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arallen14 · 10 months ago
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Chinese Tea
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janeridgewood · 6 years ago
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Letting my tea steep, but about to try @plumdeluxe tea's #ReadingNook blend for the first time. 💜 There is a review in the works on this tea brand that will be shared to the blog very soon! . . . . . #teatime #tea #ilovetea #tealover #teaaddict #writerslife #writing #blogger #blog #amwriting #writingday #looseleaftea #blacktea #blogger #igtea #igwriters #igblogger #instatea #instawriter #bloggersofig #blackteablends #teaaddicts #writers #alwaystimefortea #teamoment #tealoversunite #teaforlife #drinkmoretea #teaporn #teaenthusiast https://www.instagram.com/janeridgewood/p/Btyd1ntnBvQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12fhajhhti7pu
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kamalganwani · 3 years ago
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Chai is ❤️ . #tea #greentea #igtea #instatea #tealeaf #teainstagram #herbaltea #teatime #teapeople #teaparty #teacup #tealover #teaaddict #drink https://www.instagram.com/p/CYdxO9uheoi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cereallovers · 3 years ago
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With this wonderful stylish #adventkalender you can make someone tea-happy ❤️ #paperandteaberlin #tealovers #cereallovers #giftideas #gift #xmas #tistheseason #teaseason #luxembourgtea #luxembourgcity #igtea (at Cereal Lovers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWDP_f8t52E/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nibaldop · 7 years ago
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Una deliciosa combinación de tés negros de la India, con canela, clavitos, jengibre y cardamomo. Aromático y ligeramente dulce resulta agradable a cualquier hora del día, en especial con unos ricos bocadillos orgánicos: cerezas, higos y dátiles con un ligero recubrimiento de coco. / A delicious combination of black Indian teas, with cinnamon, cloves, ginger and cardamom. Aromatic and slightly sweet it is pleasant at any time of the day, especially with tasty organic snacks: cherries, figs and dates with a light coating of coconut. #te #té #tea #infusion #tenegro #blacktea #chaispice #stash #relax #instate #instatea #igtea #igte #figgypops #tartcherryfig #madeinnature #atlanta #georgia #eeuu #eeuu🇺🇸 #usa (en North Atlanta, Georgia)
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dryingzangel · 4 years ago
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The Asian culture regards tea the key to good health, happiness and wisdom. . Tea contains antioxidants called flavonoids, tannin and caffeine to boost mental alertness. . Our favorite is none other than Bradley's Pyramid Fruit Tea. . Features of Bradley's Pyramid Fruit Tea: . ✨ Exclusive tea blends with fruit pieces ⭕ Fairtrade certified 👍 Imported from Netherlands 🔥 A range of 14 rich tea blends 🌱 Long leaf tea packed in nylon silk pyramid bag . ☕ Assorted Pack contains 3 of each flavor listed: English Blend; Green Tea Jasmine; Rooibos; Earl Grey; Black Tea Red Fruits; Ginger Citrus; Green Tea Lemon; Oolong Lemon Raspberry; Green Sencha Green Tea Cranberry . . . . . Online shop👇 🛒 mywinespring.com 🦐 shopee.mywinespring.com 💜 lazada.mywinespring.com . . . . . . #yingzangel #MYwinespring #Whatsapp_0162165648 #BradleyTea #Bradley #Tea #teatime #Fairtrade #greentea #igtea #instatea #tealeaf #teainstagram #herbaltea (at Teluk Cempedak,Kuantan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLXxp8msZFz/?igshid=jlfarpogt4y6
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javyweffer · 5 years ago
