#if no one's giving me suggestions
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hansoeii · 1 year ago
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hanafubukki · 1 month ago
You know how in the Valentine’s merch, the item is the one we give them and then the message card is their response?
Can you imagine the flirty or funny responses they give us in return for the key?
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Lilia Vanrouge: “Oh? Kufufu, you’re giving me a key? How bold of you. Are you asking me to move in with you? You might just regret it. You might not get any sleep.”
Malleus Draconia: “A key to Ramshackle Dorm? You never cease to surprise me, Child of Man. I will cherish this invite always. Allow me to return the favor with a gift to you.”
Idia Shroud: “A key?!? Aren’t we going too fast?? Do you know what that means?! A-ahem, I guess this means you wouldn’t mind playing video games with me late into the night.”
Sebek Zigvolt: “Human! Do you realize what it means to give someone a key to your home?! What? It’s so I could make myself comfortable anytime? Don’t think I won’t return the favor when you visit me!”
Silver Vanrouge: “A key? Thank you. There are a few rare places that truly make me feel at peace. Yours is one of them. If you need anything from me, please feel free to ask and I’ll do what I can.”
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zevrra · 12 days ago
but on the flip side, vampire!viktor…
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vampire viktor who doesn’t care if anyone knows he’s a vampire. he doesn’t hide it, doesn’t secretly walk among humans. vik who throws giant secret underground parties for any and all supernatural creatures alike. vampire viktor who enjoys drinking human blood but is so peculiar about who he drinks from. he’s picky with his appetite when it comes to drinking human blood; only the best get picked by viktor.
who even as a vampire, he actually rarely picks someone to be worthy. he’ll starve even with a platter full of women and men alike graciously begging to be his next meal. so popular yet he’s still just so picky; only drinking when he really has too. he swore it was because all blood tasted bitter and sour; like a poorly made alcohol.
until he meets you.
bumping into you at one of his lavish parties where the second he makes eye contact, he knows. knows your blood would be the sweetest he had ever tasted and he craved it immediately. made his mouth water, fill with salvia and desire combined as he in that moment imagined how good you’d taste. and although he could have anyone else, all he wanted was you. he just wanted you to also want him.
his cane carries him and his weight right next to you. he extends his hand to you, helping you to your feet. his skin is cold to the touch even with the countless of bodies packed in around him. it terrifies you to some extent but god does it excite you far more.
“my apologies,” he shouts above the music, apologizing for bumping into you, hopefully loud enough for you to hear. “join me for a drink? i would like to make it up to you for my earlier rudeness.”
his hand caresses the small of your back as he speaks with you; it’s a gentle and comforting touch, something you had never imagined a vampire was capable of beforehand. and even if his skin is cool, his hand on your back makes your skin incredibly hot. you feel your face flush at his touch and at his extraordinary ability to charm you with just a few words. because before you can even protest, you’re agreeing to his invitation. letting this stranger lead you by the hand to his private quarters, where he opens a bottle of very expensive looking wine and hands you the glass.
he’s meticulously pressing his fingers into your skin again and again, lowering your guard and turning you lightheaded. could feel his desire for you with every rake of his eyes along your body. offering more and more wine to ease your anxiety of lying with a vampire…until he asks you oh so sweetly, if you would allow him a moment, just a taste, of you. sealing the deal by pressing a kiss against the hum of your throat; leaving behind the tingling sensation of want and need.
and how could you say no to him?
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katiekatdragon27 · 2 months ago
Hey. Hey, guys. You'll never guess what I've been drawing.
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Glisten: ...??
Glisten and his lame ass boyfriends!!!!!! Cheers to art dumps <3
[CW: SUGGESTIVE JOKE] More doodles below cut:
So! I know most of you come for the shinyshrimp stuff (WHICH WE WILL GET TO) but let me yap about Glisten and Razzle for a bit.
Glisten and Razzle got together like 3 months after Glisten and Boxten broke up. Razzle never really looked to Glisten that much outside of acquaintances (cuz he was kinda sorta lowkey jealous of Glisten's charisma and stage-presence). In fact, they were much more focused on Vee and maybe possibly had a crush on her, which is really funny in hindsight with Dazzle lol. However, after learning that Vee was a lesbian/being very rudely rejected by her, Razzle found comfort in Glisten and fell head-over-heels almost immediately.
