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smeg-and-the-red · 6 months ago
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bumbling-jester · 1 year ago
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[ID: a screenshot of the top posts under the weird al tag. the first post by user sillysymbol reads "to the joker weird al is normal alfred". the second post by user one-time-i-dreamt reads "Weird Al was The Joker". end ID]
funny little coincidence on the weird al tag
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keehlgender · 11 months ago
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[From April 2022]
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gaysindistress · 2 years ago
When Night Comes - one
Summary: Who would win in a staring contest? New York’s resident mob boss and master of the side eye Bucky Barnes or the daycare teacher who really wants to go home and smoke?
pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader
warnings: mob!Bucky because he is his own warning, probs only cursing this chapter
word count: 2.1K
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest
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“Hey I need your help out front,” Jessica wearily asks as she pops her head into the classroom door. The other woman who’s sitting on the jungle carpet with the kids nods her head and stands up, kids clinging to her arm as she does so. 
“What’s up?” she asks, shaking off the monkey children, “I need you guys to go sit on the carpet. I need to talk to Ms. Jessica.”
The kids run back to the group before Jessica explains, “There’s a man here to pick up Wyatt but I don’t recognize him and he’s not showing any ID. I figured with who his parents are, you might want to check it out.”
“Bruh you’ve got to be kidding me. Get a picture of him and his car and don’t let any of the kids out of the room until I come back. I’m getting real sick of this shit,” the mental exhaustion of running a daycare, let alone one with high-profile clients, rips her apart most days.
Another kid comes running up to the two women, complaining about how annoying her brother is being, “Ms. Jessica, Ms. Sunny, Mason won’t leave me alone. He keeps pinching me.”
Jessica takes over the situation and leads the little girl back towards the carpet, asking her what she did to try and stop him while the other woman, Ms. Sunny, leaves to handle the rather broody-looking man at the school’s front doors. His jaw is locked in a permanently clenched state, no doubt causing tension but also creating a killer resting bitch face. He’s looking down at his phone and doesn’t notice that she’s in the lobby with him until she clears her throat. 
“I’m here for Wyatt,” he fumbles to put his phone away when he looks up at her. 
“Can I see your ID please?” she asks, coming to stand in between him and the hallway leading toward the classroom. 
She flashes a very fake smile and crosses her arms over her chest, “Unfortunately it’s our policy; I can’t release a child into someone’s care unless I know who they are or I see their ID to confirm they’re on the approved adult list. So if I can’t see your ID then I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”
“Just call Steve,” his jaw twitches as his frustration grows. 
“I can once I see your ID.”
“You don’t need to see my ID. Just call Steve and bring out Wyatt.”
She scratches at the corner of her eye in annoyance, “I’m about 30 seconds from calling the police on you for attempted kidnapping. You may either leave or show me your ID, it’s really not that hard.”
When he puts his hands on his hips, metal flashes from under his coat in an attempt to scare her into submission but all she does is let out a breathy laugh at the lame attempt. This only frustrates him even more and he digs into his pocket to retrieve his phone to make a call while giving her the staredown. Being an unbothered queen, she flashes him another sarcastic smile when he gives her a particularly nasty look. The kids are going wild in the classroom, screams and laughter echoing through the hallway and into the lobby. Another man gets out of the SUV the first man no doubt arrived in and raps harshly on the school’s glass door. A black hoodie peaks out from under the leather jacket he’s wearing, giving him a softer look than the other man who’s in a full suit. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve assumed that he was the lackey and the first man is the boss but she does and resists rolling her eyes when she pushes open the door for him. 
“Thank you, Doll,” his honey voice coats her ears as he slides past her, “What seems to be the problem?”
“This asshole here wouldn’t let me see his ID and was being rude, demanding that I just bring out Wyatt,” she’s dropped the kind daycare teacher act at this point and falls back into her normal personality and word bank. 
“Is that true, Scott?” the honey-voiced man asks Scott, turning his head to look at him. 
“Maybe if she wasn’t being such a bit…”
He cut him off with a stern look, “I’m going to stop you right there. We don’t call women names even if they are true. Now apologize to her and go to the car.”
Scott mumbles a very curt and snarky apology to her and shoves the door open, storming off like a child. She lets out a deep sigh, watching him leave before looking at the other man whose eyes haven’t left her, “I still need to see your ID.”
“Of course,” he pulls his wallet from his back pocket and flips it open to hand her the card. 
She glances over it and hands it back, “Thank you, Mr. Barnes. Wyatt will be right out and next time you come to pick him up, please come in yourself or have the Rogers add the asshat to the list. I really don’t enjoy arguing with a man-child when I have a classroom full of better-behaved kids.”
Mr. Barnes chuckles and nods to show he’s in agreement, “Scott could use a lesson or two in manners. I’ll make sure he won’t bother you again.”
Wyatt comes bounding out of the classroom, backpack hanging off one shoulder and half-finished coloring pages fisted in his hands. He breaks into a sprint when he spots his uncle crouching down with arms wide open and nearly tackles him to the ground. 
“Uncle Bucky!” he shouts when he jumps into Bucky’s arms.
“Hey buddy, how was your day?”
“Look at what I made,” Wyatt shoves the coloring pages into Bucky’s face with excitement, “Ms. Sunny helped me.”
Bucky’s eyes rake up her form before making intense eye contact with her, a small smirk on his plump lips, “Is that so? Why don’t you say goodbye to Ms. Sunny?”
Wyatt launches himself at her legs, rapidly saying his goodbyes. She smiles down at him, “Have a good night, home slice. We’ll see you tomorrow morning.”
He runs back to his uncle and takes his hand as Bucky pushes the door open to leave. He pauses and sends Wyatt to the car so he can get one last word in with the daycare teacher. 
“I really am sorry for the confusion earlier. Let me make it up to you.”
“Yeah come in yourself next time,” she scoffs, spinning to go back to the classroom. 
“How about dinner?” he calls after her, freezing her just before she gets to the room. 
“Are you seriously asking me out?”
He shrugs his shoulders, a smirk growing even wider, “Are you saying yes?”
She doesn’t give him the satisfaction of answering and disappears into the classroom, leaving him chuckling to himself. It’s not the first time they’ve met, having seen each other in passing when he picks up Wyatt but this is certainly the first time he’s actually talked to her. She’s not surprised that he decided to flirt with her; he is, after all, the king of New York and known as the Flirt of Brooklyn. Even though the kids call her Ms. Sunny, she’s a far cry from her nickname and is unamused by his behavior. He’s going to have to try harder than that to get under her skin or take her out. 
Jessica quickly gets up from the teacher’s desk when Sunny comes back in, “Everything go okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she waves Jessica off, “It ended up being Wyatt’s uncle who sent in his bodyguard. I told him that he needed to come in himself like he had been doing so hopefully I won’t have to call Mom and Dad. You know how Mr. Rogers gets when we call him.”
“Oh yeah, I wouldn’t get them involved unless it again,” Jessica agrees but her face lights up at the mention of the uncle, “Oh my god it was Bucky Barnes?”
This time she can’t stop her eyes from rolling on their own, “Yes it was. Jesus, what is it with you and every other woman who works here?”
“Um did you even look at him? He’s like super hot and rich, who wouldn't want a piece of that ass?”
“Ok language, we have little ears,” Sunny whispers to her over-excited coworker, “Also he’s a criminal so there’s that.”
“Which makes him even hotter. You’re telling me that you didn’t feel something down there?”
“Jessica!” The woman smiles devilishly at her, awaiting her answer.
“No, and the whole bad boy thing is the worst trope I’ve ever heard of.”
“I’ll bet you anything that after one more interaction with him and you’ll be gossiping right along with us,” Jessica winks at her as she waltzes away to go help one of the kids with their project. 
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“Oh Sunny,” Jessica’s sing-song voice calls out as she walks down the hallway to the classroom. From her spot at the teacher’s desk, she can hear just how excited Jessica is by how she’s practically running down the hallway. She bursts into the room, two drinks in hand and various bags hanging off her arms. 
“I come bearing gifts,” she puts the drinks on the desk whilst dropping her bags to the ground, “A chai with almond milk and cinnamon. Also, I have a favor to ask of you.”
Sunny takes the boiling chai into her cold hands and sighs at the warmth it brings as she listens to the favor, “Thank you, my dear. I’m all ears.”
“So,” she begins, shoving off her leather jacket, “my friend is having a kickback this weekend and I need you to come with me.”
“Because I want you to be there.”
Leaning back in the creaky chair, Sunny gives her a disapproving look, “Hm you said need.”
“Can’t it both?” Jessica’s black hair falls forward over her shoulders as she moves to rest her arms on the desk, “Either way I would really really appreciate it if you came with me.”
“You still haven’t told me why.”
“The guy I've been talking to on and off for like months now is going to be there and I could really use a wing woman.” 
“Girl, what do you need a wing woman for?”
Jessica scoffs, dramatically spinning away, “He’s so fucking dry over text but in person, he’s like a totally different person. I need someone to flirt with him a little and see if he’s really just that way or if he’s just not interested in me.”
Sunny mulls over the thought, sipping away at the devilishly hot coffee in her hands. Going to a kickback would be fun but flirting with people, let alone talking to people isn’t something that she enjoys or wants to do on her time off. 
“What do I get out of it?”
