#i’d write something surrounding this but i can’t write and i don’t have enough med knowledge
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blue-jos10 · 7 months ago
‘wow dr minyard how are you so calm and patient even with the insane ones?’
‘i’ve had practice.’
786 notes · View notes
She can’t be my go-to anymore.
I love her. I’d do anything for her and I’d be there in a heartbeat if she needed me. I’d feed her. I’d feed her family. I’d hold her hand if she was weathering a dreadful storm.
I’d pick up her kid from school in a pinch. I’d give him an ice cream and ask about their favorite sports team. I’d keep them safe and protected. I’d go wherever, whenever if she had a flat tire and needed a ride. I’d bring her meds if she got sick and if she called, I’d answer without even thinking.
I’d do anything for her, but she can’t be my go-to anymore.
Things no longer go both ways. The love I give isn’t usually received. The calls I make go ignored. The texts are short and it’s usually me who initiates things. Invitations are brushed off and it’s just not there like it used to be, you know? I’ve tried and tried. But it’s just not there.
I’m not sure whether I did something wrong, or whether things simply faded on her end, and I’m honestly not sure I even want to know. Maybe she’s busy. Maybe she’s moved on. Maybe I was too much, or maybe I wasn’t enough. I don’t know and probably never will, and that’s okay, but on my end, the door is open for clarification, communication and coming back together. Life happens and and I get that.
All I really know is she can’t be my go-to anymore.
I will always want good for her. I’ll always cheer her on. I will always be one of her biggest fans. And here and there, when I feel led, I’ll send her a text and let her know. When I see her out, I’ll give her a gentle smile and a little nod and I’ll pray she feels my quiet admiration for her.
There will forever be a space in my heart that’s stamped with her name and memories of our connections that can’t be brushed off.
They meant something. Those laughs. Those secrets. Even all those times spent doing nothing special—running errands, grabbing coffee. They were meaningful and for a season, the sun was bright and things were warm. It was a good good friendship and I won’t forget on my end.
But I can’t beg. And I can’t change things. I can’t do this unhealthy chase anymore, and I think deep-down I always knew things were a little lopsided. I didn’t want to believe it then, but there were warning signs from day one. I just ignored them because I am who I am.
This plant that used to bloom so beautifully isn’t being watered on her end, and I can’t do it for us both. My time is too precious to waste giving to a plant that only wants to half-grow, and it honestly isn’t fair to her either.
I’m not the friend she needs right now, and it would be wrong of me to expect her to give what she isn’t capable of giving. It would be wrong of me to dump my struggles, my vents and my vulnerabilities on someone who isn’t in a season of being able to carry them. Sometimes the most loving thing you can do for someone is give them the space they need.
It shatters me to write that out, but sometimes, you have to accept the truth and hold your head high. Maybe things will change one day. Maybe they won’t. I don’t know. I’m not here to predict the future.
I’m here to live fully and to surround myself with people who want me, choose me and celebrate me, because heaven knows, I am loyal to my core. I’m not perfect, but I don’t want to stay where I’m simply tolerated either.
There’s some bitterness. No anger. No un-forgiveness. There’s resentment. No jealousy. No malice. And grief wrapped in acceptance. Sometimes things just are the way they are and the only thing you can do is control your reactions, your decisions and your attitude going forward.
She can’t be my go-to anymore.
So I’m opening these hands that have clung on to scraps and have wished for a different truth for a while now. I’m accepting what I didn’t want to accept. I can’t make magic out of dust. I’m choose to set my own heart free and I’m believing that another fruitful, meaningful and meant-to-be sisterhood will its way to me again.
I loved you. I love you.
0 notes
some-dr-writings · 4 years ago
SDR2 guys x intimidating looking but sweet S/O
Hajime Hinata:
·       You had been Hajime’s best friend for as long as he could remember. You were always so smart and the top in your class. Truthfully Hajime expected you to be invited to Hope’s Peak, but… you were always rambunctious. As smart as you were, you didn’t care for rules that existed outside ones of safety. You were labeled the school delinquent, getting into fights, breaking most rules for the sake of breaking them, doing whatever you could to get a reaction from others, all the while smiling and laughing away having the time of your life.
·       “Ah! Hajime! That’s amazing!” “Y/N!?” You scooped him into your arms, lifting off his feet, spinning around and around. “MY boy, going to HOPE’S PEAK ACADEMY! This is amazing!” Suddenly your spinning came to a stop, stomping a foot on the ground to do so. “Hajime. Hope’s Peak is far, so you’ll be moving right? If that’s the case, you better text me every day! Okay, you don’t have to if you don’t want too, but at least keep me informed of the big stuff like how your first day was or the school festival or at least the sports day! Or, OR! If you’d like, maybe I could move with you, somewhere close to the school and I’ll just get a job in the area so you could just talk to me in person! I would visit, but even by train it’s a two-day trip and I’d probably get board at some point and get kicked off, and there’s also studying for school or work or whatever I do.” A light pink dusted Hajime’s cheeks, feeling a bit flustered at how excited you were, still effortlessly him closely, high off the ground. He swore his heart began to race seeing your absolutely beaming smile which seemed to shine brighter than the sun to him.
·       When with his friends he’d speak of you often, not to the point of annoyance, just enough for them to know he clearly missed you. From how he described you, you seemed to be the sweetest, most wholesome person in existence despite being a bit rowdy. So when Kazuichi caught Hajime holding hands and appearing to be going on a date with a person covered in scars exposed by your unbuttoned shirt, haired dyed a bright blond, scary tattoos, spiked jacket and boots, even having a mask covering you face, nobody believed him till Hajime walked in on the conversation, saying that was you. After that they insisted on meeting you, wanting to know such a seemingly contrasting person existed, and when they did meet you, they gave Hajime their approval, even if he didn’t want or need it.
   Izuru Kamakura:
·       Many things Izuru found boring, but if he had to choose one thing he found more boring than anything else, it’d have to be the baseless rumors surrounding you, his partner, all because you had a scary face. It was so ridiculous he couldn’t even entertain the idea of you secretly being the heir of a yakuza gang or something so off the wall even he couldn’t recall. Whenever he heard such rumors as he walked down Hope’s Peak’s halls, he thought he may just fall asleep from how tiring it was, thinking about the mental gymnastics people had to go through to even come to such conclusions.
·       It was another day and again he heard of your imaginary exploits of having killed a man in cold blood for money or some such and instantly he just felt exhausted. He continued to walk till he stopped before a door and knocked. “Oh, hey Izu-baby. What brings you here?” “… I just found myself here.” You chuckled, simply opening the door, taking your boyfriend’s hand and leading him in.
·       You promptly plopped him into a seat, going off to get something, Izuru had the chance to examine the many brushes, hair products and hair accessories spread out on the counter. There were even several sticky notes on the edges of the large vanity mirror, neat writing noting some appointments you had. Seems like he had come in when you were cleaning between appointments. “I found a new brush and I think it should work well with your thick long hair.” You placed your a hand on one of the back rest corners of the chair, leaning a little over him, smiling as you held said brush before him. “Then test it.”
·       You giddily collected his hair, your touch occasionally grazing across his skin. Your hands though covered in cuts, slightly dyed from all your hair styling work, and probably tired from having worked for almost six hours straight according to the sticky notes, they still were ever so gentle, making sure to not get caught on or pull any knots. Then you began to brush, starting from the bottom and working your way up. “Izuru, you have a few split ends, and it’s been a while, mind if I give you a light trim while I have you here?” “You have an appointment in forty-three minuets.” “Hmm… Yeah, I can get this done in time.” Once you reached the top you gave his hair a few extra strokes from top to bottom, making sure you got everything. “Oh, I also found a new shampoo which can help your hair. It’s still so dull, but at this point it might be because of your diet since I can’t seem to find anything that can work for you. Have you been eating? Has the staff been testing you on talents again and not feeding you?” “No.” You were going to ponder for a moment, to try figuring out what your boyfriend’s problem could be when said boyfriend placed a hand on your cheek, lightly pulling you beside him. Closing his eyes, he leaned in and kissed you on the cheek. “You’re so exhausted you forgot we spoke of this very subject yesterday.” “Huh?” Your entire face flushed a bright red, still unused to Izuru’s sparce displays of affection. Then to your confusion he pulled you onto his lap. “I-Izu-baby?” “You are taking a nap.” For some reason in that moment of seeing you so flustered he recalled the rumors. The thought of you even harming a fly was laughable, you were the absolute sweetest, kindest, caring person he had ever met. Holding you close he simply leaned into you, thinking you could both use a nap together.
   Nagito Komaeda:
·       You made your own rumors. The ones about you secretly being an assassin, you started it. The one about how you once were an international thief, you did it. The one about you selling drugs, that one was actually an accident, you were just getting a friend their pain meds, but you spread about a few more stories like it not long after. Why purposefully spread rumors many would wonder… well… there were two reasons.
·       The first, you found most people annoying and simply didn’t want to deal with them, content with your small, very close friend group. It was the perfect way to get people to back off so you wouldn’t have to deal with them in their first place. You also found some fun in seeing people run from you from your presents alone, made you feel like some cartoon super villain which you found quite amusing.
·       The second reason… You had always told your boyfriend the first one, but to his confusion, you’d always avoid telling him the other reason. Nagito knew you’d had to have your reasons for not telling him, but… well you were his partner, of course he was going to worry a little even if it seemed you knew what you were doing.
·       But he could ignore it no longer when you took the blame for him. Nagito came up with a plan to blow up a building, forcing the exams to be delayed so his classmates could have more time to prepare for them… and you took for the blame for it, being expelled for a time, but not forever. You couldn’t even stay on your dorm on campus, winding up staying in some cheap hotel paid by the school.
·       “Why did you do it?” “Eh, Nagito?” “WHY! Why did you take the blame for me!? I was trying to get you more time so you could show off in glory, but now you’re stuck here. Why did you do it?” Nagito was always so calm and composed, likely from facing disaster after disaster caused by his bad luck, but he was actually troubled, he was upset, but not even at himself like he always did thinking himself trash, no, he was legitimately upset with you. “… Normally people greet their partner with a ‘hello’ or something.” The last thing you were expected to be greeted by your first morning exiled from school was your boyfriend in such a state. “I- No. Y/N, tell me, why?” “… I…” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, this new side you had never even thought existed, yet you also couldn’t bear to look at him either so instead you looked to his feet. “I don’t want to lie to you, but… I don’t want to tell you the truth either. But! What I can tell you, is that this is fine, I chose this, I wanted this. So, you don’t have to worry about me, this just means I have even more time to develop my talent.” You tried giving him a smile, but it just ended up strained seeing that didn’t placate him. W-why? He always saw everything ultimates did was amazing and respected even the worst of decisions, yet… he was mad, and sad, and so many other things you couldn’t pinpoint not being able to bring yourself to study his expression for long.
·       “No, this is not fine. What you did is not helping you. This is only a detriment. I-I-I, I just can’t understand! I can’t understand why. How did this turn out so wrong?” “… the other reason.” “Huh?” You spoke so quietly, it was but a whisper, Nagito had just barely caught it. “The other reason… It’s why I NEED a bad reputation, not just something I want for the fun of it.” You sighed, preparing for the inevitable Nagito calling himself trash and you trying to comfort him song and dance. “You’re such a volatile wild card. I never know what you’ll do next. Nagito, you literally tried to blow up a building with people inside, I know your luck probably would have saved them or something or you assumed the ultimates inside would save the day, but… that’s not healthy! You’ve been through so much and need help. I, I want to help you, but I just don’t know what to do. So… to me, the best I can do is try to protect you.” Even as his eyes widened, realizing what happened, you continued. “With a bad reputation, rumors of all sorts, both extreme and little, it can be expected that I can do anything without it being out of character. I can take on anyone’s bad actions and call it my own and all will believe it… Even if I can’t protect you from the insanity that is our life, the very least I can do is protect you from yourself, the consequences of your actions. I can’t get you to at last see yourself as decent, I can’t stop your luck from torturing you, this… this is all I can think of for what I could ever do for you… it’s the only kind of affection I can give without you saying or thinking you’re unworthy of it… though I guess I don’t even have that now, but… I don’t know, maybe this was-”
·       …
·       He hugged you. He didn’t know what to say. He took in everything you said, yet his mind was just blank. He had so much to say, yet he just could… All he could do was just nuzzle into you, one who was just so sweet and kind, and… he needed to better for you, Nagito at least new that for sure.
·       Imposter wondered how they ever were lucky enough to find a partner like you. They never thought they’d find anyone who could get them to see themselves as a person even without the disguises, let alone a whole class at one point. Yes, they still disguised themselves, but when they were just with you they felt okay to not keep the make-up, wigs and costumes. They were just… whoever they were without being someone else. Their own identity was something they still struggled with but working on it with your helped.
·       Individuals who could stay true to themselves no matter what were people they respected highly, that was probably what got them to fall for you in the first place. No matter who avoided you, the children who cried from seeing your large, buff figure, no matter the sports nuts who insisted on you joining their team, you always were the shy Super High School Level Flower Shop Keep who loved exercising.
·       When they first met you, they were masquerading as Beyakuya Togami, not exactly the most sociable of personalities, so they thought they scared you away. When first meeting a person you didn’t speak much, instead you’d gift flowers and spoke through flower language. “Oh, well… there’s a lot you can say with flowers. I’ve just always liked them. I just like being outside, so I exercise a lot! But then I got toned, and already being on the bulkier side some people find me scary… Ah, but if I give the children flowers, they usually stop crying… unless a bee comes by, then they cry again.” Even though you were so soft spoken when you did speak, it was still rather intimidating. There was just so much power in it.
·       They rather enjoyed how you’d decorate them with your beloved plants, whether it be placing them behind their ear, in their hair, or in their breast pocket. They also adored each bouquet you gave. Very quickly their whole dorm room smelled of fast-food and a light floral perfume. They pressed and kept every last flower, preserving them all even the ones from when you first met.
·       You were so open and honest, even though you tried hiding it they knew when you had a crush on them- or well Beyakuya… They had no identity outside of whoever they were impersonating, but… the thought made their heart ache. So, when you came up to them with giant bouquet filled with tulips, purple roses, red roses, alstroemerias, and baby’s breath they could easily see even as you hid it behind your back, a bright blush on your cheeks, they knew what was happening, and rejected you before you could give them the flowers and confess. You hugged the bouquet close as they explained their situation, and even after, you still held out the flowers to them. “So, your identity is more complex than I knew, but all our time together still happened. And if you change identities, it’ll be like a change in color. Definitely different, even changing the meaning, but the base is still the same, you’ll still remember our time together even as someone else.” And since that moment, no matter what came, you never left them.
   Gundham Tanaka:
·       The moment Gundham met the Super High School Level Vet, Gundham fell head over heels for them. They were an intimidating, brutish, scarred from battles past, every last feature was terrifying, their features sharp, everything about them commanded the respect of all, even getting his Dark Devas to be weary of them at first sight.
·       Caring for animals was a tricky job, it often involved getting scratches and bites, but you also needed to be patient and kind. You needed to be respected but also not appear hostile. A balance you embodied, looking fierce, yet you were so gentle and sensitive to others around you.
·       The pair of you always spent time looking after his many animals, tending to any injuries or illnesses they possibly could have gotten.
·       You also tended to Gundham Tanaka himself, much to his flustered, blushing protest. “I have no such injures of which you speak!” “Tanaka, you can’t even hold a pencil you hand is hurting so bad. Please let me at least look at it.” He kept refusing till some students came by asking if he were alright, fearing the scary looking person who kept looming around him all day. “Pathetic! Of such a low level you can’t even decern one’s true nature!” Then he stomped off till finally he found you. “My Emperor!” “Hey Tana-” “I seek thy aid, for only one of your caliber could even remotely stand a chance of resisting my poisoned skin, let alone tent to the curse that plagues this mortal form!” You just silently stared at him for a moment before you started fussing over him, clutching his jacket since you wanted to hug him. “What happened!? Did it get worse!? Tell me EVERYTHING about how you feel! Do you think it’s infected!? How does it hurt!? Does it sting or burn, or what!?” Gundham himself began to panic, unsure as to how to calm and put you at ease, never before seeing you worried to the point of tears forming in the corners of your eyes! However, you did quickly settle down, getting serious tending to his wound…
·       And even as you did so, you avoided touching him. If you needed to apply ointment, you’d use a q-tip, you’d do anything you could to not touch him… Even you tending to him sent his heart racing, showing vulnerability, he was used to giving the care, not the other way around. He felt vulnerable in a way, he showed you he was hurting, but you were so gentle with him, so aware of him, even stopping and giving him a moment to pause and collect himself.
·       Someone so attentive and understanding… He groaned, embarrassed at how giddy, and excited, and nervous even the mere thought of you made him.
   Kazuichi Soda:
·       He was terrified of you at first, even going so far as to actively avoid you. But then he met you. The moment he did so he was so confused as to how he found you scary? After actually taking to you, he found you, looks and all so adorable! He’d gush to anyone and everyone about how kind and amazing and sweet you were. He’d defend you to the death if a person even made the smallest negative comment about you, much to your complete embarrassment.
·       After becoming your boyfriend Kazuichi would always hang around you, cooing over everything that was you, shattering any intimidating precents you had with the man hugging your arm, speaking in such a sickeningly sweet tone with sparkling eyes.
·       Feeling like the world was against you, Kazuichi spent all his time with you to make up for it. No matter how many times you told him he didn’t have to he insisted on giving you all the affection you so rightly deserve!
·       When you weren’t embarrassed by the man’s antics you’d be just as affectionate in return. As he tinkered on whatever you’d hug him from behind, sighing, and nuzzling into the nape of his neck, tickling him, distracting him from his work. He’d giggle, giddy out of his mind at having someone so sweet and adorable love him almost as much as he loved you!
·       If Kazuichi caught even one person giving you a funny look, he’d just hug and snuggle you with a pout, glaring at others.
·       “Kazu, you don’t have to defend me from everyone. I know I’m not exactly the most approachable looking.” “What!? No! You are gorgeous! Adorable! Beautiful! Don’t self-deprecate yourself!” “I’m not, I just… I know you’re affectionate, but you don’t have to be so protective, I appreciate it, but you don’t have to do this every time. I just want you to enjoy yourself not feel like you have to be my knight in shining armor or something.” “Well, I can’t enjoy myself if others are being jerks!” Kazuichi would never admit it to you, but he felt guilty. He knew what it was like to be bullied, for others to make comments. He also felt guilty for judging you so much before meeting you. he was once scared with a person he instantly fell in love with after finally talking to them. He just wanted to make up for that, he wanted to say he was sorry… And feeling you hug him, thank him for being your knight, he was reminded all over why he loved such a sweet person so much, and he was determined to give you all the love he could to make up from being so cruel before.
   Teruteru Hanamura: part 1
·       Teru had a rather interesting relationship with the new delivery person. You weren’t mean, but your whole aura was rather intimidating with your cold demeanor and with how muscular you were. Yet of all people, you were warm and kind to him. You merrily chat about your day, or about anything. You’d get a laugh out of his flirting, even try and miserably fail at flirting back, something Teru found endlessly endearing. Whatever made Teru special he honestly didn’t care, just enjoying your company so much.
·       After your hard work, well hard for most but for you it was just seemingly light stretches, Teru would cook a hearty meal for you to keep you going for the rest of the day! It was his favorite thing to do before opening the restaurant, just that single quiet moment of enjoying a meal with you.
·       Teru could find something attractive about anyone, but with you… well you were certainly attractive, a stallion, a ten out of ten to him, but he found he so quickly grew feelings for you. True a person’s personality or voice could be sexy but there was something different about it with you. But whatever it was, didn’t matter to him, all he knew was that he just wanted to spend more time with you, and whatever you did together didn’t matter to him, as long as you were together.
·       You sighed, taking another bite. “Is something the matter?” “I’m just going to miss this.” “What?” You didn’t even glance his way, simply continuing to enjoy your meal. “Yeah, I gotta move soon. I’ve actually stayed here much longer than I should, but… I just couldn’t resist sticking around longer ‘cause of you… again.” “Ah, well… that’s too bad. It’s been rather fun having you around.” “It’ll be alright. I know you’ll be fine without me. Actually, I’d like to ask you to make a promise to forget me.” “Forget you!? How in tarn- AH I- Ahem- How could I do that!?” You simply smiled and laughed, just as you did before. You placed a hand on his cheek, gently caressing him with your thumb. “You’re the only person I can call a friend. I know you can keep this promise, that’s just the kind of person you are. Sure, you’re a bit raunchy, but you truly are kind and care for others. You could never let me feel guilty about leaving you behind.” Teru was silent for a moment, just taking in what you said. “When will you be leaving?” “Uh… I should say tomorrow, but I’m thinking a week.” A week? Teru could work with that!
·       “Please go on a date with me!” “… Huh?” In complete bafflement you just let Teruteru take your hands into his, a determined glint in his eyes. “If you’ll be leaving I want to make the most of the time we have left!” “…oh… uh… o-okay, we could do that.”
·       And so, the week was filled with date after date, going all out with no inhibitions doing anything you could think of from watching a movie to sky diving. Wherever you went Teru always had a packed meal on hand for the pair of you to enjoy. It was honestly the best week of either of your lives. And all too quickly it had already passed you by.
·       Standing on the bridge in the park you stood side by side watching the sun rise. “Well, that’s it, I better get going. I really enjoyed this, just as always. Thank you.” “Now hold on a moment, you can’t go just yet!” He held out a small plastic container to you. “You need a good meal for the road! Don’t know where you’re going, but wherever it is, it’d be a downright shame if I left you hungry along the way!” You simply stared at him for a moment before the softest, most earnest of smiles he had ever seen creased your lips. So tenderly you took the container. “… Some things never change I suppose… At least I know you can still keep that promise.” Then without so much as explaining your strange words, you disappeared as if you never even were there. It was sad for Teru, yet something in him knew he’d see you again, and that thought let him go back to his everyday life as if you never appeared, yet after that life just seemed more lively to him, just like those later years back in Hope’s Peak, though as to why that time seemed livelier he couldn’t quite remember.
  Nekomaru Nidai:
·       Being a rather intimidating looking guy with a heart of gold, Nekomaru took to understanding your situation quickly. Both of you being athletic and getting rather larger builds it just kinda naturally happened.
·       Being the exceedingly kind individual you were others often took advantage of that. Even if you knew it was bad you couldn’t bring yourself to not help others in need for even the smallest of things. This was not something Nekomaru could stand, but finding you standing out in the rain for two days straight was the last straw and the man insisted on training you! You were a bit nervous at first not wanting to take up so much of your best friend’s time, but with some reassurances Nekomaru managed to warm you up, both literally and metaphorically to the training.
·       At some point the training turned into days out, going hiking up mountains, or jogging on beaches, swimming in lakes and doing crossfit, sometimes going out for walks in the night, exploring the city looking for things to do, perhaps some karaoke, some slow dancing by moon light, and yeah you two just ended up dating without meaning too.
·       The pair of you always came up with excuses like the slow dancing was training in balance, no you totally did not want to dance because it was a beautiful night and you could hear ballroom music not far in the distance, no that was totally not it, that’d be dumb… or so you kept telling yourself in these moments so you would not confess to the man fearing he really did only see these outings as training and nothing else.
·       That was till you overheard Nekomaru chatting with his classmates, one of them asking how his ‘date’ with you went and he spoke of your beautiful hike up the mountains, not even batting an eye at their wording. Did… did he not notice, or just not care? Did this mean he liked you too? Or did you mishear? Quickly getting frustrated with this line of thinking you decided to just settle this!
