#jennifer jareau x y/n
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garciaasfluffypen · 4 months ago
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stop embarassing me! (she knows everything you're saying)
pairing: jemily x reader word count: 3k warnings: jj and emily find it very hot that you can speak italian, illusions to sexy times at the end request from this ask a/n: everything y/n says that's in italian is translated at the bottom of the post! that being said, everything was written with a translator so please excuse any errors. also, enjoy the lore drop ;)
your italian grandmother was in town, and you were quite literally going to shit your dick.
you had cleaned your apartment top to bottom roughly five times since the news that your grandmother was coming in the off chance she asked to stay at the dingy little place. granted, you hadn’t been there full time in months, but she didn’t know that. while you had a strained relationship with your father, you were very close with your nonna. she had been there for you through all the battles you had to fight against your father as a teenager, including all the battles where he didn’t want you to take care of your siblings simply because of who you were as a person. while he saw your life through facebook, that was the only access he got to you after you turned eighteen. you only kept that line available simply so he could see how your siblings were doing. and that was it. he had created such a big fuss when you came out the month before your 18th birthday that you decided you’d cut him off as much as you could. he tried to alienate you from the rest of your family, for pete’s sake. he didn’t get to know shit about you anymore.
the joke was on him, though, seeing as the rest of your family was cool with the idea of you being queer. granted, you hadn’t dropped the bomb about being polyamorous, but you figured with how well your support system in DC was going, it would be okay. you had told your little brothers about a month prior, and all they wanted to know about emily and jj was if they were treating you right. and obviously, when they could come meet them. your older brother was in the army, so it took a little longer to get a hold of him, but he promised to stop by DC whenever he had leave next so he could meet them. 
but this? this was your grandmother. it was absolutely terrifying to think of losing her. she was one of your only relatives left that could fight for you, and even though she was in her seventies you were worried about losing her. if anything, you were worried that she’d lose you first, but you didn’t want to think about that or else you’d start spiraling. you stayed alive for not only yourself and your siblings, but for her too. and you would probably cry if she said anything that even insinuated that she’d leave you. either way, you figured that you’d introduce her to them before dropping the polyamory bomb. it worked, since hotch said you could give her and your two brothers a tour of quantico this weekend and everyone except for you had been called in for a mandatory paperwork weekend.
you met up with your brothers and nonna outside quantico, slipping into the italian you had shoved into the back of your brain easily. considering it was easier to speak italian with your grandmother since your dad had never really learned it, it was something you just naturally did whenever you were around her. you weren’t sure how the team was going to react to it, but you’d cross that bridge when you got there. you got them all visitors patches and explained all your favorite parts of the building, showing them every little nook and cranny that you loved to hide in when you didn’t want to talk to people except emily and jj. making your way up to the bullpen, you felt a jolt of nervousness flow through your system. you didn’t know how your team was going to react to them at all. they had known bits and pieces about your older brother, but you hadn’t told them about your two younger brothers. that was a can of worms you weren’t sure you wanted to open around them yet. 
“nonna, before we go meet my team, they can be… they can be a little excitable.” 
your nonna shrugged. “nothing i can’t handle. i raised your aunts and uncles.” she paused. “and unfortunately, your father.” 
“you bring up a very good point. and don’t mind anything derek says. he doesn’t really have a filter.” 
“is he the one who likes football?” your youngest brother, colin, looked up to you. 
“yep. i’m sure he’d love to talk to you about it, depending on how far into the paperwork he is. and let me… let me handle the introductions, please. at least the first ones.” 
“of course, sweets.”
jj was one of the first people to realize you had stepped into the bullpen, seeing you walk in from where she was making her third cup of coffee in the kitchen. she was about to come say hi to you, but then she heard it. that beautiful, mid morning husk that you had whenever you woke up late mixed with… was that italian? she had to grab onto the counter to stop her knees from buckling as you talked to who she only could assume was your grandmother, since you had been talking about her all week leading up to today. she wasn’t sure who the two younger boys were with you, but she was sure she’d find out shortly. the keurig beeped, shaking her out of her thoughts as she turned around to grab her coffee, a stirrer going in seconds later. 
she felt a wave of want go through her body, and she had to physically stop herself from going over to you and ravishing you then and there in front of everyone you had spent the past five years working next to. she knew it was hot when emily spoke in other languages, but hearing you speak so fluently and so carefree, with that giant smile on your face? it was one of the hottest things she had ever seen you do. granted, a lot of the things you did were hot, but this? this took the cake. jj took some cool water from the sink and rubbed it on her cheeks, knowing all too well that her cheeks were most likely a crimson red from just thinking about you speaking in another language to her. you didn’t know much about that aspect of jj and emily yet, considering you only been exploring everything for a few months. she knew so much about emily, yet she felt like she didn’t know anything about you sometimes. 
“you done coffee-ing that stirrer?” luke leaned up against the counter, a smirk on his face as he watched jj. “you’ve been stirring for five minutes.” 
“have i?” jj let the stirrer go, watching it go around in the cup. 
“you seem distracted, are you okay?” 
“i… yeah.” 
while luke knew the general aspects of your relationship with her and emily, she didn’t want to delve too much into it while on the clock. he knew there was more she wasn’t saying, but knew not to push too much. but that didn’t stop him from joking around about how hard she was very clearly simping for you in the middle of the office. 
“are you gonna stare and gawk at your girlfriend or are you going to say hi?” 
“i will, i just…”
luke smiled. “i see. go to the bathroom for a sec, i’ll cover you.” 
jj scrunched her face as luke started laughing. “ew. you pervert.” she jokingly punched him in the arm. “it’s just… they speak italian.” 
“okay… doesn't emily speak italian?”
“that’s different. she’s not… she’s not them.” 
meanwhile, you had started to make your rounds, slowly introducing your nonna to your team. she found everyone quite charming, and it relaxed you quite a bit knowing that they all made a good impression. even hotch came out of his office, introducing himself and engaging in the conversations. it was nice, introducing one of the most important people in your life to your found family. the next part, however, was telling your nonna about emily and jj. colin seemed to catch on very quickly when he caught jj staring, but didn’t want to say anything in case your nonna didn’t know, but he would definitely be facetime you tomorrow to talk about it. the longer you talked with your team, the more you realized you were subconsciously searching for jj the whole time. emily was at her desk, but jj was nowhere to be found. which was unlike her, unless she had taken a late lunch. which would also be unlike her. 
“y/n!” penelope’s voice carried through the bullpen as she walked out of the round table room, smiling and bringing you in for a hug the second she got next to you. “i thought you weren’t coming in today? and ms ruthie! it’s so lovely to see you again!” 
you visibly relaxed at her touch, “hotch said i could show my nonna and brothers around today.” 
“it’s lovely to see you again too, penelope. did you dye your hair?”
“i did. just filled my roots in a little bit.” penelope chuckled. “nothing too crazy, don’t worry nonna.” 
emily stood up, a smile on her face as she walked over to introduce herself. “you said she was italian, right?”
“ciao signora, piacere di conoscerti!” 
“she speaks italian?” your grandmother looked over to you, excitement in her eyes. “che emozione.”
“i do, i lived in italy as a teen.” emily smiled. “prentiss. emily. emily prentiss.” she held her hand out. 
“è una da tenersi stretta, ed è anche carina!” your grandma raised her eyebrows at you. “she speaks italian!” 
you couldn’t help but blush. “nonna! mi metti in imbarazzo.” 
“oh hush, i’m not embarrassing you!”
“considerando che lei sa italiano, lei sa esattamente quello che dici, nonna.”
your other brother, justin, piped in. “y/n has a point, nonna. if her coworker knows italian she’ll understand everything you’re saying. you’re not very slick with that.” 
“oh it’s okay,” emily chuckled. “it’s quite amusing.” 
“let me not be rude,” your grandma turned to the rest of the team. “i’m ruthie. i practically raised y/n since she was a baby.” 
“dang, sweet thing, i didn’t know you came with another language!” derek chuckled. 
“derek the next thing that comes out of your mouth better be appropriate for my seventy six year old italian grandmother to hear.” 
“i was going to ask if your girls knew about that, is all.” 
you rolled your eyes, knowing that not at all what derek was about to say. “no, they don’t, but they’ll be meeting nonna this weekend if everything goes to plan.” 
“who am i meeting?”
“le luci della mia vita, le ragazze che ho frequentato.” you couldn’t help but sheepishly smile as you caught emily’s eye. “one of them is right here, actually.” 
emily wasn’t sure if the blush on her face was any indication of how she was feeling, but good god it was sending her into orbit hearing you talk in italian. over the five years they had known you, the fact you knew italian this whole time was the most surprising. there were bits and pieces that they had been able to get out of you, but you were pretty secretive about your life before joining the bau. penelope knew most, if not all of your story since you two had been friends since high school, but that was all she knew. besides the fact that you turned her on so easily. that was a given. she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as she watched you slowly try to explain to your nonna about how you were dating two girls, not just one. the way you took so much care in choosing your words, explaining everything as easily as you could… it was endearing. 
she couldn’t take her eyes off of you, not until jj came to stand next to her, knuckles white as she seemingly held herself back. your face lit up as you saw jj, launching into another tangent to your nonna about how jj had been one of the first people to befriend you when you joined the team. within seconds, the two women started having a silent conversation with just their eyes. they both felt the same way, it seemed, and they were both going a bit feral over this new side of you. although emily did appear to be hiding it a bit better than jj was. emily nudged jj’s knee with her own, shooting her a smirk that could only be read by two people. you and jj. jj bit her lip, having to physically restrain herself once again as you seamlessly switched back into italian, your eyes lighting up as you explained the dynamics of the team to your nonna. 
“so tell me again, who are you partnered with?”
“i go out in the field with either derek or matt.” you pointed to them individually. “matt’s role is unique, he also helps the IRT team so he comes and goes depending on if he’s needed internationally. we like to joke we split custody of him with the international team.” 
“and the tall one?”
“reid? he’s the brains.” reid awkwardly waved from his desk. “he usually knows stuff that we don’t. kind of like how colin knows almost everything about football.”
“oh yes, that makes sense. and what about the lovely ladies?”
“well you know what pen does, tara and jj do a lot of the interviews with families, and i always say that emily’s job is to sit there and look pretty, but she usually goes out in the field and investigates with reid.” 
“you all seem to be a well oiled machine,” ruthie started. “i’m glad you’re looking out for my y/n. they had a tough life growing up, it’s nice to know they’re supported here.” 
“oh they’re a pleasure to work with,” rossi piped up. “a welcome addition to the team for sure.”
as your nonna conversed with the team, you couldn’t help but glance over to jj. you forgot how much she adored it when emily talked in italian, but hadn’t even considered the option of how she would react when she heard you speak italian. to you, emily appeared to be holding in her need for you relatively well. her cheeks were flushed, sure, but she was also in a turtleneck in the office where they blasted the heat the second it got below 60. jj on the other hand… jj looked like she needed a cold shower. you had to hold back a chuckle as you caught tara’s eyes, who also appeared to have clocked her reaction as well. jj’s jaw was slack as she stared at you, eyes filled with lust. while your grandmother was distracted, you took the moment to squeeze her hand lightly to see if she was okay. tara took the opportunity to close jj’s jaw for her, shooting you a small smile as she did so. emily had to hide a chuckle, covering her mouth with a hand as she nudged at the blonde. you locked eyes with jj, your eyebrows raising as she stared back at you, her gaze telling you everything you needed to know. you weren’t going to go all bratty on her here, since you hadn’t talked a whole lot about boundaries outside of the house, but you were tempted. 
“i didn’t know you’d act this way, jayje. i would have done this way earlier if i had known.” you chuckled. “you got a thing for other languages?” 
“only from you and em.” 
you squeezed her hand, resisting the urge to kiss her. “i’ll make it up to you, i promise.” 
tara, picking up on the mood shift between you two, suddenly stood up. “hey, i was gonna go grab a soda, do either of you want anything?” 
“nah, i’m good. do you want anything?”
“i’m good too, thanks t.” you smiled at tara, waiting for her to leave before turning back to jj and emily. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you guys sooner.” 
“don’t be sorry, lovey, it never came up.” emily shrugged. “i will be using this information to my advantage, though.”
“what, so you can converse in secret in front of me?”
“mostly about christmas gifts, but yes.” you joined in on the joke, a sarcastic hint in your voice. 
“your nonna is very sweet.”
“she is.” you smiled. “i’m sure she’ll love to talk about your time in italy this weekend when you guys come for dinner. she doesn’t know i’m not in the alexandria apartment anymore, i figured this would be the last hurrah before i ended the lease.” you shrugged. “if you guys don’t mind driving out there.”
“of course not, baby.” jj squeezed your hand. “are you coming home tonight, though? or are you staying at the apartment?” 
you stared at jj for a second, your eyes narrowing. you crossed your arms in front of your chest before tapping your shoulder, eyebrows rising as if silently asking her are you in control? jj slightly nodded at you before tilting her head, waiting for your confirmation. you tapped your shoulder again in confirmation, making sure nobody in the vicinity besides emily had decoded your silent conversation. 
“i’ll try. i’m not sure where my nonna is staying, but i’ll let you know.” 
“i want you home by eleven.” jj’s eyes darkened, voice dropping slightly. “no later.” 
before the conversation could take a turn, you felt a light hand on your back. turning to see justin, you smiled. 
“what’s up?”
“nonna wants to know what the plan was, are we heading back to alexandria?”
“i uh… i was hoping to stay here, actually.” you tilted your head towards jj in silent explanation. 
“does she know?”
“well, she understood the fact that emily and i were together, at least.” you chuckled as you caught your nonna talking to luke and tara. “not sure she picked up on jj’s obvious simping.” 
“either way, it is a drive back to alexandra so if we want to go to dinner, we should go now.” 
“you’re right, we should.” you turned back to emily and jj. “i’ll text you guys when i figure out where i’ll be tonight?”
jj narrowed her eyes at you with a devious smile on her face. “11pm, y/n. no later.”
with a chuckle, you stepped away, letting jj’s hand fall back to her side.
“i’ll do my best.” you smirked slightly. “we have dinner plans.”
nonna- grandmother
ciao signora, piacere di conoscerti- hello ma’am, nice to meet you!
che emozione.- how exciting
è una da tenersi stretta ed è anche carina! - she’s a keeper, she’s pretty too.
mi metti in imbarazzo- you’re embarrassing me
considerando che lei sa italiano, lei sa esattamente quello che dici, nonna.- considering she knows italian, she knows exactly what you're saying, grandma
le luci della mia vita, le ragazze che ho frequentato.- the lights of my life, the girls i've been dating
taglist: @jayden-prentiss @idkwhatever580 @multifandomlesbianic @softestqueeen @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx
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maximoffwitch · 2 months ago
wait that’s so creative with the spotify wrapped thing
dunno if i’m first but i’ll choose my lucky number 5 and jennifer jareau x reader as the pairing
praying it’s something fluffy but i’ll read anything
Guilty as Sin
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pairing: jennifer jareau x reader
warnings: a small bit of smut (hinting at oral sex and praise kink), 18+!
summary: you can’t help it when your mind wanders to your night with jj, her touch haunting you so stunningly.
word count: 615
a/n: send me a number 1-100 and i’ll write a fic/drabble! this was totally inspired by this shot of jj sitting on emily’s desk…bc look at her!! i hope this is fluffy enough for you :))
#5 on my spotify wrapped was guilty as sin by taylor swift
You couldn’t stop staring.
And who could blame you, when JJ was perched on Emily’s desk, wearing a black skirt, one shorter than usual that hit just above her knees, exposing her toned legs.
You let your eyes subtly trace JJ’s figure as she chatted with Emily and Derek about something you honestly couldn’t care less about. How could you when JJ was sitting there looking like that so effortlessly.
As you admired the blonde’s golden skin and sparkling blue eyes, you couldn’t stop your thoughts from wandering.
JJ’s touch burned your skin, her fingertips leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, as she trailed them up your leg.
When she reached your lace panties, she looked up at you, her eyes dark. “Can I?”
Too far gone to form any words, you simply nodded and let out a whimper.
JJ torturously dragged your underwear down your legs, flinging them over her shoulder, not caring where they went, her only concern being on what was right in front of her: you.
As she kissed a path up your legs, JJ mumbled into your skin, “So fucking gorgeous.”
You squirmed under her touch, silently begging for her to touch you where you needed her, to relieve your ache. When JJ bit the inside of your thigh, you couldn’t help the moan that escaped your lips.
“Mine.” She smirked into your skin, playfully nipping your flesh again.
“JJ,” you panted, grabbing the sheets tightly, unable to hide your desperation anymore. “Please.”
JJ chuckled lowly, clearly enjoying your pleading. “Please what?”
Looking down at her, you met her intense gaze. “Please fuck me, Jayje.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” she hummed contently, before pressing a gentle kiss to your throbbing core.
“Such a good girl for me, (Y/N).”
“(Y/N)!” JJ’s voice interrupted your daydream.