Flashing the best smile she can, Jessica pleads with her, “A lifelong friendship. Please please please come with me.”
“How big is this kickback going to be?”
“Like 50 people tops.”
Her jaw drops in shock, “50? As in five zero?”
“Yes,” Jessica says sheepishly, dropping herself onto a tiny table meant for their kids. 
“That’s not a kickback. That’s a whole ass house party. Kickbacks are maybe 10 people, not five times that.”
“I promise it’ll be so low-key that you won’t even notice. I’ll pay for the Uber, drinks, whatever, just come with me please.”
“ You do realize how inappropriate it is for a director to hang out with a teacher let alone go to a house party, right?” Sunny asks, setting her coffee down and checking the time to make sure they have enough time to hash out the details before the kids arrive. 
“No one will find out. Your bosses don’t even check on us that often. I highly doubt they’re going to find out you went to a friend’s house for some drinks.”
“You underestimate their ability to royally fuck me over,” her alarm goes off to let her know that it’s 7 am and parents are about to start showing up, “I’ll go BUT you’re paying for everything and I reserve the right to leave whenever I want and you have to come with me.”
“Oh my god! Yes yes yes thank you so much, Sunny you’re a lifesaver,” Jessica jumps up in glee and throws her arms around Sunny who had gotten up to open the school doors, “We’re going to have so much fun!
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rainbowsandwhumperflies · 1 year ago
The Winged Servant Masterlist
Synopsis: Onyx, a 23 year old angel, has served Her Majesty Queen Lucia for as long as he can remember. It takes an overthrow attempt gone wrong to realize that what she’s been doing to him isn’t the usual treatment for servants.
General tropes in the series: royalty whump, non-human whumpee (wings), multiple caretakers, most of the story will probably be recovery, first person perspective (from whumpee's pov) (this means it'll say "I/me/my" instead of "he/him/his")
I usually update each Sunday, but my life does occasionally get busy so I am not the most reliable about this lol. Whenever I do post, I post a poll within the next half hour or so where you can tell me which chapter you want to see next, so you can watch out for those if you want! ^^
Also I made a pie chart to that everyone knows what to expect from this series!
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[image description: a pie chart that is labeled with about 15% plot, 35% whump, and 50% fucked up character dynamics /end id]
(x) Chapter 1: an introduction to the story and Onyx
(x) Chapter 2: Onyx delivers breakfast to the queen
(x) Chapter 3: Onyx tries to clean for the princes. The key word here is "tries"
(x) Chapter 4: Ryan interrupts Onyx when Onyx is supposed to be doing dishes
(x) Chapter 5: Onyx gets corrected on how to be the best servant he can!
(x) Chapter 6: dinner and plot set up
(x) Chapter 7: Onyx is lucky enough to leave the house for once :)
(x) Chapter 8: The twins cause problems, as per usual.
(x) Chapter 9: The twins cause even more problems!
(x) Chapter 10: What's this? A person that meets Onyx and doesn't immediately decide he's deserving of every bad thing??
(x) Chapter 10.1: directly follows Chapter 10, but it's from Ryan's pov
(x) Chapter 11: awww medical care :)
(x) Chapter 12: An interrogation! With a lot of lore.
(x) Chapter 13: Breakfast time!!
(x) Chapter 14: Onyx is Really Normal about eating a crepe.
(x) Chapter 15: Onyx takes a nap!
(x) Chapter 16: Onyx meets one of Kieran's servants
(x) Chapter 17: Onyx and Kieran have a Conversation
Other writing:
(x) Whumptober 2024: Ember processing grief in a Very Normal way
(x) Whumptober 2024: Onyx sunburn drabbles
(x) Ryan drabble during the overthrow
(x) Onyx's 19th birthday (during his time as a servant)
(x) Whumptober 2023: Onyx has a fever (post-servantry) (theoretically a chapter but very far in the future)
(x) Servant Training: Why isn't Onyx allowed to clean for Ryan?
That one time Onyx got sick during his time as a servant (part 1) (part 2)
(x) Official Timeline of the years leading up to chapter one
(x) Onyx official drawing and picrew!
More Onyx doodles: 1 | 2
(x) Picrews and drawings of the Raos!
Rao doodles: 1
Kieran doodles: 1
(x) Onyx fanart by the lovely toyybox :)
(x) Ryan fanart by the lovely ihavetapeworms :)
Ryan asks: 1 | 2
Onyx asks: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Kieran asks: 1
asks for multiple characters: 1 | 2 | 3
anything tagged "ask game" is still something i will still happily accept asks from, no matter how old :)
Taglist: (lmk if you'd like to be added/taken off!)
@kaleidoscope-of-thoughts @toyybox @rainydaywhump @risk606 @jay--o
@fuckcapitalismasshole @cepheusgalaxy
Please let me know if you notice any broken links :)
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projectbluearcadia · 1 year ago
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[ NSFW | Minors DNI ] Wordcount - 672
Business Trip
Yes, I do have a voice kink. Problem?
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I sigh. Lucifer hasn't been home in three days. I know he's busy, but I miss studying with him working away over the scent of coffee and sound of Mozart's Requiem. I even missed his annoying habit of clicking his pen when he was irritated.
And then, miraculously, he sends me a text.
Lucifer: Are you still awake? Me: Yes. Can you send me a picture of you? I miss you :( Lucifer: Picture.
I feel the blood rush to my face, and for a moment, I have to make sure the door is closed before I find myself staring at the image he sent me. He was sitting in a loose towel, a few beads of water still stubbornly clinging to his hair though the rest of him looked dry.
Me: You're so bad, you know that? Lucifer: Please. Like you don't send me pictures of you in the lingerie I bought you when I'm in the middle of a meeting. Me: Yeah? And? Lucifer: If was there right now, you'd already be bent over, and you know it, naughty girl.
I start typing, only for my ringtone to start playing as the caller ID reads "Luci."
"In a mood, are we?" I ask, and his sonorous chuckle plays through the speaker, tickling my ears.
"Aren't you?"
"Maybe I am," I tease.
"Then strip. Now." I shiver, a familiar tingle already running through my body at the sound of his lowered voice. Even when he wasn't physically present, his dominance shredded any control I might have had.
"Yes sir," I whisper, and then my hands are under my shirt, feeling up my stomach the same way he always does as I drag the cloth of my shirt up and off my body. I already craved the feel of his hands as I slid my fingers down my thighs, rolling my pants off.
"Show me."
I bite my lip as I shudderingly open my camera, taking a picture of myself and blushing as I see a small stain in my underwear. I find myself hoping he'll tease me about it.
"Good girl," he praises sweetly, and I whimper in response, squeezing my legs together. "You're already ready, aren't you? It's okay; touch yourself, honey. I want you to come." Permission? This early? Not that I'm really complaining.
"Lucifer," I rasp as I glance my fingers under what remains of my clothing.
"Yes, love?" he purrs, his lust bleeding through every sound byte.
"Fuck me," I breathe, almost unconsciously, as I press into my clit, and Lucifer chortles to himself.
"Are you that desperate for me already?" A quiet, fleshy smack echoes, and I feel my face warm with the thought of what the sound was from.
"No?" I lie, blatantly, full-well knowing that Lucifer is going to remember it, and use it as an excuse to confine me to his room for a few days.
"Are you trying to wind me up?"
"No," I lie again, smiling before I let out a higher-pitched whine as my fingers start to get soaked.
"You are fast approaching being tied to my bed."
"Yeah? What are you going to do once I'm tied down?"
"Mmmm..." he hums, and I writhe in response as his rumbling timbre rakes down my spine. "I think to start, I'll spread your legs wide..."
I shiver, biting my lip as I hear another questionable slap. My fingers work on my sensitive bud, soft moans leaving my lips as I do so.
"...leave you completely exposed to me..."
I sharply inhale. I want more.
"...and lick your cute little pussy..."
"Ah," I groan out through my teeth, squeezing my eyes shut. He sounds more guttural now, more possessive.
"...until you're a screaming fucking mess."
"Ah...!" I gasp, my lips parting in a silent wail as I finish, a soft groan of Lucifer's crawling in my ear. "Fuck me. Lucifer, please fuck me... Need you..." I can hear him chuckle.
"Wait until I get home tomorrow, love. You'd better be prepared."
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plurapony · 3 months ago
hello folks today is a grand presentation!!!
as a DID system that is very cringe i thought it be fitting to introduce all of our non-human parts (note this is NOT including pony parts that may be another post)
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Cordelia (They/Xe/Ghost)
Cordelia is a ghost and is our "suicidal protector" they are 10ft tall in the mindscape. Cordelia likes to say that they are the ghost of someone who had previously yk... it cares deeply about all of us but is often misguided by a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Angelika (It/Doll)
Angelika is a porcelain doll that we believe we introjected as a very young child from the book "the miraculous journey of edward tulane". It takes the form of a young adolescent girl built entirely out of porcelain. Angelika describes dollself as perfect, incredibly beautiful yet inherently sexless.
Bridette (They/It)
Bridette is suspected to be introjected from the character Emily from the movie Corpse Bride. Bridette is dead and exists as a rotting corpse, they are quite normal except for the fact how their love has no limits and they would kill themselves if our fiancee asked for it.
Fawna (It/Doe)
Fawna is half deer, half human. Fawna is one of our protectors but stands at 4'11 and is extremely gentle and soft-spoken. Though quiet, Fawna is very firm and doe will always stand up for us when we need it.
