#i woke up this morning and it was buzzing around the living room
roseworth · 5 months
i may be the stupidest person alive
so im afraid of bugs right. and there was a HUGE bug in my apt today and i freaked out and spent like 5 minutes trying to get it out. and after i got it out i thought it might be a hornet so i googled pictures of hornets to compare. but what i didnt consider was that a close-up picture of a hornet would scare the shit out of me. so i pull up the picture and freak out again and threw my phone across the room instinctively. so i gave up on finding out what kind of bug it was and started doing something else. THEN 10 minutes later i open my phone to find out i never actually closed the picture of the hornet so i got scared AGAIN and throw my phone again. and i just realized that when i threw my phone i still didnt close the picture so ive been scared to open it again bc i dont wanna see it
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ohdeerfully · 8 months
alastor request HAI can it be based on the fact that alastor doesn't sleep, and it's his lover finding out that petting his ears during cuddling makes him fall asleep.
thank you for your service
yess i love sleepy alastor thank u so much anon :D!!
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Goodmorning, Love
Alastor x Reader (fluff) TW: none! join my discord! ═══ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ══════════ ◈ ═══
You were well aware of the Radio Demon’s sleep habits. Or, well, lack of sleep habits. You often spent nights in his room, where he would sit with you in bed until you fell asleep and go do whatever the hell he gets up to late at night. You always woke up in an empty room, and often so in the middle of the night, struggling to rest again as a greedy tightness gripped your chest in worry and disappointment.
You understood, though, and tried your best not to let it get to you that you didn’t have his warm body next to you when you woke every morning. But you couldn’t help that twinge of sadness. You weren’t particularly needy or clingy, but would it kill him to stay in bed with you for a single night? And to have a slice of domestic bliss as you woke up?
You roll your eyes as you lay, staring up at the ceiling. You had just gotten ready for bed, and now waited for said demon to join you for a few hours. Your fingers tapped, impatient, against your chest as you hummed absentmindedly.
“How lovely,” You heard him speak. Tickles of that radio static that always followed him clung to your exposed skin, which was signal enough that he had entered the room had he not announced himself. “What a siren you are, luring me here with that hum of yours.”
You smiled slightly at his comment, scooching over slightly to encourage him over. He obliged, joining you under the covers. He still wore his usual outfit, which made sense considering his tendency to go away all night. You purse your lips at the thought, slightly chewing on the skin.
“Why the face?” Of course he noticed your expression. He always noticed when any emotion tickled your face. You appreciated the genuine tone in his voice, the typical buzz of radio barely detectable in his words. He always got a little softer and kinder when he was alone with you like this.
You appreciated nights with him, being able to see a side of him that nobody else would live to spread word of. You enjoyed feeling a little special, especially to somebody like him.
“Do you think you could stay in,” You asked cautiously, fiddling with your hands as you inched closer to him, pressing your body against his. Even laying, he still seemed much taller than you. You gingerly guided his head down, against your chest as you spoke, hoping the multitasking would keep him from sitting up and rejecting your intimate gestures. “Just for a night. I miss you all night long.”
He allowed his head to lay against you. He did feel tense, of course, letting the back of his head be exposed in this manner as he lay vulnerable on you. It was a strange feeling, but not one he cared to consider for too long. 
“(Y/N),” He began with a sigh. “It’s impossible for me to get much done during the day, what with all the running around Charlie does. Somebody has to keep an eye on that young princess. I prefer to stay awake to get my own errands done at night.” 
I know that, you wanted to say and interrupt his explanatory ramble. You wanted to beg him to understand, just this once. You held in a sigh, watching as his head gently rose and fell with every breath you took. Maybe you should just take this submission from him as good enough.
You gingerly began tangling your fingers through his red hair, brushing out any kinks he may have gotten throughout the day. His tense body seemed to ease slightly, becoming more and more relaxed as you weaved your fingers through the locks.
“You have really soft hair, Al,” You commented, changing the subject. You figured there was no use convincing him. You let your fingers lightly trail upwards, up to his ears. You grazed them slightly with a finger. You touched again. When he made no motion of dislike, you fully began rubbing them. Petting him. You smiled to yourself at the idea of petting the feared Radio Demon. “And your ears are even softer.”
“I try to take care of myself,” He responded proudly. There was another hint of something in his voice, but you couldn’t quite place what it was. But it seemed heavy. “A well groomed man is a successful one.” You absentmindedly agreed as you stroked the velvety fur of his ears, switching back and forth between them and his hair. You had a preference for the ears, though.
You sighed and began humming quietly again. He rarely got so… comfortable, even around you. He always had some sort of guard up, always had his shoulders squared. He almost never became so… loose and vulnerable.
You noticed the clippings of radio frequency had stopped, which was a noise that was ever present in his wake. You had a suspicion why it disappeared, a small grin forming on your face.
Yes, the Radio Demon never slept. But that was a choice he made, not a curse that prevented him. Even demons get tired. You don’t know how Alastor makes it day by day without a wink of rest, but it was apparent that exhaustion had built up in him. He just needed to relax for a second.
You graced your fingers over his fringe, and craned your neck in a way to get a glance at his face. Yeah, you were right. 
He laid there, eyes shut, features relaxed with the lightest grin playing on his face. Even in sleep, you complained. It didn’t really matter. What mattered was the sound of his deep, slow breathing and occasional twitch of his velvety ears. You briefly wondered what the Radio Demon would dream about.
Would he be aggravated with you when he woke up, realizing you had practically cast a sleep spell on him? You didn’t, but the rate of which exhaustion took over may as well have been some sort of magic.
You shut your own heavy eyes, exhaling lightly as you continued to comfort yourself with the texture of his fur and hair. It didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
You craned your arms and neck as consciousness came back to you, but an unfamiliar weight kept you from getting that good stretch in. Momentarily confused, you blinked open and looked down.
Red and black hair, more of a mess than usual, still took place on your torso. This was a first, and your chest felt like exploding with the glee of seeing Alastor still resting with you. He somehow looked even more relaxed than the night before, his cheek flush against your stomach, squishing his lips up slightly. A light grin was still there.
You gently brushed your fingers over his face, trailing a line around his features with an index finger. His eyes squeezed for a moment, and that static ambience of his slowly, quietly, returned. It was a noise that you had learned to find comfort in. He slowly opened his red eyes, a confused and sleepy daze clouding them. There was a wrinkle in his brow as he roughly propped himself up with an elbow, looking up at you with a furrowed expression.
“(Y/N)..?” He trailed, pausing to take in a shuddering morning yawn through a confused smirk. “Did I… Dear, what time is it?”
You looked at him tenderly. Oh, how cute he was, sleepy like this. Composed like an exhausted kid. Something even you have never seen before.
“Yeah,” You responded to his unspoken question. “It’s probably seven a.m. or so. I dunno.” There wasn’t a clock in your immediate line of sight.” “A.m. …” He said slowly. He sat up fully, looking down in disappointment at his wrinkled day wear. He quickly blinked the sleep from his eyes and managed to bring some composure to himself, but that lick of exhaustion was still prominent. Especially under his eyes.
“Yeah,” You said again, a light chuckle following. “Goodmorning, Al.”
He wasn’t obviously upset, it seemed. Though he probably was too tired to think about it too much yet. Maybe later.
“Well… Goodmorning, love.” He responded, still with a hint of confusion in his voice. “I suppose I accepted your plea from last night.” He brushed at his clothes while he spoke, trying to flatten out the creases that were brought on through a night of rest.
“Maybe more often?” You asked, twiddling your thumbs in anticipation. You already knew the answer, but it was okay. You knew how to keep him in now. You mischievously smirked as he closed his eyes and shook his head.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 5 months
ℳℴ𝓉𝒽ℯ𝓇𝓈 𝒹𝒶𝓎
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This is so dumb nd self indulgent
Warnings: all fluff, pet names (mama once), dad!rafe
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Before the baby, Rafe hated Mother’s Day. The holiday always reminded him of the mother he never had, her death always lingering in the back of his head.
After you, after he held his own baby in his hands, his life changed completely. He was sober, he was happy.
It was your first Mother’s Day as a mother, and Rafe knew he had to make it the best.
So, he called up the pilot to his father’s plane, and arranged a flight. He put all his gifts in his suitcases, stuffing them away into the plane a day before.
You sat on the couch, the tv buzzing on in the back while your baby crawled around, grabbing onto the edge of the table and raising herself up.
You watched her with a small smile, encouraging her to stand up and helping her. When she stood up with your help, you smiled widely, happy for her.
She quickly fell back onto her bottom, a small giggle escaping her. Rafe walked down the stairs quickly, pulling his suit jacket over his shoulders.
“Hey, baby, she stood up again.”
He smiled at you, coming up to the both of you. He gave her a quick kiss on the crown of her head and cupped your cheeks, giving you a kiss.
“I’m sorry I can’t stay.” He murmured when he pulled away.
“It’s okay.”
“I’ll see you later, I love you both.” He said, going back to the front door, leaving the house and locking the door behind him.
You sighed as you looked back at her.
“I think your daddy works too much sometimes.” You told her when she looked back at you, attempting to climb back onto the couch with you. You picked her up, putting her in your lap as the both of you watched the tv screen.
You fell asleep as soon as you put her to bed, exhausted after the long day. Rafe came home to the lights off and the house silent.
With a sigh, he kicked off his shoes, and his suit jacket, and went into the nursery for a moment. Making sure she was asleep. He put the bouquet he got you on the table in the living room, with a little card under it.
After a little, he made it into the room. He used his phone flashlight as a light, not wanting to wake you up.
He pulled out a suitcase from under the bed as quietly as he could, opening it and looking at your clothes.
He packed them for you, all while doing it silently so you could sleep. He had managed to get Wheezie to babysit for him while you both were gone.
He trusted Wheezie more than he trusted Rose or Sarah with her. She’s 15 now, she could handle the house alone.
Plus, she loved doing it. And she was getting paid, so she didn’t mind too much. Everything was stocked up for her already.
The next morning, he got up early, trying his best not to wake you again as he snuck out the room.
“What are you up to?” A voice said in the hall, making him stop in his tracks.
“Shit. You scared me.” He laughed quietly, seeing Wheezie in front of him.
She smiled slightly, a cup of water in her hand. She began to walk back up to the stairs when he called after her.
“Wheeze, could you actually help me with something?”
You woke up to the smell of pancakes. Odd. You furrowed your eyebrows, wiping away the sleep from your eyes as you picked up your phone and looked at the time.
It was 12! You quickly got up, and made your way into the nursery. But she wasn’t there.
You furrowed your eyebrows, and then you heard a loud giggle come from the kitchen.
You noticed some flowers on the table, picking them up along with a card and reading it.
“Happy Mother’s Day :) come to the kitchen”
You slowly made your way to the kitchen, flowers in your hand. You watched Rafe spoon feed her, a small smile on his face.
You came up to them, Rafe looking up at you and giving you a kiss. “Happy Mother’s Day, mama. I made you pancakes. And all your stuff is already packed.” He said, looking at you for your reaction.
“Thank yo- packed? Packed for what?” You realized, sitting down next to them.
“We’re going to Nassau today. Just me and you.”
“Wait, seriously?” You asked, excitement bubbling now.
“Yeah, we have a few hours.”
“Who’s gonna watch her?” You asked, looking at your baby and back at him.
“I got Wheezie to.”
“Oh, Thank you!” You practically squealed, happy to finally have a break for once. You gave him another kiss, your baby blubbering on as you leaned into the kiss.
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tootiecakes234 · 8 months
I just know you would receive “gifts” from Katsuki all the time. They’d be little things to make your life easier that you didn’t even know you needed.
You like to read at night to unwind, but sometimes it’ll be a really good book so you want to stay up reading it. The thing is you don’t wanna bother Katsuki cuz you know he has a strict bedtime. This means often times you’ll stay a little longer in the living room reading as to not bother him.
One night you’re getting ready for bed when you see a box next to your bed.
“Hey Kat, is this yours?”, you say loud enough for him to hear you in the bathroom.
He peaks his head out the door and says, “No, I ordered it for you.” And then goes back to what he was doing.
You sit on the edge of the bed and open it up. It’s a reading light with a dampener so you can adjust the brightness.
He comes dragging his little slippered feet towards his side of the bed.
“Now you can keep your ass in bed. Tired of waking up and you being asleep on the couch. I’m an old man, I can’t keep carrying you to bed.”
You look at him with a bright smile on your face.
“You know you can just say, you like me being in the bed with you while you’re sleeping. You know, because I’m your big bad protector and I make you feel safe.”
“There is no talking to you sometimes you know that?”
It’s winter time and you always have your gloves on because you HATE your fingers being cold. The only problem is of course you have to remove said gloves to use your phone when you’re out and that SUCKS.
You’re out with him one day and you’ve been texting back and forth with Mina because her and her girlfriend are in an argument and she of course comes to you about it.
You are always there for your friend so you’ve been removing and putting on your gloves over and over again until Katsuki can’t stand it anymore.
You’re outside on a bench waiting for him while he runs into some shop when he comes back out he snatches your phone out of your hand.
“What the hell? I’m usin-“ you start shouting at him.
“ give me those shitty gloves and put these on. I’m sick of watching you struggle.”
When you look down you see a pair of gloves in your favorite color.
“How are these any different from the ones I have now, Mr. Know-it-all”
He smirks at you, “These gloves are thicker than those thin ones you use AND they work on smart phones.. so yea. I do know it all.”
“Oh…. Well thanks I guess” you murmur lowly.
“Now you can talk Racoon eyes through her mental breakdowns without getting frost bite in your fingers.”he says then hands you back your phone. “She deserve better than that idiot anyways. Don’t why she keeps putting up with it.”
Katsuki is leaving for a mission today and you’ve been so gloomy. He gonna be gone at least 3 days, maybe even the whole week.
You’re been wrapped around him like ivy since you woke up this morning.
“Listen woman, I have to go. You do this every time.”he says with his arms wrapped around you waist pulling you even more flush against him.
“You should clone yourself or something. Who am I gonna cuddle with now?? And who is gonna cook for me?? I’ll die of starvation before you get back. Is that what you want. To come home to a dead girlfriend???”
“You are so damn dramatic. Cuddle with the damn plethor of plushies you have in my goddamn bed. And as far as food… you won’t starve. You’ll just eat out everyday and I’ll come back to you complaining you’ve gained weight when you look the exact same.”
“I do not.”, you start to object.
“Yes you do. Which is why I made a few meals and froze them.” He says all smug, cuz he knows that would surprise you.
“You what??” You ask looking up at him with wide eyes.
“There’s a pot pie and dumplings. I even stored a lasagna in there.” Then his phone buzzes letting him know his ride is downstairs.
“Ok I gotta go. I love you.” And he bends down to give you a deep kiss. “Be safe. Call Eiji if you need anything and try not to burn the house down before I get back.”
“I love you too. Come back to me in one piece please.”
He smiles at you, “always”
He kisses you one more time and then heads to the car.
You go directly to the fridge to see the frozen meals he left you. And not only are the packages all neatly but he’s left the heating instructions on top for you.
To say there were tears shed would be an understatement.
Katsuki Masterlist
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list in the comments💕
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simpee9000 · 1 month
Not Just Friends - 9 -
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M.List : Prologue : Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Part 8 : Words 5.1k
Childhood best friends turned into something more, at least with the label. Katsuki Bakugo, a fast-rising hero and fast-learning guy who is ever so slow in getting attached to and loving someone. Even three long years into a relationship, and your friends even forget you're even dating. Nothing happening, spare a few kisses.. like 3 kisses, during high school. Graduated and living together, and you guys have done absolutely nothing to further the relationship. Are you sure you're not just friends? Also not edited!! CW: Smut, brief domestic violence discussion, virginity loss, aggressive flirting from creeps, gore with pro hero stuff (lmk if i missed any) Applies to all chapters regardless of it is in said chapter.
The change was weird. A lasting sour taste in your mouth.
It was sudden too. His withdrawal from your life was instant.
Rather than how it was when you were temporarily sharing his room, he didn't wake you up and say goodbye. You thought that was just a morning after an argument thing, but it lasted. Going into the next week he even changed it more.
He no longer let you share your mornings, you had to relearn to use your own alarm quickly. Your schedules conflicted more than just that as well.
Lunch would no longer work, he switched his patrol times and took on meetings instead of leaving the space open for you.
Dinner wasn't really a thing anymore either. He stopped telling you when he'd be home, and after the first week of him not being home till late, you gave up. Throwing yourself into work as well. Changing your hours so you could sleep in more and get home later. Just to eat some leftovers he packed up for you, before turning in.
Words weren't really exchanged anymore and it was weird. You shared a room, and a bed, yet never saw each other awake.
It felt like a break up. In the simplest of terms. It wrecked you for a while. Felt like you were trudging along as you waited for him like a puppy.
You knew he held grudges but you've never expected him to turn it onto you.
You wanted to mourn the relationship but felt like it wasn't a right you had. He was still your boyfriend, you think. And you talked after you woke him up getting into bed. A quick conversation, but a conversation nonetheless. But the relationship back peddled to way before he got the watch. It felt like how it was after your first kiss in first year. Consuming yourselves with school to avoid the talk.
His mom still called often, nothing changed with how she spoke to you. Nothing changed outside your relationship with him and it was weird. You don't even know if your friends have noticed and it's been months.
It was nearing the end of October, the argument happened in the middle of August.
And none of your friends even blinked an eye. When Katsuki refused an invitation they assumed the normal, not surprised to see you at the bar without him. Mei didn't even notice. When you brushed off your change of work schedule and said he changed as well, she didn't ask another question. Thinking you were only glum because of the negative side of the internet. Fans bashing you at any corner possible.
It didn't bother you much, felt like a fly buzzing around you constantly but it was liveable.
Getting pestered for more interviews, people trying to get an inside look at Dynamight's home life. But you followed Shoto's PR manager's advice and chose to stay out of the limelight. Only interviewing when it was about your work.
Your work was your baby after all. Especially recently, it was hard to get you out of the office before two in the morning. Having more heroes come to you than before. It was exciting to see your career grow, you were just slightly annoyed that it was because of Katsuki that it grew. But a win was a win.
