#i tried to pick him up but also was afraid of being bitten
imalayla · 1 year
Today's sniffer enrichment is sprinkling treats in differently layers in the toynlbox. And hiding treats in some of the toys themselves. Easy enough.
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bra1nwashed · 8 months
uhmmmmm so... here's a bunch of swiss headcanons :3
also i admit i stole some of those but i can't give credit cuz i don't remember who 😭
also some of these r just lil scenarios that i'm just like- yeah.
⊱⊱⊱ he wasn't really supposed to be summoned. He just crawled up from the pits of hell whenever two of the ghoulettes were being summoned. the reason he was allowed to stay was because he was a rarer type of ghoul (multi).
⊱⊱⊱ when he was still a new ghoul, he got bitten by dewdrop because he called him shorty
⊱⊱⊱ he also tried to jokingly fight mountain when he was new. mountain ended up tossing him to the side like one of his broken drumsticks.
⊱⊱⊱ physical touch and words of affirmation are his main love languages !!
⊱⊱⊱ he purrs the loudest out of all the ghoul[ette]s
⊱⊱⊱ he acts like he doesn't care but getting called a "menace" makes him feel insecure.
⊱⊱⊱ he's actually very insecure about his personality but he always has a smile on his face and tries to stay positive in front of everybody.
⊱⊱⊱ genuinely afraid of communication of his emotions. he's always there for others but gets scared to ask for help or talk to people. because of this, he commonly cries alone in his bedroom or the bathroom.
⊱⊱⊱ he commonly has pretty bad mental health due to his insecurities and such, but he just covers it up to help people stay happy and draw concern away from himself.
⊱⊱⊱ he always tries his hardest to comfort people !!
⊱⊱⊱ he loves to pamper the others to make sure they always feel loved and such.
⊱⊱⊱ he will use really crappy pick-up lines on others just to make them laugh or smile.
⊱⊱⊱ he is a major flirt !!
⊱⊱⊱ he un-ironically loves just dance. he will occasionally force the other ghoul[ette]s to play it with him too.
⊱⊱⊱ whenever he can't sleep he'll turn on music and start dancing around his room in the middle of the night !! once sodo walked in and threw a pillow at him to shut him up (it didn't work).
⊱⊱⊱ he actually commonly hangs out with mountain and they enjoy smoking weed together.
⊱⊱⊱ he calls almost everyone by nicknames or pet names.
⊱⊱⊱ his favorite overall genre is romance !!
⊱⊱⊱ his comfort movies are dirty dancing and moulin rouge.
⊱⊱⊱ he loves musicals.
⊱⊱⊱ he makes random noises all the time (just a whole lotta vocal stims)
⊱⊱⊱ he also sometimes randomly breaks into song (it confuses so many people and he thinks it's funny to see them so put off)
⊱⊱⊱ he's extremely melodramatic, but not in a serious way !! if someone lightly smacks him on the shoulder he might pretend to trip and fall against something and walk around with a fake limp for a few days just as a joke.
⊱⊱⊱ he loves to do makeup !! it doesn't matter whether it's on himself or someone else, he always gets excited to do it.
⊱⊱⊱ loves to cook and is 50/50 when it comes to doing so. he either makes a super delicious meal or almost burns the whole kitchen. he's a little better at baking but not a drastic bit better.
⊱⊱⊱ he loves rice krispy treats !!
⊱⊱⊱ he likes sweet savory the best out of most flavors. sours good to him but he's mostly just eating it for the fruity taste. and he loves salt.
⊱⊱⊱ (going along with the last one) mountain once gave him a salt rock lamp for christmas and swiss got sick and threw up cuz he kept licking it
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deer-with-a-stick · 1 year
Wildest shit happens in D&D man.
Alright, story time.
There was a D&D night for fun and to introduce newbies to the game. I ended up with a slightly more experienced group but they took pre-made auto-generated character sheets.
We ended up with Normal Human Artificer whose part of a guild (I ended up tying the backstory to the illegal Artificer Cult), a Centaur Hermit who is afraid of civilization, an Orc Fighter who hates civilization, and a Half-Orc Barbarian raised by wolves and who has an alcohol addiction.
The oneshot happens in Waterdeep, the fucking New York City of the Forgotten Realms. They go to a bakery to try and find clues as to where this important guy (the Beggar King) is. First thing that happens is the Barbarian gets up onto two feet and fucking spartan-kicks the door open. They kill one ghoul (Barbarian gets half their face bitten off, retaliates with a Nat 20 bite, and rips the ghoul’s throat out). Then the centaur picks up the second and ends up fucking adopting it and getting it addicted to Raspberry Danishes instead of cow blood and humanoid flesh.
Then they get ambushed by the BBEG’s men. Ghoul flies at the leader, and with another Nat 20 because my metal dice loves combat, rips the guy’s head off. Fighter splits another guard in half with ANOTHER Nat 20 (the dice aren’t weighed, we just ended up being D&D Game Georg. Our Barbarian actually couldn’t stop rolling twos earlier and during the ghoul combat, the ghoul that got adopted ended up rolling three Nat 1s in a row). The centaur tries to pick up a third guy only to get shield bashed in the head. Third guy gets his neck snapped because the Neutral Evil Orc Fighter jumped on his neck. The party proceeds to traumatize the last guard there for several rounds by shooting arrows at him (and missing) as well as hurling a fucking Great-axe at him (courtesy of the Barbarian, who also missed). He tries to climb over the roof, fails Acrobatics, falls to the ground where the Fighter proceeds to shield bash HIM, shattering the guy’s jaw, and the Barbarian ground-pounds his diaphragm, killing the poor guy. Throughout this whole thing, the Artificer is just standing there with his bow and five Cherry Danishes in his hands (since he wants to try and train the ghoul to attack people).
They make their way to the BBEG’s ship, and somehow, despite the highest Charisma score there being fucking TWELVE, convince the guy guarding the gangplank that the party + ghoul are the Orc’s pets. Artificer finds who fucking pistols and the Centaur somehow manages to climb up to the crow’s nest using the fucking ROPE RIGGING. I made the mistake of saying that there was a barrel of rum, and the Barbarian strapped the >400 pound barrel to their back. Somehow, they make their way to the brig and talk their way past the guards (genuinely don’t know how they managed to pass so many Charisma checks). They convince the guards to close the door because “uh... the rum is for interrogation techniques? it might get loud.” Then the artificer gets like an 18 for performance and just starts screaming from behind the door and the guards run away (despite the Barbarian getting a Nat 1 Stealth to try and pour the rum out of the barrel). They fucking shove the prisoner, the Beggar King they’re supposed to rescue, into the fucking barrel Bilbo Baggins style, and with more charisma checks (Nat 1 from the Orc to convince the gangplank guard that the barrel was another pet but a 19 from the Artificer claiming orders from the Captain to transport materials) they fucking left with the Beggar King passed out in a fucking barrel.
Like, they skipped the boss fight, they skipped every possible fight in the ship, half fought the first one because a ghoul got fucking ADOPTED and I-
This was so fucking fun. Play D&D yall. You might meet some of the greatest people in the world and form the greatest memories in your life.
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unknown-lifeform · 1 year
I'm not sure if you are still looking for requests but since you mentioned never tiring of monsters 👀
Cloud unknowingly becomes the object of affection for some werewolves (you pick who!) Because he helped one of them out of a trap and now they all have heart eyes for this human!
(sorry I just love how you write cloud as still being competent and strong even if he is surrounded by supernatural beings!)
"Easy there, easy."
The wolf stared at Cloud, ears folded back against its head. It wasn't growling, which Cloud considered a good sign.
He might be a little insane to be trying to get a wild wolf out of a snare. There was a high chance he would get an arm bitten off. However, he couldn't leave it there either. He was sure hunting season wasn't open yet, that whoever had left this trap here had to be a poacher.
"I won't hurt you," he said, as if the wolf would understand.
Shockingly, the wolf didn't try to attack as Cloud came closer. It remained still. And when Cloud made to grab the snare, it even whined like a regular dog.
"You shouldn't trust humans this much, you know," Cloud said, even if he was grateful it did.
No reactions as Cloud took hold of the trapped paw. He tried to work fast to undo the trap, and not focus on how soft the wolf's fur was. It didn't take long.
"There you go," he said, as the wolf stepped away and shook itself.
The wolf wagged its tail. Then, it jumped towards Cloud. He shouted, wondering if it had now remembered it was a wild animal. It pushed Cloud straight to the ground. Defenseless, unable to fight if the wolf decided to bite his throat out.
It licked Cloud's face a few times. Big, heavy paws rested square on Cloud's shoulders, preventing him from moving.
"Alright, you're welcome," he said, raising one hand to protect himself from the onslaught of affection.
The wolf let off. As Cloud caught his breath, he noticed his words hadn't been the reason for it. The wolf was looking between the trees, where a second wolf stood. Black like the first one, and staring at them with a much harder expression.
Cloud stood up, eyeing the new wolf. "Is that your buddy?"
The first wolf ran up to it, nosing its neck. Ignoring him, the newcomer kept staring at Cloud.
"I'll be going then," Cloud said, taking a step back. "Have fun. Don't get into more snares."
One, two steps. Then the first wolf broke into a run and cut Cloud's way.
"Why don't you go with- What?!"
The wolf's body swelled. It swelled up, and changed, and the fur retracted under its skin until it disappeared. In front of Cloud, in the space of a few seconds, wasn't a wolf anymore, but a man.
"Hi," the man said. "Please don't go yet. I have to thank you still."
"What," Cloud repeated, less shocked and more baffled this time.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm Zack."
Cloud vaguely gestured at him. "Why... Did I just dream of this?"
He couldn't have seen a wolf turn into a man and greet him. That hadn't happened.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm a werewolf. And I know, I know, why did I get trapped like that if I'm smarter than regular wolves? Poachers are the worst. I could have turned and freed myself, but the last time I tried that I got even more tangled up, plus snares get way tighter when your arms are bigger."
After a moment of contemplation, Cloud decided to turn on his heels.
On the opposite direction as... Zack, he guessed, was another man. Who was naked. There was also a conspicuous lack of other wolf.
"You've made him panic," the other man said.
"Ah, guess so?"
"You know you shouldn't turn in front of humans."
"But he helped me, I'm sure he's not going to be trouble! And look at him, he's too cute to be dangerous."
"Excuse me," Cloud said, "can someone tell me what's going on?"
The second man stopped glaring at Zack, and turned to Cloud with a warm smile. "Please, excuse us, we shouldn't have scared you. This isn't a dream either, I'm afraid."
"You're a wolf," Cloud said.
"My name is Angeal."
Cloud licked his lips. Turned to Zack. Turned to Angeal again. Wondered if it would be rude to pinch himself in front of... his dream werewolves, he guessed.
"May I ask you something?" Angeal said.
"Sure," Cloud replied.
"Why did you just help Zack? It would have very dangerous for you had he been a normal wolf."
Because I'm a reckless idiot, Cloud avoided saying. "I heard something moving while I was walking and saw him and I didn't want to leave him there. Can one of you give me a pinch?"
Rather than a pinch, he got a bear hug from behind that lifted him straight off the ground and almost crushed his ribs. You didn't get that kind of stuff in dreams.
"My savior," Zack said.
"Zack, put him down," Angeal said. "And you, you shouldn't go mess with wildlife. You could get hurt, or worse."
"Why's the wildlife werewolves?" Cloud gasped, and then slapped Zack's arm. "Let me go!"
Thankfully, Zack did. "Our pack lives in these woods. We don't really like humans knowing about us, so keep it a secret?"
Oh, for sure. What was Cloud supposed to do? Go around and tell people there were wolf men in the woods and he had saved one from poachers? They'd ask what mushroom he had eaten.
"Do you want to walk around with us?" Zack asked.
Cloud whipped around to stare at him. "What?"
"I gotta thank you somehow. We can go on a date!"
"As a way of thanking me...?" Cloud said.
"Sure! And Angeal would like to spend time with you as well, if he's telling you to be safe it means he's already attached."
Cloud turned to Angeal, who had turned his face away as if embarrassed.
"You want me to know if I want to go on a date with two naked men who are also wolves?" Cloud said. "I'm sorry, but I'm kind of freaking out here."
"Understandable," Angeal said.
"If you walk with us we can explain more things," Zack said.
Cloud thought about it for a long moment. He had been the one to try and save a trapped wolf, meaning he had already accepted a certain amount of danger in his day. On the good side, he hadn't been bitten. On the other, he was going to need a good week to stop reeling from this.
"You know what, fine," he said. "Walk me around. So long as you explain me what is going on here."
Zack hooked his arm with Cloud's, beaming from one ear to the next. "Sure! You coming, Geal?"
"I'm not leaving you alone with him," Angeal said.
Cloud didn't know if he should be grateful about that.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hi there and thanks for the opportunity; I love your work.
I'm interested in # 2, 9, 17, 35 & 45 (phew! Sorry about all that, feel free to use any combination) with either Zoro (I realize #9 doesn't apply here) or Law + female reader. The prompt being their 1st ever time together, despite lusting after one another for a long time.
Congrats on 200!
Hi!! Thank u so so much ♥! I decided to write for the Moss this time, as I haven't had a lot of requests for him! I hope you enjoy this little story ♥ ~
Thank u for reading! 💖💖 ~
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NSFW ~ Roronoa Zoro x F! Reader ~ I Wanted You For So Long
🌶 #2: Orgasm control
🌶 #17: Rough sex
🌶 #35: Masturbation
🌶 #45: Wet dreams
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TW: Vouyerism. Wet dreams. Choking. Hair pulling. Vaginal sex. Masturbating. Soft orgasm control.
WC: 1963
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The green haired first mate woke up again feeling his groin wet. “Damn…not again.”, he gasps, reaching his private parts, discovering them to be slightly sticky. Zoro’s cheeks burn, and tries to remain still, mainly because he doesn’t want to be seen by the stupid cook sleeping next to his cot. If Curly discovers he has been having wet dreams he would be picking at him for at least a fucking week -and even more-.
Zoro turns his back to the cook and closes his eyes, shutting them strongly. In his mind he replays the memories of last dream. The many things he did to her body… how much he wants her, his nakama. He has her eyes, your eyes, burned on the back of his head. How much your hips move side to side when you walk away from him, not before you give him a seductive stare. And how many times you have bitten your lips while you look at him training from afar.
But Zoro is scared, he does not want to ruin the status quo, where every member is family, nakamas. Yet even if that is slightly true, there is another reason for him to stop himself from taking you right there over the grass of Thousand Sunny’s deck; he is afraid, he is inexperienced, he trembles with the idea of reaching out to you, despite well knowing how much you want him - and how much he wants you-.
Zoro also wonders why you haven’t made any move besides the evident flirting, and it is just because you want him to desire you. You are pretty dominant, and you know how much a man loses his head when he is teased but not satisfied. You might be a little bitch for some people, but hell you are, and that’s wonderful. You remember Nami’s words “let them want you, let them beg, you are in control” ...
Yet, Zoro’s whole anatomy, personality, strength and even the way he sleeps is getting you as crazy as him. You want a taste of him, and you will have it. Maybe sooner, than later…
That night you woke up hot, you were sweating on your bed. Next to you lies the red haired navigator of your crew, and next to her, Robin, the motherly figure of the crew -not that she is old or a mother, but she is indeed like a mum to all of you-. You slowly slide off bed, in order not to wake them up, and walk on tippy toes to the bathroom.
Looking at your reflection in the mirror, your cheeks burn, slightly coloured. You are a little sweaty and agitated. But mainly, you are horny as fuck. You’ve been dreaming of Zoro’s scars, how your tongue traces the path of the big wound over his chest. “Agh, I want to taste him”, you whisper.
You feel your throat dry and decide to head to the kitchen in order to at least cool down a bit with a big glass of cold water. On the way to the fridge you glance at the clock, 3 a.m. Despite being well past midnight, you are not sleepy, but pretty energized. And even if you try to hold back the need of pulling Zoro out of bed to tell him to fuck you, you just simply can’t do that. “I can’t do that, right?”, you ponder a few times, while walking outside with a glass on your hand.
The slightly cold sea breeze hits your cheeks, and a million stars twinkles in the night sky. You lean over the railing and enjoy the relaxing sound of the waves moving around the Thousand Sunny go. Suddenly, a big shadow appears over the dock next to you. That scared the hell out of you, but quickly realize it’s just a reflection from the Crow’s nest over the main deck.
You look up to the silhouette of the person over there, and you realize that it is no other than Zoro. Of course he is, he is on guard tonight. You keep looking at the black figure of the person moving, until you process what it is probably doing. “Is he… Is he jerking off?”, you say to yourself as you watch what might look as his arm stroking something up and down over his groin. “He is definitely jerking off”, you say and giggle with a mischievous expression.
Suddenly the idea of waking him up and telling him to fuck you seems like an incredibly good possibility, except there is no need to wake that mosshead up. You slowly go back inside, and decide to crawl up the stairs, in complete silence, just to maybe look at what he is doing. “I didn’t know I had this type of voyeuristic tendencies”, you think and giggle once again.
As you approach the very end of the climbing stairs, you can hear him breathing accelerated in the silence of the night. “Damn Roronoa, you are jerking off after all” ... The swordsman is indeed stroking his long and wide shaft with his right hand, while he uses his left one to hold on to the wooden wall of the crow’s nest. His lips apart, and his good eye closed. A moaning expression, and his head hanging in between his wide shoulders.
You look at him enjoying who knows what fantasy inside his head as he keeps masturbating fiercely. You are delighted with the view as well, wishing you were not half climbing on the stairs so you could do the same to your sex. A soundly moan leaves his mouth, followed by a name. A name that he repeats heavenly, on and on, as he paces up the motion over his dick. Your name.
And even if the morally thing to do was stop looking at him a while ago, you decide to step up. “So you jerk off thinking of me, huh?”, you say, scaring the hell out of him. He turns back at you, still with his member on his hand, and freezes still.
“Go on, Zoro. Finish'', you tell him as you slowly unbutton your silky pyjama top. Zoro’s mouth is so open, he is so immobile in front of you, he does not know what to do. “Come on, I’ll give you the whole image if you want. No more imagining me”, you tell him shamelessly while squeezing your breast together and biting your lip. “Do you like it? go on. I want to keep watching the show”.
The swordsman slowly starts jerking off once again to your image, with his eye widens and his mouth open. “Good”, you tell him, while slowly approaching him.
You come so close to his face, almost touching noses, you gently put a hand over his hard shaft. Zoro still hasn’t say anything, but there is no need at all. Your hand replaces his, and now you are the one masturbating him.
He opens his mouth with a big gasp, and you do the same, softly brushing your lips over his. “Uhm… you are so hard, swordsman-san”.
