#if your gonna fakeclaim me
"Fictive heavy" systems are fakes. It is literally impossible to have so many elaborated fictives that "showed up" so recently. Stop appropriating real mental illness.
Sounds like you don't understand. I've been in my system for 2 years. And I'm not appropriating it. My system has had many fictives over the years. That's just how we work. If you don't like that, you can block and scroll.
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mar-im-o · 2 months
I just find the argument that endos are making us look bad to singlets so annoying. Like newsflash we're gonna look bad anyways. the majority of psychologists don't even think trauma-based plurality is real. endos aren't helping or hurting our case they're literally just existing
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kosmicvoid · 5 months
i honest to god dont think over diagnosis is real at this point. like nobody has actually been able to give a reason for why that's a thing except for the purposes of fakeclaiming people with like. autism or adhd. the only real argument it has going for it would be better characterized as misdiagnosis tbh
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moodr1ng · 1 year
Stop trying to make yourself seem special, you just look desperate.
omg wait i havent received anon hate since like the mid 2010s.. ok you need more specifics here bc i havent rly posted anything that made me sound particularly special recently (unless youre trying to say im faking did lol in which case fail) so im gonna need more information
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antiendovents · 3 months
"Anti endos will fakeclaim you and harass you for every tiny thing."
"A better future for systems and not just the 'correct' ones"
Uh huh. The anti endos I see harassing are...pretty few. And at this point, I have em blocked. Sorry for the harassment they face. And I don't agree with fakeclaiming regardless.
I've seen far more endos be aggressive and harass and invade spaces. Real oppressed groups don't even invade spaces as much as endos love to invade anti endos spaces (since they claim to be oppressed and we are bigots.)
Most anti endos at this point just want their own spaces SEPARATE from endos. Many don't even agree with invading tags and advise against it as well as harassment and fakeclaiming. I ain't gonna say they're not facing that. Cause I know some anti endos do. But I hate how we can't judge them for the worst of their community, but they can assume all of us are like the worst of our community.
This is why we just...block the shit people we don't like. And we have seen endos harass far more where literally having "endos dni" seems to make them WANT to interact and harass you.
I'm a weird queer genderfuck narcissist that doesn't even bother with actual people that call me abusive and a disgrace to the queer community this much. 💀
As I said, most anti endos just want their own did space AWAY from endos because they believe the experiences are different. And the most aggressive non harassment I've seen from anti endos is when they are repeatedly bothered and told shit things that their patience runs thin or they have anger holders or other shit.
For people that claim not being a correct system, you sure do treat systems that are more aggressive, unpleasant, and unpalatable like shit. You sure do create an image in your head of what anti endos are like based on the worst ones and run with it. Even I can understand endos aren't all just people like Sophie and shit or automatically radqueer and shit. But endos can't seem to do the same when it comes to the fakeclaimers and those that throw delusional around most of the time.
At this point, blocking has become our best friend. And it feels like endos would rather harass than block.
Advice from people actually affected by bigotry and shit: they always advise don't interact and to block and report. Many anti endos are just trauma survivors that want their own fucking space. And many endos aren't like sophie and are people going thru their own shit. Harassment fucking sucks on both ends. From an anti endo that hates being lumped in with harassers and fakeclaimers, fuck off. No wonder many anti endos lose patience and anger holders come out. Cause I give the benefit of the doubt esp since I'm autistic and dumb and can be rather naive and easily manipulated and shit. I don't like to assume the worst. But like. Fucking hell. Even if they're not Sophie levels of shit, some endos are just insufferable. And from someone dumb that doesn't have the best reading comprehension and can be very slow:
You do not have to have a say on every little tiny fucking thing. If you don't wanna interact with anti endos and it's triggering, then dont. If you don't wanna interact with endos and it's triggering, then dont. If someone makes the choice to focus on discussing syscourse that's their choice. Harassment will never be okay. And people can participate in syscourse if they want. Esp since there IS misinfo.
