#if you have any recommendation and it's not in the list
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confusedlamp · 1 hour ago
General suggestion for anyone not aware: Most programs will have minimum requirements, as well as recommended specs. If you have a manual for the program, it will be listed there. If not, you can usually find it by googling* "[program name] minimum requirements."
Requirements and recommendations tend to be larger for programs like video games or video editing, but I recommend just looking up recommendations for anything that you use frequently, finding the stuff you use with the highest recommendations/ requirements, and making a cheat sheet to compare to.
*I will use any opportunity to plug for DuckDuckGo over Google. They even allow you to opt out of the AI 'results.'
why is shopping for computer shit so difficult like what the hell is 40 cunt thread chip 3000 processor with 32 florps of borps and a z12 yummy biscuits graphics drive 400102XXDRZ like ok um will it run my programmes
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 days ago
A quick resource round up if you need yarn and shopped at Joann
I don't remember all of Joann's brands, so forgive me if I miss one, but here's everything I can think of that either will help you buy stuff you've used or give you a new place to look for yarn.
Yarnspirations will have everything for Red Heart, Caron, Patons, Lily Sugar 'n' Cream, Bernat, Aunt Lydia's, and Coats & Clark. (I made a post about this yesterday but don't want to skip it.)
Lion Brand's website will have any Lion Brand you need.
Plymouth yarn is one of those companies that shows you what they have but then you have to look at their shop list to find it.
Yarn.com is a huge yarn selling company with a lot of options, including Plymouth.
Creative Yarn Source is a website where you can get Omega-brand threads and yarns. I don't know if Hobby Lobby still carries Omega, but they did 15 years ago (I made a terrible vest [my fault; not the yarn] right before we moved to PDX). Lots of thread sizes and colors.
Knitpicks has size 10 and size 3 thread in a bunch of colors. It's called Curio. It's under laceweight. For a good acrylic worsted, I recommend their Brava. I also prefer their Dishie to Sugar 'N' Cream just because I like how it softens up a bit more.
We Crochet is actually just Knitpicks but aimed at primarily crocheters rather than knitters. They don't one-to-one on yarn options, which bothers me, but I'm sure it's based on what crocheters buy most often vs. what knitters buy most often. That site also has some extra brands on it, too.
If you need to sub a yarn, yarnsub.com is literally just that. They have a whole rating system. I've used it several times to source similar or replacement yarns.
Hobbii has always been a great resource for me, but if you are looking for an exact yarn, it's not going to be what you need. It's a Danish company, so shipping takes a little time, but every yarn I've gotten from them I've really liked. Their "Friends" line has stuff I would definitely consider workhorse sort of options.
Wool and the Gang has a website where you can buy directly from them.
Big Twist yarns has a website, but it just sends you to Amazon to buy, so here's the link to the page of it from Craftz brand. You can use this same link to get the Easy Peasy yarn for Woobles.
Premier Yarns has a website where you can buy directly from them.
Herrschners carries a bunch of different yarns, and if you like kits, that's a lot of their business.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 22 hours ago
BIPOC Authors and Fics Masterlist!
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Thank you to everyone who submitted so many recommendations to celebrate all the fantastic works of BIPOC writers in the Pedro fandom! Please read, share, and enjoy all of these incredible authors and fics! 🥹 If you have any other writers or fics you want to share, inbox or DM me, so I can keep this as up to date as possible!! Thanks for helping to spread some love 💛
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Authors (listed in alphabetical order):
@80ssong A03 masterlist (Joel Miller, Javi G, Frankie Morales)
@artemiseamoon masterlist for PPCU (all Pedro characters)
@cxrsed-angel masterlist for PPCU (Joel Miller, Marcus Acacius, Reed Richards)
@damneddamsy masterlist for Joel Miller series
@flawssy-227 masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller)
@flightlessangelwings masterlist for all writing (All Pedro characters)
@flordeamatista one-shot: A Sweeter Place (Joel Miller)
@gothcsz materlist for all writing (Javier Peña, Marcus Acacius)
@inclusivepedro-oscarlibrary another source for POC authors!
@joeloverture masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller)
@kedsandtubesocks masterlist for all writing (all Pedro characters)
@kilamonster one-shot: Lola (Javier Peña)
@letsgobarbs one-shot: Joel Miller x Logan Howlett
@liltangerineart masterlist for all writing (Din Djarin, Javier Peña, Joel Miller)
@lovesbiggerthanpride masterlist for all writing (Javier Peña, Frankie Morales, Dave York, Dieter Bravo, Javi G, Joel Miller)
@megamindsecretlair one-shot: Break My Heart (Javier Peña)
@mostclevermiss one-shot: Sic Simper Tyrannus (Marcus Acacius)
@nerdieforpedro masterlist for all writing (All Pedro characters)
@ovaryacted masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller, Javier Peña, Marcus Acacius, Dieter Bravo)
@pedroscurls masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Javier Peña, Marcus Acacius, Marcus Pike)
@pedrospatch masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller, Javier Peña)
@penvisions masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller, Frankie Morales, Din Djarin, Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels, Javi G, Ted Garcia)
@superhoeva masterlist for Frankie Morales series
@stargirlfics masterlist for Joel Miller
@thundermartini masterlist for all writing (Joel Miller, Javier Peña)
@yxtkiwiyxt masterlist for all writing (Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Dave York, Dieter Bravo)
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Specific Fic Recs (By Character):
Joel Miller
A Sweeter Place by @flordeamatista
Loopholes (series) by @yxtkiwiyxt
Stages of Devotion (series) by @penvisions
Deadfall by @joeloverture
Falling by @damneddamsy
All I Do by @flawssy-227
Butterfly by @stargirlfics
So Much Goddamn Talk by @stargirlfics
Let's Go by @thundermartini
Let Me Show You by @pedroscurls
Javier Peña
Unscripted Desire (series) by @gothcsz
Neighbors (series) by @gothcsz
Lola by @kilamonster
Complicated by @ovaryacted
Lap Dance by @yxtkiwiyxt
Break My Heart by @megamindsecretlair
Touch Tank by @thundermartini
Frankie Morales
Game Changer by @kedsandtubesocks
The Margay (series) by @ohforficsake
Take me Home Tonight by @80ssong
The Realm of Love by @80ssong
Marcus Acacius
Sic Simper Tyrannus by @mostclevermiss
III by @gothcsz
Din Djarin
Healing Pains by @liltangerineart
Dieter Bravo
Fire Starter by @kedsandtubesocks
Dave York
Homecoming by @letsgobarbs
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coldsaturn · 3 days ago
hiii! i have a question i thought you might be able to answer: how did aftg originally get so popular? i know it was mostly word of mouth on tumblr (still is, i think) (who says this website is unmarketable!!) but what were the early days of the fandom like? personally i've "only" been here since 2016, and by then the series was already decently popular. i remember at that time that the fandom was really welcoming and kind in a way that felt really exceptional to me, and it definitely contributed to me picking up the books, which is the only explanation i can really think of for why it got a bigger following than some to other books which did receive a whole big-publisher marketing campaign aside from it just being well-written. do you have any theories for why it got so massive on here? and do you know how the first readers found it? i hope you don't mind me asking you this, but i remember your blog from wayyyy back when and thought that if anyone had the answer, it would probably be you :)
Hello! I always get so happy when I can talk about the early days of the fandom <3 Sit down here around the fire, let me tell you about this wondrous tale.
