#i'm learning to draw faster for this specific reason
cy-cyborg · 1 year
Writing and drawing amputee characters: Not every amputee wears prosthetics (and that's ok)
Not every amputee wears prosthetics, and not doing so is not a sign that they've "given up".
It's a bit of a trope that I've noticed that when an amputee, leg amputees in particular, don't wear prosthetics in media its often used as a sign that they've given up hope/stopped trying/ are depressed etc. If/when they start feeling better, they'll start wearing their prosthetics again, usually accompanied by triumphant or inspiring music (if it's a movie). The most famous example of this is in Forest Gump, Where Dan spends most of the movie after loosing his legs wishing he'd died instead. He does eventually come around, and him finally moving from his wheelchair to prosthetics is meant to highlight this.
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The thing is, it's not that it's unrealistic - in fact my last major mental health spiral was started because one of my prosthetics was being a shit and wouldn't go on properly, despite fitting perfectly at the prosthetist's the day before. I'm not going to use my legs when I'm not in a good headspace, but the problem is, this is the only time non-prosthetic using amputees ever get representation: to show how sad they are. Even if that's not what the creator/writer necessarily intended, audiences will often make that assumption on their own unless you're very careful and intentional about how you frame it, because it's what existing media has taught them to expect.
But there are lots of reasons why someone might not use prosthetics:
they might not need them: this is more common in arm amputees because of how difficult it can be to use arm prosthetic, especially above-elbow prosthetics. Most folks learn how to get on without them pretty well. In fact, most of the arm amputees I know don't have prosthetics, or only have them for specific tasks (e.g. I knew a girl who had a prosthetic hand made specifically for rowing, but that's all she used it for).
Other mobility aids just work better for them: for me, I'm faster, more manoeuvrable and can be out for longer when I'm in my wheelchair than I ever could on my prosthetics. Youtube/tik tok creator Josh Sundquist has said the same thing about his crutches, he just feels better using them than his prosthetic. This isn't the case for everyone of course, but it is for some of us. Especially people with above-knee prosthetics, in my experience.
Other disabilities make them harder to use: Some people are unable to use prosthetics due to other disabilities, or even other amputations. Yeah, as it turns out, a lot of prosthetics are only really designed for single-limb amputees. While they're usable for multi-limb amps, they're much harder to use or they might not be able to access every feature. For example, the prosthetic knee I have has the ability to monitor the walk cycle of the other leg and match it as close as possible - but that only works if you have a full leg on the other side. Likewise, my nan didn't like using her prosthetic, as she had limited movement in her shoulders that meant she physically couldn't move her arms in the right way to get her leg on without help.
Prosthetics are expensive in some parts of the world: not everyone can afford a prosthetic. My left prosthetic costs around $5,000 Australian dollars, but my right one (the above knee) cost $125,000AUD. It's the most expensive thing I own that I only got because my country pays for medical equipment for disabled folks. Some places subsidise the cost, but paying 10% of $125,000 is still $12,500. Then in some places, if you don't have insurance, you have to pay for that all by yourself. Even with insurance you still have to pay some of it depending on your cover. Arm prosthetics are even more expensive. Sure, both arms and legs do have cheaper options available, but they're often extremely difficult to use. You get what you pay for.
they aren't suitable for every type of environment: Prosthetics can be finicky and modern ones can be kind of sensitive to the elements. My home town was in a coastal lowland - this means lots of beaches and lots of swamp filled with salty/brackish water. The metals used in prosthetics don't hold up well in those conditions, and so they would rust quicker, I needed to clean them more, I needed to empty sand out of my foot ALL THE TIME (there always seemed to be more. It was like a bag of holding but it was just sand). Some prosthetics can't get wet at all. There were a few amputees who moved to the area when I was older who just didn't bother lol. It wasn't worth the extra effort needed for the maintenance.
People have allergies to the prosthetic material: This is less of a problem in the modern day, but some people are allergic to the materials their prosthetics are made from. You can usually find an alternative but depending on the type of allergy, some people are allergic to the replacements too.
Some people just don't like them.
There's nothing wrong with choosing to go without a prosthetic. There's nothing wrong with deciding they aren't for you. It doesn't make you a failure or sad or anything else. Using or not using prosthetics is a completely morally neutral thing.
Please, if you're writing amputees, consider if a prosthetic really is the best mobility aid for your character and consider having your characters go without, or at least mix it up a bit.
For example, Xari, one of the main characters in my comic, uses prosthetics unsupported and with crutches, and uses a wheelchair. They alternate between them throughout the story.
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sexhaver · 2 years
are you a fan/supporter of AI-generated art, and if so, why? i've frankly never understood why people like it and i'm trying to wrap my head around it. thanks :)
asking if im a "fan" of AI art is like asking if im a "fan" of Photoshop. it's a tool that has the potential to be used for shitty things (i.e. photoshopping pictures of someone to make them look bad, or training an AI model specifically on one artist and then undercutting that artist on commissions), but it's also a really fucking powerful tool that has the potential to push art in directions it could never feasibly go before. like, how do you read "people without an artistic bone in their body will be able to spin up dozens of pictures of whatever arbitrary thing they want" and jump straight to the ethics of sourcing the datasets and "robbing artists" and supporting draconian IP law without even admitting that, at a base level, that's a really cool and useful piece of technology to have.
part of the reason i keep posting about it is because i work in warehouse automation. ive spent the last decade learning how to automate shitty tasks that nobody in their right mind would want to do for free, and people STILL get upset that robotics are inherently "stealing their jobs". this is literally only a problem because of capitalism; in any sane world, a machine that can do shitty jobs would be a godsend. but when you need to work for a living, these robots become competition instead of tools to make your life better. and yet people will still direct their outrage at the robots themselves and not their bosses or capitalism as a whole
the same thing is happening with AI art. without capitalism forcing artists to draw for survival, the ability for non-artists to create art at a whim would be a tool with a wide range of applications. under capitalism, however, these tools become competition. and yet again, people are directing their rage at the people making this good-in-a-vacuum technology instead of capitalism, or even more specifically, the miniscule percentage of AI artists who use the tech to financially harm artists by undercutting them on commissions.
of course, there's the added twist that, unlike stacking heavy cardboard boxes, art is something that a lot of people actually do enjoy intrinsically and would do for free. this has spawned an entirely separate branch of arguments against AI art based on ethics and philosophy instead of laws and finance. this branch argues that AI art is not just bad because it can directly financially harm artists who don't use it, but that it's actively eroding the concept of "art" itself. this is the branch that spawns soundbites like "AI art just copies from humans", "that's not art because it's soulless", and "what's even the point in making art when a robot can do it faster and better?"
i'm going to be blunt: this branch, just like any other train of thought that hinges on an unspecified definition of "true art" that ebbs and flows at the speaker's whim, is complete horseshit at best and outright reactionary at worst. unfortunately, it has also infected most of the anti-AI-art crowd to the point where it's almost impossible to find any arguments against AI art that don't eventually fall back on it
tl;dr: AI art is a powerful tool with the potential to benefit humanity at large, and desperately trying to stuff that genie back into the bottle [by donating to Disney's IP lawyers] because it scares you is not going to work
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meanbossart · 6 months
A long over-due ask compilation (Art & Music)
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It's vaguely based on a short story from the book "The Consumer" by Michael Gira, specifically "The Boss". I think it came up in conversation with a friend or something when I was picking a new username, so that's how we arrived at it - this was almost a decade ago so, my memory on it is a little hazy!
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HAHA thank you so much!!! Glad you enjoy what I do 😎🍻
I BELIEVE this little guide I put together over here might be helpful to you, also! I touched on pretty much everything you brought up.
As for reference material when it comes to facial expressions, I have a mirror next to my desk which I glance at often and make weird faces at LOL and for consistency, it's really a matter of learning to dissect and remember facial structure. It's just something you end up developing an eye for when you've done it for long enough! Naturally, if we're talking about drawing existing characters, it's always helpful to just look at some pictures of their mugs and take a minute to define what features about them make their faces recognizable - I touch on this at the link above as well!
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I do plan on making a "drowstarion" (love that, by the way LOL) playlist eventually, life's just been kicking my ass and I hardly have the time 😭and when I do, I just wanna draw.
Otherwise I don't have any other playlists floating around at the moment, BUT the one my boyfriend made for his Vellioth comic can be found here, and it might scratch a similar itch!
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Thank you! I believe this was in reference to this post. Something like that takes me about... An hour??? If we're talking just the colors, at least. Though that's a really rough estimate because I take a lot of breaks, so my sense of time when I work ends up pretty skewed. Even if the application of the colors themselves took less than 20 minutes I probably spent 2 hours just staring at it LOL.
