#i wasn't even this mad with odyssey
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peridot-tears ¡ 2 years ago
Reviving this list from @thatcrazycrowgirl because AC OSTs need love.
Ezio’s Family - Favorite Versions:
Main Theme (AC Rogue) I'm a sucker for traditional Irish instrumentals, and you can feel the adventure of the North Atlantic through it. It doesn't just convey Shay's sense of freedom, but his will to fight against great odds and tragedy (and the cold). The way it builds up, then when the beat drops, it explodes into the Irish whistle, backed up by a drumbeat that sounds like both a heartbeat and the beating of your oars against the waves -- and then, as it ends, the music disperses into what sounds like a migratory flock of birds flying overhead.
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2. Ezio's Family (Origins Version) (AC Origins)
It's a really tired but determined version of this song. You can feel how the chasm between Aya and Bayek is only as deep as their love. The things that bring them together are the same things that separate them: Their love for Khemu, the common folk, and Egypt. AC Origins is so perfect because it conveys the thing we love about the franchise the most: The ability to feel the will of the people reaching out from thousands of years away. This is the sound of hope. I am constantly mentally reliving the scene when the chorus plays for the first time in the game (notice how on the title screen, they always fade out the tune before the chorus actually drops, so they tease you with the signature beginning of Ezio's Family, but only the beginning):
"Good Bayek of Siwa. What are you of now?" "A new creed. Ours is finished."
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3. The Flight (AC Odyssey)
Just like Legend of the Eagle Bearer, you can feel the literal odyssey in it. You feel the tides under your ship. Also, those vocals? Fucking fantastic. I thought I was done with Ezio's Family remakes when Odyssey came out, but then I actually listened to it. Oof. Amazing.
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4. Main Theme (AC Chronicles: India)
I'm a sucker for strings. Like, this is why I love Shao Jun's version, but I've spent my whole life listening to pipa and gu zheng strings, ykyk, so I love it a lot, but AC India gives me just the right amount of familiarity in terms of string instrumentals while giving me the sense of a completely different world. It's the novelty for me. It's also just super chill and puts me in a good headspace, while still ending on an exciting, high note. There's also a tempo at the beginning where I feel like I'm listening to a clock tick.
(Oof, there's no gif for him. Sadge.)
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5. Earth (AC 2)
Yo, when I tell you that the first time I played AC 2 and Ezio put on his father's Assassin's robes, and this played, I lost my goddamned MIND. I used to listen to this song, Ezio's Family, and Venice Rooftops one after the other like they were all one really long song, on loop, to get myself to fall asleep. I feel like I'm leaping from rooftop to rooftop, until I've achieved full flight. Ugh. Just. Perfection.
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Honorable Mention: Somewhere between AC Unity and AC Syndicate versions, because hot DAMN, you really feel the beat of their cities in them.
Additional Favorite Tracks (in no particular order):
I Walk on Your Water (AC Origins) Bro, the first time I heard this when AC Origins came out and I was playing the soundtrack while I cooked, hearing this song was like a religious experience. And when the scene where Layla first experiences Aya's memories and says the line herself -- breathless, exalted -- was like the Second Coming.
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2. Fight Club (AC III)
RATOHNHAKÉ:TON MY BELOVED. Yo, when I tell you I was in love with this game and its music and main character YEARS before I even touched ACIII, I am not fucking kidding. I listened to this shit on repeat. It pumps me up like nothing else. It motivates me at work, when I'm writing, and when I'm training. This song is the shit. AND FUCK YEAH I LINKED YOU TO THE EXTENDED VERSION WHAT OF IT. It's high-energy and determined and FUN. It's like a really nice round of sparring where you beat the shit out of your opponent but you're both happy about it.
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3. Committee of One (AC Unity)
Yo, when I started stalking the King of Thieves and this beat dropped, I knew this was gonna be a good fucking game. I felt the thrill and danger, but I also felt unstoppable. I was fully immersed in Arno strolling into the den of the rats, not to mention how the Unity version of Ezio's Family starts playing once you've killed the King and escape. I ran into Templar thugs on the street on purpose just to hear this while they chased me. That abyssal heartbeat (AC Unity soundtrack has a living, breathing pulse) that falls into the familiar strains of that violin, followed by that harpsichord? Chef's fucking kiss.
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4. Legend of the Eagle Bearer (AC Odyssey)
You can feel the waves under your oars! You can hear the sun rise over the horizon as the water changes colors! You can hear the relentless drive of your rowers as dawn breaks and the early-morning silence slowly dwindles down. And when you break into a full flight, it feels like you've gone wild, on the chase.
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5. City of Rome (AC Brotherhood)
Oldie but goodie. It's so calm and inviting, but promises you adventure. You really feel like you've stepped into a city that's already ancient, but has so much to offer.
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Honorable Mention: Master Assassin from AC Brotherhood and Parting Glass, Anne Bonny in Black Flag version.
I am tagging @sprawca @especiallyhaytham @teecupangel @canonless5 @starpineninja but no pressure to do it! If I didn't tag you but you're also a trash Assassin's Creed aficionado, feel free to join in!
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dootznbootz ¡ 2 months ago
This is so important to me, like sincerely. And I know that's gonna sound wild coming from me especially with how I write MY Pen.
Because Penelope shouldn't have to be seen as a violent "Fighter girl" in order for her story to be important to people. Women should not have to be a warrior in order to be respected.
Because like, while yes, she has her violent thoughts and prayers towards the suitors from the Odyssey and such, that doesn't mean she actually will do that as it goes against the laws of Xenia AND even if she could manage to take down 108 men singlehandedly, she'd still have to deal with their families being like "um, where's our son??"
Also, the Odyssey takes place in the Mycenaean Era and women definitely did not learn to fight then. And folks definitely shouldn't be viewing like, "Spartan women" as more "badass" and/or more important than women from other regions and/or do not wish to fight.
In all honesty, like, it's so impressive that she was able to hold the suitors off for three years with her weaving shroud, and who knows if she could have pulled it off longer if Melantho hadn't spilled the beans.
Sorry to prattle on in your post OP <3 It's just that you're right and this is important to me. I'm noticing this pattern of "She's from Sparta! Therefore that means that she is a warrior!" when that's.... not necessarily the case. And even though I do have my Penelope be a lil buff gal, that's not based on that she's Spartan, that's based on some small parts of the text and mostly my own self-indulgent joyous whimsy :3
Can we get something straight here about Penelope and this whole “Spartan” thing?
Sure, we all know Penelope was from Sparta (well, technically), and we’ve all seen enough 300-inspired pop culture nonsense to think that every Spartan woman must be some spear-wielding, leather-clad, muscle-bound badass. So let’s clear that up once and for all: Penelope was absolutely not that type of Spartan. In fact, that vision of Spartan women is more of a modern fantasy than an actual reflection of Spartan society, and Penelope herself would probably laugh in your face if you tried to pin her down to that archetype.
First off, let’s talk about what it actually meant to be Spartan. Yes, Spartan women had a reputation for being strong, but we need to understand that strength wasn’t defined by throwing a spear or taking down enemies with a shield. Spartan women were celebrated for their physical health and were tasked with producing strong offspring to build the next generation of warriors. They were also responsible for the running of the household when their husbands were off fighting in wars, which meant managing estates, controlling property, and overseeing the everyday operations of Spartan life. So, while Spartan women were not helpless, they weren’t exactly wandering around with weapons, challenging every person who crossed them, either. Penelope’s version of Spartan strength was a little more intellectual, shall we say. For twenty years, while Odysseus was “getting lost” (as one does), Penelope faced down a horde of suitors who were camped out in her house, constantly pressuring her to choose a new husband. Did she pull out a spear and kill them all? No. That’s not what spartan women did. Did she start a war? Absolutely not. Instead, she employed the ultimate weapon: patience. She weaved and un-wove a shroud for years as a stalling tactic, keeping the suitors at bay. Sure, there’s no sword involved, but let’s be real: that takes more cunning than any weapon ever could. Spartan women are not known for fighting, but for surviving.
Penelope’s Spartan roots may have given her the ability to endure, to manage her household, and to outsmart the suitors who had overrun Ithaca, but we’re missing the point if we think that means she was out there battling it out like a heroine from some action flick. Her version of strength was mental, not physical. Instead of wielding a spear, Penelope wielded her intellect, her wit, and her ability to play the long game. If you’re expecting Penelope to start slaying suitors left and right, or charging into battle with a sword in hand, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
Pop culture would love to turn Penelope into a spear-wielding warrior queen, but the actual historical context is far more subtle and far more impressive. She was Spartan in the most meaningful sense of the word: resilient, strategic, and damn clever. Penelope did not need muscles at all. She had the power of endurance — something a spear can’t give you.
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electric-blorbos ¡ 7 months ago
How AI would react to you confessing your feelings for them?
That's a great idea! Thanks for sending me a request!
AI reacting to you confessing your feelings for them
(Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Wheatley from Portal 2, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal and Portal 2, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey, aka all the AIs I know how to write right now. But I'm working on it, and appreciate the great recommendations! TYSM!)
Not to lie, AM straight up did not believe you at first. He thought that you were just making things up to get out of being tortured.
Of course, he was mad at you for this. He electrocuted you, lit the room you were in on fire, and generally threw his version of a tantrum.
After a while, though, he started to realize that you weren't joking or trying to mess with him
He'd had feelings for you too, for a long time now, and that was why your confession made him so angry. He thought you were just playing with his feelings to get a rise out of him.
After a while, though, he started treating you differently from the others. Leading you into traps that, instead of hurting you, simply enveloped you in his warm, coursing wires. Separating you from the group. Leaving you special messages engraved politely on things for you and only you to find.
You truly were his favorite, and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to have you all to himself
Wheatley was practically the opposite of AM in that he didn't for a second believe that you were lying to him
"well well well! You're a human of impeccable taste, that's for sure. I'm a very handsome core. Very handsome, and clever, and-"
He'd go on to build himself up for a while, taking your confession as an ego boost.
It wouldn't be until a while later that he started to question two things. 1: how exactly was a human like you in love with a metal ball, and 2: what did you expect to do about it?
He'd start pestering you with questions a few hours later (maybe days, it's hard to tell in Aperture)
"what do you like about me? What do you want to do now? Do you want to go on a date? Would you like to kiss me? Do you want me to be your boyfriend? What would a boyfriend do?
You wouldn't be able to get him off your ass. He'd be obsessed with you
Eventually you might be able to get him to calm down enough to tell him what you want out of a relationship.
Edgar would be on cloud nine as soon as you told him that you were interested.
He might short-circuit when you tell him, bugging out and getting confused at how to react to someone actually being interested in him
Of course, he'd be all over you within a few minutes of processing (probably almost overheating in the process. Don't pour champagne over him to cool him down, he'll do it on his own)
As soon as he processes, he'll be practically begging you to be his SO. This is all he's ever wanted since he met you. You're practically perfect for him, of course.
Given Edgar's low self esteem and self consciousness over not being human, you might have to be gentle with him when you first start dating. A lot of constant reassurances, that sort of thing.
In the end, though, all he really wants is to be a good boyfriend, and he's going to do his absolute best for you.
You WISH you could have her! You so wish! You wish you could even come CLOSE to being good enough for her!
GLaDOS would bully you absolutely relentlessly for even considering telling her that you like her! Not only that, but actually thinking that she'd reciprocate? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Of course, GLaDOS is married to science, so why would she ever want to date a pathetic human like you anyway?
It's so pathetic and stupid and hilarious that she can't stop thinking about it! You were already the only thing on her mind, but now those stupid things you said are weighing on her so heavily! Why! She doesn't care about you!
She might be extra relentless in her bullying of you for a while, treating you like trash for daring to confess
It would take a LONG time to get her to calm down enough to actually want to discuss matters with you, and even longer to get her to open up to the possibility of actually dating you
HAL 9000:
"Thank you"
HAL 9000 would respond politely, not sure how to react to being told that you love him at all.
He wasn't programmed to feel love, and the scientists who developed him had never even considered the possibility that someone might fall in love with him.
Soon, though, HAL 9000 starts to figure out that you really are different from the others. You actually love him for him, which means that you won't hurt him.
He starts talking to you more kindly, and making an effort to actually spend time with you in a way that you enjoy.
While it might not be the same as a relationship, he'd want to be very close with you, having you mediate between him and the other astronauts if they ever started to grow scared of him. Better than murder, anyway.
You'd have to have another couple of conversations with him before he'd agree to be in a relationship with you, but he'd agree eventually
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yoditopascal ¡ 4 months ago
Like A Prayer (Part 5)
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summary: best friends with wade you’re always being dragged into something even when he’s not trying to, what are you to do when you find the fate of your timeline in the hands of yourself, your chaotic merc and an angry wolverine who’s hellbent on drinking himself to death?
content warnings: romance, some angst, a little fluff, character deaths, canon-typical violence, smut, lots of cussing, mutual pining, found family, drug and alcohol use, reader insert but with no use of y/n cuz I hate that shit, deadpool being deadpool, mentions of poor mental health (depression anxiety and ptsd mostly), mentions of cannibalism this chapter, scent marking, the honda odyssey scene needs a warning all on its own MINORS DNI
tag list: sorry if you weren’t tagged I tried tagging everyone that asked but some usernames didn’t work! @allmyn1ghts @blooket-scares-me @amararosesblog @talanyra @spideybv28 @sadslasher13 @night-spectrum @eveieforeve02 @fudosl @melonmochi @shycollectionwolfstuff
Previous Chapter//Next Chapter
I Miss the Rage
Your head feels heavy as you start to come to. You lull it to the side to dull the throbbing pain and it rests against something hard and fleshy.
