#if its BREAKING the casing then you need to get rid of it as soon as possible
three-dee-ess · 4 months
hey my nintendo switch's battery is doing that pillow thing. what do i do? i am clueless
google battery recycling centers in your area! It depends on the level of pillowing going on, but if its slightly puffy (like just a little more round than the default battery) it's relatively safe. if it's bending the casing of the switch, you need to remove the battery from the switch and get rid of it. if it is a full on pillow shape, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible and take the proper precautions. I'm not an expert on the subject, so I won't give full instructions (don't want to mislead anyone!) but you need to understand that a lithium ion battery *is* explosive when in that state, and treat it as such. Do NOT puncture it under any means necessary.
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ira-hydrangea · 2 years
My mind has gone through some phase right now where I kinda need a little break... So it's just decided to pop out a new story 🙂. So... Here we go...
The Forgotten
Yuu realized that after Malleus overblot, something weird happen to them. They see shadows and heard a voice coming from the darkness.
In horror and confusion, they talk with Micket through the mirror. Mickey knows what happens to them and explains it to them.
So, when facing overblot, the blot has also accumulated and it almost reaches it power when the phantom or the blot manages to get into Idia and escape from S.T.Y.X
It regains its almost full power with Malleus overblot. Now, the phantom cannot exist without a vessel. At first, the one that they choose is Grim but then noticed that Yuu are far better than anyone. They come with no magic but have endless growth potential. The phantom also starts to notice Yuu's body adjustment to Twisted Wonderland magic. And what makes the phantom more sure about making Yuu into their precious vessel or puppet?
The hope and despair that Yuu has. Who knows maybe after witnessing Yuu facing so many of his overblot forms, it's also started to have some fondness towards Yuu. (Almost similar to Mother Gothel).
Learning all this from Mickey, Yuu can only stare at the mirror in shock, and at the same time, the silhouette of the phantom starts to emerge in the form of a man. Smiling wickedly toward Yuu before said "Soon..."
As day turned to week, the encounter between Yuu and the phantom becomes a daily routine and Yuu even feel that sometimes, their consciousness start to seep away.
"I... I can't do this anymore, Mickey! I-I don't want to wake up only to see that I have hurt my friends! Please! You got to help me." plead Yuu as Mickey watch with sadness.
"I'm sorry but... Even I don't know how to get rid of them. The most I can do is find a way to seal him. But with that power, I don't think I can do it..."
"No way..."
As Yuu's silent cry fills the room, they then start to think of something.
"In that case... Do you know a way for me to... Seal myself away?"
"If I can't find a way to make the phantom leave then... I can seal it away along with myself. That way I would not hurt anyone."
"Please, Mickey! I rather choose this than hurt my friends! Please, Mickey..."
"I.... Ugh, fine...."
And so, with the help of Mickey, Yuu starts to prepare a place and spell that will seal them along with their consciousness into a deep slumber. Mickey still thinks about Yuu's safety and suggests that they do it with the help of the Artifact or items. It a more safe path for Yuu to use so they agree.
Mickey proposes that they need to choose some people that will be trustworthy enough to hold the artifact or items. Someone that not only act as a holder but also as a guardian or knight. That why a few people from RSA pop up in Yuu mind.
(Let's just say that is a gender-bent from the Disney Princess version)
There are a total of seven artifacts that will be used to seal Yuu away. The Seven Knights of RSA or the guardian are also chosen because Yuu manages to build trust and a relationship with them. For example, Neige or maybe Rollo? (shocking, I know).
And the last preparation is a spell. A spell that can make anyone besides the artifact holder or the guardian forgot the existence of Yuu. This will make everything more bearable for Yuu so that their friends won't waste so much time searching for them.
On the promised day, Yuu spends all their time before with all their friends doing whatever they want. In the last week, they smiled before entering the place with a mirror along with their guardians.
The place that the magic mirror helped to find is an abandoned palace with beautiful scenery. The Magic Mirror respected Yuu's wish and decide to assist. So unless someone holds the key, they cannot teleport to Yuu's place.
(How I imagine the place. So Yuu will sleep in the throne as soon as the spell and the artifact is activated)
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Walking towards the throne with a solemn look as their cape blow gently behind them. You look at the pictures of every single of his friends before letting them fly away into the distance. As they sit in the throne looking at their RSA friends -no... They should call them, the guardian.
With a nod, the guardian start to activate the items and the magic soon start to engulf and make a barrier around Yuu before slowly, Yuu close their eyes and fall into a slumber.
At the same time, the magic in Twisted Wonderland starts to activate too and no one will remember the existence of Yuu. Only a few ones that still remember. The guardian, Mickey, The mirror, and somehow... The little feline, Grim.
Maybe there is a mishap in the spell?
I plan to make this into a series. Depending on me, maybe it will be here or on Wattpad. But so far, this is the scenario I manage to think of. So, What do you guys think? Feel free to add your all own thoughts in the ask section or comment section.
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booboodaddysblog · 6 months
Part four
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Warnings: arguing, crying, drama, breaking up
Words: 5394
As soon as he got to work... it started again... his intrusive thoughts. Mean, debilitating thoughts. No matter what he did, he couldn't get rid of them. Why his brain wasn't cooperating with him?
He entered the police station in an angry mood. He noticed that Mare was standing at the front desk talking to someone. He didn't give a damn. He didn't even say hello to anyone. All he dreamed of now was coffee and his office. He headed to the kitchen and smiled at the sight of a full pot, freshly brewed coffee. He reached into the cabinet for a mug and poured a hot drink, inhaling its wonderful smell. He was already about to go to his office when....
- Has culture left you, Zabel? - Mare blocked his passage.
- I don't feel like talking. Let me through - he said with irritation.
- And do you know what I don't feel like talking about?
- I'm rather not interested in that - he rolled his eyes.
- What is the matter with you? Do you miss sex? - Mare laughed.
- I'm not complaining about the lack of it - he tried again to walk through the door.
- You are behaving really strangely. I think I will inform the chief to talk to you and set you straight. Zabel, we here do not tolerate such behavior. You might be in a bad mood. Okay. I understand, but you are supposed to behave culturally when you see me talking to the wife of the chief of our police station.
- What? I didn't know it was his wife - he made big eyes.
- She is a terrible gossip. In addition, she is in charge of inspecting all government employees in the county. There is no problem for her to transfer someone to another county. You wouldn't want that, would you?
Colin swallowed his saliva loudly.
- Fuck... no... of course not. Sorry, really. We've worse days with Marg...
- With Marg... well, exactly. Why is she away from work for so long? - Mare raised her eyebrows in thought.
- I... she gets sick... you see for yourself what the weather is like - he shrugged his shoulders.
- Interesting... just explain to me why the attendance list says Marg is on indefinite sick leave. And best of all, your signature is there. Don't make a fool of me, Zabel - she looked at him menacingly and closed the kitchen door. Now no one could hear their conversation.
- Mare...
- Talk! What did you do Marg? Is she dead or what? Well, because... I guess she's not pregnant?
- Mare... I...
- Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me? You're kidding me! Holly shit! I don't believe it! - Mare started laughing even louder.
- Mare, please be quiet - Colin tried to silence her.
- You came here a few months ago to help us with our investigation, and now you're going to become a daddy.
- I really didn't plan it - he sat down resignedly at the table and grabbed his head.
- Do you know what contraception is? - Mare also sat down at the table.
- Very funny - he looked at her and shook his head with dissatisfaction.
- How long has it been going on?
- But what?
- God, does it occur to you that you are going to be a father? - she sighed - what week is it? Or more simply. How long has Marg been pregnant?
- Hmm... it will soon be a month.
- A month? Wow. Okay... when did you find out?
- About two weeks ago.
- And you cheated on her with Roby when she wasn't in town... congratulations.
- How do you know? - he whispered.
- I know everything. Now I also know that Marg is pregnant.
- I beg... Mare... don't tell anyone. It's a fresh case, I don't want it to....
- Relax, I won't tell anyone. But the chief has already asked about Marg.
- Fuck... - he covered his face with his hands again.
- Okay, drink your coffee. In 30 minutes we leave. We need to talk to the owner of this factory again. Something seems to me that he transported the equipment somewhere himself to get the insurance money. It was definitely not a theft - Mare got up from the table - I'll see you in 30 minutes at the entrance - she left the kitchen.
Colin grabbed his coffee mug and quickly drank its entire contents. He shook his head to clear his mind and got up from the table. He put the mug in the dishwasher. He opened the kitchen door and looked out into the hallway. He looked around to see if anyone was around and left, quickly heading for his office. He didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore today.
Colin returned home later than planned. It's always like this with Mare. She says they will finish at, let’s say, 6 p.m., but nevertheless they finish at 8 p.m. Then the report still has to be written. And so Colin enters the house at 9 p.m. Exhausted and dreaming of showering and sleeping.
He took off his coat and sat down on a chair by the door to take off his shoes. He was so tired that he didn't even have the strength to bend down. He straightened up and sighed loudly. He looked around the living room. Marg was not there. He began to listen. He heard the sound of water. She was taking a shower.
He got up with a groan and went to the kitchen to pour himself some water. He looked in the refrigerator and pulled out a slice of ham and a few pieces of cucumber. While eating it, he walked over to the calendar hanging on the wall. Marg scheduled pregnancy-related medical appointments. He liked the idea. He didn't have a head for dates, he always had to have everything written out in several places, otherwise he wouldn't be able to remember it.
He heard Marg leave the bathroom and go to the bedroom. He went upstairs and leaned against the doorframe. He watched Marg put on her pajamas. She sits down on the bed and starts brushing her hair. She was humming some kind of tune. She didn't realize Colin was watching her.
He walked over to her and sat down on the bed. She looked at him surprised.
- When did you come back? - she asked, putting the hairbrush down on the bed.
- About 20 minutes ago - he stood up and started taking off his clothes - I'm going to take a shower. Don't fall asleep without me.
He left the bedroom and went to the bathroom. Marg shrugged her shoulders at his behavior and went to bed.
Colin returned after 30 minutes and lay down next to Marg, but his back was turned to her. He was convinced she was asleep.
- How was your day? - she hugged his back and kissed him gently on the neck.
Colin was surprised by her sudden kiss, he was convinced she was already asleep.
- My day was... fine, nothing special - he sighed.
- Are you still mad at me? - she sighed too.
- No…
He didn't even hesitate to answer. It was obvious that he was not angry with her and had no reason to be.
- So one day I will be able to make a show for you again, and you will watch in awe? - she kissed his neck again.
He felt a bit surprised by her sudden mention, but he wasn't going to complain about it. It made him feel a little excited, but he decided to just keep his mouth shut and not say anything until she was done talking.
- Don't you want such a show again? - she sighed loudly and turned her back to him.
- What? No… I didn't say that…
He was confused as to why her behavior had suddenly changed so much. He wasn't sure why that was, or why she thought he didn't want that, when he absolutely did.
She turned to him again.
- So tell me, did you like what you saw? Me on the couch, touching myself, you in the chair across from me and watching?
- Y…yes… I…I enjoyed it... very much...
- If so, tell me more about it - she began to stare at him.
- Well… ummm…
He didn't expect her to ask him directly just like that. It made him feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to say anything stupid, so he pondered his answer for a few seconds before speaking up.
- I… I… just liked the way... you made...you made yourself happy... and... and that made me want to join you so badly....
- So why didn't you join me? I asked for it so badly - she raised an eyebrow.
- I just ... I didn't know if you were serious!
He tried to defend himself, but he really regretted it. Now he really regretted not joining in. "Fuck" he said to himself in his mind.
- I invited you several times, and you sat like you were glued to the chair - she rolled her eyes.
- I knew that, but I thought you were joking! Why would you want me to join you when you wanted to do it with yourself. It was supposed to be a show! - he found it increasingly difficult to remain calm - Why are we arguing about such silly things?!
