#i would rather die than mischaracterize what he would say
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dailykugisaki · 11 months ago
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Day 163 | id in alt
Nanami is so resolute in what he believes it's actually astounding how he didn't get to have a proper conversation with Kugisaki.
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razzle-n-dazzle · 3 months ago
Lucifer x F!Reader [Adam’s ExGF]
[context: she’s was an angel created in heaven, and ends up dating adam for a bit this is long after Eden. and ends up leaving him not being able to handle him anymore.]
Another one of his partners is stolen by Lucifer heheh.. she married him and they have a 12 month old baby. Adam being in hell now and is trying to “rehabilitate” is forced to watch his ex partner being happy something he he did so little for her when they were together.
bonus: if Adam snatches the baby’s toy from their hands causing them to cry and everyone to shout at him and argue
. . . 𝘍𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘺 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 Lucifer / AFAB! Reader
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‗( content / trigger warning ) not proofread (we die like Adam), AFAB! reader, reader has a kid, technically this is an (yandere?) Adam / Reader hurt fanfic in disguise, It's Helluva/Hazbin there's going to be cursing. ‗( author's note ) I'm going to try and do Lucifer's personality justice here. I had gone back to reread some of my old Lucifer fanfic to see that I mischaracterized him in a rather noticeable way (at least for me), and that doesn't fly here. So let's hope third time is a charm <3
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"To be yours was like holding a thorned rose. It was pretty, sure, yet it pierced, stabbed, and bled my hands the tighter I held on to keep it alive. . . So, I let it die."
To say a bone in his body does not loath Lucifer, would be an understatement. Actually, no, it would be the foulest lie that would have ever been uttered. There was nothing in this world that Adam despised more than Lucifer Morningstar; The fallen angel of corrupted dreams, a thief and tainter of pure hearts, the sole creator of sin and everything that is wrong within the world. Simply to put it, if Adam had a chance to fuck as many women as he could want, in all the positions he could ever hope for, or torture Lucifer without a single repercussion until he's dead on hell's floor; He'd choose the latter. After all, who wouldn't hate the guy after everything he did? Well, apparently one person didn't, and Adam couldn't understand why.
You: The love of his life. Adam didn't get it, he really didn't. How could you, one of the most perfect people in creation, end up with someone like . . . Lucifer? And how could, promptly, Lucifer have been the one to end Adam up in Hell! And how, just how, did Adam ever think he needed the help of Lucifer's daughter to quote-on-quote rehabilitate when he's the original dick and would end back in Heaven by default?! And yet, even with all those questions and odds stacking up against him, Adam still found himself sitting at Husker's bar. He still found himself watching as you sat next to Lucifer, holding a literal baby on your lap, while Charlie cooed over her new baby brother. Honestly, he was a second away from slamming his drink down on the counter or across the hotel lobby to hopefully crack Lucifer's skull open. That fucking bastard. He had no right to not only be sitting next to you right now, calling you his lover, but to knock you up with his kid! He didn't deserve you. No one deserved you but Adam and yet you dumbed him! Him! The original dick, the original first man. Pft. It's your loss anyways. He's so much better than what's his stupid fucking face and his stupid fucking kids. Pft, yeah. It's not like he cared at all! After all, he could have that stupid(ly beautiful) grin on your face ten times brighter than Lucifer could ever.
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Adam's days were absolutely miserable anytime You and Lucifer came over to the Hotel, as there was little chances of avoiding either of you. Sure, maybe Adam could hide in his room and pretend like he never say either of you on your visit days. Sure, maybe he could go out on the town and possibly meet someone that was ten times better than you. And, sure, maybe he could just do one of the million annoying tasks Charlie had for the residents. Yet, there was still no avoiding either of you. Not for Adam. Because avoiding you would show Lucifer that he won. That he managed not only to take Lilith, yet Even, and now You away from Adam and let it affect him. Adam was not ever giving Lucifer that satisfaction, and he wasn't going to let you have the satisfaction of knowing that he still . . . loves you. Not that you would be paying attention, anyways. You haven't even spared him a glance, other than courteous waves of hellos when Adam was near some of the other residents. So, if you had moved on, so had Adam! And, frankly, much to Adam's dismay, you had. The fall from Heaven hadn't been a pretty one, not at all. The Seraphim had stripped you of your wings, casted you down based on a senseless accusation that could have "threatened the whole order of the Heavens". It was unjust, and it had stung you heavily during the first few months, but you slowly learnt to cope. Finding someone who could share your same pains helped, immensely. Lucifer had been that person for you. The person who, despite everything you had gone through, seemed to always understand where you were coming from; And, likewise, you were that person for Lucifer. You had made Lucifer believe he could fall in love again, and Lucifer had made you believe you could dream again. That you could create without judgement. And, after years of courting, to two years of being fiancés, to the wedding and now a year and a half of being married you two had a beautiful baby boy. And, much like Charlie, he was the little joy of your shared lives. "Ceyx!" Charlie would laugh as her baby brother tugged on her hair. It was a little painful, yet Charlie didn't mind too much. Not when he looked so adorable with his chubby little cheeks and those big round eyes. "Sorry! Sorry, I should have warned you he started his hair pulling phase," You would pull away from Lucifer, who sat besides you, to gently try and coax Ceyx to let go of Charlie's chair. Though, Ceyx apparently only saw this as a fun little game as he let out a spit of babbles and laughs while you were gently attempting to pry his little hands off. "He had only been interested in Lucifer's hair until now." Charlie would wave you off gently, laughing softly, "No, no, it's alright!" As she had to crane her neck slightly so Ceyx's playful tugs didn't feel like he was trying to rip out her hair. A scowl spread on Adam's face, with furrowed eyebrows and hate-filled eyes, as he watched you five from the top of the stairs. This was the second time You had came over in the last week and he got sicker by the passing visit. And this time was no different, his stomach churn with abhorrence, as he watched Lucifer swoop from next to you to in front of your baby, giving him some tickles on his belly. Adam watched as Ceyx would babble happily seeing his father's face before exploding into a fit of giggles and laughter once Lucifer began to tickle him. He nearly vomited seeing the little baby faces Lucifer was making. Yet, his heart broke seeing the way that your eyes twinkled at Lucifer, staring at him so fondly and lovingly. A look you had reserved for Adam. A look, he knew but continuously denied the truth of, he would never get again from you.
It's not like he cared anyways! . . . Not one bit. Not even as he watched as Lucifer would scoop up Ceyx, whose eyes carried the same shade and light as yours, and spin him around. Entertaining the baby while Vaggie assisted Charlie with fixing her hair, while Charlie watched her dad fond over the newest addition to the Morningstar family. Adam didn't even care when you stood up, gently placed a hand on Lucifer's shoulder, and pecked his cheek. It didn't boil his blood. And, of course, it's not like he needed answered from you. No way. And it was not the reason why Adam stalked your figure from above when you went to the bar to order drinks, after asking your family if they needed anything. And it was 100% not the reason why Adam went to the bar while Husk was mixing your drinks and sit down right next to you. He just needed to catch your eye on final time. To prove to himself that he still held some bit of your heart, that he still had some sort of chance against him, against Lucifer. And, yet, he found no such light in your eyes. You had simply glanced over to him, checking who had sat down next to you. Sure, you didn't give him a vindictive or disgusted look, like most of his exs would have, you didn't really react either. A simply, courteous, greeting before your drinks were finish. You, Adam's eyes, took the first chance to leave the conversation. And it stabbed right through his heart. But it's not like he cared! . . . Right? No! He didn't. He couldn't possibly! I mean, there were so many women fishing after his dick that you, oh wonderful you, didn't even matter to him. Once he got back up to Heaven, he'll find another bitch to replace you like- Snap!- that! He was Adam, after all.
