#except that i loved her mini
wongyuseok · 8 months
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NEW YEAR NEW GIF CHALLENGE RULES: give your 2023 music review by showing your fave boy group, fave girl group, fave soloists, fave debut and most played song of the year, then tag some friends to do theirs!
tagged by @xiaojuun thank you eri for tagging me in these things that are typically done only by gifmakers 💜 they're a lot of fun!
I don't gif, so I just made some simple gfx. To switch it up a bit, my picks are my favorite albums/minis of the year for each category. Plus my most played song of 2023 (according to Spotify)! I think you're supposed to pick your favorite song for each of these but 🤷‍♀️
honorable mentions (in order of category; aka the albums I almost picked): exist - exo // cabin fever - purple kiss // rover - kai // door - kim sejeong // the unseen - shownu x hyungwon
tagging: @jwooyoung @possession1981 @dongkwan @eeunwoo @sunghanbin @jeonwon-wonwoo @honeydewtual @hohowonho @bethereforme @hyvnsuk @got7 @talksaxy @db2k @onmywayv @neonsbian @okaysign @kimsmingyu @28reas0ns @leewonseo @lee-minhoe @nfly5 @yongheez @ninqz I am again going off of memory and forgetting a million people 🫣 feel free to ignore the tag for whatever reason 🫶🏻 and mutuals, if you see this and want to do it, pls, pls, pls consider yourself tagged by me & tag me if you do it!!
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raayllum · 2 months
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These exchanges from 6x06 and 6x03 respectively perfectly highlight, I think, the way Rayla responds to dark magic use from Callum vs anyone else she's come across (Viren, Claudia, Tressal in Chasing Shadows, etc). When it comes to dark magic, she's deeply opposed — showing off black and white thinking in calling Viren and Claudia "the bad guys" in 5x09, referring to dark magic ingredients as "evil" automatically in 5x01, and potentially her willingness to outright kill Viren vs knocking guards out elsewhere.
But Rayla doesn't even get into the 'morals' of dark magic with Callum, brushing past those entirely to focus on how it effects him — something that puts him in danger, something that Hurts him — and how it may affect their greater mission (the world's safety). This doesn't mean she's completely devoid of her senses; realizing Callum has done dark magic Again even with all the potential consequences makes her change her answer in being willing to kill him, after all. (Whether she'd ever follow through I guess we'll see in s7). She knows he's done dark magic by the time they get to the Starscraper, is as smitten with him there before the cleansing spell as any time after, and reaffirms here exactly what she thinks of him: not just as a good person, but as the good-est.
This makes sense given how radically Callum changed her more initially vengeful perspective to a different one, his love and persistent loyalty / care towards her demonstrating some of his best qualities (thoughtfulness, sensitivity, openness, etc), the way he's able to forgive her for things a lot of other people wouldn't (even in story with the Silvergrove). Callum is a good person after all, he's loving, helpful, and intelligent with an ultimately deeply kind and compassionate soul. Those are all reasons he's so torn up about his dark magic use.
However, none of those things currently mean that he Won't do it again and see the disastrous consequences of it first hand. And none of his dark magic use means that Rayla won't stand by his side through it anyway, either.
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rotteneldritchhorror · 5 months
I will forever love Lydia barkrock as disabled rep in fantasy high
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ladynicte · 1 year
Concept, that during the months where Percy went missing, and the whole Camp was searching for him 24/7, Nico just sorta developed this habit of waiting around Percy's door.
Nico is not really used to spending time in Camp, he doesn't really spend time at Camp at all, and sure, he could go with Dyonisus, or Hestia, but he doesn't wanna bother.
Nico knows, they can tell Percy's dissapearing has really started to affect him.
And sure, he's got his own Cabin now, and he used to be so excited about that, but he's found out, he doesn't really like spending time there, to spend time alone with ghosts and bones, he could just go back home.
But still, Nico doesn't want to leave.
Because, what if they manage to find Percy, or he contacts them somehow, or some other threath comes near Camp, and maybe, just maybe, Nico still has this little hope, that the next morning the doors to the Poseidon Cabin will just suddenly open up on their own, and Percy will come out of them, yawning, with his hair all messy, asking for breakfast.
He knows that doesn't happen, and will never happen, but sometimes, Nico allows himself to dream.
