#i was thinking of that little sitting area at the end of the pier where the inn room is in tuliyollal
alackofghosts · 2 months
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guide my life into destiny / and climb outside / reach up and paint the sky with me
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retrieve-the-kraken · 3 months
In honor of the Young Royals anniversary, I’m posting my pictures from my pilgrimage to the holiest of places in YR fandom, Kaggeholm slottet (Hillerska).
I have to say, not only was it so surreal to arrive at the actual place, but it was actually one of the nicest days from my whole trip to the Nordics (besides seeing Omar at Furuvik and my birthday). It was such a nice day with perfect weather, the trip to Ekerö itself was kind of a fun little adventure, and I wasn’t yet dying from pollen allergy (more on that some other time). It was great.
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I have to say, getting off the bus, and seeing the bus stop, and then turning around and realizing that the building is RIGHT THERE, was a little shocking. I don’t know what it is, but the dimensions of everything in my head were completely different. I mean, is it me, or did everything look bigger, farther, higher on the show…?
The area is very peaceful. I saw some cars arriving, some people working in the surrounding buildings, and I was prepared to be told to “get the fuck out”, but no one said anything to me. Guess they’re either very used to YR fans walking around in awe and they don’t pay us any mind (unless you’re disruptive or something, perhaps?), or they just don’t mind visitors. Either way, I was left to roam the area, and take pictures and nobody ever asked me anything.
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The main building was closed, though, and through the windows I could see a lot of piled furniture. The high season is in the summer, and it’s clear that they were working on the areas and buildings used by visitors, and for summer activities. I didn’t walk too much around the buildings in the back because they were working, and I was worried about walking straight into a construction.
The whole garden was in dire need of upkeep, which I’m guessing happens nearer the start of the summer season. The grass was quite high, and there were loads of flowers growing everywhere. The fountain was empty.
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But the area was really beautiful and peaceful. Sometimes there was the noise of grass-cutting equipment or an electric saw, but most of the time, I just heard birds singing, and the breeze, and it felt very nice. Perfect for a picnic.
Look! The classroom building! And the pier!
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It was near midday, and I had to figure out where I’d have lunch. I brought a little picnic, but it felt kind of weird to sit there all alone and eat. Also I couldn’t see where to dispose of my garbage afterwards, so after taking a gajillion pictures and videos, I started back toward the front to wait for the bus in the iconic bus stop.
On my way around the main building, I saw this offering by a fellow YR fan.
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Also, since I knew the bus would still be a little while, I did sit at a picnic table on the front, and had a knäckebröd sandwich, in honor of Wilmon. And I enjoyed some more of the soothing sounds of birds singing.
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And the final stop of my little tour was the red bus stop.
Wow, that place has been turned into a real chapel of YR adoration and prayer, hasn’t it?
I was amazed by the amount of graffiti all over it, paying tribute to all the characters, the actors, the creators and the magic of the show. But I was also amazed about the fact that it has been left untouched. I hope it remains like that forever, but you never know, so I captured as much of it as I could. I might have to share them all in another post, because this is not letting me right now...
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I left my own mark, so if anyone ever visits, you might find a tiny message saying Retrieve-the-Kraken was here (or something like that, can't remember) somewhere on the bench. I think I remember thanking Lisa too.
So there you have it. I was but a humble pilgrim wanting to see the place where one of the most special shows that was a very special part of my life for three years took place, and it did not disappoint.
It felt especially bittersweet to be there after the end of the show. From the way the place looked, it was almost like they really shut down Hillerska, but also it was like entering a dimension of its own, the birthplace of a love like no other. And I don't mean just Wilmon Endgame™, I mean a very special fandom which will live in my heart forever.
I'm not ready to let go just yet, though...
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
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Follower Recs
Hi!!! I don't know if you already rec this. It's a gen fic with kid!Jin Ling and camatose!wwx. It can be read in one sitting. For me it's an open ending story and hopeful ending. It makes me imagine what will happen after the story ends. Thank you!
Sleeping in Paradise
by daiki
T, 9k, Wangxian
Summary: The cultivation world thought the Yiling Patriarch died from qi deviation years ago. Deep inside Lotus Pier, there is a forbidden area personally created by Yungmeng Jiang's sect leader, Jiang Wanyin and carefully tended by the lady of Lanling Jin, Jiang Yanli. A closely kept secret houses the slumbering form of their adoptive brother. Then little Jin Ling decided to sneak in to the forbidden paradise. (prompt: AU where Demonic Cultivation shattered Wei Wuxian's soul before Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli's deaths and he went into a death-like state. Since nobody's ever done demonic arts before, nobody's sure if Wei Wuxian is alive or dead so they preserve his body and watch over him.)
@raftels / @lansizhuis
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.
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magniloquent-raven · 11 months
i have this idea for a fic that i'll probably never write but just hear me out
ed gets adopted by a stray cat
he's the rattiest little tabby with half a tail and a notched ear. no one in the area really knows where he came from but a couple merchants stede talked to think he might've been a ship cat someone left behind. people always find him at the docks, anyways. staring out at the sea. maybe he just goes there hoping to catch fish.
and he's not a friendly cat, is the thing. he skulks around giving everyone the evil eye, he hisses when people come near him, and he's never accepted the food scraps kids will throw him hoping to earn his trust. no one knows why he insists on hanging around populated areas if he hates people so much, but he's been there long enough they've just sort of accepted it.
stede has no interest in the cat, once he realized the thing was never going to let him pet it he gave up, but ed. ed won't stop getting distracted looking for him every time they're in town, craning his neck around corners trying to catch a glimpse of grey fur and angry green eyes. he's started putting leftover bits of dinner in his pocket and leaving them around. under the pier. behind a fruit stall in the market. anywhere he's seen the cat hang out. he never sees the cat eat, but the bits of food are always gone when he comes back. (probably birds, he thinks. or weirdo kids. anything could've gotten them)
then one day the cat follows them home. and will not leave. not that they try very hard to make him. stede shoos him half-heartedly when he catches the cat on the porch, scratching at splintery bits, but he gives up when he sees the starry look on ed's face. they're replacing all that wood anyways, what's a little more damage?
ed sets aside bowls for the cat. for food and water. they get left on the porch, and he finds them empty every morning. the cat rarely comes inside, and never comes very close, but it's okay because ed loves just watching him go about his business. he takes all his business so seriously. stalking bugs and licking his paw and digging holes in the sand. it's all very important. and adorable.
they have a breakthrough when ed is having a bad day.
he's had so many good days since him and stede decided to settle here. sure, it's been weird and difficult doing shit he's not used to doing, but it's also been fucking great. because stede's here doing it too.
but some days are just hard. some days his knee aches and he's gotten one too many bug bites and all the good shit isn't enough to keep him from sitting by izzy's grave and just. hurting.
stede brought him tea earlier. kissed his forehead and asked if he wanted come company. he didn't. he did. but he didn't. so stede promised to come back in an hour and see how he was feeling then.
he's not sure how long it's been, but the tea is long gone and the wind is irritating and sitting on the ground sucks. but. then the cat comes over. and starts playing with izzy's tie. it's still hanging off the makeshift cross they made him, a little sun-faded now. it had been swaying in the breeze until the cat pounced out of nowhere and caught it between his paws.
and ed's first instinct is to jolt, swear, shoo the cat away, but then he freezes, half holding on to the tie, the cat still digging his claws into the other end of it, looking up at ed with his eyes wider than ed's ever seen them. he looks young like that. and he's so much smaller up close.
ed wiggles the tie a little, and the cat bats at it some more.
it's fucking morbid, playing with what's essentially a memorial to someone who died in his arms. his insides clench when he thinks about it like that.
but then he thinks about it differently. he thinks about izzy. always keeping himself apart, holding himself like he didn't need to lean on anything, anyone. acting like he didn't have soft hopes behind steel bars. but he cared. he cared about ed. about their crew. he would've scoffed at ed being silly about a cat. but he would've done it with gentle eyes and a suppressed grin.
"he would've liked you." ed's sure of it. he would've hated the scratches all over everything, and the little holes he was poking in izzy's favourite tie, but none of that would've really mattered. as much as he'd curse and bluster about how much of a bastard the cat was, they would've understood each other.
the cat blinks at him. and chomps on the tie, a quiet growl rumbling in his scraggly chest.
and ed smiles for the first time since he woke up that morning.
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queeniecook · 1 year
May 18
Annalise Blake needed to have a serious conversation with her older sister, away from any prying ears. She invites Liberty out, under the guise of a simple outing for the two of them. It’s raining by the time she meets her sister in Copperdale.
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After exchanging simple pleasantries, because Annalise is a firmer believer in good manners, she gets down to what she really wants to talk to Liberty about.
“I need to know. Is your husband planning on doing something to Caleb’s and Vera’s baby when it’s born?” Annalise asks. “If so, are you involved?”
Liberty isn’t shocked by the first part of her little sister’s question but the second part strings a bit. “I don’t know if James’ is planning something. He hasn’t said anything.” Liberty replies truthfully. James’ does a lot without her knowing about it, though she thinks if he was planning something, he’d have clued her in. She loathes Caleb for helping make her what she is. 
Annalise sits there quietly, thinking.
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“I can’t promise he won’t try something.” Liberty continues, since her sister has been quiet after the initial question. “I may not be the best creature in the world, but I don’t touch babies. That’s not a line I’m willing to cross.” 
She’d like to think James wouldn’t either. She sees glimpses of good now and then. Outside of keeping it quiet about who helped finish turning her and being secretive, he’s showered her with gifts. Made sure she’s never low on sources for blood. Defended her honor on a few occasions even with some older warlocks that look down on her since she isn’t a witch. He’s never dared to raise a hand to her either or been mentally or emotionally abusive to her. He’s far from a saint and she can’t say she’s in love with him but she could be with far worse than James, she thinks.
Annalise nods her head, accepting Liberty’s response. She feels a bit better where her sister is concerned. As for her brother-in-law, she still highly suspects he might try something.
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The vampire sisters decide to wonder the town, ending up on the pier just as the rain stops.
“Let’s ride the ferris wheel.” Liberty suggests. Annalise wasn’t expecting that suggestion and thinks they are both insanely over dressed for this behavior but she agrees. It’s something they never got to do together as children.
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They even get ice cream. Despite it not tasting as good as when she was human, Annalise still enjoys her mint chocolate chip ice cream cone. For a few hours things almost feel normal. Like they are two sisters, just enjoying the afternoon together.
Of course, things are far from normal. Liberty asks Annalise if she would like to accompany her back to Forgotten Hollow and to the Straud Mansion. James and Vladislaus are out for the evening.
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Annalise gets a phone call from work and Liberty sends sister on ahead to the limo to the call away from all the noise of the pier. Naturally, Liberty has a departing snack from the ice cream vendor that isn’t the flavor of chocolate ice cream, as her cone had been.
~~~A few hours later
Liberty heads upstairs to change after she arrives at the Mansion with her sister, saying all she smells is popcorn on herself. Annalise finds her way to the living room area, feeling on edge about being in the Straud Mansion. She’s actually slightly relieved when she sees her ex-husband, a feeling she never thought she’d have concerning him after their divorce.
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He nods to the seat beside him and she sits down, slowly. She almost asks him how he is but he looks awful to her.
“James is still doing his experiments, isn’t he?” She asks, though she knows the answer. Asa nods his head. “You do know he can’t be doing this out of the goodness of his heart, right?”
“I know.” Asa comments, smoothing down his scarf. 
