#i'm so done with feeling horrible 24/7
buffdyke · 15 days
having an anxiety attack over something i can't do anything about til tomorrow just isn't fair
i'm so fucking tired
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ostwitchsheart · 9 months
Sorry to start complaining but its my tumblr
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niuniente · 4 days
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Oh wow, I knew I was really sick with the anemia but I never realized just HOW sick I was. Feels like I was living like a zombie in a body bag with only 10% access to the world.
I didn't expect anemia to affect my eyesight this much! I have been admiring colors around my for days and I just can't stop admiring them. The first day back at home I walked around my apartment looking at all the postcards and posters on my walls, because they were so bright and vibrant. Even a candle light looked brighter! I went to my favorite café afterwards to celebrate this milestone and I never realized how brightly green their plants are and how beautiful the café's plates are, too.
Other things I have noticed with the improved iron levels:
I fall asleep in 5-10 minutes when I'm sleepy instead of tossing with insomnia for 3-5 hours.
I sleep really well and soundly, and have lots of dreams which is always a good sign for me.
I don't sweat as much and as easily anymore.
My mysterious anxiety, bad mood and feelings of doom (which are not who I am!) which have been looming on the background for 24/7 and never left no matter what I did are almost all gone. Digestion and traveling still causes some anxiety but I can live with that.
My natural walking speed is a lot faster.
My heart isn't trying to kill me when I get up stairs to my apartment.
I'm REALLY happy and excited 24/7, even when I'm tired! That's who I am! I feel like a fast and luxurious Ferrari when it comes to my mood and excitement for life!
Breathing is easier, even when resting/sitting.
I have energy to clean the house, for example I have done dishes daily without issues. Starting something isn't hard anymore.
I can think clearly and my horrible brain fog is gone.
No more restless feet when trying to sleep.
I'm not exhausted 24/7 for no reason but I can actually do things that I like and I enjoy of them (before they exhausted me, too, like watching something).
My body doesn't ache 24/7 as much as it used to.
Period pains are easier.
I think that my appetite has improved a bit and there's less of nausea.
I can't wait for the time when I can live like this every day! <3
P.S. I've been a bit sleepier than normal but in a good way like "Ah, sleep! <3 I love sleeping!" I don't know if it's a side effect from the treatment or is it because my body finally gets a chance to rest for real, and it's catching up with the years of loss of a proper rest.
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chaethewriter · 1 year
You're dead to me [11]
Dad!Jake Sully x human!daughter!reader
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In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
A/N: at last, I'm back. It's been a while since I looked back at an "x reader" this satisfied. I'm still trying my best getting back into writing frequently, so I'm still looking and stuff. Either way, enjoy and tell me when you think. <3
previous part
next part
Drip. Tap. Crack.
A killing silence filled the room. Your siblings had left the space, as well as Norm, leaving you alone in the (dis)comfort of your father's presence. His breath was heavy as he lied there, on the operating table. Elbows resting behind him, keeping his body up. You sat next to him in one of those uncomfortable folding chairs. The ones you sat on during birthday parties, when it was too crowdy and the usual seats were occupied. You didn't know what you thought when you has begged Neteyam to bring you here, no plan on mind other than knowing your father was fine.
Drip. Tap. Crack.
The silence was deafening.
Killing you inside. Slowly.
"I didn't know what I would have done if you..." his voice was hoarse as he spoke. Which was understandable, coming from someone risen from the death. You scoff under your breathe, shaking your head in the progress as you knew the end of his sentence.
"You... you were the one that.. you..", you had a hard time forming that sentence, so you just settled on the most obvious one, hoping that the conversation could from out of it.
"why did you do it?"
A stupid question in Jake's eyes. What did you mean why? Why he protected you? Wasn't it obvious why he did so?
"I'm your father."
You scoffed again. One that held more grudge into the tone, "You're also their father."
And the conversation you hoped to start, had started. A conversation that was inevitable. A conversation that was needed in order to maintain a healthy relationship among a family. A conversation only you could start and hope to end well.
He didn't answer your comment, keeing his mouth sealed and watching you from the operation table, a side eye. Not a judging expression, but one that held shame. As if deep down he knew what you meant.
"You have been treating your children so.. horribly. The pressure on Neteyam, the punishments for Lo'ak, no attention flashed to Tuk and Kiri is basically a ghost. And then I come along, after not seeing me for two decades and you treat me like your only daughter? Do you know how that makes them feel? How that makes ME feel?"
You gasp for air as the words leave your lips in one sentence. During this, you watch your father's expression. His gaze was now on his lap. Ashamed of himself. Tommy's words already made him realize how he had been acting, but hearing them from a living person, hearing them from you, was so much different. So much more realistic than talking to a dead person in his head.
"You threw your kids even more to the side when I entered the picture. It made me feel so cruel, as if I stole their father away. Since I had missed that father figure as much as they do. The only person that had a father figure was Tuk and it was Neteyam. God dad, he's only fifteen! He should be a kid, not a father figure to his own sister!"
That cracked his heart, but you didn't care for the moment. You had to make him realize what kind of person he became. Only then, when that realization settled in, could all of you heal and continue forward.
"Neteyam is fifteen.. do you know how young that is? That would be highschool on earth! And even if Na'vi age works differently, he's still a boy! He should be growing up properly, have free time and hang out with teenagers his age. He shouldn't be babysitting 24/7 while still being a kid himself, that's your job. He should be your son first, and the future Olo'eyktan second."
Your eyes had teared up once again at the sight of Neteyam's hurt, his exhaustion, the smile that quite didn't reach his eyes.
You continued.
