#if anyone wants me to write the names of the other foretellers I will
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He is that kind of parent
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sineala · 1 year
So, Tony’s marrying Emma Frost now? I feel like Tony’s the only character that toss around like this, in that sense. What number wife will this be?
Uh... one, assuming it happens? Tony has never been canonically married before in 616.
He has had one retconned engagement to a woman named Joanna Nivena, who left him when he decided to be Iron Man. He was serious enough about Rumiko Fujikawa to want to marry her, IIRC, but he never had the chance to propose to her before she was killed. He proposed to Patsy and she said no. As far as I know, that's it. He's dated a lot of characters and he's generally very serious about them and I wouldn't be surprised if canon had said he had seriously considered marrying at least a few others that I can't name off the top of my head, but, yeah, he's only been engaged once.
(Across the multiverse, he's clearly been in serious relationships at least a few other times and famously engaged to Natasha in Ults, but the only non-MCU universe I can think of right now where canon has focused on him being married to anyone is the one where he's married to... Steve.)
Also, this shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone? We have known Tony and Emma have had a Friends With Benefits thing going, as was established in Civil War, like, fifteen years ago. We have specifically known for the past four years that the wedding was coming, ever since History of the Marvel Universe came out in 2019, and made several prophetic statements about the future, including this:
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This is not coming out of nowhere; we have had four years of lead time. So far I think about half the things on that page have come true. Maybe more? I haven't checked in a while. So honestly for the past four years of comics I have been saying that I was still waiting for the Tony/Emma wedding, as the prophecy foretold, and that it seemed likely to be some kind of politically-motivated marriage for mutant/human relations especially given that Tony is canonically a member of the Hellfire Club, which has also been true for years, and that seems to be exactly how this is playing out, judging by today's announcement. As I was expecting.
I really like how Duggan has been writing Tony, and how he's been writing Tony and Emma, and I've always thought it would be interesting to see more Tony/Emma in canon, so I think this is gonna be a lot of fun while it happens and maybe there will be more Tony/Emma fic because the few I have read have been great. Tony in relationships with telepaths has been something I've thought was interesting for a while and I don't think we're ever getting Marianne Rodgers back, so Emma it is.
Given Marvel's track record with their characters' marriages I feel that there's no way this is lasting more than six months assuming the marriage happens at all (as the prophecy only foretells a wedding) and honestly I'm hoping no one sells them to Mephisto because seriously, he already also collected Strange and Clea's marriage for a bit in addition to Peter/MJ. I don't know why that dude wants marriages so much.
Honestly, if you want to talk about weird and unexpected canonical relationships involving Emma Frost, I am STILL not over the part where it appears to be canon right now that (1) Steve and Sharon have been in an open relationship for a while, (2) Steve and Emma slept together at the last Hellfire Gala, and (3) it was mommy kink. Because I assure you I absolutely didn't see that coming.
So basically I am intrigued now that the time of Tony/Emma is upon us as foretold in the prophecy. Also I hope fandom brings me some It's Complicated Steve/Tony/Emma because I can't believe we're really just going to leave the canon Steve/Emma thing alone, fandom, and oh my God it is all SO MUCH. Comics. Comics are so Very Comics sometimes.
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teneguine · 2 years
Pumpkin’s Vice
Reason and Faith band together to put on this month’s special seminar: the history of tasseomancy! You will be learning the “magic” behind divination and how the old masters used the remains of tea leaves and coffee grounds to predict future events. Just in time for the moon of love, you will all be divining your romantic futures from a delicious cup of white rose tea. [Grants Reason or Faith +1]
“Of course my predictions are accurate! Watch, mortal: I shall perform a divination before your very eyes! Then will you see that my powers are a thousand thousand percent legit!”
Odin doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing.
He was there during the seminar--showed up, signed his name on the attendance and all--but mentally? he was the furthest thing from present. One word about the mystical ability to read the future from tea lines and he was off, thinking up his next lucrative scheme. You see, Odin was more concerned with what he’d do with the power than the power himself. Or how to even practice tasseomancy, or any of its specifics. Instead of writing notes detailing which beans to brew he was doodling up his next big scene--coming up with all the different lines he’d shout when foretelling a battle.
What he does is a disgrace to the art, because again, he doesn’t actually know the steps. He has with him everything he needs: water, freshly boiled; the sample teas given to everyone to try a reading with; a cup to brew it in; and an audience. But instead of making tea the normal way (you know, with a teapot and all) he simply throws the entire sample into his cup, pours out his hot water, and watches as it rises to the surface. Then his ‘reading’ begins, which is all just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo he’s making up on the fly.
“Hmm... Right there! Did you see the way that part broke off from the rest? That signals the ferocity of a lone wolf, the electrifying greatness of he who strays from the pack! Though I may be destined for a life of solitude, that solitude is my sharpest sword! It cuts through foe--WAIT!” 
“Don’t blink, or you’ll have missed it! The wolf floated back to the pack! ...This can only mean a great battle lies before me. It shall be grim--a tale of heartfelt betrayal--but the wolf’s fang is like a flaming glacier! Impenetrable! Invincible! Indestructible! BANG! KAPOW! My fangs sink into the unjust, avenging the fallen even at the cost of my most precious bonds!” 
And thus Dark concludes, folding his arms across his chest and tilting his chin toward the student. An impressive feat, if you ask him... But a display of idiocy, if you ask anyone else. He seems pleased by the result, now wearing pride on his face and in the way he shuts his eyes--but it is undoubtedly misplaced. “Pretty cool, right? That’s the stygian future in store for Oberon Dark, Hero of an Epoch. I can read yours if you want, but I can’t promise it’ll be as... Legendary.” 
His tone is something between a gloat and a laugh, using the way he speaks to amp up the words he says. They are empty and hollow, based entirely on the delusions of one desperate to stand out, yet their theatric ring almost makes them real. It’s sort of a conundrum, the way this fortune-telling works. On one hand, it is completely fake. Yet on the other, the inherently fake nature of it is what drives Odin to prove it true. Wanting not to be made a fraud, he would go to the ends of the earth to fulfill his own prophecy. 
...But then again, it’s hard to tell what will happen in reality, and what will just be eccentric make-believe. 
//starter for @vonochs
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majicmarker · 2 years
omg pls share ur other thoughts on chrissy’s tarot cards!! i loved that chapter it was so good 😭🥺💕✨
first of all, thank you so much!!!  🥰 🥰 cher willing, i'll have the next part up within the next few days!
(second of all, here's the fic in question for anyone who happens upon this)
THIRD OF ALL, onto the tarot reading i chose for chrissy (under the cut bc i get Very enthusiastic abt emotions so surely this explanation is going to get away from me):
most of her cards—whether the casually mentioned ones or her actual reading—are major arcana. again, as i state in the fic, these tend to speak to turning points in your life. and that's what i like to explore with chrissy, is this shift in how she feels about/treats herself, and how that positively affects the trajectory of her life.
her minor arcana cards indicate a person (eddie, in this case, for the ROMANCE), because with any romantic dynamic i write, i like to explore the effect they have on each other not just in their relationship, but as individuals. because, yk, whether we like it or not, for better or worse, we're all affected and shaped by the people in our lives. and personally when i do readings for ppl, i dig into the positive takeaways, bc otherwise i just don't see the point, plus this fic is first and foremost a romance, so that's the direction i went in here.
(man look at all those commas, run-on sentences my beloved)
the cards she happens to notice but aren't in her actual reading are the star, the devil, and the two of cups. they're similar-but-not-similar to her actual reading:
the star is generally pretty positive whether upright or reverse. essentially it speaks to your readiness for Full Self-Acceptance, Your Destiny, Your Soulmate, all that. (it's also my favorite and i'll name-drop it every chance i get. it's just. so affirming and romantic and a lot of things that i want for myself, and i think it's such an all-encompassing card for anyone who leans into the archetype of the romantic.)
the devil, in this case, would take its meaning from its reversed position: moving on from trauma or otherwise negative forces in your life. (i have. Very strong feelings about this card for chrissy's character overall, particularly in her relationship with her mom, the themes of which i'll explore more in-depth in my soon-to-be-posted multichapter.) ((it's also a super interesting card for eddie's character which, again, i'll probably dig a little deeper into in the multichap.))
the two of cups is one of the most positive cards for romance. it speaks to that sort of self-actualizing power achieved in a healthy relationship, the give-and-take, and foretells a deep bond that serves you as a couple and as individuals
now, as for her actual reading, i wanted to go as simple as possible for the sake of writing that scene concisely, without *too* much exposition that would make the dialogue unnatural (such a pet peeve for me), all that, so i went with a three-card.
there are. like. a thousand spreads out there. but generally (or the way i do it, anyway) three cards indicate a current issue, past influences, and what to do/future outcome. you really have to examine each card individually as well as how they play together.
for chrissy, we have:
the moon: pretty straightforward the way i wrote it in the fic. reversed means that your search for clarity, reason, whatever, will come to fruition so long as you keep honest with yourself and follow your heart. (it also encourages the strength/healing we find in female friendships, which is something that will become more prevalent in the next chapter.)
the hierophant: upright it means that you find comfort and a sense of self within tradition, in finding your people and building those traditions and community with them. reversed, as it is in chrissy's reading, it means you'll find those things when you ditch external expectations. in chrissy's case, i wanted it to indicate that she should keep the parts of herself that she genuinely likes, but that she can also find that authenticity by letting herself want things for herself, rather than only strictly doing what's expected of her.
the knight of cups: listen i usually hate person cards bc they can be tricky to suss out when i'm doing a reading for someone, but in this case it slaps. it speaks to chrissy's need for emotional support and just pure, i-like-you-because-you're-you adoration. personally i think we see that very much so in the canon forest scene, when eddie can Tell something's up and he does his best to, for all intents and purposes, be chrissy's knight in ripped jeans armor. he gives her the space to feel calm, because he's real with her—not in some bullshit tough love kind of way, but in this way where he's just like, "this is me being myself, you can be yourself, too." and, yk, even though i write no-upside-down aus, it's the ~essence~ of their relationship i want to dig into.
^ i also think the knight of cups really represents what chrissy Needs, and it's who eddie actually Is (whether blatantly or under the surface, depending on your take on him), so—much like the devil, funnily enough—this card works for them on a few levels.
......okay this took me perhaps an embarrassingly long time to whip up, so *sign of the cross, bc i was raised catholic and there's no gettin out* fingers crossed for an interesting read, but i'm gonna peace out now ✌️
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Gin and Paleta
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Pairing: Javier Pena x Reader
Summary: When a storm knocks out the power, you ask Javier to spend the night with you to ease your fear of the dark. A few drinks later, you admit more than you ever meant to. 
Warnings: Drunk and emotional reader, a wee bit of angst at one part, anxiety because of the dark, Javier teasing you, mentions of prostitution
Word Count: 5400
A/N: This is my first time writing for Javier and I’m a little nervous about it. Hopefully it’s alright!
The wind outside howled with an intensity that you hadn’t experienced in a long time. You clutched your hot tea to your chest, allowing it to warm you in the nice cool Bogota night as you watched the rain fall hard and heavy outside your window. Every now and again there was a flash of lightning that crackled across the sky that was followed by a loud rumble. The storm was right over you and the lightning had gotten closer and closer to the apartments the embassy had put you up in when you moved to Columbia. 
It really was quite beautiful, this storm that raged across the city. It had been hot and muggy for days leading up to the storm but now the angry gray clouds that blocked out the stars and the pounding rain brought a blanket of coolness to offer refuge from the constant Columbian summer heat. Your favorite scented candle burned on the table, the smell mixing perfectly with the scent of wet earth, asphalt, and trees overtaking your apartment through the small crack in the window you’d left for exactly that purpose. The TV played mindlessly in the background to create further ambience.
Suddenly, there was a loud flash just outside your apartments that lit up the entire street, sparks flying everywhere out your window. You yelped in shock as the power surged and then cut out completely, leaving you in total darkness aside from the flame of your candle. At the same time, there was a deafening rumble and the whole apartment shook with thunder. 
Your heart raced and you panted as you walked towards the window to see that the power was across the next few blocks. There was a downed wire in the next street down that still sparked occasionally in the rain. Car alarms went off in the street. Lightning must have struck the wires. 
Then the darkness crept in. When you turned to face your apartment, the utter darkness and silence of every corner began to feel suffocating. You reached over to the table and held the candle up as your breathing struggled to stay level. On shaky legs, you made your way over to a set of drawers that held various boxes of matches and a few old lighters before searching the house for every candle and flashlight you could find. After about ten minutes, you had set up candles all across the main room of your apartment but it still wasn’t much light. Small halos of warm yellow light illuminated only a few feet in diameter around each small flame. 
For the final, and perhaps most paranoid move of all, you reached to grab your gun but stopped, fingers flexing and clenching into your palm as you tried to calm yourself down. “It’s just the dark,” you told yourself, breathing deeply, “Just the same things that are here in the day time. Stop being ridiculous.”
It was irrational to have your gun on you. What was gonna happen? The boogeyman was going to jump out of your closet and eat you? Maybe Escobar’s men would come and pick you, Steve, and Javier off now that it was dark. They did know where you all lived and they had already shown they had no problem flexing that fact when they killed Steve’s cat. That also was irrational and you knew it. They had better things to do and plot a whole assassination on three Americans during a power outage when God knows they had many other more menacing enemies. 
And even so, every little creak from the storm that had previously been endearing now became footsteps of intruders or monsters. Here you were, someone literally trained to take down drug lords, who had been in their fair share of gun fights and seen first hand the horrors that men can do to one another, cowered in the couch trying to stave off a full blown panic attack as you sat alone in the dark.
Maybe you could hang out with Steve and Connie for the night, at least until the power returned, you considered. No… they had Olivia now and you were sure they had their hands full without worrying about a whole grown ass woman who was just scared of the dark. You weren’t close with anyone else in the building except for Javier but that idea made you cringe. He would just make fun of you and you knew it. You already knew how dumb it sounded to be an adult who was scared of the dark. You really needed to just grow up and get over it. That was exactly what you’d resolved to do. 
Twenty minutes passed before you gave in. Twenty minutes full of startled gasps when the wind blew some leaves off the tree and into your window, the car alarms were silenced, or the wood floors creaked beneath your feet. Against your initial judgement, you pressed yourself off the couch, scooped up the candle that you’d had placed on the table and made your way downstairs to Javier’s apartment. 
You rubbed your arm nervously while you waited for him to answer the knocks, already foretelling all the shit he was about to give you. He opened the door and you noticed the single flashlight in his hand that seemed to be the only light in his entire abode. “Y/N, you alright?” He asked, noticing right away the way you kept peeking over your shoulder with an anxiety that radiated off of you. 
You nodded, “Uh, yeah. Your power’s out too?” The question was stupid and obvious and you both knew that. No shit the power was out. There wasn’t a single light on in the entire building. 
“Yeah.” He answered simply but there was little intonation in his voice that was certainly mocking you in his typical lowkey asshole way. He leaned against the doorway coolly and if you hadn’t been freaking out so badly, you would have stopped to admire. Maybe it was best that everything but his general outline was concealed in darkness. You’d been pushing down a crush on your friend and partner for months now, knowing it was unprofessional and knowing that he would probably never think of you the same way even if it wasn’t unprofessional. Coming to him like this made you feel like a damsel in distress and you weren’t sure if you liked that analogy, especially considering that you were convinced nothing would ever come of it. 
You rocked back and forth on your heels, “I was wondering if, um, maybe you’d be willing to hang out with me until the power comes back on?” 
A small smirk appeared on his face with a quirked eyebrow, “Are you scared of the dark, L/N?” He asked, using your last name as if to exaggerate the humor in the fact that a DEA agent who’s been shot at before is scared of something as little as the dark, “How old are you? Eight?” 
You rolled your eyes, cheeks burning red but playing it off with a chuckle. “Shut up,” you whined, “Look, I know it sounds stupid but I can offer beer or gin and a few paleta that I need to eat before they melt now.” 
Javier looked you up and down in the low glow of the candle that was held between your hands, almost as if you were using it to keep your hands warm. He couldn’t help the little endearing smile that crept on his lips. In all honesty, he didn’t care much that you were afraid of the dark. He just loved to see the way you got flustered when he made fun of you. His jokes were never meant maliciously, especially when directed towards you, and he was glad you could take the jabs and even throw them back. It was one of the things that made him crazy about you. 
After a moment, he nodded, “Yeah, I can come hang out for a few. Just let me grab my keys.” He disappeared back into his apartment, flashlight illuminating his couch and table as he grabbed his keys from the kitchen counter. Soon, he was following you down the hall and up the stairs to your apartment.
You hadn’t even locked the door in your hurried state to get down to Javier but you knew it wasn’t going to be a long trip. He noticed the various candles burning around your apartment, lowly illuminating the small space. 
“Beer or gin? I got water too if you want that though.” You offered, making your way to the kitchen to hold up your end of the bargain. 
“Uh, gin, please.” He walked in and made himself at home like he practically lived there. He had come over often to go over files sometimes over drinks and food late into the night. He was comfortable in your space and you were in his, with the exception of that hyperawareness of your every move when you’re around the person you like. There was a slightly electric feeling in the air for both of you but neither of you knew that the other felt it too. 
You brought two glasses of gin, probably a little fuller than they should have been, in and handed one to Javier and one for yourself. The pair of you sat on your tan sofa and you quickly inspected the packaged popsicles in your hand, “I have cajeta and chamoy.” 
“Don’t really care.” He shrugged, “sipping” his gin. You looked between the two and picked your favorite, giving him the other one. 
Two hours later, the pair of you were two paleta and three-quarters of a bottle of gin down (most of which you had drunk) and things had gotten personal. Topics had bounced from work stuff, to you teasing him about his well-known rendezvous with his informants, to childhood pets, and more. A silence had settled over the pair of you. Neither of you knew how late it was anymore, just that it was silent out save for the rain and the occasional gunshot. It had become evident early on that Javier held his alcohol better than you did but even he was slipping after this many glasses of hard liquor. 
“Do you ever get tired of being alone?” You asked out of the blue, staring up at the ceiling. 
Javier looked over at you, the way you tapped your nail against the side of the glass with too much focus. He couldn’t tell if you were trying to avoid his gaze after the question or if you really were just that interested in the sound it made in your drunken state. Your partner just shrugged though and deflected the question, “Get a dog or something.” 
Your face twisted in an over exaggerated look of thought. “I thought about it but it makes me sad to-,” you hiccuped, “to think about a puppy being stuck inside all day while we’re out chasing Escobar. No yard or anything for them to run around in.” 
Javier nodded in understanding, “Guess you’re right. Wouldn’t be a good life at all.” 
“See, though, Javi,” You pointed sloppily at him with a lifted finger from your fifth - no sixth - glass of gin, “You and I both know that’s not what I’m asking. But who am I kidding? You’ve always got all those little informants of yours hanging around. You’re probably not too lonely.” 
Your partner sighed, used to Steve giving him crap about it but you didn’t usually say much about it. “Yeah, well we all have ways of dealing with the loneliness.” Seeing the prostitutes in town wasn’t his proudest repeat offense and, if he was being honest with himself, he didn’t just see them for the information they had on Escobar. Even for people who had commitment issues, like himself, being alone got really damn hard sometimes. 
“It’s so unfair that they don’t have male prostitutes like they have women. What about all the lonely and frustrated women of Bogota?” You complained, taking a sip to punctuate your sentence. 
Javier couldn’t help but laugh a little, “You’re telling me you’d really go see a prostitute if there were men out there that did it?” Yeah, right, he thought. 
You shook your head and sighed in defeat, “No… I don’t think I would. I think I actually want someone to love, y’know?” You laughed at your own clicheness, “What about you, Javi? I know you have all your lady friends but have you ever loved someone?” 
If perhaps you’d been sober, maybe you would have noticed the way he sucked a guilty breath in and backstepped, maybe even might have apologized for prying into his personal life. In your drunk state, though, you had no qualms with your personal questions. 
“I, uh, I did. Once.” 
“Yeah? What happened?” 
He scratched his nose and hesitated. Another one of his less proud moments that he didn’t like to share. The only person he’d told that wasn’t family or a friend from back in Texas was Steve. Nevertheless, he swallowed hard and continued, the drinks even making him loose at this point, “We were supposed to get married but…”
“But?” You pressed, the intoxication making you obnoxiously impatient. 
He gave you a vaguely testing look before continuing, “But I never made it to the wedding.” 
You gasped, leaning forward and setting your drink on the table, “You left her at the altar?!” 
Javier flinched back at your sudden lurch towards him and looked at you with a slightly annoyed expression, “I know it was a shitty thing to do!” While he didn’t appreciate the judgement because he already felt shitty enough about the whole incident, he knew it was more the gin than you to blame for your outburst. He leaned forward and pulled your half-full glass of gin back towards him, not to drink for himself, just to get out of your grasp. “What about you? You ever been in love?” 
You bit your lip, “I don’t know. I’ve never really been in love before but there’s this one guy that I know that I think I could be pretty close to it.” 
Javier’s chest tightened at the thought of you loving another man. He knew he had no right to your heart but that didn’t stop the pang of jealousy at the thought. Part of him wanted to pry further, just so he could know you were safe (or maybe to fuel some twisted personal hatred for the man he didn’t know). In typical angsty Javier fashion, though, he opted for the aloof, detached, and slightly annoyed response, “Then why are you complaining about being so lonely? Sounds like you have someone.” 
You pulled your knees into your chest and threw the blanket that was draped over the couch over your now balled up form. You shrugged, glancing up at Javier with a look he might have noticed was longing if he hadn’t been looking anywhere but at you. “I don’t think he likes me the way I like him. I think maybe that’s why it feels so lonely. Knowing you could have someone but still being alone.” 
“If you could have him then get him.” Javier Pena, always the blunt one, especially when his own feelings were in the mix. 
You shook your head, “It’s not that simple.” 
Suddenly, Javier got a little nervous at your tone, “He better not be one of Escobar’s fucking men.” The thought of you loving someone else made him jealous and angry but the thought of you loving a sicario made him lividly angry. There was no way you could possibly love a monster like that but it didn’t stop the thought from crossing his mind. 
Your mouth dropped in offense, “Fuck, Javi, is that how low you think of me?” Your moods had been swinging all night thanks to the gin but you were pretty sure you still would have found the very suggestion just as offensive if you’d been sober. 
“What- wait - no. That’s not what I think of you, I ju-” 
“Well, clearly it is or you wouldn’t have suggested it.” You stood up off the couch, stepping away angrily but tripping over the low coffee table in the dark. Your slowed reflexes weren’t enough to catch you and crashed to the floor, “Shit…” You groaned, rolling over and trying to push yourself up to a sitting position. Your hair hung messily over your face when you looked down at where your hand met the floor. 
Javier jumped up and clumsily made his way to your side, “Shit, Y/N, you alright?” He knelt down and placed a hand on your arm, offering his other one to help you stand. Sparks flew where his skin met yours but you convinced yourself that you were just feeling because of the alcohol. 
