#i will make a seperate one for the holidays
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months ago
I honestly don't have strong opinions on many holidays. Except two: Halloween is stressful and can be freaky, and Christmas can be stressful but has an amazing aethestic. I left my blog background as a christmas scene partially because i'm super lazy, but also because christmas movies and christmas music is so cheerful that it usually is capable of making me feel good about myself. And there's very few holidays that have that affect on me. But since I'm rambling here, maybe i'll make two seperate posts about all this. And I'll end this one by just saying that Thanksgiving and Easter are nice, but dull. And birthdays have lately been a stressful matter of existensial dread. So it really is christmas that i would rank highest.
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jesytr · 2 years ago
she could feel the weight of eyes laying heavily on her shoulders. dressed up in her best fashion forwards exterior. upscale driven outfit inspired by a mix of what she had in her sisters closet as well as the glitz and glam of upscale Gotham. all borrowed from her sister. she looked towards the bouncer like she was looking at a giant wall. blocking her way in though she doubted she'd need him to stop her anymore than he already was.
@banschivs /. continued.
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she wasn't exactly used to this type of attention , but she was developing an idea that maybe she'd need it more now that she was sloshed. a bit of a drunken mess plastered all across Gotham City. not exactly a sky lit night, but one full of fireworks. in celebration of some sorts , mainly the ones that mattered to little people. she didn't exactly like reminding herself why the bouncer in front of her barred her path like a huge mess of excitement, and haste. but sadly , not budging.
" c ' mon ! " she started in, " dontcha' know what day it is ? " she bit at her lower lip , before finally spotting Arthur followed by his canine help sokol. she greeted, " ya' here for somethin' like a proper way ta' help get me in ? " she asked , though without an audience. finally lowering her voice. enough to not be heard by the bouncer. seemingly slightly irritated at her.
" hey , what's it gotta take ta' not be here ? " she egged on the bouncer one last time before circling back to her question for arthur, " is it ok if ya' introduce me ta' THE NIX ? " she added , mentioning his wife once she heard nix talking about her.
she yelled out once she heard nix talk. chuckling off the idea that she should've indeed climbed up the wall just not quite loud enough as she spoke, " spandex ain't exactly great in this heat. " she meant those words . though she did have a fair share of reminders on what not to get herself into on holidays.
she looked once more towards the bouncer with a flashy smile ; only to be ignored , and clearly at that. she whispered, ( " it ain't my day. " ) to arthur before glancing back at nix.
her eyes thumbing through what other options she had all that she knew was that she had to get in somehow. not quite stopping herself from teetering slightly on her feet.
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howlingmod · 2 months ago
under the mistletoe
summary - every phighter (seperately) x reader, as it sounds
misc - HAPPY HOLIDAYS ..... smiles
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-doesn't plan it ; i don't think he knows it's a thing. no reasoning i just don't think he would be aware. he's not totally in the dark about all the little romanticisms of the holidays but this one's a little lost on hi.
-he doesn't really get it is all ......... it's cute sure, but he kisses you all the time, what's so special about this?
-he'll still get a little shy though, he's kissing you! in front of people! and you're fine with that! what! he's confident enough in your relationship, but he's still a little awestruck everytime you guys do something so intimate in public
-he likes knowing you're fine with people knowing you're together about as much as he likes to show you how much he loves you.
"C'mon baby! It's the rules!"
-doesn't actively try to set it up too much. he's moreso just nudging you in the right riection every now and then and staring at it for most of the night. it's very obvious to everyone else.
-he just thinks its a staple! the mistletoe kiss is right up there with the new years kiss, it's one of the most romantic gestures out there (in his book)!
-honestly very sweet about it, will probably put his arms around our waist or grab and hold your hands to pull you closer.
-also he just likes showing you off and this is the easiest way of doing that other than all the verbal bragging he's doing that night. whoops.
-not going to set it up or care much. it's a cute tradition, but nothing super important to him. plus, it's really gonna depend on your surroundings. if you're around other people, he'll keep it in mind for when you're alone (consider it a delayed one). if it's just you two, then he's a lot more likely to oblige.
-it's really up to you. if you seem nervous or uninterested, he's not going to push it at all. he'd much rather go at your pace and make sure you're ready and comfortable than pry for a silly tradition.
-he's a very sentimental kisser, so expect to be there for a few seconds. he likes taking his time so he can put as much of his heart into it as he can.
-while the tradition itself isn't anything to him, the gesture is very important to him. he's got some pretty gnarly scars, so knowing you're still willing to do something so intimate when you can see and feel them makes him happier than he knows how to say.
"Funny seeing you here!"
-doesn't plan it really. he thinks about it, he thinks it'd be cute, but he doesn't really push you over there. he might whine about it a little afterwards if he doesn't end up doing it (it's so tropey, he has to man), but that's about it
-he takes it a liiitle seriously. he's all for traditions like this man you don't get it, he just thinks they've got such a charm to them. they're so simple and yet have so much payoff ...
-he's dropping a shitty one-liner sorry. he thinks its fun to flirt with you like you two aren't dating. he's gotta prove to you he's a good boyfriend, alright?
-sweet kisser though. if you're especially shorter thn him, he might lift you up into his arms a bit to make it easier on the both of you. if not, you're still getting pulled right up to him. it's cold outtt .... ::]
"Well, you know what they say!"
-nudges you in the right direction. he wants at least one, it's a classic! he's pretty similar to skate in this regard.
-it's a big show of affection in his eyes just because it encompasses so many feelings for him- he gets to show you off, he gets to kiss you, AND he gets to do something stupidly cheesy, what more could he want?
-he's a little messy with it- more so because he's excited. he ends up going in a little too fast and maybe bumping eachother if you're not careful.
-he'll have an arm around your waist for the rest of the night. he's pretty proud of himself.
"What? Oh- OH!"
-doesn't plan it at all. in all honesty, it probably happens at the cafe rather than a party. it just got thrown in with all the other holiday decorations, so he hung it up without really thinking about it.
-if it happens during the workday, he's a little iffy on it, he'd like to mantain as much professionalism as he can ... buuut he might still give you a little peck before rushing off to work on the orders. if you're alone, then he's more than happy to linger a little longer.
-the type to hold the side of your face or your shoulder while kissing. he likes the stability of it and just thinks it's cute ...
"Well well- lookey here."
-she planned this. she's the reason the mistletoe is there. this was not fate this was a grand plot and you don't even know the start of it.
-oh come on- of course scythe of all people would be all over this! it's an easy way to show off your relationship (she's possessive, sue her) and to get a free kiss. there's no way she's gonna pass up an opportunity like this.
-she makes a big show of it, sorry. she loves to get under your skin and fluster you, so she's gonna spend her time getting closer and teasing you about you looking a little embarassed.
-the kiss itself is surprisingly chaste and sweet, she likes showing you off but she's got class, alright?
"Well, I'm waaaiting ..."
-plans it. he spends a good part of the night herding you over there at least once but most likely twice. sue him for wanting to kiss his partner...
-he's not super used to the tradition, so it's still got that allure of something new to him. he's got a hyped up view of it, so he's pretty excited and it shows in how he's grinning like an idiot the moment he gets the chance.
-this isn't to say its gonna wear off to him though- it'll get normalized, sure, but he still looks forward to it every time. it's romantic! it's cute! let him live!
-annoyingly sneaky about it too- please don't act too surprised, you're only going to feed his ego
-it's a hard no in public. no explanation needed he's not doing it. If you really wanna you can kiss his helmet, and honestly ......... he would think it's cute. it's a stupid tradition but you pull it off.
-if you do, he'll return the favor later (once you have less eyes on you) by leaning his head against yours. it's not a huge deal but it's a little way of him sort-of doing it back .. in spirit at least.
-in private ... ehhhh. he's still iffy on it. if you ask really nicely he might lift his helmet up just enough, but that's about it. it's just not super comfortable for him.
-not a pda guy but he'll hold your hand and keep you at his side. it's nothing special toan on looker but to him it's a show of love and care- if he didn't love you, he wouldn't bother holding you so close to him. he values his space and privacy, so know that him including you in it is a way of him showing your importance to him.
-doesn't plan it ; he thinks its silly. around people, it's gonna be a no, he's not super into PDA. if it's just the two of you ... you could convince him.
-he still thinks it's stupid, but he's willing to do stupid things if it means you're happy. a very chaste kisser but that doesn't take any of the sentiment out of it, he really does mean every little gesture of affection.