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You had been trying to keep things civil between You and Adam during every trip to the Hotel, really. Sure, you had been seriously dating but that didn't mean you had to have tension with the man! Even if he had been a douchebag during your entire relationship, you just didn't need that sort of stress, not with the new baby. But, Heaven's dammit, had he crossed the line today! Charlie had bought a little play pen for Ceyx to play in recently, having set it up and everything for your next visit to the Hotel. It sat a in front of the couch that Charlie, Lucifer, Vaggie, and you usually sat at and wasn't particularly in anyone's way. Charlie had wanted to show you both some of the new-new renovations made to the hotel and you had all thought that Ceyx would be alright with Vaggie in his play pen. You didn't miss the way Lucifer's eyes glanced back towards Ceyx, though, as you three walked up the main staircase. His eyebrows furrowed and his steps slowly stopped, so noticeable in fact that Charlie and you were sure he was about to race down the stairs and snatch Ceyx from his playpen and bring him with you. And you knew he didn't not trust Vaggie, he was just cautious. "He'll be fine, Luci," Your soft, whispered, voice was coaxing Lucifer away from Ceyx. It would only be a moment, you had said, as your hands rested gently on his. The gesture would draw his arm up as you took a step, and then a second, and by the third he reluctantly began to follow you up. Heavens, you wished you listened to his worried father instincts earlier. As mid-tour Vaggie's voice peirced through the whole hotel, "What the FUCK do you think you're doing?!" Which was enough for a signal for Lucifer to dart right back around and sprint down the hallway. Leaving Charlie and you in a dust of confusion for a moment, before you shared a worried look at each other and darted off after him.
The lobby of the hotel was in complete disarray when you caught up to Lucifer, to which he was already on the main floor. His heels clacked on the floor as he skidded to a stop between Vaggie, who held Ceyx, and Adam. Lucifer's breath was labored, yet he still raised his chin as his eyes pierced daggers at Adam. In that moment, in the intensity of his look, you truly understood why Lucifer was dubbed the King of Hell; Even with his wings unfurled and stretched out. Ceyx's cries died down for a moment upon seeing his father, though they only stirred back up feeling the tension, as thick as butter, in the room. "Woah, woah! Hey, what happened?!" Charlie exclaimed as she rushed down the stairs, trying to play mediator before someone decided to jump the other. You soon followed after her, stopping by Charlie's side with a hand rested on her shoulder. Vaggie huffed, standing on the couch with one leg on the cushion and the other on the back of the couch, "Your new guest" —she spat with vigor— "decided it would be a brilliant idea to mess with Ceyx and snatch his toy away while he was playing with it!" And, oh boy, if you didn't smell the smoke from the fire that burnt between Lucifer's horns before, you sure did now. It boiled, flared, and smoked out black with Lucifer's outrage. "How FUCKING dare you!" hissed Lucifer as his fingers flexed, the knuckles in his fingers cracking. "You think you can come into MY DAUGHTER'S Hotel—" "Lucifer," you tried to quell the situation, but knew it would be a futile attempt. "—and put your GRUBBY FUCKING HANDS on MY CHILD!—" Charlie attempted next, stretching out the 'a' in a cautious manner as she gently took a step forward, "Dad!" To only scramble the step back as Lucifer growled. "—and think YOU WOULD GET AWAY WITH IT YOU BASTARD!" and you would subconsciously shield Charlie's eyes with a hand as Lucifer reeled back and punched Adam across the lobby. Flinching as he crashed right next to the bar, leaving a nasty dent in the wall, you whispered a small sorry to Charlie for the damage. Vaggie didn't seem too bothered by the whole event though, as she cautiously stepped down from the couch with Ceyx once Adam was away. There was a jolt back when Lucifer snapped his head around, glaring over at Vaggie once he reregistered that his son was balling his eyes out; And you were a bit afraid Lucifer might punch Vaggie too, yet the haunting glow of red slowly subsided when soft pale yellow eyes grew upon seeing Ceyx. And Adam, as he pushed the debris of the wall off him with a groan, sat up to the scene of Lucifer gently picking up Ceyx from Vaggie's hands. The way his eyes shrunk just a little, while his pupils inflated, with a scrunched and worried eyebrow made Adam sick of looking at his stupid face. Especially when he cuddled and coddled the child, who would have been just fine if everyone didn't make a big deal out of everything. "Fucking snowflakes," Adam would grumble under his breath. His glare pierced the wall nearby before a shadow in front of him covered his light and caught his attention. He was sure it was just someone else there to berate him for something that wasn't even a big deal. And he was about to flip them off, to tell them to go fuck off, until he realized who it was. . . You stood in front of Adam, slamming your foot into his his chest with a snarl on her otherwise beautiful (in Adam's opinion) face, "What the hell was that?!" "What was what?!" Choked Adam as he met your eyes again. You gave him your undivided attention, and sure while it was filled with venom and hate, it was still attention. And, for some reason, he couldn't help but fold under it a little. Dammit! He wouldn't do this for anyone else, so why were you so different?!
"On don't play fucking dumb with me, Adam! You know exactly why you did and I want answers from you." You spat at him, venom leaking from your tone like a snake coiling around his body to squeeze him. And for once Adam was at a loss for words. At least, words that would make the situation better, as all that filled his mind was you. You and how you looked over him. How you were so close Adam could reach his hands out and grab your waist, pulling you down onto his lap. The smell of your perfume, it was different than he remembered yet it suited you. You eyes . . . still that same shade he always loved and- "Fuck, Babe," he would groan, not off put by the way your face drew back with suprise and then scrunched with pure, unfiltered disgust. "You're so fucking hot like thi—" Adam didn't get to finish his statement before a hard— SMACK!— echoed in the lobby, swiftly hushing the voiced that came from around Ceyx. They had been cooing at him, comforting him, though sharply turned to watched as you huffed your way back over to the group and away from Adam; Who was slightly flushed on the floor, a crude snicker stretched on his lips, which did almost nothing to mask the pain that filled his eyes.
Adam had always loathed Lucifer. Yet, after that day it became more deep rooted. Lucifer had taken everyone from him, he started two families that were meant to be his, and he did it without a single drop or tear of remorse. You were meant to be Adam's, Adam was meant to be yours. This isn't how it was supposed to go! And yet. . . when you returned to Lucifer, you whispered to you a concerned question, a small smile returned to your face as you rested his query to bed. And Adam would never forget the way you leaned against Lucifer, gently reaching out for your child, more at content and at peace next to him than you had ever been with Adam. That's when it all truly sunk in for Adam. . . and oddly, it made his desire for you burn more.
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tjmsteph · 4 months ago
hello charlie! i dont know if this is a weird ask, but this is a question about a certain fanon tim drake misconception and i was wondering if you know its origin. people sometimes characterize him as 'morally grey', when i am 98% sure that in canon, it was very pointed out that he has a strong moral compass. like, an notorious example i can remember is in yj98 (#3, i think): when red tornado adresses to tim as 'super ego', being the most 'ethic' one out of kon & bart. i think im rambling over here, but i wanna hear your say on this LOL
ASK AWAY I LOVE TO RAMBLE 'morally grey' tim drake is pure fanon based on either mischaracterization of red robin tim drake or people's unbridled desire to have him and jason bond over hating bruce or whatever else. i made like a giant thinkpiece for oomf about a personal hc on how tims nightmares affected his moral compass but absolutely, tim is PURE super ego. given the trolley problem, tim would probably throw himself on those rails to die. he has proven it many times.
in robin #4-5, given the choice of putting steph in danger by letting her confront her father or killing arthur brown, he chose option 3: throw himself in the truck, which ended up with him nearly suffocating to death. what i personally find interesting of this is less his actions per sè and more his thoughts; every second a thought about ‘doubling air supply’ comes to his head, he punishes himself for it. he is only afraid of 'disappointing bruce', finding himself in a situation where he even had to choose 'who to save'.
