#scythe x reader
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howlingmod · 2 months ago
under the mistletoe
summary - every phighter (seperately) x reader, as it sounds
misc - HAPPY HOLIDAYS ..... smiles
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-doesn't plan it ; i don't think he knows it's a thing. no reasoning i just don't think he would be aware. he's not totally in the dark about all the little romanticisms of the holidays but this one's a little lost on hi.
-he doesn't really get it is all ......... it's cute sure, but he kisses you all the time, what's so special about this?
-he'll still get a little shy though, he's kissing you! in front of people! and you're fine with that! what! he's confident enough in your relationship, but he's still a little awestruck everytime you guys do something so intimate in public
-he likes knowing you're fine with people knowing you're together about as much as he likes to show you how much he loves you.
"C'mon baby! It's the rules!"
-doesn't actively try to set it up too much. he's moreso just nudging you in the right riection every now and then and staring at it for most of the night. it's very obvious to everyone else.
-he just thinks its a staple! the mistletoe kiss is right up there with the new years kiss, it's one of the most romantic gestures out there (in his book)!
-honestly very sweet about it, will probably put his arms around our waist or grab and hold your hands to pull you closer.
-also he just likes showing you off and this is the easiest way of doing that other than all the verbal bragging he's doing that night. whoops.
-not going to set it up or care much. it's a cute tradition, but nothing super important to him. plus, it's really gonna depend on your surroundings. if you're around other people, he'll keep it in mind for when you're alone (consider it a delayed one). if it's just you two, then he's a lot more likely to oblige.
-it's really up to you. if you seem nervous or uninterested, he's not going to push it at all. he'd much rather go at your pace and make sure you're ready and comfortable than pry for a silly tradition.
-he's a very sentimental kisser, so expect to be there for a few seconds. he likes taking his time so he can put as much of his heart into it as he can.
-while the tradition itself isn't anything to him, the gesture is very important to him. he's got some pretty gnarly scars, so knowing you're still willing to do something so intimate when you can see and feel them makes him happier than he knows how to say.
"Funny seeing you here!"
-doesn't plan it really. he thinks about it, he thinks it'd be cute, but he doesn't really push you over there. he might whine about it a little afterwards if he doesn't end up doing it (it's so tropey, he has to man), but that's about it
-he takes it a liiitle seriously. he's all for traditions like this man you don't get it, he just thinks they've got such a charm to them. they're so simple and yet have so much payoff ...
-he's dropping a shitty one-liner sorry. he thinks its fun to flirt with you like you two aren't dating. he's gotta prove to you he's a good boyfriend, alright?
-sweet kisser though. if you're especially shorter thn him, he might lift you up into his arms a bit to make it easier on the both of you. if not, you're still getting pulled right up to him. it's cold outtt .... ::]
"Well, you know what they say!"
-nudges you in the right direction. he wants at least one, it's a classic! he's pretty similar to skate in this regard.
-it's a big show of affection in his eyes just because it encompasses so many feelings for him- he gets to show you off, he gets to kiss you, AND he gets to do something stupidly cheesy, what more could he want?
-he's a little messy with it- more so because he's excited. he ends up going in a little too fast and maybe bumping eachother if you're not careful.
-he'll have an arm around your waist for the rest of the night. he's pretty proud of himself.
"What? Oh- OH!"
-doesn't plan it at all. in all honesty, it probably happens at the cafe rather than a party. it just got thrown in with all the other holiday decorations, so he hung it up without really thinking about it.
-if it happens during the workday, he's a little iffy on it, he'd like to mantain as much professionalism as he can ... buuut he might still give you a little peck before rushing off to work on the orders. if you're alone, then he's more than happy to linger a little longer.
-the type to hold the side of your face or your shoulder while kissing. he likes the stability of it and just thinks it's cute ...
"Well well- lookey here."
-she planned this. she's the reason the mistletoe is there. this was not fate this was a grand plot and you don't even know the start of it.
-oh come on- of course scythe of all people would be all over this! it's an easy way to show off your relationship (she's possessive, sue her) and to get a free kiss. there's no way she's gonna pass up an opportunity like this.
-she makes a big show of it, sorry. she loves to get under your skin and fluster you, so she's gonna spend her time getting closer and teasing you about you looking a little embarassed.
-the kiss itself is surprisingly chaste and sweet, she likes showing you off but she's got class, alright?
"Well, I'm waaaiting ..."
-plans it. he spends a good part of the night herding you over there at least once but most likely twice. sue him for wanting to kiss his partner...
-he's not super used to the tradition, so it's still got that allure of something new to him. he's got a hyped up view of it, so he's pretty excited and it shows in how he's grinning like an idiot the moment he gets the chance.
-this isn't to say its gonna wear off to him though- it'll get normalized, sure, but he still looks forward to it every time. it's romantic! it's cute! let him live!
-annoyingly sneaky about it too- please don't act too surprised, you're only going to feed his ego
-it's a hard no in public. no explanation needed he's not doing it. If you really wanna you can kiss his helmet, and honestly ......... he would think it's cute. it's a stupid tradition but you pull it off.
-if you do, he'll return the favor later (once you have less eyes on you) by leaning his head against yours. it's not a huge deal but it's a little way of him sort-of doing it back .. in spirit at least.
-in private ... ehhhh. he's still iffy on it. if you ask really nicely he might lift his helmet up just enough, but that's about it. it's just not super comfortable for him.
-not a pda guy but he'll hold your hand and keep you at his side. it's nothing special toan on looker but to him it's a show of love and care- if he didn't love you, he wouldn't bother holding you so close to him. he values his space and privacy, so know that him including you in it is a way of him showing your importance to him.
-doesn't plan it ; he thinks its silly. around people, it's gonna be a no, he's not super into PDA. if it's just the two of you ... you could convince him.
-he still thinks it's stupid, but he's willing to do stupid things if it means you're happy. a very chaste kisser but that doesn't take any of the sentiment out of it, he really does mean every little gesture of affection.
-he's going to hold your hand most likely, it's a little comfort to him- he's prone to squeezing your hand in a nonverbal 'i love you.'
-he'll be thinking about it everytime he sees mistletoe again for the next few days. it's driving him a little crazy he's coming home and staring at your lips a little bit while you guys tell eachother about your day. expect a few more kisses than normal
"(You wanna?)"
-the truest of neutrals. he thinks it's cute and he doesn't mind pda, but it's not something he sees as super important. he's very confident in your relationship and he's pretty affectionate already, so it's your call really
-it'll probably be just a quick peck, but that's only because he's probably kissed you a few times already and has haf an arm around you the whole night anyway
-really, it's just not necessary. you're already pissing everyone off with how sweet the two of you are you don't need the extra gesture.
"Ugh- Don't be ridiculous!"
-he's only going to realize if someone else walks him through it. he's not super familiar with all the traditions that go with the season, so a lot of them come off as pretty strange to him.
-if it's around other people, it's not happening, sorry. at most, he'll take you kissing the mask, but even then he might grumble a bit (he likes showing off, being vulnerable and recieving affection is a little different). nothing personal, he's just not taking it off around others.
-if it's just you two though ... then he can be swayed. he'll still think it's stupid and you're being strange but he signed up for that. he'll do it if only to see what all the fuss is about.
-'that's it?' and then he's doing it again the next time you ask. he is not immune.
vine staff
"Oh! Well, only if you'd like to..."
-she will not notice unless someone points it out to her. she's spent a lot of holiday seasons with shuriken and slingshot, so she just forgot this was apart of the holiday honestly. she's a lot more accustomed to the chaos than the sweeter little things (help her).
