#i wanna catch up before one piece ends especially cause i know it's coming sooner rather than later. and apparently people (my sister)
zincbot · 6 months
damn vivi's goodbye has hands
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Small fic about Tord's sibling almost talking him down in the climax of The End until Tom throws the sofa at him and harpoons him. Anfst timw bby.
"Tord..is this really what you wanna do?"
The massive red robot glanced down at you as its blue window became transparent. Its occupant, your one and only maniac of a brother, grinned at you widely.
"Yeah! I mean..this is all I came back for! C'mon søsken, let's leave all of this behind and start anew." Kneeling down, the robot extended its hand to you. "We'll rule the world together and be unstoppable!" Tord laughed like some cliché comic book villain.
But you weren't laughing at all. You didn't want to "rule the world" or cause any mayhem.
You only wanted to meet Tord's friends..that's the only reason you decided to come back into town with him. They seemed like such nice people, too, though you could tell he and Tom did not like each other a bit.
So how did that turn into you standing on the roof of a house, face-to-face with his giant robot, and trying to talk him out of destroying everything?
Part of you regretted coming here. Had you known his true plans...you would've stopped him way sooner.
He frowned as he saw you avert your gaze. "Oh come now..no reason to be sad. How about I make you your own robot? Any color you want! E-Except red, of course..that's-"
"I don't want a damn robot!" You snapped, clenching your fists. "I just...I want a normal life, with a normal brother. If you wanna show off your robot to Paul and Patryk, fine. But don't hurt them."
Edd and Matt perked up as they saw you gesture to them. You noticed their worried gazes and smiled sadly, hoping that they trusted you. You promised them that you'll try to talk sense into Tord.
Right now only you could. The fate of this neighborhood--and possibly the world--was literally in your hands.
"I don't know why you suddenly hate them but...they seem pretty cool." You looked back at your brother. "Whatever grudge you have against them is not worth destroying their lives over. It's never worth it, Tord. So please..let's just leave them alone."
As the robot stood rigidly, Tord looked uncertain now. Of course he noticed how much fun you had with his friends. He may have his own selfish desires but above all else, he wanted you to be happy.
And today you were especially happy to meet them.
Perhaps you were right.
Maybe this wasn't worth it.
Startled by the voice, you looked down to see Tom emerge from Edd's house, holding a cube-shaped gadget. "Take a SEAT!!" He threw it towards the robot as it transformed into a large piece of furniture-
Only to bounce harmlessly off its chest.
But something in Tord snapped, forgetting all about your words, as the arm turned into a massive rocket launcher. "Oh, SHUT UP!!!"
"TORD, NO!!" You yelled as he fired a rocket at the house, causing a massive explosion that shook the entire neighborhood. In horror you saw him fire another rocket at Eduardo's house right when the three occupants stepped outside to investigate the commotion.
Although you nearly fell off the roof, you managed to steady yourself as you scowled up at Tord, absolutely livid. "What the hell?!! I thought-!!!"
"Yeaaaah I changed my mind. It's best you forget about him [y/n]. Now let's go."
"You'll have to catch me first, asshole!!"
Racing to the ladder, you avoided his grasp and climbed down. Clearly your refusal to go with him earned his ire. "Ugh, I'm losing my patience with you!! I never should've let you come!!" He chased after you.
But he didn't get too far as the robot abruptly stopped and began punching itself.
You were confused until you noticed Matt pressing random buttons on the control panel, which somehow survived the house's destruction. Edd soon joined in, determined to buy you enough time to get away.
From the cockpit, Tord was being attacked by smaller robot arms, causing the mecha to stumble around. But even though he threatened you, you didn't want to see him get too badly hurt.
So you ran over to Edd and Matt. "Guys, stop. You're gonna kill him!!"
"Sorry [y/n], but I can't forgive him for ruining my face!!" Matt retorted.
"Besides, Tom's dead and we're probably next-" Edd started, only to be interrupted by Eduardo's voice.
You three stopped arguing and saw him holding Jon in his arms. But sadly he died a few moments later, succumbing to his injuries.
It was then you all realized..
Tom was still alive.
You then yelped as a laser beam destroyed the control panel, disintegrating it instantly, before noticing the robot retract its arm. "Fine. Stay here for all I care, [y/n]. So long, old friends!" He began to fly away.
With sadness you watched him leave. 'Why didn't you listen?'
For a moment you thought it was all over...
Until Tom emerged from the house rubble, wielding a giant harpoon gun, with tears in his white eyes. "I AM NOT. YOUR. FRIEND!!!!" He screamed as he fired the harpoon at the robot, impaling its head.
You covered your mouth in horror upon seeing it malfunction, soon exploding in a bright flashing light. Off in the distance you could see a figure falling from the sky.
You glanced at Edd and Matt for a moment, nodding to them, before you raced over to wherever your brother fell.
Sure enough, amid all the debris from the robot, you found him laying on a hill. Shockingly enough he was alive, but as you knelt down you realized half his face was scarred; same with his arm.
Paul and Patryk were already there, looking just as horrified. Though they decided to just sift through the wreckage so you could help Tord sit up.
He was a bit dazed, but surprised that you were here. As you reached out to him he flinched, convinced that you were going to slap him for being so stupid and foolish.
He deserved it for basically abandoning you, right?
Instead, however, you..hugged him. "Dumbass, I thought I lost you.."
The waver in your voice broke his heart, though he said nothing as he wrapped his good arm around you, resting his head on your shoulder. His hold on you was tighter than normal.
You were right.
It wasn't worth it.
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atlabeth · 3 years
transferred part twelve - atla smau
masterlist | part eleven | part thirteen
this takes place about 2 weeks after the last chapter
summary: trying to run from your past is hard, but falling for your brother’s roommate is even harder. little do you know that he’s falling for you as well. 
wc: 3.6k 
a/n: i’ve been writing bits and pieces of this since the start of this series so. enjoy. that’s all im gonna say lmao 
warning(s): cursing, mentions of familial death, mentions of abuse, some angst but also some fluff. this is kind of a heavy chapter because both zuko and y/n talk about their past, but there is fluff at the end. 
You pushed your hair out of your face and tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes, catching a glimpse of the time on the corner of your laptop. 
3:23 AM. 
You should’ve been asleep a long time ago, but all of your professors had decided to schedule tests in the same week so it was one of many, many late nights you had had lately. You thought that they would cool down because midterms were coming up, but BSSU professors kept proving you wrong. Late nights like these were becoming a regular occasion, and right now you just needed a break. 
The tea dates with Zuko were the only things keeping you sane. But could you even call them dates? 
It was the two of you, together, sitting and talking over tea for hours, and they were happening multiple times a week. In fact, you and him had gotten tea together exactly 9 times in the past two weeks — and that wasn’t even counting all the talking during your shared shifts. 
Katara, Suki, and Toph told you that they were dates, you wanted them to be dates, but there was a part of you that was so incredibly scared that you were wrong — that moving past that bridge would ruin the friendship that you cherished so much with Zuko — that you kept things solely platonic. No matter how much you wanted to kiss him every time he gave you that smile. 
But thinking about the complicated relationship you had found yourself entangled in with Zuko wasn’t a break, no matter how many times you had pondered over it before falling asleep in the wee hours of the night. 
You closed your laptop and grabbed your jacket that had been carelessly tossed on a stool at the kitchen island, making sure to sneak out of the apartment as quietly as you could. You opted to work in the living room, choosing to camp out on the sofa whenever you had to stay up as late as this, just so you wouldn’t wake up Sokka. Your brother had no idea how much you did for him. 
The cool breeze hitting your face and the shining stars in the sky were a welcome change of scenery from the lifelessness that was your apartment at night and your computer screen that you were sure was going to cause you eye issues later in life with how bright it was. 
You took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling the crisp night air, and started to walk. You were sure you looked like a mess. You were wearing some flannel pajama pants, a BSSU tank top, tennis shoes, and Zuko’s jacket.  He had never asked for it back after that night at the party, and when you had showed up to one of your hangouts wearing it, he told you that you could keep it — “it looks better on you anyways” — so you did. 
There was something calming about the atmosphere. You knew that a lot of women were anxious about going out at night, especially alone, but that was why you had taken self defense classes. Being friends with Suki was a self defense class in its own, and it was very much appreciated. You allowed yourself to get lost in your thoughts, trying to give yourself the break that you deserved, when the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. 
“You know, it’s not safe to be out alone at this hour.” 
You let out a scream at the unexpected voice and whirled around, your fists already up to defend yourself. When you saw who it was, you laughed, completely shocked, and hit your hands against your legs, trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. 
“Holy shit, Zuko, you can’t just sneak up on someone like that!” you wheezed. You had no doubt that he only had good intentions, but for a second you thought someone was going to try and kill you. You had to admit, the scare was worth it to see the mix of horror and embarrassment on Zuko’s face.
“I’m so sorry!” His hands were held up placatingly in front of him and he let out a nervous laugh as well, but it did nothing to cover up the wide eyes he stared at you with. “I am so sorry, I didn’t even think about that. I- I was just up studying too, and I heard you leaving so I thought you could use some company- I swear, I wasn’t trying to scare you or anything!” 
You shook your head but couldn’t stop the smile on your lips, gesturing for him to come closer while you caught your breath. “It’s fine. Come on, walk with me.”
He fell into step beside you and the two of you walked in silence for a while, the only disruptions being the occasional car that drove by. It was eerily quiet, but with Zuko, it was nice. 
Both of you laughed when you each interrupted the other, and when you motioned for Zuko to go first he shook his head. You paused for a moment, the question on the tip of your tongue, before you decided to take the plunge. 
“I’ve been wondering since I got here; how did you end up as friends with—” You gestured around with your hands. “—this whole crew? It’s kind of a weird combination of people, so I guess I just wanna know how you became a part of it.” 
Zuko sighed and ran a hand through his hair, causing your eyes to widen a little bit as a stammered apology came out. “You don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to-” He gave you a tight smile and shook his head. 
“No, it’s fine. You should know about my life if— if we’re going to keep living together.” He knew the moment he met you, the moment he agreed to let you live with all of them, that he would have to explain his past to you. Hell, your siblings might have already told you some of it — he could only hope you’d still want to be his friend after he was done. 
“”I.. I wasn’t the best person in the past. I was a horrible person actually, and I consider myself extremely lucky that I was given so many chances to change. I hurt people. Bullied people. Got into fights just because I could. I was just- horrible is the only way to describe it. But your siblings, Toph, Aang? They were all people that decided to give me one of those chances, and they’re a huge reason that I am who I am today.” Zuko spoke slowly, and you could tell that this was something he didn’t open up to many people about. You smiled softly at him and nodded, letting him know that he could go on. 
“I don’t know how much you know about my father, but he’s the CEO of our family company. He’s been this huge presence in the business world for as long as I can remember, and he’s responsible for all the wealth and fame that our family has today. And when I was younger, I idolized him. I thought he was the greatest man in the world, that he could do no wrong, and I just followed him blindly. He was the most important person in my life, but.. I was nothing to him.” 
“He didn’t care about his friends, or- or his family, he only cared about power. My mother left when I was young, we haven’t heard a word from her since, and- and I don’t even know if he cared. My father would do whatever it took to become as powerful as he could, and that meant—” Zuko’s voice was getting louder and he cleared his throat, trying to keep his cool. There was a certain hollowness behind his eyes, and it tore you to pieces. “That meant hurting anyone that went against him. Including his children.”  
“I have a sister, Azula. She’s a prodigy in every sense of the word, and my father used it, used her. She was clearly his favorite, and it drove me insane. I mean, I did everything for his approval, but he only cared about Azula. We had a good relationship when we were younger, but my father molded her into the kind of person he wanted her to be, and— and I was jealous of her. He used that against us, purposefully staked the fire of our competition, one that I thought I could somehow win. But we had both already lost the second we started fighting against each other.” 
“It took me a long time to realize that.. that he was abusing us. I mean, he gave me this scar all because I spoke out of turn, and— and I still thought that I could earn his favor, that he deserved to earn my favor! He threw me out of the house when I was thirteen, and I went to live with my uncle. It took an even longer time, but with his help, and the support of your siblings and their friends, I was able to break the cycle. I was horrible to them at first, all of them, and I hated my father for what he did, but it was probably the thing that saved me.”  “And Azula.. leaving her will always be my biggest regret. My biggest mistake. I should’ve forced her to come with me when I was kicked out, I should’ve done something sooner, because maybe she wouldn’t have turned out the way she did.” He swallowed hard, his voice strained. “I came back for her once I was stable, and I helped her get out. I helped her get a therapist. It’s been a long process, but she’s getting better every day. But not a day goes by where I don’t think about what I could’ve done to help her more.”
You instinctively reached out for Zuko’s hand, and to your surprise, he took it without question. You gave his hand a small squeeze and led him over to a nearby bench — without realizing it, the two of you had entered a public park that was near the complex. When you sat down together, you moved so that one of your legs was crossed in front of you and the other was hanging down so you could face him. 
“Zuko.. I am so, so sorry. I don’t think any amount of apologies will be able to get how I feel across, but.. you didn’t deserve to go through that. No one deserves to go through that.” You took both of his hands, thankful for the warmth they provided. “Listen to me. Are you listening to me?” 
He gave a pained smile and nodded. “Yes, Y/N. I’m listening to you.” 
“You are not who you were in middle school. You are not who you were in high school. Okay? Your father is a horrible man, and you wouldn’t have done any of those things if it wasn’t for him. What you did when you were younger wasn’t okay, but the fact that you have so much remorse for it today proves that you’re a good person. Zuko, you are a good person, one of the best men that I’ve ever met in my life, and I’ve only known you for a few months.” 
You were subconsciously rubbing calming circles into the back of his hands —  hands that were still holding yours — while you talked, but it was all Zuko could think about.  “I know you feel guilty about leaving your sister, but you did what you had to do to get out. You came back for her, and you’ve helped her get better. She’s grateful for it, Zuko, I know that much.” 
“Everyone else has forgiven you,” you murmured, staring deep into the fire he held in his eyes. “You deserve to forgive yourself.”
The silence that passed while you gazed into each other’s eyes felt like it lasted an eternity, when really it was only about a minute. Zuko was the first to break it, clearing his throat and looking everywhere but at you as his words tumbled out. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you at once.”
“It’s okay, Zuko, really. I understand; sometimes you just need to talk to somebody. You don’t know how much it means to me that you trusted me with all of that. And.. if we’re still baring our souls to each other, then I guess I have some things that you should know as well.” 
You bit the inside of your cheek; were you really about to tell Zuko about what happened? Most people knew that your mother was dead — killed in a drunk driving accident when you were ten — but you had never told anyone, not even your father or your siblings, about the full effect it had on you. But his eyes told you more than he ever could, and in that moment you knew it would be okay. You could trust him with something you had never trusted anyone else with.
“I’m sure you know that my mother died when I was young.” He nodded and you swallowed, trying to get rid of the sudden dryness in your throat. “It was.. hard. Really hard, on all of us. It was just so unexpected that we didn’t know what to do. We didn’t really have any money to spare, so my dad had to keep working, and I had to take care of Sokka and Katara. I was only eleven, but I basically had to take over the ‘mom’ role. Our grandmother came down to take care of us so we wouldn’t just be a bunch of kids living on our own, but even with her and Katara’s help, it was still hard. Sokka and Katara had to grow up much faster than they should’ve, even though I tried to shield them as much as I could.” 
“It was.. a lot. I won’t lie to you, it was a lot. Maybe too much.” A mirthless laugh hung in the air and you had to blink back the tears threatening to spring. “My mother was.. amazing. She was the only one who truly got me, you know? She was just this— this beautiful spirit in the world, and she brought light wherever she went. And when she died, it left this.. huge, gaping hole in my heart, one that I’m still trying to fill. I- I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to fill it. I thought as I got older it would be easier, but i-it’s not. The three of us joke around by calling Katara mom because of how she is, and they sometimes do it to me, and I know that’s all they are, jokes, but some part of it still hurts.” 
You were rambling now, spilling your soul to Zuko, going into the most mundane details that you had never told anyone. You had taken away the dam that had been holding back the waters of your emotions for so long, and now Zuko was going to drown in them. But you couldn’t stop.
“It’s the reason why I didn’t drive for so long. I didn’t want to, I was terrified of it because of what happened to my mother, but someone needed to be able to take Sokka and Katara around. And- and as I got older, and I started going to parties and people started drinking, I never did. I couldn’t, I was always the designated driver, because I couldn’t leave that in someone else’s hands. I had to be in control, because if I let someone go, then it was like I was killing my mother all over again, and it’s the reason why I always have to be the one driving—” 
You paused to take a deep breath, and as you looked down at your hands, you realized they were shaking. Not just your hands, but your entire body. What the hell were you doing? You let out a tearful laugh, covering your mouth with one hand and shaking your head. “God, I am so sorry, I— I don’t know what got into me.”
Zuko’s eyes never left yours, his own glassy, and he shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize. Like you said, it helps to tell someone. A-and— I know how you feel, what it’s like feeling like you have to give up the world for your siblings. But you have to take care of yourself too. You’re not just what you can give to other people. You are your own person.”
He was thankful that you trusted him enough to tell you something like this about yourself, something that your own blood didn’t even know, but it also made him realize that you had always trusted him. 
Your point about driving. You liked to be in control so that if something did go wrong, there wouldn’t be any thoughts of what you could’ve done. If something happened, it was because of you and only you. And on your first day of classes, and many trips since, you had let him drive. It was something so small, so insignificant to anyone, but to you it was a sign of trust. 
You trusted him. 
“You’re shivering.” Your voice snapped Zuko back to reality and he shrugged, the smallest smile playing on his lips. 
“I wouldn’t be if someone had given me my jacket back,” he joked. You elbowed him in the chest and stood up, holding out your hand for him to take to help him up as well. Zuko took it and you ignored the butterflies that erupted, setting a steady pace as the two of you walked. 
“We should get back to the apartment. It’s late, and you need to sleep,” you chided. 
“You have bags the size of baseballs under your eyes. I think you need sleep just as much as I do.” 
“I’m special,” you shot back with a grin.
Yeah, you are, Zuko thought. 
The walk back to the apartment was shrouded in comfortable silence and intertwined hands, something that neither of you made any move to change.
Soon enough you had gotten back to your rooms — such a small apartment meant that they were right next to each other — and as you turned on your heel to face him, a shy smile played on your lips. “Thank you. For, uh- coming after me. For listening to me.” 
“Of course,” he nodded. The two of you stood in silence for a while, and then Zuko reached out his hand. Your breath caught in your throat as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and the close proximity combined with the surprisingly intimate act caused your cheeks to heat up once more. It was like you were caught in a trance.
Your gaze flickered from his eyes to his lips for just a moment, and you could’ve sworn that he did the same. The air between the two of you was crackling with unseen electricity, and before you could question yourself you were leaning forward. 
You felt him lean in as well as your eyes fluttered shut, and his lips ghosted over yours. Your eyes snapped open and you stared at him, your lips slightly parted in disbelief — he just kissed you. Zuko just kissed you. It was like time had stopped — and then it all came crashing down. His lips came back to yours with an intense fervor, cupping your face in his hands to get as close to you as possible.
It was bliss in the purest sense. You reciprocated immediately, tangling a hand in his dark hair, letting out a soft gasp as your back hit the wall. Despite how many times you had imagined this moment, nothing could compare to the real thing. It was passionate but gentle all the same, and the warmth that spread through your whole body was familiar — it was Zuko. 
Your mind was a jumbled mess. It was split a million different ways; one part suddenly very worried about how your hair looked, one hoping that Sokka and Aang couldn’t hear you, another that didn’t care, but most of them were just screaming about how oh my god you were kissing Zuko.
You knew your whole face was flushed when you finally pulled away, and the warmth of his lips lingered as the two of you stared at each other, breathing slightly labored. You tentatively reached out your hand and softly, carefully traced your finger over a part of his scar. He flinched at the contact instinctively, but you felt him relax and even lean into your touch. It meant more than you could ever say, especially knowing what you knew now. 
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmured, your touch impossibly soft against the cracked skin of his scar. “And you’re stronger than anyone knows. Than you know.” 
You kissed him again, shorter and sweeter than the first but just as tender, trying to memorize the feeling of his lips against yours as he returned it. You smiled at him and pushed your door open behind you, equal parts nervous and exhilarated about what just happened. “Goodnight, Zuko,” you whispered, shining eyes never leaving his until you closed the door.  
As soon as you were in your room you turned around and leaned against the door, smiling to yourself like an idiot. Your hand ghosted over your cheek, the spot where his hands had been, and you sighed dreamily. You had no idea how you were going to be able to finish studying. 
This was definitely more than a small crush. 
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perm taglist: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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also i am so sorry i suck at writing kiss scenes dont roast me please
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laceymorganwrites · 3 years
Word count: 1,241
Warnings: swearing, shitty ex, alcohol
Pairing: platonic Gojo x reader 
Song: Daylight in your eyes - No Angels
It was just your usual Friday night, the time to go out, drink and dance away your problems.
The funny thing was how in this moment those instances of life were, how fleeting and yet everyone tried to hold onto them, never wanting to forget the night but drinking so much so that they would at all costs.
You´d never understand why people would lie to themselves like that.
Of course you liked getting drunk as well, especially in those phases when you were so incredibly sad and defeated like you were now.
But in contrast to young people who met strangers at a club and called them best friends, you actually had a best friend you could rely on.
You´ve been friends with Satoru for years now, having been in the same class back then and now teaching with him.
It was strange how over time you two and so many other things changed, yet some things remained.
Just like your bond.
You had to chuckle when you thought back on all the stupid things you did in your youth, who were you kidding? The stupid things you still did to this day.
The highlight of your day was still seeing him on your break because you just knew he had found something kind of obscure he never tried before and that new candy shop he just couldn´t help but buy half of the things there.
Sometimes he really was like a child, but you knew that it was just a coping mechanism.
Well it wasn´t really surprising, all of you were forced to grow up way too fast, what else were you going to do? Especially when your daily life consisted of grieving for old friends, grieving the person you could´ve been.
And as if that wasn´t enough, you actively taught new kids that would end up just like you if they wouldn´t die sooner.
It was truly tragic but in the end you couldn´t do anything about it, you were bound to the will of the elders.
Well, if you´d listened to them in the first place you could´ve prevented the heartbreak you felt right now, but you never listened, did you? Even back then you and Satoru were the class clowns, preferring your own antics over the boring lectures.
You were strong so you could get away with it, it was funny seeing the teachers run after you and then give up. Of course they could chase you, hell they´d even catch you but it was too much of a bother, you two never changed.
The two of you were the kind of friends where everyone thought you were a couple and you knew it. But instead of denying it and therefore only bringing those rumors spread out of boredom further, you relished in it, pretending to be a couple for fun. And not just any couple, you were the annoying one.
Satoru would always have an arm around you, pulling you close and you´d get into a heated battle of who could come up with the most embarrassing nicknames.
Honestly he was the only one who got you through the day, if only you were more appreciative of that once you got into a relationship.
And what a crappy one it was. You should be glad the guy was gone with another girl by now, but you still cried over that cheating bastard.
Satoru knew from the start that he couldn´t be trusted, but never said anything because you seemed so happy and when he met him, he seemed so nice to you too. You were a grown woman, you could and should make your own decisions. It wasn´t his place to interfere.
But if only he did.
His heart broke when you called him, crying your heart out and sobbing with no end in sight. Oh how badly he wanted to hug you right now. This wasn´t fair. You were too kind for someone like your ex, he didn´t treat you right, didn´t know your worth. It was all so unfair.
So, Satoru to the rescue!
Without missing a beat he raided all kinds of shops in search for anything to lift up your spirits, racing over to your place packed with alcohol and snacks.
Your eyes were still red and swollen from crying as you opened the door for him, a tissue in your hand that was already crumpled up.
The sniffles you made were so vulnerable and broken, it made him so mad.
As soon as you sat down on the couch together you threw yourself at him, hugging him tight and crying into his shoulder.
He did his best to comfort you, hugging you back and soothingly caressing your back. After some time you started eating and drinking, though the emphasis was on drinking clearly.
You had some music playing in the background, not actively listening to it but still it was better to have something on to be white noise, it made you feel less lonely.
Satoru listened to you rant and cry about your ex, not saying much and only contributing more bitter comments when you were in a raging phase. He not only preferred to listen but knew how important it was to get those things off your chest.
I wanna know you better
I wanna push you, baby but never too far
Oh no… you´d recognize that song anywhere. Just now as you were done crying and hated your ex more than anything. Why now? This song…
“That was our song…” you sniffed, feeling the tears dwell up in your eyes again.
You remembered the night so clearly, you were having so much fun at karaoke… curse him and curse that song.
“You know that´s our song, right?” Satoru reminded you but you just looked at him puzzled.