·       “There you are-” “I have something to tell you!” The man silently stood there, just waiting. Okay, this was it, and you took a deep breath. “I… I REALLY LIKE YOU!” “I REALLY LIKE YOU TOO! YOU ARE A CHERISHED FRIEND OF MINE!” “NO, I MEAN- I-I-I LOVE YOU, I THINK!? I DON’T KNOW!” “I LOVE YOU TOO, A LOT IN FACT!” “N-NOT AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU!” “OH YEAH!?” “YES! SO MUCH!”
·       Screaming your feelings for one another was a very common occurrence in the relationship. Even if one of you simply caught sight of the other off in the distance you’d yell ‘I love you’s, which more often than not scared or startled the people around you hearing such loud, booming voices out of nowhere.
·       Life with Nekomaru could be a bit much at times, but it was well worth it for such an amazing guy.
   Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:
·       You were perfect for him.
·       You didn’t have any reputation really, but wherever you went people knew not to mess with you. Your mere presents not much but if one got close, they could feel this unsettling air about you making them go away. You, being the Super High School Level Street Fighter knew how to defend yourself from most attackers so Fuyuhiko didn’t have to worry about your safety like he’d have to with most others like the majority of his old classmates like Hajime.
·       You were also the most kind and sweet person he had met. Behind closed doors you’d always have you arms open for Fuyuhiko. You’d hold him close, just let him listen to your steady heartbeat and make him feel so safe and secure. His favorite thing was to just cuddle with you.
·       He also liked you being by his side, it served a dual purpose. One: if somehow when meeting some rival gang his reputation didn’t precede him, you were enough to intimidate them at a glance, despite his own baby face. The second and much more important to him, just being with you. True you were well equipped to handle yourself, but you were still human can had come back home to him plenty of times with new scars not from your usual fights, so by your side he and Peko could protect you.
·       He also liked how you were with his subordinates. You were strict, showing no signs of weakness, more than willing to put them in their place should it be needed, yet that didn’t stop you from being kind. You’d do research for days on end trying to find the perfect birthday gift them. You’d train their kids by hand in all ways of fighting, but not for attacking but self-defense, their parents were in a dangerous job so your ‘day job’ of being a children’s fighting instructor helped to place their minds at ease a little.
·       If he could he’d go on for hours singing your praises. You were perfect for him in every single way without a single doubt.
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aphrodite-would-be-proud · 4 years ago
Your Reiner + The Kids content keeps popping up on my page and I just think it's so cute! Could you write a little something for a sick day with the kids? Whether it be you being sick and Reiner and the Kids taking care of you, or the kids get sick at school and you and Reiner take care of them? 🙏
Of course! I'd love to, especially since you asked so nicely💛 The two scenarios you mentioned seemed really fun so I decide to do them both.
You're sick and Reiner takes care of you but his cousins get sick too.
{ Reiner x reader | tw:vomiting, tw: sickness | fluff, comfort | modern }
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{ "The Quiet Hour" 1913 by Albert Chevallier Tayler 1862-1925 }
When the kiddos get sick
It was around noon when Reiner got a call from his cousins' school mentioning Gabi. Having listed himself as her emergency number, Reiner wasted no time in leaving work to go pick her up.
She was waiting at the nurse's office when he arrived, face looking paler than usual and lacking her usual energy, she seemed tired and looked like she just ran a marathon. Reiner felt his heart drop.
To her side, was Falco looking just as worried while attempting to comfort her but not knowing how. When he sees Reiner, he looks at him in desperation as a plea to help.
And that's the story Reiner told you when you came back home that day to him making chicken soup. Gabi on the couch with a blanket wrapped around her and a box of tissue to her left.
To her right, Falco was coaxing her into finishing the glass of juice that Reiner made, saying how important fluids are.
You took her temperature, thankfully it wasn't so high. Before going out to the pharmacy to get some medication, you could see how hard she's trying to push through the sickness and act like it's not there.
Moving Gabi to the bed instead was easier than usual, she still attempted to fight Reiner, insisting she's fine but soon enough ran out of energy.
You and Falco stayed by her side and spoon fed her some chicken soup and other healthy stuff, convincing her eat the vegetables was the hardest. Meanwhile Reiner went to her house to pick up some stuff, she'd be staying with you since her parents were away for the week and he had a spare key.
After school hours, it was only Zofia who showed up with Zeke and Pieck. Apparently Udo's mom caught wind of Gabi's sickness and didn't allow him to go.
Pieck brought enough stuff to distract Gabi and spoil her with snacks, while Zeke took her temperature and symptoms again. Having some experience in the medical field himself, everyone calmed down when he reassured them it's just a fever.
The rest of the day flew by with you all surrounding Gabi, taking her mind off of the sickness and just generally being there for her and showing her how cared about she is.
Around night-time, after Zeke and Pieck took advantage of Reiner's willingness to cook. They decided to head back, taking Zofia with them to drop her off after she promised to bring all missing assignments to Gabi, you don't know if it was a promise or a threat judging by Gabi's reaction.
Colt showed up around midnight, having just finished his shift at work. He too checked on Gabi before saying goodbye and taking Falco with him, who promised he'd visit everyday, you and Reiner knew it's a promise he'll keep.
Letting Gabi have the bed, you and Reiner crashed on the couch, him laying down with you on top of him. You took turns checking on Gabi in the middle of the night.
The rest of the week while she recovered flew by quickly. Falco keeping his promise and showing up everyday, Zofia bringing her all the homework and convincing the teachers to go easy on her since she's sick, Udo video calling her from home to do help her do her homework, definitely not giving her the answers.
Other people dropped by on different days, Bertolt and Annie showing up. Porco "stopping by" every two days, sometimes with Pieck.
Even when her symptoms disappeared and she seemed to get better, Reiner insisted that she still needs a couple days to recover and Zeke backed him up on that.
You were her last hope, knowing you can sway Reiner too, so Gabi attempted her puppy eyes on you but as much as your back was hurting from sharing the couch with Reiner, you said no. She still needs rest.
A Gabi who didn't go outside for a week is a really grumpy Gabi, but you and Reiner had to manage.
When she finally got better, she spent the whole day outside running around and climbing trees, she was going wild with the biggest smile on her face. The other three attempting to keep up with her
Everything was going really well...too well.
It wasn't until you saw Falco sneezed that a feeling of dread settled in you.
The next day, you had 3 missed calls. Two from Udo's mom, one from Zofia's and a text from Colt.
When you get sick
At first you thought it was just one of those days where getting out of bed seemed impossible. Just moving your arm to get up was too exhausting, the weather around you switching between being cold and hot every couple seconds.
Just opening your eyes was too much, you called out for Reiner but your voice was too quiet and sore. Attempting to rise it resulted in a coughing fit.
Well Ironicly it did the job, it was loud enough that he heard you from the other room and came in with some water. He seemed really worried and his hand supported your back so you could sit up, he took your temperature.
You were burning up, his hold tightened on you before telling you to rest, it's okay he won't leave your side.
And he was true to his words, he took a couple days off work and stayed by your side. Giving you food he made, making you something warm to drink for your throat, hugging you close to his chest when everything was hurting too much.
You didn't have to move a finger, he'd literally go make you something to eat at 3am if you felt like it. He'd sit behind you on the bed while helping you eat.
The next day when his cousins visited, Reiner explained to them that you're sick and can't get up, also that your room is off limits to them from now on.
Well, the second he walked out the door to go buy some more meds and tissus, it was Gabi who literally ran to your room slamming the door open.
And that's how Reiner came back to four children cuddling you in bed, Gabi telling you stories about her adventures, Falco getting you water, Udo making sure you have enough blanket and pillows and lastly Zofia digging all the snacks from the cupboards and bringing them to you.
He thought about scolding them, but seeing how happy you looked as they told you about how Zofia managed to get the class out of taking a test by tricking the math teacher into talk about her recent trip overseas, made him just smile instead.
But he still made them all wear masks and wash their hands properly.
You spend most of the days asleep, not aware of the visitors that came and went. Occasionally waking up at 2am to find Reiner sleeping in a chair next to the bed, a glass of water nearby.
While reaching for the glass, you noticed a badly made origami letter being held together by stickers, signed by his cousins to you.
It was a letter the four of them made, for you to get well soon. You could distinguish who wrote what by the different handwritings, Udo's being in Cursive.
And somehow that helped make you feel better more than any ibuprofen could. It even had more stickers for you to use in the inside of it, something pharmaceutique companies should look into copying
When the weather is warm enough, Reiner would take you out to the park or garden to get some fresh air. Making sure you wear a mask and wear something comfortable and warm, his cousins would play while you too sit on the bench, his arm wrapped around you protectively.
Gabi and Udo would bring you all the cool rocks they find, hoping their coolness will cure you. While Falco and Zofia brought you the really pretty flowers with nice smells.
Reiner had your hand in his lap, holding it close and rubbing his thumb over it. Occasionally asking if you're alright or need something.
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troubatrain · 4 years ago
taxi - j. markstrom
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a/n: i swore on my life i started writing this and then hours went by and it was done. by the way, aside from this song i still have yet to chose any players for the rest of this series and the google form is open for suggestions (it’s linked below) but anyways, i need to start by saying this got super personal for me and this showcases some of my own experiences with my own mental illness, and not everyone experiences those things the same way and i just want to remind everyone of that before they read! also, i definitely suggest listening to the song while reading it because it just feels right.
i need to tag @danglesnipecelly​ because k wrote a matty fic and in turn i’m legally required to write a marky fic
part of my lovely little lonely series
tw: mentions of depression, mentions of post-partum depression
“...and in the backseat, when you asked me, is the sadness everlasting? i pulled you closer, looked at you and said love, I think it is...” - Taxi - The Maine
Jacob wasn’t sure when things had gotten so bad.
You were doing better, and Jacob even thought you were doing better than before. You’d been going to therapy again regularly, less of Jacob forcing you to go for his sake and more of going by your own will. You were back on your meds, but even you admitted they felt like they might have been working this time around now that you found the right fit. The adjustment to your new surroundings in Calgary seemed to be going smoothly, spending time with Annica and Elias like you weren’t constantly battling with your own demons.
But god you were.
Jacob honestly thought you were braver than anyone he’s ever known. You met a few years back, when you used to throw on a smile just to walk out the door and Jacob was just starting to make a splash in Vancouver. He was the only person who seemed to notice you in the large crowd you were who was mingling with a few of his teammates. He knew you were something special in that moment, and he’d tell you everyday until you started to believe it. What he didn’t know at the time was, you’d just gotten diagnosed with depression and you were tackling it on your own. Not a soul knew about the days you couldn’t wait to sleep because it was the only time you were able to turn your brain off. They didn’t know about the mess in your apartment that was so embarrassing but you still just couldn’t clean it. And they definitely didn’t know about the long drives where you just thought about never coming back.
Jacob didn’t know these things for a while, but when the signs became clear, he tried his hardest to understand. He came over and cleaned your apartment when you were at work, shrugging it off when you asked him what prompted him to do it. Jacob made sure you were taken care of on days he knew you weren’t able to do it yourself.
Then the east coast road trip happened.
Your relationship was new, and you hadn’t told him what was going on even though it was becoming incredibly clear that he knew. Jacob has always been patient, and you always joke it’s because he’s a goalie, but the truth was that his heart was bigger than him. You called him, teary eyed while you sat on a park bench in the middle of Vancouver and told him you couldn’t do this anymore. At first he thought you were talking about him, maybe he’d overstepped a line he shouldn’t have, but it was clear you meant life. It was just too much, and Jacob knew it was time to push talking about it.
So you did, you laid there in the bitter cold on that bench until the sun came up and talked to him about your mental illness. You talked about your therapist who you’d been seeing but you were honest about the appointments you skipped. You talked to him about the full pill bottles in your bathroom because you didn’t want to take them but you didn’t want anyone to notice you weren’t picking up prescriptions. He was calm, listening to your words and not reprimanding you on the stall in your recovery.
Everyone moves at their own pace Y/N, you can move like a turtle if you want to and I won’t tell you to hurry up and get better.
Jacob never pushed, but that didn’t mean he didn’t educate himself. He read and read and read, everything he could on how he was supposed to help
you. He took classes, he listened to talks and he’d even attended meetings with other people who were in his same position. He wanted to understand, and he did his best to. Jacob did this because he loves you, and he wanted to make sure that was never going to be something you could question.
So that brings him here, standing in your shared bathroom while he counted how many pills were left in that orange bottle and he just knew the math wasn’t going to add up. Jacob runs a large hand over his face, rubbing his temples while he spun out about how this could be his fault. Maybe he should have stayed in Vancouver. Was the change too much for you?
“Babe?” You call out, leaning against the bathroom door and looking at him sadly. Your voice was soft, it always was, like Jacob being in distress was more important than the hell he’d seen you go through.
“Have you been skipping days?” Jacob asks, never with an accusatory tone. He learned that lesson, watching you shrink at his words when he asked if you’d been in bed all day. You start to utter an apology, Jacob raising his hand at you to stop because you didn’t owe him one, “Why didn’t you call?”
Tears were welling up in your eyes, your lip quivering while you tried to find the right words. Jacob didn’t look mad, he wasn’t - he was feeling guilty. He promised you, if you called it didn’t matter if he was in the middle of a game, he’d be there as soon as he could, “You need to be with your new team-”
“Fuck my new team,” Jacob scoffs, shaking his head and opening his arms to you, “You think I’d want to spend any more time with Elias than you?”
“No, I just,” You sigh, pushing a piece of your hair back that seemed to just fall back into place, “I didn’t want to be a bother, you need to be with these guys all the time and how can you do that if you’re worried about me?”
“I can do that because I want to do it,” Jacob reminds you, pushing that same piece of hair back where it belonged, and it stuck, “I don’t feel like I have to worry about you, I want to.”
“Wouldn’t it be easier not to?” You ask, wrapping your arms around Jacob’s waist and pressing your head into his chest. His heartbeat was steady, he was steady.
Jacob was the most stable thing you had in your life. You couldn’t figure what you’d done to experience unconditional love like that, a person to care for you so much that they would do anything to make you happy. He calmed you on the days you needed most and he never pushed you harder than he thought you needed. Turtle speed. He always called it that, but he’d rather see you move slowly to get better than throw on another fake smile.
“My life wouldn’t be easier if you weren’t in it,” Jacob hums, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “Do you want me to set out your meds for the week? In that little container I got you?”
You nod, making a promise to yourself to take the step in getting better. Jacob reminded you constantly, you can’t do this for him, you needed to do it for yourself - he was just helping. He was always going to help.
You seemed better.
Jacob swore you were actually doing okay, the little check ins he was doing was working and when he got back from his next road trip - nothing seemed wrong. You were standing across Johnny��s house, laughing along with Annica and a few other girls and Jacob knew that laugh was a real one. This was good, seeing you out laughing and smiling.
“So, when is it going to be time for you?” Annica asks, her hand running over your ring finger, “Marky has to be thinking about having a few running around soon.”
You wish it hadn’t set you off. It was a simple question anyone would ask a couple who’s been together this long.
Children was a conversation you weren’t ready for. The thought terrified you, not because you didn’t want to have them, it was the post-partum talk. You knew the risks, all of the things that could happen after and you didn’t want to stomach that. What if you weren’t enough for your kids? They didn’t ask for a mother who couldn’t get out of bed sometimes let alone take care of them, and you’d be insane to think that was a healthy way to raise a child.
Jacob’s eyes remained on you while you rushed out of the house, fiddling with your hands and shaking your head. That was your tell, and Jacob excused himself immediately, chasing you out of the house. His hands grab your cheeks, steadying you for a moment and wiping the tears from your eyes.
“She asked me when we were going to the marriage and kids thing and,” You ramble out, closing your eyes and shutting your mouth. Jacob knew where you were going with this, it was fear he had too. It was the reason there was a ring in one of his coat pockets at home that’s never been opened because he was waiting for the right time. He’d wait forever if he had to. You were the one there was never a doubt about it.
“We don’t have to talk about it right now,” Jacob sighs, knowing this conversation was far too heavy to be had in public, “But, you’ll never be alone, I’m never going to leave, I’m never going to pressure you into anything. When you’re ready I will be too, but I don’t care how long it takes.”
“What if it’s too late for kids?” You whisper, the fear that Jacob could tell you he’d wait forever but you’d seen him with kids, he was made to be a father.
“We can adopt, foster, whatever you want,” Jacob assures you, the idea of having children never had to be biological to him, “Chucky asked me if we were looking to adopt the other day…”
You let out a laugh, looking and pressing your lips to Jacob’s. You couldn’t thank him enough, not like he’d ever let you, but he was so good. You leaned your head on his shoulder, watching Calgary pass you by while Jacob hums to the radio next to you in the cab to get home.
“You think I’ll always be like this?” You ask, a question that could have been for either of you.
“There’s always going to be bad days, but you’re never going to be alone on them. I promise.”
“Turtle speed?”
“Turtle speed.”
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secret-rendezvous1d · 4 years ago
omggggg imagine the reader comforting spencer during a migraine (season 6) and he’s so clingy and his hair is sooo fluffy and he just wants to cuddle all day omg i would literally die bc he’d be so cute and soft🥺🥺
ooh, i honestly felt so sad when he wanted answers from his doctor. season six spencer had my heart racing and i don’t know why... haha.
like, reblog and send in some feedback, please. it’s greatly appreciated and it helps me work out what you want to see and what you are after. if you want something specific then do let me know! i’d love to try and write something for you.
thank you for the request, lovely. enjoy.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” spencer reid x female reader (reader insert blurb) word count; 1.4k.
* if you haven’t watched criminal minds then this does contain some spoilers to the show that you may want to dodge if you are thinking of starting the series up. *
summary; spencer’s migraines have been getting worse and he just wants all the love he can get.
It wasn’t like Spencer to wake up late.
For someone who liked an orderly fashion and had a strict routine to follow from morning till night and liked to be out of bed by six and out of the house by seven, just so he could get to work half an hour before he needed to show up, being late really wasn’t something YN thought he was capable of. Ever since she started with the Behavioural Analysis Unit, four years ago, YN had never known him to be late for anything; he was always the first one in the briefing room before a meeting and he was never the last one to enter, he was always the first one to board the jet before anyone else and he was always the first person to exit so he could get on with the orders Hotch had given him and he was always the first one at work in the morning (which he was proud to announce to anyone who came in after him) with a happy smile on his face, a brain ready to spew facts and a pile of case files tucked under his arm and ready to dish out to those on arrival.
So when her alarm went off and tore her from her deep sleep, signifying that seven in the morning on a dreary Monday had struck and it was time for her to wake up and get ready for work, she didn’t expect to see her boyfriend still snoozing beside her. The duvet pulled up to his chin like he was cold and found warmth in anything he could get his hands on, his forehead crinkled and his eyes squeezed shut like he was in a deep sleep and dreaming something, his mouth gaped open as gentle breaths left between his lips and filled the room with the softest of snores. YN wasn’t surprised he was sleeping in; he arrived home from a case rather late, the previous night, and he was almost knocked out as soon as his head hit the pillow. And, as much as YN wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, she knew it would knock him off his routine and have him muddled and off his game for the day.
“Spence, wakey wakey,” YN cooed, dragging a finger across his forehead to clear the mess of curls that covered his skin. She could feel a thin and sticky sheen cover his skin and, upon closer inspection, she noticed the tiniest of sweat beads forming by his temples. A bad dream, she assumed, although something in the back of her head didn't sit well with her. “Spencer, wake up. It’s seven. We need to get ready and leave for work.”
“I know. I know what time you set your alarm for in the mornings,” he grumbled, bringing an arm from beneath the duvet to pinch at the bridge of his nose, a sigh leaving his parted lips. He hadn’t been asleep, she felt silly for guessing he was, and he sounded as wide awake as he had been when he arrived home the night before. “I’ll get up in a minute. I just need a bit longer. Tired from yesterday.”
YN frowned in confusion - he had never once denied getting up so why had he now? -  his eyes barely opening as he spoke to her, his body staying flat upon the mattress as she clambered out from under the covers and had a moment where she stretched and cracked her bones. Her arms went above her head, legs bracing her movements, stretching her back out to remove the kinks in her spine before moving to the en-suite bathroom and closing the door behind her so she could start getting ready for the day.
She looked at herself in the mirror, hands holding the sides of the sink, as she took in her appearance and had a thought about how she wanted to style her hair and how minimal she wanted her make-up to be for the day. Left behind on the sink, next to her left hand, was a half-opened pack of headache tablets and a glass, almost filled to the brim with water, next to their toothbrush holder. Everything else was left in its place and she was left standing in confusion, using the mirror to look around the bathroom behind her, eyebrow raising on her brow-line. She was sure nothing else had been moved, touched or put out of place until it finally dawned on her.
She opened the door back up, peeking her face into the bedroom and seeing his face covered by her pillow, with the duvet pulled up as far as it could go so his feet weren’t showing at the end of the bed. She wanted to laugh because he looked ridiculous, cute but ridiculous, but she had a hunch that she knew what was wrong with him - over the last few days, headaches and migraines had been the biggest problem he had to face during his days and they’d been taking a toll on his ability to complete a case fully. Sensitive to light, sensitive to sound and his focus split between his surroundings and the pain behind his eyes that didn’t seem to go away, regardless of how dark his sunglasses had been tinted.
“Spencer, are they back bothering you again?”
“It’s just a headache this morning, I know it is,” he grumbled, his words coming out muffled and almost inaudible from beneath the memory foam pillow keeping the light from hitting his orbs, “jump in the shower and I’ll be up in a minute to get dressed then we go together.”
“YN, I’m fine,” he grasped the pillow into his fist and pulled it from his face, a disgruntled look pinching his features for a brief second before he sent her a warming smile, as if he was trying to persuade her fears that he was perfectly fine and he didn’t need looking out for because it simply was just a headache. Which didn’t really seem to please her and definitely didn’t stop her bare feet from walking across the bedroom to sit back down on the bed. A convering look on her face which only enticed a groan of annoyance from his throat. His eyes refusing to watch as she laid back beside him and laid her head against his shoulder, cheek pressed to the duvet cover. “Don’t baby me, please, I’m fine. I promise.”
She tutted and shook her head.
“You don’t feel well today and I know you when you don’t feel well, mister. You just want non-stop cuddles and,” she perched herself up on her elbow and looked at him, bringing a hand up to rest against his cheek and to allow her fingers to rake through his knotted hair and straighten out the curly wisps the tips of his hair had flicked into, “I know you still want to go to work so we’ll just have to have an extra long one now. You know what Hotch is like with romance in the workplace.”
He smiled warmly, letting his head tilt to her touch, eyes closing in contentment. He couldn’t resist her love, no matter how ill or frustrated or angry he was with her. He felt comfortable with her, comfortable showing a vulnerable side, comfortable being so delicate and fragile, and she was all he needed on a dark and gloomy day when he was feeling a little low about himself. Just a glimpse of her face, a smile on her lips, a quick and cheeky wink sent his way when no-one was looking or the blush on her cheeks when she was caught looking at him was enough for him to feel better and feel a glow of warmth inside his heart.
“Who needs headache meds when I’ve got you? I wish we could stay like this forever.” He hummed, his lips grazing her forehead, “will you sneak some cuddles in at work? Might really help me out today.”
“I can sweet talk Hotch to make sure we get to work together,” she looked at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead, letting his lips drag down to his right temple so she could press a gentle kiss to where she assumed the origin of his headache had begun, “just promise me that you’ll help me out and not keep coming for kisses or cuddles.”
“I can’t promise anything.”
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spine-buster · 4 years ago
The President Wears Prada (William Nylander) | Chapter 21
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A/N:  I’ve always wanted to write a super-tropey scene like the bar scene in this so I went ahead and did it and I LOVE IT, OKAY?!  Also, if you haven’t seen, I posted Part 3 of my Elias story last Thursday.  It’s linked on my Masterlist!
