#if it makes sense for us it makes sense period
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ralabbit · 2 days ago
I hate when people say ai makes art more accessible. These people have never made art and they don't even know it. Ai didn't give them the ability to make art. It actually makes it less accessible by discouraging beginner artists from putting in the effort. I think there is a fear of making bad art now and the internet in general is very hostile to beginners. Like if you can't draw good, you will never be able to draw good and people online will hate you. So you need to use ai for "accessibility". Because it isn't "fair" that artists who have honed their craft for years and years are better than you. And it's apparently ableist to think otherwise (despite the fact that historically disabled people have always been making art) But if you genuinely are entirely unable to create art (which is incredibly unlikely, to be completely honest with you especially if you're able to type out pro ai messages). If you genuinely are incapable of making art (and I don't mean "good" art, because no one starts out good. This is not an inate ability that can be lacked. It is not a deficiency that a select few are born with) Then ai will not open the doors to your ability to create. Because you'll have no part in the creating. And if you genuinely have something that prevents you entirely from making art, then I truly feel for you. I do. Because you'll never ve able to make art. AI will never be able to give you the ability to make art. I know this sounds harsh.
Ai isn't a tool to make the art process easier, it is more like delegating the process to someone else. It's like if you hired an artist and comissioned them to draw something. And then, upon receiving the artwork, you called yourself an artist. It's illogical. It's delusional. It entirely goes against common sense. But at least in that situation, you are contributing financially. You aren't the artist, but in a way, you've played a role in the art, by enabling the artist to be able to support themselves while making the art. With AI, you've lost that too. You're less of an artist than someone who is purchasing a commission from an artist, not only are you not the artist, you're also actively hurting artists.
A five year old child scribbling on the wall is more of an artist than you. The smudged remnants of their creativity after their parents attempted and failed to fully clean it off; it's ugly, but it's more art than your generated images. And then, in a little over a decade, the child has grown up and is moving out to college, and it's awkward and sad in the final hours before getting in the car and then the mom sees the wall, still smudged after so many years, and she laughs, and she tells the child the story again. And the child rolls their eyes because they've heard it so many times, but secretly, they're happy to hear it. They can be a child for a little while longer.
Their little sister is in middle school. She's drawing something angry in her English notebook. She is more of an artist than you too. Her parents are fighting and she misses her brother. She doesn't care about school. She wears headphones in class and doesn't listen to the teachers. When they yell at her, she yells back. And then, one day, her English teacher notices her drawings. And she remembers how she felt as a little girl when her parents were fighting, before the divorce. How she felt all alone in the world. She tells the girl, "I'm here for you, okay?"
The older sibling is studying to be a doctor. It's stressful, and they're overwhelmed. They put on the playlist their younger sister made for them. It feels like home. It calms them down. The music is what gets them through med school. They become an anesthesiologist. Their sister's playlist plays in the operating room, calming down worried patients.
One day, the siblings' mom is home, recovering from a surgery of her own. She's disabled and spends long periods of time in bed, recovering. She knits sweaters, finding the repetitive nature of the task comforting. It's summer now, and the sweaters won't be used for a while. The younger sister's sweater from last winter sits on her bed in her art school dorm. It's her favorite colors. It emanates love. The older sibling has it hung in their closet. Seeing it, they remember to call their mom to check on her. To make sure she's getting enough fluids and not overexerting herself, the doctor in them showing as brightly as the patterns on the sweater.
When the dad gets sick, really really sick, the kind that you don't recover from, he moves back into the family house. The mom hands him a sweater and the daughter hands him a hand drawn card. The eldest child sees these thoughtful gifts decides to sing him a song on the spot. They're an awful singer. But everyone is smiling and soon they're all singing along. The wall is still smudged behind them.
Your image sits on the internet, empty and lifeless.
Unpopular opinion but if you don't enjoy the process you should find a different thing to do.
And I think this is true in general but now I'm talking about it in the context of AI.
If you don't enjoy making art and only care about the end piece and how it'll look and how much traction it"lol get online then making art is not something for you, find something you enjoy from start to finish.
Same goes for writing: if you do not enjoy writing and rewriting and then some more and instead want AI to write for you, being a writer is not something you should pursue.
Sure, not every part of creative process is going to be equally enjoyable but you should get satisfaction from solving the problems along the way and you should get a sense of accomplishment on your way of "making the piece yours" and you should have a sense of ownership once you are done.
None of these things will come from typing in a prompt into chatGPT. And I am sad to see so many people are missing on the opportunity to experience the joy of making something with their own hands and brains.
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reminiscingtonight · 2 days ago
Just Friends
Jana Fernández x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
[WOSO Masterlist]
The arms that wrap around your waist should shock you. They come out of nowhere, entrapping you in a mini-prison that smells like the perfect blend of vanilla and coffee. 
You’ve never been an overly touchy person, even the slightest brush from your national teammates often resulting in a hole being burned into their face. 
So yeah, the arms that wrap around you should shock you. 
But they don’t.
Jana’s grinning your way when you turn your head, the older girl giving you an affectionate squeeze that nearly lifts you off your feet before she lets go. 
“Are we still having dinner tonight?”
You nod, her smile infectious as the corner of your lips tick upwards. “Of course. You still dropping by like seven-ish?”
“Six. You said you were going to teach me how to play… what was it…” the Spanish girl falls silent as she thinks hard about a conversation the two of you had late after a game the other day. “Ah yes! Play speed!” She blinks. “Whatever that means.”
