#idk thats what i’d call them. lmao
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artyfartyliz · 1 month ago
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i have the power to draw rarepairs as kitties so i did that. it will probably happen again
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etoileee · 3 months ago
OMG A BATFAM SHIFTER IM LOSING IT RN. This might be a weird thing to ask and idk if it’s gonna make sense but can you tell us a bit about how your brothers are in your dr but like how they speak and stuff? like introverted or extroverted? how are they like in conversation? I know this is a bit of a loaded question sorry 😅
don’t worry you’re good! I’ll probably make posts about all of them individually going in depth but I hope I can answer your questions well enough to satisfy you! 😭
y’know, I call them assholes and dumbasses (as one does with their siblings) but I’ll admit to the fact that they are actually very proper gentlemen when it counts. bruce has them MANNERED. lots of “yes ma’am” and “yes sir” to anyone that’s older, service workers, basically everyone else they aren’t close to.
I think the way I’m going to go about this is give you some info about how they are, things they say, and in what context (hopefully all of this will make sense)
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out of all of them, he’s the most friendly and talkative, I’d say. I don’t know if you guys will know what I’m referencing but there’s this video of the weeknd talking backstage with fans and he’s like SUPER friendly and chatting up a storm and everyone in the comments is like “his friendly ahh” and “you can tell bro is canadian” THATS WHAT DICK REMINDED ME OF WHEN I FIRST SHIFTED LMAO people are usually pretty in shocked about how well spoken all of them are. that and with dick they are amused at the fact that he’s actually a sweetheart
his sense of humor is making people laugh but if you don’t he takes it personally and starts to tweak out a bit
things that dick has said that I think about often;
“…I know that hurts” *is watching me practice being en point”
*talking to a group of people and making them laugh*, *turns to look at me with a mischievous ass smile*, *mouths* “I’m good at this shit”
“why are you so fucking negative all the time? gimmie a lil toothy grin” *he says to a very grumpy and sleepy jason before being slapped*
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him and tim are the most introverted ones in my dr. one thing about jason is he don’t give a damn LMFAO
not to say that he’s rude, he’s not (not unprovoked) but if we are in a social setting he doesn’t really talk unless spoken to, simply because he probably doesn’t care and is not interested in what is happening and would rather zone out or talk to somebody he does know and is close with. of course if someone he doesn’t know very well speaks to him he will be very respectful but he wont force himself to be overly talkative and go out of his way to be very friendly (again he’s not rude, just only has enough social battery to be a gentleman most of the time.)
blunt, dry ass humor that I appreciate very much. one of my favorite things about him is HE SWEARS SO GOOD IT MAKES ME GIGGLE
things that jason has said that I think about often;
“I didn’t give a fuck yesterday, I didn’t give a fuck today, and I’m probably not gonna give a fuck tomorrow”
*watches me, tim, and dick build the notre dame lego from the dark stairs in the foyer looking like a weirdo and menacing as hell* “…can I help?”
“don’t piss me off” - his favorite things to say
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a true ambivert. as I mentioned he and jason are the most introverted but tim will talk to anyone that will listen tbh. he could go on and on about certain topics and honestly I really like to hear him speak because he is so well spoken and passionate about certain things. all of them are pretty well articulated but he is the most well articulated. he’s the more quiet sweetheart of the family that’s also a NERD. if you do speak to him, just know he will absolutely give his heart and soul into that conversation
he has very clever humor (he kind of reminds me of like an english man) that you honestly might not get if you don’t know anyone like him and if you don’t understand what he said he’s like “oh okay…” awkward as hell
things that tim has said that I think about often;
*us watching a korean movie together* “did you know that korean is one of the most isolated languages in the world?”
*Burce complimenting damian* “yeah he’s got a face for radio” - tim
“what the hell that have to do with the tea prices in china?”
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the most unserious, chaos causing mf EVER. he’s also one of the more extroverted people in the family up there with dick. dick is the more charming friendly one and damian is like… I don’t even know. of course he is still respectful but he’s the least formal out of everyone. he’s more worried about having a fun conversation and not one with forced formal wording. for example if someone calls him “mister wayne” he’s like “ew please call me damian”. I’ve also heard people say things like “you can tell he’s the youngest brother” and yeah tbh he’s fun and annoying. what else could you want?
his humor is quoting spongebob
things that damian has said that I think about often;
“THIS IS SO LUXXXX” *he yells as he tries on bruces rolex*
*awkward ass silence anywhere* “imagine all the peopleeeeee” (he kinda serves vocals during this tbh)
“MY DIET DOCTOR KELP?” *damian yells in disbelief in the car since he didn’t get his doctor pepper from the drive thru*
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alwaysshallow · 8 months ago
idk if u know this but in south korea, there's this thing where every once in a while the biggest k-pop girl group will go and perform for ~100 soldiers as a "support/encouragement" thing to keep their morale well and i just thought....
imagine kpopidol!reader and their group going in their cute extremely little, frilly outfits, ready to perform for the crowd, dance, leave, and forget about it. however, once simon catches a glimpse of what the rest of the soldiers are cheering for, he becomes completely infatuated with you. he doesn't know if it's the lack of females around the base, his loneliness or if it's the way your twirling around in a small little skirt with an innocent smile on your face, not knowing what those men in the crowd would do given the chance, but he stays there. watching, his cold eyes following every move of yours, even when the wind blows your skirt up.
i'm sorry, i judt had to get this off my chest, if u could expand on it i’d literally be so grateful, i need an actual writer’s take on this idea because t’s been stuck in my head. ill b leaving now 🫡🫡🫡🫡
+ search up when twice performed for soldiers, thats what im talking about, they went crazy 😭😭😭😭
ok the thought of twice performing for soldiers is just sooo wild lmao. i'm not into kpop at all but i know them (who doesn't??) and abhsbhd
i can only IMAGINE how mesmerized the boys would be. like, watching the group and being impressed (also horny) and simon would, at first, pretend like he doesn't care about stupid performance of yours at all. like, what is impressive in that, really? they're going to another war, might as well go to bar instead of watching your group.
well, at least until he sees you, smiling so sweetly to him:// maintaining the eye contact, getting a little shy when he stares into your soul, especially when you twirl and your skirt is a little too skimpy to hide everything under. god.
he talks with you after the show, and the thing is: he wants to keep you. so much. the only thing that keeps you away is the world tour, so don't be surprised when he makes a few calls about bombs in the stadium, so you'll have time for him.
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loudclan-clangen · 8 months ago
HEY so the last ask reminded me that this is set in Alaska! As someone who used to live there it makes me very happy to see, so just for fun I brainstormed lore ideas/questions for a Clan there n I thought id share :) this is Long lmao i apologize
The terrain for one thing. Growing up I remember all the horror stories of people getting stuck in muskeg and not being able to get out before the tide comes in. so that’s always freaky, but i imagine that if theres any in the area then the cats might try and take advantage of it as safely as they can? for prey and such. on that note whats their water situation like anyways? braided rivers?
any specific ideas for what area of mountains the cats are in? are they in the higher ranges, the ones wrapped up in clouds, the rocky kind like the ones around Denali? the greener ones with all the trees? is their territory frequented by hikers and/or tourists or are they relatively untouched wilderness? I think i remember it being said that LoudClan is somewhere more towards the south, is it intended to be generally vague? :0
Predators!!!! The cats can deal with all sorts of unique stuff in a setting like this, bears n lynxes n wolves… eagles… possibly even wolverines since theyre up in the mountains? i’d be curious to see how a clan would react to a wolf pack passing through the area lol. also ive always just loved the concept of a queen finding an abandoned lynx kitten or smth and unknowingly adopting it and it just keeps… getting bigger… whoops… oh well its the clans weird child now
So many fun lil prey animals too, ground squirrels n ptarmigans n such!! I bet ptarmigans would totally harass cats during breeding season and that could be funny. maybe standard apprentice training is to learn the different ground squirrel alarm calls. maybe they even sometimes encounter dalls or caribou or moose on patrols (perhaps moose have even been known to kill before, so theyre considered dangerous).