-he's going to hold your hand most likely, it's a little comfort to him- he's prone to squeezing your hand in a nonverbal 'i love you.'
-he'll be thinking about it everytime he sees mistletoe again for the next few days. it's driving him a little crazy he's coming home and staring at your lips a little bit while you guys tell eachother about your day. expect a few more kisses than normal
"(You wanna?)"
-the truest of neutrals. he thinks it's cute and he doesn't mind pda, but it's not something he sees as super important. he's very confident in your relationship and he's pretty affectionate already, so it's your call really
-it'll probably be just a quick peck, but that's only because he's probably kissed you a few times already and has haf an arm around you the whole night anyway
-really, it's just not necessary. you're already pissing everyone off with how sweet the two of you are you don't need the extra gesture.
"Ugh- Don't be ridiculous!"
-he's only going to realize if someone else walks him through it. he's not super familiar with all the traditions that go with the season, so a lot of them come off as pretty strange to him.
-if it's around other people, it's not happening, sorry. at most, he'll take you kissing the mask, but even then he might grumble a bit (he likes showing off, being vulnerable and recieving affection is a little different). nothing personal, he's just not taking it off around others.
-if it's just you two though ... then he can be swayed. he'll still think it's stupid and you're being strange but he signed up for that. he'll do it if only to see what all the fuss is about.
-'that's it?' and then he's doing it again the next time you ask. he is not immune.
vine staff
"Oh! Well, only if you'd like to..."
-she will not notice unless someone points it out to her. she's spent a lot of holiday seasons with shuriken and slingshot, so she just forgot this was apart of the holiday honestly. she's a lot more accustomed to the chaos than the sweeter little things (help her).
-while everyone would ask first, she's the most 'whatever' about it. It's a cute thing, don't get her wrong! she just doesn't feel the need to perform, for lack of a better term. she loves you and knows you love her, she doesn't really feel the need to show that off too much.
-if it was a smaller gathering, she'd be a little more into it, but if it's a bigger party she's happy to just talk to you about anything and everything under the mistletoe instead.
-very short and chaste but sweet all the same. she might grab and hold onto one of your hands, she usually won't let go afterwords either. smile
"Aww- Did you plan this?"
-he doesn't set it up at first. the first time, he kinda forgot it was a thing- he's been busy! but once he realizes he's got a free 'kiss s/o' AND 'show s/o off' card, it's over. he's so smooth with it it's annoying. whether he meets you there so you have to stop below it or he casually leads you over while you're both talking, it might as well say gullible on the ceiling.
-like skate, he likes pulling you real close. he's a fan of physical affection, so you bet he's taking the chance to throw his arms around you. even afterwards, he'll keep an arm slung around you.
-he can't go to big parties, so he's usually just around skates gang, but he'll still take the opportunity to brag. he knows you're a catch, he knows you're sweet on him, how could he not be a little smug?
-if you pull a fast one on him and pull HIM under the mistletoe though, you can bet he's impressed. he'll be teasing you about it for a bit, but only because he thinks it's adorable.
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thequeenofcurses · 16 days ago
Valentine's Day 2025
summary: How your JJK bf/gf treats you for Valentine’s this year. reader (gender neutral) x jjk characters. multi pairings (SEPERATE) wk: 1.2k
masterlist | jjk masterlist
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Nobara would never settle for a boring, cliché date. She’d want to do something cool and stylish, like a high-end shopping spree, a fashion show, or a trendy rooftop bar with fancy cocktails. But deep down, she’s also a romantic. She’d surprise you with a personalized gift, like a charm bracelet with little symbols of your relationship. If you’re into cozy dates, she would plan a spa day together or a cute café hopping adventure (she needs you to try all the new boba flavors!). One thing’s for sure, she’d want pictures of the whole day to post later because you both looked amazing.
“We’re gonna make everyone jealous today. ‘Cause I’m hot, you’re hot, and we’re the ultimate power couple.”
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Yuji would want the perfect mix of romance and fun and what better way to do that then just spending the day at home with you! He doesn’t want to do anything fancy. He would order pizza with your favorite toppings on it. He would spend the day gaming with you in the morning, then doing some LARP with your new cosplays in the afternoon. By the evening, you would go back and forth, debating which Human Earthworm film is the best, ultimately agreeing with each other by the end. The night would probably end with you two cuddling, watching a movie under a blanket fort, sharing snacks, and him confessing how much he loves you in the softest, most genuine way.
“I just wanted today to be fun for you, y’know? ‘Cause every day with you is already special for me.”
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Megumi isn’t one for grand gestures, but he always pays attention to what makes you happy. He’d take you on a quiet picnic at the beach, under the stars, bringing along your favorite foods. If he knows you like books, he might take you to a cozy bookstore café, or if you enjoy nature, a walk in a peaceful park (with both his cute dogs!). Megumi isn’t much for words, but he makes up for it with small, meaningful actions, like holding your hand, getting you plushies, or even giving you a handwritten letter with all the things he struggles to say out loud.
“…I hope this is okay. I just wanted to spend the day with you.”
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Yuta would plan a soft, dreamy date. He’d take you somewhere quiet and beautiful like the beach at sunset or a scenic rooftop with a perfect view of the city lights. He’s a romantic at heart (*cough Rika’s curse cough*), so he’d probably write you a song or a poem (even if he’s nervous about performing it). Expect long, deep conversations, soft hand-holding, and forehead kisses. His gift would be something deeply personal, like a locket with your initials inside or a book filled with handwritten notes about why he loves you.
“I love you more than words can say, but I’ll spend every day trying to show you.” (Just don’t die right after he confesses his love to you or you might be bound to him as a curse forever!)
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Toji hates Valentine’s because of all the mushy expectations. Plus, he can’t afford to take you anywhere fancy or a lavish gift anyways. Although, instead of some fancy dinner, he would take you somewhere wild like Dick’s (the restaurant) or an underground fight club. He really loves the adrenaline rush, so your date could also include something exhilarating, like skydiving (if you pay for it), a motorcycle ride along the coast, or a secret, hidden bar where no one knows your name (if there’s no entry fee). His gift would be something personal but practical, like a custom weapon or jewelry with a hidden blade.
“What? You thought I’d buy you flowers? You can’t stab someone with flowers, babe.”
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Nanami never misses a beat. Every birthday, every winter holiday, every anniversary, and today is no exception. He’d make reservations at a quiet, fancy restaurant, one with dim lighting, classical music, and impeccable service. He’d order a bottle of fine wine, and the two of you would enjoy deep conversation over a gourmet meal. If he’s feeling extra romantic (we all know he usually is), he might cook for you at home. A delicious candlelit dinner with your favorite music playing in the background. The night would end with a slow dance in the living room with a heartfelt confession about how much you mean to him. 
“I don’t need a special occasion to love you, but if today gives me an excuse to show it, I won’t waste it.”
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Geto would take you somewhere sophisticated and away from the other monkeys. He’d reserve a private tea house, where the two of you could enjoy the serenity of a beautiful garden. Or he would have the cursed humans in his cult be useful and cook a divine meal and serve you two (the only thing he finds them good for). If you have cursed energy, he would take you to an art exhibit, holding hands, discussing art, and loving his time with you. If you don’t have cursed energy, he’ll take you to the zoo (he makes jokes that you belong with the animals, but he reassures you he’s ‘just kidding’). His words would be poetic, smooth, and laced with meaning, making you feel like you’re the most precious thing in the world, after all of his joking.
“Being with you is the one indulgence I’ll never regret.”
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Choso would go out of his way to make the day special and heartfelt. He’s never experienced Valentine’s before, so he wants to do everything he can to make sure he does it right. He’s not great with flashy gestures, but he’d hand make gifts (maybe a handwritten love letter, a scarf that matches his, or a small photo album of your memories together). He’d love to take you to a flower garden. His priority is making sure you feel safe, loved, and appreciated.
“I don’t need anything fancy. Just you.”
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Satoru Gojo is not the kind of man to hold back. He would go all out. He’d whisk you away on a surprise getaway, maybe a private helicopter ride over the city or a trip to a luxurious resort. Expect super flashy gifts, teasing banter, and him showing you off to anyone who’ll listen. If you prefer something more lowkey, he’d rent out an entire planetarium or completely rent out that karaoke bar you two love to hang out at. You two would have the rest of the night to stare at the stars (not counting the ones in his eyes every time he looks at you) or sing your hearts out together. Either way, he makes sure you feel like the most special person in the world.
