#if this scene doesn't sell the show to you nothing else will
starcurtain · 6 months
2.1 Penacony Spoilers!
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I know the scene after Ratio's "betrayal" can be read a lot of ways but I am shocked I haven't seen more people interpret it as Ratio being so worried about Aventurine that he couldn't stay away even though he was supposed to.
We know:
1) Ratio absolutely knew Aventurine's plan from start to finish, both his gamble to create "death" in the dream and with the three cornerstones. (Wish people would stop underselling Ratio in their analyses; "Three chips are enough" is a direct enough clue that, genius as he is, Ratio would never miss.)
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2) In his own words, Ratio was acting according to Aventurine's instructions while in Dewlight Pavilion and with Sunday and felt that he did a good job not giving them away.
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I think most people are on the same page up to there, but then I've seen a lot of people interpreting this scene after Aventurine leaves Sunday's mansion as Aventurine being genuinely angry at Ratio (possibly after having gaslit himself into thinking Ratio was actually betraying him).
But this doesn't make much sense to me because:
1) Ratio actually has nothing to gain by selling Aventurine out to Sunday. They're on the same side in this mission. Information about a Stelleron on Penacony wouldn't be news anyone with a brain like Ratio's and why would he need someone else's research on Stellerons when he already has ties to the Genius Society through Screwllum and Herta, as well as the Astral Express where the Trailblazer is actively housing a Stelleron?
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2) One of Aventurine's most notable lines of dialogue is how it's perfectly fine and expected for "friends" to use each other and backstab. This is his default understanding of partners--why would he suddenly be mad about something he expected from the start?
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3) If the betrayal wasn't already planned and was just a possibility based on Aventurine's understanding of Ratio, why would he ever have revealed there were "three chips" (aka three cornerstones) in play? If even the betrayal over Topaz's stone wasn't planned, just assumed, why would Aventurine reveal the existence of the third stone? He would gain nothing from doing so.
Instead, I think it makes a lot more sense to interpret Aventurine's frustration with Ratio in this later scene as annoyance over Ratio taking an "unnecessary" risk:
1) As far as Sunday knows, Ratio had just very seriously betrayed Aventurine, completely selling him out and essentially sending him to his execution.
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2) In the scene afterward, Aventurine is out in public in the middle of Penacony where The Family's eyes are always watching, yet Ratio walks right up to him to check on him. Why would someone who just sold you out come up to you immediately afterward to check on your health?!
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3) It's only natural that Aventurine would pump the brakes and go "Wow, didn't think you'd show yourself after you just betrayed me, remember?" Because that's the act they are supposed to be keeping up! They're still being monitored; it's not safe to break character!
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But Ratio is a genius, right, so why would he break character here? From the standpoint of the ploy itself, revealing to the Family that he and Aventurine were still on the same side would only jeopardize the plan, not help it.
The logical explanation, then, is that Ratio went to Aventurine here because he felt like he had to.
He had to check in and make sure the situation was still under Aventurine's control.
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(In fact, the entire exchange through the middle of this scene is Aventurine and Ratio confirming the rest of their plot in a veiled manner: Ratio brings up the plan and mentions what's concealed in the gift money bag, Aventurine confirms the cornerstone is good to go; Ratio asks what his next step will be; Aventurine says he's going to do the insane thing of handing out cash while looking pathetic [aka fishing for Sparkle]. Ratio essentially asks if he's crazy enough to take the final gamble with his own life, which Aventurine confirms, and then Ratio sets them up for the finale by gifting him the doctor's note.)
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Ratio was willing to risk ruining their entire plan--something Aventurine does seem to be frustrated about at first--just to ensure Aventurine still felt all right about the situation.
He needed to deliver his note demanding Aventurine stay alive.
He needed to tell Aventurine to come to him if the situation got too painful to bear.
In short, Ratio was worried enough that he could not stay away even though, for the sake of their plot, it would have made significantly more sense for him not to appear. The gain of breaking character was worth more to him than the risk of being caught.
You honestly don't even have to take this in a shipping context. The real point here is that Ratio is an incredibly good person who wasn't okay with Aventurine's self-sacrificial plan and who felt morally compelled to check on a person in pain. He's a healer through and through, and ignoring Aventurine in this condition--ignoring someone who was taking so much risk on themselves--simply wasn't possible for him, no matter the danger it posed to the plan.
But for those who do ship Ratio and Aventurine... I hope more people will come to see this scene as another example of Ratio's genuine concern for his mission partner! He did not have to appear here at all; it would have made much more sense for him to leave Aventurine to his own devices to uphold the illusion of their "betrayal." He showed up in this scene--very likely against Aventurine's expectations--because he was concerned for Aventurine's situation and wanted to ensure Aventurine knew he could fall back on Ratio's support at any time if the plan went awry.
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tl;dr: I wish people would stop interpreting this scene as the aftermath of a betrayal. Aventurine wasn't ticked off with Ratio in this scene because he felt like he'd genuinely been backstabbed; he was ticked off because Ratio was literally breaking their pre-established "betrayer" character just to be fussy over Aventurine's safety and well-being. (Okay, and to double check on the plan, but let's be real, the first part was definitely more important. 👌)
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cleabellanov · 8 months
"But Lokius isn't even canon! Stop making everything gay!"
The Loki series isn't just about romantic relationships and shouldn't be seen as so. However, there is a lot of subtext. Maybe this ship is not canon, but it was intended to be seen as so by the fans.
If Lokius isn't canon, then why were the last two shots of the series showing Mobius and Loki?
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If Lokius isn't canon, why would there be so much touching and scenes so physically close to one another? (believe me I know they're friends. that just offers a solid base for something more)
If Lokius isn't canon, why is there an OFFICIAL track named like that?
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Why is said track played or incorporated in different scenes of the series? like
-the first McDonalds meeting with Sylvie,
-the back-in-time conversation with Kang
- the ASCENSION to the throne?
Why is the Sylvie and Loki kiss never mentioned, by the producers, in the series per se, or even in the season 1 recap?
Why is Mobius the only one looking at Loki when he leaves down to the temporal loom?
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And the other way around, why did Loki only make eye contact with Mobius in that scene?
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Why is Mobius the only one to notice there is something wrong when Loki is still trying to fix the Loom?
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Why did Mobius/Don on the original timeline, mention he's single, trust a complete stranger, invite him for a drink, AND offer to sell him a quite personal jet-ski?
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Why did Loki, the LITERAL GOD OF MISCHIEF stutter and fix his hair and coat for no one else but Mobius (who by the way is just a jetski salesman on that timeline)?
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Why is the timeslipping Loki had to go through directed to Mobius twice, him being the the only one he doesn't need a TemPad to "recruit"?
Why would Loki bring up Thor and Jane if it wasn't to mirror him and Mobius? (because, as he already was talking to Sylvie, he certainly wasn't implying it's about her. They were arguing, AND Mobius was implied in the conversation. Loki defended him in front of Sylvie, in case you forgot.)
Why would Mobius's voice be the one to echo back to Loki on his throne? let time pass time pass time pass
Why the RAINBOW?
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WHY DID LOKI LOOK AT MOBIUS RIGHT BEFORE THE FAMOUS LINE "IT'S ABOUT WHO"? (important mention: Sylvie was behind him when he said that. why didn't he just turn around when saying it? nope, they know what they're doing)
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Why is the shot cut to Mobi after Loki's "it was more about what I wanted" line?
Why the shot where 7 characters could've been showed (Mobius, Loki, Sylvie, B-15, Casey, O.B., Victor Timely) there are only 2: Mobius and Loki?
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Why is Mobius the only one to tell Loki he can be someone good, and the first one Loki actually believes despite his tendency to do the other way around in the past?
Why does Mobius finally find insight, and reinvent his whole life at the TVA because Loki helped him do so? (they're not even the first Loki variant he faced, but something clicked this time)
Why does the bloody sleeve, representing Loki being hurt by Sylvie just because he "wore his heart on his sleeve" disappear on episode 2? (because he finally understands who he needs to be next to)
Why did Mobius risk his life on the first episode?
Why did Loki go to past Mobius for the final advice, not to the present one, not to Sylvie?
Why did Loki ultimately sacrifice his life for the ones he loves?
And why is Mobius left alone, with the door locked, after Loki leaves in the Loom's radiation?
Why would there be so much endearing looks, and smiles at each other, if not for a conscious acting choice?
Why why why why why if it isn't canon?
Nothing is for nothing. Especially in television, where everything counts from the light to the angles and the way the lines are spoken.
We don't need to see two characters kiss to know they are made for one another. In fact, I think implied canon is so much better for now, because it leaves free interpretation for the fans, and nothing to strike on for the haters.
