#i'm still processing all the new info they just threw at us
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fancyfeasti · 1 year ago
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"I guess you have changed."
-Husk, Hazbin Hotel Ep. 8
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truly-neutral-art · 10 months ago
Din/Luke Pacific Rim AU pt.3
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Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.4
Welcome to part 3 of my madness as I continue to take inspiration from scenes in the movie. This is when Din get's a full view of Luke's scars (and is caught looking) not long after the drift compatibility tryouts. He still doesn't know of their origins, but he might find out soon 👀👀👀 (More info under the cut if you're interested).
Anyways, hope my insanity entertains y'all! There's still plenty more to come and perhaps even more in the works.
P.S. All the love that this idea has been shown has been a great motivator for me to work on the fic. So thank you to everyone who's interacted with these posts and have shown their interest. Glad to know I'm not alone in being interested in a niche ship and a 10 year old movie crossover.
More info about Luke's Scars: It starts with part of the timeline I've formulated.
2027 - Luke becomes a pilot with Biggs.
January, 2028 - Death of Paz; Birth of Grogu; Din leaves the Jaeger program
August, 2028 - Death of Biggs; Luke is injured;
2029 - Leia becomes a pilot and is Luke's new partner 
So, essentially Luke joined the program very young (17) while Leia was still studying politics with the Organas. Biggs was Luke's drift partner and they piloted together for a year.
The destruction of Razor Crest and the death of Paz/disappearance of Din marked the turning point for the Jaeger program. Not long after that incident the Jaegers were struggling to fight back against the onslaught of Kaiju. More frequent attacks along with higher category Kaiju started to wear them thin.
In a particularly dicey situation, Luke and Biggs were deployed on their own to deal with a CATIII Kaiju while backup was on the way. Despite how skilled the two were, the Kaiju overwhelmed them before backup could come and their Con Pod was ripped from their Jaeger. The damage caused an energy serge through the pilot suits causing Luke to get his scars. Those injuries, plus the ones from getting tossed onto shore, also resulted in Bigg's death.
After hearing about this, and while Luke was recovering. Leia decided to join the program and began her training. By the time Luke was recovered she was graduating cadet school and they were able to pilot together. It took some time for Luke to get used to piloting again after being connected to someone who died, but he trained himself to feel the serenity in the drift and keep those memories at bay. Luke's control while in the drift is next to no one except maybe Anakin, but he hasn't piloted in a long time, so it's hard to say.
Speaking of Anakin, he isn't supper happy about his children being pilots, but there wasn't much he could do to dissuade them. After Padme's death during a Kaiju attack, and Anakin subsequently blaming himself for it, he threw himself into the program. He wasn't able to raise the twins because he was on duty so they were raised by Owen and Beru as well as mentored by the Organas (mostly Leia).
Leia is resentful of Anakin for leaving them when they were so young and had just lost their mother. Luke mostly blames himself in an unreasonable way and thinks he wasn't worth enough for Anakin to stick around. The reason Anakin did leave was so he could try to stop the Kaiju and make the world safe for his kids. However, in the process, he may have lost the time he could have had with them.
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kaiowut99 · 11 months ago
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GX Finalized-Subs!111 and 121 (WIP): Drizzling Details - For Clicks
Reprising the edit I worked on here while finalizing my 106 subs, I wanted to go ahead and knock out adding this updated translation edit into 111 and 121 as I get ready to work on 110. This gets used in 111 as Manjoume tries to look Amon up, and in 121 as Amon looks to delete it while on that submarine, and while I did previously translate these in my last run through Season 3, as I'm going with "Garam Conglomerate" and not "Garam Finance," along with the other updates I made in the 106 version, I wanted to update this accordingly for consistency. And still having the Photoshop files handy from my 106 edit, this was a relatively smooth process all told. I also went ahead and made dub versions of these, since of course 4Kids not only removed the text (they amusingly just slapped a card back where his info is lol), but they also cut the one shot of the Garam Conglomerate article Manjoume clicks onto. (I may use it for reasons at some point hehe)
All in all, I think it just took me a day or two to do since I had a relatively calm weekend; final products in gif form below (to keep each gif at 35 frames, I split the second 111 clip into two gifs; sub-intended edit on the left, dub-intended on the right)--and a breakdown under the cut for the interested 🙂 I did choose to leave the HTTP 405 error screens Manjoume gets as-is like I did before, partly the English text already there works well enough (the Japanese message is more "This page cannot be loaded"), partly Manjoume's raging thunder later would make it a bit annoying, lol.
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Effectively, for the 111 version, working off the full version of the bio I mocked up before, I first tweaked the bio text up top to color the originally-link-colored text accordingly, then saved that, cropped to what's shown in Manjoume's screen. Then, from there, I worked on the first clip it's used in, first cropping out the top portion of the text (from Amon's name to the "Goa Garam" line) and using the CC Power Pin effect in AfterEffects (also how I apply my card fixes) to pin that cropped image into place as the text expands outward for the first few frames; after that, I used Sony Vegas to keyframe the screen's scrolling for the rest of the shot, masking in the monitor's borders on top for blending.
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For the second shot in 111, where we see a close-up of the text as Manjoume clicks into the Garam Conglomerate article, I first wiped the text in Photoshop, then copied over the needed text layers from the full bio, making sure to space the lines at roughly how they were spaced in the full bio. I then copied out the "C" in "CEO" on the second-to-last line to hold it in place, then duplicated the "Garam Conglomerate" line and recolored the copy to a clicked-link purple, recreating a purple outline around it--both the unclicked and clicked versions come into play once I throw them into Vegas, where I then masked in the cursor arrow and hand as Manjoume moves his mouse. For the Garam Conglomerate article, a simple text wipe and translation placement happened in Photoshop, then I took that and threw it into the footage in Vegas.
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Finally, for the 121 version, since it uses the full no-link bio, I first recolored the blanking I did to the bio in Photoshop to match its color here, then used the CC Power Pin in AfterEffects to pin it as it expands for a few frames, masking in the edges of the bio box and the new Amon photo this screen uses. After I did that, I just did some positioning checks against the original, and then it was good to go without popping into Vegas.
For applying the dub edit to each instance, since I'd already done the video keyframing work for the sub-intended full bio image, once I adjusted the text layers with the dub references and saved that new dub-intended image, I just needed to copy/paste the keyframes and effects I applied to the sub-intended image in both AE and Vegas, so it was a pretty easy swap, lol.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years ago
Fanbinding Process 1: Typesetting
Someone asked me to chronicle a fanbinding project a while back and now that I'm in the starting stages I figured "oh yeah I should do that!"
Disclaimer: still new at this. Please don't judge me. And also this is just what I do and really when it comes to some of the smaller details, that's personal choice and stuff you'll decide once you get going and know what you wanna do with it!
Anyway current project: A Choriambic Progression (one of my faves!) (I'm also doing In Between Days at the same time but I'm further along in that one so it's not a good one to really show.)
Step 1: Gotta save the fic! I'll say ahead of time how I do this with AO3 fic, even though A Choriambic Progression isn't on AO3. With that, I go to Download > HTML. I've found that way will copy over all the formatting whereas the other ones didn't for me. Then I open the HTML file and copy paste into Google Docs.
Instead with A Choriambic Progression I just went to the Wayback Machine link and copy/pasted all of that.
Step 2: I do my page setup before fixing the body of the work, so I inserted a few pages above the work. I consulted a few books on hand to decide the layout. Page 1 is a simple title page:
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I know when I print, odd numbered pages will show up on the right and even numbers will be on the left. So when I first open the book, the simple title page will be face up.
Step 3.) Which means for Page 2 I do the copyright page:
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I temporarily removed my actual location for this, but: I made a name for my bindery. Most I've seen have the location of the publishing company, so I have my location in that section. Most copyright pages vary in the setup and even some information, so I borrowed what I liked! A lot have like "First Printing: Date, Second Printing: Date" so I list where all I've found the work, plus when I'm binding it. Even though it's July right now, I figure most of my work on this will be in August so I put August 2023 for that.
For ISBN I usually will put AO3 ID: and the work ID #. Since this was originally posted to Ink Stained Fingers I used Ink ID instead and it's ID # (which is 21???? Very cool.) Also since this fic is old and not really anywhere else, I had to do my best guessing on the date, which as best as I can figure was sometime 2004? And the print line for funsies! Though I don't think I'll do more than this one printing of it, but who knows!
Step 4.) Images in Canva. Which is just....me creating whatever icons and images I want to use in Canva, which is at least a title image. In Canva I opened an Instagram Post sized template. I threw in the title + artist. I had no idea what sort of art I wanted, so I just typed in "magic" and found this crystal & plant art I liked. I fixed up the font how I liked and then went to Share > Download > check Transparent Background > Select Pages: 19 (to just save page 19) > Download.
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I also went into another Canva project for smaller images that i call "icons" to make my bindery icon and also a simple image I want to have at the top of the first page and downloaded both of those.
