#i’ll commit heinous acts
uc1wa · 10 months
wyd if you wake up in bed next to jason
slutting him out
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snufflesw · 3 months
The Reader learns about Aqua's newest plan to destroy his father.
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Aquamarine Hoshino x Reader (gender neutral) One Shot. Word Count { 1241 } Spoilers for Chapter 148!
You're So Crazy, Manipulate Me. Title is lyrics derived from the song "Ecstacy" by SUICIDAL-IDOL .
You traversed the sparse wooden area. The summer wind was warm against your bare arms and the smell of the sea filled your nostrils. The seawater clung to your hair after swimming. Now, however, completely dry to search for the person who’d suddenly disappeared from the beach.
    The boy sat near the edge of a cliff, watching the sun as it was beginning to set.
    ”There you are”, you said, loud enough for Aqua to hear, and walked up to him.
    He looked up at you and his blue eyes met yours for a second.
    ”What are you doing here?” he said as you sat down next to him. You wrapped your arms around your legs and hugged them close to your chest.
    ”I noticed you left and went to find you”, you said and wiggled your toes to take off the sandals irritating your feet.
    Aqua looked back to the sunset.
    ”Just needed some time to think, that's all”, he said.
    You could almost see the cogwheels turning in Aquamarine Hoshino’s head as the sun reflected in his eyes. His expression was similar to that day the two of you first met; lost in thought. Scheming.
    You sighed and rested your head on your knees, ”We’re close now. The movie’s almost finished and we’ll have him. He’ll be ruined, once and for all. You’ll have your revenge.”
    Aqua bit his lip, ”But what if that’s not enough? What if the movie’s not enough?”
    You raised an eyebrow at his statement. He’d been so certain before, almost to a horrifying degree, that the movie would be the thing to put Hikaru Kamiki in an early grave; his scheming and heinous acts would be revealed for the whole world to see. He’d have to disappear; go incognito.
    ”What do you mean?” you asked.
    ”Ruining his status wouldn’t be enough to keep him from committing another crime”, Aqua said through gritted teeth. ”We cannot have another Ai-incident happen. His punishment shall be permanent. I want him to be removed completely.”
    Aqua turned slowly towards you as he said the last sentence. His eyes were wide, stars apparent in both despite his fringe covering most of his left eye. It was the eyes of someone who’d had enough; someone who was willing to go to any length to make sure his revenge be executed wholeheartedly. He looked maniacal, insane, beyond repair… and you thought he’d never looked more handsome.
    You chuckled. Aqua’s gaze softened at the reaction.
    ”You’re quite bold by actually telling someone of your desire to kill, Aquamarine”, you couldn’t help but grin.
    Aqua scoffed, ”I believe you of all people should know. You’ve helped me thus far.”
    ”It was our agreement, was it not? You helped me flawlessly exact revenge on my former life’s pathetic excuse for a husband. In return, I vowed to make Aqua Hoshino’s father pay for what he’d done”, the grin curled on your lips. ”So… of course. If you’ve changed the plan to instead kill Hikaru Kamiki, then I’ll happily follow your lead.”
    Aqua stared at you sitting beside him. All he could do was stare at the grin on your lips. The same grin you had on your face once your own revenge had finally been executed. You looked calm, but the grin curling at your lips told another story. It always did.
    He let out a chuckle. Your face was the one to soften this time by the reaction. There was no sign whatsoever of the maniacal grin plastered on your lips a mere second ago.
    ”I’ve never seen that expression from you before”, you raised an eyebrow. ”Only when you’re acting.”
    The genuine smile didn’t leave Aqua’s lips once he stopped chuckling. The residue of laughter was apparent on those lips who had just told you about his plan to murder.
    ”How fortunate I’ve been to find a partner in crime who wouldn’t think twice when it comes to abandoning morals”, he said,
    You blinked.
    ”Akane plans to stop me”, Aqua continued and looked down at the ground. ”Despite everything he’s done.”
    You snorted, ”Her and what army? Last I checked, she’s the only one who even knows the basics of what’s truly going on. I’d like to see her try to stop us.”
    Aqua stared once again at you beside him. Awe, was how he’d explain it. You thought like none he’d ever met before. You were intelligent beyond adequate measures. To have someone going through the same thing; someone to once again be reborn into a younger; someone who wasn’t his sister; someone who wasn’t afraid to get their hands a little bloody. It was as if the Gods had answered his prayers.
    He placed his finger underneath your chin. You looked at him with a brow raised. He gently stroked your chin with his thumb, looking into your unfazed eyes. A small sparkle. He could feel your breath sharply against his lips. You’d mastered the way your eyes worked, but the rest of your body still reacted in the way of a teenager. Featherlight touches did the trick.
    You stared intently into his eyes, never once averting your gaze. He wondered what you saw every time those eyes looked into his. Perhaps you could see his wants, his needs, his desires. You’d seen almost all of them before. Almost.
    Aqua closed the gap between your lips. A jolt of electricity soaring through his body at the connection of your mouths. You tasted like saltwater, and smelled like it too. But underneath the salt lay something addicting. Another scent adorned by your lips on his.
    You didn’t push him away. Instead, you tilted your head to give him the ability to move more freely. His lips grazed over yours and you felt the stinge of what was Aqua Hoshino. His lips were chapped, but they reminded you of the taste of coffee. A bitter taste incredibly difficult to swallow; but one with the power to have someone energised for hours.
    Aqua cupped your cheeks with his hands. Your hair tangled in between his fingers, curled like the grip you were holding on his lips. 
    Breathing was secondary, especially when your cold hands touched the base of his neck. An electric shock. You felt it in your fingertips as you touched the bare skin of his neck. Slowly grazing over his adam’s apple. He shuddered. It wasn’t even cold outside.
    Slowly, but surely, your lungs were greeted by the blissful feeling of oxygen entering your suffocating bodies. Your lips parting from one another’s, panting heavily by the lack of air for who knows how long. Time seemed to have stood still; the sun slowly setting in the horizon.
    You felt Aqua’s heavy breaths on your lips. His forehead rested gently against yours. Your hair was still tangled between his delicate fingers. Intertwined.
    ”That was very out of character of you”, you said in between breaths, grinning ear to ear. ”Are you sure you’re not acting?”
    Aqua’s face was flushed. Yours wasn’t any better.
    ”I’m not an actor”, Aqua said and forced you to come closer with the help of his fingers curled in between the locks of your hair. ”You just make me feel… so many things.”
    You smiled.
    ”All because I said I was going to help you kill your father?”
    Aqua nodded against your forehead, ”Yes.”
    ”How romantic of you, Aquamarine Hoshino.”
It was psychopathic, really. You were both psychopaths.
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⋆ ₊☽˚𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼˚☾₊ ⋆ 
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𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂 : you and coryo had gone through hell and back, you've been together and far apart yet you could never find the courage to say how you truly feel for him. so, you wrote them into letter form, but you never sent them. and so what happens when one mr. snow finds each and every letter only to realize that it's too late?
𝓽𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼 : written in letter form from the readers perspective, talks of jealousy and sad feelings, r is definitely from the capitol, self blame, kinda sorta depression, angst, deceit, suicide, coryo finally responds
𝓪/𝓷 : so here’s part three!! I’m ngl I cried writing this and I KNOW people were asking for a happy ending but I’m just gonna tell y’all now that this is angst NO/VERY LITTLE COMFORT! I just had to do it so here ya go! enjoy 😊!
𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 | 𝓷𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽
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⋆ ₊ ☽ ·˚𓍲⋆ 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮: 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓮𝓯𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓭 ⋆𓍲˚· ☾ ₊ ⋆ Dear Coriolanus,
Time ticks on and on as does life; but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt and it certainly doesn't mean that pain fades away with each passing day.
I heard from Mrs.Plinth that Sejanus was killed out in the districts. It must be so saddening knowing that your young son who had his whole life ahead of him died out in the districts all by himself. 
I wonder if you saw him die, what were his last words? 
Mrs.Plinth didn’t share much only saying that it was out in the districts and that she was very grateful that you were there for him. 
Yet it also hurts knowing that you upended the trajectory of your life all for Lucy Gray. 
What could she give you that I couldn’t?
People experience pain in such different ways. I remember when you got a cut when we were climbing trees in my backyard and you were stone faced acting like you were okay when I knew you weren’t. You hate blood and you especially hate pain and I know that. 
All of us do really, I too was only eight when the war ended. We all went through the pain of hunger every single day, some even committed heinous acts to survive that will haunt them forever. 
Some cower in terror and pain yet some rise above the pain. Some use that pain and anguish as a motivator to push forward and persevere. 
Like you. 
You know me, the runt of the litter. The forgotten one. Yet not by you, I know you would never forget me. 
Just like I’ll never forget you. 
Which is why it hurts so much to know that you still chose Lucy Gray over me. It still kills me when I think about my best friend, my first and forever love, who I’ve been through so much with choose a girl he’s just met over someone who's been on your side since day one. 
What did I do wrong? Was it something I said? What could she have that I don’t?
Life has quieted down I guess, school is the same old same old, just the same boring day one after another. The Capitol just seems so dreary and dull, there is constant gloom plaguing the sky.
I like to think it’s because you’re not here. My sun, my moon illuminating the dark dark sky, shining brightly amongst the stars that have long burned out.
I really do miss you Coryo,
Yours Truly
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I heard from Tigiris you’re finally on your way home.
Is Lucy Gray with you?
I wonder if she’s holding your hand at the very second, comforting you about coming back to the home you call hell. Have you told her about your life in the Capitol, I wonder?
Is she truly your home now, Coriolanus?
It seems everyone around me is finding what their lives were missing. Money, power, glory. Yet there is this hole in my heart and my life in the shape of you. 
I will never find home.
Many people say that home is where the heart is or that home is a person or idea rather than a physical place and they’re right.
Because my home will forever be you, Coriolanus.
And it rips my chest apart to know that I will never be able to go home because a pretty little bird has decided to peck her way into my home and build a fragile little nest. It hurts even more to know that you protected that nest.
Are there little birdies tweeting in that nest now?
