eladora, 22 | caffeine and spite | requests are open | I'M NOT DEAD TUMBLR IS JUST BEING A DICK
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Hi!!! Can you do something for Sam where the reader is like his "caregiver" like he rests at their house and they cook him food and just overall fluff please♡
; ^ ; yes this is soooo cute I cry
Sam being your house crasher
- The first time he shows up, you might just assume he’s a lost trick-or-treater looking for his parents. It isn’t until he writes his name down for you and you see Samhain in big, childish letters that you realize who’s come to visit.
- You’ve heard the urban legend about him, sure, but you didn’t think he was real, or that you’d managed to break any Halloween rules this year. When you ask if he’s here to punish you, though, he shakes his head and writes out why he’s come. Hungry. Tired. Cold.
- The words, written so childishly (and in brightly coloured crayon, since he got a mini crayon pack from a kindly old woman a few doors down) tug at your heartstrings, and before you know it you’re urging him to sit down while you make him something to eat.
- The way his head swings back and forth, taking in his new surroundings with unblinking button eyes, has you both charmed and unnerved. He’s adorable in the way that Tim Burton’s creatures often are.
- If you ask him questions while you cook, you’ll either receive nods and shakes of his head, or small words written very slowly on spare paper. Part of you might be tempted to ask about how he exists, but please don’t; he doesn’t know, either, and I’m not sure anyone is prepared to deal with him having an existential crisis.
- Once you’ve cooked him something yummy and put it in front of him, he’s going to wait (very patiently, actually) for you to leave the room so he can eat. It’s probably for the best that you don’t see him in action, anyway; who knows what that looks like??
- When he’s well fed and warmed up from the heating in your house (which he’s just delighted by) you’ll see his head start leaning to the left, tiny body soon following, and before you know it, he’s slumped against your couch like a ragdoll. Unsure of what else to do, you cover him up with a fuzzy throw blanket and tuck a spare pillow under his head, leaving him to rest.
- Sleep doesn’t come easily, but you do eventually manage to get some shut eye. When you wake up the next morning, you fully expect him to be gone; you’re clearly coming down with something, and your odd evening was nothing more than a fever dream. Right?
- You can’t help the pinprick of disappointment when you’re proven right, though. He was so cute, it’s really kind of a shame that - your train of thought is cut short when you notice the note on your kitchen counter, written on the back of an envelope in blue crayon.
- Thank you. Will come back. Love Sam. You stare at it for what feels like an eternity. An odd mix of excitement and terror swirls around in your mind as you read the words over and over. But then, your eyes catch on the last two, calming your nerves somewheat. A smile begins to tug at your mouth unbidden. Love Sam.
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Hi! I’m new to this app and I saw your requests were open! If possible, could I request a headcanon about Michael and Thomas with a s/o who likes to info dump about random stuff? Like, it’s just random info dumping about anything they know about. I really enjoy your posts by the way! :D
Aww thank you so much Ducky! Of course!!
Michael & Thomas with a knowledgable S/O
Michael Myers
- With Michael, having a lot of information to share will go one of two ways. If it's early on in your relationship, good luck holding his attention for more than a few seconds. Why should he care that you know the name of every single person that died in Pompeii?
- As we know, he's an asshole, so don't expect him to just tune you out, either; he'll straight up cover your mouth, or walk away from you, or walk you into a room and shut the door on you. If you stop rambling to him, though, he'll feel a bit bad and will probably do something small to apologise.
- If it's later in your relationship, he'll be shockingly sweet. Sure, he won't really understand most of what you're saying, and god knows he's not going to retain any of it, but he'll sit patiently and nod along as you name every single star in our galaxy. He'll even make noises of interest from time to time, so you know he's still listening!
- If you're talking and walking, he'll hold onto your arm and steer you around so you don't get distracted and hurt yourself on something. Unless you're on a truly mind-bending subject, in which case he'll conveniently forget about the table corner you're coming up on. Oh no, you're hurt, time to get the first aid kit! You just sit down, he'll go get it. No, really, he insists.
- He'll try to remember some of the info you tell him, mainly so he can give you a gift related to something you like. Will he get it right? Next to never, but it's the thought that counts, and the pleased expression he has when you fake delight at said gift will make up for it.
Thomas Hewitt
- Hey Mama, did you know that penguins have knees? Y/N told him. Oh, did you know that flapper ladies didn't really wear fringe? Y/N said so. And, did you know -
- The most attentive listener, even when he's in the middle of working. Does it matter that he has no idea who Thor is? Nope, tell him more about how Frigg isn't pronounced the way the MCU movies say it is. And, god help anyone that tries to interrupt you when you're info dumping. Even Mama isn't safe from Tommy's wrath if the excited sparkle in your eyes dulls. No one makes his baby sad, damn it!
