#if u can’t handle that it’s not for you
memento-rory · 3 days
Hi Rory do u by any chance want to write a part 2 of the poly! Tedschlatt cause I'm crying rivers rn💔
because everyone has asked so nicely and i am a benevolent ruler… i shall oblige. (find part one here.)
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it’s the first time you’ve seen ted and schlatt in person since the devastating break up about six months ago (or seven, in schlatt’s case). you’ve avoided all social gatherings you know they’ll be at since you share mutual friends, but said mutual friends are not letting you miss out any longer. it’s jarvis’s birthday, and his one birthday wish from you was that you’d show up and have a good time.
they don’t notice you as you slip through the front door, and you’re glad. you’re hoping to spend all evening unnoticed by them, but you know that’s not plausible. you’re in a relatively small space and they both stand a whole head above a lot of the crowd. they’re going to spot you eventually.
you can see them in the kitchen, convened around an island covered with various alcohols and mixers, just shooting the shit. you so badly want a drink, but there’s no way you’re going in there.
so sweet, sweet jarvis does it for you, returning with a drink and ted and schlatt’s eyes on his back. you thank him, telling him to go enjoy himself on his birthday. he eventually does, but it takes some convincing on your part that you are okay, that you can handle it. as soon as jarvis moves away from you, you find yourself directly in ted and schlatt’s line of sight.
you don’t react — you cannot give them the satisfaction — but they do. both of them look equally shocked to see you, and they share a look that you can’t quite place, but you don’t take too much time to analyze it. you move further into the house, away from their eyes, trying to find someone to just sit and talk with so you don’t feel so goddamn awkward.
you wind up on the couch with eddy and chrissy, catching up with them after not seeing them in person for a while. they’re both so understanding, and you feel bad that you’d let your breakup keep you away from the people you care about for so long.
it’s not long before ted and schlatt make their way to the living room, joined by a couple other people, and you try not to pay them any mind. in the middle of a conversation, ted makes a joke and you swear you spot him eyeing you for approval. schlatt’s eyes haven’t left you — he’s never been very subtle — and it makes your skin heat up.
after a while, you move to excuse yourself, suddenly feeling a little suffocated by all the bodies in the room, opting to step outside for some desperately needed air. as soon as the door closes behind you and the cool night air hits your face, you let out a deep breath.
you hear the door creak open behind you, and you see ted and schlatt both exit the house, shutting the door behind them. they both look so good, dressed up a little fancier than normal for the special occasion. you can see ted’s fashion era has been rubbing off on schlatt. the wind picks up for just a moment and their colognes mix in the air, the combined scent making you a little weak in the knees.
there’s a beat of silence as the three of you just stare at each other, and you worry that they can hear the way your heart pounds against your ribcage.
“hey.” ted breaks the silence. (he knows it’s not a great start.)
“hey.” you respond back, the word catching in your throat a little.
“been thinkin’ about you,” schlatt says, “how ya been?”
you want to scoff at him, but you resist. “fine,” is all you say, clipped and cold.
ted releases a quiet sigh. “(y/n),” he starts, and you cut him off.
“don’t say my name like that.” there’s a hint of a frown on your face as you speak, “i know exactly what you’re gonna say. ‘don’t be like that, (y/n),’” you quote him in a low voice, gesturing mockingly. “how am i supposed to be, exactly, when the two of you decide you want to, what, make small talk with me? seriously?”
“you’re right,” ted says, and you pause. you’d expected him to get defensive like he always had months ago. “i shouldn’t have lead with that. that’s my bad.”
“…yeah, it is.” you finally say, your stubbornness winning.
“look, (y/n), we came out here to tell you we fucked up.” schlatt tells you. “like, the fuck up of all fuck ups. we’re fuckin’ miserable without you, toots.”
“you sure haven’t seemed miserable.” you spit out, and schlatt looks at ted for help.
“he’s right,” ted nods, and you can see in his eyes that he’s not bullshitting you. “we really fuckin’ miss you.”
you don’t say anything. you don’t really know what to say.
“all fuckin’ night tonight, all i could think about was how fuckin’ badly i wanted to be sitting next to you on that couch. makin’ ya laugh, holdin’ your hand.” schlatt says, taking a step toward you. he reaches down and takes your hand, and you let him.
“you guys really hurt my feelings,” you tell them, your gaze shifting between the two of them. your voice cracks as you speak, your eyes welling up with tears that threaten to spill over. “you broke my heart, both of you. how do i know you won’t do it again?”
“we won’t ever hurt you again.” ted says, taking your other hand, “we swear, (y/n). we were both so fuckin’ stupid. we’re not stupid anymore.”
you bite your lip as they both stare down at you, softly, hopefully. they seem genuine, and all you could ever want is the two of them in your arms again, for now and forever.
“okay.” you murmur, and schlatt’s immediately letting go of your hand to take your face in his hands, planting a kiss on your lips. you melt into him, still holding ted’s hand. when schlatt pulls away, he turns your body towards ted, who descends upon you, slotting his lips between yours. schlatt makes his way behind you, placing soft kisses to your neck, unable to keep his hands off of you.
“as much as i missed this,” you say, as ted moves to the other side of your neck, “we cannot make out in jarvis’s driveway.”
“fine,” ted groans, and schlatt hesitantly detaches himself from you. “let’s go back in and tell everyone the good news.”