I wonder if you have Sejanus’ stuff. You really were that boy's best friend, you know that Coriolanus?
Just like how you were my best friend. Before the war, before Celmensia, before Sejanus, before Lucy Gray.
But hey, you’re finally on the way back to the Capitol, right?
You’re finally coming back home to me.
I truly do hope I am the first one you call.
Your Darling awaiting your call
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To Coriolanus Snow,
My grave has been long set for I dug it. I have made my bed now, I must lie in it.
By the time you read this I will have already been long dead. The ache in my chest drove me to it, the numbing hole that consumed my being was no longer tolerable.
My head was drowning in anger, sadness, love. All for you my dearest Coriolanus. 
I find myself writing as if there is tomorrow yet I truly do know that there won’t be a future for me. 
I’ve reread every single unsent letter I have written for you and the gaping hole in my chest grows larger with every word I read for I know deep in my soul that I will never be able to go back in time and tell myself that it’s all worth it because I’m ow that it isn’t. 
It’s ruining my life, Coriolanus, please do not think less of me for it. 
My body has been battered and bruised all my by my hand, my mind plaguing my sanity, my memories, with fields of death and despair. I find now that I find solace and comfort in the thought.
I have dropped out of school, not that anyone would have noticed. I stopped sketching too, you know. It’s just that whenever my pencil touches the page all my hand seems to be able to draw is your face. My sketchbook has been filled with sketches of your face, your eyes, you at that reaping ceremony, you when you went to visit Lucy Gray in the Capitol zoo. All you.
I cant take it anymore Coryo, my heart can’t take it anymore. 
My mind is plagued with images of your beautiful face, your smug smiles, your laughs where you hide those gorgeous hydrangea blue eyes of yours, the look on your face when I hugged you for the last time. 
I replay that moment in my head, constantly. I seemingly can’t stop thinking back on that moment and think about what I could have said or could have given you to make you stay. 
I would have done anything to have you stay, to have you be mine. 
To have you love me back. 
It’s a fickle thing, love. Fragile, yet powerful. It can make one go mad yet it can also ground you. It can drive you to murder for someone yet it can also motivate you to step in front of a bullet for someone. 
It can also motivate you to live or cause you to die.
Some find love a nessecity to live while some find it the reason for their demise. 
My dearest Coriolanus, I’m so terribly sorry. Yet I cannot help but akin love to a hardship. A pain, a pain that no matter how many dates I go on or how many men I flirt with that this pain will not go away. 
I really tried, Coryo, I really did. I tried so hard to move on, to love someone else even when I know a hole is where my heart is and you and only you hold that missing piece. 
I love you Coriolanus Snow. 
I love you Coryo. 
I love you. 
I’ve loved you every minute of every single day of every single month of every single year ever since we were young. It may have been youthful play love but it shifted as the moons do. 
I love you in every memory, every letter, and every dream that we meet. I love you in every minute and my love will forever live on in the velvety petals of pure white roses and pillowy hydrangeas. 
I’ll love you, no matter what, every day, every hour, every minute, every year, for the rest of my life.
I’ll forever love you, even when I’m no longer here.
I forgive you my love, forever and always. 
My only hope that you’ll forgive me.
My last wish is that you finally receive all those letters I wrote to you as a naive and young girl and look back that even now, I’m still me.
I’ll love you forever,
Your Dearest Darling Dead
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tagging! @lonely-dreamer
thanks so much for the support and love on this series, it really does mean a lot to me and I hope to see you on the epilogue!
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 4 months
Maybe pt. 8
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
Following the council meeting and Norm's reassignment, the two of you are enjoying a quiet evening together when a single question threatens to dredge up a whirlwind of emotions.
Part 1 Here. Part 6 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 7 Here
Part 3 Here Part 9 Here
Part 4 Here Part 10 Here
Part 5 Here Part 11 Here
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Norm was convinced you thought he was a lunatic. 
 One minute, the two of you were relaxing on the sofa. Norm‘s head resting against your lap while you read. The occasional brush of your fingers through his hair threatens to lull him to sleep. The next, he found himself unable to stop ranting and raving, all because of a simple question. How did everything go today? The book you were reading was long since discarded to the side as you gave him your full attention. He went on detailing the events of his day, from his “reassignment” at the council meeting to his first interaction with the raiders locked in the vault reading room. You didn’t interrupt, though he wasn’t sure he could have stopped even if you had. His frustrations with the council and whatever happened in the Vaults were not subtle. Norm always appreciated the candor you two shared when it came to communication. Still, he couldn’t help feeling some unease divulging all of these feelings, unsure of how you’d respond. 
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, putting his hand on his forehead and moving to sit upright. “Seeing how we treated them today, with food and kindness, just sent me over the edge.” Nothing about this situation with the Raiders felt right to him. Four square meals a day and a soft bed weren’t exactly punishment; how was no one else seeing it? 
“Cause it feels like the opposite of justice…” you validated after listening to everything he had to say about his punishment from the council and the situation he experienced with the Raiders. 
“Yes,” his tone laced with utmost seriousness. “We watched people commit some of the most heinous acts we could imagine, and now we’re expected to be the bigger person and move on?” 
You felt the weight of the shared resentment settles between you, the reality of the situation pressing heavily on your shoulders. Memories of recent events resurfaced with a vengeance, emotions that had been buried away over the last few days trying to escape. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but the feelings of pain and anger were already seeping out uncontrolled. 
“For god’s sake, I had to kill a man with a pipe wrench the other day, and the council just wants to…” you stopped short, your words hanging before you like a poison in the air. You had avoided saying it out loud since that night, hopeful it would help you forget having to come to terms with the actions you took. 
Norm’s eyes widened with surprise. You had implied what had happened after the two of you were separated down Vault 32’s corridor, but he never pressed you for details you weren’t ready to share. He figured you were still processing your actions from the night of the raid but taking another life to save your own- a decision forced on you because of someone else's actions. He knew this was your nightmare scenario. Of course, you both had been reeling this entire time; how had he not noticed until now? He copied your gesture from the days before, offering his hand and intertwining it with yours with a squeeze. You took another deep breath, your eyes locking with Norm’s, raw with shared pain and anger. 
“You shouldn’t have been there alone, and I’ll always hate that part of myself for that.” 
“Don’t, you know full well how rushing into that situation would have gone. We’re here now.” You leaned in, pressing your forehead against Norm’s, a gesture of solidarity and unspoken promise. “We’ll get through this, Norm. One step at a time, together.”
The two of you continued this way throughout the evening, seamlessly shifting between playful banter and serious discussions. There were moments of shared laughter and tears, with deep emotions surfacing. As the hours passed, you both gradually moved from the couch to sprawling across the living room floor. Norm ended up lying on his back, staring at the ceiling, while you found a comfortable spot on your stomach.
“Your turn,” Norm says, encouraging another round of the question game you’ve been playing.
“Hmmm, if you could go back to before and experience one thing, what would it be?”
“Come on,” Norm groans, “there’s no point in...”
“Oh, please. At least try to be a little fun,” you tease.
He laughs and puts his hands up in surrender. “Fine, fine.” He couldn’t help but give in to you. Norm ponders for a minute. “Maybe getting to experience an arcade or comic shop in their heyday, the way they’re portrayed in movies at least. Atomic Command on the Pip-Boy is only so entertaining; something new would be fun. Plus a day to do something I enjoy, with no obligations, maybe meet people who like the same things as me. What about you?”
“The national parks,” you answer immediately, without needing to think. “All of them, any one of them, wouldn’t matter. Even just sitting there to experience them with all my senses, that would be my day,” you say, conjuring up images from the picture books you read as a kid.” It’s heartbreaking seeing how we just squandered... never mind, we don’t need to end tonight on a sour note.”
Norm nods, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Yeah, well, at least we’ve got these moments now. I guess that counts for something.”
You smile, feeling a sense of connection. “Yeah, it really does.”  You stretch and move to stand while announcing, “It’s getting late; I should probably head out.”
“I’ll walk you you back.” 
“Such a gentleman,” you gush, heading out the door. Norm laughs. “I think that’s a sentiment only you and my mom would share.” 
“Well, your mom and I have excellent taste,” you reply with a wink. “Aside from your wit and charm, you’re incredibly thoughtful and caring, Norm. One of the many reasons I enjoy spending time with you.”
He grins a hint of bashfulness in his eyes. “Thanks. You know, you’re pretty amazing yourself. You have this way of making even the simplest moments feel special.”
You feel a warmth spread through you at his words. “That means a lot, Norm.” 
As you both reach the door of your living quarters, you turn to face Norm, a smile resting on your lips.
“Well, here we are,” you say softly.
“Yeah,” Norm replies, a hint of nervousness in his voice. He hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath. “Can I... can I kiss you?”
Your heart flutters at his question. “I’d like that,” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
Norm steps closer, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. Seeing none, he gently cups your face with his hands and leans in. The world seems to slow down as his lips meet yours in a tender, lingering kiss. It's soft and sweet, filled with the promise of more shared moments.
As you pull back, you both smile, your foreheads resting against each other for the second time this evening. “That was nice,” you say, your voice filled with warmth.
“Yeah, it was,” Norm agrees, his eyes shining with happiness. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“Goodnight, Norm,” you reply, feeling a contented glow as you watch him walk away. 
Norm is lost in thought, walking home with a faint smile on his face. He rounds the corner of the hallway leading back to his living quarters and nearly collides with Betty Pearson.
“Whoa, Norm! Didn’t see you there,” Betty exclaims, steadying herself.
“Sorry, Betty,” Norm replies, snapping back to reality. “I didn’t see you either.”
She raises an eyebrow and glances at her Pip-Boy. “It’s pretty late to be out for a walk, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, I was just, uh, walking a friend home,” Norm says, trying to sound casual as a faint blush creeps up his cheeks.
Betty’s eyes narrow slightly, a knowing look crossing her face. “I’ve noticed you and (Y/N)  have been spending quite a bit of time together lately.”
Norm shifts uncomfortably, not wanting to reveal too much. “Yeah, we’ve been hanging out. She’s good company.”
