#i'm at like a 3/10 versus a 1/10 before
cellophobia · 7 months
fuck heathcare but like i got a degree specifically to enter nursing school. i have a lot of reasons why i don't want to do nursing anymore but damb that's a lot of time and energy wasted. i hate 12 hour shifts, i hate charting, i hate general patient care. but it's (apparently) a job with lots of options in lots of settings. i don't like bedside lol but maybe i could like psych or something outpatient.
i'm planning on doing special education now but eduction has a lot of problems too. i honestly really like my position in education right now and if i could i would make this my career. but alas, i'm going to eventually need my own insurance and this job has no benefits.
lately i've been really depressed so i haven't been working. but seeing those kids makes me so fucking happy. i met a lot of them when i did some special ed positions and they're so great. i feel like special ed is my calling.
that being said i'm fucking failing my classes right now because i'm too depressed to do schoolwork. and i don't know if the grants i got need to be repaid if i fail classes. if so i'm SO fucked because that's a LOT of money. 😭😭😫😭
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months
I do realize this is a real niche post but I cannot tell you how many damn times over the past 10 months I've seen gentiles tell Jews some version of, "Your own holy book SAYS God doesn't want you to have a country yet!"
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And it's such an incredibly blatant and weirdly specific tell that they're not part of something that grew from progressive grassroots, but something based on right-wing astroturfing.
1. Staying in your own lane is a pretty huge progressive principle.
Telling people in another group that their deity said they couldn't do X is, I think, as far as you can get from your own lane.
2. It's also very clearly Not In Your Own Lane because I've never seen anyone actually be able to EITHER quote the passage they're thinking of, OR cite where it is.
It's purely, "I saw somebody else say this, and it seemed like it would make me win the debate I wasn't invited to."
3. It betrays a complete ignorance of Jewish culture and history.
Seriously? You don't know what you're referencing, its context, or even what it specifically says, but you're... coming to a community that reads and often discusses the entire Torah together each year, at weekly services... who have massive books holding generations of debate about it that it takes 7 years to read, at one page per day....
And saying, "YOUR book told you not to!"
I've been to services where we discussed just one word from the reading the whole time. The etymology. The connotations. The use of it in this passage versus in other passages.
And then there is the famous saying, "Ask two Jews, get three opinions." There is a culture of questioning and discussion and debate throughout Judaism.
You think maybe, in the decades and decades of public discussion about whether to buy land in Eretz Yisrael and move back there; whether it should keep being an individual thing, or keep shifting to intentional community projects; what the risks were; whether it should really be in Argentina or Canada or someplace instead; how this would be received by the Jews and gentiles already there, how to respect their boundaries, how to work with them before and during; and whether ending up with a fuckton of Jews in one place might not be exactly as dangerous for them as it had always been everywhere else....
You think NOBODY brought up anything scriptural? Nobody looked through the Torah, the Nevi'im, the Ketuvim, or the Talmud for any thoughts about any of this?? It took 200 years and some rando in the comments to blow everyone's minds???
4. It relies on an unspoken assumption that people can and should take very literal readings of religious texts and use them to control others.
And a sense of ownership and power over those texts, even without any accompanying knowledge about what they say.
It's kind of a supercessionist know-it-all vibe. It reads like, "I know what you should be doing. Because even if I'm not personally part of a fundamentalist branch of a related religion, the culture I'm rooted in is."
Bonus version I found when I was looking for an example. NOBODY should do this:
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There are a lot of people who pull weird historical claims like "It SAYS Abraham came from Chaldea! That's Iraq!"
Like, first of all, a group is indigenous to a land if it arose as a people and culture there, before (not because of) colonization.
People aren't spontaneously spawning in groups, like "Boom! A new indigenous people just spawned!!"
People come from places. They go places. Sometimes, they gel as a new community and culture. Sometimes, they bop around for a while and eventually assimilate into another group.
It's an oral history, largely written centuries after the fact.
There is a TON of historical and archaeological research on when and where the Jewish culture originated, how it developed over time, etc. It's extremely well-established.
Nobody has to try to pull what they remember from Sunday school for this argument.
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dgrailwar · 4 months
Round 10, Day 2 - Team Avenger vs. Team Gunner
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There was a flare of magical energy, as a burning figure shot in through the shattered window of the industrial building.
With one smooth slash, the Avenger sent the Gunner careening out the window, the samurai spinning in the air before crashing on a rooftop. The Gunner stumbled up to his feet, before pulling out his shamisen.
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"Avenger, huh? No reason to be stingy with ammo, then! Proto-Arahabaki, go!"
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A barrage of gunshots erupted from the head of the instrument, the Avenger having to dodge and weave through them. A final beam, from a cannon manifesting next to the Gunner erupted in a violent blast, before the Gunner reached into his robes, pulling out a small bottle and lobbing it towards the Avenger, watching as it made contact.
Ice- a freezing agent sprayed out from it. Intense cold washed over the Count, as he waved his flaming sword, the frost instantly evaporating. He pointed the flame blade at the samurai, sneering.
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"Gunner! We meet again! And this time, you have neither the cover of the forest, nor your mechanical army to assist you! Today, you face the might of the Avenger by yourself! As one man! I wish to see your resolve, gunman!"
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"A lot of talk... 'one man'… don't you know who I am? Forget True Names, I'm a revolutionary! A nobleman like you stuck in the past, that thinks the whole world is his to command-- get with the times! The future is now! And the future will send you to Hell, Avenger!"
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"Hahaha… Hahahaha-- KUHAHAHAHAHA!!"
"Imperial Edict. Wage war.": Boosts and demerits will be doubled for the upcoming round, as part of the Imperial Edict!
If someone wins with greater than 15%, they do double-damage!
The Count of Monte Cristo: 6 x 2 (12%)
Takasugi Shinsaku: 5 x 2 (10%)
The Count of Monte Cristo (AVENGER)
HP: 2/3
Avenger has a +3% boost to his skills as long as he's wounded!
Avenger has a permanent +2% boost against Alter-Ego thanks to his Class Trait!
Team Avenger has all 3 Command Spells remaining!
Determination of Steel (EX Rank) - If Avenger is about to take a fatal wound, if there's at least a 3% difference in their score and the victor above him, he may avoid damage. When facing a single-target (1-on-1), he will gain a +3% boost.
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (C Rank) - When battling enemies, his flames are like a poison. He reduces demerits against him by 3%, and when he is victorious against another, he inflicts a -2% demerit for their next round. This demerit increases by 2% by every 10% difference in scores.
Wisdom of Predicament (A Rank) - When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if Avenger earns last place, both the victor and the 2nd place Servant gain a -2% demerit, rather than simply the 2nd place Servant.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
AVENGER-CLASS Servants are vengeful by nature. The first time they are defeated by a Servant, they gain an automatic +2% bonus against that specific Servant, without needing to study them (but can in order to increase the bonus). They gain a permanent +3% bonus per wound they attain that will remain if the wound remains, but will disappear if the wound is healed.
Takasugi Shinsaku (GUNNER)
HP: 2/3
Team Gunner only has 1 Command Spell remaining!
Unconventional Child Prodigy (A Rank) - When fighting someone with a higher boost than Gunner, gain +2%.
Innovate - Armaments Reformation (B Rank) - Defeating a Servant once will net special 'components' from them. When at least 4 of those 'components' are gathered, a secondary Noble Phantasm will be unlocked. If 6 are gathered, then the utility and power of 'Kiheitai' will be upgraded.
Current Components: N/A
(Winning first place in a Free-for-All will count for gathering 2 components- one for each Servant beneath you).
Retaining the Japanese Spirit (A Rank) - When Gunner is about to take a fatal blow and the difference between scores is less than 5%, survive with one 'health' remaining. If this is triggered, replace the effect of this skill to instead grant him a persistent +2% bonus that cannot be reduced or removed.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
Due to studying Foreigner's technique, you have a permanent +2% bonus against him!
GUNNER-Class Servants are quick to action and yet methodical with their attacks. When engaged in combat, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if in last place during a Free-for-All, inflict a -4% demerit on the 1st place Servant.
