#if you ever decided not to watch it for that reason please reconsider
onedeadkitty · 26 days
In light of Blue Eye Samurai winning an Emmy I want to get something off my chest.
It makes me so mad that Michael green gets all the credit for Being the “creator” of Blue eye samurai. It’s so tragic and almost ironic considering the contents of the show that all the Asian women that worked on the show get completely overshadowed by the husband of the real creator AMBER NOIZUMI, who came up with the show and wrote most of the plot. Also the shows *director * JANE WU (who is incredible) and the countless other Women/Asian artist, writers and actors that often don’t get mentioned.
It’s the tragedy of Hollywood plastering the white male pos big name guy over all the marketing for the show all because he directed other unrelated movies. And then people not watching the show cause “the creators a Zionist” (which is a valid reason not to watch something)
And it’s just sad a show created mostly by Asian women about Asian women basically gets sabotaged cause Micheal green is an idiot who doesn’t understand the morals of the very show he’s working on.
It all feels like a frustrating bojack episode.
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charliedawn · 1 year
Slashers reaction to the nurse leaving? Like up a quits. Could be either they got fired or quit on their own? Maybe higher ups didn’t like how close they were with the slashers. I’m curious with how that would play out honestly-
It was a sunny Monday afternoon that you received your red letter.
You perfectly knew what it meant and didn't need to open it to know that your time was up..You let out a shaky sigh—forcing yourself not to cry. Liam was made aware of your imminent "end of contract" and knew there was nothing he could do about it. He could only wish you a happy retirement and provide you a car.
It was coming from upstairs and neither of you could disobey. You were sad to hear about the decision but—as agreed in your contract—you had to go. No member of staff was to stay in the hospital after receiving their red letter, and that included you.
You forced yourself to smile during dinner—the last one you would ever have with the slashers. But then, you asked Five and Michael to stay behind. They looked at each other with a slight frown—wondering if they had done something wrong. The other slashers left and when you were sure they wouldn't hear you—your smile fell. You took a deep inhale and turned towards Five and Michael who were now looking at you with worry in their eyes.
"Nurse Y/N...What's going on ?", Five asked and you held back your tears as you disclosed.
"Five. Michael. I...was asked to leave. Permanently. I'm leaving tomorrow morning and...I'll need you to keep an eye on the others for me, okay ?"
They both fell silent and their eyes betrayed shock and sorrow. Michael took a step forward and grabbed your hand to squeeze it lightly. It was not a question—more of a plea. He wanted you to stay. Your eyes watered at the gesture and you took a deep breath before looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't face their reactions, you couldn't let them see you cry.
"You don't need to do this, Y/N. Please. We can find a way. The slashers need you.", Five hesitated before adding, "I need you."
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"Five...", you smiled tenderly at him before pressing your forehead against his. "It's alright. You'll be alright."
It sounded so pitiful—but you had learned to care for the slashers more than you'd care to admit. And maybe was it the reason you had been forced to resign. You wanted to stay—so badly. But, you finally pulled away and wiped the few tears that had managed to escape. There was nothing to be done. The hospital wasn't yours—and so you wouldn't be able to bargain. This was not something you could negotiate—it was terminal.
"The slashers will be confused at first—even angry at me. But, you need to understand that...I care about you. And you'll always have each other. I trust you to watch over them."
Five looked liked he wanted to say something—but reconsidered. Michael stared at you before wordlessly standing up and leaving. He didn't want to stay. It was too upsetting. But then, he looked back at Five who was still seated. Five didn't want to leave you yet.
Michael sat back down.
You smiled gratefully at him.
"I know it must be upsetting for the both of you. But, there is no one I would trust more with the slashers than the both of you."
Michael's knuckles tightened into fists at his sides. This felt too much like a goodbye. You had always been there for them, why would the hospital decide to get rid of you ? It didn't make any sense...
You noticed his reaction and gently placed your hands on top of his.
"Michael...It's okay. You've progressed so much. I'm so proud of you. So very proud. I know that you'll be alright."
You held back your tears and thought of all the things you had witnessed and experienced with them. All the good memories and the battles fought and won. St Louis was more than just your job, it had become your home.
It was hard to say goodbye—but you knew it was for the best. They'd learn to fend for themselves and adapt themselves to the world waiting for them outside. It didn't matter if it was with or without you.
You smiled and wordlessly stood up to leave. You had suitcases to prepare...
Outside :
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"F*CK !", Jack cursed loudly before thrashing the room all the slashers has decided to eavesdrop on your conversation from. They clearly hadn't expected it and Jack was letting his anger get the best of him. Freddy was not far behind as he gritted his teeth and shouted.
"This is fuckin' stupid...Who the hell decided that ?!"
"Calm down, gentlemen.", Patricia instructed the two slashers before sitting down. But, Freddy only snarled.
"How are we supposed to fuckin' calm down ?! Haven't ya heard what they said ?! They' gonna make them leave !"
Patricia sent him such a dark glare that he finally indulged and sat back down while Patricia's mind was running all sorts of scenarios in her head. She knew all hell would break lose once you would be gone. And even though she didn't particularly care about the people who would die in the process—she did care about the Horde. And the Horde didn't want you gone. Hedwig was already crying inside and she could feel their whole body tensing up.
"I heard every single word, as we all did. But, if I could have five minutes of your attention. I may have a plan."
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All the slashers seemed to converge their attention to her as she smiled and turned towards the clowns first.
"The Penny Brothers and the Jokers. How would you like to be working together ?"
"I would rather eat my own leg !", Pennywise growled out and Arthur huffed a mocking laugh.
"Go ahead. I would love to see you self-destruct."
Pennywise glared at Arthur, but he held his look with a small provocative smirk playing on his lips. However, it was Penny who suddenly spoke up.
"If it's for Y/N...We would try. But what do you expect us to do exactly ?"
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Patricia giggled before she leaned forward—as if to share a secret.
"What you do best...cause chaos."
Pennywise frowned in incomprehension at her answer. What was she talking about ?
"So...your grand plan is for us to cause ruckus ? For what ? It's not going to get nurse Y/N to stay..."
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Patricia seemed to be waiting for someone to ask the question as she answered.
"While you play...We are going to bring a very important letter to the head council tomorrow.", Patricia replied with a knowing smirk while turning towards Jack who frowned.
"Hum...You know we can't get in, right ?", he reminded her and Patricia nodded.
"Not without a key card. Yes. But this is why we have them...", she turned towards the door and smiled. "Come on in, Five. Michael."
After a few seconds, Five and Michael did enter. Their little chat with you had ended a little while ago and they had been listening since then. They seemed as defeated as the rest of the slashers, but didn't dare protest against Patricia's plan—as it was the only one they had.
"Five you will have but a few seconds to grab one of the security key cards while Jason and Freddy create a distraction for the guards. The Penny Brothers and the Jokers will cause chaos and murder whoever stands in their way. Jack. You will be writing that letter. I will then get the letter to the head council and make sure they understand that we do not appreciate their order. At all.", she continued and at the end, all the slashers seemed to agree. But, Pennywise did tssk as he gave a doubtful look to tee two other clowns.
"...You really expect us to work with those Jokers ? Come on. They are not trustworthy."
"And not very nice.", Penny added.
"Wow. Thanks, guys. Really heart-warming.", J mocked and Arthur gave them a disdainful side glance.
"Be reassured. We aren't that thrilled either."
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"Enough.", Patricia chastised them before giving a warning look to both sides. "We only have one shot at this. And unless you really want Y/N to go—you will do as I say."
The clowns all seemed to be biting back their words as they glared at each other—but finally complied. They were doing this for you after all. Patricia smiled—satisfied. She then looked towards the very silent boys—Brahms and Vincent.
"You boys must make sure that Y/N stays in the building. They mustn't leave. At all costs. Can you do that ?"
Brahms and Vincent looked at each other before nodding in agreement. You wouldn't be leaving their sight...Patricia then noticed Bo leaned against the door—looking at everyone with calculating eyes. He perfectly knew what Patricia was doing. She was taking control and they both knew why...But, as he didn't have a plan—he had no choice but to stay silent.
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"Mr. Sinclair...I was made aware that you tend to all the cars in the facility, is that correct ?", she said with a fake smile and Bo answered with one of his own.
"Yeah. I know my way aroun' an ol' four-wheel, why ?"
Patricia nodded before eyeing the cars parked in front of the compound.
"I need you to go downstairs and make sure none of them are operational by tomorrow. Our sweet nurse can't leave if they do not have a ride..."
Bo followed her gaze and finally smiled. The old hag wasn't wrong. The nearest town was miles away and the time they could call for anyone—they would be running this whole hospital. Of course, not long enough to take complete control—but just enough for the clowns to make the higher-ups understand that nurse Y/N had to stay. This could actually work. He tipped his cap at Patricia in agreement.
"Yes, ma'am. On it."
He then disappeared and Patricia smiled to herself before clapping her hands together.
"Let's go, children. It's show time."
All the slashers nodded in agreement—even the most stubborn ones. Patricia saw them scatter and prepare themselves. At the end, only Michael remained.
He was staring at her.
"Something to say, Michael ?", Patricia said and her cold eyes settled on him. There were several things Michael wanted to say...But, he remained silent. He could see right through her sweet glamor—she was bittersweet. He would listen to her now, but he wouldn't let her take control of the slashers. He took a step forward and reached out for her—but then noticed the slight shift in their eyes.
In a matter of seconds, another personality showed. Dennis sighed before pulling out his glasses and meticulously cleaning the lenses before walking right past Michael.
"We have a long day tomorrow, Mr. Myers. I would advise you to go get some rest."
It was no advice. It was a warning. Michael narrowed his eyes at the Horde until they were out of sight. He knew that many of the slashers weren't fooled, but easily influenced.
And whatever the Horde would ask after saving nurse Y/N ? It would be expensive.
He sighed and looked up at the ceiling where a spider was slowly weaving its web. He then turned around to leave. Tomorrow promised to be eventful...
The next morning :
"Y/N...Y/N ?!", Brahms called out for you—but you were nowhere to be seen. Both Brahms and Vincent started to panic. Had you lied on the time you were supposed to leave ?
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Fortunately, you got out of the bathroom just at that moment and frowned at both slashers who were standing in front of the door.
"Brahms ? Vincent ? What are you doing here ?", you asked—but they didn't answer. You sighed and attempted to get to the door, but Brahms caught your wrist and shook his head.
"Y/N. Not leaving.", he articulated and your brow furrowed as you tried to pull out of his hold—but to no avail. That's when you heard them...the screams. And soon after, gunshots. Your eyes widened as you looked up at the two slashers who refused to meet your gaze.
"What is going on ?", you asked—but they ignored you. You gritted your teeth before demanding. "Brahms. Vincent. Get out of my way. Right now."
It was Vincent's time to shake his head and you could see how painful it was for the both of them to disobey—but they had to. Your eyes became serious as the screams and cries for help of your ex-colleagues became louder. You were technically still a nurse until the sunset. And you wouldn't stand here while the slashers threw away all the hard effort you had put in stopping them from making any more victims.
You stomped your foot authoratively and caught the attention of both Vincent and Brahms. You then tried to not let your voice waver as you ordered them to move aside.
"Brahms. Vincent. Let me see."
You had your serious face on and could see their determination start to decline. Finally, they obeyed and Brahms moved—followed suit by Vincent. But, before you got out, Brahms grabbed your hand and looked desperate as he uttered.
Don't look ? At what ? You opened the door ajar and glimpsed outside. What you found there made you freeze on the spot. Blood...So much blood. Bodies. Bullet holes. The Penny Brothers feasting on some guards while the Jokers were shooting the runners. It was a nightmarish sight.
You slowly closed the door and your whole body was trembling—but not in fear. You weren't afraid of them. You knew they would never hurt you...but in rage. You didn't know what the slashers were hoping to achieve—but that was slamming all of your efforts back into your face. And doing all this behind your back ?
You slowly closed the door and tried to smile before wordlessly walking to the bathroom. Brahms and Vincent followed you with their eyes—but didn't walk after you. You locked the door behind you before looking up at your bathroom window. As a slashers' nurse, you had planned for the eventuality that you would have to escape your own room if necessary and had hid a rope and a knife in your towel basket. You urgently got the rope out and wrapped it securely around you before attaching the other end to the toilet's base.
However, you then heard a persistent knocking at the door. You knew it was either Brahms or Vincent and that it was a matter of time before they entered. You quickly got out the window and started climbing down the wall. You ignored the dooming feeling creeping at the back of your neck and kept going—even though you could hear people being slaughtered inside. You blinked your tears away and your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door breaking.
You looked up and found Brahms and Vincent peering down at you from the window you had just escaped from. Vincent stayed and decided to go another way—but Brahms followed you. He grabbed the rope and started climbing down after you.
"Y/N !", he called for you and you could feel that the rope wouldn't hold you both for long.
"Brahms ! Don't follow me ! You will get hurt !"
But he stubbornly refused to let go and when the rope finally broke—you both fell. But— even though you thought you were falling to certain death—you felt two arms wrap around you.
"Y/N...", Brahms whispered before you both hit the ground. But, Brahms made sure to take most of the damage as you both rolled over. His arms caged you—but there was a softness in the way he had uttered your name that brought tears to your eyes. Brahms was one of the slashers that had taken his rehabilitation seriously. He had made tremendous effort and it was maybe the reason why he hadn't killed anyone today. The other slashers could feel it too. But, you were genuinely afraid as you didn't feel him move above you. You succeeded in worming yourself out of his embrace, but what you saw made your eyes grow wide in horror.
"Brahms !", you screamed and teared up as you tried to extract a tree branch that had pierced his abdomen. You finally succeeded in retrieving the piece of wood and you could see that Brahms' wound was already healing. You had little time and only kissed his forehead lovingly.
"I'm sorry, Brahms..."
You then ran to the nearest car and attempted to start it—but it sputtered and stopped completely. And no matter how many times you tried to get it to work—it wasn't moving. And then, you heard a tell-tale whistling and didn't even need to look out to know who it was. Bo walked at a slow pace towards your car—unhurriedly. He seemed almost peaceful—even though each step he took painted the road with red prints. He almost danced his way to you before leaning against the door of the car and almost comically knocked on the window.