Nacht (Moon/Star/Dark)
Our night gatekeeper. Nacht only ever fronts at night and will front every single night to help us sleep. As kids we were terrified of sleeping and would lay in bed for hours trembling in fear every night, Nacht is a demon and formed to be the "I'm not afraid because I'm scarier than you" that we needed to help us sleep. A very moody moon doesn't like us chatting during bedtime. Star loves sleep more than anything else.
Sophron is two parts in one. They take the forms of a wolf and a lamb or as Garnet from Steven Universe depending on how they feel. They are part of our spiritual guardians in our system and represent the universe and balance. (exert from simplyplural)
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Gemini Twins (They/Them)
These guys are aliens. These parts have separate bodies and are separate entities (Zooey and Novi) however they choose to always be together. They are twins and have no social awareness and simply do as they please. Zooey always talks first and is more serious and Novi talks second and is more fun.
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[IMAGE ID: ponyville is a (pro) endo free zone break dni and get blocked loser END ID]
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letmeoutofthebasementt · 3 months ago
who in skz and ateez give you the ick the most and who in the two groups makes you cringe the most?
bangchan bro is a manchild and has no boundaries with stay enough said, would be very dramatic in a relationship but as always stay will overworship the grounds this grown man walks oj when he is indeed a walking red flag
lee know or seung min is second for me in skz, i dont like their behaviour the way they mistreat certain members is as childish as school bullies and their dgaf attitude stinks just grow up. i dont know why but they make me so annoyed even writing about them gives me the ick. more red flagged than chan tbh. im certain lee know would only want a relationship if he has someone to do things for him.
for ateez its
hongjoong again these leaders arent beating the manchild vibes lots of people worshil him in a romantic sense but i dont get no romantic vibes from him again he uses hwa as his personal maid but i adore his performances yet i would not see myself dating someone who cannot cook nor clean after themselves. red flag material right there.
hmm i debated this one but wooyoung only cares about himself. often has such a potty mouth that no one stops him from saying some really hurtful unfunny things again bit like lee know there seems to be more about feeding his ego than helping anyone else out if he ever get in a relationship id be surprised that it last longer than a month prox. again more red flagged than the leader. but hes another heavily worshipped member that i just dont vibe with i think hes too rude at times to his members or even others without realising and he hides behind this demeanor trying to be funny but its rude asf. yet people think hes so wonderful yes at performing but personally not my type of partner.
i think my problem is i can see through an idols idol image but people will really overworship their faves and claim this and that about them to defend their feelings because they dont ever want to see their faves in a bad light yet i think many of them are often worse than they deem themselves to be.
i also feel like they can easily manipulate their fans into having stockholm syndrome like their fans will just be ohhh he is so dateable and theres nothing wrong he could do but they never consider the fact these idols really really know how to perform to make people idolise them in such ways. especially given how young most stays seem to be in their teen years and again i like their performances but thats it for me. i aint being deluded no more yet if we try to ever comment anything undeluded we get shitted on for it.
what do you think about this? its ridiculous the lengths people will go to to absolutely claim their faves can do no wrong when its obvious in their on camera behaviour. i almost feel too old to be caring about this stuff but i see it more and more how whacked out it is, bangchan and stays relationship is like a toxic ex that never lets go of the relationship so what do some idols really expect people to be like towards them? they practically encourage unhealthy behaviours from the get go. "hey chan pin me up the wall" chans response "say please?" just yikes big effing no.
This is all just my opinion since I don’t know them.
First off Stockholm syndrome is wild 😭
You can just say they can make their fans delusional but like Stockholm syndrome is very different and very serious?
It’s not something to be taken lightly or thrown around
Also same with manipulate just in the connotation you used it in
I agree that they definitely feed into a lot of fans’ delusions and such
But it’s their job to
Now, I don’t think any particularly make me cringe more than others. Other than Mingi. I love him. He’s one of my faves. But that “Gotta work gotta make that money make purse” whisper thing haunts me.
Still love him and I have nothing against him.
But yeah, they all make me cringe sometimes. All people do.
I can agree, however, that a lot of them have very apparent red flags. I can also agree that fans can be overly delusional
With the Chan “say please?” thing I think that’s mostly fanservice. And also like…How else do you respond to that in his situation? He can’t overtly turn the fan down if he wanted to. This is a job. It never necessarily rubbed me the wrong way. Don’t get me wrong I’m not all into it going Gaga or whatever, but he’s an idol. His JOB is to appeal to the masses and feed into the delusion because that’s what pays and feeds him.
Honestly with Chan he’s always been very interesting to me. He reminds me of a teen parent a lot. In the sense of he never had quite got the chance to grow up but also had to grow up too fast at the same time. So you have that balance of being overly immature and overly mature. I wouldn’t call him a manchild though, he never gave me those vibes.
Honestly he seems more responsible than what people give him credit for. I feel like with Chan he’s just more mature in general than he’s given credit for, even with how he interacts with his group and certain situations.
But I think the disconnect is how deeply delusional he can be overtly. Which honestly I can understand. He’s a prime example of what happens when essentially your entire life from 13 to 27 is devoted on one thing. You start to worship it, almost. Put it on a platter and view it as the best thing ever. Do whatever you can to appeal to it. Become obsessed with it.
It’s part of what I hate about how young trainees are. You’re told your entire life that your fans are all that matters. You can’t date because you’d be betraying your fans. Have to be perfect so your fans love you and you want their love. Have to act both ‘sexy’ and ‘cute’ so that your fans will adore you, but lean into one too heavily and you’ll be too much. And most of all his life is dictated by them.
I feel like imo the Stockholm syndrome title if applicable to anyone in the situation goes to the idols.
Now, I can see the immaturity in him. I’m not saying it’s not there. But I wouldn’t call him a man child.
Like even looking at how he handled the situation of not being able to debut. He was a trainee for 7/8 years and never debuted. Of course an argument can be made of his immaturity because of that. But it takes a very very mature person to be able to sit there and say “I’ll debut when it’s my time to debut” and push through that. Or at least a very strong person.
This may just be my personal opinion.
And to say he has no boundaries with stay I feel is both accurate and innacurate. He has boundaries when it comes to certain things. Stay is often the one lacking boundaries. And if you spend 7 years with people pushing and pushing and disrespecting your boundaries and viewing you as an object you’ll start to believe there aren’t any boundaries there.
Does he say some cringeworthy stuff because of it? Yes. But the behavior in and of itself is entirely understandable.
With Lee Know and Seungmin I wouldn’t say they mistreat members. You can tell they care about the other members. But I can agree they can go to far in the things they say. Now, I’m not going to claim I’ve seen everything SKZ has ever done. Namely those two. But from what I’ve seen mistreatment is an over exaggeration of the highest order.
You’re acting as if Lee Know is a selfish person who doesn’t like someone who can’t do all kinds of stuff for people which isn’t something he’s necessarily shown? I can agree that sometimes he takes what he may believe as light hearted teasing or playful words too far. I’m not saying he doesn’t. But you can tell he never necessarily means for it to be purposeful.
And Stray Kids themselves have even stated he’s less like that with Felix because Felix can’t handle it. Which, using media literacy, means that if someone voices they don’t like it or he can tell they can’t take it he won’t do it. And Lee Know also added I.N to that and said he doesn’t fool around with him as much.
I’ve had friends who are similar. I even have family who are very similar. When you’re used to people showing their affection by…I don’t want to say making fun of you but making fun of you and saying certain things, you start doing that.
I’m not saying that’s his case. I don’t know him. But it’s an example.
And you can tell he’s caring. You can tell he cares about his members. You can even tell from the Muslim kid he’s been sponsoring.
Now, he has very apparent red flags I’ve seen. Like I said, he takes things too far sometimes. And honestly I don’t know what you mean by grow up. You can tell he cares about things but generally he doesn’t let things get to him because he’s mature. I know this statement is…Annoying, but some times things simply are not that deep. Plain and simple. He can understand it.
If there’s certain times he’s taken that too far I don’t know. I haven’t seen all of SKZ’s content.
With Seungmin, I haven’t watched a lot of stuff about him. I’ve only seen things he’s said to Bangchan about being old, and I can’t remember Chan’s reaction so I really can’t tell if he took offense to it/was hurt by it or not. Depending on Chan’s reaction it’s an entirely different…Comment? Dunno if that makes sense but I can’t find any other way to word it.
With Hongjoong I can admit I don’t consume a lot of Ateez content outside of their music and some interviews/moments I see on my feed. Mostly because I’m a more casual enjoyer of them than anything. But I’ve never seen him act like a man child? Ever?
If you have clips that give you those vibes let me know but I haven’t seen them.
Wooyoung I can see where you get certain things from. IMO, a lot of those things just read as he’s too…I guess confident. Bold. Unapologetically all up in your face saying whatever. People like that can sometimes be rude because they don’t take the time to think before they say or do things. They just do.
Though I don’t see the selfish aspect. You can tell he loves and cares for his members and even his friends outside of Ateez like Changbin/Felix for example since we’re on the topic of SKZ.
Maybe this is a difference of perspectives or content consumed. I don’t know. I hope you don’t feel like I’m trying to like…Disprove you or discredit your opinion because I’m not. I’m more giving my two cents on what’s said.