Step 5.) Back in Google Docs aaaand....I knew I'd need some pages before my title image so on Page 3 I added the "archive information" (which is where I'll normally pull the info from AO3, but I did the same basic idea here.)
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Then Step 6.) I inserted another blank page (CTRL + Enter) and on Page 6 I went to Insert > Image > Upload from Computer and added my title image. Below it I added my bindery icon and spent over fiddling with it to get it properly centered. (It never wants to center correctly.) Iirc I went into Format > Align & Indent and played with "center" and "increase/decrease indent" until it behaved itself.
Step 7.) CTRL + Enter for another blank page. Then I make sure the start of the fic is on an odd page (though I can always fix this later in Acrobat.) I inserted my cute lil story icon above the start of the story:
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Step 8.) I realized I had a problem in that I did all this setup BEFORE setting my font. So I had to CTRL + A to select it all and set it to Times New Roman 16, which I know will print in a way I like.
Next I'll say, I like to keep the space between paragraphs in an ode to fanfic-y ways. But I also like indented paragraphs. So this is a personal choice, but with everything still selected I went to:
Format > Align & Indent > Indention Options > set Left & Right to 0. Then select Special Indent > First Line > set to .5.
THEN I had to go back and fix my title, copyright, and archive pages, but it's less annoying to do that than it would be to try to highlight over 300 pages to do this for JUST the fic. I later added some extras (such as the poem at the end, the author's note, and some review/recommendations for the fic that I wanted to format differently.)
....Basically just figure out how you want to format it.
Step 9.) CTRL + F. This fic was a NIGHTMARE to fix up, ngl. I did all of this last night but basically...I had to find all the scene breaks by going CTRL + F and searching "***" so I could replace those with a horizontal line (Insert > Horizontal Line.) But a few places had tildes instead so I had to do an extra CTRL + F: "~~~~" That wasn't so bad.
The bad part was realizing how much had to be italicized. Regular italic words had a "*" on either side, while correspondence began and ended with an underscore. So I had to CTRL + F: "_" and then highlight and italicize all the letters. Then CTRL + F: "*" to find all the italicized words of which there were like 200. Very tedious.
Step 10.) File > Download > PDF Document
Step 11.) I opened the PDF in Adobe Acrobat for my final stages. Mostly here I make sure all of the pages are in an order I like and make sure all of my pages that need to end up on the right are odd numbers. And if not, I can go to the sidebar on the right and go to "Organize Pages"...there I can reorganize or add blank pages where needed.
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Step 12.) Page Numbers & Headers! Again this is personal preference but I can show you how I did it and you can make your own decisions about how you want to do it.
Close out of Organize Pages. Then from the sidebar I chose "Edit PDF." Then at the top toolbar I click on "Headers & Footers" and select "Add."
For me, I wanted the title as a header, and I wanted to insert page numbers. So in "Header Center" I wrote the title and in "Footer Center" I clicked on "Insert Page Numbers."
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Then because I want my page numbering to start on Page 3 (I like to start numbering at the Archive Information page) I click on "Page Range Options" and in "Pages From:" I changed "1" to "3."
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Note, if you fiddle with the pages later on and reorganize or add new blank pages, Adobe won't adjust the page numbers for you, which is why I make sure my pages are all in order first.
Step 13.) My least favorite part is REMOVING headers & footers from pages I don't want them on. So on all blank pages I took off the title & page number. I took the title off of the Archive information and the Title Image page. I took the title off of the "Recommendations" pages later on, too. It's not only tedious but Acrobat likes to be difficult about letting me select the page numbers so it takes a few tries of me getting the page just so before I can select and delete the page number.
Anyway at that point it's ready to go so I make sure to save it to my Fanbinding folder and next up I can print! So...we can do printing & page folding and maybe page cutting in Part 2.
You know...if I remember. 😬
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llycaons · 2 years ago
honestly my eval was kind of a mess...my precepter kept saying like 'oh I know you're smart so what was going on last week because you can't freeze" and yeah I do learn more slowly than they'd like and I didn't do very well that day and I don't want to make excuses but her teaching style really doesn't work for me...it's not anyone else I'm intimidated by, it's her. but also, I think I might just be stupid? like in general I do okay but there's always so much going on and I don't know if I can do everything alone and keep track of everything I'm supposed to...and then when im scared I get distracted and do worse which is understandable but there WILL be scary and new things in this role and I kind of need to be ready for them 😔 it's just like I feel very overwhelmed in a lot of cases and I've often worried this was a poor choice and maybe I should have aimed lower and gone for a role with less responsibility. also my communication and conflict resolution skills genuinely suck. reading these self-eval standards makes me want to curl into myself. why did they hire me? they didn't see the warning signs? I mean, I know why they hired me (happened to go to a school with a special immersion program wrote a nice letter asking to be included got accepted got on a shortlist for candidates and applied to a hospital that DESPERATELY needed people). I mean I had pertinent experience and I have a genuine passion for this and I threw myself into the interview and cover letter since I wanted it so bad but I feel like crying I don't know if I can do this!!
on the flipside I've seen the people they've hired to work here and some of them I can't believe they haven't been fired. and I've seen new people in my cohort or above really struggle and continue to learn so despite the expectations of the educators I feel like most of us are still learning? also, everyone learns at a different pace...my precepter was really impatient and didn't give me any time to process the info she threw at me and then didn't give me the details I needed, also I was really tired and my brain wasn't working,...this all sounds like an excuse but like I said I kind of need it spelled out. which is definitely concerning but idk how to fix that. ugh, I hate feeling stupid and inadequate
in better news, I finished the day at a procurement case and I felt really comfortable and confident in it. I know these sets, I know the people, I know the case, I know the setup, I know the workflow, etc. please just let me do those from now on 🙏
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ebdanon · 9 months ago
I had a short chat today with my mil, we're planning on getting a new internet package for the household and there's been a bit of a debate with my fil doing whatever he wants and not caring about anything while my husband and I have some requirements from the package and are trying to find a deal that works with those requirements. anyway, fil told my mil one thing, and my husbands something completely different regarding the packages he was offered by various local providers, basically lying to both of them. so my mil and I had a chat and she literally told me she's going to be blowing up in the next few days because her husband has been lying to everyone again and just doing whatever he wants and not communicating properly with anyone (he has a lifelong habit of doing that) and this woman was like "dismiss what I say in the moment when I'm pissed, I could say anything in the heat of the moment, please forgive me" which blew my mind!!!
I didn't want to tell her that he does whatever he wants because he's bored and wants to watch her start drama and arguments like he did a few months ago by keeping quiet about the cleaning product that he replaced when my mil got offended over my buying a replacement for that product when it hadn't run out. I think I mentioned it in that long ass arguments ask I honestly can't remember so Im gonna provide a brief rundown: there was a cleaning product that was in the bathroom when we moved here that wasn't working, I tried every which way according to the package instructions and nothing was happening. I checked the expiration date just in case and it turned out it was over a year past that date. So the next shopping trip, my husband and I got a new one. My mil threw a fit when she saw it for whatever reason (part was it that we shouldn't waste money when there's a product right there, part was not telling her that the product wasn't working properly, which I gave up on doing after being ignored about various questions I had since we moved in). So when the big argument happened when I got involved, fil admitted that he switched out the contents of the bottle with another cleaning product, and he laughed saying he didn't bring it up because he wanted to see my husband and his mother tear each other apart - I've since been calling that psychopath behavior. Like last week, I was trying to make myself a salad and when I went to add some olive oil to the dressing, the bottle was empty, when I know the day before there was a bunch left. But no, this dude used it all up (I know it was him because he's done it before with other things) and put the empty bottle back where he found it and didn't mention it to anyone, despite knowing my husband was going on a grocery run and asking him what's missing from the house. And the same thing is going to be happening tomorrow, because I've been keeping track of the olive oil bottle more closely, so I know when it's about to run out to get more, so I know the bottle will be empty when I wake up in the morning. He seems to live for irritating people, but he's never gonna get the satisfaction of knowing anything about me in that regard, so he can stay fuming internally. He tried it in conversation with me a couple of months ago, insisting he knows better about a work process than me, when I've been actively pursuing that process and he only gets secondhand info from other people, and I just laughed at him like he's a little kid not understanding the world and said, sure, you're totally right, what else do you know? And I proceeded to ignore all his advice because I know he's dead wrong (like that boomer thing where they say just go into the office and hand in your resume, when they see you, they'll hire you, and you going the world no longer works that way, and them continuing to insist that nothing has changed in the last 50 years)
Anyway, as bad as I feel for this woman, she still insists on having her brain filled with the bullshit the devil spawn that is my grandma says, despite being warned about it repeatedly, and I've personally caught her in a few lies before when she's trying to manipulate situations to fit her worldview. Not to mention her calling my parents when she's arguing with my husband. So I continue to do my best to stay out of her and her husband's lives. She also complained about how ridiculous her own fil and mil made her life, and I almost laughed because in everything she complained about, she does worse than they did. The difference is, she had no one on her side, and I have my husband.
