THGW-Zero is BACK!
Thank you to everyone who waited- or who participated in @dgrailwar during the hiatus! For those who want to jump into the adventure, welcome! For those already involved, welcome back! We're currently on the 6th chapter of the adventure, where our heroes (you!)- once known in the past as the fearsome hate-filled magi called the 'Interlopers', now find yourselves in the unfamiliar world of the Solar Cell- a digital realm created by a goddess known as the 'Heavenly Divinity'. Our heroes (you!) were allegedly created by the Void Cell to destroy the Solar Cell and the data of humanity residing within, but after being sealed by the Lair Servants summoned by the Heavenly Divinity, you found yourself trapped in an endless war before re-emerging from your sealed state with some real nasty amnesia... which seemed to have gotten rid of the hate-filled nature of your past selves, though the scars from the Interloper's rampage still run deep. After saving the Nameless City, a central area to the Solar Cell, you've been asked by the Lair Servant Sigurd to join his crusade to save the Solar Cell... you'll just have to travel across the lands and convince the other Lair Servants to lend you their blessing so that you can leave, and save humanity! As of now, you're visiting the Transient Megalopolis, home to the Lair Servant Cleopatra, and joining the massive Flaming Bout tournament with Musashi to test your skills, and maybe gather more intel! Catch up here:
Part 1 - The Holy Grail War
Chapter 1: 'Phantom/Grey Messenger'
Chapter 2: 'Emperor/Stalwart King'
Chapter 3: 'Alter Ego/Crossroads'
Part 2 - Journey Through the Solar Cell
Chapter 4: 'Invader/Free Spirit'
Chapter 5: 'Justice/One-Man War'
Chapter 6: 'Burning Bonds/Wildfire'
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EPILOGUE - To Weave a Tale of Men and Monsters
-First, the Finale Here-
The wheels of the train rumbled, the passive subtle shaking of the car falling swiftly into a natural sort of ambiance. A man and a woman sat across from each other. The man seemed to be quietly making notes in a folder, as the woman kept herself busy with a book. They seemed pleasant enough to the other passengers, though there was something unsettling about the two of them. One would dare to say 'inhuman', but that seemed ridiculous. As such, nobody could pin down what, and quickly dismissed the feelings as purely irrational.
The man finally spoke, looking up from his notes.
"I appreciate you not coming in your… more substantial form. Still, this is a good look. Very stylish."
He gave her calm smile as he leaned back against the seat, turning to look out the window as the scenery passed by. The woman across from him sighed, pulling a bookmark from one of her pockets and slipping it between the pages before gently shutting it and laying it down on the table between them.
"…While I would have preferred it, I figured arriving in my true form may have complicated things. Besides, if my sisters taught me anything, it's that humans are best caught with sugar, rather than vinegar."
"Uh, I think the phrase uses 'flies', not 'humans'."
The woman paused as if registering his words, lips pursing as she glanced around the train car and adjusted her glasses, before quietly looking downward and fidgeting a bit with her hair. A shyer gesture than what her companion expected.
"...Right. Sorry."
She apologized, and he shook his head, unbothered.
"I get it. This is new, so we'll have to work on that. Not a problem. Still, you're a bit more reasonable than I thought. Guess now's as good a time as any for me to show you these- the drafts of my plans for introducing a human-monster society!"
The man slid over the folder he had been making edits to, filled to the brim with pages after pages of documents, handing it over. The woman raised an eyebrow before she took it, adjusting her glasses before opening the folder and flipping through the contents. Her eyes narrowed slightly, as she looked over at the man across from her.
"…You're insane."
His smile shifted into a wide grin.
"I prefer 'unconventional'. Still, outside of that, what do you think?"
Taking another moment to flip through the contents, she nodded her head slowly.
"It's sneaky… or perhaps you'd prefer 'subtle'? And, while not particularly fast, it does have a decent timeline. I can see why you called yourself a 'mastermind'. I suppose we are going to have to find a way to play around normal human society, magus society, and those that follow the Church…"
She trailed off, lightly chewing her lip. The man filled in the silence, closing his eyes as he spoke, his expression becoming focused.
"It's all about talking to the right people. And, as much as I'd prefer to start in Japan, gathering information regarding magi will be a lot more fruitful here. I don't want your granddaughter's wish to be in vain, you know? Or the resolve that they all showed back then."
"...Thank you. You and the others. I never got a chance to say that before."
The man shrugged, idly reaching across the table to pick up the book the woman had reading. He let it flip open, thumbing through the pages as he spoke.
"I'm sure they know you're grateful, even if you didn't say anything. And on my end... well, there's nothing to thank me for, at least. I mean, I'm bringing you to London, I'm sure the weather will be terrible for your hair. Or... maybe snakes like damp places?"