Also just….. the day-night cycle??? I’d honestly be pretty interested to see how that ties in, like it’s daylight forever in the summer-early autumn and pretty much perpetually nighttime in the winter-early breakup. do the cats have any thoughts or beliefs towards that? do they like to look up at the northern lights, and listen when theyre so clear that they can hear them?
Okok thats all now sorry. I got way too excited lol i miss AK sm, i left when i was little 💔 if any of this has been discussed already in a lore post then ignore me its been a hot minute and i rattled this off on a whim!!!
Love this! Okay, let me try to hit all of these questions in a way that will hopefully be understandable for everyone so if you're the asker please skip past the definitions/backstory.
A 'muskeg' is like a swamp or a bog. I assume that you're referring to the area outside of Anchorage that we always called the 'Mud-Flats", because that's where I heard stories of people getting stuck. (Specifically there's a very famous urban legend of a soldier stationed in Anchorage who went out with his buddies, got stuck up to his waist, ended up tied to a helicopter, and when they tried to pull him out with the helicopter he uh... separated. And his legs can supposedly still be found in the flats. (I WANT TO CLARIFY THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE. THERE WAS A SOLDIER, HE GOT STUCK, HE DROWNED, THE SEPARATION HAPPENED AFTER HE WAS DEAD AND THEY TRIED TO RETRIEVE THE BODY. THEY DID GET HIS LEGS BACK TO MY KNOWLEDGE.)) It's pretty much a long stretch of quicksand (but it's like more mud and silt than sand? idk how to really describe it i haven't been there much cause ya know, hearing stories like that will kinda cure your curiosity as a kid.)
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Anyway, Ghostclan's territory used to be Mud-Flats, but long before the cats moved in twolegs came and installed the Rip Rap (big jagged rocks that are placed on the coastline to keep it from erroding) that make up Freezingclan's territory and that kinda took some of the danger out of it. Since the tide no longer comes up so high, while getting stuck is certainly not a good thing, it's not a death sentence as clanmates have time to gather help and dig you out. Though it does make it hard/near impossible to launch an attack on Ghostclan without an insider to lead you around the wet spots. Larger prey can sometimes be found stuck in the mud, having died from exhaustion, but the wetness causes the meat to rot quickly, and what is left draws the attention of larger predators, while also adding the issue of having to avoid getting stuck as you retrieve it, so it's not really a reliable source of food as much as it is a last resort. Ghostclan also contains the territory's braided river, which the cats call the "Friendly River" because it's three smaller streams that meet up into one large one. (I didn't do the best job rendering this on the map but that is what I was trying to represent. I'm not a landscape person, I'm doing my best.) Because the territory is a narrow valley set right on the coast they don't have a ton of room for the rivers to braid, but the thought was there!
It is intented to be generally vague, because I'm not an expert on geography and I live a couple of hours from this exact area, I didn't want to say "yeah it's here" and then have people correct me with minute little things. Plus if it's entirely made up then I can alter things to my liking. But the territory is inspired by the land along the Seward highway, where on one side it's these big mountains and on the other it's just a short sloping coastline. It looks like this in real life:
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(You can even see the railroad and layer of rip rap that I included in the territory map) I imagine it's a place where the road veers inland so that the clans can have more space to roam. While the railroad runs through the mountain the highway is just on the other side of it. The mountains here are nowhere as tall as Denali, but they aren't anything to scoff at either. I imagine them being something like this, (which I believe is Exit Glacier?):
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The lower areas are densely forested with tall trees and thick shrubs, but the greenery gets thinner and shorter as the elevation rises until you get to the higher ridges and peak which is pretty much just rock. Loudclan camp would be located at the transition point between grass and rock, so that there is no place above them where their enemies might hide and wait to pounce. As for humans, the territory used to belong to a small mining town. They dug the mine, installed the rip rap, built the buildings, and leveled the area of the mountain that Loudclan camp is set on, but over time resources dried up and people left. Now it's nearly untouched save the railroad, which still runs through the mountain regardless of whether there's a stop there anymore. The fact that you have to either cross railroad tracks or mountains to get to it, and its remote nature mean that hikers don't usually put in the energy to venture that way. (My mom grew up in Sutton, a former coal mining town and railway hub that was long past it's glory days by the time she was born and so this fictional town is kind of an omage to that).
The cats absolutely will interact with unique predators! The game has done me the favor of adding in wolverines already (and let me tell you, they cause PROBLEMS), but the cats might also face off against an aggressive little ermine (which are much fiercer than their appearance would have you believe) or even find themselves stumbling upon a blackbear gorging on blueberries early in the fall. They aren't really in the correct area for a wolf pack (and to my knowledge i don't remember writing about any) but who knows what's to come? Okay, now onto Lynx. Up until about 30 seconds ago I was under the impression that domestic cats and lynx could hybridize. Why did I think that? Well because everyone and their mother up her SWEARS that their female cat got out and mated with a lynx at one point or another. That or their big long hair tom cat is part lynx. So who was I to question whether that could even happen? Well apparently it can't but oops, too late, already headcannoned that several characters are part lynx so fuck it. These cats are special. They've speciated. Juneaucliff's dad was a Lynx. What are you gonna do about it? Huh? Regardless, yes, the cats do interact with Lynx, but they speak the same language, so it's a bit of a different situation. It probably won't be mentioned unless people ask about specific characters, but anyone with ear tufts/unusually large stature/big paws may have been descended from a lynx at some point.
The prey animals I think are more dangerous than the predators honestly. So many of them are specifically adapted to the terrain in ways that the cats aren't. Imagine chasing a snowshoe hare across the mountainside, following directly in their tracks only to suddenly feel the snow fall away beneath you, because while their big feet allow them to skid across the crevasse without disturbing the crust of the snow, you're just a little bit too heavy and you sink a bit to far and now you're falling to your death. You're sitting on the edge of the river during a salmon run, watching an eagle dive down to grab a fish. What are the chances it changes it's mind and grabs you? A cat weighs a lot less than a king salmon. And moose would be a danger. 9/10 they won't even glance twice at you but the one time you get unlucky enough to jump down from a tree and land between a cow and her calf? Maybe with no snow a cat could outrun a moose but those long legs mean that there's no feasible escape in the colder months. Even in the warmer months a cat can be trampled by a herd of caribou if they aren't vigilant while walking along the flat lands of the valley. Ptarmagins are easy food, but they're annoying and they spook off every other kind of prey within their designated "territory" and are just generally a nuisance. Some of them are useful, though, Dall sheep wool is is great for insulating nests and shed antlers from moose and caribou can be used to strengthen camp walls and build dens or can be broken into smaller sections to splint broken bones.
The day/night cycle absolutely plays into it! That's why starclan moved into the Black Water Pool. It's the only place where night always exists. In moon 14 Part 2 Twistedtail explains to Wildfirecry that starclan had to move, saying "We couldn't survive there. Not when the sun silenced the stars for seasons at a time". Many cats believe that their ancestors can't see them while the stars are hidden, that the light of the sun blinds them, and therefore are more likely to do devious things in the summer when the sun never leaves the sky in order to avoid punishment. They don't live far north enough to experience perpetual night but even so, only having 6 hours of daylight in the winter does make patrolling and hunting much more difficult. As of right now, the northern lights mean something different to every cat. They each interpret them/were taught to believe something unique about them. Are they the last words of dead cats frozen in the air? Are they the souls of your ancestors dancing across the sky? Maybe they're a sign from starclan, demanding that the lead healer come speak to them at the black water or a sign of good luck for a little born beneath them. No one really knows, except for that they're something important. (I'm not committing to anything cause they could be used in so many interesting ways that i don't wanna limit myself ya know?)
anyway, thank you for the ask, this was so fun to talk about! My apologies for not answering as many asks as I had hoped to over my break, I was on a trip and then had to buckle down on school work and then got sick (just a cold. im fine) but things are looking good for a beginning of July return time still! (Note because I know what tumblr reading comprehension is like: I'm not returned quite yet. I still have to write a paper for school. But soon! Yay!) If you have asked an ask in the past month: I'm so sorry please be patient. There's so many of you. If you were sending me actual, physical mail I would be completely buried in it. I love it, and hope you keep doing it, but... just know it might be a minute... or two... or ten.