And, Nico knows he could actually just enter the Cabin, it wouldn't even be trespassing, not really, either way, it was Percy who first asked him to stay there with him, who first begged him to stay there, before dissapearing.
But, Nico had said no back then.
And, regardless of whether Percy is there or not, it doesn't really matter, his essence of sea salt is everywhere.
Everything on his Cabin is so quintessentially him, and Nico knows, he knows he could never get too close, he could never allow himself that much indulgence, because otherwise, his bones and blood might just boil, and there will be no more coming back from there.
Nico knows he could get lost on Percy Jackson, and if he does, there will be nothing left to salvage of him, afterwards.
So Nico must tread lightly, stand right in front of the ocean, without ever walking in.
Which, to him, translates into appearing from one of his long travels to Camp Jupiter, jumping out of a shadow, and just sitting down, right in front of Percy's Cabin door.
Nico only allows his back to hit against it, he sleeps with his head between his hands, on top of the blue marble, and that's it.
That's as close to Percy as Nico will ever allow himself to get.
And on the other hand, there's Annabeth.
Annabeth, who's dying of worry, who's hair is greying once more because of it, who feels like everything in the world is her responsibility, and Annabeth, who for the love of all The Gods, just cannot find her boyfriend.
She doesn't let other people see her like this, (Or, she tries to not let other people see her like that, at the very least.) But still, she misses Percy.
Is not just the prophecy, or the end of the world, is not just that the Camp needs both their leaders, and is not just that it's a necessity.
Is that she loves Percy and she can't see him.
So, when she's sure everybody else is supposed to be asleep, and she's breaking the rules once more, just for him, she sneaks out of her Cabin, like any self-respecting Athenea Cabin Leader, shouldn't do, and she runs to the Poseidon Cabin.
And at first, she's not sure if it's the Mist, or it's the darkness, or if she's way too tired, and way too overworked, and her eyes are starting to deceive her, but she's sure she sees it.
A little dark shadow, cuddling to the door, like a puppy begging to be let inside, in the middle of a storm.
Against her own instincts, she decides the best tactic is to approach it gently, later on, she's thankful once more to her mother.
Because, Annabeth doesn't know what Nico di Angelo would have done to her, if she suddenly ambushed him while he was dead asleep.
They decide not to talk about it, Annabeth notices the trees and grass around them starting to die, she wonders if Nico can kill even the plants buried deep under the sea.
She doesn't ask.
Instead, they both sit in silence together.
This is probably the most accompanied Annabeth has felt in ages, which is really odd, because sure she knows Nico isn't a bad person, but he still scares her, like the night, and the spiders, back when she was little.
Nico understands neither of them wants to leave, but he would, if only he wasn't so damn tired all the time, he knows he shouldn't shadowtravel so much, but if his body, and his health, are the toll for finding Percy, then so be it.
This pattern repeats every night ever since.
Nico sleeps on the entrance to Percy's door, but never goes in, Annabeth always finds him, but she never speaks.
Eventually, Annabeth starts noticing the way Nico's bones pop, barely visible underneath his dark shirt, or the way his eyebags seem heavier and darker, like a growing bruise on his face every night, the way his veins show through his pale skin, and the way he never eats, well, anything at all, really.
And just the same, Nico notices her grey hairs, the chunks of it that just randomly fall off due to stress, her dirty clothes, the way she can go almost a week straight without remembering to shower, or brush her teeth, the bruises on her body, thanks to all the excersice she's forcing her body to stand, the eyebags that only grow, and grow.
They both know they need to actually sleep at some point.
And sleep for real, not just pass out from exhaustion on Percy's floor from time to time.
Nico has never been the sort to blink first though, so Annabeth understands, negotiations here, are gonna have to fall onto her.
She tells Nico that they need to sleep, like actually quality sleep.
Nico only nods, he doesn't look like he's paying attention to her, but Annabeth's brain has already come up with the most pragmatic, and powerful strategy, to achieve what she wants right now.
Annabeth stands up, and goes back to her Cabin, not without first warning Nico that she will be back in five minutes.
Nico doesn't look like he believes her. Annabeth understands he has got no reason to believe her, it makes the strategy all the more important.
But first, not without terrorizing herself with what she's planning to do.
She sneaks back into her bed, and quietly opens the tiny backpack, that her dad helped her put together, back in their house, before she arrived back home.