"...Hm. You're right. I rescind my thanks."
"Hahaha! Is that a smile I see? So the goddess does have a sense of humor!"
The woman rolled her eyes, reaching across to snatch the book back, checking to make sure none of the pages were wrinkled before letting out another a small exhale.
"Don't tell a soul, but I am nervous."
He echoed her sigh, running a hand through his hair.
"If you promise not to tell anyone I feel the same. Nerves are good, though. They keep things interesting."
With that, the woman looked out the window once more.
"…We're approaching our destination. I'll be counting on you, Emissary."
"And I'll be counting on you. Now… let's shake up the world."

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FINALE - In the Sunlight
The Mother of Monsters, the vessel of the Holy Grail, shimmered with a truly radiant light as you made your choices, your inputs for her wish known.
' …You've made your choices, so this is goodbye. For certain this time, as their souls must fill the Grail in order for it to function properly. '
True to the goddess' word, the Servants began to disappear one by one.
The Alter-Ego was the first to begin to vanish, scoffing quietly.
"What? You want some long sniveling goodbye? As if. Sometimes it's just best to let the curtain fall. No encores this time, sadly."
However... her haughty expression lightened, even if it was slight to others, the look in her eyes was rare- her heart laid bare, if only briefly.
"…That being said, you weren't half bad. If we meet again, I wouldn't mind having you as managers again. Please... Be well, Masters."
She bowed deeply, especially gracefully despite her injuries. Her body faded away into twinkling mist, disappearing as elegantly as she had appeared.
The MoonCancer seemed to be vanishing next, as she seemed to pet her mouse familiar for comfort.
"Oh, man. She left all cool, and I can barely keep myself together. God… goodbyes are the worst. What do I even say? I mean, once upon a time, a real tactless guy gave me some advice, so maybe I can just pass it on. So…"
"…Live on, Masters. Even if you don't think you're anyone special… there's definitely someone out there that needs you."
"Take care, okay? I hope fortune rains down on you and you have the brightest futures ever… and I'm saying that as me, not as Lord Ganesha!"
She waved two of her four arms as she vanished, as the other set took off her glasses and wiped at her eyes as she tried not to cry too hard as she left.
The Gunner let out a long, low whistle.
"…So, you decided I'd be reborn, huh? You're really stacking on the pressure, luckily that's where I thrive!"
"But even with me 'coming back'... I'd still consider this goodbye. With an operation like this, I'll be busy trying to set up all the pieces, so it's not like we'd run into each other on the street until I had everything in order."
"So… sayonara. Let's work together to make this uninteresting world interesting, okay?"
He winked, turning away as he began to walk off towards the Mother of Monsters, his form dissipating into twinkling light.
The Count, in a rare state, seemed a bit pensive.
"This is goodbye. It has been a strange journey, but a pleasant one nonetheless. I've said all the words I need to say."
"Or… perhaps not. No, two more rest on my tongue, and as you've called me forth, so you must know them well! So, hold these words in your heart, for the rest of your days, especially as you face this uncertain future!"
"Wait… and hope!"
With a grin as ghastly as night, yet somehow as bright as the rising sun, the Count threw his arms outward with an echoing laugh as his form disappeared.
The last one to go was the Voyager. The core. The hope that you all had chosen.
He sniffled, wiping at his tears.
Then, he smiled.
His voice was soft, and his words were brief, like the gentle twinkle of wind-chimes.
"…Bye-bye. And thank you."
He drifted up towards Echidna, waving his hands as his form vanished.
And only you remained, as the world built by this Grail began to crumble. You felt yourself pulled into darkness… and then, like awakening from a dream, drifting closer and closer into light.

The Mother of Monsters, Echidna, had slowly regenerated over the period of millennia after being nearly slaughtered back in the Age of Gods. Her wrath had been terrifying, only stymied by the sudden, miraculous appearance of the Voyager, and truly quenched by the actions of a few recklessly kindhearted magi.
Her movements were heavy and sluggish, as she pulled herself out the cavern that she had rested in for what felt like eternity, heading towards towards the sun, wincing a bit as the light of the sun hit her face. The sound of movement echoed behind her, as creatures began to pour out of the cave that she had resided in, monsters finding themselves on the surface.
Growls and hisses, the stamping of tails and feet, the flapping of tentacles and wings, all of them confused and elated at the prospect of life- at the prospect of being alive and living in the light.
The last to pull themselves out into the light were the goddesses, who looked upon their kin dancing under the light with joy.
' …The sun is so warm... it's been so long... '
"Is it everything you wished for?"