“What?” You startled, snapping your head up from her legs. Noticing three pairs of eyes on you, your cheeks flushed.
“Distracted there, (Y/L/N)?” Emily teased.
“Oh, bite me, Prentiss,” you mumbled as you reopened the file you had been working on.
“Don’t you have JJ for that?” She wiggled her eyebrows, laughing at the flush creeping up your neck.
JJ chuckled lightly, pushing herself off Emily’s desk before taking a few steps over to you. “You’ll always have me,” she said and kissed your temple.
You bit back a grin, ignoring the teasing remarks coming from Emily and Derek. As Hotch announced a new case and everyone started heading towards the round table room, JJ offered you her hand, which you gladly accepted as you stood up.
But before you could go anywhere, JJ pulled you closer to her, her lips brushing your ear. “Don’t look so innocent,” she murmured, her voice lowered. “I know your thoughts are guilty.”
JJ punctuated her words with a kiss to you neck, one totally not appropriate for work but hidden by your hair. Feeling a shiver creep up your spine, you straightened your back, a mischievous glint sparkling in your eye. For some reason, you were feeling bold today. You knew she’d make you pay for it later, but you didn’t care.
“Someone told me,” you leaned forward, your lips ghosting hers, “there’s no such thing as bad thoughts. Only actions talk.”
You kissed the corner of her mouth before slipping out of her grasp.
As you caught up to Emily and Derek, you looked back over your shoulder at JJ, who still stood by your desk, her lips slightly parted. Feeling your eyes on her, JJ looked back at you, her icy blue eyes sharp, giving you a stare that you swore would be the death of you.
But, oh what a way to die.
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demonicbaby666 · 5 months ago
iii. Take Out with a Side of Make-out
Feelings are Fatal Masterlist | Masterlists | iv
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Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!Reader
Words: 5.4k+
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, there's literally no warnings for this chapter though...
When you woke, it was to an empty apartment. Your quiet movements to lounge were of no importance because she was gone. JJ was gone. The only mark left of another having inhabited the space was a lonely, loosely folded blanket on the couch that sent a cold shiver up your spine. You walked forward and took the material into your hands, cradling it between your arms and chest as though you could trick yourself into believing it was the woman who marked its fibres with her scent. 
The question of JJ’s whereabouts or sudden departure remained unanswered as you scoured the room for clues. There was no note, no remnants of a coffee made before her leave, nothing but a few strands of golden hair that glinted off the sofa and pillows in the morning light. Still, you stood there for a few more minutes. Eyes closed, mind racing, you breathed in the last bit of JJ you had left held precious in your grasp. 
You allowed self-pity to settle into each slow step leading back to your room, praying your floorboards would turn to quicksand and put you out of your misery. The door creaked open, the hinges crying to be oiled and reminding you of yet another task you had left unchecked. Beside your bed was your phone, a beckon of hope for your worrisome mind that you ran to in desperate hopes an explanation lay waiting in a grey bubble. 
With a single tap, the black screen lit up. You scrolled through everything unimportant without an ounce of remorse. So brutal in your search for answers, you ignored even Garcia, her clump of twenty-odd messages moving up and up till they disappeared entirely. She could wait till later to hear about the so-called ‘hot date’ and how he turned out to be a grimy creep. 
With every passing icon, hope dwindled. The last notification stared at you with its time stamp so ancient that all it read was yesterday. In a late ditch effort, you clicked the text chain with JJ, thinking things could slip between the cracks when it came to faulty technology; you’d dropped your phone once or twice, surely that was enough to dislodge a wire or two. The chat was desolate of new messages. 
The dread you felt that Sunday set the tone for the upcoming week, which was entirely bleak. 
Work was work, and managing an independent bookstore had its good moments. Informing your colleague a friend of hers, or what turned out to be a friend of a friend of a friend of hers, attempted to spike you was not one of them. The only consolation to the awkward encounter was the consoling hug you received, which, for all intents and purposes, filled the gaping space in your chest that yearned for some form of physical intimacy on that first Monday back. 
Police reports were filed, and comfort was found in the awaiting punishment your date would face, but it was hollow and sapless. Each dying day, when the sun took its rest, you still stood in front of your mirror and noted the toll life without solace took on you. The dark circles under your eyes had worsened, taking on the appearance of bruises a person would sustain in a fighting ring. The fullness of your face was no more. Your cheeks looked gaunt and hollow. There was no colour to your face, no life force spare to light up your eyes after days of endless sorrow. The longer you looked, the more you realised you had fallen victim to a situation that was of your own making. 
There was little news on JJ. When a text finally came through on a bleak Wednesday, it was direct and uninformative. 
‘How are you?’ 
The reprieve from your anxieties was short-lived, and you scolded yourself for thinking JJ owed you anything when she disappeared out of thin air the moment the question of how she was doing was posed. 
That’s when the anger came. The blinking cursor mocked you with its potential. Endless texts filled with barbed remarks and pointed accusations were written, deleted, and edited until only the worst of the worst were left. It tore at your chest to read the message back and come face to face with the literate poison you had conjured. The words were sour on your tongue, and your voice was broken between sobs of a pained acknowledgement as you read. There is nothing hurt people do better than share their hurt, but that would not be you. You would not inflict damage upon the person you knew you would always love. No message was sent that day or the following. 
Time moved, and you clung to each new day's possibilities. Maybe if you gave JJ the space she appeared to need, she’d find her way back to you, but no matter how hard you fought to find hope and happiness where there wasn’t any, every passing hour you lived and breathed remained a quiet torment. Despair followed you like a shadow you couldn’t shuck, and for the first time since you parted ways with JJ, you considered the elicit relationship between you was coming to its inevitable end. 
The thought plagued you throughout the week till Thursday and Friday came and left, leaving you empty and tired, ready for Saturday’s promise of a day you could spend under your bedsheets utterly and tragically alone. 
The stages of grief had run their course, and you found yourself at the finale. 
There’s a misconception that when you find acceptance, it’s freeing and beautiful; tranquillity sheds beams of light over all the gloom and loss, like the sun peaking through a winter forest, thawing frostbitten earth. This contrived interpretation does not paint the harsh reality of acceptance. The hole cut through your chest did not feel less hollow; if anything, it was more prominent, leaving an imprint on your past, present and future. Songs, places and faces were draped in black garments, polluted by the faint air of heartache and neglect. 
Acceptance was the sword at the end of a fight that found your throat and put you out of your misery. Acceptance was realising in the death of your old self, you’d strive to be someone better in the next. Acceptance was knowing that you wouldn’t be victim to your circumstances anymore, that you’d carry your pain like armour, wear it proudly as you built your walls back up and never let anyone bulldoze them again. There would be no cracks in the foundations this time, JJ would not sneak her way into your heart, and the parts of her that remained would be snuffed out. 
So Saturday became the closing of a chapter, and Sunday began anew with the shrill of your phone waking you up at 7 am. Not quite how you expected the day to start, but you tried to avoid taking the abrupt start to the day as a bad omen. 
It was an easy decision to silence the call and reclaim the morning as your own. The first step—going back to sleep. 
The second call came through three hours later, and you couldn’t excuse ignoring it under the guise of self-care when sleeping past 10 am was bordering on excessive for someone who went to bed before the sun had fully left the sky the night before. Begrudgingly, you threw an arm over the side of your bed, violently clambering until your hand landed over the vibrating device. Too familiar with the screen layout, your finger pressed the general location of the answer icon as you brought the phone to your ear.
“Hello,” you mumbled, too tired to acknowledge the gruffness of your voice, though you could feel the greeting grate against your throat like sandpaper. 
“Shit. Did I wake you up?” 
Of course, it was her. Out of everyone who could’ve called to be greeted by your crackled, prepubescent morning lilt, it had to be JJ. 
Shooting up, suddenly very awake, you gripped the phone tighter and cleared your throat. 
“I had to get up anyway,” you stated blankly. 
“Oh.” She was off-put. You could hear it in her scattered tone. It was unknown whether it was from your lack of enthusiasm or the reason for her calling.
There was only silence for a beat, and you could hear the thoughts churning inside JJ’s head from the other side of the phone speaker. The responsibility to fill the silence was not yours. You weren’t the one to call, and you wouldn’t be the one to encourage JJ to speak now that she had suddenly re-founded her interest in you. 
“You still there?” she asked, sounding nervous enough for you almost to abandon your indifference to the unknown subject matter of the call. Almost. 
“Yes,” you replied, seemingly unbothered despite feeling the exact opposite. “Just waiting.” 
There came a sigh, and you steeled yourself to remain calm for what was to follow. No one’s heart ought to be beating as fast as yours was at 10 am. 
“I’m sorry. I know I’ve been MIA this week. Work has been hectic, and I’ve had a lot going on, but I should’ve checked in more.” 
“Yes, you should have.” There was another bout of silence, then a drawn-out breath shared by you and JJ. You knew for this conversation to lead anywhere, you needed to give leeway. But you were hurt and still harboured anger towards JJ, enough to leave her sitting in the static atmosphere for a few more seconds. 
“You’re right.” She finally relented, sounding surer than she had been in the last few minutes. There was a bit of shuffling coming from JJ’s end of the call before everything stilled. “I was stupid and blindsided by unimportant things when my attention should have been on you. I should have called. I should have come over and comforted you and kept you safe after everything that happened. There are so many things I should have said and done, but I’m calling now and asking for just a fraction of forgiveness. Let me make it up to you.” 
“And how do you plan on doing that?” you asked, waves of curiously eroding the shores of lasting anger. 
“There’s this thing…”
“Oh well, that changes everything. A thing. Why didn’t you say that earlier? That makes everything okay then.” You were sure she could hear the roll of your eyes in your bit-off tone. 
“My mom’s coming to town next week and I’m being forced to host a luncheon, or what a normal person would call a barbeque.” She paused momentarily, taking a deep breath before rushing through the rest of her request. “I thought you could come along as my date so I could avoid all the badgerings over my lack of love life.” 
“Let me get this right,” you began with a humourless laugh. “To make up for not being there when I needed you, you want me to do you a favour by pretending to be your date so your family and friends don’t pester you?” 
“It doesn't sound so great when you say it like that.” 
“Probably because it isn’t,” you stated matter of factly, the amusement peeking through the cracks of your tone. 
“Free food.” 
“Not happening.” 
“Good company.” 
“I'm assuming you’re dubbing yourself the so-called good company?”
“You like my company!” JJ feigned offence so well that you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I tolerate it at best,” you stated, failing to hold back a smile. “It’s still a hard no.” 
“I’ll pick you up and drop you back home.” 
This particular clause in the imaginary contract piqued your interest. For reasons unknown, the image of JJ being at your beck and call, wanting your company at her side so badly she’d go out of her way to make it happen, elicited a fuzzy feeling in your chest. A week away from her was good. It was the breathing space you needed to realise things had to change. And as unconventional as it may be, perhaps this was the opportunity to enforce the change you strived for. 
“Will you at least consider it?” 
“Fine,” you dramatically sighed, dropping your body back on your bed and looking at the barren ceiling. 
The conversation came to a natural close after JJ graced you with more details of her week, this time holding little back. She asked question after question, making it silently known your morning would be hers. Your allotted time to make coffee and sip on it also belonged to her, and try as you might have, though you tried little, there was nothing to be done about the rather annoying fact you quite clearly did crave JJ’s company after going so long without it. So you allowed time to spill through your fingers and words to flow from your mouth. It didn't sting or hurt when it was time to part ways. You didn’t yearn for anything more. It was nice: being content with the mediocre. 
The following week, you hoped for more of the same. Finally, you were happy to settle for normal, but the week presented nothing of the sort. First, the box of chocolates came, waiting for you outside your apartment on Monday evening. Innocent enough. Then came the bouquet of flowers the following Tuesday that you discovered within the walls of your apartment, sitting idly and beautifully on your kitchen counter. You pondered on the time JJ must have set aside to hand deliver the array of thalictrums, tulips and gardenias, wanting so badly to place meaning to the gift that was left to coerce you into agreeing to accompany JJ next weekend. 
Buds took root in the soil of your heart, and ever-present weeds of affection sprouted. Thwacking away at the blooms, knowing the conditions were no longer suitable for sustaining a garden of pathetic hope, you placed the second gift JJ bestowed upon you in a cream vase you found locked away under your sink. 
Placed by the window, the sun bled colour through petals like stained glass the following Wednesday morning, a bright sight to gape at whilst mindlessly stirring milk into coffee. 
That evening, as you swept through the doors of your apartment, you fiddled with a parcel left in your mailbox. It was no bigger than your palm, neatly wrapped in Kraft paper. Attached was a note written for Saturday. The handwriting gave away who had sent the gift but did nothing to alleviate the boding curiosity running rampant in your belly. 
Under the brown coverings was a black box, its contents half unmasked from the lid taking the brunt end of your less than gentle treatment. It was a bracelet. A dainty thing comprised of thin gold chains looped together and delicately placed opposite the clasp was a single tiny diamond. It was perfect. It was too much. 
Pulling your phone out, clicking JJ’s contact highlighted under favourites, you listened to the rings chime by your ear. You reached her voicemail, and having been unprepared to leave a strongly worded message, you hung up, navigating your way to your text chain, only to be greeted by three dots. 
17:30 (JJ) - On a case. But no, I’m not returning it. I’m not taking it back. You’re keeping it, and if you choose to come with me on Saturday (which you should), you’ll wear it. 
17:31 - It’s too much, JJ. 
17:31 (JJ) - No, it’s not. If anything, it’s not enough. 
17:32 - I’m hiding it in your bag next time I see you. 
17:33 (JJ) - Can you accept the gift like a normal person and say thank you?
17:34 - No. 
17:35 (JJ) - The bracelet stays with you. You deserve to be spoiled. So, suck it up cause I’ve got to go. 
And just like that, you were alone. A sappy smile in place, standing in your kitchen gazing at your pretty flowers and your pretty bracelet. It was right about then that you realised how utterly fucked you were. There wasn’t a force on earth strong enough to hold you back from attending Saturday’s luncheon as JJ’s honorary date. 
Questions of motives and intentions sprouted fast in your mind like pockets of unruly weeds. Doubt reared its head, peeking through the cracks of cheap blinders fabricated on broken dreams. Once upon a time, you may have tricked yourself into believing your own delusions. JJ felt the same way you did. That’s why she called you at ungodly hours for pleasure and only that. JJ searched for opportunity after opportunity to be in your company, and that’s why she ignored you for a whole week. You really had been blinded by love.  
You greeted the petulant childlike dreams with the fortification of your guard. There would be no more longing, pining, or losing yourself in a make-believe future you thought you could see through the rose-tinted lenses of JJ’s unreadable gaze. There would be no mistake about it, when Saturday arrived, you would play your part, and you would do no more than that. 
By Thursday evening, you were convinced the gifts had stopped. Sluggishly trailing upstairs after a tiresome day and unlocking your apartment, nothing awaited you. It was both a relief and a hard-to-admit disappointment. Surely, through some type of psychic link, JJ must have known she’d swayed your better judgment and swindled you into agreeing to her terms. 
Of course, no such thing existed, and the blonde was very much still on the train of buying her way back into your heart. You discovered this when sitting down, scrolling through the endless list of restaurants on delivery apps. The options were vast, and your indecisive mind was too worn out to take on the challenge of picking which cuisine spoke most to your palette, let alone what you wanted off the menu if you ever managed to dwindle the options down to one. 
Your fridge was barren, and the contents of your cupboards were mainly noodles and dried foods that didn’t sound all that appetising, given that you’d have to find the energy to move to the kitchen and engage in making something. So, after thirty minutes of idle scrolling and scornful glances at your kitchen, you gave up, choosing to sit in the glum of adulthood and responsibility. 
At that precise moment of defeat, a buzzing rang from beside your door. You weren’t expecting anyone and most friends knew the code to let themselves in so they wouldn’t ring up. Maybe they had the wrong apartment? 
Another buzz. 
Huffing, you stood and walked over to the intercom. The quality on the screen was grainy, but you saw the delivery driver clear enough, hands filled with bags of food as a motorcycle sat idly behind him. 
“I think you might have the wrong apartment,” you said, ignoring the pang of hunger that shot through your belly. “I can buzz you in, though.” 
He held a receipt up to his face, scanning it momentarily. “Second floor. Apartment five?”
“Well then, this stuff is for you,” he declared, motioning to the bags he had in hand. 
“Come on up,” you sighed, admitting defeat. 
When the food arrived, you apologised to the delivery driver, realising he was carrying not one, not two, but three bags filled with containers of food. The waiting time, plus the journey up flights of stairs, can’t have been enjoyable, and you felt bad for only being able to offer a sympathetic smile as consolation. The guilt reduced once your eyes landed on the receipt and you discovered two things. One: JJ was indeed the one to send the surplus of food. And two: she’d left a hefty tip that more than made up for the inconvenience. 
Aware the blonde may still be busy on a case you didn’t bother calling. 
18:40- You know I can’t eat all of this, right?
18:46 (JJ) - Is that an invitation to come and help? 