But srsly. Anti endos aren't the worst of their community. Many are traumatized systems that just want their own fucking space. Many don't even care about endos aside from having dni. But endos always fucking interact. They see the dni as a fucking invitation. The endo community has a real fucking problem with understanding how to handle bigots (since they see us like that, that's the only reason I make the comparison. Anti endos are not bigots as a reminder for systems that struggle with guilt.) and how to respect dni.
It does not matter if you agree with the dni. It does not matter if the dni is bullshit to you. It means DO. NOT. INTERACT. You will not change their mind. And some dnis can be personal.
You want to avoid anti endo spaces? Good. That's perfectly fucking fine. You don't want endos interacting? Perfectly fucking fine too.
I've seen plenty of dni things before that are actually bs or bigoted. I simply do not fucking interact. It ain't my place as a stranger to change their mind.
And most anti endos just put it there cause they don't want it. If endos are seeing so much of anti endos, then block the tags or block the accounts people. Blocking is free. You can block even if the vibes are off on someone. It doesn't even have to be for moral or personal reasons. It can be you just find them annoying. I've done so with more aggressive and fakeclaiming anti endos and I've done so with awful endos that invade spaces and are truly awful.
I just can't with endos having a victim complex. No you don't deserve harassment or to be fakeclaimed. But turning every anti endo into worst case scenario yet being upset if anti endos dare misrepresent endos or pro endos is so hypocritical.
(I talk as if to endos, but that's largely just the way I speak. I'm semiverbal with disorganized speech, autistic and schizo so yuh.)
I hope this was fucking coherent. I kept getting distracted and noise bothering me which makes it even harder for me to be fucking coherent.
yeah, i get your point. really people in general need to learn to respect boundaries and to block people or things they don't like, but endos especially need to learn this. they always act like victims when 9/10 times they're the aggressor. i hardly ever see anti endos go out of their way to harass endos, more commonly its endos harassing anti endos or endos making anti endo bait accounts to make us look bad
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persmo · 4 months
Let's talk about: Fakeclaiming and Internet
Even though we can agree that fakeclaiming is a big problem and a very prominent thing, more in the DID/OSDD community, we also have some mixed opinions about the topic, so hear me out
When you accepted being a system it's obvious that would be a really hard process, you still have to deal with the self doubt and denial and it's understandable that you don't want to be any close to things that can tell you that you're faking and aren't valid, understandable
We also had that moment in our internet life that we would get aggressive or defensive with people who fakeclaimed us or fakeclaimed other people/systems that we care about, we were so anti fakecalimers that we started to giving them our whole attention
Some things had to happen to us so we get out that fakeclaimers/anti-fakeclaimers places in the internet and, after a time away from that we just understood
Why give a shit?
Half if not all fakeclaimers are just trolls or attention seekers, they don't know what they're talking about and think they're better because of some moralist and superiority shit they have going on, giving them the attention and fight they want doesn't lead systems to stop being fakeclaimed, actually it encourages fakeclaimers to target more systems cause they're being an easy target and fun to mock
Ignoring them is the best way of making them stop
"But they fakeclaimed us/me"
So? Are you really gonna give a stranger on the internet the pleasure of being sad/mad or anything bad about it?
People on the internet rely on the anonymously of it thinking they won't have consequences, so obviously they'll use it to mock people, but it's your responsibility to let them play with you and give them entertainment or be mature and just block/ignore them, cause that's the best way to be sure they'll stop
Saying fakeclaiming is bad and you shouldn't do it won't stop fakeclaimers from do it, they're in all the internet and will target the ones who give them fun
We have another opinion related to the same topic, but we're probably save it for another post
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plural-culture-is · 9 months
Plural culture is being stuck in front but not being able to remember shit because the mind kinda just went ¨fuck you, these memories are theirs¨ and forgetting it when they leave
And just to add on, faking claiming yourself for it even though you dont know exactly why youre fakeclaiming yourself at all, and having to play a game of ¨will the mind let me remember this or is it gonna say ´fuck you´ and make me forget again?¨
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gipzisays209 · 8 months
No way! I feel flattered!!!