But yeah, people need to stop pretending their faves do no wrong. Because they do MUCH wrong. They have their ‘WTF’ moments and their cringe moments because they’re human.
But ngl I feel like (No hate or offense by this) you may fall into the polar opposite? Like you’re giving them too much grief for very human things they do and kind of bringing them to an extreme.
But it also might be because I’m the type of person who tries to think of the reasoning of an act rather than the act itself. Though the act always weighs in. And I’m also much less…Emotional? Generally? I attach less to it even if I can understand other’s emotions.
I like to look at all aspects of a situation. That can also be a disconnect
But yeah, in conclusion idols are humans with red flags who do very human things I guess
This reads like a rant but is not one 😭
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rosy6maple6mothman6 · 7 months ago
(Last one was Eaten by tumbls so here 2.0 I guess)
I have both thoughts and feelings and I wish to share them.
I've fallen and I can't get up from digimon and I wanted to share who I'd like a Bruce Waynes partner digimon
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I want him to have a sassy angel child who will not fuckin hesitate to call him out on his bullshit. Or snitch to Alfred.
We'll say this is a night that went poorly and he snapped at dick.
"hey Bruce, buddy pal boyo chum, I Will Not Hesitate,Do You Understand Me."
Walks in on Bruce stitching himself up after being EXPLICITLY TOLD TO STAY HOME AND REST.
Bruce: Please don-
At a league meeting after Bruce pissed lux off.
"WOW BRUCE! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REALLY SAID THAT ABOUT WONDER WOMEN!!!!!!" and proceeded to lie though his teeth to get Bruce in trouble with Diana. It worked.
The batfam and co. And the league absolutely Adore luxmon,bc every time he's around they get a free showing of The Batman,one of the scariest heroes around, getting his shit rocked by a lil angel child.
It's glorious.
He also is very good at actually Helping Bruce Convey his Feelings to his family! He's a master in the language of Bruce and always lets them know that he does in fact love them: he's just shit at showing it.
It helps that he never pressures them to instantly forgive him, always telling them to take their time.
"Hey Dickie. I know Bruce was a cock tonight, and don't worry I'll handle him so expect an apology when ever your ready to hear it! I just wanted to let you know that he love you bud. I promise. Now sleep tight alright?"
Jason and Dick especially appreciated this.
Now initially the champion and ultimate stage gave me a hard time But since this is my second go at this I have them decided ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧!!!
For the champion I have chosen the unfortunately named:
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One bc I want him to keep being the angel that looks after Bruce and his family and bc I like him have a holy fire theme. No real reason. I just think he's neat, and angemon is old.
For the ultimate I wanted to keep up the holy warrior thing,but couldn't find one I liked to you get a wizard instead:
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Like I said this dude is Technically a wizard not a holy digimon But I don't care bc I feel like he still fits. Love piddomon staff turning into a sword and him getting stronger fire power.
Now the mega.
I knew immediately I wanted a royal knight for Bruce. He's Literally the DARK KNIGHT it would be a waste of he didn't have one, but the problem was Which knight? And I ultimately picked:
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I picked Gankoomon bc I felt he fit lux's personality best. Plain and simple. And bc he's fucking amazing like images Bruce doing some bad parenting while This mother fuckers around.
He dead ass has the power to turn the ground into a table made of the hardest metal in the digital world and then flip it.
That's just epic.
Now imagine someone trying to fuck with Bruce and/or the batfam and co.
There is no surviving it. He WILL curb stomp the joker.
Alfred approves.
And FINALLY we have what form he'd take with Batman. Bc I fully believe he should get something else for Batman vs for Bruce. And what better than an armored evolution:
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This lil freak is fucking perfect for him. He's intimidating and fully able to swoop in to save an innocent or family and more than strong enough to fucking destroy and enemy who Tries Him. Do it. He dares you.
And he's perfectly used to hold Bruce like a baby.
And he does, quite often in fact. Literally anywhere. Bruce doesn't actually mind it he just wished he'd STOP DOING IT IN FRONT OF PEOPLE HE HAS A REPUTATION DAMNIT!
Thanks for reading my ramblings I really enjoyed this
Even if tumbler made me redo it
Please ask me about other charters (Alfred)
Bc id love to keep talking about this and just thinking about it. It's fun
Anyways thank you
Have a good day
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alwaysbethewest · 2 years ago
Triple Frontier fic: Put Yourself in My Place
It's a fishben body swap fic 🤷‍♀️ This is for the @pedrostories 1000 follower celebration 🥳 I was browsing the prompts last week and felt a little overwhelmed by how many great options there were, but when I saw body swap listed in the tropes I knew that was what I had to choose. I also worked in two of the dialogue prompts but I don't want to spoil which ones.
Title: Put Yourself in My Place Pairing: Frankie Morales/Benny Miller Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3.1k Content/warnings: Friends to lovers, body swap, big dick Frankie, oral sex, anal sex (the sex is while body swapped, just to be clear), mysterious magical objects, Pope gets threatened with bodily harm, brief cameos by Frankie's ex-wife and daughter, food, just absolute nonsense. Unbetaed (please let me know if you spot any typos!) I had a lot of fun writing this, lol, so I hope it will be a fun read.
The phone buzzing on the nightstand awakens Frankie. Groggily, he grabs it and checks the caller ID.
It’s a glitch. His own image fills the screen, an old picture of him with the baby sitting on his shoulders, matching sunglasses and baseball caps atop their heads. She’s grabbing his hat, twisting the brim so it’s nearly covering one eye, and he’s trying to keep a straight face for the camera as Benny gets the shot.
In his half-asleep state he’s so distracted by the picture that the call times out, only to start up again vibrating in his hand. This time he notices the caller’s name: 🐠Fish👨🏻‍🦱. Someone’s fucking with him.
He hits answer.
“Very funny,” he mumbles into the phone. His voice sounds strange in his own ears and he clears his throat.
“Dude,” the caller says, urgent. The voice is familiar but he can’t place it. “This is fucked. Up.”
“Who is this?” Frankie asks. He still sounds off and he’s got a bad feeling brewing down in his gut, well-honed instincts starting to scream for attention as he blinks fully awake. Something isn’t right.
The walls are the wrong color. Sunlight is filtering in from the right instead of the left. There’s a poster of Georges St-Pierre hanging nearby.
He’s in Benny’s room. In his bed.
Had he blacked out last night? He could swear he’d gone to bed in his own house.
“Dude,” the man on the phone says again. The voice almost sounds like— “It’s me.”
Frankie closes his eyes. He’s starting to feel a little lightheaded.
“I don’t understand.”
“Francisco,” the voice says, “Go look in the mirror.”
Dumbly, Frankie stands and steps in front of the full-length mirror mounted on the wall by the closet. He looks at his reflection—and finds Benny’s shocked blue eyes staring back at him.
“I’m you,” Benny tells him, in Frankie’s own voice. “And you’re me.”
“What the fuck,” Frankie breathes. There’s a moment of silence between them as he tries to absorb the vision of himself standing here in someone else’s body.
“You know whose fault this is,” Benny starts.
Frankie blinks, curling Ben’s long fingers into a fist. He thinks about it, just for a second.
“Pope,” he says. There’s a sigh on the other end of the line.
“Fucking Pope,” Benny agrees.
Benny-in-Frankie’s-body drives Frankie’s car over to his own apartment, where Frankie has the bizarre experience of opening the door to find himself standing in front of him. After a brief discussion in which Benny insists he probably could fly a helicopter, no problem, Frankie puts his foot down and hovers over his shoulder as Benny calls him in sick to work.
Then they get Santiago on a video call. He’s sitting at his kitchen table and he answers them casually through a crunchy bite of cereal. “Hey, fellas. What’s happening?”
“You’re an asshole,” Benny tells him flatly. Pope raises an eyebrow and takes another bite of cornflakes, waiting for elaboration.
“I told you there was something hinky about that shit you had us moving yesterday,” Frankie says, “and you swore up and down everything was fine.”
Pope tilts his head, confused. “I thought it was just Fish who was complaining about it. You didn’t say anything.”
“Exactly,” they say in unison.
“It was Fish,” Benny says.
“Me,” Frankie continues, pointing to himself. He gestures between them. “We woke up… like this.”
“I think I’m missing something, boys,” Pope says. He sets down his spoon and picks up a mug from the table.
“We fucking swapped bodies,” Benny exclaims, and the whole thing is almost—almost—worth it to watch Santiago choke and splutter on his mouthful of coffee.
“Okay,” he says, still coughing but mostly recovered. His eyes shift uneasily. “Okay, uh. Okay. I need to make a phone call. Do you… do you remember anything you… touched?”
They’re both silent for a beat, staring at him like he’s stupid.
“We touched everything,” Frankie says finally. “That’s the point of moving shit from point A to point B.”
“Right. Okay. Right.” Pope lets out a nervous laugh. “It’s probably—I’m sure this is going to be fine. I need to call—” and he’s hung up before he can even finish the sentence.
Fucking Pope.
“Do you wanna have sex with me?” Benny asks.
They’re still at his place. Pope had texted a little while after their phone call, Looking into it. Sit tight. Maybe an hour, and then, like a coward, left them on read when they’d replied with more questions. Frankie has been spending the time rifling through Ben’s kitchen—his metabolism is higher in this body and once he’d gotten past the initial shock of their situation he’d been hit with the kind of hunger he hasn’t felt since his active service days. Benny has spent most of the time looking at his own reflection, poking and prodding at his face and fussing with the texture of his hair.