So, story time: it was spring 2013, I had just finished a thorough read of In The Company Of Shadows and I was starving for another black hole. It was automatic for me to look up the goodread lists ICoS was featured in, to see what other titles I could pick up, and ended up on the list called "Online M/M stories that deserve to be published". The Foxhole Court was right there (it's not anymore because it IS published <3), so I read it. That was the start of the end lmao
If I remember correctly I didn't wait too long before reading TRK, but TKM didn't come out until the end of the following year, so in the meantime I all but shelved it as something that had incredible potential but that was possibly doomed to never be completed. Fast forward I think the start of 2015 when I accidentally stumbled upon TKM and I couldn't believe I could finally know how the story ended. Nora had a blogspot where she talked about the books (including updates between TRK and TKM), and I remember trying to get as much info as I could on this series. And that was it. For a bit.
So, by the first half of 2015, the fandom was made by people commenting on her blogspot, on her livejournal, the book pages on goodreads, and Ao3 literally had 2 fics ( webarchive gives you what we saw - btw Don't Speak Against The Sun is FIRE and instantly became a new standard for f/f for me). You can still find all this content online. Tumblr had a handful of scattered posts about TFC, mostly Nora's mutuals/friends on tumblr, and a couple of readers screaming into the void with no one answering their call.
I was pretty active on here, especially in the bellarke fandom, and I engaged with mutuals and other blogs often enough that I knew if I talked about something, at least someone would reply. A mutual was reading The Raven Cycle and got me curious enough to liveblog it myself. Instant love, of course, and if you've read TRC you know how strong the found family vibe is. So at the end of my liveblog (we've reached July 2015) I threw out a comment where I recommended AFTG as another worthy title. With the first book being free while the other two were only a dollar each, it sounded a fairly easy commitment. One mutual decided to read it (if you're reading, hi!!!) and liveblog it, and that got the party started.
A party of 2, and I'm not kidding. While we chatted and made up headcanon after headcanon on the phone, the intention was to get others interested in this story. But they'd never do it if there wasn't enough content around to engage with and motivate them to blog themselves, so we started with quote posts, liveblog reactions, a few timid edits and poems. An important choice was figuring out which tag to use (at the time tumblr search only scrolled through tags, not post content): "all for the game" was an actual sports tag, "the raven king" was the title announced for the next TRC installment, "the king's men" was the last book of the trilogy and it wasn't even the free one, so we settled for "the foxhole court" which was an empty tag. Even now my blog content is organized around "tfc" because of it, even though we took over all the relevant tags. A couple other mutuals I had from bellarke fandom got curious as well, and now we could consider ourselves a proper group. We were so starved for fan content that whatever you put out would be automatically reblogged and enthusiastically engaged with. It was a happy little fandom bubble. Then Nora noticed us and started interacting with us, and you got the birth of what would become the extra content page as she replied to our questions.
I possibly had a little bit too much time on my hands because I appointed myself as fandom archivist and tour guide. I reblogged every single post I saw in the tags, and I started a welcome page where I could keep track of everyone announcing they were reading the series. It was meant as a way to find mutuals to interact with since tumblr hadn't yet "canonized" all the tags, and it was entirely possible to lose each other in dashboard chains. I used to reply to everyone reading the series by "officially" welcoming them into the fandom, linking them the page where they could find mutuals, Nora's blog, and the extra content present up to that point. Oh and there was a fictional exy team where you could choose your position and then put it in your blog for fun or roleplay it. I also used smashword's gift system to buy the series for whoever said they couldn't pay for it, just to try and avoid pirating the book (good for word of mouth, bad for sales). This was on my side, but this fandom had so many people pouring their entire heart out I still get emotional thinking about it.
Everyone (before January 2016) made as much content as they could, be it meta, fanart, fanfics, headcanons, edits, wikia pages etc. We had fandom challenges where we pronounced the names of the characters and aftg keywords with our native accent, others where we said our favorite scene. Every headcanon was the first headcanon ever seen in the fandom. The fun thing was that at the time there was a strong etiquette toward "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything" so fan content really went in all directions with basically no limits. We tagged for triggers and that was it, we had free reign. For those who were around at the time, the sin squad was a group of us fans churning out the saddest/filthiest/fluffiest/most problematic content we could think of.
Then we reached January 2016. We were around 300 in the fandom at that point (I know because I counted them, literally), it had been slow but constant growth where each new fan brought at least other two people with them, and we had around 20 posts per day in the main tag. Then someone bridged the gap between us and the TRC fandom. If you ask me how the fandom got really popular, that's it. The TRC fandom was stuck in hiatus waiting for The Raven King, and now you had 300 rabid foxes spamming aftg content on tumblr, using trk as tag, too. Popular fanartists that were active in that fandom helped making aftg known, and semi viral posts did the rest. We went from 300 to 700 people in a couple of months, and shortly after I had to stop adding people to the welcome page because the post broke. I didn't even know that could happen. It wasn't long after that we were featured in the tumblr end of year recap for book ships. We were so many it was suddenly possible to meet in real life! Cosplays, tattoos, merch. You name it, someone in the fandom did it.