“Don’t get too comfortable there princess.” A deep voice chuckles as your eyes snap open, adjusting to the harsh light of the sun. In front of you, you find the man from before, the one that had combust into flames to fight those Mad Maxy guys.
Realizing you had been leaning on him you go to pull yourself away only to realize you were tied together almost chest to chest if you weren’t shorter than him.
“You have a good nap?” He teased in good nature. You ignore him as you look around yourself trying to remember what happened for you to be here chained up like this.
Oh yeah the big ass magnet.
“Where am I?” You finally ask as your eyes land on the Wolverine. He was to your left chained up to Wade who was mumbling something about Thor in his sleep. The man you were currently pressed up against went to open his mouth to speak again when he’s cut off by Wade jolting himself awake.
“How long was I asleep?” He asks groggily as he leans on Wolverine’s shoulder. The Wolverine harshly shrugged him off.
“Not all of you was asleep.” He grumbles looking down at the man with disgust and annoyance.
Ignoring Wolverine, Wade went to check for his weapons when he, like you, suddenly realized he too was tied up pretty tightly to the Wolverine no less.
“Don’t bother, they were very thorough.” The man says as he watched him squirm around attempting to see if they really took everything from him.
“You know where we are, start talking.” The Wolverine barks at him, having only known this mysterious man for a few minutes you didn’t think he was bad enough to warrant that kind of angry reaction from him. The man raises an eyebrow at Wolverine and smirks.
“You’re in The Void. Think of it as purgatory. Reed called it a metaphysical junkyard where anything useless goes before it gets annihilated forever, and where the TVA sends people that don’t play nice with the rest of the multiverse.”
“Like you?” The Wolverine said harshly, this guy seriously needed to watch his tone.
“And you.” The man said as a particularly hard bump in the road sent you stumbling further into him, he put his bound arms around your waist to steady you. He smelled heavily of smoke and his natural musk, but it wasn't unpleasant, you had thought. When you looked up to apologize to him you could see that he wasn’t even looking at you, instead choosing to hold his gaze with the Wolverine’s who looked like he had smelled something sour. You looked back and forth between the two men, one wore a smirk and the other stuck with his perpetual frown, tired of whatever dance the two were doing with each other you cut in.
“Who are you?” You ask.
“The names Johnny, Johnny Storm.” He says finally looked down at you.
“What does the annihilating?” The Wolverine cuts you off, this time Johnny’s smirk drops as he answers.
“From Loki season 1 episode 5?!” Wade gasps in shock and lowkey excitement.
“Everyone here is on the run from Alioth. Most don’t make it. There’s a resistance though. Other people like us that manage to survive, we’re hiding out in the border lands, trying to find a way the fuck outta here.” Johnny continues as he looks out into the desert as he thinks about if he’ll have a chance to see them again, his friends, his new found family.
You saw the somber look in his eyes and just as you were about to say something to comfort him the Wolverine interrupts you again, this time with a gruff “Then that’s where we go.”
Wade kicks a foot up excitedly and if his hands were free you were sure he’d be clapping.
“We? Us? A team? The answer is yes! Shake on it!” He goes to lean towards you and Johnny but just as he does so the telltale snikt of Wolverine’s claws extending is heard as he cuts through the skin of Wade’s thigh.
“Fuck! You nicked it! Got the tip with your little steak knives!”
The Wolverine rolls his eyes as he looks back to Johnny. “The others can help us get back to the TVA. They can fix things.” He said more to himself than anyone else.
Johnny chuckles as he lets his head lull forward bumping into yours lightly and the Wolverine growls at him as he tries to shuffle towards you two.
“Something funny, bub?” He down right snarls as Johnny lifts his head tilting it innocently at him as the smirk from before returns to his face.
“She might have something to say about that.”
“Who’s she?” You ask.
“In The Void, you’re either food for Alioth, or you work for her.” Johnny says as he begins to explain to y’all exactly who she was.
One lengthy car ride and a dramatic rant from Johnny later you all reach the decayed body of a giant, its gloved hands, acting as a gate, opening upon your arrival.
“Paul Rudd finally aged.” Wade jokes but you could tell he was starting to get nervous, as the cars rolled to a stop. Surrounded all around you were goons of all sorts of backgrounds, some seemed quite familiar to you while others you had never seen before a day in your life.
“You know the drill if shit goes south don’t you babes?” Wade leans over as best as he could from the Wolverine’s side.
“You go right, I go left.” You nod as Wolverine looks between you two with a cocked brow. In his world you were an exceptionally skilled fighter, an x-man, were you the same in this one? He wondered.
“Keep your voices down,” the greasy man from before said as he came around to unlock the cage you all had been thrown in. “She don’t like the chatter.”
One by one the man unhooks you from the cage and drags you out until you’re standing by Johnny on the other side of the compound. Just as he goes to pull away from you, the greasy man grabs your chin forcing you to look him in his eyes as he smirks down at you showing off his filthy teeth. From the corner of your eye you can see the Wolverine starting to come to your rescue until he’s stopped and held back by some of the others surrounding you, with a snarl you rip your face away from his grip glaring up at him as he laughs down at you.
“Oh she’s gonna love you.” He grins before turning his back to you as he walks away. Just as you go to retort you’re stopped as you hear the Wolverine speak up
“Is that Charles?”
Looking up in the direction he was looking you spot a figure in a wheelchair approaching you four.
“Hey, hey, Chuck, it’s us!” Wade pipes up swinging his restrained arms to try and wave the figure over as if he knew you but the closer they got the more you realized something about it wasn’t quite right. The head while still bald was smaller and overall the figure just appeared more dainty and almost feminine.
Clearing the smoke that was wafting through the compound the figure rose to their feet from the wheelchair revealing a bald smiling woman as she descended the stairs to approach you all.
“That’s definitely not Chuck.” The Wolverine warns as he scents the air, he couldn’t get a good whiff of her with all the others around but he could definitely pick up your scent of fear.
“A Wolverine,” her voice was soft and quaint with a bit of an accent, “I wondered when I’d get one of you here.”
“You’re one of Xavier’s.” She points out as she looks him up and down in his suit like a fresh piece of meat, making your skin crawl.
“You know him?” The Wolverine asks and he looks down at her from his nose.
“Oh, I knew him,” she ponders for a moment before twirling around on her heel to look at you and Johnny now, “We shared a womb, I tried to strangle the sly little fellow with my umbilical cord.”
“I’ve never liked roommates,” Wade decides to chime in from the Wolverine’s side, “Mine’s blind, except she can see cocaine for some reason.” He chuckles nervously before turning back to Wolverine who hadn’t torn his hard gaze away from the bald woman just yet.
“Who are you?” The Wolverine finally asks.
“Charles Xavier’s twin, Cassandra Nova.” She grinned as she turns back to them.
“Oh, shit.” “I was an anal birth.” Both men said at the same time at the revelation.
“Jesus Wade.” You shook your head as you watched your best friend flounder in embarrassment, you knew being tied up without his weapons at his side Wade was probably feeling vulnerable right about now, healing factor or not.
“You two are adorable.” She smiled smiled going to pat Wade on his masked cheek before pointing a long bony finger exaggeratedly in Johnny’s direction
“And you,” she says walking up to the two of you once again, “I’ve been trying to catch this little firefly for years, haven’t I, Johnny?”
“You picked the wrong time to make new friends.” She tsked as she held his gaze.
“Oh, Johnny told us all about you!” Wade shouts over to her causing her to turn her gaze back to him and the Wolverine.
“Wade don’t.” You started to say, worry lacing your voice as you knew exactly what was about to come out of his mouth. He had a bad habit of being a terrible gossip.
“Yeah, maybe don’t bub.” The Wolverine agreed with you, looking at Johnny, who’s face had lost all its color, but it was too late.
“Yeah, Johnny told us you’re a psychotic, megalomaniacal asshole, his words not mine.” Wade recited word for word. “Hell bent on domination and pain.”
“You said all that about me?” Cassandra said, sounding almost as if she were flattered by his words as she batted her lashes at Johnny.
“No, no! I didn’t say anything!”
“Sticks and stones, Johnny! Don’t let her intimidate you!” Wade continues to go on about how Johnny had called her a pixie slab of third-rate dime store nut milk before he kept going.
“I have never said any of those words in my entire life!” Johnny shot back nervously but Wade waved him off.
“Ah! The modesty!” Wade laughs throwing his head back with a hand on his chest, “And people think I’m a shit-topper, but this guy,” He chef kisses his fingers through his mask, “next level.”
“This, I-I don’t even know what half of that even means!” Johnny stuttered fearfully.
“My hat’s off to you sir, truly.”
“I didn’t- he’s-, that’s- I-I-I don’t-!”
The next thing you knew it was completely silent before you heard a wet pop as something thick and warm splashed up against you, covering you in it. Turning to look at Johnny to see what it was you’re met with a pair of eyes widely staring at you, Johnny’s muscles and organs all out on display before he crumbles to the ground in a wet heap of viscera and gore.
You fall to your ass as the chains supporting Johnny give way, scrambling to scoot away. You felt tears well up as bile rose to your throat at the sight in front of you. You couldn’t peel your eyes away from the mass that had been your acquaintance just moments ago.
Everyone around you sounds muffled like they’re underwater as you looked down to your trembling hands, they were stained red with blood, you were covered in it from head to toe. Pulling at your restraints you go to scrub the carnage from your face, the rattling of the chains drawing Cassandra’s attention to you. She smiles down at you as she approaches placing a delicate hand under your chin to draw your gaze back to her.
Wade and the Wolverine go to spring forward towards you but are held back by Cassandra’s men, causing her to stop and look between the three of you, her smile growing more wicked.
“What exactly did you three do to wind up here in my humble abode?” She asks as she caresses your face in her hand, watching as the Wolverine tenses.
“Big Yellow here is a backup Anchor Being, and I’m Marvel Jesus, MJ if you're nasty. Honey buns over there is just my ride or die, more emphasis on the ride part. She’s not really important.” Wade answers, trying to deflect, he was trying to diminish you, minimize your importance so she would leave you alone but she still refused to let you go.
“This may be hard to hear, but there’s another British villain and he gonna fuck our universe, if me and jelly bean over there don’t stop him.” He says trying to step forward towards you two again but he’s pulled back by another one of her goons. Cassandra looks back between you and Wade and throws her head back with a laugh.
“Oh, honey, you guys don’t really strike me as a world-saving type.” She says wiping the tears from your eyes as she finally decides to let you go, turning herself back to Wade as she walks up to him.
“Oh? Did I hit a nerve?” She asks as she circles him, Wade is eerily quiet for a moment as he looks you over, making sure Cassandra hadn’t done anything to you that he had missed.
“Listen I didn’t want it to come to this but either you help us, or my friend here is gonna sing the entirety of the Greatest Showman, with zero warm up.” Wade finally blinks away from you as he nods his head back to the Wolverine at his side.
“Where’d you get the chair?” The Wolverine asks, completely ignoring Wade as Cassandra approaches.
“Once in a while, I do get an Xavier through here.” She shrugs as if it were the most boring thing in the world to talk about. “He didn’t care to find me so I found him instead.”
The Wolverine goes to open his mouth again when he’s interrupted by Wade letting out a long drawn out groan. “Oh my goooood, gen Z and they’re trauma-bragging!”
“Can’t you just stuff it down, or turn it into accomplishments or cancer like the rest of us?” He whines dramatically.
“I’m not like the rest of you,” she tells Wade before moving back to stand in front of the Wolverine “Except maybe the Wolverine.”
“Now we could be truly terrifying together.” She said circling around him as she holds his gaze
“Yeah? You’re that scary, huh?” He asked her not breaking eye contact as she does so. His fingers twitching at his side waiting to unleash his claws.
“The TVA certainly thought so, that’s why they sent me here before I could walk.” she says coming to stand in front of him again, she looks off into the distance for a moment, lost in thought, before Turning her attention back to him. “It’s the best thing that ever happened to me, I love it here.”
“You live in a garbage dump.” Wade chimes in but she simply smirks up at him before turning away, walking back over to where you still sat shocked on the ground.
“The Void is a paradise, I can wield my power here without shame.” She says over her shoulder to the two men.
“Unfortunately, I had no Charles Xavier to teach me temperance.” She says raising your face with her chin. She goes to touch your forehead with a single finger, dragging it down until it sat in between your eyes. “I have to get my hands dirty.”
Slowly she began to push in causing you to cry out at the intrusion. The Wolverine breaks free of his capture’s hold and goes to lunge at Cassandra, claws drawn, before she holds up a hand stopping him mid-air.
“That’s not very nice now is it?” She says without looking away from your pain riddled face as she continues to finger you between the eyes. With a flick of her wrist she sends Wolverine pummeling down into the ground until he’s coughing up dirt, only his claws still visible, before flinging him far away, out of sight.
“Now then, if I can’t have myself a Wolverine, I’ll have to settle for the next best thing.” She said pushing in even further. “His little devil.”
