#if you read all of this i appreciate you
jazze-bee · 2 months
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@crossrole-undertaleau @gay-gremlin-is-gay @childrenstoryhour @voidbody-with-staticbones @godofautism
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Thank you all so much! i dunno what to do when people leave nice asks so, check it out i tried pixel art :D
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Danse Macabre
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falmerbrook · 4 months
Falmer appearance and attire headcanons
(click on drawings for more details and notes!)
In Skyrim, we pretty much only see two hair styles to go off of: completely bald and the hair the "shaman" have (which are also the only females we see (a post for another day)).
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In concept art, particularly Adam Adamowicz's, we see more potential hairstyles. He draws it as wispy and messy, as well as containing braids and the ties we see in the shaman in the game. This art is largely what defines my own interpretation of their hair.
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I picture the typical Falmer hair as wavy, thin, wispy, and looking frizzy. Given the high number of hairless Falmer we see, I imagine baldness is common, particularly among males, and sometimes among females. Their hair can be commonly styled into braids or knots to keep it under control.
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The ability to grow long, thick hair is less common, but those who can tend to style it in other unique ways. Especially among females, long hair is commonly styled into large dense locs (akin to a Polish plait) and held into shapes using ropes or leather ties.
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(While I think the intention with the way their hair is drawn and modelled in the game models and concept art was that it was braided and held up with those ties, before looking at it closely I always sorta interpreted it as too stiff to just be braided. As a result, I developed the locs headcanon and have become kinda attached to it even though I have 0 in game or lore support for it)
The material used in their clothing is obviously dependent on what is accessible to them, and given their unique situation that makes the materials they use and value unique as well. In Skyrim, we see that almost all of their armor (which is mostly what we see them wearing) and homes are made of chaurus chitin (and potentially shellbug chitin), so this is likely the most common resource available to them for non-combative coverings as well. Other materials from their arthropods companions could include their cocoons, unhatched eggs, etc.
Bones from other creatures (draugr, skeevers, trolls, adventurers, bandits, etc.) underground or from aboveground raids could also be used fairly often. These could also provide a source of leather or fur, albeit not a lot of it.
Falmer groups and subcultures inside or in close proximity to Dwemer ruins probably make regular use of the materials present in those ruins as well. With all the metal and machinery present in Dwemer ruins, metal probably makes regular appearances in their clothing (and general decorations) even if they can't manipulate it themselves. Falmer more separated from Dwemer ruins would make much lesser use of these materials, however. Additionally, We see implications of Falmer preparing, cooking, and potentially cultivating fungus in-game, but see nothing indicating they have any plants in their diet, and therefore it is unlikely they regularly make or use textiles or fabrics in their clothing, and if they do they likely come form Dwemer ruins or raided adventurers/bandits/settlements from the surface.
On that note, we know that there have supposedly been incidents of Falmer coming to the surface to attack its inhabitants and travelers, as well as instances of them killing bandits, adventurers, and researchers who venture below, so it's not far fetched to believe that they have access to some materials from the surface. This could give them some access to furs from surface animals, beads, glass, jewelry, textiles, metal objects, etc. they might not otherwise have access to. The rarity of these material among the Falmer would depend on the amount of access any given group of Falmer have to the surface, but among many of them these materials could be seen as more valuable for their rarity and the difficulty to gain them.
While gemstones and ore might be accessible from both natural deposits and underground ruins, unless they had some kind of auditory function or unique texture, they might not have much value to Falmer.
General Attire/Accessories
I like to imagine that the Snow Elves, and by extension the Falmer, have an innate cold resistance in the same way Nords do, and therefore don't require clothes for the purpose of warmth even in the chilly caves of Skyrim. Additionally, their blindness likely means that wouldn't dress for visual aesthetic either. My thoughts are that they are then left with the sense of sound and touch to communicate with each other, and their clothing and accessories could reflect that.
Falmer clothing, decoration, and society in general is very heavily based on touch and texture and little on appearances. They touch each other very often for both communication, movement, and just general day-to-day interactions, and their clothes isn’t very modest, but the tactile patterns and materials used can communicate certain things such as position in society, “wealth”/power, whether they are taken, single, pregnant, with a child, etc., their roles, their age, notable achievements/skills, who is who, etc. on both their clothes and buildings. The more noise one makes, the more attention they draw and the more they drown out other noises, and the more noise making things they can “afford” to have, so the amount of noise one makes in a Falmer settlement is a status symbol. Certain types of noises or noise makers are more coveted than others (chitin beads are common, while furs are less common, and materials only gained from raiding the surface are rare and coveted).
Some noise making accessories could include:
Dangling metal, bones, beads, chitin, etc. that hangs off of their clothing or ears and jingle/clank against each other (in my drawing I show them as pretty uniform in shape and size, but they would probably be much more irregular than I depicted them)
Bells (metal or other materials) that are affixed to or dangle off of their clothing or as earrings.
Hollow bracelets, anklets, necklaces, or other accessories that are filled with rocks or beads.
Rattles tied to the body (made of chitin, dried hollow chaurus eggs, dried chaurus cocoons, beads, etc.) with leather or rope.
Flute or whistle like tubes made of metal, chitin, or dried and treated tube-like fungus that makes a woodwind-esque noise when air passes through it in a certain way. They have been designed to make noise easily from even the slightest movements.
Dried grasses (more temporary) tied to the body that make a swishy noise. More permanently, a similar thing can be achieved with hair. The hair can be sourced from Falmer (either through just cutting hair or through taking it from fallen enemies) or killed humans/mer/draugr. That sort of thing can also act as a kind of trophy.
Necklaces with various materials dangling close together that jingle against each other.
Various materials can be tied into braids or the leather ties in their hair as well.
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Some textural accessories could include:
Beads. Since they wouldn't have the ability to tell the color of the beads, the patterning of beadwork would be based on the roughness, material, size, or shape of the beads. (I'm sorry I suck as drawing beads)
Furs. This wouldn't be as common since the Falmer likely don't have too much interaction with furry mammals, but some they may have access to that are big enough to make clothing/accessories out of include skeevers or trolls (and potentially rarely animals from the surface). A potential meaning of wearing furs could be as hunting trophies, but it could have other meanings as well.
Chaurus chitin would like be the most common material in Falmer attire, and depending on the part of the chaurus body, the size of the chaurus, or the life stage of the chaurus it was sourced from it could have different textures. Some chitin parts could include large spikes and deep groves, while other parts could be smoother and less rough. The use of this chitin in clothing could take advantage of this contrast in textures. Additionally, chitin or shells from shell bugs might be a different texture from the chaurus chitin. (it's unclear to me whether shell bugs are exclusive to the caves around the Forgotten Vale or if we should consider them distributed throughout Skyrim's underground)
The placement of textured components on the body could have their own meaning to it alongside what accessories or textures are being used.
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Specific Falmer Subcultures
While most Falmer settlements we see in Skyrim are just a small-ish collection of huts and chaurus corrals, there are two distinctive settlements that are larger, seemingly more organized, and I like to think have their own distinct subcultures worth mentioning: Blackreach and the Forgotten Vale. The unique scope and environment of these Falmer cities (as I like to think of them) could lend to unique clothing cultures as well.
The Falmer of Blackreach have access to a vast Dwemer settlement and have has the space to spread out throughout it more fully since it seems to be more in tact than other Dwemer ruins we see. These guys would likely have a clothing culture much more heavily based on what the can access from these Dwemer ruins (metal scraps, leftover fabrics, etc.)
The Falmer of the Forgotten Vale would also have access to unique resources, such as Vale deer, Vale sabre cats, and frost giants for fur and leather. Additionally, materials accessed from the Chantry of Auri-El such as textiles from clothing, bedding, tapestries, etc. could give them a greater access to fabrics than other Falmer groups. We don't see many close Dwemer settlements to the Vale, so they would have less Dwemeri influence in their clothing than other Falmer groups.
I like to think that the Falmer's evolution exclusively underground has made them poorly equipped to handle the outdoors during the day and has made them particularly susceptible to sunburn, necessitating the need for covering for those in the Forgotten Vale who have significant settlements outdoors. With greater access to textiles and leather, they could use them as coverings when outdoors.
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I actually have very few notes on armor, for two reasons. 1) I hate designing and drawing armor. It is the bane of my existence. 2) I really like the armor they have in game! I think they look awesome aesthetically, and I like how clearly they are made from chaurus chitin. Per usual, Adam Adamowicz's designs seem to have been the major inspiration for the Falmer armor, and he did a great jobs (even if it isn't the most functional looking armor ever).
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(off topic but I also just want to add that he draws them with little hairs and tufts on their ears and I love it. ok that is all)
I do have a few thoughts about armor though.
Even attire made of textiles make noise when someone moves in them, and I can imagine moving around in armor, especially armor made of hard, insect shells would make a lot of noise when someone moves around in it. When you're relying on sound to navigate your environment and pinpoint potential threats or targets, wearing something making a lot of noise would not be ideal. On the other hand, getting into a fight unarmored would be a problem.
So here's my solution: heavy armor (see below) would only be worm within the camps/settlements where noise was already high and space is more cramped (and therefore more risky in a fight) as a sort of guard in case they were attacked. Those guarding the settlements along the outside might still wear armor as well, but less of it. Those going out to scout or hunt (if they do hunt) would wear as little armor as possible, and try to wear it strategically so that it wouldn't rub against itself and make noise. This is why most Falmer we encounter in the game are wearing little except for loin cloths and kneepads.
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One more idea I have for armor is a specific armor piece. On the note of guarding or protecting a camp or settlement, I imagine the noises of it all (especially with the noise based headcanons I've laid out here) would make it hard to actually catch any potential threats when you can't see. A large slightly concave piece of armor worn behind the head could block out noises from behind the wearer, as well as a help focus sounds ahead of them.