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in one of my favorite stories, 'batman: contagion', tim would rather die than let is father know he was dying. he wanted to avoid giving his father thta heartache and make sure that batman and robin's identity were safe so he preferred wallowing in his pain instead.
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in the titans of tomorrow storyline, he didnt hesitate to put a gun to his head and nearly pull the trigger and it has to be noted that the only reason why he failed to take his own life was external factors. if it meant saving others, he was willing to let himself die.
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finally (because i have too many examples LOL) a lonely place of living. too good. between letting the kanes become the target of the bombs or letting people perish, he chose the final option: redirect all explosives towards himself and let himself die.
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tim counteracts hedonism, he is a pure self harming machine and most importantly, he is a masochist and a hypocrite. in his fantasies, he wishes for an easy life yet does everything in his power not to achieve that. he dates ariana, a girl whos life (as troubled as any gothamite’s can be) is fairly uncomplicated, overly accepting of his committment behaviors yet cheats on her with steph, someones whos life is an absolute mess and does nothing but make it even more complicated by being a vigilante and choosing to be involved in the vigilante life.
he says he wants to eventually quit robin and have an easy life yet, when offered the chance of actually quitting, he is trembling in his boots and afraid of a life without being robin. he comes back to bruce all the times, no matter how many times bruce disappoints him and manipulates him. he needs that complicated life, he needs to be a part of that change. he needs that pain.
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j4desblurbs · 2 months ago
hello from your fav cinephile (ugh)
inspo from @yurozo, their restaurant au and vape shop au made me giggle
apologies in advance if i disgustingly mischaracterize your fav. i tend to only focus on one version of them in my mind cuz i’m not 100% familiar with RE yet so pls bear with me.
enjoy :)
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ashley graham (re4r)
ashley is the type of person to dress up for movies. not all the time, but when it’s right to do so. when barbie came out she dragged leon to the theater on opening day in an all pink outfit.
ashley also cries during movies and has no shame. she was blubbering her way through wicked.
as for the kinds of movies she likes, she’s mostly into romances, comedies, classic fantasies, and the odd animated film.
examples: 10 things i hate about you, enchanted, harry potter, moana.
carlos oliveira (re3r)
carlos definitely laughs out loud in a movie theater, even if the joke isn’t very funny. he mostly catches super late shows so it’s not a rare occurrence for him to be the only one in the theater.
want to see a movie you’re not sure other people will want to see? call carlos! this guy will watch almost anything and have a good time with it. when ashley wanted to watch wicked, she went with carlos because no one else was free/interested. they ended up having a great time and he even wore whatever outfit ashley had created for him. (he also blubbered his way through the movie).
because carlos seems like he’d be into so many different genres, it’s hard narrow down specific ones. but i’ll have to go with action comedies, occasional superhero/comic book flicks, and sci-fi.
examples: the nice guys, rush hour, deadpool, star wars.
chris redfield (death island)
chris is the guy who doesn’t go to the theater on his own. it’s almost always in a group outing or if claire manages to drag him.
even so, he will be out like a light without fail. the longest he managed to stay awake was an hour. one time he even fell asleep during the previews. he vastly prefers to watch a movie at home.
chris is into the classic action movies. he also enjoys buddy cops.
examples: die hard, rambo, rocky, lethal weapon.
claire redfield (re2r)
i think if anyone in this list is close to being a movie buff it’s claire. she’s at the theater the most out of everyone and always manages to drag at least one person with her too.
she enjoys the previews, loves a good post movie debrief at a restaurant, and will smack chris awake when he starts to nod off but then give up after a few times.
with that, claire is very much a “if it’s good, it’s good” type of gal so it’s hard to say exactly what kinds of movies she’d like, but i think she’d be into both sci-fi, action, and drama, as well as more lighthearted comedies.
examples: star wars, little women, the hunger games, whiplash.
jill valentine (re3r)
the movies aren’t jill’s first choice of a pastime but when she’s with a group of people, she enjoys it. usually doesn’t start out too invested in whatever it is she’s watching but ends up getting more into it as time goes on.
i’d say jill would be into a good thriller and would also appreciate some sci-fi or horror movies as well.
examples: prisoners, interstellar, the silence of the lambs, se7en.
leon kennedy (re4r/death island + infinite darkness)
leon is also like chris in that he’d prefer seeing a movie at home rather than in the theater, but he’s also less susceptible to falling asleep in the theater. leon also lets himself get dragged to movies a lot (as mentioned previously, ashley took him to barbie and he even wore a pink shirt. how sweet).
leon is a basic bitch and likes basic action movies but hey! they’re popular for a reason. he also enjoys a good comedy.
examples: the equalizer, deadpool & wolverine, the matrix, ferris bueller’s day off.
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scoobydoodean · 5 months ago
ok lol officially most annoying anon in the world (“mischaracterization” anon who just said they were abdicating from the convo 4 being high as balls which. is real and i should stop cuz atp im p sure the whole point of what ur getting at is going over my head lmfao) BUT in terms of what u said u were getting at in ur poll (like if the writers were cognizant of it or if it’s more a display of their own internal biases? again im stupid and high sorry if im once again missing the point by a mile)… BUT
I don’t have any strong inclinations either way but if I had to choose I’d have to say it’s more their own internal/personal bias’s coming out rather than something they were expecting the audience to pick up on and maybe think about. And the only reason I say this is because the identities/status of the people she killed were never really explicitly stated (at least from what i can immediately recall of the episodes) or brought up again.
like it’s notttt rlly brought up throughout the episode aside from just learning that those people are dead and she killed them? like idk nothing about it rlly inclines me to believe it was anything more than subconscious or latent beliefs in the writers because I do think we were supposed to empathize with her so it does make sense in that sort of lens that the writers chose “criminals” or whatever to kinda “soften the blow”, if u will, of her having killed people?
idk. i wanna know what what u think tho!!! like in terms of the poll u posted what would ur answer be?
I have mixed feelings about it, because I think the previous associations the writers have made with Sam and class (as well as Dean and class—for example—in 2.20 "What Is And What Should Never Be") make it very possible it's intentional. Sam justifies Amy's actions partly based on class, and Dean condemns her actions partly for the same reason—that she doesn't get to kill people and get away with it just because they're beneath her on the social ladder. It seems so obvious that one wants to assume it's very intentionally and purposefully done.
At the same time, you are right that the presentation of the story—told through the mouth of a cop and a few newspaper clippings—is heavily biased against the victims. The cop says the third victim deserved it because he had been in and out of jail for petty offenses, and Sam calls him a "low life". You have to work very hard to capture the story of the second victim in the newspaper article. You really can't capture the story on those pages without really sitting down to read, paused on the correct frames. A prominent part of the article is focusing on the victim being a heroin addict who had relapsed and was high when he went to the park. He was vulnerable and "in the wrong place at the wrong time". What gets me the most though is the prominent headline for the first victim: "Body found in park, victim known to police". What a gross way to poison the well. The barely visible subheading reads: "Man had been arrested multiple times, had outstanding warrant". (Again—these multiple arrests indicate petty offenses rather than felonies—probably another addict). When Amy makes an attempt on another victim in the park (only to be stopped by Sam), the target is drunk and fumbling with his keys, trying to get into his locked car. So in every case, the presentation not just from Amy and Sam and the cop but the episode as a whole attempts to bias the audience against the victims, trying to paint them as people who shouldn't be missed, who deserved what they got, and/or whose vulnerability was to blame for what happened to them.
