#ice age nadia
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triple-pupil · 10 days ago
Imagine Diego used to do patrols for his old pack, this habit follows him to the herd, so he sometimes dissapears in the snow for hours.
Imagine sometimes, amidst the wind, rain or snow, during these lonely walks. Where he's without the support of Sid and Manny.
Diego has visions.
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Visions of his guilt.
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Visions of unjust deeds and broken families.
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omnitheist27 · 1 year ago
The 40 lives with the Neanderthal tribe (The 40 x Ice Age)
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf, @purplemochi20055, @hulkchloron99, and @r3dp4nd4ch1ld
So...it's finally here!
The 40 have met the Neanderthal tribe and live amongst them for a whole week.
Thanks to the "all speak" gift bestowed upon them by the Entity, they can understand what language the Neanderthals communicate in.
In that short time, they taught the tribe many things and befriended the leader and his family. The 40 show them how to toil the land, grow edible plants and grains, and fish in the streams. The female members of The 40 would teach the concept and importance of matrilineality (which Nadia greatly appreciated despite already being treated well in the tribe due to being the "wife" of their leader) and that any female they sire or take in their tribe would be treated and taught to also carry out the duties of the male hunters. Most importantly, they would teach the tribe how to greatly respect the animals they hunt and kill for food by making it mandatory that all the remains of the animals that are unedible will be given a burial of sorts.
In the miscellaneous times, Levi would often converse with Runar, Senku working on pottery to make cups and containers for food and water, the woman and girls (aside from Emma) politely rejecting the "proposals" of the male hunters, Killua conversing with Nadia as they work on weaving baskets and making rope, and Emma playing with the infant Roshan by making a flower crown.
However, the vengeful Soto and his pack of Sabertooth tigers are undaunted by these "strange humans and the walking wolf". The plan to attack the tribe will continue, but they have to re-evaluate their initial plan due to seeing the obvious danger of just rushing in at night.
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hungryhooverville · 6 months ago
Continued rp for @heroicidiot0 continued from here
Nadia let out a surprised noise as the other gripped her head and slowly forced her head all the way down her cock. It pushed beyond what the woman could normally take. The red-haired woman choked slightly, but it only turned her on more. Her eyes rolled back, giving the other a very lewd view of the naked woman. A muffled 'more' barely heard around the thick cock.
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lunarblue21 · 2 years ago
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Wow, this is really interesting early concept art of Manfred/Manny along with Nadia and Roshan! I don't think I've ever seen this concept art before and it's very intriguing becos Nadia looks like she survived the fall here - or there never was a fall/jump from a waterfall in this earliest of concepts - and Roshan is crying as Manny looks on at them compassionately.
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rcsilience · 1 month ago
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name   ⏤   lissa   ivanov   .   label   ⏤   the  ice  princess   .   age   ⏤   twenty5   occupation   ⏤   warehouse bartender  &  lakeside grill  hostess   .   zodiac   sign   ⏤   leo    .   gender   +   pronouns   +   orientation   ⏤   cis   woman   +   she   /   her   +   pansexual   .   inspired   characters   ⏤   maddy  perez  ,  lu hendrich  ,  katherine  pierce  ,  aj  lee  ,  drusilla  ,  georgina  sparks  ,  harley quinn  ,  felicia hardy 
tw  :  emotional  ab*se  ,  underage  drinking  and  dr*gs
you  know  polly  wilson  .  she's  blonde  ,  nearly  six  feet  tall  ,  former  head  of  the  pta  ,  chair  of  the  hoa  ,  and  the  picture  perfect  version  of  what  the  “  ideal  ”  housewife  is  .  most  people  don't  know  what  lissa  knows  about  her  mother  .  that  her  real  name  is  polina  ,  that  she  used  to  chain  smoke  in  the  backyard  after  dinner  when  she  though  lissa  and  her  stepfather  had  gone  to  bed  for  the  night  ,  that  she  curses  like  a  sailor  and  is  currently  on  her  fourth  (  fifth  ?  )  affair  of  her  marriage  to  her  husband  .  that  last  part  is  only  fair  ,  really  ,  considering  he's  on  his  hundredth  ,  probably  .
before  there  was  red  creek  and  suburbia  and  lies  baked  into  apple  pies  ,  there  was  brighton  beach  and  a  beautiful  boy  with  jet  black  hair  and  a  big  smile  ,  tattoos  covering  his  arms  ,  and  a  whirlwind  romance  that  was  cut  short  by  fifteen  year  jail  sentence  .  polly  was  only  two  months  along  when  the  gavel  came  down  on  her  lover  and  she  was  devastated  …  but  she  could  still  squeeze  into  a  herve  leger  and  troll  the  wall  street  bars  which  is  where  she  met  mr  .  wilson  ,  a  michigan  native  and  midwest  contractor  about  to  inherit  his  father's  cement  mixing  company  .
he  wasn't  able  to  have  kids  and  polly  was  already  pregnant  so  she  packed  a  bag  ,  hopped  on  a  plane  ,  and  they  lived  in  st  .  louis  until  she  gave  birth  .  little  vasilissa  ,  named  after  her  grandmother  ,  the  spitting  image  of  her  incarcerated  father  who  was  insistent  that  his  name  go  on  the  birth  certificate  .  that  was  fine  by  polly  ,  who  felt  she  needed  a  bit  of  a  leg  up  on  her  already  philandering  husband  anyways  .  she  knew  he  had  begun  to  cheat  her  not  more  than  two  months  after  they  signed  the  marriage  certificate  .  he  knew  that  she  knew  so  he  chose  to  “  make  it  up  to  her  ”  rather  than  ….  just  stop  cheating  ?  so  he  bought  them  the  perfect  little  house  in  red  creek  michigan  ,  even  paid  for  movers  !
lissa  remembers  her  childhood  very  distinctly  .  her  mom  loved  family  sitcoms  ,  stuck  her  chest  out  to  match  peggy  bundy's  ,  let  old  episodes  of  the  addams  family  run  in  the  background  as  she  fucked  tray  after  tray  of  cookies  ,  watched  full  house  reruns  whenever  lissa  had  her  weekly  phone  call  with  her  dad  .  by  the  time  she  started  school  ,  the  polly  that  would  drop  her  off  in  perfect  makeup  and  hair  ,  with  special  shapes  cut  into  her  sandwiches  and  fresh  treats  for  the  bake  sales  ,  that  was  a  different  woman  than  the  polina  that  she  dealt  with  at  home  .
she  had  lissa  enrolled  in  french  ,  spanish  ,  and  russian  language  classes  (  the  latter  so  she  could  talk  shit  to  and  at  her  without  her  dear  husband  knowing  what  they  were  saying  )  .  piano  lasted  until  lissa  went  to  high  school  and  swimming  took  an  immediate  backseat  when  little  lissa  showed  even  an  ounce  of  talent  once  she  put  on  her  figure  skates  and  took  off  on  the  ice  .  polly  wanted  to  make  her  nadia  comenici  .  lissa  wanted  to  cut  her  mother  in  the  face  with  the  blade  on  her  foot  .