She grabs her precious little bag, she opens it, and she sighs.
Annabeth shuts her eyes, and forces herself, to carry her own plan to fruition.
She comes back to Nico, with Percy's shirt, well-carried, on her hands, well, one of his shirts, his preferred Camp Half-Blood shirt.
Percy had given it to Annabeth, before she left to go live with her dad, as a sorta remember-me-by, and Annabeth had never taken it out of its package, for anything at all.
She took it everywhere with her, like a sacred symbol, of some sort of home.
And Annabeth couldn't lie, and say she wasn't scared, mostly, because Nico's stare scared her a little, she thought, if anybody would be able to call her bluff, it wouldn't be Percy, it would be Nico.
(Annabeth was also sure, Nico had a completely clear sight from birth, but that was neither here nor there.)
Her fear wasn't of Nico, though, her fear was on holding the shirt, and not being able to let go.
Of holding onto it, and ruining it, with her strong warrior hands, and her desperation, that ran organs-deep, because she knew the logical outcome here, once she grabbed it, it would eventually stop smelling like Percy, and she would hate it, and then, the illogical outcome she feared so much, that if she lost this one shirt, she would lose all connection to Percy.
And that, would kill her.
And then, it would be like she had never even met him, gone with the wind, lost at sea, like a dream, she would be left with no way to prove, she once knew a boy named Percy who saved the world.
Who loved her just as she loved him.
After that, what would Annabeth even do with herself, anymore.
That all is completely irrational, Illogical, and impossible, Annabeth understands that too, so she forces her legs to keep on moving.
She stops before Nico, and presents the shirt to him, and it isn't lost on Annabeth, the way Nico almost backs off in surprise, and the way his lips open, just ever so slightly, and the way his one visible eye gets wide, and the way Nico's cheeks get this sorta, cutesy rosey, tint to them.
And she's sure she understands, but she cannot make herself deal with that right now.
She tells him "Let's find neutral territory for the moment." She's not sure if she knows what the moment even is.
But still, Annabeth grabs his hand, and against all odds, she's surprised, as Nico allows her to, and she has to force herself not to shiver, because Nico is cold as a corpse, and Annabeth knows way too well, just how quickly corpses get cold.
Nico knows it far far better.
Nico notices. He already knows. He always does.
He doesn't judge her for it, he hates himself too much for it.
Annabeth stops them on a grass patch, some pond nymphs near by, and she can see the nymphs snarling at Nico, and for some reason, she feels so angry all of a sudden, because Annabeth knows, it's not like Nico has ever actually done anything to them.
Annabeth is suddenly reminded of her first big fight with Hera, of screaming at her face, that Nico did belong, back then, it felt so instinctively true.
Now, Annabeth could see the way the Camp died away at his presence, the way the rest of the kids never approached him, unless they needed Nico's help for something.
And yet, Nico did always help them.
Before Annabeth can catch herself, she's already running towards the nymphs, her fists raised, and she knows there was a time where not every single little thing, disturbed her like this, but Nico just grabs her arm, and this time, Annabeth can't hold back the shivers because he's so so cold, and so strong.
Nico quietly tells her, for all to hear "They are just scared, it's fine."
Annabeth knows she can't blame them, because she's scared too, and Nico knows it.
Annabeth slaps her head, forcing herself to back down, she makes herself keep glaring at the pond, but her angry stare just doesn't hold, as she slowly, but surely, forces the shirt done her frame.
Annabeth wants so badly to hold onto it and make it eternal.
The shirt is old, it's only a little oversized on her, it smells exactly like Percy, exactly like the sea.
She's a strong girl, Annabeth doesn't cry, but if she does cry, Nico isn't gonna tell on her with anybody, either way.
After a while, where nobody says anything, where Nico only stares at her:
Annabeth lays quietly on the grass, her eyes wide open, on the moon, and she spreads her arms wide, she can hold them open for an eternity, if that's what it takes until Nico accepts it.
It does feel like an eternity, a little bit like holding the weight of the world in her shoulders, before Nico, looking like a mysterious shadow, slips into her arms.
They don't talk about it, but they can hear their hearts beating way too fast, and way too loud.
Nico has his arms tightly wrapped around her waist, and Annabeth has got to remind herself, that he's holding onto Percy's shirt, not onto her, there's a part of her, that's curious to see, to try to test Nico's limits, to toss the shirt at a fire, and watch Nico chase after it.