Also, just a quick note that I will be returning to a full-time job after Labour Day today.  I have enough chapters written out that I don’t think I will have to skip a week of posting, and I organize my time wisely so that I still give myself time to write, but this is just a PSA/FYI that I may not get to your asks/canon questions super quickly like I have been over quarantine.  They will still ALL be answered, though, so don’t worry about that!
Anyways, enjoy this! 
February 18th, 2020
Aberdeen Bloom was dejected.  
The Leafs had lost their last two games, but these felt different.  They’d lost to Buffalo on Sunday 5-2, and Buffalo was one of the worst teams in the league.  It didn’t even matter that there were a majority of Leaf fans in the building.  Now, tonight, they’d just lost 5-2 again, but this time to Pittsburgh.  She couldn’t keep her eyes off her phone, with tweet upon tweet upon tweet calling this the worst game of the season for the team.  Just an absolutely awful game.  No effort.  No heart.  No soul.  One that they would have to answer for at home, since they faced them again on Thursday, but this time at home.  She didn’t even like hockey and she was taking everything to heart because, well – she was part of the team now.  Everybody had told her that since day one.  And now, at one of the lowest points in the season, she felt that.
She couldn’t stop scrolling.  Couldn’t stop reading what everybody was saying.
It was Tyson who had volunteered to drive her home tonight.  Ever since Morgan broke his ankle, it was a rotation of Tyson or John.  When Emma picked up Tyson, she was just as nice, but she missed Bee.  She missed seeing the way Morgan looked at Bee when they were in the car, because it reminded her of how William looked at her when they were alone.
Aberdeen shuffled into the backseat of Tyson’s SUV.  Tyson was in the driver’s seat, and Emma was the passenger.  Everyone was silent as Tyson began driving into the city – she and Emma could tell he was dejected and mad at the game that had transpired just a few hours ago.  The short flight did nothing to quell his emotions.  And as Emma laid her hand on his on the gearshift, Aberdeen watched as she moved her thumb back and forth, trying to tell him that it was all okay.
“Tys…it’s not your fault,” Emma said softly, finally, after what felt like a lifetime of silence.  
“Tyson, listen to me.”
“—Emma, please, not right now—”
His eyes flashed to hers through the rear view mirror, but Emma wouldn’t listen to him.  “I know it and you know it too.  The whole defence is flawed.  Plus, you guys are missing Mo.  It’s not just you and you know that—”
“—Emma, I really don’t want to talk about it right now—”
“—and besides, if – or should I say when – you’re traded at the deadline, none of this will matter,” she dropped a bombshell.  “Everyone knows you’re unhappy and it’s not working out and that you’re much better suited to play somewhere else.”
Aberdeen felt her body stiffen at the revelation.  So Tyson was unhappy.  Unhappy with playing on the Leafs.  She knew he wasn’t having the best season, especially considering how successful he’d been in Colorado, but she didn’t think it was that bad.  He’d gotten better when Sheldon came in, but apparently that wasn’t enough.  It wasn’t enough to make him happy.  And in Aberdeen’s life, happiness was important.  It was almost paramount.  What you did and who you surrounded yourself with and your work should, ultimately, make you happy.  Was it the same in hockey?  Were hockey players allowed to be happy?  Were hockey players on the Toronto Maple Leafs allowed to be happy?  Or was everything just a business transaction?  A long road to the ultimate success of lifting the Stanley Cup, regardless of who got hurt along the way?
Tyson let out a long sigh as he continued to drive, choosing not to answer his girlfriend or say anything else.  When they got off the Gardiner and into downtown, Aberdeen was almost desperate to get out.  She felt very awkward.  Clearly Emma and Tyson wanted, needed to have a conversation, and she was stopping that from happening.  Just by being in the backseat.  She almost wanted to just tuck and roll out of the car.  Tyson could return her suitcase later.  She really didn’t care at this point.  
When he pulled up outside her condo building, Aberdeen almost didn’t want until he stopped the car and put it in park to click her seatbelt off.  “Hey Aberdeen,” Tyson looked at her through the rear view mirror.  She paused all her movements to stare back at him through the mirror.  “I uh…I’d appreciate it if you don’t mention to Brendan, uh, you know…what you heard…” he trailed off.
Aberdeen stared back at him doe-eyed.  She shook her head slightly.  “I don’t…I don’t tell Brendan about anything I find out about you guys.  I mean I would never…” she said softly, trailing off too.
Tyson nodded, smiling slightly.  “Thanks, Aberdeen.”
“Yeah, it���s no problem.”
When she got out of the car, Tyson popped the trunk so she could get her bag.  After one last thank you, a polite wave, and a push of the button to get it to close, she walked into her condo building.  She nodded towards the security guard before walking towards the elevators.
She wondered if William felt that same way when he played last year.
February 20th, 2020
“Get ‘em!” Aberdeen growled as she looked down onto the ice.  “Get ‘em!!!”
Brendan chuckled as he watched Aberdeen, her hands balled up in fists as she practically hung over the box.  He’d never seen her so into a hockey game before, and he didn’t know what had gotten into her.  “You alright, Aberdeen?”
“Get ‘em!”
He got a kick out of it.  Kyle, too, was doing one of those silent chuckles and getting redder by the second.  “Aberdeen, you’re going to blow your heart out.  We’re gonna need to put you on meds,” Brendan commented.  “You gotta remember that you’re staying until the proofs get here.  You can’t waste all your energy now.”
Aberdeen calmed down a bit, but she was still on the edge of her seat.  “Sorry,” she said.  She knew she was maybe taking it a bit overboard, but she couldn’t help it.  After the awful game against the Penguins on Tuesday, the Leafs were dominating them right now.  Freddie was playing phenomenally, Jake Muzzin had just scored to put them up 1-0, and they were getting really good chances.  It’s like the team did a complete 180 from what they were.  She also knew, though, that she needed to stay at the arena later tonight, because the final proofs for the St. Pats jerseys were coming and she was the one who had to sign for them and place them safely and securely in Brendan’s office to see tomorrow.  She didn’t know how long she’d be up tonight, and she’d need to conserve energy.  
“Don’t apologize.  I just don’t want you to have a heart attack,” Brendan smiled. 
With the Leafs on a powerplay, Aberdeen was like a hawk following the puck.  With Tavares, Matthews, and Nylander on the ice, she was praying for a goal.  And then—
“YES!!!!!” she screamed as William scored a beautiful goal, jumping up in her seat and throwing her fist in the air like she was Bender at the end of The Breakfast Club.  From beside her, Brendan and Kyle stayed unnaturally calm.  Aberdeen looked over at them and tried to settle back into her seat calmly.  “Sorry.  Again,” she said, gripping the armrests of her chair.  “But how can you guys be so calm?!”
“You get used to it,” Brendan smiled.
“Well, maybe you do, Mr. Hockey Player,” Aberdeen joked.
“Especially when the camera is on you,” Kyle added.
Aberdeen’s face dropped.  “Oh my God, I’m not on camera, am I?!”
Kyle shook his head, his smile spreading from ear to ear.  “We’ll have to see, Aberdeen, but I don’t think so.”
The Leafs dominated the rest of game.  Kasperi scored another goal only three minutes after William, and Zach scored in the third to make it 4-0.  Freddie got the shutout.  She knew he’d be happy about that, despite his stoic reserve.  As she, Brendan, and Kyle made their way to the locker room, Aberdeen saw the media already speaking to Jake Muzzin.  She knew they’d want to speak with the goal scorers too, and so when she saw William and Kasperi heading to the media room, along with John, Freddie, and Sheldon, she wasn’t surprised.  It was a good game.  Hopefully the media would back down a bit.  
She congratulated the guys and stood on the sidelines as Brendan and Kyle spoke to some of them once the media left.  By that point, some of them were dressed and ready to head home.  “Hey, you want a ride?” Jason offered as he approached her, tightening his tie around his neck.
“Oh, I’m staying back, actually,” Aberdeen informed him.  He looked at her skeptically.  “The final proofs are coming in for your St. Pats jerseys in March and I have to receive them and put them in Brendan’s office under lock and key.”
“Oh!” he exclaimed.  “Well, I can wait with you.”
“No, you don’t.”
“Aberdeen, it’s fine.  We can grab a bite to eat afterwards.”
“Jason, I might be here until, like, eleven.”
“So we’ll have an authentic Italian-style dinner then.  All the more reason since I miss my motherland.”
“Aberdeen, are you really going to say no me?”
She glared at him.  It was like St. John’s all over again.  Before she could open her mouth and say something else, another voice interrupted her.  “Why’re you giving Jason the stink eye?” William asked as he approached them.
“I’m gonna wait with Aberdeen until the proofs come and then we’re gonna grab dinner.  You in?” he asked William, but everybody already knew the answer.
William shrugged his shoulders casually, like Jason hadn’t just invited him to dinner with his own girlfriend.  “I’m in.”
Aberdeen rolled her eyes.  “You two are insufferable.”
“I like to think it’s part of our charm,” Jason smiled.  “Let me call Jen and then we can go trash Brendan’s office.”
*** It was about 10:45 when Aberdeen, Jason, and William ended up at a small bar none of them had ever been to that served small pub-style plates.  It was crowded, for some reason, even though it was a Thursday.  Aberdeen quickly learned, judging by the drink specials, that it was their grand opening weekend, and tonight was their first official night open.  Opening on a Thursday meant pandering to the university crowd for sure (whose pub nights usually took place on Thursdays), but this place was pretty full with an older, gruffier clientele that were seated at the bar and congregated in small groups around the open space in the centre of the room, away from the few booths against the wall.  She wondered if they marketed the place wrongly, or if they just wanted to fill the place so they could say they had a successful opening.  
It was a bit loud, but she, Jason, and William ate their late dinner in relative peace.  They spoke about the game only for a little bit before they moved on to other topics, making it abundantly clear to Aberdeen that they didn’t want to discuss hockey at all.  The food was fine, and so, too, were the beers William and Jason had, but Aberdeen’s Long Island Iced Tea had way too much rum in it so she couldn’t finish.  
By the time they finished, it was almost midnight and Aberdeen was starting to feel her fatigue.  They were told to pay at the bar, so they gathered their jackets.  Aberdeen insisted on paying for her meal, ever going so far as to run up to the bar herself, inching between some patrons in order to pay, before William or Jason could even get out of the booth.  William, however, was right behind her, ready to Jason’s meal on his card.
“H—Hey!  Hey!  Look what we have here!  Y-You’re Wiiiilliam Nylander,” a guy, older and very clearly inebriated, slurred out as he laid his eyes on them.
“That’s me,” William gave a tight-lipped smile, standing just slight behind Aberdeen, waiting his turn to pay.
The drunk guy focused his attention on Jason now.  “You.  Spezza.”
He turned back towards William, shaking his head.  “Teams like this can’t win the Cup.  Esp-p-ecially not with this guy around.”
That caught Aberdeen’s attention.  She furrowed her brows as the friend of the guy, obviously just as drunk, nodded his head in agreement.  “Don’t have the heart like Dougie or Wendel.  All a bunch of pussies now.  Especially you.”
Aberdeen pulled her card out of the reader dramatically, turning her body so she could face them head on.  “What the hell is your problem?  There’s no need to be rude,” she said, her voice loud and firm.
“Aberdeen, stop it,” William said loud enough for her to hear.
“Y-Y-Yyyyou shoulda just sssigned the contract, man,” the drunk man grumbled out.  
Aberdeen tried again, ignoring William’s plea.  “Sir, this isn’t the time or place,” she intervened, but William’s hands went straight to her waist to move her out of his way so she wasn’t standing in between them anymore.  
Suddenly, it was William closer to the drunk man that Aberdeen.  The drunk guy apparently didn’t like that very much.  “You’re damn – you’re damn selfish!  Ssssselfish and greedyyyy,” the man continued to slur drunkenly.  “Seeeelfish, no good—”
“Sir—” Aberdeen showed up beside William, refusing to stand behind him.
“I oughta hurt you like you hurt the fffranchise.”
Aberdeen’s eyes widened.  That was a threat if she ever heard one, and even though he was drunk, Aberdeen didn’t like the tone of his voice.  “Okay sir,” she chastised.  “You need to stop overreacting.  We’re just here trying to pay for our meal.  This is no time to be a dick.”
“You know what?  Let’s just pay at the other end of the bar,” Jason said, trying to diffuse the situation as much as possible.  He even started to herd William and Aberdeen away from the drunk man and down the opposite end of the bar.  “You have fun with whatever whiskey you’re drinking,” he gave one last look to the man before walking away himself.
“Fuckin’ pussy!” the friend yelled loudly at William, already half way down the bar now.
Aberdeen looked back.  William had grabbed her wrist and was dragging her through the crowd so she’d get to the other side with him.  She watched as one of them slammed his glass down on the bar dramatically.  “Willy—”
“Ignore them, Aberdeen.”
“Yeeeeeah, fuckin’ pussy!  Fuckin’ lowlife!  Worst Leaf on the team!  Shoulda traded you back to Sweden, ya Swedish piece of shit!”
The men continued to yell obscenities and taunt William as they stood at the other end of the bar.  Aberdeen stared at William as he stuck his credit card into the machine, quickly punching in his pin.  “Does that happen often?” Aberdeen asked him.
“Aberdeen, don’t,” he shook his head, refusing to answer her as he pulled his card out of the machine and stuffed it back into his wallet.  It was as if he didn’t want her to know; as if he wanted to protect her from learning just how awful some “fans” could be – at least to him.
“Did you pay?” Jason showed up beside them.  William nodded.  “Alright, then let’s get the hell out of here,” he ordered, herding them again to lead them out.
It all happened so fast that Aberdeen didn’t really know exactly that – what happened.  All she knew was that she heard the guy yell from down the bar.  Then she heard the breaking of glass (commonplace in bars, really) and someone else yell “Put it down!” as she, Jason, and William continued towards the door.  Then another voice screamed “Watch out!” and she, Jason, and William turned their heads to look behind them.
Then it hit her.
A glass had been thrown – obviously by one of the drunk men who had been harassing them – intended for William, but it hit Aberdeen right on the forehead instead.  She staggered backwards but didn’t fall.  As she brought her hand up to assess the damage, she could almost immediately feel blood dripping down the side of her eye.  
“Aberdeen!” Jason screamed.
William looked over and saw the blood on Aberdeen’s hand and it dripping down the side of her face.  His eyes filled with anger.  Jason, who was still looking at Aberdeen, saw the look she was giving William.  He whipped his head towards William, who appeared ready to murder everybody in the room.  “Will—William—” Jason tried to get his attention, but to no avail.
“Ohmygodareoyouokaaaaay?!” voices began to ask as they huddled around Aberdeen, William, and Jason worriedly, forming a protective circle around them.  There were so many people, so concerned and so loud asking if she was okay that Aberdeen couldn’t even respond – she was too overwhelmed and too confused to even comprehend what was going on.
That’s when the two men ran out.  When most of the people in the bar were distracted trying to see if Aberdeen was okay, the men had the wherewithal to completely book it out of the bar with nobody stopping them.  It was only William who noticed, screaming out a loud “HEY!” to try and get somebody’s attention to stop them, but nobody moved enough for him to get out of the scrum around Aberdeen to chase him.  William focused his attention back on Aberdeen even though he could feel his cheeks flush red with anger and tears forming in his eyes.  She was still holding the area above her eyebrow cautiously as the bartender waved her over.  Jason and William led her towards the bar, making sure she didn’t step on any of the shattered glass that now littered the floor.  The bartender was already opening the first aid kit.  William heard Jason tell everyone “It’s fine, it’s fine, we don’t need your help, it’s alright, we’ll handle it, we’ll handle it.”
Aberdeen was offered a bar stool to sit on, but she turned it down.  She didn’t want to be on display for everyone to see; she was already embarrassed enough as is.  “You wanna go into a washroom?” the bartender asked, and Aberdeen nodded her head.  He led them to the wheelchair bathroom, since there would be space for all of them, and ushered them in.  “The emergency rooms are just up the street.  They’ll do stitches.”
William glared at the bartender.  “Aren’t you even gonna call a paramedic or something?  What about the cops?” he demanded, his voice shaking from the anger he was still feeling.  “Can we look at security cameras to get a face?”
“Bro, we don’t want cops or paramedics here opening night.  That would kill us,” the bartender said.  William couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  “We don’t have cameras installed yet, either.  Just clean it up and take it to emerge.  It’s, like, two blocks north.”
William felt like punching the bartender square in the jaw.  And he would have, too, for being so insensitive about it, if it wasn’t for Jason opening the first aid box loudly against the counter.  Jason, for his part, glared at the bartender too.  “You can leave now,” he growled, focusing his attention back on finding what he needed within the kit.  “Useless piece of shit,” he mumbled under his breath.
Aberdeen sat on the toilet, trying to collect her thoughts and emotions.  She’d gotten hit with a fucking flying glass in the middle of a bar.  A glass seemingly intended for Willy, thrown by a drunk guy, but it had hit her.  She couldn’t believe what had just happened.  She was sure her hand was covered in blood at this point; she didn’t even want to know what her face looked like.  “Did I get busted open?” she asked, even though she was well aware of the answer.  She needed someone else to confirm it so this all felt real and not like a nightmare.
“Yeah,” Jason said softly.  “Listen, if that dipshit isn’t gonna call the cops or paramedics, I want to clean it before we go to the walk-in.  Your face has a lot of blood on it.”
Aberdeen nodded her head slightly.  There was nothing else she could do, really.  It wasn’t like she was going to reject any medical attention, from Jason or otherwise.  “Is it gonna hurt?” she asked.
“Of course it’ll hurt, but I don’t want any of the blood to crust and dry,” he said. 
“Am I gonna need stitches?  I’ve never gotten stitches before.”
“Move your hand a bit and let me see,” Jason said.  She moved her hand the slightest bit, too scared to move it anymore out of fear that blood would gush out like some Halloween decoration, and Jason looked up close.  “Yeah, probably,” he deadpanned.  William winced at the thought.
“Oh, Jesus.  Is it gonna scar?”
“No.  Not deep enough to scar.  At least not to me,” he said.  She trusted him, if only because he was a father of four and had been around the block a few times.  He cleaned her face as much as he could of the blood that had streamed down.  She watched as he got some alcohol and put it onto a pad, prepped a sterile gauze, and whatever else he needed.    Now, are you ready?” he asked.  
“I guess so,” Aberdeen braced herself.  She took her hand off the injury, relieved that no blood gushed onto Jason’s shirt.  “On three, okay?” she asked.  Jason nodded his head.  She began to count.  “One…two—”
She let out a guttural scream as Jason put the rubbing alcohol on her early so she wouldn’t wince away.  It fucking stung.  The sound that escaped her made Will’s heart drop into the pit of his stomach.  He never wanted to hear it again.  When he looked over, she was writhing on the toilet seat.  Even Jason’s face was pained at her screams, but he was doing what he needed to do.  After doing as much as he could, he took one last look at it before putting the sterile gauze on it, grabbing Aberdeen’s hand to hold it against the cut.  
“You ready to go to emerge?” Jason asked.
Tears had streamed down her face at this point.  She didn’t have a good tolerance for pain.  She nodded her head.  “Let’s go.”
It was just past two in the morning before an emergency room doctor saw Aberdeen.  Jason had called Jen to let her know what happened and let her know that he was going to be extra late, and William…well, William was silent.  He was still red with rage as they sat in the emergency room, with Jason and Aberdeen making conversation, but he was silent.  Truthfully, all Aberdeen wanted to do was hug him, hold his hand, and nestle into him, but she couldn’t.  It would have made things a hundred times better, but Jason being there meant that it was impossible.  She noticed William’s silence from the moment they were in the washroom at the awful place and Jason had cleaned the wound.  She was hoping that he wasn’t blaming himself.
“So, Miss Bloom, what happened here?” Dr. Behari asked as she sat on the gurney, Jason and William standing near her with their arms crossed.  
“Some guy at a bar threw a glass and it hit me,” Aberdeen explained simply.  “I think I’m going to need stitches.”
The doctor nodded, then looked towards Jason and William.  “And you’re her bodyguards?” he joked.
Jason smiled, but William didn’t.  “Friends,” Jason said.  “I cleaned it up a bit with rubbing alcohol at the bar, doctor.  I – It was the only thing I could think to do.”
The doctor nodded, stepping closer towards Aberdeen.  “Let me take a look, Miss Bloom, and I can clean it and see if you need stitches.”  Aberdeen took her hand and the gauze off the cut and the doctor put on his gloves.  “Aallllllright…” he mumbled as he checked it, Aberdeen wincing in pain slightly as he pressed down on it.  “You’ve got no residual glass in it, which is great.  All we have to do is clean it up and give you some stitches.”
The thought of stitches made Aberdeen a bit woozy.  She tried not to think about what they’d have to do.  “Is it a deep cut?  Like is it gonna scar?” she asked.
“Not a deep cut at all,” the doctor shook his head.  “I’m only putting it one layer of stitches.  You’ll probably have the slightest scar once it’s all healed but it’s easily covered with makeup, and due to placement, it won’t be too noticeable.”  Suddenly, the curtain that blocked off the room opened, and some supplies and medical equipment were ushered in.  Jason and William looked to see everything that Dr. Behari would need laid out on the tray.  “Ah!  Here we go.  Have you ever received stitches before, Miss Bloom?”
“No sir.”
“Think of it as me putting this beautiful masterpiece of a face back together,” he joked, causing Aberdeen and Jason to laugh.  William still wasn’t laughing, and Jason took notice.  
“You’re great, Doctor Behari,” Aberdeen giggled.  “I’m gonna get a scar like a real hockey player now.”
“Ahhhhh, so you guys are hockey players, huh?” he gestured towards Jason and William.  “I’ve stitched up a bad hockey injury once or twice in my day.”
Dr. Behari continued with what he needed to do, cleaning up the wound and making sure everything was well and prepped for the stitches.  The second he picked up the needle filled with lidocaine though, to numb the area so Aberdeen wouldn’t feel the stitches as much, William became more visibly upset.  For the last two hours he looked like he was about to cry, and now he just looked extremely pained, distressed at the thought of what Aberdeen had to go through.
It took Jason intervening for William to stop thinking over and over about when the glass met Aberdeen’s head; the look in her eyes and the blood on her face as she tried to stop the bleeding with her hand.  “Will, can you breathe for me?” he mumbled, Aberdeen and Dr. Behari too deep in a conversation to hear them.
William started shaking his head.  “He needs to be arrested.  He needs to be charged with assault.  We need to find him,” his voice was still trembling.  
“Will, we’re not gonna find him.  He ran off,” Jason tried to reason with him.  “There aren’t even any cameras we can check – the manager said.  We just have to let it go.”
“No.  That’s not good enough,” William was persistent.  “We need to—”
“Listen to me,” Jason said in a low voice, grabbing William’s forearm and turning him away from Aberdeen and the doctor.  They stood right in between the hallway and the curtain sectioning off the room.  “I understand this is personal for you because it’s Aberdeen, but you need to be level-headed right now, because as much as the doctor is making her laugh, she’s gonna see the stitches and probably get scared.  And she’s going to be looking at you to help calm her down and tell her it will be alright.”
William stopped breathing during the first part of Jason’s sentence.  He furrowed his brows, trying to brush it off, and brush off what Jason was implying.  “I don’t know what you mean about this being personal for me—”
“Will, come on,” Jason interrupted him.  “I’m too old to be fucked with.  We all see the way that you look at her and we know you have the biggest crush imaginable on her.  It’s not like it’s a fucking secret.”
