#idk i hate being embarrassed so i do NOT want to be filmed
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that-was-anticlimactic · 1 year ago
i feel a wisdom tooth coming in. i am terrified. i am genuinely so scared of getting them removed😭 and i’ve been procrastinating bc it scares me so much😭
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mimez-meme · 6 months ago
Before they were dating Mic would probably put songs on his radio show that’s like hinting to sho yk like “I don’t wanna be your friend I wanna kiss your lips” and allat whenever he knew sho would be listening🤗
They both have scars (not sh) and whenever one of them gets insecure about them the other would kiss the scars and compliment them.
aizawa is a hard person to get flustered/embarrassed but mic easily gets flustered/embarrassed and aizawa makes fun of him for that also mic is rlly the only person that get aizawa flustered
They gave eachother promise rings 😍
Aizawa only likes physical touch from mic
Mic is the flirty and teasing one in public but at home aizawa is the teasing one. (Well mic teases and flirts ether way)
Their relationship was meant to be a secret but mic couldn’t keep his mouth shut and told all might and nemuri, eventually nearly everyone knew, mic only really wanted his relationship to be public because of joke.. but it got out of hand🥰
Mic fell (inlove 🙄) first aizawa fell harder
Mic tries to teach aizawa English but it doesn’t go very well.. aizawa only knows a couple of sentences and mic basically gave up on tryna teach him and mic accidentally uses English words in sentence and if aizawa doesn’t understand he Would slap mic for no reason…
Got tattoos with each others in Initials ❤️ (mic got S.A aizawa got H.Y and the initials have hearts around them)
Mic sends cute TikTok’s to shota saying “us?” But sometimes he sends red thought or spicy TikTok’s s to shota saying “we should do this;)” or whatever… shota just sends cat TikTok’s and occasionally spicy/red thoughts TikTok’s
Obv adopted shinsou and Eri
Mic calls aizawa pet names like “darling, mi amor, baby, sweetheart” and babe. Aizawa rarely calls him pet names but when he does it’s “my pretty boy, honey, baby” and zashi (zashi is mostly used) idk💀
Defo makes out in the supply closet at school whenever they’re bored or just in the “mood” (they got caught once)
Aizawa hates mics drinking habits so he told me “whenever you feel like you want to drink, kiss me, I want this drinking habit to stop zashi, it isn’t good for you.” Beacuse he told mic that they have a make out session nearly everyday 💀 (mic still drinks but not that bad, and does aizawa regret telling mic that? No.)
Black cat bf/husband, golden retriever bf/husband
Mic forgets to eat and drink sometimes cuz of his adhd and so does aizawa (aizawa doesn’t have adhd tho) they both have to remind eachother, sometimes they even forget to remind eachother..👍
Mic likes doing aizawas hair time to time and aizawa finds it cute:3
Mic likes watching/listening murder documentaries and aizawa finds it creepy.. but sometimes he finds them interesting 🤗
They have 2 cats and 2 parrots (not a very good combo Ik..) and mic taught the parrots all the swear words and aizawa is well.. not very happy about that.
Mic is the scary one in the relationship but aizawa is a the one mostly in control, yk?
The both tend to overwork but mostly hizashi overworks beacuse my man has 3 jobs so hizashi is actually the most tired in the relationship and aizawa always try’s to get him to sleep mic also makes sure aizawa gets sleep
They go on vacation to America sometimes 🤗 I like to believe hizashi has some family there
Both have eachother merchandise
Hizashi’s love language is gift giving and physical touch, aizawas is words of affirmation and acts of service.. (both do quality time)
Aizawa is the dad of class 1A mic is the mum
Mic owns a TikTok acc and forces aizawa to film with him sometimes (the acc kinda just became a family acc eventually)
They both find it oddly attractive when the other swears or when the other is mad/srs
Mic wrote songs for aizawa, aizawa pretends to fine it cringe but he finds it cute and loves it (mic knows that)
Despite being an English teacher mic hates reading cuz of his adhd, like my man can’t focus, aizawa likes reading and keeps trying to get mic to read (never works)
They both planned to purpose at the same time without knowing , hizashi just beat him to it, it went a little like this “shota aizawa will you marry me?” Aizawa laughs and starts cryihg from happiness’s and laughter “ofc I will zashi! But want to know something?” Mic nodded.. “I was literally ganna purpose to you aswell” they both have a laugh about it time to time
Mic can’t bake for the life of him but he can cook, aizawa can bake but can barely Cook he only knows like 3-4 things
Once hizashi got them kicked out a fucking neighbourhood for being to loud, they had to get a whole ass soundproof house after if they even exist.. I mean it’s the mha word soo🤪 a soundproof house is. Also go for other reasons! (😏) LMAO
Mic: even more dirty minded aizawa: dirty minded
Before dating they were both madly in denial but mic was like “we should like.. make out, AS FRIENDS..” and then do a nervous chuckle, aizawa would just be like “alr”
Hizashi finds it hot when people know how to play the drums, aizawa can’t play the drums but tried to learn for hizashi, hizashi didn’t know but once walked in on him tryna learn and said “sho, what are you doing?”
Shota responded with “tryna be hot.” Mic laughed “you’re already hot, just because I like something doesn’t mean you have to live up to that something nor like it aswell, I wouldn’t be dating you if you weren’t my type, I love you.” Aizawa smiled “I love you to zashi.. I didn’t even learn anything anyway, the drums are useless..” (this happened when they were young, like 15-16?)
 I believe hizashi would be decent at drawing, but he specifically learnt how to draw cats for aizawa, every anniversary hizashi would draw a cat with cute cat puns/pick up lines like uh “if I was a cat I would spend my 9 lives with you :3” and ofc he would give aizawa a gift aswell, like flowers ect and go out. Aizawa loves when hizashi does this tho sometimes he finds some of the pick up lines/puns cringe, it still cute, And aizawa for anniversary’s He would do anything hizashi wants, occasionally surprise him, he would always get hizashi something cute tho :3
Aizawa got tired of hizashi coming home looking beaten because he can’t fight (like close combat) so aizawa decided to teach hizashi some fighting skills,and they have fights every now and then. Hizashi is now decent at fighting and can do some basic self defence, hizashi had a bit of a plus tho beacuse he’s more flexible then aizawa.
The family (shinsou, eri and obv erasermic) all play Minecraft together and mic made their whole entire family home along with the cats.
Sorry that it’s so long! But thanks for reading😋
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goatunderthebridge · 4 months ago
that pretty boy just bit me! he bit me! are you fucking kidding me-?
thinking about the hq characters whenever I listen to the Warriors album that came out recently (I actually really like it - I watched the film as a kid when I shouldn't have and was so scared of it that this album has healed that fear a little - the bottle clinking is still the soundtrack for my nightmares though).
yes I have daydreamed the entire story, yes you will see snippets of it if this stays latched on my brain for long enough. for now, enjoy my match-ups of hq characters to the main gang members because I have been thinking non-stop about how easy it is to transfer their personalities over since the album was released. if you know nothing about The Warriors (book, film, or album), this will probs not make much sense but enjoy anyways!
tw for anyone who needs it: The Warriors is about gang violence and murder so caution engaging with it + this post thus mentions it briefly
The Gramercy Riffs = Aoba Johsai
Oikawa is absolutely Cyrus who believes in everyone to come together for a common dream (and in turn they build a belief in him). Iwaizumi is Masai and grieves so hopelessly for Oikawa. Aside from the devastating iwaoi, it's funny on a meta-level to imagine Oikawa saying "can you dig it?" when thinking about his serves like no they can't dig it babe !!! But we love you king
The Warriors = Karasuno
Ofc Karasuno are the stars of this daydream. Daichi is Cleon who helps Iwaizumi find the killer gang, obviously renamed Odysseus because that man just wants to go home (although he would defo believe in Oikawa's ideals and want to set things right, even at the expense of himself). Kageyama is his right hand man, Swan (renamed King ofc), and leads the gang back home - imagining Kageyama saying that he has a gang loyal to him makes me want to cry when thinking about hq, trust me and listen to the album whilst imagining Kageyama as Swan. It will change your life.
Suga is Cochise (renamed Polaris/Sirius bc symbolism), Asahi is Rembrandt, Noya is Ajax (we love a fighter who refuses to back down from a challenge), Tanaka is Cowboy (ofc he gives in to the Sirens), Tsukishima is Vermin/Snow (renamed to idk something like Clock bc he tsks a lot and it sounds like ticking), Yamaguchi is Fox and I cry every time I think about him as Fox (currently listening to that song and sniffling as I type). Hinata absolutely is Mercy (renamed Sunshine or something) and I cannot listen to A Light Or Somethin' without thinking about kagehina. They like and want each other instantly but can't express that in the 'right' way !! Kageyama lifting Hinata's face when he's embarrassed being seen by others and then kissing him??? Oh. oh the humanity.
The Rogues (killer gang) = Shiratorizawa or Johzenji
Ahhh the killers (no, not Mr Brightside). I love Luther's character because he is so unhinged for little reason which is why Tendou springs to mind BUT I cannot see Tendou in this. So my mind goes to Terushima (likes fun and pushes boundaries => obvs transfers to being a maniacal villain who kills for no reason (jk)).
The Hurricanes = Nekoma
I just love the idea of these guys acting as alley cats on skates. that is very funny to me. Also: Kenma on skates?? I love that visual. I fully believe he would hate it and either be the only one in the gang to walk or is dragged around by a leash so someone pulls him along on the skates OR Kuroo straight up carries him. Anyways: Kuroo is the gang leader, Kenma is the one who convinces them to let the Crows go because he uses one of his many braincells to realise that they absolutely didn't kill Cyrus (unlike many others in this story).
The Furies = Fukurodani
If you haven't listened to the song about them, please do. I get chills every time - they only come out at night?? Oh yes please, the ideas are flowing. These are the Night Owls with metal bats and painted faces. Bokuto is the leader but I can't imagine him to be willingly silent in a gang hmmm.
The Orphans = Inarizaki
Atsumu and Osamu as twin leaders of a weak but large gang makes me giggle okay? Hinata calling them chickens and trying to get into the Crows' gang? yeah i like that idea. Also the idea that Atsumu follows the vibe of the music album by letting the Crows walk through Orphan Town after flirting with Kageyama and Yamaguchi makes me laugh.
The Lizzies = The Sirens (aka any pretty people in hq not already mentioned in a gang)
Kiyoko is a given as the gang leader who Tanaka falls for and derails the Crows for a little bit. However, as the title suggests, the lines 'that pretty boy just bit me! he bit me! are you fucking kidding me?' are really catching onto my brain and I can't stop vocally stimming with it so maybe we follow ennotana and let Ennoshita bite Tanaka idk.
Honourable mentions: UshiTen as the radio DJs.