This was already too much for her. She slapped him in the face. She was furious.
- I asked you several times to help me, but you just sat there and drooled at the sight of me! Why are you playing dumb now?! And you think all this was stupid for me?! Stupid?!
Colin was frozen. He was really shocked by the sudden slap in the face and didn't know what to say. He must have really screwed up. He deserved it.
He just realized that she was completely serious at that moment. He looked at her and saw the rage in her eyes. He felt ashamed that he had messed things up like that.
- I was so fucking serious! And you fucked up, Colin!
- I know… I understand that now…
He was angry with himself, not only for being such an idiot, but also for missing such an opportunity. He dreamed of it, but screwed up, as usual.
- I really don't understand it - she said in a calm voice. She looked like she was about to cry - I hate being pregnant - she whispered as if only to herself.
- I was scared, okay... that I would do something wrong - he said in a sad voice - I thought... I thought... that... I wouldn't be too gentle....
- I just wanted to end it with you, that's all.
- Sorry, when I'm tired I don't quite get everything…
- I was so fucking serious and desperate! - she slapped him again - you really deserved that slapped!
He closed his eyes and was silent for a moment.
- Okay, I get it… - he finally replied - I screwed up, I really get it...
She stroked his sore cheek.
- You'll be fine. I just didn't know what punishment I should have come up with for you.
- P…punishment? - he asked about it, although he definitely knew what she meant, he wanted to hear her say it clearly.
- Yes punishment, you disobeyed me when I needed you so much, you just screwed up.
- But what kind of punishment?
He still pretended not to understand what she wanted to say. Even though he was fully aware of what she was most likely planning to do.
- Fine, I have an idea for punishment. From today, no sex for two weeks. I will give myself pleasure when the urge strikes me. Without your participation, of course. I won't even inform you that I did it - she covers herself tightly with the quilt.
He felt a little uneasy about the idea. He wasn't sure if he would be able to survive two weeks like this. His head was full of thoughts, but he kept them to himself. He didn't want to act like he was begging her to change her mind.
- Well… fine… let it be…
- Just “fine”? Really? - she looked at him with suspicious eyes.
- What else should I say? I said “fine”, which means I accept your punishment.
- So the conclusion is that you don't care about sex with me at all?
- That's not what I said... - he said quickly, not wanting to start another argument with her - I only said that I accept your punishment, I didn't say that I don't care about sex with you, Marg....
- Explain, because I don't understand you. Be more specific, Colin… - she rolled her eyes.
- I just mean that… that I will survive these two weeks without sex. I just wanted to say that your punishment will not be.... will not be so bad for me.
- Won't it be that bad?!
He quickly realized that he had said something pretty dumb.
- I just meant that... I... I think I can manage without sex for two weeks... - he moved away from Marg fearing another slap.
- So what do you do when the urge for sex strikes you? - she asked curiously.
- Well, I just... I don't know... - he had to think for a moment before answering - I'll just masturbate and that's it - he shrugged his shoulders.
- Just masturbate… okay… - she nodded.
- What else should I do? I know you'd probably prefer it if I asked you to join me, but I don't know if I'm ready for that...
He felt really bad about it all. He didn't want a repeat of the "show”. He felt like he was always letting her down, like he wasn't proving himself as her fiancé. Maybe he shouldn't have asked her to marry him so soon...
- Okay, you are right. I didn't expect anything else. Sorry - she hugged his arm - you were thinking. What's the matter?
He didn't like to talk about his feelings and thoughts. Although, maybe this was a good opportunity for him to be completely honest about how he felt. Besides, he was stewing so much inside, and he was beginning to feel that he probably shouldn't keep so many thoughts to himself anymore. Maybe that's why he was always so stressed, he just kept too many thoughts locked up inside, and that wasn't good for him.
- Won't you be angry if I tell you?
- Go on, no worries.
- Well... it's just... I feel that... that, I'm not ready for this whole relationship... something is missing... and I feel that I made a mistake by proposing to you so soon... - at this moment, he preferred to stare at the ceiling rather than at her.
- Excuse me?! - she opened her mouth in surprise.
- I’m sorry, Marg! It's not that… that… I don't love you, I really love you... but I feel like...
He tried to say something sensible, but honestly had no idea why he felt that way. It was just something he felt deep inside. He couldn't explain it. He wasn't ready for such a serious step in his life. All these things made him feel confused and he started thinking about his previous relationship. About the failure and the breaking of the engagement.
- You don't want to be with me?! I don’t understand! - she was so furious that she was close to slapping him again.
- I just...
He was so worried now, he knew it would only get worse. He mentally prepared himself for another corporal punishment, if he failed to calm her down.
- Marg! I love you, I swear!
- You idiot! Did you forget, that I am pregnant?! You assured me that you would never leave me! Did you forget what you said?! Oh my god! - she started crying and screaming.
- Yes! I know… but…
He knew he was already making the situation worse, but he just couldn't back down now.
- I will still be there for the baby... just... just not as your fiancé, or husband... I'm not fucking ready!
- So as who! - she cried loudly, no longer knowing what to do. She felt like running away, now.
That's exactly right. He really meant it. He knew she wouldn't like it at all. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He couldn't stifle it in himself any longer. He really felt bad. So he just had to accept the consequences of his words.
- I’m sorry, Marg…
- What the fuck! Colin! I trusted you! I was so stupid!
- Just hear me out!
- Oh, what’s wrong with you?!
- You just have to understand me! It's not what it seems! I am not leaving you for another woman or anything like that! I just feel that I am not ready for such a commitment! Maybe it has to do with my previous relationship or childhood! I don't know!
- You are already an adult! Don't go back to your childhood! Grow up finally! In eight months you'll be a father, damn it! Zabel! - she shouted at him - If you're going to act like this all the time, I'd really rather become a single mother!
Her words hurt him, even though she was probably right. He shouldn't have behaved that way toward his pregnant fiancée. He had to accept responsibility and grow up, but he couldn't shake the feeling that everything was happening too fast. It was as if he had just been thrown into the highest level of adulthood without having experienced it before. And now he had to deal with it all. But she was right, it wasn't his ex's fault or his childhood. It was his fault. He longed to change, but didn't know how.
- Are you going to stare at me now and not say anything? Believe me, you are making your situation worse.
- No, you are right... I make myself look like a pathetic person.... I feel sorry for myself... I’m sorry, okay? I'm sorry...
His voice was breaking a little. He couldn't believe he had gotten himself into this situation, but now he was in too deep to back out.
- I really don't know what to think about all this. You really disappointed me, Colin - she said in a sad voice.
- I understand, I really understand...
He felt all the consequences of his honesty. He did not like such situations. He didn't like feeling this way. It was bad with him mentally and physically. He tried to say something.
- But please, you have to understand... I really care about both of you, I just....
He didn't know how to finish this sentence. He just didn't want her to be angry with him. But he knew it was too late for that.
- Just what?
- Please, you must try to understand my point of view... It's as if I skipped a whole phase of my life and now I have to deal with its consequences... and I'm not even sure I want to do that…
- So what do you want?
- I don't know... I care about you.... I just... I'm not sure I feel ready for this whole marriage thing. I know I'm not a child anymore, but looking at my life, I feel I still haven't grown up. But I still want to be around you. I want to help you raise our child.
- In that case, do you want to break up with me? - she felt anger sweep over her again.
- Yes…
He finally said the word he had been afraid to say for so long. It had happened, and it was too late to take it back.
- Fuck you, Colin! - she got out of bed, picked up some clothes and left the bedroom. She went downstairs.
He heard her start to get dressed and look for her car keys. She cursed him loudly.
- Wait! Marg! - he yelled after her when he heard her trying to open the door and leave.
He ran down the stairs, stumbling.
He couldn't believe he had fucked up everything like that. He now had terrible remorse. It was almost midnight. What an idiot he was! He hoped there was still a chance to fix it, but he knew that was highly unlikely.
- What?! Let me go! You've messed everything up enough!
- Don't leave yet, we still need to talk...
- About what?! You said you, were breaking up with me! - she tried again to open the door.
- Yes, but let me explain it a little more...
- Very funny! What do you want to explain? You have said enough!
- Well... as I said, I will be there for you and the baby, but as a friend, not as your husband...
- I don’t need a fucking friend! I need a boyfriend and then a husband!
- I'm sorry... but I don't want to be your husband... at least not yet...
- I'm leaving, really, enough… - she grabbed the handle and opened the door.
- Wait! Please! Please don't get in the car and drive away! Don't leave me! - he felt desperate, he didn't want her to leave him like this.
- I really don't have anything more to say…
- Are you going to just leave me like that?
He felt hurt that she decided to leave him so suddenly. He felt he was about to cry. It didn't occur to him what had just happened. He didn't want to believe that the conversation would end like this. He tried to grab the door handle and stop her from leaving.
- What do you want from me! I'm really tired, you know? Your behavior, Colin... I just can't take it anymore! I've been patient... but now... I'm leaving...
- Please! Please… just don’t go! I don’t want to lose you! Marg!
His fingers kept touching the door handle, trying not to let her just walk away. He didn't want to give up just yet.
- But you did…
- Yes, but... but I would still like to stay in your life! I screwed up! I know, I made a mistake! I don't know what got into me! I’m fucked up!
- I’m really confused, Colin. I need to think about it... but not here - she sighed - I don't want to be here anymore.
- Wait! Where are you going to sleep?
- My home.
- Are you staying there until you make a decision?
- I don’t know, I really don’t know.
- Well... I hope you won't stay like this for too long... I will miss you...
- I don't know if I will miss you. You disappoint me, Colin. It really hurts. I don't want to stress anymore. I'm pregnant, I can't stress.
- But… I… just…
He felt desperate again, and the thought of her being alone in her house, without him, made him feel even worse. He felt tears coming to his eyes.
- You just fucked up, Colin - she whispered and started crying.
- Fuck! Hey! Hey… don’t cry… please! - he was crying too.
- How? How do you want me to don’t cry? It’s impossible!
He was beginning to feel even more distraught, not only at the thought of losing her forever, but also at the sight of her upset in such a state, he was a terrible person for exposing her to all this.
He pulled her close and hugged her tightly.
- I know... I'm sorry really...
- I'm tired of all this...
He held her in a hug, not letting her go yet.
- I know... but please stay. I can't just let you go...
- You don't want me, I get it. You don't have to repeat or explain it to me.
- No, no… no I'm the one who messed up here... it's me, it's my fault... but we can fix it. I beg you to stay - he tried to fix it, he couldn't just end it.
- I want to go to sleep, I’m tired. But I don’t want to sleep with you. You’re sleeping on the couch - she released herself from his grasp.
- Please don't make me sleep on the couch...
- You did it to yourself, it wasn't me.
- I know, but... can't we spend one more night together? - he looked at her with pleading eyes.
- No.
- Please…
- I said no!
- So please, just one last hug!
- Don’t be ridiculous! You’re pathetic! - she moved upstairs to his bedroom - don't you dare come to me at night. You sleep on the couch, remember!
- I know…
He felt absolutely terrible about the idea of sleeping on the couch, it was as if she had completely pushed him away. He felt like he no longer had her trust, if not her love at the moment.
- Good night, Colin - she locked the bedroom door behind her.
- Good night, Marg… - he said with a slight defeat in his voice, watching Marg close the door. He then walked over to the couch to lie down on it, alone, feeling like the worst person ever - I love you, Marg - he whispered and closed his eyes.