You waved him off drunkenly and swiped your hair clumsily out of your face. Instead of sitting up, you leaned back and looked up at him, tears welling up in your eyes for who the hell knows why. Were you angry or offended or desperate or just a drunk mess? You couldn’t tell anymore but you weren’t used to losing your emotions like this and Javier wasn’t used to seeing it either. He halted, uncomfortable at the way your eyes shone in the candlelight with your tears. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have even suggested that you’d be in love with a sicario. I really don’t think you’d do anything like that.” Javier apologized, a rare occurrence for the man but, gosh, would he say anything if it meant that your tears would dry. Drunk or not, he couldn’t stand knowing that made you cry. 
You sniffled, wiping a crocodile tear from your cheek, “Why the hell do we even sit here and make ourselves sad, Javi? Y’know? I mean I sit here every night and pine over a guy who I’ve convinced myself won’t love me. Isn’t that stupid? I convinced myself! How the hell would I even know? So instead of womaning up and actually finding out the truth, I just resign to the thought that there’s no way he could love me. Isn’t that pathetic? I should just learn to be like you. Confident. Women don’t say no to you because… well how could they?” 
Javier shook his head and looked down, “No,” He admitted quietly, “It’s not pathetic. It’s different when you’re talking about love versus lust. I pay for twenty minutes with a poor girl who has to do it to survive. If anything, that’s what’s pathetic. Honestly, I’m scared shitless when it comes to love.” 
He thought about your words and how much sense they actually made. The reason he hadn’t told you about his feelings for you were partly because he thought you’d never feel the same way. He was convinced that his reputation as a womanizer asshole, that he had rightly earned prior to you moving to Bogota, had turned you off entirely. Besides, wouldn’t he just mess it up? He thought he loved Lorraine but look how that turned out. The logical reason he told himself was the relationships amongst partners would be frowned upon but he knew that was a lie. Since when did Javier Pena follow the rules? The only thing holding him back really truly was himself. So why did it feel so impossible to come clean? 
Javier shook the thought from his head. You were drunk and rambling. Even if he were to man up and confess his love for you, this was not the time to do it. He’d be surprised if you remembered anything in the morning. Besides, you were on about some man you loved and he could only imagine who it was. He’d seen your gaze linger a little longer on Carillo than was usual for a colleague. Perhaps that was who it was, the mystery man that you couldn’t have. He was married, after all. It would be a logical road block. 
Part of Javier wanted to probe your brain and know the truth. He couldn’t tell if it was something that would make himself feel better or worse. It would put him out of his misery. Maybe if he heard it straight from your mouth that you didn’t love him, he could finally get over you. It would take a while, certainly many drunken nights and a few visits to Freckles, but he could do it. But if he did know, he also knew himself well enough to know he’d harbor some silent resentment for whoever the man was for taking the girl he loved. 
He shook his head at his thoughts when he saw the way you swayed a little, as if rocking on a boat despite being on solid ground, your eyes drifting shut while you struggled to stay sitting upright. You weren’t in your right state of mind and to ask you such a personal question would be a total breach of trust and respect. He’d be furious if he found out anybody else had done the same to you. 
“C’mon, let’s get you in bed.” Javier swallowed hard before shifting to help pull you up by your arm. 
Your body flopped loosely to your feet and you whined, “Noooo! We were just talking! Besides, you’re just gonna leave me in the dark and go back home.” You pouted, head lulling against his as the full blown weight of the alcohol hit you. Any composure you’d managed to maintain, which admittedly was very little, melted away into Javier’s chest as he hoisted you up and carried you bridal style to your bedroom. 
He glanced down at your made up bed and laid down your body as gently as he could, though you did roll on your own accord more clumsily than he had hoped. Javier flinched when your hands shot up to grab his shoulders, “Javi! Don’t leave me! It’s dark and scary still.” 
He sighed, his hands settling on his hips once he managed to pry your hands off his shoulders, “Just let me grab you some water and you’ll be fine.” 
“What if I wake up in the middle of the night and it’s still completely dark!” 
“I have a feeling you won’t be waking up for a while, hermosa.” He chuckled at the way your face was already half smashed into the pillow, your hair was laying over your cheek, and your eyes were closed shut, surely already halfway asleep. 
You reached up blindly for whatever you could grab, your fingers sliding down his forearm before they managed to hook onto a few of his fingers, “Please, Javi. I gave you popsicles and alcohol! The least you could do is stay the night and keep me company.” 
  Javier reached down and pulled the blanket that was folded at the end of your bed over your body. “I’ll be right back.” With that he left your room, feeling his way to the kitchen to get you a glass of ice water before returning to find you curled up in the blanket with your eyes closed. A small smile grew on his face, astounded by how you could still be so beautiful even when you looked like such a mess. A few strands of hair had fallen over your face and Javier reached down to gently brush them away from your mouth and behind your ear. 
You shifted a little, “You can sleep here.” Your hand stretched out to feel the other half of your queen sized bed. 
Finally, Javier decided to give in. “No, I’ll just make up a bed on the couch.” 
“There’s plenty o’ bed to share!” You giggled, thinking what you said was way funnier than it really was. 
Javier shook his head, “You're drunk, Y/N. I don’t want you waking up in the morning to see me in your bed and you go getting the wrong idea.” 
“You have no idea how many times I’ve wanted to wake up to see you in my bed.” You snuggled further into the pillow, your words barely above a murmur. 
“What?” Javier’s whole body seized up and he couldn’t look anywhere but you. He shook the thought away. There was no way you meant that. It was the gin and nothing more. He couldn’t get his hopes up, “Nevermind. You just close your eyes. I’ll be on the couch if you need anything.” 
You shook your head, “This is why I’m in love with you, Javi. Always the perfect gentleman, even when you’re an asshole sometimes.” 
Javier’s breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t deny your words this time. This was different. There was a difference between this is why I love you and this is why I’m in love with you. “In love? With me?” He told himself he wouldn’t pry earlier but the question came out before he could stop it. 
“Oh yeah... I’ve had a big ol’ crush on you for a long time. I don’t know what the hell love is but I think I might have it for you.” The wall that kept back your deepest thoughts came crashing down and your sentiments came flooding out like a semi-coherent tidal wave of admittal. “This is why I didn’t want to say anything because I know you don’t like me like that. You got all these beautiful women at your beck and call and I’m just boring old me who’s scared of the dark, spends more time working than living, and couldn’t dream of looking as beautiful as those ladies do.” 
Javier struggled to figure out what to say that wouldn’t be crossing the line, “There’s nothing boring about you, hermosa, and you are so much more beautiful than any other woman out there.” 
“But you don’t love me.” You insisted, cutting him off. 
He chewed the inside of his cheek. This had to be the worst time to be talking about this. If he said he did now, you probably wouldn’t remember it in the morning. Maybe you’d even write off your feelings as just drunken blubbering and he’d have to play along as if nothing had been meant. If he didn’t say it now, would it lock it in your mind that he couldn’t love you? “That’s not true.” He mumbled the words quietly but sincerely. He looked down at your form that was halfway asleep by now and pat your shoulder comfortingly, “Go to sleep. We can finish talking about this when you’re sober.” 
By the time the words left his mouth, you were already snoring. With a heavy breath, he looked away from you and walked back into the living room. He kicked his shoes off by the table and laid down on the couch, getting comfortable beneath the blanket that you’d left there earlier. Your conversations ran through his head about a mile and minute and he couldn’t slow them down. You actually loved him- nay, were in love with him. His feelings weren’t one sided. He tossed and turned for a while, battling with himself on how to address this (or even if he wanted to). He wasn’t so drunk that he had no control over what he said but he was just drunk enough to fuel a confidence that made him devise a plan to admit his feelings for you in the morning, even if sober him would most likely back out. 
When morning rolled around, neither of you were in the mood for admitting feelings. It took several cups of stove brewed coffee before either you were even able to form any more than a groan. The sunlight killed your eyes, even through the grey clouds. Your head pounded and you felt nauseous for the first half of the day. Javier was just slow and a little grumpier than usual. The two of you ate some tortillas that you’d thrown on the stovetop for breakfast in relative silence. 
The power was still out, the constant drizzle outside making it too dangerous for the power lines to be worked on. Thankfully, the sun cast enough light for you to not be freaking out anymore. Around eleven in the morning, you were finally feeling a little better and you looked up at Javier, who still had yet to leave your apartment. “Thanks for staying last night. Sorry for getting wasted.” You laughed a little at your expense. 
He sipped his coffee and rubbed his eyes, “Of course. You’re a mess when you drink, you know that?” 
You buried your face in your hands, feeling your matted hair. Gosh, you needed a shower. “Yeah, I’ve been told that before. That’s why I don’t get that drunk very often.” You sipped your own coffee, reveling in the scent that a few hours ago made you feel sick to your stomach but now smelled like the best thing on this planet. “You can take a shower if you’d like.” 
Javier gestured towards the front door, “I’ll just take one when I get back to my place.” 
“Oh right, you live here,” You groaned and chuckled at your stupidity, “Sorry, my brain is still moving kinda slow.” 
He smiled down at his coffee, fingers playing with the handle of the orange mug. “I, uh, I wanted to ask you about something, actually.” He began, his confidence from the prior night failing him. Javier could be suave as hell when he was trying to pick someone up at a bar but with you, all he could get was radio static in his brain. 
Your face twisted nervously, “Oh gosh, did I say something totally stupid last night?” You were already mentally facepalming. There were about a million things that ran through your mind daily, even sober, that you would be humiliated if drunk you had let slip. Things that ranged from a stupid dream you’d had about strapping bombs to pigeons and flying them into Escobar’s fincas to your unrequited harbored love for Javier ran through your head and you desperately hoped you had dumbly mentioned the former of the two topics. You could handle being teased about pigeon bombs. You didn’t want to lose Javier forever because you had your crush on him slip. 
One of Javier’s hands moved to his thigh and ran up and down the rough fabric of his jeans. “No, it wasn’t stupid at all, actually.” His pause made you nervous, expecting only the worst. “You said that you were in love with me.” 
Oh gosh. This was it. The moment you feared most. 
“I did?” You asked like a deer caught in headlights. You could feel your face visibly pale as you stared at Javier with wide eyes. His eyes flicked from yours down to his coffee and you panicked, “I’m sorry. I didn’t-” 
“I love you too.” He interrupted quickly and bluntly, knowing that if he waited any longer either you’d say it wasn’t true or he’d back out and either way it resulted in him never getting the words out. This was his shot at happiness and he was going to take it. 
Your mouth moved with failed words before finally sputtering out, “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I love you, Y/N. And I’m sorry if you didn’t mean it and I just ruined everything but you said last night that we sit around and make ourselves miserable by convincing ourselves that it could never happen and I just- I just figured I’d try to find a way out of the misery.” Javier wasn’t one for grand gestures or sappy heartfelt speeches but the confidence he’d had last night had returned to him for only a second to give you the closest he’d ever gotten to either. 
His words seemed to snap you right out of your foggy hangover haze and you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off him and the way his brown eyes seemed to bore into yours with a depth that made you almost scared to look away. “I-I love you too, Javi.” 
His eyes lightened up and his mustaches quirked upwards with his lips in a cautious smile, “Really?” 
You nodded, your voice breathy when you whispered out, “Yeah. I just- I never thought you could love me.” 
“Hermosa, I don’t know how anyone couldn’t.” 
112 notes · View notes
lucidpantone · 3 years
Preview: The three sided king
Yes I am still writing this fic and this chapter is almost done. Its super long chapter but here is a preview.
Incase you need to a recap of where we left off: Published Chapters
Aquarias 1470
He is standing on the axis.
Barely visible between the white florets.
It’s soothing on the inside.
Like a concentrated dosage of vitamins and minerals.
The walls surrounding him are lacquered in a mint hue. Cool and expressive, a pigment rumored to remove free radicals from his interior.
The south wing of the palace seemed to suffice.
The Duke’s quarters were generous and ample. For all the Duke’s pomp and circumstance he actually required very little to live comfortably. He had only one request and that his chamber be adorned with white flowers at all times to quench his need to bring beauty to life via his skills on parchment.
Drawing was the only therapy that would help elucidate the Duke’s mind. It would bend time and submerge his troubled thoughts into a state of calm and as he sat in his quarters trying to unravel the enigma that caught him off guard; time got lost like a billow in a breeze and before he knew it a portrait of the prince of swords was looking back at him. Within seconds after laying eyes on the prince he had become the antioxidant for the duke’s deteriorating soul; an unforeseen remedy wrapped up in a beautiful creature with hickory ringlets that fell perfectly past his shoulders and a chocolate gaze complimented by perfectly placed laugh lines.
It’s hard to forget the moment he laid eyes on him. The smell of rain had just smacked him across the chest as he rushed up the stairs to the rotunda. The rate at which the heavens spilled their tears onto the palace courtyard matched the virago of the many scorned women Sander had left behind. As Sander greeted the Duke of Burgundy and his wife the rain began to whip around like a serpent dancing to a siren’s song and thunderclaps began to roll tide across the grey sky.A lightning fork lit up their drop back like an ominous foretelling of their preordained future but in that moment he first caught a glimpse of him and his center of gravity shifted.
His bride-to-be Mary of Burgundy had stepped forward to curtsy for her lord, revealing the prince hidden by her side. Sander instantly fixated on him.  The prince had locked his gaze onto the ground. Focusing on something Sander could not see. Sander was in dire need to see every inch of his chiseled features. Sander was discreet in trying to move his gaze from Mary to the prince but he was suddenly nervy and his suave demeanor broke for a matter of seconds when he fumbled out a high pitch overly zealous greeting, "The Prince of Swords. It's nice to make your acquaintance".
The prince broke thought and looked up at Sander with a curious expression. The prince was nothing like Sander imagined him to be. He was a living cypher. A being in need of decoding. A walking enigma. His features were tender and his eyes warm but also hard edged. The initial flicker of warmth the prince had radiated seconds before was quickly replaced by a glacial facade. The prince was cool and collected, beautiful but stone like but one thing was certain the Prince of swords was no brut he was a man capable of dancing on a knife's edge, conquering a nation, riding into battle and becoming a champion. He was much more compact than Sander had expected but in possession of a noticeably stealthy physique. Sander and the prince both got lost in each other’s gaze for a prolonged second as they shook hands when the prince’s father, the Duke of Burgundy, broke the occasion.
“Here, here. I see you have met my son, the prince of swords”
Sander threw the prince a soft smile before breaking his gaze and looking towards the fast approaching Duke Of Burgundy.
“Yes, yes I have my lord”
“Be careful with that one. I know he doesn’t look like much but blink too slow and he’ll have the dagger of Burgundy at your throat.”
As the Duke of Burgundy positioned himself horizontally to Sander’s right shoulder he preemptively began to move Sander towards the long line of courtiers waiting to introduce themselves to him with their high born titles.
Sander took two steps forward alongside the Duke but then paused and quickly turned back and headed back to prince.
It was practically a whisper, the first of many that they would exchange as Sander cloaked their exchange with a secondary handshake and said softly.
“Sander, by the way”
Robbe’s eyes grew wide and his mouth opened a bit in shock as he knew it was uncommon for Duke’s of Sander status to exchange such pleasantries amongst those unknown to their court but he reacted quickly as to not offend the Duke and matched his lords volume.
“Robbe” he sighed out softly.
Sander smiled and in that split second he saw it again. The warmth Robbe had been hiding from the rest of the world.
Sander snapped out of his memories and was back in his quarters surrounded by the mint hues as he heard his chambers doors being pried open.
He quickly stood up off his chair and discarded his parchment and charcoal on it.
As he walked towards the door he recognized the voice on the other side.
Charles’s voice was animating through the chamber doors as rambunctious and cavalier as always as he strolled into Sander’s hideaway.
“My lord---” Charles interrupted Sander with a palm up salute.
“I told you to call me Senne. That’s what my family calls me and you're soon to be family right?”
Sander threw Senne a half baked smile as validation and proceeded to appease his request.
“Of course, Senne.”
Senne clapped his hands together enthusiastically signaling his entourage to show Sander what he came here for.
“Ahhhh… I brought you something for tonight”, Senne called over one of his servants.
The servant laid down a strange looking object on Sander’s bed. As Sander examined it he found it quite a peculiar gift.
“A mask?” Sander questioned wiping all offense from his tone.
“Yes, You’ll be the bull tonight for our masked ball to celebrate your addition to our family.”
Senne’s tone ranged from devilish to persuasive, mercurial to Insidious but Sander knew these overt insults were merely a test of wit and dominance.
To appease the Burgundian duke Sander played coy and shot him a thankful smile and opened his arms wide as he folded them in front of himself and curtsied towards the duke and spoke clearly.
“My lord if you wish me to be the bull. Then the bull I shall be.”
“Good. I think it suits you. Makes you stand out and we wouldn’t want anyone to miss you.” Sander didn’t miss the slight dose of passive aggression laced all over Senne's voice.
“I’ll leave you one of my servants to help you get ready” Sander noted that a mid sized male stepped forward from Senne’s kings guard with large fluffy curls adorning the top of his head.
“Thank you” Sander stated.
Senne and his court began to exit the mint hue room when Senne turned around like he just remembered what he actually came to Sander’s quarters for, “Oh before I forget…. don’t indulge too much on the festivities tonight. I arranged for the Prince to show you around the grounds in the early morning”.
Sander’s ears perked up at the sheer mention of the Prince.
“I’ll be sure to behave myself sire” Sander gives Senne a light nod as Senne turns and heads toward the exit once again.
“My lord would you like help getting dressed for tonight?” Senne’s kingsmen interrupts Sander’s thoughts.
“Yes, of course. I am sorry I didn’t catch your name….”
“Younes, my lord”
“Younes, please call me Sander” Younes gave Sander a soft smile in agreement.
“You should start getting ready Sander. The masquerade ball has been planned for weeks and it's the highlight of the season. Your betrothed has been planning her outfits since it was announced.”
Oh great Sander thinks not only has he been given short notice but now he also needs to pass some predetermined litmus test that the Burgundians have surely been cooking up for him.
He’ll just rely on his bravado and dynamism to survive the occasion.
“So you don’t know what my betrothed will be wearing tonight?”
Younes gently puts his right hand over his heart and softly whispers, “I’ve been sworn to secrecy”.
Sander lets out a soft giggle.
“Ok understandable. Wouldn’t want you to break any pacts.”
“What about the Prince? Do you know what he’ll be wearing?”
“Oh of course but everyone knows that” Younes reassures.
“He’ll be the lion” Younes states matter-of-factly.
“The Prince is always the lion”
“And why is that?” Sander asks curiously.
“Because the prince has never encountered prey he couldn’t kill.There’s a reason they call him the Prince Of Swords…..Don’t let your guard down or he’ll be the death of you.”
The darken corridors felt like a labyrinth.
A maze of endless entry and exit points on a journey to nowhere.
The palace was a mere whirlpool of decor that captured the zeitgeist of the time.
Tapestries adorning floor to ceiling windows.
Polished stone staircases.
Portraits of past rulers and the coat of arms of the burgundian nation stapled across every possible crevice of available wall space.
Sander felt like some sort of heretic. He didn’t belong amongst these people. He gave no credence to their cause. If anything he was the antistasis to their campaign secretly lobbying for their demise and permanently obtuse to the burgundian struggle. He knew there was no permanence to this betrothal. He would never allow himself to wed a kin of the three lions. This agreement was merely for show; a pit stop till he got back to his real life.
He sauntered down the palace halls with little regard to their importance, going out of his way to belittle all the objects the burgundians treasured like some sort of ignorant dilettante.
Sander knew he merely had to survive these grasslands. Deem himself a poacher within this big cat habitat. Become merciless and when an opening presents itself, drive an arrow through the heart of a lion but first he would need to learn how not to become the prey.
He came out of nowhere.
Hidden by the cover of night.
He was observing him from the end of the long hallway. The lion standing at ready. Taking him in. He wore a burnt orange colored cape with hand etched gold trimming. His chocolate orbs the color of an afternoon sunset. His face adorning the face of a leader of the pack.
Sander just stared at him.
Drawn in.
His feet pick up pace towards him. Completely oblivious to the fact that he himself is drench in a disguise. For tonight he is but nothing but a bull; temperamental and sinister. A green eyed monster ready to crash land on his own personal matador.
He almost reaches him and then the lion looks out to some unknown voice down the hall and runs towards it, getting lost in the sea of creatures in the throws of their festivities inside the grande ballroom.
The bull lets his instinct guide him and blurs into the terrain of blushing birds, bunny rabbits, deers and wolves all dancing in unison with one another under the twinkle of the ballroom’s candlelight incandescents.
For one night only mere mortals have morphed into beast, hounds and the feather habitants of a wild life Archipelago. The bull weaves his way around a pack of wolves, passes a litter of kittens when he suddenly feels a serpent wrap its scaly surface behind his neck and tug him in their direction.
“There you are?” The Marchioness Deruwe spoke in a possessive tone.
Sander flung his head in a 90 degree turn towards her direction.
The Marchioness Deruwe was a beautiful creature. That was not something that was ever up for debate but she was conniving and a master of the game. She maneuvered courts to her will. Destroying young maiden’s reputations on a whim. Her prowess for dismantling those who opposed her was so infamous it travelled with her across the channel to the Burgundian realm. She was a flower of the Yorkist faction. Her father had married her off to a French Marquess at the tender age of 16. Most young English maiden’s would have been intimidated to enter the French courts so unestablished but the Marchioness had spent her entire life bossing her pack of blonde hair, blue eyed hyenas around every Yorkish social event. To the Marchioness getting in the good graces of King Lucas and Queen Daphne was nothing more than sport. Another challenge to show off her skill set. It took no more than a season until she was trotting around the French palace like she owned the place. She worked her angle to its utmost potential, securing her husband the Marquess Deruwe a role as official acting liaison to the French king throughout the Burgundy nation and so here she stood exactly where Sander expected her.
Regal, drenched in beauty, playing her role. Moving puzzle pieces around. Advising young courtiers who were on the hunt for some prey and willing to do anything to climb up the social ladder to land themselves a big fish.
“My lady”
Sander slightly bowed in her direction as she placed her hand out to be kissed by Sander’s lips.
“My lord”
She said in giddy almost pantomime fashion.
It was strange for Sander to have the Marchioness validate his presence. For so long she had only toyed with him. Wound him up and dropped him like he was some rudimentary tool the Marchioness had outgrown and had no use for anymore. He hated to admit it to himself but she had taught him how to love. To love only for gluttony, to never share or truly give yourself to another but to merely take and when all resources had been depleted to move on to the next bigger and better thing. Sander had experienced this first hand as a young adolescent who lost himself in the Marchioness' blonde locks and lean figure and late nights falling asleep on her bosom but as intense as their “love” was, Sander just became another victim of her wicked game. She gorged and binged herself on his love mosaic, his unrelenting joyful spirit that illuminated a room like a moonbeam in the middle of a forest but once the affair was all over he was left a mere shell of himself. She had taken everything from him. Sander felt he had no other options but to resign himself to a monastic order or to become an agent of this dark market where love was a tool for savagery, negotiation, lust and pure greed. Sander had turned himself from a victim to a lothario. Only playing the game of love for sheer sport just to quench his blood lust.