"You're so terribly hard on Lo'ak. He's reckless, always causing trouble which makes him the center of attention." You chuckled soft at your own words, "but have you ever wondered why he acts this way? Have you EVER went up to him, put your arm around his shoulders and asked if he was alright? Instead of always cutting him off? You spend so much time doing other stuff and when you turn to Lo'ak it's for punishng him. He just wants your attention, as his father. Do you know how damaging it is that he accepts that he could only grab your attention by doing stupid stuff?"
No, you weren't done yet.
"Tuk and Kiri. Such beautiful girls with kind hearts. Smart too, they know what they want. Do you know how they like to spend their free time?"
You tilted your head to the side, pursed lips as you awaited his answer. That never came and it only showed your words right. It honestly made you scoff in embarrassment.
"And after treating all your beautiful children like crap, you took me in like I was the only person in the world. You cared for me, set your attention on me and you thought that was right?"
You slowly got up from your, shaking your head furiously, "if this is the way you're going to parent... then I don't even want to call you my dad."
"I hate you papa!!" You sobbed loudly as you hugged your knees to your chest, soft whines leaving your lips with snot dripping down your nose. Your father hadn't been paying attention to you in a week. You were a very independent child. You could make yourself cereals and a cup of lemonade, but you needed that emotional connection. Something you hadn't gotten from anyone in days. He had been stressed, spending his hours with his nose buried in the screen and drinking away during his free time. You understood he was busy, but he had a full child at home, in need of attention. Without the proper attention you needed, you had thrown your tantrums. Throwing pillows, ripping folders and trying to empty the loads of vodka bottles in the cupboards. He had tried to ignore those silly tantrums of yours, just assuming it was because you're young. Yet when you emptied a bottle of alcohol on the floor, because you missed the sink with your tiny short legs, hell broke lose. He had screamed at you and grabbed harshly at your forearms, something he promised himself to never do to you. When he let go of you out of the horror of his own reaction, you had crawled to a corner out of fear, crying your heart out as the words escaped your lips. 'I hate you, daddy.' The words echoed through his head, like a taunt of how bad of a father he had been to you for the past days. His hand rested on the wheels of his wheelchair as he made his way towards you, slowly yet steadily. You had sobbed that you wanted him to stay away, since he was good at that up until a moment ago.
"I'm so sorry baby.." he took you in his arms, on his lap despite your punching and screaming. He held you, hugging you close, allowing you to punch and scream your frustrations out. It seemed to help, as your sobs slowed down, as well as your aggressive punching. With you cuddled up in his lap, he rolled towards the kitchen and took his two biggest bottles of alcohol in his hands. He nudged you and you looked up at him, a clear frown on your face as you saw him holding the familiar bottles. Your father smiled at you, uncapping the bottles and emptying its contents into the sink. You watched him, loud squeals leaving your lips as you smacked at the bottle while he did so. You didn't know what alcohol was, but you knew that when your daddy touched it, he wasn't your daddy anymore.
"Missed daddy.."
"I missed you too baby.. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry, for everything." Parallels. Ironic. Your father had grabbed your hand, keeping you from walking (crawling due to your injuries) away. The words left his lips with a hitch, a soft breath that was stuck in his throat. You turn your head at his words, wondering if you heard them well. Jake had pulled you towards him, sitting on the same table as him.
"I'm sorry." His words were firm now, determined, laced with confidence. "I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for putting you in a tough position on Pandora. I'm sorry for being unfair to the family I called my fortress. I'm sorry for tearing this family apart. I'm sorry for letting you down during your entire life." He didn't know what he wanted to reach with his apologies, but the moment they left his lips it felt as if a weight lifted from his chest. As if he could talk about it all now, with you.
"I wanted the best for us two, I wanted you to grow up well, without problems. Get into the besr schools, a job to live comfortably without worrying about money.. but I needed money to fulfill this wish. So I left. I left for a job that could pay for everything you needed. I left with the promise I would return, but I-"
"But you didn't." You cut him off, lips quivering as the tears continued to pool, "you forgot about the promise and left me alone."
He shook his head in response, "I didn't forget, oh eywa, I could never. I was.. ashamed? I went against my biological people and I didn't get money I promised to get you. I failed as a dad, I thought I didn't deserve to see you anymore.. so I stayed. I stayed and it was wrong of me to do so." His hand made their way to your wrists as he pulled you close to him, hugging you tight as if you would disappear were he to let you go.
"I now see how wrong this was of me. I should have asked you about it. What you thought, what you wanted. You were so young, yet you knew exactly what you wanted. I should have remembered how smart of a girl you were and still are. It was wrong of me to make that decision on my own."
It all came crashing down on you. All of a sudden, you were a clueless child again. That same clueless child from over a decade ago. The same child that cried to her hearts content as she came to know that her daddy left her without an explanation and didn't return. You cried at his chest, clawing at his blue skin as he craddled you like a baby. His baby, his daughter.
"It must have been confusing for you, suddenly being on a new planet and your dad unrecognizable to you. Then suddenly he pulls you in once he knows who you are to him, never directly speaking about everything that had happened.." there was no point in apologizing anymore. He could only understand, learn and be a better father for you. Only through his actions, he could apologize truthfully.
It was quiet for a while. A comfortable silence. Not the killing, awkward silence that filled the room not so long ago. The only thing heard were your soft sobs, as well as the soft kisses of reassurance that were pressed against your hair. Jake was loss in thoughts, wondering what he should say next. He knew he had to start about what you had said, about your siblings, about his kids.
But where could he possibly start?
He didn't want to fuck up again. He had to think carefully of what to say next.
"What about Teyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk?" Your voice cracked, hurt laced in your voice as you spoke. The mention of their names cracking something within Jake.