Marg woke up at 5 a.m., sighed and got out of bed. She did not feel nauseous today. She felt pretty good, but she didn't get enough sleep. She went quietly to the bathroom. She saw that Colin was still sleeping downstairs. Being in the bathroom she cried, she couldn't stop it. She went back to his bedroom and started packing her things. She didn't want to leave anything behind. She quietly went downstairs and looked towards the couch where Colin was sleeping. He was breathing quietly. She was sorry that it didn't work out for them after all. She hoped they would get along somehow. Colin was apparently not ready for such a big step in his life.
She walked to the door and began to put on her shoes and coat. She heard Colin move.
He was still trying to fall asleep when he heard her moving. He opened his eyes and saw her getting dressed to go out.
- Are you going somewhere? - he asked, his voice sounding a bit tired. He was still half asleep, but he was beginning to feel that something was happening.
She did not answer right away. She merely looked at him with sad eyes.
- I'm going back to my house. I won't bother you with my person.
- But... - he got up quickly from the couch and walked over to her. He wanted to stop her - wait, we're not done talking...
- I don't want to talk to you right now. I want to be alone now, in my house. Please let me go.
- Can't you at least listen to me?
If only she had listened to him, they probably could have fixed it. That scenario in his mind couldn't look that bad, could it? He didn't want to accept that everything was over between them, at least not yet.
- Colin, please… - she felt she was about to cry again.
- Marg, please…
- I don’t know what to do… I don’t want to cry anymore - she began to cry while covering her face with her hands.
- Marg, oh no, please don't cry…
He felt terrible that he had put her in such a state. If only he had been more careful and not said such things, it probably could have been fixed. But no, he just had to screw it all up! He was willing to do anything to make her stop crying like that, she couldn't suffer because of him.
- I can't figure it out, I just can’t… I don’t understand you anymore!
A few tears also flowed into his eyes as he saw her break down. He really regretted not keeping his mouth shut. And the worst part was that he took the subject of their breakup as a priority, thinking only of himself. He just wanted to prepare her for the idea, not immediately pursue it. But, of course, it was clear that this did not go his way at all…
- I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.... - he said, desperately trying to comfort her.
- Please, let me go - she walked to the door.
- Marg, please don't go... - he begged. He walked to the door to block it from her and not let her leave.
- Please… - she was still crying, but forced herself to look at him.
He tried to hug her. He really hoped she would let him. There was nothing left for him to do but try to comfort her with his arms. He knew that this always worked on her. But he didn't know if it would be effective this time, too.
Marg stepped back, seeing Colin's intentions. She shook her head negatively.
- Please, don't touch me - she whispered.
Colin noticed what she was doing as she tried to push him away. She didn't even want him to comfort her... He really messed it up...
This sight was breaking his heart. Her tears and her closed off attitude... she was done with him... He felt his heart shatter into pieces. He felt weak, tottering on his feet. He was speechless.
- I have to go. I want to be alone in my house. I want to think it all over. I want to rest.
- Marg… please… I…
- No, Colin. Please understand. I want to be alone now - she pressed the handle and opened the door - I'm not leaving forever. As I said, I have to think it all over - she stepped outside. She looked at him with weepy and sad eyes - goodbye, Colin…
She left, closing the door in front of him.
He stared blankly at the door. He stood there, not believing what had just happened. Marg was gone, she had really left him. She pushed him away.
He started breathing deeply, not really able to catch air. It was as if he started to panic. He needed to calm down. He went to the window, tilted the curtain slightly and watched Marg put her things in the car.
It still didn't occur to him what had just happened. He found himself in the worst possible scenario.
She got into the car and started it. He watched as she slowly backed out of the driveway. He felt like running after her, but his legs were heavy. His body refused to obey him. He sat resignedly on the floor and covered his face with his hands. He cried, unable to stop it. His world had collapsed. It was happening to him again. He tried to tell himself that it wasn't really happening. This was some kind of nightmare. She had really left him and was about to start living her own life without him. He knew that he had absolutely no one to blame for his failure and stupidity except himself.
He got up from the floor and walked quickly to the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator and took out a beer from it. He opened it and drank the entire contents of the bottle. He moved the bottle away from his mouth and looked at it. He shouted and threw it with all his strength on the floor. Glass splashed all over the kitchen and cabinets.
- Fuck! Fuck!
Part one
Part two
Part three
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who follows the rules anyway?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
pairing : anthony lockwood x she/her reader
word count : 3.4k
notes : with this part the plot actually takes off, more will happen in part 3 obviously i'm just getting started ;)
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The following day they met again at the client’s house to take care of the final details. They explained that the clock was the source and that they had to get rid of it for the haunting to cease. She simply needed to open the case and they would be on their way. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as easy as it should have been.
“This clock has been in my family for generations. I don’t care what you say, you are not taking this heirloom to be burned among other rubbish.” Mrs. Overton was very upset. She didn’t want to hear any advice given and categorically refused to open the case.
“I understand your disappointment Madam, but if you want your house to be safe again, I really don’t see any other solution.” Mrs Dufour explained.
The conversation had been lasting for hours. Well, metaphorically at least. It really had been 15 minutes, but hearing a client complain about the source wasn’t what y/n liked about her job.
“What if you got display cases made out of silver glass?”
All eyes turned to her.
“Maybe we could find a compromise, we keep your clock while you install new displays and put it back once everything is made safe. That way you can still enjoy your family’s history without the creeping fear. Would that be possible Mrs. Dufour?”
“I don’t think-”
“That is an excellent idea!” Mrs. Overton exclaimed.
“But Mrs. Overton I’m not sure it could be that simple. I really think you should consider giving up your clock.” Mrs. Dufour objected.
“I’d rather keep it. Hopefully you oversee young people with practical solutions! You should listen to them.”
Kipps and Bobby had smiles on their faces, but Mrs. Dufour glared in her direction.
They agreed on a date to bring back the clock, signed a few papers and soon after the team was on its way back to the Fittes headquarters.
“You did a great job keeping our client satisfied today y/n. I’m really impressed.” Kipps said.
“Th- Thank you. That means a lot.” She looked down at her feet, she felt incredibly intimidated. Somehow, she still wasn’t used to receiving that many compliments. She finally got those four words she had waited a month to hear. Her dream of taking on more responsibilities was getting closer, she could feel it.
“Miss y/n, could I have a word with you?”
Her happiness was cut short. Was she really in trouble because she tried to keep a client happy with their service?
“Your behavior today was extremely disrespectful. Contradicting a supervisor in front of a client is beyond unprofessional. What image of the Fittes organization does it send? I hope you won’t do this again.”
“I was just trying to keep Mrs. Overton satisfied. But I understand.” She tried to remain civil. But really she had a hard time not rolling her eyes.
“Good. Now I must leave, I have another appointment.”
“I can take the clock back to Fittes’ if you want. It’s where we’re headed anyway.”
“Thank you but it won’t be necessary.”
“Really it’s no trouble at all.”
“I’ll take care of it myself, no need to insist. Good day.”
What a nice and pleasant person. Clearly if she considered this insubordination, she must have had her hands full when she had to supervise George. As she thought about him, she noticed how insistent she was on bringing the clock back herself. Especially if she had another meeting before…
“You should break into her office too.”
“Haha very funny. Will you ever stop making fun of George? He really was worth knowing if you gave him a shot. You shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss him.” she told El.
“I’m not joking. If he’s such a great guy maybe, he was onto something. And her behavior with you was in fact very suspicious.”
“I think I might be reading into some things. I was tired, I’m probably not even remembering it right. Plus, it would serve me right if I got caught and ended up like George. How am I supposed to become a higher up in the Fittes organization with that on my record?”
“Yes, but you don’t see the bigger picture. If you expose her activities, you get all the praise and move up the ladder even faster.”
They couldn’t be serious. How could they even offer to do this? On the other hand, she was very curious to see what Mrs. Dufour could be hiding.
“There’s no way I’m doing this.”
“I wouldn’t let you do this alone! I’ve got your back. I would be on the lookout; you take five minutes inside her office and you come out without being seen. It’s no big deal. And if she is at a meeting right now chances are she won’t be back for hours. Now’s our chance!”
She considered their offer. How could she even think about doing this? But if she didn’t find anything, it would put to rest her suspicions. And if they did find something, it would benefit her in every way possible.
“Okay let’s go right now. But I’m only staying inside for two minutes, non-negotiable.”
“As you wish.”
They located the office easily. It was on the first floor, second office on the left after the elevators. It was lunch time, everything was quiet. y/n couldn’t believe she was actually doing this. Her mind dissociated from her body. It went totally blank and watched as her fingers methodically picked the lock to Mrs. Dufour’s office. El stayed outside to warn her if someone came nearby. She entered the room with determination, trying to remain calm. Her heart was beating atrociously fast. What was she doing? As she stared at the desk in front of her she realized she had no idea what she was looking for. A source from another case that hadn’t been burned maybe? She opened a first drawer, and a second, a third… Nothing. That was such a bad idea. She had to leave. Now. As she turned around the door slammed. Oh no. Was Mrs. Dufour back already? Would El be able to distract her long enough for her to exit discreetly?
“I heard her mumble something about sources being stolen and suspicious behaviors, I didn’t catch all of it but it sounded like nonsense.”
That was El’s voice. What were they doing? She heard steps coming her way. She needed to hide. As she stepped behind a coat hanger near the door, Mrs. Dufour entered the room.
“Miss y/n, I know you are in here. Come out. Right. Now.”
She was holding her breath. There was no escape. She took a step forward. El was standing next to Mrs. Dufour. But they didn’t look panicked. In fact, they were smiling.
“I can’t believe this is the second agent I find here illegally this week. Between your behavior this morning and your break-in, insubordination isn’t enough to describe your insolent attitude.”
No words came out of her mouth. The shock she felt froze her in place.
“You are of course fired, that goes without saying. You can collect your things, I want you gone by the end of the day.”
“I’ll walk her out.” El said, a proud look on their face.
This wasn’t happening. It was just another vivid dream that merged with reality. She was going to wake up in her bed, the sun slowly rising in her window, and none of this would have happened. This could not be the end of her career. Her dream could not be crumbling in front of her eyes in just an instant, to be replaced with a horrific nightmare instead. No this wasn’t real.
“I can’t believe you followed me that easily to be honest.”
She looked up at El, tears now starting to blur her vision. She could only frown.
“But I guess when you’re that naïve and gullible you can’t possibly be qualified to be a supervisor. People like you shouldn’t be put in charge at all to be honest. I’ll never understand why you of all people were selected to be on Kipps’ team. Well now I guess there’s a spot open.” They said with a wink.
She shoved her “friend” aside.
“You betrayed me to get my job?”
“I would say I was smart and did my job correctly, betray makes me sound like a villain.”
y/n had shared a room with El for the past 4 months, she had grown to like them. Of course they were close, they basically lived together. Trust was part of the deal. How could she ever sleep next to that person again? Oh. Right. She wouldn’t have to. As of now she didn’t have a job and didn’t have a place to live either. She would be kicked out of the Fittes housing. She needed to get out, to walk, to breathe. She felt the walls closing in on her, she couldn’t breathe.
She rushed back to her room, tears streaming down her face. She opened her suitcase and bags, filled them with her stuff without taking the time to fold anything. She had to get out of here fast, she couldn’t look El in the eyes. She didn’t want to see their face at all. How could they have pretended for so long, putting on phony smiles and cheering at her success when really they just planned on replacing her one way or another? What did she do to deserve their hate? Was she really the problem? Maybe El was right. Maybe she was too naïve to ever be successful. Maybe she had brought this on herself.
She put on her backpack, took her rapier and her suitcase and exited the room. As she closed the door, El was coming back.
“I see you can’t get out fast enough. Good for you. Enjoy the night watch!” They had an arrogant smirk across their face.
She dropped her luggage, took one step closer and punched her dear friend in the face. They brought their hand up to stop the bleeding and looked at her with pure hatred in their eyes.
“Enjoy the broken nose!”