“and then we should find somewhere else to make out,” schlatt adds, beaming over at the two of you, “got a lotta fuckin’ time to make up for.”
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badkitty3000 · 2 days
there wouldnt be any way u wld write a slightly sub five fic like you did with him and vivi? .... :)))
Ask and you shall receive! In this one, you and Five are working as trained assassins and you're not exactly happy with him. Enjoy! 😽
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Five x Reader One-shot, 5,202 words
Warnings: Smut, light bondage (very light), light dom/sub, oral sex
If Five noticed your silent treatment on the drive over to the crappy motel, he hadn’t let on. You waited with increasing irritation as he took his sweet time getting the room key out and opening the door. If you weren’t set on not talking to him, you would have not-so-gently reminded him that he didn’t need a damn key in the first place, but you let him struggle instead. Once he opened the door for you, you pushed past him and threw your bag and rifle case on the one sad and saggy double bed in the room. You crossed your arms over your chest, looking around with a scowl.
“This place is a dump.”
Five shrugged, setting his own bags down on the floor and shrugging his suit jacket off before placing it on the back of the one chair provided.
“It’s not great, I’ll admit, but could be worse.”
His casual tone told you he had not, indeed, picked up on your anger. As you stood there, glaring daggers in his direction, he finally looked up and had the nerve to act surprised.
“What’s wrong with you?” he asked.
You put your hands on your hips. “You want to tell me what the hell that was back there?”
Five balked, the innocent look on his face aggravating you even more. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
With a loud huff, you turned to start unpacking your bag. “Of course you don’t.”
There was a pause and then Five sighed. “Well, are you going to tell me what you’re mad about, or do I have to start guessing?”
“You seriously don’t know?” you asked, spinning to face him.
He shook his head, putting his hands in his pockets in that way that told you he was starting to get fed up with your passive-aggressiveness. “No, I seriously don’t know.”
You gestured in the vague direction of the door, indicating the outside world you’d just come in from. “Out there. When you literally pushed me out of the way and took my shot.”
Five rolled his eyes and sighed. “That? You’re mad about that?”
“You knocked me on the ground!”
“I helped you back up,” he said with a smirk.
You made a frustrated growling noise and clenched your fists together. “That’s not the point! You’re supposed to be my partner! You’re supposed to support me! I had the fucking shot!”
Five hung his head and then looked back up with a grin that you immediately wanted to smack off his face. He walked over to you and placed his hands on your shoulders, cocking his head to the side in a condescending way.
“As your long-suffering partner, of course I support you 100%. But I’m not going to sit there and watch you make an error that could get you or both of us killed.”
You scowled up at him and shook yourself free from his grasp. “That’s a bunch of horse shit and you know it! I had that shot set up perfectly. Just because you can’t handle a little competition does not mean you get to just shove me out of the way like that.”
He sighed heavily and rolled his eyes again. “You did not have it set up perfectly. You would have missed.”
“I would not have,” you spat back between clenched teeth.
“With the way you were aiming and the fact that you hadn’t accounted for wind trajectory and velocity, you absolutely would have missed.”
You threw your hands in the air. “Of course, I factored in the wind trajectory! What do you think I am, a moron?”
“Of course I don’t. Stop being so dramatic.”
“That’s it,” you snapped, turning back to your bag on the bed. “I’ve had enough. I’m asking for a new partner when we get back.”
“Oh, is that right? You’re just going to waltz in there and ask for a new partner?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. Because whoever else they can pair me up with has to be better than someone that can’t possibly admit when they’re wrong.”
“Uh-huh,” Five nodded. “You going to ask for a new husband, too, while you’re at it?”
“Maybe I will!”
“I don’t think that’s how that works, darling.”
A few seconds passed and you felt his arms wrap around your middle from behind. He rubbed his face into your hair and kissed your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he said, not in the least bit convincingly, and you could feel the smile on his face.
“I don’t think you are.”
He moved your hair away from your neck and kissed the side. “I’m so very, very sorry. And if you come join me in the shower, I can show you how sorry I am.”
You closed your eyes and held your breath for a few seconds before letting it out in a loud exhale. He always knew how to get to you. And how to make you weak for him. But this time you were not going to give in. You were still too pissed.
“No, thank you,” you responded brusquely.
You felt that smirk against your neck again, before he moved down to your collarbone, using his teeth to very gently scrape across it over your shirt. Your mouth pressed together in a straight line as you tried not to give in.
“Please, sweetheart. You know you can’t stay mad at me,” Five mumbled against your neck. “Especially when I saved your life.”
“RAHHH!” You yelled, turning around so quickly that Five stumbled backward in surprise. “You did not save my life or anyone else’s! I had the shot!”
Five ran a hand down his face. “Ok, honey, you had the shot. I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about. Can we move on?”
As you stared at him with rage, you had to remind yourself that you really did love him. He was your husband after all, and it’s not like this is the first time his arrogance had created a rift between you two. And he was right when he said you couldn’t stay mad at him. You knew damn well it was just a matter of hours (probably less) before you’d give in and he’d have you on your back, moaning and crying for him, after accepting his half-ass apology and letting him make it up to you. Because, fuck, he really did know how to make you forget why you were mad at him in the first place.