Of course, that doesn't change the fact that the ending is still tragic, although it holds its sweet from bittersweet. But remember: there aren't tragedies without love.
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lowkey-luxe · 4 months
Brigerton S1 Polin Rewatch
okay so I decided to rewatch Bridgerton bc I literally cannot get enough of polin, but I'm skipping most scenes that don't include pen or colin, this is S1. I'm just pointing out what catches my eye be it romantic or showing character. ❤️ will be something I think is related to polin. p.s. I have not read any of the books and I may put some speculation on meanings.
Pen calls her mother tasteless and tacless as LW, lmao
❤️when leaving the home, Eloise says hi to Pen across the st. and Colin looks over afterwards
❤️Colin stares at Penelope when she is presented to the Queen
LW says she doesn't like the alphabetical naming, and Portia calls LW out on writing a lot about the bridgertons
❤️Pen stares at Colin as he dances w/ another girl
Pen seems happy when Marina receives callers, I mean listen to LW dialogue about her
Portia tells them^ to bid farewell to "even Penelope" - she thinks of her at the bottom of her daughters
❤️Colin ignores Pen's sisters saying goodbye and goes straight to her to crack a joke, no nodding or curtsy or anything
❤️ Colin walks up to Pen at a ball, this time they do curtsy bc it's in society, she tries to get him to notice her dress but he says nothing (bc of Cressida)
❤️Colin denies Cressida a dance and takes Pen in front of her - Pen's first dance!
Colin is a jokesterrrr (first about Daphne's dress and then about "sticks")
Pen is the only one to go and check on Marina - she cares
Pen thought pregnancy came from cake, lmaooooo
Pen knows how to twist her words to please her mother
Pen is such a romanticccc and you can see it w/ Marina's situation
Pen goes to try to help Marina like Eloise tried w/ Daphne when Nigel was calling
Pen even offers to stay in for Marina
my boy Mr. Finch's first appearance! and later they flirt about cheese MY HEART - Pen seems to find it cute too
❤️again Colin goes to Penelope w/ no curtsy and make innapropriate jokes, I mean he sneaks behind her and says a joke w/ the intention to make her laugh - he looks for her reaction!!!!
❤️Colin looks at Pen, but she looks away!!! - who would look at someone like that, oh Colin you were bewitched before you even knew
❤️ Colin then talks about Marina to keep talking to Pen, he couldv'e walked away but decided to extend the convo!
❤️ poor Pen hearing about Marina hoping to entrap Colin, she tries to hard to softly disuade her
instead of saying anything about her feelings, Pen decides to pretend to try to sleep to kick Marina out of her room
Peneloise's first fight :(
Colin brings in his mother drunk lol - you can see how happy drunk she is w/ her little sensitive boy
Colin ends up helping Daphne - he is caring and sensitive towards her situation
❤️Pen meddles in Colin and Marina's convo, poor Pen seeing her crush courting someone else :(
❤️Pen keeps trying to disuade Marina from Colin and says it outloud
Peneloise angst
❤️Pen staresss at Marina and Colin
gentleman Colin - no kissing Marina, but proposes, he thinks he is so mature and doing the right/expected thing by society standards
Colin announces his engagement to Marina
❤️poor Pen being hurtful by said news
Anthony think Colin wants to get it on and thinks of him so young and immature with his actions and decisions
Colin says he is hurt in more ways than one when Anthony does not give him blessing - he cares so much of what others think of him
Violet and Colin have a heart to heart convo, and Colin says he is never taken seriously except by Marina - prob why he went to her bc he longs to be seen as such
Pen feels mocked and pitied by Marina? basically she cannot accept a compliment from her and is also mad w/ her by the whole Colin situation
Pen vs her sisters, never seem to have a moment of getting along or fitting in
Colin tries to sell Marina to his family, cracking a joke too
❤️Pen asks Colin for a word and he says "Pen, of course" - as if there is not even a need for her to ask bc he will always have a word w/ her, no hesitation
❤️unchaperoned and alone Pen tries to talk seriously but Colin cracks a joke and then sees her expression and apoligizes to let her talk
❤️Pen tells Colin that Marina is in love w/ someone else - not to her own benefit but to try to get Colin out of a marriage where he is not/ may not be loved
❤️Colin tells Pen she is good, while holding her hand??? - he sees how Pen tries to help him out but it's no matter to him bc he thinks he and Marina know each other so well, but knows Pen was just looking out for him
Colin aplogizes for his family's actions
Colin is such a romantic toooooooooo, he proposes getting eloped
Portia doesn't even care for Pen when she is supposedly sick, she probably has been disregarded most of her life
Pen proves Marina wasn't denied by George to try to end her engagement to Colin and for Marina's love?
❤️Pen worries about Colin being deceived, she knows Marina would be safe but she worries about Colin in the matter
Marina catches on and tells Pen that Colin does not even see Pen as a woman - which tbh is true at the moment bc Colin only sees her as "Pen" girl next door, sister's bestie, and someone he can joke with from childhood
Pen goes to Eloise and cries - now I read someone saying they thought this wasn't bc Colin was getting married or bc Marina called her out but bc she had used LW to hurt/expose someone she cared for, both Marina and Colin, Pen so thoughtful and knowing how harsh words can be just used LW to bring scandal to them in order to end the engagement, to prevent Colin being tricked into marriage
LW publishes Marina is with child and Colin was conned
❤️Colin's bedsheets are yellow? hmmm
Daphne checks on Colin, he thought he was in love and puts his heart before his brain, he also catches on something going on w/ Daphne - he is so observant on other's emotions and putting those first
Colin thought he was loved and is hurt that was a lie along w/ Marina's entire scam - Colin is emotional, and I don't mean in the way we think of but he shows emotions and is in tuned with his and with others, he again puts other's first as seen when if told the truth he would've married Marina
❤️even though her family is in scandal Pen asks about Colin
Pen finds Marina unconcious - still caring
Pen comes and checks on Marina, ready to care for her with water and a rag - still caring about her
❤️"one day he will see it" Marina to Pen about Colin
❤️Colin is singing and quiets when he sees Pen - was he just caught by surprise or shy of Pen seeing him in this state?
lol Philippa "did I lose it" - it being her dowry
❤️ Polin catching each others eye across the dance floor, he was ready and already marching to her and then she put her head down - my poor Pen, again no curtsy
❤️Colin acknowledges Pen was looking out for him in his best interests
❤️Pen was ready to declare her feelings for Colin
❤️Colin tells Pen he is leaving and tells it's bc of her bc she reminded him of who he is and what he wanted
❤️Colin asks her to dance, and she says no - he notices something in her saying no and stared at her leaving, whippppedddd before he knew
❤️Colin leaves but looks at Pen's home maybe???
❤️Pen ofc cries as Eloise comforts her about her father but she looks out the window to Colin - crying for both?
Pen is sad to see Marina leave too - someone who seemed to be closer to her than her sisters
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soulc-hilde · 1 month
Ch. 04 - Fight, Fight
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Pairing: Jey Uso / Josh Fatu x Aries / Ezmeralda Bey
Synopsis: Devoted to her craft and her family, WWE Superstar Ezmeralda has a library of accolades accomplished on her own and by the side of her family like never before. As she leads the Women's Revolution to glory, romance seems to find her at the most unexpected moment... in the ring.
Warning(s): SFW, OC is a black woman, swearing, WWE-canon violence, Non-scripted fights, body shaming, body insecurities, WWE's consistant misogyny is blatant until later chapters, etc.
Cross-posted: Wattpad
Ch. 01 | Ch. 02 | Ch. 03 | Ch. 04 |
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Kansas City, MO 
Today before the show, a few of the girls were set out to do an autograph signing. Ezmeralda had taken the opportunity to ditch the scene for some time with her brothers in the ring. The trio run through their drills, going over their move set before taking a quick break. 
"So why ain't you out there with Trin and 'em?" Ezekiel questions, sipping some of his water. 
The youngest triplet shrugs, "we already sell a shit ton of merch as is and I love seeing the fans, but I'm not all for having to dress up and flaunt my body in hopes the sales can put more zeros on our check."
"I hate to say it, but sex sells. Especially as a woman who is being broadcasted and is participating in sports, your body is at least 90% the main concern of the fans and the company. 5% is your knowledge of the craft and the other 5% is your skill. If your face doesn't 'sit right' with them or body doesn't look like this girl or that girl, you either gotta change it or get lost."
"When my brothers and I first started, that was a huge thing going on in WWE. The women, the Divas, were nothing but eye candy. Yeah, they'll do a little this and a little that, but at the end of the day, your sex is what earns the company money while the 'big dogs' get to have their fun and be rightfully paid for doing their jobs."
"Just like in the past and just like now, my body is for myself to enjoy. It's not for everybody and I don't feel comfortable." 