Zoro fixes his steel eye on yours, clenching his jaw, the muscles of his neck tensing. He is not moving, and you wish he were. You want his strong muscular arms holding you tight…
“Are you afraid of doing something?”, you tease him. “M’not…” he whispers and after a few more seconds of his piercing stare over yours, he suddenly and violently grabs you by your neck. You gasp, you truly got scared by his sudden reaction.
He keeps pressing your carotids, looking at you up and down. He is clearly holding his strength, but damn, his calloused hand around your neck really shows dominance over you, he shows how much he wanted to fuck you, to ease the frustration of waiting to be inside you for so long…
Zoro then, invades, violates your mouth with a kiss even better than those you dream of. Warm and wet, his tongue explores your cave, and plays with yours. Moaning, and whining as you keep stroking his dick. “Stop” he begs you, and you know it is because he is about to cum if you keep doing that.
His hands travel all around your body, and you pull from his haramaki until both of you fall over a mat he has been using to train. The smell of sweat, of that manly sweat is by far exciting, arousing. He is settled over you, his big arms on each side of your head. You turn your neck to the right, and playfully bite his wrist. “Auch”, he says and giggles.
Soon your lips are pressed while Zoro squeezes your breast with passion. Wet smooches placed over your neck, lower, and lower. Little bites on your collar bones, little bites on your nipples. You moan and bury your nails on his naked skin. His wide hard dick pressed against your stomach, as your body is pinned against the floor by the weight of his muscular body.
He whispers in between moans, “I wanted to fuckya for so long”. And that only can make you even more aroused. “Then fuck me, Roronoa”.
And it seems as if your words would fan the fire inside him more and more. Zoro rips your pyjama shorts, letting you completely naked. His tanned fingers reach for your sex, damping them with your wetness.
You squirm at his touch, and then a loud moan follows, when Zoro decides to penetrate you with his fingers. He may be not an expert, but damn, he naturally seems to know where to touch, and how. One of his hands makes some pressure over your lower stomach as he keeps masturbating you violently with a beckoning motion inside your womb. “Fuck Zoro” you whine. A wide, toothy grin plastered on his face when you talk, and the pace of his fingers quickens.
You are about to come, but he suddenly stops. “Not yet, I waited so much for it, and you are not gonna come so fast” he says. You get frustrated, you need to release everything that’s been building up inside you. But the swordsman has other plans.
His hands on your waist lift you up as if you weigh the same as a feather. You are now sitting over him, your wet sex pressed over his, your arms around his wide strong neck. Your hips in a back and forth motion, grinding yourself against his member. His tip brushing directly over your entrance as if it were naturally searching to pound into you.
“Fuck me, I want you to fuck me so hard…”, you beg him. Fixing his steel sight on yours he lifts you up again from your waist with just one hand and then your hand guides his dick inside you. He lets you fall over his legs, penetrating you so deep. Both of you moan soundly as your walls clench around him.
Zoro grabs you by your hair, pulling your head back, so your whole torso gets exposed to him, and his hips move delightfully and violently in and out of you. He fucks you so hard, so deep, both of you sweat and let your bodies lose on devouring each other.
Both of you reach climax, pressing your lips and your nails carving marks on his back that will probably last for days. None of you wants to separate. You rest your forehead over his shoulder sitting over his crossed legs. Zoro nuzzled on your hair, his hands around your waist. “I wanted you for so long…”, he says after opening his mouth several times without emitting any sound. “I've wanted you since the very first time I saw you, Moss head” ♥ ~
Dear reader: Pls enjoy a capture from today's episode ♥
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
This Woman's Work Part IX (Alcina x Female Reader Fanfic)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII
“You’re almost there, Maman. You’re doing great. Just a couple more steps.”
You take a deep breath in through your nose and blow it out through your mouth and push forward at your daughter’s coaxing, your arms gripping the railing that had been set up in your bedroom. The wound in your side is in agony but you take another step, biting the inside of your cheek hard to keep from crying out in pain.
It has been three weeks since that horrible night. You had already lost a lot of blood by the time Karl and Alcina arrived at Donna’s place. In an incredible stroke of luck, Donna had surgical thread in her sewing kit and at Salvatore’s instructions (he was having one of his good days) sewed up the place where Alcina’s claws had torn through. You were in and out of consciousness, but every time you opened your eyes Alcina was there by your side holding your hand.
Alcina is sitting nearby in her chair now, gently burping Ecaterina after her feeding. She looks up at you and you see concern in her golden eyes and another emotion that has been a mainstay for the past couple weeks: guilt.
Things had been...awkward between the two of you since that night. No matter how many times you assured her that all was well and you had forgiven her, she refused to forgive herself. You had only been intimate one time since that night and it ended quickly after Alcina had forgotten about the wound in your side as she cupped your hip and you couldn’t hold back the scream of pain that came out of your mouth. Alcina had immediately gotten out of the bed and as far away from you as she could, as if afraid touching you would cause any more damage.
She had sunk into the chair and began sobbing brokenly. You had wished to go to her, but your Bath chair was already on the other side of the room. You braced yourself against one of the bedposts as you said gently, “Darling, it was an accident. The pain’s already subsiding. Please come back to bed.”
Alcina covered her face with her hands, but you could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I can’t even make love to my wife without causing her pain. What kind of wife does that make me?” The raw self-hatred in her voice broke your heart.
From that point on whenever you had settled down for the night, Alcina kissed your forehead and turned out the light and that was the end of it. She kept to her own side of the bed and you greatly missed the feeling of her muscular arms about you with your shoulder tucked under her chin, her curls kissing your cheekbones.You had the sense that if you tried to move closer she would move away so you didn’t even try.
You try to take another step and suddenly the room spins around you and you fall forward. Daniela, however, quickly grabs your arm and puts her arm around your shoulder before you hit the ground.
“I think that should be enough for today, Maman,” Bela says soothingly.
You set your jaw. You only have three more steps to go before you clear the railing. “No, girls, I can keep going.” But your ragged breathing and forehead shining with sweat give you away. You push your tongue to the inside of your cheek and taste coppery blood from where you had bitten into it.
Cassandra rolls your Bath chair over to you. “Maman, you don’t need to push yourself so hard. You’re not gonna be of any use to Ecaterina if you run yourself ragged.”
You smile at Cassandra’s brutal honesty as she helps you into your Bath chair. “You’re right, dearest.”
Alcina stands up, having finished burping Ecaterina. She looks affectionately over at her daughters taking care of you and you see one of the first genuine smiles from her that you’ve seen in weeks. “You’ve been so good to Maman these past few weeks, dears. She and I really appreciate all the help you’ve given to us and Ecaterina.” She rests the hand not holding Ecaterina on the back of your chair and you take her hand in yours, kissing her knuckles. Surprisingly, she doesn’t pull away this time. “It’s time for us to put Ecaterina down for her nap and for me to change Maman’s bandages. If you’ll excuse us, loves.”
The girls nod in agreement and vanish into their bug shrouds. Alcina turns around and settles Ecaterina into her cradle. Ecaterina gurgles, her eyes mirroring the gold in Alcina’s. Alcina gives her a tender kiss on the forehead before turning to you. She motions for you to stand up and you obey as she kneels down to your level and helps you take off your day dress. Standing there in your slip with her hands on you reminds you of how long it has been since you have last felt her touch.
Alcina lifts up your slip ever so lightly and peels off the gauze bandage wrapped around your waist. Alcina sets her jaw as she uncovers the gashes she herself had inflicted on you. She takes off her gloves, dips the pad of her thumb in a jar of salve and applies it to your wounds. There is an unreadable expression on her face.
You try to give her an encouraging smile. “I talked to Sal the other day,” you posit. “He says that even though the wound is deep,if I don’t expose it to too much sunlight it won’t leave a scar!”
“Not a physical one at least,” Alcina mutters.
Ok. You’ve had enough. You turn her head to face you. “Darling, we’ve been over this,” you say, rubbing her cheekbone with the pad of your thumb. “Are you going to keep punishing yourself forever?”
Almost despite herself, Alcina leans into your touch and interlaces her large fingers with yours. “I can’t imagine how much physical pain you must be in, my love,” Alcina whispers. “And all by my hand.” Tears begin forming in Alcina’s aureate eyes. “I nearly killed you.”
“You didn’t though, Alcina!” You move over to her lap and she gently almost tentatively wraps her arms around you and holds you close. You lean your head against her chest and resist the urge to sigh. It’s been so long since you’ve been held by your wife. “I know you were under Miranda’s control but something held you back from killing me outright. I know it.”
“You don’t know what it’s like being under someone else’s control.” You can almost feel Alcina’s body shudder as she recalls that night. “It was like I was outside my body watching myself. I was screaming at myself to stop when I kissed that woman.” The memory of your wife kissing Mother Miranda so passionately pops into your mind briefly but you shut it out as she goes on. “And when I stabbed you, I-” Her voice cracks. “I was practically begging myself to stop but my body just moved on its own.”
“Don’t you see, then, darling?” you ask. “You weren’t yourself when you were under Mother Miranda’s control. The person that kissed Mother Miranda, the person that stabbed me, that wasn’t you, so please.” You cradle Alcina’s face in your hands and stare into those beautiful discs of gold. “Please stop blaming yourself for this. Mother Miranda is dead. I’m alive. Our daughter is safe and healthy. That’s what matters now.”
Alcina kisses your forehead lovingly. “When did you get so wise?” she asks, tucking a stray curl behind your ear. You can see that you’ve finally gotten through to her. Her body posture is more relaxed, her jaw is loose, and her shoulders aren’t so tight. She carefully places the new bandage over your wound and you feel a pleasant tingle as you feel her bare fingers brush briefly over your tender skin.
She moves to pull your slip over your new bandage but you take her wrist before she can withdraw it. You hold her gaze as you take the strap of your slip off your shoulder and your slip coils in a pool of silk around your ankles. She takes you in her arms and brushes her lips against yours briefly. When she pulls aways, you see the same desire in her eyes. “Are you quite sure, ingeras?” Alcina asks, brushing the back of her knuckles against your cheekbones.
“Yes” you rasp. “Take me to the bed.”
Alcina picks you up as you wrap your legs around her waist, taking care not to touch your sensitive wound and carries you over to the bed. She gently, almost reverently lays you down on the bed. She lowers herself down to kiss you again and you bury your fingers in her curls. Alcina deepens the kiss, her tongue coaxing your mouth open as you unfasten the pearl buttons on the back of her dress. “I’ll go slow for you, draga,” Alcina murmurs against your lips.
“Alright, let’s see how our little patient is doing today- JESUS CHRIST! What the FUCK?”
It seems like Heisenberg has decided to check up on you today.
With a frustrated growl Alcina moves quickly in front of you while holding her own dress up. “Yes, Heisenberg, that is in fact what we were setting out to do before you arrived.” Alcina shakes her head at him derisively. “You seem to have impeccably bad timing, as always.”
Heisenberg’s face is beet red again, you note with amusement. “Well, excuse me for trying to check in on my sister-in-law and my goddaughter! Speaking of which, really Alcina? Getting down and dirty with the kid in the room?”
Alcina’s cheeks are also sporting a lovely red color. “Ecaterina was asleep.” Amidst all the commotion, Ecaterina has already woken up and is crying. “Well, she was until you came in.”
The girls suddenly materialize into the room. “Mother!” Cassandra chirps. “I thought I heard Uncle Karl in here and- JESUS CHRIST! What the FUCK!”
Alcina covers her face with her hands. Bela takes the book that Daniela is holding and holds it so it’s covering the image of you and your wife on the bed. “Really Mother,” Bela tuts to herself.
Daniela doesn’t seem to mind. She turns to the two of you, unperturbed by the state of your undress and asks, “Can Uncle Karl stay for dinner, Mother, Maman? Please? It’s been so long since we’ve all had dinner together!”
You smile indulgently at her over Alcina’s shoulder. “Of course he can, darling,” you say.
“Fine,” Alcina mutters. "Now if you please, will all of you kindly get out of our room?”
The daughters vanish into the bug shrouds, chattering excitedly about what Cook is making for dinner. Heisenberg leaves too, chuckling softly to himself.
You turn to your blushing bride and give her a chaste kiss on the lips before you both get dressed and join your daughters for dinner.
Together. As a family.
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if carlisle and dumbledore were put in each other's respective stories / dilemmas , how do you think they would react? how would a carlisle cullen have dealt with voldemort/grindelwald? and how dumbledore would have dealt with vampirism, etc? i almost view the two of them as a sort of foil to each other, not yet able to articulate why or how though
I mean, they'd live completely different lives, because they're completely different characters. It's very unlikely they'd end up in the same situations.
But alright.
Carlisle is Dumbledore
Carlisle's born in a working class family that quickly begins to fall apart. His father's sent to prison, his mother dies, his sister has a chronic illness that will never disappear, and it's just him and his brother left with very little chance of a future between them.
Handsome Gellert Grindelwald moves in next store with grand, new, ideas concerning the muggles.
Now, this particular Carlisle won't be Christian, he's a pureblood wizard and we can pretty safely assume that the Dumbledores were no more religious than any other wizarding family is.
It's a little up in the air whether Carlisle would be seduced by Gellert or not. Gellert is learned, foreign, and has all these radical, new, theories that weren't very prevalent at the time (well, anti muggleborn sentiment was, the facism was new). On the other hand though, Carlisle is also a man who once radically changed his own beliefs to something that went against nearly every edict of his previous religion. This is not a guy who takes things for granted and is not afraid to both confront himself and the true nature of the world he lives in.
And he has a deep respect for human life that, had it been any lesser, would have undoubtedly led to him eating humans as a vampire.
So, I'm going to say no, or if he does, it lasts up until Gellert says, "We should totally make the muggles our slaves." The muggles may have irreparably damaged Carlisle's sister, they may be hated by society, but they are free thinking beings who should be enslaved to no one. Carlsile raises his pacifism flag.
As a result, Gellert probably thinks he's a tool. Hot, of course, and intelligent, but a useless tool. Without somebody to bounce ideas off of/confirm his radicalization, Gellert has little to no interest in Carlisle or any of the Dumbledores. Gellert spends his time in Godric's Hollow then goes elsewhere, Ariana lives, at least for now, unclear how long her lifespan was going to be otherwise, Carlisle does not have the Gellert incident, and he and Abeforth remain on good terms.
Carlisle graduates Hogwarts and either is a) bullied into taking Flamel's apprenticeship opportunity by Abeforth who screams "DUDE, GET YOURSELF A FUTURE or b) immediately sets about trying to find a relatively high paying job so he can support the family. In the case of B, I imagine he goes to work for the goblins who seem to hire those straight out of Hogwarts with good enough grades. In the case of A, well, he goes to study alchemy.
Knowing Carlisle, he does a bastardization of both. He studies alchemy under Flamel and then works nights as a bartender in Paris or something to that effect. When he finishes, what career he does then is out in the air.
Given that, as a vampire, he had all the choices in the world open to him in terms of education (and tried many different things) before eventually settling on and sticking with human medicine despite the dangers, I think that's telling. Carlisle probably tries to get a job in something healing related.
However, that strays more into the "What if Carlisle was in the wizarding world" vs. "What if Carlisle was Dumbledore" so we'll say that the idea of teaching appeals to him and he returns to Hogwarts for the Transfiguration position.
This all goes well except then there's a first world war on, the muggle world goes completely insane, and no one understands why Carlisle's so upset.
And now we enter the world where Carlisle starts really making choices in Dumbledore's shoes.
First, Tom Riddle. Carlisle, I imagine, makes 100,000 times of a better impression than Dumbledore on the young Tom. He does not, for one, light his wardrobe on fire and threaten him. Carlisle might think this kid is weird, but he lives in poverty and an orphanage, much of his behavior can be explained from that. I imagine Carlisle becomes determined to take Tom under his wing.
I imagine at first Tom thinks this is excellent, LOOK HOW MUCH HE'S MANIPULATING THIS ADULT! And then he realizes that, no, Carlisle is perfectly aware he's a little shit. He just likes talking to Tom after classes about how to fit in with pureblood society/weird esoteric muggle philosophy.
Trouble is, Carlisle is so damn likeable (see his friends all over the world), that Tom can't help but like him. When the Blitz begins, and Carlisle undoubtedly offers Tom (and any other muggleborn who was not moved to the country) a place to stay, that seals the deal, the wizarding world might suck but Carlisle's a pretty cool guy.
Of course, Tom still thinks the government should be reformed or overthrown, but he and Carlisle actually sit down to talk about things like communism and facism (Carlisle's not a fan though the modern, muggle, form of democracy not practiced in the wizarding world is a weird concept to him).
My point being, it's unlikely this Tom Riddle becomes Voldemort or even really aspires to become him. You want more on that topic, check out these posts.
Grindelwald meanwhile, becomes a bigger and bigger deal, and things start looking... bad. However, it's not immediately obvious that Carlisle's the one who should do something about it. He's not a duelist, he's a professor, and his job is to teach the children. He may have been alright in school, but that was decades ago now. More, unlike Albus, he feels no personal responsibility, he knew Gellert, briefly, yes, but they had no real connection. Gellert spoke about insane things and Carlisle said, "Mm, don't like". Add to that that Carlisle's a pacifist, he's going to insist that someone trained for the position do the job.
Given canon, this means that Grindelwald likely invades and takes over wizarding England and, with a strong enough foothold, enacts his "enslave the muggles" plan. Which very well might result in a nuclear holocaust as Grindelwald was likely not keeping up with muggle technology and the muggle world war.
The muggle world collapses, which in turn causes society collapse, and the world may or may not be a nuclear wasteland that Tom and Carlisle get to wander around.
If Carlisle by some divine intervention has a prophetic dream of "YOU MUST DEFEAT GRINDELWALD OR DOOM DOOM DOOM" then he goes and tries to defeat Grindelwald. Considering Grindelwald has the elder wand, he probably needs Deus ex Phoenix to win, but if it worked for Dumbledore it might work for Carlisle.
Well. No one saw that coming.
Carlisle's an overnight sensation and a national hero, the hero of Western Europe even. He's suddenly being presented medals, honors, seats of power, and Carlisle desperately tries to refuse, feeling very squeamish that he's being given these things because he took it upon himself to murder another human being (yes, even a war lord).
Tom finds this funny and Abeforth is ureservedly proud and tells everybody.
All Carlisle wanted to do was teach children and now he has to reside over trials in the Wizengamot. This is terrible.
As for what happens to the wizarding world from there, well, inertia probably carries it along for a good while. However, antimuggleborn sentiment is still on the rise an even without Voldemort I imagine there's quite a bit of unrest.
I imagine Carlisle, not wanting in any way to be a political figure, is not nearly as outspoken as Dumbledore on anything. He just wants to be headmaster, guys, leave him alone.
Tom may or may not go into politics and do it for him. But he probably ends up teaching too and just laughs as the country collapses.
