#i would check out dog books from the library and read them over and over and over
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doodleimprovement · 2 days ago
Shiz Babysitters AU: An Adventure with Atlases
Premise: Elphaba is asked to 'babysit' Dorothy for a few hours, and the two of them bond in a way that Elphaba in particular didn't expect
Characters: Elphaba, Fiyero, Dorothy
AO3 Link: Tomorrow I swear
Author Notes: Woo! First Fiyeraba hint :)c Also some more insight on Dorothy's backstory in this AU
Elphaba cannot believe what she is dealing with right now - a grown man, giving her “puppy dog” eyes and pleading for her to… babysit
“I have to finish a research project in the library” She flatly responded “I’ll be there all day. I thought you didn’t want her exposed?” 
“Oh, as if anyone bothers you in there!” He pointed out “Plus… I’ll admit she could use the time outside when it isn’t dark” 
Huh. Thoughtful of him. Weird. 
“And why do you need me to watch her again?” Elphaba asked one more time.
“I have to at least pretend to go to class this afternoon.” he lamented “I can’t get kicked out before finding a way to send Dot home - Didn’t you say you’d help me with that? I do recall such a thing coming from you, hm?” 
Well… he had her there. 
Elphaba sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
“Well? Can you?” 
“... Fine” 
Fiyero cheered, but stopped himself with a cough and a light laugh “I’ll drop her off to you in the mid-afternoon just before my class” 
Elphaba just huffed “Okay. I’ll be in the back” 
“Excellent! See you then, friend” He gave her one of his disarming smiles, and he turned on his heel down the hall. 
Elphaba just hoped she wouldn’t regret this. 
Little Dorothy Gale was a silent sort. At least, that was how it seemed. 
Once Fiyero had dropped her off, the little girl had watched forlornly as the prince left her behind, but thankfully she didn’t seem upset that she was left with Elphaba. Thank Oz. 
“Would you like something to read?” Elphaba offered. She knew that some of the books in this library were simple enough for young children to read, or at the least had some pretty pictures. But when Dorothy gave her a nervous look and a shake of the head, Elphaba didn’t need to read too deeply into what that meant. “Hm… How about..” Elphaba turned, and grabbed a card she kept on her person - with the key for the school library “Do you know what your home country looks like?”
Dorothy nodded, expression plainly curious. She was quite easy to read, thank the unnamed goddess. 
“Hm, then maybe we can make a little headway for Fiyero, hm?” 
Just the idea seemed to make the young girl's eyes sparkle like amber. It was adorable, even if her admiration for the Vinkun prince felt… ill-informed. 
Elphaba looked around the part of the library they were situated in, and motioned for Dorothy to follow her into the bookcases behind them, leading her to where some of the physically largest books in the library were. 
“Here. The Atlas section” She introduced with a wave of her hand past the various books. “Do you know what an atlas is?” 
Dorothy nodded “Mhm” 
“Smart. We’re going to look at a few of these and see if you can spot where you’re from. Is that alright?” Elphaba described her plan. 
Dorothy nodded again, looking at the books whose harcovers were so big they came up to her little shoulders. Elphaba grabbed two books, “THE COMPLETE ATLAS OF OZ AND BEYOND” and “WHAT LIES BEYOND THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE LANDS”. A good start, if nothing else. 
Elphaba took one book, and Dorothy rather valiantly dragged the other as carefully as she could behind her. Something about her determination reminded Elphaba of herself when she was young and eager to learn. 
She helped Dorothy open the first book to its first page of maps, and instructed “Check every map, and let me know if you see your home” Dorothy nodded to her, and gave all of her little 6-year-old focus to the book. 
And so, that was how they’d spent the next hour, until Elphaba heard the sound of the book shutting, and Dorothy letting out a disappointed huff. “No luck?” Elphaba looked over to her with a curious expression. 
Dorothy sighed, and shook her head “... No America in there” 
“America… Is that the name of the country you live in?” Elphaba asked, trying not to bring attention to the fact that this was the most Dorothy had ever said to her at once. 
“Uh-huh” She pushes the book away, looking a little disappointed “I’s really big” 
“Hm, and it wasn’t on any of those maps?” Elphaba questioned. Dorothy shook her head “Hm.. Alright. Try the next one - here-” 
Elphaba helped her open the book, and got her to the first mapped page “How about this? This is called the reaches, it's a rarely traveled to farland - any of this look familiar?” 
Dorothy looked carefully over the map, eyes scanning every latitude and longitude line. “... Mmh-mmh” 
Huh. Maybe Dorothy really didn’t know where on the map she was from. Elphaba turned the page, and Dorothy’s eyes widened “Wh- Laska!!” 
The surprised shout startled Elphaba, who quickly shushed her, and Dorothy shut her mouth “Laska?” 
“Ah-Alaska” Dorothy corrected, pointing to a large mass on the farthest map of the eastern reaches past the HellowLands. “It.. it looks like Alaska…” 
“... That’s very, very far, Dorothy.” Elphaba pointed out with some concern “Is Alaska a part of America?” 
She nodded “Nnnnnnorth… west” 
“Hm…” Mysterious
“... Really far?” The little girl parroted. 
“Yes, really far. Perhaps on the other side of the world” Elphaba explained “Perhaps even beyond it.. You *are* pointing to the BeyondLands, after all” 
“.... Beyond Lands…” 
“Yes, and lucky for you, there are a few atlases with those maps” Elphaba recalled “Are you ready to take another look?” 
Dorothy gave her a firm nod, and helped Elphaba with returning the atlases, carrying one of them as best she possibly could with her six-year-old strength. 
Elphaba - feeling a bit emboldened at how much Dorothy had already spoken, decided to inquire “.. Dorothy, might I ask you a question?” 
“.. Yes?” She looked up at Elphaba with a perfectly polite little expression. 
“Can you read?” 
The girl paused, suddenly looking rather sheepish, like she was keeping a secret. Elphaba stared, waiting for a response as they both sat back at the study table. 
“... A little” she admitted “Papa said I was real smart an’ he wanted me to read, so he started readin’ t’me before I could walk - Tha’s what Mama told me” 
“Oh? So you’re in school in Kansas?” 
She shook her head “If I was in Topeka, I woulda been. But in Butler county you gotta be seven to go to school” 
“Seven?” Elphaba sounded fascinated “That’s pretty old. Here in Oz you start school at 4 years old” 
The girl's eyes went wide “... Auntie Em said schools just to learn the simple stuff so you can help at home… but Mama said somethin’ different” 
Elphaba kept her expression as soft as she could - She knew that Dorothy had lost both of her parents rather recently - she had to walk Fiyero through how not to address the poor girl’s grief, and she was going to be following her own advice. 
“.. Mama said that if you can learn somethin’ new, you always should. She said that I should go t’college, learn everythin’ I can even if I don’t do anythin’ with it. Cause learning is good” Dorothy recited, as if she’d just heard her mother say it to her this morning. “She went to the Lindenwood College for Women up in Missouri, an said she wanted me to go there too” 
“Well, do you want to? Do you like to learn?” 
“I love to learn!!” Dorothy proclaimed, it was the loudest she’d ever been, and this was the most Elphaba had ever heard the girl talk, even if she was starting to look upset
“You don’t have to defend yourself” Elphaba shushed the girl gently “I love to learn too” 
Dorothy looked a little taken aback “.. Really?” 
“Yes, really” Elphaba reassured, trying to give the girl a smile. 
Something in Dorothy’s eyes was telling, and the girl just looked back down at her hands, fiddling with the lace detailing on her little dress. Elphaba could tell he was done speaking for now - she’d tired herself out. 
“... Come here, right next to me” Elphaba invited, pulling out the chair beside her. 
Dorothy gave her a curious look, but pulled herself out of the chair she’d been sitting at on the other side of the table, and walked over, climbing up while continuing to visually question what Elphaba wanted. Elphaba took one of the history books she’d been reading, and flipped back a few pages, starting with one full page illustration of one of the original kings of Oz, before putting her finger just below the first word, pointing 
“To be king of Oz was to rule over so many, it was to be seen as the endeavor of a god.” She started “but our first king taught us rather valiantly that it was actually just an endeavor of great and terrible magic…” 
By the time Fiyero rushed back into the library to get Dorothy, the girl was deeply engrossed in the history book that Elphaba had been reading her, and was starting to read long, slow but steady in her understanding 
“But-the-great-king-could-not-han-dle-some-thin’-so… horr-end-ib-lee?” 
“Horrendible” Elphaba corrected
“Oh? Have you brainwashed my dear little Dot?? She’s learning?” Fiyero teased with the biggest grin that Elphaba had ever seen. 
Dorothy looked up, and gave the man a big, excited grin “Yero!” She called out softly, bouncing down from the chair she’d been sitting in to run over to him, and he effortlessly grabbed her and picked her up, resting her on his hip. 
“How was your time with Elphie? Boring as I said?” He asked, pinching her cheek.
Dorothy shook her head “Nuh-uh!” 
“What? Not boring??” 
“She’s a voracious learner” Elphaba explained, her own smile on her face “She’s also very quick. Her reading is very impressive for someone her age.” 
The compliment made the little girl beam with pride, and Fiyero grinned at the child “Hah! You’re turning her into a nerd then?” 
“No need. She already was” Elphaba argued, clearly amused by the back and forth. 
Fiyero playfully looked offended “you’re turning her against me, Elphaba! How could you!” 
Elphaba rolled her eyes, but Dorothy gave him a worried look “Nuh-uh! No!” 
Fiyero laughed “Don’t you worry, Dot. I don't care if you become a nerd or not.” he reassured. 
“You can be a nerd too” She encouraged “Cause learnin’ is fun!” 
“Hah! I’m just fine with having nothing going on in my head, little Dorothy Gale” He teased, before looking over at Elphaba “Thank you again for watching her, Elph. I don’t like leaving her alone in the dorm, you understand” 
Elphaba gave him a slight smile, something knowing there “I do. Dorothy was a delight.” 
“She is, isn’t she?” the Vinkun prince grinned like… Well, Elphaba wasn’t about to say - the last time someone did he’d sputtered and the poor girl looked both confused and uncomfortable. 
“Well, I have to stay here and finish my report for class” Elphaba offered the goodbye, and Fiyero took it
“Ah, yes, and I have to make sure this little black hole gets dinner” He bounced the girl on his hip. “What's a black hole?” Dorothy asked with a curious furrow of her brow
Fiyero coughed awkwardly “Uh, later. I will explain later. Let’s go - say bye to Miss Elphaba!” 
Dorothy looked back over to Elphaba, and gave the woman a wave “Thank you, Missus Elphaba” 
“You’re welcome, Dorothy. Have a good evening. Both of you” 
“G’night, Elph, love ya for this!”
He had already turned around, and didn’t see the shocked and lit up face of Elphaba Thropp… But little Dorothy Gale did. 
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bas-rouge · 1 year ago
Me: I should take a break from art for finals week.
Also me: if I don't draw a dog RIGHT NOW,
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theonottsbxtch · 21 days ago
an: i'm seeing a lot of love for this and i'm glad! i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this - i'm now omw to the library to write some more stories for you guys hehe
wc: 6.1k
part one
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She barely left her bed, drifting between fitful sleep and hollow wakefulness, the hours melting into each other like wax from a candle burned too long. The world outside continued - newspapers shouted about the war, footsteps echoed in the stairwell, rain pattered softly against the windowpane - but none of it touched her. It all felt so distant, like she was floating just outside of reality, unable to reach it, unwilling to try.
The soldiers had come back two days later after the first visit. They handed her a small box - Lando’s belongings. He didn’t have much. A pocket watch, the glass cracked but the hands still ticking. A battered deck of playing cards, edges worn soft from use. A few letters he never sent to her, some half-written, some only a few lines long. A book of poetry she gave him with his name scrawled inside the cover, the pages dog-eared and stained with ink. He lied to her, he said he’d never read it. A cigarette case, dented, still holding one last cigarette as though he was going to come back and smoke it with her in the rain while she sang.
She ran her fingers over each item carefully, as if memorising the feel of them, as if holding these things would somehow bring him back. She placed the box on the small table by her bed and left it there, untouched after that, unable to look at it for too long.
A week passed. The grief didn’t lessen, but it settled into something quieter, heavier, pressing down on her ribs with every breath.
And then, on the seventh day, there was a knock at the door.
It was weak. Barely there. Just a soft, uncertain tap tap tap, as if the person on the other side wasn’t sure they had the strength to knock at all.
She ignored it at first - probably some children selling biscuits. She barely had the energy to move, let alone answer the door. But then it came again, a little stronger this time, though still unsteady.
Slowly, she pushed herself up, wrapping her dressing gown around herself as she crossed the small, dimly lit room. Her body felt leaden, her mind sluggish, and for a moment, she thought it must be one of her neighbours - maybe Mrs. Holloway from downstairs, coming to check if she was still breathing.
She unlocked the door with tired fingers and pulled it open-
And nearly collapsed where she stood.
He was standing in front of her, barely upright, swaying slightly on his feet like a man who’d been fighting gravity for too long. His face was bruised and still slightly bloodied, one eye swollen, a cut running along his temple. His uniform was tattered, stained with dirt and dried blood, his left arm cradled against his side as if even the weight of it was too much to bear. He looked ruined. Wrecked by something that should have killed him.
But he was here. 
A slow lopsided grin pulled at his split lip, his voice rough and hoarse as he rasped-
“Missed me, sweetheart?”
Her breath hitched, her vision blurred. For a moment, she could do nothing but stare, her hands gripping the doorframe to keep herself upright.
Then, before she could think, before she could stop herself.
She threw herself at him.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, her body colliding with his so suddenly that he let out a low groan of pain, but she didn’t care for a brief minute. He was solid. Real. Her fingers curled into his torn uniform, her face buried in his shoulder, and the sob that has been trapped in her chest for weeks finally broke free.
He let out a shaky breath, his good arm tightening around her waist as he whispered, “Took a long bloody way home, but I got here, didn’t I?”
She pulled back just enough to look at him, her hands cradling his face, her thumbs brushing over the bruises there. He winced slightly but didn’t pull away.
“You-” Her voice cracked, raw from days of silence. “You died.”
He gave her a faint, crooked smirk. “Nearly died. Big difference, sweetheart.” His voice softened. “They shot us down over France. I-” He swallowed, something dark flickering through his bruised gaze. “I shouldn’t have made it.”
Her fingers trembled against his jaw, her heart thudding painfully against her ribs “But you did.”
“Yeah.” His voice was barely a whisper now. “Yeah, I did.”
She stared at him for a long moment, her breath uneven, her thoughts a tangled mess of grief and disbelief and absolute, crushing relief.
Then she grabbed his collar, yanked him forward and kissed him.
He made a low sound in his throat, startled, but he melted into her, his lips warm despite the cold that clung to his skin. It was desperate, messy, edged with too much pain and too many unsaid words, but neither of them cared. 
When they finally pulled apart, he let out a breathless chuckle, his forehead resting against hers. “Blimey. If I’d known I’d get a welcome like that, I’d have come back sooner.”
She huffed out a tearful laugh, skating her head as fresh tears slid down her cheeks. “You’re an idiot.”
“Yeah, well,” he murmured, his fingers brushing weakly over her wrist. “You love me anyway, don’t you?”
She didn’t really know what love was growing up, she was raised knowing that she could only love God and the Church. But here, staring at this messy boy with his messy curls and lopsided grin, she thought of how much she mourned him, the lie she voiced for him and realised that yes, she did love him.
She exhaled, her fingers still cupping his face, and nodded.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “I do.”