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crow-caller · 18 days
Hi Crow,
Apologies if this has been asked before but I’m trying to get to the bottom of what people describe as ‘biblically accurate angels’ and I’m getting conflicting results and I thought why not ask someone who definitely knows more on the topic than me. Is the incomprehensible multi-eye wheel creature thing true?
"True" is the problem, because... it is, and it isn't, and it depends, and it's complicated!
I looooove angels, you're right, and I was working on doing a vid on this exact topic because the term 'biblically accurate angel' is a pet peeve of mine. However, no matter the power of my autistic angelic obsession, I wouldn't say I'm a perfect source. I got intimidated outta making that video because I got too anxious of messing it up and losing my angel cred. BUT! I do know some stuff.
What's wrong with "Biblically Accurate Angels?
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Three things!
1. "Biblically"
Most people I see, when confronted with the word 'Biblically', think of Christianity. The Bible technically refers to a collection of texts shared by a number of Abrahamic religions, but I've a lot of people entirely unaware of that fact. There's often a general lack of recognition around 'biblically accurate angel' posting that angels aren't exclusively or originally Christian concepts. Tumblr is an outlier of a place, remember; I read youtube comments.
2. "Accurate"
This makes me lose it, just a little bit, because the idea 'real angels in the bible actually looked like scary monsters' is both incorrect and kind of a rude thing to say about a holy entity a number of religions believe in.
There are a lot of ideas of angel classification and hierarchy, but you'll usually only see one--- the Christian one. This has nine orders in three spheres, going usually angel, archangel, principality (3rd sphere, most humanoid), powers, virtues, dominions (2nd, basically no lore), thrones/ophainim, cherubim, seraphim (1st, weirdo patrol). The lowest spheres are closest to humanity, the highest are closer to the divine.
(it's worth noting there's a big difference between 'what is exactly in the canon holy text' versus 'writings/visions/ideas from scholars later'. There's differing opinions everywhere and also different sects.) Little is universal.
Speaking of, religions! Heard of them? Angel hierarchy as it's commonly see is very specifically a Christian angle! There's a number of different Jewish angelic hierarchies which include different types or interpretations of angels. There's usually 10 ranks instead of 9 too.
I know the least about angels in Islam, but they don't have a strict angel hierarchy either, though some angels are more important than others.
As for angel physical descriptions, it varies. They can take human form, but they're spirits doing that for our convenience. Some of them are doing weird stuff, but most of the time an angel is some essence of light and fire taking a lesser defined shape for our convenience.
Some of the main ideas of a 'biblically accurate angel' come from one of my fav bits of the bible, the chariot in Ezekiel.
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If you've not read the fun weird bits of the bible before, let me introduce you!!
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These are the Living Creatures which are considered Cherubim in Christianity. The wheels are the Ophanim, who are also Thrones. The whole thing sounds like a very intricate chariot rather than a bunch of angels, but hey, it says right there they're 'living beings'
3. "Angels"
What is an angel anyway?
Well, there's an answer, but as I think I've highlighted there's a number of different, varying ideas of them which are all equally valid! This can include, of course, the artistic choice of making them monsters ( I love doing this ), but it's incorrect to assert such a design is 'more or truly accurate'.
Angels are messengers. The word for angel originally was Messenger, and the role of angels is generally to serve as a conduit and messenger of divine will. They can be teachers or healers. They often are more extensions of the holy rather than truly independent spirits, good because they are divine rather than the choice of free will. (but like everything I'm saying it depends bc religions and opinions are not unified monoliths).
Not all angels are messengers. Even without a strict hierarchy, there's a common idea of specific angels for specific jobs. The idea of Archangels is also common, though which are and how many differs wildly, as does their function.
Angels are divine beings. Humans don't become them. There also are some sects that believe this, like the Latter Day Saints, but generally the divide between human and angel is very clear. Humans are generally above angels, because we're beloved new ocs.
angels are cool. I really like them
anyway, this is a very approximate ramble for you on the subject. I think I could have gone on in much more detail and I decided not to. Especially as I note I don't have that kind of 'learn and memorize everything about your special interest' kind of autism, just 'a lot more than normal over many years'. Angels are a really complicated subject because religion is, and it all differs. But I do dislike Biblically Accurate Angel because I think it's really misled people who come across it casually. Yes, there's weird angel stuff, but it's pretty rare (especially in common canon), and it isn't 'the secret creepypasta truth'.
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teriri-sayes · 11 months
Reactions to Deal Maker's Chapter 203
TL;DR - Ahn Roh Man tells more of his parents and the game. Alberu feels strange when he sees Ahn Roh Man smiling brightly like him. Alberu becomes the Roan Kingdom's first player of the game. Cale has to give a speech in the academy.
RMPAG We got to know more about the game and Ahn Roh Man's family. His parents suddenly died in an accident when he was 10, so he was then raised by his uncle and aunt, somewhat becoming part of the Transparent family.
He only figured out the truth behind his parents when he played the game. His parents hid an AI in the game, and the Transparent Co was unaware of it. The AI became Ahn Roh Man's friend and hyung (because it was born a year earlier than him), and helped him attain number 1 in the rankings.
There was also the fact that his initial username was "Unfilial Son" before he changed it to "Searching for the Taerang Thief Bastard."
Oh yeah, Ahn Roh Man called the game as RMPAG, which is the abbreviation of Raising My Precious Absolute God.
Alberu and Ahn Roh Man Funny part of today's chapter. Ahn Roh Man had a bright smile when he told the two that he had a very friendly relationship with the Transparent family. Raon remarked that he had the same smile when Alberu was about to scam someone.
And Alberu's reaction. It was shock. He was shocked to meet someone of the same kind as him. 🤣🤣🤣
Gamer Alberu Ahn Roh Man suggested to install the game in Taerang and have someone play it. Cale and Alberu began pushing the task to each other... 😂
Alberu: … Cale. Cale: Yes, hyung-nim. Alberu: Do you want to borrow Taerang? Cale: I have to go to Aipotu and work hard? Alberu: …I'm busy too? Cale: Thanks to you, I can go out and save the world without worrying about Roan! Hyung-nim, I respect you! Alberu: … *covers face with both hands* Ahn Roh Man (ARM): Don't worry, Me and my hyung, I mean, the AI from earlier. Anyway, we'll carry you. Alberu: …Carry? ARM: It means to help you become stronger easily. Alberu: … Haa…. This is driving me crazy. Cale: Hyung-nim, I believe in you. Alberu: Ha. Let's give it a try.
What was so funny was the narrator's words after that scene. Alberu became the first player of the game in the Roan Kingdom. And his username? Irreverent Emperor... 🤣🤣🤣
It could also mean disrespectful or blasphemous, but irreverent sounds cooler, so I used it. But Alberu calling himself 'emperor'? Is he planning to turn the Roan Kingdom into an empire?
But that did not stop there. The narrator continued that Cale would never have dreamed of the chaos this player would create in the future... 😂 Ahn Roh Man, what are you planning to teach Alberu? Is Alberu going to be like you in the future, shouting hyunpi and game terms? 🤣🤣🤣
Cale's Speech But our overworked Alberu got his revenge on Cale for forcing him to play the game... by making Cale give the speech in the academy's opening ceremony. 🤣🤣🤣
Of course, the 3 kids were excited to hear Cale's speech, and Cale could only frown when he realized Alberu's intention. 😂
Ending Remarks Today had a lot of funny moments. It ended with a message from GoD saying that Cale's request to move the black castle (where Sherrit lived) to Aipotu had been approved. Woah. So it's going to be a dragon lord versus a dragon lord fight? How exciting!
I still harbor some disappointment with the recent chapter. We still have no news of what happened to CJS or Sui, and Cale's conversation with Ron seemed to have been forgotten again. 😞Author-nim, even a mention of them would have been enough! PLEASE DON'T FORGET THEM!
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don-dake · 1 year
So I've been playing around with Cāngjié…
And I thought a post like this (similar to a post on Zhùyīn done by linghxr) may be of interest to some.
Edited: 10 Sep 2023
This post has gotten a little popular lately and on scrutinizing my own post again, I've come to the conclusion that I had made some mistakes in my given character examples.