18:47- Are you going to make me ask, or would you rather I not fit into the dress I’ve picked for this Saturday? 
18:47 (JJ)- On my way! 
18:56 (JJ)- Wait… WAS THAT A YES TO COMING? 
19:00- Yes, Jennifer Jareau, I’ll be your date for your family BBQ. 
19:04 (JJ)- You know I only like it when you use my full name when your mid orgasm ): 
19:05- If you crash whilst texting and driving, then you’ll be lucky if you ever get to see me again, let alone touch me. 
19:09 (JJ)- Texting + driving = no sex. Noted. 
19:10- I’m eating all the spring rolls. You don’t deserve any. 
Not even ten minutes later, JJ barged in, reaffirming your theories regarding texting and driving. Additionally, it led you to believe she’d picked up speeding as a habit outside of work. You were about ready to scold her when you turned to the door to see the blonde in a bit of a state. Her eyes were bulging, scouring around the kitchen, paying no mind to her hands as she yanked the keys out the door and came scurrying towards you, panicked. 
“Please tell me you didn’t.” 
You dropped the breath you had been holding, rolling your eyes. “The spring rolls, as well as everything else, are untouched,” you said, hiding your smile with the turn of your head. “Stop being dramatic and help me plate all this food.” 
Satisfied, JJ made her way to the counter, eyeing its contents like a hawk ready to strike. To her credit, she followed the orders, picking noodles up with chopsticks and plopping a healthy amount on each plate, divvying curried meats and sides between you. There was a reprimand on the tip of your tongue, watching rolls of crispy filo pastry piled one after the other, the distribution system far from fair. Any feelings of injustice died at the sight of JJ’s smile. 
“Happy?” you asked, sidling up to her, wanting so badly to kiss the corner of her lips, where her cheery smile sank ever so slightly into her cheek. 
“Yup,” she answered, popping the p at the end of her sentence as she grinned, handing you your plate. “Couch?”
“Sure.” You took your food and padded over to the living room, settling comfortably into plush pillows. 
There were nearly twenty shows you could list that had safely made it into the category of ‘background noise’, and you settled for throwing one of them on, happy to chat with JJ rather than get sucked into a fantasy world. 
It was the right choice because as soon as the blonde came to join you, her mouth would not close, safe from when she politely cut her sentences short to shovel food into her mouth. She was animated like this—talking about her work, friends, family, and anything really. Warmth pooled in your stomach, seeping into your bloodstream and circulating your body till all you knew was comfort. This was home. The couch, noodles, light conversation and JJ. It was all the epitome of belonging. 
The light from the TV abruptly dimmed. An ‘Are you still watching?’ message appeared on the screen, bathing empty glasses, plates and take-out boxes that had migrated from the kitchen to your coffee table in a tinted red glow. 
At the exact same moment, your and JJ’s eyes landed on the screen and then shot back to one another. Laughter rumbled through your chests at the sore sight of guilty lopsided smiles. It seemed you both had lost track of time, too focused on idle chatter. 
Once the excitement had died down, JJ moved to stand. “I don’t think we ever were watching,” she muttered, shooting you a mischievous smirk as she walked towards the door. 
“You know,” you drawled, eyeing JJ speculatively. “I hear it’s usually good manners to say goodbye to the host before you leave.” 
She glanced back, mouth set in a firm line, giving you a specific look that translated directly to ‘Are you serious?’ and you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“I’m getting something from my bag if you must know.” And she did just that. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a black box similar to the one you received on Wednesday, only this one was slightly bigger and flatter. 
“I’ve already agreed to Saturday JJ. I don't need any more bribes.” 
“That’s not-” she cut herself off, shaking her head and returning to the couch. “Just open it already,” she ordered, plopping beside you. Despite her carefree persona, there was no mistaking the nervousness to JJ as she bit at the side of her mouth, waiting for you to take the proffered gift. 
“Alright, alright.” You raised both hands with a grin, surrendering and taking the box from her hand, hoping to dispel some of her anxieties. “No need to get feisty.” 
She continued to fidget, your teasing going right over her head as you drew your eyes away from her ringing fingers to the lid of the black box. It bore the same mark as the one you’d previously received, a local jeweller by the looks of it, but not one you recognised. 
The lid came off with a pop of trapped air, and underneath lay a familiar sight. You recognised the gold chain, simple and elegant, but where a single gem was placed on your bracelet, on this necklace, lay a cluster of small diamonds, all circling a polished ruby. 
“JJ, it’s-” you gasped. 
“I swear if you say too much again,” she rushed to say. 
“Actually,” you went on, straightening your neck to face the blonde. “I was going to say beautiful.” 
Her face lit up. A bright smile pulled at the contours of her cheeks as her eyes fixed solely on you. 
“Yes, it is.” 
A shy smile blossomed over your lips, and your cheeks flushed with the distinct impression she wasn’t talking about the necklace anymore. Tension grew heated in the silence, leaving you breathless as you darted your attention back to the little box in your hand, thumbing over the golden chain. 
“Let me?” JJ asked, and you watched as her fingers slithered into view beside your own. 
Cautiously looking up at her, seeing hope beam so openly over her features, you nodded. 
She took care in taking the necklace from its home, running the chain through her fingers as she pulled it through two divots puncturing velvet. She let the chain hang between her fingers, holding it up and waiting patiently for you to turn. 
“Oh, right,” you muttered, shifting your position so you had one leg tucked under the other, your back facing JJ. 
There was some shuffling behind you before you felt the warm press of JJ’s chest against your shoulder blades, her fingers tickling your neck as she swept your hair aside. Fighting to keep composure, you swallowed down the beginnings of a whimper. 
Appearing to be in no rush, JJ brought both hands around your head and rested her palms over your collarbones. You shivered as the cold metal fell against your heated skin, failing to ignore the way JJ had paused to let the small gem dangle between your breasts. 
Her warm breath grazed your neck, and you could feel the tip of her nose press against the underside of your ear. Arousal bubbled low in your stomach, fizzling beneath the fluttering butterflies that had claimed your body as their play place, and a week without JJ’s touch suddenly started feeling a lot more like years. You craved her kisses, her hands, her tongue keeping you vocal from between your legs. The memories were coming waves, pulling you backwards both physically and metaphorically to JJ. 
Finally, the necklace was dragged along your chest, and JJ leaned back to clasp it shut. The brief reprieve from the mounting traction you felt towards the woman behind you was, unfortunately, short-lived, and it wasn't long before the soft pad of fingers grazed the line of your jaw. The touch was light and easy to dissuade if you so chose. You could push against the angling of your head and remain an unwilling participant in this nefarious scheme JJ was conjuring up. 
Instead, you closed your eyes and allowed JJ to guide your face to hers. 
The air was thick, and silence rang through the room, disrupted only by your bated breath and hastening heartbeat. A kiss ghosted over your parted lips. All it would take to bridge the gap between you was one minute move forward. 
She smelt like beef and bean sprouts and burning desire, but you knew the taste of lips only promised regret. 
With one long exhale, you pulled away. 
“I should put the food away,” you announced, leaning forward to grab the plates and cutlery off the coffee table. Standing and moving to the kitchen, you didn't look back, too focused on berating yourself between stilled breaths. 
You’d been in your apartment long enough to know the water always ran cold for a few seconds before eventually shifting to a temperature sufficient to clean your dishes. However, this didn’t stop you from plunging your hands under the icy waters. It was a needed relief, and the pull back to reality was instant, allowing you to see the mistake you’d almost made. Still, the feel of JJ’s lips haunted you. 
Her presence was felt more than ever as she appeared behind you, and you hoped, for the umpteenth time, that your better judgment would emerge victorious in the fight against clouded lust. But your restraint was pulled taut and on the brink of snapping. You knew if JJ pushed, you’d break. 
For someone consumed by thoughts of another, you paid little mind to the person in question, leaving yourself vulnerable and ripe for the taking. 
The tap spluttered, and a messy display of steaming water burst through the faucet. The shock pulled you from your anxieties, though another surprise awaited you when JJ crept up closer behind you, sliding her hands around your waist and resting them over your belly. 
“I can help,” she whispered hotly into your ear.
Your full-bodied shiver left JJ feeling emboldened. Her fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt. Her wicked smirk pressed against your neck. And her chest pressed firm against your back, locking you in place with the edge of the sink cutting into your hips. 
The trail of her fingers against your stomach was scorching, never settling on one spot long before moving to another. Too lost in the sensations coaxing your body into a state of relaxation, you scarcely reacted to JJ flipping you around and settling your thighs over the soft curve of the sink. 
Her tongue slid into your mouth with a sense of urgency as she savoured the taste of you with languid strokes, moans vibrating from her chest and tunnelling down into your throat. 
You held both hands to JJ’s chest, applying enough pressure to push her away, maintaining it to prevent her from getting close again. You couldn’t do this. Not again. “It’s late, and we’ve both got to get up early for work tomorrow.” 
Even if this was for the best, it was hard not to leave caution to the wind, take JJ’s hand and guide her straight to her bedroom, especially when she looked so much like a kicked puppy with the pout she was sporting. 
“I’ll see you Saturday,” you said with a sorrowful smile, jumping down and ushering her towards the door. “And JJ?”
She turned instantly, looking half-ready to run back into your apartment before her smile faltered, “Yes?” 
“Thank you for tonight.” You dug your chin into your chest, peering down at your newly acquired necklace. “And this, and the food, and the flowers,” you tried hard not to choke on your own words, “and well, everything.” 
“I’d do anything for you.” 
There was so much sincerity in the way JJ had said it. It left no space for doubt. The only problem was that she seemed pained by the admission, so much so her eyes looked glassy and far off. 
You wanted to ask her what she meant, why she seemed so saddened by her own words, but by the time you found your voice, she was gone. 
Taglist: @sincerestlove @hot4milfs @chestnutninny @theoneforhobbies @lez-talk1 @obsessedwjill @wastdstime @hopelesslyfallenninlove @luna7-7 @fanficreadinglesbian @ara-a-bird @blueredg52 @blkmxrvel @allofphii @coffee-is-my-oxygen @marinawolf @iheartdilfssss @spencerreidsknee @adainesfroggieboggy | Click here to be added to the series taglist
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charmingly-helpless · 7 months ago
pairing: jennifer jareau x fem!reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff. mostly smut, dirty smut. i need water
word count: 1534
Read on AO3
JJ’s lithe fingers brushed her overgrown bangs out of her eyes as she stood taking in the sight of her baby peacefully asleep on your chest. A part of her felt bad that she called you over after you had just returned from a long and tiring case, but she was beyond thankful for the help after she failed to calm Henry down for hours on end. Plus, how could she stay sad while she was watching the two people she loved snuggling together?
JJ quietly snuck over to take a seat next to you on the couch, resting her cheek on your shoulder.
“I owe you,” she rasped tiredly. “What would I do without you?”
“You don’t ever have to think about that,” you replied softly, “and I’m your girlfriend, I told you I’m in this with you and Henry—you definitely do not owe me for this.”
With a weary sigh, JJ nuzzled her head into the crook of your neck. 
“Well, too bad… I was going to reward you,” the blonde murmured, the corner of her mouth twitching up in the ghost of a smile.
A hot blush filled your cheeks.
“Mhm.” JJ looked down, making sure Henry was out. “Want that reward now?”
You wordlessly got off the couch and beelined to the nursery, depositing Henry into his crib. You left the newborn with a soft kiss on his forehead and a whisper of “I love you” before heading to JJ’s bedroom, where she was sitting at the foot of the bed, looking more exhausted than before.
A low hum fell from JJ’s lips as she looked up at you, her blue hues flicking between your eyes and your lips. She reached out and hugged your waist, tugging you closer.
“You don’t have to do anything, baby. You need your sleep,” you said softly, knowing that she hadn’t been getting a full night’s sleep since Henry was born.
JJ sighs. “No, no. I want you. I need you. I need to feel you.”
You hummed lowly at the light kisses she was peppering against the skin of your hips. You picked her up and moved to the middle of the bed, gently lowering her down.
“Let me do the work, hm?” you murmured.
A shiver ran up JJ’s spine as she felt your breath against her skin, goosebumps rising across her arms as your caresses moved down her body. 
“Please,” she whispers. 
You pulled her clothes off, tossing it to the side and lowering your lips to trail kisses from her neck to her hips. Once you were hovering right over where she needed you, you placed little nips at the soft plush of her thighs, feeling her squirm.
“Please touch me,” JJ whimpered, her eyes fluttering shut as her hips arched up to meet you. Her body tingled with need as you continued to tease her.
“What do you need?”
JJ took a ragged breath. “Your mouth, please. I need—”
You placed an open-mouthed kiss over her core, feeling her warmth against your tongue. JJ broke off in a soft moan as you wrapped an arm around each thigh to hold her in place. Your tongue moved against her, adjusting your ministrations based on her moans and the arches of her back.
A sharp bolt of pleasure shot through the blonde’s body igniting every nerve. She couldn’t stop her moans, prompting you to reach up and cover her mouth with a hand.
You took a quick breath of air before diving back down, pressing the tip of your nose against her throbbing clit while your tongue thrust into her. JJ whimpered as you worked your magic, bringing her closer to the edge. Her thighs trembled with every swirl of your tongue, and within seconds she came undone with a strangled moan.
You continued to lap at her, greedily drinking up every last drop of her. You finally pulled away with the lower half of your face smeared with her slick and moved up to kiss her. JJ melted into the kiss, arms wrapping around your neck to pull you impossibly closer. She could taste herself on your tongue, sending another wave of arousal crashing into her. She bit down gently on your bottom lip, her hips rolling against you as she moaned.
“I need more,” she whispered, her voice coming out as a whine, “I need your strap, please, baby.”
Your pupils expanded at her words in addition to the sight of her underneath you. You grabbed the strap out of the bedside table, stripping yourself of your clothes and doing up the harness all while JJ watched you with attentive eyes. Your body hummed with excitement as you climbed back on top of her, pulling her hips closer to yours. JJ captured your lips in a hungry, open-mouthed kiss. 
With your hand you guided the strap to swipe over her slick folds, pulling a moan from her lips. JJ’s hips arched into your touch, her fingers digging into your shoulders. 
“God, you tease,” she whined, head falling against the pillows.
You smiled and pushed the whole length of the toy into her, making her gasp. Her legs parted immediately as her hands fisted the bedsheets.
“Y/N,” she whispered like a prayer. “Move, please.”
You pushed your hips back and forth, starting at a steady pace. One hand pinned the blonde’s hips to the bed while the other lovingly raked through the strands of hair sprawled across the pillow like a halo. JJ looked angelic underneath you, and you swear your heart physically aches in your chest from how much love you were feeling.
“Oh, god, yes. Just like that, baby,” JJ said through ragged breaths.
You leaned down to suckle the skin on her neck, leaving light hickeys. Your hips kept the pace, thrusts slow but powerful, passionate. You groaned in her ear. 
“You are so beautiful, Jen.”
Every kiss, every touch, every thrust drew a soft moan from JJ, the sounds of her pleasure in the air around you. JJ’s hands flew to your back, legs wrapped around your hips to pull you closer, deeper.
“You feel so good.”
“You’re such a good girl for me, baby,” you praised her, making her quiver.
“Yes, yes,” JJ panted. “I’m your good girl, all yours.”
You moaned softly at her words. The toy on your end was stimulating your clit, driving you closer to your climax, and you knew JJ was too.
“Come whenever you want, baby,” you told her, “it’s all yours.”
As you picked up the pace, JJ’s body shook with overwhelming pleasure. She’s close, so close, your words bringing her over the edge. You moved your hand to press on JJ’s lower belly, feeling the strap going in and out of her, causing you to throw your head back as you came undone.
JJ’s body arched at the pressure of your hand, a strangled moan leaving her kiss-swollen lips as she fell apart. The sight of you climaxing was what pushed her over the edge into glorious pleasure.
You continued your thrusts to draw out JJ’s orgasm. Eventually, JJ fell against the bed completely spent and you pulled out the strap and took off the harness. You tossed it on top of your pile of clothes to be dealt with in the morning and collapsed onto the bed with JJ.
JJ used the last of her strength to move herself on top of you, cuddling into your warm body.
“I love you,” she murmured as she melted into your chest.
You pressed a tender kiss to her sweaty forehead. “I love you, too.”
JJ sighed, kissing the underside of your jaw. “God, I needed that. Thank you.”
“Get some sleep, baby. Don’t worry about Henry; I’ve got him.”
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The first rays of sunlight crept through the curtains, slowly lighting up the room little by little.
JJ stirred slightly, a soft hum falling from her lips as she came to. She blinked blearily, slowly processing her surroundings. It took her a moment to remember the night before, but when she did, a sleepy smile pulled at her lips.
She rolled over to find you asleep beside her, the sight causing her smile to widen. She takes a moment to watch you, to take in every detail of you laid out in her bed like this.
You were pulled out of dreamland by fingers running through your hair. Your eyes opened to the most beautiful sight of the blonde in bed with you, the morning sunlight glowing across her features.