“But he asked me out to that song…” you said, trying to piece together all the moments of the night.
“Yeah I know. I was there. We were singing that song at karaoke. Honestly, we were the best duo out there and then he just interrupted us, so rude” he complained and you remembered.
That´s right. Satoru and you were having a contest with Getou and Shoukou who could make the best duo and some other friends, your ex included were there too.
“You know that he only asked you out to stop you from singing right? He told me afterwards he only did it cause he couldn´t listen to your voice any longer, sound familiar?” he sounded bitter, just like you felt. That asshole. He really treated you like shit.
“Yeah, he always told me to shut up…” you recalled.
“Alright. Up with you” Satoru stood up abruptly and dragged you with him, you were already a bit dizzy from the alcohol and complained about the sudden movement.
“We never got to finish the song, now´s the time” he grinned and then started singing already, encouraging you to join in.
“I wanna be daylight in your eeeeeeyes!” you sang, swirling and jumping around in your apartment, a decision you would come to regret the next morning.
“I wanna be sunlight only waaaaaarmer!” Satoru chimed in, playfully spinning you around.
You sang one or two more songs like that before you let yourself fall on your couch exhausted, resting your head on Satoru´s shoulder.
“You´re the best best friend I could ask for” you slurred before you closed your eyes.
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ecto-american · 3 years
Prom Season
Phic Phight Oneshot for Rikaleeta and ghostgothgeek: As Prom draws nearer, Danny finds that he has competition in asking Sam to prom. Danny/Sam
Read on AO3 and FFN
"Dude, you're staring again," Tucker nudged him. Danny blinked, snapping out of his daze, and he stood up straight, tapping his fingers anxiously on the counter.
"Sorry, dude, it's just. What the hell would Dale want with Sam?" he scowled.
The jock was standing near Sam, the two chatting idly by Sam's favorite part of the comics store, the vinyl section. Sam was smiling, nodding and agreeing with whatever Dale was talking to her about.
"Dale's been eying Valerie lately, maybe he's asking Sam about her?" Tucker suggested. He smiled politely at a customer who came into his line, promptly beginning to check them out. "Even so, why do you care? Sammy's a big girl."
"Prom season's coming up, somebody might ask her," Danny argued lightly.
"And why's that matter?" Tucker asked. In no time at all, the customer had paid and left, and the two were left standing in the mostly empty comics store.
"Dude, you know guys!" Danny grumbled, throwing his hands up as if it was obvious. "They only want one thing, especially after prom! You should know. Don't you and Star plan on finally doing it after prom?"
"Probably, but mostly because we've already been doing it," Tucker shrugged. Danny choked on nothing.
"Wait, what? How come you didn't tell me!?" Danny asked. Tucker opened his mouth to reply, only to jerk his head to Sam.
Dale had left the store seemingly, and Sam was already at the counter, clutching a new vinyl. Danny chuckled.
"This is why we can't visit Tucker at work, you'll always end up with something," he teased her. She rolled her eyes.
"But Tucker works here now, so he'll be sweet and let me use his employee discount?" she half-asked hopefully, staring at Tucker with a bright smile. He sighed, and he entered his employee discount code as he rang her up. "Thank you!"
"Anytime," he assured her. He handed her her bag. "So did Dale ask you to prom?" Sam snorted in amusement.
"Oh hell no," she replied. "He wanted to know if anybody had asked Valerie, and if I thought his plan to ask her would go over well."
Tucker sent Danny a sideways "I told you so" smirk, and Danny made an annoyed grumble.
"Either way, you ready to drag me to Hot Topic?" Danny asked.
"Only every day," Sam said. She turned to Tucker. "You close tonight, right? Do you want us to swing by and take you home?" Tucker shook his head no.
"Nah, it's okay!" he assured her. "I have my uncle's old car now, remember?" Sam lit up a bit.
"Oh yeah! Well, just drive careful!"
Tucker waved her off with a grin.
"Don't worry about me. You two lovebirds have fun," he teased. "But not too much fun."
Danny could feel his cheeks burn. A glance at Sam, and he could see her own face flushing some. However, she rolled her eyes and jokingly flipped Tucker off, getting one in response as they walked out and into the mall.
"Do you want me to carry your bag?" Danny offered, holding his hand out.
"Sure!" Sam agreed, and she handed it over. "Have you thought about the piercing? I'll buy you one if you're going for it."
"Eh, I'm still trying to figure out how badly my mom would flip if she saw that I got my nose pierced, and if it'd be worth it lecture," Danny shrugged.
"You should totally do it, then deflect it by coming out as Danny Phantom," she joked. Danny snorted. "Come on, we could match!" Sam had gotten her left nostril pierced almost a year ago, currently occupied by a tiny black skull, as well as four total piercings per ear. As expected, her mom nearly lost it over the nose charm. She poked his nose. "You could get a little white ghost charm." He couldn't help but smile.
"Now you're tempting me to risk it," he admitted.
He gestured to the Hot Topic, and Sam went inside first, him right behind her. She went right for the piercings display, looking. After a moment, she tapped on the case, looking over her shoulder for Danny.
"See? Right there, you could get that cute little silver ghost," she told him. Danny peeked over her shoulder. She pointed at another charm, one in the shape of a laptop. "Oh! And Tucker could get that one! We could all kinda match!"
"Pretty sure Tucker's mom would actually kill him if he came home with another piercing," Danny replied. Sam had already convinced Tucker of getting his ears pierced, and his mom was Very Unhappy about it. "Just like my mom would kill me if I came home with a nose piercing."
"You're already half dead though," Sam pointed out. Danny gave a half shrug and smile.
"Got me there. Alright, I'll get it," he said. Sam grinned widely, going to the counter to immediately ask for an employee to retrieve it.
They only browsed a bit more before they finally left. No sooner were they out the door…
"Sam!" a familiar voice called out excitedly. The not-lovebirds glanced over to see Paulina and Elliot coming up to them, Paulina a few steps ahead as she excitedly half-jogged over to Sam. Elliot was carrying two Starbucks cups, taking his time following. Paulina threw her arms around Sam, hugging her tightly, the goth only giving a half smile and lightly patting her back. "If I knew you were coming to the mall, I would have invited you to get your nails done with us! Look, Elliot and I match!"
Paulina pulled away to show off white nails with pink details.
"Oh they look nice!" Sam complimented. "It's okay though. Coming today was kinda a last minute thing." Or rather, they decided to hang out here after catching the Box Ghost, who was making himself home in one of the new stores that hadn't quite opened yet.
"You got me Starbucks?" Danny joked as Elliot finally came close enough to properly hear him. Elliot rolled his eyes. "How sweet."
"If you wanna give me the four dollars it costs, sure," he joked back. He handed Paulina the clear pink drink, and she took a long sip from it. Danny noticed that he did kinda match her, with black nails and matching details, only in a pastel blue.
"What are you guys up to?" Paulina asked. "We were just about to see if Macy's had any cute prom dresses out yet." The mentioning of prom made Danny's stomach feel a bit weirdly queasy.
"We're gonna go get Danny's nose pierced!" Sam replied, pointing to his nose. Danny snapped out of the feeling.
"Wait, what? We're doing that today?" he asked. Sam grinned.
"You're eighteen, they'll let you!" she replied. She reached into the Hot Topic bag to pull out the piercing. "I gotta make you put it on before you change your mind." Oh, a bit too late already.
"Ooh, that's a lot more interesting than prom dresses!" Elliot mused. "I can drive us." He put his free hand to his ear. "I've been thinking about getting another piercing anyway." Paulina hummed thoughtfully.
"Spike should be working today, so I might see if he has my new tattoo design ready," Sam mused.
Another thing that her mom, if she were to ever find out, would flip out over. Sam already had two that her family were oblivious to. Danny knew that she had a spider on a web on her ribcage; he had held her hand while she got that one done (and nearly ended up with a broken hand). The other was a black and deep purple rose and vine on her thigh, which he had only seen right after she had gotten it. Jazz, out of everybody, had gone with her to get it, and even came back with a tattoo herself. Though Jazz, like a nerd, had opted for a book tattoo. Danny had never seen it before outside of the photo Jazz took of it, but knew that it was on her ribcage and something Spike gave her as an anniversary present.
"I guess that settles it!" Elliot grinned. "Let's go to the tattoo and piercing shop!"
After somehow surviving Elliot's crappy little car, only somewhat affectionately called "the shitbox", they were huddled in the waiting room area of the shop. Paulina, already filling out the usual safety and health and consent forms, was standing and staring at the wall of previous art done.
"You gonna get a tattoo instead?" Elliot teased her as he handed the receptionist his own filled paperwork. Paulina shot him a smile, but still slapped his shoulder.
"Papa would kill me," she insisted.
"So? Get it where nobody will see," Elliot replied. Paulina playfully slapped him again.
Danny rolled his eyes, continuing to fill out his form as he drafted all the excuses he'd have to give his mom when she inevitably chewed his ass out when he got home. Whelp, he was already bound to be grounded sooner or later cause of the ghosts. Might as well spice up the grounding reasoning once in a while.
Sam appeared from the back, clutching a piece of paper up. Spike was behind her. Sam made a beeline for Danny.
"Dude, look at how nice it is!" she told him, holding it out for him to see. Danny glanced up. It was a skull with flowers growing out of it.
"Oh, that's sick," he commented.
"I know, right?" Sam grinned. Danny smiled, returning his attention to the paperwork.
"So you wanna get that this Saturday?" Spike spoke up.
"Uh, Danny are you free Saturday?" Sam asked. Danny glanced up at her, raising an eyebrow.
"After today I'll probably be grounded," he joked, signing his name for the last time on the forms. Sam chuckled.
"True," she replied. "Hmm, ah whatever. I can tough it out." Danny quickly looked up again as it suddenly hit him why he needed to be free. Sam had already turned to Spike. "Yeah, let's go for Saturday."
"Oh, if you want somebody around, I can come," Elliot popped up.
"That'd be awesome!" Sam grinned. "This one's going on my back, so it's supposed to hurt."
"Well, you can break my hand, I don't care," Elliot assured her. Danny's chest squeezed a bit as he felt a hot flash hit him.
"No it's okay, I can just sneak out!" he said immediately. Sam glanced at him.
"Nah, it's okay. I don't wanna get you into anymore trouble," she assured him.
"I don't care," Danny quickly blurted out. Spike chuckled.
"Man, Mrs. Fenton's scary when she's pissed, your best bet is to just obey her," Spike told him. He nodded at Danny. "Did Jazz tell you about how she nearly got into a fistfight at the bridal shop a few days ago?"
"No?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"
"Basically when Jazz went in for her dress fitting, she had apparently gained a little bit of stress weight since the last fitting, cause she's been driving herself insane over grad school applications," Spike explained. Danny nodded understandingly. "and the lady fitting her dress kind of gushed over it cause she thought Jazz got pregnant. It made her cry, and man. Mrs. Fenton went off on her, and apparently nearly began throwing hands with the manager."
"Oh man, poor Jazz," Sam said somberly. Danny couldn't agree more as he gave a low short whistle at the audacity. Between graduating early, grad school applications, and getting married, he had never seen Jazz look so stressed out. "Why don't you guys push the wedding back a bit?"
"She'll get more money from FASFA and scholarships, plus better housing, if we get married sooner, and she doesn't wanna just elope and have a party later," Spike shook his head a bit. "But uh, either way though, I got some numbing cream for ya Sam if you're worried about pain." Spike shot Danny a reassuring smile and a wink. He felt a little better. Sam sighed with relief.
"Please," she confessed. "It's not too bad when Danny's here, but if I'm alone I know I'm going to get a little anxious."
"Aw come on, I'm not reassuring?" Elliot teased. To Danny's relief, Sam also playfully slapped Elliot on his shoulder.
"Are you kidding me? You'd probably actually ruin my tattoo by making me laugh the entire time," she told him. Danny's heart squeezed again, and he got up to silently hand the receptionist the forms.
"I think I might get a tattoo," Paulina finally spoke up. Elliot's interest was immediately piqued.
"Oh?" he asked. Paulina nodded, pointing to a tattoo on the wall, a pretty collection of flowers.
"This is sooo pretty, I think I'd get something like this," she said. Sam glanced at it.
"That'd be like, what? Four hundred-ish dollars, Spike?" she guessed. Spike glanced at the reference photo and nodded.
"Yeah, give or take," he replied. Paulina made a face.
"Maybe one day in the future," she decided. "I need money for a prom dress." Sam waved a hand.
"Prom dresses are temporary, tattoos are forever!" she told her. Paulina made a noise of disinterest, and Sam shrugged.
"Danny, did you wanna go first?" the receptionist asked as she glanced at the three stacks of piercing requests.
Danny coughed a bit nervously. He glanced at Sam, and he nodded.
"Thanks again, Spike!" Sam beamed. Spike smiled fondly at her, offering her a hug. She gladly accepted it.
"Anything for my favorite future sister-in-law," he teased. Sam's face instantly burned. Danny scoffed as he lightly touched his new piercing anxiously.
"Sam isn't related to us, dude," he told Spike. Spike gave him a weird look, then shook his head.
"You're lucky you know how to do math, man," he told him. "Also let me know if Mrs. Fenton kills you." Danny gave a nod.
"Don't worry, you'd be invited to the funeral," he joked. Spike chuckled. "Also I give you permission to tattoo my corpse before they put me down."
"Sick," Spike grinned. "I'll give you some of those lil blob ghosts the float around."
Elliot and Paulina were chatting a mile a minute outside the shop. When the not-lovebirds came out, Paulina immediately pushed her hair behind her ear to show off her new helix piercings. Danny could already see Elliot's singular orbital piercing.
"Look! I feel so punk!" Paulina gushed. Sam snorted in amusement.
"Girl, I'm gonna have to get you into a lot more black and leather before you're anywhere near punk," she teased. Paulina giggled.
"Maybe some leather pants," she mused. She shrugged. "Anywho! Elliot and I were gonna go look at the prom dresses! Wanna tag along?"
"Yeah, sounds fun!" Danny agreed.
"Yeah! I still need to get mine," Sam agreed. "I really want your opinion on a dress anyway," she said to Paulina. "Cause you know I'm going to customize mine no matter what I get."
"Yeah, I might ask you to do the same to mine, like help me tailor something if needed," Paulina mused. "I need my dress to be absolutely perfect. But we need to make another Starbucks run."
"Really?" Elliot raised an eyebrow at her. "Boo, this is your third trip today." Paulina pouted cutely at him. He playfully chuckled. "Alright, alright. I kinda want another iced coffee anyway."
"So, has Elliot talked to you about it yet?" Paulina asked, taking a long sip of her drink as they waited near the door to the popular coffee chain. Danny made a confused "hm?" noise as he took a sip of his own. "That he wanted to ask Sam to prom?"
Danny's heart stopped, and he instantly returned his attention back to the pair of goths. They were customizing their Starbucks drink at the counter, smiling happily and chatting casually about something he couldn't heart.
God, of course! Fuck, he was so focused on every other dude that he forgot that Elliot wasn't gay. God damn it, and Sam would potentially actually say yes to him too.
"Uh. Um. I-uh." Danny coughed into his elbow as he tried to think of some way to respond that sounded normal. "No, he, um. Hasn't said anything to me yet." Nice response, Fenton.
"Oh, well, be prepared I guess," Paulina replied, taking a sip of her fancy-looking pink drink in the clear plastic cup.
Danny took a huge gulp of his coffee as he tried to process it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He needed to think of how to reply to Elliot if the guy were to actually confront him or talk to him about it. His gut twisted. How was he supposed to reply? Elliot didn't deserve to go out with his Sam. What the fuck was that moron thinking? They were just friends.
"You guys ready?" Elliot glanced over his shoulder at them.
"Yup!" Paulina chirped. Elliot walked over with them, Sam quickly behind.
"You got your hourly Starbucks?" Elliot teased her.
"Mhm!" she hummed.
"You almost need to start working at Starbucks," Elliot told her.
"But then I'd just spend the whole paycheck on Starbucks," Paulina playfully protested.
"Fair, fair," Elliot hummed.
They exited, and they all piled into Elliot's car. Danny and Sam in the back, Paulina in her normal position in the passenger's seat.
"Do you know what kind of dress you're looking for?" Paulina asked as Elliot pulled out of the parking lot. Sam nodded.
"Yeah, definitely something black or purple," she said. "I'm really into long dresses lately, so probably a long dress, but I dunno! Short dresses are cute too."
"Oh short dresses are sooo in right now," Paulina agreed. "I want a short dress! Definitely pink, I want a really cute pastel pink maybe? But any shade of pink, I think it looks best on me."
"Hmm, yeah but greens look really good on you too," Elliot spoke up. "Like pastel and light greens?"
"They do but it's prom so I really want something pink," Paulina replied.
"Hmm, I think I look good in purple and black," Sam mused. "What do I look good in Danny?"
"Purple, black, red, and green, but like? An ecto green if that makes sense?" Danny said. Sam thought about it.
"Yeah, I really do like ecto green," she agreed. She shot him a sly smile. "Reminds me of Danny Phantom. And well. Ya know. I think he's really cute." Danny flushed, shyly smiling back.
"Ugh he's sooo cute," Paulina gushed. "His eyes are the most beautiful shade of green I've ever seen. Elliot, why are your eyes so dark." Elliot chuckled.
"Cause both of my parents have dark green eyes," he replied. Paulina huffed.
"I think that was rude of you. You should have bright green eyes like the ghost boy," she said.
"Yeah, it's pretty rude," Elliot agreed. "I'll fix that tomorrow."
"Do you actually think Danny Phantom's cute?" Danny asked Sam. She smiled, giving a half-shrug.
"Absolutely one of the cutest guys I've ever seen," she confirmed.
Danny took a long drink of his coffee, hoping that chugging some of it would help explain why his cheeks were beginning to burn.
"Oh, this is sooo your color!"
"Oh my god! I love it! Do they have it in my size?"
"Hmm, um, lemme see...yeah! They do! Here!"
"Ugh I cannot wait to try it on! Oh! Oh look! Look at these sleeves, it's like a princess dress! I'm going to grab one to try it on."
"Ooo, that's going to look so good on you. Hm, I think I might try on that one too, cause it comes in dark purple and those sleeves kinda look witchy...Danny what do you think?"
Danny snapped out of his zoning out to look at Sam. The goth was holding up a short dress with long, flowy sleeves. It was a mid-dark purple and plain, though he had no doubt that Sam would likely customize it to her liking. She did that a lot with clothes.
"Yeah, looks good," he said neutrally.
"Oh, that'll look so good with your bat heels!" Elliot pipped up. Danny nearly forgot that the dude was sitting with him on what was dubbed the boyfriend bench near the dressing rooms. "Especially if you wear a corset over the midsection. Like if you found a purple version of that red one you have, with the black lace over it."
"Oo, that would potentially look so cute," Sam mused. She put the dress over her arm on top of two others. "I'm gonna go try these on."
"Oh, I should too," Paulina mused. Unlike Sam, her arms were overflowing with four, five? Danny counted at least ten different potential dresses if he went by the different looking fabrics alone.
"Yeah, you need to narrow some down," Sam told her.
"They're all just so pretty!" Paulina complained. "I wanna wear them all!"
"Well, let's just eliminate some," she suggested.
The girls went off to the dressing room, and Danny leaned back against the boyfriend bench. He pulled his phone out, and he replied to a message from Tucker and another from his mom. Man, was he not ready to face her later.
"So, Sam huh."
Danny glanced at Elliot.
"Uh, yeah. She's great," Danny replied shortly.
"She is, she is," he agreed with a slight hum. Elliot shifted to rest his elbows on his knees. "Ya know I was thinking about asking her to prom." Danny felt a lump stick in his throat.
"Really?" was all he could think to reply.
"Yeah!" Elliot smiled. "I mean, yeah. I wasn't the best dudes four years ago, but I feel a lot better about myself, ya know? I think I finally know who I am now, and I still really like Sam. She's funny, smart, really pretty. Love hanging out with her. Kinda wondering if she feels the same, and if she'd be down to go with me. What do you think?"
Danny bit his tongue to avoid an unnecessarily harsh reply, but he did get anger. How dare he. After all the lies he told Sam, and the way he lied and manipulated her. Sam deserved better than that.
"I um. I don't think you should go for it," Danny said hesitantly. Elliot raised a curious eyebrow.
"Why, did she tell you something?" he asked. "Or did somebody else ask her?"
"Um. Well, not exactly," he hesitated. Danny bit his lower lip. "I mean, I know she likes you. As a friend!" he quickly added. "But uh, I dunno man. Just don't think it's a good idea."
"What do you mean, is somebody else going to ask her?" Elliot asked.
"Why does it matter?" Danny nearly snapped. "You asked me what I thought, and I said it."
Elliot snickered in amusement, rolling his eyes. It only served to irritate Danny even more. Foreign phony. God, why did they even hang out with Elliot? Paulina and Elliot made sense, cause they were both huge prep kids and did cheerleading and soccer respectively, making them both jocks. But why did he have to hang out with Elliot. Well, because Sam and Paulina were friends now, and that meant that Danny also had to be friends with Paulina's friends. Of fucking course.
"What's so funny?" he demanded to know.
"I think I get why," Elliot smirked.
"What do you mean?" Danny questioned. Elliot just shook his head. Danny opened his mouth to question again.
"Hey! Whatcha think?"
Danny shut his mouth as Paulina bounce out in her first dress option. It was a bright pink dress that came to her knees, the skirt incredibly puffy and reminding Danny of a ballerina tutu, with inch wide straps.
"Oh, it looks so good on you boo," Elliot cooed to her. Paulina beamed, twirreling. "But that may also just be you, you look fabulous in everything." Paulina put her hands over her chest.
"Thank you," she gushed. "Can you take my photo? I wanna compare all the dresses I wear."
"Of course," Elliot agreed, pulling his phone out. He snapped a photo of her.
"Oh Sam!" Paulina squealed.
Danny noticed the goth coming out in a fully black dress that also came only to her knees, with a much slimmer skirt and short sleeves. It looked fairly plain, but man. Sam still made it look great. Danny was glad he was sitting, because he knew he was weak kneed.
Sam was smiling brightly, giving Paulina a light wave.
"I take it you like it?" Sam questioned, doing a quick turn around.
"Girl you always look so good in black," Paulina praised.
"She's sooo right," Elliot agreed. "It just looks so good on you, no matter what. Just." Elliot made a chef kiss motion. Sam flushed a light pink, and Danny glared at him. Dude, shut up. "No wonder you're goth. You were just made for black."
"I dunno, I think you're exaggerating," she replied. Sam glanced down at her outfit. "I mean, it's fairly simple. What do you think, Danny?"
Danny swallowed hard.
"Oh uh, I think it looks great!" he said, smiling brightly. Sam returned it. "I mean like. It's kinda? Plain but I know you'd make it something great. You always do." Sam hummed.
"Mm yeah. It's pretty plain, but I dunno if I wanna put in the amount of work it'd take to make this dress really poppin'," she mused. "I'm gonna go try another one on."
The two girls went back to the dressing room, and Danny could hear their lighthearted conversation. Soon as they turned the corner, he spoke up.
"What do you mean?" Danny demanded to know. Elliot snorted.
"Bro, just admit that you like her, and that you don't want me to take her to prom," he said.
"Where on earth would you get that idea!?" Danny scowled. Elliot rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you've been crazy about her since like, what? Ninth grade at the earliest? Paulina says you two have been making googly eyes at each other since like third grade," he said. Danny felt his cheeks flush. It had not been since the third grade. Had it?
"It's not like that," he insisted. "I just, you know. Really love and worry about her, she's my best friend."
"Best friends don't get worked up like this, this much, over a mutual friend asking them out."
Danny just glared at Elliot before rubbing his face with the palms of his hands. He took a deep breath, exhaling hard.
"How's it look?" Sam's voice asked. Danny glanced up, and his heart just absolutely flipped.
She looked amazing. Beautiful. Stunning. Like a plant goddess, a model, an angel. He felt like there wasn't a flaw to be found, and he had never seen somebody look more enchanting. Her dress made her look even more divine, emphasising and showing off the best parts of her. The purple matching her eyes, the dress fitting her absolutely perfect as it flowed almost to the floor and the strapless feature making her hair flow smoothly over her shoulders. This dress was perfect for her.
But none of those descriptors came out. Instead all he could do is nervously swallow, tongue tied as he felt his cheeks burn up. He struggled to pick just one of those adjectives, and his brain settled for just saying nothing at all and simply staring at her instead.
"Oh, you just look so lovely!" Elliot spoke up. He stood up, going over to walk around her. "It fits you perfect, like it hugs your hips just right and really shows off your-"
"Pretty!" Danny suddenly half-yelled. The group looked at him oddly, and he felt his face flush harder. "It makes you look pretty!"
"Thank you," Sam replied, pausing a bit as she raised an eyebrow at him.