But how did it feel when we were only 20 people and a cardboard dog cutout? It felt like the most chaotic book club ever, and every new fan was automatically a friend. Nostalgia is a lying bitch, but I really don't think I'm making shit up here. We had fun and made great memories.
By the way, if you want to see how things were in 2015, you can! Just go through my archive starting from July 2015 (I think 17th) and onward. You can also search my blog for the tags "fandom history" and "started from nothing and now we're here", whereas here you can find a list of aftg fandom tags I used.
Tl;dr We were starving for good content, we wanted to have fun together, and we were lucky enough to half-hijack a bigger fandom in hiatus. That was all the marketing AFTG needed on tumblr.
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saintrobot · 2 days ago
Well how are y'all getting your book recommendations because I have a feeling it's TikTok and Instagram and that's why you don't know what to read and feel frustrated. Because the whole premise of this post does not feel correct to me. My instinct says that we, as adults, don't see the actual YA that's being written because we aren't the target audience. The "YA novels being written to be targeted at people..." books ARE adult books and they are being appropriately advertised that way. The fact that some view those books as immature or YA does not make them so. Fourth Wing is not marketed or shelved as YA. Millenials aren't refusing to move on; that's just what millenials like.
Even a cursory glance at review journals and best sellers lists shows me that people like Colton in the original screenshot aren't paying attention to the publishing trends for teens and middle grade outside of apps. Those books and authors exist. What I think is happening overall is that teens (and everyone) are spending less time reading as a leisure activity.
There is a kind of unsettling, but familiar tone of elitism and cruelty in these replies, like moniquill pointed out that should be noted here. Just because a book or genre doesn't meet the standards of what you personally want to read does not mean that others should "grow up" to match the imagined benchmark for reading that you're creating here. The publishing world is very different now than it was 10 years ago, yes, and I believe there is a conversation to be had about that. But I don't think the conversation is about what genre of book people in their mid 30s should or should not be reading.
Here are the 2025 Youth Media Awards winners as chosen by the American Library Association. Have you heard of any of these? If you're not a teen, probably not and that's fine.
Here are 22 nonfiction books about animals as chosen by Chicago Public Library staff.
Lists and recommendations exist in plenty.
Source I'm a librarian who has worked with middle grade, teens, college students and adults over the past 10 years.
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god this is so fucking pathetic. i'm embarrassed out of my mind to share a generation with these losers.
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dduane · 2 days ago
Hi Diane, I really want to sell my writing independently, rather than through Amazon, and you're one of the only writers I know who does. Do you have any advice for setting up something like ebooksdirect, or is that something that requires specialised knowledge and an existing readerbase to be feasible? (no worries if you can't get to this question, I know you get a lot)
Off hand I'd say that Ebooks Direct would not work at all if I didn't already have a readerbase* that knows what I do. So if you don't already have that, I'm not at all sure I can recommend this particular style of going indie (or hybrid-indie).
It's also a lot of work running your own online sales space. And in terms of server space, website management, and so forth, it runs into pretty serious money, over time. Which (from month to month, freelancing being what it is) you can't always be sure you'll have. Plus it takes up valuable time that you could also be using to write, and which you will always grudge having to spend. Around here that means "On average, an hour or two a day..." —and then to the people who say "That doesn't sound like much," one adds "... for fifteen years." ...Those hours pile up.
If you're just getting started, what I would strongly recommend is that you build your sales as best you can on one or more of the online platforms—obviously choosing the one(s) least objectionable to you—and at the same time work to build a mailing list to whom you can regularly market your work via newsletter. Much further down the line would be the time for you to think about a bookstore of your own... by which time (who knows?) the independent publishing field may have done what it loves to do, and changed shape once again into something none of us could have predicted. (Insert eyeroll here.)
In any case: good luck with your marketing... but much more importantly, with your writing! Because an online bookstore has to have something in it... and something that people like to read. Let creating that writing be by far your first and most important concern. :)
*I should really correct that to say "a number of readerbases", as due to the no-internet state of the world prevailing during my first couple decades' work, most of my readerships are very "siloed" and tend to know me for only one thing. The Star Trek readers tend not to know about the LGBTQ adult fantasy: the Young Wizards readers tend not to know about the very assorted MCU and DCU fiction, and so on, among all the possible permutations of I-never-knew-she-wrote-any-of-THAT!. It's almost as if nobody ever goes to one's website to find out whether their favorite [insert genre here] author does something else besides what one already knows them for.
Meanwhile, I'm just grateful for the many who remember my name, :)
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cityof2morrow · 1 day ago
SCLUV: Occult & Magic Traits
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Published: 2-28-2024 | Updated: N/A SUMMARY SimCityLuv highlights lore and gameplay from SimCity, the capital of the Uforian Simlish States (USS), set in the futuristic Orora universe. Stay tuned for more… #co2simcityluv Here are 30+ occult and magic traits for Sims 2. Some are taken from other games in the simsverse (especially Sims 4) and others were made for my own storylines. Although this set is not a recreation, details in the artwork and descriptions are heavily inspired by afro-centric traditions. Celebrate Black History Month 2025! #co2bhm #co2bhm2025 #sims2bhm DETAILS Requires all EPs/SPs. §0 | Collection Only For now, these TOKENS ONLY – they do not alter sims/gameplay on their own. If/when they are incorporated in mods, their custom function(s) will depend on the mods in question. The collection file is REQUIRED to access the traits in-game. Let it overwrite your other “traits-collection” file. See below. ITEMS
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There are 6 BLOODLINE traits meant to indicate the maximum power and/or skill level sims can achieve – chaotic, weak, average, strong, ancient, and quantum gene. See descriptions - some of these are meant to be rare.