(“What if I shave my head while I’m you?” he’d mused earlier.
“What if I rob a bank while I’m you?” Frankie had countered.)
Now, Frankie stares at him over his bowl of oatmeal. “I don’t think I heard you right,” he says.
Benny stretches a leg out to hook under the crossbar of the chair across from his, looking annoyed when he doesn’t quite make the distance. “I’m not short,” Frankie says preemptively, for the third time this morning. Benny pulls a face.
“No but—haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with yourself?” he asks earnestly.
Frankie looks at him—at his own face, the full curve of his bottom lip and the broad stretch of his shoulders under the old t-shirt Benny had put on—and he does start to wonder. He clears his throat, shifting his weight.
“I haven’t really thought about it.”
“Well. I’m just saying. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
“Unless we’re stuck like this forever,” Frankie says, and Benny gives him a look that says that’s not helping.
“Maybe if we come at the exact same time it’ll switch us back,” he suggests.
“Benjamin. What??”
Benny shrugs, but he’s laughing, too. “If I was an ancient evil wizard cursing an amulet that’s how I’d configure it. Just to fuck with people.”
Frankie shakes his head at the absurdity of this entire day, and the last two minutes in particular.
Benny’s eyes shift.
“I just thought—remember? We touched it at the same time when I was showing you the design. And it had that inscription we couldn’t make out.”
“Jesus,” Frankie says. “Yeah. You didn’t want to mention this earlier?”
Benny shrugs. “I didn’t think of it until just now.”
Frankie unlocks Benny’s phone with facial recognition and texts Pope again. We think maybe it was an amulet?????? Blue stone w strange writing around edge. Tarnished chain.
Together, they stare at the screen for a minute until Pope sends back a thumbs up reaction.
“I swear to god,” Frankie says, “If he doesn’t get us switched back I’m never speaking to him again.”
Benny nods distractedly and drums his fingers on the table. It’s as if the movement catches his own attention, because he looks down and rubs his thumb over the bullseye tattoo on his hand.
“So do you want to?” he asks. Frankie cocks his head and Benny offers up a vague, filthy gesture by way of explanation.
“You want to blow me?” Frankie interprets. He’s still not sure if Ben is serious or just fucking around. But his response is an enthusiastic nod, warm brown eyes widening earnestly, and Frankie feels a hit of arousal course through him.
He hesitates. “Wouldn’t it be kind of… narcissistic?”
“So what? When has a little narcissism ever hurt anyone?”
Frankie laughs out loud. “Well—for one, there was Narcissus.”
Benny is already sinking to his knees.
“Wait,” Frankie says. “Don’t do that.”
He hesitates, looking chastened.
“You’re gonna fuck up my knees,” he tells him.
“Old man,” Benny grumbles, but he carefully gets to his feet and heads down the hallway towards his bedroom.
And Frankie gives in and follows.
Benny takes a long time getting acquainted with his dick before he ever gets it in his mouth. He’s touching it lightly, moving it around, inspecting it from every angle. He runs his fingertips down the length, making Frankie tense up and shiver.
“It looks different from down here,” he observes. “Never realized that vein looked like that.”
When he finally does it—
It’s surreal watching his own mouth close around the head of his cock—like watching a porno of himself. He’s holding his breath, and it comes out shaky when Benny works his tongue over the tip.
Benny’s gaze flicks up to meet his and they lock eyes. Frankie lets out a breathless, nervous laugh and it sets Benny off laughing too, a shared moment of euphoric insanity, but then he surges down onto the length of Frankie’s cock again and Frankie’s no longer laughing.
He’s called Ben a cocksucker before—a crude, boys will be boys insult among friends, and Benny’s called him worse things in return with no hurt feelings between them. Now that it’s come true, he’s surprised to find Benny’s not half bad at this. At least, not while equipped with Frankie’s mouth. He can’t help but wonder if they might do this again so he can compare, if they switch back.
When. Not if. Under the haze of arousal that’s overtaken him, there’s still a knot of anxiety sitting in the bottom of his stomach, distracting him.
Ben presses a knuckle behind his balls, nudging into the space there and using his other hand to push Frankie’s legs open like he wants to reach back further. Frankie hesitates, shifting away, and Benny looks up at him.
“Uh—that doesn’t really do anything for me,” Frankie explains.
“What d’you mean?”
“Like…” He wiggles his forefinger. “Anything with my ass. My ex tried to finger me one time because she said it was going to be the best orgasm of my life and it just—felt like a visit to the proctologist.”
Benny is silent, looking at him thoughtfully from between his legs. Frankie’s cock is starting to feel neglected.
“What if… since you’re in my body, it feels different this time? Can I try?”
Frankie shrugs his assent.
It turns out that, kind of like the active metabolism thing, the nerve endings in Ben’s body are sensitive in a way Frankie’s not used to.
“I’m so—fucking jealous of you,” he gasps, when Benny has two thick fingers buried deep inside him. “I never knew it could feel like this.”
“I knew you’d like it,” Benny says smugly, a little muffled with his mouth hot against Frankie’s balls. “Do you wanna find out what your dick feels like?”
With Benny’s fingers inside him and his face between his legs, Frankie feels tingly all over, almost dizzy from it so that it takes him a moment to answer the question.
“I—yeah, kind of. That’s weird, right? This is weird.”
“Super fucking weird,” Benny agrees with a laugh. It’s funny to see his smile lighting up Frankie’s face. He wonders at it, while Benny’s focused on grabbing the lube stashed by his bed, trying to work out which parts of his face are his and what is Benny shining through. Transforming him into someone altogether new.
“Oh shit, that’s big,” Frankie gasps when Ben pushes into him, clutching hard onto his forearm.
Benny laughs silently. “How many girls have you heard that from before?”
“I always thought they were—stroking my ego,” Frankie says, breathing out a laugh. Benny grins, cheek dimpling.
“Try to relax,” he says. “I’ll go slow. Tell me if you want to stop.”
They’re not making love—that would be beyond the level of super fucking weird they’re already at—but it’s what Frankie would call this if they were a couple. Benny fucks him slow and careful and full and distracts him by leaning in for a kiss. It’s totally surreal, and somehow oddly comfortable at the same time, kissing his own mouth. Realizing he’s tasting Benny on his lips and deepening the kiss without even thinking about it. Feeling the anxious tension in his gut dissolving into something hot and dangerous, pleasure like the high of a drug.
“Don’t stop,” he whispers, and Benny makes a low noise in his throat and hides his face against his neck, tickling Frankie’s skin with the brush of his mustache. He closes his eyes and gives himself over to the waves of euphoria, and in the end, improbably, they do come together at the exact same time.
It doesn’t change them back.
Frankie’s phone lights up with a text. They both scramble to look, hoping to see Santiago’s name on the screen, but it’s from Laura, Frankie’s ex-wife.
Stuck at work, she’s written, adding a dismayed emoji. Any chance you’re able to do the preschool pickup and watch M for an hour or two? I can get her from your place.
“You’ll have to come with me,” he tells Benny. “They don’t hand over the kids to any random guy that shows up.”
His daughter grins when she sees them, but she falters as she draws closer, looking between the two of them skeptically like she can tell something is up.
“Hey, Minneola,” Benny greets her. She wrinkles her nose at the nickname and gravitates towards Frankie, who picks her up. There’s not even a twinge in his lower back, he realizes. He might be happy stuck in this body after all.
“You have a good day, baby?” he asks her. She rides comfortably in his arm, talking his ear off about the butterfly-themed craft her teacher had led the class in, and Benny saunters along beside them as they make their way back out to the car.
Whatever intuition his kid has that the man who looks like her daddy isn’t actually him today, her mother does not share. Laura barely spares him a glance when she swings by the house, a little flustered at the late hour as she collects her daughter and grills Benny on what he’s given her for her afternoon snack.
“Thanks again,” she tells him, leaning in to peck him on the lips, and she’s out the door again before she can notice the dazed expression on Benny’s face.
“I can’t believe I got lucky with two Moraleses in one day,” he says, when she’s gone. Frankie smacks him upside the head and then tousles his hair back into place, with a little more affection than he’d like to admit.
They’ve demolished an extra-large pizza and googled “body swap,” “body swap magic,” “body swap real,” “body swap historical,” and, in an act of desperation, “freaky friday real life,” to no avail when Pope finally—finally—calls them back.
“So my guy looked into it—” he starts.
“What do you mean, your guy?” Benny asks.
“My occult guy,” Pope says, as if that’s a thing. “The guy who owns the amulet you touched.” Frankie swears under his breath but Pope continues on as before. “So, it took him a while to track down the information about that exact artifact, but he found it and it’s good news.”
The ball of anxiety that has been twisting itself up in Frankie’s system all afternoon as the hours had passed very slowly begins to unwind.
“It’s like a 24-hour bug,” Pope continues brightly. “You’ll just switch back again by tomorrow. No harm, no foul.”
Benny and Frankie exchange a look that makes it clear they both still fully intend to exact revenge on Pope for putting them in this position to begin with.
“Between you and me,” he continues, oblivious, “this guy is a little out there—”
“No shit,” Benny says dryly.