"...Uh, yeah. Um, yes!" Elliot clasped his hands together. "Just stunning. I love this purple on you, it's such a beautiful color. This dress specifically was made for you."
"Dude, chill," Danny grumbled. Sam gave him a Look, and he flinched.
"Danny, can I talk to you for a moment?" Sam asked through gritted teeth.
He had no opportunity to respond, as she grabbed his arm, painfully hard owwie, and began to drag him away, towards another boyfriend bench near a jewelry display counter and out of earshot.
"What's going on?" Sam demanded to know. She finally let go of his arm, and he huffed for a moment. Instead of responding, he put his hands behind his head, pacing back and forth. She quickly grew impatient. "Well? Say something!"
"Elliot wants to ask you to prom!" he blurted out, letting his hands fall. Sam blinked.
"He does?" she asked, sounding clearly surprised and...not angry. Sam smiled a little. "Really?"
"Oh don't tell me you're gonna actually take that foreign phony up on the offer!" Danny snapped. Sam instantly glared at him, crossing her arms.
"Elliot's our friend, dude," Sam reminded him. "Why do you care?"
"B-b-because!" Danny's arms were moving wildly as he talked. "He lied to you for months, and you're just going to ignore all that!"
"That was years ago, and he apologized," she said. "He's more than made up for it. And he's a super sweet guy. I like him."
"You like him!?" Danny nearly shouted. Sam slapped his upper shoulder with the back of her hand.
"Calm down and lower your voice," she told him. "And well, yeah. As a friend. Maybe I kinda like him more than that too."
"What the fuck, Sam!?" Danny, in fact, did not lower his voice. He dry-heaved for a few seconds, briefly making Sam start to watch him worriedly. Finally, he took a deep breath, and he returned to a normal inside voice. "What does he have that I don't?"
She went from worried to a blank stare.
"Apparently liking me enough to say or do something, especially when I've dropped so many hints or made moves myself," she replied. She brushed past him and left, returning to their friends.
Danny found himself taking a seat on the bench as he tried to collect his thoughts and the wide range of emotions that accompanied them. He put his head in his hands, rubbing his face. God he was so fucking stupid.
"And it's just! Why him! Why Elliot?" Danny continued to vent after spilling the whole story. Jazz gave a small hum of acknowledgement as she finished writing another name out on the envelope. She set it aside for Danny. "I've liked Sam for so long, and I thought she liked me too."
"You're an idiot," Jazz immediately concluded. Danny glared at her as he folded another wedding invite, slipping it into an already addressed envelope before putting the sticker on the back to keep it sealed shut, and a stamp on the other side. Both were sitting on the floor of the apartment she shared with Spike, with each sibling on the opposite side of the coffee table, with Jazz resting her back against the couch and Danny sitting within reaching distance of their TV.
"Hey!" he protested. Jazz gave him a Look, grabbing another envelope.
"I mean it. She does like you, and she has for a while," she told him. She began to write out another address. "You just always never responded. You pushed her off in favor of another girl or because of some weird commitment issue that you seem to have going on. So be honest with me, and yourself. What's the problem?"
Danny silently folded two more invites, repeating the process of putting them in addressed envelopes and putting the sticker and stamp on.
"...I'm scared," he finally admitted.
"What of?" Jazz asked, not looking up from her activity. Danny had to really think. He casually tossed the finished wedding invite into the 'finished' basket.
"I guess just...it not working out. What if it doesn't work out? What if it drives us apart, and we lose each other?"
"You won't know that until you try," Jazz replied.
"She might also reject me, cause of the same mentality. What if she still likes Elliot more, and-"
"Danny," Jazz interrupted. She finally looked up from writing. "You will never know what the future will and won't hold. Just talk to her, and let her be part of the choice rather than blowing it all off due to fear."
He thought about it, and he gave a small sigh.
"Yeah...I think she's kinda pissed that I haven't been letting her be part of the choice anyway," he mused. He glanced at the pile of envelopes next to her. "How many invites do you have left?"
Jazz checked her list.
"Least a hundred more to go," she sighed.
"What the fuck, you have like no friends! Who are these people!?" Danny cried out. Jazz glared at him, reaching behind her to grab a pillow to hit him with.
Knock knock knock.
Danny floated awkwardly outside of her window. She didn't answer, but he could tell that she was there. Her light was clearly on, and he could hear her music playing.
Knock knock knock.
"Sam?" he called out. "Sam, can we please talk?" He knocked some more.
The longest minute of his life passed before he heard the music turn off. The curtains opened, and Sam was on the other side, staring incredibly annoyed at him. She gestured for him to come inside, and he did. His feet landed on the floor, and she reshut the curtains.
"What do you want?" she snapped. Danny exhaled deeply.
"Sam…" He took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry about how I've been acting. I've just been…"
"Stupid?" she suggested.
"Yeah. But more importantly. I." He paused. "I've been honestly such a huge coward. Still kinda am, actually. Like…" He swallowed nervously, glancing at the ground. "I've been too afraid to bring it up or to really even talk to you about it."
Sam cocked her head to the side. She took a few steps back, sitting down on her bed and patting the spot next to it.
"Talk to me," she encouraged. Danny plopped down next to her, turning human as he did so.
"I want to be with you," he said bluntly. "But just...I get so caught up in all these what-ifs. What if it doesn't work out? What if you get tired of me? What if you eventually realize that it sucks being with somebody who has to cancel dates or who ditches you because I have to stop Skulker or Technus or Ember? What if you get hurt because of me? What if…" he trailed off, not even wanting to get into deeper thoughts.
"I wish you had told me this sooner," Sam spoke softly. "We could have talked about it." Danny sighed.
"I know, I know. I just." He rubbed the palms of his hands up and down his thighs as he tried to provide some kind of a rational answer. "I'm afraid. Even now. I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to lose me," Sam reassured him. She put her hand on top of one of his, and he stopped. "You're one of my best friends, and I love you so much."
"...I love you too," he confessed. He turned his wrist, moving to intertwine their fingers together. "I can't imagine a future without you being there in some way. And I just...I guess I've always been worried about you not wanting to be there anymore."
"I'll always want to be there," she smiled. She leaned in, lightly pecking his cheek. He sighed deeply in relief. "Even if we tried, and we found that it didn't work, that doesn't mean we can't still be friends after. But we'll never really know unless...you know. We tried."
"So, I guess that means that um...you'd be interested in maybe going to prom with me?" he asked.
"Of course, ya dingus." She lightly tapped his new nose ring. "So. How much trouble are you in with your mom?" Danny flinched.
"Man, let's just say I'm surprised she didn't fully kill me."
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slowly-writing · 4 years
Jennifer Jareau x Reader
Word count: 2.1K
Requested by anon: hey! Can you do a JJ x reader where the BAU works a case where the reader has to go to her hometown and it brings up some difficult things for her but JJ helps her through it?
Warnings: mentions of canon typical violence and a crappy family
“Three women have been found dead in their homes in the last week. Each time the unsub has left an elaborate harddrive at the scene. The locals have been unable to get into them and have requested our help,” Hotch starts the briefing. Everyone looks down at the case files in front of them. You’re all saddened at the brutality of the crimes, but your sharp intake of breath draws all eyes to you.
“You good, y/l/n? It’s bad, but it’s nothing we haven’t seen before,” Morgan says and you shake your head.
“I’m fine,” you snap, and that only confuses them further.
“Obviously you’re not. What’s going on?” Penelope asks and you grit your teeth.
“I said I’m fine Garcia. Just drop it!” There’s a moment of tense silence as everyone tries to process the situation before Hotch continues the briefing. As everyone looks back to the screen JJ grabs your hand under the table. She knows what’s going on, she saw it in the file too. You’re going back to your hometown, and it’s not going to be a nice reunion.
Hotch dismisses the briefing not long after and you dash from the room. Everyone looks to JJ, waiting for her to explain your behavior.
“Spill,” Morgan says and her jaw drops.
“Spill what? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she tries to blow it off and is met with several simultaneous eye rolls.
“Spill what’s got your girl all riled up. She’s never snapped like that before. Especially not at me,” Garcia states, crossing her arms and pouting slightly and JJ sighs.
“I know, and I know she’s gonna be beating herself up for it. Just, please be gentle,” she knows how upset you’re gonna be with yourself for taking your frustrations out on your team, and she hopes they won’t hold it against you.
“We’re gonna forgive her. We just wanna know what’s going on,” Rossi tells her.
“The case is in her hometown. She’s got some…not so great memories there. I don’t think she’s quite ready to relive them just yet,” the team all nods in understanding. “But it’s coming one way or the other. Come on, I’m sure she’s halfway to the tarmac by now.”
You had your hands shoved in your pockets as you walked into the precinct. You didn’t want anyone to see how tightly your fists were clenched. You shuffled in behind the rest of the BAU. You hadn’t talked to them yet, but they seemed to have an unspoken agreement to form a barrier between you and the locals, but there was only so much they could do.
“Well if it isn’t little Y/n Gardner, what brings you back to our humble town?” You flinch as the cop throws an arm around your shoulder and ruffles your hair. The rest of the team sends you confused looks for the second, and probably not the last, time of the day.
“I’m here for work, Charlie,” you shrug the man off and straighten your hair.
“Always working, aren’t you? Curious, wanting to solve all the mysteries. That curiosity of yours has caused you some problems in the past. Don’t you think it’s time you let up?” The rest of the team senses the anger in his voice and Hotch steps in.
“Regardless of the past, we have a job to do. Could you lead us to where we can set up?” He asks firmly and Charlie smirks.
“Chief Gardener is probably around here somewhere. He could show you,” he’s looking around and you cut him off.
“I know where the conference room is. We’ll get there on our own,” you say, walking toward the room on the other side of the precinct. You open the door, ushering the team inside with a grimace, “we can set up in here.”
The team is full of questions, but they’re also profilers. They know you’re in no mood to open up to them right now, so they shove the curiosity to the back of their minds and focus on the case.
“Alright, let’s deliver the profile,” Hotch announced to the team. It took everything in you to hold back your groan. Over the last few days you’ve been able to avoid direct contact with local law enforcement. They all had their eyes on you constantly, either sending looks of pity or hate to the girl who divided the town. Mainly you stayed in the conference room. Reid taught you how to build a geographical profile, and you helped Penelope with the computer where you could. You even managed to not be seen by the chief yet, but this briefing would put you right in his line of sight.
You stood up silently and went into the bullpen as Hotch asked the nearest officer to gather everyone. Your plan was to stand in the back and be quiet, but as you saw the man across the room look at you, you realized that wouldn’t be happening.
“The man we’re looking for is-“ Hotch is cut off.
“I wanna hear it from y/n,” the chief says and you clench your jaw.
“Now isn’t the time Jacob. Just shut up and let Agent Hotchner tell you who we’re looking for. The sooner we catch him the sooner I’ll be out of here and you won’t have to worry about me,” you say as calmly as you can.
“And let you ruin another innocent man’s life? I’m not gonna sit by and watch you do to somebody else what you did to dad,” he says, pushing himself off the wall he’s been leaning on and taking a few steps towards you and you snap.
“Dad was a lot of things, but innocent wasn’t one of them,” you can feel yourself losing your cool as you close the gap between the two of you. “He hurt a lot of people, Jake.”
“Oh and you’re quite the reliable source. His bastard daughter. What was it? Daddy didn’t give you enough attention? You had to find another way to get all eyes on you, huh?” he spits out. You’re about to throw a punch, but luckily you’re surrounded by a group of profilers who know you better than anyone. As you go to pull your arm back Derek wraps his arms around your waist, lifting you up and quite literally removing you from the situation. When he sets you down a few feet away JJ’s face is in front of yours, her hands on your shoulders.
“Calm down, everything’s alright,” she whispers as you avoid eye contact, brushing her arms off of you.
“I’m fine,” you say for the hundredth time this week and take off, going outside to get some air. You make your way to the back alley, furiously rubbing at your face and trying to stop the tears you can feel building up. JJ is the first one outside and you don’t fight her this time as she pulls you into her arms. You bury your face in her shoulder as the tears start to fall. You’re exhausted from trying to keep it all in, both physically and emotionally, and soon you’re sobbing so hard you’re starting to hyperventilate.
“Hey, look at me, right at me. Just focus on my voice,” JJ says as she pulls away and takes your hand, placing it on her chest. “Just follow my breathing love, you’re okay.”
After a few minutes you’re able to get breathing back in check, and you latch onto JJ again. You hear the door open and your whole body goes rigid, not ready to face Jacob yet.
“Hey, it’s just us. We wanted to check on you,” Spencer’s voice is barely above a whisper, as if talking to a spooked animal.
“I’m okay,” you mumble, pulling away from JJ and wiping the tears away in embarrassment. You still keep a tight grip on her hand, but your gaze is on the floor.
“You don’t have to hide from us. We all get it,” Penelope says and you smile a bit.
“I guess you want an explanation,” you say with a self deprecating laugh, hating that you’ve ended up in this situation.
“Only if you’re ready,” Hotch gives you an out, but you don’t take it.
“No, I want you all to know. It’s just kind of a long story.”
“We’ve got all the time in the world, babygirl.” You roll your eyes at Derek’s nickname before speaking again.
“That was my brother in there. He’s a few years older than me. Our dad cheated on his mom with mine when he was six and they had me. My mom died when I was four and I went to go live with my dad. None of them particularly liked me. Ever since I moved in there had been problems between my dad and Jacob’s mom. She pretended I didn’t exist and my dad…well I wished he did. He beat up on me pretty bad, but he was the chief of police, so everyone turned a blind eye. When I was nine I found out my dad was involved in some pretty shady stuff. Drug dealing, embezzlement, you name it he was probably doing it,” you explain and Penelope speaks up.
“How does a nine year old figure that out?” She asks and you look away again. JJ squeezes your hand drawing your eyes to her as she puts the pieces together. You can see the question in her eyes and you just nod, you can do this.
“I uh…I found his stash. I saw some powder in this little bag in his room and I thought it was candy, like a pixie stick or something. So I hid it in my pocket when he wasn’t looking. I was at the station after school, sitting in the conference room actually, when I went to eat it. I poured some on my tongue, the second I tasted it I spit it out. I came running into the bullpen yelling ‘Dad why does your candy taste funny?’ and waving the bag around. He panicked, started screaming at me, calling me every name in the book right there in front of the whole precinct. Half the guys still work here…I still don’t know if it’s the cocaine that I ingested or the fear of having him lose it, probably a bit of both, but I passed out. They had to rush me to the hospital. The one here doesn’t have a pediatric unit so they had to take me to the county one. When an ambulance came in with a little kid and half a dozen cop cars following it, the doctors had some questions. It launched a whole investigation. There was a whole ring here in town and a lot of people went down. It’s not like I was trying to break it apart, I was nine. I wasn’t investigating it. It was an accident but I sure got blamed. I had to testify at his trial. I knew the way he treated me was’t right, but I didn’t realize I was digging his grave a bit deeper with every word I said until a few years ago. Last I heard he was doing fifteen to twenty years. He should be up for parole soon,” you realize, and you start to spiral, staring off into space and wondering what will happen when he gets out. JJ calling your name pulls you back into reality.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I ended up living with an aunt after all that. I went by my mom’s last name, legally changed it when I turned eighteen. I kept my head down and worked my ass off. I graduated high school at 16 and never looked back. If I had I might know how the hell Jacob was able to get a job in this precinct, let alone run it,” you finish and before anyone can speak Penelope has practically tackled you into a hug.
“Did you know any of this?” Rossi’s question is directed at JJ and she lets out a sigh.
“I knew she had a bad experience with drugs as a kid. She freaks out whenever I leave a bottle of tylenol where Henry can see it, that makes sense now. I knew it was because of her father. And I knew she wasn’t on speaking terms with any of her family,” JJ lists off and you feel your eyes starting to water once again.
“It’s not something I talk about. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you.” JJ shakes her head, cupping your cheek in her hand.
“I’m not mad. It was your story to tell me when you were ready,” she places a kiss on your forehead  and you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Alright, let’s go catch this son of a bitch so we can get the hell out of here,” you say and the team agrees, heading back into the building with a renewed desire to close this case. 
tag list: @rvgrsbrns @rororo06 @prizmix-and-friends @worlds-in-words @5aftermidnight @im-salt-but-not-salty @riotmaximoff @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
Criminal minds tag list: @reidingandwriting
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nalledimessi · 4 years
Masquerade ball
Pairing: Elijah & Reader.
Word count: 1,066
Warnings: None. Just enjoy.
Author’s notes: Well, I’m just want to say thank you. For all the likes, share and new followers. I know Damon may not be the Damon that we know but I want to picture him a little bit more softy if he have a sister to take care. Without saying more, enjoy. I recommend to listen Iris from Go go dolls while reading. I don't own the music, characters or gif. Credits to the owner of the gif. 
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As anything as simple the Mikaelson do it big time, this won’t be the exception. They have invite all the residents of Mystic Falls to the Masquerade ball that would take place on The Mikaelson Mansion, the only request no fights allowed and a mask was required.
-Remind me why I need to go to this masquerade ball again- you ask to your bothers standing at the end of the stairs waiting for you.
-Because the invitation said Salvatore family- Damon respond extending his hand to help you down the stairs -and last time I check, you were a Salvatore, sister- you rolled your eyes to him.
-You look beautiful, [Y/N]- Stefan announce to you.
-Thank you Stefy- you kiss his cheek -you don’t look to bad yourself-you fix his bow tie and then turn to Damon -both of you- he smirk to you.
They both where wearing a classic black tuxedo, the only difference between them was that Damon wear a tie while Stefan a bow tie. You were wearing a long dark blue satin dress off shoulder off coming loose from the waist to the end, a carat diamond necklace and matching earrings, a present of your brothers in your 20th birthday for the 100th time. The 3 masks where matching Venetian style, yours different from them, embroidered with beads, sequins and rhinestones in a silver color and there’s cover in silver lace.
-Let’s go before I change my mind- you exclaim walking through the door to Damon’s car.
Once inside the Mikaelson Mansion foyer where the grand stairs stand.
-You don’t leave my side or Stefan, understood [Y/N]- he order making you roll your eyes -I mean it- he said serious.
-Yes, dad- you teased him.
-I will get us a drink- he stated going through the door under the stairs in direction to the bar.  Stefan was scanning the room in search for his girlfriend when he fined her.
-Go with her- you whisper -I will wait for Damon here- he look at you -I promised- you said in an innocent tone.
-Al right- he agreed before leaving you.
-It’s not of gentlemen’s leave a lovely lady all by herself- a man dress in a 3 piece navy suit, white dress shirt, black tie and black mask with ripples lines said to your side.
-Neither it’s not introduce himself- you answer turning to see him.
-You’re quite right. Where are my manners?- he smile to you and then take your hand and deposit a kiss on it- I’m Elijah Mikaelson.-
-I have hear of you Mr. Mikaelson- you smile. –The noble and moral of the Mikaelson- you add.
-I’m afraid I’m in disadvantage here- he respond.
-[Y/N] Salvatore, the rational and brilliant of the Salvatore’s- you curtsey to him.
-It seems your brothers are to overprotective when it comes to you- he remark.
-You would understand Mr. Mikaelson after all you are the same with Rebekah, but they tend to forget that I’m the one that keep them out of troubles- you explain to him.
-Please call me Elijah, I insisted- he announced. Elijah turn his gaze to the ballroom to then extend his hand to you –Would you like to dance?-
-It will be an honor, Elijah- you answer placing your hand in his.
Your hands held together while he guide you to the ballroom, you could sense Damon intense gaze in the back of your neck and a few more glance in your direction, once you were on the dance floor, he stand in front of you, his left hand in your right hand raised above the shoulders, right hand on your back below your shoulder blade and your left hand resting in his upper arm, just as the music begging you start to sway.
And I'd give up forever to touch you 'Cause I know that you feel me somehow You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be And I don't want to go home right now
And all I can taste is this moment And all I can breathe is your life And sooner or later it's over I just don't wanna miss you tonight
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
I don’t desire to cause you any problems- he whisper to you.
-If you said it for my brothers- you look at them –they know better than to interrupt what it’s a lovely time- you state more to your brothers than to Elijah.
-Very well- he nod.
And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming Or the moment of truth in your lies When everything feels like the movies Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive 
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
-And to think that I almost stay at home- you confess to him.
He raised an eyebrow to your confession –Don’t say so-
-I’m not a party girl, I prefer to read a book in front of the fireplace in our study- you affirmed.
-You’re welcome to come to our study anytime, I’m sure you would find some interesting books in the shelves- he propose.
-Only if your company is part of the package- you insinuate.
-We have a deal- he bowed his head and give you a brightly smile. -After the dance, would you like to the garden outside?- he ask almost whispering in your ear.  
-We could see the stars- you suggest.
-Of course- he look directly to your eyes -the sight would be beautiful-
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's made to be broken I just want you to know who I am
And I don't want the world to see me 'Cause I don't think that they'd understand When everything's meant to be broken I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am I just want you to know who I am
As soon the song ends, you step outside the dance floor, Elijah hand in your back. You were about to go out when you when your sideways catch Damon coming to you.
-Elijah, do you mind if I reach you outside?- you question him.
-I can talk to your brother if you prefer, after all I was the one to ask you to dance with me- he declared.
-That won’t be necessary, I can handle it- you plant a kiss on his cheek before going in Damon’s direction. -Please Damon don’t start, it’s been a lovely night and I don’t want to fight with you- you beg to him, giving him your best puppy eyes.
-God!- he shout -I hate when you do that- he walks to you and kiss your forehead.
You meet Elijah at the garden after a few minutes. He was waiting to you with two glass of champagne.
-Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I have found it but twice, and when I have, I have honored it- he question and admit to you.
-I do. Especially because everything is intensified as a vampire. When we’re hurt it become sorrow but when we love it is passionate- you confirmed to him.
-That is why I want to seek your affection, if you take me- he voice out after nervously.
-I would love that- you grin to him before passing your arm trough his waist and rest your head in his shoulder to the look to the starts avoid you.
Tag list; @xoxo-nikki-xoxo​
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mrsmaybankhere · 4 years
Lose yourself
this is the fic i was talking about and i’m quite proud of it, soo i hope you liked it as much as i do!!
i was literally crying the whole time so i’m sorry for any mistakes. it’s also huuge, over 3.5 k words so be ready for it💞
enjoy and let me know what you guys think!! love you a lot xx
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Televisions didn't announced any storm coming to OBX, but as you drive your Jeep to The Cut you can clearly see clouds begin to form on the now clear blue sky. The heat was barely supportable in the last few days, but a storm or another hurricane is never a good thing. You bite on your lower lip, thinking at your friends who got lost on the ocean and are now declared dead. Today are three months since then and apparently, today is gonna be another storm. But things changed since that day.
Oh God, how much did they change...
You stop the car engine and after you jump out from the car, you take with you the few food purchases you made on your way there. You already know that the boys are out of beer and anything edible. Beside these stupid mushrooms they took a few days ago and tripped on them for almost eight hours.
You push the door of the Chateau using one arm, holding the bags with the other one and the door finally open after a few tries. There was some trash blocking it and you gulp, trying to hide your disappointment as Pope welcomes you in.
"Oy, JJ! [Y/N] is here!"He screams at your boyfriend and you nod, handing him the bags as you follow him into the kitchen. JJ murmured something you didn't understand and a few curse words. You decide to take care of this first.
"What's up?" You casually ask him and you take a look around the kitchen as you place the food and the beer into the initially very empty fridge. Damn, how did they live here?
"Not too much. JJ is rolling a blunt if you're asking."
"You look stoned." You say as you rise your eyebrow, Pope shifting uncomfortable on the kitchen old and stained countertop.
"Well maybe because I just smoked, mom?" He makes it seem like a question and you pull your lips in a line, trying to cover your sigh.
You begin to clean the kitchen, throwing every piece of trash into a big plastic bag with Pope's eyes following every step you make. He's walking on eggshells around you, wondering how much time will take you to finally explode. He expected you to do it quite sooner, but you were nothing but calm and soft towards them. Especially J.
"Kie answered." You hear his voice, now quite raspy and you turn around to look at him. He can see the sparkles of hope in your eyes and he hates to broke it for you.
"What did she said?"
"That she can't see us like she used to. And that her parents are right with whatever shits they said to her about us. That she w-..."
"I think I get it." You feel a pain in your chest at the memories of Kie being here. Of John B and Sarah being alive and you laughing and partying together. Actually being a family. Pope just nods his head, his pain bigger than yours. He didn't just lost three friends, he also lost his girlfriend. Probably his parents too.
"When was the last time you went home? Your mother is worried sick."
Pope's mother called you last night, crying and imploring you to try and talk with him. JJ moved his ass here, leaving his abusive old man and it was for the better, but Pope's parents are good people and they don't deserve all this pain. None of you did deserve it, but you all have it on your shoulders anyway.