“Only the best for you.”
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Sukuna is absolutely not the “flowers and chocolates” type, but if he truly loves you, expect something unexpectedly intense. He might take you to a private onsen (hot spring) deep in the mountains, where the two of you can enjoy the peace and quiet, away from the world. If he’s feeling indulgent, he’d have Uraume cook you two an exotic dinner. He would love to take you to a secluded temple or a rooftop with a breathtaking view. His gifts would be personal, perhaps handcrafted jewelry infused with cursed energy, something that marks you as his.
“Tch. You’re lucky I care for you this much. Brat.”
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Should I expand on any of these? Happy Valentine’s day to you all <3 
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dividers by @omi-resources & @cafekitsune
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fuzzybirdie · 8 months ago
This work was fully inspired by the following prompt/post and @freedomanddisorder 's amazing art, please! Check out both!
Ch.1 A Vacation To Gotham! What Could Go Wrong? (Pt1)
It had been 1 year scince Danny's accident, and 1 year since his parent's masterpiece miraculously started working. In celebration, danny's parents decided to take a holiday to gotham. Mostly to look at the bats, who were obviously ghosts. Just look at signal! Litterally creating ghost orbs. But, as the bats only come out at night (excluding signal) there nothing to do during the day. Nothing exept the mundane things like amusement parks and fast food restraunts.
Danny could tell that his parents were bored and upset that they couldn't interview any bats, (and boy, was danny glad that they'd chilled out after a year of actually interacting with ghosts) but they were still trying to make things fun for themselves too.
The Fentons had split up near the enterance, agreeing to meet up at the food stalls arround 1 for lunch. His parents went to the haunted house - ever reasearching, Jazz would wonder arround for a bit before deciding on her rides, while Danny went right for the roller coasters.
On the way, Danny had an idea; his parents were on the other side of the park, so they wouldn't question him if his hair and eyes suddenly changed colour, and he had been meaning to experiment with looking more alive in ghost form...Ducking into a bathroom, he started transforming. Slowly, Carefully, not touching the clothes, there. Finished, he looked at the miror to find- "I look like a ghost in a tee and jeans."-his skin still had the green tint from the ectoplasam in his veins, and his hair was steaming like dry ice.
The hair was more obviously inhuman, so he tackled that first. It would need to be solid, condensed, thicker and thicker, -too thick!
What once was steam now looked like a plain old block of ice. Maybe, his hair being made of ice would be fine if he seperated it a bit? If he peeled each layer into tiny little strings luke normal hair. Little by little, piece by piece, perfect. The ice string hair was curlier than he'd thought, waves of snow tickling his ears, eyebrows and the back of his neck.
The next problem was the green tint. This would take some thinking. He couldn't just pretend to be cosplaying a Vulcan from star trek. Could he turn his ectoplasam back into blood? Probably not, either he'd end up 'suffocating' (if that was even the right word) as a ghost or just turn back into a human and need to do this all over again.
Veto'd, too dangerous.
Thinking back, didn't frostbite say there was something odd with his ectoplasam and blood? Thats right! There were slight ammounts of ectoplasam in his blood and vice versa. If he could manipulate his remaining blood into the capillaries along the surface of his skin, it'd look like he still had a beating heart!...
Ok, that sounded bad even in his mind.
Shaking off that thought, he pushed his blood to his skin and checked the mirror one last time. Normal teen with white hair? Check. Now, Roller Coaster!
This is the first! || next
Thanks for reading! Unfortunately, I had to cut this in half. (Curse the word limit!) When I have time to post part 2 I'll link it down here. If the links work... Anyways! Please tell me if there's anything I can improve! Last time I posted something was back in... 2016? So i'm very out of practice
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lilly-of-the-vale · 15 days ago
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𐙚╰┈➤ˎˊ˗synopsis: taking care of suguru after a bath
Contains: sfw, mildly suggestive (shirtless suguru and reader), sappy pet names (my baby, sweetheart...), fluff fluff fluff
A/n: Happy Valentine's day!!
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Your hand slides the towel from over his head, making sure to squeeze the water out of his hair on the way down. once his face is revealed, he graces you with one of his sweet giddy smiles –the ones that scream appreciation and gratitude– and your heart swells with joy, maybe also with pride, pride from knowing only you can take care of your boy this way.
Your hands find themselves cupping his face, and he nuzzles into them absentmindedly —like it's second nature— and you can't help but place a gentle kiss on his forehead, to which he closes his eyes to savor. His arms curl around your waist, bringing you closer to his firm chest.
Standing there between his legs, your fingers move toward his raven locks, your lips restless as they draw a path, beginning from his hair line to the crown of his head –that's ironic– you muse to yourself, that expression was made just for him, for your prince, the palm of your hand serving as his crown.
Suguru exhales onto your chest, bringing you closer to sit on his lap, and you oblige immediately, getting comfortable on top of his firm thighs, his still slightly damp face finds refuge against your exposed collar bone before. He begins his affectionate assault on the skin, gently and lazily kissing the skin, eliciting and chuckle from you before rubbing his back comfortingly.
"Oh sweetheart..."
He hums in response, letting you know you have his ears.
"My baby" you coo "my sweet baby, are we feelin' tired?"
And under any other circumstance, he would tell you to cut it out, that it was his job to see to you, to tend to you, to baby you. And under any other circumstance, you would yield, give up and give into him, let him catch you like he always does, and bask into the softness of his care after the fall, the way down always looked too risky, the fear of betrayal shifting into a thousand needles, poking mercilessly at your chest from the inside –the blood always seeped out–. But not with him, no. After having met Suguru, you found yourself craving the fall.
"Yes..." comes his whispered response, the fatigue evident in his tone. His voice soft and sweer. And once again your heart swells.
"Okay then" you whisper back to him, standing up abruptly to stretch. Looking back down at him, you can spot the faintest hints of a pout, no doubt the result of the loss of your warmth against his.
"Let's get you a shirt, honey" you smile before making your way to your shared closet, years of wearing each other's clothes –a habit he started by insisting on you wearing his hoodies, using the cold as leverage– made you realize that seperating them was unnecessary.
After a few seconds, you settle on a big warm phthalo green sweatshirt, who it truly belonged to doesn't matter at this point. After getting his dressed up, making sure he's nice and warm, his arms find your waist again, this time pulling you a little rougher to lay down on top of him on the bed, your head nestled under his chin, an exhale of relief leaves his throat.
"I love you...more than you could ever begin to imagine"
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A/n: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY GUYS!!!!!! i wanted to at leastttttt post something for it, ik it's short but plz just take cut me some slack, i just refuse to let my genshin fic come in the way of me posting something for this holiday (maybe i honor cuz its my name idk)!!!!
Anyway, tysm for reading!!! Reblogs and tags are alwayyyssss greatly appreciated!!! 🩷🩷
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entomologistt · 2 months ago
What do they give you for Christmas?
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Featuring: Emma Woods, Orpheus DeRoss, Victor Grantz, Vera Nair, Anne Lester, Frederick Kreiburg (Identity V)
Contains: Holiday gift giving, fluff, seperate romantic headcanons, gender neutral reader
Ento note: Happy Holidays! And good day to you if you don’t celebrate 🙂‍↕️ I don’t even remember what I spent all my spyglasses on, but now I can’t afford Melly’s christmas B tier… sighs. Next year she will be be mine, trust 🙏
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Emma Woods “Gardener”
Emma has to think outside the box this time. She always gives you the prettiest flowers and all of the best, most succulent fruits and vegetables from her garden… Plus, it’s wintertime.
So she reverts back to her old roots of handiwork… Knitting! She spends a while working on a huuuuge knitted sweater of your favourite color(s), each woollen row a sign of her unwavering commitment to making the coziest sweater. 
When she finally gifts it to you, it’s really warm and comfy, perfect for the holiday season. She even made herself a matching green one!
Orpheus DeEss “Novelist”
If you share a similar interest, such as reading, he’d give you books of your favourite genres and authors.
Actually—he’d probably write something just for you, a story he knows you’d enjoy, one that gets you more intrigued with each turn of the page. Maybe even some poems for just you.
He’d also get you a locket necklace or a watch, a piece of pretty jewellery for you to wear. You can put whatever you want in it. Will you keep him close to you?
Victor Grantz “Postman”
He’s a sweetheart, that’s for sure. He shows up at your door with a smile on his face, a bouquet full of poinsettias and red roses held out for you to take. Of course, Wick is with him too, her tail wagging as she barked excitedly behind him. 