He closed his eyes for a moment, like he was letting it sink in, letting it steady him. Then, with a small, pained sigh, he leaned into her touch and muttered-
“Reckon I might need a lie-down, sweetheart. Nearly dying’s exhausting work.”
She let out a watery laugh, shaking her head as she finally pulled him inside, shutting the door behind them.
She still didn’t know how this was possible, how he was here, when she had already mourned him. She didn’t know if she would ever stop waking up in cold sweats, thinking it had all been a dream.
But for now, he was here and that was enough for her.
Once inside, she took care of him. Took care of him in the only way she knew how, with love.
The small flat wasn’t much, but it was warm, and it was safe, and for now, that was enough. She helped him out of his tattered uniform with careful hands, breath momentarily taken away as she took in his build. Her fingers ghosted over the bruised ribs, torn skin, the places where war had left its mark on him. He hissed when she pressed a damp cloth to the cut on his temple, but he didn’t complain, only watching her with a look that made her chest tighten.
She tried not to meet his gaze, tried to focus on the task at hand. But then-
“So,” he drawled, his voice still rough, still weak, but carrying the familiar edge of teasing. “Heard you called yourself my fiancée.”
Her hands froze.
Her stomach plummeted.
Her eyes snapped up to his, wide with horror. He looked far too smug for someone who had nearly died, his bruised lips curling into something that might have been a smirk if he wasn’t so exhausted.
She stammered, struggling for words, but before she could say anything, she glanced down at her hand.
And her heart stopped.
The ring.
It was still on her left hand. She had never switched it back.
Heat flooded her face so quickly she thought she might faint. She dropped the cloth to his lap and yanked the ring off, shoving it back onto her right hand, fingers trembling, her whole body ablaze with mortification.
“That was- I had to,” she spluttered. “They wouldn’t have told me anything otherwise, and I needed to know.”
Lando let out a low chuckle, wincing at the movement. “I dunno, sweetheart. Sounds an awful lot like a proposal to me.”
She picked up the cloth and threw it at his chest.
He let out a breathless laugh, catching it before it fell to the floor, but the sound faded quickly, something heavier settling between them. She swallowed, focusing on cleaning his wounds, pretending she wasn’t still burning from the embarrassment.
“You really did that?” he asked for a moment, his voice quieter now, “You went all the way out to Bovingdon?”
She nodded, dabbing gently at his brow. “Didn’t have a choice, did I?”
Something flickered in his gaze- something unreadable, something deep. “That was dangerous darling, what if something happened to your train?”
“I needed to know, Lan.”
He went quiet after that and she continued to work, washing away the blood, the dirt, the remnants of everything he had endured. The worst of it was his ribs, bruised and maybe cracked, but there was nothing she could do except wrap them, murmuring soft apologies when he flinched beneath her touch.
When she was done, she sat back, studying her work.
“You should be in the military,” Lando muttered, voice laced with exhaustion. “Proper little nurse, you are.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes. “I would be in the military, if they let me fight.”
His gaze softened. “I reckon you’d win the whole bloody war if they did.”
She scoffed, but the corner of her mouth twitched upward. For a moment, just a moment. Things almost felt normal.
But then, Lando let out a slow breath, the teasing fading from his face.
“I lost Oscar,” he said.
Her heart clenched.
Lando’s right hand-man. His best mate. She had met him once- just once, outside the bar, both of them too drunk to be serious about anything. He had been tall, full of quick wit and easy laughter, and Lando trusted him with everything.
She didn’t know what to say.
Lando didn’t look at her, his gaze fixed somewhere far away - empty. “We were shot down over France. They got us good. We tried-” He exhaled, his hands twitching, curling into fists. “We tried to jump, but Oscar- his parachute wouldn’t open. I saw him go down. Couldn’t do a damn thing.
She reached for his hand instinctively, gripping it tightly.
“I don’t know how I made it back,” he admitted. “I ran back for Oscar, took him as far as I could and gave him a final prayer. Silly right?” he chuckled. “I took a bullet to the leg after that, nearly starved, but some French boys found me. Got me out before the Jerries could.” His throat bobbed. “But Osc-”
He didn’t finish. 
She squeezed his fingers, her heart aching. “I’m so sorry, Lando.”
He nodded once, slowly. But she knew this wasn’t something he would ever truly move past.
The war took and took and took.
And yet, somehow, against all odds. Lando had come back.
She let the silence settle between them, her fingers still wrapped around his. It wasn’t comfortable, not with the weight of what he had just said, but she knew better than to rush him. Lando seemed like the type of man who carried his grief quietly, let it sink into his bones where no one could reach it.
After a while, she exhaled softly and asked, “So, what happens now?”
Lando tilted his head back against the wall, his bruised face illuminated by the dim glow of the gaslight. He looked tired. Bone tired. But the ghost of a smirk still tugged at his lips.
“Well,” he drawled, “I’m on the injury list until I heal. Not much use to ‘em like this, am I?” He gestured vaguely to himself, to the cuts, the bruises, the way his left arm still hung stiffly at his side. “Can’t fly, can’t fight. Means I’m stuck here for a bit.”
She nodded, trying not to let the relief show too plainly on her face. He was here. He wasn’t being shipped back out - at least not yet.
Lando glanced at her, something unreadable flickering behind his eyes. “Father O’Connell said I can stay at the Church until I’m good.”
That made her pause.
“The Church?” She repeated, raising an eyebrow.
He huffed a quiet laugh, as if he had been expecting her reaction. “They’ve got a spare cot, and it’s better than the street, sweetheart.”
She bit the inside of her cheek, fighting a smile. "You? Sleeping under a roof dedicated to the Lord you don’t believe in?"
Lando smirked. "Reckon I’ll be fine, so long as the walls don’t cave in the moment I step inside."
She laughed then, shaking her head. "Blasphemous and injured. You’re on dangerous ground, Lando Norris."
"Wouldn’t be the first time," he murmured, wincing slightly as he shifted.
She hesitated for a moment, watching him carefully. He was exhausted. She could see it in the way his body sagged slightly against the chair, the way his hands trembled faintly from either pain or sheer fatigue. He was trying to keep up the bravado, but she knew better.
"Stay here."
The words left her mouth before she had fully thought them through, but as soon as she said them, she knew she meant them.
Lando blinked at her. "What?"
She crossed her arms, feigning nonchalance. "You heard me."
He raised an eyebrow, smirking faintly. "Offering up your flat to a war hero, are you?"
She rolled her eyes. "Hardly. Just an injured man who can barely stand upright."
Lando chuckled, but then he really looked at her—like he was trying to understand if she was serious. "I don’t wanna be a burden."
"You won’t be," she said, softer this time.
He studied her for a long moment, as if he was trying to decide whether or not to argue. Then, finally, he let out a small, resigned sigh.
"Alright, sweetheart," he murmured. "You win."
And for the first time in days, she felt like she could breathe.
She looked after him because someone had to.
She changed the bandages on his ribs with careful hands, wiped the dried blood from his temple, made him tea even though he grumbled that he wasn’t some fragile old man. She forced him to eat, nudging a half-stale biscuit toward him when he thought she wasn’t looking. And when his body ached too much to sit upright, she guided him to the small bed in the corner of the flat, ignoring his protests as she threw a blanket over him.
It was quiet work. Steady. Something to keep her hands busy, something to stop her from thinking too much about the fact that just two days ago, she had been mourning him.
She was pouring him another cup of tea when she spoke, her voice quieter than before. "I prayed for you."
Lando, sitting up against the headboard, glanced at her. His injuries had settled into something duller now—still painful, but less sharp, less all-consuming. He wasn’t wincing as much when he moved, but his face still bore the bruises of war.
He studied her, something unreadable in his gaze. "Did you?"
She nodded, fingers tightening around the cup. "At the church. When I thought—when I thought you were gone."
His jaw tensed slightly, as if the thought of her grieving him was harder to bear than his own suffering. Then, after a pause, he exhaled and said, "I prayed."
Her head snapped up.
Lando Hargrove, the man who scoffed at church, who smirked every time she wore her cross, who always had something sharp to say about the God she wrestled with.
She swallowed. "You mentioned, you were serious?"
He nodded, looking down at his hands. His voice was quieter now, rougher around the edges. "When I was out there. Alone. Before the French boys found me, with Oscar." His fingers curled slightly, as if remembering the feel of the earth beneath them, the cold, the hunger, the absolute isolation. "Didn’t know if anyone was listening. Didn’t know if I even believed it." His gaze lifted to hers, raw in a way she wasn’t sure she had ever seen before. "But I thought of you."
Her breath caught.
She didn’t know what to say to that, didn’t know how to unravel the knots twisting in her chest. So she just nodded, her throat too tight to speak.
The night carried on, slow and steady. She cleaned up the small mess from their tea, doused the gas lamp until only the dim glow of the streetlights filtered through the curtains. Lando had already sunk lower into the bed, exhaustion pulling at him with an unrelenting grip.
"You should sleep," she murmured.
His lips twitched. "And where are you planning on going, sweetheart?"
She hesitated. The flat was small—there was only the one bed, and the chair in the corner wasn’t much of an option.
Lando let out a quiet chuckle, shifting slightly to the side. "Come on, then. I don’t bite."
She rolled her eyes but, after a moment, relented. Carefully, she climbed in beside him, keeping a respectful distance, but the bed was small, and warmth carried between them in the sliver of space that remained.
For a while, neither of them spoke.
Then, just as her eyes were beginning to slip shut, Lando’s voice came, barely above a whisper.
"Still wearing that ring?"
Her lips twitched, but she didn’t open her eyes. "Go to sleep, Lando."
He let out a quiet, tired laugh.
And with that, for the first time in what felt like years, they both let themselves rest.
The night was still. The distant hum of the city had quieted, leaving only the occasional echo of footsteps on the cobbled streets below.
She had been deep in sleep, cocooned in warmth, when the bed jolted beneath her.
Her eyes flew open.
Lando was thrashing beside her, tangled in the blankets, his face twisted in something raw, something agonising. His breath came in short, ragged gasps, his fingers clenching around the sheets as if he were still there, still on the battlefield, still losing his best friend over and over again.
His voice cracked, broken apart by a sob.
She moved before she could think, shifting onto her side, reaching for him. "Lando—Lando, wake up—"
But he wasn’t awake, not really. He was trapped in the depths of it, in the nightmare, his chest rising and falling far too fast, his body trembling under the weight of something she couldn’t see.
Her heart ached.
She touched his face gently, brushing damp strands of hair from his forehead. "Lando, love, it’s alright," she whispered, voice steady despite the tightness in her throat. "You’re here. You’re safe."
His breathing stuttered.
She ran her fingers through his hair, trying to bring him back. "It’s not real. You’re with me."
His eyes snapped open.
Wild. Glassy. He was still lost, still caught somewhere far away. But then his gaze landed on her—really landed on her—and something in him broke.
A strangled sound escaped his throat, and then he was clutching her like she was the only thing keeping him tethered to the earth. His body shook, and before he could turn away, before he could hide it, she felt it—
The tears.
Hot, silent, unstoppable.
Lando Norris was crying.
She didn’t hesitate. She lifted herself up, pressing soft kisses to his damp cheeks, tasting the salt of his grief. She wiped the tears away with her lips, her hands, her whole being, as if she could take the pain from him, as if she could bear it for him instead.
His hands curled into the fabric of her nightdress, his breath shuddering. He didn’t speak, and neither did she.
Instead, she held him.
And then, quietly, she whispered a prayer.
She didn’t know if he believed. Didn’t know if she believed anymore, not fully, not in the way she used to. But she prayed anyway, murmured soft words into the hollow space between them, words for Oscar, for Lando, for the war to end, for something greater than all of this.
Lando’s breathing slowed.
His grip on her loosened, just slightly.
She stroked his hair, pressing her forehead against his temple. "Sleep, love," she whispered. "I’ve got you."
He let out a shaky breath, and for the first time that night, he let himself fall.
And she held him, long after sleep claimed him again.
The rest of the night passed in fits and starts.
Even as Lando drifted back to sleep, his body remained tense, like he was waiting to be dragged back into the nightmare. Every so often, he’d shift against her, his fingers twitching in his sleep, a quiet murmur of Oscar’s name escaping his lips.
She didn’t let go.
She kept him close, her arms a steady anchor, her warmth something solid against the cold weight of his grief. When his breath hitched, she whispered reassurances into his skin. When his body shuddered, she ran soft, soothing strokes through his hair. And when dawn finally crept through the curtains, bathing the room in a muted grey light, she barely realised she hadn’t slept at all.
Lando stirred first.
It was slow—his body unwilling, his mind reluctant—but eventually, his brow furrowed, and he let out a low groan, pressing his face into the pillow.
She smiled softly. "Good morning."
A pause. Then, groggy, voice rough with sleep, he muttered, "Bloody hell."
She huffed a quiet laugh. "That bad, is it?"
He peeled one eye open, squinting at the light before shifting onto his back with a deep exhale. His gaze flickered to her, taking in the way she was propped up beside him, watching him with something gentle and knowing.
"Did I wake you?" he asked, voice lower now, almost hesitant.
She hesitated before answering. "You were already asleep when I came back," she murmured, "but you weren’t resting."
Lando’s jaw tightened. He looked away, exhaling slowly through his nose. "I—" He swallowed, then shook his head, running a hand over his face. "Shit."
"You don’t have to say anything," she said, watching him carefully. "Not now. Not ever, if you don’t want to."
Lando was silent.
And then—quietly, reluctantly—he said, "I dream about it."
She stayed quiet, letting him find his own words.
His fingers curled slightly into the sheets. "Sometimes it’s just flashes. The airfields, the engines, the bloody gunfire. Other times…" He exhaled sharply, his throat bobbing. "Other times, it’s Oscar. Every time I close my eyes, I see him. He’s still there, still trying to hold on, and I can’t—I can’t—" His voice faltered, raw and uneven.
She reached for his hand, lacing her fingers through his.
Lando blinked hard, then let out a small, humourless chuckle. "God, you must think I’m pathetic."
Her grip tightened. "I think you’re human."
He glanced at her, something vulnerable in his expression. Then, without a word, he squeezed her hand back.
The moment lingered.
Then, as if suddenly aware of their closeness, Lando cleared his throat and made a weak attempt to sit up.
She rolled her eyes. "Slow down, soldier."
"I was never a soldier," he muttered. "Just a bloody pilot who got too good at running from death."
She didn't argue. Not about that.
Instead, she shifted out of bed, stretching her stiff limbs. "Come on, then. You need tea, and I need breakfast."
Lando gave her a lopsided smirk. "That an offer to cook for me, sweetheart?"
She arched a brow. "You think I’d let you in my kitchen with your injuries? You can barely stand."
Lando chuckled, wincing slightly as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Reckon I should milk this while I can, then."
She threw a pillow at him.
And for the first time in what felt like forever, the morning felt light.
The days passed in something dangerously close to peace.
For the first time in months—years, perhaps—she felt as though time had slowed, folding itself neatly around the four walls of her flat. Outside, London was still at war. Air-raid sirens still screamed through the streets, rations still stretched thinner by the day, and grief still clung to the city like fog. But inside, in the small space she shared with Lando, there was warmth.
Something almost like a life.
She looked after him, of course. Changed his bandages when he let her, scolded him when he tried to do too much, forced food into his hands when he muttered that he wasn’t hungry. But he, in his own way, looked after her too.
He made her laugh, sometimes without meaning to. He occupied the space beside her like he belonged there, like there was nowhere else in the world he’d rather be. He helped her with supper, standing over the stove with a cigarette perched between his lips, poking at potatoes with the wrong end of a wooden spoon.
One evening, after she had taken a pan from his hands with a sigh and done it herself, he leant against the counter and smirked.