Amended now. Namely, 「唔」 and 「龍」 have now been swapped over in the examples.
「唔」 is really the “3-parts”, and 「龍」 is indeed a “2-parts” character! Amendments are reflected in orange.
What (and who) is Cāngjié?
For those who may not know, Cāngjié is another way to input 漢字/汉字 (Hànzì — Chinese characters). It is way less popular than Pinyin (or even Zhuyin) but it still has its fans, and has a few advantages over the other two.
Cāngjié is also the name of the mythical figure in Chinese legend who is said to have been the inventor of 漢字/汉字, for which Cāngjié (the input system) was named after.
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Would I recommend it?
Yes, if you think you have already acquired a good (enough) understanding of 漢字/汉字, and/or just like a new challenge.
(TL;DR at the end)
Why am I learning Cāngjié (and why you may like to, too)?
1. Mostly for fun.
Have long been intrigued by both Cāngjié and Zhùyīn, and since I finally mustered up the courage to tackle Zhùyīn not too long ago, I thought I'd finally give Cāngjié a try.
While learning Cāngjié does require more effort than learning Pinyin or Zhuyin, it can also be really fun! Inputting 漢字/汉字 with the Cāngjié method is almost like doing a jigsaw puzzle.
The euphoria derived from figuring out and piecing together the radicals that make up a word is something that learning Jyutping (Cantonese equivalent of Pinyin), Pinyin or Zhuyin can't quite match.
And while I know I'll never be as adept with Cāngjié — my knowledge of 漢字/汉字 is nowhere near good enough to ever use Cāngjié efficiently — as I do Jyutping or Pinyin (or to some extent, Zhuyin), it'll still be fun to use Cāngjié every once in a while!
2. Helps with thinking and typing in Chinese.
The upshot of relying too much on using Jyutping/Pinyin/Zhuyin is, I'd tend to think in Roman letters or ㄅㄆㄇㄈ before I'd even think about the actual 漢字/汉字.
But with Cāngjié, because it's based on knowing radicals and joining them together to form actual characters, it'll encourage thinking of 漢字/汉字 first, so I think that would help some with 漢字/汉字 memory retention.
Now you may be thinking, why not just you know, practise actually writing then? That is the tried and proven method to better remember 漢字/汉字 after all?
Yes, of course I can do that — and am doing so occasionally — but we live in a digital age now, and the probability and opportunity to type things out is much higher than actually writing stuff by hand.
The idea here is, more looking to think of and envision characters fully in my head, and trying to lessen over-reliance on Jyutping/Pinyin/Zhuyin.
And this is where I find Cāngjié can be useful, which leads to my next point…
3. Haunted by “What if” scenario.
What if there comes a day (however improbable) where I'm presented with only a Cāngjié keyboard to use for typing Chinese? It has happened with Zhùyīn for me!
That means, no Pinyin or Zhuyin keyboards, no Handwriting tools/touchscreens to write with fingers/mouse, no speech-to-text, and no option to copy-and-paste characters from somewhere else either! What then?
4. Able to type without knowing pronunciation, and with more accuracy.
Cāngjié is shape-based. Unlike Jyutping/Pinyin/Zhuyin, where you have to know what a character sounds like before you can type it out, with Cāngjié, you can type out (again assuming no Handwriting or other tools available) characters without needing to know how to pronounce them at all.
With shape-based typing, you'd also get more accurate hits in the first few 漢字/汉字 that show up, versus sound-based methods like Pinyin where for e.g., typing out “wan” will get you a whole list under the same sound and you may have to scroll through a whole lot to get the exact “wan” you need.
You can also type both Traditional and Simplified characters without having to toggle something or switch keyboards.
So how does one begin learning Cāngjié?
Install a Cāngjié keyboard.
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Duh…but of course! Heh! Gboard offers one, banded under Cantonese language input (Android user here, don't know about iPhones, sorry).
There are two versions of Cāngjié that are prevalent currently. Cāngjié 3 and Cāngjié 5. Cāngjié 5 is supposed to be an improvement over version 3 but I don't find there's much; having a slightly altered version just adds to the confusion and unnecessarily complicates matters, in fact!
If you have a choice, I'd recommend selecting Cāngjié 3 as that is more supported. Some operating systems may not be too compatible with Cāngjié 5 still, for some strange reason.
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You may also come across something called “Quick” (速成) aka, “Simplified Cāngjié”.
This is simply a scaled down version of Cāngjié, it's still based on Cāngjié's formula. So you still need to know how Cāngjié works in order to use “Quick” efficiently.
You'd then need a chart like this. ↓
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* the 重 (Z) key doesn't really come into use. I don't really know what it's for, but it seems to be used (paired with other keystrokes) mainly to type out various punctuation marks.
There are variants out there, some having a little more, or less, radicals shown than in the above example, but I'll say the chart here is one of the more comprehensive ones I've found so far (and sufficient enough) — other charts often fail to highlight the 難 (X) key and what it corresponds to.
You don't have to memorize the chart all at once. Just always have a chart like this on hand to refer to and with enough typing practise, you'll eventually remember which key corresponds with which radicals.
Remember the rules. ↓
“1 part” character (e.g. 寫) = first 3 & last (radical).
“2 parts” character (e.g. 唔龍) = first & last, first 2 & last.
“3 parts” character (e.g. 難) = first & last, first & last, last.
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e.g. 寫 ↓
With radicals 宀,丿,臼 (first 3) and 灬 (last).
Corresponding keys: 十,竹,難 and 火。
寫 → 写 ↓
With radicals 冖,卜,㇆ (first 3),一 (last).
Corresponding keys:月,卜,尸 and 一。
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e.g. 龍 ↓
With radicals 亠,月 (first & last), 卜,コ (first 2),ヒ (last).
Corresponding keys: 卜,月,卜,尸,and 心。
龍 → 龙 ↓ (Simplified 龍 → 龙,a “1 part” character)
With radicals 丶,ナ,ヒ (first 3).
Corresponding keys: 戈,大,and 心。
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e.g. 難 ↓
With radicals 廿,人 (first & last),亻(first & last),土 (last).
Corresponding keys: 廿,人,人 and 土。
難 → 难 ↓
With radicals ヌ (first & last),亻(first & last),土 (last).
Corresponding keys: 水,人,and 土。
Occasionally, you may get a character that looks like a “2 parts” but is actually a “3 parts”. ↓
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e.g. 唔 ↓
With radicals 口 (first & last),一,一 (first & last),口 (last).
Corresponding keys: 口,一,一 and 口。
Or looks like a “1 part” but really a “3 parts”. ↓
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e.g. 奪 ↓
With radicals 大 (first & last),亻,土 (first & last),丶 (last).
Corresponding keys: 大,人,土,and 戈。
奪 → 夺 ↓(Simplified 奪 → 夺,a “1 part” character)
With radicals 大,寸 (first 3; the 丶 is the 3rd component).
Corresponding keys: 大,木,and 戈。
But these are exceptions, and don't occur that often.
And you can start practising!
You can try out this pretty good app called 『五色學倉頡』 (learning Cāngjié with 5 colours), for practise. It's on Playstore, just search for “Cangjie Dictionary” and it should show up.
You have to pay to unlock higher levels, unfortunately. ↓
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Anyway, each character comes with colour coded hints and you can opt to turn them off if you like more of a challenge. There are also hints (提示) and the chart (字根表) to refer to if you're really stuck. Also has a dictionary component (查字典) to check out the Cāngjié input for characters.
Another option would be a website called HKCards. ↓
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You can use it to check the Cāngjié input for any 漢字/汉字, and there's section for practise (倉頡輸入法練習) as well. After inputting your answer with Cāngjié keys (手田水口廿卜), you can click on the “Answer” (答案) button to see how right or wrong your answers were. ↓
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There are 8 characters each time, and you can just hit “Practise Again” (再做練習) to refresh for another 8 to practise with. I've yet to hit a limit.
Unfortunately, this website has lots of ads popping up. And it only supports searching in Traditional characters (Cāngjié was initially catered more for Traditional).
