#i will make a seperate one for the holidays
wanderingmind867 · 1 hour
I honestly don't have strong opinions on many holidays. Except two: Halloween is stressful and can be freaky, and Christmas can be stressful but has an amazing aethestic. I left my blog background as a christmas scene partially because i'm super lazy, but also because christmas movies and christmas music is so cheerful that it usually is capable of making me feel good about myself. And there's very few holidays that have that affect on me. But since I'm rambling here, maybe i'll make two seperate posts about all this. And I'll end this one by just saying that Thanksgiving and Easter are nice, but dull. And birthdays have lately been a stressful matter of existensial dread. So it really is christmas that i would rank highest.
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jesytr · 1 year
she could feel the weight of eyes laying heavily on her shoulders. dressed up in her best fashion forwards exterior. upscale driven outfit inspired by a mix of what she had in her sisters closet as well as the glitz and glam of upscale Gotham. all borrowed from her sister. she looked towards the bouncer like she was looking at a giant wall. blocking her way in though she doubted she'd need him to stop her anymore than he already was.
@banschivs /. continued.
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she wasn't exactly used to this type of attention , but she was developing an idea that maybe she'd need it more now that she was sloshed. a bit of a drunken mess plastered all across Gotham City. not exactly a sky lit night, but one full of fireworks. in celebration of some sorts , mainly the ones that mattered to little people. she didn't exactly like reminding herself why the bouncer in front of her barred her path like a huge mess of excitement, and haste. but sadly , not budging.
" c ' mon ! " she started in, " dontcha' know what day it is ? " she bit at her lower lip , before finally spotting Arthur followed by his canine help sokol. she greeted, " ya' here for somethin' like a proper way ta' help get me in ? " she asked , though without an audience. finally lowering her voice. enough to not be heard by the bouncer. seemingly slightly irritated at her.
" hey , what's it gotta take ta' not be here ? " she egged on the bouncer one last time before circling back to her question for arthur, " is it ok if ya' introduce me ta' THE NIX ? " she added , mentioning his wife once she heard nix talking about her.
she yelled out once she heard nix talk. chuckling off the idea that she should've indeed climbed up the wall just not quite loud enough as she spoke, " spandex ain't exactly great in this heat. " she meant those words . though she did have a fair share of reminders on what not to get herself into on holidays.
she looked once more towards the bouncer with a flashy smile ; only to be ignored , and clearly at that. she whispered, ( " it ain't my day. " ) to arthur before glancing back at nix.
her eyes thumbing through what other options she had all that she knew was that she had to get in somehow. not quite stopping herself from teetering slightly on her feet.
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fuzzybirdie · 3 months
This work was fully inspired by the following prompt/post and @freedomanddisorder 's amazing art, please! Check out both!
Ch.1 A Vacation To Gotham! What Could Go Wrong? (Pt1)
It had been 1 year scince Danny's accident, and 1 year since his parent's masterpiece miraculously started working. In celebration, danny's parents decided to take a holiday to gotham. Mostly to look at the bats, who were obviously ghosts. Just look at signal! Litterally creating ghost orbs. But, as the bats only come out at night (excluding signal) there nothing to do during the day. Nothing exept the mundane things like amusement parks and fast food restraunts.
Danny could tell that his parents were bored and upset that they couldn't interview any bats, (and boy, was danny glad that they'd chilled out after a year of actually interacting with ghosts) but they were still trying to make things fun for themselves too.
The Fentons had split up near the enterance, agreeing to meet up at the food stalls arround 1 for lunch. His parents went to the haunted house - ever reasearching, Jazz would wonder arround for a bit before deciding on her rides, while Danny went right for the roller coasters.
On the way, Danny had an idea; his parents were on the other side of the park, so they wouldn't question him if his hair and eyes suddenly changed colour, and he had been meaning to experiment with looking more alive in ghost form...Ducking into a bathroom, he started transforming. Slowly, Carefully, not touching the clothes, there. Finished, he looked at the miror to find- "I look like a ghost in a tee and jeans."-his skin still had the green tint from the ectoplasam in his veins, and his hair was steaming like dry ice.
The hair was more obviously inhuman, so he tackled that first. It would need to be solid, condensed, thicker and thicker, -too thick!
What once was steam now looked like a plain old block of ice. Maybe, his hair being made of ice would be fine if he seperated it a bit? If he peeled each layer into tiny little strings luke normal hair. Little by little, piece by piece, perfect. The ice string hair was curlier than he'd thought, waves of snow tickling his ears, eyebrows and the back of his neck.
The next problem was the green tint. This would take some thinking. He couldn't just pretend to be cosplaying a Vulcan from star trek. Could he turn his ectoplasam back into blood? Probably not, either he'd end up 'suffocating' (if that was even the right word) as a ghost or just turn back into a human and need to do this all over again.
Veto'd, too dangerous.
Thinking back, didn't frostbite say there was something odd with his ectoplasam and blood? Thats right! There were slight ammounts of ectoplasam in his blood and vice versa. If he could manipulate his remaining blood into the capillaries along the surface of his skin, it'd look like he still had a beating heart!...
Ok, that sounded bad even in his mind.
Shaking off that thought, he pushed his blood to his skin and checked the mirror one last time. Normal teen with white hair? Check. Now, Roller Coaster!
This is the first! || next
Thanks for reading! Unfortunately, I had to cut this in half. (Curse the word limit!) When I have time to post part 2 I'll link it down here. If the links work... Anyways! Please tell me if there's anything I can improve! Last time I posted something was back in... 2016? So i'm very out of practice
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shokiren · 9 months
what do the blue lock boys love like? (e.g. rin, isagi, bachira etc)
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a/n: hi anon 🪼 thank you for requesting! this is such a sweet request, it really got me thinking, honestly. i hope you like this sweet anon <;3
characters: isagi yoichi, rin itoshi + bachira meguru (seperate)
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☆ isagi — his love is the simple pleasures of life.
isagi’s love is like being served fluffy pancakes first thing in the morning, getting under your blanket in severe cold, winning a bet— the simple pleasures of life. he loves like there won’t be tomorrow, so he shows it all in just one day—you’ll never complain, he’s your sweetheart, and honestly, you don’t have anything to complain about it. his love is like sitting on the shore of your beach at six in the morning and enjoying the lullaby of the ocean. his love is refreshing, like getting under a cold shower in the middle of scorching heat. his habits include all of this— he enjoys serving you breakfast in bed, leaving hot water for you, having cleaned the house when you get back. his love is like home. a home that you never want to leave.
☆ bachira — his love is adventurous.
bachira’s love is identical to the love of a kids. he loves without any thought. he loves without judging you. his love is content, and warming. his love gives you a burst of adrenaline, pushing you to do exciting things you were always scared to do. his love has helped you grow more than you ever have, always the one who encourages you the most. his love is like going to an abandoned playground at eleven in the night, and dancing around to the most unlikely beats. his love is like sitting under the sun in mid-january. his love is comforting.
☆ rin – his love is quiet.
rin isn’t a man of many words, and definitely not affectionate words. he prefers to show them through small actions– such as putting in a load of your favourite snacks in the cart as he buys the groceries, buying your favourite shampoo right away when he notices it’s almost empty, watching tutorials to a dish you said you’d like to try. he believes that actions speak louder than words. he likes to help you around things, making life easier for you. his love is relaxing. like a holiday you never want to forget.