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MY TEA SHACK Tea is the answer to most problems. 9 Herbal teas for bone and joint pain.  2 weeks ago  Herbal teas for joint and bone pain. Joint and bone pain is a discomfort that many people experience on a daily basis, which affects their quality of life. There’s no peace of mind, it’s constant. @myteashack_jw #tea #greentea #blacktea #igtea #teadrink #instatea #tealeaf #instagramtea #teainstagram #herbaltea #afternoontea #teatime #pakistantea #teapower #icedtea #teaworld #teavibes #teahour #teaseconds #teamoments #herbtea #teavscoffee #tearelax #teapeople #nosoda #chilltea #teamile #evergreen #teacup #teaparty https://www.instagram.com/p/B88ulByAQV3/?igshid=qxh8ne7a8tjp
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enigmatic-erudite-jessie · 6 years ago
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Known as Indian basil or Holy basil.. The main benefits of holy basil (Tulsi) include- • Fights acne •Protects against diabetes •Helps fight cancer •Balances hormones and lower stress •Good source of Vitamin K •Dental care •Improve Respiratory Disorders Recipe for tulsi tea- Step 1 / 3 For making this tulsi tea recipe, take a large utensil and put it up on high flame, add three cups of water in it. Step 2 / 3 Now, add shredded basil leaves, chopped ginger, cardamom powder and let them boil for 10 minutes. Step 3 / 3 Turn off the gas knob, strain and serve with a dash of honey and lemon juice. Ingredients for tulsi tea- 1 sprig basil 1/2 teaspoon ginger 5 drops honey 1 dash lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon green cardamom 3 cup water #ndtvfoodrecipe #organicteas #holybasil #tulsitea #chaitime #morningkick #blogger #bloggerlife #instagram #igtea #tealoversofinstagram #instafam #lifestyle #happysipping https://www.instagram.com/p/By1cD4LBJ_W/?igshid=1xu8l4othossj
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manmeetsfashion · 7 years ago
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One too many... but Fortnums scones are too good... . . . #afternoontea #teatime #tealovers #fortnumstea #fortnums #fortnumandmason #piccadilly #london #scones #teaandscones #flatlay #flatlays #igtea #foodie #intthetable #igfood #royalblend #burleighpottery #sohohome (at London, United Kingdom)
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kamalganwani · 3 years ago
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Good Morning . #tea #greentea #blacktea #igtea #teadrink #instatea #tealeaf #instagramtea #teainstagram #herbaltea #afternoontea #teatime #pakistantea #teapower #icedtea #teaworld #teavibes #teahour #teaseconds #teamoments #herbtea #teavscoffee #tearelax #teapeople #nosoda #chilltea #teamile #evergreen #teacup #teaparty https://www.instagram.com/p/CVcJvIhh6EO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nibaldop · 7 years ago
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Amaneció lloviendo, Dios regó el jardín por mi, los amigos de lo ajeno haciendo fechorías por la zona, se altera la paz vecinal, muchas diligencias que hacer, sigo sin teléfono cantv ni Internet desde octubre pasado (comienzo a temer de que más nunca disfrutaré de esos servicios, que aún sigo pagando), movilnet me mantuvo incomunicado todo el día, en fin, la jornada de hoy estuvo definitivamente intensa, menos mal que se viene días de relax y disfrute. Un delicioso té "Orange pekoe and pekoe cup black" para despejar la mente e irme tranquilo a la cama, después de este otro madrugonazo. / It dawned raining, God watered the garden for me, "the friends of the alien" doing mischief for the neighborhood, the neighborhood peace is altered, many diligences to do, I continue without cantv phone or Internet since last October (I start to fear that more I will never enjoy those services, which I still pay), movilnet kept me incommunicado all day, anyway, today's day was definitely intense, thank goodness that comes days of relaxation and enjoyment. A delicious tea "Orange pekoe and pekoe cup black" to clear the mind and go quiet to bed, after this other early riser. #noche #night #madrugonazo #trasnocho #earlyriser #te #té #tea #infusion #orangepekoe #pekoe #rituals #instate #instatea #igte #igtea #encasa #athome #municipiosanfrancisco #zulia #Venezuela
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eelgw · 8 years ago
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#simple #elegant #turkishtea #dailyfoodfeed #igtea #instadink #instagram #instalike #instatea #tea #teatime #thefeedfeed #vscodrink #vscotea (at Istanbul, Turkey)