Amy seems to target people who are high or drunk in the park at night because they're vulnerable and alone. I think some fans jump to frame her choice of targets as vigilantism that helps assuage her guilt, but none of those people deserved to die—and it really isn't vigilantism—she's simply following her own mother's shrewd M.O.—you target people who are alone and whose situational awareness is impeded by substances and whose deaths the cops won't put much effort into investigating because they don't see them as victims.
I also think this episode tries very hard to paint Dean in a negative light even prior to him killing Amy. Bobby insists Dean's concern over Sam's well-being isn't warranted when it is perfectly warranted. (We've seen Bobby brush off Dean's reasonable concerns before in 6.06). Then Sam pops off, cutting Dean off to throw a bunch of nonsense in his mouth, and conflating himself with Amy in an absolutely ridiculous way. Dean's voice is suppressed (which is also imo—a prominent feature of the Dabb era in general later in the series). On top of that, this certainly isn't the only episode where Dabb and Loflin's most overt messages try to bias the audience against Dean.
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smiling-stel · 14 days ago
Tcf novel spoilers o7
Im all for Caleism my fandom friends, and also cooing or face-palming over how altruistic Cale's actions are
But thats the difference
◇ His [actions] end up being altruistic - that's an undeniable fact - but Cale, himself, isn't
And we know this from all his internal dialouge since the narrative is 98% from his perspective
Multiple times over does he advocate for survival above all, emphasizing this msg especially towards the children
His entire mentality is this. He would rather the crew Fail than ever get to the point of no return to succeed in whatever they're working toward atp
"Because you can always strike again as long as you're still alive" ~im paraphrasing from later chapters of Book 1 (i think this msg was directly said once Cale's backstory was touched into more)
The majority of the time, Cale's "acts of altruism" are him, not being fully aware of the consequences of using his ancient powers.
Either from miscalculation (ex. Second time he used Fire of Destruction after fortification + first time he uses Sky Eating Water in ch. 295) or from complete oversight, being caught up in the moment (ex. first time he uses Fire of Destruction in the elven kingdom)
◇ Sure, it all resulted in Cale coughing up blood or fainting after an Act that benefits someone other than him, but his intention was never "ill die for this cause" so therefore Cale cannot be called an altruist
♤ but ofc that doesn't mean his actions aren't altruistic
Because as always, there's a fine line between what someone [intends to happen] and [what does happen]- which also isn't helped by the fact Cale doesnt ever explain himself ((which, like valid sometimes- but dam communicate with ur found family please TToTT))
Anyways I just wanted to make a post saying this cause I've noticed a trend in the fandom babying or cursing Cale for being overly Altruistic 》》 playing with this borderline mischaracterization (which is fair cause its Hella entertaining, I get it) but practically simplifying a large part of Cale's character to JUST being a hopeless altruist,,
So I wanted to just get this out there that Cale isn't an altruist, but dam do his actions result in altruism.
Tldr; Cale's a begrudging altruist- an altruist only by the perceived situation, not the definition
But thats why his story and character are so beloved - at least for me that's why I like him as a character so much. This is one of my favorite stories, if not my number 1.
The misconceptions cause by Cale's actions seemingly being selfless, but then the complete opposite internal dialouge is so gold every time
☆ I really adore how Trash of the Count's Family is written with him as a biased narrator, but still showing glimpses of the other character's minds as well as the perceived opinion of the masses within that world. - which, i guess is the definition of Unreliable Narrator, but compared to ORV with Kim Dokja or Shen Yuan in SVSSS (ik, horrendous line up of stories, im cringing w myself too orz) it feels like Cale doesnt gaslight or fool the readers NEARLY as much--
Its 1st person POV like the other two stories mentioned, but its also more 3rd person restricted POV than ORV or SVSSS(?) Perhaps this is me going insane after staring at words on a screen for the majority of the day today, but TCF feels less of a biased perspective(?) If that makes sense..
[Edited thx to @/ghocty's comment <3!]
TCF is 3rd person while ORV is 1st person (tho ORV has its own nuances due to worldbuilding but we won't get into that rn) meaning we can see more of the other characters thoughts n other scenes we otherwise shouldn't know ab if it were 1st/2nd/or even 3rd person limited narration (because Cale isn't aware of some scenes, but we the readers know thx to the 3rd person omniscient narration)
However both TCF and SVSSS are 3rd person omni (unless I'm wrong again, to which, just shoot--- I mean plz allow me to correct myself again), but TCF, in my opinion, has waaaaaaay less bent or twisted truths from the narration than SVSSS (because Shen Yuan is legit a freak, we all been knowing)
♡ Its just how each story is written/how the characters interact w each other//the differences between the Genre of the stories bc SVSSS is mostly focused on the main pair's romance, so ofc the narration would be narrower than TCF which is around Cale's life, who he is as a person, and why it leads to him alw getting more work to do
Cale's POV doesnt feel like it warps the exposition it as much compared to Dokja or Yuan anyway-
This is reminding me of that one pic of the triangle titled "unreliable narrators" with Dokja as a liar, someone else as delusional, and Cale as oblivious - cause yea,, accurate.
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randomspagetti · 1 year ago
Cacao Left His Villagers to Die?
Starting off strong, let's go to the first part of the story (episode 13: Snow on the Black Wall)
We're first introduced to both Cacao and Affogato in a bad lighting. First impressions are important after all.
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An unnamed cookie comes to the wall in search of help, more importantly mentioning starvation in the village and constant attacks.
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Notice the phrasing here. Affogato uses “We” rather than “I” implying guilt on Cacaos side, or at least the other watchers, yet what we see later is the fact that Affogato had greatly understated their issues, even calling them “petitioners” and not suffering citizens.
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The cookie attempts to see the king, yet Affogato turns them away instead.
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If Dark Cacao knew about how bad it was, there would be no reason to turn them away, infact having them talk to Cacao and him turning them away would reflect more horribly than Affogato just saying no.
(Ever-closed Gate)
Next we get this scene from before
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And this is followed by Cacao being emo. But this should also be acknowledged.
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Despite Cacao being immortal and pretty powerful he's still just one man. This is followed by Affogato mentioning whispers about Cacao decision to close the gate, and when Cacao insists on it, instead of saying “no take care of your people” or even just saying okay, Affogato rewards his actions with positive affirmation.
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This is important. Affogato is verbally rewarding the behavior that has killed people outside the walls and harmed many citizens, while he actively knows the circumstances outside as previously shown.
Yet this blame is put on Dark Cacao by fans, it's blatantly aware that he doesn't know about the circumstances outside the wall, and while an argument can be attempted to be made about him being more aware about the people outside the kingdom, that's his advisor, AFFOGATO'S, job to inform him of such things.
I'm skipping (Milk Village) because I feel I'll just be addressing what I already said here ↑
Tl;dr: Cacao didn't even know what was happening outside of the walls bc affo was lying about it like he always does
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mino491 · 7 months ago
I genuinely belive that the writers this season just forgot everything about this show,,,
here are just the examples of things that were really confusing this season:
>Klaus either can't conjure ghosts anymore or for some messed up reason would rather have a ghost possess him and have sex with his (the ghost's) wife rather than the lesser of two evils which would've been to just conjure him and let them do whatever they wanted.
The ghosts clearly aren't Klaus's puppets and can do what they please while corporeal (like when Ben tackles Klaus in s2) so why didn't he just let the ghost get nasty instead of letting him possess him, something that he himself says is super violating WHEN TALKING ABOUT HIS BROTHER WHO HE MUST TRUST and not even considering some random man possessing him.
>Quinn somehow just knows that Klaus has powers, can talk to ghosts, AND can be possessed ???
>Quinn doesn't freak the fuck out when he sees Klaus just floating
>Klaus, within 6 years, starts using and doesn't stop for 3 years until he gets sober and just randomly becomes a germaphobe?