Victor is a good listener, so he always takes mental notes on things you like or things you might need. He gifts you various things, including supplies for any hobbies you partake in. 
He also gifts you a new notebook that you can keep, so you can keep his written words and conversations with you! 
Vera Nair “Perfumer”
Vera makes you two special perfumes. One is a pretty bottle full of scents that remind her of you, and she’s an expert at assigning people their recommended fragrances, scents that fit them. In this case, it’s a scent that’s so… you! 
The other is a bottle of euphoria, but she only recommends it for when you need to ease your mind. 
She also gifts you things you’d find in a gift set, full of luxurious bath and skin products. You’re dear to her, you deserve the best, after all. 
Anne Lester “Toy Merchant”
Although her specialty is wooden toys, she has another thing in mind for you. When December comes, she spends a lot of time in her workshop, crafting the perfect gift for you. 
Matching dolls! That’s right; she makes two little dolls, one that’s you and one that’s her. With the paid help of a certain prospector, the little hands are magnetized, so whenever they’re close, they connect! 
Now with these “mini-yous” in the picture, sometimes you both switch dolls. You take mini-Anne wherever you go, and mini-you sits happily on Anne’s shelf with other stuffed animals and toys. 
Frederick Kreiburg “Composer”
Of course, only something special and meaningful would suffice for his muse. At first, he thought of composing another beautiful piece for you on the piano… But let’s just say he’d never be done in time with how many times he’d restart, throwing crumpled papers to the floor. 
But a bright idea flickers in his mind, and he believes it to be possible. So when Christmas Day comes, he charmingly hands you your nicely wrapped gift. 
It’s a music box. When you twist the hand crank, a familiar tune comes in little bell-like notes. It’s one of the first composed pieces he’d ever written for you! Not only can you listen to the nostalgic melody whenever you want, you can also store your pretty jewellery and accessories in the velvet music box. 
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bucchi-boo · 4 months ago
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Commissions? Sales?
I have been asked many times if I'll do commissions
An idea I have had, is rather than commissions as of yet. In the new year I may make some of the remaining team members to then sell. Then possibly after do commissions?? (The explanation is whenever I've had commissioned stuff in the past I stress myself out over it lmao)
The thing is custom nendolls aren't cheap once everything is added together 🤣 Just materials it's about £85 as an approximation just to me to make them.Each one I have made has varied somewhat depending on parts. (For someone like Renee it may be different as there is extra painting involved)
They would be put together and I would put them in the fox onesie (as it's just, perfect. Though if i do a Jeremy i'd do something else onesie wise.) and then the receiver can decide clothing from there. I love making them so if I can ill add in mini props ect.(Postage would be a seperate thing)
Is this something people would be interested in?
I plan to do some research over the holidays to make sure I have options for each of the remaining team members. Especially in regards to skin tones and the correct hair types I want to make sure I'm doing justice.
I would love to get opinions and thoughts, if this is something people would want at some point or if you don't think it's worth doing. I'm absolutely open to any and all thoughts. (And suggestions ofc!)
Who would people want most? The remaining foxes are: Aaron, Renee, Allison, Nicky,Dan and Matt. Otherwise I may do Jeremy or Katelyn
If its something people don't want or don't think is worth me doing I'm absolutely open for that opinion too!
I can be messaged via anon on here or via dms or reply here! I read everything.
I'm just gathering ideas for the moment and seeing how it goes.
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And have some comfy cozy Andrew as a gift for reading this. Also he watched ghost hunting videos with me
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shokiren · 1 year ago
what do the blue lock boys love like? (e.g. rin, isagi, bachira etc)
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a/n: hi anon 🪼 thank you for requesting! this is such a sweet request, it really got me thinking, honestly. i hope you like this sweet anon &lt;;3
characters: isagi yoichi, rin itoshi + bachira meguru (seperate)
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☆ isagi — his love is the simple pleasures of life.
isagi’s love is like being served fluffy pancakes first thing in the morning, getting under your blanket in severe cold, winning a bet— the simple pleasures of life. he loves like there won’t be tomorrow, so he shows it all in just one day—you’ll never complain, he’s your sweetheart, and honestly, you don’t have anything to complain about it. his love is like sitting on the shore of your beach at six in the morning and enjoying the lullaby of the ocean. his love is refreshing, like getting under a cold shower in the middle of scorching heat. his habits include all of this— he enjoys serving you breakfast in bed, leaving hot water for you, having cleaned the house when you get back. his love is like home. a home that you never want to leave.
☆ bachira — his love is adventurous.
bachira’s love is identical to the love of a kids. he loves without any thought. he loves without judging you. his love is content, and warming. his love gives you a burst of adrenaline, pushing you to do exciting things you were always scared to do. his love has helped you grow more than you ever have, always the one who encourages you the most. his love is like going to an abandoned playground at eleven in the night, and dancing around to the most unlikely beats. his love is like sitting under the sun in mid-january. his love is comforting.
☆ rin – his love is quiet.
rin isn’t a man of many words, and definitely not affectionate words. he prefers to show them through small actions– such as putting in a load of your favourite snacks in the cart as he buys the groceries, buying your favourite shampoo right away when he notices it’s almost empty, watching tutorials to a dish you said you’d like to try. he believes that actions speak louder than words. he likes to help you around things, making life easier for you. his love is relaxing. like a holiday you never want to forget.
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areislol · 1 year ago
this goes towards my current wip with al haitham so
child al haitham x child reader // cute moments :)
some moments on angst (mentions of his parents seperating, this is just a hc of mine for some angst don't bash me pls) not proofread. short
a/n: this was for funsies, honestly i just needed to write something cute and fluffy after writing an angsty wip, i can't write this all in my current wip hence, this!
when he was reading a book to you
when you were rolling on the ground trying to get his attenton as he read a book
when al haitham was trying his best to console you with awkward pats on the back after having tripped and cried
al haitham's mother making him hold your hand when crossing the street.
when you had a sleep over at his place and fell asleep on his bed, both of your tiny hands just barely touching each other
al haitham trying to stop you from touching a stray cat saying that it was "dirty and mommy said not to touch a cat outside, you can get hurt and even die!!" poor boy was scared for you
you laughing at him as he falls, when he cries and puts the blame on you, you both get time out and somehow you manage to run away, dragging al haitham with you as your mother chases you
building a sand castle with him, it's very sloppy looking but you were proud of it, and so was al haitham. so when a random child that was getting chased by their friends and run over your sandcastle he is furious, swearing to find them when his older and destory their sandcastle as pay back. and when he notices that you're sobbing uncontrollably? he might just even have a talk with them.
al haitham who helps you steal the cookie jar that was ONLY meant to be eaten after dinner, and when your grubby tiny hands reach for it and break it, he takes the blame.
al haitham who lets you put stickers and bows on his face as he reads a book, as long as you aren't in the way of course (he doesn't mind if you do or don't) and refuses to take them off when he needs to shower.
al haitham who is always there to help you get up when you trip and fall, even asking his mother to buy him a small hang bag so he can stuff bandaids in there.
al haitham gets really, seriously mad when someone picks on you for being "too loud" or "running around too much", he doesn't outright say anything but the glares...? even for a young child like him, whew.
he's always with you, before school, during school, after school and even during the holidays! (no wonder you're so close) and he doesn't mind, his mother is always tearing up as she watches her son watch you hold the crayon whole and scribble on a paper, and when you invite him to draw with you? ack! two cuties trying their best to draw each other.
