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chernobog13 · 23 days ago
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Frank Frazetta's 1975 painting for the Conan story The Frost Giant's Daughter.
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 year ago
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Untitled, graphite pencil on paper, digitally colored by malamila
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goblinpuppy35 · 10 months ago
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Paw Prints in Fresh Soil
(Previous Chapter) - Part 8 - (Next Chapter)
Professor Remus x Male Reader
Summary: While teaching at Hogwarts Professor Lupin tries his best to conceal his strong crush for the green fingered grounds keeper Y/N but soon a strong friendship blooms into something more.
CW: 18 YEAR OLDS + ONLY: Long chapter with A LOT of smut
Remus was unable to hide his flushed cheeks and gleeful smile throughout the rest of the teaching day. His students simply assumed he was in a particularly good mood that day. The Professor religiously checked the time after every class, assessing how long he had to wait before seeing Y/N again. He could still taste the wet fabric of Y/N's pre cum stained boxers on his lips. It made the wolf inside him feral. 
Once teaching concluded for the day Remus eagerly returned to his chambers. Despite lust filling his head Remus was suddenly overwhelmed by the concern of hosting and began to quickly clean scattered books and papers off the floor and table. Then in an attempt to set the mood the Professor brought out a number of candles, placing them around the room and lighting them accordingly. Afterwards Remus lit the fire and then looked around the room satisfied, the low amber glow around him vividly reminded him of taking care of Y/N's cold body during his recovery. 
Remus attempted to preoccupied himself as he waited for Y/N by laying on the sofa half heartedly flicking through one of his books. This distraction only worked temporarily as the thought of what if Y/N would be hungry on arrival entered Remus' mind. Panickily he hurried to his small kitchen. Similar to his poison skills, his cooking abilities were extremely limited and lacking. As Remus frantically tried to figure out why the eggs he was trying to scramble were producing storm clouds of smoke from the pan, he failed to notice the latch of his door quietly opening and Y/N entering the room.
Remus was completely oblivious to Y/N's presents until the groundskeepers fingers slipped passed Remus' to take hold of the frying pan. Remus' surprise was promtly replaced with relief and then embarrassment as he let Y/N save what was left of his scrambled eggs which took on more of the apprentice of scrambled charcoal. Sitting on the candle lit floor by the fire Y/N insisted on eating the least burnt parts of Remus' disastrous meal, insisting it wasn't that bad. Remus laughed and watched Y/N, his long arm stretch across the sofa that their backs were resting against. His hand on Y/N's shoulder Remus rubbed his thumb up and down the fabric of the groundskeepers shirt tentatively. The contact between them felt so natural. 
Although both men knew exactly what they had came here for, as the night progressed the pair stayed in each other's arms talking. Y/N told Remus about his transition and how he struggled connecting to his family because of it, "They never planned to have a Muggle child, let alone a queer son" Y/N said pensively, looking into the fire. He then turned back and smiled warmly at Remus, "It's okay though, I manage" his words were genuine but Remus could still see sadness behind Y/Ns handsome eyes. Remus squeezed Y/N shoulder lovingly and pulled him in closer. 
Midnight came and went as the men talked relentlessly, as Y/N continued to tell Remus about his life the weary Professor found himself equally opening up. He told Y/N about his affliction and the toll it put on his body every month. He talked about how he often felt a great deal of guilt and shame for the way he was. With each personal secret of their lives they shared with one another their emotional bond grew as well as thier physical proximity, by the time the last fire embers extinguished themselves Y/N was curled up in-between Remus' open legs. Their hands weaved around one another like ivy up and old stone wall. Gently Remus kisses Y/Ns ear and whispered "Shall we go to bed?", looking up towards the Professor, Y/N nodded. They walked to the bedroom hand in hand. Their eyes slowly adjusted to the dark as they watched one another start to remove their clothes. Deep conversations about everything and nothing flowed between the pair again once they were laying on their sides facing one another, just in their underwear. Y/N explained which parts of his body were still sensitive after surgery and in general how he preferred being treated in bed to not feel dysphoric. Additionally Remus told Y/N which parts of his own body where most fragile, showing which scars had healed poorly.