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t0ast-ghost · 9 months ago
S3 EP24 (The Turnabout Intruder) I can’t believe I’m here. At the end. This is the last thought post.
Let’s go already:
- Awww they’re beaming down together
- Leaving Kirk alone with a woman…
- An episode directly calling out sexism? More likely than you think?
- “We would have killed each other.” “Might have been better.” Hot
- Is this set on Friday cause that’s pretty freaky
- I’ll miss you Star Trek opening (I’m going to rewatch this show idk what I’m talking about)
- Obsessed with Kirk talking that way omg
- Something about transitioning or whatever
- They should know it’s not actually Kirk cause he didn’t do his dramatic ass communicator flip
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- The actress doing a great job at playing Kirk (just body language at this point but it’s already spot on)
- Kirk’s ass uhmmm
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- Woah Bones is going to riot! There’s so much medical malpractice happening here
- Nurse Chapel with brown hair <3
- Lester is fucking up so bad impersonating Kirk. Like she didn’t even cross her leg over the other when she sat in the captains chair and she isn’t properly listening to Spock’s infodump :(
- Bones gets to have his riot. Wait. How does Lester know to call him Bones?
- Bones why would you lean over Kirk like that
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- Kirk storming out of his own damn room
- Kirk’s ass analyzing something or other or what-
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- She is so good at playing Kirk
- Guys. Listen. She is my queen. I love her. I adore her. And more than that I think she’s the coolest motherfucker alive.
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- If I was Kirk I’d have slapped Coleman. No hesitation.
- Kirk’s gotta get in contact with one of his boyfriends
- Kirk is so good at putting on his charm. Like he’s so quick to panic about the ship but the charm is quickly regained
- *smashes the glass and cuts through restraints* bad fucking ass
- The boyfriends are ✨worried✨
- McCoy and Spock look so pretty
- Bones is going to kill Kirk. His blue eyes are murderous
- Spock using his ‘I’m that bitch’ privileges to get past security
- “Don’t get dressed yet.” McCoy out of context 1969
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- A CALL BACK TO A PREVIOUS EPISODE?!? Tholian web mention?!? Woah.
- “Doctor McCoy may be of help.” Yeah go get your other boyfriend!
- The guard stopping them from exiting and then Spock looks over at Kirk like, ‘the audacity of this bitch. Should I just nerve pinch him, captain?’
- eugh Lester shaking Bones’ hand is so unnaturally uncomfortable
- Can’t bring Kirk to Bones, bring Bones to Kirk
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- McCoy’s eyeing Spock like what the fuck is happening to our boyfriend
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- “Why…? Captain.” The spite Spock has
- McCoy hates being used against Spock like this
- How can William Shatner make those clicking noises with his mouth so casually
- “But her intense hatred of her own womanhood made life with her impossible.” This is like lady Macbeth
- Spock getting mad oooooooh
- Ohhh my god it’s so fundamentally sexist how Kirk is now ‘more emotional’ which could be a character choice but it feels so over the top and more like a ‘she’s a woman so this is how she acts’ choice
- Lester hates being a woman so much because of prejudices and stereotypes that she now perpetuates those same things onto others
- I love how many episodes have mutiny
- “The penalty: death.” WHAT
- Spock was just like, ‘we gotta be ready to slap a bitch’
- “Kill him!!!” no murder tonight for you Lester
And that’s just how they end the whole fucking show huh
I’m not sure if I’ll ever do something like this again for a show but this was a blast and I enjoyed every second of it. Thank you so much to everyone who has followed along. Every comment, reblog, and like has been appreciated.
However, I will be posting some bonus thoughts so keep a lookout for those :)
And as always Masterpost
Teleplay by Arthur H. Singer
Story by Gene Roddenberry
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shrimperini · 10 months ago
what are some things that inspired your wheatley design 😲😲 i think he looks absolutely lovely in your artstyle and i would love to know if you had any inspirations for his design (i also may or may not have a crush on him)
thank you!! idk if you mean his human or android design but i’ll explain both :D starting off with his android design, he is the very first one i did for any of the portal charas so every other core design is based off his technically lol (except glados whose design varies quite a bit but yknow, she’s the queen and all). i was inspired by other ppl’s android designs for sure, i knew i wanted to include round glasses (robots wearing glasses is peak character design imo very funny), messy hair, his core on his chest because i love it as a design choice even if it’s the most common one i’ve seen. and his handles are an important part of him so i had to add them somewhere, i had seen some artists out them on his shoulders and i was like YES thats cool. So i did that. and the second handle hanging around his hips/legs because i felt like the lower body of my design was lacking with silhouette elements. as i was playing the game for the first time he immediately striked me as a butler-y type of character?? so his android design has a “classier” look (he started wearing a bowtie after he was assigned the job in the extended relaxation center to. Appear friendlier i guess lmao). Despite loving all the tall android wheat designs i’d see online, I always pictured him as quite short, and since he does call himself ‘tiny little wheatley’ i thought it couldve fit to give him a shorter model than the majority of the other cores.
As for his human design, it evolved quite a bit overtime. i was totally, 100% influenced by all the blonde wheatleys with blue eyes i’ve seen in fanart 😭 i did kinda picture him as a ginger at first, but blonde wheatley absolutely took over LMAO. my first human design of him didn’t satisfy me in the slightest tho so i decided to change it by making him chubby and have more facial hair/body hair in general and i immediately went oh yes, now THIS is a wheatley im happy with lol. i had seen a lot of different interpretations of his human look and i personally love the most when people draw him short and fat so i was like. i NEED to upgrade him. other than that his human design is much simpler than his android one bc i do think he’d look like just Some Guy. Some stressed anxious guy who’s constantly on edge in his work place and has little to no time nor energy to dress up much. Very average office guy. He kinda balances out his android self who is fancier.
so in short, my inspo was other amazing portal fanartists 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i love yall
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n1ghteeea · 3 months ago
i love the real ghostbusters, dont get me wrong. and i understand it was made in a time where ALOT of goofs happened, but?? sometimes like, Winston will be speaking and its Egon's voice and it cracks me up. Sometimes Ray will have Peter's brown hair in clips. Sometimes there's a buster missing and two of one of them?? its so stupidly funny i start cackling everytime i see it.
also on the topic of continuity (i think thats how you spell it??) DUDE, the writers goof up so much, like sometimes they change characters personalities COMPLETELY over the span of half an episode, and then theyre back to the way they were..? ALSO!! the artists goof too, like?? the designs for a ghost sometimes get changed (very subtly) in an episode. Other times it wil be how their equipment works.
also uh, on some streaming services it lists the real ghostbusters as more seasons than it is, im assuming the first couple seasons are the ones before the intro change..?
sorry for the whole ramble lmao, i havent info dumped about ghostbusters in... like... ever. i have zero ghostbusters friends to info dump to.
Oh yeah RGB has a looot of stuff when it comes to animation errors and writing inconsistencies, I honestly love it. Sometimes I think maybe it would be cool if it was animated and written as cartoon shows are now, so like with extreme oversight and less episodic, but in a way, it gives the show its charm, so no complaints!
Also the show has 7 seasons and 140 episodes in total, s1-2 are actually good, s3 implemented the Q5 censorship (?? idk what to properly call it), s4 is where the intro changes (but I’d say the writing while not great, is better than any other post-s2 season), and s5-7 are also there.