“H—How do I look at her?”
“She’s the only person you ever see, Will,” Jason deadpanned.  “But…beyond that.  You have to remember Brendan’s gonna be asking questions tomorrow at the office.  I’ll handle a majority of that but he’s going to want the story from you too and you better be on your best behaviour or else he’ll figure out your little crush and Aberdeen will be fucked.  Do you understand?”
William couldn’t look Jason in the eye anymore.  He bit down on his bottom lip nervously, knowing that he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  “I think he already knows…” he mumbled.
“Excuse me?”
“I think…Brendan already knows about the crush.  At the Christmas party out on the ice I guess he caught me looking and he told me she can’t do anything with me until she leaves, and more importantly, I can’t do anything with her.”
Jason looked like he’d seen a ghost.  “And?”
“And what?”
“Are you doing anything with her?”
Here it was.  William’s first opportunity to lie outright to a teammate, a friend, a colleague, a guy that he looked up to immensely.  Aberdeen had had to do it with Siena, now he’d have to do it with Jason.  His girlfriend was a mere fifteen feet away and he had to deny that anything was going on.  “What?!  Of course not!” he said angrily.  
“William I swear to fucking God—"
“Nothing is happening,” he stressed.  “Jesus, Jason.  How awful do you think I am?  I wouldn’t do something like that to her.”
“Don’t fuck with me Willy.  She’s got too bright a future for you to—”
“I know that,” William stressed.  “I.  Know.  That.  That’s why nothing has happened.  That’s why it’s stayed a crush.”
“You promise me right here, right now, in the middle of this hospital while she’s getting stitches, that there’s nothing going on between you two, or so help me God, Willy—”
“There’s nothing going on between us,” William said bluntly.  He saw Jason’s face relax slightly, meaning that he was buying it.  “I’ve got my crush and that’s it.  But there’s nothing going on between us.  Nothing.”
“Woohoo!  Boys!” Dr. Behari called out, interrupting their conversation.  “Miss Bloom wants to hold one of your big strong hands just in case she feels anything.  Any takers?”
Jason raised his eyebrows at William and gave him a look.  William gave Jason one last look before walked over, stood next to Aberdeen, and offered his hand.  She grabbed it without hesitation.
Jason watched.
February 22nd, 2020
“What in God’s name happened to your eye?” Brendan demanded as he got his first look at Aberdeen Saturday morning.  In the town car, Lou had already commented on it.  Now Brendan got to see it, bright and early in the morning before heading towards the office.
“It’s a long story,” Aberdeen mumbled.
“Well we’ve got a long drive to the office.”
She sighed.  She recounted the events of the previous night to Brendan, from Jason and William agreeing to stay back with her, to them going to dinner, to the rude men, to the bottle throwing.  Brendan looked more and more horrified as time went on, and especially angry when she got to the part with the rude men.  They were essentially targeting one of his players, one of his star players, with assault; instead, that assault ended up hurting his executive assistant.  And when she mentioned the no cameras and the clueless bartender, he got really angry, because there was nothing he could do either.  
“And so, here we are,” Aberdeen finished.  “I’m three days out from my 22nd birthday and one week out from my party and I have a giant scar on my face.”
Brendan could tell by her tone that she wasn’t necessarily upset about it, per se, but that she was more so a bit self-conscious about how it looked.  “It’s not that big,” he said, trying to not make it a big deal.  “The stitches will be out soon anyway.  You don’t want to see some of the scars I’ve gotten.  I mean…” he trailed off, pointing to the one on his top lip and the one on his chin, “yours won’t look as bad as these.  Won’t end up as bad as these either.”
“You don’t think so?”
Brendan shook his head.  “No chance.  It’s only three stitches.  Did you tell your parents?”
“Yeah, we FaceTimed so I could show them.  They don’t want me in bars past sundown now,” she giggled slightly.  “I’m going to have to go to my doctor before we leave for Tampa Bay to see if they can get taken out though.  By then it will have been four days.  The emergency room doctor said it should be okay by then.”
“I’ll call Noah and have him take a look at it once we get to the arena,” he said, referring to Dr. Noah Forman, the team’s head physician.  “I’ll call Jason and Will in, too.  To let me know what happened.”
Aberdeen nodded her head.  It was only logical to talk to them about it to.  William had been the one targeted, after all.  “Are you excited for tonight?” she asked, trying to change the subject.  
Brendan shrugged. ��“Last time we faced Carolina it was an…interesting game,” he said.  “How much more interesting can it get?”
Aberdeen was absolutely horrified.  Just absolutely fucking horrified at what was transpiring in front of her very eyes.  A complete and utter collapse.  Something that couldn’t be real.  Something she didn’t want to be real.  Something that was affecting her more than she ever thought hockey would.  If Aberdeen thought that Penguins game on Tuesday was bad, this was a hundred times worse.  A thousand.  A million. A billion times worse.
The Leafs were losing to the Hurricanes.  6-3.  And who was in net for the Carolina Hurricanes?  Their emergency backup goalie, who was, somehow, also the Toronto Marlies’ Zamboni driver.  Yes.  The Toronto Maple Leafs were losing to a Zamboni driver.  Their own Zamboni driver.
She wanted to crawl into a hole and die.  
Brendan had already left the box.  He’d asked her not to follow him.  That made her incredibly nervous, because usually when he was upset or disappointed about games, she was still following him like a little puppy.  That wasn’t the case now; he clearly wanted to be alone and alone he would be, wherever he happened to be.  
When the final buzzer rang, Aberdeen felt her heart rate go up even more, because it now meant that she did have to go find him.  She didn’t want to be in the locker room right now.  The team needed to be with their coach, and she didn’t exactly want to hear whatever was going to go down in there.  She wanted to remain willfully ignorant.  So instead, she began walking towards the offices, where a part of her knew Brendan would be.
She was quiet as she walked down the hallway and towards her desk.  She saw Brendan’s door almost closed, and knew he was inside his office.  She gathered her things, grabbed her jacket, and took a deep breath.  
She knocked lightly on his office door.  “Come in,” she heard him say absent-mindedly.  
She pushed the door open slowly.  When she revealed herself in the doorway, Brendan’s eyebrows rose slightly.  He was surprised she’d come and find him.  But he didn’t want her to know that.  Most other personal assistants he’d had usually let him be when he did something like this.  But Aberdeen was different.  “Oh, there you are,” he said, his voice low as he cleared his throat.  There were a few moments of silence as he thought of something to say.  “We need to go over the, uh…the proofs for the St. Pats jerseys,” he held out his hand.
Aberdeen was nervous.  He was a bit too calm for her liking, considering what had just happened.  She knew he wouldn’t want to talk about it exactly, but still.  “Okay.  Um, yeah, sure.  I have it right here,” she said as she began digging through her bag with all the files in it.  There were so many to sort through, and she knew she was taking a while.  
“By all means, move at a glacial pace.  You know how that thrills me,” Brendan said.
She pulled the proofs out of her bag and handed them to him.  He took them, a bit dramatically she thought, and opened them up.  “Okay, so…they’re done.  They can be sent,” he said dismissively, putting his signature at the bottom of every page of proofs.
Aberdeen was shocked, slightly.  There was so much back and forth on them because they had to be perfect and now he’d just signed off on them?  “They…they’re done?  So I don’t need to bring them back to the artist and fetch them back tomorrow?” she began to pull out her iPad so she could change her schedule.  
“Well, if you think the team is worthy of even wearing these jerseys and want to convince me to not just scrap the whole damn idea…then yes, fetch away.  You’re very fetching, so go fetch,” he grumbled out with a resolute emotion of nothingness in his voice.  
Aberdeen stopped her movements.  Okay, so he was affected by what had just happened.  And he was going to let it all out now, in front of her, with no-one else around.  No Kyle.  No Sheldon.  No team.  Nobody but her.  As she continued to stare at him, he couldn’t look her in the eye; he was looking everywhere in his office but her, even though she stood right across his desk from him.  “You’ll need to contact PR, um…Leslie, to see what she can do to minimize the press on all this,” he continued, pursing his lips together, looking out into a void.  “Another humiliating loss splashed across the Toronto Sun.  I can just imagine what they’re going to write about us.  The Toronto Maple Leafs lose to a Zamboni driver who works for them.  The most embarrassing loss yet, and it’s under my watch.  Every newspaper in this city should cut me a check for all the papers I sell for them.”  He shook his head, pausing for a few moments to collect himself, and finally looked at Aberdeen.  “Anyway, I don’t…I don’t really care what anybody writes about me.  But the team.  I just…the team.  It’s just another disappointment…another let down.  Another bad game.  Horrible game.”
Aberdeen didn’t know what to say.  She knew this was Brendan’s version of spilling his guts out to her.  This loss had taken its toll on him – was going to take its toll on everyone in the organization, and he was the guy heading the entire operation.  It all fell on his shoulders.  And Kyle’s.  But he was the overseer of it all.  He put the brunt of the blame on himself – not on the players or the general manager.  “Anyway, the point is…the point is…” he cleared his throat.  Aberdeen could see him visually recollect himself.  “The point is, we really need to get these proofs sent first thing tomorrow morning, because I’d like to see the jerseys before they get sent to the players.”
It was weird to Aberdeen how he could just switch like that – from experiencing the lowest of the low to going back to normal again.  She wondered if it was a hockey thing, because Willy did it too – he would be upset after losses, especially bad ones, but it would quickly become dirt off his shoulder.  She held on to her emotions and feelings much longer than them.  “I’m so sorry, Brendan,” she offered.  She knew there was nothing else she could say to him.  “If you want me to cancel your morning tomorrow, I can.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.  Why would we do that?” he asked.
Aberdeen offered a tight-lipped smile.  “Is there anything else I can do?” she asked.
Brendan nodded quickly.  “Your job.”
Aberdeen called Siena the moment she was out of the office and walking home.  She’d been okayed to go home by Brendan.  She’d texted Will, but he wasn’t answering, so God knows what was going on in the locker room right now.  She didn’t want to stay at Scotiabank Arena for that very reason.  She just knew it was too much for her to handle.  
She knew it was too much because she was already crying.  Silent tears, but tears nonetheless.  She prayed to God that Siena picked up.
“Hey,” Aberdeen finally heard her voice.  “What’s up?”
“Siena…” Aberdeen’s voice was shaky.  “Siena did you watch the game?”
“No, why?  What’s wrong?”
Aberdeen sniffled.  “I never thought I’d be crying about sports but here I am crying about the Leafs!” she blubbered out.
“Why?  What happened?”
“We just had the most God awful game,” Aberdeen huffed out.  “We lost to our own Zamboni driver.”
There was a pause on Siena’s end.  “Aberdeen, are you drunk?”
“NO!!!” she exclaimed.  “Go check the highlights or whatever.  Go turn on TSN.  It was humiliating.  We’re going to get absolutely roasted.  It’s going to be so bad and—”
“Aberdeen—Aberdeen you need to calm down,” Siena urged on the other end of the phone.  “It’s not your fault, Aberdeen.  And it’s not your problem.  Why are you so upset about it?  It’s not like you’re a part of the team.”
Aberdeen felt a punch to her heart at Siena’s words.  But she was.  Everyone had told her that she was – Brendan, Kyle, the guys, everyone – and she had no reason to think otherwise.  It was hammered into her since the beginning.  For all intents and purposes, she was a member of the team, which is why it hurt her so badly.  Siena didn’t understand that.  Siena didn’t understand how all the traveling together made them closer; how all the guys looked out for her – not in a patronizing way, just…in their own way – like they were her older brothers, especially after what happened at Christmas; how the word family was tossed around so often that Aberdeen really felt that this was a family in its own way, with a bunch of moving parts, often dysfunctional, but a family nonetheless.  Siena didn’t understand any of it.  “Yes I am,” Aberdeen said meekly, offering nothing.  She couldn’t put into words what she’d just thought, and even if she could, Siena, with all her smarts, wouldn’t understand them.  “I am a part of the team.”
“Just sleep on it, alright?  I’m sure everybody is going to forget about it by tomorrow morning,” Siena offered, showing truly just how much she didn’t understand.  “I’ll call you tomorrow.”
At that exact moment, a car pulled up on the curb alongside Aberdeen.  When she looked over, she saw William in the driver’s seat.  He was already looking at her.  “Okay, bye,” she ended the call abruptly, stuffing her phone into her coat pocket before approaching and opening the door, slipping into the passenger’s seat easily.
When Aberdeen looked over at William, he immediately noticed her red eyes.  His heart tightened in his chest.  “Why are you crying, minskatt?” he asked.
“How could you not be?” she asked back.
He leaned over the centre console to kiss her.  “Please stop, minskatt.  I can’t stand to see you cry.”
“I don’t know what to feel – what to do – I don’t know what to say to you to make you feel better about this,” she lamented.
“Shhhh shhh shhh,” William kissed her again, bringing his of his hands up to cup her face.  “You don’t need to say anything.”
“Don’t I?”
William shook his head slightly.  “You’re here, aren’t you?” he asked, as if that was enough.  As if that’s all he needed, when really, Aberdeen knew he’d need so much more.  That she would need so much more.  “D’you want to come back to my place?”
Aberdeen looked William in the eye.  He wasn’t asking politely.  He was begging.  She nodded.  “Okay.”
Aberdeen was getting scared at how good she was getting at lying.  She’d made up a stupid story about needing to stay late at the arena again for the trade deadline so Kasha would go to bed and not wait up for her.  Kasha bought it.  Aberdeen didn’t even know if she was staying at William’s tonight or if she’d walk into her apartment at three o’clock in the morning again, for the second time in two days.  
(As if William would bring her to his apartment and then tell her to leave in the middle of the night.)
He took her to a tall, glass condo building, only about a ten minute walk from hers but closer to the south core that made him possible to practically walk to all the games if he wanted to.  He held her hand firmly in his once they got out of the car and walked through the parking garage, getting on the elevator.  William pushed the button for one of the top floors.  Of course he’d have a penthouse.  
Aberdeen was still too caught up in her own emotions to realize how big this was – every other encounter had been at her place, and now she was finally seeing his space.  When he opened the door, she was pleasantly surprised at what she was greeted with.  She knew it was rented, and so she half expected it to be kind of dull with no personality, but that wasn’t the case.  There were touches of William everywhere in the apartment – the slight, boyish messiness just adding to it.  Expensive shoes scattered at the entryway.  A few plants that weren’t dead, so she figured they were fake.  A giant, comfy looking couch in the main area with a massive TV that was hooked up to every gaming console known to man.  And pictures.  Lots and lots and lots of pictures everywhere.  All of his family.
She could tell that there was a spare bedroom on one side of the apartment, and she saw a door leading to the master.  William put his keys in the bowl in the middle of the kitchen island, watching her as she looked around his apartment.  “So what do you think?” he asked.
“Do you miss your family on nights like this?  When it’s a really bad game and really embarrassing?” Aberdeen asked, staring at a picture he had of him and him sisters together, holding them all in a giant bear hug as their smiles stretched from ear to ear.
The question caught him completely off guard.  “Of course I do.  I miss them all the time,” he said.
“What do you do on nights like tonight?”
“I sit on my couch and watch TV until I’m not thinking about it anymore,” William admitted.  “Lately I’ve really been meaning to do it with my girlfriend.”
Aberdeen couldn’t help but smile.  Even after a night like tonight, he was still flirting with her.  “Do you have a change of clothes?”
They went into his bedroom – bed messy, but huge; closet overflowing, but orderly; giant floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the other skyscrapers around them – and she changed into a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt that looked Supreme-branded but instead said ‘spaghetti’.  It smelled like him, thoroughly, and the second she put it on she felt like she was being hugged, even though it was about six sizes too big.  They changed together, and when they were done, they made their way back to the living room and William turned on the TV, pulling her towards the big couch.  He made her sit down first before kneeling down between her legs, resting his head on her stomach just beneath her breasts before wrapping his arms around her.  
It was calm.  It was nice.  It was mindless.  William was mindless as he laid there, his arms wrapped around his girlfriend in his clothes, watching TV but not really watching TV.  Aberdeen was mindless as she laid there, running her fingers through William’s hair soothingly, watching TV but not really watching TV.  It was a while before Aberdeen decided to speak again.  “You know, it’s not healthy to not talk about it,” she said.  
She felt William sigh.  “You know I’m not good with words, minskatt.”
“Oh, I think that’s a lie.  You’re great with words,” she said.
“No I’m not.”
“William, every author in the English language wishes they came up with the words, ‘I think about you when I’m not even thinking’, including me,” she countered.
William couldn’t help but smile.  “Those words are only for you,” he said.
“I know,” she said, “but can you please give me some other words so I know that you’re okay?  Because I’m worried.”
The fact that he was making her worried made him compelled to talk.  That was the last thing he wanted.  “I just…I just know that we’re never going to hear the end of it.  And I hate that.  I hate that it’s gonna be the big joke now.  Because hockey isn’t a joke to me.  Neither is the Leafs.”  He paused and Aberdeen was silent, and he knew that silence was urging him to continue.  “It happened because…it happened because they rallied around their goalie.  They protected him.  They had his back.  And we didn’t.  We just…we didn’t.  And I hate it when we do that.  Because I have…I have every guy in that locker room’s back.  I do.  But sometimes it just…” he sighed, shaking his head.  “Sometimes it just doesn’t work out how I want it to.”
Aberdeen had continued to run her fingers through his hair.  She nodded at the end of his speech.  “I’m not going to pretend that I know what it feels like, because I don’t,” she said.  “I haven’t been a fan of hockey and I don’t understand it like you do but I know how much a game like this can affect the group, especially with the media in this city.  But I got emotional about it because I know how much it affects you.  Even if you won’t tell me about it.”
“I don’t mean to not tell you,” William said.  “I just…” he paused again, thinking if he should even say anything.  “It’s that besides my dad and brother, nobody’s ever really…you know, listened.  So I just stopped talking.”
Aberdeen’s heart broke.  At that point, she stopped running her fingers through his hair and forced him to sit up, even though her legs were still wrapped around him, so she could look him in the eye.  She thought about Mike Babcock and what he’d done to Will.  She thought about all the other hockey coaches he had and wondered if they were just as bad.  “Willy…” she said softly, running her thumb along his jawline and lips.  “Willy, I want you to talk to me more.  About hockey.  About your family.  About your feelings.  About everything.  Please.  Please.”
William nodded.  He understood completely what she was asking him to do, and he was going to make a concerted effort to do so, because he loved her.  He loved her so much and he didn’t want to see her worrying about him.  “I will, minskatt.  I will, for you,” he said, kissing her quickly.  He shifted them so she was straddling his body.  “I just have to get used to somebody listening.”
“Willy, I’m always going to listen to you.  Don’t forget that, okay?” she asked, cradling his face in her hands.
He nodded, quickly kissing her again.  The words were coming now, and he couldn’t stop them.  Aberdeen had that power over him.  “What happened the other night at the bar was my fault,” he said.
“What?” Aberdeen’s eyes bulged out of her head dramatically.  “Willy, that was not your fault at all—”
“Yes it was—”
“No it wasn’t—”
“Yes, yes it was,” he said sternly.  “And I couldn’t take it.  I was so mad, minskatt.  I was shaking.  I wasn’t able to stop it or to protect you or—”
“Willy—Willy, stop.  Willy, it wasn’t your fault at all,” she repeated.  “Those stupid guys were drunk.”
“But they were aiming for me.  They hated me.  I wish that glass would’ve hit me instead,” he said, bringing his hand up to her scar and touching it lightly.
“Don’t you dare say something like that.  It was a freak accident, Willy.  There was nothing either of us could do,” she said, hoping he would soon realize it.
William paused for a moment.  “You’d talk to me too, right?  Like you want me to talk to you?” he asked.  Aberdeen nodded her head confidently.  “Were you scared that night?”
Aberdeen shrugged her shoulders.  “Just a little bit.  But you were there.  And Jason.  And when I realized that, I wasn’t so scared anymore.  I’ve been scared before in my life much worse and with less blood.”
William nodded.  “Are you listening?”
“I love you.”
Aberdeen smiled.  “I love you too.”
They began kissing.  Lightly, at first, and then Aberdeen couldn’t help but stick her tongue down his throat, and William couldn’t help but squeeze at the flesh of her thighs.  As they made out like teenagers on his couch, Aberdeen placed her hands over his and guided them to her ass.  
William giggled slightly into the kiss.  “Aberdeen…” he said in a playfully accusing tone.
“I only want to remember feeling your hands there instead,” she mumbled against his lips.  
William froze.  Suddenly and all at once, her words hit him like shards of glass, cutting him to his very core.  “I’ve been scared before in my life much worse and with less blood.”  Ethan.  She still thought about what happened with Ethan – she still thought about it and it affected her and it made her scared, something she hadn’t admitted to before.  William felt like killing Ethan all over again right then and there, with Aberdeen sitting on his lap.  What affected her wasn’t a physical wound; what affected her was something much deeper.
“Listen to me,” he said, his hand cradling her chin, thumb gliding over her lips softly as she’d done to him earlier.  “Nobody is going to do that to you again, okay?  Not while I’m here.”  
Aberdeen nodded her head.  She believed him completely.
“I mean it, Aberdeen,” he pressed.
“I know.”
“If I ever saw him on the street, I’d fucking kill him for what he did to you.  For how he made you feel.  And I want you to know that, like…you’re not what happened to you.  You’re so much more.  He was a pig who couldn’t see that but I can,” William said.
Aberdeen almost burst out into tears at his words.  You’re not what happened to you.  You’re so much more.  She could have cried right then and there.  But instead, she nodded her head before kissing William again, even more eager this time, wanting to show him just how much she appreciated him, just how much she believed him, just how much she loved him.
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sirowsky · 4 years ago
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group.
(Slow burn)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, very near miscarriage.
Link to Masterlist
Comment: I’m sorry that it’s been a little dry lately, I haven’t been in the best groove for writing. But I swear this will be the last chapter centred around the med-section for a good long while. We’re going to war from here on out, people!
To those of you who have stuck with this story all this way - I cannot thank you enough!! I LOVE YOU!!! 
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Chapter 33
  “That kid you hurled at the wall? Why would he be working with Prince?”
  “He was completely unbothered with what I’d done to him. I mean, he came out of it fine, but he did die for a moment, you’d think he be a little scared. Young people think of themselves as invincible and I figured he just didn’t get how serious it was. But maybe, he saw me being able to do that as something to aspire to? Maybe the awe I saw in his eyes was ambition. Maybe he wants to be a super, and wants it so much that he doesn’t care if some people get hurt along the way.”
  You were back in Marcus’ office, and he was sitting in one of the sofas while you were pacing, trying to sort out what you’d learned, with an uneasy feeling in your gut.
  “Querida, please stop moving, I’m getting nervous just looking at you.”
  “Then stop looking at me.”
  “Like that’s ever gonna happen.”
  You threw him a smile, but it contorted into a grimace when a sudden and very sharp pain in your lower abdomen forced you to double over.
  “Hermosa! What is it?”
  Marcus was on his feet and next to you in no time at all, catching you from hitting the floor as the pain intensified to the point where your legs gave out and started shaking. Your back was throbbing and your whole pelvis felt like it was being burnt from the inside. It was so intense that you couldn’t breathe normally, only suck in shallow gasps in between volleys of pain. Your stomach turned and you threw your head to the side not to vomit all over Marcus.
  “Talk to me, querida!”
  “Medical… baby…”
  It was all you could push out of your mouth through the gasps and kecks, and the overwhelming pain. It was worse than anything you’d ever felt before.
  You were only partially aware of being scooped up and carried away, but the rocking motion sent fresh arrows laced with acid shooting through you and you screamed in absolute agony.
