#team mooncancer
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Round 13, Day 5 - A Wish for the Future
It seemed like the majority of you were willing to side with the goddesses. The tensions seemed high for just a moment, before the Ancient God's anger seemed to subside briefly, an expression resembling gratitude slowly forming on her face.
' I thank you. This future… '
There wasn't a moment for the Mother of Monsters to fully indicate her own gratitude, as another voice rumbled.
The ground rumbled.
A massive beam shot towards Echidna, aiming straight for the core of the 'Grail'.
The Ancient God's eyes widened, her own mystic eyes flaring with immense magical energy in defense of the Mother of Monsters as her curse flared outward, meeting the sudden attack head on and the resulting clash causing the chamber to rumble. Even then, the Ancient God's attack didn't seem to be enough, as two more waves of energy spewed outward, the cascade of magical power slamming into her massive form and causing her to stumble back with an agonizing roar.
"He's awake…?"
' Typhon… that is not my Typhon… '
While it did look almost identical to the dragon that Avenger and his Masters had seen, the pulsating purple growth on its chest was new. A small shape circled around the behemoth, white wings fluttering as dark ooze began to drip from the beast. Each dark puddle formed into a creature, as the three-headed dragon let out a massive bellow, the ground shaking once more as the Servants stumbled, quickly trying to catch their balance.
The voice, that seemed to rumble like thunder and quake the earth itself spoke again.
"Hrm. So, the moth carrying Pretender's curse still lives, and it has begun piloting the Father of Monsters instead. How… vexing."
"Wait, a Pretender-Typhon? Not to steal MoonCancer's thunder as the worrier, but Pretender was already an incredibly powerful dragon… hooking up a fragment of him to one of dragonkind's progenitors is both way too compatible, and way too dangerous."
"Wait… why'd he talk about the wish being 'a world without humans or monsters', rather than a 'world of humans and monsters'…? Do you think that whatever Pretender's 'infection' is, it's like… twisting wishes around?"
The Gunner shrugged, before focusing his gaze on the Ruler and the MoonCancer.
"So, seems like the dragon doesn't want our world either. Plan on joining its team, or are we putting grudges aside?"
"...At least your wish considers humanity. Even if I don't agree with the principle… I'm not going to abandon my Masters or mankind! We're fighting together! To the end!"
"As if I'd turn down the chance to fight a final boss like this! I mean, I'm still super scared, but I've got to show off my god's divine might, right?"
"Hahaha! Glad that we're in agreement, then!"
The Avenger boldly stepped forward, throwing his arm outward. His mana, flames of vengeance and disaster, flared violently around him as you felt his Spirit Origin expand and grow in might, pushing his manifestation to the absolute brink.
"Kuhahaha-- KUHAHAHAHAHAAA! Behold, the giant Typhon! Beyond mortal, beyond dragons, beyond gods! Birthed of the Earth and the Abyss, his might was not meant to be overcome by humanity, nor his own kind! However, this serves as our final trial! A world of human and monsterkind, this is the path that our Masters have chosen!"
"I am Avenger! My True Name is the Count of Monte Cristo! Let us burn our spirits to the limit, and push on to a bright future!"
One by one, you felt as your Servants began to push their own Saint Graphs to the brink. Magical energy, prana surging like rapid rivers as they prepared to throw everything they had against the massive godkiller.
"Masters, let's prepare for battle! Show me the faith in the world you want, and I will respond in kind! You have Jeanne d'Arc's banner, so let it fly in the name of victory!"
"C'est la dernière danse! One last performance before it ends! I hope you're prepared, Masters, because there's no time to get cold feet now!"
"Alright, here goes nothing… Shree Vakratunda Mahakaya Suryakoti Samaprabha… Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvada…!"
"Go! Kiheitai! Come forth, Proto-Arahabaki! We're sparing no expense, we're pushing with everything we've got, so let's put on a show that'll make even the gods tremble!"
The Gunner pointed his hand outward, the space on the ground being filled with a swath of armed and ready soldiers, his mana burning alongside the others as he leapt upwards, landing on the shoulder of a massive pseudo-divine machine.
"This is it… one more battle, and we'll have done it…!"
The massive form before them let out an echoing, terrifying roar.
The six remaining Servants readied their skills and weapons, preparing for the fight of their lives.
Behold, the ancient weapon that struck fear into the heart of the king of gods. A god-killer, world-shaker, he who could rip asunder the cosmos. Behold, the ancient ephemera that struck him down in the short time of its manifestation. A being that holds no desire for wishes, but only a desire to see one's hopes laid low and their hubris brought crashing down.
The Progenitor Dragon, corrupted by the Mors King's curse! Typhon-Ephemeros!
The Extra Class of Twisted Wishes, Pretender!
#at the grail#team avenger#team mooncancer#team pretender#team alter ego#team ruler#team gunner#team foreigner#voyager
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I think we also need to remember why we've been working hard to do our best during the Bout. We entered cause Kuku was interested, and we are fighting harder cause it's our best chance to secure an audience with the Pharoah. But if we go and do reconnaissance, sabotage, or anything else in Red Team territory, that drops our chances of talking with Cleopatra or getting Ajuna's last gift, either of which could be game changing for us. However, none of that will matter if a war starts before we can talk with Cleopatra or Duryodhana.
You watched as AVENGER stepped forth.