~lore anon
why is your fil running a behavioral experiment in your house 😭 freak behavior
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autumn-foxfire · 3 years ago
He stopped treating them as villains during MVA where they starred as an underdog-type protagonist group with a "villainous, but heroic" flair. It's when he threw out his old idea of giving little info on them so they'd appear scary to the readers, because the story evolved beyond that. I'm curious about how he says he created Toga to match Ochako, but originally had her die in MVA? This battle wouldn't be happening if he stuck to it, wonder what Ochako would've been doing then? (1)
How different is the current story vs the one where the villains are presented as a threat where you don't know their favorite food? There's a new fandom theory that all of this is on purpose. The heroes will make mistakes in saving the villains, and the villains will either destroy everything or die in the process. So then Deku will reset the world using the 2nd's quirk. Not a fan of the heroes messing up again, or time-travel plots, but it's an explanation at least. (2)
Especially since I really, really don't know why Shouto is facing Dabi alone because the only ending I see is if Endeavor for once in his life, apologizes to Touya and sees him, and tells him everything Touya needed to hear as a kid. Because just Shouto? Just Shouto implies he's going to need to erase all of Dabi's Endeavor-related emotions all by his lonesome. And what does THAT mean? Not wanting Endeavor to see him anymore. Not wanting to kill him? No more hatred? (3)
Shouto can't just magically make Touya want to come home. Because that's not his issue. I can't imagine him somehow making Touya go "omg wow Shouto isn't like Endeavor at all, he's becoming his own hero~ he's my little bro :O" as Hori-like as that sounds. Gross. Not the Dabi I want. Endeavor needs to fix his mistakes himself instead of chilling with AFO, that's the only way. Or a "rescued" Dabi will still have those hurt feelings. (4)
Hori didn't want to tell people the small details about the villains as he wanted them to appear as villains to the reader? As if knowing about your villains on an intimate level suddenly stops them from being the antagonist of the story?! It honestly sounds like such childish reasoning.
I sometimes wonder if he should have stuck to his original plan as the story he has currently is very messy and all over the place. The fact that Toga was meant to die during the MVA in his original plans just tells me her writing currently is a product of him not plannin out her future in the story properly and is just winging it. Maybe I should have more faith in him as a writer but with the current direction of the manga, I just can't.
A friend was just telling me about the time-travel theory as well (well it's always been present in the manga since the reveal of the 2nd looking a bit like Bakugou but I guess this wasn't how they expected it to happen). If he actually does do that... Really shows how little faith he has in his heroes resolving the conflict here and now. Or he backed himself into a corner.
As for Dabi, I don't mind Endeavor not being present in the fight as it's logical. Dabi becomes more unhinged when he's present (and he's already losing it) and Endeavor doesn't act too. Plus, as someone I follow has pointed out in the past, Endeavor punching his son that he caused to follow the path of the villain isn't all that of a heroic look.
That said, I doubt there is much Shouto can do either because it's not Shouto Dabi is interested in unless it comes to killing him in front of Endeavor.
In fact, I don't think any of the villains want to listen to reason anymore. They just want to get what they want and kill everyone who gets in the way. There really isn't many ways to stop them. I guess that's why time-travel is now on the cards.
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panicinart · 4 years ago
A nanny to replace with someone new part 1
Brahms x transman/transmasc reader
Please take my writing privilege away when it's past midnight
There arnt any trigger warnings here and at the moment no gendered words or pronouns is used! I guess there is a bit of queer coding(???) if you squint but nothing to serious or specific
Your phone vibrated with a new message send to you. Scrambling it out of your pants with hasty and shaking fingers while the other hand tryd it's best to not let the travel suitcases fall on the floor. Giving it a quick glance your lips curled into a smile, it was your best friend asking how the flight into the UK was.
So you gave her a quick message on how you got the worst seat imaginable. The guy next to you constantly gave you weird glances, he tryd to be sneaky about it, looking at your way when he thought you were asleep or occupied with something else. The smell that receded from him wasn't pleasant either, betting your left arm that he didn't shower for at least 3 weeks straight.
A few seats away was a couple that constantly started a loud argument with each other about the most random and unimportant things imaginable. When the fly attended tryd to calm them down the whole scenario got even more chaotic, making a kid that was another few seats away cry loudly. You would feel bad for the child if it wasn't for your enormous migraine building up. The only good thing out of the situation was when a bag of salted snacks got accedntly thrown to your way, giving you a free extra snack.
As you clicked send an announcement made it's self know with loud static noises. The train had a one hour delay. At this point your nerves were on edge. With a heavy sigh you walked out of the airport to the underground, at least there was now some time to look at the airport stores. Buying a few snacks here and there and seeing the cute souvenirs lighten up your mood a bit, and you even found a pharmacy!
Munching at your last chocolate bar and swallowing the pill for your migraine as you clumsily walked down the stairs to the subway, you eyes skimmed for a clock, and there it was, old and a bit rusty but it worked just fine showing that it's currently 7:43 pm.
'20 more minutes'
you thought, as you gave it a quick glance with a groggy look,
'Might as well give her a quick text'
•hey,sophie the train has a delay probably will come in like an hour late if everything goes well.
It took a few minutes until she texted you back
▪︎Yea I already thought that, can't have shit in public transport >:/
•yea,,, so,,, how is the babysitting going? Is the kid as bad as the last one you took care of???
▪︎Nope! How should it when it's a doll :)
a what???
▪︎A doll! It's one of those weird porcelain ones that look like a small child. It's even live sized! I was already weirded out that a couple this old would have small children of their own but that? A whole new level of weird
•,,,,what are you doing with it????
does it just hang around or do you actually take care of it??
As you waited for an answer another announcement was made, the train that should come in now 15 minutes should be here earlier.
You would have made a small victorious smile if the question didn't come crashing down like an avalanche.
Why do they keep it? Why do they need a babysitter when it's just a doll? Why is it live sized? And most importantly, how in the fresh fuck did they managed to let the train come earlier the thought. While being lost in your mind with questions your phone took you back into reality when it vibrated.
▪︎Nope! I just let it sit in the corner, sometimes I put a towel or blanket over it. It's stare is really fucking creepy....
•oh,,, so free money I guess, pretty cool.
hey sophie what was the name of the family??
Something with shire right??
▪︎Heelshire, why do you ask?
•just out of curiosity, maeby there is an article about them and the doll.
i mean they are a well know family so I can imagine there is something out there about them. also my train is coming later then planned.
they made an announcement that it should come earlier the thought but,,, I think I won't come over today for the sleepover, I'm just too tired, sorry for the late cancelation
▪︎It's fine (Y/N)! You had a shitty flight so I can understand that! So we see us tomorrow :) ?
▪︎Awesome, can't wait to show you the creepy doll!
And with that the chat ended, your train already making a big entrance with the loud hald of it's heavy metallic wheels.
You took the suitcase back into your hands and tumbled your way into the train.
Looking around, you accepted defeat that there was no seat left for you, your mood slowly dipping from tired annoyance to about to having a small fit. But that wouldn't help your progress, so you swallowed your anger down and leaned to one of the metallic poles. Wobbling a bit from left to right and needing to catch your suitcase to not let it roll over a passengers feet as the train started moving again.
You grabbed your phone, hesitating for a bit
'Do I really want to know what the fuck is going on or???'
You just shrugged your shoulders and gave it a go, the heelshire family is a rich pompous family you're sure there is something about them on the internet.
Aaaaand you were right, it didn't even took a second when hundreds of articles pooped up with dramatic headlines.
Terrible fire at the Heelshire mansion
Mysterious fire in Heelshire property
Heelshire, how their live turned quickly into a nightmare
These were the few that caught your interest.
You gave the articles quick reads, your tired eyes switching between almost falling shut from tiredness and going wide at the gruesome details on the tragedy.
Well that gives you a few indications on why they keep it.
'It's probably some kind of coping mechanism....'
You don't really see yourself as someone who's heart gets torn apart everytime you hear a sad and tragic story, but you still can't shake the heaviness off it all, a family losing their only child in an enormous fire that up to this day nobody knows were it came from.
Too keep your mind off the whole thing you looked outside, still having a bitter expression of the new info as you admired the houses.
It looks like your heading towards a more suburban area, making it look like one of your old English telenovela that you watch every now and then.
As the sun slowly goes down and engulfing the area in beautiful colors was quite a bit breathtaking, infact so breathtaking that you almost missed your station.
In a moment of panic you pushed yourself out of the train almost dropping a few things in it, but luckily you had everything with you.
With lazy steps towards a billboard your eyes scanned the map for the area, the bus stop wasn't far away, just a few minutes walk, but your heavy arms slowly giving up and your feet starting to hurt didn't really help.