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My friend, I have no idea. I'm in a constant battle between "I want to draw more realistically" and "I want to simplify my art so I can draw more/faster". What you see is the result of that ongoing brain-tug-of-war.
Also, just the way I assume everyone else develops theirs - they see stuff they like and emulate it until their art is Frankensteinish enough to be it's own unique thing!
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I'm far from a Type O Negative buff, BUT I'm happy to share some of my favorites with you! They're quite scattered across a couple of their albums so I'm not sure I have a favorite, but I would say October Rust is a good starting point.
In no particular order, these are my most listened tracks of theirs: -Love You to Death -Black N.01 -Haunted -She Burned Me Down -Can't Lose You -I Don't Wanna Be Me -Be My Druidess -September Sun -Tripping A Blind Man
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Alas, I was one of those people who was already drawing in kindergarten 😅 though I would say I only started taking it seriously when I was around 15-16 years old. As someone who has tried their hand at several other hobbies since reaching adulthood, I get what you're saying that it can kinda feel like... You missed the wagon? I've felt that way about all kind of things lol
That said, I've seen adults managing to develop their art skills extremely fast and effectively before. Understanding where and how you need to improve, and how to follow lessons/guides best is something that is vastly improved by maturity and knowing how to best hone your time, attention, and resources - and those are skills we completely lack as children. So, I sincerely believe that as long as you commit yourself, you can definitely get to a point that you're happy with in a couple of years if not less.
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JUST DO IT BUDDY we are all just people looking through a screen and you won't ever see, talk, or meet 99% of the folks who ever clap eyes on what you post. Whenever you start getting nervous about sharing something, take a minute to ask yourself why you're nervous, and if none of the reasons have any genuine substance besides being afraid of what people "might think", just go ahead and post it. You're no mind-reader after all, and if you are, I doubt you can hear what a guy from Argentina or wherever is thinking about the art you made.
Point is, nobody online can touch you 🤷and if someone doesn't like what you do, they can simply choose to not interact with it, and if they do you can block and move on. There are zero reasons for you to feel "bad" about putting up a doodle when our experiences on the web are so easily curated nowadays.
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just-animaxiz · 5 months
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Fuck it - I'm gonna make these guys into reoccurring characters into RC9GN because they're underrated (Especially the leader)
Starting off with lore bits for:
He is the leader of not only the Punk Bots, but also the leader of Scrap City. Ever since he failed to defeat the ninja and thus scrapped away, he gained enough sentience to start rebelling against McFist and Viceroy, shouting out the way they mistreated the robots like that.
He is the least scrapped Punk Bot out there, and that is due to his self-taught experience with mechanical repairs. He then began to take whatever parts out there and used them to fix the other bots, gaining their respect for him and vice versa.
Spike, as designed, is a punk, so he fonds over Punk music and guitar - Fortunately, McFist dumped other materials such as magazines, old guitars, and other items into Scrap City. In the middle of the heap is an untouched shiny red guitar. Spike claimed it as his and named it, "Ruby Bolt.
During their imprisonment, Spike realized the heaps of cars and vehicles stacked up like ladders. To test his theory, he created a rope out of cable and started to climb the stack. It took him 12 tries before he finally made it on the wall. Looking down, Spike found himself at the edge of a long fall, so he lasso'ed the cable to a glued object, like an impaled stick or heavy pole, and climbed down.
Once he made it, he learned that no one came after him. He's free... But then he looked up at his mates and realized they're still trapped and too many escaping can lead to getting caught. So Spike devised a plan. He talked this out with the group, and using hacking skills and convincing, they pulled in outside help into it. At a precise time, Spike and his punk bots leave Scrap City. Then when the humans are occupied (At a grand party or very busy), the Punk Bots trashed down a McFist establishment.
While they trashed the area, Spike stole a few items for personal reasons, and when they came back to Scrap City, Spike used them as upgrades.
He made upgrades on himself - making him faster, stronger, and more agile than ever. Additionally, he made personal upgrades like having sharp teeth, a tongue piercing, and a cool new torso.
He also had stolen photos of not only Mcfist and Viceroy, but the Ninja too. He kept drawing personal threats for his revenge.
As much as everyone agreed to vandalize at a specific time, Spike would sometimes go out on his own to take a breather. Wearing long sleeves and a hood over his head, he hides himself from interacting with humans... Or McFist.
A person caught his eye - A young bright boy with purple hair and a red shirt, like his. He's enjoying a night out with his family, meeting up with his best friend, and talking about the girl he has a crush on... Spike wished he could've been that boy, instead of being a scrappy mistake.
Thorn is the yellow punk bot, and personality-wise, he's the "I may be sweet but I'm not merciful" type.
He is Spike's Right Hand Man and he always inform Spike about upcoming events or news from the outside.
Thorn may not be as scary or threatening as his brothers, but he can be with his words alone. Spike taught him that!
When McFist dumped random trash into Scrap City, Thorn found an abandoned set of manga. That caused him to be addicted in different types like Shojo, Isekai, and Shonen. He would spend all night reading, learning small Japanese words.
It was until Skewer, the green Punk Bot, gave him a book he found about Japanese culture and their language. Thorn thanked Skewer for the gift and dedicated into learning about his interests.
Before Spike fixed him, Thorn used to be the most damaged. He lost his head a dozen of times, cannot run as fast, and he had a squeaky arm. Even after he's repaired, the squeak's still there. It made him feel like a repaired doll but they still have cracks on their face.
When Thorn joined his brothers out to vandalize McFist stores, he would sometimes steal manga, figurines, or Japanese books to fulfill his interests. He even made theories about Yokai and think they're real, so he showed respect whenever he passed by small statues or paintings.
He's not the type who just sees Japanese as a trend or media thing, but he truly respects their culture and wished to travel to Japan just to learn more and appreciate its beauty. He wondered if they would accept a broken doll like him over there.
When Thorn learns that the Ninja came from Japan, he wished to meet them during a fight so that he could ask them questions about their occupation, wanting to learn their moves and their history.
He would be the type to punch a jerk if they disrespect his interests or even embodies humiliation towards it. Like I said, he's sweet but not merciful.
The scariest Punk Bot. Every bot, except for his brothers, feared him.
It's not his fault though; Skewer was made with the scary face by Viceroy and McFist, which made others back away whenever they felt like he's glaring at them.
Despite this, he's also the smartest. He helped Spike set up the upgrades and hacking. This is due because of the dumped items in the heap.
Skewer found a guide to hack and a manual to repair and rebuild. He also find trashed books from Math and science (Thanks Bash) and took them in for his research.
There, his intelligence became stronger than ever, storing data after data and using them for important tasks.
The data also led him to his fond of chess and checkers, which annoyed a specific chess-obsessed robot.
Even though he's smart, he still lives up to the scary bit - He's the frontman, the bulldozer, and the brute of the pack. Someone messes with him or his people, and they'll be skewered.
Bots cannot even tell what mood he's in, questioning if he gave them compliments or subtle threats.
When he and his brothers vandalized McFist Industries, Skewer made observant notes of everything. He noticed how Thorn would stare at a store with Ancient Japanese antiques, or how Spike gaze at a happy boy before he soberly looked away. Other times, Skewer made notes of seeing a red light on a camera, or hearing an annoying voice from a distance.
If they needed time, Skewer would purposely cause a destruction somewhere else as a diversion and make an escape route to go back to his brothers in time.
Skewer questions the Ninja's existence and purpose. He learned that they had been in Norrisville for several years, which is impossible for humans. (Wink) And he discovered from articles that the Ninja came in different forms, wondering if there's a deeper reason behind it.
He also wondered why McFist would go out of his way to built world-destructive robots just to destroy one Ninja. It doesn't make sense in his way.
Hope you enjoy some lore bits I made for them!
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koduflower2000 · 11 months
"It's time to think outside the box 🤔🧐"
Hi! I'm Kevin, but you can also call me Kodu, if you prefer. I'm the actual guy from Twitter (X).
Pronouns: He/Him/They/Them (any of these is fine)
Age: 19 years
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Timezone: Indian Standard Time (IST) (GMT+5:30)
A straight guy who supports the LGBTQ+ community (more specifically, I'm a straight cisgender ally)
A silly child at heart
Open talker (yes, you can be friends with me if you want)
Draws art just by using a mouse.