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That is all! Thank you for reading! A lot of these concepts around the culture of sound I think could also be applied to their buildings and even a culture of music, but those are posts for another time.
All of the concept art I used was taken from here and all of the Skyrim screenshots are from UESP.
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minty364 · 9 months
DPXDC Prompt #138
Damian decided he wanted to be a veterinarian in his spare time so after high school he applied to Gotham University and moved into the dorms. Alfred and his Father highly encouraged it something about getting that college dorm experience and they were pushing him to make a friend or two. He also didn’t know what to expect from his roommate Nightingale, something was off about him and Damian was determined to find out what that is.
Danny just wanted to get his engineering degree. Unfortunately his new roommate seemed curious about him. After he ran away from home he decided he’d try to make it on his own. He didn’t even try to tell his parents about Phantom, their prejudice about ghosts wasn’t going away soon and the sooner he got away the safer he’d be. He had to think about the infinite realms now and keeping their king, well himself, safe was the best option at the moment. If only the Observants could stop appearing in unexpected places to beg him to return to the realms.
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soupfather · 1 year
I want y’all to know whenever you reblog my junk with little notes or whatever they’re called I read them all multiple times over and I’m like
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nonadraws · 9 months
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Uknighted Dream courtesy of my Patreon supporters! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
I hope to post more next year, but I'm really proud of everything I've put out this year, even though 2023 has been rough for me (and a lot of people), but at least I know we're not alone. Let's hope for a better year ahead of us.
Thank you all for your support, whether you stopped by at a convention, through Patreon, commissions, or any of my online shops. See you next year!
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whatevahwhatevah · 8 months
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Sorry for disappearing again, have some more kyman
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cinematicnomad · 7 months
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THE TERROR ▸ 1.09 the c, the c, the open c
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chio-chan2artbox · 9 months
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Just imagined Heinz going on and on about whatever, until Perry be like: “shut up Heinz” and then kiss him.
He succeeded xD
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wannaeatramyeon · 9 months
Goo Kim x Reader: Suspicious
G/N. So so stupid.
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Your boyfriend is indulging in suspicious behaviour.
More and more, you catch him smiling sweetly at his phone, chuckling. At times you think you might have heard a squeal. He's always staring into it late at night, first thing in the morning, hiding his screen away from you.
Which usually would put you on edge if he was anyone else. Leave your imagination running wild, cause your insecurities to rise to the surface.
But you know Goo. He would have no problem kicking you out of his bed, his apartment, his life if he didn't want this anymore.
Except this isn't that. He's still as clingy as ever, still a mischievous menace. A brat, feral and needy, showing his own brand of affection and fondness.
You're almost certain that if you asked, he would shave his head for you. His precious blonde locks. That's how much he loves you.
However. The behaviour is peculiar, odd. You don't know what to think.
He's engrossed in his phone even more than usual this evening.
He didn't hear you come through the door, pad through the apartment, sneak up over his shoulder, almost breathing into his ear, eyes briefly scanning over his screen until-
"What's this?"
Goo yelps. Jerks away violently and with such force his glasses clatter onto the floor.
"Shit!" You hear him mutter under his breath as he tries to discreetly click his screen off and bend down for his glasses.
You're pretty certain you saw what you think you did.
…Really? Is this what he's been hiding from you?
Tentatively, because it's obvious this guy is touchy as hell about this, you ask, "Is that-"
"Nope!" He snaps, a very uncharacteristic blush blooming over his cheeks.
"Goo," You grin, eyes crinkling. "Are you embarrassed?"
He puts his glasses back on, adjusting them as he peers over haughtily at you, regaining some of his composure. "No cupcake, I don't get embarrassed."
You put your hand on your hips, raising an eyebrow. "Sure. That's why you've been sneaking around with your phone."
"I have not been sneaking."
"Sneak. Ing." You emphasize each syllable, then ready your fingers at his forehead. "I may have thought you were up to no good." With that, you give Goo a light flick that he grossly overreacts to and screeches.
"So what?" he rubs his forehead with a pout, "I'm always up to no good."
That's true. You admit it with a sigh.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket, clicks it back on sheepishly. "They just... They love each other."
"I know." You tread carefully, not sure which of his manic moods he's rapidly approaching.
"And they both die in the manga." You swear you see Goo's lip wobble, "I just want them to be happy."
Ok, that was definitely his voice cracking you heard there as he shows you his browser, tabs upon tabs of fanfiction open-
Really, goddamn. That is a lot of fanfiction. Although you understand the grip of a hyperfixation all too well.
Maybe you should have seen this coming. You know Goo loves his manga and anime, and you know he loves this particular one. You just didn't know how much. You didn’t realise he indulges in fandom activities.
Did he not realise you loved it too? The amount of fanfiction you gorge on? That there was no need to hide this from you? You wouldn’t have ever made him feel ashamed of this.
"Hey,” You give him an encouraging smile and a nudge, “Did you read the college AU one? Where they're both-"
"PROFESSORS AND MARRIED!" Goo interjects, eyes widening in realisation. 
"Cupcake!" He purrs, any embarrassment or hesitation a thing of the past. The distant past. He throws his arm around you. Ecstatic at finding new common ground, starts to ramble and talk about his favourite fics, his least favourite. The tropes he loves, the tropes he hates. Mouth running a mile a minute.
When he finally pauses to take a breath, he smooches you on the cheek. Reading between the lines, as a way of apology for his suspicious behaviour.
And continues, until you interrupt him and tell him that your favourite ship is actually these other characters and-
"Ugh. Tasteless." Goo scoffs, removing his arm from you and stepping away as if your terrible taste will infect him.
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kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
graveyard heart
Post Outbreak!Joel Miller (Hades) x F!Reader
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summary: your mom, a FEDRA officer, warned you about the darkness lurking - it arrives as the underworld smuggling king and he is indeed dangerous (but oh so terrifyingly beautiful)
warnings & tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI. dark themes || dead dove: do not eat. loose retelling of the Hades & Persephone myth, canon divergent, kidnapping, hostage situation, enemies to lovers, age gap (reader’s age not mentioned but is a drinking adult & was a child on outbreak day), dubcon - power dynamics & possible stockholm syndrome, morally gray!Joel, controlling/complicated parental relationship, brief scenes of assault (not from Joel), canon typical violence (gun usage, blood, fights with infected, awful raiders and fireflies), discussion of grief/character deaths, angst with sexual tension, masturbation (f&m), smutty thoughts, finger sucking, cum eating, poetic allusions to smut, light spit kink, protective!Joel, slightly possessive!Joel
word count: 11.6k (i’m sorry)
a/n: HI PLEASE READ & BE AWARE OF THE CONTENT WARNINGS. This is my first stab at darker content for the fandom & I’m a bit nervous, i kindly ask that if this isn’t for you pls just keep scrolling - so i blame my 2014 8tracks hades & persephone playlist for this but here are are lol! this is my piece for @beskarandblasters the pedro pantheon challenge! also the biggest thank you to @pr0ximamidnight & @ahauntedcowboy for being the absolute angels & letting me scream about this lol, now to you, if you’re reading this too I also can’t thank you enough ♡
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You rarely go outside after curfew, much less to a gathering hosted by smugglers.
Boston had one of the most prolific and stubborn smuggling systems across all the quarantine zones, or so from what you’ve heard. Your mother and the other FEDRA officers had mentioned many times how, once the fireflies were extinguished, the smugglers were the next to go.
Especially the man in charge of the entire network.
Known as the most prolific and notorious smuggler, no FEDRA officer has even seen him.
The ruler of the smugglers, the king of the underworld.
Now, you’re here at a secret warehouse gathering apparently hosted by the illusive man.
It’s rather impressive. Outside is a large warehouse, decayed and ancient. Inside, the old office spaces were gutted out to create a new building. Commotion radiates from it.
The underground world was painted to be something out of a terrifying horror story. The parties had been urban legends whispered around the QZ. Your oldest friend had urged you to finally sneak away to one.
“This will be your fun night out to celebrate your new big adult job!” She had argued. “And besides, you need to live a little. Don’t worry about your mom, just enjoy having fun for once!”
Your mom. If she knew you were here she’d pop a blood vessel or worse.
But your friend is right. You want to experience more, don’t want to feel stuck under your mom’s watch forever.
Panic still crawls over you though, like at any minute your mother might walk in and scream your name catching you.
“Y’okay there?”
You didn’t realize you’d be dazed out for so long until a voice draws you out of your thoughts.
The accent is so strikingly thick, a drawl you don’t hear often. The man standing by the mixture of the homebrewed moonshine takes your breath away.
Ruggedly handsome, with a beautiful striking nose, older and wearing the lines of age gracefully with his gray hair, he seems brewed of something fierce and wildly beautiful.
You almost feel too stunned to talk, but manage to blurt out an apology.
“Yeah I’m good, just never seen a party like this.” You admit.
The man hums a bored sort of noise before he nudges towards the table.
“Want anything?” He offers, and nodding you tell him to surprise you.
Even with a scruffy glare on his face, the man’s eyebrows raise ever slightly, surprised.
The drink he hands you is harsh, stings your nose, isn’t anything like the liquor you’ve drank with your mom. You even cough at its harsh taste.
“Don’t tell me you never drank before.” The mystery man’s voice sounds offended.
“I’ve drank before.” You fire back. “Just never anything like this.”
The man’s dark rust colored eyes survey you, actually scan you up and down, making your skin tighten, feeling strangely judged and exposed.
He takes a sip of his own drink, yet his gaze continues watching you.