"You know," he mused, watching her work, "you’d make a bloody good wife."
She nearly dropped the spoon.
The words caught her off guard, lodging themselves in a place she couldn’t quite reach, settling into the corners of her mind like an ink stain.
She glanced at him, half-expecting some cocky grin, but his expression was unreadable. He was watching her in a way that made her chest feel tight, made her hands shake ever so slightly as she turned back to the pan.
"Shame, that," she said, forcing lightness into her voice. "Don’t suppose anyone’s taking applications."
Lando hummed. "Well, I dunno about that," he said. "I did hear you’ve already got a fiancé."
She groaned, covering her face with her hands. "I knew you wouldn’t let that go."
"Course not." He grinned, stepping closer. "Imagine my surprise, waking up from the dead to find myself engaged. You could’ve at least let me propose first."
She swatted at him half-heartedly, but the warmth in her cheeks betrayed her.
It stuck with her more than she wanted it to.
After that, the thought wove its way into everything.
When she was brushing flour from her hands after baking the world’s most pitiful loaf of bread, she caught him watching her, and the words you’d make a bloody good wife flickered through her mind before she could stop them. When he reached for something on a high shelf, when he nudged her with his shoulder as he passed by, when he said ta, love with that easy grin—
It settled in her chest like a secret, like a whisper of something neither of them dared say out loud.
The week and a half passed like that. Cooking together, filling the flat with the scent of onions and broth, losing themselves in the simple pleasure of warm meals and soft laughter. The war felt distant, just for a little while.
She knew it wouldn’t last.
But God, she wished it would.
Another week passed, a haze of quiet mornings, warm meals, and the occasional conversation that lingered too long, as if neither of them wanted to break the fragile cocoon they’d woven around themselves. There were days when they barely noticed the outside world at all, as though the war had turned into nothing more than a distant rumble, something happening on the other side of a window that had been carefully closed.
The mornings had become routine—her getting up first, brewing tea, him shuffling into the kitchen in a half-awake stupor, ruffling his hair as he grumbled about being woken. The evenings fell into a rhythm too, with them sitting on the small couch, half a room away, each wrapped in the comfort of the other’s company, while the world continued its war somewhere beyond the windows.
One morning, she woke with the warm weight of Lando's arm around her, his breath soft against the back of her neck. She hadn’t realised it at first, but somehow, during the night, he had pulled her close, and now she lay pressed to his chest, his hold tight, as if he couldn’t bear to let go.
She shifted, careful not to disturb him, and the soft sound of bells reached her ears—faint at first, a distant chime that grew louder. She frowned, trying to make sense of it. It wasn’t the air-raid sirens, and it wasn’t a church bell for a funeral. No, this was different. This was... celebration?
She carefully pulled herself out of his arms, wincing at the small space between them, and padded quietly across the room. Her fingers brushed the curtains aside, and she peered out of the window.
The street below was buzzing with life. People were spilling into the streets, laughing, shouting, and cheering. Flags were being waved. And there—there were the children, dancing in circles, holding hands like they were marking the end of something heavy. The sounds of joyous voices drifted up to her.
Her heart began to pound. No... it can’t be…
"Lando," she whispered, her breath catching in her throat.
She turned back toward the bed, her heart thundering as she crossed the room in a few quick strides. She leaned over him, shaking him gently at first, then more urgently. "Lando, darling—wake up!"
He groaned, rolling over and blinking up at her with a dazed expression, his messy hair sticking up in all directions. His face softened when he saw her, but it didn’t last long as the sound of the bells filled the room.
"What—?" He froze, his eyes suddenly clear, his breath catching.
She couldn’t contain the excitement in her voice, her hands gripping his shoulders. "Lando, the war—it’s over. They’re celebrating. Can’t you hear the bells?"
His eyes widened, then narrowed as he slowly pushed himself up, confusion flickering across his face before realisation dawned on him. The sound of the bells reached his ears, clearer now, and he could hear the cheering too. The world outside, the noise, the celebration—it was undeniable.
He sat up, blinking as he rubbed a hand over his face, disorientated for a moment as if he were still in a dream. Then, a half-laugh, half-sob escaped him, and for a moment, he didn’t move. He just looked at her, his gaze flickering over her face.
"Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath. "Is this... is this really happening?"
She nodded, her own disbelief mirrored in her wide eyes. "It’s true, Lando. They’re celebrating. The war’s ended. It’s finished."
He sat there, silent for a beat too long, before shaking his head as if to clear it. Then, he suddenly sprang from the bed, moving quickly, as if the news had sparked something deep inside him, something that couldn’t be contained.
In a few long strides, he was at the window beside her, his eyes scanning the crowds below. People were hugging, crying, dancing in the streets. And for the first time in years, there were no sirens, no orders to follow, no planes overhead.
Lando’s hand reached for hers, his fingers squeezing with a kind of urgency she hadn’t felt in days. His voice was soft, still somewhat stunned. "It’s over," he whispered, his lips curving in something fragile—something that might have been a smile, if not for the look of wonder in his eyes.
She nodded, her heart swelling with something she didn’t know how to name. "It’s over, Lando."
He turned to face her, his hand still holding hers, his thumb rubbing along her knuckles in a slow, tender motion. His eyes softened, the hardness that had lingered around the edges of them for so long finally ebbing away. "What now, then?" he asked quietly, as if the question itself was almost too much to ask after everything.
She thought about it for a moment, the uncertainty of the future heavy in the air between them, but the weight of the moment didn’t seem as daunting now. The war had ended. The world was open. And somehow, impossibly, they had made it.
"I don’t know," she replied, her voice soft, "but we’re still here. And that’s enough for me."
Lando smiled then, the warmth returning to his face, and for the first time since she’d met him, it wasn’t just a smirk or a teasing grin—it was something full of hope, something genuine.
Then, without another word, he leaned down and kissed her.
The moment his lips met hers, the world outside—the cheers, the bells, the war that had just ended—ceased to exist.
Lando kissed her like he had waited his whole life to do it, like he had been holding it back for weeks, months, maybe even longer. His hands cupped her face, rough and warm, his fingers sliding into her hair as he pulled her in like she was the only thing tethering him to the earth.
She gasped against his mouth, barely catching her breath before he kissed her again, deeper this time, more desperate, more real. Her hands clutched at his shirt, fisting the fabric like she needed to hold onto something solid, like if she let go, she might slip away into whatever fever-dream this felt like.
His body was warm against hers, his breath uneven as he pressed her back against the wall, his lips trailing from her mouth to her jaw, then to the hollow of her throat. She shuddered at the feeling, at the way his hands mapped out every inch of her like he wanted to memorise her in case she vanished before his eyes.
She felt alive.
After everything—after loss and grief, after nights spent in silence, after waking up to a world that had been at war for too long—this was the only thing that felt real. This moment, here, with him.
His forehead pressed against hers as he caught his breath, both of them dizzy from the weight of it all. His voice was low, rasping against her lips, breathless and full of something she couldn’t quite name.
"Well, what to do with my life now?" he murmured, his mouth quirking into something like a smirk, "s’pose I’ll just live here then. With my fiancée."
She let out a breathless laugh, her hands still tangled in his shirt. "Oh, will you now?"
"Reckon so." He grinned, but there was something warm and certain behind it. "Would be a bit odd for me to be staying with a woman I’m not engaged to, don’t you think? The people they’ll talk and your reputation. It’ll be ruined."
She raised an eyebrow. "Lando, you do know you never actually asked me, right?"
For a second, he looked taken aback, as if the thought had never even crossed his mind. But then, without hesitation, he stepped back, took her right hand in his, and before she could say another word—
He dropped onto one knee.
Her breath caught in her throat, her heart hammering wildly as she watched him, watched the way his fingers gently pried the ring from her right hand and held it between them.
His eyes found hers, and for the first time, there was no teasing, no bravado—just Lando, raw and real, looking at her like she was the only thing that had ever mattered.
"I haven’t got a real ring," he said, voice quiet, steady, "not yet, anyway. But I’ll get one. I swear it." He swallowed, his thumb brushing against the band between his fingers. "I’ll find a job—something stable. I could go to school, or work at Billy’s pharmacy, or whatever pays enough to get us something real, something good. And then..."
He took a breath, his lips quirking up into a lopsided smile.
"Then, if you’ll have me, I’ll marry you proper. But for now, all I can do is ask."
He reached for her left hand, slipping the ring onto her finger where it belonged.
"So what d’you reckon, sweetheart?" His voice was softer now, his eyes never leaving hers. "Marry me?"
She stared at him, her chest tightening, her whole body light and heavy all at once.
And then, with the weight of the war finally lifting, with the streets outside alive with celebration, and with the man she loved on his knee before her—
She nodded.
"Yes," she breathed, tears pricking at her eyes. "Yes, Lando."
And before he could even stand, she threw herself at him, kissing him again like she would never stop.
the end.
taglist: @alexisquinnlee-bc @carlossainzapologist @oikarma @obxstiles @verstappenf1lecccc @hzstry8 @dying-inside-but-its-classy @anamiad00msday @linnygirl09 @mastermindbaby @iamred-iamyellow @isaadore @driverlando
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azrakaban · 10 months ago
Mattheo Riddle Headcanons
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Just a few little headcanons I have about my husband, loml, Mattheo Thomas Riddle <3 Sidenote: if you're confused, Tom Riddle is fancasted as the son of Voldemort rather than as voldemort himself, because he is too fit to be a noseless vampire xx
- his favourite colour is gray. The reason behind this is he used to know this really sweet smoke coloured cat when he was little and he used to play with her, so isnce then he finds the colour relaxing
- him and Theodore Nott have been friends since they were really young. Like 3 or something.
- when he was younger, he found a copy of peter pan in a bin somewhere, picked it up and read it. He knew his father would kill him if he found out he was keeping a muggle book, so he hid it and it became his favourite book after reading
- when he was really young, Bellatrix (his mother) taught him and Tom occlumency, to be able to hide secrets from their father. She thought it was important for them to have some kind of privacy.
- he would be an arctic monkeys fan (yes I am aware they were not formed at the time he was at Hogwarts, but if he was gen z he'd love them.)
- he's a cat person, due to being bitten by a dog when he was little (no he does not have rabies and no he is not a furry) but he has a soft spot for bernese mountain dogs because Theo Nott has one)
- when I say he has only got eyes for you, I mean it. This man would rather gauge his eyes out than look at any other girl, he is so incredibly loyal.
- He believed Rodolphus Lestrange was his father up until he saw Rodolphus yell at Bellatrix when he was 11 about him not being his son. It broke him, as up until then he had been Mattheo Lestrange. From then on, he went by Mattheo Riddle.
- love language is physical touch, always with an arm around your waist, fiddling with your hair, kissing your cheek, forehead, temple, nose, lips, anywhere he can reach.
- possessive, but not in a controlling way. He has a fear of abandonment, so he likes to know that you're still his. Seeing other guys/girls look at you worries him a little, but he can't blame them because you are literally gorgeous. (and tbh, I don't think he's ever gonna have a problem with you looking at someone else, because he's perfection.)
- would give up anything for you, and gave up smoking immediately after starting to like you.
- absolutely in love with you. I cannot stress this enough, but this man is head over heels, for you, and only you.
- has a soft spot for you. When you first met/saw him, you thought he seemed emotionally unavailable (which he was, besides joking with friends tbh) but that changed for you, he was kind, and even vunerable when he asked you out, although still prefers to keep his emotions to himself.
- just a lil thing, but th Riddle family is RICH RICH so he is always buying you gifts even if you insist he shouldn't spend so much on you.
- when I say this guy would get a dog for you, I must make you understand how HUGE this is. He HATES dogs, so this is a huge thing for him. PLEASE APPRECIATE IT!!!
- would get into fights all the time (check out previous one shot No More Fights pleeeease x) over you, for you, and with you. If you got into a fight he'd be at the sidelines cheering you on like the supportive love he is >>>>
- nicknames. Oh my god, he has so many for you, muggle references are a speciality of his for some reason. Boojiboo, Darling, Angel, Princess, baby, and his person favourite: LOVE. Love this, love that, he uses it more than your actual name.
- he has reading glasses. he absolutely hates them, but you think they make him look cute and kinda smart (which he does, picture it, trust me)
- he reads a lot. Back at his house his room is next to their library so he can have easier access to it.
- he loves astrology. He knows all the constellations, the planets, and takes you on stargazing dates
- he smells like pinewood and fire. Just a really relaxing, wintery scent
- He HATES Summer. absolutely loves winter and autumn, but summer is just horrible to him. he hates the heat and bugs mostly, but he also hates the holidays because he's away from you and his friends
- went to a lot of pureblood balls/dances when he was young and is a very good dancer.
- doesn't have the closest relationship with Tom, who is two years older than him (same year as the Weasley twins), but he can go to Tom if he needs help with anything, whether it be homework to planned Arson :)
- he has a gorgeous morning voice. all gravely but still sounds beautiful
- he loves pretending to be asleep infront of you, and deliberately pretends to say your name in his sleep to see you smile when he "wakes up" and you tell him
- he's an early bird other than when he's really tired. If you wake up before him, you're not getting out of bed for hours, he's keeping you right there with him, hugging you tightly to him to prevent your escape. (not that you'd want to)
- if he sees you're nervous, he gives you his hand to fiddle with and you play with his fingers. if it doesn't help, he takes your hands in his and squeezes them gently.
- makes really good pancakes and waffles. He had them first at Theodore's house, and Theo's mum taught him how to make them.
- he's very good with kids, surprisingly. You once managed to snap a photo of him wearing a plastic tiara and now use it as leverage in arguments ;)
- he has big brother energy, and a lot of it. After the battle of Hogwarts, when Delphini was very little, he helped raise her to the best he could with help from Tom, the other Slytherins and Narcissa Malfoy. If you were comfortable with it, Delphini would be really close with you and see you as a big sister/brother/sibling <3 you guys would look after her and raise her to not carry out the events written in the cursed child.
- continuing with big brother stuff, he helps out the first years with homework and stuff when they need it.
- if people aren't listening when he's talking, he doesn't yell, just stops talking
- he's not agressive while drunk, like ever. Infact, total opposite. It. Is. Hilarious. He loosens up entirely. Trying to get you to ballroom dance with him, tripping over his feet. He'll go full on Shakira until you have to drag him out of the room. One time you gave him a hug while drunk but he didn't recognise you so he said "sorry, I have a girlfriend/boyfriend/partner" 😭 then realised it was you and pulled you back into the hug.
- he loves scary movies, naturally, but he's actually a sucker for a good rom com if it's actually good. I'm not talking boring predictable ones, genuinely good ones.
- if he was gen Z, he would be a huge marvel fan. don't try to convince me otherwise. not collecting merch and stuff, but seeing every movie within the week it comes out.
- before you two started dating he kept listening to Conan Gray (yes I'm a huge Conan fan so may be a little biased and I know conan was not singing then but anywayyyyy) his favourite song was Heather, because he didn't know if you reciprocated his feelings, but when you got together, he gave you his sweater on the third of December. I'm so proud of him.
- he's more of a cooker than a baker to be honest, he'd bake with you, but other than that he'd steer clear of sweet treats.
- he's fluent in French, Spanish and Italian as well as English. He wanted to learn Latin as well when he was younger, but didn't have time so is learning it now.
- he wears converse a lot. don't even argue with me please, I am right. (you can quote me on that to your family if needed guys)
- he loves photography and taking long walks in nature to get photos. If you were comfortable with it, he'd use you as his muse, styling you into his photos and capturing your beauty perfectly.
- He can play guitar. Simping.
- loves spicy food, literally obsessed with it.