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Next, there are 12 ELEMENTAL GIFT traits which indicate what kind of supernatural a sim is and their potential abilities – bloodborne, earthborne, fireborne, floraborne, grimborne, hellborne, moonborne, spiritborne, starborne, stormborne, sunborne, and waterborne. Elemental gifts are meant to compliment alignments. I recommend THIS mod (Arek_91, 2010) to prevent changes in alignment from neutral spells – “good witches will stay good and evil will stay evil.” Use the No Witch Names mod (Cyjon, 2010) to get rid of the automatic “good,” “neutral,” and “evil,” titles. You can apply these to occults of all kinds. In my game, vampires are bloodborne, plantsims are floraborne, werewolves are moonborne, and aliens/spellcasters can be just about any type. Sims with the ancient bloodline trait are unique because they can have up to three elemental gift traits instead of the usual one. They’d rank alongside avatar sims if you use @jellymeduza’s Bending Mods (2019).
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Lastly, there are 18 OTHER traits representing various roles, careers, and magical skills – animal whisperer, apparition, attuned, chased by death, macabre, majister, medium, mystic, mythlore fan, necromancer, reaper, reborn, sage, second sight, sentry, siren, supernatural healer, and tech bender. Some of these - such as attuned, mystic,or mythlore fan - can easily be used on non-occult sims. DOWNLOAD (choose one) OCCULT & MAGIC TRAITS from SFS | from MEGA COLLECTION FILE from SFS | from MEGA Let it overwrite your other “traits-collection” file. LIST OF DESCRIPTIONS/GUIDS from SFS | from MEGA CREDITS Thanks: ImpressedBee, @shoque, Sim Shenanigans Discord folks. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik), Additional TXTRs (Adobe, Colourbox, Cookamoto, Deposit Photos, Flat Icon, Freepik-Amethyst Design, FreeVector, Getty, iStock, Myloview, PinIMG, PNG Tree, Sabina Z, Vecteezy, VectorStock).
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chthonic-cassandra · 2 days ago
hello friend! i have been trawling through your goodreads shelves as i so frequently do, but i have a specific request for recs that i think you might have some answers for and thought i'd go to the source: do you have any book recs for nonfiction about ancient religion?
I do indeed and am glad you asked! I only feel really qualified to recommend books on Ancient Greek religion specifically, but on that topic I have quite a lot:
More general/foundational
foundational to the field at the turn of the century and very important context for the framing of subsequent conversations about Ancient Greek religion is Jane Ellen Harrison. You may want to read more modern things first/instead, but her Themis: A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion is sort of where it all begins
Karl Kerenyi is also quite an important voice in the field, and though there are places where his scholarship is notably dubious I think there are things to be gained from his work. Probably try The Religion of the Greeks and Romans
Sarah Iles Johnson has done a bunch of accessible, solidly useful scholarship on ancient religion more broadly, and I think might actually be a realistically good place to start, though her work doesn't feel as intellectually exciting to me personally as a number of other things on this list. Her edited essay collection straightforwardly titled Ancient Religions may give you a lot of what you're looking for.
Yulia Ustinova is another contemporary scholar who has done a bunch of really solidly useful but not stunningly intellectually innovative work in this field. Divine Mania does some useful multidisciplinary stuff.
Roberto Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony - this is really a book about mythology and not religious practice, but I mostly just want people to read it.
Marcel Detienne & Jean-Pierre Vernant, The Cuisine of Sacrifice Among the Greeks - I had mixed feelings on this, but it's quite important in the field and probably the Detienne & Vernant mostly concretely focused on religious practice
More specific and fun
Joan Breton Connelly, Portrait of a Priestess: Women and Ritual in Ancient Greece - my younger self was so very excited about the release of this book. It's not the most substantive work, but it has a special place in my heart
Barbara Goff, Citizen Bacchae: Women's Ritual Practice in Ancient Greece
Giulia Sissa, Greek Virginity - this is a history of sexuality book rather than a history of religion proper, but of course it's a lot about religion and also I had roughly a dozen revelations about things while reading it
there should be some Nicole Loraux on this list but I'm not sure which. Maybe Born from the Earth: Myth and Politics in Athens, which is useful particularly on the way the political and the religious were entwined, though you in particular I think should read The Experiences of Tiresias
Bonnie MacLachan, The Age of Grace: Charis in Early Greek Poetry - this isn't really so relevant to your question and is only useful after doing some exploration of the lyric poets first, but I love it and really can't help but recommend it
Georgia Petridou, Divine Epiphany in Greek Literature and Culture - same as above; this is more a literary study, but I just personally loved it
Andrej Petrovic & Ivana Petrovic, Inner Purity and Pollution in Greek Religion
Alan Sommerstein & Isabelle Torrance, Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece
Kathy Gaca, The Making of Fornication: Eros, Ethics, and Political Reform in Greek Philosophy and Early Christianity - I think you in particular should read this
I have other more specific recommendations on particular deities and religious centers, but those tend to be drier and this list is long enough. I hope you enjoy this exploration!
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takendruid · 1 day ago
Maybe there are people talking about it, and I just haven’t found my autistic special interest Bleach fans crowd. But up until 2022, it was an extremely niche anime in the west. People in the west just hated it, and said it didn’t deserve to be in the big 3… because it is an incredibly grounded anime set partially in the real world with realistic characters 😐
Bleach IS a shonen anime, so idk if that’s the type of stuff you’d like. But I love it dearly. You can easily read the manga through online definitely completely legal and not ARRRG methods if you’re more interested in reading it. But if you want to watch the anime instead, then I heavily recommend looking up a filler list. The filler is always the thing that kills it for non-Bleach fans. There are about 150 canon episodes in the original anime, and there’s also the TYBW arc that’s currently still being animated.
People all have different things for when they’re saying bleach “fell off” when they weren’t even real fans in the first place if they believed Bleach fell off at any point 😒 Bleach never fell off, you just didn’t like the arc.
Going back to Jason and GK, I haven’t even finished the game. I have only just gotten introduced to the Court of Owls in-game. But I saw the cutscene of him and Babs playing the dance game, and then him having the flashback- speaking of, I absolutely love the fact that we didn’t get visual flashes to anything, we just see him be not okay. Sometimes the visual flashes work really well for story telling, but it’s also a huge breath of fresh air to not get that. I get to use my brain to figure out what Jason is thinking and seeing, or imagining. It’s not shoved in my face.