  At some point you became aware of other hands on your skin, gloved and practised and efficient. And the light in the ceiling changed, to accommodate the need for excellent visibility for the medical staff. You knew that light a little too well, but it also gave you a small sense of comfort, knowing you were in the hands of people that could help you.
  You heard someone say that they needed to sedate you, or they wouldn’t be able to examine you, and you heard Marcus reply something, but he was too far away, and your own screaming was drowning him out. You wanted to reach for him, to hold him close and take comfort in his warmth and mere presence, but your arms were cramped around your abdomen, trying desperately to protect the little life in there.
  Then he was suddenly kissing your cheek, whispering that he’d be there, and that everything would be okay, but that they had to put you to sleep to protect you from the pain. For some reason, that made your powers flare, and a shockwave burst out of you, sending all of them, including Marcus, hurling across the room and into the surrounding walls.
  The staff were unfazed, quickly scrambling to their feet and returning to the task at hand, and only seconds later, you began to feel the heaviness of drug-induced sleep crash over you.
  As the pain lessened, the tears that had relentlessly filled and spilled from your eyes, completely blocking your view, finally calmed and you turned your head towards where you’d last heard Marcus.
  You saw him coming towards you, looking so scared, and you wanted to touch him. But then the drugs overpowered you, and you drooped away into darkness.
  “It’s okay, mi amor. You’re both okay.”
  When you came to, the first thing you were aware of was that Marcus was lying next to you on the bed, cradling you to him. His breathing was calm and even, but he was awake.
  As the drugs wore off more, you became more lucid, and the memories flooded your mind like a tidal-wave.
  Your hands reflexively found your abdomen, and tried in vain to feel if the baby was still there, from the outside.
  His voice and words washed over you and you could finally breathe again. The tears started up again with the relief, and he kissed your forehead and held you tighter while his hand joined both of yours, trying to reassure yourselves that it really was there and really was fine, even though you couldn’t feel it.
  “What happened?”
  He hesitated, and his voice was repeatedly plagued by tremors as he explained.
  “Your pills… Someone messed with them, to try and make you miscarry.”
  “I took two of them…”
  The sentence echoed through your mind over and over, awakening that beast of maternal instinct inside you, forcing the sadness aside to make way for anger, with the realisation that someone within these walls was capable of something so unimaginably cruel.
  But you were also heartbroken at your own failure to realise the risks of trusting anything given to you that had been made inside this building, right now.
  “And if it had been anyone but you, the baby wouldn’t have made it.”
  “What do you mean?”
  “You can’t heal yourself, and yet you somehow found a way to turn your ability inwards, to heal the baby, to take back the damage as it was being done by the chemicals. You saved our child, even though it shouldn’t have been possible and even though you were sedated.”
  He sighed and slightly shook his head.
  “I will never be able to express how much I love the bear that lives inside you and makes you the strongest person on this planet.”
  “Well… since I’m never taking another one of those pills again, I guess you’ll get to hear her a lot more in the future.”
  Despite the gravity of the situation, he laughed at that. He needed the positivity more than anything in that moment.
  “Good. I really have missed her.”
  You gave him a minute to just be in that moment of happiness, before bringing him back to all the severity that would accompany the immediate future.
  “Where’s Jack Daven?”
  “They’re looking for him now.”
  “If he had anything to do with this…”
  “I know. I hear you.”
  “I’ve never felt pain like that. It was like it was… shattering my bones and pouring acid into them.”
  “I’ve seen you in pain before, and this was different. The way you screamed… I’ll be able to hear that inside my head for as long as I live.”
  “I’m sorry you had to hear that.”
  “This has gone too far, hermosa. It needs to stop, we can’t keep being in this situation where the fucking med-section is more home to us than anything else.”
  “I know. Hey, did you ever get around to calling that realtor?”
  “Really? That’s what you wanna talk about right now?”
  “I need to talk about something to keep my mind off of how stupid I feel.”
  “Why the hell would you feel stupid?”
  “I should have known not to trust anyone, including the people who make those fucking pills. It never even occurred to me that someone could use them to hurt me. A dozen people have access to them during production, it wouldn’t have been that hard to fiddle with a batch. You were right, I haven’t been careful enough. I’m so sorry.”
  “Oh, mi corazón… None of this is your fault. Don’t you ever think that.”
  You did, and you would, probably for a very long time.
  “Where’s Missy?”
  “With mom. They came to see you earlier, and I explained everything. We agreed that it’s probably best to keep her away from here for now, in case someone decides to try and use her against us. If our enemy’s capable of this, then they’re capable of anything. So, they’re gonna stay away until we’ve solved this. I promised Missy that you’d call as soon as you could, she was really scared for you both.”
  “Yeah, of course. I feel better knowing she’s safe, far away from here.”
  “And, yes, I did call the realtor. He could fit us in on Friday, if we wanted.”
  “That’s good. I feel like we might need to do something normal if we’re gonna be able to keep our heads through all of this.”
  “I know what you mean.”
  “Um, just one thing, though…”
  “What’s today?”
  He cracked a genuine smile with the realisation that some things just never changed.
  “It’s Tuesday, hermosa.”
  “I swear, one of these days, I’m gonna get it right.”
  That made him laugh in earnest, and the sound was the best medication you could have asked for. It made you feel at home, even though you were once again tethered to machines and feeling exhausted.
  “Hi, Mama Bear. Don’t worry, I’m gonna take care of you.”
  Marcus stopped laughing, and a kind of delighted shock spread across his face when your stomach suddenly growled loudly.
  He repositioned himself so that he could kiss it on top of the covers, and then rested his ear against it while he smiled happily.
  But then a really depressing thought occurred to you.
  “Marcus… we can’t eat from the restaurant any more. As much as I think we can trust Greg, other people have access to the kitchen.”
  That did nothing to deter his growing good mood.
  “Screw it – I’ll cook.”
  “All my six-to-eight portions per meal, every day? Honey, you won’t have time to do anything else.”
  At that moment, the twins walked in for their evening rounds.
  “Ah, you’re awake. How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
  “Good, but hungry. Which is a bit of problem, right now.”
  But Marcus was already coming up with a solution.
  “Claire, you have three kids, you’re used to cooking for lots of people, right?”
  He was looking at the twin to the right, and she responded right away.
  “Yeah, sure. Are you thinking you’re gonna boycott the restaurant?”
  “Would you feel up to helping me? I need to be able to help her with other things too.”
  “Of course I would. Anything to prevent something like this shit from happening again. Also, cooking on the clock is so much more fun.”
  “Thank you so much. Our list of trusted individuals is extremely short at the moment.”
  Hold the god damned phone!
  “Marcus, how the hell do you do that?!”
  “How the fuck did you know that that’s Claire?! It’s driving me insane!”
  He chuckled and held up his hands.
  “Electromagnetism, remember. All humans have their own unique electric signature.”
  “Wha… So, you really have been able to tell them apart this whole time?”
  “Well, that’s just unfair!”
  All three of them just laughed at you before Claire turned to Amanda.
  “Looks like she’s okay, so why don’t we get started on that cooking?”
  “We? He asked you.”
  “And I’m roping you in. Come on. Starving mother over there.”
  They left and Marcus used his powers to dim the lights, so that he didn’t have to get out of bed. But he stayed fully dressed and on top of the covers, which suddenly really irritated you.
  “Am I on some sort of ‘no touch’ rule with you that I don’t know about?”
  You just gestured to his state of dress with your eyebrows raised.
  “Oh. No, not at all.”
  You pushed your eyebrows even further up.
  “You’re not! I’m just… worried.”
  “I’m not asking for sex, Marcus, that would be seriously unwise after almost miscarrying. I’m just asking to be allowed to be close to you again. You’ve kept me at arms-length ever since the incident at the house, and it’s making me feel like I’ve done something terrible to create some sort of precipice between us that you won’t let me…”
  He cut you off by kissing you, warmly, but not heatedly.
  “You’ve done nothing wrong, mi amor. I’m just scared. Scared of draining you, scared of losing you, scared of how badly I need you, every part of you, to the point where I don’t function without you. But there’s no precipice. You’re always allowed to be close to me, if you reach for me, I’ll always welcome you.”
  “Then consider this me reaching for you: Get your ass under these covers and hold me properly.”
  “Don’t worry, mama, it’s coming. Just rest for now.”
  He stepped out of bed and took off all his clothes, except his underwear, before returning to you. You turned on your side, careful to keep the wires that were attached to you from getting tangled or coming lose, and he wrapped his arms around you and tugged you snugly into him. Since the gown was open at the back, you could feel his skin against yours, and it calmed every nerve inside your body better than anything else ever could.
  A tiny current spread along your skin, and he hummed into your neck as the same kind of serenity coursed through him as well.
  Your stomach made an unhappy noise, and his hand came to rub gently at it while he whispered in your ear.
  You’d forgotten to call Missy, but the twins would be back before midnight with food, and you’d have to get up and eat, so you decided to call her then. Right now, you were too tired, and feeling entirely too good, to move a single muscle.
  But, just as sleep was beginning to pull you down, a thought popped into your head, and you couldn’t understand how it hadn’t occurred to you before.
  “What if it’s a whole network?”
  “What do you mean?”
  “I mean… The more I think about what Prince said, the more I fear that this is so much worse than just a few people within HQ. He made it sound like there was a network, an organisation to this madness. ‘I don’t think you realise just how many people in this world are interested in levelling the playing-field.’ That’s what he said. Someone got him out of prison without raising any alarms, got him his equipment and my files and… I’m beginning to think that he was working with the Inventor all along. That your capture, and the way those cages were designed to effectively steal your powers, were too similar to Prince’s work. There are too many coincidences, there has to be some connection. And we can’t fight something like that. Especially when we don’t know who might be sympathisers.”
  “Fuck. This is making so much more sense than I’d like to admit.”
  “What are we gonna do?”
  He was quiet for a minute, subconsciously holding you tighter, while his mind worked the problem.
  “If we’re facing an organisation, the only hope we have, is to build one of our own. To equal the strength and cunning we’re facing.”
  “But how do we do that when we don’t know who to trust?”
  “We reveal the ace up our sleeve.”
  “I didn’t know we had one…”
  “We do. It’s just… kinda far up that sleeve.”
  “What is it?”
 Authors’ Note: I love criticism, please don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
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dweetwise · 4 years ago
300 followers gift fic: beach episode
instead of taking a writing break i finally finished the crackfic i promised for 300 followers! it’s a little weird and i,, kind of make fun of frank a little too much but i hope you enjoy the silliness nonetheless!
characters: david, dwight, steve, ace, quentin, frank, julie, susie, joey ship: david x dwight warnings: mild violence, mention of blood word count: 6950 (hELP)
David feels his feet hit the ground as he’s teleported into a trial, the fog of the Entity slowly clearing from his mind. He opens his eyes—
—and promptly has to close them right after because bloody hell it's bright!
“Woah! Look at this!” an awestruck voice exclaims from somewhere nearby, and David thinks it's Steve, finally managing to squint his eyes open enough to try to make out their surroundings.
As soon as he does so, he immediately decides he's hallucinating.
He's on a sunny beach. There's waves slowly rolling onto the fine white sand and the sun is shining bright, high up in the clear blue sky.
The only thing that stops David from being sure that he's dreaming is Steve smacking him on the shoulder and uttering an excited “Dude, are you seeing this?” because if he was dreaming he sure as hell wouldn't be here with Steve.
“Where are we?" a voice that sounds much more fitting for his dream pipes up from behind him, and David turns to find Dwight making his way over. "Did—did we escape���?” their leader's tired eyes are wide with hope, and he rubs his arms nervously and—
Holy shit, he's shirtless.
Steve is shrugging and replying something to Dwight, but David's brain can't comprehend anything that isn't Dwight and his surprisingly well-defined, freckled shoulders and the adorable chub around his waist and fuck, David bets his skin feels so soft—
“What do you think, David?” Dwight asks, and David forces himself to tear his gaze away from Dwight’s torso to his face. But then he has those big, brown eyes looking up at him and searching for guidance, like David is even half of the leader Dwight is.
“Don’t seem like a trial,” David manages to get out through the mess of thoughts that is his feelings for the man. “Should look around—you stay close to me, eh?” he urges their leader, despite knowing full well Dwight is more than enough capable of looking after himself.
He takes some comfort in the fact that despite Dwight being aware of that too, the man responds with a nod and a small, if a little shaky, smile.
“Come on guys, hurry up!” Steve calls from a short distance away, reminding David that they’re not, in fact, alone. They follow the excited teen, walking along the shoreline.
As Steve prattles on about how warm it is and pesters them about whether or not they know how to swim, David tries and fails to focus on their predicament and not let his eyes wander.
He notices Dwight is wearing red board shorts with a pizza slice pattern, and tries not to smile. He wonders if it’s something he owned in the real world, or that the Entity made up just for this occasion. Either way, they’re way cuter than they have any right of being.
“Dude, I like the shorts!” Steve’s voice finally gets through to David, probably because he’s looking a little too intently at Dwight’s neither regions, but then he thankfully turns to give David the same treatment. “Yours are… uh, kinda neat too!”
And for the first time David actually takes a look at his own outfit. He hadn’t even realized he was also in swimwear, so used to going shirtless trial after trial. But sure enough, the Entity has put him in dark blue swim shorts, and he snorts upon spotting the cartoony beer pint pattern. He sure as hell has never owned a pair that looks like this, so apparently the Entity is enjoying playing dress-up with them.
“I think yours are cool too,” Dwight returns the compliment and David goes back to glaring at Steve, who grins and shows off his (really fucking ugly, in David’s opinion) striped shorts with pictures of ice cream cones.
Steve, thankfully, doesn’t have time for what would no doubt be an obnoxious reply, the sounds of an argument drifting over to the trio.
“—you should let me do it! I have Plunderers!” David recognizes Ace’s annoying voice before he spots the man, standing over what looks to be someone searching a chest.
“And I have Pharmacy, so shut it,” Quentin’s messy mop of hair appears over the chest when he offers a half-hearted glare at the gambler.
“Nobody wants a dusty old med-kit!” Ace huffs, hands on his hips. “Who knows what else we could find?”
“Too late,” Quentin snarks and finally rips the lock off, Ace sighing in defeat as he opens the chest. “What the… what’s all this?”
“Oi, what’s going on?” David walks up to the duo. “Did’ya find somethin’?”
“Hey, buddy—” Ace greets before David shoves his way past the man, peering into the chest that has Quentin so confused, coming face to face with…
“Beach equipment?” Quentin summarizes, lifting a water gun and a towel from the chest.
“Cool!” Steve has joined them and, predictably, gets excited, grabbing the toy immediately.
“Have you two seen anyone else?” Dwight asks Quentin and Ace, trailing after Steve to join them.
“Nope!” Ace chirps, grabbing a pair of sunglasses and a beach towel from the box. “Looks like it’s just us, unless the rest are… I don’t know, out at sea?”
“Half expected to run into a killer,” Quentin muses. “Guess we got lucky it’s just the five of us instead.”
“Shame it's just dudes. I bet the girls would've—uh,” Steve says, before seeming to realize how desperate he sounds. “Really enjoyed it too…?” he finishes with a sheepish smile.
“Uh-huh,” Quentin deadpans. “I'm sure that's the reason.”
“It's a tragedy the new guy isn't here," Ace sighs wistfully. “I’d pay good money to see him shirtless.”
David rolls his eyes while Dwight, embarrassed, chokes on nothing.
“Y-you shouldn't talk about Felix like that,” their leader stammers, completely oblivious to how David was ogling him earlier.
“Just saying what half of the camp is thinking,” Ace shrugs.
“I wonder if Jane's coming?” Steve seems to realize, glancing around as if expecting more people to pop up out of thin air.
“You're both disgusting,” Quentin snorts, starting to walk away from the group. “I'm going for a swim."
“But we don't know if it's safe!” Dwight calls after him.
"I mean… if I drown in Entity goo, don't come after me," Quentin merely responds, putting on some swimming goggles and making his way to the shoreline.
“I wonder why Quentin’s in a speedo and the rest of us have trunks?” Steve thinks out loud, and sure enough, David realizes he’s right, noticing Quentin’s swimwear when he swan dives into the ocean.
“Didn’t he use to do competitive swimming?” Dwight points out, because of course he would, because nobody knows any of them quite as well as Dwight, because he’s an amazing leader and friend and—
David’s train of thought comes to a halt when he glances around and notices what has to be a crime against fashion.
“I’d rather a speedo than whatever the fock tha’ is,” David snorts, gesturing to where Ace is laying his beach towel, wearing a pair of hot pink swimming trunks with a banana pattern, along with a trashy, bright yellow aloha shirt. Apparently he’s gotten so used to the man’s questionable style that he didn’t even notice the travesty until now.
“Aww, come on David!” Ace grins, taking his jab in stride. “I know you really wanted some pink shorts too.”
“It’s kinda funny that the Entity gave us shorts with our favorite food!” Steve grins while rummaging through the supplies in the chest. “I love ice cream, Dwight obviously likes pizza, and David beer, and Ace—”
“Cock,” David finishes the sentence, eyeing the banana shorts suspiciously, while Ace bursts out laughing, Steve’s eyes fly wide open and Dwight sputters something unintelligible.
“David!” Dwight finally manages to scold him, face red from embarrassment. “You can’t just say stuff like that—”
“Yeah yeah, sorry luv,” David grins apologetically, immediately cursing himself for letting the pet name slip. “’M goin’ for a swim too,” he decides, making his way to the water to try to get his thoughts in order.
David’s never been much of a beach person, not having enough patience to sunbathe and not a huge fan of swimming, either. But he can’t deny the warmth from the sun, even if fake, feels nice, and the soft sand under his feet is pleasant. When was the last time he even walked barefoot?
His toes touch the water and that’s where the pleasantness ends because goddamn, it’s cold! David can’t remember the last time he felt an actual chill, as the Entity seems determined to make sure they’re never too hot or too cold, even the snowy grounds of Ormond feeling room temperature.
But now, David has to grit his teeth as cold shoots through his system just from dipping his toes in. He glances at Quentin, still swimming around without a care in the world, and can’t imagine how the hell the teen managed to dive right in without going into shock.
David glances over his shoulder, wanting to see if someone’s looking at him freaking out over the water like a scared kitten. Steve is still engrossed in pulling out all the contents of the crate, before he hands a bottle of something to Dwight, who squirts some into his hand and starts—lord have mercy—lathering himself up with the sunscreen.
And David is helpless to do anything but stare, seeing Dwight work the creamy substance into his equally creamy skin, starting with his arms and then working it into his chest. He runs his hands down his torso, covering himself self-consciously when the softness around his belly jiggles slightly with the movement, and god what David wouldn’t give to be able to do that for him. He’d work the lotion into the skin nice and slow, taking his time and making sure to murmur how perfect Dwight looks and how good his body feels—
David’s brain does the equivalent of a record screech when his perfect, half-naked angel walks up to Ace, of all people.
“Ace, can you… uh, give me a hand with my back…?” Dwight asks nervously, holding out the bottle of sunscreen, and David thinks he's going to burst a vein from how much his blood pressure rises upon hearing the request.
Ace sits up on his elbows, before looking over his sunglasses with a smirk like the disgusting pervert he is, and David swears that if he lays a finger on Dwight's bare skin he's fucking throwing fists—
But then Ace's eyes meet his and a trimmed eyebrow raises in acknowledgement, still with that infuriating smirk on his face, and David's anger gives way to mortification because shit, what if Ace knows about his little crush?
To his relief, Ace just ends up sighing.
“Can you ask someone else? I'm kind of busy,” the gambler says, flopping back down to lay on his towel.
“Oh, okay…” Dwight says, looking so disappointed, and David’s breath catches in his throat because this is his chance!
“What the fuck, Ace?” Quentin emerges from the waves beside him before he can do anything. “Not everyone has your complexion. Some of us burn really easily,” Quentin scolds, walking up to the duo and no doubt glaring at the gambler. “Come on, I’ll help you,” he offers to Dwight, who returns a grateful smile.
Quentin starts rubbing the cream onto Dwight’s back, and then has the nerve to ask if Dwight can return the favor, so David grits his teeth and marches into the ocean to cool off so he doesn’t end up pile driving the teen into the sand.
He only manages to get deep enough for the water to reach his junk before he instantly regrets the decision, the cold making things shrivel up unpleasantly. He ends up just ducking his head into the water and wading back to shore, hoping that Dwight the others didn’t see him chickening out for the second time in a row.
The others are still engrossed in their own activities, Steve filling up the water gun in the shallows and Ace looking to doze off in the sun, Quentin and Dwight chatting nearby.
And nobody sees the strange group approaching from the treeline behind them.
“Oi!” David calls, getting the attention of his friends and picking up the pace to get to Dwight in case the strangers mean bad news. “Hope yer not lookin’ fer trouble,” he addresses the new group, causing the others to finally take notice of their company.
“Who’s that?” Quentin asks with a frown, taking in the sight of four people, two girls and two guys, dressed in swimwear and one of the boys even carrying a large swim ring on his shoulder. The group’s animated chatter dies down as they seem to notice their company.
“Oh my god, this is fucking typical!” one of the group, a young woman with blonde hair and a plaid bikini, scoffs in offense.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here!?” a skinny man with very questionable choice of swimwear, pastel purple board shorts with rubber ducks, demands.
“Fuck me, is the Entity pranking us?” the other man sighs, dressed in much more bland swimwear with black and white skulls.
“Aww,” the final member pouts, twiddling with her bright pink braid over her pink and black bikini. “Frank, you didn’t tell us there’d be others!”
David’s brow furrows upon hearing the name; it sounds familiar, but he can’t quite place it. Luckily, Dwight is much more of a quick thinker than he is.
“L-legion?” Dwight squeaks, his eyes going wide in fear, and David is now back to full alert because he’s right, they group is definitely the killers, David just didn’t connect the dots because of how normal the kids look.
“What, you gonna scream? Cry?” the leader, Frank, taunts obnoxiously, strutting to the front of his posse. “How about you guys go fuck yourselves and leave the beach to us, before someone gets hurt?”
Dwight takes a step back while David takes one forward, anger bubbling up because who the fuck does this prick think he is—
“Nice swimmies, Franky,” Quentin suddenly pipes up, making David stop in his tracks. “Did your mommy pick them out for you?”
“Tch—” Frank balks, his face scrunching up in anger even as redness rises up on his cheeks.
“He might have lost a small bet,” the pink-haired girl, David doesn’t recall her name, quips cheerfully in response.
“Shut up, Susie!” Frank hisses at his friend, before turning back to point at Quentin accusingly. “Of course you had to bring this waste of space, too!” he seems to direct the complaint at Dwight.
“S-sorry—” Dwight starts.
“Don’t,” David orders, placing a large hand on Dwight’s shoulder and stepping between their leader and the Legion’s. “This arsehole don’t deserve yer apology."
“Oh yeah?” the bigger guy, David thinks he remembers hearing his name is Joey, steps forward to back up his friend. Unfortunately, he doesn’t intimidate David in the slightest, especially not with only an inflatable beach toy as his weapon. “Maybe you should think twice about picking a fight.”
“Guys…” the blonde girl starts, sounding exasperated.
“Come on Jules, knives or not, we can take them. Easily,” Frank tells her, and David notices both Dwight and Quentin tense next to him, preparing himself to dodge a swing any second now—
“Ahoy, ladies!” Steve suddenly shoves his way to the front of the group, offering the two girls a cheeky grin and cocking his water gun against a hat he doesn’t have. “Would you like to set sail on an ocean of—” he falters, looking around the beach in thought. “…Water?”