- You often wonder how he remembers all of the random things you tell him, until one day you stumble across the journal he's been keeping, lined with every little thing you've ever said. He Wants To Die of embarrassment when he sees you with it, so please give him all the love and assurance that you think it's sweet :'((( he just. Loves how happy you get when you realise that he paid attention to what you were saying.
#slashers x reader#slasher headcanons#slasher fluff#thomas hewitt x reader#michael myers x reader#michael myers headcanons
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Hello! May I request hc for Michael and whoever else you'd like to write for, having a s/o that is clingy because of a toxic family? Basically they cling to Michael for safety and all that fluffy stuff.
Michael with an S/O who clings for a reason
- If you don't tell Michael why you're clingy, he'll be tolerant but put-upon. Sure, you can stick to him like glue, but you'll have to deal with the huffs, glares, and occasional (surprisingly accidental) elbows to the head when he forgets you're there at his side.
- He won't question you, but he'll wonder every now and then; yeah, you like him or whatever, but isn't this level of affection a bit extreme? He'll pretty much always brush the thought off, though. It must just be one of the many things he doesn't understand about people.
- When you finally admit that you shadow him to feel safe, it's like a record-scratch moment in a movie. You what now? He'll be in such a rush to look at you that you'll probably get another elbow to the head, but this time he'll hurry to hold your face and make sure you're not hurt. You're gonna have to tell him everything once you take the first step; he won't let you go until you do.
- Michael won't have any physical reaction, but mentally, his mind is off to the races. You need to be safe, and he's going to make that happen one way or another. Depending on your relationship with your family, he might start demanding to go with you if you have to see them. No one is stupid enough to do anything to you with a 6 foot nightmare glaring over your shoulder.
- The alternative is...not so nice. Family? What family? He has no idea who you're talking about. No, there's no blood on his coveralls. Nope, he hasn't been by their house. There are cops over there? Weird. Stop being nosy, just come over here and be a cuddlebug. Shut up, he does not enjoy your cuddles.
- TL;DR if you need to be safe, Michael is Your Guy. Because he kind of likes you, he guesses.
#slasher x reader#slasher imagines#slasher headcanons#michael myers headcanons#michael myers x reader#slashers x reader
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hello could i pretty please request the slashers (jason, brahms, norman, thomas and bubba - no pressure to do all just as many as you would like of these) falling asleep on their s/o. thank you very much, your writing is lovely!!
omfg yes this is so cute
also thank you so much ducky!! that's so sweet ily 😭😭😭
Slashers falling asleep on their S/O!
Jason Voorhees
- Jason falls asleep on you pretty regularly tbh. It's not that you're boring, he promises!! But you're always so warm, and your voice is so soothing, and he really can't be blamed when you're the one that gives such A+ cuddles.
- It can be hard to tell when he's fallen asleep because he doesn't really move around a even when he's awake, and you can't use his breathing evening out as a gauge because he doesn't breathe. You're pretty much going to have to poke him and see if he pokes you back lol.
- Big baby sleeps like a rock, so don't be afraid to wriggle your way out from under him once he's out! If he wakes up and you're gone, he won't be offended, but he will be bound and determined to drag you back to bed, so try not to do anything that can't be put on pause while you're away from him. He just needs all your love all the time okay??
Brahms Heelshire
- You'd expect Brahms to fall asleep on you all the time, but he only really does when he's under the weather. Don't let it hurt your feelings, he swears it's not personal! But he's a very light sleeper with very fussy particular sleeping preferences.
- When he does fall asleep on you, he takes the on part very seriously. Meaning he literally drops himself on top of your body. He won't inconvenience you (which is how you know he doesn't feel well lmao) and will wait until you're comfy on a couch or bed, but when you least expect it, he'll hit you like a fluffy haired anvil. He just smushes his face into your neck, directs one of your hands to his hair so that you'll pet it, and then he's out like a light.
- Hopefully you're not wearing anything warm, because he's a space heater even when he's not running a temperature. You're gonna roast when he sleeps on you lol. But you're gonna have to deal, because if you even think about moving, he'll wake up and hold onto you even tighter. Give the sick baby love please :'(
OG!Norman Bates
- MY BABY BOY Norman is an angel who feels like he's inconveniencing you when he falls asleep on you 😭 surely you have more important things to do than humour him, right? Don't mind him, he'll just go sleep over there in the corner - oh, you literally weren't doing anything? ...Are you sure though? Because he can sleep on the floor -
- The first time he fell asleep on you, he faked sleep to see how you would react, but you were so sweet and soothing that he ended up actually falling asleep. You knew he was faking, but like the saint you are you didn't call him out on it; you just wrapped your arms around him and resisted the urge to smother him in your affection.