Speed variation of me drawing is frequent (sometimes I draw faster, other times I draw slowly)
I'm currently learning Russian BTW. Я не знаю что я делаю. 😔
Also I'm learning Spanish, and a little bit of German and French for entertainment. I hope to learn Ukrainian, Arabic and Danish any time soon.
I do music (it's actually one of my favorite things to do)
I do programming sometimes (I haven't uploaded a single cool project in here at all, as I remember) (another one of my favorites to do)
I mostly don't swear, except when I feel intense emotions. (if you're comfortable with reading my posts with swear words, go ahead. I won't judge)
I reblog a lot, so if you really wanna see what I've been working on, here are some tags in which you can look around.
#koduflower2000 art - art by me
#koduflower2000 projects - will be a tag in which i present my art and music projects.
#koduflower2000 talks - mostly something i wanna say
#koduflower2000 answers - a tag in which i answer to tumblr asks in my ask box
BFDI:TPOT (Battle For Dream Island: The Power Of Two)
BFB (Battle for BFDI)
BFDI (Battle For Dream Island)
III (Inanimate Insanity Invitational)
AvA (Animation vs Animator) series
AvM (Animation vs Minecraft) series
Bluey series from ABC Australia
Chickn Nuggit (i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier)
Saw and Gaty (totally okay with those ships actually)
Airy and Popcorn from HFJONE (totally okay with those ships as well)
Fanfictions (started writing one btw)
Rhythm Games
Information and Communication Technology
Language and Culture Learning
DNI list:
Basic (you already know it)
Anti-semitic people
Homophobic people (basically homophobes)
Pedophiles (basically MAPs)
Xenophobic people (including islamophobes)
Transphobic people (basically transphobes)
TERFs (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, in other words, transphobic people who spread their gender opinions which are considered to be uncomfortable to trans people)
Extreme NSFW accounts (a.k.a. the accounts with >=90% of the posts which are NSFW)
Pro-Israel people (I support Palestine, and no one can stop me)
People neutral with Palestine and the Palestinian people (Palestinian people are the best and they're considered innocent. Period.)
Zionists (If you try to interact with my account, I would like to fight you and block you.)
Proshippers (problematic ships, not professional ships)
People who spread misinformation against me
On thin ice
People who harass me or any of my moots.
People who think they're superior than everyone for no reason. (the only reason why i put it there is because i want people to talk with me instead of harassing me, because i already had a lot of traumatic experiences on twitter)
Blog Landmarks
tee hee moot rose! ^ ^
me too (a tribute to all my previous moots who have been disappeared from the internet)
kinda the reason why i don't interact in here as much as i wanna
the most important thing in tumblr that hits you hard like a high speed train
elements of the intro are subject to changes which occur periodically
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ifievertoldyou · 8 months
The Quackitification™
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little analyses + bonus pictures under the cut :D
mediums: #2 pencil, standard 8.5x11 copy paper, royal purple crayola colored pencil
analysis time
references analysis
pre-thaw!q is intended to be q at the meetup with phil (minus the beanie) so i referenced those meetup pictures a lot when drawing him, and just really wanted him to contrast with the other qs in how carefree and happy he looks. to make it seem as though, well, he's from another world than them.
i referenced a lot of different quackity pictures with the middle 3 qs, so those ones weren't really based on any specific picture. they were all just mixes of different cc!q pictures, just like how q is kind of a mix of cc!q and c!quackity during these times, though the amount of each that he has varies depending on when in the story you're looking.
current q was heavily referenced off of that one photo of the LN!quackity photoshoot that cc!quackity did a while back, because at this point, q is his dsmp character, mentally, and now, physically. i just wanted there to be such a contrast between the first drawing being referenced off of a picture of cc!q being a cc, and the last drawing being referenced off of cc!q dressing up as his dsmp character. only it isn't really dress-up for poor q anymore.
okok now eye direction analysis time
i very intentionally drew each q looking in a different direction, so now i'm going to talk about my reasoning for that
the q from before the events of thaw has his eyes closed because he doesn't yet know the awful truth that the fun story he wrote actually happened somewhere. he looks so joyous, but at the same time, it's mostly because his eyes are still closed to the reality that he will have to grapple with throughout this story.
next we have beginning/desert!q. he doesn't have his blessing yet, and his eyes are wide with fear. he's looking to the right to indicate that the cc is still in there. after all, in q's world, he preferred using his right hand when writing, but he had to change that as he began adapting to this world, so as to not blow his cover. but desert!q hasn't yet had to do that, he's still the cc, just more scared and.. lost than usual. he's still currently abiding by the same rules and worldview that he had in his original world, so he's looking to the right, to what he knew in his original world.
then we've got post-bet!q. he's got the magic eye now, and he has to deal with way more issues than before, as he learns more about how fucked up this world is, and how horribly twisted his storytelling became here. he's looking down because now he's not just scared now, he's guilty, he blames himself for all the bad things that happened to quackity and he blames himself for all the bad things that happened to him too. he no longer has that optimistic outlook about the world, and has begun losing his old identity much faster than before. this is also where he starts adapting more to this world, and, eventually, learns to write with his left hand. there's a shift towards behavior that is more like manberg/pogtopia!quackity that's beginning in him now. he's started to look away from his old morals from before he got here and has begun doing and thinking things that he would have never done/thought before this story took place.
butcher!q is looking to the left. this is for several reasons. one, to signify how, kinda like how charlie put it, it'd be hard to tell the two gamblers apart if it wasn't for the blessed eye, because their ways of seeing the world have become so similar now. and two, it's set up for q's eye getting blinded, since it's his left eye that he loses, and that's where he was looking (at least i'm Assuming, since we haven't actually gotten a description of his blind eye from the outside pov yet) when he got blinded.
and then we have thaw!q as we know him after chapter 66. his blind eye is stuck looking to the left, and his seeing eye is looking forward, with his expression carefully neutral. he looks more like quackity than he ever did before. and he looks more like the quackity he always used to imagine than he ever did before. more importantly though, he Acts more like thaw!quackity than he ever did before, even though he has been progressively acting more and more like him all throughout the story. he's purposefully looking forward to show a sense of confidence. no longer will he allow himself to have downcast eyes or show such visible emotions (or emotions that aren't anger, at least). now he will look ahead confidently, with his best poker face, trying to seem unbothered, but deep down, the experiences and worldview of quackity will always weigh on him without him meaning to, just like his blind eye will look to the left.
misc notes
i made the hair slightly longer with the latter three qs, to show that he's been there for longer
i also made his hair longer to make him resemble my thaw!quackity design a little more (though it still isn't quite as long as my quackity's is, just because that would take some Insanely fast growing hair to get there in a month)
i initially wanted to give q some of his beauty spots, but i quickly found that it was very difficult to keep their placement consistent enough, which bugged me, so i cut that idea out
i struggled a bit with q's scar, since we haven't seen a *whole* lot of descriptions of it yet, especially not of when it's been completely healed over, as it's still currently fresh in thaw. but ultimately i settled with this design, though it took me a couple hours to figure out how i wanted it to look
i used a duller pencil when i drew pre-thaw!q, and at first this wasn't intentional, but i decided to sharpen it after i finished him, so cc!q's lines look a lot softer and duller than the other qs. but i decided halfway through this project that i'll Make it intentional, as a way to comment on how q used to be so soft before coming to this world, and he progressively got sharper and more put-together, just like his linework (though post-bet!q's linework is a bit messier and all over the place, since he's kind of going through it and hasn't quite perfected that mask of anger just yet. though, if i could've, i probably would've made his linework ever so slightly less dull than pre-thaw!q's but not nearly as sharp as the other qs. unfortunately, i can't really accurately control the dullness of my pencil at will, so that didn't happen-) but yeah, happy little accidents ^^
fun fact: i drew the first 4 qs on the same paper, and drew current q on his own separate page. he is also about 4x the size of the other qs, and is significantly more detailed
i thought about fully coloring everyone, but decided that i'd probably never get this thing done if i did that. though maybe one day i'll revist this and color them all, who knows?
now for some bonus pictures
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this was my initial q design before i decided that actually, his scar looked way too much like quackity's and wasn't neat or straight enough for my liking. so uh, yeah, here's thaw!q if his scar was more thaw!quackity-ish! one of the many casualties during the great q design war™
a couple of wips, as a treat for making it all the way down here
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okay that's all, thank you for making it all the way to the end of this post ^^
as always, reblogs are very much appreciated, and also make sure to check out the original fic by @alexanderwesker that i've been talking about throughout this post, if you haven't already! ^D^
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bekandrew · 1 year
Laptop Necromancy
I'm running my whole art portfolio through Glaze. If you don't know, it's a program build by a group of uni students that's won awards and is designed to basically prevent AI libraries from being able to meaningfully "learn" anything from your art. It can be found here for free. It wouldn't run on my actually functional laptop (it tried rendering for 2 days straight and then got to something like "Time remaining: -200 minutes" and still never spat out anything completed). So, while waiting for the seemingly endless rendering to stop and a reply for access to their Web option, I decided to try something a little off the wall.