That's it. You read it right. Tendou is the radio DJ calling out to the boppers and chilling me to the bone but Ushijima is the one behind the scenes whenever I think about this, ensuring the radio show goes smoothly lmao
And I'm finished :D I really had to get this out lmao I cannot stop thinking about this nor stop listening to the album so this will be something I obsess about for a while longer !!! If you see references to it in future fics, no you don't <3
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kureasblog · 4 months ago
First of all the car ride with my father wasn’t that bad and we didn’t even fight so it was good.
Is soon as I arrived I saw a friend who I love so much who is just glowing and authentic and she has that “I don’t give a fuck about other peoples opinion” mindset, that I really admire. She’s really an inspiration for me.
we had math which was fun and philosophy-boring asf. sorry but it’s the way my teacher is istg.
then we had physics, i hate our current chapter. at the end of the hour he gave us back our chemistry exams and i got a GREAT GRADEEE😙 (half of the class has below average) i literally took my face in my hands and said something so loud like « OMG YES » (kinda awkward) and when i left the class i was SMI-LING. the teacher said like ‘nice to see a smile on ur face’ does that mean ur calling me depressed??💀 i mean tbh im not doing well recently but i didnt know it was THAT noticeable god. i mean he s so sweet n really care about his students + im a special needs student (« handicapped ») so ig he kinda looks out for me.
then we had biology, nothing much. i was sitting just in front of L. it’d be cool if he was in front, i could kinda glance at him but if he is behind me i just feel anxious and overthink everything i do and im like ‘how do i look from the back’ ‘is my bun looking dumb’ ‘what if i have acne on my back’. Like girllll who cares. he’s human, so r you. relax. but i just CANT focus on the lesson. And when i looked behind he was manspreading (guilty of finding it lowkey hot) and talking abt how he failed his test.. (too badd for youuuuu personally i did NOT🤭)(yes yes i like him but i prefer being the best)
then we had lunch with friends (some bitches annoyed me but whatever) glanced at 🚪 M but he never fff notices me, then we went to study at the library (i got YELLED at for chatting when it’s supposed to be a quiet place when every body else was talking but i mean poor lady that’s literally her only job to shush people🙁 like- i was having fun, you’re never having fun, i get it. jealousy’s though.)
Then we had spanish, it was normal. Then we had english it was soooo funnnn🤭
So like no one laughed at our English project which we wanted to be funny but ppl in our class are stuck up and probably found it cringe butttt my group couldnt stop laughing so that’s what matters hehe. they all did serious projects but just filming themselves blank staring at the camera but that’s kinda the embarrassing part to me.
- basically we had to present a project that we filmed at home in groups about a festival we’d create so we were kind of all acting (I was the economic manager xD)and the video of L’s🧪 group was so fun and they were all embarrassed to watch the video in class and they were all red -because it’s awkward to see ur own face projected on the huge screen- which was soooo funny to watch. Personally, I wasn’t really embarrassed about my own face because we didn’t film ourselves from up close but kind of like a report and the camera was moving and I was just really exaggerating my acting n giggling.
also my hair was down and even though i was all red and puffy from sweat i felt pretty.
i just wanted to keep glancing at L, i had to stop myself. also he was so cute n funny in the video istg. he just does this eyebrow raise idk how to explain it but like when he’s proud of himself whatever. whateverrrrr😽 (CUTE >:D)
so then had a break before the 2 hour exam (im in the same exam room as 🩼A’s class)
basically he’s in the same class as one of my best friends so im often in his classroom. and i was hanging out with my friend and he was revising for the exam right after- well, there. i mean it’s his classroom after all-. And there was a former classmate talking with us and i was purposely laughing so cute and doing doe eyes bcs.. bcs leave me alone. I can’t function when he’s near. I HATE HIM. And his goddman black eyes. 😞
And istg i could feel his stare in my direction. but. am i crazy? am i schizophrenic? if he was indeed looking at me, was it positively? was he judging me? was he thinking ‘why is she always here omg so annoying’? like. i know what i gotta do. whenever i feel like he is staring at me, i have to look up and check if he really is. that way i’ll be sure. after tomorrow it’s Thursday, he always glances at me on the day when im waiting in front of their classroom, so that day i’ll actually look up and see if he is staring at me. If he is, i’ll do a little squint like -dude were u staring at me???? to make him embarrassed. or. do a double check. that’s SO a hint of ´i noticed you’. Idk what to doooo
Anyway. I failed my biology exam but everybody did. tomorrow biggg study day.
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noturlesson · 1 year ago
Could you possibly write hcs for sal with a masc s/o that's into film and photography and take a lot of photos of him? They've always admired Sal and saw him as interesting but was too socially awkward/nervous to start a conversation ever since he moved in. The two probably only met due to Larry introducing them..
Sal x Masc!Photographer!Reader
Ngl this is gonna be a challenge since I’m used to writing fem readers, but I need to diversify my writing anyway, so here u go! I hope this was good enough lolol
How you met
You almost died when Larry introduced you to Sal for the first time
Seeing him in the halls was completely different than being face-to-face with him. He was so much prettier now that you were meeting him and it absolutely dizzying.
Of course, Larry put you on blast by telling his blue haired friend about your photography. He gushed about how good it was, and naturally, Sal wanted to see.
You nodded, awkwardly fumbling with your photo album, but finally pulling out a few pictures of some birds you took.
“These are really good, (Y/N)! You have a great talent.” Sally complimented you while examining the photos.
Your thanks came out in a stutter, and you mentally facepalmed at yourself.
“See? I told he’s rad!” Larry exclaimed, playfully slapping you on the back. It caused you to panic and drop your photo album, pictures spilling out all over the floor. Embarrassment rushed through you, but Sal was quick to help pick up the pictures. “Wait.. is this me?” He asked, holding one of the photos in his hand.
You were absolutely mortified, stumbling over your words as you scrambled to pick up the rest of the photos. “Well I just thought that you looked really good in that lighting, so I took a picture, and beauty should be captured so-“
��Do you have more?”
If you almost died before, you were definitely dead now
In a relationship
He absolutely adores the photos you take of him. He has really bad self image issues, but your pictures make him feel so beautiful, he can hardly believe that it’s him in the picture.
Asks to look at all the photos you take, compliments you profusely on all of them
Loves tagging along with you to photo shoots
You teach him how to use your camera and he falls in love with you even more
Nearly passed out when you put your hand on top of his to stabilize the camera for the shot
Has a collection of pictures you took when y’all go on dates
His absolute favorites are the ones he takes of you though. They’re not as cinematic or professional-looking as yours, but he doesn’t care, he thinks you look handsome so he’s going to cherish the photos
You hate when he takes pictures of you though. He always catches you off guard, and you don’t think your nearly as photogenic as he is.
Has at least 3 photos of you trying to eat a burger (if u don’t like burgers imagine ur fav food or smth idk)
Refuses to let you delete them off your camera because “you look too cute”
Will never tell you, but your photos boost his self esteem sm and he loves you so very much for that
Will listen to you go on and on about your dream equipment, movie/film sets you like (or hate), your favorite filters to use, etc. Just happy to see you so passionate about something you love.
So sorry that this was so late 😭😭 Homecoming week happened as I was BUSYYYYYYY but yea hope u enjoyed :D
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pagodazz · 7 months ago
how do u think vinnie would react to habits true form. methinks it would conceptualize a lot of his quirks for him like of fucking course the guy who snarls and growls is. dog
I'VE ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT THIS ALOT!! I don't know if I can actually expect people to agree with this but yk.. whatever😞‼️
this song is them to me btw.. yeah. Vinnie pov obviously
I CANNOT answer for habit as much as I can for Vinnie's pov of it all
This is probably in the candleverse/ somewhere that habit can just show his true form and I think at first Vinnie would be scared, but not necessarily because of what HABIT looks like but by the idea that HABIT is gonna eat him alive HEELPP. Though once Vinnie were to realize HABIT isn't gonna devour him he'd probably geek out or something, I mean this is a real thing he can touch and that other humans probably barely get to see and live to talk about it. And CANONICALLY!! Vinnie LOVES dogs. Vinnie would not really be a fan of all the spider legs but he would put up with them for sure. He would probably wanna take like thousands of pictures and videos (although it's probably impossible to capture habits true form on film just like most other entities) and Habit would thrive off the attention.
Vinnie would be looking at that true form and he probably just kinda forget it's HABIT for a moment and his brain goes full on "I need to feel the fur rn" and like any (in)sane person would do he would just pet him, NOW... It's a good 50/50 chance habit might bite one of his hands clean off but it's worth the risk. He would probably be embarrassed and back off pretty quickly when he remembers that he probably shouldn't just be reaching out to pet habit like he's some domesticated dog. But idk part of me feels like habit would encourage it?? he IS rather affectionate with Vinnie, I don't know if he'd really mind.
I feel like Vinnie is actually pretty thrilled to be seeing habit's true form, I mean being allowed to see something so powerful and elegant??? Vinnie can't help but feel special. (which is what habit wants, habit wants Vinnie to wanna worship him basically so he can get vinnie to make the Northstar/ just so he can get some company) and since he feels special he can't bring himself to hate anything that's going on.
now, he does obviously find habit to be unsettling (albeit beautiful) but he doesn't find habit to be a threat to him, Vinnie is very convinced that him and habit have a bond and that Habit would not kill him, atleast not with his own hands. Which this is proven in canon over and over again, vinnie finds safety and solace in habits company. Vinnie probably finds habit's true form to be stunning, especially since habit can still talk to him which is what reminds him that it's real.
Habit however has never had a person react the way Vinnie has to him EVER. he's always ready for screams of terror and people trying to get away and fight and kill him but Vinnie's first instinct is to get CLOSER and to ask just a shit ton of questions. And to be fair I honestly think Habit would snarl or growl at first until he remembers that it's better for his plan to just let Vinnie do whatever he wants. Obviously I think habit would joke with him and act like he's gonna kill him but not actually do anything because he likes to watch Vinnie's reaction which range from him getting pissed at habit, laughing, freaking out, or literally no reaction at all. All of which habit likes pretty much equally.
Imagine Vinnie just being like "WOAH. HOLY SHIT. UR A WOLF?#!$!$ YOU HAVE SPIDER LEGS??*?$! YOU HAVE TWO TAILS?$!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!" and habit just thinks it's so funny and kind of charming that Vinnie even cares.