- There will never be a time that he falls asleep against you without asking for permission 800 times, though. And if he does finally go to sleep, PLEASE DO NOT EVER MOVE. EVER!! He'll wake up so fast and drown in worry that he's taking up your time. JUST. HOLD STILL. THE ITCH ON YOUR NOSE CAN WAIT. And please be patient with him, He Is Trying!!
Thomas Hewitt
- I won't lie, if Thomas falls asleep on you, there's a good chance the world is ending. He always waits for you to fall asleep first, no matter how tired or sick he is. How else can he adoringly watch you sleep like the baby he is protect you at night?
- He'll do his best to indulge you if you ask him to nap with you, though. He'll put his head on your chest and lay still for as long as you want, be it 5 minutes or 5 hours. He'll try to actually sleep, too, but there's a 99.99% chance that it won't happen, no matter how relaxed and content he is while you play with his hair. The closest you'll get to him actually falling asleep against you is if you happen to wake up in the middle of the night.
- He's an octopus when he sleeps, so when you wake up he'll be all over you, snoring right next to your ear. He won't stir if you slip out of his grip, but when you come back to bed he'll wake up enough to grab you again. He may be A Baby, but you're his baby.
I didn't do Bubba because there's a similar ask featuring him further up in my inbox, I hope you don't mind Ducky!
#slasher imagines#slasher headcanons#slashers x reader#jason voorhees x reader#brahms heelshire x reader#thomas hewitt x reader#norman bates x reader
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HC for Michael Myers reaction to S/O who shows patience and affection and is doesn’t show fear towards him after all he has done?
Michael Myers with a patient, kind S/O
- Expect confusion displayed as intimidation, at first. He's most likely going to think you're laying some kind of trap for him and he will Not Be Happy about it. Michael will loom over you at every opportunity, trying to glare you into giving up the sweet act. While he's not going to actually hurt you, he'll do everything to make you think he will.
- Don't try and give him physical love during this phase or you run the risk of losing a non-vital apendage. Grumpy man does not do cuddles, especially not with strangely patient trap-making people >:(
- Slowly, though, he'll realise that you're not setting him up for anything. You're just...being nice. What does he do with that? Mikey will be thoroughly puzzled and honestly, pretty stressed. So much so that you probably won't see him for a week or two, at minimum.
- He'll still be lurking, don't you worry, but he'll do it exclusively when and where you can't see him. What you will see are the gifts he suddenly starts leaving you.
- You might be confused by them, at first, as they're all a bit odd; a bottle of cleaning fluid one day, a box of tea the next, and so on. But, when you actually think about them, your lil heart will grow three sizes. The cleaning fluid is your favourite scent. The tea was left on your counter the day you had a cold.
- That odd statue you nearly tripped over is your favourite animal, and when you grumbled about it being in front of your door, it magically found a home 4 feet to the left. Michael listens, how sweet!
- When he finally gathers his wits and reappears, you're safe to shower him in affection. Don't expect him to reciprocate very often, but rest assured that he'll let you play human octopus for as long as you'd like. Also he will 100% be scarlet under the mask but shhh.
- TL;DR Michael has the social skills of a carrot but he does care about you, please bear with him :'<
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🌺send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going🌺
you are an angel and i love you w all my heart 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
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helloo, could i please get a matchup? c:
i'm a non-binary Mexican w/ short, curly brown hair and a small scar on my eyebrow. my style falls between dark academia and punk.
i'm v passionate abt art history, horror movies, books (especially classic literature), and political philosophy.
my love languages are quality time and gift giving <3 like writing love letters inspired by the regency era (bc of pride and prejudice lol).
i'm a pretty ambitious and smart person, but can have dumb moments.
i also like to paint, embroider, and talk abt my interests a lot hehe
some extra stuff: intp (5w4), aries sun/libra moon/scorpio rising, chaotic good
😏Sorry, did someone say
Asa Emory
- You are just fascinating to Asa. From the way you mix fashion types to the ‘traditional’ type of interests you have, he finds you to be the most interesting human he’s ever met.
- He absolutely wants to have deep, long-running conversations with you about all of the topics you like, especially art history! He wants to know all of the thoughts that go on in your head, and this is a great way to start!