Even though you were not ready to forgive him quite yet, you couldn’t help looking over his body, and the way that tailored suit fit him just right. Other married couples you knew had lost that lust for each other over the years. But not you two. It was usually part of your work routine to come back to your shithole motel after a day of hard-earned assassinations, and not be able to get one another’s clothes off fast enough. There was something about a loud and rough post-kill fuck that neither of you could get enough of.
You saw that flicker of amusement behind his eyes and a tiny bit of a smirk at the corner of his mouth, and you decided you really were still mad at him. But that anger was turning into something else. Something you could possibly use to your advantage.
Taking a few steps forward, you grabbed his tie in your fist and pulled him roughly into you. “We can absolutely move on. But here’s the thing. I’m still not buying your apology, so you can drop that little act. I do, however, have a way you can make it up to me.”
Five smiled. “And what’s that, love?”
“Get on the bed and I’ll show you.” You tugged harder on his tie. “Now.”
Five raised an eyebrow. He was not used to being ordered around in the bedroom, or anywhere else, for that matter. He did the ordering. You waited to see his reaction.
You could see the wheels turning in his head, trying to figure out if he wanted to play along or counter with his own demands. And truth be told, you’d probably give in immediately if he took charge like usual.
He gave a small nod of assent and you let go of the tie. He sat on the side of the bed and waited for you to direct him.
“Lie down,” you instructed.
Five did as he was told, lying down on the bed, stretched out on his back. That small, smart-ass smile was creeping back again and it was only fueling your desire to dominate him.
You shoved the bag and your gear off the bed and climbed on. You were still dressed in your own matching suit, although yours was fitted and tailored for a woman. Your shoes were kicked off and you threw your blazer to the side and ripped off your tie. Then you straddled Five’s thighs and looked down on him with an overly sweet smile.
“You are all mine, now. Isn’t that right, darling?” you said, using his usual pet name for you.
Five paused but nodded slowly again. “Yes.”
“And you’re going to let me use you however I want to, right?”
His eyebrows creased together and his mouth opened partially. You figured this would be where he would protest. To your surprise, he didn’t. “Yes,” he agreed.
“Such a good boy,” you praised, cocking your head to the side. “But, you know…I just don’t trust you. I think I need a little more assurance that you’re going to stay put.” You dropped the fake smile. “Hands over your head.”
Five hesitated only for a second before he stretched his arms over his head so that his hands were close to the headboard. You scooted your body up a little and grabbed his tie, unknotting it and pulling it out from the collar of his shirt. Wrapping the tie around his wrists and securing it to the headboard, you made sure to make the knot extra tight. You knew, of course, that Five had the same training you did and could easily get out of his restraint. Not to mention his handy superpowers that meant he was nearly impossible to imprison.
He pulled against the tie, but it was secure. He shook his head. “You do have amazing knot-tying skills, my love, but you do know I can just blink out of this, right?”
Of course you knew that, but you just looked down on him with an amused smile. “I don’t think you’ll be doing that.”
“And why not?”
“Because if you do, then you’re not going to be getting anywhere near this pussy tonight. And I know that’s what you’re dying for.”
You gave a little push against his groin while you were straddling him and he groaned quietly.
“So, here’s how this is going to go. You’re going to do everything I say. I get to decide when you’re going to eat me and if or when I’m going to use that big cock of yours. And I don’t really care how you get off, but you better make sure I come first. Understand?”
“Yes,” Five said softly, licking his lips.
With your thighs still hugging either side of his waist, you started to unbutton your shirt, exposing your tits that were spilling over the white lace bra you were wearing. You knew Five loved this bra. He had picked it out for you. And he liked you in white because he liked knowing his assassin wife was dressed like an angel underneath her blood-stained clothes. You were a ruthless killer, just like him, but he knew the real you. Inside you were pure and you loved him unconditionally.
You were still going to torture the hell out of him, though.
Throwing your shirt off to the side, you let him have a good look at you while you ran your hands up your sides and onto your breasts. You squeezed them together and rubbed the tips of your fingers over your hardened nipples. You looked him directly in the eyes and traced your bottom lip with your tongue. Five groaned and you felt his dick come to life under you. When you ground down onto him, he let out another gravelly noise and pushed his hips up; his cock becoming fully hard.
You leaned down and kissed his mouth, pausing to bite at his bottom lip with your teeth before pulling away. His breath began to quicken as you unbuttoned his white dress shirt, tugging the bottom out of his pants and opening it to reveal his chiseled torso. You made a soft whimpering sound and slid the palms of your hands down his chest, over his stomach, and down to his waist. Your hair brushed over his skin as you leaned down to place a line of teasing kisses down his body, starting at his neck and traveling down to his navel. You could taste the salt from his skin and smell his familiar scent that you couldn’t get enough of.
“Oh, Five…do you know how hot you are? The things I want to do to you?”
“Do anything you want. I’m all yours, sweetheart,” he breathed out.
You gave a small shake of your head, like you couldn’t believe he was already acting up for you, and then placed a light slap onto his cheek. “No talking unless I say so. Just lay there and look pretty for me, ok honey?”
Five gave a short laugh, but he shut up and didn’t say anything else. He shifted his body under you and you gave him a squeeze with your thighs. He was all laid out there for you, shirt open and his hands tied behind his head. Usually, you would be the one pinned underneath him, writhing in anticipation. Now things were totally in your control.