' ...Even more. '
#fin#team avenger#team mooncancer#team alter ego#team foreigner#team ruler#team pretender#team gunner#overseer post
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Claiming Victory, Ending the Curse - ALL SERVANTS
La Pucelle
Granting The Goddess' Wish - CORE / EMISSARY
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Round 13, Day 7 - A Mother's Wish (1)
You stood before Echidna, the Mother of Monsters. Looming in the distance behind her was the massive form of the Gorgon that started her monstrous bloodline.
Echidna spoke, her gentle voice echoing like the waves rolling onto the shore.
' It is time. '
"Normally, this role would only fall to the victor. However, as things are now, it seems as if you have more flexibility regarding your choices."
' The Servant that is chosen as the core will be fully enveloped within myself, and have their nature serve as the base 'concept' that my children will be born with. This choice is yours, as Masters, and as thanks for your actions thus far. You all know your Servants well. Their natures, their flaws, the ways they hold onto humanity as Heroic Spirits. While they will be gone as a whole, a part of them will live on in this new generation of monsters. '
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Round 13, Day 7 - A Mother's Wish (2)
' ...Secondly, in addition to the core, I promised that I would allow one Servant to be 'reborn' as an Emissary. A voice to help allow our monsters to approach mankind without immediate hostility. They will be incarnated, given life anew. This means that even the confines of death may not ruin their potential of being reborn. '
"Of course, they won't be alone in this little endeavor. To make sure my bloodline is treated well, I'll be alongside them."
' However... such a treasure I cannot enact on the avatar of a Divine Spirit such as the MoonCancer. I apologize, but 'Ganesha' was not a Servant summoned to me or born to me, so I hold no Authority over her. Now, please, make your choice. '
[ Note - The 'Emissary' and the 'Core' cannot be the same Servant. Keep that in mind while voting! ]
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Hey Voyager, great job. You truly are humanity’s shining star! I’ll be looking into the night sky every night from now on, thinking of you.
I know I won’t be around to see it, but may your physical self one day be returned to our pale blue dot in the role of a bridge between us and other life out there in the cosmos.
"...Mm. One day. Thank you all... for these memories."
"Hehe... I feel good... but very sleepy..."
"The young traveler was impressive, certainly. But, there isn't time to waste. The goddess awaits, and us Servants decided that we would step aside, and allow you all to choose for yourselves."
"This decision- for the 'core' and the 'emissary'… those are yours, and yours alone. Come, Voyager."
The Avenger placed a heavy, gauntlet-clad hand on the Voyager's shoulder as he guided him away, leaving you all alone with the ancient bestial goddesses.
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"Gunner, you're.... it's going to be alright.. we'll figure something out and... and we can go shoot fireworks.. or set a prison on fire.. or.. anything you want to do.... it.. it'll be fun... right....?"
They tried, but couldn't hold back tears... "I.. we really hope you could have got to see it.... the world you helped us make... You were wonderful...."
(ooc - Sorry this is late!)
"Oh, no, I'm as good as dead. It's not anything to be upset about, though."
He said, with a matter-of-fact bluntness. He smiled, irritatingly charming.
"Listen, injuries aside, I told you when I was summoned as a 'Delta Servant'-- using the Kiheitai to that extent is basically a death sentence. A suicide attack, just like Ruler's, since my Spirit Origin isn't made for that sort of magical power. I'm not some wizard from the Age of Gods, I'm just a human from closer to your time than then. The fact that I could do this much is miraculous enough… that's the sort of 'interesting' world that comes with being a Servant."
"I can say I died fighting, on my feet, having gave it my all. As such, I've got zero regrets, whether I get chosen for the 'Emissary' or not."
"Ha ha ha! I'm glad you were all impressed! Many thanks for you donating the mana for my 'Anti-Typhon Kiheitei' project, I look forward to your support in future Takasugi Industries projects! Pleasure doin' business!"
"...Besides, you're the ones that summoned me in the first place and saved my life. If anyone deserves to be given their flowers, it's you all. Anyways, 'Mom' is waiting for you. Go and handle that, I'll be waiting with the others. I think they want to leave the decision-making to you guys. This'll be your future, after all. We just did our part and fought."
He waved you all off.
"Come on, I won't just vanish without giving a real goodbye. You think the great Takasugi Shinsaku is going to die 'offscreen'? You can take your eyes off me for a few seconds, though I'm sure it's hard. I get it, I wouldn't want to stop looking at me either."
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I don’t want this to be goodbye, MoonCancer. I was so excited to know we’d summoned you, and having you around amidst all the chaos gave us all a little bit of peace. I’m sorry we couldn’t protect you better, though. I wish you could have made it through unscathed.
I guess this is the cloud surrounded by the silver lining, isn’t it? Having to say farewell to such amazing new friends?