You got your headphones out in hopes that listening to your favorite music makes the whole thing a bit more bearable.
Even tho it was just a tiny bit left until you arrived at your destination, somehow everything went wrong one way or another. You almost missed the bus and then one of it's tire pooped, making you wait for the next one that came in like half an hour.
Then one of your water bottles wasn't closed properly making some of your stuff soaked in it, destroying your notes, drawings and a few comics you had with you in the process.
When you arrived in the small but cozy hotel a woman had a giant fight with the manager. One of her kids didn't stop bothering you with weird and uncomfortable questions about your appearance. While the other didn't keep their grabby hands off of you. Then when she finally finished her rant on how the room service didn't left a small piece of chocolate for her children like always, she had the audacity to give you a 'tch' when she walked passed you with a slightly disgusted expression. The manager and her assistant apologized for the inconvenience and offerd you some candy as a sorry gift for the inconvenience, you don't want to sound like a glutton, but it did make you forget about the whole thing for a bit.
Finally you managed to get your keys. On the way to your room you almost dropped all your stuff becoming a clumsy mess that just wants to sleep.
As you opend the door impatiently you more or less threw your stuff on the chairs and floor quickly unpacked your pajamas and hastily puting them on. Dropping your body on the softest bed you ever were able to sleep in like a rock. To say that you were happy to finally be here is taking things way to lighty. With a happy sigh you closed you eyes for the well deserving sleep.
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msmarvelwrites · 5 years ago
The Winter Ghost - Part 4
Info: A Devastating car crash causes you to lose your memory and start over. The only thing left in the wreckage was the horrific nightmares which plagued your mind. If you knew what today would entail you would have just stayed in bed. But you didn't and because of that, everything you knew was about to change.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Y/n
Warning: language maybe?
W/c: 3.5K (sorry not sorry)
A/n: Shuri is probably one of my favourite characters in the MCU so please enjoy her sass ❤️ Thank you again to @cutie1365 for editing and making this readable 💕
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You sat in the cold steel lab, next to a pile of machines that whirled in the silent room. Small wires attached to your temples and hooked into the computers. You didn't know how you imagined Shuri, but a small 16 year old girl was definitely not it. This was who was going to be prying and prodding through your brain? I guess this is how S.H.I.E.L.D felt the first day you showed up. The thought made you stifle a laugh under your breath and wish you could only remember.
Every 10 minutes after scanning the hologram which hovered just above the desk she would stop, and ask if you were okay to continue. You would nod, unable to actually create coherent words. The process of regaining your memories was excruciating, to say the least. Shuri made it better though. She was bubbly and kind. Her voice was bright and reminded you of the wind chimes your mother used to hang on the porch.
Another blast of electricity surged through your brain, causing you to double over and yelp.
"Okay, okay, that's enough for today." She announced, crossing the room and placing a hand on your shoulder. You flinched her away desperately trying to focus away the pain.
"No. Keep going." You gasped, steadying your breath.
"Y/n, we have to take this in steps. If we dig too deep we can risk serious brain damage, or worse." She explained. You looked up at her concerned face, tears welled in your eyes but you quickly wiped them away.
"Dr. Shuri, please-”
"It's Shuri. Just Shuri. And no, I’m serious. I think we've retrieved some core memories, but there's no way to be sure." She spoke over you, turning her computer off and carefully removing the wires from your head. You winced as she pulled them out, but you were finally able to breathe right again. “We’ll just have to keep tabs on ya’.”
"How will we know what I remember?" You asked, watching her pack her equipment away.
"You won't," She stated, placing a small alcohol wipe in your hand. You blotted the small incisions the wires left behind. Gross.
"But, we'll keep doing bi-weekly checkups and monitor your behavior. There could be trigger words that Hydra has hidden in your brain. The last thing we need is you going all ‘Winter Soldier’ on our asses." Shuri giggled to herself and patted you on the back. You tried to hide the scream of pain that erupted from her contact. You suppressed a cry and smiled as best you could.
"Thank you Dr- um, Shuri. Seriously, I can't tell you what this means to me." You corrected, getting up and following him out of the room.
"Anytime. This is my new specialty I guess. I think I should consider updating my resume to super soldier fixer-upper."
You walked through the compound slowly, still unsure where everything was. Steve had assigned you a bedroom on the top level, close to Agent Romanoff, or Nat as she had asked you to call her. She and a few other former Avengers occasionally stayed in Wakanda after everything went south in Nigeria.
You hadn't really been asked if you wanted to stay here, but Nat explained that Hydra was keeping close tabs on you. It would be safer for you here while you remembered what it is they needed.
As you continued through the hallways you happened upon a large floor to ceiling mirror. You tried to not look, but your curiosity got the better of you.
Your hair was a knotted mess yesterday morning, so you decided to braid it back. Now, long strands fell from it, curling around your face and neck adding to your dishevelment. Dark circles bloomed under your y/e/c and reminded you of the sleep you so desperately needed. The faded Stark Industries tee-shirt hung loosely on your frame over the black elastic biker shorts Nat had given you to borrow. She promised she'd take you back to your Brooklyn apartment at some point to collect your own clothes. You huffed, trying and failing to tuck the few strands that fell from your loose braid back, only having two more shake loose.
As you rounded the corner you noticed two large metal doors. Loud thuds and grunts were protruding out from behind them. The closer you got, the better you could see through the small window.
Nat was sending a graceful roundhouse kick to Bucky's neck. He stumbled taking a few steps back but ultimately gained his balance again. You swallowed a gasp. Bucky was close to twice Nats size. You watched in amazement as she ducked between his legs, sending a swift elbow to the crook of his knee. He immediately dropped.
Quietly you slipped through the gym door, careful not to disturb the two while they circled each other slowly.
You watched in awe as Bucky threw a punch with his metal arm at Nat, who skillfully dodged it, grabbing his wrist and twisting. With the added momentum she swung onto his shoulders, still grasping his arm and yanked him backwards onto the mat with a loud thud.
"Holy shit!" You gasped, and quickly regretted it as the two super heros looked up. You knew they were on your side, but damn. You didn't know how anyone picked a fight with either of them. They both looked so venomous. Nats face softened when she registered your wide eyed gaze.
"She lives!" The Black Widow announced, laughing as she grabbed a towel, patting her sweat slicked face. Bucky stood then slowly, watching you intently like he was waiting for something.
You grin sheepishly and nodded. "That she does. Damn, Mr. Rogers wasn't kidding around. I still feel like I'm vibrating." You chuckled.
"Remember anything?" Bucky spoke suddenly, watching you carefully. You shook your head.
"No, not really. Shuri said it'll take time. That she recovered something, but-" you huffed, a little frustrated and body still sore. "I got this wicked headache instead." You finished. Bucky chuckled and ran his metal hand through his dark hair.
"So," You began, approaching the sparring mat, "do you think you could show me how to do that?" You ask Nat, referring to her insane fighting skills. Her eyes sparkled and she laughed softly.
"I don't know Y/n," she motioned for you to step onto the mat, "think you got what it takes?"
Her dazzling grin dropped almost as fast as her fist flew through the air. You could tell instantly that the blow would miss you entirely, but in that moment something snapped. You closed your eyes and you felt your whole body burst into flames. Images flashed through your mind and when you opened your eyes, everything moved in slow motion.
You looked to your left, watching the assassin's fist fly closer and closer. You tried to take a step back, but your body seemed to switch into auto pilot. In one smooth motion you blocked her wrist, and almost as fast jabbed her side with a harsh blow.
Natasha stumbled back, stunned. You looked down at your hands, like it was the first time you were actually seeing them. Holy shit.
“Oh God, Nat. I didn't mean to!"
Another fist flew at you, to which you ducked, dropping into a squat position you kicked your right leg out. In the same motion you twisted your body, sweeping your foot across the mat and taking Nat down as she gasped. You looked up at her, eyes wide and panting. What the-
"Fuck." Bucky finished your thought. Natasha rubbed her hip in discomfort as she reached for Bucky's hand, pulling her up.
"What the hell was that?" She challenged. You stood, stumbling back a few paces and raising your hands in surrender. What the hell had just happened?
"I- I don't know..." You stuttered, "Nat, I'm so, so sorry I-'' she waved her hand stopping you.
"I'm fine, don’t ever apologise for kicking someone's ass... Maybe you remembered something after all?" She spoke, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow sarcastically.
"My turn." Bucky rumbled. You would have frozen at the darkness in his voice, but your instincts kicked in. The soldier leaned back on his right foot, sending his left rocketing through the air and towards your face. Fire erupted through your body again, startling you awake.
Gracefully you wrapped your arm around Bucky's impending kick, absorbing the blow. His sheer strength made you stumble back a little, but you quickly slid back into the routine.
"Попался” Gotcha’, you smirked. Bucky looked at you, mouth slightly agape.