Remember what I said before? About the sysmed server not knowing I exist? Well! It appears as though that would now be an incorrect statement! (More under the cut)
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Let's go at this like it's English class, shall we? Dissect this post for it's contents?
"If you get this server taken down, we'll just make another server. ... If it comes to that, we'll just share the links in private GCs ..."
Well. Ain't that a kick in the head! If one server gets taken down, it's entirely possible to take another one down for the exact same reason! And saying you'll only hand out links privately... hate to break it to ya, but I, the host, am a Theatre kid. Acting is a hobby, and one I'm damn good at. You hand out links privately, only to people you deem trustworthy? Honey, that is my forte. ;)
"You're getting mad and defensive over us calling you out ... Instead of wasting your time reporting our server, maybe focus your energy on reporting servers that are actually harming people?"
Whoa, slow down there, hoss. Take a breather. You ever thought about why we're here? In your Discord? Taking screenshots and leaking them?
It's because, surprise surprise, fakeclaiming is harmful. It doesn't matter what it is, if you're getting fakeclaimed over a unique and individual experience/identity, that can (and sometimes will, sadly) cause a spiral that can lead to some nasty places. Depression. Isolation.
Even places like self-harm and suicide.
We are here because your server is harmful. We are here because you present an active threat to the community. But of course your HIGHNESS can't bear to think they're the problem!
"Addressing the ban claims, at one point we did ban a lot of faker systems from our server while rooting out a mole. Everyone from that event has since been unbanned. If you are still banned, its for a reason. Claims of us 'banning just because we can' are false. I could take a screenshot of our ban list and give a reason for every single one."
*Sips cup*
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Yeah, I think we can move on from this one.
And now, the quote I've been so desperately wanting to address...
"Gip, because I know you’re in here, kindly stop sucking Ghost’s dick and get your own opinions, it would do everyone good. That goes for all of his little zombie followers. If your lives revolve around people on an online messaging app screwing around, re-evaluate your life choices."
Wow, where do I start with this one?
Blatant misgendering, bordeline going against their own rules when it comes to naming people on the server- I have 20 followers! And even then, you're still going to drop a version of my username? Just like that? Mmmmm...
I have my own opinions, thanks. I don't need a circlejerk discord to make me feel better about my own shitty fucking existence, cuz I have the balls to outright admit I'm a petty asshole with no fucking life. And my opinion is that people like Sophie, people like Cambrian and Lunastas and Guardian- all of them are fucking right. They have all proven they do their goddamn research, they actually give back to the communities they inhabit, and most of all, they aren't leeching off of people just by fucking existing, as hard as it is for you guys to believe.
(Also, if you're gonna insult someone, get it fucking right lmfao. Ghost is the goddamn host, Sophie is not Ghost. Two different people. Also, I'm fucking Asexual, so um, projecting much?)
Wow. As of writing this, they literally just got worse!
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Well. You see, while I personally choose to censor Discord usernames to close loopholes like this, it's actually not the same as if you sent a Tumblr handle. What you're seeing in those screenshots are not identifiers, they are server nicknames. Which are specific to THAT SERVER ONLY. Unlike places like Tumblr and Twitter, where seeing your name automatically means someone can find you, on Discord it's actually not possible (that I know of) to doxx someone through a server nickname alone. So no, actually, Sophie didn't leave your username out there, only a server nickname, and the two are not the same. So yes, actually. Because Discord is it's own site with it's own way of handling usernames, it is perfectly acceptable what Sophie did (although not perfectly ideal), because nobody is going to be able to use those names alone to doxx and/or harass.
And finally, the final update as of writing this post... the almighty @ everyone ping...
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Damn. I don't even have to AP English IV this shit, they already did it for me!
To sum it all up, phew... I guess I'm a target now! Which I'm honestly pretty damn fine with! But just know, I don't fuckin hold back. I will be a bitch for the sake of being a bitch, because I don't care how petty I am. I don't care about what people think of me, or whatever the fuck you could ever do to me.
I care about defending people from the likes of you.
So go on. Give me your best shot, then. You have the balls to call me out in front of your entire Discord server?