Slightly unrelated but something that pisses me off when people handle PTSD and flashbacks?? is mistaking a stranger for a trauma-based person. I always think of the scene in Harry Potter 5?? when Harry sees a stranger and thinks it’s Voldemort. Like,, THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS? At least it isn’t for me. For me, it’s not prolonged and not in great clarity, it’s a very quick thing of thinking I saw my abuser, and then staring at the stranger for like 30 seconds to figure out if it was or not. It never is, but they look incredibly similar but also very distinctly different.
It may honestly be entirely different for others, and may work the way it did in HP5 for Harry with Voldemort, especially because I don’t have the level of trauma from my abuser that others do (I’m not comparing trauma or trying to invalidate my own experience, I’m just stating a fact). I’ve just never seen anyone talk about what visually happens when you think you see your abuser/trauma-based person, so I only have my own experience to go off. That scene in HP5 has always bothered me tho.
I also don’t experience hallucinations, so who knows? Maybe Harry was genuinely hallucinating… I didn’t consider that until just now.
Gotham Knights is so fun when you don’t have a little bitch in your ear telling you it’s shit, and that Arkham Knight is better
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aro-culture-is · 2 days ago
aro culture is wishing we had our own stories too
may i recommend looking @queerliblib for what does exist? it's not a huge collection for aromantic stories yet, but their collection does include 22 books under their aromantic category. this post also lists a few books:
The second post links to their libby and the associated aromantic titles.
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littleprincessbug3 · 11 hours ago
Wow 8 whole years is a long time! Are you a full time little then? 24/7? Any advice to give someone trying to commit to being a little as a lifestyle?
I would consider myself a full-time little ☺️ I still have big girl responsibilities like driving, adulting stuff, and I used to have to go in to work in the past. But even when u have to put your big girl (or big boy) pants on, there are ways to keep that little light shining inside of you! 💖 Which is especially important if that's ur main coping mechanism and identity!
Of course this will look different for every person, and depends a lot on your current living situation (which i know can be super limiting) But really think about how you spend your time each day, and think about how to do those things in ways that better validate your littlespace! And be intentional about what your dream life would look like in the future!
A couple things I can recommend:
You have to get dressed everyday, so add some littlespace flair to your outfits! There are lots of ways to do this in varying levels of discreetness. Build up your wardrobe in a way that makes you feel happy and valid! 🎀
Bringing stuffies or toys wherever you go, in the car, in your pockets, in your bag, etc. It's always comforting to bring a friend along with you 🧸
Finding a way to work or make money that doesn't completely prevent any littleness is important as a lifestyle little, because jobs take up so much time in our lives! When I was stuck in a job, I still used to play games on my break, talk to Daddy, bring cute snacks for lunch, use the quarter toy dispenser on the way out, stuff like that ^_^
Connect with other littles, and surround yourself with like-minded and supportive friends, you're so not alone! 🫶
Incorporate littlespace fun into celebrating every holiday and birthdays! (im super excited for the easter bunny to come!!) 🐰
Using little plates, bowls, cutlery, sippy cups or bottles on the regular 🍼
Make adulting cuter! Instead of a boring to-do list, make a cute chore chart! Use stickers and colorful pens in a planner, and make sure to reward yourself for doing a good job ⭐️
Implementing littlespace into morning and bedtime routines!! 🌙
Practice seeing wonder in the world through your 'littlespace' eyes at anytime! Connect with your happy inner child. Look for opportunities to play, be curious, learn new things, and be excited to be alive because life is fun! ☀️
And maybe this goes without saying, but having a life partner who actively supports/encourages your littlespace (like a caregiver) makes a big difference. It's not necessary of course, and not even something all littles want or need. I'm just saying if you end up with a partner who discourages you, it'd be impossible to be a lifestyle little! Respect your own identity and needs, and don't settle for anyone who doesn't understand you and love you in the ways you need 💖 (I just feel so bad for people stuck in vanilla relationships and having to be closeted about littlespace and diapers, better if you can avoid that situation before it happens!)
just brainstorming some stuff here, but I hope it was helpful!! I'm happy to elaborate on these ideas and give more examples if anyone’s interested ^_^
thx for the question, live your dream and keep on doing what makes you happy, life is what you make of it!! 🐞 xoxo
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nerdieforpedro · 3 days ago
Not made of Glass
Part Seven of A Safe Place for Us Series
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Summary: Decisions about where to live are made and Dieter starts the “daddy” jokes. Sort of. The pair discuss states of health.
Warnings: Domestic conversations, various dirty talk (utter filth - I’m only 20% sorry), talk of children, talk of health conditions and disparities, feelings, unprotected p in v, aftercare
Word Count: about 2.1k
Notes: The daddy and momma thing won’t be that much of a thing. I tried it, it was funny but won’t be a recurring joke. I promise though I do think if Dieter did stick to it, he would be insufferable 😩 The horror.
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Main Masterlist/ Dieter Bravo Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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A small bodega serves coffee, bagels, sandwiches and assording baked goods based on the day of the week. It’s near a top floor condo that Dieter and Aisha are looking at today. It’s two days after finding out the life changing news, the expectant parents are still looking at different places on Aisha’s insistence. She made sure that the OBGYN she saw sent her tests and information to her home doctor, though she was considering moving here. The writer is curious about living in New York most of the time and being in Los Angeles when needed. She enjoys the thought of just taking the subway to a broadway show or the museum. Dieter is already talking about a house outside of the city, something he hasn’t mentioned before. The realtor is as confused as Aisha is but they both look through some listings until Dieter says it was the one he dreamed about. The home in question is a brick with a white roof and a yellow mailbox out front.
“It’s cute but it’s not in the city.” That’s Aisha’s response but Bravo convinces her to sleep on it and that they can talk about it tomorrow. The small meal consisting and sandwiches, water, tea and two pieces of chocolate cake makes her want this condo more.
Even when they get back to the hotel and attempt to relax, she still thinks about the high ceilings that would be excellent for natural light, working on some drafts and maybe watching Dee paint. That night, despite knowing that she’s only two or three months along at best, Dieter insists on laying his head on her belly. It’s in a series of moments that he never thought would come to pass. Humming ‘twinkle twinkle little star,’ he hears laughter that he’s become accustomed to hearing much more often.