- Surprsingly, he finds your ‘dumb’ moments to be cute and endearing, rather than irritating. He knows that you’re intelligent, so the momentary lapses in this intelligence make him want to protect and treasure you even more.
- PLEASE WRITE HIM A REGENCY ERA-INSPIRED LOVE LETTER OMG. Not only will it make him absolutely, positively swoon, you’ll receive one in return! Doing this will also earn you much more of his undivided attention, and what a prize that is 😏
- Asa adores the little scar you have. He adores all of the tiny details about it, especially the ones that might be perceived as ‘flaws’ by the general public. Those little details are what makes you even more interesting to him (not that you need to be, when you have such wonderful and unique interests!)
- When you let him know your love language is quality time, he’ll carve out a solid few hours during the day to give you exactly that, exactly the way you want it. Cuddles? Absolutely! You want him to give you a massage? Of course. You’d rather he just sits with you while you paint or read? Anything you want, he’s more than happy to accomodate.
- He could watch you embroider something for hours upon hours. It’s such a delicate, detail-oriented skill, and it requires such patience; he’s transfixed by how much talent you have and how beautifully your hands move as you work. For your birthday or anniversary, you’ll definitely find yourself with all of the embroidery tools you could ever ask for.
- TL;DR Asa thinks you’re more beautiful, smart and talented than anyone he’s ever encountered before, and he’ll do anything to make you happy with him. ❤
Matchups requests are closed until further notice; all other requests are open!
#reply#anonymous#slasher headcanons#slasher matchups#slasher imagines#asa emory x reader#slasher x reader
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Can you do where an S/O (friend or girlfriend) buys Chop Top a new wig since his got ruined by his brother Bubba, and that she wanted it to be a surprise; and that she guarantees if it gets ruined again that she'll buy a replacement or fix it if it's an easy fix.
It's just sad how his favorite wig got ruined and that it hides his metal plate very well, that he needed a friend that could buy a replacement.
Like I said, the S/O can be just a friend or a now-girlfriend :) Thanks
; ^ ; of course Ducky, this is so sweet!!
Chop Top when his girlfriend surprises him with a new wig!
- A surprise? Chop Top is admittedly wary when Bubba makes him close his eyes and leads him to you. He relaxes when he hears your voice, though; he knows that if it's coming from you, it has to be a good surprise.
- When you tell him to open his eyes, he's going to be uncomprehending, at first. Hair? Did you scalp somebody, sugar? He's going to pluck it from your hands probably make some kind of joke about it. But when you explain that you got it to replace his old one...
- Ah, he sees. So, you've chosen...tears. Chop Top is going to cry pretty much immediately. If Bubba starts to giggle or clap, he's probably going to get yelled at, let's be real. But it won't have any of Chop Top's usual bite to it, because he's too busy sniffling.
- He likes to pretend that very little bothers him, but losing his old wig really did make him upset. He hates to admit it, but he's quite insecure about the way the metal plate made his head look. So you giving him a new wig is a Really Big Deal.
- Please wait until he's finally stopped crying to promise that you'll replace it again if it gets destroyed; make him cry all over again >:)
- Expect the biggest, warmest hug from him once he's recovered from his Emotions!!! I'm talking a bear hug that lifts you off the ground, here. He doesn't have the best way with words, so his instinctive way to show gratitude is through squishing you with love.
- If a chainsaw gets anywhere near his head after he gets the wig from you, someone's getting knocked out. He's going to care for his new wig like it's his first born child.
- If he could, he'd glue to to his head <3
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👀👀 not gonna name names but SOME of u are sweet and kind and deserve the world and i am rooting for u
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Omg can't believe you're back! Can I request some generally fluffy hcs for Michael?
Hi Ducky!! Yes of course <3
Michael Myers HCs
- We're in October, so let me offer you this: HALLOWEEN FESTIVITIES WITH MICHAEL
- Don't take him pumpkin picking. Why? Because he's going to end up in an unspoken competition with all the other guys who've been dragged to the pumpkin patch by their S/Os and they're all going to throw their backs out trying to carry the biggest pumpkins home.
- Yes, this includes Michael; he may be supernaturally strong, but his lifting technique? Nonexistent. Save everyone the trouble and the testosterone and bring the pumpkins home yourself.
- Once the pumpkins have been acquired, get ready to clean up stray seeds and pulp for the next week; pumpking carving with Michael is a messy endeavor. Seriously, he’s even going to get it on your ceiling, somehow.