“Doesn’t that make you suspicious?” She questions him. “What if it’s some elaborate plan to figure out a way to kill off all the vampires he doesn’t like?”
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“He’d be more likely to try to hold it over all our heads to get us to do what he wants.” Asa tells his ex-wife. That’s his theory about James’ intentions anyway. Though Annalise’s theory does hold some merit. 
“Asa….this can’t end well. For any of us.” Annalise worries. She wonders if Liberty knows about all of this but she figured one hard topic at a time for the day. 
“You’ll be fine, you’re his wife’s sister.” Asa assures her. That and he’s insisted Annalise being kept out of the whole thing. It was part of his terms when he entered into the experiments with James. There’s also a chance it could work and he could be human again. Maybe only to die right after that but at least he wouldn’t feel like a empty shell anymore.
“Does my sister know about this?” The question was bound to be asked. Annalise needs to know. Asa knows this even though he isn’t sure of the answer himself. “I’m not sure. She’s never around when we do it. He always has us go away from town.”
That’s the best he can give her. It’s the truth at least. It may be to keep it more of a secret from The Vatore’s and Straud himself, but maybe it’s so not even James’ own wife knows about what her husband is up to.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
heey bby😘
sex+romance headcanons take any (one) question (for all your kittens)💗💗💗
I'll tag you again with @kittenchrissy since this account was your shadowbanned one I think?
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😘 Would my muse have sex on the first date?
That depends on who Ryder is dating in the first place. For example, back then: his first 'real' date with Vijay ended up into having sex because Vijay is Vijay — a lusty ginger who wants sex all the time. And Ryder didn't say no to that ofc because he loved exploring his still freshly gained new life and took every opportunity. Even when they met for the first time at a retro Depeche Mode party in 2071 not knowing each other, and not being on a date at all, they got pretty intimate as well getting each other off, because the chemistry was just there. But let's switch to Thyjs and their first real date together: no sex involved. The two spent a day at an art gallery in the City Center where The two spent a day at an art gallery in the City Center where Ryder literally missed looking at every art displayed there because he was too busy admiring his soldier boy who was admiring the art. Seeing Thyjs being so excited, open, happy, smiling and interested into something, talking a lot about what he sees in every displayed exhibit was an entire new discovery for Ry he had to take in all day long because Thyjs is just well reserved in public and does not talk a lot. It takes at least Ryder in his presence to get him out of his soldier stiffness or you will just see him leaning onto something, or resting somewhere in a sitting position, observing the area with a sharp gaze always alerted. Afterwards they went to Gold Beach Marina to dine in a restaurant and watched the sunset at the pier for a while sitting right next to each other, shoulder on shoulder, talking while sharing a few kisses that may end a bit more intimate than both thought. Ryder could have simply taken Thyjs that evening once they got home and had his way with him, but he chooses to let Thyjs decide when he wants to go further. So they just continue to revel in their kisses with hands exploring a little, fingers feeling facial cyberware and hair strands, enjoying having each other close. That is enough for the moment. For both of them. After all it is something new for Ryder as well because it's been a long while since he's fallen in love, so he is excited to do this differently. He wants to rediscover slowly what it means to fall and be in love, to share affection in another way rather than just go and have hot and messy sex in the first place he’s had enough all the past years – they will get to that a lot later.
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👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
No, he has not so far — but being with Ryder and discovering his gay side from then on, he gets ideas he may want to try. He collects them for a while as he ventures further into his relationship with Ry and once in a while he tells him directly he would like to try something new. And sex in public is amongst that. Ryder is impressed by the dirty desires that slumber in this man all the time slowly coming to the surface one after another. It simply needed Ryder to activate them all. First, he would like to have a romantic night out with Ryder somewhere in the Badlands. It is public after all but it is also wide and not crowded but still public! So they will go with that first to get a feel for being outside and doing it while someone could pass by. And the second: Thyjs usually is not into techno, and he needs to be in the mood for it to listen to this noisy stuff, but he knows Ryder loves it so much so he gives it a try and he agrees to go with him to raves as well (Ry in return goes to classic events with him). After a few raves he discovers it is indeed enjoyable there and he gets to know why Ryder loves to work out to this music. It makes you feel free in a way, you do not have to think much, just feel those beats how they easily make you forget your busy thoughts. Ryder explained to him once that techno sounds sexy for him and can be quite arousing too, that there’s something primal to those beats — after a bit of time, Thyjs gets what Ryder means! Some songs with or without a few dirty lines indeed cause Thyjs to feel aroused and when he's actually pressed close to Ry with a lot of others around them it gets hot and the way how Ry moves against him makes him crazy at times and he always thinks about trying out having at least some frotting right where they are. He wouldn't mind if they'd leave the sticky and overcrowded dancefloor to get into a corner for having more space and noone bouncing into them but they are still in a big room with a crowd and they are not the only ones about to do dirty things basically everyone passing them can watch. It is a thrill for Thyjs he wants to do at least one time depending on how Ryder feels about it (and Ryder is ofc all in). Yes, it is so unusual for Thyjs to act like that because normally he is always alerted by his surroundings but this is a chance to let his guard down and actually enjoy and give in to his desires blending out all trained traits he is forced to use after decades of Militech training. And with Ryder he can dive into that for a while until his sane duty persona comes back to his senses..
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🔥 Would my muse ever be up for a threesome?
He did it back in Portland with his girlfriend and another dude for a while (that was when he discovered he is bi) and he would still say yes to threesomes today in his relationship with Arki. Him and Arki will have to talk about it, could be some Joytoy they both think would fit or someone else they know (nope, not gonna be Ryder, forget these thoughts) or they don't know but find hot. But this is not a usual thing to do for them. It is an option to get their sex life more interesting should they fall into some routine.
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🍬 Is my muse a sub, dom, or switch?
Jaysen, like his brother, is a switch. However, he enjoys more to dominate, so he'll either be a dominant top or a dominant (and bratty) power bottom (Vijay on the contrary is a softer dom top and a soft bottom). He adjusts himself to his partner if they have a specific type. Ending up with Enzo however, they have plenty time to explore their dom and sub behavior I believe – @gloryride and I still gotta talk more about it at this point. :P
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quoteoftheweekblog · 2 months
First sentence:
'The first sound in the mornings was the clumping of the mill-girls' clogs down the cobbled street.' (Orwell, 2020, p.3).
On journalism:
'Like so many unemployed men he spent too much time reading newspapers, and if you did not head him off he would discourse for hours about such things as the Yellow Peril, trunk murders, astrology, the conflict between religion and science.' (Orwell, 2020, pp.6-7).
On writing:
'I remembered that D.H. Lawrence, writing of this same landscape or another near by, said that the snow-covered hills rippled away into distance "like muscle" It was not the simile that would have occurred to me. To my eye the snow and the black walls were more like a white dress with black piping running across it.' (Orwell, 2020, p.16).
'Words are such feeble things. What is the use of a brief phrase like "roof leaks" or " four beds for eight people"? It is the kind of thing your eye slides over, registering nothing. And yet what a wealth of misery it can cover!' (Orwell, 2020, pp.53-4).
'They have all the leisure in the world; why don't they sit down and write books? Because to write books you need not only comfort and solitude - and solitude is never easy to attain in a working-class home - you also need peace of mind.' (Orwell, 2020, p.78).
On miners:
'Middle-class people are fond of saying that the miners would not wash themselves properly, even if they could, but this is nonsense, as is shown by the fact that where pithead baths exist practically all the men use them.' (Orwell, 2020, p.34).
'I notice that the Rev. W. R. Inge, in his book "England", accuses the miners of gluttony. From my own observation I should say that they eat astonishingly little. Most of the miners I stayed with ate slightly less than I did. Many of them declare that they cannot do their day's work if they have had a heavy meal beforehand ... ' (Orwell, 2020, p.35).
'Before I had been in the coal areas I shared the widespread illusion that miners are comparatively well paid. One hears it loosely stated that a miner is paid ten or eleven shillings a shift ... But the statement ... is very misleading.' (Orwell, 2020, p.36).
On class:
'A person of bourgeois origin goes through life with some expectation of getting what he wants, within reasonable limits. Hence the fact that in times of stress "educated" people tend to come to the front; they are no more gifted than the others and their "education" is generally quite useless in itself, but they are accustomed to a certain amount of deference and consequently have the cheek necessary for a commander.' (Orwell, 2020, p.45).
' ... in almost any revolt the leaders would tend to be people who could pronounce their aitches.' (Orwell, 2020, p.46).
'In a Lancashire cotton-town you could probably go for months on end without once hearning an "educated" accent, whereas there can hardly be a town in the South of England where you could throw a brick, without hitting the niece of a bishop.' (Orwell, 2020, p.110).
On Wigan:
'Alas! Wigan Pier has been demolished, and even the spot where it used to stand is no longer certain.' (Orwell, 2020, p.70).
'But even Wigan is beautiful compared to Sheffield.' (Orwell, 2020, p.102).
On Socialism:
'Socialism is such elementary common sense ... The world is a raft sailing through space with, potentially, plenty of provisions for everybody; the idea that we must all co-operate and see to it that everyone does his fair share of the work and gets his fair share of the provisions, seems so blatantly obvious that one would say that no one could possibly fail to accept it unless he had some corrupt motive for clinging to the present system.' (Orwell, 2020, p.165).
'I have very seldom met a convinced Socialist who could grasp that thinking people may be repelled by the objective towards which Socialism appears to be moving.' (Orwell, 2020, p.179).
'We are at a moment when it is desperately necessary for leftwingers of all complexions to drop their differences and hang together … Obviously, then, the more intransigent kind of Socialist has now got to ally himself with people who are not in perfect agreement with him. As a rule he is rightly unwilling to do so, because he sees the very real danger of watering the whole Socialist movement down to some kind of pale-pink humbug even more ineffectual than the parliamentary Labour Party.' (Orwell, 2020, p.213).
'It would help enormously, for instance, if the smell of crankishness which still clings to the Socialist movement could be dispelled. If only the sandals and the pistachio-coloured shirts could be put in a pile and burnt, and every vegetarian, teetotaller and creeping Jesus sent home to Welwyn Garden City to do his yoga exervises quietly!' (Orwell, 2020, p.215).
On Socialist literature:
'But it is certain that in Western Europe, Socialism has produced no literature worth having.' (Orwell, 2020, p.177).
'The real Socialist writers, the propagandist writers, have always been dull, empty windbags - Shaw, Barbusse, Upton Sinclair, William Morris, Waldo Frank, etc. etc.' (Orwell, 2020, p.178).
Orwell, G. (2020 [1937] ) 'The road to Wigan Pier'. London: Penguin Modern Classics.
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katoktm8 · 3 months
Different travels
My adventures with Julie are much different than my adventures with Caroline. We hopped the ferry yesterday morning after a good breakfast at the hotel and had a two hour ride over to Corfu Greece. We are loving Corfu! Our hotel is actually in an outskirt town called Perama. Which is about a 4 1/2 mile walk into old town Corfu. Of course we walked it. We did a lot of people watching yesterday, we found an area where all the money yachts are docked, and we went down onto the pier and watched them park the yachts and looked for famous people and looked in windows and just basically nosed around. We found all kinds of different beaches and watched people swim around. For us that is tomorrow. Then we walked along the coastline into town …more people watching… winding through all the narrow streets and homes of Corfu was an adventure in itself. The old town district is fantastic. Tons of restaurants and shops and people and noise and rich people to watch and dogs on leashes and ice cream, everything you would expect in a Greek town. We ended up having dinner at about 10 o’clock last night. It was a delicious dinner and we debated whether to walk the 4 miles back but decided to take the city bus back to the top of the hill and walked only about a mile and a half back. Think we were in bed around 1 AM. Long day. Fun day. Pictures should show you a great deal about Corfu. Today we have another similar day ahead. Can’t wait to head into town.