“What did you just-” He didn't have a chance to finish as you twisted your body, bringing your elbow up delivering it down onto his shoulder with a loud crack. You finished him off with a swift kick through his legs, tackling him to the floor.
"Ow," he mumbled through jagged breaths. You gawked at him in disbelief, holding his hands above his head, straddling the super soldier's waist. Bucky shifted slightly, realising the compromising position you both were in.
"Gotta hand it to ya, punk. That one actually tickled." He chuckled, as you removed your hands from his wrists. He noticed your body was still unmoving, eyes almost glassy. Carefully he tapped your thigh, knocking you back into reality. You physically shook your head, trying to center yourself.
"What happened?" You asked, still straddling Bucky. He looked at you quizzically, trying to read your face for any answers, but came up short.
"Y/n, I think we need to talk to Shuri again." He offered, picking you up by the waist and helping you off the mat.
"Yeah, I think that's probably a good idea." You said, staring wide eyed at the two former assassins.
When you entered the lab, you noticed Shuri was still there. She paced around the room, picking up sheets of paper, scanning them quickly before she looked at the hologram.
"Not possible." She breathed, still unaware of your presence. Bucky cleared his throat, alerting the engineer to the three of you.
"Holy crap!" She jolted. "Hasn't anyone ever told you not to sneak up on a girl with an endless arsonal of deadly weapons before?" Shuri clutched her heart, steadying her breath.
"No, actually." You voiced. Buck coughed trying to cover his laugh.
"Listen, babe. It's important," Nat started, entering the lab further and hoisting her petite figure onto an examining table. "Y/n just handed Bucky his tight ass without breaking a sweat, so we were just wondering... What the fuck?" She emphasized that last word with a raised brow and wide eyes. Bucky scoffed and rolled his eyes as if to say 'she hit you too.' You thought it was probably the cutest thing in the world, watching the former assassin stuff his hands into his pockets and glare at her like he was a kid.
"Y/n, how do you feel?" Shuri spoke, ignoring Natasha, which didn't bother her as she swung her legs daintily off the table.
"Um, fine I think. I'm a little tired but besides that-"
"What's happening here?" Captain America suddenly boomed, storming into the lab. You flinched, startled by his loud voice. Both Nat and Bucky look totally unfazed while Shuri only rolled her eyes. I guess Captains mood swings were a normalcy around here.
Natasha explained the situation to him while he passed the room, arms crossed and a scowl permanently glued to his face.
"How could you let this happen?" Steve finally barked, pointing an accusatory finger at Shuri. You thought if he had spoken to you like that you would melt away, but the small teen only scoffed and brushed him off.
"Hold up, Boomer. I didn't let anything happen. You brought her to me." She started, looking at you almost apologetically. "You told me to find Y/n's memories. That's what I'm doing. Unless you think you could do a better job with your zero years of education and that dinner plate you call a 'shield?'" She scoffed and went back to looking at her computer.
“You made my shield” Steve huffed under his breath.
“Uh, no. How dare you? I would never, the thing is incredibly impractical. I did make it better though.” Shuri mocked the Captain. Jeesh, the girl truly had balls, that's for sure.
"How do you feel?" Steve questioned. It took you a solid five seconds to realise he was looking at you.
"Oh, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine. Just really confused." You mumbled, terrified you were going to set the Super Soldier off again.
“Well I can shed some light, would that be okay with you, old man?” Shuri spoke sarcastically to Steve. He only rolled his eyes and waved his hand motioning her to carry on.
“I ran your blood through a few tests. I don't know how I didn’t see this before. I mean it's right in front of us. You failed the drug test. By like, a lot. Which I thought was weird but to each their own ya know? Anyways, I looked into it and your body is literally emanating radiation, which got me thinking. The only people I know who literally sweat steroids are-”
“She’s a Super Soldier.” Steve interrupted. You stared at him wide eyes and back to Shuri. This wasn't possible. You didn't feel super. Actually you felt pretty crappy, to say the least.
“Not exactly. At least, Y/n doesn't have the same chemical compound as you. Whatever serum she's drugged up on, it's not one I've ever seen before.” Shuri finished, holding a test tube of your blood up and analysing it. You felt like you were going to throw up. You didn't know if it was the chaos of the situation or the fun new information that past life Y/n was a steroid junky but it was enough to make you lightheaded. You stumbled back a few paces, uneasy on your feet. A strong arm wrapped itself around your waist, steading you before you could fall. You looked up at Bucky's warm smile suddenly feeling a little more at ease. Gotcha. He mouthed, and you took a deep breath. I am calm, I am okay… Just, breathe.
Ten minutes later and a bunch of arguing the room finally stilled. Shuri explained how she suspected Hydra had a weapon similar to the super-soldier serum, only more complex. The whole thing made very little sense to you.
"Why would Hydra inject me with the serum?" You argued, skeptically.
"Because, they physically couldn't make another drop. Y/n destroyed the lab with all their research. The one they gave to her was the first of its kind. It's flawed and unpredictable. Without her cooperating, recreating a serum was impossible. However, if they injected it into our friend here, they could monitor how it developed in a controlled environment." Shuri explained.
"So, you think the serum they gave me is their super secret weapon?" You asked, stunned. Shuri only nodded.
“You're the blueprint…” Bucky mumbled under his breath. You didn't know if he had meant for you to hear as no one else in the room seemed to notice he had even spoken.
"And you're sure it's in Y/n's system?" Nat asked, her eyes scanning over you.
"I mean, I guess there's only one way to know for sure. I have this…theory. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it… Y/n, I think it's time you meet our resident teenage witch."
You followed the team into what looked they're common room. Plasma TVs hung on the walls and large floor length windows lined the room.
There sitting on the long couch was a girl. She looked to be about your age, maybe a little younger. You watched as red ribbons of electricity shot out of her hands and through the air like dangerous waves. The small tv remote hovered mid air as her red tendrils held it.
"Maximoff, front and center!" Steve announced loudly, startling the girl causing her to rocket the remote through the air. It flew past you, an inch from your face as it crumbled into the wall behind you.
"Holy shit!" You screamed, ducking as a delayed reaction and holding your hands over your head.
"Language..." Steve lectured under his breath. You mouthed a 'sorry' and stood up again.
"Didn't mean to startle you, I just have someone I'd like you to meet. He gestured towards you as her eyes followed.
"Hi." You spoke quietly. She smiled kindly and spoke apologetically, "Hi. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw electronics at you." She shrugged.
"Occupational hazard when you're around me. It's kinda' my thing." You chuckled at that.
"Perfect. Now that you've met... Wanda, will you please fight Y/n." Shuri spoke dryly. The girl, Wanda, looked from Shuri to you.
"Um, no?" You blurted looking at Shuri absolutely terrified. There was no way you were fighting this chick. She just fired a remote at your head with the ease and strength of a shotgun. Hell no.
"Please, you won't hurt her. It's for science." Shuri shrugged, but you weren't sold.
"Yeah, that's not happening. There's gotta be another way we can test your theory." You shook your head frantically. Wanda looked slightly intrigued, crawling across the couch and perching on the arm rest.
"What exactly would you have me do, Shuri?" She questioned, looking wickedly dangerous. The small engineer grinned, crossing her arms over each other.
"Do what we practiced." She cooed, dryly.
The team behind you took a few steps back. You hadn't realised they had deserted you until it was too late. Wanda created a small red blast of electricity in her palm. You watched as she shaped it like a snowball, carefully dropping it between her hands. You watched in awe as it sizzled and sparked between her fingers.
“I really, really don't like this idea.” You voiced, looking back at Steve and Shuri, who only watched in anticipation.
You turned back to face her as the energy surged towards your body. Before it could explode you crossed your arm over your face protecting yourself from its inevitable blow. But it never came.
Carefully you opened one eye, and then the other. More people now gathered in the common room. You looked around at their faces, landing on Bucky who, unlike his teammates looked horrified. You looked down at your hands then, and what you saw made you choke out a gasp.
Your whole body was glowing with the same red electricity Wanda has thrown at you. Your eyes darted up to her and she just stared at you in shock.
"What the hell is happening right now?" You yelled, terrified and feeling like your whole body was vibrating.
"Exactly what I thought would happen. You've absorbed Wanda's powers." Shuri spoke matter of fact, like this kind of thing happened every day. I guess with these people it did.
"Y/n, are you okay?" Bucky demanded. He felt powerless as he watched the Witch’s energy circled around you. You nodded, reassuringly. Though you didn't know if you believed it.
"Okay, what do I do. I don't want this-" you reached your arms out and with a bright flash of red, the electricity exploded from your hands, throwing Wanda off her seat and hurling her backwards. Quickly she caught herself mid air before she crashed through the window, hovering above the floor.
"Holy crap" She screamed, checking she was all in one piece "I sincerely apologise to anyone I've done that to. That really stings." She winced as she landed back on the ground.
"Shit, I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry!" You crossed the room, making sure she was okay.
