my gyatt looked so good in that dress. (i love brain rot idc) I pregamed before formal and went with my friend. Guys i didn’t mean to get too coocoo but I did. My pookie dookie was there and he kept looking at me. I didn’t go to the after party tho cause i didn’t know they were a thing. I found out one of my besties went and she was all up on him but I remained her friend.
February: I started wearing makeup again but this time i was a baddie. Remember my crush? He followed me at 3 am on a Sunday and… he was drinking. (found out from that friend) GUYS OMGGG! I started to wear less makeup and wore only my lash clusters. There was a moment during school where he was walking with a friend. I noticed it was him and peeked. THIS BRUDDA WAS LOOKING AT ME.
March: This was MY month yall. As i told yall im hispanic so I go to quinces. (search them up) My friend that snaps my crush went with me and this other girl that’s my friend. I drank hella and almost blacked out. I was dancing with this one guy and he was also all drunk. He kissed me. Guys that was my first kiss. Anyways that night we crazy and still keeps me up to this day. That night my friend that snaps my crush came home to stay the night over at mine. I ended up adding my crush on snap. He added me back three mins later. We start snapping. The next night, my dog dies. This was my first time experiencing grief and she died in my arms. I loved her sm she was my first dog. Then, it was my friends bday the one that snaps my crush😭. The next weekend I went to her lil bday kickback. (my first ever omg) I became friend with two popular girls. We all drank sm that day too. I went back home at like 3 am. Then, I started going the gym and eating healthier. I hung out with those two popular girls and we went to the mall. Then, spring break started. I hung out with that girl that snaps my crush and we became besties. She came over to sleep over and we got twisted (tea) 🐒. We also hit the penjamin and I bought the devils lettuce. That night at one in the morning. I asked her to call my crush. She did, and he picked up. They were flirting in front of me but he didn’t rlly wanna and told her he was going to sleep. He sent me a snap after and he was with his friends. They were doing the same that my bestie and I were. Still, his responses to me were so dry and boring.
April: This month is so messy and it hasn’t even ended. My crush has started to snap me less. I found out over spring break he went to a beach trip with his friend and three other girls (unsupervised) for like three days. He slept with the biggest bop of the century and we lost our streak. That wasn’t even the first time they had done that together either. Then, another quince happened and I went with my new bestie. We pregamed at my house. I danced with like two guys. They were both in their 20s bye😭. I went home mad drunk with my bestie. We ended the night. The next morning, my parents talked to me. They found my drinks, my lettuce, pictures of me doing that and more. They prohibited me from going out and seeing my friend. They took away my phone. The night before, I ended up texting the guy from october. Turns out he had a gf the entire time we talked in that month. I also talked to this other guy and we called all night. I was hopeless. Me and my parents ended up better the next day tho. I wrote a bombbb apology letter and I. guilt tripped them for forcing their divorce on me. There was gonna be a party for a popular girl the week after and Ik they weren’t gonna let me go. So, I SNUCK OUT for the first time. We ended up going all late but I looked bomb. And guess what my crush was there. It was 4/20 so yk i had to get lit. I wanted to be more “lit” before I talked to my pookie. I shaved everywhere guys mhmmm. My friend can’t control herself, so she got wasted. My crush was right behind me and she looked at me and yelled “Go talk to ****!” Guys I ran away. Like frfr. I was so embarrassed and then I came back to the party. Then, the guys left cause her dad was gonna come home. Me and my friend and these other people hid in her room. I didn’t have a ride home and none of them did either. I was gonna go home with the girls sister and ended up getting picked up by one of my friends from last year. Before that, my friend left home and everyone else did and it was just me and this one guy. We walked back to the room and he was like “is your friend always like that?” I told him no she was just too drunk. He told me she tried to kiss him. Then he was all rambling “I would never kiss a drunk girl” like ten times. To him I seemed sober cause i was taking care of her all night. Then, i asked him if i smelled like lettuce and he goes “no u smell rlly good “ i just tell him ok and then he repeats himself. He looks at me and gives me that stare yk. Guys I looked away so fast. Ok I would have kissed him but he seemed gay so I didn’t. After that, my crush snapped me more often. We stopped making eye contact tho. But last week we had a different schedule and we normally would have third period after breakfast, but instead we had it right after second. I was walking to the building and there is a window on the door. It’s hella reflective and I look at myself before I enter. I heard someone walking behind me and I assumed it was this other girl that I had that class with. GUYS i look at myself and see behind me my CRUSH. He doesn’t have class in that building he has it ACROSS wth did he follow me for. I was so scared and went to class. That class ended and I have fourth period with him. He usually gets to that class so quick. I have it right across so I get there in like five seconds. I went to class and I had to go pee so I went to the restroom. I see someone come up the stairs and ik it’s him. I felt bold guys. I look him in the eyes and he looked away hella quick. I went to the bathroom and came back. I had to put the pass away and he was standing by the door about to go to the bathroom but there was no pass. I had it yall. I put the pass down right next to his hand and he looked down at me ( he’s like 6 feet) (i’m 5’3😍) I went to class. School ended and I was going to the front gate cause I have class in the back. I saw him walking with his friend and we made eye contact. He’s so annoying. He tried to seem smug like ur weird ho. 😭😭 I want him so bad. I got scared cause I didn’t expect it and then looked away mad quick.