they  never  got  along  ,  spent  more  time  screaming  at  each  other  than  they  did  actually  talking  .  lissa  was  perfectly  well  behaved  when  she  needed  to  be  but  her  mother  had  so  many  specific  expectations  of  her  .  perfect  hair  ,  perfect  teeth  ,  perfect  outfit  ,  perfect  grades  .  anything  below  an  A  and  polly  was  getting  into  a  screaming  match  with  her  ,  accusing  her  of  turning  out  just  like  her  fucking  father  .  lissa  would  always  snap  back  that  he  got  to  be  away  from  her  .  none  of  her  friends  believed  her  when  she  said  her  mom  was  the  worst  because  all  they  ever  saw  was  sweet  mrs  .  wilson  ,  who  made  impeccable  lasagna  and  cheered  her  daughter  on  at  skating  recitals  .
by  the  time  lissa  was  in  eighth  grade  ,  she  had  mastered  the  art  of  sneaking  out  once  her  mom  popped  an  ambien  (  or  three  )  .  she  would  hang  out  with  the  burnout  kids  in  the  park  ,  drinking  smuggled  bottles  of  unknown  liquors  from  brown  paper  bags  ,  doing  whatever  was  offered  to  her  .  by  the  time  the  sun  came  up  ,  she'd  be  in  bed  ,  only  to  wake  up  an  hour  later  to  go  to  school  .  looking  back  ,  she  has  no  clue  how  she  did  any  of  it  ,  her  nightime  escapades  while  maintaining  honor  roll  .
it  only  got  more  intense  in  high  school  ,  especially  when  she  got  her  license  and  her  stepfather  bought  her  a  little  white  audi  ,  which  she  used  almost  exclusively  to  drive  her  and  her  friends  around  in  while  they  got  into  any  and  all  trouble  they  could  find  .  there  were  several  nights  where  she'd  be  two  states  away  from  home  ,  wondering  what  the  fuck  she  was  doing  out  there  and  if  she  should  even  go  back  home  …  but  she  would  ,  always  ,  regardless  .
senior  year  ,  her  father  was  released  ,  though  he  had  to  stay  in  new  york  according  to  his  parole  .  lissa  made  plans  to  spend  her  summer  with  him  and  his  family  ,  though  a  huge  fight  with  her  mother  pushed  her  to  book  an  earlier  flight  and  get  to  the  city  earlier  than  expected  .  her  dad  was  not  as  great  as  she  had  built  him  up  to  be  ,  after  all  ,  and  when  the  end  of  summer  came  ,  she  was  grateful  to  make  her  escape  to  miami  to  go  to  college  .
what  was  meant  to  be  four  years  studying  public  relations  became  a  journalism  major  .  she  had  become  obsessed  with  the  murders  ,  having  just  been  born  mere  months  before  they  started  and  never  really  caring  to  look  into  them  when  she  was  living  there  but  then  …  she  was  invested  .  she  read  every  article  ,  every  book  ,  listened  to  every  podcast  and  news  story  .  her  article  for  the  university  newspaper  on  the  topic  earned  her  student  journalism  award  .  other  unsolved  crimes  caught  her  interest  and  she  knew  to  pivot  in  order  to  maintain  a  semblance  of  a  potential  career  but  the  boogeyman  never  strayed  far  from  her  mind  .
following  high  school  ,  she  moved  to  new  york  ,  where�� she  was  an  intern  at  a  prominent  newspaper  while  working  nights  as  bartender  at  an  even  more  prominent  strip  club  .  there  she  met  a  nice  french  gentleman  ,  who  appreciated  her  fluency  in  his  native  tongue  ,  and  offered  to  fund  her  life  if  she  became  his  “  special  ”  friend  .  who  was  she  to  say  no  to  such  a  lucrative  offer  ?  well  ,  she  would  have  been  a  smart  bitch  because  his  wife  a  well  respected  french  journalist  ,  with  plenty  of  new  york  ties  and  when  she  discovered  the  affair  ,  little  lissa  was  out  of  an  internship  and  any  new  job  prospects  .  even  the  club  wouldn't  hire  her  back  .
with  nothing  left  to  do  ,  other  than  go  live  with  her  dad  in  brighton  beach  ,  lissa  packed  her  things  and  returned  to  red  creek  ,  where  polly  was  a  lot  more  subdued  and  willing  to  let  her  stay  in  the  condo  her  husband  owned  in  town  .  it  was  a  dig  at  him  ,  forcing  him  to  find  somewhere  else  to  take  his  mistresses  .  after  she  damn  near  bleached  the  place  twice  ,  she  got  herself  two  jobs  and  began  to  re  -  evaluate  how  she  was  going  to  get  her  career  back  on  track  .
and  if  she  tries  to  gain  more  insight  into  the  murders  (  old  and  new  ?  )  ,  why  not  ,  ya  know  ?
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thesilliestrovingalive · 6 months ago
Updated: February 24, 2025
Reworked Character #6: Nadia Cassel
POTENTIAL TRIGGER WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised due to references to death, neglect, sterilisation, human experimentation, abuse, kidnapping, stalking, cannibalism, and SA.
Real name: Nadège Véronique Comtois
Alias: Perky Foodie
Occupation: Private First Class of the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S., fighter pilot for the Regular Army, a tactical scientist for the Amadeus Syndicate (formerly), and an e-celeb supermodel (formerly)
Retirement plans: Become a professional forensic scientist, acquire a private jet, and establish a fashion house and an ethical science lab
Special skills: Marksmanship, fashion modelling, forensic science, piloting fighter aircraft, and knowledge of biological hazards and visual art
Imperfect clone abilities: At her own will, she can rapidly regenerate missing limbs and organs, minimising blood loss and restoring her body to its original form without the need for medical aid. Her blood possesses extraordinary healing properties, capable of instantly curing non-lethal ailments, skin punctures, and all manner of burns. When Nadia opens her mouth wide and flexibly shifts her upper and lower front teeth, she reveals four syringe-like fangs, which are neatly concealed within the hard palate. These fangs enable her to consume the blood of other living beings and replenish her own lost vital fluid.
Her body is shielded from toxins and pathogens by a translucent, grease-like coating that kills threats on contact, leaving her skin with a subtle, luminous sheen. Notably, her pancreas, shielded by a thick layer of blubber, has the unique ability to produce a bile-infused silk. She utilises this silk to puke up robust, ensnaring nets that capture her victims and slowly burn them with its corrosive properties.