- He insists on scooping the “guts” out with his hands, because he’s a heathen. He’s absolutely going to give you the Exasperated Look of Doom when you push him out of the way and use a big spoon to scoop the rest of the seeds out, but it will mostly be for show; he’s not really a fan of the squash-y smell.
- He ends up getting super focused on carving into his pumpkin, and the end result is a really pretty and detailed design rather than a standard Jack O’Lantern face. Yes, this does means he’s going to judge your pumpkin carving skills (or lack thereof.)
- Don’t even try to get between him and his Halloween candy. Doesn’t matter that Halloween is weeks away, he’s eating his mini snickers bars now. If you point out that the candy is for future trick-or-treaters, the look he’ll give you will bring to mind the wise words of Lil Yachty. Man, fuck them kids, bro.
- MICHAEL IS A SLUT FOR APPLE CIDER. It doesn’t matter what type of apples were used, what spices are in it, where it came from; someone could put arsenic in it and he’d still chug it. Part of you might get annoyed that you never get any, but let’s be real, the relief of seeing him ingest something mildly healthy will cancel out the irritation.
- You have two options when it comes to couples’ costumes; a “final victim” and a murderer, or sheet ghosts. Not the most exciting options, but the fact that he’s willing to dress up at all is a miracle. (Read: the sheer volume of sugar he’s ingested this month has gotten to his brain a bit and made him less of a Grump™)
- A nice loophole to exploit: he didn’t specify which final victim/murderer duo, so if you come home with, oh, I don’t know, a hockey mask, or a Ghostface one, he’ll begrudginly swap outfits, just this once. No, it has nothing to do with the fact that your excitment about his agreement is painfully cute. Stop giggling, go get your costume on, or something.
- MIchael is absolutely catching a cold when it starts coolig down outside, and he’s absolutely going to be a baby about it. This is both a blessing and a curse for you.
- Blessing: he’s not going to leave nearly as much, nor will he be as inclined to get up and walk away if you do something annoying and/or cute. He’s also going to be far less prickly, and almost *whispers* cuddly while he’s under the weather. Sure, he’s not going to go find you and ask for a hug, but if you come hug him, he’ll hug you back without the usual eye rolling and dramatic sighing!
- Curse: he’s not getting his ass off the couch for 2 days, minimum, and he’s going to demand that you bring him anything he asks for. He’s only slightly less intimidating while he’s sick, so you’re definitely going to get your exercise while caring for him and his man-cold.
- Should you get sick (most likely thanks to him) he’ll be quite considerate. He’s not going to bring you everything you ask for, nor will he hang around to watch you cough and sniffle. But, when you wake up the next morning, the waste basket next to your bed will be empty, there will be medicine sitting on your nightstand, and sweetly enough, you’ll find that you were tucked into bed :<
- Nope, Michael has no idea how any of that happened. Must’ve been a ghost. Shut up, how would he know what a ghost does?! You can’t see it, obviously, but you know he’s blushing under the mask, no matter how hard he glares.
#reply#went for more new gen/can live without the mask for a bit mikey for these hcs#because i feel like i don't do enough with the new gen version of him tbh#also can you imagine him glaring at a bunch of dudes in flannels holding a giant ass pumpkin#slasher headcanons#slasher hcs#slasher x reader#michael myers x reader#Michael Myers#slasher imagines
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Hi, hi! Hope i don’t bother you, can i have a match up? I’m a female, 5’3, pansexual, INFP, gemini, 4w3. Im a rlly emotional and sensitive person, i tend to talk about my special interest A LOT, i have anxiety so when in comes to socialize with ppl in real life i get so nervous i still like to make friends tho! I’m impulsive, a big daydreamer and i make a lot of jokes (sometimes are sexual jokes). My special interest are horror movies, paranormal stuff and horror in general, my hobbies are drawing, listening to music and reading, i talk 2 languages (english and spanish) and i’m mexican. I have short dark brown hair, i tend to have a lot of small pimples, i’m not skinny but i’m not chubby either, my thighs are big and soft tho and i have tummy rolls. I’m open minded and rlly insecure about myself, my friends say i’m like a panda bear. <3
No bother at all, lovely!
I ship you with...
Jason Voorhees!
- Say goodbye to being insecure; you just got yourself the biggest, strongest cheerleader in the world! Jason loves every single inch of you and is only too happy to remind you of this any time you seem to be down on yourself.