I wanna play some video games with you, one last time. Or maybe a lot more times. Can you promise we will?
Hold out just a little longer, please…?
"...If I was more sensitive, I'd probably make a promise I couldn't keep just for peace of mind, but that's not that sort of emotional tact I excel at."
"But... I'm not gone yet. Anyways. Just keep your eyes forward, and don't worry about me. I did my part as a Servant, after all. I protected the wishes of my Master... that's how it's supposed to go, you know?"
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…Thank you for everything, Count of Monte Cristo. It was an honor fighting beside you. I hope to see you again one day, in that place beyond love and hate.
For now, we’ll savor this new world your sacrifice has granted us. …That is, of course, unless you’re alive by some miracle? Ahaha♡ The Count of Monte Cristo is always so full of surprises, after all. …But of course that won’t happen.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily. I still draw breath, though who knows for how much longer. That Noble Phantasm takes immense magical energy... magical energy that I, frankly, didn't entirely possess. In layman's terms, I'm running on 'less than empty', and the debt I've racked up can't be easily restored, so it will come time to pay the piper soon."
"Kuhahahaha! Despite all of my riches, I find myself not in a monetary debt, but in a magical debt! Which means..."
"...Well, our time is drawing short."
"You all are a foolhardy, brash, incomprehensible, bizarre lot. In other words, you've been a grand fit my Masters, through and through! And thus, listen to me when I say this! May you never have to experience the flames that lead you to vengeance! May your lives be peaceful, and your hearts content! If I ever see you burning as Avengers, I'll kill you where you stand for disobeying me!"
"...Now go settle things with the bestial goddess. I will save my goodbyes for when I'm actually leaving."
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Ruler...this grail war full of ups and downs for you right from the start, all to end in one last, shining moment. May your rest be peaceful...and if you find yourself in yet another of these, may fortune favor you.
She didn't even know how much of her body remained. What feelings were purely phantom, and what sensations were real. The voices were so distant, they always had been, but now they were muffled and difficult to understand.
They were probably worried. She could understand that much. As much as she wanted to provide reassurance, she didn't have a voice to do so.
After all, it was natural to fear death. Both of one's own life, and the lives of others. Life itself was so precious, after all. That being said, she had made her choice.
'La Pucelle' was an exchange, the end of one thing for the prosperity for another. The end of a girl for the sake of a dream. To call it a weapon would be disingenuous, and it would be more akin to an 'offering'. As she offered her body and her life to God, a miracle could be performed as the flames destroyed the threat before her- and this time, the flames burned away the concepts that made Typhon nigh-invincible.
…It seemed like it worked. Thank God.
It was natural for fear death… but she never had. Even when she was alive, she knew her life would be fleeting, like a candle in the wind.
And that feeling was only amplified as a Ruler- she was a guide. A Heroic Spirit that watched over mankind from a distance, and only interfered when needed. An arbitrator.
Which was why she didn't want anyone to worry. Which is why nobody should be worried. She did everything she could in accordance to her role as a Ruler.
...And some extra things too.
Regardless, she was proud.
The blast had rendered her blind. Her body was dwindling, her form nothing more than a few distant glints on the wind. However, if only a moment, she stared up into a clear sky, and saw something that made her smile.
One last reassurance, as she had a brief glance into the new world.
Her lips mouthed a silent thank you.
…Before vanishing from the world.
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... ow...
... hey Miss Ganesha, you alive over there?
[Code Cast to restore Ganesha's health]
Do a mighty favor? Warn me, before you channel that much mana. Between trying that stunt with the remnant Command Spells for Pretender and keeping you supplied I'm a touch lightheaded.
... hey, can someone heal Miss Ruler? She looks like she's taken the worst of it, and I'm a bit preoccupied with healing Miss Ganesha.
"I… I…"
"…I'm sorry, what are you complaining about!? A 'touch lightheaded', my ass! You're sitting pretty, while my whole Saint Graph just got super slammed by an uber-powerful lightning Noble Phantasm from a god-slaying superboss trying to fight for your wish! I feel like Indra just smote me a thousand times in a row! This is why I like playing solo! I at least deserve a thank you! Or a 'are you okay'! Hell, even I wasn't that heartless of a Master!"
She thrashed around a bit, which seemed to exacerbate the pain as she coughed, rolling over slightly.
"Ow ow ow ow...Also, I don't think the healing will work. Because, you know, Typhon casted 'Indignation' and I was at ground zero. I'm super done. Guess they weren't lying- that godkiller really can kill gods."