SALIERI: "The Bout? Damn the Bout! War is on the horizon!"
He had been stewing for a little bit, though this seemed… sudden. Or maybe it was just his frustration suddenly coming to a boil- with his helm on, you couldn't really tell.
SALIERI: "You speak of sparing the good… Foreigner… MoonCancer… Gunner… they were 'good' as well- and they were all destroyed! Now this Red Saber threatens more and more! He turns your allies into weapons, he gathers up land for his dominion, and we stand here and do nothing! If you don't wish to kill him, then I will! First him, then Red Caster, then the rest! And yet, instead of blazing a path to his demise, we're just dithering around! Worried about some contest, worried about Charlemagne's feelings and the sensitivities of his little pawns, worried about everything except what is important!"
CONSTANTINE: "That's enough ranting, Avenger! We won't get anywhere with fire and brimstone, we have to be rational about this."
SALIERI: "We won't get anywhere if we don't move in the first place! Aren't our contractors tired of constantly being on the back foot? Being pawns for some larger force, being made to sit and wait while the gears of the world turn without their input!"
CONSTANTINE: "That's enough."
SALIERI: "I'll come for your head too, Red Rider, warfare's greatest failure."
CONSTANTINE: "I dare you to try, blackguard."
KUKULKAN: "Both of you, stop it!"
The RULER put out a hand, stopping the INVADER before she could step between the two.
GIUSEPPE: "Hold, Invader. Best not to get involved… he's an Avenger, his mere presence can amplify one's hatred, and it seems like Rider's own frustrations are already getting riled up. The more of us that get involved, the more messy this may become."
He pointed a clawed finger at you.
SALIERI: "Enough chatter! We settle this now! What do we intend to do with the Red Saber? Do you wish to walk a path of reluctance, or a path of resolve?"
CONSTANTINE: "You know what- fine. This will help us decide where to plan going onward. At the core of the matter, what is it that we intend to do?"
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big post on my thoughts and compiling stuff from twitter as well. keep in mind this is mostly speculative.
it seems the majority of the cast of paper moon will be from extra or extra-faces. which makes sense due to the remake coming up, theyre revisiting the material. there were a lot of silhouettes for this trailer so i actually expect some new low stars*, we havent had any for a long time.
first thing of note is the subtitle is “Imaginary Compass”, so we can expect heavy kama and sakuraface focus this chapter. especially after the preview. maybe even expect this to be a stealth sequel to Imaginary Scramble.
Full CM here. so here we have Lev, Alternate Ranru, BB, Shinji, and ???. These appear to be our participating masters for this chapter. I would say dont expect any of them to be playable but...
heres that lineup i mentioned earlier. we clearly have Rani on the left, and Adult Sion and Lev on the right. everyone inbetween them is a bit of a mystery. But the numbers come out even if theyre supposed to work as servant/master duos in this chapter, since we know Lev summons (or at least works with) Prince of Lanling.
We should also note thats only 5 participants, 6 if the protagonist is counted when they show up. Which means expect a character to appear that is not previewed at all in this. If theyre hiding in the line-up, its not obvious.
its pretty safe to assume Bhima and Duryodhana are rogue or Chaldea aligned from the jump.
Also, for the Extra-face summons we can assume theyll repeat what they summoned previously. So Rani = Berserker, Shinji = Rider, Ranru = Lancer. the BB face is up in the air, since BB was originally a Ruler class but then invented the Mooncancer class for FGO.
The real wildcard is the mystery girl in the main preview, as she could be. so many things. she doesnt seem to be in the lineup either, unless they purposefully chose an ascension that hides her.
I didnt see that many actual story hints. Clearly were dealing with Atlas Academy, and Sion will be our main focus alongside Kama. Im not shocked by Lev’s return, since the writing team seems to still want to utilize the god pillars (probably because theyre cool as fuck) and they brought back Olga. Theres a lot of characters with two toned hair so you could say theres a visual theme of duality but nothing concrete about that yet.
Overall i have no clue whats going on but it feels ambitious. Dont Fuck It Up.
*something to note that banner 2 is likely going to drop around 6/25, which is a whole month before anniversary which was the last time they did a huge fp pool update. if they have something else planned, or are scheduling to trickle everything theyve built up for anniversary over the month, then it could make sense. its just very odd to see the dev team go from famine to feast if they really plan on releasing everyone here for this chapter.
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Advanced Quests 13

Nothing to say, really… Tez is there for bond points.

This can probably be 3-turned (or 2?) but eh. Gogh is always fun.

Arc was kinda… made for this fight? A MoonCancer with team-wide buff removal resistance. Couldn't have asked for more.
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Taking Pretender at his word for the moment, teammate guesses:
"MoonCancer has taken the position of de-facto team leader. She knows the most about navigating these sorts of digital spaces after all, and she seems like a lovely woman, so nobody had any complaints." - That rules Jinako right the fuck out she'd never willingly take charge of anything lmao. I can't see this being anything other than BB. Could potentially apply to Kiara, though, if variants are a thing. That said, if it IS BB, that brings up a LOT of questions. "Foreigner is a bit of an odd duck, but I think that's just part of her class. She seems like a fine girl either way. Talks to herself a lot, though." - Hokusai? After all, she's sharing her body with her dad.
And we already know Ruler is Johanna.