-while everyone would ask first, she's the most 'whatever' about it. It's a cute thing, don't get her wrong! she just doesn't feel the need to perform, for lack of a better term. she loves you and knows you love her, she doesn't really feel the need to show that off too much.
-if it was a smaller gathering, she'd be a little more into it, but if it's a bigger party she's happy to just talk to you about anything and everything under the mistletoe instead.
-very short and chaste but sweet all the same. she might grab and hold onto one of your hands, she usually won't let go afterwords either. smile
"Aww- Did you plan this?"
-he doesn't set it up at first. the first time, he kinda forgot it was a thing- he's been busy! but once he realizes he's got a free 'kiss s/o' AND 'show s/o off' card, it's over. he's so smooth with it it's annoying. whether he meets you there so you have to stop below it or he casually leads you over while you're both talking, it might as well say gullible on the ceiling.
-like skate, he likes pulling you real close. he's a fan of physical affection, so you bet he's taking the chance to throw his arms around you. even afterwards, he'll keep an arm slung around you.
-he can't go to big parties, so he's usually just around skates gang, but he'll still take the opportunity to brag. he knows you're a catch, he knows you're sweet on him, how could he not be a little smug?
-if you pull a fast one on him and pull HIM under the mistletoe though, you can bet he's impressed. he'll be teasing you about it for a bit, but only because he thinks it's adorable.
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interastical · 5 months ago
just had a silly idea....how would they respond to reader asking "would you still love me if I was a worm"...any phighters really 👉👈
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WAS A WORM ? , ,
" ... darlin' ... what? "
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Considering how socially awkward the guy is, even with you as his partner, he'd still find himself giving you the most confused stare of his life as the question left your mouth.
"What kind of a question is that??"
When your question is left unanswered for a few short moments, you give him a raised brow and cross your arms - a stupid smirk on your face.
He's flustered, the blush on his cheeks beginning to show.
"Of.. of course I would still love you,"
He'd say, after processing your question - and after succumbing to your teasing and playful glances.
The question doesn't catch the guy off-guard. Medkit knows you, and he knows how often you ask ridiculous questions when things grow silent between the two of you.
When he doesn't answer, yet still feels your gaze locked onto him, he sighs.
"Don't ask such ridiculous questions. You know I love you."
He leans in and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead, letting out a soft, comforting chuckle erupting from your throat.
Your chuckle makes him smile.
She hums, thinking over your bizarre question for a small moment. Looking down at the bed of flowers the two of you were just planting, her fingers would brush against the petals of one of the blooming flowers.
"Dear.. the way I wonder how your mind comes up with such silly questions," Vine Staff smiled, slowly and carefully picking the flower off of the bed.
She'd turn to face you, reaching her hand out and placing the beautiful flower onto your head.
"Demon.. worm.. plant.. it wouldn't matter to me." She explained. "You're still my blossom."
She barks out a laugh that echoes throughout the canyons of Lost Temple - a laugh that you were convinced could be heard for miles.
The desert outlaw wiped a tear from her eye, giving you a playful smirk.
"Darlin'... the things you come up with!"
Scythe strolled towards you, her heels clicking and bringing up small, tiny clouds of desert sand as your posture shifted - instantly becoming flustered up as you felt her reach her robotic, clawed hand under your chin, lifting it up with ease.
"Whatever you are.. it don't matter. You're mine, love. Ain't nothin' gonna change that."
Scythe chuckled at your frozen state, taking the chance to steal a kiss - planting it right on your cheek.
The two of you were in the midst of a brawl between a bunch of Biografts sent by Subspace to track the two of you down. During the playful banter that you and Coil shared as you both took down the robots with ease, the question came up.
Coil shattered the face of one of the Biografts', before pausing and turning towards you, holding back his laughter.
"Did you just ask if I would love you even if you were a worm?"
You laughed - taking down one of the Biografts attempting to charge towards you, turning your head towards Coil and giving him a wink, sticking your tongue out.
Your intoxicating laughter made the hellhound erupt in laughter as the two of you moved side-by-side to fight together against the incoming group of Biografts.
" Lil' ol' you, a worm? Pshh.. wouldn't stop ya from being cute," Coil grinned sheepishly, sending his own wink your way before rushing ahead towards the small swarm of robots, leaving you stunned for a moment - processing his reply.
With a blush rising to your face, you shook your head, letting out a sheepish chuckle at his goofy behavior, before running after him to lend a hand.
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katz-ke · 7 months ago
Scythe with us
Love your art and take your time! ^^
Dude, she is such a yapper ugh
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Thanks for the request and to those people who also requested for scythe! I must also make clear that this is only a comfort account so some of your asks I might ignore, thanks in advance! >:]
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bloodyinkandquill · 2 months ago
phighting x reader christmas special
sup im in Honduras right now, so ill work on this intermittently, it’ll be… something i need to decide im thinking what each phighter’s christmas activities are and what they get you, yeah that’ll work, it’ll be in menu order btw
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He spends Christmas with his dad, and you’re invited! Venomshank has been alive a while but having a son to celebrate a holiday with is a new exciting experience to him, they have a lot of traditions surrounding it. Including having dinner together the night before, then Venomshank has to put out the presents at EXACTLY 11:59 because at EXACTLY midnight Sword come barreling towards the tree, it’s funny to witness, and definitely stems from when Sword was a kid. During the day itself after presents him and his dad cook an amazing breakfast together, they would probably ask what you want because they both cook each other their favorites and want to include you since you’re part of the family now.
I think Sword would definitely go with something super personalized, something that reminded him of you in some way. Or alternatively he’d also get you something rather cheesy and overly couple-y like matching sweaters that say something super over the top. He’s very sweet and loving about it and views Christmas as a family thing and you’re part of his family now!
I imagine in Playground Christmas is more of a friends thing then family thing, so Skateboard hosts a big party with his friends and you! There is a lot of food and more drinks, it’s not like a crazy high energy party buts it’s also not a dinner party, he does his best to stay by your side since you’re his lover but he keeps getting distracted and running off to a friend calling him over or doing something crazy. But he reminds you how much he loves you and that he’s glad to be spending Christmas with you!
For gifts I think he’d get you something silly and fun, that makes you laugh and groan lightheartedly. I also think he’d get you your own skateboard or even maybe roller skates/blades so you can go skating around with him, he’s bashful about it saying it was just something random and you don’t have to or whatever- then one of his friends would put a mistletoe above you both with an eye roll and he’d blush but it’s a sweet and tender kiss.
Bro has the dictionary definition of Christmas and that’s it, so you have to teach him a lot about it. It starts to understand, not fully but he’s getting there. Its favorite part is all the lights, he thinks they’re really pretty. Since it doesn’t exactly have its own Christmas traditions he just participates in whatever you do. It might be tad awkward if it’s his first time meeting people who don’t understand it’s sentient so you might have to explain it a couple times. He mostly sits in the corner observing, or following you around like a fucking since it doesn’t understand just yet but you do so it’s the logical conclusion.
He gets you a gift late, it doesn’t realize he was supposed to get you something but then when it does he figures the logical conclusion would be to get it after Christmas because it would be cheaper anyways. I think he’d get you some sort of technology, maybe a new computer or handheld gaming console that it specifically modified to be linked to him so it can chat with you on it even if he isn’t nearby, and would make sure it’s your favorite colors.
He’s sort of, withdrawn from Christmas, if it was his choice he’d stay home and treat it as any other day but with cafe trio and you, his plans have been foiled. Cafe trio invite you both to their apartment to spend Christmas with them. If you’re tempted to say no just remember Slingshot owns a bakery and baked so many different Christmas pastries for the event. You and Katana stay together the whole time but it’s still nice, the food is delicious and it smells AMAZING in that apartment. Katana doesn’t have great memories of Christmas due to his past but he’s willing to make new ones with you.