As Andrew warned us, it took us 45 minutes or more to get through immigration when we got to Greece. It seems they were letting Australian and Americans like us through easily, but everyone else took an inordinate amount of time. I think they were probably checking for people who were trying to Illegally stay in Greece. But it took forever! There was a family of four from Kiev in front of us and although they got through immigration after about five minutes, they were pulled into a side room and were sitting waiting when we left.
I felt like I found famous people when our fairy pulled into the dock and we saw the splendor of the seas! The cruise ship that is going around the world. I follow many of the TikTokers who are documenting this nine month voyage so I was so excited to see the ship.
One beach, we found had a clear glass elevator from the beach up to the road. So of course we had to ride the elevator. It was almost straight up a Cliffside and it held at the most four people, but Julie and I did it just the two of us. Make sure to watch the video.
We are at the Argo hotel. The host name is Spiro. We think maybe his wife has died and he’s trying to run it on his own. It’s fine for us. But breakfast was bread, butter, a Panini Nescafé, coffee, and a piece of lemon cake. Also a hard boiled egg that Julie did not want to eat, but I did. He is a sweet man and you can tell. He’s trying his best to keep his life afloat.
One cool area about a mile away from us at the bottom of the hill is the end of the airport. There is a narrow cement bridge type walkway that people go out and wait for hours as planes come in and out taking pictures and videoing them. That is our bridge to get into old Corfu. But we stopped there for probably 30 minutes watching planes come and go. It’s unbelievable how close they are. Very cool.
Be sure to note the picture of the night version of the airport. We were walking back at midnight and planes were still coming and going. But you can also see a little rowboat in the foreground.
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whitepolaris · 2 years
Perryman Mansion
On the Perryman Peninsula in southern Harford County, there exists an old and crumbling manor house. Once the estate of the Boyer family, the sprawling mansion lies on the coastline of the Bush River.
The once extravagant multi-level mansion was abandoned by its longtime tenants decades ago when Baltimore Gas & Electric Company purchased the home along with two hundred and fifty acres of land on which to build a regional plant. 
The home and property were cut off from civilization for years because of their unique location and situation. Surrounded by water on three sides, the peninsula is accessible by only one road, which is closed off to the public once it reaches the BG&E plant. On one side of the peninsula runs an active railroad line, and on the other side is the Aberdeen Proving Ground-the heavily guarded and fenced U.S. Army Post. 
Situated as such, the mansion was literally cut off from human contact. Naturally, rumors begin to spread and its legend grew. Any Maryland ghost hunter worth his salt has heard of the Perryman mansion and its storage goings-on. 
There are stories of ghostly green lights moving in patterns along the walls. Visitors say they have heard voices and other unexplained noises. Many get chills just gazing at the imposing structure and refuse to enter its doorway. Maybe that’s because the ground outside the mansion is littered with small bone fragments. And animal carcasses are commonly found along the road leading back to the house. 
Historical records also point to an old graveyard on the property, which is now covered in weeds and shrubs. Most investigations of the mansion have uncovered death-in one form or another. 
Photographs taken in and around the mansion routinely captured orbs or other mysterious lights and objects. One recent investigation of the Perryman mansion did result in the positive identification of one of its reclusive inhabitants. A strange crying spooked the team and led its member upstairs, where they were able to definitively pinpoint the shrill whine-a baby raccoon! 
Those brave enough to venture into the attic-the highest point in the mansion-are greeted by the putrid smell of decay where coal-black turkey vultures have been found silently guarding clutches of bloody eggs. 
There is little left of the mansion now. A fire destroyed much of it. The suspected cause of the fire was arson, but no one was ever charged. -Brian Goodman, acurse.com
Perryman Memories
The Perryman mansion has been almost a playground to my friends and I for more than six years. Every time I have been there something or someone has made itself known. It starts with the hike to the house. The first 10 minutes are ducking the lights of the electric company, BGE, and staying close to the sporadic trees to hide in the shadows from any disgruntled workers. This is the only area you will feel safe. 
As the large lights disappear you are surrounded by thick woods to your left and the train tracks to your right. Even if you feel you are brave enough and nothing can keep you from venturing on . . .  a train goes by and drowns out all the noise around you. You can’t hear if you are being followed in those brief seconds. 
At the end of the paved you hang a left and became swallowed by woods. A long walk and you can see far enough ahead to trick yourself into thinking there is someone waiting beside the tree lines. As you approach the mansion itself, there are rhododendrons near the stone entrance. A fence surrounds the house but there is a hole cut out to squeeze through . . . or get caught up in while trying to escape. 
There have been more than three occasions when I have heard women speaking as I made my way left of the fence. I am not the only one who heard them. Left of the house you can go to the old pier that sits sideways over the river. You almost forget that you are about to go into a haunted mansion and will more than likely have some sort of unexplainable experience. Let me just tell you of a couple. 
A group of us went into the house. Outside were bones of some sort of animal. There are always bones. We stuck together in a uniform line and decided to go through the living room and upstairs. One of us stayed behind due to fear of seeing something. I had been there so much I honestly wasn’t worried about it. Until we began to walk up the steps . . . one by one pushing each other to go faster. I heard someone whisper in a very stern and serious tone, “LOOK.” 
We all turned our heads at the same time as if in a bad Robert Palmer video and on the wall behind us leading up to the stairs a green glow seeped through. At first it was still . . . then slowly moving up. Then back down. Then up, down and side to side. A cross shape? Needless to say, we didn’t go upstairs or in the basement. We ran out of there. Another adventure also included a large group of people. We made our way to the basement . All of us going our own ways. As we explored, many of the group talked to keep their spirits up. All of a sudden a loud thump came from the first floor. My friend and I stared at each other wide eyed. Only three of us heard it. As I saw my friend’s mouth open to warn the others I demanded her to not say a word. The last thing you want to do in an old building that is literally falling apart is to give reason to freak out and run. We kept our secret until we were safe outside. 
There is nothing special about the way the mansion looks from the inside. It is the sight of it from the fence that makes you shudder. The blank gaze of hollow windows seems to warn you. -Melissa F.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Meeting future husband in unconventional ways part 2!
Meeting Raihan in the wild area, he was just going to his usual spot to train his Pokémon when he sees you, wrestling a tyranitar, absolutely impressed he called out to make sure you were alright when you confirmed that yeah you’re fine and just training with your Pokémon, and he asks if you’d like to train with him and his Pokémon too! Ends up you two had a lot in common and Raihan is one hell of a smooth talker, but you roast him a little too much, so mean to him, made him love you more.
How could anyone meet the champion when he is always so busy? Simple, he got lost, you’d think with him being born and raised in Galar he’d know where his house was, but there he was in slumbering weald, twice as lost and confused, the fog wasn’t helping at all, he just kept going further in, till you showed up with your chandelure lighting the way, surprised at seeing the champion in your side of the woods you guide him back, but he wanted to make it up to you so badly! And how could you say no to that pouty face of his?
Piers always thought he’d be alone, sure he was lonely (as much as he denied it) but he spent all his time either with his little sister or working, so not much time for meeting people that seemed genuine, but he had finally had a few hours to himself, so he was resting under a tree while his Pokémon were out and about somewhere, but that didn’t seem to stop a zigzagoon with the zoomies that promptly landed on Piers’s face, with you frantically apologizing as you held the baby Pokémon close, and while he wanted to be mad, he couldn’t stop laughing, it reminded him of when his obstagoon was like that, you were quick to share your picnic items with him and his Pokémon as an apology and he hasn’t left you alone since.
You met Kabu when he was training a new Pokémon for his team, but this particular one wasn’t too keen on listening to the older man and bolted as if to prove a point, having searched high and low in the wild area he couldn’t seem to find it, and went to asking anyone he saw if they had seen said Pokémon, and that lead him to you, who was sitting down at your campsite cooing over how sweet and friendly his Pokémon was while it nuzzled up to you, when Kabu cleared his throat to get your attention he quickly explained the situation that gave you a good laugh, a gym leader like him having such issues? Adorable, you certainly know how to fluster him.
As for Grimsley? Everyone swore you two met at a casino or a bar, but you were just a simple pokénurse, usually putting pokéballs in the machine and handing them back to their trainer wasn’t hard , but it was when the Pokémon jumped out and wasn’t exactly happy to be there, been stared down by a rather large krookodile, you could feel her stare in your soul, Grimsley, while always up for a gamble, didn’t want to chance a lawsuit or a death, so he was calmly talking to his Pokémon, to keep her calm while reaching for her pokéball, you didn’t move the entire time as the krookodile’s snout got closer to your face, only for you both to be surprised when the large gator lets out a pur like growl and nuzzled against you, the loud breath you took amused Grimsley, and how could he keep his Pokémon from their favorite nurse?
- noodle
I love this kabu and Raihan what's my favorite
I love training buddies to Lover's with Raihan
And kabus was just playing adorable
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pokeheadcannons97 · 3 years
Hi! May I request some HC with Milo, Piers, Leon and maybe Guzma where their S/O hates their body (especially weight on their belly and stretch marks) and just gets really anxious when they wear crop tops, shorts, etc?
As a plus size person, I feel this. This is a PSA, if it's cute and you like to wear it?
This guy basically worships the ground you walk on. He honestly thinks that you are so beautiful, and is one that compliments you often with no shame.
The two of you are herding Wooloo? And you're completely drenched in sweat and mud?
He is awestruck, and he let's you know it!
Hates when you think so low of yourself, and takes it upon himself to tell you how wonderful you are.
Do you not realize how gorgeous that you look? No? Not for long!
"Milo? You're staring, do I look bad? It's the mud isn't it?" You pulled at the shorts of the outfit you were wearing. The shorts had ridden up a little bit, more on the short side due to the heat. You had decided to pick that over the trusted blue jeans you usually wore since you were so self conscious in how you looked. You didn't know if it had been a good idea in the first place since Milo was staring at you without saying anything.
"You look so beautiful, Y/N. More so than a freshly opened tulip in spring." He replied, wiping the sweat from his face with his scarf he wore. Completely unembarrassed or shy about saying it so casually.
It still makes your heart all wack.
You lightly touched your thigh. The bad thoughts seemed to be completely drown out for the compliment. Your face flushed and you leaned in to give him a hug.
This made Milo hum in reply. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a squeeze around your waist.
You laid your head on his broad shoulder, and let out a shaky breath. "Thank you sweetie, I needed that today."
"Darling, you look good in anything you wear. Dont ever feel like you dont look good to me. Because those thoughts are wrong." He reassured, giving your back a comforting pat as you could only nod in response with a small smile on your face.
He noticed you staring in front of the mirror longer than usual after your shower that evening. The towel still wrapped around your frame.
He watched from over the top of his phone, your hands pulling at your arms, your expression falling by the second.
Your hand traced the stretch marks that etched itself onto the bigger part of your arm, the other one was tightly wrapping the towel closer to your body.
He continued to observe silently, the grip on his phone tighter.
Your hand lowered itself to your torso and you gave out a soft, but heavy sigh. Your e/c orbs shimmering slightly with tears.
When you turned around your face came into contact with Leon's chest and you let out a surprised sound from your lips.
Strong, well toned arms wove themselves around your body, pulling you close.
This caused you to look up at him, slightly confused.