"Can't remember." He mutters, avoiding your glare. "Last weekend I think."
"Eight days, Pope? Really?" You rising your voice a little bit, feeling like a mother and that's what exactly you were for them these three horrible months. And that's what Pope wanted so bad to avoid: your disappointed face. "Go home right now or I will kick your ass out. You have ten minutes." You demand with a stern voice and face as you walk out of the kitchen, cleaning the living room and the porch as well. John B's room remained untouched and JJ locked it with a key that he hide it God knows where. "For when he gets back" he said that day and you had a horrible feeling of deja vu.
Now you are sure that a storm is coming as full grey clouds are covering the sky and you even catched a few lightnings. By the time you were down with the cleaning, Pope walks on the porch with a backpack on his shoulder and JJ following right behind him. He's only wearing jeans, his hair a mess and his shark necklace always at his neck.
"What do you mean you leaving? I just rolled the perfect...Trust me, the perfect blunt."
You thought that you get used to something after seeing it for a thousand times, but you didn't get used to the new JJ. The heartbroken and devastated, always wasted JJ. The past three months were a hell for him and he made it even worse for you. You had to adjust to your own grief and you also had his pain on your back, carrying it with you every moment of the day and night. In the first month you couldn't sleep or eat at all as your only concern was JJ. You were scared that he may be doing something stupid or reckless and for most of the times he was. Starting fights for nothing and beating the shit out of everyone who dared to bother him. At first you also thought that Pope was gonna help you, but you were so naive. You were so blind that you didn't saw how Pope changed too, copying JJ's mechanism to numb out the pain: drugs and alcohol. But beside JJ, Pope isn't lying himself that everything is alright. Or that they will come back eventually.
"Baby! Didn't see you there. What are you doin'?" He knews that you were there, but he was too drunk and high to remember it. His arm loosely grabs your shoulders, pulling you to his side for a sloppy kiss. You can't hide your little smile because when you two kiss, you feel like your JJ is still there and times are happy again. And then when he pulls from your kiss, you have to face the cruel reality again.
"I was cleaning. The Chateau never looked this dirty before." You didn't realize it, but JJ's face fell at your words. You watch him walking away from you barefoot on the porch's floor, leaning against the supporting pillars. He turns with his back at you and Pope, lighting up the blunt and also speaking. You can see how tense his back is.
"We don't mind. We are living here..." He points a finger to Pope and himself. "Not you, [Y/N]. So you can't have a opinion."
"Pope is not living here."
"I have to head home, JJ. A storm is coming..." Pope pleads, trying to get a approbation from the blond guy.
"Yea, sure. Just go home before the rain star-..."
"Shut up, JJ." You snap at him, giving a hug to Pope before he slowly nods towards JJ who just ignored it. His bloodshot piercing blue eyes are on you, angry at you. You kept your calm for so long and for two months you were nothing but a sweet loving girlfriend to him, always down for sex, parties and even robbery. But your patience reached her limit and since then, you and JJ fight every night. And tonight isn't different.
"What's your problem?" He asks as quickly as you two remained alone.
"I think you know very well since I've told you many times now, but I'm gonna repeat myself: you are my problem, JJ. I'm tired."
You don't think that he's listening to you. He is puffing the blunt, watching outside from the door. The rain finally starts and the weather also get a little cold because of the wind.
"Come on, let's get inside." You speak and you open the door, entering into the living room, JJ following you with a growl and still smoking.
"Can't you just leave me alone for once?"
For three months he had talked to you like this. He was the old JJ only when he was inside of you or you were giving him head. You still be crying yourself to sleep every night because of this, of how powerless you are in this situation. All you can do is sit there and watch him falling apart.
But you had enough of it.
"JJ." You call his name and he turns around to look at you, you quickly grab the blunt from his hand and you throw it on the window. At least you have his attention now. But he's furious.
"What the fuck are you doing? Aren't you tired of all this fighting every damn night? Cause I am." His voice his loud and harsh, sending daggers right into your already broken heart. "You know, I left my father for a reason, [Y/N]."
"Don't...Don't you fucking say that to me! I actually give a fuck about your wasted ass!"
Well, this turned out good. Wonderful.
"Oh yeah? Then why are you acting like you are better than me? Like you are my damn mom or something."
You just wanted a calm conversation, but this is quickly turning into the same screaming match you always have. Both of you throwing the same heavy words, ending up with you crying, but still staying the night in the couch just to make sure he's okay during the night. That's how much of a pathetic you are.
"JJ, please hear me out. Let me talk. I don't wanna fight anymo-..."
"I can see that." He speaks sarcastically and you groan, still trying to keep your calm.
"JJ, look at me..." You cup his face to force him into looking right into your tired but still loving eyes. Even right now you are heartbroken for him, not for you. You gasp with tears already falling on your cheeks, knowing that what you're about to say will broke him down but you're hoping that he will wake up and finally see it for himself. "It's been three months, baby. John B is not coming back."
You can't describe what you saw inside of his eyes; something you never saw before, not in this way. The rage that's fulling his eyes is overwhelming for you and for your thin body as he grabs your shoulders, his fingers dagging into your skin as he's shacking you.
"Watch your mouth, [Y/N]. I'll say this once...And you better get it in your damn little head. Behave or leave for good."
You gulp down the words you had in your mouth, just letting him talk shit to you when you don't deserve any of it. You became his punching bag.
"You know what? Leave. I wanna be alone."
"I-I don't..." You can't talk as you feel anxiety taking control over your mind and body. Yeah, you are tired of this situation, but leaving him for good never was an option for you.
"Leave. I don't want you here. Can't you see that?"
You bite on your lower lip as you can feel how your stupid heart is ripped right from your chest, parts of it shattering your insides. You are still standing on your legs, but inside you feel like you are on your knees, screaming to make this stop. The pain is unbounded.
He turns with his back at you to grab a beer from the fridge; his hands are shacking while he tries to open it and he mutters a "fuck" under his heavy breath. When you finally find your voice again, you speak with a lower voice than what you expected.
"No. I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving you."
His back is tensed and jawline and fists clenched at the sound of your weak voice. You watch his back, not knowing what to expect from him, but you decide to keep talking. You can't make it worse than this.
"You are the one who's always there for the ones he care about. I don't know about the others, but for me, JJ...You are my shoulder to cry on, my-...My lifebuoy. I wouldn't be here today if you weren't."
Your crying is uncontrollably at this point, making it really hard to breath properly as you feel like you're drowning in your words. You cover your mouth with your hand, a scream wanting so bad to leave your sore throat.
"So if you want to treat me like shit...If you want to get it all out on me, do it. I will let you, if that makes you feel better. If hurting me makes you feel better...I will let you, Jay. But-...But that won't bring John B and Sarah back. Nothing will bring them back, baby..."
Your voice just crack while speaking and you gulp down, biting your tongue so hard that you can feel the taste of blood in your mouth. JJ slowly turns around to look at you and your heart takes another punch as the sigh of him crying, sobbing uncontrollably with a painful smile on his lips.
"You think I don't know that, [Y/N]? Fuck...I know it, but-...But it hurts so bad. I can't help it."
"Baby..." You slowly whimper and you spreads your arms around his shacking body. His head quickly finds comfort in your neck, his tears wetting your skin as yours are wetting his hair. You let your face in his hair as you slowly fall down at the floor with his arms tight around your waist.
"I-I just can't really believe it...I'm still waiting for him to come back. But I know he won't-...They will never come back."
Fighting with JJ was horrible, but him crying like this and falling apart in your arms is something else. This is your nightmare coming out alive, destroying you bad and permanently. You didn't say anything else, you can't find words that are enough in this situation, so you stand there on the floor, his body all over yours as you run your fingers through his now damp hair, over his back, arms and face, wipping the tears away. He keep muttering things, pouring his whole heart out, but you feel like he is more talking to himself and not really to you.
"I just wanna do the right thing, [Y/N]..."
"I know. I will help you with that."
He raises his head from your chest, his beautiful eyes are now very red and puffy. You softly kiss them and the dark circles around them.
"Why are you still here? I was-...I was an asshole to you. I wanted you to leave me, so I can destroy myself without-....Without pulling you with me."
All this time you thought he didn't noticed things around him, but he did way too much. He was hurt when he saw Kie hanging with Kooks again, he was hurt to see Pope changing for bad, but he was totally broken to see you not giving a fuck about you, instead giving your entire everything for him. He thought you will leave sooner or later; he actually hoped you will. But you didn't. You stood there, losing weight and hair because of all the stress and sadness, spending nights crying and worrying for him when he was totally shitfaced and the next day you still managed to smile at him. You still had in you the power to smile.
"I won't give up on you, JJ. Never and I mean it." You are so sure of your words as you speak, locking your eyes with him while cupping his face, slowly tracing lines on his cheek. That calms him down a bit and he surprises you when he brings your hands to his lips, slowly kissing your wrists. Another tear left his eye because of how skinny you are, knowing that he is the reason. You always brought food, but he never saw you ate any.
"You're too good. You-...You know that, right? I don't deserve you. I'm so fucking sorry...For doing you like this."
"I don't care what you think. You will-....You have to get out of this black hole. I'm getting you out, baby."
Both of you are still crying, but you managed to calm down. JJ has helped you and you helped him. You two finally had ears to actually listen to each other and that bring a smile on your red damp faces.
"I love you with all I have in me." He speaks with his face hiding in your chest and you smile, kissing the top of his head and his forehead. You keep on placing kisses all over him as a reminder that you are there, still loving him.
"I know, trust me I know. I lo-..."
"You don't have to say it back. You proved it way more than I did." You bite on your lip and you pull his head up to make eye contact with him. He looks so sad and hurt. You wanted so bad to wrap him in your arms and keep him there forever, protecting him from the world and all the pain.
"But I want to say it back." You smile and you gently press a kiss on his lips, butterflies dancing around in your stomach. "I love you, JJ! I love you!"
"Say it again." He whimpers and you smile again, pressing another sweet kiss to his lips. You miss this so much.
"I love you!" This time he's the one kissing you, really soft at the started of it and then he pours his whole heart on your lips, right on that kiss that is meant to take your breath away.
You stood there in silence for another long moments, until you couldn't feel your legs and hands anymore, but you didn't wanted to bother him so you didn't moved at all. When you two finally find the strength to get up and face the world, JJ looks like he's thinking at something.
"I have an idea..."
You managed to sleep for three full hours and it was something beside the other days. You still have a painful migraine and JJ needs focus to keep himself straight on his legs, but when the sun wasn't even out yet, you two and Pope arrived at the docks.
"Kie answered?" J asks and you slowly wrap your arm around his waist and Pope shakes his head, a sad look on his sleepy face.
"I don't think she will." Pope says and you and JJ remain quiet, still hoping.
The three of you sit down on the old wood and nobody said anything. There is nothing to say as you are waiting for the sunrise. The cold wind feels right on your skin, still hot from all the crying before sleeping and the only sounds around are from the insects or birds. The blunt is now at Pope and you take it from his fingers, smoking a little before passing it to your boyfriend. Your anxiety is not as bad as before, but you still can't keep yourself calm.
Soon enough, the sun slowly starts coming out from the ocean, the sky colors quickly changing to a beautiful red and orange combination that you always loved. You look at JJ and Pope, your boy taking out the little braided basket in which you placed a picture of your friends, John B and Sarah. You remember that day; you were with the boat on a throuple date and they are smilling at each other, their eyes locked as they didn't know you were taking pictures.
"They were so in love..." A soft voice speaks from behind you and you all turn around, seeing Kie standing there with tears falling on her pink cheeks.
You bite your lip to keep your tears locked, but looking at the boys they are already crying, so you start crying too. Kie almost run into your arms, wrapping her arms around all of you and hugging you tight.
"I knew-...I knew you will be here." You talk while sobbing and JJ kiss your temple, his tears falling on your face.
"I'm sorry...I-I'm really sorry. I didn't know what to do...But I shouldn't-..."
Pope stops her by kissing her cheek and pulling her in for a hug, Kie hiding her wet face at his chest as JJ looks at all of you, his glare stopping on you as you smile at him and slowly nod your head, encouraging him to do it.
You see his Adam's apple gulping up and down as he slowly places the braided basket above the water, still holding it with his fingers so it wasn't taking away yet. You tap his shoulder to make sure he knows that you are here.
"I will never forget you." JJ speaks to the picture, your head falling on his shoulder as hot tears falls on your cheeks. "And I think I will always wait for you to come back. Maybe you will, but probably you won't. But it's okay...You did it in Pogue's style." His whole body his shacking away, crying and speaking with sobs, muttering curses under his breath because he can't hold it in. "I love you, brother. And sister."
He shows you that he needs you and your touch by how he lets his head on your chest, just like he did the night before and you start speaking, your fingers in his hair and you eyes locked with the picture.
"John B, you were the brother I never had. Fuck, you even were my father if I needed too. Remember when you and JJ took me to prom because you think that no one was good enough for me? You were probably right because-....Because you two are the best matches for me. My best friends. My-...My shoulders to cry on. And Sarah...You were the best Kook ever, sorry Kie." You all laugh a little through your tears. "It was impossible to not love you when you were so-...So supportive and loving. Fuck....I will miss you so bad, guys. Chateau...And we, we will never be the same without you, but we will keep you in our hearts forever. I love you, guys."
It's too much for your weak hearts to handle it, but somehow you managed to go through the little speeches you all gave to them. Sadly, to a photo of them.
You all get up as JJ lights up the photo and let the basket float above the water, the waves quickly taking him away from the dock. Pope pulls you to his side, JJ and Kiara doing the same as the four of you share a big group hug while watching the basket. It's now covered in flames, but still floats away on the ocean.
JJ looks up at the sky and he whispers.
"Come on, man. I know you are somewhere out here...Just come back."
"What?" You whisper back to him, not sure if he really said something or not.
"I didn't say anything." JJ smiles at you and pulls you to his chest. He wraps his arms around you and places his lips on your forehead, keeping them there a little longer. "You are my Angel, [Y/N]. Thank you."
Tag list (lmk if you wanna be added): @afterglowsb-tch13​ @alexandracheers​ @hucklebaefinn​ 
359 notes · View notes
Dark Knight, White Knight
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Request: request for @sweetpotato-97​ 
Pairings: Demon!Dean x GN!Reader, Dean x GN!Reader
Warnings: angst, torture, abuse, fluff, mild sexual content
Word Count: 2.5K
Tags: @akshi8278​
Flashbacks in italics
   You wake up this morning expecting more of the same, more gruelling research that would lead to nowhere. More pitying looks from Sam. More nothing. What you don’t expect is the way you are pulled off the street and shoved into the boot of a familiar car, cable ties pinching your wrists together, blindfold over your eyes. You don’t expect the familiar waft of whiskey and leather to wash over you as you are trapped in darkness. 
   The ride is long and unnerving and you distract yourself by counting the bumps and turns you make throughout the journey.  
This isn’t Dean, but he looks like him. When your Dean smiles your heart splits in two and you forget how to breathe. The first time Dean smiled at you is seared into your memories. 
   ‘It’s Y/N, right? I’m Dean?’ His smile was so blindingly genuine as he held his hand out for you to shake. You accepted his hand gladly, and a soft blush warmed your cheeks at the feel of his hands in yours. 
   ‘Ah, y-yea. Y/N Y/L/N.’ You manage. You were mesmerised by his gentle charisma and his mischievous charm. You decided then and there that, if they would have you, if Dean would have you, you would never leave the Winchester’s sides. That was five years ago. 
   That smile is nothing like the sadistic grin that Dean is sending you now as he saunters towards you like a predator would his prey, his cutlass sitting comfortably in his hand. 
   ‘Ya wanna know why you’re here Y/N?’ Dean asks, breaking the silence as he moves towards you. You strain against the ties against your wrist but your struggle makes no difference. Dean moves to stand directly behind you, he is standing so close you can feel his breath against the nape of your neck. ‘You’re here because I detest you.’ 
   This isn’t Dean, but he sounds like him. When your Dean talks to you, he speaks gently, his voice full of adoration and love. 
    ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ You muttered as you turned your attention back to the book you were reading. Dean’s low chuckle echoed against the bunker’s wall behind you and your grip tightened on the page you were holding. 
   ‘Pie doesn’t just disappear. I was saving that piece for breakfast. And now it’s gone.’ Dean responded. He was right behind you now, his tone lacking any accusation. 
   ‘You probably got hungry while you were sleeping.’ You shot back, hoping to catch him off guard. 
   Dean swung the chair around so that you were facing him, ‘when I get hungry at night babe, I don’t eat pie.’ 
   You meet the eyes of the Dean before you, the Dean whose Soul has been twisted and mangled by the mark on his right arm. 
   ‘Why do you detest me?’ You sound more confident than you feel and you meet his level gaze head-on as he moves to stand before you, running his cutlass up your arm, taunting you. 
   Dean tilts his head, smirking down at you as he presses the tip of the blade into the flesh of your arm, making you bleed. ‘Because Y/N, if you’re alive, there will always be a small part of me that will want to be human. And I can’t have that.’ As the last word leaves his lips, Dean flicks his wrist and the blade of his cutlass makes a shallow gash up your arm. You scream out in surprise, pulling against the zip ties without a second thought, cutting away at the skin. Dean laughs as you pointlessly struggle against the bindings, glancing around for anything that could help, any indication of where you are. Dean has brought you to a barn on the cusp of falling to pieces; the wooden panels that make up the roof are few and far between and the ones that remain hang dangerously from the rafters. The floor is covered in dust and rubbish, the barn unquestionably abandoned and left to rot a long time ago. The one single benefit that can be reaped from the termite infestation, is the weak wooden chair that you are tied to. The chair would break the moment it crashes to the ground, so you begin to form a plan to escape. 
   ‘Are you having fun Y/N? I am. I didn’t think you would want to skip the foreplay. You always did love when I warmed you up.’ 
   This isn’t Dean, but he remembers being him. When you and Dean are intimate together, he treasures every single inch of your body like it’s made of diamonds.
   The feel of the soft, cold sheets beneath your bare body increased your need for Dean, who stood at the end of the bed still fully dressed. Dean’s eyes devoured the sight of you lying there, waiting in anticipation, the featherlight touch of his finger running up and down the length of your body. 
   You had been teasing him the entire ride home from the hunt you had just finished and as soon as you stepped out of the Impala he began dragging you to the bedroom. 
    Sam had passed on the hunt, leaving shotgun open for you and you did not waste the opportunity that Sam’s absence presented to you. After being on the road for half an hour in comfortable silence, Led Zeppelin playing quietly through the speakers, you lean further back into the plush leather seats, spread your legs and begin to massage yourself through your jeans. You groaned at the intense feeling the friction provided and Dean inhaled sharply from the driver's seat, hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.   
   ‘What are you doing?’ He asked, his voice taut.
   ‘Having fun’, you replied with a wink, knowing that you would be in for one hell of a night.
You blink the recent memory away and refocus on the man, the demon in front of you. His hair is longer than Dean’s, a little messier. You have to remind yourself that it’s not your Dean. 
   ‘What do you say Y/N? Shall we do the other arm? You do want your them to match don’t you?’ Dean taunts you, bringing his cutlass across to your other arm. ‘Not too deep though, can’t have you bleeding out before I’ve finished having fun.’
   ‘When Sam and I cure you, and we will cure you, I want you to know that I won’t hold this against you. Because you aren’t my Dean.’ 
   Dean narrows his eyes at you, frustrated with your words. ‘If I wasn’t your Dean, would I have this?’ 
   All the fight slips out as your eyes fall on the small velvet box Dean pulls out of his pocket. ‘I was going to propose to you. Can you believe it?’ He contemplates the box for a few seconds before tossing the box, your eyes follow and a tear escapes as it lands on the dirty ground. 
   ‘So, now that you realise that Dean and I really are one and the same, shall we have some fun?’ He twirls the cutlass in his hands and brings it down in one swift movement, stabbing your left thigh. 
This isn’t Dean, but it is. 
   ‘If you two keep fighting, I’m going to leave and never come back.’ You spoke up for the first time this week, Sam and Dean’s fighting getting on your last nerve. You woke up to it this morning, echoing down through the halls from the library. You didn’t bother to get dressed, marching into the room in one of Dean’s flannels and your underwear. Sam and Dean were on opposite sides of the table, books piled between them, spread open ready to be re-read for the third time. 
   They both whipped their heads over to you at your entrance and you stood with your arms crossed, your disapproval clear. 
   ‘Y/N? What are you talking about?’ Dean asked, taking a step in your direction. 
   ‘I’m talking about this unnecessary fighting. I’d rather get caught in the middle of another one of your stupid, lethal prank wars. I can’t survive in an environment this hostile. You need to calm down. Dean, you’ve got to let Sam help you, but Sam, you’ve got to take a break. Get some sleep.’
   Sam’s gaze softened, his tense shoulders relaxing. ‘Sorry Y/N. I didn’t realise we were causing you so much stress. Why don’t I go get us some grub while you two talk?’ Sam walked past you but not without giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze and you felt some of your own tension leave your body. 
   ‘Y/N, I’m really sorry, I should have spoken to you sooner.’ He sighed, running his hand down his face. He was stressed, his eyes were darting back and forth as he searched for the right words to say. ‘There is no saving me. This mark can’t be removed. What I’ve been telling Sam and what I’m telling you now, is that there is no happy ending to this.’ 
   ‘But Dean, if we could just do something -’ 
   ‘No. There’s nothing out there to fix this.’ Dean’s jaw was set and the muscles in his shoulders were tense against the material of his clothing. It was a warning, telling you to back off and let the subject go, but you didn’t. 
   ‘I don’t care about what anybody else says. You’re more important. I’ll do this on my own. Maybe it will get you two to stop fighting.’ You turned your back on Dean and took a step away from him, but a firm hand grabbed your wrist, tight enough to leave a bruise. 
   ‘Dean let go of me.’ The hand only tightened, pinching your skin painfully. This was the first time Dean had ever laid a hand on you, and you were terrified. 
   ‘You will not, under any circumstances, try to cure me of the mark, especially on your own. Do you understand?’ Dean’s voice was low and deadly, his breath hitting the back of your ear. You don’t respond immediately, taken aback by the ferocity of the request. ‘Do you understand?’ 
   ‘God, fine. Yes. Now let me go.’ The moment his hand left your wrist you spun around and slapped his cheek. You knew that this could have gone one of two ways; Dean could have spun out of control, or it would wake him up from whatever trance the mark had him under. Fortunately the slap worked in your favour and regret was plastered across his face a second later. 
   ‘Y/N -’ Dean stuttered out, he looked completely heartbroken and it made you want to cure him even more. 
   ‘I know. Take a breather, we’re alright.’
   The snap of a twig has Dean on high alert and he turns to with a piercing gaze, roughly grabbing your chin. ‘Looks like this is all we have time for. Lucky for you, I still have some more things I want to do to you. I’ll see you next time Y/N.’ He scans the barn one last time before making a swift and silent exit. You sag into the chair with relief and regret. Your escape plan was flushed down the toilet with one glance at the ring box. You glance down at your leg to determine whether you were strong enough to break the chair, unsure if your leg would withstand any more injuries. You are saved from having to risk it when a stressed Sam comes running into the barn, gun at the ready. 
   ‘Y/N! Are you okay?’ He rushes over to you and pulls out a knife to cut the plastic ties around your wrist and ankles. 
   ‘I’m fine. How did you know I was here?’ You ask as he helps you up, leading you out of the barn to the impala. ‘Wait, Sam. The box.’ You say, pointing to the discarded ring box lying in the dusk.
   Sam grabs the box, making no comment when he hands it to you and has the decency to look slightly sheepish when he answers, ‘I turned on the GPS on your phone, placed a tracker in your shoe after Dean flew the coup.’ 
   You roll his eyes at his over-protective behaviour, but don’t protest, considering it saved your life. 
 Four Weeks Later 
   ‘Y/N, you need to get back to the bunker.’ As Sam’s words reach you through the phone you can hear the desperation in her voice.
   ‘Why do you look like you’re about to give me bad news?’ You ask, ‘Besides, I’m like half and hour out. Hunt went fine, thanks for asking.’
   ‘I found Dean.’  
   ‘You what?’ 
   ‘He’s here, he’s cured, he’s not a Demon anymore.’ 
   It takes you a few seconds to respond, ‘What about the mark?’
   ‘I’m sorry Y/N, he still has the mark.’
   ‘Not your fault Sam. I’ll be home in half an hour.’ You hang up and rest your head on the steering wheel, taking a few moments to compose yourself. 
   When you open the bunker door, you aren’t sure what you are expecting, but it isn’t the normalcy that welcomes you. You toss your bag on the map table and shrug your jacket off but make no move towards the bedrooms. You could go to the armoury first, return the weapons you used on your hunt to their rightful places, but your stomach rumbles before you can decide. 