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alienteashop · 7 months ago
From Below the Cut
just want to say this is all my opinion but let's get into a rating from me lol
So overall I set a rating for Alien Romulus to a 8.5/10
This movie to me was great. there were a few drawbacks overall in which I feel took away from some of the horror elements in this movie like the amount of references to all of the other movies before it, and when I say all, I mean ALL of the movies both new and old
The thing about this movie is that I both hated and loved the fact that it was a mash up of every single alien movie before it, love in the fact that the tech was the same as the original movies (something people complained about in Prometheus) and that the original alien designs stayed the same in both looks and mannerisms
The thing I mainly disliked was the fact it was a mash up of every single movie, don't get me wrong some were really good and well done but others were kinda... cringe? In a way that you almost get second hand embarrassment from knowing them but in a laughing way
The actors I think did an amazing job and the general cinematography is great, it feels modern without taking away the old charm and tricks
The settings and placement of the general look and feel of everything was great with certain references to all movies and I believe even the game
Now I'm going to talk about the scenes in specific
just so everyone knows I'm not doing a summery I'm just talking about my favorite and or least favorite scenes
So in the beginning I just want to praise the use of the colony, an ALIVE colony I might add, and even though it's only a short part I do like the little insight you learn about the lives of the people and main characters, I also do like the clothes and lighting of these scene(s)
However in the beginning beginning aka the opening, they get transported fossilized rock and take it into research or whatever, not much is known other than the fact that the alien is back lol, it did kinda remind me of dead space with the artifact and it bringing the aliens along
And I think it was coolI also love the use of the androids in this film, with Andy being known as an android in the very beginning which proves to be useful later (Also I might add I do find the brother sister dynamic of the two bittersweet)
As for the facehugger scenes I absolutely loved them, I do think it was a little cliche with the whole body temperature thing and the fact that they couldn't see them because Andy said that if they sweat at all they kinda die and I felt like you would definitely sweat at that temperature especially with that stress but honestly it's kinda the nerd in me
However for the alien scene I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT I loved the use of a cacoon and the remembrance of acid for blood playing an important impact
I don't like the use of pressure in here I do feel like in space the pressure would definitely kill faster than it did/didn't but I appreciate the mention of it mainly in the ending scenes where her helmet is cracked and she didn't die? Maybe I need to catch up on space and pressure but idkkk anyway still the nerd in me
My favorite scenes were in the beginning they were walking down the halls and the lights was muahhh chefs kiss loved the tension and shot
I do genuinely like the lab part in the movie where the black liquid goop was shown as something good but was actually bad as seen with the rat transforming into its own thing
Because in the end although the Xenomorphic are parasites they are their own species in the end meaning they are going to be separate form whatever you put them in (idk if that made sense)
Now I will say I was a little hesitant when I realized in the end it was going to be a spin off of alien resurrection (aka alien 4) but I will say they did it amazingly
I do absolutely love their take of the human alien hybrid baby and the love the thing of the creature/baby eating its own mother like many species do and the creatures design is something that I will admit truthfully disturbed me the uncanny but also very human face and expressions made my skin chill a bit
I did not like the acid seen I feel like it could have been better
Final notes
I wrote this in my car directly after the movie so it's a little scatter brained but I needed to get it out lol
Okay truthfully that was all I really wanted to talk about I genuinely love this movie and thought it was great, and I will say that I'm just waiting for fanfiction of xenos of that one scene in the elevator where it caught Rain with it's tail, I feel as if people are going to eat that up 😂
Overall 8.5/10
Some cringey lines and scenes which are sooo obviously ripped from the past movies along with concepts but I think the movie was great and a fun time for sure
Also a thank you to @ozzgin for hyping the movie up for me 😆
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anonypussi · 1 year ago
Inquisitor Cal shows a good time to Jedi Cal
for @hereforthefanficsandromance ily 😘
I wrote this for miss V's fan fiction (cause im cray-cray)
MDI | Cal x Cal (yes you read that right) | Inquisitor!Cal x Jedi!Cal
Warnings: choking, light degradation, themes of BDSM, face humping, unprotected sex, proceed with caution (or with excitement idk you do you)
Cal was four holographic films into the night and about ten strokes away from finishing himself off when he sensed it.
Immediately, his erection flagged out of sheer shock like a sail that lost its wind because no way— no way was he mistaking the face staring back at him through the doorway of his cabin.
He scrambled, because how the fuck did he miss this person stumbling into his ship while he was preoccupied? The molten embarrassment makes itself known on his face as shoves his dick back into his underwear. There was no way to play this off, it was so obvious what he was doing alone in his room— and he was not going to take the entire blame for this awkward situation.
“Oh shit-“ he began, getting up quickly to get this person off the ship so he can just fly away and pretend it has never happened. He definitely did not get walked on jacking off alone by a stranger (he will never sleep right after this). He couldn’t even look at this person in their eyes without feeling the crushing shame through his veins. “Hey, what are you doing-”.
He stops abruptly, his thoughts fleeting out the window. His eyes were solely trained on the infamous white insignia on the stranger’s chest, which he bleakly realizes is a breastplate being worn by no one else other than an Imperial Inquisitor.
Great. Not only did he get walked on jacking off. He got busted jacking off by a fucking Imperial Inquisitor. If Cal wasn’t already shifting into defensive, the Force reinforcing the wall around his consciousness and flinging his lightsaber into his hand, he would have gone hysterical with how absurd this situation was.
Yep. He has to kill this motherfucker. Screw the Jedi principles. He refuses to let this Inquisitor he just met yet go back to their lair and make jokes about his dick. They would never let him live it down- oh gods now all of his future interactions with the Galactic Empire’s Inquisitors would involve innuendos.
How the fuck is he going to explain this to-
“I’m not here to fight you,” the Inquisitor said. Cal’s eyes flicked to its face after trying to stare a hole into its breastplate. His mind went blank and he froze.
Because that’s his face. The Inquisitor is wearing his own face.
Did they clone him?
The Inquisitor sighs in irritation. “Will you listen to me?” He growls, Cal becomes fascinated with how his eyebrows scrunch in anger and how his jaw clenches while swallowing. He continues, “Or do I have to force you to listen to me?”
Cal almost laughs. Force to? Typical.
He takes a breath instead. He doesn’t really want to have a fight in his own ship, wearing only his underwear while his opponent is fully decked out in full gear. He doesn’t raise his lightsaber, noting that his opponent- his twin hasn’t pulled out his own weapon, yet. Cal eyes at the dark uniform, taking in the sleek black clothes and protective plates. He sees the red glow right next to the unmistakable small signature imperial logo printed on his left breast.
This was it. He was looking at his worst fear, of submitting to the delicious veil of the dark side of the Force. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the golden orbs on his face, the same orbs he sees on his enemies.
Anger. Hate. Fear. Power.
He doesn’t even recognize himself. He is not Cal. He has his face, his body, eyes, nose, everything. However, the way how this person- this monster carries himself at first impression, was unmistakably not Cal. He forced himself to not flinch as the monster sighed and stepped back, away from him.
His heart seized, and his breath cut off at the horrifying realization that his only family left wouldn’t distinguish them physically. What if this clone hurts his f-
His eyes focus directly on this Inquisitor, who snapped him out of his own turmoil. The monster stares at him back, his face completely devoid of emotions as his eyes analyze his copy (the better copy of himself).
Cal knew what he needed to do.
“How did you get on my ship?” He asked, willing his voice to not crack as he stoically stared at the man. The inquisitor purses his lips and Cal does not miss how his eyes looked at his saber.
“You were at the bar downtown.” 
Cal blinked at him. “What?”
“By coincidence,” he continued, clearly not impressed with Cal, his eyes boring into the Jedi as if saying keep up with me, will you? “We used the same cup, I saw you. And knowing you, I figured you’d hide your ship here.”
Yeah, that explains why there are two Cal Kestis in this universe. 
Cal didn’t let up his lightsaber. “And you’re me. But you’re-”
“An Inquisitor?” The man interrupted, his expression finally deviating from blank to a mocking curiosity. “Clearly,” he says, setting his hands on his hips and Cal could already do that by habit, the way his gloved fingers rest easily on the belt. “I was on a task to retrieve this artifact, we thought it was a form of Holocron, however when I activated it, it brought me here, and I knew this place was not my home.”
“Right. And you expect me to help you?”
“Is it your job to hunt down Inquisitors?” He snarled, irritation finally coming through his stoic facade. “Helping me would keep the number of those fucks the same, not helping me would just add more problems for you.”
Cal bristled, clearly not wanting to deal with this and do something else entirely different. “Why not go to your brothers and sisters?”
Thirteenth scoffed. “Would you rather me go to them over you? Kriff, you know how to hurt my feelings.”
“How did you get in here?”
“I’m literally you,” He exasperated as if that was the clear answer to his questions. “I flew this piece of junk before,” Cal grimaced at the Inquisitor’s insult. “Can you at least put that damn thing down?”
Cal didn’t need a moment to decide on that.  “No.”
The Inquisitor pursed his lips and kept his eyes on his opponent. Cal holds onto his gaze as he tries to forget what he was doing earlier before this confrontation. The messy sheets behind him and the damning bottle of lube really didn’t help him do that. The silence was just awkward. Cal couldn’t tell if the Inquisitor even wanted to fight him after walking in on him. This is what is happening, right?
The Inquisitor backed off, now slouching his shoulders as if he wanted to make himself look smaller, more harmless. “Fine,” he exhaled and moved his hand to reach for the weapon strapped to his back. Cal adjusts his position, mentally preparing himself for a nasty fight in such a tight space. 
He sees the signature weapon, expecting it to ignite bold red.
Except that didn’t happen. The Inquisitor chucked it at him unkindly, clearly annoyed with him. Cal disengages his weapon and catches the chucked lightsaber after it bounces off his chest, glancing at it with disgust and judgment with its design.
“Now I’m defenseless,” the evil clone stated. Cal blinked at the hidden memories the Inquisitor held with his weapon. He felt the disgust at how many people were slain, the disgust of how his clone was able to carry out such atrocities with no hint of remorse on his face. “Do you trust me?”
Cal would have said no if he didn’t see the other memories. Memories of the Inquisitor, being more Cal than a bloodthirsty soldier of the Galactic Empire. He sees him volunteering at a very cozy library that is hidden away from the peering eyes of the Empire, talking to passerby and their children as they venture through the walls of books. He sees him purposely thwarting imperial soldiers from finding force-sensitive children more than a dozen times over the years. He sees him kill Fifth Brother for threatening to kill someone Thirteenth Brother clearly cared about.
He sees him fighting against a fallen Jedi, a newly formed Inquisitor, Fourteenth, pleading with him to not fully succumb to the dark side of the Force, to endure the long road of redemption, with him.
So his clone’s name is Thirteenth Brother. But he goes by Cal when he doesn’t want to be a monster an Inquisitor.
But once an Inquisitor is always an Inquisitor.
“You know I won’t trust you,” Cal started saying before realizing what he was even saying to Thirteenth. “But I will help you return home. Do you have the artifact with you?”
Thirteenth visibly relaxed, his features almost softened “Glad you asked,” he said and he reached behind once more to grab something from his satchel. “Right here,” he pulls out the cube that resembles a Holocron, glowing eerie green as it dimmed and lightened periodically. Cal almost wanted to step closer to the Inquisitor to inspect it himself, fingers itching towards the object.
Thirteenth smirked with a glint of unkindness in his eyes. “However,” he began, Cal braced himself, already knowing whatever he was going to say would sting. “Before we get into that, I’m giving you a chance to get your dick wet before we proceed. Straight back to your cabin alone after drinks is just sad.”