Sander lost track of time and didn’t even realize how long he had been standing in front of the Marchioness spellbound by her presence when his axis shifted and he saw the lion surrounded by his pack. He snapped into animation and headed towards the lion passing a hoard of mice, a stallion and his mare.
The troop of big cats all turn towards the bulls' direction as he comes to a halt mere feet away from their king. The lion walks forward to meet the bull and as they close the distance and stand mere inches from one another about to break out of this wild life sanctuary and into the human realm the ballroom goes dark.
A sudden cacophony of screams and squeals rumbles through the ballroom.
“Who do you want to be tonight?” The Duke of Burgundy asks the wildlife in a demanding tone.
“Do you want to be a predator?”
“Or the prey? …...Tonight ladies and gentleman or should I say inhabitants of the animal kingdom. Tonight there are no rules. You can be who you want to be under the guise of moonlight.”
“If you dare not play our game and you absolutely must light your way through tonight's festivities then take one of the candles that the servants are providing but if you're brave and truly want to get lost in the darkness then the castle is your playground for one night and there is only one rule,what happens in the darkness stays in the darkness”.
The roar of the wildstock animates through the ballroom and orbs of light begin to appear in front of masked beast, birds and prey.
A gothic melody begins to fill the room as the musical entertainment for the evening amplifies through all corners of the palace.
The orbs begin to make a circular formation and the heat of the flames subdues the wild life.
The candle flames waltz back and forth.
And the hot blooded creatures move in the shape of a half crescent moon.
More orbs begin to light the room and the moon phases begin to decorate the floor as they do the night sky.
The green monster suddenly feels a tug of his wrist as gravity and his heart desire walk towards the moon phases and the lion and the bull head towards the dancing troop standing side by side, when the lion does a sudden about face and is standing directly in front of the bull.
“Dance with me?” the lion asked in a meek tone. One anticipating a denial.
“I don’t wish to embarasses you my prince but one is not a dancer”
The bull notices the lion's chocolate gaze scan his person when a sickly sweet tone comes out lightly encouraging the bull.
“Just follow along. I promise I won’t lead you astray. Just trust me.”
The lion lifts both his palms to his shoulder height facing the bull and the bull matches his movement.
The lion settles his palms against the bulls as they stand two ready pilgrims; palm to palm in holy palmers' kiss.
As the gothic chimes began to pick up pace the lion demo’s a gentleman’s curtsy which the bull mirrored. They retouch palms but this time they point their hands towards the sky and as the bull and the lion brought them down so did each pair of courtiers in the ballroom and took their position to begin the waltz.
The lion and the bull stand shoulder to shoulder vertically, each positioning themselves to face opposite sides of the ballroom but completely interlocked via one's right arm into the other’s left.
“You ready?” The music begins to speed up.
“NO” Sander chuckles out embarrassed.
“Did I mention I am really really bad at this…” he admits with a lack of confidence that is foreign to him.
“Well I think it’s fate then because I’m really good at this” Robbe shoots Sander a wink.
The pair of gentlemen begin swaying in a whimsical harmonic intonation. Fluted skirts twirled around them under the incandescent flicker of limelight radiating  around the ballroom.
Robbe’s mood becomes rather chipper as an uptempo beat begins to sound around the room and an uncontrollable laugh begins  bubbling up to the surface. Sensing he has the upper hand, Robbe is suddenly full of gumption and can’t help but tease the Duke.
“You really are bad at this, aren’t you?”
Sander is moving his limbs around aimlessly with a lack of grace that you could mistake him for a duck failing to take flight.
All feathers, no grace.
“Stop laughing at me” Sander demands in a playful tone.
Shooting him a makaveli smile. Robbe begins to untie his connected arm and gently grab Sander’s hand to guide it towards the heavens emulating a wedding’s arch.
“Tsk, tsk ……. Come on my duke go on” Robbe signals to Sander to go under the arch suggesting that he was about to twirl Sander mid dance.
Sander stalls for a second but as Robbe pulls on his arm he follows his direction.
“You’re enjoying torturing me too much my prince”
Sander knows that to the rest of the courtiers he must look clumsy and foolish but in that moment he couldn’t care less. The prince stirs an unfamiliar feeling within Sander. He feels weightless, airy and unencumbered. He knows this feeling is what Bernard would call fun or what he was adamant Sander was hesitant to experience in life, which was a carefree playdate. One without an agenda, an individual he could let go with and maybe one day even feel compelled to show his true nature too. The real Sander, the one he hid from the world.
Now that Sander had let Robbe have a little fun with him. It was time he matched the prince at his game.
Sander tugs on Robbe’s arm and pulls him towards him. They are standing so close together that Sander can feel the hot breath of royalty when Robbe doth protest to Sander hand gripping his slim waist.
Sander leans in towards the side of Robbe’s face and whispers lightly.
“What?” Robbe replies with an inquisitive squint adorning his eyes.
“We're not going to stay here all evening are we? The night is young...”
“Sander I can’t lea---”
“On the count of 3” Sander reenforces.
“But my fiance is waiting…..” Robbe whispers, trailing off in a barely audible volume towards the end.
Before Robbe can fight the instinct to relent. Sander is rushing him out of the ballroom, leaving the prideland behind. Emergency evacuating from the serengeti and rushing down a dark corridor camouflaged by the night sky.
Before they both know it they have reached the rotunda the place where Robbe’s first laid eyes on Sander under a lightning painted sky that only served to  illuminate Sander’s chiseled face; and though Robbe was lost for words in this moment he would look back at their first meeting and recall that even amongst the torrential downpour and screams of mother nature there was no denying that Robbe always knew that Sander would be the one.
“Have you lost yourself in lunacy?”
Robbe turned to Sander, sporting a sour expression.
“I didn’t think you would lack imagination my prince”
“I don’t” Robbe spoke sternly, surprised at Sander’s use of his formal title.
“Oh no? Seems like you're questioning my intentions.”
“Is the prince of swords fearful he will be led astray?”
Both men stood silent staring at one another. Calculating their next decision as if the weight of a nation depended on it.
For Sander, Robbe had the properties of a seductive paramour. He knew the prince was promised to another and that whatever he sought from him would be nothing more than a diliance by night. A transaction that could only take place in the cloak of darkness but he didn’t care. When he was in his presence he felt displaced, rocking on the edge of an axis, chemically imbalanced, filled to the brim with potency.
For Robbe, Sander was the last drink of the night he should have walked away from. The moment you recall the next morning that tipped you over the edge. He was a deadly sin manifested in a man. Sander was Robbe’s last everclear.
Both men hear the squabbles of hyenas approaching their territory and on a lion’s instinct Robbe grabs Sander’s hand and leads him down the rotunda stairs.
“Come on Sander, someone will see us”
They escape through the courtyard and away from the herd.
Hand in hand.
In alliance.
The palace is pitch black, almost frightening but Robbe navigates the route with such gravitas, purpose, unwavered and committed towards his sin. The men untether themselves from their role play. They throw their masks aside and run into the night together in their purest forms.
Robbe heads towards refuge, towards the high garden walls where they can hide themselves deep in the labyrinthine green. A garden brew of emerald tinted greenery, shamrock leaves and rainbow colored rose bushes.
“Where are we going?” Sander finally protests and as Robbe lets go of Sander’s hand he takes stock of his surroundings.
Sander is in awe of this grassy fortress. The walls are high so much so that they feel like they are collapsing in on themselves and submerging the twosome in a foggy condensation.
Sander shivers.
“Fock, it's cold”
“Come now” Robbe nods his head signaling Sander to follow him deeper into this thorny environment.
“Where are we going?” Sander asks tentatively. A tad suspicious of Robbe but also certain that his fellow journeymen knows the way.
“It’s a surprise”  
“Is this the point of the story where I suddenly go missing?”
“What?” Robbe looks at Sander with a puzzled look.
“Am joking….. But don’t think I don’t know about the legends surrounding the lakes and forest here”
Robbe's face loses all its pink hue at the mention of those stories. Sander quickly recognizes his obvious fumble but it was merely an innocuous mention it was not meant to offend or besmirch his name.
“Umm am sorry, nevermind” Sander quickly throws out and starts moving deeper into the seafoam landscape.
“Ok prince, lead the way”
Robbe brushes off the uncomfortable mention and re-engages.
“Ok Duke, on the count of 3” and before Sander even has time to register the count Robbe takes off running deeper into refuge.
Sander is panting by the time he catches up to Robbe.
They moved so fast between the juniper corridors and foggy condensation he isn’t even sure he knows how to get back out of the labyrinth but for now he pushes that thought out of his mind as he stands at the center of this garden universe surrounded by a rainbow colored flower bed.
He inhales and the scent of chrysanthemum, lillie and roses fill his nasal cavity. He licks his top lip and he swears he can taste the pollen in the air.
“It’s my favourite place in the palace”
“It's beautiful” Sander reassures Robbe.
“I planted these flower beds with my mother. It was the only thing that helped when he d-------”
Robbe cuts off the sentence abruptly.
“It took time but eventually they blossomed” He admits softly.
“These white florets here, they are the ones I picked out for your quarters”, Sander’s face instantly lights up with an innocent smirk when he realizes that Robbe picked out the flowers he's been drawing. Because of course he did, they’re beautiful.
Sander and Robbe stroll past bushes of red roses and Sander stops to clip one off the vine as he gently walks back to Robbe and begins to delicately push his hair behind his right ear and places the red rose atop of it.
Robbe just stares at Sander with big eyes and a dreamy gaze anticipating the next move.
“You know what I’m in the mood for?”
Robbe remains silent shaking his head back and forth.
Sander moves closer to Robbe, surrounding him.
Robbe drops his gaze focusing on the rosewood colored lilies beneath him.
He knows the moment is coming. Robbe can feel the heat of Sander breathe, glazing the side of his face moving towards his mouth when deep in the darkness he hears twigs break.
Robbe looks towards the ominous noise and takes one big step away from Sander and a few steps towards the sound.
Sander notices that Robbe suddenly seems flustered, weary and distracted.
“Ummm we should play a game”
“What? Right now? Why?” Sander retorts in a questionable elevated tone.
“Trust me” Robbe pleads with his signature pyrope orbs that guarantee to make Sander weak at the knees.
“Okay” Sanders states in defeat.
“Close your eyes”
Sander squeezes his eyes shut in anticipation almost childlike.
“When I count to three, open your eyes and come find me”
Sanders stands amongst the roses when he hears Robbe yell out “one” a few feet away from him.
A few seconds later he hears Robbe yell out “two” but his voice is more distant.
Lastly he hears him yell out “three” and when he opens his eyes he stands alone amongst the flower bed.
The red rose Sander placed behind Robbe’s ear lays on the ground in front of him. Sander picks it up and looks around.
Suddenly he is frightened.
The garden walls are high and the night is eerily silent.
“Robbe” Sander yells out into the darkness.
But nothing. Sander doesn’t hear any noise or callback.
Sander pops his head into every corridor but everything is so dark and identical looking that he doesn't dare leave the refuge of the rose garden.
He yells out for Robbe again but still nothing.
He waits another twenty minutes but the night is only growing colder and so he makes the call to head back to the palace and ask his hand, Younes to come back with him to search for Robbe in case he got lost or was hurt.
It took Sander many tries of winding corners and dead ends to find his way out of the garden maze. What easily took him and Robbe ten minutes to navigate; took Sander at least an hour to navigate his way out of.
As he reaches the entryway to the palace garden he sees a figure absconding towards the palace in haste, his locomotives appear unruly and he does not resemble Robbe at all from behind but those hickory manes are recognizable from over yonder.
“ROBBE” Sander yells out ferociously. Annoyed but relieved that Robbe was ok.
“Robbe stop” Sander speeds up towards the figure.
He sees the figure turn towards him and it is Robbe but Robbe takes a brief look at Sander with disinterest and continues on his way.
Sander sprints towards him for some sort of explanation about why he just abandoned him like that.
Sander finally catches up to him and as he tugs on his shoulder. He hears Robbe groan in obvious annoyance.
“What do you want?”
“Robbe what the hell you just left without saying anything…… I was worried”
Robbe's face is blank and unnerved.
“OOookay” Robbe rolls his eyes.
Sander shrugs his shoulders signaling for some deeper meaning or some type of closure.
“Ooookay” Sander repeats back to Robbe mimicking his juvenile ambivalence.
They stand in the darkness, frozen, sizing each other up.
“Is that all you needed to say to me my lord?”
Sander is so confused and angry. He feels like a fool and better yet he doesn't really have room to speak freely at least not in view of the palace guards.
In one last attempt Sander cuts in front of Robbe and speaks in a barely audible whisper.
“Robbe I just thought…...well I thought we both understood that we enjoyed one another’s company. I thought we had an understanding tonight.”
Sander boars his gaze straight into Robbe’s chocolate orbs as he lets the last sentence drip out of his mouth.
Robbe’s steps back and lets out a menacing laugh.
“Oh my lord, for an English man you truly are gullible”
“Tonight was just for show. You and I are just foes through arrangement. Nothing less, nothing more. Let us not pretend that you're anything but a visitor here with his own personal agenda. I was simply entertaining you at my fathers bidding. I thought you of all people would understand.”
Sander stood stoic. Not giving Robbe the satisfaction of showing him an inch of emotion.
Every word spewing out of Robbe’s mouth was meant to sting. Worse of all, Sander could tell Robbe was enjoying ridiculing him.
Once Robbe was done humiliating him and blundering the metaphorical knife deep into his chest cavity he wrapped up their exchange with a simple bid farewell.
As Robbe walked into the palace he turned around one last time to remind Sander.
“Get to bed my lord. Tomorrow we go hunting and god knows…. am in need of a good kill”
And with that Robbe disappears into the palace walls.
Sander can feel tears welling up. He is not upset because some boy played him. He just hates looking foolish and being the butt of someone’s joke.”
Sander gets a hold of his senses and storms through the palace towards his quarters.
As he slams his door shut the moonlight illuminates his sitting room and he sees the bouquet of white florets in the center of the room.
A sudden rage takes a hold of him and he grabs the vase and slams it on the ground. The remnants of the broken ceramic lay shattered at Sander’s feet and the white florets destroyed.
Before Sander can react he sees a silhouette in the corner of the room.
“Well well well someone had a bad night”
It’s the Marchioness Deruwe. Sander would recognize that voice anywhere.
“Britt am not in the mood”
“Oh now we are addressing one another with informalities” Britt mockingly points out.
“Leave, right now”
“Now now Sander I come bearing gifts. The Earl of Warwick has sent a message. He has approved and is willing to arrange a marriage to his daughter Isabel”
“What?!?!?!” This was unexpected Sander knew the Earl despised him.
“How is that possible? Edward would never allow me to side with Warwick. He is already suspicious of his dealings with the Lancastrians.”
“He doesn’t have to know. We would arrange your passage back to England in secret and your union would be solidified without Edward knowing.”
“That’s mad. Edward has sent me here with one objective in mind. We need the Burgundian iron to defeat Henry.”
“You and I both know the Burgundians will never give up the iron without getting something more than a simple marriage to Margaret. This is all for laughs. The Burgundians just want to know if they are backing the right horse.”
Sander knows Britt is right. Everyone involved knows that the Burgundians will never give up the iron without a proper incentive.
“Why are you helping me, Britt? You’re a yorkist flower, what do you gain from pushing me onto the side of the Lancastrians?”
“We all have a part to play Sander. I need to hedge my bets and have as many options as possible. My husband is a complete idiot but our money is not everlasting and we all have something to gain from this war.”
Sander shook his head in agreement. It was rare to see Britt be so sincere but her tone was definitive. She had her own secrets and people to protect.
“When you have a response for the Earl, send a note my way. I will make sure it crosses the channel”.
Britt saunters towards the door when Sander can’t help but show his hand.
“The Prince of Swords. What's his game?”
Britt pauses and looks back at Sander puzzled but curious.
“The Prince, don’t underestimate him; he is a great strategist and has the ability to command an army if need be.”
“Does he want to be king like his father?”
“No he does not but his people want him to. They respect him. They speak of his kindness and fairness above all. He also quells the fears of a French invasion; he has been betrothed to the Princess of France since he was a child. The people call their union the great love story. Betrothed since birth and genuinely a love marriage. Nice for some I guess....”
Sander gives Britt an ambivalent chuckle. A love marriage? What a foreign concept for both of them.
“Is that all?” Sander tacks on to the end of the conversation. Egging on Britt’s conniving ways,
“Does he have any secrets?” Sander finally just asks.
“No, he is clean. If you were to ask me to clean. Everyone is hiding something but it seems like the Prince of Swords is perfect.”
“There is no such thing. Everyone has a secret”
“Exactly” Britt agrees.
“Find out whatever the Prince is hiding and you’ll have the iron and maybe even the chance to be king. All you have to do is to get him to trust you and as soon as he does take the iron away from him.”
Sander nods in agreement.
“Play the Prince at his own game” Sander states with venom in his voice and continues.
“In the end.....” 
“I only have one goal”
“To make the prince regret he ever met me.”
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yokelish · 4 years
Heart of a dog.
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An OC for BSD no one asked for? It’s more likely than you think. A day in life of an original character by Yokelish no one asked for? Absolutely. I don’t have to, I know, but Misha has been on my mind recently, which worries me. Mostly, worries me about me. Anyway.....Here he comes. I just want to make sure for myself that I can tweak my writing style a bit. I am very humorous.You can read it, of course, and you can take it as an example of how not to write an original character. 
Anyone, here’s a thing I made for my kouhai, check that if you are more interested in canon characters. 
✏ Universe: Bungou Stray Dogs  ✏ Characters: Mikhail Bulgakov OC ✏ Word count: 3,094 (too many tbh) ✏ Warnings: mentions of alcoholism, drugs, smoking, and a dead animal.
Heart of a dog.
If there was a god above, then he must know how awful it felt to wake up in the morning. There was nothing as worthy of collective loathing as mornings. Extra sprinkles of revulsion get the mornings involving work. Mikhail covered his eyes when picking up the ringing phone. The light hurt him just as much as the idea of getting up from the bed. The ringing was tenfold louder and more annoying in his head, hitting the walls in his skulls like a smith’s hammer. Every sensation felt like an assault on his already shaky sanity.
“You have a patient in an hour,” said familiar voice on the line. Misha groaned. It wasn’t her voice that grinding on his nerves, it was the idea of having to do work today. The woman on the phone sighed with deliberate loudness just to let him know all about her frustration. She was the only person who could stand having him. Mostly because he payed her a pretty sum but that wasn’t the only reason.
“You have no option,” Nadejda reprimanded. There was a sound of typing on the other side, but it ceased quickly. “It’s Olga Danilovna.”
He took a deep breath. There was no mental exercise to prepare for that. “Dear, I don’t pay you for ruining my day the moment it begun.”
“Right, you pay me to do my job,” she spoke sternly. “And if my job ruins your day the moment it begins, I’m sorry, get a better life.”
“Understood, the blame is mine. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“You better be here in an hour.” Nadya hang up the phone first. The annoying sound of a call ending assaulted his hearing. The sensations of the outside were coming on too strong, they were attacking, they were frustrating. Everything was too sharp, too bright, too loud. His head was pounding with the reminders of how Misha had spent the last three days. It was nothing close to productive.
Mikhail got up from the bed with a groan of a man who was drinking for days straight. He wasn’t dry for an hour, as the saying was. He sighed, and groaned, and regretted the drinking. He would do it again. The clothes on the floor didn’t bother him. There was never anyone to pass judgement. There was never anyone to tell him to get his life together either. There was simply no one. Barefoot he walked across the room, picking up and collecting articles of clothing that would go in the wash now. There was an hour for him to get to the office, which wasn’t impossible, but it meant he had to move around his small apartment faster. And he doubted his mind and body could comprehend moving faster without sending the surroundings spinning. Everything was too overwhelming now. It wouldn’t get better for a while.
The cold water splashing against his face brought some sanity back. It felt good to be reminded the drinking had yet to kill him. It was nice to be reminded he had a job only he could do. It felt good that he was alive and capable of doing something. It was all a comforting lie to get over himself and his hangover.
The cold air of the outside smelled like that of a big and polluted city. The sounds were loud but distant, multiple but common. Nothing new was added to the picture he witnessed day after day. It’s an old painting he studied for hours, every stroke, every shade, every perspective too familiar. Nothing about it was new or surprising or remotely pleasant. It simply was and it was only ever changing in ways that didn’t matter. The city he got too familiar living in. The air, the sounds, the broken pavement underneath. The sun was hiding or finding comfort in the heavy grey clouds foretelling rain. The sun, too, didn’t want to see the city. This weather was for the better. The bright and shiny would sulk the mood. That would go against his already ruined day. Bulgakov stopped walking only to get the cigarettes out and start one. The smoke felt good in his lungs. It smelled better than the city too.
Fortunately, it didn’t start to rain while he was trying to get to his office on time. Doctor Bulgakov appeared in a somewhat acceptable state in. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it within the given time frame. And, unfortunately, there were no excuse for him available either.
“Late.” A stern, annoyed, but factual statement. The voice belonging to the woman of the hour. Mikhail shook of his coat and carelessly hung it. Nadejda was sitting at the receptionist table looking very annoyed herself, staring daggers at the other woman. Such were the days featuring Olga Danilovna.
“Hey there, Dan. It’s been a while,” Mikhail shifted his attention to the child in a wheelchair. He was a blonde boy, aged eleven, with a pet cage on his lap. The cage covered up with a blanket. By the size of it, Misha would guess it was fit for a rabbit.
“Hello, Doctor Misha,” the boy replied slowly, patting the blanket-covered cage as if the animal could feel it.
“I guess it’s your leg this time.”
“It hurts.” As honest as a child could be. Nothing wrong in admitting being in pain. Danila was staring at the wall mindlessly, repeating the same motions with his hand.
“Just hold on a little longer,” the doctor assured. “It will be over soon.”
Bulgakov unlocked the door to the examination office. It smelled the same as always: sickeningly familiar smell of disinfectant that turns sweet to senses over time. It smelled more like home that anything else. Nadya was always a good keeper. She kept his office as pristine as she kept his dirty secret. Well, the secret wasn’t awfully dirty but, as all secrets are, problematic to keep in check. It had to be controlled who knew and who didn’t. If too many people knew about it, life would become very uncomfortable very quick. And Mikhail was a person of comfort.
For the sake of formality, he put on white medical coat over his sweater. He took the cage off the boy’s lap and placed it on the table. Danila barely reacted to the change, dropping his hand on his lap the moment the cage was gone. Bulgakov peeked inside. Inside was, indeed, a rabbit.
“You really like animals, Doctor Misha. Where do you keep them all?” Danila asked. It was a gift of being a child to be so oblivious to the obvious.