"...See above. But thanks, I was pretty badass, wasn't I...? So now I'm just gonna… wait until you do what you need to do… and then… haah... just gimme a sec to catch my breath…"
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Alter ego? Alter ego, how bad is it? If that thing left so much as the smallest scar, I swear... You're ok, right? I can see that you're bleeding, but you can still move, right? I mean, don't move right now, you're in no shape to be moving around right now, but you're going to heal right up, right? We're going to get you bandaged up, we're going to heal you, you're going to make a full recovery, right? I mean, Typhon was basically just an insect compared to you, right? Or, should I say, a marionette puppeteered by an insect. I mean I know he had divinity but you're divine thrice over, you'll be fine, right? Who goes and dies to a mere bug bite? I mean, yes, that blonde girl sacrificed herself with the pyrotechnics display, but you're a star, you're not like her, you're better than her, than anyone. Just- You're going to be alright. It's not even... It isn't that bad of a bite. Just a little scratch. Right? That's mostly Typhon's blood, you cut its gums or something, right?
"...Stop fussing so much.... It's embarrassing. That, and a dragon just gnawed through my Spirit Core..."
"...Just go make that wish. If you make all that hard work we just did go to waste, I'll spend the last bit of my energy to stab you and leave you a husk. Now I'm just gonna..."
She slumped down beside a rock, staring up at the ceiling of the chamber for a moment.
"...Ah, go do what you need to do. I'm not going anywhere yet, so just... just relax, okay...?"
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Round 13, Day 6 - Typhon's Defeat, The End of a Curse [LONG]
While morale had started high, things seemed to be going south. No matter what they threw at the giant, nothing seemed to be working. It wasn't as if the Servants didn't have help. The Mystic Eyes of the Gorgon only seemed to slow Typhon down slightly, and any monsters or summoned soldiers by Echidna and Gunner respectively were being smashed much faster than expected.
But that was the might of this giant… Typhon, after all, was a nigh-invincible dragon that thrived in the darkness and within the Earth and yet could rend the heaven's asunder and destroy the hopes and dreams of the faithful- and the curse of the Pretender was filling in any conceptual gaps that it would normally have.
"We're barely scratching this thing!"
The Ruler's eyes narrowed as the Alter-Ego complained, before her expression grew resolute.
"…Alter-Ego, can you get me up there?"
"Huh? I mean, probably, but…"
"Please. I have a plan to give us the upper hand, but you'll have to trust me."
The Alter-Ego frowned, before nodding. She took her rival into her arms, gently. The Alter-Ego's grasp was loose, the Ruler having to hold on tightly to compensate for the weaker hand grip of the Alter-Ego, but it was enough. With dazzling speed, Meltryllis darted forward, her movements like water as she slipped and danced past wave after wave of energy emitted from their behemoth of an opponent.
Quietly, in the Alter-Ego's arms, the Ruler chanted.
"The heavens declare the victory of God… The skies proclaim the work of His hands… Day after day they pour forth speech… Night after night they reveal knowledge…"
The Alter-Ego jumped upwards, and the Ruler let go, clinging onto the grand form of Typhon.
The Ruler stabbed her sword into the pulsating core.
The sword she had never swung once- she had used only her banner leading up to this point. For once her sword was drawn... that signaled the beginning of her end... her second Noble Phantasm.
Her body was tiny against the body of the dragon, truly minuscule, but the way mana was gathering around her, she was like a bright torch within the darkness. She continued to pray, as she gathered more and more magical energy into her being, preparing herself.
"My heart burns inside with the flames of devotion. This is where I meet my end. My destiny now runs it course. My life's dream has reached its conclusion."
"I devote the only thing left to protect His way. O' Lord, with these flames of purity, take everything along with my body…--"
"…La Pucelle…!"
There was a massive explosion of flame. A gout of brilliant fire that burned like the sun, enveloping the massive dragon as it roared- but ever-louder was the proud shout of the Ruler, a bellow of a woman determined to put everything she had into even rendering the god-killer able to be 'killed'. Wars were not won without losses- victories not without sacrifices- that was the unjust nature of this world as it currently stood.
However-- Jeanne d'Arc was no stranger to death, nor sacrifice. So to burn for a future that humanity believed in, even if couldn't see it herself, she would immolate herself a thousand times over!
There was a pause, as the flame died down. A fragile form weakly began to fall to the ground, as the giant began to shudder and creak, limbs adjusting as it returned to life. However, it's hide had been horrible shattered, and blood oozed and sloughed out from where the Ruler had triggered her Noble Phantasm.
"Miss Ruler...! No... no... It didn't work…?!"
"No… Ruler did it! It's vulnerable! Any conceptual defenses it may have had… her flames burned them away! To burn away a divine layer of protection granted by Gaia herself to one of her children… what an immensely powerful Noble Phantasm!"