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"Ya were really about to go without sayin' goodbye, darlin' ?"
You took a deep breath before slowly turned your head towards him—only to be met with Bo's shit-eating grin. Of course. Of course he would mess up with your early retirement.
"Bo...I'm sorry. But, I have no choice.", you tried to explain—but Bo tsskd playfully.
"We're your patients. YOUR patients, nurse. No one else's. Ya the only reason we' here in this dump hole. Now, if they don' like it ? They can suck it."
He then leaned forward until you could see the insanity gleaming in his eyes. He forward to you and you shivered when he retrieved the keys of the car and made it look like a magic trick as he made it disappear. Your eyes widened as you tried to open the door and run to another car—but he slammed it shut with his foot.
"Bo...I can't stay.", you insisted—but he wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Well—sh*t. Looks like we have no choice but kidnap ya then...ain't that right, boys ?"
And suddenly, you were surrounded. All the slashers were staring at you and you closed your eyes before resting your forehead against the cool material of the steering wheel—knowing it was over.
Freddy *smirks* : "Seems like it. Sure would be awful, wouldn't it ?"
Jason *nods in agreement before standing in front of the car*
Brahms *holds his hand* : "We're not letting you go, Y/N."
Jack *chuckles and shakes his head before lowering himself to face you* : "I've been spending the whole night writing a damn letter to the head council. They better change their mind before we decide to get rid of them. Would be a real shame..."
Penny *giggles mischievously behind him* : "SHAME !"
Pennywise *rolls his eyes* : "We literally caused a bloodbath for you."
'I didn't ask you to...I didn't ask for any of this.' You wanted to say—but kept your mouth shut. Your slashers had rescued you—not knowing that you didn't want to be rescued.
They hadn't learnt a single thing. It broke your heart. Maybe, it should had been for the best for you to leave after all ? You had tried to stay with your face held up high and a smile to boot—but it was because you believed they could change. You truly believed you could change them. But, the blood was warm on your face—a contrast with the blood frozen in your veins.
You loved them—you really did.
But, it was becoming harder and harder to ignore the dead bodies and all the families knocking at your door—asking what happened to their relative. It was becoming harder and harder to lie and say it was an unfortunate accident—or the risks of the job. Once back inside, you locked your bedroom door and slid down until your butt reached the floor and finally broke into tears. What were you supposed to do ? They would never let you leave. That was now a certainty now.
You were trapped. But, the worst part was ?
You didn't seem to mind as much as you should.
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maskedmaster52 · 8 months
My top ten Danganronpa ships
Since it’s Valentine’s Day I decided that i should show my top ten Danganronpa ships for the world to see
Now here are some rules
One all of this is my own opinion if you disagree that’s fine but no harassment
Two I do not ship same sex couples for reasons I won’t elaborate on so if you don’t see your favorite slash ship on here then tough luck
Three these ships aren’t just ranked on personal preference but other factors such as screen time chemistry or others so that should set the tone now let’s get in
I’m also tagging @hopeymchope @freezethunder and @wydstepcat to give a list of your top ten ships (you don’t have to follow my rules)
Number 10
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Nagito komaeda x Mikan tsumiki
So why do I ship these to together? Because Kodaka said they’re kokichi’s parents! UP YOURS KOMAHINA’S HAHAHA
In all seriousness these two make a surprisingly good ship because of surprisingly compatible both being some of the most mentally broken members of the class as well as nagito being one of the classmates to stick up for Mikan so there’s that and because there’s so much potential in the dynamics for this ship be it the nurse/patient dynamic or just being the insane couple. The one thing holding this ship back is the lack of interactions between the two which is why it’s so low on this list but this should be a good way to start the list right?
Number 9
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Byakuya togami x toko fukawa
If your still reading this please put down the pitchforks and hear me out
So you’re probably wondering why I’m putting a ship like this well I’ll explain
As well all know togami starts the game off as a selfish jerk who only cares about winning and doesn’t seem to care about anybody and is more than willing to use toko as a tool for his amusement so with that in mind how could I ever ship something like this.
Well most of the appeal of this ship mostly comes from the development of the two characters in general.after Sakura’s trial makes him reconsider his preconceived views about bonds he starts to treat everyone slightly better and even gives toko a few compliments (which admittedly isn’t a bit much but hey it’s progress) and later in the series we see him actually sticking his neck out for other people so admittedly most the appeal for me stems less from their current relationship and more for what it might look like after both of their development which is why it’s low on this list and honestly togami’s insults don’t seem to bug me as much since toko seems to be enjoying this a bit too much
Number 8
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Shuichi saihara x kaede akamatsu
You know it’s true love when you see a girly looking detective boy who’s scared of his own shadow fall out of a locker
In all seriousness these have a nice dynamic between the two partnering up to stop the killing game in the first chapter.kaede helps encourage shuichi out of his insecurities which makes it more tragic when she’s revealed to be the culprit through the rest of the game kaede’s death serves as one of shuichi’s biggest motivators throughout the game
Now as for why it’s so low we’ll most of their dynamic stays in chapter one so
Number 7
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Miu iruma x kiibo
News flash lusty girl falls for walking tin can
With how raunchy and egotistical miu is I didn’t think to much of this ship when I heard about it added on by the fact the kiibo was a robot (sorry that was robophobic of me) and when I see they’re dynamic it’s surprising wholesome with miu showing genuine kindness towards kiibo and kiibo being the only student who isn’t gonta to be sad she died and I haven’t even talked about the “maintenance” so yeah number 7 good ship
Number 6
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Nekomaru nidai x Akane owari
Ahh yes the gym couple
Nekomaru and akane’s relationship isn’t just fun to watch it’s also sad to think about with how much they spend training with each other (and how many sexual innuendos they have with each other) it doesn’t take long to see why people like especially when it comes to Nekomaru sacrificing himself for Akane and his death being Akanes big motivator throughout the rest of the game really shows how much these two mean to each other
Number 5
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Sonia nevermind x gundham Tanaka
What’s better than one over the top edgelord two over the top edgelord
Sonia and gundham is one of the ships that pretty much everyone can agree one (save for the yaoi/Yuri fans and the kazuichi fans crying in the corner) with just how over the top they are together and their shared interest in the occult and much like with Akane gundhams death helps drive Sonia as a motivator for the rest of the story well what do you know
Number 4
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Kaito momota x maki harukawa
The luminary of the stars and his murderous girlfriend
Kaito and maki is one of the ships that have one of the strongest developments in the series. Maki’s arc in the series revolves around her dropping the aloof assassin thing kaito is one of the biggest factors in it. Throughout the game kaito constantly tries to reach out to maki to get her to finally open up not only inviting maki to train but also pushing her to open up as well to the point of arguing with shuichi when it’s possible that kaito killed kokichi and tsumugi using kaito to break maki like she used kaede with shuichi overall this is one of the best ships in the series I just prefer these next three
Number 3
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Fuyuhiko kuzuryu x Peko Pekoyama
One of the ships we all can agree on
Honestly this ship surprised me and I didn’t like it until further examination in the beginning we see Peko seem to know kuzuryu better than most but it isn’t until chapter two when the whole story comes out.we learn that Peko is fuyuhiko’s childhood friend who was raised to be both a servant and a hitwoman for the kuzuryu clans heir (fuyuhiko) and was raised to be a tool since birth however we know that her feelings for kuzuryu are 100% genuine and she will do anything for him even take a murder out of his own hands so she can take the fall for him but what if kuzuryu well this is best displayed in chapter two when he confesses that he didn’t care that Peko was raised to be a tool and just wanted to be with her and was begging for her not to go to the point where he tried to interfere with the execution and got slashed in the process. The amount of devotion between the two is fantastic and bittersweet and the same time when you have a couple so devoted to each other they are willing to face death for the other
I’m not crying you’re crying!
Number 2
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Makoto naegi x kyoko kirigiri
The hero and the heroine but which one is which
What can I say that hasn’t already been said these two probably have the most progressive relationships in the series from unlikely Allies to devoted partners these two have earned their place in the fandom
And now for my number one pick a tragic ship that was simply never meant to be
Number one
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Hajime hinata/izuru kamakura x Chiaki nanami
This is probably the most tragic ship for me on this list by a pair with a bond so strong it transcends memory
The pair consists of a boy with no talent but wants one and girl who has a talent but sees no value in it and both end up positively impacting the other hajime started to realize talent isn’t everything and Chiaki starts to see her talent can be useful sadly thanks to someone beating(literally) it into hajime that he’s nothing more than a talentless scrub this leads hajime into the kamukura project and Chiaki suffers a tragic death impaled and betrayed by the person you loved most as she’s in tear because she didn’t want hajime to be talented she just wanted him alone (reminds you of another couple don’t it) but hajime’s love for her remains enough to get izuru to start shedding tears over her death
In 2dr2 Chiaki is hajime’s closest ally backing him up in trials and keeping him out of trouble all this comes to head when Chiaki is revealed to be the traitor and hajime is in the most denial he’s ever been in he doesn’t want to believe that his closest friend is the traitor but sadly is forced to do so
In the final chapter hajime’s memory of nanami is enough to inspire him towards the future and even helps deal the final blow to junko
Regardless of your stance on this ship its clear that these two have a strong bond that still persists regardless of it and that makes this my favorite Danganronpa ship of all time
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
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unhingedpolycule · 1 year
Summoner AU Part 3 (Ghost x Soap x König)
Part 1 , Part 2, or read on Ao3
Horangi is one of the morally gray characters in the coven. He is not particularly nice to his entities, but he also doesn't treat them cruelly. Seemingly in it for the sexual pleasure, he keeps succubi who actually get to feed very regularly, working in his fetish club and being able to suck up all the sexual energy they need.
He has a bit of a gambling habit, but because of the exceptional services of his high class dancers and prostitutes, he has enough money to spend.
He himself acts as a Master. Leather uniform, whip and a cruel smile. His demeanor is generally cold and calculating, with a sharp edge to it that Soap can't quite place. He tried numerous times to befriend the man, offering up some of his knowledge but Horangi never seemed to be particularly interested.
In short: He is the kind of guy who would summon a Cenobite from hellraiser and top them, no questions asked.
At first glance, the coven assumes he is just in it for the monetary and sexual aspect. They assume him to be competent but not particularly dangerous. Valeria calls him a cheap, pleasure driven whore behind his back. Soap has no reason to suspect otherwise, after all, he only ever sees him discussing the proper handling of succubi and incubi, as well as adjacent topics.
When Ghost sits Johnny down one day, telling him about the immensely powerful presence that follows Horangi around, which even eclipses himself and König, he has to reconsider. The wraith warns Soap to be careful around him because it might be a tough fight if Horangi decides that the younger man might be a real threat to him.
So they leave him alone for the time being, telling themselves it's better this way. At least until Horangi approaches him after a meeting, and asks him to follow because he would like to discuss something.
Johnny is cautious, of course, but Ghost whispers in his ear that the man is most certainly alone, he can not feel another entity, neither object bound nor free. So he gives in to his curiosity, following the man towards a nearby park where they sit down on a bench, far away from the streetlights.
Horangi stays silent for a bit, his eyes fixed to the spot where König and Ghost have concealed themselves just mere inches behind Johnny.
“How do you do it, MacTavish?” He asks all of a sudden. “You have no one training you, you just came out of nowhere one day, playing around with our craft and suddenly the strength of your entities starts spiking.” His eyes flick up to König now, which he shouldn't be able to sense or see. “Do you have found new sources or are you just plain reckless? Those things can bite your neck clean off if you are not careful.”
Soap just grins and asks Ghost and König to show themselves, using please and thank you, being very gentle when König doesn't feel like it. Ghost appears, hunched over Soap behind the bench, obviously protective, shadows flicking around him.
Horangi doesn't even flinch, a smug look on his face. “See what I mean, MacTavish? You don't have them under control. They do what they want.” He only concentrates on Soap and waits for an answer, even though the man stops talking for a minute.
When Johnny breaks the silence, his voice is slightly sharper “You say I lack control over them. But you didn't even greet him, when he elected to show himself. They are so much stronger and smarter than we are and you treat him like an inanimate object.”
Horangi is silent for a bit, eyes flicking up at Ghost's ember eyes that watch his every move. “You do not greet a dog, you greet its owner. The dog doesn't care.”
Soap crosses his arms. “You asked me how I do it. That's how. They can leave whenever they feel like it. They can go and do what they want. I don't see myself as their master and in exchange, they respect me as their equal. Sure, you get more obedience, but I can tell you that Ghost doesn't respect you at all. If you were to bind him, he would try everything to escape and kill you. Don't you think their respect and consent is valuable not as a means to an end, but has inherent value?”
Horangi shifts in his seat, face still hard as stone. “But what do you get out of it?”
“Well, aside from the warm and fuzzy feeling of being a decent person, you get entities that actually want to help you and talk to you. They tell you things you don't even ask for. And they offer you genuine affection and friendship.” At the last words, Ghost bows down further, placing his chin on the crown of Soap's head while closing his eyes for a few seconds.
It takes some time for Horangi to slowly stand up and step forward, extending his hand to the shadow. “Greetings, wraith.” His posture is stiff and uncomfortable. “I apologize for my disrespect to both of you. I think you know my name by now, what am I to call you?”
Ghost is clearly amused at this, grinning with his pearly, white teeth bared, grasping Horangi's hand in his own in a bone crushing shake, letting the air vibrate around them with a earth shattering rumble as he speaks his call sign in his native tongue. No need to give the stranger any leverage over him. The disrespect is palatable.
When the man tries to hold onto his almost comical etiquette with a “I beg your pardon?” Whispered through anger gritted teeth, Ghost just opens his jaw wider, giving him a good look into the burning embers of his throat. Soap knows what is coming next, can see the grin in front of his inner eye.
“Then beg, mortal.”
And suddenly, Horangi just starts laughing, his cold, sharp display of amusement surprisingly earnest…
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hello-nichya-here · 1 year
I really want Mai to have more depth than "I only changed because of my bf" but we don't see her ever go through the realization that imperialism is bad and what the FN are doing is wrong, so why did she change if it wasn't for Zuko? It definitely wasn't a political/moral decision and I don't think it was because of hatred towards Azula, because we don't really see her mistreat Mai when she fails missions or disobeys orders or being disrespectful. If anything, we still see them vent to each other and playing wing(wo)man for each other, so they seem to be close friends.