Everyone agreed with you on that, your friends closed down a bar for you, wanting to celebrate how many clients you had. You were getting article after article written about your work, being named as the second-best individual support tech in all of Japan. Because obviously, they'd have rankings for that as well.
A blush instantly covered your face when you walked into the bar, Mei pushing you forward. She dragged you out of the lab for once and convinced you to show face.
Kirishima is the first to tackle you in a hug, letting Mina do the same right after. "Congrats," he patted your shoulder as he pulled you more into the bar.
Most of Class A was there for you, celebrating you. Other pros you met along the way as well. People that you stayed in touch with since high school. Anyone you would want to be there was there.
"You guys shouldn't have," you smiled at the group, it was contagious. Denki had a derpy smile on him while Mina was bouncing around.
Kirishima laughed you off, "You needed it, been stuck in that lab and it paid off." You shrunk in on yourself when called out, you hadn't really been showing up that often to group outings. Not nearly as much as you used to.
"I got your favorite Cake!" Mina skipped towards you as best as she could. The cake was custom-made for you, having only the best flavors.
"It's not my birthday," you felt the need to point out, given the size of the celebration. And the candles that topped the cake.
"Might as well be," Mina pushed, "You're a new person! Officially number 2 in Japan!"
You did feel like a new person, you've changed a lot in the past two months.
"Come on," Mei teased over your shoulder, "Blow out the candles!"
"Make a wish!" Mina cheered, pushing the cake closer to you. And with the people you knew, they joined in. Cheering you on.
"They're gonna melt, y'know," Sero urged you once move.
"Fine," you laughed, feeling lighter than you had in the past couple of months. Thinking of nothing in particular as you blew out the candles, only looking around the crowd after. Noticing the lack of a certain blonde.
Rather than letting your shoulders slump too much, you let yourself fall into the cheer from your friends.
It was how you've done things since. You stopped waiting around for him, for the first time since you were kids. You pushed past him, not looking at every notification on your phone and hoping it was him. It didn't take Izuku this long to move beyond Katsuki, so you don't know why you let yourself take this long. Living behind him for so long.
You were pushed from conversation to conversation, catching up with people you haven't seen in a while and then talking with your closest friends. Being handed drink after drink in the process.
"You've been working a lot," Izuku commented when you finally made your way to him.
"Yeah," you nodded happily, "It's paid off."
He furrowed his brows, "You shouldn't overwork yourself. You haven't had a day off in months."
"Not true, I take a day off every week," you corrected him, not knowing where he got that idea. You took a day off every week, taking time to sleep the entire time.
"But-" he looked so confused, "Kacchan said you're not home, like ever."
"Oh," you understood the confusion now, "I switched my off days."
You shrugged, not really wanting to get into this conversation. Especially not with him and not now. You'd fall apart instantly. The feeling and pressure of your fragile relationship sitting on top of your chest. "Needed a change, you know how it is."
"I'm here for you, I know I'm busy but if you need anything I'm here," he was taking on the concerned best friend role, like usual.
"Z', I'm fine, really," you brushed off his concern, "Better than ever, my career is taking off, that's all that matters."
"That's not all that matter-"
"I need to go thank Mina and Mei again for setting this up," you excused yourself and walked through the slowly dying crowd. Meeting with the two pink-haired girls that were chatting near the food.
"Why do you look so drained?" Mei called out instantly, Mina slapping her shoulder right after.
"Social battery is just nonexistent right now," you lied, picking up a piece of food.
Mina looked around the bar, "It seems like it's just your close friends now, everyone else left by now."
You sighed in relief, you wanted to go home somewhat. Yet you didn't want to go back to him.
"Hey, Mei," you got her attention, "Can I spend the night?"
"Yeah," she shrugged, "Thought your social battery was dead though?"
"Friends don't count," you contradicted yourself and just prayed they wouldn't call you on it.
"Still, you never ask," Mei pointed out.
"I'm a new person," you grabbed another piece of food, filling your mouth so you couldn't be asked anymore.
"If you're mad at Bakugo for not showing up I wouldn't blame you." Mina spoke softly, "Dick move of him honestly."
"He's busy, it's fine," you defended him without another thought.
"No it's not, how many award shows have you been to for him?" Mei joined in. It felt nice they had your back, but it wasn't necessary.
You sighed, "I'm used to it. I'll have plenty more so it's fine."
Mina and Mei shared a look, not wanting to give in and forgive him as easily as you do, but not wanting to put you down either. "You're welcome to stay at mine," Mei finished the conversation.
A small gasp left Mina's mouth, eyes widening. "Bag of dicks is here," Mei groaned.
You couldn't help looking over your shoulder, seeing Katsuki for the first time awake in a while. Seeing Kirishima and Denki crowd him instantly. Greeting him warmly as you stood there. "I need a drink," you twisted your direction to head to the bar. Tonight was going to be a good night, not another about him.
Looking at him was too much, it hurt at first. Knowing your last real conversation was an argument. One where he threatened to take sex away from you, when he actually took everything him away. Just because you didn't want him to die for a stupid reason. It hurt to see everything on his side was fine.
It pissed you off. He was acting the same as you were, sure, but you would have gone to his award show. You would have been the first one there. Yet here he was, the last person to show after most left.
The bartender was quick to hand you a drink, watching and replacing it after you downed it all. You've been steadily drinking all night but a new buzz would help. Help the anger that was brewing over you.
You turned around when you had your second drink, wanting to sip on this one instead. Only getting more upset when he was still talking to his friends. Not even sparing you a glance. You let your head fall at this point, watching your shoes as you tapped your feet.
Any thought other than him would help, this wasn't about him. It shouldn't be.
For the past two months, you've been doing everything alone, and it's shown it's worth it. This was just another event that you had to get through. You'd just have to deal with him standing on the sidelines for once.
You saw Uraraka's white shoes before she spoke, "Do you want to join the group?"
When you looked up you saw that people pushed tables together, all of them sitting down together. How you didn't hear them move everything was surprising. Once you got rid of the shock, you turned back to her, "Yeah sure."
She smiled warmly, linking her arm with yours as she walked to the table with you. Sitting down next to you after you took your spot at the head of the table, next to him, unfortunately. You kept your body turned away from him, focusing on talking with her. The two of you didn't get to talk often after all. But you liked her nonetheless, she was the embodiment of welcoming.
The side conversations easily merged into one big conversation. You looked over the group as you leaned back in your chair. Sero was laughing as Denki rambled, Mei and Mina encouraging the conversation while Kirishima tried to reel it back in. Izuku was smiling fondly at the group, the same as Shoto. It was all your closest friends, it made you feel warm.
"It is not just a high school thing," Denki pointed at Sero laughing, "you're just mad that you couldn't." You were easily confused by his outburst, not having a clue what the conversation was about.
"No Nut November is like a middle school joke," Sero stated back.
"What is that?" Shoto asked, confused.
Denki and Sero started laughing, forcing Mina to explain, "It's a thing guys do, a challenge of not nutting for the full month of November."
"Nutting?" Shoto asked again.
"You're kidding!" Denki wheezed.
"Cumming," Kirishima answered, face cringing at the conversation. Everyone cringed besides Denki and Sero, who were too busy laughing.
"Why would you do that though?" Shoto was trying to piece together the concept.
"Only idiots do," Katsuki cut in. It was the first time you heard his voice so clearly all night.
Not being given a chance to soak in his voice, Denki starts defending the idea again, "You're only saying that cause you couldn't last that long."
"I could," Katsuki bit back, wanting to win at anything challenged.
"Please," Sero started teasing as well, "Bakugo you'd last a day."
"How the fuck would you know?"
"You either get some daily or never," Sero pointed out, "I'm falling on the likelihood of daily, knowing your girlfriend."
"Okay," you slapped your hands on the table, "Enough of that conversation."
Mina booed at you, having enjoyed the guys bickering.
"Thank god," you heard Izuku whisper in relief.
"I think I'm going to head out," you announced, standing up and giving Mei a nod so she knew she should get ready. You were thankful the bar was already nearly clean, no help was needed.
You looked down at Katsuki when you heard his keys, the sound familiar to you.
"Did you drive here?" Katsuki asked you, looking back up at you.
"Uh-" you looked at Mei, "I didn't."
"Need a ride back home?" he offered, standing up next to you.
It hurt to decline him, but you didn't want anything to do with him, not tonight.
"Ready?" Mei joined you by your side.
You looked between the two before settling on Katsuki, "I'm actually going to stay the night at Mei's." Any hope he had in his eyes left, face dropping in the slightest bit. You didn't notice the look he held until it was gone.
He looked like he got his heart ripped out and stomped on, but so did you.
"Look, if this is about me showing up late, I'm-"
A surprised laugh left your lips, it was mean. And the look on his face showed that he felt that it was mean as well. "This isn't about you Katsuki," you put it bluntly. It wasn't about him, tonight wasn't about him. You wanted to keep a good mood, and going home with him wouldn't do that.
You didn't give him the chance to reply before you grabbed onto Mei, wanting to leave as soon as possible. Going through all the goodbyes.
Mei and you shared the same horrible sleep schedule. She grabbed some wine as she let you collapse on her couch and turned the TV onto something for background noise the second you got to her apartment.
She handed you a glass before she sat down next to you, beer in her own hand. "I got to ask now, you know that right?"
You groaned, taking a sip of your wine, "Hit me with the questions." Avoidance wouldn't last in a small setting and you knew that.
"What the hell happened between you guys?"
"We're having a rough spot right now," you answered simply, shuffling further into the couch.
"That much is obvious."
"Fine," you gave in, taking a deep breath to give an actual answer, "I haven't really talked to him for two months."
Mei's face drained of all color, "What?"
"Yeah," you shrugged, swirling the wine in your glass.
"Are you broken up?" Mei reached a hand to rest on your forearm.
"No, at least," you thought for a second, "I don't think we are."
"How are you with someone you haven't talked to in months?"
"I don't know," you mumbled.
"What type of argument could have caused that?"
You wanted to laugh out of frustration, looking back on it was painful and stupid to you. Yet you were still so mad. "Y'know how I made him that watch?" she nodded, "Well, he asked me to make the watch for the reasons you thought. And he was fully relying on it. Having his quirk off every time he was next to me."
"Can't that kill you?" Mei asked.
"Yes, so I told him that and he turned it into a massive thing. I asked him to take it off, and he said no, so I told him I wouldn't touch him when he had his quirk off. Now we just don't talk," you explained quickly, chest tightening.
"But you're still dating?" you could tell she was trying to be sensitive to the situation.
All you could do was shrug, "I still share a bed with him, so I'm assuming yes."
"How come you don't talk to him?"
"I tried the first week, but when he changed his schedule around to avoid me, I did the same."
"So that's why-"
"Yeah, it's done a lot of good for me though. I've finally grown a lot more. My career is at a high and it's only up from now. I'm no longer just in his shadow. Honestly, I'm thankful for the fight. I finally feel like an adult. I don't need anyone to get me where I am and it's refreshing," you admitted. A lot of good has come from it, and you weren't going to ignore it.
"But you love him?" Mei asked, trying to make sure.
"Of course, he just isn't my life."
"You're not going to try for him? You have been each other's since you were five," Mei worded slowly.
"I'm not reaching out to someone who doesn't want me, Mei," you looked at her, firm on what to do about everything. It was already settled before but now you've actually said it. "I don't know why it took me forever to realize, I wish I did when Izuku did. I would be a lot further in life."
"You already are far in life, you're not even twenty and your 2nd best support tech-"
"I could have been first-"
"No," Mei shook her head, "I'm sorry to say it, but you're only this far because of him. Because of your friends."
"I'm not wrong, you've been given endless support. Without that? You would still be fumbling behind everyone else. You can't get anywhere in life solely on your own."
"Well, it wasn't only him," you pointed out. You agreed with her, your friends helped a lot.
"It was majority him," she pointed out.
You rolled your eyes, "Don't you somewhat hate him?"
"I still know he's good for you, and if your entire relationship goes to shit over this, I'm not letting myself be a part of it. Is he an asshole for showing up late? Yes, fuck him for that. Is he a dick for throwing a fit about kissing and not talking to you? Absolutely. But he is also the man who loves you the most, he's been there for you so many times. Are you going to throw that away?"
"I'm not throwing shit away, he is," you defended yourself, tears lining your eyes.
"Your not even trying-"
"I shouldn't have to," you stood up, "I tell him everything while he keeps himself away. I'm fucking done. If he wants me, he needs to tell me."
"What are you doing?" Mei questioned, seeing you grab your things.
"Leaving," you said firmly.
"You don't have a car-"
"I'll walk," you spit out, slamming the door to her apartment as you left. Breaking down when in the elevator. You wanted tonight to be about you, about your success. Yet as always, it turned out to be about him. You thought you'd grown out of being only mentioned because of him.
You walked on uneasy footing until you got out of her block. She was your best friend and she didn't even understand. It made you wish you talked to Izuku.
The street lamps lit up your bag as you looked for your phone. Glancing at the time before you dialed his number. His sleep was fucked up too, so you weren't worried about waking him up
"Are you okay?" was the first thing he said, full of concern. It was 3 in the morning after all.
"No," you choked on a sob, choosing to lean on a wall rather than continue walking. You didn't even know where to walk.
"What's going on? Do I need to get you-"
"I'm safe," you cleared up your throat, "I'm just struggling."
"Katsuki and I are in a rough patch, Mei doesn't get my side on it, and I can't turn to him," you rambled, "I just don't know what to do."
"Just breathe right now, you're going to get worse if you continue like this," he counted for you to follow. Performing his hero script as he calmed you down.
You let yourself sit on the concrete, leaning your back onto a random building as you rested your head on your knees.
"Okay," you whispered into the phone, "Katsuki and I haven't talked in two months."
Izuku was a rambler but he was also a good listener. Letting you get out any detail you needed before even opening his mouth. So you told him everything, leaving out any sex-related things. Telling him Katsuki used the watch to hug you or kiss you, so a truth in the cover-up. He could draw up that conclusion on his own.
"I was just thinking that maybe you'd understand," you finished, "I'm just so tired of reaching out to him."
"I get it," he started, "Probably the only one that does. He locks himself off and just expects you to come chasing for him. And the second you don't, he throws a fit. You should let him, I know it's hard, but he needs to grow up as well. You told him your concern and he locked you out, he needs to be the one to let you back in."
You sighed in relief, "So I'm doing the right thing?"
"Yes, especially in a relationship. It shouldn't be so one-sided with communication. You come a long way in the past months, and he should acknowledge that. I love you both, and I hope you guys work past it, but if it doesn't then it's for the best," he spoke to you like a brother would. You didn't even notice when the dynamic between the two of you flipped. Him going from acting like a younger brother to the older brother.
"Thank you," you sniffled, trying to dry the tears that have been working down your face, "Mei thinks I'm throwing everything away."
"He's the one that pushed you out, he's throwing it away," Izuku pointed out. You hummed in agreement, looking down at your phone.
"Holy fuck," the time surprised you, it was nearing five in the morning, and it was a Saturday. You were thankful that the city wasn't awake yet. "I need to get home."
"You're not home?!" he squeaked into the phone, "Where are you?"
"I don't know," you answered honestly, standing upright and stretching your limbs out.
"I'll start walking home now," you tried to calm him down.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"I'm fine Izuku, I'm maybe a block away from home," that seemed to calm him down. He let you hang up the phone, telling you to text him when you were home.
You were glad to have a hoodie at this point, pulling the hood up to hide your tear-streaked face as you walked back home. Needing the ten-minute walk to calm down. Think for yourself.
While you fully agreed with Izuku, you also saw Mei's point of view. She wanted you happy, and you were happy with Katsuki. You didn't want to break up with him, you loved him fully. But if he couldn't meet you halfway, you weren't going to rush to fill that emptiness he left. You'd rather move on to better things. Maybe find someone who would.
With your head hung low the entire walk back to your apartment, you didn't even notice you were in the elevator until it opened on your floor. Having walked all the way on a full autopilot. Thinking of your relationship that overtook one of the biggest days of your career.
You opened your door with a sigh, throwing your keys on the shelf before turning into the kitchen for some water. Filling up a glass before you walked to the basket of blankets in the corner of the living room.
The second you turned around to walk to the couch you dropped your glass. A shocked scream left your lips when you saw Katsuki sitting there in the dark.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you hissed at him, confused as to why he was sitting in the dark and not in his room.
"I was sleeping," he answered.
"Here?" you shot back, bending down to pick up the broken glass.
"Aren't you supposed to be at Mei's?"
You squeezed your hand in annoyance, only noticing the burn of the cut then.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you turned his concern down, throwing away the broken glass when you walked into the kitchen. Thankful that it broke into big pieces rather than small. You ran your hand underwater as you ignored him.
"You're bleeding," it was clear he was groggy with sleep.
"No shit," you answered plainly.
"Fuckin' c'mere," he moved near you, trying to grab your hand only to get swatted away.
"I can take care of myself," you snapped at him, moving to grab a paper towel, trying to dry up the small cut.
"Think I don't fucking know that?" he asked back, agitated at your reactions to him. You waited for the bleeding to stop before throwing away your trash and grabbing a bandaid to cover the small cut to your finger.
You shrugged, "Never know with you. Never tell me anything. Don't know what you know or don't."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I-" you sighed, you didn't want to get into it, "Nothing, I'm tired." You walked past him again, grabbing a blanket and getting comfortable on the couch.
"You're sleeping down here?"
"Yeah, go to bed Katsuki," you turned away from him.
"Kats," he said softly, making you turn to face him again.
"You stopped calling me Kats, it's only this Katsuki bullshit now."
"Whatever, Katsuki," you dismissed without thinking, turning back over as you tried to forget how he looked just then. It's how he looked at the party, just ten times worse.
"What happened to us?"
You didn't bother to reply, it was clear he wanted you to do the talking. But if he wanted to actually talk, he had to first.
"This," he paused, silence filling the air before he cleared his throat only for his voice to crack regardless, "This isn't what I want."
"You never told me what you wanted," you couldn't help but reply.
"I'm not good at this type of shit," he was angry at himself but you wouldn't fall into this pity party for himself. "I didn't think you'd change your schedule."
"You changed yours."
"I only did that because I needed to think," he defended.
"For two months?"
"I switched it back after but you weren't home, and haven't been since."