Also I know that the order is very funky on different sites. I usually go with the DVD one bc the air order is so clearly wrong lol, they have Peter’s dad second episode before the first one, so it’s a mess.
And don’t be sorry, I’m happy to hear any RGB rants, they are my beloveds 🫶
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lyrakanefanatic · 1 year ago
Grayson and phone girl hcs!!!!
- He’s Folklore coded
- Shes midnights coded (or red idk)
- Grayson hates sweet coffees and takes his coffee black
- phone girl takes her coffee with one milk and 2 sugars
- Grayson loves taking photos of her
- he also loves spoiling phone girl, but she hates being spoiled (yes she has yelled at him multiple times for getting her expensive gifts but he gets her them anyway)
- she didn’t know how to swim well before but then Grayson taught her
- her and Grayson play chess together and at first he won most the games, but then phone girl started catching up and winning aswell
- when phone girl told Grayson her favourite book, he immediately started reading it so she would have someone to talk to about it 💖💖
- forehead kisses and neck kisses!!!!
- she’s close with all of graysons brothers but ESPECIALLY close with Jameson (I just feel like they would be bsfs)
- movie nights are sacred to them!!
- graysons close with her mom and is always so kind to her (🤭💖💖💖)
- thea showed phone girl the video of Grayson singing karaoke in tights and she didn’t shut up about it for like 3 months 💀
- she’s a super light sleeper, meanwhile grayson can sleep through a war (the final gambit atonement night chapter says he’s a deep sleeper LMAO)
- grayson contrasts silver, phone girl contrasts gold
- Grayson realized he liked her before she realized she liked him (and when she did realize she didn’t want to accept it bc his grandfather was kinda the reason her dad died)
- she’s close with both of his sisters but ESPECIALLY close with Savannah, and the two of them hang out all the time
- one night, grayson got really drunk, like blackout drunk, and accidentally told all of his brothers that he liked phone girl, (which honestly they saw coming) and he had a really nice heart-to-heart with them. He talked about why he loved her and how he loved her the second he called his phone, and then ruined the heartfelt moment by throwing up on the carpet
- when gigi first met phone girl, (I’d assumed she’d meet her kind of late into the games) she thought that she was the “girlfriend” Grayson was talking about in tbh, and without a hint of irony in her voice, asked “so, you like limes?”
- phone girl was immediately confused and asked her what she meant, but Grayson switched the topic and (somehow) saved himself a lot of embarrasment
- phone girl doesn’t really like her birthday anymore because that was the day her father shot himself, so Grayson tries to do really fun and exciting stuff to distract her
- she tried getting other girls to date him, and then would be surprised when she got jealous 💀
- Nash was the first one to notice they liked each other and asked Grayson about it teasingly, and Grayson in response ended the conversation SO FAST
- she eventually found out WHY Gigi asked about the limes, and made a joke saying “ the entire world is in love with you, Grayson, and you had to make up a fake girlfriend?”
-now the lime thing is an inside joke, so whenever one of graysons brothers (or Grayson) asks where she is, she just says “I’m out buying limes”
- Avery and her are those friends that “hang out” by laying on the couch, watching movies, and going on their phones instead of actually doing stuff together (iykyk)
- Grayson was SOOO mad about Mathias liking Gigi bc he works for eve, so he told phone girl and she actually took gigis side (Grayson was shocked but gigi and phone girl immediately became bsfs after that day)
okay thats all and I know I’m talking about the inheritance games too much and it may be annoying, but trust me it will be WAY more annoying when the grandest game vault comes out 💀 (im sorry)
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ennabear · 24 days ago
oki so for the ask game if anyone hasnt already 14, 15. 60, 63
and u need to know I love and adore you beyond what words can articulate. or numbers. my palms are sweating typing this I LOVE YOUI LOVE YOU
14. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel? do you draw from personal experiences?
yes to both!!!!i usually write emotional scenes when i’m feeling emotional and 90% of the time i pull from personal experiences 😭 but i love it!!! it’s therapeutic hehe if i have to suffer why not make sevika suffer with me???? ok help that’s so mean i’m sorry sevbaby i promise i love you
15. how do you write smut scenes? do you get very visual or detailed? how important is it to be realistic?
well… let’s just say… i have no personal experience… so i kinda just fake it til i make it LMAO idk i feel like it’s not too hard??? i just describe the position and how they’re both feeling and what happens??? and idk about it being realistic, i genuinely can’t tell because my only experience is sitting in bed alone and thinking “wow i miss sevika i wish i could fuck her…” but i think i do alright…
60. have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? what was that like?
YESSSS AAAAAAAAAA so many times i love all of my mutuals they’re all of my favorite writers (especially you hehehe) and it’s always an honor to see them like it or to get a comment or reblog 🤭🤭 it’s why i keep writing hehe i couldn’t do it without you guys
63. something you hate to see in smut
ok here we go… mainly what i HATE to see is ageplay/anything adjacent to that like huge age gaps and concerning plots and dialogue (sevika calling reader “little girl”, reader being young and mega innocent, not even knowing what sex is or how it works) ITS JUST SO GROSS TO ME 😭 also because don’t you want to be a 40 year old butch with her??? this is make believe and you’re choosing to be freshly 18 and innocent instead of 50 and slutty???? get out!!!!
i’d say it’s more of a writing thing than a kink thing??? i love all kinks i think they all deserve to be written about and i love even being introduced to things that i don’t know about, but WHY are we not doing that as adults?????? thats all hehehe
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sandwicz · 2 years ago
Twisted Wonderland as quotes me and my friends said + teachers too pt. 2
Warnings: profanities, mention of cockroaches, some might be ooc, Rook
*in the science club*
Rook: "i made a reverse filter :D"
Rook: "i turn clean water into dirty water"
Trey: "..."
Vargas: "Trappola... This is why you won't have a girlfriend in the future"
Epel: *shows a poster he made thats just memeable and very messy, kinda like a sh*tpost. Its for his presentation that's 30% his grade*
Epel: "Apple to coconut how bad is it"
Epel: "Apple = good, coconut = bad"
Epel: "all the fruits are included in between"
Ace: "its cherry then"
Epel: "idk if that's good or bad. i like cherry so its good"
Yuu: "Pear. Actually no its mango"
Epel: "I like mango so its good"
Yuu: *made a huge robot cockroach the size of a basketball(that walks slow) that's made out of cardboard for a project*
Yuu: *shows a pic and video of the project to some students*
Yuu: "cock"
Yuu: "this took forever"
Yuu: "i hate it"
Yuu: "it hath grown wings so it shall fly to the sun"
Yuu: "and i will sit and stare and salute as my papermade icarus flies ever onward”
Yuu: "... i think i lost it"
Floyd: *pokes jamil to show him the cockroach monstrosity* beetle?
Yuu: "i gave him wings don't you dare call him a beetle"
Jamil: *distraught and trying so hard to stop himself from burning the cockroach down* ...
*lets pretend NRC teaches students other languages other than english*
Leona: "what the f*ck the teacher slapped my hand"
Ruggie: "LMAO"
Jack: "what. ...why?"
Leona: "... this is why"
Ruggie: *still laughing while wheezing* "in the maths part of the (insert language here) exam Leona doesnt wanna calculate so instead, he wrote 0s to some of them and called it a day”
Jack: "..."
(yes our teacher did put math questions in our language exam)
Ace: “people are doing math the wrong way you guys be talking about x and y but never u and i”
Cater: “if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put u and i together”
Cater: “you know why i like RNA better than DNA, because there’s U”
Riddle: “all these pickup lines and u all still single”
Deuce: "how do i fix my bad haircut"
Ace: "grow hair"
Deuce: "great idea"
Deuce: "never thought of that"
Deuce: "any other ideas"
Epel: "bald"
Ace: "bald"
Epel: "it's about drive it's about power"
Epel: "we stay hungry we devour"
Student A: "Sir Trein sucks, he doesn't deserve any teacher's day letter"
Deuce: *is pissed off* "HAA??!! U SHUT YOUR ASS"
Deuce: "What's your beanfest team HAH?"