“So ya lost? Is that how you ended up here?” His words are simple, cold, and a frown tugs at your lips.
“My friend was invited, decided to tag along.” Your reply is blunt
“Your friend,” he nods. “And they’re where?”
Notorious for being a roamer, even when you were younger, you’re not surprised your friend wandered away for a moment.
“Guess just went to enjoy the rest of the party.”
“It ain’t a party.” The man says deep.
“There’s alcohol, people enjoying half ass drinking games, this looks like a party.” You shrug surprisingly braver. Guess the home brewed alcohol did that.
This mystery man’s face scrunches up, like he’s annoyed with you. He simply just takes another sip of his drink.
Apologizing low, you also thank him again for the drink and decide to exit. The man doesn’t stop you. Now you go looking for your friend peeking around the party. No sign of her.
Slightly worried, you check outside.
What you discover petrifies you on sight. Your best friend tries to leave from the shadow of the guy she’s talking to. Before she can leave, his hands grab her arms, a dark prison refusing to let her go. With full force he slams her against the wall. A small scream escapes her, and fear drowns her eyes while the guy grins demonically.
You rush over fast. All you have is the drink on hand, but once you’re close enough you slam the hard plastic right against the man’s face.
He screams in pain at the sudden attack.
“Leave her the fuck alone!” You scream not caring you’re being loud. You scurry to grab your friend quickly.
“You little fucking cunt!” The attacker roars and turns to you. Wild blood streams down his nose.
He swings his fist, and you try to escape the path of impact. But it still lands a solid hard hit against the side of your head. A scream comes from your friend and everything stings. You try remembering the self defense training your mom tried drilling into you.
Until a hard impact cracks in the air.
You blink into focus. Your assailant is now on the ground.
And the grumpy mystery man you met stands above with a bloody knuckle.
He’s the one who punched the guy.
“What the fuck man?! Fucking bitch hit me first!” The bastard on the floor screams.
“Get the fuck outta here. Or else.” The mystery man barks.
The guy on the floor’s eyes go wide, like he’s finally taking in the man above. Even in the dark, you witness terror rise fast across the guy’s face.
In a possessed panic, the assailant snaps up and simply leaves.
Your head throbs where the hit landed, yet your eyes stay stuck on the man who came to rescue you.
A soft voice suddenly eases in, and you’re met with a striking older woman.
“Come on, let’s get you both back inside.” Her name is Tess, and she holds a sharp grace to her as she guides everyone to the makeshift kitchen.
You want to help your best friend clean up, but Tess orders you to sit down and reassures she’ll take care of your friend in one of the bathrooms.
“You need to sit and get your head checked out.” Your friend tells you, worried.
Before you can even move to follow her and Tess, your scruffy savior waltzes in.
“Sit down.” He barks at you and moves to grab a cooled bottle to hold against your head.
You hiss when the cold glass touches your head.
“You smashed the shit outta that drink into that fucker’s nose.” The man begins with a gruff mutter. “Got a lot more fight in ya than y’look.”
You snort.
“I just acted fast that’s all…” you mumble back.
Turning to the man, you earnestly thank him. However, his deep eyes, almost the color of ancient rust, already stare at you. His gaze is intense, sharply piercing.
“So why do you guys even throw parties? Does your boss know it doesn’t seem safe.” You comment.
“Mainly to show off the products we got.” The man explains gruffly.
Made sense.
“Wait, is your hand okay?” You suddenly blurt out remembering the blood staining his knuckles.
“M’fine.” He answers and moves his hand away before you can try examining it.
Footsteps walk into the room, and Tess returns. Her eyes gleam soft.
“Your friend’s doing good, actually making jokes and everything.”
Relief floods in.
This may be the sign to head home. It would take a lot to sneak back to your best friends’ apartment, especially this late.
“Headin’ out?” The man asks when you return from checking in on your friend.
You nod weakly.
“Don’t. It’s late. Plus we got space in the back you two can crash in.” Tess reassures, and you graciously thank her.
“Don’t thank me, Joel was the one who offered.” She grins nudging the man.
Joel, his name - it’s beautiful.
Joel glares terrifyingly hard at her. Tess simply shrugs.
So you thank Joel, even use his name. This serious but stunning man doesn’t say anything and instead walks towards the other door.
“Come on.” He suddenly commands. You and your friend rapidly follow him.
Just as promised there are rooms safely tucked away. Though room is a gracious term with the stacks of various boxes and rusty cluttered furniture, but you won’t complain.
Joel says nothing, simply shows you the room then leaves.
“He’s weird as fuck.” Your friend whispers. You had to agree.
Even in this back room space the hum of the party continues to leak in. The lights from the hallway become a sliver under the door.
Soon enough boots thump outside the door, and your eyes creak open. From the light under the door a shadow moves. You’re worried for a moment until a darker shadow goes to rest against the door.
More footsteps, lighter ones, come.
“Gonna sit there all night? You’ll get a creak in your fucking neck.” Tess.
“Just get back to the party.” Joel.
His voice rumbles back, and you feel wide awake now.
He’a staying in front of the door, keeping watch.
You don’t know this man, just met him tonight. But you’re comforted knowing he’s here. Safety is hard to find in this world. Yet soft residuals of it seem to reside buried within Joel.
When you wake up however, he’s gone nowhere to be found.
On the walk home, your best friend is thankfully upbeat.
“You know,” she comments. “I’m actually kinda a little bummed we didn’t get to meet the scary head smuggler guy.”
You laugh, a dark humored type thing.
“Yeah me too, but after last night I’m kind of glad.” You agree.
You might not have met the infamous smuggler kingpin, but meeting Joel felt precious in its own strange way.
You run into Joel again - literally bump into him.
Trying to put all the papers and books into your bag, you step outside the school and collide into a hard body. But instead of stumbling and falling back, firm hands steady you. All your items still drop.
Something fierce constricts your throat when you focus on who you ran into.
Joel, a very grouchy Joel.
You immediately ramble out a mess of apologies while you try picking up everything. Joel silently crouches down to help gather your fallen items.
“You’re a teacher.” He notes with a gruff low rumble.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Just started this week…Someone’s gotta teach the kids what the water cycle is.” You joke.
He snorts very faintly, and your heart jumps.
The handsome man has been in your mind ever since the party. Now he’s materialized here.
Your mom calls your name walking out of the building.
In her commander FEDRA officer uniform, you hate more than ever that she’s wearing it.
“Who’s this?!” Her eyes immediately flicker suspiciously to Joel as she smiles politely.
“Someone I just ran into that’s all.” You quickly answer.
Rapidly you turn back to Joel and politely thank him again for helping pick up your scattered papers.
Joel statically nods. But you don’t miss the way his eyes narrow at your mom before he leaves.
Your mother doesn’t seem to pay him any mind, not bothered by a stranger. A very FEDRA Trait.
When your first late night working at the school comes, that has your mom worried.
“I can call in and walk you home once you’re done.” She urges.
You’re an adult. You’ve faced scarier things. After much persistence, thankfully your mother begrudgingly relents.
The sky looks beautiful when you step out of the building. You can’t see the stars often from here but still feel comforted seeing a few twinkles above.
“Keep staring off like that and you’re gonna bump into someone again.”
The familiar gruff voice jolts your heart into overdrive. When your focus whips back to earth, Joel stands a few steps away.
“Fancy running into you again.” You beam, feeling your heart flutter at the sight of him.
Joel shrugs. “My way back from work came this way again.”
“Mind some company?” He nudges his chin towards you and you quickly, embarrassingly fast, you welcome him to join you.
Joel falls into step besides you.
You ask about how his day went, and he shrugs simply saying it’s been fine.
“So, your mom’s a FEDRA officer.” He suddenly comments.
You had a feeling he’d mention it. You almost want to make a joke that she just stole the uniform. But it’s hard with how Joel’s gaze seems to simply pierce through whatever he sets his eyes onto.
“I promise,” you blurt. “I haven’t told her about the party or anything.”
Joel nods, silent again.
Abruptly he stops walking. You do as well. The soft evening lights color the streets a dingy muted gray. The curfew call would arrive soon. There’s already barely anyone on the street.
He sighs turning to you. That sword's sharp piercing gazes of his makes you worried.
“This is my stop here.” He nudges to the apartment complex across the street. “But can walk ya home, if you want.”
You exhale relieved, even find fondness sneaks in.
“Oh no, it’s okay, it’s late anyway.” You earnestly thank him.
Suddenly a hand swings across your face out from behind. A cloth covers your mouth. Before you can even scream your eyes flicker heavy.
Joel is the last blurred sight you see before darkness overcomes you.
Groggily opening your eyes, you’re now in a barren basement type room lying on a mattress on the floor. Immediately you spot Tess. Then you notice a man with a large rifle standing by the door.
“What the fuck happened?!” You scream.
“Hey, relax.” Tess says eased. “It’s nothing personal.”
“Nothing personal?! What the fuck do you do to me?! Why am I here?!”
Before she can answer you, Joel waltzes into the room. The room shadows paint him a terrifying creature who stares at you hard.
“Look,” Joel’s voice is cold, unwavering steel. “I’m gonna be straight with ya. We ain’t doing shit to you. Just need your mom to make FEDRA give us what we want.”
Your eyes go wide.
You’re being held as a hostage.
Before anything else can be said, another man steps in.
“Sorry boss, but we’re getting word there’s chatter on the coms.” The man explains to Joel.
He nods then glances over to you from his shoulder.
“Y’don’t do anything fucking stupid and we might all make it out of this alright.” That’s all Joel says then exits.
The man with the gun nods to him almost as a sign of respect.
Even though so many thoughts buzz around in your head like angry wasps, it clicks fast.