I think he’d get you a really nice (rather expensive) china set. And his favorite rare teas to go with it. When I say really nice set, I mean REALLY nice, probably one of a kind. He insists you do not need to get him anything but won’t fight if you want to get him something, he thanks you really sweetly and after you leave cafe trios place gives you a super sweet kiss where he can comfortably lift up his mask.
Ban Hammer:
Similar to Sword he spends Christmas with his momma, and again you are invited to join them! Their Christmas is a lot more chaotic, full of rough housing and the servants very nervously cooking a LOT of food. They eat a lot on Christmas and play fight even more, but there’s a lot of laughter and love in the house so all is well. Even if Windforce isn’t as affectionate towards you she snickers and pushes you against her son, maybe a little too hard but he catches you and his eyes are shining as he looks at you. (Pet peeve of mine he ONLY wears his blindfold during phights to challenge himself, STOP GIVING IT HIM WHEN HE ISNT SUPPOSED TO BE WEARING IT.)
As a gift he gets you front row tickets to your favorite band, and takes you out to a REALLY nice dinner, I’m talking probably a three month wait list. He also jokes that his gift is ‘his presence’ you jokingly smack some sense into him as he chuckles. Whatever you get him if it’s something he can he displays on his desk in his office, if not he gets a really good photo of you two and put that on his desk instead. It’s really sweet and probably lit up with candles behind you under the stars.
Again he goes to his dad’s house for Christmas, however he doesn’t spend Christmas eve night there, you and him just head over there in the morning. Zuka isn’t a great cook, Rocket’s even worse, so you settle for some basic pancakes with maybe chocolate chips if you’re feeling fancy. Then they do gifts after breakfast, they never make a big deal about it, Zuka grew up a soldier so not much time for festivities and Rocket was a street kid, so also not much time for festivities. So they don’t do too much, just enough that it feels like a special nice day but it’s not over the top. They think of it as just a nice day to relax and spend together and with you now, Zuka approves of you since you make Rocket happy so he gets you a little something, probably just some bux honestly.
Rocket gets you a big ass plushie, I imagine he has a lot of his own so he gets you one he thinks you’ll like, of some animal you like but huge, perfectly shaped for cuddling. He’d also get you a custom candle, colored and scented to your favorites with some stupid name that’s some sort of inside joke between you two. He also gives you a handmade coupon for a kiss, it’s so cheesy and honestly embarrassing that it’s cute, he’s a dork but he’s your dork.
As mentioned him and the siblings host a small get together at their apartment, you and Katana are invited, he doesn’t go so it’s just you four. He asks you to come over the day before to help, or at least offer emotional support, as he bakes a lot of stuff for the next day. Gingerbread and other holiday treats galore. He asks what your favorite cookies are, if he doesn’t already know, and bakes a batch of those as well. If you don’t have any baking skills you just sit on a part of unused counter and maybe occasionally stir something for him. If you can bake you divvy up the work 50/50 and get to it, it’s a mess of pass the flour and where’s the butter but it’s fun and sweet. You and him make sure Vinestaff and Shuriken don’t enter the kitchen to mess the pastries up or to steal batter or cooling cookies. The next day you two are beat and just enjoy sitting together on the couch eating your hard work and watching Shuriken and Vinestaff bicker as usual.
For a gift Slingshot makes you ready to bake dough in a tupperware of your favorite cookies so you can make them at home super easily whenever you want them. He also gets you some cat themed trinkets, he really likes cats, freaking cat boy. (/silly) Shuriken and Vinestaff also get you something but it’s smaller and just a peace offering since you’re dating their boss, even if they have more of a sibling relationship with him anyways.
He doesn’t really do Christmas, it’s not that celebrated in Blackrock and his job keeps him really busy, but he still tries and makes a time for you, if not on, around Christmas to have a night together. You just enjoy a simple home cooked meal at him place, making it together as Princess walks around your feet meowing for a piece of food. Get that you sit down together on his couch, snuggle up with a blanket and watch some movie, probably some action movie most Christmas movies are far too cheesy for Hyperlaser’s tastes. After you eat you exchange presents and split a small little cheesecake he bought. It’s nothing big but it’s so distinctly him that it makes you happy anyways.
As for the aforementioned present he doesn’t do anything much, just something small but meaningful, some sort of personalized trinket of sorts. Like if you go drinking with him and Katana he gets you a small bottle of your favorite drink and maybe a small but nice cup. Again nothing big since he is rather indifferent when it comes to Christmas.
Once again, the cafe trio Christmas party. This time you’re helping him cause chaos, trying to steal pastries when Slingshot isn’t looking or doing little gag pranks to Vinestaff. Can’t forget pranking each other! You arrive a little after noon once the siblings have finished with their cheesy family time, all the baked goods have been prepared already so Vinestaff is in the kitchen working on the actual dinner so it’s just you and Shuriken at first doing random stuff since Slingshot is tired and Vinestaff is busy. Though between the chaos you have some sweet moments, Shuriken can be gentle and loving when he tries to, and he tries on Christmas.
I think gift wise he’d give you an unlimited free pass to Thieves rest, Slingshot objects but it’s more for show, he knows you won’t abuse it and you make his sudo-brother happy so oh well. He also gets you a shirt that says like a cringiest cheesiest thing, like something a middle aged mom would wear or one of those fake funny ones like ‘Christian dads against cool math games’ or whatever. You laugh and bomp him on the head since it’s so stupid but sweet still.
The church makes something special about Christmas, it’s a big ass event that seeing as Scythe is a very high ranking person in the church she busted her ass of planning and bossing people around for it. So once Christmas finally comes around she glad to finally have more time with you since she spent so long away from you working late hours preparing for it. After she says her greetings to whoever she needs to she immediately pulls you away to the side to make out with you, specially a special spot she planned out and put a mistletoe at as an excuse, and maybe to push some underlings under it for some entertainment. She also drinks quite a bit but she’s a heavyweight so at most she gets a bit tipsy, she’s just glad to have some time to take the edge off and wind down more.
Gifting she gets you some bigger more expensive gifts, most were probably stolen or taken from her assignments. She gets you a really fancy bottle of wine, expensive jewelry, all that kind of stuff, as well as a promise to spend at least a week straight with you after New years since right after this party she has to plan the new year’s party too, oh well at least you know soon enough she’ll spend time with you and probably spoil you as an apology for how long she was busy and away from you.
As mentioned the church treats Christmas as a big event, which he’s not as busy as Scythe but he still has to contribute to the planning and whatever, especially if anyone gets hurt. He views it more as a chore if anything, it was never that big of a thing in Blackrock and now he has to pretend to want to be at some dumb big party. Assuming you are not also in the church he returns home rather late at night and flops down on your bed with a groan. You exchange presents in the morning and go out for a simple easy brunch together. He’s not big on celebrating it but if you want to do something he won’t complain.
He doesn’t get you anything big, probably something pertaining to a hobby you might have, it’s just a smaller thing but it’s still sweet, he thinks gifts are pointless since they can be given anytime why put so much emphasis of these ones? But he will thank you for whatever you get him.
As mentioned I imagine in Playground Christmas is more a friends get together holiday, so you attend Skateboard’s party he hosts. You two stick together but as the night goes on Boombox gets rowdier and louder, but you’re used to the louder and calmer sides of him. Before the party he doesn’t do anything special you just meet up in the evening and go to Skateboard’s place together, unless you want to do something but he’d prefer to do it the day after since he prefers to only do stuff half the day, or so. But he won’t fight if you want to do something together that morning.