That helped relieve some tension. But she still felt like shit. What was she going to do? She couldn’t just go back home. Her parents would be so disappointed. Not because of the career but because she got fired. And because of the reason why she got fired. She was so ashamed of herself. How could she do something so stupid?
She wandered the streets of London, luggage in hand, for hours, lost in thought and mostly beating herself up. Aside from her life falling apart it was a beautiful day. The leaves were starting to change color, the light was still warm and golden. A fresh breeze rustled her hair as she crossed the street. She had no idea where she was going. She didn’t know that part of London well. She had passed Mayfair at least 15 minutes ago and was now in a more residential part of the city. The white houses had lavender at their balconies and most of them had an iron gate in front of the stairs that led to their door. The neighborhood was quiet and everything was still except for two crows hopping around at the end of the street. She was staring into space when a sudden loud noise made her jump. It was a malfunctioning ghost lamp that had went off even though curfew wasn’t for another couple of hours. It made her look up and she saw a sign reading Portland Row. That sounded familiar. Where had she heard of that street before? Wasn’t George living nearby? What was the number he had told her… 45? No, 35. She could always pay him a visit. It’s not like she had any place to be.
She hesitated. He would probably laugh at her. Though the situation was ridiculous. At least she would make someone smile. And she would get a cup of tea before wandering some more for the whole night. She looked for the number 35 and saw the sign across the street. She stared at the house for a while. She felt nervous for some reason. She looked at herself in a car window. She looked like a mess. Her hair was tangled, her eyes swollen from crying so much. George would probably take pity on her. That was so embarrassing. But given how her day was going she didn’t really care anymore.
As she opened the iron gate, she noticed a wooden sign that read “A. J. Lockwood & Co. Investigators”. The name didn’t ring a bell. The sign looked brand new. She vaguely remembered George mentioning a friend he was working with, but it didn’t look like she had met them before.
She felt lost. She wanted to run away, her shame growing with every step she took towards the door. It was almost unbearable. Burying herself into the woods in the middle of nowhere sounded more appealing suddenly. She forced her hand to knock on the door. She waited a few seconds that felt like hours. After a minute she figured they might be out. She turned around, ready to leave. This was a terrible idea. It was getting rid of the last tiniest bit of dignity she still had. As she stepped back one step the door suddenly opened.
“Hello, welcome to Lockwood & Co. Do you have an appointment?”
She turned around, surprised by the voice behind her.
“H-Hi George…”
“y/n? I didn’t expect you to come by so soon.” He looked at her and realized she didn’t look as proper as she’s used to. “Are you okay?”
“Not really if I’m being honest. Could I come in?”
“Of course, yes please”
He showed her inside.
“I hope I’m not bothering you.”
“Don’t worry it’s a slow day, I was just cleaning the kitchen.”
The hallway felt welcoming and seemed traditional at first. But as she walked deeper into the house, she noticed the masks hanging on the walls, the rapiers in the umbrella stand, the ancient weaponry on the shelves. The atmosphere was homely but also unsettling. It wasn’t unpleasant or threatening though. She felt strangely at ease.
They settled in a living room with the same atmosphere as the hallway. He brought her some tea and doughnuts she felt really grateful for.
“So, do you wanna talk about what happened to you? You clearly look like you’ve had a rough day.”
“I got fired from Fittes.” She blurted out. There. She’d said it out loud. It was official. George opened round eyes and looked at her in total disbelief. As he was about to say something she added
“For the same reason you got fired.”
George stared at her. His eyes couldn’t get any wider. They looked at each other for several minutes. After what felt like an hour George burst out laughing. y/n quickly followed. She relieved all the tension and stress she had been accumulating today. They laughed, laughed and laughed until they were out of breath.
“You can’t be serious.”
“Unfortunately, I am.” She said wiping a tear. At least this one wasn’t from sadness or anger.
“But what? How?” He could barely articulate full sentences.
She told him the full story. How she hadn’t believed anything he had told her. How Mrs. Dufour’s behavior had been strange. How she got talked into breaking the rules. How she was betrayed. How stupid and gullible she felt. How guilty she felt. For once it was her turn to talk. George found himself on the other side and listened closely to the whole thing.
“You really go all out when you break the rules.”
This threw them into another fit of laughter. At this moment, they heard the front door close.
“Hey George, sounds like you’re having fun. Who’s your friend?”
She turned around to look at the guy who had just entered. Her smile dropped. Could this day get any worse? Standing in front of her was the most arrogant and pretentious guy she had ever had the displeasure of meeting.
He took a step forward, putting out his hand as he said
“I’m Anthony Lockwood, pleasure to meet you. You must be y/n, George told me you would be stopping by.”
She stared at him; her anger rekindled. She didn’t shake his hand and simply waited, remaining perfectly still. After a few seconds he casually took a seat in a sofa opposite the couch she was sitting on.
“You look familiar, have we met before?”
She couldn’t believe him. Of course he didn’t remember. If the doughnuts hadn’t been that good, she would have gotten up and left without looking back. But she was desperately hungry, and she wasn’t so eager to spend the night wandering the streets of London with no place to go.
“You might have seen me around near Fittes, but I don’t think we’ve met.” She answered politely. He looked at her with a strange intensity, his expression briefly unreadable before changing into a complaisant smile. “It’s nice to finally meet George’s colleague.” She concluded.
“Well, more like his employer technically.”
For heaven’s sake. She mustered all the self-control she had left to not roll her eyes. She forced a smile, but it looked cold and stiff. The room fell silent, but it was probably for the best.
“So how are things going over at Fittes?” Lockwood asked her. He was trying to start the conversation again but there was a certain disdain in his tone that she didn’t appreciate.
George shot her a glance before turning insistent eyes towards Lockwood. It was sweet how considerate he was trying to be.
“Not that great actually since I was fired a few hours ago.” She said in a nonchalant tone.
“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” He looked at his shoes, avoiding eye contact. “Having heard you laugh so much I expected a much happier context.”
“Sorry to disappoint.”
“No, I didn’t mean-” He stopped mid-sentence. He looked defeated and just drank his tea in silence.
George turned towards her.
“So what are you gonna do now?”
“I haven’t got the slightest idea…” She admitted. “Maybe wandering the streets of London tonight will inspire me.”
“You don’t have a place to stay?” George asked, a certain worry in his voice.
“All the trains were booked, so I couldn’t go back home.” She lied. She didn’t want to admit that she was scared to tell her family about her situation. “I could always find a hotel I guess.”
“Don’t bother, you can stay with us tonight. Right, Lockwood?”
“Um, sure. I have an extra room in the attic.”
Fantastic. That was just what she needed. To stay even longer in his company.
“I really don’t want to impose. I’m sure you’ll be better off without me.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, it’s just one night. It’s the least I can do after putting those ideas about Mrs. Dufour in your head. It’s all my fault really.”
“Why would you say that?” Lockwood asked, intrigued.
“I sort of got fired for the same reason he did.” She admitted. She couldn’t help the shy smile that appeared on her face. She genuinely wanted to laugh at herself.
Lockwood laughed at the situation too. He looked at her with a charming smile but she felt like he was laughing at her for being so naïve.
“Rule number one around George is to do the exact opposite of what he does.”
“I had my reasons for acting like this. I wasn’t blindly imitating him, she was being suspicious.” She said defensively.
“Maybe next time, or at least if there is a next time, don’t let George’s wild theories get to you.” He said with a wink. There was another face she wanted to punch.
She took a deep breath to keep her urges under control. Giving in to anger would only get her kicked out and then she would really be wandering the streets all night. She could always find another plan tomorrow but for now she needed to eat and to sleep soundly. The day had been exhausting.
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dragon-creates · 8 months
Funnybunny Week Day One: Wedding . It was just them, no one else. They didn’t need anyone else for this moment. If word got out about what they were about to do then Caine would find out, and all hell would break loose. It was best this was kept secret. Only the stars were witnesses for something as special as this.
Read on AO3
Hey ya'll! I'm still kind of on a break but I wanted to put a pause in it to participate in this year's first ever funnybunny week! This event was created by my good friend Ann, who created this on twitter. If you wanna take part in this, whether its art or fanfics etc, you can check it out here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy day one and hopefully I'll see ya'll tomorrow! <3
Say my name and everything just stops, I don't want you like a best friend - Dress by Taylor Swift
It was just them, no one else. They didn’t need anyone else for this moment. If word got out about what they were about to do then Caine would find out, and all hell would break loose. It was best this was kept secret. Only the stars were witnesses for something as special as this.
Jax and Pomni stood outside, bare feet against the plush grass as a warm breeze floated past them. The rabbit was wearing  a white blouse underneath a black blazer and trousers, while the jester had gotten rid of her hat and changed into a beautiful starlight shimmering dress with long sleeves and her long skirts trailing behind her along with a sparkling cape on her shoulders. 
In his hands, Jax held a small black box, holding onto it carefully as if it was the most precious cargo he ever had in his life. In this case, for him, it certainly was. 
He opened the box, two small wedding rings gleaming beneath the star-filled night. “Pomni,” he started, his heart already skipping a beat at her soft smile. “I might not be able to make this nightmare of a place go away, but I can promise you this. No matter what, I will be by your side. No matter what I will protect you from anything Caine throws at us. No matter what, I will love you more than anything else in this world and the next. You are the sun and moon itself Pomni, you make my life brighter every single day and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you, will you accept this ring,” he held up the gold band, “And be my wife.”
“Yes, a thousand times yes,” a few tears streamed down her cheeks, Jax was pretty sure that he was going through the same thing. He slipped the gold band onto her tiny finger, kissing her hand and reveled in the way her pale cheeks turned into a strawberry hue. 
Pomni picked up the silver band from the box, this time it was her turn to speak. “Jax, I know that I’m not a perfect person. I get scared easily, I run when things seem dire, I become overwhelmed by the smallest things. But out of everyone, you’ve always been by my side to help me. Sure at first, you weren’t my favorite person,” she giggled at his fake offended gasp, “But over the months, I felt like you were the one who understood me the most. In a way, you were the most honest with me about this place. Soon, I got to know the layers underneath you. I know that despite your reputation as the resident jerk here, you still appreciate it when someone asks you if you’re okay. You absolutely love hugs even if you try to hide it, you turn into a real octopus whenever we cuddle at night. And when I wake up after a nightmare, you always say the kindest things to me, making sure that I feel safe enough to fall back to sleep. When we get out of here, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So please, take this ring, and become my husband.”
Jax carefully took her hand, guiding her to slip the ring onto his finger before taking both of her hands into his bigger ones, “I do, always and forever.”
“Always and forever,” Pomni repeated, her lips drifting closer to his.
Jax shivered as her breath washed over him. Unable to hold himself back, he swooped her up into his arms and pressed his lips against hers. Pomni returned the kiss with the same amount of passion, holding him tighter while he ran his fingers through her hair.
After a while, the two finally separated, laughing quietly as they pressed their foreheads together. 
It was just them, no one else. They didn’t need anyone else for this moment, this moment where two kindred spirits finally became husband and wife. Eloping under the midnight sky, away from Caine’s all seeing, prying eyes. 
Even when the sun would rise, and they would pretend that this night’s events had never happened. The warmth that the two shared could never be taken away. The love that they have will always be there.
Always and forever.
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ga-yuu · 1 year
I Love You, Even If You Forget Me Part 2 Kurama Story Summary
I wanted to translate this event but saw that I won't have time so I'm writing the summary because I love writing summaries and its more quicker.
Story starts with our beloved Yoshino going to the woods to pick up some medicinal herbs. Due to her bad luck, he encounters an almost dying low-level demon. The demon sees her, says something weird, breaks and disappears. At that moment, Yoshino also loses her consiciousness.
