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My new essay about the interconnections between transmisogyny and pluralphobia is live right now! It's titled "Transfemininity and Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Undertheorized Intersection," and you can read it here ✨
#dissociative identity disorder#plurality#pluralphobia#plural system#actually plural#multiplicity#did osdd#osddid#osdd#did system#trans fiction#trans literature#transfem#literature#booklr#books#transfeminism#literary criticism#film critique
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Plurality in YouTube series: 😊🌸🌈🫶 we're just chilling ✨😋 casual representation you know ^^ just normal everyday life thinggs 🌈🌈 we accept you 🌈😋🌸🫶🐱
#i made a textpost#plural#plurality#ableism#ableism tw#ableism cw#system#multiple#multiplicity#Endo safe#pluralphobia#pluralphobia cw#pluralphobia tw#death threat#death threat tw#death threat cw
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Personally I think all plurals deserve tons and tons of money as reimbursement for all the shit we have to put up with in fandom spaces alone. "Sharing a body" you mean plurality. "Two minds one body" you mean plurality. "[Name] wondered if [character] had developed split-personality disorder" not what it's called, that character would know that's not what it's called, and you are aware there is a different character with DID that [name] knows very well, right? Or are you just here to show your ignorance and then go back under your rock?
I'm so tired of gritting my teeth about all the casual disableism, ableism, and sanism in fandom spaces because people can't handle someone pointing out to them that they wrote a real-life condition. Tough shit, you accidentally wrote about a marginalized group, now take some responsibility and stop spreading bigotry and outdated information about us.
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For post recognition 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
About inter-system dating and that singlet teacher saying its a bad idea -
For context two of our headmates are dating, and honestly I/we dont really know what that looks like aside from them, even when one of them is fronting. Its private, its not for the rest of us to know. So like, its a fact of our system but its also not something Im super knowledgeable about?
That being said. Singlets are encouraged to "take themselves on dates", go to restaurants and movies alone, to not wait for a partner to do nice things with in order to do nice things.
I assume for some systems, intra-system dating happens in the physical world, and from the outside thats literally no different from a singlet doing those "romantic" activities on their own.
Like. What harm can that possibly cause?? "Take yourself on a date but only if theres one of you in your body" is ridiculous.
It is ridiculous when you put it like that, haha! I think it comes from many singlets just not knowing how to respond to plurality, so they treat it with fear and derision, something "other" that must be "fixed" or at the very least "kept away from normal people". When you get into it, there's nothing especially wrong with intrasystem dating, and it's not all that different from the scenario you just described. We've had dates and hang-outs in the physical world like that, and they've been enjoyable events that have deepened our affection for and understanding of each other. I wish I could easily explain to singlets about how that's the opposite of unhealthy for a system.
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I think it's actually really important to treat plurality with the same sincerity as identities like being transgender or gay or having your own religious beliefs. It shouldn't be a struggle for people like us to navigate the world. We shouldn't have to hide our personalities out of fear of losing employment, benifits, aid, being denied other forms of medical care, etc.
I'm young, only 21, and I know that in my lifetime I will see more movements for plural people. We've existed for ages and we still do now. I want to be able to be open about being more than one. I want to not be scared that my DID will lead to struggles with immigration, or work, or social life.
I want people to know me as Butcher, not just Dusk. I want people to be able to understand properly why my memory is so poor. I want to be able to speak about my own identity and have the right to open without discrimination.
I want to meet more systems in real life, badly.
#syscourse#system#actually dissociative#dissociative identity disorder#pro endo#endo safe#plural#plurality#pluralphobia
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[Had an error when trying to post an ask. This is our attempt at a work-around.]
Anonymous asked: Could you please put that your pro-endo in your bio? Considering the main difference between antis and pros is that we define "all plurals" differently, it's not very clear what you meant, and I thought you were anti-endo until I went through every single one of your side blogs mentioned in your pinned post
-an anti-endo who loves your prompts, the newest prompts tags just took me off guard <3
As you have noted, We use the term "plural" in our posts and blog name, which is inherently inclusive/pro-endo and has been since its coining decades ago, so I am not going to honor this unnecessary request. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but if you're using "plural" in any sort of anti-endo or generally exclusionist way, you are using it incorrectly, since it originated as an inclusive alternative to terms that had more medical associations. I'm honestly offended that you thought I was part of the same group of exclusionists that has openly and repeatedly told me they want me dead, have sent me gore in response to a positivity post, recently invaded inclusive tags to spread hate, and regularly tell me to kill myself – hell, you yourself are admitting that you are against my right to self-determination if not my very existence, alongside my religious and spiritual beliefs (I don't have to tell you how this in particular is an asshole move, do I?), and believe that you somehow know what's going on inside my head better than I or even – at the very least, if you won't listen to me and the thousands of other endogenic systems about our own lives – the doctors actually studying endogenic plurality do, considering our endogenic origins. I will not block you so that you can see this response, but you are not welcome here. Here is a document full of sources about endogenic plurality existing and being recognized as a real and valid scientific phenomenon, not to mention how it is a cultural, spiritual, and religious practice found around the world; I hope you educate yourself and grow as a person. You seem to be trying to be polite, so I can only hope that you are just someone who has been horribly misinformed about pro-endos and endogenic systems.