There’s a moment of silence following Steve’s interruption, the tension in the air effectively disappearing as everyone stares at Steve with varying levels of amusement and disbelief.
“Um,” the pink-haired girl—Susie—comments, regarding the teen skeptically.
“Aww, he’s even more of a dork outside of trials,” the one named Jules—for Julie, right?—coos patronizingly. “Look at him with his little toy!”
“Thanks! You wanna have a watergun fight?” Steve is either completely oblivious to the jab or takes it in stride.
“I’ll shove that fucking gun so far down your throat—” Frank threatens.
“Kinky!” Quentin comments cheerily.
“Oh you’ll regret that—” Frank snarls.
“Children!” Ace’s yell snaps them out of the ensuing argument, everyone turning to face the man who has apparently finally decided to grace them with his presence.
“Ugh, it just keeps getting better,” Julie snarks sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“While apparently you guys had a negotiation with the Entity, we have no idea why it decided to put us here,” Ace explains with a friendly smile, ignoring the snide comment. “So why not try to make the most of it? There’s more than enough room for all of us. We’ll stay out of your hair if you do the same,” he says, giving a pointed stare at David and Quentin.
“Okay!” Susie beams.
“What? No it’s not!” Frank argues.
“Why not?” the girl whines. “I don’t wanna waste time fighting. This was supposed to be our day off.”
“So we gonna beat them up or what?” Joey seems to be getting impatient. “If not, I wanna go swimming.”
“Yeah, same,” Julie agrees. “Let’s just leave them be.”
“Fine,” Frank spits, glaring at each of the survivors in turn. “You’d better stay the fuck outta my sight.”
David wants to argue and he can sense Quentin does too, the teen biting his lip to suppress what would no doubt be a snarky comment. The only thing stopping David from picking a fight is Dwight’s hesitant hand on his arm, a wordless plea to not make the situation worse, and Frank would have to push a whole lot harder for David to ever deny Dwight.
“Looks like we have a deal,” Ace smiles, his shoulders sagging just the tiniest bit from relief.
There’s a silent understanding when the killers start making their way to one side of the beach while Ace motions for them to head back to theirs, and the situation looks to be peacefully resolved.
“Hey, you guys should check out the stuff the Entity gave us!” Steve suggests, inviting them right back over, most likely unintentionally, but it still makes Dwight sigh and David can even hear Ace groan in exasperation.
“I give up,” Ace sighs with a wave of his hand, leaving them to fend for themselves for when another fight inevitably breaks out.
David doesn’t really care if the killers grab some of the items meant for them, but it’s the principle of the thing, and his hands ball into fists while the teens rummage through the chest.
Susie eventually pulls out an inflatable pool toy with a unicorn that says ‘princess’.
“Oh my god, look how cute!” she squeals, holding up the toy.
“I bet it's Dweeb's,” Frank smirks smugly.
That's it, he's going down—
“You take that back!” David snarls, stepping forward aggressively.
“David, please!” Dwight protests.
“Yeah, can you guys not?” Julie sighs, rolling her eyes while procuring a pair of sunglasses from the chest.
“No one's impressed by this alpha male bullshit,” Quentin agrees.
“Not my fault this cocksucker can't take a joke—” Franks starts.
“Yer the one who's too much of a pussy to fight!” David accuses. “Let's go, right now!”
“Guys!” Joey yells. “If you really wanna butt heads, how about we play for it instead?” he asks, grabbing a volley ball from the trunk. “Our team versus yours. Winner gets bragging rights.”
“Oh, we're totally in! Right guys?” Steve, predictably, is all over the game.
David frowns. It's been years since he's played beach volley, but how hard can it be? Especially compared to his scrawny opponent; Frank probably hasn't done a day of sports in his life.
“Fine,” he spits.
“Fine,” Frank smirks.
“I'm in,” Quentin offers.
“Come on, Suz," Julie offers.
“You know I suck at sports!” the girl whines, but obediently goes to stand with the group.
Still missing one member for their teams to be even, everyone looks at Dwight.
“M-m-me!?” he squeaks.
Frank looks like he's about to say something, but is interrupted by Joey shoving the net into his arms.
“Come help me set this shit up,” Joey says with a pointed look and Frank rolls his eyes and complies.
Huh. Maybe that Joey guy isn't so terrible.
“Yeah, who else? Ace?” Steve is doing his best to encourage Dwight. “He’d probably throw his back out or something.”
“I heard that!” the gambler calls from his lazing around spot.
“And I'm sure you're better than you realize!” Steve continues, ignoring the comment.
“But I've never played,” Dwight says, still hesitant.
“You'll pick it up in no time,” Quentin encourages. “You don't even have to do much, we'll cover for you.”
“I don't know…”
“Pleeeaaase?” Steve whines and even pouts, clearly pulling out all the stops. “We really wanna play and if you don't we won't have enough players."
Dwight looks at David, and David does his best to give an encouraging smile.
“Come on, mate,” he says. “You’ll have fun, promise.”
That’s a lie, but David just really wants Dwight to be there to witness him kicking Frank's ass.
“Okay,” Dwight finally relents, looking away from David with a sigh.
Steve cheers loudly and soon enough, they’ve joined the Legion who have finished setting up the net and the game can begin.
It turns out the teams are surprisingly even. Steve and Joey are the best players by far, managing difficult serves, covering for the others and even extending to get shots David didn't even think possible.
Quentin and Julie aren't far behind in skill, not having the precision of their respective team captains but still succeeding in keeping the ball in play.
David likes to think he's better than Frank, but neither of them are doing too well, missing shots that should have hit and even causing the ball to fly out of bounds.
Dwight and Susie are the worst by far, with Dwight landing wet noodle passes at best and mostly just trying to stay out of the way. Susie is nearly actively sabotaging her team, squealing and covering her head if it looks like Steve or Quentin are going for a particularly rough hit.
Steve looks to be enjoying himself thoroughly, and David thinks he tones down some of his shots to prolong the game and give the others a chance. Quentin on the other hand is surprisingly competitive, often aiming for Susie's corner which is their opponent's weak link.
David mostly focuses his efforts on aiming at Frank's face, and from the way the teen keeps snarling and glaring at him, it doesn’t go unnoticed.
The Legion eventually turning against each other is kind of funny.
“Jesus, Frank, you suck ass,” Julie complains, watching the ball fly over the line when Frank hits it at a weird angle.
“I mean I’m not surprised that you guys know how to handle balls,” Frank snarks. “Personally, it’s not something I’d be proud of.”
“Then why did you spend three years practicing basketball?” Susie jokes, making her leader fume.
The survivors' camaraderie on the other hand is high, even as the scores are neck-to neck and adrenaline is running high. Steve takes every opportunity to encourage Dwight when he fails, and Quentin commends him when he makes a good play.
It should maybe make David jealous, but he's just happy to see Dwight smile and enjoy himself. He wishes he had the tact of the two to praise him too, feeling way more comfortable with showing off his athletic skill than actually talking to Dwight.
“Shit—” Steve dives into the sand and barely manages to save the ball after a particularly nasty serve from Julie. He doesn't get a clean hit, and the ball swerves a curve to the left instead of to the right where David was prepared to set it up, narrowly missing Quentin's head.
And then Dwight comes out of nowhere, managing to redirect the ball back into play, and David is so fucking excited he nearly misses the hit, but thankfully manages to get it over the net and Susie doesn't even seem to try to stop it.
“Go Dwight!” she cheers.
“Nice work, dude!" Steve whoops, spitting some sand from his mouth.
“I, uh,” Dwight is clearly flustered.
“That's what I'm talkin' about!” David encourages, smacking Dwight on the back and causing him to stumble forward.
"T-thanks,” Dwight smiles nervously.
“You done kissing ass?” Frank snarks, glaring at Susie.
“Yup, now we're gonna kick yours,” Quentin shoots back.
“Come on guys, 18 to 20! We can do this!” Steve encourages, and everyone gets back into position.
Julie serves again, and Quentin catches it. They get the ball over easily, and Joey raises it. Julie is in position to set it up it, and Frank jumps into the air, and David just hopes he misses the shot—
The ball whizzes past Steve and Quentin in front, and it's going way too hard to land within bounds, so that’s a free point for them—
But then David realizes the trajectory it's on, and time seems to slow down to a crawl as it hits Dwight square in the face with a sickening smack.
And David sees red.
When he comes to, he's on top of a struggling Frank and there are arms trying to restrain him from behind. The voices sound faraway and muddled because of the overwhelming sound of blood rushing in his ears. His arms are held back, so he headbutts Frank instead, and feels a sick sense of glee when he hears the crunch and Frank yelping out a curse.
“That’s enough, man! Cut it out!” a voice he doesn't recognize cuts through the haze, and David snarls, elbowing whoever it is in the gut. The restraint against his left hand gives way, and he's about to shrug out of the hold, ready to beat the living shit out of Frank—
And then he takes a bucketful of sea water to the face and it's fucking cold bloody hell—
“Merda—would you behave for two fucking seconds!?” Ace is yelling at them, angry for being disturbed again, a telling empty bucket in his hands.
The shock from the cold is the only thing that makes David resist the urge to redirect his anger in the form of his fist meeting the gambler's face.
“Steve, take David to cool off and punch a palm tree of something,” Ace commands like a frustrated mother. “And you three, make sure Frank doesn't do something stupid… well, stupider. Quentin, you’re helping me clean Dwight’s face.”
At the mention of Dwight, David snaps out of it and anxiously starts looking around to search for the man in question, soon noticing Quentin crouched by him and Susie anxiously fluttering nearby.
Seeing Dwight's bloody face breaks his heart, but luckily their leader seems to only have a nosebleed, even if the blood running down his face looks kind of gruesome. David hopes he didn't break his nose.
His anger threatens to bubble up again; if Frank ruined that pretty face—
“Okay big guy, let's go!” Steve apparently notices his shift in mood and is quick to drag him off.
David half-heartedly tries to protest but Steve isn’t letting up, and David follows him to the treeline just to get him to shut up.
Steve finds some coconuts and David takes the opportunity to punch one as hard as he can, pretending it’s Frank’s face. His knuckles sting and will probably bruise but it’s worth it, the loud crunch as the shell splits open making him smirk smugly.
When they get back to the others, Steve carrying a lapful of coconuts and David flexing his sprained hand but otherwise successfully calmed down, the others seem to be faring better too. Dwight’s face is a lot less bloody and he’s smiling shakily to something Ace says while holding what has to be a cold towel to his nose. The Legion are huddled near their leader, who’s slowly bruising cheek seems to be making him pout. Even if Joey is holding back snickers, Susie is trying to encourage Frank and Julie is patting him on the back in solidarity, proving that despite their bickering, the group does seem to care for each other.
“Hey, Frank,” David suddenly catches Quentin’s voice and sees a smug smile on the teen’s lips from where he’s approaching the killers. “I bet you can't swim.”
“Can too!” the gang’s leader says, predictably taking the bait and his pout immediately replaced by a defiant smirk. “Wanna race?”
When Quentin just clicks his tongue, pretending to be in thought, David knows Frank is in for a humiliation.
“Sure,” Quentin says, not giving anything away.
David eagerly waits for the two to get in position, a little jealous of how readily they get into the cold ocean water with barely a shiver. Steve gives a countdown, and then they’re off, Quentin effortlessly taking the lead and Frank falling further and further behind.
David doesn't feel the slightest bit bad for laughing, eager for the bastard to get any form of payback. Sadly, it doesn't really have the same impact when the rest of the Legion join in to make fun of their leader.
“You go, Franky!” Julie fake cheers between wheezes.
“Nice doggy paddle!” Joey laughs.
“You can still beat him! …If he drowns?” Susie tries to encourage.
After the race, Steve asks David for his help with cracking the coconuts, and even though David really just wants to talk to Dwight he can’t help but puff up his chest and flex a little from the teen obviously seeing him as the strongest of the group.
Later, the sun is already starting to set and David’s knuckles are even more bruised than before. The pain doesn’t bother him and the physical strain of the day has made him mellow out more than usual. When he notices Dwight sitting by himself by the shoreline, he finally gathers the courage to go talk to the man alone.
It looks like a day in the sun has done wonders for the group, lazy chatter and quiet laughter coming from friend and foe alike, scattered around the beach.
The girls have apparently ended up hanging out with Ace, Susie even wearing the gambler’s ugly shirt to protect herself from the now chilly ocean breeze.
“—and the Oktoberfest outfit, with the undercut? Swoon,” Julie says, doing a fake fainting motion into Susie’s lap, and Ace laughs and Susie giggles and bloody hell, are they still talking about Felix?
A bit further away, Steve and Joey are passing the volley ball in good camaraderie. David catches the end of a silly joke from Steve followed by snorting laughter from Joey, and it does kind of make sense that they’d befriend each other.
In the water, Quentin is still swimming while Frank lounges in the swim ring, taunting him. That is, until Quentin flips the ring and laughs, and Frank splutters and flails and hangs onto it like a lifeline.
David finally reaches Dwight, who doesn’t seem to notice him arriving, staring out over the horizon and looking to be deep in thought.
“Hey,” David makes his presence known, and as soon as those gorgeous brown eyes turn to look at him in surprise, the stupid nerves at the pit of David’s stomach resurface.
“Hi,” Dwight says with a small, tired smile. “Has everyone finally calmed down?”
A pang of guilt shoots through David’s chest at the words, recognizing his own part in creating most of the drama of the day. If he’d behaved himself, maybe Dwight wouldn’t have ended up hurt.
“Yeah,” David says, offering an apologetic grin. “Everyone seems ta be gettin’ along. Never thought I’d see the day we’d be hangin’ out with killers.”
“Hmm,” Dwight hums in though, turning back to watch the sunset. “Some of them are not that different from us.”
Seeing Dwight so calm and rational, David feels even worse for his numerous temper tantrums. He just wanted to protect Dwight.
“’M sorry ‘bout yer nose,” David sighs as he sits down next to the man.
“You didn’t do anything,” Dwight reassures. “I was just… wrong place, wrong time.”
“If I didn’t egg the wank—Frank on, it wouldn’t ‘a happened,” David argues, doing his best to swallow his resentment for the teen in question.
“It’s okay,” Dwight says, offering him a genuine smile. “I know you were just trying to stick up for us.”
David wants to come clean, to say everything he did was for Dwight, even if it only made things worse in the end. But no matter how much of a bravado he usually puts on, David knows he’s a real fucking pussy when it comes to emotions.
“Yeah,” he agrees like an utter coward.
“Thank you,” Dwight says anyway, smiling serenely like the absolute angel that he is, ready to forgive all of David’s dumb mistakes.
It suddenly hits him that Dwight always seems way more calm when they’re alone together, a stark contrast to him fidgeting and tripping over his words when they’re in a group and he’s put on the spot. Conversely, David’s confidence seems to fly out of the window as soon as he’s left alone with Dwight, desperately trying to appear casual while his heart does its best to beat out of his chest.
For some reason, Dwight enjoys and maybe even thrives in his company, and David in turn has never met anyone so understanding of his anger issues. He knows they’d be so good for each other—
Fuck it.
“Actually,” David starts, swallowing a lump in his throat but forcing himself to push through the embarrassment. “I didn’t do it fer them. I wanted to protect you.”
Dwight’s cute face twists in confusion, and David tries his best to keep unwavering eye contact despite wanting nothing more than to run away from the situation and his feelings.
“Oh,” Dwight finally says, and David thinks he catches the beginning of a blush before he averts his eyes. “I guess I am kinda weak, haha.”
“The hell ya are,” David argues. Damn, that’s not what he was going for at all, why is he so fucking bad at this— “Yer smart and determined an’ I really admire that about ya. Yer the best leader we could’a asked for, an’ even though ya don’t need protectin’, I just…”
David falters. He was doing so well, even managing to not put his foot in his mouth, but this is it. If he confesses his feelings, there’s no going back.
He looks up and meets Dwight’s eyes, and as soon as he sees the man who stole his heart look up at him with such blatant hope, he knows he has to try.
“I just care about ya,” he settles on.
Dwight swallows and his eyes search David’s face, and David doesn’t even dare breathe—
“Like… like a friend…?” Dwight croaks out, his voice now unsure and shaky, but he’s not looking away.
“Nah,” David says, shaking his head for emphasis. “Never saw ya as just a mate.”
Dwight’s cheeks flare red and he ducks his head, but David catches the dopey little grin before it disappears from his view.
“I—um, wow,” Dwight chuckles, fidgeting with his hands and not quite seeming to know how to react.
“Whaddaya say, luv?” David pushes, resisting the urge to pull the adorable geek into his arms and snog him silly. “Wanna do this?”
Fuck, hopefully he’s not being too forward. Dwight doesn’t seem like the type to have had plenty of relationship experience, but then again neither has David. Usually, he only had to flex a bit after one of his fights and wait for a bird or bloke to stroll up and make it clear they fancied him.
But those were easier times, and now he’s in a strange world within another dimension with a ragtag group of friends and confessing to a man he’s fallen for harder than he ever thought possible.
“Of course I want to do this,” Dwight mutters, sounding almost offended as he finally looks up at him with a smile. “I just never thought you’d go for someone like me.”
“Wha’, someone as perfect as you?” David smirks, nudging Dwight in the ribs with his elbow and causing a cute chuckle to escape the other’s lips. “Don’t sell yourself short, luv; I got high standards.”
“If you say so,” Dwight relents.
Despite Dwight self-consciously covering the cute rolls on his tummy with his arms, his smile is the brightest David has ever seen. They stare into each other’s eyes in silence, David with a dumb grin and Dwight with a bashful smile, and David feels so stupid that he didn’t see it before.
“Gonna give me a kiss?” David’s mouth says without his permission, the filter between his mouth and brain even more flimsy than usual because of the fluttering in his gut.
“I m-mean, my face is pretty busted up," Dwight stutters and turns his face away. “You probably don’t want to—I look even worse than usual, haha.”
“Bollocks,” David scoffs, leaning to nudge his forehead against Dwight’s temple. “Yer the cutest thing I ever seen.”
Dwight glances at him but still looks unsure, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth in a nervous habit.
“We don’t gotta if ya don’t wanna,” David reassures. “But don’t hold back on my behalf—”
And that’s all he has time to say before a surprisingly eager mouth crashes against his own, the rest of his sentence muffled against Dwight’s lips.
Wholeheartedly on board with the sudden turn of events, David’s arms wrap around Dwight as of their own accord while he hurries to reciprocate. Dwight’s lips are chapped but so incredibly warm, and the enthusiasm with which he goes at it is making David’s heart swell—
“Shit,” there’s a pained hiss against his lips when Dwight tilts his head and bumps their noses together.
“Easy, luv,” David murmurs, tilting his head at more of an angle to avoid Dwight’s injury. He gently coaxes the inviting lips right back in and Dwight makes a sound of approval low in his throat.
Every fantasy David has had about this moment can’t compare to the real deal. Granted, his imagination has always been kind of shit, and there was no way he could have pictured just how amazing it is to kiss Dwight and how perfect he feels in David’s arms. He tastes a tinge of blood when he licks into Dwight’s mouth, but it doesn’t bother him in the slightest, if anything it just eggs him on—
A loud wolf whistle carrying over the beach suddenly reminds him that they’re not alone.
Dwight pulls away much faster than David, turning to face their companions with a sheepish grin and a deep flush, while David lazily turns around to glower at the group.
Steve is still whistling from where he’s joined Ace and the girls, not threatened by David in the slightest. Then, to his annoyance, Julie starts clapping sarcastically and Susie hides her giggles into her friend’s shoulder.
“Ugh, finally!” Ace comments, throwing his hands up in mock exasperation, making David redirect his glare to the gambler.
“What,” David barely hears Quentin’s incredulous voice mutter nearby, still swimming with Frank and with Joey now having joined them.
“Uh. Congrats,” Joey offers, giving them an awkward thumbs up.
Frank, predictably, says nothing, only scoffing in disgust. Which, to be honest, is much more polite than David would have reacted if the roles were reversed.
“What are you—when did you—?” Quentin keeps going, looking so confused it makes even David snort out a half-laugh.
“Well, at least someone didn’t figure it out before these two idiots,” Ace sighs melodramatically.
“Seriously, doesn’t take a genius to notice them eye fucking each other all the time,” Steve grins, and holy hell, David really has been living under a rock if even Steve had figured out Dwight’s feelings before him.
He tunes out the others’ teasing as soon as a warm hand gently grabs his.
“Come on,” Dwight encourages with a playful smile. “Let’s go get it over with.”
His mood instantly elevating, David pulls them to their feet and rejoins their friends with his hand still clasped in Dwight’s. There’s some good-natured banter on their expense but that’s to be expected, and even though David half-heartedly threatens to clock Ace in the face for a questionable joke, he feels calmer than he has in years.
Dwight doesn’t leave his side for the entirety of their remaining time on the beach or when they’re teleported back to the campfire. And even if they have to go through the playful teasing and looks of disbelief a second time, David takes it in stride because he has the person he always wanted right by his side.
It takes way too long to get a moment alone from their nosy friends, but eventually, David manages to pull Dwight away from the camp to pick up where they left off at the beach, this time uninterrupted.
When Dwight breaks the kiss only to look up at David, with his bruised nose and some wetness in his eyes, murmuring that this is the best day of his life, David can’t help but agree.
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imonthinice · 4 years ago
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 9/?
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s Note: Y/N- Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
I am sorry. lmao.
Half of my links are glitched tf out fuck this shit, touched grass yesterday but that grind don’t fuckin stop babey
Warnings: Angst - Injury, Description of said injury, Mentions of Jason’s past, Swearing, Dark Themes, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Jason clutched his right side as he gasped for a long breath of the cold, rainy air surrounding him. Everything hurt and he could barely move enough to text Dick that he was down. He would hold and add pressure to the stab wound sitting directly on his waist, but he could feel the blood seeping through the gaps in his fingers as he held it. His hands were covered by the blood and he was losing it fast.
He wasn’t going to walk this off by any means, he was going to need Dick to go get him and bring him back to the hospital wing of the Batcave because he couldn’t move and he felt his eyes drooping as he waiting and tried to keep his breathing in check, while Dick was scrambling to go get him.
There would be a few questions he would have to answer to Y/N. Not even just Y/N, to Lian, his Goddaughter, who he was planning on seeing in the morning since Y/N was going to a dance competition, or at least he thought she was.
But in that moment, so many memories flew back into his head, the hopelessness as he sat there for a few seconds, bleeding out after the explosion that Joker had set off on him. And then the minutes in the Lazarus Pit as he drowned himself back to life, the water filling his lungs as he cried and screamed. But no one came.
This time, however, Dick came.
Dick swooped his baby brother up and onto his back and he tried to run to the Batmobile as fast as he could, knowing time was of the essence for saving Jason’s life. Jason had broke off from Dick for a few seconds before this moment, and it was the only thing Dick was worried about. That Dick had said to come back to him, alive.
In the car, Dick put his hands on Jason's gaping wound, trying to press his hands into it as well to slow the bleeding, the Batmobile had the ability to drive itself, and Dick thanked whatever God was watching that it did. Jason was struggling for breath at this moment, and Dick was terrified.
“You’re going to be oaky, Jase. I swear. Please. Don’t die on me, it feels like yesterday that I got you back,” he leaned into Jason’s face, “Not again, please,” Dick begged and begged as he rushed Jason to Alfred, who was waiting to operate on Jason.
Y/N woke up as always, this time, without a text from Jason. She thought nothing of it, thinking he was safe in his house with his loving family. She went to go get coffee to kick start her day, and A/N wasn’t in the kitchen. She, still, thought nothing of it, since A/N’s lover was over the night before and she had to turn up her music to ignore the sounds coming from the other side of the house. She sent Jason a quick text,
Good morning, Jay. I hope you slept well.