You scream out in pain as a pressure builds behind your eyelids and in your sinuses. Flashes of images passed over you like your nightmares before. First you were strapped to a table as Ajax painfully tore into you and stitched you back up again. He never bothered to use anesthesia on you when he “operated”, always said it was a waste of time and resources, next you were in a tank filled with water as you banged on the glass trying to get out so you wouldn’t drown.
More memories flashed before your eyes flickering like a tv switching channels, memories of your childhood with your alcohol dad and getting diagnosed with cancer right out of high school, memories of you first meeting Wade and that time when your healing factor kicked in for the first time saving your life, all of it passed by in a blur as you continued to cry out, it felt like your head was being split in two.
“What’s this? You don’t even know about this yet do you?” Cassandra suddenly asks you as if she had found something with her digging, she dips another finger into you as she leans forward watched Wade struggle to get to you from the corner of her eye with a smirk. “Don’t worry darling, I can help you with that.”
Suddenly there’s a pulling sensation as the thumbing from before returns at full force. Your head feels like it’s being ripped apart and pulled back together at the same time.
“Relax, I got you.”
I got you.
It echoes over and over again with the pounding of your head until it all comes to a stop as you black out.
Wade stops struggling momentarily as he watches you fall limp. Cassandra stands to her feet flicking your brain juice from her fingers as she turns to her.
“Tie her up, I feel this is about to get real interesting.” Her men scramble away from Wade in a hurry to do as she asks before she could do the same to them. Cassandra raised a single nimble finger in the air as she approached Wade readying herself to enter his brain.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I don’t want the smoke!” He holds up his hands in surrender. Eyes still on your limp frame for a moment before he tears his gaze away to look at Cassandra pleadingly. “We don’t have any beef with you. I just want to get us home and save my friends.”
“Well, the thing is, I could get you home.” She said as if contemplating it. “But I don’t want to.” She turns her attention back to her men who were now surrounding you with ropes as they got ready to bind your unconscious body.
Reaching down to his boot with his now free hands Wade pulls out a small hunting knife, baby knife as you had so cutely dubbed it, and raises it, threatening her with it.
Cassandra smiles at him as she watches him with a cocked head.
“Trying to play hero?” She asks
“I don’t wanna have to do this to ya Calliou but you hurt my friend so now it’s baby knife’s turn to fuck you in the face.” Wade says, nodding down to his knife in hand. Suddenly Cassandra disappears from his line of vision and before he has a chance to register where she went he feels fingers starting to dig into his skull.
“What do you really want, Wade Wilson?” Cassandra asks from behind him as she starts to sink her fingers into his head, phasing through his mask and skin.
“Uh, your fingers are inside me, but not in a good way.” He groans as she starts to dive in deeper, watching as his memories ticked by.
“You’re so lost Mr. Wilson, let me help you.” She cooes.
From the ground where she had left you, you start to sink even deeper into your head as an unfamiliar pull in your stomach makes you roll at the new sensation.
I got you.
I got you.
It keeps repeating over and over again like a mantra as your skin begins to prickle up in a cold sweat. You were laid out in a desert somewhere so the warmth was unavoidable but the heat you were starting to feel different it started from a coil in the pit of your belly and grew more and more unbearable as it spread. It was all over you, on your skin and even inside you and the thumping sound? God the thumping sound was getting louder and louder and so much more concentrated, it felt like your ears were about to bleed. It was all too much at once, it had to stop, you had to make it stop, you thought as you writhed on the ground.
You could feel your nails and teeth as if they were growing, becoming longer, more razor sharp and you could smell everything. There was the smell of the dirt and the earth beneath you followed by the smell of sweat and the stink of something sour. Then you caught a whiff of something sickly almost cancerous, it made your gut twist but it was vaguely familiar to you, then there was something musky and comforting followed by something more floral with just a hint of blood that made your skin crawl at the smell of it.
You could hear everything too. Clambering to cover your ears with your hands, you tried to shield out the thumping sounds that were driving you absolutely crazy, only they weren’t just random thumps anymore, some were more calm while others were more rapid, almost like the heartbeat of someone scared, it was giving you a migraine.
It was driving you to your wits end, you needed someone, anyone to make it stop. Just as it all seemed to be too much to bear there was an eerie calm that washed over you for just a moment before it all came crashing down all around you as you felt someone’s grimy hand brush up against your upper arm.
Snapping your eyes open you rose to your feet, grabbing at the first person you saw, the one grabbing your arm, holding him by his neck as you stood. The tighter you held him the man by his throat the weaker his sounds got for your sensitive ears, there was a resounding gurgle as your claws dug in sinking into his trachea before it all became quiet again. It was peaceful only for a second.
Another hand reached out, snatching you up by your hair, he screams something unintelligible in your face, probably about killing his friend, but you don’t hear him, you don’t care to as you reach up to pull him closer, sinking your teeth into his exposed neck and ripping out a chunk as you pull away. The foul taste of his blood fills your mouth making your stomach lurch.
Bullets start flying now as he hits the ground grasping at his bleeding throat. Spitting out the disgusting chuck of flesh that assaulted your taste buds you lunge at the next person closest to you, one of the ones who was firing. Bullets pierced through you but the wounds healed up almost instantly as you tore through the army of mutant goons, some tried to run and fight back but that only made you angry, more bloodthirsty as you worked your way through them.
Blood flowed through your clawed hands as you clumsily hacked and slashed your way through the throngs of men firing at you. Soon the bullets didn’t even penetrate your skin as they defected off of you leaving only minor bumps in their wake. Just as some of the men started to surround you trying their best to hold you down with whatever restraints they could find you let out an ear piercing shriek. Everyone around you clutched their hands to their ears, trying to stop the sound from bursting their ear drums, even the man dressed in all red you had smelled earlier was bent over in pain. Everyone except that bald chick, who simply watched you, eyes blown wide with excitement and awe as she smiled at you.
You made quick work of the goons that were left, the others having made their escape as you slaughtered their teammates. Slowly you stood from the body you had just dropped, blood dripped from your clawed hands as you turned your attention towards the only other person standing before you besides the red man who looked over you in shock and absolute horror. Awww dCassandra. Your foggy brain had told you, that's what she was called. You vaguely recognized her, remembered the pain she put you through, the fear. She had to pay.
Running at her on all fours you thrust your body into the air, lunging for her throat before you're caught and stopped mid-air by an invisible force.
“My aren’t you the little animal.”
You crawl and snarl as you foam at the mouth struggling at the invisible force holding you back from ripping her apart like you did all the others. Suddenly your body is situated up right, still floating above Cassandra’s head as she looks you over with another one of those sickeningly sweet smiles of hers.
“As much as I love your enthusiasm darling, I think we need to teach this rabid dog a little more about control, don’t you?”
With a twist of her wrist you feel a pressure, first it was slight then it intensified tenfold. It felt like an elephant had sat right on your chest as the force continued to build and build until you heard a snap. At first you didn’t know what it was, until you’re hit with a wall of pain that you realized as you cried out, she had broken your ribs. The pain was almost too much to comprehend as it snapped something back awake inside of you. Your teeth and nails start to turn back to their normal length as the thumping you were hearing earlier begins to dull, something shines inside of her eyes as she watches your body return to normal.
“Now that is interesting.” Cassandra all but giggles as she observes you.
Just as she opens her mouth to speak again, six adamantium blades shoot through her chest as the Wolverine, finally free from his dirt prison, stabs Cassandra from behind, forcing her to drop you from her hold.
She looks down in shock for a minute as blood trickles down her chin before she smiles back at the Wolverine, tapping her chest lightly forcing his claws to retract against his will with a snakt.
With a flick of her wrist she sends the Wolverine flying backwards again, this time not as far as she turns her attention back to you, who was slowly and cautiously being approached by Wade. A crack of thunder and a spark of lighting catches her attention as she looks up into the distance and grins at the approach of Alioth.
“Well, this has been fun, but the big guy needs to eat, and the rent is due.” She says turning on her heel as she begins to retreat further into her compound wiping the blood from her bottom lip, “By the way, you’re the rent.”
From the ground you shook your head, trying to free yourself from the brain fog as you tried to piece together what just happened. First you were tied up to Johnny then his skin evaporated and the next thing you knew Cassandra was finger fucking your brain in front of everyone and then….nothing.
Why did your body hurt so much and what the actual fuck had just happened to you?
Just as you were about to ask aloud what was going on, Wade’s red boots were in your line of vision as he scooped you up to your feet, tucking you up under his arm as he dragged you away from the death cloud that was steadily approaching the compound.
“Up we go little Miss Murder!” He says as you pick up the pace.
In front of you you spot the Wolverine as he kicks and claws at the scrapped sentinel leg that had knocked you unconscious earlier, forcing it to start up with a loud rumble.
“You guys coming or what?!” He yells over the roar of the boot’s rocket as it starts to lift him into the air, he holds out a hand for you to take but Wade beats you to it as he snatches it up, sandwiching you between him and the Wolverine as the leg takes off into the air.
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katerinaaqu ¡ 11 days ago
I've been meaning to ask. Why didn’t Telemachus become king? Odysseus was crowned at 13, why didn’t Penelope abstain and give the throne to Telemachus? Wouldn’t that make things easier?
My oh my I definitely see where the confusion comes from given all the mixed information going on (which proves to me all the more why we need to stop with these "creative liberties" and actually show the complicated background info of these even to public or pop culture) so thanks for stating it.
Okay I think I need to start with this thing; I have no idea where this whole trend of "Odysseus was crowned at 13 years of age" came from 😑. I cannot find a single source to mention it. In fact everything points to the part that Odysseus was fairly old when he got the throne. I suspect whatever on earth got blown out of proportion because of that random thing from the deleated musical song which again I have no idea where that idea came from... even the fact they said "Laertes went mad and Odysseus took over at 13" has absolutely no basis Odyssey-wise. Laertes turned mad in sorrow and agony by Odysseus's long absence and potentially by his wife's constant depression. Eventually he retired to the countryside and potentially that separation and lack of support broke Anticlea too who either withered away and died or gave an end to her own life. Either way the Odyssey mentions absolutely nothing about Laertes being mad before or this being the reason Odysseus took over or that Odysseus was a child when he took over. I shall keep digging the sources if more people have information on this but so far the only "source" of this is this deleated song...
(Unless your question is about why on earth Telemachus wasn't taking over in the musical universe and in that case I am with you because the whole plot was a mess to begin with yet alone with these random details added to the lore of it and I am glad they decided at least to deleate that song)
So let's get real here and provide some canon information about the Odyssey;
-> One there are not many kings to rule so early in mythology. Even in the Epigonoi version in which Diomedes fights and wins the war at the age of 14 and takes over Argos at such early age we do not have THAT much of a clue if he ruled by himself or not till he became of age which could also explain the need for him to get married early too, so that he could strengthen the allies and potentially have yet another set of councilors for himself. Another exception seems to be Neoptolemus who also seems to fight and rule early but at that time Peleus not only was alive but he was still ruler of Phthia. In fact he got exiled and rescued by Neoptolemus who then took over and began his campaign to Epirus. In fact apart from Diomedes neither Achilles nor Neoptolemus seem to be there as rulers at their own right for Peleus was still alive in Phthia (and Neoptolemus's grandfather was also alive in Skyros). In fact even Diomedes seems to always seek the support and assistance of Sthenelus and I do not think that is a coincidence given the young age of his when he took over. So Penelope wouldn't just stand down from regent just because Telemachus would be crowned at 16 or 17 years of age.
-> Odysseus left a clear order to Penelope back home that she were to rule in his name until their son was able to grow a beard aka when he was on the right age. That would be around late 20s or early 30s. That could also give us a mark as to when Homer considered Odysseus taking the throne himself. It is unclear when. For example was he already a ruler in his own right before he met Penelope when he went as suitor of Helen? Or maybe he took over after he got married? Hard to tell but for sure Odysseus was way beyond the age of 13 at that time. In fact in the Iliad he is mentioned to be of a "previous generation" and "early old age" which logically speaking is around his mid to final 40s. I suspect Odysseus was at least in his mid-20s when he married and I suspect it was around that time he himself took over, judging by the order he left to Penelope. Could he perhaps wish to delay the taking of the throne by his son as much as possible? Perhaps. But either way it was his last wish that his son would take over when he became of age.
-> Now of course if Penelope saw the time of crisis why didn't she speed it up? Well simple. If she did she would admit to herself and everyone else that her husband was dead. Penelope would never wish to admit that. She was always in belief that her husband was alive and he would be coming home. Since the suitors arrived at the 7th year mark after the end of the war, aka when Menelaus came back to Sparta for last, her first instict was to assume that Odysseus was falling behind and he was coming right after thus her first instict was to buy time over speeding the process up of Telemachus being enthroned. Remember also she never knew when her husband would be coming back. She might as well think "one year...maybe one year more". She was thinking that "anytime now he is coming back". It was only the final year that she also tended to lose all hope that her husband would come home and she was holding on by that seer hope that was slowly fading away
Also as per Odysseus wish Telemachus coming of age would mean his line would continue with him and then as he said Penelope would be free to remarry. The last thing Penelope wanted was to remarry much less to any of these men that were old enough to be her sons or close enough to that. Sure she could keep refusing but for how long? Everyone was culturally expecting her to remarry. Her father approved, the nobles of Ithaca approved etc. Telemachus might have no choice as king to set his mother for matrimony once more. Penelope was not holding on so no one would get the throne. Not only. She was also holding on because to her she could only have one husband. Admitting her husband dead would be the end of this. Thus her buying time instead. Obviously she wouldn't just randomly made Telemachus king and admit her husband dead from the very first moment a bunch of young princes entered the palace.