“—he kept saying something about a ‘soul bond’ that I didn’t totally understand, but the final word was, like I said, everything will be back to normal.”
Soul bond is a heavy phrase to hear mere hours after having what was supposed to be very casual, platonic sex with a friend while he just so happened to be inhabiting your own body. Frankie feels Ben’s eyes on him and busies himself by gathering the mess of pizza-stained paper napkins on his coffee table into a single, scrunched up pile.
“Thanks, Pope,” Benny says after a moment. “If your guy is wrong, just so you know, we’re gonna kill you.”
“10-4,” Pope says, and makes quick work of hanging up the phone.
“Maybe I should sleep here tonight?” Benny suggests. “So we know it works. Like. In case there’s a… proximity thing,” he finishes lamely.
“Yeah,” Frankie says. “That makes sense.” It doesn’t, really, since they were in their own houses for the first switch, but he feels antsy with anticipation and, if he’s honest, he doesn’t really want to be alone right now. He thinks Benny doesn’t either.
The sun is barely risen when he wakes up, just dim light starting to break through around the edges of his blinds. His heart is racing, like the adrenaline rush when your body jerks awake from falling in a dream. There’s a dull ache in his lower back and a familiar curve to his nose when he lifts a hand to grope at his face. Next to him, Benny is back in his own body too, one long leg draped heavy over Frankie’s. He looks younger, asleep like this—deceptively innocent, Frankie thinks wryly.
Benny’s eyes flutter slowly open and Frankie can’t quite look away. They stare at each other for a long moment and Benny gives him a small smile.
“Well that’s a relief,” he murmurs, voice all early morning deep. “I was starting to miss your face.”
“Yeah,” Frankie says. “Me too.”
Benny’s smile widens and he rolls closer in the bed, face tucked next to Frankie’s shoulder and the whole length of his body pressed up against his side.
So just like that, just like Pope’s guy had said, they’re totally, completely, thoroughly, unquestionably, and entirely—back to normal. Not a soul bond in sight.
Benny’s hand finds its way onto Frankie’s thigh.
“I’m glad we switched back,” he rumbles sleepily. His breath is warm on Frankie’s skin, mouth nearly touching him. “But it was kind of cool, I guess, getting to be you. Anyway—now the next time someone tells me to go fuck myself I can say, I’ve been there, done that.”
“Jesus Christ,” Frankie groans, appalled at the bad joke. Benny laughs, setting his teeth into Frankie’s flesh when he tries to smother him with a pillow, and Frankie finds he likes that a little too much, so maybe—it’s a slightly new and improved normal, after all.
(mini taglist of a few fishben appreciators: @loversandantiheroes @littledozerdraws @littleferal @thirstworldproblemss @green-socks)
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tajlibracreations · 10 months ago
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Divine 9 Fraternity Silicone and ID Bracelets by TajLibra Creations
Bracelets for the Divine 9 Men have arrived. Represent in style with a Silicone or ID bracelet bearing your organization's name.
For the Divine 9 Fraternities:
Alpha Phi Alpha
Kappa Alpha Psi
Omega Psi Phi
Phi Beta Sigma
Iota Phi Theta
CAS DOWNLOAD -   Two Fraternity Bracelets
Outfit Type: Accessory
Sub part Type: Bracelet (Right Wrist)
Fashion Choice: Masculine
Age: Teen to Elder
All Occults
Custom Swatch
Occasions: Everyday, Formal, Athletic, Cold Weather, Hot Weather, Party
Swatches: 15  (3 per Fraternity)
Variations:  Alpha (black/gold). Kappa (red/white). Omega (purple/gold), Sigma (blue/white), & Iota (brown/gold).
Disallowed for Random
Recolor designed by TajLibra Creations
Mesh: Base Game Compatible, included
Models Credits - Photography by @tajlibra
Divine 9 Fraternity Accessories by TajLibra Creations
DOWNLOAD Divine 9 Fraternity Silicone and ID Bracelets on 🖱️ Patreon
File Name(s):
Uploaded on 04/25/2024 by @tajlibracreations @tajlibra @tajlibradesigns
Want a creation for your Organization? Let me know!
DISCLAIMER: These creations are for The Sims 4 as custom content. This is content is purely for fun. Many simmers love having a piece of reality in their games. Some images were obtained from various online sources and their credit remains on the image. Please do not share disrespectful images or videos using these Divine 9 creations.  Organizations mean a lot to their members. Please let me know if you notice an errors on the content.
TajLibra Creations Terms of Use (TOU):
Do not sell or place MY custom content behind paywalls or on paysites. My content is not for sale. Link directly to my Patreon, tumblr, or simfileshare link.
Do not re-upload, re-edit, and/or then claim as your own! Please credit designs to me.
Do not include my content in pay to download lots, rooms, and/or households. Separate my content and provide it as a free download or link to my page.
I credit mesh creators and link to required meshes whenever possible, you should as well. My goal is to never use a mesh that requires payment to download.
Feel free to tag me when you use my creations. @tajlibracreations @tajlibra
Please let me know if links do not work or if you have problems with my content working in your game.
Social Media:
The Sims 4 Gallery: TajLibra (cc free builds & sims),TajLibraCreation & TajLibraCreates
Twitter: @TajLibraCreates
Facebook Page: @TajLibraCreations
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rjalker · 1 year ago
Hey Flatland fandom.
this is a tiny fandom.
how about we make a deal.
If you all start including image descriptions in your art, or at least copy and paste the image descriptions that other people make into your original post, (and make it clear when you post the art in the first place that you're happy to add any ID someone can make), and go back to your older art to add IDs to those, I'll draw your OCs.
I can't guarentee they'll be good drawings, but I'll draw them.
How about we say like, by the end of November 2023, if most of your Flatland posts have image descriptions, you win a drawing of your OC by me.
It doesn't matter if you write the ID or someone else does, as long as the original post has an ID in it!
Image descriptions being in plain text in the post itself is more accessible than ALT text, which many people can't use, and the image description should go directly below the image being described, before all other commentary.
AKA it should look like this.
[image title if you want]
[Image description]
[image caption / song lyric / character intro / ect]
IK tumblr desktop's annoying, but get into the habit of just putting an X at the start of a post, and then adding the image. Then you can put the title of the image at the top if you want.
Image descriptions should be in 100% Plain text, so that means no colors, italics, bold, or all caps, even if the text in the image is in all caps. You can just say, "The character is yelling, in all caps, '[insert dialogue here]'".
They should also start and end with some variation of "ID: or "image description" or "image description start" and end with "End ID." "End image description" or "Image description end". Some very clear cue that tells you where the description starts and ends.
It is also necessary for image descriptions to end and begin with brackets to help them stand out from the rest of the text, otherwise they can be impossible to find sometimes. Indenting the image description also helps with this, and doesn't (as far as I can tell) cause any problems for screen readers.
Image descriptions should have paragraph breaks and punctuation just like any other thing you'd write. If the image description is just one long giant block of text, that's not accessible.
It's okay to be nervous about writing your first image description -- we all have to start somewhere, and once you get the hang of it, and make it a habit, it's easier to write it than you think.
If you aren't able to write your own descriptions for your art for whatever reason, please include the character's names and pronouns somewhere in the post and I'll try to write an ID for you. But with so many OCs and characters from Gravity Falls I can't half the time because I have no idea who anyone is or what to call them.
Think of your image description as an extension of your art, another opportunity to show off. No one knows your art better than you do, so you'll be the best at describing it.
If someone else makes an ID for you, and get something wrong, you can 100% fix that when you add it to the original post.
Here's an example of an image description:
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[Image description start: The narrator from the book Flatland, drawn as white square on a pale blue background, with a small black circle on the upper right corner, with a small questionmark next to him to show he is confused. Below him is black text that reads, "He is distressingly susceptible to propaganda". The word "distressingly" written in a messy font like spray painted graffiti for emphasis. Image description end.]
All you have to do is describe what you're looking at.
This fandom is so small, there's no reason not to at least try. So let's make this fandom welcoming to Irregulars of all kind, shall we?
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coffeeandbatboys · 9 months ago
Hi!!! I'm @bad4amficideas (dirty r18 sideblog because real people know main 😱) Congratulations on your followers🤯
I would like, please and thank you, to request a matchup. Of course if you want to delete this message I completely understand! (In advance, sorry for my English)
I am a woman (going ancient if you follow internet nomenclatures. middle ages welcome back i swear) I'm demiromantic pansexual, who thinks herself as shy and introverted... with a poker, resting bitch face worthy of Crosshair (or a soaked kitten). Depressed, socially awkward, and sometimes really misanthropic -even with my family and I love them-, though people like, always said I'm real kind and sweet, and hardworking ??? 🧐kinda clumsy/akward (not best at self esteem ik). Moody, really stubborn, conscientious, dignified/honorable, loyal, passive agressive, spiteful (...actually I'm a very shy decent girl but I don't recommend touching my people, I cry with rage so I make you feel guilty while I bite you) and when it’s something that I’m passionate about, I’m a force of nature, I feel myself shine and people irl seems to like talk with me about fandom ☺️ I can and will ramble for hours to end. Relaxed I'm a daydreamer, kinda scatterbrainer (some say I think to fast and can't keep up with my mouth) I love read fiction/fantasy/myth at times with romantic touchs, lots of smut and daydream. I collect merchandise expecific plushes *hunting lula atm ❤️‍🔥, damn why i must be european! This is chirithy and courage and lopmon hunting all again... but i got them. Just wait lula, wait 😈😈😈😈*
I am a little alienated from my body because id like it, but I am a ciswoman with Little chest and a lot of ass. long brown hair, freckles 🥰, on light skin and a very pretty 🥰 gray-green eye color, some say blue.