Ezra sighs, irritated. He, himself, has always hated whenever Talent Relations would ask her to play roles that suggested her as nothing more than eye candy or a bed warmer. "Fuck that, let's talk about somethin' else before I get heated."
"What's up with you and Joshua?" He side-eyes her, studying the way her face scrunched at the question. Ezmeralda's lips purse, pushing out into duck lips as if she was a child all over again. She points at the elder Bey, mimicking their great uncle's accent.
"Le'me... Le'me tell yu somet'in'," they burst into laughter. She stutters through her laugh, "me and Josh... are chillin', ye know? We're gettin' to know each other some more."
Ezekiel reels back, face scrunched, "'gettin' to know each other?' Girl, y'all been knowin' each other since like 2008. What else y'all need to know about each other?"
She kisses her teeth, "that's why I said 'some more' dumbass."
"Look," Ezra shakes his head, "all I know is that Josh is like an extra little brother. You? Are my little sister, okay? Both of y'all are my favorite, but I'll be damn if you play with his emotions and he plays with yours, especially with us working together."
"We've talked about it just a little. He understands that I don't have experience in this field and I want to take it slow. I want to learn about myself and my love language before I just go jumping in his arms screaming: 'I'm yours!'"
Ezekiel side eyes her, pushing his palms towards her. "Girl, too much. Too much. We you're brothers, not your girlfriends, nye. All we needed to know was that y'all were taking it slow like Bobby Valentino. That was all." 
She giggles, heading for backstage. "Where you headin'?" Ezra raises an eyebrow. She looks over her shoulder, "Checkin' on my outfit for the night. Your girl gotta look good, ya dig?"
"Aye, can you check on ours, too?" Ezekiel shouts, hanging upside down on the ropes. Instead of answering, Ezmeralda simply shakes her head. 
As Ezmeralda was looking over her outfit, Trinity steps up to her with a scrunched face. "Girl," she trails, collapsing beside the older woman. "Guess what Ariane's pestering about now?"
Immediately, Ezmeralda's face drops as a heavy sigh leaves her chest. "Oh, God. Does that woman ever stop?" 
Trinity snorts, "of course not. So, we're getting ready for the signing when the Bellas and Ariane begin talking about the size of their boobs, especially Nikki's. We get to the booth, Nikki's pushin' them things up as if they weren't already spilling out and Ariane's trying to do the same like, it hurt to watch."
She pauses, "that's when she goes: 'I'mma go to an appointment.'" Ezmeralda's jaw drops, "because Nikki has big boobs?!"
Trinity shrugs, nodding, "basically."
"Nat has big boobs, so big that it looks as if she's pushing them up when she's not and yet look at how the company treats her," the veteran scoffs. "And don't get me started with the fact that the recovery process might set y'all back. It's a stupid decision." 
"Typically, the Divas compete with one another for screen time and climbing the ranks for popularity in the company. One of the biggest things that comes into count is the appearance of them. If they look more like a model or some type of dream woman, you have a step in the door."
She shakes her head, "I've seen women in the business go in and out with several different surgeries on various difference spots of their bodies. I don't really care if they do it, but I always say that it's better to do things for yourself than for others. If it makes you happy? Do it until your heart bursts, but please never do something to make someone else happy cause they never will be."
Los Angeles, CA 
Tired of Ariane's growing bullshit, Trinity had volunteered Ezmeralda as the tag team's third party to the opening of a boutique. Not one for boutiques, especially high end ones or having to dress up on her day, she came up with an ultimatum. She'd go as long as she could bring a 'date,' which was really supposed to be her fellow escapee. 
And who better to invite than her slow burn lover, Joshua?
Dressed in a creme, off the shoulder top and a short, brown skirt with a thigh slit paired with a matching set of brown leather knee high heels and a brown purse, Josh had unintentionally matched with her.
Similarly, the younger Fatu took on a slick yet casual approach, dressed in a creme crewneck and matching jeans with a custom pair of brown and creme low high Air Forces - a birthday gift from yours truly.
The duo walks behind Trinity and Jon, their faces taking on a natural mean mug. It was no secret that Josh was an introvert and preferred socializing on his own terms rather than smiling in the face of strangers everyday.
For Ezmeralda, she was to stand in the public with one interview after another since she was one of the many household names of the company; although, that didn't mean she was willing to do it for free and on her off day.
"Jon, Josh," Ariane's boyfriend, Vincent, calls over his shoulder. "Get your swag on. Swag on, baby, there you go."
Immediately, Josh and Ezmeralda side eye one another. Nearly laughing her ass off, Ezmeralda shakes her head and keeps walking.
"Wait, babe," Ariane stops Vincent, "um, so, you're gonna stand right here. And we're gonna work it." 
Ariane looks over at Trinity and Ezmeralda, "come on, girls. Let's work."
Trinity begrudingly steps forward, pulling the older woman with her. As the three stepped closer to the boutique's entrance, the small group of paparrazzi begin to take photos of them. A few primarily focusing their shots on the veteran posing out of of her element.
Blinded and overstimulated, Ezmeralda walks past them and heads for the door. "I'm'a head inside, y'all," she states.
Ariane quickly tries to pull her back, "no, girl, you need to, you gotta," Trinity goes to follow Ezmeralda in.
"Wait, no, stop. Hold on," Ariane catches them. "Picture, y'all. Come on. You better work. Bitch, you better work."
She goes back to posing while Trinity carries a large yet tense smile and Ezmeralda simply smoulders in the cameras.
"There's nothing wrong with the glitz and the glam," she laughs. "I've watched my family deal with it for practically, my entire life. I think that's what really sets me apart from others, at times, because I don't care for having a camera in my face every second. I don't care for having every ounce of information about me uttered to the public as it's not their business. I do it cause it's a part of the job."
Even inside the boutique, Ariane and a few photographers were taking pictures rather than enjoying the clothes. Trinity stood beside Ezmeralda, an exhausted pout was prominent on her face. The elder woman pats her on the back.
"You okay, boo?" Trinity nods, "I just wanna do something fun without the cameras and stuff, ya know? Like this, isn't fun."
Ezmeralda pulls her into a quick hug, "don't worry, we'll find something fun without the attention."
As they look at the different shoes, they take that as their moment to talk. "So, what's been going on with you and Ariane, recently?" This ellicits a heavy sigh for the young woman. 
Trinity shakes her head, "we've been butting heads a lot recently. Like, I want us to grow as wrestlers. That's what we're here for, you know? Doing our little dance is cool, I use do that before WWE, but that's not my job anymore. However, Ariane doesn't see it like that. She's so focused on the glitz and the glamour of this, it's like she doesn't really care that much about wrestling."
"Oh," Ezmeralda hums. "It's always been obvious that you and Ariane solely have chemistry because of the time you've had to work with each other, but outside of that, you guys are insanely different to the point where a clash was bound to happen."
Trinity's eyebrows raise. "Really?"
The veteran nods her head. "From the moment she tried going behind Sandra's back to get y'all's costumes without even including you, I knew she was focusing on the wrong things at the wrong time. It's best that you talk to her, not as a friend, but as a business partner cause this can jeopardize your spot in the company."
The two hug, Trinity eyes slightly watering as the stress weighs heavy on her mind. "Thank you, Ezzie."
The woman smiles, "I always got your back, sis. Now, let's go find the twins and sneak out." They laugh, searching for their men. 
Tampa, FL
While on another day off, Trinity, Ezmeralda, Eva, Jojo, and Ariane decided to go for a fun day out Go-Karting. Trinity, especially, wanted to try and deescalate the tension growing between herself and her tag team partner. 
As they all were getting settled, Eva begins to joke. "Ladies, ladies, while I love you, I see that little stand over there," she points at the podium. "I'll be standing on top."
Ezmeralda laughs, "good luck with that, girl. You talkin' to someone who used to steal cars and race them thangs around the block." Jojo and Eva's eyes widen in shock, laughing at the small insight of the superstar's childhood.
Eva and Ariane pose at the top while Trinity shakes her head. "Both of y'all gon' be numbers two and three cause I'm gonna be number one." They all were given their helmets and told the rules and safety regulations.
They begin racing, the mics picking up their laughs with every drift and crash. Once the race was over, the official hands out their papers while announcing their placements. "In fifth place, we have Trinity."
She playfully snatches the paper out of his hands, crumbling it as the others laugh. "Fourth place, we have Jojo," he announces, handing the girl her paper as she giggled beside Trinity. "In third, we have Eva." The redhead's jaw drops. 
"What? I didn't get first?" She laughs, taking the bronze metal. Ezmeralda laughs, "damn, that's tough." The official continues, "in second, is Ariane." 