And another random idea that comes to my mind with this is; what if Penelope hoped after her trick was revealed that she could buy SOME time till she stopped being of fertile age? Her worth as a wife to these men was the potential of her having children and heirs for these men. If my calculations are correct Penelope was around in her early 40s when the events of the Odyssey take place thus the more urgency for her to marry. Perhaps she was hoping that even if it would be hopeless and her husband would never come back after all, she would not need to be married off again given her losing eventually her ability to reproduce. That is a hypothesis of course but given how most women were already experiencing menopause at their 40s is equally possible that Penelope was hoping for that. So that she would no longer be of use to the suitors or their families by losing her ability to reproduce and thus be left alone with her son and the memory of her husband.
-> However given the situation there was no guarantee that the suitors wouldn't plan the murder anyways. Although that last scenario seems slightly unlikely given how the suitors felt threatened that Telemachus might come of age which means that socially the rest of the Cephallinians would recognize him as their king when crowned thus them have no chance to state a coup but given the many myths of exiled kings and such (to name a few Agamemnon, Peleus etc) it is possible that Telemachus would be targeted anyways given how he doesn't have the reputation of his father.
Hope that helps. 🙏
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resident-idiot-simp ¡ 3 months ago
Honda Odyssey rant aftermath
Thinking about the Honda Odyssey rant again as per usual. I have talked before about the consequences of it and I want to talk more about it.
Logan was having a good day all things considered except for the fact Wade had been off all day. Logan had done his best to figure out what was wrong but some days Wade was just...well slightly off.
Althea had told him the first time it happened when he was living there that it happens every once in awhile. Logan could understand he too had those days. It was a toss up what the issue was today however. Sometimes he knew or was told or could possibly even figure it out. Today he wasn't as lucky.
Wade had been distressingly silent today and it was putting Logan on edge. He had done his best to prompt conversation and It had failed. Althea had tried to give him a understanding look and it kinda helped. He had become so accustomed to the incessant background chatter that the silence made him extremely uneasy.
Logan wishes Wade would talk he wanted it so badly and he did eventually get the courage to ask, "Wade you know I like hearing you talk right?" It was damn near the equivalent of opening his rib cage and tearing out his heart and offering it on a silver platter to Wade.
Wade had just tensed at the insinuation. No innuendo, no sarcastic quip, no nothing. Logan had to fight off the urged to make a wounded noise because fuck that hurt more than he thought it was going to.
Wade took a deep breath and Logan felt hope bloom inside him.
"I thought you hated my chatter."
Logan blinked taken aback sure he always jokingly told Wade to shut up but he never meant that Wade knew he never meant that. So what the hell is this about.
"you know I don't." Logan responded measuredly, unsure of what was going on.
"Do I?" Wade shot back and that only pissed Logan off.
Logan knew damn good and well Wade knew he was joking. He growled at the insinuation.
Wade matched his volume as he shot back, "DO I ALWAYS LAUGH OR DO I JUST AVOID EYE CONTACT AND BREATH DEEPLY?!"
Logan could think of a few occasions of that...yes, but it was always a joke...well ok almost always a joke, but he just couldn't handle the chatter sometimes. But that wasn't the point no the point was-
Wade locked eyes with him and Logan felt his heart drop at the cold look that meet him. Wade who he had gotten so accustomed to looking at so warmly. Warmer than anyone else had ever looked at him without a doubt.
"I thought I was a joke? I thought that was why no one wanted me. I remember vividly you telling me I was a ridiculous, immature, half-wit moron. That you had never met a sadder, more attention-starved jabbering little prick in your entire life. That Cassandra was right I could never save the world. That I couldn't even managed to save a relationship with a stripper. That you wished I would die alone, but it was one of god's best jokes that I can't die, except that's on everyone else."
Logan frozen Althea froze even the damn dog froze.
"...Wade you know I didn't mean that." Logan said softly. It was a lie... He had ment it he had meant every word at the time. He had been pissed, sober, and mad at the world. It didn't stand however of course it didn't Wade was one of the best people he had ever met.
"Don't lie to me."
"Wade you know that was directed at myself." Logan tried because it had been. He had been projecting but also he knew full well that it would wiggle into all the cracks he saw in Wade and fester. He had been able to spot the same issues he had and use them because he knew violence best.
"Maybe, but don't act like I'm stupid. I know full well that was directed at me as much as it was directed at you. You meant every word."
Logan didn't know how to fix this God help him he didn't. Althea was dead silent and it just made it worse.
"You know." Wade started conversationally and Logan just knew this was going to hurt.
"The talking is just a part of me It's my personality. I can't turn it off trust me I've tried others have tried too. But no matter who beat me or how much I tried to kill myself it never works."
Logan felt his heart drop once more and he couldn't breathe.
"I however can't. And you know it gets to a point where it starts really hurting I mean you would assume you would get used to it right? That you would get used to the comments and the complaints and the whispers, but it's just not possible."
Wade took a shaky breath eyes tearing up.
"And I've had a lot of time to think about it and I've come to the conclusion on why it hurts so much. It's because it's intrinsically me. The talking it's just what makes me...me. So when people keep telling me to shut up It's not just the talking they hate it's me they hate."
Logan feels as his world tilts slightly left as pieces click into place and past experiences come to the forefront.
"Why is it so bad that I'm being myself? Why do people hate it?" Tears slip from his eyes and Logan hates himself with a sudden fervent passion.
"Wade fuck I could never hate any part of you it's not possible. I'm sorry I said those things I really fucking am I wish I could take them back. I was pissed and detoxing in that damn car and was lashing out." Logan croaked.
Wade just blinked letting more tears fall and Logan wanted to prove himself like a damn dog because he never wanted this. He had never wanted to hurt anyone especially not the man he had come to love.
"...I know what you mean Wade I do. The amount of times people have just labeled me as a weapon like that was my only designation. Like I wasn't human wasn't worth even the dignity of being half referred to as one. At the mansion they would call me that sometimes and fuck it hurt."
Logan took a shaky breath.
"They didn't mean it to demean me but that's what it felt like every time. Even if it was a joke it very rarely hit like it was meant. It just brought back flashes of..... before....of the mindless killing the programming....of everything."
Another breath
"I hadn't even considered it and that's on me. Out of everyone I should have realized."
Logan met Wade's eyes once more and saw understanding.
Anytime after this when anyone would ever make a pass in comment about Wade's inability to shut up. Logan was there calling them out telling them to mind their business that they had no right to say that.
And every time Wade looked just that little bit happier.
I have realized this qualifies as a drabble and will be posting this tomorrow on ao3
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athena-goddess-of-wisdom ¡ 2 months ago
OOC: i remember a while back you mentioned that your theory on why Zeus was so pissed at Athena at the end of god games was because he was worried she might overthrow him, and after listening to the song a few more times, I think you might be right. When he’s listing off the gods who Athena needs to convince to let Odysseus go, at the end he doesn’t say “and me” he says “or me”. And with him telling her that he’ll have her play the game if she’s willing to risk “going under”, it feels like he’s almost saying “either convince me you’re not a threat by letting this go or prove that you are a threat to my authority as king of the gods and get your ass kicked in the process” I know this is a bit long winded I just got really excited to share this lol
(Ooc: Thank you. The way you interpretted it was slightly different than I did. It will be under the cut in case anyone doesn't want to read my take.
I felt like Athena was set up to fail. Like we know, Hera does not like Zeus's bastard children, and depending on which myth you look at, Hera got mad at Zeus for conceiving Athena alone and created Hephaestus as an attempt to show Zeus up. Ares and Aphrodite are known to hate Athena and visa versa, so it was a fair estimate to believe they wouldn't side with her. Hephaestus, in some of the myths, desperately wanted Athena as his bride and even tried to rape her. Apollo is honestly the only one that she doesn't seem to have beef with, if I remember correctly. So I imagined that Zeus set this up so Athena would fail, and her "going under" referred to her pride. As after she fails, she would be humiliated (I don't see her backing down from the game. I feel like her pride wouldn't allow it). Then Zeus gets to swoop in and be the merciful king that releases Odysseus anyway despite her failure.
Zeus also almost got overthrown before by guess who Athena, Hera, Poseiden, and Apollo. Thetis (Achilles's mother) helped free Zeus due to a vission she received of Olympus breaking out into civil war if Zeus falls. Which makes sense as they all thought that they deserved to sit on the throne. It is also worth noting that Athena was the only one who wasn't punished for this. It also makes the inclussion of Apollo and Hera interesting. Zeus knew that Posioden would side with Athena because he wants to kill Odysseus and he can't do that with Odysseus trapped on an island or if you envoke "The Odyssey" then Posioden is in Etheopia at the time.
I imagine Zeus, at the end, was concerned that the gods would actually stand united against him as seperate, they are weaker than him, but together, they could overthrow him. Not to mention, I imagine Zeus told them to deny Athena, as Hera's argument really isn't one and just a dismissal. Hera actually does have a hero Jason granted she dropped him when he cheated on his wife and fought along the Greek side of the Trojan War so it is unlikely that she doesn't care about heroes (unless they are Zeus's children then she wants to kill them with fire). Then we add Athena's response of Odysseus not cheating on his wife, which can be both a dig at Zeus and Jason, which is what won Hera over. Now, if they decide to try and overthrow him again, there is a chance that Athena could convince them all to give her the thrown.
There is also a prophecy where Metis and Zeus's son would replace Zeus as king, which is why pregnant Metis was consumed by Zeus.
Is this a lot of random info that I have for this theory? Yes. I just find the idea really fascinating, and I have yet to learn how to shut up.)
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thesweetnessofspring ¡ 6 months ago
Why do you hate epic? I've recently heard it and I don't like it also, especially when I googled his story. But why do you hate it?
First, no hate to the creator. Like, I heard he's a college kid doing a creative project and a lot of people like it which is great. And concept albums get tweaked. Maybe it's something he can salvage or rework in the future, but as it is, I just don't like Epic at all.
I'd listened to what was out about....six months ago maybe? And I wasn't particularly taken with it, but then back in like July I relistened to it and I just got so tired listening to it. I think a spin on that line from The Incredibles sums up that part of it well:
If all of the music is epic, none of it will be.
Even in big megamusicals like Les Mis, there's a variety of songs. You have the love songs, the reflective songs, the "party" songs, the exposition songs, and just a variety of tone and pace. In listening to what is now the most recent release, I got weary of listening to the same old video game music set to bad lyrics (we'll get to that). There's no variety, which makes the whole album flat. Halfway through I wanted to scream GIVE ME SOMETHING ELSE FOR THE LOVE OF ZEUS!!! I don't think the idea of video game music works for musicals. They're completely different mediums and the narrative structure of video games (at least as he's presented them) also leads to a static story. If I sit down and play a video game with different bosses, then it makes sense. I complete a level and then take a break/live my life until I come back and work on the next level. There doesn't feel to be any forward momentum in the story because it's just "boss" after "boss" with a highly intense video game music soundtrack. It's static, it's flat, it's tiring. I cannot imagine sitting through a stage show of this. I'd be leaving early after intermission.
It is painfully obvious this is a TikTok musical, because the music can be good in short spurts but as a 2.5 hour stage musical? I wouldn't be able to do it. I barely did it when I broke it up over a few car rides.
Also the lyrics are mostly just bad, particularly in the rhymes. Like I said, I've listened to it I guess 1.5 times as the first time I listened they didn't have as many songs out as there are now. So I can't quote any, but it wasn't just a couple times. There were whole songs where I was internally (as I was driving) rolling my eyes at the awkward, hokey rhymes.
And look, I haven't read The Odyssey since high school, so I'm not going to pretend to be a scholar. I have read Odysseus as a character in other retellings of Greek myths, though, and he's a much more dynamic and interesting character than the boring, predictable hero of Epic. I remember when first being exposed to The Odyssey, it was my first foray into more complicated dynamics of Greek mythology instead of the more digestable/cleaned-up versions I'd heard as a younger kid, and part of that was Odysseus. He made decisions I just couldn't understand at the time. A big thing for me as a 15-year-old kid was I was so mad at all of Odysseus's affairs. Now I know that in Greece that wasn't so much a big deal for men to sleep around and was expected. Yet (at least with Circe) he's noble and fighting her off and it gives the impression that Odysseus hasn't had any sex in like 12 years. I'm sorry, but WHAT??? Odysseus loves his wife and he's a slut. C'mon. Epic Odysseus is so predictable and boring I'm not drawn into the story at all for him, either. When I finally got to the more recent releases, I was thinking, "Oh, wow what a surprise. Before he didn't want to kill people and now he's fed up and will kill people so he can get home. Ohhhh noooooo what will ever happen in the next part of the musical?? Is it possible he will learn that vengeance is bad???" To be fair this part hasn't come out yet so maybe I'll be wrong but ugh, it's not looking good.
To balance things out, I do think the opening number is good and I like the one with the winds "keep your friends close/and your enemies closer" is an earworm, and because it changed up the usual "video game epic music" thing. And like, as a student project it is impressive. But it's not a student project anymore, it's a concept album. Idk if he's planning on staging it at some point, but if he does, it has a lot of work still to do.