Harry Potter is an ordinary student who has no prophecy surrounding him. Carlisle did not recruit children to join an illegal resistance movement nor does he have a plethora of spies and moles in the ministry.
Harry Potter canon does not happen.
Dumbledore is Carlisle
Well, Dumbledore undoubtedly also burned witches and very much believed in their existence. An irony there. He may chase the vampire, probably isn't first in the mob, in which case he remains human or dies.
If he does survive being bitten, I imagine it pains him for a while, but I don't see Albus having the same willpower as Carlisle. Or at least, not as much, Albus probably ends up eating people. He at first probably tries to be picky and eats those who harm society in some way (pick your poison for what that means) and then over time becomes less picky.
They're just humans, after all.
Albus probably isn't invited to stay in Volterra, he's not all that interesting. He doesn't become a human doctor, he's just your ordinary vampire. He might hang around libraries as much as he can but that's about as far as that extends.
He probably turns a Gellert equivalent at some point as a mate and they have a grand time together.
Edward is never turned nor the rest of the Cullens and Bella dies in a parking lot.
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enderwoah · 3 years
(this is really long ENJOY :gun:)
he is phil's son smile
phil's most recent son at least
he's got like one more somewhere
he picked this one up off the dangerous streets a few years ago and he's been sticking with phil ever since
his wings are small- not too small to fly, but they're untrained to the point where it would take a lot or work to get him off the ground
but at first, he didn't really seem to want to learn all that much?
(he has three scars on his face- all from trying to learn how to fly when he was younger)
(he gave up after the third one)
("if at first you don't succeed; try, try again" is his motto, and he tried all three times)
but!! phil and wilbur are very persuasive :) and now that he knows he can fly, he's not going to rest until he does
he's a little manipulative to get what he wants sometimes, but can you blame someone that lived on the street for so long?
he had to do that to survive! it's not his fault.
(it's a great excuse.)
he laughs like a kookaburra amen
he squawks when he gets scared
he chirps. he tries not to because it makes phil go absolutely bird-brained but he does sometimes and he hates it.
god he is. so fucking annoying (/rp)
he simply does not know when to stop
he ignores social cues to see when someone is annoyed
(see: he can read social cues. he does read social cues. when you get annoyed that's when he starts being more annoying, because you're more likely to give him what he wants to get him to shut the fuck up.)
he loves talking to (at) people, especially people he doesn't really know that well
so he's trying to be friends with ranboo, but the absolute prick keeps trying to avoid any actual conversations, so that's not working
he buzzes when he gets excited-happy
his fingertips are completely blackened and horrendously sharp, functioning as ten individual stingers
they don't do any actual damage but he's working on that
wither hybrid (??)
how can you be a wither hybrid?? nobody got down and dirty with the wither
he's an experiment
the reason we haven't seen him yet? he's staying away from the main area of the smp
he doesn't want to ruin its natural beauty with his withering effect, so he keeps to himself on the outskirts of the smp
which sucks
withers get health from killing things
he's not fully a wither, so he gets energy from being around people and sort of draining their life force a little bit
he feels terrible when he's with just one person because they are Literally his life support and it makes the person feel like shit
when he's with a big group of people its great!! he only has to take a little bit from everyone and its barely noticable!!
but then there's the wither part. so he has to stay away.
he's always tired
always exhausted
he's a farmer, so taking it from animals works, but god does he miss people
but he can only visit a few times and for very short
(he's afraid that one of these days he'll get so bad that the next time he sees someone he'll accidentally kill them)
(it already happened once. he's blessed that he's been forgiven, even made friends with by the victims, but he doubts he'll be able to pull that off again with no consequences like last time)
phantlings are dead elytrians, and given that wilbur was phil's son...he's a phantling
he died in the late 50s and was a librarian when he was alive, so he's very possessive (ha) over all of his things
you should never ask to "borrow" anything from him, he will hound you about it until you give it back
it's best to just say that you want something from him to keep
even if youre going to give it back
just for your own peace of mind
phantlings can feel fear and get a genuine feeling of elation from scaring people
of course, sometimes its unwelcome (feeling large amounts of fear from someone they care about in a bad way just makes them pissed)
but for the most part, wilbur loves appearing in the corner of people's visions just to jumpscare them a few minutes later
all in good fun, of course!! it's just hilarious :)
being the lighthearted, fun guy he is, he's not particularly secretive about his method of death
"how did i die? well, it all started -- ended -- on november 16th, 1958!"
"i walked out of the library late, since i took the shift for my wife since she was feeling sick and i worked there anyways,"
"the streets were dark and only lit up by gaslamps...and out of an alley...appeared..........."
he didn't mean it. wilbur isn't at all mad at him (anymore)
he was starving. he didn't know that one touch would be enough to fully revitalize him...
and murder wilbur where he stood.
has details on everyone on the server
you Cannot Hide Shit From Sneeg
its impossible
if you find of his any shittly little mouse holes then you're doomed
you find one and there are twenty more
he's under your floorboards while you're having your important discussion about trapping the nether roof
sucks to suck ig??
he seems to be the favourite of many, which is weird since he rarely goes out of his way to actually talk to many people
he's the only person that tubbo doesn't actively try to annoy (or maybe he just doesn't find tubbo's antics all that annoying)
he's the only person that ranboo stays around (or maybe he stays around ranboo- he and Phil seem to be the only ones not off-put by his slightly sadistic and whiny demeanour (not counting tubbo, who annoys him anyways)
phil seems to be more protective of him than he thinks is normal (he lets sneeg ride on his shoulder while travelling, so he doesn't really complain)
niki is completely protective over him (again, not complaining)
contrary to popular believe, he does not get high from sugar
if anything he gets
(get it)
he's literally just a nine-year old getting a sugar rush leave him alone
take the normal "bird-brain" headcanons and multiply it by like sixty-four
and you've got origins phil
he can't see glass- or, rather, he can, but it doesn't register that 'hey, this is a solid surface i am going to slam into'
its very funny for everyone else but he's pretty sure he has permanent brain damage from the blunt force trauma
if there is ANYONE on the server who dares to chirp, bird or no, they must understand that they are signing away their privacy and giving phil the right to go absolutely bonkers over them momma bird style
(shoutout to tommy, wilbur, ranboo, and fundy for having to suffer through this)
"oh??? you don't have wings?? you don't have feathers?? omg?? then what's this im preening?? what do you mean im just braiding your hair?? nono this is preening smile"
god help you if you dare to have wings
poor tommy, wilbur, sneeg, and tubbo
phil can't help himself alright
do you think he wants to be any sort of protective over sneegsnag?
no!! but he cant stop himself!! sneeg might damage his wings if he keeps flying those super long distances!!! nnnno! carry the bug man!!!
it's weird, he's always had that protective sense over ranboo, too
but ranboo very obviously doesn't have wings, so he doesn't get it...
yes ur a peasant
yes ur poor
yes im cooler than u
what r u gonna do about it
the enderdragon's son! partially a dragon, partially enderman, partially human (don't ask, his other mom is a hybrid), all spoiled brat!
given that he has a ton of dragon genes, he's extremely possessive over his stuff and Yes He Does Do The Hoarding Thing
he has a pile of rings and gold chains and necklaces and most of his jewellery hidden underneath his bed
(if you ask him, no, he doesn't)
not to wear
just to Have
one time, fundy stole one (1) bracelet from the hoard and ranboo was sent into a panic for a good 24 hours
he wouldn't leave his cave and kept counting and recounting as if that'd make the missing piece reappear
(when fundy had to give it back because of the guilt, he expected to get his face bitten off)
(instead, he just watched as the prince was flooded with relief, telling him to get the hell out and nothing more)
it's weird, he has so much gold and even a crown, and yet here he is
living with all those people ^^^
truth be told, the enderdragon isn't a very nice dragon
nor is she a very kind queen
nor was the other queen
nor was her son
there was a mutiny in the end, leading to the dragon queen and her wife being killed brutally by the crowd of angered people
they went after their son next, who had ordered executions and worked servants to the bone just as much as they had
they cut off his wings in the middle of the square
he was sure he was going to die until a random person (a peasant) jumped up and yelled at them for publicly torturing a child
but ranboo didn't really catch all of it, given he was delirious from pain
he got to get some stuff quickly and escape with his life
this wasn't too long ago, either, so he's still trying to...adjust...to people talking rudely to him
(he's also trying to adjust to not having wings)
(hence why he hurls himself off the edges of cliffs and then has to teleport to the bottom instead of glide. he keeps forgetting.)
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ray-ray-writings · 3 years
The Blade-Technoblade
This is a Technoblade x gn!reader in the dreamsmp! I hope you enjoy!
Prompt 101 from this list!
Masterlist here
Warning: Like a few cuss words. 
Y/N is forced to face their biggest fear when it quite literally comes knocking at their front door. 
I knew who Technoblade was. Of course I knew who Technoblade was. You would be stupid not to. Everyone had heard the rumors about the famous Blood God. The wars he fought in, the lives he’d taken, the blood he’d spilt. And all of it for fun. He did the things because he found it fun. The Blade did things for pleasure and satisfaction, not caring about the wreckage and the consequences left in his wake. He frightened just about everyone around him, no one wanting to be around him longer than necessary. Including me. 
To be honest, The Blade scared the hell out of me. 
And for a while, that was okay. I lived in the DreamSMP and The Blade was always traveling across the world. We would never meet and that was just fine with me. Or so I thought. 
Cut to Wilbur and Tommy losing the election. Schlatt somehow managed to over take the votes and actually win the presidential election of L’Manberg. And his first act? Forcing Wilbur and Tommy into exile from their own nation. 
The whole situation broke my heart. Wilbur and Tommy were my friends but as much as I wanted to stop what was happening, I couldn’t. I’m just one person and besides, Schlatt is rightfully the president, he won… fair and square. What he says, goes. 
I knew about Pogtopia though. Wilbur and Tommy’s secret nation of just the two of them as they planned a way to overthrow Schlatt. I knew Tubbo was helping them and I knew that just about everyone was on their side. I, on the other hand, chose to completely stay out of it. I didn’t want to fight. War scared me, almost as much as The Blade did. I didn’t tell Schlatt about the goings on in his own cabinet and didn’t tell Wilbur about the happenings here in L’Manberg. I completely stayed out of it. 
Well that was until it literally came knocking on my front door one day. 
I was just cleaning up around my house. Putting things away and organizing chests when there was a series of loud knocks on my front door. Furrowing my brow, I quickly shut the chest I was sorting through before making my way to the door to answer it. When I swung it open, I wished immediately that I didn’t. 
My heart stopped in my chest and my breath froze in my throat. There on my front porch, behind my front door, standing directly in front of me was the Blood God himself. Before I could even compose myself enough to speak I was being pushed to the side and the pink headed man was entering my home. “Move,” his gruff voice commanded as he brushed past me. 
I slowly turned myself to follow him as he stalked into my home. “Close the door damn it,” The Blade cursed out as he ducked into my living room. I had no choice, what was I going to do? Say no to a god?
I managed to take a gulp and unfreeze my limbs from their shocked stagnant state. I carefully closed the door before carefully walking toward the same room that the pink headed god had entered just moments ago. 
There he was.
He was still standing. Well he was pacing. Back and forth in front of my fireplace, muttering something under his breath. I had started a small fire this morning to keep me warm while I clean… that’s not important. What’s important is that there is a literal god in my living room. One I am absolutely terrified of at that. 
I carefully crept a little further in the room, trying to get a bit closer so I could hear him. “Stupid Wilbur. Not going to get caught, my ass. Stupid Tommy. You’ll be fine,” his monotone grumbled out. I was confused for a moment but then it hit me. Techno is Tommy and Wilbur’s brother. Of course they would call him for help. 
The Blade’s communicator beeped from his pocket causing him to all but rip it from its place. A loud groan escaped his lips as he angrily typed back before throwing the device against the couch causing me to flinch. The Blade must have seen this because he stopped his pacing and his head turned to me. I once again flinched under his intense stare and kept my eyes focused on the ground. 
I heard a sigh escape the man’s lips. “I’m sorry about barging in here like that. That was rather rude of me,” The Blood God’s voice filled the room. He actually sounded sorry, which was surprising. The man who brought whole villages to their knees for sport is apologizing to little ole me. 
“Why did you?” I managed to croak out shyly, “Barge in here I mean.” The Blade let out a snort of disbelief and I heard him move and sit down on my couch as he let out a deep breath. “Wilbur and Tommy convinced me to sneak into Manberg to spy. They gave me specific instructions to stay hidden and not to kill people. We need the element of surprise that I’m here fighting for Pogtopia. What they failed to mention is that Schlatt, Quackity, and Tubbo like to take walks around for meetings.” I let out a small hum, letting my eyes shift up just a little bit, taking a small step toward the couch. They do like to do that, I’m surprised Tubbo didn’t tell them that.
“So then while I was scouting out the place, I caught sight of them and they were heading straight for me. I remember Wilbur and Tommy telling me about you and your house and so when I recognized your place I figured I would hide out here for a while… Until they stop walking around,” Techno finished, looking over the back of the couch, his red eyes boring into me. 
My heart began to pound loudly in my chest. Had it been anyone else, I would not have minded. But the one person I fear more than anything? That’s a little bit of a different story. But what was I going to say? No? To a god that never hesitates to kill someone if they disrespect him? You’re joking. So I let out a deep breath, tried to relax my shoulders a little bit before nodding. “Yeah,” I squeaked out. I cleared my throat before continuing, “Yeah. That’s fine.” 
The Blood God threw a small thankful smile over his shoulder at me before turning his head back around. “Thanks, I appreciate it,” He hummed, picking up his communicator again before checking it. 
While he was distracted, I took a few more small steps forward and came to stop at the end of my couch. I didn’t want to make him or myself uncomfortable by sitting next to him on the couch, but he was in my house. The Blade must have realized this because his head turned from the small device in his hand to look at me. “You can sit down if you want. It is your house and your couch.” 
I managed to let out a small nervous giggle before carefully moving and sitting myself down on the couch. I sat perfectly straight facing forward, not letting myself relax, still quite scared. Blood God’s eyes were still on me and I heard a small chuckle escape his lips. “I won’t bite you, you know? There is no reason to be that tense. You haven’t done anything to warrant being bitten,” he told me, amusement lacing his voice. 
I cleared my throat and attempted to relax into the couch. “I’m just a little nervous. I’ve heard a lot of things about you and not all of them are good…. I’m a bit scared of you,” I admitted. I really didn’t want to offend the man but he had a right to know. 
The Blade let out a sigh as he set his commutator down before giving me his full attention. “I know that there are a lot of stories that surround my name. I know I’m the Big Bad Scary Blood God. But just like you believe those stories about me, please believe me when I say that is not all I am. The same man that drop kicked that orphan is the same man that loves farming potatoes.” 
His words caused me to freeze for just a moment before I let my head completely turn to him. “You’ve drop kicked an orphan?” I questioned incredulously. His eyes widened in a little bit of panic. “It was in self defense!” He exclaimed. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t stop the laughter that bubbled out of my throat at his shoddy attempt at defending himself. All of the tension left my body as I keeled over myself in laughter. 
As I was laughing, I heard a deep chuckle join me in my laughter. The soft tones warmed my heart and made my laughter die down and a soft smile formed over my face. “You’re pretty funny Mr. Blood God,” you admit to the pink haired god. A soft smile of his own formed across his face. “Thanks. And please, call me Techno.” “Okay.... Techno.” 
Together on the couch, The Bla-- Techno and I got to know each other. I told him about myself and he told me about him. The real him. I learned that he did in fact love farming potatoes, and he once competed against a child to see who could grow the most potatoes… He won obviously. He also told me about his collection. How his piglin hybrid side of him has forced him to keep a hoard of all things golden and shiny. He even told me about the voices. It helped me understand just a bit more of why he does the things he does. It made me less afraid.
So much so that by the time he was ready to leave, I actually didn’t want him too. The two of us had grown a lot closer. I was no longer scared of who I knew to be The Blood God. I now knew of Techno. I knew the man behind the persona, the sweet, kind, and funny man that had very quickly stolen my heart. 
“I guess this is goodbye,” Techno claimed, scratching the back of his head as the two of us stood near my front door. The sun had finally set and the coast was completely clear, meaning Techno could safely make it out of Manberg. 
“I guess so,” I echoed, reaching up and scratching my shoulder, looking down to the ground trying to avoid his eyes. I really didn’t want him to go. Now that I had learned the Blood God wasn’t what I thought he was, I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more about Techno. I wanted to know if this feeling that had developed in my chest was real or not. I wanted to know if I had actually fallen in love with the man I had once feared. 
The two of us stood there in uncomfortable silence for a few moments before I finally decided to break it. “I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all,” I told him, my gaze moving from the floor to lock eyes with him. 
A warm grin overtook his face at my confession. “Yeah?” I gave him a small nod and he let out a little laugh at that. “That’s great to hear and makes me much less nervous about my next question,” Techno admitted, running his hand through his pink locks. “Hmm?” I hummed softly, trying to prompt him to ask his question. 
Techno let out a deep breath before giving me a nervous smile. “Well, I, uh… I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out again some time. I had a really nice time today and I would love to do it again. And maybe, if you’re up for it, it could be a… a date?” My heart melted at his words. He looked so nervous and so cute as he shyly asked me for another hang out. But maybe the next time, be a date. 
I couldn’t help the soft smile that twitched onto my lips. I took a few steps forward, carefully reaching out, and placing a soft hand against his cheek. Once I was sure that Techno was okay with the gentle contact, I carefully leaned up onto my tiptoes and slowly leaned forward, slow enough to give Techno the opportunity to pull away. He didn’t. 
Our lips met in a soft and gentle kiss, one so on the complete opposite of what I pictured the Blood God to be. It was soft and sweet, it made my eyes flutter closed and my toes curl. One of Techno’s own hands left his side and carefully cupped my own cheek, ever so gently enticing me to get closer to him. And who am I to refuse a god?
The gentle kiss was broken as the two of us parted for air. My eyes fluttered open at the same time Techno’s did. Our eyes met, causing the two of us to grin shyly at each other. The moment was soft and tender. Something I enjoyed a lot, and I could tell it affected Techno the same way.
“In case that didn’t make it obvious,” I whispered gently, not wanting to break the soft tension, “I would love to go on a date with you.” The soft grin on Techno’s face widened immensely at my words. “Yeah?” He asked, trying to get reassurance. “Yeah,” I confirmed with a wide smile painting my lips. “For real, 100%. I want to get to know you more and I would love to see you again.” 
Techno stared at me in awe for a moment before giving me a small nod. “Okay then. I will see you tomorrow then,” he claimed decidedly before carefully pulling his hand away from my face, causing me to follow suit.
“Tomorrow?” I asked, a little surprised at the soonest of it, but it’s not like I minded. “If that works for you.” I gave the man a smile and a confirming nod. “Works just fine with me.” A matching smile painted itself on his lips, mirroring mine. “Alright then. I’ll see you at the same time tomorrow.” 