It’s Joel.
Joel is the infamous underworld smuggling king.
The rest of the day is a blur. You’re left alone and cry into your hands until it hurts. The man with the gun standing guard outside your door doesn’t seem to care. Tess at one point returns with cleaner clothes, even offers you a shower and a meal, but you stay silent.
Some of the smugglers pop their head into your room, curious about the new hostage.
“Aw, you’re too pretty to cry.” One of them grins.
“Yeah there’s someone else I could give ya to cry about.” Another snickers disgustingly, and you want to crawl into yourself.
Joel barks a hard loud yell.
“Any of you fuckers so much as even looks in there again or even dares touch her, you’ll have to fuckin’ deal with me, understand?!” Joel commands, a god among chaos.
It’s not entirely comforting, but it’s enough.
Not a soul walks by your room after that.
Later that night Joel comes with rations and more water.
“Y’need to eat something.” He suggests. You don’t even move to touch the food.
Joel sighs, placing his hands on his hips.
“I’m doing this to find my brother, simple as that. Need FEDRA to give us a good car or even a battery at best to get us on the road.” Joel explains sharply, methodically.
All of this for his brother. The love of a family member in exchange for the love of another. You understand, even can sympathize, but you hated this still, hated him.
With thorny malice, you glare hard at Joel staying silent.
He frowns harder, and it highlights his wrinkles. Joel doesn’t say anything, simply clenches his jaw and leaves the room.
In the room’s solitude, you try formulating a plan. If you just get a gun you can maybe make your way out of this place.
Whatever this place is, it’s the central base. It’s hard not to listen to all the commotion and talk done in the other room. The smuggling empire is terrifyingly impressive. From what you’ve caught there’s multiple routes and tunnels that operate for different means. Some smuggle in necessities like food or medicine, while others provide arms.
Joel orders and strategizes it all. Tess is just as in charge and orders commands as well.
“You should eat.” Suddenly the guard on the other side of your open door suggests.
You’re almost tempted to throw the rations out the door.
A sudden explosion cracks above and the ground rattles. The air stills, and everything shifts.
“Fireflies!” Someone screams.
This is your chance. In the rush of the commotion and the echo of gunshots, you hope to escape.
You’re left alone.
This is it. Adrenaline pumps through you fast as you frantically search for an exit, a gun, anything. But the chaos swirls fast. More yelling arrives underground, and gunshots fire off closer.
But your legs start buckling, and your eyes start getting foggy too. Fear comes fast. Did they maybe drug you?
No. You just realize…you haven’t eaten this entire day.
Now it’s getting hard to walk.
Stumbling, barely keeping focus, you lean against the wall. Your body feels like it’s going to crumble.
“Oh, look what we have here.” Someone coos. A shadow soon falls over you. “Fuck didn’t know the smugglers had someone this cute.”
This can’t be happening.
Your lips tremble while fighting back tears, can’t even focus on who’s around you.
“Maybe we can keep her as a nice treat.” Another voice laughs, and your stomach feels sick.
A gunshot rings into the hallway. A body collides so hard and fast on the floor it makes your vision focus. Crimson spills onto the concrete. When you snap your focus aware another firefly man screams in anger until Joel takes him down with ease.
Disrobed relief spills into you. Joel’s here.
In this fucked up moment you’re about to cry grateful because he’s here.
But your vision blurs more, and your body feels light.
Then your world again goes dark.
Sunlight this time wakes you up.
Panic causes you to bolt up fast, but the dizziness hits you. Hissing, you steady yourself.
“Don’t get up too fast.” Joel’s dull voice speaks from the abyss.
You’re in a small apartment now, or the decaying barebones of one. In one small room is the kitchen and a living room. You rest on the couch while Joel sits at the table.
“What happened?” You ask with a croak.
Joel nudges to the small dusty coffee table where water and rations sit waiting for you.
This time you don’t hesitate to snag them.
Joel explains all that happened. The fireflies attacked the tunnels for supplies, and it spilled into the base.
“Used the underground tunnels to make it outside the QZ. Then, came here to a safe house.” He finishes.
“Where’s Tess?” You ask.
“Stayed back. Need someone to communicate to me how the deal’s going.” You suddenly notice the radio sitting on the countertop.
“So it’s just you and me.” You mutter.
“Un-fuckin’ fortunately.” Joel replies with a hard scowl.
Your mind tries to settle now.
You’re in a home in the middle of fuck knows where. Your hope of maybe escaping is not as bright as it was in the underground compound. So you steadily resolve yourself to accept this situation. Your mother will come. She will find a way to make the deal and you’ll be back home.
When you finally glance out the window you discover you’re on the outskirts of the QZ.
Infected roam here.
“Shouldn’t we head back into the QZ?” You ask worried.
“And have you turnin’ my fuckin’ ass in? No way in hell.” Joel glares at you.
“Infected are out here.” You snap fierce.
“And you got me. Won’t need to worry ‘bout ‘em.” He says simply.
It isn’t that reassuring, but you think of how he’s proven himself already to be rather sturdy even for his age.
“So are we just gonna wait until we hear something?”
“Yeah.” Joel answers with a deadly deadpan that refuses to leave room up for any discussion.
The space stays in a tense thickness until the radio flickers to life scaring the shit out of you.
Tess over the radio gives an update. Still no word from FEDRA. Instead she goes into discussing work with Joel.
They talk in code, use numbers and different colors to describe things. But at one point they let the code slip. You piece it together easily. They work with FEDRA officers to get certain supplies. You knew FEDRA wasn’t squeaky clean, even argued about it with your mom. But this just solidifies the murkiness of it all.
None of them have a car or battery to give.
Joel ends up falling asleep in the chair at the tabled hands crossed over his chest. You now snoop around the place quietly. There’s an extra backpack for you as well as various contraband items still waiting to be delivered.
You silently steal one of the liquor bottles and place it stealthily in your bag.
You also unpack what’s in the bag.
The change of clothes Tess had first offered you, a few rations, a flashlight. No weapon though. You do spot flint, and that’s slightly reassuring.
The sun starts to dwindle. You need to rest. It’s obvious you’re not going anywhere for a while. So returning to the couch you close your eyes.
Then the howl of a clicker wakes you.
Instinctual primordial terror has your eyes snapping open wide in fear. Before you can move, you discover Joel beside you. Even in the dark you see a finger raised up to his lips.
Keep quiet.
You nod, sealing your lips tight.
The ominous clicking noise rattle outside the hall. You almost miss it with how loudly your heart hammers in your ears. The infected’s chatter sounds fainter as it wanders down the hallway.
You exhale through your nose, hopeful this means the infected is close to maybe leaving.
Until the radio flickers to life blaring a tune.
Horror collides into you fast. The clicker roars. Joel acts immediately raising his gun to shoot the radio silent. But it’s too late. The infected screeches, rushing down the hallway with violent steps until it rams into the door with full force. You hold back a scream.
Joel fires at the door, and a loud thud follows.
“Come on!” he snaps, scrambling to get up.
More would come. You slide the backpack on, and instantly follow Joel in a frantic rush.
Heart racing, you stay close to Joel while the two of you rush to escape out of the apartment complex. Screeches of more infected approach.
The night is dark, but Joel is surprisingly keen in maneuvering the area. He leads you into another ransacked building and holds his hand up, a silent sign to stop.
You’d be stopping here. You’re glad. All of your body feels weak. You haven’t seen a clicker up close in years. Now fear eats away at the adrenaline.
“We’ll stay here until daybreak.” Joel speaks barely above a whisper. “Get rest while ya can.”
You’re afraid to sleep now. Don’t even want to think about it.
Suddenly he says your name.
It’s the first time he’s ever said it.
He stares somberly, seriously at you. Joel must have seen whatever fear ran across your face. You fully take in the sight of him. Standing tall, his strong rifle in hand, he’s the image of unwavering determination.
“Sleep, I’ll be up.” He orders.
The distrust you hold for his man slowly is ebbing away. You know he’s simply keeping you alive for the bargain, but it’s enough for now. So you sit on the ground, try to just close your eyes and gather yourself together.
Sunlight again wakes you, and Joel continues standing watch.
He glances back to you, and with his stoic stome nature, he nods.
Time to move.
The journey through the debris and fallen memories of Boston is quiet, tense. Joel stays closer to you the entire way.
“Have another safe house just outside the edges of the city limit. We’ll be safe there.” He mutters low and you nod.
The smuggler king leads confidently. Even though you’re still petrified of infected, you take in the sights of the city. The intricate green vines, the lush landscape among the bones of civilization, it’s all a haunting sight, but you also think of how beautiful it is.
“Y’ever been outside the QZ?” Joel suddenly speaks low.
“Once,” you tell him truthfully. You had been a child then and you barely remember the journey.
“So you’ve been in Boston this entire time?” Joel asks now, sounding curious.
You have. It’s why your mom has such a high ranking within FEDRA.
“Your accent…where are you originally from?” You decide to ask questions now too, keeping the same low tone as Joel.
A part of you assumes he won’t answer or will just respond sarcastically.
You’re surprised he answered.
“You're a long way from home then.”
He hums a noise that sounds like he agrees.
“Must have been a journey to get you all the way to Boston.” You note, now more curious about him.
Joel stays quiet for a moment, then replies with the lowest ‘yeah’ effectively ending the conversation.
Soon the buildings fade away. The forest creeps in denser as the suburbs approach.
At the edge of the neighborhoods, a home sits splintered off inching into the woods. It seems like the perfect secluded safe house base.
The place hasn’t been touched in a while. Leaves scatter across the title floor, and dust covers so much. You’re thankful this has more space than the small apartment. Joel immediately slings his backpack off then opens a door leading down to a basement. You follow him.