Betty smiles, but there’s a hint of something more in her expression. “That’s nice to hear. It’s important to find good company these days. Just remember, people are always watching. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re with someone special.”
“Thanks, Betty. I’ll keep that in mind,” Norm replies, feeling a bit uneasy as he continues down the hallway, Betty’s words lingering in his mind.
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aurora-babydoll · 2 years
𝒮𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒪𝒻 𝓜𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝒪𝓌𝓃
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˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗…𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝?
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ 𝟷𝟼+ 𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢/𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ 𝙹𝚘𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜: 𝙻𝚞𝚌𝚒𝚏𝚎𝚛, 𝙼𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚘𝚗, 𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚗, 𝙱𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚣𝚎𝚋𝚞𝚋, 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚛 (𝙾𝚋𝚎𝚢 𝙼𝚎!)
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It had been missing for three days now, his favorite item. Absolutely unacceptable. He needed it back now. He had grilled all of his brothers for information but it seemed none had taken it. He would never suspect it to be you who had stolen the beloved object…you’re a good girl, too good to commit such a heinous act. But to his surprise, when he walked into your room to ask if you had seen it, there you were—fucking yourself against it in total exposure.
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He didn’t say anything. This was the first time in the demon's life that he had been truly at a loss for words. Soon though, that look of confusion turned to a smirk, leaning against your doorway and waiting for you to notice his presence—but you didn’t. You were far too encapsulated with the activity of rubbing yourself against Lucifer’s favorite coat, your moans reverberating into the walls that surrounded you. Deciding that you would never come out of your pleasure coma, too focused on what you were doing to care for your surroundings, Lucifer made himself known. With a quick slam and lock of your door, you jumped out of your pleasured state, quickly rushing to cover yourself with something as your fear-stricken gaze met Lucifer’s stern one, a look you knew all too well.
“Do you care to explain yourself? I have been looking for that for three days and I didn’t even think to suspect you but here you are…using my favorite coat just to get yourself off. It’s truly pathetic”, he trailed off, walking towards you as you shook with fear, increasingly so after each step. His hand roughly grabbed your face, forcing you to look at him as he held back a chuckle at the fearful expression on your face. “If you wanted me so bad you could’ve just said something, you didn’t have to steal my things. Unfortunately, now you’ve gone too far.”
Swiftly, he pulled his coat out from underneath you and tossed it to the side before pushing you down and holding your wrists behind your back.
“Lucifer I–”, you tried to argue, to explain yourself, but you were quickly cut off by the feeling of the demon climbing on top of you and pushing your face into the sheets.
“Not another word. I wanna hear you take your punishment like a good girl. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll think about pleasuring you. But for now”, he leaned closer, whispering into your ear with such a sharp tone it made your pussy leak underneath him.
“I wanna make you scream.”
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He couldn’t move, blood red rushing into his cheeks. He wanted to look away, it felt wrong to watch you masturbate, but he couldn’t move to make himself look away. As his eyes studied your oblivious body, he realized what you were using to get yourself off. It was none other than his golden modeling award that had gone missing three days ago. He figured that Asmo had stolen it to have a mock-award ceremony with his stuffed animals again but no, it was you. You were sat on your bed, eyes closed, legs spread shamelessly as you fucked yourself open with the award. And finally, he sobered himself up enough to speak. However, still awkward.
“Uh- Mc- …can I have that back when you’re done..?”, he asked, trying to avert his eyes yet he couldn’t help but stare. You jumped, eyes meeting his with fear as you pushed the award out, covering yourself up with your hands.
“Mammon- I- I can explain!”, you stuttered, tears of embarrassment springing to your eyes.
And suddenly, any feeling of awkwardness or embarrassment he had faded. That look of fear and shock in your eyes set a fire in him. Every instinct in his body went off and he felt a growl shake in his throat, his demon form overtaking him subconsciously. By the time he realized what was happening, he didn’t want to go back.
“You don’t gotta explain, darlin’. But that little award won’t compare to me in the slightest, no matter how hard you fuck yourself with it.”
Without another glance, he manhandled you to sit on the edge of your bed, sinking down onto his knees in front of you, looking up with an almost predatory gaze that could rival Lucifer’s.
“Now how about instead of using my modeling award to fuck yourself, I show you just how much better I am”, He placed a kiss above your clit, watching as your pussy twitched and smirking with your gasp. “And how much better my tongue is.”
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There was absolutely no shock 0n Satan’s face or even in his mind as he opened your door to find you in a not-so-favorable position. While he hadn’t expected it to be you who had taken the tie, the fact that it was did not come as a surprise. In fact, he was rather amused by the sight of you. You had one hand in your shorts, working vigorously to get yourself off as the other tightened his tie around your neck, asphyxiating you while surrounding you with the scent of him. It was adorable, really, yet far too dangerous. He wouldn’t be in good conscience if he let you continue…well, at least not without some help.
He quietly closed and locked your bedroom door before faking a cough, smirking as he watched you spring up to look at him. “That’s hardly safe, kitty. You could’ve hurt yourself”, Satan scolds, a cheshire smile on his face.
You quickly pulled the tie from around your neck and hid your face in your hands, embarrassment overtaking you. “You weren’t supposed to see this”, you mumbled, flustered tears making it quiver.
“Oh honey, if you truly didn’t want me to find out, you wouldn’t have taken something dear to me”, he sucked his teeth, taking the tie from you and pulling your hands from your face, using the fabric to tie them together before securing them to the bedframe. He gave you his signature smirk before climbing on top of you, a hand wrapping around your throat and squeezing.
“If you wanted me to choke you, sweetheart, you just had to ask.”
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With how much he eats, Beelzebub needs to maintain his intense workout regimen to keep himself healthy. However, Beelzebub absolutely refuses to work out unless he has his special workout shirt, a bright red tank top with a duck on it. It sounds childish and stupid but he’s worn that shirt to every deadlifting championship he’d ever been to. And not a single time had he lost. He had just one problem though, his special workout shirt was nowhere to be found. He had checked everywhere but it was gone. He had checked with Lucifer, he hadn’t secretly washed it again, so where could it be? With a frown, he dragged his feet up to your room and opened your door. And low and behold, there was his shirt. But with the sight of you, the shirt was the least of his concerns. The shirt was pressed under your nose as you inhaled the scent of him, two fingers pumping into your hole, the schlik sound from it echoing in your room. The smell of arousal was thick in the air and fuck, he couldn’t resist it anymore.
“Fuck, Mc, I was gonna ask for help with my shirt but I couldn’t care less about that right now. Let me fucking devour you”, he demanded with a growl, slamming the door behind him and climbing into your bed, forcing your legs open before you could react.
“B-Beel- I can explain-”, you tried to speak, to apologize, but nothing you had to say mattered at that moment.
“Just shut up Mc, keep the fucking shirt for all I care. I just wanna fucking eat you out. Now shut up and take it.”
And with a hand to your mouth, the other pulling your legs apart, before making good on his promise to absolutely devour you, shirt long forgotten by the both of you.
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On three days with no sleep, everything felt like absolute hell. He wanted to go to bed so bad but he just couldn’t, not without his pillow. He’s looked everywhere, interrogated every one of his brothers and he found absolutely nothing. It was like his favorite pillow had gotten up and walked away. One night, he fell asleep hugging it and the next morning, it had disappeared entirely. The only person he hadn’t asked about it was you. But he knew he didn’t need to, you would never steal something so dear to him, right? So, with exhaustion pulling at his face, he decided that he’d try to sleep in your room tonight, hoping your presence would comfort him enough to allow him slumber.
Rubbing his eye, he pushed your door open. “Mc, can I sleep in your bed toni-”, but he was quick to cut himself off at the sight of you on your bed, grinding your sopping pussy against his beloved pillow. Any feelings of tiredness left his body at that moment as a lustful rage consumed him.
“So that’s where my pillows been, huh? You dirty girl, depriving me of my sleep so you could get your pathetic self off.” He stormed over to you before you could process what was happening and ripped the pillow out from under you with a growl. In seconds, still, before you could think, you were pinned down over his knee. You gasped at the rudeness of it all. “W-wait Belphie I’m sorry-!”, you tried to grovel but to no avail. Belphie was angry. And by the gods which threw him from heaven, he was fucking horny.
“Sorry can’t fucking save you now, little girl. I’m gonna make you and your slutty little pussy regret keeping me up this long.”
And with a sharp hit to your ass that immediately caused a tear to fall, you knew you’d be in deep for a long time. And the best part was, you didn’t feel sorry at all.
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𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: @violetdahlias
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ur-urmom · 2 years
Okay, I have a pretty cute request! (I’m not 100% sure if this is where I submit it since I’ve never done this but if it’s not then oh well)
Jacob Black x Reader (either fem or gender neutral)
Imaging Jacob being overly emotional one day for whatever reason and the reader has to comfort him, literally just the fluffiest thing ever! Reassurance, cuddles and pure adorable-ness
Thanks :)
super cute!!! i apologize for getting this out so late, hopefully you like it!
Open Arms - Jacob Black x Reader
Genre - fluffy cute adorable-ness!
Warnings - other than cussing, none
Summary - Y/N wasn’t really expecting any visitors on their day off, but when Jacob randomly shows up at their door they know something has to be on his mind.
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The morning was chilly and damp, the perfect weather for staying inside curled up in a blanket and watching comfort shows with a cup of whatever hot beverage was preferred.
Personally, I was drinking hot apple cider and paying attention to a true crime documentary.
“How in the ever living hell could someone do that to another human being. That beats all I’ve ever seen, I swear.” I said to myself as I took a sip of the sweet liquid, feeling the warmth travel down my throat.
I love my days off. I love rainy days, and I love sunny days, really any day is a good day when there’s no work involved.
Of course I have friends to hang out with when I’m off, however I’m pretty content keeping myself company too. Maybe I’ll call Alice and Bella later to see if they want to do something, like a girls night out. You can never go wrong with a girls night out.
And if Alice is with Jasper, and Bella is with Edward (which will be most likely), I’ll just call Jacob. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. My boyfriend is practically one of the girls. I’ll just have a girls night with him… as a back up to the actual girls night I’m planning in my head.