   ‘I have leftovers from the food Sam bought me, some of it’s still warm.’ 
   You freeze at the sound. You could almost cry and you find yourself needing to lean on the table to avoid falling to the ground. You haven’t heard that voice in a month, the softness rolls over your entire body like a blanket. You squeeze your eyes shut to make sure you aren’t sleeping before turning around to face the love of your life. 
   His hair is still longer than he usually keeps it and you can see a darkness behind his eyes that wasn’t there before, he hides it well though. His expression is sombre, and you realise he’s most likely thinking about last month, and what he did to you. 
   ‘I’d love some food.’ You reply with a smile. 
   Dean smiles back, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. You would have to work on that. 
   ‘Oh, that reminds me, I believe this belongs to you.’ You tease, handing him the velvet box. You chuckle lightly at the blush that all to suddenly heats his cheeks. ‘I’m ready when you are.’ 
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lisinfleur · 5 years
Right Beside You
The Request:                                  
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Author’s Notes | I hope you like it! Universe | Vikings Pairing | Ivar x Reader Info | Viking Age AU, Slave!Reader, requested by anon for 5CW7 Words | 3682 ⁑ Warnings: NSFW, SMUT included, some cursing.
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Her eyes were over you and you could feel it.
Unlike Margrethe, you weren't seeking the older sons' attention nor luring them into the space in between your legs trying to get yourself pregnant to warrant a life beyond the chains. And the queen noticed you were different.
You were born a slave. So, freedom was an unknown terrain for someone who served and had her needs granted throughout your whole life. You were meek and obedient. Never needed to be forced into any kind of work and despite your undeniable beauty, your meekness ended up not attracting the eyes of her sons, eager for the lustful women always surrounding them around.
With them slapping and fighting each other to grant Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Sigurd's needs, your attention was turned to the younger one's needs and you ended up learning everything Ivar needed to have a comfortable life - even when he never noticed you were the one providing it.
You learned how to make the ointment for his legs' wounds; the herb sachets for his room with his favorite scents to sleep; the way he liked his blankets and sheets - and his favorite ones for the coldest nights. You knew from his favorite clothes to the right time to lit the fireplace in his room to warrant the cold of the winter nights wouldn't invade his bedroom to bother his sleep.
And queen Aslaug was aware of your abilities. Especially the fact that you could sew leather with perfection - something she noticed when she caught you sewing Ivar's gloves when the stones ragged the thread that was keeping them altogether preventing him from spending his gold on an unnecessary new pair that would take days to adjust to his movements and become comfortable again.
So, when his brothers started fighting for Margrethe's ownership, complaining he was stealing the woman from them, Queen Aslaug had enough and called you.
"Here... Get up and leave, Margrethe!" she ordered, and Margrethe left the place beside Ivar, causing him to frown. "Sit down, Y/N," she commanded.
To what you answered, sitting by his side, obediently keeping your head low.
He knew you... The frown on his face became lighter.
"What are you doing, mother?" he asked, and so, she picked your hand and placed it over his for him to hold like he was doing to Margrethe's hand before you came.
"I'm giving her to you and solving this stupid dispute. Margrethe is yours," she said to his brothers who were looking at each other, surprised. "You had already fucked her enough for me to doubt any of you will know who's the father if she ever spits out a child! Keep her for yourselves, keep sharing her, do whatever you want with Margrethe. Y/N is Ivar's only and from today on she'll tend for his needs and his needs only, whatever they are."
Ivar looked at you, wondering if his mother was really giving him a gift. Margrethe was something all his brothers wanted, but none ever talked about you... Were you valuable like her?
"That's not fair!" Sigurd manifested and it immediately attracted Ivar's attention. "She's the only one who can sew leather properly and you will give her to Ivar! He'll ensure none of us will ever have her pieces again!"
Ivar's frown dissolved into a bright smile and he kissed your hand, caressing it with his thumb and looking at his brother almost maliciously.
"You bet I will..."
"And I don't wanna hear complaints, Sigurd! Y'all made your choices. Y/N is Ivar's and if he doesn't want her to sew for you, then you can ask Margrethe to learn or pay someone who does it for you instead."
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Sigurd was really annoyed by her choices while Ubbe and Hvitserk were looking at each other, wondering if Ivar would sell your services for them when needed. However, Ivar seemed very pleased by your presence from that moment on, asking you to serve his mead and bring him pieces of food to his mouth - something you did without questions, separating portions of his favorite foods, mixing them the way he liked to eat.
It didn't pass unnoticed...
When the time came for bedtime, you went to his room with him to lit the fire, and he observed as you placed the wood ensuring the embers would last until the morning time without filling his room with smoke. He noticed the herbs you placed on the fire and the pleasurable smell that filled his room and he smiled, thinking it was the delightful smell he always had in his nights.
So, you were the reason why his room was always so comfortable for him.
You placed the ointment beside his bed and provided the herbs he would have to chew to prevent the pain to take his peace during the night and with everything ready, you stopped in front of his bed.
"I'll wait outside as you get yourself ready to bed, my lord," your voice sounded for the first time since he noticed you and Ivar smiled, pretending he was surprised.
"Oh, you speak!" he said, smiling bigger. "I thought you were mute. You spent the whole day silent by my side. Aren't you pleased by your new master, pet?"
The names weren't something that bothered you.
"No, my lord. You just didn't request me to speak."
Ivar giggled, straightening himself at his bed.
"So... You're that obedient... This is something that pleases me, dear Y/N," he said, patting the place by his side in his bed. "C'mere. Sit by my side, pet."
You feared he would ask you such things... But he was your master after all... Sooner or later, a master would order you to please him and you weren't in a position to deny it.
Ivar was a good observer: it didn't pass unnoticed for him that you cringed to his ask, sitting by his side without looking straight at him.
His smile became smaller...
"What? Fearing I'll ask you to touch me or please me as Margrethe does to my brothers?" he asked with a harsher tone, annoyed. "To serve my needs and my orders, you're dedicated. But when it comes to pleasing me, then you cringe... Just like she did!" he grunted, angrily, causing you to shrink a little in his bed.
"I'm sorry, master Ivar. It wasn't my intention to displease you," you said, lowering your head.
"But you do!" he growled back, annoyed. "All of you are the same. Moaning and pushing yourselves under my brothers like rutting bitches, cringing in disgust when coming closer to me!"
He was understanding everything wrong and you lift your eyes, looking at him and shaking your head negatively.
"It's not what you think, my lord..."
"Then what?" Ivar cut your sentence in the middle, growing angry very fast.
Something you already knew was common for the younger son of queen Aslaug.
"What makes you cringe under the thought of sitting by my side or having me asking you to please me? What makes all of you cringe to me when you're all smiles and lustful movements to my brothers?"
"I never touched a man before," you said, breaking his frown in a surprised, almost shocked expression.
"What?" he asked, losing his posture and you looked at him, almost ashamed.
"I'm afraid you ask me to please you because I don't know how to properly do it. I'm not like Margrethe... I know how to cook, and prepare ointments; I know how to lit a fire and keep your room warm, and how to beat your sheets and blankets so they'll be comfortable for the night. I know how to prepare the herbs and teas, how to ease the pain, how to sew leather, and even how to sew wounds and treat them. But..." you swallowed dry, looking at him once again. "I never touched a man. I never saw a man's nakedness nor get myself under any man before. My fear is to displease your desire by not being able to satisfy you properly, master."
His anger trickled down the drain almost instantly, impressing confusion in his face for a second before his mind could really figure out what you were saying: he would be the first and only man to ever touch you...
None of his brothers ever had you before him nor would ever have unless it was his desire. And it wasn't.
Ivar smiled once again.
One last question wandering in his mind when he looked at you with his beautiful blue eyes.
"Prove me what you're saying, slave," he said, commanding. "Treat my legs. If you're speaking the truth, then, this must not be any problem for you, right?"
Margrethe would cringe only by the idea of touching his legs once again. He could remember how she uncovered his body barely touching the sheet that had covered his legs, disgusted!
You, instead, readily got yourself standing.
"As you wish, my lord," you said, slowly uncovering his legs and looking at him. "I'll need you to take off your trousers, master Ivar."
What he did slowly, exposing his legs to your eyes, observing what would be your reaction to see the twisted bones, twisted fingers, the thin and broken skin.
Your face contorted and for a second he thought he would catch you lying, but your words caused him to pull back, waiting...
"I'll need a different ointment tonight, my lord, please forgive me... I didn't know you had deeper wounds."
He had, two deeper cuts and some burns from dragging himself around watching Margrethe's way from one of his brothers to another, fucking all of them seeking for their seeds...
His eyes continued following you as you searched in his bag of herbs for the necessary leaves and seeds to increase that ointment with what he would need.
You cared to cool down the new prepared enough for it to keep some warmth without being aggressive to his skin. When it was ready, you came closer, sitting by his side and touching his legs with gentleness.
He could see you weren't disgusted, nor your touches were light because you didn't want to touch him: your touches were light because you were avoiding hurt his already fragile skin.
One by one, you treated his wounds, bandaged where needed and ensured his feet were relaxed and clean, always touching him with precision and gentleness. At the end of your work, his legs were comfortably warm, his pain was considerably reduced, and his eyes were surprised over you.
"So... You're not disgusted with me."
It was an affirmation, not a question.
Ivar knew you weren't disgusted. He could see you weren't lying. And more...
You weren't like the others. You knew what he needed and you knew how to treat him to make him feel better not only physically, but somehow, you knew how to soothe his heart.
"I have no reason to be disgusted, my lord. You're a man, like all the others. With needs, like all the others. Master Sigurd has callosities in his fingers because of the oud. Master Hvitserk's beard sometimes stinks because of the number of different foods - and women - he tastes around. Master Ubbe's hair is hard to comb and he always manages to rag his clothes somehow. Each one of you has its own needs, my lord. I don't see any reason to..."
He touched your lips with his thick fingers, silencing your voice when you noticed he was looking straight into your eyes. His thumb slowly slid through your lips, moistening them with a few of your saliva, caressing the soft skin.
"You speak too much..." he smiled. "But I like the sound of your voice."
You blushed.
His fingers were rough, but somehow, it was shivering your skin, causing you to sigh when his hand slid to your neck, touching the sensitive skin.
"I don't mind if you never touched a man..." he said, and you felt Ivar's fingers in your nape, softly pulling your face closer to his. "I wanna be the first."
You barely had time to inspire before his lips mashed against yours, spreading his taste all over your mouth, surprising you with the sensation of being kissed by the first time.
Ivar's free hand pulled your waist and soon you felt your body against his. His hands caressing your waist and nape as his tongue asked passage into your lips, exploring, tasting.
Your skin shivered and you sighed against his mouth, breaking the kiss when his hand slid from your waist to your thigh, lifting your skirt, invading the cloth to touch your skin.
His eyes were still wondering if you would stop him. But you sighed a small moan, pecking his lower lip, almost asking for him to continue, closing your eyes and moaning in bliss when he dared to touch your untouched core.
"Master Ivar..."
His name dancing in your voice that way was enough proof for him to stop doubting you would be his. And it aroused Ivar more than anything in his life had ever warmed his body.
His kisses became stronger and he pulled you into his bed, embracing your waist and then, covering your body with his.
His kisses explored your body like Margrethe didn't allow him to do, and his hands knew your sweet spots one by one, exploring the skin you allowed him to expose when he started untying your dress.
Ivar took his time to explore your body the way he wanted to do before, learning what could make you moan his name louder, what would make you hiss in pleasure under his touches. He tested in your body every single thing he saw his brothers doing, kissing your skin, tasting your folds, touching your breasts... All his doubts were satiated in your moans filling the room and surprising his brothers reunited outside, not really understanding why Margrethe had lied to them about his ability to please a woman: if he wasn't able like she said, then what was dragging his name so many times out of your mouth?
When the time came to make you his, he got you mounting his lap instead of locking you under his weight as he did to prevent Margrethe from fleeing out of his touches. Unlike her, you willingly mounted his hips, embracing his neck, kissing his lips almost eagerly, taken by desire in a way he didn't expect to see.
You wanted to feel him. You wanted his skin against yours. You were moving to make it easy for him to reach you, finding positions where his legs wouldn't be a problem for him to touch or explore your body. You wanted to please him as much as he wanted his moans and it got him a hard boner he never had before.
As a way to compensate you for the pain of having his body stretching your walls, Ivar touched your clit, rubbing it the way he learned would make your body pleased while he was slowly getting into your virgin entrance.
The feeling of your body embracing his and the way you pressed his shoulders, embracing him tighter for support instead of pushing him away from you or looking away from the two of you were really impressive for him.
No woman has ever got him so horny for so long as you were doing with your movements, shyly waving your hips against his, getting yourself used to the tight sensation of being full of his cock.
Your moans mixed to his filled the night and in the next morning, you woke up with his fingers sliding through your naked back. It was already clear morning and you sighed, surprised you had slept so much in his bed.
"Oh, dear Freya! I'm sorry, master Ivar!" you said, preparing to get up.
You should long be working to prepare his breakfast and morning bath! You were late for the first time you could ever remember!
However, Ivar's arms wrapped around you, preventing you from getting up, pulling you back into his arms.
"Stay," he commanded, taking a deep breath into your hair, feeling the scent of sex mixed with his smell on your skin, pleasing him with the idea he wasn't unable as Margrethe made him think.
Instead, he had you through a whole night, moaning for him, marking his skin with your embrace and thin nails, giving him delicious memories his mind was enjoying while his fingers were running your sweaty skin.
"Master..." you mumbled, confused.
Shouldn't you be working?
"Ivar," he answered, looking at you. "Call me Ivar from now on. I don't wanna think you did what you did just because you're my slave and have no other choice."
You noticed what he was thinking and what he was trying to avoid.
Once again, your voice sounded smoothly into his ears.
"I never thought you would want me, Ivar..." you mumbled, still feeling strange to call him by the name. "But I like to know you were the first."
His lips curled into a smile and he caressed your face softly.
"And I'll be the only one. You can be sure, my sweet, sweet Y/N."
His words sounded sweet into your ears and he kissed you deeply, almost... Passionately.
That morning, he left his room late for the breakfast, but there was a smile on his face when he sat in his chair, pulling you by the hand to sit beside him.
"It seems you enjoyed your gift, Ivar," his mother said, smiling with the satisfaction stamped on his face.
"We all heard how much," Sigurd taunted, this time failing in getting his expression angry towards him.
Instead, Ivar smiled genuinely towards his brother, causing all of them to look impressed at that unusual scene.
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"Good to know it was audible, dear Sigurd," he said, caressing your thigh with his hand over your leg instead of holding yours this time.
You were preparing his piece of bread with butter, spreading it the way you knew he liked.
"What did he promise you for that show, dear?" Sigurd kept provoking, speaking directly to you this time. "What were his promises or threats for all those fake moans?"
You looked at Ivar almost asking permission to answer, to what he nodded, interested in what would you say.
"Forgive me, Prince Sigurd. I don't know too much about relationships and it's really unknown for me the need of a man to promise something or threat a woman for her moans of pleasure. If there is that need in your relationships, then maybe master Ivar can teach you how to freely have them from a woman in bliss... He really knows how to get them from me, I'm sure he would teach you some good ways to make a woman moan for you without needing to threaten her."
Hvitserk coughed, choking with his bread. And Ubbe couldn't prevent his lips to curl, despite his effort to hold back the laugh that almost cost him a broken rib.
However, Sigurd couldn't hold back his tongue.
"What do you think you are to speak like this to a prince, slave?"
You were about to apologize when Ivar came in your favor.
"Not yours, to start with. She had my permission to speak her mind and you're nobody to tell her she can't do what I allow her to do. And more..." he turned towards his mother. "I know Ubbe is planning to marry Margrethe. I agree with you, mother when you say we're passed the time to choose our women. I'll follow my brother's example and marry my beautiful Y/N."
You gasped.
Marry him??
"What? She would never marry a man like you, Ivar. You're just abusing your power as her owner to force her into marriage," Sigurd spat again and this time, you just spat back, taking advantage of the previous permission your master gave you to speak.
"I don't see why I wouldn't accept such a strong man like Ivar to be my husband, prince Sigurd," you said, acid. "Even if I wasn't captive and he wasn't my master, I wouldn't see anything but a blessing from the gods to have such a man wanting me to bear his children! And bless me Freyr, so I can give him many children to carry his strength and his name forward. Instead of losing your time taunting Ivar's angry, you should occupy yourself of finding a woman who wants to carry your name beyond the oblivion."
Aslaug smiled. She wasn't leaned to accept her son marrying a slave especially when Ubbe was already doing the same and inserting a lower lineage into their family. However, there was the proof you weren't anything but the perfect woman to her son: someone who could see beyond his stigmas the amazing man she rose couldn't be less than the perfect choice.
"I bless this union," she said, smiling at Ivar. "I'll provide her freedom and everything that's necessary for your marriage as well, my son. And Sigurd, I suggest you start respecting your sister-in-law and hear her wise words won't make you any harm. Go find yourself a woman that occupies your mind so you'll stop thinking about ways to bother your brother, uh? Hvitserk as well, go and find someone able to cook the tons you eat," she said, causing Hvitserk to stop chewing surprised that the subject suddenly turned towards him. "With some lucky, until the end of this season, I'll have all the sons of Ragnar Lothbrok producing his grandsons!" she said, excited.
Ivar raised his cup, kinda ironically teasing Sigurd with a smile.
"Skål, brothers," he said, followed by Ubbe and Hvitserk who shyly rose their cups as well.
Defeated, Sigurd had no other option but a disgusted smile, lightly lifting his cup before drinking it almost entirely.
And you remained smiling while Ivar's hand softly caressed your chin.
The wife of a prince, maybe a future queen.
Who could imagine your life would turn like this...
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uptownbabyfanfic · 4 years
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*2 Years Earlier*
    “Fuck,” I mumbled shaking my head as I watched the ball bounced off the rim for like the tenth time in a row. 
“Aight pause,” my pops called out after catching the ball. “Come talk to me Chevy,” he motioned for me to come over where he took his seat. 
“Wussup pop?” I asked, grabbing my water I sat next to him watching as he shrugged his shoulders. 
“You tell me, you’re missing shots you can make in your sleep which is crazy to me,” he paused, clearly frustrated. “With tryouts right around the corner how you gon make JV playing like this?” He asked
“Chill dad, it's just a few missed shots, let's run it again,” I stated trying to get him to get off this topic. 
“Hell no, and it’s not even about the missed shots, you've been off the whole time we've been out here & we’re running basic ass drills. What’s on ya mind boy?” he questioned looking over at me. 
“Nothing. Why something gotta be on my mind? I’m fine pop,”  I said lying through my teeth. 
“I’d believe that if you weren’t my son, but you are and as ya pops you should already know I know for a fact when something is bothering you,” he paused making us laugh a bit. 
“We ain’t getting back to this till you clear ya mind so talk,” he said I sighed, shaking my head. Something is in fact heavy on my mind but I don’t exactly know how to express it to my pops especially since this is a problem we thought was finally over.
“It’s mom,” I paused looking over at him “What about ya mother?” he asked curious
“She’s using again and she thinks I don’t know,” I said, shaking my head.
“You know this for a fact?” he asked me, I nodded he breathed out shaking his head. 
“You have any idea where she's getting it from?” he asked me
“Yea. Dre,” I answered referring to my moms boyfriend, which is the main reason I ain’t wanna mention this to my pops in the first place. My parents aren’t together and even with the way they ended things, my pops always managed to keep things on a respectful level or at least tried to. 
“Dre?” he questioned, shaking his head I nodded. “I thought they broke up,” 
“So did I, but they’ve been back together for awhile. I just didn’t want to tell you to avoid any drama between y’all,” I said making him laugh a bit. My pops and Dre have known each other since they were kids but as they got older things changed. Dre made an enemy out of my pops and made things worse when he got with my mom. He caused problems he shouldn’t have been able to, the main one being the custody battle my parents went through a few years back. He’s the reason why I can only see my pops every other weekend.
“You don’t have to worry about that, you could have told me,” he said I waved him off. 
“I do though pops, I may be young but I understand a lot for my age and everything we go through when he’s in the picture is too much,” I paused, shaking my head.
“I hate it when he’s around and I don’t understand why or how the judge granted mom full custody because living with them ain’t fun,” I stressed 
“Is something else going on you tryna protect me from? Cause if that’s the case you need to tell me,” he said h
“No. It’s just the simple fact that he ain’t my pops and serves no purpose in my life, I just rather live here,” I expressed he sighed
“I've been trying like hell to get full custody with everything that has happened over the years, but you know with my record & the shit your mom be pulling it’s hard as hell,” he sighed
“I just need you to know despite what the judge say I’m not gon turn you away if you wanna come here, you my son so I could give a fuck what anybody gotta say,” he said pulling me in Ismiled shaking my head. 
“I know that pop but honestly I just don’t want you in any more trouble with the law. I don’t know how this will work if you ain’t here,” I said he nodded. 
“I appreciate that son but ain’t nothing I wouldn’t do for you, besides I’m here for good. You ain’t losing me, I can promise you that” 
“Thanks pop, & I just might take you up on that offer too,” I said standing to my feet grabbing the ball from him. 
“You got keys right,” he said, making us laugh. “Can we get back to work now,” he smirked and I nodded, bouncing the ball. 
“Let’s go and watch how I lock you up,” I joked setting myself up on the court
“You can’t lock me up boy, I taught you everything you know,” he said waving me off.
“Lamar the cops out front,” my aunt yelled running in the yard.
Dropping the ball I watched as a bunch of police officers swarmed the backyard and approached my pops. It was like something out of a movie, I’ve never seen them grab somebody up so fast in my life. I tried to follow after them to get answers but my aunt pulled me back. 
“Stay with ya aunt Chevy, I’ll be home sooner than you think,” my dad called out from the back of the car but little did me and my pops know he wouldn’t be coming home no time soon.
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    Placing the phone up and away from my face I waited patiently for him to appear on the screen. After the many failed attempts for my mom I thought I’d try cause only lord knows if I come in the house with food for everybody but him all hell will break loose so for his own good he better answer cause I won’t be ringing his phone off like my mom. 
“Wussup Lala?” he answered looking at me through the phone 
“Oh wow look who finally decided to answer the phone,” I joked, shaking my head. 
“Nah I was doing something, I tried to call mommy back but she ain’t answer, she home?” he asked 
“Not yet she should be home soon though,” I informed him he nodded
“Wussup though you good?” he asked I nodded. 
“I’m going to buy food from Ms. Cherry’s what you want?” I asked him as I placed my sneakers on.
“What I usually get, but get rice and peas instead of macaroni and see if they have fried dumpling get like 2 or 3,” 
“You asking for a lot,” I said shaking my head as I walked out of my apartment
“Just buy it big head. I'll give mommy back her money,” he said but I shook my head. 
“Nah this is my money, so Ima need that back plus interest,” I smiled he laughed waving me off. 
“Whatever. Yo La that tiger & puma head mix you drew was so fire, that might be the piece I get tatted for my 18th birthday,” he said making me smile big. 
“Word? Okay that was the draft Ima draw it better for you,” I said he nodded
“Cool and put ya signature on it too, like at the bottom or something,” 
“I got you, but you know mommy gon be mad when you finally do this,” I said as we laughed
“She’ll be fine, Ima get her face tatted so she can’t be mad,” he said I waved him off. 
“I need my face too, that should be the first one honestly,” 
“Here you go,” he said shaking his head as his boys started making noise in the background. 
“Tell mommy I’ll be home in like an hour or two, keep my food warm Autumn,” he snorted, making me roll my eyes. He knows I hate when people call me that. 
“Whatever, bye lil Lucky,” I laughed quickly hanging up before he could respond. 
“Why you laughing?” my best friend Jordy questioned as I walked out the building. 
“Lucky,” I replied, placing my phone in my pocket as we walked to the Jamaican restaurant. 
“You were talking to my man, where is he?” my other best friend Sky questioned eagerly. Since the girl was old enough to fully understand and grasp the looks of boys she’s been crushing on my brother and as we get older and closer in age I need to keep it at just a crush. I love my girls I do, but my brother is off limits and it's for their sake honestly.  
“Bye Skylar, my brother don’t want you,” I said, waving her off. 
“You don't know that Lala, freshman year will soon start and we gon be seeing each other everyday,” she squealed, causing us all to laugh.
“Yea you and every other girl in school checking for his ass,” my other best friend Krissy chimed in I nodded. 
“Exactly,” I said as we approached the restaurant. 
“Whatever, when we get married I don’t wanna see any of y’all at the ceremony hating asses,” she waved us off as we burst out laughing and proceeded to order our food.
“Yea but Lala I’m serious, let me know if you want me to do ya hair for the first day of school,” Sky said as we walked in my apartment. 
“I got you, cause mommy talking about wash n’ set but it’s honestly too hot for all that,” I said as we laughed a bit. 