Reluctantly, he reached out and grabbed the doorknob and opened my front door. Techno moved to walk out the door but just as he was about to be outside, he stopped. He turned on his heel and gave me one final warm smile. “Goodnight Y/N.” Techno stated softly, before leaning forward and pressing a quick but soft peck to my lips. I was surprised at the contact but before I could react, his lips were off mine. So instead, I gave him a warm smile in return, “Goodnight Techno.” Then he was gone. 
I let out a dreamy sigh as I closed the door behind Techno. I turned around and let myself lean backwards against the door and slide to the floor. A dreamy sigh escaped my lips as I let my fingers dance on my lips, the tingles of the sweet kiss still very present. Who knew that I would be in love with The Blade? Yes I said it, I’m in love with The Blade…. No, I'm in love with Techno. And I couldn’t be more happy about it. Gosh I can’t wait until tomorrow. 
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed! If you did, be sure to leave a like and maybe even a reply or a reblog telling me your favorite part!!!
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imalayla · 1 year
Today's sniffer enrichment is sprinkling treats in differently layers in the toynlbox. And hiding treats in some of the toys themselves. Easy enough.
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mmvalentine · 3 years
What Cardan Knows | Jurdan
Canon compliant I suppose, just more post-QoN nonsense. Smut aplenty.
Cardan knows a secret about Jude.
Knows she likes to be kissed right between the shoulder blades.
Knows that if you move your lips on the vertebra that sticks out at the base of her neck, she melts like chocolate in the summer sun.
Jude has spent today, like many days, sitting on her throne like she was born there. There is something so natural in the way that she rules the fae that never came quite so easy to Cardan. He feels more comfortable next to her now than he ever thought he would. Still. He does not think he relishes the power like Jude does.
And of course Jude looks spectacular while she does it. Cardan reclines in his own throne, throwing one leg over an armrest and letting his head fall back against the back. He watches Jude, straight backed and imperious, as she hands down stern judgement for a faerie who stole a human child. She had outlawed changelings since she has been Queen, and although the folk do not like it, they abide by her word.
Cardan finds it sexy that the court is still a little afraid of Jude. Cardan finds it sexy that this sharp and unyielding ruler is his alone to unravel. Later.
Jude does not like anyone to know that she can be tender. Even now, years after she’s gained the loyalty of her court, she avoids being vulnerable. Puts on her armour every morning to meet her subjects, her advisors, and even her sisters. Oak might be an exception. And Cardan, when he knows where to fit his myriad keys.
These are not things Jude has ever told him out loud. Not even to her husband would she confess the chinks in her armour aloud. But Cardan knows anyway. Knows the secret places she keeps her softness, and delights in uncovering them when they are alone in the safety of the dark of their bedroom. Only when she is sure no one is looking does she bare her underbelly to him and let him press toothy kisses there. Cardan loves when Jude is ruthless. Cardan loves when Jude is soft.
Now Jude is sending the faerie away and the fae dislike her changing the rules. But she hands out cruelty like treats in the throne room and so they still adore her. A good public punishing is as good as trading babies. There is a hard glint in Jude’s eye as she watches him go, and then she flicks her wrist and the revelry begins once again. It’s all so simple. She looks out at the crowd with a cold boredom on her face, but Cardan knows she’s riding a high from watching her own orders executed. He also knows it turns her on like nothing else.
And so Cardan pushes himself up off his bramble throne, leans over to his wife with his back to the court, and murmurs, “take your leave my Queen, for I have business with you elsewhere.”
Jude’s lip curls when she answers, and her voice trickles like ice water over his skin. “I do not attend your bidding my Lord, I would stay to see the end of the revel.”
“Nevertheless,” Cardan says, and his fingers slide down her wrist to read her telltale pulse. “I have business with you elsewhere.”
And although Jude does delight in denying her husband, she rarely denies herself. So she rises smoothly while Cardan watches with one eyebrow raised, and allows him to take her hand and lead her into the alcove behind the throne room.
Cardan shuts the door and the noise outside suddenly chokes off. He turns and Jude is staring at him with her chin up in her regal golden gown, and she is resplendent.
“Well?” She demands. “What is it you wish to discuss so urgently?”
“First,” Cardan purrs, “I mean this to be an informal meeting, since you and I are wed and need not stand on ceremony. Let me remove your formal attire.” He walks behind her and Jude’s head turns, but she doesn’t otherwise move. Cardan’s movements are careful as he removes the heavy crown from Jude’s head; he has had his fingers bitten for this before.
But Jude does not react, so he goes for the heavy collar of gold plates she wears, unhooking the clasp and lifting it carefully from her shoulders. Next is the fastening in the back of her bodice, and even as she is undressed Jude’s spine remains as straight as the sword at her hip.
There have been times where she fucks him just like that. With steel in her eyes and Cardan’s throat between her fingers, when she holds him down with her thighs and draws his rapture from his lips like she can summon his very soul.
But today Cardan wants to pull at Jude’s threads and unspool her at his feet. So he stands behind her, and kisses her like feathers in that secret spot of hers. In between her scapulae. Traveling up toward the bones of her neck. And infinitesimally, Jude’s shoulders loosen beneath his touch.
Cardan smiles against her skin as his fingers skim the outside edge of her bare arms, and she leans her head back toward him so his lips can better reach her throat. When her eyes slide closed, Cardan pulls the tie of her skirt and it pools around her feet. He lifts her out of it and by the time her weight is in his arms, Jude is pliant against his chest.
Cardan lays Jude down on the low couch, and in the moment between kisses where his tongue lifts off her skin and his teeth touch down elsewhere, he whispers honeyed pet-names to her. "Ruthless," he calls her sweetly. He moves down her belly. "Unscrupulous. Uncompromising. Without mercy. Immovable."
At the last, he curls his tongue in the apex of her thighs, and Jude lifts her hips to his mouth with a soft cry. She is not immovable, and he knows it. His tail wraps around her ankle as her leg tries to jerk upward, and holds it in place. Cardan moves lazily, breathes steadily against the Queen and relishes in her slow undoing.
"Cardan," she whispers, and he hums with his lips on her pussy.
In fact, the real secret that Cardan knows is that Jude is not any of the things he calls her, and despite the way fae crave wickedness like opium, it is the very heart of Jude that he loves the most.
"Will you punish me, too?" Cardan asks her. His face moves up her body but one of his fingers replace his tongue inside her and Jude is not able to answer him. "If I confess my sins to you will you hand down my own judgement?"
"Did you steal any children away?" Jude manages to ask him, but her breathing is coming in short pants and her voice is strained.
"No," Cardan laments. "Although I think I would enjoy having a pet."
Jude's eyes flash, but Cardan makes one finger two and her words don't make it out.
"My sins," Cardan tells her, and then leans close to admit it in her ear while his hand speeds up between her legs. "are so numerous as to be unforgivable." He even sounds a little sad, and Jude's eyes open.
"There is always mercy," she breathes.
"Then forgive me, my saint," Cardan says, and then twists his fingers and presses down on her clit at the same time, so Jude climaxes suddenly and unexpectedly. Her lovely brown eyes widen in surprise and her lips part in bliss, and before she has come all the way down Cardan removes his fingers and slides his cock into her even as she shudders and spasms.
Cardan barely moves before Jude is coming again, and the waves of it around him are exquisitely divine. He moans his pleasure as he sinks into her again and again, and revels in the Queen laid bare. His hips kiss hers and it is in this space he finds his absolution daily. For as hard and uncaring as Jude is not, so is Cardan secretly not so unaffected or shameless as he makes out to be.
And as Jude wraps her legs around his waist, and her hands around the back of his neck pull his forehead down to hers, he wonders if this is what Jude knows, too.
Cardan moves his lips against Jude's neck and the increasingly irregular rhythm of his hips matches the erratic beating of his heart, and when Jude's teeth bite into his throat as if to suckle at his lifeblood, he comes hard buried deep inside her.
Minutes later, the King and Queen of Elfhame are still tangled together on the couch. Jude's head is on Cardan's chest and he has the sharp claw tip of a fingernail circling against her shoulder. A faint bruise is blooming on his throat, and the tip of his tail is brushing against her elbow.
"Shall we return you to the revel, my love?" Cardan asks her. Jude looks at him, then stands fluidly and holds her chin up and her arms out.
"Dress me, husband," she commands, and Cardan picks up her clothes off the floor and puts everything back on. Piece by piece, layer by layer, fingers meticulous. Pinning her hair and fastening the scabbard by her waist. Jude is still like a mannequin, and when he is done she lowers her arms and sweeps out of the room without a backward glance.
Cardan straightens his own clothes, plonks his crown back on his head and then saunters back out to the thrown room. Jude is already being offered a selection of the fattest, sweetest grapes and she spears them with a fine dagger before she puts them to her kiss-swollen lips. And when she drags the knife point back out of her mouth, he doesn't know whether he'd rather be the blade or the fruit.
Either way, he is more than content to spend the rest of the night watching Jude rule the fae with an iron fist, as his kisses fade on her skin.
Sorry that was so curly! When I started writing Jurdan I just thought I would write these snarly, snappy creatures but it turns out I'm just a sucker for them shedding their skins when they're alone. Also, I planned on writing hardcore smut and all that came out was... intense feels? What is happening?
TAGLIST: @asteria-of-mars @swankii-art-teacher @loosingdreams @feysand-loml @cityofbookish
*NOTE* I have two entirely separate masterlists/ taglists for my feysand and jurdan stuff!! Hope this makes it all easy to navigate!
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127-mile · 4 years
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Pairing : demon!Jaehyun x fem!reader.
Genre : demon!au / yandere-ish!au / fluff, angst, mature content.
Warnings : This is not what a normal loving relationship is like, this is a work of fiction. fingering (fem. receiving) unprotected sex (kids, please be smart) coming inside. non sexual choking. mention of deaths. explicit (kind of, it’s pretty soft) and non explicit deaths. blood. alcohol consumption. mention of drugs. manipulation. toxic relationship.
Word count : +10.1k.
Plot : Instead of having a guardian angel, you have a guardian demon. His methods are often more violent, but they are more straight forward. What does he have that the regular guardians don’t ? An obsession. You.
You didn’t think being assigned to a demon was a simple mistake, do you ?
A/N : This is part of the Halloween collab made by the incredible @neo-cult-ure. We had to choose a song, mine is Kill for you by Zolita.
Taglist : @plump-peach​ / @crtznstuff​ / @kriselynne​ / @yourmagnanimousholiness​ / @soothingjae​ / @peachjaem00​ / @chanslaptopp​ / @luvlyjaemin​ / @jeongyoonohs​ / @junghoe​ / @nakayutasama​ / @ddaawwnn7​
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"Say my name." the voice in your ear is hoarse, and it echoes in your head. You feel the man's hands along your arms, and his fingers leave a scorching trail in their paths. "Say my name." he repeats one more time, and you make the mistake of opening your eyes. What you see is not human, the eyes are red, deep and empty of any kind of humanity, you see yourself in the void. "Say my name, and I will show you wonders that humans can only dream of." His voice is urgent, and though you are thinking, you can not remember his name.
The weight of the man's body against yours is both agonizing and reassuring, you must be losing your mind, and he is the reason. His voice, his perfume -a mixture of burnt wood, and something irresistible that you are unable to describe- and the power of his gaze from which you can't take your eyes off. "Come on, my sweet love, say my name." a shiver runs down yuor body, and you arch your back off the bed when you feel the man's tongue running down your throat, and god, you cant to feel more. He is more addicting than any drug you have ever tried.
The window is open, you can feel the cool breeze on your bare body and yet, it feels like you are burning from the inside. Drops of sweat pearl at your hairline. You open your mouth, but no words come out, only an embarrassing moan as the man's teeth pierce through the skin of your neck, but you don't have time to think about the pain because his tongue soothes the wound right away.
Once again, you find yourself unable to move, or to think and the man sits up but you refuse to meet his gaze once more, too afraid to lose yourself in his eyes. To lose yourself completely. "Until I met you, I was convinced that angels were the only creatures capable of such beauty, but you proved me wrong. They should be ashamed to show themselves when you exist, my love."
His voice is suddenly painful, and you feel your heart twist. Maybe it was a trick, because you open your eyes without hesitation, wanting nothing more than to make him feel better. But all you see is a smile. A bloody smile. "If you don't say my name, I'm going to have to force you to say it. It would be a shame to see your pretty tongue being ripped out, don't you think ?" his voice is cold now, as cold as the fingers he wraps around your throat. "Say it !"
Fear, you feel nothing but fear. But what are you afraid of ? To have offended him, or to die ? You do not know. Your breathing is getting slower, and your field of vision is darkening until you can see nothing but darkness, and feel nothing but the cold. Everything is cold, so so cold.
You open your eyes, a sudden coughing fit waking you up fully. Your eyes are full of tears running down your sleep-swollen cheeks and your lips taste metallic, you must have bitten them during the night. You put your hands around your neck where you thought you would still feel the pressure of the stranger's fingers, but nothing.
Your lungs are burning, and you sit up to catch your breath. It's long, and rather difficult but you get there. The room is only illuminated by the rays of sunshine passing through the curtains, and all you see are the small particles of dust flying around the room. Then, your gaze falls on something. Or someone, and a cry broken by your aching throat escape your lips.
As fast as it arrived, the shadow vanishes and you shake your head. You have barely woken up from a terrible dream, your mind is only playing tricks on you, nothing more.
"What the fuck..." you mumble, running your fingers through your hair. You feel the drops of sweat running down your spine, and you don't waste a minute getting out of bed. A cold shower will do you the most good, you think, heading to the only bathroom. Under the jet of water, you think about your dream. The man's touch seemed so real that if you focus you can still feel the burn from his fingers.
It's not the first time you had a dream with this man, it's not the first time he's asked you to say his name, but it's the first time he's become threatening, and scary. You sigh, and come out of the water after rising your hair. In the mirror, you notice a mark on your neck, and you walk closer with a frown. "What ?" the mark vaguely resembles a bite. Right where the man bit you. But it can only be a coincidence, right ? Maybe you did this to yourself during the night.
You come out of the bathroom wearing only a towel around your chest. When you enter the room, you have the unpleasant feeling of being watched. Yet when you turn, you see nothing but the mirror hanging from the door. You are going crazy, there is no other explanation. If your mother was there, she would tell you that it was the fault of your excessive consumption of caffeine.
You sit on the edge of the bed, and the drops of water flowing from the tips of your hair mix with the perspiration. Since when your room has become this hot ? The summer is coming to an end, you should not be suffocating.
You forget all about the heat when you feel something on your shoulder, but once again, when you turn around, nothing. Maybe you should have listened to Kun when he adviced you, and Ten, not to use a ouija board in the apartment without reading the instructions first. Maybe you called something malicious, and you are going to get possessed ? At least the thought helps you calm your heart pouding in your chest before breaking into a fit of giggle. Crazy.
The front door swings open, and you stop laughing immediately. You hear the sound of shoes swinging against the drawer and get up from the bed. You do not have time to go to the door because it opens on Ten, he is breathless. "I'm going to die. It's too hot !" he yells, before falling on the bed. Sweat made his blonde hair stick to his forehead, and you resist the temptation to pull them back. "I think the aircon is broken." you mumble while Ten nods.
"I tried to turn it on this morning, but nothing, so I went to the neighbords and they are having trouble with theirs too. I think it's the end Y/n." you roll your eyes, biting your lower lip. "By the way, did you bring someone back last night ?" he asks, sitting up on his elbows.
"What ? Of course not!" one of the rules of the roommates is not to bring anyone home without telling the other so that they can find someone to keep them for the night. "Eh, don't like, I heard you talking with someone." you shake your head, you didin't bring anyone back last night.. well not that you remember. "Maybe I was on the phone ?" the question is not for Ten, but for you. Because now that you think about it, you have no memories of the day before.
You came home from work, yes, but the rest ? You do not know. You went to bed, since you woke up in your sheets and in pajamas, but nothing else. "Are you okay ?" Ten asks in a worried voice, and you nod. "Yeah, I think I'm just tired from work." Ten doesn't look convinced, but there is nothing more he can do. "Yeah, well, you should take is slow. Have some rest."
Finally, Ten gets up from the bad and walks out of the bedroom. You take the opportunity to put on light clothes. You could've just stayed naked, but that is not possible with Ten in the apartment. You do not need to go to work today, and with the heat, you don't plan on going out, so you lie in bed, your eyes on the ceiling. You need some explanation about yesterday, about your dream, and the bite mark on your neck, but for now, you also need some rest.
"You know, if you want to see me, you just have to say my name, it's not that hard." the voice is back, and you feel an unpleasant chill going down your spine. You sit up in bed and notices that is is now dark, you must have slept for several hours. You are alone in the room, and yet, the voice sounded so close, as if the man was lying next to you. "Who is here ?" you ask in a trembling voice.
You do not expect any answer, that's why when a small laugh echoes in the room, you stop moving. "You should know that." the voice responds, and you wonder if you aren't just sleeping and having a vivid dream since they seem to be more and more frequent lately. "I've been following you for a while." the voice resumes calmly, and you blink.
"Haven't you ever had the feeling of being watched, of being followed wherever you go ?" you nod. "It's me. It's always been me. I'm always with you. It's my job after all." his work ? You are lost, and he seems to feel it as he picks up. "Say my name, and you'll understand, everything will me so much easier, I promise."
You frown, but why is he so insistent ? You do not even know his damn name. "Are you there because of the ouija board ?" you ask in a small voice, and the laughter that escapes from the void gives you goosebumps. "The ouija board ? My angel, this is only material, you can't call anything through a simple wooden board, especially not me." you suddenly feel stupid for asking the question, but you had to know.
"Your name.." you whisper. "how am I supposed to know it ?" you feel the mattress dips under an invisible weight and you culd up on yourself. "I've told you my name, so many times, but you don't listen. I'll make you remember it this time." you feel a warm breath on your face, and a pression against your lips. But before you can react, the ghostly touch slides down your neck, and the pain is the same as in her previous dream when he bit you. Except this time, it's not pleasure that you feel, but real pain.
"Open your eyes, and you'll have the answer you're looking for." at these words, a sharp pain makes you open your mouth, wide, as if one had just plunged your arm in boiling water. You try to scream but no sound comes out, the pain is too much, you are already losing all of your senses, you can feel your limbs going numb, and once again, the darkness sunrrounds you.
When you open your eyes, you are in bed, and the room is still illuminated by the sun through the curtains. You look at your alarm clock, and notice that you have barely dozed off ten minutes. You rub your eyes, your eyelids are heavy, you have the impression of waking up from a very long nap. It takes a good minute for you to come back to your senses, and when you turn your head, your gaze stops on a mark on your arm.