I totally understand him being afraid of death from the get-go but why does it take 3 years (i assume because he's been sober for that long) for him to really understand that he can die? Does that mean that he was just really suicidal for 3 years and didn't care if he died until he found Allison and Claire? The writers touch on this when Klaus talks about being someone Claire likes but that all goes to shit when he gets his powers back and takes a complete 180 back to his old life. I just wish so bad that they could've had more time this season to let the characters breathe and react rather than just doing stuff for the sake of the storyline. I, and many others, would've loved to see the aftermath of Klaus lecturing his siblings because we see a side of Klaus that I personally loved but felt like was out of place when we see him in later episodes.
>Luther's ape body comes back because of the Marigold even though it has nothing to do with his powers'
>Five suddenly doesn't care about his family, doesn't care what happens to them, and FALLS IN LOVE WITH HIS BROTHERS WIFE AKA HIS SISTER-IN-LAW AND KINDA SORTA ACTUAL SISTER
>RAY LEFT ALLISON???? AND SHES NOT GOING CRAZY??? they literally mischaracterized the most hated character in s3 so badly that she's one of the best (main) characters in s4.
>Lila is bored of her life even though all she's ever wanted was a family. AND she's acting like her parents being alive is no big deal?
>Lila's family just accept that she's their daughter.
This confused me so bad and as I'm writing this I'm getting more confused. So if Lila's family just accepted that she, a random 30 year old, was their child, does that mean that Marigold children (Umbrellas, Sparrows, etc) never existed in this version of 2019 or were they born and then killed or were they born without powers? All of those options have issues like a) if they never existed, why did Lila's family let her in, b) how did like all 43 kids just die all over the world without gaining any attention and how were they born in the first place and why would Lila's family take her in if they thought she died?, and c) they were born because Reg gave their Mums each a bit of Marigold so how were they born without the Marigold or with the Marigold but were powerless
I have so many more points so if anyone's interested let me know <3
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zeno-zero · 9 months ago
Avatar's sexuality + gender headcanons:
What motivates me by making this is all thanks to this post! (<- love you op /p). I'll be sharing my own headcanons for all these avatars (excluding Salai, and Gun unfortunately - I don't know these guys that very well despite I already explored their wiki a couple of times TvT). However, there are some headcanons that doesn't exactly revolves around their sexuality and gender, and there could be spoilers as well. So beware of that!!
You can even share yours in reblogs or comment under my post! Happy pride month guys!! <3
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, on the aro-spec (demiromantic)
Formed a beautiful, emotional bond with Jaya. Despite how different they are in personality departments, Wan has always adored him but has a hard time expressing his endearment towards him [Jaya relates as well].
In their short reunion, when they haven't seen each other for 2 years - Wan stiffened when Jaya hugs him tightly, he grins widely while a red blush slowly creeps in across his face.
They never get to spend time with each other as they used to though. Grief struck him greatly when he starts to bargain, there was so much time yet there's little he can do. There was once a man he knew, loved adored. Now, he was nowhere to be seen.
While he does enjoy each company from different genders, he couldn't let his walls down and be completely vulnerable towards them. The slightest attraction is immediately met with suppression, leading the other party be confused towards his nervous and timid demeanor.
He would rather die alone than dragging someone with him in this war he has to fight against. He still hasn't accept that the fact Jaya is gone because of him, because he couldn't save them all in time.
Demiboy, He/Him/His
Pan, on the ace-spec (apothisexual)
Known in front of the public's eye for being such a honest man, there are some things he always kept to himself that he couldn't bring those to let it be exposed [he finds it quite embarrassing].
His relationship with Firelord Yosor has always been strictly professional but there were also some unresolved romantic tension between them both, in rare occasions, Szeto would have his clipboard be pressed against his lips nervously while standing close to Yosor, who would rub the back of his neck shyly.
When subtly asking if he ever wants to be in a romantic relationship, he'll respond; "I'll consider it, sure. I wouldn't mind to be with someone who loves me just as I love them as well." with a tiny smile.
..Which is all up for interpretation since he never specified whether his romantic interest can be a man or woman [although, rumor says that the relationship between him and Fire Lord Yosor are so much more, then meets the eye].
But with a well crafted image, and story - he is intriguing as he is mysterious in a way. People can theorize all they want but what they all had in an agreement is that his literature is fantastic.
Cis-female, She/Her/Hers
AroAce (spectrum)
(I am unfortunately not that knowledge about her, so forgive me if all of these are mischaracterizations ToT) While yes, finding Kavik, well, indeed quite attractive - there wasn't a time or the right place to tell him that she loves him.
Uncertainty has always choke her, never the one to be keen in relationships. The thought of being one doesn't disgust her but she couldn't prioritize it, especially her position has people always constantly need her attention.
But Kavik? Her future is unknown, there could be a hassle after a hassle for all she knows but him being in hers - him being there for every step she takes? Him for supporting her on? Him to always have her bring up to her feet?
It would be really lovely, endearing even.
Similarly like Szeto's case, its all up for interpretation. The world only know her as a holy figure, this divine and graceful avatar - Kavik knew the real her. They're the only ones who knew what's their relationship heading towards to, even if it takes so much patience and trust to rebuild again.
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, female lean
Actually, he's quite unsure of himself if he's even bisexual if you considered his up-bringings. However, he does travel and not only learn about the elements but even their culture differences. It took a long time for his mindset to reboot (although the internalized homphobia definitely left a huge impact on him).
But due to his fights against the spirits, spiraling himself in depression, and never has the time to find peace in his later life - not only this dude struggle a lot with his image but can't seem for the life of him if he actually likes men or not. It is left with "I enjoy the company." statement.
He is supportive and understanding of Ummi, who comes out to him as trans (mtf) before they could start dating and held the same love to her as before.
He was about to leave the past behind him, and start a new one with Ummi - he was gonna be grateful, he was gonna be better not only as a man but as the Avatar as well.. He relapsed once she's stripped away from his life, and couldn't be returned back.
He couldn't hug her and lift her off her feet to spin her around happily. So every once in a while, he gets comforted and be embraced by Yangchen who witnessed it all but she couldn't remove the pain that Kuruk still has deep down inside.
Cis-female, she/her/hers
Bi (canonly), on the ace-spec (demisexual)
(I am not interested in Kyoshi at all, so again with the apology - theres gonna be mischaracterizations 😭) Because of the way she's treated especially while growing up, she never thought she could be loved by someone romantically. I mean, who would love a servant?
At least, not until Yun and Rangi comes to the picture..
And her life as a content servant who wanted to live comfortably morphs into as an Avatar she didn't want to become! Huzzah! /hj <- okay but there was never a day she thought she could be dating someone who not only wishes happiness only for her, not the avatar, but is willing to be by her side no matter what.
She loves Rangi with all of her heart but a part of it wishes that Yun didn't turn out the way he is. She always often visit his grave, and contemplates that things could've been different - there were so many what ifs, there were so many choices that could've been carefully chosen.. She always bring flowers with her, and place it on his grave everytime. She still held love for someone she lost.
In her later life, where Rangi couldn't keep up with her. Kyoshi is there to kiss her knuckles softly, tears rolling down across her face. She is her purpose to keep on living yet she's slowly dying in front of her. She'd spent the rest of her life, thinking about her constantly. Reminiscing the past she has with her. When Koko slowly adapts to become her daughter - she would tell her stories about her and Rangi which makes Koko fully believed that Rangi is her mother as well, just like Kyoshi is towards her.