Cal blinked. His mind went blank for a second as Cal.exe rebooted. Then the feeling of embarrassment comes back in full force and Cal seethes at his clone for making fun of him for jerking off alone. They are literally the same person. “Don’t even bring that up!” He exclaimed defeatedly and Thirteenth chuckled at him.
He hoped this would be a swift mission for both of them.
The atmosphere is thick with tension.
Almost suffocating.
Every movement is deliberate, every breath heavy with suppressed emotion. The air crackles with the electricity of their simmering anger, each moment stretching out as they refuse to be the first to break the silence. Cal found himself inhaling sharply over every small little thing he immediately found irritating, knowing that his emotions were being influenced by Thirteenth’s simmering rage through the Force. Kriff sake, he couldn't even wash the dishes without feeling the urge to grab a plate and throw it at Thirteenth.
Thirteenth is currently fixing up the wiring behind the subspace transceiver underneath the holographic pod. Cal would have felt appreciative for his double to help him out with that, but all he felt was annoyance because he knew Thirteenth wasn’t fixing that out of the goodness of his heart.
What heart, Cal thought spitefully.
Thirteenth's fingers tighten around the tool in his hand, knuckles turning white with the effort to contain his frustration. He shoots a glance in Cal's direction, eyes narrowed with resentment but quickly averts his gaze, not wanting to give Cal the satisfaction of seeing his agitation.
Cal's jaw works in tight, controlled movements, muscles twitching with the effort to keep his anger in check. His grip on the last dirty mug tightens as he struggles to contain the torrent of words threatening to spill from his lips.
Instead, Cal calmly shuts off the water facet and makes his way to his cabin. He needs to get his clothes off of him, put on some comfort clothes and forget the entire fucking thing.
The ‘entire fucking thing’ involves no one other than Boba Fett. Not only Cal’s man-crush has caused this tension, fucking Thirteenth made the entire situation almost damn unliveable. Cal did not want to walk in on Thirteenth screwing Boba Fucking Fett in a dirty alleyway, hear their moans and grunts of pleasure, and Cal sure has hell did not need Thirteenth to catch him looking and give him a show.
Thirteenth knew Cal liked him, and he went ahead to fuck him and brag it in his face. Now, Cal can't even take up bounty contracts with Fett in the future without the blinding embarrassment that threatens to crush him.
All he needed to do was walk to his cabin, change his clothes, and call it a night. Yes, he has to walk past Thirteenth to get to the cabin, but he's a grown-up. He can handle the tension.
But, also, fuck Thirteenth.  
Thirteenth is now looking at him with an expectant expression on his face. He finishes up the repairs as he drills the metal sheet back up, his eyes not leaving Cal as he tries to walk past Thirteenth and ignore him.
With a sharp inhale, Cal’s plans were thrown to the gutter as Thirteenth’s voice cut through the silence like a lightsaber.
“You are being pathetic.”
Oh, fuck you, you son of a Bantha.
Cal turns, all common sense thrown out of the ship as he steps closer to Thirteenth menacingly. Thirteenth obviously doesn't flinch at his antics. Cal had enough of this man. He was rightfully pissed and Thirteenth is the asshole if he refuses to see his perspective. “I’m not the one who got some dick instead of doing our job,” Cal hissed.
Thirteenth’s amusement was blatantly clear on his face, and Cal had to resist the urge to deck him.
“At least I’m not so pathetic that I have to jerk off alone every time. I man up and fuck around.”
“You always had to bring that up?” Cal exclaims with annoyance. 
Thirteenth is acting like a child. A fucking child. And he's an Inquisitor.
Yep, this is when he walks away.
Cal sighs and turns around to proceed to his cabin, praying to the Force that Thirteenth is not sadistic enough to follow him and continue bickering. His patience was falling apart at its seams and Thirteenth followed him, not letting up the argument for a moment.
“Are you angry at me because you don’t trust me enough to let me run off for a few hours? Or is it the fact I fucked your stupid crush and you didn’t?”
“Shut up,’ Cal groaned exasperated, rolling his eyes hard at Thirteenth as he threw his coat on the dresser.  
“You stayed around a lot longer than you should have,” Thirteenth pointed out and Cal froze for a sliver of a second and continued to pull out his bedclothes to play it off. “Did you like watching me get fucked by big, strong men?” Thirteenth asked, his voice low and dark, like telling a dirty secret. It was gravelly, even more than it usually was, scratching away Cal’s self-control like sandpaper on wood. “Did you enjoy watching me beg and cry for it?”
Cal had to swallow hard.
Thirteenth’s eyelids slid low over his eyes, practically fluttering his eyelashes at Cal, the memory of Thirteenth’s lustful gaze on him while Fett thrust into him came back to mind.
“Did you want to do that to me?” Thirteenth purred with a mean sneer. His eyes darted to Cal’s wet lips then back to his eyes. “Hold me down and make me cry? Call you ‘sir’?”
Cal let out a gasp, breath stuck in his throat and he looked at the door behind Thirteenth, trying to judge if he could get away from just sprinting out and never coming back. Cal looks back to Thirteenth before he can let the man extract his thoughts from his mind and figure out his plan.
Only when he looked at Thirteenth, he could see the realization dawning in his expression and absolute glee dancing in his eyes, like all of his wishes came true all at once.
“Or maybe,” Thirteenth said slowly. His other hand came up to unclasp the belt around his (borrowed) coat, letting the bag fall to the ground. Cal felt like he was suffocating on Thirteenth’s stare. He swallowed a lump down his throat.
“Or maybe you want all that to be done to you,” Thirteenth hissed.
Cal was fucked.
Triumph broke out on his face— bright and glorious. His eyes glowed a dark hue of red as the Force entwined the two souls through mutual lust as if this was what they were meant to do.
“You do want me to do that to you.”
Cal wanted to say no. He wanted to deny it. He wanted to shove Thirteenth away and take a lightsaber and cut him down on this spot, maybe even punch him if he needed to— anything except look at him like a Jawas caught stealing a droid red-handed.
Thirteenth stepped closer, right into Cal’s personal space, his hand raised to cup his jaw, his thumb stroking Cal’s lower lip.
“I can do it,” he murmured. His voice was laced with promise and lust. “I had my fair share of brats, and I know how to satisfy their needs.” His hand lowered to firmly grasp Cal’s throat, tilting his face up, and Thirteenth asked, “Do you want me to, Jedi?”
No no no no no no n-
“Put you on your knees,” Thirteenth continued, “smack your ass until it’s cherry red and fuck your mouth afterwards? With no regard if you can breathe?”
Cal wanted to die, wanted to disintegrate and his ashes to fly away in the wind.
Thirteenth’s eyes gentled, the red glow fading away, and he leaned in closer. Too close. Close enough that Cal can breathe his breath.
“Let me have you,” Thirteenth whispered. His tone was no longer teasing, he no longer sounded like he was taunting him, playing with his desires and prancing about fucking other people while Cal desperately hold true to his Jedi values.
Now, he sounded pleading. Pleading. Begging.
Cal’s eyes shut, and his head fell back against the wall. He made a soft noise as lust nearly overtook his self-control. Maybe it was noise to remind himself that this was not a wet dream.
Thirteenth took that as a sign to make a move. He leaned in even further into Cal’s throat, to dip his nose at the length of his column, breathing him in, barely touching his skin other than his hand holding him still.
The hand on his throat should have scared Cal, but it didn’t. It was reassuring, his neck on fire where skin met skin, touch light enough to gently pet a cat.
Cal broke, the Force dropping his walls as Thirteenth’s overpowering presence seeped into his consciousness like tea in hot water. The lust he could feel from him snapped all of Cal’s thoughts as his neurons overloaded.
“Okay,” Cal whispered in response with the quietest voice he could muster like he was hoping this was not real.
Thirteenth responded to that by pressing a kiss to his neck just beneath the corner of his jaw, under his ear, a firm kiss, but nothing more. Then he nosed his way up to Cal’s ear to whisper into it, “Undress for me. I want everything off.”
Cal stepped back almost abruptly, letting Thirteenth’s hand fall from his throat, but he didn’t make a move, like a predator waiting for their dying prey to succumb so they could feast on them lazily.
Cal felt a burning blush creep up his neck and into his face, heating up the rest of his body. There were tremors underneath his skin that he knew had nothing to do with nerves and everything to do with desperation and sheer arousal in his blood. His cock was hard beneath his pants, which did not hide it, but Thirteenth didn’t have to see it to know how it looked.
With the greatest effort, Cal pulled his shirt off, his eyes never leaving Thirteenth’s gaze as he was being watched. He saw how Thirteenth’s eyes dropped down to his chest, slurping up all the detail in the dimmed lighting. This gave Cal the courage to shuck his pants down and prays that Thirteenth would not take this opportunity to make fun of him going commando underneath his clothes.
Cal stood naked, and the Inquisitor stayed clothed. Cal wanted to reach forward, say fuck this, and just rip every article of clothing off of him. However, he stayed put, and there was a small fear in the back of Cal’s mind that this was some elaborate joke and that Thirteenth was cruel enough to pull this prank on him.
Turns out that being Force-sensitive does not grant full transparency between two men who sought a deeper connection. Thirteenth takes this hesitation from Cal as second-guessing and doubts, he looks back up into Cal’s eyes, searching for something, Cal didn’t know. His eyes flickered over every inch of it as if committing every feature and comparing it to himself.
“Tell me to stop,” he murmured quietly, and the silence in the room was loud enough to hear a pin drop. “Tell me to stop, and I will.”
Cal remained silent, but he reached up to put a hand delicately on the back of Thirteenth’s neck and pulled him down for a proper kiss.
Thirteenth seemed to melt against him, just falling into him and using his entire weight to push Cal back and up against the wall. The kiss that Cal had initiated had been taken over completely by Thirteenth.
He pressed his mouth harder and harder against Cal’s own, using the wall as leverage to do so. Their teeth clicked together with the pressure, and almost unconsciously, Cal parted his lips.
Thirteenth made a soft groan at that, a desperate noise that sent a shudder through Cal’s body.
How long, he wondered, how long had Thirteenth wanted this too?
The thought floated away as Thirteenth’s tongue was licking its way into Cal’s mouth. All that remained was the hard line of Thirteenth’s body against his front, pinning him to the wall against his back, and the wet heat of his mouth, devouring him. Cal let out a breathy sound as the Inquisitor rutted his thigh against his groin.
“I want to suck you,” Cal breathed out, taking the opportunity to rut against Thirteenth’s still-fully-clothed thigh. “Please,” he added for good measure, knowing every Inquisitor is the same.
They all lust for begging of any sort.
And to Cal’s delight, Thirteenth fell for that trap.
Thirteenth stepped back to give Cal just enough room for his commands. Cal almost whined at the loss of bodily contact and the delicious friction. He was almost lightheaded from the amount of lust he was drowning in, trying to stay afloat while the tendrils under the water pulled him under by his foot.