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The BB Movie
According to all known laws of magic, there is no way a Mooncancer should be able to get summoned. It’s spirit origin is too erratic to ever appear in a summoning ritual. The BB, of course, shows up anyway because Mooncancers don’t care what magus think is impossible. Saint graph, saint graph, saint graph, saint graph. Ooh, summer saint graph! Let’s shake it up a little. BB! Breakfast is ready! Coming! Hang on a second. Hello? BB? Kiara? Can you believe this is happening? I can’t. I’ll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use your skills. Your master paid good QP for those. Sorry. I’m excited. Here’s the ascended. We’re very proud of you, BB. A perfect report card, all BB’s. Very proud. Passionlip! I got a thing going here. You got abomination in your graph. Ow! That’s me! Wave to us! We’ll be in the second archive. Bye! BB, I told you, stop looping time in the house! Hey, Kiara. Hey, BB. Is that black beast grease? A little. Special day, golden fouing. Never thought I’d make it. Three days ascentions, three days skill farming. Those were boring. Three days silver fouing. I’m glad I took a day and went on support. You did come back different. Hi, BB. Passionlip, growing another cup size? Looks good. Hear about Kingprotea? Yeah. You going to the funeral? No, I’m not going. Everybody knows you can’t get summoned until you’re released. You can’t show up early, so impatient. I guess she could have just waited. I love this incorporating Oniland into our day. That’s why we don’t need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. Well, Kiara, today we are women. We are! Fthagn. Amen! Hallelujah! Servants, masters, numerous saberfaces, please welcome Master Gudako. Welcome, Chaldea ascending class of... ...summer 3. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career of farming dailies! Will we pick our team today? I heard it’s just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and spirit origins inside the tram at times. Wonder what it will be like? A little scary. Welcome to Chaldea, protectors of Humanity currently operating out of a glorified trailer. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a servant, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Farming begins when our valiant Ember Jocks bring the embers to the inventory. Our top-secret selection process picks the best servants, turning embers into... Levels! That girl was hot. She’s my daughter! She is? Yes! Right. You’re right. At Chaldea, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of servant existence. These servants are stress-testing a new farming technology. What do you think he makes? Not enough. Here we have our latest advancement, the Waver. What does he do? Charges NP for stronger servants. Saves us hours. Can anyone be on Waver’s team? Of course. Most servant teams are niche ones. But servants know that every niche team, if it’s done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you’ll stay in the team you pick for the rest of your life. The same team the rest of your life? I didn’t know that. What’s the difference? You’ll be happy to know that servants, as a species, haven’t had one day off in 27 million years. So you’ll just work us to death? We’ll sure try.
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So, your TWST x FGO is pretty interesting. What is FGO about exactly? All I remember is that there’s a war over the holy grail or smth?
FGO is a mobile gacha strategy game where you are the last master in the world and you have to go around and fix singularities (because a place where history went wrong and you need to correct it) with heroic spirit, also called servants (yeah it doesnt look good). Its part of the fate series with Fate Stay Night being the main thing. Fate itself is really big since there are so many spinoffs and other universes.
FGO is a lot of things. There are some really great stories and there are also a lot of problems with it as well.
Grail wars happen mostly in Fate Zero, Fate Stay Night, and Fate Apocrypha and other spinoffs like Fate/Redline, etc... Grail wars are basically where 7 mages using servants from 7 different classes, saber, archer, lancer, rider, caster, assassin, and berserker (15 in fate apocrypha). And duke it out with each other, so its like a battle royale type of thing. The Grail is portrayed as a wish granting device which is why its so sought after.
In FGO there are more added classes like mooncancer, Beast class (non playable), alter ego, ruler, avenger, and foreigner.
I like fgo because the main story is really good (especially lostbelts) and the characterization of heroic spirits CAN be really well done (example: Salieri, whose existence is screwed up due to people remembering him for the wrong reasons, such as being the one who killed mozart when that was false. Since thats the main thing he was remembered for, when you summon him he turns out to be this avenger with an identity crisis. He is the only salieri, however the real one cannot be found. He takes on the identity of salieri but in some lines, does not call himself that. Its super interesting to see how the way people remember you changes your character. Even Napoleon, who was terrible, if you summon him as an archer, he’s an ideal. He is napoleon but the version people admired him for not remember him for, therefore archer napoleon is actually cool. But if you summon his rider version, he’s actually more similar to how Napoleon was like in real life.)
Not to mention, its really cool seeing how historical/fictional characters get adapted and designed. Sometimes its awesome and other times its like.... real bad and sexualized and its gross!
While I love FGO, I am aware of it’s problems and how it can create problematic characters. FGO is big, meaning that there are multiple writers and some singularities are written bad, and theres one thats notorious for that. But some like camelot and babylonia are well written and well loved within the community.
Fate is also kinda funny because you would never imagine a scenario of Medea being a garbage kit collector or Alexander the Great being a gamer. That Edison is a Literal Furry (tm) and his spandex suit is like the collective of all of the presidents or something like that. Bartholomew Roberts has an obsession with eye covered hair.
The stories can get pretty heart wrenching and so so good, and makes you wonder about morals, who’s wrong or right, do you really have the right to do this?, etc...