"Awww did you want a hug, Lee? You could have just said so." You laughed lightly, trying to diminish the thoughts you were in a few seconds earlier.
"Y/N." He began, choosing his words carefully, but with a warm smile. "Have I told you how pretty you look lately?"
This caused your cheeks to heat up and you blinked at him. "Ah, thank you Lee... that means a lot."
Your response seemed forced and rehearsed and he did not like that one bit.
He turned you around to where you both could look at yourselves in the large mirror. This made you squirm uncomfortably.
He bent down and kissed alongside your jaw before he said, "I mean it. You know that you're the most beautiful person to me."
He traced his finger tips alongside your arms and then gripped your hands with his. His much larger hands enveloping yours like a warm blanket.
This made your cheeks flush harder, but the comforting warmth was welcomed. "Lee?"
He met your gaze in the mirror, his golden eyes shining with nothing but love. "You're so lovely, every bit of you. No one can even come close."
You felt your breath get caught in your throat and swallowed back the tears that threatened to fall.
Leon kissed your neck softly.
"How about we go out for dinner tonight? I think I wanna show you off." He chuckled lightly against your ear.
You felt your eyes water more, but this time out of relief. You nodded softly and leaned back against him.
You gave a sigh of satisfaction as you basked in the warmth of Alola.
The day was pleasant, you, Guzma, and his gang had decided to head to the beach for a much needed day off.
Your swimsuit cover still laid across your frame, you liked how it basically covered all your "problem" spots.
You crossed your legs as you laid on the beach chair, deciding to take up some sun bathing since it felt so nice.
You watched Guzma play in the water with some of the grunts, their obnoxious laughter echoing through the air.
You smiled softly, your eyes crinkling up a bit. Part of you wanted to join them.
You had worn a swim suit today, even the one that Guzma seemed to like, but you just couldn't do it. Not today anyways, the negative thoughts too loud.
You peered down at yourself, the smile melting from your face.
You looked up when you heard the sand crunching from ahead. Your boyfriend completely drenched, but a playful grin on his features.
"Those guys are somethin' else. Haven't been able to let loose like this in too long!" He exclaimed and sat on the seat next to you, grabbing a towel to dry his hair of the saltwater.
"You guys seem to be having a blast out there for sure!" You replied with a grin on your own.
He looked up at you, onyx eyes meeting yours. "Why dont you come join us? You've just been sitting here since we got here. Who goes to the beach JUST to sun bath?" He joked and the added. "You aren't a Fomantis the last time I checked."
You gave a forced smile in reply. "I'm having fun just observing, Guz. Promise."
This caused his gaze to lower and it seemed to look right through you.
"Babe." He began and continued when you blinked at him. "Tell me the reason why you're still out here. I can tell when something is bothering you." He said and you felt your chest tighten.
You pushed the sunglasses to the top of your head, observing him intently. You stayed quiet for a few seconds, and it seemed like you both were having a stare down.
Your will broke first. As normal.
"I hate you sometimes." You started and stuck your tongue out. You gave a low sigh. "Its just..."
He watched and listened silently, though his gaze was softer.
You gripped your cover against you. "I don't think I look that good today, is all."
This caused Guzma to immediately grunt. "Did someone say something to you? I swear to Arceus, I will END them."
You shook your head furiously. "No! It's all me, I promise. No ones fault but mine."
Guzma rose to his feet, and grabbed your wrist and started leading you to the water.
"G-Guzma? Wait! I don't, I cant!" You protested and tried to free yourself.
Guzma stopped and looked back at you, an idea crossing his mind. He quickly undid the tie that tied your swimsuit cover together and threw it towards the chairs.
This caused you to try to cover yourself, the thoughts becoming worse than before. Fear that everyone could see your "problem" areas.
He gave you a large smile and pointed his thumb towards himself. "Baby, you're the hottest person in the entire world. And I mean that." He said and you blushed.
He then turned around and shouted loudly. "Ey! You guys!"
This caused everyone, grunts and Plumeria to look towards you.
You were gonna kill him.
He stood next to you and gripped your shoulders. "Dont Y/N look fine as hell today?" He asked the group and the group cried out in shouts of cheer and nodding.
"Y/N always looks good!"
"Very nice!"
"Come hang, Y/N! Put that swimming suit to use!"
"Hell yeah!"
You cheeks burned but you felt the thoughts diminish as Guzma gave you a kiss to the cheek.
"What I tell ya? Perfection."
You punched his arm lightly. "Thanks Guz, I mean it."
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
Out With the Old. Yan Childe x Reader [COMM]
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Warnings: Brief mentions of injury and blood, typical yandere undertones. Word count: 3.2k. Notes: i absolutely loved writing this!! i never realized how badly i needed a yandere childe that’s so obviously whipped for his darling. :’))
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“Dearest [First],
I can only imagine the look that must be on your face as you read this. Don’t be too harsh on me for saying so, but I promise not a day goes by where I haven’t thought of you. Now stop scowling at the letter, it won’t do any good, after all; it’s just a piece of paper. I’d hate to come back home to see that you’ve aged from all that frowning at parchment.
Somedays I wake and fail to notice I’m in Inazuma instead of Snezhnaya. The scenery has its differences, of course, but it’s only when I realize I can’t see you that it truly sinks in. Writing this, I realize your judgment about my honesty only appearing in written form rather than in person is true. You’ve always had a penchant for keeping me in line, haven’t you?
Not that I can blame you.
You’ll be relieved to hear that the reason for my being here turned out to be a simple misunderstanding. There’s no grand coup d'état waiting to unfold amongst the lower ranks, so, unfortunately for me, it turned out to be a waste of time. On the bright side, that means I’ll get to come back home all the faster.
Tonia tells me that you’re doing well and I’m glad to hear it. I know your parents aren’t that fond of me, which is a smart call all things considered, but I hope they’re both in good health. Let me know if they need any help with their shop and I’ll see what I can do. Just don’t let them know it was from me, or they might blow a gasket.
When I come home, I wonder if I’ll see your face among the crowd on the pier this time.
At the very least… consider not discarding this letter like the others. Really, I can’t tell who is more stubborn, me or you.
-Yours eternally, Tartaglia”
This is the first letter of his that you’ve bothered reading in some time, as he made a point of mentioning. It’s difficult to identify the exact feelings his handwriting and characteristic word choice inflicts upon you, ranging from relief to exasperation. He has some audacity, refusing to see you in person for months on end, only to carry on as if nothing happened between you.
With the letter in hand, your mind wanders back, hoping to find some hints of where it all went wrong.
You remember the words said to you on that late, fateful winter evening. The confident timbre of his voice then still resonates in your head at random, never muffling despite the years that have passed, ringing as clearly as a bell. Does he ever think about it? It’s hard to say.
“One day,” Ajax, or Tartaglia as he claimed his new identity to be, had told you, “I’m going to conquer this world.”
His breath materialized in front of him as white, vaporous wisps. There’s something about that particularly frigid season that felt like magic, more so than the Cryo Vision wrapped snug around your neck. You bit back a scathing remark and instead focused your energy elsewhere. Your gloved hand raised and hovered just above his split lip, a prominent frown etched onto your face at the fresh wound. Likely the first of many to come, you lamented.
Your Vision pulsated with life and light blue shone through at your command. The tender, bruised flesh on his lip began to close, before it faded away altogether. Tartaglia raised his hand to gently touch where it had been, now nothing but a faint memory.
With that out of the way, you placed your hands onto your hips and gave him a stern look. “I wish you’d stop saying things like that. It’s going to get you into trouble one day.”
He laughed and waved off your concern.
“If only. Things have been so dull lately, I wouldn’t mind stirring up a little trouble.” Tartaglia hummed, much to your displeasure. It was no secret in your quaint hometown of Morepesok that this boy had been spiraling down a dangerous path. Your parents said as much and even encouraged you to break off ties with him. This just won’t do, you thought.
You flicked his forehead and offered up your most intimidating glare. “So you are capable of feeling pain, huh? Good. If it keeps you out of fights, then I won’t heal you anymore.”
Tartaglia rubbed the spot and smiled sheepishly.
“You say that, but I’m sure you’d change your mind if I came to you all bloodied and battered. You’re just that kind of person.” When he paused to reflect, you raised an eyebrow and challenged him.
“Now what’s this? I’m what kind of person, Ajax?” You pinched his cheek, much to his vocal displeasure, mischief gleaming in your eyes. “Say it loud and clear this time.”
“The kind that always looks out for others, even those who don’t deserve it.”
Your arms fell limp by your side. At that moment, your heart twisted in a way it never had before. It could only compare to how it felt when Ajax had stumbled back home after missing for three, long days. You weren’t sure if you had heard him right — his eyes widened as did yours like he felt equally surprised — and he rushed to save himself. The flush that dusted over his face was most certainly not from the cold weather.
Tartaglia shot up and made way for the door at a record speed. “I told my old man that I’d be home before dark. He already worries about me enough as is, so... I’ll be on my way. See ya around.”
Your rebuttal was slow as your tongue felt frozen. Tartaglia waved to you over his shoulder and took off, leaving you to wallow in your muddled thoughts. What exactly had he meant by that? Why did his gaze soften and his usually boisterous voice drop in volume?
Questions flooded your mind, questions that wouldn’t be answered for years to come.
You’ve always found this area of Morepesok to be serene. There’s no buzz of the community gathering, chattering about the latest gossip and notable news, no vendors vying for people passing by to purchase their fresh early morning catch. The surroundings are nothing but peaceful, and most importantly, silent. In the summer, there’d only have been the sound of the rushing rivers that are now frozen over and humming insects.
Twigs and dry leaves crunch behind the tree stump you’re hanging out at, signaling an approaching figure.
“I thought I might find you here.”
Tartaglia sits down next to you, blades of grass rustling against him as he did so. You don’t bother to look up, instead feigning interest in your fingernails, staring at them intently. Anywhere other than his face, which most likely than not would be boasting his trademark grin. Seeing the fake expression that he plasters on daily would only add fuel to the fire that rages inside.
Your lips part after an uncomfortable silence settles in, the atmosphere growing tenser by the second. “So you’re a Harbinger now, huh?”
“You don’t look impressed like everyone else,” He notes, his language notably more tentative than usual. It strikes through your heart, piercing flesh and blood, your fingers curling painfully tight. If he notices, he decides not to comment. Tartaglia gives you the time to process your overwhelming thoughts as if it’d make any of this easier on you.
“How could I possibly be happy about that?” You snap your head, catching how he’s momentarily caught off guard before it’s covered up just as fast. “This… this is going to be the death of you, Ajax. And Archons, the worst part is, I know me saying that won’t matter in the slightest. That death would just be the result of a fulfilling fight to you.”
Your breathing grows erratic, to the point you’re forced to stop speaking to regain yourself. He doesn’t dare utter a single word — uncharacteristically silent — watching your every movement with calculating precision. It’s taking all your strength to keep yourself together, not wanting to come undone in front of him, feeling weak just for showing this much. This is why you were hoping to avoid him, but figures he’d go out of to seek you out.
“And if I don’t die? Would that make a difference in how you feel?” He challenges, tilting his head, voice dipping in volume. “You can be honest with me, [First]. It’s not just that you’re upset about. No, there’s something else.”
He knows you too well and it’s beyond frustrating. Your body language might be difficult for others to read, but not Tartaglia, who picks up on every little nuance with ease.
Your lower lip trembles. “I hate that this is what you’ve become.”