"They..." he took a deep breath, before continuing, "I projected my fears on them. I never got to fulfill the dreams I had for you and I projected that on Neteyam. He has an amazing future ahead of him, but I let my fears consume me. He's so talented, but he's incredibly young and he's missing out on his childhood. Him having fun won't change the way he acts. He has always been intelligent and very thoughtful."
You nodded your head in agreement and he could feel it against his skin. "Teyam's incredible, but he deserves a breather from time to time. I promise you, he won't slack off."
With that, Jake had to agree.
"Lo'ak.. reminds me of myself. Reckless, a headless chicken even." The both of you chuckle at that statement and Jake looked back at his first year on Pandora. He was reckless, stupid, embarassing.
"I see myself in him. Like someone chasing you in a dream, but you can't get away. It reminded me of my past mistakes, so I punished him in the hopes to witness his improvements. I never looked at it from a bigger perspective. He must have wondered why his dad treated him like shit.." he huffed at the irony of it all.
"Speak to him, spend time with him. Teach him the things you teach Teyam. Believe me, you will notice improvements in your relationship."
He nodded in agreement at your words.
"Kiri, Tuktirey. My beautiful girls.. I don't know why I barely bat an eye to them. Could it be because it reminded me of you? That it hurt to spend time with them out of shame for how I treated you? Or because I was too busy with my role as Olo'eyktan? I don't know, but it wasn't right of me. They don't deserve that treatment of being disregarded."
You smile at him, your father. Proud for finally speaking his heart out. "You should tell them, you know? Speak with them. Make things right. I know confronting the problem at hand might be hard, but you're the leader of an entire clan. This is supposed to be easy for you." You almost teased him for having an easier time being the leader of a clan while at war than being a father to a family.
He then gripped at your forearms. It wasn't a hard grip, more out of desperation. "I will make it right. Not only for you, but for my kids and mate, as well. I want to make it right with my family, so please, stay as well. Even if this might be a selfish request of me. You are my daughter, OUR daughter. And you have four siblings that accepted you faster than ever. So please, stay."
You bit down on your bottom lip. You didn't have much left on earth, expect the colonel. Would she be angry with you if you decided to stay? Just like you were angry with your dad? Or would she be proud that you had finally found the happiness you deserved?
Was it okay for you to be selfish?
A frown made its way on your voice as you look up at him, "but I don't belong here. I'm a human."
Did you yourself even believe that statement? There were a lot of humans left on Pandora, whom even lived among the people.
"You're just trying to convince yourself that you don't belong here so that you won't feel guilty." You scoffed. He could read you like a book.
"You belong here, with us. You know?"
You didn't reply. Instead, you wrapped your arms around father, squeezing the life out of him. Who would have known that such a small girl like you could hold him so tightly?
"Babygirl.. honey.." Jake gasped for air, his arms stuck in your tight embrace as he couldn't reach for his mask. You quickly pull away from him, watching him take a hold of the mask at his bedside and taking a deep whiff of Pandoran air.
You watch the entire ordeal in low chuckles.
Everything would be better now.
It has to be.
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hurts2think · 24 days
Hook × morgie- it's saddening how little of them their is in this world :(
🏴‍☠️Young!James Hook x Morgie Le Fay Dating Headcanons🐍
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Pairing: Morgie Le Fay x Young!James Hook
Plot: Just dating headcanons of them getting into some shenanigans!
Extra: Hey guys! I'm still sick and haven't been able to write. I've been resting but I feel horrible so I did this for you all! Hooksie one of my favorite ships🫶
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- They have one singular braincell that they share
- Black cat x orange cat dynamic
- A couple months before they started dating, most people already assumed they were dating because they mostly acted like it and they were both just oblivious
- Hook always tries to find ways to annoy Uliana and Morgie always tries stopping him. Uliana is annoyed either way
- Hook always suggests they study together, knowing damn well they will not be studying and just goof off the whole time
- Neither of them are used to emotional intimacy so it was very awkward when they first started dating
- After the initial awkwardness they easily became the most annoying couple in school
- They set up a bunch of candles and flowers and make the mood very romantic just to play Uno and yell at each other
- They’re both very romantic but a little tone deaf
- They argue but most of the time only one of them is arguing and the other has no idea
- “You know what? I’m done arguing.” “We were arguing?”
- They’re banned from most public spaces. Restaurants, parks, grocery stores, malls, pretty much anywhere
- ^ usually banned due to their dates and getting in trouble. Whether it was intentional or not
- Always doing stupid dangerous teenager stuff in the middle of the night and calling it a date
- ^ climbing fences, pushing each other down hills in a stolen shopping cart, trespassing, graffiti, TPing houses, ect
- They often trespass into this field that gives the perfect views of the stars. There’s a little stone bench and some animals and they just hold hands and point out the stars.
- They sneak into movies all the time.
- The one place they aren’t banned from and don't have to sneak into is the arcade
- ^ They’re lovers but become rivals the moment they step into the arcade. Always trying to beat each other’s highest scores. They’re definitely regulars there
- They record mixtapes for each other on cassettes like every other month. Listening to them 24/7
- ^ These playlists definitely have Guns n Roses, U2, Queen, AC/DC, and more
- They do movie nights with movies they'll think they'd make fun of but end up loving it
- ^ The Princess Bride and Heathers is definitely one of those movies
- Hook is more affectionate than Morgie but Morgie loves the affection. They're still both very clingy
- Hook always pulling in Morgie for kisses
- They both fluster each other so much. Hook usually does flusters Morgie on purpose and Morgie usually flusters Hook on accident but finds it adorable
- They have attempted to start a band with the other VKs multiple times but it has never worked out
- They cuddle 24/7 and kiss and hold hands and are literally piling on each other, trying to be as physically close as possible
- If one of them is out from school because he's sick, the other will skip school to take care of him
- They always do cringey obscure couple Halloween costumes that no one understands
- When they goof off in class and the teacher is lecturing them, they definitely keep looking at each other and have to hold in from busting out laughing
- ^ Detention buddies
- Morgie leaves little sticky note drawings and letters for Hook just throughout the day.