Not a mark. A name.
A name is like engraved in your flesh on several centimeters. You hiss when you run your fingers over the wounds, it's perfectly healed and yet so painful. You read the name a few times but do not dare to say it out loud, you are afraid of the consequences. You pull yourself out of bed with difficulty and leave the room. You have no choice, you can't keep it to yourself any longer, you need to talk about it, and Ten will have no choice but to listen to you.
You find him in the leaving room, lying on the floor, fanning himself with an old magazine. "Ten.." your voice must be shaky because Ten immediately straightens up, and he stands up when he sees you holding your arm. His first thought is that you fell out of bed and broke your arm, but when he cotices the lines of your skin, he stops. "What is that ?" you shrug, and when he approches, you whine for him not to touch.
"Jae.." you shake your head vigorously; "Don't say it, please." you are ready to beg for him to remain silent, but he shuts his mouth before you have the chance to do so. He takes your free hand and directs you to the sofa when you sit. He takes a seat on the coffee table opposite and looks at the name over and over again. "It's weird." Ten looks calm, unlike you. You are clearly panicking. You heart is hammering in your chest, and soon, you can feel the tears runinng down your cheeks. You didn't even know you were on the verge of crying until now.
"Hey, don't cry, it's fine." Ten whispers, cupping your face in his hands so his eyes meet yours. He reads nothing but confusion and fear. "What's wrong with me Ten ?" your voice breaks his heart, so low and quavering. "Seems to be your.. your guardian ?" you tilt your head, urgning Ten to continue. "Our guardian angel. They manifest themselves when they feel that we need help. But they are here long before, they are always near us to be sure that they can help us even is we cannot see or feel them. Saying their name is the only way to make them appear, but- but it's never like that."
He's talking about the mark on your arm, you know it. Ten had a visit from his guardian angel when he was barely 15, because he needed it, and he doesn't have any irreversible marks on his skin, and he's not traumatized by the experience, unlike you. "Guardian angels aren't meant to hurt you, it's quite the opposite." the more he talks, the more you feel lost. Why you ? What avec you done in your previous life to receive such treatment ? "Maybe there was a mistake, and you got a demon instead of an angel." Ten is kidding, but that simple thought could answer so many of your questions.
"But- but what if it was true ? What is if it was a demon ?" you ask, and Ten shakes his head. "If it was a possibility, don't you think we would know ?" you don't want to think about the possilibities of why you've never heard of this kind of thing, so you sigh, lowering your head. "Until we know more, don't say the name, and try to clear your mind of all this, okay ?" You nod, it's not like you have any other choice. 
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The following days are alike for you, except for the growing sensation of being watched and followed wherever you go. You try somehow not to look at your arm, but it's difficult. It's like a magnet. After the fifth day, you walk through the apartment door with a long sigh, it's been a long day. Ten is absent, he warned you that he would spend the evening with some of his childhood friends. Perfect.
You put your things in the bedroom, and you walk to the living room to settle on the sofa. You turn on the television, not to watch it, but to have some backgroun noises, and you look at your arm. What's the worst that could happen ? You shrug, and take a deep breath. "Jaehyun." you whisper, and when you see that nothing is happening, you speak in a louder voice. "Jaehyun."
The television turns off, and the lights flicker around you. You grab a pillow, as if it would help protect yourself in the event of a sudden attack from the stranger. "Jaehyun." you repeat one last time, and a shape begins to materialize in front of the sofa. The man's face is the last to appear, and yes, that's the face you've seen so much in your dreams. He watches you curiously, his head tilted to the side. He doesn't seem to believe that you can finally see him, that you finally called his name.
"You did it, you said my name." he says in a voice that's more softer that what you were expecting and walk over. If the sofa wasn't glued to the wall, you would've gone over it to escape. But when he sees your reaction, he throws both hands in the hair. "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to do anything to you." his voice is meant to be comforting, and you get up from the sofa to observe him, not without letting go of your trusty cushion.
"You said if I said your name, I would understand everything. Explain yourself, because I feel like I'm going crazy." Jaehyun feels the weakness in your voice, and he blames himself for it, but he couldn't take it anymore, he couldn't stay away from you any longer. Being near you is a vital need for the demon. "Calm down, I'll tell you everything." he sits down on the armchair, his legs crossed like a child. With a nod of his heads, he bids you to take a seat, and you obey.
"I must warn you immediately that I don't have the answer you are looking for. I don't know why you were assigned to a demon, and not an angel." if you had knows that you wouldn't get the answer to the question you deem the most important, you wouldn't have called his name. But you'll listen to him, and you'll see if you can send him back eventually. "All I know is that I've been following you for a very long time, and that I would never hurt you."
The demon has a soft voice, but that doesn't stop you from not believing those words. "You tried to kill me the other day, in my dream." Jaehyun shakes his head, a thin smile on his face. Speaking of his face, you notice that he is very handsome with pretty dimples making him look almost childish. He looks like an angel. "It's not what you think, you had to wake up, and you had to say my name." He gets up, and walks over to you. "I promise you, that will never happen in real life. You are under my protection, and nothing will ever happen to you. "
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He was right, nothing happened to you.
When you say nothing happened to you, nothing happened to you at all. Your life was already not very exciting, so with the arrival of the young demon, it became even worse. The boys who dare to approch you are quickly sent away because of Jaehyun who does not seem to appreciate their presence around you. Even Ten doesn't spend as much time with you as he used to, and it hurts.
"Why are you ignoring me ?" you ask, dropping down on the sofa next to Ten who doesn't take his eyes off his phone. He shrugs, and you frown. "Tell me, what did I do wrong ? I miss you." you whisper, and Ten sighs before putting down his phone. Well, hetting his attention is a success, now the conversation. "It's your little dog. He follows you everywhere, it's impossible to have a moment with you without him showing up and threatening to smash my knees."
You shake your head. "What are you talking about ? Jaehyun has never threatened to smash your knees, he is not threatening anyone, he just want to make sure I'm safe." Ten's laughter is cold, and extremely sarcastic. "Please, this is not protection, this is unhealthy possessiveness." Ten sits cross-legged and watches you. "Jaehyun does everything in his power to keep people away from you, Y/n, including me, yet god knows I wouldn ever hurt you."
At the simple mention of his name, the demon appears in the living room. Ten jolts, and winces at the burning smell that seems to follow Jaehyun everywhere he does, but you are used to it. Jaehyun frown as he walks over to the sofa where he looks at the two of you. Seeing you together created something very unpleasant in his chest. Jealousy, yes, that's it. "What is going on ?" he asks, and you are always surprised to hear how much his tone of voice changes when he is not talking to you. From soft and soothing, his voice becomes cold and as sharp as a knife.
"Nothing, nothing is going on !" Ten growns as he gets up from the sofa. He could confront the demon about his behavior, but he doesn't want to do it in front of you. So he walks around him, looking at him with utter disgust, and he locks himself in his room, slamming the door on the way. "Did I do something wrong ?" Jaehyun asks, sitting down next to you, his head tilted. He looks innocent, but he is not, he's so far from being innocent. Even though you've never seen him hurt anyone, you know he's done it before, and can do it at any moment.
Yes, you learned to appreciate Jaehyun, but that doesn't stop you from knowing deep down that demons are up to no good most of the time.
"Ten told me you threatened to harm him." you say, and Jaehyun tenses up, but only for a second before he regains his composure. "What ? But why would I do something like this ! He doesn't like me, he's just looking for a reason to get rid of me." he mumbles, and you do not answer.
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"What are you doing ?" Jaehyun's voice startle you, you didn't expect to see him in the bathroom doorway, watching you. "What are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be taking a bath in hell or something ?" Jaehyun is used to that kind of little mean jokes, especially when you are tired, so he choose to not respond. "Are you going out ? Where are we going ?" he asks with the excitement of a child, and you turn to him, shaking your head.
"I'm going out. You stay here." You explain, but it doesn't suit Jaehyun whose expression turns sour. "No, no, I'm coming with you. I can't leave you alone." you sigh. "The goal of a guardian is to give advice, to be sure that we are making the right decisions, not to follow up wherever we go." you mumble. It is not right that Jaehyun is everywhere with you. He has to protect you, yes, you understand tha part, but it's getting too much, he is invasible and you are suffocating.
"I'm not like other guardians." he growls, and you fold your arms accross your chest, looking at the demon's reflection in the mirror. You are too tired to argue. "I'm not asking for you opinion, Jaehyun you stay here while I go out. I don't need to have you glued to my ass."
You will later learn that you should never have said that.
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Jaehyun was absent for the following days.
No matter how much you called his name over and over, he never answered. Even the feeling of being followed and watched stopped, and for a moment, you wondered if you had scared the demon away. And you got used to your new daily life very well. You shouldn't have.
Earlier in the evening, you were persuaded by Ten to joing him at a party organized by several of his co-workers to celebrate his promotion. Normally you would've stayed home to red, but tonight, you wanted to have fun. And it is for this reason that you currently find yourself pressed against the wall of a room of which you don't know the owner, kissing a boy of who you are not sure to have understood the name. Joe ? John ? Johnny ? You do not know, you couldn't hear it with the hubbub of the guests and the music.
You close your eyes when you feel the boy's hands slip under your t-shirt. His fingers are cold, which contrasts with your burning skin. "Coming was a great idea." he whispers close to your ear, his warm breath making you shiver softly. His lips slide down your neck for warm, and wet kisses, and you take the opportunity to unbuckle his belt and remode the button that holds his hean in place. With your foot, you slide it down until it falls loose around his ankles, so yuo can have access to the obvious tent in his briefs.
You stroke his cock through the fabric, and you smile as he tenses, his breath hitching against your throat. Your mouth open with a loud moan when you feel Johnny's teeth dig nto the skin between your neck and shoulder. The pain is extremely pleasant, and you press harder against his dick. "You are so hot." you smile, and play with the waistband of his brieds, snapping it against the skin of his hip. "So I've been told."
Soon, Johnny's lips are back on yours, and you can taste the alcohol he drank earlier, and he you had been drinking more than you had smoked, you would find it nice, but for now, the mix is pretty disgusting. Johnny breaks the kiss to catch his breath, and you looks into his eyes as you slowly pulls down his underwear. You frown when he opens his eyes wide, and before you can move, he is thrown back and slumped against the opposite wall.
"What the fuck!" you whisper when your gaze lands on Jaehyun. His eyes have nothing beautiful anymore, they are dark and frightening, like in your dreams. His breathing his heavy and rapid, he is enraged, you call feel it in the tense atmosphere of the room. "Jaehyun, what have you done !" you say when you finally come out of your torpor. As if he had just noticed your presence, Jaehyun turns to you and.. and he smiles. "I'm protecting you, my love."
"He was not hurting me !" you walk around the demon to join Johnny whose eyes are closed. Even in the dim light of the bedroom, you can see the blood streaming down his forehead. "Hey, hey, can you hear me ?" you asks. You are about to put your hand on him to shake him when Jaehyun grabs your wrist to force you on your feet. "He was going to hurt you, I felt it!" he says.
You try to extricate yourself from his grip, but he's much stronger. He pulls you against his chest, the heat emanating from his skin is strong, and he puts an arm around your waist to make you you do not move. "You can't trust them, Y/n, I'm the only one who'll never hurt you." His lips are close to yours, and like his body, his breath his hot.
Love ? You didn't know that a demon was capable of feeling anything like love. And why you ? What do you have more than other humans ? "Do you remember what I told you in your dream ?" He asks and you tilt your head, trying to remember. "I told you that I would show you wonders that humans can only dream of. And I will, but for that, you have to stay with me. You have to trust me."
You bite the inside of your cheek. Jaehyun is the dream boy. And when he behaves like a random human, you forget everything. But it is not an average boy you have in front of you, no, it's a demon, and yet..
"Is it true ?" you ask, and he frowns. "Do you really love me ?" he nods. "I love you, more than anyone will ever be able to love you." when he feels your fingers on his face, he smiles so fondly that he looks like a real angel. After all, demons are angels too, they just chose to follow a different god, you think.
"What are we going to do ?" you ask, glancing down at Johnny's limp body and Jaehyun sighs, annoyed at being cut off during such an intimate moment he's been waiting for. "I'll take care of it, you should go home." finally, he releases his hold on your waist, and you take a step back. You retrive your jacket that Johnny had thrown on the bed on entering the room, and you turn one last time when you open the door.
Jaehyun is hunched over Johnny's body, and if you weren't so confused by the whole situation and inebriated, you could swear you saw a red glow shine in the demon's eyes. You shake your head, and leave, closing the door behind you. In the hallway, you meet a guest who is about to open the bedroom door. "If I were you, I wouldn't go in there. Someone threw up, it's not pretty." the person, a boy with long blond hair growls and turns around. "Fuck, I saw no one in the fucking bedrooms."
You find Ten in the crowd, glass in hand, so you make you way to your roommate. You put a hand on his shoulder and lean in to whisper in his ear. "I'm not feeling well, I'm going home." he nods, before answering. "You want me to come with you ?" you refuse, explaining that it was his evening, he should take advantage of it and have fun. You promise to send him a message when you get home, and with that, you leave the house.
You take a deep breath when you step outside. The air is cold, and rain is starting to fall, just what you needed to cool your burning skin. You look at Ten's car parked in the driveway, and sigh when you realize you'll have to walk.
It is while walking in a dark alley of the city that you begin to regret the sensation of being watched from afar that Jaehyun gives you, because even if you have never admitted it, you feel safe. But now, you can't feel a thing, and you keep looking over your shoulder to make sure you are not being followed. But it must be your lucky day, because you arrive in front of your apartment in one piece, without having had any altercation with a drunk person.
The partment is empty, and silent.
You walk to the bedroom, and get rid of your wet clothes that smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke. You pull on a hoodie you find on the back of your office chair, and sit on the edge of your bed. All alone with your thoughts, you force yourself not to think of Johnny, and his inert body. You don't even know if he was still alive when you left, and what will Jaehyun do ? Is he going to call an ambulance ? Pass it off as an alcohol-related accident ?
You start to shake, your eyes filling with tears, you shouldn't have left, you should have helped Johnny. A sob escapes your lips, and it is at this precise moment that you feel a touch on your hands which are placed on your thighs. The contact is warm, and though you are still alone, you know it's Jaehyun. It's always Jaehyun.
"Jaehyun ?" you ask in a small voice, and you expect him to appear, but the touch on your hands disappears. After several unanswered attempts, you give up and slip under the blanket. You fall asleep in a few minutes, lulled by the sounds of the traffic outside.
You open your eyes when you hear movement near you. A form is watching over you next to the bed. "Jaehyun". you whisper, and feel a warm hand on your cheek. "You came back." your voice is full of sleep, and you push yourself on the side to make room for the demon. You have never invited him to bed, so he hesitates for a moment before lying down next to you. You lay your head on Jaehyun's chest. Is it because of the fatigue ? Alcohol ? Or the heat he gives off ? You don't know. You apprently lose the power of knowledge when the demon is around.
You feel the demon tighten, so you put a hand on his stomach. "I thought you weren't coming back, like the last few days." Jaehyun has to bend down to hear your voice, it's so low, and when he understands, he shakes his head. "I'm sorry I didn't come back." you shrug looking up at him. "I missed you, that's all."
The demon chuckles, and runs his thumb over your lower lip. "Pretty mouth tells dirty lies." he whispers, and you shake your head, sitting up. "You do not believe me ?" his lack of response is sufficient for you to understand.
You do something you never thought you would do, you kiss him softly. But the contact is quickly broken by Jaehyun who watches you in the half-light, incredulous. "Why did you do that ?" you sigh, you don't know yourself, but you still open your mouth. "You love me, right ? More than anyone can ever love me ?" when he nods, you kiss him once more, and he responds this time. If at the beginning the kiss was slow and gentle, it become a little more passionate, more feverish.
"Come on, you need to sleep, you've had a hell of a day." Jaehyun whispers against your lips, and you sigh. You lie down appropriately, and Jaehyun pulls you to his chest. It's strange to hear a heart beat in the chest of a demon, but you close your eyes. Yes, you had an exhausting day.
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After this evening, the relationship between you and your demon changed considerably. If before you did everything possible to get rid of him, now you no longer seem capable to go a minute without him near you. Whether it's by being there, or just a reassuring presence. And Jaehyun is delighted. That's what he always wanted, to be there for you, and with you as much as he wants. For the first time since he first saw you, he no longer feels that nasty pressure in his chest when he sees you getting close to a boy, or when he can't be with you. He feels light, and free.
This morning, when he wakes up, he feels a weight on his hips. He opens his eyes groaning at the bright light in the room, but when his gaze lands on you, he smiles. He puts his hands on your waist, and you lean in to kiss him. Jaehyun wonders how you always tastes sweet, but he is not complaining, it's enjoyable, and addicting. Everything is addicting when it comes to you.
"What did I do to deserve such a sweet treat ?" he asks after breaking the kiss, and he chuckles softly when you case his lips with a pout. "You have to answer my question first if you want another treat." Jaehyun's hands slide under your sleeping shirt, and you shiver slightly. "Can you still manipulate my dreams ?" the demon remains silent for a while, but his smile is worth a thousand words. "Why, did you dream of something special ?" he asks, and you bite your bottom lip.
You lean down, nestling your face in the crook of his neck. He smells like sleep, and you. "I dreamed that you made me scream your name. That you kept telling me that I was yours, and that you would do everything in you power to stay close to me."
Jaehyun nods every now and then, and his smile growns. It's almost carnivorous the way he smiles. "That's exactly what I would do, if I could manipulate your dreams, of course." he answers, and you sit up. "Oh, so you didn't ?" he shakes his head, and you roll your eyes. You know he is lying, so you intend to make him pay. It is extremely unpleasant and frustrating to wake up from a wet dream. You buck your hips, and the demon groans weakly.
He opens his eyes, and you can see lust growing in that dark and frightening void. "If you haven't manipulated my dream, maybe you should show me if you are able to do that in real life." he smirks, and flip you onto the bed of hover over you. You laugh softly, pressing your hand to your mouth, it's too early to wake up Ten. "That's what we're not going to do." Jaehyun whispers, grabbing your wrist to pull it off your mouth. "I want to hear you. I want to hear every sound you make, my love."
He places a tender kiss on your lips, and he slides his lips down your neck. He repeatedly bites the skin of your collarbone, and then your throat. He loves your throat for some reason. Your hands rest in Jaehyun's hair, and when he looks up to ask permission to remove the t-shirt he's been playing with the hem of, you nod. The piece of tissue ends up on the floor. He kisses your chest, and he slowly moves down to your stomach, never lifting his lips from your hot skin.