- his biggest fear is getting the dark mark. he doesn't want anything to do with his father, and only took the name Riddle so as not to be an insult to rodolphus.
- anytime you say "I'm proud of you" he silently pulls you into a hug. he hasn't heard those words enough, so the fact that you have said it just completes him.
- drops anything for you if you need him.
- man child. he needs your attention at least five times a day.
- big spoon. You will never ever be big spoon, it is his role, he has assigned it to himself and is very protective of it.
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abbysimsfun · 21 days ago
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 149 (A New Pet - And a New Landgraab Problem?)
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Captain Whitaker made himself right at home at the Gordon house on Sable Square. When Lavender returned from daycare on his first day as a reanimated dog, the Captain was thrilled to meet the energetic toddler who loved pets.
He also celebrated discovery of the chicken coop in the backyard, and he loved to chase the cats. It had been a while since Heather and Conrad needed to train bad habits out of a new pet, but they were happy to do it, because Captain Whitaker fit their family like a glove.
Heather's sister, Hazel, dropped by for breakfast one morning, on her way to help Alexander Goth put together his application to run for mayor.
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"It's a long process and the town hasn't had an election in close to forty years, but Alex has a lot of really great ideas to make the Bay even better," Hazel said. "I really believe in him, and he needs more help with his campaign now that he's doing midnight feedings with baby Carina."
At the mention of Alex and Lydia Goth's second child, newborn Carina, Heather rubbed her belly as she felt her own baby kick. "I'd love to see this town running smoothly with a real mayor at the helm. The water shut-offs we've had to deal with lately make it so much harder to get the kids bathed, and the dogs, let alone us!"
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"I hate to sound like Dad, but get a dew catcher. It rains enough on the coast you could collect enough water to last for weeks!"
"What's a dew catcher?" wondered Lavender.
"It stores water for when there's drought or the pipes freeze in winter. It's kind of like recycling the rain," Hazel explained, and Lavender nodded along thoughtfully.
"What's recyclig?"
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"It's when you take something and use it again for something else, rather than getting something new, because it's better for the environment. Like new toys. If you bought a used toy, it would be recycled, as opposed to a new toy from a store."
"Used toys are better for the envi-erment?"
Hazel nodded. "Yeah, because new production uses a carbon footprint, and you want that carbon footprint to be as small as possible to help the planet."
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Heather glanced pleadingly at Hazel, launching into one of her public policy talks with a four-year-old. "Why don't you get your Aunt Hazel to read you a story before she goes to work?"
Lavender smiled, dragging Hazel to the living room and picking out a book. "Can you do the voices again, too?"
"Of course, Lava. I can't read you a story without doing the voices!"
"No you can't!"
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Lavender wasn't the only one in the household interested in books. Ash had picked up as many books on time travel from the library as he could, and he'd barely put them down since. If he was supposed to invent time travel, he had to understand it first.
Heather and Conrad were wary of what he was learning, but they'd encouraged Felix and Lilith to pursue it before they knew what Marco had said. Ash promised to leave the actual time travel to the adults, so they allowed him to study books like Theoretical Electronics and A History of Time Travel to offer assistance to Felix and Lilith - but only if they needed it.
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Conrad accompanied him to the local library to return a few books he'd finished and check out a few more, bringing the dogs to run around. They sat in bright inflatable chairs that seemed out of place in the old wooden building. But the local historian and librarian, Gunther Lynx-Munch, said they'd been dropped off by an anonymous donor and he didn't want them to go to waste.
As he thumbed through the books on the shelves, Conrad turned to his stepson. "Are you really interested in all this time travel stuff?"
Ash shrugged. "Felix and Lilith say Emit's nice. What if changing the future changes him, too? I don't want to change the future too much, but I don't want to be feared. If I do help Felix and Lilith, I don't mind people not knowing I did it."
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That night, Heather prepped fruit for Ash's school lunch while Conrad was bent over the sink to repair the plumbing. "Malcolm called again," she groused. "He's so interested in Ash's counseling sessions all of a sudden."
"I think this time travel and seeing ghosts stuff freaks Malcolm out a bit."
"He doesn't even think it's real!" She closed the fridge door with a heavy thud to put away the sliced fruit. "I think he's plotting something. With his mother."
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Conrad finished with the plumbing and dried his hands, wrapping his arms around her and cradling her stomach. "Like what?"
"He's acting like I can't take care of our son, as if he wasn't flirting with Miko instead of watching Ash when he was taken. He actually said 'It can't be easy to move around that small house with all those animals.' They have a dog!"
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"Don't get upset," he pleaded gently. "Has Malcolm ever been worth it?"
She forced herself to breathe, letting herself fall into his embrace. "I love you. I just worry about Ash all the time lately."
"I love you, too. Let's get some sleep; the baby needs it. We can worry about everything again in the morning."
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Despite her fear and worry, the days were busy and long. Pregnant Heather was easily fatigued, and she soon fell asleep in Conrad's arms. ->
<- Previous Chapter | Gen 2 Start | Gen 2.1 Summary
Gen 1 Start | Gen 1 Summary
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w0rmss · 16 days ago
Jason meets reader at a library they work at and he instantly dies (not actually)
tw: none just fluff
Jason hadn’t been to the library since he’d come back to Gotham. But one day he decided to go find something to read. He’d read through all his books and had taken to stealing Bruce’s but nothing interested him. So thats ho he found himself walking into the Gotham public library on a Friday morning. Hands in the pockets of his jeans paired with a plain black t. He didnt want to be recognised as either the red hood or one of Bruce’s wards.
His plan of action was to go up to the desk and get his old memebership renewed. But when he made it to the desk he stopped dead in his tracks seeing you, sitting there typing at the front desk and logging book. The man swore he died again when you looked up and smiled at him. “How can i help you this morning sir?” Your voice and the smile nearly killed Jason (again). He stood starring at you old library card in his hand. You looked up and at it and back at him before looking back at the card. “Want that renewed?” You ask look at him with your head tilted like a dog. All Jason could do was nod.
Slowly you reach over and take the card from him. “So just a few questions for the system, name.” Your turn from your computer and look up at him. Jason looks back at you dazed till finally is brain seems to catch up with the world and he clears hi throat. ���Jason Todd and date of birth 16th of august. Erm if you need that.” His had falls to the back of his neck as he looks down at you typing in the information. “Perfect and phone numbers.” That send is brain into over drive. ‘Cute person wants my number oh my god my number why what Aaahhh.’ Till it clicked you needed it for the card. “Oh umm right it’s 776893422.” His brain is still on over drive as he watches you finish up and hand him his library card. “Here you go all set. Feel free to you it was much as you like.” Your turn from. Give him one last smile that he returns as he walks off his mentally kicking himself for not getting your number.
Jason was one of the last people to leave, leaving the doors just before you closed them up for the night. He stood next to you watching in adoration as you lock the doors and check if they were secure. That’s when he decides he has to make a move. “So umm. I know this is … weird but would you like to go out with me some time.” He stutters out, everything in his head telling him to shut up as you turn to face him. “Oh sure here I’ll give you my number.” You rummage through your work bag pulling out a pen and a post it scribbling your number down and handing it to him. Jason takes it a small smile starting to creep onto his face. “I’ll text you yeah.” He says with a grin watching you walk away. “Do see ya soon Jason.” You wave back walking down the street. He waves back. “Yeah ant wait. Um bye.”
Hope you enjoyed
feel free to send a request i love getting them
have a wonderful day night afternoon etc
stay safe
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schmergo · 6 months ago
If you think I was a kid who loved to read, you’d be right, but that doesn’t just mean I was reading, like, Newbery Award nominated prestigious children’s novels. Because in my experience, most kids who love to read are more gourmand than gourmet. I was also reading:
* Class rosters. I begged my teachers for these. I wanted to try to memorize everyone’s middle names.
* Similarly, old yearbooks. I liked judging whether people’s names matched their faces and making up different names for them if they did. I also loved reading baby name books and making lists of names I liked.
.* The personals section of the newspaper. I liked picturing the people as they described themselves and imagining which combination of people on the page might like each other.
* The ingredients of food packages. Not even for any real informational reason, I just really liked certain fantasy-sounding words like thiamine and riboflavin.
* An old World Book Encyclopedia from the 1970s. I would sneak out of bed to read it because the bookshelf was near my bedroom door and I could crawl to it without making the floor creak. My favorite entries were the ones about Hawaii and tigers. I kinda developed a ritual of rereading the Hawaii article when I had read a scary book before bed and needed to calm my brain down.
* My dad’s Dave Barry and Woody Allen humor books and also transcripts of all of the Monty Python’s Flying Circus episodes. This is probably why my sense of humor has been so weird from such a young age.
* The part of the church hymnal with ceremonies for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. I liked to imagine them.
* Wine catalogs at friends’ houses. The descriptions of the wines seemed so poetic and abstract. I also liked when they said “fruit on the nose” because I pictured a dog balancing a whole piece of fruit on its nose.
* My parents’ parenting books. I liked to see if I was exhibiting developmentally appropriate behavior. I am not 100% sure if doing that is, in fact, developmentally appropriate behavior.
* Those little brochures advertising various roadside attractions and tourist activities at rest shops. I would grab as many as possible when we stopped to use the bathroom on a road trip. Also, travel guides in general.
* I checked out the entire “unexplained” section of the library over the course of third grade. (Dewey decimal 001.9.) Ask little me about Project Blue Book, I guess.
* I LOVED party planning books, especially ones with highly specific themed parties that seemed impractical to put on in real life like a whole chess-themed party culminating in a game of human chess, complete with lemon chess pie for dessert.
* Seed packets. I find the writing style of these very endearing. It always sounds so affectionate toward the plants.
* My grandma’s Reader’s Digest magazines, which felt like Russian roulette because they sometimes published disturbing articles that gave me nightmares. (Reader’s Indigestion?) I especially vividly remember a feature on adopted kids who need to wear Ilizarov apparatuses to straighten their limbs because they became malformed due to severe neglect at orphanages.
* For some reason, I loved reading restaurant menus and imagining what kind of food different fictional characters would order from there.
* And last but certainly not least, because I think this is a relatable one: the AMERICAN GIRL CATALOG! No, I never had an American Girl doll, but getting the catalog was a source of much excitement.
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ask-the-golden-god · 2 months ago
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*The arceus gave his body a stretch. A satisfying click followed, followed with a sigh of relief.*
Cepheus: Well, that was something. Ah, those vibes. The goo body was definitely fun. Oh right. I was leaving lol.
*The swirling portal stood behind him, sparkling with small stars. Cepheus took one more look at the beach, noticing some of the guests he had spoken to at this event. He wouldn’t forget any of them. Especially the two he couldn’t help. He had to figure out a way to be there for them. That victini. That poor, innocent victini. Fuck, it was awful for him to remember that Arceus. Temperance. What a vile individual. He shook his head and stepped through the portal. On the other side was a library, a familiar place to him. It was filled to the brim with a variety of different books he had collected on his many travels. Some from his own family, others from the minds of mortals. Hovering near one of the bookshelves was a mew, reading a book for themself. One of Cepheus’ best friends.*
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Cepheus: ...Yeah. You're right. I just need to give them a little time.
Kel: And remember all the good you did too. That Lugia had a major moment of realisation. You were able to make that Calyrex release their hold on that flower crown it took. You were a positive influence to many of the folks down there. Bringing the chill vibes, as you said countless of times.
Cepheus: Heh, what would I do without you Kel? Always right like usual. That’s why you’re my right-hand mew.
Kel: You're capable of so much without me. You just need reminding of some of those basic things.
Cepheus: Yeah yeah. I get you. Regardless, it was actually a chill time. Definitely needed. Many most bodacious folks met. Those Magi. Absolutely radical. Love the advice they gave.
Kel: And what was your takeaway from that advice?
Cepheus: To wait for the right moment. And maybe try a little communication or something. I dunno. Who knows when his universe will open up to me?
Kel: Ah, exactly what me and your several children have said. Why is it that when we give advice, you don't listen to it but when another being comes along and gives you the exact same advice, you take it into consideration?
Cepheus: Sometimes advice has to come from another you're not familiar with to truly sink in.
Kel: Yes yes. I can see that. Ceph, what's the plan now then?
Cepheus: Spend some time with the kids. Travel around a bit. What I should have been doing instead of watching Aladar's atrocities.
Kel: Good. I'll join you too. Can't have you going back on your word. You've got to help yourself sometimes and that means not obsessing over his actions. You know we all say this because we care about you.
Cepheus: Yeah, I get that. I care about you all too. Perhaps I could check in on those two during my travels?
Kel: After you've seen your family.
Cepheus: Alright alright. Fam first then seeing if they're good. I got it. Time to see what the kids are doing then.
Kel: Oh, a word of warning. They have been watching your antics too.
Cepheus: Ah. So, I'm likely to expect a dog pile like before?
Kel: More than likely. I had to stop your friend Geode from coming down there because of that whole arceus thing.
Cepheus: And that would have been hilarious. Imagine. A zygarde appearing out of nowhere to defend a goomy. Ha.
Kel: Indeed.
*Slime Boi has left the Magi Retreat.*
*Cepheus is now available for asks.*
*Kel is now available for asks.*
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animasola86 · 2 years ago
The Ghost under the Table
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x gn!reader
Word count: 2.3k // [READ ON AO3]
Warnings: nsfw! mdni! public oral sex (m!receiving)
Synopsis: a bj in the library (just a more explicit smut writing exercise really)
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Last warning: there will be smut under the cut! Read at your own risk. I was not holding back this time! (Enjoy!)
“What are you doing down there?” you heard him whisper.
He sounded equal parts surprised and irritated – and you snickered to yourself as you crept closer, hidden under the Disillusionment charm, before you settled right between his legs under the table in this corner of the library.
Of course he had noticed you, he had taught you that spell almost two years ago to the dot, he knew what to look for. Or perhaps he had smelled you. He'd told you before that your scent was making him weak – his words, not yours, because at first you found the idea of you smelling a certain way a little weird and would frequently check with an inconspicuous sniff to your clothes. But apparently he had the nose of a dog, and whenever you would try to sneak up on him for a surprise hug, he'd already know you were coming.
And today, as you decided to surprise him with something else, he also already knew you were there. You sighed deeply, but quietly, because he was still the only one knowing you were hidden under the table.
“Surprise?” you whisper-laughed and put your hands on his thighs as you looked up at him. He obviously couldn't see your eyes, and he didn't even try to as he focused more on his surroundings now. You could see a tiny splash of red on his cheeks, and you smirked at the sight.
After two years of dating and making out in the weirdest of places and most certainly also in public, he still felt at least a little apprehensive when it came to your displays of affections. Or perhaps it was the library setting that made him wary. Madam Scribner still had her eyes out for him – and you now as well as you certainly tried to make out in the library before, but were rudely interrupted by Peeves – just like you were two years ago on your first excursion into the Restricted Section together, minus the making out part.
As you were now crouched under the table, albeit hidden under the Disillusionment charm, you became quite aware of how quiet it was in this haven of knowledge. There were a few other students about, but all of them were so concentrated on their reading and studying that even the slightest creak of the wooden floor boards beneath you echoed rather loudly through the room.
And that made it all the more exciting for you.
You watched Sebastian squirm a little under your invisible touch. “Are you... sure about this?” he asked in a low voice, still looking around.
“Yes. I woke up feeling naughty today,” you whispered back and leaned closer to his crotch. “Will you let me?”
“Was I ever able to stop you before?” he hissed back, and you saw a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
You moved your hands up his thighs and squeezed them lightly in response. You saw and heard him inhale sharply.
“Try to hold it in, Sallow,” you teased quietly, and he threw a dark but amused glance into your direction before his eyes focused on the book that lay open in front of him.
