#i want to draw them.. maybe i will soonish
tearwolfe · 10 months
NOT YET BUT THEY'RE A CAT SHAPESHIFTER!!!! so sometimes they look like this...
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wings-of-ink · 2 months
Hi! I just wanted to say I love your writing so much!! I found God Cursed the other day and I’ve been obsessed. I love all the characters and the world building omg, the world building is absolutely amazing. Once I caught up I realized the world codex was filled with so much background and interesting info. Thank you for all the effort you put into this game. Do you have a patreon or a kofi? Id love to support it if you do. Also can I ask where you came up with all the design for the cursed symbols? Theyre really beautiful. I hope that you have an amazing day because someone who brings so much creativity to the world deserves it!!
Welcome, my new friend!
I am thrilled that you're enjoying God Cursed so much! Thank you for appreciating the codex too. It's still a work in progress, but I'm hoping to get more of the lore in there as things develop.
I currently do not have a Patreon or Kofi, but I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I've had some encouragement to to make them, and I have several ideas cooking on how I could make it fun. I've got ideas for extra content, future projects (other than the 2nd IF I'm going to plan soonish), and I would love to be able to add character art and such to the game as well. If and when anything is decided, I will post about it here and maybe run some polls to see what sorts of things people want out of those types of subs.
The curse symbols were a combo of my noggin and Canva. Some of the marks I had firm visions for, some were more vague. So, I played around in Canva until I could match the vision in my mind for them. I have no talent for drawing of my own, so that was my best bet for getting decent images. That's another thing I would love to hire an artist for to remake and refine those (thinking a tattoo artist would be super cool to use).
Thank you for the kind message, my dear! And I've had a pretty good day over all as a matter of fact. ^_^
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vaninakan · 6 months
Sketch dump part 1
Since I wanna try using my socials again, I decided to start off with posting some sketches I may not finish, in wip limbo, or concept sketches I drew out for a few art projects of mine.
Firstly, here's some thumbnails for backgrounds in my original world
Uhh trypophobia warning for onnna them...
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I'm not exactly the best at drawing backgrounds/landscapes mainly because I don't draw them all too often, but these thumbnail sketches did help with how I want my locations to look like. Building things in Minecraft also helps. I think my favorite one has to be the thumbnail for Halus (it's the top left one with the stained glass mural). It's a beautiful, holy place where angels frequently visit and pay their respect to the great Hercula, a woman who died fighting in a war between her and who would've been her husband. Other locations include Dedigan's (another major location much like Halus) graveyard, a military base in the form of this castle looking fortress, the void, and an evening sunset.
Up next are some more refined sketches of my sona that I think turned out pretty cool.
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As stated, these sketches are mainly of my sona who got a slight redesign later last year due to me wanting to reflect how I identify more (I'm not gonna say this too often, but I'm transmasculine nonbinary, I mainly use they, but you can call me he if you want to. The guy on the right of the last sketch is an early design of my boyfriend's sona.
He goes by @conflictedbeing plese go follow him his art's amazing 💜💜💜
And I guess that's all I can post for now
Look forward to more parts of this sketch dump maybe? I have a lot to show off but due to Tumblr's 10 image limit, I may have to show them in separate parts. So this is part 1. Part 2 coming.... soonish?
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oyeedraw-arts · 1 year
Hello! Seems like it's been a while since we've heard from you. Just wanted to ask if you were okay, internet buddy? Also rly love your work
I have no idea why I sound like a bot but I promise this is genuine.
Hi! Thank you for the question, I'm doing pretty fine. I have been a little distracted from tumblr lately, which is not a bad thing, because more time for other things. I'm not sure where I am artwise presently due having veered from animation/art to technical stuff (freelancing was gutted in my country last summer, had to change), but I'm definitely in a better head space than a year or even two years ago.
I have been brainstorming on my fan projects on how to continue them, but I also want to do some orig comics I can publish (and do art for my dnd campaigns xD), while not nuking my free time. Last year when I did Humors of It my schedule was pretty much "go to work/home office, draw comic, sleep, maybe dnd, rinse and repeat". I'm getting old for not trying to keep a good sleeping schedule. XD
I do have art for a Belos zine, but that's yet to be published. (It's in the finish, should come out soonish)
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itsmajel · 2 years
Hey there, Tumblr folks!
First things first, I'm sorry for being MIA for so long. But hey, I have a pretty good excuse, I'm having a baby in May! Yes, you read that right. Yours truly is going to be a mom. It's been a wild ride so far, but I'm so excited to meet my little bundle of joy.
Now, I know some of you might be wondering what happened to all the finished Buddie fanart that I promised to post last year. Well, fear not my friends, I have plenty of it saved up and ready to share with the world. From Buck and Christopher's adventure at a fair with a giant shark plushie, to baby Bee's adorable baby picture (she's the daughter I imagine Buck accidentally ending up with and raising with Eddie, by the way), and even a Buckley-Diaz family beach day (baby Bee included, of course), I've got it all.