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areislol · 8 months
this goes towards my current wip with al haitham so
child al haitham x child reader // cute moments :)
some moments on angst (mentions of his parents seperating, this is just a hc of mine for some angst don't bash me pls) not proofread. short
a/n: this was for funsies, honestly i just needed to write something cute and fluffy after writing an angsty wip, i can't write this all in my current wip hence, this!
when he was reading a book to you
when you were rolling on the ground trying to get his attenton as he read a book
when al haitham was trying his best to console you with awkward pats on the back after having tripped and cried
al haitham's mother making him hold your hand when crossing the street.
when you had a sleep over at his place and fell asleep on his bed, both of your tiny hands just barely touching each other
al haitham trying to stop you from touching a stray cat saying that it was "dirty and mommy said not to touch a cat outside, you can get hurt and even die!!" poor boy was scared for you
you laughing at him as he falls, when he cries and puts the blame on you, you both get time out and somehow you manage to run away, dragging al haitham with you as your mother chases you
building a sand castle with him, it's very sloppy looking but you were proud of it, and so was al haitham. so when a random child that was getting chased by their friends and run over your sandcastle he is furious, swearing to find them when his older and destory their sandcastle as pay back. and when he notices that you're sobbing uncontrollably? he might just even have a talk with them.
al haitham who helps you steal the cookie jar that was ONLY meant to be eaten after dinner, and when your grubby tiny hands reach for it and break it, he takes the blame.
al haitham who lets you put stickers and bows on his face as he reads a book, as long as you aren't in the way of course (he doesn't mind if you do or don't) and refuses to take them off when he needs to shower.
al haitham who is always there to help you get up when you trip and fall, even asking his mother to buy him a small hang bag so he can stuff bandaids in there.
al haitham gets really, seriously mad when someone picks on you for being "too loud" or "running around too much", he doesn't outright say anything but the glares...? even for a young child like him, whew.
he's always with you, before school, during school, after school and even during the holidays! (no wonder you're so close) and he doesn't mind, his mother is always tearing up as she watches her son watch you hold the crayon whole and scribble on a paper, and when you invite him to draw with you? ack! two cuties trying their best to draw each other.
(turns out to look like human blobs, one with grey hair with green streaks and one with [h/c]!! the eyes are disproportional but what can you expect from 5/6 year olds..)
al haitham who stays silent and listens as you yell at him out of anger when he accidentally loses a doll you gave him, he's clearly upset that you're mad at him but now he's mad at you, why are you yelling at him he did nothing wrong!!
this results in you ignoring him (it was a pain) and of course, al haitham hates it when you ignore him. so as usual, he asks his mother to give you a bag full of your favourite candies. you forgive him in less than a minute.
al haitham doesn't own much toys and likes books, any book. even if he can't read them he finds the pictures interesting. so he's more than elated when he sees that you got him new books on his birthday or even as a surprise gift!!
sometimes you lend him your toys so that you two could play together, you were taught to share of course. you often force him to play barbie dolls with you, not that he minds, it's just... does he really have to put on a girly voice for raquelle?
he swears that he won't ever play this game with you ever again after his friends caught him playing with you. (but secretly he continues to do so after making sure no one is around)
!!! playing family!!! you're always the mother who works hard by playing soccer and earning no money whatsoever while al haitham is the father who stays home and reads books. for some odd reason he feels this tingly feeling in his heart when he plays this game with you. what if one day when you're both older and live together with 5 exotic cats and wolves? what a dream.
al haitham who recieves a paper from his teacher that states "what is your dream?" for a class activity and immediately you pop up in his mind. his dream... is to make you happy. other than reading all the books in the world and making his mama and papa proud!
he gets upset when you aren't here with him for a day or more, say, you're on a holiday in another country or state, boy is he gonna be pestering and begging his mother to see you!! please, he needs to go there right now!!! (ever heard of face time?)
later in the years al haitham's always embarrassed when his mother brings that up, saying that it's "not true" but then completely freezes when his mother takes out her phone, saying "oh no worries, i have a video recording!!" and turns to face you, smiling. the way the colors drain from his face.
who is afraid to lose you after his mother came into his room and sat by the edge of his bed, her hand caressing his soft hair. "my dear boy," she would say softly, her gaze so soft and gentle.
"is it okay it mama comes in?" al haitham nods his head, how could he ever deny his mother's request?
"thank you baby, now, mama has something to say. don't be too scared now, okay?" al haitham nods, continung to lie down on his best tucked in nicely.
"people come and go, al, you will understand one day but... sigh, mommy and daddy have to tell you something."
ever since then he's sure to do whatever it takes to make you happy, he doesn't want you to leave him, ever. not like you would ever!!
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littlemssam · 2 years
Mod Updates
As always delete old Mods Files and the localthumbcache when updating my Mods!
Patch 1.96.365 Updates & optimizing of 144 Mods
Too many Mods have been updated to list them all here, so you will find all in a All in One File below.
Important Info:
I optimized a ton of Mods, to reduce number of scripts, and improve loading times. These Mods now require the XML Injector Mod to work. Make sure to download the current XML Injector on https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector. Some Mods still have unique Scripts, but most Mods are now Package only. It is very important that you delete old Mods Files instead of replacing them!
All Mods have been checked with Patch 1.96.365, so all Mods not in the zip file below, are still compatible. BUT i will need to approve some Mods later on for the Infants. These Updates will follow step by step!
Small Laundry Overhaul Update - Instead of seperated Addon Packages for the "No Auto Put in Hamper" Part, i added ingame Settings (Shift Click on any Hamper to find the Settings Menu). The Setting counts individually for each Lot. The default Setting is "Disallow Kids, Teens, Lazy, Slobs Only, except Neats". Added a new Setting for Allow All Sims.
More buyable Venues & Holiday Home: I removed the Venue List Files, and both now require Base's Universal Venue List! https://basementalcc.com/mods/universal-venue-list/
Maybe obsolete now with Patch 1.96.365. Please remove the following Mods, and test without them:
More Best Friends
Longer Sit in High Chair
Call to Meal Fix (Bug Fix)
Not tested yet, so remove for now: Wake Up Overhaul
Don’t download these Updates if you have the Legacy Edition!
Support Questions via Discord only please!
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sturn-wrld · 9 months
🏮christmas gift
pairing: chris x reader
summary: where chris buys reader a christmas present that is great for the both of them
genre: SMUT!!! if that makes you uncomfortable dni! warnings: unprotected sex (before you get silly, wrap that willy), nicknames (babe, baby, ma, mamas)
a/n: last day of smutmas. i actually really like this. i have no idea what i'm going mg to write now but i'm thinking a little more fluff. happy holidays to everyone no matter what you celebrate 🫶
you open your eyes, adjusting them to the bright sunlight by beaming through large window infrared front of the bed you and your boyfriend, chris currently occupy. the realise hits, it's christmas.
you had loved christmas for your whole life. you didn't know what it was about christmas that you liked so much because very year it changed. when you were five it was opening presents. when you were ten it was the music. when you were fifteen it was gifting presents. but now as a twenty year old it was a mixture of all it, plus the time you can spend with loved ones around you.
you look down to your beautiful boyfriend, laying on your chest and slowly start shaking him. "baby, it's christmas" you cooed not wanting to abruptly wake him. "five more minutes ma" you looked at him rubbing his face deeper into your chest as he fights away the waking up sensation and give in. "okay. five more minutes" after what seemed forever you finally woke him up. "okay it's been five minutes, wake up now. it's christmas" you said emphasising the fact that it's christmas. "alright let's wake up the other two then" chris stated trying to rid the sleep from his eyes.
as you both clawed your way put of bed there was a sudden bang at the door followed by nick and matt slamming their ways into the room. "WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMASSS!" nick said definitely more excited than the other people in the room. you smiled in response turning to chris, "told you to wake up" chris just chuckled as he slowly trudged out of the room. "what a grouch" nick said snarling at him "i know right" you added standing next to him.
as you made your way up the stairs towards the living room area followed by nick and matt, chris was sat on the couch with a. sudden change of demeanour. "let's open presents" nick said excitedly walking towards the sparkling tree in the corner.
as you all finished all the gifts from each other, you split your seperate ways to move presents into designated rooms and clean the house before guests started arriving for the day. as you and chris walked into your shared bedroom, he walked straight to the wardrobe pulling another gift from under a pile of laundry sitting in the closet. "what's this?" you asked walking towards and starting to play with the blue bow tied around the red paper. "it's for you. open it." he said moving to the bed sitting and placing it on your lap. as you ripped open the paper you noticed a familiar pink stripped box. once the box was bare you read the logo guessing what it could be. "victoria's secret" you said looking to your boyfriend, who was smiling so wide. "open it" he said prompting to the box. you lifted the top of the box to reveal a lingerie set. one you had been looking to buy for a while. "thank you baby" you said looking to chris kissing him on the cheek, picking up the lacey piece. "do you want to go try it on?" he said biting his lip, you nodding and moving to the bathroom to change.