So of it wasn't about being against imperialism/racism, and it wasn't about hating Azula and it wasn't about Zuko with, what was it about?
1 - Mai's decision to change sides not being about "I realized imperialism is bad" doesn't mean it was all about Zuko. She clearly didn't like being told what to do, it is not that hard to assume she'd one day realize she was ALWAYS gonna end up being bossed around, by her parents, by Azula, by anyone with more power, in a system like the one she lived under.
2 - Mai doesn't hate Azula. That doesn't mean there was nothing wrong with how their dynamic worked. When refusing to follow Azula's orders in "The Drill", Mai says "She can shoot all the lightning she wants at me." It doesn't matter that, either out of a rare moment of mercy or just because she was too focused on other things, Azula didn't do anything about it - knowing that there's always a very real possibility your friend will hurt or KILL YOU if you don't do what they want you to is more than enough reason to decide "I really shouldn't be friends with this person."
3 - Mai loved Zuko and she wanted to make sure he would survive. Where's the sin in that? Zuko and Iroh saved each other a billion times, including after fights (see Iroh helping in "The Chase"). Same for the Gaang. Why is "I don't really agree with you, but I care about you so I won't let anyone hurt you" only a bad thing when Mai does it?
Why is Mai, who had an entire season of characterization in which Zuko is only mention twice and VERY briefly, reduced to "lives solely for her boyfriend" when she saves him, but he doesn't get the same treatment when he says "I left my girlfriend behind even though I really didn't want to, because leaving Ozai put a target on my back and I couldn't drag her into this mess"?
Sounds like yet another case of this fandom being VERY sexist. Male character does a nice thing for his love interest? That's just seen as one side of character. Female does the exact same thing? She's "defined/held back by romance and has nothing going on outside of it" - again, even though we spent an entire season watching Mai doing her thing, with Zuko rarely coming up.
Hell, even if Mai HAD been defined by her relationship with a guy, that wouldn't automatically mean she was a bad character. Azula's every action revolves around what would or would not please her father, to the point of destroying her friendships with Ty Lee and Mai, with ocasional moments of her trying to salvage her sibling bond with Zuko, and she immediately gets absolutely jealous and resentful towards Ty Lee because she's the one getting all the attention from random boys Azula doesn't care about, yet she still wants their praise more than she wants the praise of her female friend.
We saw where that need to be "perfect", the absolute best at everything, and please a man that did not hesitate to ditch her on what was supposed to be THEIR glory day and even gave her the title she always wanted - only now it was completely hollow, since he greated a higher ranking position for himself anyway - led her, and it was not pretty.
"Character needs to reconsider their priorities" does not always translate to "This character was poorly written." And like I already said, "boyfriend obsessed" doesn't even apply to Mai in the first place.
She ditched her parents and ran around traveling with Azula because it would offer her more freedom than she had in Omashu. But she was not Azula's equal, so when she had to choose between her and Zuko, the flawed but loving boyfriend that never tried to abuse his status as a prince to control her and was trying to get his shit together, it really is no wonder Mai chose the obviously better alternative.
If anyone want to see me rant about how this fandom should PUT SOME RESPECT ON MAI'S NAME ALREADY, here's the thing:
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mystery-moose · 2 years
Reading more and more Gonchposts (and enjoying the vast majority of them) and it’s starting to pull together a lot of feelings in my head about art and experience and analysis and stuff, and the big one is that I wish that the collection of ideas the collective tumblr consciousness was pulling from to create Goncharov was based more in… like, actual knowledge and experience and history and critical thought of the thing they’re building, rather than the vaguely defined and perpetually regurgitated cultural assumptions of what that thing is.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s fascinating to watch all this bubble up and sort of collect into a meaningful “canon.” It’s especially wild seeing tropes and ideas pop up that are absolutely based in trends within the genre and even from within Scorsese’s own filmography, knowing that most people aren’t even aware that they’re being that insightful! All that kind of shit is incredible and creative and cool and probably needs at least one good academic treatise written about it.
But at the same time, I can’t help but keep coming back to the thought that people should experience art itself and not be satisfied with vagueries and preconceptions about that art.
Like I’m becoming a broken record about this but… please watch great movies! Please engage with great art! I’m not saying you have to love it, I’m not even saying it’s by necessity “great,” really (I got some thoughts about a lot of so-called classics in a lot of mediums) but I am saying there’s value in seeing it and forming your own opinion on it. Not just ignoring it because you think it’s dumb, or boring, or ugly, or ignorant, or overrated. If you are way into Goncharov right now, and I know we all are, I am begging you to watch The Irishman! Or Gomorrah! Or Heat or The Sting or Goodfellas or The Godfather or… whatever you want, really!
And I know, I KNOW what the culture around those sorts of movies has been like, I’ve been on fuckin’ Letterboxd, the film bro is real and exists. But the unfortunate part is that sometimes he’s onto something! And if you let him stop you from enriching your life, if you let him gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss you from watching great movies? Then the film bro has truly defeated you.
None of this is to say that “important” art isn’t often problematic, for the record! Or that “important” art should distract you from art that is, by some circumstance or another, ignored and marginalized but no less meaningful. But I think we must be mature enough to admit that, sometimes, the cultural consensus (however warped and twisted by systemic and historical forces it may be) can highlight some pretty extraordinary works. And taking the time to experience these things, to examine them and think critically about them, is an incredibly valuable experience that more people should have! Even if that ends with you deciding you hate it, that it’s not that important, or that the things it is important to are totally worthy of your dismissal.
To be perfectly honest I think the reason this is frustrating me is that the core idea of “Goncharov” as a bit? It’s really very simple: it’s a great mafia movie by a great filmmaker with themes and symbolism and nuanced performances and memorable sequences and artful composition and much to think about, that no one has seen because it’s so obscure. But that movie exists! It exists a thousand times over! If the joke for you is that you would ever take an interest in such a thing, like “imagine me watching a three hour long Scorsese movie with a focus on male relationships and tons of lapsed Catholic themes, ha ha couldn’t be me”, then I encourage you to think of it as more than a joke. Who knows, you might find something that strikes you, challenges you, makes you reconsider your preconceptions, changes your mind in some tiny but meaningful way! Or maybe it won’t and your preconceptions will be reinforced. But even then, those ideas will be more meaningful to you, more solid, because you have genuine experience and analysis and thought to buttress them!
I don’t know, I’m rambling, it’s late, I’m tired and hungry and worn out after a long day. Maybe none of this bothers anyone but my dumb ass. Maybe I’m frustrated over nothing, or picking up on vibes that aren’t really there. But I gotta vent my guts out somewhere and it sure as shit can’t be twitter anymore, y’know?
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tavwrote · 1 year
short summary of the absolute chaos in here: thanks to kazuo’s own problems that he refused to get help for, leon now needs: so much therapy, like three different medications, and someone to tell him that his daddy issues aren't his fault. please help him.
kazuo is an incredibly sentimental person, but not very open-minded. he, like his son, latches onto people and crumbles if they leave. when his wife died shortly after childbirth, he hoped leon's existence alone could remind him that a piece of her was still there. leon has her eye color, he has her natural hair color, even his face shape is similar and i can explain why that's an issue in a second. while leon resembles his mother, his mentality and emotions are surprisingly similar to his father. kazuo protects his thoughts and emotions from others by keeping things locked up and he can't stand change. meanwhile, leon watched how badly that affected his father and attempted to do the opposite. he didn't want to turn out like that or be alone, so he pushed himself into several circles of people and insisted they come to him with their problems. this tactic, though, still ended up in him locking away his own feelings so he can properly help other people. he has to be open to change so he can better understand and help people. and that's where he and kazuo clash.
kazuo locks things away and isolates himself from people so he won't get close to anyone else and therefore it won't hurt as bad if he loses them, and leon locks things away and surrounds himself with people so he can make up for how lonely kazuo indirectly made him feel. kazuo hates change, leon can't stand monotony. polar opposites.
so, back to how leon resembles his mother. when he first started wanting to stand out for attention from others ( which also resulted from being emotionally neglected at home ), he demanded that things begin to change. the thing that started the spiral downward was simply him deciding he wanted to dye his hair. it wasn't that big of a deal to leon, but kazuo was so determined to keep what few scraps of victoria he had left that he insisted leon reconsider. and leon can't handle being told "no", so he did what any rebellious kid would do and he argued back. kazuo refused to explain his reasons why, leon demanded to get an answer, and neither would budge at first. finally, though, they made a deal: kazuo would take leon to get his hair dyed if he started listening more. and leon, with no intention of listening more, agreed so he could get his way.
along with that, he started skipping baseball practice, which didn't sit well with his dad either. in his mind, leon was going against everything victoria would've wanted for him ( which isn't true for several reasons but that's a topic for another day ) and never stopped to think if what he wanted for leon was what he actually needed.
his decisions went against what kazuo wanted over and over again, and tensions kept rising. leon kept changing, and kazuo kept failing to adapt. they both just kept getting more and more bitter, and finally, about a year later it all boiled over into the first time leon ever raised his voice at someone else in anger. kazuo hit him with " i didn't raise you to act like that, " leon retaliated with " implying you raised me properly at all? ", etc etc, and that is what gave leon the idea to change his name entirely. up until then, leon was also a kazuo, so he didn’t even hesitate to rub salt in the wound and change one more thing out of pure spite. he was perfectly aware that if anything would truly hurt, it would be to just ditch the only thing he and his father had in common.
he didn't intend to keep the name, but " leon " was a better alternative to " kazuo, " and it stuck by accident. it finally gave him a sense of individuality, and he could thrive on the spite as a bonus.
that said... i do want to add that, despite kazuo's behavior, he did truly love his son. he did genuinely want the best for leon. at least, at first. eventually it did turn into him just wanting to get the upper hand, but it wasn't always like that. both of them did and said things that hurt the other, but they could have been fine had they just sat down and actually listened to each other. leon still wouldn't change who he was, but explaining his side would in turn lead kazuo to realize just how horribly the way he acted actually affected him, and they both could have ended up apologizing and forgiving each other.
unfortunately, they never do get that chance to make up because kazuo—as well as leon's aunt and uncle—all succumb to despair and end up dying in different grotesque ways so. that definitely weighs on leon's conscience!!
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
smut blurb [bucky barnes]
A/n: I have absolutely no idea where this came from, but daydreaming about was satisfying as fuck, so I thought I’d share
Summary: you and Bucky haven’t been dating for a long time, and a meme from Instagram helps him discover your submissive side KINKY 1.6k
Warnings: D/s dynamics, implied smut, spit play (main topic - don’t like it, don’t read this!), innocent reader, Bucky being smug as hell. I don’t think I have to mention this, but 18+ please!!
I know it’s a Bucky fic, I chose the gif for the tongue, don’t @ me!
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Curled on the couch beside Bucky, you sat and scrolled through your phone. You had your cheek squished against his chest as his right arm was draped around your middle, his eyes on the TV and yours on the memes on your Instagram home page. 
The documentary he was watching had bored you about ten minutes in, but you knew he waited months for it to be released, so you kept quiet, only rarely actually paying attention to what was going on on the TV. The room was fairly quiet, none of you moving or saying anything as the minutes passed by.
At one point, you involuntarily broke the silence when a dismissive chuckle slipped past your lips. You didn't think much of it and continued scrolling on your phone, but Bucky's attention was now on you.
"What?" he asked, playing with a strand of your hair before tucking it behind your ear and kissing the top of your head.
"Nothing" you mumbled, "Just a stupid meme"
"Show me" he softly commanded, leaning his head down to see. 
You looked up into his eyes, his face dangerously close to yours, "It's nothing" you laughed.
"You know I love my memes, come on" he pushed, and in the end, you scrolled back up. 
When you reached the post in question, you raised one eyebrow and waited for him to realise that there really was nothing interesting about it. But then he chuckled.
"That was funny to you?" you giggled, amused solely by the fact that he found the meme good.
Bucky averted his gaze from the screen of your phone to your eyes, "Yeah"
"Why?" you laughed, "It's not funny, it's gross. I don't get why people keep saying that. No one thinks that's hot"
"I do" he nonchalantly said, throwing in a shrug to prove just how serious he was.
For a second, you had no reply, but then you pushed yourself up and rolled your eyes. "But that's because you're a guy. No girl would ever ask her boyfriend to spit in her mouth"
"You wouldn't?" Bucky frowned. He didn't seem offended, or surprised, it just seemed like he didn't believe you.
"I-" you opened your mouth to contradict him, to tell him that you can't see yourself asking him to do that. But as soon as you spoke the first word, you froze, closed your mouth and decided to rethink your words. But nothing came to mind. You just looked into his awaiting eyes, and mumbled a shy "No"
"Why not?"
He was so calm, it bugged you. And kept you on your toes. You felt a familiar kind of excitement build up in the pit of your stomach, but you still tried to convince yourself that that was not something you'd ever want to try. 
"I don't know, Bucky" you sighed, "I don't understand why someone would ask for that"
"If you knew I like it and wanted to do that with you, you still wouldn't ask me to?" 
The way he pushed you. Just how smug he was while doing it. There was some kind of weird satisfaction he was getting from grilling you like this. He loved seeing you all flustered, to push your buttons, especially after seeing just how easy it was to control you.
As you thought of an answer, the corner of Bucky's mouth lifted up, eagerly waiting to see if you were ready to give in yet. 
"I don't-" you said, nervous and embarrassed, palms sweating as he looked down at you, "I don't know, I don't think I'd-"
"Open your mouth" he commanded, placing his hand on your hip and giving you an encouraging pat. "Now" Bucky added after seeing you hesitate.
It was not like you were afraid of him, he never lifted a hand or had ever been aggressive in any kind of way. The reason you obeyed in an instant after he asked you again, was because you wanted to please him, to show him that you were good, and entirely his.
You kept your eyes trained on his as you opened your mouth, your heart beating out of your chest. Rubbing his hand across your thigh, Bucky urged you to close the distance between your bodies, "Come here" he calmly commanded.
And again, you obeyed.
"Closer" he repeated, until you were mere inches away from him.
He grabbed your cheek into his palm and pushed you down until you were facing his chest, and then he tilted your head up. You felt his thumb softly rub the skin below your eye, as you boiled with anticipation.