“Don’t fuckin’ follow me.” He snips, yet you stay behind him. He doesn’t stop you.
Instead Joel flickers on many camping lanterns and illuminates the basement. The stockpile here is barren, hardly any weapons or canned goods. Of course a radio sits on the table. Joel flickers to life, but no one answers when he sends his Morse code clicks. His face grows dark with worry.
“Please get me if you hear anything from my mom.” You finally say quietly.
“Yeah, will do.” Joel agrees somber.
It’s enough for now.
Two days pass. No sounds come from the radio. You and Joel walk around each other on egg shells and rarely speak. It’s suffocating. So you rummage around the house to find something to do, anything.
You find a deck of cards and it feels like a gift from above.
Quietly in the living room, you set up a lone game of solitaire on the coffee table. Or patience, as your mom loved to call it when she taught you how to play. Seems perfect to play now. You flip through the cards, placing them at the correct spots and columns.
“Solitaire?” Joel’s voice surprises you. But what shocks you even more is him moving to sit on the floor.
“You play?” You question.
“Not in a while, play other card games like poker or black jack.”
“I play blackjack.” You perk up, and Joel’s eyebrows rise slightly shocked.
You hand him the deck, cleaning up the rest of the cards and start a new game with him.
The game is tense at first, like you and him are still trying to navigate the thick tension. You peek at your cards and he glances at his.
He wins the first game, but now you’re determined.
Eventually you and him get sucked into playing. So many matches pass that when you win Joel pouts, throwing his cards down.
You burst out laughing. It feels like it’s been so long since you’ve laughed, and it’s freeing.
“You’re a sore loser.” You tease.
“I ain’t.” Joel rumbles back, scowling harder.
“Mhm, yeah sure. There’s a candyland box nearby I can get to prove you are.” You surprisingly joke, buoyant.
Joel shakes his head.
“I’ll show ya who’s a sore fuckin’ loser when I beat your ass at poker.”
“I don’t know how to play poker. Go Fish or nothing else.” You shrug.
Then, Joel snorts. It’s not a laugh, not even anything special, but it eases the strain among you and him even more. He starts shuffling the deck and hands out the cards to you.
With the most stern of voices, so seriously Joel, he asks if you have any sevens.
You laugh into your hand.
“I’m being fuckin’ serious!” He snaps.
You laugh even harder.
In this fucked up moment, in this murky situation, this brightens your soul.
A week passes.
Over the radio you hear Tess tell Joel flat out how heavy it’s gotten in the city.
“The fucking fireflies…FEDRA, everything, it’s gotten fucking insane… we might not get the car, or even the fucking battery Joel. We need to think of a plan b.”
Your stomach twists sick. Where was your mom? And what would happen if they decide you’re not worth the hassle anymore.
Shakily you head into the bathroom and sob into your hands trying to stay as quiet as you can.
Soon you’re a shell of yourself.
When you step back outside however, you’re resolved. Instead of the basement, Joel now waits in the kitchen, and his eyes widen seeing you.
“What’s wrong?” His voice picks up with a wind of worry.
“Joel.” You begin calmly and somber. “Be honest with me…”
You ask him the question that’s been haunting you.
What will become of you if FEDRA doesn’t hold up their bargain? If even your mom can’t follow through?
“Will…you get rid of me?” You speak soft, without even having to divulge more, but the festering rotting truth lies under your words.
The silence feels sharpened.
Joel quietly speaks first.
“No. Won’t do that to ya.” He mutters.
You don’t know if he’s lying or telling the truth.
You and Joel simply stare at each other. So much hangs tangled and barbed between you and him.
All you can do is simply nod. You swear his eyes soften for just a moment.
Another week passes. No signs or commotion from FEDRA. It’s beginning to feel like you’re in a room slowly filling with water, like you’re on borrowed time.
But you manage to pass the days with Joel through more card games. You try playing Pictionary with him, but his attempt at drawing a dog looks like a camel, and you laugh so hard at how badly he pouts.
It’s becoming amicable now, you and him.
But supplies are running low. Joel doesn’t sugar coat that harsh truth.
“There’s another stop we can go to from here, but I’m hoping we won’t need to.” He’s still waiting, hoping for FEDRA to answer.
Eventually the night settles in, and you’re surprised he joins you for another card game.
Right now you and him try another game of poker. You’ve come to learn you are not very good, which is also why you think Joel likes playing it knowing he wins.
“So how does a Texan far from home become the king of smugglers?” You try to ease the air by pushing more conversation with him.
“Just something that happened honestly,” Joel mutters, passing out the weathered cards.
“Got involved with my brother back when we started traveling outta Texas and just…never stopped.” He reveals.
“Your brother, he’s the one you’re looking for…” You remember.
“Yeah.” Joel agrees low.
“I hope you find him.” Gathering the cards dealt to you, you mean those words.
“Thanks…hope we can get ya back home.” A hint of sincerity leaks into Joel's voice and you appreciate that.
You’re about to deal your hand when rustling comes from outside. Glancing out the window, you try to find something among the dark shadows.
“What?” Joel asks fast and low.
“I don’t know… thought I heard something.” You mumble.
In that same breath, bullets fly through the window, shattering everything. The moment unfolds in a flurry of chaos.
“Raiders!” Joel shouts while you and him try to stay low. You crawl towards your bag.
The door gets kicked in and your heart races fast. Even as you and Joel scramble to maybe get down to the basement it's hard with the commotion rushing in.
Joel is swift with his gun, but the raiders keep coming.
Windows shatter further in the back of the house. They’re infesting. Time to leave. It’s a rapid rush to get outside. Before running into the woods, you stop to rummage in your bag finally remembering something important.
“The fuck are ya doing?!” Joel screams with a snarl.
You act fast. You rip a piece of your shirt edge, and grab the alcohol you stole along with the flint.
“Shit.” Joel breathes out realizing what you’re doing.
You’ve seen plenty of these, just never believed you’d ever make one.
Cloth in the liquid, Joel moves to help you light the flint.
Then when fire sparks catches onto the strip of clothing you stand up.
The adrenaline sets you ablaze. You throw the bottle with all your might. It manages to collide against the house’s porch. Soon the world is engulfed in a vibrant orange flame, a hellfire right before you.
Screams of raiders mix with the flames.
“Come on.” Joel urges and grabs your hand.
A rush of footsteps comes and it’s too late to react.
Something hard hits the side of your face. You cry in pain falling to the ground. The world spins on itself. Everything is disoriented. Your face throbs so bad, and you cough through the tears stinging your eyes. The sound of Joel firing off his gun again comes.
Then his hands steady you up.
“Y’okay darlin’?” He asks frantic and you nod, tired.
“Let’s go.” Joel grabs your hand again. This time don’t let it go.
Even arriving at the abandoned gas station deemed safe to stay, you don’t let his hand go. He doesn’t yell at you about it.
Instead Joel sits besides you, flush against your side.
Against the shadowed darkness of the old building, you hold his hand firm in his and he doesn’t let go either.
You wake up first this time and find your head slumped against Joel’s shoulder, resting against him now. His head also rests on top of yours.
This is new.
But then again, so was the term he used for you. You wonder if you just imagined it.
Unlike now, this is very real. You’ve never been this close to him, can smell the faintest traces of him, musky and dark. He snores. His hair tickles against your head, but you don’t want to move.
If anything you close your eyes again hoping for a few more minutes of peace. Joel eventually shifts, waking you both up. Nothing is said about the sleeping positions.
Then he turns to you, and his face falls.
Immediately Joel moves closer. Delicately one of his hands moves to your chin to examine your cheek.
“Does it hurt?” He asks gently and you shake your head.
Not as much. You know there’s probably an ugly bruise, but it could be worse. You’re grateful this is all you have.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” You darkly joke.
Joel scoffs a small noise, maybe the echo of a laugh.
“So… Should I be worried about anything else you might’ve stolen?” His dry tone doesn’t sound upset.
You promise the bottle is all you took.
Joel hums, nodding.
“You continue to keep surprisin’ me.” His words are softer than he’s ever sounded
Now you realize, Joel is closer than ever before too. His face intensely scowled up now stares directly at you.
You drink in the sight of the king of the smugglers this close. The sun spots on his face, the age lines along his gorgeous features, it’s hard to deny how stunning he is.
After yesterday night it’s like you’re reminded raw and fierce how dangerous, but gorgeous of a man Joel is.
You think of the party you first met Joel. You remember thinking how you felt the remnants of safety, of protection that Joel showed then.
You should hate him. You wouldn’t be in these situations if it wasn’t for him. But when you ask yourself if you would rather be in the QZ, the truth is a distorted answer you might not be ready to face.
Without a word Joel whips around and moves to sling his backpack on better.
“Come on, let’s head out.” He announces.
You stay close to his side.
You expected another silent journey. However, the warmth of the day, the stretch of houses blurring more into the woods brings Joel out of his shell.
He talks about the Texas heat and how it used to be scorching. Interestingly points out different housing structures, and you learn he used to work as a contractor. Joel even asks about your job working at the school.
“It’s a job.” You say a bit standoffish.
“You don’t like it.” Joel sees right through you instantly.
“My mom likes it.” It’s safe, secure, stable and away from any harm and under the watch of FEDRA.
“What d’ya want to do then?” Joel asks surprisingly patient.
You pause momentarily, and the wind blows across your face.
It’s such a simple silly dream you hold in your heart…
Having your own house, enjoying peace, simply embracing living day to day without any worry about what to do or if your mom would approve.
“To simply be.” You answer. It’s enough for Joel, and you swear you see a faint grin tugging his lips.
The trail transforms into a serene sight, and you’re in awe of the beautiful landscape.