You bite back a giggle and nod, waving the older girl goodbye when Vicky tugs at her arm for attention. Jana looks conflicted for a second but you give her a goodhearted shove, shooing her off to entertain Vicky's burning questions before training starts. 
You trail slightly behind, taking your time walking out onto the pitch. There’s a slight haze already settling in as you begin tying your hair up. It’s a slightly warmer than normal day, the sun up and blazing already. You’re not used to such temperatures, regular rainy skies plaguing the skies back home. But you’re not one to complain. Anything’s better than having to figure out the logistics of lugging water clogged tops, soggy shorts, and anything in between back home after training. 
Your brief period of solace is broken by the presence of another body sliding up next to you. 
“So you and Jana, huh?”
Lost in thought, it takes you a second to realize Patri’s talking to you, a soft smile breaking on your face when you finally do. “Jana? Oh yeah, she’s been great. I don’t think I’ve ever made a friend so quickly before.”
There’s a scoff before the older girl is nudging your shoulder. “Just a friend?”
You frown. “Yes? I mean, I hope she thinks of me as a friend. She’s so cool.”
There’s a second where Patri freezes. Then she’s looking at you strangely. She seems to ponder her choice of words before settling with a simple, “Chica, she likes you.”
Your face brightens. “Really?”
Patri has to bite back her groan at the clear misunderstanding painted all over your face. The pure joy that can only come when finding out your “coolness” status rather than romantic interest. 
“Si. She likes likes you.”
A beat passes. 
Patri watches as your eyebrows furrow together, trying to decipher her words.
“You know. Like more than a friend?”
“What?” Your head jerks up, eyes growing wide. “Jana doesn’t like me like that! She’s just being nice!”
You frantically turn your head, checking to see if Jana could hear your conversation. The last thing you’d want is Jana hearing Patri’s conspiracies and writing you off as a crazy follower.
The defender’s on the other side of the pitch, clearly nowhere close enough to hear a single thing Patri’s said to you. But almost as if she could sense your gaze on her, Jana raises her eyes to meet yours, shooting you a smile before turning back to her conversation with Vicky.
“See what?” You shove Patri’s arm off your shoulder, making a point to slap the teasing finger she raises to poke at your forehead. “Jana is being nice. Nice people smile when others look their way!”
Patri rolls her eyes. “Well you don’t see Jana offering to cook me dinner now do you?”
“You’re an adult. I sure hope Jana’s not offering to cook for you. You should know how to do that yourself.”
“You’re missing the point,” she groans, hands reaching out as if to shake some sense into you before quickly deciding against it. Instead, she sighs before giving your shoulder a couple awkward pats. “You know what, forget it. Just… never change.”
There’s a couple muttered words you fail to catch, words that sound suspiciously like ‘stupid’ and ‘idiot’, but Patri’s gone before you can question her. Shrugging, you don’t think much about it, chalking the conversation off to Patri being a weirdo. 
At least you don’t think too much about it until suddenly it’s night and Jana’s in your place and then it’s all you can think about it. 
The older girl hums, stirring the pot she’s been working on for a while. 
Whatever she’s making smells heavenly. Your card game has long been abandoned in favor of cooking dinner. And by cooking dinner you mean Jana doing absolutely everything and you just giving her moral support. 
It’s honestly quite impressive how you’ve managed to survive this long being a professional footballer. Cooking has never been your forte, jumping from teammate to teammate who were willing to feed you back at your last club. And in Spain? Yeah, that was all Jana.
“Do you like me?”
Jana laughs, eyes crinkling adorably when she tilts her head to meet your gaze. “Yes? Why? What have you heard?”
You shrug. “Patri was just being silly today.”
Jana rolls her eyes. “Whatever Patri said she was probably lying.”
Her response gets a frown, your feelings of elation quickly turning to confusion. “So you don’t like me?”
There’s a slight pause as Jana blinks, fixing you with a confused look. “What? No, I do.”
“But you just said Patri lies.”
“She told you I liked you?”
You nod timidly. 
Jana’s got that look on her face again, the one that tells you she’s thinking really hard about something. You’re not sure exactly what that means, but then Jana’s slowly nodding. “Okay. Well I… Yes. I like you.”
You let out a long breath. It feels like relief but at the same time it doesn’t. You’re not sure how to describe the icky feeling that starts to grow in your chest. 
“I told Patri she was being stupid.”
It’s clear Jana’s completely lost the direction of the conversation, the older girl now looking the most perplexed you’ve seen in a while. “Why was she stupid?”
“Well she, er--” your brain grinds to a halt, not having thought this well ahead. All you wanted to do was prove Patri was just pulling your leg, but you didn’t actually want to bring to Jana’s attention the contents of your conversation. Really walked yourself straight down a hole it seems. “Well Patri thought that you might like me. Like, romantically.”
Jana doesn’t say anything, hands coming to a still on the stove. The longer the silence drags on the more antsy you become.
“But she was just being stupid. You know Patri, always a joker.”
Jana’s frown deepens. “What? No. She’s right. I like you. A lot.” Her eyes widen suddenly, everything clicking all at once. “Wait, you didn’t know that?”
Your mouth drops open. “What-- what do you mean you like me?”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“What-- How was I supposed to know?”
Jana gives you a look. 
