#i want a transformers x dc crossover
copperpipes · 1 month
A wild signal appears
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A wild bot appears
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"You're my friend now, we're having soft tacos later!" *drags away giggling*
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alvivaarts · 15 days
AO3 is Removing 'All Media Types' without Public Input or Announcement. What Can We Do?
What's Happening?
For those who don't yet know: AO3 and the Tag Wranglers have begun to slowly remove the 'All Media Types' tag for older fandoms. Aka, removing the 'umbrella' tag for many franchises, and forcing franchises to be split by media, or to be shoved under one umbrella that does not accurately reflect the types of fics or source medias they come from. This has been slowly occurring with no official announcement, under the pretense that things will be 'easier' to manage, or that some users claimed that the 'All Media Types' tag was confusing. This has begun in secrecy, without genuine input from the userbase, and without any public announcement. (As of 9/5/2024 9:30 AM PST) Many of us are pretty confident in AO3 staff's decisions, but the fact that this decision is not only incredibly impactful, but made without public input, has deeply violated the condition of the site as an archive... an archive of OUR own.
Current seen issues and active risks:
Removal of 'All Media Types' automatically makes fics from different sources in the same franchise a 'crossover', forcing users to consider non-crossover fics 'crossovers'. So, any fanfic that spans or implements elements from multiple pieces of media in a franchise are now considered a 'crossover', despite being from the same franchise and not a crossover.
Removal of 'All Media Types' forces users to manually search for the fics and ships they want one by one through each fandom tag in a related franchise. (Imagine looking through all the separate DC or MARVEL movies one by one).
The 'include crossovers' and 'exclude crossovers' filters are now useless, and removing genuine crossovers (crossovers between franchises) must be done manually through the filter system, which can take upwards of half an hour, if not longer, with the amount of one-off genuine crossovers that exist.
Slightly smaller franchises are being shoved under the umbrella of a single, super popular fandom. (See, Sherlock Holmes. All Sherlock Holmes media has been relegated to the tag 'Sherlock TV', which confuses users, as the tag now includes not only BBC Sherlock, which is the umbrella tag, but any works based off of Arthur Conan Doyle's original works, the 2009 Sherlock Holmes films, and the 16+ Sherlock Holmes adaptations and international TV shows... none of which are BBC Sherlock.)
Anime and manga fandoms (especially smaller ones) are being automatically split by media type, without regard to the fact that many anime and manga adaptations are very similar, and/or authors tend to often implement elements from both anime and manga.
As far as we are aware, no one is going to be correcting any improper sorting resulting from this.
Accounts that are no longer active/accessible, memorial accounts, and orphaned fics and no longer be corrected by their original authors and are at risk of being misplaced into incorrect fandom tags. Unfortunately, no one can fix this but the tag wranglers, who were supposedly removing 'All Media Types' in the first place to prevent MORE work. Counter intuitive, isn't it?
Already, fandoms are being improperly split, others being improperly merged, and still more being far more confusingly sorted. This deeply damages AO3's integrity as an ARCHIVE.
What Can I Do?
As soon as it's back up again, make sure to stop by the Contact Support page! There, you're able to let them know exactly how you feel about this, and what fandoms your fear will be impacted by these changes. Many already have been.
In the meantime, make sure to contact AO3 on Twitter (or X): ao3org (AO3's general twitter page), ao3_wranglers (AO3's tag wrangler page), and OTW_news (the parent host of AO3).
There is also tumblr: ao3org (AO3's tumblr page) and transformativeworks (OTW's tumblr page).
And finally, the Organization for Transformative Works contact page.
If you are aware of any additional medias, please add them below to ensure that AO3 thoroughly understands the negative impact of this decision, especially the violation of trust resulting from making such a massive choice without impact. Be sure to share this information elsewhere, repost, share the links, and make a stink. Furthermore, if you are able, letting AO3 know that you are no longer comfortable financially supporting them in the future.
Be sure to also repost and list any fandoms you have personally noticed have been impacted by this change!
Already Impacted Fandoms:
MARVEL, MCU, Marvel Comics, Avengers, and related tags
Any Sherlock Holmes based Media
A Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon)
World of Warcraft
Assassin's Creed
BanG Dream!
Jujutsu Kaisen
Disney (all media, now: Disney Theatrical Animated Universe)
DC and DC Comics
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(Had this idea on the brain as soon as I woke up this morning. This prompt is basically going off of the idea that the ghost zone is the dimension that connects all dimensions.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
Living in Technicolor
When Danny gets zapped by the portal and brought back half alive, his vision is forever changed. He doesn't know what caused it, just that ever since the accident, his sight has been split into three different perspectives.
1. His home dimension
2. The ghost zone/invisible spectrum
3. Another dimension entirely
He had originally been able to peer into more than three perspectives directly after his accident, but that resulted in his brain more or less short-circuiting from all the extra information and putting him in a week long coma. Still, even with the decreased load, the amount of information that's being filtered through his eyes and into his brain from three different plains of existence leaves him legally blind in his original reality and needing the help of either a cane or his service dog, Cujo.(1 & 2)
It isn't until his powers start appearing that he learns something interesting. If he concentrates enough, he can shift/manifest his own existence into whichever perspective he's focusing on the most when he transforms, singling his vision down to one perspective for the duration. He has to be careful though, otherwise he could get stuck in-between, which scrambles his vision to an even more nauseating degree. That or he could cause himself to blackout just from the amount of stress it puts on his mind.
He's basically his own dimension hopping portal though.
The only thing is, he never hopped over to the other dimension that seemed to exist alongside his own and the Ghost Zone, content to just travel between his dimension and the Infinite Realms. That doesn't mean he wasn't interested in it or didn't take a more concentrated peek into it from time to time though. Cause let's be honest. A world full of superheroes defending the Earth from a multitude of threats? He'd be lying if he said he didn't use the opportunity to observe and learn from a few of the professionals when it came to his own defending of the ghostly variety.
It isn't until long after he becomes the Ghost King that he is approached by Clockwork, the Ghost of Time. He reveals he knows of Danny's ability to peer into the multiverse like the time ghost can, although greatly limited in comparison. He offers to make Danny his apprentice and to teach him what it means to see through the veil into different universes and timelines, and perhaps increase the amount of perspectives he can handle at once now that his power has increased exponentially. He is King of the Infinite Realms after all. He needs to properly oversee his domain and everything connected to it if he wants to be a good monarch. However, the only way to increase the number of perspectives he can handle is by experiencing each one first hand.