Both men were not sure when they'd drifted off to sleep but the comfort of being engulfed in each other's arms was too tranquil to resist. Early morning owl cries woke Y/N up from the deepest sleep he felt he'd had in a life time. The room was still completely dark. Y/N had rolled to his opposite side, with his back against Remus' front, the taller man's arms were cradling Y/N and he could feel Remus' hot exhaling breathes in the crook of his neck. Considering he was a light sleeper Y/N appreciated the fact Remus didn't snore. As Y/N wiggled his body to get my comfort he felt his back press further into Remus, who's peaceful breathing suddenly got lower. Y/N moved a little more and felt the small of his back push against Remus' crotch, he was noticeable hard and the sensation made Y/N blush. Remus' lower breathing grew into a deep growl, his body shifted and then his grip tightened around Y/N.
"I'm sorry.. did I wake you? Sorry" breathed Y/N unsuccessfully hiding how flustered and arose he was becoming, Remus pushed his body closer to his. "Don't be" Remus' voice rumbled through Y/Ns ear and made his body shake. Y/N's limbs suddenly felt limp and stupid as Remus' hand slowly pulled down Y/N's boxers and then his own. Even in the darkness Y/N could feel Remus' impressive length resting against his leg, a small wet patch at the end. Tenderly kissing Y/N's shoulder Remus positioned himself then carefully began to enter Y/N from behind. Hums passed through Y/N's pressed lips which turned to whimpers as he became overwhelmed with the sheer sensational volume his body was feeling. "Hold onto me pup" Remus' low sleep filled voice said softly, "It's alright, I've got you". These sincere words followed by blankets of kisses up his neck helped relax Y/N, his forearms gripping onto the strong arms wrapped around him, as he loosened his tense body he could feel Remus' whole cock fully inside him, it was enough to make Y/N's brain fully switch off. 
"That's my boy" Remus huffed rocking his body and guiding Y/N's to do the same "your doing so well... god You feel amazing". The room was silent except for the steady creaking of the wooden bed frame and both men's heated moans. The air was filled with privacy and intimate passion. "Y/N.. are you okay, dose it feels good for you?" Remus asked between pants feeling himself getting harder inside of the smaller man. Having seemingly lost the ability to talk Y/N took hold of one of Remus' hands and delicately pulled it down his own body, reaching his thighs he pulled apart to folds to reveal his throbbing cock tip to Remus. The Professor's breathing paused momentarily as he felt how large and stimulated Y/N's cock was. A new pleasure swept across Remus' body now he could tell how turned on Y/N was. "I ... I" Y/N was barely able to whisper while he showed Remus' fingers how to rub against his tip "I want you to make me cum AH" before Y/N finished his request Remus took to for filling it. Coating with thumb and forefinger with Y/N's precum he slowly started to rub Y/N's erection, taking note how even the slightest touch down there made Y/N's back arch . "With pleasure my love" Remus cooed before thrusting his hips harder behind Y/N.
Y/N very rarely let himself fully go in any situation, even when he was alone. Yet Remus was sending every fibre of skin he had alight. His throbbing cock ached spectacularly from Remus' meticulous touch, he knew he was going to cum soon. Remus' body was having the same reaction to Y/N and as the groundskeeper widened his leg span, giving Remus more space, his pleasure tipped over the edge. "Fuck Y/N I'm" was all Remus could announce before overflowing feelings of ecstasy escaped his body. Y/N was getting drunk feeling all of Remus' inside him. Extending his high Remus continued to pump Y/N slower but with harder thrusts, his own body starting to buck. These sharp movements were too much for Y/N "Oh Christ Remus .. I'm ..I'm. Fuck. I'm going to scream. Please stop me". Swiftly Remus lifted up his free hand and clasped it fully over Y/N's trembling mouth, pulling his head back slightly. Remus' other hand stayed on Y/N's cock as he synchronized his hip thrusts to his wrist jerk. The hand gag seemed to have the opposite affect on Y/N for each muffled moan came quicker after the others and became more desperate. Even though his own high was fading Remus was loving this display and pure lust and with each moan from Y/N he tighter his grip over his mouth and tilted his head back further. Suddenly Y/N's body stopped squirming, become unbelievably still and tense as he let out a muffled moan which sounded as if he was crying. His body arched and then rubbed against Remus' fingers enthusiastically, at which point Remus felt warm cum over his fingers. He waited until Y/N had finished rocking and then withdraw his fingers to his open mouth, licking around his knuckles he devoured Y/N's taste. "You taste beautiful" Remus whispered causing Y/N to shake and twitch now Remus had pulled out. Y/N shock so hard he made the mattress quiver so Remus sitting up, scoped Y/N in between his legs and pulled the blankets up to wrapped around both their shoulders. Shushing and petting the younger man's Y/H/C hair Remus kissed his warm cheeks "You were perfect Y/N". 