That simple command meant everything to the both of them for the night. Thirteenth is not simply asking him to stick his dick in his mouth. He was asking for submission, and Cal was not known for submission. Especially to the Empire. However, this was Thirteenth, himself, and Cal would submit to himself.
Cal kneeled, eyes never leaving Thirteenth’s face as he relished in the look of satisfaction on his own face. The hunger grew in his eyes as he looked predatory. Cal’s dick jumped pathetically at the sight as it hung between his thighs, exposed to Thirteenth’s judgment entirely.
“Convince me to fuck you,” he commanded, and if it wasn’t for the lust restraining Cal’s ego, he would have got annoyed at him and snarked back.
Instead, he reached up to the hem of Thirteenth’s trousers and gingerly pulled out his cock from its confines. Cal closed his eyes from the smell of his own sex filling the room and he had to hold back a sound after the fire went through his veins and through his groin.
Cal opened his eyes and looked up to Thirteenth, trying to copy the expression he saw on Thirteenth when he found him with Fett and gave him a firm lick up the shaft. Cal didn’t give him a moment to react when he wrapped his mouth around his cock and sucked.
“Damn,” Thirteenth hissed, tossing his head back in response to the assault.
It was an assault, a reckless takedown of Thirteenth’s walls. With every vicious suck of Cal’s lips, every stroke of Cal’s fist, every lick of Cal’s tongue, Thirteenth felt himself crumbling down to bare himself completely to Cal.
He could not let that happen.
Thirteenth’s foot kicked open Cal’s thighs and a shin pressed against his groin, Cal choked a moan and barely stopped himself from gagging on the dick deep in his throat, he grabbed onto Thirteenth’s thighs tightly.
Thirteenth tipped his foot on its toes and down, grinding his shin against Cal’s groin and he grabbed Cal by the back of his head to thrust into him deeper. Thirteenth’s instructions were clear, and Cal let out a choked breath as he compiled.
Not that he didn’t want to grind against Thirteenth’s shin (more like ankle with how low his hips are now) for his pleasure, but the thought of it, rutting against an inquisitor’s leg like a dog, was humiliating and satisfying in equal measure.
Thirteenth groaned deeply at the sight, his voice sending vibrations through his chest cavity and his body, Cal redoubled his efforts to not abandon the cock in his mouth to focus solely on humping his leg.
He could feel his legs aching from the floors, his thighs burning for the small circular motions for his groin and his jaw sore from holding it open for a prolonged period. The intense eye contact with Thirteenth has stopped Cal from noting his discomfort as he stares at the golden orbs, desperate to prove his worth by repaying him with pleasure.
Thirteenth’s pace has increased to the point where he was painfully grabbing Cal’s hair to move his mouth faster, his thrusts hard enough to press into his face as he desperately tries not to gag on his dick, and fails to do that. As Thirteenth abuses his mouth, Cal in return grabs onto the leg he was using with both hands and grinds hard against it, taking it as he pleases.
Even though Thirteenth has completely put him into submission, Cal still wants to compete with him. He would not fall apart yet, not before the inquisitor. He can feel the Force surrounding Thirteenth rapidly crumble with each thrust, exposing the man’s feelings to Cal as his protective wall evaporates with each pant he releases.
Cal’s entire body is burning, but he doesn’t stop. He won’t stop until he proves himself to him.
For what though?
Thirteenth curses, eyes opening wide as they had slid shut after Cal let him fuck his mouth, the inquisitor curses more and abruptly pulls Cal off of him, one hand tangled in his hair with a grip, holding the Jedi in place to look at him.
Cal coughed and took his opportunity to catch his breath as he held eye contact with Thirteenth, not ignoring how he could see the trembling underneath clothes and the flush on his copy’s face, he noted at the red lips glistening wet as Thirteenth had been biting it to muffle his noises.
Before Cal could start teasing him for not being able to hold onto it for much longer, Thirteenth beat him to it, his hand gripped his hair again and this time, he gripped it tight, painful so that Cal cried out a little. He used that hand to push Cal's face harder against his cock and thrust up against his cheek, rubbing himself off on him.
It felt hot and filthy and a little embarrassing, all the requirements needed to drive Cal out of his fucking mind.
“You are such a whore for my cock,” Thirteenth groaned. The words sound like they were supposed to be cruel, but the tone he said was delighted. “This is what you wanted. Me rutting against you?”
Cal moaned in agreement. His cock was dripping, but he kept his hands on Thirteenth’s shaking thighs while Thirteenth rubbed off on his face.
“Fucking look at you,” he hissed, fingers tightening even more and shaking him a little, making Cal cry out more. “You’re getting off on this, being used like this.”
Oh Fuck, Cal realized, I can come just from this.
Thirteenth seemed to realize the same thing. To Cal’s relief (or disappointment), Thirteenth pulled back from him, grunting when the Jedi got in one last lick on his cock while pulling away. His hand is still tangled in Cal’s hair and he pulls him up, forcing Cal to get up.
“Get on the bed,” he orders, and Cal internally pumps his fist in the air for what is about to happen. As the grip left his hair, Cal plopped himself on the comfy mattress, realizing the duvet was off and folded neatly into the corner. Cal wondered if Thirteenth planned this all out.
The thought was interrupted when Thirteenth suddenly grabbed one of his ankles and pulled him closer to the edge of the mattress. He felt the tendrils of Thirteenth’s force assisting the pull as Cal was brought closer to the Inquisitor with little effort. Before Cal could make a move, Thirteenth gripped his throat, and pushed him back down to the mattress, gently to Cal’s surprise.
The Thirteenth looked good from above. He looked divine, with the look of hunger in his eyes and lips wet with wanton. And he was finally naked to Cal’s delight.
Cal couldn’t stop staring at the lips.
Thirteenth slowly inches closer, close enough that Cal could taste his breath. Thirteenth licked his bottom lip, and Cal could only whimper and try to kiss back in return.
Thirteenth’s worship was efficiently quick as he went from kissing and licking into Cal’s mouth, tasting their precome together, he moved to under Cal’s jaw, bit his ear before kissing down the column of his throat, biting into his skin, and all Cal could do was lay there helplessly and bite his tongue.
Thirteenth’s spare hand strummed Cal’s ribs gently before it circled around his nipple, making Cal squirm. A strangled yelp escaped Cal as Thirteenth pinched it, but Cal held perfectly still as he moaned.
“Oh good boy,” Thirteenth murmured, full of delight. He moved down to suck in Cal’s other nipple as he kept pinching the same nipple.
“Thirt- Cal-“ 
“Try again.”
Cal’s mind went blank while Thirteenth continues to play with his fucking chest. He couldn’t think straight and could only grunt as Thirteenth pulled painfully at his nipple, before resting it and soothing it with his tongue or fingertips. Cal had to think what he said wrong, and then it dawned on him.
“Sir,” Cal whispered, “please.”
Thirteenth prompted forward, like a rope snapping, and bit Cal’s ear and licked it and Cal could only moan.
Fucking hell.
“I don’t care if you come,” Thirteenth growled right into his ear, “I prefer you like this, desperate and needy. If you want to come, you better convince me” Then he flipped Cal onto his front against the mattress and manhandled his legs to expose himself to the Inquisitor.
Before Cal could feel any sense of shame (there was none), a hard smack landed on his ass, making him shout. It was hard enough to leave a handprint, he imagined, and it only made him tilt his hips more to expose more of his ass.
“Liked that?” Thirteenth asked mockingly as if he couldn’t read all of Cal’s soul through the Force, just like Cal could sense deep desire and lust through Thirteenth.
Cal did not answer as he decided he was not going to further validate that asshole.
Another hard smack landed in the same place, and Cal grunted loudly once more, his cock pulsing and a bead of pre-come slowly dripping from his shaft and onto the sheets.
Cal could feel the smugness from Thirteenth, motherfucker didn’t even bother to try to hide it. Another smack on the other cheek drove Cal forward and flattened himself on the mattress, a broken sound out of him and another smack had him whimpering.
He could feel both of Thirteenth’s hands grip his hips to force him to get his ass back up. Thirteenth smacked him again, and again, and again until Cal couldn’t bother muffling his cries. His ass was hot, throbbing in pain. Hiding his noises was the least of his worries.
And Thirteenth slid his fingers up the crease of his ass, caressing his hole lightly, Cal gave in and begged, “Please.”
“Finally you submit to me,” he hears him murmur in approval. Thirteenth pressed his fingers to Cal’s rim and rubbed the outside of it lightly. Cal pants as he holds back his moans and lets the inquisitor fondle him.
The fingers withdrew, and before Cal could decide to start mouthing at Thirteenth to do something to him, he heard the man move towards his bedside table to find the lube and condoms.
Cal looked over to the condoms in Thirteenth’s hand and a thought came just as quickly Cal tried to squash it before Thirteenth could hear it through the Force, however, it was pointless as Thirteenth looked back to Cal with a sharp inhale, dropping the condoms back into the nightstand.
“You are a slut,” Thirteenth murmured and gods, that should not have sent a violent wave of lust through Cal’s body.
Cal shut his eyes and rested his head against his arms as he held his ass up, he could feel his legs trembling from overstimulation and exertion. He fights down the humiliation of succumbing to Thirteenth’s dominance. 
He finches and wills himself to not pull away as he poured lube on his ass and in between his cheeks, with full disregard for how cold the lube felt on Cal’s skin. He felt Thirteenth return to fondling his ass, and when he pushed two into him at once, they went with little friction. Still some resistance though as Cal’s ass burned from the intrusion. He cried out a broken pathetic sound and arched his back like a cat getting that good scratch on its back.
“Good,” Thirteenth hissed, both mocking and sincere. “Fuck yourself on my hand, show me how much you want my dick. Beg for it and then maybe I’ll let you come.”
Cal hates this man.
But he wanted this. Thir- Cal was doing everything he wanted. They were fully transparent with each other and the Force-
The Force unexplainably acted as a catalyst, a bond between them.
Cal let out a moan before he started to roll his hips, and another when he felt the delicious pressure of Thirteenth’s fingers on his prostate.
“More,” Cal whimpered.
“Try again,” Thirteenth cajoled. His fingers split apart, stretching Cal open with little kindness, and Cal couldn’t help but rise up on his toes and cry out, “Please!”
“Please what?” Thirteenth demanded.
“Please fuck me with your cock. Please fuck me, Sir,” Cal sobbed, shutting his eyes and pressing his face into the mattress to smother out his embarrassment as humiliation slithered through his spine. But he has already crossed the point of no return. There was no coming back from this, so he could only proceed forward. “I want you inside me, you to split me open and fuck me up. Please I’ll do anything,” he whimpered.
Thirteenth hummed in approval and kissed the back of his tailbone. “Dangerous promise,” he praised, and Cal tried not to lose his mind on him because otherwise, Thirteenth would have that power over him. “Good boy.”
And he felt a wet dick nudging against his hole. Cal scrambled to move his hands to spread his cheeks for Thirteenth. When he pushed himself in, it slid with ease of extra lubrication that Thirteenth put on himself without Cal’s attention.