“So that’s it then,” Tartaglia nods his head, once, coming to terms with it as soon as the words left your lips; like he already knew it all along. “I figured as much, but to hear you say it… haven’t you heard of mincing your words before?”
Hugging your knees to your chest, you internally plead with yourself not to let the nonchalant words get to you. It’s his way of dealing with strife to act unbothered, you know this, and still, it strikes deep. What if this isn’t a façade, but who he really is now? That boy you knew and grew up with — Ajax, your dearest friend — he may be physically sitting next to you, but his soul is gone. Whatever happened in those hellish three days changed him forever. Now his flesh and bones are nothing but a vessel urged on by bloodlust.
How ironic, you think. That your Vision lets you heal physical wounds, but not the unseen kind, which runs deeper than any gash could hope to. Maybe you were a fool for thinking you could fix him, revert him to how he used to be like nothing ever happened. Or maybe he let you try just to earn more time together for whatever twisted reason. Knowing that once reality settles in, you’ll go someplace far out of his reach, where he can never get you back. Sitting here, you realize that it won’t just be you losing him. He’ll also be losing you.
Is that why he is sticking around? To prolong the inevitable?
“When I look into your eyes,” you clear your tightening throat, not willing to let yourself cry. “There’s… there’s no light, no humanity, and you know it. That has to be why you chase all those stupid fights, all so that you can feel alive again.”
Tartaglia allows you the room to ramble without interruption, your venomous feelings that have long festered gushing out. When you work up the courage to look up, you find Tartaglia frowning, staring far off but at nothing in particular. So even he can sometimes be rendered to a loss for words, huh?
He sucks in a deep breath through his nose, the chilly air invading his lungs. “You’re wrong about one thing.”
Another cautious pause. He’s giving this a lot of thought.
“My fighting is not for the sole sake of the adrenaline rush, as enjoyable as that is,” he scratches the back of his neck and forces a laugh. “It’s so that I can get stronger. I told you, didn’t I? That I intend on conquering the world. To do that, I need to be the strongest, or else I can’t fulfill my promise.”
Your lips part, eyebrows furrowing together in irritation, but he places a finger to your lips before you can tear into him. The leather feels cool against your skin, and it’s just now that you realize how close he is to you. Having been so absorbed in your emotions, you failed to notice his stealthy movements, the two of you now shoulder to shoulder. Your heart thrums, reminiscent of that day ages ago.
“When the entire world lays defeated at my feet, what I want is to have you by my side. Until that dream of mine comes true, I’m afraid I’ll have to continue making you sad, but know that it’s for a reason.”
Tartaglia pulls his hand back, his finger lingering just a second over your bottom lip, finally allowing you to speak your piece.
You’re drawn like a moth to a flame to his lifeless eyes, which have seen more bloodshed in the past few months than you could ever fathom. Murmuring, you find it within yourself to respond, albeit so quietly he has to cant forward to hear. “If you accomplish just that… who’s to say I’d want to be by your side? The side of a killer?”
“Hm? Did I ever say you had a choice in the matter?” Tartaglia returns your inquiry with a bold one of his own, one that sends you recoiling in astonishment. He lets the words settle like fresh snow on the ground before laughing them off. You cross your arms over your chest, making your displeasure over his comment evident.
“Please, I’m kidding! Don’t look at me like that,” he puts his hands up in mock defense. “Ah, it’s suddenly feeling colder than usual. You’re doing that on purpose, aren’t you? I never thought that humble [First], the child of the town’s apothecary at that, would be so bold as to freeze me to death.”
Your nose wrinkles up and you hold back a laugh, swatting at his shoulder. “Yeah, right. Like I could ever stand a chance against you in battle.”
“You might be surprised! I could make a warrior out of you yet. Think about it, Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa saw fit to bestow a Vision upon you, didn’t she?” He accents his words by pointing to your neck, where you prefer to keep your Vision. Subconsciously, your hand raises, delicately touching the icy gem.
“I’m not like you,” you shake your head at his jest. “Hurting others is the last thing I’d ever want to do, trust me.”
He hums, your words taking him back, memories flashing in his mind. “I know, that’s why I’ve always done it in your stead.”
“Whoever would’ve thought fending off bored kids with a wooden sword would escalate into you climbing the ranks of the Fatui.” Had it not been for the final part of the sentence, you would’ve found it endearing to reminiscence back to your early childhood together. Still, the frost around your heart melts at the sweet memory, despite your attempts to keep it hardened. This goes to show how much I cherished it, you muse.
Lips curling into a smile, you take him by surprise and lay your head onto his shoulder. His muscles go tense, body unresponsive to the affection you used to bestow upon him in heaps. It’d been so long that he forgot the warmth you radiate like you were the sun incarnate. He had once commented that he expected a Cryo user to be cold, only to be delightfully surprised by how warm you were.
“Maybe I was always terrible, and you just didn’t notice?” He proposes, to which you snort.
“That most certainly is not the case. I’m a better judge of character than that.” You scoff at the mere idea. No, little Ajax had been nothing but a darling, there’s no doubting it. Wherever you’d go, he’d follow as if his life depended on it. There was hardly ever a time where the two of you wouldn’t be seen paired together.
“You’ll get no argument out of me there,” Tartaglia rests his head on top of yours like he used to. The circumstances have undoubtedly changed, but it’s nice to feign ignorance for a few minutes. “Say, you remember when we used to sneak off and meet here, right?”
“How could I forget?”
Tartaglia nods his head in agreement. “I was always dragging you into trouble, even then. I’m not one to dwell on the past, but I guess it’s hard not to when we’re here.”
Now that he mentions it, it wasn’t an immediate shift into his now unhinged personality; like all things, it began as a gradual descent. You should’ve noticed something was awry with how frequently he’d come to you, boasting injuries of all sorts. Each was accompanied by a rehearsed explanation as not to alarm you. Unfortunately for him, in a small town such as this, word travels quickly. It was inevitable that you’d find out the bitter truth behind his wounds.
Maybe you always knew but didn’t want to face reality.
“There was this one time in particular that always stuck out to me,” he closes his eyes, reflecting. “When I said I intended to marry you when we got older, or whenever you’d have me.”
You’re amazed at how Tartaglia recounts it without so much as stuttering, the humiliating memory sending your head spinning. There were so many memories he could’ve mentioned and that’s the one he decides to go with? You’re certain he’s messing with you at this point.
“I-I thought we swore never to mention that again!” You exclaim, blood rushing to your cheeks.
He blinks when you abruptly lift your head and shrugs off your concern. “I don’t remember ever agreeing to that. It was you who kept insisting to take a vow of silence on it, for whatever reason. Personally, I find it cute, you were so eager to accept my proposal then.” 
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. This irksome teasing quality had reared its head alongside his other new shortcomings. The best way to deal with it, you’ve learned, is to keep the conversation going. Dwelling on it for too long never ends well.
“So, Liyue, huh?” You recall the gossip from the marketplace earlier. Some locals were fussing over the news that the Fatui’s latest Harbinger, Tartaglia, would be sent abroad for more work. There were murmurs of excitement over how a child from this seaside town managed to make it so far up the ranks. And to think they used to bemoan Ajax’s violent streak, you remember. Now that it’s beneficial to them, they sure have changed their tune.
“I wonder what it’ll be like,” he muses. “Anthon seems to think the people there eat rocks, for whatever reason.”
“Kids always say the craziest things unprompted.”
He seems agreeable to that statement. Neither of you utters another word for some time, instead thinking of both the past and the future. It’s not a comfortable position to remain seated in, yet neither you nor he complains about it. For a few brief, glorious seconds, everything almost seems normal again.
“Hey, [First].”
You hum in response. Tartaglia’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly, his eyebrows knitting together in contemplation. In the silence that follows, you swear you hear a sound akin to electricity crackling, the hairs on the back of your neck standing from the drastic shift in atmosphere.
“I meant what I said. Someday, you will be by my side. I don’t care what it takes, I’ll make it happen; even if you come to hate me.”
“Because once you make a promise… you keep it.”
And he intended to do just that.
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ack3rlady · 3 years
The Universe Had His Back - Chapter 7
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Chapters: Six | Seven
Master List
Warnings: Fluff, Fluff and more Fluff
Word Count: ~2.74k
Inspiration: Don't Go - Exo
A/N: And with this chapter, I conclude this series. Thank you for all the love you all gave my baby project!
Tags: @sooibian, @queenofcurse, @red-n-tall, @badbitxhbuckybarnes , @sweet-assh0le
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‘Why am I nervous? We've done much more than just kiss. For fucks sake! I'm the mother of his child.’
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down before pushing the cart from behind your truck towards the large glass doors of the café. You had offered to take today’s batch of bread and pastries to Levi’s to snag a chance to see him, much to Mikasa’s annoyance.
“Oi, brat! You’re late.”, Levi remarked without looking up from his laptop when the bell above the door rang with your entrance, expecting her to have finally arrived.
“Levi, I’m so sorry! I made an impromptu decision to come here instead of Mikasa and -”, you emerged from behind the lofty stack of boxes.
Your hair was up in a messy bun, you were panting from hauling the weight and the resultant perspiration made you glow. Your continual rambling about why you were late, instantly gave him a feeling of Déjà vu, hurling him eight years back in time to the morning when he first laid his eyes on you.  Mirroring that day, he couldn’t focus on anything you were saying, gawking at you with unblinking eyes given how stupefied he was by the sight before his eyes and the sound of your voice.
“Levi? Are you listening?”, you waved your hand in front of his face, disrupting the mental movie playing in his head.
“Huh? Oh, y-yeah. Hi.” he shook his head vigorously and blinked a few times to bring himself back to the present.
Both a blushing mess, you stood by the entrance to the cafe, smiling at each other like two smitten high-schoolers.
“Are you finally back together?”, a shriek from the opposite end of the seating area made your ears ring.
The cacophony was loud enough that Erwin’s head immediately peaked out of his office; his face riddled with confusion. Both your necks snapped towards the source - Hange was running in your direction with the brightest grin on their face. Every head in the room was turned towards you. Eren and other new members of staff at the café, Armin, Jean, Sasha and Connie were slack jawed with their gaping eyes fixed on you after being subjected to this abrupt and unnecessary announcement. One look from Levi sent them scrambling back to work.
“Fucking four-eyes.” he mumbled as they came closer.
“I knew it! You lovebirds couldn’t stay apart for long!”, they squealed with joy enveloping you both in an spontaneous group hug, not giving Levi an opportunity to flinch away.
“Shhh! Calm down, Hange! We’re not back together. Yet.”, you tugged on their hands trying to free yourself from their clasp.
Levi's eyes met and stayed on yours when you uttered the last word, the way his heart fluttered at the sound of it clearly reflecting on his face.
“But you were together last night. You have both put in way too much effort in your appearances today. And the color on Short-stack's cheeks can be spotted from Mars! What am I missing here?”, they observed, unaware of the heat rising within their two friends thinking about their final moments together at the Ackerman home yesterday.
Always the perceptive one, Hange. They weren’t entirely wrong. You did spend forty minutes in your closet hunting for the one floral lemon-yellow dress that Levi loved seeing you in; piling on deodorant while simultaneously cursing the hot summer. You picked your reflection in the mirror apart for way too long, fiddling with the necklace he bought you ages ago while rehearsing what you would say to him.
By the looks of it, he did too. He looked oh-so handsome today. Granted, he always did. But today was different. He wore your favorite navy-blue button-down shirt with slate grey slacks, sleeves folded to reveal his toned fore arms, and the top two buttons left open to aid with the sweltering heat; or was it because he knew that it made you weak in the knees when he wore his shirts that way? And his cheeks and ears were definitely a brighter shade of pink than the raspberry compote on the cheesecake you brought.