(turns out to look like human blobs, one with grey hair with green streaks and one with [h/c]!! the eyes are disproportional but what can you expect from 5/6 year olds..)
al haitham who stays silent and listens as you yell at him out of anger when he accidentally loses a doll you gave him, he's clearly upset that you're mad at him but now he's mad at you, why are you yelling at him he did nothing wrong!!
this results in you ignoring him (it was a pain) and of course, al haitham hates it when you ignore him. so as usual, he asks his mother to give you a bag full of your favourite candies. you forgive him in less than a minute.
al haitham doesn't own much toys and likes books, any book. even if he can't read them he finds the pictures interesting. so he's more than elated when he sees that you got him new books on his birthday or even as a surprise gift!!
sometimes you lend him your toys so that you two could play together, you were taught to share of course. you often force him to play barbie dolls with you, not that he minds, it's just... does he really have to put on a girly voice for raquelle?
he swears that he won't ever play this game with you ever again after his friends caught him playing with you. (but secretly he continues to do so after making sure no one is around)
!!! playing family!!! you're always the mother who works hard by playing soccer and earning no money whatsoever while al haitham is the father who stays home and reads books. for some odd reason he feels this tingly feeling in his heart when he plays this game with you. what if one day when you're both older and live together with 5 exotic cats and wolves? what a dream.
al haitham who recieves a paper from his teacher that states "what is your dream?" for a class activity and immediately you pop up in his mind. his dream... is to make you happy. other than reading all the books in the world and making his mama and papa proud!
he gets upset when you aren't here with him for a day or more, say, you're on a holiday in another country or state, boy is he gonna be pestering and begging his mother to see you!! please, he needs to go there right now!!! (ever heard of face time?)
later in the years al haitham's always embarrassed when his mother brings that up, saying that it's "not true" but then completely freezes when his mother takes out her phone, saying "oh no worries, i have a video recording!!" and turns to face you, smiling. the way the colors drain from his face.
who is afraid to lose you after his mother came into his room and sat by the edge of his bed, her hand caressing his soft hair. "my dear boy," she would say softly, her gaze so soft and gentle.
"is it okay it mama comes in?" al haitham nods his head, how could he ever deny his mother's request?
"thank you baby, now, mama has something to say. don't be too scared now, okay?" al haitham nods, continung to lie down on his best tucked in nicely.
"people come and go, al, you will understand one day but... sigh, mommy and daddy have to tell you something."
ever since then he's sure to do whatever it takes to make you happy, he doesn't want you to leave him, ever. not like you would ever!!
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littlemssam · 2 years ago
Mod Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache when updating my Mods!
Patch 1.96.365 Updates & optimizing of 144 Mods
Too many Mods have been updated to list them all here, so you will find all in a All in One File below.
Important Info:
I optimized a ton of Mods, to reduce number of scripts, and improve loading times. These Mods now require the XML Injector Mod to work. Make sure to download the current XML Injector on https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector. Some Mods still have unique Scripts, but most Mods are now Package only. It is very important that you delete old Mods Files instead of replacing them!
All Mods have been checked with Patch 1.96.365, so all Mods not in the zip file below, are still compatible. BUT i will need to approve some Mods later on for the Infants. These Updates will follow step by step!
Small Laundry Overhaul Update - Instead of seperated Addon Packages for the "No Auto Put in Hamper" Part, i added ingame Settings (Shift Click on any Hamper to find the Settings Menu). The Setting counts individually for each Lot. The default Setting is "Disallow Kids, Teens, Lazy, Slobs Only, except Neats". Added a new Setting for Allow All Sims.
More buyable Venues & Holiday Home: I removed the Venue List Files, and both now require Base's Universal Venue List! https://basementalcc.com/mods/universal-venue-list/
Maybe obsolete now with Patch 1.96.365. Please remove the following Mods, and test without them:
More Best Friends
Longer Sit in High Chair
Call to Meal Fix (Bug Fix)
Not tested yet, so remove for now: Wake Up Overhaul
Don’t download these Updates if you have the Legacy Edition!
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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sturn-wrld · 1 year ago
🏮christmas gift
pairing: chris x reader
summary: where chris buys reader a christmas present that is great for the both of them
genre: SMUT!!! if that makes you uncomfortable dni! warnings: unprotected sex (before you get silly, wrap that willy), nicknames (babe, baby, ma, mamas)
a/n: last day of smutmas. i actually really like this. i have no idea what i'm going mg to write now but i'm thinking a little more fluff. happy holidays to everyone no matter what you celebrate 🫶
you open your eyes, adjusting them to the bright sunlight by beaming through large window infrared front of the bed you and your boyfriend, chris currently occupy. the realise hits, it's christmas.
you had loved christmas for your whole life. you didn't know what it was about christmas that you liked so much because very year it changed. when you were five it was opening presents. when you were ten it was the music. when you were fifteen it was gifting presents. but now as a twenty year old it was a mixture of all it, plus the time you can spend with loved ones around you.
you look down to your beautiful boyfriend, laying on your chest and slowly start shaking him. "baby, it's christmas" you cooed not wanting to abruptly wake him. "five more minutes ma" you looked at him rubbing his face deeper into your chest as he fights away the waking up sensation and give in. "okay. five more minutes" after what seemed forever you finally woke him up. "okay it's been five minutes, wake up now. it's christmas" you said emphasising the fact that it's christmas. "alright let's wake up the other two then" chris stated trying to rid the sleep from his eyes.
as you both clawed your way put of bed there was a sudden bang at the door followed by nick and matt slamming their ways into the room. "WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMASSS!" nick said definitely more excited than the other people in the room. you smiled in response turning to chris, "told you to wake up" chris just chuckled as he slowly trudged out of the room. "what a grouch" nick said snarling at him "i know right" you added standing next to him.
as you made your way up the stairs towards the living room area followed by nick and matt, chris was sat on the couch with a. sudden change of demeanour. "let's open presents" nick said excitedly walking towards the sparkling tree in the corner.
as you all finished all the gifts from each other, you split your seperate ways to move presents into designated rooms and clean the house before guests started arriving for the day. as you and chris walked into your shared bedroom, he walked straight to the wardrobe pulling another gift from under a pile of laundry sitting in the closet. "what's this?" you asked walking towards and starting to play with the blue bow tied around the red paper. "it's for you. open it." he said moving to the bed sitting and placing it on your lap. as you ripped open the paper you noticed a familiar pink stripped box. once the box was bare you read the logo guessing what it could be. "victoria's secret" you said looking to your boyfriend, who was smiling so wide. "open it" he said prompting to the box. you lifted the top of the box to reveal a lingerie set. one you had been looking to buy for a while. "thank you baby" you said looking to chris kissing him on the cheek, picking up the lacey piece. "do you want to go try it on?" he said biting his lip, you nodding and moving to the bathroom to change.
you observed yourself in the mirror feeling the lace under your fingertips. "i'm done" you called from the bathroom, your boyfriend on the other side of the door waiting for you to walk out. "show me mamas" he instructed you walking out as he finished his words. his jaw dropped to the floor. "you like it?" you asked travelling your hands up your thighs and walking towards chris as he stood. "like it? i love it. it looks so much better than what i could imagine" he said gripping your waist looking you up and down. "your thighs look so nice and your boobs. don't get me started on your boobs" he blabbered out, causing a giggle to escape your lips.
he looked at your lips and then your eyes, licking his lips. you then leaned into him starting to kiss soft kisses to his lips. with that chris deepened the kiss, causing you to lightly moan into his mouth as he sat down pulling you onto his lap. he started kissing down down your jaw and neck as you felt him become harder under his sweatpants. as he marked your lower neck and chest you started grinding on his now tight sweatpants needing more friction. he traveled his hands from your ass up to the back of your bra unclipping it and throwing it somewhere you didn't care about in this moment. he started massaging your tits as you grind harder against him. he lifted you slightly, now able to slip his pants down revealing his hard cock, slapping against his stomach. he slowly starts traveling his hands down from your boobs back towards your ass and aching core. he starts slipping his fingers through your dripping wetness. "your so wet mamas" he said as you start releasing whining moans. "all for you baby" you said whipping your head back moaning at his movements.
suddenly he slams his fingers into you, stretching your tight hole, rubbing your clit with his other hand. "i need you to fuck me baby" you said whining for him. "anything for you my baby" he said flipping mg you over so you were now below him. he runs his tip down your folds before slamming himself into you causing you to both moan at the feeling. "oh fuck mamas your so tight" he said continuously pounding you at an animalistic pace. "holy shit baby i'm already so close" you said the pleasure building in your stomach. "play with yourself for me ma" he said wanting to push you towards your finish as fast as he was arriving. you starting toying with your clit the pleasure already becoming too much. "i'm going to come baby" you said as he started pounding deeper into you chasing his high "me too" he said as you let go riding out your high. he piled out before he came, continuing the motions with his hand as he came all over your stomach and chest.
he flipped himself down next to you, huffing and puffing.
"that was probably the best christmas gift ever"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @frozenvegitableoil @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn
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watchandread02 · 3 months ago
For the "Holidays with the Winchesters: A very Destiel Christmas Advent Calendar" by @archervale and @wormstacheangel
Day Two: Tradition
There is a knock on Cas’ open door, he looks up as Dean steps into the room.
“Hey, Cas. We are going to head out in a bit. Do you want to come with us?”