“Me? No. I have a friend who lives on a farm. He adores them,” Bulgakov lied and did so naturally. At some point, he even thought of a name for said friend, how big the farm was and what animals lived there now. A well-repeated lie was a believable lie. The more it’s told, the more it turned into the truth of things. It wasn’t a stretch of intellectual thought to count all the pets that came into his office along with the patients and conclude a remarkably simple outcome: those pets never went home with him. But he wouldn’t break a child’s heart so cruelly. In six weeks, Dan’s leg would be perfectly healed. And the rabbit would be six weeks older. But six weeks is too long for his mother to wait. A broken bone is a note in the medical history of an upcoming sports star. Mikhail never bothered to remember what exactly Danila played.
Mikhail came to inspect the boy’s leg. The safest bet in his line of work is to assume the worst possible injury: broken. But on the plus size, it seemed to be broken only in one place.
“Put your arms around my neck and hold on as tight as you can,” he said to the boy. Tiny hand grabbed around his neck without much force behind it. “On a count of three. One.” He carefully hooked his arms under Dan’s legs. “Two.” The doctor mentally braced himself. “Three.”
It wasn’t terribly difficult. It was only the weight of a child, after all. But Misha was having a terrible hangover and, thus, everything seemed more difficult than it should have been. Danila was now sitting on the exam table. Not that there was anything else to examine. And even if there was some injury unseen to the naked eye, he hardly had the equipment for it. Taking care of the child was a job for the mother. Bulgakov offered the headphones to the child. A useful thing to protect the child from a conversation that a child should not be privy to.
“Well, you know the drill, Dan,” Mikhail said, helping the boy to lie down comfortably on the table. “Headphones on, eyes closed, full relaxation.” The patient nodded, putting on the noise cancelling headphones on without questions. Danila was a good child just not equally blessed with good parents.
After making sure that Dan couldn’t hear a thing, Bulgakov returned to the rabbit in a cage. Lovely animal: calm, big, with a shiny fur. Misha took the rabbit in his arms and started to gently stroke the animal to calm it. It was warm, and alive, and completely defenseless.
“You look like you’ve been drinking for two days straight,” Olga Danilovna observed. Misha couldn’t tell if she was judging or simply stating. Not that he cared for either of those things, it was mere curiosity. He rarely could decipher any emotion within her unless it was anger and irritation.
After a quick mental math exercise, he forced a smile on his face. “Actually, it was three. I’ll take it as a compliment.”
“You think you are funny,” she mocked him. “Nothing worse than a man thinking himself funny.”
“I thought there was nothing better than a man acting like a clown,” Misha replied, grinning. “And nothing worse than a man thinking himself awfully charming.”
Olga shook her head, fake blonde hair perfectly styled with too much spray, and rolled her eyes. And that was the end of that conversation. However, there was something else on Bulgakov’s mind, something he doubted was worth mentioning. After all, it wasn’t any of his business. The last thing he needed to do is to pass any judgment on people who paid him. It was an excellent advice, most importantly, it was an instruction he gave himself. He couldn’t be wrong about that. And so, he didn’t listen.
“You drugged him,” he stated simply. There was barely any judgement in his voice. There was no point in judging a client, least of all, a client that wouldn’t listen. But a warning wasn’t something Olga Danilovna would accept either. A challenge, however, she could listen to.
“I gave him painkillers, yes,” replied Olga.
“No, I expected painkillers, that’s why he wasn’t crying by the time I showed up. I am saying you drugged him. I noticed the slowness in his reaction time. I saw his eyes up close.”
“What did you expect me to do? He is still a boy and can’t handle pain very well.”
Bulgakov sighed. What was he expecting to get by starting this conversation, anyway? Danila was his patient and nothing more. And the only reason the kid even was a patient was because his mother could afford to pay. It really wasn’t any of his business. He should forget about it. Mikhail continued to stroke the animal in his arms, offering whatever little comfort he could. And taking in all the comfort the rabbit could provide. It was alive, and warm, and with a soft fur. It felt lovely to hold a rabbit in his arms.
“I have to ask, though,” Olda Danilovna started to speak again, “would you be able to treat a concussion?”
“A concussion? Are you serious, Ol’?” he could even tell why he was getting riled up. “He’s eleven. Get him into swimming or some other Olympic sport.” Never mind, after some quick digging, he remembered that he had a personal dislike towards Olga Danilovna. Money can buy a service; it cannot buy positive personal bias unless for testifying in court.
“And what of it? Even if he wins the Olympics and brings home gold, he will peak before he’s twenty-five and then what?” Olga crossed her arms on her chest. Cold-blue flame flickering in her eyes dangerously — a warning. “Be a PE teacher? A swimming coach? No, thank you. And answer my question, damn you.”
“Sure, I can,” Mikhail answered, giving up. Arguing with a woman such as herself would only bring headache. Her voice was as sharp as her glare. And he was still recovering after a hangover.
“Would a rabbit suffice?” she continued to question.
“Depends on the severity,” the man shrugged. The rabbit in his arms was acting like a perfect companion. Perhaps, whatever little comfort he could offer was just enough to keep it calm. “If there is an open wound gushing out blood from his head, then no, you’ll have to find something bigger.”
“Like what?”
“Well, there are plenty of stray dogs on the streets.”
“Screw you.”
Cutting the conversation short, Bulgakov took his seat behind the table. The rabbit still cradled in his arms. He knew the pain that would follow render him useless, he’d collapse on the floor and then live with the embarrassment of such memory. Not that he cared for it, but for the sake of formality. The pain intensified and was only made worse by the remains of the hangover. If it made his head pound and body feel weak, now he could safely say he knew exactly what getting hit by a car felt like. It was a pain to the tips of his fingers, clouding his mind, rendering him mute and weak. The only positive about this state was that he was familiar with this. It was a pain that never got better; it never got worse. It was stagnant and familiar, which means he got used to it over time, with each use. He learned to live with it. Today just happened to be a little worse due to careless hangover. His hand rested on the still warm rabbit’s fur.
“You can take him, Ol’,” Bulgakov rasped as if dying from thirst. “Nadejda Andreevna will process the payment.”
Olga Danilovna didn’t waste a second more, running up to her son and getting him up from the table. In a hurry she could pass for a warn and loving mother, she even examined the previously broken leg. She asked if anything hurt. Olga could pass for a caring mother and not a woman who wanted to live out her ambitions through her son. With his leg perfectly healed, Danila wheeled the chair himself.
“Thank you, Doctor Misha,” the boy said with a smile before leaving the room. His reactions were a little faster this time around.
Mikhail, however, barely had the mental capacity left free from the pain to comprehend the words and offer a reply. Nonetheless, he managed. “Be careful next time, Dan.” He offered a feeble wave of his hand before the boy left. When the door closed, Misha slouched on the table, resting his forehead against the cold wood. It was offering no relief whatsoever, but it felt grounding. A sensation to tether him to reality, otherwise, he would allow himself to drift away from it. The rabbit’s fur felt less warm. That was even less of a comfort. It stopped mattering the moment he picked his phone this morning.
It was all a little useless. Nothing but a play of a repentant man. One actor theatre: he is on stage and is the audience. He didn’t count seconds, cared not for minutes it took for Nadya to come in through the door with a glass of water. He heard the door opening, her light steps, but didn’t want to raise his head just yet.
“You’ll survive, right?” Nadejda asked with amusement in her voice. He was rendered useless, true, but not helpless.
“Bastards live a long life.” A glass was placed on his table. Mikhail chuckled, amused by the thought that rushed through his pounding head. “Careful, dear, I’ll start to think you are a warm and caring human being.”
“That will be your grave mistake,” she replied.
“Doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Take your pills and, please, with water. It’s not in my interest for you to choke on them.”
“I shall.”
“You want me to take care of that?” she asked coldly, uncaring. That was why their arrangement was most perfect. That was why he hired her and why she remained by his side. There were few reasons why she could stand to work for such a horrible, irresponsible boss. Not only because he could pay her a pretty number. Not only because they were legally bound by a contract, preventing Nadejda from getting her hefty paycheck in case of Bulgakov’s strange death. It wasn’t only because she could keep her pretty mouth perfectly shut. But because Nadejda was aware of her self-serving nature and did not care. Nadejda Andreevna did not, in fact, care for anything but herself.
Mikhail placed the rabbit on the table and took out a cigarette from inside his pocket. He put one in his mouth. Nadya wordlessly offered a lighter. The smoke felt good inside his lungs: warm, calming, and perfectly harmful.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll take care of it,” Mikhail replied, evenly breathing out cigarette smoke. He reached in the drawer to get the pills out. Something to dull the pain, something to bring more senses back to life. Nadya was leaving the room in her usual catlike steps.
“You’ll lock up, right?” she asked, stopping in the doorway.
“Sure,” Misha nodded.
“See you when I see you.”
“Right back at ya.”
The door closed behind her. Soon, the office would be completely empty. He would leave, locking up for the day. Soon, the pain from his body would disappear completely, gone without a trace. His state would return to what it was when he woke up. Soon, there would be nothing bothering him but the hangover. The pounding would get less intense as time passed. By the end of the day, he should fell relatively fine. Soon, he would be heading home where he’d get to be as miserable as he felt like to be. Soon. Right after he would bury this obviously very dead rabbit on the table.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 17: Ranting About Bad Supports
Just more upgrades at the castle, so let’s move on to supports. I hope they’re good. I mean, I write the supports first so I know they aren’t, but let’s just pretend.
Support: Azura/Takumi
C: Azura tries to act nice to Takumi and he acts like a jerk to her. She mentions that Mikoto wanted them to be like real siblings and Takumi brushes her off. He’s actually a bit nicer in this than I would expect, considering how absurdly hostile he is in the main story.
B: Azura finds a lost child and tries to help him go home, but the kid is mean to her. Takumi talks to the kid and gives him a piggyback ride home.
A: Takumi reveals that the mean little kid reminded him of himself and apologizes for always being so mean to Azura.
S: Takumi has a nightmare about Mikoto’s death. Azura hugs and comforts him. Side note, Silas’s support also has her sneaking into his tent in the middle of the night, which I guess is just a thing she does. She says that despite not being blood relatives, they are family. So far, so good. Then Takumi reveals he’s been in love with Azura since the day they met and hated her because they were raised as siblings. And Azura says she feels the same way. Five seconds ago you were siblings. Also, Azura says that they’re finally a real family now that they’re screwing, which is insulting to real adopted people, the core themes of this game, and anyone with taste.
Review: It’s always the S-Rank that ruins these. Takumi being good with kids is a nice detail, him having a nightmare about his mother dying in front of him is a great bit of drama I hadn’t considered, and Azura comforting him is great. And then they have to ruin it with the weird incest shit. And I know it isn’t blood, but Azura literally said, a mere thirteen words earlier, that they consider each other to be siblings. The real family line pisses me off, as mentioned. Also, the thing they do in so many of these S-Ranks that aggravates me is saying that characters have been in love since the moment they met, which ret-cons past supports and, considering how prevalent it is in this game, is probably bullshit. Either every character falls in love with every other character the moment they meet and my army is a bunch of constantly horny middle schoolers, or the S-Ranks are bullshitting me. I highly doubt it’s true in this case, by the way, considering the fact that they were young children when they met.
Support: Orochi/Rinkah
C: Orochi offers to read Rinkah’s fortune and Rinkah explains that the Flame Tribe have their own divination methods involving oil and fire that they use exclusively to foretell the results of battle. Orochi explains that there are things besides fighting, which Rinkah disagrees with.
B: Rinkah requests a fortune about food. Also Orochi talks in third person for some reason.
A: Rinkah thanks Orochi for her food fortune, which was just Orochi listing off recipes.
Review: A passable support. I would have liked a bit more worldbuilding and contrast of divination methods, but Rinkah’s food fortune is amusing.
Birthright Chapter 14: Light Scatters
Ryoma takes the team back to the resistance base and introduces his siblings to Scarlet. He includes Azura when he introduces his siblings, because they are siblings, no matter what the shitty incest supports say. Scarlet is shocked to find out that the man who looks like the prince and has the same name as the prince and wields the royal family’s ancient weapon is actual the Hoshidan prince. Scarlet explains that the resistance seeks to free Cheve from Nohrian rule and joins the team.
A pre-promoted Wyvern Lord and leader of the resistance. She only has supports with Corrin, which is disappointing. I think she should have at least had supports with Ryoma. Her personal skill raises her crit rate when she’s low on health. Her design is fine, but I don’t really see any reason to get invested in her because she’s a throwaway character.
Suddenly, an explosion rocks the safe house. Nohrian troops surround the building and Azura suggests that there is a second traitor. Ryoma suggests fleeing deeper into Nohrian territory to end the war quickly. The gang escapes without having to do any combat.
Corrin and co arrive at a massive wall protecting Nohr, surrounded by an army, and decide to charge through it. This battle is split into two halves; one battling an army of enemies out in the open field, the other fighting in the tight corners of the fort. Standing outside the fort are Benny and Charlotte, a pair of unique characters who I killed without any hesitation. They’re recruitable in Conquest, but because they only have story significance in Conquest, having them be enemies really doesn’t accomplish anything. I think the way Three Houses did it, where you can talk to and even have support conversations with units from other routes works a lot better than how this game handles fighting the characters of other routes. With the exception of the royals, there really isn’t any reason to feel hesitant when fighting Nohrians on the first playthrough.
The fort is filled with tough enemies, but fortunately there are Dragon Veins that can be used to drop rocks on and almost kill all of them. The Dragon Veins are right in the entrance of the fort, which is a bit disappointing; if I had to do something treacherous to get to them it would give this map a layer of depth. The boss of the chapter, Daniella, is a weird mage with purple lipstick, an odd pose, and shaved eyebrows. She’s one of twelve capturable bosses in this game. None of them have personalities or story significance, but I grabbed her anyway.
After the battle, the gang rests in a forest. Corrin sees an injured Azura singing the only song she knows by a lake and asks her about the song. Azura refuses to tell Corrin anything. Purple ghost hands appear all over Azura’s body and she collapses. Azura explains that she’s cursed and using the full power of her song injures her. She’s insistent that the pain always goes away eventually, which means that it isn’t going to go away one of these times. I actually like the fact that Azura insists that she continue using her magic music, even if it’s killing her, to end the war.
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romanianwilkinson · 4 years
A collection of sentence starters from my saved screenshots of the game Monster Prom. Feel free to change words and pronouns as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Monster Prom spoilers, suggestive, cursing, crude content
“ It’s also probably why I have only six Instagram followers, but we all make sacrifices for our art. ”
“ We’re not interested in doing any crimes. ”
“ You! You’re renowned for your Tinder success. What’s your secret? ”
“ Oh, if it isn’t [ NAME ]. ”
“ The wizard’s frozen treats invariably turn me into a frog for some reason... ”
“ Perhaps I simply have not tried the right one yet! ”
“ That’s a common misconception! The key to being good is having a lot of money and punishing anyone who dares disrespect you! ”
“ [ NAME ] had a hard time forming any more iconoclastic opinions with his flesh on fire. ”
“ This should be good. ”
“ I’d present you with my grandmother’s wedding ring... Still attached to my naked grandmother! ”
“ I can see how the world will end. I can see how the world began. I can see my parents having sex, even though I totally don’t want to! ”
“ You’ve got twelve hours to choose the trendiest spot nobody’s ever heard of. ”
“ I’d ask her if she thinks this is ethical, but she’s as confused about the meaning of ‘ ethics ’ as she is about ‘ fair and democratic elections. ’ ”
“ That could be literally anyone, but my money’s on [ NAME ]. I’ve always suspected he was a suit of enchanted armor painted purple and sent here to destroy me. ”
“ That’s... That’s terrible. ”
“ I had the most tragic injustice befall me earlier this morn -- I was rejected from our school’s water polo team! ”
“ I hate to admit it, but that’s actually a very cool idea. ”
“ Let’s test this locket to make sure it’s not cut with lich, or banshee, or Clorox. ”
“ Everyone has some unfinished business. And it’d be a nice change of pace if, instead of judging other people as allies or enemies from your self-righteous throne, you actually tried to understand them better. ”
“ Well, well, well. Look who it is. We meet again. ”
“ Life should be about enjoying being alive. If you focus on all that heavy bullshit, you risk becoming miserable. ”
“ You... You’re actually right. ”
“ We did a good thing today. ”
“ Isn’t locking your unpaid intern in a spike-filled sarcophagus... unethical? ”
“ Did you know that peasants have to do labor to make living wages?! They don’t simply have unlimited stores of gold! I was shocked when I first found out! ”
“ Don’t worry... I won’t ask how you know so much about the fetish community. ”
“ I noticed you in class the other day admiring my collection of slightly-used vintage bottlecap sex toys. ”
“ Most people are hideous, but I have yet to see one who is the most hideous. ”
“ Stop. This is the cool people table, where only cool people are allowed. ”
“ Boom! Drugs are always the answer! ”
“ But it turns out... that your love... was even more useful to me than your professional interest! I’ll take it! ”
“ I am on my knees, begging at the root of the tree of knowledge. Please, fill me with your seed! ”
“ I just... I love her so much and I want to make sure she’s as happy, or unhappy, or ruthlessly insane, as she can possibly be! ”
“ Looks like it’s disrespectful prison time for someone else, too! ”
“ Existential crisis: imminent. ”
“ Have you tried... Clicking it? ”
“ What if someone puts... really spicy hot sauce in your drink? ”
“ You’ve also gotta write ‘ gullible ’ across your forehead in permanent marker. ”
“ To me it just looks like a gruesome and horrific offering to a pitiless god, like my uncle used to make! ”
“ Why do I feel like... I left my stove on when I left the house this morning? ”
“ Ethics? Oh!! You mean those things poor people have instead of royal titles! ”
“ I have a meeting of the Smug Superiority Club to conduct next period! I can’t be late! ”
“ I’ve always tried to pair pinot noir with blood... You know, because ‘ noir ’ means ‘ dark, ’ like my soul... ”
“ I took the liberty of having my spies discover the password to his account, so we can give it a total makeover! ”
“ Not sure what happened, but it felt nice. Maybe you can hypnotize me again later... ”
“ A prophecy foretells that I will one day fall asleep after an allergic reaction to an apple! ”
“ Only five or six of my potential solutions involved crimes. ”
“ You seem to be an 8.5 on the Frowny [ NAME ] Scale. ”
“ It was the third most romantic night I’ve ever spent in a crypt! Score! ”
“ My job skills are being the best, having fabulous hair, and telling people they’re ugly. ”
“ In my experience, anytime someone says ‘ there’s only one solution, ’ there are usually... multiple solutions. ”
“ That’s a very wordy definition. ”  “ Don’t listen to [ NAME ], he uses too many words. ”
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spacecrone · 4 years
Sorry, Cassandra.
So, it's definite then
It's written in the stars, darlings
Everything must come to an end - Susanne Sundfør
I first learned about the climate crisis in 2008, as an undergrad at Hunter College, in a class called The History and Science of Climate Change. For the next decade I would struggle with how to process and act on the scientific paradigm shift climate change required: that human activity could disrupt the climate system and create a planetary ecosystem shift making Earth uninhabitable to human life. I became a climate justice activist and attempted to work directly on The Problem which was actually, as philosopher Timothy Morton writes, a hyperobject, something so systemic and enormous in size and scope as to be almost unintelligible to human awareness. I’ve cycled through probably every single response a person could have to this knowledge, despair, ecstasy, rage, hope. I’ve landed somewhere close to what I might call engaged bewilderment. For me, his particular locale has a soundtrack, and it’s Susanne Sundfør’s cinematic dance dystopia Ten Love Songs, an album that tells a story of love and loss in the Anthropocene. Sundfør is a sonic death doula for the Neoliberal project, with a uniquely Scandinavian version of bleak optimism. To truly grapple with this time of escalating transition, we need to really face what is, not what we hope or fear will be, but what is actually happening. A throbbing beat with shimmering synths around which to orient your dancing mortal envelope can’t hurt.
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Susanne Sundfør’s Ten Love Songs was released a few days after Valentine’s Day in February of 2015, six months after I had been organizing Buddhists and meditators for the Peoples Climate March.  I was already a fan, having first heard her voice as part of her collaboration with dreamy synth-pop outfit m83 on the Oblivion soundtrack. Oblivion was visually striking but felt like a long music video. The soaring synths and Sundfør’s powerful voice drove the plot more than the acting, though I loved how Andrea Riseborough played the tragic character Vika, whose story could have been more central to the plot but was sidelined for a traditional Tom Cruise romantic centerpiece. But since the movie was almost proud of its style over investment in substance, the music stood out. The soundscapes were as expansive as the green-screened vistas of 2077  in the movie. It was just nostalgic enough while also feeling totally new, a paradox encapsulated in the name of m83’s similarly wistful and sweeping Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming.  I am not exempt from taking comfort in style that signifies a previous era, and I am also not alone in it. It’s a huge industry, and while the MAGA-style yearning for a previous era is one manifestation, maybe there are ways to acknowledge culture as cyclical in a way that doesn’t sacrifice traditional knowledge to some imagined myth of perpetual progress.
When Ten Love Songs came out the following year, I listened to it on repeat for days.  Sundfør seemed to have absorbed the music-driven sci-fi into a concept album, with m83 providing her with a whole new panopoly of sounds at her disposal. Like Oblivion,  Ten Love Songs told the story of a future dystopia with high speed chases, nihilistic pleasure-seeking and operatic decadence against a backdrop of technocratic inequality. It mixed electro-pop with chamber music and I listened to it on a Greyhound ride to Atlantic City in the middle of snowy February. I hadn’t felt like this since high school, that a full album was a sort of soundtrack to my own life, which I could experience as cinematic in some way while the music was playing. This situated me in my own story, of studying climate change as an undergrad and graduating into a financial collapse, working as a personal assistant to an author writing about ecological collapse and ritual use of psychedelics, to joining a Buddhist community and organizing spiritual activists around climate justice. 
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Ten Love Songs is a breakup album, with lyrics telling of endings and running out of time. But it didn’t read to me as an album about a single human romantic relationship coming to an end. It felt like a series of vignettes about the planet and its ecosphere breaking up with us, all of us. People. Some songs like Accelerate, one of the album’s singles, throb in an anthem to nihilistic numbness and speeding up into a catastrophe that feels inevitable. Fade Away is a bit lighter, tonally and lyrically, (and if you listen, please note the exquisitely perfect placement of what sounds like a toaster “ding!”), but is still about fading away, falling apart. The way the songs seem to drive a narrative of anthropocenic collapse built on science fiction film scores, the combination of orchestra and techno-pop, absolutely draws on Sundfør’s experience collaborating with m83 for the Oblivion soundtrack, which itself combined Anthony Gonzalez’s love for the adult-scripted teen dramas of his own 80’s adolescence. In Ten Love Songs, Sundfør takes what she learned from this collaboration and scores not a movie but a life experience of living through ecological collapse and all of the heartbreak and desire that erupts in a time when everything seems so close to the knife’s edge.