The woman's jaw drops, she side eyes Ezmeralda and swings her hair. "Girl, bye," she kisses her teeth, taking the silver. "And finally, but not least, in first with the gold is Ezzie." The superstar takes the gold, sliding it over her head with a little dance.
She climbs to the top, "yessir! Yessir!" She sings. "I'm a gamer, I do this, yuh." The others laugh. Afterwards, the group chilled on the side, talking.
"You was all about winning, passing me and everything. Both of y'all lapped me, but now look at you," Trinity jokes, pointing at Eva and Ariane.
"Don't be mad because you're slow, girl," Ariane chastises.
Trinity laughs, catching Eva in a small hug, "I'm not mad. I'm not a sore loser. Ezzie won, you got second place; congratulations."
Empathetically, Ezmeralda knew what was bound to happen due to the brewing conflict between the women. She wraps an arm around Trinity's waist.
"You could be a little more sincere about it," Ariane argues, receiving a side eye from Ezmeralda.
Trinity continues to try and brush her off, "get over it. Sincere about what?"
"Because you're like, uh, congratulations. You're just being bitter right now."
Trinity gives her a face. "I'm not being bitter. You're doing too much right now. It's a game, who cares?" Ariane holds up her metal, "but I won, though."
At this point Trinity and Ezmeralda was getting annoyed. "Don't get hot," Ariane taunts.
"I'm the one that wins the matches," Trinity states. Ariane raises her eyebrows, "oh, so you're the one who wins the matches? But when it comes to speaking, I'm the one who can talk on the mic."
Trinity tilts her head, "I can speak very well for myself." Ariane points at her, "you wanna take it there?" Trinity shrugs, "it's already took there."
"Trin's a lot better than me cause I would've already sent a right in Ariane's mouth cause you ain't finna talk to me any kind of way like that. And all over a mediocre race? Girl, four-year-olds could win that medal if they want to, who gives a damn? What? Your daddy, mommy, ain't never said 'congrats?' Well, here you go:"
She claps her hands, "congrats. Damn, now shut up."
"What you gettin' hot for?" Trinity looks at her. "Because you just took it to a whole other level," Ariane argues.
Trinity raises her eyebrow, "I didn't. Is it not true? Am I not the one that wins the matches?"
"Uh, yes, your Honor. It is true that my client, Trinity McCray, does in fact win all their matches," Ezmeralda exaggeratedly adjusts her glasses. 
"Okay," Ariane huffs, "so you win every single match?" She waves her hand, "actually, I'm done. I'm ready to go."
Trinity shakes her head, looking at Ezmeralda. "This is what I'm talking about. She's too much sometimes." 
They continue to go back and forth, Ariane's squeaky voice rising with every rebuttal. As they get ready to go, the duo begin to push at one another. Quickly, Ezmeralda wraps an arm around Trinity's waist in an effort to hold her back.
"It's not worth it, sis. Not in public and not with our job."
"I'm putting $100 on Trin. Ariane ain't got a chance to even lift her arm before she gets knocked clean out." Ezmeralda laughs.
Monday Night Raw
As a result of Trinity and Ariane splitting, some changes have appeared and one of them was Ariane was to compete against Aksana while Trinity was to compete against Ezmeralda which meant that the triplet's original match against The Shield was then switched to Team Hell No and John Cena vs. The Shield.
As Trinity and Ezmeralda's match was coming up, the newly dressed superstar stood in the Guerilla with the twins and her brother.
"Aye, now, take it easy on my baby," Jon jokes pulling the woman into a hug. 
"Boy, hush, if there's anyone I trust to go against as a rookie, it's my good sis," Ezmeralda laughs. "She just has ring rust. This is her moment to dust it off and find her moment to shine."
Her theme goes off as green stobe lights begin taking over the stadium. She smiles, "time for Aries to welcome the new meat."
Hyped, she skips through the curtain before switching to her signature strut out into the spotlight. Raising her arms at the climax, she dramatically bends down as the pyro sets off. Coming back up, she leads into a leap with a roar that mixed with the music. She slapped the hands of the excited fans before reaching the ring. Settled in her corner, pacing while in character, she watches as the familiar disco intro of the Funkadactyls plays.
Excited, Trinity comes skipping down the ramp with her signature pompoms. As she reaches the opposite of the ring from Ezmeralda, she leaps over the top rope with a split. Just moments before the bell rang, the veteran catches Trinity's eyes and sends a subtle nod of communication which she sends back.
The duo begin a match of trade offs and reversals, Naomi specifically taking on a defensive approach to Aries' typical fast yet offensive one. Despite the unnoticeable change in Aries' move-set, the fans weren't able to identify the lack of emphasis with every spot. 
Unbeknownst to the WWE Universe, Divas in positions like Naomi and the Bellas weren't trained to take powered slams neither were they trained to give them out. Thankfully, when training with the likes of Aries, she wasn't much of a rule follower anyways. 
As they keep going, Aries' approach then switches to take on the fast paced, arial based luchadore style adopted from her father. She notices that Naomi was slowing down, winded and fighting for her breath.
The dancer climbs the top rope, going for a crossbody; however, she overcalculated the landing. With ease, Aries' arms wrap around her torso to catch the woman as they fall back. Aries’ sell coming off as a cushion for Naomi's landing.
Naomi gets the pin on her, but Trinity as the athlete was not happy with her own performance. As they meet up backstage, Ezmeralda pulls her into a hug.
"You did good, love. We'll definitely have to work on your in-ring stamina, but you have the skills and can hit the spots. How'd it feel?"
She shakes her head, "I loved getting that chance, but I do wish for Ariane to be there cause that's all I know."
Ezmeralda nods, "I know, love, it's gonna be alright. You'll just have to talk this out and see how to solve this tension or find a way to keep yourselves connected." Trinity nods, the two walking further backstage.
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Next chapter is gonna take a different turn with more Ezmeralda and Josh moments especially with Natalya's bachelorette party in Vegas coming up.
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avaantares · 8 months
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Emotion-wrecking scenes? In my Guardian?
(It's more likely than you may think!)
When it comes to scenes that gut us, I feel like we (the fandom, collectively) tend to fixate on the tragedy of Weilan -- and, I mean, fair -- but in terms of sheer emotional impact, this scene, in which Chu Shuzhi learns that Guo Changcheng did not return to Haixing with him, is one of the most brutal in the entire series. Possibly because it's part of a bait-and-switch that spans multiple episodes and is engineered to pull the rug out from under you. Maybe because it involves characters who have been largely treated as one-dimensional and/or comic relief for most of the series, so it's an unexpected turn. Or perhaps it's so powerful simply because it's a completely terrestrial bit of drama -- there's no CGI, no greenscreening, no fake blood, no suspension of disbelief required. And it's something we've all experienced, at some level: Coming out of a situation where you think everything is okay, only to be blindsided with the worst news possible. We all know what that feels like, to some degree. Many of us know firsthand how devastating it is to wake from a dream in which a loved one is still alive, only to remember seconds later that they aren't.
Of course the characters and their history are a significant part of it, too. Not only do we see the heretofore unbreakable Chu Shuzhi be absolutely destroyed in real time by the realization that he has effectively caused the death of another younger brother (a relationship that Chu Shuzhi only let himself admit during the riverside conversation in his dream), but Zhao Yunlan is the one who has to break the news to him -- Zhao Yunlan, who is already stressed and suffering over Shen Wei's imprisonment and torture and the betrayal of Haixing Inspectorate and everything else that's gone wrong in the past 24 hours, who is no stranger to loss himself, and who can't bring himself to even mention the mistakes Lao Chu made that led to this situation. Despite the fact that he dragged Lao Chu into his office and literally shouted at him the previous day over sending the puppet into Zhu Hong's dream, he knows there is nothing he can say now that will even register as a reprimand. Chu Shuzhi has failed not only Hei Pao Shi, but the SID as well, and lost the person closest to him. Zhao Yunlan doesn't say anything to assuage Lao Chu's guilt, but also can't say anything to make it worse, and defends his silence to Da Qing in the following scene. (And at some level, he's probably thinking about how Xiao Guo is also his responsibility, and he's worried that Shen Wei will be the next to fall on his watch. Layers upon layers.)
But most of that is just background for the scene itself. What really sells the sequence is the phenomenal acting: Jiang Mingyang's emotionally raw breakdown, and a more understated but no less effective performance by Bai Yu.
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Just more proof that this cast was too good for this show.*
* I say this while holding deep affection for the drama, but also acknowledging that I've acted in literal class projects that had better production values. Also one Asylum film, which almost certainly had a lower budget than Guardian and still managed to have better special effects -- which is saying something, coming from the studio whose most successful commercial venture was Sharknado.
