#idk man I guess don’t want to spend money that’s a me problem
fever-project · 4 months
trying to find a font similar to the one in Cadence of Hyrule and I want to cry. I could buy the font (it’s called Snuggle) for 5 bucks, but I could also use those 5 bucks for literally anything else. I just want to make my funky little comic in peace and for freeeeee
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leffee · 4 months
Zoe: “Hey, Pepper! You know what would be fun? Let's set you up on a dating site!”
Pepper: *laughs* “Zoe, that's a pretty lame idea. I don't need a dating site!”
Zoe: “Oh, come on! It'll be an adventure. You might meet someone amazing!”
Pepper: “Seriously, Zo, I'm good. I don't need to go searching for love online..”
Zoe: “Fine, I'll stay out of your love life. But come on, Pepper, don't you want to at least give it a shot and make a connection? You never know what could happen!”
Pepper: *playfully rolls her eyes* “Yeah, yeah, you got me. I guess I'll stick with the real-life connections, like the one sitting right in front of me.”
Zoe:*grins* “Well, well, well. Looks like my matchmaking skills aren't needed after all!”
~~~I don’t know where I was going with this one lol~~~
Russell: “Hey Vinnie, have you been drinking enough water lately?”
Vinnie: “Nah, I'm good, Rusty. I get plenty of fluids from soda and energy drinks!”
Russell: “Uh, Vinnie, those aren't exactly hydrating. You really should drink more water.”
Vinnie: “Come on, Rusty, I've been doing this for years, and I'm still standing.”
Russell: “I can't believe you've made it this far without drinking water regularly. Seriously, your body needs it.”
Vinnie: “Nah, I'm tough. Water's for the weak!”
Russell: *sighs deeply* 😑
~or this lol ~
No no, don't worry, as I stated already, I love all of those, they don't need to go anywhere, as long as it's those lovelies just interacting and bouncing off of each other I'm happy, or just doing something solo. Listen, I would see read any amount of words (like even 5000 or more) of Vinnie just doing very mundane things, idk, baking potatoes and grocery shopping. Nothing happens, he doesn't interact with anyone, there's no confilct, there's no problems, just Vinnie doing Vinnie things. Anyway, before I actually write it or something
Pepper, just chilling and hanging out with Zoe: ^^ :D
Zoe: “Hey, Pepper! You know what would be fun? Let's set you up on a dating site!”
Pepper: Oh no D:
And then at the end, was that... was that a little bit of implied Zoepper? Or perhaps just teasing? I'm all for it anyway. Zoe don't need to do any matchmaking when she's already this perfect, she's the love interest or... a perfectly good friend with lots of money as a bonus, it's just a bonus, but damn is it nice. And now that I sometimes like to add Sharukh to their group? Oh boy, so much money to irresponsibly spend :DD
And Vinnie stuff, oh sweet sweet Vinnie stuff. Honestly you can slap his name onto anything and I will like it and agree, oh well :3
Russell as soon as he realizes that Vinnie hasn't been drinking that much water for years DDDD:. Like I actually think that would cause lots of problems. Maybe the only reason Vinnie has so much energy is because he drinks all those energy drinks, huh? And then when he's not drinking it for a while he's all tired and stuff, wait no, that's just a sign of addiction DD: Vinnie would, what can I say? Ohhh but he's so cute, how can anyone complain really? Like he would look at me with those freaky purple eyes and I would slut drop there and then
On one hand I like making him a loser but on the other one, man, do I love when he gets so many things he did not put any work at all into lol. He just gets stuff for being alive ig ^^
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angrylomo · 2 years
Nest way to get unsealing charmas
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In jadestone do all the crafting profession. After that there is a bunch of quest nearby that also give good experience and with 30mins you have more than enough time to kill the mobs and complete the quest.ħ. Use it at that time and kill everyhing in the dreamdrfit. Also during early levels starting at the event where you enter the dreamdrift you there is a pot that gives you 100% additional exp form killing monster. I skip a lot of dungeon quest simply because it waste a lot of time and the experience you get sucks.Ħ. So spend the gold in the marketplace to get it.ĥ. Killing world boss takes too long and if you are alone sometimes you die several times before you can do it. For other world boss if you can just but the weapons and accessoires you need for breakthrough.
No need to grind like patch of exilies or blackram narrows for the full set. The ones you get from the wheel of fate is good enough for leveling. You don't need to grind dungeons for soulsheilds. I don't keep going back and doing them.ģ. I usually only do dungeons when weapons and accessories breakthrough. The experience boost you get is pretty awesomeĢ. If you have the money get the perimum account. idk I guess I should have say its optional but meh oh well.ġ. Do you HAVE to do blackram narrows? No but I recommend it because of how faceroll that dungeon is now and because how good the soul shield is. Also the soul shield from blackram narrows will last you until you hit level 30 thats how good it is. You all have no idea how many times Ive had to tell my friends that they dont need to discard their hongmoon weapons and accessories for better ones because they can be upgraded as they level up. I said at the start, my video was created for new players. New players dont just magically learn the righ way to get through the leveling faster. They also used trash bopae instead of holding on to vridian or narrows set. So many thought they just get new weapons progressively.
You wouldnt believe how many new players i had to teach to just upgrade their HM weapon & hm accessories. always one of those jerks in the positive threads. Love the random that tried to downplay this as "common sense" lol. The green E Fleet crit shields are less than 10s even for #8 on my server, so I'd just fuse the valor ones with some cheap buys from marketplace if that's available. For me, the moonwater valor shields were good enough before I got the silverfrost valor ones. Going to Bloodshade at level 45 is just not practical for a new player at this point in game, unless you have friends and family carry you to farm the dungeons over and over, or buy the emblems with Ncoins to exchange for the soul shields. Keys were more of a problem if RNG doesn't treat you nicely on weapon boxes. Unsealing Charms were not the problem while leveling, unless you unseal everything comes your way. Now that it's out, I suppose you could settle for the Silverfrost Valor set and skip Bloodshade if you like (though blue one costs 1 charm per set IIRC, so that's still not too bad a deal, I presume), but I haven't got that far with newly created chars yet to tell you for sure if it's actually a good idea. Decent stats overall that will last you throughout Act 4 and still let you be decent enough to farm the other dungeons for better SS (lvl 45-50). My SS progression would be Stalker (lvl 6) -> Viridian (lvl 20) -> Cinderlands (lvl 36), then go for Bloodshade (lvl 45). None of the soul shields before that one is worth spending charms on. Among the soul shields that require Unsealing Charms, I'd start with Bloodshade one (start with blue as you do 24-man and replace them with purple as you get them from both 24 and 6-man). if you waste multiple 3 unsealing charms just for 1 soul shield to get the stats you want and max number, you will run out of unsealing charms without realizing when they run out, and they cost 10s+20c each if you have unsealing charms go for it, but i suggest you to keep what stats you get from 1st of each soul shield you unseal. i'm surprised that you didn't even mention this important detail? what if you get stats that are worse than the Viridian Valor soul shield? the same for Infernal soul shield at 36lvl, and those require 3 unsealing charms for each. you need 2 unsealing charms for each 1, and the stats they will have and the number of the stats are random(low, minimum, max). Your suggestion to get blackram purple soulshield is horrible, especially for new players.
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azucanela · 4 years
Hi! i’d like to request a Zuko x Reader oneshot please and it takes place a few years after he’s crowned as the Fire Lord: Zuko is entering suitable age for marriage and yet he has no one that he likes enough to take as his queen, what if Uncle Iroh hired the reader whom is a famous matchmaker that usually arranges the courting & marriage between nobles, but instead of all these ladies that she threw at him he ended up falling for her instead but he’s just so awkward and inexperienced Thank u
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SUMMARY: after a few years of being Fire Lord, Zuko still hasn’t found a companion. so naturally, when Iroh comes upon a matchmaker, he does what he does best and helps Zuko out by hiring her to help him find someone. and inadvertently... iroh ends up playing matchmaker himself. 
WARNINGS: mentions of death, death threats, kissing, pining, very mild innuendos, blood, injuries, crying
A/N: this is literally art omg i feel kinda honored to be seeing this ngl and i ended up researching matchmaking and they’re basically therapists that help you find love?? kinda. the profile thing is something that some matchmakers do and idk i have fun analyzing zuko so
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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After years of being the Fire Lord, Zuko had come to realize the job was pretty basic if you thought about it long enough. There were just a few major things to deal with. First, there’s the internal relations, like the civil wars and uprising he deal with at the start of his reign because people disliked his ways. Then there’s the external relations, Zuko worked alongside Aang to repair those, helping the Southern Water Tribe rebuild itself from the ground up, and hosting meetings between the nations, friendly and work related. Those are the more diplomatic aspects of the job, and sadly, even as a ruler who sought to end a war, there was still violence in the world. 
When Aang and the rest of Team Avatar ended the One Hundred Year War, that only exposed a variety of other problems within the world, problems that the team seeked to end. There were people out there who disliked this line of thinking, and similarly wanted it to end, but ending the lives of Team Avatar.
Zuko was used to the death threats, and the assassination attempts. He’d had a security detail in place to ensure he lived to rule his nation, this was especially necessary since he lacked an heir and the only other people eligible for the throne were an old man who ran a tea shop and a psychopathic teenage girl in a mental institution. This is where the social aspect of the job came in, the part that Zuko had never been good at. The Galas and the girls who threw themselves at him, the nobility of all nations that approached him offering their children’s hand in marriage. Zuko was an enigma, a young and powerful bachelor, and now all the nobles with children were lining up for a minute alone with him to try and sell their own kids.
It disgusted him. The way they treated their children like cattle reminded Zuko of his own father, how willing he was to get rid of Zuko since he had a replacement on standby. Though, Zuko sincerely doubted he ever would’ve gotten the throne if Ozai had a choice, even if he hadn’t been banished. 
Alas, even Zuko could recognize the urgency of it, the death threats weren’t letting up, and the assassination attempts were only getting more and more elaborate, leaving Zuko wondering when they’d no longer be attempts. He needed and heir, or at least a wife who could rule alongside him and take over entirely in the event of his death.
The problem was, he didn’t want this.
He was in a unique position, where the person he married would have an immense effect on society, on politics. If it was an Earth Kingdom girl, then maybe the years of violence against their people could be mended sooner, and they could begin working together to combat a variety of issues. If he ends up with a Fire Nation girl, it could be viewed as strengthening the traditional ideals of Fire Nation independence and sovereignty because the Fire Nation is “supreme.”
Dating was political now and he hated it. It wasn’t like Zuko wanted to be alone, it’s just that now everything mattered far more than it used to. Of course, even as a prince it had been the same, but now that he was the Fire Lord, things seemed to be ten times worse. Perhaps it was excessive but Zuko couldn’t help but feel paranoid whenever a new person entered his life, he couldn’t help but assume that they were just using him for some other agenda.
Of course, his friends had tried to assure him this wasn’t always the case, and they’d even made attempts to set him up with girls. All of which had failed. Zuko knew he wasn’t an easy person, much less an easy person to date. As Fire Lord, a lot of his time was taken up by meetings, and diplomatic missions, and not-so-diplomatic missions alongside Team Avatar. That and he was rather awkward when it came down to most social interactions, though he’d improved over time, especially as the ruler of a nation, his speeches were elegant and so was the way he negotiated with other kingdoms. 
And yet he struggled to talk to strangers.
Iroh seemed to be tired of this as well, he’d sent Zuko several letters in regards to his lack of romance, insisting that he was a “handsome young man” that had “lots of potential” and he was “wasting” his prime with so much work. Zuko didn’t consider managing a country as a waste, though he understood where Iroh was coming from, Zuko probably should’ve been spending time with friends, going to clubs. Not saving the world.
Regardless, there wasn’t much he could do about, he didn’t have time for dating, and Zuko wasn’t willing to compromise his morals and beliefs just for an heir in the event that he got brutally murdered. He refused to raise a child just for that purpose. He learnt the hard way that you should only have kids if you intend to cherish them. And the idea of marrying someone just to strengthen his nation felt wrong, though he could see the benefits.
God, he hated being Fire Lord sometimes.
On the other hand, Y/N L/N liked her job. Amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom, she was a rather famous woman, Y/N had brought together some of the most powerful couples in the country. A lot of people owed her favors, and the money that came with the job was more than satisfactory. If Y/N had to guess, she was one of the richest people in the kingdom, considering how much people were willing to pay to fine “the one.” Her business had been rather successful since she’d gotten renowned in the inner ring of the city, and now, Y/N was considering expansion, to the Fire Nation. The borders had long since reopened, when the new Fire Lord came into power.
A whole new set of nobles for her to profit from. 
She’d decided to head to a high end tea shop in celebration of her choice to expand her business. Y/N had heard it was only for the best, since the tea shop served the best. One of her clients had insisted that someone of her esteem try the tea there, given that she was the best in her own profession.
So, here she was. It was a nice place, she wouldn’t deny, and Y/N had heard of the shop before. The Jasmine Dragon, run by some old guy who’d appeared in Ba Sing Se just before the war ended with some major talent when it came to brewing tea. The interior was fancy, but not excessive, several people were already seated within. Y/N even recognized one of the couples there, who waved at her enthusiastically, “hello! Lady L/N, how lovely to see you!” One of them called out.
Y/N smiled at them, “how are you two?”
The other beamed at her as she responded, “oh we’re just lovely! Preparing our wedding invitations and one of them has your name on it.” This wasn’t abnormal, most of the couples she’d brought together attributed their love to her. In actuality, Y/N found that if you found two people with compatible personalities, then they’d work things out on their own. All she did was introduce them. 
“I’m excited!” Y/N assured, moving past their table, “now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to try this famous tea. But, I’m looking forward to the invite.” 
The pair nodded, before returning their attention the friends seated across from them, and Y/N made her way to the front of the shop, bag of coins in hand. An older man stood behind the counter, a smile on his face as he brought his attention to her, “what can I get you today Miss...”
“Y/N. Y/N L/N.” She replied, small smile on her face as she looked at the menu, “what’s your name?” Y/N asked, meeting his eyes to see the flicker of recognition within them before returning her gaze to the menu.
He nods slowly, “I’m Iroh, and you’re a matchmaker, no?” He’d recognized the name, her business had begun gaining traction amongst the nobility of the Earth Kingdom shortly after the war, and she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the nation. Iroh himself had looked into her business, seeing as his nephew was yet to find love in his chaotic lifetstyle. 
Y/N smiled at him as she nodded, “indeed.” She placed the menu down, “any suggestions?”
“Perhaps, Jasmine tea?” He suggested.
Y/N nodded, “sounds good.” She places extends a hand with coins, dropping them into his palm, “so are you looking for love?” Though she was certainly famous for her skills, Y/N tended to work behind the scenes, and she was surprised to find this man recognized her.
A small laughed escaped him at her words as he shook his head, “no. I believe it is a little too late for that.” He was working on her tea beyond the counter, and Y/N began to wonder how he was steaming the tea pot when she noticed there was no stove beside him.
“Don’t say that! You seem like a fine man that anyone woman would want.” Y/N assured, though she now wondered why exactly this man knew who she was in the first place. It was rare for those outside of nobility to know who she was.
Turning around, his hand pressed to the pot that Y/N was positive had to have been burning his hand in some way, “oh, you’re too kind.” He replies, a small smile on his face as he poured a bit into a cup, “I was looking to help my nephew find love actually.” 
“Really, now?” Firebending, that was the only explanation for the way this man was handling the tea. “I was looking to expand my business to the Fire Nation, perhaps I could help him out.” He didn’t hold himself the way most Earth Kingdom citizens did, and coupled with the possible Firebending, he was likely from the Fire Nation.
Iroh raises a brow at this, “what gave me away?” He stirs the tea a few times, before placing it on the counter for her to take. 
Y/N shrugs, “it’s my job to know people well enough that I can find them a match.” Taking a sip of her tea, she smiles, “so this nephew of yours. He wouldn’t happen to nobility, would he?”
He laughs at this, pouring himself a cup of tea as well as he sighs, “actually, he is nobility. In a way.”
Now Y/N did not expect the nobility Iroh spoke of the be the nobility. As in the Fire Lord, the actual ruler of the entire nation, though this would certainly be great for business. Once the world hears of how Y/N found the Fire Lord, someone who had been notably difficult to woo apparently, a match, her business will be set. 
“Isn’t this exciting, guys?” Y/N exclaimed, looking to her assistants, they were both on the younger side, Marcella and Evelyn. She’d brought them along since this would definitely be a valuable learning experience, and Y/N figured she’d need a lot of help if the Fire Lord was as difficult as they made him out to be. That and Y/N didn’t want to leave them alone in the Earth Kingdom, both of them had been orphaned at a young age. Y/N couldn’t help but relate to them, so when she’d come upon her newfound wealth, brought about by her job as a matchmaker, she’d taken the pair under her wing. 
With a bag thrown over her shoulder, Evelyn simply nodded while Marcella exclaimed, “yes! I’ve always wanted to see the Fire Nation. Do you think we could find a client in one of the Water Tribes next?” 
Y/N couldn’t help but smile at the young girl’s excitement, “if this goes well? We’ll be able to find clients anywhere.” She wasn’t wrong, Y/N had never had the opportunity to work with the actual Earth King, the true ruler of the nation. Now she was working with the ruler of a nation she’d never stepped foot in, entirely new customs and traditions to research, a new social structure, new everything.
What a fun challenge.
With a smile on her face, Y/N followed closely behind Iroh, the palace was stunning, she couldn’t deny it. And compared to the crumbling infrastructure of the lower rings of cities like Ba Sing Se, Fire Nation cities were prospering Fire Lord Zuko’s rule. From what she’d heard, things weren’t always this way.
“Y/N and I are going to wait here,” he gestured to the open space before them, dozens of paintings within it, “these two will take you to your rooms.” He explained to the pair of young girls, nodding to the servants beside them, who began to guide the young girls away.
Y/N’s eyes found their way to the paintings, the newest one being of the current Fire Lord, Zuko himself. She wondered how accurate the painting was, and seeing as she would be meeting him soon, Y/N figured she’d find out as she sighed, turning to Iroh, “so how does the original heir to the throne become the owner of an infamous tea shop?” 
Iroh smiles to himself at her words, “age brings wisdom. And tea is a nice substitute for alcohol.” He jokes, though Y/N can see the pain in his eyes, along with admiration as he stares at Zuko’s portrait alongside her.
“Uncle!” A voice exclaimed, joy clear in his voice as he called out. Y/N watched as Iroh spun around, a broad smile on his face as he moved forwards to embrace the person.
He looked better in person, Y/N quickly decided, though the portrait did its job just as well. She wouldn’t deny he was attractive, but she already knew looks weren’t the issue. Iroh had informed her of the situation, Zuko’s constant rejection of any and every single person that approached him, and the stress he experienced because of the politics of it all.
“Nephew, it is good to see you,” Iroh said, releasing him from the hug, “how are you?” Initially he seemed fairly comfortable at the sight of just his Uncle, but as the Fire Lord’s body seemed to stiffen, Y/N realized she’d been spotted.
So, he wasn’t comfortable with strangers, “I’m alright Uncle... who is this?” He asked. There was an edge to his voice as he spoke, sizing Y/N up, not in the way you did for someone you were attracted to, but for an enemy.
Uncomfortable with new people, clear trust issues, and his mind was always alert. She’d have to write these things down and take them into consideration prior to finding him a potential partner. Though it was starting to look like he was completely unaware of her purpose there as she extended her hand out to him, “Y/N L/N. Professional matchmaker.” She explained with a bright smile, though, based off his personality, that would likely ward him off more.
He was polite though, shaking her hand despite his clear suspicions of her, “Zuko.” Y/N couldn’t help but raise a brow at this, he hadn’t mentioned his title in his introduction. Zuko turned to his Uncle, brows furrowing as he said, “you hired a professional matchmaker?”
With a shrug Iroh responded, “we met by chance! So, it must be destiny.”
Zuko gives him a tight lipped smile, nodding slowly before returning his attention to Y/N who stood away from the pair, examining the decor of the palace. It was minimalistic, truly basic if she was honest, despite the clear amount of riches they possessed, it lacked evidence of them. Bringing her eyes back to him, he spoke, “you don’t need to be here. You can receive your pay, but I personally see no purpose for a matchmaker.”
Iroh frowned at his words, “Zuko, you need to give it a chance! Unlike all those ladies who keep throwing themselves at you. Besides, she seems rather good at her job.” His gaze was on his nephew as he sighed, giving Y/N an apologetic look that she simply waved off.
“Oh, it’s fine. It just won’t be for long.” Zuko raised a brow at her words, and Y/N watched his feet shifted, “no need to prepare for a fight, your majesty.” She hummed, rolling her neck, in the corner of her eye she could see shock flash in his own. “You see, as a matchmaker I do several things, including developing a little... profile of my clients. Now we just met but I can already tell you a variety of things about you that’s making your love life rather trivial.” Even before she had to develop the profiles professionally, in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se, being capable of reading others was a necessary skill.
Zuko’s eyes narrowed at her, “and what have you determined, in the very short time we’ve known each other.”
A small laugh escaped her as she extended her arms and cracked her knuckles, “well. You have major trust issues, which is why you are desperately trying to keep me at arms length. That’s one reason why you have yet to find someone.” Turning her attention to the decor of the large room, Y/N closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Given the lack of interior design, I would say you’re struggling with social aspects of your job, and you need a partner. One that I can help you find.” 
“See! I told you she’s good at what she does.” Iroh exclaimed, moving forward to clap a hand onto Y/N’s shoulder, much to Zuko’s dismay. 
Y/N gave the older man a small smile before looking back to Zuko, who eyed her wearily, “you keep avoiding the portrait of your father. But you can’t bring yourself to take it down.” She said, and Y/N could practically feel the tension building with each word. “He’s one of the reasons you’ve yet to find a lover-”
“Because he gave me the scar?” 
Y/N paused, brows furrowing at his words, her eyes found his, “I’m sorry, was that a joke?” She asked, and Iroh stared between the two, amused. “You’re actually rather attractive, which is why I know this is a personality thing. Probably tired of the whole fancy court thing they have going on here, which I’m going to need to research...” Y/N pursed her lips, failing to notice the clear shock on Zuko’s face at her comment, and red flushing his cheeks. Waving off her thoughts, she looked back to him, “anyways. My assistants should’ve already cleared out about an hour in your schedule each day for our sessions. I’m going to be asking you some very personal questions. So, be ready!” 
And with that, Y/N waved to the two, bowing rather questionably shortly after, before heading off in the direction she’d seen Marcella and Evelyn go in. Effectively leaving behind a baffled Zuko, and a rather satisfied Iroh, who began to laugh at Zuko’s reaction. “I really like her, quite the character she has.” 
“Yeah, quite the character.” He brought a hand to his temple, “is this really necessary, Uncle?” 
Iroh simply sighed, looking to his nephew, “whether you want to admit it or not, she was right. Ruling a nation is difficult, and ruling it alone is even harder.” A small huff of laughter escaped Iroh, “and she figured that out by your lack of interior design!” 
Exhaling deeply, Zuko reminded himself that this was all part of the job, the job that consumed his entire life. The life that this girl had analyzed in a matter of moments. 
Yeah, he wasn’t looking forward to their meetings.
Though his morals and his disagreement with practically selling your own child were a major factor in his lack of a love life. There was also the simple fact that there was no love in many of the interactions he had with potential suitors, much less genuine interest. They all wanted the power he could give them should they get married.
There was also the fact that Zuko had very little relationship experience, a fact he was trying to ignore. At the end of the day, he couldn’t bring himself to approach anyone, and if he did, he wouldn’t know what to do. Zuko also doubted that people would act... genuine around him, especially if they knew who he was. And all he really wanted was something real, considering his entire day was surrounded by fake smiles that belonged to both him and others.
It seemed that Y/N wasn’t prepared to ignore this piece of information though, since the following morning she’d seated him down and begun to speak of it, “so. You’ve been in two relationships.”
His brows furrowed, “one actually.” He and Mai had broken up about six months into his work as Fire Lord, “Mai.”
Raising a brow at him, she leaned back in the seat. Zuko couldn’t help but wonder how she managed to decorate the place in such a short period of time, as he could’ve sworn there hadn’t been a desk here the previous day. Then again, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d toured his own palace. “Well, I’ve heard rumors of you and a Southern Water Tribe member, but I’m not sure which one so I just-”
“Okay! That’s enough.” His cheeks were flushed red as he looked away.
Y/N grinned at him, leaning forwards, “then let’s discuss Mai. You two were pretty on and off, right?” 
Zuko grimaced at the thought, they were. He wouldn’t deny that he’d gone back to her a few times during his time as Fire Lord, “yeah.” 
Y/N began to write into her notebook, “tell me about her.”
“I don’t see why that’s important.” Came his response, looking at her quizzically as he frowned.
Tilting her head at him, Y/N gave Zuko a look, “come on. Let me do my job, I need to know about her to gauge what types of personalities you like while also determining why the two of you broke it off entirely.” She placed the book down, and Zuko could very clearly see the words ‘commitment issues’ underlined. “The goal isn’t just to find you a suitable wife that can help you rule, but someone you can be happy with.”
He’s silent for a moment, eyes on Y/N, her words seem honest. And this was her job, “she was blunt. Honest. Kind of mean at times, but she could be sweet as well. Pretty stoic, expressing her emotions was always... difficult for her.” 
Y/N nodded slowly, scribbling a few more things down, “okay. And what’s your favorite color?” 
“What type of question is that?” Zuko asked, brows furrowing in confusion. 
Crossing her arms, Y/N shrugged, “well. Favorite colors can tell you a lot about a person.” Came her response, “mine is green. Maybe that’s because I associate green with the Earth Kingdom, where I lived. Or maybe it’s because I happen to like nature quite a bit.” Looking around, Zuko could see that she’d already gotten a variety of plants native to the Fire Nation, most were succulents due to the almost year round heat.
At the mention of colors, his mind immediately went back to his first experience with the dragons, when their fire encircled him and Aang. “I.. don’t know how to describe the color- colors?” Zuko’s brows drew together in thought, and Y/N looked at him.
“How would I not understand a color?” The confusion is clear in her voice as she looks at him. Y/N can practically see the nostalgia in his eyes as he looks to the balcony.
Sighing, Zuko shifted in his seat, “these dragons I met ended up making a circle of fire around me and there were just... so many colors. But together it was just,” he paused, searching for the right word, “beautiful.”
Y/N’s mouth gaped open for a moment, “you met dragons?” She exclaimed, nearly throwing her notebook aside. Y/N had never seen such creatures, in fact, the general consensus was that they were still extinct
Zuko seemed to forget about this fact as he straightened himself, eyes meeting hers, “you can’t tell anyone about them!” He exclaimed, “they were hunted to extinction, though I intend to outlaw such things it’s just...” 
She nodded in understanding, “people break laws.” Y/N leaned back into her seat once more, “you owe me a dragon story.” She said, before crossing her legs in her seat and continuing, “favorite food?”
“Well, Aang took me to Avatar Day, and they had these weird Avatar shaped dough things.” He explained, recalling the time he’d gone with Aang and the others. Apparently they used to burn his statue, but now they worship him for some reason.
Y/N brought a hand under her chin, “I have no idea what that is.” She began to scribble something down on her notepad, “but okay.”
“What about you?”
Y/N hummed in response, “what do you mean?” 
Zuko felt his cheeks warm, “this just feels like an interview.”
“Probably because it is an interview.” Y/N said, gesturing for him to elaborate.
Looking away, Zuko frowned, “it’s weird.” Sighing, he spoke once more, “so, what’s your favorite food?” 
Y/N was silent for a moment, staring at Zuko, who was trying his hardest to avoid her gaze. This was a rare occurrence, seeing as most nobles were rather self-centered and liked talking about themselves. She’d never had a client who felt uncomfortable with this portion because it was basically a one-sided conversation. “Jennamite is a good rock candy.”
Zuko turns back to her, a small laugh escaping him, “my friends were nearly killed in Jennamite by the King of Omashu once.” 