Now the story is in Kurama's POV. Kurama heard that Yoshino was found unconscious in the forest and was brought back to the Rebels' mansion. In her room, when she wakes up, Kurama approached her but Yoshino yells at him in fear when she saw his wings. Kurama was confused.
A few moments later, Kurama was looking pissed. Like super pissed. Seeing Yoshino trembling in fear made him even more furious. He grabs her by the neck and tells her to stop faking it. But Yoshino doesn't seem understand what he meant. Kurama started tracing the magic on her and understood what's happening. The reason Yoshino lost her memories was because she encountered a demon that can eat people's memories. But in this case, the demon was dying, so in its dying breath the demon casted a powerful spell on her so it can live. But it died anyways so it didn't matter. If the demon lived then killing it would have maybe led Yoshino to regain her memories. But that's not possible now.
Anyways, he looks...I mean GLARES at Yoshino as if he wants to kill her but he gets up and leaves without saying anything and Yoshino was left alone looking confused.
Later he goes to his room. A few moments later Benkei comes in to check on him. Kurama angrily asked why Benkei came to his room rather than staying with Yoshino. Apparently, after leaving Yoshino's room, Kurama went and told Benkei to check on Yoshino because he thought Yoshino would feel at ease when she's with someone like Benkei because you know, Benkei has kind personality. Benkei tells Kurama that he did have small chat with Yoshino and she told him that she doesn't remember anything about Kurama or their relationship. She also only vaguely remembers about her relationship with the other members of the Rebels. Kurama at this point could not contain his anger any more. Benkei realised what Kurama was feeling. He tells Kurama that what Kurama is feeling is not actual anger, but deep sadness. Sad because Kurama can't do anything about it. Up until now, Kurama thought that Yoshino's inevitable death would be the only thing that would separate them. But now, Kurama is sad because Yoshino doesn't have a part of him inside her heart.
Benkei tries to cheer him up by saying that as a friend he will help Kurama by fighting with him. He tells him that by fighting he can get rid of his bloodlust that's about to burst out. At that very moment, Yoshitsune enters Kurama's room and told him that he just now learned about Yoshino's situation and that he too wants to help Kurama get rid of his bloodlust by fighting because Kurama is his dear friend. Soon after that, both Yoichi and Sueharu also enters and says the same. Yoichi says that he will attack Kurama from the roof with his bow because he values his life and Sueharu says that he wouldn't fight but instead will set up a counter for lemonade. Seeing the Rebel members coming to comfort him, Kurama was feeling warm and fuzzy. Usually, he would tell them to get out and that he didn't need comfort because 'comfort' are for weaklings. But tonight he couldn't tell them to get out because he wanted that comfort desperately. They're so cute, I wish I had friends like that!
Next day, the first thing Kurama does is go to Yoshino's room. Yoshino was still distant from him but she was accepting him a little bit, which made Kurama feel at ease. Kurama was no longer feeling the bloodlust because he was able to get rid of it by fighting with his friends all night, who right now, are sleeping like dead people in their rooms.
Yoshino tries talking to Kurama to find anything about her lost memories. While talking, Kurama felt like something was off. He then realizes that he didn't see Yoshino's smile since last night. He now looks at the confused Yoshino in front of him and orders her to smile. Yoshino complains that she can't laugh just because he ordered her to, so Kurama thought of an idea. He picks her up without her permission and they fly into the sky.
Yoshino was clinging onto Kurama, but Kurama reassured her that he isn't going to drop her. Yoshino, feeling reassured, opens her eyes and sees her surroundings. Her eyes were sparkling in delight and she had a big smile on her face. Seeing that made Kurama irresistibly happy and he smiled too. When Yoshino shyly thanks him, Kurama gets turned on because he finds her cute shy face alluring. Now he wants to bang her.
They both land on a big tree branch and he made Yoshino sit on his lap. He starts to kiss her. Yoshino was, of course, confused and pushed him away. She asks why he was kissing her and Kurama told her that she is his girlfriend and its only natural for them to kiss. Yoshino looked surprised and started blushing. Then Kurama realized that maybe Benkei didn't explain their relationship to her. Kurama tells her that they are actually lovers but Yoshino was finding it hard to accept that she's dating a tyrant like Kurama. Kurama proceeds to kiss her again. During their tongue action, Kurama felt a painful sting, and he pulls away. Yoshino's face was super red and she scolds Kurama to not kiss her out of nowhere. Seeing her like that only made Kurama chuckle and he was relieved to find out that even though she lost her memories, she is still the same Yoshino.
Pouting Yoshino, then asks him to share some of their memories together, or take her to a place that is special only to them. Kurama starts to think back the places they have went together while poking and pinching Yoshino's soft cheeks. Kurama didn't know which place to say. For him, whether its a dark alley where they had sex or a hallway in the mansion where they cuddle every night, every place is special to him. Then a place comes to his mind. Kurama looks at her and tells her that there is a place in the Otherworld.
Kurama and Yoshino both fly around the demon world. Yoshino was anxious and was also feeling nauseous from the air of the Otherworld. Kurama takes her to their special place-----A small hill top under a huge cherry blossom tree. Yoshino was mesmerized by the sight. She looked around happily while catching the petals that was falling from the cherry blossom tree. Seeing her like that only made Kurama fall in love with her even more. For Kurama, Yoshino's memories were like these cherry blossoms, because they fall and never comes back.
Kurama couldn't contain his sadness anymore and pulls her closely. He tells her that, only her death could break them apart. He thought that it was the only big thing he would have to suffer, until then he promised to make her happy every moment. So in her short life, he doesn't want her to forget about him. Hearing that Yoshino's eyes widened and her voice started shaking.
Yoshino looks at him and tells him that even though she feels sad, hearing Kurama say those words made her happy. With a tearful gaze, she says she has come to adore Kurama. They start kissing again and this time Yoshino was more accepting. Kurama wanted to share his warmth that they share every night. While kissing, Yoshino started remembering small fragments of their memories together and in no time she got her memories back.
When she tearfully looked up at Kurama, he realized that she got her memories back and they hug each other tightly. Kurama was so happy that he couldn't help but actually smile. Yoshino cries and thanks Kurama for not letting her go. Kurama tells her not be sorry and instead started kissing her neck and ears and also undoing her kimono. Yoshino was like "Right here!?" but Kurama could see the anticipation in her eyes.
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z00mbi3sstuff · 5 months
Late night swim
So I've been thinking of writing a fanfic since yesterday, and I need to get rid of that urge. So here is this absolute abomination.
And don't even think about asking why I wrote this absolutely broken mess.
I made this because I was feeling horny for some reason
Also, please check out the official @linkeduniverse blog so you can understand this better. And it's really good!
Enough yapping.
Now let's start!
Notes: Skinny dipping(iykyk) / friends(?) To lovers(??) / mild NSFW / no use of the term (Y/N) / Non-binary reader / reader is taller
It's been a long night for the Chain, constantly walking and barely taking breaks while traveling through Twilight's Hyrule, but you were lucky to not run into any monsters.
Everyone has settled down in a small cave, just in case it would start to rain. Wild was handing out some bowls of freshly cooked stew with wild greens that Twi had picked for him to cook. Everyone was eating their food, either talking to each other or just minding their own business.
Then there was Legend, sitting all the way outside of their small housing. He had already finished his food and had just been sitting there. He seems like usual, but you could sense that he was feeling lonely, so you quickly ate the rest of your food and shoved the empty bowl into the nearest Links hand, which was Wind in that case. Wind and Four just looked at you with a question mark on their faces before putting your bowl down and getting back into theor own conversation.
You and Legend have never really talked to each other. He always seemed to avoid you in some way, but you decided to give it a try. You made your way over to Legend with soft steps as he glanced over at you as you were a few meters away from him. It seems like he sensed your presence. You try to say something, but no words would come out, so you stand there awkwardly as he tries to ignore you. After a while, you sigh and hesitantly sit down next to him. He soon speaks up in his usual grumpy voice.
You thought he would probably start the conversation with something like: "Why are you here?" Or "Are you here to annoy me once again?", but no. You two just sat there in an awkward silence.
You take a deep breath before attempting to break the ice that has formed between the two of you.
"... So... how are you?"
Gosh. That was probably the worst thing you've ever said, and you've never been good at starting conversations, but you've never thought you would be this bad.
He gives you a questioning glare before looking out into the distance again.
"I'm fine, I guess." He answers hesitantly and glances at you again. It seems like he doesn't completely hate you, which makes you feel just a bit better.
"Do you want to do something together, maybe? We still have plenty of time." You suggest with a hopeful smile and look over to him. You can see him think for a moment before facing you.
"... Fine. What do you have in mind?"
Finally. He was finally starting to warm up to you, which gave you a nice warm feeling in your body. But now you had to think of something to do since you didn't think you would get this far.
"... And?" He asks after a moment of more silence. You forgot to answer while you were lost in your thoughts.
"Ah, uhm... how about..."
You start to look around, desperately looking for something to do. You didn't want to lose the progress you've made with him, even if its just a minor coversation.
You spot a lake behind the trees and get an idea, but before thinking first, you blurt out something that no one would've expected.
"How about Skinny dipping?"
What the hell did was that!?!? You didn't think you would be able to fall even deeper into this hell hole!
Legend froze on the spot, the only thing heating up being his soft cheeks, which are now tinted a soft red.
You two stare at each other awkwardly for a moment, both stunned by what has just been said seconds ago.
"I-I mean–"
I stutter before I look away out of pure embarrassment. Legend just stares at you in disbelief, not knowing what to say. He turns away and takes a deep breath.
"We... we can go down to the lake..."
He mumbles as he tries to ignore what just happened. You look back at him in surprise, but start to form a soft smile on your face.
"That sounds good. Let's go."
You suggested and stood up from the dry grass before hedids the same. You started to lead the way as you two fall silent yet again.
The two of you soon arrive at the lake you spotted earlier. It was rather small, but looked beautiful with the blooming lilipads floating at the edges of the lake.
You beam a smile as you eagerly run towards the lake with Legend in tow.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
He asked out of confusion as he saw you in front of the lake, taking off your footwear and rolling up both of the pant legs, making his cheeks flush just a little.
"I'm not gonna go to a lake just to sit there and do nothing!" You respond happily, feeling some new energy arrive before you walk into the cold water. It felt nice to finally let your feet breathe after hours and hours of walking. You turn around and look over at Legend.
"Come on! I didn't bring you here for nothing!" It seems like the refreshing water has boosted your spirits.
Legend slowly starts to approach you and gets as close as he can get without getting his shoes wet.
"Theres nothing in there, right?"
He asks cautiously as he eyes you from top to bottom, wondering how you can enjoy yourself this much because of some lake water.
"Im pretty sure its safe. Come on!" You wave off his concern quickly and look away awkwardly before you add "And also.. what I said earlier... I didn't actually mean that. I just spoke before thinking..."
You state in a more quiet tone and look back at him, still feeling embarrassed.
You hear him sigh before speaking firmly.
"It was quite the surprise, but it wasn't the end of the world, you know."
He speaks with his teasing yet pleasant undertone, giving you this strange but also somewhat comforting feeling all over again. It felt like your stomach was doing cartwheels, but you can't quite put your finger on it.
While zoning out with your own thoughts, you didn't seem to notice him joining you in the water, now standing next to you with the water almost reaching his knees.
You snap your head in his direction after noticing him. The close proximity sends both of you good shivers down your spine. You were only standing next to each other, yet it felt like you two were sharing a blanket this whole time.
Legend comes back to his senses first and clears his throat, making you snap back to reality.
"So? What now?" The Link next to you asks with one of his eyebrows slightly raised, his hip cocked out to the side in his usual manner.
"Uhm... I don't want to make this situation even weirder, but... How about we swim for a little?"
"In our clothes?"
His question sets you back a little. You clearly did not think this through.