I ended up taking my largely non-functional old laptop (8+ yr old Dell Latitude i7) I hadn't figured out how to safely dispose of yet and see if I could give it new life. It was a mid-tier "gaming" laptop when I purchased it, though I needed the specs for heavy graphics work for work as an artist and as I was, for a time, still in uni for engineering before switching majors. It currently won't run most of the programs I need for work - it abjectly refuses to open Krita no mater what I do, and throws a fit and crashes with even GIMP sometimes. I even have to be careful with internet browsers now with that one. Its hard drive is pretty toast, hence why I needed to suck it up and get a new laptop. Something is damaged in a way I couldn't make a proper clone of the drive and something's fucked with the BIOS is fucked in a way I couldn't even run a recovery usb and it has no disk drive. It makes frightening noises from frequently trying to run its HDD at 100%. The casing itself is held together with duct tape and spite. This laptop survived several moves and homelessness before finally being too finicky to put up with after wife and I were rehoused. It literally requires support at all times to not be torn further apart by the weight of its own screen. It also needs to be elevated in a way to give the fans a little help. It's a technological senior citizen. Despite the hard drive being largely toast, the OS still works pretty fine. The RAM isn't high as I'd like, but it's not bad, either. It's main draw for this very specific purpose is the dual GPUs. There's a version of Glaze that you can force to run off a GPU instead of the CPU and make it go MUCH, MUCH (from my experience, literally 5-10 times or more faster).
I had a Solid State Drive lying around from when I'd attempted to keep the old laptop alive longer, so I stuck it in my external dock, installed Glaze on it, and filled it up with a folder of art to be Glazed. It then proceeded to take about a day and a half of fussing with graphics drivers - including uninstalling the one the uni students recommended and going back to my old one because the one they recommended was technically compatible but was borking things for some reason, and manually changing settings to force the computer to use the correct beefier GPU for the program. I also had to uninstall a ton of shit that was slowing my computer down and sometimes making it lock up entirely - things I used to need when I used that laptop for normal purposes but no longer needed there (things like Steam, Discord, Grammarly, etc).
So long as I don't run much of anything off of the internal HDD outside a couple Windows Explorer windows for viewing files and Task Manager to keep an eye on hardware status, it mostly stays nice and quiet now other than a few spikes here and there with low % usage. Glaze runs smoothly off the external SSD, the CPU and RAM usage remain pretty stable and manageable during rendering, with the GPU usage only at a little over half the computer's total capability. Despite being bested by much simpler daily usage, this old shell of a laptop now renders a resource-intensive program over in a corner and I can just check it every couple hours to see how it's doing.
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delightfuldevin · 1 year
I am staring SO hard yes bestie give me EVERYTHING on your Mario S/I. I'm so fascinated by the part Shine Sprite part, reminds me of the Peach is a Super Star (Grand Star? Star Spirit??) reborn theory from forever ago. Would LOVE to delve more into the lore ramifications of that.
I hope it's okay I ask more like. Specific questions?? Sorry if this is a little annoying I just love to learn other people's S/I lore...
Like, what's his timeline? How old are the main characters compared to him? How old are the Koopalings when he meets them? HOW did he almost die to the Odyssey Dragon (another game I haven't PLAYED but have seen playthroughs of)? What's with Wingman King boo? What's he do in-game style? What's his opinion on Peach? E. Gadd?? Gooigi??
And also could I, when I get my bones together, draw him because he is very cool and I would love to doodle him some if that's okay
So yeah, cut again cause I just love talking a lot and giving copious amounts of information dhbcbjhhsdshcjvsxh
So, I don’t have an idea of ages for anyone, except Bowser Jr who is somewhere around 6 or 7? Ludwig is actually close to my age I think, and I imagine that he probably calls me by name rather than the same parental term the others call me (Ven or Venny). Though, I think he’d use Ven sometimes. I like to go by the SMB3 order for the Koopalings’ ages, so youngest to oldest is Larry, Morton, Wendy, Iggy, Roy, Lemmy, and Ludwig. Larry is older than 12. That’s all I can really say on that jbcjxncjshc
There is an age gap between Bowser and I, but I’m not sure exactly how much. I think Dragon-Koopas age differently than even regular Koopas, let alone humans, so I’m not too sure on his age. Cause in the games when everyone is babies (Partners in Time, Yoshi’s Island, etc) Baby Bowser can speak full coherent sentences and walk while the bros and Peach are just making baby noises and crawling. Sure, maybe he’s just a lot older than them, but I like to think they are somewhat close in age chronologically and his species just matures faster mentally. I like to think the bros and Peach are either the same age as me or within a year or two of me.
(When I was a kid, I thought every media made for kids only had kid or teen characters. So yes, I thought the bros and Peach were teenagers, even with the bros’ thick impressive ‘staches. The only, and I mean only, reason I knew Bowser was an adult was because he had kids. After learning about the Yoshi’s Island games, which I also have never actually played, I realized they all had to be adults since they were all babies at the same time.)
King Boo is my bestie!! First time I saw him was actually in Mario Kart DS in the mission where you play as Peach and collect coins and he steals them from you. At the time, all I knew about him was that he was a king and he liked stealing my coins. Next time I saw him was in Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games for DS. At that point, I knew he had some history with Luigi, but I didn’t know the context. Now, he didn’t really stand out to me all that much, until Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon came out and I FELL IN LOVE. I thought he was sooo cool!! When I reached the end of the game and he said to Luigi “Remember that time you trapped me in a painting for all eternity? Good times” that’s when I realized that this had happened before! There was another Luigi’s Mansion game before that one! Needless to say, I was very excited to learn that.
My S/I meets King Boo in a Mario Kart tournament. They don’t even know each other, but for some reason, they feel compelled to target each other specifically. After the game and everyone splits ways, they mostly forget about each other… until my S/I accidentally stumbles into Boo Woods. Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed that my favorite color is green and it’s what I like to wear. Well, who else wears a lot of green? Luigi. And that’s who KB thinks I am when he sees me again. He jumps out to scare my S/I and my S/I throws fireballs at him in response. A couple misunderstandings resolved later, and boom! New bestie!
The whole targeting each other in Mario Kart thing remains a big part of our dynamic. If we’re on opposite teams, we usually go after each other. But if we’re on the same team, everyone else better watch out. We also throw a joint Halloween party every year! Also fun fact: my S/I initially only called him King Boo, but picked up the nickname KB from Bowser. It stands for Kool Bro.
Now, I have a headcanon that Bowser and KB are also best friends, *coughcough*and later queerplatonic partners*coughcough*, so when KB discovers Bowser and I are mutually pining for each other, he takes it upon himself to help get us together to make fun of us because he’s a good friend. He enjoyed teasing us in the early stages of our relationship cause our feelings were so painfully obvious to literally everyone but us.
As for Gadd, well, my S/I doesn’t care for him to say the least dhgfsjhbcs. My dude is faaaar too invested in his paintings that are just prisons for actual sentient beings rather than the safety and sanity of my little brother. Plus, those ghosts in LM1 weren’t even causing trouble! Just living their afterlife in a nice big house and then all of a sudden some lil onion man comes and shoves them into a painting forever. Definitely siding with KB on this one and agreeing that little onion man deserves a taste of his own medicine in his own special painting. Maybe not for eternity, but at least until he gets his shit together.
Peach is also my bestie!! It’s a bit complicated for obvious reasons dhbcsjhbdc. On one hand, my S/I enjoys being villainous with his husband and invading the Mushroom Kingdom. On the other hand, sometimes he just wants to hang out at Peach’s Castle and have tea parties and get little kissies on his cheek,, Listen, Mario canon is weird. If Bowser can be the scourge of the kingdom one minute, then get invited to go karting and sports the next, then so can I,,
In terms of actual in-game stuff, I most easily imagine my S/I as being part of a dual final boss with Bowser ala New Super Mario Bros style! That, or a penultimate boss that would happen right before Bowser. Thing is, because I’m Mario, I can’t imagine interacting with him since how do I interact with myself??? But since he’s the main character, it’s kinda hard to get around that cshbvddhh. I can imagine fighting him, but not much else. I also can’t really fit myself well into any story driven game like the rpgs cause those are actually the games that give me the biggest kin feels haha. The most I can do is that I like to imagine being a secret boss in the challenge mode (if you’ve played the M&L series, I’m talking about the boss blitz modes in Bowser’s Inside Story, Dream Team, and Paper Jam). So yeah, if not a final or penultimate boss, then definitely a secret boss cause that’s just really cool to me. Maybe even like, the boss of World 9 in the New series!!