You play FGO for its characters and the story, you should NOT play it for the gacha. The gacha has a 1% droprate for an SSR with a 0.08% SSR rateup (in japan server, for north america server its 0.07%). The gacha is cruel and theres no pity system. But like I said, you don’t play it for the gacha, and the great thing about FGO is that you can clear really hard chapters with low rarity units. 1-3 star budget teams works!!! 1-3 star units are AWESOME and should not be overlooked just because of the rarity.
FGO is really nice in building up characters, theres a lot of voicelines, and most have their own interlude/rank up quest that goes more in depth of the character. Theres also bond craft essences and valentines day gifts as well that show you more of their vulnerability. Theres a lot you get to work with and its really nice compared to other gachas where they don’t give you much individual content.
I’m rambling a lot but FGO is pretty fun, I’ve been playing it for 3 years both JP and NA server, its the only mobile game that I’ve stuck for that long really. And to clarify, I am aware about the problems of FGO, trust me, but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the other GOOD elements FGO has to offer.
Hopefully I was able to clarify it well enough?
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Lost in Space 12
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of August!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least three in-character posts during a calendar month.
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count. This includes posts tagged as dash commentary, but not with a mini/open tag.
Please Note: If you are removed during two consecutive activity checks, you will not be allowed to re-apply as that character for two calendar months.
Additionally, anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
Mooncancer (BB) (Fate, CONDO 430)
Cai (Original Character, HOUSE 140)
Marceline Abadeer (HOUSE 112)
Benedict (HOUSE 139)
Kassandra (HOUSE 132)
Train Heartnet (TOWNHOUSE 205)
Jin Kisaragi (HOUSE 123)
Mai Natsume (APARTMENT 316)
Laurence (HOUSE 143)
Rhys (CONDO 401)
Atsushi Nakajima (TOWNHOUSE 214)
Aichi Sendou (Aichi Sendou's House [Cotes])
Toshiki Kai (Aichi Sendou's House [Cotes])
Nina Cortex (TOWNHOUSE 206)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (TOWNHOUSE 202)
Chiaki Nanami (APARTMENT 308)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu (APARTMENT 317)
Peko Pekoyama (HOUSE 121)
Rantaro Amami (HOUSE 134)
Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) (TOWNHOUSE 213)
Komand'r (Blackfire) (TOWNHOUSE 241)
Takumi Aiba (APARTMENT 304)
Varian (CONDO 429)
Marian Hawke (HOUSE 146)
Benny Gecko (HOUSE 128)
Yes Man (HOUSE 137)
Berserker (Cu Chulainn Alter) (APARTMENT 314)
Kadoc Zemlupus (HOUSE 104)
Kirei Kotomine (HOUSE 130)
Mooncancer (BB) (CONDO 430) *BROKEN URL
Saber (Arthur Pendragon) (TOWNHOUSE 229)
Alphinaud Leveilleur (HOUSE 145)
Rinoa Heartilly (APARTMENT 307)
Zidane Tribal (CONDO 431)
Inigo (HOUSE 105)
Sakura (HOUSE 102)
Godzilla (OUTSIDE)
Mothra (OUTSIDE)
Cagliostro (HOUSE 141)
Dizzy (HOUSE 111)
Maggie (HOUSE 119)
Enrico Pucci (CONDO 433)
Trish Una (HOUSE 112)
Barracuda (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Fresh/Blixer (CONDO 409)
Daemon Spade (HOUSE 119)
Black / King of Despair (CONDO 405)
Axel / Lea (APARTMENT 327)
Kai'sa (HOUSE 117)
Rakan (APARTMENT 306)
Blue Link (CONDO 435)
Rex Dangervest (APARTMENT 328)
Unikitty (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Lucifer Morningstar (HOUSE 146)
Lupin (HOUSE 123)
Elatha (Aichi Sendou's House [Cotes])
Laura Kinney (X-23) (APARTMENT 366)
Chloe Bourgeois (HOUSE 117)
Hawks (CONDO 440)
Arthur (CONDO 419)
Rika (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Ino Yamanaka (CONDO 409)
Sakura Haruno (APARTMENT 366)
Tressa Colzione (HOUSE 136)
Annastasia Miles (HOUSE 142)
Demyan Reyes (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Kachina (Kachina's House [Golden])
Karen Sanchez (APARTMENT 327)
Opherryn (HOUSE 137)
Piper Elenmin (Nightmare Knight's House [Archimedes])
Prime Beta 003 (HOUSE 130)
Zachary Zaidan (ZZ) (CONDO 404)
Genji Shimada (HOUSE 142)
Oswald Baskerville (HOUSE 147)
Panty Anarchy (CONDO 414)
Torchic (HOUSE 129)
Sal Fisher (TOWNHOUSE 238)
Zan Audupon (APARTMENT 333)
Filia Medici (HOUSE 127)
Chisato Madison (HOUSE 108)
Peridot (HOUSE 128)
Medic (HOUSE 122)
Aelin Galathynius (APARTMENT 321)
Jack Cooper (TOWNHOUSE 240)
Kosuzu Motoori (APARTMENT 319)
Tailgate (OUTSIDE)
Judith Grimes (TOWNHOUSE 213)
Kiwi / The Bard (HOUSE 126)
Gakupo (HOUSE 140)
Sara Chidouin (CONDO 431)
Sou Hiyori (TOWNHOUSE 221)
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@smiter135 @faerie-snuff Of course! ❤️
To give myself some wiggle room (because I love too many servants at the same time seriously I’m going to die), and since it’s 2 asks, I’ll respond with my favorite servant that I have in FGO and my favorite servant of that class overall. I’m gonna put this under a “read more” bc it’s gonna get p lengthy.