The only problem is, Razzle has -10000 aura. His ass cannot be flirty or cool-charismatic at all.
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Glisten: What do you do when you aren't distracting? Razzle: (Glisten likes mysterious people) I sell drugs!! Glisten: ... Excuse me? Razzle: (But Glisten also likes kind people) But ONLY to kids in need! Dazzle: (STOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOPSTOP-) *defeated whimper*
Razzle thinks he's that guy (they're not, they're pathetic honestly lol)
Also like, Razzle is suuuper dense when it comes to everyone except Dazzle. They struggle with self-reflection and other-people reflection, so he is completely convinced he is doing all the right things, when in actuality, they are very very very cringe.
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Razzle: No see Dazzie, this is why they call me Rizzle. Dazzle: (No one has EVER called you that.)
Denseness is one hell of a drug, aye, fellas?
Dazzle is being pulled through the wringer trying to preserve whatever was left of her (and Razzle's) pride. It's not working. Girl is fighting for their life every time she is dragged over by Razzle in order to say a horrible pick-up line to Glisten.
(This is all pre-relationship btw. After they get together it becomes an inside joke and Glisten retorts with his own awful (although not nearly as bad) pick-up lines)
Now the moment you've been waiting forrrr 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
✨ Shinyshrimp ✨
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I love them chat, I love them sm. They have so much drama and love and interesting things going on, they're so cool and fun n stuff and AUGHHHHH💥💥💥
Shrimpo being that one guy who craves affection but would literally bite anyone who gives it to him is so real to me. Homie wants a hug but ends up suplexing whoever hugged him outta reflex. Glisten, on the other hand, is one of the most affectionate people ever. He's not affectionate to everyone, but when you catch his interest (both platonic and romantic), he is very verbally and physically affectionate. He'll buy you things, he'll give you hugs, he'll let you invade his personal space, all stuff he would never let normies do.
Shrimpo loves this, however, homie has no idea how to deal with any kind of affection in a positive way. Cat-coded ahh guy. Glisten does find this amusing tho, so he's more inclined to be affectionate with Shrimpo to help him "get over it" in a way.
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This is just for shits and giggles. I feel like everyone should draw this meme with their ships. It's a canon event at this point.
What can I say? He was hungry.
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Can't forget my fankids. I love my fankids. I miss my fankids. I need to draw my fankids more istg I need to revamp their ask blog soon (especially with some new editions coming soon).
Also Hamlet looks smaller because most of his internal structure is made of ribbon and stuffing, so he shrinks into a ball when happy. He also loafs like a cat, what a guy.
Also also also what the skibidi sigma happened to my prep-jock ship?? Why is it backwards???
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I drew these because I had a vision of the little doodle below and only thought it would work if they were swaped... sooooo... here we are.
Scapmi is a preppy goth-ish shrimp with an eye for fashion and artistry. With a smart mouth and a massive ego, he often comes off as an annoyance to others. He loves to be front and center in everything but often has to fight with his internalized idea that everything is a competition that he needs to win no matter what. It causes him a lot of stress and self-doubt, but he'd never let anyone see his weaknesses.
Gash is a shrap-toned violent mirror who speaks more with his fists than his voice. He hates everything that is not himself (and sweets) and makes sure people know that. He used to be a perfectionist, but after an accident permanently cracked his face, he dropped his "perfect" persona in favor of a messy, more hateful one. He wants connection but doesn't know how to express his needs in an understandable way, and that frustrates him immensely.
As you can see, match made in heaven.
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Gash: DUDE, WHAT THE F*CK!? Scampi: There's a smudge on you- Gash: I DON'T CARE! LET GO!! Scampi: Not 'til I'm done. (Your natural blush is gorgeous; shame it's on you tho)
So yeah, swap shinyshrimp lore drop yippee.
Have a good one chat, til I reappear again✌️✌️
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wu-does-art · 29 days ago
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dw chat, they could *all* be APYr, theres just no room for all of them <3
also hello Sally Face fandom
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taxinealkaloids · 11 months ago
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kill your darling, it's just that easy!