Transman, he/him/his
Struggled a lot with gender dysphoria (doesn't help the fact his mind is plague by self-doubts). However, his parents were kind towards him, and doesn't dismiss it as "You're just a kid, it will pass." letting him dress himself masculine, which he finds himself most comfortable in. His journey to become a young man is easy, and its all thanks to his loving parents who were ready to lend an ear to listen carefully about his personal thoughts and doing the best they can to help him (the projection is crazy).
He comes out to Sozin about it, and Sozin is happy for him. Although, he did find it difficult at first since its a new change and there were a couple of accidental slip-ups - its good enough to know that Sozin actually wants Roku to be really comfortable within himself.
But because he is also a young lad, there was too much unresolved romantic tension between them both. The deja vu is insane, at least, for Szeto (who had to keep himself in check everytime Roku is oblivious towards Sozin's flirty tendencies. He was suffering every second of it).
While traveling, and understanding culture differences to not only enhance his bending - he had some couple of hook ups there, and there. Letting himself relax a bit, and savor the moment as he is gently taken care of (mind you, this headcannon alone is coming from someone who is aegosexual lol!!)
Coming back home, with his no-longer low self-esteem - able to finally ask Ta Min out, to which Ta Min agrees ecstatically. Those months of dating each other, Ta Min is the first one to propose and Roku accepts it with a delighted, tearful face. Both partners are fortunate, and proud to be each other's wife and husband.
But oh my gosh, the unresolved romantic tension he had with Sozin is finally resolved when Roku realized that Sozin is down bad for him. That their entire situationship is the sole reason why the 100 year old war started. /j okay, but after everything Roku gone through, he couldn't help but maybe, just maybe, he pondered that there could've been at least another situation where he and Sozin ended in good terms. Firmly gripping the once artifact that is dear to him, is meaningless in Sozin's behalf.
I can't do Aang, and Korra. The headcanons are already established by the canon sources.. So, I'm so sorry for those who are Aang and Korra enjoyers 💔 There is always next time if I can actually think uniquely. Also, this is so LONG oh my gosh 😭😭😭
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artificial-absinthe · 4 months ago
Hi! Can I request 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10 from 50 random character asks for tfp Megatron? :3
Greetings, Jay, of course.
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Mh... I would overall die on the All Canon hill. As I can't stand mischaracterization, I'm not one to deny anything regarding canon. There's only a thing I tend to oversee, mostly for ambiguity reasons.
About headcanons... I don't think I have any dear headcanon, or at least don't remember one. Unless the interpretation of his regards for other characters counts as such.
4. Favorite line
If we are taking into account the show alone (as we probably should)... I overall love the way he speaks. And it's been a while since I watched the whole series, but the phrase I remember the most is when he said to Unicron that he'd rather die than live as his slave. I also love that phrase when he's fighting Optimus with the sabers, saying that they finally claimed their positions as gods. It's a very telling phrase.
5. Best personality trait
His mannerisms. I could watch him gesticulating all day
6. Worst personality trait
What do you mean? He's perfect.
No, he's not. I would say, understanding the sentence "worst personality trait" not as something that shouldn't be there, neither that I don't like, but rather as something that actually hinders him, that is, ironically enough that he is extremely impulsive and obsessive. Which often plays against him.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
I often don't pay attention to the popular opinions about a character, so I'm not sure if whatever opinion I have on him is unpopular or not. Specially because I think that I mostly adhere to canon as much as possible when it comes to interpretation, so, unless as faithful interpretations as possible are unpopular, I'm not sure if I have any.
Does considering him the best, sexiest Megatron counts as unpopular?
Or that he's actually smart?
I also believe he suffers from a chronic, poisonous, destructive form of spleen, but that's more an interpretation than an opinion, I believe...
Thanks for the ask 🐈‍⬛
this ask game
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viridiave · 5 months ago
❤️💚💀 for the ask game 👀👀
Hi Sly!! Thanks for the ask!! Gonna assume this is about the 8path games lmao
❤️: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
I'm not sure tbh - rather than mischaracterized I think Ochette tends to be handled carelessly? And it kind of frustrates me that this isn't COMPLETELY the fandom's fault, because canon doesn't really treat her much better despite having good potential. There's a lot about Ochette's character that I wish was explored on a deeper level, like her general philosophy on forming ties and using her love of food for something deeper than a quirk of her character - they ALMOST had it with how her Chapter 3 ended, but to me she didn't amount to being much more than like. The Christian kid in Filipino movies who tells the adults to stop fighting because it's silly (if you know, you know).
Other than Ochette I think Ogen gets bad credit sometimes too. Like I get that logistically speaking his license should be revoked but honestly looking at Alfyn's Chapter 3 and what he's supposed to represent to Alfyn, he WORKS - he's a jaded man whose ideals were shaken and this drove him down a morally complicated route, using his talents to render judgement as he sees fit. He's someone who clashes with Alfyn (who would beat the hell out of thugs if he really needs to but still ultimately turn the other cheek and heal them once he gets everything he needs) on a fundamental level - something that Alfyn was bound to face EVENTUALLY. I don't think Alfyn's Chapter 3 (and really. Alfyn's story in general) would have worked nearly as well without him and Miguel together.
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Damn I can't even pick who my favorite is. But I guess if I REALLY had to say something, I think how Crick's devotion to Temenos tends to be portrayed misses the mark on his relationship to him. Vice-versa too if I'm gonna be particularly nitpicky about things. As much as I enjoy Temenos and Crick's dynamic, there's a lot more broiling underneath the surface between them both - one such thing is like. The deeper implications and meaning behind Crick's devotion to the Sanctum Knights and why he's so quick to defend its name. We KNOW he wasn't raised in faith, faith saved HIM - and this does a LOT of mean things to his psyche. What Temenos does to him is cruel and tough but ultimately NECESSARY. I'd like to see more turbulence between them, that's honestly what makes their relationship so interesting to me - not because Temenos is some forbidden unknown that enters Crick's life, but because Temenos plays an active part in SHATTERING everything that was keeping Crick afloat in the years following him abandoning his old life.
Edit: on the Temenos doing cruel things bit I mostly refer to his subtler attempts at breaking Crick's rose-tinted view of the Church - starting with himself and the role of Inquisitor. Temenos is kind of the beginning of Crick's existential destruction and the catalyst for his rebirth and growth, if I had to put it to poetic words
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Okay damn this is a hard question. Am I allowed to think about this in a postgame context. Because my honest answer would be either Cyrus or Temenos - like don't get me wrong, I love both of them to bits, but in my brain it just makes sense to me that out of their respective parties, they'd be the first ones to kick the bucket? It's hard to explain but if I was gonna kill anyone off in a fanfic they'd definitely be the easiest ones to come up with a reason for.
Cyrus I'm picking because I just think that regardless of how selfless anyone else in the party could be, in a life or death situation - he'd be the quickest one to make the hard decision, if he thinks that's the best solution to the problem at hand. Temenos more or less has the same reasoning for me but for him it'd also just be so much meaner to have him watch everyone ELSE die first, so I feel like in a script he'd die first just to spite my expectations.
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cosmicjoke · 1 year ago
I read your quoted reply to the person who put a picture of Erwin Levi in that 'unhealthy' trope and I have to say that I am very glad that finally someone like you who understands Levi has responded to these absurd characterizations because whenever I see unhealthy tropes like this, I see people quoting Erwin and Levi. I can't think of some of the allusions I've seen, but to give an example of one, "the commander and his faithful dog"… Don't people know how unhealthy and unequal this kind of discourses is for these two characters? Erwin and Levi have a good dynamic in canon. Yes, before the Shiganshina arc they were not equal as Commander and subordinate, but in the Shiganshina arc they finally became equal after Erwin explained everything to him and even Isayama mentioned that he always wanted to write them as equals.