But she loves this damn shirt far too much to ever do something like that.
Slowly, Annabeth lowers her own arms, and she's holding onto Nico's hair now, his head heavy between her hands, and Nico is holding onto Percy, which leaves Annabeth wondering, what exactly is her excuse then, in their situation.
At some point, her eyes close, and she doesn't even notice it.
It's the first night of true sleep Nico has gotten in a really long time, for once, not searching for Percy even in his dreams.
The next morning he has breakfast, that he doesn't really eat, but he stays, and it occurs to Annabeth, that Nico staying anywhere, was everything Percy had ever wanted.
She would have to brag about it to him, once Percy got back.
Percy and Nico never admit it out loud.
They understand they are doing something odd.
But Annabeth keeps wearing the shirt, and Nico keeps falling asleep by her side, and there's no excuse to it, anymore, they both can tell the shirt has long since, stopped smelling like Percy and sea salt, and started smelling like shampoo, and Nico's rotten corpse, and pomegranates essence.
Somehow, Annabeth finds, she doesn't hate it that bad.
Nico despises it, but he can't let go of one of the very few soft things he's ever known.
And that's fine, because Annabeth keeps laying with her arms open without asking any questions, and Nico keeps falling asleep, while holding onto her waist, without offering any explanations.
They both know it will never be the same, not ever what they are actually craving, and searching for, because this whole situation has only made them hunt for Percy even harder.
But they can still keep each other company, until they manage to find Percy, somehow, that is.
Annabeth is surprised to find that now, instead of dying, the grass underneath Nico grows mushrooms.
Nico is too.
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teafiend · 5 months
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monty-glasses-roxy · 7 months
Do you have any evidence of Roxy playing with the plushes in her room? Mostly because I would like to see it
Okay so I don't have like. The most concrete evidence in the world here, I'm mostly just looking at the environment and thinking about what it says about the characters and stuff. With that said, I'm also not the only one that noticed this (can't remember where I've seen people mention it before but I know I've seen this around a few times in fics and posts and stuff) so I dunno take this as you will
The idea Roxy plays with her plushies comes maingly from how the plushies in her room are arranged and a little from how her plushies are in the most random ass places sometimes. I don't know if there's more locations than the ones I'm about to show you because I don't have the game and can't just wander around looking for them, but here's what I know for sure!
First, Roxy's room!
Roxy's room is the only one of all four rooms on Rockstar Row to have the plushies arranged somewhat properly and not just left strewn about the place. Most importantly though, some of them are placed in ways that make it look like they're doing something. Here's the screenshots of all the ones in there:
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So there's two sat nicely against the base of the kids motorbike ride, with one looking out the window and one looking towards the vanity table. Then there's one sat at a racing arcade cabinet as if it's playing it. There's two laid on the couch like they're taking a nap or just relaxing. There's one on the table either watching the one playing the game or maybe doing some imaginary other thing. There's another on the table, lying face up with a bunch of wrenches, a little shampoo bottle and a helmet so small it's the perfect size for the plushie next to it. Then you have one plushie driving the go-kart and running over another plushie from behind.
Yeah, the ones on the couch might be a little bit of a stretch, but some of these just kinda make it look like Roxy intentionally put them there to display them or to set a scene up. Like the table could be a pretend parts and services or something, hence why ones lying on its back with all the wrenches and stuff. They all just seem a lot less randomly placed, ya know? I think it's pretty cute ngl!
And then you have the Roxy plushies in weird places! Here are the ones I noticed (again, I don't have the game so these are screenshotted from videos I found):
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Gonna quickly explain this one by saying I misremembered it a little bit, but it's still relevant. This random little room in the loading docks area, with nothing but a Sunnydrop poster, a staffbot staring at the door and two wet floor bots, has the Glam Roxy plush collectible in it. Bit of a weird placement given Roxy is literally never in this area to my knowledge and this is typically Chica's territory, so it makes me wonder what the hell it's doing in this werid ass room. An old idea was that Chica was playing with the plushies one day and stuck her in Gay Baby Jail or something.
Though, now I'm looking at it, if Roxy put it there, you could see it as leaving a plush down there to keep these guys company or for them to protect her or somethig? I dunno. A bit sad if she put herself in Gay Baby Jail though lmao but anyway...