You should be scared that you’re walking away more and more from the QZ, even trusting Joel to follow him. But you’re not. The stretching trees untouched by the city, the edges of summer still peeking through the greenery, it's beautiful.
And getting hear Joel open up more, means more than you care to admit. He talks about this one mix up a couple of his guys made where they mistook baby milk formula powder for cocaine.
“Not Mister Scary Lord of the underworld getting upset over that.” You tease, and it almost feels like flirting.
Joel rolls his eyes. It adds a glowing playfulness to him, like seeing a small glimpse of the man he was before the world ended.
The further from the QZ you go, the deeper and deeper you’re drawn into this endless maze of a man that is Joel.
You never believed a place like Bill and Frank’s existed.
Their own personal town is otherworldly. They, mainly Frank, welcome you with warm and glimmering hospitality. They’re both older, slightly around Joel’s age.
“So, what’s a lovely thing like you doing with Joel?” Frank asks jokingly.
“Oh, I’m just a hostage.” You sleepily grin. Frank’s face falls while Bill barks a laugh.
It’s easy to melt into this new world with these two and Joel. You never expected him to have friends like this, and it’s interesting uncovering more facets of him.
Bill barks for you not snoop, but Frank winks reassuringly to make yourself at home. The hot shower is an oasis, and the comfortable bed becomes a cloud.
Well rested, the next day you wander the town. You stay out until it’s dark. No infected, no raiders, no fireflies or no worries… just simply you and the beautiful night sky above.
“Still not payin’ attention to where you’re goin’.” Joel’s voice flutters in.
Along the side of the street he looks dreamy under the soft dark night.
“Can’t help it,” you truthfully say, glancing back up. The stars are too lovely not to admire.
You end up wandering closer to Joel or maybe he walks towards you. It’s too hard to tell.
“You can never see the stars this bright even at the QZ.” You return to admire the stars even with Joel besides you.
If your mom just knew how far you were.
Joel snorts, and you realize you spoke those words aloud. Even though you’re a bit embarrassed you simply shrug.
“It’s true.” You agree.
“Seems like she’s kinda…” Joel trails off.
“Controlling?” You finish, and he nods.
You understand why. She’s seen horrors, lost so much. But you’re an adult, a fully grown one and you’ve seen a fair share of hardships too. You just want to be understanding both to her, and to yourself.
You even explain this to Joel.
“You’re good, maybe too kind.” Joel mutters and you now intrigued turn to him. His eyes twinkle in the dark night more than they ever have. “Don’t seem to see the bad in people.”
Maybe you do. Maybe you understand that people in this world contain fuzzy and hard to decipher multitudes now.
Joel snorts when you tell him that.
“Y’know you’ve been traveling with a one of FEDRA’s top bad guys this whole entire time right?”
You know. Joel even calls himself a thief. But he doesn’t seem as evil as you believed him to be.
Glancing at him, the way the darkness should bring out his shadows. It instead illuminates him like a faint star. You think someone this man can’t be fully evil. Or maybe you’re not as good, blooming and unfolding in the mud to reveal your true nature.
You and Joel simply walk back to Bill and Frank’s in silence.
The radio also stays silent another week.
You’re worried about overstaying your welcome, especially with how hard Bill glares at you like you’re a pest. Frank however, eagerly includes you in so many of his projects and errands.
“Not as young as I used to be.” He teases while tending to one of the gardens, and you readily help as much as you can.
You stare in awe at all the beautiful lush vegetables and plants. There’s even a couple of fruit trees.
“Joel always asks for fruit when he comes for trades.” Frank chuckles.
You never would have expected Bill and Frank to be a part of Joel’s team.
“I know, we don’t seem like the type, or maybe I don’t seem like the type to be helping smugglers.” Frank comments teasing, as if he read your mind.
You quickly stammer out that you don’t mind.
“This world, it’s not as black and white as we think it is. Surviving an apocalypse really does paint everything in a murky gray. Sometimes, it’s okay to just accept that.” Frank explains.
You’re slowly starting to agree more and more with that.
“I know…there’s…a delicate situation going on between you and Joel.” Frank speaks cautiously.
“But I want you to know…that if this is serious, and you don’t feel comfortable with Joel or truly want to go return home, there’s ways we could figure it out.” His tone is serious, truthful and sincere.
His words warm you.
But you swallow hard. In the watch of the peaceful yard you reveal a shadowed truth that’s been building in you.
You don’t know if you want to go back. You know you will have to if FEDRA and your mom honor the trade. But you’re dreading returning to your life under the eyes of the decaying QZ streets, FEDRA, your mother…
And even if you do return there, you can’t imagine going without Joel.
“I just want to make sure he’s safe.” You add quietly.
“You probably think I sound awful or out of my mind.” Then you laugh hollow.
Frank doesn’t reply immediately. You wait for him to judge you.
“I don’t think that at all.” His hand gently pats yours. “I think you’re actually really brave being so honest.”
That brings a thickness in your throat. Frank grins warmly at you, squeezes your hand comfortingly. You soak up his kindness like a flower bud in the sunlight.
However, another day passes with no noise among the picturesque world.
At breakfast you try holding back your laughter while Bill and Frankie aruge over the Wizard of Oz.
Joel, who surprisingly slept in late, emerges to take a seat at the table.
Him and Bill immediately jump into discussion about smuggling routes and new supplies. Frank slowly slips out to the kitchen.
“What day is it?” Joel asks.
Bill simply tells it to Joel, but it’s like a switch is flipped on.
He shoots up out of his chair, doesn’t even care that it topples over or that he slams into the table knocking everything. Bill yells at him fiercely. But Joel storms out of the room leaving everyone in his aftermath.
“What happened?” Frank asks, emerging back into the dining room.
“Joel, being fucking Joel.” Bill sneers.
Frank ignores his husband and turns to you. Explaining what happened, his lovely face frowns instant.
“Oh…oh I forgot about today.” He mutters.
You ask what today means. Frank slides closer to you with his eyes low.
“If I remember right…Today’s Sarah’s birthday.” He answers.
Confusion bubbles up, and you ask who Sarah is.
Frank’s face contorts in shock.
“Sarah…she’s Joel’s daughter that passed away.”
Those words take your breath away and you feel your world tilt on its axis.
Joel was a dad. Joel had a daughter.
You never would have expected. Frank must see the look in your eyes now as he places a hand on your shoulder.
“He doesn’t talk about her much. It’s not your fault you didn’t know.”
You’re left haunted by it all though.
Eventually you get the confidence and bravery enough to find Joel.
Walking around the vacant neighbor, you eventually spot him sitting on the porch step of one of the homes.
“Fuck you doin’ here?” He snaps, but there’s no malice in his voice, only a hollowness.
Standing besides him, you inhale deep.
“My big sister was infected on outbreak day.” You begin.
It happened after school when your mom was talking with your neighbor outside your home. You were still so little, barely remember pieces of it.
But the memories you have are sharp.
You’re in the kitchen, laughing at something your sister says. Suddenly she starts twitching. Then your world ended. You still hear her snarls sometimes, still taste the terror when she tried biting you and how you prayed it was just a game, until the screams of your mom came. It’s simply been you and her ever since.
Joel’s face finally turns to you and his eyes are wide, glossy obsidian gems and so open, so unlike Joel. Yet it’s like you’re seeing a true layer of him.
“I’m so sorry about your daughter Joel. That pain of loss never really leaves and I get it.” You carry your big sister’s ghost with you now.
Joel doesn’t say anything, instead clenches his jaw and blinks away the shimmering gloss reflecting in his eyes.
“It ain’t the same.” He suddenly snaps back. “You never felt the pain of losin’ a child.”
You feel insulted.
“Loss is still a loss Joel. Don’t you dare say my hurt is less than yours. What would your daughter say?” You snap back.
You know that’s not a kind thing to say. It galvanizes Joel. He bolts up and becomes a terrifying looming force that pierces you where you stand.
His voice silence is deadly, slices through you.
There’s so much you want to say to hurt him, but what good will it do. You simply blink away tears and walk away, leaving Joel to his ache as you try to quell yours.
Trying to settle your emotions, you end up walking around the ghost town and spot various glorious wildflowers, blooms so vibrantly colorful. You grab as many as you can.
Back at the house, Frank brightens immediately seeing the flowers in your hands.
“I got just the vase for them!”
Frank asks if you picked these for yourself and you shake your head.
“For those who have passed, and for Sarah.” Your answer.
Frank doesn’t say anything but instead nods, a silent understanding.
You head back to the guest room to try taking a nap. You accidentally left the door open partially, and soon enough Joel’s arrival lumbers into the grand home.
“Bill get those for you?” He notices the flowers.
Frank snorts. “You know Bill wouldn’t.”
He instead clarifies you did.
“For today…for Sarah.” Frank then adds.
Joel is quiet. You close your eyes and now drift into the flickering world between falling asleep and being aware.
You swear you faintly hear the door creak open more, catch the faint smell of cedar, and feel delicate but callous fingers run across your face.
But when you open your eyes, no one is in the room.
It’s like nothing happened between you or Joel the next morning. He even helps you and Frank outside harvesting some of the ripe new fruit.
“Can't handle Bill’s grumpy ass anymore.” Joel explains.
“Two grumpies together might just be too much.” You tease. Joel glares dully at you. Frank snickers amused.
You perk up bright seeing the lovely apples on the tree.
“Go ahead! Try one!” Frank eagerly urges and you do.
You haven’t had fresh apples in years. Your eyes close in bliss tasting sweet heaven and you munch away.
Suddenly a thick thumb runs against your cheek and your eyes snap open.
“Sorry. Got some on your cheek.” Joel clarifies drawing his hand away.