After one more aggressive roll of your hips into his, you climbed off the bed to undress yourself the rest of the way. Five watched each movement you made and when you were down to just your white, sheer panties that matched your bra, you smiled when he pulled at the tie again in frustration.
You liked to tease him, but you also had a few other plans in mind, and for that, you needed to be fully nude. Making sure he was watching closely, you shimmied out of your panties and stripped your bra off. Once you were naked, with Five practically salivating at the sight of you, you climbed back on top of him.
You rubbed yourself against his hard cock, trapped beneath the fine material of his dress pants. The firm bulge slid between your legs, adding a delicious amount of friction as you rocked your hips against him a few times. Five closed his eyes and let out a low groan.
“So hard for me already.” You pushed yourself down and he grunted. “I like that.” You tilted your head to the side as you continued to work him over, letting him watch as you humped his clothed cock; grinding down until you were sure it was a mixture of pleasure and pain for him. He hissed through gritted teeth and closed his eyes.
Taking a little bit of pity on the poor old man, and also not wanting to risk the chance that he may just come in his pants, you stopped gyrating on top of him. You moved down a little so that you could have access to the fly of his pants. You slowly unzipped his fly before shoving your hand in, cupping his balls through his boxers, and rubbing your palm over his erection. He was clearly trying to restrain himself, but you could see the way he desperately wanted more. His hips pushed up into your hand as he swallowed hard and sucked in a loud breath.
Five’s head fell back as you pulled his pants and underwear off, leaving them in a pile on the floor with the rest of your clothes. He was left in just his open dress shirt and nothing else, his arms stretched over his head and his hands bound to the headboard. It was the sexiest fucking sight you’d ever seen.
You were on top of him again, this time avoiding the urge to rub yourself on his dick, even though it was tempting as hell. But you wanted him to squirm a little bit more. Instead, you leaned down and kissed him roughly on the mouth, tangling your hand in his hair and pulling hard. Your tongue slipped inside and you sucked at his lips, devouring him. When you gave a severe bite to his lower lip, he winced and jerked against his restraints. You dragged your tongue across, licking up the few drops of blood that had seeped out. Your breath was ragged and loud as you sat back again.
“Sorry, baby,” you breathed out. “I got a little carried away because you’re just so fucking gorgeous. You ok?”
Five looked up at you, breathing hard as one side of his mouth turned up, accentuating the dimple on the side of his cheek. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, licking at the blood, and nodded.  
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Good. Because I have plans for that beautiful mouth of yours.”
With that as your warning, you crept up his body until his face was between your legs. On your knees, you grabbed onto the top of the headboard. He couldn’t hold onto you, or adjust his body too much underneath you, but you lowered yourself until you could feel his hot mouth against your wet and aching sex.
Five knew what you liked and how you liked it. He knew how to work you over with his lips and tongue. He moaned into you as he dragged his warm tongue up through your slit, tasting all of you. You whined loudly as you tipped your head back, closing your eyes. Everything felt so damn good; his tongue flicking at your clit, the warm wetness of his mouth as it completely engulfed you, and the stubble from his five o’clock shadow scratching your inner thighs. It was hard to hold back. You wanted to push down harder and start riding his face. As you grasped onto the headboard, you let out a high-pitched noise of frustrated restraint, allowing yourself to thrust onto him a few times before letting up again. After all, you didn’t want to suffocate the poor man. But fuck, it was incredible, and he was slowly driving you insane.
Five hummed, the noise muffled by the constant grinding of your dripping cunt against his mouth.
“Five…oh my god…” you groaned out. “You’re doing so good for me, baby…so fucking good.”
If you had a little bit more clarity about you, you may have noticed him laughing briefly before sucking and licking at you again. He wasn’t missing the irony of you using his usual comments of praise on him.
As you were lost in your own little paradise, you could feel him pushing his hips up, desperate for some sort of contact. You had hardly paid much attention to his cock yet, and he was starting to become a little desperate. You smiled down at him, still rolling your hips against his face.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. Keep going just a little longer, ok? Then I’ll give you what you want.”
You almost laughed at yourself. You really could not believe he was letting you get away with this. You expected him to blink out of his restraints at any second, appearing behind you before fucking you ferociously, all while reminding you who was really in charge. Instead, he continued letting you call the shots. And he sure as hell didn’t seem to be minding it.
Reaching behind you, you gave him one slow stroke up his hard shaft, making him momentarily lose concentration.
“Oh, fuuuck…” he groaned out. The words vibrated against you and you followed it with your own moan.
Which gave you an idea. You climbed off of Five’s face, letting him get in a couple of good gulps of air, while you repositioned yourself over him again; this time facing the opposite direction. You leaned forward, taking his cock in your hand and giving it a teasing lick around the head. When he made another desperate noise, you could feel the exhale of his breath against your wet pussy as you hovered over him.
“Do you want me to suck your dick, baby? Would that feel good?” you asked sweetly, giving it another lick up the side.
You felt another hiss of air against your skin. “God, yes,” he breathed out.
“Alright, I can do that for you. But you better keep eating me out, because if you stop, I stop. Got it?”
“Yeah, yeah, got it,” he whined and you smirked at his obvious need.
When your lips wrapped around his girth and slid down the shaft, slowly and deliberately, his hips thrust up into your face, making you swallow the entire thing, the head driving down your throat. As you began to gag and pull back, he relaxed back onto the bed. You removed your mouth and glanced back over your shoulder.