The first step? Shifting into the dimension he has yet to visit, the one he's been peering into and learning so much from over the years.
(1) Here, Danny gets Cujo before he becomes a security dog/a ghost.
(2) He eventually creates some specially designed glasses with color changing lenses that help him filter out the extra perspectives when he's older, but they're far from perfect. Red for home reality, Green for the Ghost Zone, and Blue for DC Universe/other universes.
ALSO, while this is technically a dp x dc crossover prompt, I wanted to keep it pretty open for any other crossover ideas. There's infinite possibilities here and I'd love to see what people come up with!
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itshype · 2 years
My DC x DP Masterpost
Here is my masterpost of works that fall into the category of a crossover of DC comics and Danny Phantom. Mostly, these will be notfics. If any of the links are broken please message me ASAP. Edit: I will not be doing taglists because people are quite frankly abusing the idea.
What's a notfic?
So, this was really common in fandom like 10 years ago but it's less common now so I'm just including this quick explanation in case. Notfic/Not!Fic is the halfway point between an actual fic and a prompt. It mostly sort of has the tone of describing another fic to somebody, or working out an ongoing plot with a friend (e.g. Instead of writing out an entire set of dialogue, a notfic might just put "Jason and Tim discuss why they both want to fake their deaths").
Permissions Housekeeping
I totally don't mind if anyone wants to take all or part of what I've written for any prompt and write an actual fic or create another transformative work as long as I'm appropriately credited. If you're just taking the most oblique inspiration from something I've made I'd appreciate at least a tag so I can read it!
Also if you'd like to tag me in any of your works please do, provided that it's the first if it's in a series and not Jazz/Jason as the main pairing, please.
Kingmaker, Kingbreaker, Crowntaker, Realmshaker
Danny isn't the Ghost King but after defeating Pariah Dark the new king knows Danny has massive political influence.
Navigate any storm, with nothing but the stars to guide you
Danny is obsessed with space so the whole 'superhero' thing is on the backburner.
Please don’t pet me! I am working!
Repeat after me, SERVICE ANIMAL CUJO. (Minor Connor Kent/Danny Fenton)
It's a boy, congratulations... to me!
Danny insists Connor is his clone even though he's really not.
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood
Danny gets caught and tells the JLA that neither he nor Vlad are ghosts.
New type of Vlad just dropped
When a ghost's obsession is destroyed, they get a new one.
Mother of the Year
Talia Al Ghul gets to be a good mother. As a treat.
Amorpho Whomst?
Danny, Dani and Dan trade off on responsibilities.
Halfa? Half a What?
Danny's half human, no one's sure what the other half is.
The second, secret Justice League
There's another Justice League that not even the Justice League is cleared to know about.
Excuse me, do you work here? Danny is sent to represent the first, non-secret Justice League.
Triple Threat
The Champion of All Magic and The King of All Ghosts have a mutual triplet.
Like peas in a pod [person]
Jason is healed of the pit rage but has a whole new problem.
There's a Mr Wight Hood to see you?
Jason adopts Danny instead of being the Red Hood.
The Wight Baby For The Job Sequel to Mr Wight Hood
You Make Miso Scared
Danny's always talking about soup time.
Reverse Bruce
Give baby Jason MORE PARENTS!
Work Experience
Danny has to learn about Ghost culture before he can rule it.
Mansplain Yourself
Constantine probably knows best about ghosts over the Justice League's newest member...
The Opposite of a Golden Ticket
International star Ember McLain is in danger
Haustoria Horror
Undergrowth's got Poison Ivy
Like and Survive!
Danny runs an advice website for young heroes
You're not the Boss of me!
Batman accidentally outs his family to Danny
This is a PSA
Danny's Wail affects the JLA
Floral Fiasco
Poison Ivy errs
How I Met Your Brother
Dan joins the JLA
The Manhunter's Manhunt
There's a miscommunication with the Martian Manhunter
The Green Knight
Jason lives (just this once)
The Job
Danny's gotta put food on the table (Also available in DP only version)
Always A King (DC x DP)
The Realms must have a king
Series: The Surprise Obsessions of the Ghostly Batclan (image heavy)
Ghost Bruce HC
Ghost Jason HC
Mini prompts
Danny Phantom vs The IRS ; part 2
Phantom's mistaken identity
Billy and Danny are secret twins
Danny scars the batfam
Superheroes need more therapy
All-caste Jason
Poison Control
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Hi! I’ve been seeing dp and dc around a lot of tumblr and wanted to know if it is a really good crossover? I need to consume more content but I don’t know much about dp. What’s your favourite thing about it?
I personally love the dc x dp fandom but I can see where it might loose some people.
The Danny phantom fandom is a very old and thriving community that took the small building blocks that the show gave them and really went off.
But can be a bit to understand all of the fandom lord and stuff.
I can give rundown of what you tend to need to know to get into the crossover:
Danny was messing with his parents portal to the ghost zone and it turned on with him in it. Simultaneously killing him and reviving him. Now that the portal is open ghost start causing  mischief in the town and Danny, feeling guilty decides to fight him as his alter ego phantom.
The old ghost king tried to take Danny’s town into the ghost zone so Danny fights him and wins accidentally taking his throne through trial by combat.
The government (guys in white) and his parents want to dissect and experiment on his alter ego.
I shall offer you some ao3 fics you might like:
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doors-to-infinity · 2 years
A DP x DC crossover. A what if went through my head. What if somebody from the DCU gets incomplete information about a Halfa, wants one, can’t reach them because they’re too far away in a different universe?
And decides- then we’ll make one (with the incomplete information they have) and control them! Because they come to the conclusion that halfas are pretty powerful. (Spoilers: They are in this AU!)
So the prompt:
Somebody from DC researching different universes finds out about halfas - specifically the most recent entity (Danny, not that they now that) - ghost portals, the Infinite Realms, while lacking crucial details. What they pick up leads them to the belief that they could turn a human into a monster capable of adapting their strength and powers to anything.