On the palms of Nadia's hands are eyes with chartreuse irises, feline pupils, and serpentine eyelids. They grant her night vision and supplemental sight whenever she closes her facial eyes and opens the ones on her palms. Her fingernails are entirely fleshy, concealing retractable claws made of an adamantine greenish-yellow material.
Hobbies: Going on shopping sprees (she often buys gifts for her comrades and friends), drawing and painting fashionable designs, reading books on human and animal anatomy, genetic engineering, and forensics, messing around with flight simulation software, and eating large quantities of food after each mission
Likes: Trevor, food challenges, the Walking Machines, maintaining her figure, and sunbathing and enjoying a three-scoop ice cream cone at the beach
Dislikes: Starvation, getting unnecessarily dirty, not getting the chance to pilot the Slug Flyer or Slug Copter, people doubting her fashion advice and telling her to keep her mouth shut, and individuals that she views as scary and incapable of having fun (such as Tequila and Eri)
Favourite food: Coq au vin, phaal curry, and anything sweet and sugary
Favourite drink: Cotton candy soda
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Gender: Female
Age: 12 (in 2022), 18 (in 2028), 20 (in 2030), 22 (in 2032), 24 (in 2034), 31 (in 2041), 33 (in 2043), 34 (in 2044), and 37 (in 2047)
Blood type: B+
Weight: 120 lbs. (54 kg)
Design: She’s a 5’ 4” (162.56 cm) French ectomorph with a gracefully thin body, small breasts, curvaceous hips, sloping shoulders, and a serpentine tongue covered in microscopic spikes. She has limestone skin and possesses feline-like pupils that transform into vertical slits only when she opens her mouth wide enough to reveal her concealed fangs. Her eyes are heterochromatic with her right eye being a warm amber, while her left eye is grey-green with brown flecks. Nadia has a few moles: one on the right side of her chin; one near the corner of her left eye; two above her left breast; one on the back of her right hand; and one slightly below her right knee.
She has raspberry red hair with voluminous curls that reach the middle of her upper back, but she often ties it into two pigtails with stretchy reseda green hair bands. She has a silvery-pink birthmark on her left shoulder, almost shaped like a crescent moon with three protruding spikes. A large circular patch on her upper back is stripped of skin, exposing crimson muscles and purplish veins, and her greenish-yellow spine is partially protruding.
Her military gear consists of a metal dog tag necklace with her name, an avocado green tank top, and the same knee pads and socks as Nadia Cassel from Metal Slug 4. She wears Argentine blue neoprene gloves, reseda green leather belt with a snap-on silver buckle, and a champagne-hued vest with the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. insignia on the back. She wears navy blue army cargo pants tucked into twilight lavender combat boots with spiked soles. She also wears a dirty white lab coat, a case for her stun gun, and a gun holster for a handgun. Underneath her uniform, she wears an identical bikini to Everlasting Summer Nadia's.
The pockets of Nadia’s vest carry around a pocket knife, a notepad, two pens (one red and one blue), a black cellphone with a metallic green case, and a bag of pecans. In the pockets of her lab coat, she carries a caramel-filled chocolate candy bar in silver wrapping and a small pine-wood box of strawberry frosted sugar cookies. She wears a forest green waist pack containing a bottle of laxatives and two blood packs for snacking. Attached to the left side of her belt is a square-shaped pouch with a clear plastic window, showcasing balls of bubblegum and lollipops in different colours inside. The pouch features an amaranth pink outline, feline ears with bluish-white fur, a pistachio-hued strap with a black button clasp, and a metallic silver zipper.
Over her tank top, she dons a Soldier Plate Carrier System (SPCS) with a MultiCam pattern, which carries around her walkie-talkie and ammo for other firearms. She wears two dark brown bandoliers that cross over her body in an X-shape, each holding pineapple grenades. Nadia carries around a navy blue load-bearing backpack that contains camping equipment, portable ammo boxes, a canteen full of water, a 7.62mm AR-10 Autorifle, a medical kit, a DOLL bodysuit, and liquid and pill bottles of cures and deadly chemicals. She carries Melekhai, an orange-and-white cat plushie with blue eyes and an emerald green business tie, along with greenish-black gas masks reminiscent of those worn by the Ptolemaic Army special forces, to distribute to her teammates in need of one. She also carries around a painting kit, her mint green sketchbook with bubblegum pink polka dots, and a set of drawing pencils with two erasers and a sharpener.
She also wields a specialised rifle that fires needles containing transformative liquids, capable of altering humans into simian or mantis creatures. Additionally, she carries purplish rolling bombs that contain mummifying breath and throwable canisters filled with a zombie-inducing orangish phlegm that explodes upon impact. She wears safety goggles, star-shaped lavender spinel earrings that dangle from her ears, and a non-dangling peridot belly ring piercing.
Character summary: She boasts swift wit and inventive verbal humour, often outsmarting her foes with clever sabotage tactics. Despite being a childish, happy-go-lucky, and sassy goofball, she has a surprisingly intelligent and cynical side, but she loves to indulge her silly and jubilant nature. Due to her fondness for her exceptional intellect, she sometimes perceives other people as “intellectually inferior” to herself. She conceals her bitterness and wariness of strangers behind a facade of playful teasing, mischievous pranks, sarcastic remarks, and a charming smile. She has a tendency to pout adorably, especially when someone disrupts her plans or when she's torn about something and doesn't want to admit it.
She cherishes her friendship with Trevor, who is her first true best friend. She appreciates his laid-back nature and ability to understand her effortlessly. She enjoys occasionally poking fun at others in hopes of making him laugh hard with her sense of humour and Tarma's playful jabs. Over time, she has developed subtle romantic feelings for him, largely due to his hacking expertise and the enjoyable quality time they share. However, she has become very skilled at concealing these emotions.
She enjoys taking her friends on shopping sprees, blending social time with style consultations. She demonstrates her loyalty to her friends by nurturing their relationships and showing platonic affection, often showering them with hugs and kisses. She's a fearless advocate for herself and others, refusing to tolerate bullying or any form of mistreatment, and will boldly speak out against it. She has a fondness for assigning nicknames to those around her, including friends and foes alike. She uses Melekhai for stress relief and often talks to the plushie about her frustrations and disappointments, and is willing to share him with others who need some comfort.
She's a friendly, humorous, and talkative busybody with a passion for creative expression and thrill-seeking adventures, which give her a taste of what it truly means to live. Despite efforts to maintain her supermodel figure, she has developed mild bulimia nervosa; while trying to resist the urge, she sometimes purges after eating. Additionally, she struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), manifesting as a fear of contamination, anxiety about misplacing valuable items, and a need for order and balance. She also experiences distressing thoughts, including fears of losing control, harming loved ones, and intrusive thoughts about sexual subjects. Whenever she hears about child abuse or unethical experiments, she becomes visibly shaken, her mind goes numb, and she withdraws socially for a few hours, succumbing to a melancholic state.