- ^ Hook keeps a couple of them in his wallet
- Theatre kids and definitely make jokes about their chatacters dating each other in the show
- Overall they just get into so much trouble with their shenanigans and are very clingy
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evanhamato · 7 months
I don't really know what I'm doing I'm really bad at requesting and everything and I'm sorry if I screw up somewhere but uhm 😭😭
If I'm allowed to say like a specific turtle do u think you could maybe write about Donnie with a reader who like has wings?? 🥹
And ik that's like super random but just like how he'd sort of react and everything + if he'd be scared to touch them or if he'd touch them 24/7 or be all sciency idkk
I'm really sorry if I've done this wrong or it goes against one of the rules feel free to ignore it okay thank you drink water love u loads byeee 💖💞
[ A Pairs of Wings ]
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Rise!Donnie x GN!Reader with wings
A/N: this req is so CUTE?? 😭 tyty so much for requesting btw!! <3
Relationship: Platonic / Romantic
TW: Fluff, all of it is fluff. :)
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Oh so very cautious.
He outstretches your wings, asks you to flap them, etc.
He's scribbling in his notebook the whole time when he first meets you.
He's STILL cautious as he warms up to you.
What if they're hyper-sensitive? What if they can get torn? What if your bones are brittle?
After a conversation or two and a bit of convincing, the cautiousness is thrown out the window.
If he's feeling sappy or if he can sense you've had a horrible day, he'll stroke your wings a little.
If he's the one having a bad day, he'll politely drape himself over your back and press his cheeks against your wings.
Sensory heaven. (100% not projecting how i think wings would feel/sar)
Turtle pile? One part of him is in on your wings.
Try not to drop feathers in the lab though.
Feathers in the lab is YOUR duty to pick up.
Make too much of a mess and your lab privileges are revoked.
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monkiesimp · 2 years
Hey Hey! Could I request Marriage Headcanons for Macaque, Wukong, and Azure Lion?? You could add any characters to this if you'd like to as well! <3
THAT'S SO SWEET, YES. I tried my best so 😭 I'm sorry if I suck at this
- Being married with Wukong and living with him in the Flower Fruit Mountain is very nice and peaceful
- Mostly it's just the two of you, if he married you of course he'd want you to stay near him as much as possible!
- Expect cuddles all day, every day 24/7 because once he hugs you he won't ever let go.
- He never gets tired of cuddling you even if you're married and still craves for affection, he just loves it. Can you blame him? It feels so warm and comfy.
- Besides mostly being alone with Wukong, Mk does visit to train but as soon as he's done Wukong would immediately go over to you to see what you're up to.
- You and Mk get along pretty well, if he's injured you'd treat his injuries. You see him like your own son, sort of, but you really do love him! He's a good kid.
- You also bond with the monkeys on this island and they seem to like you, the monkeys even gave you a flower crown. They probably think you're their queen. Oh, well, you technically are their queen by now since you married The Monkey King.
- Seeing you bond with monkey's is the cutest thing Wukong ever saw, and seeing it every time makes him love you even more.
- Though you love being in Flower Fruit Mountain, you don't like staying there for all eternity and Wukong does take you somewhere else whenever you wish to.
- He always picks the best places to go to like 😩👌
- He just knows places very well, and every time he brings you to somewhere it's always new and it's always beautiful.
- You two use a lot, lot of sweet nicknames on each other. Like wayyyy too much.
- Macaque would have definitely tried to kidnap you to get to Wukong at one point once he met you and realized how much you meant to each other.
- But that was in the past, nonetheless let's just say Macaque didn't try to the plan twice after that.
- Overall, you two are very sweet and still cuddle every night together, Wukong got so used to it that he can't sleep without you near him.
- You two rarely ever argue, you understand each other and work your problems out.
- Macaque loves you very very deeply, once you two get married he just *might* be affectionate towards you in public.
- Don't get your hopes up though, he does nothing more than hold your hand, just small gestures.
- He isn't very comfortable being all snuggly in public and showing too much affection.
- But once you two are alone, he never stops holding you in his arms.
- He doesn't hesitate to cuddle you anymore like he used to in the past, now he would take first action to hold you close to him when he wants to be near you.
- He still loves to tease you and mess with you, seeing you so flustered when he teases you makes him love you even more, you're just so cute when you're embarrassed.
- Yes, you still are flustered by his teasing even when married. Have you seen this man? The things he can say and do are just... Wow.
- Mostly you do tease him back and play along but he always finds something to say that leaves you completely speechless.
- By now he told you pretty much everything about him, so you know about his six ears and his past.
- Unfortunately, you two do have arguments from time to time and it's mostly about Macaque wanting to get revenge on Wukong. You don't like it, it's almost like he's obsessed with getting his revenge more than he loves you.
- You understand what Wukong did was horrible, but is there really a need for revenge after all these years instead talking it out?
- Of course, you do end up forgiving each other but it takes some time because none of you want to make the first move to apologize.
- After LBD thing tho, it's more calmer and the arguments nearly perished away.
- Macaque would often take you with him on adventures since he travels a lot, he shows you all the beautiful views he knows of.
- You're always impressed by the views you see, each is unique and magnificent.
- During those times, it's the most beautiful times with Macaque. It always stays in your memory, Macaque always does something memorable you'd never forget.
- He gets intimative with you way too many times 😭
⚠️ S4 SPOILER ⚠️
Azure Lion:
- Ok, we all barely know about the guy so don't expect this to be good but I'll try.