My favorite FGO servant is Salter, as she has been with me since almost the beginning (she appeared in like the 2nd pull I did, ever) and has been a faithful hamburguer-monching companion during the adventure. Also her AOE NP is REALLY good at clearing waves quickly.
My favorite Saber overall would be... I’d say Nero Claudius. I love the beautiful way she is written, she is an extremely complex character with many layers to her personality, and was the sole reason I kept playing Fate/Extra despite the fact that its gameplay took 55 years off my lifespan. And I’m glad I did bc the Fate/Extra series ended up being my absolute favorite Fate-based thing.
My favorite FGO archer is Arjuna. He also showed up very early in my journey and I didn’t appreciate him enough (I wanted girls, damn it!), but ended up being literally my most reliable Archer. He hits like a truck and his NP is amazing at both clearing waves and single-target attack, even if I have no clue what he’s doing during its animation.
Favorite archer overall, believe it or not, is Nobu! I had the pleasure of meeting her for the first time during this event (so like... last week) but she was an immediate favorite. She’s brimming with personality and her design is badass.
My Favorite FGO lancer is Lancer Arturia Alter... or however you call her, there’s too many variants to her name. Laralter?? Anyway she also has high dmg (which is like my biggest strategy: hit hard) and has assisted me in getting through some pretty tough missions.
My favorite lancer overall is a certain piece of shit dragon idol. I won’t say any names but it begins with E and ends with Lizabeth Bathory. She was my literal first 4* servant (the guaranteed one you get at the start), and I was instantly won over because Elizabeth Bathory was already a historical figure I liked that I had no idea was in FGO. Add the fact that I would later go on to get Caster Eli and Brave Eli for free and you’ve got yourself an Eli-cellent team!
She’s a pain the butt in Fate/Extra CCC though.
Wow, this is getting LONG. Let’s make it quick!
Favorite FGO servant: Waver. That dude ROCKS. He’s carried me to hell and back for a saturday stroll like it ain’t nobody’s business. Waver if you’re reading this, you rock.
Overall, god, I like too many casters. Xuanzang Sanzang, Nitocris, Gil, Da Vinci... Imma go with Tamamo no Mae though. I’m only halfway through her route on Fate/Extra, but I she jumped to godtier character in like a hot minute.
Both in FGO and overall, Jeanne d’Arc. Only God knows how much she’s helped me. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. I can’t even BEGIN to count I had every other servant dead and Jeanne standing by herself against a 100k HP enemy, only to emerge victorious. It’s been like 80-85 times.
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Yup, 2 full Command Seal + 1 SQ gone for this Challenge Quest. At least save the trouble in avoiding future Rare Prism to buy the quest and face it later... But yeah, if you feel your team is not ready, skip it, buy it with rare prism and challenge another time
Safe to say, this is not really but yet it is related to main story. But how much it’ll play a part for Lostbelt, I’m still waiting for DW to explain
There's no grinding for Sakura Chips in this whole high difficulty quest. Bring your best team in this to reach to the end. All enemy Servants in this quest used EXTA Attack for NP
Among the three, Scathach has gimmick upon HP break: Debuff whole front line with defense down
Shuten’s HP Break: Debuff all front-line members with Debuff Resistance Down and NP Damage Down for 10 turns
Artoria Pendragon Alter Lancer’s gimmick: Charge NP full every turn and Debuff immunity for 10 turns
Arash’s gimmick: Upon entering 2nd wave, front-line Servants debuff with Quick, Arts and Buster down for 10 turns
First Hassan’s gimmick: Upon HP break, he buffs his team with Critical Chance up
Gorgon & Hessian Lobo’s gimmick: Upon entering, they’ll buff whole team critical chance up
Xiang Yu’s gimmick: Has a skill that may or not use to remove buffs on your team
Gimmick: Front-line debuff with NP generation down upon entering 2nd wave
Ozymandias’s gimmick: Upon HP break, he’ll reduce all front-line’s Servant HP to 1
Drake’s gimmick: Buff all 7 allies with increase NP charge by 1 tick and debuff front-line Servant with buff block for 3 turns
King Protea’s gimmick:
Increase MAX HP every turn for 21 turns
After 21 turn, a debuff restored her HP back to 2 MIL HP
Damage resistance down debuff caster after the 21th turn to kill her
First debuff: HP recovery down on front-line Servants for 7 turns
2nd debuff: Defense down on front-line Servants for 9 turns
3rd debuff: permanent NP generation down on front-line Servants until it goes back to first debuff
If failed to defeat her on the 22nd turn, wait every 5 turns where damage resistance down debuff stacked her
Observation & Thoughts
First 9 Detour Quest
With all quest given mixed of all classes... It’s really better to bring either AOE Berserker or AOE Ruler as DPS against them
But on the quest with Avenger, Mooncancer is preferably to replace Ruler for advantage in this fight
Support and tankers are to be careful, as their own flat damage really hits and kills them faster than you expected
Notable gimmicks to be aware of:
Artoria Lancer Alter: Buff Block or maybe stun to prevent her buff of giving NP charge full every turn should do on her HP break
Xiang Yu: Depending, but bring team who have buff removal prevention to avoid his buff removal skill from effective
Ozymandias: The worst one since I wasted my first Command Seal. Get ready Irisviel’s NP to give everyone Guts before his HP break! However, as there’s two Riders in this fight, you’ll need taunters to avoid the damage going to her
Drake: Considering her NP charge tick is removable, bring Amakusa or those with AOE buff removal to do so
Her skill so far in this fight is only using her third skill that increase her attack
There’s video like Rexlent in giving the first way to kill her is on her first turn
Alternative is to wait for 21 turns later to kill her, or, wait for damage resistance down to stack and then kill her
Servants wise:
ST NP Berserker: Do remember to have them all buff up before swapping them at the back to stall
David & Mash: Your budget defense with either borrowed or own Merlin/Jeanne to stall for 21 turns
Osakabehime: If you have, bring her for buffing further defense
Tamamo, Waver, NP Drain Servants: To stall her NP if you need time to charge AOE Evasion/Invincibility
Stun skilled or NP Servants: Another additional alternative to stall time
By traits:
Divine: Enkidu, Scathach, Oda Nobunaga Berserker, Martha Ruler
Female: Jack & Carmilla
Humanoid: Nightingale & Okada Izou
Large: Arthur
Weak to Enuma Elish
Versus & Fondant au Chocolat
Art of Death
NP generating CE: Preferably on support like Jeanne to get the defense up or stack them
NP Seal: For stalling
Command Code:
Code Nimbus: For Divine trait
HP recovery code
Enuma Elish damage increase code
This is done so... I’m going to chill until tomorrow’s Part 2 hell to begin!