You made quick work of the buttons of his breeches, and your fingers eagerly freed the object of your desire from its constraints. He was already quite excited to see you, and you smiled to yourself as you let your fingertips graze over his warm skin. You felt him shudder under your touch and looked up quickly. He was biting his lip, really trying to keep it down.
Fortunately the library desks were wide enough and as he was sitting in one of middle seats, there was no way someone would see what was going on underneath the table. Unless Peeves came floating through the ground... but that would be the worst case scenario, and you wouldn't cloud your mind with those. You were fixated on that deliciously tender piece of flesh and skin and muscles (though of course you never thought too much about its anatomical properties, more on what it was able to make you feel).
Your fingers closed around his base gently while your eyes stayed on his reddening face the whole time. You moved even closer towards his crotch, really nestling between his legs now, your shoulders pressing against his thighs. While you kept one hand on his growing erection, you let your other hand slide beneath his shirt, feeling the muscles of his stomach tensing up when you did so.
You inhaled deeply and licked your lips, then started to move your hand up and down his length slowly, lightly squeezing and teasing him. By now he had given up on trying to study while you worked on him, and he leaned back in his chair, relaxing under your touch, his hands wrapped around the armrests almost a little too tightly. With this new angle, he was now watching you, or rather watching how his cock was massaged by invisible hands. His brown eyes were almost black and caused you to shiver pleasantly.
He certainly had a knack for looking very dramatic, especially when he was looking down, and when there was even the tiniest hint of a smirk playing around his lips like there was now, you could already feel your legs trembling. Fortunately you were on your knees already and settled safely between his legs, so swooning was out of the question.
You watched him, chewing on your lips, and kept working your hand up and down those inches that you knew had given you so much pleasure in the past. Today you wanted to give back. You'd tasted him before, of course, countless times, but this setting seemed new and exciting, and the thrill of being caught or even heard was making your own body shake in excitement.
Inhaling deeply, taking in his scent, you leaned closer now, and as your fingers tightened around him, you brought your lips to his tip and gave it a soft and gentle peck. You felt him twitch lightly. Your eyes remained on his face as you parted your lips and planted more kisses on his sensitive skin, kissing all around his tip and then down the shaft, gently sucking on the slightly protruding veins. You felt him harden under your touches and continued your journey with a smile on your lips.
Your hand moved lower and your fingers curled around his balls, gently squeezing and massaging the warm skin. You felt him intake a shuddering breath as your mouth kept exploring his slowly growing girth. If you weren't in the quiet library, you knew he'd be way more vocal by now. But he was doing a really good job at keeping it down. You knew for a fact that if it were the other way around, you'd be a whimpering mess already.
As you moved your mouth over him, your free hand remained pressed against his stomach, feeling the shudders of his body right beneath your palm, even more so when you let your tongue in on the action. At first you just teased him, poking the tip of your tongue against his warm skin here and there, until you wanted to have a real taste and swiped it from his base all the way up to his tip, where you swirled it around as if he was the tastiest lollipop you've ever tasted (spoiler alert: he was).
You looked up at him and saw that his gaze was even darker and his cheeks were thoroughly flushed, but other than that he didn't show any sign of what he was experiencing at the moment. Although the knuckles of his hands were turning white as he gripped the chair tighter. You smiled to yourself and continued what you were doing as you slowly lapped at his hardening flesh.
As you raised yourself on your knees a little, you tilted your head down and slowly closed your lips around his tip, flicking your tongue against it playfully. You could already taste his excitement as his precum coated his skin, and you took a few more laps at him, humming softly against him as you did so. Another twitch ran through his body. Your eyes darted up, and you saw that he had closed his eyes and was breathing a little heavier now. Still quiet and contained, but surely not unaffected by your touches.
You hollowed your cheeks and gave his tip a soft suck, before you opened your mouth wide enough to take him in. Your own body shivered in anticipation as you lowered yourself onto him, your tongue firmly beneath him as you guided him in further and further, inch by inch, your lips tight around his girth, and you had to close your eyes as he started to occupy more than just your thoughts at this point. You let out a quiet whimper as his crown hit the back of your throat, and you felt your nose almost buried in his dark hairs.
You held him there for a moment in which you focused on the reactions of his body, and the restrained shudder that vibrated through his core made you lean back slowly, eyes flying open again and moving up to his face, and he was staring down at you intensely, pressing his lips together as he held back a moan.
You moved back all the way and let him slip out of your mouth with a wet pop. You swallowed your saliva and breathed deeply, before moving back in right away, repeating your movements until he was again fully submerged in your mouth – and then you started to slowly bob your head up and down.
He was breathing loudly through his nose while you kept your steady rhythm, hollowing your cheeks with every upwards motion and pressing your tongue against his length when you pushed him back in. He was getting harder and harder, and your lips strained around him.
With your eyes closed you couldn't see him any more, but you sure as hell felt him. His legs were twitching around you, clenching against your shoulders, keeping you right there between them. His body was shuddering and the muscles in his stomach tightened under your palm. He was fighting the sensations with all he had, probably all red and tense, gripping the chair – until you felt his hand in your hair, and he was really grabbing you, holding you in place, pushing you down onto him hard until he hit the back of your throat, and you let out a surprised whimper that was certainly way too loud for this quiet setting.
He immediately let go again, and you relaxed, moving your head back as you looked up at him. He was breathing heavily, his lips parted, his eyes moving around the room, before they looked into your direction again. You were but a trick of the light under the Disillusionment charm but it still felt as if he knew exactly where to look – and his dark stare gave you shivers all over. You moved your hands to press them left and right of his cock and continued your up and down bobbing, slowly increasing your pace.
You could taste him already. Inhaling deeply through your nose, you closed your eyes and kept your rhythm, until you felt him stiffening up. His hand was on your head again, and he held you tightly in place as he started bucking his hips into your mouth. You held back whimpers, clawing your fingers into his skin as you tried to stay steady on your knees. Tears burned behind your eyelids as he kept hitting the back of your throat forcefully.
And then he froze, his entire body going rigid, and a tiny, suppressed moan escaped him as his length twitched inside your mouth, pumping feverishly – spilling his seed, emptying everything he had into your mouth and down your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut at the sensation, gripping his thighs in support. Eventually he let go of your head and leaned back again, breathing hard, while his cock slipped out of your mouth, leaving a trail of cum strands on your tongue, lips and chin.
He filled you up good, and it took you several hard swallows to get it all down, before you started licking your lips and wiped the rest off your face with the back of your hand. You were breathing just as hard as he was, your heart pounding inside your chest. It took you a few moments to regain your composure and as you watched him, he had slumped down in the chair a little, his eyes closed, chest rising and falling fast – with a wide smirk on his lips.
When you moved in and licked the rest of his release off his length, his eyes flew open, and he watched you with a tilted head. You smiled an invisible smile. Once he was cleaned up, you gently put him back behind the constraints of his clothes, buttoning his breeches with shaking fingers until it looked as if nothing happened.
“Thank you, friendly ghost,” you heard him whisper quietly as his hand found your cheek under the table and caressed it softly. You leaned into his touch and then turned your head to place a kiss on his palm before you slowly moved back from between his legs and out of his reach again, smirking to yourself.
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Like our mc here, I woke up feeling naughty today and just had to write this scene. And I did so with the help of the amazing smut thesaurus by @prurientpuddlejumper - as a non-native English speaker it's always fun to add to my vocabulary and this guide (and also The Ultimate Guide to Writing Smut Fic) helped me so much. Can only recommend when you struggle to find words to describe anything really!
Also there is another part to this where the roles are reversed: PART 2 - The Sweet Revenge!
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The Ghost under the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
The Ghosts on the Table (Part 1 and Part 2)
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Pictures credit:
(I have to be honest, I've saved so many screenshots of lover boy here and if there's no copyright on it, I really have no idea who I "borrowed" it from, so please forgive me and accept a list of my favorite screenshot providers of this fandom! <3 If you recognize your screen and are not on the list, please tell me, I'll add you right away!)
@dingdongdick @phinik @hogwartslegacypics @deathlysallows @purindaimaou @sinty2ek @shadesofgaunt
Thank you for your continuous services to fuelling our Sebastian obsession! I salute you!
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
What are Talon!Dick's favorite memories of Jason?
Okay so this one took me a moment, but I think these are a couple (but not all!) of Dick’s key memories with Jason:
The day Dick found Jason during the snow fall. His whole life changed (once again) in the span of a few minutes as he found himself a purpose again. He still remembers how he showed off to Jason during the hike back to the nest, giving him his very first taste of “flying”, and how Jason laughed as they sailed across the rooftops.
The first time Jason tried to mimic Dick’s chirps. He definitely stared at him for a long while fighting back the urge to cry, because for Dick it meant Jason not only accepted him as his guardian, but also as part of the “flock”. It signified the beginning of them being a real family, and not Dick only being an asset to Jason’s survival.
Jason reading him the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time. Dick panicked when the witch took Edmund and was inconsolable until Jason told him he’d be reunited with his siblings and everything would be okay. That was also the first time Jason initiated a cuddle session.
The time Jason smuggled them into the movies to watch Pride and Prejudice. Dick didn’t like the movie too much, but he still remembers Jason radiating absolute happiness and joy the entire time and how Jason kept analyzing and comparing scenes from the book afterwards while they shared a chili dog Dick stole from a vendor.
The way Jason kept laughing when Bruce took him out as Robin for the first time and he got to swing between the buildings, checking behind himself every other second to make sure Dick is watching him do flips and complicated spins.
Jason trying to teach Bruce how to cook and somehow ending with Bruce covered head to toe with flour, raw eggs in Jason’s hair, and salty cake batter all over the floor, walls, and ceiling, and Alfred yelling at them both.
The first time Jason tried to make a nest for Dick.
Jason and Tim falling asleep leant against each other in the library. 📚🦉
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milfjuulpod · 2 years ago
req: yes
can you write a Melissa x Reader where reader is the new VP of Abbott and she’s just the most professional person ever. She doesn’t wanna interact with the staff in any way that’s not professional, she’ll refer to them by last name, has lunches in her car, doesn’t try to socialize unless it’s Melissa. Melissa never notices but reader is always lingering to watch her, calls her by her first name, goes out of her way to make sure Mel is never inconvenienced by anything at Abbott. it’s not until maybe Janine or Jacob, hell Gregory even point it out that Mel notices and confronts the reader about it. Reader responds in like the cheesiest way possible, something like “i was down bad for you from the moment i saw you” and Melissa just m e l t s!!
warnings: none
A/N: hello again 🧛🏻‍♀️ i absolutely LOVED this request, so i hope you enjoy reading as much as i did writing :)) thank you for all the support !!
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After earning yourself your graduate degree, and interning at schools all over, you found yourself at Abbott Elementary. Despite its hazards here and there, you loved it. You maintain your poise and passion for work each day, staying on task and doing everything you could to help. 
       Being the Vice Principal came with a lot of responsibilities, especially working for Ava Coleman. Over the school year, just like the rest of Abbott, you grew to love her—but that didn’t mean she didn’t give you a headache every week. “Can you not eat in your car for one day and just come with me to this brunch?” Ava begged, but you knew better. “Ms. Coleman, if you’re going on this brunch, somebody has to stay here. Besides, you’ll be fine. I’ve prepared your folder for you and you nailed rehearsals,” you encouraged her. 
       Ava was preparing for a brunch with some people from the district, and as much as you wanted to go and support her, you had to stay. “You’re right, I did kill that last rehearsal. I guess I’ll go alone,” the principal dramatized, and left for her lunch. Walking back, you decided to do a quick sweep before heading into your own office. No harm in checking on everyone, right? You passed Mrs. Howard’s door, noticing her students taking a nap. She saw you through the window, and the two of you exchanged smiles before you parted. 
        “Oh, hey Y/N! I had a question for you,” a small, but loud, voice was heard from behind you. “Hello Ms. Teagues, how can I help you?” You turned to greet her. “You know you can call me Janine, right?” The shorter teacher gave you a friendly smile, and continued.  “Anyways, I was thinking about doing a project with my students, they started this new book and are just loving it! Honestly I was a bit surprised, but I guess when the kids are with me-”
       “The question you had?” You interrupted her. As much as Janine had a soft spot in your heart, you had work to do and a lunch to half-eat. “Right, sorry. Do you think Friday we could use the library?” She asked, shooting you puppy dog eyes. “I don’t see why not. Let me touch base with our librarian that week and make sure, I’ll get back to you.” You answered. 
        “Yay! Okay, I gotta pick my kids up but, thank you!” She yelled as she started to pick up speed down the hallway. You shook your head and smiled to yourself as you continued your walk, but quickly stopped in your tracks. Melissa’s door was open. For whatever reason, Melissa was…different for you. You never interacted much with people from your work life, never have. With Melissa you still kept your physical distance, but that didn’t stop the thoughts in your head that always came back to her. 
       Nervously, you leaned against the door frame and took in her room. She sat in her chair at the front of the room, book in hand, reading to her class. Every few sentences she would pick her head up and glance at her students, and each time you got nervous she would catch you staring. “The vine was alive! It was a long green snake! The snake fell from the tree, it splashed in the water and swam away,” Melissa read aloud. You watched as one of her students stood up from their seat. “Does the snake get Jack? Or Annie?” He asked. “I don’t know hon, that’s why we have to keep reading,” Melissa said to him, and motioned for him to sit back down. 
        “Sorry Ms. Schemmenti,” he apologized, albeit quietly. “That’s alright, I know reading can be very exciting. But let’s regroup, okay?” She regained everyone’s attention so quickly, and you couldn’t help but watch in complete adoration for the woman. You completely missed two teachers walk right behind you. Melissa went to go back to reading, but her head snapped back up immediately as she saw you standing. She waved for you to come in, and continued on. You sat there for the next few minutes, until it was time for her students to go to lunch. “Jacob is coming to get my kids, give me a minute and then I wanna talk to ya,” Melissa said to you as she stood up to get her kids ready. 
         You couldn’t help but study her every movement, the way she walked, the way she bent down to talk to the kids, everything. She had you wrapped around her finger like it was nothing. Melissa was, without a doubt, the highlight of your day. Every day. “So,” she started, pulling you out of your trance. “I need the library on Friday. I’m getting my kids ready for the science fair this year and I wanna try some bigger stuff with them,” she said. You could see the excitement practically glowing off of her as she told you about her plans. How could you say no? “Yeah! That sounds great. If I have time, I’d love to come see what you guys end up doing,” You told her. 
       “Yeah hon, you should swing by. I’d like that,” She responded. You tried desperately to ignore the way your heart pounded when she called you that, and went to make your exit. “It’s a plan. I have to get back to work but, I’ll see you around, Melissa.” She waved goodbye to you, and you went back to your office stomach full of butterflies. 
       Melissa wasn’t far behind you, although she was going in a different direction. She grabbed her things and headed towards the break room for her own lunch. “I’m not saying I don’t like her! I really like her, I just think it’s strange she still won’t call me Janine.” Melissa heard a voice she tried to ignore. She smiled or waved to those around, and made her way to sit down and eat. “She calls all of us by our last names, even Ava. She’s not social with us either, one time I think I saw her working and eating in her car. Are we not fun to be friends with?” Jacob frantically asked. 