- Azure would do anything and everything to make sure you always feel safe and comfortable
- He has no problems of showing affection when in public but he very rarely does it
- He's not a guy to cuddle, but if you want it and crave for it? He'd hold you in his arms as much as you need him to
- He's usually very busy and doesn't have much time to be with you, he hates it too.
- But you understand, which makes him very grateful to you.
- He rarely shows any affection towards you, so it's kinda platonic between you two most of the time - yes, even if you're married
- But he does make sure to give you enough love for you to feel happy
- You never have arguments either, if you do end up having one (it's always you who comes up with a argument lol) Azure can quickly calm the situation down and come up with a good solution to both of your problems
- Azure is a very calm lion, he's not the person to let his anger take control of him.
- If you ever want to go somewhere with him, he refuses for you to tag along because it's too dangerous, and he doesn't want you to be hurt
- You do end up being disappointed after that, but Azure always does something to make it up to you, whenever that be taking you somewhere or gifting you something.
- Though it's mostly platonic between you two, he truly does love you with all his heart and whenever he takes any action of affection towards you, you blush like crazy
- You simp for him hard. He knows it. You don't think he notices you glancing at his body? 🤨 He loves it tho and he finds it adorable and amusing.
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peacekeeperangel · 7 months
The CRK Pirate OC Challenge!
Hello everyone! So I've set up a little list of prompts for writing/drawing for all these Pirates I've been seeing wandering across my field as of late. But I'm going to make it a little more interesting.
If possible please either pick up four Six-Sided dice or use this dice generator and roll out a random number- that number will be your prompt! Cause pirates live on chance y'see?
If you take this challenge please do not read your options before you roll, but if you are uncomfortable with the result do go ahead and re-roll. Thank you and I hope you enjoy these prompts
1. Lunch! Your crew is having a meal in the ship’s mess. Do they behave themselves? What are they eating? BONUS: you show either the Cooking process or the cleanup
2. Dead End Race- your oc is sailing in competition with other oc pirate crews! (Bonus: What is the prize at the end?)
3. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Vanilla Kingdom! Costume swap for the win? (Note: If you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
4. Soon May the Wellerman Come~ pick an appropriately sea-themed song for this prompt!
5. UNO REVERSO! Your OC has done a complete 180! What do they look/act like now?
6. Someone on the Crew has done a Naughty. How does your OC punish their sailor? 7. Sea Monster Attack! It’s up to your OC’s crew to save their ship. How does it go?
8. Your OC has gotten sick. Who looks after them and do they behave as a patient? BONUS: How’d they get sick anyway?
9. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Hollyberry Kingdom! Costume Swap for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll) 10. Someone needs to look after the Cannons. Does it go well or does it go poorly? 11. Bananas and Coconuts. No I will not explain further, your OC must deal with Bananas and Coconuts.
12. Your OC encounters a pool of water that turns everything it touches into solid gold. How did they discover it and how do they deal with it? 13. Your OC encounters a very snooty treacherous noble who has your OC dead to rights. How does your character Jack Sparrow their way out of this one?
14. Draw your OC as a human/meme. If you’re doing this as a writing challenge then you must write a story with as many dad jokes as possible!
15. Drinking Contest! Team up with a friend and have your OC’s in a drinking competition! Decide the winner by rolling a six-sided die, the winner will be whoever rolls higher! (Note: if you’re too nervous to ask anyone, please re-roll)
16. Your OC got into a bind and now must use their Charisma to escape. Are they successful or cringey?
17. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Dark Cacao Kingdom! Costume Change FTW? (Note: if you do not follow the CRK game/lore feel free to roll for a new prompt!)
18. Things are getting Lovecraftian around here. How does your OC cope with the squishy horribleness of it all?
19. A Captain must go down with their ship. Depict the last stand of your OC
20. Mutiny on board! What does your OC do? 21. Your Crew has Made it to the Golden Cheese Kingdom! Costume change for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
22. GIANT BOULDER! AKA, your OC’s Indiana Jones moment. How do they handle it?
23. Depict your OC’s proudest moment.
24. Time for bed. Depict your OC sleeping (Bonus: Make it Wholesome/spicy as you see fit) EDIT BONUS: If you have Completed all 24 Prompts you must have the dreaded CABIN FEVER! Draw/write your OC concequences suffering Cabin Fever
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Why do Endos/Tulpas/Willos/ect want to be a system?
I understand that other traumagens can have happy things to do with being systems but there's so much pain being a system.
I usually only post happy system things but.. I'm done with making this look all happy 24/7
Non-Traumagenic systems are not systems. Systems form through trauma. Systems form from intense trauma in early childhood. Why would someone want the panic, paranoia, pain of splitting, flashbacks, or even alters? (We love our alters, sure, but that's because they help us survive. They helped us survive.)
I've seen too many Endos be like "omgs I made myself develop an evil alter so quirky x3x3x3 who should I form next" ... do they understand that you can't force yourself to develop alters? Do they know how actually terrifying it is to have an alter who is not at all good morally, to have an alter who holds impulsive and intrusive thoughts that would disturb most people? Do they understand how fucking bad this disorder is?
I may be young but I know that I have this disorder and it's horrible to live with. Sure, I can try and make it feel better by posting about the silly things in the system, ect ect. But it isn't fun. It isn't a disorder everyone should have. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
The future is NOT plural.
Endogenics are NOT real systems.
Tulpagenics are NOT real systems.
Willogenics are NOT real systems.
"transDID, transplural, transSystem, transProgrammed, ect" ARE NOT REAL SYSTEMS.
Trauma is the ONLY way to be a system.
--- I'll only sign off for this because I'm especially pissed at this. So, Irato made this post to be clear on our stance.