Cal moaned and moved his hands back to the mattress for leverage to look back at the Inquisitor, curiosity burning in his gut to see what he looked like from above.
And Gods. Gods. Is this what he looks like when he fuck?
The heavy gaze Thirteenth had on him held Cal into place, like a siren soothing the sailor to look at them. His eyes held promise as he slurped up all of Cal’s features, committing it to memory.
Then, Thirteenth darted a hand to the back of Cal’s neck, gripping it painfully and forcing him back onto the mattress roughly. Cal yelped before he was smothered into the mattress, he barely could turn his head to breathe as Thirteenth held him down like he was a wild animal. Cal groaned as he stayed put, and screamed when Thirteenth violently thrust into Cal’s ass with little regard for comfort or pleasure. He grunted with each thrust that drove Cal further up on the mattress. Cal had enough consciousness to throw his hands up the best he could while being pinned to avoid bringing himself into the wall.
“Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleas-” Cal was chanting through his sobs, doing his best to stay in position for Thirteenth as his legs shook with fervour.
“You have until I finish to come, or you won’t come at all,” Thirteenth growled through harsh breaths of effort. “You are mine now, Jedi. You don’t get to come without my permission.” Cal sobbed out something akin to an agreement. Kriff- yes. Yes, he wanted this. He craved this and he finally got it. He wanted to come for Thirteenth. “You won’t be able to come with anyone else. I am ruining you for everyone. You won’t be able to come without me.”
Cal just yelled in response, tears ready to leave his eyes as he breathed harshly against the now-wet mattress under his face. He was so close. So so close-
Thirteenth stopped and Cal could have started a whole new war over that.
Before Cal could let his rage consume his horniness and get angry at Thirteenth for fucking stopping when he was just right there. Thirteenth pulled out and grabbed him again, manhandling him onto his back. 
Thirteenth then grabbed his legs to wrap around his waist and used the same hand that held him down previously to choke him into the mattress. Cal inhales pitifully as he struggled and his dick jumped, he stares at Thirteenth, eyes fluttering as he struggles to keep them open on his face and moaned loudly as he was fucked brutally again.
Cal was getting off on the feral look on Thirteenth’s face as he increased his pace. The grip on his neck tightened again and the grip on his hip left bruises, and his thrusts grew harder and erratic, slamming into Cal harshly with every single one. 
Cal whimpered as he took every thrust without complaint, Thirteenth was saying something but went unheard as Cal could only hear the roaring white noise in his ears. Thirteenth moved his grip on his neck to the back and he moved himself lower to breathe into Cal’s sweaty neck. Before Cal could consider moving his hands to Thirteenth’s back and feel the muscles working, Thirteenth bent over to bite the skin around Cal’s nipple and suck it into his mouth.
When Cal cried out, Thirteenth started fucking him in earnest.
Cal knew he was moaning and crying and whimpering, but he couldn’t gather enough focus to worry about it. He could only feel, not think— feel Thirteenth sucking on his tit, feel Thirteenth fucking him like a beast.
Thirteenth grunted with the force of every thrust, the headboard banging against the wall, and Cal could only grab his back and hold on as the pleasure overwhelmed him. Thirteenth used the hand not holding his neck to reach his neglected cock.
And he was seizing up into Thirteenth pitifully as every wave of crashing orgasm wrecked through his entire being. Cal yelled out as his vision whitened out, and was able to breathe after Thirteenth sat up to watch him crumble apart.
Cal comes back to see Thirteenth’s subtle yet triumphant look on his face, his hips still gyrating to give himself pleasure.
“That was good.” He panted to Cal with a smirk. 
Vaguely, Cal could feel the Inquisitor still rock solid inside him, so he grabbed Thirteenth’s shoulders for one last time to gain leverage to flip positions. Cal was delighted that his stunt succeeded as he heard Thirteenth yelp in surprise, clearly having his guard down long enough for Cal to roll him onto his back, looking up at him with awe and his dick still snug inside Cal.
Cal wasn’t done, so he took Thirteenth’s hand, the one that had finished him off and was still covered in his semen, and licked his come off it.
“Fuck,” Thirteenth swore, his mouth hanging open. That was when Cal started to ride him at his earnest, hard and fast, half abandoning cleaning up the hand with his tongue. Thirteenth swore loudly, yelling out his orgasm into the darkness of the room, his fingers digging painfully into Cal’s waist, holding him in place as he violently rutted into the Jedi.
His head collapsed on the pillow afterwards, spent and sated, Cal followed him as he slumped his body on top of him, ignoring the wet spot and sweat between them. Thirteenth made a small pleased noise and they fell into silence, basking in the glow of post-orgasm haze, letting their body cool down and their heart slow to normal.
“That was fucking hot,” he told Cal as he wiggled the body off of his and onto Cal’s side, letting his softened cock slip out as he did.
The trickle of come that followed made Cal grimace, to which Thirteenth smirked a little, letting his fingers wander to Cal’s hole and insert a finger in.
Cal drew in a sharp breath but made no motion to stop him.
“So this is how I shut you up,” Thirteen snarked and Cal groaned in annoyance, plopping himself back onto the mattress and Thirteenth laughed.
“How long did you want to fuck me?” Cal asked, jumping straight into it.
Thirteen didn’t mind. 
“Since I saw you jerking off. Wondered what it was like to fuck yourself, literally.”
“Is that why you kept making jokes?” 
“It got you into bed with me.”
“... fair.”
[This is the most vanilla smut i have ever written]
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austinslounge · 2 months ago
Girl I’m back lol so I just wanna say you answered really well to the anon upset abt AP and idk if this is a age thing because I’m Austin’s age and we’ve come from the height and dangers of insane paps and gossip magazines being on the shelf when your trying to buy your food in EVERYONES FACE, it wasn’t even about if you had a social or followed fan account pages it was just there and you had no choice but to read the heading lol so we’ve, my generation and older have seen the worst of it and yes social media is a beast in itself but 90% of ppl do not really care or live their lives by social media posts and reels, im not sorry we just don’t lol. All the drama that happened over the years with house hold names and look at them still fine and ok.
That anon should take some time like you said bc if you let it it will drive you crazy. I also don’t think it’s embarrassing for Austin at all, it happens more then we know it’s bc we’re fans of Austin and follow fan pages that tell us all the news that we really even know anything. But I could ask 1000 ppl right now in person what they thought abt it and I guarantee the % of ppl who actually know or care is very small and wouldn’t change Austin career or success especially when he’s wanted by so many directors.
I’m proud of Austin and I trust that grown man who’s been taking care of HIMSELF for a long time who’s been through so much to continue to make the best decisions for himself and I really hope and pray social media or so called fans never make him feel insecure about his choices bc honestly fuck yal and leave our mans alone 🙄 social media can be a tool for ruining people (and not always) but that’s usually ppl who rely on it for their success (aka influencers and such) and most talented actors don’t outside of promoting their things. Movies and actors were huge before social media and will continue to be so after.
Life is good and im sure Austin knows that and appreciates his life that he’s works very hard for.
Rant over 🙂
Thanks for your input on this girl. 😊
And yea, I'm around Austin's age too, so I do remember the days before social media lol.
Honestly? Most celebrities get hate online. It's sad, but it's just a fact. We can't control what people say about Austin online, but we can surely control what we choose to focus on and give our attention to.
I always say that an actor's work will eventually speak for itself, and everyone who is a hater will eventually turn to liking them. Austin is just going through a momentary hazing phase that a lot of younger, nice-looking, talented male (and even female!) actors go through as they get a lot of success.
I watch documentaries on lots of celebrities from the past, so I've seen media footage on how people used to treat Britney Spears in the media (when she was just a teenager! 😭), Leo DiCaprio also got massive hate when he was younger, etc. I even personally recall when Anne Hathaway was getting massive hate online, and everyone said she was "annoying" and a "pretentious theater kid".
Now look! Everyone loves Britney! Everyone loves Anne. Leo is regarded as one of the greats, and everyone coming up behind him in the industry wants to have a career like his. He might still get clowned online and in the media for his love life lol, but the point is, he's now looked at with respect. The same will happen with Austin, just watch and see. ☺️ He's too talented and too kind not to.
What it all boils down to is jealousy tbh.
Like you said, when you ask most real people out in the real world (those who aren't chronically online getting their minds poisoned by Twitter 🙄), people love Austin, and find him massively talented! Just the "Elvis" fandom alone loved what he did in that film.
I wish fans would take a break from social media and online forums and just talk to real people for a change. Preferably, people who haven't had their minds influenced by Twitter or TikTok. 😒
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david-watts · 3 months ago
tagged by @elecctromechanika - thank you!!