Deuce: "I'll wipe it out."
Student A: " Your team."
Deuce: "oh."
Student A: "💀"
Vargas: "do you have a partner?"
Riddle: *confused at the sudden question* "...no?"
Vargas: *pats his shoulder* "no? Find someone in the future"
Yuu: "i read fire balls as furry balls"
Jack: "..."
Jack: "i hate you."
Riddle: *flabbergasted* "Cater. Yuu played tetris during class? Around the teacher?"
Cater: "Yeap"
Yuu: "ehe"
Riddle: *dissapointed noises*
Trey: "i'm surprised you didn't get caught"
Yuu: "ehe"
Floyd: *gets grouped with Epel, Lilia and Riddle for a group project*
Floyd: *decided to make a gc and determine the name of it*
Floyd: *names it "adorable midgets + floyd gc :D"
*few moments after they finally realized the gc name*
Lilia: *enjoying the chaos*
*in the middle of class*
*sound of a notif from an online shopping app*
Trein: "Who's notification is that? It must be from Cater, isn't it? Always shopping and checking social media"
*a few seconds later*
*sound of a notif from another online shopping app"
Trein: "Tsk tsk tsk... who is that? Who likes shopping so much? You already have an app for it and you have another one?"
Idia: "..." *hiding behind his tablet*
Bonus for all of yall, in case yall need it:
Yuu: *jokingly* "so how's the exam results? Were you dissapointed in us?"
Staff/character of your choice: “You can never disappoint me, i’m always proud of you”
Everybody: *tears up*
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maygrcnt · 11 months ago
okay so I’ve really been thinking about tommy calling buck evan (irrationally thinking about it idk why it’s bothering me) bc why are they doing that? there has to be a reason bc I’d say all his past love interests have called him buck with maybe the odd evan thrown in there when the moment is serious. and technically we don’t get to see tommy and buck’s first interaction on screen bc they’re already in the helicopter when we first see them. and I was thinking chim would’ve obviously introduced eddie and buck to tommy and I would guess he would’ve said “hey this is eddie and this is buck” since that’s what they go by. like he wouldn’t use their government names lool. and then through out the helicopter journey everyone only referred to buck as buck so tommy know’s everyone calls him buck. like at this point does he even know his real name? I would guess not since everyone’s calling him buck. and then I was thinking when buck called tommy to set up the tour he most definitely introduced himself as “buck” since again, everyone was referring to him as “buck” on the helicopter. UNLESS buck said “hey Tommy it’s Evan Buckley - buck from the helipcopter…” BUT even then, it just doesn’t make sense why he’s calling him evan. like when eddie comes to the hangar, eddie calls him “buck” but again, they make it a point to have tommy call him Evan even after that. and they do this all the way through out the episode even though everyone else is calling him buck in the same moments!!! so why is tommy insisting on using his government name?! like ik he called chim “howie” but that makes sense since tommy knew chim as howie but with buck, he met him as buck!!! not as evan !! AND he’s calling Eddie “Eddie” and not edmundo so it’s clearly not that he doesn’t like nicknames Lmao. AND also, I find it weird that buck doesn’t correct him? like I dunno I just feel like he would? he’s corrected his parents in the past and when chim called him evan that one time he was like ???? and again, I understand he’s a love interest but his past LI’s didn’t even call him evan like that yet they had tommy drop evan like 50 times and for what??? has to be something right? I’m trying to think what exactly is could be but my best guess is the name thing will come up on the date or at some point and buck will tell tommy the origin of “buck” and why he isn’t called evan commonly and then maybe tommy will switch to buck?? Or maybe buck with let him call him evan ??? Idk but yeah the Evan thing has been keeping me up at night LOL pls help
big fan of how you went on such a journey there and didnt come to a conclusion because relatble. heres where my head is at personally and stick with me because im gonna start in a strange place
so this show isnt a stranger to name symbolism, natalia literally means birth or rebirth. so buck dating the girl whos name means fresh start after he DIES makes sense, but in a sort of insane irony way i think the death of that relationship was actually supoosed to be the "rebirth" in a sense
and since hes being given this "clean slate" (to throw us back to the last breakup because bucktaylor breakup is literally one of my fav scenes ever) theyre starting us off in a territory we've never been in by showing us through the most prominent symbolism possible. this one seems different because it IS different, and heres one thing this LI is doing that no other LI did, just to prove it.
I do think the other effect of this choice though is that is DOES make us uncomfortable. thats not a name that gets thrown around lightly so to hear it roll off someones tongue like its an everyday occurance rightfully makes us a little apprehensive. I think it could be a clever storytelling technique so as to say this is something that seems looks and feels really good on the surface, but they are throwing in that one little element that provides us with a little unease so that we dont get too comfortable sitting here.
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thehoodedsweater · 3 months ago
Since I’ve ranted about my OC Edward a lot here, I feel like I should explain how he would be if he was in the RGB cartoon!
I’m gonna yap so heads up lmao
First fact- Since Egon was made a blonde in the toon, I switched Edward to a brunette (even though he’s blonde in the main universe). Hair color switching is fun, and it also keeps his color palate from being too overwhelming! (This helps with Elizabeth too, since they’re siblings who are meant to look very much alike. Perhaps in one “Episode concept” they would attempt to switch identities and see who has the harder job.) Second- He has a tooth gap now. Just cause. I felt like it would be cute. It adds uniqueness for his expressions too. He also blushes a lot easier, for the sake of it being a toon.
Third- Since the toon seems to exaggerate/change their personalities a little, I made it so Edward’s anxiousness (and crushing on Egon if we’re gonna step into shipping territory) are heightened up to eleven. In the movie universe he’s a little anxious, sure (in the first movie he’s slightly anxious but relatively cheery and willing to help [think kind of like Louis, but not exactly], in the second movie he’s a lot more cynical and anxious due to going to law school and having to deal with the Ghostbusters again after five years [and the amount of trouble they get into]) but the toon would take it up a notch for the sake of comedy and plot. Fourth-He probably gets along with Peter just a little bit more? Due to the toon toning down Peter’s cynicism it makes for a different bond, other than the movie universe where Edward’s constantly at his throat for something stupid (for example, calling him “Eddie” and “Ed.”) In the toon world Edward would still be annoyed with him, but their bond is probably a lot closer than the movie universe. (Especially considering how long it would take for Edward and Peter to get along in it. They do care a lot, it just hides behind a TON of insults and banter. And unfortunately I’d imagine them leaving on pretty bad terms due to Edward leaving to the middle of nowhere [Summerville] without an explantation or leaving a note.)
Fifth-His cat, Kevin, would most likely be a reoccurring background character! Like Slimer, he probably runs around the firehouse and does his own stuff, he probably gets along with Slimer and that pisses Peter off.
Sixth-He would totally take the role of being a Ghostbuster at least once, like how Janine and Louis did. It was most likely because one was out sick/hurt and it causes a lot of chaos for Edward and his anxiety, as he volunteered without thinking to impress Egon. The “episode” idea I had was that Peter somehow got hurt and that resulted in him being unable to fight the ghosts, so Edward takes his place for the day. There’s a B plot of Peter having to do Edward’s “boring secretary work” with Janine, and by the end Edward gets his own Ghostbusters nametag (and maybe a kiss but idk) and the reassurance he did good. Just a wholesome little ending.
WOWWW THATS A LOT OF YAPPING (and I haven’t even STARTED on explaining what his role would be in the Extreme Ghostbusters cartoon..)
hope you guys liked it? I know some of you seem to like my ocs and their story so I’m so glad to share it all with you! Thanks for all the support :))
and if you wanna hear more let me know!!