Challenge accepted, motherfucker.
Challenge accepted, motherfucker.
Challenge accepted.
Let's get 'em, bitches!
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xqueerneurosisx · 4 months
I’m just gonna say it:
If you say “uwu Endogenic systems aren’t real,” then you’re uhhhh fakeclaiming. Simple as that.
If you say the above in the endo tags over and over, aka you’re a “proud invader,” then you’re gaslighting endos. Simple as that.
You can try and spew all the bullshit you want at me, but that doesn’t change the reality or impact of your actions.
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sophieinwonderland · 6 months
I don't know if you've talked about this before, but some things I've seen from systemscringe and some of your anons (like the ones that keep on saying that everyone has multiple inner voices) has me wondering if many of them are closeted/self hating plurals, voice hearers (and other assorted neurodivergent folk). A lot of them seem to assume things that are notably abnormal (not necessarily clinical or dysfunctional, but abnormal) are normal, and that and the weird forms of anti-LGBT rhetoric makes me think that some are in denial, and don't understand why we're not in denial (or trying to deny it) too.
(Most significant example of this I've seen was where one mocked a schizotypal culture blog, saying that the blog was trying to pathologize and quirkify normal experiences... such as being afraid that everyone can read your thoughts, and that monsters are gonna jump out at you from dark corners)
Oh, definitely!
(Honestly, I kind of suspect that one anon was an r/systemscringe user.)
The problem with r/systemscringe, in particular, is that it's a denial pipeline. The culture of the subreddit is setup to draw in systems and convince them that they've been faking the entire time and that their headmates aren't real.
I mean, I saw one post not too long ago by a r/systemscringe mod describing how they used to think they were a system, but ended up deciding that they just have maladaptive daydreaming and delusional attachments.
Basically, the maladaptive daydreaming part is used to explain away all the internal communication and inner world stuff, and the "delusional attachments" explain how they become those characters they talk to.
(For those who don't know, "delusional attachment" is a term used to describes believing you're a certain character or person. The term is not an actual medical term, but .)
And it's not hard to see how someone would determine this when they enter communities that pump them full of misinformation, like convincing them the only way to be plural is with DID, and that DID is an extremely rare disorder that practically nobody has. All while fakeclaiming anyone, even their own members, who claim to have the disorder or be plural.
So yeah, there is a lot of internalized ableism, internalized pluralphobia and general denialism in those spaces!
And yes, it especially comes across when you're describing plural experiences and they try to argue that everyone experiences those things when they very much do not.
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cringesys · 3 months
omfg i wrote a whole long ass ask and it deleted it. it deleted it because you can’t add links in an anonymous ask. i’m actually gonna fucking cry. i spent ages writing that shit.
in short, user cringey-systems is going around fakeclaiming people and saying the disorder isn’t real
reblogging from both endos and anti endos so it aint some syscourse shit it’s a singlet
i’ll. dm or send an ask off anon or whatever to give a link to the post i reported but please keep me on anon
i’m actually so fucking pissed i despise tumblr
- not-so-silly 🫧 anon (i am going to scream.)
Oh don't worry, I get the frustrating feeling of writing a very long text and then it gets deleted... I know time already passed since you wrote this but I hope you cried if you need it
Yeah I saw it yesterday and I was so confused when I saw how this person is so chronically online that feel so morally superior to go on and predict a serious disorder isn't real, and I did got scared because I misread the name and believe it was talking about me, because I saw other people post about this blog and I got scared
This person isn't a system, it's just a singlet, you can see it here
Just don't go harass this person, doesn't matter if they're doing damage and don't understand what they're doing, @/cringey-systems it's just bad and isn't worth to waste your time, just block and report to be safe
Thanks for sharing this and ofc I will keep you as anon
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acorpsecalledcorva · 8 months
There is one aspect of being a system that matched being trans for me, to a T (ha..ha..)