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robolvrr · 4 months ago
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forged to please. 。⁠*゚⁠+
some mild suggestive headcanons. unhealthy dynamics.
sentinel prime x cybertronian secretary
airachnid plucked you from your filing job with unsettling familiarity. you quickly learned after the debrief that her optics, touch and croons were simply an extension of your shared's prime.
his very attention is shattering.
sentinel has no need for actual assistants. your first few cycles don't end up at his doorstep, so in your confusion of servitude you busy with the boring.
analytics. cancelling meetings as he's constant on the surface, rescheduling abandoned polls. when the lights flick you remain obedient at your desk, digits skimming through glass pads.
you do have a cog. however, you still pale in comparison to your coworkers and do not speak out of turn. you're not a miner nor are you cogless — but there are levels to status and you're still at the first couple of rungs on the metaphorical golden ladder.
little did you know, you're being watched. approvingly, even when your helm dares to dip back when your processors prompt recharge.
everyday, you arrive early. place your holopads in neat piles. slip an energon cube from your stack past your cushy, gray dermas and sit straight in your assigned seat.
frame flawless, as expected by a cog. since you don't race or proctor, you're more on the winsome side.
"them? really?"
"yeah. crazy right?" sentinel lazily watches the filmy recording, nestled camera aimed right in the corner. he can see your chassis. your cog and the ridges between your plating. clean. no mining dust. no scratches.
"look at 'em go. do they know that half what i give them is just.. nothing? they're so... so diligent. it's cute, no?"
airachnid shares a sideways glance.
slowly, your office grows more lavish. you notice changes to your desk arrangement. a golden twist of flora at your desktop. new chair, with cushion - a rarity and a treat. a fresh mug of engex earlier than you arrive.
and even slower, your coworkers start to distance farther than even you pushed them. you're being moved around cycles later, to higher floors. the work is a constant buzz that requires the utmost care and attention to detail.
you once question airachnid as she glides by silently just what you're doing here. you ex-vent when she leans forward, pursing her intake at you.
"don't ask questions you don't want answers to. you do good for him, you'll do good for a lifetime."
straightening, you're left unfortunately with more than before and you nervously return to your desk, with a beautiful view of iacon and an inkling that perhaps your constant promotions weren't as perfect as you previously assumed.
[ quota — increased. overtime required. ]
frustration bites as your digits flutter across keys. the office space, grand and empty and dark fills you with impatience. not that you'd dare show it, on the clock.
you guess that overtime still counts, though you prudently knock over data as you arise before you can coach yourself to calmness. you practically live here. serving, serving, all the blasted time. had you not proved your loyalty?
a watchful gaze peers at your aft when you saunter to the lounge, fed up for the day.
the smile directed your way isn't promising.
oh. so you can misbehave.
you practically live at work now. what started as a few assignments seemed to increase tenfold.
you're working overtime but know you're much too high the chain (and for such pointless, needless tasks) to back out.
you have no friends. no coworkers. the pretty knickknacks and golden pens and job security start closing in more like a gilded cage.
when the comm is received, you're almost weak at the joints. you reset your sight system several times at first because you assume it's a prank.
[ your prime requests your presence over the latest report. arrive promptly. ]
you're stumbling towards the elevator like a cyber mouse.
sentinel shouldn't enjoy the way you lose your professionalism. taking peeks in the slivers of mirror and spark no doubt rattling in that little chest of yours.
he shouldn't, in fact, hired you at all. you were a face along with many admirers. and primus, did iacon adore their prime.
he shouldn't have been seeing how much it took to break your mentality, either. a cruel experiment from a bored god of sorts.
and the recordings. airachnid made it clear her opinions of his.... enjoyment while you worked in element.
sometime in the toying, he's scrutinizing your frame. you barely make it up to his knee. your alt-mode upon a curious search isn't particularly flashy.
is that why he's so drawn to you? because you wallflower yourself, determined to hide despite the haven he's forced you in?
perhaps. or, he just hasn't had his fix yet.
the racers are always fun to play with. they lick, bite and rev when he chuckles his praise.
he's never been in a position of power like this though and taken that step over the line and suddenly, he rubs the kibble on his chin imagining you staring back at him, bent over, servos tied at the back of your waist.
his processor wanders. you, with flushed cheek plates. you, calling him boss. prime. whatever he fancied more. crawling towards him, balancing a glass of sweet, high-grade on your aft while he chats it away.