"So you couldn't have called? Asked me when I did get home at night? Woke me up in the morning to talk?"
"You could have done the same."
"I always do that Katsuki," you turned to face him, "I'm always the one fucking chasing you. And I'm done."
He choked, "You're done?"
"I'm done chasing after you," you clarified, "I've met you halfway, time after time, you just need to do the same."
Silence buzzed around the living room. The two of you were just staring at each other. Both are equally heartbroken. You looked him over for the first time in months.
"You're still wearing the watch," you pointed out, seeing the gleam of it on his wrist.
"You gave it to me," he replied, "I haven't used it since, by the way."
He took a shaky breath in, "I'm so fucking sorry, Brains." You waited for him to continue, "You were right, I wasn't using it just as a crutch. I was completely relying on it." It hurt to hear it from him, you already knew it was true. "I, fuck," he ran his hand over his face, "I went to the doctor too, they said if I used it that much it'd kill me. Having my quirk completely off."
You couldn't be more glad about the fight now, knowing it kept him from killing himself. Sure it wouldn't kill him immediately, but over time it would just get worse and worse for his health.
"Once I found out you were right, I just couldn't bear the thought. I don't feel safe around you without my quirk dampened and now I can't," he admitted, "I feel my quirk just with this conversation. I don't want to hurt you."
"You were late to the party," you pointed out instead, "You never even congratulated me."
He hung his head, "I got sidetracked with trying to get a gift- but I was going to congratulate you at home."
"Doesn't excuse it."
"I know, I'm sorry," he reached into his pocket, "I got this for you though." He tossed the small bag at you.
You gave him an unsure look before opening it, first seeing a sticker of "World's Best Tech" an inside joke between the two of you. He hated the idea of #1 mugs and things like it, claiming he was better than everyone else. The next was just a small necklace, something easy to wear with everything.
"It doesn't make up for shit, and that's not what I'm trying to do with it," he said after you stared at the gift for a while.
"I know," you spoke softly, the gift was thoughtful for your relationship.
"I'm so fucking proud of you, I knew you could do it," he followed.
Tears were hitting your eyes harder than before. Despite claiming you didn't need him. You wanted to hear him say that so bad.
You saw him move to get up when he saw your tears, sitting back down and grabbing his own hands when he decided against it. You patted the seat next to you. As long as his watch wasn't on, you were okay. He rushed immediately to your side, tugging you into a hug before he could overthink.
"I should have talked to you a lot sooner," he spoke into your hairline, leaving a kiss on your forehead after.
"I'm sorry I can't be there for you like this," he said softly.
You pulled back from him, "What do you mean?"
"Can't hug you and shit," he grumbled, pulling you back into him. Not wanting you to see his face.
You sat in silence for a while, soaking in his words and the perspective he likely had the past two months. He could have thought you stopped talking to him because he couldn't touch you anymore.
"I'm not mad that you can't touch me, I'm upset that you don't talk to me, in general," you spoke just as softly as he did, wanting to comfort him the way he was comforting you.
He let out a breath of relief, "It's gotten worse without you around."
"What did?"
"My quirk just goes off without you now, just the thought freaks me out enough. Fuckin' annoying," he confessed.
"Is it going to go off soon?" you wanted to be prepared to be pushed away from him. If he did it unannounced you'd likely cry. He just squeezed you closer.
"No," he said quietly, "It's finally calmed the fuck down."
-Next Part-
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moonieandi · 1 month
snapshots pt. 2 | stanley pines x f!reader 
summary: a quick look through concerning the early months of your life “married” to stanley pines, particularly centered around moments in the car
warnings (TW): swearing, illegal activities (of course), descriptions of panic/panic attack or general anxiety, alcohol consumption
tags: fluff, early relationship described, pining, very slight angst, affection
notes: i mean, i liked writing part one? so … i’m just gonna keep writing? do what brings you joy and all that jazz. alsooooo im currently unemployed and have too much time on my hands. any feedback is appreciated, seeing as this is the first (second) time i’m publishing online !
edit 8/27/24: hello! below i have linked my new masterlist that contains updated parts to this series, thank you and hope you enjoy!
word count: 3.7k
| masterlist | part iii |
When you reside within the same place as another, you begin to notice particular behaviors. Of course, Stanley had resided in an unquantifiable number of places in the last decade, but he had forgotten what it was like to live alongside someone. 
Forgot about the consideration of messes and manners, and forgot about his socks in corners and cans on bedside tables. These were things he never had to consider when he was confined to a single room and a shared bunk with his brother, but she was different. 
The first couple months he found himself stumbling around her at times. Let her lead through doorways, ask her what she would like for dinner, using odds and ends as a coaster here and there. 
But she was much the same in that way. 
She hadn’t ever had to share her space like this, much less with a man. She fumbled with answers concerning dinner, forgot her delicates in the washer routinely, and had a habit of throwing her feet up on Stanley’s chair when he sat across from her at their poor excuse of a dinner table. 
But this was months ago. 
No, they both had noticed these intricacies about the other and had more or less adapted around them. Laundry was done half-heartedly, a quick combination of their socks and delicates. A calendar made its home on the fridge with scribbles of dinner plans, and her feet were shuffled onto his lap every night, adjusted to fit across his hips. 
But she still leads through most doorways. He would never admit to why. 
There were other, smaller things too. These things made him ache somewhere behind his sternum, and he usually shook them off. 
Small things like how she curled at her end of the couch, or how she brought her face to any page she was scribbling on, always squinting. How she tidied the living room every morning like they would be having guests. How she came to the kitchen every morning, hand outstretched for the mug he had deemed hers. 
He decided to forget about these things. At least some of them that is. 
He knew for a fact that she loved it when he drove the most. She enjoyed the movement of the trees out the window, enjoyed stretching her feet up to his dash (despite his initial protest), and she loved the radio in particular. 
Common law says to keep your eyes on the road, and both hands on the wheel. But it was very hard to conduct when she leaned forward towards the radio, singing under her breath. She was so relaxed here beside him on the long bench in the front of his long-loved car. 
The car had been through hell and back, but he was sure it’d never encountered anything as enchanting as her bellowing singing. It would ring through the car, only ever on the way home, and only ever after a bar visit. The buzz would stray his eyes from wheel and headlights to her, head thrown back singing. 
He swerved on the road more than he cared to admit when she was in the car. The reminder of her safety usually woke him up from his fantasies of her with her head thrown back, with her hair spilling around her, and a flush on her cheeks.
But he rarely kept both hands on the wheel, to begin with anyway. His right arm always flung behind, scrunched on the back part of her seat, itching to find the soft back of her neck. 
Clearing his throat, he adjusted himself in his seat, both hands returning to the wheel. A smile never leaving his face, a laugh rising as she scooted closer, incoherent 70’s BABBA lyrics sung into his right ear. 
He’d admit he likes driving her, in particular, around. 
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They had made for town for a handful of differing supplies that day. 
Stanley, Stan, had a bright idea to earn some seasonal money by making the front half of the shack into a tourist attraction. After an explanation of his initial encounter with a group of town folk upon his first couple days in the shack, she had nodded along in agreement. 
They needed money, and the need was only growing of course. 
She was the farthest from a financial advisor, but she knew the reserve of money she had come to town with was dwindling, and with them both diving head-first into Ford’s basement business, the idea of money had seemed trivial, at least to her, those first couple months. 
She knew though that money wasn’t a trivial thing for Stan (Stanley). That he hadn’t had a successful last decade, and that her life strayed from his own background astronomically. 
That was one thing that grated her slightly. How flippantly he spoke of Ford to her, but how he had not shared himself as willingly. It didn’t make him a liar to withhold said information, but the state of Stanley’s (Stan’s) car backseat that first month spoke of a man on the run. 
But he had lit up so differently when he dragged her to the front of the shack's cluttered room. Explaining where things would go, a cash register, a display case, and certain merchandise. She’ll admit to perhaps not completely listening to him at the time, but later she would look back and reflect on how he was unsurprisingly a great salesman. 
He had been so happy, dragging her from corner to corner, painting pictures with words, but he had looked too enchanting for her to really hear it. One hand in his pocket, the other gesturing, and a smile upon his handsome figure. He had reached back out, dragging her back to the front door, hand on the small of her back as he ushered her around. 
It was a dump up here, truly. The one place in the house she hadn’t gotten to scouring for clues yet. She was unsure as to why she left the room untouched at the moment, but she thinks it had a lot to do with the panicked memory of meeting Stan (Stanley), and how the glow of the backroom reflected on his face made her wander in through the front door like a madwoman. 
She made for the car very soon after his explanation, eager to get the supplies he would need to renovate the front of the room. He had beaten her of course, opening and closing the passenger door without so much as a prompt, and making his way to the driver's side. 
The drive into town had been great as always. It was one of those mid-spring days. Wet on the windshield and crisp until 10 a.m. The hardware store served its purpose, as they wandered from aisle to aisle, looking for particular wood stains and sandpaper. 
“Here it is Stanl-” He had come up behind her abruptly. Hand coming up to her mouth, stopping her sentence, flicking his eyes up and down the aisle. 
She turned to face him, an apology already on her lips. But he was already looking down at her, a hidden heat behind his eyes. 
“What did I tell ya, hun?” He whispered it in the space between them. “I told ya, I can’t be that here.” 
He couldn’t be him anywhere anymore, at least not in the light of day. She had tried to shake the old him, but somewhere in the far reaches of her mind, she had a hard time calling him Stan. 
Because she knew it meant he was being Ford, not Lee. And it was hard to lie about anything concerning him, concerning Stanley. 
He sighed, his hand leaving her lips and running through his long hair. “We gotta get outta here anyways. Come along, hun.” A practiced smile reached the corners of his mouth, another lie. 
Unfortunately for his psyche, the cashier wanted to talk their ear off also. 
“Oh hiya, Stanford!” And of course, they knew his brother. 
A smile crawled up his face anyway, making nice like he figured his brother may have done all those months ago. 
“Getting supplies? Any new projects?” 
“Uh nah nah, not at the moment. Looking into renovating parts of the shack for some business right now.” 
“Business? Really? Never took you for much of a businessman.” The cashier continued to bag their samplings of wood stains. “But hey, life takes ya in odd directions sometimes!” 
He tisked. “Don’t I know it buddy.” He shook his head a little, grabbing the bag, peering over his shoulder checking for his smaller shadow. She followed in his wake, slightly downtrodden to have cut their store visit short with her stupid mouth. 
“Oh, Stanford!” The cashier called, but he didn’t turn until she reached for his jacket’s dirty red sleeve, tugging to turn him back. Flushed, he meets the cashier's outstretched hand. 
“The receipt! You always want the receipt.” 
He crushed the receipt in his hand. “Right… right ya, thanks.” 
She followed him back to the car, her hand never leaving his sleeve, brushing her warmth against his slightly shaking palm. He doesn’t forget to open her door or to slam the wood stains and sandpaper into the back of the car. 
The ride back was tense, and not of its usual bravado and fanfare.  He had peeled out of the parking lot all too quickly and regretted it the next moment as he looked over and watched her pale in the passenger seat. 
She didn’t reach for the radio, hands folded on her lap. She didn’t look out her window, as the trees blurred differently under Stanley’s hasty speed. 
Under Stan’s hasty speed. 
He didn’t want this. He didn’t want any of this mess. And he definitely didn’t want to upset her. His arm never met the back of her seat, his knuckles tight around the steering wheel. 
He didn’t think of pulling over until he looked at her halfway home. Ram-rod straight, pale as all hell, and eyes blurry with undescribed grief. 
He cursed under his breath, pulling the car off to the side of the road, gravel underfoot. 
She got like this at times, at his temper. He knew at times he could be loud, that he raised his voice at inconveniences and the T.V. Knew that her lip curled in a particular way when on a very off day, his frustration explodes in her face. He was quick to anger at times, and she was quick to cover. 
He made himself so big in the face of things, but she folded into a different shape when he did. And somewhere in the back of his mind, he prayed she knew that he would never turn his anger to her. That he had raised fists before and spilled blood, but he’d never raise them again unless it was for her, if she would allow it. 
But he doesn't want her to get small in the face of his, well, everything. Because he had been angry at so many things in succession in his life he lost count, and he doesn’t want to lose the part of himself that cared for her in his anger, and he doesn't want her to fold into odd shapes and shadows in the face of him anymore. But above all, he didn’t want the reminder of his father to taint whatever the hell this was. It was bad enough he saw glimpses of him in the passing reflections from time to time.
He loved the fight in her eyes when they spat back and forth sometimes, a sarcastic, fake fight brewing between them. That’s how they both always ended up laughing at the dinner table most nights, and how he felt closer to her most days. His anger was never her responsibility, or her doing. She had never truly upset him once, and the way they played with words back and forth over a meal like an old married couple rattled a few rusty cogs in his brain from time to time. That his anger could at least be amusing, because when she smiled he forgot all about it anyway. 
So he parks the car in Spring and turns to her with his guts in his lap for the first time since he spoke to her that Winter night when he thought his prayers had been answered when she plowed through the shack’s door like a tidal wave. 
“I hate this.” He sighed. “And I can’t stand when you fucking look at me like that.” 
Her lip curled. Fuck fuck fuck. 
“I know.” It wobbled out her mouth. “I ruined the day, I’m sorry.” 
He leans back, his hand meeting the back of her seat. A beat, before he turns to her completely, like he does every night across the dinner table with her feet propped across the entirety of his lap. 
“I don’t want you to apologize to me. You should never have to apologize to me. I don’t want you to, ever fucking think you gotta hand that over to me again. Because you’ve never done anything to upset me doll, not ever.” 
She sniffles, a moment of crisp silence. Spring rain beats on the windows in a mist. A smile comes to her lips, and he sags in relief, anger fading.
“Except when I forget the laundry on the line.” She’s cracking jokes now? 
“Except that ya, because I kinda need socks and underwear mmk?” He laughs only slightly, a tiredness seeping into his posture. 
“I didn’t used to be like this.” 
“Like what?” 
“A bad liar.” He admits. He hadn’t disclosed much of his past to her. He wasn’t ashamed of it much when it came to disclosing his long resume to others, but she made him nervous. And he hadn’t been really, truly, honestly nervous in a long time. So he did what he does best, and he lied. 
“I could buy the shirt off your back from ya in under 10 minutes I swear.” He readjusts in his seat again, hand slowly creeping up the back of her seat still. “I’m a great liar, it’s how I made it from state to state, and the reason I’m not allowed back in Pennsylvania.” 
She laughs truly now. She had figured that was what he was used to. Long trips and longer fibs. She didn’t care much about the morality of it, because when she imagined him somehow corrupt in her mind's eye she remembered him bent over her on the couch, and how it felt to listen to the T.V. fade into the background as he carried her up the stairs. The faintness of her sheets, and the brush of his hand on her hairline. 
“But I can’t lie about this, or at least I'm really fucking bad at it.” He interrupts her thought. “I’m the farthest thing from Stanford Pines.”
“Perhaps you are, Lee.” A name she hadn’t used out loud fell between them. “But no one ever asked you to be him.” 
She realized quickly in her desperation to reassure him that she was also being a hypocrite. It was hard to call him Stan, she realized, but only because she was afraid of hurting him. The memory of Stanford still lived between them, and although they tried to shutter his existence in the basement they both weren’t very good at playing pretend yet. 
But they would need to be. It’d need to be the best con he’d ever pulled, that they had ever pulled. He just wasn’t used to having a partner quite yet. But they needed to be honest now if they were gonna pull it off and bring Stanford home. 
“You don’t need to be him. I know you aren’t him Stanley, and I don’t want you to be.” She paused, considering. “If we are going to do all this though, we need to work together. I-I need to get better, I need to call you Stan, and you need to believe me when I tell you I’m staying for the long haul.” 
He sighs again, readjusting to look over at her. 
“I lived a long time trying to be something great like I thought he was, like I know he is. But I haven’t, I hadn’t, seen him in so long. I don’t know who he is anymore.”
“You both have a surprising lot in common, actually.” She shrugs, a smile coming to her lips in memory. “You both smile the same, and you both doodle the same way, and you both tilt your head to the left when I ask a dumbass question.” 
He laughs at this, a memory of passing scribbles and doodles in class back and forth, and the comic books he would spend all night drawing in their shared room’s lamplight. Some things always stick, at least. 
She bridged the gap of some odd ten years, and he could at least be thankful about that. 
“I just want you to know… Stan. That when I do call you Stan, I mean Stanley- not Stanford.” She shrugs again, nervous. “Because you’re not him, you're right, and if you don’t want me to lie about this one small detail, it can be between us.” 
She had somehow come to the heart of his predicament without much digging. He had worn many hats in his time bouncing from state to state, a conman, a businessman, a thief, and a liar. But he didn’t wanna make her one of those things, and he knew by associating with him she would need to be. Just in the blur of it all, he didn't want to be someone else to her. Not even in name. He wanted there to be honesty between them because otherwise, it wouldn't work. What wouldn’t work? 
He finds resolution in her answer. That he will always be Stanley to her, and Stanford to others, at least for the time being. Oddly intimate, closely personal. He wouldn't linger on the thought.
“You’re right as usual, doll.” A smirk comes to his lips. “Team?” He questions, fist uncurling from the back of her seat, brushing between them to meet for a bump. 
She smiles brightly now, meeting him in the middle. “Team.” 
He sinks in the seat, beat from the emotions of the last hour already. “Okay we need to do something fucking fun now.” 
“Like what?” Amused, she reaches between them to turn the radio back on, sick of the silence in the shell of the car. A hum already on her lips. 
He smiles, a scheme on his lips, a memory playing in his head when he looks at her. 
She flushes, a quick shake of her head. “No, no, no Stan, no I am not doing it no.”
He loves how she fights it but he knows how to get his way with her already, even if it has only been a short six months. Flushed in her seat, and begging him. Fuck. 
All he has to do is fucking smile, with that stupid glint in his eyes. “Yes, ya are!” He taunts, a laugh already bellowing. “You’re driving!” 
“I don’t fucking know how and you know it!” She had been embarrassed to admit it to him that one night, that she had made it this long without a driver’s license, but he had all but said please that night, vying for blackmail from her. He had told her about his kiddy comic books, so she had to fess up to something stupid of equal measure he felt. 
“I’ll teach ya!” 