You feel like you’re on a different planet, thoughts getting all jumbled up in your brain. 
Jana likes you? 
She likes you. 
She likes you a lot. 
Oh god, Jana likes you and you’re pretty sure you like her too. 
You must have been quiet for too long because Jana’s grabbing your hands to pull your attention back to her. 
“Hey, where’s that head of yours at?”
You shrug, trying to fight the blush that’s threatening to rise to your cheeks. Because now that you’re thinking about it, Jana actually likes you and you like her and she’s really, really, really pretty. 
“So I’m going to assume you didn’t realize those three dates we’ve been on were actually dates?
You look at Jana. 
She looks right back. 
You blink. 
She blinks. 
“I’m sorry, we’ve what?!”
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rose-above-dark · 2 days ago
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I’ve been seeing a lot of people joke / say that V1 canonically has a uterus and while I think that is objectively funny / interesting. Are we sure this isn’t blood from the metaphorical womb of Hell?
The text reads: “#INCLUDE ( blood, formal_blood ) FROM "d29tYg==“
Include blood *from* womb. Meaning that you’re gaining blood from the womb, periods are usually a flushing out of blood / reproductive stuff not gaining. I think it would be more interesting / make more sense if they gained blood from the womb of hell.
We also know that hell is alive (see: the canonical reason why doors open/close depending on enemy spawns, the “Forces from far beyond” from guttermans terminal entry, & hell’s eye everytime V1 dies).
Along with this: the symbolism of a womb is also used in the 7-2 poem, describing the guttermen feeling remorse for its source of blood: the person inside them. We know in hell that this still rings true, and the symbolism can be applied to hell in that hell is where the machines get their blood by killing demons made of hell, birthed form hell if you will. Therefore, gaining blood from the womb of hell as you are INSIDE hell.
This would also add to ultrakill’s themes of cannibalism and cycles, see: the 7-4 eulogy and general need to consume blood. You’re eating each other, your fellow machines, what remains of your creators. And depending on how canon you think the cybergrind is / each P rank attempt is (ESPECIALLY since we see hell’s eye flash for a moment before you die) then endlessly retrying until you get it right. The fire is gone, you’re chasing phantoms, you’re chasing your own tail, eating yourself until even the sparks burn away.
And yeah, I know that in the death screen, V1’s systems refer to itself in fleshy terms like organs and limbic systems
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Which is why I’m not ruling out this could be V1’s uterus entirely since we do see its systems in that fleshy context, but still I think it would make more sense for the uterus to be METAPHORICALLY hell itself
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vandme12 · 2 days ago
our serials (kc) with a reader with glasses? :3
Reader who is always forgetting to wear their glasses, making CONSTANT typos in the server, or the characters catching them squinting. Just curious to how that would go ^~^'
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At first, he assumes your typos are some kind of code. He spends an embarrassing amount of time trying to decipher the nonsense until you admit you just... forgot your glasses.
“You should be more careful. Words matter.” He says this like you’re committing war crimes every time you accidentally call him “Vurghilante.”
Eventually, he starts proofreading your messages. If you send something particularly chaotic, expect him to correct it with the same energy as a disappointed English teacher.
He absolutely notices when you’re squinting at something. If you resist putting your glasses on, he will silently place them on your face like you’re a stubborn child. No words. Just the weight of his judgment.
The one time you squint at him, he deadpans, “I’m not blurry.” But there’s a hint of amusement when you still refuse to wear your glasses.
Once, you mistyped his name so badly it resembled a rare plant species. He spent the next 24 hours sending you obscure botany facts as punishment.
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Oh, he thinks it’s hilarious. Your typos? Screenshot folder. Your squinting? Material for endless teasing. They calls you “Mole-ey” and won’t stop.
If you try to defend yourself, they just leans in uncomfortably close to your face like, “You sure you can see me, sweetheart? Or am I just a mysterious blur?”
Constantly quizzes you on random distant objects. "What does that sign say? No, no, don't squint. Use your powers."
Steals your glasses when she’s bored and wears them, claiming they're smarter now. He calls himself “Professor Misaki” while pushing them up the bridge of their nose.
If you lose your glasses, prepare for them to find the worst replacements. He once handed you pink heart-shaped sunglasses and insisted it was an upgrade.
If you squint at them, they wiggles his eyebrows and says, “Careful, if you keep looking at me like that, I might start thinking you have a crush.”
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She immediately appoints herself your “Seeing Eye Babe.” If you squint for more than a second, she takes your hand and narrates the world around you like you’re in a dramatic audiobook.
When you make typos, she just rolls with them. Whatever weird word salad you send becomes canon. You once typed “I need a hug pls” as “I need a hog pls,” and now she periodically sends you piglet pictures.
If you’re squinting in her direction, she just tilts her head and teases, “Sweetheart, if you wanted to check me out, all you had to do was ask.”
If you lose your glasses, she will find them immediately. She has a sixth sense for misplaced items and is smug about it every time.
When she catches you struggling, she pulls your glasses from your bag and slides them onto your face with a fond smile. “I like your eyes better when you aren’t torturing them.”
She once bedazzled your glasses case without telling you. You open your bag and suddenly it’s glitter city. “Now you’ll never lose them again,” she winks.
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Oh, he lives for your mistakes. Every typo is ammo for his endless mockery. He purposefully misreads them to make things worse.
“What do you mean, 'I’d like to grab a dork'? Bold move. Keep talking.”