       “No,” Melissa said in time with Ava, who was just walking in. “Are y’all talkin bad about my little helper?” She asked. Melissa, against her better judgment, chimed in. “She’s the Vice Principal, not just your little helper.” Ava sported a cheeky grin, noticing how that got under her skin. “Whatever, anyways, I came in here to tell you actually that the library is yours on Friday,” The principal continued her conversation with Melissa, although Janine was quick to say something. “Wait, what? I just talked to Y/N, and she said I could have the library,” she said frantically. “No, I just talked to her, she said I could have it. Sorry kid,” Melissa retorted. “Just because you’re her favorite, doesn’t mean you should get privileges,” Janine tried to say quietly, but she wasn’t quiet enough. “I am not her favorite! She doesn’t have favorites, she doesn’t like any of us,” Melissa argued. She turned her body more towards the table in front of her and crossed her arms. 
       “Oh come on Melissa, you don’t notice?” Janine poked. When she got no response, everybody decided to help paint the picture. “She calls you by your name. Your first name,” Janine told her. “She gave you the library over Janine,” Jacob added. “I saw her outside your classroom for like, five minutes today,” Gregory finished. Melissa was too stunned to say anything, both at everyone noting your behavior towards her, and the fact that she missed all of this. You didn’t wanna socialize with everyone, but everyone didn’t mean Melissa. 
       “Okay, okay, I’ll go figure it out. Sorry,” The redhead shot Janine an apologetic look as she walked out the door once again. Melissa felt her palms get sweaty as she got closer to your office. Now that she knew about all her little privileges with you, she didn’t want to say something and ruin it. Besides, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, Melissa enjoyed the rare company you brought her. As she approached your door, Melissa took a deep breath in. After a quick mental pep talk, she knocked gently. Upon hearing your, “Come in,” she opened the door as slowly as she could. 
       Lifting your head to look at the door, your face lit up at the sight. “Oh! Hi Melissa, what’s up?” You asked her. Melissa closed the door behind her, and took a seat across from you. When she didn’t answer, you leaned in a bit closer and furrowed your eyebrows at her. Melissa couldn’t meet your gaze, and you hated it. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly. 
       “Why am I special?” Melissa blurted out. The both of you looked at each other, surprised at what she had just said. “I…I’m not sure what you mean by that,” you lied. “You told Janine she could have the library, and then went and gave it to me. You call me ‘Melissa’ but everyone else is last names only. And I can’t prove it, but I’m pretty sure I’m the only person you buy coffee for once a week,” the older woman explained. You felt cheeks turn as red as Melissa’s hair when she said all this to you, and now it was your turn to avoid eye contact. “Hon?” She pushed when you didn’t reply. 
      After a deep breath, you spoke. “I don’t know. I don’t know what it is about you Melissa but my god. From the first day I got here I…I can’t keep my eyes off you when we’re in the same room. I want to do everything I can to make your day easier or better or just to see you smile. Everything I do here is for you. You’re special, that’s it. And I like you that way.” When you finally looked back up, you saw tears forming in the green eyes across from you. 
        “You…you really mean that?” Melissa asked you, like she almost believed everything you said. “Yes!” You let out a defeated laugh, tears forming in your own eyes out of embarrassment. “Of course I mean it. What made you decide to bring this up today?” 
       Melissa shifted in her seat. “It was brought to my attention today, that I may or may not be your favorite,” she admitted. She tried to hide the smile that was forming, but it was clear she was happy to be your favorite person. You sighed, “Well, you are. I’m sorry that it’s affecting work now,” You slid your chair back a bit and started to mess with papers on your desk. “Woah woah woah, don’t get all sad on me now. I never said it was a bad thing,” Melissa said, reaching across the desk to stop your hand from moving another paper. You tilted your head in confusion, which led to Melissa giggling at you. She stood up from her seat and walked around your desk, turning your chair to face her.
       “I think I like being your favorite,” Melissa said in a much lower voice than you’ve ever heard from her. She rested her hands on either side of your chair, faces so close your noses were almost touching. You looked from her eyes to her lips, fighting internally which one to stare at. “Yeah?” You asked, so quietly you weren’t sure she heard you. Melissa nodded her head and when you did the same, she finally closed the distance and you were wrapped in the sweetest kiss you had ever felt. 
        After a few more kisses from Melissa, she finally pulled away. “I’m sorry it took me so long to notice,” She mumbled. You took her hands in yours and played with her fingers. “Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry it took me so long to actually do something about it,” You joked, which thankfully the older woman did find funny. “I think I was the one who did something about it,” Melissa corrected you. “Okay, fine. But either way, I’m glad you brought it up. Would you, maybe, want to kiss me again sometime? After dinner together?” Even though Melissa had just kissed you, you were so nervous about asking her out. 
      “I would love to, but I might kiss you before then.”
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creatingnikki · 1 year ago
What I've learned in 2023 (part I)
i. Compatibility is what you are looking for. A compatible home, a compatible partner, a compatible workplace, a compatible friend circle. Compatible with who you are as a person and the kind of life you want to live. Compatible so that you don’t constantly have to use so much of your energy in trying to fight unnecessary battles simply to exist how you are. When the spaces you are in and the people you are with are not compatible with your existence the way it is, the way you want it to be, there will be constant chaos, distress, and conflict for which you will have to use so much energy. But if you are in compatible spaces with compatible people – not ideal, not perfect, simply compatible – then you can use that energy towards creating and building things that matter to you. Because your everyday choices? They are not being questioned, judged, or blocked.
ii. Lessons will keep repeating themselves until you've learned them. So you have to start paying attention. Realizations in themselves are not lessons learned. Change in actions and thought processes is. So, yes, lessons will keep repeating themselves until you learn them. And even once you have learned them. It's like with how we learned the same subjects in school year after year. Just because you learned Geography in grade 5, does not mean you still did not have to in grades 6, 7, 8, and so on. Life lessons too have additional layers, context, and depth. It can all feel very Sisyphean. But the boulder is never the exact same twice. Similar but not identical.
iii. Just because he was a puppy before, does not mean he is not a कुत्ता (dog) right now.
iv. 인연 (in-yeon) is the fate specific to the meeting of two people, the ties two people share over the course of their lives. Someone you have perhaps comes across in your past life/lives in various capacities. And so, yes, when you come across someone you feel comfortable with, can have meaningful conversations with effortlessly, feel a ‘connection’ with, feel the 인연 with it feels special. But 인연 is also the fate of this life. Maybe in this life you’re only meant to share this very limited, very brief, 인연 with someone. Even if you feel this deep connection. Maybe in this life they are not meant to be your soulmate or your best friend. Maybe they are only meant to be your professor or your neighbour. Let it be so. Accept that fate, accept this life’s 인연 with them. No matter the intensity of the connection. Again, let things run their natural course. There is no other way.
v. I am an open book that even a blind man can read. An open book so heavily and aesthetically self-annotated that people can play me like a fool just for shits and giggles. And while I have started to appreciate humour a lot more in life, I am not okay with my candidness, earnestness, and vulnerability being mocked, manipulated, or misused. I am still not clear on how to protect myself in this aspect but I do know two things clearing — first, forcing myself to change who I am at my most authentic core is not the answer. Second, there, however, does need to be some protection. Think of yourself like a special edition, rare precious book in a fancy, restricted-access library. Only members, who loves books, who value books, who take great care of them, and have a track record of doing so can borrow the book/check it out of the library. Essentially, you must be more mindful of who gets access to you. And like you can continue being your real, authentic self, but you do not have to be that all the time and with everybody.
vi. Speaking about vulnerability, let's talk about the semantics of it for a bit. It's The word 'vulnerability' is derived from the Latin word 'vulnus' which literally means — the ability to wound. Why? Why would you do that with people you don't yet know well + trust to be safe? That's why one of the lessons of this year is the realization to get rid of this blanket vulnerability. It's not some sort of strength, it's simply dangerous.
vii. On that note, conversations, even emotional conversations cannot be an indicator of the actual real (lasting) comfort and intimacy and trust between you and the other person. That only happens naturally over time.
viii. So, yeah, timing and time? It is your friend; not a bitch. Allow people and things time to run their course and reveal themselves to you. There’s no need to feel anxious or responsible to make things with somebody flow a certain way because at the end of the day, no matter what you say or do, things will pan out the way they are meant to. So, trying to rush things, trying to lowkey orchestrate them, or putting so much thought into things like how you’re punctuating your texts is futile. What is meant to be is meant to be and feeling FOMO when it comes to people and relationships only really happens when you create elaborate scenarios in your head before even getting to know somebody.
ix. Capturing everything more in videos instead of pictures is precious. That motion of your friend kissing your cheek and that motion of the street cat moving her tale in and out of the sunshine falling on the ground is what you really want to capture and look back on.
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witchthewriter · 2 years ago
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𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
Warnings: book & show spoilers
a/n: I’m trying to write the characters as a mixture of the book and show. Some of the characters act quite differently in the books and it’s a bit difficult to pin point their personality, but I hope I do them justice. Thank you for reading xx
𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲: Everyone is settling down into their own homes. I don’t care what is canon and what’s not.
・Likes things to be in their place. If they aren’t where they left them than he goes into a bit of a tizzy
   “Y/n! Y/n I specifically left them right here and they aren’t right. Here. Where have they gone??”
  “No, you moved them because you thought they were too vulnerable sitting there. Look in the third shelf down to your left.”
*Does what you tell him to do* *is embarrassed* *thanks you but not above a whisper*
・You have a lot of nice things in your home, but the most expensive things are usually the jewels and the jewelry that Kaz has gifted you
・He has a lot of the same clothing, so when you open his side of the closet there’s just ... black ... oh and grey
・His cane is never too far from where he is
・Despises the idea of getting a pet
・And you have to beg and beg
・But none of it worked
・So you had to come up with a plan. It was quite manipulative but hey, how else would you have caught Kaz’s attention?
・The dog you have now was once a puppy who had “accidentally” followed you home
   “How did it follow you home? We live in Ketterdam, there are a million homes here.”
“I guess it liked...me...”
・He ordered it out
・But you didn’t listen and somehow, the pup had wiggled its way into Kaz’s heart
・He swore he wasn’t going to pick up any poops, but that too was a lie
・Once settled in, she comes to realise that she really enjoys the finer things in life
・Big bed, silks, many many pillows
・A big bath with hot water straight from the tap
・She adores a long hot bath, lots of bubbles, with lavender and chamomile, candles, and a good book to read - or just to lay there and soak
・She hates waking up early, but is the first one to crawl into bed (she just really likes being in bed)
・Has her own drawing nook - a desk near a big window where she can get natural light. Many types of pencils, quills, inks, etc. She draws people, memories, landscapes, dreams
・Her drawings are framed and are all over the house
・There’s also a library; a room with a cosy corner that has all kinds of books; fiction and non fiction - historical, religious, fantasy etc
・Oh and she adores having the fire going. She wants it on even if it’s barely even cold
・But she hates chopping wood, so when you tell her that it isn’t cold enough for a fire, she’ll go outside and use The Cut to get the wood.
・Loves when you braid her hair; loves it even more when you give her head a lil massage too
・She fusses over you whenever you’re sick. Making you soup, remembering remedies from her upbringing in the orphanage.
・If you burn yourself, cut or have any other injuries, she is constantly checking on it to make sure it doesn’t get infected
・She doesn’t mind doing the laundry - if it means you’ll fold afterwards
・There are a lot of different oils, perfumes, bath products, hair products all over the bathroom
・Yes, he is used to being treated like royalty
・But he’s also experienced life on a ship - and that isn’t pretty (at all...it’s quite awful)
・Yet he has seen his destiny as being a ruler, so the biggest change in both of your lifestyles is ... you
・You would have to learn how to live during court
・You couldn’t just leave your chambers in your pajamas (I mean ... you could but drama would start at court most definitely)
・Both you and Nikolai obviously share the same chambers, and actually you both have your own wing in the castle (So I guess you could just stay in your pajamas if you wanted)
・It’s basically having your own home - or huge apartment
・The majority of the decor is white with gold trimmings and accents. Nikolai said you could change whatever you want
・The castle is never quiet, and there are always people coming and going, but your chambers are very very quiet.
・Nikolai doesn’t snore but does talk in his sleep
・It’s nonsensical, but it’s usually about the dreams he’s having
・You have servants that come and clean up after both you and Nikolai
・When Nikolai is finished for the day, he trots up to your shared wing and slumps against the door once it’s closed
・He sighs undoing his buttons, but you like to be the one to do that
・Still very quiet around the home, so you get used to seeing her in different parts of the house in a small amount of time
    “I swear, sometimes there’s two of you!” You once grumbled, while cleaning up a broken tea cup because she popped up out of nowhere
・Doesn’t like loud sudden noises, so you live a bit from civilisation. Not too far though.
・She gets on really well with cats
・You’d end up adopting two kittens that were the only survivors of a litter
・They were tiny, covered in fleas and skinny as can be. But you both fed them, bathed them and made sure they survived
・One is called Umbra, and the other Sol
・You both take on the styling of the home. Inej quite likes the cottage-esque look. However she does want to honor her heritage and there are a lot of colourful cloth that drapes across the ceiling
・Inej had Jesper insert a rod that holds a long silk cloth so that she can practice her acrobatic skills
・Jesper visits as often as he can, and is usually found hung over in the spare bedroom
・As does Nina, who likes to ask what’s for dinner hours before dinnertime (usually an hour after eating lunch)
・You own the land, with Inej’s name not involved - you didn’t want her to feel tied down. And that she could leave whenever she desired
・Although it’s Suli culture to be travellers, Inej said she did want to be apart of the deed and you were more than happy to change it
・Inej doesn’t sleep very often; she knows when her body needs it but other than that, she really cannot get to sleep
・Loves the feeling of a cosy home
・Has actually gone off to cry because living with you in such a lovely, warm, safe environment made him overwhelmed with happiness
・I have this feeling that you would be the type of person to rescue animals and Matthias has to put on this ‘No we barely have enough to feed ourselves, we can’t look after these animals,’ but his stance changes so quickly
・So you have about five dogs so far
・But you still go into town and feed as many as you can
・Matthias thinks he’s in charge, but after a few months together he comes to realise that you will always be in charge
・He actually really enjoys gardening
・Has those well-planned and established herb gardens. The ones that are held in perfect square timber raised beds
・Matthias absolutely threw himself into gardening. Bought books about it, spoke to the elders in town about how to perfectly grow herbs. He was both fascinated and in need on something to focus on after the tragedy he had endured
・You encouraged him, but said he had to promise not to make a mess inside.
・Is a very loud snorer, and hogs the bed, as well as the sheets. It’s just easier to sleep underneath him - not that he would notice. Once his head hits the pillow almost nothing can wake him until morning
・Safety; that’s what she wants, that’s what she desires most
・A place that she can let her guard down and not have to worry about being used
・She doesn’t like uninvited visitors, and has special locks on all the doors so no one can break in
・When you introduced the idea of a guard dog, she was apprehensive.
  “What if it can sense ... the darkness in me?”
“There is no darkness within you, Genya.”
・So you got a Cane Corso, a beast of a dog. That scared even Genya the first time she saw her.
・Is a very light sleeper, but once getting your pup, Genya let it sleep on the end of the bed
・Even now, after your dog, Neith, has grown to full size, she still sleeps at the end of your bed (you know exactly when she jumps up and when she leaves because the bed moves...significantly)
・When days seem especially difficult for Genya, you like to leave little notes around the house, reminder her of all the things you love about her
・She likes to wake up before you and move the hair from your face and just watch you sleep
・Isn’t the best at cooking, so you usually take up that job. But she does bake pretty well. Very good at making tea cake 
・Knows a lot about healing so you have a lot of herbs, spices, flowers, vegetables that aren’t for eating per say, but for when someone is sick or wounded 
・Genya hated mirrors for a while, until you helped her get over the change in her appearance. You helped her on the road to confidence and self love. 