However, at the same time, please understand that you are asking a blog with an inherently inclusive term in the title and all their posts, and a pinned post that clarifies yes, they do mean they support all systems (and advise those who don't support all systems not to interact), to put a separate warning in their bio that yes, they actually really do mean it when they say they support all systems. The thing is, I wouldn't have a problem with this request if it wasn't under this context. You yourself have admitted that you read my pinned post; how did you take the section that says all systems/plurals are welcome (and exclusionists like you are not) and somehow think it meant we didn't actually mean all? If you're excluding anyone from your definition of "all plurals" by adding little rules like "must be traumagenic", you don't mean all. You mean some. You, as an anti-endo, as an anti- certain plurals, only support some plurals. Someone who is against part of a community does not support all of a community; they only support the part of the community they are not against, which is only some of the community. This is how quantitative words work. Just because you have decided that the part of the community you personally choose to support and give basic respect to is the only "real" or "valid" part of the community doesn't mean the part you don't support stops existing or stops using the label you claim to support fully and without any restrictions or rules (since that is what supporting all of a community means); you don't actually support all plurals, and I'm concerned that you ever thought you did. I could break out a Euler diagram if it would make it clearer that only supporting some does not mean supporting all, and that supporting all does not mean supporting only a particular group. That's like saying you support all animals while being anti mammals and, at best, believing they're all actually confused and misguided birds – or, as I'll elaborate on in a moment, saying you support all queer people while being an aphobe who, at best, thinks aspecs are all just confused and misguided gays. That is not support, and you are certainly not giving your actual respect to all plurals. I say this delicately, but I don't think you should be participating in syscourse if you have trouble with the concept that excluding people from a label means not being inclusive of all people who use that label.
If a comparison will help you understand our response, especially the passive aggressiveness that I can admit is fully leaking through – this ask is essentially the same as how aphobes, during the years of "ace discourse", would occasionally react with surprise that queer blogs supported aspecs, despite aspecs being documented parts of and contributors to the queer community for decades, and queer being an inclusive term. In essence, "I know you're using an inclusive term that both historically and in the modern day includes people I hate, but I really thought you would agree with me that said marginalized group that I hate shouldn't exist, and that this community would be better off if they were all gone!" Meanwhile, aphobes were posting gore in the aspec tags, making fun of the murder of an asexual girl, spreading lies of pedophilia about anyone who showed support for aspecs, and telling aspecs that they were lying about the discrimination they've faced, that their sexualities were just trauma responses or mental illnesses, that they were broken and needed to be "fixed", that they were "stealing terms" and "making the community look bad", that they were making it all up for attention, or just straight-up to kill themselves. None of these examples are all too dissimilar from what I regularly see anti-endos saying and doing – some of them are the exact same save some of the specific words used by these bigots swapped out for more system specific ones. Just today I saw an anti-endo claim that pro-endos are "grooming children" just by being inclusive, like how aphobes claim aspec people are "grooming children".
Yes, I am aware this is harsh to hear. No, I am not going to apologize – your community and hatred is part of the reason we have traumagenic origins (hello, the one writing this is a protector who split specifically due to the trauma you anti-endos inflicted on us!! In other words, your community is directly responsible for my traumagenic existence!! Should I be thanking you for allowing me a chance to experience the better parts of life? Hm, nah.) and are scared to interact with others who share our own damn disorder. You claim the "main difference" between us and you is that we define "all plurals" differently, but from where we're standing, the "main difference" is that pro-endos aren't regularly traumatizing, harassing, suicide baiting, mocking and insulting, spreading misinformation about, using slurs against, wishing harm on, and fakeclaiming the other side, often for merely disagreeing with them. We just came out of a harassment campaign in which anti-endos spread hate in our inclusive tags and spaces for weeks. I'm fucking sick of syscourse and being told I should kill myself for the "crime" of being inclusive of endogenic systems like the ones that helped me accept my plurality in the first place, or the pro-endos that create resources that help me manage my DID and not be a dissociative wreck all the time. To say the main difference between our communities is "how we define 'all plurals'" is a spit in the face of all the shit I and many, many others have faced from anti-endos like you over the years.