If you squint at him, he just smirks and leans in too close. “Better? Or do you need me even closer, baby?”
Constantly calls you “Blind Bat,” but somehow it sounds weirdly affectionate. Like you’re his favorite helpless disaster.
If you lose your glasses, he will absolutely hold them hostage until you grovel for them back. And, oh, he will make you grovel.
When he sees you straining at your screen, he dramatically sighs and tugs you onto his lap. “If you won’t fix your eyesight, I guess I’ll just have to keep you close so you don’t wander off and die.”
Despite all the teasing, he memorizes where you usually leave your glasses. He never admits it, but when you panic because you can’t find them, he always knows exactly where to look.
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vaneshifts · 21 hours ago
Someone just said that some LOA shifters are pissing them off and I think we need to talk about it, because it's really important.
Personally, I fully believe in LOA. It all makes sound sense to me; your subconscious can't see, so it assumes whatever you tell it into reality, and if you consistently do not believe that you are in your DR then that's all your subconscious is learning from the experience.
That being said, I am wrong.
I bet you weren't expecting that. But that's really all there is to it. I can give advice till the day I die and tell people what works for me and what I believe and if I really, really wanted, I could even tell them step by step how to shift. But at the end of the day, I am WRONG.
There will always be someone out there who my methods don't work for. There will always be people who can shift purely with LOA, and people who shift very capably while also believing that LOA is a crock of shit.
LOA shifters? Listen up. You are WRONG. To someone out there, you are WRONG, and your methods and assumptions WILL NOT WORK. Period. Better to accept it now than continue on looking like an idiot. You cannot sit there and say that everyone's shifting journey is individual and diverse and then, in the same breath, claim that your method is foolproof and that people will not shift if they don't believe in it. You cannot SHAME people into believing that you are right and their methods are wrong. We all know that the multiverse is infinite, and that means that somewhere, for someone else's intents and purposes, we will always be wrong, no matter how confidently we do it.
I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to attack anyone. But I've also seen too many of those posts of people saying 'this is why you're not shifting, and if you do this and still don't shift, you're doing it wrong.' I just think that it's very harmful and demotivating, and that's not what any of us came here for.
For those of you who already know this stuff and are accepting of it; thank you, you are an absolute gift.
Please just be respectful and be aware. We're all here to help each other, not to be 'the person who is always right'.
Now go shift to your own crazy-ass unique DR in your own crazy-ass unique way, and be proud as fuck if you happened to be able to help out somebody else along the way. I love you guys. Happy shifting.
Note: as the person whose post inspired this one said, look how many people shifted constantly with limiting beliefs and misinformation up the wazoo during 2020 shifttok. Let's not pretend that that didn't or can't happen, because that is also misinformation AND a limiting belief. <3
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eldritch-spouse · 3 days ago
Having parties with Cero would be exhausting for my social batteries as an introvert. After two hours of socializing with guests I need to go hide somewhere dark and quiet to recharge.
You're allowed to excuse yourself after greeting everyone and having at least two glasses of something "human-appropriate but not entirely bland" (his words), if you can come up with something half-believable.
Cero isn't completely ignorant, he can tell when you're low energy and beckons you to him at social events. You're already only allowed to wander within a certain radius, now he wants you glued to his hip.
See, the people you'll engage with are hard to deal with. They're judging your every breath and they'll prey upon any sense of embarrassment, any shame, any stutter and pause. They can't wait to make you trip and fall, metaphorically or physically. Cero, naturally, can't have either of you looking bad or falling into verbal mousetraps. When you're at his side, he takes over conversations for you periodically. You may think this is rude of him, but sometimes Cero genuinely doesn't believe you can save face, or sees the trap coming a mile before you do.
When you're excused elsewhere private, only Rieba is allowed to enter said room without permission. It's not likely Cero has a lot of time to check on you, given he's constantly approached by people, something he's already used to.
He distinctly tends to not bother you too much after these events. You can tell you did a good job if he's subtly smiling while undoing your outfit/makeup.
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cheralith · 16 hours ago
omg i really love your slytherin!kaiser au. !!!! your writing is so good !! 😋 i was wondering if you would do any other characters for this type of au if so could you do karasu hp au 🫡😈
character ; karasu tabito || wc ; 931 contains/cw ; gn!reader, no pronouns used, ravenclaw!reader, ravenclaw!karasu, hogwarts!au a/n ; this was sitting in my inbox for awhile and i honestly didn't really know what to write abt despite wanting to, so hope this is ok! another person added to the harem (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
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karasu has always been a rather fascinating character to me personally; dare i say he's very relatable in terms of how he finds himself mediocre? so he gets very confused as to why he's sorted into ravenclaw when he first comes to hogwarts, the house known for producing the most extraordinary wizards because he doesn't think of himself as such. he thinks he's a fraud.
it doesn't help that such a mentality worsens over the years. he excels at his subjects, yes, but amongst the house that many of its students at the top ranks of their classes, karasu merely blends in with the rest of them. there's nothing outstanding about him in particular that makes him stand out from the rest of his house.
so he attempts to search for a way. quidditch catches his eye because of the fact that in all the houses, there are only seven people on a team and he thinks by being one of those seven, he'd be able to stand out from the house of three hundred-something people. he tries out in his third year and doesn't make the cut and it discourages him from trying again in his fourth because if he can't even stand out in tryouts, how the hell was he suppose to make a name for himself if he'd ever make the team?