“I’m sorry, what?”
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Y/N wouldn’t deny how odd it was, to be sharing as much information as she was learning about Zuko. She’d never really considered just how personal some of the questions were until she found herself answering them. But, after about a month, she had assembled a pretty good array of potential suitors for Zuko. Along with a few of her own clients, Y/N had found some girls that from the Fire Nation that seemed pretty acceptable.
That’s what she had thought at least.
“What do you mean, you already rejected her?” 
Turns out, Zuko had met half the women, and rejected them. The other half were either from the Earth Kingdom, or yet to attend one of few Galas that Zuko hosted. Seeing as he handed off most of that work to his advisors, it was rare for him to remain at Galas for an extended period of time. 
He grimaced at Y/N’s words nonetheless, his Uncle had informed her of his situation, but clearly not the extent of it. “She was more interested in her guard than me. It was a power grab her parents likely forced her into.” He remembered the girl, she’d been kind to him, but she clearly didn’t want him as much as her parents did.
His words brought about a new level of understanding for Y/N, who nodded slowly, of course it was the parents that Zuko had a problem with. It wasn’t uncommon for nobles to practically throw their children at potential suitors as though they’re a bag of coins. It was something that disgusted her as well, her job found people companions that they liked while these people simply wished for an addition to their power.
Zuko was the ultimate power grab. Y/N could only imagine how many times this had happened to him, random people he’d never met approaching him, offering their child’s hand in marriage. 
Bringing a hand to her temple, Y/N sighed, “but the rest are fine?” 
He nodded slowly, flipping through the pages he had yet to remove, Zuko skimmed what Y/N had written. Taking note of her handwriting, he wondered if she’d written his profile like this. “Yeah...” Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, and Zuko sighed, removing a few more pages from the binder she’d presented him with. 
Exhaling deeply, Y/N brought a hand to Zuko’s shoulder, “be honest with me. I’m not gonna yell at you for removing them Zuko, this is for you.”
Sometimes he forgot it was her job to be nice to him. 
“Right.” He mumbled, trying to shake off the feeling he got as she removed her hand. “That’s still... a lot of people. Some of which aren’t even in this nation.” Zuko pointed out, a queasy feeling within him as he looked at her.
Y/N plopped down onto the couch in the common room they’d met in, sprawling her body across it, “you’re right, there is a lot. But,” She twisted her body so that she could see him, wiggling her brows suggestively, “it’s been a while since you hosted a Gala.” 
Zuko’s face dropped at her words, in his years of being Fire Lord, he’d had about three total, and hated every single one. But given how rare the Galas were, people got pretty excited when he threw them. “I hate planning those, it’s a waste of time and-” 
A small smile was on her face as she interrupted him, “and you suck at planning them? I can tell by the decor of your palace.” Glaring at her, Zuko watched as she shifted so that her head hung off the couch upside down, “well. This will be the best Gala yet, you’ll impress all the ladies that you can’t meet in the immediate future in about...” Y/N looked to the watch on her wrist, brows furrowing, “eight months. And I’ll help you plan it, since you desperately need help-”
“Alright, I get it, I’m horrible.” He grumbled, crossing his arms as he leaned back against his seat across from her after placing the binder on the coffee table between them. “Eight months isn’t a lot of time,” traditionally, Gala’s took at least a year’s worth of planning and preparation, especially since Zuko was so busy he barely had the time to assist in the process. Eight months was no where near enough.
Y/N was still frowning at his words, “no self-deprecation.” She ordered, taking Zuko by surprise, before continuing, “regardless. I’ve planned Gala in less time with less resources. It’ll be fine.” Pursing her lips Y/N sighed, “now we need to discuss your inability to talk to people in general due to your immense trust issues and constant battle field mentality.” 
Zuko’s mouth gaped open at her words, “excuse me?”
Bringing her hands to rest on her stomach as she laid upside down, Y/N spoke, “when we first met you looked like you contemplated attacking me. And when you met Marcella and Evelyn, I’ve never seen someone so awkward.” Zuko is silent and looks away, only proving her point as Y/N continued, “so we need to practice your people skills, and flirting for future reference, seeing as your first date is in about a week-”
Almost immediately, Zuko straightened his posture, sitting up and looking to her as though she’d thrown a bucket of ice cold water onto him. “A week?” He winced at the way his voice cracked.
“Yeah, I spoke with one of the girls, not her parents, and asked her to meet with you later in the week.” Y/N explained, “her name is Elara, she’s in there.”
Frowning, Zuko reached for the binder and began to flip through the pages, “how’d you know I wasn’t going to get rid of her page?” Only to find the girl’s page, details on her personality, skills, hobbies and more on them.
A smirk spread across Y/N’s face, “she was one of few I was sure you’d keep.” With a sigh, Zuko looked back to Y/N, who still sat upside down, “now. You need to practice your romance skills, so come on.” She twisted her body, her legs falling to the side of the couch, and then moving onto the floor, Y/N stood. As the blood rushed to her head, a wave of dizziness came over her, and Y/N found herself stumbling slightly.
A hand came to her back and forearm, steadying her, “you need to practice walking.” Zuko laughed slightly, a nervous edge in his voice as he eyed her. 
Y/N brought a hand to her head as she laughed as well, “oh my...” Y/N blinked several times as the wave of dizziness passed, her hand gripping Zuko’s arm as she grounded herself. Looking up to him, she quickly realized how close they were and cleared her throat, releasing his arm.
He followed suit, removing his hands from her, “sorry-”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Zuko.” 
The look her gives her almost hurts. Because Y/N can see the shock within his eyes as he nods slowly in response. She wonders what he’s thinking of as he she gives him a tight lipped smile, clapping her hands together as she turns back to him, “practice.” She repeated, mostly for herself.
And maybe offering to be the person he practiced on was her first mistake. 
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Y/N had learnt a lot about Zuko in the past four dates he’d been on. One of these things being the fact that Zuko was a wild card when it came to dates, and they seemed to either go very well with the girls contacting Y/N to let her know they wished for a second date, only for Zuko to reject the possibility. Or, they went very bad. And Zuko returned with some sort of drink splattered onto his clothing.
So, Y/N decided that the best course of action was to discover what exactly Zuko wasn’t mentioning, and to follow him with a disguise. Evelyn had suggested it, Iroh supported the idea full-heartedly, though Marcella had believed it would be a huge invasion of privacy, Y/N didn’t really care, seeing as it was her job to be involved in Zuko’s love life. She was getting paid to ensure he found love. 
And she was curious.
That’s how Y/N ended up dressed in some very suspicious Fire Nation clothing alongside her assistants and the apparent Dragon of the West, famous tea shop owner, and member of the royal family. 
What a wonderful assortment of people.
Marcella and Evelyn had separated from Iroh and Y/N, sitting in another booth across from them, it was a feeble attempt to keep them from sticking out. The girl had chosen a rather upscale restaurant, so dressing appropriately while also maintaining a look that prevented Zuko from recognizing them. 
Y/N pulled her hat further down on her face as she looked to Iroh, who was browsing the menu. She wouldn’t be shocked if he entered the kitchen just to make himself a ‘decent’ cup of tea. He’d been rather helpful during the whole process, anything she didn’t find out from Zuko, Y/N had learnt from Iroh. “See anything you like, Iroh?”
He smiled at her, nodding slowly, “I think I’ll just take some tea.” 
Looking to Marcella and Evelyn, Y/N smiles, the two are speaking with one another like they aren’t supposed to be spying on the Fire Lord. But Y/N doesn’t mind, this was more of a recreational activity anyways, and she was glad they were having fun. Since they’d gotten to the Fire Nation two months ago there had been an... adjustment period to put it simply.
Y/N nodded at Iroh’s statement, and her eyes fell back onto Zuko and his newest date, Amaya, she was a simple girl. She’d possessed organizational skills that Zuko lacked, planned dozens of events, had the expressive qualities that Zuko yearned for in a partner. Amaya was one of few that Y/N was sure Zuko would take a liking to. Especially since she also had training in a variety of fighting styles, and was quite the Firebender. She’d been a little skeptical when she first contacted Amaya, the girl seemed hesitant, but she agreed.
And from the looks of it, he had. The pair was laughing along with each other, but Y/N could see the way Zuko stiffened at any physical contact, in general he’d yet to relax. If Y/N was honest, it was basically like any first date, awkward.
Zuko didn’t really know how to feel about Amaya, she was what he should be looking for in a girl, everything he needed if he was honest. She had an interest in the art, something Zuko had never taken to and the main reason his palace looked, ‘dull’ as Y/N had put it. And she was expressive, the main issue he’d had with Mai was her lack of expression. But, for some reason, Zuko just couldn’t see her as anything more than a good friend. There was something... off about her.
“When that Earth Kingdom girl approached me, I was skeptical.” Amaya explained, taking a sip from her glass, “you know how most Earth Kingdom folk are...” She gave him a look as Zuko listened in confusion. “The Fire Nation citizens simply have more class.” Amaya settled for with a shrug.
Zuko laughed nervously, “I’m not sure I understand. I find Earth Kingdom citizens pretty pleasant actually, and Y/N, the one you met, she’s actually very resourceful and kind.” His mind went to Toph as well, who had invented an entirely new type of bending. She was an impressive young woman from the Earth Kingdom, and Y/N was as well, she’d started her own business at a young age and turned it into something incredible.
“Really? She didn’t seem too smart when I met her, but who can say no to a meeting with the Fire Lord?” 
Zuko was pretty sure her words were meant to be taken as a joke. But Amaya wasn’t the first person Zuko had encountered with this mindset, she was just more subtle about it. The supremacy of the Fire Nation was still an idea that ran rampant in some people’s minds, though Zuko had dealt with most disputes regarding his peaceful relations with other nations. Many still missed the time when the Fire Nation practically owned the world, where Fire Nation citizens could treat the people who had their homes taken from them however they pleased.
It was a dark time in his nation’s history, nonetheless, several people missed it. This was something rather prevalent amongst Nobles though, they were the ones who lost an immense amount of land when the war had ended. Many of them were bitter about what had happened. 
If Zuko was honest, she’d probably had these ideas drilled into her since birth, and simply hadn’t grown out of them, which was a shame. But as the ruler of a nation, he couldn’t rule beside someone who looked down on others simply because they weren’t from the Fire Nation.
Zuko shook his head, “Y/N built her business from the ground up. And now she’s helping the Fire Lord get dates.” He knows he sounds defensive, as though he’s prepared to fight her, something his Uncle would likely scold him for, but he doesn’t care at the moment.
“All she does is set you up with people.” 
Zuko’s brows furrowed at this comment, and he raised a hand to get the attention of the waiter, “excuse me, could I get the check please?” The young man nodded, heading off to get the check, and Amaya looked at him incredulously. 
Y/N had done far more than set him up with people, she’d helped him begin planning a Gala, she’d tried her best to find a good assortment of people that would fit both Zuko’s needs and the Fire Nation’s, and that list was probably very difficult to narrow down. Zuko had seen the work she put in for formulating profiles of the potential suitors, and throughout all of it she had done nothing but support him. 
“What are you doing?” Amaya asked, shifting in her seat as she stared at Zuko quizzically.
The waiter came over and handed Zuko the check, and Zuko placed a pouch of money on the table, “thanks. Keep the change.” He explained, nodding to the boy, who’s mouth gaped open in surprise as he took the pouch of money, bowing to Zuko repetitively, though Zuko wasn’t paying much attention to him as he spoke to Amaya. “I don’t think this is going to work out, I’m sorry.”
Amaya is still seated in shock as Zuko rises from his table, and Y/N can’t help it when her mouth gapes open at the sight of him simply abandoning his date. She makes eye contact with Iroh, who raises a brow, and they both sit up. She moves to follow Zuko, only to bump into someone. 
“I’m so sorry!” Y/N exclaims, moving down to help them pick up their hat, that had fallen when they collided.
“No, that was my fault entirely!” He responds, shaking his head as they both leaned town to pick it up.
“Aang, come on! He’s leaving.” The woman behind him exclaims.
Y/N’s brows furrow in recognition as she looks up to see a blue arrow tattooed on the man’s head, and her eyes widen in realization. Zuko had described Aang several times during their conversations, he and the rest of his friends came up often. But Y/N did not expect the first time she met the Avatar and his friends to be when they were both following Zuko on his date.
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Y/N simply sighs as she opens her door to see Zuko, in the outfit she’d helped him pick out. “What was it this time?” He’d been on thirteen dates thus far, and Y/N was slowly realizing that Zuko was likely one of her most difficult clients. This was purely because he’d yet to get a second date, though there had been offers, Zuko had declined all of them. 
“She was just-” His hands gestured rather broadly, he was practically throwing them into the air, “she was so rude to the waiter.” This had always been a dealbreaker for him, since he’d worked as a waiter in two different tea shops, Zuko had come to understand the importance of treating a waiter with kindness and how difficult the work could be. 
His eyes dart between Y/N and her door, she’s rubbing her eyes due to the exhaustion and Zuko can’t help the guilt that floods him. Nonetheless, she opens the door wider, heading inside her room and signaling for him to close it as she falls back onto her bed. “You were a waiter once, yeah?” He’d told her a fair share about his life in the Earth Kingdom, she’d inquired quite a bit about that part of his life. 
He asked about her life in the Earth Kingdom too, and she’d told him how poor life could be the in the outer rings, something he’d experienced for himself. Zuko listened as she describe living after her parents had died, working for a matchmaker only to discover she was actually good at the job, making a name for herself in the outer rings and then making her way inwards until she was one of the most sought after matchmakers in the kingdom. Y/N spoke of how she’d met Marcella and Evelyn, and how she’d taken them in when she’d discovered they were both orphans, living on the streets as pickpockets.
Zuko wouldn’t help but laugh at this, he could imagine Evelyn as a pickpocket, but Marcella? She was a sweet girl, he couldn’t imagine her in a life of crime. Of course, desperation made people do questionable things. Zuko knew that much from experience. 
“Yeah, I was.” Came his response, taking a seat in the chair by her desk. 
Y/N sat up in her bed, bracing herself with her elbows as she raised a brow at him, “what are you doing?”
Zuko frowned, shifting in the chair, “sitting...?” He moved to get up but Y/N waved him off.
“Just lay with me, idiot.” She allowed her head to fall back onto the bed, patting the spot beside her. Clearly, her suggestion wasn’t bothering her, but Zuko felt his face flush at the possibility.
If he’s honest, he’s not even trying anymore when it comes to dates and women and love. There were three reasons for this, one of which was the fact that he simply wasn’t connecting with any of the women he had met thus far. Sure they were nice, and they probably would be his type has it not been for reason two. The fact that Zuko had realized he had feelings for Y/N, what feelings? He wasn’t sure, but they sure as hell weren’t platonic, if they were he would not be blushing this much. He wouldn’t get that weird feeling in his stomach whenever he spoke to her.
Then there was was reason three, if Zuko succeeded in finding love, then Y/N would leave. It was selfish, but he already knew he wouldn’t find anyone considering he pretty sure he loved someone else already. So now, Zuko was basically procrastinating letting Y/N know that this just wasn’t going to work out, mostly because he didn’t have a plan.
He was debating just firing her, but that likely wouldn’t go over well, and he wanted to see her business succeed. If you get fired by the Fire Lord, that just looks bad. Now Zuko wondered what the best way to go about this was, since there was no point in working for him, even if she was getting paid. He was a waste of time. 
He couldn’t help the smile graced his lips as his own thoughts reminded him of the time she’d scolded him, telling him to quit being self-deprecating. 
Zuko sat up from the chair, making his way over to her bed, Zuko found himself simply plopping down onto it face first, earning a laugh from Y/N.
He rolled over onto his back, turning to look at Y/N, only to find her eyes were already on him, bringing a blush to his cheeks as he mumbled, “what?”
“I’m just trying to figure out why you haven’t gotten a second date yet.” Came her response, propping herself up on her forearm. “You have a nice personality, you’re attractive, I’m sure at least one of the girls caught your eye.” Y/N sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to wonder if she’d incidentally allowed her own feelings to get in the way of her work. Maybe that’s why this was going so badly.
This was a problem. 
Zuko simply shook his head, his face on fire as he listened to her words, though he couldn’t help the hand he brought to the scar on his face. Y/N had pointed out before that he was allowing his Father to control his actions even now that he was imprisoned, and Zuko was beginning to see what she meant. 
Removing his hand from his face, Zuko sighed. Though he didn’t have much time to dwell on his thoughts as her hand hesitantly came to his face, placing a hand on his cheek and allowing her thumb to brush against the scar. Zuko jumped at the sudden contact, and Y/N moved to withdraw her hand almost instantly, but Zuko’s hand came to hers and held it there. Looking to her, he couldn’t read the look in her eyes as she gazed at him, and suddenly he wished he was as good at reading people as she was. 
“No self-deprecating thoughts.” Y/N mumbled, “bad Zuko.” She removed her hand from his to flick his head, causing his brows to furrow.
He pouted, and Y/N let out a laugh as he spoke, “how come you haven’t found someone?” Zuko looked to her, “you’re beautiful, and smart, and just... perfect.” He didn’t notice when her cheeks warmed, “you’re a literal matchmaker, surely you’ve considered who your perfect person is.” 
Y/N fell onto her back, running her hands over her face as she shook her head, “how have you not gotten a second date?” A sigh escaped her, “I haven’t had time for love before, and I just haven’t found that,” looking to him, she pursed her lips, “perfect person.” Growing up in the lower rings, she didn’t have time for an actual relationship, and her business as a matchmaker grew incredibly quickly. At the end of the day, long term just didn’t work out, Y/N barely had for herself, much less another person.
“I guess we both suck at love.” Zuko said, his tone was serious and Y/N couldn’t help but burst out into laughter as she swatted at his chest.
Too bad they couldn’t suck at love together. 
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Smoothing over her green dress, a sign of her citizenship in the Earth Kingdom, Y/N moved to answer the knock on her bedroom door. Given how long she’d been in the Fire Nation, Y/N wondered if the Earth Kingdom would still feel like home when she returned. The idea of going back felt odd, and though that time likely wasn’t soon unless Zuko met the love of his life tonight, it was inevitable.
And it horrified her. 
Holding the edge of the dress slightly to make it easier to walk, Y/N sighed and opened the door, seeing Zuko. A small smile on her face as she eyed his Fire Nation robes, “you look nice.” She complimented, tilting her head at him as she allowed her eyes to travel over his figure.
Zuko nodded, a blush coming over her cheeks, his mouth gaping open as he looked at Y/N. “You look beautiful.” She did, the dress looked amazing on her, her hair styled just right, and bracelets adorning her wrists.
“Thank you, Fire Lord Zuko.” His nose crinkled at the use of his title, coming from her it felt even weirder, wrong almost. But she continued, “mind helping me out?” She asked, moving back to her desk and taking a necklace in hand. Y/N had been struggling to put it on for the past few minutes, and now she had someone to do it for her.
He nodded, closing the door behind him, he took the necklace from her hand, and when Y/N ensured her hair was out of his way, Zuko brought the necklace around her neck. He secured the clasp, hands lingering as he adjusted it to the center of her neck. Zuko couldn’t help but notice a small scar on her shoulder, hand brushing over it.
Y/N looked over her shoulder and to him, brow raised, “how’d you get this?” He asked, brows drawn together. His hand traced the raised skin gently, Y/n could feel her cheeks warming at his touch, inhaling deeply. 
She grimaced, “a knife fight I almost lost my life to.” Was her explanation. Y/N didn’t like to think back to the days when she’d resorted to several... questionable actions to stay alive. But she pushed those thoughts away as she turned to face him. “You ready?” Y/N asked, they had to get to the Gala soon, considering the fact that Zuko was the host, Y/N was shocked he’d even stopped by her room in the first place.
Zuko was silent, simply nodding as he extended his arm for her to take. And Y/N did, looping her arm around his as she smiled, “you are gonna woo so many Earth Kingdom women tonight!” Y/N exclaimed, more confidence in her voice than Zuko had.
Shame the only Earth Kingdom girl he wanted to ‘woo’ was her.
When they’d arrived at the Gala, descending the stairs together, they were greeted with the claps of the other guests. Zuko would feel the anxiety flood him, but he paid it no mind. Though Y/N could feel the way he stiffened as he ended his speech to the diplomats of all nations, “let this be a peaceful, and joyous night!” 
They all burst out into cheers before the party continued, the music starting once more, and everyone returning to feasting upon the buffet, dancing along the ballroom floor or speaking with one another. All while Y/N led Zuko down the stairs, dragging him by the hand, “come on. Enjoy your own party, meet some girls.” She winked, and Zuko swore his face heated up even more than it already had. 
Y/N wasn’t a fool, she knew that if she’d stuck by his side the entire night, she would serve as a repellant of any potential suitors. So naturally, much to Zuko and Y/N’s dismay, she removed herself from him, playfully shoving him towards a group of Earth Kingdom girls she’d mentioned earlier. Though there were several other clusters in the ballroom.
Zuko simply sighed, giving Y/N a small smile before making his way to the group of girls. If he was honest, he would rather be spending the Gala by her side, but he had to put in some effort. He owed Y/N that much. Besides, this was an entirely new group of girls, maybe he would find someone tonight. 
“Hi there.” Zuko greeted, waving awkwardly at the girls. 
This action earned him a few laughs, and he was unsure if they actually found it funny or felt the need to laugh since he was the Fire Lord. Shortly after they began introducing themselves, speaking like there was no tomorrow. 
If Zuko was honest, the number of women here was overwhelming. So, as he excused himself from the conversation, much to their chagrin, he placed his cup down on the platter of one of many waiters. Making his way outside, Zuko couldn’t help but feel relieved at the fresh air that hit him on the balcony. Though he contemplated heading back inside when he noticed another girl was already there, eyes shut as she faced the sky, she turned to see him, eyes widening a fraction. “I’m sorry, I can go-”
“No!” She exclaimed, cheeks flushing in embarrassment due to her outburst, “no... it’s fine.” She turned back to look at the sky, hand clasped together, fidgeting.
Zuko stepped forward, finding himself situated across from her, leaning against the railing, “so why are you out here?”
A small laugh escaped the girl, and she ran a hand through her hair, “it’s rather stress relieving. You have a lovely view in your palace.” 
He couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he realized she recognized him, though Zuko nodded along, “what’s your name? If you don’t mind me asking?” It was a stupid question, and Zuko nearly facepalmed as he pursed his lips.
“Aileen.” Came her response, and Zuko realized he recognized her name as well. She was the child of one of the more well known members of Fire Nation nobility, her parents had approached him in the past in hopes of arranging a marriage between the two of them. He had declined almost immediately. And now that Aileen turned to him, he had a feeling he made the right decision, “you’re Zuko, right?” 
He exhaled deeply, nodding, “that’s me.” Sometimes, Zuko wondered what his life would’ve been like if he wasn’t Zuko, perhaps things would’ve been simpler. No, things definitely would’ve been simpler. There would be no diplomatic meetings, no wars, no idiots trying to hurt other people, no more assassination attempts, no more fake smiles and no more Galas. Of course, if he wasn’t Zuko, he never would’ve met Y/N.
“I heard you’re looking for a partner in crime.” Aileen prompted, “why aren’t you in there finding that future love of your life?” 
Shrugging, Zuko looked up at the sky, “I found her. She just doesn’t want me.”
He can feel Aileen stare at him, she’s silent for a moment, and Zuko wonders what she’s thinking. Though he doesn’t need to wait long to find out as she responds, “I understand.” Aileen focuses her gaze on the glass she’d placed on the thick railing of the balcony, “the person I love probably doesn’t love me back. And even if they did, my parents disapprove.”
“Did you ask?” He felt hypocritical, Zuko himself had never spoken with Y/N in regards to his feelings, and he likely never would, but he wanted to know. “If they love you?”
Aileen laughs slightly, shaking her head, “I couldn’t bring myself to. I’m scared.” She replied, looking back to him curiously, “did you?”
“No.” He responded lamely, tapping his fingers against the railing with a sigh.
Aileen laughed at this, “I guess we are both cowards then.” She pursed her lips, “I didn’t ask because I was scared, why didn’t you?”
And then the words come spilling out, “whoever I end up with will greatly impact the whole world, whether I want to acknowledge it or not. And she doesn’t deserve that burden, nobody does.” He laughs bitterly as he continues, “she’s also the person that was hired to help me find love in the first place.” Zuko pauses, looking away from Aileen, “and I guess I’m scared too.”
“Ironic.” Aileen mumbles, bringing her eyes back to the sky, “let’s make a deal, Your Majesty.” 
Zuko cringes at the use of that title, almost asking her to simply refer to him by his name, though he simply responds, “what deal?”
“We both confess. And if it goes horribly wrong, we can get married.” 
Y/N can’t see the shock on Zuko’s face, but she can see how comfortable he feels with this girl, Y/N hadn’t seen her before, but she was just happy Zuko was connecting with someone. Except she also wasn’t, a bitter feeling enveloping her as she turned away, looking for something else to focus her attention on, something that didn’t hurt. 
She turned to see Marcella and Evelyn in the distance, speaking with each other. Y/N supposed if she wouldn’t be finding love tonight, then at least they would. She was no fool, she saw the way they looked at each other, the glances when the other wasn’t looking. Maybe it was dumb, but Y/N found herself feeling jealous as she moved over to the buffet with a sigh. Food solved everything in her experience, after a client had a particularly bad day, food made things better.
“Perhaps some tea?” Iroh stood beside her, a kettle in his hand, he had insisted he serve tea at the Gala, though Zuko had assured him it would be just as easy to find someone else to do the job.
Y/N smiled at him, nodding as she took a cup from the array of them within the buffet, allowing Iroh to pour her some tea. “Thank you, Iroh.” Her voice is quieter than normal, and it’s clear that Iroh can tell something is wrong.
“You know, you deserve to be happy to Y/N.” His words catch her by surprise, though she doesn’t have much time to consider their meaning before flames lighting the room begin to move erratically, causing her brows to furrow.
Something was wrong. 
Iroh nods to her, placing the tea kettle down as his brow furrow and she nods back, Iroh disappearing into the crowd of people. Y/N’s eyes fall back to Marcella and Evelyn, and she quickly moves to their side of the room, ignoring the hush that had fallen over the room, panicked gasps amongst them. Her hands fall onto both girl’s arms as she nods to them, “Y/N, whats going-”
Y/N is already dragging them in the direction of the exit, “get out of here, find the guards. I’m going to find Zuko.” The girls didn’t have much time to argue, as Y/N was already working her way through the panicked crowd, back to the balcony where she’d last seen Zuko. But, people were already pushing against her movements, making it difficult. Raising her head above the crowd in an attempt to see what’s going on, Y/N realizes whats happening. 
Firebenders were trying to force them together, and Y/N couldn’t help but panic as she wondered if Marcella and Evelyn managed to escape and find the guards. 
This was an ambush.
No, this was an assassination attempt. Zuko already knew as he watched the atmosphere of the party begin to shift, that and the person who stood before him in all black, brandishing several weapons. Alongside four others who stood by her side. 
“You know, it wasn’t until I met you that I realized how bad it had gotten.” Aileen stood beside Zuko, eyes meeting his in horror as they exchanged looks. Zuko simply hoped the nod he gave her provided some semblance of comfort as he returned his attention to the person before him. “I mean, defending some lowly Earth Kingdom matchmaker? What type of career even is that?” 
Her voice is almost maniacal, and Zuko can’t help but wince as he feels reminded of his sister. But he recognizes it nonetheless, Amaya. It had been months since he’d seen her, but he could still remember her voice. Her face was covered by a mask, and she wielded a sword, and if Zuko remembered correctly, she had been trained in dozens of fighting styles and was a talented bender herself. Alongside the four other men, Zuko couldn’t help but panic internally as he spoke, “Amaya, why don’t you put the swords down, and we talk about this.”
She laughs in response, ripping the mask that covered her face off and throwing it aside, “people have tried to talk to you about this. Your-” She grappled for the word, a hand yanking at her hair as she gestured to him with a sword, “your radical ideas!” 