Wanda laughed, "You sure do make a great first impression." She spoke sarcastically. You half smiled, not knowing how you could help.
"I guess that's kinda' my thing." You spoke, causing a dazzling smile to dance across Wanda's pink lips.
"This is so exciting! I’m going to run back to the lab and run a few more tests. Obviously you aren't able to control how you absorb your opponents powers. You're going to have to practice before we can try that again." Shuri spoke, tearing you away from your exchange with Wanda.
"I am not doing that again." You argued, horrified that you almost chucked Wanda out a plate glass window.
"Sure you are. Come now, science experiment, let's see what else you can do." You huffed and followed Shuri’s voice.
A/n: as always, feedback it welcomed!! Let me know what you think 💕💕💕
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secret-engima · 5 years ago
I'm trying to sleep but I cant bc if this this idea in my idea do here have it and fo eith it as you will; Nyx reborn into the KHR universe.
Pure. Unadulterated. Chaos.
Because if you think this boy is gonna be anything but the world’s most reckless and powerful Inverted Stormy Sun you’ve got another think coming.
Probably becomes like- a message runner/thief. Something high speed and dangerous that isn’t straight up murder-land. Despite this, he quickly gains something of his own famiglia from all the strays he keeps picking up along the way. Famiglia of info-brokers, thieves, and other sneaky mouthy folk. It’s great. He calls them the Kingsglaive out of nostalgia and everyone wears an Ulric braid.
Has 100% mouthed off to Xanxus and gotten away with it.
Misses his warping like crazy. It’s not fair. He gets sparkly fire powers and they AREN’T the ones that can teleport. Boo.
Still he gets to make stuff disintegrate and he has almost limitless energy so hah.
Finds Tsunayoshi when Tsuna is newly sealed and Smol and Sad and just Nopes his way into that situation because this is Wrong and he’s Reckless so here’s to kidnapping Tsuna and his mom and carting them off somewhere private to get those seals off (because in this universe Nana also has a seal on her that makes her so ditzy and air headed since she’s a Latent Sky who would otherwise know better than to touch Iemitsu with a thousand foot pole, but Iemitsu is all the levels of Jerk in this and wanted That Specific Pretty Lady as a mindless trophy wife so...)
Anyway Nyx yoinks the seals off with a combo of stubborn stupidity and stupidly strong Flames and Tsuna and Nana are more than a little confused and grateful. Nyx explains the Mafia thing and Nana goes Active from pure rage over being ... well ... married to the guy who robbed her of almost all intelligence and free will and then tried to do the same thing TO HER SON.
Nyx is more than happy to get them new identities and take them to Mafia Land where even Vongola can’t touch them without setting off a war and helping Nana set up the world’s best cafe on the island to support herself and her son without Iemitsu. He also gets divorce papers via his Network, all without Iemitsu’s knowing (dude really needs to pay more attention to what paperwork he’s signing).
Also Nana (now named Hestia) becomes Nyx’s Sky. And his much needed Momming Figure because he doesn’t have a Lib to Braincell him (yet). Tsuna (now named Regis because Nyx is a Sap) adores his reckless big brother.
Of course, two skies living on Mafia Land is gonna attract ALL the attention (minus Iemitsu who is an Idiot and doesn’t even register the possibility that these two are his wife and child because those are TOTALLY still back in Japan being a nice trophy family TOTALLY). It isn’t long before people are coming to the cafe for both the good food and a chance to Court either Sky in hopes of getting a harmony. Of course to Court either, they have to get past Nyx and Nyx’s info network first which is a grueling gauntlet of terror and mind-screwing because 90% of Nyx’s info network/friends are all Mists who keeping trying and failing to Braincell this reckless reborn Ulric.
One day an Inverted Cloud shows up at Hestia’s cafe, takes one (1) look at Nyx, who is on forced vacation with his arm in a sling, and starts reaming him out. People kinda side-eye the Cloud, expecting blood to fly, but instead Nyx bursts into tears of joy because IT’S LIB. LIB IS HERE. Wait that means you died DANG IT LIB YOU PROMISED.
Random Vongola agent who happens to be in earshot and knows the legend of the Vongola Rings: ????????????
Anyway eventually more formerly dead glaives show up and wind up being Nana/Hestia’s Elements and Tsuna/Regis grows up thoroughly Galahdian and self-confident and HUGELY POWERFUL as a Sky because HAH take that Vongola. Also somehow the entire mafia world, proving their SPARKLING non-intelligence, never realizes that Tsuna is like- a vongola.
Because he totally doesn’t look like a mini ghost of Primo or anything NO SIR (rolls eyes).
Also Tsuna/Regis somehow still picks up all his canon elements. 
Gokudera when they snap bond after running into each other on Mafia Land. 
Takeshi on a visit to japan with Nyx where Tsuna/Regis talks Takeshi out of jumping off a bridge and also maybe running away to be mafia with him rather than hang out with the bullies on his baseball team. 
Kyoka and Ryohei after Nyx accidentally rescues them from a child trafficking ring (blowing up the trafficking ring in the process VERY intentionally thank you).
Hibari because the little maniac FOLLOWED NYX HOME after picking a fight with him during one of his deliveries to someone in Namimori (Regis took great offense to this kid attacking HIS big brother and Threw Hands in true Galahdian fashion, Hibari was an Awe of this Smol deceptively fluffy and cute carnivore). Lambo just kinda ... shows up one day and never leaves (Nyx suspects his family intentionally “lost” him in Mafia Land while on vacation and makes a mental note to have his info network raise hell for the Bovino because HOW DARE).
However, his FIRST Elements are Mukuro and his gang. Because Nyx may or may not have busted into the lab by accident while looking to steal something else entirely and then gone on a Rampage through the facility, rescuing kids as he went. The moment Regis laid eyes on the shell-shocked, skinny, traumatized Mukuro and co, he ran over and pumped them full of Sky Flames to make them feel better and BOOM snap bond.
Libertus and the others work hard to keep Mukuro on an even keel. While also telling the Vindice to shove it when they come sniffing around because YOU CAN’T BUST US FOR BREAKING THE NO-FIGHTING LAW WHEN YOU WERE IGNORING THIS. The Vindice, surprisingly, accept this argument and buzz off.
Mukuro wandered off and came home with Chrome one day when he was twelve. No one knows how. No one knows why. But there is no way you are convincing Nyx or anyone else in Hestia’s Elements that Chrome isn’t Mukuro’s long lost twin and thus THEIRS.
Also Chrome does not have organ damage in this so yay.
Nyx takes one (1) look at Reborn when the cursed baby comes sniffing around Hestia’s cafe in curiosity of the Uber Powerful Skies, sees Reborn smack Regis with Leon Mallet, and promptly Throws Hands.
Reborn was Not Prepared for this Stormy Sun to be able to steamroll him with the vast and unorthodox experience of being a Glaive who tackles Flames with the understanding of Magic That Can Do Pretty Much What I Want Barring Some Things rather than the Mafia’s religiously conditioned rules of Flames Do This and Are Like This And Only This and then kick him off the nearest peer.
Colonello, who has already been taught to Fear The Reincarnated Feral Glaives, just sits there and laughs at Reborn’s confusion at finally meeting a Sun even more powerful and stubborn than him.
Also at some point Nyx straight up steals Xanxus because the Varia hired him to and then just .... never gives him back. Melts him free, sure, but the kid is CLEARLY unstable and in need of mental help and Vongola sure isn’t going to give it to him so Nyx just kinda ... sics Hestia on Xanxus and when the Varia come thundering in thinking Nyx had broken his contract they find Xanxus sitting there with a befuddled but surprisingly un-angry expression, holding a cup of tea rather than alcohol and with Hestia putting his favorite steak down for him.
Also Regis is sitting in Xanxus’s lap radiating so much Sky Flames that Xanxus can’t really ... think straight enough to be mad about much. Because seriously if Tsuna/Regis could defeat a trained assassin when he was a noob middle school kid while his Flames were SEALED then you better believe that when unsealed and raised in a loving, nurturing environment he can Therapy Jutsu anyone through the sheer power of his Flame aura.
Except Iemitsu.
Iemitsu gets shanked at some point.
Nobody will say by who.
But Libertus looks very, very Smug (he is a Cloud and Hestia and Regis are part of his Territory. What did you expect to happen. The only difference between Lib and Hibari is Lib is an Inverted and so is better at the Stealthy Route).
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nightshadeshadow123 · 5 years ago
Paw prints on the Agent's heart🐾part 4:
Alex Danvers x reader🔫🐾
Sorry for the slow progress of the story guys.
Tag list:
@retro-aesthe @blackluthxr @samustar @aznblossom @ibe-anne @lezzzbehonesthere
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"Not so tough now aye Princessa?" You chuckeld into her ear, not failing to notice her breath hitch and heart beat picking up a pace.
"Midnight. We meet again." Came her reply, trying to keep still in your hold.