So they kidnap Batman - as one epitome of what an average human without modifications., enhancements, metagene, etc. can achieve - and somehow brute reverse-engineer the transformation via ectoplasm. (Not Lazarus Waters.)
'Somehow' means that they don't replicate the exact details of Danny's accident. It’s simply impossible because they're in a different universe with different rules and there's various differences between Bruce and Danny.
He 'survives' as a halfa, because he clings to his love for his family and friends. He doesn't want to leave them hurt again, his children orphaned (once more) and his father lost of his son. That lets the universe-boundary-shattering metamorphosis take hold. His body is torn apart and put back together, ectoplasm infusing him.
It also fries his memories (temporarily). He only remembers that he has to 'protect' someone, with his focus being on the outcast and children. It’s not an obsession, more like the only lead he has in his worries. (There are no ghost obsessions in this AU.) He flees, frenzied in pain and lack of memories, and believing for the short-term future that he's dead so he's stuck in ghost form.
Not that anybody has these details at first because their experiment goes horribly wrong for these people as well as Bruce. Their memories get fried as well that they don't even remember their research on different universes or that they had Batman kidnapped. Any records were destroyed. The portal blew up.
Unfortunately it’s enough for those who paid for them to keep looking for Bruce.
It leaves Bruce's loved ones believe that these people might've killed him. There's simply too much of his blood on the scene and everything points to human experimentation.
Bruce drifts in the physical world and feels drawn to Gotham, where he becomes a helpful, protective cryptid.
Danny, in the ghostzone, feels a full-body shiver. He’s no Ghost King, will never be, but somehow he senses that something has happened.
Clockwork’s senses have alerted him to this and he’s grim.
Remember - halfas are powerful in the AU. Bruce has no idea what happened to him and is in a bad mental state from his half-death on top of his already existing trauma. He fears that his family is dead but doesn’t know and the uncertainty makes things worse for his mind.
Nobody has idea what he’ll be able to do because the way he became a halfa, his mental state, his experiences, his age, all differs from Danny.
I promise for this would be a happy ending, if bittersweet. Bruce died - he was changed in a way that can't be undone. Not to mention the side-effects as well as adapting to that he's a new species. His loved ones at least thought for a few weeks that he was completely gone.
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spacetime1969 · 1 year
TOAxDC anyone?
I've been a part of the MariBat fandom for years now, and more recently become a part of the BatPham fandom since it grew into a full fandom of it's own.
In all that time I have been sitting on an idea for another crossover with DC that I think has just as much potential to become something entirely its own.
So, allow me to present the idea of Tales of Arcadia x Batman, which I've been affectionate calling the BATHUNTER crossover in my head.
More ramblings and fic recs under the cut.
So, first and foremost:
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We have a bat bait, blue eyed, black haired, protagonist with trauma. Comparing this to the other two fandoms we've already hit the ground running.
We also have a reason for them to be in Gotham. At the end of Trollhunters we have Claire and Jim going with the trolls to find a new heartstone in New Jersey. Gotham is in New Jersey.
The trolls traveling across the country and founding New Trollmarket right in the Bat's territory doesn't even require an explanation beyond 'They found the new heartstone under Gotham City.'
The opportunities for identity shenanigans are still just as present as ever. If you stick to the full canon of the Tales of Arcadia universe, sans the time travel reset, then Jim, Claire and possibly Toby are both human and the bats could meet them as human civilians and as vigilantes who go around with glowing face covering armor and the ability to just disappear.
Personally, I'm not a huge fan of canon past the first half of wizards. So I like the idea of Jim using a glamour mask to go to school while being a vigilante in his half troll form. Make the bat's even more confused.
I also feel like the dichotomy between the three rules of trollhunting and Batman's usage of fear as a weapon and no killing rule would be fascinating.
"Fear heightens your senses. Fear keeps you alive. Arrogance gets you killed."
“You prefer to call me Batman. But the reason you can never escape me … is that my name is fear. And I live within you.”
“Always finish the fight.”
"Heroes should never kill a villain, no matter the depths of his villainy."
They would probably agree on rule three, though: “When in doubt, always kick them in the gronk-nuts.” Since Batman identifying weakness in both his teammates and villains is a whole thing.
Lastly, the potential for bio-dad aus is fascinating to me. Specifically, not with Bruce as the bio-dad, but with Commissioner Jim Gordon.
For anyone who hasn't happened on Jim Gordon's backstory, allow me to give some context. Jim Gordon's wife was named Barbara Eileen Gordon. They had two children, Barbra Gordon and Jim Gordon Jr. Barbara Eileen divorced Commissioner Gordon because she wanted to get her son out of Gotham.
From what I understand, in canon she keeps the name and eventually moves back to Gotham after her son becomes a serial killer and inmate of Arkham Asylum.
But this is an AU, canon is what ever we want it to be and Jim Lake being the biological kid of Commishionre Gordon and little brother of Barbra Gordon aka Oracle has some real potential in the right author's hands.
Fic Recs:
Loose Lips, by NerdofSpades
Batman wants answers. Jim wants to be left alone, so he can go back to his not so normal life. Too bad those two things aren't at all compatible with each other. At least Jim gets some new friends out of all of this. Probably. Maybe.
One of my favorite fics in general. Jim becomes friends with the Young Justice team while trying to convince Batman that he's 'just a civilian'.
three teenagers are loose in gotham (what will they do), by clayr_of_the_lillies
sometimes you become a vigilante deliberately. sometimes its twitter's fault. aka a tales of arcadia/batman crossover that wouldn't leave my mind.
Very funny and well thought out. I particularly like this interpretation of Gotham's trollmarket and the friendship between the trollhunters and the batfam.
In Their Blood, NerdofSpades
Barbara Lake saw an uncomfortably familiar pattern in the behavior of James Lake Junior. She saw it in almost everything he did these days. She had seen it in her friends growing up. She had lived it herself. She just wasn't sure how to help him, so, instead, she calls in a friend.
Another fun one by NerdofSpades. Barbara, having been Batgirl, recognizes Jim's behavior in herself. It's a shorter one but still a lot of fun
I'm also working on a couple of my own fics set in this crossover, but their still WIP for now
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mlem-mlem · 2 years
DP X DC AU idea
First of all, I've ingested very little actual DC media that isn't fan made (& usually crossovers) so if I get anything wrong let me know please.
