#if that is not true dedication and love
pickletrip · 1 year
I love Kiseki: Dear to me in an unhealthy amount and I'll never get enough of all the push and pull dynamics between the two couples (potential couples).
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Oh to be young, in love and even honest about ones love. ZongYi doesn't hold back in conveying his feelings and even when ZeRui rejects them he is honest about staying apart, because it's only going to be hard for him to be near ZeRui.
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khaopybara · 1 month
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❝You said if I graduated as a doctor, I could ask you for anything, and you'd give it to me. (...) I know now what I want. (...) I want you.❞
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slymanner · 1 year
this was smart <'3
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metahigh · 2 years
Paz, holding the talking hammer: Din Djarin? The idiot who compromised our prev covert? Who adopted thee smallest foundling in existence? The Ex-Apostate? You all know I hate that guy. Want to stomp him into the earth every time i see his stupid face. I gag when i talk to him. But he did kinda save my cool normal sized kid and i too want better daycare for him so. Ok. I'm gonna say it........ He has a point. Let's fuck'em up, bitches, or is this not the way?!
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lyramundana · 1 year
Just listened to "Want it so BAD", the new song by Han and Lee Know and, after reading the lyrics twice, let me tell you:
If there's still people who claim they're just friends, I'll lose my faith in humanity. Those guys are the real delulu here because what the fuck? With this song they basically confirmed everything we've heard since debut and screamed to the world they're, in fact, very much in love and not in a platonic way. They're married, your honour. This song basically confirms it, it states firmly and without a shadow of doubt that MINSUNG is fucking REAL and it has been since the survival show.
So for all those who don't agree with it, go argue with the wall. Us, the minsung whores and defenders, are going to fucking celebrate this gift to humanity.
Now lets focus on the parts where they specifically mention their first meeting, something we've heard from both of them in skz episodes, but now the uncensored version.
Minho: "I fell in love with you unexpectedly, couldn't get any work done, so many thoughts in my head keep me awake at night, spring snuck into my heart and left me frozen with excitement, i'm not used to it i know it's pain but i really want it so BAD" 😭😭😭😭😭 this is so minsung pre-debut coded omg, he's so fucking cute in the early states of love. knowing he was going to suffer but he loved him so much he just kept going.
Jisung: "Ride, come closer, just the two of us"🥺🥺 "together we make a whole romantic comedy movie" "let's get is started, getting anxious, can't think straight" "love you, i wanna place mysef in a spot next to you" "i'll hold you tight and say i've always been waiting for this moment" "the moment I first saw you, it was meant to be. For me, it's you"💀💀💀💀💀my man wasn't even being subtle here, he didn't try
In conclusion: Minsung is more real and solid that my parents' marriage and anyone who disagrees please come and kiss my ass. thank you❤
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 9 months
Finja x Chase angst? 👀
oh dude their whole "relationship" is basically messed up angst lol (despite me often portraying it as cracky angst)
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I mean, we have some good angst in Chase pursuing First not because he 'loves/cares about' him, but because he selfishly desires him for his power/sees him as a challenge to get into his Fallen Warriors army. And First having to be constantly on alert against Chase, especially when he behaves like a charming honorable warrior, hiding that cunning manipulative side of him behind amused 'harmless' smiles. I would imagine its hard for First to not start to care about Chase (he can be very charming ;) ) to some degree, so there is like this delicious angst in starting to care about someone with whom morally you would never agree with. (very Prof. X vs Magneto vibe imho)
(this also could lead to some interesting spin-off angst opportunity about First being in the Fallen Warriors Army and just...existing in this weird limbo of being a target of Chase's favorable attention, but still essentially being a servant to his Master so thus really unable to trully care about/love this evil man but he still kinda cares after all these years and, like ooooooh baby thats some scrumptious angst possibility)
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Or we can have some angst in form of First, being technically 'moved on'/left only in spirit in this world and Chase, still obsessing over him all these centuries, not even realizing that he is basically pining at this point. Showing up to bother current Ninjas, Ninjanomicon and Spirit of First at every opportunity, but not being able to actually be (in any capacity) with First, besides those very brief reunions. And First, throughout the years, while still being very annoyed about Chase's continuoes presence, also feels... incredibly saddened about this man to some degree. But he still can not falter, for his duty and successors still need him and they take priority, so this weird relationship just continues on.