She takes a disturbing pleasure in obliterating her enemies, often letting out a maniacal laugh as she does so. Her humour is a unique blend of lighthearted and dark, peppered with French phrases, occasional broken English, and sprinkled with Korean expressions that Trevor has taught her. Outside of her military work, she often dodges unwanted tasks by concocting elaborate schemes, frequently with Trevor's help, to avoid them. However, her plans often backfire, resulting in trouble for neglecting her duties. Moreover, she has a tendency to slack off during missions, especially when she becomes bored and her attention wanders to more exciting things. When she gets into trouble, especially when it involves people she has convinced to join her antics, she often tries to deflect responsibility by feigning innocence and shifting the blame onto others.
She possesses a fairly compassionate, laid-back disposition, which she only reveals to those closest to her. She's overconfident about her looks and seems unfazed by how people react to her inhuman features, yet she draws the line at absurd and unattainable beauty standards. She's deadly serious when needed and isn't afraid to intimidate people or berate individuals for doing something irrational or dangerous. She has a strong disdain for individuals who exhibit predatory behaviour, such as perverts and stalkers, and is unafraid to call them out and mock their actions mercilessly. She despises unnecessary secrecy and eugenics, opposing the lack of transparency and the racist underpinnings of genetic manipulation aimed at "improving" human populations.
She's quite gluttonous and becomes quickly hangry when she's extremely hungry and there's nothing to eat at the moment. She's an eavesdropper with a curious habit of inspecting, poking, probing, and even biting anything that piques her interest. She grapples with touch starvation, feeling emotionally isolated from others, and deeply dislikes being overlooked or ignored by those around her. She harbours intense resentment towards her mother due to her neglectful behaviour and excessive focus on satisfying scientific curiosity, which comes at the expense of considering others' needs and forming meaningful connections with them. She’s appalled by her mother's callous disregard for the pain she inflicts on others as well as the secrecy surrounding their family's lineage and her status as an imperfect clone.
She seems to have a special connection with Ralf as they share a healthy and affectionate big brother-little sister dynamic. They understand and appreciate each other's thirst for having a good time, but Ralf also encourages Nadia to take her responsibilities seriously when needed. They love to engage in fun, lighthearted antics during missions, even if it risks alerting nearby enemies and putting themselves in harm's way. They often rope Tarma into their mischief, which he eagerly accepts, seemingly unfazed by the potential consequences. Nadia values how Ralf and Tarma accept her bubbly personality without judgment, unlike Eri and Tequila, who often try to dampen her spirits.
She's captivated by Tyra's makeup skills and willingly lets her experiment with new techniques, trusting her completely. Interestingly, she's surprised to discover that Tyra genuinely admires her, and this admiration fills her with pride because she has a deep-seated desire for respect and validation from others. Nadia also delights in hearing Walter enthusiastically share his zoology knowledge and praise Marco, finding his childlike excitement endearing.
She can't help but worry about Marco due to his overly serious nature and struggle to express his true emotions. Despite his frequent annoyance, she tries her best to lift his spirits, attempting to distract him from work. In particular, she enjoys taking Marco on shopping trips, hoping to help him relax and get to know him better on a personal level. Nadia is extremely close to MS-Alice, considering her a dear friend. She's always willing to lend a listening ear to MS-Alice's frustrations and doubts, and the two often engage in casual, meandering conversations. She finds the concept of a sentient AI fascinating, and MS-Alice's unique existence only adds to her appeal. Nadia also enjoys offering her fashion advice, encouraging her to explore different styles and discover what works best for her.
Backstory: Nadège Véronique Comtois was born on August 6, 2010 in Quimper, France. She was created in a test tube through advanced Martian cloning technology and the DNA of Ghyslaine Laëtitia Comtois, her clone mother and founder of the Amadeus Syndicate, in an underground laboratory. Initially, Ghyslaine's interest in Nadège was rooted in scientific curiosity. She conducted psychological and sociological experiments to explore the similarities and differences between them. Ghyslaine would overfeed Nadège, only to discover that her daughter had an abnormal metabolism, making it challenging for her to gain weight. Unintentionally, Ghyslaine fueled Nadège's affection for junk food.
At age 7, Ghyslaine subjected Nadège to a disturbing and unethical experiment, forcibly inducing puberty and sterilising her daughter as part of a eugenics test. During this period, Nadège longed to experience the outside world and connect with her clone mother. Unfortunately, Ghyslaine's focus on research led her to neglect Nadège’s emotional needs. She treated her more like a guinea pig than a human being, providing minimal motherly comfort and attention.
At the age of 9, Ghyslaine decided it was time for Nadège to explore the outside world, which filled her clone daughter with excitement. Together, Nadège experienced her first-ever outing to a shopping district and explored several notable attractions in Quimper, including the Breton County Museum, the Fine Arts Museum, and the Faience Museum. She received Melekhai as a reward for being well-behaved, and she still holds onto the plushie very dearly since it was the first heartfelt gift her clone mother gave her. Her experience with the outside world sparked Nadège’s curiosity in modelling and the creative arts.
However, her mother had other plans. Ghyslaine envisioned Nadège following in her footsteps as a renowned scientist and eventual heir to the Amadeus Syndicate. To nurture this ambition, Ghyslaine frequently presented Nadège with books on biology and chemistry, encouraging her to delve into the sciences. She encouraged Nadège to cover the unusual features on her palms and upper back by wearing neoprene gloves and modest clothing in order to avoid drawing unnecessary attention or judgement from others.
By the age of 11, Nadège had become proficient in biology and chemistry, thanks to her mother's guidance. She began attending school after being previously homeschooled by Ghyslaine and other Amadeus Syndicate scientists. Although her school years were uneventful, Nadia occasionally faced bullying due to her intense interests in science, modelling, and the creative arts, as well as her unusual habit of wearing neoprene gloves to conceal her hand-eyes.
However, the bullying ceased after rumours circulated that she had intimidated and bitten a school bully by revealing her hidden snake fangs—a claim that was surprisingly true. Nadège’s clone mother was indifferent to her academic pursuits but drew a firm line at harming others and divulging confidential information about the Amadeus Syndicate. When Ghyslaine learned about this incident, she smacked her in the face, then confined her to a padded room with two blood bags and a fresh corpse for three hours. As dinnertime approached, Nadège's hunger grew, leading her to make the desperate decision to consume the contents of the blood bags and feed on the fresh corpse.
During her high school years, Nadège frequently skipped classes to go shopping, feeling that she already possessed a strong grasp of the material being taught in her courses. To avoid arousing suspicion about her exceptional intelligence, she intentionally performed poorly on a few tests. During this time, she experienced significant weight gain, which unfortunately led to bullying and negative comments about her appearance. However, she handled the situation with confidence and resilience, effectively standing up for herself and dismissing the hurtful remarks. After completing high school, she promptly enrolled in a two-year college art program, specialising in fashion drawing, before pursuing forensic science at the university level.