And if that's not enough, I also have a super cool Buddie t-shirt design that I made. I can't wait for you all to see it!
But that's not all, folks. I'm also working on an online shop with my friend @thefriendlypigeon (yes, that's her real name of course), and we're hoping to have it up and running soon. So, if you're in the market for some sweet stickers or prints, stay tuned for updates.
So, there you have it. I promise to post all this amazing content soonish, but my energy levels are pretty low at the moment (thanks, pregnancy), so bear with me. In the meantime, feel free to ask me anything about my headcanons for baby Bee or just say hi.
I also wanted to let you all know that my inbox is always open for anything, especially Buddie related content. I love hearing from you guys and seeing what kind of creative ideas you come up with. So, don't be shy to drop in and say hi, or even send me a prompt. I can't promise I'll be able to draw them all (again pregnancy does have a way of sapping your energy, after all), but I always love to see what kind of ideas you come up with. Who knows, maybe your prompt will be the spark that inspires my next piece! It's time for some 2023 art I guess.
I've missed you all! Sending love and virtual hugs ❤️
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2023 Megaman Secret Valentine Event *Signups Closed*
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Wait, you say to yourself. After like 16 years, suddenly this subject header says Event and not Contest? Miyabi, what’s going on?!
Well, I’m going to flip the script a little this year and try something different, for a few different reasons: One, after so many years of romantic contest themes, it can be a little hard brainstorming something that feels different. Two, some people are more likely to participate in something a little more relaxed and not as competitive. And three, there is a certain Megaman video game collection coming out in a couple more months after Valentine’s, and maybe there will be something else art-themed planned that will be announced soonish as well... So I don’t want to creatively burn people out, either. 
So, taking a note from the annual Robot Rumpus Secret Santa, I’m going to attempt a quick Secret Valentine Event instead. Help someone feel the love this Valentine’s Day through creating a Valentine’s Day gift for them. Consider this a test of sorts. For everyone who signs up, you will randomly receive an assignment to draw for another participant as their Secret Valentine.
Sign Up Instructions:
1.) When you are ready, send me a dm/message/note via Tumblr, Twitter or dA, stating you intend to sign up to draw for someone. 
2.) In your message to me, please include a wish list with a minimum of 3 individual characters or couples from the Megaman franchise that you would be happy to have drawn for you as Valentine’s gift art. 
Artwork does not necessarily have to be love/romance themed, but it is preferred to fit with the holiday
Any kind of artstyle and medium are welcome. Well, with one exception. I guess since it is in popular discussion, I have to address it. The artwork needs to be your own creation. Artwork created through AI technology will not be accepted. The only AI I will accept are Akane Illustrations, but seeing as I am running this and not participating, there likely will be no reason for any of you to create AI bribery images this year, then will there?! ;p
Signups will run from today until Thursday, Jan. 12th, 2023. That gives you one week to sign up.
On Friday the 13th, Cupid Wily and I will message everyone back with their assignments, and their assignment’s wish list. Then you will have one month to create your gift art for your Secret Valentine. 
Secret Valentine’s art will be due Monday, Feb. 13th, 2023, by the global end of the day. 
Please send your gift art to me by that date. If you are done before that date, it’s fine to send it to me. I will then compile all the art into a homemade Valentine’s Day shoebox gallery/thread like I usually do for contests. And crossing my fingers, I will have everything posted then on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th. You are certainly welcome to send your Secret Valentine their art privately, before me spoiling it in the gallery/thread, but preferably not before Feb. 12th. Let’s keep it close to the holiday.
If you don’t want to participate in the exchange, but would like to draw some sort of generic “backup” Megaman-themed Valentine that we could send in case a participant can’t complete their gift, let me know. 
Will there still be prizes? 
Yes, I still plan to do a participation raffle, with prize money for a certain number of randomly chosen people who decide to join in. Not going to say a number/amount yet, depending on how many people decide to sign up. But bare minimum, it will be 6 winners, much like the usual top 3 for 2 categories in the annual contest. To be announced after signups are complete. *1/12 UPDATE* Raffle prizes are now confirmed: There will be 3 grand prize raffle winners, who will each take home $125 in prize money.  There will also be 6 runner up raffle prize winners, and each will recieve a physical copy of the Mechanical Heart Megaman 35th Anniversary fanzine. 
In order to be eligible for the raffle prizes, you simply have to complete your assignment and send it to me by the Feb. 13th (global end of the day) deadline. If you fail to complete your assignment on time, you will not be eligible for any raffle prizes. 
If you have already preordered the fanzine and do not wish to be eligible for it, please let me know. */EDIT*
Paypal is still the preferred method for cash prize payouts. Please have a valid account to receive your winnings.
Any other questions, or something you felt I forgot to address? Feel free to ask. 