Zuko didn’t find having morals radical, but he wasn’t going to say that, not while Aileen’s life was on the line. Zuko suddenly realized why having an heir was important as he shook his head, “Amaya, look. Why don’t you let Aileen here leave, and then you and I can talk.” 
Aileen looks like she’s going to protest, but Amaya glances at her red robes, a sign of her Fire Nation citizenship, and gestures for her to leave. “Get out. My problem isn’t with you.” 
When Aileen doesn’t move, Amaya quickly grows frustrated, calling out to one of the guards she’d brought along that lied inside, “take this fool away.” 
There’s no response, and Zuko can see panic flood Amaya’s face. And looking behind her, he quickly realizes that most of the guards have been subdued, Y/N holding one of them in her arms as she knocks them to the ground. Moving towards the balcony stealthily as Amaya’s hands begin to shake, fire sparking in her palms as she focused her attention onto Zuko. “You’re going to pay for what you’ve done to our nation.” 
But Zuko wasn’t looking at her as he shook his head, hoping Y/N would understand. There was no way she could overpower Amaya, not with her bending. Y/N didn’t even have a weapon.
Now, Y/N knew for a fact that no matter how talented Zuko was, he wouldn’t put the girl beside him in danger. His priority would be keeping her alive, and given the training Amaya had as a noble, in both Firebending and fighting, she might even be as good as Zuko in a fight.
Meaning she had to be taken out of the fight.
Everything happened pretty fast after that. Zuko was shielding body coming forward to shield Aileens as he extended his freehand to Firebend at the people who’d surrounded them, only for Amaya to move out of the way. The girl was practically screaming bloody murder as she lunged at him, now wielding her sword. 
Zuko didn’t have to figure out what to do next because Y/N moved faster than Amaya did, tackling the girl over the railing and down below as he began to scream. 
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Zuko’s knee is bouncing rapidly as he sits beside Iroh, who knits a scarf of some sort despite the blistering heat of the Fire Nation. He’s insisted that when Y/N returned to the Earth Kingdom she’d need it, and Zuko didn’t have the heart to disagree. Iroh had started stress-knitting about four hours ago, when Y/N had entered the room they all sat before, anxiously awaiting news of her condition.
Marcella and Evelyn are to Zuko’s left, Marcella’s sobs had quieted down, but Zuko wouldn’t be shocked if he looked over and saw tears silently streaming down her face. The girl hadn’t taken it well. Evelyn remained composed, doing her best to comfort Marcella, but the wait was clearly getting to her as well as she fidgeted with Marcella’s hands.
Seeing as Y/N had fallen from several stories up off the balcony and into the water below, Zuko didn’t really think it was possible to take the news well. But he was trying. 
A pang sounded from inside the room, and Zuko practically shot up onto his feet, moving to knock on the door to discover was was wrong, only for Iroh to grab his wrist, shaking his head. Zuko exhaled deeply, beginning to pace across the hall. He found himself wishing that Katara hadn’t been busy with Water Tribe business, she was an excellent healer. Alas, Katara wasn’t there, and Zuko had to settle for one of the skilled Water Tribe diplomats instead, alongside a few others skilled in medicine. 
As he paced, Zuko could feel Evelyn’s eyes on him, and it became clear she was itching to speak and he sighed, “what’s wrong?” There were dozens of answers to this question, the main one being the fact that Y/N could die today, so he hoped she understood what he meant.
The girl is glaring at him, and Zuko can’t help but feel uneasy. Because maybe she blames him for this as much as he blames himself, and maybe she’s going to tell him off, blame him for everything. Because if Y/N dies, she and Marcella will have no one again. 
Not that Zuko would allow that. He’d grown attached to the girls as well, they were kind, and helpful. They’d help improve the interior decor of the palace, and if he was honest, it looked better than anything he ever could’ve done.
“You better tell her how you feel after this.”
Zuko’s mouth gapes open at the girl’s words, and he swears the breath leaves his longs, and its as though everything hits him then. 
He would never get to tell Y/N how he felt if she died. He’d never get to listen to her try and tell a story just to go off on dozens of tangents, he’d never get to watch as she attempted to cook again, and he’d never get to hold her in his arms once more. There would be no more late night talks, and he wouldn’t hear her laugh, she wouldn’t tease him anymore and they wouldn’t walk through the courtyard feeding turtleducks again.
She’d never know he loved her.
Zuko finds himself nodding to Evelyn’s words, frozen in place as he looks to her and asks, “was I that obvious?” His voice is hoarse, and its probably because he didn’t stop screaming, even when Y/N’s body hit the water. 
Marcella is laughing at his words, blowing her nose into a tissue that Evelyn hands her before she speaks, “painfully obvious.”
“For someone who’s job revolves around love, Y/N is one of the most oblivious people I’ve ever met.” Evelyn grumbles out, rubbing her eyes as she yawns.
It was late, Zuko knew that much, the guests of the party had gone to the infirmary in the palace, being tended to by doctors and any other available healers if injured. Otherwise, they’d all returned to their rooms to sleep, or more likely stay up in fear of another attack. Zuko surely would.
“Go to bed guys, it’s getting late.” 
Evelyn looks at him like he’s one of the dumbest people she’s met, and if Zuko was honest, he probably was. But he simply nodded to Marcella, who had started leaning her head against Evelyn’s shoulder, eyes fluttering shut. “Uncle, why don’t you take them back to their rooms?”
Considering the fact that Zuko’s guards were around the corner, he wasn’t scared for his safety, but their presence just made him want to remain awake. 
“Nephew, you should sleep as well.” His Uncle replied, though he rose from his seat, bringing the yarn and the start of the scarf under his arm. 
Zuko gave his Uncle a smile, “I will. But if anything happens before then, I’ll be sure to alert you all.” He assured, nodding to Evelyn, who eyed him wearily. But she relented, shaking Marcella gently before standing up alongside her and Iroh. 
When they were out of sight, Zuko plopped back down in the seat, his elbows resting on his knees as he brought his hands to his face.
And for the first time in the night he cried, his body racked with sobs as tears streamed down his face and he struggled to breathe. The pain of all that had happened felt almost unbearable. She had to live. Y/N had to live. Because Zuko was going to confess. 
His fear of losing her outweighed his fear of rejection.
Wiping his tears away, Zuko suddenly felt grateful that Evelyn had left the box of tissues as he blew his nose. He sighed, his eyes piercing the door, hoping that something would happen.
As though his stare had willed her to exit the room, the healer came out, a grimace on her face as she looked to Zuko, likely because of his bloodshot eyes. The woman simply sighed, the grimace becoming a more sympathetic look. “Miss L/N lost a lot of blood... several of her bones were broken when she hit the water, especially her ribs. Her internal organs were damaged as well and... well it wasn’t very likely for her to survive.”
She’s dead.
Y/N is dead.
“Wow, you look like a mess.” 
Zuko’s head whips up, his eyes meeting Y/N’s, she’s leaning against a wooden crutch, grinning lazily at him. The healer beside her looks rather apologetic as she frantically explains, “she woke up far quicker than we anticipated and only agreed to rest if we participated in her rather cruel prank.”
So, she wasn’t a ghost.
Zuko launches himself up from the chair, nearly tackling Y/N, but the wooden crutch she uses for support serves as a reminder of her fragile state as he asks, “can I hug you?”
Her smile falters at the sound of his voice, hoarse and jagged, so she simply extends are free arm outward. Zuko takes this as an invitation for a hug, gently wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his head in her neck, Y/N wrapped her free arm around his neck, hand finding its way to the hair at the nape of his neck. “Im s-”
“It’s not your fault Zuko. I swear if you say its your fault I will throw myself over the balcony again.” She threatened, hand tightening in his hair.
Zuko laughs quietly, inhaling deeply before he speaks again, “please never do that again.” 
“I make no promises.”
Sighing, Zuko releases her, “I hate you so much.” 
Y/N scoffed, “you love me.” She was limping over to the bed in the middle of the room, blood coating the surrounding area. Though the doctors in the room were moving across the room that they’d placed Y/N on, and dealt with her injuries on, Zuko couldn’t help but feel sick at the sight.
She could’ve died.
“Yeah, I do.”
Y/N pauses, turning to look back at him, her mouth gapes open. Zuko’s looking away, eyes on anything but her as he inhales deeply.
The healer simply sighs, “before we do this, I should inform the two of you that Miss Y/N cannot do any... strenuous activities for at least one month.”
Zuko’s cheeks are flushing red as he shakes his head rapidly, “ma’am-”
“We’ll be taking our leave. Have fun, but not too much fun. Please.” The woman closes the door behind her once the other doctors are out of the room, and Y/N can’t stop laughing at the mortified expression on Zuko’s face, despite the sharp pain she feels in her ribs.
Taking a seat on the fresh sheets of the bed, Y/N sighs, “so you love me?” She’s picking at the sheets, “as a friend?”
Zuko suddenly realizes just how right Evelyn was as he slowly shakes his head, “no. More than a friend. I think I inadvertently sabotaged half of the dates you sent me on because of it.”
Y/N laughs quietly, eyes falling on Zuko only to see he’s looking anywhere but her, she calls out to him quietly, “Zuko. Look at me.”
He doesn’t hesitate to bring his gaze to her, eyes meeting hers as he begins to fidget with his hand. Y/N simply reaches her hand out, and he takes it. “I love you too, idiot.” She mumbles, pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his waist. “I just wish you had told me sooner so I didn’t waste so much time trying to set you up with other women.” 
A small laugh escapes him as he brings his hand to her hair, “how do I know you weren’t purposely giving me bad matches because you were in love with me?” 
Y/N removes her head from his stomach, looking up at him, her nose crinkles, “unlike you, I am a professional.” Zuko flicks her forehead, and Y/N pouts at him, hand coming up to his face, “can I kiss you?”
She can feel his face warm, but he nods rather enthusiastically nonetheless, and Y/N finds herself smiling at his as she uses her hands to pull his face downward towards her. His lips meet hers, and Zuko finds himself feeling complete, hands coming to Y/N’s face in an attempt to pull her closer while hers move to his ball up his robes that he’d yet to change.
 Zuko pulls away first, forehead resting on hers, “you need to sleep.” 
Y/N scoffed, eyes narrowing at him, “you need to sleep.” Looking to the bed, she raises a brow at him, “wanna lay with me?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, I could accidentally injure you or-”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N yanks him onto the bed, making her way to the other side and getting comfortable, “I’ll be fine.”
Yeah, everything would be fine. Maybe not for the Fire Nation, seeing as Y/N would potentially help rule a nation but...
Everything would be fine.
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a woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations.
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A/N: i hope this was good enough!!! i tried!!! and idk how it ended up over 12k... that’s crazy man um kjhdsajfhjkah omg i really liked this concept though i hope i did it justice
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TAGLISTS [lmk if you want to be added or removed via askbox or replies]
ATLA: @bubblebars​ @jada-cleo​ @Art-flirt @the-deli-meat​ @wemissyou3000​ @ajediherowitchrunner​
ZUKO: @outerxorbit @shawkneecaps @lil-lex1 @boxofteenageideas @izzieserra @eridanuswave @bigbuckyenergy @celamoon @savemesteeb @shephard17895 @ijustwannabecanadian @duh-dobrik @anime-simp @lammello  
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starpeace · 3 years
okay, so, kamino. it’s not even like kamino had produced clone armies for anyone in the galaxy before, because nobody has ever heard of kamino at all. so one (1) jedi shows up, and they’re like you know what, yes, sure, we WILL devote all our resources to developing a clone army for the next decade, despite never having even operated on this business model before. and this one (1) jedi, right, he’s not even really on the council, he has zero government authority. he is straight up lying and the entire planet buys it, and then a sith shows up to make a few evil modifications to that order, and they’re like, sure
did sifo-dyas put down a deposit? because otherwise kamino is doing this, for ten years, with zero republic funding or communication. (yes i know sidious stepped in but at the very least, this is what they are pretending they did, and this was sifo-dyas’ plan that he thought would work fine.) did sifo-dyas fucking embezzle the jedi order treasury without them ever noticing? where else would he get that kind of money for a deposit for millions of human beings? and it seems to be canon that sifo-dyas WAS literally just a jedi who was having visions that the jedi needed an army to avoid perishing so he just, you know, went out and ordered one, because fuck the council i guess, and sidious found out about this, or maybe inspired it in the first place with spooky sith powers, and only then did sidious intervene in the GAR’s creation. first of all pour one out for sifo-dyas who invented creating his own problems but the reason i’m bringing this up is not because it’s a canon detail that makes me hysterical, but because sifo-dyas was not knowingly in league with palpatine so palpatine could not have given sifo-dyas the deposit. where did you get the money sifo-dyas???
who paid for the clone army? in tcw the kaminoans talk about contracts and it’s obvious the republic is nearly bankrupting itself to pay for the clones. so can we be clear that in aotc the kaminoans did not show up like hey, here’s your free army, bought and paid for! the republic had to cough up the entire cost in like the two seconds between finding out kamino existed and the first battle of geonosis. which nobody questioned apparently. not to mention, where the fuck did the republic get an entire GAR’s worth of warships with five minutes’ notice of the fact that they even had a GAR, so i assume they had to shell out for those too. do the kaminoans produce the clone armour? where is the food for the clones coming from, who’s paying for that? because i don’t feel like i’m reaching when i say kamino is not an agricultural centre.
anyway the point of this post got lost in here somewhere but i think the point is i’d love to see an au where the republic finds out about the clone army in aotc and they’re like. you know when you see something really nice you want to buy and then you see the price tag and it’s suddenly not looking so nice? that. kamino and sidious spend 10 years developing a clone army to destroy the jedi and the senate is like hmmmmm idk man it’s a little out of our price range. and then they just draft an army like in every other war which they were presumably planning to have to do anyway! and the clones are just. there. like oh. there goes our life purpose. like where does the galaxy even go from here
165 notes · View notes
pradaksj · 4 years
the swimming lessons
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all rights reserved © pradaksj
↳do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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❧ pairing⟶  jungkook/reader
❧ genre⟶  swimminginstructor!jungkook , fluff, a bit of comedy? head canon/bullet points 
❧ rating⟶ e for everyone??? none??? idk how ratings work lol i just know that m = the dirty, which this story has none of
❧ word count ⟶ 5,000 
❧ summary ⟶  accidental swimming lessons with jungkook were definitely worth the money 
❧ a/n ⟶ i literally dreamt something similar to this in like january and told myself i'd write about it when i had the time so hear i am :)) this goes out to all my folks who can’t swim !! i'm on the same boat with you , get it?  cause we can’t swim ... ok anyways ... enjoy ! (note: i have not proofread this yet so sorry for any mistakes!! ill get to it soon !! ) 
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“hello, welcome to lucky duck swim school, how can i help you?” the receptionist, who was loudly chewing her gum, sounded more like an automated voice message than a person...
see today was your first official swimming lesson
how fun!! ...
totally not embarrassing for someone your age !!!
honestly, it wasn't your fault you didn’t have any family members or friends with a big pool you could learn in growing up 
and by the time you did, you were too much of in an awkward phase to be properly taught
aka your body absolutely refusing to float on its own anymore
but after several trips to the beach with friends and attending different pool parties, you were tired of being made fun of !! 
no longer would you remain at 5 feet and under !!! not on your watch ! 
and so here you were, ready to start your journey into the world of swimming :)) 
“hi i um have a swimming lesson at 3 with um ... i believer her name was um—” 
hmmm what was her name ??? jennie??? no, maybe it was aaliyah ??? no that wasn’t it.... 
the receptionist taps on her keyboard buttons, her long nails making a noise 
pop, her bubblegum goes 
“yeah jungkook” you mindlessly say. 
that was not the game given to you by the last receptionist 
jungkook is a boy’s name !!! 
you didn’t want a boy instructor !!! 
not with the way you were looking 
“i um—i had asked for a girl instructor—” you awkwardly mention 
she rolls her eyes
um RUDE 
she continues clacking with her keyboard, looking for god knows what 
she sighs 
“there’s no slots with female instructors available for today, nor for the rest of the month, the earliest i can probably squeeze you in by is july.” she bluntly states. 
july was when you needed to already know how to swim !!
that’s the peak of summer ! 
there was no point in knowing during winter or any other season besides summer for that matter 
and you were not going to get made of by your friends this year
no no NO
“soo do i reschedule you or.....” 
you sigh 
“no ill take it” you pout, resembling a child. 
“it it makes you feel any better, jungkook’s our best instructor, most popular too” 
oh yeah that makes you feel so much better 
you were going to make a complete fool out of yourself in front of the so called “best instructor” 
“well go get yourself washed up, get into the pool, and jungkook will be with you shortly” she smiles, her attitude now changing now that (what looked to be a supervisor) was passing by. 
what a bi—
flip flop. flip flop. flip flop. 
your sandles press onto the water on the floor of the girls locker room, a grouchy look now on your face 
this wasn't fair 
you made an appointment with a female instructor!! 
you didn’t care if he was the best instructor or the most popular ...
squeeaaakkk , you twist the rusty shower handle
...because now you were you were going to be judged for your lack of skills 
not that you had any to begin with, but still! 
god, you sounded like such a karen ... 
it’s just ...
a guy instructor ??? 
you understood that this wasn’t elementary school anymore and boys certainly didn’t have cooties anymore but like :// 
no no, you had to give this jungkook guy the benefit of the doubt
if he was one of the best, it was clearly because he was professional and good at what he does 
putting your worries to rest, you turn off the shower 
this was going to be fine
just fine 
clearly your worries were not put to rest 
just a temporary halt 
pat. pat. pat. 
okay let’s get it ! 
making your way out to the pool, you dip your foot in 
VERY cold indeed 
1 ...2...
you dip your whole leg in, quickly using the momentum to place your whole body in 
“5 feet and below ... you’re my bitch !!” you think to yourself 
your hand still clearly gripping onto the ledge, still afraid of accidentally reaching 6ft
.... now to wait 
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“megan seems to have fractured her leg last weekend on a rollerskating day gone bad, so you’ll be taking up her appointments for the next month of two until she’s cleared for work” 
huh ???
“also she, well now you i guess, have a lesson to teach at..” 
jungkook’s supervisor looks down at his watch 
“oh i guess in 30 minutes, could’ve sworn it was at 4..” he mumbles that last part to himself
30 minutes?! 
“don’t worry i’ll up your pay for the remaining time that she gets better” 
he winks ;) making a clicking noise with his mouth before leaving the staff room 
jungkook sighs 
today was supposed to be an easy day :/ 
a simple cleaning of the pool along with a couple of measly hours of being the lifeguard and that would’ve been it but noooo 
he just had to be the highest rated swimming instructor on the company website 
he couldn’t complain though, sometimes it was fun reading the reviews past students left, even if sometimes they were a little too...
whats the word...
it often made him wonder if he was in fact an actual good swimming instructor or if the high highly rated reviews were for other reasons.... 
honestly it’d be dumb of him not to acknowledge the amount of googly eyes he’d get ranging from the mother’s of his younger students to his actual adult students (female and male) 
he just liked to think that didn’t come into play when they wrote their reviews 
changing into his black fitted rash guard, he glanced at megan’s schedule 
name : y/n 
age: 23 grown
swimming level: beginner  aka noob. 
he chuckles to himself 
well won’t this be fun 
he couldn’t lie beginner adult swimmers were always a spectacle to watch 
they almost reminded him of baby ducks learning how to swim 
only that they’d verbally curse their frustrations here and there 
quickly showering, he begins to make his way to the pool 
hmm, he wonders..
what should he eat after today’s lesson? 
a bacon cheese burger sounded really good 
maybe even grab himself some birria tacos from that new restaurant that just opened near his apartment 
hmm no he had to start spending less on takeout 
looks like it’d be rame—
as corny as it sounded, he could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a beat 
because whoever it was in that pool was pretty, like really pretty 
hOly ????? 
you couldn’t be y/n ... could you?!?!?! 
you were the only person who looked 23 years of age in the pool ...
mayday mayday 
jungkook.exe has STOPPED WORKING  
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whoever this jungkook person was, sure was taking their time 
deciding to have some fun before your lesson, you begin to gently play with the water 
swish. swoosh , the water goes 
soon you’d be well on your way to becoming the next michael phelps 
maybe with time you’d even be able to a somersault in the water like your friend always—
“y/n?” a voice from behind says your name
ah finally 
taking in a deep breath, you turn your attention to the so called “best swimming instructor” 
MY .
WHAT ?????? 
this man looked like he came straight out of GQ magazine !!!! 
this HAD to be some mistake , there was just no way ... 
your cheeks feel as if they were burning up 
probably because they quite literally were 
there was no way you’d be able to come here every saturday for the next month, not without fawning for this dude every single minute 
of course you were a stuttering mess
of FuCkiNg course 
“that’s me” 
cue the awkward smile 
“be professional” jungkook tells himself
at the end of the day, you were his student 
any crush on you would just have to wait until of course ... you were no longer his student 
for now the only goal was : teach you how to swim 
the next one down the list being : to take you out on a date ! 
he offers you a handshake 
wow he had a strong grip 
“i’m jungkook, i’ll be your swimming instructor for the next month” 
he flashes you his all too famous smile
there was just no way this man was real
just nO wAy 
crap, you were still holding his hand! 
idiot, idiot, idiot ! 
“sorry” you awkwardly laugh 
ha ha ha 
so funny 
god did you just want to hide to disappear 
“it’s fine” he laughs 
even his laugh was attractive :( 
“so y/n, before we begin with anything, i think it’s important to review about what kind of things you already know and what you don’t” 
oh right ... 
for a moment you had COMPLETELY forgotten you were here for swimming lessons 
how embarrassing 
“oh um..” 
um, um , um. 
“so like floating, holding your breath underwater, pushing, gliding, arm movement, that kind of stuff,” he explains 
you knew a cool trick to make it look like you were water bending :D 
of course you weren’t going to admit that here 
silently you nod your head no 
he gives you a reassuring smile, sensing your timidness 
“that’s fine, only more for us—” he corrects himself, “for you to learn,” he laughs 
hey you weren’t complaining 
“so i personally always like to start off with teaching my students how to float. as long as we get that down then you’ll have no problem learning the rest” 
gosh his smile was so infectious 
shaking your head, you reminded yourself that this was your teacher 
+ you paid 300 bucks for these classes, so you couldn’t afford to be giving him the googly eyes all day 
you were so cute :( 
jungkook couldn’t help but find you so endearing 
the color of your swimming goggles even matched your swim suit :(( 
so cute ! 
“okay so the first thing i want you to practice is going underwater for a couple of seconds, just so you get used it,” he instructs, “i’ll demonstrate” 
taking in a deep breath, he goes down under 
he’s back up 
pausing for about another three seconds, he takes in another deep breath of air before going back under 
he repeats the same thing over and over, until the max count becomes 20. 
“use my finger as your reference of when to go up, but come up for air whenever you feel like you need to. it’s important to go at your own pace, so don’t feel pressured to get it the first try” 
no pressure at all 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
“okay, deep breath in”
you sink your head underwater, mentally counting the three seconds before going back up 
“good job,” he gives you a high five, and you almost feel like a schoolgirl, “now let’s try to five seconds” 
woo!!! 5 seconds here you come !! 
taking in a deep breath you go down under again 
easy peasy ... LEMON SQUEEZY 
“okay now to ten” 
now why were these seconds going by slow all of a sudden? 
sucking it up you manage to make it to 10, but not without being out of breath 
“you okay?” he’s quick to ask 
yup, totally fine ! 
you definitely didn’t see the gates of heaven for a quick moment :D 
nodding your head, you enthusiastically say, “let’s go for 15″ 
he smiles at your enthusiasm
ahh so cute 
nope nope nope
you were not going to make it to 15 
immediately you make your way back to the surface, trying to catch your breath 
“hey you did amazing,” he immediately reassures you, “remember as long your going your own pace then you’re doing just fine” 
well doesn’t that make you feel better 
you wonder if he’s this kind to all his students 
besides the most obvious reason, there was no question as to why he was the “most popular” instructor 
and to think you had been complaining earlier !! 
and soon you’re back underwater, going at your own pace until finallyyyy you’re able to make the 20 second count 
“nice !!” he genuinely celebrates with you, making you feel completely proud for yourself 
“okay now that we have that done, we can move onto learning how to float facing both front and back” 
he was just thinking ahead 
cool :o 
“so what i want you do is first relax,” he laughs, gently pushing your stiff shoulders down 
as if your blush couldn’t get any deeper 
“now my personal belief is that all humans can naturally float, just that for others, it takes a bit of a push to get them at that state,” he begins to explain 
others meaning people like um you 
“the key to floating is to relax” 
oh you’ve heard that before
many MANY times and each time you’ve tried to so called “relax” you just end up sinking 
“the moment you fight or stress for even a tiny bit, you will sink. now i know what you’re thinking, ive heard that before” 
he was good 
“but sadly it’s true, until you learn to relax then you’ll be able to swim” 
you sigh 
this was where it became hard 
you were the queen of stress 
you and stress went hand in hand almost like a married couple 
it was just that deep water was scary !! very very scary !! 
the amount of horror stories you’d seen on tiktok was enough for you to know, ocean = scary 
“so here’s what i need you to do, i need you to place your arms on top of the water like as if you’re going to fly” 
you follow his commands 
he separates your arms, which had been too close together, giving them a small rub 
“remember you need to relax y/n,” he chuckles, feeling the tension in your arms
“relax, i need to relax,” you repeat 
“okay now right now when i tell you, you’re gonna take a deep breath in and look down, from there you’re gonna let you body move forward. so remember you’re not gonna jump, you’re just gonna let your body glide forward and float. almost as if you’re flying to me,” he explains 
mm it was easier said than done  
“you ready?” 
“okay deep breath in” 
you inhale a deep breath in 
“look down” 
you do that as well 
“and let go” 
slowly your body begins to rise on its own 
oh my god !!!!! 
you were about to float!!!!! 
the day has come !!!
no more staying at 5 feet and under 
you were ready to hang with the big kids :D 
but as quick as the momentum came, the faster it left because soon you felt yourself sinking, the breathing exercise jungkook had made you do now coming in handy 
you almost had it :( 
it was right in your grasp, only to have it snatched away 
not wanting to offend you, jungkook keeps his giggles to himself 
“hey at least you almost had it,” he comforts you, “let’s just try again” 
you sigh, now letting your doubts creep in 
because of this, this time your body almost immediately sank this time
he frowns 
you were losing confidence :/ 
“come on i’ll help you” 
grabbing your hands, he signals for you to follow his breathing pattern
“deep breath in” 
“deep breath out” 
god, was his voice soothing 
“i need you to relax y/n, let everything go” 
a soft feeling of relaxation washes over you, similar to that feeling you’d get when you were on the verge of sleeping
“i’m gonna let you go at the count of three, and then you’re going to float, okay?” 
silently you nod, knowing that speaking would only cause you to tense up again 
he lets go, and soon you’re floating, just like he said you would 
you hold your breathe for a good while before standing back up, a huge smile on your face 
“holy shit! i did it!!” 
he gives you high five with both of his hands, for a second holding them before letting go 
“now let’s try floating on your back” 
he notices that there’s now a fire in your eyes that wasn’t there before
clearly you were now more determined to learn, excited too
preparing yourself to float once more, you realize you were missing something.... 
he tilts his head, confused by the faint blush on your cheeks 
“do you think you can um—” 
now it was his turn to blush 
“o-oh yeah” 
what was his problem??? 
you were a student asking for help 
that was all ...
point blank. 
he helps you get on your back, his hand placed under your back as a way to keep you up 
you float easily again!! 
“nice!!” he smiles 
summer, here you come !! 
“okay so we’re gonna keep practicing that for the remaining time that we have and next week i’ll start teaching you about stroke techniques and which ones are easiest to do” 
nodding your head, you practice your floating by the end of the hour  having it practically mastered 
the two of you get out of the pool, now drying off 
“you’re a really fast learner y/n,” he compliments you 
you mean, you didn’t wanna brag butttt 
you were a fast learner indeed 
“thank you,” you say in return, “but that’s only because you’re a great teacher” 
did you really say that :o 
aren’t you feeling a little bold today y/n  
his blush returns for the second time today
well technically you weren’t in class anymore ... 
a little flirting wouldn’t hurt right? 
if only he knew what to say .... 
