#idec at this point
crestedpalls · 4 months
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Why is the weather doing this to me.... You guys the first thing I thought of when I looked outside the window just now was solie and sunjae, not that it's cold or that I should hope the rain let's up by 2pm BUT THAT SOLJAE MET FOR THE FIRST TIME ON A RAINY DAY *pained screeching*
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demonscantgothere · 2 years
Thanks for your brilliant stories, everytime i reread something I just get all happy. You brought me lots of joy last year and I hope you know that. Stay safe and wishing you the best this year!
I'm so happy to hear that! Thank you so much for this sweet little note in my inbox! I write to get these ideas out of my head, but being able to share them with everyone else and passing on a little bit of that joy and happiness in the process is a bonus that is well worth it.
Thank you for putting the precious idea of Mairon and Artanis into my head! Once I am finished with Litost, I am half-tempted to revisit that universe and write a more in depth version of those two. It would likely be rated Teen and/or Mature and chock full of UST, but I'm kind of stuck on this idea of them in canonverse Pride and Prejudice style.
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. . . I'm this-close to making a moodboard for it, and I haven't even started it yet.
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Fucking kill yourself
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binarybitex · 6 months
ahhh time for bed.... or I guess I should say that it's time to imagine my two favorite characters kissing. and maybe they're even holding hands. and giggling bc one of them said something funny. and their bodies are warm and their hearts beat a little faster when they're around each other.... and then the other one pulls them in for a hug bc their chest is filled with so much love, so they have to physically squeeze the other person to release their pent up affection.... ahhh....... bedtime ............
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aer0s · 1 year
you can do ur own design you'd like but i'd also be partial to seeing the movie one in ur style ^^
surely he's qualified!
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abbyshands · 5 months
YESSSS, imma piggy back on what you said real quick. Most people understand the concept of sex and the basic acts of sexual intercourse by middle school/the age of 12. It’s really not that hard to grasp and whether they’ve indulged in those certain acts or not doesn’t change the fact that they most likely know what it is.
So when people try to pass it on or even justify it as “well it’s an innocent reader/mc” or even “it’s just fiction” it doesn’t matter, you’re writing about someone and/or something in a childlike connotation. Who is actually saying or responding to “oh my cunny this” or “my private parts this” 🧍🏾‍♀️ Like be actually so real please. I’m telling you dude some of them like children and don’t wanna say it.
Don’t get me started on that “corruption” shit either cause a lot of y’all (whoever this applies to) are openly admitting to wanting to “ruin someone’s innocence” in your writing and it’s not cute like yall think it is😭
tw // pedophilia, csa
for fucking real. for the “corruption” kink, to be honest, it’s bearable as long as it isn’t to the degree of an overly innocnet “adult” reader, who may as well be a baby/child. but let’s be so serious: you’ll have had sex ed classes in high school if you’re an adult, regardless of “innocence,” etc, or religion, per say, because that seems to be an excuse people use to play off a “pure” reader who’s really more childlike when it comes down to it. you can be a virgin, “pure,” think sex is immoral, blahblahblah, while knowing its core fundamentals, and the basic concept. there’s no reason in hell an adult reader shouldn’t know where their clit/hole is, where a penis is inserted into a vagina, what cumming is, how sexual intercourse works as a general consensus, etc. there’s no reason your reader or your main character should be yapping ab a “cunny,” “clitty,” “private/princess parts,” “potty,” etc. are you fucking kidding me?
and then people are seriously bending over backwards to defend it? i mean, let’s be real, you’re not earning any points here. why are you defending a phenomenon where people find sexual pleasure, sexual arousal, in behaving like a baby/child during sexual intercourse? does that not sound unbelievably repulsive, or have i lost all common sense? i mean, fucking honestly. people need to get a grip. quit playing off coquette-ified pedophilia as a kink, because as a csa survivor, as someone who has seen what it’s like to put your trust into an adult as a child, then have them violate the shit out of you sexually, you fucking repulse me. i’m sick of seeing it all over my home page and it being so goddamn normalized. it’s triggering and i find it absolutely horrific. weird isn’t even the word: people. are fucking. sick.
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samuelroukin · 1 year
remember when ofmd got renewed and we heard they'd start filming in october and everyone was "oh wow so fast!! so soon!" and now here we are with no season 2 looking like absolute fools
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mushr00mmenace · 1 month
the idea that stone drinks energy drinks to get drunk because he's allergic to them is hilarious to me
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chopstuey · 23 days
Looking at all these stuilly rp blogs makes me want to make one..