I’ll edit a confirmed participant list in this thread as I receive them. 
*FINAL Confirmed participant list*
@pstart @larytello CyborgWizard @digitallyfanged @sunchaserwings @cherry-lemonaid @dragonmarquise Spectrum W @dahlia-the-nurd BinglesP ShidoniDrella AbilityField @nightopianfoxgirl @aw-colorcat @jade-everstone Dr. Fresh @velcrowme @feliner @megagundamman Megagamer829 @tinyreploid Karokuri sshrimpiee @skyyism Zyrphia RobArts @w1nt3rlyn01r​ STAR0VERHE4D MithClearwell DinnerSonic
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whoiskt · 8 months
Grad School Q2 - Week 2
Accidentally wrote another long one so...
I have been drawing so many skeletons and hating every minute of it. Bones aren't so bad (compared to muscles) but I really don't love being super conscious of what goes on inside my body. For example the bones of the forearm:
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Now I can't stop thinking about whether my arms are doing the twisty thing or not again. It's a weird thing to be squeamish about but it's also really annoying because then all of a sudden you start noticing how almost every non-medical-context skeleton you see HAS THEIR HANDS ON BACKWARDS! Almost all of them have the skeleton with thumbs inward (palm down) but in a supinated position!
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"It's on the left." "Your left or my left?" "Bruh, I don't even know how to begin answering that question." -Conversation between these two skeletons.
I assume this happens as frequently as it does because just like me everyone else is FLABBERGAUSTED that our forearms seem prefer to be all twisted up! Nasty little bones!
Anyways, I've been forced to start thinking about what I want to do for my thesis. I didn't come to grad school to do a thesis, I came here to learn, so I really have no idea what I'm doing for this. A thesis is made up of:
Visual Component
Written Component
They are supposed to "support each other", allegedly the written component is the theory, and the visual component is it put into practice. I think, from what little I've gathered thus far, most people have something they want to do for their thesis project (their baby!) and they then write something around it. At least a professor of mine has recommended that we start on the visual component NOW, and then when we actually get to the thesis class, we just do all our research/writing then.
It kind of kills me though that the guidelines are so clearly written for creating comics, and us idiots who want to storyboard have to, QUOTE, "propose an acceptable equivalent to the standard published document to the committee chair." So, these guidelines aren't so helpful.
But, nonetheless, for my visual component I'm definitely (most likely) going to board out my pilot episode. Might go ahead and make that into a proper animatic because I, personally, don't want to have to walk people through boards. I'm pressing play on that shit so at least defending my thesis will include about 22 minutes of less talking. (Although the guidelines maybe imply that you have to do both?)
I dunno, maybe I could do an analysis of animated TV pilots. I guess I have time to think on it if the advice was to start on the visual component. That's a problem too though because I'll have to lock down that script soonish but I wanted to take it to a class to work on. But, the class I want to bring it to has pre-reqs! UGH!
Thanks for reading. Here's a thumbnail of a poster idea:
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I don't like how Lloyd is slouching. Remind me to change that.
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wcstarless · 3 years
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We're not supposed to visit the living at all. We're supposed to let them figure things out on their own. But what they're doing to Goosekit? I don't know who's worse anymore, Firefall and his demonic crew of temptors...or StarClan offering what they call gifts? I don't know if I'm really on the good side anymore... He can't see me but I hope this comforts him at least a little. Maybe it'll help sooth the nightmares. Poor scrap. I hope you get some happiness out of this life. Until then I'll be here for you. So this is something that comes up soonish, but Snowstripe really starts to become disillusioned with StarClan. The big problem that sets this off is what StarClan does to Goosekit. He's THREE moons old and he's shoved into a position that he did not want. So she'll come down sometimes and try and comfort him the best she can. Later on she'll find out he has actually been seeing her the whole time.  It might be one of my Terrifying Tales! x x x x x x x x x x Like my work? Subscribe to my Patreon and get WIP drawings, pencil sketches and sneak peaks at the comic! CLICK HERE FOR PATREON Can't do Patreon? Consider a commission!  ETSY SHOP BUY ME A COFFEE
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clockworkslick · 2 years
alrighty time to go on a nerd rant(positive in nature) about the talking heads and the live performance of once in a lifetime for a minute so run away if you don't want that. ok time to go.
i love the talking heads a lot, but the film stop making sense is especially great, and im gonna talk about one of but probably my absolute favorite part. once in a lifetime has an incredible performance, lots of strange choreography, but the climax of the song is by far the best part. not only audio-wise is it just bliss, but the choreography is just so cool to have my pretenious art brain watch. heres some pics real quick for reminder.