“I liked the place near the little bodega. You could paint there and I can watch while I write. Plus I don’t know about maintaining a yard Dee.” Aisha’s fingertips massage his scalp while he lets a a short purr inturrpting his song. “We’ll go see this brick house though, it might be too much room.”
“Not too much room if we decide to have more children. Plus there will need to be room for Cookie.” He looks up and she knows he’s referring to his goat but he treats the pet like any dog or cat. Giggling, Aisha nods until she fully processes what he’s said, ‘more children.’ It was written in the contract they both signed. She’d never pictured herself with more than one. It led to her next question,
“Dieter how many children do you want to have? You know I’m-“ Bravo slides up the bed, shirtless and in his favorite Hugo Boss boxer briefs.
“I know, and it’s your fault. Now I’m a father and think about giving our current bun other future buns to play with.” The scruff of his patchy beard tickles her neck and then cheek as he peppers her neck and chest with kisses. “Now I get to call you sexy mama.”
“Dieter you’re so goofy.” Aisha’s hands runs along Dieter’s soft sides, feeling his warm skin. “I don’t hate you calling me mama though. I’m not sure if I’ll get used to calling you daddy. It feels like a weird fanfic prompt.” She releases a moan as Dieter moves between her legs and grinds his hips into hers.
“Let me hear it. Say, ‘give it to me daddy.’ Just for me.” He grins while he watches’s her eyebrows furrow from lifting her hips off the bed. His next line is cooed into her ear, “Tell me that you want daddy to fuck you sexy mama. Feel how wet your for me with my baby inside of you.” Dieter reaches down to slip out of his boxers and then raises the hem of Aisha’s nightgown. He catches her scent and when he runs the head of his cock along her folds, she’s already soaked. “I’ll keep the mother of my child wet, stuffed and happy. It’s what daddy’s supposed to do, aren’t I?” Aisha’s response isn’t with words, she reached down and guides the head of Dieter’s cock to her entrance and slides him in.
“You’re right Dee. That is daddy’s job. Give me daddy’s thick dick so mama can milk it since I want my walls painted.” Bravo doesn’t move his hips yet, he lets Aisha keep griding upward.
“Fuck baby…so damn good. Definitely at least one more kid after this one. I won’t be able to stay out of this pussy.” He interlocks his hands with hers and gives slow shallow thrusts. There’s no call times, no early appointments, just the two of them in their hotel room enjoying each other’s bodies. There’s no rush at all. “You only want the one or you open to more Aisha?” He presses his chest to hers, not set on forcing her into the mattress yet. Her eyes flutter and she looks up at him. Dieter’s watching her like he always does whenever they have sex, though recently there had been more slow sessions like this. Making love - that much Aisha is sure of.
“I’m open to having another one, but let’s see how this one goes. I’m not even past the first trimester. W-Wait, there Dee…again!” She widens her legs to allow him deeper, he’d found that extra sensitive spot within her fleshy canal and was hitting it with each slow stroke. She knew he wouldn’t go any faster, not right now. Bravo smirks a hits again twice before purposefully changing the angle to miss it and hear her hiss. He kisses her lips and ensure to hit it again to have her whine into his mouth.
“That’s fair Ai, and I think despite it being outside the city, you’ll like those house. We’ll have room to grow into it.” The smirk remains on his face as he waiting her out, he wants her to ask him to speed up, be rougher. It’s a game he may have started a few weeks ago. Dieter notes that Aisha is trying to release his hands and putting her feet flat into the matress to have him go deeper with his cock.
“You enjoy making me ask. It’s mean, but fine. I want it harder Dee. You’re supposed to be keeping mama satisfied aren’t you daddy?” The giggle is from this wordplay he started, it isn’t bad just weird as he releases her hands and wraps the around the back of his neck.
“Of course sexy mama. Your wish is my command.” Dieter winks as he takes a handful each of her ample hips beginning to piston into her, now with his goal of dipping her into the mattress. Her previous soft moans were replaced by deep groans and his grunts. They both climaxed quickly from their slow buildup and after washing up afterward laid in bed naked, facing each other under the blankets.
“Think we can put a pause on the mama and daddy thing? I gotta get used to that. It was weird.” Aisha admits and Dieter agrees. She snuggles up next to him and he wraps his arms around her.
“I didn’t think you’d play into it so hard.”
“I’m just glad you weren’t too serious about it.”
“You know what I am serious about though?” Aisha looks up as Dieter draws some circles into her back. She tilts her head and hums waiting for an answer.
“Because you’re worried about how this pregnancy can go and I’m worried about you, no matter where we live, we’re having a certified midwife checking in on you in addition to your follow up appointments. It’s non-negotiable.” It’s a stipulation that Dieter had mentioned before as well. It isn’t that Aisha didn’t appreciate it, she did immensely. That he cared about her being healthy along with the baby, but to be watched in her own home. Well soon to be their home, it would be a bit much for her.
“They’ll come for visits right? It won’t be like a live in nurse, someone watching me 24/7 is too much Dee.” Aisha attempts to get up and out of the bed to wash up but Dieter quickly rises with her and sits on the bed next to her.
“You know it’s not just because I have the money to do so right? It’s not a flex or something Aisha. We’re both older, and even though I know you have a clean bill of health and so do I, so many things can go wrong. It’s dangerous.” Aisha stands and walks to the bathroom and begins to wash up with Bravo nearly on her heels. “Are you listening to me?”
“I hear you dammit!” Her yell has her looking at Dieter surprised, both at him and herself. She didn’t expect to get so worked up over it. More than anyone, Aisha knows due to her research and appointments how dangerous pregnancy can be for any woman, let alone, a black woman and her first pregnancy is at age 35. It’s what she was cautioned against even though the only unhealthy thing about her was her weight. No other lifestyle risk factors. She finishes washing and cleans her hands before leaning against the counter, she can’t look at Dieter’s face in the mirror, he looks hurt.