“well at least you won't ever drown!” 
jungkook, you idiot !!!!! 
someone needed to smack him straight in the face for that ! 
at least you won’t drown????
no fucking shit 
well there goes his chances with you now going down the drain 
but to his surprise, you laugh 
“you’re right, i won’t,” you say in return, “well i’ll see you next weekend jungkook” 
you flash him a smile, and he was certain he felt butterflies in his stomach 
walking into the girl’s locker room, you let out a sigh of relief
wheeeeew ! 
faking confidence was hard ! 
very VERY hard 
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“so today you’re going to learn how to stroke so you can officially be called someone who knows how to swim, next week you’ll learn to tread water and continue perfecting your swimming, and then the final week i’ll teach you some fun extra things” 
“sounds good,” you say, definitely excited to learn more. 
“okay so now that you know how to float, right now when you float facing downward, you’re going to pull against the current with your arms, alternating each one. now the tricky part is that while you do that, you also have to paddle your legs a little and come up for air when you need to, and when you’re back in the water you should slowly be exhaling bubbles of air rather than holding your breath” 
well that sounded hard :/ 
“let me give you a demonstration,” jungkook says
he’s quick to float facing downward, showing you the maneuver he wanted you to learn while coming up for air every five seconds
thought it was a little childish, he somehow still looked good doing it 
he truly was blessed with the looks of a god 
he comes out the water
“okay now your turn” 
you nod your head, that determined look you had on your face last week now returning 
following his example, you begin your attempt at paddling and stroking your arms at the same time
immediately you begin to panic and water begins to splash everywhere, including on jungkook 
noticing your panicked state, jungkook is quick to grab you and place you back on your feet 
“hey hey, i got you,” he comforts you, not wanting you to feel discouraged 
you sigh 
well that was embarrassing 
“remember y/n you have to learn to coordinate everything, so think of it this way. your legs have to always be paddling, it’s the arm and coming up for air that switch roles. when you come up for air, it’s only your legs paddling, while when you’re head is back underwater it’s both your legs and arms paddling. once you get that pattern, the bubbling will come naturally” 
you make an ohhhhh face
you could do that ! 
“remember what i told you last weekend y/n, you need to relax and be comfortable so you can build confidence. there’s no need to panic because i’m here,” he smiles at you 
gosh this just wasn't fair >:( 
cute and charming ???? 
this boy really had it all 
not wanting to disappoint, you try one more time, failing once again 
now you were frustrated :/ 
“damn it,” you mumble to yourself, a sadness to your voice
jungkook feels his heart swell 
he didn’t like seeing you sad :( 
but doggy paddling was the most basic technique he could teach you so he couldn’t really cheer you up by offering a different technique 
you needed to learn to doggy paddle before you could move on to the more bigger strokes
damn it ://  
“hey don’t feel bad about not getting right away,” he gives you a small smile, “i remember when i first started learning it took me forever to even learn how float, so the fact that you’re already at this point is enough of an accomplishment” 
well that makes you feel little better ... 
“but you were probably a kid, im ...” 
old , is what you want to say 
figuring what you were gonna say, he only laughs 
“who said i was a kid? i was probably like 19″ 
assuming he was your age (which he was), you do the quick maths in your head 
that was like .... 4 years ago ! 
how the hell did he get so good in such little time???? enough to be teaching courses ??? 
“not knowing how to swim is nothing to be embarrassed about y/n, if anything it takes a lot of courage to even sign up for a class so don’t beat yourself up too much for not getting it right away” 
he ruffles your wet hair, a small affectionate gesture 
you didn’t know how it was possible but you were falling for this man and QUICKLY at that 
he was just so ??$%@^! 
“so let’s try one more time, and if you still can’t get it then we’ll push it to next week, a free extra lesson on me” 
though the temptation to purposely fails was very intriguing indeed, you still had to try for the sake of it 
if you got it, you got it, and if you didn't well .... 
an extra week with jungkook it was :D 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
you float and begin to paddle, this time actually getting the hang of it !!!
you hear jungkook’s muffled voice from above the surface, “there you go!!” 
holy shit ! 
you officially knew how to swim !!! 
at least enough to save your own life if push came to shove 
once you were out of breath, you stand back up, a grin on both of your faces 
for jungkook it was hard not to tackle you in excitement so instead he settled for a very enthusiastic high five 
“you did it!” he cheers 
“ahhh!” you giggle like a child 
“from here on out, the rest is a piece of cake!” 
yay yay yay !!! 
“now let’s start working on deeper strokes, maybe we’ll even have time to throw in backstrokes!”
noticing your changed expression, he awkwardly laughs while scratching his neck 
“or maybe not” 
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this week was the final week of swimming lesson with jungkook
last week’s lesson of treading water and perfecting your swim seemed to had gone by in literally the blink of an eye ! 
and so today was possible the last time you’d see jungkook unless you managed to grow the balls and ask him out once that clock hit 4, once you were no longer his “student"
by now you were 100% sure you liked the dude... like a lot 
and he was definitely someone you wanted to get to know outside of this pool 
you just weren’t sure if he liked you the same way 
you mean yeah there were definitely times that had you raising an eyebrow here and there, but you always excused it as him simply being a kind hearted person by nature 
because clearly his five star rating on the company’s website had to come from somewhere 
not that you checked or anything....
who were you kidding 
yes you did
your favorite review was the one that went..
“wow!! this dude is amazing !! came here for beginner lessons and even i found myself fawning for the dude , and i don’t even play for that side of the team !! not only were his lessons thorough, but he’s a very charming person ! 10/10 recommend!” 
and so you were stuck 
did he liked you or was he just treating you like he treated everyone?? 
“ahh y/n,” jungkook’s voice suddenly brings you back to reality 
“today’s our final lesson!” he announces, not sounding too sad
in fact he sounded excited  
damn :/ 
he playfully jumps into the pool, today being his so called “fun day” 
“so since today’s your last lesson i thought i could teach you how to do a.....” 
he pauses for dramatic purposes 
immediately your eyes light up 
you always wanted to learn how to do a somersault in water, remembering the number of times you’d look at your friend in jealousy whenever she did one 
“you ready??” 
eagerly you nod your head yes
“okay so the steps to doing a summersault is first of course, you need to take a deep breath” 
“from there you tuck your chin to your chest, next you do the moment of the somersault by swinging your chest forward and gently kicking out your legs, so basically forming a ball and then kicking out.  naturally, if you have enough momentum, you’ll spin, but if you don’t just use your arms to complete it” 
“think you can give me a demonstration?” you innocently ask 
he winks at you, “of course i can” 
taking in a deep breath, he follows his own instructions, and you watch he perfectly executes his somersault 
“woahhh, that was so cool!” you say, even now finding the trick to be amazing 
“now i dont expect you to get it right away, so right now that you try i’m going tog hide you thought the movement so you get the gist of it” 
sounds fair enough 
you weren’t trying to drown on your last day either 
“okay, you ready?” 
“let’s get it!” 
taking a deep breath in, you feel jungkook’s hand get placed on your back, ready to push you so you could do the somersault 
and slowly you feel yourself spin with the help of jungkook, a smile already forming on your face 
“ahhh!” you smile big and wide, causing Jungkook to smile along with you 
“you think you’re ready to try it on your own???” 
“yes sir” 
“okay 1....2....” 
mustering up as much as force you possible could, you push yourself into ball and successfully do the somersault 
feeling an immediate rush of adrenaline, you begin to splash water all over once you come back up for air, declaring an all out water fight with jungkook 
soon the two of you are chasing one another, you now using your new swimming abilities to get away 
you’re a swimmer 
the sound of jungkook’s infectious laughter fill the air and soon you feel him grab your waist at an attempt to stop you 
“gotcha” he says, and he turns you around to face him 
slowly each other’s heavy breathing becomes relaxed, and it’s as if you’ve felt a shift occur in what you considered your new “friendship” 
“so....” he awkwardly says, hands still wrapped around your waist 
his was was RED
like cherry tomatoes red 
this only makes you giggle 
if you had doubts before, you DEFINITELY didn’t have em anymore 
he liked you :)))) 
and you liked him :)))) 
and in ten minutes you were officially no longer his student so......
“there’s this new restaurant that opened near my place....” you say 
immediately his eyes light up 
“cancun eats?” 
you nod your head and he gives you a toothy grin 
“i was wondering if you’d want to go out some time...” you muster up the courage to ask him out 
%^@%!@&!@^&@%! = jungkook’s brain 
holy crap !!! 
you liked him!!! 
he wasn’t just delusional !!! 
“hello?? jungkook??” you laugh, waving a hand in front of his face for jungkook.exe had truly stopped working this time 
nodding his head yes like a child,  the two of you being to lean closer to another, the clear goal in mind being each other’s lips
because honestly you’d come this far now, might as well give him a .... 
“wait!” he suddenly interrupts  he glances at the digital clock on the wall, remembering your final lesson officially ends at 4
because no way in hell was he going to get fired for kissing a student on the clock 
“okay now,” he smiles, and you only roll your eyes, happy to have taken up on those swimming lessons. 
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a/n : i was gonna make this longer but this was always meant to be a small little head canon so :))) pls give this a like, comment, or a reblog if you enjoyed it !! (if u can of course) and my ask box is always open for whatever !! :)) see yall next time 💞
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
pedro boys + spending habits
word count: fuck if i know, wrote it thru the app
characters: din, marcus m, dave, pero, marcus p, oberyn, max, frankie, whiskey, maxwell, javier, ezra
a/n: idk what caused this to happen but it works i guess. hope they make sense
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trust him with your money, your drink, your social security number, everything:
din. this man is barely scraping by on his own when you first meet him. when he adds the kid to the mix, he gets even more frugal than he already is with an old as sin ship that many people are surprised to see fly. he will have a policy of “you earn it, you choose what to do with it” and since he goes after most of (if not all) the bounties to keep you all alive, he has the final say in how most of the credits are spent. he does want you to have nice things though, so he makes sure to configure the budget to where you don’t have to pour your credits into the group’s survival money very often. it’s the least he can do. he’s very big on taking care of his people and will show that in small ways.
marcus m. he’s a single dad for a significant amount of time, he has no choice but to be responsible with his money. he has to take care of missy, keep them both fed and housed and healthy, and that’s not even touching on how expensive all of high school graduation and college will be once she gets there. he teaches missy very early in life how important money is bc he doesn’t want her to ever know how it feels to not have enough. he makes a considerable amount of money w the heroics tho so he can afford to responsibly splurge on you both, but not constantly. is very cautious abt the splurging becoming a habit
dave. yeah he may be a murderer, but he’s scary great at managing his money (to continue being able to murder). he’s got his ex wife’s alimony (that still pisses him off but that’s another story) and two girls he takes care of, there’s no other choice for him either. there’s never a worry about dave having a midlife crisis and spending money on some stupid dad thing (like a motorcycle or assless chaps or a country club membership) because he murders to keep his mind off that sort of stuff. files his taxes diligently every year the day tax season starts and will pass this wisdom to the girls.
pero. he’s very good at judging if you need something or not. if it can’t feed you, keep you healthy, kill someone, or protect you, you don’t need to buy it. definitely not a man who indulges in trinkets and frivolous things that do nothing but weigh down his horse and his person. will encourage this way of thinking with whoever travels with him to whatever extent he can, but won’t be a dick about it if you have something sentimental on your person. if it’s a necessity, he will splurge on a bed and bath at an inn but not much else for a while. cheap because he has to be
marcus p. i don’t think i have to explain this one so i won’t. no i’m not being lazy who said that?
maybe you’ll be fine if he’s in charge. maybe:
oberyn. being a prince (and himself), there are different ways this could go. he spends his money frivolously at brothels & on his daughters + other loved ones (as well as other luxuries) and doesn’t really seem to be the type to keep tabs on it all as he goes. but... he’s a prince in a prosperous kingdom and so there isn’t really a worry for money. he’s known as the red viper for many reasons, including his clever nature and the ease with which he can get what he wants thru whatever means necessary. if you want for something that he can’t buy, you know he will find a way to get it for you (which can be a problem sometimes).
max. he’s good with money in the sense of perpetuating capitalism — that’s the red flag here. hell, he’s gonna be investing into bitcoin and who knows what stock market bs & bc it’s max, of course you trust him. max can’t control the stock market tho, so sometimes things are a little iffy. it always evens itself out though, and you make sure in the future that he invests his money instead of your joint money. he’s still gonna share anyways, it just helps you have a little more peace of mind.
frankie. he just wants to take care of you, okay? you can’t fault him for that 🥺 he maneuvers his budget around to make sure he can do all these nice things for you while leaving his own needs unchecked, which isn’t okay. he just wants to provide for the ppl he loves the best he can, but the problem begins when he starts to think he isn’t doing enough. his insecurity & lack of self-worth (fueled by his guilt for “not being everything you deserve”) is what makes him agree to the Trip™️ in the first place. once he comes back & sees you frantic, only wanting him home and not giving a flying fuck about the money, does he realize that you’re devoted to him and not what he can do for you.
whiskey. working for statesman made him forget what things really cost bc he suddenly never had to worry again about not having enough money. being with someone that isn’t practically made of money will snap him back into reality. he looks at his bank statements and his balance occasionally, but our big spender cowboy hasn’t really counted money as something he worries about for a while. when he constantly showers you in expensive gifts (only the best for his baby, that’s his motto) and you tell him that he has to not do that bc he’ll go broke, he plays it off because he doesn’t remember having to worry. separate bank accounts are only because you want to make sure your money is being spent smartly (even though jack has offered constantly to pay for literally anything you need).
don’t give him anything you want to see again:
maxwell. as much as i love this dork, he’s absolute shit with money. when his business is falling apart (bc he made the stupid ass decision to buy the oil rigs no one wanted bc they weren’t producing oil), he throws it all into saving face and trying to make investors buy into something that isn’t there. what a smart business man would’ve done was liquidate his assets and possibly try to get into a business that will yield at least some profit. he does learn his lesson tho and eventually can be trusted with money, but even he is hesitant to do anything with the household finances. he’s a dreamer, and dreams and money are the same as oil and water.
javier. i know you’re possibly surprised but hear me out. he’ll go all in to get info, whether he’s spending american taxpayer money or his own money or anyone else’s, if it’s valuable info that can be bought, it’s gonna be bought even if he goes without groceries for the next two weeks. before being with you, it was booze and prostitutes and cigarettes that ate away at his checks outside of buying information. the only thing that really changed once you got together was the prostitutes and slightly less cigarettes and booze. however, when he goes back to laredo permanently, he’s perfectly capable of keeping his shit in line. he’ll balance every checkbook in sight and run a tight af ship.
ezra. this man is a scavenger by necessity, a con man by choice. he has a silver tongue and a roguish charm and pretty questionable morals; he’s not gonna have any issue with getting his hands dirty. he’s probably gonna use your joint money to try and pull a fast one on some unsuspecting stranger (“it’ll double our money,” he says, “it’ll be fine,” he says), but then said stranger will end up turning the tables and leave you both absolutely broke. yeah he will feel guilty, no doubt. the only problem is that he won’t take it as a “hey don’t do it again” lesson, it’ll be a “this is how i can improve for next time.” eventually you have to put your foot down and take control of the money and when he realizes that you’re improving your lives much better than he is, he will thank you for it.
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all pedro character taglists: @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @obirain @leias-left-hair-bun @themarcusmoreno @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @mackstrut @torradoza @simping-for-fives @stardustsunrisekisses @darthadeline @artemis61003 @majorshiraharu @getdookuedon @capricornrabies @max--phillips @darklingveracruz @book-of-anarchy @andysficrecs @purelypascal @whovianwar @lv7867 @hornystarwarsbisexual @kaermorons @princess76179 @pedropasscals @greeneyedblondie44 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @qhbr2013 if you don’t want to be tagged, lemme know!! the link to join is in my bio
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beskarberry · 4 years
Krayt’s Teeth
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Bargaining with Beskar, Chapter 3 (The Mandalorian x f!reader)
The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead of you, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 6.7k
Content warnings: Canon typical violence, killing in self defense, headcanon angst, FLUFF, sensory deprivation, body worship, oral sex (f receiving).
A/N: These are my headcanons regarding Mandalorian culture in terms of sex, I didn’t find much lore on it so whether it’s accurate or not idk but I like them and that’s all that matters! Enjoy~
<-Previous Next->
You could have slept forever, even on that horrible little cot you were so comfortable that you could have been out for days, but the only one on it was you. You did’t know when Mando got up from the tiny space you both shared through the night, or how he managed to get out from your tangled bodies without waking you up. You opened your eyes to tiny green baby hands tugging at your fingers. 
“Hey booger, is it time for breakfast? Where’s your papa?” You started to sit up, but the horrible sticky mess underneath you made you reluctant to move, a mix of passion and pain from the day before. “Yikes. I’m gonna run all his water out if I have to keep using the fresher. Come on, let’s get scrubbed up.” The baby gibbered excitedly at you, though you weren’t sure how much of what you said he actually understood. You scooped him into your arms without looking back at the sad little cot and all its stains. “You’re water proof, right?”
The ship’s engines were rumbling away, so you guessed tin man was up in the cockpit flying you towards your next bounty. Or Nevarro. You would have to find Mr. Mystery later, the grossness that was you had to be dealt with. Between you and the child your shower took forever, the two of you getting water and soap bubbles from top to bottom. You didn’t care. You had been on Tatooine for months without having a real shower, being consigned to the sonic freshers that vibrated the sand off of the moisture farmer’s bodies; and this was the second real shower you’d gotten to have in twice as many days. You spent a good deal of time trying to get your chatty friend to hold still long enough to be dried off, the little fart squealing with joy every time you went for him with the towel.
An ordeal later you were both fresh and presentable, but your host was still nowhere to be seen, though the ugly sheets had thankfully disappeared from view. The ship was quiet now, without the engine running you knew you had to be back on the ground, and you could hear a distinct hum of activity coming through the walls. Space port? He flew us into town? The thought was replaced immediately with a rich, savory smell coming through the air vents: FOOD! Your gut grumbled loud enough to resonate through the cabin and earn you a confused look from the baby. When was the last time you really ate? You’d been living on ration packs for the last couple of days. That was going to change right now.
“Ya hungry buddy? Me too! Maybe that’s where your dad is, hmm?” Grabbing your old backpack and hooking the baby under your arm you started punching buttons on the wall to get the door open, sending walls sliding and cabinets opening before you got one of the access ramps open. Bright double sunlight nearly blinded you, and on reflex you covered the baby’s giant googly eyes. It took a moment for your own to adjust to the radiant light of the Tatooine morning, and the smell of cooking food hit you like a ton of bricks, making your mouth water. As your eyes adjusted you were able to take in your surroundings: though it was bright outside you were parked low inside a maintenance bay, the walls of which soared high above you; littered with engine parts and humming with droid activity. Sound was the last input your hungry brain could process, but when it did you didn’t like what you heard. The sounds of an argument echoed around the hangar, high and shrill.
“I already told you, you can’t park here! You’re bad for business!”
“I just need to park here long enough to get supplies.”
“Well you’re gonna have to pay up, Mando! I’m not running a charity here! You got credits for supplies you got credits for parking! Up front this time!”
Oh no.
Of all the mechanics and docking hangars in Mos Eisley he had to pick this one. The fireball of a woman barely came up to your partner’s chest, but she made up for it with unbridled fury; and the giant cooked animal leg she was swinging around like a club between bites made her look even more formidable. She noticed you coming down the ramp and stopped grilling your comrade long enough to glare daggers through your skull.
“Oh NO! No nope nuh uh! You can turn right back around and get back on that ship, missy! I knew it! I knew you were bad for business, Mando! What’re you doing running around with her? I hope she’s your bounty because she’s your problem!”
“Peli.” Your words were cold as ice, but the squirming baby in your arms took all the malice out of your stance. He wiggled until you set him down, and he ran towards the mechanic with open arms.
“Baby! You can stay but your dad’s gotta take the mean lady somewhere else! She cheats at sabacc!”
“You lost fair and square, Peli! Try playing a better hand next time!”
“Ladies please!”  Mando cut through your bickering, holding his arms up between the two of you like he was trying to corner a pair of wild blurgs. “If I let the child stay with you for the day, will you let me park the Razor Crest here? Just for a couple hours?”
Peli bounced the child on her hip, offering him a bite of her breakfast. The baby squealed happily while he sank his little teeth into the mighty snack, though the size of it comically dwarfed his itty bitty hands. “I’ll tell you what, you let me keep him and then maybe I’ll let you park here in a week.” Mando cocked his helmet at her with disdain and she huffed loudly, “Well if you put it that way, I guess you can park here, but you gotta put five hundred credits down, and not a cent less!”
Mando reeled, stabbing his hands to his hips with indignation. “Five hund- absolutely not! What am I going to buy our-” You interrupted his tirade with a hand on his shoulder, waving a slew of credits in front of his eyes. Peli snatched them out of your hand, fanning them out like cards to count them.
“Who’d you cheat these outta?”
“Don’t worry about it.” You leaned casually against your metal man, eyeing Peli with a smug look on your face. “Let’s go, Mando. Bye baby green bean, have fun with Auntie Cheats-at-Sabacc!” You spun him around by the hand and dragged him towards the exit, ignoring the insults being slung at your back. “We are getting breakfast and that’s final!”
The Mandalorian allowed you to pull him along a few feet before grinding his heels into the sand, shaking his head. “You have to stay here.”
Now it was your turn for sassy head tilts. “I just paid for your parking, buckethead, that makes me in charge and I’m hungry! I’ll buy you breakfast too if you want.” He didn’t budge, fixing you with that intense stare of his and grabbing you by the shoulders.
“You are still being hunted. Mos Eisley isn’t safe for you.”
You knew you could look after yourself, and he himself had compared you to a ferocious rancor just yesterday. You groaned loudly, “Shit balls of hell. But dad, I’m huuunngry!” The man bristled at your paternal harassment, sighing heavily and letting his helmeted head fall to the side like the world was ending. He glanced around the hangar exit, his shiny beskar snapping to each object of interest until he located a protocol droid corpse that was missing everything from the waist down. He strode over to it and held it down with one boot, yanking it by the head until it popped off. He began prying the droid’s vocorder apart at the mouth, pulling it wide until the droids face plate broke off with a snap! Tossing the rest of the logic processing unit to the ground, he held the face plate up to the light, inspecting the clarity of its photo receptor casings. He bent back down to the junk pile and fished out a stray wire to thread through the ruined audio processors, then tossed the finished creation to you.
“Put that on.”
You turned the makeshift mask over in your hands to check for sharp edges before you pressed it to your face. The bug eyes on the front were dirty, but you could see well enough. Before you could clean them more thoroughly you felt the weight of fabric on your head, his cloak now worn as your own. The thought of how you must look made you giggle. “You make me take my clothes off, now you want me to put clothes on. It never ends with you, Mando. Next you’ll be forging me beskar. Now can we eat something, please?” Without a word the armored man turned on his heel and walked out the hangar exit. I’ll take that as a yes.
Mos Eisley buzzed with life, people and animals and things you couldn’t explain made their way up and down the bustling streets. The smell of food led you to a vendor selling something that could have been a root vegetable, covered in herbs and spices and grilled to perfection. You couldn't wait, all thoughts of self-preservation went out the window as you hauled ass to the stand, waving two fingers in the air. When you had both of your prizes in hand you stuffed the savory veggie under your mask, sighing contentedly at the taste of real honest-to-Maker food. “Hey tin man, I hope you like... whatever this-” You turned to offer your partner something to eat, but he had disappeared from the crowd. “Alright... more for me.”
Taking a newspaper from the vendor you wrapped the extra snack up tight and threw it in your pack for later, continuing to chow down on your own. You would find Mando eventually, and you had credits to spend. You had held onto your hush-money for months to avoid suspicion, but now it was burning a hole in your pocket. Wandering the streets of Mos Eisley from merchant to merchant you began accumulating a small hoard of supplies, ranging from bacta to hand tools, and food. Whatever you could get your hands on that would survive hyperspace when you inevitably left this fucking dirtball for good; though you still weren’t convinced that you wouldn’t be making that flight in carbonite. You picked out new clothes and underwear, a much-needed bedroll, and some soft bantha-wool blankets. Something further down the marketplace caught your eye, and you made your way to the fancier items that glittered in the double daylight. You didn’t wear jewelry yourself, a poor choice of attire for a hunter, but the way the trinkets caught the light still made you wistful. Your hidden eyes danced over the glittering treasures; jewels and geodes that had been found deep in the sands and polished to a radiant shine.
You spotted something opalescent at the end of one table and found a pair of krayt teeth, each about the size of your palm. They had been sanded to a smooth, flat finish and carved with intricate desert patterns. The backs of them had tiny fittings that could be sewn on as buttons, or pulled off to reveal magnets. Something about their shape seemed familiar, though you couldn’t imagine why in that moment. You purchased the unique pieces anyway, something to remind you that even the harshest of places could hold hidden beauty. After a while you had so much junk piled in your arms that you could barely see over it, and tin man was nowhere to be found. You spotted a courier droid and paid for it to deliver your treasures back to Hanger 3-5, though you kept the pricey teeth in your pockets. With your arms free you started looking for your missing comrade.
The streets were busy with people, you would have to get somewhere out of the way in order to scan the crowds. Your eyes went from shimmer to shimmer, looking for his reflective chrome dome. “Big jerk,” you mused to yourself “‘Mos Eisley’s not saaafe...’ If he’s so worried then where the hell is he? Bah!” The scratched-up photoreceptor casings of your mask made it a challenge to see through the crowd, and you took a moment to adjust the iris apertures so you wouldn’t have to keep squinting into the double sunshine when you felt a hand on your back. Finally. “Mando, where have you-”
“Mando? Whos’sis man-do? Nah sssweetheart, I think you got me confused wi’ sssomeone elssse.” The slithering voice in your ear made your blood run cold. Not Mando! You rocketed your elbow backwards, connecting with the gut of the stranger on your back with an -oof! The hand let go long enough for you to make a run for it, and you tore off down the streets of the busy spaceport, smashing into bystanders in your wake. You cast a quick look behind you to see a large reptilian body flying after you, brownish scales catching the reflection of the noonday suns. Though you had your blaster, the risk of hitting a civilian was too great, so running would have to do. You were thankful for the courier droid that had freed your hands just minutes before as you barreled down the busy streets.
Market stalls flew past you, your boots kicking up sand and dust. The mask on your face, as dirty as it was, kept the debris from your eyes as you raced through the sunburnt city. You had to lose this fucker and fast. You turned down an alley, left, right, another right, leaping over supply crates and low fences like a lothcat. You turned to see if you had lost your chaser, breath heaving and heart pounding. Behind you was clear, but you took your eyes off your path for just a second too long, and were taken by surprise when a heavy weight fell on you from above.
The Trandoshan had gone over the low sandstone roofs, chasing you easily through the alleyways of Mos Eisley while you were none the wiser. He pinned you under him quickly, ripping your blaster off your hip and pointing your own barrel in your face. “Tha’ss enough, princesss! Nice n’ quietlike now. You gonna make me a pretty penny you are.” The lizard’s words dripped with metaphorical venom, though you were sure by the look of those fangs that real venom was probably right behind. “Ahm gonna cart yer arse right back to th’ Guild’n I’ll become th’ most famous hunter in th’ galax -urk!”  With a sickening gag the hunter above you grew a shiny new fang in the back of his throat before falling down dead on top of you, a vibroblade protruding from back of his skull.
“Took you long enough!” You hollered at your chrome companion, who was stepping forward to kick the carcass off of you. “Where the fuck have you been? Getting your rifle polished?” He pulled you to your feet, handing you your blaster while readjusting the mask on your face. You swatted at his fussing hands, but when you looked at him you were shocked to see not one but three blinking bounty fobs dangling from his belt. On the ground by the dead lizard was a fourth, flashing rapidly in the sand.