I am reminded of another Scandinavian dance album that was extremely danceable yet harbored within it a sense of foreboding. The Visitors, ABBA’s eighth studio album, was considered their venture into more mature and complex music. The two couples who comprised the band had divorced the year before it was released, and the entire atmosphere of the album is paranoid, gloomy, and tense. The cover shows the four musicians, on opposite sides of a dark room, ignoring each other. Each song is melancholy and strange in its own way, unique for a pop ensemble like Abba. One song in particular showcases their ability to use an archetype of narrative tragedy and prophesy to tell the story of regret. Cassandra is sung from the perspective of those who didn’t heed the woman cursed by Zeus to foretell the future but never be believed. 
I have always considered myself a pretty big Abba fan, something my high school choir instructor thought was riotously funny. I was born in the 80’s and nobody in my family liked disco, so I seemed like something of an anachronism. But pop music, especially synth-oriented pop, has always felt like a brain massage to me. It could get my inner motor moving when I felt utterly collapsed in resignation to the scary chaos of my early life. But I only discovered the song Cassandra in 2017, while giving The Visitors a full listen. It felt like I had never heard the song before, though, as a fan I must have. But something about 2015 made the song stand out more. It starts with piano, soft tambourine, and the ambient sound of a harbor. It has a coastal Mediterranean vibe, as some Abba songs do, foreshadowing Cassandra’s removal from her home city, an event she foretold but could not get anyone to believe. It’s a farewell song of regret, echoing the regret the members of Abba felt about their own breakups. 
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We feel so full of promise at the dawn of a new relationship. Only after the split can we look back and say we saw the fissures in the bond. The signs were there. Why did we ignore them? This happens on an individual level but the Cassandra paradox is an archetype that climate scientists and journalists are very familiar with. This particular Abba song, and the Visitors album overall, uses this archetype to tell the story of a breakup in retrospect. With climate change, the warnings have been there, even before science discovered the rising carbon in the atmosphere. Indigenous peoples have been warning of ecological collapse since colonization began. Because of white supremacy and an unwavering belief in “progress,” perpetual economic and technological development and growth, warnings from any source but especially marginalized sources have been noise to those who benefit from that perpetual growth model and from white supremacy itself. Is there a way to undo the Cassandra curse and render warnings signal BEFORE some major event turns us all into the chorus from Abba’s song, singing “some of us wanted- but none of us could--  listen to words of warning?” Composer Pauline Oliveros called listening a radical act. It is especially so when we listen actively to the sounds and signals of those we would otherwise overlook.
When I look back at my life in the time that Sundfør’s Ten Love Songs and m83’s movie music seems nostalgic for, the late 1980’s in New Jersey,  I was a child with deeply dissociative and escapist tendencies, which helped me survive unresolved grief, loss, and chaos. I recognize my love for Abba’s hypnotic synth music as a surrendering to the precise and driving rhythm of an all-encompassing sound experience. I also see how my early life prepared me to be sensitized to the story climate science was telling when I finally discovered it in 2008. I had already grown up with Save the Whales assemblies and poster-making contests, with a heavy emphasis on cutting six-pack rings so that sea life would not be strangled to death. I knew what it was like to see something terrible happening all around you and to feel powerless to stop it, because of the way my parents seemed incapable of and unsupported in their acting out their own traumatic dysregulation. Wounds, unable to heal, sucking other people into the abyss. I escaped through reading science fiction, listening to music like Abba and Aphex Twin loud enough to rattle my bones. I wanted to overwhelm my own dysregulated nervous system. I dreamed of solitude on other planets, sweeping grey vistas, being the  protagonist of my own story where nothing ever hurt because ice ran through my veins and the fjords around me. My home planet was dying, and nobody could hear those of us screaming into the wind about it.
Ten Love Songs woke up that lost cosmic child who had banished herself to another solar system. Songs of decadence, songs of endings, songs of loss. Though that album was not overtly about climate change, Sundfør did talk about ecological collapse in interviews for her radically different follow-up album Music For People In Trouble. After the success of Ten Love Songs, Sundfør chose to travel to places that she said “might not be around much longer” in order to chronicle the loss of the biosphere for her new album. It is more expressly and urgently about the current global political moment, but the seeds for those themes were present and in my opinion much more potent in the poppier album. But maybe that’s the escapist in me.
The old forms that brought us to this point are in need of end-of-life care. Capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchal theocratic nationalism, neoliberalism, they all need death doulas. Escapism makes sense in response to traumatic stimulus, and for many of us it may have helped us survive difficult circumstances. But if we are to face what it means to be alive on this planet at this moment, we might be here to be present to and help facilitate and ease the process of putting these systems to rest. And maybe this work is not at odds with a dance party. The ability to be visionary about shared alternatives to these dying systems is not inherently escapist, when we are willing to take the steps together to live into those new stories. What would happen if cursed Cassandras, instead of pleading with existing power structures to heed warnings that sound like noise to them, turned to each other to restore the civic body through listening, through bearing witness to each others unacknowledged and thwarted grief over losses unacknowledged by those same systems of coercive power?
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Engaged bewilderment means my version of hope, informed by Rebecca Solnit’s work on the topic, comes from the acceptance that things will happen that I could never have imagined possible. Climate change is happening and there are certain scientific certainties built into that trajectory. Some of it is written in the stars. But as with any dynamic system change, we do not know exactly how it will all shake out. These unknowns can be sources of fear and despair, but there is also the possibility for agency, choice and experimentation. The trajectory of my individual life was always going to end in death. Does that make it a failure? Or does it render each choice and engagement of movement towards the unknown an ecstatic act? As the old forms collapse, no need to apologize to the oracles. At this point they are dancing, and hope you’ll join.
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kcystotheheart · 4 years
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{🍎} I don’t feel like i got all of them but MASSIVE TAG DROP/DUMP
♡ Home is where the Heart is... {IC}
✧ I foresee the end of all I know... {Ava}
#☪︎I'm howling with the wolves {Fida}
#✦ Breaking Traditions {Sub Alt V.} ⚔︎
#☮︎You are the future; the hope of this world... {Hope}
#♟Hidden from the rest of the World… Until now {Wandering V.} ✧
#🍎of someone's eye {Mun}
#✎ We may feel out of place; but we fit together so perfectly... {X Ventus} #♔♡ Eventually we all return to it... Kingdom Hearts {S A V E D} #⚖︎ I will keep a just and fair eye... {Invi} #♘ They look to me for Guidance... {Ira} #Heartless; Dusks; Unversed? All the same {Anon} #❥ ANSWERED
#✎ He's a work in progress and that's what matters! {Vanitas/tenebrxsus}
#✎ The Light to my Darkness; he makes up what I lack... {X Vanitas}
#✧ He may be all brawn; but he has the biggest heart {Aced/ursaced}
#✧ You wouldn't hurt me; I know... {X Aced} #✦ The Beginning of it all… {Past V.} ♙ #➳ All right; No more playing around! {Hayner} #♡ It's time to strike {Open Starter} #♔ Beyond the realms... {OOC} #♥︎ I'll find my way... {Riku} #✎ Let's make a promise; To hold each other through it all {X Riku} #♤ I won't fade away so easily! {Lingering Remnant!Vanitas} #♠︎ Different from the rest... {Springy/Hareraiser} #♥︎ Once a Somebody... now a Nobody {Nobody V.} ♤ #✦ A little Generosity never hurt nobody~ {Cari} #✦ He thinks he's sooo good; but I know he's bad~ {Indus/ursaced} #✦ Momma I'm in love with a criminal; I'm the bad guy duh~ {X Indus} #♡ We'll never let the darkness consume us... {Queue}
🎲 May Lady Luck be on your side~ {Fortune} 💘 No matter what happens i’ll always be by your side {Faith} ⚔️ That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers! {Seifer} ⌨️ Cracking the {Code} 🌱Rough around the edges by soft on the inside [Jagged} 🌿 My Strength will help support them… {Aced} 🌟 I will always help the weak {Starlight} 🍃I’ll sweep you up and leave your head spinnin’! {Wind} 🛡 I will always defend them {Keeper} 🃏 Care to take a Gamble? {Luxord/Ordul} 🎵I can drop a beat {Demyx/Dyme}  🎼 Let me play a song for you~ {Arpeggio}
⚠︎ You make me feel things I thought were lost {X Lauriam} ♟ More alike than you know {Rei/solaimaginem} ✎ Even after all this time… we’re connected. {Terra/willfulwayfarer} ✎ We’ll find new secrets to discover… together! {Pence/dxgstreet} ✎ I want to capture this moment {X Pence} ➸✮ Blessed or Cursed with magic that runs within him {Magia} #🎐My Lazy Companion {Sir Snugglesopholis the Flood} #♝ I will prove my worth... {Xionort} #𝒳 No one will know... {Subject X V.} ⭑ #No longer Lost {Naminé; Vanitas & Repliku } #✎ We've had tough pasts but we can move forward {Aiden/lethargic-hunter} #♟We've cut our own strings and now we're free {Xion & Repliku} #Made a sacrifice {Repliku} #Always busy saving everyone else... {Aqua} #☯︎ Disciplinary Committee {Fuu; Seifer & Rai} #yOU leFT mE... {Nightmare Chirithy}
#Why does everything involve running? {Pence}
#Not your Typical Princess... {Kairi}
#Fun and Playful; Strong and Powerful {Ventus}
#♠︎ A little noisy... {Skitters/Flood}
#☓ Always watching; always seeing~ {Master of Masters}
#⭑ How bright is the future? {Skuld}
#♚ Stuck in Between Worlds... {Lingering V.} ♤
#✨I'll learn to use my magic for good {Apprentice V.} ✎
#✎ He understands me like no one else does {Max/pageofgoof}
#🍀I've got a present too; for all of us! {Olette}
#He once wandered the darkness seeking light; only to find he was the light {Riku}
#His smile brings about other people's happiness {Sora}
#👁‍🗨If only I could stand in her light... {Ava/verumheart}
#👁‍🗨If I could begin to be; half of what you think of me I'd do about anything {X Ava}
#🍀She sits by the Seashore {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#✎ I'll never forget you; promise? {X Sora}
#♜ We all have our Roles to Play... {Foreteller V.} ♠︎
#♗ I have made mistakes & have more regrets than you could imagine {Master Eraqus}
#One of the strongest wielders there is {Terra}
#🎐My lovely little Pearl... {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#♡ Something that simply resonates with me... {Aesthetic}
#➦ Portal Time {Shooter}
#➥ Eagle Eyes {Sharp}
#🌪Whispers on the Wind {Gale}
#♤ The Nobody that never was... {Kuxir}
#🎐When things are tough; I'll always welcome you home... {Ansem/afoolelopedindarkness}
#✦ I have to complete my role... {Sacrificed V.} ✧
#♡♔ Kingdom FARTS {Crack}
#♟No longer just a vessel... {Xion}
#♣︎ No one would miss me... And yet... {Roxas}
#☀︎ I always keep my promises... {Axel}
#⌁ I have to uncover the truth... {Gula}
#⚠︎ I will find a way to rewrite my Fate {Brain}
#☆⭒ A lost little Star {Strelitzia}
#♚ The Darkness has consumed us… {Alt V.} ♥︎
#☁︎ Where there's rain; there's a storm {Rain}
#🌸As Pretty as a Flower but twice as Dangerous {Song}
#✴︎ May the Tears of Heaven hear my call... {Sterling}
#❅ Her Colours are a reflection of who she is {Aurora}
#✵ Hear my prayer O'Morning Star {Ivory}
#♾You'll never hear their name on the wind... {No Name}
#⚡️The Eye of the Storm {Tempest}
#✑ You write down your feelings on paper {Memoire}
#☆⭒ A Light in the Dark... {Roxas/aftrliight}
#👁‍🗨 It's a heavy burden to carry... {Luxu}
#♥︎ He has every right to be mad at me; but i had to do it {Roxas/caelumobscura}
#♥︎ Twilight and Dawn... What an interesting combination {X Roxas}
#☘︎Oh Look- Nope it's just them... {Dani}
#♣︎ There's just something about him that i hate... and i love {X Riku}
#✎ You remember me; the way I remember you {X Roxas}
#☆⭒ He gives me the courage I need; she is always so kind... {X Roxas}
#☆⭒ Let's go to the garden... {Lauriam/lordofoblivion}
#✘ There is always something worth fighting for... {Kohaku}
#♡ No longer just a Copy... {Repliku/Kouki}
#⚙︎Just because I'm not a 'True' Keyblade doesn't mean I can't kill you {Void}
#♥︎ You and I; were intertwined from the start... {X Kairi}
#♡ These will make anyone laugh! {Memes}
#✬ Here to help! {Chirithy}
#🌼You'll never learn from your mistakes if you don't make them {Ayaka/Roxas' mom}
#♔♡ The Mark of a Master~ {P R O M O}
#✿ Thinking of you wherever you are... {Hana/Sora's Mom}
#♤☆ When the Light embraced the Dark... {Mending Hearts V.} ★♠
#✎ He wants to break the mold {Roxas/serendimpetus}
#🗝🖤The Kingdom's Protector and the Original Blade {Chi}
#♔ Mirrored Reflections; Two in the Same {Twin V.} ♡
#★ I'll be there to hide your light when you need it {Dusk}
#♻︎ I'm not even the real thing...And yet in my soul it says otherwise {Soul}
#✩*~ I'll unlock the mysteries of the world {Ephemer}
#♠︎ Made completely out of Darkness {Vanitas}
#✩*~ We'll meet where the darkness meets the light {X Vanitas}
#➳ Skateboard tricks and Sea Salt Icecream... {X Roxas}
#♡ Let's line up the pieces... Together {Main V.} ♔
#❁ He'll always be my little Sprout... {Kasumi/Riku's mother}
#❁ To trust or not to trust is the question... {Xemnas/potestasaeterna}
#♘ He trusts me to look after everyone; but who's going to look after him? {X Master}
#♘ Always one step ahead... or two- or three {Master/masterxmasters}
#☾ The path between Night and Day... {Dawn}
#♡ A Watchful eye... {Dash Commentary}
#☯︎ Total Annihilation {Fuu}
#✎ Don't forget me... {Naminé}
#☄️ I will always rise up from the Ashes {Libra}
#🔥Better watch out because I always bounce back {Ember}
#💥I will burn Eternally {Flame}
#♕ Together we'll protect the world! {Kiki}
#♛ We'll free their hearts and consume the world in darkness... {Heart!Kiki}
#🍨Not just a sweet treat~ {Sweetie}
#♜ I'll protect you from the Shadows {Oblivion}
#♖ Just follow my Light {Oathkeeper}
#♥︎ No matter the Nightmare; I'll be there {X Ventus}
#♠︎ A little noisy... {Skitters/Flood}
#🎐When you feel it in your heart; you know that your home {Mitsuki/Kairi's Grandma}
#❁ He's my stubborn Rock. {Roxas/aftrliight}
#💥She rises with the moon {Luna/verumheart}
#♧ Even in your dreams... {Dream Eater V.} ♥︎
#🍡 Cheeky Cheel {Leche}
#❦ There's more to Light than meets the eye {Young Eraqus}
#❦ And that's checkmate I win; Hold on it's still my turn {X Young Xehanort}
#The Copycat Trio {Repliku; Vanitas and Xion}
#Created with a purpose {Vanitas}
#🐶Watch out for the Mad Dog~ {Mady}
#➸✮ Reliable and Sturdy as the Shield he carries {Aegis/verumrook}
#➸✮ I shouldn't feel this way but I do... And I don't want to stop {X Aegis}
#✘ ...I will protect his light with my life... {Artemis/keyfamilia}
#✘ I don't know what he sees in me... but i'm grateful {X Artemis}
#🗝🖤A shroud of Mystery and Darkness {Master of Masters/eyesofparoxysm}
#🗝🖤The one who compliments me; who truly understands {X Master of Masters}
#✧ He's a good listener and a good friend {Luxu/gravitasfatum}
#✎ What did I do to deserve you...? {Riku/darkheartedprince}
#♔♡ It rests now within us all... {Drabble}
#💚As playful as a breeze; but as strong as a gale wind {Ventus}
#💫Not even the Night Sky could contain her Light... {Astraea}
#🍏A Bad Apple spoils the bunch {Negative Thoughts}
#☀︎ Set me ablaze; start a fire in me {X Terra}
#☀︎ He's my pillar when I'm not strong {Terra/willfulfwayfarer}
#🎐Just like the Stars; He will burn long after... {Yen Sid/omnipotentmxster}
#☀︎ Never expected to fall for a flower {X Marluxia}
#☀︎ Every Flower has it's thorns and he's full of them {Marluxia/lordofoblivion}
#✿ My Little Sparrow {Sora/lightheartedwarrior}
#❁ My Little Sprout {Riku/darkheartedprince}
#🎐If we keep each other in our hearts; we'll always be strong {Young Mitsuki}
#🎐The Stars align when he smiles... {Young Yen Sid/omnipotentmxster}
#⚚ I'm sending a message to you and I hope that it makes it through {Hermod}
#⭑ He could light the sky with his colours {Sora/valorxdrive}
#⭑ He's my knight and I'm his princess {X Sora}
#⭑ We both just wanted a friend... {Blaine/virusplanted}
#⭑ The future may be uncertain; but I'm certain of us {X Blaine}
#🧶Tying the knot {Married V.}
#♔ In another World; another Time or another Place {AU V.} ♡
#⚖︎She moves with the beauty and grace of her namesake {Aqua/theheartstreasure}
#⚖︎I certainly don't know what I did to deserve you; but i'm grateful {X Aqua}
#⌁ The only one I'll always trust {Ava/starshold}
#❀ Careful the Flowers have ears {Foxglove}
#☆⭒ He's my bookworm... {Blaine/virusplanted}
#☆⭒ One day I saw him there and couldn't help but gravitate towards him {X Blaine}
#♔ A World without Magic... {Modern V.} ♡
#🎐An old friend and fellow Master {Eraqus/eraqus-the-defender}
#❦ I wish I was enough to keep you from the Darkness... {Young Xehanort/iuvienis}
#🌕A place where all hearts are one... {Kingdom Hearts}
#🔮The Mistress of Darkness {Maleficent}
#🐚Overcame the Impossible {Maryllis/Kairi's Mother}
#🌊I will do my duty to protect the people {Nalani/Destiny Islands Mayor}
#🥀Poison runs through their veins {Vera}
#✩*~ He's the smartest guy I know {Brain/virusplanted}
#✩*~ We'll always be connected; no matter where we fly too {X Brain}
#🐚His Majesty and My King {Ansem/afoolelopedindarkness}
#🐚Two halves of a whole {X Ansem The Wise}
#✩*~ Flowers can be strong so long as you let them {Lauriam/lordofoblivion}
#🐚My Precious Treasure {Kairi/thalassicradiance}
#🐚Like Mother like daughter {Maryllis and Kairi}
#🎶Listen to my Melody {Maestro}
#Before Summer Vacation is over; we should go to the beach! {Twilight Town Gang}
#♘ More important than he realizes {Kage/thechessboard}
#✩*~ I use to think Dandelions were just weeds; I think they're beautiful {X Lauriam}
#📓Don't always believe what you see... {Lexicon}
#🌹Strong and Elegant {Rose}
#⚠︎ Infuriating and yet... He's Mi Rosa {Lauriam/rxsoideae}
#✧ She's as strong as she is beautiful {Aqua/theheartstreasure}
#✧ She makes me feel like a princess; she gives me hope {X Aqua}
#✎ We will always have each other's backs {Naminé and Aiden}
#☆⭒ Wallflower friends {Luxu and Strelitzia}
#The Darkness gave us purpose... {Dark Repliku; Vanitas & Xionort}
#Let's go to the beach {Axel; Xion & Roxas}
#⚔︎Childhood rivals to lovers {X Hayner}
#⭑★ Fallen Hearts turn to Dark Stars… {Darkling V.} ❤︎♥︎
#⭑ ...Unknowingly My Protector... {Braig/freeshooterxig}
#🍀We're stronger than we look {X Kairi}
#♟He isn't all darkness... {Vanitas/unversedshadow}
#✧ My precious Snowflake Dandelion... {Theo/keytosolidarity}
#✎ She was my light; He was my knight {X Repliku}
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Okay so I've been listening to Other Friends and Drift Away from the SU movie on loop for a couple days now (which was fueled further by both AnnaPantsu and Caleb Hyles releasing their covers God bless) and writing out my plans for my ongoing MoM!Sora to hammer out plot pieces and making sure everything fits neatly and like MoM!Sora being like Spindel hurts me sooo bad???
People constantly question how someone like Sora could ever seem as wacky and somewhat unstable at some points as the Master of Masters and I'm like?? SPINDEL!!!
Imagine Sora, a good hearted kid who has constantly given up his happiness for the universe, who threw away a chance at a normal life after KH1 AND KH2 because people (Riku/Roxas/Wayfinder Trio) needed him.
Imagine him suffering not only witnessing all his friends be murdered but then losing Kairi again all the while Xehanort gets off Scott free.
Imaging him wishing he ran the old fucker through with the X-Blade.
Imagine him realising he can't be with Kairi because his life must be exchanged for hers? Who has to accept the possibility of never seeing his friends who he all saved being happy and together? Who can't go home? Who never asked to be a keyblade wielder but had the responsibility unfairly shoved onto him while trained and qualified adults let him, a 14/15/16 kid, suffer so much and go through so much without help (YEN FUCKING SID I'M LOOKING AT YOU YOU HAT WEARING PENIS) or proper training aside from what he learnt himself through first hand experience? Who accepted the hurt of all those connected to him. Who was ridiculed and humiliated by his "friends" for not passing his Mark of Mastery despite it being rigged from the start? Who had all his feats and bravery beaten into the dirt and his self confidence knocked so much that he didn't think he could do anything without his friends beside him? Who never thought he was good enough? Who was betrayed (Riku/Donald &Goofy) and used/manipulated by so many to clean up mistakes that had nothing to do with him (Yen Sid/Mickey/Ansem the Wise)?
Much like how Pink Diamond being gone and replaced by Steven who didn't even know she existed was the breaking point for Spindel after all her suffering and mistreatment, I could see Sora somehow ending up in the past and realising everything he must do, all the suffering that must happen to innocents like him to assure that the 'good future' happens would be Sora's breaking point.
Imagine how utterly shattered Sora would be to learn that he has to be the one to make Xehanort. He has to start all this suffering, he has to let all this hurt happen.
Imagine him being forced to see, through his eye, all his friends suffering and dying and him losing Kairi again over and over and over again.
Imagine him realising that his new little family, his loving kids students that he has raised and taught everything he could so they could have what he never got, must be broken for the greater good.
Imagine him realising that he must send Luxu -- sweet, mischievous Luxu --out on his own for thousands of years so his eye can see everything so that everything can be set for him to actual bring about that best future.
Imagine him knowing from the start what will happen to his students and Daybreak Town and not being able to tell anyone ever.
Imagine him seeing all the keyblade wielders and having to live with himself over sending them to their deaths.
Imagine him crying every night for years.
Imagine the hurt being too much and the darkness starts to trickle in.
Imagine him keeping up a strong façade for his students and acting like everything is fine but it isn't. It's never been okay.