"Uhm... Your choice..." You blurted out, scared what his reaction might be.
You nervously looked back at his face and noticd the cormer of his lips quiver, holding back his signature smirk. You knew that this meant that something was about to happen that would have a great impact on the both of you.
But before you knew it, he had walked back to the shore, starting to strip down all of his clothes while his back was facing you. He was definitely doing this on purpose, but you couldn't budge. It was like you're in a trance, hypnotized by his slim but oh so gorgeous body. You let your gaze travel all over his body, the nerves in your hands tingling as if you were touching his oh so delicate but well trained body. It was starting to feel arousing just by watching him.
After a few minutes of silence with the longing feeling of being near him growing, he turns around and faces you. You look up at his face, just his face. Nothing else. It took all of your strength to keep eye contact. You didn't want to look like a complete pervert.
You gulp before making your way to the shore, your gaze purely focused on the wet soil beneath your feet. You can feel Legend's seductive gaze burning into you with every step you take.
You slowly start to take off your own clothes. Not even the demon king himself in all his glory could get you to look at him.
After just a few minutes, you feel the cold air hitting every part of your now exposed body.
You hesitantly turn to face Legend, trying my hardest not to look. You can see Legend doing the same. His face was bright red with the tips of his pointy ears a rosy pink as he was trying his best not to look down.
You decide to take a deep breath before making the first step, which means slowly walking into the water. You've already gone as far as undressing right next to each other, so there's no turning back now. This shouldn't be to hard, right?
Legend soon follows you, admiring your form from behind, not being able to keep his eyes off of you, especially your arse he's definetly an ass man, even though he really doesn't want to seem like a complete asshole haha get it?
Soon enough, both of your bodies are submerged in the water, giving you that relaxing feeling yet again, but you still find yourself being very cautious of what you're doing. You don't want to embarrass yourself in front of him again, do you?
You smile a little as you look at him, trying to make this situation less awkward. To your surprise, he flashes back a small smile that made your heart melt, even in the chilling cold water.
"... Is this too weird?"
You ask as you try to start a conversation in this dead silence.
"... It's good."
"Good? Really?"
You were surprised at how calm Legend actually was in this situation. You didn't even think that he would ever like Skinny dipping with someone. It was quite the experience.
The two of you eventually got into a nice and lively conversation. It was nice talking to Legend like this, seeing his adorable and slightly crooked smile, the way he holds himself when standing, and so much more. It seemed like Legend was moving closer and closer to you while the conversation was still going.
After some time, he was standing right in front of you, his perfect body right before your very eyes, invading your personal space bubble, but you didn't care as long as it's him.
The conversation suddenly stops as both of you look into each other eyes, just zoning out as the two of you stare at each other. It felt like all the other sounds were being drowned out, only hearing each others breathing.
You were so hypnotized by each other, leaning closer... and closer... and closer–
Someone suddenly yelled out to the both of you, which made you and Legend look up, only to see Twilight calling you and Legend from near the shore with his lively southern accent.
"Come on ya' two love birds! Enough bein' horny and get to camp! Dinners ready!"
Twilight yells out and chuckles a little. He always knew that there was something going to happen between you two just by seeing how you would look at each other without ever even having a proper conversation.
Both of you look away out of embarrassment until Twilight dissappears into the woods again. You turn back to Legend and get all your courage together before giving him a peck on his cheek before scurrying out of the water, like it's boiling hot.
Legend watches you run out of the water, his dominant hand resting on his still warm cheek from your kiss, compeltely stunned.
He quickly ran after you after coming back to his senses but still tries not to look like he already misses your attention.
The both of you quickly throw your clothes on and hurry back to the others.
Both of you barely talked while on your way back. Just before exiting the woods to reach the small camp the Chain has made, Legend unexpectedly turns to you and returns the favor, kissing you on the cheek before running to his sleeping bag with his now iconic red face.
All of the other Links stare at him and then you with a cocky smirk. Looks like the wolf boy snitched on the both of you.
I'm finally done! And all in one day! My first fanfiction I've ever written, and that with my favorite character too! 🥳🥳🥳
And if you're reading this, please don't ask how I came up with this. I have not a clue what horny demon possessed me to make this.
I hope this wasn't too cringe to read. Have a good day/night! <3
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adiwan · 7 months
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Recently I was helping out clearing a house and while taking out the old furniture out my eyes fixed on a little box in the corner. It was a wooden box from a sparkling wine producer called "Matheus Müller". The old owners of the property liked drinking alcohol. The box was empty and in a good shape, except from some minor discoloration from age because the wood had no varnish on it to give it any protection.
I have no idea what it contained in the past but I knew what it could contain in the future: my miniature paint! My paint was stored in a rather small box that was way too small for the paint I gathered over the years. As you can see in the picture above it's not a little amount. I just needed to expand my storage.
When I got it home the first thing was to get my hands dirty and use sand paper to get rid of the wood discoloration and a huge printed picture. Removing it was quick and the over all cleanup of the surface made it instantly more pleasant. As much as a depiction of a scene with a river with boats and a castle in the background in poop brown has its charm I wanted to give way to a more cleaner look. After that I gave the box a good layer of matte wood polyurethane varnish that I still was good. I prepared a stencil of the D&D logo and printed it out with my 3D printer and used it to airbush a good layer of black primer in the hopes it sticks well enough the the varnish. I wanted an extra protection in case I messed up the stencil part but luckily it was OK. I had some problems as the air pressure of the airbrush lifted parts of my stencil. For my first attempt I'm satisfied. Originally I wanted to put another red layer on top of that but I chickened out and the black was good enough for me.
For the inside I had the idea to use the Gridfinity system. It is an open source system that uses a grid to keep inserted bins and other types of inserts in place when the whole thing is tossed around (within reason of course). I downloaded this file for the grid and bins and this one for my paint in drop bottles. I could print bigger inserts but firstly I wanted to get rid of ABS filament that warps too much if it were any bigger and secondly I wanted to keep it small enough if I wanted to reconfigure the inside of the box in the future. The ABS filament was a huge pain to print out to begin with. It was the cheapest filament imaginable as it was part of a 3D pen. Not only gave me the filament head aches from the fumes but also many many many print failures due to extreme warping and the filament breaking apart.
The only thing that I can rant about is the AWFUL Citadel paint. It dries up way too fast. The STUPID tubs don't seal well enough and it's TEDIOUS to get paint out without contaminating the paint with other paint. It's another story for another time. As soon as I empty the Citadel paint I won't buy anymore of them. This is why I didn't made any special inserts for them.
Despite all the problems I had I am somewhat OK with the result. Yeah... I see the flaws at every corner and step I made, the prints aren't as clean as it could be but I made something from stuff I was already getting rid of for something another one wanted to get rid of. I rather have it at the state it already is instead of chucking it into the bin and doing all the work all over again for minor flaws that don't impede the functionality and practical use of the box.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
I'll take the bait. How is rei's hospitalization not supposed to be something that helped her? The reason she was put there was crazy sure (the one that needed some hospitalization was always endvr) but its not like her kids forgot about her in the end. Also I believe the long time she was there was just for narrative purposes because hrks wanted her to be away.
Sorry I was gonna get around to posting it, I was tired yesterday lol.
I understand it's shown that she got better there. But I don't think enough people understand that 10 years being locked up in an institution is very fucking abnormal.
There is NO type of psychotic break or mental health break down that should lock you up for a fucking decade, unless it resulted in something serious like someone's death. And there is a reason that there is a shift from hiding people away to shifting them back into their community as soon as possible in several countries (not just the US), OR keeping them out of the hospital in the first place with research based protocols. Rei shouldn't have been separated from Shouto for 10 years. That is insane. That literally will make any parent more ill. Every mental health model you read up on will have an emphasis on a support system which usually consists of friends and family.
Endeavor put Rei in a hospital to get her out of his way, not because he gave a shit about her wellbeing.
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Idk if Caleb put a twist on this or not, but it doesn't matter because the obvious tone here is "Oh, I got rid of her, she was getting in my way." Not positive. Then:
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This is not a happy picture. I mean hopeful yes, but Shouto saying "I'll save her" while she's sitting in this small ass room, alone, staring out a window? I mean this is not...good. TEN YEARS???? I just cannot fucking fathom anyone justifying keeping someone (especially with Rei's circumstances) there that damn long. Holy shit.
And I mean, this isn't even a cultural debate. This is straight up not good for a person's wellbeing, to be separated from the real world, including your damn children only to have to wait for your older kids to decide to come visit you--and only when the hospital will allow it-- for ten years. But if we're gonna talk cultural, look up Japan's average psych bed ratio in comparison to other countries. Their reputation is not great lol. And I've seen plenty of commentary saying Rei's character kinda represents Japan's poor mental health care. It's just commentary so it's not fact or anything, but it's interesting I'm not the only one who thinks this about Rei, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the intention.
BUT, anyway honestly the reason I said that is because I see a lot of "I hope the villains get what Rei got 🥺". And I hate it. Because...she was locked up. Away from her family, no freedom.
Like if the manga is going to go for a "I'll save them no matter what" ending, then why end it by putting them in a place where Shouto felt like he needed to save his mom from?
Also...I mean please. This is shonen, it's a fantasy. We don't have to stick to realistic irl answers to shit. Jail is just stupid, but the hospital ending is even dumber imo. Especially if we're talking ten years like Rei--who was put away by her husband for the purpose of keeping her away from his children.
I mean, let's say we stick as close to realistic as possible without going the jail route--hospitals aren't therapeutic, that's not a healing setting. Mental health care is a community action and the idea is to get people back home with their support systems as quickly as possible. AND! If that's the case then damn, at least show ALL of the UA kids getting their damn counseling sessions too since they've been in two wars? And seen dead bodies of their loved ones? I mean, go all the way with it. But! I have 0% expectations of that happening. So...it's STILL dumb.
Just, I'd rather Horikoshi just go balls to the wall with the fantastical power of love and friendship and acceptance ending. Personally I have no desire to see Tomura or Touya or Toga or anybody end their story in a freaking hospital bed. Just, why. Give them hugs, hold their hands, and send them on their merry, unrealistically sappy way.
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall of Eden
Kino: ー Ah ー Ah. How boring!
Ruki: ...!
Kino: As to be expected of the guy who was born human. You just love that kind of sappy stuff, don’t you?
Yui: Kino-kun...!
Yuma: Who’s this guy?
Ruki: ...He’s a Vampire. A bit of an oddball as well, though.
Kino: You’re the oddball, aren’t you? Family? Those precious to you? Just a bunch of fine-sounding talk! Bullshit!
You guys really are easy to let yourself get blinded by that. Don’t you have any pride at all? 
Kou: ...What’s this guy’s problem? For some reason he really pisses me off.
Kino: Sorry to break it to you, but you guys aren’t worth knowing my true identity. ...Nor do you deserve to be alive. 
Could you poor excuses for Vampires just drop dead already?
Kou: ...! Gah...!
ー Kou collapses
Ruki: Kou!!
Kino: Fufu, easy as pie. I guess a second-rate Vampire really is no match for me. 
Yuma: Ya bastard...!!
Azusa: You won’t get away with this...!
Kino: Ahーah. This really is so dull. ....Maybe it’d be more fun if I try taking on three of you at the same time? 
Yui: ... Stopーーーー!!
Yuma: ...
Kino: Geez. Mr. Tough Guy kicked the bucket first? What a letdown. 
Yui: ( Kou-kun, Yuma-kun...and Azusa-kun as well... )
Ruki: ...Hah...Ah...
Kino: Oh? You’re still alive? Guess you’re the most sturdy, surprisingly enough!
Yui: Cut it out already...Don’t murder...my family...!
Kino: ...’Family, family’. You’re seriously making me gag. You were all abandoned by your true families!
Ruki: Yui...Run...