“If you do that again, you’re not going to get anything at all. So hold. Still,” you warned, squeezing his dick slightly just to remind him who was calling the shots.
There was a quiet huff of frustration, but he didn’t argue. When your mouth was back on him, he kept still, just like you instructed. You felt his tongue flick inside of your dripping hole as he lapped into you and you pushed your backside into him again. As long as he continued to mouth fuck you how you wanted, you continued to suck his dick. It was hard to concentrate and every time he moaned, you did it back in response because it made it that much hotter. The longer you worked his cock over, and the longer he ate you out, the more you wanted to feel him inside you.
Taking your mouth off of him, you moved again, turning around so you were facing him, kneeling between his legs. Five’s mouth was red and swollen, glistening and wet. His chest was heaving with the effort of trying to catch his breath after you were sitting on his face and from the amazing blow job you had just been giving him. You were panting, too, and you ran your hands down his torso as you started to straddle his waist. When you leaned down to kiss him, you grabbed his hair in your fist and pulled his head back.
“God, I love you, Five,” you snarled, before you were back to kissing him roughly again, sliding your tongue inside.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he groaned against your lips.
“I want to fuck you so badly right now. Do you want that? Want to sink your rock-hard cock into my tight hole that’s only for you?”
Five nodded, looking into your eyes with the desperation of a man who was on the edge. “Shit, yes, baby…I want you to fuck me.”
You pulled your mouth to the side and shook your head. You lined yourself up with his dick, rubbing your wet slit up and down, making him suck in a loud breath and close his eyes.
“Before I let that delicious dick inside, I need one more little thing from you, ok?”
He nodded slowly again, trying to thrust up into you, but you held tight. “Yeah, sure, whatever. Just…god damn it…what is it?”
You leaned in close to his face, your mouth less than an inch from his, and you grinned wickedly. “Admit I had the shot.”
Five was silent as he took that in, but his eyebrows furrowed together. “Excuse me?”
You tugged at his hair again and slid your slick folds over his shaft. Five grunted. “You heard me. All you have to do is admit I had the shot and that you just wanted it for yourself. Then I promise that I’ll ride you like a fucking bronco until you're filling me up with your cum. It’s so easy,” you cooed with fluttering eyelashes and a sweet smile.
The only sounds in the room were those of your collective, ragged breaths as you both waited each other out. It was a standoff. But you were pretty sure you had the upper hand. There’s no way he was going to be able to hold out.
He breathed out a long, loud exhale. “Fine. You had the shot.”
You smiled. “And?”
“And I just wanted it for myself,” he said quietly and clearly unhappily.
“So, you admit that I know what I am doing and you, Five Hargreeves, are not the only one out there that has a brain?”
Five growled, his teeth clenched together and his body jerking beneath you. “Yes! Fuck! I admit it…I told you! You were right, I was wrong. Now please…just fuck me!” His voice cracked with his begging.
You brought your hand down, tracing the lines of his jaw. “Thank you, my love. That’s all I wanted.” You gave him another patronizing smack on the cheek, this one just a little harder than you had before, which you only just realized a second too late. His head turned to the side with the force of it and a light pink mark was left in its wake.
His eyes flashed with that steeliness you had seen from him many times in the past. That darkness that would come over him when he would look at you like the prey he was about to consume. A small smile formed on his face, his dimple peeking through and creating a contrast of severity and innocence as he looked you dead in the eyes. Your pulse quickened at the sight and suddenly you weren’t feeling so in control anymore.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he said slowly in that dangerous voice of his. “I think we’re done with this game.”
You swallowed loudly. You didn’t think you could have gotten any wetter than you already were, but you were proven wrong when you felt a rush between your legs as your breath hitched in your throat.
There was one more second of eye contact before you were collapsing onto the bed on all fours, a flash of blue surrounding you, and Five’s body no longer beneath yours. There was no time to register what was happening before you felt strong hands on either side of your hips, pulling your ass back while you cried out in surprise. There was also no time before Five’s hard cock was slamming inside of you in one thrust. His hand gripped your hair as he started fucking you.
“Five!” you exclaimed, inhaling a stuttering breath as he continued to rail into you. “That’s too…oh, fuck…keep going.”
You heard a quiet laugh from behind you, right before your body was tugged upward by your hair, and Five’s mouth was on your neck, his harsh breath warming your already hot skin. His other hand snaked around to finger your throbbing clit and you tipped your head back with a pleading whine.
“Oh god…yes, Five…please…”
“Fuck, I love to hear you beg for me. Keep going...beg me to let you come on my dick. Beg for my cum inside you."
"Ahh...please, Five..." you could hardly think of words or any coherent thoughts as he kept driving himself inside you. "...please...come inside me!"
"That's what I needed...you're always so good for me," he said tenderly next to your ear before pressing harder into you with his fingers and rubbing circles against you.
Damn it, he always knew how to get to you. It had been a fun game while it lasted, but you both knew this was what you really wanted. To be dominated and praised by him. To be owned by him.
You came for him, just like he wanted, crying out his name and trembling against his body as he held you to him with all of his strength. He followed soon after, groaning into your neck and shoulder; his face pressed into you as he emptied himself inside you with long, pumping shudders of his hips against your ass.