Imagine him beginning to fall into darkness and barely holding on because people need him people always need him but strands of his hair have begun to go silver and his eyes are speckled with gold and his fingers and arms start to go black and red like Aqua.
Imagine him having to start wearing the organisation coat to hide these signs and he nearly throws up when he has to give Luxu one because no no no no no no not Luxu please don't make him look like them-
Imagine he eventually learning that Luxu is Xigbar.
Imagine him making No Name and sobbing his eyes out and knocking over furniture and punching a wall hard enough to break bone but not caring because the pain of his heart hurts more.
Imagine him having a front row seat to see Xehanort stab and murder Kairi and hearing his younger self screaming and crying and forcing himself not to shout and break something because after all that time why her.
Imagine him making himself more funny and goofy because he has no idea how to cope and this ship runs on happy faces keep them happy keep them oblivious.
Imagine him making his movements and actions more dramatic and obvious to hide the injuries he gives himself when he sees a bad memory and hits the closest thing to him but doesn't want his students to know.
Imagine him having to write the misery of everyone he ever knew and all the suffering he had to go through over and over and over again multiple times for each Book Of Prophecies.
Imagine him seeing and experiencing everything every wielder of No Name goes through and picking up little habits because their hearts connected to the keyblade and he's connected to it.
Imagine him seeing Xehanort for the first time. Not old and bald, but a young, nervous teenager brought to Scala Ed Caelum.
Imagine him seeing all of Xehanort and Eraqus' chess matches and games and crying whenever he realises how their story ends.
Imagine him seeing Xehanort being given the Mark of Mastery and freezing because he felt proud of him.
Imagine him watching as Xehanort becomes older and twisted and obsessed with balance and seeing him become the monster that Sora knew.
Imagine time going on and he starts going by the title the people of Daybreak Town gave him because he isn't Sora anymore -- Sora is light and happiness and innocence and saving people and all he does is make people suffer and cause a war and create a monster.
Imagine him giving Ava her role and being completely serious with her because she always knew when he was upset and he'd probably break down if she asked him.
Imagine him seeing so much of his friends in the foretellers, which influenced him picking them.
Imagine him calling Ira 'Riku' accidentally or Ava 'Kairi' when she was sparring practice with Aced and he swung slightly too hard.
Imagine him never sleeping around the Foretellers because he had a nightmare once and he knows they heard him screaming before Invi managed to wake him up.
Imagine him originally created Chirithy to help with his own nightmares and then deciding to give all the wielders and foretellers ones so that in the future they won't suffer and be alone like he was.
Imagine him giving the Chirithy the mark of the Dream Eater and silver fur that reminded him of Riku because they will protect their wielders no matter what and dive into the darkness for them if they have to.
Imagine him giving them Kairi’s blue eyes and the pink pouch with the lux symbol which he based on her lucky charm because like her lucky charm the Chirithy will always be their for their wielders and give them strength and support..
Imagine him keeping Kairi's lucky charm on him all the time and squeezing it whenever he wants to stop the future and save all the wielders because he knows the future needs to happen.
Imagine him realising that he may one day see his friends again.
Imagine him realising he doesn't want to because he isn't Sora anymore. Because he stopped being Sora so long ago and has worn his own invisible mask for so long he isn't sure who he is anymore but people need the Master OF Masters.
Imagine him eventually having to fight his old friends and allies and people he knew and loved.
Imagine him fighting Riku and/or Kairi and they learn who he is and won't fight back and he just gets angrier and angrier and the darkness nearly swallow him because this is all he has now they have to fight him they have to win they have to get stronger why does he want to fight them they're his friends he just wants his friends he just wants to go home
Imagine Sora breaking down for the first time in centuries and just starts sobbing because it hurts it hurts it hurts and he fully accepts them destroying him but they don't and they hug him and everyone rushes to him because he's alive and he's still Sora they know he's still Sora and
Imagine that the second he finds the strength to get to his feet Roxas knocks him back onto the ground and starts crying because he was wrong Sora didn't deserve that hurt and he was sorry and he never got a chance to thank him and tell him he was sorry for everything he put him through and they all hug and Donald and Goofy and Mickey are sobbing and just
Imagine the Foretellers finally seeing their Master's face and realising who he is.
People who say Sora being the MoM is boring and can't be used from angst and development and aNGsT need to come talk to me because bOY THIS SHIT HURTS AND I LOVE IT.
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awtuscanywriting · 5 years
Would you write the descend to madness of Lauriam before becoming Marluxia (Ya know, discovering your own sister was murdered isn't a pleasant experience), would be interesting to read a fic about it. The murderer? Well, you can choose between Ava, Ventus/Vanitas or Xigbar.
I don’t know if I did this prompt justice but here you go!! Warning! Character Death ahead! 
Lauriam tightens his grip on the list of names Brian so hesitantly handed him. This wasn't happening. But there it is in black and white, Strelitzia wasn't Just meant to be a dandelion. No, she was meant to be a Union Leader as well.
"Why her," he demands, glaring at Brain. "Why did it have to be her?"
"Because she was meant to get this," the other boy answers, presenting the Book of Prophecies to the grieving brother. "And... I guess someone didn't want her to get it."
"She never hurt anyone," Lauriam yells, crumpling the paper in his hand. "She was Innocent! She didn't... She didn't deserve to be killed because of some Book!"
"I know... I didn't... I didn't know what was done," he says softly. "I wasn't told. I thought... I thought I was meant to be here as well."
"You Aren't meant to be here," Lauriam snarls, face twisting with hatred. "She killed my sister! She took my sister's life so you could live!"
Brain takes a step back, "I didn't know! Lauraim I'm sorry!"
"Sorry doesn't bring her back! Sorry doesn't erase what was done!" Lauriam throws away the crumpled piece of paper. He stretches his hand out, his keyblade appearing that and Brain takes yet another step back. Glancing towards the door, keeping his hands up in the air where Lauriam can see them. "A life for a life Brain. Ava stole my sister from me."
"But I had nothing to do with that!"
"Yes, you did! You're the one she was replaced with!"
"I never asked for this," Brian defends, he can hear the sound of frantic footsteps coming closer. The others will be here soon. He'll be safe soon. He just needs to stall a little longer. Lauriam attacks swinging his keyblade at Brain and Brian dodges out of the way, still not summoning his keyblade just yet.
"It doesn't matter! A life for a life Brain! Someone has to pay!"
"No! I'm sorry about what happened but Ava killed your sister, not me! I was used just as much as she was! There's no reason to hurt anyone else! We can stop this cycle of death now! It doesn't have to go any further than it already has! The Foretellers made their mistakes but it's our turn now! We shouldn't repeat their sins!"
"We won't repeat their sins because you won't be here for us to have to worry about repeating their sins," Lauriam shouts.
Ephemer and the others finally make it to the room, bursting in with their keyblades drawn. Brain rushes towards Lauriam, hitting the floor and sliding under him to get to the computer. If he does this right they should be able to escape. He just needs the others to buy him time.
Lauriam turns, blasting a fira, but this one is different, darker than any the others have ever seen him use. Ephemer jumps to block it, getting there just in time. Skuld swings her keyblade at him, forcing him to move away from Brian. Ventus is there as well, attacking quickly, forcing Lauriam to stay on the defensive.
More footsteps come down the hallway, Elrena coming into the room just in time to see Ephemer swinging his keyblade at Lauriam again. She shouts as she summons her keyblade throwing a Thunder at Ephemer, stunning him long enough for Lauriam's keybalde to run him through. Everything goes still as an alarm blares and a portal begins to open at the computer.
"I did it! " Brian says, unaware of what's happened, he turns and his face goes blank at the sight before him. Skuld holds Ephemer close. "No... No..." He moves to walk towards his friends but is dragged back into the portal by some unseen force.
The alarm gets louder. WHOOSH!! Air rushes past them, Ven loses his footing and is dragged through the portal as well.
"Lauriam," Elrena screams, grabbing onto his arm as they're both dragged through next.
Everything goes dark.
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nobodies-png · 5 years
If each member was a language, what language would they be and why?
I’m assuming you mean from the OrgXIII so here you go ! This was an interesting question lolol - I had to look up and read a lot of articles on wikipedia to make sure I didn’t end up saying bad or weird shit bUT IT WAS SUPER FUN 
Xemnas :
Greek, probably ? The language and culture that rivaled Latin and Rome throughout history and despite it’s age, it MANAGES to still be a living language (if you think I overthink too much about metaphors and shit just wait till you read the rest of answers). It also fits all Scala Ad Caelum’s aesthetic inspired by Greece and all the shenanigans with the Norts ! 
 Xigbar :
LEET Speak just to give every homestucker a heart attack. Maybe just surfer speak, if it counts.  Xigbar would fit Latin perfectly - it’s a dead language and the source of many other languages just like Xigbar is the fucking source of many things that go down in KH. Cryptic and old, like him ! And considering his ties with the KHux Foretellers and such, it makes sense for him to be Latin, right ? 
Xaldin :
I literally have no idea why but I think of Portuguese when I think of Xaldin. I havE LIKE NO ARGUMENTS OR EXPLANATIONS, IT’S JUST A THING (tm) SO YOU’RE FREE TO ADD TO THIS. Or give him a different language to be w h e e z e.
Vexen :
You know when old people try to be hip and come up with shit like How o You Do Fellow Kids / I’ll Krump With You Sweetie ? Yeah that’s him Okay but honestly, when I was a kid I really liked the idea of Vexen just screaming shit in Latin whenever his experiments went wrong. Now that i’m older, I like to imagine the same thing except now he speaks a Slavic language. I wouldn’t be able to tell you e x a c t l y which one, though. But I guess also a language from north Europe would work, like Finnish or Swedish - mostly because the countries remind me of cold weather lol
Lexaeus :
Nghhhh, I wanna say either ASL/Sign Language or Braille - but i’ll go with Braille ! Lexaeus is a quiet man of a few words, so I think it suits him just fine to be a language that doesn’t need to be spoken. And we know he’s tactful and gentle, considering he does a lot of puzzles in his free time, so Braille seems perfect for him ! While he might not actually need Braille, Lexaeus would be that kind of guy who just teaches others how to read and tries to normalize the use of Braille !
Zexion :
A lot of people might give me shit for not making Zexion Latin bUT LIKE LISTEN. THIS SMART BOY WOULD BE SOMETHING LIKE CHINESE/MANDARIN. Think about it, we’re talking about a super flexible language whose entonation can change the meaning of a sentence completely - yes, i’m talking about that one poem that only has ONE word and it still manages to be a fully fledged story. Like, i’m an artist, not a literary major but I still think that’s super smart and dope and i’ll gladly compare that to magic anytime. In retrospect, it matches Zexion’s illusion motif and complex character !
Saix :
Uhhhh, i’d say either Japanese or Russian. Cause both are languages with strong accents and pronunciations which suit Saix’s strong and firm character - and also because Russian reminds me of NASA and space for some reason and Japanese makes me think of that one tale about the rabbit on the moon. Also Japan puts a lot of emphasis in discipline, honor and loyalty too, traits that Saix shares.
Axel :
Axel is definitely Spanish. Not to be confused with the latino dialects from South America ! I’m talking Spain’s spanish ! And no, I didn’t choose this one because it’s an “exotic sexy firey language”, tRUST ME IT’S MY FIRST LANGUAGE AND IT’S ANYTHING BUT THAT - I chose spanish because it’s an abrasive and brash language. Most words (and the insults specially) give the feeling you’re about to spit on someone’s face and be a cocky disrespectful brat OR you’re just a super friendly and extroverted fella - it suits Axel’s previous ruthless mercenary personality with his current and contrasting kind, outgoing self. 50/50.
Demyx :
Okay hear me out, it’s been like 45 minutes since I went researching to write Demyx’s answer and I still don’t know if I have a proper one. I wanted to say a language from India, since it’s where his signature sitar originates from and what else can accompany a sitar better than the language of the place it was pretty much created in ? So researched Ravi Shankar, the Sitar Maestro and a super important figure in indian classical music. But I know barely nothing about that side of Asia, so i’m NOT exactly sure what language he spoke or used in his music ! Like I looked for his songs and they’re in Gujarati, but HMMMM, NOT SURE CHIEF. 
So if anyone feels like educating me on this subject, please go ahead. Otherwise I have to give Demyx the way us millennials talk and oH boy.
Luxord :
I’ll go with the obvious choice here : English. Like, back in the day, most people just HC’d Luxord as a britishman because of his mannerisms and etc etc - but like, it works for him ! He’s closely tied to Alice and Wonderland in both the game and the manga, as well as Pirates of the Caribbean like come on it’s rIGHT there. Also imo, british English just sounds like super polite and elegant, the way Luxord acts most of the time.
Marluxia :
Either German or the language of flowers. German because it’s That Type Of Language™ that seems to have a word for every specific thing, action and feeling no matter how obscure - which kinda seems to suit him somehow ? A language with a rough appearance, intimidating to most people due to the hard sounds but eloquent, deep and extensive ! The other option is pretty obvious, considering his power with nature and stuff - Marluxia is definitely the time to give bouquets and flowers as gifts with double edged meanings and intentions. 
Larxene :
The only one that comes to mind is French. Just cause I think Larxene reads french literature in the 358Days manga - but like, dark and smart stuff only Intellectuals™ can understand. And also because it’s a tricky language to speak properly (LISTEN I TOOK 5 YEARS OF FRENCH AND I STILL DIE WITH ALL THE VOWELS). There’s just something about the way it’s spoken that screams her name. It’s fast paced, coquettish, sounds mature, there’s a lot of sharp sounds. Y’know !
Roxas :
Not specifically a language, but Roxas reminds me of the mix every bilingual person speaks sometime when they can’t remember a specific way of saying or explaining something. Or when your group of friends is mostly bilingual too and y’all just mix both languages and it’s a fucking mess for outsiders ? ( Like “Me cago en la fucking madre que te parió” o “I swear to god pOR QUE ERES ASI” are examples from the groupchat I am, wheeze). So probably Spanish and English ! 
Xion :
I’m torN AGAIN between ASL/Sign Language and Braille. But I think i’ll go with sign language ! Not to get Deep and Philosophical, but Sign Language seems to fit Xion, someone whose voice was silenced by those around her. We know she’s timid and quiet, but she’s also young and energetic, quick and witty around her friends - so unlike Lexaeus who’d calmly read using Braille, Xion is the type who’d sign at the speed of sound when excited or panicking and she’d enjoy sending secret messages to her friends. 
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Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC Stark
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mentions of Character Death, Fluff & Angst
Word Count: 2,235
Info: I entered @littledarlinhavefaithinme Sebastian Stan Summer Song Writing Challenge. I choose to do it based off of Lullaby by Shawn Mullins. So I loosely and I mean loosely based it off the song, where she grew up with Tony, and Bucky does quote my favorite line of the song at the end. Also big thanks to @coffeebucko for making my moodboard!
Synopsis: Bruce snaps everyone back into existence and Thanos is gone. 5 years have passed and many things have changed for Remedy Stark, she’s an older sister, her dads gotten married to her mother figure and she isn't sure where she fits in it all.
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Remedy Stark was born at the tail end of the ’80s, her father couldn't tell her much about how she was born but he could tell her about her mother and the story of how she was brought to him. Remedy could recount the story of being dropped off at her dad, Tony’s front doorstep by her mothers grieving friend. How Tony took one look at six-year-old her and cursed under his breath.
Remedy started showing her mutant abilities just a few months after she had moved in with her father. Tony had been working with some tools when he cut his finger open, feeling bad Remedy walked over grabbed her father's finger and kissed it. After telling him it was all better Tony looked down to find it healed with not even a scar left behind. That night they sat at the breakfast nook where Tony made Remedy promise she would keep her powers to them, and she did till she fixed Uncle Rhodey’s broken arm.
Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Bono, Mariah Carey, 2Pac, Elon Musk, Madonna, Michael J. Fox, Kevin Costner, Liv Tyler, Whitney Houston, Richard Branson, Steven Tyler, Bruce Springsteen, Celine Dion, and Leonardo DiCaprio were among the few who partied at the Stark mansion, getting to see Remedy Stark grow up. She learned to speak many languages, her best friend was an artificial intelligence named Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, or Jarvis for short, her father created, till she went to a private charter school.
Now Remedy, wasn’t as smart as her father, but she did skip a few grades here and there, graduating at the age of 14 in 2001. The same year Pepper Potts entered both her and her father's life, she watched them dance around each other in fawning, praying for the day when either her dad grew mature or one of them made a move. That was also the year her second mutation activated, all Remedy had to do was think of a place she wanted to be and she would end up there, unfortunately, it happened in front of both Pepper and her father. It became a family secret.
Years went by, she watched the only woman she ever saw as a mother figure dive in love with her father, while he became a superhero. Aliens it turned out were real, a frozen super-soldier her father spent his entire existence in the shadow was alive, assassins could have their own family and be a damn good friend, also Nazis it turned out were still around.
Being called an Avenger was pretty amazing, but what felt even more amazing to Remedy was saving lives. Fixing the wrongs in the world that you could. Remedy found a family in the Avengers. Wanda was someone who was her own and that could relate to the pressures of being someone with powers. Steve soon after the battle New York, became her best friend, a brother she never she wanted, along with Clint and Sam. Natasha, well she was another Aunt and another mother figure of sorts who brought along Bey. Bey was Natasha’s child, her pride and joy, but also Remedy’s best friend.
Turns out when you get shocked by Thor when trying to save a small nation, well it can awaken hidden powers where you can open portals. Soon everyone knows your secrets and governments well they don't care that you are a Stark, or that you save lives, they notice the fallout you leave behind.
Remedy knew Steve and her father Tony getting along was never going to last, they always had a fallout but they always came together in the end. This time Remedy wasn't able to foretell the destruction, Thunderbolt Ross would have on the group. Remedy left to go bury her Godmother Peggy Carter, then the next thing she knew she was a wanted fugitive.
Tony wanted her to hate Bucky, for killing her grandparents she barely knew, but she couldn't find it in her. It wasn't Bucky’s fault it was the men behind the controls. She could be angry at Steve for not telling her father but she could easily forgive him attempting to protect his best friend, she would do the same for Wanda and Bey.
When it was all over, said and done, T’Challa welcomed Remedy along Bey to lay low in Wakanda when they weren't trying to be vigilantes. Pepper would meet up with Remedy behind Tony’s back, updating her on her father as well as her godfather. Always going their separate ways with a hug and tears in their eyes.
Than Thanos happened and one moment she was assisting Natasha to get up after healing her broken arm, getting ready to open a portal, next she saw her body turning to ash before her very eyes. Next, she was standing between Sam Wilson, Bucky with Bey who was transformed into a Mammoth with both Princess Shuri and Spiderman on their back, as they were being portalled back to New York.
Remedy fought long and hard, the burning feeling in lungs, long since came a constant reminder she was alive. Working back to back with Wanda most of the fight, sending people her way, or defending Spider-Man, or well Peter, he had stopped to introduce himself and to apologize for the black eye back in Germany. Yeah, she could grow to like the kid and could see why her dad did too.
Seeing her dad again for the first time in what felt like forever, was crazy, especially when Remedy half expected him to yell at her, instead he hugged her. Remedy honestly couldn't remember the last time her father had hugged her. He held her tightly to the metal suit he had long lost his helmet it seemed, Remedy could have sworn she felt tears hit her scalp.
“You are so grounded young lady, I don’t care if you are 30 years old, you are grounded! No television, phone, no boys, we are going to have a long talk about what it means to be a vigilante and not talk to our parents.” Tony broke the silence that surrounded them, trying to make his daughter laugh, while she tugged him down to dodge a laser beam heading their way.
Remedy wasn't sure how long the fight even lasted but for her, it ended with her on Bey’s Polar Bear form a few yards away from Bruce Banner who was in possession of the gauntlet. Bruce snapped and the next thing she noticed was the aliens they had been fighting were turning to dust. Thanos was defeated and all of a sudden it felt like a weight was lifted off their shoulders. Exhaustion hit Remedy hard and it was expected so the last thing she remembered was the white fur, hitting her face before she was caught by Clint.
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The drive to wherever they were going seemed to drag on as Remedy got stuck between the two super soldiers, a guy named Frank Castle was driving and he wouldn't let anyone touch for stereo. Somehow Sam had won a coin toss and got to ride shotgun, while in the very back Bey was sharing their iPod with Wanda and Karen Page, was snoring.
When Remedy came to in the back of a truck that belonged to Castle, Pepper had been pushing her hair back. Tears had been cascading down her face even though she was smiling, Remedy had tried to smile but everything in her body has hurt. Pepper was in her suit of armor, Remedy remembered choking out the colors were far better than Dad’s, making Pepper laugh. Tony had leaned over the side of the truck kissing the crown of her head, reminding her favoritism sucked.
Soon they were invited back to Stark-Potts household because of course they got married, but it turns out they no longer lived in the city but out by Lake George. The two-hour drive listening to classic rock and alternative rock, barley any legroom, the constant sniff, and cough was starting to get to Remedy. Almost making her wish she had taken up the Peter Quill guy, or even Scott Lang offers up for a lift.
As Hozier’s voice crooned about how he should have taken better care of his lover, the road Frank had turned on to suddenly became bumpy. Steve sat up straighter, suddenly elbowing Remedy in the ribs with his sharp elbow, causing her to take a deep intake of breath. Bucky reached around Remedy smacking his best friend on the back of the skull, getting a laugh out of Wanda and Bey in the back. Steve gave her an apologetic look as they drew closer to a cabin that looked almost luxurious, right away Remedy knew this was one of her Dad’s places.
As the Range Rover came to a slow stop, Remedy noticed Happy, Pepper, and Rhodey standing on the porch together, with drinks in their hands. Remedy followed Bucky out of the car and saw the lake to her left, it's beauty was serene, she could see why Pepper and her Dad would settle here. Suddenly arms were around Remedy’s legs and holding on tightly to her, with no foreseeable plan to let go it seemed.
“Remy, Daddy said he would bring you home and he did! Mom said you would teach me how to play guitar and you’d Dutch braid. I’m so happy your home.” Remedy stared down at the little girl at her legs in confusion before she heard footsteps nearing, and a hand was placed on top of the little girls head. That hand is turned our belonged to her father and beside him was Pepper, both of which were smiling at her.
“Remedy, this is Morgan, we had her shortly after the snap. Morgan this is your older sister Remedy.” Tony was now holding Morgan in his arms, who continued to stare at Remedy was adoration.
“I know who Remedy is Daddy, I have her picture at my bedside, I tell her goodnight every night and I read to her. Well not her, the picture of her, but now I can read to her because you brought her home to us, as you promised!” Remedy felt her heart rate skyrocket, she had a sister, she had been gone five years and so much has changed. To the right, she could hear Bey screaming no, as Clint was saying sorry, everything felt louder, her breathing more shallow.
“Remy?” Pepper put her hand on her shoulder like she used to do when she was a teenager, and she felt the world was out to get her, but Pepper always reassured her, she was stronger than those who brought her down. Remy tried her hardest to smile at Morgan, but she felt perhaps it still came out more like a grimace than anything else.