Part Two ??
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gh0stzinl0ve · 7 months
hey yall if you haven’t noticed.. im not so into total drama anymore sorry… :( i still like it but not as much as i did soooo ngl i haven’t rlly liked it since like the middle of january😭 and like working on ANYTHING about gave me massive burnout:(
so expect a little bit of change around these parts
highschool au and the noaheather fic will be semi worked on but like super slowly as i have developed other interests *COUGH* *COUGH* (mortal kombat) (bg3) and have jumped back into old ones (hetalia..) (resident evil..)
so sorry again😞 ik how much some of all liked my noaheather fic and highschool au
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alisonscotlock · 1 year
tagged by @sarahlancashire 💖
scott & bailey - this is the show that got me into fandom and fanfiction (reading and writing) and basically without it i would never have met any of my internet friends. aside from that, i am not immune to fictional middle-aged female detectives with wine-red nail varnish - gill murray and julie dodson i’m looking at you both. special mention to any and all episodes written by amelia bullmore bc gdi the woman is a comedic genius
home fires - i don’t really go for war stuff usually, but this cast drew me in and thank the gods it did bc this was gorgeous. this is the show that gave me my username bc alison scotlock is the loml. it has it all - great stories, beautiful cinematography, excellent acting, a great soundtrack, plentiful pretty ladies for the milf lovers amongst us...
yonderland - only wanted to choose one show by the six idiots and honestly it could have been any of them, but yonderland won because it’s just so CLEVER while being utterly silly, which is absolutely my kind of thing. negatus is supposed to be the baddie but is just... silly and incompetent, which makes him adorable. lots of wise elder vex’s lines became lil echolalia things for me for months after i watched it
call the midwife - this is the show that has been with me for the longest time. it started when i was 15 and it’s seen me through so much and it’s my annual ‘let’s have a big cry every sunday in january and february’ comfort show with a side order of intense emotions. i have loved and/or appreciated 99% of the storylines, midwives and nuns. phyllis crane and sister julienne are my LOVES
dinnerladies - victoria wood. need i say more? this show is like an old friend to me. i can’t remember the first time i watched it but i must have seen it over 15 times. victoria’s writing is incredible and all of the cast are VERY good at bringing her characters to life. this is a get to know me and also my family kind of show - it’s the one we will all sit and watch and laugh along to and we quote it every day
last tango in halifax - look, i’m not saying some of these shows to get to know me aren’t mildly to extremely traumatising, they’re just the shows that have had the most impact on my life. sally i will never forgive you for THAT and also series 5 was so weird, but this was the first show with wlw in it that i watched after i came out and also caroline elliot is another loml (ok i have a lot...)
mum - sitcoms with added pulling hard on the heartstrings are where it’s AT. this is SO well-written and i’m a sucker for that realism. if you think it’s slow and boring then you’re watching it wrong. cathy walker, i love you. she’s so gentle. you know this show is good bc there’s a het relationship that i cry about. it’s the yearninggggg
holby city (series 14 - series 21) - again, this is not The Best by a LONG shot, but berena was my whole life when i was not great mentally and had very little else. they are my ultimate ship and bernie wolfe has my whole entire heart and basically the ik they’re fictional but if the two of them can go through the most traumatising shit and still be “happier than i ever thought possible” finding the love of their life at over 50 years of age, that gives me boundless hope <3
not tagging anyone, but if you see this and would like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged!
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sayitaliano · 2 years
which city would you recommend visiting in northern italy in january? (there’s nothing i don’t like, besides skiing)
You can visit basically anywhere. Every city, even the smallest one, has something cool to see, something historic. Gonna mention a few I know better. but ofc it's more about what do you like and what you want to experience (the moment you know that I can be more accurate with my suggestion).
You can visit Turin, even more if you're insterested in something "esoteric" (there's the dark side of that city -with all the monuments and stuff- which is interesting, either if you believe or not in those things), not to mention it's close to the Alps if you want to take a trip there to just see the landscape or visit some castles.
In fact, if you go to Aosta and the Aosta Valley, you'll have loads. You don't have to ski at all, you can enjoy the villages, the castles, the history of the city -Aosta- (at the end of january 29th-31st there's also a very famous street market in which you can buy wood stuff and typical food and much more), maybe visit some vineyard or cheese/ham producers (many offer guided visits+free tasting), or just go up on the mountains and walk on the snow to a close cabin to enjoy the view and some warm chocolate...