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spookyserenades · 11 months ago
Bestie you did nottttttt leave us off like that 😭 I knew it had to be either Seokjin or Hoseok to confess to her first! I was worried that Jin would push OC away and stay distant for a while but i’m glad thats not the case. Speaking of Jin that little moment when he was texting with OC and sent her those emojis and said the cat was him was so cute I love him! Also same thing with Tae after the near kiss incident I was so sure he’d completely avoid her and tbh idk if i’m buying the i don’t remember what happened story but i’m hoping he’s telling the truth bc i cannot handle it when the hybrids distance themselves 😭
On a lighter note I will never not laugh any time Hoseok calls Jungkook and Namjoon the ghostbusters he’s such a brat lmao! I love seeing their dynamics unfold more any time we get more paranormal action. I’m curious to see what’s been haunting the Sanders family! I was thinking about how each kid must be absolutely enamored by the hybrids. For Julie it’s Jk like imagine ur mom brings some paranormal investigation group and this tall, handsome, tatted up, and pierced guy shows up to your house??? I’d come out of my room too 💀 and how Ms Sanders said her son loves wolves and how he was looking at Namjoon all starry eyed is so sweet! I can definitely see them way more open to the investigation and discussing their own experiences based on their reactions to the boys alone. It just goes to show how truly important each of the 3 members of the group are.
Ok and let me get into the smut real quick bc i simply cannot help myself. I swear Yoongi makes me want to chew on the table as well 😂 That soft dom energy he was is insane! I give so much credit to OC for not jumping his bones any time he walks into the room. Got me giggling and kicking my feet fr.
There’s so many more moments i’m sure but my little squirrel brain cannot remember them all. I swear i need to start taking notes reporting back 😂 it’s only instances like these I think I prefer wattpad’s design bc imagine how fun it would be to be able to comment on specific paragraphs in that moment. So even if i can’t recall every single moment I love, that made me smile, laugh, want to throw my phone across the room, or chew on tables at the top of my head please know that I enjoy all the little moments in each chapter and your writing is never unappreciated 🥲🫶🏻
fkjalsfjesa I'm sorry bestie!!! Luckily in the next update we pick up right were we left off with Seokjin eeeee 🥺 Seokjin was a little distant, at first, when he found out about Y/N and Yoongi, but mostly because he thought he'd never get to be with her romantically. I think after the cooking class, he just couldn't hold back his feelings anymore! AH the emojis he used 😭 he's such a cutie, just a big kitty!
Ah poor Tae blacked out... def doesn't remember the near-kiss. If he did, I'm sure he'd avoid Y/N like the plague out of embarrassment or shame :( I think he'll take some time to get comfortable with the shifting dynamics, but he's really attached to Y/N, so I don't see him icing her out for too too long.
HA I love that Hoseok is the resident skeptic. Even though he witnessed that ghost in the house, he still doesn't really get it like Namjoon and Jeongguk. Speaking of them, they've struck up an unlikely friendship with their team! I'm super excited to write their investigation scene, and find out what's haunting the family 😉 YESS you're right the two kids took a liking to each of them but gkdalgj YOURE SO RIGHT I'D LEAVE MY ROOM FOR GOTH JEONGGUK TOO. I just I'm so !!! pumped to explore this part of the plot with the 3 of them, I think it will help those two hybrids to get closer to Y/N, since they're the less affectionate, clingy ones.
OOF the smut! I'm being soooo honest I need Yoongi biblically. I'm really glad that you're chewing on the table with me,,,, I have SUCH a thing for soft doms and Yoongi definitely radiates that sooo much. Also fr I'd be in his room NIGHTLY waiting for all of that 💀
LMAOO NOT THE SQUIRREL BRAIN BESTIE!!! As for the Wattpad thought, I've been adding the chapters there and eventually when it's all caught up the monthly updates will go up there too, so if you wanna comment on specific things that might be easier 💜
I love love you!! Thank you so much for being so sweet and kind to me, and for reading Trouvaille, supporting me! Your feedback means so much, and I'm sending you one million hugs 💜💜💜
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sarada-best-girl · 5 months ago
What do you love about Sarada? c:
Aww well this is such a lovely ask to receive. Well very obvious one is that she’s the beloved daughter of my two faves<3 Sakura and Sasuke. 😌 😊♥️
also I have not thought of exactly what I love about her so this has given me stuff to think about ahaha. like if you were to ask me a list of what stuff I like her about her? I’d say everything LMAO. she is the daughter of my beloved otp, she’s like everything. but also idk???? I just love her????????? I love the expressions she does…. her design……. like. quite literally everuthing<3 she’s PERFECT !!!!!!
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*brEaks into puddle of feels* GOSH
I really like the anime episode where lol she looses the gift she’s suppose to give this person in the hospital and she has to get it back — and lol, she doesn’t want to be like “boruto and the others” and go on top of the train to get it back…. lol. she’s kind of a stickler for “rules” in a way. also ahaha that smol interaction with shizune she has is so funny n everytih to me… shes so awkward<3 like also LOVED the whole chouchou&sarada too….gah… i love them so much… and JHBSDHJBS the part where shikadai sees her on the top of the train but isnt sure and LMAO they all (boruto inojin n shikadai) have evil ;) face at the idea of catching sarada riding top of the train so they could never let forget for the rest of the time of academy was SO funny to me.
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i love their dynamic. also remiding of this idea i had for a comic which i dearly love. sarada using her sharigan to help them with a game lmao and she overuses it so much jsbdhbsJBHDFBD theyre so stupid<3
also man this ep had so much good moments… like this one whihc i love so much n never fails to make me laugh…. thEIR FACES. man i need to redraw it.
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I’m loving her so much in the boruto timeskip manga too, like gosh — the way it starts and how she’s so determined to like get into shikamaru’s head that boruto isn’t the enemy and he wouldn’t cuz she’s one of the two that only remembers gosh. lol and how she gets fed up at one point and goes “you blockhead” and later is like… argh… I should haven’t said that to him/got annoyed… I know that it’s not his fault. like I THINK CONSTANTLY OF HER DURIJG THAT TIMESKIP!!!! How it must have felt cuz GOSH!!!! She’s like one of the two that ONLY remembers Boruto is the hokage’s son and now everyone sees him as enemy. Must be so painful. Damn. AND the fact that her father is once again traitor of the village cuz she asks him to look after Boruto and though she knows she made the right choice, must be hard<3 !!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
also I LOVE that she has sakura’s verbal… idk what you call it? Habit? “Cha!!!!/shannaroo!!!!” It’s soooo<3 like THATS HER DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!
Also the Gaiden manga, as much as the plot is so stupid, makes me so emotional!!!! The way she feels betrayed by her mom n dad, and misunderstands and the way she doesn’t care anymore if her mom is her real mom gosh. THE FACT THAT WHEN SHE FIRST THINKS SHES GOING TOO SASUKE SHE WANTS A HUG OH MY GOD!!!!!
Also one of my most iconic moments… her first fight in the chunnin exams. Lmao pls. She really was like “three seconds… watch me” HDKKDKD and did it. Pls. What even made her go “okay for my first match I’m GONNA finish it in 3 seconds” JDKFBJDKFKFKD. OBESSED with her. like??? did she know her opponent and was like yeah i can crush it. why did she announce it like that… what if she didnt win in 3 seconds…. i Love Her. also LOVE LOVE the lil moment she has with shikadai before she goes for her match.. the high five they share. its just a notmal moment but just. THEM,
SPEAKING OF TAGT… sarada n dynamics!!!!! I literally love every dynamic she shares with the characters. CHOCHO SND SARADA MY BELOEVED!!!!! They’re besties!!!!!!!!! oh my god i love them so much. like whats intresting to me in the gaiden, they hang out and are friends but dont seem super close and chouchou gets annoyed at her when she tells to spend time with her dad n train cuz she thinks shes speaking like that cuz irrc shes really good uchiha ninja or whatcer. but sarada meant in a way of spend time with ur dad. also lmao the misunderstandings they have in gaiden, lmao. also the anime fight between them in chunin exam 2 <3 gosh… I LOVE THEM!!!!! i ship them a lil too<3 theyre so cuyte………my heart wams every tme i think of them
sarada n inojin is also a Big Fav cuz that’s ino’s son !!!! also inojin has quite a sharp mouth so it would be sooo fun to see them interact. <3 Mondayminx’s art of them always gives me LIFE. also I really really like shikadai and Sarada’s dynamic of what we got see on the anime, anyways. I NEVER EXPECTED LIKE TJEM BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH??!!!! I wanna see them be friends!!!!!! I WANAN SEE THEM BE BESTIE!!!! like just wanna push them together in scenaories and interact… id love that a lot.