When you were both left panting for air, skin damp and bodies weak, he moved from behind you and you laid down on your side. Five fell onto his back, his chest still working for air as he looked over at you with a smile that you returned. He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss.
“I knew you couldn’t stay mad at me,” he smirked.
You scoffed. “I had you begging for me and you confessed to being a big liar!”
Five shrugged. “Confessions given under coercion are considered false and inadmissible in court. I think you know that. Therefore, I admit nothing.”
Your mouth hung open for a second and your eyes narrowed. “I swear to god, Five, I really am going to get a new part—”
He cut you off with a kiss and a gentle hand on the side of your face. When you pulled away his smile had evolved from arrogant to sweet and loving. He stroked your cheek and lips with his thumb.
“You know I love you more than anything in the world and I would never do anything to get in your way or to try and make you look bad. You are my amazing, sexy, smart, bad-ass wife who can do everything I can do and more. So, I swear to you when I say—”
“I know,” you said quietly with a nod. “I was going to miss, wasn’t I?”
He kissed you again. “Maybe. Maybe not. But when it comes to you, I’m not taking any chances.”
You nodded again. “I know that. And I couldn’t ask for a better partner or husband than you.” Then you grinned. “But if you knock me in the dirt again, you’re going to pay with more than just your hands tied over your head and a little slap to the face. Understand?”
Five laughed. “Fair enough. But you never know…I might like it.”
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sirenedeslily · 3 days
mine (chris sturniolo) ˖ ݁𖥔 ݁˖
he’s a model, and she's a member of one of the world's most beloved girl groups, aespa. this is extremely niche and literally no one has asked for this.. don’t pay attention to the dates btw, they’re not an accurate portrayal of the timeline 😭 this is the stupidest shit i’ve ever done LMAO
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Liked by christophersturniolo and 6,232,129 others
lucidreamyn thank you @viviennewestwood 💋
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tayrussel ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
ilovegurls @ynsusupa they’ve BEEN friends
aerichandesu my pretty bb
lucidreamyn 🐈<3🐈‍⬛
ynlovergirl never beating the nana osaki allegations
omar.apollo cutest girl in there
txtbtsislife ???? 😡
amyriha_43 @txtbtsislife ??
txtbtsislife @amyriha_43 She can’t date anyone but Karina
stargirl.int @btstxtislife mind you.. he’s a twink 🤗
karirimi22 @stargirl.int RIGHT !!! hate karinayn shippers so bad
viviennewestwood no thank YOU ❤️
pridemonth67 am i the only one noticing chris’ like?
chrisbbmama They were at the same event 😫
ynnnnn_44 @chrisbbmama who’s Chris??
bunnyfawn1 @ynnnnn_44 he’s a really famous model
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Liked by lgbtdgaf333 and 654 others
fionapplerider saw the finest guy.. i MUST have him
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keehoe3000 did u get his number😭😭
fionnapplerider well…. 🧍🏻‍♀️ no….
keehoe3000 @fionnapplerider bro stop fumbling and lock tf in
bfrankwuremoceans @keehoe3000 ik the twink himself isn’t talking.. where’s ur man HOE
fionnapplerider @bfrankwuremocean MIRAH????!?!
jenesaiquoi a MAN??????
lgbtdgaf333 it’s horrifying yunjin.
2hot4uuu yn beating the gay group allegations 🙏
fionnapplerider someone’s gotta do it bae 💯🔥
vampdaughter idk i was focused on taylor…
fionnapplerider ofc UR gay ass was 😭😭😭
vampdaughter @fionnapplerider ??? didn’t you have a situationship with yves???
fionnapplerider @vampdaughter OK why r we bringing up the past NINGNING
stupidcheesekat you scare me yn..
fionnapplerider ur gf is insane but EYE scare u?
ozempicdemic @bfrankwuremoceans FIGHT BACK !!!
fionnapplerider @ozempicdemic ENYA???? u opp 🤬🤬
bfrankwuremoceans @fionnappkerider see i was gonna give you bros digits but you got me fucked up 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️
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Liked by damuncher and 3,745 others
iheartsosa i love my bitch crazy
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keehoe3000 there’s crazy n then there’s yn..
damuncher Padded walls and chained sweater crazy😭
iheartsosa That yn kim meal is delish boys, the craziest thing ab her is that 🐱
bratxcxbitch Disgust..
waylonfelipe no way she’s got you hooked on nana
iheartsosa Already on my second watch 🤣‼️
theslumpgod The Amount Of Times I’ve Tried To Get You To Watch Anime🤬
iheartsosa I’m sorry gang ): this shit is actually gas bruh
damuncher Kid flew all the way to Korea to get pepsi
vampdaughter IM SAYING LIEK WHAT
fionapplerider he didn’t want to try anything else man 🙁
fioanapplerider hi boyfriend
iheartsosa Hi girlfriend
fionapplerider come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth i’m feeling romantical
lgbtdgaf333 i just can’t believe that you’re able to hide the crazy so well /: the media shoukd know ab ur undiagnosed crazy..
billieeilish toy car is so goated
iheartsosa Real ‼️‼️ I was being a good boy
bfrankwuremoceans @iheartsosa bro was obedient fr
bratxcxbitch Need y’all to go public, i can’t handle these private posts anymore
iheartsosa Go kiss your boyfriend
omar.apollo @iheartsosa don’t bring me into this
fionapplerider happy 6 months loser
iheartsosa Right back at you idiot
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Hold onto your hats, K-Pop fans and fashionistas! It looks like there’s a new power couple heating up the streets of New York. K-Pop sensation YN Kim and model Chris Sturniolo were allegedly caught sharing an intimate kiss following the glitzy “Chrome Heart” grand opening. 📸💥
These two first crossed paths at the “Vivienne Westwood” runway show in Los Angeles, where sparks must have flown. Chris even confessed on the Zach Sang Show that YN Kim is his “ideal type.” Since then, it’s been all quiet on the western front with just a few minor interactions here and there.