Okay so now the Odyssey Dragon! (I know you asked this, so you obviously want to know all this, but I can’t help but feel like I am talking waaay too much shcbsjhj)
My S/I spent a lot of time being in the forest due to it being the most familiar since that’s where he first arrived. He was caught out in the forest during a really bad storm and only realized too late that the storm was being caused by a dragon passing overhead. He was struck by the dragon’s lightning and blacked out. He woke up in the clinic in the forest Toad Village a few days later with a nasty scar, cloudy vision in his left eye, and wicked lightning powers. (Fun fact: I based the eye injury on the fact that I actually do have really bad vision only in my left eye. My right eye can see great, the left one not so much).
Now, this is one of few things that only I know and my S/I doesn’t. See, in universe, he has no idea how he ended up in the Toad Clinic and absolutely thinks that he should have died in the forest. But it was actually Bowser who brought him there! At the time, Bowser would stalk him come check up on him in secret sometimes, since this was back before he started liking Bowser. One of those times happened to be during that storm. Bowser brought him to the clinic and hung around outside until he got better, then left. Bowser still has never told my S/I this because he’s (Bowser) afraid to admit that he (my S/I) could’ve really died that day ;-;
Thank you so so much for continuing to let me yell about my S/I!! I can’t tell you enough how happy it makes me that you’re so interested!! And ABSOLUTELY you can draw him whenever you want!!! I will BURY YOU in heart emojis
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becomestorm · 5 years
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i’m running out of energy real fast, so have this. ( wip. )
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Madara is (still) Kaguya's vessel
Boruto speculations
I feel it coming... I really feel it coming... 😬😬😬
I think Madara or at least his body as a cyborg version is going to make a come back in Boruto, they send little hint and I'm scared to be right...I really don't want to see him back like this. Its not his era, he already had been resurrected so many time, but commercially speaking, let's be honest, it will attract so much people to the show.
Let me explains what leads me to this undesired theory, based on the information we got up to what we know from now : end of Jigen arc and beginning of Code arc. Below the line is going to be full spoiler so slide down on your own risk!
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Learning more about the Otsutsukis thanks to Amado's revelations, made me rethink back what happened during the 4th Shinobi War when Kaguya took over Madara's body. The Karma works like an parasite taking over slowly someone else body. With this logic in mind, do you think Black Zetsu had implant Kaguya's karma on Madara ? Which made him, her permanent receptacle even if he's dead ? I'll explain why I say permanent later.
Black Zetsu is the will of Kaguya, an agent with the mission to resurrect her at her prime. In the same way before being defeated by Kawaki, Isshiki entrusted Code with his will (is it the same will than Kaguya's one? We don't know yet)
To my understanding and correct me if I'm wrong, receptacles are chosen with specific criteria by Isshiki. It's always among poor children having a very hard life, mistreated by their family. Isshiki insists a lot how empty is Kawaki's heart and that's the reason why he is a perfect candidate.
"Despise that emptiness within you. You, yourself...deny your own worth...there's an empty hole in your heart" Jigen/Isshiki
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The strength of the future receptacle is as well important. Jigen was a desperate choice made by Isshiki out of survival and therefore not physically fit to contain his power. Both Kawaki and Boruto are strong and healthy fighters.
Momoshiki however seems to have chosen Boruto, not for his background. Boruto is loved by his family and friend and have a confident personality. Rather he was chosen for his bloodline. He is half Uzumaki (Hagoromo ascendant) and half Hyuga (Hamura ascendant), genetically the closest to an Otsutsuki like Kaguya. and apparently that work in his favour since the Kama is working faster on him. Up to 80% of Momoshiki's power and/or conscience are by now on Boruto.
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Madara in a way was a bit of all criterias above: his physical abilities doesn't need to be prove. After becoming the second sage of 6 paths he was half close in DNA to Kaguya by being from Hagoromo bloodline through Indra and Ashura, and by implanting into himself Senju cells. He was just missing Hamura's bloodline cells.
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I said in an other post here already that his life have some similarities with Kawaki. Both of them are discovered by the reader as ruthless and trusting no one. Kawaki's POV on his traumatic past made us empathise with him. Something which is difficult for a lot of people with Madara by the very absence of POV. Despise that, through second/third-hand viewers (Itachi, Obito, Hashirama), we guess the same traumatic path : being naturally a pessimist character, being born in time of constant war, after loosing one after an other his entire family, his reputation, his clan respect and betray by his best friend. The Valley of the End left him like an empty shell. Black Zetsu puts a lot of hope in him not only he was empty and isolated enough to be a perfect receptacle for Kaguya resurrection. But he as the long term determination to activate the Mungen tsukuyomi and thus giving her back her full power. Not just as a an diminished version as was Isshiki inside Jigen.
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Knowing those Informations. Can we draw a parallel between Boruto and Kawaki transformation into Otsutsuki to what happened to Madara in the end of the war? is that correct to think Black Zetsu fix the karma on Madara in the moment he was stabbing him. but contrary to Boruto and Kawaki because he was already a powerful shinobi, the transformation into Kaguya was immediate and didn't take weeks. Or he put the kama earlier in his life and wait that all files are extract into him. But this last theory is strange how come he didn't notice that he was slowly transforming into an alien woman (imagine him chilling in his cave and all of the sudden you start to hear a woman talking in your head).
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Amado is a character I can't wait to know better, He strikes me by his knowledge on every single people in Konoha. He always call people by their full name to implicitly say that he had many steps ahead of everyone, putting even Shikamaru in difficulty. Amado is observing Otsutsukis for a long time. As meticulous as he is, there is absolutely NO WAY he didn't study thoroughly how Kaguya resurrects through Madara, 15 years ago.
And let's not forget Madara's body is still there, probably somewhere in a Konoha's fridge. But if Amado can find Jiraya DNA in the depths of ocean, accessing Madara's body should be an easy task to him.
When he revealed how to use the karma he said :
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Momoshiki adds as well an extremely valued information :
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And oh convenient! Amado is working on a new cyborg able to protect Konoha in collaboration with Katasuke (who literally have the keys to Madara's fridge lol) :
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All dots connecting, there is technically only one known person who had been a complete vessel to an otsutsuki, with a body still accessible, containing permanently 100% Otsutsuki's data, who can either resurrect again Kaguya (who is not dead by the way just sealed) or to only use his body as a cyborg able to use Ostustuki's power. : Uchiha Madara. Surely his soul won't come back anymore. But his body is just there ready to be use... And that will be a perfect tension to the story : how the 5 villages who lost half of their effective because of that single guy, will accept that the number one enemy is now going to be Konoha's saviour? The irony...
But I just don't want to see that. I hope my intuition is totally wrong.
See also my other speculations : Did Madara & Jigen ever met during the Warring States Era?
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mysticdoodles · 2 years
Hi! It’s totally ok if you don’t want to answer this but I’m interested in marine life and choosing a college major and I was wondering what your path was to becoming an aquarist/ marine biologist was since that’s what i want to do :) I’m thinking of majoring in marine biology, but I’m curious if you had to go to grad school, what your career path was like etc to get where you are. once again no pressure it’s just all a bit confusing and you seem like a good person to ask!
Hi! Sorry I took so long to respond- I've been super busy up until now xc
I'm happy to answer! Bear in mind, though, that as I stated the last time I answered a question like this, my path in life might be VERY different from the one you ultimately decide to take, or what ends up being most comfortable for you. Take my advice with a grain of salt, because I am only human and I do make mistakes |D
I'll put this under a readmore so I don't just regurgitate text all over ya'lls dashboards xD
For starters, I chose a college that had a very strong background in marine biology, along with dedicated facilities for marine biology and oceanography etc. (I'd say which one specifically but I'd rather not doxx myself lol). I did, however, double-major. I love the ocean a whole lot, but I also really love art, so I have degrees in both marine biology and fine arts (with a drawing/painting focus). You do not have to double-major, I just did that because I wanted to study and build my skill portfolio in both areas at an organized institutional level. This was also one of the big deciding factors in picking the college that I did- it was the ONLY campus that told me directly "Yes you CAN pursue these two wildly different fields of study" and took it a step further by providing me with an action plan on the spot for how I could accomplish this in 4 years.