"Push your tongue out, doll" 
After you did so, he sent you a sweet, proud smile, before spitting in your mouth without any kind of warning. Your whole body clenched with nerves, your pussy trembling as your mind started to uncover a new, hidden part of itself. Why did that turn you on so much?
Softly, Bucky placed his fingers under your chin and closed your mouth, "Good girl" he nodded, "Now swallow for me"
As you swallowed, a new wave of ecstasy washed over you. And it came out of nowhere - the instinct to open your mouth again. It made him chuckle, but the embarrassment didn't make you reconsider. You just sat and waited, tongue out.
"I take it you enjoyed that?" Bucky laughed, pulling you closer to kiss your forehead.
"Mhm" you nodded and sent him a sweet pout, somehow confused with what just happened, but mostly disappointed that it was over.
"Now you understand why some girls ask their boyfriends to do that?"
"I guess, yeah"
Bucky grabbed your chin again, but this time he kissed you. He went all in, consuming you until you melted in his hold. His hands roamed your body until his fingers reached your ass, lewdly sinking into your flesh. His grip kept tightening, threatening to bruise your skin, but you loved it. So when he pulled away, you whined and tried to follow him, but he stopped you.
"Nah-ah" he shook his head, "You know what you have to do now"
Oh no, you thought, he couldn't be serious. Your cheeks caught on fire the second you realised what he expected of you. Bucky watched you closely, a wicked grin on his perfect lips as he saw you fidget and struggle. And on top of this, he held you close, rubbing his thumb along your jawline, making it so much more difficult for you to focus.
"Bucky?" you eventually called.
"Yes, doll?" he nodded, his hand traveling lower to gently caress your breasts.
You took a deep breath, your chest expanding against his palm. You knew he could feel your hard nipples through your shirt, but the thought only made you needier.
"Can you-" you asked softly, "Can you please spit in my mouth?"
"How did you manage to make that sound so cute?" Bucky shook his head in disbelief, chuckling as he licked his lips, but you stood your ground, begging him with your stare. "Of course, angel," he regained himself, "Open up for me"
This time, things went more smoothly. You swallowed proudly and sent him a genuine smile before you leaned in and pecked his lips. "Thank you"
"You're welcome, baby" he hummed, gathering you close. He brought you with your back against his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around your frame as he whispered in your ear. "Let me see how much you like that"
You didn't even get a chance to say anything before he forced his hand down your leggings and into your underwear, his fingers instantly meeting your core.
"I honestly did not expect you to be so wet" he confessed.
Embarrassed beyond words, you hurried to hide your pained expression behind your hands. 
"Don't do that" Bucky urged you, using his metal hand to grab your wrists and uncover your face, "Not with me, ok? Don't ever hide from me"
After he tilted your head to get you to look at him over your shoulder, you faintly nodded.
"Good" he smiled, kissing your temple, "Now why don't you let me take care of that for you?"
As he spoke, one of his fingers slipped past your folds, slowly sinking inside your cunt, knuckle deep. 
And you couldn't have been happier to accept. With ease, he helped you off of him and placed you down on the couch, swiftly dragging your leggings and underwear off. As he settled between your already trembling legs, you reached out and touched his cheek to stop him and get him to look at you.
"Is everything ok?" Bucky asked, traces of concern visible in the blue of his eyes.
"Yeah" you giggled, "Everything's perfect, I just- um, can we do that again?"
He raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
"You know?" you rolled your eyes, "That?"
"Now?" Bucky laughed, visibly relieved.
"Not now" you mumbled, "Like... whenever?"
"Yes, darling. Whenever you want. Just say the word"
"But like-" you pouted, "I don't want to have to always ask you. Like you could tell me, too"
"Oh," Bucky nodded, finally understanding what you've been trying to say. He crawled up your body and stopped above you, his breath fanning against your lips as he spoke. "So you want me to just come and tell you to open up for me, and you'll do it, like the good little girl you are?"
"I like that" he said, kissing your lips, "Deal"
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castexpectopatronum · 3 years
how they would react to seeing you, the new girl in Hogwarts, for the first time
notes: this was a request, however, this is a reupload because the original got deleated. unfortunately, i lost the @ of the person who requested it, so credit to them. if it was you who requested it, please let me know so i can credit you, and i’m so sorry!
Harry‘s mouth fell open the moment he set his eyes on you. Of course he had already heard the wildest things about the new girl from Durmstrang, but somehow all of them had failed to mention how extraordinarily pretty you were. And now you were standing in front of him, framed by Ron and Hermione, and like an idiot he couldn‘t stop gaping at you. As if she was talking through a cushion, he heard Hermione‘s voice; she was introducing you and he just so managed to catch your name: y/n.
Hot panic rushed through his body as he realised it was now his turn to say something, but he merely managed to get out a few ”uhms“ and he was pretty sure the words he was forming in his mouth were in no coherent order. He blushed with embarrassement, but you didn‘t seem to mind. In fact, you smiled at him, a sweet, soft, loving smile, that Harry knew, in that very moment, he would never get tired of seeing.
Durmstrang had never been one of Ron’s preferred wizarding schools. It was a place full of dark magic and evil sorcerers, and even the fact that it was the school Viktor Krum attended didn’t really help. So when he learned there was going to be a transfer student from there that would soon be attending Hogwarts, he wasn’t exactly thrilled. In his mind he had imagined an ugly girl with pimples and a tooth gap, but now he realised that was far, far from the truth. He could only stand there, staring at you, unable to believe that that was the new transfer student. Because how could you be? You seemed far to … pure to be coming from such a dark place like Durmstrang, with your bright smile and those twinkling eyes and that contagious laughter that was now Ron‘s favourite sound in the entire world…
Perhaps he should reconsider some of his opinions.
Even before you had come to Hogwarts, Draco had made it his personal mission to make you feel welcome. After all, if it hadn‘t been for his mother, he would be attending Durmstrang, as well. Plus, the two of you were in the same grade and there was a good chance you would end up in Slytherin. And - although there was still a bit of uncertainty about that - you seemed to be a pureblood. It was almost too good to be true.
It was only when he set eyes on you for the first time and his breath hitched in his throat as he took in your stunning figure that he realised just how ”too good“ you were.
Cedric was a prefect, popular, friendly, kindhearted, so of course he welcomed you in Hogwarts with the warmest smile on his face. But he found, barely after he took a first glance at you, that his smile broadened without his intention. You might as well had been an angel, a nervous smile on your lips and your fingers gripping the strap of your school bag, your eyes soft and shining and your silk hair framing your tender face. You were the most stunningly beautiful creature Cedric had ever laid his eyes upon. So of course he had no objections to showing you around the castle. After all, he didn‘t want you to get lost and he certainly didn‘t mind an excuse to spend more time with you.
He couldn‘t help but feel a bit sorry for you as he watched you stand there, your fingers nervously intertwined and your lips pressed together as you looked around, apparently overwhelmed with this new, unfamiliar situation. So, he decided to step in. He was glad to be able to help you out, not to mention he didn‘t fail to notice just how pretty you were. And as he watched the relieved smile spread out on your face as he introduced himself and heard the shaky laugh that passed your lips, and he found his own smile widen considerably, he was certain speaking to you was the best decision he had ever made.
You weren‘t even attending Hogwarts yet and a lot of rumours were already going around. The new girl from Durmstrang. Everybody wanted to talk to you, everybody wanted to be your friend. You were the new toy all children were fighting to be the first to play with. So naturally, he was curious. What was the reason for you switching schools? Had you left voluntarily? Had you been expelled for hexing someone into the next dimension? Did you drink Vodka for breakfast? He was determined to find out.
Hogwarts was big, but it wasn‘t that big - everyone knew each other at least from passing by in the hallways, so he realised who you were the moment he lay eyes on you. And damn. You were exceeding even his greatest expectations.
You were talking to Lily, smiling, but your shoulders hunched and your fingers fiddling with the hem of your jumper. A mischievous smirk spread out on Sirius‘ lips as he took in your appearance.
It was time to get to know the new girl.
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ela-loomis · 3 years
Heyoo!! Can I get a slashers of your choice with a gn!S/O that likes making masks? I'm talking clay masks that are abominations. Masks that no man would dare catcall. Thank you, and have a nice day!! ❤❤😘
Of course!!!
Slashers with an S/O that makes masks!
Bubba Sawyer
- Masks? Scary masks? Will you make him one?! Bubba is your biggest supporter in this endeavor. The wilder, the better in his opinion! Sure, they might freak him out at first, but only until the first time he sees you wearing one. Bonus points if the masks you make freak out his brothers. 
- Does he want to help? Absolutely! Should he be allowed to help? Not really! It's not that he can't be careful, because he absolutely can be, but he's going to be so excited that clay will go flying, or he'll smush a feature he just spent 10 minutes scuplting, or something in that realm.
- It will only take two or three times of him wanting to tear his hair out before he decides to just watch you with all of his attention. Leather isn't as squishy as clay, so he'll stick with what he knows.
- If you make a mask for him, he's never gonna take it off. Not even if his brothers beg him to. It's a gift from his baby! They'll just have to learn to love it as much as he does.
- He absolutely wants to watch you strike fear into the hearts of men with your masks. Nothing in the world could be more hilarious to him than seeing his love, that he sees as so lovely cute, being absolutely terrifying to unsuspecting people.
Jason Voorhees
- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT NO NO NO - Y/N? OMG DID THAT THING EAT YOUR FACE????? He’s not going to be able to comprehend the mask at first. Give him a little bit to process it and he’ll stop hiding from it, he promises!!
- Once he’s calmed down, though, he’s going to be fascinated, if a little jumpy around it. He desperately wants to watch you make one, if only to assure himself that it’s not alive. 
- When you let him sit and watch, though, he ends up 2 inches from your hands, watching them sculpt like he’s hypnotized. He’s not the craftiest, for obvious reasons, so watching you do something so delicate and with such precision, he’s entranced. 
- More than once, he’s fallen asleep while watching you create a mask. You seem so calm and peaceful while you’re working, and the way your hands move is so soothing to watch, that it’s really no wonder he can’t keep his eyes open. 
- If you make a mask for him to wear, he’s probably going to be nervous about putting it on. It’s wonderful, he swears it is!! It’s just....It’s not going to eat him, right? Don’t laugh!! It won’t, right?! Once he’s finally convinced to put it on, he’ll only wear it for a bit. Not because he’s scared, but because he’s afraid he’ll mess it up if he has to deal with a rogue camper!!!!
- He’ll admit that the masks you make are quite useful when dealing with unwanted guests, though; campers run from you and your terrifying creations way faster than they run from him. Hmm, maybe he’ll reconsider keeping your mask as a decoration...
Michael Myers
- Please, I beg you, put on one of your masks and stand behind him once. The way he’ll jump when he turns around will be the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. Don’t do it more than once, though, because the next time he’ll be an asshole and rip it off of you.
- He’s not afraid of them, but he’s not really fond of them either. He’ll get a bit huffy if you wear them around the house frequently, and they might start disappearing. He prefers to see your gorgeous totally average face, that’s all. 
- Let’s be real; no man is going to be brave enough to catcall you with Michael constantly following you around, but if somehow the opportunity arose for you to terrify a man with one of your masks, that would be one of the few times Michael laughed out loud. 
- It wouldn’t be a quiet laugh, either; crabby man would be bent in half laughing at the fact that some idiot man got scared by his sweet, adorable baby completely non-threatening S/O. Said idiot man is going to be dead by tomorrow, anyway, but still. 
- Pro tip: if Michael is getting huffy because you’re wearing a mask at home or ignoring him in favour of making a mask, offer him a deal. He gives you cuddles and/or kisses, you give him your attention. He won’t be happy about it, but he will absolutely take the deal. 
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Okay okay, I’m super excited and nervous bc i’ve never requested anything but: can I request some headcanons of Dainsleif, Scaramouche and Tartaglia falling in love with a god? I’m the anon from that ask 😅
archons of my heart
this might have been the most different set of short little stories i’ve ever written - each character responds so differently to this scenario! (note: based on what we know about these characters, I stuck true to their values* - it might not be what you were intending, and I keep things true to their character) <3 
Warning -> angst (Dain), fluff (Childe), genera/fluff?(Scara - mention of long hair)
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Dainsleif, Scaramouche, Childe
Devastated, conflicted - these words have never resonated more in his mind than the day he found out about who you were, what you were 
What does he do … he dislikes, no hates the archons and yet … you were one of them - you’d always been one of them and the whole time you hid this fact from him knowing full well the feelings he had for them 
He couldn’t really hear as you desperately tried to explain to him why, he only heard the shattering of his heart as your face turned into something he no longer recognized 
He stood there, his hands balled into tight fists at his sides, eyes tracking your movement as you paced back and forth in front of him, your feet wearing down the grass with each passover. 
“I know you’ll never forgive them for what happened …” You begin, your voice somehow distorted now that he saw you for what you really were. He didn’t have words to respond, he felt out of his body. An observer rather than a participant, how he wished that were the case. 
You stepped closer to him, hands reaching for his arm - the arm that had been tainted for so long - and without noticing he recoiled from your outreach. It was the first time he had ever deliberately refused your touch and, although he understood the pain it caused you, it was clear from the reaction of your face, he couldn’t bear your hands on him. Not now, not when the whole world was crumbling down around him. 
You stood there, just the way you always did, incredible, perfect, beautiful and reverent in a way no-one ever looked before - he loved you, he thought he loved you 
You were so different than those gods that destroyed everything he ever knew, everything he ever cared for, fought for 
If only you hadn’t tried to save him then maybe he could have gone on living in the delusion of this relationship .. though, it was only a matter of time before he found out anyway - one day he’d notice how you never aged ... it was inevitable 
To love you, to love you so deeply and intensely; to love you after keeping his heart sealed up for so long, to love you with the passion that burns like the stars in the sky only to know this truth - he felt that light burn out in a painful flash 
An eye for an eye - he will maintain his beliefs  
“Do not …” His voice caught in his throat, it was the first time you’d heard him be taken over by his emotions, “ … do not speak my name.” 
“Please, I love you.” Your hands pressed against your chest, body bent forward as if to beg him, plead with him to reconsider. 