He suddenly draws it into his mouth to have a taste. You feel a bit dizzy but in a way that makes your stomach flip.
Joel’s eyes go wide, momentarily realizing what he did. Without another word, he bolts.
You and Frank are left staring at each other stunned.
The rest of the day Joel stays glued to the radio in Bill’s workshop.
Later that night your fingers crawl silently under the sheets, under your underwear, and you imagine what Joel would feel like. This man that’s taken you away from your home - you should feel guilty and ashamed, even horrified at this. But instead you only find an ache for more for his fingers to replace yours.
But even among the decadent desires you indulge in more and more…
Another week passes.
You and Joel share a somberness, slowly facing the harsh truth.
You may not be returning home.
“I want us to have a nice dinner tonight!” Frank must sense it too because he declares a bright order.
“So that means new outfits and everyone taking a good shower!” Frank insists proudly showing you to the clothing boutique the town has.
You end up grabbing the softest looking sundress. It’s delicate, fits comfortably on you and even makes you feel brand new.
Especially after taking another warm shower with the homemade lavender soap Frank gave you as another gift. Bill seems to be warming up to you. He even makes a dull joke about you taking a shorter shower than Joel.
When Joel does emerge from the shower, something shifts in you. His wet slicked back hair highlights all his silver streaks. In the new button up shirt Frank shoved at him and ordered him to wear, he’s gorgeous.
The terrifying ruler of a smuggling empire, now just a man who seems almost embarrassed, fidgets because you stare at him so directly.
Dinner is thankfully wonderful.
At some point you realize the role of hostage, of someone kidnapped, doesn’t feel so barbed. You now roam freely without any fear. Laugh warmly at the stories Frank tells that makes Bill scoff and Joel roll his eyes.
You insist on cleaning up to let Bill and Frank enjoy the nice evening to themselves.
In the kitchen you gather the plates until the door creaks open behind.
“Needed to get away from Bill’s god damn glarin’ st me being the third wheel.” Joel huffs.
Smirking, you find Joel effortlessly begins putting away dishes, helping.
It’s peaceful. In another life you wonder if this could have been a regular evening, in a house you owned…with someone you cared for.
Someone who you hate looks eerily like Joel.
You shift to go grab something just as he moves, and the two of you gently collide. It’s nothing extreme, but Joel’s hand moves to steady you against your lower back.
“Sorry.” He mutters, and your eyes flicker to him. He’s close again. So close you can almost smell the rosemary and pine soap among a scent so deeply Joel. He doesn't move yet. Neither do you.
That’s when you catch it, Joel’s deep rust eyes glance away from your gaze and towards your lips.
You wonder if maybe you’re seeing things, or have something on your face. But his hand against your back feels warm, steady, like you never want it to leave. His face ever so slightly begins to pull closer towards you.
You don’t want this to stop.
But Bills footsteps clamor to the kitchen. It electrifies both you and Joel causing him to scurry out of the kitchen.
That night you’re unable to sleep.
Frank always offered his collection of books for you to browse through. You decide to glance around and hope something sparks your interest.
That’s when a muffled groan floats out into the hallway.
Curiosity and a hint of worry has you walking back towards the rooms.
A choked out sigh comes from Joel’s room and the world melts away.
You need to go back to your room, even head back to the living room.
But you instead lean closer and find the door is slightly cracked like Joel thought he closed it but didn’t.
You faintly hear it, the sound of him jerking off. His soft sighs, his hand rubbing out his cock, it makes your mouth dry and water at the same time.
You’re no better than a creepy pervert, but you can’t help it.
Joel’s hand speeds up faster and now your wet core begs for attention already.
Then his climax hits with a deep loud groan, and it’s delicious.
You shift trying to quell the heat crawling all over your body.
But Joel sighs.
And he says your name.
It’s clear, steals your breath.
Maybe it’s been this recent journey that’s reminded you how short this life is… but whatever galvanized energy it is, it surges through you to move and push into Joel’s room.
Oh he’s a sight.
Your mouth waters seeing his cock, thick, beautiful and messy before it’s covered by the blanket.
Joel scrambles up petrified. “What the fuck y’doing here?!”
“You said my name,” you whisper slowly creeping towards him while shutting the door behind you.
“You’re hearin’ shit.” He barks low, angry and harsh.
You swallow hard.
“I think about you too… whenever I touch myself.” You admit barely above a whisper.
Joel’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline, but immediately he coughs as if he got punched.
“Go back to your room.” He urges, but it’s not persistent. You shake your head no, and now arrive against the side of his bed.
“We… you…this shouldn’t be happenin’.” He urges.
“You say you’re a thief, that you’re the bad guy here,” you mutter posessed. “Maybe I am too.”
“Darlin’” Joel breathes out that sacred term, the one you’ve prayed to hear again.
Confidence surges through you more toxic than any other poison.
“Maybe I wanna take for once,” you whisper, moving onto the bed. Your eyes glance to the wet white sticky mess against Joel’s stomach and his hand that he didn’t cover.
Your mouth aches to taste him.
So flickering your gaze to Joel, it’s a cautious moment and what you’re about to do can fall apart in a minute. But your hand moves delicately, cautious. Your eyes stay on Joel, waiting for him to tell you no or react.
But he doesn’t.
You grab his cum covered hand still keeping your eyes on him. Until you glance down at his hand, his calloused beautiful large hand.
He still hasn’t pulled away or made a noise to stop you.
Tentatively you lick up his fingers, tasting his release.
“Fuck!” Joel barks out a harsh hiss.
You’re worried he’s going to yank his hand away, but he doesn’t. He instead sits up more like he’s been electrocuted.
It’s enough to let you indulge now.
So you draw his fingers into your mouth.
They’re so large. The salty taste of his cum and the taste of his skin on your tongue makes your eyes close as you clean his fingers.
“Fuckin’ shit, baby.” You want to hear him say those words over and over, want to cherish how wrecked his voice breaks.
Now, very slowly, Joel’s fingers move in your mouth and you moan. He traces your teeth, drags the meat of his fingers across your tongue and plunges deeper into your mouth.
Your eyes roll back, and on instinct you start sucking.
“Yeah darlin’ yeah.” Joe whispers hoarsely, and you want to get drunk on him.
Steady, his fingers plunge in and out, fucking your mouth as you become putty in his hold. His other hand now runs up your thigh, under the edge of your dress.
“Want you so bad Joel.” Even with his fingers in your mouth you whimper out those words maybe mainly to yourself, maybe thinking this is just a dream.
But the way Joel surges up, yanks his hand out of your mouth to clutch your face, and he kisses you like a parched man…
This feels too good to be a dream.
You melt into it, into Joel, greedily stealing all he gives you. Just as you welcome him to steal all he wants from you, and you readily give him everything. No worries about anything else, it’s simply you and him.
When Joel slides into you, deep and wide, when his breath tickles the heat of your skin, you taste the essence of him all around - the world feels reborn.
Joel however, is slightly more reluctant.
“M’too old for you.” He argues after the second night you crawl into his room.
“You think I care?” I simply say running your fingers against his warm chest.
“You should.”
Well you don’t and you tell him that.
Then the dark doubt creeps in.
Because there are other things you should care about.
“Are you doing this…”
Just to be cruel, to maybe even control you.
Joel sits up holding your hand against his chest. Your eyes met his. There’s steeled sincerity in his eyes as he shakes his head.
“No… hate that I wanted you from the start, before all this.” At the party. That feels like ages ago.
You can’t help but ask him why, why you.
He sighs, and his thumb strokes your hand.
“Saw you when ya first walked in. You laughed at something your friend said. It was so loud, so fuckin’ genuine.”
You’re about to apologize, embarrassed, at how loud you laugh until Joel continues.
“Knew you were something fierce, something beautiful. I was gone the minute you smashed that god damn drink in that guy's face.”
He doesn’t have to say anything else. So much clouds the room and it feels thick, but it’s like the thickness of a misty morning fog you want to get lost in. You kiss him tenderly, as if you have all the time in the world.
After this a new shift comes between you and Joel. His hands always seem to be on you, gently touching your arm or grazing past you closer. After your nights with him, hickies paint your thighs and you admire them in the morning.
In the dark, Joel tells you more about Tommy, about the plan he has for finding his brother. Even sometimes he reveals bits and pieces about Sarah.
You soak in every moment you can with him. Joel even stays a full day away from the radio helping Bill renovating one of the sheds. It’s a gift watching Joel work with his hands and tools, like watching the shadow of a past still existing in him.
Your heart becomes a treasure chest holding all these moments.
But something darker still rots in you.
FEDRA still remains silent.
Summer winds down. Cooler air settles in the town, and you happily enjoy sitting on the porch more and more.
You’d been eyeing the pomegranate for a few days. Now after Frank happily told you to enjoy, you excitedly and greedily cut into it. Joel even showed you how to earlier.
Currently you sit on the porch enjoying the soft breeze. Frank sits besides you watching Bill work on a project. You laugh at how affectionate the two are even while bickering.
Scooping out a couple of the pomegranate seeds, their beautiful ruby color stains your finger. They taste of a sweetness you never want to leave. Boots approach from behind.
“Joel! Come, sit. Enjoy the nice early autumn weather.” Frank calls and you turn to grin at him.
“FEDRA finally got in contact.” Joel’s words pop the air.
Everything stills.
When you turn towards Joel, the somber stare on his face already reveals the answer.
FEDRA denied the exchange.
The rest of the pomegranate sits uneaten on the porch.
You sit in Joel’s room quietly for what feels like years. The tears don’t even come anymore.
“She can stay here! She’d be a welcomed addition” Frank urges from the living room. “We’ve appreciated all the extra help around here.”