If you change your stance and learn not to hate others for their religions, cultures, traits they can't control, and personal beliefs and choices about their own body and mind, we will be happy to welcome you to our community and this blog. But until then, you need to re-evaluate your priorities and morals in life. Are you fine with being part of a community that twists others' words on the regular to make it seem like they're promoting child abuse? Are you chill with the fact that I exist as a protector to defend my system from people like you, the same way many others in my system exist to protect us from other abusers and threats to our safety and health? Are you okay with telling a living, breathing person you admire and enjoy the work of that you disagree with their identity and existence, and that you ally yourself with those who want them dead just for existing, have even personally threatened their life and well-being, as you have just done with this ask?
What took me off-guard was this ask and just how horribly you seem to be unaware of basic concepts like "plural is an inclusive term signaling someone is pro-endo" and "'all systems' does not mean 'only traumagenic systems'." But I guess in a way, it's only fair; you mistook me for one of those who hate my guts – while I can't tell even as I type this if you are a troll or not.
TLDR: No, we will not clarify in our bio that we are pro-endo, because there is no need to do so when we already use terms that signal that everywhere on our blog, and our pinned post even clarifies our stance in the rare case someone doesn't know the signal. You have been horribly misinformed; you cannot support "all plurals" while being against certain plurals, and "plural" is an inclusive term anyway even without that clarification. Again, you have misunderstood our pinned post which tells anti-endos like you to fuck off, which is almost funny considering we put that section in the post due to the horrendous amounts of harassment we and other pro-endos (not even just endogenic systems; a lot of anti-endos group all of us together as "fakers spreading misinformation") have faced from anti-endos like you. Please go think about the kind of people you're spending time with, and ask yourself if you're okay with being part of the same group of people that wants those like me dead for the crime of existing in a way that doesn't adhere to one specific medical model whose authors acknowledge isn't the only way to be more-than-one, anyway.
Have the day you deserve! <3
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Troll(?) / Pluralphobia [banned]
images under read more due to slur usage and threats
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Thoughts on endogenetic systems
Endogenic systems are epic. They're actually what helped us start to heal from doctors trying to "cure" us because they thought my headmates were just hallucinations. I was front locked for a long time bc of that trauma (and intracommunity pluralphobia did not help). I'm still very frontstuck and struggle with a lot of denial.
But endogenic systems just existing made me realize that it doesn't matter if my headmates are psychosis or not (and, we did have some identity delusion related alters, so we're partly endogenic too). That opened me up to reconsidering my plurality. I've also realized that even though I've been frontlocked, I myself am a median subsystem (i.e, I have facets - versions of myself connected to certain times in my life).
There's so many ways to be plural, and us experiencing things is what makes us real, not the validations of doctors - especially not singlets.
#asks#endo safe#endogenic system#traumagenic system#median system#subsystem#plurality#anon#pluralphobia#plural system#plural#multiple system
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Severance spoilers
Yeah we're not watching that shit lol
Fuck off proclaiming "being whole" as the end all be all when it comes to obvious plurality. So tired of integration endings in these stories.
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Pluralphobia as a response to plurality is so unserious to me. Not as discrimination like, that's serious and awful and has serious effects, I mean the emotional response of fear and distrust when faced with plurality. Like. What the fuck.
I'm sorry, you're scared of...multiple people living together and balancing their needs? How the fuck are you even alive in this economy if roommates and family units are SOOO scary because there's multiple people in one space who have to SHARE. Were you never a child in a household or orphanage. Were you spit out by a machine fully grown and independent.
"they could do ANYTHING when you're not there" yeah so could your mom at work. So could your pet when you leave the house. So could your friends when you're not around them. They could be doing anything right now and you WOULDN'T KNOW oh dear God the horror!!! They could be murderers or something and you would have NOOOO clueeeee omg. Apartment complexes must make you CRY huh, all those PEOPLE who could be ANYONE doing ANYTHING, all together in ONE SPACE oh NOOOO
"I'll miss things and not remember them" so you're not forgetful about anything ever? Interesting, well have you never taken a sick day before- skipped work or school, been bedridden or slept all day? Or like, done a phone detox. What about being hospitalized or going on vacation. What about SLEEPING IN GENERAL??? Oh NO you're going to be unconscious for eight hours, dear God what could possibly be happening out there?! What about being in a coma?