“I owe you nothing but the repayment of the life that you saved. I shall spare yours to conclude my debt.” For one final time he gazed upon your face, burning into memory the cheeks that he once touched, the eyes that held his breath, the lips that lingered against his skin and were capable of transforming into the most incredible smile. He looked, he lingered, he tried so hard to will the power in him that would whisk him as far from you as he could go but each time he tried he stalled, like a stubborn fool he hesitated. 
Your wet cheeks moved as you studied at him with a hopeful, supplicating smile, your head shook and your lips parted as if to call out to him and the power he lacked to leave you filled him suddenly. Like a flash of lightning in a storm he disappeared from your eyes. 
Citizens will often recall the days when it rained with an intensity of a woeful god, and can’t help but notice the mysterious man who would leave the room every time your name was mentioned. 
Cool -- cool, cool, cool - you’re a divine being - bet
It’s very likely that Scara will be excited about this revelation - he already thinks so highly of himself that knowing that he has captured the affection of a god only swells his pride more than it already did
He’s so smug when you tell him, when you spill to him what you are - he doesn't believe it either and will make you demonstrate that power to him and if you look back at him after your display, you’ll see him with a devious grin 
Be careful, he may manipulate you to act as an extension of his wishes -- and if he has any vengeance to enact on the people who harmed him, you’ll have to be very strong in your convictions (though, you can do whatever you’d like honestly, you a god) 
“Again.” Scara commands, his arms crossed over his chest, head tilted up so he can look at you from his perch on the rock and a smile stretched so far across his face you wonder how his lips don’t steam in pain. 
“I’ve already shown you multiple times. Do you still not believe me?” You huff, resting your hands on your hips, adamant that you won’t comply with his request. 
“Okay okay, I’m convinced.” He shrugs, hoping off of his stoop and walking toward you. “So how long have you been a god?” 
“I don’t know, it’s hard to keep track of the years … though I’d say around 500.” 
“Interesting. Can you make me a god?” 
“No, I don’t have that authority.” 
“Disappointing, but oh well.” He stopped just before you, he was shorter than you so you looked down at him, thankful that he removed his hat otherwise you’d have a hard time seeing his face. He reached for a strand of your long hair, his fingers twirling around it before sliding down the silky strands and repeating the process. “So, why did you decide to tell me this secret of yours?” 
“I …” Why did you tell him? You knew what kind of person he was, you knew the actions that would follow - his greed and selfishness would motivate him to use this information for his own advantage. “Against my better judgement, I told you because I love you.” You cover your face with your hand, embarrassed by the confession. It’s the first time you’ve ever fallen in love with a human before, Scara was your first and that notion electrified your skin. 
“You love me?” You didn’t need to see him to catch the cocky attitude spilling from him. 
“I do …” You replied with a sigh. 
“Who would have thought that?” “Listen, if you’re going to make fun of me then I’ll just …” Your voice was cut off by Scara pulling you toward him and pressing his lips against your own. Your knees nearly gave way at the contact and you reached to his arms to stabilize yourself. His lips are thin and the power he uses, the pressure of the kiss tells you what kind of man he is. 
“This is excellent news, don’t think I’ll let you get away from me now.”  He hummed, his lips dancing over your own as he spoke, his breath warming your skin. Was this really the best human that could have stolen your heart? Well, you were sure it wouldn’t be borning. 
He’s likely indifferent to your real status - to find out that you’re an archon or a god - he’s almost unsurprised by the news  
You wonder if he didn’t already know that you weren’t human, you wouldn’t put it past him to have done some digging on you and after being alive for so long it was bound to be suspicious that you knew things that many people didn’t anymore -- it was also suspicious that Zhongli seemed to recognize you pretty quickly, his eyes shining as if he saw an old friend  
“You could have just told me.” Childe emphasized, crossing his arms and leaning against the large pole behind him. 
“I know … but, well I wasn’t really planning on sticking around.” 
“Oh, so you’re one of those.” 
“Ah, no! That’s not what I meant.” For being of reverence, you always found yourself stumbling over your words when talking to Childe. “Ugh, I meant that I didn’t think that … well that I’d fall in love with a human.” You picked at your clothes and shook your head. 
“If there was ever a human for you to fall head over heels for, I am the best candidate for that.” You looked at him, laughing at the way he pointed his thumbs at his chest and grinned from his own joke. 
“I don’t know … maybe I made a mistake?” You express, rubbing your chin with your hands.
“Hey now!” 
“I’m joking of course … so, you really aren’t … upset?” 
“Why would I be upset?” He asked, eyes furrowing and head tilting to the side. 
“I don’t know … my timeline is different from yours for one.”
“So. That doesn’t matter to me.” 
“There will be a day when you’ll be old and I won’t have aged a day.” 
“Don’t care.” You huff and take a few steps away from him. He didn’t seem to grasp what it meant to be in love with a god. This was the reason you rarely took human companions, the guilt in your heart at watching them age and the pain of losing them was all a strain on your heart. 
“Childe …” You begin again but as you turn to face him you notice he’s moved from his place and is now standing in front of you. 
“I don’t care who you are, what you are, or what you’ve done.” He takes your hand and brings it to his lips, his breath of humanity filling your very soul. “I love you, and I don’t take that feeling lightly.” 
“I don’t want you to regret choosing a partner who cannot live a normal human life.” 
“If I wanted a normal life, I wouldn’t be where I am to begin with. What I want is you, and I’m pretty good at getting what I want.” He smirked and kissed each knuckle on your hand. How was it that a man could bring down a god so easily? 
“Now, the real question …” Childe’s tone shifted, his body extended to his full height which made you tilt your head to look at him. “Do you still have your divine powers or whatever?” 
“Like …?” 
“Like, can you summon lightning or manipulate the earth with a snap of your fingers?” 
“Haha, oh, I still have my abilities, yes. There were times I had to fight, so I’ve adapted them for those purposes.”
“Excellent.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you along after him. “Let’s fight, don't hold back.” 
“Childe! That’s dangerous.”
“Even better.” He gave you a quick wink before dragging you to a place where the two of you could engage in the battle of his dreams.
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ashaaayaii · 2 years
Consequences - Erwin Smith
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"Don't turn your back on me Erwin Smith!" You screamed out as you grab his hand hoping that he would stop this madness.
"Erwin stop! Please!" Your throat is sore from all the crying and screaming, he just wouldn't listen to you even for the last time.
"Y/N I have to do this, I am the Commander of the Survey Corps this is my dutie and no, you won't stop, I have already made up my mind." Your husband said with a rather cold tone. He's has always been a man of dutie and pride, he always makes sure everything is set under his commands.
"Having no right arm is enough of a reason to leave the Survey, you could leave peacefully just like Uncle Shadis, Erwin, please, please reconsider this madness!" You scream out again.
"Y/N, I promise you, I will return too you like I always do." He said before turning to look at you. His blue eyes bore into yours, it held determination and regret. The determination to be a good Commander and the regret of marrying you.
"Erwin please, please comeback home." You said while crying in his chest.
"I will Y/N, I will, wait for me." He said before placing a kiss at the crown of your head.
You kissed him one last time before watching him leave on his horse. It was taking all of you to not run towards him to stop him from going to Shiganshina.
You felt the cold breeze once again before closing the door behind you. The moment you did you collapsed to the ground crying and screaming, before you knew it you woke up the next day at noon time.
Your throat is sore and your eyes are dry from all that crying. Your limbs are weak and you could barely stand and walk. Your hair is a mess and so is your mind.
You decided to wash your face first before cocking lunch. You were cutting vegetables until you felt a pit in your stomach, it was like your heart sank and your insides are about to go down. Your whole body went cold and numb. Shivers ran down your spine as you think of what possibly could happen. You sat down at the table first to calm yourself down, and again you fell asleep. You woke up at almost midnight, your body still hurts and your throat is dry and sore, but you didn't mind. Taking the last bit of your strength you used it to walk yourself in your shared bedroom with Erwin before crying yourself to sleep, again.
You woke up with pain all over your body, you can't get up but you know you have too. Your body felt like it was gonna collapse any moment. You walked yourself to the kitchen to eat bread and drink water. It's been a day and you didn't hear any news from him yet. Now you really are wondering if you're still married or widowed.
Half a year later~
Well too start off he did came back, as the honorable hero that fought for Shiganshina that is. He came back to you like he said, but not in the way you wanted, the way you both wanted. He left you all alone with two children in the way, at first you thought that your health was declining but in truth you're carrying that man's child. You already know about how they chose a another cadet instead of him. You were mad, of course, but deep inside you knew that it would be better for the scouts the walls, and maybe for you too. It was better to accept that he's long gone rather than wish he could've lived for 13 more years. Being pregnant with twins after loosing your husband is sometimes you didn't think you'd face. Of course ever since the day you both got together you knew that his life was on a thread, but you thought that having a child with him will make him quite the Survey, though he's already long gone now. The only thing you both wanted was to be parents and live in the outskirts of Wall Sina, well you're gonna be living that life without him. Walking around town is hard, people knowing who your husband is and seeing that you're pregnant, they'd give you stares of pity and jealousy. "What a poor woman, being pregnant after loosing your husband, what a tragic fate"
"Well what did she expect, marrying the commander of the Survey Corps for his money and now look at her, all pathetic and round"
"She's rich but she has no husband, I doubt she'll be able to remarry ever again"
Those words would fill your ears everytime you walk around the city, but you didn't care, all you want is to live peacefully with your children, just that.
"Maybe on day we will meet again, Erwin. In a different life with no titans, no Survey Corps, just us living happily and peacefully" You thought to yourself as you imagine how life could've been if there were no titans.
Well there's nothing you can do, after all these are the consequences
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Fearing You, Loving You | Part 3
Word Count: 3.3k
Genre: smut, angst, some fluff
Warnings: dom!felix, sub!reader, yandere!felix, cockwarming, blowjob, felix loves hentai and humiliating oc, filming, creampie, spitting, mentions of violence.
Sequel to I'm Yours, You're Mine
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Gif credit @915archive (yes I'm only gonna use your gifs for lix from now on lol)
You decided that you can't just passively accept your condition. You had to do something to improve your situation, and you know just what to do. 
When Felix comes home from work, you greet him with a kiss that surprises him before you lead him to the bathroom where you had drawn him a bath, gently stripping him and pulling him to the tub. 
Felix stares at you in wonder as get a loofah and pour some body wash on it. 
"What's the occasion?" He asks, happily leaning into your touch. 
"Can't a woman show her husband how much she appreciates him?" You drawl, knowing that his delusional mind and his need to believe that everything is okay will make him easily accept your answer. “I just want to show you how much I love you…”
He relaxes into your touch completely as you gently scrub his body and wash his hair while he lay calm and content like a cat between your arms.
He looked so happy and peaceful, and you lean in to give his pouty lips a peck. His eyes spring open, staring at you in awe before they turn into the lovely crescents they get when he smiles.
“I love you.” He beams, and you curse your heart for still fluttering at his words after all he’s done, but you still can't bring yourself to reply, and Felix's face turns hard. He grabs your hands, stopping your movements. "Tell me you love me." 
You hold his gaze for a minute, your heart hammering against your ribcage, before you force yourself to smile. 
“I’m madly in love with you.” You murmur, washing the conditioner out of his hair before you pull him up to his feet and wrap a towel around his waist. 
Taking his hand in yours, you lead him into the bedroom, drying him off and grabbing a bottle of lotion. Carefully, you rub the product over his skin, taking care to massage the areas you think might be sore like his neck and his back. You tell yourself that you’re only doing this to appease him so that he'll let you have a relationship with your child, disregarding the ball of warmth that keeps growing in the center of your chest with each happy sigh and loving glance he throws at you. 
You dress him up in soft pajamas and sit behind to dry his hair. His eyes are closed and his mouth hangs ever slightly open as he surrenders himself to your touch. He looks so soft, just like the Felix you used to know, that you can’t help but let the towel fall away as you run your fingers through his soft, wet her and press your lips to his cheek. Felix hums appreciatively, leaving his head to the side to give you better access, when a knock sounds at the door, making you jump back. 
"Can I come in, daddy?" Your daughter’s sweet voice pipes up from behind the door.She wasn't allowed to step into the master bedroom without permission, and said permission could only be given by her father if he was present. Felix opens his eyes and is met by your longing ones, silently begging him to let your daughter in. 
He doesn’t look like he wants this moment to be interrupted so you’re shocked when his reply comes, voice deep with exhaustion."Come in, sweetheart." 
Your heart swells and you smile brightly at him. It's working!
He responds with a tired smile of his own as the girl opens the door and timidly comes in. 
"What are you doing?" She asks curiously. 
"Mommy is doing daddy's hair." You beam, playing with Felix’s hair absently. 
"Oh!" Her eyes sparkle, "Can I be the one who styles your hair, daddy?"
Felix chuckles lowly at her enthusiasm, "Of course, princess." 
The girl squeaks in happiness and jumps in place. "I just have to get some stuff from my room. I'll be right back." 
You stare lovingly at her small retreating form. When she's gone, your eyes go back to Felix and you see him looking up at you with adoration in his eyes that makes your breath hitch in your throat. He takes one of your hands in his and places a soft kiss to the back of it. "This is perfect, darling. Thank you. I promise you that I'll do whatever it takes if it means we’ll be together forever, my sweet.”
Your breath hitches and hand shakes in his hold. A million conflicting emotions swelled up inside you, but they were all smothered as soon as your daughter steps back into the door, jumping onto the bed with her little box of hair accessories and a comb.
You pull your hand away as she gets to work, and you watch them closely, eyes trained on your daughter’s excited smile as she messes with her daddy’s hair, and the equally as gorgeous smile he has on his face as he lets her unleash her creative side on him, encouraging her all the while. 
They looked so happy all wrapped up in their little bubble, and you so wanted to be part of it too. You could be. He promised you you can, if only you’d be good. And isn’t that what you wanted? The love of your daughter and your husband? Why were you fighting him so hard?
“Do you prefer the pink ribbon or the sparkly clip, daddy?” Your girl holds the items in her small hands to show them off and Felix pursues his lips in contemplation. 
“The clip I think.” You cut in, brushing Felix’s hair down. “It matches daddy’s sparkly eyes, don’t you think?” 
“Ohh, that’s right!” Your girl exclaims, putting the ribbon down and placing the clip in Felix’s hair. “What do you think, daddy?” 