He stood pinching the bridge of his nose, his breathing starting to speed up. You figured it was his attempt at suppressing the strong urge to smack the grin right off Hange’s face.
“Hange, I promise, I’ll give you all the details later. But for now, Levi and I have things to discuss.”, you pulled him away before he could act on his impulse.
Taking a seat at the table by the large bay window, kissed by the morning sun, you watched the city slowly rise awake with your cheek resting on the palm of your hand. Levi, who was walking back from the kitchen with a cup of tea for himself and a caramel latte for you, stopped in his tracks to mentally frame this image. It was as if you were a different person than who he met over the last two days.
There were no signs of the anxious but adoring mother from yesterday nor the bewildered, pained ex-wife from the day before; you were the same clumsy, moody, garrulous, as well as kind, selfless and mesmerizing woman he fell madly in love with when you walked in through the doors of this very place eight years ago. How could one person flood his heart with a barrage of different emotions this way?
You acknowledged him with a soft ‘hi’ accompanied by a smile when he sat down on the chair opposite to you, nervous about the forthcoming conversation. You stole occasional glances at each other while sipping your beverages, hesitating to be the one to say the first word.
“Do you hate me?”, he asked out of the blue, his gaze locked on his cup.
“No! Why would you think that?”
“Uh- you obviously had a chance to think about what I said to you after going home last night. Why would you possibly want to still see me?”
“Well, I’m here, aren't I? I want to work on us if you’re willing to try as well, Levi. I want to see where this takes us.”, you smiled, placing your hand on his.
"Me too."
Four months later
The day of Suki and Furlan's wedding was finally here. The venue was set, guests had arrived and you were busy helping the bride get ready for her special day, having spent all morning with her, Isabel and the other bridesmaids in the bridal suite, chatting away in excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.
“Honestly speaking, Suki, I’d have a hard time keeping my hands off you if I were Furlan”, you teased while draping the veil into her hair, causing her to bury her face into her palms.
“You’re one to talk! Levi has been looking for reasons to see you all morning. I had to turn him away thrice already. I'm pretty sure he is going to murder me after the wedding is over.”, Isabel shot back with a smirk.
The last four months had been nothing short of a whirlwind. After that morning at the cafe, having breakfast with Levi turned into a routine. He brought Luna along on most days, and the three of you spent time chatting and admiring the toddler’s antics over tea and scones while sitting at your usual table by the bay window. Sometimes you’d have her accompany you to the patisserie to give Levi a much-deserved break.
Everyone there was enamored with the little firecracker. Her Uncle Miche had always been her favorite because the gentle giant ferried her around the large kitchen on his shoulders. Bertholdt and Reiner would happily comply to all the orders their mini boss belted out. Annie, although a little awkward around her, listened intently to her endless stories; Mikasa secretly pampered her with numerous treats even after several warnings from you, and Nanaba would fuss over her all the time and try to keep the little one all to herself, earning protests from the others.
The evenings varied between taking Luna to the park or the pier, or just spending time indoors at your place or his. You even celebrated her fourth birthday two weeks ago. All your friends and family, along with some little friends the birthday girl had made at the park were invited. You spent a beautiful evening in the backyard of your house around a bonfire, with a delectable meal and wonderful company.
Levi especially made sure you knew that you were being wooed by taking you out on date nights every now-and-then to the finest of restaurants, walks on the beach, to the drive-in theater a few miles outside your town, or star gazing from your favorite spot up the nearby hill. You both were working through your differences and had barely had any disagreements during the time spent together. Things were slowly falling in place; in fact, this newly re-built relationship with him felt much stronger than ever before.
The flashback ended when the wedding planner knocked on the door indicating it was time for the ceremony to begin. You, Isabel, and the other bridesmaids ushered Suki to her designated spot, making sure her dress, hair, make up and flowers looked perfect.
Standing at the altar by Furlan’s side as his best man, Levi was relieved that he would finally be seeing you soon after being apart all morning. Lately, the two of you spent most of your time together; and this sudden separation had him feeling restless.
On cue, the two harpists seated on either side of the rows began to play heavenly tune of ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perry, a prompt for the bride’s party to start making their way towards the altar. He watched patiently as bridesmaids accompanied by groomsmen walked down the aisle, waiting for you to finally appear. He almost forgot to breathe when your form eventually entered the nave, walking a short distance behind Isabel and one of Furlan’s friends.
You wore the emerald gown from your encounter with him at the store four months ago, and looked a million times more beautiful this morning. Your usually open hair was tied into an elegant loose braid with some curly strands framing your face. The sun rays falling on your silhouette from the towering stained-glass windows of the church made you look like an angel descending solely upon him. He finally began breathing again when you smiled at him and mouthed “breathe”, after taking your position at the altar.
Levi only peeled his eyes away from you when Luna’s giggles reverberated off the stone walls as she waddled down the aisle, scattering petals of baby pink roses, about the same shade has her chubby cheeks, on the ivory carpet. You wiped a stray tear rolling down your face as you both proudly watched her play the part of a flower girl with utmost perfection. Upon making it to the end, she ran to you and buried her face in your gown, suddenly feeling shy from the cheers and applause she received from the smitten guests.
You instantly scooped her up and held her close, letting her nuzzle into the crook of your neck, cooing sweet words of encouragement into her ears. Levi was so taken by this divine scene before him that he failed to notice the bride's much awaited walk down the aisle; surprised to directly find Suki standing at the altar, facing Furlan with her lips curved into the widest smile before his attention found you and Luna again.
He lost track of how long he was marveling at his two perfect girls for, until he felt an elbow harshly crash into his ribs, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“Is this revenge for your wedding?”, Furlan frowned.
Levi blankly stared at him, having no clue what he was talking about
“Ring, Levi!”, the fuming groom growled.
Oh, right. He pursed his lips in embarrassment melting under the scrutiny of the baffled guests while he handed over the ring that was in the safety of his blazer’s pocket. His eyes darted towards an alarmed Suki and silently apologized to her. Then his gaze moved back to you, an impish smirk on your face as you stared back at him, knowing exactly what was going on in his mind.
Fuck! Furlan was not going to let this go for a long time.
Luna had lost interest in the festivities midway through the nuptials and had fallen asleep in your arms. After the ceremony, when everyone began to make their way outside the chapel, Levi swiftly moved over to walk beside you and offered to carry the snoozing toddler. You groaned after her weight left your body, stretching your sore shoulders and aching back .
“Stop that. You have no idea how hard it is to control myself from jumping your bones, especially when you look this gorgeous.”, Levi whispered in your ear, snaking an arm around your waist.
You glanced around awkwardly making sure his words did not fall on any prying ears and gave him a quick smack on the shoulder, trying to suppress the heat creeping up your neck.
Time skip – Evening
The wedding reception was underway. You sat at a table sipping lemonade, watching the newlyweds grooving to the beats of music being played by DJ Zeke. Levi swapped his usual glass of Macallan for a cup of ginger lemon tea; His reason being that his throat was sore from carrying out best man duties. But you knew he was just being supportive of your goal to stay off alcohol.
Erwin and Hange sat by the bar, socializing with Furlan’s Boss, Mr. Pyxis while Luna was busy playing duck-duck-goose with some new toddler friends she made at the venue. Levi needed to be physically restrained from ambushing Isabel who he had discovered slow dancing with the same groomsman that walked alongside her at the ceremony. Miche and Nanaba were spotted in a rare public embrace, dancing leisurely to the slow music; and your army of helpers consisting of Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie took the lead on setting up tables as yours and Levi’s patisserie and café were the official caterers for the evening.
The choice of DJ Zeke's next track brought a sparkle to your eyes. Your smile spread from ear to ear when ‘Fly me to the Moon' by Frank Sinatra emanated from the speakers. You sang along and began swaying cheerfully in your seat to the melody.
“Remember, Levi? This was the song we had our first dance to at our wedding.” you reminisced; a nostalgic smile spread across your face.
“How can I forget?”, he asked.
His eyes were unfocused, lost in memories of his own. He remembered how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress. How your diamond jewelry shimmered under the spotlight, how you whispered honeyed words into his ears when he felt exceptionally uncomfortable dancing in public, how warm your hands felt wrapped around his body, how your breath tickled his neck. He’d give anything just to go back and relive that moment.
You gaze was still lost among people enjoying themselves on the dance floor when a stretched-out hand entered your line of vision. Your eyes followed it to land on Levi’s face. A quirk in your eyebrows wordlessly asked him what this action meant.
“Let's dance.”, he said.
“You, Levi Ackerman, are willingly asking me to dance? Did someone spike your tea?” You smirked, earning an eye roll from him.
“Oi, brat! Let’s go before I change my mind.”
“Only if you ask nicely.”
“May I have this dance with you, my love?”
You accepted and the pair of you headed towards the dance floor. He gently pulled you close to him and firmly held on to your hand. His other hand wrapped firmly around your waist and you rested yours on his shoulder. You both moved to the slow rhythm in perfect harmony, as you drowned in those gorgeous blue-grey eyes. It felt like the world around you had dissolved and it was just the two of you and the music.
“You look nice today. I see you bought the same gray suit you hated with a fiery passion.”, you teased.
“How could I not after you said you liked it?”
You looked over his shoulder to Suki and Furlan flashing you a wide grin from across the dance floor. And so did Hange, Miche and Nanaba from over that the bar. Erwin gently raised his drink in your direction. The heat from the from the sudden metaphorical spot light you stood under was cooled by the kiss Levi planted on your cheek.
“Did I tell you how lucky I feel to have you?”, he whispered into your ear as while brushing strands of hair off your face.
“I could stand to hear it more often.”, You hid your blush by resting your forehead on his shoulder, feeling too shy to keep his gaze.
“It's true. You’re the most beautiful woman is this room tonight, scratch that, you’ll be the most beautiful woman anywhere, any day; and I get the honor of calling you mine.” he cooed, drawing gentle circles on your back with his fingers.
“You’re awfully talkative today!”, you lifted your head again to reveal a contagious coy smile spread across your lips.
“Don’t be stupid. I’ve always been talkative.”,
“Come with me.”, he moved you off his chest and tugged at your hand.
“Where?”, you asked in utter confusion, and a bit of annoyance at the wonderful moment being ruined, just to receive silence in response.
Levi quickly glanced over to find Luna munching on garlic bread sticks with Erwin and Hange, as he guided you away from the venue and towards the lake nearby. The ripples in the water gleamed under the moonlight, resembling liquid silver. Warm yellow light from the lamps on either side of a wooden dock dimly illuminated the path that led to a gorgeous gazebo that stood at the end, its ceiling sprinkled with fairy lights that defined the intricate floral carvings in the wood. You stood in the center of the structure and slowly spun around, marveling at the work of whose ever brilliant hands built it.
“Levi, this is stunning!”, you said gazing in all directions, running your fingers over the sophisticated engravings.
“Yes, it is.”, Levi agreed, his eyes not on the architecture, but instead on the human embodiment of radiant sunny day that stood by his side.
Not remotely expecting anything to outshine the sight before you, your vision was captured by an extravagant display of red, green, and gold against the dark blanket of the night’s sky. You jumped when the sound of the first soaring explosion caught you off guard. An arm slid across your waist and a kiss was placed on your temple. You were enamored by the shattering sparks of the fireworks, eliciting frequent oohs and aahs, until a voice snapped you out of your reverie.
“Marry me.”
