homosociallyyours · 2 months
for the trope mash up: 8 and 65, harry and louis
Hi Lou!! Thank you for these!! They seem angsty...but I need a happy ending, so...
Hospital AU/It's Not You, It's Me:
I'm thinking girl direction here, but it could go either way. Harry is a doula and Louis is a labor and delivery nurse, and the two of them meet during a particularly stressful birth where they end up working together to basically save the life of the gestational parent-- a queer, trans masculine person whose partner is unable to be there due to the birth happening a few weeks before the due date.
They end up running into one another a few times after that first meeting, and every time they do, they end up talking more and more, but it's always in the hospital and kinda rushed, and though Louis wants more, she feels like there's something Harry's not telling her. And then she sees Harry out somewhere with a man and a young child. She wants to brush it off, but then the kid calls them "Mommy and Daddy," and Louis starts to think she's built all this up in her head.
But then Harry asks her out. Louis makes excuses.
Harry takes a sip of her cafeteria coffee, wincing at the flavor as she sets it down. Louis watches her open three vanilla creamers and dump them in one by one, losing herself in the motion of Harry's long, delicate fingers until she shakes her head to clear herself out of her daze.
"I-- I don't think I can see you outside of here," Louis says in a single rushed breath, inhaling deeply when she finishes the sentence. She sighs, looking down at her own hands as she twists a paper straw wrapper into a curlicue.
"No? I'm not invisible outside the hospital. Promise," Harry teases, poking Louis in the arm. Louis chuckles, biting her lip before looking back into Harry's eyes.
"I'm sure of that," she says, slumping down so she's practically resting her chin on the table. This whole conversation is a spring coiling itself up in her belly and if she almost worries that if she doesn't push herself down she'll explode everywhere. "It's just, umm,"
"What's the matter, Louis?"
"It's just that I'm struggling to hold it all together as is," Louis says, pushing herself to sit up straight and face Harry with all she's got. "We had two nurses leave last week and Elena is actually on maternity leave starting tomorrow, and I just don't think I could juggle all that plus actually dating someone, you know?"
"Oh." Harry gulps her coffee this time, coughing as she sets her mug down. "Yeah, I get it. I--" she looks over Louis' head and stands, gathering her things. "I should go, actually, I didn't realize how late it is."
She's gone before Louis can confirm that everything's okay between them. It is though, Louis thinks. It has to be.
Anyway it's ok! Because it turns out that the man was Harry's ex-husband, and they're amicable co-parents of their daughter because Harry realized that while she loved her husband as a person, she's not as bi as she thought she was when they met. Or rather, she WAS bi at the time, and has since realized she's a panromantic homosexual who'd like to call herself a lesbian if she's picking labels.
Her initial hesitance to see Louis outside the hospital was mostly because she and her ex are very particular about who they introduce their daughter to, and Harry didn't trust herself not to just say fuck it and drag Louis back to her house for makeouts and sex if the opportunity arose.
That's exactly what happens, of course, once they figure it all out.
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Being on Tumblr during the Larry phenomenon but not as a One Direction fan was wild. Half of them reading secret codes from Modest Management slowdown .gifs of hand signals body language Experts ™️ finding their addresses while the other half tried to saving them from the Bad Gay by writing 10K long essay posts about the male human condition sending death threats to fellow 14 year olds and i’m just here like. Yah they prob fuckin hahaha
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phoneticgrip · 2 years
i'm about to hit 50k posts
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I get to see my bae tomorrow 🤭🤭(we’re hardly even friends) (she probably thinks i’m weird) (she probably forgot about me)
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rapunzellarry · 1 year
All Directions – "Be Proud" | ZDF Magazin Royale
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definegirlfriends · 2 years
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pretends to be shocked
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notlivys · 29 days
dear lord it's been so long ................. maybe we're fireproof
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sochilll · 1 month
The world if every night was Chappell Roan night at the club....