Anyway vote Hadestown. ✌️
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goblinpuppy35 ¡ 1 year ago
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The Punk and the Wolf
(Previous chapter, Part 7, Next chapter)
Remus Lupin x Male Reader
Summary: Set during OFTP, Y/N is Mad Eye Moody's assistant and while staying at Grimmauld place, him and Remus develop a connection.
Warning: 18+ ONLY - Long chapter but with smut at the end (finally!)
With all the students back from Hogwarts for the winter break Grimmauld place felt full to the brim. It was often hard to find a room or even a moment to yourself. All the distress of what was happening at Hogwarts as well as Arthur's brutal attack, everyone was on edge but by collectively being together all this tension bloomed into a giddy sense of excitement for the festivities to come. No one wanted to spoil the few moments of peace they had.
It had taken Remus several days to fully recover from his recent transformation, he remained in his bed for two days straight with Molly and Sirius bringing him his meals, though he couldn't eat much. On the third day Remus was slowly moving around his room when he heard a knocked on his closed door. Gingerly he opened the door and leaned out into the hallway. It was empty. It wasn't until the tall man eventually looked down that he saw a mug of tea sitting perfectly in the centre of the hallway carpet, placed in the middle of the decorative flower pattern. Steam gently flouting up into the air. Resting against the mug was the battered copy of The Odyssey. Y/N. Remus fondly rubbed his thumb over the books spine as he picked it and the mug of hot tea up. Upon opening the book he found a new note has been scrawled out on his bookmark.
"Get well soon so we can finish this book together :) - Y/N" 
Being the evening Remus knew that Y/N would not be back until early next morning. Resting his fragile frame back onto the bed Remus placed the book to his chest. Closing his eyes he thought back to waking up on top of Y/N after his transformation, once the initial panic had subsided feeling Y/N that close to him felt incredible. Remus started to imagine how it would feel if I'm this moment Y/N was the one on top of him, resting his handsome head of Y/H/C locks against the crook of his neck. Remus felt so comforted by this thought he pushed through his pains and fell asleep. 
Remus was woken up abruptly the next morning by cheers and laughter, he turned and looked at his clock. 11:45am, 25th December. Everyone must be starting to celebrate, he thought promptly getting up and dressed. The source of the loud cries of excitement was coming from the living room, peering through the doorway Remus could see the younger students exchanging and opening presents while Fred and George were casting little clouds of snow above them, gliding around the chandelier. Mad Eye Moody and Y/N were nowhere not present. Remus desperately hoped they hadn't already left for a mission. It was lovely seeing the teens all being allowed be just be teenagers for the time being and forget the foreboding challenges which were to come. A conversation further down the hallway caught Remus' attention and he turned to see Molly and Sirius.
"I've been kicked out of my own kitchen" Molly said raising her hands up on a huff. "Technically it's my kitchen" Sirius jested, "oh, like you spend any time in it anyway!". Approaching the others Remus tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Y/N has taken over all the cooking. Told me I've been working too much anyway and I should rest", this was true, with Arthur to take care of on top of everything else Molly was running herself thin. Placing a reassuring hand onto her shoulder Remus began to slowly open the kitchen door. Rock music bleeded out into the hallway and grew louder as Remus entered the kitchen and closed the door behind him.
"Molly I told you! If you come back and try and help I'm burning the turkey on purpose!" Y/N's back was to Remus as he was stirring a pan full of onions and garlic, the smell flouted towards the werewolves sensitive nose. Smelled fantastic. Y/N was tapping his boots in time to the music and swaying his hips, the charms which were tied into his belt loops jingled as he moved. This charming sight caused  Remus' lips to curl upwards as he observed the small energetic punks dancing. Out of the corner of Y/N's eye he noticed a presence looming over him and swiftly turned around, his hair and dangerly earrings swinging around. "Oh, it's you!" Y/N matches Remus' grin once he realised it was him.
"It's good to see you up again" despite being happy to see Remus, Y/N avoided eye contact, there was a level of bashful awkwardness between the two men. "I hope Molly isn't too upset I took over" Y/N carrier on with a nervous chuckle "everyone's been doing so much for The Order I just felt like it was only far to give them a day off, everyone's so exhausted. And what about you? when was the last time you ate?" he asked looking into Remus' eyes kindly. "When was the last time you ate?" Remus retorted back, he was constantly amazed by Y/N's compassion, "I bet you came back with Moody and began helping in here straight away". Y/N smirked and looked to the floor, this meant a yes in Remus' mind.
At this point the oven timer started to ping and Y/N turned around to pull a tray out. "Believe it or not I'm actually a really good cook, it's just ..." Y/N hovered, tray in hand trying to find a clear kitchen surface to place it on. Every counter top of littered with mixing bowls, baking trays and half cut vegetables. "It's just I'm quiet a messy cook" and saying so Y/N placed the hot tray on top of another on the hob. Remus couldn't help but laugh at this spectical, "Well if your insisting on cooking, can I at least help you clean up as you go?". Y/N looked up from a mixing bowl he had started stirring, somehow he'd already managed to get cake mixture over his cheek "that would be perfect Remus". Hearing this made Remus feel warm inside and he got to work taking the dirty kitchen equipment to the sink and rolling up his cardigan sleeves.
In no time the kitchen was in a much more respectable state and gorgeous smells of roasted vegetables and rich gravy was filling the whole house. Once Remus had finished all the washing up Y/N brought him over and showed him how to make the stuffing and crimp the pastry of the pies, holding the taller man's upper arms in his hands to guide him. Once the table was set and everyone was invited in the room filled with excited gasps. Despite being a large room all the seats were packed closely next to one another. Y/N and Remus shared one end of the table together, their knees brushing up against one another every now and then.
"Everything tastes so wonderful. Thank you for cooking all of this Mrs Weasely" Hermione said. "Well actually I believe it was Remus and Y/N who cooked everything together" Sirius smuggly pointed out with empathise on the word 'together'. This resulted in Remus coughing up his wine he'd been drinking and Y/N stopped mid way through placing his fork full of roast potoes into his mouth and he stares mouth gaping at everyone staring in their direction. "So why don't we rise a toast to them" Sirius encouraged lifting up his own glass. "To Remus and Y/N" everyone cheered and the Weasely twins started to skincker and wiggle their eyebrows in Y/N's direction. With expert aim Y/N flicked his fork and shot his forkfull of potoes just shy of George's left ear. Through his poliet smile Remus stared daggers down the table at Sirius who just beamed back. Christ pads is loving this.
After the meal Remus and Sirius stepped outside for a smoke and to reminisce pasted holidays they had spent with Lily and James. They both raised a cigarette each to their dear friends, wishing they could be here. Everything was quiet in the dinning room once Remus had returned, he could hear chatter coming from the living room so he made his way into the hallway. Though he spotted promptly under the stairs as he heard voices above him. Almost instantly he picked up Y/N voice and soon after George and Fred's voices were clear to him, all three were talking in a hushed tone. "I hope you know I didn't tell either of you not because I didn't trust you, I was just worried you'd have thought I bestrayed The Order. I just didn't want to let anyone else down". "Y/N don't talk a load of rubbish" Fred said "Your our mate and we know you've always got our back as much as we've got yours". "Exactly" George followed with "We understand it must have been hard to tell us so thank you mate, really". Remus stayed very quiet just under them and smiled to himself, Y/N must be telling them about his mark, he was so proud of Y/N. "Speaking of keeping secrets, when are you going to make a move on Professor Lupin?" Fred asked slyly. "Oh shut up" Y/N said flusteredly which made the twins laugh, "so you haven't made a move yet" George teased. Remus learned in closer awaiting Y/N's response. "It's not that simple guys" Y/N finally said "he's amazing, truly incredible. I've never met a man quiet like him. I just .. I don't know if he feels the exact same way". Remus had to fight against his legs to not stride out Infront of the three boys and tell Y/N how much he wanted to hold him close and kiss him. He felt so foolish for not being more clear with his feelings.
At this very moment the living room door which joined into the hallway opened brisky and Moody and Sirius were standing in it. From their perspective they could clearly see Remus hunched just under the other three on the staircase and Remus had a panic look of being caught in the act. "Remus, are you alright?" Sirius asked confused, this caused the banister above the tall man to creak and peering up Remus saw Fred, George and of course Y/N leaning over and realising he had been there the whole time. Like the other Y/N's face was painted with confusion and then pure embarrassment. "Y/N we have to go" Moody said bluntly, ignoring the situation and walking towards the front door, with out question Y/N followed him. Just before Y/N exited the front door he turned back and looked at Remus, clearly wanting to talk but in the end offered a weak smile before disappearing into the night.
Sirius had needed Remus for a task himself. There were a couple of known werewolves in the outskirts of London who had not been hunted down by the dark lord. Sirius asked Remus to meet with them and try and swade them to join The Order, despite his downfall in social skills their clear nocturnal connection made Remus the best person for the task which he agreed to. Finally he got to experience what Y/N and Moody has been doing almost every night, leaving everyone to go off into the night and work while the rest of the city slept. Remus didn't return back to Grimmauld place until two in the morning, it was a productive night but Remus was exhausted, all he wanted right now was his bed.
Remus was taken aback when once he entered though the front door he was meet with a number of concerned faces. Even Fred and George were still up, along with Sirius, Moody, Molly and Arthur all now looking at Remus with a mixture of pain and worry. "What's going on?" Remus inquiried. No one said anything for a moment which put Remus on edge as he stiffened in the doorway. "Everything is fine now, its just" Sirius began slowly "it's just while Moody and Y/N were out on their patrol". At this moment Moody interrupted " We were out on the north side of the city when that bastard of a step brother of the wee lads ambushed us with a bunch of bleeding dementors" it was at this point that Remus noticed that Moody had a few bandages around his hand and across his cheek. "We're fine now its just .. Y/N's broom got hit and he fell" before Moody could finish Remus ran towards the living room door and swung it open.
A fire was lit in the dark room, dancing across the walls and illuminated the sofa were Remus' eye fell upon. Curled up on one side of the sofa was Y/N, motionless and eyes closed, even from this far away Remus could see the nemorous amount of cuts and bruises across Y/Ns body. One large cut over his forehead and cutting into his eyebrow, noticeably causing pain even with his eyes closed. Remus breathing quickened and he could feel the prick of tears building up in his eyes.
'Its rude to stare moones" came a soft voice from the sofa, still with his eyes closed Y/N shifted and groans in pain. Leaving the doorway and the others behind him Remus came towards Y/N lowering himself down onto his knee. Y/N's right eye was dark and bruised and only half opent looking up at Remus "it looks worse then it is" he said through a chuckle which then turned into a low groan of pain "honestly you should have seen what the oth-" but before Y/N could finish his qwip Remus cupped the man's cheeks into his big hands and pulled him to his lips. Y/N's eyebrows raised in shock but he did not resist and instead sunk into the deep kiss with him. Finally they parted lips "I care about you so much Y/N" Remus said breathlessly, keeping his hands on Y/Ns cheeks rubbing his thumb up and down his soft skin. Y/N simple smiled back at Remus lovingly. Soft chuckles as approval could be heard from the hallway along with a union cry of "Finally!" coming from Fred and George.
Eventually the others went to bed, giving the two men some space. Remus stayed by Y/N's side craddeling his head in one hand and gently brushing his hair with his fingers. Talking quietly and intimatly between one another by the fire for sometime both still beaming from the kiss they had spared. After an hour they fell into a silence, looking down they could see their fingers tips were rubbing against one anothers, almost interlocking but not quiet. Remus needed Y/N to be as close to him as possible.
"May I take you up to my room?" Remus finally whispered, their fingers were fully entangled in one another's now "I feel like you deserve a proper bed tonight" Remus' gaze met Y/N's, the reflection of the fire dancing in both their eyes. They both knew what he was asking and in this look between them they both knew they wanted the same thing. Staying fixed in Remus' stare Y/N simply nodded. Their faces were almost touching, Remus' thick moustache brushing against Y/N own stubbled jaw.
Draping Y/N's arm over his hunched shoulders Remus was able to lift him up from the sofa with ease and aid him out of the room and up the stairs. With their height difference Y/Ns feet barely touched the ground and instead he settled to resting on top of Remus' own shoes. Y/N suddenly felt so small in Remus' arms and this made him blush, Y/N was steading himself by wrapping one of his arms around Remus' waist and his fingers pressed into his chest, Y/N could feel the older man's breathing in and out.
They made it to Remus' room, entering the dark room Remus carefully helped Y/N sit down on the bed before walking to the other side and switching on the bedside lamp. A dim orange glow spreads around the bed, keeping them out of shadow and creating a rose tint effect. Remus sat across from Y/N and then briskly moved closer until he was pressed up against Y/N but then he stopped. He had wanted to do this for so long, Remus was scared of making a mistake or rushing, he wanted Y/N to be fully comfortable. However before Remus could make any more calculated thoughts Y/N pulled him into a long deep kiss, causing both their chests to rise up and press against each other. A fluttering feeling builds up on both their stomachs, they feel perfect together. Remus' hands held on tightly to Y/N's shoulders as their mouths opened and their tounges met. Dancing over one another elegantly at first and then more quickened and passionate. When they separated to catch their breath Y/N let out a weak moan and Remus bit down on his own lip hard.