In Piedmont there are also the Langhe, which are hills basically but there are even more vineyards and things to eat (the food tourism there is really strong + there are nice villages and castles as well)
Another city is Novara: it's between Turin and Milan (by train is like 1 hour from Turin and 40 mins from Milan). It's surrounded by rice fields (many typical foods are made with it), it's close to the mountains (same thing I mentioned), it's close to hills (same as Langhe), it's close to the 7 lakes (between Piedmont and Lombardy) and a couple of them are pretty famous: Lago Maggiore (the biggest, so many interesting things to see like the San Carlo Borromeo statue -copied by the Liberty statue of NY-, the Castlli di Cannero -close to Switzwerland too- which are ruins in the middle of the lake but once were the customs, but there are also 3 famous Isole Borromee too which are so beautiful and the Isola Bella for example has a beautiful park+villa) and the little Lago d'Orta with the even more little precious Isola di San Giulio and the monastery (but also an amazing history). I love the vibe there. But back to Novara, it has lot of history too, and a very interesting Cupola di San Gaudenzio which used to be the tallest brick Cupola buildt on a church (it doesn't touch the ground) of the whole Europe (made by Alessandro Antonelli: there's a special tour about him to see all his amazing works) and ofc you can go up on the Cupola too and see the landscape and Milan from there (if the weather allows ofc... fog is there very often). Oh, the patron Saint is celebrated with street markets on january 22nd (cool enough, Aosta is a couple of hours away, js). lol im not selling away this town i swear...or maybe i am but ik it well&lt;3
And yes, Milan but... do I have to talk about Milan? The Duomo, the Castello Sforzesco, La Scala and so much more. Sondrio, which is up near the mountains but it's a cool city too. Bergamo, divided into uptown and downtown (meaning the first is up on the "hill"). Mantova with all the museums to visit like Palazzo Te. Padova, again with the University history and the Cappella degli Scrovegni (Giotto's job). Venezia, and I think I don't have to add anything, lol But also Genova and the Cinque Terre (we're in Liguria: you're near the sea too), and Emilia Romagna with cities like Bologna, Modena, Riccione (which probably is more alive in summer?Idk): history, food, landscape (from the mountains to the sea)... Trento is a cool city too, and despite it being in Trentino, you can visit the city and the area around, and enjoy the landscape without having to go skiing
The Northern area as a lot to offer, it only depends on what you want to do (visit cities and their history, stay more in nature -and which kind-, do both, just eating and relaxing in a spa...) :) so if you want to drop another ask with a request, I'll gladly suggest something more in tune with you!
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booty-uprooter · 2 years
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I posted 24,240 times in 2022
That's 15,564 more posts than 2021!
1,036 posts created (4%)
23,204 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,086 of my posts in 2022
#zack's random nonsense - 510 posts
#zack's adventures in the er - 327 posts
#ffxiv - 250 posts
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#my nemesis - 24 posts
#bandori - 18 posts
#wiggle girl - 16 posts
#cat - 12 posts
#moby dick - 12 posts
#bang dream - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and like ik theyll probably make me go pretty far sometimes and its not a job that most ppl stick w very long cause its hard and depressing
My Top Posts in 2022:
the english names in death note aren't weird because the author doesn't know what english names sound like. the japanese names are also weird. the author didn't want to freak anyone out by accidentally writing someone's actual name in the notebook that murders people whose names are written in it. death note was published in jump, a magazine normally targeted to elementary and middle school children. it was a reasonable precaution born from a reasonable concern
1,199 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
i'm convinced the devs go out of their way to make raid fights as much of a pain in the ass as possible for black mages just to fuck with yoshi p specifically
2,201 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
crystal exarch: g'raha tia wasnt in the tower when i got there
wol: did you look? did you look under things? he's a bit of a manlet. more of a scale miniature of a person, really. did you look down ever at all? he could've been standing right in front of you and you just missed him
crystal exarch: *choking back tears* there was no such person
2,280 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
imagine if the defunctland guy ever had to testify in court like. the look on the judge's face when the lawyers call up Mr. Perjurer
16,958 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
when ppl act surprised about ppl celebrating the deaths of imperialists and fascists on the celebrate the death of imperialists and fascists website
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32,050 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →K94
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wascherin · 11 days
Kyunghyang Newspaper, Tuesday, January 1, 1957
Survey I
By The Editorial Writer
(1) What did you gain and what did you lose through two and a half years of your parliamentary career?
(2) What do you want to do the most for the rest of your term?
(3) What is the thing you are most proud of that you have done throughout your term?
Kwak Sang-hoon (Democratic Party)
(1) If I have to answer something, I will say I gained Democratic Party. What I lost is Mr. Shin Ik-hee, one of my democratic fighters comrades.
(2) My political wish from the Constituent National Assembly to this day is to amend the constitution into a cabinet system.
(3) I want to say the fact that I contributed to the founding of Democratic Party.
Yun Je-sul (Democratic Party)
(1) I gained the fleeting fame and lost my childlike innocence.
(2) I hope I can at least amend the general election law.
(3) It is hard to say I have achieved something.
Soh Seon-gyu (Democratic Party)
(1) I have tasted a lot of bitter taste as a politician for the past two years and several months, and I think it became a fertilizer for personality training to me. What I lost was my valuable time wasted without political achievement.
(2) I would like to revise the election law to secure the exercise of the people's right to vote and to ensure fairness in counting the votes.
(3) Participating in the public speeches and the debate on alternative constitutional amendments at the time of the 1954 constitutional amendment and engaging in the July 27 parliamentary demonstration last year will be unforgettable memories not only during my parliamentary life but also during my lifetime.
Son Kwon-bae (Democratic Party)
(1) What I have gained is that I have cleared up all my long-established political woes and carved out a new course by joining Democratic Party, and what I have lost is my hope that is gradually disappearing as the dignity of our people is damaged.
(2) Revision of the election law
(3) I participated in the democratic front for the struggle to protect civil rights beyond the boundaries of Liberal Party, the group of pro-government, money, and illegality.
Cho Soon (Liberal Party)
(1) Naked we come into the world, and naked we leave it, so what benefits and losses can there be for me? When I started working as a lawmaker seven years ago, I had ambition and passion to change the world, but they were weathered and worn out in the storm of reality, leaving only a lot of wrinkles on my face.