you observed yourself in the mirror feeling the lace under your fingertips. "i'm done" you called from the bathroom, your boyfriend on the other side of the door waiting for you to walk out. "show me mamas" he instructed you walking out as he finished his words. his jaw dropped to the floor. "you like it?" you asked travelling your hands up your thighs and walking towards chris as he stood. "like it? i love it. it looks so much better than what i could imagine" he said gripping your waist looking you up and down. "your thighs look so nice and your boobs. don't get me started on your boobs" he blabbered out, causing a giggle to escape your lips.
he looked at your lips and then your eyes, licking his lips. you then leaned into him starting to kiss soft kisses to his lips. with that chris deepened the kiss, causing you to lightly moan into his mouth as he sat down pulling you onto his lap. he started kissing down down your jaw and neck as you felt him become harder under his sweatpants. as he marked your lower neck and chest you started grinding on his now tight sweatpants needing more friction. he traveled his hands from your ass up to the back of your bra unclipping it and throwing it somewhere you didn't care about in this moment. he started massaging your tits as you grind harder against him. he lifted you slightly, now able to slip his pants down revealing his hard cock, slapping against his stomach. he slowly starts traveling his hands down from your boobs back towards your ass and aching core. he starts slipping his fingers through your dripping wetness. "your so wet mamas" he said as you start releasing whining moans. "all for you baby" you said whipping your head back moaning at his movements.
suddenly he slams his fingers into you, stretching your tight hole, rubbing your clit with his other hand. "i need you to fuck me baby" you said whining for him. "anything for you my baby" he said flipping mg you over so you were now below him. he runs his tip down your folds before slamming himself into you causing you to both moan at the feeling. "oh fuck mamas your so tight" he said continuously pounding you at an animalistic pace. "holy shit baby i'm already so close" you said the pleasure building in your stomach. "play with yourself for me ma" he said wanting to push you towards your finish as fast as he was arriving. you starting toying with your clit the pleasure already becoming too much. "i'm going to come baby" you said as he started pounding deeper into you chasing his high "me too" he said as you let go riding out your high. he piled out before he came, continuing the motions with his hand as he came all over your stomach and chest.
he flipped himself down next to you, huffing and puffing.
"that was probably the best christmas gift ever"
@ermdontmindthisaccount @frozenvegitableoil @its-jennarose @ilovemattsturn
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ducknewtonscoolhat · 11 months
On this day I present
Every single time Duck Newton is horrible at lying !
Episode 7
Duck: Yeah, it’s a nickname. Listen, y’all got a van handy, why don’t you hop in and get on trucking. Don’t forget to— don’t worry ‘bout your clothes. We’ll drive them up seperate.
Swimmer: Why can’t we take our clothes?
Duck: [freezing up] You need to— you need— uh. Here, I’ll get them. Y’all start loading in the van and I’ll bring your clothes out to ya’s. Just another one of the many services we offer from the Forestry Service.
Episode 10
Pigeon: Well, I know how to do it, I just wanna know why.
Duck: Perfect. Perfect. Why? It's for firefighter training? Yeah, it's for firefighter training. It's been a little while since I last told someone that, so I had some time to forget it. But it's for firefighting training, cuz we can't get enough water pressure to fight the fires, forest fires.
Pigeon: Out in Monongahela?
Duck: Yeeeeeeep.
Pigeon: Duck, that's on the opposite side of town. I can find other places that I can get you some more water pressure instead of pumping it out of the water park almost a mile away.
Duck: Yeah, but the water park is definitely gonna be closed. If you can tell me somewhere where you can guarantee that they're not gonna need that amount of water that's using that amount, I'd love to hear about it. Cus, off the top of my head, I can't improvise anything.
Pigeon: There's a reservoir right next to Monongahela.
Duck: The reservoir is a source of water but it's not gonna give other— fuck, listen Pigeon, here's the thing. I... love... to… practice fishing. But... the running water... frightens me, it's called hydrophobia. And I would love to practice my cast in a real water environment where I can get in a large body where I can guarantee that running water won't be a factor. And I would just love to practice my cast in a guaranteed still body. But here's the other thing, sometimes if you do it in a lake, that's what you're thinking, a fish will bite it and normally that's ideal, but I'm just trying to practice casting. It's like, when you don't want to catch, that's when they're biting, y’know what I mean? So I need a still body of water that I can guarantee won't move to practice my fishing casting.
Episode 13
Duck: I should’ve put some time into it, honestly, but I uh… I was real busy with family over the holidays, so I didn’t make much—
Mama: You literally just said you didn’t have any family in town over the holidays.
Duck: God dammit. Dammit!
Mama: I mean, it’s fine if you couldn’t dig anything up, but you don’t gotta lie to old Mama, you know?
Duck: Dammit! Dammit, Duck!
Mama: You don’t have to beat yourself up about it, Duck, I mean po—
Duck: Fuck!
Episode 14
EMT: Do you know what happened to him?
Duck: Oh boy…um…do you want the truth or a more convincing lie? Um, nah so, okay, right… so the Pizza Hut sign started to fall, ‘cause of the weather, and he ran up there on… a fire escape… and tried to push it? …With a bat? Damn it. Nah, he just pushed it, and it fell, but then he fell ‘cause he got shocked. I bet… mmm…I didn’t see. I was in-Ah, shit! Alright, hey fol-hey guys, rewind. I-hey guys, rewind a second. Ah fuck! I was inside, I didn’t see. Anything! I don’t know… this man. I do know this man. His name-Fuck!  Alright, I Ned, hi, here's-hmmm. Alright, so this man’s name is Ned, and he’s a friend of mine, and I don’t know what the hell happened to him, but you know this guy. He’s always getting into something. I don’t know, I was in the building, I almost got killed by a Pizza Hut sign. I might be in shock!
Episode 18
Duck: Honestly… uh if I gotta tell you the truth, Juno, I’m— I was trying to get into character. I’ve been—
Juno: You’re going undercover with these teens?
Duck: —I’m going undercover. I got a undercover teenage identity. It’s— it’s Frick Richums and when I assume the identity of Frick Richums, I’m trying to get undercover, with the Hornets [hisses] so I can find their illegal grow thing. [grunts]
Juno: You are a truly miserable liar, Duck Newton.
Duck: Goddamnit! I put on such a good— damnit!
Juno: Hey, when you’re finished with the… with those, those nails. Would you mind taking them back to the station? I need to sort of keep going around the perimeter see if I can find something to, you know, maybe help with your investigation to take down those— those drug kingpins, the Hornets.
Duck: Yeah, Juno, about that. I— I was kidding about that, of course. I was just having some fun. But I did… I did hear some of them talking on...... Facebook about you and how they were gonna target you. Like they need to get you out of the way. And it kinda freaked me out a little bit. Can you think of any reason anybody would wanna get you… outta the way? Or— or be targeting you? Like… for this?
Episode 21
(Deputy Dewey is asking for alibis)
Duck: Me— Me— Me too.
Deputy Dewey: You too what? You were
Duck: Yup.
Deputy Dewey: Alright…
Duck: Me too. I was— Yup, I— Yup, me too, for both. Yup, me too. Mmm…
Aubrey: Duck, are you okay? You look like you need to use the bathroom.
Duck: Nope. Yeah, I do. Yup. Uh, Burritos, alright… Bye.
Episode 22 Featuring Ned and Aubrey also being bad at lying
Morgue Technician: Can I help y'all with something?
Duck: Well, we would like to see the bodies of--
Aubrey: My brother!
Duck: My dad.
Ned: My son.
Duck: His brother. Her-- His-- His son, her brother, my dad.
Aubrey: Not related. There's two of 'em.
Ned: But you have to figure out which two.
Duck: We need to see a body for a dare. I'm sorry about all the lies from before but we need to see a body for a dare.
Aubrey: I was dared to look at the body of my brother.
Ned: And my son.
Aubrey: I was dared to look at the body of his son. Who is also my brother. Because he is my father.
Episode 32
Duck: Um… yup. It‘s… Harpo. Uh, all… [imitating crackling noise] Y‘all hearing this? [imitating crackling] The… radio break up. Radio break up. Mrrr.