- Seriously, he thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, inside and out! Any flaw that you think you have, he adores. Besides, it’s what’s on the inside that counts most, anyway, and Jason just knows that your heart is made of gold 💛
- Jason is also quite sensitive, so the two of you might walk on eggshells for a little bit, trying not to make the other upset. But once you’re comfortable around each other, he’ll seek you out for cuddles any time something has upset him, and he’ll expect you to do the same. Cuddle time = best time.
- He could listen to you talk about your special interests for hours! He loves the way your eyes light up when you get excited as you’re talking, as well as how animated you get. You’ll have to hold in your laughter when he gets terrified as you start talking about paranormal things, despite being a paranormal being himself.
- He thinks you’re a genius because you speak two languages! At first he’ll have no idea what you’re saying, of course, but he’ll be surprisingly quick to recognize the Spanish words that you say, and before long he’ll be able to hand you whatever you’re asking for, do whatever you’ve asked him to, etc.
- If you tend to wander when you daydream, you’re going to have a massive shadow while doing so. Big baby is terrified that you’ll get hurt by something, or worse, that you’ll end up near the water :< should you get too close to the water for his liking, he’ll very gently grab your hand and lead you away.
- Watching you draw inspires Jason to draw! His lines are a bit squiggly, and he pressed down a bit too hard on the paper here and there, but the portrait of you that he hands over on your anniversary is adorable and full of love. No, really; he drew little hearts all around the edges of the paper 😭
- TL;DR you’re the light of Jason’s life as well as his muse and he adores you 💛
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🌺send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going🌺
I love you sm you absolute angel ; ^ ;
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👉👈 can i get some yautja with s/o that's literally infatuated with him? Like damn you're one beautiful mofo, loves everything they do (hunting, growling, or just breathing) and just overall act like a cough cough simp
Of course you can Ducky <3
Yautja with an S/O that's a simp lmao
- Your Yautja is going to be so. Damn. Smug. They love to impress their mates, and clearly they're doing so with you (even though they have no idea what they're impressing you with.)
- Please never tell them that you're impressed with literally everything they do. Why? Because if you don't, they'll start trying to figure it out by doing the things they see humans doing in media and gauging your reactions.
- Flexing their muscles, showing off their strength, even mimicing "gentleman" behaviours like holding doors for you; they'll do anything that makes humans on TV swoon, watching you closely as they do.
- When they come to the conclusion that you'll fawn over whatever they do, they're going to get even more smug, but they're also going to feel the need to smother you in affection; you admiring them so much is just so cute!
- They will pick up on the things they do that make you simp especially hard, though, and they'll 100% use that information to tease you. Oh, what's that? You can't focus on what you're doing because they're working out right across from you? Oopsy!
- Your adoration is going to make their ego so big, but it's also going to dial their protectiveness over you up to 100 as if it wasn't up there already lmao
- They already see you as tiny and fragile, but something about the way you fawn over the smallest things that they do has them wanting to wrap you in plastic bubbles and hiding you from the world.
- If you ever simp over them while you're around other Yautja, your mate is 1000% going to exaggerate whatever they're doing to pull a stronger reaction from you, so their friends will be jealous that their mates aren't as adorable as you.
- TL;DR your Yautja is going to get a big ol' head if you simp for them lol
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Hihi! I was reading through your work and I love it and saw your requests were open! If you’re able to, could you do Michael with a female poc s/o? I did Halloween movie marathon just in time to go see the new one! I love Mikey so much🥺🥰
Hi Ducky, of course!! I'm working with limited knowledge on this particular subject so please come back and tell me if I get something wrong okay? 💜💜
Michael with a POC S/O
- He understands that your hair needs to be cared for differently than his does, but he doesn't understand what that entails at first, so on more than one occasion he's going to come home with an armful of hair care products that he thinks will be useful and dumps them on your lap.
- If you point out which ones are actually useful, he'll remember them and you'll somehow never run out of them. Oh, every store in town is missing those specific products?? How strange, Michael wouldn't know anything about that.
- This also applies to products for your skin, and makeup that complements you, if that's your thing. He might pretend to only tolerate you, but we all know he'll do whatever to make you smile.
- He likes to watch you do your night time routine, but at first you're probably going to be freaked out by how closely he watches you lol. He's a 3-in-1 soap user, so you having an actual routine is fascinating to him.
- Wanna see Michael's brain short circuit? Put on cocoa butter before he comes home one night.
