enchantr3ss · 4 years
dumb ass bitch
If you ask me if you’re stupid and I say yes I’m a bitch.
If you ask me if you’re stupid and I say no I’m lying.
But the fact that you asked at all implies that you are victimizing yourself and using me as an outlet to do that.
Now why don’t you ask me... if I give a fuck
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enchantr3ss · 5 years
Where do u find the strength when everything good is numb & everything unknown is amplified. They see in myself a survivor and when they ask how I do it I’d be lying if I said I knew where my power came from. Because even when I have no will or might my body, my soul still fights still moves THRIVES to live another day maybe I’ve proven my loyalty to the universe and in turn it carries me or perhaps... there is a force in me that won’t let me back down as if no matter the circumstance I move above guided by her from within. The woman I was always destined to become. The crossroads r approaching and when her bosom blossoms her embrace I will submit to and the past will burn way for a future on fire.
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enchantr3ss · 5 years
I am not the girl I once was. I have not transitioned into the woman I’ve always dreamt of becoming internally. I’ve let myself feel weary for that until now. I realize she was nothing but an illusion of what I should be and not infact the being I was destined to become. Existing on a realm of light and darkness is who I would always become. I am better than my false idol be in her world everything is about service, but in my life it’s all about the freedom of choice.
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
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Follow us on instagram for the best content!: https://www.instagram.com/realmelonmemes
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
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Grave of Marie-Alide Heene & Antoine Michel Wemaer at Burges cemetery, Belguim
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
sometimes being a witch is just drawing a sigil on ur titty
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
✨🔮 The Signs as Types of Witches
Aries- Norse Witch She wears colorful dresses and a beautifully adorned wand, she works with runes and is deemed too powerful for her own good. She is able to move back and forth between different realms, and can accurately predict the future.
Taurus- Flora Witch She works with flowers and herbs, collecting them to create remedies and cast all natural spells. Sage for overall purification, Mint for vitality spells, and Roses for love potions. This Witch enjoys gardening and categorizing her plants. 
Gemini- Faery Witch She reaches out to the spectres of her ancestors and Old Gods, communicating with nature so dearly, working through the land and the imagination. She carries telepathic conversations with animals and trees, often writing poetry about them.
Cancer- Lunar Witch The Lunar Witch draws her power from the Moon, closely following each phase and absorbing its scintillating energy- a full moon brings her clarity, a dark moon banishes any toxicity out of her life. She loves and worships Goddess Selene.
Leo- Divining Witch She asks you to show your palm, to show you your fate; she does this in her sacred room, by an enchanted altar, you think it’s because she’s got all these fancy crystals and gems, but no- she is wise and intuitive beyond rationality.
Virgo- Crystal Witch She analyzes each stone’s purest form of energy, her favorite being Amethyst (for protection) and Selenite (for stress relief). Relying on her own chakra balance, she heals anything she touches; and she can cleanse your soul.
Libra- Heka Witch She looks up to many Gods, and all of them propel her to follow the principles of truth, morality and justice- in these rituals, she relies on the power of her words, well-spoken speeches, burning papyrus, and good-hearted intentions.
Scorpio- Shamanic Witch She whispers, blows the candle out, and enters the supernatural. She has frequent lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences, she fades into astral travel. She can evoke other-worldly energies, or she can also go visit them herself.
Sagittarius- Pagan Witch She doesn’t know exactly what a God is, so she is as open as can be, enjoying spiritual diversity. She has her own type of magic: coming up with individual spells that don’t work for anyone else. You can find her in the woods or hilltops.
Capricorn- Appalachian Witch When young, she was handed a grimoire to get to know her ancestors and their traditions. She sings songs that were passed down for centuries, her blood is laced with old druid magic, she tells the future by looking at a cup of black tea.
Aquarius- Urban Witch By living in the city, she had to learn to practice modern-type witchcraft; she has sigil tattoos, reads her Book of Shadows on an e-reader, and uses charm jewelry. She uses magical shields to create space for her in crowded places.
Pisces- Empath Witch She knows when you need a cup of tea, because she is soaking up your pain in an attempt to heal you. She can tell who lies to her; and who loves her from afar, even with her eyes closed. She works mostly with her heart, amulets and cloves.
-Crystal Melbourne | Within the Zodiac
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
Leo Sun + Virgo Moon: Michaela Pratt
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Impressive Presentation  🌟🔥
The Leo/Virgo native is an ambitious overachiever who was born knowing how to “lean in,” working towards having a stellar resumé and a successful career to prove it. Usually over prepared, this is someone who craves prestige and recognition. The Sun/Mercury mix makes for someone who is Type A, sophisticated and sharp, usually a leader, or at least, the One who makes sure everything works well. If you were born under this blend, your organizational abilities and manager mind help you control situations far better than most ever could, either from behind the scenes, or by taking the Authority role. Because of your mental depth and analytical talent, you are usually correct in your interpretations and assumptions, but refrain from being too fixed/frank or you could very well end up alienating people who matter to you. Though there’s a certain contradiction here: The Leo Sun craves standing and boldness, but Virgo longs for security and steadiness. But who says you can’t do both? Your inner nature is reserved and quiet, but outside you are vibrant and dynamic, always on the move, always busy. You love mental stimuli, and generally feel excitement when facing challenges of any kind- because you get to outdo not only others but yourself. One could say you are your own worst enemy: although you put up this front of being composed & self-assured, you can be quite insecure, very critical of yourself and your achievements, so you keep pushing too hard, like a true perfectionist at heart. You can slip into states of severe anxiety and stress due to this. To avoid such episodes, build your life around your biggest passion (we know, you have many passions) and keep it regimented.
-Crystal Melbourne, Within the Zodiac | tumblr Info On Sun x Moon Combinations & Link to Posts
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
i urge you to seek comfort in the fact that everything in the universe is subtly interconnected. it didn’t work out the way you wanted it to but you’ll end up where you need to be. keep your head up.
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
A lot of people had to die for our generation to know which berries to eat.
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
Terfs: wombyn are their ovaries!!! Ovaries make a wombybybynnn. Accept that u are a womynbdgnn you have ovaries !!!!
Me, a trans man on the danger list for ovarian cancer and is going to get them removed in the distant or near future:
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not for long
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
thinking about how i  have no plans for my life b/c i thought id be dead by now
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
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Get boned 💀
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
Me *wiping Cheeto dust of my hands*: alright sluts here we go
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enchantr3ss · 6 years
the best way to save money is to act broke
“act” broke
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