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autumnrory · 4 months
was so sure i would finish rereading this fic today and i'm close but it will have to wait till morning i guess
i liked some aspects of it but some of the drama was a little overdone but i DO appreciate that based on the comments they wrote eleanor in a shitty wan and it was edited at some point to be someone with a different name and appearance and everything and honestly like. i know it's fiction and especially with AUs it's different than implying that this person is Like That irl but when it comes to the actual famous people it's like yeah okay you can take some liberties but using actual names of their non-famous friends, family members, etc when writing say, an abusive parent or otherwise atrocious actions i'm just like JUST MAKE UP A NAME like don't do that to some random person who happens to be connected to a famous person so yeah it was nice that they changed that and i didn't even know the whole time i just thought it was an ofc
and literally like the first time ever it was not horrible to the closeted character (at least that i can remember because i've reread a lot and i have a lot to go but considering how common it is to make them selfish and cowardly for not coming out i think it is pretty fucking standard in 1d fic in particular and like. any and all gay fiction in general too lol) like there were other issues of course but basically harry was frustrated that nobody could know about them among other things but they worked it out and then louis decided to tell his mom, then it basically got fucked and he couldn't tell her and harry was so kind about it and louis was worried about holding him back and harry assured him he wasn't and i was just like. holy shit between AUs and "canon" 1d fic NOTHING i've read recently has been like that. not every fic has anything to do with coming out ofc but a good portion of them do and a lot of the time at least one of them is famous and like even MORE understandably coming out is a big fucking deal and it's just always always always so awful and "how can you not wanna come out for me, hiding is the worst, blah blah blah" like why don't you just not date a closeted person you dumbfuck you knew what you were getting into SO anyway it was very refreshing in that regard
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lonelychicago · 5 months
u/hot_pilot84 • 2d ago
I'm new to this reddit stuff, but a coworker suggested it, and I thought I'd give it a try. I probably should start saying he's not really my boyfriend??? We just started dating a few weeks ago, and it's been... interesting. But I really like him and he is a nice, sweet guy.
He recently came out, so I've been trying to be patient and understanding. But recently it's been hard to spend any time alone because his best friend is always there.
Now, I also like the guy, so I don't really mind, and to be honest, I kinda suspected from the first moment they were in love with each other. They both talk about each other all the time, and when we hang out together, I can't help but feel like intruding on an intimate moment I shouldn't be part of.
Like, our second date was at his sister's wedding and the best friend spent most of the time glued to our side. He has a son who my date adores, so they danced together for most of the party as well. It was cute, but again: it felt like intruding on a private moment.
Then we had a relaxing night at his place, eating take out on his couch and watching a movie.... when the best friend just, came in. No notice, no knocking. He has a key to the place and he just walked in. It was awkward at first but we insisted it wasn't a big deal so he stayed for tge rest of the night.
By the time I was leaving, my date was telling him to just get comfortable on the couch.
Another thing is. My date? Situationship? I don't know how to call it anymore. Well, I recently found out that he is the legal guardian of his best friend 's kid? In case anything happens? I wouldn’t find this weird at all if it wasn't for the fact this man has parents and sisters and other close family members that also have a less chance of dying along with him on the job. (They work together.)
Also. Recently, the best friend broke up with his girlfiend and called this guy in the middle of our date. So, he crashed again.
All of this to say, I'm not really hurt? This was new and sure, I like the guy. But to be honest my expectations were low. This is fairly recent, so it's not like my heart is broken and I just lost the love of my life. No, that's not the problem.
I just don't think these two know they're in love with each other, and it’s starting to get really uncomfortable for me. Should I say something? Should I talk with my date about it or just break things off and keep it vague, but that we should still be friends? Should I talk with both of them at the same time and confront the situation?
This is a situation I don't even know how to begin to get a handle on. Does anyone know where I should start?
rctherpcliarredditor • commented 1d ago
to be honest, i don't really have any advice for you. i just find this gay drama really hilarious. thoughts and prayers for you, my man 🙏🏼🙏🏼
twohottakes • commented 6hrs ago
definitely have a conversation alone with your date. point all of this out to him and tell him you don't wanna get in the middle if there's deeper feelings involved for someone else. all the luck to you, man!
storyreddit23 • commented 2hrs ago
talk to ur date!! and pls, post an update if u do. i wanna know how this ends.