While pursuing her forensic studies at university, Nadège unexpectedly catapulted to fame as an e-celebrity supermodel, adopting the pseudonym Nadia Cassel. Driven by a passion for fashion and curiosity about the modelling world, she embarked on this venture independently, without management, and solely for her own enjoyment. Although her rise to fame was modest at best, she didn't mind because she revelled in the opportunity to be herself and try something new. As her university studies grew increasingly demanding and stressful, she found it challenging to balance her modelling career. Seeking support, she hired a model manager, who turned out to be unexpectedly kind and helpful. He broadened her knowledge of the fashion and modelling industries.
However, as her fame as an e-celeb supermodel grew, she started to attract unwanted attention from predatory individuals, which caused her significant distress. Her situation intensified when she inadvertently revealed her hand-eyes and exposed spine during a livestream, leading to an escalation of online harassment. After a deranged fan attempted to kidnap and sexually assault her, she empowered herself by obtaining a gun licence and rigorously training to use a firearm, becoming a skilled markswoman.
The stress of her forensic studies and the pressures of being a supermodel took a toll on Nadia's mental health, leading to the development of OCD and bulimia nervosa. Her struggles with maintaining a strict diet, keeping her model-worthy figure, and need for control became overwhelming. Her modelling manager grew concerned about her unusually voracious appetite, fixation on her body weight, and increasing frustration when things didn't go as planned. He advised her to consider taking a step back from modelling or quitting altogether to focus on her well-being.
After a two-day break, Nadège made the decision to quit modelling as her mental health issues began to impact her studies. However, she kept the name of her e-celeb persona because she liked it. Although she has left the world of modeling, she remains in touch with her former modeling manager, and they have become good friends. In a disturbing incident, she recalls defending herself against a stalker who attempted to assault and cannibalise her in her own home. The attack led to her involuntarily consuming the stalker's blood, unleashing a sadistic streak she never knew she had.
Once her forensic studies have been completed, Nadia prioritised fitness to maintain her physical well-being. After learning about the Regular Army’s vigorous exercise programs and their pressing need for pilots, Nadia decided to enlist in their tactical operations. Following her licensure and military training, Ghyslaine granted Nadia permission to join the Amadeus Syndicate as a tactical scientist. She proved to be highly successful, making a name for herself as she pushed the boundaries of scientific understanding in biology and chemistry. Nadia supplied the Regular Army with gas masks, stable smoke bombs, and advocated for training cadets and recruits on the dangers of biological hazards.
While searching Ghyslaine's office for documents for a chemical experiment, she stumbled upon classified test results revealing her true nature: an imperfect clone. The discovery shook her to her core. Further investigation led her to her clone mother's journal, exposing a dark family legacy of illicit collaborations with government agencies, inhumane wildlife experimentation, and development of devastating bioweapons and malicious computer viruses. Most alarming, however, was Ghyslaine's megalomaniacal plan for global domination and self-deification. Horrified, she contemplated abandoning the Syndicate, yet for mysterious reasons, she chose to stay.
During her work on a disease cure in South Africa, Nadia uncovered disturbing information: Ghyslaine sexually assaulted Marco, who was injured at the time. This traumatic event had far-reaching consequences, severely straining relations between the Regular Army and the Amadeus Syndicate. Horrified by Ghyslaine's actions, she quietly ditched the Amadeus Syndicate, dedicating herself to defending Earth against global threats. She vaguely recalls attempting to poison Ghyslaine by lacing her bitter coffee with powdered cyanide, but the plan backfired when another scientist accidentally drank from the cup instead.
She eventually joined the S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S. after befriending Fio and earning a sliver of respect from Eri. This was due to her impressive performance as a prospective agent, where she swiftly identified the chemical composition of a new illicit drug that had been baffling the Intelligence Agency. She achieved this by obtaining crucial documents and conducting rigorous, ethical experiments. Following the Survival Island Occupation, she provided crucial assistance to the hostages and kidnapped cadets who had been transformed into grotesque simian and mantis creatures, administering cures that successfully restored them to their human form.
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sinizade · 2 years ago
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Nadia Hawke - Blue Hawke
24 (Beginning) // 31(Defeat of Meredith) // 39 (Inquisition)
Mage - Elemental / Primal / Force Mage
Romance: Fenris
Friends: Merrill, Sebastian, Aveline, Varric
Teammates: Anders, Isabela
Nadia had to learn from a young age to take care of both herself and her family, especially Carver and Bethany who always seemed to be getting into trouble together. Spending so much time with such responsibility, especially after her father's death, left her with an almost maternal sense for her brothers even though Leandra asked her not to and Carver constantly said he hated it when his sister played his mother.
The first years she spent in Kirkwall were difficult… Losing her home, her sister, seeing her mother so sad and hopeless gave her the strength to keep working hard so that she had everything she needed to be happy again.
Her father, her sister, her brother and now her mother… Nadia had to learn to be colder, as cold as ice, no one would ever play with the ones she cared about, no one would ever hurt the ones she loved... She has Fenris now and no one will ever dare try to hurt him again.
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bunnithechubs · 1 year ago
Help wanted for g2 of current household:
In need of some friends or possible romantic relationships for the heir of g2. Spoilers below if you want to send some sims my way!!
G2 heir is Nadia Amato:
-sexuality: in discovery but open to dating anyone!
- noncommittal ice skating queen (your sim WILL be cheated on I’m sorry ): )
- all ages welcome!! Nadia is currently a toddler but all stages are neeeed!!
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toasttt11 · 1 year ago
introducing maleah
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Maleah Elise Barzal was born July 31, 1999, the second born of her parents Mike and Nadia. She has an older brother Matthew and a younger sister Liana.
Maleah has always been extremely smart from a young age and she seemed to just pick up knowledge easily, she got accepted into Harvard University at the age of 15.
She joined her first year of college in 2016 where she met her absolute best friend in the whole world, John Marino. He was a few years older than her but they hit it off completely.
Maleah has loves anything to do with fashion, since she could hold up a crayon she was drawing out outfit ideas, she got a sewing machine at a young age and would always make her own clothes.
She started her own fashion business and it blew up right away, she had hundreds of modeling agency’s wanting her to be their designer and many fashion companies reaching out wanting her on their design teams, but she denied all of them and continued to have her business grow.
Her business grew extremely large and became one of the biggest companies in the world within just a few years.
She started her own modeling agency connected to her fashion business and many models left their old agency’s to join Maleah’s. After she got her degree from Harvard she decided it was time to invest in large building for her business, she had many smaller shops across the county but she chose New York and bought a skyline building and that is the city she moved to after College with her son.