"Mhm, what a pleasurable coincident." You purred. You'll admit that you did find her very attractive, and the way she seem to shiver when your lips ghosted ever so slightly against her ear and they way your breath fanned against the back of her neck had her hair raising had you smirking devilishly.
"Enjoying yourself Princessa?" You cooed.
"In your dreams, bad wolf." Alex breated out, hands now firm on the arm around her neck.
Kara stepped closer this time, keeping a tentantive eye on you.
"(Y/N), you can let her go now. She means no harm." Kara assured. "And you can come with us now."
"Meh, where's the fun in letting her go. She doesn't seem to mind it either." You chuckled at them.
Kara looked to Alex and with that distrataction you whispered an inaudible thing in her ear and shoved her towards Kara.
Kara let's out a spueek but easily caught her sister, helping her to stand upright.
"Well playtime was fun but I'm afraid I must go, see ya later querida." You winked at Alex before turning into wolf form and running off into the shadows of the night.
They both stood dumbfounded and baffled, trying to process what have just happened.
"What just happened?" Kara managed to get out, looking at her sister.
Alex stood wide-eyed, before calming down.
"Just...woah. I don't even know." Alex breated out.
Kara suddenly amusedly smirk at her sister.
"Oh, you like her." Kara laughed heartily at her sisters perplexed expression.
"I....do not!" Alex yelped, trying to hide the blush rising towards her cheecks.
Kara laughed even harder at this. "You so do have a crush."
Alex playfully shoved her. "Shut up blondie."
"What did she whisper in your ear?" Kara asked, a smug look on her face.
"N-nothing." Alex blushed, glaring at Kara.
"Oh Rao, am I hearing wedding bells?" Kara bursted out laughing.
Alex glared even harder at her. "Shut up!" And this time punshed her shoulder lightly.
"And how do you know her real name?" Alex questioned Kara.
"Well, turns out she's my childhood friend from Krypton. That's why she looked familiar." Kara explained, standing infront of her sister.
Alex smiled at her sister. "Woah, that's nice. You aren't so alone anymore."
Kara smiled back. "Yeah, I'm glad she survived. I was heartbroken when I thought she have died with Kryptons destruction."
"Are all Kryptonians so foward and flirty." Alex smirked.
This time it was Kara's turn to blush. "Ehehe, not everyone, just males and Alpha females."
"Ha, knew you were a bottom." Alex laughed, causing Kara to elbow her playfully.
"So that means she's an Alpha wolf?" Alex suddenly asked.
"Yep, she is. Born pure Alpha. Why you asking? You wanna be her bottom Omega. Or are you a top." Kara wiggled her eyebrows, giving her a cheecky smile when her blush returned full on.
"You Kryptonians or so unbelievable." Alex grumbles, arms folded.
"And just so you know, Krytonians eat alot so make enough food for us all."
"KARA!" Alex yelled. "She haven't even joined and you talk like this."
Alex, Kara and J'onn were in the main computer room at the DEO facility, talking about the wolf they now know as (Y/N).
"I still believe that she'd join us if we keep on trying. We can't give up now." Kara said, determination in her voice.
"I agree with Kara." Alex smiled at her sister.
J'onn nodded. "I know. She've been through a lot and it might take her time to fully trust us. But we have to prove to her that we aren't like CADMUS." He explained.
Just when he went to talk more Winn came running from his desk frantically, almost bouncing with excitement.
"Please tell me good news Winn." J'onn looked at Winn, waiting to hear what he have to say.
"Sir, I've find a way we can know who've helped (Y/N) escape. But the file is located at one of their hideouts." Winn explained.
J'onn narrowed his eyes, rubbing at his chin in thought. "Well just give me the location then and I'll work out a plan."
"Agent Danvers. I have a new mission for you if you are up for it." J'onn fell into step next to Alex that is busy talking.
Both Alex and Kara's attention snapped towards him, greeting him.
"A new mission? What is it Sir?" Alex asked eagerly, just wanting to do something fun other than be stuck listening to Winn's weird theories he seem to have lately.
He held a piece of paper out towards Alex. "I want you to go search this location. One of CADMUS hideouts. Apparently it holds the information of the wolf we need. We can learn who helped her escape, her abilities, strength, weakness etc. But this is a stealth mission, just sneak in and get the info then get out."
"Hell yeah, I'm up for this mission." Alex accepted eagerly.
J'onn give her a small smile. "But just be careful Alex. You are our best agent. We can't afford to loose you. I would've send someone else out but I only trust you with this."
Alex nodded at him, giving him an assuring smile. "I'll try my best Sir."
J'onn gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Suit up and get ready to leave. We need that info as soon. I'm going to have a freak fit if we have to clear up onther mess CADMUS made." With that he left the room.
"I would have loved to go and help you out but Miss Grant will have my head if I do plan her famous Gala tonight then I also have to attend said gala." Kara grumbels.
"You go do that sis, it's only a sneak in mission and get the info then get out. I can handle that." Alex assured her, nudging Kara's side.
Kara smiled softly at her sister, pulling her into a hug before flying off in a hury.
Alex immediately went to get ready, already dressed in her DEO outfit, hostering two pistols at either side of her just in case something goes wrong with the mission and she might have to defend herself.
"Let's hope this is worth a shot." Alex said to herself once outside the building, getting onto her bike.
"Oh, how orginal." Alex muttered under her breath when arriving at the location, seeying it's an abandoned warehouse.
Taking a quick scan over the place, Alex could see a few guards guarding around the eerie warehouse, unsetilling drilling sounds filling the slightly windy dark air along with the sounds of hammers on metal as a few guards make small talk off in the distance.
"Sir, I don't think this is just a regular abandoned warehouse." Alex said through her ear piece to J'onn, the few hair on her arm raising.
"Agent Danvers, what do you mean? Winn said it wasn't a big deal." J'onn ask in concern and confusion.
"This place is dark and eerily creepy but it seems like an active place, they are certaintly doing something very bad here." Alex explained softly.
"That sounds?" J'onn asked knowingly after catching the faint sound, imagining just how much harder it must sound in person. "I wonder what secret dark stuff they are up to this time. I'll have Winn make more scans over the place."
"Yeah, he clearly must have missed something when he scanned the place." Alex agreed, making sure to stay hidden and keeping an eye out for any guards that might be guarding near.
"Agent Danvers, you can come back to the DEO. Leave that place."
"No Sir. We are so close to getting the information. I can't just throw that away just because of an creepy warehouse." Alex firmly said despite the fear that slowly grips her heart.
J'onn let's out a heavy sigh, knowing it's useless to try and argue with the stuborn agent.
"Alex...just please be careful." J'onn said worriedly making Alex sinceriley smile to herself.
"Will do."
"Come back to us alive and in one piece Agent Danvers." J'onn chuckled out, greately worried about her.
"I'll try my absolute best Sir." Alex assured."I must get going."
"Be safe. If anything goes south don't hesitate to alert me or your sister. Don't try to take on too many danger yourself. You aren't invincible like Kara or me." J'onn said in a stern voice.
"Yes Sir. I know but just know I'll try my best." With that she disconnected the earpiece.
Alex quickly but silently found a way to sneak down from the low cliff she was on, hiding behind what appears to be broken weapon that's mounted in a wall, peeking around the corner and scanning for guards, spotting one near.
Alex let out a soft huff, looking at the dirty ground, spotting a medium sized rock, bending down to quickly grab it and pressing herself back against the wall.
"This better work." Alex said softly under her breath, clutching the rock tightly before she threw it against an empty tank with a hole in a good few feet at the guards left, creating a clank sound, immediately gaining the guard near hers attention.
Alex held in her breath as the guard slowly walked in the direction where the sound came from, gun pointed and ready to shoot, one hand going to active his ear piece but he didn't get far before Alex sneaked up behind him, hitting him behind the head to knock him out, letting out the breath she was holding in as the guard lay passed out.
She dragged him behind the wall she first used, making sure he wouldn't be spotted before she dashed to the side of the warehouse, hiding behind everything she could, keeping an eye out for more guards but spotted none, figuring that most have went to talk with the other two guards that were talking and joking loudly.
Alex noticed rusted faint blue stairs at the side of the warehouse that led to an second floor entrance.
"And there's my way in." Alex said to herself softly, palm pressed against the cold metal container she's hiding behind as she did another quick scan of her surroundings before she made a fast paced run for the stairs, hands gripping the cold metal railings as she softly made her way up them, the hairs on her neck raising as the sounds grow even louder now accompanied by an eerie faint shimmering swooch sound that grows louder with each step.
Alex lifted her hand to the rusty knob, pushing it open when realizing it isn't locked, making sure there aren't any guards nearby before entering.
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"Some security they are." Alex said sarcasticaly.
She kept hidden in the dark corners, trying to focus on the task at hand instead of the awful steely stence of blood that fills the air, even noticing said dried blood along the rusty floor, making her even more on edge.