"Some .. Sometimes I get .. I .. very non verbal after.. af" Y/N jittered through his wobbling lip. Caressing Y/Ns hand Remus kissed it gently, "That's okay" He reassured, "as long as you are okay?". Y/N smiled and nodded, snuggling into Remus cosy embrace. After a moment of peaceful recovery Remus asked "Shall we both get cleaned up and then go back to bed?". Y/N nodded again and was about to gingerly make his way off the bed but gasped in surprise as his weight lifted off the sheets. Supported by Remus' arms the Professor carried Y/N to the bathroom, switching the light on with his elbow. Both men couldn't stop bashfully smiling at each other. 
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elderscrollsconceptart · 11 months ago
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Delirium Mushrooms
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Shivering Isles DLC
Art by Adam Adamowicz
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vermilllionsands · 1 month ago
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Rodney Matthews
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merchant-wizard-and-jerry · 9 months ago
“Shop is open”
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1 - warning tap - 5 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - infinite sand- 24 currency
5 - wood weave - 7 currency
6 - 1 time use Big Red Button - 100 currency
7 - unknown door-knob - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - Cain - 10 currency
Orb - ritual - 10 currency
Robes - red/blue - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @damnable-druid
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bunnylocs · 1 month ago
Send me dms of what you would do to my young body~🫠😵‍💫 I want to see how hard I make your old cocks hard for my small body that is barely legal 🫣☺️ I wanna hear your disgusting fantasys in general of young stupid slvts like me~~😩😩
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savethegrishaverse · 1 year ago
Hey Grishaverse! We know that one of the closest things to a ball or formal celebration in Ravka is the Winter Fete. Why not reblog with what you would wear if you were invited to the Fete - a beautiful chance to get dressed up!
(shoutout to our sister fandom Lockwood & Co. for the idea!)
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heckin-hecuba · 6 months ago
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My gay heart can’t take her ❤️
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whereshadowsthrive · 7 months ago
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Recently completed commission for WolfWings that I'm pretty proud of. One of these days I'll remember to post here more often. The character's name is Sanguine. Wanna commission me? Just shoot me a DM!
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weirdpngs · 9 months ago
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undbtlone · 10 months ago
Me: Yeah okay I'm home alone... What could go wrong right?
* meanwhile the goblin under my bed *
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goblinpuppy35 · 10 months ago
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Paw Prints in Fresh Soil
(Previous Chapter) - Part 7 - (Next Chapter)
Professor Remus x Male Reader
Summary: While teaching at Hogwarts Professor Lupin tries his best to conceal his strong crush for the green fingered grounds keeper Y/N but soon a strong friendship blooms into something more.
CW: Long chapter with smut at the end ;)
It was not until the start of next week that Remus was able to properly return to his teaching once his body fully recovered.�� During his recovery he lay in bed staring out of the window watching the storm clouds pass by and picturing Y/Ns face close to his, side lit by the fires warm glow. Remus endlessly replayed the feeling of Y/N's hands against his cheeks and then the perfect sensation of feeling Y/N's lips on his, the memory alone made his chest rise and his groin twitch. Alas he was far too weak to do anything about it so he continued to rest, at night his mind was consumed by imaging Y/N sleeping by his side, his Y/H/C hair  flopping over his face. This man has fully consumed his heart. Remus let out a loud sigh in the dark of his bedroom. He needed to see Y/N again soon.