And she returned to her room, coffee in hand, to write some quick little stories about  what she had placed in her journal. Not many of the ideas in there were able to be built off of, but she still tried her best with every idea she had, to see if it could be something more.
It normally never was, but it was always something she craved. The ideas of writing a book always enticed her, but she never thought she was talented enough to do so.
She heard her roommate’s door open and then the front door as A/N waved off her lover. It was a quiet Saturday morning, and Y/N loved that as she dove further and further into her work, immersing herself in the story of two lovers who were destined to meet after one moved to the hometown of the other to pursue criminal psychology.
She couldn’t get her mind off of Jason. They hadn’t even known each other for a week but she knew he was worth her time. A few hours passed by from when she sent the first text.
Dick held Jason’s hand as he was hooked up to many different machines, he could breathe on his own, but the IV and the blood bags were hard to keep Dick’s eyes off of. If only I had been watching a little closer, he thought.
Jason fumbled in his pain-induced sleep, moaning and groaning as he did so when he opened his eyes to find a worried, sleep-deprived and very rough-looking Dick at his bedside, to which, Dick collapsed on Jason in a hug.
“Thank God,” Dick breathed.
“What... what the fuck.... what the fuck happened?” Jason stuttered, like a blanket of sleep and drugs had limited his mobility and brain function.
“I don’t know, Jase. That’s what I was hoping you’d tell me, but then again, your blood alcohol level was suspicious.”
“I... I didn’t drink... drink that much.”
“No, you didn’t. But you did drink, who was with you?”
“I don’t... know.”
“I think you were roofied so they could get the upper hand on you. You almost died, Jase.”
“Come...c’mere,” Jason managed to say, and when Dick came to him, he moved on of his hands onto Dick’s cheek, “Big... big annoying... big little annoying brother.”
“Shhhhhh, little wing,” Dick comforted his little brother, “You weren’t supposed to grow that much taller than me,” he laughed, “Dickhead,” he laughed again, then sighed, and stepped back from Jason to pace back and forth, he was stressed, “I told Roy-”
“Will, sorry. I told Will that you won’t be able to see Lian today, he asked what happened, he might drop by.”
“He should... shouldn’t have to... see me this... this way,” Jason said, eyes pooling with tears, “No one... should.”
“Don’t know how we’re going to explain this to your little girlfriend.”
“Oh... Man... I like... I like her.”
“I know you do, and that’s an issue when you’re high as a kite in a hospital bed, bleeding out, Jase,” Dick tried to explain, “Especially when she doesn’t know you’re Red Hood, dumbass.”
“Oh,” he said.
“I know, Jase. If it was me and Barbara didn’t know, I wouldn’t know what to do,” he sighed, “Haven’t even met this girl,” he laughed.
“It’s... it’s only been... 5 days,” he stuttered.
“and 3 back-to-back, multiple hour, spanning days, worth of dates. You don’t do that with someone you don’t think should meet your family.”
“You’re... stubborn.”
“And you’re my brother. It doesn’t take blood to exhibit the same traits.”
“The meds... are... are wearing off.”
“Do you need more?”
“Not... yet,” he struggled with his words, “Phone?”
“I mean, yeah I can give you your phone,” Dick said as he went to go unplug and hand Jason his phone, realizing that Y/N had texted Jason he said, “Guess you have someone who wants to know where you are more than Will does.”
“Will cares,” Jason said as he took the phone and read Y/N’s text,
I guess it isn’t morning anymore, huh.
Well that’s on me for texting you at 6 in the morning after I know you’ve been working late.
And I’m going to see my Goddaughter today, so I’ve been sleeping in to preserve energy for her.
Can’t forget that she’s what, 1 year old? Girl must have a lot of energy.
Her name’s Lian, and yeah. She’s a ball of energy.
He said as Lian and her dad, Will, formerly known as Roy, walked into the hospital wing of the Batcave. The secret wasn’t hidden to the little girl yet because she couldn’t remember a lot. But, she sure did recognize her Uncle Jay when she screamed her name.
Will brought his daughter up and put her beside her Uncle, and she cuddled into him, he would hold her back.
“Hey... Will.”
“You look like shit, Jaybird.”
“I feel... feel like shit.”
“You’re also talking slow, bud.”
“Drugs... do that... Will.”
“At least you’re not dead, I have no idea how I’d cope or even explain that to Lian.”
“She... she has your... eyes.”
“She’s growing into my nose too.”
“Your nose... looks like shit... on your face.”
“Okay, dickhead. You’re bedridden but yeah, attack me like you used to, I’ll just pull the plug.”
“Lian... would hate you... you for that,” he groaned as he said it.
“Do you need more drugs? I can tell Dick,” Will asked.
“Yeah... I think-”
“Don’t worry about finishing that, Jaybird. I got you.”
The wet ground surrounding the house Y/N lived in was a representation of what she considered, the bad things, washing away from her life as she got to know Jason more. She wished they could talk more that day, but she did not want to take away time from him and his Goddaughter. Family matters a lot to Y/N, so a thought like that just seemed selfish for her to think when she knew that little girl needed him.
She didn’t think he got injured or anything from the Office, it was a safer place than the fuckin Wayne Manor hallways. She texted Artemis,
So, you’re Wally’s girlfriend, and Wally is Dick’s best friend? Am I hearing you right?
That’s basically the intertwine we have here, yes.
So once you’re in this family, you’re IN, huh?
Not a chance.
The thrill of flipping off pap hasn’t left you yet?
Does everyone know about that? And yes, it’s still massively fun to do.
Wally says Dick is the only one who doesn’t think its that funny.
C’mon now, that’s my best friend, but yeah, that’s pretty fucking lame.
You’re the fun best friend, then. You see the fun in making a fool of the pap.
You know it.
Artemis knew of what happened on patrol between Jason and his unknown attacker. Dick had told Artemis to distract Y/N from wondering why Jason seemed drunk, if he seemed drunk. The extents they went to to hide the fact that they were the vigilantes protecting the city, they didn’t know if she was going to be able to keep the secret.
Jason would talk to her after that message,
That storm last night was terrible.
I wish that we were together when it happened. I hate lightning.
Well, you were in Cali.
Did I not tell you? My competition was cancelled because the entire country is fucked with weather.
Oh. That sucks.
Do you want to spend the night here?
Do you want to spend the night here?
Jason stared at that text for a while. He did, he wanted to spend the night with her, but he was in pain, hooked to machines, with obvious wounds and bandages. He couldn’t spend the night with her.
I can’t. I’m in Metropolis with Will and Lian. Can we reschedule?
Of course we can. As long as you make sure we actually get to spend the night together.
He asked Dick in that moment, “How... how long... long til I heal?”
“Depends. You’ll be okay-ish in 5 days, but in 7-10 we have to take out your stitches if you’ve been taking care of them,” he said.
“That... that long? Damn.”
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Sign From The Past
Andrew/Abraham (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope) x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Spoilers for Little Hope, Swearing, Blood and Injury, Bus Crash (Mentioned)
Genre: Romance, A bit of Angst
Summary: Following the bus crash and the group of students and their professor getting stranded in the eerie town of Little Hope, Y/N and Andrew come to find out a lot about and themselves as in their thoughts and feelings as well as about each other. It does take a little push from the past to pass the threshold though.
Requested by 💞 Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was a real joy to write. Also thank you so much for your patience - I know the wait has been really long and I’m extremely sorry for that but I still hope you come across the fic and read it. If so, I hope you enjoy it! Love, Vy ❤
Y/D/N - Your Double’s Name (Same first letter as your name)
Y/N stands behind John and observes as her professor is attempting to wake up the possibly concussed boy sitting on the ground with his back against the roof of the flipped bus they had all been safely seated in less than ten minutes ago. Her classmate and best friend Taylor’s struggling to fetch even the tiniest possible signal with her phone held up in the air, muttering curses under her breath. Two more classmates are unaccounted for at the moment but that’s not what’s bothering Y/N the most right now - maybe it’s messed up, but it’s true. 
The girls main attention and worry is focused on the boy who’s still unconscious. The boy she’s praying will wake up soon.
Being the only one with a med major, Y/N was quick to tend to any external wounds such as the cut on Andrew’s forehead which was rather deep but nothing to get too worked up about. There was not much she could do without a med-kit which made her feel utterly helpless and useless while John continuously reassured her Andrew and the rest of them would all be ok.
Come on, Andrew. Don’t scare us like this
As if overhearing her thoughts, Andrew’s eyes started fluttering open, causing Y/N’s heartbeat to pick up, her legs automatically carrying her closer to him, ducking down in front of him to get a good look at him.
She’s the first person his gaze lands upon before fluttering over to John. His eyebrow seems to raise ever so slightly before he looks at Y/N again, “Y/N, what happened? Who’s that?“
Her heart dropped and so did the smile that appeared on John’s face as a result of Andrew’s consciousness returning.
Overhearing Andrew’s question, Taylor quickly comes over as well, ducking down next to Y/N. “Rise and shine, Andy. We’re stuck in a ghost town, this is no time to be taking naps.”
Andrew scoffs, looking at Taylor, “Maybe you could run that back a bit cause I have no idea where I am or what on Earth happened.” His eyes shift back to you, “Any explanation would be nice, Y/N. Even a shitty one.”
Y/N sighs, “We were going on a fieldtrip and our bus crashed. This is our professor,” she points to John and then to Taylor, “And this is our classmate. Two others are with us but we don’t know where they are at the moment.”
The boy stays quiet for a moment, his gaze distancing and becoming unfocused to the point of scaring Y/N but then he starts talking, focusing again, “You’re a med major, so doc can you please tell me why the hell I remember none of what you just told me?“
Even though the girl is rather shocked by his memory of her and her major, she hurries to recompose herself and reply, “You’re just concussed, Andrew. Don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly fine soon, nothing to panic over. I promise.”
Taylor snorts from next to her, cutting the tension, “Wow Andy, you know Y/N AND her major but you can’t even remember our names. Just wow!”
“Not everyone leaves the same impression on a person, Taylor.“ John says, looking between Y/N and Andrew knowingly.
“You got that one right professor.“ Taylor agrees, nudging Y/N’s shoulder with her own, sending a wink her best friend’s way despite the other girl desperately avoiding her gaze.
All she can really do is sit in the intense heat of her blush and hope it’s not as apparent as her crush on Andrew seems to be.
It’s gonna be one hell of a night, she thinks to herself.
If only she knew how right she was...
                                                            *  *  *
“Feeling any better? Any fatigue or nausea?“ Y/N asks Andrew as the two continue down the road, walking ahead of everybody else. This is a routinely question she’s been asking him every thirty or so minutes while hoping she wasn’t annoying him too much with it.
Luckily, he never made her feel like she was, always replying in a friendly, light-hearted manner and even with a hint of a smile, “No, I’m good, don’t worry.”
Right, as if Y/N had a switch to flip to turn her worry off. She’s always been the nurturing type. The one who always over-cares and is always over-kind. She’s been like that with everyone since forever. But with Andrew, though she refuses to admit it, it’s obviously a bit different and more intense.
Seeing as how she’s the only one he remembers, he’s been sticking by her side and gravitating towards her the whole night - much like she’s been doing as well. Little do they both know that even back on campus, in the gardens and the hallways of their college they’d somehow always end up finding one another and walking together to or from class. There are invisible magnetic forces between them, pulling them towards one another so subtly neither of them have noticed. Not yet, at least.
“Hey look! An old train station.“ Y/N points out, looking first to Andrew then turning around in search of the rest of their group members. Her heart drops when all her gaze lands upon is the thick fog that’s been following them everywhere they’ve gone so far and doesn’t seem to show any sign of thinning anytime soon.
Having noticed her mild distress at the absence of their professor and classmates, Andrew hurries to approach her, subconsciously resting a hand on her shoulder, “Hey, they’re probably right behind us, don’t freak out, ok?” His eyes stare into hers so convincingly that all she can do is nod. When she does so, he continues, “Ok, good. Let’s go into the station, see if we can find anything or anyone.” She nods again, praying the blush that’s appeared on her cheeks as a result of the physical contact isn’t visible in the faint light of the streetlight.
As the two turn to venture onward, Y/N nearly jumps out of her skin when she feels Andrew’s hand slide down her arm to take a hold of hers as if afraid he’d lose her in the dark. She tries not to pay too much mind to it and not read into it, biting her lip to suppress the involuntary smile that’s creeping up on her face.
Seeing this moment with the two so at peace and relaxed, the horrors felt mocked apparently and felt the need to intervene.
Just as the two students are about to pass the threshold into the station, a hand covered in cracked ashy skin takes hold of Andrew’s forearm, pulling him in the station.
And simultaneously into the past.
When him and Y/N come to they are shocked at the sight that greets them: themselves. The two of them are standing next to a horse carriage, wearing attire from centuries ago and speaking in hushed tones and whispers but loud enough to be understood at the distance they were at. Y/N and Andrew decide to stay quiet and avoid being spotted by them.
“Never have I thought I’d have to send you off such a way and for such a reason, Y/D/N.” The man who looks exactly like Andrew says, his head hanging low with disappointment, regret and sorrow.
“Abraham, listen to me, this is no fault of yours. You are doing what you think will keep me from harm and I’m grateful with all my heart. I just worry the Reverend will find out you had something to do with me...“
“I’d regret not a single thing even if he did find out.“ The man, Abraham apparently, cuts the girl - Y/D/N - off, his eyes coming up to meet hers again, his hand taking hold of hers. The girl looks around nervously as if to make sure she’s got permission to hold the hand of the man she clearly loves, but then just nods in gratitude.
“I’m forever in your debt, Abraham, thank you.“ She says, bowing her head now too.
“Do not thank me, Y/D/N, and do not speak such nonsense as debt. I would rather die seen as a betrayer of God than see you burnt at the steak or hanged. My lover is no witch and won’t be treated like one till the day I draw my last breath.“
With that Abraham and Y/D/N share one final hug before he helps her up on the carriage which takes off in a direction where Y/N and Andrew see nothing but darkness.
And just like that, the two present versions of those people, are put back where they belong - in the present, surrounded by fog and darkness as previously. The surroundings that previously gave them an uneasy feeling now make them feel comfort because of their familiarity.
“You ok?“ Y/N jumps when Andrew’s hand’s hold on her tightens ever so slightly as if to free her from the web of confusion and fear.
She nods then shakes her head but manages to let out an affirmative hum to reassure him. “You?”
Andrew repeats the same motion she did - a nod followed by a shake of the head, “Yes and no, if I’m being honest. And on the topic of honesty: I haven’t been at the peak of mine as of recent.”
Y/N’s eyebrows furrow, “What do you mean?“
The boy lets out a heavy sigh that is meant to prepare him for what he’s about to say. What he’s about to confess to. “There’s plenty of things I haven’t told you. Things I refused to tell myself too...”
“Andrew, sorry but, I’ve had it with puzzles and riddles all night long. Can you please be straight-forward, I promise I won’t freak out or anything.“
Despite still being hesitant on the matter, Andrew decides to listen to Y/N’s advice - or rather request - and nods before continuing, “You’re one of my best friends, Y/N, I hope you know that and I trust you and I care for you and...and I just tonight came to understanding that it was always something...more than a friend. More than a best friend. I’m sorry if this makes you feel weird or awkward or if you don’t feel the same way please don’t cushion the rejection or pity me. I just...” As he’s talking he makes the mistake of looking her in the eyes which are giving him the most unimpressed look which gets him to shut up asap.
“If you didn’t already have a head injury I’d smack you.“ She says, eyes narrowed, “Andrew, I’m sorry, but you have to be one of the densest and most oblivious guys I’ve ever met. Like, you’re up there at Daniel’s level when he refused to believe Taylor liked him back. That’s how high up you’re on the scale.“
Her words confuse him, leaving him to process all that she’s said until some type of realization hit him. Only one is turning up and he refused to believe it cause it seems so impossible to him.
“I like you too, you dumbass.“ She says, a smile on her face hiding the tons of exhaustion he’d been seeing on it for the past few hours.
“FUCKING FINALLY!“ The familiar voice of no one but Taylor arises from somewhere behind the couple who have now found themselves at a closer proximity than before, arms automatically reaching for the other to take them in their embrace.
Fucking finally indeed, Taylor.
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prismatica-the-strange · 4 years ago
Au Zombie apocalypse (but more like the movie Fido
While I did watch the film (and absolutely loved it!), I didn't really know how to write it as an AU, so I went more for a 7 Days to die meets Tyler Posey's Alone.
Word count: 2014
Warnings: Blood, violence, swearing
"What'cha got?" Cam comes up behind her to look into the cabinet.
"Enough to last us a while," Bunny grins, shrugging off her backpack and shoving cans from the shelves into it.
"Dread found a buttload of nonperishables," he says into the radio on his shoulder, "What about you gu-"
He's cut off by the sound of gunshots from two floors up where Daniel and Vala are going through apartments.
Bunny freezes, hand gripping the worn, bloodstained handle of the fire ax on the counter next to her. Everything goes quiet.
They wait for what feels like forever with bated breath until Daniel's heavy breathing crackles through the radio, "We had a group of infected, but we took care of it... Keep an eye out, those shots could have attracted more."
Before she can even let out a breath of relief Bunny sees a figure shambling up behind Mitchell.
"Behind you!"
She manages to pull out her sidearm as the zombie tackles him. She fires a few times and prays she was quick enough to kill it before it bit him.
The infected goes limp and she nudges it with her toe before pushing it off him.
There's a lot of blood, she wipes away as much as she can but she doesn't see a bite mark, just the gash on his forehead.
"Mitchell's unconscious," she says into her radio, "Zombie took him down and he hit his head, I don't see a bite."
"Keep your distance, just in case," Daniel answers, "We'll be right down Bunny."
"Hey! It's just me!" Daniel says when she points the Glock at him.
"Announce yourself next time dumbass!" She snaps, pointing her gun to the floor. "There's infected around, I could've killed you!"
He glances up at her when he kneels next to Mitchell, checking him for bites or deep scratches. "We'll bring him back, but he'll need to be watched closely, are you okay?"
"'M fine, let's get him back to base." She assures him with a small smile.
"Guys!" Vala skids to a stop in the doorway, "We've got an entire pack of runners headed right for us, if we're leaving, we need to go now."
"Help me with him," he looks to Bunny and she slings one of Cam's arms over her shoulders, helping Daniel get him to his feet.
Vala takes point as they drag him down the, now darkening, hallways of the apartment building. The group makes it to the truck without incident, Vala climbing into the bed with Cam and the supplies they managed to raid.
The compound was a small, red-brick school that they had reinforced. Two floors, lots of rooms, a flat roof that was good for patrolling on, and a chain-link fence surrounding it that they had wrapped and topped with barbed and razor wire.
"This is Raid Team One to Base, come in Base," Bunny says into the radio hooked to the dash. "I Repeat, This is Raid Team One, we're coming in hot, ETA 8 minutes. Base, do you copy?"
She gets back nothing but static and she looks to Daniel in the driver's seat.
"We have a man down and sprinters on our ass. ETA 5 minutes. Base, please respond." Nothing, "Damnit Walter! You'd better have that gate open when we get there or I swear to fuck, I'm gonna kick your ass!"
... "This is Base to Raid Team One, what is your current Eta?"
"Fuckin' finally!" She holds the mic up to her face again, "One minute Walter! Get that gate open NOW!... And tell the doc to be ready for a bleeder."
"What in the hell happened?" Sam asks as they unload Cam from the back.
"One of those new silents," Bunny grimaces, wiping her sleeve at the speckles of dried blood from her cheek, "Fucker got the drop on us."
"Hey!" She stops the group just inside the gate, the sound of gunfire echoing from O'Neill and Teal'c in the watchtowers as sprinters hurl themselves at the fence, "You know the rules, I can't let you in until you get a bite check."
"Damnit, Sam! Mitchell's dying!" Daniel snaps, "We don't have time for this!"
"I won't be the reason we have another outbreak!" She argues, pulling her pistol from its holster.
"Both of you calm down!" Fraiser interjects, rushing in with a gurney, "Sam, put your gun away, and Daniel..."
She looks at him pointedly, "Roll up your sleeves. Rules are rules, no exceptions, not even you."
He does as she says as she scours Cam for bites, Bunny and Vala also rolling their sleeves and pant legs up for Sam to inspect.
After getting checked out, Bunny brings the raided food to the kitchens, Daniel trailing closely behind her.
Once they make it to their quarters, an old English classroom, he pulls her into his arms.
"You're sure you're okay?" He asks, looking her over again.
"I'm fine," she assures him, "A little irked that we had to leave before we finished looting, but physically, I'm okay."
"Good," he sighs, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"We should take the mountain." She says, fingers drumming against the table in the war room.
"Not this again," O'Neill sighed, running his hand over his face, "That place is swarming with infected."
"But it's also loaded to the teeth with Ammo, MREs, and medical supplies." She argues, "Enough to last at least a few years. Jack, we've nearly picked the rest of the town clean, there's not much else to raid, what do we do then?"
"And or med supply is running dangerously low," Fraiser cuts in, "The stock in that mountain could save a lot of lives."
O'Neill huffs and slouches against the wall next to the window, looking out in the direction of Cheyenne Mountain.
"We need to take inventory of our current ammo supply before we make any hard decisions," He says, "If you can get the floor plans from the town office and draw me up a workable plan for this, we might- and I stress the word might- be able to get this thing off the ground."
"So you finally got O'Neill to agree?" Cam groans from the bed in the makeshift infirmary, "How the Hell did you manage that?"
"You annoyed him into it," he clarifies.
"Something like that," Bunny laughs, "Daniel and V are prepping the truck to raid the town office to hopefully get the floor plan."
"Document snatching, I don't envy you there."
"Yeah... So how are you doing? Feeling hungry for human flesh?" She jokes, "Craving my sweet sweet bone marrow?"
"Nah, the doc checked me out, I am 'infection free' as the kids call it."
"That's good, I hope to see you up on your feet soon, I don't like being down a man." She pats his arm and makes her way to where the rest of the team is getting ready to head out.
"How's he doin'?" Daniel asks, lifting the weapons duffle into the bed of the truck.
"Cam is Cam," she shrugs, "Bit of a concussion but otherwise still the same, we lucked out."
"Yes, those new Silents are beginning to be quite the problem," Vala says, climbing into the back of the truck.
"We'll figure it out," Daniel nods, "We learned to manage the sprinters, we'll get a read on these ones too."
"You guys ready to go?" O'Neill asks, walking up with Teal'c, his hands in his pockets.
"Just about," Daniel says, "What's goin' on?"
"With this new variant out there, I know I'd feel a lot better if you took Teal'c with you." He tells them, "So you're taking Teal'c with you."
"Hop in," Bunny motions to the truck, and Teal'c nods before stepping into the bed and shutting the tailgate.
The town office is mostly empty, with only a few zombies stumbling around, easily incapacitated with melee weapons.
"Where do you think they'd keep the floorplans?" Bunny asks, scraping the blood off her ax on the side of a desk.
"Archives are in the basement if they had them at all," Daniel explains, "Uh... Teal'c and Vala, you guys take guard up here, Bunny and I 'll check out downstairs."
Their lights shine around the dusty folder-covered shelves as they try not to kick up any papers that litter the ground as they go.
"It's too fucking quiet," Bunny hisses, eyes darting over to Daniel, her knuckles white as she grips her flashlight, "Daniel."
He turns to look at her, but her eyes and light are trained on a spot on the floor. He follows her line of sight to a bloody bootprint on the cement floor, "That's not ours."
"It's still wet," she grimaces and he shines his light around their immediate surroundings.