Cas stands up from where he was lying on the bed. “Oh, where are you going?”
“Well since we are actually going to spend Christmas in the Bunker and there isn’t an apocalypse happening, I was thinking we could get a tree. I told the kid about it and he’s already really excited.”
They had moved closer together, while Dean was talking and were now standing just inches away from each other.
“I would love to come with you.” Cas says. The grin that stretches across Dean’s face, makes Cas smile at him in return. He supposes that Jack isn’t the only one excited to do this.
“Great, come on!” Dean grabs his hand and pulls him through the hallway, towards the garage.
Sam and Jack are already waiting in the Impala. Cas is surprised to see that Sam is sitting with Jack in the back. Dean lets go of his hand so they can get into the car.
“Hey Sam, why aren’t you sitting up front? I thought the leg room isn’t as great in the back?” Cas asks as he turns to look at Sam.
“I’ll be fine for the one hour drive. And I can stretch my legs out towards the middle.” Sam reassures him, so Cas turns back to face the front, but he does catch the teasing grin Sam sends towards his brother.
Dean starts up the Impala and starts the drive towards the tree farm. The drive is mostly uneventful, though Cas is surprised that Dean is playing Christmas music. And if Dean reaches out to him to take hold of his hand, well he’ll just quietly enjoy it.
The Impala has barely come to a stop and Jack is immediately out of the car, pretty much bouncing towards the trees. Sam follows a bit slower, but he catches up to Jack to look at the trees with him. Dean and Cas come together at the front of the car, their hands immediately finding each other. They walk behind Sam and Jack at a leisure pace.
After a moment Cas breaks the comfortable silence, “you know I think this is really great. Sam and Jack seem to be enjoying themselves and I can’t really complain. Maybe we should do this every year from now on?”
“Well maybe this can be our new tradition. You know, getting the tree, decorating it while listening to Christmas music. And at the end of the day, maybe we can all sit in the Dean Cave and watch Christmas movies.” Dean says wistfully. If his imagination is anything like Cas’ he can understand. The tree lit up and them cuddled together under a blanket, drinking hot chocolate, with Sam and Jack sitting close by.
“I would really like that. I guess, we’ll just make it up as we go.”
Dean pulls Cas closer by their still intertwined hands. “Yeah, I guess we really are.” Dean says, before he pulls him in for a short kiss. When they seperate, they look at each other for a moment, just smiling at each other. After a short time they rejoin Jack and Sam in looking at the Christmas trees, trying to find the perfect one.
And if the tree ends up looking a bit crooked and rough in a few places, well then it’s just as perfectly imperfect as their little family.
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 1 year ago
On this day I present
Every single time Duck Newton is horrible at lying !
Episode 7
Duck: Yeah, it’s a nickname. Listen, y’all got a van handy, why don’t you hop in and get on trucking. Don’t forget to— don’t worry ‘bout your clothes. We’ll drive them up seperate.
Swimmer: Why can’t we take our clothes?
Duck: [freezing up] You need to— you need— uh. Here, I’ll get them. Y’all start loading in the van and I’ll bring your clothes out to ya’s. Just another one of the many services we offer from the Forestry Service.
Episode 10
Pigeon: Well, I know how to do it, I just wanna know why.
Duck: Perfect. Perfect. Why? It's for firefighter training? Yeah, it's for firefighter training. It's been a little while since I last told someone that, so I had some time to forget it. But it's for firefighting training, cuz we can't get enough water pressure to fight the fires, forest fires.
Pigeon: Out in Monongahela?
Duck: Yeeeeeeep.
Pigeon: Duck, that's on the opposite side of town. I can find other places that I can get you some more water pressure instead of pumping it out of the water park almost a mile away.
Duck: Yeah, but the water park is definitely gonna be closed. If you can tell me somewhere where you can guarantee that they're not gonna need that amount of water that's using that amount, I'd love to hear about it. Cus, off the top of my head, I can't improvise anything.
Pigeon: There's a reservoir right next to Monongahela.
Duck: The reservoir is a source of water but it's not gonna give other— fuck, listen Pigeon, here's the thing. I... love... to… practice fishing. But... the running water... frightens me, it's called hydrophobia. And I would love to practice my cast in a real water environment where I can get in a large body where I can guarantee that running water won't be a factor. And I would just love to practice my cast in a guaranteed still body. But here's the other thing, sometimes if you do it in a lake, that's what you're thinking, a fish will bite it and normally that's ideal, but I'm just trying to practice casting. It's like, when you don't want to catch, that's when they're biting, y’know what I mean? So I need a still body of water that I can guarantee won't move to practice my fishing casting.
Episode 13
Duck: I should’ve put some time into it, honestly, but I uh… I was real busy with family over the holidays, so I didn’t make much—
Mama: You literally just said you didn’t have any family in town over the holidays.
Duck: God dammit. Dammit!
Mama: I mean, it’s fine if you couldn’t dig anything up, but you don’t gotta lie to old Mama, you know?
Duck: Dammit! Dammit, Duck!
Mama: You don’t have to beat yourself up about it, Duck, I mean po—
Duck: Fuck!
Episode 14
EMT: Do you know what happened to him?
Duck: Oh boy…um…do you want the truth or a more convincing lie? Um, nah so, okay, right… so the Pizza Hut sign started to fall, ‘cause of the weather, and he ran up there on… a fire escape… and tried to push it? …With a bat? Damn it. Nah, he just pushed it, and it fell, but then he fell ‘cause he got shocked. I bet… mmm…I didn’t see. I was in-Ah, shit! Alright, hey fol-hey guys, rewind. I-hey guys, rewind a second. Ah fuck! I was inside, I didn’t see. Anything! I don’t know… this man. I do know this man. His name-Fuck!  Alright, I Ned, hi, here's-hmmm. Alright, so this man’s name is Ned, and he’s a friend of mine, and I don’t know what the hell happened to him, but you know this guy. He’s always getting into something. I don’t know, I was in the building, I almost got killed by a Pizza Hut sign. I might be in shock!
Episode 18
Duck: Honestly… uh if I gotta tell you the truth, Juno, I’m— I was trying to get into character. I’ve been—
Juno: You’re going undercover with these teens?
Duck: —I’m going undercover. I got a undercover teenage identity. It’s��� it’s Frick Richums and when I assume the identity of Frick Richums, I’m trying to get undercover, with the Hornets [hisses] so I can find their illegal grow thing. [grunts]
Juno: You are a truly miserable liar, Duck Newton.
Duck: Goddamnit! I put on such a good— damnit!
Juno: Hey, when you’re finished with the… with those, those nails. Would you mind taking them back to the station? I need to sort of keep going around the perimeter see if I can find something to, you know, maybe help with your investigation to take down those— those drug kingpins, the Hornets.
Duck: Yeah, Juno, about that. I— I was kidding about that, of course. I was just having some fun. But I did… I did hear some of them talking on...... Facebook about you and how they were gonna target you. Like they need to get you out of the way. And it kinda freaked me out a little bit. Can you think of any reason anybody would wanna get you… outta the way? Or— or be targeting you? Like… for this?
Episode 21
(Deputy Dewey is asking for alibis)
Duck: Me— Me— Me too.
Deputy Dewey: You too what? You were
Duck: Yup.
Deputy Dewey: Alright…
Duck: Me too. I was— Yup, I— Yup, me too, for both. Yup, me too. Mmm…
Aubrey: Duck, are you okay? You look like you need to use the bathroom.
Duck: Nope. Yeah, I do. Yup. Uh, Burritos, alright… Bye.
Episode 22 Featuring Ned and Aubrey also being bad at lying
Morgue Technician: Can I help y'all with something?
Duck: Well, we would like to see the bodies of--
Aubrey: My brother!
Duck: My dad.
Ned: My son.
Duck: His brother. Her-- His-- His son, her brother, my dad.
Aubrey: Not related. There's two of 'em.
Ned: But you have to figure out which two.
Duck: We need to see a body for a dare. I'm sorry about all the lies from before but we need to see a body for a dare.
Aubrey: I was dared to look at the body of my brother.
Ned: And my son.
Aubrey: I was dared to look at the body of his son. Who is also my brother. Because he is my father.
Episode 32
Duck: Um… yup. It‘s… Harpo. Uh, all… [imitating crackling noise] Y‘all hearing this? [imitating crackling] The… radio break up. Radio break up. Mrrr.