Danny's secret is revealed. His parents don't take it great and get in contact with the GIW for help to 'get their son back.' The GIW take him and, like most ideas like this he's tortured and experimented on. He somehow escapes, they let their guard down when he stopped trying to resist the vivisection.
He can't go home. It's not safe there anymore. So he goes to Gotham. One(1) weird kid in a weird city isn't going to stand out right?
An idea I had was that, when they took him, the GIW erased all traces of his existence. Legally, he never existed. The people he knew might remember him but that's all. Of course Sam Tucker and Jazz are looking for him but they aren't really getting anywhere. The ghosts are looking too. He might not have officially been crowned their king, but he's directly in line for the throne and they want him back. As much as they fight, they don't really want him gone.
There's something wrong with his powers though. He's still a halfa, an Gotham has enough death and destruction that finding ectoplasm makes it pretty easy survive, (A headcanon of mine is that he can turn ectoplasam into nutrients so he doesn't need to eat as long as he has enough ectoplasam) but he can't go ghost or use most of his powers. He can do the basics like go intangible/invisible but that's it.
The cause? Selfishness.
With his obsession being protection (with a secondary space obsession ofc) he becomes weak if he doesn't keep up with his obsession. Being trapped so long has kept him from helping anyone so he's too weak to do much.
He has to lay low now too, so there might be obvious chances for him to help people but he can't take them. (Maybe that makes it even worse?) He does what he can as a human though. Whenever his current alley area is getting destroyed he help people evacuate before getting himself out. (Being dissected multiple times makes it easy to realize that he can't really die anymore) this way he's been slowly collected 'karma points' by helping people so he's stronger now. He an creat small ecto blasts with the ectoplasam and create a small amount of ice, but he still can't transform or use his stronger powers (he's been a halfa for a few years now, having eventually been convinced to actually train more than just his duplications abilities)
On one of his many helping trips he gets injured (he might not be able to die but he can still get hurt obviously) Jason (as red hood) find him due to some halfa/revived/ectoplasam shenanigans and is like 'oh shit that's the kid thar keeps escaping Bruce's radar holy shit,' and helps him in a mix of, 'hah take thaft, bruce, I found the kid before you,' and 'oh shit this kid is bleeding out! Wait why is his blood mixed with Lazarus pit goo?' And decides to take him back to one of his safe houses to recover.
Danny wakes up and promptly starts panicking. 'Has he been kidnapped? Where the hell is he?' Then Jason shows up and he's like 'oh shit another halfa? What the hell is wrong with his core tho?'
Shenanigans inuse, eventually Jason and Danny talk it out. They've both got a weird trust as living ghost creatures (which Danny understands and Jason does Not) but anyway they both explain their identities to eachother and agree to help eachother out.
Even if he's weakened, Danny's ghost royalty status seems to calm the pit when he's around so Jason is having a field day with that.
Anyway, Danny agrees to help Jason control his anger and eventually get the contaminated ectoplasam delt with and control ghost powers if they show up. (he eventually gets basic inangeblilty/invisibility and actoplasam blasts along with the white part of his hair getting bigger and his eyes do the glowy thing with all strong emotions not just anger, but doesn't go full ghost)
In return Jason helps Danny help people more so he can recover faster, as well as help him avoid batman as much as possible.
Time passes and Danny slowly gets his abilities back. He still can't transform which isn't really a problem since he's trying to hide, but his other abilities are back, along with the ability to make portals to the ghost zone which he didn't have before.
He visits the zone as soon as he realizes he can and calms down the ghosts looking for him there along with sending a message via ghosts to Sam, Tucker & Jazz to let them know he's safe. (They don't know where he us just that he's safe) He finally agreeing to except the crown. He can't officially become king yet since he can't go ghost but he does so unofficially, starting to form connections with the others, along with starting to clean of the zone. (It is a Mess, with no one really taking care of it for hundred of years it's pretty much completely fallen apart so that has to be dealt with emmediatly)
He drags Jason to the far frozen as soon as possible, where he gets the ghost equivalent of therapy and hot tubs. (which Danny has a pitty party over not knowing exists until now) Danny spend a lot of time going back and forth between the zone and living world helping people on both sides. Still can't transform though which is actually starting to cause problems in the zone.
Somehow Bruce finds out that Jason has become friends with the kid he's been looking for and kind of throws an adult tantrum which consists of threatening Jason, who is Not Taking His Shit, and fucks off to the ghost zone for a mini vacation.
Danny agrees to meet Batman (he knows his and the other kids identites now from following Jason around*) and the rest of the league because he's running out of excuses to visit to living world and 'Forming Conections With Heros' is his last option.
* -Bruce panics when he discovers he'd been followed regularly without noticing, until he is assured that no one would have been able to find Danny anyway since he was intangible, invisible and flying (hc that Danny looses all warmth his body after the tortures and is both constantly cold and invisible to heat vision)-
Danny meets the league and things go about has well as you expect. (He only agrees to go if Jason is there too) they bring him to the space headquarters both as a mix of 'resect' and because that way they can trap him if he tries to escape. (He can phase through the glass and float back to earth but they don't know that)
His space obsession Acts up pretty much as soon as he gets there, and he floats off to investigate before they could even start to talk. Jason just shrugs and leaves the league to their confusion. He find Danny back at his apartment apologing a few hours later.
They meet with the league again. This time on earth so Danny doesn't leave again. They have a somewhat civil conversation (batman is still pissed but the other like Danny so there's nothing much he can do) until someone asks in Danny could perhaps be a batman/other bat-child clone (black hair blue eyes mysterious vibes) Danny promises he's not and they believe him and move on with the conversation, but not before Superman does the equivalent of 'thank God, you wouldn't want a clone anyway.'
Jason explains to Danny that Superman has a clone and insinuates that they don't get along, so he can get more drama. (and throw a clone hater under the bus(jayroy?)) Danny snaps, and pretty much just chews Supeman out for abandoning the equivalent of his own child (Batman is trying to use 'Has a clone' to figure out who Danny is but he still can't find anything) and decides Superman in his least favorite superhero. (batman is close second and his favorite is either greenlantern or wonder woman)
Jason is off on a mission somewhere and Dick drops by because he heard through the grapevine (Bruce has been too busy trying to find some kid that looks like a potential adoptee) Jason has been better lately and wants to check on him. Instead he comes across someone who looks identical to pre-death Jason sitting on Jason's couch eating ice cream and has a Mental Breakdown. ('IS THIS WHAT PEOPLE WENT BY BETTER??? WHAT THE FUCK???')