“I don’t know. What does mommy think?” He holds your hand, smiling up at you, and you know you’re doing the right thing. 
“I love it. You look really pretty, honey.” You lace your fingers with his, “You did a great job, sweetheart.” 
“Yaaay!” Your girl claps in excitement, and Felix turns to her. “Would you like to go get some donuts, princess?” 
“Yes, daddy!” She chirps and jumps off the bed. “I’ll go get dressed.”
Your smile falls. You weren’t allowed to go on outings like this with them lest you steal your daughter and run away or alert anyone. 
"You wanna come with, love?" He brings your hand back to his lips, pressing a kiss to it. 
You couldn't believe how well this was working. You haven't been allowed out like this in years! Maybe you just needed to be nicer to him, and he'll give you everything just like he promised.
You don’t give him a moment to reconsider, rushing to accept.  "I'd love to!" 
Everything was perfect. The night breeze, your daughter's excited voice, the city lights. This is what you could have, always.
Only one detail was off, how Felix never let go of your daughter's hand. But you don't let that bother you. You still needed to prove to him that he can trust you. And everything will be good again.
You step into the store with a bright smile, following Felix to the register and watching him pay for the donuts and coffee. You all then go to select the donuts you want. You pick a chocolate one and a strawberry one. 
While Felix and your daughter choose their own donuts, the barista tells you that your coffee is ready. Not thinking, you leave your husband and daughter and go to pick up the coffee. 
"Umm where is the sugar--" You wonder absentmindedly before spotting it and reaching out for it. The barista reaches out at the same time and your hands touch. You quickly pull away, the both of you laughing.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” You smile, a little embarrassed. 
“That’s okay. I don’t mind touching hands with such a pretty lady.” The barista flirts, passing you the sugar. You sheepishly reach out to take them, feeling a little anxious for some reason you can’t pinpoint. 
You realize your mistake when someone else intercepts you and snatches the sugar packets away. You look up to see a very angry Felix glaring the man down. "She is pretty, isn't she? She’s also my wife." 
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. I was just trying to help.” The barista clears his throat and looks down.
“I’m sure you were.” Felix grits, quickly putting the sugar in the coffee and stirring it. As soon as he’s done, he hands you the coffee and drags both you and your daughter out of the shop. 
The walk back home he is silent despite your daughter’s constant attempts to make small talk. When you reach your building, he tells you to go up and get dinner ready.
"Where are you going daddy?" Your daughter asks, and Felix glares at you. "Daddy has to take care of something, princess." 
You blanch, holding onto him. "Felix, please." 
He leans down to whisper in your ear, "Do you want to make a scene in front of your daughter? Wanna let her hear how much of a slut her mother is?" 
Tears well up in your eyes and you shake your head. Everything was so perfect. How did it go so wrong? You were so stupid. If you hadn't moved from Felix's side, none of this would've happened. 
Felix pulls you off of him and orders you to go upstairs, and with a teary face you obey. 
When you step into the apartment, your daughter turns to you with crossed arms and a frown on her little face. “You made daddy angry again, didn’t you?”
You stare at her in shock. “What?”
“You always make daddy angry. You always ruin everything.” 
Finding yourself angry for the first time at your daughter. "You don't know anything. You don't know how much I sacrificed for your sake!" 
"I don't care. You only make daddy sad and I hate you."
Her words stab at your heart. With blurry eyes, you grab her and throw her into her room, locking the door behind her and falling to the floor in a sobbing mess. 
You felt wretched. You felt abandoned. You know it's not your daughter's fault, that she's brainwashed, but her words hurt you so much and you find yourself craving reassurance and affection that you know you can only get from one person. 
Wiping your tears, you go to your room to dress up for him, wearing the lingerie dress he had wanted to see on you, and then go to the kitchen to make him dinner, hoping that would appease him enough to give you what you need. 
When you hear the door open you freeze in your spot, all your fears reaching their extremes again. You remain still as a statue as you hear his footsteps approach until he's right behind you, his body flush against yours, his hands snaking up your body to grab at your breasts.
“Did you enjoy your little show babe?" He asks, tone sharp.
"No." You quickly attempt to clarify, "I didn't mean to be bad."
"Is that why you looked like you were going to get on your knees in the middle of the store and blow him?"
You shake your head harshly, "I didn't. I just smiled because I was nervous."
He scoffs, his small hands pushing your dainty bra down and roughly groping your tits. "You think I believe you? God, I let you out once thinking you'll be good, but my little cockslut can't help herself, huh?"
“No, Felix--” Tears brim your eyes once again. He wasn't giving you what you wanted. “I would never do anything to betray you.”
"But you did." He growls, rubbing your pussy coarsely while squeezing your tits. “I should’ve bred you before leaving. You’re much better behaved when my cum is dripping down your legs and reminding you of who you belong to.”
“I’m sorry.” You sob, leaning into his touch, hoping to appease him. 
"You will be sorry, baby.“ He promises, making you shiver as he backs away, “Put the food on the table. No plate for you. Whores don't get to eat food. I'll keep your mouth busy with something else."
You know what’s coming, and you feel incredibly humiliated. "No, Felix, please. It's embarrassing."
"Good. You should be embarrassed. If you're gonna act like a cock-hungry slut then you need to be treated like one." He snarls, chuckling at your tears. “You’re crying? Baby I haven’t even given you anything to cry about.”
Helplessly, you prepare his plate for him, already expecting his command. 
“Get on your knees.” He sneers, watching you get between his legs. “Take my cock out and suck on it.” 
You try to obey but when you see the blood stains on his pants, you stop abruptly. “Felix, what did you....”
He looks down at you with heavy eyes and smirks, "Don't worry I didn't kill the man you were drooling after. I just made sure he won't look at other men's wives again."
You shiver, not knowing quite what he means, With Felix this could be anything from a slight warning to a crippling attack. You know he won’t give you more information though so, for your own sake, you unzip his pants and pull out his hard dick, immediately taking it in your mouth. 
"That's a good girl." He breathes out, one hand coming up to tangle in your hair. "Show your master how sorry you are."
You swirl your tongue around his dick, sucking on it earnestly, but as you pull up to breathe he pushes you down, making you take him completely, your nose brushing against his pubic bone with his length fully down your throat. He holds you there and you try to relax your throat as much as possible and try to breathe through your nose, knowing he’ll keep you there.
And he does. Through the whole meal, he stays balls deep in your throat, only resurfacing to fuck your mouth before he buries his dick in your throat again.   
Soon, your jaw gets sore, making your saliva dribble all over his dick and crotch, but Felix doesn't care. In fact, it turns him on, knowing you’re struggling to accommodate his length.
It feels like forever before he lets you go, letting you crash back against the table as you cough and gasp in. You raise your hand to your face to wipe at the mess you've made but Felix stops you.
“Don't clean up. I want you just like you are, my dirty slut.” 
He has you on your back on the bed, arms hooked under your thighs and shackled together so that they are pulled up to your chest, immobilizing you and laying your pussy bare for him. 
The flash of the camera goes off as your husband takes a picture of you in the compromising position. 
He stares at it as it develops then he shows it to you, making your cheeks flame red at seeing just how lewd you look.
“You’re such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby. And all mine, right?” 
"Yes, baby, all yours." You gush, hoping he'd have mercy on you. 
He brushes his fingers down your thigh, skipping over your core and going up the other one, making you shake in need. 
"Want my fingers in your pussy, honey?" He murmurs, brushing the tips of his fingers up and down your pussy with a feather light touch that only makes you whimper out in need. 
"Yes, Lix. Need you so bad." You gasp as his palm meets your pussy is a sharp slap, making your body convulse at the intense sensation. 
"Is that what you call your owner after everything you've done?" 
You shake your head, "No, master. I'm sorry."
"That's better." He purrs, slipping his middle finger inside of you. It was barely enough, just brushing your walls as he pumps it in and out of you. 
"More, please, master." 
"You're so greedy. Always begging for more."
He pushes his index in, the pads of his fingers brushing ever so slightly over your walls. You struggle, your body trying to close your legs but you can't. 
He curls his fingers and rubs back and forth against your g-spot, making you shake. "Master, please."
“You’re mine, do you understand? You belong to me.”
You nod, trying to appease him, and whine in distress when he takes his fingers out of your pussy. He brings them up to your mouth. 
"Tongue out." He says gruffly, placing his fingers on your tongue and pumping them in and out of your mouth, occasionally hitting the back of your throat and making you gag around them. 
"You're mine, baby. You were made for me. If only you would see." He sighs, taking a picture of you choking on his fingers before pulling them away, leaving a trail of saliva in his wake. 
He presses his dick against your entrance and you whimper. 
"Gonna give you my cock now. Gonna stuff you full." He purrs, pushing himself inside. "Let's see if I can get your eyes to roll back into your skull, angel." 
He takes multiple pictures of you as he fucks you, instructing you on how to pose and what faces to make. 
"Yeah, that's it darling. Gonna carry these around to show to any man you try to seduce so they'd know whose slut you are." 
You shake your head, tears brimming along your eyelashes from how roughly he's fucking you. This isn't what you wanted. You need him to love you and be gentle with you. 
"That's not true!" You sob, barely able to get the words out between him railing you and your uncontrollable tears. "I didn't do anything. I was good just like you wanted."
"Don't fucking lie to my face!" He grits, throwing the camera to the side and grabbing your thighs so he can brutally drive his hips into yours, his cock not giving your pussy a break. "I saw the way you were looking at him." 
"No. No." Your eyes roll up as you feel your pussy start to clench around him, his cock forcing the orgasm out of you. 
"There you go. That's my good slut." 
You see the flash of the camera go off as you cum, and you can't even imagine how fucked out you look right now. 
He grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him. "Say ahhh." 
Dumbly, you obey, opening your mouth wide for him to spit into. You keep your mouth open while he takes a picture of you. 
"Swallow." He commands, watching you with dark eyes as you do and groaning when you open your mouth again to show him. "Good girl. You got me so close, baby. Gonna give you all my cum. You want it, baby?"
You whimper in agreement, your poor pussy getting sore and overstimulated. 
"I should take away your birth control and stuff you full of my cum. Give you another baby and keep you pregnant all the time so everyone would know that your pussy is taken." His pace gets sloppy and erratic as he nears his end.
"No, baby, please. Don't."
"Shut up, slut. I'll make it so everyone will know that you're claimed." He jerks his hips forward one last time before he groans loudly and his cock twitches inside you, filling you up with his cum. 
He stays there for a while, pluging your pussy and keeping his cum inside as if he intends on making true on his promise. 
When he pulls back, you feel his seed dribble out of your pussy before a flash goes off. 
"Stick your tongue out." He orders, and puts your fingers up in a double peace sign to mimic the fucked stupid characters in the hentai he loves to watch so much.
"Perfect." He smiles, showing you the picture. You look ruined, used, and entirely his.
A/N: hope you're as dead as I am
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slasherhaven · 4 years
All slashers reaction to their s/o being a stripper or pole dancer? That line of work is so stigmatized I feel they'd all be weirded out but when they see the fuckin CASH, the hundreds their s/o would make in ONE NIGHT damn
The Slashers Reactions to Their S/O being a Stripper:
Thomas Hewitt 
Thomas is...torn.
The Hewitts are a pretty conservative, stuck in the ways, kinda people. Thomas being the most open to difference out of all of them.
He loves you but all he knows about the job is the stigma behind it. 
But he’s not going to leave you because of it, please explain it to him.
With some explanation, debunking some stigmas and stereotypes, explaining that it is just your job, he comes around to it. 
Alright, you’re still you and you’re loyal to him. That’s all that matters. He’s sorry for judging you at first...
Luda May is unsure about it, worried that you’re not as dedicated to Tommy as you say you are. Just prove her wrong. You love that man and that has nothing to do with your job.
Hoyt has definitely made a comment or two about it, always receiving a warning glare from Thomas. Don’t worry, he’ll defend you!
Luda May starts to come around to it because it’s so obvious that you only have an interested in Thomas...plus the money doesn’t hurt. That’s more cash than they’ve seen in a long time...you could be an actual godsend.
Michael Myers
Does not care what you do for a living.
Is a little unsure about how he feels about other people getting to see you in a state of undress but comes around to the idea more when you explain that they aren’t allowed to touch you.
Good, because that’s just for him!
Michael doesn’t care all that much about money but he’s still impressed by how much you can make in one night alone.
Other than that? Pretty unbothered.
Does enjoy your private dances though, he cannot deny that.
And you know when he’ll want one because you’ll go into your bedroom and find his selected outfit laying on the bed for you.
Jason Voorhees 
You do...what for a living? 
Jason is definitely going to have some issues with it.
We all know how he feels about anything sexual. It’s something he’s uncomfortable with and views as inherently wrong.
But he does love you...
And you’re nothing like he would expect somebody in that line of work to be.
He probably has a lot of preconceived notions about your work that you need to work through.
Just be patient with him, help him see that there is nothing wrong with what you do or the people who do it.
He’ll get there eventually because he loves you, it’s just going to take a while.
Brahms Heelshire
Uh-huh...uh-huh...no, yeah he’s listening- do you have the attire at home or do you have to keep it at the establishment. No, no, he understands. Can he see what you wear while you work? He is taking this seriously, Y/n!
Admittedly Brahms is going to take an issue with it. 
Not with the job itself. Just his own jealousy.
You’re meant to be with him and he doesn’t like the idea of other people getting to see you like that.
But they can’t touch you? Well...that’s good...you mean they can look but can’t touch? Only he gets to touch you?
Okay, you’re winning him over.
Give him his own private dance and he’s sold.
Bo Sinclair
Will probably look down on the choice of job before you tell him what you do for  a living. Then he’ll be forced to reconsider his preconceived beliefs. 
Bo tends to look down on everyone for one reason or another, he supposes strippers were easy targets to do so.
But the more he thinks about it, the less it actually bothers him.
He really doesn’t mind if he gets his own private dances.
Plus that money is very convincing. It’s not like the brothers have any real income and it can be difficult to keep a good stock of supplies. With you around, that shouldn’t be a problem anymore.
Will pick out your outfit for that shift.
Sometimes it’s just because he wants to see you were a particular set, other times he just likes the idea of you dancing in the outfit he chose.