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byrne's seemingly erratic ramblings on time and the 'same as it ever was' is illustrated so perfectly with the slowly rising Lynn Mabry and Ednah Holt, visually building up to that final chorus where they shine more than anywhere else in the song (which is impressive because they are hard carrying the singing), and take a similar pose to byrne's earlier chorus poses. not to mention the framing with Bernie Worrell and Jerry Harrison hanging above them, as they are the building blocks of this song/narrative. also the way the song ends in oppostition to the studio version is just incredible with the holding of the main phrases, the harmonies, and great proper finish.
i think that all i got right now, but im probably gonna draw this scene sometime. maybe not soonish because i want to do it justice, but it will probably happen.
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cookiekitten91 · 3 years
I wanted to ask you in the actual RE8 canon what would happen if Donna just stopped showing up to the family meetings and just had enough of them since that's not the family she wanted. Or maybe she ran away with Angie and I, would they even search after her and would they even need to? I really wish she had it so much better than the ending she got. Btw I really ❤️ your Benetrescu headcanon, you do such a wonderful job with expanding on Donna and the kids! 👭👩‍👩‍👧‍👧
I feel like the other Lords wouldn't really care too much since they don't like each other, but Mother Miranda probably wouldn't like it. It would be in the sense like, "Donna is an unfit vessel but she still has uses for me" or "I've put too much effort into her for it to end in anything other than my own terms." That sort of thing maybe? MM would either drag Donna back herself or send someone to do it for her 😩
I'm glad you like Alcina and Donna and the daughters in my human au! I was thinking I should draw them again sometime soonish 👀
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I wonder why humans are so upset that Bo-Katan isn't nice.
I mean. She is an ex member of radical terrorist group she joined to oppose the new traditions her close family had adopted and embraced. And apparently big part of the citysens of Kalevala.
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Bo-Katan was in war against her own sister.
And she only became upset of it when Maul, a foreigner, started to play with the same rules than she had helped to establish in her group. And she was upset that the right to rule was transferred to Maul.
((Wait.. Ahsoka did beat Maul in Mandalore. She's still alive and ... oof. Bo-Katan knows she's alive. Run Ahsoka, run.))
That was the only reason she started to plot against him. She did not really change any of her ways and she just did not like the ways the followers of Maul went to, so she wanted to kick them out and made things suitable for her views.
We don't know what has happened between the end of the Clone Wars, Solo and the Rebels. But Maul has the Dark Sabre in The Rebels. Until they just pick it up and decide to bring it to Bo-Katan.
Who takes it. We don't yet know why excately she takes it from Sabine and could not take it from Mando, but maybe there is a difference in it by the way they accuired it? I mean Sabine just picked it up from somewhere a man who had devoted his life to finding Obi-Wan Kenobi had left it lay around and Sabine was also an outcast to her own family. When this is compared to Din Djarin who won it in a hand to hand combat and is a ... very Mandalorian if we may say there is quite many reasons why Bo-Katan might act differently. But who know. Anyway we'll probably be smarter soonish. Hopefully.
Bo-Katan somehow lost the control of the Darksaber to Gideon. We don't know how but it clearly pisses her off. So maybe she lost her right just to grab it? And she now has to prove that she can carry it?
Enough about the darksaber.
Bo-Katan is a marvelous character. I really do like her. But her attemptions to grab the power in Mandalore seems to get harder and harder.
I am wondering how other mandalorians may see her. By other mandalorians I mean not members of her clan, or clans of her friends. She was a radicalist, terrorist and then she even backstabbed the regime she helped to create. She did fight against the Empire but it does not necessarily make you a good person or someone with noble ideas. It is visible when she despices Boba because he's a clone. Yet I am not sure does she know he's an unaltered clone. But it does not really matter since she is still very unnice to him. She is also rather unnice towards Din. Not openly but her way to see Dins way as a herecy is rather clear, so clear that she feels necessary to draw the difference between them.
She alters the deal between Din and her group. What should not surprise the viewers since we know that she's using all she gots. Like in Clone Wars when she uses or tries to use the memory of Satine, her own sister, to sway Obi-Wan to do what she wants him to do.
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Summa summarum she is not nice, but she is still a great character.
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Fic Writer 20 Questions ✨
tagged by @cadriona
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 16 honkai fics (plus a translation I published on behalf of the translator) and... ... ... 69 total?!
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 351 347 words, apparently!
3. how many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? honkai aside, that's a secret
4. top five fics by kudos? i'm only gonna do honkai fics so 1. There Are No Thought Crimes 2. Backstage Stars 3. The Moon 4. The Temptress 5. Wreck Me Like This City y'all are horny
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not? yes! because i love comments and I love interacting with readers. I guess it's my reward after all the hard work writing~
6. what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Once again only gonna bother with Honkai fics Mmmm... honestly? I don't write angsty endings a lot, but I'm gonna say If Your Wounds Would Heal In Paradise for now.