Danny is like 'who is this man that came through the window and then promptly started crying?' But helps him calm down enough for them to talk before Danny calls Jason who just tells him to just kick Dick out.
Danny Doesn't Do That. Instead he tells Dick everything and makes him promise not to tell Bruce. Dick agrees because, 'wtf Bruce? You don't meet a kid that looks like your previously-dead-son that's friends with said previously-dead-son and Not tell your other children.'
Things go on. Until one day something shows up (power hungry ghost? Doesn't have to be DP related) that the league can't seem to beat. Things are getting desperate and Jason gets severely injured and is about to be killed and all Danny's attempts to keep himself hidden go out the window taking his 'selfishness' with them (cause of course he would consider protecting himself selfish) and he just thinks he purely wants to save his friend.
He goes ghost for the first time in what is probably nearly a year now and pretty much speed runs the process. Becomes king, gets all his powers back with a boost and summons every ghost available (a lot of them have gotten quite attached to Jason the ghost-human (he's not exactly a halfa) and willingly comes to help in a matter of seconds and just tears whatever was threatening his friend (and the world) apart.
The ghosts mostly just congratulate Danny one his Official King status and let themselves be set back (some resist but Danny sends them back pretty easily) he sends Jason too to get healed up in the far frozen and them follows after quickly when he realized that the hero league and their associates are just staring at him with surprised pikachu faces. (Exepted for Constantine who congratulated Danny in an attempt to stay on The Ghost King's good side then fucked off as quickly as possible)
He goes back eventually and thing progress as chaoticly as you expect.
- Bruce is the Last one to find out Danny's real identity and nearly busts a vain (instead he just doesn't talk to Anyone for a week straight. Everyone involved has a great week)
- Danny gets close to the other bat children and starts considering them his sibling, but not Bruce his father so it's just, 'they are sibling, but you are Not The Father.' Everyone other than Bruce finds it hilarious.
- Danny forces Superan to start parenting (or at least being civil) and Connor is confused but the ghost kid seems fine so he doesn't really mind.
- When Dani eventually shows up, her and Connor become best friends
- Bruce is immediately pressured into getting every single ghost law removed, and Danny's parents are arrested for child endangerment. It doesn't bother him much, they aren't really his family anymore.
- Bruce officially adopts Dani and Jazz, but not Danny. Both because he doesn't technically exist, (an easy fix but Danny is too busy with ghost work to really want to deal with human life heis getting his education in the Zone anyway) and because messing with Bruce has become his favorite pass time
-Alfred let's Danny and Jazz into the kitchen. (much to everyone's astonishment and Bruce's annoyance) Having to get by with their parent's (often living) food has made them both food cooks. Jazz doesn't use her privileges very much she doesn't even live in the Mansion since she's at college, (an will eventually intern at Arkham Asylum) but Danny does a lot. Despite not needing to eat he considers cooking very calming and does it quite often.
- Danny Doesn't tell anyone (other than eventually Alfred) he plans to take over Alfred's job when he eventually passes, on the conditions that he will not do so until Bruce is no longer around, (its Mostly a joke) and, if Alfred becomes a ghost (he does) he joins Danny at his palace in the ghost zone. (This offer is given to everyone and their decendents/spouses other than Bruce who is told he will be given an island to brood in peace (again. A partial joke. Danny dosnt actually hate he just doesn’t particularly like him), although he is welcome to visit)
- When Jazz eventually starts working at Arkham Asylum Danny joins her often to make sure she's safe. He also enjoys watching the patients become utterly confused about a doctor that actually wants to help, as well as knowing what ghosts to entually watch out for.
- Danny's first proper decree as king in the Joker's death and End to prevent any further unessiary deaths. as it's legal by ghost law decree batman has no saw in the matter and is forced to except it.
- Everlasting trio. Either romantic or as a QPR, it doesn't matter. Just. Everlasting Trio.
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gaddaboutgriffon · 1 year
dp x dc Rrevival brothers.
thought I would try my hand at this Danny phantom, Bat family crossover thing too. 1 this crossover happens after Danny defeated Pariah Dark, but before his parents learn that Danny is Phantom. Danny was adopted by the Fentons when he was a baby/toddler. he is actually Jason's half-brother having the same biological father but a different mother. 2 The Fenton family go to a ghost hunter convention in Gotham and due to a certain incense making him nauseous he excuses himself and goes exploring the city in ghost mode invisible. normally he only fights ghosts but upon finding some upset shades follows them to a hostage situation, that Nightwing is trying to work on but is calling for back up. He uses his abilities to distract the criminals giving Nightwing the opening he needed. after the hostages are safe Phantom briefly helps Nightwing fight/incapacitate the criminals and then chat for a bit on the rooftops. During the conversation Nightwing is analyzing the kid, and getting a sense that there may be parental neglect issues. but before he can probe into that Phantom gets a text and then quickly takes off. a minute after that Nightwing gets a message from Oracle that Jason is being attacked by a mob from a ghost hunter convention and takes off to help his adopted brother. 3 the text Danny got was from his sister stating that some guy in a red helmet set off the ghost sensors at the convention and that the ghost hunters are all trying to go after him. when Danny gets there, he finds Red Hood getting to the point that he is considering switching from rubber bullets to real ones. Danny (and when he gets there Nightwing) distracts the ghost hunters and helps Hood get away. Nightwing and Hood sees the Fentons shooting to kill at Phantom. Latter after he has slipped away from the hunters he goes and finds Hood since he wanted to talk to him and before he gets a word out notices that Hood is suffering from very contaminated ectoplasm. (aka the Lazarus pit water.) Hood is skeptical but if there is something to stop him from relapsing in Pit Madness he is willing to listen. Night wing has similar thoughts but is more willing to have them try it. Danny says he will have to get some equipment but will meet with them latter. Nightwing slips a tracker onto him and has oracle watch the kid through the street cameras. 4 Danny gets back to the hotel and his parents glorified RV and gets to work grabbing a couple jars of purified ectoplasm, and a device he and jazz made to help separate out contaminated ectoplasm. but while he was gathering things, he hears his parents coming and de-transforms. and that is when the tracker starts working and oracle can get a good look at the kid. (Seeing the black hair and blue eyes she mutters something about adoption bait) After Jack and Maddie leave, he transforms again and takes off to the meeting place to red hood and Nightwing. Oracle is making notes and tells Nightwing that the parents probably don't know he has "meta" powers or that he has a secret identity. Nightwing is concerned as he had seen them shooting at the kid when he was in Phantom mode. Oracle says she will check if there is anything in the Child services data base for any past reported complaints and the com goes quiet as Danny Phantom arrives with his backpack of supplies.