- It's no secret to you that he loves the way it smells, but what is a secret (or so he thinks) is that he loves that your skin looks extra radiant after you moisturize. So when he comes home from a long day of murder work and catches the familiar scent, his brain will just. Stop. I'm praying for your bed frame if you take this advice though lmao
- A heartbreaking yet undeniable fact: Michael thinks ketchup is considered to be spicy food 😔 on the bright side, if you like spicy food you'll never have to worry about sharing! It will take exactly one (1) instance of him swiping a forkful of what you're eating for him to never EVER touch your plate again.
- This does NOT apply to sweets, however. You better guard those desserts with your life because he'll snatch them right out of your hands and only feel a little bad about it.
- Michael is unexpectedly good at helping you wrap your hair at night, once he watches you do it yourself a few times. You'd probably expect him to do it too tightly at first, but it's actually the opposite; he's not-so-secretly terrified of hurting you, so the scarf will end up being too loose until he's absolutely positive that he won't do something to hurt you.
- Lord have mercy on anyone that might go after you over your ethnicity, because Michael sure won't. He has 0% tolerance for bullshit anyway, but especially so when it comes to you. The scariest version of him you'll ever see will be the version that comes out when someone is racist towards you.
- TL;DR Mikey is a little confused, but he's got the spirit!
#reply#multiversequeen2b#i asked my stepmom what she appreciates my dad doing for her and went from there so hopefully i don't sound like an idiot lol#slasher hcs#slashers x reader#michael myers headcanons#michael myers x reader
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Heyoo!! Can I get a slashers of your choice with a gn!S/O that likes making masks? I'm talking clay masks that are abominations. Masks that no man would dare catcall. Thank you, and have a nice day!! ❤❤😘
Of course!!!
Slashers with an S/O that makes masks!
Bubba Sawyer
- Masks? Scary masks? Will you make him one?! Bubba is your biggest supporter in this endeavor. The wilder, the better in his opinion! Sure, they might freak him out at first, but only until the first time he sees you wearing one. Bonus points if the masks you make freak out his brothers.
- Does he want to help? Absolutely! Should he be allowed to help? Not really! It's not that he can't be careful, because he absolutely can be, but he's going to be so excited that clay will go flying, or he'll smush a feature he just spent 10 minutes scuplting, or something in that realm.
- It will only take two or three times of him wanting to tear his hair out before he decides to just watch you with all of his attention. Leather isn't as squishy as clay, so he'll stick with what he knows.
- If you make a mask for him, he's never gonna take it off. Not even if his brothers beg him to. It's a gift from his baby! They'll just have to learn to love it as much as he does.
- He absolutely wants to watch you strike fear into the hearts of men with your masks. Nothing in the world could be more hilarious to him than seeing his love, that he sees as so lovely cute, being absolutely terrifying to unsuspecting people.
Jason Voorhees
- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT NO NO NO - Y/N? OMG DID THAT THING EAT YOUR FACE????? He’s not going to be able to comprehend the mask at first. Give him a little bit to process it and he’ll stop hiding from it, he promises!!
- Once he’s calmed down, though, he’s going to be fascinated, if a little jumpy around it. He desperately wants to watch you make one, if only to assure himself that it’s not alive.
- When you let him sit and watch, though, he ends up 2 inches from your hands, watching them sculpt like he’s hypnotized. He’s not the craftiest, for obvious reasons, so watching you do something so delicate and with such precision, he’s entranced.
- More than once, he’s fallen asleep while watching you create a mask. You seem so calm and peaceful while you’re working, and the way your hands move is so soothing to watch, that it’s really no wonder he can’t keep his eyes open.
- If you make a mask for him to wear, he’s probably going to be nervous about putting it on. It’s wonderful, he swears it is!! It’s just....It’s not going to eat him, right? Don’t laugh!! It won’t, right?! Once he’s finally convinced to put it on, he’ll only wear it for a bit. Not because he’s scared, but because he’s afraid he’ll mess it up if he has to deal with a rogue camper!!!!
- He’ll admit that the masks you make are quite useful when dealing with unwanted guests, though; campers run from you and your terrifying creations way faster than they run from him. Hmm, maybe he’ll reconsider keeping your mask as a decoration...
Michael Myers
- Please, I beg you, put on one of your masks and stand behind him once. The way he’ll jump when he turns around will be the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. Don’t do it more than once, though, because the next time he’ll be an asshole and rip it off of you.
- He’s not afraid of them, but he’s not really fond of them either. He’ll get a bit huffy if you wear them around the house frequently, and they might start disappearing. He prefers to see your gorgeous totally average face, that’s all.
- Let’s be real; no man is going to be brave enough to catcall you with Michael constantly following you around, but if somehow the opportunity arose for you to terrify a man with one of your masks, that would be one of the few times Michael laughed out loud.