last song: honestly don't remember what I last listened to. planning to play one of the records I got over the past couple of days later though. idk I have to reorganise my 7" collection anyway so I might just slap something on from that and if so I'll absolutely be playing telstar by the tornadoes on loop
last book: I'm tempted to lie and say something a little more cultured but it's 'the railway enthusiast's encyclopedia' by o. s. nock. it was published in 1968 so it coincides with the end of steam on british railways, and also because I bought it from the most fascinating little bookshop it smells like my dad's place with all of his old books. adds to the experience
last film: it was indeed what's new pussycat starring peter o'toole and I swear to god this film is going to take me forever to finish because. well. I keep getting a bit too excited and have to stop. you can fill in the blanks
last television show: surprising literally everyone it's not dr who! it was great rail restorations, which is a five-part doco hosted by peter snow and henry cole where they follow the restoration of four railway carriages. it's actually quite fascinating and it's on youtube as well if anyone would like
sweet/savoury/spicy?: I can for certain rule out sweet. savoury to me tastes bad as a word so even though I think I should be saying that I don't want to... and I'm not averse to spice either. actually it's kinda funny because my uncle tried to raise my cousins to like spicy things and they both hate spice now whilst neither of my parents tried and I ended up liking spicy things anyway. but yeah I think I'll go with savoury even if the taste of that word honestly makes me want to vomit
relationship status: combination of 'I am literally the worst person to be in a relationship with outside of obvious toxicity and abuse' and 'I keep falling for people I can't have'. also I'm aromantic
last thing I searched: 19th century sofas because I was organising my reference folder because it'd gotten a little disorganised and I realised I don't actually have many references for 19th century sofas. yes it is crucial that I have references of that specifically. what do you want from me
current obsession: lawrence of arabia. my dad is so proud of me, my m*ther hates me for it. best result of a manic episode ever
looking forward to: finally fucking dying like man. this sucks. even if I wasn't becoming convinced I am going to die in a way that terrifies me which is honest to god worse when you're half-aware you're crazy and it's not actually happening. I don't want to be aware of that. even though last time when I wasn't really aware it was truly horrible. like even without that my life is pretty terrible and I'm fairly certain that the universe intended to put me in a completely different context to what I am in
favourite drink: that's not discontinued? that green monster energy. or the lava guava mother energy. or gin with pine-orange juice. one of those
song played 24/7: dream/joey by the pretty things ohhh my god that song is. fairly crucial to my being. you have no idea. I need everyone to listen to it you have to in a way to understand me
current favourite character: I'll admit there's a bit of a list because I can't truly choose one singular favourite of all time however for the past few days I've had jc from the ruling class rotating in my brain. literally so embarrassing to recognise oneself through the other in that guy. like. actually I'm not elaborating on that it's bad enough as it is that I'm admitting as much
fun activity you would like to get into: I NEED to get back into archery like. the issue is I'd probably need to go to the meets and I don't have anyone to take me. because I'm a loser who lost his learner's test forms and can't drive yet. whoops
last video game: idk it was probably tetris. or online sudoku. if you want the last story-focused video game I played it was xenoblade chronicles 2
last comic/graphic novel: the last one I looked at was the dr who omnibus with the tenth dr who and emily winter and matthew finnegan. but I wasn't actually reading that I was checking on a quick detail in it so the last one I actually read was evening's empire. which I appreciate more now that I've actually watched seven's era. also it's artistically quite striking
tagging @bbbrianjones @fancycolours @cogneartive @abrighterwound @anynameisbetterthanmyfirstone and @death-of-a-ladies-man and of course, no pressure if you don't want to
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zermizomilk · 7 months ago
you [erased some that were weird tho] 3. do you miss anyone? 4. what are you looking forward to? 5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? 6. is it hard for you to get over someone? 7. what was your life like last year? 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? 9. who did you last see in person? 10. are you good at hiding your feelings? 11. are you listening to music right now? 12. what is something you want right now? 13. how do you feel right now? 15. personality description 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? 17. opinion on insecurities. 18. do you miss how things were a year ago 19. have you ever been to New York? 20. what is your favourite song at the moment? 21. age and birthday? 23. fear(s) 24. height 25. role model 26. idol(s) 27. things i hate 28. i’ll love you if… 29. favourite film(s) 30. favourite tv show(s) 31. 3 random facts 32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? 33. something you want to learn 34. most embarrassing moment 35. favourite subject 36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? 37. favourite actor/actress 38. favourite comedian(s) 39. favourite sport(s) 40. favourite memory 41. relationship status 42. favourite book(s) 43. favourite song ever 44. age you get mistaken for 45. how you found out about your idol 46. what my last text message says 49. where i want to be right now 50. favourite picture of your idol 51. starsign 52. something i’m talented at 53. 5 things that make me happy 54. something thats worrying me at the moment 55. tumblr friends 56. favourite food(s) 57. favourite animal(s) 58. description of my best friend 59. why i joined tumblr 60. do you have a funny joke [[i zoned out during the organization proccess so if there are any asks you're uncomfortable w, just ignore them]]
3 bird
4 end of the day
5 you
6 sometimes
7 alot more naive to to internet interaction
8 yes
9 technically my brother
10 yes
11 no
12 rather not say
13 annoyed and angry
15 idk
16 yes
17 it's ok to be insecure it's only human
18 id rather die then go back to how it was
19 nope
20 butchers vanity
21 age 14, bday 26 nov
23 spiders
24 idk where a tape measure is so im just gonna assume it's like 178-179 cm maybe
25 brother
26 idk
27 list is long and i don't feel like writing all that
28 elaborate
29 wonka i guess
30 i got nothing
31 mosquitoes are attached to potassium, if you dissolve styrofoam in nail polish cleaner you get napalm, in fallout 4 everyone likes artificial gorillas
32 all of you guys are nonbinary or trans so idk
33 drums
34 to many to count rather not think of them
35 like school? uhh biology i guess
36 i got nothing
37 nobody
38 nobody
39 dodgeball
40 found a bird outside my doot hurt and had a zip tie around it's leg so i helped it to the best of my ability
41 aromantic
42 im reading how to kill a mockingbird so i guess that
43 can't choose
44 10-17
45 n/a
46 Ily<3/p
49 same spot my home but alone
50 n/a
51 idk and im too lazy to look it up again
52 ¯⁠\[•-•]/⁠¯
53 uhhhh talking to you, being around animals, sleeping, talking to friends in general, playing games
55 uhh you,Large,Axel i don't think i interact with alot of my moots
56 eggs
57 bird, dog, cat
58 well unable? describe your self
59 deltarune
60 nothing at the moment
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yanderu-deredere · 2 years ago
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a/n: here's one of the new boys! i figure i should crank these new boys out before i include them in a few more requests! also omg thank you so so much! idk if it was my pathetic begging but i got so so many requests and ill definitely crank those out too!
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warning: gender neutral reader, stalking. cat fishing, phone sex, non-consensual filming
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soren 'soleil' ravi kumar ★ profile
there's not a lot of places you could meet soren becos he's such a dedicated musician and becos to become his new obession you have to be related to his current one
which brings us to the fact that you have to know him thru his band
of course a lot of these posts are just suggestions of how the yans can meet their darlings but i really truly think that soren would do well with meeting his darling at a meet and greet
meet and greets are where the band sits at a long table and the fans line up to greet each member one on one for a few seconds each, long enough to get a few sentences in, maybe give the member a pre approved present, get something signed, etc
the meet and greets are ofc very tiring and, after a while, the faces get very samey
however, when he sees you, he immediately thinks wow, very cute
its kind of a not-very-well-hidden-secret that soren sometimes sleeps with some of the groupies
it's well hidden enough that only the really really dedicated fans know about it but its like not well hidden enough that the paparazzi sometimes catch him going out with some of them
he's earned kind of a playboy label but like nobody's really put two and two together that they're all just dedicated acatalepsy fans
anyway, when he sees you, he thinks might fuck around and see if he can talk you into sleeping with him loool
but then you open your mouth and then he thinks might fuck around and shee if he can talk you into wearing a ring around that finger, if you know what i mean
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"Hi! Sorry, ohmygosh, I'm so happy to see you!" You rush out, giggling in that same drunken way a lot of fans do when they sit down in front of them for the meet and greet.
Soren laughs boyishly, nodding as he takes your album and signs his name "Yeah, I get that a lot. Who should I sign this to?"
You tell him your name and, for some reason, he pairs it with his last name in his head. Sadly, he can't write it down but he does add a cutie in front of it when he scribbles it onto the front of your copy.
"Uhm, I know we only have a few seconds but I just wanted to say that I loved your first album. A lot of fans don't appreciate it to much and, hot take, don't tell the other Asteropos but I feel like the other albums just don't have the same spark as the first two do."
After your little spiel, you sit there, fiddling with your fingers so cutely and all Soren could do was stare at you. Instead of shutting up, you continued, too nervous to do anything else.
"I mean, the meaning to the lyrics were just so profound in the first two albums and the thematic tie ins were so satisfying but I feel like the newer albums, you're just making coincidences to make coincidences, and they're not really to do anything and-- I don't know. I just-- miss the old Soleil, I guess."
Then, as if sick of how much you were embarrassing yourself, you squeaked out a small apology, touched his hand (which was absolutely electrifying, grabbed your album and then moved on to the next member.
Soren had never been so in love in his entire life.
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its very much the case of 'nobody's ever punched me before in my entire life and now im in love with you' trope but it's like nobody's ever been so like nice but critical of him?
like it's the price of being popular i guess? but everyone either really loves him so he can do no wrong or really hates him so everything he does is wrong
but you are such a sweet and nice middle that it feels so nice and pleasant! like constructive critisism?? and you're not being paid to give it to him? why? you care about him? oh myog od?
its because you love him. the two of you are meant to be!!
he already has your information from where you bought the tickets! they had to take your credit card information (which included your billing address) and your phone number
he'll try to use the band as much as he can to get as close to you as possible!
maybe your ticket to the concert was used in a raffle and you won! now you get to spend a whole day with him doing whatever the two of you want!
he'll show you around the studio, the two of you can talk about whatever the two of you want, you can do whatever
he'll flirt with you as much as possible lmaooo but what he wants from you is more than what he's ever wanted from any of the fan fuck buddies he's ever had before
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The office chair the two of you sat on creaked under your shared weight and the sound snapped you a little bit out of your arousal. You were, after all, in the room he used to write songs and brainstorm ideas.
It felt a little blasphemous to fuck there.
"Are you sure this is okay?" You stuttered out, looking nervous and unsure, even as your hips ground down into his.
He just laughed, bright and sweet as his large palms pressed into your skin, one of hands pushing into your shirt, trying to undress you, while his other hand cupped your thigh, pulling your legs apart.
"Darling, if I don't have you right now, I think I'll go crazy." He muttered against your ear, that melodic voice you were so used to hearing singing such innocent songs now uttering much dirtier words.
It made a shiver go down your spine.
You quickly nodded, agreeing, your fingers tangling into his locks when his lips latched onto your neck, teeth marking their way down to your clavicles.
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he wants you to belong to him wholly and completely so you can take care of him and give him compliments and constructive criticism and so you can inspire him!
neway if you think he's just a one night stand, he'll show you a one night stand!
lol but seriously though, he won't let you get away after one night. you're his eternally
he might fuck around and make a fake fan account and get to know you that way too becos of course he would
he kind of has all the money in the world so he doesn't care what he has to do to make you his, he'll do it
might even fuck around and pay someone to put cameras where you live cus like he cant go around skulking in your neighborhood but if he puts cameras there, he won't have to!
but yeah, definitely a pain in the ass lmao and like he's socially adept enough that he knows how to hide his obsessive tendencies well so that you don't really see them
to you, it'll feel like you met the popstar of your dreams and he fell in love with you after spending a day with you (which you won through a raffle you were entered into?) and now the two of you are dating? weird
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Soren held his phone in between his ear and his shoulder, his hands unbuttoning his uncomfortable jeans "I'm sorry I can't be with you, baby. You know I hate travelling but I have to."
You nodded, pout playing across your face, your knees pulled to your chest and your cheek pressed to your knee. You were sat against the headboard of Soren's expensive California king sized bed, feeling lonely and small. All he could hear was your sigh.
He could see everything though.
After all, he had a camera pointed right at you and it was streaming right into his laptop camera. He really was telling the truth when he said he wanted nothing else than to be with you and, if you said the magic words, he'd quit and be with you all the time.
However, there he was, in Australia. And there you were, all by your lonesome.
"Why don't you do something for me, hmmm, baby?" Soren palmed himself, not quite fishing his cock out of his underwear quite yet "Something to help you feel less lonely?"
When you hummed in agreement, he continued "Why don't you go lay down on my bed and take off all of your clothes and maybe play with yourself while we talk on the phone?"
He definitely heard your breath hitch.
"I'll talk you through it." He reassured you, his dick already chubbing at the thought of watching you hanging onto his every word, following his every command "And I want to listen to you cum over and over."
"Cus you're mine right, baby? You're mine, even if I'm millions of miles away, right?"
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snazum · 1 year ago
i hate that i get the biggest surge of creative energy and Do Stuff motivation between the hours of 2am-5am. Like i’d like a normal sleep schedule.