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ato-catto · 1 year
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Ssj4 (lonely) Goku x Fem reader
Light smut/ neediness/feral boi
I wrote this on a whim and didn't double check it. Sorry if the spelling is off :,)
Your bleary eyes cracked open when you awoke to the sound of tapping at your window. A dark, bushy haired silhouette sat at the other side of the glass, giving you a right scare. Your heart pounded in your chest and a hand flew to your mouth.
"Goku!? What are you doing here so late!?" You moved to the window and slid it up, letting in a nice warm summer nights breeze. Goku stared up at you with a pouted lip and yellow puppy dog eyes, that caught the moonlight beautifully.
It made you remember all the years you had spent fawning over him as your mentor, and the most recent years you had spent being slightly jealous of his wife, before you matured and 'moved on'.
When he looked at you like that, it didn't feel like you had moved on at all.
"Chichi kicked me out for getting fur on the couch." Goku pouted, resting his furry elbows on the windowsill. "I tried to go to Bulmas but no one was in."
You nodded in thought. "I'm pretty sure they've taken Trunks on holiday to some theme park."
Goku frowned. "Oh. Makes sense." His tone was so light for the gravelly, throaty voice that his form brought forth.
You shook your head, amused and bemused, and ushered him inside and out of the dark.
You switched on your bedside lamp and the big burly Saiyan clambered over the window ledge, sliding the window, and curtains, shut behind him.
He shook put his thick, dark mane and smiled greatfully at you, his fangs poking out from beneath his top lip. His face looked handsome in the dim orange glow from the lamp, and his teeth glinted, catching your eyes, drawing them to his mouth.
"Thanks for lettin' me in, Y/N." He grinned.
You brushed of his thanks with a happy smile, sitting back on your bed, back into the warmth of your blanket. The little shorts and cami you had on wasn't very... modest.
Goku wasn't one to have wandering eyes, anyway, but you weren't going to be the one to stumble a married man- even if it was by accident.
He sat on the very edge of the mattress, his weight bowing the bed down on one side. "Ah I feel so crappy for pissin' off Chichi. Things just haven't been the same since the separation. I should really move out-"
Your eyes went wide. "Seperation!?" OK, THAT was unexpected! Last time you saw them- albeit being 5 or so years ago- she was all over him, clinging to his arm and giving him big loving smiles every time he looked at her.
Perhaps it was the form, that now apparently had stuck. Maybe poor Chichi couldn't stick the fur and exposed abs -although you couldn't see why not- and constant gruff voice, that frankly sent tingles up your spine.
Goku shrugged. "I dunno what it was. We just grew apart I suppose-" his tail waved slowly, sadly. "She seems happier now she's got the house to herself most the time."
You patted his furry back sympathetically. "She's probably just glad she doesn't have to clean so much. Don't take it personally."
He turned to you, his eyes shadowed and dark behind his long bangs. "I wish that was it, but it's not. She told me she didnt 'love me' anymore. I'm too much hassle with the fur."
He ran his hand over the fluffy part of his abdomen, glumly running his fingers through the slightly matter fur.
"I'm sure that isn't true." You hummed, watching the way his hand glided through his pelt and wandered what it would feel like if you did that yourself. You followed his hand as it moved to his abs, rippling over the soft indents and curvature of his tanned skin. A blush formed on your cheeks, and Goku chuckled, a deep rumbling noise that came from the very bottom of his chest.
He had been following your eyes, like he used to do back in your training sessions, to gage what exactly you were thinking about.
And just like back then, he had caught you admiring his physique just a little too much.
"So what do you think of this form?" He purred, leaning a little closer to you on the bed, resting back on his outstretched hands.
You swallowed, slightly hypnotised as his chest stretched out, and rose and fell with his breaths.
"It's really impressive. Very.. monkey like."
Goku laughed, and gave you another toothy grin. "Wanna feel?"
Your heart STOPPED. "Wanna feel.. what-?" You chose your words carefully.
Goku took your hand from your lap and set it on the furry part of his solid muscle bound stomach. "My fur."
Your fingers spread amongst the red, which was soft yet somehow coarse at the same time. Your heart thumping in your ears, your hand feeling up the strong muscles and across the dense ribs of your old master and friend.
He watched you and grinned, his eyes glinting a perfect amber in the light of the lamp.
"S'nice, isn't it?" His words were soft. You could've sworn he tensed slightly as you neared the ridge between flesh and fur.
"Mhm." You didn't want to open your mouth too much, for fear of letting the mounting drool flood out down your chin. Good Kami Kai. Why you? Why today?
Goku grasped your wrist and brought it higher. "Skins pretty soft too.." he purred, setting your palm on his pectoral.
Your face reflected the colour of his fur now, red spreading across your cheeks and neck. He found your reaction amusing, as always. He remembered the days fondly where you couldn't even stand eye to eye with him before sparring because you would go as red as a tomato- and that was back before the days of transformations and forms.
It had been amusing then, but now since being married he understood why exactly you reacted the way you did, and they fact that even now, decades later, you were still the same blushing baby under his gaze was nice. Despite his age, he still had the same effect that he always had on you, and he liked the comfort of something going unchanged in his life.
You. You were the thing that always stayed steadfast.
He brought a finger to your cheek and touched the hot, soft skin. "You alright?" He teased. "Goin' a little red there-"
You pulled your hand back, faster than you've ever moved before, even during fights. "Wha- oh. Oh! Sorry."
Shit! How long had you had your hand there for? His face was a mixture of amusement and... lust. Was that lust? His golden eyes glimmered with something sensual that you swore you were misreading.
"Sorry for what?" He got a little closer. Close enough to smell your arousal.
That's right. His Saiyan sense of smell was stronger than any humans. It was akin to a dogs- he could smell a hot pie from a mile away. His senses went feral- he had been needy for so long.. and with no wife to quell his rising ache.. having you in those small shorts in such close proximity was sending him silently insane.
"I'm sorry for being handsy." You laughed nervously. "Having a man in the house is nice. I'm not used to it." Your half hearted attempt at changing the subject didn't go unnoticed.
"Uhuh." Goku brushed the excuse aside and leant closer, practically leaning over you. "How 'bout you tell me what's on that pretty mind of yours?" His fangs peeked over his lip again, and he planted a hand at the side of your thigh.
You blinked. "On my mind?"
He nodded, not breaking eye contact.
You inhaled sharply. "I was just.. thinking.. you are very handsome? I guess."
Goku tittered. "My chest is 'handsome?'"
"...sexy?" You shrunk back into yourself. The air felt so thick between you, it could be cut with a dull knife.
He grinned again, crawling over you, caging you flat on your back against the mattress. "That's a better word for it."
You gasped slightly, his nose coming close to yours and his eye spearing your very soul. Any words stuck in your throat, his eyes sliding down to your lips. Was he... was he going to-
He was, and he did, lowering himself with strong arms to inquisitively brush his mouth against yours, asking almost politely. You obliged, needing this decades worth of stomach knots to final unravell onto him. His tongue was eager to gain access, probing your mouth and tasting you like he had been craving you. His thick mane fell about your head, shadowing the both of you. He pulled back to breathe, almost glaring at you as he caught his breath. Something feral passed behind his eyes and his pants turned to soft growls.
"I need you." He purred, grasping the back of your neck and running a thumb down your throat. "I've needed you."
Your eyes go wide like saucers, slightly terrified of this new version of Goku- but massively aroused all the same. ".. Then.. then take me." You whisper, tensing your thighs together at the tingle sensations rippling through your core in anticipation.
In response, he buried his fangs into the side of your neck. You mewled, the pain and pleasure folding into one, sending your mind into a blurry fog. The sound was a song that Goku didn't realise he had needed to hear for years.
Being homeless had never been better.
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thenightwolf51 · 7 months
A detail from the first Trolls movie that always kinda confused me was the fact that Chef was gonna feed Poppy to Gristle.
Poppy is King Peppy's heir, shes the future queen. You'd think that would make her off limits. She needs to survive to be crowned and eventually continue the royal line. The bergens are a monarchy themselves so they understand this importance and the trolls are their livestock so they would have to put some focus on maintaining genetics and keeping the trolls at a somewhat stable quality of life, that includes the social dynamics of the tribe. At least as much as we would keep track of the Queen bee in a hive, the biggest bull in a herd, or the fastest horse in the derby.
But now with Band Together it makes more sence.