He lowers the waistband of your pants, and he kisses your hips, he's soft, so far from what you have been expecting. You squirm with each of his kisses, and you feel so wet, it's embarrassing. "Can I ?" he asks, and you nod vigorously. He laughs at your eagerness, and he pulls down your pants and panties and the same time. They join your shirt on the floor. You suddenly feel very shy, and all you want is to curl up. Jaehyun myst feel the change in your behavior because he looks up.
"Do you want us to stop ?" you shake your head, and urge him to come back up, which he does immediately. When he kisses you, you circle his waist with your legs, your hands already working to remove his pants. He's already half hard, and you lick his lips. You could make this last for hours, but you really need to have him inside of you as soon as possible. Hell foreplay.
"You are so perfect." he whispers, and you slide your hand over his cock. You use the precum that has built up on the tip to stroke it slowly. Jaehyun lets his head fall in the crook of your neck, and his hot breath hits against your shivering skin. You're already sweating, and so is Jaehyun, yet you haven't done anything. You continue the movements of your hand until he is completely hard, following one of the veins with the tip of your index, and it is the turn of the demon's hand to find itself between your thighs. You bite Jaehyun's lips as his fingers spread your folds to collect the slick on the pad of his fingers.
For a moment -much too short- he plays with your clit with the tips of his fingers, and soon one of them is rubbing against your hole. Slowly, far too gently, he eases his first finger inside, and you moan weakly. "Come on, please .." you whisper, you do not know what you're asking for, but your brain is already turning into mush. It's Jaehyun's fault, his warmth, his scent, his hands, everything. He adds a second finger, then moves slowly back and forth, watching for any of your reactions.
When he crooks his fingers, and he reaches that little bundle of nerves that makes you roll your eyes and moan his name, he adds a third finger, and he speeds up, his thumb on your clit. "Stop stop, it's enough." you mumble, and Jaehyun withdraws his fingers. You whine at the feeling of emptiness, but is soon replaced by the head of Jaehyun's cock. He spits into his hand to lubricate his cock before returning to his original position. He puts his hands on either side of your face, caging you. And slowly, very slowly, he eases himself inside.
"You are so tight." you close your eyes, arching your back off the bed when he bottoms out you feel the bones of his hips flush against your ass, and you refrain from not whining to make him move. You spent the past few weeks blatantly ignoring Jaehyun, and now you are acting like you're going to die if he doesn't fuck you within a minute. "Move, please."
Jaehyun pulls out until only the head is still inside, and he snaps his hips. "Oh fuck." he growls. His voice is deep, and sultry, and it makes your head spin. You wrap your arms around his neck, and pulls his face to yours for a long kiss, it's only teeth and tongue but you don't care. The pace of his thrusts is fast, and you grip Jaehyun's hair between your fingers. He moans lowly at the pain, and it's a sound you don't think you can get enough of.
“Jaehyun, Jaehyun ..” you mewl when he snaps his hips a little harder. You let your legs drop from around his waist, and you already feel that familiar warmth in the pit of your stomach. You want to reach your climax as much as you want this moment to last forever. You grip his biceps, and when he gives a rather deep thrust, you dig your nails into his skin, hard enough to draw blood. Black blood.
Jaehyun curses under his breath, and you close your eyes. You who didn't want to wake Ten up know it was a waste of time, between your moans, Jaehyun's growls and the bed banging against the wall. Poor guy, he might give you a piece of his mind later, but you don't have time to think about it, too busy getting lost in pleasure. His rhythm is erratic, he must be close to his orgasm too.
"Are you going to cum for me, my princess?" he asks, and you nod. Jaehyun bites the skin of your neck, once more, and that's enough to make you black out. You see nothing, and hears nothing more than the beating of your heart and Jaehyun saying over and over that you are his, and only his. "I will never let anyone approach or hurt you. Mine."
When you regain consciousness Jaehyun is still inside you, but his movements are slow, coming down from his high. Your thighs are shaking, and you are sticky with sweat. Jaehyun lies on top of you, being careful not to crush you with his weight, and you run your hands on his back to stroke his burning skin. "It was good, so good." you whisper and he nods.
You remain silent, both far too busy coming back on earth after a mindblowing orgasm.
"I hate you !" the voice comes from the next room, Ten's. And you look at each other before laughing softly. Jaehyun comes out, and you scrunch your nose up at the feeling of emptiness, and at the sticky cum sliding down your thighs. "I'm tired." you mumble in a sleepy voice. You do not know what Jaehyun does next, all you know is that when you open your eyes a little later, Jaehyun is behind you, your legs are tangled, and his breathing is regular. You go back to sleep peacefully after that.
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"You fucked a demon."
This is not what you expected when you left your room this morning. Your legs are numb, and your neck is painful from Jaehyun's many bites. Ten is on the couch, his laptop poised precariously in his lap. "I fucked a demon." you repeat, sitting down next to him.
"I didn't think you could fall so low." he says with a sigh, and you turn your gaze to Ten with a frown. You have had one-night stands with various kind of students students, and he never had the nerve to make that kind of comment. It's strange coming from Ten, but after all he's right, he's a demon, not just some stupid college student who sells drugs to pay for his porn's subscriptions.
"Oh, don't be like that Ten." you sigh, and he shrugs, refocusing on his computer. After a minute or two, you nudge him to get his attention. "Have you heard from Johnny?" you ask, suddenly curious about the condition of the poor boy who was unlucky enough to run into Jaehyun.
"Johnny? Why? Did you see him somewhere?" Ten puts his computer on the coffee table, and he turns to you. He's not making fun of you, he's serious when he talks. "What do you mean ?" you ask, trying to control the tremors in your voice. "No one has seen Johnny since the party."
The news hits you like a slap in the face, you thought he would be on his feet with a few missing memories, not that he would be actually missing. You get up from the couch, and without a word for Ten, you head for the bedroom. Jaehyun is still sleeping, so you pick up a pillow and swings it over him.
"Jaehyun, wake up!" it takes him several minutes to open his eyes, frowning. After a night like the one you had just spent, he expected a sweet awakening, and a few kisses, not being hit with a pillow. "What? What's going on?" you cross your arms against your chest. "Johnny. What have you done to Johnny? No one's seen him since..since the party!"
Jaehyun sits up, resting his back against the headboard. He rubs his eyes, and he takes his sweet time waking up before opening his mouth. "I did the right thing." if he thinks you are going to be satisfied with that answer, he is wrong. "The right thing? The right thing was to call an ambulance, not make him disappear! Where is he?" your voice is more urgent but you have to be silent so as not to attract Ten's attention.
"Why are you so interested in that?" he asks in a cold, sharp voice. He gets up from the bed with a smooth and graceful movement, and he walks towards you until you are locked between his body and the wall. "Do you like him? Is that why?" you shake your head, avoiding his threatening gaze. "Don't say such things! I don't like him, I just want to know why you did that!"
A low growl is heard, and if you could, you would try to become one with the wall. You squeak when Jaehyun's fingers rest around your throat. He takes a step forward, and he's so close that you can feel his breath against your lips. "You're mine, Y/n, I did what it took to keep him from coming back. And I would do it again. Again, and again. Until you figure out you don't need nobody. You only need me, do you understand me correctly? "
You grab his wrist as his grip tightens around your throat. You are already starting to feel the burning in your lungs from the lack of oxygen. "Jaehyun .. please I didn't mean to hurt you." your voice is weak, and so trembling that you wonder if he understood a single word of what you just said. "Mine." he growls before loosening his hold on your throat. You slide down the wall, tears streaming freely down your cheeks. You takes a long and difficult breath, it's extremely painful.
When you look up, Jaehyun is gone.
You feel stupid. You feel so silly for thinking that Jaehyun really loved you, and that you too could love him back. But you were wrong. It's not love Jaehyun has for you, it's an awful obsession. He doesn't show you what true love is, he manipulates you every day. And he knows how to do it, since you fell into his arms so easily after he ... after he killed Johnny.
Now that you have taken a step back, you realise that you should have been more vigilant, that you should have stayed with Johnny, and called someone yourself. You don't know what suddenly happened for you to give yourself to Jaehyun. Maybe that would have kept your life from turning into hell.
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Jaehyun has made it his personal mission to make your life hell on earth.
He's always there, behind you, watching you rear, making sure no one is approaching you. When someone dares to approach you, you find yourself with blood on your clothes, and a corpse at your feet. Sad to say, but after a while you are no longer surprised. You no longer have nightmares, since nothing can be worse than your life.
Today is no different.
You woke up in Jaehyun's arms, feeling like you chest was crushed in a vise. Feeling his breath against the back of your neck is a sensation that you can't stand anymore. His hands give you chills when you thinks of all the blood they have shed. His smile is no longer angelic. And his laugh? You hear it everywhere you go. You can't do that anymore.
Lucky for you, Ten is the only person he hasn't touched yet. But for how long ? Ten is also the only person who can keep you grounded. Whenever he sees you falling back into your bad habit of letting yourself be bewitched by Jaehyun's sweet words, he is there to slap some sense into you, to remind you that you are better than that. If Ten wasn't there, you do not know where you would be.
When Jaehyun's grip on your waist loosens, you take the opportunity to slip out of bed. You take the clothes you had prepared the day before and leave the room. In the bathroom, you take a shower to get rid of the invisible dirt you feel every time Jaehyun puts his hands on you. You get dressed, and you find Ten in the kitchen. He's drinking a cup of coffee, and when he sees your face, he hands you his cup. You need it more than him.
"Are you sure ?" he asks, and you nod. Yes, you are sure, you have no other choice. "You can count on me." you walk up to Ten and places a kiss on his cheek, then turns on your heels. You put on your shoes, and after taking a long breath, you leave the apartment. You're not working today, otherwise you should have been planning this for another day.
When Jaehyun wakes up, he is surprised to be alone. The place next to him is cold, which means that you were long gone. He stands up, and he leaves the room. He searches the apartment, but all he finds is Ten and the disapproving look on his face. "Where is she ?" he asks and Ten shrugs. "She said she had to see a co-worker." that's enough to put Jaehyun in pure rage. Ten swallows hard as Jaehyun disappears, leaving behind that sickening smell of burning that he cannot get rid of. This is time for him to do something.
Doyoung is already waiting in front of the cafe when you arrive, and he smiles when he sees you. You approache, and you accept the hug he offers you. He's noticed that you haven't been yourself lately, and while he doesn't know the real reason behind this change in behavior, he's ready to help. Poor thing.
"You look tired." he says, and you sigh. You could cry, and fall into Doyoung's arms if you wanted to, but you can't, not now. "I am. Do you mind if we have coffee at my place? Ten is at work." he nods, of course he doesn't mind. You take his hand, and he intertwines your fingers. This feeling is now foreign to you who are used to the constant heat of Jaehyun's body, so feeling Doyoung's cold fingers is like comfort to you. Normality still exists.
The walk to the apartment is short. You make conversation with Doyoung who is completely oblivious to what is happening. You feel it. You feel Jaehyun behind you. You feel the holes he drills in your back with his gaze. You could even hear his heartbeat if you wanted to, heart ready to come out of his chest.
"After you." he says, like a gentleman, when you open the front door of the apartment. The apartment is empty, as you thought. Kind of. You walk towards the living room after letting go of Doyoung's hand, and you instantly miss the contact. You crave normal physical contact from a human being, it's crazy. "You want some coffee ?" he nods.
You walk to the kitchen, your hands resting on the edge of the counter, and you breathe slowly. You are ready to throw up, you are so nervous. Immediately, you find yourself leaning forward on the counter, one hand resting on you head to keep you from moving. "What do you think you're doing?" you've never heard Jaehyun be so threatening, yet he has been in the recent weeks. It's the last straw for him.
"I'm not doing anything Jaehyun, please let me go." the countertop tile is cold against your cheek, but it helps you keep your head in check. "You're really trying to make me angry! You haven't understood yet that you don't need anyone but me. I'm sure it's Ten, I should have gotten rid of him a long time ago. He's the one keeping you away from me." he releases the pressure on your head, and he walks to the living room.
When Doyoung's gaze lands on Jaehyun, he frowns. He certainly didn't expect the boy to grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him up to him. "She's mine." the rest is a mix of screams and blood splashing on the walls. You watch the scene, and you don't move. You cry, you can't help it, and a sob escapes your lips when Doyoung's gaze meets yours one last time. "I'm sorry." you articulate. You had no other choice.
Jaehyun drops Doyoung's limp body, and he turns to you. He is about to take a step forward when he finds himself blocked by an invisible force field. "What is happening ?" he growls. He tries to move, but he is unable to come out of this small circle protected by something that is drawing a lot of energy from him.
"It's the only solution, Jaehyun." you murmur, voice broken by another sob. You look at the ground, and Jaehyun follows your gaze. He was so angry that he hadn't noticed the absence of the coffee table in the living room, and the white chalk drawing on the dark wood floor. A pentacle was drawn there by Ten when you went out to retrieve your victim. "Why why !" he screams, and you take a step back.
You know he can't reach you, you spent hours researching it, the best way to trap a demon, and yet you can't help but feel your organs tighten with fear. "I can't do this anymore, Jaehyun." Jaehyun punches his fists against the invisible force field, and the more he does so, the redder his eyes turn. If you get close, you're sure you could see the flames of the underworld reflecting.
"I love you, Y/n! I love you more than .." he starts, but you cut him off. "Yes, more than anyone will ever be able to love me. But that's not love, Jaehyun." you can't describe the anger you reads on the demon's face. "I've killed for you baby, who else could say that?" he's using a nickname you liked for a while, but that only reinforces your decision. "Killing for me wasn't the best way to prove me your love."
"I killed an angel for you! I killed an angel to be with you!" you open your eyes wide to his words. "You- you killed my guardian angel." he nods, a proud expression on his demonic face. So everything that happened was not because of a mistake, but because Jaehyun wanted to be with you. Because he needed to be near you. "You are a monster."
This is the obvious. Jaehyun laughs and you feel your blood boiling inside of you. "Ten, you can come, it's okay." The apartment was not really empty, Ten was hiding in his room waiting for the signal. He stops in front of Jaehyun, and he can't help but smile when he sees that the demon can't reach him. "Oh, the poor little demon can't do anything, that's too bad." you roll your eyes, of course Ten was going to tease him.
It is your turn to approach the pentacle on the ground, and Jaehyun. Despite all the anger in his eyes, you can also see how much love he has for you. And you know that no one can ever love you as much as he does, that's right. But you don't mind, you don't need love like that. You need pure love that will never hurt you. If you can ever trust someone after that.
"You know, for a while, I really thought I could love you, Jaehyun." you explain in a tender voice. "But you're nothing but a monster, you don't deserve to be loved. And you don't deserve to love. At least here you won't hurt anyone anymore." you look at the demon whose face break into something you can't explain, an expression you had never seen on him. It looks like..understanding, pain, and mixed with that natural anger. It's the last time you'll ever see this face, and deep down, it hurts, but it's for the better. You leave the living room.
Ten is in front of the door, with the suitcases you packed the day before. You are ready to start a new life, far from here, far from Jaehyun and the blood he shed in this city of doom. You open the door, and you and Ten walk out of the apartment. The last thing you hear before the elevator door closes are Jaehyun's screams. He is begging for release, begging for forgiveness, promises he can never keep.
"It's you and me against the world, once again." Ten says, and he takes you hand. Yes, it's just the two of you now. You, and a trapped demon.
Trapped, but for how long ?
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walkerwords · 3 years
“Hey Brother” Carl Grimes & Sister!Reader
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GIF CREDIT: @thetruthwecanthandlee​
REQUEST: From anonymous: “Hello! Just wanted to let you know that your writing is amazing! Also, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to request a Carl x platonic reader where the reader is either his older sister or his close friend and she intervenes when he's about to be bitten, saving his life. You can decide if the reader dies as a result or not, I just think Carl deserved better than he got. If you don't feel like writing this, no worries!”
Word Count: 2748
Warning: Swearing, Angst
Song I Wrote To: “Hey Brother” by Avicii
Note: Carl is not someone who I generally write, but I do like Chandler and the character so I am giving it a shot! 
Even after years of being out in the world riddled with the Dead, you never got used to the groans of Walkers. 
Stepping over one rotten corpse, you encountered another. You held your weapon in your hand, an old fire ax you had found in Woodbury when rescuing Daryl and Merle. Being a firefighter was something you once really wanted. However, when the world ends, becoming a civil servant becomes impossible. Still, being able to wield the equipment did put a smile on your face most days. 
As the Walker approached, you jabbed the crowbar end of the fire ax into its skull. Kicking it away, you continued moving the woods that surrounded Alexandria in search of your brother, Carl. When the turn happened, you had been with Carl and his mother, Lori. Your dad was in the hospital after being shot on the job and you had come home from college to help Lori with your younger brother. 
You and Lori had never gotten along and you didn’t know if that was because she never liked your mother, Dianne, or because Rick had tried everything to keep you in his life. Regardless of what Lori Grimes thought, you weren’t going to let anything happen to Carl and you had kept the promise. 
Even now. 
When Rosita told you that she had seen Carl leaving Alexandria earlier, you had grabbed your weapon and went in search of him. Right now was not the time for him to be out beyond the walls. Not when Negan and the Saviors could show up at any moment and make another move against you and your allies. With Rick and Michonne out in the world as well and Daryl being difficult, you had to be the one to drag Carl’s ass back home.
Negan was a headache for you, but you had a feeling that he wasn’t the worst thing out there. When he had killed Glenn and Abraham, you hadn’t been there. You had been with Tara and Heath, searching for supplies. After finding Oceanside and losing Heath, you had arrived home with Tara to a grieving family and a missing Daryl. 
The first time you had met Negan, Carl had almost shot two of his Saviors. You had arrived just in time to grab the gun from him before he could. That was when Rick introduced you to Negan and he had offered you his hand. Not wanting to piss him off any further, you had shaken his hand, squeezing a bit too hard. He had seemed amused by you, but also wary. Growing up on the streets of Atlanta, you knew how to survive and you also knew how to deal with power-hungry men. Negan concerned you, but you weren’t afraid of him. 
Carl, however, had another opinion. At first, the teenager wanted nothing more than to fill the man with bullets, but after his outing to the Sanctuary, he seemed to have a change of heart. Carl had come to you only a few days earlier and proposed an idea of a truce. He didn’t think the fighting was going to stop any time soon and while you agreed, you knew Negan would never agree to it. The war would only end when either he or your father was dead. 
When you had told Carl this, he had stormed off annoyed. As the older sibling it was your job to tell him how the world worked and when it came to men like Negan, you either had to kill him or appeal to a new side. That was where your plan came to mind, but you knew that Carl would never go for it. 
You didn’t even want to know what your father would think about it if it came up in conversation. However, for now, you had to focus on finding the kid before he did something even more stupid considering the last time he had gone off, he had attacked the loading dock of the Sanctuary with a rifle. 
Shouldering your ax, you picked up the pace a bit. 
“Carl!” you yelled, hearing your voice echo off the trees. “Carl!” 