Or you can just try practising randomly with a Cāngjié keyboard and check for mistakes with a Cāngjié dictionary (『五色學倉頡』 app's dictionary comes in really useful here — it appears to support searching in Simplified too).
Cāngjié could be useful (and fun) to know if your 漢字/汉字 knowledge is already adequate, and/or you just like a new challenge.
And if watching videos is more your thing, here's a really helpful YouTube tutorial on how to use Cāngjié (has English subs)!
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
If Cora was Stiles' age, wouldn't she have been in his grade before the fire? He knew of Derek and the Hale family but it just seems like Cora was written in last minute.
on this episode of heather versus the teen wolf timeline: cora hale.
here is what the timeline establishes:
all of season 1-3B takes place in 2011.
the hale fire was six years prior to the start of wolf moon. stiles is speaking hyperbolically when he says it was 10 years ago. we know it was six from what derek tells scott in magic bullet.
derek: six years ago, my sister and I were at school, and our house caught fire.
it's established that cora was 11 at the time of the hale fire in 2005. this comes from frayed during her and peter's conversation.
cora:  you've known me for seventeen years! peter: i knew you for eleven, leaving the last six unaccounted for. and i'm not particularly fond of things unaccounted.
she's 17 in visionary.
visionary takes place during the fall 2011 semester of the main pack's junior year.
in comparison to the others:
allison turned 17 in the tell which takes place at the end of january 2011. allison says she was held back due to all the moving around. she's the oldest in their cohort.
lydia turned 17 on march 19th in party guessed during season 2 on the worm moon. we know it was her 17th birthday due to the conversation lydia and natalie have about lorraine's ashes in time of death in season 4 which takes place during the spring semester 2012 of lydia's junior year.
natalie: because she wanted you to do it... when you turned eighteen. don't ask me why. but, since there's only a few weeks 'til that, i suppose now is as good a time as any.
stiles would've turned 17 in april according to his official birthday of april 8th.
scott didn't turn 17 until september as is official birthday is september 16th.
malia turned 17 on november 28th making her the youngest of their cohort.
other odds and ends:
theo was in the fourth grade with stiles and scott making him their age. his birthdate is incorrectly listed as 1998.
jackson was born june 5th so he turned 17 between seasons 2 and 3A.
malia was 9 years old at the time of the car accident that killed her mother and sister which puts it in 2003. 2 years before the hale fire.
now while we can acknowledge the real reasons why cora's timeline is so shaky is because they winged a lot of it but what's the fun in that? here on buckybarness dot tumblr dot com we do teen wolf academia.
now one does wonder how scott, stiles, lydia and isaac didn't know cora but there could be viable reasons for that.
i discovered that the law changed in california in 2000 to raise the kindergarten enrollment age to 5 years old by september 1st. prior to this if a child turned 5 on or before december 2nd they could enroll.
they all would've started kindergarten in 1999.
this might be why scott and malia are in the same school year as lydia and stiles rather than being in the year behind.
if they'd had the foresight they should've had allison turn 18 in season 1 and have her a legitimate full year older than the rest because like she's only 3 months older than lydia so it seems a bit odd she's so embarrassed by turning 17 when she has a birthday so close to lydia and stiles. for someone turning 18 and being a sophomore due to being held back? that'd be embarrassing to someone in the american school system.
now cora could've been born in late 1993 to early-mid 1994. she could've been a grade ahead if she was closer in age to allison than to scott. i do strongly suspect that talia and corrine had overlapping pregnancies and being pregnant at the time is one of the reasons talia coerced corrine into keeping her pregnancy with malia.
the tates could've had malia start school later than the rest because she would've been 4 at the start of the year rather than 5 even if the law at the time allowed it. she just joined the rest as juniors when she returned to society because it made sense to keep her with the friends she'd made and she was 17.
if cora was in the grade above she could've been in middle school while the others were still in elementary school or maybe both malia and cora attended different schools due to zoning.
maybe they were homeschooled.
we'll never really know but it's interesting to think about.
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dreamsinombre · 3 months
Days 4-6 of Tour de Fleece:
Day Four (tuesday july 2)–
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Washed all the corriedale skeins from the first few days and continued working through the cheviot!
Background entertainment: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Day Five (wednesday july 3)—
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Finished up the rest of the cheviot! About 14oz worth. I stepped outside my comfort zone and spun these all on the middle whorl of my lendrum dt, with a ratio of 8:1, versus the largest whorl at 6:1. Really pleased with improving on spinning finer singles and improving on consistency! I finished these up right before we had a get-together for a friend's birthday, so I didn't do much else with this.
Background Entertainment: The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
Day Six (thursday july 5)—
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Chain-plied one of the cheviot bobbins! Turned out to be ~118 yards, pre-washing. A friend fell absolutely in love with the cheviot as I shared process pics, and also adores singles, so I'm gonna be crossing my fingers and seeing if I spun the remaining 3 bobbins balanced enough (I was checking often!) for them to be usable singles for her.
But. Still a heavier gauge than I was hoping for, though I need to figure out the wpi for this (and the corriedale) for a better insight into where it falls. So, I watched a video that explained the difference between whorl ratios and what that means for yarns, and then made the decision to spin the 14oz of bfl I have on the smallest whorl, at 10:1. Incredibly fine so far in single form! Still working on consistency, though, but that's also slowly improving, too! I fell out of rhythm for this at one point, and it felt like it kept on severely overtwisting, so we'll see what happens to that with plying.
Background Entertainment: The Making of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
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callmearcturus · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @lo-fi-charming
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 82, 83 if you include the one I wish I hadn't orphaned.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 2,721,477 words
3. What fandoms do you write for? Oh boy. Homestuck, The Magnus Archives, Mission Impossible, Borderlands, Welcome to Night Vale. Some one-offs in other fandoms. First really cut my teeth on The Dresden Files.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Let's seeeee.
dustsceawung (The Magnus Archives) with 4,600 kudos
a steady hand, a delicate man (The Magnus Archives) with 3,316 kudos
dripping with alchemy (Borderlands) with 2,663 kudos
The Eurydice Suite (Homestuck) with 2,164 kudos
I'll bring the motion (The Magnus Archives) with 2,163 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? When I have something fun or interesting to say, yeah. I don't wanna just say "thanks!" on every comment so I tend to try to repay the comment with a tidbit or something?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmmm. See I'm a Happy Ending Guaranteed kind of writer so I don't know. Maybe we float before the sea at dusk because it's technically a bad end?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? GOD that's hard... I think maybe all the world is earth and water or the Five Years Later ending of The Eurydice Suite.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not anymore. 8)
9. Do you write smut? what's smut never heard of her
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I'm going to choose to interpret this as "fusions" instead of "crossovers" and in that case I have written....
Homestuck/Inception (The Eurydice Suite), Homestuck/Kinda Sorta John Wick (so we don't kill the ones we love), Homestuck/Fallout New Vegas (out here the good girls die), and WTNV/Good Omens (all plans are golden in your hands)
Out of those, I think the New Vegas one is the most out-of-left-field.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? By now, at least 10 times that I'm aware or.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? A few times, yep! Russian and Ukrainian I think.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? BOY HAVE I.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? I despise this question and if this question had a face, I would punch it. I assume this has to be a ship I have written since this is a writing questionnaire.
In my heart of hearts, it's Karkat and Kanaya. I enjoy their platonic love more than any romance pairing....
SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THIS QUESTION is that I... think for me personally, the pairing is a vehicle of the wider story/themes, so I can't say "Oh its DirkJake" because to me the KTOWL DirkJake is wildly different from, like, TES DirkJake.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The barely-inspired-by-Hellboy AU that I should probably just write as an original story. But I won't because I'm a coward, lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths? Consistency and structure, I think. I'm a tradesperson, not an artist.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I feel like I lack a lot of foundational material that other artists have due to my lack of education and just generally not knowing things. Like, the kind of works I personally admire and learn the most from, I lack the toolset to create myself, which is constantly frustrating.
Structure is sometimes a shackle, and I often feel like I can't execute something truly Artistic because to me, writing is a trade, not an art.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do this sometimes and lemme tell you, every single fucking time I do, I rigorously check everything.