ONLY ENGAGING IN SYSCOURSE ON THIS POST, after this I am staying away from it. Non-Traumagenic "systems" fuck off.
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shibainu2006 · 2 years
Hey, Shiba!! Been a while, buuuut I’m back to bother you with a request! How about Leona, Ace, and Ruggie with an S/O who copes with their shit mental health via energy drinks, coffee and escapism?
They’re always reading and listening to music and daydreaming almost 24/7. They drink water, like, once every 2 weeks (if they feel like self-care) and they rarely ever actually eat or sleep because they feel like they actually have control for once in their life. They also have periods where they drop everyone and it’s near impossible to get ahold of them unless you into their room.
Author's note: If you don't fucking take care of yourself, I'm gonna burn this entire planet into a crisp with you on it. GO DRINK SOME GODDAMN WATER!
Leona Kingscholar
Herbivore... why..?
He doesn't understand why it's so hard for you to take care of yourself, but he has no qualms with either forcing you, doing it himself, or making Ruggie do it.
He let you have coffee in the morning, but after that, you're done.
You're forced to drink water for the rest of the day.
No, you cannot have an energy drink. You abused that privilege.
When you read, he likes to recommend books to you, and he'll even try to find books with uplifting messages to try and make you feel better.
He's not too good with emotions, but he does try his hardest to make sure you're alright.
He'll even cuddle you while you listen to music, and allow you to relax and daydream.
You've been forced to eat and sleep, by the way.
No late nights.
No skipping meals...
You take care of yourself properly, even if he has to make you.
He'll have Ruggie bring in a nice meal for you.
And definitely bring melatonin or sleepy time tea to make sure you get proper rest.
He'll steal you from your class for a nap, too, if he finds that you didn't sleep the night before.
The second you cut the world off, he'll give you time, but eventually he WILL come see you.
Leona knows how hard it is to actually get a hold of you, so he'll just go to you himself.
You only get a solid day to yourself before he shows up to make sure you're healthy.
Leona cares very deeply for you, so don't ever go thinking you can just stop caring for yourself.
Ace Trappola
Dude, you cannot be serious!
Ace is so done.
The second he found out, he was right at your door with a hot meal and water.
Ace will literally hold you down to make you sleep. He will not allow you to go without for even a second!
He even goes as far as to do your school work for you so you can rest.
He'll let you have your music and books.
He'll take you out to the library to read there, too, so you can't cut the world off.
Ace don't play those games.
He'll pester you about your caffeine intake, and if that doesn't work, then he'll just hide it all from you.
No more coffee
No more redbull
Only water and tea.
He'll search up actual good coping skills and give you a horribly written list of things that are far better than what you're doing.
He even offers you a listening ear.
He'll listen to your rant for as long as needed if it'll help you out.
He just wants to make sure you're okay
Ruggie Bucchi
Oh hell no.
The minute he hears about this, you're fucked.
You come back to a nice dinner with WATER as a drink.
A nice bath was waiting for you, too.
There's smooth jazz playing to relax you as well.
The second you ask for coffee or anything caffeinated, he'll shoot you the dirtiest look known to man and tell you no.
He'll have your favorite books set out for you and even bought some scented candles for you.
Bro abandoned Leona to make sure you'd take care of yourself.
That's how bad this is.
The second you even TRY to cut everyone off, he won't let you.
He'll take you to a nice secluded area, and you'll both take a walk there.
Ruggie wants what's best for you, and disassociating is not it.
Ruggie always has a book on hand for you, and he makes sure it's one that's to your taste, so you'll enjoy it.
You can daydream for a certain amount of time before it's time to come back to reality.
Overall, Ruggie is just caring to you.
He becomes a mother hen when you get like that.
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lapushvibez · 2 years
can we have some jealous edward headcanons please?
have a great day!
jealous edward? sign me tf up. lol i hope you enjoyed this small hc list. please request more if you want. <3
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We all know this man is SUFFERING from raging jealousy issues. It's less of "I own you" and more like he's depressed thinking of horrible scenarios.
If you have a best friend of the opposite sex he might act bitter around them/when they're mentioned.
He understands you deserve emotional connections and support from other people. You don't have to worry about him keeping you hostage or anything.
Edward will ALWAYS be with you though.. there's nothing strong enough to keep him away from his mate. Unless he needs to hunt.
Since he's gifted with the ability to read minds he can easily find out who's crushing on you and if they have any vulgar thoughts about you. Edward definitely lost his calm demeanor once or twice.
If looks could kill? Oh yeah. Whoever is trying to snatch you away from him would drop dead from his glares. Ice cold. Threatening.
Edward uses physical touch for silent reassurance. He grabs your hand. Squeezes gently. Pulls you closer. Kisses your forehead. Rubs your lower back.
Soft eye contact with you. He honestly looks like a kicked puppy sometimes. He's practically begging you to stay with him. Please take the time to ease his anxiety. He'll appreciate it more than you expect.
Edward's never angry at you whenever he gets jealous. He's pissed at the person who managed to get under his cold skin. The minute he looks at you he softens and asks for permission to hold you.
Remember that scene in eclipse after Jake kissed Bella? Yeah, you'll see that type of outburst at least once. Oops.
The best way to comfort him during these episodes of jealousy is to baby him. Cuddle him. Whisper words of affirmations. Confess your affection and love shamelessly. Although he has a habit of trying to convince you NOT to feel that way, he'll learn to like it and eventually love hearing you talk so highly of him.
It's rare he speaks when jealous. But when he does it's obvious what mood he's in. His words are sharp. Sentences are short. Full of irritation and dominance.
"They're busy with me tonight."
"They're taken."
"I'm their boyfriend."
"They don't want you here." (He has no problem speaking up for you, if that's what you prefer.)