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This one is located in the Kid's Cove boat! I'm pretty sure that aside from the Golden Sunny plush and regular Moon plushie collectibles, this is the only plushie in Kid's Cove. Which is to say this is the only plushie I noticed that was actually visible. Given the light from the left is from a TV screen playing nothing but static (what's up with that??), this plushie was having a movie night or something. Or someone's living in the Cove. Or Roxy's made herself a secret hideout in the Cove. I dunno, but you see how the little drinks can is within the plushie's reach and all the... maybe sweets near its feet? I dunno whats going on with the shoes and the tiny Roxy mask, maybe there was a dress-up thing going on, who knows? I dunno if this is Cassie's secret hideout and she was playing with a Roxy plushie but regardless! This is a weird ass place for a Roxy plushie when everything else around there is Sunny and Moon themed!
Oh yeah and there's also another itty bitty helmet off screen to the right. Maybe the story is that this Roxy was driving the boat but it sunk or something? I dunno. I'm convinced those tiny helmets are for the plushies or some other toy cause there's a height limit on the go-karts they are not letting babies drive go-karts lmao
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These two are in the dressing room style area thing of the Superstar Theatre. There's a good few plushies dotted around here but look! The one on the right is keeping the endo company! :)
Anyway, I don't know where the others are. I know there's a good few of her plushies just fucking everywhere in weird places and someone had to put them there, right? Her room having them all arranged like that is the only reason I would think Roxy's putting her own plushies everywhere though. I just think it's kinda cute that they usually seem very deliberately placed there by someone and given the whole murder scene going on in her room, Roxy seems the most likely culprit lmao
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phantom-curve · 1 year
queen charlotte is actually one of the saddest shows I’ve ever watched holy shit
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sol1loqu1st · 1 year
#like if it is ptsd that means basically it's untreatable right? like the only way to really deal with it is i have to just accept that i'm#going to be miserable and awful to be around forever?#idk like thats why i was kind of hoping it /was/ something more uncommon like osdd because like. i know that can be hard to treat but i've#seen people make it work for them and make it a good thing even if it's hard. there are no upsides or benefits to having Just Fucking Ptsd#there's no sympathy for it if you didnt get it from combat (and even then lol)#and there's no real way to treat it except just learn to fucking avoid triggers and my triggers are FUCKING EVERYTHING#idk i just want a FUCKING SOLUTION and there is none#it's not fucking fair. it's not fucking fair#that my life is permanently ruined and horrible because my fucking mom decided that she needed to have a little mini-me#to project her fucking insecurities on instead of getting therapy#and now i'm never going to be happy! i don't get to have a good fucking life! i h#i have to spend the rest of my life fucking /coping/ with my own existence and having everyone fucking moralize me not wanting to do that#i'm a horrible person for even thinking about this stuff because me saying i cant recover probably makes other people in similar situations#think they also can't recover and i know that makes me bad and awful but like. it's different.#other people have friends who love them and care about them. i will never have that because i'm awful and everyone who gets close to me#realizes how awful i am and runs#other people have a chance at happiness even if it's hard. i don't. i'm never going to have people who love me and care about me. i'm never#going to be anyone's family and i can't fucking stand that
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hexingart · 9 months
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I actually have another character in the game with Briar that is more in line w mobian designs, she's a pathetic weeb and I love her. Natori is a loser of all time and honestly???? good for her.
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wandaxpietro · 11 months
still thinking about pietro maximoff guys
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alivegirlmari · 1 year
rose’s misty piss motif analysis post. shauna voice. hmm can’t really argue with that actually!
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oddstone · 1 year
ended friendship with clone wars. ignited new friendship with the bad batch and my mental illness is taking a nose dive.
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orcelito · 2 years
Enough music of men going off the shits. Time for women going off the shits
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bi-writes · 1 month
Could you do one of Simon forgetting to bring his lunch and so his wife brings it except she turns up in a cute sundress??
mail-order bride (18+)
"simon...simon riley?" you ask.
the officer raises a brow, looking down at your ID and then back at your face. he frowns a little, scratching the back of his neck.
"he's a lieutenant," you add, biting your lip. "uhm...and he works with...with john."
you suck in a shaky breath, biting your lip nervously.