And that's realising that no one could stop me from being them. I don't need someone to let me, or tell me I'm allowed to be this way. I could just..be. I could accept what I am and do the things that I wanted or needed to do with that
Like a cat whose brought into a new home, cowering in the safety of the cage I've been placed inside, slowly sniffing at the open bars, dipping my toe beans onto the carpet to make sure the floor isn't covered in cucumbers, and accepting that the only thing keeping me inside my cage is me.
And to my poor traumatised mind this was still terrifying, because any moment now I'm gonna get caught and hit with a broom or sprayed in the face with water for ever daring to think I have agency. It would be my fault if I did, I know the rules
1) Only be what others expect you to be
2) Shut the fuck up and never complain
3) jhffyjbdsghitfbjiesvswtikvfehhddbye (this rule will never be explained to you but you WILL be punished harshly for breaking it. See rule 2)
When I realised that I could just take HRT if I wanted to, on my terms, and be in full control of my dosing and regimen. I could change my name and dress how I want and use whatever pronouns I want.
When I realised that I could actually listen to the voices in my head, get to know the parts of myself I'd kept hidden and let them come forward to experience the world. I could go by more than one name and use multiple pronouns.
Both of these felt like faking. Like I was doing it on purpose. And that's because not repressing required active effort, I had to make a decision to do this, and making decisions for myself wasn't allowed. Now the cats out of the cage though, good luck trying to shove it back inside.
Systemscringe and fakeclaimers and staunch anti-endos aren't mad that you exist, they're mad that you let yourself out of your cage, that you're visible, that you take up space for yourself. "A REAL system doesn't talk about their experiences publicly. A REAL system doesn't feel proud of who they are. A REAL system stays hidden and tries to blend in at all costs. A REAL system doesn't break Rule 3"
Fuck that noise. Stay safe. Stay vigilant. But let your freak flag fly my pretty kitties 😻
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as another system it really sucks that we have to specify ‘(fictive) is not an oc or irl or roleplaying they are an actual Person’ (or well part of our brain).. we have a ciphord fictive and i get really worried ppl are gonna fakeclaim us for him bc he has source memories + a typing quirk + jokes about being ‘the evil alter’ bc hes.. certainly A Bit Much. idk im just kinda rambling but god it really sucks that people can’t just be normal about fictives. they are NOT your favourite characters bro they are seperate people even if they do have source memories and stuff like that!! it sucks
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Don’t you worry, friend, it doesn’t matter what the others think because literally they aren’t in your head with you. YOU ARE. They can fakeclaim all they want they are wrong and Auntie Billie loves you /platonic
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Here are the ss that were there.
Soooo there were multiple posts here. But here’s the caption. I made it on a multipost dump, so idk whether they were tryna fakeclaim me or just call me cringe💀
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“You know you’re bad at faking when another faker can call you out on fakeclaiming” I got fakeclaimed for not having any anime introjects and not being an introject heavy system btw.
“DNI alters (WHAT?)” yes! DNI alters! The reason it’s important to tell people who view your account what alters to DNI with is bc if they don’t know it can end shitty! But I do talk about our DNI alters because locking them away is not healthy.
This proves yet again that r/systemcringe is just discriminatory, sorry I don’t fit your perfect picture of a traumatic disorder <3
Next time, don’t be shy, tell me ur gonna post me! Since you love harassing minors why not be open about it?
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“You’re way too young-” imma stop you right there. Has systemcringe forgotten DID/OSDD are CHILDHOOD trauma disorders that you can ONLY get as a child? There’s an age range of 1-9, obviously a traumatized kid is gonna know smth is up at 13 and do their research.
“What fascinating fan fiction and rp” fan fiction and RP doesn’t cause amnesia dissociation and other people taking over your body.
To Celestial_Ari, I hope you’re having the day you deserve and I hope you’re enjoying getting your rocks off to harassing minors.
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antiendovents · 4 months
// fakeclaiming rant + ableism/sanism + caps + minor talk of stalking
Endos and singlets fakeclaiming other systems because of a high amount of comorbidies or even just a single stigmatized comorbid disorder piss me off so so so bad
They're a system, they have trauma, of course their brains are gonna react funky to that how the fuck do you think they became a system in the first place???