I guess people would just call that a date though, wouldn’t they.
Tuning back into the documentary on the television, I took another sip of my cider. I put my feet up on the coffee table in front of me, the bottom of my pajama pants slighting hanging down right above my ankles.
By now, the weather outside was getting a little rough. Thunder would rumble and lightning would strike in sync with the revelations or the part of the show where the murders were being described on the screen. I grimaced at one of the real photos that popped up right as a loud boom sounded from the sky.
“Gross.” I muttered.
I took the last swig of my drink and set the empty cup down on the coaster beside my feet. I grabbed the blanket next to me on the couch and covered myself for extra warmth.
… and comfort from the paranoia of the murders I’m currently hearing about.
Although the heavy rain mixed in with true crime made it unsettling, the atmosphere was kind of relaxing at the same time. Dim lights, candles going, the pitter patter of the droplets, thunder, a full tummy from a warm drink, and the oddly soothing voice of the old man telling the heinous acts committed made my eyes flutter open and closed. I pulled the blanket higher over my face, just enough to where it hid my lips. My head gently fell to the side, my eyes still on the television trying my best to keep my attention. It was easier said than done, because soon my lids stayed shut and I started tuning out the words that were spoken. Steady breathing was the only thing I could really hear, at least it was the only thing that I chose to listen to.
Until a deafening BOOM! jolted my body awake once more. No way was I tired now.
“Holy!— shit… that sounded close.” My heart was racing at the crack of the thunder that just made its appearance, slowing down when I realized it was just that.
Nothing else.
I made a conscious decision to browse more shows, preferably something light and funny considering what just happened. Obviously it was nothing, but I’m getting myself a bit worked up and I don’t want to instigate it further.
“Ooo!” I finally found the old school Scooby Doo and turned that on instead. “This’ll be nice.” I smiled to myself. It was also something I could accidentally fall asleep to without getting scared shitless being abruptly woken up.
I was deep into the episode playing when I heard a knock on the door. I slightly turned my head in confusion, I wasn’t expecting anyone today and hardly anyone came unannounced. Flash images of the true crime documentary made their way to my mind as I slowly got up. All of my curtains were closed, and I didn’t really feel like looking behind them for fear of a face planted directly in front of mine with only glass separating us.
Walking towards the door, I picked up the scissors on the coffee table I had left there the night before.
Whoever was out there wasn’t happy with my pace, because another round of knocks came pounding, this time a bit louder.
“Dammit.” I whispered, just a few steps away from the handle now. The scissors were close to my chest as I put my palm around the knob after unlocking it. I took a deep breath, starting to slowly turn the knob now. I cracked the door open, expecting to either see nothing, or to see come crazy psycho with an axe getting ready to chop me into pieces for fun.
But I immediately relaxed when I saw the familiar black hair and those big brown doe eyes I’ve come to admire so much. Opening the door all the way now, I was met face to face with Jacob.
“Hey…” He breathed.
“How anticlimactic.” I accidentally slipped out.
“…..What?” His confused expression replacing the gentle one that was just there.
“Oh um… what are you doing here?” I ignored his words. “Not that you’re not welcome! You just… usually call beforehand.” I sensed how my question could be taken the wrong way. “Are you okay? Goodness, your soaking wet. Did you not bring an umbrella? Shit, Jacob, come in.” I stepped to the side to get out of his way.
He walked in and I closed the door behind him.
“Why do you have scissors?” He asked.
Turning around and facing his back, I placed my hands on his shoulders and started to help him take his dripping coat off. “Why not?” I replied, tossing it on the floor, making a mental note to wash it later. “But answer me, are you okay?” I repeated myself from a minute earlier, looking at him.
“I um, I don’t know.” He replied. “I don’t know.”
“Okay.” I nodded, concern written on my features. “Okay, that’s okay.” I took both of his hands in mine and placed a soft kiss on his knuckles, they were wet from some of the rain outside that rested on them, and everywhere else on his body. I started rubbing the back of his palms with the front of mine vigorously in a stupid attempt to warm him up, almost as if I was trying to roll a ball of dough in my hands. “Aw, love, you’re so cold.” I muttered, my brows furrowed in concentration.
I heard him let out a deep chuckle. When I looked at him he was already gazing at me. I gave him a reassuring smile.
“Here, go take a hot shower.” I stopped to go grab him a towel and rag. “I washed your clothes from last time you stayed over, you can change into those!” I raised my voice a bit so he’d hear me as I gathered all of his things and put them in the bathroom.
It wasn’t long before he was beside me, already starting to strip down. I scooted past him to go ahead and start the hot water. When I got the shower temp just right, I turned back to Jacob. His shirt was off and he was working towards his shorts.
“Maybe while you’re in there you can think about what’s wrong? We can talk about it after you get out, yeah?” I put a hand on his cheek, which he leaned into.
“Yeah, that sounds good baby.”
“Good.” I started to walk away, but not before I gave him a little kiss on his other cheek. “I’ll be in the kitchen, or the living room.” I shut the bathroom door as I exited.
I figured that while I waited for him to get out, I would fix a little something to eat. Breakfast, or brunch, I didn’t really know what time it was and I don’t feel like checking.
Bacon, eggs, and jelly toast. All classics, and all delicious.
I was just about done with everything when I heard the shower turn off. The only thing left I had to do was jelly my toast. I left Jacob’s untouched in case he didn’t want any on his.
And speaking of him, a few minutes later he walked into the kitchen as I was fixing the plates.
“Hey! I made some food. I don’t know if you’ve had anything this morning, but I haven’t, so if you don’t eat it I will.” I let him know that it was okay to decline my offer of a mouth watering meal.
“You think I’m gonna pass up on a good breakfast made by the love of my life? I don’t think so.” Jacob scoffed and took his plate.
I beamed at the title he had given me and followed him to the table with my own food. I thought it’d be nice to just eat and talk about lighter things, rather than what’s on his mind right now, that’ll be for after.
“Thank gosh you took a shower, you smelled like a dirty, wet dog.” I joked, taking a bite of bacon.
“Ha-ha, very funny.” He playfully rolled his eyes in response.
“No, really! I could practically smell you from all the way inside. I thought there was a stray on my front porch.”
“M’kay, so you were getting ready to stab what you thought was a stray dog that wandered onto your porch?”
“Huh?” I genuinely was lost after he said that.
“The scissors.” He continued.
“Ohhh..” He mimicked me.
“Pffft, no. I was getting ready to do arts and crafts with said stray dog.”
“Mhm, sure.”
We looked at each other before breaking out into laughs and grins.
“Shut up, Jacob.” The smile still on my face as I softly pushed his shoulder with mine. I got up and took my plate to the sink. He did the same. I grabbed two water bottles from the fridge and handed one to him, then started walking to the couch in the living room. We sat next to one another, and I took his arm in mine and put my head on his shoulder.
“Do you wanna watch anything?” I eyed the tv, absentmindedly watching whatever had come on after Scooby Doo. When I didn’t get a response, I sat up straight so I could look at him. Once again, he was already staring at me.
“Hey…” I started, remembering why he was here in the first place, “what’s on your mind?”
I stumbled to reach the remote on the table and turned off the television, the screen going black with just the rain and distant thunder for background noise.
“Lovely, talk to me.” I ran a hand through his hair, hoping to make him more comfortable.
“I don’t know, Y/N. It’s stupid.”
“Don’t say that.” I spoke. “Whatever it is, you have every right to feel the way you do, your feelings are valid.”
I started to readjust. I put my legs up on the coffee table like I had them earlier and then patted my lap with a small flick of my head to gesture to Jacob to lay down. He didn’t even hesitate.
Looking down at him, I had one hand on his upper jaw and the other one continued to play with his hair.
“I’m just…. I’ve been thinking a lot.”
“Oh lord.” I added, trying to make him laugh. It worked.
“And I’m just worried, I guess. About the future, and what’s gonna happen. What I have to do.”
“Oh baby. You don’t need to worry about things that haven’t even happened yet, especially things that won’t even happen for a long time.”
“I know,” he kissed my hand, “I can’t help it.”
“Look, I have no doubt that I’ll be there in the future right beside you. Helping you figure out whatever it is that needs figuring out. We’re a team. Your problems, your worries, your desires… are mine too. You’re not alone.”
I looked at him. Really looked at him. I needed him to understand what I had just said.
“I love you.” He stated. “So much.”
“I love you.” I smiled sweetly at him. “I’m here, if you really want to go into depth about what exactly it is with the future you’re worried about.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I know… but right now I think I might fall asleep.” He flipped over on his side in my lap. “You’re just too comfortable.”
I giggled. “Oh really?”
I squealed when all of the sudden his lips met my stomach as he blew air on my skin, doing what people call a raspberry.
“Jacob!!” I laughed, lightly slapping at his side. “Stop!”
He did, placing a gentle kiss on the spot he just attacked instead.
I kept rubbing his head, alternating between running my fingers through his hair and softly tracing shapes on his face. I did this until I heard the low sound of steady breathing.
Not only his, but mine as the two of us had fallen asleep, dreaming of nothing but each other.
this isn’t proofread, so I’m sorry for any typos! it also might be shorter than my others so I do apologize! thank you for reading :) <3
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catindabag · 9 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (69)
*Code names are for losers*
Festus: Yo, guys-
Lysistrata: Not now, Creed.
Festus: Just hear me out.
Sejanus: Bro, be quiet. Someone might hear us.
Festus: It’s very important.
Coryo: No. We’re going to do our history homework today-
Festus: Really, Coryo? Inside the school gymnasium?
Coryo: Unfortunately.
Festus: But you could always finish that stupid paper tomorrow-
Coryo: Professor Demigloss said that whoever passes their homework first gets a day off from school.
Festus: But it’s the middle of the night and we are about to commit a crime against Dr. Gaul!
Coryo: Creed, calm down. It’s not the end of the world. We’re just here to steal that crazy woman’s plans for this year’s Hunger Games.
Festus: Which is a crime! A dangerous crime!