Viva is older than Poppy, which means that she would likely have been assumed to be the future queen. As far as the bergens are concerned King Peppy already had his "heir and a spare". Poppy was just the spare.
With that in mind, i wonder if it was a tradition for bergen royalty to be fed a royal troll for their first trollstice. "Every prince deserves a princess" Chef had said. Did Peppy have a sibling that was fed to Gristle's dad?
If Poppy hadn't been born, would Viva had been considered old enough for Peppy to be given to Gristle instead? She managed to lead the Puttputts when she got seperated. Or would Gristle have gotten Viva and the bergens just hoped Peppy would create a new heir?
And back to the genetics bit. Do you think they selectively bred the trolls for the best taste or effect. Like specifically choosing trolls or families with undesirable traits to cook at trollstice so that their genes die out. Is that how the average pop troll of the current generation got to be so... delusionaly cheerful.
Like i know its all played up for the movies because their pop trolls, constantly singing and dancing and eating sugary sweets. But in comparison to the other genres they just seem more exaggerated.
So how much of that happy positivity and optimistic near lack of self preservation that most pop trolls have is natural for their genre and how much is enhanced due to at least 100 years of selective breeding.
I imagine the happier a troll the more dopamine/serotonin they produce naturally so the bergens would probably take care to decrease the the amount of trolls that wernt as "potent". Which likely would have been trolls that sang and danced less, were more likely to develop anxiety or were prone to depression or going grey.
On the evolutionary side of things this would have led to the happiest and more optimistic pop trolls to be the most attractive and ideal mates even if the trolls don't relize the scientific reason behind it or consciously notice that happy trolls had a higher servival rate.
(Which kind of reminds me of that one post that said something about boybands like Brozone who made trolls happy with their music likely being "protected" in some way because bergens wanted them to continue making trolls happy)
And i do think the pop trolls were captive for at least 100 years because i doubt a whole town and castle, essentially a small kingdom can be built in one life time. Especially not one with an established monarchy and near religious holiday that has a "minister of happiness". Honestly i wanna see it as over 200 years, give them plenty of time to forget their pre-trollstice history like the existence of other tribes
This is a bit long and rambling but my world building mind really wants to hyperfixate on the details of the pop troll's captivity and what it means for them as a species and for the ways their culture might have shifted or adapted.
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cindol · 9 months
Black fem reader x ino takuma
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tw— drunk/tipsy ino, mention of cheating, angst, fluff,
synopsis— ino confesses his love for his best friends girlfriend on Christmas of all days to her.
tags— @driaswrld
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Ino was drunker than he could handle tonight. Seeing the woman of his dreams be so romantic with another man, his best friend daiki. Seeing how they both kissed under the mistletoe and did all the lovey dovey things while he watched on the couch made him miserable as he sipped a branded beer. Seeing them seperate and Daiki come to take a seat next to him he made a small exhale.”what a night…” ino just nodded along not wanting to speak because of what could accidentally come out his mouth.
The two men heard a loud laugh and turned their heads, it was of course from y/n laughing at some corny joke gojo was telling her.”that laugh.. can never get tired of it y’know?” Ino nodded along making a dry laugh. a sigh came out daiki’s mouth.”I hope I never lose her man, but who knows what the future holds?” That made ino make a swallow noise. He hated to think this but if the two ever broke up he honestly would be happy. With the conversation he had with y/n a day ago he really was itching for a breakup between the two.
a part of him felt horrible for praying that his own friend would break up with his own girlfriend just so he had a chance with her yet another part felt he would treat her so much better than daiki. Even with how in love they appeared he heard of their arguments and how heated they could get towards each other.”could always lender her to me if you two break up” it was obvious he was joking when daiki chuckled but there was some truth to it. His best friend got up patting his back.”I’ll catch ya later in the night man.”
As the night progressed on he could feel some tension between y/n and daiki coming on. The little things like arguing about if daiki put just too much whine in glass or if y/n took too much cookies off one plate then if turned into arguing which made just everyone around a bit uneasy. Both of them ended up storming off with daiki going off outside to calm down and y/n slamming herself against the couch next to ino. Ino stared at her, he was on his 5th beer at least but still had some sense as he stared at her.”another lover’s quarrel?” He joked to clear some tension but she wasn’t in the mood.
“He always somehow ruins the damn holidays.” She made exhale after.”this is becoming fucking exhausting.” Some tears were on her lash lines. He looked around, he knew she wouldn’t wanna be seen crying in at a friends party.”Ah cmon y/n.. let’s go upstairs yes?” He led her up off the couch and up the stairs by the small of her back. It looked terrible how he lead her into a empty bedroom, he closed the door shut like he could get caught doing something he wasn’t suppose to.
As soon as he sat down on the empty bed with y/n tears started to flow down her cheeks. Ino gave her a sympathetic look, he still was somewhat drunk but still could comfort her and understand how sad she was getting. He rubbed a hand on her shoulder.”everything good?” He paused.”is something going on with you and daiki?”
That just made y/n burst out into more tears.”he cheated.” Those words made ino mad, maybe it was the beer in his body but the tears in her eyes made him clench her shoulder and even a vein on his forehead. He thought back on the conversation he had with daiki earlier at this party and even on the emotional talk he had with y/n a day ago.
She continued speaking.”I found out through a fucking Instagram story funny enough. a friend showed me a photo of him having his damn face buried in another woman’s tits.” She chuckled at this situation a little, just trying to make sense of all of it.”maybe it was something I did..”
Ino made a huff at that and grabbed her hands into his.”No! It isn’t.. he’s a— he is a fuckin’ ass y/n.” He wanted to stop his mouth from moving but his brain was just saying anything that.”for as long as I’ve known daiki, he’s my bud he fucks up a lot. He’s not the best with relationships..” y/n raised a brow.
He made a exhale as he looked at her facial expression,”I’m jus’ saying.. it’s not your fault, he fucks up any relationship he has with a beautiful woman. Any man would be grateful to even be in your presence, I know I am..” he muttered the last line but y/n heard it loud and clear. It made her bashful and even giggle with dry tears on her face.”you’re grateful to be near me?”
His words made him blush now, wanting to just push his beanie over his eyes.”well.. what man wouldn’t be? If anything you could have any man you want.” That made her make an ‘o’ shape with her mouth at that.”even you?”
Hearing her say that made him hiss, it was taking everything in him to keep his self under control.”any time of the day y/n, any week.. you get the damn point.” It was cute to y/n at him cursing between his sentence, even though she found it cute to tease him, it was always fun sharing banter with ino.
She giggled again and tapped her fingers on ino’s shoulder.“soooooo.. you’re saying you like my company?” He nodded.”like you would be my boyfriendddd?” She was joking and teasing but it was effecting him more than she knew. Ino just made a nervous laugh taking her hand off of him and standing up.“I think you’re all cheered up now aren’t you? How bout we head downstairs.”
She pouted.“Cmon, it’s just the two of us.” She tugged his arm back.”remember when it was just us two? Hanging around? We could just like spend the rest of this night just doing that like old times, without daiki.” He made a dry swallow noise closing his eyes then facing her as she stood up.“this may be the beer in my stomach still talking but if I even stay here alone with you for another second I may do something I really regret y/n.”
That made y/n gulp as she faced him face to face, she always had this tension with him she couldn’t express with others around, it always felt taboo somehow. “Well why don’t you admit then?” She said it in a such a soft voice, it made ino tremble. ‘Fuck it’ ino thought as he opened his mouth, he would just let his tipsy mouth say anything.
“You know what? I’m in love with you, deeply fucking in love with you. I can’t even be around you and my own best friend just because I see how he kisses you and it makes me sick to my stomach, any time I see you lock eyes with me I feel butterflies in my stomach.” He paused for a second,”but what’s the point? You’ll always run back to him or some other dick better than me.” He said all this while looking her straight in her eyes. He couldn’t tell if the glossy look in her eyes was a good or bad one.
He huffed turning around to twist open the door until he felt her hand grip his free wrist.”wait.. let’s just talk about this? I have some words myself too.”