And like OOOOH BABIES this is just scratching the surface of any possible angst, but these are the ones that are currently circling in my mind (i want to make some comics with these scenarious) so yeah! angst! ;D
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razzzar · 1 year
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Pondering the glorb
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Look at Sasuke and Naruto and then try to tell me that book didn’t miss a love language. You can’t.
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the-blossica-fan · 8 hours
UTTU Gathering Season, in game is... well, it certainly is interesting lol
On one hand, it's like tourism for the Arcanists in the suitcase! :D
On the other, it's to try and prevent Vertin's addiction to Picrasma. Unfortunately it then flows into UTTU Cards 😭
Do NOT ask who Schneider is. Or about the ones depicting young Vertin.
She won't say anything but Sonetto will have some choice words for anyone who does.
(A warning and nothing more, thankfully... well, first time around, anyways.)
Happy trip to literally anywhere Vertin wants, it makes them interact with the outside world outside of the suitcase more often
On the other hand...
The newer ones make the mistake of asking about those cards and well, rules are made
Horropedia: Huh? I don't recognize the woman in this card. Hey, Vertin! Do you know who Sch- Sch...neider...? Do you know who Schneider is?
Vertin: (War flashbacks in her brain)
Sonetto: Uhm, Mr. Horropedia... There's a couple things you shouldn't ask about
And this is how the in-the-suitcase UTTU rules are made.
There's also a "stop Vertin from compulsive getting every single Fame card" group that has been made because Vertin just puts down the Picrasma Candy jars and goes for the cards. You would assume this is good, right?
No, someone get that Schneider card away from her she's sobbing on the ground. Wait- TAKE THAT 99+ MOXIE CARD AWAY
Trust me there's been more than one occasion Vertin has hid cards in her mouth.
Thank God she's not into gambling, otherwise she would be the most savage one in existence.
...Who took the unilogs I had saved?
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
i need to get more hater-y today to combat the endless sea of mushy ship art everywhere umm . *spins wheel of ships i dont like* knuckles and rouge would not date portraying them as a cutesy lovey dovey couple feels out of character for both of them and throws out everything thats already fun or interesting about their dynamic
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llondonfog · 11 days
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githik · 1 month
gonna watch the color of pomegranates today C:
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you know. as much as i love rikus unyielding devotion to sora. part of me wonders how hes been, like, surviving in the year without him.
has he been doing anything else in his life besides looking for sora?
will riku need to have some sort of revelation in the future about his own importance and self-worth separate from sora, in a similiar vein to pearl from su?
bc like
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a lot of pearls character arc feels... relevant. to riku. or at least, it could be.
idk like. im well aware sora and rikus relationship is leagues healthier than rose and pearls. and sora is a much better person than rose was. but i just. 
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i see a lot of pearl in riku at times
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i have such sick and twisted thoughts about their dymamic
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rosmarinys · 2 years
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pinocchio in d20: neverafter
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lethalhoopla · 2 years
I am once again losing my mind.
This time: I went to look up references of Varric, and just typed "Varric Tethras" into the search bar. I was going to just tab over immediately to the images section, eyes barely glancing over the obvious top-result fandom wiki, then (more entertainingly, but still expected) Wikipedia link-
but. but the next one.
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.... There's absolutely no tongue-in-cheek in the entry either.
(of course I immediately clicked on it who do you think I am)
There are 3 quotes from him relating to storytelling, both from 2 and Inquisition, as well as a book attribution:
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The Dragon Age Novel Edition of Hard in Hightown.
with Mary Kirby*~
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Absolutely unblinkingly written summary/bio.
I love this with my whole heart. Varric you beautiful bastard -- and DA writers/editors (Mary Kirby very much most importantly included) you even more beautiful, dorky, wonderful bastards.
*if you're not in the know, Mary Kirby is a cornerstone of the DA writing team, including being the one who was in charge of Varric (and Merrill!). To say she's his "trusted human confidante" is certainly putting it one (delightful) way.
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