Why are you surprised when a system has ptsd, any cluster b disorder, other dissociative disorders, aspd, autism, adhd, etc etc etc
Especially because iirc autism and ADHD make you likely to develop MORE disorders from trauma!!
There's also people who go "omg I wish I had your trauma!!" (usually in response to stalking, and usually romanticizing/sexualizing it) but if I start on that we'll here all day. Just going to leave it at this: one time we say someone call a fellow victim of stalking "lucky" for being stalked. For two years straight.
Endos and fakeclaimers go fuck yourself I'm sffr.
- 🍖🌾 (if I'm allowed to claim this)
oh, yeah this sucks. Fakeclaimers are the worst, having co-morbid disorders is common,, that's why they're co-morbid. Being a system and experiencing delusions or psychosis is valid and if anyone thinks otherwise I'd like them to leave this blog
And yeah,, that sucks. Don't sexualize or romanticise others trauma. If it's your own trauma then I guess it's fine?? I mean I won't judge people for how they cope though I'd prefer they keep it offline, but when it comes to other people please leave them alone :(
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persmo · 4 months
Let's talk about: Fakeclaimers and Internet, pt.2
So... This is a part 2 of our previous post about fakeclaimers and internet, so if you want to read the previous part you can, but you don't need it to understand this one
We already said that fakecalimers are just wild, they want to target systems and mock/troll them, that's not surprise
But something that I have seen that makes me question if the systems online really understand how internet works is because the reaction that they have with them, and it always confuse me
As I previously said, I was very angry about fakeclaimers, I was in that whole thing of why the're wrong because they target us and some sys friends in the past, and we evolved just to ignore them and get out of those spaces, and that made us realize how dumb is fakeclaiming at certain level
All the bases for the fakeclaming regarding OSDDID systems are just bullshit, that you have many alters, that you don't have enough alters, that you can talk about trauma, that you can't talk about trauma, that you know your system and alters, that you don't know your system and alters. Fakeclaimers just want to fakeclaime everything without knowing about the information about systems, they're just haters
Try to reason with one is useless, you're just gonna horribly frustrate yourself, you're not going anywhere and you're giving the fakecalimers the attention they want
You can't win in a debate or talk with a fakeclaimer cause they don't fucking care about you nor your arguments, they just wanna hate on you
So why give them what they want? Just ignore and block them
They're just a random in the internet, they don't know more about you than yourself, they're not a professional in mental health and expert in OSDDID, and if they are, they didn't studied your case close enough and with a good amount of time to know if your faking or not; they just can't know something like that by just looking through your post, videos, profile, etc.
The one who can know if you're faking is you and your psychologist/psychiatrist, not some random user on the internet, so why get mad about it? They can never know, so stop getting mad about it, if they choose to fakeclaime you is because they saw in you an easy target and it's a you thing to give them the reason or not about being an easy target
Also I think is dumb how systems online get mad or drive crazy when they get fakeclaimed in internet, it's the internet, everyone will hate and attack on everyone
When you make yourself a public system in the internet you should know and be aware that you will eventually get fakeclaimed
So yeah, it's dumb and effortless to be mad or something like that when the internet act like the internet. I'm not saying that if you feel bad for that you're a loser or dumb or something like that, just that you need to be aware that being fakeclaimed is a possibility and you should be mentally prepare for that, if you can't stand being fakeclaimed you shouldn't be a public system online
Cause yeah, even us that we did this post get mad or angry when people fakeclaimed us, but then we calm ourselves knowing that strangers have power on us only if we gave it to them, and we won't
If a fakeclaiming affected you is totally valid, you can take a rest, quit socials, bloq and react however you like, just be aware that when you decided being publicly a system you signed for the whole package, fakeclaiming including, and it's your responsibility to act and react mature enough with the topic without minimizing your emotions and feelings
Sorry if I sounded rude or something, but I needed to take this out of my body, this and the first part, if you want to comment, ask or discuss about the topic I'm completely open in comments and DM. Remember to take care, and don't pay attention to those trolls
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