(2) How about I build a new capitol building that serves our country for more than a millennium in the middle of Seoul.
(3) Even though I have been misunderstood by the opposition parties as a core of the party in power and by the ruling party as a person with opposition color, I have been tried to strike a balance between both sides.
Kim Dong-wook (Association for the Constitution and Politics)
(1) I got debt and lost time.
(2) I would like to visit Southeast Asia to broaden my horizons someday.
(3) The movement for national sovereignty
Lee In (Independent)
(1) All I gained is disillusionment. And I lost my ego.
(2) I want to put this country on a high-level democratic track by working on the people's political enlightenment.
(3) I occasionally said things that were jarring to both ruling and opposition parties, but the result may have been medicine for all of us.
Kim Ji-joon (Liberal Party)
(1) I lost my spirit, and gained a venomous tongue.
(2) I would like to strive to have strong legislation to prevent the smuggling of luxury imports.
(3) I tried to get the good policies of the ruling and opposition parties to set sail, but……
Lee Cheol-seung (Democratic Party)
(1) If I have to say that I have gained something, I will say that I have qualified as a soldier of the front lines of the democratization movement. In other words, it means that I participated in the formation of Democratic Party, an organization of the angry people. What I have lost is immeasurable. My portrait as a politician that I had been drawing was shattered and I only had a bitter taste left. Moreover, I have completely lost my privacy.
(2) It is my firm belief that what must be done not only for the rest of my term but also throughout my life is to fight injustice in order to protect the sovereignty of the people.
(3) I am proud that I am fighting boldly in the ranks of the democratic front. I am confident that I have fought with all my heart and soul against dictatorship and corruption that are unfolding in the current political situation. When the late Deputy Speaker Choi Soon-ju tried to pass a rejected constitutional amendment by forcibly applying "Rounding off," I resisted by pulling him from the podium, which can be cited as an example.
Chang Taek-sang (Independent)
(1) What I got is the blame from the people and what I lost is my pride.
(2) I want to shout that this government is not walking on the democratic line, but on the dictatorial line.
(3) One was that during last year I said on behalf of the opposition parties, "Punish the lawmakers for forgery of official documents." The other was that I read the declaration defending the people's sovereignty in the July 27 parliamentary demonstration.
Yang Il-dong (Association for the Constitution and Politics)
(1) We lost our hard-won democracy and faced the dictatorship force. I can say these are what we have now.
(2) The realization of democracy. I want to find true democracy in this country by establishing a cabinet system.
(3) I opposed the constitutional amendment bill that caused the dictatorship and also refused to attend the National Assembly at the time. In doing so, I made my stand clear in front of the whole nation.
Kim Yung-seon (Democratic Party)
(1) I gained the political party, fighting spirit for democracy, and national blueprint. What I lost is the freedom and civil rights of the people.
(2) Implementation of the economic policies by Democratic Party
(3) Efforts to exclude special interests and inflationary gains
Yun Chi-young (Independent)
(1) What I gained is justice. And I certainly lost several things in terms of living.
(2) Getting the people out of the current situation
(3) I have tried to lay the right tracks in the National Assembly.
*To be continued*
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tweakin-journal · 6 months
*this is not to encourage drug use, don't blame me if you bite off more than you can chew
I wanted to make a side blog to document my experiences on crystal, starting this two weeks after my second time smoking.
Background things for context: I had done a bump once as a teenager ( bad choices lol, snorting glass is like snorting glass. And it burns so bad and will give you the worst headache ever.) I have been a daily weed smoker for years, have plenty of shroom experience, used to im ketamine daily, haven't had any in about 2 years, plenty of danphetamine experience, mostly Vyvanse and Adderall that was proscribed to me for adhd that I would occasionally do recreational doses. I've had several experiences on molly and bean at parties, coke hanging out on occasion, crack once ( doesn't last long enough to be worth the money or the feining), smoked spice once did not like it, got stuck on benzos for a month when I couldn't get k, worst withdrawals I've ever experienced, I stay away from that shit. Spent a lot of time cycling with alcohol, when it was at its worst I would cut myself off when I would call out from work or if I couldn't go 24 hours without getting shakey, havent had to do that in over a year, mostly because ive been working a lot and had other goals. Played around with whippet some. I think that covers my past drug use. And I'm a 24 year old cis woman.
How it started, my then bf now husband had found his mom's bubble, fuckin charred on the bottom like someone ad just taken a torch and burned through that bitch, with a lot left in it. He cleaned it, got super super horny, I left work used some flex time so I wouldn't miss the sex crazed window. About a month after that I bought a light gram from a dude ik from the bar who sold mostly heroin. He got too hansy, i could have over powered his short ass but I wanted the crystal so I let him a little before cutting him off. Went home thinking it wasn't worth it, my bf had started to act kinda feiny about it that scared me too. But those regrets and anxiety didn't last long.