I did NOT go to grad school. That doesn't mean I won't EVER go to grad school, but while I entertained the idea, I decided at the time that I needed a break from institutional learning and I would further build my skills in the actual field. You are more than welcome to decide to go to grad school; I've had recent colleagues leave our facilities to go to back to grad school, it's certainly not frowned upon by marine bio employers.
Now, this can happen during college, during grad school, or when you're between employment, but- TAKE INTERNSHIPS. I took a LOT of internships, paid and unpaid. Wherever you can find a good learning experience in the field, coupled with a livable housing situation, go for it. All the book-learning in college can only help you so much; going to assist with studies for other students, or even volunteering with NOAA, will help you learn what it's like to actually do the work WAY faster and more effectively. I tagged salmon with NOAA for two semesters during college, they're a great starting organization and super willing to work around your schedule, especially when you're still a student. Internships will also give you insight into what physical aspect of the job you enjoy most!
In the meantime, before you get your first job really doing what you enjoy or studying what animal/plant/environment/science gobbledygook you find most fascinating, take another job if possible to pay the bills. Preferably doing some sort of fish care if you can manage it. There's no shame in it, and marine bio is a super competitive field. I had to work at Petco as the sole member of the entire fish department for a whole year before I got the first job I really wanted elsewhere. Paid experience means a lot to employers and researchers in the field, for some reason- I'm guessing it's some kind of trust factor? -shrug-
Hope this helps! <3
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dragonclaude · 3 years
Hello! Do you have any tips on animation? I think you make some beautiful ones and I wanted to know how. Does it take a lot of time? and do you enjoy it?
Oh, sure I do, and thank you! Though keep in mind what I'm about to say just applies to frame-by-frame traditional animation as 3D and Puppeting animation are their own beasts. I also assume you at least know the principles and some exercises as Im going to call them by name here. If not there’s a ton of videos out there that can tell you like this one!
While I leave it at 3 bullet points, I still think this is a hefty amount of writing soooo long post below!
There are three major tips I can give to an animator:
1) Learn how to simplify the body into a series of shapes.
If you want to animate figures,(human or animal!) I think this is probably the most important idea for you to practice. Animation is about movement, and if you’re focused on minute details from the beginning, you will spend too much time erasing and fixing them to get your motion right. If you start with simpler shapes instead, it will help you, both, draw faster and have an easier time understanding how the body parts look from different perspectives straight away. Here’s the “skeleton” I use for my art and animation as an example of what I mean:
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To me the chest is an egg with an arc on the front, the forearms/shins are teardrop shapes, the head is an oval with another egg behind it, the collarbone is just a cupid bow shape, hands are a gumdrop shape with sticks. And you should find ways to understand it too! I've seen people that understand the body with blocky shapes, purely with arcs or just circles too.
And also, here's a quick example I whipped up. This is how I use them for the early stages of animation:
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Everyone's idea of a “skeleton” will be a little different, but it should serve the same purpose! Use different colors, stick figures, or whatever makes sense to you as long as you can draw it loosely and it keeps you in the flow.
2) Exercises are important for fundamentals but you will learn way more when you apply them to personal projects.
Yes, do the bouncing ball, pendulum swing, walk cycle, and floursack exercise but also don’t let that be the only thing you do! If you use these ideas and apply them to bigger projects, you will also have to solve smaller, specific problems you wouldn’t face if you stuck to exercises all the time. This could be “how do I do that with this program?” or “how does this specific thing look in this angle?” and being able to solve them makes you a stronger animator! (Animation forums and Google will always be there for you I promise. Search up your problems.)
For example: Take the timing you learned from doing the bouncing ball but then try to make the ball a round, little creature. More than that, put it in an environment and give it a reason for it to be bouncing like that. If you do this, you would learn how to change the features of this creature when it squashes and stretches, how to keep its details consistent, how to affect the environment, and possibly character acting if it has a reaction in the end. Waaaay more than if it was just a circle and a line.
You are creative, there's practically an infinite amount of things you can do. Animate things you enjoy!
3) Don't be afraid to use yourself or videos online as a reference.
It’s absolutely not cheating! And reference will be essential for lots of animations; you're not going to know what everything in the world moves like in the beginning. In an era where Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, whatever, exists and everyone has a video camera practically at their fingertips, I think it’s easy to find a way around things you don't know how to animate at first. Take the video, skim through it a few frames at a time and draw the pose you see. I like to do every 4 frames personally but going on 8s, 10s or even 2s is not too bad either, especially if the motion happens really fast. You can always tweak your poses or add more frames in-between later!
As for your next questions, sure it takes a lot of time but it gets easier the more you're in the flow. I consider myself a quick drawer. I can hyperfocus and bang out several rough animation shots in a day but it all depends on my motivation to start it in the first place. It likes to fluctuate a lot so, that’s really the deciding factor to how much time it takes ^^; Though yes, since it is animation, it will naturally take a while to complete no matter who you are, unfortunately. But I still enjoy it regardless! No matter what I still live for seeing the whole thing come together when I hit play. When characters come to life and I'm like wow! I did that! I made life!! That's the thing that keeps me going and what I love about doing animation.
Finally, I also want to plug Toniko Pantoja who makes great animation tutorials and lessons as well!
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lightkrets312 · 3 years
uuuuh 4 6 and 13-
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(decided to combine the two together!)
Alright let's see...
4 - Favorite thing to draw? Everything, just about! Even the hard pieces! Buuuuuut to be more specific- It's always the dynamic pieces that I end up adoring, even when it's painfully hard to get right. I don't care about perfection in my art, I just wanna get it to the point where I'm happy with it! And some art pieces come easier than others!
But life's too short to NOT fuck around with poses and push them as far as possible. It's all about meeting cartoon stretch with real world anatomy for me!
6 - Warm or cold colors? God, it REALLY depends on the piece. I'm personally a fan of cool colors, but even then I prefer them either warmer (paradoxical as that sounds) or rich. And I love me a good, rich warm color, but if it gets too bright my eyes are gonna hate every minute of it, which is the only reason I don't like yellow, that and how easily it muddies. It depends on the palette in question!
13 - How long do you typically take on a piece? Anywhere from minutes to hours, depending on how extensive I'm detailing. Sketchy bullshit's the fastest, but if I devote myself to the nitty gritty and color/detail/full bullshit, it'll take hours.
And then there's commissions, which... Regretfully, the promise of money doesn't make me faster. I've taken days to finish those, and I've learned this the hard way. I feel really bad whenever a commission takes more than a day or so, and nowadays that's all my commissions. Deadlines help speed things up, though, partially because it's a set time/date instead of an abstract.
23 - What's something you hope people notice?
The little things. Every time. As a matter of fact I have a habit of pointing out some of the things in tags usually! But there's others I commit myself to not mentioning, and it's ALWAYS in the hope that someone spots it and points it out! I've got a variety of them, too.
It's mainly just me feeling clever, but it's also a little "I Spy" game no one else seems to notice!
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pile-of-bugs · 3 years
You can learn so much about people just by asking them what super-power they would have in a world of superheroes. For example:
"Oh uh... I would want invisibility."
Probably very shy. Maybe they wanna go to parties but not be seen. Or they simply want to observe people's everyday lives without being noticed (as in, overhearing a coffee shop chat, not stalker stuff).
High self confidence, but don't mistake it for narcissism! They're probably just very driven and want to show off their talents, but not in a selfish way. Probably an extrovert.
"I would control [very obscure/specific item, like dust, ceramics, bubble wrap, clothing, etc]. When you think about it, you could do a lot with a power like that."
A very technical person. Probably a bit of a loner. They're often lost in thought. They notice the little details other people don't, and appreciate them. They're usually silent, but can rant on for hours about a topic they're interested in.
"I wish I had wings and could fly!"
A simple person. But simple is good! You might think they want to travel everywhere, but there's so much to explore in just your hometown! Maybe they just hate traffic.
"I wish I could talk to plants/animals."
They are probably very sensitive. Their feelings are hurt easily, but they're also perceptive to the feelings of others more than most people. I'd say they're also likely a vegan, unless they specified the "talking to plants" part. That would probably be terrifying for a vegan.
"Haha, I'd just like to sort through papers faster!"
You'll mostly get responses like this from boomers. It kind of ruins the mood and just makes everyone involved depressed. They're the kind of person who tries to tell jokes to lighten the mood, but they're clearly weighed down and just need a break. Give these poor people some rest.
"I want to print money from my hands!"