He makes you a specialized mixtape of all your favorite songs and songs that remind him of you, and to go with it a small portable music player to listen to it, sure could it have been easier to do like a spotify playlist on your phone? Yeah, but where’s the fun in that! He also gets you your favorite candies and chocolates to go with it.
As I’ve said like 20 times Christmas isn’t that big of a thing in Blackrock, it’s not contributing anything so why waste time celebrating? So being the head engineer for the Blackrock government means he doesn’t really do much about Christmas. However he does invite you to his lab, something he rarely does, and shows you something he made you, after that you leave and wait for him to return home, you have some hot cocoa and go to bed.
The something he made you was a personalized small Biograft, about the size of a Chigraft, specially engineered and designed to assist you with everyday life and have a programmed personality he thought you’d like, it’s also painted to be your favorite color instead of orange, unless orange is your favorite color. He lets you name it and tells you all the intricate details of how he customized it, even if you don’t understand any of the words he’s saying.
Once again, you go to the Christmas get together at her, Shuriken and Slingshot are hosting, it’s just you four since Katana declined. When you first arrive you help her ‘give gifts’ to all her plants, which entails giving them specialized fertilizer and watching as she fawns over all of them. Then you help her in cooking dinner, it’s nothing too fancy just some traditional Thieves Den dishes and maybe one or two bonus holiday additions. She’s not amazing at cooking but she’s at least better than her brother, who’s trying to prank you two as you cook unfortunately. After dinner though you all relax and exchange gifts it’s a sweet moment the air filled with laughter as she snuggles up against you.
She gets you a starter kit to grow your favorite flowers, a special bag of soil, a cute pot, and the seeds obviously. You may have to wait until it’s the proper growing weather for the flowers but it’s still a super sweet and thoughtful gift. She also gets you a spa set, amazing creams and lotions, all in your favorite scent, not to mention a nice neck pillow specifically for a bath.
Again, Christmas in Playground is a friend’s holiday, so you go to Skateboard’s apartment for the party he hosts that both you and Coil were invited to. You arrive some of the first and watch as Coil jokes around with Skateboard as he sets out the last of the snacks and drinks, poking fun at him in a friendly way. The party doesn’t have a ton of people but still it’s not a small thing either, so you have people to chat with whenever Coil runs off to joke around or grab snacks. You probably crash at Skateboard’s place for the night since they’re best friends and have that permission, you wake up the next morning with a headache and glitter on your face you don’t know where it came from. But it was still a fun night with your lover.
I think he’d get you, oh man Coil is tough, stuff he stole from Blackrock nobles, like maybe jewelry, items from traveling, or even a fancy ass bottle of alcohol. Or maybe a gag gift, something funny and jokey that leads you to start play fighting, I’m honestly not so sure about him my apologies.
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alright and that’s a wrap! that was fun to write, i’m currently at dinner i’m not at home i’m on a cruise waiting on my steak, today we hit honduras tomorrow we hit belize! it’s been fun and i got some art i needed to get done for my best friend done, we did an art exchange for christmas on top of the pins of empires season one characters, we’re matching roseblings! i’ll hopefully have the venomshank request done and posted soon, im hoping tomorrow at the latest, have a merry christmas everyone and would you guys like me to do the same thing but for any other characters? if so send a comment with the character but if you want to be anon send it on my personal account @inkcoveredmoon !!
unfortunately i do not know much about chanukah so i will not be doing a special for it, im not christian but we celebrate the christian holidays in my household
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phighterss · 5 months ago
Their reaction to the reader proposing. Like dramatically dropping down to one knee with the ring 🎉
ps: this is all written assuming ur already in a committed relationship with them
cups her face in her hands and does the loudest little squeal known to demonkind and sweeps you off your feet into a bone crushing hug. yes she accepts!! of course she accepts!!!! you're her little sugar wugar lil bugaboo after all!!
just...... stares. at your face, then your forearms, then your hands, then the ring. mouth a little agape in shock he standing there like "O,O" he doesnt say anything for a bit hes PROCESSING ok this doesnt happen everyday and he surprised af!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gently cups the back of your hand and takes the ring. gives you a chaste little kiss on the lips and whispers his approval. yay!!!!!!!!!!
the broker
stands there shocked for a minute or two its almost concerning. does a little giggle and after picks the ring out and slides it onto his ring finger. he doesnt even say anything just a little knowing smile. ten minutes later he will kiss you utterly senseless he is quite the joyful fella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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milkcookiekin · 1 year ago
jealous phighters! (aka them dealing with creepy people)
subspace - would most likely try to kidnap them and experiment on them, because he’s psychotic.
“maybe you’ll think twice next time before doing that.”
katana - trusts you and is very reasonable, but when they’re not, he just takes you away for a drink. (doesn’t have to be alcoholic)
“shhh, you’re ok now, dearest.”
hyperlaser - would likely make them his next target
“I don’t care if it’s not a part of the job.”
vine staff - emotionally manipulates and “bullies” them into leaving you alone.
“you seriously think you’re worthy of them?”
banhammer - very extra about it, more so than shuriken and boombox are. he’s practically growling angrily at them like he’s about to tear their head off.
scythe - very upfront about the fact that she’s your wife, and if they don’t leave you alone, she’ll kill them, it’s as simple as that.
“it’s out of self-defense darlin’, don’t worry about it.”
medkit - is very calm about it, holds your hand to reassure you and let you know you’re safe.
“are they bothering you, my beloved?”
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acupofinkedblood · 2 months ago
Hello!! I saw you do a general request and I was wondering if I could put mine here? No pressure ofc! You can do this when you would like to! since I see you already have requests to work on! But may I ask how would the Phighters react to a reader who hates physical touch with anyone else except them? like the reader cuddles up to them in private and it’s kinda a shocker!