“Hey. Did Henry wake up again?”
JJ shook her head, her hand continuing to card through your hair in a soothing motion.
“No, he hasn’t yet. You were up all night with him, hm?”
“It’s okay. You needed your rest, and I wanted to do that for you.”
JJ smiled softly. “You didn’t have to. But I really appreciate it.”
A comfortable silence lingered between the two of you as you shared a peaceful moment. JJ’s eyes crinkled in a smile as she looked into your eyes. “You have no idea how happy you make me.”
“You are happiness, Jennifer Jareau.”
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years ago
jj and emily advocating for readers needs when traveling for the cm blurbs? whether at police precincts or restaurants or whatever is up to you! please and thanks <3
(ps take care of yourself!)
Emily and JJ help advocate for readers needs when traveling
CW: eating, resturants
The entire team was exhausted and hangry. Anyone would be after working on a case for three days straight with little progress; three days running off coffee, vending machine snacks, and almost no sleep. Hotch finally decided that it was time for a break- a good night of rest and an actual meal before starting back in the morning.
You wanted nothing more than to go to the hotel and order take-out, but the lead detective stepped in before you could say anything. "I know the guy who own the pub down the street. Tell him who you are and have him put it on the department tab."
That's how you ended up with the rest of the team, waiting to get seated at a table. You weren't sure if the exhaustion was amplifying your senses, or if it was causing your mask to slip.
"We've got seats open at the bar," the hostess said. "I don't think a table will be open for another hour."
You felt yourself tense. It was already difficult enough to be at a resturant, but sitting at the bar would make everything worse. You didn't even catch that Emily had taken one look at the panic on your face before saying, "No, you guys go ahead" and then guiding you gently outside.
She helped you sit on the curb and your panic began to settle. The cool night air felt almost clensing- as if it could wash away the noise, and the dirty looks when you fidgeted, and the confusion at strange jokes.
"Thanks, Em," you said quietly. She nodded in understanding, not wanting to interrupt the quiet. "I-I don't want to- you can-"
"We've got it taken care of," Emily said gently.
Before you had time to be confused, JJ came out of the resturant and approached the two of you.
"You ready to go?" she asked. She held up a bag with three take-out boxes. "I got your favorite."
Relief spread through your body, which was already so tired you thought you might collapse underneath you without warning. A simple nod was all it took for the three of you to be on your way to the quiet and cozy hotel to have dinner in peace before getting some much-needed rest.
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jjsmaybank20 · 2 years ago
Okay y'all!
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reidmarieprentiss · 7 months ago
masterlist ♡
my requests are open! i'm comfortable writing for any sexuality, gender, and/or specified reader preference! my basic model is a fem!reader x male!character because that is how i myself identify and who i am attracted to -- so if you want something else just lmk!! <33
click here for my taglist :) and here for the continued masterlist !
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꩜ -- angst ♡ -- fluff ꕥ -- smut
Spencer Reid
★ Bridges to Belonging ꩜ ♡ ꕥ— Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six (18+) Part Seven (18+)
★ Finding Home Again ꩜ ♡ ꕥ— Part One Part Two (18+)
-- -- -- Extras -- Jeans ♡ ꕥ Migraines ꩜ ♡ Bar ♡ Stood Up ꩜
★ i love you ꩜ ♡ ꕥ— Part One Part Two
★ Short Shorts & Long Hair ꩜ ♡— Part One Part Two
★ Too Sweet ꩜ ♡ ꕥ — Part One Part Two Part Three
★ Make You Feel My Love ꩜ — Part One Part Two Part Three
★ Something Better ꩜ — Part One Part Two
★ Breaking Point ꩜ ♡ — Part One Part Two
★ Too Damn Young ꩜ ♡ ꕥ — Part One Part Two
★ Red ꩜ ♡ ꕥ — Part One Part Two
★ Lost in Translation ꩜ ♡ ꕥ — Prologue Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four
One Shots
Whispers in the Dark ꩜ ♡ ꕥ
Set 'Em Up, and Knock 'Em Down ꩜ ꕥ
Needy ♡ ꕥ
Capturing the Queen ♡ ꕥ
Sweet & Sour Motivation ꩜ ♡ ꕥ
Moving Forward ꩜ ♡
Love in the Club ♡ ꕥ
Lost & Found ꩜ ♡
Strawberry Lemonade ♡
Not Her ꩜ ♡
Ghost of You ꩜ ♡ ꕥ
Textual Tension ♡ ꕥ
Hookups & Holdouts ꩜ ♡
Better Late Than Never ♡
Illicit Affairs ꩜ ♡
No More Misunderstandings ♡
Forever & Always ꩜ ♡ ꕥ
Depollute Me ♡
Say Don't Go ꩜ ♡
Oops: Wrong Person ♡ ꕥ
Don't Get In Your Own Way ♡ ꕥ
Silent Echos ꩜
Second Chances and Serendipity ♡
Ink Impressions ♡
Love in the Details ♡
The Hardest Goodbye ꩜
Ride 'Em Cowgirl ♡
Home in Jeans ♡ ꕥ
Car Wash ♡
They Were Never You ꩜ ♡
Rewritten Plans ꩜ ♡
Dare Ya ♡
Cream Cardigan ♡
Picture You ♡
Tummy ꩜ ♡
Home with Migraines ꩜ ♡
Matchmaker ♡
Always You ꩜ ♡
Home From The Bar ♡
Bedroom Eyes ♡
Federal Beach Investigation ♡
Stood Up & Home ꩜
Good Boy ꕥ
The Profile of Attraction ♡
A Reid Christmas ♡
Call Me Dad ♡
Talk to Me ꩜
Quickie? ♡
First Time For Everything ♡
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vigilante-3073 · 23 days ago
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Summary: Y/N suffers from POTS and experiences a fainting spell at work, luckily Spencer is there to catch her.
TW: Mentions of medical conditions/fainting, medical terms, pre-established relationship.
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Y/N had been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome just under a year ago. She had been experiencing symptoms for quite a while before her diagnosis and it felt like everything finally made sense. Y/N had been managing her condition well up until this point, but she still had bad days.
Y/N was a member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit and she was a profiler. She didn't carry a gun, her intellect was her weapon and she liked it that way. Guns had always made her uncomfortable and Y/N preferred to be behind the scenes instead of on the front line.
Y/N continued to add to a relatively impressive knowledge base over the years, adding degrees in relevant fields. Y/N currently possessed Doctorates in Abnormal Psychology and Behavioral Psychology, she had a Degree in both Criminology and Criminal Psychology. She also had a Graduate degree in Criminal Justice and was working on getting her Bachelor's degree in Child Psychology.
Her resume was impressive and Gideon hired her on the spot, he knew that she could contribute a large wealth of knowledge to the team.
Y/N clicked with Spencer quickly and they became inseparable as time went on. They sat beside each other in the bullpen and talked every day without fail.
It took three years of working together before Spencer was finally able to admit that he had feelings for her. Spencer asked her out on a date, taking her to dinner at their favorite restaurant before watching a movie at the theater.
It was perfect and they had been together since.
Y/N and Spencer had always done their best to keep their relationship separate from their work life. Y/N tended to be a rather private person and Spencer was completely on board with following her lead on the matter.
Hotch was the only one who knew about their relationship, they informed him and human resources but kept things between them for the most part.
Spencer could definitely see a future with Y/N, he knew that they would have to tell the team at some point but it was nice to have this one thing be entirely their's. It was hard work to keep a secret from a group of people who made skilled observations for a living.
Since they started dating, Spencer had become rather skilled at noticing when her condition was giving her a rough time. Y/N had learned that standing for long periods of time, being in hot places, strenuous exercise and changing positions too quickly had the biggest effect on her. Her heart would race and her blood pressure would plummet which could lead her to get incredibly dizzy or even lose consciousness.
Spencer always made sure to monitor her fluid and salt intake, offering snacks to her throughout the day to make sure she was alright. He was incredibly caring and went about it in a way that didn't make her feel like it was a chore to him.
Y/N made her way into the briefing room, taking her seat at the table beside Spencer. Hotch followed closely behind her, sitting down and opening his file. Garcia went through the briefing, clicking through the crime scene photos as she went over the case.
"Alright, we need to get to Texas. Wheels up in thirty," Hotch stated, closing his file and standing up.
The team followed after him, closing their case files and exiting the conference room to get their bags. Spencer stood up, holding his copy of the file with his bag slung over his shoulder, lingering by the table as he waited for Y/N.
Y/N stood up from her seat, closing her eyes as a sudden wave of dizziness hit her. She swayed on her feet, Spencer dropped his bag and file, stepping forward quickly. He wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his other hand on her head and holding her close to his chest.
"Spencer," She mumbled, heart pounding in her chest as she lost consciousness.
Her knees buckled and her body leaned heavily into his chest, Spencer eased her down to the floor carefully. He laid her on her back, shrugging off his blazer and laying it over her body.
Spencer pulled a chair over, elevating her legs to help the blood return to her heart. He shifted back over to her head, sitting by her side and providing silent support as he waited for her to come back around.
Spencer's fingers settled on her wrist, fingers resting on her pulse and finding himself shocked at how high her heart rate was. Garcia made her way back into the room, she gasped softly when she saw her coworkers on the floor.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Garcia asked, Spencer nodded.
"She has a condition. When she stands up to fast, her heart rate speeds up and her blood pressure drops," Spencer stated.
"Do we need to call an ambulance?" Garcia asked, Spencer shook his head.
"She'll be fine. Just takes her a minute to come back around," Spencer assured.
"I can get her some water if that would help," Garcia offered.
"That would be great. Thank you," Spencer stated, she nodded and rushed back out of the room.
Spencer looked down at Y/N, he could feel her heart beat returning to normal. Y/N shifted, eyes fluttering open as she stared up at him.
"You're okay," He assured with a gentle smile.
Y/N shifted, settling her legs on the floor and sitting up slowly. She made a soft noise, closing her eyes as her vision swam once again.
Spencer shifted up behind her, gently guiding her body back to rest against his chest, "Don't rush," He said.
Her head dropped back onto his shoulder, her eyes drifting closed, "I don't feel good," She mumbled.
"I'm sorry... Garcia is getting you some water and I have a couple snacks in my bag," Spencer offered.
"Did Garcia see me pass out?" Y/N asked softly.
"No, it was just you and me in here. She came in after," Spencer said, Y/N nodded.
Garcia made her way into the conference room, "Oh, honeybunch, you're back. I brought you some water," Garcia said, holding out the cup of water.
Spencer took the cup from her hand, holding it up for Y/N and allowing her to take a sip, "Can you pass me my bag? I have some snacks for her in there," Spencer said.
Garcia nodded, moving around the table and grabbing Spencer's bag from the back of his chair. She carried it over and set it on the floor beside him.
Spencer set the cup down, unzipping his bag and sifting around the contents before he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a granola bar and a packet of salt, he reached in front of Y/N and tore open the packet.
Spencer lifted the pack up, dumping the salt onto her tongue before quickly passing her the glass of water.
Y/N grimaced, taking the cup and drinking the rest of the water. Spencer picked up the granola bar, "Do you want a snack now? Or do you want to wait?" He asked.
"Wait," She stated, he nodded and put the granola bar back into his bag.
"How do you feel?" Garcia asked.
"Awful, but it'll pass," Y/N answered.
"Do you want me to tell Hotch? I'm sure you can help over video chat if you stay behind," Garcia offered.
"No, I'm fine, Garcia. It just takes me a minute," Y/N assured.
"Did you eat breakfast?" Spencer questioned.
Y/N hesitated, "I was running late this morning," She said softly.
"We can pick something up for you on the way to the plane," Spencer said, Y/N nodded.
"Do you think you're ready to get up? Or do you want to sit for a bit longer?" Spencer asked, his hand absent-mindedly rubbing over the skin of her bicep.
"I think I'm okay," Y/N said.
Spencer stood up from behind her, moving around and holding out his hands to her. Y/N settled her hands in his, allowing him to pull her to her feet slowly.
"You okay?" He asked, looking down at her.
Y/N nodded, Spencer bent down and picked up his blazer from the floor. He grabbed his case file and his bag, slinging the strap over his shoulder. Spencer rested his hand on Y/N's back and guided her out of the conference room.
Garcia watched them leave, a small smile settling on her face as she watched how gentle he was with her. Her face suddenly fell, "Oh my god," She muttered.
The case went by quickly and everyone returned to Quantico, settling at their desks and completing their paperwork. Y/N filled out her documents easily, pen gliding across the page as she worked.
Spencer looked over at her, watching her work for a moment before his gaze quickly swept the room for any prying eyes.
His eyes returned to Y/N, he leaned over slightly, "Hey, Y/N," He called softly.
Y/N looked over at him, "Do you want to get dinner together after we're done?" He asked.
"I'd love to," She smiled.
"Okay," Spencer nodded, smiling back at her.
The pair returned to their work quietly, completing their reports and turning them in before packing up.
Y/N pulled on her coat and purse, waiting for Spencer before the pair walked out of the bullpen together. They stepped into the elevator and Y/N pressed the button for the main level, the couple chatted about restaurants during the ride down.
Y/N and Spencer made their way out of the building and into the parking garage. Spencer followed Y/N to her car, he looked around the parking structure before he took Y/N's hand in his. Spencer slowed to a stop, giving her hand a gentle tug.
Y/N turned to face him, "What are you doing?" She questioned.
He shrugged, taking a step closer to her and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. Y/N's eyes fluttered shut, smiling up at him as he pulled away.
"What was that for?" She questioned.
"I just love you," Spencer shrugged.
"I love you too," Y/N replied, adjusting the collar of his coat.
"No way!" Someone yelled.
Spencer turned to see Morgan approaching them with a wide grin, "Garcia told me you guys were together and I thought she was full of it. I thought there was no way that pretty boy actually made a move. Then I see you two smooching away out here," Morgan teased.
"I guess the cat's out of the bag," Spencer said.
"I guess so," Y/N nodded.
"How long has the cat been in the bag exactly?" Morgan asked.
"Year and a half," Spencer shrugged.
"You kept this a secret for over a year? I'm impressed," Morgan nodded.
"I just didn't want to make things awkward within the team," Y/N stated.
"Are you kidding? There's been a betting pool for years about when you two would finally get together," Morgan said.
"Are you serious? Who bet?" Spencer asked.
Morgan hesitated, "Pretty much everyone," He said.
"I can't believe it," Y/N said, shaking her head with a soft smile.
"So, now that everyone knows about you two," Morgan started.
"Wait, everyone?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, obviously, Garcia was the first one to figure it out. She told anyone who'd listen," Morgan said.
Y/N's cheeks flushed, "I was wondering if the rest of the team and I could join you two for dinner. Meal is on Emily because she won the bet," Morgan offered.
Spencer looked over at Y/N, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze before returning his attention to their friend.
"That would be great," He nodded.
"Perfect! I'll let the people know," Morgan smiled, turning around and making his way back to the office.
Y/N shook her head, "All that because you couldn't wait to kiss me until we got home," She teased.
"I would kiss you every minute of every day if I could," Spencer stated.
"I love you," Y/N said, leaning in and giving him another gentle kiss before pulling away.
"I didn't expect our relationship to cause such a stir in the office, but I'm glad it's out in the open now," Spencer said, Y/N nodded.
"Wait until they find out we've been living together for six months. They'll lose their minds," Y/N smiled.
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rynbutt · 11 months ago
pierced. pt. 3 | spencer reid.
Spencer wanted this date to go perfectly, he wanted to treat you like a princess and maybe even land a second date... but why is Hotch calling?
pt. 1 | pt. 2 | pt. 4
cw: fem!reader, kissing, slight angst, fluffy
a/n: kicking my feet fr
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You started getting ready two hours earlier than you normally would.
Sure, you had been on dates before, but you could confidently say you’d never been this excited to go on a date before. You’d been on the odd blind date that your friend from back home set up, but they usually went as well as you’d expect a date with a misogynistic frat boy with mommy issues to go… not great. After Spencer had walked you home, and called to ask you out for dinner, you were utterly giddy. 
You barely got any sleep that night, your mind and heart racing a mile a minute thinking about the kiss you shared outside your apartment building. You spent the most of the afternoon picking out an outfit, staring at your body in the mirror while you turned side on, front on, side on again to make sure your ass looked good (it did).
You asked Spencer to tell you where he was taking you, because you really didn’t want to be underdressed or overdressed. He insisted it was nothing fancy but a man’s idea of fancy and a woman’s idea of fancy are very different things.
You picked something that felt like the best of both worlds, a semi-formal mini dress and dressed down with your favourite knitted cardigan. You spent the rest of the afternoon getting ready, styling your hair, picking jewellery and shoes and doing your makeup. 
You had been excited the whole day but as 6pm got closer and closer, you started to get nervous. It had been a while since you’d gone on a date with someone you felt you really liked and wanted to impress, it was a strange feeling.