Coryo: That we’ve all agreed to commit together.
Sejanus: And forever.😍
Io: I’m so excited! This is my first time committing such a heinous act! I feel so rebellious-
Vipsania: Don’t say that word. It’s forbidden.
Io: Rebellious.☺️
Vipsania: *gasp* She said it again!
Coryo: We’ll be fine.
Festus: But still!
Coryo: I don’t care. I’m getting that day off with my boyfriend.
Sejanus: Me and Coryo are going to go on a super secret romantic date. Afterwards, we’re going to-
Lysistrata: F*ck.
Sejanus: Obviously.
Coryo: This is why we shouldn’t finish each other’s sentences.
Festus: You two are going on a secret romantic date without me?!
Coryo: Fortunately.
Festus: But I want to go on that date too!
Hilarius: Can I join? I wanna take some cute candid photos of Coryo-
Coryo: Ew. No. Go away.
Hilarius: I’ll give you 20 bucks.
Coryo: Not enough.
Festus: How about we all go on a double date instead!
Coryo: A double date with who?
Festus: With me and Percy-
Hilarius: And me!😀
Sejanus: No! My Snowy and I need our ✨alone time✨ too!
Coryo: We’re going to-
Felix: F*ck. We know.
Festus: But I wanna go on a date with you guys!😫
Felix: Bro, lower your voice. No one knows we’re here, remember?
Festus: But-
Androcles: Shhhh! Do you hear that?
Coryo: Hear what?
Androcles: I think I heard someone or something squeaking-
Festus: That’s just my precious Odysseus.
Androcles: Who’s Odysseus?
Festus: My freaky pet rat.
Vipsania: Creed, I told you not to bring your ugly fat rat to school!
Festus: Sickle, my bro, don’t be like that. My Ody just wanted to run around and get some fresh air. That’s all.
Vipsania: Not inside the school gymnasium! I workout, eat, and sleep here for Panem’s sake!
Felix: Ney Ney, why do you even live here? Last time I checked, you and your super buff family live in a huge luxurious house that looks like a gym.
Vipsania: Yeah. However, my very competitive and delusion mother kicked me out last year.😞
Felix: Why? What did you do?
Vipsania: She thinks that I’m an enemy of the state for having more track and field medals than her. So she kicked me out.
Gaius: That’s wild, bro.
Domitia: Girl, your mother’s insane.
Hilarius: My parents kicked me out too. Now I live in a dumpster with Creed and his rats.😊
Festus: You don’t even pay rent.😒
Hilarius: I will. . . Someday.
Pup: How the mighty have fallen.
Florus: Sorrows and prayers.
Hilarius: Thanks-
Florus: Not you, Heavensbee. I’m giving my condolences to Ney Ney.
Vipsania: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I still have my auntie Sickle.
Festus: Anyways-
Coryo: Babe, what’s the answer to question 7?
Sejanus: Read it for me, my love.😍
Coryo: Who is the current mayor of District 2?
Sejanus: Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly.
Coryo: Thanks, Babe.
Lysistrata: Is he a good person?
Sejanus: Mr. O’Rolly is not even a person. He’s just a piece of rock.
Lysistrata: Like literally?
Sejanus: He’s very solid.
Lysistrata: So a piece of rock is currently the mayor of District 2.
Sejanus: He’s been the mayor since we were in grade school.
Gaius: And nobody said anything?!
Dennis: Bro, where did your people even find Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly?
Sejanus: A random hobo found him “sitting” inside a cave 4 days before the election.
Urban: Who the f*ck would vote for a piece of rock?
Sejanus: Don’t judge my District! They’re trying their best!
Urban: To ruin their lives!
Coryo: Canville, shut up. We don’t have the right to judge them.
Urban: I can judge whoever I want!
Coryo: We literally voted a fluffy fat cat to be our official Capitol Mayor a few months ago.
Urban: But to be fair, Boa Bell is a good Mayor.
Sejanus: Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly is also a good Mayor, Ban Ban!
Urban: Is he cute?
Sejanus: No. He’s an ugly rock.
Urban: Can he respond back to you?
Sejanus: No.😞
Urban: That’s what I thought.
Pup: But don’t forget, the true leaders of Panem are a bunch of dogs.
Felix: They’re not just an ordinary bunch of dogs though. They’re-
Pup: A “sacred” pack of Bichon Frisé puppies. We get it.
Clemensia: Pup, does it bother you that your father is taking orders from a literal fur baby?
Pup: No. He loves it.
Festus: But seriously, guys-
Everyone: Creed, no.
Festus: Creed, yes!
Coryo: Ugh. Fine! Fire away.
Festus: Yey! So I was thinking-
Persephone: We’re now thinking?
Festus: No, not really. But since we’re going to stop the Hunger Games forever and save our Tributes from killing each other, we should start with creating our ✨code names✨.
Coryo: Code names?
Festus: Yeah! Code names like Class Pres-
Felix: “Class Pres” is not a code name, Creed. It’s short for Class President.
Festus: Yeah, right. Whatever you say, Class Pres.
Io: I’m with Creed on this one. Having code names are fun!
Juno: For what?
Io: For ✨Operation Felix✨!
Livia: Ew. Code names are for losers. I’m going with ✨Sparkly Sparkly 123✨.
Festus: That’s too long. Make it shorter.
Livia: Fine.🙄 I’m ✨Hot Pink✨.
Palmyra: I’m Monty-
Festus: No. you can’t have “obvious” code names.
Palmyra: Ok. I’m Palmyra-
Festus: Ugh! You guys are so bad at this.
Palmyra: But I’m Palmyra Monty-
Festus: I’ve decided that I’ll be the one to give you guys your code names.
Felix: That’s not fair-
Festus: Felix, you’ll be Hello Kitty.
Felix: I do love Hello Kitty.
Festus: Coryo, you’re Cabbage Soup.
Coryo: What?!
Festus: Sejanus, you’ll be Sugar Daddy.
Sejanus: Coryo’s sugar daddy.🥰
Festus: Palmyra, you’ll be Deadly Pie.
Palmyra: I’m Monty-
Festus: Livia, we all know you’re Hot Pink.
Livia: Obviously.
Festus: Florus, you can be Introvert John.
Florus: That- that actually makes sense.
Festus: Jasper, you’ll be Nuclear Lover.
Io: Ok!😊
Festus: Urban-
Urban: No.
Festus: You’re Anger Issues.
Urban: F*ck you.
Festus: Percy, you’re-
Persephone: Cannibal.☺️
Festus: No.
Coryo: She’s Cannibal, Creed. Deal with it.
Festus: Fine. Dennis, you’ll be Illegal Man Juan.
Dennis: Nice!
Festus: Iphigenia, you’re Super Mart.
Iphigenia: Isn’t that obvious?
Festus: Fine. You can be Skeletor.
Iphigenia: But-
Festus: Apollo, you’ll be Sunshine Valley.
Apollo: Yey!
Festus: Diana-
Diana: I’m Moony!
Festus: Ok. Ney Ney, you’re Buff Baby.
Vipsania: I can live with that.
Festus: Pup, you’ll be Commando Sleeper.
Pup: Cool.
Festus: Juno, you’re-
Juno: Princess Peach.
Festus: Princess B*tch?
Juno: Princess Peach, dumbass!
Festus: Fine! You’re Princess Witch! Happy?!
Juno: Like I care.🙄
Festus: Hilari, you’re-
Hilarius: Queen Bee! I’ll be Queen Bee!
Festus: Fine. Gaius, you’ll be-
Gaius: Zoolander!
Felix: That doesn’t make sense.
Gaius: My family owns the zoo.
Felix: That still doesn’t make sense-
Festus: Zoolander it is.
Gaius: That’s right!
Festus: Andie, you’ll be Catch Me If You Can.
Androcles: Nice!
Festus: Tia, you’re-
Domitia: Cheese Maiden!
Festus: Why?
Domitia: My family sells cheese.
Festus: Your family sells milk-
Domitia: And the best cheese.
Festus: Right. Arachne, you’re- Where’s Arachne?
Coryo: She’s asleep.
Festus: Good. She’ll be Spoon On My Nose.
Clemensia: She won’t like that-
Festus: She’s Spoon On My Nose. End of story.
Clemensia: She’ll kill you.
Festus: She won’t. Clemmie, you’ll be Blood Orange.
Clemensia: I rather be-
Festus: Blood Orange, do you copy?
Clemensia: Copy?
Festus: Good! Lizzie, you’ll be Droug Deleour-
Lysistrata: That’s too obvious! Call me something else.
Festus: Drug Delecour?
Lysistrata: Let’s stick with Droug Deleour. I’m Droug Deleour.
Felix: How about you, Creed? What’s your code name?
Festus: I’m-
Livia: Garbage?
Juno: Dumbass!
Dennis: Rat Boy!
Coryo: Cheesecake!
Sejanus: Burger!
Festus: No! I’m Eagle One!
Everyone: Heck, no!
Festus: Fine. I’ll go with Garbage Man 123.😔
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violetlunette · 7 months
How most writers write redemption arcs (namely males in romance): I know he’s a murderer, a tyrant, a possible rapist, and more, but you have to understand that he was sad in the past. Therefore, I will make the protagonist a sweet, naive young thing whose purity and love make him act lovingly to her alone. And once he admits he cares about her, we’ll just forget all those nasty little things he did. At most, I'll have him do little things like not kicking a puppy to show he's "changed." And if anyone calls him out or tries to hold him accountable, I’ll have the story treat them as a villain and try to make them worse than the hero. Happy ending for the couple/family!
Okay, this guy is horrible, but I like him. Therefore, I’ll make him an asshole, but I’ll play up his love for the protagonist and have him do the awful things he does for her, so it’ll all be okay. We'll just hand wave that nasty stuff that any sane person would go to an abuse hotline for.