I mean sure! I did tell my customers that I do take general ask for the phighters, so I’ll oblige to my words as the teamaker ( ◠‿◠ ) Though it won’t be as detailed as my actual request. And as usual, Biograft excluded
Sword: Sword is pretty big on physical touch if not with basically everyone he deems to be ‘not so bad’ enough. He’s like a literal golden retriever that asked to be petted almost every single time from anyone in sight. So he was definitely surprised when seeing how much of the fuss you were making when others touch you a little. But then you only let him hold you, which does make Sword a bit curious. Yet he respects your wishes, even let others know about your reference loud and clear
Skateboard: He does notice that quirk of yours, and it amuses him. The way your face grimaces then shoo people away before gets back to his side. But at least it makes him feel privileged when knowing that you’re only that clingy when around him. Not to the point like an accessory, but he’s proud that you’re his official side piece at this point. Of course, he will be more than glad to fish you out of any situation you dislike
Katana: Amused is an understatement. Katana doesn’t understand why you only demand physical affection from him, yet he doesn’t question further since he knows that you might have your personal reasons for this particular behavior. He expects you to be like him, reserved and all. But then this? What a shocker. He definitely needs a moment to get used to this
Banhammer: Someone please teach this guy on emotional intelligence properly because it can be so much of a nuisance when dealing with him sometimes. He is so oblivious to the obvious change in your demeanor to the point you have to question on whether or not is he really blinded. He only thinks that it’s just how you are without doting too much about it
Rocket: You remind him of who he used to be when still living his days out on the street. He was also reluctant to physical touch with almost everyone, but not until he found someone he could trust with. Rocket understands your position, and it does amuse him a certain amount when seeing you so touch starved behind closed door like that. You do remind him of his younger self, carving for affection yet only from those you can trust completely in
Slingshot: He understands people’s boundaries, so he doesn’t push you when knowing that you’re not that into physical contact. However when you just cling onto him out of nowhere, Slingshot is pretty much dumbfounded by the sudden change in attitude. He might ask you questions to get that reassurance that you’re okay with this, that if you don’t want to then that’s fine. But then you already know the drill: This man is just stuck with you being a cuddle bug in private. Not that he minds much, he likes this anyway
Hyperlaser: To be honest, you remind this man of a cat. Maybe not Princess, but just a cat in general at how you have an attitude with strangers who try to approach you physically. At this point, giving you a pair of ears and a set of claws will be enough to make you an actual cat. Hyperlaser doesn’t mind you being clingy to him after going back home, as Princess does that a lots too. The only difference is that now he has to pay attention so he can cuddle the both of you at the same time, what a surprise
Shuriken: Doesn’t notice at first, but is still pretty accepting of the situation when you explain to him. Shuriken goes along with your wish, if you don’t like to be touched, that’s cool. If you suddenly feel comfortable enough to want him closer physically? That’s great to hear then! Sometimes he just genuinely forgets that you dislikes physical touch with everyone but him, hence the surprise when he sees you react certain ways to others. But overall, he is still fine with it
Scythe: Scythe will take that as a privilege of having you completely. She doesn’t care about whether or not you are touchy with others because at the end of the days, she knows that you’re hers. You do have quite the understanding of your manners after all. But it does bring a smirk onto her face when she realizes just how you dislike being touched but then completely glued to her side when there are only the two of you. It gives her this satisfaction that she can’t really put into words
Medkit: Like Katana, Medkit expects you to be anything but clingy. Sometimes he might act like he is bothered by it, but then he can’t really push you away from times to times. Medkit isn’t a big fan of physical touch, but something small like holding hand or a slight hug at first will be a good warm up to him before anything else. He will compare you to a cat at some point. Just don’t expect him to give you back the physical affection you want all of the time, he needs some personal space too
Boombox: Similar to Slingshot, Boombox respects your reference and tries his best to make things comfortable for you even when he’s pretty much a clingy guy himself. So when he witnesses the cuddly attitude of yours out of the blue, he is rather surprised yet recovering almost immediately and responds back to your hug with his own. He’s glad that he makes you feel safe enough to step out of your personal safe zone
Vinestaff: She is like this combination of both Shuriken and Slingshot in this aspect. She does respect your boundaries since the beginning of your relationship with each others, but when you get physical intimacy with her out of nowhere, she won’t make a fuss over it. She understands that maybe that’s just how you are, and she gladly accepts that little thing about you
Subspace: This bastard will make it a point to brag about like how much of a little shit he is. Don’t be surprised, you know that this is what might happen if you give Subspace that privilege of being physically intimate with knowing that you only do that to him. His ego will be shot up into the stars. Although he does get annoyed when you’re sticking to his hip all of the time when you two are alone, he doesn’t shoo you that often aside from when he is busy
Coil: Probably point that out almost immediately with no filter. This guy is just that, pardon him. He will ask you about why you’re so clingy to him in a moment and then turn around to glare at others almost immediately afterwards. He’s just curious about that specific thing about you, not that he is annoyed or anything. Not at all. He’s just curious about it. Coil doesn’t mind, but sometimes he might be an ass and not giving you the physical affection that you want until you have enough of the teasing
That’s all I have to say, I hope that this will satisfy you (⌒▽⌒)
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vvallent1ne · 15 days ago
bitches be like “i love my man” and the man is fictional, extremely mentally ill, has weird hair, and probably has adopted some strays along the way
it’s me. i’m bitches.
- AIZAWA, gojo satoru, VICTOR VALE!!, kaz brekker, slenderman (hear me out), scythe faraday, IDEN!!!!!! (see explanation below)
so anyways here’s my nonchalant (non-dread having sadly) king 😊
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btw did i mention i created him in my head VSJAUDGDW
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vinestaffery · 8 months ago
Scythe X cop or detective reader where Scythe kidnaps reader to join her cult or somthing
of course!! im a bit tired atm and my schedule bursted up again, so the other people that have requested, i will be taking a bit of a while to post them fully, but i promise i am working on them!! sadly this is gonna have to be a drabble, im so sorry </3
Characters: Scythe, GN! Reader Prompt: One-sided Romance I think???, Small Drabble Warnings: Usage of (pet) names; Mentions of murder; Slightly descriptive but vague of how Scythe killed civilians; Religious themes; Kidnapping; Drugging; Scythe being a literal serial killer; Indoctrination(?)
Days were never suppose to be this harsh. You were always looking for new angles for the strange disappearances of many civilians in Lost Temple, yet it seemed like every new case was to mock your work.
Someone was watching you, for all you know.
Days were becoming longer, more dissociative then regular. Someone was watching you, you could feel it. It was like being played with like prey, if anything, a piece of meat in the claws of a carnivore.
But, it didn't let you shoot you down off your pedestals. You still, somehow, no matter what found a way to link to your suspects. White, gold and teal clothing, and the way the victims were left.
Cut, bloodied and garnished. Ripped apart in one slick-move, a slice. Head, shaven off of it's horns before being squashed like a tomato with a heel.
You were connecting up the dots to your very last suspect; Scythe.
You met her a few times, once at a bar, another when you had nearly gotten into some beef with some stragglers late at night. She was somewhat always there to support you, but would be never seen again. You took note of this.
When the investigation was left up to you, the police huddling outside for their break; the sun blared down below the alleyway. The shadows were your spectators, witnesses to a brutal massacre of several.
It was her. It was her, how she always disappeared, how everything seemed to become more of a blur. She was always there.
All she had to do, was find her, or catch her in the act.
"I'll get you, one way or another," you whispered to yourself.
"Well, you've bet to get on wit' it, don'tcha?"
A voice seemed to silence all thoughts. You didn't turn to face the new opponent.
You readied your hand-gun that was strapped to your left thigh, hand hovered cautiously over it.
"You and ya littl' ol' brain, finally come to make senses haven't cha? Fufufu..." Scythe laughed, a claw raised and a large weapon rested on her shoulder.
Your heart was thumping, you had no clue what had happened to the people that were here before; blood leaked across the floorboards.
"You must watch yourself, Snake, or else," you threatened, vile in your throat and hatred in your words.
"Or else what, my fine sheep, you goin' to do something?" Her name-calling was getting on your nerves. "The sheep, the one who follows, threatenin' big ol' me? Why, what a show."
"You best watch your tone, or else I'll get those men to take you away-" "And do what? Shoot me with this?" She plucked a gun from her pocket, you could hear it fall and chatter on the cold, hard ground. It rung in your ears.
"Say, maybe if you are ta hear me out, I'll leave ya' be!" Scythe snarled in a smirk, eyeing at you as you gave a small turn. Your hand still readied by your waist.
"And what must that be?" You questioned.
It took her seconds before she was up close, hand over your prepared one as she pulled you into a hold. Your hands, crunched in her soft leather glove while the other one, outstretched and squished by her metal.
"Scream, and everyone in this town's blood will be on your hands, rabbit," You were petrified but held in your sounds, clogged in your throat. You could just throw up.
She took notice, and started dragging you away. In a sorts of type of kidnapping, it was uncomfortable. She caressed your cheek, holding you close as she kept viable eye on you.
Everything started to become fuzzy, did she slip a drug into you by chance? No, she couldn't have. That's not her sense of style. But, everything and everywhere became unrecognizable.