7. do you write crossovers? very very rarely, and when I do it's more along the lines of "fandom A in fandom B's setting as an AU"
8. have you ever received hate on a fic? if I have I don't remember! which is for the best
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? yes, and I think I've pretty much only ever written f/f smut..? f/m I could do but I wouldn't want to write m/m because ✨ I am not attracted to dudes✨ and it would prolly bore the hell out of me. time will tell though! (note: trans people count toward their gender, trans mei fics are still f/f for example)
10. have you ever had a fic stolen? lol yes, very recently in fact! but I got them to take all the stolen stuff down so it's all good.
11. have you ever had a fic translated? yes right here, in chinese! However I am no longer in contact with the translator for personal reasons.
12. have you ever co-written a fic before? yep it's very fun! published stuff not recently though
13. what's your all time favourite ship? don't got one i'm a multishipper and always have been
14. what's a wip you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I bet y'all are afraid i'll say thotty crimes but nah i'm finishing it... soonish I'm kind of afraid of finishing it to be honest it's my longest fic ever I don't want it to end AHEM to answer the question properly, I'm thinking more of a wip in another fandom... my fandom experience was half utter crap (who gets wrapped up in a fight with the creator, seriously?) and half wow I met so many friends, and in the end updates have stopped and I've p much lost interest so ehhhh idk if/when i'll get back to it. probably not soon. maybe not ever :(
15. what are your writing strengths? i think i'm pretty good at drawing pictures in people's minds! I've been told as much anyway
16. what are your writing weaknesses? not being a native speaker sometimes trips me up, and I'm unused to past tense writing so I sometimes fumble more than I should with it. have been practicing tho
17. what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? love it want to do more of it EXPRESSLY did so in thotty crimes because I thought it's dope. i got native speakers to help me for most of that, though, I think that's good practice
18. what was the first fandom you ever wrote for? not honkai :P it was a korean webcomic, i was 13 or 14
19. what's your favourite fic you've written? don't have one! once I've written a fic it's done. that's it. unless there's a glaring mistake or I'm rereading it for fun, I don't look back so I guess "the fics I'm passionate about that I've yet to write" are my favorites...
20. tagging? @e17omm and anyone else who wants to do it really
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cutrooms · 3 years
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dustin lumba has walked on set. they’re a twenty-five year-old software engineer who’s been working at off-book studios for four months. they’re reticent, you say? i’d like to think they’re more thoughtful. either way, catch them watching the iron giant (1999) — evan mock / they/them / bisexual / agender
given name — dustin joseph lumba
nicknames — dusty
birthday — nov. 2
interests — comics (big batman fan), rock climbing, poetry, painting
fears — failure, ghosts, bugs with more than six legs, student loans
current concern — if they’re paid in cad, do they have to convert the money to usd to wire it to their sister?
born and raised in fresno, usa. grew up drawing——frankly, art was an escapist practice for them. if they had it their way, they would have pursued art more seriously . . . but part of growing up is coming to terms with the fact that life often doesn’t go our way, isn’t it?
ah, but that’s being negative. they went to uc berkeley for undergrad, and even though they decided to pursue the more sensible path of computer programming, they still made room for art where they could. it was during this period in their life that they fell in love with watercolor painting, which they still do as a hobby to this day.
to dustin, landing a job at a studio like final picture was about as ideal as they could get——they could use their degree and do something art-adjacent. maybe they could even maneuver their way into proper animation. if asked, they’re likely to downplay getting hired by off-book as luck or good timing. that’s not untrue, necessarily, but it also undermines the fact that they’re an extremely hard worker.
as for the rumors surrounding the studio . . . well, dustin’s always been pretty good about staying in their lane. they aren’t going to worry about it.
even if they’re very, very curious.
ignorance is bliss, right?
their job at off-book is tool development for animators. theoretically, this is creating the next generation of vfx software. in reality, it more often means that they’re the guy you call when your maya plugin isn’t working.
dustin’s a fairly straightforward person. they have little patience for ego and mind games, which certainly won’t become a problem in the entertainment field. though they come across as stoic and standoffish, they’re highly empathetic——they always cry when they watch emotional movies.  
 an outstretched hand toward the sun. the smell of lavender at night. a tangerine in the palm of your hand. rubber-clad toes tapping on concrete. steam rolling off of a cup of tea. dewdrops on a blade of grass.
i am not kidding these will exist soonish i am Manifesting
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thatfilthyanimal · 3 years
20 First Lines
I was tagged by @buginateacup! Thank you so much~!
Rules:  List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all). See if there are any patterns. Choose your  favorite opening, then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
I don't have 20 since most of my fandom writing has been RP but I'll post what I've got! Most of these are NSFW though lol, proceed with caution!
1. Sick (2010) - The door creaked as it opened, echoing throughout the halls of the lair.
2. Lock The Door Next Time (2010) - Eyes closed, Megamind leaned back into his chair and breathed a pleased sigh.
3. The Chase (2010) - They had danced this dance before.
4. Out To Lunch (2011) - This plan was perfect.
5. Helping Hand (2011) - "S-sir..."
6. Caught (2011) - Roxanne wasn't around.
7. Just Because! (RP being reformatted; will be on AO3 soonish) (2013) - With the sun rising steadily and thawing out some of the snow from the night before, now is the perfect time to try out something fresh… and it certainly has been a while!