Kind of like a reminder to the two of you that you might be dancing for those people but you are his, and you come home to him at the end of the day.
Vincent Sinclair
Any negative thoughts Vincent has is more due to jealousy and insecurity rather than how he thinks of you.
He sees you as a person, not as your job. So he won’t judge. He really doesn’t think he has any right to judge considering his ‘work’.
He loves you and doesn’t care what you do. 
Sometimes he just wonders why you would want...him...
Just lots of reassurance, cuddles, and kisses should get him feeling better again!
Honestly just likes watching you dance. Not even in a sexual way (though he can’t help how his body reacts to your seductive movements) just in admiration and adoration.
You’re stunning and the way you move is hypnotising.
He can see why you get paid so well!
He doesn’t care about the money all that much. It’s Bo that takes advantage of that.
Will likely have various sketches of you wearing your different outfits that you wear for work. You like to ask for his opinion on them and he’s happy to give you an enthusiastic thumbs up and nod of the head.
Lester Sinclair 
Is honestly just happy that you’re with him.
You’re a stripper, you dance for people who would kill to be with you or even touch you, and yet you come home to him.
That’s fine by him!
Might get a little insecure about it but is super easy to cheer up.
Usually Lester just ignores Bo’s comment but if he says anything about your work (probably just to annoy either of you, he doesn’t really care) your man will defend you!
May actually be addicted to your private dances, the ones that he knows are just for him.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba is never going to judge you for your work, even if it’s something he doesn’t completely understand or is stigmatised. He knows you’re a good, wonderful person who he loves dearly. And you love him back! That’s all that matters to him.
The only problem might be his own insecurities but you can tell when it’s bothering him and are quick to put things right. Showing him plenty of love to remind him that he is the only man for you.
Will sometimes pick out an outfit for you to wear for your next shift. He wasn’t to be supportive!
Loves when you buy new stuff and decide to put on a little bit of a show to show him them, asking for his opinion. He loves them all!
Is always a little flustered afterward so give that boy some love!
He doesn’t care about the money but the rest of the family (mostly Drayton) try to leech off of it. You’re family now, your money is their money. Sharing and all that!
Billy Lenz
Isn’t too sure how he feels about this news...
But put on the brand new set you got for work, give him his own little private dance, dedicate the night to him and he’ll be okay with it.
As long as you don’t give your customers the same treatment, you’re perfectly fine!
Will help you pick out your set for your next shift but don’t expect him to not get handsy. He can’t help himself!
Money isn’t something Billy cares about. It’s not like he goes shopping or anything. But at least you can buy quality things for him to borrow without asking sooooooo...
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Admittedly, Asa is not a fan.
It’s not that he’s judging you or looking down on you for what you do. Looking down on somebody for that alone is nonsensical, there are worse things you could do. He should know.
However, dating a stripper wasn’t something he had seen for himself.
He’s a possessive man so he doesn’t like the idea of somebody eying up his partner at all, especially if he isn’t there.
But one night he visits the club, sits right in front of the stage and you focus all your attention on him.
He admits that you’re mesmerising to watch, maybe he should look into getting you a new outfit. Perhaps a more lacy number?
He’s never going to be a fan of your career choice and will likely try to convince you to quit, telling you that you don’t even need to work. He can support you both.
But all those private dances definitely sweeten the deal for him.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
Strippers don’t usually capture Jesse’s attention for too long and he wouldn’t purposely go to a club for the reason of seeing them but sometimes his work takes him to places like this.
You likely worked in a more high end establishment, more wealthy patrons.
Either way, something about you just got his attention. The way you moved or maybe it was the way you looked at him, the bat of your lashes or the smile on your lips. But you drew him in.
Sure daddy Chromeskull!!
Would likely pay for a private dance and when he finds himself even more enthralled with you, he would make you another offer. Paying you for more than just dances, come home with him, not even for sex (though that is very much on the table), just come to his home and look pretty, that’s all he’s paying you for if that’s all you want to do.
If you’re reluctant to accept the generous offer, he will win you over with generous tips and gifts. New lingerie, jewellery, fragrances. He’s determined and convincing, you have to give him that.
If you’re only stripping for the cash, you’re likely going to stop doing it all together. Jesse is paying you more than you ever earned at that place. Plus it’s a really nice house, you’re living in luxury. 
Otis Driftwood 
It’s likely how you met in the first place. He visited the club you were dancing in and you both just hit it off.
It doesn’t bother him at all.
Will kill anyone who speak bad about your work and will kill anyone who touches you when that is clearly against the rules.
He likes visiting you while you’re working. ‘Paying’ for a private dance that always turns into more.
He actually likes watching the other patrons watching you, knowing that they didn’t even have a chance. You only had eyes for him and he knew it, so their stares didn’t bother him.
Especially when he was there to take you home after your shift, getting to rub it in everyone’s faces as he pulls you into a kiss before escorting you out of the club.
He’s very proud to show you off at all times.
Baby Firefly
Probably met you in the club. Probably shamelessly flirted with you while you were on the job. And, well, you couldn’t help but give her a discount.
Doesn’t care about your work in the slightest.
But will happily help you spend that pay check!
You pole dance? Show her! Teach her! It’s a fun date idea!
She’s not great, too impatient to get any real technique, but she’s having fun and that’s the point!
Loves for you to do little fashion shows in your new work outfits. Even offers to do your hair and makeup for you before a shift!
Baby is super proud of what you do and the money you make. She has absolutely no problem with having other people know what you do for a job. And anyone has anything bad to say about it? Well, they’re just her next target!
Yautja (Predator)
He’s going to need an explanation.
Okay. So what he’s hearing is that you dance for money in various stages of undress?
Not a problem!
Yautja don’t have the same sense of prudishness or nudity that some humans seem too.
But he’s still a little possessive of his little mate. So as long as these customers aren’t touching you or think they have any right too, he’s okay with it.
You do it for good pay, to support yourself, there’s no shame in that at all.
Your explanation might need a little demonstration. Give your alien mate a private dance just for how accepting and understanding his is! It’s his reward!
Turns out, he’s a big fan of your dancing.
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vantemania · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
➤ Genre: Fluff, crack
➤ Pairing: Jungkook x Y/N
➤ Word count: 1.1k
➤ A/N: This is just a super fluffy nervous Jungkook drabble I couldn't help thinking of the first time I saw him in that fit. It's pre-date btw! Imagine in the second gif he's got that date on his mind~ all cute & overthinking things 💛 ALSO, I have to say — when I chose the ahem... combination of the outfit Taehyung picks, I had no idea Tae had truly put those things together before irl... (& made it look amazing ofc)
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
"No one told me it would be this hard!" Dragging his hands down his face, Jungkook stared at his wardrobe with pure resentment. Everyone was always commenting on how 'boyfriend' he dressed, so why the fuck couldn't he figure out what to wear for a date?
Jungkook cast a longing look at his oversized T-shirts and collection of hoodies; he'd return to them soon. But for tonight, he needed something more... refined.
Earlier in the week, Jungkook had finally worked up the courage to ask you on a date. He'd been pining after you ever since you tripped over your own feet and spilled the contents of your bag, revealing anime keychains and video game themed pens. When he returned your Mario pen to you and you smiled in embarrassment, uttering a quiet thank you — he knew he wanted to be the reason you smiled from then on, and he needed to know what the sound of your laughter was like. It wasn't love at first sight, but he certainly felt something bloom in his chest.
The door to Jungkook's room inched open silently. Taehyung peeked in, taking in the scene before him. It appeared as though Jungkook's entire wardrobe was scattered about his room. Taehyung had experienced the maknae's indecision on an outfit before, but he'd never seen it this bad. Glancing at Jungkook, Taehyung noticed his hands were covering his face. He was still oblivious to Taehyung's presence. The boy seemed to be going through a crisis already, so Taehyung decided to be nice and spook him as little as possible.
With a tiny knock on the open door, Taehyung broke Jungkook out of his mental monologue. "Uh... I heard shouting and things crashing so I... came to check on you."
At the sound of his hyung's voice, Jungkook startled, his hands dropping from his face immediately. Taehyung snickered at the look of bewilderment mixed with something else... desperation? On Jungkook's face. "Looks like you could use some help?"
Hope dawned on the maknae's face, previously distraught eyes now sparkling. "Please? I don't have anything to wear," he whined.
With a tilt of his head, Taehyung smirked at the pleading look on Jungkook's face. "I'm sure I have a thing or two I could lend you for the night."
Jungkook checked himself out in the full length mirror in the hallway — he was never convinced it was a necessary component in the apartment before, but Jin had insisted on it, saying no home was complete without a full length mirror, and how else was he supposed to see just how handsome he looked that day?
Today, however, Jungkook was thankful. He fluffed his hair one more time — just to shake it out of his eyes — before taking a deep breath and heading down the hallway. Exhaling, he closed his eyes momentarily, a grin forming on his face. He was finally going to see you outside of class. Nervous didn't even begin to explain how he felt right then. Giddy, excited, antsy, terrified? He hoped you wouldn't think he was weird. All signs so far had pointed to you not hating him — hell, he'd take what he could get, just to see you smile was enough for him. With this on his mind, Jungkook bounded into the living room, a spring in his step.
Namjoon, who was lounging on the sofa watching TV, took one look at the boy who was practically vibrating with nerves and glee. "Jungkook." He muted the TV. "Come here for a second."
Halting mid-step, Jungkook obeyed, curious as to what his hyung wanted to say. Maybe he'd offer some sage advice? Or wish him good luck?
"Yes Namjoon hyung?" He answered, stepping in front of Namjoon's seated figure.
The older boy took a moment to scan Jungkook from head to toe. "You're going on a date?”
"Yes~" Jungkook beamed, a bright toothy smile enveloping his face.
"It's the first date, right?" Namjoon asked, quirking his brow. His eyes landed on one target. No, two.
Under his intense gaze, Jungkook shifted his feet. "Yes," he answered again, starting to feel his anxiety from earlier returning.
Namjoon took a deep breath. He considered how lucky the boys were to have a hyung like him to guide them. "I would reconsider that outfit."
Jungkook froze. "Wh- but why hyung?" He looked at himself, suddenly self conscious. He really thought he and Taehyung had come up with a solid first date look.
It took everything in Namjoon to not just deadpan his response. Namjoon settled on sighing instead. "Taehyung helped you, didn't he?"
"Ah... he did. Why?" Jungkook shifted back and forth on his feet, fingers fiddling with one another.
With a chuckle under his breath, Namjoon shook his head. Of course. "Jungkook. I admire Taehyung's sense of style most days, but you can't go on your first date wearing Gucci slippers and plaid pants."
Returning from his room, Jungkook crossed the hallway to Namjoon's room — where he had migrated to after trying to save Jungkook from making the mistake of being too..? Eccentric. For his first date with you. Impressions were everything, after all.
Namjoon glanced away from his computer's monitor as the younger boy entered. "There, now doesn't that feel so much better?" he asked, appraising the new and improved outfit.
Adjusting the sleeves on his yellow button-up, Jungkook grinned. "Do you really think she'll like this, hyung?"
Namjoon gave him a once over. "Well, if she has any taste, she will," he said.
The grin on Jungkook's face widened, crinkling his eyes. "I guess I'm about to find out," he replied, checking his watch.
"Go get 'em kid," Namjoon said, regarding the maknae leaving his room with a fondness in his eyes.
Jungkook reached the front door, after patting himself down to make sure he didn't forget anything. Phone, wallet, keys... He should be good.
His phone buzzed right after he patted his pocket to check it — a text from you saying you were on your way to meet him. A shy smile tugged at his lips.
Jungkook quickly texted you an answer before pocketing his phone and opening the door to his home. With one look over his shoulder before leaving, he adjusted the sleeves to his shirt once more and grinned.
"Let's get it."
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cherryjuicegf · 4 years
a little favour
Five things Jaskier asks from Geralt and one thing Geralt asks from Jaskier.
3.2k, fluff/mild angst (ao3)
Geralt feels a pair of eyes fixed on him and he tenses. The whetstone in his hand stops its metallic sound and he’s pretty sure the sword is sharpened by now, yet he can’t bring himself to leave it aside and raise his head. He inspects the blade, or pretends to do so. His always stable hands, obligingly fit for a witcher, are now slightly shaking. He chooses to ignore it. He clenches his fists, unclenches. Sweaty. The night is warm.
Slowly, he raises his look, meeting two blue eyes piercing him from across the fire. Jaskier has a pensive smirk on his lips that makes him look stupid but Geralt would be lying if he said he could take his stare away from it. The heat, he thinks. It’s the heat.
He squints. “What?”
Jaskier doesn’t respond immediately, yet he appreciates that he’s acknowledged with a small huff. His eyes continue to peer at Geralt, up and down, like the eyes of a werewolf ready to devour its prey. Softer, though. So softer. Geralt feels bare under his gaze, swallows. Finally, Jaskier speaks. “Tell me a story.”
He can’t be asking for a story, Geralt thinks. It’s not what he wants. Before he even manages to get angry at himself, he kicks the thought out of his mind. Of course it’s not what he wants. So he raises his eyebrows, a bit grudgingly, and tilts his head. “I thought you are the storyteller here.”
Jaskier laughs and he knows he can hear this sound forever. “You know what I mean,” he says and gestures wildly with his hand. “I need inspiration and where else will I find it if not in a story with monsters of the ones you oh-so-minutely narrate?”
A small smile curves Geralt’s lips and he chuckles lowly. He never shares details of the creatures he has to kill. Jaskier knows that, thus the cunning glint in his eyes. He shrugs. “You really want to sing to people about themselves?”
“Geralt,” Jaskier huffs a silent laugh and throws a pebble at the witcher’s feet. “You know what I mean.”
How can I not know, Geralt thinks, how can I not know the reason you’re still here? He scolds himself, then. A friend. His friend. Jaskier is his friend and he never fails to say how Geralt is a friend of his. Still, it makes him afraid, afraid that the more his love grows for that man, the more desperate he will be if he leaves. And he’s not one to get attached.
He indulges him though. With a small sigh and a look in his shining eyes, he does. Do it for me, they whisper. How can he not?
“Have I told you about that bruxa in Kaedwen?”
“Can’t you just not go?”