"That's it, we're nearly there, my sweet," Scythe was astonished at how you were still able to walk, to even keep yourself up with her as you seemed to become tired and unable to respond.
Her scorpion tail came back close to her once more.
"Fucking- scorpion.." You pointed out, the tip of her stinger dripped a certain chemical before you fell into the warm-heated sand.
Light's blared into your face as you suddenly awoke. Your back was in pain, brain spinning and pleading to be free from it's coffin.
"Fuck-.. where?"
"Ah-ah ah! Don't want the doctors hard-work to be demolished shall we?" Scythe's voice rung through the room. It echoed in your ears.
"Where am I!" You screamed, but it seemed no use as she walked over. Her heels clicked to the solid, clear marble ground.
A hand reached over, two clawed fingers pinched at your chin and made her look up. God, she was tall, and quite beautiful, for a serial killer. "Wouldn't wanna wake up the others now, do we?" Her scorpion tail threatened as it reached in view.
Eyes widened, and a simple nod in command. She let go in a rough manner.
"Now, you best listen to me, or else you'll end up the same way those people ended up," Your ears wanted to close, but you made eye-contact with her.
She took it as an agreement.
"You've rose quite an interest in me, my sweet. I wouldn't think such people like ya' would be so heavily fascinated in my work of art," Work of art? What is she talking about? Those were never work of art. Those were polished crime-scenes of horror. Onslaughts.
"Now, I wouldn't want my favourite detective, my favourite sheep to be close to finding out about me now do I?" You shook your head.
"Good. Now, if you want to live and make it out of this room alive, you best follow my words," Alive?! "What do you mean 'make it out alive'? I have no deeds to share with you!" You spat.
"Oh, but you mustn't think of it that way. Think of it as a way of... saving you and mine's life. You see, I work for someone quite special deity," Special? Who could be anymore special then the SfOTH? The respected deities, gods if you will?
"There's no one as special as the SfOTH, those deities would crush someone as despicable as your boss."
That struck a nerve.
"You best keep that mouth shut, or else I will do more damage then what my boss would do to you and everyone in this god-for-saken town," Her weapon in hand, you squeaked. You stayed quiet once more.
"... Now, where was I? Ah, yes. I want you to join me, in order to protect you from the harms that might come your way for your... case," "Work with you?" "Yes."
You could nearly laugh! But you couldn't, you'd die.
"...Any benefits?"
"Oh, darling. Benefits were already arranged the first time we met," You snarled. Of course, she was planning this all along at the very start.
"Now, do we have a deal?"
A long, period of silence.
You couldn't stop thinking about your family. Your friends, people you considered close.
"You best answer me, clock is ticking."
Your father, mother, what about your pets? What about, what about, what about?!
A slam of the chair, and a rising heat of pain strucking your face as you cried out.
"I've given you one chance at this, now you best answer me! Yes, or nay?" Scythe knelt down to face at you.
No Answer.
No answer.
"I ACCEPT! I will join your stupid- fucking team!"
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exnoiafork · 5 months ago
scythe x vampire reader :3
TW: mentions of bl00d and mvrd3r
- when you first met scythe , obviously , you thought she was creepy for killing people . That’s when you remembered you are literally a vampire and need blood to survive. She seemed somewhat nice to you, or at least neutral .
- Somehow, probably by eavesdropping , scythe found out you were a vampire. You didn’t want to kill people, it made you feel bad, even like a monster sometimes. Even if you needed it to survive, you still feel guilty. That’s why you stopped for a while after all. But, you caught scythe’s eye. She wanted you to to survive, and being a serial killer, you can see how this goes
- Every day, scythe would leave a pouch of blood at your doorstep. You found it weird but.. you appreciated her efforts. Actually , you were actually flustered by it. You’re a vampire, a person that kills people to survive, of course someone’s gonna be uncomfortable with you. But scythe was totally different. Maybe she just appreciated you for who you are.
-. Then, you started to get closer to her. You both started talking, and she even gave you a bracelet as a sign of friendship. In the past you didn’t fit in at all, maybe this was the environment you were hoping to be in. Yes, you used questionable methods, but for some reason you start to feel less guilty. Less guilty only because you’re not the one killing innocent people.
- Hell, even the broker thinks you’re nice and medkit thinks you’re “not annoying”. Just him saying you’re not annoying is a good sign. You got to know the two decently well, buying brokercoins and getting the doc coffee sometimes.
kinda short but this is my first one sooo I guess that’s an excuse
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kakitetan · 5 months ago
Phighting! Self Aware AU x Reader (Scythe's Route)
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Description: Your friends won't stop talking about Phighting! and so you decide to check it out. With confusing mechanics, and most of all, and odd partner system. You soon learn that it's much more than you bargained for.
You had no idea what Phighting! was. Your friends were talking about it, but you never paid too much attention, until there was one detail that caught your attention. They rely solely on you, as their partner. The game is a PvP game, where you fuse with your partner character. You have to take a quiz before playing, and the character you get will be your partner. You both have to work together to fight the other players. It sounded unreal, and it even made you a bit nervous. But it was a free game, so you decided to try it out.
Your eyes reflected the screen, processing the quiz questions that appeared…
Scythe's Route:
You stared at the screen, and a cowboy-looking figure appeared. A text popped up on your screen, "So yur my partner', ay?" She spoke, "Not too shabby, don't disappoint me now, Partner." She snickered before you logged into the game. You were greeted with a loading screen. It gave you time to process it, were these characters sentient? You knew that Roblox has some AI stuff, nah. It had to be programmed. There's no way. You leaned back in your chair. The game finished loading, and you clicked 'play' and saw other players in the lobby.
"So Partner, since yur' new, let me explain some things. I'm Scythe, I'm pretty famous round' these parts. Heh.. I use a Scythe, it can change into a rifle. Just press that button' in that corner of yours." She said.
"Pft.. Yea, no shit. I can see your Scythe." You remarked.
"Watch that mouth of yours, sweetie." Scythe glared at the camera.
You paused, staring at the screen. "Uhh." You mumbled.
"Uhh is right, now don't make me lose my temper now. Click the damn button!" Scythe demanded.
"Uhh! Yes ma'am!" You said, clicking the button to switch weapons.
"Yes ma'am is right, damn kids." Scythe tsked, "Let's go to a lobby now. Talk to that fine gentleman over there, his name is B. Zuka." She told.
You silently took control, heading over to B. Zuka.
"Hey, wanting to head out?" B. Zuka said.
"Yes sir.." You mumbled, you didn't want to test his temper either.
"Hop in." He sighed.
The loading screen appeared. You didn't realize how tense your body was until now, you tried to relax more. You appeared in an ongoing game, Scythe loaded in.
"Yur' in complete control, Partner. Let's show these folks who's boss." Scythe told you, and you nodded.
"Alright. I'll try my best!" You exclaimed.
Author's Note: Hey, it's been a while. I stopped posting for a while to focus more on my other hobbies, I didn't expect people to actually miss me. I felt unmotivated due to the death threats I've been receiving from the Pressure fanbase. But nonetheless, I decided to do something new again. I have Pressure fanfics in the making, but it will be slowing down. I have multiple hobbies, many outside of writing.
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lynxtheserval · 1 year ago
Hi im the anon that requested for scythe chasing the reader.
And yes,like thoese typical yandere pslsls im so down bad for this womwan🙏🙏🙏🙏
Fun to write wooo, I might do a part two if I remember about this lmao
Man sorry if it seems lazy at any point as well
Yan!Scythe x reader -
(TW: yandere shit, stalking, getting chased, a single curse word, possible ooc scythe)
All you heard was whistling and the heavy ba-dump of your blood through your ears. You tried to run as fast as you could through the dusty ghost town you managed to get lost in.