Once Remus has emerged out of his chambers he was taken aback by the festive decorations plastered across every hallway. From conversations he overheard from students and teachers alike the Yull Ball had taken centre stage across the school. Remus thought back to his own experience of the ball when he had been a student, the night mainly consisted of him being amused by James and Sirius' failed attempts to score with their dates along with his own desire to leave the crowded hall and return to his book. He had never asked anyone to the ball, nor had anyone ever asked him to his relief. 
Remus' students were ecstatic to have their favourite teacher back in class which made any last twinge of pain the Professor felt fade away. The day remained cold and cloudy till evening, while Remus was trying to get his fire going a loud screech from his open window interrupted him. A shabby looking owl with large angry eyes was glaring inside with what appeared to be the tattered remains of the letter in its beak. After a degree of tussling with the bird it finally released the paper and flew away with another abrupt screech. The Professor squinted as he began to decipher the message in-between the claw tares and smudge marks.
'Remus, so pleased to hear your up and about again. I need your help with a workshop I am having to put on for the students first period  tomorrow in the outer grounds courtyard. I would explain further but as you can see these owls hate my letters. - Yours Y/N. p.s please bring your gramophone.'
Remus traced his thumb over the word 'Yours' intimately. The memory of Y/N's lips filled his head again. The back of his neck shuddered briefly. When the next morning rose, a subtle gradient of rosy sky shone bellow the continued blanket of grey clouds from the day before. Despite his desire to be punctual Remus' fatigue caused him to sleep in and once he was aware of the time he tumbled out of bed and frantically dressed himself. His wardrobe was very simple and yet he found himself digging out his best tie to wear, he wanted to look nice in front of Y/N.
Scooping up his gramophone on the way, Remus ascended down the many staircases of the castle and weaved his way through the empty corridors until he arrived in the large outer courtyard. A gentle cold breeze danced through the air. The collection of third years were all huddle in a ground paying attention to something in the middle. Near the back of the group Remus caught the eyes of the familiar faces of Harry, Ron and Hermione, he gave them three a brief wave while trying to conceal how out of breathe he was. The students returned their attention to the centre and Remus' own gaze followed them.
"As you all know the Yule Ball is imminent" called out a clear direct voice which seemed to flow along with the morning breeze. Remus' eyes widened and his crooked lip curved upwards as he saw through the bobbing heads of students Y/N standing upright with his hands behind his back. He was pacing lighting around the circle of young faces, for the first time not wearing his overalls and fully showing off an immaculate pair of wine red dress trousers which match a stunning gold and red waistcoat he was wearing. Remus straightened his own tie. "Now I'm sure some of you are excited for the event, however I'm also sure many of you feel the same way as I did at your age with the idea of a ball. That being mainly feelings of panic and nausea". A small flutter of laughs spanned across the courtyard including a chuckle escaping Remus' mouth which drew Y/N's attention immediately. "Ah Professor Lupin. Thank you so much for joining us", there was something about the playful professionalism which Y/N's voice adopted when the two of them were around students and colleagues which excited Remus. As if there was a delicious secret between them, which he supposed there was now. "Professor Lupin has kindly agreed to lend us his gramophone for this morning's lesson, if you could place it just over there Professor" Y/N's arm gestured towards a small table under the large bare oak tree near the congregation. 
"Now" Y/N called out clapping his hands, Remus was impressed with his ability to capture the students attention, "Let's start by separating, boys on one side girls on another". All the students remained stationary and after a moment Y/N smirked and relaxed his posture, "No need to panic, merely a joke. Ha could you imagine" Y/N chuckled to himself and then continued. "No today I thought it would be more constructive to learn a different type of festive celebrations. As I'm sure you are all aware I didn't grow  up with many wizarding customs so I thought I'd introduce you to some Muggle ones instead." Nodding towards the Professor, Lupin then placed the nearby record into his gramophone and set up the needle. A crackling filled the air momentarily and then was loudly replaced by upbeat folk string music. Many of the students laughed in amazement and looked at one another. 