That was very long. A thousand pardons and congratulations again!
Welcome! (And don’t worry, your English is very good).
I’ll let Helena take it over from here 🩷
Helena: hello, friend!
After reviewing the information given, and some conversation with a regular at the shop, I have decided to pair you with Sergeant Sinker of the Wolfpack!
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gif by @kamino-coruscant
Sinker was always taught by his non–vode superiors on Kamino that he was property of the GAR and nothing more. So once the two of you are officially together, he can’t get over the fact that you’d choose him. Just the thought makes him fall in love a little more every day.
Sinker has a dry sense of humor, so you can expect some witty banter from him. When you’re not feeling the best, he’ll know when to set the snark aside in favor of helping you. Sinker can be patient when the situation calls for it. It may take a while, but the two of you will begin to enjoy each other’s presence even when it’s just a comfortable silence.
He thinks nothing bad about your clumsiness. If you are to trip while he’s close enough, this man will catch you before you get hurt. And when it comes to self esteem, he has no problem telling you—or showing you—how much he loves you.
He will support you whenever you face a problem that you’re passionate about (and he will have internal heart eyes watching you go after it too). He admires your dedication and loyalty.
After getting to know you and your hobbies, he'll find himself actively seeking out shops that sell plushes and intriguing fantasy books so he can bring one home to you (with the his dad's General's help, of course).
As for your body image, a negative thought will never cross his mind unless you bring it up. He thinks that you’re just as beautiful inside as out. And he will feel so incredibly lucky to have someone like you to love.
Well, here’s his comm link code…I’d stick around for a little while longer but I gotta go—customers lining up!
400 follower celebration at Midnight Oil caf house
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mesillusionssousecstasy · 2 years ago
The Idol 1x01: Quotes
“- But what is the image saying? (Xander) - That she’s young, beautiful, and damaged. (Nikki) - Sh... - Eh, not damaged. She had problems that she overcame beautifully. (Nikki) - O-Okay. Uh, the robe, the hospital wristband. (Xander) - Mm-hmm.  - I mean, are we romanticizing mental illness? (Xander) - Absolutely. (Nikki) - And you’re fine with that? That’s cool? (Xander) - You people are so out of touch. (Nikki) - You people? (Xander) - You college-educated internet people. (Nikki) - Okay, yeah. You’re criticizing me for going to college. (Xander) - Oh, will you let people enjoy sex, drugs, and hot girls, okay? Stop trying to cock-block America. (Nikki) - No, Nikki, I’m not some sort of prude. I just don’t think that with everything that she has been through, she should be wearing a hospital wristband. (Xander) - Mental illness is sex. (Nikki) - No, it’s not. (Xander) - Yeah. If you live in Sioux City, Iowa, you are never gonna meet a girl like Jocelyn. She’s not walking down the street, she didn’t got to your high school, she doesn’t work at the bar or the diner, and she did not marry your best friend. And if, on the off chance, she did, she is still never, ever gonna fuck you. Unless, she has some very, very serious mental problems. And that right there is why mental illness is sexy.” (Nikki)
“- According to the nudity rider, we only can show the side boob, the under boob, and the side flank. (the intimacy coordinator) - I didn’t ask. She did it. (the photograph) - Okay, so I’m not allowed to show my body? (Jocelyn) - Not in the general, like, human rights structure of it all. (the intimacy coordinator) - You realize how fucking annoying and insane that sounds? (Xander) - It’s actually very progressive. It’s to make sure she doesn’t feel pressured. (the intimacy coordinator) - Right. I don’t feel pressured. (Jocelyn) - Fully respect that. (the intimacy coordinator) - This is her album cover. (Xander) - It’s also my boob and my house. (Jocelyn) - Fully respect body autonomy.” (the intimacy coordinator)
- “Hey! You! Come here! You want $ 5′000? You keep this door shut for the next three hours. Hold it. You gotta hold it really hard. (Chaim) - Who’s in here? (a guy) - All right? None of your business. Just take it or leave it, yes? Yeah? Okay, good. (Chaim) - Yeah, yeah.” (a guy)
“- No one’s having a pschotic... Let’s all calm down. (Benjamin) - Yeah, please.(Chaim) - Deep breath. Kay. I’m gonna give some information. I need it to be received peacefully, calmly. Okay? We’re the number one trending topic on Twitter. (Benjamin) - Okay. All right. (Nikki) - It’s not... (Benjamin) - No. I find out who did this. May God have mercy on their fucked up, depraved soul. Okay?” (Chaim)
“- It’s gotta say, it’s gotta say “revenge porn”. It’s gotta say “revenge porn” or they’re not gonna take it down (on the phone). - Andrew Finkelstein (at the gate). - Do you have ID? (security guard) - No, I’m from Live Nation. I’ve been here many, many times. (Andrew) - That’s great. Do you have ID? (security guard) - No, I don’t fucking have ID! (Andrew) - There’s a lotta people here today. We can’t let anyone in without an ID. (security guard) - Jesus fucking... Okay, let me deal with this fuckin’jabroni. Hang on. I’m gonna Google myself. Here, watch this. Ready? “Andrew Finkelstein, Live Nation”. What? Whoa! Who’s that? Huh? See that punim? See this face? See that face? Wow, they’re similar. (Andrew) - Okay, okay, sir, calm down. You don’t have to be so rude about it. I’ll get this figured out, okay? (security guard) - Yeah, I don’t have to be so rude. You know, my fucking star client has face full of cum. I’m not rude. (Andrew) - Mr. Finkelstein. So sorry for the inconvenience. (security guard) - Now you’re sorry. Thank you. (Andrew) - Right this way. (security guard) - You’re mensch. Wonderful fucking service.” (Andrew)
“- Lock him in a closet, too? (Destiny) - Remind me to let that guy out at some point, but not yet. (Chaim)
“- You know, you worry too much. Just relax. (Chaim) - I worry too much. My shareholders think I worry too little. You know, every time I fuckin’ breathe in and out, I hemorrhage money for Christ’s sake.” (Andrew)
“- Oh, there’s no shame in being a slut, case in point. I’m just worried she’s having another psychotic break. (Andrew) - No, no, she never had a psychotic break. Never had one. She was just exhausted and she was tired. (Destiny) - She’s a trouper. She reminds me of myself at that age. Okay, the thought of you younger is terrifying to me. (Benjamin) - I was having fun. I was getting fucked in the ass of the Capital Records building stairwell and then walking straight into meetings. (Nikki) - Yeah, I remember. I was the one fucking you. (Andrew) - Jesus Christ! (Benjamin) - Learn form the best. (Andrew) - Can I just remind everybody that we have “Vanity Fair” with us today? So, if we could just... keep the shit-talk to a... (Benjamin) - Oh, my God! Having her around is like living in communist China. (Nikki) - Benjamin, did you get the revised statement from Holly? (Andrew) - Revenge porn? (Benjamin) - Yeah, exactly that. Make sure that every dipshit with a keyboard has it spoon-fed down their fuckin’throat. (Andrew) - But it’s true? (Benjamin) - Well, if we say it it. (Andrew) - I’m in a “Twilight Zone” episode. (Benjamin) - All right, people. (Andrew) - Okay, see you later. (Nikki) - We live to fight another day.” (Andrew)
“- Tomorrow, I wanna wake up to, uh, like, 150 Google Alerts telling me Jocelyn’s some kind of feminist hero, right? (Nikki). - Okay. Yeah, me too. (Benjamin) - You can do that. (Nikki) - But I’m gonna start with victim and move up from there. (Benjamin) - Yeah well, it’s the same difference. (Nikki) - I don’t understand anything. How could it possibly be any fucking worse? Just tell me a scandal that was worse, recently! (Chaim - we don’t want to know). - She’s coming out of it more famous than when she came in. And that’s! That’s the win. Let’s just put it that way.” (Benjamin)
- “Ah, you’re dangerous. I mean, how could anyone not fall in love with you? (Tedros) - I don’t even know you. (Jocelyn) - You fit perfectly in my arms.” (Tedros)
- “What a fuckin’ boner killer. (Tedros) - I know, she prevented us from starting our family. (Jocelyn) - (...) and I hate it, and you’re gonna hate it, too. (Jocelyn) - You hate it? How can you put out something you hate? (Tedros) - Well, you obviously don’t work in the music industry. Pop music is just... superficial. (Jocelyn) - I think Prince would disagree with you. (Tedros) - I love Prince. (Jocelyn) - Are you gonna call “When Doves Cry” fuckin’ superficial? (Tedros) - No, I love that song. (Jocelyn) - If that song came out today, it’d be a smash tomorrow. (Tedros) - So, all I have to do is make music like Prince? (Jocelyn) - I didn’t say that. (Tedros) - Easy. I’ll just do that. (Jocelyn) - No... I didn’t say that. (Tedros) - Why didn’t I think of that? (Jocelyn) - You can’t make music like Prince. Pop music is like the ultimate Trojan Horse. Ya get people to dance, ya get people to sing along. Could say whatever you want. Shit’s powerful. (Tedros) - I like you. (Jocelyn) - I like you, too. You got the best job in the world. Should be having way more fun. (Tedros) - I’m trying.” (Jocelyn) While playing “Pieces of Your Heart” by Meduza & Goodboys)
“- Did it hurt? That photo? The betrayal of it? (Talia from Vanity Fair) - Of course. But, I mean, what am I supposed to do? (Jocelyn) - I don’t know. Fuck up the guy that did it to you. (Talia) - Like in the piece you’re writing? (Jocelyn) - Yeah, actually. I think it would be inspirational for young women and girls all around the world who have been targeted and humiliated in the way you were. (Talia) - Revenge is empowerment? (Jocelyn) - It’s human, I think. (Talia) - Look, I mean. I think... five years ago when people would tell me that it was important to comment on something publicly, I would buy into it. But now I just know that I’m being hustled. (Jocelyn) - Yeah, I mean, obviously, my editor is breathing down my neck, gun to my back, trying to get me to get you to talk about this photo. It’s all anyone can talk about. (Talia) - I get it. We all have to answer to somebody. (Jocelyn) - Who do you answer to? (Talia) - God.” (Jocelyn - Wrong, the public opinion).