But all that changed tonight! A sneaky paparazzo caught YN and Chris not only locking lips but also walking hand-in-hand through the Big Apple. Is this the start of something major? We’ll be keeping a close eye on these two! Stay tuned for the latest scoop! 💋🗽
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Liked by mirahterlude and 243,745 others
aespaupdates @christophersturniolo posting an aespa song via his instagram story 👀💋
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assofat50mg what do you mean? wait but what do you mean.. what do you though? like what exactly do you mean??? what does this mean? what do you mea
mitskiismymom Is he confirming everything?
lolololololol idk
irlnana696 @lololololol why are you replying then? 😭😭
ilovechickentenders54 he’s just not making this better for himself
stargirlint i promise you he does not care
wintergfwife NO NO NOT MY WIFE PLS TELL ME ITS FAKE NOOOOO my bbg sugarbooboo 🙁🙁🙁
awespamom grown woman mind you..
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter and 8,745 others
fionapplerider alt bitch sent me a spotify playlist bitch i'm from the hood do i look like listen to bjonk
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hamzahthefantastic the hood being the roblox game
fionapplerider well yes bae
keehoe3000 wait i’m seeing the vision w dat one chris pic hold on boy
fionapplerider you’d rather be TOPped like a TWINK than STOP and THINK.. don’t do that
damuncher Lemme tag the other twinks hold on @bratxcxbitch @bfrankwuremoceans @omar.apollo @vampdaughter @2hot4uuu @stupidcheesekat @lgbtdgaf333
bfrankwuremoceans @damuncher i’m gonna fuck u in the butt if you keep talking matthew bernard sturniolo.
ozempicdemic internet going crazy and u dgaf
fionapplerider idk i think it’s funny 🙁☝️
iheartsosa YN WHY WHY WHY
fionapplerider i’m going to fuck you perchance
iheartsosa Don’t tease me with a good time
fionapplerider who said i was teasing? open ur door
bratxcxbitch Disgust
iheartsosa My dream girl
ᨳུ⠀ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. @carvedtits @et6rnalsun @wovenribbons @flouvela @l34n to be added click here
my inbox is always open !!! pls feed it some content 🪽🎀 likes, comments & reblogs are highly appreciated.
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pinkandpurple360 · 2 days
There's this specific moment in Apology Tour that pisses me off to no end.
Blitz literally says "I don't know why you would even want to be with me." and this BIRD asks "You wanna know what I want?" And goes on this spiel of rom com fantasies. Like???? That was NOT what Blitz was asking!! And when Blitz points out that that's just rom com bullshit, Stolas says 'fuck u'???? Going off about how he sooo badly wants someone to want him and the whole rant is me, me, me, me. Its just Stolas projecting his pathetic delusional fantasies onto Blitz, and Blitz should feel bad for not achieving that,
I mean compare that to Fizz and Ozzie's conversation in S2 Ep7. When Fizz is having his doubts and self-loathing Ozzie states traits he sees in Fizz, such as resilience,. That Fizz earned his title without Mammon and was resilient and inspiring.
This just reinforces my question of WHY does anyone see Stolas and Blitz together? The fuck does Stolas see in Blitz?? I don't see their chemistry at all. Stolas is just too goddamn self centered and I can't with this bird no more
Yeah I saw that. like. Stolas. You do not actually love him. You never loved him. You were obsessed and like all passionate sparks of infatuation and lust, it died out. And you dare hate him for it now. Because “it never meant anything” how dare you? Why would the favours for favours deal you came up with mean anything? He just thought the imp was his only option, so in 25 years didn’t even try to reach out to anybody. How pathetic is he that he needs his daddy to buy him a friend, someone who can’t run away because of that class gap. He’s not likeable.
He is projecting his fantasies and the other guy is a ‘bad person’ for not fulfilling them. All stolas does is take take take. Asks for favours, jobs, sex, love, constant attention, and constant prioritisation. From this one guy, who has a life.
Stolas like all the others at the party, liked Blitzø cause he was “Fun! Thrilling! Exciting!” And brought that to their lives. They wanted a ‘crazy boyfriend’ But some of them didn’t like the actual mental illness part. Couldn’t handle it. Probably didn’t want to see it. I’m sure if they were asked why they liked him they’d say “I love how he made me feel! What he did for me” but when it comes to who he is, they don’t know.
One night stands aren’t “exes” by the way. Something is very off about the crowds Verosikas pathetic party. (Sorry Ver, but these parties are over the top loser fan behaviour)
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starlooove · 10 months
So ur telling me white ppl started buying up our hair oil just to keep it in for 2 hours, wash it out, and call it a treatment? Every time they use it?