"Today we will be learning some traditional Celtic folk dancing" Y/N called out above the music, "grab the hand of the person next to you. come on come on." Remus watches in awe aside the gramophone as the students willingly took one another's hands forming a circular ring. Then to the beat of the music Y/N took a striding step to the left causing a ripple effect. Everyone start moving to the side to the musical tune and the ring of dancers rotated accordingly. As the dance proceeded Y/N instructed the students to switch positions and in doing so formed several inner circles, each dancing a different rotation to the other. Watching this synchronized performances from the outskirts Remus began to clap in time to the music and cry out encouragingly towards the students. 
"Join us Professor!" called out a gleeful student admits the moving bodies. "Oh no no. really I couldn't" Remus stuttered timidly backing up against the large oak tree. "This is a collaborative workshop Professor Lupin, everyone must join in" insisted Y/N in-between his leaping steps in a teasing why which pretended to be stern. Before Remus could form an excuse two eager students grabbed his hands and he was flung into outer ring of dancers. The Professors movements were clumsy and disjointed as be tried to keep up with the others, several times he had to politely apologise for stepping on a students foot. As the music swayed Y/N instructed the rings of dancers to switch positions. Remus suddenly found himself thrown into the inner ring and left an overwhelming sense of confusion until a familiar feeling shoot up his right arm starting from his finger tips. Looking to the side of him he drunk in the sight of Y/N next to him, holding his hand tightly, guiding him in the right direction. Remus was consumed by watching Y/Ns Y/H/C bounce as he danced and his eyes seemed to sing with joy. How much Remus wanted to kiss ever part of the young man's face. 
The rest of the dance practice went by perfectly, even Remus near the end was almost enabled to get the hang of the foot patterns. By the end of the class the students left playfully practising their foot movements and thanking Y/N for a much more enjoyable class then they were expecting. Remus hovered by his gramophone bidding students goodbye as he side eyed Y/N waiting for them to be alone. As he eagerly watched he then became aware of Harry and Hermione observing him observing Mr Y/L/N , whispering to one another and grinning towards the Professor. Remus returned them a "I'm aware of what you know regardless please leave" face and the students promptly left the courtyard. Finally Remus and Y/N were alone. 
Y/N appeared to be incredibly pleased with the outcome of the class and spinning around to face Remus without warming brought the Professor in for a hug. "Thank you so much for helping Remus, that class went exactly as I was hoping it would. It's almost impossible to get students to willingly engage with any formal dance practice so I was hoping this would be a more stimulating exercise. Plus I'm revealed to finally see you recovered." Remus adored being this close to Y/N, breathing in his sent of fresh soil and wet grass. "You're a skilled teacher Y/N, you absolutely can't deny it now" mused Remus as they separated. While they began to pack away the gramophone and table Y/N began to explain the plan to decorate the courtyard for the ball. 
"Since they want the event to be outside this year the plan is to cover the old oak tree with fairy lights and set up a number of lanterns around the courtyard, all easy enough to do" Y/N explained looking around the grounds, Remus could practically see the gears of the groundskeeper turning, planning the layout. "The only current set back right now is the weather though" and Y/N stared bleakly up towards the grey clouds above, "Being the Yull Ball they want it to snow but I don't think the weather is going to let up". 
"Oh well that part is easy" declared Lupin "I can help with that" as he tilted his chin upwards and flicked his wrist. Y/N began to see tiny white specs appear from the pale grey clouds above them. These delicate snowflakes thickened and soon the courtyard and trees around them were lightly sprinkled with snow. Y/N's eyes glistened with joy "Remus your incredible!" he marvelled as he gripped onto the taller man's arms. Remus' eyes failed to hide how much Y/N's touch affected him as he stared down at the groundskeeper, flakes of snow falling upon the tip of his nose. This moment of silence caused Y/N to panic and he start to withdraw his embrace but before he could fully retreat Remus' large hands pressed up against Y/N's shoulders blades, bringing the young groundskeeper closer to his chest.  "I've been thinking a lot about the last time we saw each other" Remus said, the words were pouring out of his mouth before he had time to assess them. "I.. I would every much like to kiss you again" by this point both men's shoulders and tops of their heads were covered in a light layer of snow, Y/Ns Y/E/C eyes smiled up at the older men as his thumb gently whipped a snowflake off the corner of Remus' moustache. "Go on then" Y/N simply said. 