8. Wish It Were Me (2013) - Megamind was unsure why he had even saved that link in his bookmarks, but now that he had found it again, he couldn’t help but click on it.
9. Untitled Jail Fic (will be on AO3 soonish) (2014?) - "Oh Miss Ritchie, you really think after all these years I would tell you something like that?" Megamind purred from behind the glass, looking out at the stressed reporter who was currently gritting her teeth in annoyance.
10. The Spikes Stay On (2021) - She yelped in surprise when he put his hand over her mouth and grabbed her, roughly, to pull her into a secluded section of the lair, backing them against the hard brick wall with her back pressed to his front.
11. And Tell Me That You Love Me (2021) - "So, about that list we made…about the things we wanted to try," Roxanne purrs down at him.
12. Getting Laid (2021) - There was nobody else like them on the entire planet.
13. I Can't Believe This (2021 - Ongoing) - As soon as they drove off, it felt like they could both finally breathe for the first time that day.
14. Untitled Smutfic (2021 WIP) - “So, I was wondering something…” Roxanne started, leaning against Megamind’s side at the edge of his underground pool, their legs hanging off the tiled side.
15. Untitled Minion Backstory (2021 WIP - Might not finish because this one is firmly kicking my ass) - Minion used to be a tiny little fish.
So. I'm shit at titles. I'm shit at first lines. I'm shit at having to build backstory. Is what I'm learning here, lmao.
But no uh, best first line imo is from 12, "Getting Laid", as it kinda sums up the entire reason for the scenario in that fic happening. I guess. Listen I don't know how to analyze smut, please do not take any smut I write seriously omg its usually just me being an unfiltered nasty bastard.
I also just like 9, "Untitled Jail Fic". I'm a sucker for Megamind in his villain days. (This is honestly just a section pulled from an old chapter fic I started maybe in 2014, that I'm SO GLAD I didn't start posting because my life got way too out of hand to both write that and try to RP at the same time. I also don't think it would have been very good. I'm glad I waited.)
Okay the real takeaway here is I don't write things to be serious, I write things to throw them into the horny void-- and if I think too hard about any of it I'll panic and not finish/post things (15 being a great example of me caring too much to get something right and panicking myself into a corner).
My chapter fic (13) is actually my first for any fandom ever? And I've been learning a lot in like... speedrunner mode here, so it's clumsy and paced weird and I get nervous about things nobody is noticing. Again. I gotta not be too serious or I panic. So I just try not to allow myself to panic.
Personally, titles and first lines don't draw me into fic. I look for 1) how much the characters are in-character right away, or 2) if there's smut. :x No shade to anyone who does neither of these, you should have fun! What I'm getting at is first lines aren't important to everyone, I guess.
I think most people I know of here got tagged already? So if you haven't been tagged yet consider yourself tagged!
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gloomverse-theories · 4 years
Something I’ve always been curious about regarding Gloomverse is: what was the deal with the dream versions of Wallis and Harold? The whole color change thing they had going on and why did Wallis have slight differences in his design from the Wallis in the non dream world? (For example, dream Wallis was wearing a tie while real Wallis was not.) Any thoughts or feelings on the matter? Personally I don’t trust dream Harold and especially not dream Wallis.
Mod Joe’s response:
Okay, strap yourselves in for a long one, because I have A Lot to say. I won’t talk about the clothing, this is mostly about Coloring and Rights... rights that were and are being broken.
TL;DR of my thoughts/feelings: The dream selves are supportive of Rylie and signal protection for their newfound family. They know a lot more than they should and seem to have even more in store. Even the links to Murder Hobo do not upset me because their general goals align, for the moment. Virga and Yellow are the greater threat...
Let’s talk about the Colors first. Colors change color when they get Magic. Why do I bring this up? Because we have this panel:
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This moment is important because Harold addresses the Dark Overlord directly here. And from the sound of it, his hair and eyes changed to the black and red we know when he got his hat.
But wait. If he says her hair and eyes didn’t change, so it’s her real hat, then if eyes and hair do change, it’s The Wrong Hat.
But that shouldn’t be possible. As per the Right of Passage, you can only gain Magic through your own Hat, by taking out your wand from it. This is the first Right being broken here. Harold got Magic through a Hat that is not his own, a fact supported by us never seeing him with a Wand.
The giant lollipop does not count, as he only uses it to bash people with it. We never see him Manipulating anything, which you need a Wand for; he’s only ever seen Creating candy out of his “fake” Hat. But that’s another theory.
Important thing here is that he is breaking one of the fundamental Rights of Magic and changed color because of it.