・You’re both still involved in helping the Grisha so you see Zoya, Nikolai, Tolya, Tamar etc 
・Genya doesn’t really like having people at the house though. It’s her sanctuary where there are no reminders of The Darkling or the nichevoya
・Wants a simple life
・Doesn’t care for anything fancy, so you’d be the one to arrange everything
・I can see him as a farmer
・Out in the country, living off the land, but never taking too much and giving back
・We know from the books that he ends up running the orphanage with Alina, living a simple life. Looking after kids who need a home - and I think he would do that whether he was with Alina or not (and in this case...obviously not)
・He would be content with a slow life with you
・But he also wants to be of use to the community; to give back
・So you spend your days finding jobs for people who need them - with the help of Nikolai. You do the paper work while Mal meets the people and waits with them until a horse and carriage arrive
・You also have a huge vegetable garden that you allow the community to use as they please
・In thanks they give you something; knitted blanket, baked bread etc
・You have cows, goats, sheep and horses
・There are stable hands that tend to the horses. Usually the young people from the village (both boys and girls alike)
・The milk isn’t just for you and Mal but you go into town and give it to the people who need it most
・You don’t live far from the village. In fact you can see your neighbours just by looking out the window. They may look far, but really it’s only a ten minute walk
・You also teach people how to read and write
・Mal is absolutely head over heels in love with you
・Always makes sure you feel protected and safe
・Is actually very sensitive and feels things deeply. That’s why sometimes he has to take time to process his emotions alone
・We know that Zoya is destined for greatness, hence she would end up living in a castle
・But if not a castle than a quaint chateu will do
・Is a stickler for mess
      “There is no reason for there to be so much untidyness!”
・Has a lot of pictures/drawings/paintings of her family up around your home
・She always needs the bed to be made every day; if you’re the last to get out of bed than you have to make it
・You see a different side to Zoya; yes a softer side but also the undone, sloppy version of her. She actually didn’t let you see her like that until a month into living together
・If you snore she makes you sleep on the couch
・No. pets. She’s the one who wears the pants in this relationship and her decision is final
・Until you start feeding an old cranky cat who doesn’t stray far from your home. You name him, but keep him a secret and sneak him inside when Zoya is away
・She pretends not to notice and lets you have your hidden pet
・Although you’d think there would be servant or maids, that’s not the case. You and Zoya split the chores equally; she doesn’t want another person touching her things
・She actually colour co-ordinates her clothes; they’re in colour order and when she’s especially stressed she’ll do the same for yours
・When clothes are folded, they have to be folded neatly- 
・Is a very, very good cook. She makes these pastries with goats cheese inside that are to die for 
・Has a vanity with ridiculous amounts of make up. When she has a bit to drink she always wants to give you a makeover 
・Takes her coffee and tea very strong 
     “What’s the point of polluting it with milk and sugar?”
・Is the last to fall asleep and the first to wake, but she stays in bed for 20 minutes because she likes being so close to you 
・Whenever guests come over she is the perfect hostess. But if they overstay their welcome she won’t hesitate to tell them it’s time to leave
   “This outfit worked better in my head”
・Wanted to have multiple mirrors in the bedroom so he could “see himself at all angles” but you told him “the fuck we are”
・He relented ... not without whining
・But Jesper’s clothes do end up EVERYWHERE
・He’s awful at picking up after himself in the clothing department
・But he does keep the bathroom really clean ???
・Even if it’s shaving or after a bathe, he’ll make sure it’s exactly how he found it
・Hates weird smells so he sprays perfume everywhere
・Liked the thought of living in the city to be close to the rest of the crows, so you accepted
・But you made him promise not to do anymore gambling -
・Your home is like an escape for Jesper
・Likes to go shopping with you. He likes picking out things so that you can match (you’re against it at first but ... also submit to it)\
・He always knows how to make you laugh, so whenever he forgets to do a chore he can wiggle his way out of it
・Will do all the grocery shopping and any errands you don’t want to do
・Also loves candles, especially scented ones but has been banned from having them burning unless you’re home too ...
・Moves around a lot in his sleep and has whacked you a few times
・Misses you whenever either of you are away. Keeps a piece of your clothing to smell
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
・Although he spends a lot of time at the Little Palace, he wanted a place where it was just you and him. Where he wouldn’t be disturbed by questions or problems.
・A lot of his focus is on his plans, but he keeps maps and the like all in one room
・He wants to keep the bedroom for ... bedroom activities. As well as all the other rooms for their proper uses
・Aleksander doesn’t want his ambitions to hinder your domestic life
・He hates overhead lighting
・Prefers candles or lamps
・Always buys you new clothes, new shoes, new accessories etc. Wants you to have the best of the best 
・And he gets headaches very easily so you have tinctures and remedies on hand as well as around the house
・He prefers the quiet, and too much noise overwhelms him
・Pets aren’t really his thing ... maybe a bird though, but it wouldn’t have to make much noise
・He does love horses though. And would spend hours on them if he could. Just galloping away, far from his troubles.
・Has a maid that comes and cleans the house
・The only time you’ve seen him truly peaceful is in sleep, but that’s only when the nightmares haven’t started 
・He wakes up a lot during the night and doesn’t want to wake you. But you’ve told him whenever that happens he’s more than allowed to wake you up. Being in your arms help him go back to sleep
・100% lets you steal the blankets, without ever complaining 
・He’s more likely to remember things than you are, so he makes/buys you a calender and writes down everything you’d need to remember 
・Isn’t very tidy. There are a LOT of food crumbs (especially in the bed)
・Her hair is actually very long, she just keeps it up and out of the way, so you get to see Nina with her long hair down
・But you also find a lot of Nina’s hair ... everywhere
・She does like when you give her head scratches - a lot of golden retriever energy
・You’ve actually been collecting it to prove to her how much she sheds
・Is always hungry and asks if you want to get food nearly every hour and a half
・She’s not that bad of a cook, but you aren’t much better. So a lot of your food is bought rather than made
・Always makes sure you’ve had something to eat though, especially after a long day or after a big gig with the crows 
・You, Nina, and Inej have a close friendship; so Inej likes to ... appear ... in your house
・Most of the time it’s because of an injury. So you keep your storages stocked up just in case.
・But other times it’s for a sleep over! Eating, all sleeping in the loungeroom, telling each other stories and secrets
・You invite Jesper and Wylan aswell... and have asked Kaz but he always declines. Well actually he doesn’t even decline he just doesn’t say anything or show up 
・Is a heavy sleeper when you’re in the house. But when she’s alone she can barely sleep
・Always kisses you when you walk through the door and before you leave. It’s become a ritual and if it isn’t done then it’s bad luck
・Learns your little quirks. Like if you like your sandwiches cut diagonally or straight 
・Nina is very romantic
・She loves going on little dates with you. And always makes sure you have time for a date. At least once a month. Even if it’s just going out to eat and then taking a walk underneath the night sky
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june1109 · 5 months ago
Honeysuckle’s don’t cover the devils scent
[part 1/?]
Chrollo x Librarian!Fem!Reader
Description: Reader owns a Library in a small village on a tiny island. Chrollo is looking for a specific book to read. He goes to the library looking for the book on several occasions each time it was checked out on the upside (or is it?)he starts to take a liken to a certain librarian.
Backstory: Reader was a hunter but gave up on her dreams when she was 17 (She’s not a good fighter but does know a lot about nen) not wanting to waste the rest of her life she just decided to settle down and make memories in the village.
Warnings: !!!None so far just bad writing!!!
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My fingers grazed over titles of books I knew by heart. I found the place the novel went and put the book about astronomy in its rightful place. I stood back up my oversized cardigan lifting from the floor. My feet sluggishly moved to the children’s section putting toys and coloring pages away until I heard the bell chime admittedly lighting my mood. A young stranger in an even stranger outfit.
(Change of POV)
There were finger puppets and pencils scattered on a tiny table. It piqued my interest but also worried me that this was a children’s library. A young woman approached me. Her hair [Unless you don’t have any :/] was (h/l) and a beautiful (h/c). She wore a big cardigan and pants that where too big and a little stained perhaps was paint or spilled food with a plain black top with pieces of white fur maybe a dogs but most likely a cat’s fur [he isn’t interested in her I just think that Chrollo would analyze everyone when he first meets them just to clarify].
“Hi, Can I help you with anything? I’m the librarian you can call me (Y/n). it’s a pleasure meeting you we don’t get a lot of visitors being the only village on a tiny unpopular island” She stuck her hand out it was littered with colorful bracelets and on the non dominant hand had additional doodles.I decided to accept the hand shake.
“My name is chrollo and I would like to check out a book called immortality is the Dilemma and savior of life.” [This is a book title I just made up but it’s basically about a vampire trying to escape the cage of immortality while a young man is hunting the vampire trying to gain mortality] I looked in her (E/c) reading them only to find nothing.
“Of course let me check if we have that for ya” (Y/n) walked behind the front desk entering the title.
“Oh shucks it looks like it’s checked out I’m so sorry, but would you like to stay for tea anyway?” I look down contemplating the offer of tea. I’m not busy and I have run out of tea and I am craving tea right now. I suppose it won’t be so bad.
“I don’t see why not” I sat down and a normal table unlike the tiny table across the library.
“What kind of tea would you like?” They probably don’t have many Judging by how small the town is.
“Anything is fine” I looked around the Libary more it was very small but not cramped. There was a kids section and they had computers. There was even a garden outside and a donation box. Oh how interesting humans are. Some are so generous well others are greedy and rotten to the core.
“Do you like milk and sugar in your tea?” Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.
“I would like a little teaspoon or so of sugar and no milk please and thank you” I smile softly to (Y/n). She is quite interesting.
I watched as leaves left the trees almost poetically as I waited. “So Chrollo where are you from?
“I’m just from a small island” I smile gently watching her face for anything.
“Really? That’s nice” We sat there for around an hour and a half having a decent conversation before screaming children in dragon onesies came stumbling through the door. There trainers rub dirt onto the carpet before walking in. This is quite a lively place for a Libary.
“Oh sorry I’m gonna go take care of those little dragons.” She sat down her cup. Straightening her shirt as she walked to the loud children with a general warm smile on her face [Y’all have a face right? If not L to you ig]. It made my heart warm seeing such kindness.
This is more of a pilot [which is why it’s so short] to see if I should actually write a story and if I’m any good because it would be my first so I’ll continue if this gets likes or someone suggests me to continue [which probably won’t happen]
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happykinzz · 1 year ago
Marble Hornets as Parents Headcanons
welcome to my delusional ramblings
Is defiantly one of those nervous Dads
He'll turn around and his kid will be on top on the kitchen counter and he'll have to use all the life force in his body to run over there and stop them from falling off
Listens very intently to his baby's rambles and often responds with general feedback
"Gago babwa chuuu" "Yeah that's a pretty weird dog isn't it?"
You know he signed up for one of those "Mommy and Me" classes where the parents and the baby do arts and crafts and stuff together
He's a regular at them and all the Moms there enjoy his and the baby's company
Is very hands on with his parenting
Diaper need changed? Done. Baby's crying? Bring them over here. You want a cookie? Take two.
Some may think he's not enthusiastic about his kid but thats further from the truth.
He just wants the absolute best for his baby.
Many times he'll over work himself with the baby and someone (usually Jay) will have to step in and try to get him to rest.
He will be like this during the child's baby phase, but as the child grows older he'll loosen up more.
Maybe he'll even crack a few corny Dad jokes ;)
Also a very nervous parent.
But a very good one at that!
I think she would take her baby on long car rides just for the heck of it.
Also takes her kid out to a lot of fun stuff like Children's Museums and Aquariums :)
Is big on her kid having imagination and creativity in their life
Will spend a lot of time playing with her kid to encourage this.
Also reads to her kid a lot, they have a little "library" at the house where her kid will "check out" books
Overall a very good Mom who is giving her kid a great childhood :))
Papa Bear
If you even mildly inconvenience his baby he will at the very least give you the stink eye
Like Jessica, he's big on his kid having a childhood where playing and books are a big thing
When his kid is a newborn, 9 times out of 10 you will find him lying down with his baby sleeping on his chest, will also act like you're interrupting an important meeting as well
"Do you mind?" "You're gonna wake my baby."
Has his kid "help out" with chores when they're a little older ( they picked up little pieces of dust off the floor )
His heart breaks whenever he hears his little baby cry, many times he'll end up crying too
Has a tender voice when his talks to his child
A very cool Dad
Plays with his kid a lot, and like Alex he will meet his baby's needs in anyway possible
Has a sixth sense when it comes to his child, like he'll know his kid will need something before they even ask
Has one of those baby carriers that go on your chest and uses it all the time
Will crack Dad jokes before his kid can even comprehend the concept of human language
If his kid gives him something he will most defiantly keep it, he ends up having a whole box full of the little trinkets and drawings the kid has given him over the years.
Is super supportive of whatever activity the kid wants to pursue,
Just imagine one of those toddler flag football games where no one knows what the heck they're doing. and you jut hear the most elated man ever cheering from the crowd like it's the NFL
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vintagebunnies · 2 years ago
as above, so below
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part i | part ii
eddie munson x succubus!fem!reader
Eddie summons you back, but this time it’s for revenge. (3.9k)
mean dom eddie, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, face slapping, spitting, succubus reader, fem reader, demon sex, mentions of gore (nothing happens), handcuffs, slight dacryphilia, mdni 18+!
It’s been about a week since Eddie has last seen you. All that was left of you were the everlasting marks around his body, and the smoky message left on the bathroom mirror.
Well, the red and purple surrounding his neck and collarbones are lasting a lot longer than your little message. As soon as he saw the foreign words on his mirror, he immediately wiped them away. Not wanting Wayne to see it, but also how the hell would he explain that?
The book he checked out of the library needed to be sent back soon, only one more day with the book in his ownership. In its old and crumbling glory, it was sitting right on top of his desk. He kept eyeing it as if it’d grow legs and walk away.
With the way things played out that night, he wouldn’t be surprised.
Eddie knew you were dangerous. The strength you showed that night was unrivaled, you were capable of doing whatever you pleased. Hell, you could’ve fucking killed him! But you didn’t.
That’s what confused him the most—you are a supernatural being who spared his life—why him? Was it because he summoned you? Did you find him interesting? What made you choose Eddie and let him live?
As scary as Eddie looked, he didn’t know much about demons or anything paranormal, so it was just odd to him. The main source of his knowledge about this kind of stuff was just from horror movies. Fiction. Everyone knew those movies were fake, made straight from the glitz and glam of Hollywood.
But he couldn’t help himself from constantly thinking about you. He would spend hours in his room just analyzing the abundance of marks left on his pale skin.
Eddie was sitting on his bed, eyeing the book.
He knew he was stupid for what he was about to do, but he couldn’t stop thinking of all of the pain and pleasure he received that night.
Yeah, you were dangerous or whatever, but fuck, did he miss you.
He stood up from his bed after being lost in thought, heading straight for the book. Eddie grabbed the book but didn’t immediately open it, instead just analyzed the front cover.
Eddie thought back to the day at the library. When he first came up with the idea of partaking in a ritual, it was supposed to be harmless fun. He didn’t expect for what happened to actually happen.
He opened to the front page of the book, the contents of each chapter laid out in front of him on the yellowing pages.
The dog eared page was still marked.
With that page still being partially unread, since he only read about how to actually perform the ritual, he decided it was time to find out what you really were.
Eddie made his way back over to his bed, not paying attention to his surroundings.
“What’cha got there boy?” Wayne asked, making Eddie jump.
“Shit!” Eddie was so spooked by Wayne’s sudden appearance, he stubbed his toe right on the legs of his bed frame.
From the adrenaline of being snuck up on, he dropped his book, and it landed with the cover right side up, exposing the title of it to Wayne.