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jewelleria · 1 month
I know it's not how you rationalize it to yourself, but your posts about Israel/palestine come off as a support of the destruction of Gaza and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Insisting that it's a war (Palestine isn't allowed to have an army, and Israel cannot claim self-defence against a territory they occupy), denying that Israel is at fault, obscuring support of Palestine in general as being motivated by antisemitism - it paints a picture.
At least 30 000, probably closer to 100 000 Palestinians have been killed as of now. That is so monumentally worse than anything currently happening to Israel / zionists. So when you spend most of your energy focusing on those wrongs, or insisting that people talking about Palestine should focus on them, it comes off as brushing it off or trying to diminish its importance.
You don't have to answer, as I'll be blocking you, but I'm asking you to please consider what you're willing to support, excuse or tone down, and why. I know what it's like to be too focused on the discrimination we're facing to really take in what other groups might be going through.
hey anon, that's some great useful idiot syndrome you got there. how much college debt did you go into to earn it?
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
cw: yandere reader, implied stalking, implied drugging, dubcon
hello………have u ever considered being yandere and convincing yourself that you and Deku are actual soulmates, and he just doesn’t know it yet. you try to get his attention for so long, through so many different ways (you try to become a hero, and then a villain, and then a helpless civilian and then—) and he just. never really notices you.
so you take matters into your own hands. you get him down somehow, when it’s late and not enough important people catch onto it until you’ve already gotten him. trapped him somewhere far that’s hard for most to find, tied up and at your mercy.
he’s so cute when he wakes up confused and groggy, asking, what’s going on, who are you, what is he doing here? but you can’t let him know your plans too early on, so you only sit on the bed beside him, smiling, running a hand up his naked stomach (when did you undress him?).
all hell breaks loose when he tells you that he doesn’t remember you, that you need to let him go, he doesn’t know you, you won’t get into much trouble for doing this. and that—and that’s heart wrenching? earth shattering?
how does your soulmate just not remember you, know you, love you as much as you love him? it stings more than cold metal slicing your flesh, and you cry. you cry so fucking hard into your hands at the rejection, defeated sobs wracking your body as he valiantly tries to calm you down.
so Deku, ever the kind and gracious hero that he is, comforts you. he coos to you, negates all your whining about how you must be too ugly for him, how you’re not good enough for him. he doesn’t realize the monster he’s enabling with his words until it’s too late.
he thinks he may be too kind for his own good, because in only a few moments, your tears have dried up and you’re perched on top of his chest. you look down at him with big, glassy eyes, head tilted as you cup his freckled and warm cheeks in your hands.
“You think I’m pretty?” you ask quietly, and he knows, he knows he shouldn’t cater to you. but Deku’s not a liar despite the circumstances he’s put in, and he’s sure if you would’ve approached him normally, he would’ve been interested in you.
“So pretty.” He whispers out in a rushed breath. the rest of his words get lost in his throat, his plea to be released, because you’re climbing over him. you only wear his shirt (when did you break into his apartment? how didn’t he notice? he just wore that shirt last night?) and a pair of underwear that you’re sliding to the side. you look at him with starry eyes that hold more adoration than he’s comfortable to look back at.
“Is…she pretty, too?” you ask, your voice low as if you’re scared of anyone else hearing you. Deku tries to look away, but you don’t let him, gathering the crown of his hair to force him to look at you between your legs, your other wrist holding your underwear away, fingers stretching your lips until your hole is exposed.
“Answer me.” you try to snap but your voice is so wobbly, so unconvincing for a stronger man. Deku doesn’t think he’s all that strong in the moment.
“Prettiest one I’ve ever seen.” He tries to convince himself he’s lying just to appease you, but the twitch of his cock tells him otherwise. you let out a breath of laughter, a grin so wide on your face it unnerves him and also makes him a little harder.
“Kiss her then, if it’s so pretty.” You tell him with a jut of your chin, scooting up until you hover directly over his mouth. Deku splutters, hesitates, tries to close his eyes. but he finds himself kissing back when you sit on his face, and he thinks—he thinks he might be a sicko for how there isn’t much coercion to devour you after that.
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kicktwine · 7 months
”black mages can’t move” WRONG double triplecast xenoglossy umbral soul strike
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strawbubbysugar · 10 months
your writing is making me insane /pos. fjdksjfjfh virus moon freaks me out but virus sun is so fucking scary. what would he have done to y/n if he wasn’t contained?
You ever heard of cuteness aggression?
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sggk · 2 months
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Funniest possible attempt at friend reconnection one year later
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jrwiyuri · 11 months
I forget that jrwi isn’t a fandom of like 30 people max.. wdym someone has a problem with poly pirates
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ultra-violetra · 8 months
if this purgatory event is so “bad for the server” then why have more ccs been logging on than ever 🤨 why has the qsmp tag been trending every day 🤨
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i’m just gonna say it
if u mod lae’zel to have a human nose
you are weak
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swordmaid · 3 months
was taking screencaps of shri’iia and astarion making out in the sewers like the little rats they are and I just caught shri’iia’s shy smile…..omg……what if I ended it all….
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started golden fool. i’m ill.
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palms-upturned · 4 months
Trying and failing to ignore how much worse I feel all the time than I used to and how badly I’m doing at taking care of myself and my environment and how well I used to be able to handle everything just a year or two ago compared to now is making me feel like my brain and body are both turning into toxic slutch
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