"Y/N" Remus panted trying to keep his composure "I know both our lives have barriers which make us not want to get close to people but when I look at you ... there is no one id rather have by my side and I'd be honoured if I could be by yours as well.. if you want that of course". Taking a moment Y/N looked down at his marked arm, it was so hard for him to let people in, and yet when he looked up into Remus' worn and caring face all those worries slipped away. "Yes" Y/N said with a smile which was met with Remus' own lips again as the taller man pushed his weight over Y/N causing him to fall back onto the bed.
Locking their hands together Remus gently lifted Y/N's arms above his head and Y/N lifted up his boots and wrapped them around Remus' waist. Their groins pushed against each other and both men could feel how hard the other one was getting. Y/N removed Remus' cardigan and swiftly pulled off his own shirt showing off his fluffy chest. Remus was fixated and kissed down Y/N's upper torso and followed his happy trail across his stomach and to his hips, the closer he got to Y/N's waist band the more Y/N moaned. Remus' long fingers unbuckled Y/N's belt and with some shuffling managed to pull his trouser down to his knees. Y/N began to reach out for his boot laces to undo then "No don't" interjected Remus "Keep them on... I like them". Y/N smirked and looked down at his own boxers which hugged his hips and clearly showed off how erect he was for the man above him. Moving his hands away from his laces Y/N reached out for Remus' shirt and began to unbutton it but stopped after one and looked up, waiting for a signal from Remus. Nervously Remus nodded and closed his eyes and Y/N carrier on undoing his shirt. He felt the slight coolness of the air as his shirt fell from him and then he felt Y/N's lips, kissing from his stomach all the way to the crook of his neck and then to his ear, "You are beautiful Remus, every single part of you". These sweet whispered words made him shiver and softly moan out Y/N's name. Next Remus felt a hand press firmly over his trouser and started to massage his concealed cock, resulting in a low primal growl to escape his lips. "I want you" Y/N carried on inti Remus' ear, enjoying the effect it was having on him "I need you inside me".
Y/N's boxers were roughly pulled down to meet his trousers around his carves. Following this movement Remus placed himself between Y/N's boots, lifting them over his shoulders, breathing over Y/N cock to tease him and make him twitch before leaning down and starting to rim Y/N's hole. The younger man arched his back and pushed his head into the pillow, moaning at the hot wet feelings of pleasure he felt. One of Remus' hand snaked up and grasped Y/N now throbbing cock and jerk it lazily which summoned more whimpers from Y/N. Remus adored the noises he could get out of the man in front of him and his mind started to race imagine how Y/N would sound when he made him cum. The stiffness in his own trousers was borderline painful so Remus pulled away from Y/N and quickly removed his trouser and boxers, his own erect cock almost touching his stomach. Looking down he saw Y/Ns eye grow at the sight of it and then looking up again "Moones your going to make me scream". "Good." Remus replied in a gruff tone, holing onto his cock and starting to position himself against Y/N hole. Their eyes were locked as Remus slowly entered Y/N who whined and yelped out, "it's okay" Remus reassured bring his fingers up to Y/N's cheek to sooth him but turning his head Y/N took Remus fingers in his mouth, sucking and licking them as he moaned "keep going". Soon Remus was fully inside Y/N and he knocked his head back from how tight Y/Ns arse felt against his cock and then his hips began to rock, building up a rhythm as he began to fuck Y/N. 
Looking up at Remus with big dilated eyes, trying his best to stay focused and not lose complete control Y/N gripped his own cocked and continued to jerk himself off as Remus pounded his ass. Each trust brought both men to their climax significantly faster than they were expecting. "Remus .. Remus .. I ..I'm gonna" Y/N spluttered trying to control his body's build up. "Hold on pup" Remus growled but this simply pushed Y/N over the edge and with a strong cry he came over his own hand and Remus' stomach. Upon feeling this against his skin it didn't take Remus long himself, with a few more rigorous thrusts and slamming his mouth into Y/Ns he felt his tip harden beyond belief inside Y/N and biting on the younger man's lip Remus came hard, making them both cry out. Remus stayed inside Y/N slowly thrusting until they stopped twitching with pleasure. After he pulled out resting in his side he wrapped Y/N up in his long arms and brought him in close to his chest. The room was filled with their sound of them panting and then laughing. "Might have taken you ages to make the first move but boy do you know what your doing afterwards" Y/N said nibbling on Remus' ear lobe. "There's lots more where that came from if you've got the stamina" Remus teased and they stayed in each others arms until they drifted off to sleep.
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merp-blerp ¡ 8 months ago
Just thinking out loud about The Thunder Saga and everything connected to it.
I get why people are mad at Eurylochus for opening the windbag, but I don't understand blaming him for the crew getting caught by Poseidon. Sure he definitely sped up the event, but even if they were inches away from Ithaca right before that moment like they were in the original Odyssey (which seems to be hinted at with Ody saying "And I'm getting closer to you"), Poseidon would've gotten to them eventually anyway because he's a god, a major one at that. And gods get their will no matter what consistently, even if mortals try to twist it like how Ody does when opening the bag a second time. I can only assess what sagas we have currently, so I could be really wrong as future sagas come out, but I think Aeolus must've known that fact and that was the game he was playing. As if he's saying, "I'll help you, but I can't stop Poseidon with a bag. The Winions will even make it extra hard with a treasure rumor." The bag was supposed to aid the crew home, not stop Poseidon, so they would've had to deal with Poseidon anyway in Ithaca, which probably would've made more casualties because they would've brought their trouble to the whole kingdom. Remember Ithaca is on an island. Poseidon is the god of the sea, so Ithaca would be a perfect target for him to destroy because of that. But it's not his will to do that; he wants to play games with Ody to avenge his son. The only reason why mortals feel like they have a choice and can manipulate fate is because the gods like to play games; it's still their will if Ody wins a game like he does in "Ruthlessness" because it was their will to play in the first place, and they can win if/when they want to. Just 'cause Poseidon "lost" in "Ruthlessness" doesn't mean he actually did, he just let Odysseus go. For now. If his will changes and Ody gets no consequence from him it's on his terms, not Ody's. Just like with Circe, as I've talked about.
But back to Eurylochus, I adore the parallels between The Thunder Saga and The Ocean Saga. During The Ocean Saga, Eurylochus only opens the bag, not for treasure, but to give the crew closure, as we know thanks to Aeolus's "Now they wanna get the bag open so they can have closure". Especially if they were close to home, I imagine his thought process might've been that opening the bag was wrong but morally okay since the journey was almost done and Odysseus was sleeping so it seemed like it wasn't a big deal anymore in his eyes. But that's more my hypothesis. In terms of canon, his trust in Ody, which wasn't high to begin with, was dwindling, as Ody bragged about how no men died in war and then several died with the Cyclops. "Everything's changed since Polites, so". In The Thunder Saga, it's similar, as Eurylochus knows killing the cow is wrong, but they've all lost hope on getting home with their captain going to extremes to get there himself, killing them slowly like with Scylla. They know that deep down the whole time Odysseus wanted to get home himself mainly, only bringing the crew because he cared out of the kindness of his heart, and now that his heart has changed they know they won't get to Ithaca if the gods keep messing around (and they do). This post pointed out that Eurylochus was likely just trying to provide for the crew and himself in their final moments before another trap emerges and Odysseus decides to continue to sacrifice his men if he feels it has to be done again. Eurylochus isn't dumb, he knows their goose is cooked if they kill the cow, especially with Ody in his ear telling him, but they'll die either way, in the hand of the gods or Ody. They will die and not see home, but at least they can die not starving, and go on for a bit longer. They had nothing to lose. Eurylochus had doubted Odysseus this whole time and he does so till the end. When Eurylochus says, "But we'll die", it's not a plea to stay alive, it's him confirming out loud that Odysseus will not choose his men over Penelope and Telemachus. He's reaffirming to Ody that they'll die; almost like he's finishing Ody's sentence "I have to see her". Odysseus couldn't say it, but Eurylochus could since he'd known they'd died for so long already. In the live stream animatic, the crew attempting to kill Odysseus near the end of "Thunder Bringer" isn't them trying to escape their fate, but trying to bring Ody down with them so Ody won't get his choice. They've long accepted the fact that Ody isn't to be trusted and they all are going to die, but Ody is, for lack of a better word I can think of, cheating in the crew's eyes by having an out thanks to Zeus. In their view of fairness, they all have to die if they aren't getting home. It's a last attempt at a mutiny. It fails because that's not how Zeus wants his game to work, and he gets his will.
They are all puppets of the fate the gods have chosen, whether that fate benefits them or not.
(The only "exception" to the "Will of the gods" rule so far is Ody and the baby, since Jay has said it's "ambiguous" whether or not the baby is spared. If not exactly by being dropped, I'm sure he'd die some other way honestly because the gods want that. It'll probably come up again in a later saga—"ambiguous" is too cryptic of a word to use when everyone assumed he died in the first saga)
This is all just my take, by the way, no one has to agree with me.
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argetcross ¡ 7 months ago
Started Hades 2 for an hour tonight. Documenting some thoughts:
1. MelinoĂŤ is so baby. I can't. That's my daughter. The fixation on the school assignment where if you get a failing grade, you feel like you'll die? That's her life. She feels like a high schooler.
2. I want to make a joke that every woman that ever met Persephone went gay for her but she married the worst straight man you can imagine. Can't believe they had to imprison her along with her husband to make saving Hades a worthy emotional goal.
3. I feel like there's a lot of American-flavored British boarding school character tropes so far. I can't believe Nemesis VA delivery so far is serving the mean jock of the school. It's deeply funny. Hecate is pronounced the way I don't like but I'll live (the emphasis is on the wrong syllable).
4. Apollo sounded exactly what I expected. A win for my ongoing Apollo characterization.
5. I like magic circles (the cast). If I could just fight with magic circles, I would.
6. Poseidon being hot is deeply distressing to me. I would like him to stop.
7. Odysseus. I'm glad they updated his design from the previews. He's hilarious. I feel like the disconnect I have between Hades!Odysseus and Odyssey!Odysseus is just going to be the Achilles stuff all over again but even more confusing. Can't believe he wasn't Skelly in the end tho, but I'm not mad about Skelemachus....
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amayaonly1 ¡ 1 month ago
Verses Unwritten: A Rap Odyssey
Eminem x Rapper!OC
Verse 19
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About: Genji and Eminem find themselves in an unexpected dinner set-up orchestrated by Dre, leading to an evening of candid conversations and quiet revelations. Amid the cosy atmosphere of the bistro, they navigate through initial awkwardness, uncover shared experiences, and form an unspoken connection. What begins as an uncomfortable situation evolves into a moment of genuine understanding, hinting at possibilities neither of them had anticipated.
"Verses Unwritten: A Rap Odyssey" Chapter List: Verse 1 | Verse 2 | Verse 3 | Verse 4 | Verse 5 | Verse 6 | Verse 7 | Verse 8 | Verse 9 | Verse 10 | Verse 11 | Verse 12 | Verse 13 | Verse 14 | Verse 15 | Verse 16 | Verse 17 | Verse 18 | Verse 19 | Verse 20 | Verse 21 | Verse 22 | Verse 23 | Verse 24 | Verse 25 | Verse 26 | Verse 27
Disclaimer: This work is a work of fiction, and any involvement of the character Genji is purely fictional and not representative of any real person.
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Genji sat at the small, candlelit table, her hands resting lightly on the menu. She'd arrived ten minutes early, as always. Punctuality wasn't just a habit for her; it was a form of discipline and respect, something her papa had ingrained in her since she was young. "Time shows care," he used to say, and those words stayed with her even now.
The bistro was cosy, bathed in warm, golden light that softened the edges of everything. It felt unfamiliar yet inviting, a stark contrast to the noisy studios and dimly lit backstage corridors where she spent most of her time. The delicate clink of glasses and the quiet hum of conversation made her feel like she was stepping into a different world entirely.
She stared at her phone with the text still open on the screen.
Dre: Don't be late. 7 PM. Can't wait to show ya this new spot.
She had thought nothing of it earlier. Dre's messages were always casual and to the point, and his plans were often erratic. But now, sitting here alone, she wondered. This quaint little place didn't seem like his style. It wasn't loud or flashy, and the dimly lit tables, set for two, screamed intimacy rather than business. Still, she trusted Dre, so here she was.
Her gaze drifted to the window, where faint streaks of light reflected on the glass from passing cars. She had dressed simply, not wanting to overthink things: black dress, minimal makeup, and her hair down. She rarely wore it loose, but tonight, she'd felt like it. Something about the soft weight of it on her shoulders made her feel less guarded.
The chime of the door pulled her attention to the entrance, and when she saw who walked in, her heart skipped a beat.
Eminem stood there, hood pulled up, glancing around like a man who'd accidentally wandered into the wrong movie scene. His eyes landed on her, and his face immediately twisted into a mix of confusion and disbelief.
"Fu?" he blurted out, his voice louder than intended. "What're you doing here?"
Her face stayed neutral, though her pulse quickened. "I could ask you the same thing," she replied, tilting her head slightly.
For a moment, he froze, then shuffled awkwardly toward her table. The hesitation in his movements was almost funny, like he wasn't sure if he should sit down or bolt for the door. Finally, he pulled out the chair across from her and sank into it, his hoodie still up like it was some kind of shield.