ALSO! It’s I want to Do Stuff with Others. Like everyones asleep as they should be! But I’m over here like “oh I should ask this person what they think of this idea. Lets make this thing together”
Also! Wish capitalism would fucking die. Everyones busy and has jobs (and school but thats important stuff so please do it) and I’m over here being a NEET. Actually it’s embarrassing but moving on. (got a school advisor app thing this week super excited and nervous <not for reasons you’d think>) But like, I /know/ friends who’d want to create and do things but unfortunetly are burned out by work and school and shitty fucking people.
Can’t wait to get into the film program. Little scared cause I don’t want to have to deal with the whole “Oh u don’t watch movies? What was the first marvel movie budget” or smth. It was really fuckin annoying in highschool. And it felt like it was cause I was “fem presenting” (I wasn’t. I was p masc. Just higher voice, small, quiet and all around fem socialized) So idk, the way I react and read the situation is an attack on my knowledge <Which I’ll always admit I live under a rock>
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rollychan · 1 year ago
Tag Meme
Tag people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Was tagged by @illwynd :D Took a bit to sit down and do this but here it is!
Last song: let me quickly check my VLC player on the phone cause my memory is a sieve orz Oh, it was A Kind of Magic by Queen. I tend to not listen to music a lot because my living situation currently is such that the TV in the next room is on basically all day and that's more sound than I can bear so no additional sound for me, which includes music, unfortunately.
Last film: uuuuuh it was probably Elemental when I was visiting my brother and his wife, it's actually not bad, nice family dynamics in there, but also nothing special if I'm honest (it did make me tear up a bit because the emotional weight was definitely there, or maybe the main theme hits a bit too close to home, Idk, but yeah)
Current/last read: I am embarrassed to say that I'm still on Blow-Up by Cortázar (a book @illwynd actually gifted me, double RIP to me) because I'm an idiot who can't move her ass to read anymore even though I've absolutely fallen in love with the stories, especially Axolotl. I really need to sit down again and continue.
Currently watching: my computer screen. That's sadly not a joke because, well, I'm a software dev and also currently working on my final thesis in Augmented/Mixed/Virtual Reality, so most of my time is spent in front of the screen. Other than that I'm not really watching any series (what the question is probably about?) though I'd like to try the One Piece live action show at some point because it actually looks good. Knowing me I'll probably watch it in five years or so lol (late-to-the-party syndrome, I have it)
Current obsessions: ironically, despite my problem with too much sound currently, I have started playing the (classical/acoustic) guitar in August (minus quite a few weeks because I just can't get rid of being ill, I hate it and I just want to be healthy pls), which is a lot of fun, and the history of the instrument is so interesting that I ended up learning about so many string instruments, it's not even funny lol I watched a more than 2-hour long video about how a classical guitar is built and am preparing for watching how an electric guitar is built (another 2+ hour video). I may have a problem. On another note, I got into Paleo Pines, which is a really cute 3D farming sim with dinos. Can only recommend, befriending dinos in different colors is very good for my mental health because they're very cute (especially the pride flag colored ones).
Tagging @iamnmbr3, @iamanartichoke, @tanelorn8615, @firethesound, @papercactuss, @derjemand, @j2stwincestiel, @autheane, and last but not least @kael1030 (only if any of you want to, of course) and also everyone who sees this and wants to do this (I only tagged my mutuals, and also feel free to put me as the tagger if you want!)
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lord-shitbox · 2 years ago
entire ask game. send me asks too or ill bite you really ahrd
assuming you said this for the 'weirder asks' game. godbless
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Gozu and mezu
lighter or matches?
I like lighters more but i only have a matchbox (the striking paper on it is shit anyways)
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
do wot
hair-ties or scrunchies?
Hair ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
None. 2 glasses and a mason jar though 
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Cold. on ice
would you slaughter the rich?
Idc about killing them i just want their wealth redistributed
favorite extracurricular activity?
Fucking around at the grocery store en masse
what kind of day is it?
Did not do a single piece of schoolwork but i did every other possible task
when was the last time you ate?
Within the hour. Had a bowl of rice on my desk
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
If you want me to ya
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
A lot of things. Stuffed animals, jewelry
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
👍 but i prefer mild temperatures. The kind of just-barely cold that isnt really cold. I don’t like wearing lots of clothes
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Depends on who you are. for u specifically, probly not much
perfume/body spray or lotion?
Mmmm…i dont own any body spray but i have mixed feelings about the texture of lotion. It’s not actually that bad but i don’t like putting wet stuff on me (same genre of sensory dislike as wearing lots of clothing)
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Uh.. like daydream? There’s one i used to have but its really really edgy and embarrassing 
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
Last night, 12. On weekdays its like 6
do you wear a mask?
No sorry
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
Yes leave me alone
what type of music keeps you grounded?
Heavy stuff. Like fast and hard noises. Nothing slow
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
Went 2 bowser movie wth an extended group of people last night and afterwards we walked to winco and did funny things in shopping carts
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Tbh…no. Im really good at remembering song lyrics in general but i dont think there are any in particular i memorize
what’s your timezone?
Doxx me why don’t you
how many times have you changed your url?
Never <3
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
Uhh.. not really? Am not in much contact with childhood close friends (theres one ive seen a few times recently but we haven’t actually talked). I believe i’ve known tuna for upcoming 8yrs though
a soap bar that smells good?
I dont like bar soap i like the liquid kinds. Old spice
do you use lip balm?
During dry lip season (i forget when this is) my lips get dry as fuck 
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
With ice and chocolate in it
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Discord & instagram 
what’s your take on spicy foods?
yum (reasonable spice tolerance)
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Nobody…i hate some people 2 death (i dont think about them so i forget who they are) but theyre not bothering me rn so idc
can you remember what happened yesterday?
Bowser moive
favorite holiday film?
Year without a santa claus (IM MR FREEZE MISER)
what was the last message you sent?
“so far i think the only red text thats restricted to origin is mhin's”
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Idk ive had sips in young youth. Parents would give me some so i could go “wow this tastes nasty” and not crave any ever (they were right for this)
can you skip rocks?
I may have done it successfully like twice in my life
can i tag you in random stuff?
Ya sure
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strawbrygashez · 27 days ago
More questions I stole from a post because I like yapping
Tumblr media
1. selfie
2. what would you name your future kids?
I probably wouldn’t actually name them this but I absolutely love the name Freya (Fray-uh)
3. do you miss anyone?
Answered this yesterday but yeah. My grandmother passed kinda recently
4. what are you looking forward to?
Talking to Zee again.
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
Yeah. Zee and some of my moots
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Depends on how obsessed or attached I am.
7. what was your life like last year?
I honestly can’t remember too well but I guess kinda shit. This year has been going better in a few ways.
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Probably. I feel like there has to be another feeling mixed in tho for me to cry besides being annoyed.
9. who did you last see in person?
My mom
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Kinda. A lot of people don’t know how I truly feel about them. In some situations I’m terrible at hiding my feelings though. Especially if it’s like someone making me genuinely upset.
11. are you listening to music right now?
Nope. All i can hear is the rain and clothing washer rn.
12. what is something you want right now?
To pee.
13. how do you feel right now?
Alright. Need to get up to pee.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
Yesterday. Hugged a guy family member
15. personality description
Hmm. I dunno. I don’t often have people tell me what personality aspects of mine they notice besides I guess Zee told me I’m nice. Uhm. I guess generally speaking I’m quiet and polite. My sibling would probably say I’m annoying and crazy tho.
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Multiple times thru out my life.
17. opinion on insecurities.
Uh. People having insecurities? Thats normal. Sure having them and other people having them sucks but I mean it’s just a part of life.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
Not really no.
19. have you ever been to New York?
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
SEVENTH HAVEN from Tokyo 7th sisters.
21. age and birthday?
22. description of crush.
Ouuuggh… he’s very handsome. Just looking at him makes me wanna curl up and die because he’s so attractive. He’s funnnnie and smexy 😋
23. fear(s)
Complete dark, bugs, people I care deeply about getting tired of me, speaking in front of a crowd, loud sudden sounds, men raising their voice, uhm.. I dunno. I have OCD so I get random fears a lot so I can’t list out all of em.
24. height
I think exactly 5 feet tall.
25. role model
No one currently. Growing up it was Marilyn Manson.
26. idol(s)
Miku? Idk.
27. things i hate
Tons of things. I’ll list a couple simple things I hate tho.
Doing dishes, being yelled at, being expected to care for or like certain people, being forced to do certain things, having to act normal/happy irl to cover my ass from getting yelled at or having people ‘worry’ about me.
28. i’ll love you if…
You’re not annoying and overly sensitive. Nice to me :p
29. favourite film(s)
Queen of the damned, The Lost Boys, Joker, and The Crow.
30. favourite tv show(s)
I don’t watch tv shows really. Does anime count? I love some anime. The Love Live series and Chobits are my favorites.
31. 3 random facts
About me? I’ll go with about me. I’ve seen Korn and Slipknot preform, I cry really easily over idol animes, and I can name all the love live girls easily up until LL!Superstars.
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
I’m not sure to be honest.
33. something you want to learn
How to be better at scrapbooking & I would like better conversation skills.
34. most embarrassing moment
My leg fell asleep once in elementary school and when I went to get up to leave the class I fell over and smacked my head against the white board. I’ve also fallen up the stairs in middle school and off a desk.
35. favourite subject
English if this refers to while I was in school.
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Meeting Zee, going on my first date, having my first boyfriend.
37. favourite actor/actress
None. I don’t care for actors.
38. favourite comedian(s)
39. favourite sport(s)
40. favourite memory
Going to a anime store in Florida and getting tons of Love Live merch.
41. relationship status
Single but harassing someone to be mine.
42. favourite book(s)
Chobits manga.
43. favourite song ever
Jesus that’s a hard one. Uhm. I couldn’t pick one really but Ningyo Hime by Rie Tanaka is really really nice.
44. age you get mistaken for
A teenager. I’m in my early 20s.
45. how you found out about your idol
I said miku was my idol sooo I found her thru an Adventure Time amv
46. what my last text message says
I asked someone where they were
47. turn ons
Dark humor, a sense of confidence, and being very nicey to me
48. turn offs
People who whine about everything ever, people who get insanely annoying about the fact other people have different opinions and beliefs.
49. where i want to be right now
With Zee
50. favourite picture of your idol
51. starsign
52. something i’m talented at
Nothing really. Having knowledge on dumb things I guess.
53. 5 things that make me happy
Zee, Love Live, Chobits, gifts, and being left to do my own thing.
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
How much I’m peeing. I did have like 2 water bottles but 🙄
55. tumblr friends
My mutuals. I’m not listing them all out.
56. favourite food(s)
57. favourite animal(s)
58. description of my best friend
I don’t know if I have a best friend. I care most about Zee so uhm. Read my previous answer about my crush
59. why i joined tumblr
Bc im autistic
60. ask me anything you want
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