“I told you you weren’t safe! We need to leave right now.”  You were barely able to grab the remaining bounty fob while you were being tugged away by your allied hunter. He had a death grip on your hand, pulling you along behind him towards what you hoped was the docking hangar. You would have to cross the main street to get there, and as the pair of you plowed across the dusty, busy road there came shouts from either side. More hunters, fucking Guild! You didn’t have a single second to assess them before you were lead through an alley on the other side of the street. These were darker than the ones you had run through on the west side of town, and shady bodies moved quickly out of the way of your living locomotive.
At the end of a narrow alley you both burst through a door leading into an abandoned building. The darkness was almost worse than the blinding sunlight, you would need time for your eyes to adjust but the Mandalorian had enough sensory detection equipment that he ghosted through the ruinous building with ease; never once letting go of your hand as you tripped and stumbled through the dark. The sound of crashing and shouting was hot on your tail, the other hunters had followed you and were gaining fast. You saw a light rapidly approaching ahead, and the two of you burst out into the brilliant daylight to the worst possible place: a dead fucking end.
“There! Get down!” Mando pointed at a pile of rubble, probably big enough to hide behind, but that’s not how you handled business.
“Fuck you! I’m not going down without a fight!” You pulled your blaster out and aimed at the incoming assailants. He growled at you and stepped closer, putting his body in between you and the door. The reptilian hunters burst from the darkness of the warehouse, firing rapid shots of blaster charges that bounced off of Mando’s beskar. You fired over his protective arm, taking out the first one and tripping up the second, who fell over his cohorts limp body. Mando took shot after shot to the chest, reeling with each impact. His other arm cocked back and shot out, sending a wall of fire into the last of the Guild’s hired guns.
Both of you were panting, shaking and sweating from flying through Mos Eisley, but the sound of blaster fire would draw attention and you knew there was no time to waste. You stepped over the incinerated corpse, making sure the fob it carried was melted, the second body still squirmed in the dirt, and you weren’t going to let it get a second chance, firing your blaster through it’s scaly skull. You picked the remaining two fobs and stuffed them in your pockets, making a run for it back through the building with Mando right behind, the blaze of his flamethrower lighting your way.
You took a different door out of the building and were relieved to see the words ‘HANGAR 3-5′ painted in bright blue Basic straight ahead. You skittered through the entrance, rounding the corner and dropping down behind the edges of the hangar doorway. Mando did the same on the other side, both of you pointing your blasters back towards Mos Eisley’s dark heart. Bootsteps behind you made you snap around, and you nearly shot your mechanically inclined host.
“You kids have fun out there?” Peli stood over where you were hunched, and you lowered your blaster to the ground. At her feet your little buddy was holding onto her pant leg, making big puppy dog eyes at you. You looked over to Mando to make sure there weren’t any more coming, but he still held his blaster out ahead. After a few tense seconds he lowered it down until it was back in its’ holster, then pulled himself to his feet.
“We can’t stay any longer, we’re putting you in danger. Time to go, kiddo.” His charred beskar still shimmered when he bent down to pick up his adopted son, who chirped with delight. “Thank you for watching him.”
“He can stay any time! Oh and thanks for all the snacks you made that droid bring me!” Peli called after the three of you as your party quickly boarded the Razor, making you turn around and stick your tongue out at her. She happily flipped you off and started closing the ground entrance to the bay, letting you board the ship uninterrupted. Fortunately, the courier droid’s delivery had made it to the ship, though you couldn't help but notice a few of your most carefully picked snacks had been taken as collateral. Fucking Peli. As much as she infuriated you, there wasn’t another person on all of Tatooine that you would rather play sabacc with.
The old rust bucket rumbled to life, taking off into the midafternoon sky and pointed towards the stars. Finally! Bye motherfucker. The hazy atmosphere of the outer rim planet fell away below you until the light of the bright yellow world illuminated the Crest’s stern. The pre-Imperial scrapheap started howling with noise, and you were almost thrown to the deck when it blasted into the safety of hyper space.
Your heart was still racing and you struggled to catch your breath. Once you had yourself in order you started busying yourself with putting the supplies away, filling the food larder to capacity. The child was contentedly telling you about his day with his auntie in his cute baby gibberish, and you picked him up off the ground to give him a much needed hug, pushing your stolen identity onto the top of your head to give him kisses. You almost wanted to ignore the sound of heavy armored boots hitting the floor panel under the ladder, their wearer opting to jump down from the cockpit rather than climb. You could feel the fury coming off of him as he stalked over to where you were sorting your treasures.
“You could have been hurt! I knew it was a bad idea to let you go wandering around, even with your face covered. What if they’d caught you? I picked three of them off before you even saw one!”
“I had it under control, Mando! I’m not some princess that needs you coming to her rescue at every sign of a struggle. And you don’t get to let me do anything, you don’t own me!” The man under your scrutiny paced the cabin on stiff legs with his hands on his hips, helmet snapping with rage.
“I know you can handle yourself, but I need to protect you.” He said with a huff, “And that lizard was... he had you pinned down, had his filthy, scaly claws on you... Nobody should touch you like that! What if.. what if he... I- I- didn’t like that he was...” Listening to the sound of the gears jamming in his head made you realize the ridiculous thing he was trying to say.
“Are you.. Mando are you jealous?”
“No! I- I’m.. Cyar’ika I... ”
Oh no, you don’t get to be cute right now. “I don’t know what that means, Mando! What is that, some kind of sexy little pet name you use on all the girls you take underneath of you?”
“NO! I didn’t- I would nev- I’ve never had... There’s never been- no!” Oh how you wished you could see his face, watching him flail trying to defend himself from your accusation, he was probably white as a sheet under all that armor.
“Never what, Mandalorian?”
“I’ve never had anyone in this ship before!” The Mandalorian’s confession lost steam halfway through as embarrassment and fear crept into his throat, threatening to choke him with his own secrets.
“Wait.. wait wait. Never? You’ve never had anyone in this ship or...” You started approaching him, analyzing his visor for hints of meaning. “Or you’ve never had anyone at all?” The Mandalorian stopped his pacing, but his shoulders looked like they were carrying the weight of the galaxy. His silence told you everything, and the last piece of his puzzle fell into place. “Mando...was I your first?”
“Y-yes.” His visor tilted up to you, hands fidgeting at his sides. His voice was faint and sheepish, a stark contrast to the thunderstorm you were arguing with a moment ago.  Your eyes were full of questions, all racing through your mind so quickly none of them made it to your mouth. The metal man answered them all for you in one singular motion, raising his fist to knock a couple times against his beskar helmet. His creed.
“So, what, you guys aren’t allowed to have sex?”
He sighed his heavy, trademarked sigh and plopped down on the nearest supply crate with a defeated thud, cradling his head in his hands. “No it’s not that. Not... not exactly. In Mando’a the word we use is me'dinuir. It means ‘to give’, specifically to give yourself to another. And... when you give yourself away to someone-“ He turned the black gloss of his single eye up to you, “-you belong to them. That is The Way.”
The weight of his words made your blood cold. He was jealous, but not just because that other hunter had put his scaly hands on you. Everything about his attitude around you suddenly made sense, the way he had looked at you when you were presenting yourself to him that first day, why he never threw you in carbonite when he probably should have, and how he had stayed with you through the night after you nearly died hunting his bounty. His mysterious way of life decreed that giving his body to you meant that he had also given you his soul, and that made you just as important to protect as his foundling.
Mando reached out to pat the fuzzy green head of the baby you were still holding, who gibbered sleepily up at his armor plated papa. “I’m sorry to put that on you, and I’m sorry for how I acted. You’re not my bounty anymore, and I shouldn’t try to control you. I understand if you don’t want to continue with me to the next bounty. You can take whatever you want from the armory when we land next. I’m.. I’m so sorry.” The monolithic man looked so tiny now, sitting on the edge of the crate with his shoulders hunched. He reached his arms out to take his infant son from you, hugging him to his blast-burnt chest and smoothing his massive ears. "I didn’t get to thank you for washing him earlier, he smells really good.”
You desperately needed to know more, though the sight of him fawning over his sleepy son made your heart swell. “I kinda got the feeling that you were rusty when we met, but that was actually your first time? And what does that mean ‘you belong to them’? How can you belong to me? I don’t even know your name.”
"It means that I’m now sworn to protect the one that carries my soul. I’m not asking you to do the same, you’re not Mandalorian.”
His words made you feel sick, ashamed that you had taken something so sacred from him without a second thought, but how could you have known? He could have stopped at any time, you were the one in cuffs that day, not him. No, out of trillions and trillions of sentient beings in the galaxy he chose to give himself to you, knowing full well what his heritage decreed. Why you? Arms crossed, you dug deeper. “You’ve never seen another naked body than your own?”
He shook his head. “Just... holo-vids...”
You were going to have to ask him about those later. “Nothing? You’ve at least kissed someone before though, right?”
Maker fucking help you. “Yeah you know, kissing? The thing you do with your... oh, right." You reached up and tapped him twice on the beskar. “You need your face to do it.”
He cocked his helmet at you. “Can you show me?”
The innocence of his question made you melt. Fuck you, tin can, you’re not supposed to be cute when you’re in trouble. You reached your hand out, demanding he give you his, and shyly he obeyed. You pulled his hand to your lips, unsure of how much he could actually feel through his thick leather gloves. You pressed his hand to your lips and watched his whole body snap straight. “Kiss, like that.”
He was staring at his hand like he’d never seen it before, and after a moment he pulled your locked fingers to his head, tapping his forehead with the back of your hand. “Kov’nynir, But we do it with our helmets.”  At this rate you’ll be speaking Mando’a in no time. He still held your hand gently, running his thumb over your fingers. “I think I like your way better. Could... Could you do that again?”
So polite, maybe having him stuck with you wouldn’t be so bad. You pulled his hand back to you, giving him another soft kiss on the side of his thumb, and you heard the sound of his breath catching in his modulator. Your lips pressed to each of his knuckles, and then you turned his wrist to kiss his palm. “How’s that?”
“That’s amazing.”
“You like that? Watch this.” Addressing the bantha in the room would have to wait. You tugged his glove off, revealing the warm bronze skin underneath and kissed him again. The hitched breaths coming out of his modulator were honey to your ears, and you turned his wrist over to kiss his bare palm again, hunting for more sweet sounds. His body was so stiff, so tightly wound you thought he might snap. “Are you ok? Do I need to stop?”
“I- I- want to... Can... Can I try?” You nodded, your heart jumping to your throat at the thought of him removing his helmet in front of you, but instead he gently reached up to the busted droid face you still wore on your head. With a twist of a knob the armatures inside of the eye casings coiled shut, and when he slid the mask down into place you were thrown into total darkness. “Can you see?” You shook your head. “Promise?”
You sighed, long and frustrated. “I promise, dark as a sarlacc’s backside.” You were met with only silence. Then, after what felt like an eternity you heard the sliding sound of metal as the child’s pram shield slid closed, then the shuffle of armor being removed, and lastly the dull thunk of something heavy being set down on the crates. His hand found yours again, and he pressed his lips against your skin. They were hotter than you were expecting, and soft, almost plush. You understood right away why he was so rigid when you were doing the same, it was amazing. Gentle kisses made their way over the back of your hand and made heat flood through your veins. He moved slowly over each joint, following the same pattern you had shown him, then turned your hand over and kissed at your fingertips. Something fuzzy brushed along with his lips, and you imagined that he might have a mustache. The shivers that crept their way up from your captured hand knocked all the strangeness of your conversation out of your mind, but when he reached your wrist he stopped.
“Where else do you kiss at?” You nearly fainted at the sound of his unfiltered voice, a rich baritone that dripped with dark intentions and stole all the words from your mouth. You could only point with your other hand at the forearm attached to the hand he held. Again you felt his lips on your wrist, then slowly, inch by agonizing inch he made his way up your arm, each kiss slower than the last until your toes were curling in their boots. When he reached the edge of the tunic’s sleeve that hung at your elbow he paused again. “Where else?”
“Everywhere.”  Your tormentor hummed at your consenting words and let go of your hand to run his palms down your clothed thighs. When he reached your knees he pulled on their joints, bidding you to bring your legs up over his lap. When you were seated on him he resumed his trek up your arm, kissing at the crease of your elbow and then upwards over your tunic until he reached your shoulder. When he got to your neck you almost buckled over, but his hands were at your back in an instant, wrapping heavily around your waist. Your own hands made their way to the nape of his neck, and your fingers found the edge of his hairline that you had felt before. To your delight you felt that the tousled curls went all the way up, and you tangled your fingers in them, exploring their softness while he explored you.
His journey led him up your neck to the base of your jaw where he nipped gently at the sensitive skin like you had done to him last night, sending a fresh wave of goosebumps from your head to your toes. When his nose bumped the edge of your mask you were suddenly aware of how silly you might look with your big bug eyes. “Can I take this thing off?” you asked in a whisper. “I won’t look.”
“I have a better Idea. Hold on tight.” You dug your hands into his shoulders and felt his arms wrap under your legs as he stood up, lifting you with such ease that you wondered if he felt your weight at all. His boots echoed through the cabin until he stopped at the other end. You hung on for dear life while he climbed the ladder with you still wrapped around his front. When you both reached the top you let yourself unwind from him and scooted on your butt over the floor, listening to the sound of him pulling himself all the way up. You remained seated as your host fussed around the flight deck, the noise of buttons pressing and switches being thrown the only input to your deprived senses.
You were only unattended for a moment, then his hands found your waist, fishing for the edge of your shirt. The tunic was pulled up and over your head, taking your mask with it, and you squeezed your eyes shut to protect his modesty; unsure of what his unconventional oath to you included in the fine print. Your diligence was rewarded with a kiss on your forehead, then down to kiss both of your closed eyes, and then lastly to your lips. The searing heat of his mouth on yours threatened to throw your eyes open, but when they fluttered all you saw was darkness. The transperisteel’s blast shielding had been closed, and the only light in the cockpit came from a handful of illuminated buttons on the dash.
He was lying over top of you on the metal floor, one arm wrapped under your neck for support. The cold decking under you was uncomfortable, but you couldn’t be bothered to care, letting yourself be consumed by his kisses and becoming drunk on the scent of leather and adrenaline. The soft fuzz of his facial hair tickled slightly as he pressed into your lips, and you couldn’t help but smile. Your hands went to his face, running your thumbs over his cheeks and feeling what you weren’t allowed to see. His face was scruffy but not unkempt, and the bristles went all the way from his jaw up to the bottom of the defined nose that bumped against your own. You felt the creases on the corners of his eyes, wishing you could see his smile lines and all the stories they would tell.
You kissed him back, letting your tongue glide over his plush lips and making him inhale sharply. You licked into him again, and this time you were met with his tongue as well, just the faintest touch of its tip. He hummed in your mouth, and the sound of him so close made your belly pool with heat and your kisses bolder, sending your tongue deeper into his mouth until he was almost vibrating with the sensation of you exploring something as forbidden as his human body. He mirrored you as best he could, rolling the smooth muscle over your lips and the edges of your teeth until you were both lost in each other’s taste. He pushed his forehead against yours, pulling his mouth away with frantic breaths that spread fire over your skin. “Everywhere?”
You pushed your lips against his again, giving him an ambitions ‘Mmhmm’ as an answer. His growl made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you realized where his goal was. He kissed and nipped his way down your throat, letting his tongue glide over your skin. He made his way to your breast, taking its’ tender tip between his teeth and making you gasp. He sucked at it gently, rolling his tongue around it while it grew harder for his efforts. The hand not under you groped at your free breast so it wouldn’t be ignored.
An urgent chime echoed in the tiny space, the hyperdrive indicator was flashing its countdown warning: 10 minutes remain.
The Mandalorian’s growl on your breast made your blood turn to ice and your core flush with heat at the same time. He wanted to devour you, taste every single inch of your exposed skin, but time was not on your side; and he became a man on a mission to prove himself worthy of you. Bristles dragged over your skin as he slid down your belly until he hit the edge of your pants. They were yanked off so fast you briefly worried about the krayt teeth that were still in their pockets, but you didn’t have long to think before Mando was poised over the apex of your thighs, kissing at each leg to make his intentions known. Those must be some good holo-vids you’re watching, tinman. You let him push your legs apart with his chin, receiving a soft kiss on each one once they were far enough apart for him to stuff his face in between.
Your back arched, hard, followed by the most ragged moan you‘d ever heard escape your throat. The grip on your thighs kept you in place as he lapped at your clit, sucking and teasing in an experimental way. His inexperience didn’t seem to matter, his hunger for you fueling his efforts and making you squirm in delight. Your hands sought desperately for something to grab onto to keep yourself grounded, finding his lovely curls to bury your fingers in deep. It was all you could do to hold on for dear life, tangling in his hair and struggling to breathe as he worked you into a frenzy.
The noises coming from below your waist were heavenly, wet and greedy in between his hums of contentment. It took you a while to realize they weren’t hums at all, but alien words of worship being prayed at your sinful altar; but the blood pounding in your ears and the gasps from your throat were too loud for you to hear his devotion.
“Beep beep!”  Five minutes remain. Fuck.
The Mandalorian’s efforts doubled, running his tongue almost too quickly in his attempt to eat you alive. You let your hips grind into his mouth, begging him to bring you your release, and it wasn’t long before he succeeded. Stars flashed behind your eyes as you came into his hot open mouth, but he refused to leave until he had drank his fill of you. Eventually he pulled his face away from your spent heat with agonizing slowness, as if he would rather drown than address the impending drop from hyperspace. He kissed at your shaky thighs, your soft belly, and each breast before pressing his lips into your panting mouth, pushing the taste of you onto your own tongue. His breath was ragged, and you could feel the sweat of his brow where it was pushed against your face. 
He lifted away from you, and the weight of the handmade mask was draped over your face, making you groan with the displeasure of your passion being cut short. However, once it was in place, it was almost immediately pushed under by strong fingers to lift its edge, and you were given one last kiss to swear his promise of return to you.
“Din. My name is Din.”
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TAG LIST  @mrsparknuts​ @cookiejuicedesu​ @mandoinevarro​ @kaermorons​
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unnecessarywriting · 4 years
Tolerate It - Harry Potter (Part 1)
Request: Ohhh do i have a request for you!! Harry x reader one shot or a serie idk based on tolerate it by taylor swift. The drama, tears, fight, angst, but eventually cute and fluffy needy Harry🥰🥰
A/N: Sorry that I had to repost your request like this. Tumblr has been giving me problems. Also, I assumed you meant Harry potter but if you meant styles just let me know and I can write a new one. I hope this is good, and I will try to get part 2 out as soon as possible. Thank you for reading, and please don’t hesitate to request something!
P.S I know this part is really angsty but it will get better in the second part.
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Tolerate It
His warmth was something you cherished. Yes, past tense. The last time you felt it was that horrid day. That was the day that everything changed. Sometimes you wonder if you were wrong all along. He held onto you so tight, you thought you might never breathe again. You haven’t felt that in months. The funerals have gone by, and tears were shed for your friends. You wondered if  he felt guilty, or maybe even lost, but whenever he was with anyone else, he seemed fine. Hell, even when he was alone, he seemed perfectly fine. He wasn’t grieving anymore. The pain he felt had dulled, and you were left out in the cold.
He would write to his friends often, and you stood outside of the door. You would watch the quill delicately run across the page as he wrote about everything he was feeling. You didn’t have the same ability. All you had was Harry, and that was all you felt you needed. You were always by his side, and you worshipped the ground he walked on. Not because he was the “Chosen One” but because he was the love of your life. You used to be his. You still believed you were, but he had been distant.
Mornings in your house consisted of you waking up first. You would wait a while to get up so you could watch his face relax into the peace that you haven’t felt in too long. His body no longer wrapped around yours. You would fall asleep cold, and you would wake up with shivers. His comfort was no longer there. The only saving grace was his shirts that you managed to take away from him. He no longer placed them out for you, instead you needed to take them from the laundry. You would eventually get up and cook breakfast for two. Some mornings, he would come out on his own and sit down at the table, observing your movements. Other mornings, you would carefully walk back into your bedroom and wake him, telling him that breakfast is ready for him.
Then, the two of you would go to work, unless it was the weekend. Those days, you would try to organize some activities to do together, but he typically made plans with Ron. At night, you were typically home first, so you would start dinner, trying to have it on the table for his return. If he came home before you were done, he would go into the study to finish some ministry paperwork, or that’s what you told yourself. Your dinners would be quiet. You would sometimes ask him about his day, or his plans for the weekend. His replies were short. There was no need for him to disclose every detail of his day to you, but you would always wait for the return of the question. Once, you talked about your day, but he would just nod his head at your words as he ate. After dinner, he would return to the study, until he was ready to go to bed. Some nights, you would stand at the door watching him work, and you would eventually tell him of your plans to go to bed. Sometimes, he would offer you a glance and a nod, but those were few. For a while, you considered this to be the way that domestic life worked. You two no longer had to deal with the dark evil forces that taunted you in your school days. It wasn’t until one night at the Burrow that you learned about your mistakes.
You two were invited for dinner with the Weasley clan, as a way to just be together in a time of loss. You were excited to get out of the house and be with other people. It wasn’t often that you were with your friends. They were typically with Harry, but he made it painfully clear that you weren’t needed in their interactions. You always wrote if off as time away from you, which you could understand, but it still hurt to not see everyone as often as you used to. It was a part of growing up. That is what you told yourself on a daily basis. You love Harry, and he loved you. 
When you arrived at the Burrow, you offered to help Molly with dinner. It was something that you had grown used to doing since living with Harry. A part of you enjoyed all of the cooking and cleaning, but you also wished there was an ounce of appreciation from the man you shared a bed with. She declined your offer politely, and you were almost nervous to return to the living room with the others. You couldn’t explain why, but something about the welcoming, warm atmosphere in the Burrow made you uncomfortable. When you walked in, you could see that Ginny was in deep conversation with Harry. Hermione and Ron were sitting as close as they could without Hermione using Ron as a chair. You walked over to Harry and sat down. You kept your head slightly down. You weren’t really listening to the conversations around you, but you did hear a few comments from Ginny.
“I can’t believe you had to do that! Harry that’s absolutely ridiculous. When I read that in your letter, I thought you had been drinking and made it all up. You’re a madman.” She seemed to know more about your boyfriend’s endeavors more than you did. His response, however, set off a few alarms in your head.
“C’mon, I would never drink and write a letter to you.” His playful tone made you curl up into yourself. Luckily, Molly announced that dinner was ready. Throughout the meal, you were quiet. You were trying to process the emotions that were bubbling up, but you didn’t even know what to think. All that time in his study was spent talking to another woman. Yes, they were briefly together at some point, but you never considered that he would ever want to leave you. You continued to remain as an observer for the night. Arthur and Molly were perfect. He would compliment her shamelessly throughout the night. He thanked her for dinner and offered to help her clean up, but Molly was stubborn and pushed him away, but not without a kiss. That was what you wanted with Harry. That was what you deserved, but here you are, just being there for him. 
That night, you crawled into bed without him. You let the tears fall down, knowing that you needed to talk to him about your relationship. It pained you greatly, but you knew it had to be done.
The following morning, you made breakfast as per usual, but you didn’t eat with Harry. You left a note with his food saying you had an early appointment. He wouldn’t care, you thought. It was true though. Before you fell asleep the night before, you had made a call to an old friend who was in need of a roommate. When you told her that you think it may be over with Harry, she was very understanding, plus, she could use the money for rent, so she was ready to offer you the place right away. You spent the morning looking at the apartment and the room, which would be yours if things with Harry didn’t go well. She hugged you and wished you luck as you went to your job.
 That night, you returned home and cooked dinner. You made sure everything looked as good as possible. The door opened, and in walked Harry. He looked around and caught sight of you at the kitchen counter nursing a glass of wine. He shed his coat and walked over to the dinner table. You didn’t sit down with him.
“Aren’t you coming to eat,” he questioned. Your hands were shaking.
“Tell me Harry. Have I wasted my time here with you?” His head snapped to you, slightly angry.
“Excuse me?” His accusing tone set something off in you.
“Everyday, I make you meals. I ask you about your day. I wait around for you. I try to get your attention. And every single day I am left on the outside. No gratitude, no conversation. I would be surprised if you even knew what I do for a living. Harry, you write letters to your ex with so much enthusiasm, and you leave me untouched. Do you know what it feels like to love someone so much that you are willing to suffer through this torture? The emotional turmoil? So tell me Harry, do you even love me anymore? Or have I wasted all this time on someone who just tolerates having me around?” 
He was silent for a moment, registering everything you said.
“What does Ginny have to do with any of this? I’m allowed to write letters to my friends. It’s not my fault that you’re jealous. I am here almost everyday. I occasionally go out with friends without you present. You’re just clingy.” You scoffed at his response.
“Merlin Harry! Do you even hear yourself? You can be so dimwitted sometimes. You treat me like I am your servant. I’m not an elf. I am your girlfriend. You told me you loved me, but clearly that was only temporary.”
“Don’t start with this ‘you don’t love me’ bullshit. If I didn’t we wouldn’t be living together. You can be so insufferable sometimes Y/N. I need time away from you, and all you want to do is be there with me. ‘Harry let’s do this. Harry let’s do that. Harry come eat. Harry, how was your day? Who were you with?’ I can’t deal with these questions all the time. Why do you think I spend so much time in my study? I need to be away from you and your neediness.” The tears started to set their path down your cheeks.
“Well, then. I guess that answers all of my questions.” You got up and grabbed your bag.
“Where the hell are you going? We had a fight. Get over it and eat with me.”
“You’re getting what you want. I’m leaving you alone, or rather I’m leaving you. I refuse to just be tolerated by someone who is supposed to love me.” You opened the door and looked back at him. “I’ll get my things another time.” With that, you walked out the door, leaving Harry to his own thoughts.
Part 2
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makebank · 4 years
save me
Summary: You stop caring about your life. JJ comes in at just the right time. 
Warnings: drug use, cussing, unwanted physical touch
Word Count: 1.1k
A/N: i got a little carried away for a blurb, but had some time before work today. hope you enjoy!! idk how i feel about it but oh weeell. 
Request: would you be comfortable with writing a request where JJ has to save you from a situation gone wrong with barry and rafe?
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You were unsure of why you kept the company that you did. Maybe it was because you didn’t value yourself. Maybe it was because you didn’t think you deserved better. Or maybe it was just that you stopped caring. 
You were slumped into the back of an old dirty couch with your eyes glued to the table in front of. Rafe was smashed into your side, always near you. He was arguing with Barry about the white powder on the table in front of you. The house was filled with a bunch of other low lifes having nothing better to do than spend their time here. But hey you were there too.
“C’mon man let me and my girl get a little taste of the merchandise.” Rafe was always adamant about trying the product. Not because he cared about the quality but because he couldn’t pass up a line. You on the other hand didn’t care either way. You could go without it, but it was just always there. So why not? It’s not like your life was great anyway. The insufferable kook life surrounded you everywhere. Always pretending you were perfect. It was exhausting. Your parents loved Rafe, not even having a clue who he really was. Just that he, too, came from money. You had succumbed to the idea that this life was as good as it was going to get. So you decided you didn’t care to try for anything better. 
You rolled your eyes at their back and forth banter. You always hated coming to the cut with Rafe and dealing with his hostile drug dealers. “You say that every time Country Club. It’s fine. I always have the good stuff. Besides you still owe me money from last time” Barry tried to defend himself. Rafe just raised his eyebrow upset at not getting his way like always. “I will come through this time. I promise. I’ll charge the rich kids more this time.” Rafe was pleading like a child. Barry just huffed and started making a few lines. 
Rafe snorted the first then leaned back into the couch satisfied. He handed you the rolled-up bill and you followed suit. Every time it hit your system the rush was unexplainable. It made you feel good just for a moment. 