How I write redemption arcs: Yeah, this fucker has work to do. His past will explain why he did the shit he did and will show where he needs to change and how. It will NOT be used as an excuse or justification for what he did. He will be held accountable for his actions and will have to face them head-on and realize what ass he was. HE will have to make amends. HE will have to do the work to make up for his crimes. (And I mean WORK. None of that bare minimum crap.) And no, no one will be considered an asshole for calling out the bastard for the shit he did. And the protagonist will NOT be the one solely responsible for his change. That is NOT her job, especially if she is a child. She may choose to guide him, and if he strays, she will not tolerate it or go, “Oh, poor baby’s past made him commit heinous crimes.” Nor will she go, “If I act cute, maybe he’ll love me,” as that is a horrible lesson to present about abusers. And loving just the protagonist will NOT be enough as he has to come to care for people in general. The lead will just be the first to open the door. This person WILL change and, while he may not get the fairy tale happily ever after and may even die, he will be a better person by the end.
Fuck it, I like him as an amoral guy. However, I won’t waste everyone’s time pretending he’s not. His actions will be shown as heinous and that, even if he loves the protagonist, he’s not a good person. Speaking of the protagonist, if she falls into the trap of thinking she can change him by being supportive even when he’s awful without consequences I will write her as a tragic person unable to see the red flags or escape. Or I will show how her willful ignorance and unwillingness to do something is wrong. Regardless, this romance will NOT be glorified in any way.
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pinktwingirl · 9 months
Hi. I’m Israeli, I saw a few of your posts and I would like to share my perspective with you.
You talk a lot about Zionism as an ideology, but I think it’s important to distinguish between the ideology itself and what is being done today.
Zionism is an ideology that states that Jews have a right for self determination in their own state. A lot of it is rooted in religion, but a large part of it was a response to Jewish persecution in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Being a minority you are essentially helpless when people decide to pillage you or treat you like a second class citizen (and yes, that also happened to Jews in North Africa and the Middle East) when you have your own state, you can at least defend yourself.
Just like any other group of people can strive for self determination (including Palestinians) so can Jews. It’s not just a matter of being secluded from others, or being elitist, it’s a matter of insuring your own security as much as you can as a people.
Zionism is not an evil ideology. You can maybe argue that the way it was achieving its goal is evil, but by that logic you can also argue that Palestinians are evil since they had also committed heinous acts against Jews in this land way before the invention of Zionism and even before they defined themselves as Palestinians.
Zionism is also very tied to Judaism. The longing for returning to “the homeland” is referenced throughout countless Jewish texts in the diaspora, again, way before the invention of Zionism.
There are some sects of Judaism that are against it, but saying “hey, Judaism and Zionism are completely detached!” Is I’d say… incorrect. Like to a point where the overwhelming majority of practicing Jews have some sort of Zionist views.
So about the situation today. in an ideal world, I believe that Palestinians have a right for self determination as much as we do. Saying Zionism is just like this evil, western colonial power, whose sole purpose is to harm and torture Palestinians is very very incorrect.
Thanks for reading, have a nice day 🙏🏽
This is gonna take me a whole essay to respond to so I’m gonna do y’all a favor and put a cut below feel free to read more if you want
If Zionism were purely about “Jewish self-determination”, that would be one thing. However, the reality is that the ideology of Zionism is inseparable from anti-Arab racism and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. The argument you are making only works if you are operating under the assumption that Palestine was an empty piece of land before it was settled by Israelis, which is a notion that many Zionists have tried to push, hence the Zionist slogan: “A land without a people for a people without a land.” However, this is not true. There were always people living in Palestine, and there is no way that an exclusively Jewish state could have existed there without systematically murdering them and expelling them from their land. If you go back and read the texts of the original Zionist leaders, they make it explicitly clear that this was their objective from the very beginning. Ilan Pappe’s book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” documents this extensively. I’ll include a few excerpts here. This is Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion’s second in command Moshe Sharett explaining how he wanted to pay off villagers to leave in order to “reduce the number of Arabs” in Palestine:
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This is the description of “Plan Dalet”, which was explicitly designed to drive out Palestinians and murder whoever remained:
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This is David Ben-Gurion explicitly saying that even 40% “non-Jews” (aka Arabs) in Palestine was unacceptable:
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This is an example of how Plan Dalet was carried out in the village of Deir Yassin (tw: murder, sexual assault, this is extremely graphic)
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While to some, Zionism might seem like a nice idea, in practice, it requires murder and systematic cruelty towards the Palestinian population that is continuing to this day. This is why people are opposed to it. It has nothing to do with religion or antisemitism; it is because people can very plainly see that the occupation and genocide it has caused is morally wrong. To quote Dr. Gabor Mate on why he is no longer a Zionist: “Yes, we created this beautiful dream, but we created a nightmare for somebody else.”
I don’t know what percentage of the Jewish population are Zionists, but I think the fact that there is such a strong Jewish anti-Zionist community is proof enough that Zionism should not be linked to Judaism. In fact, you could even argue that saying so is antisemitic because it implies that every single Jewish person is complicit in Israel’s war crimes, which is not true. Furthermore, I strongly believe that many Jewish Zionists subscribe to the ideology because they have been told lies and propaganda about the creation of Israel. It is very evident that Israel is going out of its way to cover up its crimes against Palestinians (i.e. outlawing mentioning the Nakba, planting trees over destroyed Palestinian villages to make it look like nothing was ever there, etc.) I think more Jewish people would have second thoughts about Zionism if they knew the truth behind the ideology.
As for the notion that the military occupation and apartheid of Palestinians is somehow “necessary” for Jewish safety, I would say that this is not only untrue but also makes no sense. Violence is inherently necessary to run a military state and keep a population under an occupation, and violence is always going to beget more violence, which is the exact opposite of the “safe utopia” that Israel strives to depict itself as. Think about it: if you were in a Palestinian’s shoes, would you not do exactly what they are doing? If you were born under a military occupation where you were routinely at risk of being bombed and having your home stolen by settlers, would you not resist by any means necessary, even if it meant resorting to violence? At the end of the day, the only difference between you and a Palestinian is luck in where you were born - that’s it. Safety is not achieved by oppressing others. Safety is achieved with peace and respect for others. I am not against Israelis living in Palestine. But there is no reason why Palestinians need to be ethnically cleansed for that to happen. People of different religions coexisted in Palestine before Israel; there is no reason why that can’t happen again. The more Israelis that realize ending the occupation is in their best interest, the faster the violence will end. It really is that simple.
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palfriendpatine66 · 11 months
Do you like watching/ reading about true crime? Or do you find it disrespectful?
This feels leading considering my current wip is a serial killer au but I’ll bite.
I hope you came expecting an en promptu lecture based on the time your Pal spent (wasted) studying Criminal Justice, based solely on my general knowledge from the time and not drawing from specific sources. Buckle up!
True Crime as a genre comes out of the average person’s fascination/horror of acts of violence as they seek to understand how these events happen and why. That’s a pretty natural reaction to “unfathomable” acts - trying to make sense out of it, seeking the details of what has happened and why. The following is not any condemnation of that reaction or desire or anyone who does consume true crime content.
It’s my opinion that media turns that need/desire into an entertainment factor that doesn’t help anyone*. Not victims and families, not relatives of perpetrators or suspects, not the general public in any way. It’s actually the opposite of helpful: it’s dangerous in that it gives others (killers/potential killers/criminals/the very alienated and disenfranchised) the message “Look - people will remember you. They will remember what you did. They will be in awe and fear of you and talk about you for years to come.” This isn’t a huge factor/motivator for all serial killers, but can be for some, and has proven to be very influential in mass shootings (think: American school shootings)
*extremely notable difference being America’s Most Wanted, which didn’t focus on the dramatic retelling of events but presented facts of open cases and the information authorities had on those wanted in connection with the crimes, asking viewers to call their tip lines with any information they had on fugitives, that led to over one thousand arrests.
THAT BEING SAID I consume and enjoy crime dramas. While the prevalence of graphic violence leading to desensitization is a whole other thing - I personally feel like exploring these dark themes through fiction is much different than watching real people interviewed about the details of real cases. I think that exploring how people can come to the point where they commit heinous acts belongs in fiction, and it’s okay to channel the interest and fascination and fear and horror and everything else that’s rolled up in it in works of fiction. It’s also where some people can feel better about the dangers of the world by siding with the “heroes” of the stories there to solve clues and crack the case and put the bad guys away, to stand between us regular folks and the scary criminals that, yeah, exist out in the real world for sure but also are a stand in for our own collective fears and horrors.
Um, I’m sorry for the long winded answer but also not really sure how to respond more succinctly. Does this answer your question? I’ll respond to good faith questions about how these feelings relate to me writing about serial killer obikin if desired, but I’ll also leave a friendly reminder that if you (anyone) find this type of story disrespectful than please don’t read it.
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 years
Not a monster // Carachoco (Ghoul Choco AU)
(Since a lot of you guys asked for more content around the Ghoul Choco idea, have some more.)
"Caramel Arrow!"
"Carmel Arrow cookie!"
Caramel Arrow cookie slowly regained consciousness, after being knocked into a wall of the Dark Cacao Citadel. While trying to regain her vision, she notices fellow watchers surrounding her in distress and concern for her well-being. Tapping her face and shaking her lightly, to help her regain consciousness.
"Caramel Arrow cookie!"
"You had us worried there, old friend!"
Caramel Arrow cookie slowly sat up in pain, looking around her body to find any cracks or cuts. Thankfully, none were found other than two minor cracks on her lower back.
"Where's... where's his majesty?"
"He was knocked into the walls of the Citadel by that... that... monster!"
"No! He isn't a monster! I know more than anyone, that there is still some good in the prince!"
"You saw what he did to his majesty! Even before this, the prince destroyed our kingdom! Our Home! He nearly killed his majesty! TWICE!! Do you really think there's still good in that husk of a cookie?!"
Caramel Arrow sighed.
"Yes, the prince did commit those heinous acts... destroyed our home... and nearly killed his majesty, but... there has to be more to the story than the prince betraying the Dark Cacao kingdom!"
"Well," A watcher asked, "what do you suggest we do? The beast is too strong to be attacked head-on!"