First time smoking middle of January:
We started at 10 o'clock I was a little underwhelmed at first, it took about a hour and several hits to get the rush, but I had been having trouble holding it in. Got really horny watched porn and fucked for 17 hours, stopped smoking around 12 hours, at 13 hours I got kinda bored of the porn but was still very horny I was kinda couch locked. Throughout this time I was in and out of the shower we had been using Vaseline we Doordarshed for lube and I was enjoying washing it off and feeling the water, elite showers for sure. I wasn't able to cum by body just kinda got used to the intensity it ended up dulling out but before it did I had the most intense sex of my life. Must have spent hours giving head, got experimental picked up a few new tricks. We talked about porn and different things we like and don't like about it, we got more intimate than we had been and we were already really close and comfortable with each other, been together for 3 years, with a close friendship before that. We were porn locked and at about 2pm on Monday we got a message from his mom his brother that they and his niece was coming over, enter paranoia and panic cleaning mode, there was olvie oil everywhere sex toys everywhere sheets had to be taken care of, but we got it presentable in time. They came through and we someone manged to not get noticed, even was able to force ourselves to eat McDonald's which sucked. They left and the porn came back on and we kept smoking. I stopped at around 5 trying to give myself enough time to be OK to workTuesday. Took a shower at 6 and got the rush again, right back up. By 9 I was coming down and felt too tired to jerk off but too horny to sleep. By 12 he was smoking on the leftovers in the bubble by 3 he was hitting nothing and being a fien. I was just about asleep when he started to have a panic attack because he was coming down and starting to feel his heart rate and blood pressure and some unrelated nerve damage on his arm that has history of triggering panic attacks. So I stayed up with him to do what I could. I had to leave at 9 to go to work, and it was brutal, I was exhausted and sore and headachey and standing up with the blood pressure wasn't fun at all. At around 11 I had done some physical labor which warmed my body up and I got high again but not so much that my pupils were fucky. Made it through that day job in tact and got to sleep that night. Didn't experience any cravings for about 2 weeks after I had recovered from the come down
The high itself surprised me I felt so relaxed, the euphoric rush lasted about 15 mintirs and the high itself went on forever. Once I got past the coming down I immediately started planning to smoke again in 6 months
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waglifeornolife · 10 months
Sorry that it is long <33
Okay so I thought I’d further justify my reasoning for trying to like get her back even further because I’ve done all my school work and I’m bored now. A bit of backstory(her and her boo are childhood friends and like they first went out for like a day in year seven and she has used this as the reason for most of the things she did with him and for him?
Okay let’s start off with the first crack in the glass all the way back in 2020.
I told her I had a crush on one of our guy friends and we would always discuss that and stuff. Long story short they went out until like nov/dec 2021. But I let it slide because I kinda just wanted to get through life at that point in time and also both him and her were my good friends back then.
Okay then let’s fast forward to like September 2021(IK timeline is a bit weird but they broke up quite a bit) and people were coming up to her asking if she liked this other boy who was like one of the “popular girls” boyfriend and she went no. SHE COULD HAVE LEFT IT AT “NO” but noooo she had to say liked someone else🙄🙄 who was also a “popular person” like wow well done. Also she’s like always been an attention whore. For example during all of this, she would always lock herself in the school toilet and fake cry and say she was cutting herself(the reason why I knew she was faking everything is because we all shared a pe changing room and like I’d like look over the bathroom stall to make sure she was okay and she would be fake sniffling). Like shes such an attention seeker ugh.
Anyways so let’s talk a bit about her boo.
They’ve known each other forever but like everyone and their mother would tell you that he is the worst creature to ever successfully sneak their way onto planet earth. And he is/was/is an awful person like he always slut shames people (including her) and like he’s been a bully like he bullied me but like I have too much on him now so he has to keep his mouth shut. And he made like a snap private story where he would always put a story after he’d masturbated and the private story only had girls on it. Um Yh hes like an awful person to other people as well but I could be here all day discussing him.
So back to her.
Let’s fast forward to middle/end of of 2022 she gets a crush on this girl in our school and they start chatting as friends. Turns out every secret she told that girl, she would tell the guy(okay I’m gonna give people code names now,the girl that I want to exposes code name is Benny,the girl she had a crush on is snake and lets call Benny’s boo boat) So Benny would tex snake but boat was tryna go out with snake and Benny at the same time so sane would tell boat what Benny said but boat and Benny were kinda texting flirting anyway.