"Well, now that we're sure it can die, that just means we can't let this chance go to waste! It's readying another attack, heads up!"
"…Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah…"
The MoonCancer whispered, before beginning to run forward. Typhon reared his heads back, three heads each preparing a powerful blast of mana that could end everything. She leaped into the air, her form glowing as another shape began to expand out of her. A massive god, with the head of an elephant and four mighty arms-- the great form of Ganesha-- manifested around her, translucent and bright. It headbutted the godkilling dragon, before each of the four arms clamped on tightly.
The smug, excited voice of the MoonCancer holding the divine title of 'Ganesha' echoed through the chamber, laughing heartily.
"Nice try, you knockoff Maldragora! But you're not the only one who can get big! Behold my improvised Noble Phantasm, Ganesha Impact: Pilot Mode! The immense weight-- I mean pressure-- of this super god is something even you can't fight against!"
Red and black streaks of lightning began to form around Typhon, as the divine manifestation held tightly.
"Oh, what now? You're about to use your super move? As if I'd let you finish your inputs! Besides, this is my chance to show off a new skill-- see, someone told me a real hero kills with their eyes!"
The massive ephemeral Ganesha's eyes flashed as two massive jets of light burned outward, the dragon letting out an echoing roar. Then, while two arms held the wings of the gargantuan dragon, two more arms reeled upwards and smashed downward, crashing into two of Typhon's heads. The possessed godkiller let out a terrifying growl, wing-jets flaring with crackling energy before a massive explosion rocketed outwards, the Ganesha effigy shattering like glass as the MoonCancer went flying backwards, slamming into the wall with a heavy thud before falling to the ground, the magical energy around her fading.
Seeing the massive god vanish, the Gunner instantly snapped into action, pointing at the wounded dragon.
"Pseudo-Noble Phantasm, activate! Strange God: Arahabaki! Suppressive fire, Kiheitai! We're going all out! You hear me?!"
You could see the Spirit Origin of the Gunner-class Servant crumbling under the weight of the Noble Phantasm he was using. A deluge of gunfire rained upwards at the massive dragon. Such beasts were far before his time- he was a man of the future, and Typhon was a thing of the past. So, to have the glory of being part of the team to lay such an entity low… there was no fate more interesting for Takasugi Shinsaku!
"Fire! Fire! Fire! Don't let up! We can't let up! Not even for a second!"
The assistance of the Ancient God and the Mother of Monster's spawn was appreciated as well, though he pushed his thoughts on how to recreate such immense divine power down. Being surrounded by the superweapons of Greece was distracting, but he had a job to do.
Another streak of dark lightning roiled, scraping across the ground as it sent his men scattering. He watched, gritting his teeth before the lightning surged through him, the massive arms of his mechanical marvel thrown upwards in an attempt to defend, as he and his machine were consumed in a blast- the Gunner's body crashing to the ground.
"Forget about someone, Typhon? Waltz… étoile!"
Like hail raining relentlessly from the heavens, the Alter-Ego struck. Her bladed legs cleaved into one of the eyes of the massive divine beast, as it roared and swung at her with an all-encompassing hand. Her movements were beautifully swift, as she leapt from one head to another, driving her spiked knees in whenever she had the chance, carving blood out from the dragon like sap from a tree.
Like a swan, she flew through the air-- however, the dragon swiftly adapted-- the dancer getting caught by the jaws of the beast.
However, rather than a yell of agony, one could hear the Alter-Ego cackling with smug glee, as the dragon's attention was firmly affixed on her.
"You... idiot..."
The Alter-Ego whispered, teeth digging into her body.
"Now… do it… now!"
She screamed, a signal far too unsubtle for her tastes, but she was in a position where being picky wasn't an option.
The dragon's attention was yanked away from the fluttering white of the Alter-Ego's attire, but it was a moment too late. Two forms stood a distance away, their bodies glowing with pure, intense prana.
"The legend hidden in the mountain of the Messiah… The despair seen by those without a god…"
"I will guide people's dreams and people's wishes… Let's bring them all to the sea of the distant stars…"
"For these are the flames of purification…!"
"Some day, we will finally reach that place…"
"…Pale… Blue… Dot…!"
Like a rushing shadow, the Avenger appeared before the dragon, and began to ensnare Typhon's soul.
Like a burning star, the Voyager manifested before the dragon, and began to unburden Typhon's soul.
However, the two Noble Phantasms did not exist in a contradictory state, but simultaneously. A Noble Phantasm that would entrap the dark curse, and finally put the grand monster at peace.
Their Noble Phantasms collided with the massive form of Typhon, the power of two mighty Heroic Spirits, who both hinged their lives on hope. They had no tricks, no gods of fate to assist their wills-- they simply had their ambition… and their hope. And with a great scream from both of them, that would turn the vocal chords of an ordinary human to a bloody pulp, they pushed all the mana that they had within their forms.