“No. Take her back.” Bill interjects flat.
Frank shushes his husband.
The conversation becomes low, muffled, and you’re too tired to even try and listen. You instead curl into Joel’s pillow, and let sleep take you.
A callous hand gently stroking your cheeks wakes you. The low early evening light bathes Joel glorious, and you faintly smell wine Joel must have had.
“You gonna get rid of me now?” You mumble hollow.
Joel shakes his head no.
“Too late for that.” He says with the faintest hint of a crooked grin. “Told ya, I’m head smuggler for a fuckin’ reason, like to keep what’s mine close.”
You place your hand over his and squeeze it tight. But the tears manage to return.
“What’s gonna happen now?” While you ask, your voice breaks.
Joel exhales.
“Don’t know.” He says truthfully.
You’re grateful he’s being honest. Joel’s dark autumn eyes glance away.
“I know we’ll manage, find a car, get Tommy.” He nods to himself.
“But…” he adds with his voice trailing off.
“Don’t wanna think about you leaving,” Joel admits with the lowest rumble.
“Can’t fuckin’ handle it… thinkin’ about not knowin’ how you’re doing, not seeing you…” he shakes his head.
“It’s fuck up. I know it’s god damn fucked up... If you want me to take you back to the QZ, I’ll do it. If you wanna just stay here, I’d let ya.” Joel’s voice sounds strained, almost debris filled with so many emotions begging to get out.
You slide your hands around him, and he draws you closer. The world might be crumbling again all around you, but he feels like a steady rock amongst it all.
“I don’t wanna leave, don’t wanna leave you.” You whimper out the truth.
Joel holds you tighter into his strong warm embrace.
That night you fuck Joel like it’s the last time you’ll ever see him, and a grim darkness seeping in your mind whispers it might be.
You want every piece of him. So when you open your mouth wide, without any question, Joel runs his thumb across your bottom lip and spits into your mouth. You greedily swallow.
What surprises you is when you’re seated in Joel’s lap, slowly grinding up and down on his thick cock, he weakly opens his mouth as well.
Tenderly stroking his cheek, you gently lean down and let the spit drip from your mouth into his. You feel drunk watching Joel’s eyes roll back as he swallows.
Instead of feral roughness, or a devouring passion, it’s tender, makes your heart swell. Joel’s hands map you out like you’re a cherished rare gem.
In his arms, in the quiet stillness of the room, your heart begs for weeds to start growing around you.
From a glance out the window, the pumpkins seem to be flourishing beautifully. They’re your first big vegetables you’re growing, with Bill’s supervision of course. But you’re proud of the progress nonetheless.
You’re finishing cleaning the last bit of dishes from breakfast when a sturdy arm slides around you from behind.
For someone so grumpy, Joel is surprisingly and secretly a cuddly creature. His wonderful nose burrows into the side of your face.
“Wanna work on the kitchen today,” he mutters.
The old house across the street from Bill and Frank’s has become the new project. While you still stay with Bill and Frank, your hope is to eventually make that empty house a home.
The autumn air invigorates you as you go to visit Frank in his sunroom.
“Will you be okay here by yourself?” You ask him gently.
Frank snorts. “You and Bill both, such worrywarts.”
Frank’s been moving slower, coughing more. It tugs at your heart. Over the radio you now even ask Tess if there’s other medication options for him to try.
You’ve grown to care about him, even grouchy Bill and Tess who even seems to warm up to you now.
It’s your own carved out universe.
Frank good naturedly pats your hand, reassuring you he’ll be fine. With a squeeze to his shoulder and a warm goodbye, you head across the street.
Of course Joel takes charge, and it’s hard not to jump his bones seeing how effortlessly he takes to fixing up this house.
The night you decided to stay here, Joel slid you a paper and pen.
“Draw me your dream house.” He told you gruffy.
He kept that very poor drawing. It’s what guides the renovations. The house is smaller than Bill and Frank’s but to you, it’s a perfect size.
“You know I can do it myself, make Bill work too.” Joel had told you when you first showed up to help.
“I know, but I wanna help. Wanna know my elbow grease went into everything too.” You told Joel with a grin.
He didn’t shoo you away after that. Now you get to help around when you can. The sanded cabinets and freshly painted walls, all fruits of your labor and you’re excited, proud, seeing the house come together. It’s breathing life into his dusty space, and you cherish it.
Eventually you head back to Bill and Frank’s.
Frank calls to you. “The radio came on.���
With Joel throwing himself into fixing up the house, interestingly enough you’ve become his stand in. It’s how you and Tess slowly began bonding. You’ve told her FEDRA routes and patrol changes and she’s in turn gossiped about what’s been happening in Boston.
You miss it often, but the peace of walking to visit your pumpkins, to helping Frank at breakfast, of having Joel in your bed…it’s like a new breath in your lungs.
“Hey.” You greet Tess.
She says your name, somber and you still.
“Your mom…she finally got in contact with us.”
You inhale shakily. A part of you had wondered if your mom would do something like this.
Finally managing to get a hold of a battery, your mom is offering to trade it for you.
A wave of fear does grip you. You don’t want to leave, don’t want to go back. But you also miss her dearly.
When Joel returns, beautifully coated in sweat and saw dust, he’s like a construction god. But seeing your face, he instantly understands something’s up.
In the seclusion of your room, you tell Joel you’ll return to Boston, and his eyes become moons.
“You don’t have to go back.” Joel whispers to you later that night. “Can say we want more.”
You shake your head.
Your mom has been through enough, and Joel needs this.
“You need to find Tommy.”
His hand curls against your face holding your cheek so precious. “We’ll find another battery, or hell I’ll take one of Bill’s. Don’t want ya feeling like you’re forced to go back.”
This has all been out of your control and now, you have a say.
You’ll return with Joel, but you won’t be fully returning to your life in Boston either. You’ll exist between these two worlds now, visiting your mom and primarily staying with Joel.
Your mom won’t be happy about this, you can almost hear her fury already. But this is what you want. It’s the journey your path will take.
“Y’okay with this?” Joel suddenly asks before leaving the gate to the town. His eyes search yours. “You don’t have to do this, especially for me.”
You understand what he means, but this is for you.
Gently you draw Joel towards you and kiss him soft.
With the smuggler king, you walk firmly into the sunlight. The early autumn breeze gently guides you forward.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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My rendition of @tempo-takoyaki's DTIYS!
Congrats on the milestones! And to everyone else, please go check out their 'Drawing TGCF (except I haven't read the books)' series!
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letsmcfreackingloseit · 10 months
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So yes I have OF COURSE read @naffeclipse new fic Apex Polarity and yes, I AM OBSESSED!
So I decided to make a little comic of how I think their "first encounter" might have looked like from Eclipse's perspective.
I can't help but think about how alien and scary we most look to him (especially if there is a history of fasco hunting polar sirens in the past). With all that gear we look like emotionless beings, just observing and uncaring of this ice world. But then when y/n shows up and probably exudes this joy and wonder for his world + shows respect for the creatures and the environment??? Mmh yeah, I can see Eclipse falling for y/n, especially considering how alone he might be...
So yes, that's what I have for today! If you want to read the fic I'll link it right here. I can't recommend it enough, but as always, read the tags so you know what you're getting into! And lastly I also want to @themeeplord beacuse Eclipse's design is basically their design in my style (god I love their design so much, their character/creature designs are the BEST) so all the credit goes to them! Polar!Y/N is my design thou! ;P
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read the two latest chapters-
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hauntedandmurdered · 9 months
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The sexiest touch in movie history and no, nothing's ever gonna change my mind.
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boobchuy · 2 months
I love amphibia I'm really happy it exists
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azzayofchaos · 2 months
You said you wanted art requests, how about tango trying to bake something?? :D
Not me getting busy and then procrastinating this for a month and a half. O_O
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Here’s the guy! I think he’s probably a good cook, and at least a decent baker, he’s been alive for far too long to have not figured it out. Unfortunately he’s partial to Nether food which doesn’t always sit well with his non-nether companions.
Probably not the image either of us would have thought of but it was interesting to draw at any rate. He’s making a ghast-jelly soufflés or something!
Some thoughts about food and the Nether? (You didn’t think you could escape my world building, did you?)
This particular dish I image to be a fluffy soufflé or mousse-like texture. It’s a relatively sweet dish, a rarity it the nether, though it could easily be modified for a more savory flavor.
The list of ingratiates might look something like this:
- The luminescent, warped-vine fruits that grow at high altitudes in the temperate zone. They are much smaller and more fragile than shroomlights, and are a rare source of sugar in the Neth. Most nether plants are savory, umami, or sour/biter,
— The viscous ichor from a ghast’s innards that whips up much like egg whites (there are eggs produced by some nether species but not ones well suited for this process)
— Aromatic herbs and spices that can be found in various biomes are a good addition especially when combined with the fruit juice to make a sauce. The specifics would vary from recipe to recipe, but the benefit of the dish is that it can easily be made with ingredients that don’t contain capsaicin which is present in many nether plants. (this dessert is considered one of the most palatable for overworlders as long as you can get past the use of ghast ichors.)
— some fat source, generally a hoglin lard or oil from stems.
— Salt! Readily available. It can often be found in large mineral deposits or salt flats in the rime zone or wastes.
Additionally, adding other ingredients can alter the sort of dish.
— The texture can be made more cake-like for example with the use of spore-flour, and hoglin or nut-based milks.
— Things like cacao, sugars, and fruit are coveted goods that the Neath has historically traded with the overworld for.
— I thought it would be interesting if there was a certain type of heat-resistant but heat-sensitive plant that curls/uncurls based on refined temperatures. It could be used as a thermometer!
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