“I didn’t mean to yell Dee. I know that despite everything, my age and race puts me in the high risk category. I just….” She pulls him close and lays her head on his chest. “Just want to enjoy the pregnancy. It might be my only one, we don’t know. So just stay in the moment with me okay? I know there’s things we need to watch out for and I do love that you’re being this protective of me.” She kisses his chest before rubbing his back, more to soothed herself than him while he cups the back of her head. “Please let’s just enjoy it.”
“Okay. I’ll still worry though. I want to have you and the kid you know?” Dieter kisses her forehead and they lay back down in bed to sleep for the night. Aisha is awake long after Dieter’s called asleep still holding her, he’d brought up fears that she was hoping she’d buried. They’re still creeping in the edge of her mind when the drive out to the brick house Dieter had found.
It’s large, six bedrooms and five and a half bathrooms with a large room downstairs with plenty of light that Aisha says would make a good mini-atelier for Dieter to paint in. She found herself an office next to the master bedroom which is the size of her current apartment. Dieter describes making it a comfy place for her to sleep and nest. He read about nesting online and figured it might be fun for Aisha to try in a few months. She laughs and shakes her head but between the beautiful yard with landscaping and a small garden she can try and not kill plants in and it being in a gated community with the neighbors spread out but not too far away. She agrees to buy the house, with Dieter putting both their names on it.
Driving back into the city and eating at a small outdoor cafe, Aisha asks something else that’s been on her mind, after Dieter settles next to her at the small table. He brought a shawl despite her already wearing a thick red sweater with her navy skirt and red converses. She wanted to wear them while she still could. Dieter is comfy in one of his rainbow sweaters, purple lakers shirts and jeans. He kisses her cheek while they’re handed menus. “Um, how should we tell our families the news? There’s a lot.” Bravo laughs and so does Aisha knowing it’s going to be an entire mess to sort after being seen out in the open like this.
“We’ll tell them together and one piece at a time.” Is Dieter’s answer after they order the soup of the day: French Onion with extra cheese and plenty of bread to dip.
Their joy makes for a beautiful picture that pops up all over social media and the news. The headline: Oscar Winner Dieter Bravo and his longtime friend writer Aisha Smith seen out and about in New York? Are the rumors true? Have they crossed the line between friends?
It seems neither of them has to break the initial news to their families, the world did that. Dieter and Aisha only had to answer the specifics of to what extend had their relationship changed, which they agree would be done when they were comfortable with doing so.
Part Six Part Eight
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Tagged peeps: @readingiskeepingmegoing @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone @pedrostories @littlemisspascal @baronessvonglitter @nathanbatemanfucker
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kmackatie · 3 hours ago
Tarquin / Ashur Fic Rec List - Part One
So you've played Dragon Age: The Veilguard (or had dash osmosis) and want to read about the fantasy pope moonlighting as a vigilante and a resistance fighter tired of his job falling in love? Being two idiots in love? Well! Do I have the post for you!
Look no further, here are a collection of fics to get you started.
Honestly, I recommend the entire tag which I read (at the time, it was 8 pages on AO3) in its entirety but I know not everyone is insane so I wanted to get back to a little fic rec list and put together a (non-exhaustive!) list of a few favourites.
I added part one to the title because I'm optimistic about writing another one later. Without any further ado, here we go.
Snatched from the jaws of an ending world by SkyScribbles/@sky-scribbles (1/1 chapters, 5,089 words, rated T, no warnings)
This was the first tashur fic I read and set off what was a simmering interest into full blorbo mode. A blighted Ashur throwing himself in danger and a Tarquin who can't bear it anymore.
You fill the emptiness behind the masks I wear by SkyScribbles/@sky-scribbles (1/1 chapters, 4,205 words, rated E, no warnings)
Yes, a second Sky fic, however, they are both excellent and are set in the same timeline (though both can be read independently!) Ashur is losing himself to the blight, and Tarquin is there to remind him of why he needs to keep living. Also some incredibly hot and tender smut.
The Templar, the Viper, and Other Masks by teddywesworl (2/2 chapters, 13,996 words, rated E, no warnings)
A great fic of how Tarquin came to be a Shadow Dragon (and to find out Ashur's identity) which has been sitting with me since I read it. Great characterisation and writing, there is also a series with additional works!
The Sacred and the Profane by Sidney Sussex/@sidneysussex (chapters 1/1, 6,029 words, rated M, no warnings)
Crack taken seriously in the best of ways. This fic had me laughing at some moments (the end reveal is :chefskiss: wonderful) and just a fun comedy fic full of great characterisation.
Trials 1:11 by minrathian/@minrathian (works 4/4, combined 18,546 words, rated T-M, no warnings)
A series of fics both pre-and-post canon of Tarquin and Ashur meeting and falling in love. It's a lovely series of fics (seriously, everything minrathian writes is a delight!) and hits the spot of filling in how these idiots in love came to actually admit it.
5 Years / 5 Conversations by bendingwind/@bendingwind (works 5/5, combined 6,278 words, rated T-M)
Another series based around different conversations, how they met, and came to be. Bendingwind is another where you could just go through xer works and have a great time.
And right at the end, I'm linking to a collection of drabbles which spawned off the hivemind discord server (want to join? reach out!) and all of the are worth a read!
Tarquin/Viper Drabbles by various authors (myself included!)
Missed one of your favourites? Drop it below!