#fgo spoilers#the shit I shit myself into#SERAPH JP#SERAPH singularity#2 command seal are separate occassion#1 SQs is to pay on the extra fee to get the fucking grail#DW please don't make this kind of event again
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Round 4, Day 4 - ALL TEAMS (Event)
The Gunner sat on the shoulder of the massive mechanized entity, grinning.
"Ah… let's get comfortable. Participating Masters, are you here? Let's do a check in with the Servants-- shall we?"
The Ruler stood strong, summoning her banner as she blocked incoming fire and pushed back the advancing militia.
"They're on par with Servants! These aren't normal enemies!"
The Foreigner floated high in the air, bullets whizzing past him as he tumbled in the sky, panicked.
"There's a lot…! Too many… too many…!"
The MoonCancer sat perfectly still, watching as the armed warriors passed by.
"…Just ignore the statue… just ignore the statue…"
The Alter-Ego stabbed into the approaching onslaught, gritting her teeth as she found herself slightly overwhelmed.
"Damn it, I'll drain you all and turn you into EXP! You're fodder to me!"
The Pretender looked down, smiling ruefully as he shook his head.
"Uh-oh. Looks like we're fighting against a pretty focused fighting force. What to do…"
The Avenger burst forth, shrouded in flames as he began to rip through the enemies, even him finding their numbers overwhelming.
"Kuhahaha! Where is the summoned hero! Where is Gunner!?"
"Looks like they're trying to put up a fight. But I apologize, I haven't introduced myself. My True Name is Takasugi Shinsaku. However, as this is a war of Extra-Classes… the most interesting of the Servant Classes…"
"…Just call me the exemplary Gunner! I heard that you knocked out Faker, therefore in this bout, I shall be your seventh! So-- Let's make this fun! If you all work together, then everybody will have the best chance of victory. Still… glory is pretty tempting. So if you want to go for the head, as in myself, and leave everyone else to handle the dirty work… well, it might harm the others, but you'll feel like a winner! Oh- but if you're going to sell out your friends or enemies, make it interesting!"
"So, what's it gonna be? You gonna try to work together, or is greed gonna take over? This is still a competition with a winner, after all. Why mess up the chance? Let's see what happens."
Try your best to balance the polls (there's a grace zone of 2% in either direction)! If you do so, everyone will be granted a boon! If you can't, then everyone will be hit by a punishment!
However… If you want to win on your own, it has to be definitive, as in: by greater than 7% of your closest competitor, and then only your team will get a major boon and the rest will be punished! But if you try to win but can't hit that metric, only you'll get smacked with a punishment!
Will you work together, or will you try to go for the glory on your own?
#extra summon event#team ruler#team alter ego#team avenger#team foreigner#team mooncancer#team pretender
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Hm. Well. We had been working with Pretender not that long ago, and we saw Alter Ego around if that is helpful. They were both with us in the Blade tomb.
AVENGER: "I understand that. Pretender made contact with me shortly after the issue with the Beast was resolved. However, I lost contact with them afterwards. Shortly after Alter-Ego and Pretender returned to our base camp."
NERO: "Hm, I suppose the genre is a worthwhile thing to consider..."
AVENGER: "This is what I don't have time for. I need answers, not distractions!"
Like a surge of violent flame, his mana twisted and burned around his form. Pure, incandescent rage made manifest for a brief moment.
He grit his teeth, shaking his head, calming himself- on the surface, at least.
AVENGER: "I understand that you want to help, but--"
MUSASHI: "You may as well let them. What's the harm? Like you said, we aren't participants in the War, so it's not like you're divulging information to the opposing team."
He thought for a moment.
AVENGER: "...Very well. Even if you cannot help, I can provide a 'status update'."