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anotterthatlovestoys · 2 months ago
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Savers is not a good place for saving money lol
Okay to be fair this guy was from Goodwill, actually (and the horse behind him from elsewhere):
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We went thrifting to look for late christmas presents for my family... and walked out for presents for *me* (lol and some books)
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But yeah it turns out I couldn't resist a set of sea creature themed Beanie Babies that all came in a bag together. There's a turtle, eel, fish, whale shark and mini sting ray. My sibling has a full sized sting ray that would match, too. And then there was the big crab, who matched the other guys, sold seperately.
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They also had bags and bags of barbies and other dolls, some of which I took photos (will upload later, I want to see if anyone can ID some of them).
Now... to be honest, I'm not usually tempted by Barbies. I have been meaning to get one typical sized Barbie to compare to my handmade dolls (the only one I have is Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz and her dress is kind of ratty); but then I saw this bag with a Holiday barbie. I looked it up and she's 1991 Holiday barbie. Holiday barbies aren't particularly expensive- this ones only like $20 mint in box- but it just felt like a good, festive opportunity.
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She came in a bag with two other barbies for really cheap, I think it was like 1 or 2 per doll? and I'm sure I can do something fun with the other ones.
Thing is, I don't really like the modern Barbie faces... they're just a bit boring to me, I guess. I like Holiday Barbies giant green eyes and eyelashes and her little dimple. I'm never really tempted by the never barbies, its always the early 90s or 80s ones I like.
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Well, at least I got some gifts, and the toys weren't that expensive- plus, I always get gifted xmas money I just spend on Groceries (and other peoples late xmas presents). I also got uhhhhh a book on making fabric dolls because of course I did. I'll go over that some other time!
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feng-shui71 · 2 months ago
soo since i love your content i wanna ask more ask's muhahaha>:D in all seriousness, how is Jordan's relationship with Chris (or the other S.T.A.R.S members in that case) like i figured that Chris wont be glad after finding out his traitor of an captain is married to his friend/comrade
Ohhh!!! I love asks like these yes yes
Formatted in headcanons because I didn’t feel like writing paragraphs, just thinking of it is giving me a headache. Includes every single S.T.A.R.S. member from Alpha and Bravo team, the rest is under the cut. The lesser known members don’t have a lot of information though and some of them are a bit short because I didn’t know what else to write.
Albert Wesker:
Not going to put much on these two and their dynamic since I can’t shut the fuck up about them but I’ll drop a few S.T.A.R.S. era tidbits.
Married, however nobody on the force knows except for Irons, Barry and Jordan’s twin, Jaiden. Irons is their employer so he’s obligated to know, and he’s not stupid he could see it. However with Barry, Jordan accidentally let it slip one time and had to make that man swear to secrecy. He regularly teases the two about it.
Guy does NOT play favourites at all which pisses Jordan off. He’s actually way harder on her than the rest of S.T.A.R.S. and expects the best from her, god forbid she hands in a report past the deadline because he’s going to be very pissed. Very firm believer in keeping work and personal life seperate.
When he’s stressed he likes to call her into his office, blinds shut and sunglasses taken off as he holds her. Face buried in the crook of her neck to try to ease the aching migraine that seeningly never goes away. Probably because you got 2 jobs bro.
Speaking of his office they fuck in there all the time sorry
Wesker initially never intended to harm Jordan during the mansion incident and originally was going to try to keep her away from his plans until they were carried out, taking her with him. This obviously failed and Jordan caught onto his true nature because of that one Umbrella researchers photo, confronting him in his lab. Chris was supposed to see those, to confront him, not her. It was foolish of him to bring her. To improvise, he shot her instead and was planning to bring her body with him, infecting her with Progenitor to ensure her safety + turn her into a superhuman like him. Unfortunately the surviving S.T.A.R.S. crew brought her with them so he couldn’t even do that. (Sorry if this bit is wonky, I’m still working on their Re1 lore)
Friendship scale is womp womp an 8/10. Wesker lies far too much to her and manipulates Jordan regularly, scale is nowhere near a 10/10 because of it. Don't get me wrong they have good chemistry and love eachother but y'neow, it's Wesker. No relationship with him is exempt from being toxic.
Chris Redfield:
They’re pretty close I think, she appreciates Chris’ rebellious spirit and honestly just sees a lot of her younger self in him. Chris thinks she’s cool, like an older sister or “girl next door” type and has no clue why a prude like Wesker is so close with her. Little does he know ..
He definitely pisses her off a ton though LMAO he’s so stupid.
I think sometimes it gets a little awkward because she’s like .. 11 years older than him. So some of the dumb shit he says goes over her head and some of the dumb shit she says makes him cringe a little. They get along nonetheless.
“You like Billie Holiday?”
“.. Oh, yeah, yeah sure I love him!”
“… Dude..”
Wesker ABSOLUTELY despises their relationship and does not like how close Chris is to her. He barely voices it, however a common thing he does is bring up negative things about Chris in hopes to deter her from interacting with him. Yeah, he’s controlling. Jordan does get weirded out if, say for example, he brings up a misogynistic remark that Chris said, but she gets over it after a day.
A lot of common interests, they both love Queen! I like to think that if either of them need a smoke they go to eachother since they’re both avid smokers. Smoked weed on the job one time and Wesker had to hose them both down because the office reeked of Alaskan Thunder Fuck.
I think after the Arklay Incident Chris was suspicious of Jordan because of her affiliation with Wesker however this skepticism dies down after he realizes she was also a victim of Wesker’s plans. (cough.. cough. shot.) Alongside this, Jordan vehemently denied knowing anything regarding Wesker’s double life and shared Chris’ intense feelings of resentment and hatred towards the man after Arklay. Chris is sympathetic of Jordan, she felt used and disgusted with herself considering how long she’d been with him, how much of it all was a lie? she fell in love with a facade, a fake constructed persona, hell, did he even love her? spends a lot of his time comforting her and keeping her company because of it.
This sympathy doesn’t last for long though, after Re4 and especially post-Re5 this guy is so sick of her ass for going back to Wesker time after time, he understands Jordan loves him to the point of it being unconditional, which is why she always runs back to him but come onnnn. Girl if you don’t get your ass back here I will smack the shit out of you. Their relationship is definitely strained at this point, tons of resentment between the two. I cover Chris’ feelings about this in this ask.
You guys got a friend where they have a toxic relationship and always go to you for advice but never listen? you tell them the exact same thing every time but don’t go through with it anyway? Yeah that’s Jordan to Chris. She’s the problem here.
"I miss him"
"Shut the fuck up"
They love eachother though.
Jordan thinks Re8 Chris is cute but you will never get this out of her ever especially since she feels guilty about Wesker’s death still. He is rolling over in that volcano everytime that thought crosses her mind. She will never act on this though, widowed Jordan is real.
Friendship scale sat at a 9/10 during Re1. Anything beyond Re4 is extremely strained and sits at a 6/10. Too much resentment.
Jill Valentine:
Uhmmm definitely not as close as Barry and Chris however they are friends, yeah. Her, Jordan and Rebecca stick together at RPD since they’re all women, they try to look out for eachother and talk to one another often. Jordan is definitely close to Jill than she is Rebecca though.
Jordan sees Jill as a bad ass little sister that needs to get her ass whooped sometimes, however Jill doesn’t make Jordan mad to the point of crashing out unlike someone. (Chris) It’s kind of just a mild annoyance like she’ll sigh really heavy if Jill does something stupid.
They definitely gossip a ton though, Jill pulls Jordan aside and rants about whatever is on her mind at the moment, whether it be a guy or something Chris did earlier that day. Literally world’s biggest haters god forbid you wear a terrible outfit around them they are pointing and laughing at you to the point of snorting and wheezing. Brad is a common victim.
She is definitely super sus of Jordan and Wesker and thinks they’re friends with benefits, interrogates Jordan on it regularly and asks her why she’s so close with the Captain. This is a mild accusation though I think Jordan gets flack regularly at the office because of her affiliation with Wesker, a common one is that she “slept to the top hence her position at S.T.A.R.S”
Uhhhmm besides that though I think their friendship is mainly confined to RPD, I don’t think they go out a ton besides the S.T.A.R.S. troupes occasional bar runs. I think either her or Annette would be Jordan’s girl best friends but i’m not sure !
Their friendship is pretty good! I'd say it's around a 7/10
Barry Burton:
These two have the cops from Superbad dynamic. Barry is the Seth Rogan cop and Jordan is the Bill Hader cop. You can't tell me Barry doesn't have the Seth Rogan laugh because he does I mean just look at him. (Jackie and Jordan have this exact same dynamic too)
Cue these two doing donuts in an empty parking lot in their cruiser.