Lolol it’s so funny to me this is just sarada & team 10. I guess I really like them.
Like yeah Sarada & boruto are iconic duo too. THAT HUG IN CHPATER 5 IS FRESKING EVERYTHING TO ME. like DO NOT SPEAK to me about the boruto-sasuke-sarada dynamic canon gave to me. I FCKING LOVE IT SO MUCH. everytime i thiknk about it i cRUMBLE. I think about chapter 5 like SO MUCH. god.
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LIKE I FREAKIN SCREETCHED. I think chapter 5 is like a masterpiece from top to beginning. In My Opinion. gonna stop myself from ranting on about it cuz i will Not Stop. Also I do generally adore Boruto and Sarada’s banters. like especialy the ones from anime academy era and the iconic scnee where boruto finds out he set him up to be the trip leader so he cant go off and do stuff lmao and hes like this is no way a woman who wants to be hokage should act like?! and she just goes heheh and runs off and he chases her and is like its not funny. pls therye so funny. i love them. They’re so freakin silly to me<3 also obsessed with the anime’s “yeah we knew each other as kids/yeah our parents are friends but doesn’t mean we lIKE EACH OTHER” during academy… also despite that like how Sarada was like “yeah I believe you/youre not a liar etc” about the whole ghost thing boruto was going through. Like they’re <3 to me. Also so emotional + funny to me that ahahah… they both admire the other’s dad and want to be like them. But also as much as I do love TJEM I don’t really think about them, they’re fun and nice… but sometimes im like meh about them and sometimes im like ahhhhHHHHHHH ahahaha.
I also do like Sarada’s relationship with Mitsuki, the other team member of her squad. But I don’t care for them that much as much I wish cuz they’re so boring to me… SADLY. but I do like thinking about them occasionally. They can be so much fun!!!!!!!
And of course…. Sarada’s relationship with her parents is like. EVERYTHING to me. Especially Sasuke and Sarada’s. Who are my fav characters ever in across naruto ahahah. And also gosh not to mention naruto&sarada who I don’t think of that much but make me EMOTIONAL AND FULL OF FEELS WHEN I DO!!!!!!!!!!
also Sarada& Sakura are sooooo important to me. MAN THAT SCENE IN GAIDEN WHERE SHES LIKE “gonna protect you!!!” also the way she calls her mama is MY FAV… just Sarada’s voice…….. also not to mention the flashbacks 😭😭😭 to smol sarada. Like gosh when she was sick and Sakura was 🥺🥺🥺 passed out on her bed after looking after her. GOSH. They’re so important to me.
Also sumire and Sarada’s relationship must be SO interesting cuz they’re the only ones who remember who Boruto really is!!!! And they’re like alone in that retrospect. Also I do really like konohamaru and Sarada’s relationship too… even if I Barely think about it. Ahahah.
I JUST WANT TO SEE SARADA INTERAXT WITJ EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Ahahahah I even did like a gaara and Sarada comic interaction once ahah. Truly. I want all the sarada & everyone interactions. ahhhhh seriously….. a sarada time travel is like one of the things I have to do….. like it’d be SO MUCH FJN. especially if it’s during a time where Sasuke is ahaha rouge. Like jeez, thinking of her interacting with itachi too?! And younger Sasuke?! Makes my head spin in best way<3 also man her meeting her grandparents?????
Like sarada is such an interesting character considering the whole uchiha aspect. She is born in a time where her dad is the only uchiha, and she doesn’t get to spend time with her dad — so who knows what the hell she knows about them — considering Sasuke is on his mission then. So what she knows, she must have heard from Sakura. Cuz I assume to a certain point, Sakura must tell her about her grandparents/the Uchiha (but also I think Sakura would want Sasuke to tell her when he comes back since that’s right and because she didn’t know them personally) Which is interesting too — cuz that means Sasuke told Sakura about his family at some point. like, I’d think that Sasuke would eventually tell Sakura things about his family. Like beyond the whole “why itachi did it” which lol Sakura didn’t even know in canon but must have learned at some point post canon but also? General maybe stories about his family? Anyways back to the point: like the uchiha has SO much history and it’s kind of crazy that Sarada comes from a time where she doesn’t know that long history (or will in second hand only) like woah man…..
Not to mention she has like the mangekyo sharigan now??? Like DOES she know????? Yeah Sasuke knows and saw it but it wasn’t exactly the moment to tell her lol and like she can’t see her own eyes… but like now I’m wondering if you know uchiha feel it when they get the mangekyo sharigan… but I doubt that sarada knows she has it. Or well. The manga could prove me wrong. Also if she does start using it — which I hope not — cuz it’s gonna start give me stress. LIKE PLS SASUKE DO NOT START GOVING YOUR EYEBALLS TO HER WHEN SHE STARTS GOING BLIND. like SASUKE already lol has itachi’s eyes so would that work??! Maybe Sasuke’s old eyes are still around…. Or MAYBE they could a swap… of eyes…. So one of them don’t go with OMG WAIT. I FORGOT SASUKE ALREADY HAS ONE EYE STABBED AND…. DJDJKDKDKD. So lmao he’d only have one eye to trade with sarada… CRYIN. Pls what’s with the uchiha n their eye trading 😭😭😭
ALSO NOT TO MENTIPN HER BADASS SCENES SHE HAS….. the CHIDORI MOMENT!!! WHRE SHE GRINS LATER ON!!!!!!! AS SHE BREAKS THAT CORE THINGIE OF THAT GUY!!!! also not to mention god when she goes “papa… give me strength” which is like EVERYTHINg to me ever in the history of ever dhfbjd. also AHHHH every time she does her punches!!!!!! also that scne ewhere she fights the guy with rock or whatevr, i love it when she does taijutsu……. also the intial fight between her and hidari and how she sees his chidori comng and dashes a chidori of her own….. it was an awesome moment… also that scene where mitsuki islike sarada should be temp captain and JHBSDJBD shes like “captain isnt hokage but i like the sound of it” PLS I LOVE HER also the first plan against that guy and when he has her by the neck and she smiles as in ‘gottacha’ and does the fire jutsu… and i love the team seven fights the TEAMWORK!!!!!!!!!!
yeah…i Love Her So Much
#answered asks#anon <3#thank you for this ask… I have the urge to watch all sarada episodes in anime and consume all Sarada manga moments now……#I love her so much…….#like I don’t even think it’s a Specific thing about her I love#SHE JUST NEEDS TO BE SARADA…. I WILL EAT EVERYTHING ABT HER…..#like id like to see her crossover in evrything honestly… tmnt mlp tvd WHATEVER all the storylines abt her!!!#like wow now thinking about vamp!sarada reminding of that vamp ss story i had…. and that vamp ssfam story i read#also i forgot… i really love her short hair in timeskip design… intialy wasnt a fan but i Saw The Way… also i LOVE HER UCHIHA EARRINGS SO M#ALSO HER JACKET??? A+#i am not satisfied with a lot of ways the timeskip is handling her but i love her storyline in it So Much#recently read all of it and yeah<3 thats my girl<3#also i really lov her in gaiden too.. despite the storyline…. man i need to reread that#IT ALSO SCENE OF ALL TIME ‘because you exist…sarada. SCREETCHES#and also has chouchou n sarada interactions which is my HEART and naruto n sarada sob sob#aND gd not to mention forehread#poke#AND SAKURA AND SARADA WHICH MAKE SOOOOOOO#yeah. i love her so much!!!!#i wish i had strucyted this bettter so i could talk about everything about her and read the manga/watched eps to refresh my memories….#she desevres everything^^<3#but this rant is good too <3#thank you… mysterious anon<3#also like shes SO SO CUTE she gives me cute agreesion ahahah#also as i was writing this i realised… she really deos have ALL the range. shes so cute shes so badass she can so awkward and such a#failgirl<3 also lol the whole family drama of MY MOM IS NOT MY REAL MOM ANGST? in gaiden and all the diff dynamics she has!!!!#also i lve love so mch how much she enbodies the entire of team seven. the team seven of naruto sasuke and sakura#WHIHC MAKES ME SOOOO <3333#ahahaha…can you tell<3 im so normal abt her#hbfhjdbfdhjbfjdbf
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dramarising-replacement · 1 year ago
Salt Mines Reborn - https://dramarising-replacement.tumblr.com/post/739...