“Morgan, it's so good to meet you. If you don't mind, I just need a second to catch my breath.” Remedy had reached over and squeezed her little sister soft delicate hand in a loving gesture before she turned away from her family. Her legs taking her out towards the edge of the dock of the lake, hands-on her hips she found herself struggling to breathe as her mind raced.
Where did she belong now? Why did she have to leave all those years ago, she should have come home with the tail tucked between her legs and signed the accords, they could have been a family. She had missed out on the wedding, the one she had wished for since she was a pre-teen, on her birthday cakes and falling stars. Tony had taken in Peter Parker, Spider-Man who was a pretty cool kid, but still, she missed out on seeing them interact. Here she was a big sister and she missed five years of bed life and yet she seemed to know everything about her, acted like she was the best thing in the world. What would Morgan think when she found out that she wasn't all that great?
An arm around her shoulder, the scent of metal, tea tree, sandalwood, amber, leather, and moss hit her nose, indicating Bucky was the one at her side. He ran his flesh hand up and down her arm, as he put his face in her hair shushing her as she began to cry. Remedy didn't need to be told that Natasha was also gone, along with Vision, people they lost in the war. Her family was falling apart and she felt so broken, yet here was a man she spent weeks on the run, months in Wakanda with, comforting her.
“I’m not sure about you, but I feel a little lost right now, but that's because we are in a strange place, but I promise you Remedy, you got me. You aren’t alone and we’ve got Sam and Bey as well as Steve.” Remedy kept her head in the crook of Bucky’s neck as the vibrations of his voice soothed her along with the smoothing up and down motions of him rubbing her back.
“Everything’s going to be alright.” Bucky kissed the crown of her forehead and looked out at the water while he just held Remedy in his. He vowed to keep her safe and maybe they could help each other piece themselves back together in this messed up world.
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hakurion · 5 years
The Master of Masters identity I The secret of the black box
Here is my take on this.
This is a very long post and maybe somewhat confused to you, so I divided it into many parts, I’m totally aware of this having flaws somewhere. I’d be glad if somebody helps me research more. I’ll update if there’s more detail come in time.
Behind the Foretellers masks
Luxu’s true identity
Dive to the Heart
The secret movie, Shibuya
Who is the Master of Masters?
This is based on evidences the game provides for us, so I don’t think any of this is meant to be a coincidence.
The MoMs characteristic is particularly playful and the way he speaks very much more like a mature version of Sora. And there’s more than that.
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When it is revealed that Sora has more hearts beside his own, Donald teased Sora that he has so much hearts that he can’t bear to count. Who has the same characteristic? The MoM.
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The MoM, seemingly, joked that Luxu was thinking he has many hearts that himself can’t even count. Hinting that the MoM and Sora all have the power of hearts connection.
The MoM has 6 disciples connected to his heart, each of them represents for 7 deadly sins :
Ira : Unicorn - Anger (Wrath)
Invi : Snake - Jealousy (Invidia)
Aced : Bear - Sloth (Acedia)
Ava : Fox - Greed (Avaritia)
Gula : Leopard - Gluttony (Gula)
Luxu : Goat - Lust (Luxuria)
Super : Lion - Pride (Superbia). This is the MoM’s name which is engraved on the black box.
All the 6 disciples were given their Keyblades by the Master who united them. We could say they, as the Masters hearts, receive his power. The Foretellers situation is extremely similar to the ones who connected with Sora’s heart, however, unline the Foretellers with virtues, the ones connected with Sora’s heart leaning toward the meaning of 7 deadly sins :
Roxas (Anger) : Roxas is easy to get angry, he is a very hot-tempered character. Very quick trying to attack Riku & DiZ who persuaded him return to Sora. Showing data-Sora the real hurt. And he got the Keyblade as Sora’s Nobody.
Namine (Jealousy) : She is, indeed, jealous of Kairi, she can’t stay being alone for so long, that she replaced herself with Kairi inside Sora’s memories in COM. Even she didn’t admit it but that is what her true feeling to Sora. As a Nobody of Kairi’s heart and Sora’s body and soul, Kairi can use the Keyblade after Namine returned to her heart. It is self-understanding that Sora gave Kairi the Keyblade’s power through Namine because she’s connected to his heart.
Ventus (Sloth) : Sleep within 11 years. Ven wasn’t able to use the Keyblade during his training with Xehanort until he merged his heart with Sora’s brand new heart. Xehanort might have known Sora is the Master of Masters heart, which is why he brought Ven to the Destiny Island, so that the MoM could reach to his broken heart and made it whole again. I mean, how does Sora speak to Ven when he was such a baby? It does not sound like a newborn baby at all. The MoM became Sora’s heart when he talked to Ven, Sora is the MoM’s alter-ego. After they joined hearts each other, Ven is able to use his Keyblade, due the MoM bestowed his power as a part of Ven’s heart.
Plus :
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We know that Ven used to live in the Age of Fairy Tales (KHX) and was chosen to be a leader in one of Five Dandelions. I’m sure Ven is the chosen one inheriting the Book of Prophecy in mention. What kind of book can shape worlds? I would say it is like the MoM’s heart, well, it is said you can shape worlds through your heart and dream. Same case with Sora’s Journal, which contains everything inside his heart.
Take this into account, the MoM meant Ven would be the one inheriting his heart (aka Sora). There’s one scene Vanitas says to Sora (KH3): “I am the shadow that you cast”, but Vanitas is supposed to be Ven’s darkness before he merged his heart with Sora’s newborn heart. How could he be Sora’s shadow? So due to the fact that Ven inherited the Book of Prophecy, he inheriting the MoM’s heart similar to a spiritual ceremony passing the ability to wield the keyblade. That made Ven’s heart and the MoM’s united as one, it’s why Vanitas was born as Sora and Ven’s shadow at the same time. So Vanitas is also like the MoM’s shadow.
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It is dangerous to let anyone else sees the book beside Ven. What if Xehanort discovered this secret? It is strange that Xehanort aimed at Ven from beginning and he made Ven’s heart broken. As the one inherited the Book of Prophecy, the MoM can seek for Ven’s broken heart and combine with him. So there is possiblity the MoM’s heart is what forged the X-blade. Ven + Vanitas = X-blade.
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Master Xehanort, the man who gets bored with such a small world. By using Ven, the boy inherited Sora’s heart (the soul of the Book of Prophecy) finally can open the door. As you can see, Ven pointed his Keyblade forward the sky, this action is shaping a totally grand new world thank to Ven’s heart carries the heart of the Book of Prophecy, exactly as Master Xehanort wishes, he wants to get out of a small and empty world, his smile shows you that. Oh, very likely Xehanort is the one causing Sora’s birth in the Destiny Island.
KHI - Coded - DDD
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We have the same familiar line “This world has been connected.” All started at the Destiny Island.
KHI : The Real World
Coded : Datascape
DDD : Sleeping Worlds
Isn’t it obvious that Sora is the one who connects every world he goes to, see? Because he is the heart of the Book of Propecies, and the one who writes the books is the MoM. It is outright to you that their hearts are one and the same.
In KHUX, we heard Blaine explaining : Before the Keyblade War, Book of Prophecies pulled the projected worlds from the future, the worlds which are real. Worlds that never real in the first place weren’t being pulled, they stay in the books and still existed, joined to Daybreak Town, only time set in the past, ie you can’t change the events, that is datascape. And after the Keyblade War, these worlds that were once joined together were scattered apart, so in order for “worlds from the future” to be projected into Daybreak Town without the Book of Prophecies, several worlds were converted to data. From real worlds to data worlds. Daybreak Town should be the real world, but a data world phenomenon is happening there. ‘The Grid’ in DDD is an example of a data world within a real world.
Link KHUX World Explanation : https://twitter.com/Daybreak_Town/status/1117926949337174016
So in summary, it’s likely Sora and the others come from the worlds are also data and their datascape is supposed to be ‘datas within a data’!? But this is just still unclear, at least until the Dandelions done with their investigation.
Lea (Greed) : Desire to get his friends back, no matter how it cost, to the point he betrayed the Organization countless times. Lea did pick up Ven’s wooden keyblade in BBS, this act similar to the ceremony to pass the ability to wield the Keyblade. Sora’s heart gave Ven one, then Ven gave to Lea. Lea received the Keyblade when he decided to become a guardian of light.
Xion (Gluttony) : she absorbed almost of Sora’s memories through Roxas and started to become Sora herself. Can use the Keyblade due to her direct connection with Sora’s heart. I always find it strange that Xion was picked to replace Sora as the real Organization, whether she bears Xehanort’s essence or not, there is one holding the Kingdom Key in Scala ad Caelum. So if Xehanort inherited the MoM’s No Name, which means he united with the MoM’s heart and power through the spiritual ceremony. That makes Xion suitable enough, because she was created from Sora’s heart and Sora’s heart is the MoM’s heart.
Vanitas / Xehanort (Lust) : I include both because these two similar in this part. Vanitas always desire to be united with Ven’s heart, to become one soul with him. Vanitas got the Keyblade because he is originally Ven’s heart. After Ven united his heart with Sora, Sora influences on Vanitas too, thus Sora’s heart is the one who gave Vanitas the Keyblade. Xehanort seeks for bodies/vessels to implant his essence, lust for power.
Sora (Pride) : In a positive connotation, Sora’s pride expresses his connection toward hearts. Their choices and actions independent his self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging. Sora’s original design is a hybrid-lion, an embodiment of Pride, like the MoM.
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The MoM bestowed the Keyblades to his 6 disciples, in case those 6 disciples are connected to his heart, or the Five Foretellers are the MoM himself. It is exactly the same with Sora, who bestowed the keyblades power to 6 people who connected to him, 5 among them are Sora himself.
Furthermore, Sora was able to use a Keyblade from the start without being bequeathed by anyone through a spiritual ceremony because he’s naturally the Master of Masters who owned No Name as the most ancient keyblade.
Sora is an unique person who can return to his human form after he became a Heartless and needlessly destroying his Nobody. So if the MoM could give himself a new life form (newborn Sora), why couldn’t Sora? In the MoM’s case, he shaped his life form thank to Ven’s light, as the result they joined hearts each other. As for Sora, he regained his form thank to Kairi’s light. Basically, their hearts can shape everything into their own forms, even a lifeless object or an empty puppet and give them hearts.
The MoM can create Dream Eaters (Chirithy). Sora has a strong relationship with Dream Eaters, he can enter the Realm of Sleep whenever he wishes. So who says the MoM can’t enter the Realm of Sleep and recontruct the worlds called “Unchained Realm”, gathering every remnants of light in order of conserving the balance and erasing the memories of Tragedy? If Sora could time-travel back to the Age of Fairy Tales (KHX) to reset everything and make the world better like he wants.
I’ll give a way how Sora could travel back to the past even if no version of him exist there :
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“Worlds from the future” are the worlds that Sora and his friends come from. He can easily go back to the Age of Fairy Tales if his world is converted to data, but that world must be connected to Daybreak Town. As you already knew in Coded, real people also would be able to go inside datascape without having themselves converted to data, like Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pete and Maleficent. If Sora’s datascape is projected as an entrance/portal in Daybreak Town, then it wouldn’t be hard for him going back to such an ancient time. Remember the Destiny Island was hinted to be connected to Daybreak Town (where connects to other worlds according to the Book of Prophecies) in everytime Sora presenting here. And Maleficent hinted us there’s a link between the Book of Prophecies and Sora’s Journal as well.
Anyway, the MoM seems very sinister and sharp, those are the opposites with Sora, but we all know Sora’s growth throughout KH3, his connection with his friends get weaker (100 Acre Wood). After his experiences in the Keyblade War, would his heart and mind still the same like before? He felt loss and he felt that strong connection would lead to some broken hearts, that’s why the Master gives each of his apprentices differrent roles, differrent unions and does not allow them cooperate each other, even making them doubt each other through claiming there’s a traitor. That is the proof showing his mind became twisted, his intention gets darker, it is the mark calls out his growth. So the MoM fits to Sora’s future self.
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The Keyblade “No Name” has a lion head, goat horns and dragon wings, the “Gazing Eye” looks like a snake eye. It is a Chimera that has a body of a lion, a goat emerges from its back and a snake as its tail, which also at one point was a symbol of Lucifer the being who represents the sin of Pride. The dragon wings is symbolic of power and influence, and dragon is arguably the most ancient and imposing. Chimera is an organism that contains cells or tissues from two or more different species. The animal being a Chimera also fits with Sora having many hearts joined to his as he isn’t just a single person any more. 
The sight of a Chimera was an omen for disaster. As in KH universe, it may describes a strong connection will bring disaster, as Luxu warned Sora “if you put too much that power in one place, some of those hearts might ended up breaking.” This happened during his first visit of Keyblade Graveyard (KH3), however, the MoM carefully orchestrated everything by using his connections towards the Foretellers to gain his goal, a mastermind plan.
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Its keychain is symbolic of a six-winged angel. A six winged angel is a seraph or seraphim. They are heavenly attendants to God on his throne. It also represents for Lucifer as the "Morning Star" and the strongest seraph, the highest ranked angel serving God prior his fall from grace.
Lucifer’s human element is wisdom or applied knowledge, with time, study and practice it is believe that man can attain the Lucifer state, this only through applied knowledge or wisdom. By all the mean, through the learning of wisdom, ‘an ordinary boy’ like Sora can also attain Lucifer state, transforming into the being called ‘the Master of Masters’.
The ‘Gazing Eye’ is a symbolism regard of ‘All-Seeing Eye’ :
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The Eye of Providence (or the all-seeing eye of God) is a symbol, having its origin in Christian iconography, showing an eye often surrounded by rays of light or a glory and usually enclosed by a triangle. It represents the eye of God watching over humanity (the concept of divine providence).
One of the key symbols of the New World Order (NWO) is the eye. Jesus said in Matthew 6:22, “The light of the body is the eye...” It is through the eye that light, or in a spiritual sense, KNOWLEDGE, enters the body. This is the spiritual sense of the word. There are 33 different degrees in the Masonic order. Each new level entitles the participant to acquire additional occult KNOWLEDGE. Occultists view Lucifer as the good god who gives knowledge.
The All-Seeing Eye symbolizes Lucifer, but it represents the spiritual knowledge of good and evil which the serpent promised to Eve if she disobeyed God. This knowledge includes the knowledge that Satan is the god of this world, who rewards them that serve and worship him (Matthew 4:8-10). The average person is woefully ignorant of spiritual matters, because they do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior (1st Corinthians 2:14-16). This is why tens-of-thousands of celebrities, corporate big shots, religious leaders and famous people flash El Diablo signs, darkening one of their eyes (see below) and displaying occult pyramids and eyes on their works. Sadly, most Christians are also ignorant, because they are not interested in the truth.
The eye is symbolic of secret societies; but moreover, the eye represents the forming New World Order and the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12), and ultimately Satan himself.
Carefully notice that the New World Order is symbolized with ONE eye; but God gave us TWO eyes to see the truth for ourselves if we truly want to see it. Think about that.
He, being the Master of Masters has an eye capable to see the future, the ‘Gazing Eye’ has the same meaning with the ‘Eye of Providence’, which is believed to be the eye of Lucifer. The ‘Gazing Eye’ surrounded by keys and enclosed by the Keyblade ‘No Name’. So he is like a God watching over all the future of humanity, desire to see how they would guide the keys more than the fate of the world. In other words, the MoM’s true purpose is establish a ‘New World Order’ after the Keyblade War.
Doves flying in the Station of Awakening has a meaning :
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The dove was associated with one of the mother figures, Venus. Lucifer’s planetary element is Venus, Lucifer being known as the “Morning Star” or first star of morning, otherwise known as Venus. Venus, known as the “Planet of Love” represents the beauty of Lux Ferre (Latin for light bearer/bringer or Lucifer).
The dove is Lucifer’s animal symbol when he was an angel, whose real name is Helel (Shining Star or Morning Star). He was created to be the highest spiritual power of heaven.
The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, because of Matt. 3:16 "And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. " NRSV.
Btw, the “End of Pain” Keyblade (DDD) obtained after you completing all Special Portals has a similar design to “No Name” and it looks similar to Sora’s outfit design in KH3 :
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Its animal is a ram and the keychain looks like a butterfly.
The Ram is a male of the sheep and allied animals. The Ram Christian Symbol represents protection as the ram protected the herd and also symbolises sacrifice as the ram was one of the first animals to be sacrificed on alters, hence their Latin name Aries which comes from aris meaning "alters".. It is a symbol for Christ taken from the Old Testament.
In KH case, it might referred Sora is a sacrifice for his friends sake and Riku is a protection for Sora as his Dream Eater.
In many cultures the butterfly is associated with the soul – further linking our meaning of faith with the butterfly.
In Greek myth, Psyche (which literally translates to mean “soul”) is represented in the form of a butterfly. Befittingly, Psyche is forever linked with love as she and Eros (the Greek god of love, also known in Roman myth as Cupid) shared an endlessly passionate bond together – both hopelessly in love with the other.
Also, the design of the inner of the butterfly looks like flowers petals with pink color, and flowers link to the design of Kairi’s keyblade. The butterfly keychain is associated with the soul, meaning Sora and Kairi shared an endlessly passionate bond together and very possible in love with the other.
In Christianity, the butterfly symbolizes the resurrection of Christ.
Beside that, the End of Pain keychain is attached a gazing eye in it, which is noteworthy, because we merely see the MoM and Foretellers keychains having gazing eyes so far. And since “No Name” keychain is a six-winged being, this may be a reference to ‘Revelation's four living beings’ :
Revelation 4:6-8 New International Version (NIV)
Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’
who was, and is, and is to come.”
The MoM’s animal symbol is a lion and this refers he is a lion with 6 wings and covered with eyes (in this case, the gazing eye). With this meaning, the Keyblades have more than one gazing eye must be related to MoM or they’re part of the MoM’s essense. And remember 6 winged-being also represents for seraphim, extension of Lucifer’s symbol. The lion and the gazing eye on “No Name” all have bright blue eyes, it is the MoM’s eyes color.
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Sora has the same bright blue eyes and Sora’s embodiment is also a lion. His theme is same with MoM as Lucifer is the “Morning Star”, a Light Bearer, who is a six-winged angel, the strongest seraph. Since I’ve explained 5 Foretellers are the MoM’s vessels, same situation with Sora, who also got 5 vessels containing his essence. This must be the reason all of them (the MoM/Sora and Foretellers) has a ‘gazing eye’ attached on their keychains.
Lucifer’s color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and water representing that Lucifer is all around and within us. That Lucifer is the prime element/energy that motivates and cultivates our world. The blue’s literally linked to Sora, as his name in japanese means ‘sky’ (Sora = 空 = sky). It’s very fit to him being the MoM’s incarnation. His keyblade ‘End of Pain’ has similar design to ‘No Name’, which Riku can also wield as Sora’s Dream Eater.
‘End of Pain’ Keyblade’s design can also be viewed as a Gargoyle (Ram Horned Gargoyle with Demon Wings). 
Gargoyles are figures often carved into the architecture of old churches. Some believe gargoyles on a church were meant to ward off evil; it’s also possible that the gargoyles symbolized evil spirits, monstrous entities, and damned souls. The thinking was that the church offered spiritual safety for those who accepted its authority, but outside the church was spiritual danger. The gargoyles were thus a warning to the populace that it was better to be inside the church than outside. It’s also possible that the thinking behind gargoyles was to create a symbolic representation of hell; again, the outside of the church was contrasted with the inside.
Describing Sora was inside of hell and Riku was outside of hell, in order to fighting off evil from Sora’s nightmare.
This might be a stretch but I think the blade of ‘No Name’ symbolizing Gemini zodiac sign :
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Gemini means “the twins” in Latin. A Gemini is a mix of the yin and yang, so they’re represented perfectly by the twins. They can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality.
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So since the lion symbolizing Sora and the goat symbolizing Xehanort, Gemini is known for having two opposite personalities that converge in one soul, the Chimera aka the MoM or rather Soranort. Gemini also fits Sora very well for being empowered by the presence of others hearts inside him, like The Lovers fills his need.
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Gemini’s glyph looks like the Roman numberal for two because, as you know, a Gemini thinks there’s nothing quite as sad as being lonely. Like its ruling tarot card, the Lovers, Gemini is as a symbol for opposing forces like light and dark or true and false, each of which can’t exist without the other.
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As ‘No Name’ had been passed through generations, like a way that the MoM trying to communicate his inheritors with its power, so ‘No Name’ gives the way they communicate and absorbs great amounts of information through the Gazing Eye watching over the future of humanity. It identifies the MoM’s mind and how well he can relay messages to others carrying ‘No Name’.
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The name Sora (空) also stands for 空中, meaning air. And how well it fits to an obverser of the world around them, like the MoM, as well as the sky always connects everything.
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Yellow is typically attributed to Gemini, which certainly fits its sunny, friendly personality, it does match with Sora’s personality ultimately.
The Gemini constellation represents the twins Castor and Pollux (Polydeuces), also known as the Dioscuri in ancient times, in Greek mythology. Gemini is known mainly for its two bright stars, Castor and Pollux, the neutron star Geminga, and several notable deep sky objects. One is immortal, the other mortal. Herein lies the very cool duplicity of Gemini.
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Take that Sora being Castor and Xehanort being Pollux in our situation, as Luxu (the first incarnation of Xehanort) places his heart into vessels in order to continue living throughout centuries, so Luxu is kind of immortal twin and Sora doesn’t, so he is mortal twin, therefore, they fit to The Twins symbol. As the event of DDD shown, Sora witnessing his own dream, everytime he “dies”, he always being brought back to life, as if someone having the power of time reversing to save his life and knowing how much Sora has been repeating this again and again like deja-vu, that person is no one else but Young Xehanort. So they’re, no doubt, have a strong connection like the twins brothers, Castor and Pollux.
One interesting thing is if you try to invert Sora and Xehanort’s colors, you would have their inverted colors match the others original colors :
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Sora’s inverted colors : white (mix with blue) hair + yellow eyes + dark skin
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YX’s inverted colors : brown hair + blue eyes + light skin
Plus, blue and yellow colors mix together would create green, and the Gazing Eye has a green surrounding the pupil as well. Sora and Xehanort are very similar to Gemini, they’re like yin and yang, light and dark, two sides of one coin, two personalities of one person.
Gemini also represents for Ventus and Vanitas being The Twins, as their combined hearts giving birth to sort of yin and yang symbol, Ven being the pure light and Vanitas being the pure darkness :
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Extreme similar to Sora and Xehanort’s union would’ve made a perfect yin and yang symbol.
When Sora’s new heart reached to Ven’s light and became one soul with him as one pure light, and also thank to Sora’s light, Ven’s heart was mended to becoming whole as an individual heart again in KH3.
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Link gif : https://giphy.com/gifs/hQocbtrfymNPxxMsUy/html5
The dove is the symbol of Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, as Sora’s heart gave Ven the second change of life. Thus Sora’s heart is like a universal creator of giving life to everything.