I love replies. Especially when you add your own ideas.
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dovahkiin796 · 25 days
Sonic X Godzilla
Ok, hear me out. We had Super Sonic vs Titans.
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But what about Super Sonic vs... THESE Titans?
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It's no secret Sonic IDW will be getting a crossover soon, but we just don't know what franchise the comic will be crossing over with. People want it to be Dragon Ball however I doubt that. There has to be a super contrived explanation as to why Sonic won't get killed by Goku from a single punch. No matter how much Goku is holding back. The point of these crossovers is to have the heroes fight each other over a misunderstanding and Sonic is NOWHERE near Goku's level.
I think IDW will try a crossover with an IP they already have the license to, or one they know they can get without much effort. Godzilla would be the easiest IP I think they can crossover with as DC had done it recently and even IDW had done a Godzilla crossover with the Power Rangers in the past.
I know the image above is the Legendary versions of Godzilla, Kong, Mecha Godzilla, and King Ghidorah. But I think Legendary won't be that stubborn for IDW to acquire the license for their versions of the giant monsters. At best they could get Godzilla and Kong. IDW will probably also have to reach out to Toho as Legendary is basically renting the King of the Monsters.
But if anything, I think IDW would most likely use a different era of Godzilla to fight Sonic. But imagine it for a second.
Super Sonic fighting against Legendary-Godzilla would be the coolest thing ever. For this to work I think Sonic and maybe Tails, would find themselves in the Monsterverse with Sonic probably already in this Super form. Godzilla, who tries to maintain balance of the Earth, would sense Super Sonic's presence and awake from his slumber to deal with this disturbance in nature.
Whatever city the two Mobians found themselves in, Godzilla would arrive and cause classic city destruction in order to kill Sonic and restore balance. Godzilla wouldn't go down so easily, and Super Sonic can't be hurt. It's basically a stalemate match till the eventual de-transformation of Super Sonic.
Sonic, knowing he can't fight Godzilla like this, would run away with Tails in tow. This is also done to minizine the destruction of the city. It would then turn into the classic "Gather all the Chaos Emeralds" kind of adventure. But no matter where they go Godzilla is always right behind them. As Godzilla would be using the portals that connect both the surface and Hollow Earth to get to wherever Sonic currently is. Much to their surprise as to them the giant lizard should always be hundreds of miles behind.
I'm sure eventually the pair would learn about Hollow Earth and with Tails' Miles Electric would detect the last Chaos Emerald is down there. Though the biggest question is would Sonic and Tails sneak into a Monarch base to steal one of their H.E.A.V.s to get there without getting crushed by the gravity? Or would they reveal themselves to Monarch?
Regardless they find themselves in Hollow Earth and I can picture Sonic loving it down there. Virtually all the room he wants to run at high speeds and dodging the giant wildlife. Tails would also love it because he would want to know how such an ecosystem can exist below the Earth's crust.
Eventually they would run into Kong himself. The giant ape would definitely be curious about these two strange creatures he has never seen before. And to make it even more interesting, unbeknownst to Kong the last Chaos Emerald embedded itself into his axe. Next would come the obligatory Godzilla vs Kong fight.
Kong would use his axe and to his surprise when he goes for a swing and misses Godzilla. A slash of energy shoots out of it. That's when Sonic and Tails realize where the last emerald is.
Now during this whole thing, I never mentioned a villain. Obviously, there would be an original Titan made for this crossover. And of course, we need Dr. Eggman and since he can't help himself. He would release this Titan from its slumber or imprisonment to use it against Sonic and then use it to conquer his world.
And like how it always happens, Eggman loses control of the Titan and Super Sonic, Godzilla, and Kong team up to defeat it.
That's basically my idea for a crossover with this version of Godzilla. It's not perfect and probably won't happen. But I can still dream. Whatever the franchise they choose to crossover with. I'll still be surprised by it.
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hppjmxrgosg · 2 years
So please feel free to ignore this if you would prefer not to answer, but do you have any DP fics you would recommend? Just something we could check out while we patiently and lovingly wait for your next chapter release? Crossover or non crossover both are welcome.
Hey! Sorry this took me so long to get to! I don't have a lot of DP fic saved (i have a weirdo fic filing system its weird im weird dont worry about)
BUT!! i do have quite a collection. (and a few of them are dp so bonus!)
so here is a like. a fic rec list ig? just some of my faves. >:)
(i feel like these always reveal an uncomfortable amount about a person but fuck it we ball)
Completed Fics I Think Are Just 🤠
Salvage: Atla fic. Zuko centric. Very found family. Angst? heavy. Vibes? immaculate.
Deeper, Darker: Danny Phantom & Stranger Things. when i tell you this fic rocked my shit- its very long, very dark, very horror-core. excellent world building.
Sticks and Stones: Harry Potter & Naruto HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE OKAY JUST HOLD ON is there anything more pro trans rights than taking a funky lil guy, a traumatized lil assassin child soldier guy, and using him as a way to wreck the shit out of the Harry Potter Universe? Didn't think so, next question.
(Anbu kakashi gets sent to hogwarts to fuck shit up. he succeeds)
All The Leaves Are Brown (And the sky is gray): Marvel. Bucky Barnes & Tony Stark centric (but in absolutely not the way you think) i actually think this one is pretty funny. a good time if you're depressed 💅 yk what im saying?
Unmasked: Spider-Man: what it says on the tin. when i tell you this was a roller coaster to read on live updates- but shorty pulled through ✊😔 spider-man and Harley keener centric. quality shit if you asked me. i havent read the second part of this series but this one slapped so lmk.