Like, I recently agonized over whether a character would use Verzeihung versus Entschuldigung in a fic, and that was a solid hour of research. Worth it tho!
I'm of the opinion that if you're just going to use google translate or something, then I would elect to write it as ["Excuse me," he said in overly-polite German as he passed], but that's me.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Uuuuuuuuh ppppppprobably Gundam Wing or something? Way back in the era when you could post smut on FF.Net.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Could it be anything other than KTOWL? Honestly.
I am taggingggggg @arquiving and @interropunct
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phoenixtakaramono · 11 months
Re: Where to Read the Four Butchlander Threadfics on Twitter & Status Update about Them
Whelp, guess what, everyone? Your girl’s Twitter account got shadowbanned for the first time. And pretty much the threadfics are inaccessible until the ban gets lifted. (Let’s hope everything’s back to normal soon. 😭)
The threadfics in question (M3GAN-inspired AU, Fix-It AU, and Sugar Baby AU are the long WIPs; the Vampire & Lycan Hunter AU is the only one complete):
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And like I was somewhat expecting, with my account currently submerged in the ether (fingers crossed nothing’s affected and everything’s back to normal once I’m back so we can return to our regular schedule threadfic updates on Twitter), another person’s reached out to me about it:
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The Asks in question:
These threadfics were always intended to exist on Twitter as the first draft prototypes where I can write spontaneously and see what works, what doesn’t, and make them reader-interactive so pretty much my readers influence important story decisions for whichever threadfic it is. Then if I were to migrate these threadfics over to AO3, the intention was always to flesh them out more and polish them up, maybe change a couple story elements so there’s a point of difference between what’s on AO3 versus what’s on my Twitter (as an analogy, think of an author’s original webnovel version they uploaded on their website versus the professional light novel version they’ve polished up for publication) to keep it fresh. This migration was supposed to happen after all four chapters of Truce are complete and the only Butchlander fic I have left on AO3 that would still be ongoing would be The Name of the Game, which frees up my workload.
So currently, where we are right now, I am seriously considering moving up the schedule if, after 1 week (10/29/23), my account on Twitter is still Shazamed. I have heard shadowbans range from 2-3 days, to 3-5 days where it’s best if I don’t use the app in this duration of time, before escalating to Twitter Support if it persists. Same goes if my account is restored and I still get shadowbanned in the future for updating any of these 3 long threadfics.
Because, at that point, I might as well just port them over to AO3 if this keeps happening and save myself the headache. But this will have to be tested out. If I see it is truly unsustainable due to Twitter’s current unfriendliness to 🔞 threadfics (😒 …it used to be an ultra friendly platform for such, till you showed up El0n Musk), then I’ll just stop writing 🔞 threadfics all together.
The one thing I will have to say, though, is being a very detail-oriented multi-fandom writer who’s trying to be fair by adhering to the update schedule, for any new content, updates will be slow. Unlike Twitter where I can churn out 25 tweets at a time per update, you’ll be looking at weeks or months per chapter update on AO3 since three of them will be turned into genuine long stories. Quicker updates depend on how much content already exist on Twitter to be adapted from before the time of migration! Let’s see how it goes! ✌️
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Really out of nowhere but I rewatched some of fma03 eps and im gonna rant
I'm just so done with smiling politely saying that fma03 and fmab are both great sorry i cant anymore. Just no
So if you in love with fmab im warning you it probably won't be a good read for you, so feel free to ignore this, block me or idk read this and give it a thought
0. I really dont understand the glorification of manga over anime adaptations. Like people who are making the adaptation are not artists and creators themselves? What makes mangaka better than others and absolutely indisputable, seriously?
1. 'Oh no long introduction and fillers' that actually allowed for Hughes' character development before his death. Seriously if i mention his death among my homies I'll get lots of faces clearly going through some ptsd level flashbacks, it was that impactful. I still need to take a breather when im rewatching before diving into that ep.
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2. Nina. Yet again got more time to grow on us and thus aquired higher trauma inducing levels.
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3. Ishval massacre and aftermath are WAY MORE VISIBLE in fma03. First of all Ishvalans are depicted as human beings, and not some background, and we get lots more on their sufferings, raids on camps, racism towards them, etc etc etc
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4. Scar. Oh boi how do i even go about this. So without raging much about that beefy obviously wrong dude who got 'sense' bitten into him and started working with the oppressing gov in fmab, we have a wronged and tormented survivor of a genocide, who was justified in his vengeance and rage, was depicted as an attractive person of color despite his antagonistic role and was seriously almost cheered on in his actions by the narrartive. His interactions with his people and his moral dilemmas made his character possibly the deepest and most thought out one in the series.
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5. The Rockbell doctors being killed by their own government. That's a waaaaay more interesting and damning detail on our government affiliated protagonists than just dumping their murder on a delirious patient.
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6. Homunculi had their own will and desires and a way more developed story arc that had a huge impact on protagonists' morals. Being created by the humans who were desperate to bring back their loved ones and both parties are getting tormented by it?? Characters strongly driven by their own goals and staggered by their relations to their creators vs some indifferent goons in fmab. Just compare Sloths and their impact on the stories and protags.
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7. Final conflict being a fight with god and his intricate plans in fmab, versus final battle vs a selfish pretty much usual person who had thrown everyone under the bus in pursuit of immortality. Adds so much more desperation flavor. Suddenly your hero journey doesn't end in epic battle for the sake of the mankind, as you would like it to be. It's just to oppose one awful person with too much power and zero care about anyone else. That's raw and that's way more plausible and relatable in our mundane lives.
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8. Overall darker tone and themes of the fma03.
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9. MUSIC. I dont remember a single track from fmab, but i went really out of my way in my teenage years to find internet access and pirate fma soundtrack and cry listening to it
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10. ART. Sorry but don't tell me fmabs flat colors are anything to 03's soft tones and lighting
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So yeah sorry, but I'll take the dark and gritty tragedy over just another shounen with doubtful messages each and every time
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cacodaemonia · 6 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks so much for the tag, @lyntergalactic! :D I feel like I've done this before, but it must have been a whole ago. It looks fun! (also, I'm pasting just the questions at the bottom of the post if anyone wants to copy those)
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 247, though I'm not really sure what the ratio is for images versus fics... Okay, apparently, 97 of them are tagged with 'fanart' and have fewer than 100 words, so somewhere around 100 image-only works and 147 fics.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,141,145; which includes a few collabs and fics for which I just contributed an image.
3. What fandoms do you write for? TCW exclusively 😅 Though I've done a handful of images for other things like Arcane, Dune, Trigun, The Expanse, House of the Dragon...
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? A bunch of my works with the most kudos are images, but if we're talking fics, then I think it's just some of my oldest ones...
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - Fives arc fix-it and my first fic.
Orbital Decay - Codywan that I haven't edited since I posted it, so I can't vouch for the quality.
Modulation - Another one I haven't touched since I posted it, but it's an 'Echo gets rescued much earlier than in canon and he and Fives reunite' fix-it of sorts.
Will You Walk With Me? - Waxer's pov from the start of the war to the (fix-it) end, and it mostly focuses on his and Boil's friendship (Waxer & Boil or Waxer/Boil pre-relationship - take your pick). Even though this certainly isn't the best thing I've written, it's my baby. 🧡
Interference - Umbara fix-it featuring minor canon characters and some necessary OCs in the first chapter, then more major canon characters later.
More stuff below the cut, since this is a long list...
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably You're Just Harder to See Than Most, which ends very sadly on its own, but it's part of a larger fix-it including Modulation above, so Fives and Echo get reunited.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pfff like basically all of them, idk XD;
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, just on one sketch dump, where someone went through 6 chapters of spicy cloneshippy images and then decided they needed to complain about it being gross and immoral 🤣 It was hysterical kjlksahfg
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Oh yes, I'm a certified smut goblin. Not really sure what the question means by 'what kind,' but I guess 'porn with feelings' is probably the AO3 tag that would most accurately describe all of the smut I've written XD
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! :D
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Hm, I suppose if we're defining that as like, "what ship have you intensely shipped for the longest amount of time," it would be destiel? I was veeeeeery into that ship for many years.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I've had one wip sitting around for over a year, and for a while I was thinking I wasn't going to get back to it ever. But I made a little vibes playlist for it and had some help brainstorming, so I'm hopeful I can start tackling it again after I get some current stuff drafted.