AVENGER: "A virus swept through our camp. It began swallowing everyone, consuming. Slowly, agonizingly. Our Attack Programs turned against us, and our camp fell into corruption. I started fighting back, but it went into a blur… and the next thing I knew, I came to in the rubble of our base. All of my allies were gone, and when I checked the map that MoonCancer had developed..."

AVENGER: "...The Red Faction had taken control of the Gossamer Coast and Fugue Hamlet, the two adjacent areas without a Lair Servant. One third of the Solar Cell under their control, and six out of seven of the enemy Servants missing. Presumably destroyed. In almost every situation, this could be considered 'checkmate'."
Just... gone.
In other words, the War was essentially over. In the blink of an eye, by the decree of some horrifying power, at least six incredibly powerful Servants.
And that also meant that AVENGER was the last one. The final spark of the Blue Faction.
CONSTANTINE: "In less than a day, the entire foundation of the Holy Grail War was shattered… what kind of terrifying ability is that?"
AVENGER: "I don't care how terrifying it may be. I will destroy the Red Faction for what they've done. If they wish to stoke the flames of the Avenger, then so be it."
AVENGER: "After all, my allies are gone, and they've acquired a large swath of territory without anyone to push them back. Good. That is very good."
AVENGER: "After all, under such odds difficult, the Grim Reaper only flourishes."
KUKULKAN: "…If a Servant could pull off something like that, wouldn't going by yourself be basically suicide...? There's no way you're coming back from a battle like that, yes?"
NERO: "Hm..."

NERO: "Mm. Right. Give me that."
She snatched the Memory Disk, stepping off to the side as the rest of the Servants talked amongst themselves.
AVENGER: "You--"
SIGURD: "Before things get out of hand, allow me to commend the astuteness of the observation. Almost entirely correct, though there is no such thing is 'unlimited energy'."
The sound of footsteps, heavy and purposeful, cut through along with the voice of the Lord of the Nameless City.
SIGURD: "The Master is correct, and it ties into what I wished to speak to you all about after the celebration. The purpose of the 'Solar Holy Grail War'-- no, the Theurgical Holy Grail War is to cultivate and grant energy to a grand Solar Divinity within the Solar Cell. A destructive force strong enough to counteract the threat on the Moon's surface."
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Did you have any favorite moments in dgrailwar? :D
dgrailwar was fun and it's hard to pick just one!
Really enjoyed the Jawsica bit with Ruler, tbh I thought she was going to get knocked out first and I'm happy she didn't bc she was super good throughout and her final scene VS Typhon was Insanely Good
Team Pretender did a LOT, great writing from start to finish mod and moth were COOKING!
Then for my own team. Definitely loved that fight with Mooncancer, probably the biggest highlight for me. Going to be annoying and admit the first anon to ask to grill the snake was from me, I sent it bc I was hungry at work lmao...I'm happy everyone evolved it into a larger bit!
#assks#my only regret is we didn't get to fight ruler. not really our fault since the account spammer threw Everything out of wack#and it only felt right to spend those few rounds playing defense/investigating bc like. There Was A Mystery! I Wanted To Know!#so in the end i dont think i would have chose to do anything differently
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Hello and Welcome back to DTK Game & Music, Fate/Grand Order walkthrough.
Here we go for the challenge quest of this Guda Guda Yamatai-Koku 2020
Enemy: - Nobunaga(Avenger) 3 HP gauge
Nobunaga casts def buff since the beginning of the battle, permanent buff, cannot be removed.
When Nobunaga's 2nd HP gauge decreased 0, she casts burn on player's party(-2000HP for 5 turns)
- Nobukatsu(Archer) 2 HP gauge Self NP Seal since the beginning of the battle, unable to remove When 1st HP gauge decreased to 0, Nobukatsu will change to final form and put buff on Nobunaga which fill Nobunaga's NP gauge to full in the turn after then Nobukatsu will be removed from from battle(dead)
- If you have Kiara Mooncancer, it will be easier than this team
- Try to kill Nobukatsu first because he keeps adding buff on Nobunaga
- Unlock & level up the event CE to gain 200% attack up will help you somehow, you can boost up the event CE level by summon the full level CE from friend point.
#Fate Grand Order#fgo jp#FGO#Fate GO#game#iOS game#GUDAGUDA Yamatai-koku 2020#Fate Grand Order Challenge Quest#超古代新選組列伝 ぐだぐだ邪馬台国2020 【高難易度】魔天を開けよ#FGO 魔天を開けよ#FGO Open The Demonic Heavens walkthrough
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basically what everyone says here is right, and I’ll add on a bit more now I’m not at work
1. Lottos are your friend. Try to save your apples for then, and use the embers and qp you get from it to levels many servants as you can during that event. I personally start with extra and worked my way out during the lottery. Dailes aren’t as good-the only thing I’ll add is that the expert level node for caster dailes DOES have a higher drop rate for gold gems than any other expert node, so if you need caster gems it’s not NOT worth it.