Wayne never was one to snoop, knowing Eddie was a grown adult and had the right to privacy. But he couldn’t help being curious on what Eddie was getting up to.
Wayne grabbed the book off of the floor, reading the title aloud. “The Grand Grimoire,” Immediately noticing the illustrated devil on the title, he stared Eddie down, who was still cradling his sore toe.
“D’you mind telling me why you have this?” He flipped the open book towards Eddie, who was now derived from any color in his face.
“Uh- it’s uh, just for research. Y’know, just a little curious,” Eddie gave Wayne an awkward chuckle, trying to lie his way out of it. But Wayne wasn’t stupid. He could see right through Eddie like he was transparent.
“Boy, I don’t know how dense you think I am, but why the hell would you need research on this?” Wayne shook the book around in his hand, trying to enunciate his point. “Listen, you’re old enough to know better. Don’t be messin’ around with this. Return it.” He gave Eddie a stern look.
Eddie knew Wayne was right, but was he gonna listen? No.
“I’ll uh, return it tomorrow. Promise. The library is closed by now, so I kinda have’ta wait,” Eddie wasn’t planning on Wayne finding out about this at all, so he’s at a complete loss for words.
“You better. Came in here to tell ya I’m leaving now, but then I saw this. Just please, think twice before you do this kinda stuff.” With that, Wayne turned to leave.
“Yeah, yeah of course! Don’t worry,” Eddie followed Wayne out into the living area, seeing him out.
Eddie and Wayne bid their farewells to each other, Wayne giving Eddie a hard-nosed stare as he walked out of the trailer.
As soon as Eddie shut the steel door, he exhaled a big breath. Not realizing he was even holding it.
His heart was beating a mile a minute. There was a reason why he got the book when Wayne wasn’t home, afraid of this interaction.
After all, Wayne was right. Eddie shouldn’t be messing with stuff like this, it’s too dangerous and you never know what you might conjure.
Eddie walked back into his bedroom, staring hard at the book that was now on his bed. He had to take a moment to think about it, if he should still try to get into contact with you again.
Fuck it.
He was gonna do it no matter what anyone says, he knows the risks. But he also knows the good that’ll come out of this. Seeing you, in all of your dangerous ways.
He could feel himself get hard again from the thought of you.
“Jesus.” Eddie whispered to himself, he felt like a hormonal teenager again. Getting aroused from the mere thought of you, to the thought of your body and your voice.
God, your voice.
Your voice was painfully sweet sounding. The way you spoke to him. The way your sharp teeth gleamed under the warm candlelight every time you opened your mouth.
This was it.
Eddie was going to perform the ritual whether Wayne liked it or not.
He hated disobeying Wayne, but he knew to be cautious. Or cautiously stupid.
Eddie picked up the book and finally thought it was time to stop beating around the bush and just do it.
He finished setting everything up, now sitting in the center of the salt pentagram, open book in hand, reading over the pages one last time.
Eddie took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to ground himself. He was more nervous this time around than he was the last time. Tense from the possible outcome.
He repeated the trigger words over and over for a solid minute. Nothing. It was taking a lot longer than it did the last time, you showed up almost immediately last week.
Eddie was constantly checking around his room, seeing if you were anywhere to be seen. He even reread the words that were supposed to evoke you, nothing was wrong.
He tried it once more, and all he got was a few candles to flicker.
Eddie started to grow frustrated, rubbing his hands down his face.
“Fuck this shit.” Eddie was fed up. It was a bunch of bullshit. At this point Eddie was sure he came home obliterated last week and gave himself the scare with the message on the bathroom mirror.
The marks on his body? Probably some shitty hookup.
He stood up and blew out all of the candles, swept up all of the salt, and he chucked the book across the room making it leave a resounding thud against the plaster walls.
Eddie doesn’t know why he was so mad, he always believed in the supernatural and paranormal beings, but now he thinks it was all just bogus. All glorified in the movies.
Sitting back onto his bed, the old rusty springs creaking under his weight, he rested his head in his hands.
You were just a figment of his imagination, something he made up in a fake fantasy world when he was horny just so he can get himself off.
He decided it was time to just forget about you and everything, and just sleep.
Eddie turned off all of his bedroom lights and just laid back in bed, staring up at the pitch black ceiling.
At first he thought there was a chance that you were real, that what he experienced was real. But it just doesn’t add up, so he made every scenario he possibly could to explain how it was all fraud. The book was a fraud.
He did everything in the ritual the same as he did the last time, so there was no explanation he could give himself to point at the book giving answers or demon summoning even being existent.
Eddie finally gave up fighting with his thoughts and just closed his eyes, ready to just ignore this all.
Almost falling asleep, he was shivering because of the room dropping about ten degrees. There was cold air that just started to surround his body, like a sheet of ice forming over water in winter.
He pulled his blankets around himself tighter, hoping to fight off the freezing air.
The warmth from the blanket wasn’t helping, now the wintry air was coming from under the blanket. Eddie looked around from where he was faced on the side of the bed, trying to find the culprit of what was making him frigid.
Eddie decided that it was probably air coming from the open door to his bedroom, maybe a window was open somewhere out in the living area. So he turned over. But right as he did so, he felt his heart drop.
There you were.
Sitting on the right side of his bed, head resting in your hand from your arm that was propped up on your elbow.
That’s why it was cold.
Eddie tried pinching himself, pulling his hair, anything that could potentially wake him up from a dream. This was real this time.
You were right in front of his very eyes, and very real.
“Salve, mortalis.” You were giving him a malicious smile, but your inky black eyes were looking up at him with affection.
All Eddie could do was stare at you, you scared the everloving shit out of him, showing up like that. But he was thrilled to see you again.
“I can feel your eyes burning into me, Eddie.” Your voice was still as soft as ever. Like a fuzzy warm blanket fresh out of the dryer.
Eddie sat up, facing himself towards you. You sat up too, leaning up on your elbows and sitting with your knees slightly bent in front of you
“You’re back.” Eddie says incredulously. “I didn’t think you were going to come back, you didn’t show up before.”
“O mortalem miserum, you missed me,” Your tone was dripping in sarcasm, clearly amused.
“Why didn’t you show up?” Eddie was tired of your constant laid back attitude, as if you weren’t a fucking demon. “Isn’t that like, your fucking job? To show up when someone performs this shit ritual?” Eddie was infuriated, he doesn’t know why he felt such malice towards you this time.
You weren’t some chick from the bar, waiting to get fucked by the next rockstar to cross your path. You were a disciple of the devil!
Your face dropped to something akin to anger, clearly showing your distaste of his tones. “How dare you speak to me like that, mortal?” You sat up. “After I gave you such pleasure, you treat me like this.”
Sitting up on your knees, you crawled closer to Eddie. “You should be punished, stultum hominem.”
You were practically nose to nose with Eddie now, but what came next is what shocked him the most. You suddenly lunged, slapping Eddie hard across the face then pinning him down to his stained sheets by his neck.
Eddie gasped, waiting for you to just snap his neck, maybe cut right into his jugular, watch him choke on his own blood.
Something else caught your attention though, making you smile wickedly.
You could feel Eddie’s cock grow hard under you from where you were straddling his lap, making you squeeze his neck.
Eddie’s eyes rolled back into his head from the pressure right on his larynx. He felt disgusting for being turned on. This was probably how he’d get killed, strangled to death because he was thinking with the wrong head.
Fortunately, you weren’t planning on killing him tonight, releasing your grip on his neck and putting your hand right on his cheek, the cheek where your hand print is starting to flourish with red.
“Silly man, getting aroused from pain,” You whispered the last part. “What shall I do with you?” You tilted your head like a curious dog, similar to Eddie’s puppy dog eyes staring right back at you.
“You could um- start by getting off of me,” Even Eddie was surprised by his sudden boldness, if this was his first time meeting you he wouldn’t have dared to say something like that.
But all you did was laugh, a maniacal laugh. “Ut obliviscatur qui in crimen videris.” Your voice lowered into a deeper octave, leaning down to be face to face with Eddie.
Eddie still has no clue what you said, but it just provoked him to tease you more. “Yeah, I’m not your bitch,” He suddenly switched positions, pushing you off of him to now be under him, the movement made you let out a gasp, eliciting a smile out of Eddie from catching you off guard. “But tonight you will be.”
He was leant over you, his breath fanning over your ear.
Eddie moved his hand to rest over your throat, identical to the way yours was before.
He nibbled on the skin right under your ear, soothing the bite with a swipe of his tongue. You closed your eyes and let out a quiet groan from the sensation.
Eddie squeezed his hand tighter around your throat, not even sure if it’s doing anything to control your breathing. Even if it didn’t, it still made your breathing slightly accelerate.
He started to kiss from your jaw down to your neck. “I’m,” Kiss. “Going to,” Another kiss. “Fuck you stupid.” Bite.
Eddie could feel your legs move from where they were pinned under him, he was sat right over your lap just like how you were sat over his. He had you completely trapped under him.
He let go of your neck, not even seeing you take a deep inhale to catch your breath.
Slowly sitting up from his position, he reared his hand back and slapped you right in the face, just like what you did to him. The momentum from the slap made your head move to the side. You had a grin on your face from the sudden act of dominance from Eddie, a complete different contrast to how he was the last time.
You were biting your lip when you went to face him again, but when you went to look at him he was standing up from his bed, going towards the silver handcuffs hanging on his wall.
He slowly sauntered back over to the bed, looking down at the handcuffs in this hand, then back at you. “You’re not going to use your hands, I’ve had enough of you having your way with me.” When he got closer to where your head was resting on the bed, he grabbed both of your hands, and cuffed them to the bedpost above your head.
You were just staring up at him with this sick look on your face, clearly enjoying every second of this. You had an everlasting smirk engraved on your face.
“Fac tibi pessimi.” You whispered.
Eddie gave you a small smack on the side of your face, not enough to rear your head to the side but enough to catch your attention. “Shut the fuck up.”
He crawled back onto the bed, slowly stripping off his clothes as he did so. Eddie moved to spread your legs to bracket his hips, hands right on the underside of your knees.
Eddie grasped his cock and tapped it right over your dripping pussy, making your hips jump from the heaviness of it.
“I’m not giving you the satisfaction of fucking you yet,” He dropped your legs back onto the bed. “You’re going to suck my cock.” As Eddie said that, he made his way to where your head was resting, his leaking cock now leveled with your mouth.
“Open your fucking mouth, whore.” His hand gripped the top of your scalp, moving your head side to side trying to enunciate his point.
You obliged, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue. Eddie didn’t waste any time, and shoved his entire length down your throat.
Just like the first time you sucked him off, you didn’t gag. Taking him all the way to the hilt with no issue.
“Yeah—mm—take my fucking cock,” Eddie groaned. He had an unyielding grip on your hair, guiding your head up and down.
You were slobbering all over his dick, but you fucking loved it. The roughness, and messiness of it all was perfect. You never expected him to snap, he was terrified of you, you can sense it. But you wanted him to use you, use your body like it’s a temple. Giving him all the pleasure he desires.
“Shit—“ Eddie’s voice was getting weak, indicating he was close to his release so you sucked harder, your cheeks hollowing. “Fucking dirty slut,” He pulled out of your mouth, slapping you across the face.
Eddie grabbed your jaw before you could face the impact of his slap, tucking his thumb into your mouth right behind your teeth, spitting in your mouth, then forcing your mouth shut. Before you could even swallow, Eddie spit right over your closed mouth, then smearing it across the bottom half of your face.
“Yeah? You like being treated like this? Like being used?” You nodded with a smile on your face, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue back out. Eddie spit right back into your open mouth, bending down to bite the side of your neck.
You gasped and pulled on your binds. You knew if you wanted to, you could easily snap the metal chains holding the cuffs together, but you were also curious to see where he’d take this.
Eddie trailed kisses down to your chest, biting the plush skin around your breast, then leaving a bite right over your nipple making you moan aloud. Eddie slapped your tit in retaliation, watching the flesh jiggle from the force.
Eddie crawled back down so now he was back to being right in between your legs. He sat up straight and spit right onto your cunt, then taking his fingers and forcefully spreading it around your clit.
“Oh— Eddie,” You gasped.
“Hm? It’s Eddie now? What about the other names you called me before, huh?” He was looking down at you from the slope of his nose.
Eddie dragged his middle and index finger towards your dripping hole, and pushed them both in with no resistance, making your legs push against your chest and knocking your knees together.
You threw your head back from the pressure and the pleasure, your mouth opening to make way for quiet moans.
Eddie‘s pace gradually got faster, adding his thumb in the mix to rub your clit.
You could feel your release hurriedly coming closer, making your cunt clench and convulse over Eddie’s fingers.
“Yeah, fucking squirt all over me bitch,” Eddie seethed through gritted teeth, pulling his fingers out of your cunt with a wet squelch and landing a few slaps over your soaked clit.
Eddie’s harsh words and his onslaught on your cunt made your release spray all over his pelvis, and you let out a scream in response.
Your legs were continuously shaking from his rough fingers, and your breathing grew heavy.
“I’m not fucking done with you.” Eddie spread your legs wider, positioning himself right in between them and rubbing his hard cock over your quivering cunt, smearing your release.
Eddie tapped the tip of his dick over your swollen clit, making your hips jump away from the sensation.
He gave you no reprieve before he was shoving his entire length into your sore cunt, making you moan out loud and your brow furrow.
Eddie grabbed onto your neck with his right hand, slapping you across the face with his left.
His starting pace was furious. Not giving your cunt a break, slamming in and out of you, making you let out a moan with each thrust.
Eddie’s hand squeezed around your neck as your cunt clenched around his cock, making him groan.
“Fuck yeah—squeeze my cock you slut,” His words were shakey from his pace and your quick submission. Eddie looked down at your face; your cheek was a dark red from how many times he’s slapped you, your chin was shiny with yours and Eddie’s mixed saliva, and your eyes were squinted from his cock.
You felt like Eddie’s cock was jabbing your cervix, making tears spring in the corner of your eyes. This didn’t go unnoticed by Eddie, he smiled at the thought of making you cry just like how you made him.
“Cry me a fucking river, you did this to yourself.” Eddie gripped the underside of your thighs, pushing them both to your chest, contorting your body.
The new position made Eddie push deeper into your warm walls, hitting that spot perfectly.
You bit your lip so hard you drew blood, squeezing your eyes shut making the tears fall down your cheeks. Eddie bent down over you, licking the tears off your face then landing a slap on your thigh, close to your ass.
The feeling of Eddie’s palm slapping you made you arch your back, letting out garbled moans and cumming on his cock a second time.
“Cum in me Eddie, quaeso.” You were staring up at him with glassy eyes, and a flushed face.
Your demand made Eddie sit up straight, thrusting into you harder and grinding his cock in your spent hole.
It wasn’t long before Eddie was cumming inside of you, a dam bursting and filling you to the brim with his warm spend. Eddie gave a few more rough thrusts into your sopping cunt, riding out his orgasm.
He leant down over you, holding himself up with his hand next to your head, trying to catch his breath.
Eddie completely forgot about the cuffs that were wrapped around your wrists until he heard the snap of the chains holding them together snap. He looked up from his position and saw that you broke out of them, trailing your hands up and down his back and petting his hair, letting him come down from the high.
Eddie didn’t even bat an eye, just collapsed back over you enjoying the warmth of contact with another.
A few minutes passed, Eddie was passed out and you were able to move yourself without waking him up.
Eddie was laying on his stomach, his hair all over the place and damp from sweat. He looked truly beautiful. You gave a genuine smile from how peaceful he looked.
Before leaving you made sure to leave a small kiss on the back of his head.
Making sure to leave a note that said, “Iterum revertar, Eddie.”
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