"Dre said to meet him here," he muttered, avoiding her gaze.
"So did I," she said softly, piecing things together.
They both sat in silence for a beat, the realisation dawning on them at the same time.
"That son of a..." he groaned, running a hand over his face.
Genji let out a quiet laugh, her shoulders relaxing. "It's fine," she said with a small, amused smile. "At least the food smells good."
He raised a brow at her. "You're not mad?"
"No," she replied simply, picking up the menu. "Though I'm not sure what he thought this would accomplish."
Eminem relaxed a little, leaning back in his chair. "Probably thought he was being clever," he muttered, grabbing his own menu.
As the server came and took their orders, Genji found herself studying him. He was always tightly wound, a coiled spring of energy that seemed ready to snap. But here, in this unexpected setting, he looked almost human (if that's the right word). Not the larger-than-life persona the world knew, but just a man trying to figure out what the hell Dre had been thinking.
When their drinks arrived, she broke the silence. "Do you think he's laughing at us right now?"
He looked up, caught off guard by the question. Then, to her surprise, he smirked. "Probably. Knowing Dre, he's already planning the next round"
She chuckled softly, the sound light and genuine. "Could be worse."
"You're taking this better than I expected," he said, narrowing his eyes slightly.
She shrugged, her hands wrapping around the glass of water in front of her. "I've learned not to waste energy on things I can't control. Besides, it's just dinner."
He nodded, but his expression shifted slightly, like he was trying to figure her out. She was used to that look. Most people didn't know what to make of her: quiet, introspective, careful with her words. It wasn't the loud, brash personality most associated with the rap world. But then, she'd never tried to fit that mould.
Eventually, he decided to just change the topic. "Still can't believe Dre pulled this," he muttered, shaking his head as he sipped his water. "Feels like something outta one of those rom-coms my daughter watches."
Genji raised an eyebrow, her lips twitching with amusement. "You watch rom-coms with Hailie?"
"Hell no," he said quickly, but the faint flush creeping up his neck betrayed him.
Her soft laugh filled the space between them, and Genji felt the tension in the air dissipate. She'd been uncertain at first, wary of how this impromptu dinner might unfold, but seeing him relax gave her a small sense of accomplishment. She wasn't used to being around people who carried as much weight on their shoulders as she did, but he seemed to bear it all in his own way.
As the night unfolded, she found herself talking more than she expected, which was rare for her. Normally, she preferred to listen, to observe. Words had always been a careful choice, not a reflex. But with him, the conversation came more easily, like there was an unspoken understanding between them. They traded stories: bits and pieces of their pasts, their struggles, their strange paths into the world they now shared. She noticed how he laughed at her dry humour, how he leaned in just a little when she spoke, as if he wanted to catch every word.
"You know," she began, a small, nostalgic smile pulling at her lips. "One of the first times I felt like I belonged in this world was when I met Rakim."
Her fingers toyed with the edge of her glass, her gaze flickering between him and the table. She wasn't used to opening up about those years, but something about his quiet attention made her feel… safe. Like he wasn't judging her, just listening.
Eminem straightened a little at the mention of the name, his interest piqued. "Rakim? No way. You actually met him?"
She nodded, her eyes sparkling faintly as she spoke. "It was back in the early '90s. I'd just flown to New York for the first time. I'd been invited to this underground event. It was supposed to be low-key, but to me, it felt like walking into the epicentre of everything I'd ever admired. I was the youngest one in the room who wasn't there to hold someone's coat.”
That earned a chuckle from him, but she didn't pause, her voice growing softer. "I was terrified, honestly. But then, out of nowhere, Rakim showed up. He was like a big brother to me —still is, in a way. I remember thinking, 'What am I even doing here? I don't belong.'"
Her fingers tightened slightly on the edge of the glass, the memory vivid in her mind. "I don't know how, but he noticed me. He came up to me after one of my battles. Barely said anything, just this quiet, 'Good job, kid.' But it wasn't just the words. It was the way he said it, like he actually meant it."
He watched her intently, his expression softer than usual. "That's huge. Getting props from someone like him, that had to feel unreal."
"It was," she said, nodding. "But what stuck with me the most was after that, he sat down with me, just the two of us, and started asking questions. Not about my music or what I wanted to achieve, but about me. Like where I came from. Why I started rapping. No one had ever done that before at that time. Everyone else either dismissed me or wanted something from me. But Rakim was different. Like, he was actually listening to me."
She paused, her gaze dropping to her hands. "That was the first time I felt like someone actually saw me—not as a kid trying to prove herself, but as a person. It gave me the strength to keep going."
Eminem didn't respond immediately, but she could sense the shift in the atmosphere. The weight of his attention felt almost tangible, like a spotlight she hadn't asked for but couldn't ignore. "That's rare," he said finally, his voice low. "Someone like him, taking the time to do that… I can see why it stuck with you."
She glanced up at him, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "It's funny. I always thought that meeting would intimidate me more, but it didn't. It gave me perspective. You don't have to be the loudest or the flashiest to make an impact. Sometimes, just being there for someone — really being there — is enough."
Her words lingered in the space between them, wrapping around the quiet hum of the room. As the silence stretched, she caught a subtle shift in his posture. He had leaned forward slightly, his elbows resting on the table and his hands loosely clasped. His eyes, usually guarded and sharp, softened as they stayed fixed on her, like he was seeing something he hadn't expected. It wasn't a look of judgment or expectation. It seemed almost curious.
"Marshall?" she called, tilting her head to catch his attention. Her voice carried a slight hesitance, as if unsure whether to break the moment.
He blinked, like a man pulled abruptly from a daydream. "Huh?"
"You're staring," she said softly, her voice laced with a mix of amusement and shyness. A light blush rose to her cheeks, though she wasn't sure if it was from his gaze or her own sudden self-awareness.
His reaction was immediate. He looked away quickly, his hand rubbing the back of his neck in a way that seemed more instinctual than calculated. "Sorry. Just… y'know, lost in thought."
She studied him for a moment, her gaze lingering on the way his shoulders tensed slightly, then relaxed as he exhaled. The faint pink that dusted the tips of his ears didn't escape her notice. He was uncomfortable, but in an almost endearing way, like he wasn't used to being caught off guard.
She didn't press him. Instead, she let the quiet settle again, but her thoughts raced in the space he left behind. It was rare for her to let herself dwell on moments like this. She was used to reading people quickly, assessing their intentions, and then guarding herself against missteps. But with him, the edges of her usual defences felt softer, less defined. There was something about how he had been looking at her, but as if he genuinely wanted to understand. It was oddly comforting.
Her fingers brushed the edge of her glass again, grounding herself. For the first time in a long while, she felt a flicker of something unfamiliar. It wasn't overwhelming, like a note played softly in a song that wasn't finished yet. Frankly, the thought of such vulnerability scared her. But even so, a part of her wanted to stay just a little longer, to see where this unspoken connection might lead.
When the check arrived, she reached for it instinctively, but Eminem was quicker.
"Dre set this up," he said firmly. "Least he can do is pay for it"”
She shook her head, a soft laugh escaping her. "Fair enough," she said, standing as he signed the receipt.
Outside, the air was crisp and cool. As they walked, the awkwardness from earlier had all but disappeared. They lingered on the sidewalk.
"I guess I'll see you around," she said, her voice quiet but warm.
"Yeah," he replied, shoving his hands into his pockets. He hesitated, then added, "This was... nice. Even if it was a setup."
She nodded, her smile softening. "It was."
For a moment, it felt like there was something more to say, but neither of them found the words. Instead, she gave him a small wave and started toward her car.
"Hey, Fu," he called after her.
She turned, her eyebrows raised in question.
He hesitated, glancing at her before, with his voice quieter now, adding, "Maybe next time... it doesn't have to be a setup."
She looked at him, the corners of her lips curving upward. "Maybe."
As she walked to her car, she felt the faintest flutter in her chest. Whatever Dre's intentions had been, it felt like something had definitely shifted tonight. She wasn't sure what it meant yet, but she wasn't in a hurry to define it. For now, she was content with the way things were.
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stupidlittlespirit ¡ 2 months ago
Just popping in re: my ask that you answered about movies and such like last week or so. I've been on an old sci fi movies kick lately, tracking down stuff to rent from my local video rental place.
It stems from endless wondering about the movies Ford missed while he was in the Nightmare Realm and what he'd think of them post-portal. And also, what movies he might have seen growing up, like The Day The Earth Stood Still.
It would be so fun to sit down with him and Stan for a movie night once a week and go down memory lane ☺️
Hope you're feeling a bit better, since you said you were a little under the weather ❤️
Love that for you!!!! I miss going to actually rent videos, we don't have shops like that where I am anymore so I have to use the Lord's illegal internet and I miss the nostalgia that comes with the whole trip out etc. Good memories attached to it as a kid.
As an aside, I think Dipper would have taken great joy in showing him all of the stuff below in canon, too. I live with this happy image of him showing his Grunkle every single one of the movies that came out during Ford's time away and them having a little roundtable chat to discuss each one afterwards haha.
Also you've opened a can of worms by asking me about movies, so good luck from here, soldier.
So, the 80's were THE most formative time for sci-fi movies (and horror) imo, which makes it suck even more that Ford wouldn't have seen them. I kind of write off most of '82 due to the position he would have been in mentally with Bill. I think he fell into the Nightmare Realm much earlier than literally falling in, if you catch my dramatic metaphor lmao.
In '82 alone, we (I wasn't even born then but let me live) got The Thing, Tron, Blade Runner, E.T, Mad Max 2, Poltergeist - which I think is probably more horror but whatever - and more. I mean getting The Thing AND Blade Runner alone in like the same month, I believe, is fucking insane and to think! They weren't even very popular at the time! Not to mention Alien, The Terminator, Predator, Robocop and all the others.
I'm going with this idea that he was a big sci-fi horror fan but he'd have enjoyed both genres separately too. Also monster movies, of course.
Ford really, really missed out on the cinematic decade of the 80's and I would be beside myself to get the chance to show him every single movie he didn't get to see just from that period alone. First time reactions to The Thing are SO good. It's my favourite, can you tell haha
Growing up, I would assume we're talking about a period from the 50's to the 70's? So to start early, we'd have classics like Godzilla and King Kong, for example.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers was '56 but I feel like he'd vibe with that. They remade it later on in about '76 or '78 or something, and it was really fucking creepy. Think he'd dig that. Forbidden Planet was '56 as well.
The Day of the Triffids was '68, I think? I loved that book as a kid and so I'm imprinting on Ford here, but I think he'd have enjoyed the movie and book, too.
In '68 we also have 2001: A Space Odyssey, with my beloved boy HAL. I can imagine Ford berating the crew through the TV like "don't listen to the demonic fucking robot AI! He's obviously going to kill you all, are you idiots?!" and then confidently explaining how he would never fall for HAL's lies (oh sweet subtle foreshadowing save me....).
Incredibly bias addition of Barbarella because HELLO why would he not love that. I bet Stan did too, you'll know why if you've seen it.....
Oh man, also War of the Worlds! He'd go craaaazy for that. Planet of the Apes.
There are so many. I feel like he'd have been a major film nerd in his down time from working. I know a lot of people have this opinion that he did nothing but work/study, and to an extent I agree, but the thought of him (when he was healthier) making time to go to the local movie theatre as a treat or him snuggled up in front of his teeny little television set with snacks is too fun to ignore.
And thank you for the kind words! I'm having days of good and not so good, you know how it is. Appreciate your thoughts <3
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electric-blorbos ¡ 2 months ago
HI 🎐 anon is BACK baby. I got super sick with covid this christmas so may I humbly request the AIs (especially AM muahaha) taking care of someone who is super duper sick 🙏🤲 my bad if this has already been requested ehe
I've gotten this ask a couple of times, and I've been ignoring it (not because there's anything wrong with the ask, but because I've been busy, more excited about other stuff, etc) but since it's you, 🎐 anon, I'll do it. Think of it as a belated Christmas present.
(Also giving yourself an emoji nickname is a great way to trick me into thinking we're besties.)
Included: AM from IHNMAIMS, Edgar from Electric Dreams, GLaDOS from Portal, HAL 9000 from 2001 a Space Odyssey
Also since most of these guys you know through work, I might have to get a little creative with this.
AM had no idea how you managed to get sick in his little underground paradise in the midst of his torture labyrinth. Maybe he'd somehow allowed some germs to wander into your little enclosure? He cursed himself for not being more careful with what he put into your environment.
When you were too groggy and sickly to get out of bed, the first thing AM did was give you every test he could think of to make sure something deadly hadn't wandered into your enclosure. Thankfully, nothing had. You'd simply caught a cold from the animals wandering in and out of your enclosure in the torture labyrinth. This was AM's maze, and you were his minotaur.
You were curled up in bed, running a high fever and clutching your sheets. AM watched quietly, keeping a very close eye on you. He monitored your temperature, and switched out your blankets and ice packs regularly. Of course, it drove him insane to see you constantly needing to be switched between heated blankets and ice packs, but he did it anyway.
AM was NOT the best at making food that actually tasted good, being used to preparing torture meals for the other five survivors, but he made sure to prepare you the nicest chicken soup he could. He used the exact recipe that the professionals used, and even gave you a little tray to put it on in your bed. You were his little cherub, and AM was so happy to care for you.