Finally, in a moment that could only be described as a 'man-made miracle', the dragon let out one final roar as it faded away into the massive torrent of mana.
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Round 13, Day 6 - Typhon's Defeat, The End of a Curse [LONG]
While morale had started high, things seemed to be going south. No matter what they threw at the giant, nothing seemed to be working. It wasn't as if the Servants didn't have help. The Mystic Eyes of the Gorgon only seemed to slow Typhon down slightly, and any monsters or summoned soldiers by Echidna and Gunner respectively were being smashed much faster than expected.
But that was the might of this giant… Typhon, after all, was a nigh-invincible dragon that thrived in the darkness and within the Earth and yet could rend the heaven's asunder and destroy the hopes and dreams of the faithful- and the curse of the Pretender was filling in any conceptual gaps that it would normally have.
"We're barely scratching this thing!"
The Ruler's eyes narrowed as the Alter-Ego complained, before her expression grew resolute.
"…Alter-Ego, can you get me up there?"
"Huh? I mean, probably, but…"
"Please. I have a plan to give us the upper hand, but you'll have to trust me."
The Alter-Ego frowned, before nodding. She took her rival into her arms, gently. The Alter-Ego's grasp was loose, the Ruler having to hold on tightly to compensate for the weaker hand grip of the Alter-Ego, but it was enough. With dazzling speed, Meltryllis darted forward, her movements like water as she slipped and danced past wave after wave of energy emitted from their behemoth of an opponent.
Quietly, in the Alter-Ego's arms, the Ruler chanted.
"The heavens declare the victory of God… The skies proclaim the work of His hands… Day after day they pour forth speech… Night after night they reveal knowledge…"
The Alter-Ego jumped upwards, and the Ruler let go, clinging onto the grand form of Typhon.
The Ruler stabbed her sword into the pulsating core.
The sword she had never swung once- she had used only her banner leading up to this point. For once her sword was drawn... that signaled the beginning of her end... her second Noble Phantasm.
Her body was tiny against the body of the dragon, truly minuscule, but the way mana was gathering around her, she was like a bright torch within the darkness. She continued to pray, as she gathered more and more magical energy into her being, preparing herself.
"My heart burns inside with the flames of devotion. This is where I meet my end. My destiny now runs it course. My life's dream has reached its conclusion."
"I devote the only thing left to protect His way. O' Lord, with these flames of purity, take everything along with my body…--"
"…La Pucelle…!"
There was a massive explosion of flame. A gout of brilliant fire that burned like the sun, enveloping the massive dragon as it roared- but ever-louder was the proud shout of the Ruler, a bellow of a woman determined to put everything she had into even rendering the god-killer able to be 'killed'. Wars were not won without losses- victories not without sacrifices- that was the unjust nature of this world as it currently stood.
However-- Jeanne d'Arc was no stranger to death, nor sacrifice. So to burn for a future that humanity believed in, even if couldn't see it herself, she would immolate herself a thousand times over!
There was a pause, as the flame died down. A fragile form weakly began to fall to the ground, as the giant began to shudder and creak, limbs adjusting as it returned to life. However, it's hide had been horrible shattered, and blood oozed and sloughed out from where the Ruler had triggered her Noble Phantasm.
"Miss Ruler...! No... no... It didn't work…?!"
"No… Ruler did it! It's vulnerable! Any conceptual defenses it may have had… her flames burned them away! To burn away a divine layer of protection granted by Gaia herself to one of her children… what an immensely powerful Noble Phantasm!"
"Well, now that we're sure it can die, that just means we can't let this chance go to waste! It's readying another attack, heads up!"
"…Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah…"
The MoonCancer whispered, before beginning to run forward. Typhon reared his heads back, three heads each preparing a powerful blast of mana that could end everything. She leaped into the air, her form glowing as another shape began to expand out of her. A massive god, with the head of an elephant and four mighty arms-- the great form of Ganesha-- manifested around her, translucent and bright. It headbutted the godkilling dragon, before each of the four arms clamped on tightly.
The smug, excited voice of the MoonCancer holding the divine title of 'Ganesha' echoed through the chamber, laughing heartily.
"Nice try, you knockoff Maldragora! But you're not the only one who can get big! Behold my improvised Noble Phantasm, Ganesha Impact: Pilot Mode! The immense weight-- I mean pressure-- of this super god is something even you can't fight against!"
Red and black streaks of lightning began to form around Typhon, as the divine manifestation held tightly.