It took you a few seconds to fully register what you just heard. But when you did, overwhelming feelings of joy rendered you speechless; fingers absentmindedly running over the carved railing of the gazebo, stunned orbs darting between the brilliant sky and the love of your life.
This time Levi had to remind you to breathe.
Your eyes and lips both turned into wide Os, and you slapped your hands to cover your gaping mouth when he slowly lowered himself to kneel before you, opening a little black box containing the same gorgeous ruby ring from all those years ago, which he sneaked out of your nightstand during one of his visits.
“I know that you said you wanted to take this slow. But the last four months with you have been the most precious of my life, where I got a glimpse of what having a perfect family would be like. I learnt the hard way, what I lost when I lost you and you gave me a second chance at finding happiness when you decided to come back. I promise to love and protect you every single day for the rest of my life, and even after. You complete me, love, and you complete our family. So, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Ackerman, again?”
“Levi...”, your trembling voice was barely audible.
“Yes.”, you breathed, letting the floodgates finally open when he slid the ring on your finger.
He got back on his feet and engulfed you into the tightest embrace as you wept joyous tears into his shoulders.
“I love you so much!”
“I love you too!”, moving to look into your eyes, he cupped your face with warm hands.
And finally, his lips found yours.
It felt... like home;
Like laying in a cozy bed after a long day of work, like the warm chocolate sauce on a cold scoop of ice-cream, like wearing a fuzzy sweater on a crisp autumn evening, like walking barefoot on the beach at sunset, like taking a cool shower on a blazing summer afternoon, like everything you ever needed.
After being torn apart from the one person who made your life perfect, you were finally back in the soothing confines of his strong arms, resting against his able chest, ready to fall apart; all while the fireworks in the sky mirrored the fireworks in your hearts.
“Mama! Papa!”
You were awoken from this surreal euphoria by the most beautiful squeal you had ever heard. Both your heads turned towards the source of it – a tiny figure running towards you with all her might while all your near and dear ones including the newlyweds watched from a distance, cheering merrily.
“They knew?”, you gasped, sobbing and sniffling from the joyous tears.
“Yeah, pretty much everyone but you knew.”
Luna flew into Levi’s open arms when he bent down to receive her. The three of you merged into one blob of a positively smothering family hug, only pulling away to pepper each other with more kisses. Levi held his two girls close. His sun and moon were now back together in the sky of his life. He looked into Luna’s crescent shaped eyes and whispered,
“Moon beam, Mama’s coming home.”
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Story of Another Us
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Pairing: Luke Patterson x fem!Reader
Description: After Julie finds a song Luke wrote about you, he reminisces on his moments with you
A/N: The song Luke wrote is Story of Another Us by 5 Seconds of Summer i highly recommend listening to it
Warnings: Cussing
Word count: 1.7k
Part 2
Julie is a curious person by nature, nobody can deny that. So when Luke gave her his journal and told her to look at all the dog eared songs, she couldn’t stop herself from reading them all. When she got to the last song in the journal she hesitated. It was not dog eared and looked to be the newest written. Most words were crossed out and corrections were written between the margins, she turned the page to find the final version of the song, written coherently. She raised her brows at the wet spots that stained some of the words. She read through it, her own eyes tearing up and threatening to smudge the beautiful lyrics composed by her lead guitarist.
The faint pop Julie has grown to recognize startles her. She meets Luke’s eyes and tries to flip the notebook back to another page but he catches sight of it before she can.
He stays quiet for a second and Julie bites her lip in anticipation.
“What is it that you always say Jules? Boundaries?” The look in his eyes is a mixture of anger, betrayal, and pure sadness, and it breaks Julie’s heart.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers. She doesn’t know what else to say and ultimately decides to risk asking the question that is on the forefront of her mind. “Luke, who is the song about?”
He sighs and takes a sit next to her on the bed, there’s no point in lying to her. “My girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Julie asks, both confused and surprised.
“Yeah ex-girlfriend I guess. We uh dated back in the 90s,” a sad smile on his face as he spoke. “She was there the night of the concert but she hated hotdogs so she stayed back with Bobby at the Orpheum. I didn’t want to think about her when we first came back but last week I looked her up and I went to see her. She has a family, married, children everything that we talked about having together.” Tears were falling down his face and Julie wanted nothing more than to be able to hug him.
“I-“ she started but what was she supposed to say? Luke shook his head, not finished talking.
“Her youngest son, his name is-“ he pressed a fist against his mouth, biting back a sob. “She named him Luke.” It’s something that took him by surprise when he heard her call his name. For a second he thought she meant him, but then he saw the cute nine-year-old dashing into the room, smiling brightly at his mother.
“And I am so happy for her but I just, I guess I finally realized just how much I lost that night.” He finally turned his head and made eye contact with Julie.
“Tell me about her,” she said. Luke’s eyes widened, not expecting that to be her response. He regained his composure and nodded his head, thinking back to the moments you shared together.
. . .
You’re sitting on the couch, waiting for the boys to get back to the studio after playing at the pier for change. You actually had school and therefore could not go and watch them but you have the rest of the day off and decided to spend it with your favorite people.
The loud, excited voice of your boyfriend breaks you from your thoughts. He pushes the door of the garage turned studio open and smiles when he spots you. He rushes to the couch and throws himself on top of you. You grunt and try to push him off, which only causes him to hold you tighter.
“Get off me you doofus. You’re sweaty and gross,” you exclaim. He looks at you in mock hurt and you use his surprise to your advantage and push him off the couch. You sit up and wave at the rest of the guys.
Bobby smiles and shakes his head walking forward to ruffle your hair. Alex and Reggie make it seem like they will throw themselves on top of you too and you scream, raising your arms over your head in defense, making everyone laugh. You stick your tongue out at them and look down at your boyfriend still laying on the floor.
“How was your physics test?” He asks, remembering last night’s mental breakdown about you not understanding anything. He always felt useless in those situations, never having taken physics himself after dropping out, so he couldn’t help you study. He normally just holds you close and hopes you stop crying, because regardless of what Alex says, he would never leave you to cry alone.
“Meh, pretty sure I passed but I never know.” You shrug your shoulders dismissing any thoughts of your grades.
Bobby laughs and points an accusatory finger at you, “You always say that and you always end up being the highest score. Don’t give us that ‘meh’ bullshit.”
You throw a pillow at him but he easily catches it and throws it at Reggie, who gets hit in the head. Reggie complains and both you and Bobby chuckle at his inconvenience.
Luke finally gets up from the floor and sits next to you on the couch, pulling your body to lean against his. You’re used to this proximity, realizing early in your relationship that Luke is a very touchy person and has to have physical contact with someone at all times.
You smile and look up to him, asking how the performance at the pier went. He excitedly goes on about how people complemented them and how he knows that they are on their way to becoming big and you can’t help but agree. If there is one thing you know is that Sunset Curve is on their way to greatness.
. . .
“She believed in me, in all of us. Every second of spare time she had, she spent helping us get gigs. She would even sit on that old coach while we practiced and do her homework.”
Julie smiled at the way his eyes lit up. “She sounds amazing. Though I am surprised she was able to concentrate with you guys playing.”
Luke laughs and shakes his head. “She was not. She would yell at us and blame us if she didn’t do well on a test, but we always convinced her to stay when she tried to leave.”
. . .
You tried to block out the loud playing of instruments as you read Lord of the Flies for your english class. You snap the book shut and let out a frustrated sigh standing up abruptly and making your way out the door.
Luke stops singing and slips his guitar off before rushing over to you.
“Hey where are you going?” Luke asks a little breathless, bouncing on the balls of his feet, his body still full of adrenaline.
“I can’t concentrate,” you reply. “I’m pretty sure I have a test on the first four chapters tomorrow.” You look up to find him pouting adorably at you. You roll your eyes and try to leave again but he grabs your arm.
“We’re almost done. Let us just finish this song and then we were all just going to write. Just don’t leave.” His eyes are pleading with you and you know that you won’t decline. You let him lead you back to the couch and you sit down, reopening your book and trying to finish the chapters assigned.
Five minutes later the guys were all milling on different areas of the studio with a pen and an instrument, working on melodies as Luke works on lyrics on the floor in front of you leaning back against your legs. You run your hand absentmindedly through his hair as the other holds up the book.
The pager clipped to your jeans beeps and you glance down at it, your eyes widening when you see the message. You stand up quickly, dropping your book on Luke’s head in the process. You ignore the calls of pain and protest from your boyfriend as you run out of the shed and into the house. You greet Bobby’s mom and walk to the living room where the landline is at. You dial the number quickly and mumble “pick up” repeatedly under your breath. The club owner picks up and you talk for about fifteen minutes. At the end confirming a gig for Sunset Curve every Saturday this month at one of the hottest clubs in LA.
You scream with joy and run back to the studio yelling for their attention.
“Guess who just booked you guys a gig!” You exclaim, a joyous smile on your lips. The boys all jump up from their places around the room and rush to hug you but you raise your hands stopping them in their tracks. “Sunset Curve will be performing every Saturday this March at The Reserve!”
They all freeze, mouths opening in shock before they tackle you in a hug and jumping around in excitement. Luke pulls you close against him and kisses you desperately, trying to convey every emotion he is feeling at the moment. The guys cheer like they always do whenever Luke kisses you in front of them.
They all give you their thanks and a hug before Luke pulls you back to the couch, picking up his lyric journal and placing your hand back in his hair. The room is still buzzing with excitement but your force yourself to concentrate as you pick your book back up and continued reading.
. . .
Luke looks down at his hands, “She was the love of my life, quite literally, and I guess that now in my death I have to learn to live without her.”
Julie let her hand hover over his and if she concentrated hard enough she swears she could feel the heat radiating off his skin. “It’s a beautiful song Luke and she sounds like she loved you very much. Just remember that getting over her doesn’t mean forgetting her.”
Luke smiles at his friend, thankful to have met her and have her be a part of his (after)life. He looks down at his journal, eyes skimming over the song. “Do you think,” he pauses. “Do you think it’s good enough to perform?”
Julie stares him like he’s insane. “Anything you write is good enough to perform, especially this song.” Luke turns away, a blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Thanks Jules.”
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celestialmango · 3 years
Unwilling to semi-willing Prey, mer Pred,soft vore, safe vore, little bit of fear play and cuddles
You're visiting the rundown docks again, people keep telling you not to,that it's dangerous, been abandoned due to dangerous creatures roaming the area, you don't feel like you're in danger though and its nice to have someone to talk to even if you can't understand their verbal language they're still able to get their point across with body language, you carefully walk across the decaying pier and sit down dangling your legs over the edge as you look towards the few large rock waves are crashing against several feet away and wait.
After a few moments you see clawed hand with webbed fingers grasp at the rocks as a familiar figure hauls themselves up halfway out of the water an gives you a friendly shark toothed smile, their scally tail shining in the afternoon sun and you smile back tiredly, they begin chattering at you, lucky you you're good at charades, the basically tell you about their hunts today and territory disputes with you interjecting now and then with smiles and laughter. But when they notice you're not really yourself their smile starting to slip as they ask a silent quest.