"They're still here," his eyebrows knit together, "We should go."
"We need those plans."
"We don't even know if the plans are here," Daniel argues, "Even if they are, is it really worth risking our lives to a band of Rovers?"
"We risk our lives every time we leave the compound," she frowns, stepping past him to continue her search.
"Is someone there?" She calls out and Daniel rolls his eyes, grabbing his radio.
"Teal'c? This is Daniel, we think we could have a Rover situation here, keep your eyes peeled."
The sound of shuffling papers alerts them to another presence a few shelves over. Daniel pulls his gun, pointing it in the direction of the sound, pulling Bunny behind him without a second thought.
"Come out," Daniel orders, "Calmly with your hands behind your head. We're armed."
A small figure slowly shuffles into the light, hands clutched tightly around a raggedy-looking stuffed moose.
"Jesus Daniel, it's a kid," She tries to move past him, but he stops her.
"Are you alone?" He asks, "Is there anyone else here with you?"
Their eyes start to glisten with tears and they start sniffling.
"M-my papa he-" They hiccup, "He told me to hide. B-but he hasn't come back!"
"Honey, how long ago was that?" Bunny asks them.
"F-four days ago."
"Oh geez," Daniel slowly lowers his gun and looks to his wife who carefully approaches the child.
"Did your dad tell you anything else before he left?" She asks softly, unscrewing the cover of her water bottle and handing it to them.
"S-something 'bout getting bit," they pout, taking a sip.
She turns to Daniel.
"He can't be more than five," she whispers, "Daniel we can't just leave him here."
"I know."
"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asks as Daniel radios the new information to Teal'c and Vala.
"It's nice to meet you, Henry," she smiles warmly, "You're gonna come with us, ok? We've got food, water, and a nice safe place to stay."
"But... but my Papa!"
"Honey, I'm sorry but I don't think your papa's coming back," she tells him, "Now you need to come with us to where it's safe."
"I need to make sure you weren't bit too, can you roll up your sleeves for me?"
He nods and does as she says.
Once she's sure he hasn't been infected she picks him up and he clings to her.
"We just need to find something before we go."
"I think I've got it," Daniel calls from the other side of the basement, after a good 40 minutes of searching through musty old files.
He meets Bunny near the stair and unfolds one of the blue documents. Shining his light through it he smiles when they see the layout of one of the complex's floors.
"Hell yeah!" She grabs his arm, and grins, "Let's get these back to base."
"It's okay," she reassures the young boy when he whimpers, holding her tighter when she goes to set him in the front seat of the truck, "I'll be sitting right next to you."
"Base this is Raid Team one," she says into the dashboard radio, "The mission was a success. We found a new survivor and we're headed back. ETA 15 minutes."
There will be a part 2 (or even more) because I really love this AU and want to write more for it
Taglist: @mysg1spacemonkey @sgcprometheus @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @malcolm-reeds-pineapple @witching-things @reeseykins @abnormalvampire64 @girl-obsessed-with-things @gatez @myro-tse @just-a-si-fi-nerd
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caws5749 · 5 years ago
for drunk writing night can i request #124 from the drunk prompt list for nat where a mission goes wrong and reader's leg is pinned under some heavy stuff so the only viable option is to amputate it
A/N: this hit me in the scary feels! Also, i decided not to actually write the actual amputation happening, hope that’s okay!
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You watched in horror as the building fell around you. You searched for any way to escape, but found none. You could do nothing as pieces of the building crumbled, and you were sure it wouldn’t be long before something was falling on top of you. 
“Y/N! Where are you?” Natasha shouted through comms. 
“In the crumbling building,” you replied, diving out of the way as a large piece of glass fell. 
“Get out of there!”
“I can’t! I- “ you were cut off as you tripped over some of the rubble, and then all you knew was something heavy and sharp was suddenly crashing into your leg. You let out a scream, confident you’d never felt pain like this before. 
Thankfully, nothing else came crashing down on you as you fought off passing out from pain. You just had to stay conscious long enough for your team to find you. 
That task proved to be difficult, and your surroundings were getting dark, when you heard someone shout your name.
“Nat?” You asked weakly. She was at your side in two seconds, kneeling down on the ground next to you.
“Steve, she’s gonna need emergency medical,” Natasha murmured. You had hardly heard her, but you still groaned.
“He’s coming to get you out,” Nat soothed, brushing strands of hair back from your face. She continued to murmur sweet nothings to you while you waited a minute for Steve to show up.
Once he did, and after he assessed the rubble that had fallen on your leg, he shook his head.
“It’s completely crushed. The moment we move this boulder, she bleeds out, and she’s already lost so much blood. Nat, I hate to do it, but we might have to...” Steve said quietly. Natasha nodded. You’d heard what they said, and it was most definitely not okay with you.
You started thrashing about, ignoring the searing pain throughout your body.
“No, no, I don’t want to, I can’t lose it, no, no,” you rambled, shaking your head back and forth as tears fell.
“Calm down. You’re going to be okay,” Natasha said gently, but with force. You just stared at her, eyes wide and full of panic, tears cascading down your cheeks.
“I know, lyubov moya, I know. It’s the only option. We wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t, okay? You’re going to be okay. We’ve got you, I’ve got you, and I’m not going to let anything bad happen, okay?”
You took in her words, her calm, soothing tone, and nodded.
“Barton’s bringing some stuff we had on the jet. Two min, max,” Steve announced. Natasha nodded, focusing on keeping you conscious and calm.
“How is she?” Tony asked, joining the group, Bruce right behind him.
“I’ll give her something from the kit, hopefully it’ll help,” Bruce nodded, eyeing you and offering a timid smile. It did nothing to calm your panic, but it did help to keep you conscious.
“Baby, you’re going to be alright,” Natasha murmured as Clint showed up with the med kit. You were starting to freak out again, realizing the amputation was near.
“We’ve got something that’ll help calm her a bit, so that’s good,” Bruce muttered, pulling out a little bottle and a syringe.
“I’m going to be right here,” Nat whispered, bending down to briefly kiss your forehead. You gripped her arm with what little strength you had, and prepared to be poked.
“I can’t promise this won’t sting a little, but you can definitely handle it,” Bruce said, kneeling down on the ground next to you.
“What’s going to happen?” You asked.
“After I inject you with this, we’re going to wait a minute, and then I’ll have Steve, Thor, and Tony helping to keep you still, and then we’re going to amputate your leg.”
You nearly passed out from what he said, and everyone could tell.
“Is it bad if she passes out?” Tony asked.
“It’s not ideal, because I’d like her to be able to communicate with us, but she very well may from the pain,” he answered. You bit your lower lip and let your eyes wander, looking at all your teammates. They all looked scared, though Natasha was doing her best to hide it.
“Don’t let me die,” you pleaded quietly to your girlfriend.
“I won’t.”
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juno-eclipsee · 5 years ago
Moonbeam - Poe Dameron x reader
A/n: It’s currently 3:58 am when I’m posting this so I literally don’t know if this is any good. I wrote it in like an hour and a half after getting inspiration from who knows what. Also this is my first comfort fic any criticism is welcome. 
Rating: G
Warnings: None really, a palm get cut but that’s really it
Word count: 1.4k (I’m trying to teach myself to write smaller fics)
Summary: Poe finds his mechanic crying her eyes out in the middle of the night. He can’t just do nothing.       Poe Dameron never slept well the night before a mission. Too many possibilities flying around in his head. Tonight was no different, and he could only stare at the ceiling of his room for so long before he started to get stir crazy. 
     Which is why he found himself aimlessly wandering the tarmac, looking for something to hold his attention for more than a few seconds. It was an overcast night so he couldn’t even look out to the stars. It was strange to see the base so dead, it would be the perfect time for an attack. Poe quickly shook that idea out of his head, the last thing he needs before a mission is being afraid of something happening while he isn’t there. He’s had enough nightmares about that alone for it to invade his waking hours.
      However, there was one singular light left on, probably by a mechanic who forgot to turn it off before turning in for the night. The light shot across the tarmac like a moonbeam. A stark contrast to the overwhelming darkness that surrounded it.
     He was completely in his own head until a noise snapped him out of it. He couldn’t even identify it. It was sort of rhythmic, it kept happening in short bursts… Was someone crying?
     He followed the noise around for a moment, finding that it led him to his X-wing and the light. He hid behind a stack of crates and peeked around the corner, his field agent instincts kicking in for some reason. It was his mechanic, Y/n, quietly sobbing into her hands. The sight alone shattered Poe’s heart. To see someone so strong, the moonbeam of the Resistance who always punched a hole through the darkness, so upset was devastating. Poe’s stomach dropped, something really bad must have happened for her to be in such a state. 
     He hid back behind the crates, trying to think of a way to go about the situation in front of him. He felt an unnatural wave of anxiety roll over him, he wanted to help her but didn’t know if he would like what he would be told. He shook his head. Fuck it, he thought. His friend was in need and he’d be damned if he doesn’t do something about it. 
“Y/n?” He called out as he rounded the crates, finally coming into view of the scene before him. Tools littered the ground and a panel was missing from the belly of his ship. At the sound of her name, Y/n jumped out of her skin and started frantically wiping away tears, as if her red face wouldn’t give it away. 
     “Hi,” She said, voice tight and shaky. “What are you doing up so late?” She asked with a sniffle. If Poe’s heart could break any more, it definitely did. 
     “I think the real question is what’s going on with you?” He asked before sitting down next to her on an overturned crate. His question just made her sob more, he didn’t know why, but he rubbed her back and waited patiently for her to calm down. Poe pulled her head to rest on his shoulder, his cheek resting on the crown of her head. “It’s alright.” He whispered. “Why are you crying, doll? I can’t stand to see you like this.” 
     “It’s a long story,” She swallowed hard before continuing. “It’s really stupid.” Poe squeezed her shoulder, making her melt even more into his embrace. 
      “Whatever it is, I’m sure I’ve done something stupider.” She scoffed at this, making Poe feel just a bit better. She took a second, staring at the ground. Poe pulled his head back and could see the gears turning in hers. 
     “I think I’ve just been really stressed out lately. So many X-wings are coming in and the mechanics are so understaffed to the point where I can’t even remember the last time I slept for more than maybe two hours.” She had to compose herself again, silently cursing herself out for this long explanation Poe probably wasn’t even asking for. She always rambled when her Commander was near, he seems to just have that effect on people. And the massive crush she’d had on him for a modest two years certainly didn’t help. “So I was just trying to check on one of your S-foils because you said it was being annoying last time and I went to put the panel back when I was done and the corner cut my hand and,” Oh, gods, the tears are back, she thought. 
     “And that was what broke the dam?” She nodded. He reached for her hands, pointing the palms towards the light. Sure enough, an ugly gash stretched about an inch up her palm. It looked painful. 
     “And the stupidest part is that it doesn’t even hurt that bad.” She said, trying to laugh, but a fresh stream of tears said otherwise. Poe was quick to wipe them away. 
     “Tell you what,” His hands held her chin gently and tilted it towards him. It was the first time Y/n was brave enough to look him in the eye. His eyes were glassy, too. It hurt like a knife to see someone so close to him in so much pain, physical or emotional. “How about you come back to my room, I’ll fix up your hands, and we’ll see if you can get a good night’s sleep that’s more than two hours, okay?” His offer was tempting, and her eyelids were getting heavy from crying them out. 
     “But what about your ship?” She whispered, her throat still so tight she couldn’t control her voice. 
     “Don’t even worry about it. I’m no mechanic but I think I can handle one panel all by myself.” She smiled at that, and Poe’s heart soared. The annoying little voice in the back of his head told him to kiss her then and there, but he quickly ignored it. “So what do you say?” Her hand tightened around his. 
     “I’d really like that.” He raised her uninjured hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it. He tried to ignore the voice, but he’s only human. 
     “Perfect.” He stood up, Y/n following in suit. He turned the light illuminating his ship off, the only moonbeam that mattered to him was right in his hand. 
      The walk back to his room was quick, it was definitely bigger than hers. Perks of being a higher up, she guessed. They sat on his bed with a med kit open in between them. Poe’s hands moved with finesse, he’d hurt himself on accident enough times to know what to do. When her hand was wrapped in a bandage, Poe dug around his dresser for an old shirt she could wear. He finally found one of some band from Yavin IV she’d never heard of. He must have loved the shirt because of how soft the fabric was on Y/n’s skin. 
     “I hope you don’t mind sharing the bed.” He said, pulling back the covers. “You don’t, right?” He asked with a sudden urgency. 
     “No, I figured this was the plan anyway.” She said, her face a little red from the idea of being in his bed when he doesn’t have a shirt on and her whole legs were out on display. 
     “Good, come here.” He said as he climbed into bed and beckoned her to follow, which she did happily. It took a bit of shifting around to find a position comfortable for the both of them, but they  were content with Y/n’s head resting on Poe’s chest with his arms wrapped around her shoulders. His heartbeat and the rising and falling of his chest was almost enough to rock her to sleep.
     “If you ever have to talk about stuff like that again, come find me, okay. It isn’t healthy to keep it all bottled in.” He said, fingers carding through her hair. 
     “Even if it’s stupid?” She asked, only partly joking.
    “Even if it’s stupid, if it’s serious, if it’s everything in between. You can tell me anything. I want you to know that.”
     “Thank you.” She whispered into his chest. Poe responded by planting a kiss to the top of her head before turning off the overhead light. This must be what bliss feels like, he thought. Holding close the woman he loves, not that he’d ever admit it was love because he was a stubborn bastard and he knew it. But still, it felt pretty good. 
     Even though he had his mission tomorrow, and she had a long line of ships to fix in the morning, they slept better than they had in years.
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leafenclaw · 5 years ago
Hey! So uh, I don’t know how many of you have been having mysterious headaches recently, but I’ve had quite a number of housebound friends complaining of this in the past few days?
And if this is happening to you, before panicking about your health, I’d strongly recommend to:
1 - Pay attention to the amount of noise in your place. Electric appliances, fridges, computers, and clocks especially, make much more noise than most realise. What seems like a silent rumble or light ticking that you can easily tune out at first can (and most likely will) become an absolutely awful source of background irritation for your ears and brain.
Try to spend as much time as possible in quiet rooms with few appliances and electronics.
Unplug all electric appliances you aren’t immediately using and can safely unplug.
Temporarily relocate that noisy clock to another room.
Use noise-cancelling headphones if you have them, otherwise earbuds with some soothing music can help as well.
If the increase in noise comes from housebound neighbours, try to come to a solution peacefully (and, for the same reason, be considerate to your neighbours about the amount of noise you make). You’re all in this together.
2 - Make sure you aren’t surrounded by strong smells. What seems like soothing aromatherapy can quickly become a nightmare for your senses when it’s right in front of you all day. Baking smells, flowering plants, and on the unpleasant side litter boxes and trash cans can end up being an irritation you may not immediately realise the extent of.
Get rid of the pot-pourri. Put the incense and essential oils away. Avoid wearing perfume when you're not going out. Relocate the flowering plants to another room.
Space out the cooking and baking sessions to avoid saturating your place (and potentially your neighbours’ places) with clashing smells.
Clean your animal’s litter box every day without fail. Switch to unscented litter if you haven’t already. Take out the trash regularly.
Open the windows. Make sure your place gets some fresh air every day.
If it’s really too cold or too hot to open a window, use a fan for at least 20-30 minutes inside to make sure the air moves around a bit.
If the smell comes from outside your place, close the windows and again, use a fan. Don’t make the mistake of putting on incense or something to change the smell, it’ll only make it worse.
3 - Self-care, self-care, self-care. This one I’m sure you heard already, it’s a classic. But it’s always worth investigating if your headache isn’t coming from irritants in your environment.
Take breaks from social media and the news.
I can’t stress that enough. Take breaks. This pandemic can wait on you for a few hours, and so can your friends.
Make sure to have daily conversations that have nothing to do with the pandemic. Laughter is the best way to counter stress.
15 minutes of break away from phone/computer/tv/video game/etc. for every 45 minutes of screen time is a good rule of thumb. Adapt this to your schedule as needed.
Make sure you’re getting enough natural light. Spend one of those 15 minutes break in front of a window when it’s still light outside.
Make sure you’re sleeping enough. Take naps as needed.
Stay hydrated. Fresh water does wonders for the brain. Sometimes just a few sips can help tone down a headache.
Eat healthily in amount and content as much as possible.
Take regular showers. Change your clothes and bed sheets as often as needed.
Stretch regularly. Exercise if you have enough space. It may be the perfect time to try meditation.
Wear comfortable clothes. Sit in comfortable chairs. Turn yourself into a burrito with the help of fluffy, comfortable blankets.
If you’re taking meds, take your meds.
4 - Be creative! Headaches can easily be caused by stress and boredom. One of the best ways to feel good about life and yourself is to create something tangible (as in, something that will keep existing once the activity is completed).
Write! It’s Camp NaNoWriMo until the end of April. Fiction, poetry, personal accounts of how you’re dealing with the pandemic (certain to be of interest to historians in 100+ years). It’s all good.
Draw! Paint! Finger-paint on towels with food dye! Make gifs! Make memes!
Sculpt a fairy garden or your own tiny zoo with legos or modelling clay! Build tiny creatures with nanoblocks!
Knit! Crochet! Perfect time to work on that scarf or those socks you always promised yourself you’d make one day.
Record yourself singing or playing your favourite song! Record videos on any kind of subject you feel like being chatty about!
Find any other creative output suited to your means and interests. =)
5 - Ask your neurodivergent, chronically ill, socially anxious, and otherwise housebound friends and relatives for more tips. They have been dealing with sensory issues, chronic pain, and/or social isolation for much longer than you have. They have plenty of experience and coping skills to share, and if you ask with respect, they may even be happy to do so.
If anything else comes to mind, feel free to add to this list!
In the meantime, take care of yourselves and stay safe. =)
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s-horne · 5 years ago
Maybe nummer 17 for pre-slash or getting together? I’m a sucker for pining idiots🥺 love your writing btw, always on point!!!
Steve couldn’t move his body.
He couldn’t move his arms, couldn’t move his head. He didn’t think he was awake, really. Nothing felt real, nothing felt familiar. It was like being trapped in a fever dream where he was pinned to the bed. His limbs were heavy, weighed down. He tried to move, desperate to crawl towards something close to reality, but it was like wading through mud. It clawed at his legs and glued his feet to the ground.
Through it all, Steve could hear something. Dimly in the background there was a sort of beeping. A loud, rhythmic sound that echoed in his mind, bouncing around and grating on his ears. It didn’t sound as though it was close to him, but it could have been coming from him for all he knew.
“You’re an idiot.”
The words jolted Steve. They were clear; the only clear thing that he could identify in his strange world.
They seemed to reach out for Steve, breaking through the haze he’d been floating in. He couldn’t tell where he was, but the voice, that voice, called to him.
“You really are. Rhodey told me I should be nice to you, but I really need you to know that you’re an idiot. Because you are.”
Steve tried to reach for the voice, tried to follow it back to reality, but it only seemed to move further away when he felt like he was just getting close.
“We won, by the way,” it said, slow and sure. “I’m sure someone has told you already, but we did. You’re in medical, if you were wondering. The med bay. Because you’re an idiot.”
The voice was familiar. Steve knew it, even if he couldn’t quite place it. Despite the haze he was in and the confusion it brought, Steve knew that the voice belonged to someone he trusted explicitly. Someone he loved. He reached for it again, frustration flooding him when he still didn’t move and remained lost in his own mind.
“You drive me mad. Only you could do this. We were fine. All of us. Even Clint didn’t get a scratch and you know what he’s like. It was just you. Right when we thought that we were free, you had to go and – what?”
The tone changed. Steve didn’t like it. It was bitter, sharp. Even when he had been insulting Steve it had been easy to hear some sort of underlying fondness. Or, it was easy to pretend that it was there, at least.
“No – I’m not apologising.”
“Of course you’re not.”
A second voice. Steve thought he knew that one, too. It wasn’t the same as the first, much deeper and broader, but Steve knew it.
He trusted that one, too.
“Come on,” the second voice said and Steve almost thought they were talking to him. He was trying – he really was. He was definitely closer. “Debrief. I’ve held them off long enough.”
“Christ, can’t they just let one slide?”
Steve tried to open his eyes. He needed to see, needed to prove to himself once and for all whose voice it was. Who he trusted so instinctively, so implicitly.
“One? When do you ever go to debrief?”
There was a deep sigh that seemed to echo around the room. It sounded like a breeze, a gush of wind. Steve was taken back to happier times; days at the seaside as a young boy. Deep in fuzzy memories and half-formed ideas and that damn beeping echoing in his head, Steve almost missed the second voice coaxing the first away.
No, Steve wanted to cry, no, don’t go. He couldn’t leave. Couldn’t leave Steve all alone there in the darkness and the confusion. He had to stay. No, Steve tried to shout again, all his strength behind it so hard that his chest hurt. Come back, stay with me.
Tony, Steve cried for, realising the name as he scrambled to keep awake. It felt as though he’d opened his mouth underwater, a gallon of water covering him and bubbling back up his throat. He couldn’t shout, couldn’t move with the mud still surrounding his legs.
Tony, he tried again, Tony, Tony, Tony.
 “I’m back.”
There had a lot of visitors since the voice he’d recognised as Tony, but Steve hadn’t been able to place them. They may well have all been the same person as Steve hadn’t cared enough to work out who they were. It had felt as though he’d been floating in limbo between Tony’s visits, surviving in a haze until he could hear Tony’s voice again.
The only thing worth fighting for was that voice, that familiar drawl that surrounded Steve like a blanket.
“Bet you missed me, didn’t you?”
How Steve longed to cry out that yes, he had. Tony’s tone had a level of derision to it that Steve wanted to argue with.
“I don’t know why I even come here. Can you hear me? Do you even care? You never seemed to when you were awake.” Tony let out a loud sigh and his voice trailed off.
Steve hated it when Tony was quiet. Nothing seemed entirely real wherever he was and every small sound echoed through Steve’s brain, bouncing around and around and around. The only thing he could really pick out were words and he clung to them as though they were all that was stopping him from surrendering to the darkness. He needed Tony’s voice, constant and strong.
“I really don’t know why I’m here. Well, no, I do. Do you remember the accident? I guess not, actually. We’d argued before it. Properly argued. To the point that they nearly didn’t send us both on the mission.”
Steve couldn’t remember. He couldn’t control his mind anymore, couldn’t try and cast it back. Whenever he did, all he got was a blinding pain. It wasn’t worth it, not when he had Tony’s voice to wash over him. Whatever had happened in the past didn’t matter with Tony there with him.
“I told you I never wanted to work with you again. That after that mission, one of us would be leaving the team.”
That was news to Steve. It made something inside him hurt. Not the same hurt that he’d had since arriving in the hospital, not the pain that he could feel in his legs just before he registered the nurses coming into his room when the hospital was otherwise silent. It was something deeper, more personal.
“It was a stupid thing that had followed a stupid thing, which in turn became a stupider thing. It always is, with us two. Not that I will ever admit that when you wake up, by the way. I’ll never mention any of this.”
Steve wanted to smile. He wasn’t sure if he was or if it was possible for him to smile without moving his face, but he felt lighter. There was the slightest pressure on Steve’s hand and he longed to respond to it.
“I’m not sure what I’ll admit to you when you wake up. There’s probably a lot that I should say to you, but I, I’m not sure what I’d say. There’s so much inside, so much I feel whenever I see you. You confuse me. Confuse everything and I never know where I stand with you. Never know what we’re doing. All I know is that I can’t stay mad at you and that pisses me off. More than anything. So you’d better wake up so that we can start our argument all over again.”
And, well. Steve had always been a fighter.
(this list)
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