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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2023 Dutch Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso
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084392 · 2 years
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i figured since its taking me so long to draw the other champions that i would be nice and post the girls outfits already...😔
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fivekrystalpetals · 5 months
Okay, going into #bsd fyodor tag is still impossible for me :/
Look, I love Bram a lot, but how are people saying that Fyodor somehow killed Bram??
'Cause if you see it in order:
Bram orders his vampire to kill Fyodor -> Fyodor dies -> Crime and Punishment activates -> He becomes Bram
So, in this case, (cuz we do have a lot of other things to blame Fyodor for lmao) but in this particular case, what are we blaming Fyodor for lol? Dying? Getting killed by Bram? His ability activating involuntarily?
Dazai literally says this:
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Meaning, Fyodor has no control over his ability. He becomes whatever or whoever kills him, so he has been morbidly molding his masterplans around his own DEATH all along! He was frantic because he feared he will be MURDERED by the wrong person!
No wonder, he wants a world without abilities! Because, no matter what, he just cannot DIE. No wonder, he says this. He almost sounds envious other humans can die so easily?
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Also, did he manipulate Bram into killing him? No. Fyodor has not made contact with Bram at all. He let Bram do whatever he wanted. Bram was under direct control of Fukuchi, btw. And, it was Ranpo who asked Bram to kill him with one of his vampires.
In fact, Fukuchi says he locked up Fyodor faraway in prison so, he won't interfere in any of Fukuchi's plans.
I mean, once again, this panel:
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Sorry I am salty, but I guess seeing him as a demon who feels no pain in killing others or even himself (rather than the fact that he has been killed who-knows-how-many-times over the centuries yet is unable to "die" and be set free from the world -- this has made him completely desensitized to the idea of pain felt over death) makes it easier for everyone to plot out the next plan for "its" the demon Dostoyevsky's death.
Murder is the activation condition for his ability god just just think about it?
He might have lived his whole life as a normal ability-less person
until the day he was......... killed
I wonder if he died a death of natural causes, his ability would never ever have activated??? idk
but this also carries the heavy implication that he has never died a death of natural causes.
Only murdered by another human every. single. time.
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How do I even begin to explain to allos that the reason I'm frothing at the mouth whenever I think about two characters is not because I want them to kiss but rather because they're fundamentally parts of each other and they simply cannot exist as they are without each other?
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
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911 lone star fashion -> every paul outfit
↳ 2.06
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womenaremypriority · 7 months
This has all just made more dedicated to LGB movements LMAO how are you gonna come in my house and tell me that I have to accept everyone that your conservative grandpa deems sexually deviant or else I’m dirt to you?? Absolute experts at emotional manipulation and fake support. How dare you force this shit on us. When gay people are like “whatever, I am weird, fuck you” to traditional homophobes sure there’s power in that but it’s a far cry from just saying “being gay/bisexual is considered weird by homophobes, so you must accept everyone else that’s considered weird, you’re basically the same” like fuck you you’re the one pushing us into a box. Am I weird? Yeah fucking sure, I don’t care, but I am NOT weird for being attracted to women and I’ll beat your ass for suggesting that. You corner us and threaten us if we don’t comply? Huh?? You think we’re perverts anyway, so we have to accept the other perverts? LMAO and you think that’s us reclaiming that label, no you’re pushing it onto us. gays, lesbians, and bisexuals don’t need you, we don’t need straight people who have the audacity to think they know how it feels to be one of us. We can do our own shit. Fuck you, fuck conservatives, fuck anyone who tries to dictate what gay and bi people should believe or do with ourselves. We will push back against anyone who tries to tell us what we are.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
IM2 thoughts
Hi! Today we're thinking about Tony's obvious, death wish ass behavior in Iron Man 2 (though to be fair to him, it's not like he wants to die, he just thinks he's gonna and acts accordingly) -- and why on earth Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy aren't more alarmed
Like, don't get me wrong, they're concerned! But they also don't freak the fuck out at Tony's myriad red flags? They see him go from IM1's grounded certainty to a reckless disregard for his own life, fatalistically courting chaos and pushing everyone who cares about him away. Literally 0 to 100 so fast. They worry, but they also roll with it.
These are Tony's people! Why is their reaction mostly just damage control? And that got me thinking... maybe it's because this behavior is familiar.
We know Tony's changed. But the world around him doesn't know like we know. Even his family sees him basically preparing for his own death and just assumes he's reverted back to the way he always was
That's why their response is so subdued. None of IM2's depression, abyss, suicidality, despair strike them as abnormal Tony behaviors.
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