#i wrote this on my tablet
nothingbizzare · 4 months
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Teru and Ritsu !!!!! And Ddimple I guess
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mangofanarts · 8 months
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Ayhalo won the poll! So, I thought a tiny comic would be nice
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cookierunauprompts · 8 months
AU Prompt #17 - 💔
White Lily Cookie stood alone upon the outskirts of the silver kingdom, Pure Vanilla cookie hadn't yet returned... She doubted that he ever would. Pure Vanilla had sacrificed himself to go confront Shadow Milk Cookie at the centre of the twisted jester's musical apocalypse. She'd heard and explosion, surely resulting of the clash of soul jam. She froze up when she saw a stumbling figure in the distance however. " Pure Vanilla Cookie!!" She exclaimed, rushing towards her dear friend. He... to say the least, didn't look good. His robes were charred and he looked really disoriented... but he st8ll had his soul jam, so that was good. " White Lily Cookie.... I'm sorry." Pure Vanilla said wearily, as if he were struggling to get the words out. She quickly went to reassure him. " No, no! There's nothing to be sorry for, you're okay, and that's all that matters right now." She said, holding his hands in a comforting gesture. " White Lily Cookie..." Pure Vanilla began, he sounded... off now. There was more of a... musical tint to his voice now, his frown slowly turning into a shaken smile. " I'm sorry you lost your way...~" No, no this cant be happening... right? She looked down into his eyes, gone were the soft yellows and light blues that she knew, replaced by hollow shades of cold blues. Her breath hitched in her throat as she pulled away from him. She should have noticed that Pure Vanilla's soul jam was reversed, that he'd been taken by the apotheosis( as Shadow Milk had called it).
Or, 'Inevitable' from TGWDLM but it's White Lily and Pure Vanilla. Basically.
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youling-the-ghost · 2 months
well technically this is just chapter 1, but hey it's still (nearly) 3k of Aubgergine Goodness so it still counts
Anyways if I don't post an update for a while (a while as in longer than a week or so) you guys have my permission to spam my DMs to get me to update. I need y'all to hold me accountable.
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ch1zzie · 4 months
Forgot to post this here butttt
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Working on a welcome home animation and mighttttt take me a while
#the idea is just wally getting the barnaby plush and thats kinda it#i did plan this before when i ordered the wally plush (sep 8 2023) but didnt have the motivation and stuff for it#its inspired by the image of wally peaking out of homes side window with the text below “there he is!” not sure if its wally saying it#either wally noticed someone or someone noticed him but anyway#i saw that image and was thinking to make an animation of it instead of the “there he is!” text its going to say “he's here.”#i also realized i might need to voice that only line or even make sounds for the background😭#i already was close to finishing background 2 (where eddie will be seen walking to wallys house) but my tablet died#grrrrrr#also unrelated but i wrote in my book todayyy (i never write at all) but hey its kinda fun to write my ideas huahahahaah#i plan on doing some research on welcome home and write it down (maybe even some theories hmm??) also doing research on the characters#just to try to get to know them more (cuz i have been crazy for them for AGES and still feel like i haven't done enough)#oh yeah CALL ME CRAZYYY butttt since the irl world sucks i plan on making little writings like im IN welcome home just because idk#more explaining and better ones on my tiktok vid description (user in my bio)#also i feel like things might be getting better for me cuz wowie i never thought id be animating again#but now all this motivation...so many ideas appearing...need to focus on one at a time...darn#HEY! 12 days till a break from the evil cell of educational purposes??? (school) FINALLY PURE HEAVEN I CAN BE FREE WITHOUT SUFFERING#welcome home#partycoffin#wally darling#welcome home arg#welcome home fanart#welcome home wally#7 backgrounds left to do...then ill have to animate...oh evilllll so evillll
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ceryulean · 3 months
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Ivantill week day 5: Love language(s)
These are just my headcanons! Obviously to each their own interpretations!!