Kino: Heeh. I’m honestly impressed you can still talk after sustaining so much damage. ...But could you please shut up now?
Yui: Ruki-kun!!
Ruki: Kuh...Ah...!
ー Ruki collapses
Yui: No...Ruki-kun! Ruki-kun!!
Ruki: ...My bad...Even though...I said I would protect everyone...
Yui: No...Nooooooo!!
Kino: Haah, you’re quite the noisy one as well, aren’t you? ...Could you shut your mouth for one second?
Yui: Uu, ah...?
( My voice... )
Kino: Don’t worry. I won’t kill you. I’d hate to have those old geezers from the Church get on my case.
Besides, if you die, you’d get to meet your precious family again in the afterlife, wouldn’t you? I’m not that kind.
Yui: ( ...My voice won’t come out... )
Kino: You can’t cry nor scream, you can’t even call out for help to anyone. 
I’m pretty sure I’d get much more of a kick out of watching you live your life in agony like that, than if I were to put you out of your misery right now.
Yui: ( ...Ruki...kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the World Tree
Shuu: ...So you’re here again.
Yui: ...
Shuu: We’ll be heading back to our Castle soon. We took care...of both the Vibora and that weird Vampire after all. 
Yui: ...
*Rustle rustle* 
Shuu: ...It’s honestly kind of awkward to have you lower your head to me like that. I didn’t do it for your sake or to get vengeance, really.
Apparently it’s my duty to get rid of anyone who threatens the safety of the Clan, even if this person is also a Vampire themselves.
So. You’re still set on staying behind here by yourself, aren’t you?
Yui: ...
Shuu: Don’t force yourself to speak. I’ll send a Familiar to check up on you every now and then, so just inform me if you need anything, okay?
Yui: ...
Shuu: ...It feels strange for you to be so quiet, since I used to always get annoyed at how noisy you were. Well, I wish you the best.
ー Shuu leaves
Yui: ( ...Thank you very much, Shuu-san. )
( However...I will stay here forever. )
( I am the only one left...to protect this place which was so important to everyone. )
( When I lost my family...and my voice, I also lost all hope left to live. )
( However, I’ve decided to at least watch over this Castle, until the day of its demise. )
( When I meet my end...I want to go together with this place full of memories for everyone. )
( It’s sad but...I can somehow tell, that time is not far off anymore. )
( So...Wait for me just a little bit longer, okay? Ruki-kun... )
ーー THE END ーー
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senjutsunade · 4 months
Blind Incandescence
Detective AU
Tsunade was very much familiar with the dark depths the human imagination  was capable of diving into. With her chosen field, such imaginations were often the canvas she came across on each case. She had encountered the most grotesque ideas over the last few years. Seen humanity at its worst but even then she knew that it was the prison of her own mind she feared the most.  How many times had she caught herself stumbling on the brink of insanity? How many times had Jiraiya and Orochimaru forced her back from the depths of her haunting past, a constant presence within her mind, her own memories acting as a poison the moment she allowed herself to weaken even for a moment? Tsunade didn’t sleep. It had been years since she had a proper nights sleep; terrified of what awaited her in the realm of sub-conscious were she to indulge in such a luxury. She stole minutes of rest, abusing both caffeine and alcohol until she passed out from exhaustion, too tired to dream. She ran from her nightmares for she knew them to be her only demons. Yet this….she couldn’t escape. Haunted ambers stared at the Uchiha as she gripped onto his arm, struggling to focus. “Get Hatake….” Itachi was too young. She didn’t want him to know. To see how easily she could break. Kakashi already knew…
Pause. Dark orbs stared at lighter counterparts at the request, as if silently gauging her level of mental comprehension in the present before lowering themselves in respect. Some things weren’t meant to be expounded on. In Tsunade’s case, it could very well be considered akin to an age-old wound that had yet to heal and had turned acrid with time. Skeptical as it had the potential to be, Itachi couldn’t really blame her for it, haunted memories wasn’t a notion he was entirely unfamiliar with. Though perhaps he had a better, if not unfair coping mechanism. It had been all too easy to turn frigid. “He’s waiting outside on the premises with backup, we need to get to him first.”
“Well shit!” This day just couldn’t get any worse, now could it? A bitter laugh left her lips, which only made her all the more dizzy. Knowing her luck, it sure as hell could and would turn much worse. A moment of silence - before she forced her eyes to open, struggling to focus her sight and not let the swaying view she had make her feel any worse than she already did (again was it possible?). “Not the sort of position you had expected yourself to land in, huh?” she couldn’t help but mock him. Call it her desperate attempts to retain some control of the situation that was slipping away from her each second. “Sure as hell not what you’d have been dealing with had you accepted your fathers job offer, instead.” She wondered if she could make him leave if she continued on like this - knowing how the topic was a sore spot for him. Then again the brat was ridiculously perceptive and an idealist on top of that. She won’t be able to be rid of him any time soon. Her eyes closed and she put up little struggle. It was better this way. Seeing less. Darkness was a welcome contrast to the crimson hue of her vision otherwise. Would it ever wash away? The blood? Or would it taint her forever? “And how do you propose – ” she sounded so damn pathetic “ - get there?” the rasp ended in a defeated sigh. Her mind though was already too busy struggling against the clutches of her memories.
@uchihaa-itachi & @konohagakurekakashi
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dadzawa004 · 1 year
(is anon wif da gf trubles) (tw vent, sh mention )
Is hards cuz host has strong connection wif his gf an he relly love her so he no wanna break ups wif her, I no relly like her, she seem scary :( an one da protecter no like her either, but host say is good, say she helpy him hurt body less an da she make him happys an stuffs bu protecter tink do more harm den good :( ben lot fighting in headspace lately :( dey always lot fight between host and da protecter, cuz host no do good mently an he do lot thinks da hurt body, he also get rid of us stuffs :( cuz he say da we no real :( bu is real :( I reel girl no fake peoples, has split lot recently so sum thing definly no goodds, is stressful, just not kno wat do :( host say no tell her is system cuz is probly fakeing its an no wan her kno bouts it, I tried front earlier bu host just scream an said bad words to me :( was no fun
Vent reaponse// TW (long post.)
Hey anon. it's nice to see you again, despite the bad circumstances
Please let this be a reminder. You ARE real. You are real, You're here and you're a real person. So is everyone in your system. I know how hard it is, considering the host is having troubles coming to terms with such. No matter what, you're real either way. I'm sorry to hear about the stress the sys is going through at the moment. I'm sure that the host isn't the only person going through denial
As I am apart of a system myself, I can find myself often wondering if its just me or it's really happening. Which is a valid feeling, please don't feel guilty about it (this includes the host and everyone who may feel this way)
I fear that if this is going on, the front may not be safe to front into. I'm not in charge wether when you decide to front or not. But if you want my personal opinion (and maybe something I did when we were in a similar situation) take front breaks. It's okay to take breaks if you can, and it can be extremely healthy when the stress is off your chest.
The most important thing right now is trying to remove the body itself into a place which feels more comfortable to you and the others. So if you want a place to start, start there (safety is your main priority, always remember that)
Like I said before, we had a host who was very similar to yours. And the situation was a huge.. ball of stress to get through. But I promise, eventually (and hopefully) the host and maybe anyone else who has similar mindset will start to understand their situation and how to cope with it
you have the same power as the host, so please don't feel like you're being shut down or kept quiet. Communication is key, but safety is the main focus before proceeding into hot waters like this
It might take hours, days, or weeks, even more. But no matter what the host will come in terms at some point. They can't ignore something that cannot be ignored. And even if being a system is rough, and it's "easier" to try and doubt your situation; it just isn't healthy. Not for them, not for the system or it's alters, not for the body. The most important thing is to find a way to get along, Live with it, and live with your lives. And I'm hoping that terms and realization will come soon
And please remember that there are resources to take if it's an emergency. Wether that he hotlines, therapy, and others (again, if safe to do so). But remember resources are there to help, so whatever the case, please turn to it if you're in a state of emergency. You aren't alone and you shouldn't do this alone.
I hope this helps. If you need more advice or.. just to talk, I'm here for you. So Is the CGS who run the blog. My messages are also open, so if you'd like to continue to talk, you are free to do so. (no pressure, but the option is always there)
I wish you the best of luck, kid. And I hope this reaches out ok
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
I started this a year ago, never finished it but @sparkinthedarkuk said they were interested and well thought I'd finally finish this.
Criminal Shawn x Officer Taker-
-Shawn doesn't know Takers a officer. Taker knows exactly who Shawn is.
-taker gives Shawn a fake name when they first meet, one of the reasons Shawn doesn't know.
-Hunters actually the one to find out and Kevin and Scott tell him not to tell Shawn. Spoiler, hunter ends up telling Shawn during a gang argument.
-The day after hooking up with Taker, Kevin gives Shawn a list of active officers, undertaker being the top name. Shawn asks about the name and Kevin explains the family situation, you know, house fire, creepy step father thing. Shawn asks for photos, photos which help hunter confirm his point.
-The police have interest in Shawn's gang after rival gang the harts brought him up in hopes they'll get rid of him. Spoiler, vince is a greedy money pig who will gladly take the newer fresher gang in his pocket, spoilers, vince ends up in shawns pocket.
-Shawn is obsessed with Taker. Especially when he finds out he's a cop. Hunter soon finds out this is why Kevin and Scott didn't want him knowing.
-Taker doesn't know that Shawn finally knows. Taker doesn't understand the danger he's suddenly in until he finally gets his hands on shawns actual file and finds out the fucked up history that led Shawn to a life of crime.
-takers pissed that vince would hide this information. That he would purposely put taker in danger just to get shawn in his pocket. Taker becomes even more pissed when goldust tells him someone has leaked police data to a gang, especially if it means its shawns gang.
-Now Shawn is not your normal petty criminal, he's young, quick and surprisingly smart. He was born on the streets, and whilst Kevin and Scott found Shawn, he led them straight to him. Shawn knows who to befriend to get what he wants. He also knows who his target is and how to get too it. And if that means befriending and romancing a police officer, he's willing to do that. (Spolier, he ends up actually falling in love with taker which throws a massive fuckin spanner in his works, also he doesn't know that taker knows who he is)
-Taker isn't the average officer. He's the kind that became a copper because of the pain in his past. After watching his family home burn down with his family in it, he trained everyday, made his way to the top of the academy and top of his class. He studied psychology and sociology. He was determined to be the man to bring his family to justice and he has let to. Little does he know Shawn is the key to this. Taker is a tough bastard and has never had a cold case accept his own.
-They are both after the same man, for different yet scarily similar situations. One is breaking the law to do it and one is following the law to do it. However, both men will do the same thing once they catch him.
-Shawn is a little shit. Turns up at takers home, his bars, his gym and hell even his supermarket. He flirts and teases taker.
-taker has enough one day and pins him against an alleyway wall, demanding to know his game. Shawn just smiles and calls him Officer Undertaker and taker knows the gig is up. He immediately asks what shawn wants from him. Shawn just shrugs and says he doesn't see the harm in a officer dating a innocent civilian.
-Taker doesn't buy it at first but then sees the look in shawns eye that hurts his heart. He knows shawns history. He knows Shawn probably has a good but weak heart.
-Shawn then decided to bite the bullet.
"I also need help. But...I don't know any other police officers who won't ask me for a sexual favour in return" Shawn admits quietly. Taker looks at him. "Whats wrong? Don't you have a gang of big guys who can help?" Taker asks. Shawn suddenly becomes nervous and this catches Taker off guard. He's studied this kid more than any case. This is not normal behaviour from the blonde. "Shawn?" Taker asks. "They don't know what I'm after. They think it's some heist. It's actually more of a revenge thing." Shawn admits. "Revenge is not something I ca-" "listen! Please. I know you've read my file or atleast have my file. I know you know what happened. They do not. I also know what happened to you." Shawn tells him. Taker examines his face. "What do you need?" Taker asks quietly, backing up from Shawn.