So we all found out about what boat was doing so him and Benny didn’t text for a bit until like January this year (omg this is where it just started getting worse I still don’t know why she got with him or why so much fucking happened). So they started texting a lot more and we were all advising against it but she would always say “don’t you want me to be happy🥺” 🙄. So we just let it be(because they were a situationship and to be fair I kind of didn’t want to be friends with her at this point either because she’d already done soooooooo much in the past 3years I just couldn’t handle anymore). So in like July they met up at the park a few times and she gave him a handjob once or whatever and um idk what happened after that but her whole persona changed (you see ONE sock and you think you’re the fucking shit🙄) and she started acting exactly like him. She was taking cheap shots at everyone and she would tell us not to judge her for doing things and saying things but she would judge me and the rest of our friend group forgetting excited over things we were happy about (like Taylor swift or like getting grades or going out in a friend group) (OMG I FORGOT TO MENTION ON VALENTINES DAY WE WERE ALL SUPPOSED TO GO OUT TO DINNER TOGETHER AND WE BOOKED IT MONTHS IN ADVANCE AT THIS FANCY ASS PLACE AND SHE CANCELLED TO GO OUT WITH BOAT TO THE PAR FOR THIRTY MINUTES LIKE WHAT??). Anyways, like I was saying she completely changed and she didn’t really care about school and stuff anymore. And like her and boat when to the park again and she sucked him off this time (thing is she has this like whole thing where she makes it a big deal where she doesn’t want to do anything before marriage and she basically slutshamed people for doing things like that until she started doing them) but like after she sucked him off he was acting really weird like he was either acting super desperate over text or like constantly reminding her they weren’t actually together(he even said if she went to speak with him in school he’d laugh in her face) so I told her to stop seeing(for the billionth time) and to just swear off boys until exams are over but she just super angry at me and started yelling at me saying how I would never understand what they have and how it’s like (like I can’t understand a toxic situationship). And like she did end up “breaking up with him” but I new she was lying and she was because she told me they’d been texting that whole day and that she can’t let him go and that she loves him (I seriously wanted to laugh). But like I was vomiting and stuff one day so I couldn’t come in and I see a text in the gc telling Benny to “be safe later” and I was asking why she had to “be safe” and she said she was meeting boat at the park. And I had had enough at that point so I didn’t say anything until her boo was like sending rude things in the gc directed towards me and was saying Offenes or shit. So I confronted her about and she said “he didn’t know it would hurt you” and bullshit like that. She even confessed to writing some of the things. So I stopped being friends with her at that point but still had to hang out with her because my friends are(were now) her friends(they opened their eyes).
So she broke up with him (fr this time but I still call him her boo because she was just soo persistent on keeping him). But I found out like a few weeks ago that boat was actually texting another girl at the time that Benny and him were together but when I told her she already and was telling POPULAR GIRLS IN OUR YEAR EVERYTHING SHE WENT THROUGH BUT WITH LEAVING OUT DETAILS ABOUT HOW MUCJ HER EX FRIENDS WARNED HER TO NOT GO. Omg she had the never to come up to me to tell me that they told her the exact same things I told her and she listened to them. So like my friends (the ones that were neutral through this whole thing) were like discussing it too and we’re also like “Yh this is a bit rude” because they warned her too and she’s acting like they didn’t.
Extra reasons:
1)she’s a privileged little bitch who is super rude to her mother
2)she talks shit about everyone and has parasocial relationships with them and acts like she knows them
3) she literally said billions of times that she’s not straight but now she all of a sudden she is (because boys don’t really find it desirable if a girl is anymore) she also says that the girl she like is an exception and she only has wet dreams and fantasies about her and other girls but god forbid she ever got near one
3) whenever I’d try and bring up a serious matter that’s like happening in the world she would tell me that not everything is about race/politics
4)she gets “boycott fatigue” (I think that explains itself)
5)she always gossips like there will be no consequences
6)she’s a manipulative bitch
7)she’s super condescending
8)when she first gave head,she tried to pressure everyone else in our group to but nine of did. She knew I had this crush in some guy so when she got the chance she got someone to start spreading rumours around about that
9)she hates when people have friends that are outside the friend group that she doesn’t know
10) she’s made me lose loads of friends by playing victim in every scenario
11) she printed out a fake marriage certificate and tried to get our friend who’s a boy to sign it and she got pissed when he didn’t
12) she hyper sexualises boys in our year group and says all crazy things
13) she rats out people’s secrets for a little bit of popularity and attention
14)she openly makes fun of people for what they eat and wear
15)she’s just not the type of person people should have to deal with
babe, she sounds to toxic!! the ex too, i kinda feel bad for her when it comes to that but my god, i’m so glad you aren’t friends with her any more! it sounds to me that whatever you say to people, she’s gonna twist it and play the victim, so maybe confront her about everything you’ve told me first, make sure your friends are aware of what you’re doing and make sure they’re there, so that they can back you up, but make sure that the girl is on her own when you talk to her so that she doesn’t have an alibi to back up whatever she’d twist it into.