Maleah growing up had always played hockey and she loved playing and she was an insanely good hockey player but during the end of high school her business started to get bigger and she didn’t have time to keep playing hockey so she stopped playing but will still get on the ice to play with family.
Maleah had met John in 2016 and Mat had met Anthony in 2015, Maleah and Mat had both met their best friends and of course they introduced them to each other, and then most vacations or summer plans the four of them spent together.
Maleah feels like she has three brothers not just one. Anthony quickly adored Maleah and told everyone he adopted her as his little sister and Maleah didn’t have anyone she wanted to be the godmother of her son besides her sister so Anthony was her son’s other godfather.
She had been in a relationship for a few months in 2018 before she found out she was pregnant and her ex immediately signed off all of his parental rights and was never on her son’s birth certificate.
Malakai Jules Barzal was born July 13, 2019 to his mother Maleah Barzal, He joined her for her last year in College before they moved and lived permanently in a penthouse in New York.
John was the one who was by her side for the whole birth and took care of her throughout the pregnancy and let her almost break his hand while she was giving birth, he was without a doubt the one she named her sons godfather.
Malakai looks exactly like his mother and their is nothing about him that looks like Maleah’s Ex, Maleah loves her sons blonde curls as it reminds her of her own.
Malakai has always been on the shyer side and doesn’t like being around a lot of people unless it’s to play hockey, he seems to picked up his hockey and art skills from his mother.
Malakai really likes to cook in the kitchen with his mom, which helps her out a lot because she hates cooking but cooking with her son makes it enjoyable.
Nico saw Malakai for the first time in 2017 when the Devils were playing at the Islanders and he thought he just saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, when he went to try and find her she had disappeared from where he saw. From them he always looked extra in the crowd when playing the Islanders hoping to see her again.
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cloudmail-bah · 3 months ago
could you do falin from dungeon meshi with plenty of names and neopronouns? tysm!
i love Falin !! i've been meaning to read it dungeon meshi it looks so cuuute x3
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☁️ Requested Alter 📬 Falin !!
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💌 headmates may not turn out exactly as the information below! that's perfectly fine, pick and choose what works💕
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Names: Falin, Hazel, Phoenix, Quinn, Mabel, Nova, Frankie, Haven, Sage, Willow, Naya, Riley, Ivy, Avery, Violet, Lucy, Elma, Nadia, Jorden, Serine, Lola, Eve, Juniper, Addia, Olive, Ember, Jade, Jessie, Mia, Bonnie, Sugar
Pronouns: she/her, they/them, it/its, he/him, munch/munches, num/nums, chomp/chomps, bite/bites, food/foods, chef/chefs, bake/bakes, ham/hams, mochi/mochis, sushi/sushis, sugar/sugars, kiss/kisses, fluff/fluffs, dumpling/dumplings, fry/fries, soup/soups, feather/feathers, claw/claws, bird/birds, chimera/chimeras, magic/magics, scales/scales, smoke/smokes, gem/gems, stone/stones, dirt/dirts, monster/monsters, plant/plant, moss/moss, meshi/meshi, dungeon/dungeons
Genders / Orientations: fem non-binary / sapphic lesbian
Age: 18-25 years old
Species: humanoid (tall-man)
Roles: Caretaker, Rationalizer, Internal Socializor, Prioritizer
Sources: Falin from Dungeon Meshi
Likes: sweets, ice cream, cake, smoothies, hugs, taking care of others, cleaning, reading, long hot baths, stimming, drawing, reading source, making playlists, also likes making collages, very aesthetic orientated
Dislikes: people taking advantage of nums, hospitals, sickness, messes, unorganized,
Personality: patient, caring, cautious, reliable, tactful, generous, really quiet or talkative, eager, soft
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Extra: can become a chimera but doesn't? idk it feels very personal for bites
Sign offs / Emojis: 🐓, 🍢, 🕰️
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bellalampwickrossi · 9 months ago
Disney Descendants: Who Where You? Before they Broke Your Heart?
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By Me and @hannahhook7744
Summary: In one world, the likes of Kyle White, Joyce 'Joy' Foxworth, Haul Bjorgman, and Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamad of Agrabah were a part of Hannah Hook's crew. 
This is not that world. 
(Part of the Killer Queen Universe).  .....
“Well this outta be good” Joy, now sixteen, said as she pressed play on the old video camera.
The video wobbled as the person holding it ran around erratically. Taking sharp turns around counters and giggling—only to almost immediately run into a pair of legs. 
“I wonder who’s video camera this is,” Joy said out loud to herself and no one else.
“Nadia? What are you doing with Luke's camera?” An unfamiliar girl, around Joy’s age, giggled. Kneeling down to the camera’s eye level to reveal that the girl wasn't so unfamiliar after all…
Because it was Hannah Hook.
“Holy cow... is that our new ruler who destroyed my father’s old home and EVERYTHING that I’ve cared about?!” Joy shrieked, suddenly becoming more angry.
The one holding the camera didn't seem afraid, however. No, instead she just giggled harder. “Se-kret!” 
Which in turn caused Hannah herself to giggle as she took the camera from her. “Don't tell Luke see you with this thing or he'll never make you cookies again.”
“Huh, she is kinda cute for a nutcase .. maybe I can use this video as dirt against her?”  Joy thought out loud, weighing the pros and cons.
The camera spun around to show a little tan girl with long black hair and big brown eyes in a white dress. She looked to be around two or three years old, and just pouted at the camera.
She was holding a tiny stuffed monkey. 
Joy wasn't seeing any kind of dirt so far which frustrated her, though she did wonder how some one so cute could go completely bonkers.  
“Hey! Has anyone seen my camera?! That thing cost me sixteen apples?!” A voice in the distance called. 
“SH–SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!” Hannah swore, nearly dropping the camera before quickly shutting it off. 
“Well that wasn’t helpful! “ Joy muttered.  “Well maybe... if I go back to where I found the camera there might be more dirt somewhere!”  ....
“Why are we doing this again?” Kyle gripped. Wiping the sweat from his brow as he dug in one area of the abandoned house on the isle where Joy had found the abandoned camera. 
“Because Joy wanted us to?” Haul suggested quietly, his long blonde bangs falling in his face. Searching another part of the house. Just as sweaty as Kyle was. 
Which, if you asked Joy, they deserved for wearing black leather jackets on such a hot day when she had clearly told them they were going exploring.
They should have taken a page out of Amira’s book and worn short sleeves and lightly colored clothes but nooooo…. They just had to wear their leather jackets. 
“Because we are looking for more tapes for the camera” Joy responded, rolling her eyes.
“Why do you even care about that stupid camera so much?” Kyle grumbled. Rolling his eyes as he threw some of the random junk that had been left behind across the room and out of his way. 