(This wasn't at all what I originally had planned for the "Revelations" square on my @guardianbingo card, but I was skimming through the episode looking for a reference for a different prompt, and the power of this bit struck me afresh, so I decided to focus on the unpleasant revelation in this scene instead.)
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justatalkingface · 9 months
Making Izuku Worse, But BETTER
*walks in* *drops post* *explains nothing* *leaves*
So, a while ago, I made a post talking about how, among (many, many) other things wrong with how Izuku was developed over the story, that his fundamental character was just... slowly and systematically chipped away by Hori, until his unique personality was gone, and all that was left is a shell of a shonen protagonist.
Well. I'm here today to tell you that... fuck. I can do that shit better than Hori did.
Here's my revolutionary idea: lean into it. See, while he's growing in a bad direction, while as a person he's getting worse in a lot of ways, that isn't bad, as, like, character development, or as part of a story.
So. The thing is, while Izuku changes, it's never really... acknowledged in the story. (This is, of course, a different part of his problem, that while he changes throughout the story, by and by large his improvement, how far he's come, and what he's done, is never acknowledged; in fact, he's actively criticized for not doing everything perfectly, because of course.) Because Izuku is, over all, improving, that means he never gets validation for his work... but, flipping it, with this? He never gets it pointed out that he's doing worse.
And it doesn't even need to be a person, is the thing; you can have it never directly told to Izuku, but shown to us, the viewers, in story, and that's fine, as long as it's acknowledged.
So, the first thing I'd do, to make this whole idea work right is... actually spend more time on Izuku's quirks as a character. He's smart, curious, enthusiastic, mildly obsessed with Quirks, and look! Here he has a Quirk. There's no possible way to work with that, right?
Start there. Show, at the very least, one panel scenes of Izuku... geeking out. Experimenting. Being Izuku, basiclly, and scatter them every once and awhile in the story. Maybe have him suggest something to someone else, show that person's improvement under his guidance (and, you know, have Izuku interact with other human beings... as a human being. Yet another problem Hori has with Izuku; as far as we can tell from what we are shown, he is strangers with his entire damn class, even though the story has tried to push the vibe that he is, in fact, friends with all of them. And don't get me started on his mother, who barely even exists...).
It doesn't have to be big, is the thing, or elaborate, it just has to be there, to help firmly establish these characteristics in our minds as readers. And that's important, because that means it'll be noticeable when it stops.
Ideally, I'd think it'd be best to do this post-Kamino, because it's such a big thing that Izuku having a radical change in response makes sense. All Might's gone, the mantle is his now... no pressure, right? And, in the same way the foundational aspects were set up, it can start small: those few scattered panels? They're gone.
*ratchet sound effect*
It's not something pointed out or anything, they're just... gone. Maybe replace them with more training, maybe not, but we don't see Izuku spending his free time being Izuku anymore, and that's it. It stays at that new normal for awhile.
Then the stress kicks up a gear; conveniently, after Kamino we have... *sigh*. I can't believe I'm saying this, but conveniently, we have Sir Nighteye. And the thing is? Sir Nighteye is an asshole; he's perfect for just.... bringing the stress up just an extra notch. And here's where more work has to be put in to sell this idea, not just showing less happy Izuku, but showing more upset Izuku, showing how things are getting to him, not just in the moment, but consistently, even when nothing is actually happening to him at that exact point in time. A scene of Izuku... head in his hands, maybe. Training, and pushing farther than he should, and maybe there's something bleeding. Not a lot, not yet, but the cracks should be showing at this point.
*ratchet sound effect*
For the purposes of this, we'll assume that by and by large the story is happening as usual, so Mirio loses his Quirk, and there's that guilt, hitting Izuku like a truck.
*ratchet sound effect*
Show those stress scenes just a little more now, work in some conversations with Mirio where he acts happy, but the second he walks away everything crashes down on him; you don't even need to have anyone saying anything, just the visual of his smile vanishing in an instant will carry it.
Because if I'm writing this I'd want her to be a character, show Izuku's mom slowly growing worried as they meet (with her actually being more of a character at all before hand; show her growing happier and less burdened as Izuku improves before all of this, only now they see each other less and less, and every time he seems less happy than he was before, grimmer).
After that, just let things bake for awhile; nothing really changes, Izuku is just more miserable, and people are slowly starting to notice that he's acting different now, even if they don't really understand why...
And then Joint Training. Fun fact: canonly, the Vestiges, as introduced to us? Are assholes; which, honestly, isn't that surprising, because just about everyone is an asshole to Izuku! Stress Factor 5975 that is never really acknowledged in story: some asshole yelling at Izuku for instantly failing at his Quirk because he had no idea how to even use it, much less that it was even there, much less that it would happen in the middle of a fucking training exercise.
*ratchet noise*
And then, important moment here, have someone.... All Might, Ochako, whoever, notice that Izuku is getting a new Quirk (...or developing a new facet of his Quirk, or however that was explained to everyone), but he isn't enthusiastic about it. There's no brainstorming, no experimenting... this thing that should have been a source of joy is just.... there. At worst, it is actively causing him stress. And it this obvious difference that is ringing some warning bells in people's minds.
*ratchet noise*
So, all this time, along with all the story points that are supposed to be happening, from Kamino on I've been slowly weaving together a new one: Izuku increasingly barely holding his shit together in the face of his clusterfuck of a life. Then the War Arc kicks in, and that's where the pay off for all this slow build, because here's where everything goes to shit.
War Arc hits Izuku like a train, and leaves him wrecked in the aftermath, absolutely destroyed... which, organically, leads into the Dark Deku arc, only here, we actually do it better.
Here, him going 'rogue', is an organic evolution of various things that have been going on for probably years now, Izuku slowly depriving himself of all things that gave him joy, in favor of training for his Mission, TM, this Grand Purpose that was thrust upon him.
Here, his classmates going to save him makes more sense because we've seen them interact, we've seen their growing concern over how he's been changing.
All of these things happen, and come together for this moment where the story finally admits what it's been dancing around all this time: Izuku is not OK. And at last, finally, starts to actually resolve it.
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low-budget-korra · 2 months
Comments on House of the Dragon S02E08
-DAENERYS TARGARYEN she is the prince that was promised!!!!! OMG. Watch them using one of the upcoming animated shows to remake that awful Game of Thrones finale.
Haelena and Daemon seeing each other was cool af, but she shouldn't have been given spoilers like c'mon.
- Well, know that Aemond was aggressive towards Haelena, their shippers can't say a word about Daemyra 🤷 (ps: I'm not Daemyra)
Also, Aemond burning and killing innocents just cuz his ego was crushed , and some of the team green said the Black's are the evil ones.. btw, he is a sexist asshole. Hate him. A good villain tho
- I'm really curious to know what they would do with Hugh. He will still betray the Black's? If he does, how this will happen? Cuz so far he is being such a great guy honestly.
Now, Ulf is actually the worst. He is def gonna betray the Black's but it would be a nice twist if that asshole actually turned out to be loyal and died battling against Vermithor and Hugh.
-The Gullet will happen right in the first or second episode of s3. I dislike those people cuz they will...u know...anyways, but that lady? Damn she is something else and she is a LESBIAN. I can't be against her I'm sorry
And Tyland is probably the honorable and nice Lannister ever.
-Gotta love/hate how Alicent. When she is winning, she is all a bit cocky but when she is losing , she comes to with her 🥺 eyes. Rhaenyra owes her nothing. I only feel bad for Haelena
She was actually willing to sacrifice Aegon , a son for a son. When Rhaenyra takes KL, after losing Jace, and don't find Aegon, she will think Alicent lied.
I know there's a lot of haters for Rhaenyra x Alicent, but there scenes are gold. And not Alicent asking Rhaenyra to runaway with her 😭
-Its so satisfying to learn that Aegon doesn't have pepe anymore. I bet the maids are partying rn. Larys was a real one tho, he saved Aegon's life by taking him out of KL
-Alyn gagged Corlys so bad. Damn
-I bet sir Alfred shit his pants when he saw that Daemon isn't a traitor or a usurper. If he is so eager to go to battle, why don't he go to KL and challenge Aemond for a duel.
-Not Crispin Cole trying to pep talk about honor. Bruh if you are so afraid and depressed after seeing the dragons dance, just to to Essos sell your oranges
-This season is a slow burn, people complained about it but honestly? For things to have the impact they should have, it is necessary to have a built up to it and that's what they did.
A lot of people talk shit about s1 being too rushed, and now are talking shit that this one is too slow. I've read people complaining that this season was just "old men talking around the table" 😭 and I immediately thought "did yall see Game of Thrones?"
S3 is gonna be wild. With Gullet and Rhaenyra taking KL probably in the first half episodes. The Winter Wolfs coming(maybe the Lads too), Tumbleton happening.