Spencer knocked on your door at exactly 6pm. You were in the middle of pulling applying your lipgloss when he knocked. You cursed quietly to yourself, thinking you had way more time than you actually did. You’d hoped he’d be at least a little bit late. He was a genius though, punctuality was kind of his thing. 
You almost tripped over your shoes running to the front door, a cleaning task you would tackle when you got home. You pulled the door open with a smile beaming across your face. Your heart fluttered at the sight of Spencer’s precious face peeking over a bouquet of pink tulips.
“Hi,” he said softly with a tight lipped smile. He held the tulips out toward you, “for you.”
“Spencer…” you pouted at the gesture, taking the tulips from his grasp. “They’re so beautiful.”
“Garcia said flowers would make a good impression,” he lied, he actually read a considerable amount of articles and first date guides all day at work. But Garcia did help him pick the flowers.
“Well, she was right. Tulips are my favourite,” you grinned, turning back into your apartment to find and fill a vase. “Come in, I won’t be a minute, I just need to put my shoes on and grab my purse.”
Spencer awkwardly stepped into your apartment, glancing around at the now fully decorated space, a far cry from what it looked like just 3 weeks ago. You quickly went to put your shoes on and put some money, your lipgloss and perfume in your purse. You closed the door to your bedroom and paused, staring at Spencer as he squatted down and rubbed Tofu’s belly.
“Made a new friend?” You asked.
Spencer smiled with utter delight, “She’s so fluffy.”
You giggled at Spencer’s response, grabbing the keys for your apartment off the kitchen counter. Spencer dusted the cat fur off his pants before spinning on his heel to face you, “ready to go?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. You stepped closer until you were just in front of him, you reached up and adjusted his tie gently. “You look very handsome.”
His cheeks felt hot, “T-thank you… You-! You look really nice too- beautiful! You look beautiful…” he stammered, exaggeratedly gesturing at your appearance.
You giggled softly, “thank you, Spence… Shall we?”
“Yes, yes, right,” he replied, quickly scurrying to the door to open it for you.
The two of you made your way down to his car and he made a point to run ahead of you when you left your apartment building to open his passenger door for you. He was intensely determined to be a gentleman, wanting to give you a good impression so maybe you’d go on another date with him, maybe even come to Rossi’s dinner party next week. But he was getting ahead of himself, he should probably focus on the road.
“...So where are you taking me?” You asked, glancing out the car window at the city speeding by. 
“It’s one of my favourite places,” he replied, hands nervously gripping the wheel. “I… hope you like it.”
“I’m just happy to spend time with you, Spencer… We could sit on the pavement outside a seven eleven and I’d be thrilled,” you grinned, folding your hands in your lap as you watched him glance at you. You watched him for a moment, chuckling to yourself whenever he would glance down at your lap then clear his throat.
Spencer was really trying to keep his eyes on the road, but your plush thighs in the corner of his eye were proving to be very distracting. He had never had a pretty girl in his passenger seat before, especially not a girl he was taking on a date. 
Spencer drove for maybe 30 minutes before he pulled into a parking lot. Once he parked, he quickly got out of the car and did a little run around the front to open your door for you, reaching to help you out of his car.
Spencer held his elbow out for you and you linked arms, your hand gently holding his upper arm. There was a long line up outside the restaurant, people talking and laughing, clearly it was a popular spot. Spencer was stiff with nervousness, his hands clammy as you leaned your temple against his shoulder.
“You okay?” You questioned gently.
He nodded quickly, “Yeah, just… I’ve never been on a proper date before.”
You pouted, “well don’t be nervous. I’m only here for you, Spence. I’m sure it’ll be perfect.”
Spencer’s phone suddenly rang in his jacket pocket. You quickly let go of his arm as he pulled it out of his pocket, staring at Hotch’s caller ID. He hesitated for a moment, knowing it was work and he would likely have to leave. Spencer looked at you with such sadness and disappointment in his eyes.
“Work?” You asked softly.
“Yeah… But I-”
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you smiled sadly. “Your job’s important.”
Spencer sighed before stepping away from the line and answering the call. You couldn’t hear what he was saying but he sounded upset given his gestures and frantic running of his hand through his hair. After a minute he hung up, slipping his phone in his pocket. He looked at you sadly, opening his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“It’s okay, Spencer,” you held his face softly. “You go, I’ll get a cab, okay? And when you get back you can tell me all about how you kicked ass, okay?”
Spencer breathed out a laugh and nodded timidly, “Okay.”
“Go,” you said, letting go of his face as he quickly darted away to his car. He was almost out of sight when you watched him turn back, running back to you. He quickly planted a kiss on your lips, breathing hard against you. You smiled against his lips and held his cheek in your hand. He pulled away just as fast, your lipgloss smeared along his lips. You wiped it off with your thumb, “okay, now go.”
“I’ll call you,” he breathed, kissing your cheek quickly before running off.
It killed him leaving you there. Spencer wasn’t someone who got angry that easily but he was in a bad mood about this. He charged through the bullpen that night like a bulldozer, ready to set fire to anyone who dared ask him ‘how he was’. Morgan, JJ and Emily sensed the crankiness the moment Spencer pulled his chair out and sat down with a thud, crossing his arms angrily. 
“Rough night, lover boy?” Morgan asked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Wasn’t much of a night at all, really,” Spencer retorted with an attitude.
“Woah, woah, what happened?” Emily questioned, eyes narrowing at Spencer.
“I had a date, okay? That girl you met last night? Y/N? I was taking her to my favourite restaurant and then Hotch called and I-” Spencer had to stop himself before he blew up. His lips formed a tight line as he stared at the table, not daring to look up.
“Aw, Spence…” JJ sighed, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t help,” Spencer mumbled. He spent the rest of their meeting in a foul mood, barely listening to JJ as she listed the details of their next case. They were never usually called in on their days off but after almost twenty bodies, the BAU had a lot cut out for them.
“We’ll leave in two hours,” Hotch dismissed. Spencer was first up, grabbing the small stack of files and pushing toward the door to go to his desk. Morgan and Emily looked at each other, sharing a look of disbelief over Spencer’s crankiness. 
Spencer sat at his desk pushing his pen around, barely touching the cup of sugar with a splash of coffee that JJ got for him. All he could think about was how you probably wouldn’t talk to him again after this, he knew this job came with sacrifices, but he just wanted one thing, one thing, to himself.
“You okay, Reid?” Penelope asked softly. 
Spencer glanced up at her, letting out a sigh, “I was on a date with Y/N before this… We didn’t even get to sit down.”
Penelope’s shoulders slumped at his words, “I’m sure you’ll be able to make it up to her,” she said hopefully. 
Spencer nodded slowly, “I hope so.”
Penelope stepped away to answer a phone call and Spencer was left feeling sorry for himself at his desk for the next 30 minutes, going through his mind the different things he could say or do to make it up to you. Maybe he should call you? Text you? Drop by when he gets back? Or maybe he could buy you another cat as a peace offering-
“Is this seat taken?”
Spencer’s head shot up from his desk, coming face to face with you, your hand resting on the empty chair by his desk.
“Y/N? What are you-”
“I called Penelope,” you answered, “She told me you weren’t leaving for another hour so… I thought I’d bring dinner?”
You held out a plastic bag of take away food from the restaurant he took you to. You asked Penelope what his favourite thing on the menu was and bought some extra for yourself. Spencer looked like a kicked puppy as he stared up at you in disbelief.
He stood up and quickly hugged you, making you chuckle at the sudden affection. You felt your face heat up at all the eyes suddenly on you and Spencer. Morgan whooped from his desk, cheering loudly and obnoxiously, prompting Spencer to pull away from you.
“I’m so sorry,” Spencer whispered.
“You don’t have to apologise, Spence,” you replied. “You love your job and it’s important,” you shrugged, placing the plastic bag on his desk.
“God, you’re so sweet it’s killing me,” Emily grumbled, walking by with a fresh cup of coffee. She pointed at Spencer, brows raised, “keep her.”
You and Spencer shared a laugh before he pulled a chair over closer to his for you. You sat down and pulled your takeaway dinner from the plastic bag, letting Spencer tell you all about the restaurant and why this specific meal was his absolute favourite. His knees brushed against yours under his desk and he just revelled in the comfort of your company.
“So, what’s your new case?” You asked, taking a sip of your drink.
“Uh, well,” he trailed off.
“You can’t tell me, huh?” You chuckled.
“Not really, sorry,” he replied. “I’m sure it’ll be on the news tomorrow.”
“Right, well. I’m sure deep down I don’t really wanna know,” you shrugged.
He nodded, “the cases we work aren’t exactly pleasant.” Spencer sighed, “I wish we could have actually had a date.”
“This is a date,” you replied. “Is it not?”
“Well… I mean, it’s just not what I wanted for our first date.”
“Like I said Spence, you could take me to a seven eleven and I’d have a blast,” you chuckled, reaching over to run a thumb across his cheek. “You can make it up to be on our second date.”
Spencer quickly looked at you, “Second date?”
“Yeah… only if you want to?”
“Yes, yeah. I want to,” he replied almost too fast. You smiled sweetly at him, a piece of your hair falling from behind your ear. Oh yeah, he’s done for.
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a/n: had you in the first half, didn't i... dare i say you've pierced his heart, HAHAHAH
taglist: @crazycat-ladys-blog @cillsnostalgia @secretly-tumb1r
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pathologicalreid · 7 months ago
for the fear of falling apart - masterlist
you've always had a picturesque idea of how your life would turn out. finding out that your sister is in love with your boyfriend wasn't part of that picture.
completed series
re: a rewrite of the jeid plotline from season 15 of criminal minds, featuring spencer reid x jareau!reader, goes from 14x15 "truth or dare" through 15x10 "and in the end"
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part one
↳ after hearing her gunpoint confession, your sister pressures you into airing your grievances at Rossi's wedding
part two
↳ returning to Everett Lynch's case, you try to redefine normalcy with Spencer and JJ, but Grace Lynch has other plans for you
part three
↳ when it seems like a return to normalcy is impossible, you decide that something has to give, but will it bend or will it break?
part four
↳ you missed the paperwork that said joining the BAU meant having an unstable personal life, and Cat Adams is dedicated to making sure you know nothing is ever private
part five
↳ there's one last chance for everything to fall apart, but this time you aren't at the center of disaster - Spencer is
↳ good things come to those who wait, and you're finally getting your happy ending
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taglist: i've had a lot of people ask to be tagged and i'm trying my best to keep up with it, but if you'd like to be tagged, you can comment/reblog this post or my inbox and messages are open! please note that this is just a taglist for this series and not an all encompassing jareau!reader taglist.
a/n: okay so here it is, my goal is to have one part up each week. additionally, i'm telling you all right now that the canon timeline does not exist in this series.
all parts and yap sessions relating to this series are tagged with #ffofa on this blog
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venusbyline · 4 months ago
Reddish ࿐ྂ Kinktober. 11, oct.
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— pairing: Emily Prentiss x girlfriend!reader x Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
— type: smut, Kinktober (Criminal Minds Edition)
— kink: threesome FFF
— summary: You and JJ accidentally woke up Emily during the night and both of you have to apologize to her properly.
— word count: 2.1k
— tags/warnings: kinktober 11th day, female!reader, Jemily!married couple, threesome (female/female/female), throuple, scissoring/tribadism, fingering, oral (female receiving), overstimulation, face-sitting, praise kink, light degradation, squirting, hair-pulling, finger sucking, nipple play, breast worship, butt worship, curse words, argument, safeword (no use), age gap (older women/younger woman), mommy kink, voyeurism, grumpy x sunshine x sunshine, canon divergence, Mistress!Prentiss, Mommy!JJ, dom!Prentiss, switch!JJ, sub!reader. no use of y/n. english is not my first language.
— tagging list: @thatredlipped-classic @purplehaze206 @ehedrick012110 @hotchsmutrecs @slutcakes00 @emma-e-a @helo1281917
— crossposting: AO3
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Emily was sleeping soundly after a stressful case. Her body tense under the covers, her sleep disturbed with random nightmares. Random victims. Random Unsubs. Anything that was bizarre enough for a BAU agent.
She was trying to hold on to her sleep despite the macabre dreams. Bad sleep was still better than nothing. A peaceful night was a gift she had not felt in a long time, and she did not plan on letting it go.
At least not until she heard the soft moans that sounded from the other bed in the hotel room.
Emily huffed, turning to her side and placing the pillow over her face with a failed attempt to remain focused on simply lying down and sleeping. She was not in the mood to listen to you and JJ having fun when she was so tense, when her body was disturbing her due so much stress.
As selfish as it was, Emily wanted the two of you to just shut up so she could go back to sleep, which was impossible when she started hearing the slick sounds of your pussy rubbing together with JJ's. "You guys are so fucking annoying, you know that?" The older agent grunted, gripping the pillow tighter, finding it increasingly impossible to muffle the sounds when the other two women seemed so focused on climaxing.
"S-sorry, Mistress..." You managed to whimper, feeling a little bad for waking Emily, but your hands remained on JJ's hips as the blonde spread her legs a little wider to have more flexibility to move herself.
Taking a deep breath, Emily removed the pillow from her face and turned to look at both of you, having a perfect view of JJ smirking to her while holding your leg open, her breasts bouncing as she moved. Emily could not observe you very clearly in that position, but she knew you were lying down and also naked, your hands grabbing JJ's hips and encouraging her to go faster. "You're being too soft on her. I bet she was the one who woke you up just because she couldn't sleep." Emily declared to JJ, who let out a little chuckle, knowing that her wife was right.
"Oh, you know our little girl... always so needy." JJ purred, stopping moving and watching your eyes widen at the break in expectation. You were so close to cum and she just denied you that out of nowhere.
"NO!" You sobbed, trying to rub against her but not being able to get it right underneath her. "Please, Mommy! Please!"
JJ reassured you, stroking the top of your head as she got off of you, your swollen and soaked pussy being quite a sight. She knew how much you needed that orgasm, but she also knew that annoying Emily was not very smart. "You already came once this night, little girl."
Emily rolled her eyes when you whimpered at JJ's argument. "A greedy whore." She grumbled, sitting on the bed and crossing her arms. "You're spoiling her too much. That's why she's like that. Always like a bitch in heat." She did not seem to mind when you lifted your head back, a sad pout on your reddened lips. "Don't give me that look. I was trying to sleep and you woke me up with your pathetic moans."
JJ watched the slight argument between his wife and their girlfriend with some amusement. The blonde stroked your hair for a moment longer before looking at Emily. "You're tense." She argued and Emily snorted, but remained silent, looking away at the room windows. "Now that you're awake, maybe we both should apologize to you for disturbing your sleep."
An excited look appeared on your face as Emily raised an eyebrow, considering the situation for a few seconds before sighing, patting the bed. "Okay, come here."
You got up from JJ's bed quickly, making the blonde laugh as you approached Emily's bed, your body naked, cheeks flushed and hair disheveled. Not even Emily could hide her smile as she caressed your face when you sat down in front of her.
You leaned closer to her hand, pouting sadly when she let go of your face and gestured for JJ to come closer, which her wife did without blinking. When the two of you were already sitting in front of Emily. She pulled JJ by her long hair, grabbing the blonde strands tightly and bringing her wife's lips to hers. You watched it all, rubbing your thighs together as Emily used her other hand to press JJ's breast, the soft skin squeezing and leaving a brief palm-shaped rosy mark.
When Emily left the blonde to look at her again, you let out a sigh when you saw the thread of saliva that connected their lips. "You ate her out." Emily tsked at JJ when she noticed your pussy's taste during the kiss, then turned to you. "Is that how you came the first time, little girl? With Jennifer's pretty lips on that greedy little pussy of yours?"
She said with a mocking tone and you nodded pathetically, opening your legs so the two women could get a view of your pussy, your own fingers beginning to trace circles on your clit to tease Emily further.
"Spoiled cunt..." She growled, hearing your giggle as she grabbed you by the hair too, before ordering. "I want you to eat me out while I taste Jennifer." She warned beforehand and you nodded in anticipation. You do not worry about the possibility of not cumming for the second time that night. You knew Emily too well to know that even if she was annoyed that you had disturbed her sleep, she was not going to deny you an extra orgasm. Emily Prentiss was not as heartless as she pretended to be.
You settled between her legs, pulling her pajama down, smirking at both the lack of panties and the sight of her dark pubic hair glistening with her arousal. Emily lay down and straightened up better, spreading her legs so you could be more comfortable, while JJ stayed next to her for a while, taking off Emily's shirt and kissing her lips for the second time.
You smiled when JJ's fingers connected with Emily's nipples, her breasts fuller than JJ's but with less pointed nipples. When Emily moaned as soon as JJ started caressing her soft mounds, you took that as good encouragement to begin your task. You left soft kisses on Emily's thighs, her skin shivering due the contrast of your mouth on her thigh and the rougher way JJ caressed her.
"Be a good girl and don't tease me..." Emily scolded you with a sigh, grabbing your hair once again so you could get closer to her already wet pussy.