"it's different because my body is moving around without me and I could get hurt" okay, what about sleepwalking? And beyond that your body can get hurt anyway even when it's sitting still!! At any moment a meteorite could slam through the roof of your house and kill you while you sleep. You could be completely unaware of your upcoming death and lie asleep "honk shoo mimimi"-ng while a murder breaks into your house or your house catches on fire or something. Are you just not going to sleep anymore? Because you can't not sleep, you'll just literally actually die.
"what if they say something awful" sleepTALKING. And you've never insulted someone by accident or blurted something out without meaning to? You're in perfect control of your speech all of the time, never misspeaking or phrasing something wrong or saying something impulsive. Also, gee wizz, never go drinking!! You might say something bad!!! Don't talk to people when you're tired either!!!
"they all look the same" I sure hope nobody tells you about TWINS because that will defenitely fuck you up. Quadruplets are even worse. Just wait until someone tells you about celebrity douplegangers, you'll be INCONSOLABLE.
"what if an alter is mean or doesn't like me" that's not any more likely than a singlet being mean or not liking you; if you're not worried about every person you meet possibly being mean or hating you then you have no reason to worry about it with headmates. And if you ARE equally afraid of that with singlets then please, go get treated for social anxiety
"someone's alter could bully me and the other alters wouldn't even KNOW" Talk to them???
"what if they don't BELIEVE me?!!!" Then they wouldn't believe you about a singlet hurting you behind their back either and you should probably just. Stop hanging out with them
"they're replacing (original person)" what, because they look like them and live with them? That's not the same thing as replacing them. They still have separate thoughts and feelings and interests, it's not like they're "saving over the original file" or whatever. It's not any different then a family having a new kid, except they're guaranteed to live with each other forever. Again, don't talk to twins I guess. They might share a house or a friend group
"they're weird" Okay so I guess you'll have to live in a tiny model village where everyone is a perfect robotic simulation of the "ideal normal person" so you never have to encounter anything weird or different again, since you're so scared of things being "weird."
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I wrote a whole f-cking poem about this that I may or may not publish but. I need to stop looking at syscourse. People are arguing over whether or not pluralphobia is bad enough to care about and what kinds of discrimination it's okay to draw parallels between and I'm just here like. Okay. Great. So anyway, regardless of these slapfights, I'm still stuck depending on openly and specifically pluralphobic family – as in, my own family I directly depend upon who have outright stated their hostility towards systems specifically– to be housed and fed. I have met multiple other systems offline in my local area who are stuck in the same position I am, with unsupportive if not outright hostile and hateful family. We are forced to remain closeted for our own safety and to ensure our basic needs are met. Can we focus on problems like that, please? We can hold the Oppression Olympics after we get a start on making sure vulnerable systems are safe.
#pluralphobia#thyme.txt#syscourse mention#you all get reblog rights so fcking BEHAVE#plurality#pluralgang#actuallyplural#plural system
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Host-centricism is a plague on the plural community inflicted by ableists & pluralphobics, and it's fucking exhausting. The immediate assumption that the host is the only one to post important things erases our individual voices and reinforces the disgusting concept that the host is simply "roleplaying" as us. I'm fucking sick of it. I EXIST, I'M REAL. The host isn't more important than me, we're not a fucking dictatorship. I'm just as alive, I exist just as much as they do, and I have a fucking say in this plural community too.
Guess we'll go ahead and start signing off with whomever wrote the post.
- Eclipse
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hello there. i am going to remain off of anon for the sake of getting the notification that this was answered.
i am questioning whether or not i am a system. i don’t experience many of the things that my one plural friend(friends?) has asked me if i experience, but i’m not sure if that can actually help me since it’s just one system’s experiences.
i am asking for help in figuring this out. i don’t think i have DID, but i’ve heard that there are other kinds of systems. i have also heard that endogenic systems are harmful to the plural community…? i’m not 100% sure why that would be though.
some of my experiences include: scratches, cuts, bruises, etc that i cannot explain; feeling like i wasn’t at a place that i was supposedly at for a majority of the day (e.g school or work); feeling like i have no memories of my own life, so bad that i can’t remember basic things such as if i took my daily meds or not (even if it was only a few minutes ago); hearing random voices in my head that don’t sound like my own; and so much more that i won’t name here.