Just then you heard the front door slam open to a familiar blond pogue boy. JJ Maybank. You’ve heard numerous stories about him, but have only exchanged a few words every now and then. His eyes met yours for a moment in your blissed-out state, then he moved through the house shouting for what sounded like his dad. Rafe continued snorting lines, getting carried away like always. 
As you were just getting bored of watching him, Rafe left the room not even telling you where he was going. Barry, then saw this as his opportunity, he came over and sat next to you on the couch. You grimaced at the greasy man. He placed his slimy hand onto your thigh, and just as quickly you threw it off. He brought it back and gripped it even harder and started to slide up. “Stop!” You yelled hoping he’d get the hint or Rafe would hear and come back. But your eyes scanned the room and no sight of him anywhere. 
Barry leaned in, holding your body to the couch, and moved his lips to your neck. You felt queasy and violated. Tears started to fall down your cheek, as you came to realize you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. Just like the rest of your life.
“What the fuck? Get the hell off her man!” you heard a different voice shout. Barry was ripped off the top of you and thrown to the ground. Punches were flying to his face, delivered by the feisty surfer. 
You finally caught up to what was happening and found your voice. “JJ please stop!” as much as you hated Barry you didn’t want to cause any more problems with him, knowing the consequences. JJ listened and got off of the bleeding and groaning man. He looked at your defeated posture and tear stained cheeks. He reached out his bloody hand for you to grab.
“You want to get out of here?” He offered. You were unsure why he cared to help you. But you were more unsure of why you wanted to go with him. Rafe wasn’t your boyfriend, but he parades you around like you were. You allowed it because it made your family satisfied. But looking into his blue eyes, your heart started to speed up. And not because of the drugs for the first time. He made you feel safe just for a moment and something about him was so inviting. 
You nodded your head and placed your hand into yours. He pulled you out of the house and you both started walking down the unpaved road. “Thank you… for that.” you mumbled.
“Barry is a creep. I hate that dude. Besides you didn’t look too happy before that.” Your eyes went to the ground feeling embarrassed that people could tell how miserable you were. You tried so hard for it not to show. “Yeah. Life just sucks sometimes, I guess. You didn’t look too happy there either. Did you find your dad?” you were curious even though it was sort of nosey. He quirked a brow at you for noticing him too. 
“You can say that.” he looked disgusted by the topic of his father. “Well, I should probably head home. Thanks again. I don’t know why you helped me, but I really appreciate it.” JJ frowned at your words. “I don’t know why you spend your time with them if you’re miserable. You don’t have to be unhappy. I see you all the time y/n and you look like you hate your life. Come hang out with me today. I’ll show you a good time.” He started smirking full of himself. 
You were confused why you were thrilled at the idea of spending the day with him. But here in front of you was a person making you feel anything but empty. You were in no position to pass it up. You smiled in return, “Fine. It can’t be worse than Barry” you giggled. You’d deal with Rafe and your parents later.
JJ’s smile took up his entire face and he brushed his loose blond hairs back. Once more he motioned for you to take his hand. He intertwined your fingers and whisked you away from all the pain and suffocation of your life. 
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tonya-the-chicken · 3 years
I’m not going to change your views but it does feel a bit dismissive when you say it wasn’t that bad because he had rich parents who neglected him but hey they got a maid for him and he probably wasn’t outcasted or bullied so hey it’s not that bad right 🤷‍♀️! I don’t know he definitely didn’t have the worse out of the villains but I don’t know it felt a bit dismissive is all. Although we need to all remember these are fictional characters so have no idea why the other anon needed to get so aggressive! Also the person in the notes I don’t know how to say it but uh the whole the Todoroki’s had a rich father they didn’t have to work a day in their life take is not a good look. Just because someone has parents with money it doesn’t derail the fact that neglect can cause trauma.
Anyways for the real reason I sent this, you wonder why Dabi is so insane. Well take into account the neglect alongside the fact that he burnt to near death up on that hill alone at the age of what 13? That’s got to be extra traumatising, especially for a child that was already not mentally ok. We also don’t know what his circumstances were like after that fire, like was he homeless? Or picked up by someone nefarious? Kind of like AFO(not him exactly but someone nasty) who maybe fed on his brewing anger and hate instead of positive healing. I’m sure we will find out at some point? I don’t think it was just what happened in the Todoroki household or the fire that broke his mind? There had to be other factors after the fire after his “death”!
[[WARNING!!! I love Dabi as a character but I am not a woobifier so if you are too much into him don't read!!!! No complaints taken, y'all will be blocked for being rude I am too old to deal with people unable to interact with me in good faith (anon it's not for you, you are good and I can't understand your point of view I am just not as good as a person and too old for that shit)]]
I don't think I will change my mind either but I feel like the belief that every trauma is equally bad is just... Simply wrong. Like, we can legit compare this stuff and how badly it affects our brain, what do y'all think psychologists research 🤷‍♀️ Like, your therapist won't tell you this because it's not their job to make you understand you not the centre of the Earth (and it won't help because it is a legit trauma response that is very valid but is annoying you're fucking 25 yo). And to say that, neglectful parenthood is probably the worst parenthood style, as far as I know XD I wrote coursework about this (neglectful bitches are having a lot of need to make us the biggest victims (the bitches is me))... It also feels really American to me? Like, are we going to pretend people who got to live in a nice house and were neglect somehow got it as bad as people living in poverty or warzones? Hello? Imagine telling some orphan "I know you have no parents but actually, my trauma of my father not spending enough time with me is just as severe as yours". Bruh couldn't be me sorry... Like, even taking into account the fact that we can have weaker or stronger nervous systems or be more prone to depressive episodes *looks in the mirror and cries* I simply wouldn't find the guts to say my trauma is as severe as idk people who had physically abusive parents or no parents at all or who were disowned for being gay
And like **again** I am not saying that neglect is not traumatic I WAS NEGLECTED THIS IS TRAUMATIZING AS FUCK. I just am living in a country at war and with lots of discrimination problems and I like... Can't say I am the biggest victim. Sorry I can't though there were times when I was a lot more bitchy especially before being in therapy so I understand where you are coming from and I know what I am saying won't resonate with everyone (it's ok go on your own healing journey I believe in you) but this doesn't mean it is garbage and won't help me or someone else... I've already talked once about it but as a person, I am very easily irritated and envious and really not your local Jesus and partially my trauma turned me like this so being more humble about my sufferings helps me not be a complete bitch (believe me or not but people with traumas and mental illnesses are often insufferable *looks in the mirror* not me though I am perfect... BUT IT IS OK TO BE INSUFFERABLE OK??? like, bitch, that's normal. That's normal to stink when you are depressed it's ok to be a bitch when you are hurting. Forgive yourself because I forgive you (when you are not being an abusive asshole but if you apologize and explain yourself I will forgive that too)
The reason why I talk about the fact he is rich is that I've got a disease called leftism and I am a person of several marginalized identities and since this fandom LOVES looking at characters like real humans, I looked at Dabi this way. And if Dabi was a real human, I wouldn't sympathize with him one bit. I would fucking hate him for being the biggest entitled asshole who commits crimes for the reason his Daddy didn't give him attention. Bitch, my Dad didn't give me attention either! But somehow I don't kill people! And I don't even have money!!!! But like... I am not denying that neglectful parents are not a problem. It is. But he is overreacting, bro. He needs to humble down and recognize the fact he is a fucking idiot (he is). He has inherently so much more resources to recover and heal himself than I had... Yes, I am just being jealous at this point but honestly. Making an entire country suffer for you is not a good thing and y'all need to stop using trauma and mental illness as an excuse for people. No! Being abusive to people because of neglect is not valid, is overreacting and you had no reason to do that. I am dismissing your trauma because you are exaggerating it to make me sympathize with your asshole behaviour. I won't judge people with different sets of standards as I judge myself
I bet it would be dismissive and bad if I said it in conversation with someone who is currently struggling with mental health and is not a murderer. But guess what! I don't talk with humans and my friends the same way I talk on my Tumblr about fictional characters 🤷‍♀️ Not to mention I don't have rich friends akabsksbxm
I think with Dabi there's this whole thing where we saw him at 14 (poor baby boy) and 24 (a grown-ass boy) and... Like, I am so sorry for 14 years old Touya not receiving the help he needs (bruh so relatable) but I am not gonna act like 24 years old bitch can't get his ass to a psychiatrist (extremely unrelatable and infuriating). We shouldn't apply the same standards to kids and adults. We can talk all day long about how society is bad and how our parents ruined us but at some points, you gotta take your life into your own hands and do something and be an adult. And it's fucking hard when you're born with a shitty brain that was fucked up by your parents even more in a society where no one gives a fuck but I sincerely don't know another way to live. You will feel bad and want to die but you either keep on recovering or keep on getting worse and at this point getting worse is Dabi's *choice* That's how I live, that's my framework and I am, of course, extremely fortunate in a lot of ways but I just don't know how are you supposed to survive without the notion that grown people are responsible for themselves and their mental health. We can't act like adults are babies
But as a character, Dabi is fucking hot ngl. Like, do I sometimes want to murder my entire family, make them suffer AND commit terrorist attacks? We all do. Dabi is the dark fantasy of us neglectful bitches craving some attention. Gotta kill the president and tell everyone that my Dad sucks. Imagine the entire country hearing your Dad sucks? That's the juice, that's the dream. Trauma makes you vicious. I get the sentiment. Imagine all those fuckers who made you feel like shit pissing their pants and crying? Imagine your Mom being afraid of you the way you used to be afraid of her? People do have the desire for some violent justice but like... Think of bullied kids committing school shootings. But instead of a kid, it's a grown man who graduated school and who also have a rich father
Ok too much about irl stuff and philosophy shit. I know my way of talking is kinda brute so just know the way I treat people is different from that I treat fictional characters, in particular, I don't call real-life humans submissive and breedable... And stuff...
Damn Dabi is kinda good to project your hatred of your parents in bruh, I should write a fanfic about that (would be cathartic)
To the plotline, I am also very interested in what the hell happened with him after burning because... How the hell he wasn't found? I kind of DON'T want him to be groomed at this point because I feel like it won't be as cool as him just more naturally evolving into what he became. Like, surely, he is an asshole but consider this: as a villain, he is morally obligated to be an asshole
I feel like someone hiding him and Touya overstating the gruesomeness of his living conditions to the dude so he feels *bad* for him and hides him and feels sympathy and Touya gets attention but also begins to reassure himself in the fact his Dad needs to be punished... Idk it's a lot of mystery but I feel like more suffering won't deliver the point the way I want it... I mean it CAN be handled this way and initially I thought a lot about Dabi being brainwashed a bit or having his memories altered so it seems worse to him or even him being groomed or lied too but nowadays I am not into it. I mean I believe in Horikoshi and that he will handle him well 🛐
I talk a lot so I will summarize
If we judge him as a real human
24 yo Dabi - go fuck yourself bitch you older than me and act like a child and kill people, I couldn't care less about your trauma rich boy
If you want me to talk as his psychologist
Yeah, it is painful and sad, I understand him so much and surely, his trauma is valid as is his hatred but probably revenge won't bring him what he wants. And what he wants is love and attention. But he gotta make choices that will lead to his healing. He needs to *want* to heal. And we will step by step go to the healing because it is possible. He is loved and he is enough. AND YOU ALL MOTHERFUCKERS WILL HEAL I BELIEVE IN YOU BESTIES
Also his therapist (behind his back)
You won't believe it but my client is the most infantile attention whore I've ever met
But if we talk about him as a character... Very delicious soup
If you talk with your friends
Please, if your friends are being abusive to you or someone else don't even LET them say how their trauma made them this way. No. Nothing allows you to be an abuser. Call them out and stop them and make them talk to the therapist. Like, surely, there are extreme situations like severe mental illnesses or extreme neglect where we should be more forgiving but babying adults won't do you any good and won't make them recover
Yeah, I guess this is what I forgot to say. When I say "it wasn't that bad" what I mean is that I would be more forgiving to people who had it worse. It's more of a personal measure where I can tolerate stuff from people who had particular traumas or from those who suffered greatly (it's not my place to be a bitch here). I can forgive 14 years old or a poor person for stealing stuff but not the 25-year-old man who got no need for money and is not a kleptomaniac. I would be more forgiving to Shigaraki than to Dabi because Shigaraki was groomed a whole lot. Same for Toga, who is not even an adult or Twice who is a poor orphan. But that doesn't mean I would forgive them completely. All of them are shitty people. It's just that they had fewer resources and possibilities to not be what they became while Dabi had more but he acts like he is extremely hurt and the biggest victim which is like... There will be people like this in your life, please, don't make friends with them, they WILL abuse you
I talked a lot damn. It's adhd I can't shut up
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it-sy-bit-sy · 3 years
The ending of Attack on Titan: a shallow analysis
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(I don't think I should have to put a spoilers alert on a blog about the ENDING OF AOT, but in general if you mind being spoiled on a series, I advise you to refrain from attending discussions about the body of work until you've finished it in its entirety/come up to speed on the current chapter/episode. Screw hype dude, do you like being hurt? Also for the TLDR, it’s that Attack on Titan explores the cycle of hatred (Eren’s journey) AND love which is why Mikasa and Ymir become relevant at the end of the story.)
Since the newly added panels of AOT’s ending have been likened by some to the ending of Naruto, I'd like to say that Naruto's end truly hurt me; the way it flows into Boruto is so contrived it burns. A story that's always centered around powerful ninja bloodlines fighting political wars suddenly introduced aliens that harvest planets for energy as the super antagonist, and additionally they're the source of all our characters' powers as well as the jinchuriki and tailed beasts themselves. Then when you look at the plot of Boruto which heavily relies on the Otsutsuki clan as an antagonistic force, their whole existence feels like the transition from Dragon Ball straight into the first DBZ arc with Goku learning he’s really part of an alien race that was meant to destroy Earth.
I didn't detect so forced a role in the ending of AOT, but it's absolutely plausible to speculate that the alternate ending was influenced for this reason, as we know Attack on Titan wasn't produced through Isayama's involvement alone. Certain compromises are made when operating as a team, though it would be wonderful if the original intent of authors were more absolute in the world of production than they are known to be.
And as much as I don't enjoy half-hearted continuations of series for a royalty check, I ALMOST can't blame them for doing it...it creates (many) happy fans, more jobs, and Isayama gets his royalty check. The rest of us suffer but hey, artists need money I guess... 🥀 Moving on. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#1. Eren's development as a character
I never saw Eren's goal steered in the direction of breaking the cycle of revenge or hatred. He was acting wholly in his own interests. He's intensely selfish, doesn't want to change his views, and exists in the story to further the cycle itself. According to me, Chapters 129 and 131 perfectly explain his motivations for the rumbling.
Now before I go on, I'd like to bring a particular scene to mind. I do remember him saying this once (to Historia who had just told him killing the rest of the world is unjustifiable and wrong):
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Yes, he said that, but I don't think that is what he ever intended the rumbling to be used for.
After he stated that 80% of humanity was wiped out so Paradis will be safe for the time being, he neglected to answer Armin's questions in 139: "Did you really need to go that far? Are you sure you did all of this for our sakes?" We may also consider the thoughts he chose NOT to share in chapter 131:
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That combined with this excerpt from 129 is pretty much all there is to Eren's convictions.
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Those are the same words he said in Chapter 2 after his mother died.
So despite his brief period of self-loathing when considering 1) the countless lives in survey corps sacrificed for his sake, 2) being confronted with his and his father's involvement in the Reiss family, 3) everything he learned about his enemy--that all titans are formerly human, that the titan shifters were just children deceived by their world--he even admits to Reiner during Tyburn's speech (Chapter 100) that they are indeed in the same boat--and on top of that, admitting that the rumbling will do nothing to fix the course of history, he settled with the same conviction he held the moment he decided to do something to change the world.
Again, here's his words from 139 showing us just how angry a boi Eren was.
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This was Eren Jaeger...he didn't even really know what he was doing.
As a human being, Eren was very much in the cycle of revenge as much as everyone else was. His course of action never deviated too far from that path. He knew better, but he lashed out at the world to protect the few people he cared about anyway. He took freedom away from the ones who threatened him. He was a mass murderer, and so were the other soldiers in this series fighting for their own reasons, since titans were people. Survey corps were always slaughtering these people whom they saw as monsters. Marley viewed Eldians as monstrously and with as much hatred as Eldians viewed the titans. Eren did not try to justify his actions to everyone. He simply stopped seeing the value of life in others not important to him, as humans often do.
So what did he sacrifice 80% of humanity for? From 129 again:
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Them meaning his immediate friends.
No, he didn't care about their children's children and beyond because there's no way to control what happens when you're gone from this world. It wasn't his problem. Eren had 4 years at most left to live, and he wanted to do what he could to ensure his friends were happy before he left.
And as jarring as it was to see Eren become undone in the last chapter, I didn't find it completely out of character, because for one he was talking to his closest friend moments before his own death, and secondly, Eren was just a stupid human like the rest of the people in this series. Obviously, most people just want a normal life that they can spend with people whom they love. Eren was the same way, but was denied that future (and happened to be able to do something about it). Very selfish goals, but those chosen few were his world. Along with a general distaste for humanity, that's how I understand his character motivations.
*Which is to say in relation to the extra pages, Ymir's curse returning a generation or two after the events of AOT doesn't entirely void his actions. I’m assuming the power of Ymir apparently exists as a force of nature on this version of Earth period, so I suppose this points us to an endless cycle of humans eventually finding the power and using it as they see fit *
#2 Why is Romance Relevant to Attack on Titan?
I wasn't expecting a romance factor to be relevant at the end of the story, however considering that Mikasa's affection for Eren WAS her most prominent personality trait as a character, then the events that followed, I was forced to look back to a few moments in the series that could lend light to why, in the end, a romantic subplot ended the curse of Ymir. My conclusions are as follows:
1. Quite literally, the cycle of hatred never ends. Humans will always have a reason to be unkind to one another. We are animals after all; this trait cannot be reasoned through with logic, bred out, or defeated. We are a self-aware species (Eren's even aware of his own hypocrisy in Chapter 131). There will always arise those who take what they want for themselves because they decide in the end they don't care about others as much as they care about their own interests.
2. To make this second point, I'm stealing these words out of a certain machine lifeform's mouth, but bear with me here:
"But the humans...? Now THEY are interesting. Because they are an enigma! They killed uncountable numbers of their own kind, yet loved in equal measure! It's fascinating, don't you think? What could possibly drive such behavior? We have dedicated ourselves to unraveling this riddle of humanity..."
--Adam from NieR:Automata
AOT uses Eren and Mikasa as a case study of humanity. Humans hate and love in equal measure.
In Ch. 129, Zeke's piece here foreshadows the significance of those two for the story, I guess?
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Now everyone reading this series as well as the characters in it had noticed how much fondness Mikasa always had for Eren, and how aloof he always was towards her in return...that's something for them to work out.
Despite never really reciprocating Mikasa's feelings, Eren told Armin at the end of the series that yes, he enjoyed receiving her attention; he would have liked to live a happy life with her. So, Mikasa just liked Eren, Eren liked her... And similar to Mikasa, Ymir just liked King Fritz. It doesn't matter whether we think these feelings were sound or not; they did what they wanted with themselves. I suppose that explains the reason she was a mega simp for Eren in the whole story. Yes, this turn in the story reads like a different plot now, not one about war and killing monsters, but I'm pleasantly surprised that this trait taken as a flaw of Mikasa’s actually served as a necessary condition to end the conflict of the titans.
Eren wouldn't let go of his hatred of the world for his own satisfaction, Ymir wouldn't let go of her love of King Fritz for her own satisfaction, and Mikasa is the only one who decided to let go of her convictions in the interest of someone other than herself. That's what moved the curse.
I think Isayama used the characters of Ymir and Mikasa to demonstrate that while there is a cycle of hatred and revenge running rampant in humanity, the cycle of love doesn't stop either.
In closing, and I truly apologize for such a lengthy post; I hope I didn’t reiterate my point too often here...I didn't think about any of this until I heard so many readers upset with the way AOT ended. I'm not personally left with any disappointment in where the story went. I didn't know where it was going to go in the first place, and I think it could have been much worse for us in different hands. 
AOT is a story about the nature of humanity.
*And in regards to Jean, if that is supposed to be him with Mikasa in the new panels, all I can say is dude likes his girl. He was a simp for her and she was a simp for Eren, but the fact that they shared their lives together means a lot even if Eren was never completely buried in her heart. He meant a lot to her man, idk...
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violetwolfraven · 4 years
Lean on Me
45 for javid—requested by @livininmyhead
I’ve been lowkey parenting all my friends/siblings alone for a while and now you’re helping me and idk what to do with this???
((I know this is a bit different from my usual style, but I’m trying something out so I hope you like it, anyway.))
“Hey, what’s wrong, Elmer?”
“It’s nothin’. It’s fine.”
“It clearly ain’t, so what is it?”
“I didn’t make enough to keep my bed tonight. I’m gonna have to sleep at home. I prefer it here, most of the time, but for one night, it’s no big deal. Like I said, it’s nothin’.”
“Don’t you have like... 10 big brothers and sisters, all livin’ in a normal-sized apartment?”
“I have 8. Why?”
“Nah. You’re not goin’ back there. Sharin’ space is bad enough in a Lodging House, but at least there’s enough for all of us. You can sleep with me and Crutchie on the fire escape for the night.”
“Jack, I—“
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, Elmer. And I ain’t lettin’ ya say no, so can the ‘you don’t have to’ bullshit.”
“I... thanks, Jack.”
“Like I said. Don’t worry ‘bout it, kiddo.”
“Hey, Jack, ya got a minute?”
“Sure. Need to talk?”
“I was wonderin’... you’re good with things, right? Like... charmin’ people?”
“You’re askin’ me?”
“No, I know how to do it with just anybody to sell papes or whatever. But... but what if it was someone ya actually wanted to... ya know...”
“Ooh! Lookin’ to woo a girl, Romeo?”
“Um... maybe... kind of.”
“...oh. Oh, Ro... It ain’t a girl, is it?”
“No... is that wrong?”
“No. No, Romeo, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, or you. Never let no one tell you different. Just... be careful. I don’t have to tell ya what could—“
“You don’t.”
“If ya don’t mind me askin’... who is it?”
“It’s Specs.”
“Oh. Oh my... I should have seen that coming a long time ago. Okay, so, for flirting with Specs specifically, here’s what you’re gonna do, kid...”
“J-Jack! I’ll—“
“Hey, kid, where ya goin’? What’s wrong? Hey, it’s okay. It’s okay. Ain’t no shame in cryin’, Albie. It’s okay. Talk to me, kiddo. What’s up?”
“Go away!”
“No. Like I said, cryin’ ain’t anythin’ to be ashamed of. So why are ya cryin’? What’s wrong, Albert?”
“My... my mom. She’s been sick for a while, but now she’s... she’s...”
“Oh, damn. I’m so sorry, kid.”
“Get off me!”
“Albert, there is no shame in needin’ a shoulder to cry on every now and then, no matter what anyone says. And you just lost your mom, so if anyone’s got an excuse, it’s you. I won’t tell nobody. Just let it all out. It’s gonna be okay.”
“What is—Oh my God!”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know where else to—“
“Sniper, did your father do this? I know you’ve mentioned him bein’ bad before, but I never thought it was this bad.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Snipes... I won’t ask if ya don’t want me to. But the Lodging House has gotta be safer than—“
“My mom needs the money. I can’t.”
“Fine. If ya need to keep goin’ back for her... Remember that you’s always got a place here if it ever gets too much... but for now, I’ll patch ya up so you can go back to your ma.”
“Thanks, Jack.”
“Hey, Jack?”
“Yeah, what’s up, Mush?”
“You gave Romeo advice on... makin’ moves on people, right?”
“Yes, I did, and if he told ya to come to me... damn. I mean, I suspected, but 4 of my boys? I gots nothin’ against it, but I don’t like that it ain’t safe.
“Yeah... wait, 4?”
“My advice is good, kid. Ro’s got himself a boyfriend. And for you... it’s Blink, ain’t it?”
“How did you—“
“Mush, buddy, ya ain’t as subtle as ya think you are. And trust me; Blink ain’t soft with anyone, but he is with you. He likes you, too. Gettin’ him ain’t gonna be hard. All ya gotta do is be yourself and ask him out. Just pick somewhere that ain’t too obvious as a date spot so nobody suspects. Unfortunately, lovin’ other boys is dangerous, and I don’t wanna lose any of mine because the wrong people found out.”
“You won’t. I’ll be real careful. Thanks, Jack!”
“No problem, kiddo. Good luck!”
“Hey, Jojo, ya got a minute?”
“Yeah, why?”
“A couple of the fellas came to me, a bit worried about ya. I was just wonderin’ if you were okay.”
“Oh, no, I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Jojo, I’s heard a lot of lies in my day from a lot of liars. And you’s honestly got to be the worst liar I’ve ever seen.”
“It’s fine, Jack. I can handle it.”
“Mike said you freaked out and went to a bad place just cause he startled you. What’s that about?”
“He saw me writin’ with my left hand, okay? It’s fine. I just forgot what I was doin’ and didn’t mean to use it, but—“
“What’s wrong with usin’ your left hand?”
“It’s wrong. I’ll go to hell because of it.”
“Who told ya that?”
“The nuns.”
“Jo... can you control it? Usin’ your left?”
“No. Why does that—“
“If you can’t control it, ain’t doin’ it on purpose and ain’t hurtin’ anyone by doin’ it, why is it wrong?”
“Look, nuns say a lot of things, and most of ‘em mean well. But they’re learnin’ from a book written a long time ago. Times change. And look—Mush writes with his left. Do ya think he’s goin’ to hell?”
“There ya go. You’re fine just the way you are. Okay? Don’t let no one tell ya different. Need a hug?”
“A hug sounds nice.”
“Come here, kid.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please don’t—“
“Finch, calm down. You’re in the Manhattan Lodging House. You’re okay. You’re safe. Shh. Nobody’s gonna hurt ya here.”
“Are-are ya sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Your folks ain’t gonna find ya here, and if they do, I won’t let ‘em get to you.”
“I promise. Shh. It’s okay. I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’ll protect you, okay? You believe me?”
“Good. Hush, now. Get some sleep.”
“Hey, Jack. You awake?”
“Well, I am now.”
“Sorry... do ya really think we can win this? I mean... that Plumber woman is right. We really are just a gang of kids.”
“Hey. We’re a gang of kids with the wit and will to pull this off. We got a reporter willin’ to listen to us. And sure, she’s a girl, but...”
“That’s more than we’ve ever had before.”
“Exactly. We’ll be fine, Crutchie. Don’t you worry ‘bout it.”
“We’ve never had someone like Davey Jacobs, either.”
“We sure haven’t! He’s somethin’ else, ain’t he?”
“Yeah, but... what if Finch is right and the cops come bust our heads?”
“Then I’ll be there takin’ the first hit.”
“What I mean is, I ain’t gonna let him get to you or any of the rest of the fellas. Don’t worry.”
“I didn’t say anything about him, Jack.”
“Who said anything about him? There’s no ‘him.’”
“Jack, we both know more likely than not, he shows up. Are you gonna be okay?”
“It’ll be fine, Crutchie. I’ll be fine and so will everyone else.”
“That seems like a promise ya shouldn’t—“
“Goodnight, Crutchie. Go to sleep.”
“Whoa, Race are you—“
“I’m fine, Jack.”
“Pretty nasty shiner you’ve got, there, so I’d argue that you’re not, but that ain’t why I’m askin’. I know you, Race. I can tell when your smile is faked, and honestly, it is a lot more than it should be, but—“
“Spot didn’t come.”
“I thought he’d come for us! I thought he’d show up at the last minute to save us but then he didn’t and he just—“
“Whoa, whoa, slow down, Race. Slow down and tell me what’s wrong.”
“Spot Conlon and me... ya know we’re close, right?”
“Yeah, of course I know you’re—oh. Oh. Okay.”
“What? What’s oh?”
“Ya could’ve told me. I mean, I gots a bunch of queer pairs I’ve been helpin’ sneak around.”