"captain john price?"
the officer just glares at you a little before picking up his radio.
"yes, ma'am. wait here."
he turns his back to you, walking a little ways away, and you hear him speak into the radio lowly.
"...got a civilian here asking for lieutenant riley..."
"...negative, sir..."
"...oh. affirmative, sir. right away."
the officer comes back, giving you your ID back. he looks sheepish now all of the sudden, and he smiles at you, which unnerves you almost.
"u-uh, so sorry ma'am. you can park near the main office, right that way," he points to a building far to the left, "i'll have someone come meet you there to take you inside. again, apologies...we're going to put you on a list, mrs. riley."
you frown a little, shrugging. you're not upset. it's a miltiary base, for christ's sake, and you've never been here; of course they would be apprehensive about letting you in. but the private looks terrified out of his mind, so you just smile a little and make your way towards the parking spot he pointed out.
when you get out of the car, you push the door closed with your hip, picking up the bag in the passenger seat. there's a woman standing by the door, smiling and waving at you. she looks very smart, in a nice pantsuit. you smooth your dress down, smiling back at her, and you swing your purse over your shoulder before making your way to her.
"hello, mrs. riley. the lieutenant's wife, i hear?" she asks. you nod and shake her hand.
"y-yes...he...he said he was just doing administrative stuff today, but he forgot some things so...i just wanted to do something nice--"
"right!" she nods her head towards the door. "i can escort you to his office. uhm...i believe he's debriefing with captain price this afternoon, but i'm sure he can make some time." she winks at you when she says that, and you bite back a shy smile.
she takes a seat at her desk, picking up the phone. she yaps for a few minutes, and you take a seat in an empty chair, smoothing your skirt out. your wearing one of simon's favorites, the cherry-printed mini dress he loves so much, but you realize maybe he might not be the only one. there's a myriad of privates and soldiers that walk past you, and you hear some whistles by some of the bolder ones. you suddenly feel very self conscious, tucking your legs underneath yourself. you're wearing white strapped wedges, your hair styled nicely with a bow to match the dress, but now you feel silly, stupid.
why would you go to a military base dressed like a fucking pin-up girl?
"wot are you doin' 'ere?" a rough voice demands.
mmm. that's why.
you look up from your chair, smiling wide when you see him. simon stands with his arms crossed over his tact vest, tilting his head to the side as he glares at you from under his skull mask. you've never seen him strapped before, though. he's got a gun tucked into his thigh holster.
"h-hi," you pick up the basket next to you, standing up, and when you come close, simon is rough, wrapping an arm around your waist and tugging you near him with a short growl.
"oi," he snaps, but you just flutter your lashes at his harsh voice, smiling bigger. "can't fuckin' come 'ere lookin' so pretty."
you giggle, and even though you're wearing heels, you still find yourself standing on your toes as you try to get close to him.
"you forgot what i packed for you, simon. how could you forget?" you pout a little. he sighs deeply, smoothing his gloved hand down your back before nodding his head.
"c'mon. can't 'ave ya out here. fuckin' muppets starin' at my wife."
he turns and immediately starts walking. he's entirely too fast, and you skip in your wedges practically to try and keep up with him. when he notices, he slows his pace, and you grip the basket better in your hand before reaching for his with the other.
your hands intertwine, and you look around as you walk, reading the plaques on the wall, the shiny medals, waving at johnny when you see him holding a bag of crisps upside over his open mouth.
when simon shuts the door behind you in a dark office, you set the basket down on the desk, pushing back the kitchen towel fabric.
"okay, so i brought those muffins you like from that little shop. they had blueberry this morning, oh my gosh, simon, they also started putting out these little scones that--oh!" you gasp as he grabs you from the fat of your hips, a big flat palm over the base of your spine as he pushes you flat onto your stomach onto the desk. "simon!"
simon sucks on his teeth as he flips up your skirt, letting out a low whistle as he palms your ass, spreading the fat of it so he peek at the seam of the white lace you're wearing. you lay your palms against the desk and whimper, not used to simon being so rough, so upfront, so bold.
"can't just come here all dressed up, baby," simon grunts, shaking his head. "and not expect me to take wot i need...been surrounded by nothing but wankers all fuckin' day..."
you relax a little, giggling.
"simon," you sigh, your eyes closing as you push your hips back into his hands. "i missed you so much..."