"That is for me to figure out. I want all of you to go around the Citadel and look for any of Affogato's disciples that are still left in the Citadel, preferably Affogato himself. If you find any of them, capture them and bring them back here. So they can be brought to justice!"
"What about you, old friend?!" The Second watcher exclaimed, "You can't just face that beast alone! You will crumble!"
"I have known the prince my entire life, Choco Bow Cookie..." Caramel Arrow remarked quietly as she stood up. "Whenever he needed to vent about anything bothering him... he came to me for guidance. Whether it be teaching me how to use the bow, or just wanting to have a small chat! The prince was so kind and put others' needs before his own... something just isn't making any sense..."
Before the watcher could continue thinking, the ground shook violently as cries of pain could be heard pursuing it. This immediately caught Caramel Arrow's attention and whipped her head back to the remaining watchers.
"We don't have much time! We have to hurry before the walls crumble!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
Within a blink of an eye, the watchers separated from each other, while Caramel Arrow sprinted as fast as she could in the opposite direction. As she passed by cracked pillars and random objects set aflame, she noticed the picture of the fallen prince, set aflame while scratches covered the prince's face. This caused the watcher to stop in her tracks, as she gazed upon the burning picture.
"My prince... What went wrong...? How could you throw your life away like this...?" She sighed as tears began to fall.
"Don't worry... I'll fix everything... I promise..."
Suddenly, the scent of burning dough and dark chocolate caught Caramel Arrow cookie's attention. She was getting close. To make sure she doesn't draw attention, the watcher slowly crept to the source of the familiar scent; the throne room. Seeing the doors slammed into the walls, she peered into the room to see a horrific sight. The beast had Dark Cacao cookie laying on rubble that was formerly the throne, coughing up strawberry jam violently as he struggled to breathe.
"W-why....?" the king coughed as strawberry jam clogged his mouth.
At this mere comment, the beast only formed an evil grin on its face, knowing that the end of a king's reign is drawing near. This caused Caramel Arrow to instantly jump into action, sprinting as fast as she could and blocking the beast's way.
The beast looked at her, surprised that she was still alive. Just below him, the watcher stood her ground but not drawing out her weapon, which confused the king she was protecting.
"C-Caramel... Arrow..."
"Stop this madness, Dark Choco cookie! This isn't you! What happened to the cheerful prince that I still remember...? The one cookie who taught me how to wield a bow...? The cookie who wanted to make everyone happy...? The cookie who put others before him...?"
The beast stood there, blankly.
"I know there's still good in you Dark Choco...! You're a good cookie with a big heart...! Remember when you would vent to me about what was bothering you...? You always would mention your father in one way or another... and I never picked up that you were... hurting. I don't think anyone did... did they?"
The beast growled sadly while looking away slightly.
"No... not even your own father did. Now that I think about it, all you wanted was his attention... wasn't it...?"
The beast began to shake, struggling to keep himself together. Everything started flowing back into his mind like waves, too big for the most skilled surfer to handle. He shook his head, trying his best to forget. He knew she was just doing this to break him down... and it was working. The beast began to scoot away from the watcher, but she only walked closer.
"That's why you went to go find that sword of yours... right...? So you can gain your father's approval and protect the kingdom...? I've heard about that sword... it'll curse anyone who wields it onto a path of eternal suffering and darkness..."
Tears began to fall from Caramel Arrow cookie's eyes as she recounted everything that has happened before this very moment.
"If only I knew where you were going..." She sniffed. "Maybe... this all could've been prevented... none of this is your fault Dark Choco... it's mine..."
"No... it isn't your fault Caramel Arrow cookie..." Dark Cacao weakly said as he began to stand up from the rubble.
"This all could've been prevented... had I only paid more attention to the most important thing in my life... instead of focusing solely on the walls of the licorice sea..."
"It'll be alright Dark Choco cookie..." the watcher stated as she put out her hand towards the beast. "It'll all be alright... I promise..."
The beast hesitated but placed his forehead on her hand, and dark red tears fell from his eyes as he began to fade away. The more tears fell, the more parts of him vanished, soon revealing the bawling prince once more. Cuddling into Caramel Arrow's arms as he shook like a leaf.
"It'll be alright, my prince..." she said as she softly kissed the poor prince's forehead.
"I promise..."
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insanepoll · 1 year
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harrowhark nonagesimus propaganda masterpost! i’ll update after each round
[ID: white slide with a picture of harrowhark nonagesimus on the centre. on top of her, reads, “she gave herself a diy lobotomy and the whole second book is us being gaslit about what we read in the first book because she is narrating and she is insane,” and, “What do you do when you, from a young age, regularly hallucinate the tortured soul of the Earth given physical form and occasionally forget your own name when the Earth’s soul fronts in your intricate DID system and then you commit the most heinous act of blasphemy conceivable? Well. You become a tragic goth lesbian and give yourself a lobotomy.” /End ID.]
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matcha-writer · 2 years
Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper
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Trigger Warning: sexual harassment, allusion to sex, 18+ only [MDNI]
Theme: Mature
Word Count: 1016
A/N: This is my first time writing in a loong while. I am experimenting with many things as I write this story. Throughout the story, it'll contain a few allusions to smut, graphic gore, and violence. I plan to make this a slow burn soooo yeah (or try to at least) :)
Act I Ch.1: Sleeping on the Wrong Side of the Couch ______________________________________________________________
Whitechapel District
September 23, 1890
It's been two years since Jack the Ripper stopped his serial killings. The police have not found him. No clues. No witnesses. No leads. Nothing. Everything returned to normal in the cloaked streets of Whitechapel. From time to time, I often wonder who was the killer who committed these heinous acts. Not much has changed for me ever since the killings have stopped. I still work at the Royal Rose Pub on Union Street. It's as rowdy as ever. Disgusting old men trying to "loosen" me up and telling me that I "deserve a good time." Feral hooligans destroying the place. You know, the usual.
Levi, Furlan, and Isabel still come from time to time. That's another thing that hasn't changed much. They really make my day whenever they enter the establishment, or when I have a bad day.
It's 12:44 AM and I really need to sleep. These paper-thin walls in my apartment don't muffle the groans and moans next door. One of these days I swear I'll shove a wet sock down their mouths. I am probably not going to write as much as I used to since Carla and I are the only ones working and more customers arrive every night. Well, I better go to sleep. I have a busy week ahead of me.
Until next time
I closed my worn-out journal and stored it away in the nightstand drawer. Soft, warm candlelight illuminates my tiny bedroom as I get ready for bed. I gently take off my dress, corset, and worn-out shoes, placing them in the corner of my room in the dirty pile of clothes. Now in my nightgown, I go over to the bathroom for my nightly routine. As I brush my teeth, I hear a loud bang across the room and freeze.
I don’t move for a couple of seconds and slowly walk toward the wall. I lean closer and strain my ears to listen to what occurred. Without warning the banging continued and the moans increased. I leaned away from the wall and looked at it incredulously. 
“What the hell?!” I muffled against the toothbrush. Wiping the toothpaste off of my chin, I quickly go to the bathroom and rinse my mouth. Disbelief slowly turns to anger as I make my way out of the bedroom and into the small living room.
“Just when I am getting ready to sleep too.” Angrily mumbling to myself, I get my brown cardigan off of the coat rack stand and unlock the front door. The chilly autumn wind hits my face. Walking next door, I knocked loudly on my neighbor’s door and mumbled a few curses. The noises inside stop and footsteps shuffle closer to the door. Gross appears behind the door. There is an immediate smell of alcohol and cigar in the air. 
“Gross, can you please keep the noise down? Some of us are preparing to go to sleep,” I confronted him. He leans against the door frame and grins at me. “I’ll try, but I have a better idea. Why don’t you come inside and join us? We’ll have tons of fun! You know, you, me, and whatever her name is. The more the merrier!” 
I crossed my arms. “No thank you. Unlike you, I have standards of what I want and having a threesome isn’t one of them. Especially with you involved.” 
Gross came closer to me. “C’mon sweetcheeks. No one's gonna know. I know you came here for some action,” he lowly whispered. “I bet you never got laid and that is why you came. I can be your first. You’ll have a good time with me.”
“My sexual life is none of your business Gross,” I narrowed my eyes. “Get it through your thick skull when I tell you that I am not interested. I will tell you again. Keep the noise down. And do not call me sweetcheeks.”
As I walked back to my apartment, I feel a presence behind me and I look over my shoulder. Gross stumbles out of his apartment and his glazed eyes lock onto mine. His grin turned feral. My eyes widen. My body moved towards my apartment door. 
“C’meer sweetcheeks! You know you want it! I know I want it!” He drunkenly ran in my direction. “Just imagine how I would feel inside you! You’ll feel so good!”
Hearing the doorknob click, I got inside and closed it just as he appear within my vision. The latchstring locked the door and I plodded away into the living room. Despite his efforts, Gross was unable to open the door.
“Playing hard to get huh,” he murmured. “Sweetcheeks open up! You women are made to be bred and serve men! Nothing else!” I don’t reply back. I sat down on my sofa and try to calm myself. Closing my eyes, I hear Gross pounding the door. I grab my blanket near me as I propped a pillow.
The pounding stopped. “One of these days I’ll have you,” he slurred. “And the only name you’ll be screamin’ is mine.” His footsteps fade away. I slowly open my eyes and look towards my dim bedroom. I internally debate whether I should sleep here or go to my bedroom. I sighed. Getting up from the couch, I light a candle. When I reach my bedroom, I blow out the candle on the nightstand. As I exit my room, I hear the groans of Gross and the mysterious woman continue where they left off.
“Stupid drunkard,” I grumbled while laying down on the sofa again. My cardigan embraced me as I hid from the outside world under the blanket. Poking my head out, I turn to my side and look at the clock next to the lit candle.
“1:06 AM,” I thought to myself. “Looks like I’m getting 5 hours of sleep.” I pull the candle closer snuffing out the light. Darkness envelops the room once more this time claiming my body.
