#idk you guys
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g1deonthefirst · 10 months ago
i just think the fandom wastes a lot of breath litigating the morality of wake's plan to kill the baby she impregnated herself with and what that says about her as a mother. when we should be spending more time talking about how john manufactured a situation in which wake felt like her only way to stop 10,000 years of brutal imperialism, 10,000 years of children dying or being turned into soldiers or both, was to impregnate herself and kill the baby. and we should be talking about what that says about him as a father, since he's purposefully positioned himself as god-the-father.
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melancholiea · 3 months ago
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So look me in the eyes, tell me what you see Perfect paradise tearing at the seams I wish I could escape, I don't wanna fake it Wish I could erase it, make your heart believe But I'm a bad liar Now you know You're free to go
I drew the whole face, so I could scale it down and put it in Venoms eyes as a reflection and I just want to put that here, so it wasn't completely lost work
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the-real-bruce-banner · 1 month ago
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mx-legend-of-faye · 8 months ago
Totk Zelda is a scientist and engineer in her own right and this is a hill I’m willing to die on.
Now, with that said, I think it would be really cool if she made a gun. Totk gave us zonai cannons, so it’s possible that engineer/scientist Zelda would find a way to miniaturize them and make them handheld.
And imagine if post botw she had made a gun with sheikah tech. Totk could’ve started very differently:
Link, pointing at dehydrated Ganon: Hey Zelda, what’s that over there?
Zelda: Oh shit, basement must be haunted.
Link: Huh??
Zelda, ready to field test her new gun: Basement’s haunted.
Ganon doesn’t stand a chance. My girl will shoot his dehydrated ass point blank, because Zelda is awesome and badass like that.
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lscullzthegreat · 10 days ago
Hi question, do you guys think Fingon forgave Maedhros as he died? For not making it in time? For every act of love and protest Mae managed on Fingon’s behalf coming too little or too late. Or do you think he was finally ACTUALLY angry with him, he’d marched into hell for him with a song and a prayer, and Maedhros couldn’t even show up on time. With his last breath do you think he forgave him or cursed him?
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jackiespurnell · 4 months ago
okay here me out - was listening to all i want by olivia rodrigo and immediately thought of this: cherik hs au where charles and erik breakup and charles gets with logan as a rebound but he's only with charles for the money and then charles publicly breaks up with him and gets back with erik idk you guys would anyone read this lmao
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months ago
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started making it, had a breakdown, bone apple teeth, etc. but here I am, presenting to you my queer outlaw blorbos like a kid asking you to hang their crappy drawing on your fridge
alt text under the cut!
A square image of a wild west outlaw in silhouette in front of the moon, holding a pistol. To the right is the following text:
TEX BULLOCK BIRTHDATE: July 1, 1863 AGE: 34 HEIGHT: 5'11 IDENTIFYING MARKS: Small scars on: right eyebrow, left cheekbone, chin, both hands; large knife scar on right side of neck and bullet wound right side of chest. WANTED FOR: The murders of many men, as well as two decades breaking nearly every law known to man. KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Barlowe's right hand man; was rarely seen out of the company of Sawyer Watson. Any man that dared to insult Watson risked meeting the end of Bullock's barrel, but the two men have not been seen together in nearly a decade.
A square image of a wild west outlaw in silhouette against a bright sun. he's looking down at a crude cross headstone. to the left is the following text:
SAWYER WATSON BIRTHDATE: January 3rd, 1863 AGE: 35 HEIGHT: 6'1 IDENTIFYING MARKS: None. WANTED FOR: Fifteen years running with the Barlowe Boys— robbed, rustled, fought, scammed, and engaged in general outlawry. KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Rumored to be the only man capable of reasoning with Bullock and is the only man known to have successfully shot him. No sightings since '94.
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ghostlightsahead · 1 year ago
Max not going to the padel date 2.0 bc he realised that the first one made charles to powerful, a second one would win him a championship probably
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scratchbeatcitrus · 6 months ago
Tmnt Kraang(?) Question
Guys idk a delicate way to ask this and idk if this is warning worthy bc it's a science question but: if you sprinkled salt on a Kraang, would it react like a brain, a slug or a muscle? Like, would it bubble and secrete mucus like a slug bc its rapidly dragging the moisture out of it, would it rapidly shrink like a sped up version of a brain during dysmyelination caused atrophy or would it just spasm and jerk like freshly cut muscle? Would it even react at all? Been alternating between staring at its versions in the 2003, 2012 and 2018 series and it's all I can think about. Would it be fine like a person if administered on its skin(?) thus needing to have the salt digested or smth to have any significant reaction?
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winn-wynn · 3 months ago
Since I’m already feeling betrayed I’m gonna put on my clown shoes and admit that I thought Harry was short for Harold
Turns out that’s also fanon
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majesticallyunmagestic · 1 year ago
Is anyone else absolutely the most abnormalest about Vending Machine of Love?
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ichooseviolence · 2 years ago
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Queen Alicent •♤•
"..On the western shore of Blackwater Bay, word of battle and betrayal at Tumbleton had reached King's Landing. It is said the Dowager Queen Alicent laughed when she heard. 'All they have sowed, now shall they reap,' she promised." -Fire & Blood
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niknyek · 9 months ago
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ghostly-spice · 2 years ago
I haven't been on this hellsite since 2019 but last night I watched the first two episodes of the sandman and here I am
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jeongyunhoed · 2 years ago
Thinking about what if Tokyo Revengers (live action or the anime) was done in the style of The Office/Parks and Recreation. 
We’d have Draken and Takemitchi staring into the camera. 
Chifuyu’s interview probably going to be like: “Baji-san’s somewhere else. Draken made him promise not to punch the camera...again in his interview” or something like that. 
Mitsuya, the ever-reliable Taka-chan, would probably be the one having to explain every single shenanigan that goes on because Draken would be so preoccupied trying to wrangle Mikey. 
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hummingbirdsinjune · 2 years ago
Okay I'm giving Bed Friend Ep 2 a chance but y'all I really didn't vibe with Ep. 1. It looks so good in the reblogs tho 😭
- leave a man alone to do his business smh King
- Uea really cannot use the bathroom in peace, can he?
- from pressed against a urinal wall to sitting on a desk my germ paranoia could never
- At least Uea knows how to apologize I suppose
- King is kinda a menace and I'm not sure if I mean it as a compliment yet lmao
- as we all know, big praise for talking about and showing the blood tests and how safe sex is more than just the day it happens
- King's confidence to con his way into free meals 👌
- Uea: "King." ; King: "👁️👄👁️"
- Uea being very suspicious being surprised about King having one night stands with people he doesn't love as if Uea could NEVER.
- nothing's wrong with King, Uea, he's just trying to seduce you
- Ah, Uea's just shy and doesn't know what he wants.
- At work too. In front of everyone and the coffee maker
- I'm actually only continuing this series to see more Jade
- that's right bestie, pretend you saw nothing
- lmao I forgot about th guy on the team they don't like
- Uea and his bags. An accessory boy.
- naw that green light change was very satisfying
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