"Did you get horny like that just listening to us scissoring?" You teased, earning a low growl from Emily and a giggle from JJ.
"Don't tease our Mistress." The blonde said, leaning down enough so she could take Emily's pink nipple into her mouth, licking it and looking at her with amused eyes as the older woman sighed with pleasure.
Your tongue teased Emily's wet folds, savoring the sweet taste of her juices that were dripping while JJ sucked Emily's breasts, her face buried there like a starving woman. You ran your lips through the dark hairs, licking up the drippings there before returning to the folds, now focusing on her clit. The little bud was already so swollen that Emily moaned loudly when your lips closed around it, sucking lightly. "Holy shit..." She arched her back upwards, growling when JJ took the opportunity to nibble on her sensitive breast. “You fucking whore.” Emily gripped JJ's long blonde hair, and you watched JJ's teasing actions weaken while you sucked Emily's clit.
"Sorry, Mistress." She whispered hushedly, her mouth now kissing Emily's collarbone apologetically, a more submissive version that only Emily could get out of her.
Instead of answer to her first, Emily turned to you, stroking your hair as you batted your eyelashes, your little mouth now reddish from sucking her clit. "Use your fingers, princess."
The soft pet name made you smile and nodded, resting your lips for a few moments and using your thumb to apply gentle circles there. Emily bit her lip, and played with your hair as if you were her loyal puppy. "Good girl..." She whispered, sticking her fingers inside your mouth so you could close your eyes and suck them for a few minutes, but without losing focus on your goal. With your thumb still rubbing her clit, you stuck two fingers inside Emily's hole, not daring to go gently, because you knew how much she liked rough sex.
"Damn, little girl... You're so good for me..." Emily moaned, looking at JJ with a little smirk. "Come here..."
JJ returned the smirk and adjusted herself into the necessary position, each of her legs on one side of Emily's head before slowly lowering herself down, a loud sigh escaping when Emily wasted no time and began licking her pink pussy, the nails painted red squeezing and scratching the blonde's breasts.
Unlike you, JJ had not cum yet, but her core was already wet and sensitive from rubbing against yours before Emily woke up. Despite not having reached any orgasm, JJ was stimulated enough that Emily's licks made her start to moan loudly, her hips riding faster, the tip of her wife's nose causing a delightful friction on her clit.
Without stopping the moves of two fingers inside Emily, you lowered yourself to taste her again, enjoying her moans muffled by JJ's pussy. It was quite a sight. From where you were positioned, you could see JJ sitting on Emily's face, her beautiful ass wiggling on top of the brunette.
You held yourself back from squeezing JJ's buttocks, and instead you chose to increase the speed of your hand, the fingering becoming so fast that Emily had to take her mouth off her wife's clit for a few seconds to moan loudly, her walls tightening your fingers before she cums hard while you sucked her bud too.
Not waiting for Emily to recover from her orgasm, you continued tasting her juices, just as JJ pulled her hair to bring her face back between her legs. Emily was a little bewildered by the situation. An orgasm by itself would not make her so exhausted, but she had only recently woken up, so her view was still blurry when she let you and JJ use her practically like a sex doll, the blonde rubbing her own pussy on Emily's face without much care and you fingerfucking her pussy and licked up her release that continued to flow.
Emily would definitely think about a severe punishment for you two later, but at that moment she allowed her girls to do whatever you want. When she noticed that JJ's moans were starting to get louder and her ride started to lose rhythm, Emily gently slapped you on the head, which left you a little confused at the moment, worried that she was trying to signal the safeword, but your fear went away when she raised one knee, the habitual position made you sigh in relief and you placed a soft kiss on her leg before fitting yourself there, your wet pussy meeting hers sensitive and almost sore.
You knew Emily was already very overstimulated, so your movements were gentler, rubbing against her gently and whining, one of your hands holding her hip and the other squeezing your own breasts. It did not take long for JJ to moan Emily's name and cum, squirting on her wife's face and making you cum right away after that view.
Just as you scissoring your clit against Emily's again to prolong your new recently reached orgasm, JJ also pushed her luck, rubbing her soaked pussy all over the brunette's face, panting and laying down next to her right after.
You sighed by the overstimulation and got off of Emily, seeing her cheeks flushed and wet from JJ's squirt and also seeing how reddish her pussy was now. You placed a soft kiss there that made her shiver. "That's enough, princess." JJ scolded you and stroked Emily's damp hair, making you pouted sadly, but nodding and lying down on Emily's other side.
"Thanks, Mommy. Thanks, Mistress." You whispered to both of them, placing a soft kiss on Emily's lips, which she responded with a weak tired smile. "You want me to draw us a bath?"
Emily slowly shook her head, stroking your hair. "Don't. Right now I just wanna rest and sleep next to my two favorite girls." She smiled at you and then at JJ, letting each of you settle in next to her, the smell of sex filling the hotel room, even though neither of you cared. JJ placed Emily's head on her own chest, caressing her black hair and you hugged the brunette's waist, head resting on her shoulder until the three of you fell asleep.
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Criminal Minds Edition - Masterlist
HOTD Edition - Masterlist
Venusbyline's Kinktober 2024 - Masterlist
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garciaasfluffypen · 4 months ago
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take care of me (like i take care of you) pt. 2
pairing: jemily x adhd!reader word count: 2.3k warnings: reader’s kinda bratty in this one! reader is confused as to why being bratty is making them feel tingly but they like it so they keep doing it, softdom!jj begins to make an appearance, color system usage, the origin of jj refusing to be called mommy (she has a moment™️)
a/n: hi besties!! i wrote this on my phone because i can’t find my laptop charger so please excuse any sort of typos you find! thats also why the beginning of this post currently isn’t formatted like the other ones but soon as i can charge my laptop i’ll be fixing it. there will be a part three to this! i had to find a good place to end or else this would have been a beast to read lol.
ps. when i wrote this i was 100% imagining white tank top!jj and emily in the burgundy lululemon looking sweatshirt from the episode where they’re building the crib for kristy and matt ;)
you couldn’t contain your excitement as you basically tripped over your feet to run up to jj’s audi, jumping up and down in your seat as you waited for your girlfriends to join you. it was five minutes past nine and everyone was ready so naturally you ran to the car. you had been ready for two hours, but that was only because you had gotten up so early. you had everything you could possibly need in your little cross shoulder body bag and had to stop yourself from biting your fingernails to the quip in pure excitement as you waited. emily came out first, slipping you your preferred chewy necklace that was easy to hide under your shirt. as soon as the chewy end of it entered your mouth, emily’s hands reached around you and wrapped the black string around your neck. without realizing it you naturally leaned into her touch, pulling her hand toward your cheek as you fidgeted with the hem of your shirt while you stared at the door leading inside the kitchen. jj came out a few minutes later, her to-go cup of coffee tucked neatly away in the crook of her arm as she started to pull up the directions to the zoo.
jj slid into the drivers seat with ease, smiling at you as she saw the way you were sitting. she grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze before placing your phone in it, chuckling lightly at the layer of blush that ended up on your cheeks as you sheepishly took it from her. your block blast game was still up on the screen as you left it on the bathroom counter when you started doing your makeup. jj started the car and reversed out the driveway, leaving you to become reimmersed in your game. before you knew it you could just start see the sign for the zoo on the water tower peeking over the houses in the distance, meaning you were just about ten minutes away.
“lovey, besides seeing the giraffes, is there anything you want to do today?”
“um… i haven’t seen the elephants in a long time.” you paused, thinking. “and also the lions, i want to see the lions too.”
“do you think we could fit in a visit to the lemurs?” jj shot a glance to you. “i quite like lemurs.”
you nodded. “we can definitely see the lemurs.”
you made a mental note to yourself that jj liked lemurs, adding it to the little box that you had in your brain with facts about your girlfriends. it was mainly filled with silly little facts that most people wouldn’t normally pay attention to, like the fact emily writes in print script or that jj only eats salt and vinegar chips when she’s high. sure, there were the obvious facts that almost everyone on the team knew, but there were ones that were just your facts. and you wanted to keep them that way.
despite being a fully grown adult, you knew deep down that things like this were needed to help heal your inner child. you didn’t have the best childhood, but you were doing your best to fix it now. you bounced anxiously on the balls of your feet as you waited for the train to take you to the back of the zoo, the wind blowing your hair all around your face as you waited. jj silently pulled you toward her and helped you pull your hair back, putting it in a single braid for you.
by the time you got to the giraffe exhibit you could barely contain your excitement, your hands balling into fits and promptly unballing themselves as you tried to combat the need to stim. your arms stiffened as you tried to hold back your energy, shaking a bit as you focused on staying still as you could. that didn’t last long, seeing as there wasn’t many people around you at the moment and your girlfriends were positioned behind you. you let your hands start flapping, doing your best to keep them close to your sides as possible. a small squeak of noise came out of your mouth as you watched the zoo keepers slowly bring out the stars of the event. the crowd around you started to grow as the people made their way up from the front of the zoo, most of them not paying you any attention and instead looking for the little baby that the zoo was celebrating.
slowly but surely the calf made it's way out of the enclosure, still a little unsteady on it's feet. you watched in awe as it made it's way around the exhibit, noting how small it was compared to it's parents. jj wrapped her arms around you from behind, intertwining her fingers with your hands and placing a kiss on your shoulder. you could tell she was standing on her tip toes to reach your shoulder and made sure to flatten your feet, considering you tended to stay on your tip toes when you got too excited about things.
“how tall do you think he is?”
“i’d guesstimate around 6 feet.” you rocked up and back down to flat feet as you spoke. “giraffes give birth standing up so they fall roughly six feet to the ground but get up on their feet within the hour.”
“you know more about giraffes than i thought.”
“i had a hyperfixation on wild animals and the care of them before i ended up in the academy. i was wanting to double major in zoology and communications before i started to look into paths to go down with a communications degree.” you turned to face jj and emily. “i was going to be an advocate for animal rights but then i started reading about the fbi and decided that would probably be a better path to go down.”
before you could continue your thoughts, the chime that sounded before the giraffe feedings sounded, signaling for everyone who had a ticket to line up. you were closer to the end, whch was fine because it meant you could watch the giraffes for longer. emily and jj made sure to take pictures of you the whole time, smiling and laughing along with you as the giraffe’s tongue tickled your hand while it ate the leaves you held out. by the time you got out of the exhibit, your stomach started to rumble and you pouted towards your girlfriends as you walked past one of the many cafés scattered around the zoo. without a word, emily pulled the three of you inside, telling you to order whatever you wanted. you ended up going for the chicken tenders and fries, knowing that the meal was something you most likely would have gotten when you came as a child. it was hard to remember if you ever came, but you presumed it was what you got because it felt right.
by the time the three of you made it to the halfway point, you started to realize your whole body was beginning to hurt. you weren’t sure if it was from physically stopping yourself from stimming in the bigger crowds, or if it was from all the walking you had done. either way, you found yourself starting to slow down a bit and start to feel like you needed a ten hour nap. it was only when you got toward the lemur exhibit when your body really started to hurt, and you unintentionally started to let it slip into your mind that you were hurting and needed to go home.
jj was the first to notice that you were starting to feel off, clocking the heaviness of your walking and the fact you had started to get a little whiney. there had been approximately three times in the five years she had known you that she had ever seen you this way. and all of those times happened when you were over exerting yourself. most of the times it was because you were stubborn, but this time it didn’t seem that way. within ten minutes you were complaining about how much your feet hurt and how you felt like you were going to die if you didn’t get to sit down within the next five minutes. emily and jj fell a few steps behind you, whispering to each other about how to go about the situation.
“do you think she’s subconsciously wanting us to.. i dunno, take control? lacey mentioned something about that at the support group on saturday.”
jj chewed at the end of her necklace. “it's possible. i’m willing to try it if you are, but the second they push back or show any signs of not going along with it i’m stopping.”
“are you going to take the lead on this?”
“if you don’t mind. we know how easily they’ll react to you, i’m curious what would happen if you didn’t say anything but i did.”
“then do it. i trust you.”
jj squeezed emily’s hand before making her way back over to where you sat on the bench, watching the zebra walk by and graze on the grass in front of you. you definitely looked worse for wear, considering the braid your hair had been in all day was beginning to come undone and you most definitely got sunburned on your shoulders at some point. jj knew you weren’t feeling well, and that you were hiding it in order to appease her and emily. it was something she had noticed multiple times throughout their time with you so far. even if you didn’t feel like doing something, you typically would put on a happy face and go through with it anyway. it hadn’t happened much, but she had started to catch it more and more.
“y/n, it’s time to go.”
“what? no!” you gasped. “we haven’t even been to the polar bears yet!”
“i know, and i know you want to finish it but i’m calling it.” jj stepped closer to you, her voice dropping. “you’re tired and need to go home and rest. i’m giving you til the count of five, and if you don’t get up and come with us to the car we won’t go to dolphin beach this weekend.”
“you wouldn’t!”
“jayje- this isn’t fair! em-my, do something!” you whined, staring at the brunette.
“two.” jj raised an eyebrow as you refused to budge. “fine, we stay, but no beach then.”
“i’d listen to her if i were you.” emily replied. “while we haven’t truly gotten into that dynamic with you just yet, i will say that i’d be careful how much you go against her, lovey.” emily gave you a pointed look before clasping her hands together. “that being said, we use the color system. red means hard stop, yellow means i’m uncomfortable and green means go.” emily paused. “color?”
“good. if anything changes, tell jj. i’m going to go to the ladies room, i’ll meet you up by the gates.”
emily placed a kiss on jj’s cheek and simply patted you on the shoulder before walking towards the front of the zoo, leaving you alone with the blonde. the logical part of your brain knew she was right. you were tired, your body was aching and you couldn’t walk for more than five minutes without having to sit down. but on the other hand, you were having fun poking the bear. reluctantly you got up, huffing and making a big deal of going home. you didn’t understand much about the way it was making you feel, but you knew it sent a tingle through your body seeing jj getting all worked up. it was amusing to you how red she got from you simply being a brat. and frankly, you liked it.
“you’re being unfair!”
“this attitude stops now, y/n. we’re going home.”
you bit your tongue cheekily, a glint forming in your eyes as you waited to see jj’s reaction. “mommy, you’re being mean to me.”
jj whipped her head to you, balling her hand into a fist at the side of her body. “what did you just call me?”
“… mommy?”
jj stopped walking suddenly, causing you to bump into her. “red.” she swallowed. “i’d like to talk about that later, when we’re home. not right now.”
“i’m sorry.” you looked at the ground, mortified. “it won’t happen again.”
a wave of guilt overtook your body as you two quietly walked to the front of the zoo, emily sensed some tension the second she saw you two, but knew that if she said anything you would probably start to spiral. by the time you got back to the car, all you could do was slip into the backseat and hope that jj wasn’t do mad at you that she was going to end everything. emily, albeit confused, took the front seat, trying to get an accurate read on jj. something happened while she was in the bathroom, but she couldn’t place a finger on what exactly that something was. by the time jj pulled into the driveway, the tension in the car had gotten so thick you couldn’t hold your tears back, letting them fall slowly down your cheeks as you forced yourself not to sob.
“go to our room. i’m going to compose my thoughts, give us a minute to calm down, then i’ll come talk to you.”
jj waited until you got out of the car to look at emily. “i called red.”
“what happened?”
“she called me mommy. i didn’t like it. i felt… gross. it was almost… too feminine?” jj looked at emily. “i probably sound crazy but-“
“you’re allowed to not like the way it makes you feel, jay.”
“i just don’t understand why it made my skin crawl.”
“may i.. is that why you don’t like being called beautiful or pretty?”
jj’s head snapped up. “huh?”
“the feminine terms. you don’t like them.”
“not necessarily, no.”
emily nodded. “we don’t have to unravel this now, but we need to put a pin in this. the three of us need to talk about that together so we’re all on the same page.”
“you’re right. can you go check on them? i just need… i need to think about how i’m going to articulate everything.”
“of course.” emily squeezed jj’s hand. “come up when you’re ready.”
“i will. promise.”
taglist: @jayden-prentiss @idkwhatever580 @multifandomlesbianic @softestqueeen
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carisc4pshaw · 2 months ago
Silk and Lace
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In which Spencer and Fem!Reader go shopping for dresses for the reader to wear for JJ’s upcoming wedding. (Fluff&Smut!)
word count: 1.8k
tags: shopping trip, cute boyfriend, spencer reid, jennifer jareau mention, dresses, fitting room, dressing room, trying dresses on, spencer is obsessed with you, protected sex, p in v, public sex, fluff, smut, spencer likes taking pictures of you, physical touch, rich spencer, he likes to buy things for you.
warnings: smut toward the end of the chapter: protected sex, p in v smut.
notes: This was just something short I wrote I hope you enjoy it!
You and Spencer were in the mall on his day, it is not somewhere he’d like to spend his day off he’d rather spend it in bed with you or take you out to see a movie, basically shopping wasn’t really his thing but he was more than happy to do it with you and being the gentleman he is; carry all your bags.