There is so much information pollution in the fandom about Levi's character and actions that even fans who are new to the fandom have these mischaracterizations of him ingrained in their minds, and some of them, even if they are not shipper, in solo fanfics about Levi or in a fic with a character other than Erwin, they write him as a robot with no purpose other than Erwin's orders, or that his promise to kill Zeke is only about Erwin. No one mentions that Levi's promise to kill Zeke includes not only Erwin but also other dead soldiers. Then why did he say, "Your deaths had a meaning"?
People can write what they want and twist a character and write rumors like this for their own ship and fun, but I think it's important to know that these are definitely not canon. If Levi is really someone whose existence revolves around a character and never questions it, like these allegories and such writings, fine. I wouldn't have a problem with that, but he's not that kind of person in CANON.
He was a plural character rather than a singular character who always thought of only one. He was always plural. Whenever he talked about someone, he always included others. People always say that Levi only thinks about Erwin, but whenever he thinks about Erwin in his flashbacks, it's not only Erwin, it's also his other fallen comrades. He always included others and thought of others, not just one person. After seeing the Levi team in the anime for at least two episodes and seeing them die quickly and easily, I'm sure some viewers thought they were insignificant characters who were quickly forgotten, but Levi always remembered them in the flashback by keeping them in front of them, especially Petra. I think so. Maybe for Levi they were people who would be quickly forgotten. Even so, I don't think that makes Levi a bad person. After all, he is a person who spent his own body for the future of humanity and some sacrifices had to be made, no matter how painful it was in reality.
Yes, these are the things I think about Levi, maybe I exaggerated his selfless character, but that doesn't mean that he is not a canonically good person and that he is not thinking of others, that he is selfish. I know I'm way off topic and I'm sorry for such a long rant. I'm just so tired of them reducing Levi to an unquestioning, unquestioning dog that drags behind that person, who will drag everything for him, even humanity, to hell, and saying that it's canon, not Hc, and even if it's Hc, I think it's very despicable for Levi. I can't stand the fact that a proud character like him, who stands up against everything, has people dragging him on the ground and humiliating him for a ship. Without further ado, the person who quoted this (toxic) trope post as EL responded to anon, who explained that ackerbond is not real, that it was debunked by Zeke, and that Mikasa believed Eren's lies and questioned her own self, and that even ackermans don't like this concept, by saying "I know better than you" lol
Hi there, and thank you. No need to apologize, I understand exactly where you're coming from.
You aren't exaggerating, or overstating Levi's selflessness or goodness at all. Levi is a very nuanced and subtle character, and it requires paying actual attention to understand him, but it shouldn't be some colossal task to do so. Levi's goodness and selflessness is evident in every action he takes, and it's simply a mischaracterization and a purposeful dismissal of actual canon to pretend as if he only cared about, or even prioritized Erwin over anyone else or thing, especially humanity. Like you rightly point out, when thinking of his promise, it was made TO Erwin, certainly, but it wasn't only FOR Erwin. It was for every soldier that died that day in Shinganshina, and Levi specifically says "Your DEATHS had meaning". He's talking about all of them. He wanted to kill Zeke for all of them, not simply for Erwin. It's the same when we're talking about the reasons for why Levi let Erwin die, and chose to give Armin the serum. These people twist it to completely exclude Armin as a deciding factor in Levi's choice, trying to make it seem as if only Erwin was of consideration. But that completely contradicts what Levi himself says, when he thinks about the reason he chose Armin, when he says it was because he had the same look in his eyes as "all of you", meaning all of his fallen comrades who once held an idealistic hope for the future. He chose Armin to live as much as he chose Erwin to die, because he understood that Armin was what humanity needed, that kind of hope and purity of dream, and he understood that Erwin was on the verge of becoming corrupted by his dream, that he eventually would be, if he'd been allowed to continue on, and that ultimately would have destroyed him and his legacy as a leader. People that don't understand this simply aren't paying attention, or they simply want to ignore what's right in front of them to feed their deluded fantasies about Levi's and Erwin's relationship.
Unfortunately, they also give haters fuel, because by continuing to spread and perpetuate this false picture of Levi's and Erwin's relationship, they also continue to spread and perpetuate this notion that Levi was somehow "selfish" for choosing to let Erwin die, that he "sacrificed" humanity for Erwin. He did no such thing. It not only shows a gross misunderstanding of Levi's character, but of Erwin's as well, and of the kind of mental state Erwin was in just before he died. Erwin wasn't ever going to be the same again. In the moment before Levi is about to inject him with the serum, Erwin starts mumbling deliriously, asking his father how they know there are no humans beyond the walls. Levi sees he's still in the grip of his dream. That it's still the thing that fuels him, still the thing that drives him. He hasn't escaped it, even in his dying moments. He still hasn't let it go. Levi then remembers Kenny's words about how we all need a dream to be drunk on in order to continue forward, and he understands that, if he gives Erwin the serum, and Erwin lives to see what's in Eren's basement, that dream's realization will then leave him with nothing to be drunk on, nothing to distract him from the sense of guilt which had been starting to crush him. He remembers Erwin confessing that he didn't know what he would do, once he discovered what was in Eren's basement, and he remembers Erwin thanking him, and Levi realizes Erwin thanked him because he chose for him, giving him an escape from his own dream and his own demons. Erwin wasn't able to make that choice on his own. He wasn't able to give up on his dream. He needed Levi to do it for him, to save him from himself, essentially. And Levi knew, if he'd pulled Erwin back from that, if he gave him the serum, he would have just been plunging him once more onto the path of corruption.
Who knows where Erwin's crushing sense of guilt would have lead him. It might have lead to Erwin no longer being able to make the necessary sacrifices and judgment calls required of a good leader, or it could have lead to Erwin becoming mad, throwing lives away without real purpose or gain toward the greater good. He may have become tyrannical in his leadership. He may have fallen into despair and killed himself. He certainly wouldn't have been the leader he'd once been, without his personal dream to keep him distracted from his guilt, and that's something few people seem to understand about why Levi made the choice he did. He even says he didn't want Erwin to have to become "the devil" that everyone expected him to be. He wanted Erwin's legacy as a great leader and a good man to be preserved, not destroyed by whatever further mental degradation would have happened to him if he'd been forced to go on.
Anyway, I guess I got off on a tangent here myself, lol. But basically, yeah, I get insanely sick of people's mischaracterization of Levi's relationship with Erwin. They were equals, in the end. In a lot of ways, Levi stepped up and assumed the role of a great leader that Erwin ultimately needed Levi's help achieving. I wrote a whole post about that here, too, if anyone's interested: https://www.tumblr.com/cosmicjoke/678958980067983360/levis-admiration-of-erwin?source=share
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 1 year ago
(OC Universe questions)
4, 12, 23, 24
4.) what would you say is the message, if there is one.
frankly there is a significant overlap between CW and GD's messages. let's go down the list
trapping someone in a miserable place only continues the cycles of abuse and pain.
the bad things that happened to you really were that bad. you're not crazy. you're right to be angry. those grownups did fail you.
you can't fix someone. you can only love them.
dying for love usually just looks a whole lot like regular dying
you deserved better than you got; someone's gotta say it sometime cuz it's true. people should have told you you were awesome instead of taking advantage of you.
living your whole life assuming you'll die young makes it incredibly scary to acknowledge the fact that youll keep living, but you have to rise up to it. and you wont rise up alone
one day the sadness will end.
12.) okay be honest. pick a favorite oc from this ocverse.
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i do the most with sicely but i gotta be honest. miss hero complex is the number one in my heart
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
Sicely - CRANKY. spicy latina trope. verbally berating and doesn't actually like any of their friends.