Edward kisses you a little too passionately in front of others. Especially at school in the parking lot. He knows people are staring. He wants everyone to see you're all his and always will be.
If you have an ex bf/gf.. Good luck.
This man will glare at them 24/7. Hates them with a burning passion. Even if the break up was done respectfully. He'll never understand how someone could CHOOSE to leave someone like you.
But at the same time he wants to show you off and he's happy they let you go. Now you're all his.
You're his mate. He's in love and obsessed. Nothing will ever be able to calm his love for you. He loves you loudly and proudly. Extremely protective as well.
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allwormdiet · 3 days
Tangle 6.1
Tangle is a very appropriate name for this arc bc my heart feels like it's been tied in knots
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Another detail of Brockton Bay's fucked architecture and history. I wonder if this city got the Robert Moses treatment, or if the canyons making up the class divide are the result of a hundred little choices
Also, thank God Taylor still has the sense to not trust a single goddamn word that Kaiser says
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Man. Parahumans just straight up are on a different level compared to regular humans, huh? Outnumbered 20-to-1, that means with three Undersiders and two of Faultline's people that's. Like a hundred people, who couldn't do jack shit in this battle. Tattletale basically sat out this fight from the sound of things, on account of not being a slugger like the others, so it was more like 25-to-1.
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Y'know I guess it makes sense that if your ability is to shoot napalm out of your mouth you'd go by the name Spitfire, but that does feel a little on the nose
Meanwhile it is neat to see Gregor's power, I wonder how the hell he chooses the chemical effects he produces. Is it an innate knowledge or did he have to read some textbooks to get it down right? Maybe both?
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These two strike up conversations in the weirdest circumstances, I swear to god
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Brian. Brian you seem like a good guy, smart, nice, doing well for yourself professionally. What the fuck are you doing?
Is this a date? If it's a date then it's a horrible date idea. If it's not a date then why are you just inviting Taylor along? Is the clap on the shoulder meant to make this more platonic, or to make others think it's more platonic, or???
Fucking no wonder the ABB conscript is trying to get away, I'd be fleeing this conversation too, this is a nightmare
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Lisa I know you're trying to be supportive but surely you can find a better way to support them than to make this. Get-together. Sound like a good idea.
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Another reassurance that the system works, which just makes me wonder how true that really is. Also, this answers something I'd wondered about privately about how this truce was working; the Protectorate, PRT, and other government forces are handling the big-picture stuff and the daylight operations, while the villains are effectively taking the "night shift" and keeping up a 24/7 assault. No shit the ABB is cooked after this, there's no surviving that, especially with your heaviest hitter down on account of the missing fucking eyes
Also interesting to get the run-down on the Travelers' powers and, again, these guys seem crazy heavy-duty hitters. Hell are they doing?
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Danny's gotta be out of his fucking mind with worry, even if he's playing it off. This isn't healthy, although I guess considering that Taylor's injuries the alternative isn't really in the cards
Current Thoughts
It's cool to see Taylor becoming so much more confident in her power, in her standing alongside the other Undersiders.
I'm still utterly confounded by whatever Brian is trying to do. Brian. Please talk to me. I don't know what your goal is but I'm like 80% sure this isn't how it's done
Uhhhh, fucking, what else. Cool to get more time with Gregor, learn his powers. Cool to learn more of the mechanisms of the truce.
This really does feel like the calm before the storm.
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testure-1988 · 4 months
Hi, I'm really sorry for the situation you're in. I really hope this isn't unwelcome, but I hope that you can incorporate some security routines into your day to day life because this guy is clearly very dangerous.
Please feel free to reach out to me, or tell me to go away!
Hi. I don't think I have to worry about him. He lives 14 hours away from my vicinity. But yeah, I never realized how bad he is and just how far he'd take it. If I were heartbroken (and I've repeatedly told him I'm not interested), I'd try to heal, move on, and know it's not worth it) but he was hanging onto me to try and change my mind when I just wanted to be friends. I wouldn't try and set myself on fire (and post a video saying goodbye on Instagram)! That's beyond fucked up. The dude barely knew me! You'd think he text me about it, not post a public video online for all of his followers to see! That's extremely childish (and he's a 52 year old ) He did visit me last month, but I was with my family, and I enjoyed hanging out with him (despite spraining my ankle & foot...he was a big help with making sure I was comfortable after my fall, which I appreciated). We had all the same interests (music, movies, etc.). I'd always text him, and we'd watch movies online; it was lovely. But he'd always act like I was his psychiatrist; he'd be fighting with his dad or with his ex-roommate (who made off with $150,000 of his expenses), and then he'd just always talk negatively about himself and about how shit his life is/that he should've been aborted (he DID have a horrible life growing up cause his dad is/was an abusive shithead loser who beat him & his mother and spent all of the household expenses on gambling). I'd constantly be worried sick over him, and it was starting to wear me out mentally (he was thrown into prison for a month. I had no idea what the hell happened to him, so I was constantly stressed out 24/7 thinking he was dead). He didn't want an actual therapist to help him. Then we fought last year, and on the same day, his dog was hit by a car. He tried shooting his brains out (he missed); now, he attempted suicide again. The consequences of what he's done now are lifelong if he doesn't pass away (he said he was informed he had a few weeks left, but I don't know if that was bullshit to manipulate me cause he was still trying to get me to date him, even after he sent me insulting texts). I don't want to date someone and worry about them committing suicide if we ever broke up. I don't need that in my life and if the other person did kill themselves, then I'd be wracked with guilt for the rest of my fucking life. Straight cis-men & saying no, name a worse duo.
He's going to be put into psychiatric care, and I hope he gets the help he needs.