- It wouldn’t be a quiet laugh, either; crabby man would be bent in half laughing at the fact that some idiot man got scared by his sweet, adorable baby completely non-threatening S/O. Said idiot man is going to be dead by tomorrow, anyway, but still.
- Pro tip: if Michael is getting huffy because you’re wearing a mask at home or ignoring him in favour of making a mask, offer him a deal. He gives you cuddles and/or kisses, you give him your attention. He won’t be happy about it, but he will absolutely take the deal.
#reply#anonymous#slasher headcanons#slashers x reader#jason voorhees x reader#michael myers x reader#bubba sawyer x reader
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Hi, I was wondering if I could have a matchup? If it’s alright could I have a platonic and a romantic matchup? If not can I have a romantic matchup, please?
I’m a 5’5 female. I’m slightly chubby but I’m stronger than I look. I like sewing, cooking, and reading. I love to watch horror movies and comedy. I have ADD so my attention span is a little wonky, and I can go on tangents about things I love. Halloween is my favorite holiday as well as the rest of my families and we tend to go all out.
I have a bit of a sweet tooth and love to make food and sweets though I'm not the best baker. I can make cookies and muffins but that's about it. I love puns and use them mostly to get a rise out of my sister and mother who hates them with a passion. I like animals and children, and I’ve been called the “kid wrangler” at my church. I’m loyal to a fault especially towards my family and friends. My self-esteem isn't that great, but I have been working on it. I tend to be a bit oblivious to when I'm being flirted with or when I'm flirting with people.
Hi Ducky, of course!!
Platonically, I ship you with...
Jason Voorhees!
- Truth be told, he's probably going to be drawn to you because you remind him of his mother. He wants to watch you cook and sew, and of course he wants you to read to him!
- Realistically, big baby won't be any help in the kitchen and he knows this, but if you give him something small to do he'll be so happy!! He really appreciates your effort to include him in things he used to get shooed away from.
- A lot of your puns are going to go over his head but he's going to fake laughter (exaggerated shoulder movements that he's seen other people do when they laugh) anyways, so as to not make you feel silly.
- You're absolutlely going to have to smack his hands away from the sweets you make, even if you don't think they're especially good. He'll put himself in a sugar coma if given half the chance.
- Jason isn't much for teasing you, but when he is in a playful mood you can expect him to jokingly put his elbow on the top of your head, or hold something out of your reach just to watch you get annoyed.
- He's a great listener and loves to bear witness to your tangents! He figures it's the least he can do, since you put up with his lack of noise. He'll do his best to keep up, but you're absolutely going to see a confused Jason on a daily basis lol.
Romantically, I ship you with...
Brahms Heelshire!
- I won't lie, he's going to drive you up a wall at first. It's a good thing you're known for your child wrangling skills, because he's going to act like one when you first arrive.
- The most childlike and nerve-grating thing he does is beg you to bake him sweets. He will go on for hours if you don't scold him lol. But once you've put your foot down a few times, he'll settle down. As long as you give him some consoling kisses, afterwards.
- When you do happen to bake something, though, don't be surprised if it disappears within the hour. And don't say it's not the best; it's the most delicious baked good he's ever had!!!! He can taste the love you made it with!!!
- The first time you do something that shows how strong you are, he's going to be so shocked. How did you lift that?! Are you magical?? In his head you’re the definition of delicate, so the reality is mind-blowing for him.
- Surprisingly, he’s really good for your ADD. Maybe his mother’s nature rubbed off on him, or maybe it’s the manners he was raised with, but he’s incredibly polite when he has to interrupt you while you’re rambling, and once the two of you have gotten comfortable with each other’s habits, he’s very good at redirecting your attention without being too blunt or rude.
- He loves your love of Halloween! He’s going to want to dress up in a couples’ costume with you and decorate with all of the most ridiculous decorations the world has to offer. You’ll have to keep an eye on the candy dish for trick-or-treaters, though, because he’s totally going to try and swipe it for himself.
- If you start getting down on yourself, he’s going to be right there to make you feel better. He adores you and won’t hesitate to tell you all of his favourite things about you. He’s pretty much always focused on you, so he has no problem telling you about adorable habits that you’ve never even noticed doing! Seriously, he’s your biggest fan, and it’s going to be incredibly difficult not to feel loved when you’re with him.
#reply#galaxykrystal123#slasher headcanons#slasher imagines#slasher matchups#slasher x reader#brahms heelshire x reader#jason voorhees x reader
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Michael: Why is there always a law against everything I wanna do?
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