Right into Haul’s way. 
He said nothing, as usual.
Amira, on the other hand���.“Hey!”
Joy rolled her again, though she was starting to admit that maybe this was a stupid idea after all. Not out loud of course but still… “ I care Because I just do ok ?! “ Joy Snapped.
Kyle didn't accept that for an answer, unlike the other two because of course the son of Snow White just had to be as difficult as always. “You haven't even told us what's on the crappy thing. You can't blame us for being curious.”
“Ok fine! You know the girl who destroyed Neverland and took over Auradon? Well she’s in this camera.”
“WHAT?!” ....
The camera was less shaky this time as it ever so slowly zoomed in on a sleeping Hannah Hook, from when she was about ten.
Her face was pressed up against the steering wheel of a ship, which she was leaning on. No, practically laying on as she sat on a barrel. 
 “Well that’s an  uncomfortable looking way to sleep” Kyle muttered. “Who Would film someone while they slept ?” Amira questioned.
The camera turned out to reveal a giggling ten year old boy with red hair and green eyes—one who looked and dressed suspiciously similar to Hannah Hook's right hand man, Luke Tremaine-Westergaard. 
“I told her she drools and yet—” he zoomed in further on the brunette. “There she is! Here's my proof, Bam-Bam!”
“Lame! Who says Bam-bam?” Kyle asked, rolling his eyes.  
“It's clearly a nickname you idiot.” Amira snapped, clearly tired of his non-stop complaining. 
“Will you two be quiet like Haul ?!  I’m trying to see if there's more !” Joy snapped at both of them.
The brunettes both rolled their eyes. But only Kyle spoke. “Haul’s always quiet!”
“Yeah and you two could learn a thing from him, ” Joy muttered under her breath”.
The camera turned off. .....
“Hannah?” The boy from earlier called out. Zooming in on the girl in question, who looked about seven now instead of the ten in the other video.
Seven and holding a bundle of something in her arms.
“What's that?”
“...a… small human?”
The camera hit the ground, causing the video to shake as a pair of running sneakers came into view. “No!”
Hannah could still be heard in the background, yelling “yes!” As a baby gurgled. 
“Why is she holding that baby?” Joy wondered. 
“I heard a rumor that she has a lot of little kids in her crew…” Haul quietly replied from where he sat a little aways from  the rest of them. As he always did.
“So her crew consists of babies ?” Kyle snorted. “Apparently,” Joy replied.
“He didn't say it consisted only of babies. He just said there's a lot of them.” Amira pointed out. “And he would know, seeing as her crew did destroy his home and family.”
Joy had forgotten that. “Gosh Haul I’m so sorry that happened to you” Joy said to the blonde even though it was cold comfort.
The blonde didn't look up from his lap. ....
A loud scream rang out as the next tape played.
“Man could they scream any louder ?” Kyle Complained. “Turn the volume down !”
“Fine whatever.” Joy responded, rolling her eyes as she turned the volume down.
The screaming continued as the camera zoomed out to reveal a ten year old Hannah Hook, screaming bloody murder as she clung to a fourteen year old Harry Hook's back. 
All while he looked down at a cat sized spider with thinly veiled disdain.
“Woah, that spider is HUGE!” Joy exclaimed.
“I think he looks friendly.” Haul mumbled.
“You think EVERY ANIMAL looks friendly !” Amira snorted.
“MAKE IT GO AWAY! MAKE IT GO AWAY!” the ten year old wailed. Looking pale. 
“I wonder if she’s still scared of spiders ?..” Joy mused, secretly thinking of a revenge plan in her head. Then there was this voice in her head saying NO ! Revenge is not the answer. What she needs is some serious help! “Nevermind it’s stupid idea” Joy muttered out loud.
“Aw man, I wanted to see where that thought was going.” Kyle whined. 
They all ignored him.
“Hold your bloody horses, I'm going.” Harry huffed, before holding out his hook towards the spider—glaring. “Shoo!”
The spider didn't move an inch. 
“I said shoo you bloody menace!”
“Is that the brother who was executed by King Beast?” Amira asked.
“Former King.” Kyle corrected. “and yes.”
 Poor Hannah..” Haul said sympathetically. 
Kyle almost looked as if he agreed with the other boy. 
“You guys might have a point .. “ Joy mused. “Losing your older sibling can’t be easy…”
Harry scowled down at the spider and kicked it, causing it to hiss and scurry off. Basically the spider version of a bad guy’s ‘I’ll be back!’ speech. 
Hannah whimpered and buried her face in the ravenette’s shoulder. Still hiccuping. “Is it gone?”
“Aww poor Hannah .. that spider was so mean !” Joy started. “ Guys .. I think Hannah Hook needs a support group ..”
“Don't let your parents hear that or they might disown you.” Kyle mumbled. “She did still destroy Neverland, even if she didn't kill most of its population.”
“True.. but honestly.. I don’t know WHAT to think anymore!” Joy replied. ....
“Hi Luke! Sorry I tooks your camera but I hads to make this video somehows since our bir-th-day is coming up ands I wanted to gives yous a gift!’ a six year old Hannah Hook rambled as the camera turned on. 
She had two missing front teeth and a freshly healing black eye as she wiggled around in the oversized coat, dress, and boots she was wearing. The oversized hat on her head sliding down her face. 
Yet she was smiling.
“So here it ‘tis! My gift to you!”
She started to tap her foot. 
“Yo! My b-best friend, b-best friend 'til the very end!”
She stumbled slightly.“Ok I CAN’T take this anymore!” Joy shouted. “ I Can’t believe I'm saying this but I feel sorry for Hannah Hook !”
“Same.” Haul was, surprisingly or not depending on who you asked, the first to agree with her. 
“Me too..”Amira sighed. 
“Ditto.” Kyle replied, far less reluctant than anyone was expecting.
“There’s gotta be a way for her to step down peacefully!”  Joy said.
“'Cause b-best friends, b-best friends don't have to pre-tand!” Hannah hopped from one foot to the other, stumbling back. A nervous smile on her face as her goggles slid down her nose. “You need a hand?”
She held out her hand before pointing out at herself. “and I'm right theres right be-sides you!”
“So ..anyone got any ideas for how we get her to step down?” Kyle asked.
“None whatsoever. I'm bad with people…” Haul  winced. “But… then again, maybe if we treat her like an abused cat—”
“Would that work or would it just piss her off more?” Amira interrupted.
“We have to try,” Joy said with a determined expression.
“You in the dark? I'll bes da bri-ght light to guide you!” Hannah fell forward onto the camera, causing it to turn off. 
“Come on guys, “ Joy said. “ We have a scared little girl to see.”