Evil. This person would most certainly be a villain and should not be trusted. Even if they say, "But I'd use that money to buy people food!" Why not just print food from your hands then? Idiot.
"Shape-shifting would be awesome!"
Either this person just really wants to turn into a specific animal, or they are trans. How many trans people would kill for this power? Many. I know I would. Not only could you cure your body dysmorphia, but just imagine the possibilities!
"I would have the power to see the future."
Creepy and disturbing. This power would raise some uncomfortable questions. Is everything pre-determined? Is there such a thing as free will? People who want this power probably have good intentions, but often don't think about the consequences of their actions.
"I want to print food from my hands!"
Heroic. Noble. Or just very hungry and lazy. No matter what reason they have for wanting this power, they deserve it.
"I just want the the power to get a good night's rest and not feel dead in the morning..."
God, same.
"I dunno, metal powers or something? Like making and bending metal and stuff."
Wow! What a craftsman. This person probably already works with metal. They just want their job to be easier, but at least they're not mopey about it like the boomers. A simple, yet forward thinker.
"I want to be able to make anything I draw come to life, like that one guy from Fairy Tail!"
This person watches Fairy Tail, and also just wants to make out with their OC's. Can you blame them?
"Full control over technology."
Likely a Redditor who is mad about being banned from multiple sub-Reddits and wants all responsible to suffer. Either that, or a coder who understands how fucking hard it is to code. There are no alternatives.
"I just want to be able to heal anyone!"
Naive, young, and foolish. Could have easily asked for total control over flesh, which would've also granted them combat prowess and the ability to reanimate the dead. At least their heart is in the right place? (It could be somewhere else with that flesh control power).
"I'm gonna be super strong!!"
The lovable knucklehead. A big, mean tough guy would not ask for this power. Only a big, nice tough guy would ask for this power. You are a big, nice tough guy, and you're asking for this power. But the truth is? You already have it. Now get back out there, champ.
"I want to have super intellect, and be smarter than everyone else!"
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salami2 · 3 years
Oooh can I get a matchup for danganronpa? Possibly from thh? If you can't that's understandable. My name is Lauryn and I am an INTP , Sagittarius and asexual/ biromantic (I lean more towards men though). I like to draw, act, sing, and debate. People I've met say I'm one the nicest people they've met but I like to believe I'm a bada$$ and rough around the edges. I'm very sarcastic. My humor is just sarcasm. I'm a back talker/ I like to argue and I'll do whatever I can to get the last word. I Have ADHD so I am very hyper and chaotic. I will start singing in the middle of my sentence, I interrupt people a lot, I constantly for get what I'm doing and other ADHD things like that. I have such a bad memory but I can remember the most specific things about a person like what they ate on july 12, 2008. Basically, I'm good a remembering things about people. I'd like to say I'm smart but I act like a dummy. Like I make A's on all my tests but one time I couldn't remember Texas's capital even though I live in Texas. I'm very competitive. If some said that they could jump off a bridge faster then I'm already getting ready to jump. I'm super shy. Someone would have to talk to me to get a word out of me. Unless they say something stupid then all my confidence comes out and I start arguing with them. My love language is giving so I love to give presents to everyone I meet. I'm ver proud about everything I do and everything I do. I'm very into learning about different cultures and about my culture (I'm black and I have a little bit of native American in me)
A/N: Hey! This was soooo much fun to write omg! And another fellow INTP, heyo! I hope you like this Lauryn and have an awesome day!
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I match you with…
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Leon Kuwata!
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- He approached you because- let’s be honest- he thought you were super cute
- And like, I don’t wanna say love at first sight but-
- Of course, being friends is for wimps! He asked you out like the true chad he is, and you said yes, to his shock
- And that’s how this beautiful relationship started!
- He’d draw, sing and act with you if your up to it. I feel like Leon would be down for anything with you, as long as it sounds fun
- If you start interrupting others and start singing in the middle of conversations he’ll join along with you
- why not? It’s a lot of fun lmao
- Baddies! You guys to do hot girl shit together, as any baddie couple does
- Don’t worry, you both are chaotic as hell. So you both will set the world on fire HAHA
- If your bad memory is in the way of certain things, he’ll try tracking things down for you and try remembering for you instead!
- Maybe in a planner, or write it down on your phone
- He loves holding your hands! So please give him PDA in public!
- Y’all are both really competitive. Imagine the both of you playing Mario Cart omg- THE CHAOS
- Leon likes giving things too! Sometimes after practice, he’ll get some random ass shit for you for no apparent reason
- He just likes seeing you happy that’s all <3
- If you ever want to travel the world, expect him to come too. He wants to go to America and stuff!
- I think Leon would be the type of boyfriend to show off his gorgeous girlfriend to the whole world, and be like “HAHA SUCK IT LOSERS SHES MINE”
- All that type of stuff
- Imagine: It’s late at night and Leon is trying to sleep, so he snuggles into you for warmth since the pillow isn’t doing it
- Leon will also teach you everything you wanna know about Japanese culture! He thinks it’s cool
- Can you sing for his band?? Omg yes!! That would be so cool!
- Lauryn you have a very goofy boyfriend that’s willing to do a lot for you
- All in all? 100000/10 babyyyy
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Hey again! I hope you enjoyed ^^
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fancifulwhump · 5 years
i'm LIVING for your jaskier fics omg!! would you be at all interested in writing a prompt where Jaskier is riding Roach because he's not feeling well, but Geralt doesn't realize how bad the fever really is until he falls off? (if that's not interesting or too specific, I can try again! no pressure to write this!)
anonymous asked:  would LOVE to see a sick Jaskier with a cold while they’re traveling, and how Geralt would treat him being feverish and sniffly/how Jaskier would complain lol
AN:   absolutely! so sorry this took a hot second, but here you guys go  ---  hope you enjoy!  ;)
The language of Jaskier is above all a loud one... but just as subtle as any beast’s dialect, filled with intricacies and rhythms that Geralt cannot help taking note of the more he listens. It’s really not the same thing, of course. Non-speaking monsters really can’t use their words; they have no way to express how they feel, except by eating you. Jaskier hasn’t tried to do that. Yet. (Sometimes the way he eyes Geralt in the bath leaves him feeling the day’s not far off.) 
To the contrary — if anything, Jaskier is too verbal. He doesn’t know how to shut up.
Getting used to this took longer than Geralt would have liked. It also demanded considerably more patience than he realized he had. Somehow, staking out a monster’s lair for days in complete silence is bearable... but Sitting through one of Jaskier’s endless rambles is asking too much. Even Witchers can only endure so much.
“Do you ever shut up?” Geralt demanded one day, cutting off the motor-mouthed fool in the middle of another tangent.
Jaskier blinked at him, as though seriously considering the question, then shrugged. “Not a talent of mine, really.”
Miraculously, he did, for a moment. Despite all his instincts screaming to the contrary, Geralt nearly allowed himself to believe his outburst had worked... until Jaskier steppes on a twig, just a bit too loudly, then said, “I was asked the very same thing in bed not too long ago, actually, by this glorious milkmaid — granted, her accent was too thick to make out a word, so she might have been asking me to pass her my ruddy lute, who knows. But she was very enthusiastic —“
And that started him up all over again. Damn the gods.
In spite of it all, Geralt would be lying if he claimed to hate Jaskier’s blathering too much. Sometimes it’s... unique, not being constantly surrounded by silence. He wouldn’t call it nice, not be a long shot, but... it isn’t altogether unpleasant. Jaskier can make for entertaining company in his better moods, and he does keep things interesting. A routine pack of wargs can turn into a colorful job, so long as Jaskier is along to elaborate on it later. Geralt doubts he cuts such a striking figure “swinging his sword to the leaping beast’s belly”, as Jaskier’s latest gig claims, but...
Sometimes, it is nice not to be surrounded by silence. Even if that means putting up with Jaskier’s mouth more than he would like.
Case in point:
“Geralt.” A whine, then a cough, then a passionate sniffle. “Can we slow down? Please? I’ve asked thrice already —“
Four times. Geralt’s been counting. 
Gritting his teeth, he urges Roach a bit faster, conscious of the sound of struggling bard trailing a bit behind him. Jaskier makes no effort to be discreet when he moves, so Geralt can hear everything in perfect detail. The crunch of twigs beneath his heavy feet; the strain of his breaths, a bit more labored than they should be, a bit more congested; the way his chest rattles when he launches into another coughing fit. Even with a nasty cold, Jaskier’s loud.