He was already out his door and around the front of the car, opening her own, and reaching across her lap to unbuckle her from her seat when she continued to shake her head. 
She moved only when he began slipping his hand under her thigh and around her back to move her across the long bench to the front of the wheel. He sometimes forgot about where he put his hands on her, when he was giddy like this. She never minded, though. 
She was still shaking her head when he reached back over her to buckle her into her new spot behind the wheel, laughing all the way. Amused by her protest of this simple thing. Only amused, because he knew deep down she was actually okay with it. Another fake fight ongoing between them, some old cogs moving in his head. 
He moved back some, but resided half in the passenger seat and half in the middle, his big hand on her thigh. Fuck. 
He leaned down (Fuck), his other hand pointing at things she should have been paying attention to. This is like the shack all over again. 
He looked back at her, even more amused by her flustered face, and repeated himself like he knew what was going on in her head. Because, well, he kinda did. 
“This is the petal to the right, and the break to the left, doll.” He brings his hand back to the wheel. “This stick on the left is the turn signal, and this stick on the right is the shifter.” 
She began to breath again when he moved away, but he was still chuckling through ever sentence of course. Too handsome for his own good.
“Now all ya gotta do, doll, is shift from park to drive, but put ur foot on the break first.” 
“Uh… this one?” She put her left foot on the left most pedal. 
He squeezed her thigh, goddamnit, leaning back into her to basically physically move her foot. 
“No, no, ya gotta only use your right foot. You can’t use both.” 
“Why not?” 
He shrugs, tilting his head left at her dumbass question. “Because I said so.” He laughs again, hand still very warm and very present. 
“Okay, okay… okay.”
He nods. “Okay okay okay, now just shift the right rod up here.” He grabs her hand, bringing it up and showing her the different gears and how to count through them. Forgetting himself in his amusement, hand still on her fucking thigh. 
He laughs all the way home, and she thinks it’s worth the constant breaking she does in the middle of the road when she gets spooked by the speed of the car. The road is luckily empty, and the radio is drowned out by Stan’s commentary. She doesn’t mind the jabs at her newfound skill, and he takes jabs right back when she slams the break particularly hard and his head gets precariously close to the dash. She doubles over at that one, amused by the sudden shock on his face, but quickly distracted by the hand still on her fucking thigh. He thinks she looks nice like that, behind his wheel. 
They make it back to the shack in one piece, but he’s the one that has to reach over to shift the car back into park. 
He realizes when he looks back over at her, that he had forgotten his anger a while ago, and that his hand had made a new home on the soft of the back of her neck, moving from her thigh when he shifted gears. 
He would let her drive again, if it meant this. 
She’d admit she likes driving him, in particular, around. 
He’d just need to stock up on brake pads. 
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sainns · 3 months
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𝓢.ㅤ calling jay after a nightmare.
PJSㅤ୨୧ ⠀ femreader⠀ . . .ㅤ fluff, hurt/comfort, i'll be honest jay is barely in this, established relationship, this is purely self indulgent, it's implied that reader gets nightmares pretty chronically, semi-proofread ㅤ1255 words
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you wake up sweating, your heart racing as you take deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down. you don't remember a lot, the memory of it already disappearing, but you know that you had a nightmare—a bad one at that. one of your biggest fears made ten times worse, all thanks to your subconscious.
you press your hands against your face, sighing deeply while slowly sitting up in your bed. you look around the darkened room, your heart beginning to race again. the dark makes everything seem worse after you wake, as if everything that happened in your dreams could happen in real life. you glance at your nightstand—you really should invest in a lamp or something.
you've been having nightmares for the past few weeks, each one seemingly worse than the one before it. you haven't woken up this scared before, though. it seems like no matter how hard you try to push it from your mind, it comes right back. you don't even know what fully happened in your dream, so why are you so scared?
it isn't real and it won't ever be real, you say to yourself like a mantra, hoping you can get rid of the fear that's overtaken you. it doesn't really work—your mind doesn't believe what you're telling it, even though it's true.
reaching over to grab your phone from your nightstand, you let out another sigh. these nightmares are becoming an issues, you haven't slept well in what feels like forever. you unlock your phone, opening your contacts and scrolling until you see his—'jay <3', contact photo a close up of him that you had taken while he was sleeping a few months into your relationship.
your finger hovers over the call button. you want to call him but should you? he did say that you could call him whenever but did he really mean that? surely calling him at almost four in the morning isn't in the timeframe that he had meant.
but after a few moments of debate, you decide to call him—the fact that you heard something coming from the living room definitely did not help you make the decision.
you click the call button, holding your phone up to your ear. you listen as it rings, anxiously chewing on your bottom lip.
a small part of you hopes that he doesn't answer, not wanting to explain to him why you're calling this late into the night. a bigger part does hope that he answers, though, so you can't help but feel a little disappointed when he doesn't pick up. it is late, he's probably asleep, of course he wouldn't answer.
you frown, setting your phone aside—looks like you'll just have to get over it and go back to sleep or stay up the rest of the night, your sleep schedule be damned. you figure you might as well do something productive rather than fall asleep just to be woken up again.
right when you're slipping out of bed, mentally preparing yourself to make the at least eight-step journey to tour on your bedroom light, your phone lights up, buzzing against the wooden surface of your nightstand.
your boyfriend's contact name lights your phone up and you pause, your eyes widening. you did not expect him to call you back right now—maybe in the morning when he inevitably woke up confused by the late night call—you assumed you would have more time to come up with a believable excuse that's not something as silly as a nightmare (which you don't even remember).
you're in shock for too long because you miss the call but he calls back right away and this time you answer him on the second ring, moving back into the bed, as you put him on speaker.
"hi, baby, are you alright? sorry i missed your call, i didn't hear my phone ring,"
you could tell he had just woken up from his voice—it was deep and raspy, not to mention the slight slur in his words that most likely stemmed from his drowsiness.
"i'm okay, you don't have to be sorry. did i wake you up?"
"nah, you didn't," he's lying, "why'd you call then? are you sure you're okay? do you want me to go over?"
your head spins at the amount of questions he asked in what was most likely ten seconds. you can't help but melt a little—it feels nice to have someone worry for you—and stifle a giggle, it's a little funny hearing how worried jay is when he usually acts calm around you.
that's what he is—a calming presence in your life. when you're spend the night with him the nightmares that you've been having are suddenly nowhere to be seen. he's like your personal dreamcather.
you smile, letting out an amused breath, "i'm okay, i just had... a nightmare, it's not a big deal. it's late, you don't have to come over,"
"you sure? i swear it's not a big deal and i can if you need me to,"
"yeah, i'm sure,"
"if you change your mind tell me, okay?"
"okay," the conversation ends at that, the two of you sitting on the phone in silence. you should've said bye and hung up, but you can't bring yourself to do it. just being on the phone with him brought you the comfort that you'd been wanting, heart now racing for a completely different reason. your mind is taken off the darkness that you're enveloped in, instead focusing on jay and the sound of him moving around in his bed.
"...want me to stay on the phone with you?" he breaks the three minute silence, a hint of amusement in his voice, "or did you change your mind already?"
you grimace at the teasing, pulling your comforter up to your chin, trying to hide even though he can't see you. you stay silent, trying to convince yourself to just ask him—he's your boyfriend, there's no reason to be scared, "no... but can you just talk to me?"
"mhm, 'course, pretty girl. about what?"
"remember when i told you i liked you?" you can hear the smile in his voice.
"that's... talk about something else, that's still embarrassing,"
he laughs loudly, no doubt thinking about how badly you embarrassed yourself in that moment. it wasn't too bad, thinking back on it, but you're yet to get over how you acted. it was... a dark moment.
"it was cute," and he obviously disagrees with your sentiment.
"just talk about anything else,"
he spares you his teasing and listens to your request, responding by telling you about his day—even though you were with him for half of it—about his morning, what he did after he dropped you off at your apartment (he argued with his roommate), how in his friends' groupchat they were all trying to convince heeseung to confess to the girl he likes.
it was four when he called and you fall asleep an hour later, your eyes heavy as jay's soft voice lulls you to sleep. you sleep good—if you forget about the nightmare earlier that night—waking up the next morning to a text message from your boyfriend. you smile softly, assuming that he must have hung up after you finally fell asleep.
unlocking your phone, you read the message and immediately you feel the butterflies that show up whenever jay does anything in your stomach—"I love you and next time I'm going over, no matter how late it is".
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note. girl who gets nightmares just wants jay to comfort her 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ anyways confession fic coming soon Maybw
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awritesthings1 · 10 months
Midnight Interlude
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Wife Reader
Summary: You try to convince Tommy, your husband, to come back to sleep.
ao3 link
You awoke quietly in the middle of the night, feeling the weight of your slumber resting beneath your eyes. Too tired to lift your eyelids, you shifted in the bed, searching for the comforting cradle of your husband’s arms, only to find the space beside you cold and empty.
Weakly, you opened your eyes to the dark bedroom. Blinking sleepily, you waited for your senses to adjust while attempting to recall if Tommy had mentioned anything about going on a business trip. Your head ached. Where was that Tommy of yours? You weren’t even able to think because your brain was still buzzing from a peculiar dream. Regardless, you were freezing, and without Tommy to keep you warm, you wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway. You cursed, pressing a cold hand to your flushed head. Your nose squirmed at the bitter air.
You weren’t sure how many sleepless nights you could endure without your husband. Lately, he had been going on more business trips than usual and staying up late in his office. You went to sleep before him, and by the time you woke up, he was usually already going about his morning. It was if you married a ghost.
The sheets rustled when you swung your feet to the floor. You stretched your arms awake and rolled your neck to the side, receiving a satisfactory pop in return. Wrapping a silk night gown around your body, you left the bedroom, stifling a yawn as you reached his office, where you heard the cackling of candles and the amber hum peeking through from the crack beneath the door. You twisted the nob slowly, careful not to startle Tommy, and entered the room.
“Tommy? You’re still up," you croaked, rubbing at your tired eyes.
Your toes curled as a shiver passed through your body. The wooden floors of your husband’s office were always deathly cold. And where was that ambitious old soul of his? Hunched over his messy desk, squinting through his glasses as he appeared to be reading over a letter. His marble contours were more sunken each night. His thumbs twitched and fiddled with a fountain pen as if they couldn’t bear to do anything but work. The top buttons of his white blouse (that you were always sure to iron the night before) pealed back to reveal a sliver of skin that you would stare at some nights to ensure he didn’t die working himself to death.
You loved him. God, you loved him. You loved him in a way that certainly would disgust the wives from the country houses down the lane. They loved their husbands in a plain and simple way. Margaret had gushed to you about her marriage and how she had fallen into a timely routine with her husband, dancing around the clock until they fell asleep on a wonderfully fluffy mattress. You stuck your tongue in your cheek. That wasn’t love; that was what men told women love was—a choreographed routine. Tommy was different. He loved you hard. Not just because he was a man and that’s what men were supposed to do, but because he lived and breathed everything he did, even if it killed him.
“I need to write something down." Tommy cleared his throat, too distracted to look up from the letter.
If you were any other woman, you would mistake his tone for annoyance. Not you. The hollow under his eyes spoke for him. Your poor husband never knew when to rest. Even when the moonlight poured in from the window and his hands were stained with ink, that mind of his clicked away into a world only accessible to him. It must be a burden, you think, to have the intellect Tommy had—to be three steps in front of everyone else. Talking to the ladies at the country club exhausted you sometimes because all they seemed to care about was the latest silks and décor from an exotic country or babies with chubby cheeks. It had to feel something like that, like sugar rotting your teeth.
“You’ll have time in the morning,” you insisted, leaning against the doorframe and pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
The candlelight began to flicker as it neared the end of its wick.
Tommy wet his lips. “I have an early meeting out of town.”
Your shoulders fell. You knew who Tommy was and the priorities he had to balance. His work was important to him, and he did it for his family. That included you, too. But at hours like these, when your nightgown wasn’t enough to keep you warm, you craved the comfort of his arms.
“Come back to sleep,” you whispered, crossing the threshold of the office to stand behind him, where he was hunched over on his chair, writing something down.
Tommy relaxed as you began to massage his shoulders. Those eyes that painted you blue on winter nights fell closed for a moment. His hand itched for his whiskey, resting on the icy glass but never raising it to his lips. Several cigarette butts were discarded on his ash tray, some still puffing smoke. He smelled like a mixture of the two. You remember when you were younger how your nose would scrunch up at the scent of his cigarettes. Now, it was oddly comforting.
“I need to finish writing this letter,” Tommy drawled, reaching for the cigarette case that was buried under a file of papers.
As he pinched one out, you grabbed the match box that had been sitting on the windowsill and struck a match to light it as he perched it between his lips. When the end of it lit up, Tommy took a deep drag.
“You’re a man, Tommy, not a god. You need sleep,” you sighed, squeezing his tensed shoulders.
“Not yet." Smoke escaped his mouth in light puffs as he spoke.
You blinked slowly. “Well, I’m going back to sleep.” It was a half-truth. You were never able to fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night, especially without Tommy by your side.
Tommy’s rough palm covered your hand, which was resting on his shoulder. He cleared his throat.
“I’ll be back before you know I’m gone.”
That was never true. Every time Tommy was gone, the room stank of it. His presence consumed Arrow House; it was as if the walls were made from his flesh and bone. And when he was away, it felt like you were living in a stranger’s home. The paintings on the wall were of a random family, and his office sat as if it were abandoned in a hurry. It was only when he returned that the colors bled back into the walls and you realized you were home.
You leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on his sharp jaw. He inhaled sharply through his nose. You noticed his attention had drifted from the letter and was now focused on the chandelier.
“Where’s that husband of mine? Hm?”
Tommy continued to take large drags from the cigarette while the both of you bathed in the crackling of the dying candlelight. Eventually, it burned out, and Tommy tapped the butt of his cigarette into the ash tray before setting it down to lean back on his chair. Now dark, he let you slip your hand from beneath his as you straightened your back and ran your nails through his scalp.
He groaned deep and nasally, fluttering his eyes closed. The tip of his tongue wet his bottom lip, and when your pupils adjusted to the dark, you saw the cogs in his head shutting off.
“Come back to sleep.”
“Alright,” he nodded with a grunt.
Most women would have said it was a miracle, not your Tommy. There was no holy spirit that possessed him to say yes. He chose to do so on his own account.
You rode that thought with a smile, turning his head to the side so you could lay a kiss on his forehead.
God, you loved him, you loved him, you loved him.
He sighed deeply, blinking lazily at his hands, which rested on his knees, before standing up. Both Tommy and his chair groaned at the movement. You hushed him and walked him to your shared bedroom, hand in hand. There, you carefully unbuttoned his blouse and slid his suspenders down his broad shoulders. Slowly but surely, you undressed him while his tired eyes watched you.
When you were younger, those eyes terrified you the same way a duck feared a rifle. What you never saw was the love they held behind glaciers of blue. Tommy made sure you saw it ever since. The ink on his hands was dry by the time they came to cup your face. His affectionate touch made more than your heart throb, but the both of you were too exhausted to do anything about it.
You settled for a kiss that he pressed against your lips. It wasn’t passionate or hungry like it usually was, but tender and firm. You loved it all the same.
“I love you." His breath settled on your skin like a warm blanket.
You closed your eyes and leaned forward, letting Tommy carry the weight of your head between his hands. You hummed when he brushed his knuckles gingerly across your cheekbones.
“I love you, too. Now, let’s get to bed before the sun rises,” you smiled, blinking up at him.
He kissed the top of your head, winding his tired arms around your frame to hold you against his chest. He hummed agreeably into your hair, letting his eyes flutter shut. Your arms wrapped themselves around his waist as he held you. You treasured small, fleeting moments like this. It wasn’t often that Thomas Shelby left his boots on the office floor and melted into a puddle. You think that made it all the more special. Your Thomas Shelby, the decorated soldier, the family businessman, and the hardened gangster could step away and become your favorite thing—a loving husband.
By the time you had both settled into the bed, the sheets were still warm, and the moon was still out. Tommy was resting on his side, with his arm draped around your waist as he snored lightly into your neck. Outside the window, the wind howled and crashed against the pane like winter waves. You felt none of it. Tommy’s body acted as a heater, protecting you from the numbing chill that waited at the edge of the covers, threatening to nip at your skin. You smiled, nuzzling deeper into his embrace. Here in the cradle of his arms, nothing could touch you.
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AITA for "using" a cucumber and putting it back in the fridge?
(🥒👌 to find later)
Please, I know it sounds nuts but hear me out. I feel awful and I need to know just how bad this is. Also, I intentionally left as much as possible vague as I am a minor and I do not want this to get removed for being too explicit. But the story will not make sense if I don't include certain things, please understand.
So I (16M) grew up in and currently still live in the bible belt, with extremely conservative evangelical parents. As a taste of what it's like, we have church 3 times a week, and church camp every summer. We are only allowed to access Netflix through a stupid content filter app and we can only use a restricted smart phone that is regularly checked at random by our parents. We get an hour and a half of computer usage every other day, and the internet on the computer is heavily filtered also. The only reason I have access to Tumblr and am able to post this now is because my best friend's older brother gave me his old android for my birthday a few years ago. His family is much more open minded, and I'm very close with them. I also think they have always felt a little bad for me with my family being the way they are.
I'm also gay. Obviously, my family does not know, and I intend to keep it that way. I won't go too deep into it, but it will suffice to say I struggled a lot when I was younger over this. The good thing is that in the last few years, I've been able to accept myself more and come to terms with what my own feelings about religion and faith really are. I came out to my best friend and his brother a little over a year ago, and they've been very supportive. I have yet to tell any of my other friends.
Recently, I've been trying out alcohol since my friends found a hookup. Something I have discovered is that I tend to get lewd feelings when I drink, which has nearly caused a few embarrassing moments around friends. Coincidentally, I have also been experimenting with... certain things. Being a minor, I obviously can't enter any of the adult stores around me, nor would I feel comfortable asking any of my friends to drive me there if I could. I also can't order anything online because my bank account is connected to my parents, and I don't have a shipping address I'm comfortable using for those items either. So instead, I use household objects that belong to me and can be sanitized easily. You might see where this is going.