Anthea - i think a lot of people would go some flavor of yandere-lite with anthea and really play up her sweet-but-murdersome angle rather than acknowledge she has very good reasons to be mad
Ari - she'd become the serious nerd who puts up with everyones shenanigans (Rose and Kanaya syndrome). shipped with lucerne only in a token gesture in the bg of opaljiro fics
Lucerne - who
Opal - the fandom darling, he is mischaracterized in ways you didnt even think god could invent. sweet idiot babbu who doesnt know what hes doing or the harm hes causing! no matter what happens people still ship him rosy-style with sicely. opalsicely is like kris x berdly but stupider and way more unhealthy
Jiro - opals boyfriend. his status as this is the primary bastion against opalsicely shippers
Araceli - irredeemable bitch of a woman who is morally worse than the men murdering children bc she doesnt react rationally to the fact that shes trapped in an apocalyptic time loop
Midas - i think a lot of people would, upon knowing midas' true colors, forget that he's a very charismatic and caring person. he'd be treated as a mastermind chessmaster manipulator who never really loved anyone, rather than a guy whose overabundance of emotional reactions causes him to act in manipulative and confining ways
Thomas - uke who has no agency, was forced into helping midas and is secretly really affectionate and sweet and moral deep down. "i can fix him"
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scoobydoodean · 1 year ago
am I the only one who thinks the very existence of crossroad demons in canon makes it clear that selling your soul for someone else is not even something that's particularly unhinged? they have people out there making demon deals for far less than bringing a family member back from the dead lol it's just that demons are very invested in fucking with the winchesters and poking at dean's perceived neediness and vulnerability and his and sam's codependency. maybe it's just terminal deangirlism but I have never really bought into him being particularly needy or clingy I think he's baseline normal but everyone else acts like he's smothering them
Copying my tags also:
Dean's main way of saving Sam is by sacrificing himself? And I think a lot of that reflects Dean's struggles with depression and suicidal ideation. Sam isn't the only one Dean has been shown to be willing to sacrifice himself for when he was at a low point. He was ready to die for Layla in 1.12 and he was ready to die in 13.05. Both emotional low points where he was struggling with his own sense of worth. 2.22 is a low point Dean has been building to all season. His worsening depression is very clear. 9.01 is simply... severely misinterpreted in terms of Dean's perspective. He risks his life every day. He stood between max and his mom in 1.14 also with a gun pointed at his chest
And yeah people in SPN make demon deals a lot. Sam says he tried to make a demon deal to get Dean back in 4.01, but no demon would deal. He also tried to re-open the Devil's Gate from 2.22 (which would let out hundreds of demons yet again to wreak havoc on the world). John made a demon deal to save Dean's life, and many fans don't even think he cares about Dean. Bobby made one, Bela made one, etc.
I could go through the whole show to prove Dean being a Needy and Clingy and Smothering person simply is not accurate... or, because I'm tired of making up people's arguments for them and proving a negative by going through a whole show is very annoying (and I am technically already doing that very extensively through a series of searchable tags), I could just say fans who think this way are incorrect.
If they don't think they are, they're welcome to give me examples of Dean actually being a uniquely horribly needy and clingy and desperate and demanding person who forces people to stay with him forever and ever because he doesn't care what they want and desperately wants to control their lives. I've certainly seen people try to make the argument before, but without fail each time they point to examples that are 1) not even remotely unique to Dean (and he's usually the weakest example and I can think of multiple for other characters showing behavior that is objectively more extreme) 2) presented in an intentionally misleading or mind-blowingly out of context manner 3) woefully (and often rather deliberately) mischaracterizes Dean's motivations.
Anyway, feel free to stream related tags I track:
#sams motivations
#taurus sam in the flesh
#In which Sam is not a helpless little waif with his hands cast over his eyes being carried along by the tides of the immutable sea
#sam the hunter
#sams moral compass
#projecting displaced aggression and scapegoating in spn
spn revisionisms
#demons lie
#youre such a control freak
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figurativepieceoftrash · 1 year ago
Hii, i just wanted to say that you're so right about the mischaracterization of Midoriya. I too don't like when they make him super uwu and snarky rude. I'm glad someone else understands my struggles
Yeah, I ofc know that it's not that deep. It's just fanfiction and people are allowed to enjoy whatever character portrayals they want regardless of canon accuracy, naturally. but having to wade through thirty pages of snarky/bamf/genius/uwu/sunshine child tagged works every time I go fic searching only to end up clicking a fic that leans into the the exact same mischaracterizations but untagged is,,, kinda exhausting
I'm very picky with the fic I choose to read even w/out accounting for actual content (technical aspects like grammar, prose, natural dialogue/dialogue realism, etc. matter a lot to me) which makes it even more frustrating when I find a fic that scratches that published quality itch only to be riddled with a million unignorable instances of he would not say that :')
And it's not as if I don't enjoy some intentional mischaracterization here and there! I knowingly mischaracterize on occasion, and I'm aware that I often fail to realistically justify it with altered backstory (Hope to Die, I'm looking at you). But the real issues arise for me when the alterations end up making the character less complex/realistically human rather than more. Ik flat, one-note characters do it for some people but they're unfortunately very much not what I'm interested in :/
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csbnova · 9 months ago
My Personal Blue Lock Writing Habits and Drabbles
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someone asked if i write with a specific mindset for each character but erm…idk what happened to the ask bc my phone hates my guts and wants me to die so im just gonna explain it here. (also an excuse for me to yap abt my pookie bears)
so obviously there are different character types and different personalities duh duh duh but to me i always have to immerse myself in the way they think. I read the bllk manga (haven’t caught up yet get off my case) but i do like to do character analysis based off of what we get in the anime/manga, the official art, and the little facts we get from the author/on bllk wiki.
i guess it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say i do indeed do my research on the guys that i write for and it doesn’t help that i actually enjoy it💀 but to me seeing chars getting mischaracterized CONSTANTLY is one of the most infuriating things EVER especially if it’s a character that i’ve been a die hard fan of. (partially why i decided to start posting my writing) like bachira’s mischaracterization is wild to experience. no, he’s not always yelling or goofing off but it is often. no, he’s not a freak(like at ALL) who constantly talks about his monster in every conversation he has. yes, he IS a sweet little guy who would probably ask to hold your hand in a romantic way even tho he wouldn’t be scared to hold it earlier in your friendship.
idk i just think it’s weird when people write the most insanely off putting personality for characters that they probably have only seen hc’s of or misinfo for.
when i wrote barou’s texts, i had to think rlly hard abt it bc i know he seems like an arrogant guy (which he is ngl) but i think that’s only when it comes to soccer. in both the anime and the manga barou could be seen multiple times having calm conversations about growth and how his abilities affect the way he plays. he’s also got two younger sisters which i personally believe could make anyone become more mature (said with experience). ive done the same with multiple characters, even with smaller details. like, in my rin fic that im writing, there’s a small detail about his favorite drink. i couldn’t just say a random beverage bc i got so upset that i couldn’t come up with a drink for him that i looked up what his favorite would be😭
yk another small thing i did was make the itobros texting styles similar to each other. sae’s includes both capitals and correct punctuation while rin’s doesn’t capitalize anything and just uses accurate punctuation (at least i hope it’s accurate). i did that to portray how similar the brothers are despite their respective differences. i also happened to know that rin would rather die than admit that and that knowledge has to be shared somehow.
idk i just hate seeing my favs being mistyped especially since it’s been happening even more recently (cough gojo fans cough) but im also a stupid nerd(yes ik those contrast each other) who’s very passionate about this so i don’t really care what anyone has to say i genuinely enjoy producing content abt characters that isn’t inaccurate or rage inducing and my one and only hope is that i get it right 🙏
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anyways that’s it basically. shout out to anyone who actually read this bc i probably wouldn’t have 🔥
should i start a series? i have the urge to but idk💀
no! i am NOT posting this instead of finishing my writings… 🤥
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