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i'm not the greatest at titling things.
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*gets out of art slump by playing roblox spraypainting game* *epically*
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khaotunq · 3 months
I just need to tell you - I love your writing so much. I know you finished and posted and your trust intact a while ago now, but I have been savoring it. I loved all your wonder, and to have Gaipa's perspective too... amazing!
Every piece of yours that I have read sticks with me for a long time afterwards - I very much enjoy the way you write and I just need you to know!
Anyway I hope you have a lovely day 💜
I hope you don't mind me publishing this, I'm shy about praise so I always chicken out of posting asks. Not that I get many, lol
I have been in the funkiest headspace for about a week or so and this appearing in my inbox yesterday lifted me out of it for a while.
I'm so happy you like my writing! Alan and Gaipa are fun to write because they're virtually blank canvases--we know next to nothing about their lives other than a few key points, but I try to stay true to what we do know. I do have two other AlanGaipa pieces partially written, hoping to get at least one of them fit for consumption at some point soon but I'm currently in the "offended it won't write itself" stage, heh.
Thank you for this, you're the best kind of human person 🥹🥰🧡
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moominpopzz · 3 months
Hey guys I’m still alive heres art of a ship I don’t actually care for but my friend really likes ok bye :3
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tonybats · 7 months
WIP! Amane im such a fan
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kotaromita · 24 days
cnan ai hav a atograf
(sore ai am in a basmant ai cnant spel gud)
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Y-Yeah! Sure, you can. Th-This is the first time anyone has asked! Ahahah, my heart is kinda skipping a beat right now.
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sparky-is-spiders · 5 months
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Tumblr please let me post the reptile. I am on my hands and knees BEGGING you to let me post pictures of my emotionally unstable daughter.
Edit: Thank christ it’s up. There’s lore but after having this post swallowed by the void twice I’m too lazy to post it. All you need to know is that I took Amaldyne and put her into the WoFverse and gave her two designs because I could.
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masschase · 6 months
A couple of looks for Anteros in Casey's universe. I've wanted to draw the first one for a while and @whoredmode mentioned a little while back wanting to do more with Anteros and butterfly imagery because of his name, whereas I was/am in the mood to do some outfit designs so I was inspired by them in a more literal sense. Second is a little more conceptual and idk he'd actually wear it but I had a concept of it in my head which you'll see in my inspo below.
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Left is probably around April 2023 and right November 2023, though Ragnarok unsurprisingly doesn't experience seasons quite the same as Earth hence why they're more representative of Autumn and Spring.
Worth a zoom in as I don't think they look as good in this view, but, some explanation below the cut.
The Lone Rose look is one I already had in this fic I wrote for the reunion of Dexteros, and this was how I described it at the time:
The magenta hair remains but it’s cut a little shorter. The man dressed entirely differently to how he dressed before the earth was lost. Stylish as ever, but nowhere near as colorful. Like something has been stripped from him. Ivory shirt, black pants and boots, long black coat. The stetson remains but it’s a new, pure black one, not the one Dex was never entirely keen on because it had belonged to the dead boyfriend. He almost looks like a vampire hunter. Or... maybe... maybe a ghost hunter.
I wanted to work in shades of the hunter thing without making it too similar to a vampire hunter look I'm in the process of creating for Casey, I also wanted to incorporate aspects Ted's original design for Anteros in the cowboy biker gang, which I've since named The Vicinals. Thirdly I was looking at different types of pink butterflies I was slightly influenced by the common rose butterfly:
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Originally I wanted it to be more inspired by a chrysalis for the other butterfly I'm going to talk about below, because the whole idea is that Anteros and Dex are both in a bit of a stasis up until this point, but it didn't fit the image I had from what I'd written very well. But that's OK, I love how it came out. Still muted but with those little details.