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dippedinmelancholy · 3 months
For all there is to complain about ACOSF - I am certain huge portions of it were taken out and rewritten. Particularly in regards to Mor. There's a reason the Christmas Special has a focus on Mor, in her perspective, with her memories and emotions. She has a particularly sharp dislike of Nesta, even going so far to say Nesta should be locked away where women are raped, sold, and are viewed as items, not people. She says Nesta would fit right in, but the unspoken bit here is that Nesta DESERVES such treatment for her "viper's tongue", because lets be honest. A cruel tongue is literally the worst of Nesta's sins. She never goes out of her way to hurt anyone, she doesn't care for it, nor does she have a taste for it. Of all the people to talk to Cassian after Nesta initially arrives at the HoW, it's Mor. Not Feyre, to check on how her sister is adjusting. No, it's Mor, who scoffs and laughs at Nesta taking a depressing nap (because that's exactly what it is, at least when you're asleep you don't need to be in your own head). And then. . . nothing. A huge gap between this, and Mor being the one to teach Nesta the Hewn City dances, which doesn't get it's own scene. Nothing between this and Mor requesting to come see Nesta and the priestesses train, and Nesta saying the other girls would like that. It feels so empty and weird that there's no scenes between this. When there clearly could have been some kind of written scenes to show development between Nesta and Mor, especially since Nesta has SO MUCH in common with how women in Hewn City are raised. Her virginity prized and used to secure a marriage, her mother grooming her, her father borderline abusive, being a survivor of SA herself, being willing to sell herself to Tomas to keep her family alive because it was all she had, her body, her virginity. Then, Nesta recklessly fucking the first person she can with no feeling, because in the land of the fae, her body has no worth now. A purposeful scene between Mor and Nesta rather than yet another meaningless smut scene, maybe even directly after Kelpie tried to SA Nesta, followed by the learning new dances scene, could have done so much. It could have proven to Mor that Nesta doesn't want to hurt Cassian, she literally never has. A mirror reflected of the brutality of being a woman, human or fae. An understanding that a mask is just that, a mask. It could have given worth to the "friendship" of Cassian and Mor, rather than Mor is just pissed Mor isn't her plaything anymore. I think that's my core problem with ACOSF. It feels as though so much else could have been written at one point. Instead, there's so much that we're just supposed to accept as "This is how it is now, problems gone!". ACOSF really leans on telling instead of showing, which makes it a really horrible read in a world building way, especially since CC3, and more than likely more books in the future, intertwine with these characters so much, expecting you to believe in them and their bonds.
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thedarkmongoose · 3 months
SPOILERS: i have mixed feelings about the bear s3 but knowing that s3 & s4 were written/filmed at the same time makes sense. s4 will prob answer s3's q's. (A LOT was left open-ended) usually i love that, but it felt like the show lost itself in certain places, esp the self-indulgent finale. all stories are indulgent to some degree, but too much decadence rarely leaves room for substance.
and i get why they tried to do the chef's table thing, but other than andrea, syd, and luca, everyone else's acting was disjointed and trite. but i loved ep 1; it was an ethereal, artsy, meditative piece (peace) that was necessary after the chaotic s2 finale. however, as a big fan of the show, it was hard for me to finish the eps.
the standout in s3 FOR SURE was tina's ep - directed by ayo. glad we got her backstory. personally i liked her anxiety-inducing job hunt bc it's really like that irl, esp for older woc. the sobbing while eating a free sandwich was relatable, and the mikey convo was super impactful. but as much as i loved the ep, it still felt superficial compared to s2 'forks' (richie) or 'honeydew' (marcus). we never see her son again either; all we get is tina yelling at him to quiet down.
then there was marcus's mother's funeral which seemed like it was going to be more central to the plot than it was. i wish we got more. and claire is still one of the most underwritten characters EVER. nothing about her or the mis en scène really sells it that she's a doctor lol. and the scene with the faks trying to apologize on carmy's behalf was beyond cringe. i like matty matheson - i have his cookbook, but there was entirely too many faks in s3.
and let's be real: where was ebra & sweeps? ebra has such an interesting story that i'm HOPING we get to see in s4. sweeps too - he tried out for the chicago cubs! but on a positive note, i loved the chemistry between syd/luca. it was v sweet and organic. wonder if they'll be a thing in s4 since luca is carmy's foil. too bad marcus was barely in s3, tho the hug between him & luca at the party was cute. syd's meltdown mirroring carmy's in s2 was also a nice touch.
idk how to feel about sugar's labor scene. most praise it, but it didn't hit the same for me. donna's over-acting (the whole series) is really distracting and i can't take her seriously. ik she's supposed to be mentally unwell, but it borders on cartoonish. the hospital moment was heartwarming, but again, artificially. and pete was so underwritten too, just so they could have that mom moment. i liked the scene with him and syd tho. it felt authentically awkward.
i also understand what they were trying to do with the finale, but it was a flop for me. the scene with andrea/carmy staring out into the chicago night was introspective and beautiful, but the msg doesn't hit all the way bc we have a group of wealthy celeb chefs saying it's okay to stop while you're ahead and enjoy life while you can. every second counts. unfortunately for those who are not celeb chefs, it's not that easy to simply "enjoy life."
on one hand, i agree that food is life and restaurants have been community "third places" forever (essential to life itself; historically, like when revolutionaries would gather at pubs or cafes). however, do i think that fine dining and the "art" that comes with it is necessary? no. if there were more spots like the original beef/bear in the world tho, that would be a good thing.
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travellingwiththedead · 4 months
Ok, watching iwtv s2e2 again and taking notes because everything happening too much:
(Spoilers under read more)
Louis and Armand arguing about who should have made contact first sounds a bit like Louis and his mum arguing about who should have kept in touch, but less angry.
Also Daniel absolutely not buying their domestic bliss charade is hilarious. "Keep selling it"
Ok, on Louis and his photography: How are all your pictures turning out so well? You're taking them at night, free hand, no flash light. I guess for less hurried ones he can, because he's a vampire, just stand very very still, but we see him and Claudia move the camera while taking pictures (or use a way too short exposure time), he's taking pictures on a moving bike. They should all be underexposed or blurry as hell xD
Louis getting nasty when Daniel's questions go places he doesn't like is so good. Three grumpy old men in a penthouse, trying to one up each other.
Love how Claudia is all indecisive about going into Madeleine's shop until someone tells her not to do it, then she immediately goes in. Lestat's daughter, absolutely. They both hear someone say "Lestat/Claudia, no!" and immediately go "Lestat/Claudia yes!" xD
Aaaand now Daniel's hand is shaking again. Guess it's time for another visit from Fareed (give me my mad scientist husbands)
Love Daniel gleefully correcting Rashid (and indirectly Armand) that you're not supposed to be using gloves with old books and documents. Have the writers stolen this from tumblr posts after s1? ;)
Armand, give poor Real Rashid ('it's just Rashid') a raise already xD
Armand, you dramatic shit, making the lights flicker like that when meeting Louis
The whole Theatre part is just so good. Ben Daniels gave his all and he's stealing the show. Standing ovations for this man. (and also wishing him so much strength after the loss of his husband, so sad for him)
The whole Annika scene was so intense, the actress is fantastic.
KP (the MVP of production crumbs) and his little knitted hat ^.^
The whole theatre troop looks so good. And the set is great.
Celeste's "Do American vampiresses all wear pastels?" is giving Morticia Addams xD
Daniel calling it all a telenovela, and making sure to have the fitting background music, is hilarious xD he's right and he should say it
Delainey is so pretty when she smiles. And also once again doing so well.
Roget, what do you know? Also I wanna know what else was in that box, apart from the letter (looks like some kind of deeds or other official documents? maybe money?).
And there Louis goes lashing out again. Vicious.
Hm, not sure where this whole scenes puts the Armand-is-Alice-theory (which I don't subscribe to). Because Louis clearly thinks Alice as an actual person and that he could find her in present day.
Personally I think Daniel remembering 70s Armand here has less to do with Alice and more with Louis now and Armand then using his memories as weapons against him.