"my prime?"
sentinel does not turn to you, at first. you can see his wings, large and flawless. when he turns in his seat, you think perhaps the rumors of primes and their bright, piercing neons were true.
he grins. grandeur rolls off his glossa and you're shocked he knows your designation. as if he senses your shock he reassures he knows because he's kept close to your progress.
"you look tired. what good are you if not rested?"
sheepishly, your helm tilts away, tries to avoid the observation by curling into yourself. it's the funniest and most pathetic thing he's seen in awhile.
he leans forward, but not down to you. sentinel just invades your space because it's his.
you're his.
cutting off your stammers because he'd rather hear them in a more fitting context - fit, he wouldn't - his gesture tempts you closer. there is no need for collar and leash, not when this whole city dances at his every word.
you miss how his stare bores into you. peels back metal, cord and wire.
"listen. i couldn't bear my best struggling. but i also have to be firm. this great city, all of your fellow cybertronians, play a part in something bigger. which means... that work can't be unfinished."
he does not miss how you flinch. where are those kliks of rebellion? those whispered utterances of his name and hoping he'd be knocked down a peg?
"it can't slow down. in order to keep the spark of this very place alive, we all keep it turning."
he can sense your guilt. recall all the times you've actually cursed quietly, kicked at your desk, cried in the refreshers. cute.
"so i do have to ask. because if you can't handle it, i would rather you tell me right here, right now. no hard feelings."
the hopeful look almost makes him break out into laughter. and just like you're programmed, you look at him only when he nods, trying to find out what he wants.
"no. no, i can. i want to do more. want to be more." for you.
"then show me."
as much as he wanted to crack you open right then and there, he was curious how you would take his offer.
would you scorn him out like those endless nights? step back and make excuses? or would you surprise him?
his weight slides in the crushed velvet of his towering throne, watching as you bend.
your head meets the floor. his optic ridge ticks towards the sky.
"tell me what to do and your will is mine."
the prime hums.
well, now you're just making this too easy.
robolvrr 2024.
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 years ago
seventy-two pacts
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have some sol thirst (i would go feral if this were me)
content + warnings: suggestive, solomon x reader, solomon has visible pact marks and reader does too
word count: 462
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the word comes out quickly, before you can even think. you cover your mouth in embarrassment-- justified, considering you couldn't keep your reaction in-- but you can't peel your eyes away.
solomon's peeling off his shirt. in the midst of joking around and pouring some for you two to enjoy, he'd knocked the rim of one of the glasses against the bottle, spilling it all down the front of his shirt. so, to avoid soaking himself further, he immediately began to take the long sleeved garment off.
then you said it, and now he's frozen, shirt halfway off.
can you blame yourself, though? you've seen your fair share of shirtless men, as is expected when living in the chaos of the house of lamentation. but they're all smooth-skinned and flawless. some of them have a couple of scars here and there from the great celestial war. their muscles were obviously impressive in their own right. but they all missed something that solomon had-- something you're just now seeing for the first time.
swirling black lines run across his pale skin, curling around muscles, decorating the smooth planes of skin in intricate designs. from across the table, you can make out little latin characters. pact marks. a lot of them. the ornate symbols decorate the exposed part of his lower abdomen, luring you in with strange words and beautiful lines before disappearing beneath his beltline. do they-- do they follow his v-line? holy shit, you're about to start drooling--
"haha, mc, my eyes are up here!"
his charming, light laugh catches your attention. his eyes are sparkling with mirth, lips curled into a cheshire grin as he removes the rest of his shirt and bunches it in his hand.
the pact marks dance up across his broad shoulders and down his arms. they're gorgeous, arcane and mystical as they sprawl down his biceps and spill onto his forearms. you've seen his sleeves rolled up before, so you knew he had a few pact marks, but-- 72 pacts never looked so damn good.
the seven pact marks on your skin had always been a point of your own fascination. but seeing the sigils on solomon's skin made you wonder if you'd ever be covered the same way.
"i need a new shirt," he declares, smirking at you. he take a couple steps towards his room, then stops when he sees you still at the table. "c'mon."
"huh?" you feel like you've missed something.