Incomplete But Updating Fics That I Think Are Just 🫡
The File: Percy Jackson & The Avengers. when i tell you guys this is one of the greatest things i have ever read in my life- its so good. its actually a series. i have read every word. this is the fic that inspired me to write VC. I will never stop thinking about it. in my head completely rent free. not like the other PJxMarvel crossovers ✨
the first step of kintsugi: marvel, spider-man and the punisher. i just think it's neat. (i say as i am literally dying over this fic) so good. dynamic 9000.
This Boy's Too Young to Be Singing the Blues: Marvel, Spider-Man & DAREDEVIL this time (bc i am a sucker for spider man and a sucker for daredevil and 1+1=🤠 yk what im sayin?
Friendly neighborhood vigilante: DP x DC!! (what you came for lol) not danny centric. Jazz/Jason (power couple fr)
lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood: dp x dc . honestly? slay. a touch disjointed in the beginning but over all ✨quality✨ and (from what i can tell) semi frequent updates so double slay.
i have a few more but i hit the link limit so ill just name them and you should be able to track em down on ao3 with a lil searchy search ya feel?
Padfoot And Hound by SayItAll
Harry Potter & Naruto (i am so mentally ill what do you want from me)
i am sooooOo normal about this one guys. sooOoOoOo normal. guess when this was first published? 12/18/2020 i have been live reading this thing for the past two years. I love it so much.
The Victory Series by ewfte
Naruto & Boku No Hero Academia
its incomplete and discontinued so be warned but it is so good. SO good. just. I cannot even express.
and ofc The Ghost of Heroes by Enigmaris (DP x Marvel) and Ghost in the NYC by ASharksReadingGlasses (a fic inspired by comics by the-stove-is-on-fire) also DP x Marvel
these two i really think are kinda staples of the marvel x dp side of the phandom so vibes. if you haven't read them you're missing out on your culture.
this is a really long post but these are just some of my faves or what im reading right now. in any case, vibes.
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reveseke · 4 months
Pinned; @ Reveseke
Request status: open, albeit real slow lol.
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Fanfiction & reader insert writer, writing for enby/gq, men, men/boy-aligned & tmen/boys.
I do not consent to having my writing be reposted onto other public platforms such as Quatev, fanfiction.com, AO3, Wattpad and such.
Credits; icon art by astrolavas on picrew (@/astrolavas on Tumblr as well) // Flags in icon: genderqueer & a-spec. // Editing & layout/icon mask: done by me.
Anons; 🕷️,
- I don't write for women and aligned, I don't write female characters in a romantic sense either on this blog.
- I don't write smutt, but I may write suggestive content.
- I do write gore & heavier themes, thus interact at your own risk and please heed any and all warnings. I cannot curate your own experiences on the media, you should be able to do that yourself. :)
- I am an adult (18).
The fandom list I work with primarily; marvel (spiderverse, BH6, avengers), Ninjago, dreamzzz, Lego monkie kid, HTTYD/HTTYD:RTTE, COD franchise, BNHA, Cobra Kai, Criminal minds, Voltron, Z nation, Transformers, DC (Flash, The legend of tomorrow, Young justice.), webtoons (SBG, the croaking, the Adam, the city of blank, and not even bones.)
You're more than free to request for other fandoms as well, just send me an ask asking about a certain fandom and I'll take a look into it before answering ya on whether or not I'll take the request. :)
My masterlist of every thing I've written as of now!
General boundaries of writing;
I do a lot of things and I'm fine with gore, horror, and whump themes. I might do some suggestive themes but that's most far I'll go with that. I'd be more than happy to write about neurodiversies & disabilities for representation if requested.
I am not alright writing child death, abusive relationships, pedophilic content, or straight up dark fiction. I don't write smut or general NSFW things either. I don't write for female readers.
Please when sending an ask do not use any built in fonts or colored text (including <s> text!!)! I might not answer that ask if I can't read it, it will be most likely deleted. I'm low vision and struggle with eyestrain, colored text doesn't do any good with my dyslexia either.
When requesting please Include the gender of the reader and possibly pronouns (if they differ from the traditional assumption.) With a scenario you want me to write. (Not just "reader x this character?" if it's the whole request and there is no further elaboration on it, that gives me too much freedom and I have no idea what I'm doing anymore lol) — also, I'm fine writing AUs and crossovers as well, using prompts in requests is also fine.
About writer; Called Koiri or Benne. Uses he/it as auxiliary pronouns, full set is xe/shy/sie. Genderqueer transboy and sapphillean aroace tendencies.
(xe/xem/xer/xers/xerself, sie/sien/sier/siers/sienself & Shy/shym/shyr/shyrs/shyself.)
I'm dyslexic, I'm neurodivergent on the general level, and I'm a heavily suspected undiagnosed inatenttive ADHD case lol. My grammar may be shit, I'm not a native/first language english speaker, I'm Finnish.
My interests are in medical & splatterpunk horror, whump, taxidermy, and vulture culture.
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frootertooter · 4 months
Got really hooked on learning bits of history surrounding the DCAU (BTAS, STAS, JL, JLU, Batman Beyond, that timeline) so here's some fun trivia:
Superman's design flip flops between STAS, Justice League s1, and Justice League s2 despite being in the same timeline due to the team wanting to make him look more like Curt Swan's Superman style- They ended up changing it back to a more STAS look in JL s2 for animators to stay on model easier (some animators accidentally drew his eye lines to look like eyebags instead? lmao?)- Same reason for Wonder Woman's cheekbones disappearing in s2
The Batman Beyond movie's uncensored/original version is somehow more easily accessible than the censored version? (I dunno maybe it was common knowledge, I always thought the opposite tho)- Also kinda funny to me how the censored version's death scene is almost (or more? Depends on pov ig) just as brutal as the og scene?????
Holy crap Paul Dini has written on so many things?? Lead writer for BTAS, the first 2 Arkham games, STAS, etc.? Plus also wrote on G1 Transformers and the Clone Wars??? And like a whole heck of a lot other stuff including comics and animated movies?????
Barry Allen's existence within the DCAU is apparently up to heavy contention bc turns out a ton of "DCAU" comics and outside of show media usually ends up contradicting canon? And are therefore not canon??
Apparently Riddler's hair kinda grows back post-TNBA (Forgot if the comic was canon or not tho) + according to a toy sale thingy, ig he opens up a men's fashion store with Mad Hatter????