We have another panel that we shouldn’t forget when discussing the dream selves: Wallis going berserk.
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Not included in this picture is the levitating Seaweed hanging on to him, complaining that she cannot breathe in the next panel... which is violating another Right, that is the Right of Protection from magic. It states that Magic cannot be used directly on the body of a living being. Which he already violated once before (and after) by making limbs invisible.
This seems to indicate that this coloring (at least for them) is tied to Right Breaking. Something we should keep in mind...
Onto the dream itself now.
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Sorry Harold, You didn’t have a good panel while standing upright.
Here, the colors are reversed. Wallis has the black hair and red eyes while Harold has his natural colors. Why? What rules could Wallis be breaking here? Well, he is in another person’s dream, which is having influence on their mind and by that breaking of the Right of Protection again. It could be that... but then Harold wouldn’t be breaking a law by being in the dream. Hm.
Wallis’ color scheme could also be tied to how he is MIA and color shifted at that point of the story, but then again, Harold also is. Another thing to note here is that Wallis is in full control of himself, not going mad with rage as he did against Cakegirl. Furthermore, not only are his clothes noticeably different from his magic show outfit, his limbs are still visible. This is most likely not directly the Wallis who disappeared during the magic show...
— Mod Green :  When Purple found Wallis in the crater, his hair was still reverting to its normal color so I’d guess he was indeed frozen in time or in stasis or something... —
Harold is a bit of an oddity as well. He has his natural colors, invisible limbs and candy canes, as well as the hat we’ve always seen him use.
We later see Rylie with both legs in her dreams, so having his limbs back shouldn’t be an issue; but she also only got multicolored hair when she remembered that’s how it currently looks like. It seems that the dream appearances are tied to one’s self perception.
So, could this just be how Harold sees himself. After all, he has had missing limbs for much longer than the other two, since childhood. Or maybe it’s a little off because it’s a sign of something greater. Why is he even there in the first place...?
Because, as for their intentions...
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Dream Wallis is clearly being supportive of Rylie here but does extend a word of warning too. They even came specifically to wake her up early.
Which seems to indicate that these versions know more than their waking ones... but in the world they know, Rylie didn’t wake up after only two weeks? Hm! Perhaps Virga found her in Gloomverse then, or there is another timing issue we don’t know of that necessitates the change. Something seems to have happened that could be solved by her waking up “earlier”. (How much earlier? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? We don’t know, but Wallis dismisses two weeks as a short time, which is pretty alarming on its own.)
In any case, all points towards Wallis and Harold having the ability to go back in time in some way... but we’ve seen something similar lately, with Rylie and Prisma talking. Perhaps they contacted Rylie the same way. We’ll know more soonish.
— Mod Green : @trixylalamoon suggested that Harold’s “true” magic would have been time magic, fitting a time/space motif between him and his brother. And that does explain a lot of things! They could come from an alternate timeline, or from the future, and decided to intervene and wake Rylie “earlier”, maybe to prevent something from happening? Or provoke something. Like Wallis’ crash. He reappeared and crashed two weeks after the magic show, approximately at the same time as Rylie woke up in the hospital. Are those two events linked someway or purely coincidental?
What it doesn’t explain is “how did they get here?”. —
This timey weirdness doesn’t change the fact though that the brothers view Rylie as family and are going to help her get through whatever may come as best as they can. I do not doubt the sincerity of that, and neither should you...
“BUT HE LOOKS LIKE PRISMA’S MURDERER! TRUST NO ONE!” I hear you exclaim in chorus with Rylie. And you would be right to be suspicious, considering that Yellow is set on Necessary Murder and Amadeus seems equally determined.
For one, however, we don’t actually know whether Wallis and Harold from  the dream are working together with Amadeus; we can only confirm that they seem to know of him. (“Other red-eyed magician? What did they look like?” then a meaningful look once Rylie describes a long black haired, red eyed magician.)
— Mod Green : We know that “Mancers could inflict their powers directly on the human mind”, so to be inside Rylie’s dream, they would need the help of a Mancer. You could make a case that Harold and Wallis are mancers, but their magic wouldn’t really allow them to visit a dream, unless Wallis can open a wormhole in people’s head. Who are our other options? Of the five Mancers mentioned, we have only met two : Amadeus and Prisma. However, I don’t think Ama would help his sons to wake Rylie up. In fact, he would probably have preferred that she never wake up again. 
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When Rylie wakes up and try to explain her dream, Hobo’s face is.... dread.
What about Prisma? She seems to care a lot about Rylie, and would want her to wake up. She’s already trapped in some sort of Dreamscape so she must have experiences. Well I’m not so sure... Without Dream!Wallis and Dream!Harold intervention, Rylie might have met Prisma faster. What if they were trying to prevent that...? She’s the reason why Hobo fears her and Yellow wants her dead. 