Yesterday evening, I came home from best friend's house with a full bottle of wine in my backpack. We and a few other friends had already been sipping on a few beers that afternoon, and I still felt a little buzzed. After my family went to sleep, despite already having a little alcohol in my system, I proceeded to get wasted on this bottle of wine in my room. I don't have the clearest memory of all of this, but at some point, I got hungry and lewd-feeling. Went into the kitchen and, through some kind of thought process I can only imagine now, came back into my room with a cucumber. From the title of the post, you can hazard a guess as to what happened to this cucumber. Once I was done, I drukedly and quickly washed it in the bathroom sink and threw it back into the fridge. I went to sleep.
I started freaking out as soon as I woke up this morning. There were four cucumbers in the fridge, I was pretty positive at least two were going to be used for dinner tonight, and I had no idea which cucumber I did the deed with. To make matters worse, my mom was inviting the pastor of our church and his family over for dinner. I have practically no money currently, no license or vehicle, and no friends with vehicles free to pick up new cucumbers for me (and no reasonable explanation as to why I needed them to spot me for four cucumbers specifically). I also have no believable reason to give for why we shouldn't have cucumbers added in the salad mix. My mom knows I love them, and they haven't gone bad. Can't say I ate them because who the hell eats four raw cucumbers? And she'll interrogate both my brother and I until she gets a satisfying answer if I just throw them out. I didn't know what the hell to do about this and I was close to having a panic attack, so... I took a nap.
Evening came. Guests came over, dinner happened. We had porkchops with macaroni and side salads. Cucumbers were in the salad, and I along with pastor's family and my own, ate it like nothing was wrong. My parents, the pastor and his wife had an engaging conversation about politics, religion, and some mild church gossip after dinner. My little brother continued to read his book, and I had a very awkward and one-sided conversation about Young Sheldon with the pastor's daughter. Then they left. And I went to my room to mentally implode.
To say I'm horrified is a major understatement. I don't think anyone is going to get sick because I scrubbed all of the cucumbers with soap multiple times and cleaned the vegetable drawer with bleach when I woke up this morning. I guess I also don't know that the violated cucumber was one of the ones that was used for dinner tonight, but then it's only a matter of days until we have salad again, or if mom cuts one up for water. I've rattled my brain for any way I could get some new cucumbers without telling anyone the details of the event, but I have nothing. Don't even have the money, anyway. Gave up the last bit of cash I had for the damn wine yesterday, and I have $0.43 in total on my debit card.
Admittedly, there is a very small part of me that doesn't even really care if they have eaten or end up eating the damn thing. I can't stand my family. My parents are invasive, controlling and neurotic, and don't give a shit about how I'm doing in so far as it pertains to god and the church. I'm a little more sympathetic to my brother as he's been stuck in this hell with me, but at 13 he's already begun to regurgitate way more religious dogma than I ever did at his age. And I know for a fact that they would want nothing to do with me if they found out I was gay. They'd probably kick me out on the street and spit on me if I had to guess. But even still, this is only a small part of how I feel. What I did was still so gross, and no amount of animosity I have for them can change how mortifed I am. I do have at least a semblance of a conscience.
So...AITA for all of this? WIBTA if I did nothing about the other two cucumbers? Please help.
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barcaatthemoon · 6 months
close to you || lia walti x reader ||
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you have some trouble in keeping things friendly with lia.
somehow, things had been easier whenever lia and caitlin were together. back then, you knew that you had no chance with lia. the smiles, soft touches, and comforting presence were nothing more than that of a close friend. then, caitlin broke lia's heart, and suddenly, a little voice in the back of your heart started talking again.
it was no secret to anybody how you felt about lia. even the woman in question knew about your feelings. the two of you hadn't really spoken about it after her initial rejection of you, but you knew that she hadn't just forgotten. you swore sometimes that she had to have been thinking about it whenever she'd give you certain sad looks.
"you know that this can't be healthy," leah said as she put her arm around your shoulders. the partial team bonding night at her place had become one of your favorites. tonight, leah had broken out a few bottles of some pretty nice alcohol, allowing for you and your friends to get a good buzz. "why haven't you tried again with lia?"
"because she already told me that we're just friends, and i'd rather have her as my friend than be forced into caitlin and katie jail," you told her. technically, there was no "caitlin and katie jail" but the two had a tendency not to join in on team bonding nights. especially ones that they knew would make it hard to avoid lia.
"will you please reconsider because i can't spend every morning after we all hang out picking up the pieces of your heart," leah said. there was a bit of a teasing lilt to her voice, one that barely managed to mask the genuine concern.
"whatever," you grumbled as you stormed away from her. leah sighed as she watched you pop open a bottle and take a very large swig from it. you walked off in the opposite direction of the living room, holing yourself up in leah's guest room. it was where you always stayed whenever the team got together.
tonight, everybody had been drinking enough to warrant a sleepover, so you were sure that someone would bunk with you. you didn't mind sharing a bed with most of the girls on the team. they were your friends, and you were a naturally very affectionate person. sometimes, your teammates joked that you'd be happier playing somewhere like barcelona with all the spanish girls.
you fell asleep cradling an empty bottle of tequila in your arms. lia frowned as she entered the room to see you like that. even in your sleep, it was obvious that you were hurting badly. lia had no idea how to help you. the two of you were still close physically, but you didn't talk to her like you used to. she didn't know if it was anything that she had done, but lia couldn't help but feel responsible for the way you had shut everybody out a little.
"i miss you," lia whispered as she climbed into the bed next to you. she moved the bottle out of your arms and set it on the floor. you whined and reached out for something new to hold. lia let you wrap your arms around her as you settled down with your head on her chest. "goodnight, sweetie."
in the morning, you woke up with your face completely buried in lia's chest. her hands scratched lightly at your scalp, even after she felt you start to stir a bit. lia had no idea how long it had been since she woke up, but having you in her arms felt nice. she hadn't felt at peace like that in a long time, not since she was with caitlin.
"shit, what time is it?" you asked, your voice thick with sleep. you lifted your head up, but all of your movements were groggy. lia smiled as she watched you try to gather your bearings. it was obvious that you were hungover, possibly even still a bit drunk. lia was quick to move, attempting to catch you whenever you stood up too quickly.
"careful, we've got enough injuries already," lia joked. you sent her a thankful nod as you walked towards the door. she let you go off to the bathroom, but she didn't move from the bed, hopeful that you'd return to her. lia sat there waiting for nearly an hour before she gave up and started to look for you.
"you didn't see her last night, bear, she was upset. all she wanted was to go check on you. i felt bad making her stay for as long as i did," leah said. lia got the feeling that you were talking about her. she knew that she should have made her presence known, but she was curious.
"that doesn't matter leah. she's a caring friend. that's what she told me we are, so that's just what we'll be. so please just fucking drop it, okay!" you hadn't meant to shout. leah stood there dumbfounded for a moment. in all of the time that you'd known each other, you had never raised your voice at her in anger. you realized what you did and stormed out of leah's apartment, not even bothering to put your shoes on.
"w-what were you talking about?" lia asked softly. leah's head shot up as she looked at the midfielder. there was a look of fear on her face, as if she had accidentally just outed your feelings for lia. "is (y/n) okay?"
"bear will be fine, she's just upset. i think you should talk to her though, tell her about your feelings, lia," leah said. lia nodded, knowing exactly what she needed to do.
"hi bear." it was easy enough for lia to find you. you hadn't made it very far without shoes on, which lia had been kind enough to bring you.
"you never call me that," you said with a small frown. lia shrugged as she sat next to you. "lia, i need to tell you something, but i don't want to."
"it's okay, whatever you need to say is okay. something has been eating you up inside, and i'll do whatever i can to help you because i love you," lia told you. you couldn't meet her eyes, so you missed the way that she looked at you as she confessed her feelings towards you. being the oblivious idiot that you were, you automatically assumed that lia meant in a platonic way. you assumed that she loved you the way that you loved leah or alessia.
"we've been friends since we signed, but i can't be just friends anymore. i could barely do it before, but you had caitlin. i've never really had anyone because you've always been in the corner of my mind whenever i go on dates or try to hook up. i wish that it as easy again, like when i was in germany, but i can't stop thinking about you and how fucking happy you'd make me if you'd let me be yours."
lia looked down at her hands, suddenly overcome with guilt. she had known that you had feelings for her once upon a time, but lia hadn't expected them to still be so prevalent. lia forced herself to take a breath before she finally spoke up, "i love you, (y/n). i love you in a way that is anything but friendly. i don't think that we were ever entirely just friends because i have always felt this way about you. all i've ever wanted was to be closer to you, even if i didn't understand what it was at the time."
"does that mean that maybe there's a chance for us to be more than what we have been?" you asked. lia nodded as she placed a hand on your jaw, cradling it gently. "please don't break my heart, i don't think i could handle it."
"i would never," lia promised you. with that, you leaned forward just enough to press your lips to hers. lia kissed you back gently, almost as if she was afraid that you'd shatter in her hands. the two of you broke the kiss and rested your foreheads against each other's. it was nice to just sit there for a moment staring into each other's eyes, at least it was until leah came outside yelling for you.
"will you please come inside and finish breakfast bear, i'm starving!"
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021894s · 5 months
— 02 the invite [1.5k]
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PAIRING: brothers bsf!sunghoon x f!reader
WARNINGS: mentions of heartbreak, mentions of throwing up, cussing
AUTHORS NOTE: babies!! this is my first ever written piece!! it’s not perfect but I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless. i’m excited for this storyline to begin to unfold. love you, thank you for reading <3
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Sunlight streams through the curtains, and your eyes snap open. Panic sets in as you realize you're not in your own bed. Scrambling to check the time, the memory of last night's chaos comes flooding back – Jungwon, in a lot worse condition thanks to Jake's encouragement, making it so you had to play caretaker after the countless shots and rounds of beer pong.
You leap out of bed, heart racing. Class starts in twenty minutes, and your professor isn't known for leniency. Grabbing your things and getting dressed in some clothes you had left behind, you rush downstairs, only to nearly collide with Sunghoon, who's looking unfairly good with his tousled hair and that deep, just-woke-up voice.
"What’s the rush?" he asks, an eyebrow raised in amusement.
You're momentarily distracted by his disheveled charm, but the urgency of the moment snaps you back to reality. "I'm late for class," you blurt out, then remember Jungwon, still knocked out in the guest room. "Can you keep an eye on Jungwon? He had a rough night."
Sunghoon nods, a smirk playing on his lips. "Sure thing. you should go before you’re even more late."
Grateful, you offer him a quick smile, glancing around only to see niki and sunoo slumped on the living room couch. you turn back to sunghoon ,giving him a knowing look and bolt out the door, hoping you can make it in time.
You rush through the crowded hallways of your university, heart pounding in your chest. The sound of your footsteps echoes, matching the frantic beat of your thoughts. As you finally reach your classroom, you take a deep breath to steady yourself before pushing open the door.The professor pauses mid-lecture, giving you a stern look. "Late again, Y/N?"
You offer a sheepish smile, quickly finding an empty seat. "Sorry, sir. it won't happen again."
as if your morning couldn’t have gotten worse you feel your phone buzz with a new message. Glancing down, you see it's a forwarded email – a formal wedding invitation from your ex. Your heart skips a beat as you read the elegant script, announcing their upcoming marriage. It's a surreal moment, one that brings a mix of emotions swirling through you.
You're not sure how to react. Part of you is happy for them, genuinely wishing them the best, but there's also that tiny, complicated twinge of... something. It's not exactly sadness, not exactly jealousy, just a poignant reminder of the past.
Leaning back in your chair, you can't help but let your mind wander to Jeno. he was your first everything. Your first love, your first heartbreak, the first person who made you feel like you were truly alive. You remember the way he used to hold your hand, the way he smiled just before he kissed you, and the way he made you laugh until your sides hurt.
Heeseung had always been wary of Jeno. He'd seen the signs, warned you about his antics, and tried to protect you like he always has, naturally, being your older brother, but you don't regret a single moment. Despite the warnings, you plunged headfirst into the relationship. You got to experience love—the highs, the lows, and everything in between.
Even now, with the wedding invitation in hand, you can't bring yourself to feel bitter. Heeseung might give you that 'I told you so' look, but you'll just shrug it off, because to you, love, even when it ends, is something to cherish. It taught you, shaped you, and you wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
Class finally ends, and you make your way back to your brother's house. Opening the door, you find everyone except jay, saerom and jake in the living room, engaged in a random conversations about the previous night.
As you step into the living room, the change in your expression doesn't go unnoticed by Heeseung, his brow furrowing with concern. "What's up?" he asks, his voice tinged with brotherly caution.
You hesitate for a moment, feeling the weight of your phone in your pocket. Sighing, you pull it out and hand it to him. "It's Jeno's wedding invite," you admit, watching his eyes scan over the elegant script, capturing the attention of your friends in the room. Heeseung's protective instincts kick in immediately. "You're not thinking of going, are you?" He hands back your phone, his gaze steady on yours.
You meet his look with a resolve that surprises even you. "I think I need to," you say firmly. "For closure." Heeseung doesn't look convinced, but he knows better than to argue when your mind is made up. "Just... be careful, okay?" he says, and you can tell he's trying to understand. You nod, grateful for his concern but knowing this is something you have to do for yourself.
Niki, always the joker, jumps into the conversation, trying to lighten the mood. . "I never liked Jeno anyway, you were too pretty for him, and he’s the clumsiest person to literally ever exist”. You can't help but laugh at Niki's attempt to make you smile. "Thanks, Niki," you say, playfully rolling your eyes. "But let's not get too carried away with the ego boost, okay?"
you glance over at jungwon, who clearly has not made a full recovery and is still very much regretting letting jake feed him shot after shot. it’s then you realize that you have no idea about saeroms whereabouts. that probably makes you the worst best friend known to man but in your defense, you had a pretty hectic morning. iyou catch sight of her walking out of jake’s room. confusion spreads across your face. why would she be in his room?
looking a little disheveled, she freezes as she notices everyone's eyes on her. The not-so-secret secret is out, and her cheeks turn a shade of pink.
"Guys, it's not what it looks like," Saerom stammers, but the knowing smiles and snickers from heeseung and sunghoon tell a different story.
You raise an eyebrow playfully. "you and jake? when did that happen?” Saerom bites her lip, trying to suppress a smile. "Okay, okay, maybe it's a little bit like what it looks like, and i’m sorry i didn’t tell you. i was afraid you’d be upset since yknow jake is heeseung’s friend and all" she admits. “trust me im more worried about you catching something from jake than him being my brothers friend” you tell her.
heeseung smiles, “trust me jake’s ONLY been sleeping with her”. you snap your head, giving her an offended look, “my BROTHER knew about this before me? ok now im hurt”. Sunghoon laughs, “it was kind of hard not to find out when they both clearly have a thing for exhibitionism”.
“ ok i think im gonna throw up now” jungwon says causing everyone to let out a laugh”.
niki gasps, “SO THIS is why you’ve been wanting to come to every ksana party??? i knew you were still a boring bitch”. “ok who invited him” saerom rolls her eyes. the sudden commotion in the room wakes sunoo, who had still be deep asleep on the couch next to niki. “what’s going on” he says in a groggy tone. “you don’t wanna know” sunghoon tells him.
you turn to him. Once again admiring his look, now put together as opposed to his disheveled state you encountered when you ran into him this morning. you made a mental note to thank him later for keeping an eye out for jungwon.
You can't help but feel grateful for your friends, even in the midst of reminiscing about your past. With their humor and love, you know you'll be able to face whatever comes your way.
later on back at your place, you catch Saerom up to speed on all the details. “that dick invited you his wedding???, what the fuck is his problem” saerom states with a tone of disgust. “i found it odd too but I think it’s what I need in order to finally close that chapter in my life” you say, assuring her.
“you now what this means right?” she presses. “no?” you ask, a bit confused as to what she has up her sleeve. “you need a date!” “yeah no” you quickly reply. “come on babes you can’t show up alone. you need to show him that you’ve moved on too and don’t care that he wasn’t the one for you”. you ponder her idea. it wouldn’t be so bad. it’d save you from the internal embarrassment of showing up to your ex’s wedding all alone, looking like some pathetic loser who came to drown in her sorrows at the sight of her first love being wedded away to a different woman. after more careful consideration, you reluctantly agree. saerom claps her hands in excitement. “where in the world am i going to find someone that’ll agree to being my date within 2 weeks?” you weren’t exactly the popular type around campus, despite being heeseungs little sister.
“i can ask jake, maybe he’ll know someone?” saerom suggests. you’re hesitant and take a moment to really think about your plan here. “we need to find someone you can be comfortable with. you’ll need to hold hands and do couple shit to make it beliveable”. Saerom tells you, a little to excited about the whole ordeal. you swallow, oh boy are you in for a ride.
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taglist: @cornenhapovs @myjaeyuns @magssu @leeknowsgfsblog @luminouskalopsia @jentlecoeur @heeslut4life @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @jaeyungxrl @rapmonie2047 @anormieee @nishislcve @leesura @en-happiness @kimsunoops @heelariously @rikiwaify-blog @ihrtgyuuu @purennn @hoonharem @g0niki @hearts4itoshi @yongbokified @shuichi-sama @xiaoderrrr @hongshuaknow @skylaly @yzzyhee @jwnghyuns @heelovesmeknot @kookify
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kentobb · 2 months
The Bet (Part Six)
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Characters: College! Sukuna x Female Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Emotional Damage. Yes, ladies and gentlemen… this is the moment. Mention of smut, virginity loss. Foul Language. Physical fight perhabs? Bullying. Etc etc
Author’s note: After this part, part 7,8 and 9 will come in around five (days). I’m still working 😭 and currently am in Belgium rn. But, reading your comments make my day and push me into writing 🩷 love yall
Part 01
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Sukuna woke up the next morning to the gentle light of dawn filtering through the curtains. He turned to see you lying beside him, the blanket covering your naked body, your face peaceful and serene as you slept. His heart swelled with affection as he watched you, the events of the previous night replaying in his mind.
He reached out, gently caressing your hair, his fingers threading through the silky strands. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, savoring the quiet moment of intimacy. You stirred slightly but didn't wake, a small smile playing on your lips.
He carefully slipped out of bed, pulling on a pair of pants before quietly making his way to the kitchen. He found Yuuji there, already up and munching on a bowl of cereal.