the girl sounds like a right bully, i had a girl similar at my school growing up, she was so nasty to everyone until a few of us eventually stuck up for ourselves and she realised that the person she’s trying to be isn’t a person that people like. bitchiness like that has no age limit so stamping it out now will be the best thing you can do 🫶🏼
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prince-tulip · 1 year
Im so terrified. I dont want to get hurt. Its not even been a month and i am so fucking obsessed and invested and i definitely want to be, i know what i feel and do want but its like damn I got hurt so fucking devastatingly bad this year that literally killed me, the levels of despair i cannot feel again, i am not strong enough for that, i barely have made it back to reality and its like as soon as i get the hang of things, things get crazy again and its like everything is exactly how ive always wanted them to be right now and i couldn't be more happy cause i truly know what i feel and when things are at its best, god its so fucking perfect but i feel im not able to talk to anyone yet or be more open about stuff cause i feel like a secret, like ill get casted out again..like i worry i am getting kept in the dark so i dont see or experience something bad, like for example they dont have me on their social media at all and i feel weird and scared about asking or getting on there and getting triggered by something and that maybe im just being used for validation and as a rebound because im so forgiving and easy to talk to or something.. in return its causing me to not know what's really happening, am i what they want? Are they talking to anyone else? Do they think so highly of me like i do them? Do they recognize the way we move together and talk to eachother? Is it as meaningful to them as it is me? Its like i know would lie about where they were or what they wang and their true intentions before, so why wouldn't they lie again? But at the same time thats not fair, cause its like i coukd very well be accused of being shitty too and still actually not be doing anything shitty and its like man..i feel like ive been living a honest and decent life, i maybe do keep to myself a bit much but i just enjoy my company and also not feeling like i have to explain myself caused ik people often times feel they have a say in things when they do not..i dont think bad things are happening behind my back the last two weeks or so and things have been magical and passionate and full of conversations, synchronized behavior, mutual understanding, growth, literally alway being able to meet in the middle on something, the dynamics i adore, we are so different but so much alike and I love it with all my being and im continuesly betting on the good things but that first week and a half idk..things seemed really off at certain moments that maybe hinted at things but again i can get very paranoid and of course cant control someone's actiona..I just dont want to throw awayy boundaries in attempts to please and i feel ive done that already in a lot of ways but by simultaneously finding such new perspectives and found love that was always there just stuck and idk i guess the feeling of trust has become so hard this year. Ever since January and in between i felt very used and thown away and lied to because i was to a degree i guess and even if ive done wrong in the past and yeah did i royally do some stupid fucking idiot type shit but ik it doesn't justify getting hurt back and i had to really come to terms with that. I had let go of that crazy person in me that would stay up two days straight crying and obsessing over what was and what is and whats happening without me, while drunk or high out of my mind constantly and go through the loneliness, the guilt, the shame, the loss all on my own in a small room with literally no one to talk to and forcing myself to come as close to dying as possible and finally move on from everything aweful in my life ever and do my best to block out every single god aweful image or notion in my head that i would get, causing insecurities and paranoia that i didn't know i was capable of...im really trying to make sense of everything cause everything is so fucking touchy right now but still having to push through and communicate and understand and love with all of my heart and vice versa I think wins every time and i feel life has been showing me that
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For New Monbebes
Full name: Chae Hyung-won (채형원)
Position: Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Visual
Birthday: 15th January 1994
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 181 cm (5’11″)
Weight: 64kg (141lbs)
Blood Type: O
Hyungwon facts:
– He was born in Gwangju, South Korea.
– He was the 4th trainee confirmed as a member of Monsta X (after survival TV show “No Mercy”).
– He was born before Seollal (Lunar New Year), so he is being considered as 93 line though he technically was born in 94.
– He has a younger brother Kyungwon (who already served military service).
– He was 19 years old when he moved to Seoul.
– He is known for his thick lips.
– He’s the one who sleeps the most. (He can sleep even 29 hours in a row).
– He said he sleeps like a corpse.
– He’s usually quiet and calm.
– Before joining Monsta X, Hyung Won was a popular model. He participated to lots of fashion shows.
– He participated in W Hotel & CeCi fashion show (No.Mercy ep.2)
– He also had an endorsement deal with LITMUS (clothes brand; spring’15)
– He appeared in SURE magazine (July 2015).
– Hyorin was surprised when she first met Hyungwon because of his handsome appearance.
– Hyungwon learned dancing at JoyDance academy in his hometown (Minhyuk and I.M attended the same academy)
– He is confident in his dancing skills.
– He loves traveling. His parents own a travel agency, where he used to work when he was younger.
– During school days his nickname was “Dooly” because he had chubby cheeks.
– Hyungwon thinks chubby people are the cutest in the world. (Monsta X’s Fancafe Attack – 4th Holiday 161130)
– Admits that he searches up his name online.
– Hyungwon is often referred to as “the meme guy” because of his many memes.
– He said that on Pepero Day (similar to Valentine’s Day, but held on November 11 in South Korea), he would like to give peperos to Monsta X’s fans.
– Shownu said he didn’t expect to debut together with such a handsome guy as Hyungwon.
– Most confident part about his face: eyelashes (150212 press con)
– Fans said Hyungwon looks even more handsome in reality.
– He always uses black underwear.
– He is afraid of everything that has more than 8 legs.
– He likes folk music and he appreciates singers Jack Johnson and John Legend.
– Kihyun said he’d like a duet with Hyungwon.
– He is a terrible cook, according to his band mates.
- He is a friend of j-hope in BTS
– Hyungwon is a picky eater and gets full easy.
– Hyungwon has a tiny little mole in the middle of his bottom lip.
– He has quite a 4D personality.
– He has an awful hand-writing.
– His favorite foods are seasoned pork ribs (pork bbq), sashimi, salted fried giant shrimp.
– His favorite color is black.
– Hobbies: Modeling and shopping.
– He is the best actor in the group.
– His first impression of MX was that they’re strong, now he thinks they’re cute
– He mentioned that a celebrity he’s close with beside MX is UNIQ’s Sungjoo
– He thought Shownu practiced silence when he first met him ’cause he never saw him talk
– It gives him strength when the members say he’s handsome
– When he was young he was obsessed with sun chips
– He prefers soft peaches over hard ones
– He mentioned Minhyuk was the member who he got close to the easiest
– He gets the angriest when someone has no manners
– Hyungwon said he usually listens to Adele before falling asleep. (vLive – THE 5TH MINI ALBUM)
– He is one of the main cast of a drama called “Please Find Her (KBS2-2017)” as Ik-Soo.
– Hyungwon is known by their fans as the “King Of Visual Compliments” because his visuals always gets praised every time they appear on shows, radio broadcasts, etc.
– He speaks Chinese.