what makes him destroy that mentality is when he meets you. early in the fifth year, you're in his group for care of magical creatures, where you pick up on his ability to tame animals just by knowing their weaker, vulnerable points. tells you to press on the side of a hippogriff's neck to help calm it down when he sees your tense on your first ride and that the beast could sense it.
you're discussing about the most recent loss ravenclaw incurred from slytherin during a class break, karasu listening intently. you complain that their newest chaser, chigiri hyoma, was an insane weapon on the field, for his speed was incomparable to the others on your own team and what you've seen in the past.
karasu, who was watching the game at the time, tells you that you should've been more perceptive, that you're the upcoming captain, aren't you?
when you furrow your brows and question what he means by that, disapproving of his tone, he merely tells you that you missed a crucial point in the game that would've obliterated slytherin's newest weapon. that chigiri hyoma can't ride for long periods of time since it puts a strain on his back that he suffered an injury on awhile back due to the resisting air pressure.
"yeah, sure, he can definitely fly fast," he says, waving a nonchalant hand, "but he can only do it when he's about t'score a goal. if y'were able to pick that up earlier, ya could've made sure that he exhausted himself faster."
karasu notices your wide-eyed staring after he finishes his ramble of possible tactics you guys should've done against the other players, pointing out some of their key weaknesses. he asks you harshly, "what?" and despite his sharp tone, your eyes just continue sparkling at him.
"have you ever thought about trying out for the team?" you ask him excitedly.
he frowns and picks at his fingernails, head down in shame. "tried to. in my third year," he mutters. "didn't get in."
"well," you start giddily, thinking you found a diamond in the rough. "one of our old beaters had to step down due to an injury... we're hosting tryouts soon for his replacement."
karasu catches your drift and is quick to turn it down, not wanting to embarrass himself like last time. "no thanks. i'm good."
"but!" you protest, "we could use someone like you. someone who's really analytical. all of us are a lot stronger on a physical sense, but you seem to really have the nail on the head of our opponents. imagine what you could do!"
"... i don't have much experience playin' quidditch," he admits, scratching the back of his heating neck, "i don't think i'd be able to do well as the others."
you bite your lip, trying to think of what to say to him. you suddenly think of a plan that may be just a tad bit unfair to the others that would want to try out, but you think karasu could really be an amazing addition to the team with analytical skills that could compare to a familiar prodigal redhead's.
"i probably shouldn't be doing this but," you beckon him with your hand and whisper into his ear, "i could practice with you. just so you can get a solid grip on the play."
he thinks despite the colder weather, he's heating up a little too fast for his sake when your voice sends shivers down his spine.
you pull back with an excited smile on your face as the professor tells everyone to gather together again.
"i'm serious, think about it," you say to him as you begin to walk off to join some other friends of yours. "we'd love to have someone as extraordinary as you on the team."
you throw him a thumbs up just before you run off, leaving karasu dazed with your voice echoing the one word he's been desiring to attain the status of for years now in his mind.
"extraordinary, huh..." he murmurs with a soft grin, staring at the back of your figure when you chat and laugh amongst your friends. "someone like you sayin' that to someone like me... that's pretty funny."
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weloveluigi · 1 day ago
Speculation of significance of Gurwinder emails with Luigi Mangione and possible beginnings of decline in mental health during Japan trip:
Luigi reached out to Gurwinder in emails shortly before becoming a missing person. This is speculation on what Luigi might have been describing.
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Pictured: Luigi Mangione during his trip to Japan.
In an email to Gurwinder, Luigi detailed one of his experiences witnessing an elderly person fall and suffer a seizure in the street during his then still recent trip to Japan.
Though Luigi describes it as a seizure he witnessed, and it very well could have been, it's also possible what Luigi witnessed was something known as decerebrate posturing; a life-or-death emergency caused by striking one's head such as by falling. Decerebrate posturing can be mistaken for a seizure due to the way the body begins to contort in abnormal positions and most commonly occurs when one falls on asphalt or concrete and Luigi does state this occurred on the street. It can be especially dangerous for the elderly who make up an ever-increasing majority of the Japanese population.
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Luigi attempted to save this man's life, sprinting two blocks to find help at a nearby police station he had passed by earlier on—Side note: it's currently unknown why he did not call emergency services and instead ran for help, though it is important to note that the emergency number for each country is different, he may have just judged that the police station was closer, and there also may have been some difficulties with language barrier at play—I postulate this being the medical emergency as, much more so than a seizure, decerebrate posturing requires immediate medical attention and Luigi expressed distress over the lackluster response from Japanese authorities who seemed to be in no hurry to provide assistance.
During this same time period, Luigi shares a series of tweets about the decline of birthrates in Japan and what he calls NPC behavior. These tweets have struck many as odd, but within the context of his emails with Gurwinder, it begins to make a bit more sense. In Luigi's emails, he elaborates that NPC (Non-player character) is a term he uses to describe people who care more about obeying the rules for the sake of obeying rules, than they do about morality; similar to how a video game character has no morals or logic and instead just follows the game coding as instructions. Essentially: he believes some people lack a moral compass and instead follow rules as laid out on paper instead of breaking the rules when necessity calls for it.