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homosociallyyours · 7 months
he looks like a butch lesbian whenever he wears this shirt
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OMG buddy you're 1000000% correct with this take lol
this is the dirtbag butch fuckboi who is easy to get with and impossible to keep...until she meets her match, if you know what i mean
(i mean dirtbag harry OBVIOUSLY-- pick your poison when it comes to harry's gender rep and identity, all that matters is that louis falls ass over tits in love with her and nobody ever saw it coming, especially louis)
featuring oli as louis' reformed fuckboi bestie who high-key wishes her best friend would stop finding ways to ruin all the chill places they find to hang out by screwing (over) the bar staff and who is very, VERY pro harry
and harry's tits, no matter what size, that louis is unfortunately obsessed with
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louisisalarrie · 9 days
helloooo sweet angels. welcome to the show!
I tend to answer and talk about a lot of bbg/2015 things on here and seem to attract a lot of newer fans & Larries (which is wonderful!!!) but I thought I’d just share some resources that you can refer to so there’s not so much back and forth in my inbox.
Arden (cosmicleeds) makes fantastic, super digestible videos recapping years, bbg, rbb & sbb and the big gay war etc., and I think it’s a really valuable way to kind of get your head around some stuff as socials, especially Twitter, have a lot of misinformation, fighting, wrong timelines, stuff that’s already been debunked etc.
so, here are a couple of faves that I recommend newer larries, or people who want refreshers, to watch as it’s a little less overwhelming than the 15k word essays we have on these topics that are hard to read about when you haven’t kind of been introduced to it initially
The Larry Stylinson Timeline - 2015
Larry denials and why they’re meaningless
RBB, SBB, & the Big Gay War
The difference between larry and the rest of 1D
there is a video on each year of Larry since 2010 too, so you can feel like you were there for it!
as always, I also highly recommend Allie’s (skepticalarrie) tags post if you want more of a read instead of a video, with so many masterposts and specific info on everything larry, and also louis and Harry individually
if you’re looking for fic recs or general larry/1d chats and a heap of receipts, Gina (twopoppies) is also very wonderful
and obviously there are a million other fantastic blogs and videos to watch, but I highly recommend those to start off with at least as they are based off facts and are very clear, as opposed to some wild reaching that goes on these days in certain parts of twitter etc.
we’re all here to be welcoming, have a chat, and be here for you to navigate this wild part of the fandom, and while there can be some nasty folks out there, remember that this is a welcoming place where we love love and we are a community who supports each other. the way it should be.
so, welcome baby larries, you’re in for a wild ride!
(also I’m very excited for this year’s recap - I want something crazy to go down the end of this year because damn rewatching 2015 took me right back to the days!)
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allwaswell16 · 4 months
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by...
- taggiecb -
“So, you like it when people tell you what to do?” Louis asks, more cheeky than he feels. Louis is nervous. Nervous because this is going to be a thing, or nervous because this is a thing that Louis has never done before, he doesn’t know.
“Not everyone.” Harry replies, and it’s rough, like he hasn’t spoken in days.
“Just me again?” Louis leans in, and Harry’s breath hitches.
“Yeah.” He replies, mostly whispers.
“Oh you oblivious walnut,” she says. He lifts his head to see her shaking her head with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Excuse me?” He asks.
“You truly don’t see it?” She snorts.
“See what?”
“H, I love you. And I respect your decisions, but please let me just give you a nugget of advice?” She leans in and reaches for one of his hands.
He nods, wanting her to just fix his life and be done with it.
“Take away the gay/straight/bi aspect that you think this is about. Take away you being a man, and Louis being a man, and Keith being a man. Take that all out for a second. Take yourself out of it for a moment.” She smiles at him although it looks a bit sympathetic. “I don’t think that you are bothered by the idea of two men being intimate. I think you are bothered by Louis being intimate with someone that isn’t you.”