I bet Daniel will make them pay for this in the future, he's not just gonna take that. I mean, he sees nothing wrong with slapping a vampire so collecting himself and then striking back even harder would definitely be something he'd do.
the preview for next episode is confusing me. 1576??? But yay for past-Lestat and Nicki ^^
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aoxizu · 4 months
i have, completely accidentally, finished all of the currently available wuthering waves main questline
meanwhile i still have not touched the 2.2 plot in star rail but shh i'll get that scene finished eventually and then i can start questing
but anyway. obviously jiyan and jing yuan have many similarities (general, initials jy, ponytail, voiced by sun ye, chinese, once knew a guy with white hair who later became a criminal), but jiyan just doesn't quite get to the same level as jing yuan does (also jing yuan showed up for me twice. jiyan has shown up 0 times.)
this will go into jiyan backstory spoilers kind of if you haven't yet seen that part of the main quest, and also tone warning: i'm going to complain a lot, and i am very biased.
but like. geshu lin did nothing wrong change my mind
it's like if the luofu was fighting phantylia and there was no astral express, jing yuan tells the army to guard the frontline with their life if necessary and then goes off to fight phantylia alone, and then the soldiers all have terrible morale so fu xuan decides to have everyone retreat and then jing yuan becomes a criminal for giving that order and fu xuan becomes the general
except fu xuan at least has some higher position in the leadership structure of the luofu, but jiyan does not. jiyan was literally just some random doctor in the army who said "hey what if we didn't lose our lives like we signed up to do and all ran away instead" and for that he was appointed general through magic dragon
it's like the game is trying to take a "war bad" stance at the same time as glorifying the military so they can sell the general and convince people to pull for him
and then (main story spoilers) when you go fight the not-bloodborne boss in the north wilds (i play in cn so i have no idea what anything is called in english) at the very end of the quest, jiyan pretty much does the same thing as geshu lin
he has his soldiers stay back while he goes to fight the big bad and the only difference is that jiyan takes 3 more people along with him and he also has the power of a prophecy on his side
i get that the game is trying to paint geshu lin as this kind of like war crazed general but like jiyan and geshu lin are in nearly the exact same situation here, making almost the exact same decision
i am being told that jiyan is different from geshu lin in some way but it's really hard to believe that when it looks like they're doing the same things
chinese culture doesn't like to glorify leaders who only focus on war and nothing else (see: han wudi, qin shihuang) (note that mao zedong and the cultural changes he brought do not agree with this attitude) and i suppose that's the reasoning for why geshu lin is a criminal while jiyan is fine since jiyan knows when to retreat or whatever, but i do not think the game does a particularly good job of showing that
this inconsistency may have also had something to do with the amount of changes that jiyan's character went through during development, since his (cn) va was originally sang liuze (ratio/neuvillette) (which i think would have fit jiyan better. personal opinion), and was later changed to sun ye, and his character was also originally just supposed to be a doctor in the army without the sudden becoming general part, so to a lot of cn players it just feels like kuro's trying to coast off of jing yuan's popularity
i don't think that's necessarily true but it is definitely affecting how jiyan is being seen in the chinese community
though i will say that despite the whole ???ness of jiyan's decision making process, the not bloodborne boss fight was really cool, and i really liked exploring that area
hsr on the other hand avoids the problem with trying to say war bad but also trying to sell a military general by simply having jing yuan focus on strategy, and clearly placing more importance on outsmarting the enemy rather than throwing people and resources at the enemy until it dies
but anyway. i'm still going to try and get jiyan, since i kind of like his playstyle despite it being burst based, though havoc rover does look cool enough for me to seriously consider using them for as long as possible
right now the game is in the weird place of being so new that i can't take a lot of it seriously, since it's still finding its place in the massive 2d-adjacent mobile game environment, but i'm sure it will either a) grow on me or b) become genshin, where i am a "day one player" but barely touch the game
or a secret third option, where it displaces my star rail addiction to plant a wuthering waves addiction, but i find that unlikely since i don't tend to like open world games as much
i'm excited to see where wuthering waves goes and if it can finally provide a challenge to the behemoth that is genshin
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you know what the actual problem i have with wuthering waves is? when i take a picture with the in game camera and hit save it doesn't actually save. so i'm restricted to screenshots for the time being
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theygotlost · 1 year
ok. here is my attempt to make a coherent post about the watch bbc.
my main reaction, over and over again watching the first episode, is: CHOICES WERE MADE. truly inscrutable choices for which I cannot possibly understand the rationale or thought process. If I was adapting discworld for the screen, it would ever in a million years occur to me to make these choices. some of these choices include, in no particular order:
cut-me-own-throat dibbler is a white woman with dreadlocs who uses a wheelchair. I can NOT make this up.
vetinari is also a woman. .....I have nothing else to say about this.
instead of a dragon sanctuary, sybil runs some kind of femdom petplay sex dungeon for bedraggled old men. including vimes. and this is how they meet. she traps him in her sex dungeon.
she's also skinny and average height. I repeat: sybil ramkin is SHORTER THAN VIMES.
the actor playing vimes does have a very vimey look about him I won't lie, I even like his little fauxhawk hair situation, but his performance is completely baffling. he's always making an over-the-top jim carrey face but doesn't sell it nearly as well as jim carrey so it's just awkward and not funny.
vimes' accent is also completely unplaceable. I swear it's different in every single scene. sometimes american, sometimes irish, sometimes an american doing a bad impression of an irish accent or vice versa. watching @fealtyfaggot (irish)'s face in real time as he tried to calculate this man's accent was entertaining to say the least.
honestly, every actor sounds like the director instructed them to do an irish accent except they're all bad at irish accents so they all sound weird in their own unique way.
goodboy bindle featherstone is a normal-sized, horrible cgi lizard and sybil uses him like a handheld flamethrower.
the series is attempting (and FAILING) to adapt the events of guards! guards! and night watch simultaneously. carcer is killmongerfied into a black man (not raceblind casting as ciarán pointed out to me, they specifically put out a casting call for a black actor) who is justifiably angry at the police system. and he's carcer. so he's still the main antagonist and a crazed serial killer. he's the bad guy.
john keel was also black and vimes is white, so while it doesn't actually happen in the first episode it seems apparent that CARCER will end up being the one to impersonate keel?!
AND carcer was best friends with vimes and they had some kind of ~history~ together where there was some kind of dramatic betrayal and vimes attempted suicide(?). what
I guess dwarves are.... not short? cheery is normal human height.
carrot's tragic backstory where he was thrown down a mineshaft as a baby (I laughed out loud when he said this) and his adoptive dwarf parents sent him to join the watch cause they hate him and are trying to get rid of him.
just...... why the cyberpunk angle? discworld isn't the most traditional, historically accurate medieval fantasy out there and it's not supposed to be, but.... WHY CYBERPUNK?
I almost forgot: colon and nobby are completely absent.
my only question after watching this is WHY. WHY WHY WHY WHY. why is this a discworld adaptation? why did they decide to adapt discworld in this way? there is absolutely no respect or appreciation for the source material or understanding of what makes it good. whoever came up with this does not seem to like discworld very much at all. every single second of these 42 minutes was a slap in the face.
If this was just its own show, not related to discworld in any way, it would still be pretty bad. But I could still see it having a cult following you know? there would for sure be a niche tumblr fandom for it. the best thing I can say about this show is that it would have been good if literally everthing about it was different.
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You're right that it's also Larian's fault (through marketing but also some of the writing) that's been causing "fans" to believe that Astarion is truly some sex obsessed horny vampire who would be up for any kink or fantasy or infidelity they and their self-insert Tavs may have. Most people don't check datamined lines and fandom spaces, they didn't know his lack of reaction to Mizora was a bug, so why believe otherwise considering he had nothing against other horny fan service stuff the game offers? And there are quite a few people out there complaining about his new reaction all over social media, more than expected…You could literally fuck anything that moves and he was okay with it. You still can do that, mostly. For example someone said on the Larian forums this feels like moralizing the player, and it makes no sense for an immortal vampire who's had hundreds of lovers to be against Tav sleeping around lol.
Oh and by the way, you don't even have to run a deception or a persuasion check on him to forgive you for cheating on him. I tested it and every time he says something you have to say you're sorry and/or that it didn't mean anything and he will forgive Tav. So Larian STILL provided a lot of fanservice when they could've written Astarion the same way they wrote Gale, Lae'zel and the others who will automatically break up with Tav, with no option to gaslight and manipulate. But they didn't, I wonder why…
To be honest I don't even care much about this, it was added so late to the game that it doesn't matter anymore. In the long run, WOTC will still use Act 1 Astarion in any future content regardless. It's not even about AA vs Spawn anymore. They know this horny crap sells, most fans want it as well so why bother portray him as anything else other than your generic sexy carefree hedonistic vampire? Wanna bet the next cards will show Astarion in a brothel or perhaps riding a certain bear with some random Tav besides him? God knows what they have in store for him.
Hello, Nonnie. For the marketing, I agree. For the writing not so much. Even Neil and the animation team did a great job in showing his discomfort, despite of what he´s saying. It´s not their problems that many of his "fans" have no reading skills and don´t see that or just want to project whatever kinks they have on him because he´s fictional (that Larian should have seen coming). I have to laugh - how does a vampire who´s been used as a whore for two centuries wanting to have his newfound love on a pedestal not making any sense? :D Too bad for them Larian thought it´s important enough to add at least now and it won´t change anymore because they are only going to do maintance for the game from now on.