The reason for Scarecrow's costume change between BTAS and TNBA was shown in a DC x IDW Batman x TMNT crossover
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Ground Rules and Boundaries, along with my Fandom list and permissions
Best post to start with:
Active Fanfic tags:
Mafia au: What if the Burns were the leaders of a gang, and the bots weren't in on it
Dpxtfrb : over a dozen one shots of an unlikely crossover. Some crack, some angst, really, anything is possible.
Little nightmares x tfrb: horror series, lots of gore
My Ao3: AgentSquirrel. There are all kinds of stuff that I don't plan to cross post on there, and I love getting kudos and comments and am open to requests.
I do not consent to my work being fed to aid algorithms or my original characters being on picrew, recreated in character ai, or being featured or cameoing in works that I have not been tagged in.
If I mess up something concerning the representation present in my fics, please feel free to point it out to me in my ask box or in the comment section. I will correct it as soon as possible, including taking down posts. I want this blog to be a safe and welcoming place.
I do not ship children and/or minors, but I won't judge or block unless it's nsfw, incest, or gives me bad vibes. Fictional characters are fictional, and as long as I feel that your taste in ships does not translate to real life, I don't care, and will likely thank you for a new set of tags that i can block.
I write a lot of dark fics, medical trauma, and nonromantic abduction. DUBCON CAN AND WILL BE PRESENT, and please, if I miss a tag variant or tw, reach out to me, I will fix it. Tiktok censorship made tagging a nightmare on here.
Onto the fun stuff!
I currently write for:
Transformers Rescue Bots, Transformers Prime, Transformers Earthspark
The Decepticon Justice Division (not the Lost Light crew, I just like the fanatical Decepticon secret police force and writing their war crimes),
Danny Phantom
Some DC
You will see on my page:
Transformers Prime
Transformers Earthspark
Transformers Rescue Bots
Danny Phantom
Reblogged fanfiction, answered and unanswered writing prompts, OC stuff, Fanart
Me lovingly yelling at some of my IRL friends about stuff that happened IRL without context
I adore fanart! Please, this is blanket permission to draw my ocs and scenes from my fics, and add to my fics and tag me in it.
Try shit, and I will be blocking and reporting with screenshots.
Flirting, even jokingly, is not tolerated from people I don't know IRL, and looking for my other accounts on any other social media site BY ANYONE, EVEN IF I KNOW YOU IRL, will not be tolerated. My private accounts are private, and if you reach out to them as a way to contact me about this blog, you will be found, blocked, and reported on all sites.
I value my privacy and anonymity and will take down this entire blog if I feel threatened in any way and feel that I can not use the site safely.
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fever-project · 4 months
Things that I would Crossover with LU if only I wasn’t working on a million things already: A List
LU x Mob100 - I just want these guys to interact with each other, it would be so funnny
LU x DP - I am already a decently known dp artist, I could make this happen, I want to make this happen. I’m glad someone else has been making this when I can’t. Thank you @/hugsandchaos for making this world a better place.
LU x Slay the Princess - I blame you @/almost-an-artist, for continuing to remind me of this amazing game. I don’t even know how it would work, I just wanna draw the blorbos in the art style.
LU x Creepypastas - I just want to include Ben Drowned, I don’t really care about the rest. Although, it would be really funny to have the Chain running away from Slenderman.
LU x Digimon - I just love Digimon. That’s it that’s the only reason.
LU x Fairy Tail - Someone I follow(I honestly don’t remember who) rebloged some art of redesigns of Lucy’s star forms/transformations outfits, and I just really want the Chain to fight these guys. Just for the sake of it. I also love dragons.
LU x DC - maybe it’s because I was big on the dpxdc stuff, but I just think it would be fun. A bunch of elves from another dimension fighting an ancient evil would not be too out of place in DC. And Marvel too I guess.
LU x Genshin - It’s the clothes. I like the clothes in Genshin. I only played the Honkai games I don’t know what Genshin is like.
LU x MLP - Ponies :)
LU x Undertale/Deltarune - I love these games, not much to say because I think it’s self explanatory to anyone else who loves these games why I would want to draw it.
LU x Soulcalibur 2 - Self explanatory.
Anyways can you tell I love crossovers. Because I do.
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halfagone · 1 year
Fanwork creators self rec! When you get this, reply with your five favorite fics/art/podfics/etc. that you've made, then pass on to others. Let’s spread the self-love 🌼(No pressure if you don't want to though!)Hope you have a good day! ✨
Oh wow, another one! I guess I'll just have to do five more of these, thankfully I have enough for that. 😅
First off, I guess we have:
I have not touched this fic in a hot minute, but this is technically my first DPxDC fic? I just passed its one year anniversary as well, but I haven't updated it in months now. There is a lot more I want to do for this story, but it's just so long that I really have to have to time and schedule to work it all out. Maybe when LL's Ascent is over I can pull through with it. And maybe Off With [the Demon's] Head. And maybe bloodlines and maybe- well, you get the idea. XD
This one took a little while longer to gain traction from what I've seen, but I am really proud about how I whipped this out so quickly for the event. I had been between ideas at the time, and I just needed something to get me into gear since the DP/DC Crossover Week was the first time I'd ever done a prompt week. But this was my first work of that event, so it holds a special place in my heart.
I know it's not the most popular fic from me but I am really excited for what this fic will bring and what I plan on doing with it. Horror as a genre is very fun and interesting to play with, but there are so many visual horror elements that don't always come across the same way on printed word as it might as onscreen. So it's an intricate process to try and incorporate those elements in a way that readers can still feel the fear and tension even when they can't see it as clearly as through a movie.
I wrote this fic in like... 10 hours I think? So much work, holy cow. But I do really love the Danny x Cass relationship so it was a great opportunity to share more of it with the world. I wanted to include Cass' canonical struggle with illiteracy and being essentially mute from a young age, and I am glad I could make it work in a relationship when communication is so important.
So this is the first sapphic relationship I have ever written. Like, fully blown sapphic relationship. weekend wonders technically includes a sapphic relationship as well, but I haven't written enough of that fic to really explore it. It's such a shame that f/f fics don't do well though, because they are a lot of fun to explore. And I did get to include my girl Cass in this one, so it was a good experience for my first full-blown fic.
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