"Morning," Yuuji said with a mischievous grin. "So…”
Sukuna rolled his eyes but couldn't help but chuckle. "Shut up, idiot.”
Yuuji laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Thought I heard some heavy furniture rearranging going on."
Sukuna shook his head, amused. "You're impossible, you know that?"
Yuuji shrugged, grinning. "Hey, someone's got to keep things interesting around here."
Sukuna prepared a pot of coffee, the rich aroma filling the kitchen. He poured himself a cup and then set about making a hot chocolate for you, knowing it was your favorite. As he stirred the warm drink, he felt a sense of contentment and joy he hadn't known he needed.
Carrying the drinks carefully, he made his way back to the bedroom. The smell of the hot chocolate must have reached you, as you were starting to wake, eyes fluttering open. You smiled sleepily when you saw him, face lighting up with love.
"Good morning," you murmured, leaning up to kiss him.
"Morning," Sukuna replied, handing you the cup. "I made you your favorite."
You took the cup with a grateful smile, savoring the first sip of the hot chocolate. "Thank you, Kuna."
Sukuna sat down on the edge of the bed, watching you with a tender expression. "How are you feeling after last night?" he asked softly, his eyes filled with concern and love.
You blushed slightly, setting the cup down. "A little sore," you admitted, your voice shy but happy.
He leaned in, kissing your forehead gently. "My bad. I got excited. Stay in bed and rest. We will have a lazy day.”
You looked up at him, eyes shining with gratitude and love. "You don't have to do that, I know you have practice for the game."
"I want to," Sukuna insisted, his voice firm but gentle. "You mean the world to me, and I want to make sure you're okay. Plus, the game is in two days.”
You nodded, a warm feeling spreading through your chest. "Thank you."
Sukuna stayed in bed with you, despite knowing he was supposed to be at practice. His phone buzzed with calls from his teammates, but he quickly set it to "Do Not Disturb," deciding that nothing was more important than this moment with you.
He reached over to the bedside table, grabbed the remote, and turned on a movie. As the film started playing, he gently caressed your hair, his fingers moving softly through the strands. He watched you closely, observing the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, feeling the steady rhythm of your heartbeat against his.
From the living room, he heard the jingle of keys and the familiar voices of Yuuji and Choso. "We're going out," Yuuji called out.
"Okay," Sukuna replied, knowing this meant he would have the apartment for himself.
He turned his attention back to you, a smile playing on his lips. "Looks like we've got the place to ourselves," he said softly, leaning down to kiss you.
You giggled, your laughter like music to his ears. "Good, I like having you all to myself."
Sukuna laughed, positioning himself on top of yoi, bodies fitting together perfectly. He kissed you deeply, connection palpable. As he pulled back, his eyes were filled with warmth and affection.
Trailing his hand down your thigh, he felt you shiver under his touch. He looked at you, seeing the same lust and desire in your eyes that he felt coursing through him. You gazed up at him, your eyes dark and inviting.
Sukuna bit his lip, struggling to contain his own desire. "You drive me crazy, you know that?" he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
You smiled, reaching up to touch his face. "Good," you whispered, your voice teasing. "I like knowing I have that effect on you."
The playful banter was interrupted by another kiss, this one even more intense. Sukuna's hand continued to explore, moving with a gentle yet deliberate purpose. He felt you respond, your body arching towards his touch, your breath hitching in anticipation.
The movie played in the background, forgotten as you both lose yourself in each other. Every touch, every kiss, every whispered word brought you closer, deepening your bond.
Sukuna's hands roamed over your body, memorizing every curve, every reaction. He wanted to make sure you felt as cherished and loved as you made him feel. Your hands moved up his back, your touch sending shivers down his spine.
For a moment, he paused, looking into your eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.
You nodded, your eyes shining with trust and love. "I'm perfect," you whispered.
With a smile, Sukuna leaned down and kissed you again, pouring all his feelings into that one moment.
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The next day, Sukuna walked into basketball practice, feeling a noticeable spring in his step. The entire team was abuzz with excitement since tomorrow was the big game. And he needed to be his best since he already lost one day of practice. His teammates quickly noticed the change in him—he seemed different, almost glowing with a newfound energy and happiness.
As they warmed up, Geto and Gojo exchanged knowing glances. "Look at him," Geto whispered to Gojo. "Our boy looks like he's walking on air."
Gojo smirked. "About time."
The coach blew the whistle, signaling the start of their practice play. They ran through drills, the sound of sneakers squeaking on the polished floor and the thud of the ball echoing in the gym. The heat in the gymnasium soon had everyone drenched in sweat.
"Alright, shirts off!" the coach called out, and the players quickly complied, tossing their shirts aside.
As Sukuna pulled off his shirt, a collective gasp went through the team. His back was covered in red marks, clear evidence of a…passionate night. His teammates' eyes widened, and then, almost in unison, they broke into laughter and teasing.
"Damn, Sukuna! Those are some serious battle scars!" Geto hollered, slapping Sukuna on the back.
"Looks like someone had a fun night," Todo added, winking.
Gojo, standing nearby, couldn't help but laugh. "Sukuna, I didn't know you were into competitive sports off the court too," he teased, grinning widely.
Sukuna rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress his smile. "You guys are impossible."
Geto leaned in, pretending to inspect the marks more closely. "Those scratches… so you popped your cherry?”
Sukuna chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah.”
Gojo, still laughing, gave Sukuna a friendly nudge. "I'm happy for you, man. Seriously."
Sukuna felt a sense of relief wash over him. Despite the teasing, he knew his friends were genuinely happy for him. They knew him well enough to see that this wasn't just some girl—he was genuinely in love. And he was sure that you are the love of his life.
As practice continued, the teasing didn't stop, but it was all in good fun. Sukuna felt more connected to his team than ever. They ran through a practice play, working in perfect sync. Sukuna dribbled the ball down the court, passed it to Gojo, who feigned a shot before passing it back. Sukuna jumped, shooting the ball through the hoop with a perfect swish.
"That's what I'm talking about!" Yuuji cheered from the sidelines along with Choso, clapping loudly.
As they gathered for a break, panting and sweating, Sukuna couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. He had his team, his friends, and now, he had you. Life felt perfect…
Almost… too perfect.
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The team had put in a solid practice session, and as the sun began to set, the coach blew the final whistle. "Alright, that's enough for today. Rest up for tomorrow's game. We need you all at your best," he announced.
The players dispersed, chatting and laughing as they grabbed their things. Sukuna gathered his gear, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation for the big game. He waved to his teammates and headed toward the locker room.
As Gojo watched Sukuna leave, he noticed a familiar figure lurking by the entrance. Mei Mei. He sighed, rolling his eyes, not particularly thrilled to see her. As Sukuna walked away, oblivious, Mei Mei approached Gojo.
"So," she began, her voice dripping with curiosity, "Heard they haven’t done it. That means that sooner or later I’m receiving that call…”
Gojo chuckled, shaking his head. "You really are out of the loop, aren't you? Isn’t a little weird that you’re obsessed with his sex life?” He sighed, “But if you really want to know… they did it. And guess what? He is still in love. So whatever idea you had… it just that… an idea.”
Mei Mei's confident facade cracked, her eyes widening in shock and hurt. "What?" she whispered, the reality of her lost opportunity sinking in.
Gojo stepped closer, his expression hardening. He was fed up with her games and manipulation. “This black mail of yours? You can shove it up your ass. I’m not doing this shit anymore. You can say and do whatever you want. You know why Mei Mei?” Gojo stepped even closer, “Because no matter what you do or say, Sukuna is never coming back to you.”
Mei Mei flinched, tears welling up in her eyes.
“You have been black mailing me foe two months and haven’t do shit…" Gojo cut her off, his voice icy and ruthless. "You had your chance, and you blew it. He's happy now, and nothing you do is going to change that. You're nothing to him. Just a mistake he made once. Move on and stop embarrassing yourself."
Her tears began to fall, her composure crumbling completely. "Does hurting a woman feeling makes you feel good, Gojo?”
"Pathetic, I can’t consider you one," Gojo spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "You think you can just waltz back into his life and everything will go back to the way it was? Grow up, Mei Mei. He's with someone who actually cares about him, who he actually cares about. You? You're just a bitter memory."
Mei Mei's sobs grew louder, but Gojo didn't let up. "Do us all a favor and disappear. No one wants you here. You're nothing but a toxic presence, and Sukuna deserves better than that. Better than you."
With that, Gojo turned and walked away, leaving Mei Mei standing there, her composure shattered. She stood frozen for a moment before slumping against the wall, tears streaming down her face as she cried silently in the corner.
Gojo didn't look back. He felt a sense of justice in finally telling her off. Sukuna deserved to be happy, and he wouldn't let anyone jeopardize that, especially not Mei Mei. As he caught up with the rest of the team, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders.
Or so he thought.
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Mei Mei lay on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she replayed the harsh words Gojo had hurled at her. She felt a deep sadness, a gnawing regret that things had not gone as she had hoped with Sukuna. She felt uneasy, her heart heavy with the realization that she had lost him.
The door creaked open, and Utahime entered the room they shared. She walked over to Mei Mei's side of the bed and sat down gently. "Hey, what happened?" Utahime asked softly, her voice filled with concern.
Mei Mei looked up, her eyes red and swollen. "It's over," she said, her voice breaking. "Sukuna is in love with another girl. It's not me."
Utahime's heart ached for her friend. She tried to comfort her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Mei Mei.”
Mei Mei shook her head, tears still flowing. "I don't understand what he sees in her. She's the complete opposite of the type of girl he usually dates."
Utahime tried to soothe her but Mei Mei's sadness quickly turned into anger. Her fists clenched, and her expression hardened. "But if he wants to play like that, then lets do that. If I am loosing… he is loosing with me.”
Utahime's eyes widened with concern. "Mei Mei, what are you thinking?"
Mei Mei's eyes blazed with determination. "I'm going to tell her. I'm going to tell her about the bed.”
Utahime's heart raced with worry. "Mei Mei, do you think that’s a good idea? What are you gaining with that?”
But Mei Mei was resolute. "His lost.” She smiled through the pain.
Utahime could see the storm brewing in her friend's eyes, and she knew there was little she could do to dissuade her. She watched helplessly as Mei Mei's sadness transformed into a vengeful resolve.
"Please, Mei Mei, think about this," Utahime pleaded. "Hurting her won't make you feel better. It will only create more pain."
Mei Mei shook her head, her mind made up. "I don’t fucking care about her. This isn’t about you. This is about him.”
Utahime sighed, knowing that trying to stop Mei Mei would be futile. She could only hope that her friend would come to her senses before doing something she would regret.
Mei Mei stood up, wiping away her tears, her expression set in determination. "The game is tomorrow. I will give him revenge.” she declared, her voice filled with a mix of pain and anger, “In a cold plate.”
Utahime watched her friend leave the room, her heart heavy with worry.
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The day of the big game had finally arrived, and the court was filled with people buzzing with excitement. The atmosphere was electric, the stands packed with cheering fans ready to support their team. Sukuna walked toward the court with you his side. You wore his jersey number proudly, your face adorned with makeup in the colors of his team.
"Good luck," you said, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. Sukuna pulled you closer, deepening the kiss and touching the heart locket he had given you. You smiled against his lips, feeling the warmth of his love.
"I love you," Sukuna whispered, his eyes locking with yours.
"I love you. I’ll be watching you," you replied, your voice filled with encouragement and affection.
Sukuna reluctantly let go of you and headed to the locker room, while you made your way to the stands to find your seat. You spotted Yuuji and Choso, who waved enthusiastically when they saw you. You hugged them both tightly, feeling a sense of camaraderie and support.
"Hey, you are here!” Yuuji exclaimed, grinning widely.
"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world," you replied, taking your seat beside them.
Choso leaned in, a playful smirk on his face. "Ready to see your boyfriend in action?"
You nodded, your eyes sparkling with excitement. "Absolutely. I know he's going to be amazing."
The game had just started, and the energy in the court was electrifying. Players moved swiftly, and the crowd's cheers echoed throughout the gym. Gojo was on the court with Sukuna, focused on the game. Suddenly, Gojo's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw a text message from Mei Mei:
Evil cunt: “Good luck finding a new friend 🩷.”
Gojo's eyes widened in shock as he looked up and scanned the crowd. His heart started pounding when he spotted Mei Mei making her way towards you. Panic set in as he realized what she was about to do.
"No fucking way.” Gojo muttered under his breath, his anxiety skyrocketing.
Sukuna noticed Gojo’s sudden change in demeanor. He followed Gojo's gaze and saw Mei Mei approaching you. Fear gripped him as he quickly put two and two together. Mei Mei knew about the bet and was going to tell you about it.
Sukuna’s heart raced as he made eye contact with Gojo. The unspoken understanding between them was immediate. Without a second thought, Sukuna sprinted off the court, pushing through the crowd to get to you.
Yuuji and Choso, watched in confusion as he suddenly sprinted off the court. You were bewildered, eyes following his hurried movements. In the midst of the commotion, Mei Mei slipped into the seat next to you, a sinister smile playing on her lips.
Yuuji's eyes widened in shock as he recognized Mei Mei. "What are you doing here?" he asked, suspicion lacing his voice.
Mei Mei ignored Yuuji and turned to you, pulling out a hundred-dollar bill and handing it to you. "Here, this is for Sukuna," she said sweetly, her tone dripping with malice.
You took the bill, confusion deepening. "What is this for?"
Mei Mei giggled, enjoying the unfolding drama. "It's for Sukuna. He won the bet."
Your eyes widened in shock. "What bet?"
Mei Mei's smile widened, turning vicious. "Gojo made a bet with Sukuna to hook up with the girl that nobody wanted." She looked at you up and down.
The color drained from your face as realization dawned. You were… a bet? Yuuji stood up abruptly, anger flashing in his eyes. "Get the fuck out!”
But before Mei Mei could respond, Sukuna arrived, his eyes locking onto you, holding the hundred-dollar bill, your face pale and your breaths coming in quick, shallow gasps. He could see that you were starting to have a panic attack.
Mei Mei turned to Sukuna, her smile triumphant. "She needed to know the truth," she said smugly.
Sukuna's anger flared. "What was the point of that?” he demanded, his voice trembling with fury.
Mei Mei shrugged, her expression cold. "Now we've both lost something we love," she said simply, before turning and walking away, leaving chaos in her wake.
The crowd around them had gone silent, everyone watching the unfolding drama with morbid curiosity. Whispers spread like wildfire, and you felt the weight of their judgment, embarrassed and humiliated.
Sukuna stood there, his heart pounding in his chest as he watched the scene fold. You clutched the hundred-dollar bill with your trembling hand, Sukuna felt a wave of panic wash over him. He had to fix this. He couldn’t let Mei Mei destroy everything.
Sukuna reached out to touch you, to comfort you but you slapped his hand away, your voice breaking as you spoke. "Don't. Just... don't."
Yuuji, still standing, tried to intervene. "Let's get you out of here," he said gently, looking at you with concern.
Choso joined hun, his expression serious. "Come on, let's go somewhere private."
He tried to approach you again, to say something, anything that would calm you down. “Hey, please. Let’s talk about this,” he pleaded, but you didn’t seem to hear him. Eyes were glazed over with pain and confusion, and you started to gather your things, your movements shaky and disjointed.
Sukuna’s heart broke as he saw you like this. He took a step closer, trying to reach out to you. “Please, don’t go. Just listen to me for a moment,” he begged, his voice trembling.
But you continued to walk away, your steps unsteady. Sukuna couldn’t bear it. He decided to go towards you, wrapping his arms around you in a desperate hug. You struggled against him, your hands hitting his chest as you cried out, sobs wracking your body. “Let go of me! Let go!” You screamed, your voice filled with anguish.
Sukuna held on, his own tears streaming down his face. “I’m so sorry. Please, I love you. Just listen to me,” he whispered, his voice breaking.
With a sudden burst of strength, you pushed him away, your hands trembling with rage and hurt. You slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoing in the quiet hallway. Sukuna stood there, stunned, his cheek stinging from the impact. He looked at you, his eyes filled with sorrow and desperation.
“I can explain,” he started, his voice cracking. “There was a bet at first, yes. But everything changed when I got to know you. I fell in love with you. The bet meant nothing. You mean everything to me.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face, ruining your makeup. “How can I believe you now? Everything was a lie. I was just a joke to you… I was just the virgin girl that you needed to fuck?” you spat, your voice filled with bitterness.
Sukuna took a step closer, his hands outstretched in a plea. “No, it wasn’t like that. I swear. You’re not a joke. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”
You turned away from him, your shoulders shaking with sobs. “I feel so stupid for believing in you. For thinking that someone like you could be with someone like me,” you cried, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sukuna’s heart shattered at your words. He reached out, his voice desperate. “Please, don’t say that. I love you. I really do. Please, believe me.”
You touched the heart locket he had given you, your fingers trembling. It had been a symbol of his love, a promise he had made. But now, it felt like a cruel joke. Your hands shook violently as you grabbed the necklace, your knuckles white with the strain.
With a swift motion, you tore the necklace off and walked toward him. You thrust it into his hand, your eyes filled with tears and anger. “I don’t want to see you again,” you said, your voice breaking.
Sukuna stood there, the necklace heavy in his hand, feeling like the weight of his world had just collapsed. “Please, baby. Believe me.” he whispered, his voice raw with emotion.
But you had already turned away, walking down the hallway with your shoulders hunched, your sobs echoing in the silence. Sukuna watched you go, his heart aching with every step you took away from him. He wanted to run after you, to beg you to stay, but he knew it would only make things worse.
Sukuna stood there, heartbroken and unable to move, watching her disappear from his life. The weight of his mistake crushed him, and he felt a hollow emptiness where his heart used to be. His hands trembled, still clutching the necklace you had returned to him.
His teammates stood behind him, unsure of what to do or say. The silence was heavy, filled with the echoes of their confrontation. Gojo stepped forward, reaching out to comfort his friend. "Sukuna, I—" he began, but Sukuna pushed him away, his eyes filled with anger and pain.
Gojo covered his face, expecting a blow, but it never came. He lowered his hands and saw Sukuna breathing heavily, his chest heaving with suppressed rage and sorrow. The look in Sukuna's eyes was one of devastation, and it broke Gojo's heart to see his friend like this.