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dyke-will-graham · 9 months
My list of songs so Hannigram coded it’s insane and the lyrics that make them so:
Salt in the Wound- Boygenius
‘You put salt in the wound, and a kiss on my cheek. You butter me up and you sit down to eat’
‘Neck full of mockingbirds all calling your name…I’m gnashing my teeth like a child of Cain’
I’m Your Man- Mitski
‘You’re an Angel, I’m a dog. Or you’re a dog and I’m you’re man. You believe me like a God, I destroy you like I am.’
‘I’m sorry I’m the one you love, no one will ever love me like you again so when you leave me I should die. I deserve it don’t I?’
Famous Last Words (an Ode to Eaters) - Ethel Cain
‘Look at me baby, dead in my eyes. It’s the end of our holiday, but it isn’t goodbye. Carry me with you all of the time.’
‘Eat of me baby, skin to the bone. Body on body until I’m all gone. But I’m with you inside.’
It Will Come Back- Hozier
All I’m gonna say is first verse is Hannibal POV, second is Will POV talking to eachother I could write a damn essay on this song and Hannigram
Shrike- Hozier
‘The words hung above, but never would form. Like a cry at the final breathe that is drawn. Remember me love, when I am reborn as the Shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn.’
‘Had no idea on the ground i was founded, oh that goodness is gone with you now. Then I met you, my virtues uncounted. My goodness is goin with you now.’
‘Back to the hedgerow where the bodies are mounted’
Abbey- Mitski
‘I am hungry, I have been hungry, I was born hungry, what do I need?’
Butchered Tongue- Hozier
This one I think is Will when he married Molly and settling into his new life but still looking for Hannibal in everything.
Talk- Hozier
Once again getting into the Greek mythology themes and Hannigram parallels. Orpheus and Eurydice as Will and Hannibal haunts me.
‘I’d be the immediate in Eurydice, imagine being loved by me.”
Paralleled with the scenes of Hannibal and Wills seperate “I forgive you”.
Me and My Husband - Mitski
‘At least in this lifetime we’re sticking together.’
This is a little cracky, but this song reminds me of the way Hannibal and Will are chasing potentials and scenarios where they can stay together. Teacups and all that and yes the world is on fire but Hannibal and Will are together so it’s okay.
Breezeblocks- alt-j
Enough said.
NFWMB - Hozier
‘Give your heart and soul to charity. Because the rest of you, the best of you Honey belongs to me.’
The possessiveness of Hannibal and Will over eachother is insane, we know this. And I think people forget that Will is just as bad as Hannibal about it. (Just see any interaction between Bedelia and Will for evidence)
Salvatore- Lana Del Rey
“The summers wild and I’ve been waiting for you all this time. I adore you can’t you see you were meant for me?”
“Catch me if you can…dying at the hand of a foreign man, happily.”
Once More to See You- Mitski
“But with everybody watching us, our every move. We do have reputations, we keep it secret, won’t let them have it.”
“If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses then I wouldn’t have to scream your name.”
Televangelism- Ethel Cain
No lyrics in this one, just piano and the sound of me crying softly. This song is EVERYTHING the Primavera scene was in Dolce. Please listen. The slow build, the melodic flutter of a heartbeat the rise and ascension when they see each other and smile at one another, the acceptance of fate, the knowledge of love. “You and I have begun to blur.”
anything - Adrienne Lenker
“I don’t wanna be the owner of your fantasy I just wanna be a part of your family.”
Savior Complex- Phoebe Bridgers
“Drift off on the floor, I drag you to the shore. Sweating through the sheets you’re gonna drown in your sleep for sure. Wake up and start a fire in our one room apartment but I’m too tired to have a pissing contest, all the bad dreams that you hide show me yours I’ll show you mine.”
“Baby you’re a Vampire, you want blood and I promised I’m a good liar with a savior complex.”
Pre-Mizumono to Post-Fall Hannigram can be found everywhere in this song.
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arlh0e · 9 months
Almost (sweet music)
Part: 2/? “I would do it again”
Part one here
Rating: Mature (smut at times but not rn)
Warnings: Hozier x fem!reader, angst, post-break up, sulking, long-distance, yearning, title from a Hozier lyric
Summary: You and Andrew have been broken up for a few months, you still talk regularly, but you’re beginning to understand why he thought that seperating for the duration of the tour was a good idea. You miss him dearly, but its comforting that he’ll be home soon and you’ll be able to spend time together when he comes home for the holidays.
You were so happy to be home, and after the day you had at work, all you really wanted to do was text Andrew and tell him about the idiots you work with, more specifically the fact that none of them wanted to do their job and so all of the extra work fell on you.
He hadn’t responded to the message you had sent him at lunch, so you assumed that he was busy doing an interview or a sound check before his show tonight.
He was understandably busy, but you still felt a pang of hurt at the fact that he wasn’t responding. You hadn’t heard his voice since the last time the band was staying in a hotel, which had been weeks ago. With all of the traveling, they had just been sleeping on the bus because they were never anywhere longer than a day.
You wondered how he felt about it. The utter lack of privacy on that bus had to be stressful, especially for someone like him, who enjoyed his time alone as much as he did.
Sit down on your bed and reach for your laptop, opening up youtube to check and see if there were any more interviews with him that had been posted.
You knew it was slightly obsessive that you had seen just about every interview that he had done since he left, but you really did miss him. Watching him talk about his music, if nothing else talking to someone else about it helped fill the void in your chest that had been left there by his lack of presence, even if just for an hour.
You imagined that this is how some of his fans acted with his content. Did they obsessively search for new interviews and consume every piece of media that he was a part of? You were sure they did, he was magnetic. His personality just drew you in, making you want impossibly more of him by the second. Maybe it was because of his kindness, or his passion, or maybe it was just because he was pretty, but you couldn’t blame the fans who you had seen sob at his concerts just from being so close to him.
You were pretty sure that you’d likely be in the same boat when he came to perform in Dublin. He had already promised you backstage access for all three shows because he knew how much you loved watching him perform.
If you were being honest, part of what you was kind of confused as to how this arrangement with Andrew was supposed to work. You knew that at least for the time being, you weren’t together, and yet, nothing about the fundamentals of your relationship with him had changed.
You were still painfully in love with him, as was he with you. You both still ached to be with each other and to talk as much as possible, he literally couldn’t wait until he got home and so he invited you to his shows so he could spend time with you before then.
It was incredibly frustrating. Having to go from being able to talk to him and see him whenever you wanted to wondering if it was appropriate to text or call was borderline infuriating even.
And every so often you couldn’t help the thought from passing through your mind that he could be sleeping with other people while he was on tour. With no official relationship status, he could do whatever he wanted. And you couldn’t even be mad about it, but that didn’t stop you from wanting to rip your hair out at the thought.
You hadn’t gotten up the courage to ask him about any of it, but most of your conversations had been about how you were doing at home. Or how Elwood was behaving for his parents. He never talked about how the tour was going or how he was feeling or what he was doing, and it was feeding into the idea that maybe he was doing so on purpose. Maybe this break up wasn’t for your benefit but so that he could do whatever (and whoever) he wanted while he was away without fear of consequences.
The Dublin shows really could not come soon enough. You really weren’t sure of when his flight was supposed to land, but you knew he had a 2 day gap between his last show and the next show in Dublin, so you were almost positive that he was already on his flight back.
You caught yourself quite frequently checking the house across the street to see if his car was in the driveway yet, or if a light was on.
You were practically buzzing with how excited you were to see him. It had been months, and just being in his presence again would be so refreshing for you.
You had decided to take a shower to get your mind off of things, or at least distract yourself from staring longingly at his house from your window.
The playlist you put on (titled “the hoziest”) was compiled of all of Andrew’s music in order of your favorites of his, though there wasn’t a single song of his that you disliked, songs like in a week and work song just made you so happy to listen to.
When you’re done in the shower, you take your time going through your night time routine, skincare, fancy pajamas, the works. Knowing that you’d be seeing Andrew soon had sent you on a spiral the last few days.
Which was ridiculous of course, seeing as how this man had literally seen you doubled over, puling your guts out with your face in a toilet from alcohol poisoning on multiple occasions (you tend to get carried away) but you still found yourself wanting to look your best for when he saw you again.
Once done, you pick your phone up off of the counter, turn your music off and walk back to your bedroom while scrolling through instagram, looking at things your friends had posted and watching reels, not bothering to look up from your phone as you made your way to your closet to hang your towels.