The woods answered with silence and you could feel the anxiety growing in your gut as you searched. Climbing up another small hill, you finally heard a commotion in the distance. Not knowing what you were running towards, you sprinted through the dying land. Nearly tripping on roots and downed Walkers, you came across a scene that made the air fly from your chest. 
Carl was on the ground as Walkers pinned him down. There was another man nearby, exhausted and trying to get to his feet. Charging forward, you swung the ax, taking off the head of the Walkers closest to Carl. Another grabbed you, baring its teeth and you slammed your boot down on its jaw, separating it from its head. A third Walker then grabbed you and took you to the ground. Shoving your arm under its chin, you managed to get enough leverage to push it off. Your shirt sleeve tore from the force and then blood sprayed you as you pierced its skull with the steel weapon. 
Laying there for a second, you turned to look at your brother who was looking over at himself in worry. “You good?” you asked, your eyes also scanning his body for cuts or bites. 
“All in one piece,” he said with a relieved sigh. “You?”
“Pissed that I just washed these jeans,” you said with a huff as you sat up, pushing the corpse off your legs. Getting to your feet, you offered your hand to Carl who took it and stood up with your assistance. “Who’s this?” you asked, gesturing to the timid man. 
“Siddiq,” Carl said. “He needs our help.” Sighing, you glanced between your brother and the newcomer. 
“Carl, we shouldn’t be taking in strays when we are at war,” you said, needing him to understand. 
“Since when did we stop helping people? I thought that was what this place was all about,” he argued. 
“Last time we helped people, they sent us into a lion’s den that eventually pissed off the leader of the Saviors. We have to be careful and you know it.” 
“I’m not okay with just turning the other way anymore,” he said. 
“Carl…” you began, but he wasn’t done. 
“Aaron helped us!” Carl said. “He brought us here and he saved us when we were starving and on the road. Jesus helped us when we needed food, Ezekiel, too! We took in people at the prison and even helped Gabriel when nobody wanted to. We help people, that is what we do.” 
Looking at him, you started to see more of your father in him by the moment. When he was younger, all you could see was Lori, but in the new world and as he matured, he was beginning to act and look more like your father every day. 
The looks weren’t the only thing that he had from Rick, he also had his heart and while your father’s head was a bit all over the place at the moment, you knew that he had always stood by the fact that people were needed for survival. 
“You’re right,” you said and then took off your canteen from your belt and offered it to Siddiq who took it timidly. Carl nodded to him and he began to drink the cool water. Letting him recuperate, you turned back to your brother. “I know you want to help people, but going off on your own right now is suicide.”
“Because of Negan?” Carl asked and then shook his head. “He would never hurt me.”
“How are you so sure about that, huh?”
“Because he has had lots of opportunities and he’s never done it. He just likes to piss me off and make jabs, but he won't kill him.” 
“Negan may not be the one to worry about. I’m sure there are plenty of Saviors out there that would love to see Rick’s son on a pike.” Carl frowned at that. “Look, just think before you do or you’re going to end up dead and you’re going to be taking down any new friends with you,” you said, pointing to Siddiq. 
“I don’t want to hear this,” Carl said, turning away. 
“I have an idea that may sway Negan,” you said and he paused, turning back to look at you. “Though, you and Dad may hate it. Well, I know for a fact you’re going to hate it.” Carl furrowed his brow as he looked at you, trying to see where your head was at. Then, he remembered the comments Negan made about you when he first met you and the jokes he said in front of Amber and Sherry when he went to the Sanctuary. 
“No,” Carl said quickly. 
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say,” you challenged. 
“You want to marry him,” Carl said and you sighed, hating how well he knew you. 
“I don’t want to do anything, Carl,” you said. “But yes, that was the idea.” 
“No,” he said again. 
“It would work,” you said with a shrug. 
“Bullshit,” he countered. “We don’t even know if he’d even want that and then what? You basically sell yourself for a ceasefire that’s not guaranteed to even happen. Then you’d be a damn prisoner in that place.”
“Daryl got out, so can I,” you argued. 
“He got out only after one of Negan’s wives felt she owed Daryl! This is the most ridiculous plan you have ever had!” he shouted at you. Siddiq had taken a few paces back to give you and your brother some room to talk, but he was looking more nervous every time one of you went up an octave. 
“This is my decision, Carl,” you said, lowering your volume a bit. 
“What would Mom think?” Carl said, crossing his arms. His eyes were boring into yours, almost pleading. With a shrug, you brushed off his question. 
“Your mother never fucking liked me,” you said with a scoff. 
“She treated you like you were one of her own, especially after the Turn.” 
“No, she didn’t,” you disagreed, “and I’m not. I am not her daughter, but I am still yours and Judith’s sister and Dad’s daughter. It is my job to keep this family safe and if marrying Negan is the way to do it, then so be it!” 
“Who says it's your job to be a martyr?”
“Me,” you argued, sounding very much like Dianne. 
“And you think Negan will keep you safe?” he asked, throwing his hands up. 
“He has to have some kind of honor, right?” you asked, thinking of the broad-chested man with a habit for bloodshed. 
“I don’t trust him.”
“Who says I do?” you asked. “Carl, I don’t want to do it, but if it stops more people from dying then isn’t it worth it?”
“You have already made too many sacrifices for this family,” he said, his tone softer. “Ever since the world turned, you have been putting yourself in danger. You were the one who stopped Shane from going after Andrea on the farm when he was going crazy; You were the one who exchanged yourself for Maggie with the Governor; You were the one who tried to take Noah’s place at Grady trying to save Beth; You were the one who nearly died trying to get Cyndie to work with us in the war. When are you going to stop trying to fix everything and start looking out for yourself?”
“Says the one who hitched a ride into the Sanctuary and went all Al Capone on Negan’s men,” you reminded him. 
“I was angry,” he rationalized.
“And you don’t think I’m not? I’m furious! When I found out what he did to Glenn and Abraham, I couldn’t breathe. Then the way he gutted Monroe in the street as if he was nothing more than a sack of meat? Fuck, Carl, I have never felt more anger towards anyone.”
“Because he’s killed people?” 
“What? No, not because he’s killed people, we’ve all killed people. I’m angry at Negan because he made me realize that this is how humanity is now. I was happy to keep believing that we could get back to who we used to be, but let’s fucking face it, humans have never been saints. Negan proved that to me.”
“And yet you want to marry him?”
“I want to stop him from killing more of us! I want the damn fighting to stop and if there is even a chance that it does with both him and Dad alive, it’s worth it because if I’m being honest, Carl, I don’t see us winning this war.” 
“You have to have faith,” he said and you snorted. 
“I stopped having faith the day the fire fell on my city,” you said. 
“I’m willing to fight him,” Carl said, stepping closer to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “You don’t have to be the only one to make sacrifices.”
“But I can’t let you,” you whispered. “Judith needs you, Carl. She needs you alive and fighting for her future.”
“She needs both of us,” he urged. “When I was growing up, you were a hero to me. All I wanted to be was like my big sister and I know now that to do that, I have to tell you when it's time to stop taking on the world alone. When the prison fell and we lost you, I thought I’d never see you again. When we found you with Maggie, I promised I would never let you go again. Don’t make me break that promise, please.”
“Carl, stop,” you said, running a hand over his face, just below his bandage. “You’re giving me way too much credit, kid.”
“You deserve it,” he said. “You’ve never let me down, but if you go with him, you will. We’re Grimes, and that means we don’t take shit from anyone. Alright?” With a deep breath, you swallowed thickly, looking at your baby brother for a moment, trying to take in his newfound resilience and courage. It warmed your heart. 
“I was going to say that it’s your time to step up as the older sibling, but it looks like you already have,” you said through a thick voice. Carl rolled his eye. 
“Shut up,” he said as he tugged you into a hug. You wrapped your arm around him, clutching him close to you. 
“I love you, Carl,” you whispered in his ear. 
“Yeah, yeah, I love you, too,” he said. “And don’t start thinking you're out of a job just yet just because I stopped taking orders from you. I’m happy with being the middle child for now.” Pulling back, you nodded to him, adjusting the brim of his hat. 
“Fair enough,” you said, wiping at invisible tears on your face. Finally realizing Siddiq was still standing around, you snapped out of your thoughts. “You should take him back home,” you said with an awkward cough. “He does need help and we should do it, you’re right. As always.” 
“You’re coming too?”
“In a bit, I’m going to do a final sweep, just in case anyone else is lurking around,” you said and he nodded, picking up his gun that had fallen when he was accosted by the Dead. 
“Come on, man,” Carl called to Siddiq. “Hey!” he called to you as you turned toward the South. “No, Negan,” he said, his face pleading. 
“I won’t,” you said with a sigh. “I promise you.” Carl smiled at you softly, happy with your answer. Carl helped Siddiq as they headed back to Alexandria. You watched him walk away until the trees swallowed up the pair. 
The lump in your throat was suffocating as you struggled to stay on your feet. Carl was right, Grimes never gave up, but sometimes they didn’t have a choice. With a shaky breath, you pushed up the sleeve of your right hand, the one that the Walker had torn. Through fresh blood, you could make out a double crescent shape wound in the tanned flesh of your arm. 
The bite was burning as blood streamed down your arm and dripped off your fingers. Repressing the urge to scream in sorrow, you tugged your sleeve back down and with glistening eyes, looked back towards Alexandria.
“I’m sorry, little brother.”
TAGS: @thanossexual​ @felicisimor​ @yes-sir-hotchner​ @lucillethings​ @stark-dreams​ @huffledor-able541​ 
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50 or 33 with jmart for the smooch prompt list :mimhonk.emoji:
#33 - An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it, and #50 - A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck. POR QUÉ NO LOS DOS!
thank you tem!!! :D I had a lot of fun with this one, and because of that it also got Long As Fuck so bear with me on that. Set in the safehouse also! Hope you enjoy ^_^
It’s been a very, very good day at the safehouse. The Lonely has been quiet, lurking almost entirely out of sight rather than clinging onto the both of them, and Martin’s been relaxed and open, happy in a way Jon hasn’t honestly seen him in months. The Eye has been quiet as well, and even Jon’s pain levels have been down today - no small miracle given the chilly weather - and it feels like a day for new beginnings, a day for truths.
So, “I missed you,” is what tumbles out over dinner, over beans and soup and tea.
Jon hears Martin’s breath catch before he sees it, before he looks up to see the stunned smile that takes over his face. “I missed you too,” he replies softly, and Jon pretends not to hear the crack in his voice where the unused muscle of emotion splits the air.
Jon holds his gaze for an admirable amount of time, but even he wavers. He’s never been a brave man, and he looks down at the table before speaking. “There were spiders, while you were gone,” Jon begins, tracing a finger along the grain of the table. “God, I really should have gotten more in the business of squishing them.”
“Yeah?” Martin offers, encouraging. The anecdote feels clumsy, foolish, but Martin is laying a hand across the table to show his patience, and Jon is grateful.
“I never quite could make myself do it though, I guess I just-” He trails off, starts a new thread of the story. “They always made me think of you, in a way. You always cared so much about all the little things. Always insisted on carrying them out. Dreadful things that still deserved kindness in your eyes.” Like me, he doesn’t add. “I always admired that about you. So I didn’t squish them as much.” He finishes clumsily, glancing up with a flash of his eyes before looking down at the table again to pick at the grain of the wood.
Martin blinks at him. Stares at him in silence for what Jon can only assume is an eternity, until he has to look up and make sure he’s still there. And then Martin stands, tea forgotten, maneuvers himself around the table, and darts in and presses his lips to Jon’s.
It only lasts for a moment - half a heartbeat of a touch - but it’s warm and vulnerable and a bit awkward and it sends Jon’s eyes flying wide open in shock.
Martin pulls back just as quickly as he had dived in, retreating so fast he bumps into the nearby counter, his eyes widening, and the first thing out of his mouth is “Oh, shit.”
Jon can’t blame him, he’s utterly dumbstruck himself. His head feels pleasantly fuzzy, but confusion swims up to trump every other emotion until the only thing he’s able to push out of his lungs is; “I- excuse me?”
Martin blinks, his panic floundering in confusion. “I- sorry, excuse you for what?”
Jon’s brows furrow together as he tries to piece his thoughts together. “You... don’t,” he says like it’s obvious, and then hesitates. “I-I mean, you- you said... you did, but not... so why-” Jon looks hopelessly out of his depth as he gestures, not making sense. “Why did you do that?”
Martin stares, the tips of his ears burning dark red. “I don’t what, Jon?”
Jon curls in on himself, shame bubbling to the surface. What has he gotten wrong? What has he missed? “I-in the Lonely. You said you loved me.”
Martin’s breath hitches at his own words repeated back at him - words he doesn’t even remember saying. The fog had been so intense, so much and yet so pointless all at once, it had been so hard to keep anything straight, to hold down any memory or emotion. He hardly remembers saying those words, but they draw a wobbly smile out of him anyways. He supposes it makes sense that he would say them, though. Not much could cut through the fog, but Jon did. Jon always did. He still does.
“Did I? I didn’t know I had it in me to share.”
Jon shakes his head, now looking frustrated. “But you didn’t.” He insists. “You don’t... that means you don’t anymore.” His expression stalls for a second, before something akin to horror blooms on his face, and he scrambles to his feet to face him. “Martin, if you think- God, if you think you somehow owe me this after all that, let me be abundantly cl-”
“No!! No, no.” Martin cuts in, sensing Jon’s building distress and moving away from the counter to rest a hand on his shoulder. “No,” he repeats, softer. He takes a deep breath and lets himself run his thumb over the fabric of Jon’s sweater. “I don’t think I owe you. Not in that way. Christ, of course not.”
Jon is silent for several long minutes, before his voice begins working again, and he stutters back into a sentence. “O-okay. Okay. Good.” He clears his throat. “Then why-? I-I-I thought-” He gathers up what brain power he has left to sort his thoughts. Something like hope tinges his voice, and Martin marvels at how deeply Jon seems to have resigned himself to this truth, while still being eager to save his life and run away with him all the way to Scotland. Love is a funny thing. When he speaks again, his voice is so, so quiet. “After the Unknowing, I thought I lost my chance. Thought you’d moved on. N-not that I would have blamed you, I just- but you-”
“Jon,” Martin says softly, ducking his head to catch his eyes. “I wasn’t quite myself in the Lonely. I didn’t mean that as an ending.” He breaks his gaze away, looks down at his own hand on Jon’s shoulder. “I was mourning something I thought I’d lost.”
“Oh,” The word escapes Jon’s lungs in a rush; several years worth of longing filling up his chest and squeezing his throat like smoke, making his eyes sting. “Oh, I’m sorry-”
“No, no,” Martin shakes his head. “That’s over now.”
Jon presses a hand to his eyes, breathing, letting everything settle in.
“Well. That certainly makes me feel foolish.”
Martin laughs, a free, wonderful sound that fills the air with electricity and warms Jon down to his bones. He realizes he’s staring at him, watching how his shoulders move with adoration, watching the joy radiate from him with nothing short of beauty. A moment of insane courage passes through Jon, and he moves his hand to cover the one Martin still has resting on his shoulder.
He steps closer. “Do you want this then? The way that I do?” His voice is eager, and he’s afraid to breathe.
Martin’s expression absolutely melts, and he sways closer. He Saw Jon in the Lonely, in all his hopeless lovestruck worry, so he knows what he means. “Yes,” he answers. “More than anything. I don’t-” he makes a pained face, and looks down, prepares himself for the undressing that comes before the acceptance of love. “I don’t know how okay I am. Don’t know how much of me is still me after everything with Lukas and- and well, everything, but...”
“I know what you mean,” Jon assures him, running his thumbs over his knuckles. “I’m not even human anymore.” He exhales, in the tone of a joke fallen flat.
Martin squeezes his shoulder. “Exactly,” he murmurs. “But I still want to try.”
“Martin,” Jon exhales, his voice thick and his eyes wet. “I’m so glad to hear that.”
Martin tugs Jon’s hand from where it’s resting atop his to press a kiss to his knuckles, and Jon laughs, a quiet little sound, and then he’s moving, leaning back into Martin’s space; his face growing blurry as he gets up close and presses their lips together again. He misses the mark just a bit, the kiss landing a little too high on his mouth, but Martin leans up into it, rearranging their positions, and just like that it’s perfect. Not earth-shattering, not magical, just perfect, in the way that only imperfection can be. Martin lets himself sink into it.
It’s gentle, sweet, and it makes Martin’s head buzz with disbelief. He breaks away to breathe, for a moment, just to wrap his head around what’s happening, and then Jon is tugging him back in, more intentionally this time.
Jon kisses very thoroughly, Martin soon learns with amusement. He furrows his brow and crowds himself into Martin’s space, curling his hands in his shirt, and he moves his mouth in time with Martin’s like he has a purpose to follow, like he’s devoting himself to studying him; focusing on each touch with crystal clarity. He has a single-minded doggedness about the whole thing, and Martin eventually relaxes and just lets himself be kissed, following along with gentle touches and barely held-back smiles.
He raises a hand experimentally to run through his hair, and Jon kisses him deeper in response; open mouthed and wanting, tasting what he can, allowing himself to bite his lip gently. That takes the breath straight out of Martin’s lungs, and the bitten-off sound he makes apparently encourages Jon even more, as he breaks away and kisses him down across his jaw, under his chin, and down the side of his throat.
It’s frantic at first, a desperate attempt to map out as much of Martin as he can in the time he has, but the sense of urgency starts to bleed out of him, and he ends up kissing gentler and gentler the longer he lingers, until eventually Jon’s just nuzzling his nose into his skin and wrapping his arms around him for a hug. The sigh that escapes him makes Martin’s heart clench.
“I love you,” he mumbles into Martin’s shoulder, and later the weight of this will settle on their shoulders. Later they will have to sit down and figure this out, this mess of personalities and supernatural entanglement, this terrible future of fear laid out before them, and the path forward they will choose to carve out together. But for now they can sink into this embrace and breathe.
Martin doesn’t say the words back, he’s not quite there yet, but he doesn’t need to. It’s enough, it’s more than enough to just be here, for Martin to press his nose into Jon’s hair, and smile until his face aches from it.
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darriness · 3 years
Klaine Fic: Premonition
Author: darriness
Word Count: 1179
Summary: A vampire meets a boy.
Author's Note: Hello! So last year I wrote a fic entitled Care where Kurt was a vampire and Blaine was a werewolf. This year I decided to go back and fill in some of the blanks in that story (and it's October so I thought it was fitting!). I don't know how many parts this one will have (I'm part way through writing part 2) but I have been stalled in my writing for the last few months and this has been the first piece since July that I've felt like posting. I hope you enjoy it! You don't have to have read Care in order to read this but you may want to after it's done! :)
AO3 Link
Kurt quickly drops the pencil in his hand and smoothes his features into a neutral expression. He stares forward, trying to ignore the eyes he can feel on him, but eventually (probably quicker than he would have two months ago - his reactions have been on a hair trigger since that night) he can handle it no longer and glares across the room.