To Gurwinder, Luigi uses the term "NPC" then to describe the behavior of the Japanese police who waited diligently for crosswalk signals to light up before they would bother to assist a dying man. This may give context as to why Luigi made these tweets, as well as give insight into his then ongoing mental health spiral at the time.
From Gurwinder:
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Luigi additionally made tweets about immortality. Not in a magical or whimsical sense, but in a medical sense and described a hope for a future that focuses on medical longevity and the elimination of suffering from age related disease and the fragility that comes with that; illustrating immortality as the best outcome for the human race.
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He also makes other tweets where he stresses urgency in solving Japan's declining birthrates which may also be relevant in context. The decline in birthrate is leading to an ever increasing elder population in Japan who are all at risk for fall, serious injury, and death. There are not enough young people to care for the number of elderly citizens in Japan and this is a problem that is expected to get worse. As these problems in Japan stem from Capitalism and serious work culture and housing insecurities in Japan, Luigi likewise described Japan as the 'canary in the coalmine' for the dystopia that America will eventually also become. IE: He believes Japan's birthrate issues and elder population is a preview of how bad things are about to get. This is a concern shared by some scientists as well. Luigi is a data scientist, himself.
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Pictured: Luigi Mangione search results prior to widespread US censorship.
It's possible he was fixated on these issues as a result of his—what may have been traumatic—experiences in Japan during this time. And in context, I believe they may help shed light on some of Luigi Mangione's seemingly more bizarre tweets and comments prior to his disappearance, or may even have contributed in some way to his eventual disappearance. Without asking Luigi directly, there is no way to know for sure if any of this is truly or in any way relevant to his case. But it's possible he may have been suffering over self doubt, guilt, or anger at society for creating the kind of suffering he witnessed first hand, and that might also have contributed to his decision to distance himself from others shortly thereafter.
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jaijeijayjei · 21 hours ago
Mel/Jayce/Viktor in the Tinkerbell universe
As others have said, Mel is basically Queen Clarion, or at least one of the Ambassadors. She has governing talent (which I think would be symbolized by a scroll?)
If she did have an elemental talent I think it would be light, for obvious reasons. (I’m pretty sure her abilities in league are listed as light magic…?) Plus gold and sun imagery suits her design so well.
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Jayce shares a lot of similarities with Zarnia, so I hc him as a dust keeper fairy obsessed with dustology. They both experiment with an ultra powerful shiny blue magic thing against their mentor's advice, slack on their responsibilities because they're busy doing research, want to revolutionize their society with magic, gets in trouble for accidentally causing a disaster, is/almost is banished.
Or, he would be fire talent and he uses it in blacksmithing (very resistant to heat so he can mold it by hand, using controlled jets of fire to make more elaborate designs, etc.)
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Viktor would be a tinker fairy! He's inventive and wants to improve lives with technology. Also, the classism against tinker fairies in the original movie as inferior to the other talents mirrors the challenges he faces as a Zaunite. (I also get strong Viktor vibes from Bobble)
If he had a nature talent it would be caring for animals because of how much he cared about Rio. Also, if his wings are too weak to fly for long periods, having a bird companion that helps him get around would be cool (like Lord Milori)
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Is it too much to ask for a universe out there where they’re all happy, healthy, and fairies!??
Possible relationships:
Mel/Viktor- Light Fairy!Mel and Animal Fairy!Viktor go on a mission to the mainland to save animals from being hurt by light pollution in cities. OR Queen!Mel supports Tinker!Viktor’s efforts to make Pixie hollow more accessible to disabled fairies.
Jayce/Viktor - Dust Keeper!Jayce and Tinker!Viktor work together on creating Pixie dust alchemy, combining Jayce’s knowledge of magic and Viktor’s talent for inventing scientific equipment. Cue misadventures with two highly intelligent individuals who also have zero common sense
Mel/Jayce - Light Fairy!Mel and Fire Fairy!Jayce work together in maintaining forests, with Jayce doing controlled burns to clear space for new growth and Mel ensuring the newly plants have enough light through the thick foliage. (When they kiss little sparkles fly around them- ew who said that)
For MelJayVik, just mash any of those story lines together lol.
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fog-covered-sekai · 1 day ago
im probably a system, at least it always feels like theres others in my head with me
h111 you dont know me but 1 was tell1ng one of my fr1ends about your sysfuyu post(1've become aware of a d1fferent presence? person? 1ns1de my head so 1've been look1ng 1nto th1ngs) but then they started to share some ant1 system thoughts w1th me like deny1ng the poss1b1l1ty of sysfuyu because theres "not enough alters" "that fandom 1s too young to know what they're all talk1ng about" "mafuyu doesnt even have the r1ght trauma to be a system" and 1t's been really upsett1ng.
1 dont want to start d1scourse on your blog, 1 just d1dn't know where to talk about th1s. 1 haven't been able to f1nd enough stuff to tell my fr1end thay they're wrong yet...
-Ra1nbow anon
Yeah your friend is full of bullshit and lets start with each one
1- "not enough alters" there's not a right way to be a system. We have 100+ alters (only about 20/30 front frequently) and have been invalidated for it, we also know systems of only two people, the definition of a system is "more than one personality". It doesnt matter how little.
2- "that fandom is too young to know what they're talking about" who made that post is 22 and is on college+know im a system for 4/5 years. I know what im talking about
3- "mafuyu doesnt even have the right trauma to be a system" there's no right trauma, our trauma was loneliness, and you can also be a system without even having a trauma, although you cant be diagnosed then. Doctors dont know everything about the human brain, so the possibilities of systems is unknown. Plus its literally a headcanon for fun who said it needs to be accurate?