Jaskier fiddles with the edges of his shirt and looks up at Geralt. If he listens closely, he can hear his heart thumping against his chest. Already. Geralt hasn’t even left yet. He’d be more than grateful if he doesn’t ever, in fact. By the glare he receives from the witcher, he concludes that’s not going to happen. And his heart beats faster.
“But you said it yourself!” He stands up and approaches Geralt, who’s too focused on his armors buckles to look at him. “The hunt is nearly deadly!”
Geralt snorts impatiently and glances up at him, shaking his head. “It’s deadly for you. Which is why you’re staying here.” He finishes fixing his armor and grabs his gloves, his eyes now fixed on Jaskier. “For me, it’s just dangerous.”
The way he looks at him makes Jaskier shiver. Really, he’s never met anyone before who can be so cold and reassuring at the same time. Geralt’s stare is sharp and imposing, yet he can feel warmth inside his chest as he discerns the gentleness beneath, the one the witcher is so good at hiding. He doesn’t hide it from him, not anymore. That’s what he hopes anyway. As Geralt’s lips twitch in the faintest smile, he prays he’s not wrong. Still, the force of habit.
Eleven people have been killed by a thing whose name he finds himself unable to remember. The dread that suddenly overwhelms him makes his fingers go numb. They could be twelve. They can be twelve. Today. Before Geralt turns away, he shakes his head. “Geralt, please.”
Geralt frowns at him, tilts his head, his voice gruff. “Jaskier.”
Some silver strands fall in front of his eyes and Jaskier’s hand twitches in its place in an attempt to hold from brushing them away. Instead, Jaskier bites his lips and clenches his fists. A lump is choking him mercilessly. Afraid to let him go, afraid to look away from his eyes, afraid he’s not seeing them again. He takes a breath he doesn’t release. “Please come back whole.” Do it for me.
Geralt chuckles and Jaskier cherishes the sound like the most precious stone. The witcher nods before heading out the door. “That I will.”
With a last smile, he closes the door.
In the morning there are heavy steps on the stairs and Jaskier feels his heart returning to its place.
Geralt reaches the door and stops right before he goes in. For a second, he listens. Smells. Heavy puffs of breath are heard inside the room, the faint scent of tears. He frowns and opens the door. Jaskier is standing beside the window, looking outside silent, as silent as one crying can be. Geralt feels his heart ache.
The bard jumps and turns at Geralt. With a bright smile that doesn’t suit his flushed face, he wipes his eyes. “Geralt! You scared me, you bastard, don’t you ever knock?” He returns Geralt’s gaze and the witcher feels like he’s reading him but that’s good, it gives him the chance to read Jaskier too. He tilts his head and waits for the bard to speak, yet he just turns away again and looks outside at the night sky. Geralt lowers his look for a moment, fumbles with his words. Swallows.
He has no chance to fuck up now. “It was a good performance.”
“Yes,” Jaskier chuckles bitterly and lowers his head, still not looking at him. “Thank you, Geralt, really. It’s not that.” He takes a shaky breath. “It’s just…”
He doesn’t continue. Geralt knows he won’t, because it’s one of those silences that don’t break. He knows Jaskier’s silences well by now, even those few. Still, he can’t take it, he can’t stand watching him cry. He can’t stand watching his bright eyes hollow and his smile distant and not actually there. And he can’t stand not being able to help. So he rests a heavy hand on Jaskier’s shoulder and steps closer. “You don’t have to tell me.” He hears his breath hitching for a second, then a sigh, as if relieved. But he still doesn’t look at him. Geralt tries again. “Can I help?”
A hand creeps up and rests on his. A faint smile, now a real one. Finally, finally, Jaskier meets his eyes. His expression is dark for a moment, as if being unable to find a way Geralt could help. But then his eyes light up, just a bit, and Geralt feels his heart fluttering. “Can you…” He pauses, reconsiders. A reassuring squeeze on his shoulder takes away the hesitation. “Can you hug me, for a bit?”
For me, Geralt echoes in his head and the way his voice is now low and small, so different from what it was an hour ago in the tavern, almost brings him to his knees. And now this. A hug. As if he could say no. As if.
So he smiles warmly and pulls Jaskier into a hug, tight, and presses him to his chest as if to shoulder the worries weighing his. He feels Jaskier hiding is face in his shoulder and breathing deeply, lashes fluttering close. Geralt nuzzles in his hair, resists the urge to press a kiss on his head. Like that, just by having him in his arms, he knows he can do anything. Anything for him.
“Did you try the honey cakes?”
Geralt looks at Jaskier as he gets off his armor and frowns. “You got honey cakes?”
With a laugh Jaskier raises his head from his notebook and shakes his head. “What are you, dear, blind? I spent half an hour in that bakery today.” He sighs dramatically and stares longingly at the distance. “I crave the day when you’ll appreciate how good care I take of you.”
“Because you bought honey cakes?” Geralt chuckles and walks up to Jaskier’s bag, searching inside. Jaskier can smell the honey cakes before he gets them out but he decides to play hurt a moment longer, for the fun of it. Geralt doesn’t play along. “You’re the one who begged to go into the bakery after all, I asked for nothing.”
Jaskier rolls his eyes and tries to hide a smile behind a smug expression. He outstretches his hand. “Yes, alright mister Mighty-Witcher-I-need-nothing, now bring those cakes here and finally, have something for pleasure, it won’t hurt you know.” He pouts as Geralt throws the paper bag on the table with a scoff and turns away. He knows, Geralt would prefer to fight a hundred griffins than admit he deserves small luxuries. But that’s where he comes in. He never had a thrifty life after all and travelling with a witcher isn't a reason not to indulge oneself, especially when coin is spare. So he reaches to grab a honey cake. And pauses.
“Um.” Geralt turns his head, hearing his hesitant tone, and raises an eyebrow. Jaskier squints, takes a look at the cakes, then at his hands which are painted with black ink all over. There is a solution, he thinks. He can quite simply wash his hands and eat. Still, he would need to write more afterwards. And wash again. And it really wasn’t that complex but as another thought flashes in his mind and he sees Geralt’s waiting look, he smiles to himself. Clears his throat. “Could you give me one, please? There are some,” he huffs, showing his hands, “technical problems.”
He is sure Geralt doesn’t actually think about it when he takes a honey cake between his fingers. He is sure Geralt realizes what he’s doing the moment his fingers touch his lips and Jaskier opens his mouth and secures the cake between his teeth. And his tongue brushes Geralt’s fingertips and they’re sweeter, oh, so sweeter than the actual honey. He looks up at him, feels Geralt’s fingers shake, shivers. Closes his mouth, his lips brushing once more against cold skin, slowly, daringly. Or savouring, if he’s being honest.
Geralt stares and he feels like he’s melting. The witcher’s hand hovers for a moment before he lowers it and Jaskier can still sense its tingling on his lips, their looks still locked on each other, intense. Jaskier swallows. “They’re good. You should try one.”
Try. For me. He doesn’t know what he wants Geralt to try. Only that, as Geralt’s lips brush against his fingers, exactly where his own were moments ago, he feels like burning and, breathless, he lowers his look.
The doublet is uncomfortable. The trousers are uncomfortable. The shoes are uncomfortable. His whole presence is uncomfortable and Geralt wishes he didn’t have to wear a damned doublet in the middle of July. He can’t complain though. He hears Jaskier’s voice in his head. Don’t worry, it’s thin and exactly the shape of your glorious muscles, it will fit just fine. Aside from stubbornly ignoring the bard’s comment about his muscles, he has to admit that it really isn’t that intolerable as an outfit itself. He just feels small inside it, choking. Still, he doesn’t complain.
He glances up at Jaskier, realizing he’s been talking to him all that time, but the bard doesn’t really seem to bother if anyone hears as he rambles in front of the mirror. “Gods, Geralt, the food. The food is just heavenly, as is the wine, trust me, you won’t regret a moment being at this banquet.” I won’t, Geralt thinks, if it’s to gaze at you. Jaskier turns at him beaming. “Even you, my friend, who asks for nothing, will find yourself craving for another gathering similar to that.”
“I ask for nothing indeed,” Geralt laughs at the way the bard repeats his words back at him, “and I doubt I will ever crave for something such as a gathering. Don’t be so hopeful that I’ll keep coming with you.”
Jaskier rolls his eyes with a dismissive huff and fumbles with the buttons of his sleeve. “You’re no fun. Ah, fuck.” He tugs at the sleeve and barely saves its button from falling away. With a sigh, he outstretches his hand and looks at the witcher. “Geralt, can you?”
Of all things, Geralt definitely has no fingers fit to carefully button a shirt. He has however, patience, something the bard hugely lacks of. So he moves to take Jaskier hand in his. And as their fingers slip together, he freezes. Momentarily, yes, since he continues to push the button in its hole. Still, the way their hands touch, the way Jaskier’s skin is warm against his, the way his fingers wrap his delicate yet trained wrist, make his knees weak. He brings Jaskier’s hand closer to have a better look at the button. Dangerously closer. He flips the button inside the hole and hears Jaskier’s triumphant huff, but he doesn’t let go. Instead, his eyes remain focused on the inside of his wrist, veins marking tanned skin. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, he leans and places a kiss. He hears Jaskier’s breath hitch. Slowly, terrifyingly slowly, he realizes what he’s done, and immediately looks at the bard. Blue eyes wide, lips parted. Jaskier whimpers.
Stay. For me.
Geralt lets go of his hand and storms outside the room, his heart beating faster that a human’s. Before he closes the door, he smells the salty scent of tears behind him. He doesn’t look back.
The bandits lay on the ground, three of them, the ones that refused to run when they had the chance. Their blood is forming puddles on the dirt. Geralt stares, panting. He can hear as the heartbeat of the last one vanishes in the wind, so at odds with the birds that are returning to their branches singing.
The birds. Singing. A heartbeat so familiar is now weak as he listens, the smell of blood so terrifying, and his heart skips a beat. He spins around. “Jaskier!”
Time is nonsensical as he runs to the bard’s side and kneels and what he sees makes him want to puke. Not because he hasn’t seen so much blood before, gods forbid, he’s a Witcher. But because the blood is too much. And it’s Jaskier’s. The bard looks up at him, still lost, panting, then lowers his eyes at his stomach, a pool of blood forming slowly. He whimpers. “Fuck.” The way his eyes fill with despair as his look returns on the witcher makes Geralt’s eyes burn. “Do something, Geralt, plea--” his voice is choked in a pained cry.
Geralt shakes his head as if to return to reality. He peers at Jaskier’s wound. It was a sword. It was a damn sword. And it’s deep. Gods, it’s too deep. He looks Jaskier in the eyes and brings a hand on his face firmly. “Listen. Everything is alright. Just stay awake.” Tears flood blue eyes and he feels his heart aching. He can’t let him close his eyes, he’s too afraid it will be the last time he sees them. So he asks, he who asks for nothing, he who needs nothing. “Can you do this for me?”
Jaskier nods frantically, his lips tight as if to suppress another cry. With one last touch, Geralt stands up and runs to Roach standing near, searching inside the saddlebags. If his hands are trembling, he ignores them. Maybe the tremble will go away like that. He returns with bandages and hears Jaskier sob at their sight. He looks at him, helpless but he doesn’t show it. “Awake,” he repeats and proceeds to tear the bard’s shirt open and clean the bleeding dark wound with a wet cloth. Bleeding. It’s bleeding and he sees his nightmares becoming real and he knows, he knows that he should stay calm, that only like that he’s not going to be late. But oh, his hands are still trembling, and his breathing’s short and every time another scream escapes Jaskier’s lips he dies a little more inside. Still, he looks up at him as Jaskier clings on his shirt, his arms, everywhere, desperate. Still, he holds him, cradles him like he’s going to break. He is. “Jaskier. Jaskier, you’re alright.” He snorts, wipes the tears off the bard’s cheeks with his thumbs. “Don’t cry, please. I’m taking you to a healer.”
He raises him on the saddle, climbs behind him, and reins Roach, holding him close. Jaskier is shaking whole, staring at him as if afraid that he’s the last thing he sees. “Geralt,” he gasps and Geralt lowers his look, almost cries when he sees his beautiful face contorted in a pained wince. Blood is staining his lips and Jaskier clings, shakes his head. “Geralt, if I-- I love you, I don’t want to die, please, I don’t--”
“Don’t be stupid, you’re not dying,” Geralt says, more for himself to believe it, and then pauses. And looks at the bard again, at the faint but still-there smile on his lips. “What…” Oh, he can’t do this now. He can’t let himself rejoice, he’s too afraid his joy will be taken away too quickly. Jaskier’s head lolls on his shoulder and his eyes roll on the back of his head and he flinches, terrified, shakes him. “Jaskier! Stay awake!” Jaskier whimpers and opens his eyes. He hurts. He hurts and Geralt hurts even more with him. But he takes a deep breath. “Can you say it again? For me?”
Jaskier huffs a wet, weak laugh. “For you, I can say it forever.” His voice is barely a breath. “I love you, Geralt.”
Geralt is trembling. “Again.” Stay awake.
A cry. “I love you.”
“Again.” Awake.
Roach runs like thunder. It’s close, it’s close.
“I love you.”
Closer, he holds him closer, and Roach runs, and Geralt bites his lips. “One last time. Say it one last time, please. For me.” Stay awake. For me.
“Geralt,” a sob, heart-wrenching, and oh, he knows Jaskier can’t take it, he knows. Only one last time. But Jaskier swallows blood and tears, and with a tired smile, he breathes, “Every time, Geralt. I love you forever.”
The trees fall aside and the town’s gates are open and Geralt lets out a triumphant laugh and finally, finally looks down at Jaskier and promises to himself to never tear his gaze from him again. So he leans down and presses his lips to Jaskier’s, bloody and quivering, and kisses him, and then as he meets his wide eyes, he knows every favour granted was for them. “I love you too, Jaskier. I love you too.” Another kiss, on his forehead, and now he’s warm. “Now hush. Hush, love.”
With a sigh, relieved, exhausted, Jaskier lets his head fall limp on the witcher’s shoulder and finally, closes his eyes. His hand, trembling, reaches to hold a firm one on the reins and if he hears a thank you, whispered like a prayer beside him, he says nothing.
For Geralt, he will have more time, more to give, more and anything, he knows. Anything for him.
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