“Just because I can’t catch it,” says Geralt once the latest fit has passed, “doesn't mean you need to cough on me.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, I’ll be sure to aim my dying gasps towards the wilderness next time.” Backtalk is a talent Jaskier can’t help himself honing, even sick as a dog. His brows, foreword with childish petulance, draw even tighter together as he wraps both arms around himself, hunching in. A shiver courses through him; Geralt distinctly hears the rattle of chattering teeth. The second Jaskier catches his eyes lingering, however, he plays up his misery for the perceived audience, pouting and wiping at his face. Geralt rolls his eyes, looking away.
Geralt understands the patterns of many beasts, but Jaskier’s language was one of the easiest to learn. The Law of Jaskier: as long as he’s talking, he’s fine. 
And he hasn’t stopped talking since early this morning. No, not talking — complaining. Gods help him, Jaskier hasn’t stopped complaining.
He still stubbornly follows Geralt out on the road, however; in spite of his red nose and phelmgy cough, Jaskier refuses to be left behind. It wouldn’t be the first time he chose to linger in a particular village which Geralt went on ahead, but Jaskier insisted the last one one didn’t appeal to him — “Everyone looks half-starved there. No wonder, the food tastes like shit. At midnight I half-expect them all to gather into a mob, hunt down the nearest visiting bard, and fry him on a spit. I have just enough meat on my bones, Geralt, but I wouldn’t be tasty —“
That rant devolved into a coughing fit that left Jaskier doubled over on the side of the road for five minutes, gasping and heaving. Geralt actually had to stop and wait for him. By the time Jaskier recovered, raising himself shakily up from his knees on the dirt road, he looked a mess. His face was bright red, tears lingering at the corners of his eyes; his chest still heaved. That was the moment any sensible person would have turned back… but Jaskier simply steeled himself and carried on.
Fool of a bard, Geralt thinks now, listening to Jaskier’s heavy footsteps behind them. He’s lagging, slowing them both down. His scent has picked up something unfamiliar, an edge of sour sweetness that can only be a fever. At least he’s walking on his own… but he’s not walking fast, is the thing, and they have to walk fast if they want to reach the next town before nightfall. As it is, the prospect looks doubtful; Jaskier has slowed them enough already.
“As soon as we find a bed, I’m collapsing in it —“ Jaskier pauses to sniff again, and clear a hoarse throat. “Then not getting out for a year. A year, Geralt. You’ll have to — drag me by my feet or something.”
“Something,” Geralt agrees, his mind flashing to images of swords and steel. Oh, he’d get the damned bard out of bed.
The trail gets rougher as they make their way further into the mountains. Even Geralt stumbles in places, and he’s built for this sort of travel. He’s wearing the boots for it.  Jaskier is distinctly neither of these things. As Geralt’s must focus more of his attention on their way forward, he almost misses what’s going on behind him — the harshness of his companion’s breaths growing more and more labored, the way Jaskier’s coughs pick up force and frequency, the times he must stop — physically stop — to sneeze or hack his lungs out. Geralt tries to ignore it. He really does. But the fact that he almost manages, for about fifteen minutes, is what alerts him to a much more alarming fact.
Jaskier has stopped complaining.
As soon as Geralt realizes this, he jerks to a halt on the trail. Roach follows his lead… but Jaskier, his head down, doesn’t notice. Instead, he walks straight into Roach’s backside, nearly toppling off his feet. 
“Agh — damn it, Geralt.” Even his indignation sounds listless. “Give a man warning next time, will you?”
“How,” asks Geralt, through gritted teeth, “do you feel?”
Jaskier blinks, appearing to weigh the likelihood that his companion is genuinely concerned or just annoyed. Whatever he decides, he isn’t wrong. Instead of offering an answer, he makes an inarticulate ‘hmm-mmm’, shrugging his shoulders. Geralt’s hard gaze bores into him. Jaskier shrinks under it. After a moment, the pressure grows too much; he breaks. “My head is pounding, to be honest. Feels… dizzy. I don’t know. It’s cold out here.”
“You have a fever,” Geralt observes. 
Jaskier raises his eyebrows, then laughs softly, like he’s not surprised. “Right, yep, that makes sense. Figures you know me better than I do…”
He breaks off into another fit of coughing, which leaves his entire body quaking. Geralt has to actually grab his shoulder to steady him, just in case Jaskier should tumble over. As soon as he’s regained some kind of composure, though, Jaskier pulls away.
“I’ll be fine.” This time, there isn’t a trace of whine in his voice; he isn’t scraping the barrel for pity, but being deadly serious. “Not too long to the next village anyways, is it? I can make it.”
Geralt eyes him for a long moment, weighing the likelihood of getting there in a reasonable amount of time with Jaskier lagging behind. It’s not good. They’ve been making poor time as it is, because he’s had to slow his pace for the damned bard, but Geralt would prefer not to camp along the road overnight. (Because he doesn’t feel like sleeping on hard ground; not because Jaskier in his current state needs a warm bath and bed. Absolutely not.)
He sighs through his teeth. “Get on the horse.”
Either Jaskier’s fever is high enough that he can no longer comprehend the common tongue, or he really is an idiot. “The horse,” Geralt emphasizes, patting Roach’s hindquarters in preemptive apology. “If you ride her, we may make it to the nearest village before nightfall.”
This is the one and only time Geralt has ever offered his precious horse; Jaskier knows this, as well as he knows this chance will never come around again. Maybe he’s just an opportunist. Maybe the promise of a roof over his head is that tempting. Either way, Jaskier doesn’t weigh his options for long before doing the sensible thing and getting on the damn horse.
Roach whinnies, making her displeasure at the entire situation clear. Jaskier isn’t helping matters, a dead weight on her back. The horse stamps her hooves, shuffling in dismay, but a look from Geralt chastises her. For the moment, getting the bard out of the woods will have to be more important than her dignity.
No, Geralt doesn’t like it either. One look at Jaskier’s face, though — the hollow-eyed pallor, and the distance, as though he’s drifted out to sea already — reminds him why it is necessary.
This time around, they are able to set a much faster pace. Roach keeps up, just as Geralt knew she would, even carrying the burden that is Jaskier. The sick man doesn’t help his case; rather than ride, Jaskier has both arms braces against Roach’s neck, clearly focused on just keeping his balance. There’s a precarious list to his posture which Geralt keeps an eye on, but he doesn’t actually fall; every time it seems like he might, he rights himself, and a new dawn of clarity rises over his face. It lasts only a moment, of course, before fading away… but it’s something.
It isn’t long before the woods begin to thin out. Geralt tracks their location by the trees, and by the hues of purple and gold beginning to blend together on the horizon. They haven’t far to go, and enough time to do it. Unless they run into any roaming monsters on the way…
He takes his eyes off Jaskier, and there’s the mistake. He forgets. When Jaskier was complaining, at least he was present; by airing his grievances he ensured that he could not be ignored. This quiet Jaskier is a foreign one, and Geralt isn’t used to him. So, he makes a mistake. He looks away, and doesn’t look back… until a gruesome thud echoes from behind him.
Geralt stops dead in his tracks. Roach lets out a distressed whinny. Jaskier says nothing at all.
“Fuck!” Geralt hisses, rushing back to the bard’s crumpled body. Face-down in the dirt, Jaskier makes no attempt to pull himself up. When Geralt hauls him upright with both hands on his shoulders, Jaskier groans, head lolling against his own chest. 
Mud stains his cheeks, and a bruise is sure to form where he hit the ground hard. Even when Geralt seizes his face, though — and damn it, he’s on fire, worse than Geralt thought — Jaskier proves incapable of focusing. An incoherent murmur passes through parted lips. It does exactly nothing to alleviate Geralt’s minor panic.
“Jaskier! Wake up!” Is he even asleep? Geralt can’t tell. “Say something!”
He means it, and the realization comes as an icy shock — never did he imagine he’d ever miss the bard’s incessant prattling. Yet in the sudden absence of Jaskier’s voice, silence rings louder than ever, and it’s smothering Geralt to death. He should have seen this, should have known, should have realized, damn it —
“Jaskier,” he hisses, hauling his companion to his feet. The full weight of Jaskier’s limp body melts against his own. When Jaskier’s burning forehead falls against Geralt’s shoulder, he shrugs, trying to rouse him… but nothing does the job. Even when Geralt, grumbling furiously, is forced to haul Jaskier back up onto Roach and leap up after him, the fever permits Jaskier to do little more than melt against him. His head lolls, eyes half-open and staring into nothing. Worse than it all, he is completely silent.
For once in his life, Geralt misses the damned bard’s complaining.
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