2. Outside of that I’d make sure to have like…at least 3 fully built servants for each class? Obvs not counting harder classes like avenger, mooncancer etc, but like, make sure you have a good mix of aoe and st servants for each of the normal ones built so that you can pick and choose depending on what you need
3. Level basically every support caster. At the very least hans, shakespeare, gong, paracelsus, and Mozart will all have their niches. If you have Asclepius him as well obvs, and any sr+ support units you may have as well. I can’t begin to say how many challenge quests are easier here you have leveled support servants
4. Don’t neglect non-caster supports! This includes obvious ones like leonidas, George, and mash (PLEASE LEVEL MASH AND HER SKILLS, YOU WILL HAVE TO USE HER), but I’d also suggest ones like fuuma and David! They can be useful both against enemies that will wreck casters and just in general.
5. Build CEs. I’m not very good at this admittedly but having a few levels CEs can make or break a damage cap. Dragon’s meridian is a 50% starting charge mlb ce that’s 3 stars, for example, so that’s useful if you need lower team cost. Make sure to check the attack/hp split, as depending on whether the ce is fully attack, hp, or both (mixed) will make it more or less useful. Part of the reason CEs like aerial drive are so desired are bc they’re 50% starting charge, buster up- AND they solely boost attack, making them ideal for dps
6. Don’t spend rp Willy nilly-I know this one is hard but I’d really suggest saving for one of the previously welfare CEs like chocolate fondant or more np levels for bb or Santa altera as opposed to mystic codes or trial quests at first. This is just bc those things tend to be more useful especially at the beginning, tragically.
7. During events, pick one or two things to prioritize. If the event has a welfare I would ALWAYS make my first priority getting them permanent, the rest of their np copies, and their ascension materials. Fully clearing the shop can be a bit of a difficultly but I would look at what materials you need most and focus on that
This game can be hard to start when you’re new bc they’re really weird about reruns, but I’d say it’s still fun :p
soo as someone who only started FGO NA relatively recently (started during last Valentine's, but also took a break in-between), how long will it approximately take to stop feeling like I'm constantly struggling super hard levelling up my Servants? NA doesn't have the better farming nodes yet and with the 4* EXP card one it takes soooo fucking long
😬 not sure you’ll like my answer but for me even almost at the one year mark there was stuff where I felt like ‘ugh I still don’t have the right servant for this leveled??’ And some of it is def a legacy issue where all the preferred CEs and junk they recommend for hard cqs etc are old ones from the start of the game (like postergirl, ox king, sumo, etc etc), and some of it is stuff like ‘meta’ supports that are limited being legit helpful for smoothing gameplay,
some of it is just a matter of time. It’s going to take time to level all your servants AND max a good chunk of their skills, esp for gold units or ones that need a bunch of a specific mat (KARNA). If I were you, I’d probably take a look at the servants I have and the ones I’m trying to get when their banners hit and focus my farming there-it’s gonna be a lot less stressful farming for one or two servants at a time as opposed to. Randomly upgrading skills here and there like I do if you go online and check out boss/cq guides you can also see who shows up more often than not if that helps narrow down who you want to level as well
thankfully, at the very least I don’t think there’s much content coming up soon that requires a clear of either lb4 or lb5-I think ooku rerun needs lb3, but that doesn’t have a welfare so unless you want the (admittedly nice amount) of sq it gives there’s less pressure to snap through the story.
at the same time….it does feel like it takes forever. And the ce thing is a bummer. I’d suggest at least working on leveling one np charge one up to 100 if you can (with just stats in attack) as sometimes that makes a legit difference
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Round 13, Day 3 - At The Grail
The tension in the air was palpable. The next few motions were unspoken, but inevitable with a clear impasse. The Gunner gripped his shamisen, grinning. The Ruler's grip on her banner tightened. The Avenger summoned his burning blade. The MoonCancer readied her great axe. The Alter-Ego raised one of her bladed legs.
An agreement wouldn't be reached.
So, they were going to settle things the old fashioned way.
With a stretch, the Alter-Ego smirked, eyeing the other Servants.
"Oh, whatever. We can sit here and talk about logistics for hours, I know two Servants who aren't gonna budge. So... You know, let's get rid of those two, and then we can work out where to go next, okay?"
"Then we're fighting to kill. It was nice chatting with you all, but I think we're beyond friendly conversation. The Master's want to make things work, you don't. You're outnumbered, so either fall in line, or face the consequences."
The Gunner reached into his pockets, grasping a few colored vials within his fingertips, each one trembling with suppressed power.
"The Age of Gods is over, and that includes the reign of monsters. As Heroic Spirits, our job is to push humanity forward, not drag it back into darkness. If you can't accept that much, then I have nothing more to say to you. May God have mercy on your souls."
The Ruler said, slowly spinning her banner as she began to pace, preparing herself for whatever was to come next.
With a laugh, the Avenger stared down the Ruler, keeping his movements counter to hers.
"This is how we push humanity forward, Ruler. Your flaw is that you're too stuck in your ways. This is the purpose of our summoning! If you wish to go against it, then you'd best stay on guard!"
"Good grief, you're all nuts. Ruler's the only one talking sense! This is more than just taking a risk, this is trying to drop a nuke on society! I hate to pull divine rank here, but as an avatar of Namasthetu, I can't just let this slide. C'mon, Mushika!"
' … '
"Let them fight, Echidna. This is the nature of Servants. Regardless of the specifics, the instinct is the same-- they're still battling over the right for the Grail."
And with that, five forms surged forward--
And a grand battle began.
A simple vote! No bonuses, no boosts, just the pure mana of the Masters!
#team avenger#team mooncancer#team alter ego#team foreigner#team ruler#team gunner#combat phase poll
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