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t say I did, did I? It’s my honour,” Louis says. The words sound foreign on his tongue, as if he was talking to a stranger, not Harry.
A corner of Harry’s lips twitch up, picking up on Louis’ own nerves. “Honour?”
“Privilege?” Louis tries instead. Harry contemplates a bit and shakes his head, rejecting that word as well. “How about pleasure?”
“I can get on board with pleasure,” Harry says, his dimples giving away his fierce attempt not to smile. Louis doesn’t have such restraint and practically laughs and giggles his way through the rest of the song.
The song is unfamiliar to him, and it’s impossible to know how long it lasted, but it felt like a lifetime and less than a second all at the same time. As soon as the last notes play, Harry releases him and steps away. The spell is broken, but at the same time, Louis feels like something has just begun.
Moving on, Harry is moving on. He isn’t too proud a person to admit that Louis’ rejection stung. That moment at the wedding, his mother's wedding, Harry thinks with a chill running down his spine, was everything that Harry had imagined it would be. Louis was so willing and just took what Harry wanted to offer.  But that didn't seem to change anything when he looked  into Louis’ eyes and all Harry could see was disappointment.  
At least now he knows. Even if he can't have Louis now, he won't have to wonder what his skin tastes like or the look of passion on his face while Harry is inside him. He just has to now convince himself that it was enough.
He thinks he's doing an alright job of it. His main focus has always been his career. He just throws himself into his next client and tells himself that Louis Tomlinson isn't the be all end all of beautiful faces and beautiful bodies. He can most definitely move on.
Or at least that's what he thought until he saw the Daily Mail Article pop up in his news feed.
- answers below -
1. Reduce Me To A Pleading Cry (Break The Skin and Tantalize) 
As the CEO of Styles & Styles, Harry Styles cuts a brooding and handsome figure at the helm of a very successful business. His reputation for intensity is well known, but you would be intense, too, if you had to work numbers all day, give countless orders, and conduct endless meetings. When all you really want to do at night--ache to do--is give away the reins, let someone else make the decisions, be ordered around for once, just--let go. Harry has reached his breaking point when one touch from a man whose very stance commands attention leads him back to a place he thought he’d never return.
Or Harry is a broody submissive boss, Louis is a natural dom who works in the mail room at Styles & Styles, Niall is a matchmaking oracle, and a slender, dark haired man stands mute at the coffee stand encouraging others to spill their secrets.
2. Saw It In Your Eyes
Harry Styles counts himself extremely lucky that he has landed such a great roommate. It doesn’t bother him at all that his new roommate is gay. In fact, they get along so well that they have formed an extremely close friendship that takes up pretty much all his free time. When Louis starts bringing a new guy home with him, Harry is surprised by how much it bothers him. Is he not as okay as he thought he was with Louis’ sexuality?
Or the one where Harry is an oblivious walnut.
3. That's What I'm Here For
Louis Tomlinson is a dairy farmer on a tiny farm in eastern Canada. His wife of nearly thirty years has left him and his children are all grown up and out of the house. Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
4. Why Can't It Be Like That
Louis Tomlinson, head of his local hospital's charity fund, suddenly finds himself in the heart of the Royal family when his mother marries the third son of the reigning monarch. Such an upset in lifestyle brings a lot of changes for Louis, one of them being the need for a stylist.
Enter Harry Styles, a cutting edge fashion stylist who loves his job and prides himself on his passion. The first time he sees Louis Tomlinson on the cover of a tabloid he wants to dress him, style him, make him as beautiful as Harry knows he could be. When he's hired to do just that, he knows this will be a perfect partnership. That is, until he actually meets the man.
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
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snailtrain · 7 months
If you dont mind me going again xD liushen 1D?