“Lucky what’s the problem now?” I heard my mom ask as we walked in the kitchen. 
“In the bookings for what? What did you do?” she asked in a slight panic which had me worried. I just got off the phone with my brother so what could he have possibly gotten himself into 20 minutes after hanging up. 
“Ma what’s wrong?” I asked her but she just placed her finger up at me. This isn’t my brothers first go spending time in the bookings and it’s usually never anything serious. It’ll be for something minor like the cops shutting a party down, or just acting a fool with his bros but this time around with the look my mother has plastered over her face it seems like something more. 
“Just explain it to me when I get there, I’m on my way now. I’ll be back Lala,” she said grabbing her keys I nodded watching her leave. 
“La,” Krissy called out. 
“Yea,” I answered, facing her. 
“I don’t know if this has anything to do with Lucky but Tati just posted that her brother got locked up. She said the cops bust in her crib and it went left from there,” she said referring to a friend of ours from school who’s brother runs in the same circle as Lucky. 
“I highly doubt it,” I said, shaking my head. I don’t want to believe my brother is a part of that because as I said before him being locked up can mean anything. 
“Ima just wait for Ma to call and tell me what’s up, besides I already know they gon come home,” I said, but little did I know that phone call would be the last time I see my brother for a very long time.
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avery-oliver · 4 years
Reconciliation | Avery + Ángel
w/ @angel-emmerson
“She’s the same way with Quinn, she must sense that you two are basically twins.” Avery’s smile turned up a bit as she watched Grace sleep soundly with her head on Ángel’s chest. She knew that it was only a matter of time before they had to speak again, almost 9 years of barely talking and it was kind of surreal to have him there now. She thought they might have run into each other when he and Leslie were hooking up but now that she and Brady were on their way back to..something, she expected this would happen sooner rather than later. He was protective of his sister, always had been but a few hours with him today and she was reminded of why so many people thought so highly of him. Back in her 20s he had a way of filling that void she didn’t know she had for an older sibling, an older brother, a man that could be trusted. He wasn’t perfect but he was kind and in the three years she and Brady were together, he had shown her just how much someone can grow from their pain. She knew she had broken the Emmeron’s hearts when she left Brady and though she wished he had forgiven her more easily, she was grateful that he was seeing her now and not as the mess she was a month ago, not sure she could handle having to accept his pity or help. She wanted to show him she was stronger now, able to stand on her two feet, able to be someone he could trust to care and love for his sisters heart the way she had the first time around. 
“Yeah, well, what can I say? She has a type and it’s all good taste,” he teased, still in awe of the young girl who had allowed him to run around with her all day. He had been hesitant in reaching out to Avery, especially since he and Leslie weren’t talking. But putting that situation aside, he could sense how excited Brady was getting and he couldn’t deny his worry over having to watch her fall to pieces again. He had been the closest to it all, spent a significant time out in California in the months following Avery’s departure and he never wanted to see his sister feel as low as she had then. He wasn’t really looking to give Avery a lecture as much as he was trying to re-connect, especially after learning about the family pressure that had led Avery to leave in the first place. That and well...the birth of Grace had always been conflicting for him. He didn’t have any ties to Elaheh and though he and Avery hadn’t talked in years, they had once talked a lot about how they both dreamed of being parents one day. Avery had become so close to the Emmersons back then it was easy to assume that she and Brady would end up together, and though he thought maybe they had all been foolish, he was seeing now that maybe the people who were meant for each other really did find their way back. 
“I..wish I had met her sooner,” he admitted, absolutely adoring the toddler as soon as he met her. He hadn’t wanted to get invested, hadn’t wanted to think about how weird it probably was for Brady to see Avery with a kid but when there were children involved, Ángel was only interested in their best interest, in making sure that whatever did happen with his sister and Avery also brought goodness to Grace’s life. 
“Yeah well, I didn’t exactly give you a reason to come running back to be my friend. I mean you reached out back then and I never responded, I didn’t know how to talk to you. But come on, I’m not stupid, it’s not a coincidence that the one pair of Jordans she has ever owned came as a gift from Quinn at my baby shower. He’s like the best and worst liar.” She was quiet for another moment, thinking about how far they were from the 22 and 25 year olds they were back then, feeling like an entire lifetime had passed and yet she still felt as comfortable as she had the first time she sat down at their dinner table. “Are you gonna give me the don’t break my sister’s heart talk though cause I gotta admit I’ve been waiting and nervous for it all day, I mean that’s why you’re here, right? Not just to claim favorite uncle title from Quinn and Zay?” 
He smiled to himself, having avoided a real conversation for most of the afternoon, instead catching up on what was going on in Avery’s life, how Grace was growing and learning, anything to avoid addressing his own worries about the future, about the people he cared about, about how hard it was to accept things you couldn’t control. “A few weeks ago Brady asked me if I would be supportive if you and her became..something again and I guess I hadn’t realized just how much she like valued my opinion, you know? And I felt bad that she would hesitate because of something I saw or felt. I mean I’m her brother, of course I want to be protective but she’s a grown woman and I want her to make her own choices. But I gotta tell you Ave, she was fucked up when you left. Real fucked up and that’s not to make you feel guilty I just wanna say that if you’re gonna be like..doing shit together, please just, take a moment to think about if you want to be serious because I really never want to see my sister that sad again. Like...fucking ever.” He looked down at Grace who stirred a bit and he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, “Sorry I’m loud,” he mumbled with a soft laugh before looking at Avery. “I want you both to be happy. I guess this is my own way of saying..I still care about you too, but I’ll always care about my sister more, you know? You get what I’m saying?”
Avery nodded although she was unable to deny the guilt that formed in her stomach at his words. She had visualized it a lot since seeing Brady, trying to wrap her head around how she could hurt someone she loved so much. She knew what he was saying and though a month ago it would have terrified her, now it just re-affirmed what she had been feeling every day since the beach. It had been such a perfect day, a kind of day she had been dreaming about. It was so simple, quality time with her daughter, quality time with someone who cared about her and about Grace. She had felt so relaxed and she knew it was because she trusted Brady more than she trusted most people. When it came to Grace, she was as fiercely if not more protective than he was with Brady so he understood what it meant to want to go to the ends of the earth to see them happy. “I get what you’re saying and I appreciate it, I don’t take it lightly I mean shit, you really know how to give the silent treatment,” she joked but gave him a grateful smile. “I’m serious about this, Ángel, I’m serious about her and there are things we really need to figure out but I’m not interested in fucking around anymore, not when I have to really think about more than just myself. I want her to know me as someone who’s happy, you know?”
“Yeah, I hear you. Shit I never had any doubt you’d be an amazing mom, A. She’s one lucky kid. And we’re here for her, me and B and my moms. And for you. Like we’ve always been. Especially if you’re serious about these career moves, you know the BDB got you, we’ll promote all your cooking stuff.”
She gave him a grateful smile and brought her glass of wine back to her lips. “I appreciate that, all of it, but for the cooking stuff I think I’m good for now also..I missed you but given that you and Leslie are..whatever you are now, I think it’s best if you and I cool off on the whole public supportive friendship thing. Leslie’s my best friend and I want her to be able to have parts of her life that she doesn’t have to share with you, does that make sense? You can tell me if that sounds harsh but I want to be thoughtful, because like you said, I care about you but I’ll always care about her more, you know? And I don’t even know all the details but she said you said some mean shit which is so hard for me to imagine but whatever it is, just...try not to piss her off more, please? She has enough going on. So like, do your best to not get yourself wrapped up in all this small town shit. I know that’s easier said than done but..be careful, Ang.” She watched the way his expression changed when she mentioned Leslie and her expression softened for a moment, “Oh, you really like her, huh?” She watched him as he nodded but sensed the shift when she asked him directly and put her hand to her chest. “Oh...Ángel....really? You love her?”
He could feel his cheeks getting red and if it wasn’t for Grace on his chest he would have gotten up from his seat and avoided the conversation as a whole. “I mean..look..yeah but like can we just..can we just pretend like you don’t know that? I don’t need people thinking I’m some fucking lovesick puppy or some shit, you know? Especially with you, you said yourself you’re her best friend which is why I haven’t brought her up. You’re right I said some dumb shit and so did she and the two times we’ve talked haven’t gone well so I’m just,” he stopped himself, feeling himself getting frustrated but the sight of Grace calmed him and he was able to drop his defenses a bit. “I want her to be happy and I...got caught up in being someone that could maybe help with that. I’m..angry that I earned her trust and got so mad that I..ruined it during one moment of anger. I feel validated in setting boundaries but I feel...stupid for how I did it. And I’m..trying to be smart but we both know that isn’t my wheelhouse.” 
He met her eyes for a moment before looking back at the pool, not really wanting to say more and put either of them in a weird position. It was a careful balance of acknowledging the role they played in each other’s life because of Brady, because of the years they knew each other in high school and the roles they played in Leslie’s life, not that he had much of one anymore. Still, it felt like a movie moment, sitting there with her, catching up after all of these years and realizing just how much had happened up until this moment. When he put the three years they spent being close, up against the rest of the time they hadn’t, he knew it was easier to be present, to realize that they were both a long way from the past. 
She felt for him as she heard him, knowing what it was like to want someone you probably would never have. But she couldn’t deny the amusement watching this man so clearly vulnerable and emotional and she had to laugh and think about the fact that this was the man Leslie had decided to spend more time with than most. She didn’t want to make the conversation longer than it needed to be but looking at him now she remembered the moments in high school when she would catch him staring at Leslie or the brief period of time she thought he had a crush on her but could now see that he spent that time trying to know more about Leslie than her. She had to stifle a laugh as it all clicked in her head and she wondered for a moment if Leslie knew that this tall, goofy man had been this hung up for her for so long. 
"Look, I don’t know what’s gonna happen with you and Leslie, if anything will ever happen again. I’m not getting involved, period, though your sister is very convincing so don’t hold me to that,” she added, a slight smile playing at her lips for a moment. “Stop it with those sad in your feelings eyes, it’s depressing, get it together man, you’re making me look like I’m the well adjusted one and I’m not okay with that. If there’s one thing I’ve learned recently is that love is unpredictable and feelings are..unexpected.” She thought about the women she had come to be intimate with over the past few months, the way they had made her feel, the way she had been able to feel herself change the way she looked at intimacy, the way she looked at how she let herself be treated. It was why she was so open to the idea of pursuing something that made her feel the way she had always dreamed of instead of continuing to live in fear and doubt. “Come on, let’s put her in bed and then there’s something I want to give you before you go.”
She grabbed the glasses they had been drinking from as he got to his feet and was careful not to disturb Grace, following Avery back into the house. “This place is huge for no reason you know that, right?” She flipped him off and they both had to stifle a laugh. She hesitated but let him walk into the room and lie Grace down himself since she knew his arms were long enough to lie her down with ease. He smiled as he looked down at her lying in the crib, wondering how things would be now that she knew him and now that he knew just how great it felt to be a part of her little world. “Buenos noches, mi estrella,” he whispered softly before backing out of the room. “Kind of funny, isn’t it? Like how all this time has passed and in a moment things just...change like you and me being here, spending time with her it’s...I don’t know what the word is for it but it’s wild.”
“I think surreal is a good one.” Avery led him back towards her home office and towards the bookshelf, already knowing what she was looking for and she held the book close to her as she turned around. “I know the Emmersons hate when I start with the book recs but this is one of my favorite books of poems from my favorite poet and I just...I really think that if you sit with it for a little bit, read it out loud even, you will feel it and find some comfort in it. Just give it a try, okay? Humor me.”
He shouldn’t have been surprised that what she wanted to give him was a book but he still reached out for it. “Mary Oliver, alright I mean...yeah, yeah I’ll try. It might take me a bit but Ewan has had me reading a little more too so I’m getting better. Maybe I’ll read ‘em with Quinn and we’ll sort it out together and if not Alli could always help, she’s wicked smart.” He looked the book over one more time before tucking it under his arm, “I should head out though, told Q I’d be home in time to make dinner with him so I don’t wanna be late. But uh, thanks for letting me come over and for what it’s worth, you’re gonna kick ass out there with your new business. About time these people ate something with some seasoning, you know? You know where I’m at if you need me and I already told B but when you go to Italy please bring me back something nice.” 
His smile matched hers and they both hesitated before stepping forward for a quick hug. “She already told you about Italy?” Avery’s smile widened even more, knowing she should have taken Brady more seriously when she said it but knowing that she had mentioned it to her brother meant that it would actually happen. She had to suppress her excitement as she followed him towards the front door, already knowing she’d go into planning mode and call Brady as soon as he left.  
He laughed as he looked at her, feeling hopeful for his sister as terrifying as that was. Brady had spent so long telling him that she’d never be involved with anyone again but he was finally being proven right in holding out hope for her. He wanted that more for her than he wanted it for himself. “Yeah, yeah you two lovebirds just be careful, alright? When you want Lil G to learn how to be the funniest person around, Q and I are happy to babysit.”
“God, yeah, I’m really rushing to let you and Quinn babysit my kid. I know you two are responsible but the last thing I need is my daughter being on your YouTube channel learning how to flip people off. We can wait until she’s older.” 
“Shit that means you know about my YouTube channel, we’re making the rounds!”
“Don’t be flattered, it’s a small town, everyone knows everyone’s business eventually.”
He let out a laugh as he opened the door of his truck. “Ain’t that the truth. Alright, take it easy, uh, a river of cheese or whatever is it the Italians say when they leave.”
“Arrivederci, Ángel, it’s Arrivederci,” she said more to herself, mostly amused that she knew what he was trying to say and endeared by the fact that he hadn’t changed a bit. She waved him off as he pulled out of the driveway and almost like a teenager ran back inside to grab her phone, her smile widening the moment Brady picked up. 
“So I wanted to know when you’re free for this vacation...”
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As promised, my analysis/opinion/thought piece on today’s MUWFC game vs Spurs. Everything is chronological which I feel like should go without saying but in the interest of clarity 🤷🏽‍♀️ but not everything is tagged to the minute cause I am an idiot that didn’t realise that that would be helpful til like the 2nd half. Also, if I missed anything, or got players mixed up or anything pls lemme know and I’ll edit accordingly! I’ve never really done any from of sports based writing before (I don’t think tweets count lol) so pls be nice, merci 😘
Line up as follows, I guess this is pretty common knowledge but you know, coherency and such.
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Tbh it was kinda hard to see *a lot* of this game, especially on the far side of the pitch and by both goals because of the weather, felt like I was watching Silent Hill for a little while there, but I did my best. My wifi is also horrendous atm, and we all know that the FA Player can be problematic so there’s a very good chance I might have missed something due to a lag or buffering btw. Just drop me an ask if you notice anything that mightn’t be quite right, and I’ll fix it asap! Some ~analysis~ (if you could call it that lol) is more detailed than other bits cause there was a lot happening and today I learned that it’s kinda hard to write one thing and watch another at the same time lol
First half:
Quick, fast and almost successful start. A much-needed improvement on the stagnancy vs Bristol a few weeks ago, and obviously we couldn’t see the midweek game vs Brighton so I can’t compare them.
I have to say I’m not a massive fan of all the back passes, all the time. I think a more attacking FB might be needed in the summer, or maybe Ökvist should be given some time to acclimatise to the WSL soon? I was never the biggest fan of Harris last season, I personally don’t think she’s fast enough – she gets outpaced down the flank by attackers 90% of the time, which isn’t good. I think A. Turner is the strongest FB option currently, at least defensively, and she’s shown she has a decent attacking ability, and has a wicked long ball, as well as crossing. My only issue is sometimes those tackles of hers can be a liability, giving away unnecessary fouls. It’s almost like she doesn’t think before she flies in sometimes, which is a shame, cause I love them. A lot.
There were a couple of really good chances in the first half, including a great ball in and run up from Galton, which should have resulted in probably the opening goal but whether it was as a result of the weather or just misjudged timing and placement from both Ross and Sigsworth, the chance went to waste. Groenen had an excellent chance to net her first for United but unfortunately sent it just wide. Another glorious link up between A. Turner and Galton led to another decent chance, a gorgeous cross in from the right to the opposite side of the box, and the perfect header which unfortunately was aimed straight at the keeper. Very unlucky to head in at the break with nothing.
There was an incredible double save from Earps around halfway through the first half. I have to say, I have some anxieties with her sometimes. She is quite good, but has a tendency to make some silly mistakes, and doesn’t always make the right call for a save. But my god she was on her game today, even if a potential error might have led to the first save. Didn’t disappoint me anytime she was called on this afternoon.
A few frustrations started to show around the 30 min mark, a few sloppy passes and challenges making the rounds. It was also around this time that I realized I’d picked a pretty poor game to start this thing on because I could barely see anything.
Zelem seems to be back in form, which can only be a good thing. But I would very much like it if somehow she could drag some of the other girls back up with her.
There were a fair few soft calls going Spurs way, which I wasn’t entirely convinced by. But then again I’m probably just naturally biased towards my girls.
Another great ball in to Sigsworth from A. Turner which was just *chefs kiss* but unfortunately came to nothing. There was also a spin move either to commit or avoid a challenge, I couldn’t really tell tbh, which was very impressive, as was her chase down on Mitchell at around 43 mins. (Amy’s my favourite player, can you tell?)
Booking for Kirsty Smith just before half time, but I gotta be honest I couldn’t see it due to the fog, so I have no idea what happened. Couldn’t find anything about it in the United post-match report either so apparently we’re just deleting that from the history of the earth which is completely fine by me to be honest.
Second half:
My main takeaway from this game is that both Sigsworth and Ross always seem to be looking for the same ball in the penalty area, and there very rarely seems to be anybody else around looking for a potential rebound. I think that James (who missed today’s game due to suspension) seems to be our main (only?) front line creator and finisher; Sigsworth is fine, that girl works like a dog and always gets the job done, I think she may have just needed another goal to boost her confidence, but I have no real concerns with her. Ross, however, I’m not entirely convinced by, I think a lot of her finishes have been a bit lucky and flukey so far. I’d start Toone over her for the rest of the season to be honest, Ross hasn’t done anything that tells me she deserves the starting place. Feel free to disagree with this of course, this is just my own personal opinion.
56 mins – confusion has entered the chat. McManus ends up pretty much through on goal, and then the ref whistles for what I assumed to be an offside. So naturally I nearly kicked my laptop out the window. The ref then awards a United penalty, and I’m even more confused now than I was in the beginning. I genuinely didn’t see anything but did hear a few shouts from what I’m assuming was the United bench for handball, so I have no idea what happened here.
‘58 – GOAL. Who else? God bless Katie Zelem is all I’m saying.
‘61 – Hanson 🔁 Ross. I think this was a good swap. I don’t think Ross was particularly good today, and Hanson immediately sparked that RW. I would have subbed Ross off sooner but that’s my only issue.
’64 – GOAL – Sigsworth with a pretty perfect if slightly scruffy strike from a corner.
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A much better corner than previous attempts, and Spurs hadn’t defended any of them particularly well. I think that we have a major issue with set pieces, I dunno what exactly the problem is, whether they need to allocate a new taker or whatever but before today had we scored from a corner all season? Lemme knowwww.
’65 – A few decent chances for Spurs around this time. One pretty clear run in from the right, and one or two shots bounced right of the crossbar and the post. Basically my heart stopped for about 8 mins.
’66 – I DO NOT WANT TO SEE BACK PASSES IN THE BOX AS OPPOSITION PLAYERS SWARM IN. CLEAR IT. I DON’T CARE WHERE IT GOES JUST GET IT OUT. (sorry for the caps but my anxiety was out in force this afternoon)
United started playing much better after both goals, think they just needed a kick up the arse. *Ahem* A confidence boost. 👀 Much better intensity for the final 30 mins than the previous 60 imo.
’68 – Another decent chance for Spurs, with Earps coming way too far off her line than sat right with me. Very lucky nothing came of that.
’69-72 – Around this time I started to get *very* confused between Amy and Abbie cause they both had yellow boots on and literally the only thing I could see on the far side of the pitch was feet. That was fun.
’73 – The wasteful corners made a return. Slightly less panicked about that one considering we were already 2-0 up but still, I would like to see the glaring set piece issue sorted asap thanks girls x
’75ish – Toone 🔁 Groenen. Man I love Jackie Groenen. She really has been immense for us so far, and there’s a definite difference in how we play without her.
’78 – Harris 🔁 M. Turner. I’ve said my piece about Harris above but man, can we take a second to appreciate Millie Turner. She never, ever stops. Literally the heart of our defence.
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’86 – GOAL – Oh captain, my captain. Beautiful strike from a free kick just outside the box, with the perfect bend around the wall and subsequently the keeper to make it 3-0.
United were very obviously stronger in the second half, almost looked like a completely different team at times. Whether they just got the hairdryer treatment at the half (I would imagine Casey is terrifying when she’s mad.) or the goals gave them that spark they desperately needed to kick on, they definitely made up for all the missed chances in the first half.
’90 – 4 additional minutes.
’92 – Another United free kick. McManus found herself almost clear in (again!), but due to an unlucky fumble with the ball at her feet unfortunately nothing came from this one. Surely a 4th goal otherwise.
’93 – FIIIIIIIIGHT. Kinda. You love to see it. Spend a little while conducting some, scientific research 🌚 and have concluded that Toone was tackled from behind just as the ball left her feet, which led to the ~scuffle~. Have to say that Amy walking away with Ella was extremely 🥰🥰🥰 (This is my research - https://twitter.com/48hours8/status/1218896406020349953?s=21)
’94 – Red card for Tooney. I would assume for her reaction more than anything but the camera didn’t catch it so I guess we’ll never know. I would have thought a yellow would suffice, considering that’s all the Spurs player in question received, but apparently not. 🤔 I’m still kinda confused tbh.
’95 – Full time.
Thus concludes what was certainly an interesting match. Please enjoy this comparison of United vs Spurs chaotic energy from @danieljamesmufc
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Also thanks for reading if you got this far, it’s a bit stop-starty and clunky cause I just wrote down thoughts and whatever as they came into my head and then pieced it all together later on. I also just wanna say that I was massively impressed with Smith today. She hasn’t had many chances to prove herself this season, but that combo of herself and Galton down the left was lethal today imo. 🔥
Some extra thoughts:
I’m not a huge fan (like, at all) of fans singing men’s orientated chants. Let the women’s rivalries develop on their own, in their own way, and don’t drag the vulgarities across! That said, I do think that particular group of United fans has the potential to be a very, very good thing.
Also, just wanna say that these are my girls, and I would die for every single one of them. None of my criticism is meant to be intentionally negative, I just tried to be as objective and realistic as possible, without being a fangirl lol. Even my faves aren’t immune to criticism unfortunately.
And this picture is now my favourite thing ever to exist
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queen-swagzilla · 4 years
Born in Dreams, Forged in Blood - Chapter 2
Rated: M
Summary: Katsuki Bakugo was not a good communicator. To be fair, neither was Izuku Midoriya. Looking back on their dumpster fire of a friendship, communication was probably the most significant missing piece in their interpersonal puzzle. Luckily, their translator is back in town, and they're about to take UA by storm.
Like the story? Consider buying me a coffee!
Don’t know what’s going on? Read it all on Ao3!
“I’m gonna give Sana a tour of the dorms.” Katsuki barked at the end of the day. “Then we’re going to see Deku, and we’ve got private shit to discuss. You extras better clear out before we get back.”
The look on Uraraka’s face told Sana that they’d have to forcibly remove her from the infirmary if they wanted any privacy. “I really don’t like that girl.” She muttered as they separated from their classmates. 
“She’s impressive, but she’s nosy and she gets really territorial about Deku. Think she has some kinda claim over him or something.” He replied. “She has more right to be in Deku’s business than I do, though.”
“Yeah, what the hell is up with that? I know he hasn’t stopped being a friend to you, but he’s actually starting to believe that you hate him. And you told him to jump off the roof. He told me. What the fuck, dude?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” 
“Tough shit, Kacchan! The three of us are supposed to have each other’s backs against the world. It’s been that way since we were in diapers.”
“We still have each other’s backs. I’ve saved him. He’s saved me. I’m not turning my back when he’s in trouble or anything.”
“Yeah, but you act like a dick, and there’s more to friendship than literal life-threatening situations. You need to be there for the emotional shit, too. You help each other get stronger, work out problems together, just spend some fuking time together,—“
“Yeah, well Deku and I aren’t there anymore, okay? Drop it.”
“No! Tell me what happened!”
“He didn’t have a quirk!” He snapped, rounding on her. He looked around—they were outside the dorms now—and found no one in sight. Nonetheless, he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside—dragging her into the elevator. “If we’re doing this, it’s not gonna be where those extras can overhear us.”
“Fine.” She barked back, allowing him to pull her into his room and slam the door. “You could have just whispered. I would have heard you.”