“You know, my offer to let you sing in the band still stands, we’d be performing in a week every night if it sounded like that.” You froze.
You knew who the voice belonged to, and you almost forgot a half second thought you were hallucinating.
Did you really miss him that badly that you were hearing his voice when he wasn’t really there?
You turned around to look in his direction. Andrew’s lanky frame was laying comfortably in your bed, his torso propped up against the bed frame, smiling at you.
You blinked once. Twice. You were sure that the confusion you felt was evident on your face, but you weren’t sure if he was actually there or if you were half asleep and imagining all this. You were almost certain that he’d disappear.
“Hey?”you offered up in confusion. You had come to the conclusion that he was actually here but you were still wondering why. And how. “I could’ve sworn I locked the door, how did you get in here?”
“Hi, I missed you too.” He laughs. The sound is quite refreshing after all this time, soft melody that graced every inch of your being. “It was, I tried knocking but you didn’t answer and I still have a key if thats alright.”
Thinking back on it, you never had asked for the spare key you had given him back. And knowing him, this was all quite fitting of a homecoming surprise. You looked over to the bedside table, a bouquet of your favorite flowers was there, sitting in a glass vase of yours, a vase that wasn’t there before. Your heart melted at the thought.
Though it didn’t make up for everything that had happened or how lonely you had felt without him here, you were glad to see that he was at least trying.
“Hmm, I dont know, I do seem to remember a promise of groveling for my forgiveness when you got home.” You raise an eyebrow at him with a smile and a small laugh, while you cross your arms over your chest and lean against the doorframe of your closet.
“And here I thought I’d be able to get out of it.” He smiles and stands to make his way over to you. His hands snake their way around your waist, resting firmly at the small of your back while he looks down at you. “I missed you terribly, my love.”
You just continue with your sly smirk, cocking your head while looking up at him, silently telling him that this was not the agreement in full. He laughs in return and slowly sinks to his knees in front of you. “Im so sorry, darling.” He plants a kiss on the bit of exposed skin below your shirt. “Won’t you forgive me?”
Your hands move to tangle in his hair, lightly tugging him away from your mid drift, moving his face so that his eyes come in contact with yours while you smile down at him.
“Sweet boy, you’re going to have to try much harder than that.”
Smut in the next chapter! consider yourself warned!!!!!
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
—a stakeout
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SUMMARY | a late night steakout with tangerine has you questioning how you really feel for him
PAIRING | tangerine x reader
WARNING | mentions of guns, hit men, murder, some angst, etc
AUTHORS NOTES | no spoilers for bullet train! and as much as i love the rivals/enemies to lovers troupe with tange, here's some softer stuff. happy holidays!
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Lemon had done this on purpose.
He had always had the ability to read people well when he wasn't busy talking about that train show of his. You swore he could tell what you were feeling before you did most times—instantly there with a handful of tissues or some reaffirming words before you even knew it. Most times it was real a help.
Most times.
That was all you could think as you stared out a tinted window into the cold night. The leather of the car seat underneath you was warm from hours of constant body heat, your legs surely numb from blood loss by this point.
From next to you sat a tall figure, dressed to the nines per usual. Soft ringlets of messy brown hair fell in his eyes, only ever moving as he let out a big sigh on occasion.
Tangerine rested his head in one hand, the other drumming his fingertips across the steering wheel as he clutched it. Flashes of moonlight would steadily dance over your vision as the luminescence caught sight of the metal rings decorating his fingers.
His rings. Seperate pages in one giant book it often seemed. Each one of them told an individual story throughout his life. The pitch black ring on his pinky? The first time he'd ever gotten into a fist fight on the job, that one had left a mark deep enough in the other guys face to shed buckets of blood. A lucky hit. Tangerine often told that story with pride, boasting that you would still be able to see the scar he left behind to this day.
The chunky gold one situated snugly on his pointer? Lemon had snatched that off a random bloke that had been in the wrong place at the wrong time a few years ago. It had been right when they had first gotten into the business, presenting it to his twin afterward with a clap on the back as a job well done. A sick gift of sorts, but it still managed to make each of them smile when they looked at it.
And that smooth, rose gold band hanging around his chest—dangling loosely on a silver chain? Well that was the reason you were currently sitting in a car in the dead of night.
Lemon was no fool. The moment he had seen you pull out that small gift box for his brother last week, he had recognized that love sick smile on your face. The way your eyes shone with excitement as you practically bounced on the balls of your feet when he went to open it. Lemon should be able to recognize it after all. It was the same look Tangerine got anytime you entered the room.
It was antagonizing for him really. Watching the both of you harbor crushes for each other in your own ways. (Tangerine; constantly checking for texts from you when he was away, using more than enough loving nicknames for you just to see your ears grow red. You; buying anything and everything that reminded you of him, doodling little drawings of the man on the corner of your loose leaf nktebooks at briefings before quickly erasing them.)
Finally he had had enough, pulling you off to the side last night. He had been a bit too rough about it for his liking, but it didn't matter now.
"Here's the plan." He didn't even stop to acknowledge your confused expression, questions surely bubbling on the tip of your tongue. "I'm sick. Very sick. You're not. Tha' stake out tomorrow night? You're goin' on it mate."
"The fuck Lemon?"
"Mate, just trust me. I know you fancy m' brother. Just take th' opportunity."
He had taken your stunned silence as a yes, giving you his best smile before moving on like nothing had happened.
So far, that was the only thing you had been able to focus on the entire time you'd been sitting idle on this hill. Not your target or his friends' late night activity you were supposed to be monitoring. Just re-running things over and over in your mind until you were dizzy with the effort.
All the times you had tried to be subtle with the longing looks and sporadic gifts. All the nights you had lay wide awake staring at the ceiling. Wondering if it would even be possible for someone like him to love you back. How did Lemon know? Were you really that obvious? Did anyone else know?
More importantly, did Tangerine know?
"Alright. S' going on in that lil head of yours (Y/n). Been quiet all night. Not like you."
Tangerine was now facing you. Arm draped around the back of your seat as if preparing to back out of a parking space. Heat from his hand radiated mere inches from your neck, but you pushed your shiver down with a forceful swallow.
"The mission." You shrugged, not moving your gaze from its spot on the window. Hoping that your response would be the end of this conversation.
"Yeah right." Tangerine just snorted. "You've never cared for these kinds of jobs love."
You forced the butterfly in your stomach to be killed off one by one. Refusing to be affected by the nickname.
"Guess I do now." Your shoulders moved with the effort of another shrug.
Tangerines mouths dipped down into a slight frown. He had been looking forward to a night alone with you. Maybe even going to get some food afterwards, even if just under the guise of two friends having a meal together. He would take it. He would take anything involving you at that point if he was being truthful.
Calloused fingers gently cradled your chin, softly gripping it as Tangerine turned your head to face him. You finally got a proper look at him, seeing the way his baby blue eyes rippled with concern as they traced unseeable patterns on your face. You were so focused on his intense stare that you forgot to remind yourself not to lean into his hand.
"You alright love?"
It would be so easy to kiss him. Just a little stretch of your neck and—
"I'm fine." His hand fell away from your face as you jerked yourself away. You almost immediately regretted it, wanting nothing more to feel him against you for a moment more.
"I'm just peachy Tan." You snapped, suddenly feeling angry. "Can we get back to our jobs now? You know. The thing we came here to do?"
Tangerine felt his own face flare up with anger. A rare feeling when it came directed at you.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" He frowned with a bit more bite to his tone than he intented. The sound of it made a flicker of regret cross your face before it was replaced with a scowl. "Seriously, who fucken pissed in your oatmeal this mornin?"
"Oh like you don't fucking know." Your own teeth grit against each other as you glared at him. The both of you now locked in a heated staring match. It wouldn't be a suprise if the windows started to fog up. The car certainly seemed like it was a lot hotter than it had been a few minutes ago.
"What, so I can fucken read your mind now?" He ran a hand through his hair in a jerky movement. The way your heart fluttered at his disheviled state drove another molten spike of rage into your heart, frustrated with yourself for finding him attractive even in the middle of an argument.
"Sometimes I really hate you Tan." You hissed. How it had gotten to this point you had no idea. But each word was like a nail to the heart for you.