Remus rocked back and forth on his heels but stated in position, both men staring into each others eyes. After a minute of neither one making a move both their brow dropped in confusion which was followed by heartfelt laughter from each man as they continued to hold each other. "I'm sorry, I'm nervous" Remus replied honestly, "truly I've never felt this way towards anyone before. It's surprising and somewhat daunting" looking deep into Y/N's eyes Remus sighed "but I can't deny how much I like you Y/N" and finally Remus leaned down and pressed his lips against Y/N's. The kiss felt gentle and cool, each set of lips quivering slightly with excitement. Remus began to pull away but as if by instinct Y/N came closer and kissed the Professor again. Their mouths started to open and their tounges met one another, it felt like pure ecstasy. Something strong was building up in both men's chests, when they finally separated they both were breathing heavily, Remus rested his forehead upon Y/N's and licked his lips. Y/N tasted wonderful. "Remus" Y/N whispers intensely, he repeated the Professors name again, and again, each time causing Remus to cling onto the groundskeepers shoulders tighter. "Remus, I need you" Y/N began to whisper before moaning with pleasure as the Professor picked him up by the waist with ease, one of Remus' hand snaking around to the back of Y/Ns neck, pulling him down to Remus' mouth. Y/N's legs wrapped around Remus' waist as the Professor proceed to walk around to the back of the thick oak tree, concealing themselves from any preying eyes. Remus pushed Y/N's back against the tree as his lips hungerly descended down Y/N's jaw line and towards his neck. The younger man tilted his head back and bit his lip to stifle a whimper as he felt the Professor's lips behind to suck on his skin. These submissive sounds only turned on the Professor more as his hands slipped down Y/N's back finding the curve of his arse and pawing his hands over both cheeks. Remus let Y/N's body slip to ground level and then both men's hands were all over each other. Remus' hands were practically shaking as he undid Y/N's gold buttons of his waistcoat and then the line of buttons down his shirt. As soon as Y/Ns chest was exposed Remus' kisses followed the line of newly visible flesh. Once he reaches Y/N's stomach the Professor dropped to his knees while his hands outstretched above him, feeling over Y/N's chest and waist. Y/N softly moand as his own fingers embedded deep into Remus' thick hair. 
Remus tounge was playing with the waist ban of Y/N's trousers when his fingers ran over Y/N's skin just under his nipples and felt a change in the texture of skin. Looking up Remus suddenly observed two faded but promininte scars across Y/N's chest. Starting from the centre of his torso they curved around to just under the groundskeepers armpits. Remus then felt the light touch of Y/N's fingers scooping his chin and titling his head so his eyes would met the warm pair staring down at him. Y/N smiled, "Your not the only one with scares Remus". Remus stared carefully at Y/N's face, understanding what was being conveyed and he beamed up towards the younger man before returning to passionately kissing and nibbling around Y/N's hip bones. The Professor shifty unbuckled Y/N's trousers and pulling them down, excited to already see a small wet patch of precum on the man's boxers. Remus let out a bestial growl before placing his hot lips over the wet fabric, pressing his tounge down upon it and licking repeatedly. Y/N hit his head against the tree bark and roughly cupped his own hand over his mouth to muffle his cries of pleasure. Small pricks of tears appeared in the corner of his eyes. 