“Spot and me ain’t—“
“Save it, Racer. I think we both know that ain’t true.”
“I... you’re really fine with it?”
“Sure. I don’t care who ya fool around with, long as nobody finds out ‘bout ya foolin’ around with boys.”
“No, Jack, ya don’t get it!”
“What don’t I get? What’s this about, Racer?”
“It’s not just foolin’ around! I... Jack, I think I...”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize... I didn’t think Spot Conlon had feelings.”
“That’s the problem, Jack. I don’t know if he does. The problem is that I think... I think I love him. And he didn’t come for me.”
“Oh shit... the L word. Are you... are you sure?”
“I don’t know! I just know that he’s... I care about him like I care about you, but different! He makes me feel like... like I don’t even know what! Like I’m ramblin’ and he understands it all! Like he gets every part of me! And it is so stupid, but I think I get him, too! Or at least I did! Cause I was sure he was coming, and then he didn’t.”
“I’m guessin’ Davey didn’t tell ya yet.”
“Tell me what?”
“Spot sent over a kid to say he’s comin’ next time, so... I guess your boy is comin’ for ya.”
“...yeah. I guess he is.”
“I guess you’ll get a chance to see if he feels the same, but... Hey, listen. I gotta go, okay? I got a man to see. Do ya need me to stay for a bit?”
“Nah, it’s... it’s fine. Thanks, Jack.”
“Hey, Jack, ya got a minute?”
“Oh, sure, Mike. Davey, mind if I step away for a second?”
“Is this something that needs to be a secret?”
“No. No, it ain’t a secret. It’s just... Ike didn’t come in tonight, and I knows he ain’t in the Refuge, cause the Refuge is gone, but what if he’s hurtin’ somewhere? He didn’t tell me he was gonna—“
“Mike, buddy, it’s okay. Calm down. We know where he is.”
“Ya do?”
“He came by and said he was gonna spend some time in Brooklyn.”
“Yeah, it’s late enough that he’s probably spending the night. I don’t know Spot Conlon that well, but he doesn’t seem like the type to let a kid walk all the way back here after dark.”
“He ain’t—you’re right. Look, if he don’t come to the circulation gate tomorrow, then we’ll worry. For now, Ike’s almost certainly fine.”
“You’d think he’d remember to tell his brother when he goes places. That shithead.”
“Davey, everybody curses ‘round here. Includin’ you, come to think of it.”
“I know, but... damn. I’m becoming my mother.”
“Jack... can we talk? Alone?”
“Sure, Kath. What’s up?”
“There’s no good way to say this... we need to end this. You and me.”
“Jack, I’m sorry, but... I don’t love you. Not like that. You’re a wonderful friend—don’t get me wrong—but I don’t love you. I never did. I just didn’t realize it because besides Bill and Darcy, I’ve never really had any friends. You were the first friend I’ve made in a long time, and... and now that I’ve gotten some time to be better friends with the others, I’m realizing that what we had was never real.”
“It wasn’t?”
“No. I... I guess I was attracted to you, at first, but that faded without me realizing it a long time ago. And I know saying this is hurting you, but... Jack, it wouldn’t be fair to either of us for me to pretend I still want to be with you when I don’t. The fact is, neither of us is what the other really needs. And honestly, I don’t think you ever really loved me, either, and... and if you’re with me, you won’t find that person out there who you will love. I have no doubt that you’ll find someone to love who loves you the way you deserve, Jack.”
“Don’t worry about it, Kath.”
“I really am so sorry. I hope we can still be friends.”
“We can be. Don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, Jack? Wait, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Buttons. What is it?”
“It’s nothin’. I can go ask Davey.”
“Ask Davey what?”
“Jack, it’s nothin’ you need to worry ‘bout. You’re clearly not doin’ so well due to the breakup, and—“
“I’m fine, Buttons! Seriously! What is it?”
“It’s just... I didn’t earn enough today to buy my papes tomorrow. Ya know—winter is rough on everyone. I was gonna ask ya to ask around if anyone can spare anythin’, but I can go ask—“
“Ya don’t have to ask Davey. I’ll do it.”
“Shh, shh, kid, it’s okay. You’re safe. Everything’s gonna be okay, okay? You’re okay. You’re safe, here.”
“Jack, what’s going on?”
“Oh, crap. I’m sorry, Dave. This is a crappy night for this to happen, bein’ your first night sleepin’ over at the Lodging House, but I can handle this. It’s okay. Go back to sleep.”
“Blink? Blink, are you okay?”
“He’s still... not really here. It’ll take some time for him to get back, but you don’t have to stay up. I can handle it by myself. Really, Davey.”
“That doesn’t mean you should have to. Blink, do you want me to leave?”
“Okay. Okay, I won’t. It’s okay, Blink. You’re safe. You’re in the Manhattan Lodging House. Me and Jack are right here, okay?”
“We’re both right here for you.”
“Specs, what the hell happened to you? Davey! Davey, get in here, and bring some bandages!”
“What’s wro—oh my God!”
“It ain’t the worst that’s happened, Jack, and you know it.”
“Yeah, that don’t mean I gotta like it. Was it..?”
“Some shitheads who didn’t like me bein’ darker-skinned than them? Yeah. I’ll survive, though.”
“You know how wrong that is, right Specs?”
“Well, obviously, Davey. I’m the one who got soaked.”
“Where are they?”
“Where are they? I get enough shit for being Jewish that I know a bit of what he’s goin’ through, Jack. And people like that—“
“Gettin’ soaked by a bunch of guys bigger than you won’t solve nothin’, Davey. And believe me, that is all that’ll happen if you go after them.”
“Fine. At least stay in bed tomorrow and rest up. I’ll sell extra to make up you missing.”
“I’ll help. Romeo probably will, too.”
“Thanks, Jack. Thanks, Davey.”
“Thank us after we patch you up.”
“If ya tell anyone about this, Jackie Boy, you won’t live long enough to see me deny it.”
“Relax, Spot. I ain’t tellin’ anyone. How’d ya wind up with a dislocated shoulder, anyway?”
“That’s my business. Are ya gonna fix it or not?”
“Oh, I’m gonna. It’ll hurt less if it’s a surprise, though, so’s we gotta talk about somethin’ else. Um... so, you and Racer?”
“...yeah, I guess.”
“That is so weird to think about. I never would have seen that one coming. I don’t need to tell you that if ya hurt him, Manhattan’ll go to war, right?”
“I ain’t gonna hurt him.”
“You’d better not.”
“I’m serious. I ain’t gonna—ah!”
“There. Your shoulder’s fixed. You’re welcome. And... you’s got real feelins’ for Race, don’t ya?”
“Good. Cause I‘s known Race a long time, and he fakes half his smiles. But the ones he gets when he talks to me ‘bout you are always real. He’s got it bad for ya, Conlon. You’d better not break him.”
“I won’t. Ever. Cause... cause maybe I’ve got it bad for him, too. But if ya ever tell him or anyone else I told you that—“
“I know, I know. I’ll be dead by midnight. My lips are sealed.”
“They’d better be. So... you and Walkin’ Mouth?”
“Where did you learn to braid, Jack?”
“Well, it was a long time ago, but I did have a mother once upon a time, Sarah.”
“Oh my God, I’m so—“
“It’s fine. I don’t talk about her much, but she’s been gone long enough that it don’t hurt so much. And ya know, when Smalls first got here, she had this super long hair that she needed to keep out of the way, ‘fore she asked Crutchie to cut it. Somebody had to help her.”
“Oh. That’s nice of you.”
“So, Sarah...”
“I was wonderin’... I ran into Spot Conlon a while back, and he mentioned some things about... do Davey and me act like we’s together?”
“You’re kidding me.”
“I thought you were together! I just assumed Davey wasn’t telling me about it because... well, you know.”
“Do you want to be together? With Davey?”
“...I don’t know.”
“Well, I’d suggest figuring that out, cause David’s always had a stick up his ass, and I’ve never seen him relax the way he does with you. You make him feel free to be... Davey.”
“You’re sayin’ he wants to be with me?!”
“God, Kelly. You really are oblivious. Yes, you stupid cowboy. So finish this braid and go get him.”
“Jackie, can you sit down? Please?”
“I can’t, Davey. I gotta—“
“Everyone’s accounted for. Well, except Race, but Jojo said he saw him headed towards Brooklyn earlier. He’s probably spending the night and forgot to tell us.”
“The dishes—“
“It was Romeo’s turn and I made sure he did ‘em hours ago.”
“I checked his ribs again this afternoon and he’s healing fine. Everyone’s fine, Jackie. Sit down.”
“...thanks, Davey.”
“You’re welcome. I think you forget sometimes that everybody needs somebody to lean on occasionally, even you.”
“I ain’t been leanin’ on anyone since I was... since I started leadin’ Manhattan.”
“And everyone leans on you. I know. You like knowin’ they’re all safe and happy, but who makes sure you’re safe and happy? Nobody—that’s the answer, so don’t try to argue it. So I guess it’s gotta be me. If no one else, I guess I’m the one you can lean on.”
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
Genre: angst | roommate!au | exlovers!au
Pairing: Lay x You
Length: 6.9k
Warning: Unfinished | Language | Adult Themes
Summary: Having a roommate isn’t a strange concept, but when that roommate is your ex? Things can get a bit complicated, especially if said roommate isn’t completely over you....
Author’s Note: For some reason, Yixing brings out the angst in me? I feel everything I ever try to write for him it’s highkey angsty like Jesus!! But this one ended fluffy. I just felt like, idk, it got boring? It got to cliche? I just didn’t like the way it was turning out and instead of trying to change the ending, I just scrapped the whole thing lmao. Really like the first half though, like I really did something there, huh? haha
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It was late evening and you were spending the time unwinding from a long day at work. A glass of wine at your side, you sat comfortably on the couch reading peacefully to yourself.
That was until the sound of a key unlocking the front door shattered the calm atmosphere.
Peeking over the rim of your gold reading glasses, you take in the intruder’s form. After stepping out of his shoes, his head swiveled around to meet your gaze, probably from sensing your stare. He nodded in greeting before dashing down the hall towards his bedroom, his door closing with a soft click.
It wasn’t always his room.
The mood you were in before he got there was now tarnished, as if you’d lost your appetite. With a sigh, you gently shut your book before leaning over to snatch ahold of the fragile neck of the glass holding the wine you had been sipping on. You downed every last drop of the blood red liquid, grimacing as it uncomfortably sat in your belly. Once that task was done, you leave to your bedroom—a room you once shared with the man currently inhabiting the one across the hall.
It’s safe to say that your life had gotten rather challenging lately. 
After another particularly draining day at work, you dragged one of your fellow coworkers, Kim Jongin, back to your condo for dinner. It wasn’t anything romantic. The two of you formed an instant bond after realizing you were the youngest people at the office you worked, thus leading to you getting closer, especially as of late. You usually would have dinner out or at his place, but made the impromptu decision to hold it at yours since he was whining the whole day about never being invited.
As you both crossed the threshold, his eyes widened in awe. “And I thought the outside was nice. I knew you were rich.”
Rolling your eyes, you led him deeper into the building. “My roommate makes a lot more money than I do, but we manage to live comfortably.”
“’Comfortably’.” Jongin scoffed, still taking in your home with a dazed expression.
After giving him a tour, you both settled on the couch in your living room, ordering takeout from three different places and putting a movie on. Once the food arrived, the two of you chatted and ate until you felt like puking and hung out like regular friends did.
About a couple hours in, you heard that dreaded sound of a key opening your front door. You stiffened anxiously, but Jongin didn’t sense your drastic change of mood, as he was too busy laughing violently—there really is no other way to describe the way he laughs—at the scene unfolding on the television screen. He did the whole bit: stomped his feet, slapped the pillow in his lap, and tumbled onto your own.
That was the position you were found in.
The clearing of a throat jolted Jongin upright. It was silent as he caught his bearings, wiping the tears that had fell down his cheeks as he regained his breath. Once he was composed, he blinked up at whoever made the sound.
Zhang Yixing stood beside the couch; scrutinizing your visitor who had sobered up completely with the dark look aimed his way.
“Um….” You scratched the back of your head awkwardly, not knowing where to start and hyper aware of the fact you were sat between both men.
“I see you have a guest,” Yixing finally spoke lowly. He pulled his gaze away from Jongin long enough to pin them on you. You gulped. His eyebrow lifted accusingly and, for some reason, shame overwhelmed you, as if you got caught in the act of something sinful. It caused you to slump into the couch and stare at your hands that were resting on your thighs. “Well, don’t let me intrude. Continue on.”
His words were friendly enough, but the tone revealed otherwise. He bid you both a farewell before taking off into his side of the flat.
Awkwardness flooded the area like a bad smell as Jongin and you shared a glance.
“Your roommate, I take it,” he said, throwing you a knowing look that didn’t go unnoticed.
You confirmed his statement with a simple nod.
“He seemed…like more than a roommate?”
You winced at his assessment, turning the other way in an attempt to hide your reaction. He sensed your reluctance to reveal anything and called your name, beckoning you to spill your secrets. With a groan, you gave in and spun around to face him.
“Fine! He just so happens to be my ex-boyfriend! Happy now?” You snapped. You had been hoping to avoid this conversation, aware of how bizarre your current living situation was. Not wanting to explain yourself was the main reason you hadn’t brought Jongin over in the first place.
The gears in his head started turning and you watched him process the information. With an almost audible click, he gasped dramatically as the truth dawned on him. Going as far as dropping his jaw and covering his mouth with his hand in shock. He pointed a shaky finger at you accusingly. “He…. You’re roommates with your ex-boyfriend?”
You brought your knees up to your chin, wrapping your arms around your legs, letting out a breathy, “yeah.”
“How, if I may ask, did that happen?” Now that he was aware of what was going on, he seemed more apathetic towards you.
“Oh boy.” You leaned your head against the back of the couch, staring up at your ceiling as if it held all the answers to life’s problems. “Yixing and I had been together for four years. Funny enough, we met the day of our college graduation. Went to the same college and didn’t even know until it was over. Anyways, as we grew closer and started our lives together, we, as most adults do, got super busy with our jobs. He’s really passionate about producing. He makes beats and instrumentals and sends them to huge entertainment companies. It wasn’t until he decided to send his lyrics in as well that he started getting picked up. In the past year, he’s kind of become a huge deal. He writes and composes songs for all kinds of major artists on this side of the world. You might’ve heard of him, his artist name is Lay.”
It took another moment, but then Jongin’s face fell into another one of shock. “I thought he looked familiar!”
“Yeah, he hangs out with all the famous people and has actually been preparing to debut as an artist himself.”
“So, is that why you broke up?”
You shrugged. “In a way. I got this new editing job and am starting to make connections myself. We both had been so busy trying to build our careers; we rarely had time to build on our relationship. One day he came home and I told him I wanted to break up. It’s not that I didn’t love him anymore; it was more like I loved him enough to realize I was hindering him, holding him back from becoming something great. Music is his main priority, the one thing he loves more than anything, loving me took some of that away.”
Jongin said your name softly, caressing your shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s fine,” you assured before continuing. “He took it very well. Almost too well. It stung a bit, I mean, he agreed almost faster than I could get it out! But it happened and the real issue arose: who kept the condo? Neither of us wanted to move. This place was our home, our sanctuary. The first real adult purchase we made together and it was filled with precious memories I didn’t want to move on from just yet. We argued over it for two days, until finally deciding it would probably just be easier for us to both stay. I mean, both our names are on the lease; it’s too expensive to live in alone and forget trying to find another roommate! This house is as much his as mine, so he just simply moved down the hall, into the old guest room he was using as a studio anyways, so it wasn’t like it was a drastic change for him. It’s been around ten months now and we’re amicable. I mean, the only thing we share is this living room and the kitchen and we rarely run into each other. It’s nice, I guess, all things considered….”
The past ten months replayed in your mind. The first two months were uncomfortable, to say the least. The shift from being lovers to simply roommates wasn’t as easy a transition than you led Jongin to believe. Seeing your ex-boyfriend everyday while cradling a wounded heart was beyond difficult, but you somehow managed. Threw yourself deeper into your work, hung out with both old and new friends, and joined a yoga class to keep yourself preoccupied. Before you knew it, the harsh sting of loss faded into a healing bruise that only hurt once pressure was applied. Seeing Yixing, as little as you did, wasn’t as bad anymore.
“Are you sure he doesn’t have any more feelings for you?” Jongin questioned hesitantly. “He didn’t seem too happy to see me here.”
Yixing’s deadly glare from earlier swam back to the forefront of your mind and you wondered briefly if he did still love you, but you immediately shook the thought away with a laugh.
“No. I highly doubt it. We’ve both had time to move on.”
“You sure?” Jongin asked again.
You nodded confidently. “Oh yeah. We’re just roommates.”
Jongin left soon after that conversation, not completely sold on Yixing not having feelings for you. Once he left, you got ready for bed. Yixing found you in the kitchen a little later, pouring a glass of water for your bedside table. You didn’t see or hear him enter, he’s always been a silent mover, constantly startling you with his sudden appearances.
Once you turned and saw him a mere breath away you flinched with a yelp.
“Yixing!” You scolded, clutching your chest to quiet down your speeding heart.
“Ah, sorry,” he said, scratching his head. He was also cladded in his pajamas like he would be retiring to bed soon.
You reassured him it was okay before digging in the freezer for some chocolate—a late night snack. He was still hovering around the counter, not attempting to get anything and it confused you. When you glanced at him, he was staring at you intently.
“Do you…need something?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he began with a start. “I was just curious to know, well, since when did you start bringing other men into our home?”
The question left you flabbergasted. He said it casually, but you could see the restraint in his neck. He was holding in his anger.
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s really none of your business, being you and I aren’t together anymore.”
“We may not be in a relationship, but this is my house just as much yours and I would like to know who is in it—especially when I’m not here.”
“It that the problem?” You questioned, remembering Jongin’s questions from earlier. “Would I still be interrogated like this if I had brought a girl over instead?”
“I—It—” He stumbled over his words and you rolled your eyes. That seemed to set him off. “We were together for four years! Yet it only took you a few months to move on to somebody else? Right in front of me?”
His words were biting, and had the same effect on you that yours had on him. “I’m not! As I said before, it really is none of your business, but if you must know, Jongin is just a coworker and he has a girlfriend! I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to have male friends, especially since you didn’t have a problem with it when we were together.”
“Of course I’d have a problem with it now,” he snarled like it was an obvious fact. When Yixing was angry, he didn’t get loud, he got quiet, and it was terrifying. “And if you can’t understand the reasoning, you’re blinder than I thought.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” You asked.
“You know what? It’s nothing. Forget I said anything.” He started backing up until he had exited the kitchen. He stormed back to the confines of his room, hollering as he went, “invite whoever you want! Have an orgy for all I care! It doesn’t matter how I feel about it. It never does!”
His door slammed shut behind him, causing you to jump again.
What the hell was his problem?
The following week was filled with stiffness. You hadn’t thought much about the conversation had with Yixing until you woke up the next day restless and unsettled. You couldn’t even bare to look at the man you lived with.
It had been the first time you both had a real conversation since the break up and it was riddled with things left unsaid. What had Yixing meant when he said you were blind? Why was he so angry at the thought of you bringing home another man? You understood if he felt uncomfortable having strangers in his house without his approval, but it didn’t seem like a good enough reason to garner such a reaction. Would it? It appeared deeper than that—his hurt. Yet, as much as you racked your brain, you couldn’t figure out why.
Deep down you knew, but were too petrified at the implications to humor it.
Instead you did what you do best and ignored the whole situation. You also ignored the strange empty feeling in your chest every time you thought of Yixing.
Saturday came and as soon as the elevator opened to your floor, you felt the bass of music vibrating throughout the hall. Your neighbor must be throwing a party. Great! Just what you needed after a long day of work.
As you got closer, you realized the music was not coming from next door, but in fact, your place.
Your mind goes into overdrive as your steps slow. Yixing hadn’t mentioned anything about a party. Sure, you weren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment, but you had a right to know if he was going to be doing something like this.
The need to get answers spurred you into action, ripping the door open in record time. The cacophony of party noises nearly blew you back. Every surface was covered in drinks and food and you had never seen so many bodies in your home. After the shock wore off, you pressed on, diving head first into the sea of people.
As you searched for that one familiar face, you were stricken by how many other faces you recognized. Was that Dean in your house? You paused to get a closer look before recalling your mission. Determination overtook you and with a new sense of purpose, you continued squeezing through the crowd.
Yixing was nowhere to be found.
After checking the most congested areas twice, fear started blooming within your gut. Did he leave? Was this party done without either one of your knowledge? Before panic could properly set in, you saw someone who could probably help you out.
“Byun Baekhyun!” You roared over the music, causing the smaller man to visibly shake. He took you in with wide eyes before stuttering your name nervously.
Oh, he was in trouble.
“Would you mind telling me what the fuck is going on?” You said, closing in on him. He had been leaning against a kitchen counter, red cup in hand.
“I…. Yixing didn’t tell you?”
“Does it look like he did?” You asked, fuming.
“It’s a team party.” He didn’t waste anymore time stalling. He also wasn’t slurring his words and his face wasn’t as red as the cup in his hand, both tell tale signs of his intoxication, meaning he was sober. “Since Yixing is the founder of Zhang Studios, he took it upon himself to hold the event at his place. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you, it had been planned months ago….”
“Speaking of Yixing, where is he?” You continued interrogating the poor man.
Baekhyun did a weak scan of the area before shrugging. “Room maybe?”
Letting out an annoyed groan, you left Baekhyun and decided to give up for now. This time, when you saw Dean again you caught his eye and nodded in greeting, silently fangirling when he smiled and bowed slightly in return. Wow, he was beautiful. Relief flooded you upon realizing your room hadn’t been touched. You took a brisk shower to wash away the day and then made yourself as comfortable in your bed as you could. There was no way sleep was going to come, not with the way the walls were reverberating from the bass intermingling with the sounds of drunk people outside your room. That wouldn’t stop you from at least trying. As you lay there, you imagined all the pieces of your mind you were going to give Yixing once you finally saw him.
Somehow, between all the scenarios playing in your mind, you dozed off, only made aware of the fact when you were jerked awake by the door colliding into your wall, the chaos from outside pouring in. You sprang upright, catching the man of the hour stumbling in. He caught the door and slammed it shut, leaning against it tiredly.
You cursed yourself for forgetting to lock the door. 
Yixing soon noticed you on the bed, straightening up at the sight of you.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, voice croaking from lack of use.
“I…it was too loud out there and my room is currently occupied.” The way he said that had you guessing whoever was in there was making good use of his mattress.
“So my room was the best choice, Lay?” You questioned, growing irritated the longer you looked at him. “It’s your party, just tell everyone to leave.”
“Oh, so I’m Lay now?” He questioned, ignoring the second part of your statement. He shook his head before making his way over to the foot of your mattress, gingerly sitting on the end with his back facing you.
This was the closest you had been to him in months.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were throwing a party?” You asked.
“The same reason you didn’t tell me you were inviting men into our home,” he shot back instantly. 
You scoffed. “You’re really still hung up on that? I already told you it’s not like that between Jongin and me.”
“Of course I’m still ‘hung up’ on that.” He sounded tired, as if he were exhausted with having to explain himself. He took a deep breath before suddenly turning around so that he was facing you. “I…I miss you.”
Your eyebrows shot up to your hairline before you laughed dismissively. “You must be drunk.”
“No, I’m not. I’m being serious. I miss you.”
It was your turn to shake your head. “You see me pretty much every day.”
“That’s not what I mean.” He licked his lips before crawling closer until he was directly in front of you, knees pressing against yours through the comforter. “I miss your laugh and your lame jokes. I miss your cooking and the way you always hum when you’re really focused or nervous. I miss your friendship and your warmth. I miss you.”
“Yixing….” His confession was overwhelming and that odd sense of emptiness you had been feeling all week in the pit of your stomach was back in full force.
He closed his eyes and hummed appreciatively. “I miss the way you say my name also.”
When they reopened, they were alight, practically glowing in the darkness of your room.
“I---this…. Where is this coming from?” You questioned, nearly speechless from his words.
His features softened as he stared at you as if you held his world. It was a look you hadn’t received in months—if not over a year. Your throat tightened as he lifted a hand to rest his fingertips against your cheek, his thumb rubbing the soft flesh gently. He grinned and your heart stuttered.
“I’ve been holding back for a while because I didn’t want to make things weird, but I don’t know how much longer I can refrain myself.”
“Yixing, you’re drunk,” you repeated. “You’re not in your right state of mind. You can’t possibly mean any of this.”
“Do I look drunk?” He asked. The only thing he looked was offended. “Do I sound drunk? You know how I get when I’m intoxicated, I would have been sleeping in a corner somewhere hours ago if I were.”
“How can I possibly believe any of this when you agreed to break up?”
“I did it because I thought that’s what you wanted,” he informed. “I always put you first. If you were unhappy in this relationship, I wasn’t going to hold you back, no matter how I felt.”
“So, you didn’t want to break up?” You asked, tears starting to blur your vision.
“Of course not,” he whispered brokenly. “You have always been the most important thing in my life. You still are.”
“I just don’t know.”
He moved even closer, his nose barely brushing yours as he slightly tightened his grip on your face. “Let me prove it.”
And with that, he kissed you.
The first contact of your lips was just a whisper, him testing the waters. When you didn’t protest, he went in again, latching onto your upper lip with added force. His scent of pine and sweat and something that was solely him traveled up your nostrils, bringing you back to simpler times. His presence comforted you, allowing you to fall into his embrace. Your hands went up to cup his face and return the kiss with more fervor, prompting him to deepen the kiss. God, you missed him too, more than you would ever allow yourself to believe. He was everything you ever wanted, everything you ever needed, and right now proved that. His hands wandered up and down your sides and you shivered at his touch, starved from it for too long.
He pulled you mouth open with his, moaning slightly as he nudged your tongue with his own and the action seemed to break the spell you had been under.
You yanked his head back and your lips made an audible pop as they separated. It took him a second to grasp what happened and then he was gazing down at you with a hot yet dazed expression that made you want to kiss him again, but you held on. His dark hair was sticking up at all angles from the force of your ravaging fingers and his lips were starting to swell slightly. He looked a mess.
He looked delicious.
“Get out,” you murmured, glaring at your legs.
“What?” Shock was evident in his voice.
“I said ‘get out’!” You yelled, angry with yourself as tears formed in your eyes.
“But I thought—”
“Well, you thought wrong. Please,” you begged. It was silent for a long moment, but then he was moving. He quietly shuffled off your bed and walked to the door, hesitating for a second to peek at you before leaving with a heavy sigh, the door clicking lightly behind him.
With his presence gone, you were able to move, diving into your covers and burying your head into your pillows to muffle the screams before trying to calm down.
The music from outside died abruptly, the silence helping you swiftly fall asleep.
You wake up before your alarm the next day and head to work hours before your shift actually began. The last thing you wanted to do so early in the morning was be caught in the same area as him.
Jongin was pleased to know his suspicions were correct when it came to Yixing and tried to talk you into just going for it when it was obvious you still felt something for the man, but you declined.
Yixing was in the past.
It was for the best—your separation. At least, that’s what you had been telling yourself.
When you got home, you were met with a spotless place. All evidence of the party was gone, leaving you wondering if you had dreamt the whole thing. Making your way further into the house, you run upon Yixing with a Swiffer in his hands, mopping the dining room floor. He straightened up with a sigh, stilling at the sight of you.
You bounced on the balls of your feet, a nervous habit, under his scrutiny. His expression was unreadable, but that was as much an answer as any.
“Hey,” you let out in a breath after the silence had drawn on for too long.
“Hey,” he replied, voice reserved.
“You cleaned—”
“Look, I’m—”
You both stopped abruptly as you spoke over each other, another silence filled the air as you hesitated.
“You go first.” He finally urged gently.
“You, uh, you cleaned up.” You pointed out the obvious, gesturing around you to the shimmering house.