16. What are your writing strengths? Starting something and working on it until it's finished.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I have a lot of trouble generating ideas on my own.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think it's fine as long as it's either A. very short and clear from context or B. for some reason, the writer is intending to confuse the reader and obfuscate what was said. I know I've said it before, but I'm not gonna scroll to the bottom of a fic every few paragraphs to find the translations for whole phrases or sentences. If the amount of 'other language' starts making the dialogue difficult to follow, I'm just gonna nope out.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Technically, I wrote one thing for Gundam Wing back in like 2000, but I can't even remember what I did with it or what it was about, exactly. Other than that, TCW.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? flsdlfg that's really difficult... idk man, if it's quality we're talking about rather than sentimentality, I'd say it's a toss-up between these three 😅:
My Heart's Red Muscle - Canon-divergent AU where Waxer is a cyborg.
Kinktober 2022 - Character studies/development through smut, where Waxer and Boil find a list of sexy things to try out, so it's kind of meta. It's from my main Open Skies AU, and I'm weirdly proud of this one XD;
We Could Breathe Underwater - Force-sensitive Waxer and Boil AU
Phew! Okay this took me like three sessions to answer, but it was fun :)
No-pressure tags: anyone who sees this and wants to do it, plus @lizardberries @elismor @bilbosmom-belladonna @valkeakuulas @petrifiedforests @marbled-polecat @writegowrite @sophronist @marbled-polecat @ivalane
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
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dgrailwar · 5 months
Round 2, Day 2 - MOONCANCER vs. AVENGER
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"…The delivery guy was supposed to be here by now. I really don't wanna go outside and check… the outside world is dangerous… but I guess I'll have to give it my pico-best. So, one glance! Then we return to our hiding place, and never leave again. Zero social interaction, zero eye contact, zero conversation-- alright, let's go!"
She stepped outside, climbing up the basement steps and emerging in an alleyway. She looked around, before catching sight of someone. She pointed.
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"Ohh, look… a handsome guy. He'd totally fit into an otome game… Forget it, I'm way outta his league, and you guys are too if you're hanging with a NEET. He probably wouldn't even notice--"
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A moment passed, as the 'handsome man' in the alleyway caught sight of the MoonCancer… and smiled.
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"Eh? Eh, eh, eeeeh? Wait a second-- look! He's approaching? He's smiling at me? Is it finally happening? My 'meet cute' romance flag?"
He was approaching. Slowly and carefully, as they locked eyes. They could both feel the mana in the air, dense and terrifying. Divinity clashing against something far darker.
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"…An enemy Servant." The Avenger said, carefully. "And one of great magical power, I can feel it. As expected of an Extra-Class!"
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"Geh-- Great magical power? M-M-Me?! Wait--!" You could see the color drain from the MoonCancer's face, as she slowly began to back up. "L-L-Listen, I'm really just hanging out-- I'm practically a civilian! I'm barely even a S-Servant! Can't you cut me some slack?"
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He drew a blade. A sword, roiling with bitter flames, as he pointed it towards her.
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"Servant of the Holy Grail War. My Masters have given me the order to kill you, mademoiselle… and therefore, you will witness hell."
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"See?! This is why going outside is dangerous! Every flag is a red flaaaaag!"
Ganesha: +7%
The Count of Monte Cristo: +4%
Both Ganesha and the Count gain a +1% boost due to their Defensive choices in the previous round!
Servant Skills:
Ganesha (MoonCancer)
Ganesha's defensive play was interrupted! Her skill boosts will reset next round!
Vinayaka (EX Rank): When 'Playing Defensively' gain a +5% bonus to scores, and you cannot be caught off guard. If you are unbothered, then this increases by 1% each time you are not attacked, resetting back to 5% once you're engaged in combat. However, this negates the inherent MoonCancer trait of ‘being unable to be targeted while Playing Defensively’. (Current boost: +6%)
Broken Tusk (B Rank): When engaged in a 1-on-1 confrontation (while not Playing Defensively), gain a +3% boost. Additionally, apply the MoonCancer Class Trait of 'not taking damage if there's a 3% difference in scores' to 1-on-1 battles as well. If Ganesha has been ‘Playing Defensively’ uninterrupted for 3 or more turns (in a row), when she goes on the offense, her attack bonus increases from 3% to 6% for that specific round. (Current defensive turn count: 1)
MOONCANCER-CLASS Servants are experts in manipulating the world and environment to take advantage. They cannot be targeted while 'Playing Defensively'. Additionally, when engaged in a Free-for-All, they gain a +3% boost, and if they score last place and there's at least a 3% difference in their score and 2nd place, they may avoid damage.
The Count of Monte Cristo (Avenger)
Determination of Steel (EX Rank): If Avenger is about to take a fatal wound, if there's at least a 3% difference in their score and the victor above him, he may avoid damage. When facing a single-target (1-on-1), he will gain a +3% boost.
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (C Rank): When battling enemies, his flames are like a poison. He reduces demerits against him by 3%, and when he is victorious against another, he inflicts a -2% demerit for their next round. This demerit increases by 2% by every 10% difference in scores.
AVENGER-CLASS Servants are vengeful by nature. The first time they are defeated by a Servant, they gain an automatic +2% bonus against that specific Servant, without needing to study them (but can in order to increase the bonus). They gain a permanent +3% bonus per wound they attain that will remain if the wound remains, but will disappear if the wound is healed.
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queentoji · 20 days
the questions are a mixture of posts I've reblogged under #selfship but I did remove some of the questions!
1-10 - BASICS
Who do you self-ship with? What’s your ship name together?
Toji Fushiguro - Minxi
How long have you self-shipped with them?
close to two years now! unsure to be honest lmao
When did you get together in your shipping canon?
I don't really ship us together in canon, but sometimes I do! a lot of the time I'm a sorcerer and we fall in love when he couldn't kill me kjsjfstr
How did you meet?
because it's mainly modern I always revert to my favorite aus, so he's my neighbor, he's my sugar daddy mafia man LMAOOO, he's my professor or since he's Megumi's dad....ya know?
When did you first know you loved each other?
it honestly didn't take that long kdjgerg a few times of hanging out
Who made the first move?
he did for sure I was a bundle of nerves
What was your first date like?
a lot of fun and laughter plus food
When did you first say “I love you” to each other?
on the fourth date give or take
What are the most important relationship events for you? Drop a timeline!
I don't think we really have one
First impressions of each other?
he thought I was mean because my RBF and I thought he was smug because his attitude lmaooo
How close were you as friends before you got together? 
it depends on what self-ship AU I'm thinking about lmaoo but most of them are like that yes we start off either as friends or a bit of foes
Who fell for the other first?
I say it was me but he says it was him
What initially attracted you to them versus what they were attracted to? 
his good looks then his personality
Your top 3 favourite things about them versus theirs about you.
me for him
one: his sweet and kind heart (yes he does have one) two: his laugh three: the way he cares about me and puts me above everything
him for me
one: how I show him what true love is two: the way I talk to him and treat him like he should be three: my tits lmaoo
The physical traits you love of theirs.
his body I mean hello have you seen it? his face (perfect for riding), his scar, his arms and hands skjfggjksrthsr
The personality traits you love of theirs.
his humor and the way he can make me laugh and the way he makes me feel safe and protected and that I'm not broken
How publicly affectionate are you? Is it cringe, embarrassing or do you love PDA?
uhhh well it depends on our mood LMAOOO but most times we keep it toned down but at times we can be very cringe about it
Is sex important to this relationship? Why or why not?
yes! it's one of the ways we bond together and show each other how much we love one another.
21-30 - ROMANCE
Do you have pet names for each other?
yes! he calls me doll and sweetheart, I call him honey and baby!