“Where to next honey?” Spencer asked his free hand finding your lower back as you both walked.
“I need a dress for JJ’s wedding, but I could do that on a different day. This must be boring for you and I’m still unsure of what I want,” You shrugged.
“I don’t mind looking around if you want to find something, maybe I could help.”
“If you really want to.”
“I’d never pass up watching you try on dresses,” Spencer moved his hand to hold yours.
You loved how affectionate Spencer was, despite his fear of germs he would never pass up the opportunity to be holding your hand or touching you in some way.
You took the lead in dragging Spencer into a slightly expensive dress shop after seeing a couple in the window that looked pretty and fit with JJ’s main colour schemes of blue and silver.
“Wow that’s gorgeous,” You said looking at a long sparkly silver knit dress that had a fair amount of gaps in it making it slightly see-through.
“That is… not really for a wedding,” Spencer said picturing you in it.
“You don’t like it? I wouldn’t suit it?”
“No, you’d look gorgeous, too gorgeous.”
“I’m trying it on,” You laughed picking up the dress in your size, “See anything nice?”
“For myself?” Spencer laughs.
“No Spence, for me, blue or silver.”
“I haven’t looked,” Scans his eyes around the shop, “That’s pretty,” He pointed at a dark blue dress that laced up at the back.
“It is, will you get it for me please, I’m going to look at that one,” You point at a silk silver dress with an open back.
“That’s pretty,” Spencer said before leaving you to get the dress.
In the time it took Spencer to get the dress, you had found another dress you liked and decided that four was enough to try on since you didn’t want to be too long and bore your boyfriend.
You dragged Spencer towards the fitting rooms as best you could with the dresses you were carrying.
“Sit here,” You pointed to a small sofa that was in front of the door to the dressing room cubical you were about to enter.
“Got it,” Spencer laughed obeying what you said.
Spencer waited on his phone for you to put the first dress on. You were saving the knit dress for last so the first one you put on was the lace-up back dress Spencer chose.
You walked out of the fitting room holding the dress up around your breasts, “Spence, can you tie the back up please?”
Spencer slid his phone into his jeans pocket and cleared his throat looking at you with hearts in his eyes as he nodded not trusting himself to speak. He got up and spun you around so your back was facing him. He pulled the silky string together tying it in a bow.
You turned back around to face him once it was done up and gave him a little pose, “Thoughts?”
Spencer looked you up and down his eyes mostly drawn to the way the tied back made the dress hug your waist and push your breasts up, “You’re gorgeous,” he gulped.
“Thank you, Next?” You asked.
“Wait, I’m taking pictures,” Spencer took his phone out and snapped a picture of you from the front and then indicated for you to turn around so he could get one from the back.
“Seriously?” You laughed.
“What? You look good,” He shrugged.
You shook your head, rolling your eyes playfully as you went back into the fitting room and put on the second dress you found with the open back. This one was a little too long but you still looked good in it and the colour looked amazing with your hair.
Spencer’s jaw almost dropped as you walked out of the fitting room, he liked the first dress a little more but this was still stunning.
“Thoughts on this one?” You giggled at his eyes widening.
“You look like a princess honey,” He stood up placing a hand on your waist and catching your lips in a quick kiss before spinning you around to see the low cut back, “Your back is gorgeous.”
“You’re charming babe,” You placed a kiss on his cheek and once again he pulled his phone out to take some pictures of you.
The final dress you had was strapless in dark blue with silver sparkles. It was definitely one that would fit the theme for the wedding the best and you thought it looked gorgeous on you, this time you felt like a princess.
Spencer’s jaw fully dropped this time as you walked out of the fitting room.
“Thoughts?” You asked again for the third time.
“Wow,” Spencer said.
You spun around to show him the whole dress.
“Do you like it?” he asked staring at you.
“I love it, I think I’ll get this one,” You smoothed the dress out with your hands.
“Yes, you should definitely get this one, wow,” Spencer tried to hide a small smirk on his face but you could see it.
You blushed slightly biting your lip, “Stop staring at me like that.”
“Sorry, you’re just perfect.”
“Shut up!” You blushed more and turned to go back into the fitting room cubicle, “I’ve got the knit one left to try on, can you come in I don’t want to walk out in it.”
“Yeah,” Spencer followed you into the cubical that was much larger than he thought it was going to be.
“Close your eyes so I can take the dress off,” You said.
Spencer raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Because I’m almost fully naked!”
Spencer closed his eyes, “You know I see you naked a lot right?”
“That’s different,” You said pulling the dress off and clipping your black lace bra on at the back.
Once you had the knitted dress on you told him to open his eyes.
“I’m buying you that for you,” Spencer said immediately.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” You flirted twirling your hair with your finger and walking closer to him.
“Because you’re sexy?” Spencer scrunched his nose, he didn’t like the word, he felt like it was objectifying but he couldn’t think of anything else right now to say.
You giggled, “Mm thank you. You’ve been so good today Spence, waiting for me to try everything on,” You straddled his lap instantly feeling his growing erection, “Excited baby?”
Spencer groaned, “Sorry, you’re just really pretty.”
“It’s okay,” You placed a kiss on his lips, “Should I help you out?”
“Here? No way? We are in public,” Spencer’s eyes widened.
“I’m sure we can be quiet,” You leaned back in biting his bottom lip gently.
“Honey,” Spencer moaned quietly into your mouth.
You climbed off his lap and pulled the dress down leaving you in the bra and a matching pair of panties letting him look you up and down before getting back on his lap.
“That’s new,” He ran his fingers over the lace covering your left nipple, making a shiver run through you that made your nipples hard.
“Yeah, I got it last week. Like?” You asked rocking against him lightly.
“Love it,” he said kissing your lips slightly rougher than you had previously kissed him.
You ran your hand down his clothed chest and opened the button of his trousers. You got up off his lap so he could remove them along with pulling his boxers down enough for his erection to spring out.
“Where’s your wallet?” You breathed out.
“Why?” He asked pulling you closer to him once again.
“Condom,” You muttered between kisses.
Spencer’s eyebrows knitted together before you spoke again.
“We can’t make a mess,” You deepened the kiss sliding your tongue into his mouth.
He nodded, sliding his hand into the back pocket of his jeans that were now on the floor and pulling out his wallet before handing it to you.
You opened it up and took it out quickly ripping it open.
“Is that even in date?” He asked.
You shrugged sliding it onto his hard and long erection hearing him moan as quietly as he could at the sensation making you feel a rush of warmth between your legs.
Spencer pulled your panties to the side and helped you line yourself up with his cock.
You wasted no time in sinking down onto Spencer’s cock watching as he filled you up. You whimpered at the feeling of yourself stretching for him. Every time it felt similar but somehow the feeling got better every time you had sex.
“Are you okay?” Spencer whispered checking in on you.
“Yeah,” You sighed in pleasure as you started to move riding him.
Spencer lowered his lips to your shoulder sucking it leaving marks.
“Oh my god,” you whispered into his ear once he was angled deep enough inside that with each movement he grazed your g-spot.
“Keep going,” Spencer’s mouth fell open his eyes fluttering closed. You quickly moved one of your hands to cover his mouth as a precaution.
“Are you close baby?” You said with a hushed groan at the end.
Spencer nodded, his hips rutting against yours. He moved one of his hands from your hips to splay across your lower stomach his thumb reaching down to nudge against your clit.
“Yes Spencer,” You whine connecting your lips together so his mouth would catch the sounds that were about to come from you once you felt a familiar sensation burn through your lower stomach.
Your walls tightened around him as you let out a string of moans into his mouth while you came triggering his climax just seconds after yours. He filled up the condom still deep inside of you with a whimper that was almost too loud for where you were.
“Shhh,” you put your finger to your lips with a giggle after you pulled away from him.
Spencer left a few pecks against your lip before helping you up off of him, “You look gorgeous on top of me.”
“Enough babe, you’ve told me I look good too many times today.”
“I can’t help it,” Spencer ran his hand over your hip.
“Get dressed,” You laughed throwing his pants at him after putting your shirt back on.
When dressed both of you left the fitting rooms. Spencer holding your dresses refusing to let you pay for either of them.
“Ready to go home?” Spencer asked wrapping an arm around your waist as you left the store after he purchased the dresses for you.
“So ready,” You yawned and smiled up at him, “I want to get in bed and cuddle up with you for the rest of the night.”
“I can certainly do that. Let’s go,” He said rubbing his thumb over your hip as you walked out of the mall.
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demonicbaby666 · 1 year ago
Daddy’s Home
One Shot | Criminal Minds Masterlist | Masterlists
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Fandom: Criminal Minds 
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Words: 2k+
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, top!JJ, bottom!reader, daddy kink, cursing, asphyxiation, strap-on use (reader!recieiving), face fucking, rough sex, face slapping, brief mention of blood, little bit of degradation in there also
Summary: JJ comes home and needs to blow off some steam...
A/n: This was a little rushed and proofread at like 6am but I hope y’all still enjoy! <3
This was the way you liked it. You craved the hard pounding, the force of scolding slaps and the sizable bruises they left behind. Love was a language you knew to be best spoken in pain, and you were happy to have found someone who thought the same. JJ had surprised you many a time before, but the first time her fingers wrapped around your throat, squeezing so tight you felt your eyes bulge, was the moment you started seeing things through rose-tinted glasses. Now, a year and a half later, JJ still applied as much ferocity to the way she fucked you. 
When you heard her entering the house, the digital alarm clock beside your bed read 11:43, and it was an easy conclusion to come to that it would be one of the nights JJ would find her way to bed and crash out. You were sorely mistaken. With a click of the nightstand lamp, you rolled over to see your fiance's radiant look of hunger glow ominously over yellow light. In a split second, she pounced, flinging the duvet to the floor. JJ allowed herself two seconds to watch the sudden pebbling of your nipples before she forcefully pushed your negligee up, silk gathering in folds just above your breast, and placed her lips around a raised bud. 
She suckled hard and sought the help of her teeth to bring pain into the fold. With a drawn-out tug, your nipple was pulled further and further away from your chest, so far your stomach tensed, and a small cry broke from your throat—the sting resembling that of a sharp needle. You were held in place by the firm pressure JJ was applying to your shoulders and the weight of her body resting on your hips, but that didn't last long. Once satisfied she had paid equal amounts of attention to your breasts, leaving them both wonderfully sore, the blonde got back up to her feet. Standing above you again, she admired her handiwork, looking over forming and fading hickeys alike; she gleamed with pride. 
"Take it off," JJ ordered, nodding to the thin fabric still gathered below your neck. An arrogant smile crept over her lips as she continued. "Daddy's not going to fuck you unless you're naked and spread for me." 
The fact would always remain: no matter how many times you'd seen the ethereally nude form of your fiance, you would always be left breathless. Of course, this was known not only by yourself but by the woman who stood confidently undoing buttons, unfastened zippers, and removing article after article of clothing that fell to the floor with a dull thud. Beautifully bare, JJ looked down, an arrogant curling of her lips forming an elusive smile. She took fluid steps away, and with an added sway to her hips, the blonde turned and padded over to the closet, where she bent down to open and rummage through your sizable toy box. 
In favour of meeting earlier demands, you turned your sights to the slim spaghetti straps hanging off your shoulders. The faint sound of rummaging dulled by the delicate swish of silk passing overhead, and, if only for a few seconds, the blanketed feel of its balmy texture removed the trepidation that was forcing its way into your stomach, churning and squeezing at the contents of your dinner. By the time your teddy drizzled off the side of the bed, pooling on the bedroom carpet to join the rotting duvet, JJ had found what she needed. You saw little with her back to you, but it was still enough. The click of a lid, the squeeze of a bottle, a familiar sultry moan and then, in the blink of an eye, JJ stood at the end of the bed, harness-free, cocky as ever. 
With only a pat of her palm to the space in front of her, you were up on your knees, scurrying forward, ready to serve. 
"You know what to do," JJ spoke sternly, expectantly. 
Your bemusement, understandable as it was, was taken as an insult. A stinging slap of silicone greeted the side of your face, shocking your mouth open, in turn allowing JJ to freely glide the length of her cock through your parted lips. She wasted no time, fingers immediately in your hair, nails scraping along your scalp, until finally, with her grip secure, she yanked you forward. 
This was something you had yet to do, the logic being neither the recipient nor the benefactor garnered any pleasure. So the immodest act of giving head had never entered your and JJ's love life. Yet, as the blunt end of the dildo prodded the back of your throat, causing you to gag, a sound came from above you—a sound that was far from dissatisfaction. A rising heat spread across your chest the second time you let JJ fuck her length into your throat, once again hearing her make the same sound. By the third time, the tremors in your hands had evaporated into the charged air around you, giving way to the opportunity not only to relax your throat and allow yourself to be used but in addition encourage it. 
Quickly enough, with your hands posted on JJ's hips, you guided her fastening movements, hoping to convey your approval without the feeble need for words. However, if the implication was received, JJ showed no thanks. She only worked her cock harder into your mouth till tears were dripping down your face, and even then, she continued to thrust along to every cut-off whimper, growling as though the 9 inches filling your mouth indeed was an extension of herself. Admittedly, in a way, they were. 
Your windpipe felt raw, tender and bruised. Your head was light, fuzzy and in need of sufficient oxygen. Still, you made no complaint, took what was readily given, and even prepared your thanks. It was when your watery eyes had, of their own accord, met with the winter grey of JJ's that she snapped back to her senses. Slipping out, your fiance used the pads of her thumbs to wipe away the mess of saliva surrounding your mouth, and the funny thing was, there was so much care in the way she did it that you didn't even glance at the possibility of feeling embarrassed. 
"Thank you," you croaked, eager to appease even if it was detrimental to the recovery of your vocal cords. 
"You did a good job, baby," she praised from above, the sincerity in her voice so clear and bright that the capillaries of your cheeks filled red. JJ lined her middle and forefinger to your bottom lip, dragging it down in liquid motion, her eyes predatorily filled black. "Now, you get your reward." 
The pop of your lip set in motion the whirlwind of movements that next occurred. First - hands moved from taming your mane and cleaning your face to your shoulders. Second - a force had you reeling back. Your neck protested with a soft click as the thudded collision of your head hitting the mattress breathed life to - third - JJ's fingers, calloused yet soft, harsh yet gentle, demanding yet patient, roaming all over you. They started at your legs, prying them open to make room for her toned body to lay. Then, flittering over your stomach, up and up, blunt nails skirting over the ridges of your ribs, to finally mount their attack of piercing pinches to your nipples. Throughout, the presence of her additional appendage did not go unnoticed—enticingly weighing on your pelvis. The spluttering moans, whimpers and mewls only grew louder when the slide of JJ's hips had her length sliding into wet heat, running along your slit, offering the slightest of relief to the burning embers of desire low in your stomach. 
A shudder rode the column of your spine, rattling each vertebra, an appropriate response to another slide of hips and an accompanying bite to your throat. By the time the sporadic spasms of your cunt walls grew too much, ceaselessly reminding you that you were clenching around thin air, and led to pleading murmurs, JJ relented. She pulled back, only to quickly line herself up and catapult forward, hipbones crashing into the sides of your ass with a smack. All the air in your lungs left you with your next breath, so shallow you felt your stomach dip. It was big, she was big. And the sheer stretch of her penetrating your pulsing pussy told you that, indeed, this toy was being christened. A vague memory of a drunken purchase between two giggling adults flashed in your mind. There were no giggles now, only grunts, bated breathing and wistful cries. 
"Daddy's little cock sleeve," JJ whispered into the shell of your ear. Her smirk was not visible, but you needn't see when it licked each syllable that slid off her slippery tongue. It was a vile comment, heavy and grotesque, sickeningly and perfectly demeaning. It had you nodding your head and drooling like one of Pavlov's dogs. 
The submergence into deep water was a quick one. The muffling of your cries, the ringing in your ears, seeing only the black behind your closed eyes resemble the night sky so far out of reach, had you falling faster and faster, deeper and deeper into the abyss. You swayed and shook, breathed and breathed and breathed, but took in no air. Your lungs burned with effort as your body sweltered under the freezing jab of each savage push of JJ's prick. It was everything at once: pain, pleasure, love, carnal lust. It was the way you liked it: the hard pounding, the rough kisses, the hand wrapping around your throat to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. 
"Yes, yes, fuck!" you screamed through the gaps of your teeth. It was raw and broken, rasping and bouncing off the lining of your abused throat. Your following sentence forced its way out in the same manner, this time interspersed between harsh bursts of breath. "Needed to be filled with daddy's big cock so bad." 
JJ read you better than anyone ever had or ever would. She read the different pitches of your moans like music, following the crescendo with rapt recognition. She knew from the pink flush spindling across your chest, rising to your neck and cheeks, the sudden quiet that filled the room, and the vacant cries coming out of your mouth like condensation that you were nearing your end. 
"Wait," JJ spat. 