We can scratch Amaryllis and Malus from the list of suspects. One went missing thousands of years ago and the other is more of a “physical violence” than “spiritual help”. Which brings us to Hyacinth. Out of all the mancers, she’s the most likely to have mind related magic (we will talk about that another time), and she’s possibly still alive in Ecoverse. What is her interest in helping Rylie? No clue, but we can’t dismiss any lead.
And finally... Harold. I said before that maybe his “real magic” was time magic, but it’s only one possibility. He seems pretty at ease in Rylie’s dream, flying around on a giant lollipop just because he can, while Wallis looks powerless. He even has his original color scheme, so contrarily to his brother, he’s not breaking rules by being here.
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He is also the first one to notice that Rylie is waking up, and says that they have to go. Which means they can come and go whenever they want, and are not dependent on another person to pull them back out. Finally, Amadeus asked the lemon kid to watch on Harold, and specifically on his sleep. He is “sleeping well” and so “his risk is back down to almost zero”. 
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The Dark Overlord gave Harold a false hat, but is he also keeping his real one away to prevent him from using his magic? —
Secondly, about Ama’s motives themselves:
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The reason I am using this image is to draw your attention back to the moment where Wallis went into a rage. Yes, Ama here seems very much in control of himself,but he seems to be leaking Magic everywhere. Just like his son when in great emotional turmoil. Hm. Just like...
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Here. But seemingly much less controlled, indicating that he might have been less cold than he let on back then...
This picture is one of my favorite Amadeus moments. He just threw a few bombshells at us: Rylie is someone important, he’s the Dark Overlord, he murdered Prisma, he won’t let something happen again, and on top of that, he’s Petunia’s husband and the father of Harold and Wallis! Plus he has the same general color scheme as his sons! (Note that he’s ALSO rule breaking: no hat nor wand is visible during his magic usage.)
So how could we trust them when they have moments where they look like a murderer who’s been tricking the entire cast for months!?
Well, to sum up, two reasons:
1) Amadeus acts out of conviction. Both when murdering Prisma (despite his possible unrest in the moment) and when giving Rylie her Hat back. We can’t know for sure about the first, but he did the second to protect those important to him and his sons. He even apologizes to Rylie. I wholeheartedly do not think that he will harm Rylie as long as he can avoid it. Whatever it is he wants to prevent, he’ll try to explore the ways that avoid killing the newest member to his family.
2) Wallis and Harold are still their own people. They will oppose their own father who was not there for them for most of their lives if it is to protect their little sister. Even their dream selves would do it, as I have discussed above. It would not match their shown intentions, even if they seem to know more.
In other words: We should currently be worrying more over Yellow and Virga than Hobo and the dream selves of his sons...
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childotkw · 4 years
Wait, OK hold up. I just realized something. Ciro! Harry is basically MARRIED.... Aaaaaaaaah my gawwwwwd!!!! How would th e others react to That. Omg plz a snippet or anything 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Well, he’s not married, he’s not even engaged. I had a throwaway line in an earlier chapter about the ring that Harry was keeping in his desk draw, implying that he would have been proposing soonish to Ginny, if he hadn’t tripped into this mess of a story.
But as for the others finding out....might not be exactly like this, but consider it an AU of the situation, potentially. 
“So,” one of them said, voice high with barely concealed panic, “you’re, ah, an auror? And...married?” 
Harry cast the boy - Thelonious - a blank look before returning his attention to the cell walls. “Yes, and no.” He answered shortly, walking forward to press his hand there.
“But he said -”
Harry sighed, rolling his eyes upwards as if praying for strength. He spun around to pin the group of them with a glower. “I’m an auror. I’m not married, I’m not engaged. I am in a committed relationship with my girlfriend, who I would love to return to. But seeing as I’m currently stuck here with you lot, that won’t be happening. Now, if you would all kindly shut up for five minutes, maybe I can get us out of here before we die. How’s that sound?”
He turned away, focussing on the wards with narrow-eyed concentration.
Behind him, he could hear the group of boys shuffling together. He ignored them.
Or, well, tried to. 
It was hard to ignore Riddle breathing down his neck. “Go away,” he muttered as the boy stepped up beside him.
It was...harder than he would have thought, hearing his true name spoken again. Harry blinked away the sudden dryness of his eyes. It didn’t even matter that it was Riddle who was saying it. All he cared about was finally, finally, being called the right thing.
“What do you want, Tom?” He asked wearily, slumping a little in place. The past three days had been torturous for him, and trying to keep the gaggle of students alive was more taxing than it was worth.
Riddle watched him with bright eyes, his mouth parted slightly in what looked to be wonder. “I knew you weren’t him.” He whispered to Harry softly, reverently. “You’re so much more than he ever was.”
Carefully, as if expecting Harry to snap at him, Riddle reached out and brushed the soft pads of his fingers against Harry’s cheek. “You’re incredible.” The boy murmured.
Probably definitely won’t be this in the final version, but still fun to write! :D
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