well hello there
uh I think we're talking about me? maybe 
I was in the lightning dom team back in 2015 and I was def immature (I was barely an adult, not that it excuses anything I did lmao) and def uh, messed up
if you wanna know what happened i honestly don't remember it clearly because it was uh, 8ish years ago? all I know is someone came over to lightning, also got on the dom team and started complaining about how we weren't doing things well. They used to do raffles so had like a few supporters because they had a lot of money to throw around and stuff. Demanded another user give them control of lightnings dom bank. Kicked off at our dom head and some other people. I was annoyed because it felt rude and disrespectful I believe. I didn't really know the dom team too well, but it just didn't feel nice. I won't go into further detail (I don't remember most of it, and I don't want to frame what I do remember without context because this isn't about me starting drama tbh) but we got into an big argument and I think it was probably fairly nasty. I think our dom head and others agreed to stand down but I wasn't having it because I was upset someone could just walk in and make demands, and when I guess I wasn't getting anywhere/losing the argument I thought I was clever by taking screenshots and uploading them to the og drama rising to like dunk on this person but it was honestly a super childish thing to do. Obvs I don't remember exactly what I was thinking but I guess I assumed people would pick my side? But nah I just caused a mess and a bunch of people left lightning and I guess I haven't thought about it in years because I kinda obviously rightfully got called out on that and packed my bags for earth and then in like 2019 I stopped playing the game (until a few months ago when a friend mentioned FR in passing to me and I suddenly was like big nostalgia)
I used to have a big temper and an attitude for sure. I think some people in lightning already didn't like me before this incident and thats okay. I've moved to nature now and am living a happy lil chill existence with my auraboa trees and silly lineage project. I'm glad to say I've grown as a person since then and I'm a lot more mature - I still don't like it when people barge in and try and tell other people what to do, but I like to think I'd have handled it with a lot more tact and not post it all over a drama forum in order to idk, get some kind of mob justice? Idk what I was thinking would happen honestly. Probably for more drama? The only thing that happened was people complaining about me and the other person and there being like some sort of fight over which of us was worse (lol). 
BUT I guess, rambling sorry, I saw this (I guess I do gotta admit I still love to read drama, but I do my best to stay out of it) and my first thought was like 'oh if anyone does remember this and remember me I hope I didn't hurt anyone too bad' so like, yeah, its like 8 years late but I'm sorry about what I did. It was childish and I was arrogant and rude back then. The ONLY thing I did right in that drama was resign from the dom team and move flights (lol). I hope lightning all the best honestly it was a fun flight. And the person who came in and tried to take over lightning dom - I hope you're doing okay too. Don't get me wrong, I hope you aren't gonna pull this kinda stuff again but hey, who am I to judge past you from 8 years ago when I was also part of the problem?
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tyonfs · 2 years ago
but omg yeah i see what u mean w operation true love HAHA the sister is so annoying so it gives me SO MUCH satisfaction to see her not getting her way rn!! omg if u do decide to start it again lmk!!! 🤭 AND JIMIN AND YE EUN ARE GETTING THEIR OWN WEBTOON??? OMG E2L ARC I LOVE THEM SM CRIESNFKGNRN
i'm literally keeping up w so many webtoons rn (i gave up on anime bc of webtoons im sorry alice 😭😔) but my two absolute favs r seasons of blossom and honey lemon!!! (both of them update on the same day too so that's lucky for me LOL) but i recently found this new webtoon called muse on fame and i am Very Invested already!!! i also keep up w hello baby, go away romeo, operation: true love, maybe meant to be, the guy upstairs, get schooled!, perfect marriage revenge, there must be happy endings, dark moon: the blood altar, and marry my husband!! plus a lot of daily pass ones like designated bully, reality quest etc. OH and i don't even like horror but i found this rlly good dystopian one called everything is fine! it's currently on hiatus but i m super excited for the next season! i might also start purple hyacinth bc it's on hiatus rn and i can catch up quickly! beyond virtual is also rlly cool but it's also on hiatus rn unfortunately :(
which are ur fav webtoons??
also omg i saw u saw the dreamies live!!! THATS SO AWESOME I SHALL HAVE TO LIVE VICARIOUSLY THRU U :') which of their songs did u enjoy seeing live the most? and how were they irl? like . do they look the same as in videos? (idk if this makes sense but like are they taller than they seem or like. basically how are their personalities irl? 😭)
I'm so sorry for the long ask lmao i tend to get too excited whenever someone asks me ab webtoons 💀🥲 i hope ur day has been great and you got to eat lots of good food and stayed hydrated!! – anime :)
HAHAH i’ve been on the webtoon grind for the past 6 years it’s hard to escape 🫨
the art style is still rlly nice so i would consider reading true love operation tbh LMAOAO but love triangles also stress me out 😔 (odd girl out you have ruined me) also i’m not sure if i translated the raws wrong but i think they’re just getting extra chapters :’)) lowkey…….. i like them more than the main couple 🫣
LMAOAODJJ ANIME ANON U EVOLVED INTO WEBTOON ANON 😩 omg seasons of blossom is my absolute fav i remember when the first three chapters were out and i thought it was the cutest webtoon ever and now it’s the most emotionally damaging work of art i’ve ever read 😭💗 i fast passed to the end and wow. incredibly beautiful. and honey lemon is so cute too!!! i hate the boyfriend 😡😡😡 cant wait for her to break up with him!!! omg muse on fame is sooo good i love the art style so much 🤭 hello baby is from the author of age matters right ?? i subscribed but i’m yet to check it out :0 i will have to once i catch up with unordinary LOL
omg i read those too except the daily pass ones 😩 dear x and suhee0 are the only ones i’ve been trying to keep up with </3 everything is fine is one of my favoritesss i’m so sad it’s been on hiatus tho 😔 omg the hybe webtoons im ngl i think the only one that caught my attention was the lesserafim one :’)
hmm i’d say my favorites at the moment are seasons of blossom, villain with a crush, cursed princess club, phone addict, our secret alliance, odd girl out, exchange student, the fox club, act like you love me, my dud to stud boyfriend, and after school lessons for unripe apples 💗💗 my all time favorites would have to be romance 101, swimming lessons for a mermaid, and seasons of blossom 🌷🌷
oh my god i have post concert memory loss from tds2 i swear but they were so unreal 😭💖 like i couldn’t believe they were right in front of my eyes they were incredibleee i think my fav stage to watch was trigger the fever 🥹🥹 ngl i think they’re shorter irl . but my guy friends are also 6’3 and i’m pretty short so i have a skewed perception anyways LMAOAO but they’re so passionate when they perform and RENJUN was so energetic i was so soft watching him 🥰 but they are all so much more gorgeous irl like YES they are beautiful on camera but it’s such a different experience in the flesh
don’t apologize !!! also i hope you’re staying healthy as well and make sure you have a good day 🥰💖
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