I.. believe your friend is a sysmed, people who tends to think there's a right way to be a system, i dont think that would change even with stuff telling them otherwise, qnd im sorry you had to deal with that, i think if you try to change their mind start small, like not going straight for the trauma part becayse that.. theres a lot of syscourse around that, but the not enough alters could potentially change, if they get too angry though its best to just not mention it anymore.
And its fine, generally i dont like discourse but you're fine with this one anon
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cipheramnesia · 3 days ago
Hey I'm not a big horror person myself, I get scared very easily, but you're telling me the overuse of cozy has extended to horror?
I genuinely don't know what or where cozy is going, but I decided to poke around and at least find out what it means. The simplest and easiest way to contextualize "cozy horror" is as modern folktales and campfire stories. It's a bit more complicated than all that, but that's kind of the foundations of it.
Alright, so first, my basic searching points to "The H Word: Getting Cozy with Horror" by José Cruz, published in Nightmare in 2021 as the place where it was coined, and seems to be what the few articles trying to define it point to. As far as I can tell, that site is offline, but you can read it archived here. Anyway, this thing breaks it down as "Familiar" (which seems to be primarily described as nostalgia), "Sensuous" (in the sense of stimulating senses - distinct from stimulating emotions), "Distant" (feeling insulated from the frightening elements, or safe), and "Fun" (meaning it tends to resolve without significant emotional or physical trauma). Some of that is me putting words in his mouth, so I'd encourage anyone interested to poke through the article. To me, his examples are what speak more directly. With the exception of "Night of the Creeps" he uses examples like Dracula, gothic horror, IT, the Goosebumps series, Creepshow, and the old Peter Cushing and Vincent Price 70s movies. These examples, to my eyes, all have something of the scary story that gets passed around between adolescents or as online urban legends and sometimes creepy pastas.
Anyway, as with any new idea there's the option of throwing it away and calling bullshit (generally my inclination with "elevated horror"), or taking it more at face value, which I'm a little more inclined towards with "cozy horror." For me, I suppose it's the way the core elements seem close to slightly more old fashioned "thrills and chills" horror that makes me charitably inclined - if you read the article, it's practically dripping with the abstract concept of "the good old days." And that serves as a solid foundation for quite a lot of horror. There's coming of age stories, updated vampire tales, folk horror of all ages, dark fairytales, sure. You know, it fills a useful spot, yeah? It may help that I'm coming from the perspective of a horror movie fan who very ardently seeks out dusturbing and transgressive movies or gouts of blood or warped flesh, without any interest in whether it makes me frightened, that it's easy to see how much enjoyment someone can get out of an evil murder clown which is safely defeated at the end of the day - just like it happens in Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
So it's not quite folktales, but it overlaps and next time a person talks about it you probably know the vibe. However. This subgenres has got a HUGE ASS or, put another way, a big but.
If you clicked through the article first, I imagine your reaction to the first few paragraphs might be something like mine, a knee jerk "this guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about." I think that's not correct, but after the cool off period, it's clear that he's either in some kind of a horror media social bubble, or he's not engaging with a lot of the genre. There's a kind of distastefulness about modern horror, described like a friend who changed into a pretentious stranger after college - as if modern horror has become all about emotional shock value, serious psychological torture porn. Which is not only unfair and incorrect, it's myopic. The ugly undercurrent to cozy horror is the overly pleasant and sickeningly kind suggestion that we don't need all this modernity, followed by the paternal recommendation that it's much better if we all just embrace the old traditions. And I don't think that's innate to cozy horror or cozy whatever, more that we don't always realize when we pull some ugly undercurrent of society up with an idea, and like when has horror not had problematic elements right? But there's no ignoring that a drive towards nostalgia, isolation, emotional suppression, and total safety can take a very bad turn in excess.
So that's cozy horror I figure. Interesting branch of folklore, but needs moderation like all things.
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maxdibert · 2 days ago
“Lily isn’t a bad person just because she married James.”
No one is saying she’s a bad person for marrying James. What we’re saying is that choosing to marry someone you’ve seen abuse and mistreat people for years is ethically questionable. Being ethically questionable doesn’t make you a bad person. Having double standards doesn’t make you a bad person. Please, stop being so simplistic, one-dimensional, and basic in your interpretations, because honestly, you’re not doing yourselves any favors when it comes to presenting yourselves as people with supposed reasoning skills.
The issue here is questioning the supposed sanctification and portrayal of Lily as some kind of moral and ethical compass, which is how the narrative presents her. That is very different from saying she was a bad person.
“Lily didn’t owe Snape anything.”
No one is saying she did? We know she didn’t owe him anything. Why are you all so obsessed with Snape when those of us who criticize Lily are the first to say that she had every right to cut him off because everyone has the right to set boundaries and walk away from people who, for whatever reason, aren’t good for them? Why do you keep using Snape as an argument to derail the conversation?
No, Lily didn’t owe Snape anything, but this isn’t about Snape. It’s about spending years of your life watching someone bully, hex, and humiliate people in the hallways, abusing his power, and not caring. That implies that maybe the character is morally questionable and not as selfless, good, and wonderful as the narrative tries to sell her as. There’s a dissonance between what is said about her and her actual actions, and that is the point of criticism.