Shawn reaches into his bag and pauses as takers hand moves to his gun. "You already know I'm no threat" Shawn states. "Your file states your unpredictable, quick-" "not to be trusted. Comes across stupid but is incredibly smart. Getting inside of minds is one of his talents. Do not trust Shawn. Shawn can and will use you to get whatever he needs to. He can and will manipulate you if it benefits you or even if he's just bored. Psychotic and a insomniac." Shawn rants. Taker looks at him. "My file says a lot. But I was a 15 year old boy who just lost the last thing I loved. I'm now 26 and asking for you to help me catch the guy who saved and destroyed me" shawn tells him, pulling out a file.
Taker opens the file and his heart rate picks up. Shawn keeps his eyes on the bigger man's face, examining every emotion. "How did you.." Taker tries as he examines the two photos. "You know them." Shawn mutters softly. Taker can't remove his eyes off the chubby face. "I know him. How do you..he.." Taker, for the first time in his life, cannot get the words to form. "He was a family friend..." Taker whispers. "Hes a monster who killed my family. Took my mama from me." Shawm tells him.
And all the connections snap together in his mind.
"Ill help you find Paul. We do not tell your gang and we do not goto the police. We do this" Taker tells him. Shawn smiles. "Pleasure doing business officer taker" and with that Shawn turns and leaves. Leaves taker with a folder of information. Takers eyes leave Paul's face and shift to the red and black mask. The eyes that peak from the mask seem all too familiar.
Obviously Shawn and taker end up at their cat and mouse game after they help each other. It isn't a true copxcriminal situation if they actually get along in the end. Shawn goes to the extend of committing petty little crimes just to get takers attention. And taker always catches him and bails him out under a anonymous bail.
It's beautiful.
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whitehotharlots · 1 year
The miracle
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The miracle started in the sky, came down to the ice, tore across the playing field, sacked the quarterback, guided a halfcourtshot into the basket, then slipped across the town, into ravaged blood of the little boy who had leukemia. 
“My blood hurts,” the boy would say.  The pain was evident in his voice but you could tell he didn’t want you to feel sorry for him.  Then he’d perk up, smile, and while nodding like a Mouseketeer he’d add “but that’s okay, since pretty soon I’m gonna get to see Jesus!” 
Oh how the nurses loved him.
This confused the miracle, which wasn’t logical and sensible, like you and me.  It was more like a very friendly dog.  It liked making people happy.  It could smell sadness in the same way a bear could smell fear, it could fly across the world as quickly as light, and it could enter anything, anywhere, at any time.  But it didn’t control itself.  It careened blindly seeking out and destroying misery and hopelessness.  It didn’t pick where it went anymore than a heatseeking missile picked its targets, nor did it show any more discrimination while slamming into them. 
Around the core of misery, though, swimming around the jagged blood cells that tore against the poor boy’s veins, the miracle could find no center.  There was no place to crash into.  And so it circled, panicked, round and round in tightening, concentric circles.  Where would it land?  When would it crash?  It was beginning to frighten itself in a vague, indescribable way.
“Ahhh” screamed the boy.  “There’s a ball of hot water swimming around my insides!”
They figured he had finally cracked.  The chemo had worn him down.  It’d been seven years, the poor kid; had it since he was three.  All he never knew was a little kick of fire every time his heart beat, doctors poking at him, nurses giving him bits of hard candy he could barely stomach the sight of.  Hard to keep up that kind of happy front for your whole life, you know.  Eventually you break up.
“Seriously!  Ahhhhhhh! My stomach is falling out! It buuurns!!!”
“It’s alright” said the nurse.  She turned a little knob that pumped something or other into him.  Calm him down.  Night-night knob. 
“Is it time?  Am I gonna get to see Jesus?”
“Uhh,” the nurse was checking a little CRT screen next to his bed.  “Nope, don’t think so.”
The miracle sensed an opportunity somewhere directly above where it was.  Impatient, it blasted itself several stories too far up, brushing against the throat of a man and curing his 27-day-long case of the hiccups.  Then, on its downward arch, made an old woman orgasm for the very first time, while she watching an episode of “Mama’s Family” alongside the bed of her dying husband.  She cried and cried.  Her husband was touched.  All this time he just thought she was waiting for him to hurry up and get it over with. 
The boy sighed with relief as it had left his body and then, one second later, let out a yelp so fierce it upset even the nurse.  She’d been trained to deal with this kind of thing.  Never heard a noise like one before. 
“It’s true!”  The boy was relishing his horrible pain, the whitehot miracle tearing up his insides like a dentist’s drill slipping through a cheek.  
“Ohh, ooh it’s true.  I am gonna get to see Jesus.”  It was a disgusting thing to see.  Disconcerting, sure, but the nurse saw disconcerting things everyday.  This little piece of shit was happy.  So happy that she hesitated, waited three or four seconds longer than normal to reach over the bed and calmly announce that there was a special code going down in pediatrics, a special code that needed immediate attention.  All the while the kid’s smiling from ear to ear.  She can hear his insides boiling and the kid’s making noises like he’s jerking off.  Goddamn disgusting. 
The miracle was spinning faster than it ever had before.  So fast that all the things around it were disappearing.  Started in the head, got rid of all the gloominess and doubt.  Yes, yes you are gonna get to see Jesus tonight.  Just you wait.  Down through the throat, the organs, the waste products, then all the poisoned blood.  It was more than the miracle could take in.  It kept spinning and spinning, tighter and tighter circles, its head consuming its tail.  Tighter still, shrinking smaller and smaller into a submicroscopic speck of superlight nothingness.  Tore a hole through the fabric of everything.  Right inside the little boy it crossed the whole goddamn everything. 
The boy let out a loud, long moan.  Then, right then, he was already with Jesus.
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Top 3 Best Things to Ask at Your First Visit with Your Orthodontist
As you get older, you may start thinking about the future. For example, what do you want to be when you grow up? And more seriously, how do you envision your smile looking as an adult? If it's time for braces (or any other orthodontic treatment), then there's no better time than now to schedule your first visit with a Melbourne Orthodontist to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. Here are three things that every patient should ask during their first appointment:
Do I need orthodontic treatment?
Orthodontics is the practice of straightening teeth and improving the function, comfort, and appearance of the face. Orthodontic treatment can be used to correct problems with your jaw alignment, bite, facial profile, or gums.
Melbourne Orthodontist can also use orthodontic treatments to improve the health and function of your teeth. They do this by removing decay and restoring tooth structure when it has been damaged.
Benefits of orthodontic treatment include:
Improved appearance
Better oral health
Reduced stress on other parts of your mouth, such as your gums or jaw
What are the different treatment options available for me?
Now that you have a better understanding of how orthodontics works and why it's so important, the next step is to figure out which treatment option is right for you. All orthodontists will offer the same basic treatments, but some may offer additional options as well. It's important to ask about these options so that your doctor can explain them and help you decide if they are right for your unique situation.
The most common treatment is bracing with a metal wire, which are typically used by children or adults who need slight adjustments in their bite alignment. Braces with ceramic wires are another common choice because they feel lighter on your teeth during daily wear and have less risk of breaking or chipping (but they aren't as strong). 
How long will it take to straighten my teeth?
The answer to this question is also dependent on a number of factors. Your Melbourne Orthodontist will need to know how quickly you respond to treatment, how much time and effort you put into your daily routine, and how many hours per day (or week) she can dedicate to your case.
The more quickly you can respond to treatment, the faster your orthodontist can get you out of braces and back to normal life. If it takes longer than expected for a tooth to move into its new position, then that delay will affect how long your orthodontist needs to keep you in braces.
At your first visit, you should have a brief conversation with your orthodontist about the goals for your treatment. Think about what you want to get out of it, and make sure that the two of you are on the same page. This will help ensure that both parties understand their roles in achieving those goals.
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onsiteairconditioning · 2 months
10 Signs Your Air Con Needs To Be Repaired Now
As temperatures rise, the last thing anyone wants is their air conditioner to break down on them. However, like any other appliance, problems can develop with air conditioners as well over time. Because it is quite common, being prepared for it is essential. How, you ask?
First and most crucial, you should have keen observation and realise the signs your air cons sends you. Once you realise these signs, the rest of the process happens automatically, which includes hiring air conditioning services in Cessnock.
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So, here are ten major signs that your cooling system needs expert attention immediately.
Some Important Indications:
1. Poor Cooling
One of the clearest signs that an AC unit is failing is when it no longer cools adequately. When your AC runs but does not discharge as fresh air as it used to or some rooms are cooler than others, reach out for reliable air conditioning services in Cessnock. This could be either due to low refrigerant levels or a compressor failure or blocked filters among other problems.
2. Weak Airflow
Weakened airflow from vents is another important indicator of a severe issue. If some rooms in your home are getting less air than others, it could be cause of three reasons primarily:
A result of jammed ducts
A malfunctioning blower motor
Contaminated air filters
All these three issues result in moulding, stress on the system and energy inefficiency. So, hire required help as soon as possible.
3. Unusual Noises
Hearing odd noises from the air con? The sounds can express different problems like the motor is not operating properly or some debris is stuck in the unit. Ignoring these noises can result in more damage and end up turning into an expensive repair.
4. Intolerable Odours
If you detect any wacky smells from your air con, it is really important that you get rid of them very quickly. A musty smell indicates the growth of mould or mildew inside the unit or the ducts, whereas a burning smell hints at electrical problems. In either case, immediate professional attention is required. Otherwise, the foul odours can have harmful effects on your health and cause further damage to the system.
5. Frequent Cycles
When the air conditioning equipment repeatedly starts and stops, the phenomenon is known as short cycling and is usually due to the appliance not functioning at its highest effectiveness. It can be brought on by multiple reasons, including thermostat malfunctions, refrigerant leaks, or excessive size of the unit. Short cycling not only brings about a lack of comfort but also wears out the system much faster, targeting an earlier failure.
6. High Humidity Levels
Besides cooling the air, air cons also control humidity levels. If yours doesn’t seem to do that and you notice high levels of humidity inside the house, consider it a problem. This can be a consequence of:
A refrigerant leak
A broken compressor
A unit that is too big and does not work enough to dehumidify the air.
7. Water Leaks
Is your air conditioner the root of the water leakage within your home? Water leaks can result in major home damage so they need to be fixed when there are the first signs of it. You usually see water puddles or moistness near the unit, and this is your sign. Call reputed air conditioning services in Cessnock and they will find what’s causing the leak.
8. Inconsistent Temperatures
Consistent temperatures are essential for comfort and energy efficiency. But if your air conditioner struggles to maintain a consistent temperature, it’s a sign of a problem and the cause can be issues with the thermostat, ductwork, or the AC unit itself. So, it’s advised not to delay fixing this issue.  
9. High Energy Bills
A sudden spike in your energy bills without a corresponding increase in usage can indicate an inefficient air conditioner. It means your system is forced to work harder to cool your home, leading to higher energy consumption. But what causes it to struggle?
Dirty filters
Low refrigerant
Failing components
The solution is scheduling regular maintenance by a professional air conditioning service in Cessnock.
10. Age of the Unit
Lastly, while age alone isn’t a reason to replace your air conditioner, units over 10-15 years old are more likely to experience frequent issues and breakdowns. They are less efficient and may struggle to keep up with modern cooling demands.
Therefore, if your unit is ageing and showing signs of trouble, investing in a replacement could save you money in the long run.
There you go!
Now, if you’re looking for reliable air conditioning services in Cessnock or Raymond Terrace, contact Onsite Air. It’s a brilliant place to get air conditioning repairs/replacements. Schedule a call with its experts and see how they can help you.
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