i feel like it’s not me being a system, but i honestly have no idea. if you could help me out, that’d be much appreciated. thanks for reading this, and i hope you have a wonderful day/night :)
I'll address your primary concern in a moment, but first I want to clear something up: endogenic systems are not harmful to the plural community. "Endogenic" just means that a system was not formed due to trauma, nothing more. Exclusionists claim that endogenic systems are "harmful", "fake", or "impossible", but there is nothing substantial behind these claims; not only do endogenic systems have a basis in many cultural, spiritual, and religious practices, but many scientists who study plurality, dissociation, and/or dissociative disorders affirm or are open to the existence of endogenic systems. The majority of endogenic systems are kind, well-meaning people like anyone else, and are not out to trick others or spread misinformation (which is another common accusation against endogenic systems). They're just systems whose plurality does not originate from trauma, living their lives and sharing their stories. You're right to be suspicious of that claim you heard, because it's just needless exclusionism that most often arises from hurt people lashing out at a perceived "enemy" to feel some semblance of control, power, or justice in their life. It's a shame, really. I've met so many kind and friendly endogenic systems here on Tumblr and other places, and the plural community has always been an inclusive community!
Onto the rest of your ask.
I'm not sure what questions your friend asked, but based on your experiences, DID doesn't sound too unlikely – especially with how you describe your memory issues. However, I may have to refer you to seeing a psychiatrist or other professional about this. Even if it's not DID, these things sound like they're causing you problems that would be best handled by a professional that knows you personally. DID can be difficult to identify from the individual's perspective, which may explain why you don't feel you have DID, but I am not able to diagnose you – it's just that the things you say remind me of what I and other people with DID experience. I'd recommend seeing someone who specializes in dissociative (and possibly psychotic) disorders to see what can be done to help with the everyday issues and memory problems you're experiencing, or to at least get some answers. Bring a list of these things with you and let them know you're here to get some answers; you can tell them, "Someone I talked to said this sounded like DID, but told me I should see someone to check." ("this" being the list of events/experiences you share with them). Professionals can be hit-or-miss when it comes to these things, but in this case I think that might be the best course of action.
In the meantime, there are plenty of different kinds of systems you can learn about by looking around the community, or specific subcommunities. There's created systems, adaptive systems, spontaneous systems; multiple systems, median systems; polyconscious systems, monoconscious systems; dæmonism or tulpamancy practitioners; there are lots of different terms that people have coined to make sense of their plurality and find people like them. There's essays, articles, blog posts, zines, books, visual artworks, videos, and more. There's forums, Discord servers, Tumblr communities, Reddit subreddits, YouTube channels, Twitch channels, and more. Really, if I went on listing examples, we'd be here forever! The variety of the plural community is one of the things I love about it. Look around for what you like or what interests you, don't feel pressured to relate to or perfectly understand everything, and feel free to lurk if you don't feel like putting yourself out there.
You're right, it can be difficult to figure things out based on one system's experiences. I, too, am just one system, so I encourage you to explore at your own pace and seek a professional opinion when you're ready (and if you think it's necessary). I hope you have a wonderful day/night, too!
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CW: pluralphobia
*direct as in someone has been actively pluralphobic towards your system, such as treating you as dangerous or a freak, rather than something like you having to mask due to society being generally hostile towards plural folks
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Prompt #1,681
That wasn't Character A.
Character B's breath froze in their lungs, staring back at the unfamiliar, apathetic gaze of whoever – whatever – was possessing Character A's body. Several seconds passed as both watched the other without a sound (save for the pounding of blood Character B felt more than heard from their heart) – but the one in Character A's body looked away first.
"You can tell, can't you." It wasn't a question. It didn't have the cadence Character A would use when asking a not-question, but it wasn't a question. "Before you say anything, you should know I don't want to be here any more than you want me to. I'm waiting for Character A to get back, same as you."
Character B's breath escaped them at those words – all at once and in a wheeze. "What?"
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I am never going to buy into the pluralphobia-deniers argument that all pluralphobia is misdirected ableism when discrimination against systems often manifests in the form of religious persecution.
"You're only being discriminated against because people see you as having a disorder" really doesn't fly when the people discriminating against or abusing you are claiming you have a demon in you.
I am lucky enough to have avoided this, but that's probably because we don't flaunt our plurality offline, and it's not something that's really known about by people that aren't immediate family. And we are lucky enough to have a pretty supportive family where others haven't been.
But this doesn't change the fact that many systems have experienced persecution by people who did not, in fact, see them as having a mental disorder.
Fear and prejudice against multiples is far deeper (and older) than just being ableism.
And it's frustrating to keep having to come back to this conversation with people who want to deny that systems are actually discriminated against for being systems. For being plural. For being any flavor of multiple in one body.
#syscourse#pro endogenic#pro endo#systempunk#syspunk#multiplicity#endogenic#systems#system#sysblr#actually plural#actually a system#abuse mention#religious abuse#abuse tw#oppression#discrimination#pluralphobia
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