What are your go-to date night ideas?
a lot of them are inside at home but sometimes we do like to go out and about!
Do you get jealous or protective over your partner(s)?
yes even though there is no need too ksjfstr
What’s a gift that you’ve given each other that means a lot to you?
the wedding ring he slipped on my finger and he says my heart is the best gift I could ever give him
What are your love languages?
his are acts of service and physical touch while mine are words of affirmation and physical touch as well with acts of service
What’s ‘your song’ with them? Does it remind you of each other, or have special memories attached to it?
Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey! we heard it on our fourth date and I made a joke about it being our song so now it's just ours.
What places are special to you guys? Is it because of a memory or is it somewhere you want to go?
there is this bench in the park where we shared our first kiss and engraved M + T in the bench skfjtr
What do you guys believe is the most important part of any/your relationship?
open and honest communication!
What are your names saved as in each other’s phones?
mine for his is handsome and his for me is sweet doll
How do you guys take your coffee/tea? Do you know how the other likes it?
Toji knows how much I love my coffee so he either lets me make it or he buys me one from my favorite coffee shop, he loves his black with no sugar so he is easy lmaoo
Where do you get takeout? Who usually pays?
a few places for sure and we sometimes have to arm wrestle to see who will pay....guess who wins?
What’s your favourite (type of) show to watch together? Do you watch on routine or set time aside to binge?
we like sci-fi and some horror! like Stranger Things and sometimes we do, we've cheated on each other in that regard dlkget
How do you dress? Do you look like you match as a couple, or are your styles different?
sometimes we match for like Halloween but our styles are the same~ comfy! I wear his shirts and he wears loose basketball shorts, and he looks damn good in them ksjfrthr
What could you not live without? Does your partner know what it is?
my oversized shirts and shorts and yes he knows
Where do you like to be touched? Innocent or suggestively.
innocently: my back and shoulder and neck suggestively: the same places lmao
Who needs space, and who needs more attention? Do you cling together or are you loosely together?
we're both the same I suppose but we cling together pretty tightly!
51-60 - DAILY LIFE
What does the daily schedule of this home look like?
easy going mostly lmaoo but if it's an au with kids then it's pretty busy!
Who is more of a homebody, and who’s the breadwinner?
I'm the homebody and he's the breadwinner but I do have a part-time job!
What do your sleeping arrangements look like? Do you sleep together, or in separate beds? 
he's my blanket and likes to have his hand holding a tit lmao
Who’s the early riser, and who has trouble getting out of bed? Who falls asleep first?
I'm the early riser but we both have trouble getting up lmaoo I will lay next to him reading or writing while he's sleeping
Who handles what chores around the house?
we both do them!
Who deals with the spiders/bugs?
he does for sure lmaooo
Who’s the better driver? Do you argue on the road?
I'm the better driver for sure and sometimes because he likes to be a passenger princess/driver lmaoo
When you go shopping, who takes the longest? Who’s the worst to shop with?
me and me lmaooo
How comfortable are you with sharing? Clothes, personal items, spaces like the bathroom etc.
probably too comfortably honestly lmaooo
When you take pictures together, how do you pose? Do you like taking pics together?
we do yes! I always hold it or he does if we're standing up!
If you got into a physical fight, who would win? Would you let them win?
him for sure even wrastling but sometimes he lets me pin him so I can end up riding him lmaooo
When you upset each other, how do you make up for things?
we kinda go off to our own corners and wait until the pain or anger subsides then we talk about it!
Do you take care of each other when you’re sick? Who’s an absolute mess when they’re sick?
oh yes! he teases me about getting sick but he's the messy one
How are you when travelling together? It can be in general or to a specific place.
I'm the planner by far and he just wants to go here and there which makes my eye twitch a little lmaooo
You run into your ex/their ex while you’re out - how do you react?
Toji's gripping and groping me while I just splay my wedding ring over his chest and giggle
If either of you got into any serious trouble, would you bail each other out? In what conditions?
without a shadow of a doubt yes we would
What Alternate Universes have you thought of for yourselves? Fantasy, royalty etc. 
pretty much anyone you can think of lmaoo
How would you react if you swapped bodies?
I would never stop flexing or jerking it lmaooo
If the world fell into an apocalypse situation, would you stick with each other?
we would sacrifice our lives for each other so yes
What’s the longest time you’ve been apart?
weeks when we weren't living together, life got us busy 😭
What do you argue over most? How do you resolve things? 
it's kinda little things really, we buttheads but we apologize at the end and lick each others wounds
What do you find is the most annoying thing about each other?
how he just sweeps in sometimes trying to help me and take the problem head-on without asking me and when I do the same sometimes or how I baby him kfjhnstr
What can you never seem to understand about each other? 
nothing really because we're both the same
Do you have any insecurities about your relationship? 
sometimes like he isn't that attracted to me skjfbst
What would you guys consider cheating?
looking and flirting and physically touching anyone else without each other's consent
What was a moment that really put your relationship to the test?
when we were apart for three weeks and we rarely talked so we couldn't assure each other
If you could change one thing about your partner, what would it be?
nothing because I love him for who he is
In relation to your exes, how do you stand against each other? Would you say you’re better than their exes and vice versa? 
well his ex is Megumi's mom in one AU and she's alive so I wouldn't say I'm better than her and I always try my best to involve her with our life with Megs but the ones I'm his mom then we don't care about that lmaooo
Who’s older? What’s the age difference? 
him and since he doesn't have a canon age I will say he's ten years older than me
Who’s taller? What’s the height difference?
him and a literal foot kfjhrt
What are your star signs? How compatible does it say you’d be? 
he is a Capricorn and I'm a Leo/Virgo cusp and I'm not sure to be honest I don't know about all that
Who’s more introverted/extroverted?
we're both introverted for sure!!
Who gets the most stressed and why? 
me because I'm a frazzled hot mess lmaoo
Who’s more romantically experienced?
we both are but I think it's me, I'm a romantic at heart
Are you guys more overprotective and jealous? Or are you chill with others around your partner(s)
he's a bit overprotective but we're mostly chill!
If you were in high school together, what cliques would you have been in? Would you have gotten along then? 
I was the loner loser and I feel like he would be my bully but I'm the type to cum in those situations so ;skjftr LMAOOO
91-100 - RELATIONS
How do you describe each other to your friends and family for the first time? 
I say that's he's pretty much a big walking teddybear, he looks rough as hell but he is very sweet and treats me well! I don't meet his family because he doesn't want me involved in them
What do your families think about your relationship? 
don't really know and don't really care because we're happy!
What do your friends think about your relationship? 
they tease us a lot lmaoo
How do you act differently when in the company of people from when you’re alone with your partner(s)?
I'm very quiet and shy when I'm in front of people, especially ones I don't know but when it's just him I laugh like a hyena and dance lmaoo
How did you tell people you were going out together? 
just straight up said "we're dating"
Do you have mutual friends or are your friendship groups separate?
Shiu, and he met some friends through mine who are married/dating!
What’s a common misconception about your relationship?
because he's older it's a DDLG relationship and I don't even call him daddy lmaooo maybe sometimes but it's mostly sir
Has your romantic relationship affected any other relationships?
no I don't think so
101-110 - FUTURE
Are you married/would you get married? Describe/Show the aesthetic of your wedding.
we're married!
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What does your ideal home look like together? 
honestly, something small but big enough for a family of three or four.
Do you have/want kids? If not, would you have/want pets? 
yes, we both want one or two but we're content as us for now.
What do you look forward to the most in the future of this relationship?
spending time with him and exploring all the ways we can love each other.
How long do you think you’ll be together? How long do you want to be together? 
forever lmaooo that's why we got married
Do you think you’ll continue to self-ship with them for a while?
oh yes, this is the first character I ever wrote for when he was in the manga and I didn't read it, I only write for characters who are in the anime but for some reason I latched onto him lmaoo
111 - What does this self-ship mean to you?
it means a lot, I think about us often lmaooo and I enjoy making stories up and stuff, writing about us and all that. Toji means a great deal to me, I have never felt such a way about a character like him.