“Yeah, I—I wanted to apologize for last night,” he revealed, running a hand through his hair. “It was wrong of me to throw a party without talking to you first. Not to mention, what happened after….”
You cleared your throat awkwardly at the fresh memory.
“It wasn’t my intention to hurt or make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry for that. I was out of line and I really don’t have an excuse….”
His eyebrows furrowed as he continued rambling nervously. He appeared worried at first; leading you to believe maybe he was scared at the thought you were planning on kicking him out.
His sentence faltered, but you knew he wasn’t finished, so you didn’t say anything. The fear that once coated his voice was nowhere to be found when he opened his mouth again. 
“That being said,” he began. His tone was lower and his eyes were a few shades darker than before as he examined you with a steady gaze. The whole shift of his demeanor sent chills down your spine. “I had a lot of time to think and I’ve come to this conclusion.”
He set the mop aside and approached you until he was an arm’s length away. “I want you back.”
You eyes widened in shock, though in the back of your mind you should have known this was coming. 
“Being with you last night,” he continued. “I meant what I said about missing you. We work better together and I can’t believe I’ve allowed this to go on for so long.” 
“Yixing, what are you going on about?”
“I want to be with you again! This ‘arrangement’ we have going on is pure torture! Having to see you everyday, but not being able to touch you. Hell, nowadays it’s like I’m not even allowed to look at you! I just… don’t know for how much longer I can do this.”
“We both decided it was for the best to be separated for the moment,” you said, taking a safe step back.
“Yeah, but the moment’s past. I can’t keep living like this. Being with you, but not with you! Especially in this place where we built a life together.”
“That’s too bad!” You said, voice rising slightly with irritation. “I don’t think I want to change what we are now!”
“I knew you’d say that,” he revealed. “So, I came up with a plan.”
You lifted an eyebrow quizzically.
He took a deep breath. “Tomorrow is the first. Give me one month to win you back and, if by the end you still honestly believe you don’t want to be with me anymore, I’ll leave.”
“Leave?” You asked, voice scratchy.
He nodded in confirmation. “Yeah. I’ll move out and you won’t ever have to see me again.”
“Why?” You felt like the room was spinning and the urge to sit was strong.
“I already told you,” he said gently. “I can’t live in this house with you just as a roommate. Not when I’m still in love with you.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but found no words would come out.
He smiled sadly before closing the space between you, leaning in to leave a lingering kiss on you forehead. You gasped at the gesture. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on the spot he just kissed. “One month. That’s all I’m asking. Just one.”
The way your heart pounded against your chest felt like a weakness and, if there was one thing you hated most, it was feeling weak.
“Fine.” You agreed, shoving him away so that you could actually breathe and focus properly. “One month. And if by the end your plan doesn’t work—which I’m sure it won’t—you’re out of here.”
He smiled, a wide joyous thing and pointed at you. “I’m going to win you back!”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, rubbing your temples as you retreated to your room.
Yixing wasted no time in his scheme of seduction.
The following morning, you were awoken by the beautiful sent of breakfast cooking. You stumbled out of bed; eyes still sealed shut from crust as you made your way to the kitchen only to be met with Yixing.
If that wasn’t enough to wake you up, you didn’t know what was.
“Morning.” He grinned once he spotted you, taking the pan from the stove and shoveling eggs onto two stacked plates. “I made breakfast.”
“I see.” You slid onto a stool by the dining room bar as he stood across from you, setting a plate before you. It was loaded with the works and your stomach growled. You wasted no time stuffing your face, having to hide a moan of pleasure. You missed his cooking. “You haven’t cooked for me in a while.”
“I know. I thought now would be the perfect time to.”
You gathered what he was saying between the lines and chose to ignore it, just like you were ignoring the fact that he was still shirtless. He wandered about, taking a bite of food before cleaning the dishes and putting things away. When his attention was diverted, you peeked up at his lithe frame, taking in all the taunt muscle wrapped around his torso. It looked just as firm and strong as you remembered it and now your mouth was watering from something else besides the food. His six-pack was still visible despite him being in the middle of eating and how come his abs were directly in front of you?
He cleared his throat and you coughed, choking on your food a little. Once you sipped on some water you built the nerve to meet his gaze. He was studying you with a knowing smirk. 
“You should put a shirt on,” you grumbled, attention back on your nearly empty plate.
“But I thought you were enjoying the view?”
“Shut up.”
His chuckles echoed as he went back to his room to fulfill your request.
So, this was how he was going to play?
The following three weeks were more or less the same. Yixing would come up with ways to get you to fall for him once again. Cooking meals, asking you about your day, massaging your back after a long day of work. Jongin’s eyebrows blended with his hairline the day you came to work with a ginormous bouquet of flowers on your desk sent by a Zhang Yixing. He questioned you for the rest of the week, with you only pushing the subject away.
As much as you wanted to deny it, Yixing was creeping back into your heart. You were beginning to remember all the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place and he was right when he said you worked better together.
But, at the same time, you were too stubborn to give in.
The last day of the month approached faster than you thought possible and you were kind of disappointed. You liked having Yixing’s attention again, liked the feeling of being wanted by him. But, after today, he would be moving out and once he was gone, there was no way you would be able to afford it, so you would have to move out also and this chapter in your life would be over for good.
It was bittersweet.
You tried not to be in your feelings as you opened the door after work. As you entered, you froze as you took in your surroundings.
All the lights were off except one lamp and the dim lighting cast a romantic glow over the red rose petals that laid on the floor.
“Welcome back.” You heard from the darkness, catching Yixing off to the side.
“What’s all this?” You asked.
He shrugged, taking a few hesitant steps towards you. “It’s the last day.”
You felt a pang in your chest from his words, but tried to hide the pain from him. “So what do you have planned today?”
Wordlessly, he took your hand, leading you down the hall that lead to your bedroom. He paused just outside of your door, where the small square above the ceiling was open, a ladder leading up into the attic.
“After you,” he murmured, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
You threw him a skeptical glance, but climbed ahead, knowing exactly where he was taking you. Once inside the dusty attic, you went to the small triangular window, pushing it open to the roof. 
You’re left breathless at the sight in front of you.
Yixing had already been here, coating the small area in the roses that lay below you as well. There were a couple small lanterns illuminating a purple plush blanket with pillows thrown haphazardly over it. In the center was a basket that you knew had your favorite dishes in it, being you could smell them. Ahead of you, the twinkling lights of downtown glittered like stars.
This used to be your spot.
“Do you like it?” Hands are on your shoulders as Yixing climbed in from behind you, his breath tickling the hairs on your neck and you gulped.
“It’s beautiful,” you revealed, eyes watering slightly from his efforts.
“Come.” He grabbed your hand again, dragging you over to the little picnic dinner he had made. Once you two were seated, he opened the basket, revealing that he had in fact brought your favorites.
You just stared at him in awe, blown away by the amount of effort he put in so far.
“Stop staring at me,” he said with a laugh, handing you a plate. “Eat.”
“I can’t help it,” you said after taking a bite. It was delicious. “I just can’t believe you’ve done all this.”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” He asked.
You shrugged. “It’s been a while since we’ve done something like this.”
He’s quiet for a moment, chewing thoughtfully. The way the light from the lanterns bounced off his features made him appear way more beautiful than you remembered.
Once he swallowed, he gave you his undivided attention. “I wanted to take us back to the times when we first moved in. When we first found this little spot. I thought that maybe you would remember what it felt like….”
“What what felt like?” You asked.
He rubbed his neck nervously before meeting your gaze. “What it felt like to be in love with me too.”
And as you both watched each other, you thought you were beginning to.
He cleared his throat. “Anyway, finish your meal before it gets cold.”
You do as he orders, smiling contently as you watched the view and listened to the hustle and bustle of the city below. A bottle of wine somehow made its way out, and before you knew it, you were a little tipsy.
“I wanted to show you something.” Yixing said after all the food was gone. He pulled a corner of the blanket back, revealing his favorite guitar. “I’ve been writing.”
He tuned it quietly before taking a deep breath and brushing his fingers against the chords, a beautiful melody transforming from his hands. It was amazing, slow and romantic, making you picture Spain or some other magically romantic location. He was so passionate when he played; it was something you hadn’t seen in him for so long, not until this bet happened. He began humming along, slowly building his sound until he began singing.
You missed his voice so much; you forgot just how beautiful it was. Goosebumps raised on your arms; more growing once you heard what he was saying. He sang about a forgotten love, a one sided love. Yearning to turn back the clock, to go to how things once were. It was obvious what he was singing about, who in particular he wrote it for. And the pain he had been suffering through was evident to the point where you could feel it in your heart. 
He got to the bridge of the song, lamenting about the past, hitting a high note that made you shiver before changing notes swiftly, to a song that rang more familiar.
He was now singing your song.
The one he wrote for you on your first year anniversary. The one he always sang to you whenever you were alone.
“Who am I without my melody? Just a hopeful song, lyrics to sing along to….”
Suddenly it was three years ago, when he first sang it to you. You knew at that moment that he was the One. The one you were going to spend the rest of your life with. How optimistic of you? How sad.
The last chord rang into the night, being carried away with the breeze and then you were on top of him. He froze for a second uncomprehendingly, but then you heard the clang of his guitar hit the cement ground and he was kissing you back with fervor so intense it felt palpable. All that could be heard was gasping and lips smacking and it was nearly dirty--your want for him in that moment.
His hands slid under your shirt, pulling buttons open with his wrists until they rested right below your chest, his thumb brushing against your swollen flesh teasingly.
“Bedroom,” you growled between kisses and he wasted no time hiking you up so that you were able to wind your legs around his waist, pressing yourself as close to him as possible so that you could feel his hard torso through his shirt.
It was a struggle, but he was somehow able to get you both back into your house without you ever having to get off, the only thing being you had to kiss other parts of him besides his lips, but neither one of you seemed to mind.
You felt the sheets underneath you as he gently placed you on the bed before resuming what was started. He was everywhere around you, overwhelming all of your senses, leaving your body on high alert with every touch of his fingers, even his breath left you shaking with need.
“I love you,” he whispered into the skin of your stomach. “I love you so much.”
As a reply, you pulled at his hair, dragging him over you so that you could look him in the eyes. “Show me.”
Pressure on your face brought you back to reality the next day. You heard chuckling as you opened your eyes to the brightness of the day.
“Morning, Love.” You heard Yixing’s voice and glanced up to see him smiling down at you. How much wine did you drink? You could barely remember what happened the night before, but your body was sore and oh no….
You ran your hand over the sheets to check that you were indeed naked and bit your lip. How did you allow yourself to break like this?
“I was just about to jump in the shower…” Yixing said, lifting his eyebrows suggestively. “Would you like to join me?”
“Um….” You took a deep breath. “I’m okay. You go first.”
He pouted dejectedly, but got up. You tried not to stare at his bare ass as he left.
Boy, oh boy, were you in trouble!
You swiftly got up, yanking the first articles of clothing you could find and groaning once you realized the shirt was Yixing’s. Needing a distraction, you found yourself flipping pancakes in the kitchen. But, it had the opposite effect because your mind was open. You had no idea what you felt for Yixing anymore. Of course there was always affection, you were together for four years, of course there’s affection. 
As you turned the tenth one you made, you felt hands on your waist and lips on your head.
“You made breakfast.”
You spun around, taking in Yixing as he wore only basketball shorts and a towel around his shoulders and gulp. “Yeah….”
He made a plate, sitting in the same spot you had the first day of the bet. “So, when should I move my stuff back into the bedroom? 
21 notes · View notes
izzielizzie · 4 years
I just wondering if you could do a headcanon based on Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift, cuz im sorta in love with that song but i dont mind who. Thx so much, u dont have to tho ❤
Yes! Champagne Problems is my absolute favorite song on the album along with Tis The Damn Season so I’m very excited! This is a Keely/Luis fic, which I've never done so I’m confused too don’t worry, but it does make sense I assure you. Also, there are ticket men and balls so um,,, have fun deciding what time period this is in because I don’t know. Enjoy!! Also there are notes at the end.
You booked the night train for a reason So you could sit there in this hurt
”Are you sure you want the three am train?” the ticket man asked. No, Luis was not sure and he had half a mind to go back to Keely’s house as fast as he could, but he didn’t have that choice anymore. 
”Yes, thank you.” Luis and the man exchanged money and tickets. 
”Well, have a good night then,” the man said. 
”Doubtful,” Luis muttered as he sat on a bench to wait for the train.
Bustling crowds or silent sleepers You're not sure which is worse
Luis ran his hand over the ring box in his pocket as he waited in the silence. It was strange, to be able to hear his own thoughts when an hour ago he was surrounded by so many people he could hardly hear Keely’s voice. 
Because I dropped your hand while dancing
His hand still tingled, where hers used to be. He could still feel the way her fingers slid along his palms for the last time as she spun away from him. 
Left you out there standing Crestfallen on the landing
Luis could still feel the snow on his coat and on the knee of his best pants. He could feel the biting cold on his cheeks as he watched her blubber apologies he couldn’t hear. 
Champagne problems
He leaned against the railing of the balcony as he watched her drown cup after cup of the champagne he knew her family always bought.
Your mom's ring in your pocket
The box he had warmed in his palms and opened to the cold felt heavy in his hands. The ring he had seen glint on his mother’s finger every day until it was too heavy for her  to bear was too painful to look at. He wanted to see it glint again, but the snow was in the way. 
My picture in your wallet
Luis pulled out his wallet to see how much money he had, and if there was enough for the train when he saw the picture he always looked at: Keely, his mother, and himself laughing at his high school graduation. It was the last time his mother left the house.
Your heart was glass, I dropped it Champagne problems
Luis felt his heart shatter as Keely smashed the top of the next bottle in the hall downstairs.
You told your family for a reason You couldn't keep it in
Luis’s brothers made a beeline for him when he slowly walked down the stairs, his money where Keely’s hand should have been.
”Did she say yes?” Manny asked.
Luis didn’t answer. The look on his face was answer enough.
Your sister splashed out on the bottle Now no one's celebrating
Luis’s sister-in-law came towards them with a glass of wine in her hand. 
“Did she say yes?”
Manny shook his head at his wife.
She dropped her glass, the red wine splashing onto her dress. 
Dom Perignon, you brought it No crowd of friends applauded
Cooper handed Luis the bottle of wine Luis had brought earlier that afternoon when he entered the kitchen.
“Are we celebrating?” Nate asked.
Luis shook his head. 
Your hometown skeptics called it Champagne problems
Vanessa Merriman, Luis’s friend from childhood laughed a short humorless laugh as she pulled herself up onto the counter, her ball gown fluffed to one side.
”It’d call it too much wine if you asked me.”
”I’m sorry Luis,” Bronwyn added, pressing a gloved hand against his arm. He shook it off. 
You had a speech, you're speechless
He had a speech planned. He had wanted to thank his friends for supporting him. For reminding him how much his relationship with Keely had helped him grow as a person. 
Love slipped beyond your reaches
“I loved her,” was all he could say. Olivia, Vanessa, and Bronwyn pulled him into a hug, their arms around him as his shoulders shook and the bottle slipped out of his hands, staining his shoes and the hems of their dresses. 
And I couldn't give a reason
”Did she tell you why?” Kris asked.
Luis shook his head.
Champagne problems
Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Vanessa miming drinking to Kris, who nodded with pursed lips. 
Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
Luis could see her new car through the window of the kitchen. He could see the handle he pulled on to open the door for her whenever they went for drives. It was the only thing not covered in snow.
November flush and your flannel cure
Keely had been shivering the first time they exited that car five weeks ago. They were going to their old dorm for the last time with their friends to visit his younger brother. Without a second thought, he pulled off his flannel jacket and wrapped it around Keely’s arms. 
He didn’t have to think about much in their relationship. 
"This dorm was once a madhouse"
Luis could still remember the day Vanessa dared them to a game of soccer in the halls when they all woke up with major hangovers. “What a mad house,” he had commented as everyone laughed.
I made a joke "well, it's made for me" how
The joke was a small one that they had all found amusing and then forgot about, until now.
“She really was mad huh?” Olivia asked.
“I guess.”
Evergreen, our group of friends
“She’s messed up everything,” Vanessa added. 
Don't think we'll say that word again
“We won’t be us without Keely,” Bronwyn agreed as she wrapped her arms around Nate, who was leaning against the stove.
Luis didn’t question how they all agreed to drop Keely from their group. It seemed natural.
And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls That we once walked through
“Oh, sorry.” Everyone turned to look at Keely in her black dress and gloves. 
“What do you want?” Olivia asked.
Keely’s eyes darkened. “This is my house. And I’m getting the Christmas decorations.”
They watched as Keely walked through the kitchen to the door that concealed the basement steps. Decorations felt odd for a time like this. 
One for the money, two for the show I never was ready, so I watch you go
Luis stood and watched as she disappeared down the steps. 
Sometimes you just don't know the answer Till someone's on their knees and asks you
“God, she wasted an eight year relationship,” Vanessa said, shaking her head.
Eight years. Luis didn’t know how badly he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her until she refused to.
"She would've made such a lovely bride What a shame she's fucked in the head", they said
His friends’ words were still in his head as he sat in the train station. 
“She’s fucked up Luis, it’s not your fault.”
“There’s nothing you can do when someone like that makes up their mind.”
But you'll find the real thing instead
“Hello. May I sit with you?” Luis looked up to see a girl with a beautiful white gown and a green coat and cap standing in front of him. He could see her shining amber eyes, even though it was dark in the station.
“Do I know you?” Luis asked.
The girl smiled and nodded. “I left the same party as you. Keely’s? I’m Bronwyn’s younger sister.”
Luis knew he recognized the voice. “Maeve?”
“Why are you here?”
“I needed to go home, and Bronwyn wasn’t ready yet. I’m not fond of Christmas parties.”
“Neither am I,” Luis said. Maeve laughed and fiddled with the skirt of her dress. It really was the prettiest dress Luis had ever seen. 
“May I sit?”
“Of course.”
She'll patch up your tapestry that I shred
They sat and laughed for hours as they waited for the train, and Luis walked her home in the snow. Her shoes were soaked through so he carried her the last few blocks, and he fell in love as she laughed, her eyes shining. 
And hold your hand while dancing
A year later, she wore the same gown as she had at the train station as they danced in her ballroom with the rest of their friends. After a while they found their way to her balcony overlooking her yard. 
Never leave you standing Crestfallen on the landing With champagne problems
“Want a drink?”
“No thank you, Luis.”
“I’ll be right back.”
“No, I’ll come with.”
Your mom's ring in your pocket
He never got the wine though, because once they were in the middle of the ballroom, he was kneeling in front of her with his mother’s ring on her finger. 
Her picture in your wallet
It might have been Vanessa who took the picture. Or maybe Cooper. They were never sure, but one copy was in his wallet and one was in her locket with their children until the day they died. 
And you won't remember all my Champagne problems
They were toasted with glasses of champagne, and for the first time he wasn’t hurt by the sight. Tonight was a night for celebration. Not for heartache. 
You won't remember all my Champagne problems
“I’m glad you didn’t marry Keely Luis my dear,” his mother told him at the wedding, the first time she was able to leave the house.
“Who?” Luis answered.
It’s snowing idk why
They’re at Keely’s vacation house which is why Luis had to take a train back home
I hinted at it but Luis’s mom was sick when this happened, and better at the wedding
Also this was a mildly petty fic my goodness.
Also this happened in about eight different time frames/locations that I’ve woven into one fic: There’s Luis and Maeve at the train station, Keely and Luis at her house on the balcony overlooking the dancers, Luis talking to his brothers and sister in law, Luis and his friends at their dorm, Luis in the kitchen, Maeve and Luis on her balcony overlooking the yard, Maeve, Luis and friends in Maeve’s ballroom in her parents’ house, and then their wedding at the very end.
That wasn’t any clearer sorry
I hope you enjoyed!!!
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
Be my home🌿
a/n: well, I know I have requests and all but I had an idea and I really wanted to write it down. I like how this turned out. Stay safe and enjoy it because I surely did enjoyed writing it.🌿❤️ word count: 1.899
warnings: idk bro, none I guess.
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Miguel Bernardeau x reader🌿
As you slowly opened your eyes, a smell of fish and salt which can’t be unrecognised filled your senses while a peaceful sound of breaking waves heard on the distance. Quietly snoring beside you, sitting on his belly was sleeping your boyfriend. You smiled looking at the ceiling, this is not a dream, this is the reality. You and Miguel are trying to travel as much as possible, benefitting from any break from work or any holiday. Surfing has a significant place in his heart, and for you, the sun and the sea are the combination you preferred the most, so where to go was never a problem. You went together to Indonesia a year ago and for your two-years anniversary, you reached the American continent. California was so warm and beautiful, but there were far too many people speaking english.
The sunrise found you this time in the crazy Ibiza, in a house that one of Miguel’s friends let you borrow for a few days. The sun somehow managed to break through the curtains and disturb your sleep, so you just turned to admire your handsome man.
He was sleeping so peacefully, with a hand under his pillow and the other one between the two of you, that you just want to sit there. You have this habit to hold hands before you fall asleep, it is adorable and rubbing each other’s hand, calming each other, it is the most amazing way to fall asleep.
You can’t see his beautiful eyes right now, but you can tell they’re as blue and as restless as the sea itself. You are tracing the shape of his body, the skin from his back felt like home under your touch. His blonde hair is getting messier as you ran your hand through it, but you know this is the fastest way he’s calming down.
Miguel is a big tornado filled with so much love and kindness for everything and everyone. You wonder sometimes how he still managed to be this way in a world full with suffering and misery, sadness and wickedness. But you understand soon enough that he is the sunshine that the world needs the most. He is the only one that could light up this world with his smile, his laugh or even with his presence. He emanates so much brightness, no one can resist it.
Him and his love helped you through the most critical period of your life. He has been there and you understood that even the darkest of the days, he could make it shine bright like a diamond.
His body is covered entirely with these adorable freckles, and his lips are always curved into a smile, being it a wide or a lazy one. He even smiles in his sleep, and his face isn’t even used with a frowning. You were still caressing his hair when you heard a little chuckle escaping his mouth. His eyes opened, but he closed them again soon enough because of the sun’s hitting in an angle right into his face.
You half laughed and approached, hiding his face away from the sun and placing kisses on his body. First kiss was on the cheek, then you get down on his neck, ending the series of kisses on his shoulder. That made him look at you with one eye, then smiling so bright while opening the other eye. He moved in bed so that he could admire you properly.
“Good morning, little sunshine!” you smiled and placed you lips gently over his.
“Morning.” he mumbled as you tangled your feet under the sheets and his head rested for now on your chest. “Very interesting the way, you transformed this morning into one of out best mornings.”
“Yeah, you liked it?”
He can’t stay still for a second, he’s even worse than a little kid. He started kissing the base of your neck, “Mhm. I want to receive this treatment on my birthday too.” he continued on your shoulder, placing soft and wet kisses on, “And maybe on Christmas morning? And every morning?”
“You are not asking for much at all.” you joked as you were glancing at the sea. “Your hair smells like fish. I thought you washed it last night.”
Miguel sat up in bed, stretching out and admiring you. This was when Miguel felt he loved you most – the quiet, in-between moments of domestic life. The sight of you tucked in with his t-shirt from the day before fitting you perfectly, and your messy hair, was perhaps the most beautiful he’d never seen you. “I did. But I went for a swim in the morning.”
“Morning?” you yawned. “What time is it?”
“Twelve and a half.” he checked his phone. “Arón texted me, he said he’s waiting for us on the beach. About an hour ago.” he laughed at his phone, and you unlocked yours.
“Then, I guess I have to go get ready.” you stretched your back and stood up, looking for your swimsuit, but remained to admire the sea and the sun breaking through the window, comforting your skin.
Miguel came behind your back and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. You propped your head on his and enjoyed his soft kisses on your shoulder, caressing his hair with your hand, refusing to let anything ruin this moment. “Have you thought about what I asked you last night?”
”Yes.” you responded, but didn’t want to say anything much. You don’t have a response for his question yet.
“I’m going in for a shower.” you moved away from his embrace and ignored his insistence. As a response to your unspoken invitation, he followed you to the bathroom with a hand placed on your back.
------- You watched Miguel playing football with his cast mates and hearty laughing at one of Arón’s jokes. All you could do was to think about that question, even Ester remarked your absence from the conversations and the lost look from your eyes. You were smiling like a dumb watching Miguel doing such banal things as swimming and talking with his friends, but everything he does is fascinating.
You closed your eyes and refused to move under the umbrella though the sun is burning your skin. The laughter of your friends combined with the sound of the breaking waves is the most relaxing thing you’ve ever heard, so laying down ignoring everyone was a clever idea for the moment, until you’ll figure out what you should do. You are there for only one hour, but you didn’t really enjoyed the time with his friends.
Someone is blocking the sunshine from delighting your body, so you opened your eyes and raised an eyebrow at the person in front of you. Omar is looking at you and beside him, Danna is holding some iced coffees. He reached out his hand to you and persisted though you were frowning at him. You grabbed his hand and he helped you stood up as you wrapped Miguel’s flowered t-shirt around yourself. You walked quietly to the baldaquin all the girls – and Omar– are hanging around, and Danna immediately pushed you down on it and they began the interrogatory.
“What’s going on with you? To be more specific, the two of you.” Omar asked as he handed you the iced coffee. You looked at Miguel and wondered if he is as moody as you because of that question.
“Miguel asked me to move in with him.” as soon as the words had been spoken out, you sip from your drink, trying to ignore the expansive smile that threatened to form on your face. Everyone started cheering excitedly, catching some questioning glances from your boyfriend. You are tracing one flower’s outline as Claudia approached and sat down next to you.
“And I guess the answer is obviously yes.” Omar laughed as he played with his leg on the sand.
“Well, not really.” you lay on your back and watch as the few clouds on the sky moves. 
“You refused him?” Danna jumped from her place a little and frowned at you.
“No, I just want to be sure is a wise decision. I just can’t afford to fuck up with money to move around from Sevilla to Madrid and back if this is not gonna work.” you covered your face and sighed.
“You are seriously questioning his love for you?” Ester asked sarcastically and you turned to look at her face. She is pretty serious, but she has a lovely smile painted on her face. “We thought he proposed because he always tells us how much he loves you. I don’t think moving in would be a bad decision, but keeping this love of yours at the level of a long-distance relationship would be.”
 Her words made you think about it from another point of view. You love Miguel; you love his smile, his freckles, his mind and his happiness. You always thought he is the other half you’ve been searching for, but you are too young to think about the marriage, you are too young and you didn’t want to plan the future now, you are just trying to live the present with Miguel.  You always though moving together is a big step for a couple, it means commitment and it can also scream that you think about a future together. But maybe that’s what you need, you need some place where only the two of you to belong to. You need something just for you at this moment. 
You shake your head and abandoned your coffee on the table next to the baldaquin. Everyone looked at you with confusion, but you just ignored them and, with small but precise steps approached Miguel. A few meters apart from him and you just ran and jumped on his back. You took him by surprise, but he managed to hold you tight and you laughed at the sight of the boys’ expression. 
As the game was interrupted, everyone spread and Miguel walked down the beach with him on his back. “Have you already booked the flight back home?” you asked as you jumped off of him and looked him in his beautiful blue eyes. They are indeed as blue and relentless as the sea on the stormiest night. 
“No, not yet. Why?” he clasped his hand with yours, and you just continued walking down the seashore. 
“Maybe we can take a detour in Sevilla first.”
“I thought you were going to stay in Madrid a few days before you’re going home.” he frowned and stopped from moving. He was disappointed, he thought he had the chance to spend some days alone with you, just with you, before you head back home and return to the usual facetime and texting. “I thought maybe Madrid would want to be my home.” you smiled at him, though he needed a few seconds to process the information you just gave him.
“I think it would be happy to be your home. I will be.” 
He smiled and attacked your lips with the most slow and passionate kiss, pressing his lips over yours, building a bridge so that your love could travel through your bodies. A moment like this should be celebrated in a unique way, but you couldn’t do that properly because of his friends whistling and clapping hands at you.
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