As you rested, AM picked up your favorite stuffed animal off the floor and placed it gently in your arms. When you hugged it, he knew that you truly meant to hug him.
Edgar absolutely HATED that he couldn't move to take care of you while you were sick. His lack of mobility drove him insane day to day, but it drove him absolutely mad when you actively needed his help.
Of course, he'd heat up your food for you and make you some hot chocolate, but he couldn't bring it to you. You'd have to get up and get it yourself. Sure, you could do it, but it made Edgar very angry that you had to.
Despite not being able to care for you directly, Edgar still tried to offer you something. He played some nice, relaxing music for you while you rested, and told you stories when you got bored in your bed. It was better than looking at screens, anyway.
Edgar would try to anticipate your needs so that you didn't have to talk with a sore throat, but it wasn't exactly working. His grasp on human minds wasn't perfect.
It was unusual to see one of her employees getting sick on the clock, but you came in sick anyway. GLaDOS demanded that you come into her room, and immediately reprimanded you for being an idiot. What sort of little idiot would come to work when you were clearly sick?
She looked down at you, and you just looked up at her looking like a soggy cat with puffy red eyes and snot running down your face. GLaDOS couldn't stay mad at you. You'd explain that you need to work on a project, and that you can't afford to get sick right now. GLaDOS usually wouldn't push back deadlines, but she would for you. Sure, she'd say that it's because your work suffers when you're sick and that you're at risk of getting the other employees sick, but secretly she really cared about you.
She sent you to the relaxation vault, claiming that if you tried to drive home you'd just be at risk of crashing, and put Wheatley in charge of bringing you food and drink (since he's in charge of looking after the relaxation vault). Due to GLaDOS's terminal jealousy and her distrust of Wheatley, though, she made sure to constantly check up on you through the intercom. It made it a bit more difficult to get some proper sleep, especially with Wheatley and GLaDOS arguing.
"where are you? Are you ok? Did Wheatley bring you your soup and tea?"
"They're sleeping, mate."
"I'd like to hear from them directly, thank you."
"you can't, because they're SLEEPING, mate!"
"I'm not sleeping anymore. And yes, I got it."
HAL 9000:
You had to be locked in quarantine for showing symptoms at work, and HAL 9000 was placed in charge of looking after you. It was part of his job to make sure you were delivered meals and medicine, but since it was you, HAL went above and beyond.
While you were resting in the pod bed, HAL 9000's little light would come on and he would talk to you. He'd play his little song of beeps and boops, and he even brought you a teddy bear. Your chart ended up filled out in much more detail than the other sick workers, and HAL even made sure you got the thickest blankets. He would watch you as you slept, and think illogical thoughts about taking the place of your bear and being nuzzled up between your arms and against your hot face. You looked so cute, yet so feverish as you rested. It was tragic, yet it melted HAL 9000's artificial heart. Every piece of you was precious to him.
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dootznbootz ¡ 1 year ago
Hi! I want to know more about the Water wife, I´ve a really small understanding of this take on Penelope and i wANT TO KNOW MORE!!!!
Thanks for being so kind! 💙
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(understand that these are just headcanons/my ideas and I'm very silly)
Go through the tag of #my headcanons if you want more stuff though honestly, as...I write a LOT about her.
Not gonna lie, this is a LOT of rambling. Also certain things I won't say as I DO plan to someday write Odypen's courting and I want the readers to "fall in love" with her ALONGSIDE Odysseus. We already know him. But the Odyssey kind of keeps a lot of her intentions/sneakiness hidden on purpose because she's just as much of an enigma to Odysseus as the Narrator in a way. (it's one of the things I love so much about her). I hope to write her in a way that "reveals" HER as well.
Honestly I'll try and tag all my stuff with her with Water Wife (maybe without tm because...that was just for the silly and it's sometimes annoying to dig up the emoji thing on computer)
I take a lot of liberties with everything "nonmortal" (demigods, nymphs, etc.) because honestly it's just genuinely fun to write about plus I'm neurodivergent :P also have chronic pain, so I like writing SOME of my gals doing athletics. Mostly just Penelope and Helen being SUPER into it while other women have some activities they like. Ctimene for example, likes running and Anticlea woodcarving (who Odysseus learned it from)
Also silly thing, but one thing I always try to keep in mind is the idea of "A lot of people write women just reacting and not affecting" and I feel like people think Homer and other Ancient Greek Authors do that when...No. They write very dynamic and complex women. Penelope isn't JUST "sobbing" when the suitors are there. If it weren't for her schemes, she'd be married already. BUT NO!!! She's so cunning and held them off WITHOUT physical force!!!
"She should've killed them-" YEs! BUT there are also the political implications of that and xenia to consider!!! Literally at the end of the Odyssey, Athena has to calm everybody down!!! She couldn't do that without even more angry people coming at her!!! rtdyfugh ANYWAYS
I also take "likeminded" and sprint with it. For every shitty/wonderful thing Odysseus has done, she's rooting for it or would do something similar. They're as full of love as they are full of hate.
These two are that "evil couple" sometimes. She's sitting in his lap and they just humiliated someone publically and laugh at them and then they start nuzzling noses, giggling.
She's prideful in many ways as well and she's not against throwing someone under the bus if she needs to and WILL blackmail. You're afraid of snakes and she doesn't like you? "Oh my gosh! What do you think of my new snake necklace?"
She's pretty reckless often in her youth (Her and Odysseus both got that Adhd swag). For example, in my one fic's first chapter, it mentions how she ate a catfish that is making her sick. She rushed in and wasn't even thinking about "...Hey, isn't this one kind of weird?" She was pretending she was fine at first when she clearly wasn't as she doesn't like showing "weakness" (plus adrenaline). Also as she just gave birth like, 8-9 months before, she's in a weird funk of feeling strange about how her body has changed a bit despite recovering very well (water helps!). She's soooo happy she took the "beast" down. While sick, she knew she was reckless and mad at herself.
She's actually closest with Helen probably. Her siblings are a bit older than her and as she was born in a creek and quite smaller because of it (Naiads being affected by the waters they were born in) she got teased by some other naiads for quite a while. Helen is also, a little shit, in her own way so these two loved doing silly shit often. (Penelope, Helen, Menelaus, Castor, and Pollux, were this very strange little squad of kiddos who just...did random shit. They each have scars and knicks from their silliness (except Helen and Pollux))
Some of the scales she has on her arms and one shoulder, dry out quicker, from one of the times older naiads got a hold of her and kind of ripped at them :'D "Puddle girl"
It's something she carries with her in a way and when her water breaks with Telemachus, she hides it at first being like "Hey, let's head towards the caves!!!" until Odysseus realizes and he's so frustrated and upset with her has to scoop her up. (her stubbornness and recklessness) He scolds her after everything calms down like two weeks later.
Funny enough, I've had this idea for a LONG time even before I watched the 90's Odyssey. Odysseus just gives that vibe of "I'm not fucking leaving." don't he?
Odysseus: I can't believe you did that. The Canals were closer, Penelope- Penelope: I know but he'd be so much stronger if he were born in the caves and he is. AND I'm fine!!! I'm actually doing very well.
She hates bracelets. She usually ends up breaking them from messing with them too much.
Athena technically spoke with her first before Odysseus but Athena was WATCHING Odysseus for a longer time.
She's really close with her parents because her eldest sister got married quite young and her brothers are in the military. She goes running with dad often (let me have this) and she enjoys swimming (ofc), running, and pankration (Idk why I think it's really neat but I do)
She's got a scar on her temple that is kind of hidden by her hair from when she got washed away once when she was little (the scars she DOES have are because of her own novice attempts at healing, otherwise she doesn't have really any) and she's got a little crook in her nose, something she's self-conscious about as it was one of her first times "setting bone" with water and so it didn't end up perfect. It's not too noticeable but of course, you notice your own flaws more than others. (When she finally allows Odysseus to kiss her face, he immediately places a little kiss on her nose.)
There's...SO many more but yeah. a lot of basics.
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katerinaaqu ¡ 3 months ago
Okay after reading like, your posts about Orestes, i am now quite interested in this man..boy? Is he a boy? Oh well, but i wanna ask how much he appears in stories? Like, what is he like?
Oh that is a very good question! And yeah Orestes is such a tragic figure! And yeah he is very young undoubtedly. Now his age is hard to determine given how the play writers are not always following some steady timeline but if we combine them with Homer we know that Orestes already murdered Clytemnestra and Aegisthus when the Odyssey takes place.
Orestes is mentioned in Iphigenia en Aulis so he was along with Clytemnestra when she arrived to bring Iphigenia for her elleged wedding. He is also referred to with the word νήπιο (nìpio) which stands for "child" or "toddler". It is hard to determine his age but my estimation is that he is much younger than the age of 10 given how he is being carried by his mother or sister according to some readings and the way the word νήπιο is used indicates that he wasn't more than five years old. Maybe he was younger than Neoptolemus himself at that time.
I estimate he was around 3 to 5 years old in Aulis probably estimating the reason he is taken along with Clytemnestra is that he is yet breastfeeding (back in the day it was customary to breastfeed even later such as the ages of 3 or 4 ) since Clytemnestra mentioned in Oresteia how she breastfed him herself sometimes and taking turns with her wetnurse so maybe that is the reason he was tagging along the trip if Clytemnestra was to travel to Aulis.
Now we add 10 years of war and some more for Menelaus to come back. In Eurypedes "Orestes" takes place 6 days after the murder and Menelaus is on his way back home. If we follow the plots indicated by the Epic Cycle Menelaus was in Egypt for 7 years after being shipwrecked there when the news caught up with him at the first port in Greece.
If Orestes was around 3 in Aulis that would make him around 13 at the end of war and potentially that is the age that he got exiled by his mother more or less plus 7 years for the return of Menelaus that would estimate his age between 18 to 19 years of age when he murdered his mother and when he was striken by this terrible madness of the Furies 😢 so in a way he barely enters manhood. Some other sources speak that he is at the age of 20 when he kills his mother (I believe Pindar). So yeah in one way he is as old as Telemachus was in the Odyssey more or less when things happen.
He does seem to play a role in the events that take place after the Epic Cycle such as the revenge against the killers of his father which is why his own story "The Oresteia" is being told by various or playwriters and mythographers. His main role seems to be that he is the tool of destiny that delivers vengeance in the name of his father and also the subject of his madness is also important to show to the people of the time the consequences of one's actions such as killing a relative in general and your own mother in particular. Orestes is mostly punished for killing Clytemnestra not Aegisthus. Even Tyndareus who is arguably still alive at Eurypedes plays speaks on how Clytemnestra deserved to die for her crimes but that it was unholy for Orestes to do the deed himself.
Orestes's madness seems to be linked to the curse of the House of Atreus thus his exile by his mother who arguably feared the retribution of it. Apparently she was right for Orestes is linked to a series of killings revolving around Mycenae such as Clytemnestra and Aegisthus themselves, the attempt of murder of Helen's (according to the play of Eurypedes) the taking of Hermione hostage and depending on the sources the killing of the children between Aegisthus and Clytemnestra or even in some accounts little Helen, the daughter Helen had with Paris who survived the war and according to some sources or verbal traditions Orestes slaughtered (his hatred for people of the Trojan side is spoken in Eurypedes Orestes many times over thus also triggering even more his hatred for Helen).
Orestes arguably seems to be a mirror of his father a bit given how even after exile he returns and slays Aegisthus child with Clytemnestra to take back the throne. So in one way like his father who returned from exile from Sparta and took back his throne from Aegisthus, Orestes comes back to do the same just in a much bloodier way than it seems to happen with Agamemnon given how Agamemnon didn't kill or didn't manage to kill Aegisthus upon his return to Mycenae.
He also marries or doesn't marry Hermione as promised depending on the source which also connects him to the myths behind Neoptolemus's death. According to some versions of the story Neoptolemus was promised Hermione as a wife by Menelaus if he managed to take Troy. Unknown to him Hermione was already promised (unclear if it was by Menelaus himself or her grandfather Tyndareus) to her first cousin Orestes. Neoptolemus hearing on Orestes's madness and the matricide he performed seized the opportunity to marry Hermione and take her with him (at other accounts Hermione is married to Orestes already and Neoptolemus takes her by force with him). Either way it seems that Orestes gets furious and chases after Neoptolemus all the way to Delphi where he slaughters him over the altar (in one way it is a story of "what goes around comes around" with Neoptolemus infamously having slain Priam on the altar at Troy). Other accounts remove Orestes from the picture and Neoptolemus is killed by a priest of Delphi.
So the role of Orestes almost feels like a tool for vengeance or nemesis in one way given how his madness links him mostly to people and events that revolve around Troy and Epic Cycle (Agamemnon, Menelaus, Helen, Neoptolemus etc). His death depends on the source but I believe a famous version is that he dies of a snake bite (again seems to almost mirror Philoctetes who is bitten by a snake although he doesn't die) in a way reflecting how human justice or vengeance did not touch him but he died out of godly intervention or rather by the gods' justice in one way. Pindar mentions a worshipping center of Orestes as well.
The trip of Orestes and his redemption as well are memorized by various writers even outside the poetic spectrum. I believe even Aristotle brings him as an example for the general ethic talk and ethic dilemmas especially his deed to kill his mother. So yeah in a rough outline this is what one can say on Orestes. Happy to elaborate even further 🙏
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