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justaboutsnapped · 8 months
Okay, I'll bite. What's the 'brocedes' thing?
Oh BOY. ok. They're called brocedes because bro (self explanatory) + cedes (they were teammates at Mercedes fighting for the championship) and they are just the most agonising sports yaoi to ever exist... no one can summarise it better than this post can: https://www.tumblr.com/blorbocedes/695765804309004288
while you read it keep in mind that all of this is fucking REAL. all of it can be backed up by sources. they DID go from childhood best friends & karting teammates who went on vacation together to f1 besties living in the same building to bitter teammates (what they've wanted since day one) and rivals who played the most insane mind games. they destroyed each other because they knew each other that well. ig they loved winning more than they loved each other.
there are sooo many details omitted in the rundown that I linked that I constantly lose my mind over too like... yes their relationship was obviously falling apart but they still had incredibly tender/sweet moments in the middle of their warring like??? i wish i'd understand.
They butted heads (or cars i suppose) numerous times over the years but there's one absolutely infamous crash (every reddit bro recounting crashes or whatnot will talk about this one) in Spain 2016, where they took each other out at the very beginning of the race, thus truly cementing the "divorce":
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anyways Nico retired almost immediately after winning the championship in 2016 (something practically unheard of) but their story didn't end there. there's nico running from lewis' champagne spray on instinct even though they're no longer friends. there's nico publicly mourning the loss of their friendship, versus lewis going out of his way to find the most convoluted phrasing to avoid mentioning the other by name (he was fooling no one)... there's crofty (well-known pundit) calling brocedes "everything but a lover" on live television, TO NICO'S FACE. there's lewis reminiscing about how racing with Nico in italy was some of the best days of his life (and he put little Nico into his autobiographical picture book. god.) there's nico just knowing that Lewis held his breath on his pole lap in Hungary 2023 before Lewis even said so because of course he'd know him better than anyone else. I can go on and on here because they have years upon years of lore but i shan't.
oh and one of my favourite things: F1's official channel as this wonderful little compilation called "Top 10 Cool Down Room Moments in F1" (the cool down room is for the top 3 finishers of each race) and brocedes appears multiple times. Watch the 2008 clip at 1:40 with them embracing after Nico's first podium finish vs. the 2015 clip at 6:05 where their relationships as teammates were already deterioriating. The difference is heartbreaking.
And finally have some pictures of them over the years:
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genuinely devastating comparison edit I made. I hate them so much.
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this ad is from the beginning of their stint as Mercedes teammates and it always kills me. they didn't know what was coming. nico, in fact, was confident that they'd stay friends:
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The end. hope you enjoyed this sort of lengthy and incoherent answer to your question. I'm going to now throw myself out the window.
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amphoterrible · 8 months
some background information
What am I doing? Why, I'm re-watching House, M.D. as a whole-ass pharmacist and taking meticulous notes!
I’m only going to focus on when House, M.D. gets something about medication just wildly wrong. I’m not going to be like “why are the chest compressions so slow” or “would Chase really be inserting that temporary transcutaneous pacer at the beside wouldn’t they want to do that in the EP lab” or anything else along those lines. I am but a humble pharmacist.
Hydrocodone/acetaminophen (APAP), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
This is going to be interesting because House aired from November 16, 2004 to May 21, 2012 and there are two things that come to mind for me: 1) The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asked drug manufacturers to reduce the strength of acetaminophen in combination acetaminophen products to 325 mg in 2011(1) and 2) hydrocodone combination products were still scheduled as schedule III by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).(2)  Hydrocodone combination products weren’t rescheduled to schedule II until 2014. Schedule III prescriptions are a lot easier to write and fill than schedule II prescriptions. A lot of the legal nuance varies by state and I am not going to read New Jersey pharmacy statutes, thank you very MUCH I barely passed every Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) I’ve ever taken. Back to the Vicodin. So how am I going to know exactly what formulation of Vicodin House was consuming?
I really don’t care about the hydrocodone component of it. There is no ceiling to an opioid, it’s whatever the patient can tolerate it. (Well technically there is too much to give but you have to look at if the patient is used to taking opioids or not don’t just slam someone with 10 mg of IV Dilaudid you know what I’m saying.) And if they don’t tolerate it give them some naloxone. And patients with chronic pain can tolerate a lot of opioids. Was Vicodin an appropriate opioid for House? No! But it was less regulated! And the threat of liver failure is dramatic! But Oxycontin would make more sense – Wilson’s an oncologist, he would be prescribing it all the time! Cancer hurts! Antineoplastics hurt! Oxycontin was the most widely abused prescription opioid in the United States in 2004(3), right when House started airing. But no, it’s Vicodin. The writers chose Vicodin for a reason. I’m going to let the art flow over me. We’re sticking with Vicodin. Or, hydrocodone/APAP because Abbott isn’t paying me to do this.
I worked in an independent retail pharmacy my first year of pharmacy school (which was 2010 before I realized I do not have a poker face to deal with the general public and immediately started working in a hospital), and I vaguely remember there being way too many formulations of hydrocodone/APAP. Hydrocodone/APAP has a few brand names: Vicodin, Norco, and Lortab. I usually say Norco because it’s the easiest. (I actually say hydrocodone/acetaminophen because I’m an asshole.) I found this email(4) sent by Abbott in October 2012 that discussed the newly reformulated Vicodin®, Vicodin ES®, and Vicodin HP®, which is handy since it lists the old formulations too:
Hydrocodone 5 mg/acetaminophen 500 mg
Vicodin ES®
Hydrocodone 7.5 mg/acetaminophen 750 mg
Vicodin HP®
Hydrocodone 10 mg/acetaminophen 660 mg
Who the fuck puts 750 mg of acetaminophen in one tablet? That limits the patient to five tablets in 24 hours. We’ve known the maximum dose of acetaminophen is 4000 mg since the 1970s. What the fuck, Abbott.
(Matthew Mercer Voice) How Do You Want To Do This?
So, like, I guess I’ll just count the tablets I see House consuming and then calculate the total daily dose of acetaminophen for each Vicodin formulation? I feel like I can do total acetaminophen dosage based on episodes versus trying to keep track of the days. The timeline of this show is wonky and like once you hit the toxic dose you’re there so? Also, sometimes he takes more than one and it’s hard to hear the tablets like, clink against his teeth or whatever. Sparkle on! We’ll do our best. I was going to put this in an Excel spreadsheet but I just remembered I am a pharmacist and I cannot function in Excel.
Let’s talk about the mechanism of liver toxicity and treatment of acetaminophen overdose if we hit significant toxicity. Wouldn’t it be funny if we didn’t?? That would result in me rambling about House M.D. for pages and pages and he doesn’t even get hypothetical liver failure. Is this fanfiction? Am I writing really weird fanfiction? Anyways significant toxicity occurs if you hit 150 mg/kg of acetaminophen.(5) How much does Gregory House weigh?? Let’s give him a range: 160-180 pounds (73-82 kg). Fairly average, actually. So House’s toxic dose of acetaminophen is likely 10,950 mg to 12,300 mg. Let’s say lower range is 22 tablets of Vicodin®, 15 tablets of Vicodin ES®, 17 tablets of Vicodin HP® and the upper range is 25 tablets of Vicodin®, 17 tablets of Vicodin ES®, and 19 tablets of Vicodin HP®.
Department of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug Administration. Prescription drug products containing acetaminophen; actions to reduce liver injury from unintentional overdose. Federal Register. 2011;76(10):2691-2697.
Seago S, Hayek A, Pruszynski J, Newman MG. Change in prescription habits after federal rescheduling of hydrocodone combination products. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2016; 29:268-270.
Zee AV. The promotion of marketing of OxyContin: commercial triumph, public health tragedy. Am J Public Health. 2009;99:221-227.
Abbott. Newly reformulated Vicodin® launch announcement. https://www.uspharmacist.com/email/ecf1248.html. Accessed January 8, 2024.
Hendrickson RG. Acetaminophen. In: Nelson LS, Howland M, Lewin NA, Smith SW, Goldfrank LR, Hoffman RS, eds. Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, 11e. McGraw-Hill; 2019:486-499.
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