“- I don’t know. I haven’t done anything in, like, a year. And I just feel like people are, like, waiting for me to fail. And I just don’t wanna, like prove them right. (Jocelyn) - Yeah, but, Joss, you always do this. You always second-guess yourself right before something comes out. You’re just gonna drive yourself crazy. (Leia) - I just don’t wanna, like, make a fool of myself. I don’t want people to, like, make fun of me. (Jocelyn) - They are not. Trust me. It’s good. It’s, like, really good. (Leia) - (....) What’s wrong with him? (Jocelyn) - He’s so rape-y. (Leia) - Yeah, I kinda like that about him. (Jocelyn) - Joss... No. Gross. So disturbing.” (Leia)
“- Hello, Angel. (Tedros) - You call all the girls Angel? (Jocelyn) - Just you. (Tedros) - Yeah right. (Jocelyn) - Fuck’s up with her? She doesn’t wanna hang out with us? (Tedros) - She’s my assistant. And my best friend. (Jocelyn) - She’s your best friend and your assistant? (Tedros) - Yeah. (Jocelyn) - She’s your best friend that words for you? (Tedros) - Yeah, isn’t that nice? (Tedros) - Really? Hm. (Jocelyn) - Don’t you think that’s kinda, like a nice arrangement? Oh, for her it’s amazing. Fuck. Can I be your best friend? I’d love to get paid. (Tedros) - Can I play you my new song? (Jocelyn) - Are you desperate to put this specific song out? (Tedros) - No, I’m not desperate to put anything out, my team is. ‘Cause everyone in my life is, like, telling me that it’s really great, but I don’t believe them. (Jocelyn) - Why? (Tedros) - ‘Cause when you’re famous, everyone lies to you. (Jocelyn) - And you trust me? (Tedros) - I just think you’re enough of an asshole that you might tell me the truth. (Jocelyn) - Cheers to that. (Tedros) - I don’t know. I feel like it’s, like, too superficial or something. (Jocelyn) - (...) If you’re gonna sing a song called “I’m a Freak” you should at least sing it like you know how to fuck. You gotta stop carin’ what people think. You are too locked up in your head. (Tedros) - Yeah? (Jocelyn) - Yeah, you’re thinking too much. You need to block out the world. Feel it. Do you trust me? (Tedros) - No. (Jocelyn - Good reply!)
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consistantly-changing · 2 months ago
[Image descriptions in order: a tumblr reblog chain which says:
082: does anyone else want yaoi cocaine
catfanblog: I know that op is probably joking, however I don't understand what's funny...fetishizing mlm relationships isn't funny it is a serious problem. I think you all need to read posts before you reblog them, I'm truly hoping most people reblogging didn't see the "yaoi" part or something. Jfc I thought we were past this
neotrances: kinda homophobic to be agaisnt yaoi cocaine
catfanblog: You have blood on your hands]
[An anonymous tumblr ask which says: hey people are harassing the guy who commented on the yaoi cocaine post could u like get them to stop or something? he seems genuinely upset abt it
neotrances replies: ?? i'm not making anyone do anything and five other people responded to him / were sending him messages before i said anything in the post sorry that's happening but like. i literally did not say anything other than yaoi cocaine
catfanblog reblogs with an image of an anime boy crying in the rain.]
[A tumblr post by vergak which says: Anyways who else wants some yaoi ibuprofen?
catfanblog reblogs saying: Stop tormenting me. Please. I am asking nicely]
[A tumblr reblog chain which says
vampirate: ok so aside from this person does anyone else want yaoi cocaine
catfanblog: You aren't funny, kid.
atrisrising: but is the yaoi cocaine free?
catfanblog: Be honest. Would you be sad if I died. Would you feel guilty]
[An anonymous tumblr ask which says: very insensitive of you to say that my boyfriend is on a yaoi morphine drip at the yaoi hosptial because of a yaoi cocaine overdose :/
vergak replies with a fanart of Sonic the hedgehog unconscious in a hospital bed with Knuckles standing beside him and crying.
catfanblog reblogs saying in all capitals: enough about the yaoi drugs enough about the yaoi drugs]
[A tumblr post which says: All of you want me dead
catfanblog reblogs saying: All I do is reblog saying my opinion and everyone had to attack me. Just leave mlm alone
#vent tw]
[Tags which say #tw truama #traumacore #depressed #actually insane #pain #suffering #anger #hatred #sadness #yaoi cocaine]
[A screenshot of a post on catfanblog's blog, which shows seven images of crying anime boys.]
[A tumblr post by getouuu, showing a drawing of two anime boys making out (who might be L and Light from Death Note), with the caption "Yaoi moment." Below the image they say: catfanblog this could be us if we took some Yaoi cocaine and relaxed <3
catfanblog reblogs saying: i'm actually feeling something between us... should we explore this? let me know]
[A screenshot of DMs between vergak and catfanblog, which say:
vergak: Legitimately brilliant satire. Id love to share a yaoi blunt with you.
catfanblog: i want you]
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Yaoi cocaine saga
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gillyeowalters · 6 months ago
Sci-Fi Worlbuilding Challenge and Character Contest
Hei! I want to take some time to advertise a Character and Worldbuilding Contest I am currently holding. It is super simple: you send me a character description based on one of my rudimentary worldbuilds and if that character is picked, you will get a free reference or three pages of written story text for that character. (Art examples can be found on my tumblr. It will be in full color. You will be consulted during the creation process and receive sketches or story ideas). Ten characters will be chosen by me.
The idea: I often tend to base worldbuilds on my main characters. So this time I want to build my world on a group of side characters and what they need to exist in this world. That is also why the world build is very, very open and simple for now.
The story I will write include the following themes. Please read them carefully and decide if you want your character to be included in it: - Body Horror - genre-typical violence - drugs - religious violence - social injustice When it comes to your OC I guarantee that I will consult you, should they be included in more severe situations and that you will be able to veto any of my ideas. I will not claim ownership of your character, you will be credited in all artwork and text that includes your character. This project will not be used for monetary purposes and all material will only be published on tumblr. You will (if you want to) be notified of all updates to this project.
You can send your character description as a document or link here or to [email protected].
Please reblog!
Here goes:
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[Image ID: A photo of five papers on a stove top. The papers are painted partially in rust colors and filled with text. The upper left, or first, paper includes a header that reads Neu Keppler, Diner 209. The first three letters are written onto three yellow rectangles. The photo also includes two glasses and three spice shakers. / .End ID]
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[Image ID: The papers from the previous photo, the handwriting put into one complete text. You are a teenager living on the agrar planet Kopernikus A19. Recently, you have been sentenced to half a year of community service. Unlike some of your peers you got lucky and were not assigned to clean the restrooms of the local food processing plant and instead were send to the Neu-Keppler Diner. Well, lucky depends on whether you find long lasting damage to your health or working in the service industry more scary. You are supervised by Charlie, a former teacher with severe burn out. He does most of the cooking at the dinner. So far everything has been going fine until an unusual visitor decides to make the diner the base of its operations. Problem is, it is not only from out of planet but from beyond the beyond. Its speciality: cleaning. Following are the requirements for the character description. If you want to participate, please answer the following questions. Basic character information. Name. Go crazy it's 2305. Age. 14-18 years. Pronouns. Any, including neo-pronouns. Character description or reference. Ethnicity. If you have specific facial features in mind, send me photo references. Body Type. Please try to find the name of your character's hairstyle or a photo. People on Kopernikus A19 are low to lower class. Please keep that in mind for your clothing choices. One cybernetic implant is allowed, but it will be low tier and look unpolished. If your character needs a wheel chair or other mobility aid let me know. Language. The official language of Kopernikus A19 is German, but your character can speak any other or additional language. The level of German they speak is your choice. Family. Do they have a family? Who belongs to their, maybe chosen, family? What is their relationship with them? Reason for sentence. Why does your character have to do community service? Job. What do they do at the diner? Example jobs are table service, dishwasher, cashier, stocker, etc. Everything else. Go crazy. Tell me about you character. Hobbies. What are their ideas, hopes and dreams for the future are. Are they originally from another planet? Tell me anything you think is important. / .End ID]
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