"We have a game to win," Sukuna said, his voice low and strained, trying to focus on anything but the overwhelming grief.
Geto approached cautiously, concern etched on his face. "Are you sure you'll be able to play?" he asked gently.
Sukuna didn't answer, his eyes staring blankly at the spot where you had stood. He turned and walked back towards the court, his teammates following silently. Yuuji and Choso exchanged worried glances, noticing the change in Sukuna's demeanor. The light that usually shone in his eyes was gone, replaced by a dark, burning anger.
As they returned to the game, Sukuna's rage began to manifest in his play. He was aggressive, his movements sharp and almost reckless. His teammates could feel the intensity radiating from him, a stark contrast to his usual composed self.
The game began anew, the energy in the gym electric with anticipation. Sukuna's focus was razor-sharp, but it was driven by a storm of emotions. He clenched his jaw, his muscles tense as he took his position on the court. The whistle blew, and the game resumed.
Sukuna moved with a fierce determination, his eyes locked on the ball. He intercepted a pass, charging down the court with a speed and aggression that left the opposing team scrambling to catch up. He drove to the basket, leaping into the air and slamming the ball through the hoop with a force that shook the backboard. The crowd erupted in cheers, but Sukuna's face remained stoic, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.
On defense, Sukuna was relentless. He blocked shots with a ferocity that left his opponents stunned, his movements almost violent in their intensity. He swatted the ball away, sending it flying across the court, and glared at the player he had just denied, his eyes burning with an unspoken challenge.
Yuuji and Choso watched from the sidelines, their concern growing with every passing minute. They had never seen Sukuna like this, and it scared them. He was playing to win, but the cost was evident in the raw intensity of his actions.
The game progressed, and Sukuna's relentless assault on the basket continued. He racked up points, each score a temporary distraction from the agony gnawing at his heart. The crowd cheered, but the noise barely registered in his mind.
His thoughts kept drifting back to you—the way you smiled when you were beneath him, the softness of your touch, the warmth of your embrace.
“I love you…”
And now, the way you walked away from him, the hurt and betrayal in your eyes cutting him deeper than any wound.
Sukuna's aggression on the court escalated, his anger spilling over. He pushed past defenders with more force than necessary, his movements almost violent. The opposing team tried to counter, but Sukuna was relentless, his need to drown out the pain driving him forward.
In the middle of the game, Sukuna found himself face-to-face with an opponent, their eyes locking in a silent challenge. The other player smirked, taunting Sukuna. "What's wrong, pretty boy? Got something on your mind?"
Sukuna's eyes darkened, and he drove forward, pushing the player aside with a force that sent him sprawling to the ground. The crowd gasped, and the referee blew the whistle, signaling a foul. Sukuna barely registered the call, his mind consumed by a whirlwind of emotions.
As he stood at the free-throw line, the weight of the game pressing down on him, Sukuna's hands trembled. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but the memories kept flooding back. He could see your face, the way you looked at him with love and trust, and then the way that trust shattered when you were told the truth.
He made the free throw, the ball sailing cleanly through the hoop, but the victory felt hollow. His teammates cheered, but Sukuna's heart remained heavy.
The game continued, each play a blur of movement and emotion. Sukuna's aggression showed no signs of abating. He played like a man possessed, his focus unwavering, but the cost was evident in the raw intensity of his actions. He collided with opponents, his body moving with a ferocity that left his teammates and coaches concerned.
The final minutes of the game were a whirlwind of action. Sukuna's team was in the lead, but the margin was slim. The opposing team mounted a fierce comeback, and the tension in the gym was palpable.
Sukuna took the ball, charging down the court with a determination that bordered on desperation. He dodged defenders, his movements almost reckless, and leaped into the air for a final shot. The ball sailed through the hoop, sealing the victory for his team.
The gym erupted in cheers, but Sukuna felt none of the triumph. He stood in the middle of the court, panting heavily, his mind still trapped in the moments that had just shattered his world.
His teammates surrounded him, their joy contrasting sharply with his hollow expression. Gojo approached cautiously, his earlier fear replaced with deep concern. "We won, man," he said softly, hoping to reach his friend. But Sukuna's eyes remained distant, his mind still trapped in the moments that had just shattered his world.
The celebration felt empty to Sukuna. He walked off the court, the cheers and applause fading into the background. The victory meant nothing to him now, not when he had lost the person who meant everything. You.
In the locker room, the atmosphere was somber despite the win. Sukuna sat on the bench, staring at the floor, the necklace still clutched in his hand. His teammates gave him space, understanding the depth of his pain.
Yuuji sat beside him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We're here for you, Sukuna," he said quietly. "We'll get through this."
Sukuna nodded slightly, but his heart was heavy with regret and sorrow. The game was over, but the battle within him had only just begun. The memories of you haunted him, a constant reminder of what he had lost.
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See ya in a few days! <3
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cosmopretty · 20 days
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Forgotten Date
Caitlin Clark x Fem
Synopsis: After getting drafted Caitlin has been working so hard for Indiana Fever she seems to accidentally forget about you. Once she realizes she can’t help but want to make it up to you.
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After being the number one pick in the WNBA draft, Caitlin your girlfriend has been working harder than she ever has. College basketball was nothing like this league, it was a whole new level and it was exhausting for her and her new teammates. You moved with Caitlin to Indiana because she loved you and wanted you to be with her while she lives out her dreams.
But watching your girlfriend work her ass off all the time and come home exhausted was not a sight you liked to see.
All Caitlin did was work, in the gym on the court, off the court. The whole world was watching her, expecting her to change the WNBA. It was so much pressure on her and recently every time you woke up in the morning, she was never there, never home. She left you notes, texts, food but wasn’t around physically.
You missed her so much and it was crazy because you lived with her so you shouldn’t because you live together.
“Caitlin I’m still making dinner call me back when you can I love you” You say into the phone leaving her a voicemail, after she didn’t answer your first two calls.
Knowing her she was probably at practice or the gym, so you put your phone down and go back to cooking. Caitlin knew you were going to cook for the two of you, you told her this morning. It was supposed to be a cute little date for you both since you haven’t been spending much time together and you just wanted to cheer her up.
The dinner was her favorite kind of pasta with grilled chicken you cooked and seasoned yourself and garlic bread. You spent all morning at the grocery store looking for ingredients and all afternoon cooking.
You set up the table and lit some candles, putting a vase down with fresh flowers you picked up today.
You sat at the table, staring at the empty chair across from you, the food growing cold on the plates. The silence in the room felt heavy, pressing down on you as you pushed the fork around your untouched meal. Each passing minute made the ache in your chest deepen, the disappointment settling in like a dull, unshakeable weight.
You called her multiple times, eleven to be exact at different times. She knew about this, she agreed and she didn’t show up.
You sat alone at the table, the flickering candlelight making soft shadows around the room. The food that you had carefully prepared sat untouched, their warmth slowly fading as the minutes ticked by. With each passing moment, the silence in the room grew heavier, and the hope that your girlfriend might still walk through the door began to fade, leaving only the sting of disappointment in its place.
After more than enough time you get up leaving the untouched food in its place, not bothering to clean anything up.
Walking into the room you shared with Caitlin you couldn’t even stand there for more than a minute before grabbing your bag and leaving.
You step out of your apartment, the click of the door behind you echoing in the quiet hallway. The evening air hits your face as you walk down the stairs, each step heavier than the last. You’re not sure where you’re going, but staying inside wasn’t an option. Not tonight.
She bailed on dinner didn’t even bother to show up. No call, no text, nothing you waited for an hour for her after she wasn’t even home all day.
You find yourself outside, the city buzzing around you, people going about their lives. Couples pass by, holding hands, laughing. It stings more than you expected, all you wanted was her but she couldn’t be there.
You pull your jacket tighter, feeling the chill that isn’t just from the night. There’s a knot in your chest, a mix of frustration, sadness, and something else—something harder to name. You wonder if it’s worth it, if she’s worth it, or if you’re just clinging to something that’s slipping away.
But for now, you keep walking, hoping the movement will take you somewhere, anywhere that feels less empty.
Ending up at the park you sit down on the bench you body heavy with emotions from tonight.
The park is quiet, the kind of place you go when you need to think, to clear your head. Trees sway gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling like whispers in the dark. You wonder what went wrong this time—was she really that busy, or did she just forget you?
Only an hour after you sat down your phone started going off, texts from Caitlin saying how sorry she is and calls over and over.
Caitlin stepping in side your shared apartment her heart dropping to her stomach when she saw the dinner she forgot of. She called you over and over and you declined every call even though you did wish to hear her voice.
The one thing you forgot was that the two do you shared locations so when Caitlin showed up at the park walking towards you a frown on her lips.
She’s walking toward you, her pace quickening as she spots you. There’s an urgency in her steps, in the way she calls your name. You hear her, but instead of walking towards her you get up walking the opposite direction, crossing your arms.
But she was taller than you and faster so she reaches you, slightly out of breath, her eyes searching yours.
“Hey,” she says softly, trying to catch your attention. You can hear the apology in her voice, but it feels like it’s too late. You keep walking, and she falls into step beside you.
“I’m sorry,” she starts, her voice filled with guilt. “I didn’t mean to forget I just- I got caught up in the gym, and time slipped away. I know that’s not an excuse”
You look up at her for a moment your eyes filled with unshed tears. But you don’t say a word to her, just continuing to walk. Caitlin reaches out to you grabbing your arming turn you to face her, the two of you stand still staring at one another.
“Please,” she pleads, her voice softer now, almost vulnerable “Talk to me” she begs.
“I miss you Caitlin and we live together so I shouldn’t miss you— I just wanna be with you that’s why I came half way across America for you and your never here and when you are your tired and that’s not your fault but it hurts” You vent to her a tear drop falling down your cheek.
Her eyes look at you filled with guilt, her handing coming up to wipe the tear on your cheek. Her thumb caresses your cheek rubbing back and forth— she never realized how hard this was for you, not just her.
“I’m so sorry baby I love you so much and I will make time for you- I promise” She says to you her hand coming down from your cheek to grab your hand.
Her lips turn up to a small smile causing one to fall upon your face “I’m sorry let me make it up to you please” Caitlin asks her brown hair falling over her face as she looks down at you.
Your hand comes up hesitantly to brush a piece of her hair behind her ear. Your hand stays on her face before slowly pulling her closer to you “Okay make it up to me” you whisper before closing the gap between you both, your lips crashing into each other.
Caitlin pulls away first “Come on I have an idea” she says her hand coming to hold yours pulling you with her as she walks down the pathway out of the park.
“Where are we going?” You ask her laughing a bit she flashes you a small, playful smile, hoping it would help with the nervous flutter in your chest “You’ll see” she say, trying to sound lighthearted “Just trust me” you nod at her words following her.
The streets are quiet as you bothwalk, the sky fading into shades of pink and purple as the sun dips below the horizon. You steal a glance at her, catching the way her lips are set in a thoughtful line. You can tell she’s still upset, at what she did to you today for all she has done recently unknowingly.
After a few minutes, you turn a corner, and there it is, the little ice cream shop you both love, the one you haven’t visited in what feels like ages.
“ Ice cream?” she asks, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she looks at you.
“Ice cream,” you confirm, grinning as you pull her towards the entrance “My treat. You can pick anything you want” she tells you pulling you inside the shop.
You both take your ice creams and find a spot by the window, the two of you settling into a comfortable silence as you start to eat. The cool, sweet taste melts on your tongue, and you savor the moment, the simple joy of being here with her, of seeing her smile again.
She looks up at you after a few bites, her eyes meeting yours with a warmth that you always found comfort in.
“Thank you” she says quietly, and you can hear the sincerity in her voice. Your brows furrowed confused on why she was thanking you in the first place.
“I needed this, and I need you your the reason I work so hard I want to make you proud- I want us to be happy” Caitlin says her hand dropping from her ice cream to grab your hand over the table.
As you sit there, sharing ice cream and quiet conversation, you feel the weight between you lifting, the bond you share growing stronger with each passing moment. You know that things aren’t perfect, that there’s still work to be done, but right now, in this moment, she made you happy. And that’s all that matters.
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bitchinbarzal · 7 months
talk to me | f minten
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summary: When miscommunication strikes he just wants you to talk to him.
You trusted Fraser with your life, he was your entire world.
Things were hard for you when he headed off to Saskatchewan after it didn’t work out well with the leafs. You were proud of him regardless but it was hard.
It was hard when you had so many classes back to back which was only made worse when his games and training schedule was on the opposite schedule to yours.
You’d hardly spoken in weeks outwith casual morning and what you up to text messages.
You missed your boyfriend.
You were supposed to fly to visit him for Valentine’s, finally having a long weekend to spend with him albeit watching him play but you’d rather watch him play and be able to hug him afterwards than just sending a text.
However, the tickets were sent to be refunded as soon as you saw the photo.
You always encouraged Fraser to go out, do something other than play hockey and when he did he was usually texting you, telling you how he wished you were there.
However, looking at the picture on your Twitter you realised he had avoided telling you he was going out which wouldn’t have been an issue if the photo you were looking at wasn’t a picture of him with his arm around another girl, curled into his side.
Your heart dropped as you flicked between the few images on the screen. The smile on his face hurt your heart, having been absent from your FaceTime calls for weeks.
You unpacked your bags for your trip and sat on your bed, turning on the tv to find a show to distract you.
A little later your phone buzzed, his photo appearing as your background, his smile wanting to make you smile. You looked at the notification and read the text
hey, call me when you’re checked in and send me your flight info so I can track you landing! I can’t wait to see you sweet girl 💙
You read the text and sighed, typing out your response.
Not coming, cancelled my ticket.
the typing bubble appeared, then disappeared over and over until he began calling.
You stared at his contact picture, a photo of you both together. You contemplated not picking up but you knew him, he’d never stop calling.
“Babe… what’s wrong?”
“I just don’t wanna come anymore”
You could just see the frown on his face in your head
“Why? I thought you were excited, we haven’t seen each other since October?” He sighed.
“Just changed my mind Fras, sue me” you snapped to which he mumbled “Ok rude”
And you just hung up, unable to continue your conversation without getting mean.
When you did he text you.
somethings wrong with you, I know it. I love you and I wanna talk to you so call me when you want 💙
You rolled your eyes, why did he have to be so supportive when you were mad at him.
He’d sent you multiple DM’s and texts overnight to which all were read and none responded to, leaving him with only one option.
When you woke up the next morning there he was, asleep on your couch. You stared at him softly, noticing he was hugging into himself clearly cold.
You may be mad but never that mad. You waddled into your bedroom and pulled out your blanket, draping it over him.
You hadn’t noticed in the darkness of your living room that your movements had woken Fraser up until he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his lap.
You landed with an “oof” and looked at him, your eyes sad and red from crying all night. You hoped he couldn’t but he could see them in the light coming in off the streets of downtown Toronto.
His thumb brushed your cheek “Hi sweet girl, what’s going on? Talk to me…”
You shook your head, attempting to get up but be stopped you “Y/N you need to speak to me! We’re a team”
You just glared “were we a team when you had your hands on her?”
His grip kept tightly on you as he frowned “What?”
“You- there was that picture of you online with some girl from last week” you stumbled, picking up his phone from right next to him.
In the moment you never registered how he didn’t even flinch when you picked up his phone or how the lock screen was a picture of you.
You found it eventually and showed him to which he nodded “Yeah that’s Kayla”
“Well Kayla is too close to Fraser” you said as if it was so obvious.
Fraser smiled “That’s Easton’s sister, she was visiting him that’s all… nothing weird”
You huffed a little, not used to being spoken to so honest and calmly
“You didn’t tell me you were going out”
“You were asleep because you felt sick! Babe stop trying to find a problem where there isn’t one, please just let yourself be happy for once in your life”
You deflated, leaning your head onto his shoulder
“I was so angry with you”
“I get it”
“You’re perfect though”
“I’m far from perfect but to someone who loves you, you’re everything” he mumbles, holding your hand “You’re everything to me you know that right?”
“I guess…”
He grabs your chin to make you look at him “No, you are! I was so scared I’d lose you last night I had to come here… you’re too important for me to lose”
“I promise I’ll talk next time” you admitted, kissing his jaw.
“Just talk to me, I love to hear your voice”
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littlereaderxfandoms · 8 months
Bring your little to work day
Request (by @eviebuggg): I wanted to request a CG!Hotch x little!reader where the reader comes along to work at the BAU with him (could be for the day, having being busy and bringing them along)! Meeting the other agents and all that ^^ maybe the reader takes an interest in wanting to see what he does (and they try to keep the gruesome pictures away lol!)
CG!Hotch x university!little!reader + BAU team
Summary: Hotch takes you to work with him.
Genre: Fluff (?)
Length: Around 1.5k
A/N: Loved the idea. Cannot say that I love the outcome. Y/N has been used. The reader is a university-going kid. Gender is unspecified.
Hotch had made a nice peaceful morning routine for you that you followed every morning. If you woke up with him, you would quietly follow him around as he made breakfast, otherwise he would wake you up after he made and ate the breakfast himself. This was followed by getting you and himself ready to leave the house. Usually, he would drop you off at your university on his way to work.
But not today. Today was different and you were buzzing with energy which also made the entire morning much more chaotic.
Today was bring your little to work day. This means, you would be going to the BAU with your daddy and you were so excited. Other than JJ being a little herself, who would be bringing her caregiver Will to work, only your Aunt Penny had a little, although he was away for work. So you and JJ were going to be the only littles in today.
“All right. That’s enough.” Hotch said with a stern look as he put the clothes in his hands back into the wardrobe. “If you can’t choose something, I will.”
“But daddy! You said I could choose!” You stomped your foot lightly, pouting at the stern look.
“Yes, but we have a time limit and you can’t seem to be able to choose anything.” Hotch gives you a pointed look, making you deflate a little. He sighs, “How about your favorite teddy hoodie and jeans?”
You nod quickly, “Yes please.”
Hotch kisses your forehead, making you smile, before helping you change.
“Alright, go wait downstairs.” Hotch nudges you towards the door before turning around to change himself. You flop on the couch as soon as you get to the living room, still sleepy from the late night you had because of assignments and studying for upcoming tests.