“Oh, but she thought James had changed.”
And? My question is, so what? You were still a witness to this guy’s reign of terror for years—what does it matter if he changed? Are you seriously going to date someone like that? It just doesn’t make much sense unless, basically, you didn’t really care about what he did, which, again, calls into question her supposed moral righteousness. And again, that’s not a bad thing, nor does it make her a bad person—just an imperfect character, like every other damn human being.
“Can’t a woman just be good and empathetic, period?”
Being good and empathetic doesn’t mean being stupid, and honestly, everyone trying to sell the idea that Lily was just so good and so empathetic and so loving that she blindly believed in James and saw the best in him—y’all are treating her like a brainless fool with sawdust instead of neurons. I prefer to think she was fully aware of the kind of person she was dating but simply didn’t care because it didn’t personally affect her. Because that doesn’t make her look like an idiot.
Because yes, I have a problem with people justifying problematic choices made by female characters by infantilizing them and making them out to be clueless. That is misogynistic as hell.
“But Lily wasn’t responsible for fixing any man.”
Yeah, no one is saying that. The issue is that THE NARRATIVE OF THE BOOKS implies that if we are to believe James was a good person, it’s because of Lily—as if she were some kind of moral compass through which men either find condemnation or redemption. And we are precisely saying that this perception is misogynistic and sexist and that we should question it because we refuse to see a female character as the ultimate beacon of goodness.
No, look, guys, I don’t care. Seriously. This is all just mental gymnastics to justify the double standards of a character, as if having double standards were a bad thing instead of something that gives the character DEPTH, layers, and actual substance. It honestly feels like the real issue here isn’t even Lily herself but, as usual, the reluctance to accept that James was a shitty person—because at the end of the day, the undertone of all these supposedly defensive arguments for Lily reeks of an unwillingness to condemn James’s actions or admit that he was an abuser. You can smell it from here to Hong Kong.
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chai-en-kaadhale · 3 days ago
take my very correct and based desi hcs
#1 Biggs from ffvii
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delhi guy
he would call shinras president a bhenchod
doesn't speak hindi hindi- rather he mixes some of his language in, but his native language is also in the hindi belt and sounds similar anywyas so his hindi just sounds like a dialect or accent
#2 Anthy Himemiya from rgu (and i mean obv she looks desi but)
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she's bengali 100%
she would make cham chams that are pink like utena and then chuchu would eat them all
over the course of the series she's become accustomed to being quiet and unheard, which is a habit she still has to strive to break unless she's either around utena or another bengali person. in which case yappery commences.
orrr tbh she probably knows a few languages. either utena or another south asian period.
itd also be funny if she was bangladeshi bc she lives in japan and their flags are just the same but different colors
#3 Rohan Kishibe from jjba
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half gujurati half japanese
i actually came up with a stupid oc for him. the oc being his grandma. and im putting the concept here bc FUCK YOU ITS MY POST
He also drinks a shit ton of chai. it's what fuels him through the mangaka struggle
So Rohan's parents eloped and most of his family opposed the marriage except his Super Cool Dadi and she's one of the only ones of his extended family who visits from time to time. She managed to study briefly in an English boarding school but she also fucking hated the british empire and regularly threw shit at buckingham palace at every opportunity. Incidentally, so did Joseph Joestar. They met and were penpals throughout the series. Josuke Koichi and Okuyasu are super chill with her, much to Rohan's dismay.
#4 - Demifiend from smt3
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We don't know. that naoki is fully japanese. okay.
He has the brown boy lashes
There's a GIF on tenor that has the demifiend and it says "why am i brown" so CLEARLY-
From vibes alone he's either Kannada or Marathi, leaning more towards Kannada imo
#5 - Sumeru Character Rapid Fire
Nahida - She's from Himachal Pradesh bc she looks like she'd be from a place called Himachal Pradesh. But definitely Northeast or Nepali.
Tighnari - He's Malayali bc ever since his release ive been using his white cloth thing to justify calling him a femboy bc it looks like those sarees from kerala. not that he needs any. fruit.
Collei - Collei's tamil bc im tamil and my Tamil Senses went off upon seeing her
Alhaitham - Uttar Pradeshi probably (if south asian at all)
yeah ok youre free now byebye
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strange-summertime · 28 days ago
I suddenly remember : a friend and I watched Atlantide (Disney movie) this week and we were trying to associate every members of the cast with a Starmania character. I vaguely remember Crystal as Kida and Milo as... Johnny ?? I can't right now but I WILL elaborate
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3liza · 6 months ago
the number of afab people replying to the pain poll going "yeah I've broken limbs and had 1st degree burns and given birth but nothing tops my menstrual pain" is so fucked up it is unbelievable. and I was right there with everyone else until I stumbled on a low dose progestin regimen that just made me stop menstruating. which I would recommend to everyone except it just doesn't work for everyone. ask your doc about it though, it won't cause permanent side effects or injury to try it out. i take norethindrone 2.5mg 2x/day. this dose has to be different for each patient to work correctly, that's just what I take. there's some research to suggest synthetic progesterone like norethindrone is carcinogenic so I'm going to look into switching. anyway i just got extremely lucky. there is seriously nothing like it. it was the worst pain I ever felt until the urology incident and frankly I think the menstrual pain was already a factor in the outcome of the urology incident
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rouge-fauna · 2 months ago
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