"tha' why y'came down 'ere, luvvie?" he asks, smirking under the mask. "ya missed me? missed y'r husband? what'd ya miss, baby? tell me."
you arch your back a little, bowing it, and you laugh when he gives your ass a firm grab before picking you up and spinning you around, caging you against the desk. you smile up at him, dazed, a little dizzy, and he winks at you, eye-black dark and deadly around those killer brown eyes. he's so big, so hot, and you're suddenly very aware of how big simon looks in all his gear.
"i don't know," you say softly. "it's so cold in bed at night..."
simon snorts, "tha' right? 's cold? the lil' shits don't keep ya warm?"
"our girls like to sleep on your pillow, i think they miss you, too."
"fuckin' lil' bastards," simon chuckles, and you sigh, sliding your hands up his vest and tugging him just a little closer. your spread your knees to let him between them, and he reaches down and grips your thighs, hiking them up around his hips as he sits you onto the edge of the desk. "fuck, you're so fucking pretty..."
you tilt your head back for him.
"i miss eating with you. it's so quiet when you're not around."
"mmm. i bet, luv."
"and i miss you when i'm alone," you whisper. "i miss you when it's just me..."
simon narrow his eyes, "tell me, swee'eart."
you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down towards you. you kiss him over the mask, tasting sand and ash, licking over his lips through the cotton. it's lewd, disgusting, but he groans under the fabric.
"when, simon? when?" you ask, and he hums lowly.
"when? 'ow about right now?"
"no way, you're so gross, simon," you giggle. "our first time is not going to be on a desk in some dingy office where you work--"
you seize when he cups you between the thighs, big gloved hand palming your cunt through your lace panties. you arch your back and gasp, gripping his biceps tight as you lean into his touch.
"don't need t'make it our first time," simon tilts his head to the side. "can still make it real fuckin' nice, baby."
"oh, now you wanna touch me?" you suck in a shaky breath. "just because some of your men wanna look up my skirt?"
"oh, for tha', i'll make ya scream my bloody name, for oll of them ta hear," he growls, and you smile wide up at him.
"guess they need to learn i'm a lieutenant's wife," you giggle, and simon whistles low, tugging your panties to the side, and you whimper when you he prods at your entrance with two big gloved fingers.
"ahhhh..." simon hisses. "ya like tha' title, tha' it, baby? yeah...yeah you like tha'..."
"i like it," you whine, and when he meets your watery eyes, he plunges those big fingers deep, thumbing at your clit. your mouth falls open, your nails digging into his sleeves, and you suddenly wish you had asked him to take you to get your nails done so you could really claw it. "i like it..."
"could make these boys lick the fuckin' ground ya walk on," he mutters, and you whine when a particular rough thrust of his hand squelches between your thighs. "they'd do anythin' to please me, baby...even johnny would chew your bloody food for ya if i asked him to--"
you reach down and grip his wrist, your thighs shaking as you jolt. it feels so good, your entire body is on fire. his fingers are petting a nice little spot inside of you, stroking it as he pumps his hand nice and steady inside of you. his thumb is working you in gooey circles, flicking at your clit and putting taut the little string in your lower belly. your whole brain feels like it's fizzling, your blood rushing, and you stick out your tongue, licking over his masked jaw as you start to feel like you're gonna pass out from the wet slick, slick, slick sounding from your wet cunt.
"simon--simon--" you pant, and he groans, nodding his head.
"so pretty, baby," simon breathes. "so fuckin' tight, gonna 'ave to work ya open before i give ya my cock, lovey..."
"it's so big," you mumble, and simon coos, nodding his head.
"i know, baby, i know, 's big, real big...but you can take it, remember?" he laughs. "you can take it woteva i give you..."
you nod.
"i can take it--i can take it--!"
your vision blurs. there's tears coming down your face, sweat lining your forehead, your back, but you can't wipe the giggly, lazy smile off your face. simon cups the back of your head with his free hand, sitting you up, and when he pulls his fingers out from between your legs, his gloves are stuck to his hand practically, completely soaked through.
"y'r so pretty when y'cum," he murmurs, and you stick out your tongue for him. he gets the message, shoving his mask up just enough, and he bends to kiss you warm and wet.
"well then," you meet his eyes, all languid, all relaxed, a devious little grin on your sweet face. "why don't you give me another then?"
simon grins, all teeth.