Upon walking past a huge crate she could see various alien weapons, a few barrels with a glimmering green substance in, cages with dead alien people in that makes her pull a distsgusted face, briefly closing her brown eyes in sympathy for the aliens before moving to look over the railing that goes down to the first floor, spotting more weapons, guards, diffrent substance in racks of vails and more cages filled with aliens with some tied down to chairs while the scientist were performing diffrent opperations on them, dread filling her heart and rage at the people for doing such things.
Alex spotted a blue cube office near the corner on the other side of the stairs.
"Bingo." Alex said to herself, having a good guess that the information she came for must be in there.
When she went to take a step down the stairs she was suddenly knocked down the few stairs by a force from behind, landing on the rusty cold hard floor with a loud yelp.
"Well, well. What have we here? A lost DEO girl scout." A male said in a manic voice as he stepped down the stairs making Alex flinced at every clank the man's dirty boots made against the metal stairs.
Alex pused her palms against the floor, trying to get up but another man came from behind, kicking her back down with his foot, keeping it pressed down on her back hard as the barrel of the the other guard's gun pressed against her forehead, growling lowly when the guard behind her yank her head up with her hair, forcing her to look up at the one that have pushed her down the stairs, a sinister scowl/smirk present as he kept his gun against her temple.
"Time for some fun." The other one snickered, grip tightening on her hair.
Whoop another cliffhanger for ya'll lovies. Sorry for the long wait, it took me a damn long time to get insperation to finish the chapter, hope you guys enjoy it.
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tinyhatonapumpkin · 7 years ago
Hey, I saw your post about how non autistic people aren't accommodating to autistic people and was wondering if you had any recommendations of how to be more accommodating? I'm not NT but I don't have autism and I'm not sure what kinds of things would be helpful when interacting with someone with autism.
(Sorry if this is a really late response my internet has been abysmal for the past..... WHILE)
-Make sure that you don’t assume meaning from our actions. That’s one of our biggest frustrations. Allistic people often read into our actions, words, body language, etc. and then make incorrect assumptions. Remember, we’re not allistic, our brains work different, we think different, so the reason WE do something may be very different from the reason an allistic person does something.
- By extension: say what you mean and mean what you say. There are so many times that people get mad at me, say I’m being a little shit or purposefully obtuse, etc. just because... I didn’t get what they were insinuating. Or I didn’t read between the lines, or whatever. Hell it’s gotten to the point that I often over read into what allistics say, because goddamn. You people can’t just be direct. So in an attempt to accommodate, I end up accidentally reading into things that aren’t meant to be read into, or over reading into things, or even just getting the wrong meaning because I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING. Just... talk to us. Don’t hint. Especially don’t get annoyed if we don’t catch what you’re saying.
- Kinda on the same vein, but: If an autistic person doesn’t understand something, even if you think it obvious, don’t ridicule them for it, just explain it. Things that come naturally to you don’t come naturally to us. Our mental skills are elsewhere. Also it’s usually social stuff or figures of speech we don ’t understand, and i mean... that stuff is bullshit anyway. (This isn’t just social and communication btw, this could even be just how to do a task.)
-Speaking of which: don’t force autistic people to conform to your social standards. Don’t force us to make eye contact. Don’t tell us not to stim. Don’t get mad at us for repeating something or scripting.
-If we communicate in a nonverbal way, don’t tell us to “use [our] words!” (ex: pointing and gesturing to something we want passed to us at the table, a hand on your shoulder when we’re trying to get past you, etc.) Because even if we may not be nonverbal at the time, we might be overwhelmed, and so talking uses a lot of energy. Or we just might be very distracted and plain forget to speak. Getting angry at us will only stress us out more, which will only exacerbate the problem.
-Speaking of nonverbal: if someone needs to communicate using an alternative communication method, like writing, typing, AAC, etc. GIVE THEM TIME TO WRITE THEIR RESPONSE. I can’t tell you how many people will just get annoyed and move on, stop talking to me, try (and fail) to guess what I’m trying to say, etc. It’s more frustrating than the inability to use my mouth to talk in the first place. This can also go for people who stutter and/or stammer. Which often happens to autistics too. Just give us time to communicate however we can.
-Don’t spring things on autistics. Plan things in advance, and if they are asking for lots of info about what you’re going to be doing, don’t get annoyed. Shit is stressful for us, so knowing a lot about it can help ease the anxiety and stress. The more we know the better we can prepare. Because the world isn’t made for us, so we have to do a lot to fit into it. But if we know nothing about the situation, we can’t know what we need to do for it. Not to mention we often need accessibility items, so it’s important to know what’s going on so we know what to bring.
-If the autistic person needs things done a certain way, let them have it done that way. It is extremely stressful if one of our constants in our lives is disrupted. Also we have things done in the way we do them for a reason. Whether it be to fight decision fatigue by having routines and sameness, or just doing things a certain way because it makes our homes, clothes, LIFE more sensory friendly, just... let us have our things be the way we need them. Hell even shit like sitting in the same seat every meeting let’s say: it’s easier to focus on the meeting when your SPD isn’t having to process all sorts of new information because you’re seeing the room from a different perspective.
-Don’t judge us in any way for our “weird” behaviours. So this includes “weird” expressions, body language, habits (chewing, sucking, stimming, etc.), body movements, speech, etc. And by judge I mean commenting, funny looks, reactions, etc. Just act like it’s totally normal, because to us? It kinda is.
-Small talk.... just... ugh. So something that happens a lot that I HATE is that allistic people will disrupt my work to just... chat. About fucking nothing. I’ll be doing something and then they’ll just come up to me and be all like “Whatcha doing?” “...working.” “Whatcha working on?” “I’m typing up the minutes.” “...” “...” “So how was your weekend?” etc. Drives me up the wall. You could clearly see I was in the middle of something. If you don’t have anything you actually need from me? Leave me be. I’ll chat later when I’m not busy!! (If you’re not sure, just ask if the person is busy/up for chatting.)
-Don’t be overly condemning/abrasive when informing us that something we’re doing/said/etc. is inappropriate, offensive, rude, etc. Now this part may seem like I’m contradicting the whole “don’t hold us up to your social standards” thing, but being autistic isn’t a get out of jail free card. If we are doing or saying something shitty, it still needs to be addressed. However we may not realize the impact of it. This could be because it’s not a big deal to us and we don’t realize that it is for others, or just because in an attempt to fit in, we mimicked those around us... and those around us weren’t the best people.
For example: I have dermotilliomania. So I can’t stand it whenever there’s a zit on my face, ESPECIALLY a white head. I’d pop that sucker as soon as I saw it. But I didn’t realize that this was more of my own experience, so in my teens, whenever I’d notice one on my sister’s face, I’d point it out. I wasn’t trying to go all “haha you have acne” I was more going “Oh no you have a Bad Thing on your face, you probably want to get rid of it!!” Kinda like when you tell someone that they have something in their teeth or a bit of sauce on their chin. Unfortunately though, she was allistic and did not have dermotiliomania, so to her I was just constantly pointing out something that she was insecure about. So it actually caused a lot of self image problems for her. I didn’t learn the full impact of it until years later.
So in that example, a good thing to do would be to explain: “I really don’t like it when you point out my acne, because you pointing it out all the time makes me really insecure.”
Using myself for an example again: I was raised in a white Conservative Catholic family. So I didn’t understand the allistic world, and the only people I had to base my understanding OF that world were..... well not great. So I had to spend a lot of time unlearning stuff. I’m not trying to excuse anything I did or said that was offensive, but I just feel like pointing out something.
Here’s how intense it can be: my family LOVED making “r*tard jokes”, which were actually autism jokes looking back. I made them along with them, even though I did all the behaviours they were mocking (but in secret). Hell I even threw around the r word in casual conversation, because that’s what I was used to hearing, and what I thought was normal.  I had a good friend begin my education about that stuff, so by the time I found out that I’m autistic, I had already dropped all the jokes and language... and started realizing how terrible they were because they were making fun of me in a way. (I even remember hearing things like “why are you acting like such a r*tard?” and then trying to hide it by acting like I was just doing more of the mocking.)
Now the latter half of this section (or even this section in general) may just seem like good advice in general. But it’s particularly relevant for autistic people, because we often end up with more rude behaviours, and more easily adopt offensive crap... and find it harder to lose because scripts and echolalia and whatnot. So if they continue after you address them, just point it out each time they do it, but in a gentle reminding way, because they probably just are falling back on old scripts, forgot themselves for a moment because of everything else going on, etc. It’ll take some time, but it’ll happen. 
Ok so idk if I went overboard or not, but.... here are some things anyway!! 
(And hell this might just be a good list, so feel free to reblog it anyone reading if you’re just stumbling upon it or whatever.)
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dorkyfangirl24 · 1 year ago
I’m dead💀❤️
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"I guess you have changed."
-Husk, Hazbin Hotel Ep. 8
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