The End
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hungryhooverville · 6 months ago
Nadia moaned softly and slowly lowered herself down on the length, taking the massive cock in her mouth, then her throat until she could not anymore. The red-haired woman rolled her eyes back as she moved her head up and down. Small moans leaving her lips.
Spa Time
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open starter for anyone!
Nadia was always one to visit the sauna late at night. the mother finds it relaxing after a long day. She was soaking up the heat when she heard the door open. She had just enough time to move a towel over her most private parts. "Oh hello." She said a small smile on her lips. "Enjoying the heat as well I see." She hummed a bit and ran a hand through her damp hair.
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lunarblue21 · 2 years ago
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More Ice Age (2002) concept art. This looks like Nadia fleeing the settlement after the sabre's dawn attack with Roshan in her arms. Cool artwork!
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nellimtpe · 9 months ago
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• name : nova
• age : same as age asra
• Pronounce : she/they
• Heights : 5’7
• Favorite food : chicken salad
• Favorite drink : ice latte or hot
• Favorite flower : cherry blossom
nova is a nice person but she don’t trust anyone just her friends , she love helping people and she really good at climbing the trees , she love looking the moon and the stars
her love is asra <3
and her friends is Julian , portia and nadia and also mayumi (is a oc by mellowie)
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channelsurfer02 · 4 months ago
Chrono Trigger Pokemon Teams: Marle
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Alright, next up is the first party member obtain in Crono Trigger Princess Nadia, better known to her friends as Marle!
Vaporeon: As I said in the last one of these, I have a conceit that, at some point, Marle smuggled some eevees out of the castle as a "sorry-I-got-you-guys-into-this-mess" gift, with Marle already having an eevee and each of the eeveelutions reflecting their trainer's magic type. Hence vaporeon.
Decidueye: I think this one should be pretty obvious. Decidueye is an archer. Marle uses a crossbow. I can also see Marle, at the beginning, starting with a Dartrix, Eevee, & Kirlia, with the Kirlia being the one to help her sneak out of the castle using teleport.
Lapras: Lapras was chosen because it also fits Marle's element of water while also fitting how said elemental power manifests as ice. Also, Lapras are, at least in earlier generations, considered rare and endangered pokemon, so I could see Marle catching a Lapras after helping save some Lapras in the middle ages and getting her ancestors to pass some conservation laws so that, in 1000 AD, they're more plentiful. Also Lapras looks like a plesiosaur which calls back to how Ayla is Marle's ancestor. Granted, given how far back Ayla is, there's a good chance she's also a good chunk of the npc's ancestor, you know, given how ancestry works.
Nidoqueen: Well, I had to include SOME royalty adjacent pokemon. Marle, despite her disdain for the position, is a princess, after all. However, she's also a rebellious hellion of a princess, so I went with the most rough and tumble royal pokemon I could think of that would ABSOLUTELY piss of the royal advisors and Marle's etiquette tutors (I'm pretty sure she has those, right? I mean, it comes with the territory). I could actually see Nidoran being the first pokemon Marle actually catches on her own, since all of her other pokemon were given to her by dint of her being royalty.
Togekiss: This one is because the titular Chrono Trigger looks like an egg and Marle is sort of the defacto leader of the party after Crono's death at the nonexistent hands of Lavos. Also, Togekiss is the hope pokemon and Marle, throughout the story of Chrono Trigger, spreads hope to various people. While Crono is, of course the protagonist, its Marle who actually suggests they fight back against Lavos and refuses to give into despair. A perfect trainer for the hope pokemon. Fittingly I imagine Marle would gain Togepi after Crono dies, raising it quickly and using the most busted para-flinch serene grace strategies imaginable, since she isn't playing games anymore. Not after what happened. She can't afford to loose anyone else.
Gardevoir: Gardevoir represents Marle's healing capabilities since Gardevoir gets a variety of healing and buffing moves, like Marle. Also, Crono has a gallade so I thought it would fit what with Marle being Crono's canonical love interest. Furthermore, Gardevoirs can use teleport and Marle going into the teleport is what kicks off the whole plot. Also Gardevoir sounds kind of like Guardia which is ... you know the kingdom/city state that Marle is the heiress apparent to. Also, side note, is Marle's last name Guardia? I mean, that's how some monarchs did it in terms of last names.
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lizzybeth1986 · 2 years ago
Meet My MC: Basil Park
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FC: Eric Mun
Book: Perfect Match
Name: Park Byeong-Cheol. But at school and among friends he was called Basil so the name stuck.
Age: 26 at the start of PM.
Birthday: June 5th.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Hair: Short, Brown.
Eyes: Deep Brown.
Birthplace: New York
Race/Ethnicity: Asian. From Seoul, South Korea.
Love Interests: Sloane Washington, Sage Young (formerly Hayden), Khaan Mousavi, Alana Kusuma, Damien Nazario.
Personality: Calm - Logical - Ambivert - Flirtatious - Goal-oriented - Patient.
- Basil and Sloane are very fond of exchanging different cultural stories and legends on constellations!
- Loves collecting pebbles and smooth stones!
- Favourite food item is the saffron and rose ice cream sandwich from Mashti Malone in LA. At one point in their friendship, he told Damien once he wouldn't mind moving there just to have it every day (that was how he found out Damien was from LA, coz that's what he said after Basil said that). He also loves bagels with cream cheese and lox
- Is a good singer and has learned tap dancing
- Like all PM MCs, can't cook to save his life
- He dated Sloane and Sage from the start, but started dating Damien shortly after they reunited in Tokyo
- On the jet plane to Berlin, Basil and Hayden listened to music together. Simon and Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair" was a song both Basil and Hayden loved, and they sang the refrain together, very dramatically ("parsley saaaaaage rosemaryyyy and thyyyyyyyme!!!"). So when she wanted to change her name, the two chose Sage as an inside joke on that song 😅
Education: A BFA and MFA in Illustration from School of Visual Arts, NY. Nadia and Basil have both always showcased talents and interest in the visual arts, but Nadia's interest encompass various genres of art, while Basil focuses more on illustration and visual design. He's designed a couple covers, mostly for children's books.
Favourite Travel Destination: Jeju Island in his native SK, Santorini in Greece.
Backstory: No one who knows him now will believe how much of a wild-child he was as a kid. Very distracted, extremely talkative, really stubborn, and Basil and Nadia always got annoyed with each other at that age. Most of the family wouldn't be able to pinpoint exactly when he changed coz it happened so gradually over a long period of time, but clearly by the time he left for college he was a different person altogether. Since he and Nadia attended the same uni, they grew closer to each other in comparison to most of their cousins (tho they do love them all!)
Relationships and Children: I'm still deciding on kids! I do know that all the group besides Damien (coz he usually sticks to one relationship), the others date other people - Sloane dates Khaan and Alana, Sage also dates a Sri Lankan woman called Nilukshi who she meets while taking up rock climbing.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for Meet My MC!
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