Your shoes pounded against the sand, and your legs were exhausted. You've been running for who knows how long at this point.
You turned around a corner and sat next to a wall to try to catch your breath. You hoped she wasnt following you anymore, but you still heard the whistling and humming of that… monster. The whistles sounded farther away now, but you still weren't fully safe. You don't know what she wanted from you, but what you do know is she's been chasing you for what feels like an hour, carries a terrifying looking gear, and she’s the most wanted in all the factions. You weren't that special of a person, you weren't a criminal, nor anybody important, you have no idea what a person like HER wanted from you.
You got snapped out of your train of thought when you realized you could hear footsteps now, oh god.. she was close. You were frozen with fear, you held your breath and stayed as still as you possibly could.
The footsteps got louder, and louder, and louder.
“Ya know, you can't run forever, sugar.”
Her voice was.. intimidating, to say the least. She had a very strong southern accent, if she wasn't chasing you down for who knows what reason, you might have found her voice attractive.
You said nothing and continued being as still as you possibly could.
“Listen, baby, I ain't gonna hurt ya! Just come out of your little hiding spot, so I can see your pretty little face.”
You seriously doubted that she wouldn't hurt you.
Scythe was getting annoyed now, where the hell were you?! She never loses her sights on a target, but you were much more than that. You were actually important to her. But of course you didn't know that, you just met her, after all.
Except she's known you for a while.
You were such a precious thing! Your adorable face, your laugh, your beautiful eyes, oh.. and your personality! She loves every bit about you.
That's why she isn't letting you leave.
You were still hiding, she knew you were around here, somewhere. You were terrified, you didn't know what to do.
So you stayed in your hiding spot, and waited.
And waited,
And waited.
It felt like forever, you couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, so you think you're in the clear to go.
So you carefully step outside your hiding spot, and look around.
It seemed cl-
You got kicked down on top of the sandy ground, and heard a menacing laugh behind you.
“Oh sugar.. I'm glad I was able to find you in the end! You hide well, I'll give ya that.”
You got the breath knocked out of you, gasping for air. The woman placed her foot on top of your back, not too hard as to hurt you, but enough to keep you from getting up and running.
“Now, you're probably wondering what I want from you.” She paused, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. You nodded, and tried to speak, but she interrupted you. “Well, darlin’, I want you.”
“Wh-what do you mean!?”
She took her foot off of you, but before you could do anything, she grabbed one of your arms, forcing you up. She then brought you into a hug, wrapping her arms around you.
“Ya see sugar, you don't know this, but I've been watching you for a while now.” She grinned at you, looking into your eyes. God, you were so much prettier up close.
“What did I do to anger you?!”
“You didn't do anything, darlin’. Except steal my heart!” She laughed, “And trust me, baby, I ain't angry. It's reasonable that ya would wanna run away from me.”
You looked at her with fear in your eyes and she took notice of this, and loosened her hold on you, instead of hugging you, she was now just holding your hands.
“Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya! I just want you to stay with me for a little while, it won't be bad, baby, I promise.”
And then your vision went black.
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miko0528 · 10 months ago
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How I feel when I finally find some phighting x reader smut and it's a subspace x reader or scythe x reader:
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bloodyinkandquill · 14 days ago
Phighting x Reader Valentine’s day special
sorry for my disappearance, executive dysfunction, the day this will be posted (valentines duh) i’ll be flying out to spend two days with my partner 💜 im so excited to see them i love them so much hehehe, anyways same idea as christmas one what do the phighters do to celebrate valentine’s with you?
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- I picture him as someone who doesn’t go quite all out he still wants to do something nice for you. He’d get you a bouquet of whatever your favorite flowers are and in your favorite color too (if they grow in that color). If they’re roses he definitely cut his finger on them, he’s a little stupid but you love him. While not insanely fancy or expensive he takes you out for dinner as well, he didn’t consider making a reservation so hopefully wherever he planned has room. He gets you a super cheesy card but writes a super sweet message in it which makes up for an eye-rollingly cheesy card.
- He might wanna but he honestly doesn’t care either way, if you want to he’s absolutely down, if not he’s not going to be sad. So it’s your call.
- He forgets about Valentine’s until like, the day of or before if you’re lucky. So you either get a very hastily bought gift of some chocolates, or him lying that he’s waiting till after to get the discount chocolates. You see through him but laugh and go along with it. To make it up to you he says whatever you wanna do for a date he’s down, as long as it’s not too too expensive.
- Bro is taking you to pound town. Or if you’d rather take him to pound town he’s okay with that too. Those were his exact words, while he didn’t/doesn’t do anything extravagant for Valentine’s he is definitely down for some Valentine’s sex. It’s nothing specifically Valentine’s exclusive but he does want to do it for the literal holiday of love.
- Similarly to Christmas he has the dictionary definition of the holiday but it doesn’t know much outside of that. But similarly to everything else he would love you to explain the tradition to him more, especially in your own words and opinions. Since it doesnt really grasp the concept of gift giving you don’t have to give him anything and it might not get your anything, obviously if you wanna give him something he’s not going to say no. And if you tell it that you want something special he’ll get it for you.
- Apologies I don’t do NSFW Biograft stuff.
- He would unironically call it a corporate holiday, he’s that kinda guy. He is absolutely not against celebrating it he just doesn’t understand why such a big deal is made out of this day in particular, especially since in his words ‘I love you everyday why do I have to show it to you today specifically?’ If you want to celebrate it he’ll get you something small, and take you out on a date, somewhere secluded though since he doesn’t want to deal with the big crowds of Valentine’s day.
- He doesn’t care either way, it’s up to you honestly, since he doesn’t care much for Valentine’s it’s not anything he specifically wants to do. He will though he has no problem with it.
Ban Hammer:
- Gets you the most big obnoxious gift possible, especially just to embarrass you. Like big ass teddy bear and a big bouquet. He’s a dork but he’s your dork. Unfortunately he probably has to work for some amount of time because criminals don’t care that it’s Valentine’s so oh well you suppose. To make it up to you he takes you out to a really really nice restaurant, no reservations, he’ll just use his power of being the warden to get them to give you two a table. And dinners on him get whatever you want, he’s got the bux for it.
- Oh absolutely, he could barely contain himself during dinner, while nothing unique about it he just wants to since it’s Valentine’s and he wants to ‘show his love for you’ (like he hasn’t already.)
- He gets you something obnoxious as well, big stuffed animal but not specifically a Valentine’s themed stuffed animal just a big one, maybe a shark or axolotl, who knows. You spend the day together at his place, lounging around, watching shows, making meals together, even if he’s a hazard to any kitchen he enters. It’s sweet and he’s very cuddly and clingy, more so than usual. Might get you a card, if anything it’s homemade and actually really nice, he hates saying sappy stuff but he can put up with writing it down.
- You’re at his place all day, probably spending the night. What do you think? 100% dude, it doesn’t even have to be exclusively at night or even in the evening, you’re there all day he might wanna when you’re both just chilling on the couch watching TV.
- One of the busiest days possible for his cafe, so you probably won’t be able to see him that day, you celebrate on a neighboring day. He bakes you a pastry you really like specifically customized to be Valentine’s themed, hearts and pink and red type of thing. Gives them to you in a heart shaped box to top it all off. As for what you do when you do celebrate I think he’d take you on a picnic, makes all the food, especially homemade bread to make sandwiches with and obviously pastries galore. Somewhere sunny and green.