So you speak you tell them how your day wasn't so great, what led up to you feeling this way, they listen intently as you vent and you the dock creaks worryingly as you shift in place, "sometimes I just wish I could get away from the world for a while, ya know?", You hear a splash and see them gone, you sigh and you close your eyes about to get up and leave when you hear another loud splash and your eyes snap open just in time to see them jumping out of the water at you, their weight impacts you and you're knocked backwards your head striking the deck and you know no more
You wake up dazed, dark, tight, wet, dry ,warm and cold at the same time, your ears are ringing, your arms or forcibly stretch in front of you and you feel yourself being dragged forward, your hands slip through a tight ring and you feel your thighs become wet,warm and constricted, you furrow your brow in confusion and shreik when you're suddenly upsidedown and bracing your hands against the floor of a small squishy chamber you are quickly being stuffed into, you use your arms to control your direction of descent and slide into the chamber in fetal position.
By now the ringing in your ears is gone and from the loud beating of a heart above you and from the squeezing and gurgles around you realize that your companion has swallowed you alive, you hear them sigh in relief and they coo and pet your head through the flesh of their stomach before the world shifts again and you feel a thump at your back as they hit the water.
You're scared and refuse to believe it, after everything they would never just make a meal out of you, you trust them, they have to have a reason! You're body is rigged you don't even notice how much time passes before you hear gulping above you and a very large very live fish is now flopping around the the fleshy chamber with you, you hear a growl from below and feel one of your feet slip down inside a flexing opening, your heart stops when it tugs your foot a little deeper and pauses, it squeeze it a few times before you let out the breath you were holding as it pushes your foot back into the chamber, you don't really think about before grabbing the fish and pressing it's head against the sphincter which quickly latches on and slurps to fish down sealing up and ceasing movement afterwards.
You let out a shaky breath and you feel your predator rub at your back through noisy flesh and muscle, right, definitely not food, if you were food you would be following that fish deeper into their body. Your body relaxes and you let your thoughts wander.
You soon feel their stomach squeeze around you and hear them make hacking noise as you're quickly regurgitated landing on a bed of shallow water and seaweed, you're quickly pulled face first into their chest as they embrace you and flop down so you're both laying on your sides, you take a moment to glance around where you are, it appears to be an underwater cavern or at least mostly underwater, you see a hole in the ceiling that you can see the sky through so least you don't have to worry about suffocating.
You feel your fishy companion pull away and look towards them just to see them unhinge thier jaw and lunge toward you only for your hand to come up and meet their forehead lightly holding them in back, "not right now please.", Their jaw pops back into place and they pout for a moment before making themselves content by pulling you close again and burying their nose in your hair as their tail repeatedly splashes against the water much like a dog wagging their tail, you sigh and hug them back, when you said you wished you could get away from the world for a while you did not think it would end up like this."guess this is just my life now" you say and hear your companion chuckle.
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thisisarcanereverie · 3 years
When in Love (Sam Wilson x Reader)
A/N: I love Sam Wilson period. 
Summary: Bucky did indeed flirt with Sam’s sister again........and now they’re getting married. Sam brought you as his date to their big day. 
“It’s not too late to get Carlos,” Sam said as you straightened his tie, Sam could do it by himself but then he wouldn’t have an excuse to have you near him. 
“I’m pretty sure people would notice if the groom weren’t to make an appearance.” You said as you finished straightening his tie, letting your hands linger there for a while as you looked up into his dark eyes. 
“Don’t know unless we try.” Sam half heartedly said. He was only half joking, for the past few years he saw Sarah happier than she had been in years. He knew Bucky treated her well and that he loved the kids as well. Sam knew Bucky would never hurt them. 
Didn’t mean that Sam didn’t have Carlos on speed dial and an alibi set up just in case. 
(Y/n) lightly smacked her hand against Sam’s chest as he laughed. His warm dark eyes lit up as he looked at her. 
(Y/n) smiled and rolled her eyes. She had gotten ready before driving over and Sam couldn’t help but think of how beautiful she was in sky blue. 
Sam had been nervous when he asked (Y/n) to be his date to Sarah and Bucky’s wedding. He knew she wasn’t one for parties where she didn’t know anyone but she had surprised him by accepting. 
“We have a wedding to get to.” You drew him from his thoughts while grabbing your clutch on the bed and walking out the door to wait for him. You had no idea the effect on Sam, even the way your hips sway when you walked away drove him insane. 
Sam took a deep breath in to calm his nerves as he readied himself mentally. Sam was not only going to be one of Bucky’s groomsmen but also the one giving Sarah away. 
Their father was the one to give her away the first time she got married, and now since their father had passed Sam was the only one left for the job. 
Sam gathered his thoughts and headed out of the bedroom and down the stairs to see your figure waiting for him patiently at the bottom. 
You hear the stairs creak under his feet and look up. You had always thought he looked attractive, but put that man in a suit and your knees began growing weak. 
You barely managed to tear your eyes away from him for a second as he reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Ready?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even. 
The wedding had been beautiful, it was held at the church. The aisle and booths were decorated with white flowers and ribbons. 
On Bucky’s side there was Dora Milaje and T’Challa. Along with Thor, Brunheilda, and the Guardians. Rocket was mostly looking at Bucky’s metal arm though. 
The Ceremony had been just as beautiful, Sarah walked down the aisle in a beautiful white gown which made Bucky tear up with Sam. AJ and Cass were already by Bucky’s side, after all Bucky had named them his Best Men. 
While Sarah and Bucky said their vows Sam’s gaze couldn’t help but wonder to you. You were seated by Sarah’s side of the church along with almost everyone in town. You smiled and wiped a few tears as the vows got increasingly emotional. You had been seated near a glass stained window and all of its colors bathed you in it’s light. You just got more beautiful the longer he looked at you. 
Suddenly your eyes had met with his, and he felt his heart stop and breathing suddenly became difficult. It wasn’t unwelcomed though, in fact it was quite the opposite. Sam didn’t look away and neither did you. You both had stared at each other until Sam decided to be bold and wink and flash his intoxicating smile. You smiled bashfully before winking back and tearing your eyes from his to focus back to the stars of the day as Sam did the same thing. 
The reception was back at the house, Sam and a few other people from town helped set up the yard yesterday. Making an area for dancing, dining, food, socializing. Decorating it with magnolias and fairy lights and it looked stunning. 
The sun had almost begun to set by the time everyone got back to the house to enjoy the party. 
Bucky and Sarah did their first dance as husband and wife to an old 1940′s song and was later joined by AJ and Cass. Bucky had gone above and beyond to make sure the boys had been included in everything. 
After their dance ended, something faster paced began to play and almost everyone began to make their way to the dance floor. You and Sam being among them. Sam had twirled you around and danced with you until it was time for the toasts to begin. 
“I just want to thank everyone who came here today,” Bucky began to speak on the microphone, a beer in his hand. “I especially want to thank AJ and Cass for letting me into their lives, and my beautiful wife Sarah.” Bucky paused and gave her a wink, Sarah winked back and smiled. “I promise to uphold my vows and protect and love you and the boys with everything I have.” He raised his beer bottle in cheers before taking a quick swig out of it. 
AJ and Cass had performed their toast next, welcoming him into their family and just an overall sweet speech which ended with Bucky in tears for the second time that day. It made your heart swell to see Bucky so happy after all these years he had to endure alone and tortured. He deserved this, they all did. Sarah, Bucky, Cass, and Aj deserved to be happy together. 
A few other people gave speeches before Sam gave his. Even Rocket gave an impromptu speech. 
“Can I have that arm now?”
“I’m getting that arm.” 
You saw a quick look of fear cross Bucky’s face as Rocket was approached by Dora Milaje and struggled to hold in a small laugh. 
Sam made his way up the stage to give his speech. He straightened his jacket before grabbing the microphone. 
“Sarah as your brother I am so proud of you and I know if Dad and Mom were here they would say the exact same thing. They would be proud of the woman and of the mother you have become.” Sam said with tears at the corners of his eyes at the mention of their parents, Sarah wiped her tears away as well. “Bucky as your friend I know Steve would be as proud and as happy for you as I am. Happy that you have finally found your peace and I welcome you to the family with open arms.” He raised his glass to Bucky who returned the favor. “Although I do recall telling you not to flirt with my sister,” laughter then ensued as Bucky chuckled and shook his head. “As Sarah’s brother,” Sam then motioned to Carlos sitting at one of the tables, “I want you to know that it’s not too late for me to get Carlos to feed you to the fish if necessary.” Carlos then waved and laughed at the groom who returned the favor. “treat her and the boys well and I guess we’re no longer co workers.” Laughter erupted as Sam took a drink in congratulations as did everyone else. 
As the party began to die down you had snuck out the pier to get some fresh air away from everyone. 
It wasn’t like you didn’t enjoy their company and didn’t get to meet some pretty interesting people. It was just you needed a moment to yourself to relax. You were an introvert at heart and so many people at once tended to overwhelm you sometimes. 
You watched as the water moved gracefully, breathing in time with it. The lights from the party reflected in the water and the music could still be heard although softer now. 
You didn’t even seem to notice a certain man making his way to you before you heard a silent ‘oh shit’. 
If Sam thought you had looked beautiful before, now you were angelic. The sun had long before set and now your figure was illuminated by the faint lights of the party and the moon. It gave you an almost ethereal glow as he noticed your hands fidgeting. A habit he noticed a long time ago, you always have to do something with your hands. He honestly found it cute. 
Sam had been so caught up in you that he hadn’t noticed a little loose board and nearly tripped over himself. 
Your hands stopped moving as you saw Sam holding onto the wooden railing of the pier for dear life. You laughed a little at Sam’s embarrassed expression as he tried to walk it off as though it didn’t happen. 
You looked back out to the water as Sam finally made his way to your side. Out of the side of your eye you caught a glimpse at the man beside you. The light of the party and the moon made him look romantic, and you noticed that at some point in the night Sam discarded his tie and jacket, rolled the sleeves up his forearms and unbuttoned a button or two on his shirt. He started fidgeting with the watch on his wrist as you both look at the water dancing. 
You could hear the upbeat music from the party change to another slow dance. 
“You wanna dance?” 
You turned and saw Sam with his hand out, ready to take your hand if you accepted. Which you did. 
Slowly you and Sam moved with the beat, the music was quiet and the lights had made the moment all the more romantic. 
Sam held your hand in one and his other hand went to your waist, pulling you flush against him making your heart beat out your chest. 
Neither of you said a word, Sam hummed in tune with the song as you smiled at him. 
Sam’s heart was beating out of his chest, usually he was smooth. Usually Sam had no trouble speaking to ladies, but it seemed as though you were the exception. 
A couple of seconds passed before Sam finally broke the silence. 
“Usually I can speak just fine in front of someone,” He started his deep voice quiet, “but now I can’t seem to speak without getting all tongue tied.”
You laughed a little at that, Sam loved your laugh. He couldn’t understand why but your laugh always seemed to put him in a better mood. 
“What’s so funny?” Sam asked with a smile on his face, you wondered if his smile would ever stop making your heart beat faster. 
“It’s just something my Mum used to tell me,” you explained, “what you just said reminded me of it.”
“Tell me.” He said his eyes focused on you, eyes reflecting the light from the reception. You looked down bashfully before meeting his eyes again. 
“When in love speech becomes meaningless.” 
Sam’s dark eyes stared into yours intensely as if you had become the only thing left in the world. 
For a moment you wonder if you had misread the signs, maybe you had scared him. Panic starts to fill you as you begin to apologize before his hands move from their places at your waist and hand to either side of your face and kiss you. 
The first thing you noticed was that Sam tasted of beer and spice. The next thing you noticed was how soft his lips were on yours and how gently he moved against you. 
You had been so lost in the kiss that you hadn’t noticed the music dying down and the lights going out, all there was, was you and him. 
You both pulled away reluctantly and watched as the moonlight reflected off the water. Content with not speaking another word and just holding each other in peace.
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