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stassenbeograd · 5 years ago
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DOBRO JE ZNATI: ・・・ ☕️Kofein u kafi rastvara se već u želucu, dok onaj iz čaja najvećim delom razgrađuje crevni sok. Tanini isto tako deluju na sporiju apsorpsiju kofeina, pa kofein iz kafe u krvotok stiže naglo, dok taj proces kod čaja teče mirnije. ☕️☕️Naime, delovanje kofeina iz kafe dostiže svoj maksimum za 10 minuta, a nestaje za 30, dok kod čaja dostiže maksimalno dejstvo nakon 40 minuta i nestaje nakon 70. 🐒Jedan od skupljih čajeva je takozvani „Monkey picked’’ ili Majmunski čaj. Davno je kružila legenda da ovaj čaj raste na velikoj nadmorskoj visini u Kini i da ljudi nikada nisu videli njegov žbun jer ga beru posebno obučeni majmuni. Odatle je dobio i naziv. Naravno, priča o majmunima je samo legenda a čaj se gaji na plantažama visoko u brdima Kine. #ozdravljunarazumljivnačin #čaj #zeleničaj #kafa #kafica #prijatelji #drugari #kofein#doručak #jutro #budjenje #antioksidansi #zdravirecepti #utorak #pharmamedica #ozdravlju #ozdravljunarazumannacin #kafić #coffeeroom#igcoffee #igtea https://www.instagram.com/p/B78XTwmJmTY/?igshid=1m90tqtrpxgo0
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major-artery · 8 years ago
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Final Fantas-Tea XV I’m onto my second tin of Final Fantas-teas. [Link here.] (I haven’t actually finished my Gladdy tin, yet. But I’m eager to try all of these teas, and “variety is the spice of life” or something.) Prompto’s tea is a blend three green teas - gunpowder, calypso, and white monkey. Fitting for the sunshine child, that’s for sure.  The gunpowder tea gets it’s name from the fact that the tea is rolled into tiny pellets - when placed in water, they really “bloom” and release a smokey-tea flavor. Calypso is naturally sweet because it has coconut and apple pieces added in. Finally, the white monkey tea is actually picked when the leaves are still small, and the buds haven’t opened. This keeps the appearance of “fuzzy” leaves that look like a white-haired monkey paw (according to Adagio.)  So, on top of those three teas, there are also marigold petals, cornflowers, and safflowers added in (the same as Gladdy’s tea. I think there’s a theme here.) After brewing, I noticed there was a slight perfume that lingered in the air. It was almost floral, bright maybe is the word I’m looking for. Subtle, but noticeable. The flavor - it tastes like a very lightly sweetened, dry green tea. I needed a cup of cold water to drink afterward. But it’s satisfying, and very easy to drink. It would probably make for a very tasty iced tea.  If you prefer your tea strong, add more leaves rather than drawing out the brew time. Green tea is picky as hell, and loves to burn. Which leads me to...  Brew directions. It’s a green tea, so avoid steeping in water that’s over 180°F, unless you really enjoy bitter, burnt tea. Make sure your tea has plenty of room to “bloom” - the gunpowder tea pearls need space to fully open, so you can get the “true flavor experience.” <snort> An enjoyable cup of tea, regardless of the fact that I downed it too quick to really savor it.  8 out of 10 Chocoboys. Final FantasTeas: Gladd-tea | Promptea | Noctea | Igtea | Regi-tea | Lunatea
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shoplocalraleigh · 7 years ago
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Spending #BlackFriday at Cameron Village? Stop in @tinroofteas and see them for a pick me up (and maybe a couple of deals) #TinRoofTeas⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #TinRoofTeaTime #blackfridayshopping #deals #raleighdrinkpics #raleighfoodpics #ncfoodfinds #ncfoodie #tea #teaandseasons #momentsofmine #tealover #ilovetea #timefortea #instatea #morningtea #igtea #kinfolktable #mycommontable #cupsinframe #onthetable #vzcomade #lookingdown #postitfortheaesthetic #morningslikethese #teatime http://ift.tt/2zxslrZ
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