“Yeah, but if AirPods is lurking, we’ll get overheard out in the open.” He replied, frustrated. “Okay, look. I started being hard on Deku because he didn’t have a quirk, but he still wanted to be a hero. He kept on putting himself in dangerous situations to get closer to hero fights and stood up to bullies and shit whose quirks were fucking violent. At first, I just wanted him to be reasonable and start looking out for himself, but he kept getting worse and I got more frustrated. He wasn’t even training physically at that point, just going off analysis and shitty self-preservation instincts. I just wanted him to think. I might have lost sight of what I was trying to get through his thick skull, but I was so fucking angry at him.”
“So you told him to kill himself?” She demanded. “You’re one of my best friends, but that’s seriously fucked up.”
“Yeah, I know.” He snapped. “I regret that, okay? Especially since that same fucking day, he saved me from the sludge villain. Before All Might showed up, I mean. But that still made me furious because what the fuck was he thinking?”
“Have you considered apologizing?”
“No, because now I’m pissed off for a different reason. He had a quirk and he let me have a fucking heart attack every time he pulled some crazy self-sacrificing stunt.”
“He said he was a super-late bloomer. Maybe it was triggered during the sludge villain attack? That’s when he started getting cagey with me, at least.
“That’s not it.” Katsuki muttered. “I have a theory now. I don’t know why I didn’t realize it sooner.”
“Wanna share with the class?” She replied when he didn’t elaborate. 
“Not yet. But we should talk about it with Deku when we go see him later.” He admitted. “And your villain encounter. Don’t think I forgot.”
“You’ve had way more villain encounters than I have.” She paused. “Are you okay, by the way? After the kidnapping, I mean?”
He scowled. “Add that to the ‘we’ll talk about it later’ list.” He grumbled. “I mean physically, I’m fine. Mentally, I’m working on it.”
She sighed. “Fine. Wanna finish showing me around? You can tell me about our classmates while we’re at it.” She suggested, already moving toward the door. It was like talking to an emotionally constipated brick wall with him, sometimes. 
“Uh, first…” He stopped her and she paused, turning back to look at him. “It’s good to see you. I’m glad you’re here.” He muttered, looking away. The tips of his ears burned, and she couldn’t help but smile. He might be emotionally constipated, but at least he was trying.
She threw her arms around his neck in a ferocious hug. “I missed you. Both of you. I’m really glad to be back. It didn’t feel right—learning to be a hero without you.” He murmured into his neck. 
“I don’t want to get your hopes up about the team thing, because I dunno if Deku and I will be able to get past our shit. But yeah. It’ll be…nice. For the three of us to be together, I mean.”
“See? That’s a good first step!” She cheered. “Come on. Show me around.” She urged, pulling him back through the door. 
He gave her a perfunctory tour, but ended up in the kitchen making food while he told her about their classmates. 
“So…we like Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Jirou, and Sero actively. We like Ojiro, Koda, Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Hagakure, Sato, and Todoroki passively. We don’t really “get” Sparkles or Tentacles. We aren’t sure about Frog Face, we dislike but respect Kirby and Four-Eyes, and fuckin hate Mineta. Sound about right?”
“Yeah. Froggy’s alright, but she tends to judge people too quickly. She’s kind of a know-it-all and she's pretty uptight, but she tells it straight and says what’s on her mind. She pissed me off today, but she was one of the people leading the charge to stop me from getting kidnapped at the training camp. She’s a real asset in a team, too. Level headed.”
“That was a whole lot of compliments. You better sling some insults to balance yourself soon.” She warned him. He threw a carrot peel at her face. “Rude. I was just trying to help.” She groused, picking the peel out of her hair. 
“Yeah, well quit it.” He replied. He began ladling curry into tupperware over rice. “I was thinking we could take Deku dinner and eat with him while we catch up and talk through our shit.” He mumbled. Unfortunately for him, she heard him loud and clear. 
“That’s really sweet of you, Kacchan.” She grinned, only smiling wider when he glowered. “Sounds like a plan. As long as we’re allowed to eat in the infirmary.”
He snorted. “We’re barely allowed to visit the infirmary. Aizawa basically told us to fuck off, remember? We’re going to sob-story our way in so that we can get his other visitors kicked out and stay past curfew.”
“The hell are you talking about?”
“You. Make up some bullshit about how much you miss Deku until she lets us stay.”
“I do miss Deku.” She deadpanned. 
“Exactly. That’s fuckin perfect.”
“Let’s go.”
As expected, Izuku’s room was occupied when they arrived. “I’m sorry, I can’t allow more than two visitors at a time. Otherwise it’s not fair to the other patients.” Recovery Girl informed them when they asked to see him. 
“They already had their turn. Can’t you kick them out?” Katsuki growled. Sana smacked his arm (hard). 
“It’s nice to meet you, Recovery Girl! I’m Sana Kimura—the transfer student. You’ll probably be seeing a lot of me.” She smiled, polite and charming. “Could you make an exception, just this once? I haven’t seen Zuku in over a year, and I wanted to surprise him today. I don’t want one of our classmates to give away the secret before I get the chance!”
She squinted at the newcomer. “Why does Bakugo have to join you?”
“We’re all childhood friends! Its been a long time since we’ve been able to spend time together. Besides, Kacchan is helping me navigate campus until I get settled.”
Recovery Girl squinted even longer—long enough to even unsettle Bakugo. “Very well. Wait here. I’ll let his other visitors know that their time is up. But I don’t want you to cause any trouble, do you understand, young man?”
Sana bristled, but Katsuki spoke before she could interject. “I understand. And uh…sorry. About the last time, I mean. I was out of line, and I destroyed a lot of your equipment.”
Recovery Girl smiled at him. “Thank you for your apology. I understand how frustrated you must have been. I must have scolded Miss Midnight for an hour after she put that muzzle on you.”
Sana scowled fiercely. “He should have been allowed to not accept the medal.” She said, seething. “That Todoroki kid didn't’ give it his all. Katsuki would have won, but that wasn’t a real win.”
“No need to convince me, dear. I agree.” She soothed. “I’ll go clear the room for you kids. Wait here.” She bustled into the room where Izuku was contained, and within seconds Sana heard loud protests booming from the occupants.
“You watched the Sports Festival?”
She snorted. “Of course I did. You and Zuku were both competing. Besides, Auntie Inko sent me about six million reminders. I wouldn’t have missed it, but I also couldn’t have missed it.”
“Oh. Well, what did you think?”
“About you? Or did you want me to give you a complete analysis of each match?”
“Just fucking tell me, dammit.”
She snickered. “You were great. I can’t believe how much control you have over your quirk now. I do think, however, that you need to work on your image in public.” He glowered. “Come on. You’re a hero. You can’t yell ‘die’. You gotta work on the rage. You want people to be hopeful when they see you, not intimidated.”
“Half my image problems came from the fucking muzzle and handcuffs. The rest of it was just treating my opponents like actual opponents. It’s shitty to pull your punches on someone who’s trying their best.”
“I agree. But really, yelling ‘die’ makes you sound unhinged. I’m pretty sure it’s a leftover habit from playing too many first person shooters, but really.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m working on it.” He conceded, pleased that she was impressed, but annoyed that she found his flaws noteworthy.
It didn’t escape her notice that Katsuki clammed up and bristled as soon as Uraraka and Iida entered the hallway.
“You got us kicked out?” Uraraka demanded, eyes fixed on Katsuki. “You actually think he wants you in his infirmary room? You’re usually the one who puts him in here!”
“He’s here because I’m here. Not that it’s any of your business. Just because you’re his friend, doesn’t mean you can dictate who Zuku spends time with.” 
“Leave it alone.” Katsuki muttered, already walking into Izuku’s room. Sana looked like she wanted to argue, but if Katsuki was being the calm and reasonable one, she should probably leave it alone. She met Uraraka’s glare and Iida’s affronted, scandalized face with a venomous stare of her own, then followed Katsuki into the room. 
“Kacchan? You’re my other visitor? Why are you here? Is everything—“ Izuku fell silent when sana walked through the door and stared, mouth ajar.
“Man, you two need to work on your greetings.” She joked as Izuku continued to stare at her in shock. “First time I see you two in over a year and Katsuki swears at me and you stare at me like I’m an alien. Not a single hello. You’re lucky I don’t take it personally.”
“Sana?” He choked out.
“Who the fuck else would it be, Deku?” Katsuki snapped. She slugged him in the arm.
“What are you doing here? It’s so good to see you!” He cried, automatically moving to get up before wincing and slumping back onto his cot. Apparently, he’d forgotten his injury. 
“I told you I had a surprise for you!” She laughed, coming to stand by his bedside. “I transferred to UA!”
Izuku gaped again, eyes wide and jaw hanging open. “What?”
Katsuki rolled his eyes. “She had some mystery encounter with a fucking villain and didn’t totally suck at handling herself, so Principal Furry scouted her for the hero course.” He barked. “She’s in 1-A.”
To no one’s surprise, yet Katsuki’s immeasurable horror, Izuku began to tear up. “You’re really transferring to UA? We’ve missed you so much, don’t you dare say sike!” He blubbered, tears already dripping down his face. Sana cooed in comfort, immediately bending to pull him into a tight hug.
“Telling the truth, Zuku.” She promised. He sobbed louder.
“Stop crying, nerd. We brought you dinner.” Katsuki snapped, shoving the tupperware at him as he sat on his other side. “We’ve got shit to talk about, and visiting hours are almost up. We were gonna ask if we could stay past curfew, but that’s probably one too many favors for Recovery Girl, and we’re not gonna get privacy like this in the dorm. So hurry up and get your shit together.”
“You brought me dinner, Kacchan?” Izuku murmured, eyes wide as he stared at the tupperware in wonder. “You made me dinner? Thank you!”
“Whatever, nerd.” He muttered, looking away. Did he really have to act like he’d cured cancer or some shit? “You and I have shit to work out, but we can do that later. Just eat and listen while Princess Shithead explains how she was in a villain attack and didn’t tell us about it.”
Izuku frowned at Sana, simultaneously snapping the lid off his curry. “Why didn’t you tell us, Sana?” he pouted, sounding disappointed. Sana groaned. 
“Let me tell you right now, the disappointed for withholding information thing is NOT going to work in your favor, Zuku.” She warned. “You have a quirk.” Izuku turned red, eyes dropping to his hands as they gripped the food container. 
“Stop changing the fucking subject!” Katsuki snarled.
“Fine! It’s not that big a deal. There was this super gross villain who had robbed a bank and when he was surrounded, he started destroying everything in sight. I was picking up groceries for dinner and got caught on the scene. I got scouted because I cleared a space for triage and defended it from debris and shit. The only bad part was not having my compression sleeves or braces with me.” She rushed out.
“I saw that attack on the news! That villain leveled three city blocks and nearly took down Gang Orca!” Izuku cried. “You could have gotten seriously hurt!”
“If that’s not the fucking pot calling the kettle black…” Katsuki muttered.
Sana rolled her eyes. “We’re training to be heroes. That’s the territory.Seriously, I didn’t even get that badly hurt. All of my injuries came from my own quirk”.
“The hell is your problem?” Katsuki demanded. “Why didn’t you fucking say anything until now? You could have died! You could have died and you didn’t tell us? I’ll fucking kill you!”
“What good would telling you have done? You couldn’t do anything! Not to mention you were taken by the League like two days later! Izu’s arms got fucked up and he actually almost died because of his showdown with Muscular. You had your own shit to worry about!”
“Fucking christ.” Katsuki spat, dropping his face into his palms. 
“Look, we’re all okay, right? That’s what matters.” Sana reasoned. “And next time we’ll be stronger.”
“Do you want a fucking list of how not okay this shit is? Deku has a quirk, and it breaks his bones every fifteen minutes. You could have died in a villain attack and didn’t tell us. I got kidnapped, and I’m the fucking reason All Might retired.” His voice broke on the last point. Deku turned to him so fast, Sana was surprised he didn’t break the sound barrier. “Fuck. This is my fault. Everything that’s wrong between us is my fault.”
“Oh, fuck no.” Sana snapped. 
“That’s not true, Kacchan!” Deku hissed. “I’m the reason All Might retired. You’re amazing! You’re so strong and you stayed strong when you were kidnapped, even when most people doubted you. Sure, we had our struggles in middle school, but you’re still important to me and I admire you. The only reason I’ve been able to use this quirk is because I’ve been watching you grow all these years.”
Katsuki looked up at them then, and they were both horrified to find him crying. “If I’d been stronger—or if I’d listened to that cat lady and retreated earlier, All Might would still have his power.”
“No. No no no no no no no.” Deku muttered, scrambling for his phone on the bedside table. “Hold on for a second, but please stop crying Kacchan.” He pleaded. He fired off a quick text, looking unbelievably nervous. He already operated at a baseline anxiety of 60%, so now it looked like he was going to vibrate out of his skin. “Okay.” He said, looking back at them. “If I tell you this, it has to stay completely secret. Promise me.”
Katsuki sniffed and Sana nodded. “I promise.” She said. 
“Whatever. Fine.” Katsuki muttered, wiping at his eyes. Izuku braced himself, anxiety palpably rising with every second. “Just spit it out, nerd!” Katsuki barked, intimidation undermined by the wavering note in his voice. 
“All Might was always going to lose his power.” Izuku began. “He was badly injured five years ago, and his control over his power has been fading since then. He came to UA to find a successor.” He told them. Sana gaped at him.
“How the hell do you know that?” She demanded. 
“Isn’t it obvious?” Katsuki spat. “All Might chose him. After the sludge villain, right? That’s when you two met.”
Deku looked at him in surprise. “Uh…yeah. The Sludge Villain attacked me first, and All Might saved me. He told me that I couldn’t be a hero without a quirk. But then the sludge villain got free and attacked you, and I happened to pass by. I was ready to give up, but as soon as I saw you, I had to help. It wasn’t a choice, it was an instinct. After you yelled at me, All Might caught up with me. He trained me for ten months, and on the morning of the entrance exam, he gave me his quirk.”
Sana’s jaw dropped, eyes glazing. Katsuki, however, looked barely phased. “I figured it was something like that. After Kamino Ward—All Might’s message…”
“Yeah.” Izuku nodded. “That was for me.” Tears pricked at his eyes. “He was telling me that his time as the symbol of peace was over. That it was my turn.” He looked down at his hands. “If anything, it’s my fault that he lost his power. Just like it’s my fault that you got kidnapped.”
“Come on, what the fuck?” Sana groaned.
“What the hell are you talkin about, Deku?”
“If I’d gotten to you sooner—if I hadn’t broken my arms, if I’d been able to reach you before Kurogiri—“
“I told you not to follow me! I told you to stay back. You know why I’ve been so pissed at you Deku? It’s cause you’re fuckin stupid. You keep getting yourself into shitty situations that you can’t handle. It wouldn’t have made anything better if we’d both died.”
“No. Fuck no. I said we’d talk about it later, but it’s not like Sana doesn’t know what’s been going on. I didn’t want you hanging around me because you kept getting hurt and it drove me fuckin nuts. Sure you don’t need a quirk to be a hero, but you need to fuckin train or something! You were this skinny little nerd and you kept picking fights that you weren’t able to finish!”
“That’s bullshit, Kacchan!” Izuku snapped back. “Even after I got a quirk, you were being an asshole!”
“Yeah, because even though you had a quirk, you still treated your body like garbage and didn’t show any fucking restraint! If you know your bones break every time you use your quirk, you don’t break them twice to win a fucking festival game.” He snarled. “And you kept it from me!”
“I kept it a secret because you were being an asshole!”
“I was being an asshole because you kept breaking your fucking arms!”
“My body wasn’t strong enough to handle my quirk yet!” He argued. “I had to train and figure out how to use it! It’s not my fault the League of Villains kept showing up!”
“STOP!” Sana snapped. “Okay, this is conversation is set up to go in a really aggravating circle. Katsuki, you were worried about Zuku because he was quirkless and reckless, Then you were worried about him because even though he had a quirk, his body wasn’t prepared for it and it kept on hurting him. Despite that, he was still reckless. Gotta say, I’m not too thrilled about that either. I almost puked when I watched your fight with Todoroki.” She pinned him with a glare. “Not to mention, until today he thought you’d chosen to keep your quirk from him for years and just let him panic whenever you did something nuts.”
Izuku gaped. “I wouldn’t do that!”
“Well I know that now!”
“Shut it!” She growled. “Deku, you may not have totally given up on him, but you let yourself get intimidated by him, so you started hiding shit from him. He was trying to give you tough love but he went overboard because he was frustrated, and he didn’t explain his point of view. You didn’t really stop consider why he started losing his shit, and just assumed it was because you were quirkless. You let your toxic masculinity force a five-year miscommunication. Now your relationship is a goddamn dumpster fire and the two of you are fucking messes. You should both be in therapy for multiple reasons. I can’t believe you two are still so dense that you need a fucking translator to get along, but fuck it! I’m here now, and I’m done with this bullshit. I hope you’re happy. I’m going to be your interpersonal fire extinguisher and emotional housekeeper until you two dumb-shits can take care of it yourselves.”
Both Izuku and Katsuki were darting their glances between her and each other, growing steadily redder as she ranted. “You can’t just magically fucking turn Deku and me into magical fucking unicorns who fart fucking rainbows.” Katsuki snapped. Despite himself, Izuku snorted. 
“Of course I can’t. But you two can stop being such gigantic tools and start talking to each other again. And when you can’t get it right, I’ll just…translate for you.” She nearly hit them both when they both offered her skeptical expressions. “Listen, fuckfaces. Our dreams and goals match because we designed them that way. We’re supposed to be a team. I’m not stopping until we’re a team again. So are you going to try? Or am I going to have to drag you both kicking and screaming?” She leveled them with a hard glare. 
After many awkward glances and false starts, Izuku spoke first. “You still want to be a team?”
She scoffed. “I wanted us to be a team even when you were quirkless. Sure, you’d have taken a different role, but at least we’d be together.”
“Fuckin’ psycho. Clearly All Might’s grooming him to be a strong solo hero.” 
“Right, and that’s gone so well for society. Now villains are organizing and we’re in deep shit for depending on him so much. Besides, are you really gonna let this self-sacrificial idiot fight by himself? Because let me tell you, if we’re not an official team, I’m just gonna show up wherever he goes to make sure he doesn’t do something stupid.” Katsuki snorted at that. “I’d rather be a team though. A strong hero team, all three of us symbols in our own right. Hope, Strength, and Victory—Stronghold, Aftershock, and Ground Zero.”
“It’s Last Stand, you motherfucker!” Katsuki barked, leaping to his feet.
“Who’s Last Stand?” Deku asked, a little dazed and confused, and therefore a little slow. 
“No one. Your hero name is Stronghold. Kacchan is being overruled.”
“My hero name is Deku.”
“Not anymore. Keep up.” She replied, snapping her fingers for emphasis. “Look you were worried about a theme, right?” She asked Katsuki. “That’s why you wanted Last Stand?”
“That’s what I fuckin said, isn’t it?”
“So the name I chose fits a theme? Not the conceptual names and syllable matching—it’s the metaphor! Zuku’s the bunker, you’re the bomb, I’m the post-explosion shockwave. Stronghold, Ground Zero, and Aftershock! I put a lot of thought into this!”
Katsuki scowled at her mulishly. “Don’t I get a say?” Izuku asked hesitantly. 
“If you go with Deku, Kacchan’s going with King Explosion Murder. So, no. We choose each other’s names. You and Kacchan chose mine, you and I chose his. Now we get to choose yours.”
“Neither of us agreed to be a team, dumbass. Let him choose whatever shitty name he wants.” Katsuki growled, throwing himself back into his chair. “Eat your fucking curry, Deku. We risked our fucking infirmary privileges to get that in here.”
Deku had slipped into overthinking mode, and so he dociley began eating on autopilot. He wasn’t so tuned out that he didn’t notice the conversation awkwardly picking back up. He even chimed in every now and then, but his gears were turning and they were churning new information into new conclusions at a dizzying pace.
Sana had transferred to UA, and had forced Kacchan to actually talk to him within ten hours of her first class. Kacchan wasn’t mad because of pride or ego damage, or even because he didn’t want to be near someone who was quirkless. He was mad because he was worried and was bad at expressing himself. Kacchan wanted him to be more careful. To take more precaution—both when he was quirkless and now that he had One For All. And, knowing how hard Kacchan had worked to gain control of his quirk, it had probably driven him crazy to see him acting so recklessly and expecting to catch up quickly. Kacchan had thought of a hero name for him. That meant that Kacchan believed in him. Izuku had thought that Kacchan hadn’t even wanted him to try. He thought that Kacchan believed he was useless without a quirk. Hell, he’d believed it, so why wouldn’t someone as amazing as Kacchan?
A knock came at the door. 
“Young Midoriya?" 
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janelledarling · 6 years
Coming together.
This is my contribution to @hoopshoney and @purple-apricots Valentine’s Day Fic Fest, With Love, From Wakanda. I had a lot of fun writing this! I hope you enjoy it, and sorry in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors. Let me know what you think! My character is BLACK.
My prompt: “I told you not to get me anything”“And I’m smart enough to know that meant get you something.” 
Pairing: Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens x Black! OC
Warnings: None, just a lot of fluff! 
Word Count: 4,500+
“Hello, is Ms. Graham available?” an unfamiliar voice spoke politely into the phone.
“Yes, this is she. May I ask who’s calling?” Absedi Graham said pleasantly. Normally she didn’t answer calls from numbers she didn’t know, especially at work. Absedi worked at a large jewelry store where she specialized in Men’s Luxury Watches. Her work day was winding down and she happened to be locking up early as the customers were slow today which was odd since it was Valentine’s Day. Absedi was more than ready for her upcoming week off, whoever was calling just happened to catch her at a good time.
“This is Veronica, with Ross Horology Worldwide. I hope you are doing well.” the woman continued.
Absedi immediately paused her progress of locking the display cases in the watch section of the jewelry store, eyes going wide and mouth falling open at the sound of the company Veronica said she was with.
“I am, thank you. I hope you are as well. To what do I owe the pleasure Ms. Veronica?” Absedi said confidently even though she was so nervous her palms were starting to sweat.
“Well Ms. Graham, upon review of your Resume, background check, and the few phone and in-office interviews you have done in the last few months. We would like to extend an offer to you. That is, of course, if you are still interested.” Veronica explained.
“Wow! That is amazing! I am most definitely still interested!” Absedi exclaimed.
“Wonderful! Your orientation will start on Monday, 2 weeks from now, at the headquarters where the in-office interviews were located. Please arrive at 9am, and check in with the receptionist upon your arrival, she will provide you with your itinerary and tour. Did you have any questions for me?” Veronica asked.
“Nothing is coming to mind.” Absedi remarked.
“Ok perfect! I will send you an email with all the details. Welcome to the team and Happy Valentine’s Day, Ms. Graham!” Veronica advised.
“Thank you so much! See you in 2 weeks!” Absedi replied as she ended the call.
“HOLY SHIT!” Absedi yelled excitedly as she jumped up and down and danced around the display cases.
She grabbed her purse and keys from under the counter and finished locking up all the display cases in her section of the Jewelry store.
As she made her way out the the building her rude ass co-worker called out behind her “Bye Abby! You have a good weekend, Sis!”
“That’s not my name, and I’m not your Sis, we’ve went over this! Bye Brock. Have a Happy Valentine’s Day.” she responded putting on the fakest smile she could muster.
“It’s Blaine, girlfriend!” he said as she made her way out of the store.
“I’m well aware.” she mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes.
She grabbed her phone to call her friend with her good news with one hand, as she walked out of the large double doors of the building and into the busy city with an extra pep in her step.
Just as she thought the call was going to be routed to voicemail, a deep voice answered, “Wassup Princess?”
“ERIK! GUESS WHAT!?” Absedi screamed with excitement. “THEY CALLED ME! I DID IT! IT’S IN TWO WEEKS! HOLY SHIT ERIK! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS, I’M SHAKING RIGHT NOW! MY HANDS ARE TREMBLING!” Absedi shouted into the receiver, startling the people walking down the sidewalk as they turned and gave her passing stares.
Absedi and Erik had been friends for well over a year. When she met Erik, he had come into the jewelry store looking for a new piece to add to his collection of watches. After showing him the new collection of Cartier watches that came in earlier that week and answering his questions on which models were self-winding, quartz, or manual winding, Absedi left him to view the collection while making her way over to another customer who had recently came in. Just like most of the other middle aged men that made their way to her section of the store, this particular customer was worried less about the watches and more about whether or not Absedi had a man and when her shift ended. When the older gentleman grew tired of Absedi denying all of his advances, he left the store without making a purchase and she made her way back to Erik.
When she walked over to see if he had any questions or if he needed any additional assistance. He took her for surprise when he spoke up and said. “Yeah, actually, I do have some questions. First one is does shit like that happen often? I didn’t think ole dude was gonna take no for an answer. I didn’t wanna have to cause a scene, but I would have with his ole nasty ass.”  