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oswildin · 1 hour ago
Aww thank you so much for the tag @angelremnants! 💚
Ten people I’d like to get to know better!
last song: abracadabra by lady gaga (bop)
last book: untypical by pete wharmby (still slowly getting through it)
last movie: better man (highly recommend, it’s so good)
last tv show: impractical jokers (rewatch)
last thing googled: how to steam bao buns without a steamer (lmao)
favourite colour: green (lime green but any green really)
sweet/savoury/spicy: savoury
currently looking forward to: having my days of packing and anxiety about moving to be over and settling into our new place!
current obsession: still loki and lady gaga, sorry to disappoint lmao
NPT: @tardisesandtitans @captainharlems @mylittledelulucorner @violetvapours @mythical-muses @ash-muses @souls-for-fandoms @forevertrueblue @mischieffae @thefairyloveschaos (anyone else who wishes to join, once again I’m so bad at remembering users for these— I need to start making a list or something)
ten people I’d like to get to know better ✨
thank you so much for tagging me @flowersforbucky ☺️🩷
last song: dolce by cazzu
last book: men who hate women by laura bates (still currently reading)
last movie: twisters 2024 (had to do a little rewatch for a certain cowboy 🤭💗)
last tv show: daredevil (just started my rewatch before the new show starts!)
last thing googled: neurosurgery procedures and other surgery related questions for a fic
favorite color: baby pink/lilac
sweet/savory/spicy: probably savory, but I have a big sweet tooth too
currently looking forward to: a cabin trip I’ll be taking at the end of march to celebrate my uncle’s birthday 🎂✨(it’s what’s getting me through these last few weeks of winter lol)
current obsession: bucky barnes, I don’t think it’s an obsession that’ll ever leave 😂🩷
no pressure tags: @writing-for-marvel @arcane-vagabond @thereoncewasagirlnamedjane @perdidosbucky-yyo @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @treatbuckywkisses @lomlbuckybarnes @whatever-lmaoo @nameless-ken @barnesafterglow
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idontknowmyownmind · 7 months ago
Soukoku Fanfics Recommendation
[Series] tiny hints of being related together but ehhhh by Vitya_Viktorie
[Series] home by setosdarkness
[Series +FyoYa] synchronous by setosdarkness
[Series] never been happier by saffroncassis
Counting the Days by Neiro Gin (Neiroa)
Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Emotionalgemini
chaos crushed to dust, I shall die peacefully by cinnamon_penpal
grief: a synonym of sorrow by cinnamon_penpal
picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you by burgundytshirt
Skyline Pigeon by forest_raccoon
something just like this by Maristella
Rite of Passage by A_Zap
the taste of love by cherryousama
You Will Never Stop Hurting by hybridempress
time after time by Maristella
i want you (bless my soul) by secondwind (mizore)
Mark by Raven_Rein
Full Tacit Understanding by setosdarkness
hide the truth by writingfromtheshadows
A Melody of Shredded Notes by black00cat
The Making Of You by black00cat
Linger by iskendaris
Waiting For My Wish To Reach You by black00cat
5 + 1 Dazai the Courier by 2day4u_2morrow4me
In the Sun's Peace of Mind by daibakusasshin
time enough for love by setosdarkness
April's Fool by TopHat69
Harvester of Sorrow by arkastadt
Turning Pages by arkastadt
The Ticking of The Countdown by Exiti_Anima
For Worse by arkastadt
Empire of Dirt by arkastadt
The Little Family We Dreamed Of by serenathea
Untainted Memories by serenathea
the liar’s house by burgundytshirt
fuck off, you’re stepping on my invisible wings by burgundytshirt
picking a flower that blooms on the heart for you by burgundytshirt
Stay by the_most_happy
the world is full of fishes (but i trust you, i trust you) by communist_sasuke
i love you (i love you i love you i love you) by communist_sasuke
money well spent by chuuyasoup
Six peculiar things about Chuuya Nakahara according to Dazai. by BlowingYourMind
come crashing down by meyllah
On My Knees (Looking for the Answer) by A_Zap
Bruised Fists and Telling Looks by chuuyasporkie
Dazai’s Boyfriend, Mister Fancy Hat by yummybeefcake
The Story of One Asshole of a Father and His Three Sons by orphan_account
catch me once, catch me twice by Seedus
overturning the heavens and the earth by cherryousama
Ephemeris by Seedus
I Was Screaming Your Name Through The Radio by ElectricSplatter
23 Minutes by roadtosomewhere
eternity (i'd choose you every time) by orphan_account
Tempus Fugit by Imabakuhoe
This is how it feels to take a fall by forest_raccoon
Wish in one hand by forest_raccoon
Chuunyaa's Pawsitively Catastrophic Day by forest_raccoon
Plate :( by forest_raccoon
I called your name 'til the fever broke by forest_raccoon
A Face Like Glass by forest_raccoon
Willful Neglect by toucheslikethesun
Butterflies and Storms by Chailily
Tomorrow Has Not Yet Come by izanyas
ten by setosdarkness
The last string to sever by foundmywei
beyond space and time by setosdarkness
The Undercover Mission by OldSauk411
Through the Rabbit Hole by Aamu16
Maid of Steel by A_Zap
Like A Summer Night's Star by Hum My Name (My_Kind_of_Crazy)
Jealous Jealous Boy by wallows_4
who you belong to by neon_toad
the kids are alright (and so are we) by lunarumbra
chasing daybreak by lunarumbra
imagine being loved by me by lunarumbra
gathers no moss by bigdamnher0
allergic to a chibi by lunariclipse
open up your heart, like the gates of hell by dendronali
chuuya-san! please wake up! by dendronali
it's a way to make a living by refectory
[Series] Ayatsuji & Chuuya are friends by TheSilverHunt3r
[Series] Coin Toss by Yellow_Canna
[Series] Crystaliqueeen's Soukoku Realm by Crystaliqueeen
[Series] Mafia Boss Chuuya by bluemisfortune
[Series] Soukoku Flowers by StarMaidenWarrior
[Series] Wardens Of The Night by bluemisfortune
[Series] Murder Mania by Areetails, Grxdients (Areetails)
[Series] until the day i'm forgiven, until my sins are forgotten by mil_writes
[Series] all for one, one for all by devilrin
[Series] sofia's relationship reveals by xxalwayssofia
[Series] I'd Rather Be by The_notorious_subhuman_freakshow
[BSD x JJK] A Ripple of Chaos by BlueGhostCardinal
[BSD x MHA] When we're together (I'm not afraid of my tears) by Must_have_been_the_wind
a syzygy on earth by missconceptually
And The Walls Came Tumbling Down by SapphireDragon2708
The Darkness Always Deceives by uzai_sagi
The Shadow by the Window by Areetails
transcendence by chuuyasporkie
lamb to the slaughter by melebee
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spacetrashpile · 6 months ago
y'know what would be super fun to do for halloween/october... watch one movie adaptation of dracula for each day in october and then rank them all at the end of the month
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