Just as Remus' hands had found their way again to the small of Y/N's back, squeezing and pulling the man's crouch closer to his mouth, the two men suddenly heard a sea of noise steadily approving them. The sound of the corridors being filled again and the eager noise of students was approaching. In a panic both men straightened up and Y/N frantically began to re buckle his trousers yet as the sound of the approaching crowds grow louder, Y/N turned and looked at Remus with fear in his eyes, "What are we going to do?". "It's alright" Remus whispers as he swiftly weaved his arms around Y/N's waist drawing him close and pulling out his wand he gracefully flicked it through the air and the pair araperated with only seconds to spare. 
The quiet peacefulness of Remus' living room was rudely interrupted as Y/N and Remus crashed down onto the floorboards. Landing on one another and rolling across the floor slightly. Groans of mild pain transformed into sighs of relief and then slowly turning to look at one another they couldn't help was start giggling and then full blown howling with laughter. "I'm not sure where the nervous Professor I knew before has gone, but I have a feeling this new Professor is going to get me in a lot of trouble" Y/N chuckled breathlessly as he brought Remus into a sidewise hug, still laying on the floor, kissing his lips tenderly.
Even being high up in Remus living quarters the echoing sound of the school bells could be heard from afar. "We both have classes we need to be teaching right now don't we?" hummed Remus with an exhausted half smile over his face, Y/N nodded, his eyes still droopy and lost in Remus'. Begrudgingly the groundskeeper sat up and buttons his shirt and waistcoat back up, brushing his clothes down he made his way to the door. "Come here tonight!" Remus called out, still sitting on the floor, a mixture of lust and yearning in his voice. Holding onto the door handle Y/N turn back and smiled earnestly at the Professor, "Of course". 
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elderscrollsconceptart · 1 year ago
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Northern Elsweyr
Concept map created for The Elder Scrolls: Online
Art by Joseph Watmough
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fawnymeadows · 6 days ago
The Faithful and the Damned *ೃ༄ - h.rj | Act One, Scene one
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pairing | royal rival renjun x fem reader
genre | ANGST, fluff , suggestive
summary | Renjun and Adelaine have always been childhood sweethearts, glued to each others sides, unapologetically so, when they're finally brought together again at their destined wedding, after being forced apart due to their families' brutal rivalry. They run away, hand-in-hand to a cottage in the middle of the mythical, endearing woods, but fate plays its menacing and unethical play on them as they are both drifted apart once again.
warnings! mentions of rape, sexual violence and self-harm.
w.c | 1.5k
a/n: I decided to tweak a few things, so I reposted it - and instead of posting the whole act at once I'm just going to do a scene at a time!
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Act one ❀ Scene one
The cold night air bit at her skin as they stood on the rooftop, the city sprawled beneath her like a maze of shadows and flickering lights. The stars overhead were swallowed by the fog, leaving a vast, silent blackness that seemed to press in on them from all sides. Her breath formed small clouds in the air, mingling in the chill between them ran through the plan once more, just as they had rehearsed profusely over the past months.
Renjun's fingers grazed the edge of the map, a slight tremble in his hand, betraying the calmness his voice tried to convey. “The tunnel will be sealed by dawn, but we’ll have a window of thirty minutes, maybe less.”
She nodded, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon, as if seeing something far beyond the darkened rooftops—something that belonged only to the two of them. Her lips trembled slightly, but she didn’t speak. Both of their hands tremble, not from fear, but from the weight of the plan they are about to execute. Every detail has been rehearsed, every move accounted for—but even the smallest mistake could mean disaster. 
She looks at Renjun, her eyes filled with both determination and fear. She wants to be brave, to reassure him, but the weight of their situation presses heavily on her chest. Her past, her trauma, it feels too close. The future, though uncertain, is her only chance.
“You still doubt me,” Renjun observes, his voice low and sharp. It isn’t a question but an accusation. His gaze never leaves the map.
She hesitates, her fingers brushing against a scar on her wrist. “I’m not sure we’re ready. I don’t know if I can do this.”
Renjun looks up then, his eyes softening for a fleeting moment. “We’ve rehearsed this. We’ve planned for months. You are stronger than you think. I know you are.” And in his gaze, she sees a flash of vulnerability. Despite his confidence, she can tell he’s hiding his own fear—the same fear that haunts them both. He’s terrified of losing her, terrified of failing her, and yet he pushes forward with this plan, driven by love and perhaps a need to prove his worth.