“Yeah, more often than not unfortunately.” Absedi said as she stifled her laugh. “But I’ve gotten used to working around them and deflecting. Tricks of the trade I guess.” she shrugged.
“Hm.” Erik nodded. “Second question, do you work on commission?” Erik continued.
“Yes…? Why?” Absedi answered hesitantly.
“Just making sure if I drop a grip in here the commission would go to you and not that grimy ass colonizer over there.” Erik explained motioning to Blaine.
Absedi couldn’t hold in her laugh when Erik motioned to her co-worker on the other side of the store.
“Yeah, Chadthaniel never comes over here, so you good.” Absedi giggled.
Erik laughed loudly, shoulders bouncing. “Chadthaniel. That’s a good one! I’ma have to use that shit. Ok in that case, I’ll take the Clé De Cartier Mysterious Hour. The Manual 18K Pink gold. Clé De Cartier Automatic Skeleton Gem-Set. The Automatic in Palladium.”
It took everything in Absedi’s power for her to keep her composure. Those watches were some of the most expensive she had in her cases. Everyone would look at those two in particular, but she would rarely make a sale. She nodded and walked away to make sure the watch bands she had in stock would be the right size and fit him properly. He handed her his black card and she went to the register to process his payment. Finally seeing his name. Erik Stevens. Absedi started getting them packaged up for him. These watches were expensive as all hell. Her commission alone was about to be at least $10,500.
After processing his card successfully for over $210,000 and packaging up the watches. She called out to him to let him know she was finished.
“Mr. Stevens?” Absedi called out behind the counter.
“Wassup?” he said turning around from another display he was looking at and walking toward the counter.
“I’m all finished up. Here is your card and your bag. Did you want your receipt with you or in the bag?”
“In the bag is cool. Thanks. Now, before I leave I have one last question.” Erik smirked.
Trying not to get too caught up no the effect his dimples and pretty ass smile were having on her, she cleared her throat before she answered. “Sure, what is it?”
“What’s your name? I might have to come back for some more pieces and I wanna make sure I ask for the right person. If that’s cool with you...” Erik said.
“Sure, that’s fine.” she said quickly.
Like she was about to miss out on another big commission sale like this. Tuh! Momma didn’t raise no fool.
“Here’s my card, it’s got my name, our store hours as well as the store phone number on here, should you happen to need anything.” she added handing him over her business card.
As she watched his eyebrows furrow, she added before he could ask. “It’s pronounced AB-S-IH-Dee. Absedi Graham.”  
“Absedi Graham” He repeated for clarification as she nodded. “Alright Ms. Absedi, it was nice doing business with you.” he nodded as he turned to walk away.
“You too Mr. Stevens. Have a good rest of your day.” Absedi added as he walked away.
“Call me Erik.” He yelled back over his shoulder throwing her a million dollar smile as he left the store.
Ever since that day, Erik would come in at least once a week. They would make light conversation about the new collections coming out with different brands and get to know each other a little bit more.
After 3 and a half years of being in a dead-end job at the Jewelry store, realizing her position was getting her nowhere. Absedi decided it was time to move onto bigger and better things with her career. She applied to a few of her favorite watch companies but had yet to hear back from any of them. Erik came in while she was checking her email for the 12th time that morning for a response from any of the applications she sent over. When Erik asked what she was doing, Absedi told Erik she was looking for another place to further her career and if everything worked out the way she hoped it would, she would probably be leaving the jewelry store in the next few months but maybe sooner. Erik asked her hypothetically if he had questions on some upcoming collections and she isn’t here anymore who was he supposed to ask, because he sure as hell wasn’t asking Chadthaniel shit. Letting Erik know she could still answer any of his questions whenever he had any, she wrote her cell phone number on the back of her business card and handed it to him. Erik ended up texting her right after he left the store. From then on, it seemed like they were constantly in contact with each other. Whether it was sending each other meme’s, talking about politics, or just how their day was, there wasn’t anything the pair didn’t feel comfortable talking about with each other. Absedi found herself reaching out to Erik more often than not. He was very easy to talk to. So it made sense to her that he was the first person she would call when she found out she got the job or her dreams.
“Babygirl, slow down. Who called you? What’s happening in two weeks?” Erik said confused as hell, trying to wrap his mind around the bits and pieces he was able to understand as she was speaking a mile a minute.
“Ross! They called me! They want me to start in two weeks!” Absedi squealed.
“That’s dope as fuck Princess!”
“I’m so excited Erik! Like things are really starting to come together for me, you know?” Absedi reflected as she made her way home.
“It seems that way, huh. So how you wanna celebrate?” Erik asked.
“Erik, it’s Valentine’s Day every place from Oakland to Long Beach is about to be packed and busy as hell.” Absedi assumed.
“I ain’t ask you all that, did I? What’s the move girl? Pick sum. Whatever you wanna do, I got you.” Erik commanded.  
“Hmm… OH! I know! You always talking about how you throw down in the kitchen, lemme see sum.” She said imitating one of Erik’s frequently used sayings. “You know what I like, surprise me!” Absedi exclaimed as she listened to Erik chuckle on the other end of the line. Absedi had never been to Erik’s home, they always hung out in public places. He lived about 45 minutes away from her so it was easier to just kick it somewhere between both of their places.
“Bet. Come through around 7pm. We celebratin’! My girl landed her dream job! Whatever you wanna do or anywhere you tryna go, I got you. I’m proud of you Sed!”
“Thank you! I’m proud of me too. Don’t do anything extravagant though Erik.” Absedi warned.
“Huh? I can’t hear you. You cutting out.” Erik lied.
“Nah, you can hear me just fine. Nothing extravagant and no gifts.” Absedi continued as she rolled her eyes. Erik was always trying to get her something she didn’t need. He had already gotten them matching J’s earlier in the week.   
“Huh? Babygirl, you there? Sed?” Erik said trying and failing to hide his laugh as he hung up the phone.
He is so damn petty! Absedi laughed to herself as she waved down a cab.
Looking out the window on the ride to her studio apartment, she couldn’t stop smiling. Time with Erik was just what she needed to kick off her upcoming week off and to celebrate her new job.
It was obvious to everyone including the two of them that they had chemistry. They both really liked each other and were open to the idea of being more than friends, but never spoke on it directly. Just hinted around the subject. Erik would always call her pet names, and refer to her as ‘his girl’ but Absedi just assumed it was how he acted with his other friends too. Although he hadn’t mentioned any other friends, Erik was fine as fuck and Absedi wasn’t dumb. She wasn’t about to assume she was the only person he was showing interest in. Erik would tell her how beautiful she was and kiss her on her forehead whenever they went out for dinner or to the movies, and he might’ve left a few messy voicemails after one too many drinks with his boys. Absedi had also sent her fair share of drunk texts after clubbing with her girls, and may or may not have sent a few thirst traps she didn’t remember until scrolling through their text thread the following morning. Needless to say she swore off drinking for a good month after that.
Just as she was getting out of the cab she got a text from Erik.
Mr. Stevens: 2232 Westridge Road, LA. Don’t be late.
Scrunching up her face at his commanding tone, Absedi sent out a quick reply.
Babygirl: Don’t tell me what to do. We celebrating ME remember.  
Erik smirked and shook his head at her response when he read it. This girl and her smart ass mouth, he thought to himself as got ready to run his errands and head to the grocery store to get all the ingredients to make dinner for the two of them.
While Erik went to the store Absedi got in the shower, exfoliated and moisturized. Debating between a few different outfit choices and reminding herself it is Valentine’s Day after all, she decided to go all out. Ready to get dolled up and leave the house looking like a snack. Absedi settled on a strappy crushed velvet dress in wine just because she wanted a reason to use her new Body Lava. Pairing it with strappy nude heels to show off her baby pink pedicure and her trench coat. Absedi than began working on her make-up, going with a nude look. Putting her hair up into a high pony with her edges laid to perfection, she began gathering her things to head to Erik's house. Turning off the lights and locking the front door she made her way to her car. After putting his address into her navigation and sending him a quick text letting him know she was on her way, Absedi pulled out into evening traffic.
Turning on her Masego playlist and hitting the highway, Absedi couldn’t help thinking about how everything was finally going her way. She was just offered the job of her dreams and would be able to start making a career out of her passion in just two weeks.  She finally had someone in her corner, encouraging her. Erik was her best friend in every aspect of the word. She could not wipe the smile off of her face if she tried.
Not realizing she zoned out the entire drive reflecting on the days events until she heard her navigation say “You have arrived at your destination.” Absedi parked in the driveway grabbing her purse and surveying the area.
Of course, he lives in this nice ass house. I mean it makes sense, he was dropping like $200K on accessories. Absedi thought to herself as she made her way to the front door. After knocking twice, the door swung open.
“You’re late.” Erik said as he raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“No, I’m not. It’s 7:02pm. I’m on time. You were early.” Absedi responded as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder.
“How am I early to my own damn house Sed?” Erik chuckled as he held the door open for her to come in, taking a moment to look her up and down. “Damn, you really came in here looking like a whole ass meal. Good gawddd!��  
“Shut up Erik. You always got somethin’ smart to say.” Absedi giggled as she walked into the open concept area. The smell of dinner invading her nostrils immediately. Taking off her trenchcoat and hanging it on the coat rack near the door.  
“You always gotta have the last damn word!” he retorted from behind her, watching the sway of her hips as she made her way into his home.
“You damn right!” she snapped back over her shoulder as they both started laughing.
After closing and locking the door. Erik walked up and gave her the biggest hug, resting his chin on the top of her head. “I’m so proud of you babygirl. I knew you could fucking do it.” leaning down placing a light kiss on her forehead. Absedi wrapped her arms around him and closed her eyes, finally feeling at peace.
“You ready to eat? I made steaks, loaded baked potatoes, and salad. Sounds basic as fuck but you ain’t had my shit before. You know ion do anything basic.” Erik shrugged.
“That's a fact.” Absedi laughed as she nodded.
“Princess, you gotta let go of me if we gonna eat.” Erik chuckled rubbing circles on her lower back and shoulder blade with the tips of his fingers. .
“Just give me a minute.” Absedi quickly added holding him even tighter and snuggling her face into his chest, feeling the soft scars of his skin press against her cheek.
“Ight.” Erik responded, not hiding the smile in his voice.
After another moment, Absedi pulled away and looked up into Erik’s eyes taking in his features. Plump lips, deep brown eyes, smooth brown skin, dreads braided back from his face, noticing his dimples appear and his white teeth with a little bit of shine come into view.
“You for real checking me out right in my face, you bold as hell.” Erik chuckled.
“And what about it?” Absedi said as she raised her eyebrow, turning and making her way to the kitchen following the smell.
Erik had made filet mignon pan-seared in butter thyme and rosemary, smothered in A1, and sauteed mushrooms and onions. Alongside salad and loaded twice-baked potatoes that were filled with broccoli, mascarpone, pancetta, bocconcini, cheddar cheese and topped with scallions.
“It smells so fucking good, Erik.” Absedi swooned as she damn near drooled looking at all the delicious food he made.
“C’mere.” he said from behind her.
Turning around she noticed Erik was standing by a small table set for two as he poured two glasses of champagne.  
“We can’t celebrate without a toast. Here.” Erk said handing Absedi a champagne flute.
Raising his flute Erik began “To my girl, landing the job of her dreams and molding her destiny to whatever she sees fit. I’m happy you are in my life Sed and I’m so fucking proud of you Princess. You out here doing the damn thing! Salut.”
Absedi couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face after Erik finished his toast, nor did she have a smart ass remark to add when he was done. She did, however have butterflies and could not get them to go away.
“Here.” Erik said as he pulled out her seat for her. “I’ma go grab the food.”
Erik placed both of their plates at the table in front of their respective seats. As soon as Absedi took a bite she couldn’t help the happy dance or the moan that escaped her.
“Erik this is sooooo fucking good! Oh my gawddd!” Absedi moaned in between bites.
“I told you, I don’t do basic.” Erik stated smugly.
“Shut up and just say thank you, damn. Is it really that hard for you?” she shook her head playfully.
Erik smirked at her before adding “Thank you Absedi. I appreciate that.”
“See! That wasn’t so hard was it.” She retorted shooting him a wink.
“It’s probably as hard as you not getting the last word.” Erik snapped back raising a challenging eyebrow and tilting his head to the side.
Watching Absedi just roll her eyes and just keep eating shocked Erik to no end.
“That’s it? You really don’t have something to say?” Erik said eyebrows reaching his hairline due to his surprise. Slightly shrugging her shoulders and smirking at Erik as she chewed a bit of steak. Erik nodded to himself in fake astonishment, causing both to start laughing.
After finishing her third glass of champagne and liquid courage kicking in, Absedi asked the question that had been lingering in her head for a while.
“Do you call all your friends little cute names?” Absedi asked quietly.
“Nah.” Erik responded slowly, setting his plate to the side. “Why? Wassup?”
“I was just curious. I figured you probably called all of your other friends ‘Princess’ and ‘Babygirl’ and stuff like that.” she said looking at anything but him as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Nah, just you.” he stated smoothly.
“Why?” she asked quietly.
“Why you think?” Erik retorted.
“I wanna hear you say it.” Absedi said tilting her chin up to look Erik in the eye.
“What you want me to say?” Erik asked leaning forward on the table and resting his chin on his fists looking her in her eyes. “You want me to tell you how I think about you from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep? How I intentionally irritate you so I can see that cute ass face you make when you get mad as hell? Or you wanna know about how many stacks I spent at that jewelry store just to spend more time with you? How about how I was ready to kill that grimy ass motherfucker that kept trying to touch on you the day we met? I mean I can go on and on. You tell me what you wanna hear.”
Absedi was speechless. “Why didn’t you say something! You know how many wack ass niggas I entertained? And you over here just keeping all these damn emotions to yourself. Stingy ass. You won’t let us be great.” Absedi pouted as she crossed her arms.
“I know your ass, Sed. If I’da said something, you would have started that ‘I don’t wanna ruin our friendship’ bullshit.” Erik replied with a shrug.
“Ruin it.” Absedi said with a straight face.
Erik’s jaw dropped and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Champagne got you all the way bold huh?” Erik smirked.
“I mean, we being all the way real right now, right? So I’m just gonna put it all out on the table. I like you, Erik. I don’t know if a relationship is something you would be open to, but if you are I think I would be viable candidate.” Absedi finished as she nibbled on her bottom lip.
“I’m open to a relationship. There ain’t no other candidates, just you.” Erik stated.
“Just me?” she inquired while side eyeing him.
“Mhm. Nobody else. Since we putting it all out there, I haven’t entertained anybody in a good minute. I just want you.” Erik confessed looking Absedi in her eyes.
“Hmm… Good to know.” Absedi nodded.
Erik stood from the table and started gathering the plates to take them into the kitchen. Leaving Absedi to sit and collect her thoughts. She was oddly enough no longer nervous, she was content with finally letting him know how she felt about him.
Erik made his way back to the table with his arms behind his back. Knowing he was up to something she furrowed her eyebrows while she looked at him. “What are you up to Mr. Stevens?”
Sitting the large navy square leather box with golden script that read Chopard in front of her with a golden ribbon tied around it, Erik pulled his chair from his side of the table just to sit it right beside her. Erik grabbed her hand an intertwined their fingers.
“Baby…” Absedi breathed her eyes wide in astonishment staring at the box bringing her other hand up to trace the golden boarder around the sides of the box.
“So I’m your baby now?” Erik asked lightly tilting her chin towards him to grab her attention. He was wearing the biggest smile she had ever seen.
Nodding and climbing into his lap not taking her eyes off of the box of one of all time favorite jewelers, Absedi leaned back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
“Yeah, you my baby too.” Erik added quietly.
“I told you not to get me anything.” Absedi whispered as she went back to staring at the box in awe.
“And I’m smart enough to know that meant get you something.” Erik chuckled as he rested his head on the side of hers.
“I know how much you love Chopard watches but something else caught my eye. You gonna open it or what?” Erik asked
Slowly taking off the ribbon, and opening the leather box, Absedi saw the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. A large amethyst in a rose gold setting with diamond accents hung on a 18K rose gold chain.
“Oh my god, Erik...” she whispered gently touching the dainty necklace. “Thank you! It’s so beautiful.”
“Lean up real quick.” Erik said gently taking the necklace from the packaging and gently putting it on for her and sccurring the clasp at the back of her neck. “Beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl.”
“Damn you really feelin’ me, huh?” Absedi teased as she tugged on his arm playfully.
“And what about it?” Erik imitated her from earlier on in the evening light-heartedly, causing them both to bust out laughing hysterically.
“How you feelin’ about all these changes? New job, Me, alla dat.” Erik questioned.
Turning around and pulling her dress up so she was able to straddle Erik’s lap and wrap her arms around his neck and rub smoothing circles into the back of his neck with her fingertips, as he lightly ran his hands down her sides. Absedi thought back from all the changes that had taken place in her life in the last 24 hours. New job, new man, new necklace, and new outlook on her future.
“Honestly truly, I’ve never been better.” Absedi beamed.
Absedi leaned up slightly and pressed a few soft kisses against his lips. As he murmured “Happy Valentine’s Day Princess.” in between them he felt her body melt against his. Erik’s hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer, he kissed her back deeply until they both pulled away to catch their breath. Neither one of them could wipe away the huge smile that had taken over their faces.
This Valentine’s Day was definitely one for the books.
Taglist: @chaneajoyyy @marvelpotterlove @faatassbitch
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liftingmylfe · 5 years
Reused, Routines
shoplifting routine + tips
before i sleep, i’m going to type out some things i collected from lift-pros who have deactivated their blogs and adopted into my own routine! i’ll just detail my routine and try to give a few tips at the end so that the newer lifters can have some of the wisdom of those who have left us.
whenever i go lifting, i always bring a medium sized purse and a large shopping bag. i gently fold the shopping bag and put it inside of my purse. other than this, i’ll bring:
my magnet and hook (i hide them inside of these hidden zippers in my purse) {some lifters use scissors. same goes.}
a wallet with a decent amount of money (if i have it) in case i get caught
earphones (personal preference, but i find that music calms me and makes me look nonchalant. sometimes i won’t even listen to anything so that i can appear occupied, but actually be attentively listening around me.)
when i enter my first store, i’ll browse around, examining fabric, price tags, comparing clothes to my body in the mirrors. this is useful for concealing. if you conceal an item of clothing in another, mirrors are so good for checking if you can see it. just look as if you’re checking our your appearance.
try to take some items without hangers, so that you can put those items onto hangers when you have extras.
once i’ve taken a couple items i want along with some larger items with pockets (jeans, overalls, collared shirts) i’ll go to a changing room. if an attendant asks me how many items i have, i’ll lie and say 2 less than what i have. if they physically count the items, then i’ll probably only steal one item. if no one gives a shit, then still, don’t be too careless about stealing items. there’s still video cameras.
***MAKE SURE not to steal a boldly printed/colored item that’s showing in your pile of clothing or the first item that you’re holding. they’ll probably notice it’s gone, or at least there’s a greater risk. ***
in the changing room, i’ll probably take my shoes off so i don’t look suspicious from underneath the curtain. and if the curtain doesn’t fully close, i ALWAYS hold it closed with my body as i detag. a lady once walked in on me as i was detagging and i nearly had a heart attack, thankfully she didn’t see anything.
after i take the tags off of the items i want, i’ll put the tags into or onto the clothes i don’t want. DOUBLE CHECK FOR TAGS PLEASE!!!! THERE’S CHANCES OF EXTRA HARD AND SOFT TAGS. i’ll put the clothes i detagged in my purse. if i don’t have space, i might wear the item of clothing if it’s small and unnoticeable. when i exit the changing room, i’ll most likely leave one item that has been untouched on the rack outside of the changing room.
PLEASE MAKE SURE NOT TO LEAVE THE ITEM WITH THE EXTRA TAGS ON OR IN IT ON THE RACK OR WITH THE ATTENDANT the attendant will be touching these items the soonest and it’s pretty sketchy when a tag falls out of a pocket or if there’s an extra on there.
i usually take the items with the tags and bring them back out to the store, if i’m not lazy i’ll put it back where it came from. i always try to put it in the middle of the rack.
then i exit the store, trying to look calm.
so you probably noticed i haven’t mentioned the shopping bags yet. this isn’t what everyone does, but i always head to the bathroom and put the clothes i stole into the bag. it works for me because i can’t necessarily pull off walking into my mall with a bag in hand, but if you want to start off with the bag, just put something thin and dark inside the bag to put on top of the clothes you stole. just in case.
then i hit up other stores! except at these other stores, i can put the clothes i take into the shopping bag.
1. always double check for tags on the clothing. this is a given, but really, you have to check for any kind of tag. you might have gotten the hard tag off, but there could still be a soft tag somewhere, or some other lifter could’ve left a tag somewhere. hold up the price tags and clothing tags up to the light and look for chips and shit.
2. HIDE your tools. please. hide them. if the LP sees your tools, you’ll get punished so much harder because you were shoplifting with the intent.
3. DON’T RUN!!! don’t run. if you run, well, it depends on store policy. but if you run, they might tackle you or call the police or some shit.
4. if you don’t have a good feeling about a place, drop the shit and get out. seriously. get out. leave the mall if you have to. give it a little time before you return. just don’t risk it. no item is worth a record, especially since we’re all young with our futures ahead of us.
5. find somewhere to put your tags. don’t be careless. i’ve seen people just leave the tags in the changing room, it’s not necessarily traceable but it draws attention to the fact that shoplifting is prevalent in the store. what i’ve found is putting them inside of purses, pockets is effective. and of course, retagging clothing as well. i usually tag the inner tag on the seam of the clothing.
6. always be nice to the SA. if they talk to you, they’re just doing their job and being polite. but if they’re following you around a little too closely, they’re probably suspicious of you.
7. dress appropriately for the store. this is also a given, but don’t wear shit like black hoodies and sweatpants, cause you probably look like a lifter who wants to wear clothing out of the store. also, i recommend changing your appearance up a little.
8. don’tttt please don’t go to one store too much and never buy anything. give it some time. if an store attendant asks, i like to say that i’m just trying on things and i’m going to tell my mom what i want so we can come back. also, don’t always go at like 4:00 on a tuesday. change it up, so you catch different employees at different shifts.
9. don’t grab a shitton of stuff and then steal a large portion of it. for me it’s usually: stealing one item for every four pieces i grab, two if the SA’s aren’t nearby or paying attention, or if i concealed really well.  
10. you don’t NEED to buy a small thing to alleviate suspicion. i understand the logic, but honestly i’d just get out of the store. don’t stay longer than you need to.
11. when you’re leaving, don’t rush out. walk sloow and calm like any normal shopper would. i get it. you wanna get out ASAP. but you also don’t want to be sus. fake a phone call if you must. or look at your phone. just be natural.
12. DON’T BE AFRAID TO WASTE A DAY ON SCOUTING. lifting at a new store is very exciting but sometimes they might have something you’re not familiar with, like at zara, they will scan every single clothing item and make sure there’s a tag when you’re entering and leaving the changing room. when you scout, figure out the layout, security cameras, SA procedures
13. THIS IS REALLY USEFUL FOR ME idk if it’s useful for you but some of the stores i go to have a level for men’s wear and a level for women. often times, the changing rooms on the men’s level will have fewer people and fewer SA’s. if you feel like the SA’s on the women’s level are hardasses about the clothes in your arm, check out the men’s level.
14. DON’T TAKE WHAT YOU DON’T NEED. don’t be greedy. this is just me, but i take only things i will actually wear. some people boost, so that’s different, but don’t be greedy. stores will probably notice a larger loss in inventory way sooner. pleaseee don’t be greedy. sometimes shoplifting is so easy you think you can get away with anything, but it’s still illegal at the end of the day. only take things you really want. i always look at store websites before hitting up stores so i have an idea of what i want and i have my limits. be smart about it. there’s a ton of big, flashy hauls on tumblr, but you don’t need to compete with others. go at your own speed.
15. don’t ever underestimate the fact that shoplifting is still a crime. even if you’re a teenager, you’ll be punished. don’t forget that. you can still stick it to the man, just, be careful.
other methods besides dressing room concealing:
so there’s a lot of other methods out there, especially just on the floor concealing where you put things in your bag or your sleeve. personally, it doesn’t work for me, so i’m sorry i didn’t cover it. i’m afraid of blind spots not actually being blind spots and i’m also afraid of tags. if there’s jewelry i want or something non-clothing, i’ll hide it under the clothes in my arm. this is only if the SA will not take these things from me and count them. so you need prior knowledge. anyways, a lot of jewelry i’ve seen have tags as well so be careful. i’ve taken shoes, bikinis, jewelry, socks and underwear this way ahaha i’d say it’s effective but you need to know your store.
hope this helped!
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