Your eyes flew open, revealing the unyielding bite of a piercing gaze. Then came the sting of her slap, both poisonous and arousing. It tore a hole through the tension in your stomach, successfully distracting you long enough for JJ to fall onto her elbows. The whole length of her cock penetrated you—so deep it skirted along the edge of unbearable. But as the slow grind began, and the sound of low moans rumbled by the side of your head, when the suppressed sound of your cunt juices mixed with JJ's filled your ears, you knew. You knew you'd do this ten times over if only it meant the body above you was attaining even the slightest bit of pleasure. And, if the increasingly occurrent noises were anything to go by, JJ was indeed in a state of bliss, the dual end of her cock rubbing perfectly against her g-spot with every languid slide of her hips. 
Tension was building again. Pulsing. Consuming. Suffocating. The world was still again as you sunk. The current moved your body for you, pushed your tailbone into the mattress, only to move it up again and force another circulatory orbit to the prodding length that caressed your sweet spot. Your hands found their way to tender flesh, marring crescent moons so deep they may have hindered JJ's ability to sit without pain. 
JJ grew louder. You grew quieter. 
Your back arched, and you scrambled for JJ. You found her lips, took the bottom between your teeth and forced her to endure a modicum of the pain you were enduring just to abide by her rules. 
Defiantly, JJ yanked her lip back, ignoring the drops of red that fell to your cheek. Her hand, previously hellbent on turning your face blue, gripped your jaw, and she teased her ability to crush it, squeezing so tight you heard the whisper of a crack. Lips swollen, eyes fierce, body rocking, she uttered the phrase - sultrily, dominate and firm - that was to be both of your undoings. 
"Come for daddy." 
Tags: @aws-l @babygirlscout @red1culous @7thavenger @sapphicprentiss @five-bi-five-mind @12fluffybunny12 @asensitivecookie @maxinehufflepuffprincess @whosprentiss @imlike-so-gaydude @taylorswiftsboyfriend @jareguiromanoff @lovelyy-moonlight @patronagrona @paulilvsremus @lostenby @waitaminutebaby @jarexuslover @iliketozoneout @homo-oddity @milfsincrime @noahrex | click here to be added to my taglist
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charmingly-helpless · 8 months ago
forever (pt 3)
A/N: contains some dialogue from CM:E 17x06, but you won't know what it is unless you've watched it.
pairing: jennifer jareau x fem!reader
warnings: hurt/comfort, mentions of smut & nudity
word count: 1416
Read on AO3
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The open window let in a cool breeze, gently blowing strands of blonde hair in an ethereal manner. You watched as JJ sipped from her glass of wine, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Honestly? I don’t know,” JJ replied to your question. “It’s… strange. I never thought I’d be a divorced mom. I’ve loved Will for so long. But over time our relationship just went downhill, so slowly that we didn’t even notice until it was too late to save it.”
Your hand slipped to her knee naturally, providing comfort and support. The touch of your hand sent a shiver up JJ’s spine, but she kept her composure.
“How are the kids doing with this?” you asked, genuine concern in your tone.
JJ’s expression softened at the mention of her kids.
“They’re coping, I guess. It’s hard on them, obviously. They’re so young, they don’t understand why their parents can’t be together. I think Henry’s noticed that Will and I don’t really get along, but Michael is practically still a baby. When it’s one of us in the house, they keep asking when the other will come back home.”
At the quiver in her voice, you scooted closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Don’t blame yourself for this, Jayje. Some parents stay together for the kids, but that just subjects them to a lot more hurt and resentment down the road. I know that you and Will have your kids’ best interests in your heart, and this was the best decision for your family. It’ll get easier, for you and for the kids.”
JJ appreciated your words. She had been struggling with the burden of knowing that her kids were hurt because she and Will couldn’t save their marriage, but your reassurance brought her some measure of relief.
JJ’s hand laid on top of yours. “Thank you, Y/N. I hope you’re right.”
“Oh, Jay… I’m always right,” you joked to lift the mood, earning a laugh from JJ.
Her smile faded slightly, her expression becoming more serious.
“I don’t deserve you.”
Your heart melted at her quiet confession.
“You deserve good things, Jen. You deserve to be happy.”
JJ desperately wanted to believe your words, but the guilt and self-doubt was lingering in her mind. 
“I want to be happy. You make me happy.”
The admission hung in the air, raw and vulnerable. JJ felt a wave of anxiety as she waited for your reaction. She was silently praying she hadn’t crossed any boundaries.
Suddenly, you smiled and JJ’s worries washed away. “You have no idea how happy you make me.”
“How happy?”
You realized how close your faces were, your noses just inches apart. JJ’s gaze was unrelenting. 
“Did you know I was going to quit a few years back?”
JJ’s eyebrow raised in curiosity. “You were going to quit?”
You nodded. “After Atlanta. This job takes a toll on you. I’d been struggling with it for years before that, but that case… I didn’t think I could ever come back from that.”
JJ watched you subconsciously trace your thigh where your scar was hidden under the fabric of your pants. 
“This job takes a lot. But you know what it gives? It gives me you. I decided to stay because it’s where you are.”
JJ’s jaw hung as she absorbed your confession. “I… I don’t know what to say. I never realized… that I had such an impact on you. On your career.”
You nod, holding back your tears. “You do. In every aspect of my life.”
JJ’s eyes became blurry with tears, a mix of gratitude and regret. You reached up to brush back the hair in her face, letting your hand linger on her cheek.
JJ swallowed hard under your intense gaze, taking in every detail and features of her face.
“I think I’ve loved you for a very long time,” the blonde confessed. “I just didn’t let myself realize it.”
When you stayed quiet waiting for her to keep talking, JJ cleared her throat.
“I’d been trying to fight it the whole time,” she admitted. “Convincing myself that I didn’t feel this way. At first, I was just scared that you’d reject me. Then when I got pregnant and married Will, I knew it was too late. But it’s exhausting, Y/N. I don’t want to pretend.”
You licked your dry lips. “You don’t have to pretend. Not anymore.”
You pulled JJ into your space, holding her flush against your body. JJ sighed deeply, feeling the tension in her shoulders release once she was wrapped in your protective arms.
A comfortable silence stretched out between you. JJ pulled back slightly, her big blue eyes meeting yours, and the rest of the world melted away for just a moment.
“I think I should head home.”
“Do you need a ride?” you asked, though neither of you made a move to let go of one another.
JJ shook her head. “No. The hotel’s just down the block, but thank you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in question.
“You’ve been at a hotel? Jay, you know you can stay here with me.”
“It’s alright, Y/N. I’m just there while I look for an apartment close to the house.”
“Come on, stay. You can search for an apartment without having to keep paying hundreds for your hotel room.”
JJ sighed. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. It’ll be like old times,” you smiled. “Y’know, without the whole ‘apartment on fire’ thing.”
A laugh erupted from JJ. “I still cannot believe you set your apartment on fire. It was truly a gift to see you at my door at 2am, drenched from the sprinklers.”
You pouted, gently pushing JJ away. “It was eight years ago, let it go.”
“Sorry, sorry,” JJ giggled, the sound making you smile. 
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You and JJ made a plan to check out of the hotel room tomorrow morning and bring her belongings to your apartment. For now, it was late, and you were both ready for bed.
“Where are you going?”
You turned to JJ. “Uh, the couch?”
JJ sat up, the covers slipping down from her shoulders. You had to admit, it was a surreal, yet beautiful sight: her in your clothes, hair slightly mussed, sitting in your bed. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, we’ve shared a bed many times.”
You shrugged. “I wasn’t sure where we stood.”
JJ patted the empty side of the bed. “Get your ass over here.”
You giggled, climbing in under the covers. JJ clicked off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness aside from the hallway light that shone in through the cracked door.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Jayje,” you pressed a kiss to her forehead.
It took only a moment for JJ to give into her desires. She swung a leg over your hips, straddling you as she leaned down, staring at your lips.
“Can I?” she asked breathily.
You gave a frantic nod, and your lips met in a passionate kiss. Your senses were filled with the taste of her lips, her skin against yours, and the faint vanilla perfume she always wears. JJ’s hands cradled your face while yours held onto her waist. The blonde let out soft sighs into the hungry kiss, her hands wandering down to clutch at your shoulders.
The night was filled with a whirlwind of emotions and sensations as you both explored each other’s bodies and souls. By the time dawn broke, both of you were spent, boneless, and satisfied. JJ’s head rested on your chest, listening to the steady rhythm of your heartbeat, a soothing comfort. You breathed in the scent of JJ, relishing in the perfect fit of her body against yours.
JJ smushed her face in the valley between your breasts. “I don’t want to move.”
You chuckled, a hand raking through the mess of blonde hair. “Me neither.”
The two of you savored the warmth in each other’s proximity. You were content to stay just like this, wrapped up in each other’s arms, and let the world wait,
“Just a few more minutes?” JJ asked, her voice hoarse with sleep.
“We have forever.”
JJ’s heart skipped a beat at your effortless reply. The word “forever” carried such weight and promise, making her chest feel tight with emotion. 
You glanced down to see her already looking back at you. The tenderness and affection in her eyes made your breath catch.
“Forever,” she echoed, the word a whispered vow.
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forhappysake · 1 year ago
"Because I love you."
A/N - Guys I'm really into these sappy pieces recently. Pls feel free to send requests for something else if inspired. Also, I might be doing a pt.3 to Teach Me at some point, I just have to pick where the story is going.
Summary - A showdown with an unsub leaves you in the hospital. Spencer can't help but feel guilty. Could almost losing you push him to confess his love? (spoilers: yes it does)
Warnings - spencer x reader, BAU level violence, some angst on Spencer's part, fluff, and a love confession
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You stared down at your hands, battered and bloodied from your futile attempts to fight back. Caught off guard during an interview with a man who was only supposed to be an eye witness,  not the unsub himself, forced you to fight for your life. By the time the neighbors heard the scuffle and called the local police to come to your rescue, you figured you looked like you’d been through seven rounds of an MMA fight. Your head ached, your eye was swollen shut, and you nearly cried in agony with every breath as you were certain you’d broken a rib. 
After a tense standoff with the local police, the unsub was in custody, leaving you on the floor with your many wounds. You managed to stand yourself up and walk out the door to the waiting ambulance, only to collapse into the EMT’s arms. You felt yourself being loaded in the back of the vehicle as they started an IV. As consciousness drifted away from you, you couldn’t help but wonder where your team was. 
You awoke in the hospital to the steady sound of your heart monitor beeping and muffled conversation from outside your room. Your bloodied clothes had been traded in for a hospital gown at some point, and your midsection was bound tightly with some sort of bandages, you assumed to keep your rib in place. You managed to open your good eye in an attempt to find the source of those muffled voices. Your eyes landed on Emily and JJ speaking in the corner of the room, voices hushed. 
“He can’t blame himself. None of us saw this coming,” Emily said, her voice stern but laced with concern. 
JJ shook her head. “He feels terrible, Emily. I’ve seen him come in and out of here crying three times in the last two hours. He rarely cries.” 
Who could they be talking about?
Emily looked at the floor in silence, trying to formulate a reply. JJ cleared her voice to speak again. “They’re partners, Emily,” JJ said, “Of course he’s going to blame himself.” 
Deciding you’d had enough of eavesdropping, you did your best to sit up, only to let out a whimper when a sharp pain pierced your side. JJ and Emily turned to face you, surprised looks on both their faces. 
“Hey, just lay back,” JJ encouraged. She rushed to the bedside, placing a soothing hand on your arm.
“How long have I been asleep?” you asked. 
Emily shook her head, “Only twelve hours, which isn’t very much considering what you’ve been through. I’ll tell the doctors you need another IV and some pain medication.”
As she turned for the door, you shook your head, “Emily, wait.”
Emily turned to face you, coming to stand at the foot of your bed. “What is it?”
“Where’s Spencer?” you asked. Emily looked to JJ, the two of them sharing a knowing glance. You and Spencer had always been close, as partners and friends. 
“He’s been going back and forth between pacing the parking lot and the lobby for hours. I can’t imagine how many steps he’s taken,” Emily joked. “I’ll go get him for you.” With that, she turned and left the room, leaving you and JJ to catch up on what you’d missed in the last few hours. 
JJ explained what happened after you’d passed out: how the unsub was in custody, finding another victim in his basement, and the team realizing that they’d sent you out to interview the lunatic on your own. “We just thought he was going to give you some information about the case. We had no reason to think that he was the one who-”
You shook your head, holding up a hand to stop her. “I didn’t think so either. It’s why I agreed to go alone. Nobody’s at fault.” 
JJ nodded, a solemn look on her face. “I’m just so glad you’re okay. We were all so worried once we connected the dots. I was telling Emily - I haven’t seen Spencer so stressed in years.” 
As if on cue, both you and JJ turned to the sound of rushed footsteps coming down the hallway. Spencer’s tall frame was running (no, sprinting) down the hospital corridor. You felt a small smile tug at the corner of your lips as he burst into the room, hair danging in front of his eyes and clearly out of breath. 
He approached your bedside, leaning down so he could be face-to-face with you. You could only see him with one good eye, but you did your best to smile to show him that you were doing alright. You brought a hand to his face, pushing the fallen strands of hair out of his eyes so you could see him more clearly. “Hello to you too,” you joked. 
“Y/N-” Spencer started, the tears quickly gathering in his eyes, “I’m so sorry. I should’ve gone with you. I should have known that-” 
“That the guy who called into the tipline was actually the unsub? Spencer, be logical. None of us knew. I was just telling JJ, nobody is at fault.”
A single tear fell down his cheek as he examined your injuries. With each scratch and bruise he found, he felt another crack forming in his heart. He hadn’t protected you. Wasn’t that what he was supposed to do? He was your partner. Your best friend. He loved you, that he knew. He’d forced that love to be as platonic as he could make it, trying to avoid ruining your perfect friendship. It was moments like this that made that more difficult than ever, as he tried to reckon with his love and his guilt. 
Your bruised hand was still cradling his face. He could feel the bandages against his stubble, and he cursed himself again. It was only then that the other presence in the room became known to him. JJ stood on the other side of the bed, another knowing smile gently painting her lips. Spencer knew what he had to do. JJ knew what Spencer had to do. He looked at her, his eyes subtly asking her to leave the two of you alone. JJ took the hint with a small nod, leaving the room without another word as you and Spencer continued to examine each other. 
“So, JJ’s filled me in on what I missed,” I said, breaking the silence. “Sounds like a pretty exciting half day,” I joked. 
Spencer shook his head, pulling away from your hand. He didn’t go far, though, intertwining his own with yours as he leaned back from the bed. “I was worried sick,” he said. 
“I can tell, Spence,” you said, trying to prop yourself up with your pillow. “You really shouldn’t have been. You know I always come out of these things relatively unscathed.” He raised an eyebrow at your statement, taking in your swollen and bruised features. “Well… maybe not unscathed. Alive, at least,” you quipped. 
An eerie silence fell over the room. You could feel the tension increase as the gears turned in his head.
“But what if you don’t someday?” he whispered, his voice far away. You looked over at him, his eyes fixed on your heart monitor and the gentle green lines rising and falling accompanied by the signature beep-beep-beeping. 
You squeezed his hand in an attempt to bring him back down to Earth. “I’ll always come back, Spencer. It’s what you and I do. We come back alive for each other.” 
The tears that had pooled in his eyes earlier spilled over his cheeks as he let out a small whimper. He leaned down, gently wrapping his arms around you as he wept. “Hey, it’s okay Spencer,” you tried to calm him. 
“No, it’s not. It-it’s not because,” he trailed off. You could still feel his shoulders shaking as he cried. 
“Why, Spencer?” you asked once more. “Please, you can tell me anything.” 
Suddenly his sobs slowed. He pulled back from your embrace, taking in your features. Bruised and battered as you were, you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. He felt like his heart was going to explode. Before his brain could catch up with his mouth, the words came tumbling out. “Because I love you,” he said simply. 
Your jaw dropped open at his words. While you should’ve seen this coming, nothing could prepare you for the way your heart jumped. If it wasn’t evident from the expression on your face, the heart monitor picked up its beeping, nearly doubling its pace. The sound wasn’t lost on Spencer, who frantically looked at the screen.
“Oh no,” he mumbled, quickly walking to the monitor. “Did I upset you? I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’ve just felt this way for so long and if I keep pretending like I don’t-”
“Spencer,” you cut him off, his eyes meeting yours for the first time in minutes. “I love you too.” 
The look on his face was priceless, and you wished you could have taken a picture, but you did your best to engrave it on your brain forever. His brown, teary eyes brightened in a moment, a glimmer of hope shining from within. “You do?” he asked. 
You laughed, allowing your head to fall back on the pillow behind you. “Spencer, I volunteer to work with you during nearly every case. We split a room every week. I only wished that you’d said this sooner so we could’ve split the bed, too.”
He stared at you in shock. The tears in his eyes long forgotten as a smile crept on his face.
A soft laugh left his mouth as he leaned down to you once more, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, careful to avoid any injured area. “Well, I promise that next time we can,” he said. “And,” he started once more, “I’m never letting you go anywhere by yourself again.”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers over his own. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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