"you think you've seen all of my pact marks? no, my dear apprentice, i have plenty more where that came from. and since you're so curious, i figured i might as well show you."
you scurry up from your spot and follow him like the obedient little apprentice you are.
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fossilizedhysterics · 1 year ago
cw for suggestive humor🙏 . . . . . . . . . .
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today, i bring you more funnies. tomorrow? who knows.
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musubiki · 7 months ago
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redraw of this limochi post from 2020!! 🍭
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schlechtenhunde · 6 months ago
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overhaul lick
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anonymouscheeses · 1 year ago
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Fascinated x normal
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"Do you need to throw up?"
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Random jmpscare doodle dump. Barely even doodles but like here ya go anyway 🥰
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saltynsassy31 · 21 days ago
*drags myself through the floor and slams this down*
I present to you
Divine Nugget Au
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(Rant as to why I chose the White-throated Needletail as Blurr's bird and some minor AU lore under the cut)
And that's not all! It comes with a FULL FLEDGED COMIC!!!!!
I spent a whole fucking week on this
I haven't done a comic in 4 years now, I can't believe this is my come-back XD. Though, on that note, know that I probably won't be pumping out any more comics - not any time soon, at least. But I do got more stuff planned for this au! If you ask about it, I'll 100% rant about it LOL
Tw// ⚠️mild gore in the 3rd panel⚠️
While exploring the woods with his team, Swerve had an unfortunate encounter with a crazed hunter. In an attempt to escape, he got injured, but it seems he wasn't the only one caught in the crossfire...
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So when you look up what the fastest bird in the world is, Google with show the Peregrin Falcom
But there's a catch
The Peregrine is only fast when diving
When it dives to catch its prey, it can go up to 389km/h
Which yeah, pretty fast
But when casually flying, it only goes up to 120 iirc
The Needle Tail?
It can go up to 170km/h
Some have even recorded going over 300! (Close to the Falcon's dive, I believe)
Additionally, these birds only fly. Their habitat is literally listed as "the air," and some even believe they sleep while flying! They only ever land to brood and mate, and then they're off again. Their legs are so short that, if they ground, they can't fly again because it doesn't give enough room to flap their wings.
It fits Blurr perfectly!
It also has a blue-ish colour pattern I can work with lol (it's green, but it looks blue, lol)
Though, also, he isn't 100% like the Needle Tail, just based off of it. I still want avians to be sorta their own species and doesn't have to be exactly like their bird counterparts cuz they aren't them, they're their own thing.
That said, Blurr is one of the shortest from Avians population, still.
They're pretty big.
Another trivial detail of the design!
I was stuck between having his arms be his wings or have them be separate
Until I saw a drawing where they had both, and I realised, "Wait, why isn't that done more often! That's so cool!"
So that's sorta what I did
It's mainly to catch small prey when grounded and to stay better perched up on trees since they're much bigger and having extra fingers helps a lot. Or when they're climbing against a tree to pick up fruits, it gives them an extra boost and can better hang from it
But they're pretty much useless besides that lol
Just neat lil design choice
Other lore stuff. The time in which the au takes place is vaguely modern? But with fantasy aspects? I still haven't decided lol
Technology exists, but not in the way we have it sort of deal, idk, this au is pretty bare bones right now, so go wild with it XD I don't mind it, I love brainstorming it with people. I know this au isn't as big or complex as some others out there, but it's fun, and I hope yall like it too fjsjajaj
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bloos-bloo · 2 months ago
I had this stuck in my head for days- HELP-
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surreal-duck · 10 months ago
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master artist and his number one fan
guy who is being so normal about the new additions to their profiles. i think abt midoris initial infatuation with his art slowly developing into appreciating yuzuru himself as a person and idol to the point he worries about how he sees him (ex: a bit of home party and in workplace survival rules) sometimes thats a lie i think about it a lot. and yuzuru learning to enjoy art just for the sake of drawing!! seeing the lets try diy story where he doesnt even refute drawing on midoris desk and was only worried that his doodles might cover up the mascot design compared to how discouraged he usually would be in earlier ! stories. everything to me i adore their dynamic if that wasnt obvious by *gestures to basically everything*
and happy pride month 🏳‍🌈
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winkious · 3 months ago
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cas adventures pt. 1
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