The eyes that had been on him widen slightly before they turn back to the front of the room.
Good. Kurt thinks with a nod. The less attention he draws toward himself the better and if people are afraid of him? That can only help.
Kurt’s attention swings back to the front of the room. He tries to focus back on the teacher currently lecturing about the Civil War, but...he can feel that nagging sensation creeping back in. The temporary distraction of the curious onlooker had been just that - temporary.
Kurt almost growls as he tries to use his tongue to ease the sensations in his mouth. It’s almost a...tickle. It feels like an itch he just can’t scratch. The pencil had been doing an okay job, but clearly it drew too much unwanted attention.
God, he’s had these things for two months, why are they just NOW starting to itch?
Kurt wouldn’t say the adjustment to being a vampire had been, or is, an easy one. Since getting bitten two months ago, just after his eighteenth birthday (GREAT birthday present, Uniserve), he’s had to deal with heightened senses, a thirst for blood, a desire to murder every living creature, a decrease in the need for most human bodily functions, and now...itchy gums.
Out of all the things he’s had to get used to in his new life (or rather un-life?), this one is pretty far down on the ‘fuck shit crap’ scale, but it’s also super annoying. His urge to murder things is rising the more his gums itch.
Mercifully, the bell rings to end the period. If becoming a vampire weren’t bad enough, he still has to contend with finishing his senior year of high school. Only he would end up with the only father in history to have a son turn into a vampire and still insist he complete his education…
Kurt tries to leave the classroom as slowly as possible, but the less time he spends in a group of people the better for everyone involved. He’s got his lunch period now and he figures he’ll spend it under some secluded trees in the courtyard - soak up some of that early May sun.
He had been quite pleased to discover that, unlike all the stories he’s ever heard, the sun does absolutely nothing to him. He figures he won’t tan much, but he never did before. He was also supremely glad to discover his skin doesn’t glitter in the sun (he hadn’t REALLY thought that would happen, but it had been in the back of his mind).
He’s almost to his favourite tree when his ears pick up movement behind him. He instantly tenses. He never encounters anyone at lunch. He’s new to the school, transferring to this county following his month-long ‘hospital stay’ (re: discovering and dealing with the fact that he was now a vampire) after he was attacked. He and his father thought it would be best to leave his old life behind and while Kurt had thought he’d feel some sort of sadness leaving his old friends behind, he found his new nature left very little room for such feelings.
He’s on alert as he hears the footsteps getting closer and even though he’s never once felt like prey since becoming a vampire, he senses the person coming toward him doesn’t feel very much like prey either. The person making their way toward him has no idea they are coming upon a predator…
“Hey!” A voice calls and Kurt whirls to face the sound.
Coming toward him with bounding, exuberant steps is the boy who was staring at him in class. Kurt hadn’t really been paying close attention to him in class (and can’t recall seeing him before today), but he notices the gelled brown hair, polo shirt, bow tie, and chinos now and when the boy settles in front of him with an easy smile, Kurt notices a pair of disarmingly attractive hazel eyes.
Kurt is immediately on his guard. It’s a strange sensation - one he hasn’t had to deal with in two months - but this feeling isn’t tied to fear or the need for protection so much. He’s instantly attracted to this boy, in a very real and visceral way. This has never happened to him before.
He doesn’t know what to do.
“You’re new, right?” The boy asks.
Kurt blinks at him like he’s just spoken a different language. His blood, which pumps sluggishly normally (as long as he keeps a healthy diet of blood, his body functions more or less like a human’s) is now racing through his veins and the itchy feeling in his gums intensifies.
He still doesn’t know what to do.
The boy’s easy smile falters, slightly, at Kurt’s lack of response and Kurt’s body aches that he’s caused this boy any form of discomfort.
He shakes his head to clear it before coughing, “Um, yeah. Yes, I am new.” He says, marvelling at the breathy quality of his voice.
The boy’s easy smile returns, “I’m Blaine!” He says, sticking his hand out.
Kurt thinks touching the boy, Blaine, in Kurt’s current state probably isn’t smart, but he’s already been rude enough and, unlike 99% of his life right now, he doesn’t WANT to be rude to Blaine.
He slides his hand into Blaine’s and tries to control the sharp intake of breath the move triggers. He doesn’t even BREATHE anymore (unless he wants to talk), so the fact that his body would have this reaction is insane.
“Kurt.” He remembers to say before it’s too late and things get awkward again.
Blaine drops his hand and nods with the same happy smile. Kurt tilts his head a little, curiously. Blaine kind of reminds Kurt of a puppy…
“I notice you tend to eat lunch by the trees by yourself.” Blaine says before putting his hands out in front of himself in a calming gesture, “Not that that is a bad thing!” He defends quickly and Kurt almost giggles, “But I was wondering if I could...join you today?” He says it with a little shrug and Kurt is immediately charmed.
His answer should probably be ‘no’ and if anyone else had asked (no one else would have asked) he would have said ‘no’, but he finds himself unable to do so with Blaine.
He nods and feels his cheeks blush slightly (he wasn’t even aware they still could) when Blaine’s eyes light up, “Sure.” He says, tilting his head toward the trees and turning to make his way over. He hears Blaine follow and he takes a deep breath he doesn’t need, preparing himself for whatever this is.
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wowsoboring · 3 years
Deconstructing Baseless Harry Potter Arguments#2 (i) : Harmione Edition
Obviously I once again do not mean to target all Harmione shippers. I know quite a few who're very good human beings and tolerant and accepting above all. However these aren't. In this case, you might sense quite a bit of levelheadedness in the beginning, however you must not be fooled as it goes south and takes a nasty turn very quickly. Don't get your hopes up, this is some of the worst shit I've ever seen, especially the way in which it progresses through its course. Naturally, for this post I have picked my own style of writing which will match that of those redditors. Reddit is the perfect breeding ground for all these weird cults, honestly. I shall be resorting to a formal language and style of conversation, very much like a debater would to sound as pretentious as these do. These posts are found on the instagram handle toxicharmonyshippers who gather such toxic musings and sayings for Harmione shippers while respecting the ones that are nice.
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Oh yes, let's use words like 'vehemently' to sound smart, why not? Of course, this little tidbit of the highly stupendous post seems more or less civil at the start. They also have the common decency to say "some Romione shippers" rather than generalizing all of us. Very nice of you, how very saint like. Let's wait till they drop the act and show us their true colors. Harkening back to the argument, I have but one question for you, "where do you find these people?". Where's the proof? Who are these radical Romione shippers who worship Ron and dislike Hermione? I haven't seen any such shippers and I am surrounded by Romione shippers on tumblr, instagram and fan fiction sites as well and haven't met the people you speak of. Some point out her flaws, yes, but no one hates her or dislikes her that much. I have seen two or three Romione shippers across hundreds and thousands who're skeptical of Hermione's perfection. Skeptical. Not hating, disliking, or anything. Of course, unlike this person, I have evidence: find these pi charts for your referral (clickable): https://imgur.com/a/QfPnQbB
you can, through these, see the amount of Hermione bashing across Harry Potter fanfiction and you can see that even in Romione fanfiction there's more Ron bashing. Hermione-bashing is a non-issue. That's what it is. Regarding the "nagging" statement, where's the lie in that? "Annoying" is somewhat subjective, I personally don't find her annoying at all. Who are these people and how often do you find them? "Mary Sue" is only reserved for Movie!Hermione. I have only seen book fans call her that. No one has ever called Book!Hermione Mary Sue. The movie does paint her as a flawless, all-rounder who's also drop-dead gorgeous. Only things she's bad at are flying and divination, all of which she denounces as useless, even though flying is like biking for wizards, divination, sure, not that important. with a teacher like Trelawney, even I would denounce it as hokum.
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Remember what I said about waiting for them to show us their true colors, well here they are. Bask in the glory of their senseless arguments. Why, I am from reddit, heck I have 25 thousand karma points on there, I just left because it was too stupid for me but I can argue like them very well. And in this case I would like to say that these people are under the impression that Ron is just there in the story for the sake of existence. And he doesn't work hard. That argument is of course, wrong. Because Ron (in no particular order):
1) fights a troll when he's 11
2) is willing to sacrifice himself when he's 11
3) stands up for his friends
4) makes sure Harry feels like he belongs in the family
5) worries about Harry and rescues him from literal jail
6) stands up against Draco rather than by-standing and enabling his behavior
7) tries his level best to make sure Norbert the dragon is in safe hands and carries it out, albeit not in perfection
8) is with Harry every step of the way in his confronting the basilisk
9) sends Harry and Hermione long letters and calls them often to check up on them
10) stands up on a bitten leg to defend his best friend
11) always apologizes for any of his mistakes and is forgiving when others wrong him
12) works his way to join the Quidditch team unlike Draco who most certainly bought his way in
13) destroys at least 2 horcruxes
14) finds out how to defeat a horcrux
15) has an excellent enough memory and observation to notice Harry speaking parseltongue and also using it to his benefit which proves he's resourceful
now since I have 8 more such pictures to rebut and I do have a life, I will stop. These aren't even a twelfth of the remarkable things Ron has done though, so rest assured.
oh wait what did you say about him just existing and not working for anything? If I recall correctly, he did just as well as Harry did in school and didn't score well only in subjects he didn't care about. Which is true for most people except for Hermione who has an eidetic memory which not everyone has, understandably. Rote memorization is not the best way to get by in life, by the way.
what are the "so many reasons" behind why Harry is the best fit for Hermione? Kindly share so I can rebut those too, I'm rather free nowadays, my finals have been cancelled. You say there are so many reasons but don't even give one, yet you want me to take you seriously. I'm afraid that's impossible.
Romione shipper here, i don't dislike Hermione. I haven't met or seen many people in the book!romione fandom who dislike Hermione (except for Movie!Hermione). The question of someone you like ending up with someone you dislike doesn't particularly make sense. In Friends, Chandler ends up with Monica: now I'm not the biggest Monica fan (I don't hate her but I don't like her very much either) but they are my favorite couple because they make sense. It's about compatibility and character traits, not liking or disliking because that's just a set-up for a ghastly invitation for people to pair up hideousness. "Oh yeah, I like Harry and I also like Hagrid, they should be together. I mean it would be very very disgusting but that's my logic, now, you can't fight it. "- that's how you sound. Please read what you write. Your logic is just...abysmal. That's all I can say without breaking my resolve and berating you with colorful profanities.
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This is without the doubt, the easiest one to rebut. It's a delight to see such terrible arguments at my disposal. Come on, dear Harmione shippers, write something that makes me question my choices, not things that make me scoff in disbelief.
In this case, you're essentially providing us with theories. Unproved theories and speculation of what you believe because you'd say anything you like. Where's the proof of your theory, though? Where is that crazy radical Romione shipper who does this? Kindly show me these people. Oh yes, you wanna say we objectify Hermione and disrespect her and view her as a prize. This aches me, that you believe this. No one has ever insinuated this, ever, in the history of anything. What is this winner-loser theory? How do you round off Harry Potter to "an alpha-male ends up with lead-lady" trope and still say you're a fan of the series? Harry Potter doesn't fit in with that format. Ron, Hermione and Harry are co-heroes. Similar to how there's no main character in Friends or the Heroes of Olympus series or the Avengers. We're not living in the 80s anymore. Hermione will be a hero, invariably whether she ends up with Harry, Ron or no one. She ends up with Ron and that's it. Talking about her like this doesn't make you sound any better either. Now you're calling me a misogynist because I don't support the ship of two people who describe themselves as siblings. That's very mature of you. Well here's the thing- I'm not a misogynist. It's as simple as that. I believe that women are capable of anything and everything. I believe Hermione is an amazing person and she is a hero and a different person. I believe the series would be impossible without her. I believe she is no one's prize. There's no requirement of a prize. I just think, similar to canon and the truth and her romantic interest, she will have a great relationship with Ron. There's nothing complex or deep about it, really. No personal weird-thing, no psychological complex, no internalized misogyny. There's nothing deeper than what I said. I am not sexist. I am a feminist. I am all for women empowerment. I love women with the fabric of my being. I love Hermione. I think she's amazing. You only become sexist when you ship people with unstable power dynamics, a bully-victim relation or something of the sort. Neither Romione, nor Harmione are sexist. Heck if you paired Neville with Hermione you wouldn't be sexist. And I hate talking about this so much, I can't even tell you. This talk does make it sound like I treat Hermione like an object and I assure you I respect her and I normally won't talk like this unless someone just outright calls me sexist for something that's not sexist. And this is that situation.
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in the case of Romione, no one is too good for anyone. Both are amazing people who're heroes and have done amazing work. That's all I have to say. There's no league, they are romantically interested in each other. I have no intention on sounding lame, but, in love there is no league. As long as you're not putting in any effort and are extremely lazy and leech off of your partner, there is no such concept and no, Hermione is not "too good" for him. Unless of course you're talking about movie Hermione, who is too good for anyone.
5) (halftime!)
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oh yes they try to pull this off and wonder why we hate them. Classic. This person likes to sound british, so let's switch up our language, yeah? At least then I won't be out of my element. Let me correct ya, Ron at his best is an amazing, loyal, friendly, brave, strategic hero. There you have it. Ron and 'git' can't be used in the same sentence. Now if you talk about Ron's achievements, I re-iterate you to point two. If it's too much work, here:
1) fights a troll when he's 11
2) is willing to sacrifice himself when he's 11
3) stands up for his friends
4) makes sure Harry feels like he belongs in the family
5) worries about Harry and rescues him from literal jail
6) stands up against Draco rather than by-standing and enabling his behavior
7) tries his level best to make sure Norbert the dragon is in safe hands and carries it out, albeit not in perfection
8) is with Harry every step of the way in his confronting the basilisk
9) sends Harry and Hermione long letters and calls them often to check up on them
10) stands up on a bitten leg to defend his best friend
11) always apologizes for any of his mistakes and is forgiving when others wrong him
12) works his way to join the Quidditch team unlike Draco who most certainly bought his way in
13) destroys at least 2 horcruxes
14) finds out how to defeat a horcrux
15) has an excellent enough memory and observation to notice Harry speaking parseltongue and also using it to his benefit which proves he's resourceful
hey, see, I like Ron and I took the time to copy-paste this instead of asking you to scroll up. And I'm a lot of bad things but I am not lazy. I stick to my deadlines like Hermione. I start my homework in library class and continue it during phys ed the day its given. And I am not exaggerating. Bloody hell, I wish I was. I'm the ceo of deadlines, mate, don't tempt me! So you can see that Ron is much more than just a "nice bloke". And being a "nice bloke" isn't a bad thing either. He's all the things I said: intuitive, strategic, helpful, loyal and on top of that he's also a nice person. Yes, I do see a bit of myself in Ron. I do. I see the insecure side. I waste my time hating myself and criticizing myself and undermining myself, telling me I'm no good. But Ron overcomes that. He inspires me to appreciate myself. Is that a bad thing? Are you going to shame me for having a low self-esteem? Do you want to worsen my low self-esteem and make me feel more like shit?
Now the person who replied to your comment saying, "he isn't a nice bloke most of time.", he is. He is not being nice twice in a span of 7 years. How often do you act rudely or with jealousy? Wasn't Harry yelling at everyone in caps lock in OOTP. Now I don't condemn him for that because he's a fucking hormonal teenager like me and that would make me a hypocrite, but by your logic why don't you condemn him? Or why not condemn Hermione for saying "I only date good Quidditch players" and shoving canaries at Ron's face because someone else kissed him, while she kept using Krum and Cormac to make him jealous. She wasn't being a nice girl, then, was she? Now, once again, i don't dislike her or hold that against her because guess what, mate, I'm a hormonal teenage girl who gets jealous most of the time and would probably react in a similar fashion in the spur of the moment (Not defending her actions here, just putting myself in her shoes.) In short, Ron is a nice bloke MOST OF THE TIME.
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It would be misogynistic to think that. The thing is, NO ONE DOES my dear friend! My dear daft friend. I have never heard anyone say that! why are you so hell-bent on portraying us as misogynists when no one ever says that? Stop assuming. Just stop. You are crossing a limit here, aren't you? Yes you are. You cannot say these sort of things. We never said that or believed that, no one ever said this to be a reason to ship Romione. God what is wrong with you? Literally, stop fucking ASSUMING god damn it! Do you want me to assume things about Harmione shippers? Do you want me to go there? Because I will go there! I will go there the moment you tell me to. Just challenge me.
Ron is not a perfect best boi , the reason why so many of us like him is that he's imperfect and tries to become better through the course of time. You are once again assuming and I am once again asking you to stop.
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Ron might be an ordinary wizard. He might be poor, sure, but he's a pure-blood and won't face much if he chose not to fight. But he did. He fought. Now I identify with Ron's attitude a fair bit, but I am also likely to spend my day in a library without noticing. People aren't one dimensional. Stop trying to act like you're a psychologist, i know you're not. I don't even think Hermione's overbearing at all! You just insulted someone you're a big fan of. Jesus.
Both Hermione and Ron are strategic, jealous, passionate, feisty, argumentative, intellectual...
that's like 6 similarities. They aren't polar opposites in the slightest. Their differences are just: workaholic, not workaholic. Nerd, not a nerd. Like that's fucking it, man!
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being relaxed doesn't make you less independent or driven. A relaxed and levelheaded Hermione will think through things, not be impulsive, not panic etc. She doesn't need Ron. I don't understand your obsession with acting like we ever insinuated that. Then she doesn't need Harry either lol. Stop shipping her with Harry, then or like shut the fuck up. Being a bit relaxed won't stop her or anyone from hitting great strides. Just don't get relaxed to the point you're lazy and casual about everything, that's it.
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What do you mean? Ron is balanced. He does finish his work on time. And even if he does procrastinate, she could also help him not and be more driven. Of course, this is an open invitation for you to call me a sexist bitch because I said that she could help him and now you'll think her goal is to help him become better yada yada yada. Fuck off. Defeating the horcrux taught him enough. He respected her. He remembered about the elves when she didn't. He begged to be tortured instead of her. He wouldn't need it because school work and jobs are different and the same person might perceive those differently. Calmness and relaxation doesn't hinder your potential. Not caring and laziness does. You can't function if you work and are stressed 24/7 with zero breaks. Period.
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No i do not want (nor does anyone want) Hermione to become Ron. Being slightly calmer doesn't change up your personality. I'm sure many people dislike those sort of fanfics without a doubt. I hate OOC and I don't want Hermione to lose her intellect with Ron because that makes no sense. Ron himself is intellectual and loves arguing with her. They'd boost each other, more like it.
okay thats it i am exhausted as fuck. thanks for reading, i appreciate it. notes and reblogs are appreciated, this takes work.
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