As they both pondered the future of their fates, the sharp scent of rain lingered in the air, burning Renjun's nostrils. For a fleeting moment, he was struck by a saccharine vignette—he and Adelaine lying in a field overgrown with lilies, her laughter as soft as the petals around them. He chuckled to himself, remembering her bashful attempt to gift him a necklace, one that now grew unbearably heavy in his pocket.
He then takes something out of it , revealing the rustic heart-shaped locket that Adelaine had gifted him when they were children.
"You gave me this back when we barely knew what love meant," he murmured, his fingers brushing over the delicate metal. "But I did. I knew then, just as I know now."
He steps closer, the rooftop wind tousling his dark locks as he gently lifts the chain over her head. The locket settles against her collarbone, its familiar weight pressing against her skin.
"Keep it this time," he says, fastening the clasp with careful fingers. "So you never forget—I'm with you, even when I'm not."
She stares at him, wide-eyed, lips parting as if to say something, but no words come. Instead, she presses her hand to the locket, holding it as if it were his heartbeat in the palm of her hand, pulling her lover into a suger-laced kiss, thanking him.
Mere moments later, his gaze flickers downward—catching sight of the jagged wounds lining her arms.
There, just beneath the fraying fabric, was the flash of red—a mark too dark, too stark against her pale skin to be missed. His breath hitched, and he reached out instinctively, his fingers brushing against the soft line of her arm.
She flinched, pulling her sleeve down quickly, hiding it from his gaze, but it was too late. He had already seen. His voice cracked, raw with concern. “What happened?”
She didn’t answer immediately, her eyes darting to the side, avoiding his gaze like it was a weapon. She fidgeted, the tension in her posture so palpable it made the air feel suffocating.
“It’s nothing,” she whispered, but there was a tremor in her voice that gave her away.
“Don’t lie to me,” he said, his words sharp, but his hands gentle as they reached for her, softly grabbing her chin, as he forced her to look at him. His fingers lingered on her wrist, searching for any sign of the truth she refused to speak. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Her breath caught in her throat, and the silence stretched between them both like a chasm. She clenched her fists, as if holding herself together, and for a moment, Renjun thought she might break, might shatter under the weight of what she was keeping from him.
“I—I didn’t want you to know,” she finally whispered, her voice breaking as she looked at him, her eyes full of guilt and sorrow. “It’s… It’s because of him. The guard.”
Renjun's heart stopped. “The guard?” he repeated, “What guard?” his voice low, dangerous. His mind raced, every muscle in his body tense as he absorbed her words. “What did he do to you?”
Her eyes squeezed shut, chin trembling. “He—he hurt me - raped me. He didn’t stop. And I…” She swallowed hard, the confession cutting her deep. “I couldn’t handle it anymore. The pain—” She choked on the word. “It was too much.”
Renjun felt something snap inside him—something dark, something ancient and fierce that he hadn’t realized had been waiting in the shadows. His hands clenched into fists, the urge to do something—anything—raging through him. The love he had for her, the fury and sorrow that twisted in his gut, collided. He wasn’t just angry; he was consumed.
Without a word, he turned, eyes wild, seeking the blood he would spill to make this right. He didn’t think about the consequences. He didn’t care about the risk. All he could hear was the thundering beat of his heart, drowning out everything else as he stormed down the stairs, his fury an unstoppable wave.
She didn’t try to stop him. She knew him too well.
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merchant-wizard-and-jerry · 10 months ago
“Shop is open”
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1 - warning tap - 5 currency
2 - enchantment stripper - 17 currency
3 - lock-picks - 13 currency
4 - Kings and crowns’ TCG - 5 currency
5 - wood weave - 7 currency
6 - 1 time use Big Red Button - 100 currency
7 - Skulls booster pack - 5 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - Cain - 10 currency
Orb - ritual - 10 currency
Robes - red/blue - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - healing vial - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @damnable-druid @monsterfucker-research-wizard
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