As for the Blushing Phantom look, this was very much a case of the butterfly coming first because I love the idea of the Blushing Phantom representing Anteros:
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Especially Caseyverse Anteros because of the dark blue shimmer. I wish I could draw that kind of finish on the coat but you get the idea. As for the hair I went a little rogue 🤭 I liked the idea that Dex would cut Anteros's hair shorter in this universe as in his main one, but keeping a little more on top, and also returning to the pink. Because after reuniting with Dex, and after the cloaking of the planet is in place, they're ready to start travelling together again, with Anteros becoming somewhat of a legendary trickster amongst the Krotox.
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
I think I began to worry about being more sedentary when my mom and my old tablet both died. It sounds heartless to lump an object and one of my only close people together, but i think botb losses messed me up, in many many ways. And I want to try and explain myself now. I want to explain how my existential dread and fear of being more sedentary and even my fear of being alone can all be linked back to these two events.
First, some context. Back when my mom was alive, i was able to hide my fear of being all alone and unable for fend for myself by taking solace in one thing: at least i had my parents. That kept the existensial thoughts at bay. It kept me from losing my mind panicking over loneliness and ageing and time. But with my mom's death of cancer two years ago (give or take), i lost that comforting hiding spot. Because my mom's dead, my dad's getting up there, i turn 20 next february, and i still have no friends. So that makes me feel this fear of being alone and being in a dire place, unable to fend for myself.
But on top of that existential problem, we have the problem of feeling sedentary online. Years ago, i used an old tablet to navigate the internet. This old tablet had no social media accounts saved to it. It was just me browsing the internet with no account, looking at blogs and fanfiction and wikipedia and anything that caught my eye. And i feel like that was great for me.
But then that tablet died, or at least stopped holding charge. Suddenly, i was left with just a phone and a newer tablet, both of which had social accounts saved to them. So because i'm still lining for the simpler times with my old tablet, i've somehow managed to convince myself i do barely anything with my phone and new tablet. Thus creating a depressing cycle of stress and paranoia about being sedentary online.
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de1-os · 2 months
wth your ocverse has parallel universe demons? what does that even mean?
Ok well. Let me break down each part,
For the "parallel universe" part-- basically in Love♡Phobia there's the world that the humans live in and the world the non human characters live in. They're like separate realms that are parallel, in the sense they're not supposed to intersect, like two lines that are are completely parallel. There's a buffer of empty(?) space between them. A bridge ends up forming between them for plot reasons but it's not entirely important because the primary focus of the story is on the characters and their interactions with each other.
The "demon part"-- the non human characters... they're not really demons but I call them that for ease of understanding... but also they like kinda are demons lol. The original name of the story was "that human is the devil!" Which, is the premise of the original concept, Humans that are objectively worse than literal demons lol. But over time I kinda lost a lot of the original like. Meat for the story and replaced it with Other Stuff. Hence it's inaccurate to call them demons but the reference material is still incredible strong. I'm still working on the design/writing of the non-human characters to try to make them stand on their own rather than relying on outside sources.
The both the human and non human characters' world has it's own setting and world building but tbh like the bridge thing it's not directly relevant to the plot/setting of the story (in the sense that how much of it is going to be shown in canon is uh. debateable. I'm still writing it so...) outside of like, a layer of context to the way the characters act, so I guess it's more for myself to keep in mind if anything.
But uhmmm anyways they are from a universe that differs from the human characters, and they are technically demons so. "parallel universe demons". :]
I think if I'd have to compare the situation going on, Dorohedoro was a very strong inspiration (that I did not consciously realize occurred until I started writing this post lol but I'm not surprised I love Dorohedoro) -- where there is a realm where humans are from, and then the world of the witches. And the witches are not traditional depictions of witches but still take heavily from the source mythology of witches (brooms, casting magic that transforms people into animals, deals/relations to devils, signing the devil's book, etc. etc.). And the worlds connect :) but there is a big difference which is, in Dorohedoro the connection of the realms is historical while in Love♡Phobia the dimension crossing is recent.
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