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interpretation: local idiot realizes this is kinda gay, news at 11
skyguy, mud sent so many pls do not feel bad for sending another, i love SVSSS 🥒💖
this is a response to this meme
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hazzabeeforlou · 1 year
Sadly, I think a lot of fans turned away from Louis for exactly the reasons that your anon said. Harry was giving the hints/ambiguity they needed to see and Louis wasn’t. He was saddled with a girlfriend and child and seemed the antithesis of all gay stereotypes. Because -unfortunately- these fans base everything on stereotypes. They rarely look deeper. Harry wears nail polish or blouses = gay. Harry is flamboyant = gay.
I don’t know when you wrote that post, but now, in 2023 I’m more sure than ever of Louis’s queerness. His lyrics and song choices! Only the Brave and All this time. His merch and graphics have so many ambiguities. His persona of ‘10% too British bloke who only cares about football and beer’ is at odds with the sweet, introspective, creative man who comes across in the documentary or interviews that do more than scratch the surface. The themes of his two albums are all about fighting and coming to terms with hardships. About grief and love and the journey being worth it.
His tour has slowly shown Louis adjusting back to being more open. He thrives on stage. He’s sexy and more uninhabited now than he’s been since the start of 1D. It shows that his less-flamboyant stage presence was a conscious decision. Maybe a demand from above to cut out the licking fingers and hip thrusts that got him labelled “gay” in the first place. Louis’s audience is awash with pride flags and rainbow colours and he loves it, and includes it in his IGTVs and pictures.
10 years down the road from when I first fell in love with those boys, I still see the Louis I started with.
That last paragraph. I have nothing to add 👏🏼
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#WRITING - (Hailey on AO3)
Let's Be Honest, If You Could Hop Dimensions, You'd Save Eddie Munson Too (AO3 // REBLOG // My Art: Eddie in Disguise/Comparison) - A Steddie+Original NonBinary Time/Dimension Traveler Character Fix-It Comedy/Adventure
Devotion Tastes So Sweet On Your Lips (AO3 // REBLOG) - A Spooky Steddie Horror One-Shot (Maybe Series...) Steve Prays To The Old Gods And Eddie The Banished Answers
A Sticky Situation (AO3 // REBLOG) - A Harringroveson x Spideypoolverine Crossover Comedy One-Shot
+Some Bonus Tumblr Ficlets+
+Steve Definitely Doesn't Have A Type, a Steddie Tale in Gifs (+Because I Can't Leave Well Enough Alone, Emotional Damage) (Learned how to make gifs for this post lol took me hours give it some love, my first sort of popular post🤘)
+Steve Throws Eddie His Yellow Sweater, Eddie Throws Steve His Vest. It's a Whole Thing (w/ Inspo Post, Steve Throws Eddie The Yellow Sweater™, It's Canon. Gone a bit Viral, this one🤘)
+Eddie Realizes Steve Is More Than A Babysitter (w/ Inspo Post Steve Slays Demo-Bats, Eddie Reacts, this one has Gotten Popular, but I mainly attribute that to Steve's Titties 🤘)
+Stephanus Concubinus, Emperor Geta's Vita (a Steddie x Gladiator II au blurb inspired by kingsandsaints ' gorgeous painting of Joe Keery wearing laurels and a white sheet)
+Famous!Eddie, Meets Server Duo Stobin, is an Asshole and Gets His Just De'Soup- Later Eddie Comes Back to Apologize and Gets Steve's Number- Then, A Misunderstanding and a Proposal (I added onto the ficlets of two very talented writers sabbathbloddysabbeth and estrellami-1 with romantic ramblings at 5am, blurbs become ficlets)
+Steddie!Little Mermaid AU Blurb-let (It started with a whisper- *Steve Herrington* and ended when Prince Eddie kissed he- er, uh, no wait- that's actually Henry the Sea Witch with Prince Steve's stolen voice... Violence and Magic and A Happily Ever After, Oh My!)