"woteva ya want."
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systlin · 4 months
So, to explain my little adventure I just got back from, it is necessary to set the scene by explaining a few things.
My dog is a Great Pyraneese. She weighs 90 Pounds. It is mostly muscle.
My neighbors a quarter mile down the road have chickens. They like to let them free range.
Now, this is not a problem at all, EXCEPT for the fact that whenever Tyr sees them something deep in her little livestock guardian breed brain goes "Oh, I am supposed to be Responsible for this Livestock." She will attempt to plonk her 90 pound furry ass down as far towards their yard as her leash will permit and want to sit there and simply stare at the chickens. She is not aggressive towards them, she simply wants to lie down and Keep An Eye On Things, the way a good livestock guardian dog is supposed to. It is the same reason she would love to fight the foxes that live under the falling down farmhouse down the street to the death and is very upset that I will not let her.
The PROBLEM is, well
3. My neighbors also have a miniature poodle. She is convinced, in every cell of her 15 pound body, that No Other Dogs Should Come Anywhere Near Her Fucking Yard. She has no concept that Tyr outweighs her by 75 pounds and is absolutely convinced that she could win this fight.
Normally if she's outside she is out in the fenced backyard and this isn't a problem. I also don't let Tyr wander into other yards, because it's rude to let your dog pee on the neighbor's grass unless they've said they're fine with it and also I live in Fuckass Nowhere. There's plenty of county owned grass on the roadside for Tyr to pee on. Still, even if I'm coaxing her along past the chickens, she will want to slow down and drift over to that side of the road to look at them.
TODAY, however, the mini poodle was NOT in the backyard. She was in the unfenced front yard, and as soon as we walked past she saw another dog not ON her yard, but heading TOWARDS her yard, and she hurled herself into battle with no thought for her own safety.
Now, Tyr is not aggressive towards other dogs. There is an exception to this, though, and it is 'unless an off leash dog comes running full speed in the general direction of one of Her People while snarling and barking'. If this happens, I suddenly have 90 pounds of Great Pyr ready for mortal combat on the end of the leash.
This brings us to item 4
4. I broke my left arm in April and while it is healing and good for light use now, 'Light Use' does not include 'restraining 90 pounds of furious livestock guardian dog convinced her person is about to be attacked by a reactive dog'
This means that I looped up the leash short and controlled her one armed. I did not think about this twice particularly. I know I can do it and just. Did it. I wouldn't walk her if I couldn't control her, after all. Once she figured out that no, the poodle was NOT going to attack me, she calmed down, but was still growling.
But I did this as a panicked neighbor dude came running out to try and get his dog, convinced that his kids were about to watch their beloved pet get turned into Great Pyr chow.
Oh and
5. I did this while wearing a Wonder Woman tshirt
So, long story short, his 4 year old daughter is convinced now that I actually AM Wonder Woman, because "She's Strong Like Wonder Woman!" and my neighbor learned that his poodle dug out from under the fence, how's everyone else's days going.
(All dogs unhurt)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
after reading a story on your ao3 i can't help but think roxy cannot handle horror AT ALL. she pretends to go hard and scoff at anything scary but paranormal or occult shit scare her to death, so movie nights usually only turn scary when roxy is either distracted or asleep lol
Yeah her not being able to handle horror was the point of that one lmao. I like to think there's a few that she can tolerate but it's very very rare they find one like that
Roxy fucking hates scary films they reveal her for the scaredy cat she is and she doesn't appreciate that. I love the mental image of a film night going on long enough that Roxy's fallen asleep and whoever else is in the room has immediately bust out the horror films. Chica an the others know her so well lmao
Maybe don't ever convince her there's a ghost in the Plex though that might be a little too much for her. Horror books, games, films, pictures, ghost trains, haunted houses, whatever, it's all out of her tolerance range and yet she pretends very unconvincingly that she's immune to all of it. No one that has known her for more than a few weeks is convinced by her lies she's catastrophically bad at it, and yet this is the thing she's best at lying about lmao
You know who else doesn't like scary shit? Monty. His tolerance is a bit higher though.
(If anyone else wants the fic it's right here and it's called Pupcakes and Popcorn and it's a Pupcakes/Roxica fic where they watch a scary movie and stuff)
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