And Vanitas, being the pure darkness, reached to Xehanort’s side after being defeated by Ven :
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Vanitas connects to Xehanort by soul and heart, as the part of yin (dark). Just like how Ven has a strong bond with Vanitas, Xehanort has a strong bond with Sora in similar way. They both make a balance of light and dark, which is the inseparableness of life. A human made of 50% good and 50% bad. The duality. The Twins (Gemini).
The Foretellers animal masks and Keyblade animals also represent their sins. Luxu is the only one receiving “No Name” from the Master, as Luxu’s sin is ‘Lust’ whose animal is a goat, which also resides in “No Name” as the lion with goat horns. They both formed a secret relationship, that Luxu and the MoM’s connection just like Xehanort and Sora.
The head’s shape of ‘No Name’ looks similar to an eagle spreading wings :
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In early Christianity the eagle was seen as a symbol of hope and strength, representing salvation. The eagle appears twice in the book of Revelation; both times in a context that suggests it is on the side of God. 
The eagle is the chief over all the winged creatures. Eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit; it is man's connection to the divine because it flies higher than any other bird. The eagle brings the message of renewed life because it is associated with the east winds - the direction of spring, dawn and rebirth.
As an ancient symbol the eagle is associated to solar and the Greeks regarded it as the sacred emblem of Zeus and as the highest god by the Druids. For those fighting for freedom, the Eagle's ability to fly high to the tops of mountains and silently into valleys, makes it associated to a free spirit. In myth and legend, the Eagle represents the Sun God who symbolizes light and power fire and water as its elements. It is also a symbol of spiritual power and courage because it does not fear thunder and lightning.
Eagle is spiritual symbol of the ruler of the skies. As eagle soars through skies... he owns the skies, he is the ruler of the skies as he is one of the largest birds capable of taking flight.
An eagle flies in the sky and Zeus is the god of the skies. An eagle is a very fierce, majestic, strong bird and a ruler of the universe would want a symbol that matches him and Zeus is fierce and strong.
Who fits to the “sky” symbol more than Sora?
Symbolism of ‘sky’ and ‘ReMind’
About the traitor in KHUX :
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The Foretellers Book of Prophecies all missing a page which divulges the info about the traitor. The most suspicious person who owns the full book, as well as the Lost Page, is the Master of Masters only, who plotted everything.
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The traitor in question is the one who bears the sigil and they are unable to permit disharmony. In other words, they can’t accept the unbalance between light and dark (sounds very similar to Master Xehanort). That’s why the traitor was trying to end the world by starting the Keyblade War, which is the Master of Masters doings, who sow seeds of doubt on his disciples. Ava seems to know who this text is talking about but she’s hard to believe it.
I have a feeling the Foretellers all cast their suspicious on the MoM but they just don’t want to believe it since they wholeheartedly trust their Master’s teachings.
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It is clear that the MoM is the traitor who wants to preserve the balance between light and dark, which is why each of unions have to act alone and trust no one but themselves. Remind me of the loss in Sora’s past, he put too much light in one place and unfortunately, those hearts lack the balance to resist darkness, it is the reason their hearts were easily torn apart by heartless. And the MoM fully acknowledged this as if it was his past experiences.
Also, the MoM’s name is engraved on the black box, ”X Super”. The MoM represents for the sin of Pride by the lion’s head Keyblade (No Name) and in Latin : Pride = Superbia.
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What about the “X” stands before his name? The sigil X seems to be a symbol for the MoM which ties close to his name. Therefore, the Master of Masters has full potential to be the traitor in question.
The name of Lucifer, the embodiment of Pride reveals some point :
Lucifer means Light Bringer, from the Latin lux “light” and ferre “to bear or bring.” The word Lucifer is found in only one place in the Bible — Isaiah 14:12 — but only in the King James and related versions: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! . . .”  In other translations we find: “O shining star of the dawn!” (Moffatt) or “O morning-star, son of the dawn!” (Hebrew Bible). The King James Version is based on the Vulgate, the Latin translation of Jerome. Jerome translated the Hebrew helel (bright or brilliant one) as “Lucifer,” which was a reasonable Latin equivalent. And yet it is this Lucifer, the bright one or light bearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan, Lord of Darkness.
Sora has always been a hero of light, a Light Bearer aka Lucifer. And the word lux (aka light) in Lucifer’s name which bears the letter X on it, so essentially, light is integrally linked to the sigil X.
In DDD, before fighting Xemnas, he says to Sora “As the Flash bears the sigil, so your name shall be known as that of a recusant.” He referred Sora’s flash or light (meaning lux in latin) contains the sigil X, this also links to the MoM whose name including a recusant’s sigil : X Super. It basically confirms Sora and the MoM are one and the same.
And one more thing is the boxes colors seem to match Sora’s clothes as well, especially in DDD :
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Sora wears black and red clothes, and bears the sigil X on his chest, which matches the box with same colors. And the inner of the mark looks very much like a lion’s head, which also fits well with Sora’s spiky hair.
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Stretch the meaning of the colors :
The color black symbolizes suffering and death in the Bible.
Red symbolizes atonement, sacrifice, life, death, and flesh.
The color white is the presence of all the light in the visible spectrum.
The color white is the color of the sigil X on Sora’s shirt, it is the symbol of lux/light in this case. The red indicates Sora will voluntarily sacrifice for anyone as a hero of light and the black symbolic of his death or in other words, the expiry of the light, as the white of X (lux) lies in the black of death. As in- light falls into darkness.
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There are a total of 13 spikes that point out the inner and 7 spikes of the inside. 13 darknesses and 7 lights forging the X-blade, the counterpart of the true Kingdom Hearts. It alludes to Sora being the personification of the X-blade and also the true Kingdom Hearts.
Furthermore, Sora’s hair shape is extremely suitable for the pattern of the X-blade, both shaping into a triangle :
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I think this pattern is a symbol of Halo. Halo, also called nimbus,  in art, radiant circle or disk surrounding the head of a holy person, a representation of spiritual character through the symbolism of light. It does pretty fit to Sora being the symbolism of light and also the X-blade personification.
Besides, talk about X-blade and Ultima Keyblades, I think their shapes taking the form of Phoenix’s wings :
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The mythical phoenix animal totem is the keeper of the fire in all of creation. It represents transformation, death, and rebirth in its fire. As a powerful spiritual totem, the phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength and renewal. As both a fire and solar symbol, the phoenix animal guide is symbolic of the sun, which “dies” in setting each night only to be reborn in rising the next morning. In this sense, it never truly dies; rather, it is an immortal creature continually rising from the ashes. All of its attributes stay on theme with these ideas. In addition to the above mentioned traits of power, transformation, rebirth and life, the phoenix spirit totem is also widely regarded as a prominent symbol of season, coherence, longevity, imagination and protection.
The phoenix’s ability to sacrifice itself willingly to death only to be reborn was a strong representation of Jesus for Christians. Even up until the Middle Ages, people of this region associated the phoenix in ashes with Christ dying on the cross and returning from the dead after three days.
The legendary phoenix is a large, grand bird, much like an eagle or peacock. It is brilliantly coloured in reds, purples and yellows, as it is associated with the rising sun and fire. Sometimes, a nimbus will surround it, illuminating it in the sky. Its eyes are blue and shine like sapphires. It builds its own funeral pyre or nest, or ignites it with a single clap of its wings. After death, it rises gloriously from the ashes and flies away.
So if the Ultima Keyblade is Sora’s strongest weapon as the figure of the Phoenix folding down its wings, then the X-blade is highly possible his true Ultima weapon as the Phoenix with wings out stretched and also associated with Jesus on the cross. The Phoenix always being resurrected from its ashes and never truly dies, it will be reborn over and over, the Phoenix represents the idea that the end is only the beginning. It seems like KH3 is the end of Sora’s journey with his disappearance, in fact, it is a fresh beginning for a new chapter.
Read about Ultima Weapons reference to Kairi’s keyblade here.
Also, I found an interesting info that might be the origin of X-blade, as well as how the true Kingdom Hearts was created in the first place :
God promised Abraham that if he found only twenty righteous people in Sodom and Gomorrah, he would not destroy both cities. Solomon spent 7 years building the house of God in Jerusalem and another 13 years building his own home for a total number of 20 years. After he had completed both buildings, Solomon gave Hiram, the king of Tyre, twenty cities in the land of Galilee.
If you take Sora as the thirteen darkness. The number XIII of one tarot card, it symbolizes “Death”. The tarot card “Death” means : Endings, Severe illness, Profound change, Letting go of attachments, Failure, Mortality.
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All of these words describe the major turning point of Sora’s fate. Especially his fate in KH3 : his ending, his mortality, his loose of connections towards everyone he loves... ect...
Death Tarot Card Meanings and Description :
The Death card shows the Messenger of Death – a skeleton dressed in black armour, riding a white horse. The skeleton represents the part of the body which survives long after life has left it; the armour symbolises invincibility and that death will come no matter what. Its dark colour is that of mourning and the mysterious, while the horse is the colour of purity and acts as a symbol of strength and power. Death carries a black flag decorated with a white, five-petal rose, reflecting beauty, purification and immortality and the number five representing change. Together, these symbols reveal that death isn’t just about life ending. Death is about endings and beginnings, birth and rebirth, change and transformation. There is beauty in death, and it is an inherent part of being alive.
A royal figure appears to be dead on the ground, while a young woman, child and bishop plead with the skeletal figure to spare them. But, as we all know, death spares no one.
In the background, a boat floats down the river, akin to the mythological boats escorting the dead to the afterlife. On the horizon, the sun sets between two towers (which also appear in the Moon Tarot card), in a sense dying each night and being reborn every morning.
As applying to KH meaning of ‘death’, like Sora’s disappearance in KH3. This card does not foretell physical death, but deaths of other kinds: spiritual, mental, emotional. While it is associated with foreboding and doom, Death Arcana also symbolizes metamorphosis and deep change, regeneration and cycles. So the fact that Sora misused the power of waking to put everyone’s heart back to the original states meaning the fate has dealt his Death, but it is the path of his choosing whether to avert or accept the fate that allowed him to go so far, hinting that Death may be Sora's true arcana.
However, while Death depicts inevitable change arising from endings, it is important to understand the card also holds the seeds of something new; new life imagery is as abundant in the Death card as images of endings. Therefore, while things inevitably end, they also clear the way for something new. With this mean, Sora completed a chapter in his life, putting the past behind him and creating a whole new life for himself. Free himself from a past that no longer serves him well and proceed toward the future.
And one more thing is Death tarot’s element being Water. Like if someone falls in the state of sleep and find themselves drowning in water or darkness, which also mean ‘death’ is getting close to them.
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That being said, the Darkside made of water symbolizes Sora’s death as he stepping in the Final World (where I believe Kairi’s heart was there too after she was taken by the swarm of shadows). And after being struck by Xehanort, Kairi’s body turned into completely water, same situation applies to Xion (being Kairi in Sora’s memories), whilst they were touching ‘death’. Though, I think Kairi and Xion’s deaths are the exceptional case, because Kairi is the most special one to Sora. Then like, they share one soul / heart, making her ‘death’ too, having the form of water, similar to him. So on, the Darkside merely got its upper in water and the lower part is black, meaning Sora hadn’t completely died yet due to Kairi holding him back to this world as she was staying with him in that Darkside form.
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“Some say “kye”, but the meaning is the same. Death... A letter that spells endings.”
Exactly the same meaning with ‘Death’ arcana. Spelling the ending of Keyblade War, including Sora’s ending, thus, ‘X’ tied close to Sora’s fate. It is not a coincidence Xehanort picked Sora being the thirteen member to fulfill his goal. The number XIII is the ‘Death’ arcanas number. Sora sacrified his life to save everyone, which in turn, spelled out the ending for him but also a new beginning for the world, as Master Xehanort’s wish is to restart the world to its original state began in darkness, also a new beginning for everything, a new start.... so this means Master Xehanort actually the one who won in the end, all of this already decided in his plan.
Let’s connect the dots :
X Super = Lux Superbia = Lucifer Pride = MoM = Sora
Another meaning is Lux also stands for Luxu, full name is Luxuria (Lust). And “Lust” is the embodiment of Xehanort’s sin, because the goat’s head symbolizes Young Xehanort’s Keyblade and Master Xehanort’s chess piece and his armor (in Scala ad Caelum) also have the form of a goat-head. Therefore :
X Super = Luxu Superbia = Xehanort MoM = Xehanort Sora
Btw, Xehanort or ‘No Heart’ without the letter X in anagram has different meanings. As in- ‘Another’ or ‘A Thorne’. Thorne comes from the Old English or Old Norse words which mean thorn.
’Xehanort Sora’ means ‘Another Sora’, or ‘A thorn in Sora’s heart’ or ‘A thorn in the lion’s paw’. Indicating the MoM is Another Sora with twisted mind. He’s certain that you can’t change destinies, no matter how hard you tries, as he said he just need the world after prophecy, no need the world before it and he was waiting for THAT future comes. Xehanort (A Thorne) has always been a thorn under Sora’s paw, under Sora’s control and also causing the pain for Sora. It basically confirms the MoM coaxed Luxu (the previous incarnation of Xehanort) into fulfilling the future, and no Book of Prophecy for him causing any paradox. Ordinarily, a paradox is impossible since we were informed that destiny can’t be altered in any way and we all know that multi-worldline can be contructed within KH universe.
To be more specific, the laws of causality do not allow contradiction to occur. If the result of the event - the effect - is changed, the event itself - the cause - also changes to prevent a paradox. Whenever a major event causes divergence to change, the timeline is reconstructed to prevent paradoxes from occurring. For example, let’s say that a major event causes this worldline to diverge into a new worldline, call it worldline B. On worldline B, Sora won his battle against Xehanort. As the timeline is recontructed, all of your memories of the tragedy and light expiry will disappear, to be replaced by memories of you doing something else. In other words, by changing the present, you change the past. And it should be impossible for you to retain memories of a previous worldline. Unless you too are a time traveler. Young Xehanort is an example of a time-traveler, that’s why he keeps the memories of everything Sora has done when he altered the present, including how many time Sora was stucked in time-loop.
I’m thinking that by changing the present of his friends hearts being torn apart, Sora even altered the past of this timeline. His doing did reconstruct the entire timeline from past to present, that would be sense about Young Xehanort playing chess in Scala ad Caelum looks younger than Young Xehanort in DDD who still lived in the Destiny Island. Because they are Xehanorts from different-worldlines.
Unless you let your past self knowing about you in the future, seeing what you do, well yes, that could cause a major time paradox. Because of that, the MoM doesn’t give Luxu a copy of the Book of Prophecy to preventing Luxu would divulge that info to Sora (the MoM’s past self). Plus, the MoM doesn’t want to let Master Xehanort know that himself (as Sora) can overwrite realities in some way, so this means except Young Xehanort, no one else knows Sora changing the past. The MoM just needs the fate of the world come after prophecy, after all. It is a loop. A complex conflict between Sora and Xehanort, they are in quantum entanglement until the cycle is broken. Luxu has a connection to Xehanort, since he is responsible for passing down ‘No Name’ to his apprentices through ages. And the MoM has a strong connection to Sora. In other words, the two of them is like two sides in one coin. Sora is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
The fact that the black box is eerily similar to DDD Sora must mean something... Why Sora materializes his dreams inside the Realm of Sleep and why Riku could gain the ability to dive in Sora’s dream as his Dream Eater? Remember Sora’s dreams are EXTREMELY similar with the Sleeping Worlds that can also be unlocked through Sleeping Key Holes. Not to mention Sleeping Worlds are the worlds that fall into darkness. So does this mean Sora’s heart has always been in the state of sleep from the start? Those are suspicious situations, no matter how you think of it. And remember what Young Xehanort told Riku :”How did you get here? By choice or change? You cannot control what you’re not aware of. This wakeless sleep will be your prison... to wander forever” sounds very fishy. He’s wondering why Riku was sent to Sora’s dream, more than that, why does he say for sure as if Sora has been in a wakeless sleep and will never waking up? He even said Sora’s heart’ll sleep forever in darkness and no way for him returning to the original world, Sora being the 13th darkness is already decided, what’s destined to be happen can’t be changed. This guy knows a lot of things about Sora that no one does. And consider that Sora went to the Final World at the start of KH3 and some strange situation leads Riku suddenly got a new haircut, did timelines swap? ...possibly something happened between those timelines that leads to a divergence of universe?
Continue from here : How do worldlines work in KH universe?
And there Sora’s words expressing his feelings after the ending :
“They can take your world.”
Their world was plunged into darkness in the Keyblade Graveyard.
“They can take your heart, cut you loose from all you know.”
By abusing the power of waking, Sora used all of his heart to save every hearts connected to him. Per the result, he was cut loose from all of his connections. This is what the Organization wanted, isolate Sora’s heart from all he knows.
“But if it’s your fate, then every step forward will always be a step closer to home.”
“Home” here means ‘Shibuya’ in the secret ending, right? Due to the fact Sora and the MoM were in that same place after Sora disappeared, indicates that was their ‘home’ before they went apart.
Now think about it, the MoM kept saying “The thing about me disappearing is not decided” until all of his apprentices actually understood their roles, then the Foretellers started the Keyblade War, after that time, the MoM truly disappeared. EXTREMELY similar to Sora, who also disappeared after the Keyblade War. Sora and the MoM share the same fate.
What’s inside the black box?
The Book of Prophecy, or rather, the MoM’s heart. Similar situation to Sora’s journal, KH Coded does explain this :
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The Book of Prophecy and the MoM’s heart are deeply connected. It is why I said the book and the MoM’s memories / heart are one and the same.
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What was locked inside the box is, likely, the MoM’s memories. Or rather, the MoM locked his old memories away. The heart locked everyone important to him, it is Sora.
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Sora’s journal and the Book of Prophecy all can create data-scape, like “shaping worlds”.
As the journal and the Book of Prophecy represent their hearts, Sora’s heart is similar to the MoM, they all can create events or even worlds that not yet take place. The MoM shapes the world through the Book of Prophecies. Sora overwrites realities or shapes a new worldline. In other words, both can create a new reality.
There’s more reference than that :
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The covers of the Book of Prophecies have the mark of a demon-wing and an angel-wing on each side, and the heart shape inbetween them. Riku’s “Way to Dawn” Keyblade also has an angel-wing and a demon-wing with its heart-shape keychain. This decribes the balance between light and dark (yin-yang) and the MoM definitely requires the balance of all the worlds.
Sora shaped the Sleeping Worlds through his dream and Riku dives in Sora’s dream, since both of them are the necessary of making sure the worlds wouldn’t lack the balance. And due YX split the worlds, they had to separate each other. During this time, both worlds exist parallel together and they can all be viewed as Meta-Worlds.
The black box works same with Schroedinger's CatBox in a meta-way. Until the box is opened, multi-worlds/possibilities all exist at the same time and when the cat is revealed, only one state will become true.
The universe of Kingdom Hearts held in Meta dramatizes the struggle between consistent histories and the re-coherence of opposing observers into one 'true' observation. The black box does not exist until the end of the Keyblade War, as Maleficent states :
“I mean the box does not exist now. Light and darkness are fated to clash. A Keyblade War is upon us. We need only wait for that destined moment. No matter the victors, the box will be revealed.”
That is the moment one history becomes the truth inside the black box (because the Book of Prophecy shaping it through Sora’s dream). Sora altered the fate of light from being expired by shaping his dream as an opposing observer of the former reality into one ‘true’ observation : Xehanorts losed in the Keyblade War and his friends were saved.
This message is trying to tell you that “The future in the Book of Prophecy is already seen by your eyes, but you are the ones who shape your dreams and dive along with it, in order to make it becomes a new truth. A new future.”
Also, Luxord mentioned “the box contains hope”. Easy to see that, because it can create a new future. “In every heart, there’s hope.” - Sora (San Fransokyo).
Sounds familiar with Pandora’s box :
According to Greek legend, the first woman, Pandora, was actually sent as a curse to Zues' men (See, you knew it was true, guys) and was given a present upon her marriage. The present was a box that she was told never to open. Needless to say her curiosity got the better of her (like eating forbidden fruit) and she unleashed eight demons unto the world. The first seven being the seven deadly sins, and the last, which she managed to capture, was hope.
The box contains a heart, the MoM (aka Sora)’s heart. Sora is the Hope that looking for the light in the darkness, one absorb despair and return it to hope.
In short : Sora’s heart = the Book of Prophecy = the MoM’s heart.
The Master of Masters is like the creator of Kingdom Hearts universe, he wrote the entire book and make sure it goes along well with his script without any mistake. His eye can see through the future, none of the events beyond his Gazing Eye, so he is like an Omnipresent being, the God of Kingdom Hearts. Sora is the only one who can perform reality-warping / rewrite the script of the MoM, so he is indeed at the level of God. It is self-aware to see that they are the same person, because only the creator himself is entitled to rewrite his script for whatever he wishes to change.
More crazy twist : inside the box is the entire Kingdom Hearts universe we have been witnessing. It doesn’t sound so surprise since we all know that the book can truly make up an entire world, like a fairy tale. Some evidences showing this is : when Luxu was asked what his mission is, he looked at the box and said “it’s a long story”. So we can guess that the events he has been travelling all lying inside the box. Luxu actually disappeared in the box, that’s why the MoM had to reveal the secret of the box to Luxu and also why Luxu brought it along with him before he disappeared and reappeared again with the box beside him at the Keyblade Graveyard.
The MoM set everything in motion beforehand for his younger self going to the future and finish it for the MoM returning in Shibuya. The X-blade returned to Sora (the MoM), which forged from “No Name”, presumedly it would turn back into “No Name” after Sora closed Kingdom Hearts. It is why Luxu could take it back in the Secret Ending. And yet, Verum Rex’s maybe one of the worlds that never existed in timeline that Blaine mentioned, same as we got Wreck-It-Ralph in KHUX, the worlds of video games now in account of breaking 4th wall and were connected to the data-world within the real world. They’re gonna bring up more and more layers of fiction here.
The Book of Prophecy stored inside the box is part of plan to conserve the MoMs old memories and possible to come back in the future by putting his own memories back and revived. I think 'Shibuya’ is not a world pulled from Book of Prophecies, but a video game connected with some data-world, just like Wreck-It-Ralph, and it probably influences on the real world if they’re gonna make it becomes a ‘break 4th-wall’ phenomenon. The reason why the MoM and Sora ended up in ‘Shibuya’ together might because he was separated from Sora’s heart after he overusing PoW, possibly he would merge with Sora (the memories he locked away) to be completed. To that end, the MoM would be awaken and return to his apprentices.
Also, who is back in the Secret Ending? Luxu and 4 Foretellers. It is a sign that the reincarnated MoM did summon his disciples. Sora overused the Power of Waking to saving the hearts connected to him (aka the MoM) and that brought all of them back. As Luxu told Sora “Accept the power you’re given. Find the hearts joined to yours.” Yes, Sora follows his heart and called Luxu and the Foretellers hearts back through the Power of Waking because he is the MoM’s heart. Sora, the Hope carries the Foretellers moving forward the future.
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