"Yeah? Well, you're not exactly a joy ta be around all the time either, sunshine."
"And that's another thing!" You were full on yelling now, probably looking like a crazy person to any passing cars as you threw your hands in the air. "Stop fucking calling me those names! I bet you think you can just charm your way into anyone's pants with that huh?"
"When the fuck did I ever say anything like that!? And I thought you liked the nicknames for fucks sake!"
"I do!" You hissed with clenched fists. "The problem is I like them too fucking much! I like you too fucking much Tan! And it's killing me knowing I can't do a single goddamn thing about it!"
It was only after it was already out there did you realize what you had really said.
"Fuck. Listen—"
You didn't get any farther than that before Tangerine slammed his lips into your own. A sound of muffled suprise made it past your lips before it was quickly swallowed by him, along with the rest of your breath. The faint feeling of something prickly ticking your upper lip sang in your head as you realized it was his mustache, resulting in a silent sort of laughter. Teeth clicked against each other harshly before you reached up to rest a hand on his jaw and the other in his hair, steadying his pace to a softer, more tender one.
He only broke away in time for you to notice how fuzzy your head was becoming at the lack of oxygen. Gasping for breath, you brushed a hand over your lips. As if checking to make sure that had really just happened. Or maybe to keep the moment bottled up forever, solidifying it with the graze of your fingers.
Both of you took a moment, panting for breath as a way to fill the silence.
"Did you just—?"
"Did we just—?"
"Sure did."
"And that means you're—?"
"If you ask anymore questions I might have to kiss you again (Y/n)."
The smile in his voice shone through. You allowed yourself one as well, eyes watering.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for." The englishman sighed, resting his elbows on his thighs as he watched you stare star struck at him. "Please tell me I didn't seriously misread the situation there." He added on as an afterthought with a chuckle, already knowing the answer as he looked deep into your eyes.
"I'm sorry Tangerine." The sudden apology left you with a breathy quality. Tears were threatening to fall at a rapid pace now, one or two escaping. You couldn't tell if they were from remorse or joy. "I didn't mean that. Any of it."
"What about th' part where you confessed your undying love for me?"
He laughed as you went to hit him in the chest playfully, noting how the tears in the corner of your eyes began to disappear.
"You know what I meant. And I did no such thing." Your efforts to conceal a smile were fruitless for once. "You just got lucky this time."
"This time?" He reached a hand out to brush the pad of his thumb across your cheek with a sudden fondness. "Nah. Been plenty lucky for a while now, love."
"Sap." You mummbled, closing your eyes with a sigh as he continued to leave soft strokes against your skin.
"Just for you darling."
You really would have to thank Lemon when you got back home.
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lotus02lavish · 1 year
some angst of breakup Headcanons with SWK, MK and Mayor from LMK? GN Reader btw. i just need some angst.
[Pain shall be fed into the beating heart] 💥
【If we ever broke up, I'd be sad. 💔】
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{Sun Wukong, Mk, and Mayor breakup with GN! Reader}
➳ Lego Monkie kid (LMK) // Headcanons // Seperated // Angst! ✍🏻
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"You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them." - Mandy Hale.
Sun Wukong
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The realization about a mortal human being and the immortal monkey king put into a loving relationship would not work.
Sun Wukong could give you his peaches of immortality to accompany him until the end of time. Except the horror that if you live forever, everyone and everything around you will move on. Somethings will die and forgotten without you. No peaches for you, hun.
Sun Wukong does not allowed to let anyone notice you as his lover, he just want to protect you from anyone that cause harm. Which makes you believe he is embarrassed to have you.
Sun Wukong is lacking the ability to explain of how he truly feeling towards you. From time to time again to have communication problems and abuse that cannot be solved.
In Sun Wukong's opinion, love is just another useless emotion to express that lead to heartbreak and disappointment. He is not ready to handle any of those qualities.
In conclusion, Sun Wukong is unexpectedly certain to break up with you, just to save you from himself. He is arrogant and a trickster is known to everyone who has heard of or had the chance to meet the legendary Monkey King.
"Eternal life can bring eternal suffering, I don't want you to feel the same way as me."
The fact that Sun Wukong has said his goodbyes to you and gone from your sight, the good thing is glad to know that you have great life and bright future ahead from destiny than his. The bad thing is, he will miss you deeply more than you ever know.
────・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." - Marilyn Monroe.
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At first, Mk does not understand why you would choose someone like him to be your boyfriend, and he felt that not asking about it was better. He always thinking that he does not deserve your love.
Mk ponders about you cherish them because they are a powerful hero, and everything else within them has no importance. That is why the noodle boy worried that one day they would accidentally use their unnatural monkey magic skills to hurting you, and afraid they might fail to save you from danger.
Mk is often excusing himself with his training, delivering noodles, saving the world/universe, and joining his friends to avoid you.
Mk repeatedly forgets the important events, such as your birthday, the dating anniversary day, the national holidays, and meeting with your friends or family. Heis busy to handle with the fate of being heroic rest on his shoulders, and gaining more trauma through the rest of his journey.
One time, Mk send one of their clone to accompany you in the entire day. Later, the copy of them bluntly told you that they (Original self) actually felt forced in love and does not feel the same way as you anymore.
You have grown tired of him and finally choose to breakup for the best, which Mk had expected and planned this all along.
"I'm very sorry! You deserve someone else better than me."
Though still feeling awkward, you and Mk agree to became friends once again. Furthermore, both of you always ignoring the questions of "That's your ex?"
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"Sometimes the only way to let go is to love someone enough to want the best for him or her, even if that means not being together." - Anonymous
The Mayor
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After years of dating, there is nothing special happening between the two of you. No happiness and no pleasure, just empty.
Oh, how unfortunate you do not know so much about him, even his real name is remain unknown. The Mayor is most likely to kept horrifying secrets and plans to himself from you.
Sadly, whenever the Mayor is near you, he did not have a smile on his face. Only emotionless can be seen in your eyes. Revealing his true colors.
The Mayor would rather focus on granting his Lady's requests than to spend all of his time with you.
It is a ridiculous suspicion that the Mayor is cheating on you simply because he worships The Lady Bone Demon as his only goddess until the bitter end.
At long last, you decided to breakup with the cold-hearted and odd man, his response is none other than a giggle and does not mind.
"You see, dear?" Mayor spoke up as he turn around, "letting someone go is actually easier than we thought."
At that exact moment, the Mayor show his silly toothy smile to you for one last time before he disappeared. Leaving you heartbroken and wish him for the best to accomplish his duty.
──・ 。゚☆*. .* ☆゚.──・☆゚.──・。゚☆ *. .* ──
True Colors - SLAVES
"Wait, did you ever take a moment just to think
About anyone, anyone other than yourself?!
Give me back the love I wasted now
Cold, one day it's gonna hit you, you're alone
I won't be there, won't be there
It's cruel to turn around
Give me back the love I wasted now."
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kyumisyumi · 2 months
Thinking about Cozy gamer Nikto has sent me down a rabbit hole of imagining the little things that would make this man just a little more happy (aside from dear reader, of course.)
Like collecting. What if he's a bit of a hoarder for little knickknacks but not the usual holiday ornament or porcelain doll. What if he collects the bullets that manage to graze or lodge themself in him. Or teeth? A gold or silver tooth here and there from an enemy if it's safe enough to take them.
I couldn't tell you why but I've always imagined him to be one of those guys that pull the black shirt + tacky gold chain combo. So what if he collects costume jewelry. Not because he likes them or is even the fashionable type but because his mother was. She'd have chests upon chests of jewelry, more than she could ever reasonably wear so now he does the same. It wasn't even a sentimental things at first just one of those 'kids imitating parents' scenarios that he never grew out of. Imagine he gifts you one of his baby chains to wear on your wrist or ankle (❁´◡`❁)
I could see him liking cleaning videos. I love the idea of a mess of a man somehow being a clean freak. The type who'd claim the 5 month rule before eating food off the floor but best believe the clothes in his drawers are all folded and organized by color. Sure none of his shirts are their original colors because he doesn't seperate his clothes in the wash but hey.... At least the silks are with the silks and the cottons are with the cottons, right?
I need more of these, give me more.
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