– On their appearance on Weekly Idol (ep. 297), Hyungdon and Defconn (Doni and Koni) thought that Hyungwon was Chinese. Hyungwon said yes and fooled the hosts of the show. Doni and Koni were fooled by Hyungwon’s acting and said that he is a good actor that he convinced them that he was Chinese.
– In the old dorm he used to share a room with Wonho and Shownu.
– Update: In the new dorm, he shares a room with Shownu and Jooheon.
– Wonho picked Hyungwon as the one to whom he would exchange bodies with so that he will not have problems on clothes.
– Hyungwon is known for his Praying Mantis Dance.
– Hyungwon is the weakest member because every time he wakes up he coughs, as revealed by the members.
– He can make his veins in the arms move like waves. (Weekly Idol ep. 297)
– Hyungwon and his family lived in Wiesbaden, Germany for three months.
– Hyungwon is also a DJ and he is known as DJ H.One.
– Hyungwon’s ideal type: “A woman who is wise and kind.”
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angelvyxen · 1 year
NEWS BREAK 📰🚨 I’ve been slacking Ik some of this is a little late btw
On the date of 3/22/23 the French workers protested the whole city of Paris it was crazy they went on a strike https://twitter.com/joshuaphilll/status/1638610082018500611?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
Men are mad at Stanford medicine surgery cause majority are women and conservatives are making themselves mad about diversity claiming they don’t want a surgeon that came from a collage cause of diversity working on them 3/22/23 https://twitter.com/stanfordsurgery/status/1638526155174100992?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
Nashville had a school shooting 6 people died may they rest in peace https://abcnews.go.com/US/nashville-school-shooting-victims/story?id=98161083
Mike Pence must testify about conversations he had with Donald Trump leading up to January 6, judge rules thank god his ass deserves it I’m glad Kamala got his ass during the election. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/28/politics/mike-pence-grand-jury-testimony/index.html
Donald Trump officially becomes first US President to be charged with a crime grand jury in New York has voted to indict the former President over his role in a hush money payment to a porn star. He will be arraigned Tuesday afternoon in Manhattan court house I also wonder if anything about Jeffrey & Gisele will come out during this? Like his crimes yes he will have a mugshot y’all.
Black men & black people are mad at these beautiful black women for saying their careers in a Tik tok vid saying the day should be about the bride when the bride said they should do a video mind you half of these women in this video are emergency physicians, obgyn physicians, etc and these black men are saying they would rather have a cashier worker they don’t like boss chicks cause they think they are all that and blah blah blah when in reality they are just admitting they are broke immature and dusty. https://twitter.com/makispoke/status/1640850849785159681?s=46&t=6IIfCmFJC09gIma2nDjk2Q
That’s all! For now ofc
Breaking News ladies! 👩🏽‍💼
The French people are doing their thing, good for them!
Men can only recognize ‘sexism’ when it’s ‘against then’. Honestly, I’m proud of the woman. If they want to see more male representation, then they can haul they asses to Stanford and study.
May they Rest In Peace. Moment of silence for the souls lost 🕯….
I can’t wait to watch the court case on CNN, play by fucking play bitch lmaoo.
When you do clownery Donald, the clown always comes back to bite! I hope they throw his wrinkly ass in maximum security.
I SAW THE LAST ONE YOU MENTIONED ON TWITTER. I swear, the inferiority complex’s in the QTs are sad to see. Some are saying why do it at a wedding, the bride probably didn’t want it, mind you the bride is in the video herself and they literally did it behind the scenes. It’s not like they did the shit in the middle of the ceremony or reception. Then the men are also saying that all the degrees don’t make them special, as if the women put themselves through medical school for the attention of men 😵‍💫. It’s just— men are confused. That’s why I don’t consider them fully human beings.
They want to go 50/50 but when they see women who can go 50/50, or honestly just be wayyy better on their own, they tear her down. If they see a woman working a minimum wage job, they tear her down. A woman starting a business? They tear her down. A woman wearing weave? They tear her down. A woman wearing her natural hair? They tear her down. A woman wearing makeup? They tear her down. A woman not wearing makeup? They tear her down. They’re all gay at this point.
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freehawaii · 2 years
"Planting Twenty Trees - A Visit With Camilo Mora"
Weʻve often wondered what global warming and rising sea levels mean for islands like Hawai`i in the middle of the Pacific. So we met up recently with University Of Hawai`i professor and climate change expert Dr. Camilo Mora and what he told us came as quite a surprise. He showed us in very real terms how Hawai`i will be impacted by rising sea levels, but also shared a very simple way for each of us to do our part in helping to solve it. Join us in our fascinating visit with Camilo as he explains how Hawai`i can lead the way in saving the worldʻs environment.
SUNDAY, January 29th 6:30 PM – Maui – Akaku, Channel 54
MONDAY, January 30th At 6:30 PM & WEDNESDAY, February 1st At 2:00 PM - Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 53 TUESDAY, January 31st At 8:30 AM & THURSDAY, February 2nd At 10:30 AM – Hawai`i Island – Na Leo, Channel 54
TUESDAY, January 31st At 7:30 PM, THURSDAY, February 2nd At 7:30 PM & SATURDAY, February 4th At 5:30 PM – Kaua`i - Ho`ike, Channel 52
FRIDAY, February 3rd At 8:00 PM & SATURDAY, February 4th  At 5:30 PM – O`ahu - `Olelo, Channel 53
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plantreferop · 2 years
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