About 15 minutes later, you were leaving the parking garage of your apartment building, sitting next to Hotch for once as he drove. The ride was filled with music and singing, with Hotch joining in every once in a while on your insistence.
Hotch had to threaten you with the harness before he even parked the car as you tried to open the door before he was done parking the car. The threat did its job and you kept quiet and waited for your daddy to open the door for you.
However, as soon as you walked into the bullpen, you were running over to the group of agents standing around Spencer’s desk.
“Uncle Spencer! Uncle Morgan!” You squealed, just happy to be meeting everyone after weeks.
Spencer was quick to get out of the chair and pick you up before Derek even had a chance to do it. Both of them still grinned, showering you with compliments and questions about how you were doing. Emily and Penelope weren’t far behind, trying to take you away from the guys. But everyone stopped when they heard someone clear their throat, looking towards Hotch, who was standing there with his and your bag, a stern look on his face.
“Y/n.” That one word was enough for Spencer to put you down on your feet again and for you to look down and avoid eye contact. “What’s rule number one when leaving home?”
“No running away…” You mumble, still not looking up.
Hotch comes closer, lifting your chin to meet your gaze, “And what did you do as soon as the elevator doors opened?”
“Run off…” You sigh, knowing you might be in trouble, and for good reason.
“This is your final warning. If you run off or try to run off again, the harness is going on.” Hotch let go of your face, kissing your forehead as if it would soothe the stern tone of his warning. Not going to lie, it did.
“Yes, daddy.” You nod quickly, not wanting to get in trouble and especially not wanting the harness.
“Harness?” Derek asked, making you pout and hug your daddy, burying your face in his chest for comfort.
“Yeah, I got her one of those kids harness thingys. She kept running off whenever we were at the park and I just had enough.” Hotch shrugs, rubbing your back gently to help you stay calm.
“Ah…That’s a good idea. Although, considering you are using it as a threat means she doesn’t like it?” You heard Spencer.
“Not one bit.” You replied, burying your face further into Hotch’s chest, making him chuckle while the others laughed or smiled.
The rest of the morning was spent with the others working at their desks and you in Hotch’s office, helping him with delivering files when you were playing games on your phone or sitting in Hotch’s lap, just cuddling him.
Derek took you to McDonald’s to get lunch for everyone, and the entire ride was spent singing loudly. And after the amazing lunch, it was time for your nap time and you were quick to claim your daddy’s lap as your napping spot. Hotch couldn’t help but smile at this, loving the cuddles.
However, when you woke up, you were alone in his office, on the couch with a throw blanket covering you. A quick peek outside the window confirmed that the others were in the room with the round table. You took a moment to think about what to do before making your way to the room with the round table, using your blanket to cover you, wanting to see what their work was like.
You tried to be sneaky as you stood outside the room for a bit and tried to listen in but that failed soon enough for a couple of reasons. First, you couldn’t really understand much in your little mindset, and second, the door was opened by your daddy who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Hi daddy…” You gave Hotch the most innocent look you could muster, making him shake his head with the chuckle.
“No more eavesdropping little one.” Hotch says as he lets you in, guiding you to one of the chairs on the side of the room.
“Wanna see what you do daddy!” You wiggle, excited again.
“Yes, and you can sit there,” Hotch gave you a pointed look, making it clear you were to stay on the chair, “and listen to us discuss the case.”
“Okay!” You squeaked, wiggling a little in your seat.
The team proceeded to discuss the case, however, there was nothing on the big screen and everyone kept looking at their tablets while talking in more advanced vocabulary so you wouldn’t be able to keep up.
This made you frustrated about not understanding and curious about what they were looking at. You chose to stick to the curiosity as you slowly rolled your chair closer to the table, trying to peek at the tablets.
However, your plan failed as Hotch turned the tablet away at the last second, not letting you get a chance to see the tablet, making you whine before you saw the pointed look you were getting. You spent the rest of your time in that room facing the corner.
Thankfully, you were let out after the meeting ended and the others returned to their desks with Hotch taking you back to his office. However, you ended up in the bullpen after a bit as you got bored of staying in the office while Hotch was in an online meeting.
It didn’t take long for the bullpen to turn into chaos as you kept trying to look into files and the others kept taking them away, trying to keep the gruesome pictures away from your innocent gaze. It only stopped after Rossi came out of his office and threatened you with the corner and told your daddy on you, making you pout.
The rest of the work day was spent with you being entertained with different magic tricks that Spencer knew and trying to make a mug cake in the break room microwave with Derek and Emily. Penelope gave you a lollipop before she left to pick up her little one from the airport. JJ and Will left not long after Rossi stopped you from looking in files.
“Y/n. Spencer.” Hotch called out, stepping out of his office, and making the two of you look up. “Spencer, I’ve told you not to do those tricks here. That rocket thing could hurt someone.”
“Sorry Hotch.” Spencer shot Hotch with a sheepish smile.
“And Y/n, come on, you need to pack up your things so we can go home.” Hotch prompted, making you pout as you went up the step, dragging your feet.
You were all packed up and ready to go home in about 10 minutes, letting Hotch carry your bag as you went around the bullpen, giving goodbye hugs to everyone. Derek picked you up as you hugged him, turning away from Hotch.
“I’m kidnapping her Hotch!” Derek exclaimed, tickling you a little, making you squeal and giggle.
“Absolutely not. Give me my baby Derek.” Hotch spoke with a fake stern tone. “Before you end up having to do reports from everyone while we have a dinner at Rossi’s.”
Derek was quick to turn back around and put you to your feet near Hotch at the threat, making you giggle and the others laugh and encourage him to kidnap you.
After a few more hugs, you were back on your way home, falling asleep in the car with a single thought in mind.
Daddy’s work is so fun, I need to hang out there more.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 11 months
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a/n : The third part of Teach Me is finally here. Sorry for the wait, I was done but decided to rewrite it because I wasn't satisfied with the result. Hope you like it 🙏🏼 Enjoy!
Warnings: None, some fluff aand flirt, first date with Travis
Words: 2,560
Pairing: Travis Kelce x Reader
Part 2
The next morning, you woke up feeling content and excited. You had spent the rest of the night with Camille, in your pyjamas, doing skincare, watching movies and daydreaming about Ryan Gosling in the Notebook. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee welcomed you the moment you stepped into the kitchen. You best friend was pouring herself a cup when she saw you come in. 
‘’Coffee?’’ she asked you, raising the coffee pot in the air.
‘’Is that even a question?’’  you said, looking at her like she grew three heads. She giggled as you sat down at the kitchen island. She poured you a mug as you looked through your phone, noticing an unread text message from an unknown number. You smiled and blushed as you opened it. 
I had a lot of fun yesterday ☺️
A picture was attached to the message. Wyatt was in her uncle’s arms, as you laughed loudly at something she said, Travis looking at you with a big grin. 
‘’What are you smiling about?’’ Camille interrupted you, leaning over your shoulder and looking at your screen as she dropped a mug in front of you. ‘’Ouh … would you look at that’’ she said taking your cellphone from your hands as she examined every detail shown in the picture.
After a few seconds, you snatched it back, giggling at the way she looked at you with big eyes. ‘’What?’’, ‘’ Girl, have you seen the way he looks at you? He’s obsessed.’’ Your faced became even more red than it already was. 
‘’Are you going to stand here and look at your phone all day or are you going to answer back?’’ she continued nudging you, smirking as you rolled your eyes at her. Your phone buzzed again.
It’s Travis by the way.
You giggled before replying.
Thank you for clarifying, I couldn’t really tell by the picture 😜
Your phone started ringing indicating a call.
Incoming Call – Travis Kelce
You panicked for a second, showing your screen to Camille before she hurried you to pick up and talk to him. ‘’Hi’’ ‘’Hey… that wasn’t very clever of me, was it?’’ he asked scratching his head, slightly embarrassed. You giggled at his question before he talked again. ‘’So, how did you sleep?’’ 
‘’Pretty good actually, thanks for asking, what about you?’’ ‘’I slept okay… you know, I really had fun yesterday and I meant what I said Y/N, I would really like to take you out soon.’’ You smiled and walked towards the living room to get a little bit more privacy. 
‘’Perhaps tomorrow night, if you’re free.’’ You blushed. ‘’Tomorrow works for me.’’ 
‘’Great’’ he exclaimed loudly, fist pumping in the air. You couldn’t see him but just by the tone of his voice you just knew he was excited. “Uhm, I’ll pick you up at 7’’ you discussed a little more before you gave him your address and said your goodbyes. 
As you came back into the kitchen, Camille put her phone down quickly, focusing entirely on you with eager eyes. ‘’And, what did he say?’’ she asked as you sat down facing her, sipping on your coffee. ‘’We are going out tomorrow night’’ you said shrugging your shoulders like it was nothing.
‘’Ahhhhhhh’’ she screamed with excitement ‘’My best friend is going out on a date with a hot professional football player’’ she said dancing around you, making you laugh. ‘’I’m trying to stay calm and collected but I’m nervous as hell.’’ You stated.
You, going out with Travis would be the first date you’d be going on since breaking up with Christopher a few months ago. You were excited because you could feel the connection you had with Travis, but you couldn’t help but to freak out. He was famous, girls were throwing themselves at him, tabloids would be making rumors and publicizing everything he did. Going on dates with him and maybe developing a relationship of some sort would mean you’d have to accept his lifestyle and accept to be a part of it.
In contrast, your life remained quite uneventful. After graduating, you pursued a career as a preschool teacher. Although you occasionally socialized with friends, your life was predominantly marked by its tranquility. 
During your younger years, spontaneity defined your character, but being in a relationship with Christopher necessitated a shift. Christopher's finance job revolved around meticulous planning, and he was a dedicated organizer. It became unusual for the two of you to engage in spontaneous outings or unplanned trips; everything adhered to a pre-established agenda. 
You adapted to this routine, although it never truly brought you much satisfaction. Becoming his girlfriend changed you. You had become quieter, and organisation and planning were now a part of your daily life.  
‘’Should we go shopping to find you a new outfit?’’ Camille asked, wiggling her eyebrows making you laugh. ‘’I wouldn’t even know what to shop for, I have no idea what he has planned or where we are going.’’ You responded not knowing what to except from your date.
Later that day you ended up going to the mall, browsing to find an appropriate outfit for your evening with Travis. Camille wanted to stop by Victoria Secret on your way out because they had a sale going on.
Your eyes danced around the store, looking around at all the different color garment. You picked up a cute 2-piece red set and showed it to your friend.
‘’What do you think of this one?’’ You asked placing it in front of you. Camille smirked at you ‘’I’m sure Travis will love it’’ you chuckled, shoving her as she giggled back at you. 
‘’As if I was sleeping with him tomorrow.’’ ‘’I mean, have you seen him? I wouldn’t blame you.’’ She exclaimed before moving towards other gondolas as she continued shopping for herself.  You waited for her by the cash as she paid for her items. 
After she was done, she came towards you, and she handed you a small black and pink bag. ‘’What is this?’’ ‘’A gift’’ you looked inside the bag seeing the red two-piece lace set that you had your eyes on earlier. 
‘’Just don’t forget to mention my contribution to your relationship in you guys’ wedding speech.’’ She winked before running slowly towards the exit, laughing as you rolled your eyes blushing.
The next day passed by pretty fast and soon enough you were getting ready for your date with Travis. You looked at the clock and realised he would be there any minute. You applied the last touch of lip gloss on your lips before you heard a knock on the door. You stared at yourself in the mirror and took one last look before walking towards the entry way. You took a deep breath and opened the door. 
There stood Travis, looking handsome as ever, a single red rose in his hand as he looked up at you, smiling.  
‘’Hi’’ you gave him a small smile in return. ‘’This is for you’’ he said handing you the flower before you smelled it, blushing at the nice gesture. You thanked him and invited him inside while you fetched a small vase for your rose. You grabbed your coat and your purse before meeting him back and front.
As you stepped inside, the soft hum of conversation surrounded you. The hostess greeted you with a warm smile and led you to your table in a quiet and more private corner. Travis pulled out your chair with a grace that belied his powerful frame. You talked casually before Travis ordered some wine and you both ordered some food. 
As the evening wore on, your conversation shifted to more personal matters. You talked about your families, your childhoods, and the moments that had shaped you into the people you had become.
"So, what's one thing about you that not many people know?" Travis asked, genuine curiosity in his eyes.
You took a moment to think, then smiled. "Well, I have a secret passion for old black-and-white movies. There's something about the nostalgia and the storytelling that just draws me in."
His eyes lit up with intrigue. "Really? That's unexpected, but incredibly charming. Any favorites?"
You leaned forward, eager to share. "Casablanca, definitely. The way they captured the complexities of love and sacrifice... it's just timeless."
He nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I'll have to give it a watch. It sounds like a movie that could teach a guy a thing or two about love." He said looking at you with a small smirk while you blushed lightly. 
As the night deepened, you touched on dreams and aspirations. Travis spoke of his desire to give back to his community, to make a difference beyond the football field. It was inspiring to see this side of him, the man behind the athlete.
"And what about you?" he asked, his gaze steady. "What's something you've always wanted to achieve?"
You took a moment to gather your thoughts. "I've always had this dream of opening a community center for underprivileged kids. A place where they can learn, grow, and discover their potential."
He looked at you, a mixture of admiration and respect in his eyes. "That's amazing. I have no doubt you'd make a huge impact on those kids' lives. I mean you already do, I can see it with Wyatt" he continued as you smiled and blushed. 
After excusing yourself to visit the restroom, you made your way back to your table, the soft glow of the restaurant enveloping your figure. As you approached, a heartwarming sight unfolded before your eyes.
There stood Travis, a towering figure of kindness and humility, crouched down to meet the eye level of a young fan who couldn't have been more than seven or eight. The child's eyes sparkled with pure delight as he clutched what looked like to be a jersey, beaming from ear to ear.
Without missing a beat, Travis leaned in for a picture, their faces alight with shared enthusiasm. The child's guardian, a beaming parent, snapped the photo, capturing a moment that would undoubtedly become a cherished memory.
Your heart swelled with admiration as you watched him interact with the young fan. He treated the boy with a kindness and genuine affection that spoke volumes about his character. It was clear that he understood the impact he could have on young lives, and he embraced that responsibility with grace.
As they finished up, the child's beaming smile remained, and he gave Travis a heartfelt hug, which was reciprocated with equal warmth. They exchanged a few words, and the child left, practically floating on air, clutching the signed football jersey as if it were a priceless treasure.
As Travis turned to head back to your table, his eyes met yours, and his face lit up with a mixture of joy and pride. You couldn't help but be moved by the scene before you. Here was a man whose heart was as big as his presence on the field, someone who understood the impact he could have on those who looked up to him.
He joined you at the table, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Sorry about that. I couldn't resist when I saw that little guy's face light up."
You smiled back, your heart still full from the touching moment. "No need to apologize. It was beautiful to see."
He nodded, a glint of gratitude in his eyes. "It's moments like these that remind me why I do what I do."
And in that instant, you knew you were witnessing something special. Not just the heartwarming encounter with the young fan, but the genuine, kind-hearted man sitting across from you. It was a reminder that behind the glitz and glamour of his profession, Travis was a person who cared deeply about making a positive impact in the world. It was a quality that made you even more grateful to be getting to know him on this special evening.
As you sipped your wine, a mischievous glint danced in Travis's eyes. "You know," he said, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone, "I've been told that sharing dessert is a great way to test compatibility."
You leaned in, a playful smile tugging at your lips. "Is that so? Well, I wouldn't want to jeopardize our compatibility, now would I?"
He chuckled, his gaze lingering on yours. "Then I guess we'll have to order something sinfully decadent."
"Agreed," You said, your heart doing a little somersault. "After all, we wouldn't want to leave anything to chance."
As the waiter approached, Travis turned his attention to the menu, a twinkle of mischief still in his eyes. "I think we'll take the chocolate lava cake. And two spoons, please."
The waiter nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Excellent choice."
As soon as the dessert arrived, Travis looked at you with feigned innocence. "Shall we put this compatibility theory to the test?"
You picked up your spoon, meeting his gaze with a playful glint of your own. "Let's find out, shall we?"
You each took a bite, savoring the rich, velvety sweetness. Your eyes locked, and a shared laughter bubbled up between you. It was a delicious game of playful flirtation, and you were thoroughly enjoying every moment. 
Your conversation shifted to lighter topics, and you shared stories about your favorite travel destinations and memorable experiences. With every word, it became clearer that you both were kindred spirits, sharing a sense of adventure and a zest for life.
You were both becoming more comfortable, and your conversation took a flirty turn. You playfully teased Travis about some of the extravagant vacations he'd been on, and he responded with charming anecdotes and witty comebacks.
"You certainly know how to live the good life, Travis. I'm impressed," You said, feigning astonishment.
He leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Well, I might know my way around the football field, but I'm still figuring this whole 'impressing someone on a date' thing out."
You laughed, feeling your cheeks flush. "You're doing just fine, trust me."
The waiter returned to clear your plates and placed the bill on the table. You reached out to grab it, but Travis had faster hands. ‘’I got it, if I remember correctly, I invited you tonight, didn’t I? ‘’ ‘’You did, I really appreciate it, thank you.’’ You said with a smile.
As you guys stepped out of the restaurant, the cool night air felt invigorating against your skin. The cityscape stretched before you, a tapestry of lights and life. Travis slipped his hand into yours, your eyes meeting, his touch warm and reassuring, as you strolled along the bustling streets.
As you walked, your fingers intertwined, a subtle electricity passed between the both of you, a silent acknowledgment of the connection you were forging. It was a sweet and tender moment, a sign of the intimacy that was blossoming between you.
As you passed a lively bar, the sounds of laughter and music spilled out onto the sidewalk. A small group of intoxicated man were chatting outside when a voice caught your attention.
‘’Y/N?’’ Your heart skipped a beat as you locked eyes with him. Standing there, slightly swaying, was Christopher, your ex-fiancé, a figure from a chapter of your life you thought was firmly closed.
To Be Continued
Taglist : @kkrenae @spencerreidisbootiful @nabiiturner @ilove-tswizzle @legit9thlunaticwarrior @evernova @kelcemenow @bellstwd @my-regrets @green-lxght @thecubanator2
Part 4
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