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Throughout the month of December, I’m going to be making several Exile Arc essays to explore my favourite arc in all of media, ever, and as a celebration of its two year anniversary! This essay is about hypothesising what Dream wanted Tommy as an ally for. Obviously, everything here is to do with the RP characters. Discussion of abuse in detail is inevitable, along with suicide, kidnapping, torture, mental health issues, and self harm, so be warned. And without further adieu, onto the essay!
While Exile Arc as a whole is a massively impactful part of Dream and Tommy's stories, and one that can’t be overstated, it’s also a very mysterious one to some degree. What happened is common knowledge, and easily accessible by watching the streams, but something that isn’t is motivation.
Even Tommy himself is somewhat unclear here, and an unreliable narrator to himself, denying his own feelings and making errors due to stress, but that’s something that can easily be seen through. But as for Dream… his motives for committing such a heinous, calculated, and prolonged act remain somewhat a mystery.
We know, through confirmation on Twitter, that Dream enjoyed the power trip it gave him, and that he wanted Tommy to think of him as a friend so he could use him as an ally. We see signs that Exile was planned weeks in advance, Dream framing Tommy for crimes, exaggerating the damage on George's house, and pushing for an exile only he seemed to want even before the Spirit thing. So why was Dream so insistent? What did he need Tommy for?
Well, that’s not something I can answer in full without this essay getting extremely long, and I do have something else planned about why Dream targets Tommy specifically and the complexity of their relationship that often goes overlooked. But I do have a theory on what Dream needed an ally for. Actually, I have a few, but there’s one I believe to be the most likely as of the finale streams, and I’ll be exploring my conclusions, the evidence for them, and what I believe this says about Dream, Tommy, Exile, and their arcs as a whole today!
Theories about the purpose of Exile have been floating around since the event itself, and there’s many common ones that have proven to be inaccurate. Some believed it was to get Tommy out of the way or dispose of him, but the fact Dream explicitly wanted him on his side and conditioned him into dependence renders that improbable- why would he make Tommy rely on him if he wanted Tommy out of the way? Others assumed it was for sheer cruelty, but while Exile was cruel and cruelty was part of the point, it was calculated for a goal.
Before the reveal of the Staged Finale, the hypothesis that seemed the most supported was that Dream was going to eventually move Tommy to the prison, due to him seeing him as the key to the server and a useful tool. While the latter bit isn’t entirely inaccurate- I'll be exploring how Dream as a character tends to reveal truths about his worldview accidentally in his lies in a later essay- it has become clear that, at least by the time of the Disc Finale the prison wasn’t for Tommy.
I don’t think it's impossible that Dream considered putting him in there at some point- the fact that the prison was built around the same time as Exile and it containing many of Tommy's known triggers seems a bit too much of a happy accident to be entirely coincidental. Still, I think this is an unlikely reasoning for Exile with the knowledge we have now, though it certainly has more evidence than the first three theories I brought up.
However, once the Staged Finale was revealed, along with confirmation that Dream intended on making Tommy an ally, I started to develop a new theory. Specifically, that Dream wanted Tommy to serve as a spy on the outside while he was in prison. Punz is a good warrior, but is fairly solitary, while Tommy has close ties to the majority of the server and is incredibly perceptive and surprisingly intelligent even if he’s not book smart.
If Tommy played along with the Staged Finale, both he and Punz would have a lot of suspicion off their back, and Tommy would likely be able to influence Sam into making the prison conditions less harsh, along with visiting frequently. Plus, any injuries and damage from Exile- which almost certainly existed, which is something else I plan to cover at some point- would only serve to make the server trust him more, and see him as harmless in a way Punz couldn’t be. If Punz was to be Dream's sword, Tommy would be the dagger.
However, this theory also has problems. Namely, the idea of Dream going through with the Staged Finale if one of the most important variables he needed wasn’t under control like he planned. Dream is often a surprisingly impulsive and reckless character- he's a lot like Tommy, actually!- but he’s also a clever schemer, and would know better than to risk so much when the plan had basically already unravelled at the seams. It’s still not impossible, after all, anyone can make mistakes and it certainly would explain Dream specifically focusing so hard on making Tommy trust him and rely on him, but as of the finale I don’t believe this to be the most likely motivation at this point.
No, what I think Dream wanted is for Tommy to join him on the revival experiments.
You might wonder why I believe that if Punz is already an ally there, but I have several reasons. For one, Punz is in a fairly risky job, and even if he wasn’t there’s safety in redundancy. If there’s two of them, all it takes is two bad accidents to undo everything they’ve done- with three, that’s much less unlikely. In addition, it’d allow them further research that can’t be done with two people- how would their limbos interact? Could they revive each other while in limbo? The possibilities are expanded a great deal, and each one brings them closer to immortality. And, well- Punz is there of his own free will. If he wanted to leave, he could. Meanwhile, Dream had tried to completely erode Tommy's free will in exile. It’d ensure he'd have no way to turn the power against him like Punz theoretically could, and as such Dream could guarantee no matter what he’d always have someone to bring him back.
Now that I’ve established that, what’s the evidence? Well, for one, I think the amount of times Dream's specifically offered Tommy immortality is definitely suspect. While, of course, these are also to torment him, the fact that Dream has used that against him more than anything makes me think it’s more than an idle threat. Specifically, it was Dream and Punz's wording on how they’d kill everyone on the server except those who joined them that made me think this was, in some way, a genuine offer. As later, that whole plan was presumably proven to be a lie (unless Dream didn’t care about destroying the universe if it got him friends), the only reason to say that was specifically to allow Clingyduo a chance to join them.
Secondly, there’s the way Dream treated Tommy's lives. He was uncaring when Tommy took damage, but he was furious at the idea of Tommy taking his own life. The latter reason is obvious- as Tommy stated, Dream doesn’t want him dead for many complicated reasons- but the former is interesting, as it heavily implies that Dream may have been planning to use the revive book if/when Tommy died in exile, which would be a perfect opportunity to hold it over his head as a saviour and to introduce the concept of the experiments to him. Something that wouldn’t work if Tommy WANTED to be dead.
Additionally, this would mesh very logically with the aforementioned Staged Finale theory! It’d be less risky to go ahead with the plan if he was intending on inducting Tommy when he was trapped in lockdown with him due to the prison bombing, though he underestimated how Tommy wouldn't simply fall back into his Exile-era subservience. It’d also mesh with him perhaps staging the finale to make sure eyes were off Punz- both he and Tommy wouldn’t be under suspicion, and they could continue the experiments safely for as long as they needed. And since the prison was used as a lab for these experiments before, it’d make sense if that was part of it the whole time!
While I plan on leaving the impacts of exile on both Dream and Tommy to two separate essays for each of them- because I could go on for hundreds of paragraphs- I think this essay would be incomplete without a small examination of what this theory- if true- would impact their characters.
Dream's very much a character who operates off twisted compassion, and he's basically what could happen if an all-loving hero was warped into something twisted and evil, and I think this would compliment it quite well. Immortality is something he sees as a gift, and as an intensely curious man knowledge is it’s own reward. In his head, “allowing” Tommy into his circle of Gods might seem an act of compassion- but like most of Dream's attempts at helping, it simply causes more pain and suffering.
Meanwhile, Tommy would be facing an even worse fate than expected. After all, Tommy would never want to become a God. He's deeply religious towards Church Prime, and would likely view such a thing as blasphemy- and even if he didn’t, Tommy HATES being in the spotlight. Being important is a curse that has been foisted upon his shoulders, and he’d much rather be invisible than a hero. Being immortal itself as an idea broke Tommy to the point he grew addicted to potions and hid underground for months- but being forced into Godhood, into commiting and being the subject of cruel experiments… there isn’t anything he’d despise more, I don’t think.
Anyway, what are your thoughts? Feel free to share- I love talking about Exile in any context and I’d love to hear other peoples opinions! I hope you enjoyed me talking about my special interest haha.
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sailforvalinor · 9 months
At the Residence:
Thiago: *shoveling chocolate ice cream into his mouth* “Soledad left me and I don’t know why…”
Helena: “I’m so sorry…” *silently pining*
Manuel: *pacing the floor* “My dad is alive???”
Bia: *busts down the front door* “Can I please stay here? Please? My parents won’t let me see Manuel and they won’t listen to my point of view and I just cannot STAND being around them anymore.”
Daisy: *trying to work up the courage to confess her feelings* “Um…Pietro? I need to talk to you about something…important…” *chickens out* “What are we having for dinner?”
Pietro: *muttering to himself* “I have this all-consuming belief that everything I’ll try to do will go up in flames and every time I want to do something important I commit a heinous act of self-sabotage just because of my own insecurities, but being aware of my own insecurities isn’t helping, I can’t stop listening to that voice in my head that says I’m going to fail—“
Luan, sitting on the couch and FaceTiming Pixie: *mouths* “help”
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Alrighty, finished the first volume of Daemons of the Shadow Realm. This one certainly has an interesting premise, with a boy named Yuru in a rural village in feudal Japan finding out it is not, in fact, feudal times when his village gets slaughtered by paramilitary goons in helicopters. So yeah, modern times. As in “one of the antagonists passes time by playing on their Switch” modern. But that’s not the only traumatic revelation that day. There’s also how his twin sister Asa has been an imposter for the last ten years. And that the real Asa is one of the people attacking the village to try and get him out of there. Oh, and he winds up awakening and gaining command over a pair of spirits called Daemons to protect him from another Daemon user who commands a gigantic set of teeth.
So, you know, he’s having a day.
Still, having the main character not have a clue what’s going on is a classic way of having the audience accept that they don’t know what’s going on either. And it’s not like Yuru is stupid, which I usually find annoying in a protagonist, he’s just ignorant. But rather critically he knows that he’s ignorant about a lot more than he ever thought existed, and at least is trying to figure things out. And I’ll give him credit for realizing he can’t trust the people who took him in, as they’re connected to the village that kept him isolated and ignorant with constant lies all his life, but at the same time he knows he needs somebody to show him how the outside world works and he can’t exactly trust the antagonists either even if one of them is his sister as they’ve shown themselves willing to commit some pretty heinous acts like killing a whole lot of people who probably didn’t deserve it.
So yeah, pretty interesting situation, will probably continue this series at some point.
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