"Oh, what now? You're about to use your super move? As if I'd let you finish your inputs! Besides, this is my chance to show off a new skill-- see, someone told me a real hero kills with their eyes!"
The massive ephemeral Ganesha's eyes flashed as two massive jets of light burned outward, the dragon letting out an echoing roar. Then, while two arms held the wings of the gargantuan dragon, two more arms reeled upwards and smashed downward, crashing into two of Typhon's heads. The possessed godkiller let out a terrifying growl, wing-jets flaring with crackling energy before a massive explosion rocketed outwards, the Ganesha effigy shattering like glass as the MoonCancer went flying backwards, slamming into the wall with a heavy thud before falling to the ground, the magical energy around her fading.
Seeing the massive god vanish, the Gunner instantly snapped into action, pointing at the wounded dragon.
"Pseudo-Noble Phantasm, activate! Strange God: Arahabaki! Suppressive fire, Kiheitai! We're going all out! You hear me?!"
You could see the Spirit Origin of the Gunner-class Servant crumbling under the weight of the Noble Phantasm he was using. A deluge of gunfire rained upwards at the massive dragon. Such beasts were far before his time- he was a man of the future, and Typhon was a thing of the past. So, to have the glory of being part of the team to lay such an entity low… there was no fate more interesting for Takasugi Shinsaku!
"Fire! Fire! Fire! Don't let up! We can't let up! Not even for a second!"
The assistance of the Ancient God and the Mother of Monster's spawn was appreciated as well, though he pushed his thoughts on how to recreate such immense divine power down. Being surrounded by the superweapons of Greece was distracting, but he had a job to do.
Another streak of dark lightning roiled, scraping across the ground as it sent his men scattering. He watched, gritting his teeth before the lightning surged through him, the massive arms of his mechanical marvel thrown upwards in an attempt to defend, as he and his machine were consumed in a blast- the Gunner's body crashing to the ground.
"Forget about someone, Typhon? Waltz… étoile!"
Like hail raining relentlessly from the heavens, the Alter-Ego struck. Her bladed legs cleaved into one of the eyes of the massive divine beast, as it roared and swung at her with an all-encompassing hand. Her movements were beautifully swift, as she leapt from one head to another, driving her spiked knees in whenever she had the chance, carving blood out from the dragon like sap from a tree.
Like a swan, she flew through the air-- however, the dragon swiftly adapted-- the dancer getting caught by the jaws of the beast.
However, rather than a yell of agony, one could hear the Alter-Ego cackling with smug glee, as the dragon's attention was firmly affixed on her.
"You... idiot..."
The Alter-Ego whispered, teeth digging into her body.
"Now… do it… now!"
She screamed, a signal far too unsubtle for her tastes, but she was in a position where being picky wasn't an option.
The dragon's attention was yanked away from the fluttering white of the Alter-Ego's attire, but it was a moment too late. Two forms stood a distance away, their bodies glowing with pure, intense prana.
"The legend hidden in the mountain of the Messiah… The despair seen by those without a god…"
"I will guide people's dreams and people's wishes… Let's bring them all to the sea of the distant stars…"
"For these are the flames of purification…!"
"Some day, we will finally reach that place…"
"…Pale… Blue… Dot…!"
Like a rushing shadow, the Avenger appeared before the dragon, and began to ensnare Typhon's soul.
Like a burning star, the Voyager manifested before the dragon, and began to unburden Typhon's soul.
However, the two Noble Phantasms did not exist in a contradictory state, but simultaneously. A Noble Phantasm that would entrap the dark curse, and finally put the grand monster at peace.
Their Noble Phantasms collided with the massive form of Typhon, the power of two mighty Heroic Spirits, who both hinged their lives on hope. They had no tricks, no gods of fate to assist their wills-- they simply had their ambition… and their hope. And with a great scream from both of them, that would turn the vocal chords of an ordinary human to a bloody pulp, they pushed all the mana that they had within their forms.
Finally, in a moment that could only be described as a 'man-made miracle', the dragon let out one final roar as it faded away into the massive torrent of mana.
#team avenger#team mooncancer#team alter ego#team pretender#team foreigner#team ruler#team gunner#at the grail#long post
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Hey Gunner, can Ruler have another go with your cannons?
"On 'three' this time, got it?"
One of the many summoned infantrymen ran up to the Ruler, handing her a weapon.
"Of course."
"Alright... one... two... aaaaand--"
Before the count of 'three', both of them loudly fired off an early barrage of shots, the two Servants watching gleefully as they struck against one of the dragon's heads.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you? Calm and composed one second, trigger-happy the next... Are you SURE you don't want a job with me?! I'm hiring!"
"I appreciate the offer, but I'm no good with signing contracts. Let's just settle for 'battlefield allies', okay?"
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