+Rogueddie Famous!Steddie, Eddie Reads Tumblr RPF of Steve, Steve Gives a Rec (Rogueddie Wrote A Blurb, I Wrote A Blurb)
+Intothedysphoria Polled "What Random Animals Does Billy Try To Bring Into the Harringrove Residence?" - Most People Said Cat, I Say Raccoon (A Blurb Explaining My Thesis)
+Eddie Doesn't Give A Fuck About Sleep Paralysis Demon Steve (a bit personal, turned into a Steddie prompt)
+The First Time Little Eddie Munson With The Buzzed Hair Gets Called A F*reak, He Is Too Stunned To Speak (Literally, just a sentence ✨with gifs✨ but now I need 100k words, on my desk by Monday morning. Prompto.)
✨everything else you need to know under the cut✨
#My Original Posts In Need Of Some Reblogs# #op
+My Singular Piece of Art (Eddie in Disguise/Comparison)
+If I Were Going To Be Famous For A Quote (this is it)
+My Epitaph (lil clever wordplay that reeks of Philosophy, It's A Banger™)
+Jack Whitehall Incorrect Quote/Shipping Gays is the Glue That Holds Fandom Together
+Joe Quinn Interview Mag Pics Part 1 / Part 2 / Whole Shabang
+Joe Quinn is Dating Doja Cat? A Tale in Gif (It only took me a couple minutes to make this gif, skill issue defeated)
+Stray Kids Rolling Stone UK OCT/NOV 2024 Chan |Hyung| Minho |Minsung| Han | Hyunjin |Hyunlix| Felix | Changbin | Jeongin | Seungmin |Family Portrait| |ONE| |TWO| |THREE|
+Scoops Ahoy/Red Lobster Uniform Steve: If He Fuck Me Good I'll Take His Ass To Red Lobster / Steddie Version / Metal Sandwich Version
#Some Gems Just Because#
+15 Minute Roast Beef and Potato Soup (I make up easy recipes sometimes, ask me about my rotisserie chicken enchiladas with cilantro lime sour cream sauce)
+My 2010 1D Tumblr Origin Story (🤣The true story of how I ended up on Tumblr)
+My Ridiculous Laptop Sticker Collection (feat. Some Steddie Stickers from Raynecreates)
+🍯My Dog Honey Watches Scooby Doo / Honey Cuddles Then and Now / Honey Plays Then and Now 🍬 /
+I'm Allergic to Cats, But I Would Get A Blue Russian to Name Them Comrade, Nickname: Commie (Big Brain Name Game™, Give me some credit and reblog this post🐈‍⬛)
+My High Thoughts About Pyramids (Higher Thoughts💭)
+Inspo Post for A Sticky Situation
👇Check the #Tags below to narrow down the fun👇
#op - posts that I created or I contributed a significant comment to
#personal - if you're trying to see more than just fandom- really get to know me 🥹 also #is it me, #tism, #tis me
#trauma dump and #dream journal - the drama, the tea, the weird dreams that are so ridiculous I had to tell someone, even if it is just shouting it into the void to hear the echo, basically over sharing
#interest - anything that is of interest to me, stuff like #therapy, #linguistics, #anthropology, #sociology, #psychology, #archeology, #movies, #film theory, #politics, basically anything that interests me outside pretty people and shows
#thoughts - my own comments/thoughts or posts that made me think, try #high thoughts, #higher thoughts
#comedy - anything that made me #lol
#writing - my own fics and posts I actually contributed commentary to or a lil blurb, or writing inspo and prompts I am interested in, as well as writing resources, tips, etc. #fic prompt, #inspo
#steddie - probably my most common tag I love them but there's a plethora of tags #steddie art, #steddie fic, #steddie comic
#pretty - it's the boys and the girls and the #aesthetic stuff too
#boys - any of the pretty boys I like to reblog
#femme fatale - pretty girls, alternately #laissez faire
#smile - if you wanna smile, I heard they're contagious and this tag has some beautiful smiles 😁 and a few things guaranteed to bring joy
#spooky - It's #spooky season baby and #halloween is in my veins. We got #spooky art, #house hunting, #halloween decorations, and best of all #spooky steddie
I go a lil ham with the tags, trying to be thorough, search my blog for any of your own interests, you'll most likely strike gold 😂 give it a try if you're curious, or scroll on down and click on a tag
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