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youremyheaven · 4 months
Hello~ I'm here for the mood board 😌. I'll write a general (platonic?) one (no matter how much I want to write a romantic one). Love for me is such a profound emotion to feel and experience. In this generation where the word “Love” gets thrown around for the purpose of patronizing subjects, is honestly such a sad thing to see. There's a general opinion that states that you have to accept the people that you love the way they are no matter how horrible or toxic they may be, because people have the ability to change, therefore you can certainly change them with love because love wins all (as long as you love your neighbors they said) which people collectively agree on because it is what was promoted to us painting this rose colored painting that nothing can not be solved as long as we love them. In my opinion just because we love them does not mean that we always have to be there for them all the time and constantly coddle to them just because they want it. While I do agree with the statement above in some ways, I just think that accepting their behavior and coddling them up would do no good. To me, love is where you DO accept them, however you do not validate their wrongful behaviors; whether this is weponized incompetence (because personally, I absolutely despise lazy people), toxic behaviors such as manipulation and gaslighting, and throwing themselves a pity party. I'm order for them to grow and mature, you have to hold them accountable for their behavior. If you truly love someone, you would help them grow. For me, I absolutely love the idea of myself growing into a better person than I am today, to be more competent and independent and make peace with myself throughout my imperfections and mistakes, and failures. I absolutely loath people who make excuses and try to validate their mistakes by throwing out every insignificant and trivial reasons just so they can continue to whine about their problems without even doing anything significant to help themselves despite saying they've done everything they can without even identifying where exactly they went wrong. You know those people you know who continuously cry and rant about how they want to get better at their studies because they're failing and thus causing strain to their relationship with their parents, saying they've done everything they can, so you decide to help them giving them solutions to their every problem and lending them an ear and they'd be saying that those solutions are too tedious (even whey the littlest solutions can make such a huge progress) and that they're too lazy for that but then they'd be there posting 24/7 random, useless sexual topics, memes and rants, and playing games for HOURS. Love for me is where you help and guide the people you love to change their behaviors (that they constantly complain about) and grow and mature for once. Just because you love someone, you shouldn't be complied to show that love with physical affection, gifts, words of affection and compliance. Sometimes, love can be received and show by helping people improve their lives, and I think this goes unrecognized because people want to be shown love straight on and be said, done directly, but it genuinely doesn't have to be that way. I think this is also the reason why most people go unrecognized for their love because if it does not go along with what the receiver wants to receive, it would be left unrecognized and be considered annoying (much less irritating). This can be observed from how our parents quite literally provide us with everything and yet most of the time, their children don't see that and consider every guidance as an annoyance and hindrance to THEIR happiness, thinking of what they want and not what they actually NEED. Love is where you motivate the people you love to do better in their lives and not waste away their youth with things they're going to regret later on. That's all ☺️
its giving Lunar, Revati (and broadly Mercurial), UBP, Deva gana nak vibes 🤔
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relentlessly-tired · 5 months
As I am trying to become more in touch with myself and who I am (hobbies, emotions, opinions, goals etc.), I've decided I need to start to learn how to be okay being by myself.
Usually, I stay out with people after school and go to the gym and then walk and I'm not actually HOME until like 8, then, I have to eat dinner and have a shower and do homework. So by the time I'm done all my tasks, it's time for bed and I've succeeded in yet another day of running away from myself.
Everything I do is just a constant distraction from my thoughts, but even then I'm still plagued by it 24/7. But when I'm actually ALONE with myself it gets so much worse and I don't know how to handle it so I just rot and consume mindless content and feel like a horrible person.
I want to be okay with being me. So I need to start spending more time alone, and spending that time DOING something good.
So today I am going to go on a cycle, then go to this quiet spot I know. I will bring a book, my camera, journal and some snacks (carrots, apple, yogurt probs). I will update xoxo 😘 feel kinda excited but also a little nervous cuz I'm not the most confident cycling on the road but ik i just have to get used to it.
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MACCCC HELLO!!! HOW R U TONIGHT!!!! idk if u know but the qsmp finale was today. hence. me being in tumblr post limit jail. press f to pay respects 😔✊ i thought i would never see my catboy again BUT!!! HE WAS ONLINE AND I GOT 2 SEE HIM AGAIN!!! even if he didn’t stream his pov i still got 2 see his cubito <3 would like 2 give u this picture of him as a momento of this occasion <3 ignore the quality i watched the streams on my phone data. literally two pixels tall smallest guy u have ever seen
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ANYWAY i am on ep 8 of the suckening. love the juxtaposition of arthur in london and the twins chillin in la. arthur and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day (ft. trauma, heartwrenching memories, and getting hunted down by vampire hunters and barely surviving) meanwhile shilo is sipping blood out of a swirly straw in a walmart. arthur is living in a tragic drama and the twins are living in a comedy. OBSESSED with the tomfoolery and shenanigans these guys get into. once i’m done the suckening i think perhaps i may get into prime defenders next?? ros rly seems 2 like that one and i trust the judgement of my good friend roswell intertexts <3 i hope ur night is goin well!!!!!
I feel like u are pulling our ur wallet and showing me the most crumpled up faded old Polaroid of your wife who died at sea decades ago. omg. he is 2 pixels big. absolutely molecular.
OH MAN !!!!!! I think I was getting the jist of everything from the liveblogs I was seeing but I didn't realize this was ljke the FINALE finale !!!!! I hope it was good!!! i hope it was better than dsmp at least !!! I'm glad u got to see ur cat again <3 i think I saw a wedding cake with him and the red guy on it did they get married....... congratulations if so <3
UGHHHH SUCKENING. GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT arthurs no good terrible horrible very bad trip to London. god I love shilo so very much. they r having fun in Walmart together <3 nothing bad is ever going to happen to any of them
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