Yes, it´s easy to get him to forgive you because he lacks self esteem and very much wants to believe you. It´s so sad when the player gaslight him, really, the supposed love of his life. The only scene when he´s complete aware of his value is suprisingly when you offer the poly situation after completing his personal quest - he tells you in nicer words not to screw it up because he´ll be fine with or without you.
Now, the brothel I can´t justify but all romanced companions are just worried about you when you sleep with Haarlep and don´t comment on the Emperor.
I seriously wonder if we´re ever going to see such nuanced character in a game again when it´s easier to just throw tropes at the players. Sadly, I´ve talked about how the thirsthy WOTC cards are most probably his only future. But thank you for the mental picture of a huge bear with Astarion and Tav on his back having a laugh :D
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laugtherhyena · 14 days
Honestly, this talk about the Minecraft trailer just made me want to talk about a show that has taken over my brain atm. I just...needed to get it off my chest, ngl. Especially if you want to spend your time wisely instead of watching the Minecraft movie whenever it comes out. Like, it doesn't even HAVE to be this, you can literally just watch anything else Minecraft related that's actually good. But to recommend something that I've mentioned before (and is the only Minecraft-related thing I've dabbled in recently):
Animation VS Minecraft. It's genuinely good and made with love for the series in mind, with the first two seasons being mostly fun explorations of how Minecraft works. Although Season 1 jumps off from the first original video and does have certain elements that become very relevant in Season 3 as it's more heavily story-focused, while Season 2 remains as episodic that's just entertaining with it's crazy scenarios (but still good if you want more content in this series). Season 3 is fantastic, I love how the cast interacts with one another as they try to tackle the problems they've stumbled upon, the fight scenes can be quite chaotic but not unreadable and instead gives it more re-playability since you can find new little details in the fights by paying attention to a different character, and you can understand a lot of what is happening through the characters body language alone as there's little to no dialogue, period. (The same of which applies to Animator VS Animation.) Which is amazing. I won't say that it's perfect, I personally believe no series is even when they're amazing and something I love to bits, and I do think there are two characters that should've have more on-screen interactions to really sell their character arcs more. But with what we got, I was very satisfied with how it ended and their stories genuinely made my heart hurt (which isn't very hard since I can get attached to characters and the story easily but that's besides the point). Season 4 takes place directly after Season 3 and explores a certain consequence from the last season that I won't spoil, and it's just really funny and episodic (so far) while also being more light-hearted in comparison to the last season. And frankly, I think the cast deserved a lighter adventure after everything they've been put through last season so good for them.
I love this series. And I think it's just...really sad that this movie isn't giving the same respect to the game and it's fans.
Minecraft isn't that huge of an interest of mine, i kinda just binge watch a bunch of content of ut randomly, same way i do with cooking videos from time to time, so I can't say i will check it out but If I'm doing nothing someday i may give it a watch so thanks for the recommendation!
Tho i got a little confused on what it is exactly? Like you say seasons so i assume is a show but you also used the words "unreadable" and "replayability" through the text so i was like,, is ut a show? A game? A fic?
Either way, it does sound neat fron what you told me of it 👍
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
Logan giving absolutely zero shits in the Danger Room.
So we're running around a destroyed city being shot at by offscreen Sentinels using what my brain keeps trying to call Stark Missiles.
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I think because the MCU has conditioned me to blame Tony Stark whenever high-tech weapons are employed anywhere.
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Storm spends the fight flying around but does nothing to fight back against the Sentinel attacking them. This makes sense, because this is secretly a combat simulation and not a real thing that's occurring.
This is a class. Rogue, Bobby, Kitty, and Piotr are students, and we're trying to teach them how to defend themselves if the humans decide to go nuclear on mutants. A valid concern.
So the focus of this whole combat encounter is on how the kids react. How they use their powers to counter the Sentinel attacking them.
Meanwhile, co-instructor Logan could not give less of a shit.
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"Ugh, what am I even doing here? What happened to my life? You know, I used to be cool?" he thinks to himself while fake violence happens nearby. Also that's a lie; We've all seen Origins: Wolverine and know he was never cool.
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Logan, there are BIC lighters upstairs.
Logan, why are you.
Like, he just could not give less of a shit. Storm tries to engage with him, really selling the desperation of the moment.
Storm: (frantic) We're getting killed out here! Logan: (stonefaced) Yeah. I know. They're not ready, Storm.
Like. He aggressively doesn't want to be here. Storm's trying to rope him into the scene and he takes that opportunity to protest the fact that they're even teaching this course at all.
Then he loses his cigar and immediately ragequits the class.
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"Oh no, I accidentally killed the thing attacking these kids, guess we're done here."
Weirdly, the scene tries to set this up like Logan is bad at teamwork. They have this exchange before Colossus Fastball Specials him.
Storm: Logan, we work as a team! Logan: Yeah, good luck with that.
But that's kind of a weird thing to say right before using a combo maneuver with another team member to defeat an enemy, right?
Like. He doesn't come across as salty about teamwork in this scene. He comes across like this class is stupid and he doesn't want to be here. He's here in the context of an instructor training kids in a lesson he doesn't think they're ready for, not a cocksure student trying to show off. He even compliments Colossus on the throw as they're exiting the Danger Room.
I don't know, it's an odd way to frame a scene that is clearly about something else.
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prof-ramses · 5 months
Reviewing the Hollow Sorrows soundtrack
I did this back with the TADC pilot an had a great time with it, so I'm back with the latest addition to the SM score
Foolish Sinners
I really like the variety on display here, the spider's presence being underscored by frantic strings being a particular highlight. Short and sweet opening track.
The Garden's Guardian
Given that Gregor is the featured character of the episode, it's really important for his theme to be both effective and non-intrusive, as it plays several times in the episode. The actual feeling of the song is a great example of "showing the character's truth", as in, encapsulating Skid and Pump's first impressions of the father.
I'm Glad I Picked This Job
One of those fun bit tracks we get every so often in SM, and with a lovely chip-tune feel. My only complaint is that it makes me more bitter about the fact we won't get a proper sci-fi themed episode.
Sweet Enough
This one I'm a bit mixed on, we didn't really need another variant of Sweet & Sour, especially since we actually get 2 in this episode alone. It's not bad by any means, it just felt a bit unneeded.
Holy Sweet
I like how deliberately out of place this song feels, it feeds into the sense that Gregor is new and not used to the town's "local ways". Again, this also calls back to a character's truth, with Kevin's immediate dislike of Gregor.
Vessel's Parasite
I love the way this song unfolds like a summoning ritual for Moloch, it helps in setting just how much of a threat he really is. There's little else to say, just a great horror track.
The 9th Circle
So, this is the first appearance of what I've dubbed the "exorcism motif", but only later into the song, after it expands on Vessel's Parasite. This is followed by the emotional interlude, which I'm somewhat disappointed didn't feature the Happy Fella motif. The piano segment following this is the exorcism motif I alluded to earlier.
Valley of Shadows
I love this track, easily my favorite for this episode, it conveys a very unique energy that I feel it could only really be accompanied by a monster rampaging through town. I also like how it just so happened that the first SM episode to release after Undertale Yellow features what's easily the most Toby Fox-esqe track in the whole series, at least up to this point. I can't be the only one picking up the Dummy motif, right?
Ashes to Ashes
I'll just say what we're all thinking, I wish we got more of the evil Spooky Swings at the beginning, but alas, that isn't what the scene called for. Then we get the more intense version of the exorcism motif, which leads into the final confrontation. Said confrontation just amps up the drama of the melody, but in a very natural way.
Ruega Por Nosotros
I really like this simple track is composed of 2 neat segments, Gregor's motif and the exorcism motif. It helps sell the feeling of a literal hollow victory.
This really is just great eldritch ambience to be a cultist too, but that's all it needs to be. It also helps show Eyes as a genuine threat for the first time.
First off, I find it interesting that the title isn't "Disbelief", but "Disbelieve", as if it's an order. Which would be fitting, as this is the first time we see the boys in genuine emotional pain and confusion. I'm very interested to see if this theme's motif will make any future appearances or quotes.
Judgement Hour
A really solid credits theme, it doesn't quite top Compliments to The Chef, but the way it starts as a Friendly Nightmares remix, before the Ooga Booga break and then goes into it's own thing is really creative and makes for a unique experience.
Now for the tracks outside the main episode.
I enjoyed this year's variation of the Newgrounds theme, and it's interesting how you can almost make out a genuine melody in title_missing3, like it's foreshadowing a theme for the Candy Dealer. Tubular Swings is nice, but nothing to really write home about.
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