- Yeah, he wants to say I love you in as many ways as possible, one of those being making love to you. He might make a special pastry to get you both in the mood if you catch my drift, he tells you about it though it’s nothing you don’t know about.
- He’s got work basically everyday, that includes Valentine’s day. He also doesn’t see much of a point to it, he thinks it’s over the top and pointless. He’s alright if you want to do something but he doesn’t really want to, and doesn’t plan anything, and unless you specifically ask he doesn’t get you something. He’s not that much of the romantic type, like a at all. Sorry you knew what you were in for when dating him.
- Doesn’t particularly want to, he’s not a low libido so it’s only if you really want to. It’s not that he doesn’t want to specifically he just doesn’t have much desire to.
- Again one of the busiest days for the cafe, he doesn’t have much of a chance to see you. So similarly to Slingshot he instead ops to celebrate on a different day. He doesn’t really care what you do as long as you spend the day together, and he has some way to show off, he’s a bit dumb but he wants to impress you as much as possible. Gets you something Slingshot baked, probably pesters him into making you something specific.
- Again only if you want to, he could but he’s not specifically wanting to. Not to say he’s against it but after work tires him out he doesn’t have that much energy to get freaky with.
- She is going to make it a day to remember that’s for sure. Robs the nicest bar she can find for the nicest alcohol one can steal. Takes you on a fancy ass date, probably held the place at gun point to get in without reservations but it’s Scythe what else do you expect from her? Gets you an expensive gift to top it off, she’s got expensive tastes what can she say? Also don’t worry if you can’t get her something, she is absolutely alright being gifted something else.
- Once you get home from the dinner there is fucking rose petals making a trail to the bedroom, and oh my gods if she’s rough or intense normally crank that up to fucking 13. Bed is covered in rose petals but there’s only a 60% chance you make it to the bed before she fucking jumps you. Again if you didn’t get her anything she says seeing your blissed out almost passed out face more then makes up for it, it was the part she was most looking forwards to. Hope you didn’t have plans for the day after, she is not holding anything back.
- On the complete opposite side of the coin he makes no big deal out of it. While he doesn’t do nothing per se it’s nowhere near fancy or extravagant. Scythe might make him work too, so he’ll probably just take you out for a nice-ish dinner. Gets you something small but meaningful, no card or flowers, he writes enough for the cult- I mean church, and he thinks flowers as a gift is pointless, they wilt and die rather quickly so why bother?
- He’s tired but if anything does any up happening it’s very slow and sensual, he normally is but he wants it to be especially so for the day of love. It’s definitely making love rather than just having sex and definitely not pure fucking.
- Bro 100% writes you a personalized love song, he probably doesn’t even release it it’s for you and you only, not for anyone else. He also gets you your favorite candy, a big bag of it.
(sorry these are probably getting shorter ive been up since 5:30 for my flight. i’m about to pass the fuck out)
- Yeah, he wants to for sure. Probably does something cheesy with it though, rose in his teeth on the bed, he then bursts out laughing and ruins any mood he was trying to set. But oh well you still do it and it’s nice. He’s always pretty sweet in bed and especially so with it being Valentine’s.
- Doesn’t have the day off since holidays aren’t big in Blackrock, but he’ll do stuff before and after he leaves. He orders takeout from your favorite breakfast place to have together before he leaves. When he gets back he gives you your gift, what does he get you? Sorry no clue again i’m about to pass out. Oh well it’s nice and nothing obnoxious or something you’ll never use, it’s practical but nice and sweet.
- Probably, as long as it’s not a bad pain day for his rot, if it is he’s huffy and puffy because he wants to have sex but his condition is getting in the way. Just kiss him repeatedly and he’ll melt and will stop complaining. If you do though he will be more intense with it then usual, not that hes normally gentle by any means, but he was probably pent up during work thinking about it so he’s basically pouncing on you as soon as he returns home, whenever that is.
- Once again, cafe is busy as hell so you’ll celebrate on a different day. She gets you a vase of beautiful flowers she grew herself, she grew and cared for them for weeks in preparation, taking even better care of them than usual. And that’s saying something considering it’s Vinestaff. You go out for brunch somewhere not fancy but definitely nice and maybe a tad pricey but it’s alright. Also she gives you, so so, many kisses all day, you’re going to be scrubbing off lipstick for like 5 minutes straight. Not that you’re complaining.
- I sound like a broken record but if you want to she’s absolutely down, but isn’t specifically looking forward to it, she could take it or leave it.
- Gifts you something really nice he stole from a Blackrock noble, and a thing of assorted chocolates. He’s more boastful then usual but you know it’s because he loves you and wants compliments from you in return, he absolutely compliments you as well don’t get it confused, he just is also being more self complimentary then normal. Definitely doesn’t do a card, loving words are not his forte but oh well.
- Oh without a doubt you’re fucking on Valentine’s. Doesn’t even have to be at night he’s raring to go anywhere you happen to be, and do not expect him to be sweet and gentle during it, he is the hellhound he’s going at it like an animal. But he’s super sweet and caring afterwards don’t worry.
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im so fucking tired i’m going to post this and then hopefully pass out, i also kinda need to pee but the seatbelt sign is on </3 , anyways happy valentine’s everyone have a great day and hope you enjoyed!
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phighterss · 4 months ago
Not the same anon who asked about ur opinion about periods BUT good FUCKING GOD THIS BITCHASS CRAPMS ARE FUCKING KILLING MEEEEE. May I request a short headcanons onhow teal trio deal with a reader who's dying. Ples. For my poor pitiful soul.
DYING???!!???! uhm as you wish 😭😭🙏🙏
scythe is devastated. she tries not to let her sorrow show but she is sure enough in the most pain she’s ever been. if it was somebody who did this to you, she’d waste no time making their death slow and painful— she’ll show them hell, a little piece of what you’re going through. if it’s something like a disease or illness she’d be at your side through it all. she wouldn’t leave you for the world.
medkit is just as miserable as scythe. he tried to maintain a calm composure but his sadness does leak through from time to time. he doesn’t want you to see him in a sorrowful state, similar like scythe. if it’s someone who caused this, he’d see it to it they die— he wants to be the one to kill them— not scythe, not the broker— him. if it was by a disease or illness, when I tell you he is determined to find a way to cure you— I mean determined. he’s a doctor and an ex-scientist— surely he’ll find a way. he won’t let you die like this. not in vain.
the broker may not show it through his whimsical facade but he’s really fucked up in the head. he would contribute to any way he can help you recover. he’s not necessarily good in the medical field and while he does fight well he doesn’t do it often— so he probably wouldn’t be of much use and that kind of eats him up inside a lot. but if it helps, he’ll stick by your side for the he entire time. wants you to feel happy and safe even if you’re dying. it’s the least he can do.
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milkcookiekin · 1 year ago
nicknames phighting characters would give their s/o (part 2)
subspace - my god/goddess/deity, gorgeous, my other half
“gorgeous, care to help me out here?”
katana - dearest, my soulmate, my husband/wife/spouse (he’s not really creative with this stuff)
“my beautiful little soulmate..”
hyperlaser - doesn’t give you nicknames, he thinks your name is nice.
vine staff - lovely, light of my life, my everything
“you’re so adorable, lovely..”
banhammer - cariño, love bug, sugarplum
“you see them?!” *points to you* “they’re my cariño!”
scythe - darlin’ (in a sexy Southern accent), beautiful, buttercup
“stand behind me, darlin’, I got this.” *little wink*
medkit - my beloved, love, darling (in a sexy British accent)
“I’ll come to bed soon, my beloved..”
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