God forbid you catch either of them hungry I think both of them could clear a buffet in like 30 mins tops and they would still be starving. Barry brought her a whole rack of ribs one time while he was barbecuing and it moved her to tears. These two are fat as hell sorry.
Speaking of food I think Barry invites her and their family over when he’s throwing anything, Wesker would rather not but Jordan convinces him every single time. Guy just wants to go home but is forced to be social for hours, I think Barry and the rest of the neighborhood dads kidnap him though and keep Wesker with them, he has no idea what to talk about until cars are brought up and he uses the opportunity to brag about the Porsche he splurged on.
Hands down Jordan’s best friend from S.T.A.R.S. (if we aren’t including Jaiden, Wesker or Silna’s OC, Jackie)
Due to their closeless I think their children are close too. Mainly Junior and Moira, both rebellious little shits who resent their fathers, perfect combo.
Friendship scale sits at a 9/10. Practically family.
Joseph Frost:
Not as close as Jaiden is to him but yeah they’re cool I think.
Honestly I think the Forest, Chris and Joseph trio are all cool with Jordan and Jaiden since all of them are mischievous shitheads who like to cause trouble and have fun while on the job. Jordan doesn’t really join them as often as Jaiden does though. Irons HATES all of them with a passion
“Are you wearing a durag?”
“???? No???”
I think if they got into an argument it’d be the worst thing ever to deal with, both Joseph and Jordan are crashouts due to their temper so they’d 100% be at eachothers throats trying to kill each other. Joseph throws a paper airplane at Jordan’s head, Jordan retaliates by picking up one of the tables in the breakroom and hurling it at the poor guy’s head. Fortunately, Jordan has Wesker to ground her so this doesn’t happen a lot.
Also another reason as to why they never really fought is because they both have that very chipper, humorous and optimistic attitude.
I remember seeing somewhere that his nickname was “Frosty”, I like to think it’s because both Jordan and Joseph’s nicknames were “Joe” within the team so to avoid confusion, Joseph was coined the nickname “Frosty” and Jordan was “Jords”.
6/10 friendship, they're cool with eachother but she flocks more towards the other S.T.A.R.S. members.
Brad Vickers:
Mannnn he is the Family Guy Meg of the friendgroup god bless his soul Jordan thinks it’s funny to make fun of him LMAO
I think she’s like.. okay with him but I don’t think they’re friends, more of acquaintances if anything. Some of the shit he says pisses her off and honestly I don't think he's too fond of her either, she's mean.
I think she’s wayyy more nicer to him than Jaiden is though this guy is a fucking bully. Brad catches strays in every single argument.
Jaiden: “Bro I’m literally prime Michael Jordan like 91 MJ.”
Jordan: “Nah you’re more like Celtics Shaq”
Jaiden: “Shut up, not even, but you know who is? Brad.”
Brad: “Oh…”
Poor guy gets peer pressured to do shit. Like hey Brad!! go lick that pile of white dog shit. Or like hey Brad !! eat this handful of 300 mg edibles that’ll leave you seeing demons. This guy is always like what.. why me ??? until money is mentioned and he jumps on the opportunity. Easy 60 dollars.
The making fun of Brad jokes have to be funny though otherwise Jordan is just going to stare at you
Like there’s a point.
She respects the fact that he works such a profession with an attitude like his, the fact that he can overcome his cowardice in order to pull a job off. Not a lot of people can do that.
Friendship sits at like a 5/10, poor guy just wants to live in peace.
Enrico Marini:
Another guy who’s super sus of Wesker and Jordan’s relationship. Like his feelings towards Chris and Barry, I think he was scared that she’d take his position as second in command as well. One of the few guys that conspired that Jordan “slept her way into S.T.A.R.S.”
Besides that though I think they’re on good terms. They’re acquaintances at most I feel, really the only thing that keeps them together is the fact that they’re both close friends with Barry and are part of the same team.
Okay so I think this guy is half Hispanic (Maybe Ecuador) and half Italian, hence the Marini last name. Just wanted to throw that out there sorry he is not white he has a little bit of spice.
I think they spar often when Wesker isn’t in the office, gee I wonder where he went.
Again, this is another individual where Jaiden would be closer to them rather than Jordan, they mainly just coexist. I like to think Jaiden is Enrico's right hand man and helps keep Enrico's attitude optimistic in such a profession, nobody has a clue as to how Enrico is so patient with this guy.
Friendship scale sits at a 3, their friendship is strictly professional however they're on good terms, he just gets uhh, envious.
Rebecca Chambers:
Oh my sweet baby Rebecca I love you
Definitely calls her “Bex” or “Becca” as nicknames.
They're both basketball lovers so they definitely play every so often, I like to think when they take their 15, these two, Jaiden, and a few other S.T.A.R.S. members join them for a few games of ball. Rebecca is capable of some nasty crossovers, absolute demon on the court.
Jaiden accidentally posterized her so bad to where she fell face first once and the entire team was fuming at him LMAO sorry he will not pass up on the opportunity to flex. Other than that he's like an uncle to her.
Similar to Jaiden, Jordan assumes a motherly role towards Rebecca and feels inclined to look after her, especially since she's so young and naive, she knows people like to take advantage of girls like that, the world is corrupt and she'd rather not have Rebeca be affected by it. Jordan knows how it feels to be creeped on and it's disgusting, if Rebecca was ever a victim to that Jordan wouldn't be able to forgive herself.
Before Alpha Team was dispatched to investigate the Spencer Mansion, I think Jordan was terrified that something would happen to her specifically (Besides worrying about Jaiden), Jaiden and the rest of Bravo are more than capable of protecting themselves, however Rebecca is a medic with not a lot of combat experience, hence her concern.
Friendship scale is at a 6/10! I'd say they're friends yes but not that close.
Richard Aiken:
Again, another guy she's acquintances with at most.
She thinks he's really sweet though, pretty nice guy. Very appreciative of how protective he is over Rebecca as well, we all love Becca here.
Felt really bad for his girlfriend, Bridgette, after his death. Jordan thought their relationship was really sweet and super cute, seeing another woman so heartbroken over their lovers death made her feel worse.
Friendship scale sits at a 3/10, she doesn't really know him but they do have mutual respect.
Edward Dewey:
Okay there's not a lot known about this guy in general so this'll be short.
Jordan calls him "Speddie Eddie" she thinks it's funny LMAO
Since dance is a hobby they both share I think they like to indulge in it their spare-time, I can see this big guy b-boying, yeah. It's not a thing that's done often though.
She thinks he's very sweet! nicest member on S.T.A.R.S. by far, I think he was the first person on Bravo team she befriended because of it.
Friendship is 5/10. Sweet guy, but he's just an acquaintance.
Forest Speyer:
This fucking guy
Tumblr media
Out of all her homeboys he pisses her off the most by far but I think besides Chris and Barry, Forest's one of her favourites. I like to think he's the worst out of the Chris, Joseph and Forest trio I mean just look at him.
This guy is sooo fucking cocky oh my god, they hangout at the shooting range pretty often because that's literally the only thing Forest is willing to do because he's so good at it. Rubs it in Jordan's face everytime, pretty sizeable ratio going 34-20.
She has to call Chris over to humble him every single time
Him and Jaiden's combined ego is horrible they are both extremely insufferable.
I have a feeling this guy is extremely funny though, like snorting and wheezing levels, humour is a characteristic that Jordan loves so I think that's what draws these two together. Common interests in general like tattoos, I think they both like Ed Hardy.
Friendship scale is around uhmm probably like a 7-8/10. They're pretty friendly with one another and she thinks his cocky attitude is a bit charming, albeit annoying.
Kenneth J. Sullivan:
Not that close but this guy is cool
He seems really nonchalant I think she'd go to him for advice and wisdom considering he's the oldest S.T.A.R.S. member
Ball-ups with him are insane he will drop the deepest statement/speech ever and then act like everything is normal.
Okay considering Jordan's a Filipino and one of our martial arts is knife fighting (One of his strengths) I think they'd spar together often so she could hone her skill since she's kinda meh at it. Helps her with posture and getting accustomed to the ice-pick grip.
Kind of hard on her, he's a perfectionist.
Friendship scale is like uhmm, a 4/10. They're cool but they wouldn't go out of their way to seek eachother out
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